Radix cross Linux

The main Radix cross Linux repository contains the build scripts of packages, which have the most complete and common functionality for desktop machines

383 Commits   1 Branch   1 Tag
Index: python-2to3
--- python-2to3	(nonexistent)
+++ python-2to3	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+prgpath=$(cd $(dirname $program) ; pwd -P)
+( cd $prgpath
+  rm -f 2to3          ; if [ -x 2to3-3.10         -o -L 2to3-3.10         ] ; then ln -sf 2to3-3.10         2to3          ; fi
+  rm -f easy_install  ; if [ -x easy_install-3.10 -o -L easy_install-3.10 ] ; then ln -sf easy_install-3.10 easy_install  ; fi
+  rm -f idle          ; if [ -x idle3             -o -L idle3             ] ; then ln -sf idle3             idle          ; fi
+  rm -f pip           ; if [ -x pip3              -o -L pip3              ] ; then ln -sf pip3              pip           ; fi
+  rm -f pydoc         ; if [ -x pydoc3            -o -L pydoc3            ] ; then ln -sf pydoc3            pydoc         ; fi
+  rm -f pynche        ; if [ -x pynche3           -o -L pynche3           ] ; then ln -sf pynche3           pynche        ; fi
+  rm -f msgfmt.py     ; if [ -x msgfmt-3.10.py    -o -L msgfmt-3.10.py    ] ; then ln -sf msgfmt-3.10.py    msgfmt.py     ; fi
+  rm -f pygettext.py  ; if [ -x pygettext-3.10.py -o -L pygettext-3.10.py ] ; then ln -sf pygettext-3.10.py pygettext.py  ; fi
+  rm -f python        ; if [ -x python3           -o -L python3           ] ; then ln -sf python3           python        ; fi
+  rm -f python-config ; if [ -x python3-config    -o -L python3-config    ] ; then ln -sf python3-config    python-config ; fi
Index: python-3to2
--- python-3to2	(nonexistent)
+++ python-3to2	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+prgpath=$(cd $(dirname $program) ; pwd -P)
+( cd $prgpath
+  rm -f 2to3          ; if [ -x 2to3-2.7         -o -L 2to3-2.7         ] ; then ln -sf 2to3-2.7         2to3          ; fi
+  rm -f easy_install  ; if [ -x easy_install-2.7 -o -L easy_install-2.7 ] ; then ln -sf easy_install-2.7 easy_install  ; fi
+  rm -f idle          ; if [ -x idle2            -o -L idle2            ] ; then ln -sf idle2            idle          ; fi
+  rm -f pip           ; if [ -x pip2             -o -L pip2             ] ; then ln -sf pip2             pip           ; fi
+  rm -f pydoc         ; if [ -x pydoc2           -o -L pydoc2           ] ; then ln -sf pydoc2           pydoc         ; fi
+  rm -f pynche        ; if [ -x pynche2          -o -L pynche2          ] ; then ln -sf pynche2          pynche        ; fi
+  rm -f msgfmt.py     ; if [ -x msgfmt-2.7.py    -o -L msgfmt-2.7.py    ] ; then ln -sf msgfmt-2.7.py    msgfmt.py     ; fi
+  rm -f pygettext.py  ; if [ -x pygettext-2.7.py -o -L pygettext-2.7.py ] ; then ln -sf pygettext-2.7.py pygettext.py  ; fi
+  rm -f python        ; if [ -x python2          -o -L python2          ] ; then ln -sf python2          python        ; fi
+  rm -f python-config ; if [ -x python2-config   -o -L python2-config   ] ; then ln -sf python2-config   python-config ; fi
Index: .
--- .	(nonexistent)
+++ .	(revision 5)

Property changes on: .
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies