5 kx
5 kx
5 kx Toolchains
5 kx ==========
5 kx
5 kx The default destination path for installation is defined by **TOOLCHAINS_BASE_PATH** variable
36 kx in the [build-system/config.mk](https://csvn.radix.pro/radix/toolchains/branches/toolchains-1.10.x/build-system/config.mk)
5 kx file. The access permissions should be given to developer by the superuser:
5 kx
5 kx ```Bash
5 kx $ sudo mkdir -p /opt/toolchain
5 kx $ sudo chown -R developer:developers /opt/toolchain
5 kx ```
5 kx
5 kx To build all toolchains we have to run following command in the *products* directory:
5 kx
5 kx ```Bash
5 kx $ cd products
5 kx $ make -j32 all
5 kx ```
5 kx
5 kx Additional information can be found in the
36 kx [*doc/README*](https://csvn.radix.pro/toolchains/branches/toolchains-1.10.x/doc/README) file.
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5 kx
5 kx Copyright and license
5 kx ---------------------
5 kx
36 kx Code and documentation copyright 2009-2024 Andrey V. Kosteltsev.
36 kx Code and documentation released under [the MIT License](https://csvn.radix.pro/radix/toolchains/branches/toolchains-1.10.x/LICENSE).
5 kx