cScm Configuration Daemon

cScm – is a tool to convert SCM configuration files into binary format and store its in shared memory for reading by cSvn-ui and cGit-ui CGI scripts

12 Commits   0 Branches   1 Tag
Index: bcf.h
--- bcf.h	(nonexistent)
+++ bcf.h	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+#ifndef    __BCF_H
+#define    __BCF_H
+  Binary config file format (32-bit only):
+ */
+#define BCF_MAG0     0x3f  /* b_ident[BI_MAG0] */
+#define BCF_MAG1      'B'  /* b_ident[BI_MAG1] */
+#define BCF_MAG2      'C'  /* b_ident[BI_MAG2] */
+#define BCF_MAG3      'F'  /* b_ident[BI_MAG3] */
+#define BCFMAG         "\77BCF"
+#define SZBCFMAG       4
+/* b_ident[BI_CLASS]: */
+#define BCF_CLASS_NONE 0  /* invalid class  */
+#define BCF_CLASS_32   1  /* 32-bit objects */
+#define BCF_CLASS_64   2  /* 64-bit objects (reserved) */
+/* b_ident[BI_DATA]: */
+#define BCF_DATA_NONE  0  /* invalid data encoding  */
+#define BCF_DATA_LSB   1  /* Least Significant Byte */
+#define BCF_DATA_MSB   2  /* Most Significant Byte  */
+#define BV_NONE        0  /* invalid version  */
+#define BV_CURRENT     1  /* current file version b_ident[BI_VERSION] */
+#define BCF_PAD        8  /* start of padding bytes in b_ident b_ident[BI_PAD] */
+#define BI_MAG0        0  /* file identification */
+#define BI_MAG1        1  /* file identification */
+#define BI_MAG2        2  /* file identification */
+#define BI_MAG3        3  /* file identification */
+#define BI_CLASS       4  /* file class */
+#define BI_DATA        5  /* data encoding */
+#define BI_VERSION     6  /* file version */
+#define BI_PAD         7  /* start of padding bytes */
+#define BI_NIDENT    (16)  /* size of b_ident[] */
+#define SI_NIDENT     (8)  /* size of b_ident[] */
+/* Type for a 16-bit quantity: */
+typedef uint16_t Bcf32_Half;
+/* Type for a 32-bit quantity: */
+typedef uint32_t Bcf32_Word;
+typedef int32_t  Bcf32_Sword;
+/* Type for a 64-bit quantity: */
+typedef uint64_t Bcf32_Xword;
+typedef int64_t  Bcf32_Sxword;
+/* Types of address: */
+typedef uint32_t Bcf32_Addr;
+/* Types of file offsets: */
+typedef uint32_t Bcf32_Off;
+typedef struct {
+  unsigned char b_ident[BI_NIDENT];
+  Bcf32_Half    b_hsize;     /* BCF header's size in bytes */
+  Bcf32_Word    b_fsize;     /* Whole BCF file size in bytes */
+  Bcf32_Off     b_shoff;     /* section header table’s file offset in bytes */
+  Bcf32_Half    b_shentsize; /* section header's size in bytes */
+  Bcf32_Half    b_shnum;     /* number of entries in section headers table */
+  Bcf32_Off     b_rhoff;     /* repository header table’s file offset in bytes */
+  Bcf32_Half    b_rhentsize; /* repository header's size in bytes */
+  Bcf32_Half    b_rhnum;     /* number of entries in repository headers table */
+  Bcf32_Off     b_dtoff;     /* data entries table’s file offset in bytes */
+  Bcf32_Half    b_dtentsize; /* data entry's size in bytes */
+  Bcf32_Half    b_dtnum;     /* number of entries in data entries table */
+  Bcf32_Off     b_stoff;     /* string table’s file offset in bytes */
+} __attribute__ ((packed)) Bcf32_fhdr;
+/* Type of setcions: */
+#define ST_GLOBAL 1  /* this section contains variable entries only */
+#define ST_REPOS  2  /* this section contains repository entries only */
+#define SMAG_GLOBAL ".global"
+#define SMAG_REPOS  ".repos"
+typedef struct {
+  unsigned char s_name[SI_NIDENT];
+  Bcf32_Half    s_type;  /* .global or .repos */
+  Bcf32_Off     s_shdr;  /* section header's offset in the string table */
+  Bcf32_Off     s_sdata; /* section data/repos's file offset */
+  Bcf32_Half    s_dnum;  /* number of data/repos entries in section */
+} __attribute__ ((packed)) Bcf32_shdr;
+typedef struct {
+  Bcf32_Off     r_rhdr;  /* repo header's offset in the string table */
+  Bcf32_Off     r_rdata; /* repo data's file offset */
+  Bcf32_Half    r_dnum;  /* number of data entries in repo */
+} __attribute__ ((packed)) Bcf32_rhdr;
+#define DT_NUMERICAL 0x01
+#define DT_PATH      0x02
+#define DT_STRING    0x04
+typedef struct {
+  Bcf32_Off     d_name;  /* variable name's offset in the string table */
+  union
+  {
+    Bcf32_Word  d_value;  /* numerical variable's value */
+    Bcf32_Off   d_valptr; /* variable value's offset in string table */
+  } _v;
+  Bcf32_Half    d_type;   /* 0x01 - numerical, 0x02 - path, 0x04 - string */
+} __attribute__ ((packed)) Bcf32_dntr;
+  Shared memory (POSIX API):
+ */
+#define CSVN_SHM_BCF  "/csvn.bcf"
+#define CGIT_SHM_BCF  "/cgit.bcf"
+#endif  /* __BCF_H */
Index: .
--- .	(nonexistent)
+++ .	(revision 5)

Property changes on: .
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,35 ##