Radix cross Linux

The main Radix cross Linux repository contains the build scripts of packages, which have the most complete and common functionality for desktop machines

383 Commits   1 Branch   1 Tag
Index: 2.9.7/Makefile
--- 2.9.7/Makefile	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.9.7/Makefile	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+NEED_ABS_PATH      = true
+COMPONENT_IS_3PP   = true
+include ../../../build-system/constants.mk
+SOURCE_REQUIRES    = sources/packages/l/cracklib
+SOURCE_REQUIRES   += sources/packages/l/cracklib-words
+REQUIRES           = dev/python3/3.10.8
+# ======= __END_OF_REQUIRES__ =======
+version            = 2.9.7
+tar_gz_archive     = $(SRC_PACKAGE_PATH)/packages/l/cracklib/cracklib-$(version).tar.gz
+SRC_ARCHIVE        = $(tar_gz_archive)
+SRC_DIR            = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/cracklib-$(version)
+src_dir_name       = cracklib-$(version)
+src_done           = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.source_done
+words_version      = 2.9.7
+words_archive      = $(SRC_PACKAGE_PATH)/packages/l/cracklib-words/cracklib-words-$(words_version).gz
+words_src_done     = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.words-source-done
+config_file        = $(CURDIR)/conf/cracklib.conf
+cron_dir           = $(CURDIR)/cron
+scripts_dir        = $(CURDIR)/scripts
+man_pages_dir      = $(CURDIR)/man
+build_dir          = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/build
+build_target       = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.build_done
+install_target     = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.install_done
+####### Targets
+PKG_GROUP = libs
+# *PKG_NAME & *PKG_VERSION shouldn't be a reference to value.
+CRACKLIB_PKG_NAME                = cracklib
+CRACKLIB_PKG_VERSION             = 2.9.7
+CRACKLIB_PKG_ARCH                = $(PKGARCH)
+CRACKLIB_PKG_GROUP               = $(PKG_GROUP)
+###                               |---handy-ruler-------------------------------|
+CRACKLIB_PKG_SHORT_DESCRIPTION   = password-quality library
+CRACKLIB_PKG_URL                 = $(BUG_URL)
+pkg_archive      = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/$(PKG_GROUP)/$(pkg_basename).$(pkg_arch_suffix)
+pkg_certificate  = $(call cert-name,$(pkg_archive))
+pkg_signature    = $(call sign-name,$(pkg_archive))
+pkg_description  = $(call desc-name,$(pkg_archive))
+products         = $(call pkg-files,$(pkg_archive))
+BUILD_TARGETS    = $(build_target)
+BUILD_TARGETS   += $(install_target)
+PRODUCT_TARGETS  = $(products)
+ROOTFS_TARGETS   = $(pkg_archive)
+include ../../../build-system/core.mk
+env_sysroot = DESTDIR=$(CRACKLIB_PKG)
+extra_configure_switches  = --libdir=/usr/lib$(LIBSUFFIX)
+extra_configure_switches += --docdir=/usr/share/doc/$(src_dir_name)
+extra_configure_switches += --mandir=/usr/share/man
+extra_configure_switches += --sbindir=/sbin
+extra_configure_switches += --sysconfdir=/etc
+extra_configure_switches += --localstatedir=/var
+extra_configure_switches += --datadir=/var/cache
+extra_configure_switches += --with-default-dict=/var/cache/cracklib/pq_dict
+extra_configure_switches += --disable-dependency-tracking
+extra_configure_switches += --with-python
+ifeq ($(__ENABLE_STATIC__),yes)
+extra_configure_switches += --enable-static=yes
+extra_configure_switches += --enable-static=no
+extra_configure_switches += --enable-shared=yes
+CFLAGS += -I$(TARGET_DEST_DIR)/usr/include/python3.10
+####### Dependencies
+$(src_done): $(SRC_ARCHIVE) $(PATCHES_DEP)
+	@touch $@
+$(words_src_done): $(src_done)
+	@echo "Expanding $(words_archive)"
+	@zcat $(words_archive) > $(SRC_DIR)/dicts/cracklib-words
+	@touch $@
+$(build_target): $(words_src_done)
+	@mkdir -p $(build_dir)
+	@cd $(build_dir) && \
+	  $(BUILD_ENVIRONMENT) PYTHON=$(PYTHON3) ../$(src_dir_name)/configure \
+	  --prefix=/usr               \
+	  --build=$(BUILD)            \
+	  --host=$(TARGET)            \
+	  $(extra_configure_switches)
+	@( cd $(build_dir)/python ; \
+	   sed -i "/^pyexecdir/s:/lib[0-9]*:/lib$(LIBSUFFIX):"  Makefile ; \
+	   sed -i "/^pythondir/s:/lib[0-9]*:/lib$(LIBSUFFIX):"  Makefile ; \
+	 )
+	@cd $(build_dir) && $(BUILD_ENVIRONMENT) $(MAKE)
+	@touch $@
+$(install_target): $(build_target)
+	@mkdir -p $(CRACKLIB_PKG)
+	@cd $(build_dir) && $(BUILD_ENVIRONMENT) $(MAKE) -j1 install $(env_sysroot)
+	@mkdir -p $(CRACKLIB_PKG)/lib$(LIBSUFFIX)
+	@( cd $(CRACKLIB_PKG)/usr/lib$(LIBSUFFIX) ; \
+	   for file in lib*.so.?.* ; do \
+	     mv $$file ../../lib$(LIBSUFFIX) ; \
+	     ln -sf ../../lib$(LIBSUFFIX)/$$file . ; \
+	   done ; \
+	   cp -a lib*.so.? ../../lib$(LIBSUFFIX) ; \
+	 )
+	@mkdir -p $(CRACKLIB_PKG)/var/cache/cracklib
+	# ======= install cracklib config file =======
+	@mkdir -p $(CRACKLIB_PKG)/etc/cracklib
+	@cp -a $(config_file) $(CRACKLIB_PKG)/etc/cracklib
+	# ======= install update-cracklib script =======
+	@mkdir -p $(CRACKLIB_PKG)/usr/sbin
+	@cp -a $(scripts_dir)/update-cracklib $(CRACKLIB_PKG)/usr/sbin
+	@chmod 0755 $(CRACKLIB_PKG)/usr/sbin/update-cracklib
+	# ======= install cron.daily script =======
+	@mkdir -p $(CRACKLIB_PKG)/etc/cron.daily
+	@cp -a $(cron_dir)/cracklib $(CRACKLIB_PKG)/etc/cron.daily/cracklib
+	@chmod 0755 $(CRACKLIB_PKG)/etc/cron.daily/cracklib
+	# ======= install words =======
+	@mkdir -p $(CRACKLIB_PKG)/usr/share/dict
+	@gzip -9 $(CRACKLIB_PKG)/var/cache/cracklib/cracklib-small
+	@( cd $(CRACKLIB_PKG)/usr/share/dict ; \
+	   ln -sf ../../../var/cache/cracklib/cracklib-small.gz cracklib.gz ; \
+	 )
+	@if [ -r $(SRC_DIR)/dicts/cracklib-words ] ; then \
+	   cat $(SRC_DIR)/dicts/cracklib-words > $(CRACKLIB_PKG)/var/cache/cracklib/cracklib-words ; \
+	   gzip -9 $(CRACKLIB_PKG)/var/cache/cracklib/cracklib-words ; \
+	   ( cd $(CRACKLIB_PKG)/usr/share/dict ; \
+	     ln -sf ../../../var/cache/cracklib/cracklib-words.gz cracklib.gz ; \
+	   ) ; \
+	 fi
+	# ======= man pages =======
+	@mkdir -p $(CRACKLIB_PKG)/usr/share/man/man8
+	@cp -a $(man_pages_dir)/*.8 $(CRACKLIB_PKG)/usr/share/man/man8
+	@( cd $(CRACKLIB_PKG)/usr/share/man/man8 ; \
+	   ln -sf cracklib-format.8 cracklib-packer.8 ; \
+	   ln -sf cracklib-format.8 cracklib-unpacker.8 ; \
+	 )
+	@if [ -d $(CRACKLIB_PKG)/usr/share/man ]; then \
+	  ( cd $(CRACKLIB_PKG)/usr/share/man ; \
+	    for manpagedir in `find . -type d -name "man*"` ; do \
+	      ( cd $$manpagedir ; \
+	        for eachpage in `find . -type l -maxdepth 1` ; do \
+	          ln -s `readlink $$eachpage`.gz $$eachpage.gz ; \
+	          rm $$eachpage ; \
+	        done ; \
+	        gzip -9 *.?  ; \
+	      ) \
+	    done \
+	  ) \
+	 fi
+	@mkdir -p $(CRACKLIB_PKG)/usr/doc/$(src_dir_name)
+	       $(CRACKLIB_PKG)/usr/doc/$(src_dir_name)
+	@mkdir -p $(CRACKLIB_PKG)/usr/share/doc/$(src_dir_name)
+	@( cd $(SRC_DIR) ; \
+	         $(CRACKLIB_PKG)/usr/share/doc/$(src_dir_name) \
+	 )
+	@( cd $(SRC_DIR) ; \
+	   if [ -r ChangeLog -a -s ChangeLog ]; then \
+	     DOCSDIR=`echo $(CRACKLIB_PKG)/usr/share/doc/$(src_dir_name)` ; \
+	     cat ChangeLog | head -n 1000 > $$DOCSDIR/ChangeLog ; \
+	     touch -r ChangeLog $$DOCSDIR/ChangeLog ; \
+	   fi \
+	 )
+	# ======= remove toolchain path from target libtool *.la files =======
+	@( cd $(CRACKLIB_PKG)/usr/lib$(LIBSUFFIX) ; \
+	   sed -i "s,$(TARGET_DEST_DIR),,g" libcrack.la \
+	 )
+	@( cd $(CRACKLIB_PKG)/usr/lib$(LIBSUFFIX)/python$(PYTHON_VERSION)/site-packages ; \
+	   sed -i "s,$(TARGET_DEST_DIR),,g" _cracklib.la \
+	 )
+	# ======= Install the same to $(TARGET_DEST_DIR) =======
+	$(call install-into-devenv, $(CRACKLIB_PKG))
+	# ======= tune libtool *.la search path to the target destination for development =======
+	@( cd $(TARGET_DEST_DIR)/usr/lib$(LIBSUFFIX) ; \
+	   sed -i "s,/usr,$(TARGET_DEST_DIR)/usr,g" libcrack.la ; \
+	   sed -i "s,L/lib,L$(TARGET_DEST_DIR)/lib,g" libcrack.la \
+	 )
+	@( cd $(TARGET_DEST_DIR)/usr/lib$(LIBSUFFIX)/python$(PYTHON_VERSION)/site-packages ; \
+	   sed -i "s,/usr,$(TARGET_DEST_DIR)/usr,g" _cracklib.la ; \
+	   sed -i "s,L/lib,L$(TARGET_DEST_DIR)/lib,g" _cracklib.la \
+	 )
+	# ======= Strip binaries =======
+	@( cd $(CRACKLIB_PKG) ; \
+	   find . | xargs file | grep "executable" | grep ELF | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs $(STRIP) --strip-unneeded 2> /dev/null ; \
+	   find . | xargs file | grep "shared object" | grep ELF | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs $(STRIP) --strip-unneeded 2> /dev/null ; \
+	 )
+ifeq ($(__ENABLE_STATIC__),yes)
+	@( cd $(CRACKLIB_PKG) ; \
+	   find . | xargs file | grep "current ar archive" | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs $(STRIP) -g 2> /dev/null ; \
+	 )
+	@touch $@
+	@cat $< | $(SED) -e "s/@VERSION@/$(version)/g" > $@
+$(pkg_certificate) : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_signature)   : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_description) : $(pkg_archive) ;
+	@echo "pkgname=$(CRACKLIB_PKG_NAME)"                            >  $(CRACKLIB_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "pkgver=$(CRACKLIB_PKG_VERSION)"                          >> $(CRACKLIB_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "arch=$(CRACKLIB_PKG_ARCH)"                               >> $(CRACKLIB_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "distroname=$(CRACKLIB_PKG_DISTRO_NAME)"                  >> $(CRACKLIB_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "distrover=$(CRACKLIB_PKG_DISTRO_VERSION)"                >> $(CRACKLIB_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "group=$(CRACKLIB_PKG_GROUP)"                             >> $(CRACKLIB_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "short_description=\"$(CRACKLIB_PKG_SHORT_DESCRIPTION)\"" >> $(CRACKLIB_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "url=$(CRACKLIB_PKG_URL)"                                 >> $(CRACKLIB_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "license=$(CRACKLIB_PKG_LICENSE)"                         >> $(CRACKLIB_PKG)/.PKGINFO
+	@$(PSEUDO) sh -c "cd $(CRACKLIB_PKG) && \
+	                  chown -R root:root . && \
+	                  $(MAKE_PACKAGE) -J --linkadd=yes $(GNUPG_OPTIONS) -m -d .. ."
Index: 2.9.7/PATCHES
--- 2.9.7/PATCHES	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.9.7/PATCHES	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+../../../sources/packages/l/cracklib/patches/cracklib-2.9.7-python3.patch -p0
Index: 2.9.7/conf/cracklib.conf
--- 2.9.7/conf/cracklib.conf	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.9.7/conf/cracklib.conf	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# copyright:
+#   Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Jean Pierre LeJacq <jplejacq@quoininc.com>
+#   Modified 2003 by Martin Pitt <martin@piware.de>
+#   Distributed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.
+# description:
+#   Host configuration of cracklib.
+#   Defines location of database used by cracklib as well as files
+#   used to create this database.  The database location,
+#   cracklib_dictpath, is compiled into the utility programs that are
+#   part of the cracklib-runtime package and should not be modified.
+#   But you should definitely add additional entries to
+#   cracklib_dictpath_src.  The entries are separated by spaces and
+#   should be the fully qualified path to a file of words that
+#   passwords should not match.  The files may optionally be compressed
+#   with gzip.
+#   The current configuration supports both the fsstnd 1.2 and fhs 2.0 
+#   standard location for dictionaries.
+# format:
+#   posix shell syntax.
+# reference:
+#   1. http://www.pathname.com/fhs/2.0/fhs-toc.html
+#   2. http://www.pathname.com/fhs/1.2/fsstnd-toc.html
+# database (do not modify):
+readonly cracklib_dictpath="/var/cache/cracklib/pq_dict"
+# database sources:
+if [ -r "/usr/share/dict/cracklib" ] ; then
+  cracklib_dictpath_src="${cracklib_dictpath_src} /usr/share/dict/cracklib"
+if [ -r "/usr/local/share/dict/cracklib" ] ; then
+  cracklib_dictpath_src="${cracklib_dictpath_src} /usr/local/share/dict/cracklib"
+for i in /usr/share/dict /usr/dict /usr/local/share/dict /usr/local/dict ; do
+  if [ -d $i ] ; then
+    for file in $(find $i -type f -print) ; do
+      if $(file -z -b ${file} | grep -q "text") ; then
+        cracklib_dictpath_src="${cracklib_dictpath_src} ${file}"
+      fi
+    done
+  fi
Index: 2.9.7/conf
--- 2.9.7/conf	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.9.7/conf	(revision 5)

Property changes on: 2.9.7/conf
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: 2.9.7/cracklib-pkg-description.in
--- 2.9.7/cracklib-pkg-description.in	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.9.7/cracklib-pkg-description.in	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# The "handy ruler" below makes it easier to edit a package description.  Line
+# up the first '|' above the ':' following the base package name, and the '|'
+# on the right side marks the last column you can put a character in.  You must
+# make exactly 11 lines for the formatting to be correct.  It's also
+# customary to leave one space after the ':'.
+        |-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------|
+cracklib: cracklib @VERSION@ (password-quality library)
+cracklib: CrackLib tests passwords to determine whether they match certain
+cracklib: security-oriented characteristics, with the purpose of stopping
+cracklib: users from choosing passwords that are easy to guess. CrackLib
+cracklib: performs several tests on passwords: it tries to generate words
+cracklib: from a username and gecos entry and checks those words against the
+cracklib: password; it checks for simplistic patterns in passwords; and it
+cracklib: checks for the password in a dictionary.
Index: 2.9.7/cracklib-pkg-install.sh
--- 2.9.7/cracklib-pkg-install.sh	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.9.7/cracklib-pkg-install.sh	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# Preserve new files
+install_file() {
+  NEW="$1"
+  OLD="`dirname $NEW`/`basename $NEW .new`"
+  # If there's no file by that name, mv it over:
+  if [ ! -r $OLD ]; then
+    mv $NEW $OLD
+  elif [ "`cat $OLD | md5sum`" = "`cat $NEW | md5sum`" ]; then # toss the redundant copy
+    rm $NEW
+  fi
+  # Otherwise, we leave the .new copy for the admin to consider...
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+pre_install() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+post_install() {
+  # We have to check that we are not in the installer mode on the target system
+  # ("/etc/system-installer"), and we have to be sure that we are on the working system
+  # on the target hardware ("proc/sys/kernel/osrelease" - relative path).
+  if [ -r proc/sys/kernel/osrelease -a ! -r /etc/system-installer ]; then
+    extra_words=
+    if [ -x /bin/hostname ] ; then
+      echo `/bin/hostname` >> /usr/share/dict/host-name
+      extra_words=/usr/share/dict/host-name
+    fi
+    if [ ! -r var/cache/cracklib/pq_dict.hwm -o \
+         ! -r var/cache/cracklib/pq_dict.pwd -o \
+         ! -r var/cache/cracklib/pq_dict.pwi    ]; then
+      LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libcrack.so \
+      /sbin/create-cracklib-dict -o /var/cache/cracklib/pq_dict /usr/share/dict/cracklib ${extra_words}
+    fi
+  fi
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+# arg 2:  the old package version
+pre_update() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+# arg 2:  the old package version
+post_update() {
+  post_install
+# arg 1:  the old package version
+pre_remove() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the old package version
+post_remove() {
+  rm -f var/cache/cracklib/pq_dict.hwm
+  rm -f var/cache/cracklib/pq_dict.pwd
+  rm -f var/cache/cracklib/pq_dict.pwi
+$operation $*

Property changes on: 2.9.7/cracklib-pkg-install.sh
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: 2.9.7/cron/cracklib
--- 2.9.7/cron/cracklib	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.9.7/cron/cracklib	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+/usr/sbin/update-cracklib \
+ || { /usr/bin/logger -t cracklib "ALERT - update-cracklib exited abnormally." && false ; }
Index: 2.9.7/cron
--- 2.9.7/cron	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.9.7/cron	(revision 5)

Property changes on: 2.9.7/cron
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: 2.9.7/man/cracklib-check.8
--- 2.9.7/man/cracklib-check.8	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.9.7/man/cracklib-check.8	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+.TH cracklib\-check 8 "Jun 21, 2008" "Jan Dittberner"
+cracklib\-check \- Check passwords using libcrack
+.B cracklib\-check
+.B cracklib\-check
+takes a list of passwords from stdin and checks them via libcrack's
+.BR FascistCheck (3)
+sub routine.
+.B cracklib\-check
+prints each checked password and the corresponding result of
+.BR FascistCheck (3)
+to stdout. The password and the result are separated by a colon.
+.BR FascistCheck (3)
+This man page was written by Jan Dittberner <jandd@debian.org> for
+the Debian GNU/Linux System (but may be used by others).
Index: 2.9.7/man/cracklib-format.8
--- 2.9.7/man/cracklib-format.8	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.9.7/man/cracklib-format.8	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+.\" copyright:
+.\"   Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Jean Pierre LeJacq <jplejacq@quoininc.com>
+.\"   Distributed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.
+.TH cracklib\-format 8 "Jun 21, 2008" "Alec Muffett" "GNU/Linux manual"
+cracklib\-format, cracklib\-packer, cracklib\-unpacker \- cracklib dictionary utilities
+.B cracklib\-format
+.IR file
+.IR ...
+.B cracklib\-packer
+.IR cracklib_dictpath
+.B cracklib\-unpacker
+.IR cracklib_dictpath
+.B cracklib\-format
+takes a list of text files each containing a list of words, one per line, It
+lowercases all words, removes control characters, and sorts the lists.  It
+outputs the cleaned up list to standard output.  The text files may be
+optionally compressed with
+.BR gzip (1).
+If you supply massive amounts of text to
+.B cracklib\-format
+you must have enough free space available for use by the
+.BR sort (1)
+command.  If you do not have 20Mb free in /var/tmp (or whatever
+temporary area your
+.BR sort (1)
+command uses), have a look at the
+.B /usr/sbin/cracklib\-format
+program which is a
+.BR sh (1)
+program.  You can usually tweak the
+.BR sort (1)
+command to use any large area of disk you desire, by use of the
+.B \-T
+.B cracklib\-format
+has a hook for this.
+.B cracklib\-packer
+reads from standard input a list of sorted and cleaned words and
+creates a database in the directory and prefix given by the command
+line argument
+.B cracklib_dictpath.
+Three files are created with the suffixes of .hwm, .pwd, and .pwi.
+These three files are in the format that the
+.BR FascistCheck (3)
+.BR cracklib\-unpacker (8),
+.BR cracklib\-check (8),
+utilities understand.  The number of words read and written are printed on
+.BR stdout (3).
+.B cracklib\-unpacker
+reads from the database in the directory and prefix given by the command
+line argument
+.B cracklib_dictpath
+and outputs on standard output the list of words that make up the
+The database is in a binary format generated by the utilities
+.BR cracklib\-format (8)
+.BR cracklib\-packer (8).
+On a Debian system the database is located in the directory
+/var/cache/cracklib/pq_dict and is generated daily with the program
+/etc/cron.daily/cracklib.  The location is also defined in the
+header file
+.B crack.h
+using the constant
+though none of the subroutines in the cracklib libraries have this
+location hardcoded into their implementations.
+.I /var/cache/cracklib/pq_dict.[hwm|pwd|pwi]
+cracklib dictionary database files used by utilities.
+.I /etc/cron.daily/cracklib
+cracklib daily cron program to rebuild the cracklib dictionary database.
+.I /etc/cracklib/cracklib.conf
+cracklib configuration file used by the cracklib daily cron program to
+rebuild the cracklib dictionary database.
+.I /usr/include/crack.h
+cracklib header file defining the subroutine
+.BR FascistCheck(3)
+and the constant
+used to compile in the location of the cracklib dictionary database for
+these utilities.
+.I /usr/sbin/cracklib\-format
+cracklib shell script to create initial list of words for dictionary
+.BR FascistCheck (3),
+.BR cracklib\-check (8),
+.BR update\-cracklib (8),
+.BR create\-cracklib\-dict (8)
+.B cracklib
+is written by Alec Muffett <alecm@crypto.dircon.co.uk>. Manual added
+by Jean Pierre LeJacq <jplejacq@quoininc.com>.
Index: 2.9.7/man/create-cracklib-dict.8
--- 2.9.7/man/create-cracklib-dict.8	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.9.7/man/create-cracklib-dict.8	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+.TH create\-cracklib\-dict 8 "Jun 21, 2008" "Jan Dittberner"
+create\-cracklib\-dict \- Check passwords using libcrack
+.B create\-cracklib\-dict wordlist ...
+.B create\-cracklib\-dict
+takes one or more word list files as arguments and converts them into
+cracklib dictionaries for use by password checking programs. The
+results are placed in the default compiled-in dictionary location.
+If you wish to store the dictionary in a different location, use the
+cracklib-format and cracklib-packer commands directly.
+.BR cracklib\-format (8),
+.BR cracklib\-packer (8),
+.BR cracklib\-check (8),
+This man page was written by Jan Dittberner <jandd@debian.org> for
+the Debian GNU/Linux System (but may be used by others).
Index: 2.9.7/man/update-cracklib.8
--- 2.9.7/man/update-cracklib.8	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.9.7/man/update-cracklib.8	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+.TH update\-cracklib 8 "June 09, 2003" "Martin Pitt"
+update\-cracklib \- Regenerate cracklib dictionary
+.B update\-cracklib
+.B update\-cracklib
+builds a compressed and accumulated version of wordlists stored in the
+directories given in cracklib's configuration file
+/etc/cracklib/cracklib.conf. Programs using cracklib need this
+database to be of any use.
+By default this script is called by cron every day.
+prints out two numbers: the number of words read from the ASCII
+dictionaries and the number of words eventually written into the
+cracklib database; if no error occurred, these should be equal.
+0 is returned on success, otherwise an error message is printed to 
+standard error and \-1 is returned.
+.B /etc/cracklib/cracklib.conf
+shell script that sets 
+which must be a space separated list of source dictionary files.
+.BR cracklib (3),
+.BR crack_mkdict (8)
+This program and manual page was written by Martin Pitt
+<martin@piware.de> for the Debian GNU/Linux System (but may be used by
Index: 2.9.7/man
--- 2.9.7/man	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.9.7/man	(revision 5)

Property changes on: 2.9.7/man
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: 2.9.7/scripts/update-cracklib
--- 2.9.7/scripts/update-cracklib	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.9.7/scripts/update-cracklib	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# update-cracklib - Regenerate cracklib word lists
+# This script is based on the original cron job written by Jean Pierre
+# LeJacq <jplejacq@quoininc.com>.
+set -e
+umask 0022
+if [ -r "/etc/cracklib/cracklib.conf" ] ; then
+  . /etc/cracklib/cracklib.conf
+  echo "ERROR: cannot read configuration file /etc/cracklib/cracklib.conf"
+  exit 1
+if [ ! -d /var/cache/cracklib/ ] ; then
+  install -d -m 755 /var/cache/cracklib/
+if [ -n "${cracklib_dictpath_src}" -a -n "${cracklib_dictpath}" ] ; then
+  export LC_COLLATE=C
+  updated=0
+  for i in ${cracklib_dictpath_src} ; do
+    if ! [ -e /var/cache/cracklib/src-dicts ]       || \
+       ! grep -q "$i" /var/cache/cracklib/src-dicts || \
+       ! [ -e "${cracklib_dictpath}.pwd" ]          || \
+         [ "$i" -nt "${cracklib_dictpath}.pwd" ] ; then
+      if [ $updated = 0 ] ; then
+        /usr/sbin/cracklib-format ${cracklib_dictpath_src} | /usr/sbin/cracklib-packer
+        updated=1
+        echo "${cracklib_dictpath_src}" > /var/cache/cracklib/src-dicts
+      fi
+    fi
+  done
+exit 0
Index: 2.9.7/scripts
--- 2.9.7/scripts	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.9.7/scripts	(revision 5)

Property changes on: 2.9.7/scripts
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: 2.9.7
--- 2.9.7	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.9.7	(revision 5)

Property changes on: 2.9.7
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: 2.9.7-ppc32/Makefile
--- 2.9.7-ppc32/Makefile	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.9.7-ppc32/Makefile	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+NEED_ABS_PATH      = true
+COMPONENT_IS_3PP   = true
+include ../../../build-system/constants.mk
+SOURCE_REQUIRES    = sources/packages/l/cracklib
+REQUIRES           = secure/cracklib/2.9.7
+REQUIRES          += dev/python3/3.10.8-ppc32
+# ======= __END_OF_REQUIRES__ =======
+version            = 2.9.7
+tar_gz_archive     = $(SRC_PACKAGE_PATH)/packages/l/cracklib/cracklib-$(version).tar.gz
+SRC_ARCHIVE        = $(tar_gz_archive)
+SRC_DIR            = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/cracklib-$(version)
+src_dir_name       = cracklib-$(version)
+src_done           = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.source_done
+build_dir          = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/build
+build_target       = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.build_done
+install_target     = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.install_done
+####### Targets
+PKG_GROUP = libs
+# *PKG_NAME & *PKG_VERSION shouldn't be a reference to value.
+CRACKLIB_32_PKG_NAME                = cracklib-x32
+CRACKLIB_32_PKG_VERSION             = 2.9.7
+CRACKLIB_32_PKG_ARCH                = $(PKGARCH)
+CRACKLIB_32_PKG_GROUP               = $(PKG_GROUP)
+###                                  |---handy-ruler-------------------------------|
+CRACKLIB_32_PKG_SHORT_DESCRIPTION   = password-quality library
+CRACKLIB_32_PKG_URL                 = $(BUG_URL)
+CRACKLIB_32_PKG_LICENSE             = GPLv2
+pkg_archive      = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/$(PKG_GROUP)/$(pkg_basename).$(pkg_arch_suffix)
+pkg_certificate  = $(call cert-name,$(pkg_archive))
+pkg_signature    = $(call sign-name,$(pkg_archive))
+pkg_description  = $(call desc-name,$(pkg_archive))
+products         = $(call pkg-files,$(pkg_archive))
+BUILD_TARGETS    = $(build_target)
+BUILD_TARGETS   += $(install_target)
+PRODUCT_TARGETS  = $(products)
+ROOTFS_TARGETS   = $(pkg_archive)
+include ../../../build-system/core.mk
+env_sysroot  = DESTDIR=$(CRACKLIB_32_PKG)
+extra_configure_switches  = --libdir=/usr/lib$(MULTILIB_PPC32_SUFFIX)
+extra_configure_switches += --docdir=/usr/share/doc/$(src_dir_name)
+extra_configure_switches += --mandir=/usr/share/man
+extra_configure_switches += --sbindir=/sbin/32
+extra_configure_switches += --sysconfdir=/etc
+extra_configure_switches += --localstatedir=/var
+extra_configure_switches += --datadir=/var/cache
+extra_configure_switches += --with-default-dict=/var/cache/cracklib/pq_dict
+extra_configure_switches += --disable-dependency-tracking
+ifeq ($(__ENABLE_STATIC__),yes)
+extra_configure_switches += --enable-static=yes
+extra_configure_switches += --enable-static=no
+extra_configure_switches += --enable-shared=yes
+CFLAGS += -I$(TARGET_DEST_DIR)/usr/include/python3.10
+LDFLAGS += -Wl,-rpath,/lib$(MULTILIB_PPC32_SUFFIX):/usr/lib$(MULTILIB_PPC32_SUFFIX):/usr/lib/../lib$(MULTILIB_PPC32_SUFFIX)
+####### Dependencies
+$(src_done): $(SRC_ARCHIVE) $(PATCHES_DEP)
+	@touch $@
+$(build_target): $(src_done)
+	@mkdir -p $(build_dir)
+	@cd $(build_dir) && $(BUILD_ENVIRONMENT) PYTHON=$(PYTHON3) ../$(src_dir_name)/configure \
+	  --prefix=/usr               \
+	  --build=$(BUILD)            \
+	  --host=$(TARGET32)          \
+	  $(extra_configure_switches)
+	@( cd $(build_dir)/python ; \
+	   sed -i "/^pyexecdir/s:/lib[0-9]*:/lib$(MULTILIB_PPC32_SUFFIX):"  Makefile ; \
+	   sed -i "/^pythondir/s:/lib[0-9]*:/lib$(MULTILIB_PPC32_SUFFIX):"  Makefile ; \
+	 )
+	@cd $(build_dir) && $(BUILD_ENVIRONMENT) $(MAKE)
+	@touch $@
+$(install_target): $(build_target)
+	@mkdir -p $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG)
+	@cd $(build_dir) && $(BUILD_ENVIRONMENT) $(MAKE) -j1 install $(env_sysroot)
+	@mkdir -p $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG)/lib$(MULTILIB_PPC32_SUFFIX)
+	@( cd $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG)/usr/lib$(MULTILIB_PPC32_SUFFIX) ; \
+	   for file in lib*.so.?.* ; do \
+	     mv $$file ../../lib$(MULTILIB_PPC32_SUFFIX) ; \
+	     ln -sf ../../lib$(MULTILIB_PPC32_SUFFIX)/$$file . ; \
+	   done ; \
+	   cp -a lib*.so.? ../../lib$(MULTILIB_PPC32_SUFFIX) ; \
+	 )
+	@rm -rf $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG)/sbin
+	@rm -rf $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG)/usr/include
+	@rm -rf $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG)/usr/share
+	@rm -rf $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG)/var
+	# ======= remove toolchain path from target libtool *.la files =======
+	@( cd $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG)/usr/lib$(MULTILIB_PPC32_SUFFIX) ; \
+	   sed -i "s,$(TARGET_DEST_DIR),,g" libcrack.la \
+	 )
+	@( cd $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG)/usr/lib$(MULTILIB_PPC32_SUFFIX)/python$(PYTHON_VERSION)/site-packages ; \
+	   sed -i "s,$(TARGET_DEST_DIR),,g" _cracklib.la \
+	 )
+	# ======= Install the same to $(TARGET_DEST_DIR) =======
+	$(call install-into-devenv, $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG))
+	# ======= tune libtool *.la search path to the target destination for development =======
+	@( cd $(TARGET_DEST_DIR)/usr/lib$(MULTILIB_PPC32_SUFFIX) ; \
+	   sed -i "s,/usr,$(TARGET_DEST_DIR)/usr,g" libcrack.la ; \
+	   sed -i "s,L/lib,L$(TARGET_DEST_DIR)/lib,g" libcrack.la \
+	 )
+	@( cd $(TARGET_DEST_DIR)/usr/lib$(MULTILIB_PPC32_SUFFIX)/python$(PYTHON_VERSION)/site-packages ; \
+	   sed -i "s,/usr,$(TARGET_DEST_DIR)/usr,g" _cracklib.la ; \
+	   sed -i "s,L/lib,L$(TARGET_DEST_DIR)/lib,g" _cracklib.la \
+	 )
+	# ======= Strip binaries =======
+	@( cd $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG) ; \
+	   find . | xargs file | grep "executable" | grep ELF | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs $(STRIP) --strip-unneeded 2> /dev/null ; \
+	   find . | xargs file | grep "shared object" | grep ELF | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs $(STRIP) --strip-unneeded 2> /dev/null ; \
+	 )
+ifeq ($(__ENABLE_STATIC__),yes)
+	@( cd $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG) ; \
+	   find . | xargs file | grep "current ar archive" | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs $(STRIP) -g 2> /dev/null ; \
+	 )
+	@touch $@
+	@cat $< | $(SED) -e "s/@VERSION@/$(version)/g" > $@
+$(pkg_certificate) : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_signature)   : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_description) : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_archive): $(install_target) $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG_DESCRIPTION_FILE) $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG_INSTALL_SCRIPT)
+	@echo "pkgname=$(CRACKLIB_32_PKG_NAME)"                            >  $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "pkgver=$(CRACKLIB_32_PKG_VERSION)"                          >> $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "arch=$(CRACKLIB_32_PKG_ARCH)"                               >> $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "distroname=$(CRACKLIB_32_PKG_DISTRO_NAME)"                  >> $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "distrover=$(CRACKLIB_32_PKG_DISTRO_VERSION)"                >> $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "group=$(CRACKLIB_32_PKG_GROUP)"                             >> $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "short_description=\"$(CRACKLIB_32_PKG_SHORT_DESCRIPTION)\"" >> $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "url=$(CRACKLIB_32_PKG_URL)"                                 >> $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "license=$(CRACKLIB_32_PKG_LICENSE)"                         >> $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG)/.PKGINFO
+	@$(PSEUDO) sh -c "cd $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG) && \
+	                  chown -R root:root . && \
+	                  $(MAKE_PACKAGE) -J --linkadd=yes $(GNUPG_OPTIONS) -m -d .. ."
Index: 2.9.7-ppc32/PATCHES
--- 2.9.7-ppc32/PATCHES	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.9.7-ppc32/PATCHES	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+../../../sources/packages/l/cracklib/patches/cracklib-2.9.7-python3.patch -p0
Index: 2.9.7-ppc32/cracklib-x32-pkg-description.in
--- 2.9.7-ppc32/cracklib-x32-pkg-description.in	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.9.7-ppc32/cracklib-x32-pkg-description.in	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# The "handy ruler" below makes it easier to edit a package description.  Line
+# up the first '|' above the ':' following the base package name, and the '|'
+# on the right side marks the last column you can put a character in.  You must
+# make exactly 11 lines for the formatting to be correct.  It's also
+# customary to leave one space after the ':'.
+            |-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------|
+cracklib-x32: cracklib-x32 @VERSION@ (password-quality library)
+cracklib-x32: CrackLib tests passwords to determine whether they match certain
+cracklib-x32: security-oriented characteristics, with the purpose of stopping
+cracklib-x32: users from choosing passwords that are easy to guess. CrackLib
+cracklib-x32: performs several tests on passwords: it tries to generate words
+cracklib-x32: from a username and gecos entry and checks those words against the
+cracklib-x32: password; it checks for simplistic patterns in passwords; and it
+cracklib-x32: checks for the password in a dictionary.
Index: 2.9.7-ppc32/cracklib-x32-pkg-install.sh
--- 2.9.7-ppc32/cracklib-x32-pkg-install.sh	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.9.7-ppc32/cracklib-x32-pkg-install.sh	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+pre_install() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+post_install() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+# arg 2:  the old package version
+pre_update() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+# arg 2:  the old package version
+post_update() {
+  post_install
+# arg 1:  the old package version
+pre_remove() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the old package version
+post_remove() {
+  /bin/true
+$operation $*

Property changes on: 2.9.7-ppc32/cracklib-x32-pkg-install.sh
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: 2.9.7-ppc32
--- 2.9.7-ppc32	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.9.7-ppc32	(revision 5)

Property changes on: 2.9.7-ppc32
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: 2.9.7-x86_32/Makefile
--- 2.9.7-x86_32/Makefile	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.9.7-x86_32/Makefile	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+NEED_ABS_PATH      = true
+COMPONENT_IS_3PP   = true
+CREATE_X86_32_PACKAGE = true
+include ../../../build-system/constants.mk
+SOURCE_REQUIRES    = sources/packages/l/cracklib
+REQUIRES           = secure/cracklib/2.9.7
+REQUIRES          += dev/python3/3.10.8-x86_32
+# ======= __END_OF_REQUIRES__ =======
+version            = 2.9.7
+tar_gz_archive     = $(SRC_PACKAGE_PATH)/packages/l/cracklib/cracklib-$(version).tar.gz
+SRC_ARCHIVE        = $(tar_gz_archive)
+SRC_DIR            = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/cracklib-$(version)
+src_dir_name       = cracklib-$(version)
+src_done           = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.source_done
+build_dir          = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/build
+build_target       = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.build_done
+install_target     = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.install_done
+####### Targets
+PKG_GROUP = libs
+# *PKG_NAME & *PKG_VERSION shouldn't be a reference to value.
+CRACKLIB_32_PKG_NAME                = cracklib-x32
+CRACKLIB_32_PKG_VERSION             = 2.9.7
+CRACKLIB_32_PKG_ARCH                = $(PKGARCH)
+CRACKLIB_32_PKG_GROUP               = $(PKG_GROUP)
+###                                  |---handy-ruler-------------------------------|
+CRACKLIB_32_PKG_SHORT_DESCRIPTION   = password-quality library
+CRACKLIB_32_PKG_URL                 = $(BUG_URL)
+CRACKLIB_32_PKG_LICENSE             = GPLv2
+pkg_archive      = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/$(PKG_GROUP)/$(pkg_basename).$(pkg_arch_suffix)
+pkg_certificate  = $(call cert-name,$(pkg_archive))
+pkg_signature    = $(call sign-name,$(pkg_archive))
+pkg_description  = $(call desc-name,$(pkg_archive))
+products         = $(call pkg-files,$(pkg_archive))
+BUILD_TARGETS    = $(build_target)
+BUILD_TARGETS   += $(install_target)
+PRODUCT_TARGETS  = $(products)
+ROOTFS_TARGETS   = $(pkg_archive)
+include ../../../build-system/core.mk
+env_sysroot  = DESTDIR=$(CRACKLIB_32_PKG)
+extra_configure_switches  = --libdir=/usr/lib$(MULTILIB_X86_32_SUFFIX)
+extra_configure_switches += --docdir=/usr/share/doc/$(src_dir_name)
+extra_configure_switches += --mandir=/usr/share/man
+extra_configure_switches += --sbindir=/sbin/32
+extra_configure_switches += --sysconfdir=/etc
+extra_configure_switches += --localstatedir=/var
+extra_configure_switches += --datadir=/var/cache
+extra_configure_switches += --with-default-dict=/var/cache/cracklib/pq_dict
+extra_configure_switches += --disable-dependency-tracking
+ifeq ($(__ENABLE_STATIC__),yes)
+extra_configure_switches += --enable-static=yes
+extra_configure_switches += --enable-static=no
+extra_configure_switches += --enable-shared=yes
+CFLAGS += -I$(TARGET_DEST_DIR)/usr/include/python3.10
+LDFLAGS += -Wl,-rpath,/lib$(MULTILIB_X86_32_SUFFIX):/usr/lib$(MULTILIB_X86_32_SUFFIX):/usr/lib/../lib$(MULTILIB_X86_32_SUFFIX)
+####### Dependencies
+$(src_done): $(SRC_ARCHIVE) $(PATCHES_DEP)
+	@touch $@
+$(build_target): $(src_done)
+	@mkdir -p $(build_dir)
+	@cd $(build_dir) && $(BUILD_ENVIRONMENT) PYTHON=$(PYTHON3) ../$(src_dir_name)/configure \
+	  --prefix=/usr               \
+	  --build=$(BUILD)            \
+	  --host=$(TARGET32)          \
+	  $(extra_configure_switches)
+	@( cd $(build_dir)/python ; \
+	   sed -i "/^pyexecdir/s:/lib[0-9]*:/lib$(MULTILIB_X86_32_SUFFIX):"  Makefile ; \
+	   sed -i "/^pythondir/s:/lib[0-9]*:/lib$(MULTILIB_X86_32_SUFFIX):"  Makefile ; \
+	 )
+	@cd $(build_dir) && $(BUILD_ENVIRONMENT) $(MAKE)
+	@touch $@
+$(install_target): $(build_target)
+	@mkdir -p $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG)
+	@cd $(build_dir) && $(BUILD_ENVIRONMENT) $(MAKE) -j1 install $(env_sysroot)
+	@mkdir -p $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG)/lib$(MULTILIB_X86_32_SUFFIX)
+	@( cd $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG)/usr/lib$(MULTILIB_X86_32_SUFFIX) ; \
+	   for file in lib*.so.?.* ; do \
+	     mv $$file ../../lib$(MULTILIB_X86_32_SUFFIX) ; \
+	     ln -sf ../../lib$(MULTILIB_X86_32_SUFFIX)/$$file . ; \
+	   done ; \
+	   cp -a lib*.so.? ../../lib$(MULTILIB_X86_32_SUFFIX) ; \
+	 )
+	@rm -rf $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG)/sbin
+	@rm -rf $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG)/usr/include
+	@rm -rf $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG)/usr/share
+	@rm -rf $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG)/var
+	# ======= remove toolchain path from target libtool *.la files =======
+	@( cd $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG)/usr/lib$(MULTILIB_X86_32_SUFFIX) ; \
+	   sed -i "s,$(TARGET_DEST_DIR),,g" libcrack.la \
+	 )
+	@( cd $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG)/usr/lib$(MULTILIB_X86_32_SUFFIX)/python$(PYTHON_VERSION)/site-packages ; \
+	   sed -i "s,$(TARGET_DEST_DIR),,g" _cracklib.la \
+	 )
+	# ======= Install the same to $(TARGET_DEST_DIR) =======
+	$(call install-into-devenv, $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG))
+	# ======= tune libtool *.la search path to the target destination for development =======
+	@( cd $(TARGET_DEST_DIR)/usr/lib$(MULTILIB_X86_32_SUFFIX) ; \
+	   sed -i "s,/usr,$(TARGET_DEST_DIR)/usr,g" libcrack.la ; \
+	   sed -i "s,L/lib,L$(TARGET_DEST_DIR)/lib,g" libcrack.la \
+	 )
+	@( cd $(TARGET_DEST_DIR)/usr/lib$(MULTILIB_X86_32_SUFFIX)/python$(PYTHON_VERSION)/site-packages ; \
+	   sed -i "s,/usr,$(TARGET_DEST_DIR)/usr,g" _cracklib.la ; \
+	   sed -i "s,L/lib,L$(TARGET_DEST_DIR)/lib,g" _cracklib.la \
+	 )
+	# ======= Strip binaries =======
+	@( cd $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG) ; \
+	   find . | xargs file | grep "executable" | grep ELF | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs $(STRIP) --strip-unneeded 2> /dev/null ; \
+	   find . | xargs file | grep "shared object" | grep ELF | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs $(STRIP) --strip-unneeded 2> /dev/null ; \
+	 )
+ifeq ($(__ENABLE_STATIC__),yes)
+	@( cd $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG) ; \
+	   find . | xargs file | grep "current ar archive" | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs $(STRIP) -g 2> /dev/null ; \
+	 )
+	@touch $@
+	@cat $< | $(SED) -e "s/@VERSION@/$(version)/g" > $@
+$(pkg_certificate) : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_signature)   : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_description) : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_archive): $(install_target) $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG_DESCRIPTION_FILE) $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG_INSTALL_SCRIPT)
+	@echo "pkgname=$(CRACKLIB_32_PKG_NAME)"                            >  $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "pkgver=$(CRACKLIB_32_PKG_VERSION)"                          >> $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "arch=$(CRACKLIB_32_PKG_ARCH)"                               >> $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "distroname=$(CRACKLIB_32_PKG_DISTRO_NAME)"                  >> $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "distrover=$(CRACKLIB_32_PKG_DISTRO_VERSION)"                >> $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "group=$(CRACKLIB_32_PKG_GROUP)"                             >> $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "short_description=\"$(CRACKLIB_32_PKG_SHORT_DESCRIPTION)\"" >> $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "url=$(CRACKLIB_32_PKG_URL)"                                 >> $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "license=$(CRACKLIB_32_PKG_LICENSE)"                         >> $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG)/.PKGINFO
+	@$(PSEUDO) sh -c "cd $(CRACKLIB_32_PKG) && \
+	                  chown -R root:root . && \
+	                  $(MAKE_PACKAGE) -J --linkadd=yes $(GNUPG_OPTIONS) -m -d .. ."
Index: 2.9.7-x86_32/PATCHES
--- 2.9.7-x86_32/PATCHES	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.9.7-x86_32/PATCHES	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+../../../sources/packages/l/cracklib/patches/cracklib-2.9.7-python3.patch -p0
Index: 2.9.7-x86_32/cracklib-x32-pkg-description.in
--- 2.9.7-x86_32/cracklib-x32-pkg-description.in	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.9.7-x86_32/cracklib-x32-pkg-description.in	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# The "handy ruler" below makes it easier to edit a package description.  Line
+# up the first '|' above the ':' following the base package name, and the '|'
+# on the right side marks the last column you can put a character in.  You must
+# make exactly 11 lines for the formatting to be correct.  It's also
+# customary to leave one space after the ':'.
+            |-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------|
+cracklib-x32: cracklib-x32 @VERSION@ (password-quality library)
+cracklib-x32: CrackLib tests passwords to determine whether they match certain
+cracklib-x32: security-oriented characteristics, with the purpose of stopping
+cracklib-x32: users from choosing passwords that are easy to guess. CrackLib
+cracklib-x32: performs several tests on passwords: it tries to generate words
+cracklib-x32: from a username and gecos entry and checks those words against the
+cracklib-x32: password; it checks for simplistic patterns in passwords; and it
+cracklib-x32: checks for the password in a dictionary.
Index: 2.9.7-x86_32/cracklib-x32-pkg-install.sh
--- 2.9.7-x86_32/cracklib-x32-pkg-install.sh	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.9.7-x86_32/cracklib-x32-pkg-install.sh	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+pre_install() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+post_install() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+# arg 2:  the old package version
+pre_update() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+# arg 2:  the old package version
+post_update() {
+  post_install
+# arg 1:  the old package version
+pre_remove() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the old package version
+post_remove() {
+  /bin/true
+$operation $*

Property changes on: 2.9.7-x86_32/cracklib-x32-pkg-install.sh
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: 2.9.7-x86_32
--- 2.9.7-x86_32	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.9.7-x86_32	(revision 5)

Property changes on: 2.9.7-x86_32
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: .
--- .	(nonexistent)
+++ .	(revision 5)

Property changes on: .
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies