cScm Configuration Daemon

cScm – is a tool to convert SCM configuration files into binary format and store its in shared memory for reading by cSvn-ui and cGit-ui CGI scripts

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     5         kx #!/bin/sh
     5         kx 
     5         kx CWD=`pwd`
     5         kx 
     5         kx program=`basename $0`
     5         kx 
     5         kx usage() {
     5         kx   cat << EOF
     5         kx 
     5         kx Usage: $program [options]
     5         kx 
     5         kx Options:
     5         kx   -h,--help                  Display this message.
     5         kx   -d,--target-dest-dir=DIR   The target ROOTFS directory
     5         kx                              [default: DIR=/].
     5         kx 
     5         kx EOF
     5         kx }
     5         kx 
     5         kx TARGET_DEST_DIR=/
     5         kx ACDIR=usr/share/aclocal
     5         kx INCDIR=usr/include
     5         kx SYSTEM_ACDIR=
     5         kx SYSTEM_INCDIR=
     5         kx 
     5         kx while [ 0 ] ; do
     5         kx   if [ "$1" = "-h" -o "$1" = "--help" ] ; then
     5         kx     usage
     5         kx     exit 0
     5         kx   elif [ "$1" = "-d" -o "$1" = "--target-dest-dir" ] ; then
     5         kx     if [ "$2" = "" ] ; then
     5         kx       echo -e "\n${program}: ERROR: --target-dest-dir is not specified.\n"
     5         kx       usage
     5         kx       exit 1
     5         kx     fi
     5         kx     TARGET_DEST_DIR="$2"
     5         kx     shift 2
     5         kx   elif [[ $1 == --target-dest-dir=* ]] ; then
     5         kx     TARGET_DEST_DIR="`echo $1 | cut -f2 -d'='`"
     5         kx     shift 1
     5         kx   else
     5         kx     if [ "$1" != "" ] ; then
     5         kx       echo -e "\n${program}: ERROR: Unknown argument: $1.\n"
     5         kx       usage
     5         kx       exit 1
     5         kx     fi
     5         kx     break
     5         kx   fi
     5         kx done
     5         kx 
     5         kx if [ ! -d "${TARGET_DEST_DIR}" ] ; then
     5         kx   echo -e "\n${program}: ERROR: --target-dest-dir is not a directory.\n"
     5         kx   usage
     5         kx   exit 1
     5         kx fi
     5         kx 
     5         kx #
     5         kx # Absolute path:
     5         kx #
     5         kx if [ "${TARGET_DEST_DIR:0:1}" != "/" ] ; then
     5         kx   TARGET_DEST_DIR=${CWD}/${TARGET_DEST_DIR}
     5         kx fi
     5         kx 
     5         kx #
     5         kx # Remove last '/' char:
     5         kx #
     5         kx if [ "${TARGET_DEST_DIR: -1}" = "/" ] ; then
     5         kx   len=${#TARGET_DEST_DIR}
     5         kx   let "len = len - 1"
     5         kx   tmp="${TARGET_DEST_DIR:0:$len}"
     5         kx   TARGET_DEST_DIR=${tmp}
     5         kx fi
     5         kx 
     5         kx SYSTEM_ACDIR="${TARGET_DEST_DIR}/${ACDIR}"
     5         kx SYSTEM_INCDIR="${TARGET_DEST_DIR}/${INCDIR}"
     5         kx 
     5         kx 
     5         kx aclocal --install -I m4 --force --system-acdir=${SYSTEM_ACDIR}
     5         kx autoheader --include=${SYSTEM_INCDIR}
     5         kx automake --foreign --add-missing --copy --force-missing
     5         kx autoconf --force
     5         kx 
     5         kx #
     5         kx # Add 'cCgit Features' header to split help output:
     5         kx #
     5         kx cat >cscm-features <<_CGIT
     5         kx _ACEOF
     5         kx 
     5         kx   cat <<\\_ACEOF
     5         kx 
     5         kx cScm Features:
     5         kx _CGIT
     5         kx 
     5         kx sed -i '/^[ ]*\-\-with\-controldir=DIR/ {
     5         kx r cscm-features
     5         kx N
     5         kx }' configure
     5         kx 
     5         kx rm -f cscm-features