Radix cross Linux

The main Radix cross Linux repository contains the build scripts of packages, which have the most complete and common functionality for desktop machines

383 Commits   1 Branch   1 Tag
Index: init-devices/Makefile
--- init-devices/Makefile	(nonexistent)
+++ init-devices/Makefile	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+include ../../build-system/constants.mk
+# ======= __END_OF_REQUIRES__ =======
+PKG_GROUP = base
+INIT_DEV_PKG_NAME                = init-devices
+INIT_DEV_PKG_ARCH                = $(PKGARCH)
+INIT_DEV_PKG_GROUP               = $(PKG_GROUP)
+###                               |---handy-ruler-------------------------------|
+INIT_DEV_PKG_URL                 = $(BUG_URL)
+INIT_DEV_PKG_LICENSE             = free
+build = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.done
+pkg_archive      = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/$(PKG_GROUP)/$(pkg_basename).$(pkg_arch_suffix)
+pkg_certificate  = $(call cert-name,$(pkg_archive))
+pkg_signature    = $(call sign-name,$(pkg_archive))
+pkg_description  = $(call desc-name,$(pkg_archive))
+products         = $(call pkg-files,$(pkg_archive))
+BUILD_TARGETS    = $(build)
+PRODUCT_TARGETS  = $(products)
+include ../../build-system/core.mk
+	@mkdir -p $(INIT_DEV_PKG)/dev
+	@touch $@
+	@cat $< | $(SED) -e "s/@VERSION@/$(INIT_DEV_PKG_VERSION)/g" > $@
+$(pkg_certificate) : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_signature)   : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_description) : $(pkg_archive) ;
+	@echo "pkgname=$(INIT_DEV_PKG_NAME)"                            >  $(INIT_DEV_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "pkgver=$(INIT_DEV_PKG_VERSION)"                          >> $(INIT_DEV_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "arch=$(INIT_DEV_PKG_ARCH)"                               >> $(INIT_DEV_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "distroname=$(INIT_DEV_PKG_DISTRO_NAME)"                  >> $(INIT_DEV_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "distrover=$(INIT_DEV_PKG_DISTRO_VERSION)"                >> $(INIT_DEV_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "group=$(INIT_DEV_PKG_GROUP)"                             >> $(INIT_DEV_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "short_description=\"$(INIT_DEV_PKG_SHORT_DESCRIPTION)\"" >> $(INIT_DEV_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "url=$(INIT_DEV_PKG_URL)"                                 >> $(INIT_DEV_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "license=$(INIT_DEV_PKG_LICENSE)"                         >> $(INIT_DEV_PKG)/.PKGINFO
+	@$(PSEUDO) sh -c "cd $(INIT_DEV_PKG)   && \
+	                  chown -R root:root . && \
+	                  ( cd dev              ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=600 console       c    5 1   ; \
+	                    \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 ppp           c  108 0   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=666 null          c    1 3   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=666 random        c    1 8   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=666 urandom       c    1 9   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=666 zero          c    1 5   ; \
+	                    \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 fb0           c   29 0   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 fb1           c   29 1   ; \
+	                    \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 apm_bios      c   10 134 ; \
+	                    \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 hda           b    3 0   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 hda1          b    3 1   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 hda2          b    3 2   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 hda3          b    3 3   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 hda4          b    3 4   ; \
+	                    \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 sda           b    8 0   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 sda1          b    8 1   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 sda2          b    8 2   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 sda3          b    8 3   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 sda4          b    8 4   ; \
+	                    \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 sdb           b    8 16  ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 sdb1          b    8 17  ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 sdb2          b    8 18  ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 sdb3          b    8 19  ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 sdb4          b    8 20  ; \
+	                    \
+	                    mknod --mode=640 mem           c    1 1   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=640 kmem          c    1 2   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=644 kmsg          c    1 11  ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=600 kvm           c   10 232 ; \
+	                    \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 mmcblk0       b  179 0   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 mmcblk0p1     b  179 1   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 mmcblk0p2     b  179 2   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 mmcblk0p3     b  179 3   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 mmcblk0p4     b  179 4   ; \
+	                    \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 mmcblk1       b  179 8   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 mmcblk1p1     b  179 9   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 mmcblk1p2     b  179 10  ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 mmcblk1p3     b  179 11  ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 mmcblk1p4     b  179 12  ; \
+	                    \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 mmcblk1boot0  b  179 16  ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 mmcblk1boot1  b  179 24  ; \
+	                    \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 mtd0          c   90 0   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 mtd1          c   90 2   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 mtd2          c   90 4   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 mtd3          c   90 6   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 mtd4          c   90 8   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 mtd5          c   90 10  ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 mtd6          c   90 12  ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 mtd7          c   90 14  ; \
+	                    \
+	                    mknod --mode=640 mtdblock0     b   31 0   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=640 mtdblock1     b   31 1   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=640 mtdblock2     b   31 2   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=640 mtdblock3     b   31 3   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=640 mtdblock4     b   31 4   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=640 mtdblock5     b   31 5   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=640 mtdblock6     b   31 6   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=640 mtdblock7     b   31 7   ; \
+	                    \
+	                    mknod --mode=640 ram0          b    1 0   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=640 ram1          b    1 1   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=640 ram2          b    1 2   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=640 ram3          b    1 3   ; \
+	                    \
+	                    mknod --mode=666 tty           c    5 0   ; \
+	                    \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 ttyS0         c    4 64  ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 ttyS1         c    4 65  ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 ttyS2         c    4 66  ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 ttyS3         c    4 67  ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 ttyS4         c    4 68  ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=660 ttyS5         c    4 69  ; \
+	                    \
+	                    mknod --mode=640 ttySA0        c  204 5   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=640 ttySA1        c  204 6   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=640 ttySA2        c  204 7   ; \
+	                    \
+	                    mknod --mode=640 cusa0         c  205 5   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=640 cusa1         c  205 6   ; \
+	                    mknod --mode=640 cusa2         c  205 7   ; \
+	                    \
+	                    mknod --mode=600 initctl p ; \
+	                    \
+	                    mkdir -p cgroup ; chmod 755 cgroup ; \
+	                    mkdir -p pts    ; chmod 755 pts    ; \
+	                    mkdir -p shm    ; chmod 755 shm    ; \
+	                    \
+	                    ln -sf null XOR ; \
+	                    \
+	                    chown 0:5   tty ttySA? cusa?    ; \
+	                    chown 0:16  ppp ttyS?           ; \
+	                    chown 0:0   cgroup pts shm null random urandom zero apm_bios initctl ; \
+	                    chown 0:18  fb0 fb1             ; \
+	                    chown 0:6   ram? hda* sda* sdb* ; \
+	                    chown 0:9   mem kmem            ; \
+	                    chown 0:0   kmsg kvm            ; \
+	                    chown 0:0   mtd? mtdblock? \
+	                  ) && \
+	                  $(MAKE_PACKAGE) -J --linkadd=yes $(GNUPG_OPTIONS) -m -d .. ."
Index: init-devices/doc/MAKE-DEVICE-INODES
--- init-devices/doc/MAKE-DEVICE-INODES	(nonexistent)
+++ init-devices/doc/MAKE-DEVICE-INODES	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# user:
+#   root    uid=0
+# groups:
+#   tty     gid=5
+#   disk    gid=6
+#   mem     gid=8
+#   kmem    gid=9
+#   dialout gid=16
+#   audio   gid=17
+#   video   gid=18
+# devices:
+#   1 char  Memory devices
+#           3 = /dev/null      Null device
+#           5 = /dev/zero      Null byte source
+#           9 = /dev/urandom   Faster, less secure random number gen.
+# 108 char  Device independent PPP interface
+#           0 = /dev/ppp       Device independent PPP interface
+mknod --mode=600 console c   5 1
+mknod --mode=660 ppp     c 108 0
+mknod --mode=666 null    c   1 3
+mknod --mode=666 random  c   1 8
+mknod --mode=666 urandom c   1 9
+mknod --mode=666 zero    c   1 5
+mknod --mode=660 fb0    c   29 0
+mknod --mode=660 fb1    c   29 1
+mknod --mode=660 hda    b    3 0
+mknod --mode=660 hda1   b    3 1
+mknod --mode=660 hda2   b    3 2
+mknod --mode=660 hda3   b    3 3
+mknod --mode=660 hda4   b    3 4
+mknod --mode=660 sda    b    8 0
+mknod --mode=660 sda1   b    8 1
+mknod --mode=660 sda2   b    8 2
+mknod --mode=660 sda3   b    8 3
+mknod --mode=660 sda4   b    8 4
+mknod --mode=660 sdb    b    8 16
+mknod --mode=660 sdb1   b    8 17
+mknod --mode=660 sdb2   b    8 18
+mknod --mode=660 sdb3   b    8 19
+mknod --mode=660 sdb4   b    8 20
+mknod --mode=640 mem    c    1 1
+mknod --mode=640 kmem   c    1 2
+mknod --mode=644 kmsg   c    1 11
+mknod --mode=600 kvm    c   10 232
+mknod --mode=660 mtd0   c   90 0
+mknod --mode=660 mtd1   c   90 2
+mknod --mode=660 mtd2   c   90 4
+mknod --mode=660 mtd3   c   90 6
+mknod --mode=660 mtd4   c   90 8
+mknod --mode=660 mtd5   c   90 10
+mknod --mode=660 mtd6   c   90 12
+mknod --mode=660 mtd7   c   90 14
+mknod --mode=640 mtdblock0   b   31 0
+mknod --mode=640 mtdblock1   b   31 1
+mknod --mode=640 mtdblock2   b   31 2
+mknod --mode=640 mtdblock3   b   31 3
+mknod --mode=640 mtdblock4   b   31 4
+mknod --mode=640 mtdblock5   b   31 5
+mknod --mode=640 mtdblock6   b   31 6
+mknod --mode=640 mtdblock7   b   31 7
+mknod --mode=640 ram0   b   1 0
+mknod --mode=640 ram1   b   1 1
+mknod --mode=640 ram2   b   1 2
+mknod --mode=640 ram3   b   1 3
+mknod --mode=666 tty    c    5 0
+mknod --mode=660 ttyS0  c    4 64
+mknod --mode=660 ttyS1  c    4 65
+mknod --mode=660 ttyS2  c    4 66
+mknod --mode=660 ttyS3  c    4 67
+mknod --mode=660 ttyS4  c    4 68
+mknod --mode=660 ttyS5  c    4 69
+mknod --mode=640 ttySA0  c  204 5
+mknod --mode=640 ttySA1  c  204 6
+mknod --mode=640 ttySA2  c  204 7
+mknod --mode=640 cusa0  c  205 5
+mknod --mode=640 cusa1  c  205 6
+mknod --mode=640 cusa2  c  205 7
+mknod --mode=600 initctl p
+mkdir -p cgroup ; chmod 755 cgroup
+mkdir -p pts    ; chmod 755 pts
+mkdir -p shm    ; chmod 755 shm
+ln -sf null XOR
+chown 0:5   tty ttySA? cusa?
+chown 0:16  ppp ttyS?
+chown 0:0   cgroup pts shm null random urandom zero initctl
+chown 0:18  fb0 fb1
+chown 0:6   ram? hda* sda* sdb*
+chown 0:9   mem kmem
+chown 0:0   kmsg kvm
+chown 0:0   mtd? mtdblock?
Index: init-devices/doc/groups.txt
--- init-devices/doc/groups.txt	(nonexistent)
+++ init-devices/doc/groups.txt	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+    0 root
+    1 bin
+    2 daemon
+    3 sys
+    4 adm
+    5 tty
+    6 disk
+    7 lp
+    8 mem
+    9 kmem
+   10 wheel
+   11 floppy
+   12 mail
+   13 news
+   14 uucp
+   15 man
+   16 dialput
+   17 audio
+   18 video
+   19 cdrom
+   20 games
+   21 slocate
+   22 utmp
+   25 smmsp
+   26 tape
+   27 mysql
+   32 rpc
+   33 sshd
+   42 gdm
+   43 shadow
+   50 ftp
+   51 oprofile
+   53 pulse
+   80 apache
+   81 messagebus
+   82 haldaemon
+   83 plugdev
+   84 power
+   86 netdev
+   90 pop
+   93 scanner
+   98 nobody
+   99 nogroup
+  100 users
+  101 console
+  200 postfix
+  201 postdrop
+  209 postgres
+  232 tomcat
+  238 cyrus
+  243 nginx
+  264 rabbitmq
+ 1001 avahi
+ 1002 avahi-autoipd
Index: init-devices/doc
--- init-devices/doc	(nonexistent)
+++ init-devices/doc	(revision 5)

Property changes on: init-devices/doc
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: init-devices/init-devices-pkg-description.in
--- init-devices/init-devices-pkg-description.in	(nonexistent)
+++ init-devices/init-devices-pkg-description.in	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# The "handy ruler" below makes it easier to edit a package description.  Line
+# up the first '|' above the ':' following the base package name, and the '|'
+# on the right side marks the last column you can put a character in.  You must
+# make exactly 11 lines for the formatting to be correct.  It's also
+# customary to leave one space after the ':'.
+            |-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------|
+init-devices: init-devices @VERSION@ (Initial Device Inodes)
+init-devices: init-devices package created not for installation on the working
+init-devices: system. This package can be used only for installation by system
+init-devices: installer running with root privileges or for collecting inodes
+init-devices: for creation the Root FS image.
+init-devices: This is a set of inodes in the /dev directory.
Index: init-devices/init-devices-pkg-install.sh
--- init-devices/init-devices-pkg-install.sh	(nonexistent)
+++ init-devices/init-devices-pkg-install.sh	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Preserve new files
+install_file() {
+  NEW="$1"
+  OLD="`dirname $NEW`/`basename $NEW .new`"
+  # If there's no file by that name, mv it over:
+  if [ ! -r $OLD ]; then
+    mv $NEW $OLD
+  elif [ "`cat $OLD | md5sum`" = "`cat $NEW | md5sum`" ]; then # toss the redundant copy
+    rm $NEW
+  fi
+  # Otherwise, we leave the .new copy for the admin to consider...
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+pre_install() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+post_install() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+# arg 2:  the old package version
+pre_update() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+# arg 2:  the old package version
+post_update() {
+  post_install
+# arg 1:  the old package version
+pre_remove() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the old package version
+post_remove() {
+  /bin/true
+$operation $*

Property changes on: init-devices/init-devices-pkg-install.sh
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: init-devices
--- init-devices	(nonexistent)
+++ init-devices	(revision 5)

Property changes on: init-devices
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: radix-setup/Makefile
--- radix-setup/Makefile	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-setup/Makefile	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+include ../../build-system/constants.mk
+REQUIRES           = app/pkgtools/0.2.1
+# ======= __END_OF_REQUIRES__ =======
+scripts     = $(CURDIR)/scripts
+PKG_GROUP = base
+SETUP_PKG_NAME                = radix-setup
+SETUP_PKG_ARCH                = $(PKGARCH)
+SETUP_PKG_GROUP               = $(PKG_GROUP)
+###                            |---handy-ruler-------------------------------|
+SETUP_PKG_SHORT_DESCRIPTION   = Radix cross Linux setup
+SETUP_PKG_URL                 = $(BUG_URL)
+SETUP_PKG_LICENSE             = Radix.pro-1.0
+build = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.done
+pkg_archive      = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/$(PKG_GROUP)/$(pkg_basename).$(pkg_arch_suffix)
+pkg_certificate  = $(call cert-name,$(pkg_archive))
+pkg_signature    = $(call sign-name,$(pkg_archive))
+pkg_description  = $(call desc-name,$(pkg_archive))
+products         = $(call pkg-files,$(pkg_archive))
+BUILD_TARGETS    = $(build)
+PRODUCT_TARGETS  = $(products)
+ROOTFS_TARGETS   = $(pkg_archive)
+include ../../build-system/core.mk
+	@mkdir -p $(SETUP_PKG)/sbin/setup
+	@cat $(scripts)/setup > $(SETUP_PKG)/sbin/setup/setup
+	@chmod 0755 $(SETUP_PKG)/sbin/setup/setup
+	@cat $(scripts)/where-we-are > $(SETUP_PKG)/sbin/setup/where-we-are
+	@chmod 0755 $(SETUP_PKG)/sbin/setup/where-we-are
+	@touch $@
+	@cat $< | $(SED) -e "s/@VERSION@/$(SETUP_PKG_VERSION)/g" > $@
+$(pkg_certificate) : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_signature)   : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_description) : $(pkg_archive) ;
+	@echo "pkgname=$(SETUP_PKG_NAME)"                            >  $(SETUP_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "pkgver=$(SETUP_PKG_VERSION)"                          >> $(SETUP_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "arch=$(SETUP_PKG_ARCH)"                               >> $(SETUP_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "distroname=$(SETUP_PKG_DISTRO_NAME)"                  >> $(SETUP_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "distrover=$(SETUP_PKG_DISTRO_VERSION)"                >> $(SETUP_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "group=$(SETUP_PKG_GROUP)"                             >> $(SETUP_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "short_description=\"$(SETUP_PKG_SHORT_DESCRIPTION)\"" >> $(SETUP_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "url=$(SETUP_PKG_URL)"                                 >> $(SETUP_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "license=$(SETUP_PKG_LICENSE)"                         >> $(SETUP_PKG)/.PKGINFO
+	@$(PSEUDO) sh -c "cd $(SETUP_PKG) && \
+	                  chown -R 0:0 .  && \
+	                  $(MAKE_PACKAGE) -J --linkadd=yes $(GNUPG_OPTIONS) -m -d .. ."
Index: radix-setup/radix-setup-pkg-description.in
--- radix-setup/radix-setup-pkg-description.in	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-setup/radix-setup-pkg-description.in	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# The "handy ruler" below makes it easier to edit a package description.  Line
+# up the first '|' above the ':' following the base package name, and the '|'
+# on the right side marks the last column you can put a character in.  You must
+# make exactly 11 lines for the formatting to be correct.  It's also
+# customary to leave one space after the ':'.
+           |-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------|
+radix-setup: radix-setup @VERSION@ (Radix cross Linux setup)
+radix-setup: Set up Radix cross Linux on target machine.
Index: radix-setup/radix-setup-pkg-install.sh
--- radix-setup/radix-setup-pkg-install.sh	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-setup/radix-setup-pkg-install.sh	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Preserve new files
+install_file() {
+  NEW="$1"
+  OLD="`dirname $NEW`/`basename $NEW .new`"
+  # If there's no file by that name, mv it over:
+  if [ ! -r $OLD ]; then
+    mv $NEW $OLD
+  elif [ "`cat $OLD | md5sum`" = "`cat $NEW | md5sum`" ]; then # toss the redundant copy
+    rm $NEW
+  fi
+  # Otherwise, we leave the .new copy for the admin to consider...
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+pre_install() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+post_install() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+# arg 2:  the old package version
+pre_update() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+# arg 2:  the old package version
+post_update() {
+  post_install
+# arg 1:  the old package version
+pre_remove() {
+  ( cd etc/rc.d ; rm -f rc.0 )
+# arg 1:  the old package version
+post_remove() {
+  /bin/true
+$operation $*

Property changes on: radix-setup/radix-setup-pkg-install.sh
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: radix-setup/scripts/setup
--- radix-setup/scripts/setup	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-setup/scripts/setup	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,2687 @@
+program=`basename $0`
+sbindir=`cd $(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}) >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd`
+# 13 = permission denied (should be root)
+# 14 = there is no '.pkglist' file
+# 15 = invalid target device
+# 16 = target device has not specified arter --root-dev option
+# 17 = source REPO directory is invalid
+# 18 = custom REPO directory has not specified by --repo option
+# 19 = target device too small
+# 20 = /sbin/fdisk returns bad status
+# 21 = cannot mount ROOT partition
+# 22 = cannot mount EFI partition
+# 92 = Cannot create '/tmp/...' directory
+# 93 = Unexpected program abort
+# Getting information about DISTRO:
+push_err() {
+  message=$1
+  echo -n "$program: " >&2 ; echo "${message}" >&2
+if [ ! -r /etc/os-release ] ; then
+  push_err "ERROR: /etc/os-release: There are no operating system information"
+  exit 1
+. /etc/os-release
+if [ ! -r /etc/${ID}-release ] ; then
+  push_err "ERROR: /etc/${ID}-release: There are no ${ID} distribution information"
+  exit 1
+. /etc/${ID}-release
+push_log() {
+  message=$1
+  echo -n "[`LANG=en LANGUAGE=en date +'%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S'`] $program: " >> ${LOG_FILE}
+  echo    "${message}" >> ${LOG_FILE}
+umask 022
+TMP=$(mkdir -p /tmp/${DISTRO_NAME} && mktemp -d -p /tmp/${DISTRO_NAME} $program.XXXXXXXX) || { echo "Cannot create '/tmp/...' directory" ; exit 92; }
+mkdir -p /tmp/${DISTRO_NAME}/mnt
+# Clear screen on unexpected termination:
+trap 'clear ; \
+      head -c 100 /dev/zero | tr "\0" "\n" ; \
+      echo "ERROR: $program - has been terminated." ; \
+      echo "" ; \
+      EXITSTATUS=93 ; \
+# This program cam mount filesystems to first level
+# directories relative to $MNT or directly to $MNT:
+trap 'for dir in `find ${MNT} -type d -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1` ; do \
+        umount $dir 2> /dev/null ; \
+      done ; \
+      umount ${MNT} 2> /dev/null ; \
+      rm -rf /tmp/${DISTRO_NAME} ; \
+      rm -f /etc/system-installer ; \
+      exit ${EXITSTATUS} ;\
+      ' EXIT
+  echo "Radix System Setup" > /etc/system-installer
+  if [ "$EUID" != "0" ] ; then
+    $DIALOG --colors --clear \
+            --backtitle "\Z7${DISTRO_CAPTION}\Zn \Z1cross\Zn\Z7 Linux\Zn" \
+            --title " \Z0Setup:\Zn \Z1\ZbERROR\ZB\Zn " \
+            --msgbox "\n\Z4${program}\Zn - \Z1program should be run by root.\Zn\n" 7 74
+    push_log "ERROR: Program should be run by root"
+    push_log "Aborted due to an error"
+    push_err "ERROR: Program should be run by root"
+    exit
+  fi
+ask_exit_setup() {
+  cat > $TMP/exit-setup-help$$ << EOF
+ Do you want to terminate Radix System Installation?
+  $DIALOG --colors --defaultno --clear \
+          --backtitle "\Z7${DISTRO_CAPTION}\Zn \Z1cross\Zn\Z7 Linux\Zn" \
+          --title " \Z0Setup:\Zn \Z4\ZbExit\ZB\Zn " \
+          --no-label "No" \
+          --yes-label "Ok" \
+          --yesno "$(cat $TMP/exit-setup-help$$)" 7 74
+  ret=$?
+  rm -f $TMP/exit-setup-help$$
+  if [ $ret -eq 0 ] ; then
+    push_log "Done"
+    exit
+  fi
+  local msg="${1}"
+  cat > $TMP/fatal-message$$ << EOF
+ ${msg}
+  $DIALOG --colors --clear \
+          --backtitle "\Z7${DISTRO_CAPTION}\Zn \Z1cross\Zn\Z7 Linux\Zn" \
+          --title " \Z0Setup:\Zn \Z1\ZbERROR\ZB\Zn " \
+          --msgbox "$(cat $TMP/fatal-message$$)" 7 74
+  local msg="${1}"
+  cat > $TMP/error-message$$ << EOF
+ ${msg}
+  $DIALOG --colors --clear \
+          --backtitle "\Z7${DISTRO_CAPTION}\Zn \Z1cross\Zn\Z7 Linux\Zn" \
+          --title " \Z0Setup:\Zn \Z1\ZbERROR\ZB\Zn " \
+          --no-label " Exit Setup " \
+          --yes-label " Continue " \
+          --yesno "$(cat $TMP/error-message$$)" 7 74
+  ret=$?
+  rm -f $TMP/error-message$$
+  if [ $ret -ne 0 ] ; then
+    exit
+  fi
+  cat > $TMP/welcome-setup-rc$$ << EOF
+use_colors = ON
+shadow_color = (BLACK,BLACK,OFF)
+screen_color = (WHITE,BLACK,ON)
+use_shadow = OFF
+dialog_color = (WHITE,BLACK,OFF)
+title_color = (WHITE,BLACK,ON)
+border_color = (BLACK,BLACK,OFF)
+border2_color = (BLACK,BLACK,OFF)
+button_active_color = (WHITE,BLACK,ON)
+button_inactive_color = (WHITE,BLACK,OFF)
+button_key_active_color = (RED,BLACK,ON)
+button_key_inactive_color = (WHITE,BLACK,ON)
+button_label_active_color = (WHITE,BLACK,ON)
+button_label_inactive_color = (WHITE,BLACK,ON)
+  cat > $TMP/welcome-setup-help$$ << EOF
+Copyright (c) 2009-`date +%Y`, Andrey V.Kosteltsev. All rights reserved.
+Built for ${HARDWARE_SPEC} [\Zb${HARDWARE}\Zn]
+Now you can install \Zb${DISTRO_CAPTION}-${DISTRO_VERSION}\Zn to you hard drive or internal flash.
+  DIALOGRC=$TMP/welcome-setup-rc$$ \
+  $DIALOG --colors --clear \
+          --backtitle "\Z7${DISTRO_CAPTION}\Zn \Z1cross\Zn\Z7 Linux\Zn" \
+          --title " Setup ${DISTRO_CAPTION} \Z1cross\Zn Linux " \
+          --no-label " Exit Setup " \
+          --yes-label " Continue " \
+          --yesno "$(cat $TMP/welcome-setup-help$$)" 16 74
+  ret=$?
+  rm -f $TMP/welcome-setup-help$$
+  if [ $ret -ne 0 ] ; then
+    exit
+  fi
+usage() {
+ cat << EOF
+Usage: $program [options]
+$program - is used to install ${DISTRO_SPEC} from the 'repo' directory.
+  The 'repo' directory sould contains ${DISTRO_CAPTION} packages set with '.pkglist'
+  file at least for one HARDWARE. The ordinary structure of the 'repo'
+  directories should seems like following:
+    /var/lib/${DISTRO_NAME}/repo
+        ├── TOOLCHAIN
+       ...  └── HARDWARE
+                ├── ...
+        │      ...
+        └── ${TOOLCHAIN_NAME}
+            └── ${HARDWARE}
+                ├── app
+                │   ├── bash-5.2.9-`echo ${TOOLCHAIN_NAME} | cut -f1 -d'-'`-radix-${DISTRO_VERSION}.tgz
+                │   ├── ...
+                │  ...
+                ├── base
+                │   ├── ...
+                │  ...
+               ...
+                └── .pkglist
+  where, /var/lib/${DISTRO_NAME}/repo/${DISTRO_FULL_VERSION}/${TOOLCHAIN_NAME}/${HARDWARE} - applicable
+  directory for current release.
+   -h | --help              - Display this information;
+   -r | --root-dev <DEVICE> - Target device to install [/dev/sda,
+                              /dev/mmcblk0, /dev/loop0, etc.];
+   --repo <DIR>             - Absolute path to the REPO source directory
+                              (Default: /var/lib/${DISTRO_NAME}/repo/${DISTRO_FULL_VERSION}/${TOOLCHAIN_NAME}/${HARDWARE}).
+                              The user defined absolute path to the REPO directory must match
+                              the standard pattern: '/custom-dir/VERSION/TOOLCHAIN/HARDWARE';
+  The /etc/${DISTRO_NAME}-rlease file contains detailed info about
+  setup parameters.
+# Start installation:
+push_log "Start of ${DISTRO_CAPTION}-${DISTRO_VERSION} installation"
+# Only root can execute:
+if [ "${hardware}" = "baikal-m1" -o \
+     "${hardware}" = "intel-pc64" ] ; then
+  partition_table_type=g
+  uefi_bytes=268435456
+if [ "x${uefi_bytes}" != "x" ] ; then
+  root_part_number=2
+  home_part_number=3
+  swap_part_number=4
+# Disk Geometry functions:
+# Disk /dev/vda: 20 GiB, 21474836480 bytes, 41943040 sectors
+# Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
+#   Format | logical sector size | physical sector size
+#  --------+---------------------+----------------------
+#     512N |         512         |          512
+#  --------+---------------------+----------------------
+#     512E |         512         |         4096
+#  --------+---------------------+----------------------
+#    4096N |        4096         |         4096
+#  --------+---------------------+----------------------
+disk_size_in_bytes() {
+  disk=${1}
+  echo "`LANG=en_US.UTF-8 fdisk -l ${disk}`" | while read -r line ; do
+    local found=`echo "${line}" | grep "^Disk ${disk}"`
+    if [ "x${found}" != "x" ] ; then
+      local bytes=`echo ${found} | sed 's,.* \([0-9]*\) bytes.*,\1,'`
+      echo "${bytes}"
+      break
+    fi
+  done
+disk_size_in_sectors() {
+  disk=${1}
+  echo "`LANG=en_US.UTF-8 fdisk -l ${disk}`" | while read -r line ; do
+    local found=`echo "${line}" | grep "^Disk ${disk}"`
+    if [ "x${found}" != "x" ] ; then
+      local sectors=`echo ${found} | sed 's,.* \([0-9]*\) sectors$,\1,'`
+      echo "${sectors}"
+      break
+    fi
+  done
+disk_unit_size() {
+  disk=${1}
+  echo "`LANG=en_US.UTF-8 fdisk -l ${disk}`" | while read -r line ; do
+    local found=`echo "${line}" | grep "^Unit"`
+    if [ "x${found}" != "x" ] ; then
+      local usize=`echo ${found} | sed 's,.*= \([0-9]*\) bytes$,\1,'`
+      echo "${usize}"
+      break
+    fi
+  done
+disk_log_sector_size() {
+  disk=${1}
+  echo "`LANG=en_US.UTF-8 fdisk -l ${disk}`" | while read -r line ; do
+    local found=`echo "${line}" | grep '^Sector size'`
+    if [ "x${found}" != "x" ] ; then
+      local lsize=`echo ${found} | sed 's,.* \([0-9]*\) bytes / \([0-9]*\) bytes$,\1,'`
+      echo "${lsize}"
+      break
+    fi
+  done
+disk_phy_sector_size() {
+  disk=${1}
+  echo "`LANG=en_US.UTF-8 fdisk -l ${disk}`" | while read -r line ; do
+    local found=`echo "${line}" | grep '^Sector size'`
+    if [ "x${found}" != "x" ] ; then
+      local psize=`echo ${found} | sed 's,.* \([0-9]*\) bytes / \([0-9]*\) bytes$,\2,'`
+      echo "${psize}"
+      break
+    fi
+  done
+memory_size() {
+  echo "`LANG=en_US.UTF-8 free -b -w`" | while read -r line ; do
+    local found=`echo "${line}" | grep '^Mem'`
+    if [ "x${found}" != "x" ] ; then
+      local msize=`echo ${found} | tr -s ' ' | cut -f2 -d' '`
+      echo "${msize}"
+      break
+    fi
+  done
+disk_geometry() {
+  disk=${1}
+  bytes=`disk_size_in_bytes ${disk}`
+  sectors=`disk_size_in_sectors ${disk}`
+  unit_size=`disk_unit_size ${disk}`
+  log_sector_size=`disk_log_sector_size ${disk}`
+  phy_sector_size=`disk_phy_sector_size ${disk}`
+  ram_bytes=`memory_size`
+  if [ $unit_size -eq $alignment ] ; then
+    # Copy of GPT at end of disk:
+    let "sectors = sectors - 5"
+  else
+    # Copy of GPT at end of disk:
+    let "sectors = sectors - 33"
+  fi
+  if [ $phy_sector_size -eq $alignment ] ; then
+    if [ $log_sector_size -lt $phy_sector_size ] ; then
+      format="512E"
+      start_sector=2048
+    else
+      format="4096N"
+      start_sector=256
+    fi
+  else
+    format="512N"
+    start_sector=2048
+  fi
+# End of Disk Geometry functions.
+# Disk Format functions:
+  local disk=${1}
+  fdisk --wipe=always --wipe-partition=always ${disk} 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null <<EOF
+  local disk=${1}
+  local name="EFI System"
+  local guid="c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b"
+  local type="ef"
+  uefi_start_sector=${start_sector}
+  let 'uefi_bytes = uefi_bytes / alignment * alignment'
+  let 'uefi_end_sector = uefi_start_sector + ( uefi_bytes / unit_size - 1 )'
+  let 'root_start_sector = uefi_end_sector + 1'
+  if [ "${partition_table_type}" = "g" ] ; then
+    fdisk --wipe=always --wipe-partition=always ${disk} 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null <<EOF
+  else
+    fdisk --wipe=always --wipe-partition=always ${disk} 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null <<EOF
+  fi
+  mkfs.fat -F 32 -n UEFI ${disk}${p}1  2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null
+  local disk=${1}
+  local name="Linux filesystem"
+  local guid="0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4"
+  local type="83"
+  local half=
+  local third=
+  local GiB=1073741824
+  local MiB=1048576
+  if [ "${bytes}" -gt "${GiB}" ] ; then
+    half=`echo  "scale=0; ( $bytes / $GiB / 2 - 1 ) * $GiB" | bc`
+    third=`echo "scale=0; ( $bytes / $GiB / 3 + 1 ) * $GiB" | bc`
+  else
+    half=`echo  "scale=0; ( $bytes / $MiB / 2 - 1 ) * $MiB" | bc`
+    third=`echo "scale=0; ( $bytes / $MiB / 3 + 1 ) * $MiB" | bc`
+  fi
+  let 'half  =  half / alignment * alignment'
+  let 'third = third / alignment * alignment'
+  if [ "x${uefi_bytes}" = "x" ] ; then
+    root_start_sector=${start_sector}
+    if [ "${hardware}" = "leez-p710" ] ; then
+      root_start_sector=32768
+    fi
+  fi
+  if [ "${third}" -gt "${rootfs_min_bytes}" ] ; then
+    let 'root_end_sector = root_start_sector + ( third / unit_size - 1 )'
+    let 'home_start_sector = root_end_sector + 1'
+  elif [ "${half}" -gt "${rootfs_min_bytes}" ] ; then
+    let 'root_end_sector = root_start_sector + ( half / unit_size - 1 )'
+    let 'home_start_sector = root_end_sector + 1'
+  elif [ "${bytes}" -gt "${rootfs_min_bytes}" ] ; then
+    let 'root_end_sector = root_start_sector + ( rootfs_min_bytes / unit_size - 1 )'
+    let 'home_start_sector = root_end_sector + 1'
+  else
+    fatal_error_dialog "Target device too small. Exit ${program}."
+    push_log "ERROR: Target device too small"
+    push_log "Aborted due to an error"
+    push_err "ERROR: Target device too small"
+    exit
+  fi
+  let 'root_bytes = ( root_end_sector - root_start_sector + 1 ) * log_sector_size'
+  if [ "${root_part_number}" -eq "1" ] ; then
+    if [ "${partition_table_type}" = "g" ] ; then
+      fdisk --wipe=always --wipe-partition=always ${disk} 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null <<EOF
+    else
+      fdisk --wipe=always --wipe-partition=always ${disk} 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null <<EOF
+    fi
+  else
+    if [ "${partition_table_type}" = "g" ] ; then
+      fdisk --wipe=always --wipe-partition=always ${disk} 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null <<EOF
+    else
+      fdisk --wipe=always --wipe-partition=always ${disk} 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null <<EOF
+    fi
+  fi
+  local disk=${1}
+  local name="Linux filesystem"
+  local guid="0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4"
+  local type="83"
+  local left=
+  local octa=
+  local swap=
+  local GiB=1073741824
+  local MiB=1048576
+  let 'left = ( sectors - root_end_sector ) * unit_size'
+  if [ "x${home_start_sector}" != "x" -a "${left}" -gt "$GiB" ] ; then
+    let 'swap =  ram_bytes * 2 / alignment * alignment'
+    if [ "${bytes}" -gt "${GiB}" ] ; then
+      octa=`echo  "scale=0; $bytes / $GiB / 8 * $GiB" | bc`
+    else
+      octa=`echo  "scale=0; $bytes / $MiB / 8 * $MiB" | bc`
+    fi
+    let 'octa =  octa / alignment * alignment'
+    if [ "${octa}" -gt "${swap}" ] ; then
+      let 'left = ( left - swap ) / alignment * alignment'
+      swap_bytes=${swap}
+    elif [ "${octa}" -gt "${ram_bytes}" ] ; then
+      let 'left = ( left - ram_bytes ) / alignment * alignment'
+      swap_bytes=${ram_bytes}
+    else
+      swap_bytes=0
+      swap_start_sector=0
+    fi
+    if [ "${swap_bytes}" -gt "0" ] ; then
+      let 'home_end_sector = home_start_sector + ( left / unit_size - 1 )'
+      let 'swap_start_sector = home_end_sector + 1'
+    else
+      let 'home_end_sector = sectors - 1'
+    fi
+    let 'home_bytes = ( home_end_sector - home_start_sector + 1 ) * unit_size'
+    if [ "${partition_table_type}" = "g" ] ; then
+      fdisk --wipe=always --wipe-partition=always ${disk} 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null <<EOF
+    else
+      fdisk --wipe=always --wipe-partition=always ${disk} 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null <<EOF
+    fi
+  else
+    home_bytes=0
+    home_start_sector=0
+    swap_bytes=0
+    swap_start_sector=0
+  fi
+  local disk=${1}
+  local name="Linux swap"
+  local guid="0657fd6d-a4ab-43c4-84e5-0933c84b4f4f"
+  local type="82"
+  if [ "${swap_bytes}" -gt "0" ] ; then
+    if [ "${partition_table_type}" = "g" ] ; then
+      fdisk --wipe=always --wipe-partition=always ${disk} 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null <<EOF
+    else
+      fdisk --wipe=always --wipe-partition=always ${disk} 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null <<EOF
+    fi
+  fi
+  local disk=${1}
+  for dev in `mount | grep "^${disk}" | tr -s ' ' | cut -f1 -d' '` ; do
+    umount ${dev} 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null
+  done
+  local dev=${1}
+  umount_target_partitions "${dev}"
+  clean_disk "${dev}"
+  if [ "x${uefi_bytes}" != "x" ] ; then
+    create_EFI_partition "${dev}"
+  fi
+  create_ROOT_partition "${dev}"
+  create_HOME_partition "${dev}"
+  create_SWAP_partition "${dev}"
+  local disk=${1}
+  local fdiskprg=`which fdisk 2> /dev/null`
+  umount_target_partitions "${disk}"
+  clean_disk "${disk}"
+  if [ "x${uefi_bytes}" != "x" ] ; then
+    create_EFI_partition "${disk}"
+  fi
+  clear
+  ${fdiskprg} ${disk}
+  ret=$?
+  if [ ${ret} -ne 0 ] ; then
+    fatal_error_dialog "${fdiskprg} returns bad status. Exit ${program}."
+    push_log "ERROR: ${fdiskprg} returns bad status"
+    push_log "Aborted due to an error"
+    push_err "ERROR: ${fdiskprg} returns bad status"
+    exit
+  fi
+  local disk=${1}
+  local height=16
+  local items=3
+  local fdiskprg=`which fdisk 2> /dev/null`
+  cat > $TMP/menu-format$$ << EOF
+--colors --clear $nocancel \\
+--backtitle "\Z7Radix\Zn \Z1cross\Zn\Z7 Linux\Zn" \\
+--title " \Z0Format the\Zn \Z4${disk}\Zn \Z0target device\Zn " \\
+--menu "\\n\\
+  cat >> $TMP/menu-format$$ << EOF
+ The target disk should has at least one \Z1Linux\Zn partition for root\\n\\
+ file system. Also you may want to have \Z1/home\Zn and \Z1swap\Zn partitions.\\n\\
+  if [ "x${uefi_bytes}" != "x" ] ; then
+    let 'height += 3'
+    cat >> $TMP/menu-format$$ << EOF
+ The target disk also should has \Z1EFI\Zn partition for boot the system.\\n\\
+ The drive must be formated using \Z1G\ZnUID \Z1P\Znartition \Z1T\Znable (\Z1GPT\Zn).\\n\\
+  fi
+  cat >> $TMP/menu-format$$ << EOF
+ \Z1NOTE\Zn: All data on the target \Z4${disk}\Zn device will be destroyed.\\
+  cat >> $TMP/menu-format$$ << EOF
+ Please select method of formatting:\\
+" ${height} 74 ${items} \\
+  if [ "x${fdiskprg}" != "x" -a -x "${fdiskprg}" ] ; then
+    cat >> $TMP/menu-format$$ << EOF
+"Fdisk" "Use '\Zb${fdiskprg}\ZB' for formatting" \\
+  fi
+  cat >> $TMP/menu-format$$ << EOF
+"Default" "Use default procedure for formatting" \\
+  cat >> $TMP/menu-format$$ << EOF
+"Exit" "Terminate the Radix cross Linux installation" \\
+  $DIALOG --default-item "Default" --file $TMP/menu-format$$ 2> $TMP/format$$
+  ret=$?
+  if [ ${ret} -eq 1 -o ${ret} -eq 255 ]; then
+    rm -f $TMP/format$$
+    rm -f $TMP/menu-format$$
+    return $ret
+  fi
+  result=`cat $TMP/format$$`
+  rm -f $TMP/format$$
+  rm -f $TMP/menu-format$$
+  if [ "${result}" = "Exit" ]; then
+    push_log "Done"
+    exit
+  elif [ "${result}" = "Fdisk" ]; then
+    format_by_fdisk "${disk}"
+  else
+    format_disk "${disk}"
+  fi
+# End of Disk Format functions.
+# Check Custom REPO functions:
+  cat > $TMP/welcome-setup-rc$$ << EOF
+use_colors = ON
+shadow_color = (BLACK,BLACK,OFF)
+screen_color = (WHITE,BLACK,ON)
+use_shadow = OFF
+dialog_color = (WHITE,BLACK,OFF)
+title_color = (WHITE,BLACK,ON)
+border_color = (BLACK,BLACK,OFF)
+border2_color = (BLACK,BLACK,OFF)
+button_active_color = (WHITE,BLACK,ON)
+button_inactive_color = (WHITE,BLACK,OFF)
+button_key_active_color = (RED,BLACK,ON)
+button_key_inactive_color = (WHITE,BLACK,ON)
+button_label_active_color = (WHITE,BLACK,ON)
+button_label_inactive_color = (WHITE,BLACK,ON)
+  cat > $TMP/welcome-setup-help$$ << EOF
+Version \Zb${version}\Zn
+Copyright (c) 2009-`date +%Y`, Andrey V.Kosteltsev. All rights reserved.
+Built for: \Zb${hardware}\Zn
+Toolchain: \Zb${toolchain}\Zn
+Now you can install \Zb${DISTRO_CAPTION}-${version}\Zn from:
+  ${repo}/
+directory to you hard drive or internal flash.
+  DIALOGRC=$TMP/welcome-setup-rc$$ \
+  $DIALOG --colors --clear \
+          --backtitle "\Z7${DISTRO_CAPTION}\Zn \Z1cross\Zn\Z7 Linux\Zn" \
+          --title " Setup ${DISTRO_CAPTION} \Z1cross\Zn Linux " \
+          --no-label " Exit Setup " \
+          --yes-label " Continue " \
+          --yesno "$(cat $TMP/welcome-setup-help$$)" 19 74
+  ret=$?
+  rm -f $TMP/welcome-setup-help$$
+  if [ $ret -ne 0 ] ; then
+    exit
+  fi
+  cat > $TMP/select-custom-repo$$ << EOF
+ The selected custom REPO is invalid.
+ Do you want to select Custom REPO to install from?
+  $DIALOG --colors --defaultno --clear \
+          --backtitle "\Z7${DISTRO_CAPTION}\Zn \Z1cross\Zn\Z7 Linux\Zn" \
+          --title " \Z0Setup:\Zn \Z4\ZbSelect Custom Repository\ZB\Zn " \
+          --no-label "Exit Setup" \
+          --yes-label " Select " \
+          --yesno "$(cat $TMP/select-custom-repo$$)" 9 74
+  ret=$?
+  rm -f $TMP/select-custom-repo$$
+  if [ $ret -ne 0 ] ; then
+    push_log "Done"
+    exit
+  fi
+  cat > $TMP/dselect-help$$ << EOF
+  Use the space-bar to copy the current selection into the text-entry
+  window. Press '/' and then Up Arrow to go to selected directoy.
+  result=`$DIALOG --stdout  --colors \
+                  --backtitle "\Z7Radix\Zn \Z1cross\Zn\Z7 Linux\Zn" \
+                  --title " \Z0\ZbSelect the\ZB\Zn \Z0\ZbCustom \Z1REPO\Zn \Z0\ZbDirectory (\ZB\Zn\Z4press F1 for help\Zn\Z0\Zb):\ZB\Zn " \
+                  --hfile $TMP/dselect-help$$ \
+                  --no-shadow \
+                  --dselect ${repo} 7 74`
+  ret=$?
+  if [ $ret -eq 0 ]; then
+    custom_repo="`echo ${result} | sed 's,/$,,'`"
+  else
+    custom_repo=no
+    # continue with default REPO
+  fi
+  rp="${1}"
+  rp="`echo ${rp} | sed 's,/$,,'`"
+  if ! `echo "${rp}" | grep -q "^/"` ; then
+    ask_custom_repo
+    select_custom_repo
+    if [ "x${custom_repo}" != "xno" ] ; then
+      check_custom_repo "${custom_repo}"
+    else
+      return
+    fi
+  fi
+  if [ ! -d "${rp}" ] ; then
+    ask_custom_repo
+    select_custom_repo
+    if [ "x${custom_repo}" != "xno" ] ; then
+      check_custom_repo "${custom_repo}"
+    else
+      return
+    fi
+  fi
+  local depth=`echo "${rp}" | grep -o '/' - | wc -l`
+  if [ "${depth}" -lt "3" ] ; then
+    ask_custom_repo
+    select_custom_repo
+    if [ "x${custom_repo}" != "xno" ] ; then
+      check_custom_repo "${custom_repo}"
+    else
+      return
+    fi
+  fi
+  local  d=`dirname  "${rp}"`
+  local hw=`basename "${rp}"`
+  local th=`basename "${d}"`
+         d=`dirname  "${d}"`
+  local  v=`basename "${d}"`
+  if ! `echo ${v} | grep -q '^[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*'` ; then
+    ask_custom_repo
+    select_custom_repo
+    if [ "x${custom_repo}" != "xno" ] ; then
+      check_custom_repo "${custom_repo}"
+    else
+      return
+    fi
+  fi
+  if [ ! -r "${rp}/${hw}.pkglist" ] ; then
+    ask_custom_repo
+    select_custom_repo
+    if [ "x${custom_repo}" != "xno" ] ; then
+      check_custom_repo "${custom_repo}"
+    else
+      return
+    fi
+  elif [ ! -L "${rp}/.pkglist" ] ; then
+    ( cd "${rp}" ; ln -sf ${hw}.pkglist .pkglist )
+  fi
+  version=$v
+  toolchain=$th
+  hardware=$hw
+  repo=${rp}
+  custom_repo=yes
+# End of Check Custom REPO functions.
+# Check Source REPO functions:
+  local rp="${1}"
+  if [ ! -d "${rp}" ] ; then
+    return 1
+  fi
+  if [ ! -r "${rp}/${HARDWARE}.pkglist" ] ; then
+    return 1
+  elif [ ! -L "${rp}/.pkglist" ] ; then
+    ( cd "${rp}" ; ln -sf ${HARDWARE}.pkglist .pkglist )
+  fi
+  return 0
+# End of Check Source REPO functions.
+# Check Target device functions:
+  local part=${1}
+  local name=`basename ${part}`
+  local major=`ls -l /dev | grep -v ^l | grep ${name} | tr -s ' ' | sed 's/,//g' | cut -f5 -d' ' | sort -u | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,$//'`
+  echo "${major}"
+# returns the prefix 'p' of partition number if applicable
+  local dev=${1}
+  if `echo ${dev: -1} | grep -q '[0-1]'` ; then
+    p=p
+  fi
+  current_device=`${WHERE} -n -o disk`
+  current_root=`${WHERE} -n -o root`
+  pline=`LANG=en_US.UTF-8 fdisk -l --bytes ${current_device} | grep "^${current_root}" | tr -s ' '`
+  active=`echo "${pline}" | cut -f2 -d' '`
+  if [ "${partition_table_type}" = "o" ] ; then
+    if [ "${active}" = "*" ] ; then
+      rootfs_min_bytes=`echo "${pline}" | cut -f6 -d' '`
+    fi
+  else
+    rootfs_min_bytes=`echo "${pline}" | cut -f5 -d' '`
+  fi
+  cat > $TMP/select-target-device$$ << EOF
+ Target device is not selected or invalid.
+ Do you want to select Target Device to install?
+  $DIALOG --colors --defaultno --clear \
+          --backtitle "\Z7${DISTRO_CAPTION}\Zn \Z1cross\Zn\Z7 Linux\Zn" \
+          --title " \Z0Setup:\Zn \Z4\ZbSelect Target Device\ZB\Zn " \
+          --no-label "Exit Setup" \
+          --yes-label " Select " \
+          --yesno "$(cat $TMP/select-target-device$$)" 9 74
+  ret=$?
+  rm -f $TMP/select-target-device$$
+  if [ $ret -ne 0 ] ; then
+    push_log "Done"
+    exit
+  fi
+  cat > $TMP/device-help$$ << EOF
+--colors --clear \\
+--backtitle "\Z7Radix\Zn \Z1cross\Zn\Z7 Linux\Zn" \\
+--title " \Z0\ZbSelect the destination\ZB\Zn " \\
+--menu "\\n\\
+ If the desired device is not displayed in the following list,\\n\\
+ please insert the disk and repeat installation.\\n\\
+ Please select the target device:\\
+" 14 74 3 \\
+  for dev in `lsblk -ldn -o name` ; do
+    #
+    # Skip 'mtd.*', 'mmcblk[0-9]*boot.*':
+    #
+    if `echo ${dev} | grep -q 'mtd.*\|mmcblk[0-9]*boot.*'` ; then
+      continue
+    fi
+    #
+    # Exclude current device:
+    #
+    local sfound=`echo "${current_device}" | grep "/dev/${dev}"`
+    if [ "x${sfound}" = "x" ] ; then
+      echo "\"/dev/$dev\" \" \" \\" >> $TMP/device-help$$
+    fi
+  done
+  ${DIALOG} --file $TMP/device-help$$ 2> $TMP/devmame$$
+  ret=$?
+  if [ $ret -eq 1 -o $ret -eq 255 ]; then
+    rm -f $TMP/devmame$$
+    rm -f $TMP/device-help$$
+    # continue: see check_target_device()
+  fi
+  result=`cat $TMP/devmame$$`
+  rm -f $TMP/devmame$$
+  rm -f $TMP/device-help$$
+  device=$result
+  while [ "x${device}" = "x" -o "x${device}" = "x${current_device}" ] ; do
+    ask_target_device
+    select_target_device
+  done
+  if [ -b "${device}" ] ; then
+    local base=`basename ${device}`
+    local mjrs=`major_number ${device}`
+    local line="`lsblk -I ${mjrs} -l -o name,type | grep \"${base} \" | tr -s ' ' | head -n 1`"
+    if [ "$line" != "" ] ; then
+      local name=`echo "${line}" | tr -s ' ' | cut -f1 -d' '`
+      local type=`echo "${line}" | tr -s ' ' | cut -f2 -d' '`
+      if [ "${base}" = "${name}" -a "${type}" != "disk" -a "${type}" != "loop" ] ; then
+        push_log "ERROR: The DEVICE (${device}) is not a physical disk"
+        device=
+        check_target_device
+      fi
+    else
+      push_log "ERROR: The DEVICE ($device) not found"
+      device=
+      check_target_device
+    fi
+  else
+    push_log "ERROR: The DEVICE ($device) not a block device"
+    device=
+    check_target_device
+  fi
+  part_prefix ${device}
+  disk_geometry ${device}
+# End of Check Target device functions.
+# Partitions functions.
+make_ext2() {
+  local  pname=${1}
+  local plabel=${2}
+  local psize=`get_partition_size ${pname}`
+  let "psize = psize / 1024"
+  $DIALOG --colors \
+          --backtitle "\Z7Radix\Zn \Z1cross\Zn\Z7 Linux\Zn" \
+          --title " \Z0Formatting\Zn \Z4\Zb$pname\ZB\Zn " \
+          --infobox "\n Formatting \Z1${pname}\ZB\Zn\n\n\
+ Size in 1K blocks: \Z4${psize}\Zn\n\
+   Filesystem type: \Z1ext2\Zn\n" 8 74
+  if `mount | grep -q "^${pname} " 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null` ; then
+    umount ${pname} 2>/dev/null
+  fi
+  if [ "x${plabel}" != "x" ] ; then
+    mkfs.ext2 -q -F -L "${plabel}" ${pname} 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+  else
+    mkfs.ext2 -q -F ${pname} 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+  fi
+make_ext3() {
+  local  pname=${1}
+  local plabel=${2}
+  local psize=`get_partition_size ${pname}`
+  let "psize = psize / 1024"
+  $DIALOG --colors \
+          --backtitle "\Z7Radix\Zn \Z1cross\Zn\Z7 Linux\Zn" \
+          --title " \Z0Formatting\Zn \Z4\Zb$pname\ZB\Zn " \
+          --infobox "\n Formatting \Z1${pname}\ZB\Zn\n\n\
+ Size in 1K blocks: \Z4${psize}\Zn\n\
+   Filesystem type: \Z1ext3\Zn\n" 8 74
+  if `mount | grep -q "^${pname} " 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null` ; then
+    umount ${pname} 2>/dev/null
+  fi
+  if [ "x${plabel}" != "x" ] ; then
+    mkfs.ext3 -q -F -L "${plabel}" ${pname} 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+  else
+    mkfs.ext3 -q -F ${pname} 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+  fi
+make_ext4() {
+  local  pname=${1}
+  local plabel=${2}
+  local psize=`get_partition_size ${pname}`
+  let "psize = psize / 1024"
+  $DIALOG --colors \
+          --backtitle "\Z7Radix\Zn \Z1cross\Zn\Z7 Linux\Zn" \
+          --title " \Z0Formatting\Zn \Z4\Zb$pname\ZB\Zn " \
+          --infobox "\n Formatting \Z1${pname}\ZB\Zn\n\n\
+ Size in 1K blocks: \Z4${psize}\Zn\n\
+   Filesystem type: \Z1ext4\Zn\n" 8 74
+  if `mount | grep -q "^${pname} " 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null` ; then
+    umount ${pname} 2>/dev/null
+  fi
+  if [ "x${plabel}" != "x" ] ; then
+    mkfs.ext4 -q -F -L "${plabel}" ${pname} 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+  else
+    mkfs.ext4 -q -F ${pname} 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+  fi
+make_vfat() {
+  local  pname=${1}
+  local plabel=${2}
+  local psize=`get_partition_size ${pname}`
+  let "psize = psize / 1024"
+  $DIALOG --colors \
+          --backtitle "\Z7Radix\Zn \Z1cross\Zn\Z7 Linux\Zn" \
+          --title " \Z0Formatting\Zn \Z4\Zb$pname\ZB\Zn " \
+          --infobox "\n Formatting \Z1${pname}\ZB\Zn\n\n\
+ Size in 1K blocks: \Z4${psize}\Zn\n\
+   Filesystem type: \Z1vfat\Zn\n" 8 74
+  if `mount | grep -q "^${pname} " 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null` ; then
+    umount ${pname} 2>/dev/null
+  fi
+  if [ "x${plabel}" != "x" ] ; then
+    mkfs.fat -F 32 -n "${plabel}" ${pname} 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+  else
+    mkfs.fat -F 32 ${pname} 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+  fi
+make_btrfs() {
+  local  pname=${1}
+  local plabel=${2}
+  local psize=`get_partition_size ${pname}`
+  let "psize = psize / 1024"
+  $DIALOG --colors \
+          --backtitle "\Z7Radix\Zn \Z1cross\Zn\Z7 Linux\Zn" \
+          --title " \Z0Formatting\Zn \Z4\Zb$pname\ZB\Zn " \
+          --infobox "\n Formatting \Z1${pname}\ZB\Zn\n\n\
+ Size in 1K blocks: \Z4${psize}\Zn\n\
+   Filesystem type: \Z1btrfs\Zn\n" 8 74
+  if `mount | grep -q "^${pname} " 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null` ; then
+    umount ${pname} 2>/dev/null
+  fi
+  if [ "x${plabel}" != "x" ] ; then
+    mkfs.btrfs -d single -m single -L "${plabel}" ${pname} 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+  else
+    mkfs.btrfs -d single -m single ${pname} 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+  fi
+make_jfs() {
+  local  pname=${1}
+  local plabel=${2}
+  local psize=`get_partition_size ${pname}`
+  let "psize = psize / 1024"
+  $DIALOG --colors \
+          --backtitle "\Z7Radix\Zn \Z1cross\Zn\Z7 Linux\Zn" \
+          --title " \Z0Formatting\Zn \Z4\Zb$pname\ZB\Zn " \
+          --infobox "\n Formatting \Z1${pname}\ZB\Zn\n\n\
+ Size in 1K blocks: \Z4${psize}\Zn\n\
+   Filesystem type: \Z1jfs\Zn\n" 8 74
+  if `mount | grep -q "^${pname} " 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null` ; then
+    umount ${pname} 2>/dev/null
+  fi
+  if [ "x${plabel}" != "x" ] ; then
+    mkfs.jfs -q -L "${plabel}" ${pname} 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+  else
+    mkfs.jfs -q ${pname} 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+  fi
+make_xfs() {
+  local  pname=${1}
+  local plabel=${2}
+  local psize=`get_partition_size ${pname}`
+  let "psize = psize / 1024"
+  $DIALOG --colors \
+          --backtitle "\Z7Radix\Zn \Z1cross\Zn\Z7 Linux\Zn" \
+          --title " \Z0Formatting\Zn \Z4\Zb$pname\ZB\Zn " \
+          --infobox "\n Formatting \Z1${pname}\ZB\Zn\n\n\
+ Size in 1K blocks: \Z4${psize}\Zn\n\
+   Filesystem type: \Z1xfs\Zn\n" 8 74
+  if `mount | grep -q "^${pname} " 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null` ; then
+    umount ${pname} 2>/dev/null
+  fi
+  if [ "x${plabel}" != "x" ] ; then
+    mkfs.xfs -q -f -L "${plabel}" ${pname} 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+  else
+    mkfs.xfs -q -f ${pname} 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+  fi
+make_swap() {
+  local  pname=${1}
+  local plabel=${2}
+  local psize=`get_partition_size ${pname}`
+  let "psize = psize / 1024"
+  $DIALOG --colors \
+          --backtitle "\Z7Radix\Zn \Z1cross\Zn\Z7 Linux\Zn" \
+          --title " \Z0Formatting\Zn \Z4\Zb$pname\ZB\Zn " \
+          --infobox "\n Formatting \Z1${pname}\ZB\Zn\n\n\
+ Size in 1K blocks: \Z4${psize}\Zn\n\
+   Filesystem type: \Z1swap\Zn\n" 8 74
+  if `mount | grep -q "^${pname} " 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null` ; then
+    umount ${pname} 2>/dev/null
+  fi
+  if [ "x${plabel}" != "x" ] ; then
+    mkswap -v1 -L "${plabel}" ${pname} 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+  else
+    mkswap -v1 ${pname} 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+  fi
+  local disk=${1}
+  local devname=`echo ${disk} | sed -e 's,^/dev/,,'`
+  if [ "${partition_table_type}" = "g" ] ; then
+    uefi_id="EFI System"
+    linux_id="Linux filesystem"
+    swap_id="Linux swap"
+  else
+    uefi_id="ef"
+    linux_id="83"
+    swap_id="82"
+  fi
+  truncate -s0 $partlist
+  local first_uefi= ; local first_root= ; local first_home=
+  local plist=`LANG=en_US.UTF-8 lsblk -lb -o name,size,type,fstype,mountpoint | grep ${devname} | tr -s ' '`
+  echo -e "${plist}" | while read -r line ; do
+    words=`echo "${line}" | wc -w`
+    pname= ; psize= ; ptype= ; fstype= ; mpoint= ; partuuid= ; uuid=
+    pname=`echo "${line}" | cut -f1 -d ' '`
+    if [ ${words} -ge 2 ] ; then
+      psize=`echo "${line}" | cut -f2 -d ' '`
+    fi
+    if [ ${words} -ge 3 ] ; then
+      ptype=`echo "${line}" | cut -f3 -d ' '`
+      if [ "${ptype}" != "part" ] ; then
+        continue
+      fi
+    fi
+    if [ ${words} -ge 4 ] ; then
+      fstype=`echo "${line}" | cut -f4 -d ' '`
+    fi
+    if [ ${words} -ge 5 ] ; then
+      mpoint=`echo "${line}" | cut -f5 -d ' '`
+    fi
+    #
+    # recomended values:
+    #
+    used=
+    # skip active partition sign [asterisk '*']
+    local pline=`LANG=en_US.UTF-8 fdisk -l /dev/${devname} | grep "^/dev/${pname}" | tr -s ' '`
+    active=`echo "${pline}" | cut -f2 -d' '`
+    if [ "${partition_table_type}" = "g" ] ; then
+      partid=`echo "${pline}" | cut -f6,7 -d' '`
+    else
+      if [ "${active}" = "*" ] ; then
+        partid=`echo "${pline}" | cut -f7 -d' '`
+      else
+        partid=`echo "${pline}" | cut -f6 -d' '`
+      fi
+    fi
+    if [ "${partid}" = "${swap_id}" ] ; then
+      mpoint="swap"
+      fstype="swap"
+    fi
+    if [ "x${first_uefi}" = "x" ] ; then
+      if [ "${partid}" = "${uefi_id}" ] ; then
+        first_boot="/dev/${pname}"
+        mpoint="/boot/efi"
+        fstype="vfat"
+        used="use"
+      fi
+    fi
+    if [ "x${first_root}" = "x" ] ; then
+      if [ "${partid}" = "${linux_id}" ] ; then
+        first_root="/dev/${pname}"
+        mpoint="/"
+        fstype="ext4"
+      fi
+    fi
+    if [ "x${first_root}" != "x" -a "x${first_home}" = "x" ] ; then
+      if [ "${partid}" = "${linux_id}" ] ; then
+         if [ "${first_root}" != "/dev/${pname}" ] ; then
+           first_home="/dev/${pname}"
+           mpoint="/home"
+           fstype="ext4"
+        fi
+      fi
+    fi
+    echo "/dev/${pname}:${psize}:${fstype}:${mpoint}:${used}:${partuuid}:${uuid}" | tr -s ' ' >> ${partlist}
+  done
+  local disk=${1}
+  local devname=`echo ${disk} | sed -e 's,^/dev/,,'`
+  local first_uefi= ; local first_root= ; local first_home=
+  truncate -s0 $partitems
+  cat "$partlist" | while read -r line ; do
+    pname= ; psize= ; ptype= ; fstype= ; mpoint=
+    pname=`echo "$line" | cut -f1 -d':'`
+    #
+    # get partition type (skipping active partition sign [asterisk '*']):
+    #
+    pline=`LANG=en_US.UTF-8 fdisk -l ${disk} | grep "^${pname}" | tr -s ' '`
+    active=`echo "${pline}" | cut -f2 -d' '`
+    if [ "${partition_table_type}" = "g" ] ; then
+      ptype=`echo "${pline}" | cut -f6,7 -d' '`
+    else
+      if [ "${active}" = "*" ] ; then
+        ptype=`echo "${pline}" | cut -f7 -d' '`
+      else
+        ptype=`echo "${pline}" | cut -f6 -d' '`
+      fi
+    fi
+    if [ "${partition_table_type}" = "g" ] ; then
+      if [ "${ptype}" = "EFI System" ] ; then
+        ptype="ef"
+      fi
+      if [ "${ptype}" = "Linux filesystem" ] ; then
+        ptype="83"
+      fi
+      if [ "${ptype}" = "Linux swap" ] ; then
+        ptype="82"
+      fi
+    fi
+    ptype=`printf ' %02s ' "${ptype}"`
+    psize=`echo "${line}" | cut -f2 -d':'`
+    let "psize = psize / 1048576"
+    psize=`printf '%6d' $psize`
+    fstype=`echo "${line}" | cut -f3 -d':'`
+    fstype=`printf '%-8s' "${fstype}"`
+    mpoint=`echo "${line}" | cut -f4 -d':'`
+    used=`echo "${line}" | cut -f5 -d':'`
+    if [ "${used}" == "use" ] ; then
+      fstype="\\Z4${fstype}\\Zn"
+      mpoint="\\Z4${mpoint}\\Zn"
+    fi
+    echo "\"${pname}\" \"${psize}M ${ptype} ${fstype} ${mpoint}\" \\" | sed -e 's,\s\+$,,g' >> ${partitems}
+  done
+  local dev=${1}
+  local psize=`cat ${partlist} | grep "^${dev}" | cut -f2 -d':'`
+  echo -n "${psize}"
+  local dev=${1}
+  local fstype=`cat ${partlist} | grep "^${dev}" | cut -f3 -d':'`
+  echo -n "${fstype}"
+set_recomended_fstype() {
+  local dev=${1}
+  local fstype=${2}
+  local   name=`echo ${dev} | sed -e 's,/dev/,,'`
+  local  psize=`cat ${partlist} | grep "^${dev}" | cut -f2 -d':'`
+  local mpoint=`cat ${partlist} | grep "^${dev}" | cut -f4 -d':'`
+  local  puuid=`cat ${partlist} | grep "^${dev}" | cut -f6 -d':'`
+  local   uuid=`cat ${partlist} | grep "^${dev}" | cut -f7 -d':'`
+  sed -i "/${name}/c\/dev/${name}:${psize}:${fstype}:${mpoint}:use:${puuid}:${uuid}" ${partlist}
+  local dev=${1}
+  local mpoint=`cat ${partlist} | grep "^${dev}" | cut -f4 -d':'`
+  echo -n "${mpoint}"
+  local dev=${1}
+  local mpoint=${2}
+  local   name=`echo ${dev} | sed -e 's,/dev/,,'`
+  local  psize=`cat ${partlist} | grep "^${dev}" | cut -f2 -d':'`
+  local fstype=`cat ${partlist} | grep "^${dev}" | cut -f3 -d':'`
+  local  puuid=`cat ${partlist} | grep "^${dev}" | cut -f6 -d':'`
+  local   uuid=`cat ${partlist} | grep "^${dev}" | cut -f7 -d':'`
+  sed -i "/${name}/c\/dev/${name}:${psize}:${fstype}:${mpoint}:use:${puuid}:${uuid}" ${partlist}
+  cat "${partlist}" | while read -r line ; do
+    pname= ; fstype= ; mpoint=
+     pname=`echo "${line}" | cut -f1 -d':'`
+    fstype=`echo "${line}" | cut -f3 -d':'`
+    mpoint=`echo "${line}" | cut -f4 -d':'`
+    if [ "${mpoint}" = "/" ] ; then
+      echo -n "${pname}"
+      break
+    fi
+  done
+  cat "${partlist}" | while read -r line ; do
+    pname= ; fstype= ; mpoint=
+     pname=`echo "${line}" | cut -f1 -d':'`
+    fstype=`echo "${line}" | cut -f3 -d':'`
+    mpoint=`echo "${line}" | cut -f4 -d':'`
+    if [ "${mpoint}" = "/boot/efi" ] ; then
+      echo -n "${pname}"
+      break
+    fi
+  done
+  local dev=${1}
+  local puuid=`cat ${partlist} | grep "^${dev}" | cut -f6 -d':'`
+  echo -n "${puuid}"
+  local dev=${1}
+  local  puuid=${2}
+  local   name=`echo ${dev} | sed -e 's,/dev/,,'`
+  local  psize=`cat ${partlist} | grep "^${dev}" | cut -f2 -d':'`
+  local fstype=`cat ${partlist} | grep "^${dev}" | cut -f3 -d':'`
+  local mpoint=`cat ${partlist} | grep "^${dev}" | cut -f4 -d':'`
+  local   used=`cat ${partlist} | grep "^${dev}" | cut -f5 -d':'`
+  local   uuid=`cat ${partlist} | grep "^${dev}" | cut -f7 -d':'`
+  sed -i "/${name}/c\/dev/${name}:${psize}:${fstype}:${mpoint}:${used}:${puuid}:${uuid}" ${partlist}
+  local dev=${1}
+  local uuid=`cat ${partlist} | grep "^${dev}" | cut -f7 -d':'`
+  echo -n "${uuid}"
+  local dev=${1}
+  local   uuid=${2}
+  local   name=`echo ${dev} | sed -e 's,/dev/,,'`
+  local  psize=`cat ${partlist} | grep "^${dev}" | cut -f2 -d':'`
+  local fstype=`cat ${partlist} | grep "^${dev}" | cut -f3 -d':'`
+  local mpoint=`cat ${partlist} | grep "^${dev}" | cut -f4 -d':'`
+  local   used=`cat ${partlist} | grep "^${dev}" | cut -f5 -d':'`
+  local  puuid=`cat ${partlist} | grep "^${dev}" | cut -f6 -d':'`
+  sed -i "/${name}/c\/dev/${name}:${psize}:${fstype}:${mpoint}:${used}:${puuid}:${uuid}" ${partlist}
+  local  pname=${1}
+  local fstype=${2}
+  local plabel=
+  mpoint=`get_recomended_mpoint ${pname}`
+  if [ "${mpoint}" = "/" ] ; then
+    plabel="root"
+  fi
+  if [ "${mpoint}" == "/home" ] ; then
+    plabel="home"
+  fi
+  cat > $TMP/partlabel-help$$ << EOF
+ Please specify the volume label for file system
+ on the \Z1${pname}\Zn partition.
+ Set the volume label or leave following field blank:
+  result=`$DIALOG --stdout  --colors \
+                  --backtitle "\Z7Radix\Zn \Z1cross\Zn\Z7 Linux\Zn" \
+                  --title " \Z0Select Volume Label\Zn " \
+                  --inputbox "$(cat $TMP/partlabel-help$$)" 12 74 "${plabel}"`
+  ret=$?
+  rm -f $TMP/partlabel-help$$
+  if [ ${ret} -eq 0 ]; then
+    plabel="${result}"
+  fi
+  case "${fstype}" in
+    ext2 )
+      make_ext2 "${pname}" "${plabel}"
+      ;;
+    ext3 )
+      make_ext3 "${pname}" "${plabel}"
+      ;;
+    ext4 )
+      make_ext4 "${pname}" "${plabel}"
+      ;;
+    vfat )
+      make_vfat "${pname}" "${plabel}"
+      ;;
+    btrfs )
+      make_btrfs "${pname}" "${plabel}"
+      ;;
+    * )
+      ;;
+  esac
+  set_recomended_fstype "${pname}" "${fstype}"
+  local pname=${1}
+  local mpoint=${2}
+  cat > $TMP/mountpoint-help$$ << EOF
+ Please specify the mount directory of the \Z1${pname}\Zn partition.
+ Set the mount directory:
+  result=`$DIALOG --stdout  --colors \
+                  --backtitle "\Z7Radix\Zn \Z1cross\Zn\Z7 Linux\Zn" \
+                  --title " \Z0Select Mount Point for\Zn \Z4${pname}\Zn " \
+                  --inputbox "$(cat $TMP/mountpoint-help$$)" 11 74 "${mpoint}"`
+  ret=$?
+  rm -f $TMP/mountpoint-help$$
+  if [ ${ret} -eq 0 ]; then
+    mpoint="${result}"
+  fi
+  set_recomended_mpoint "${pname}" "${mpoint}"
+  local pname=${1}
+  local fstype=`get_recomended_fstype ${pname}`
+  local mpoint=`get_recomended_mpoint ${pname}`
+  if [ "${fstype}" == "swap" ] ; then
+    cat > $TMP/mountpoint-help$$ << EOF
+ Radix Setup will now prepare your system's \Z1swap\Zn space.
+ Would you like to format \Z1${pname}\Zn using \Z4mkswap\Zn ?
+    result=`$DIALOG --stdout  --colors \
+                    --backtitle "\Z7Radix\Zn \Z1cross\Zn\Z7 Linux\Zn" \
+                    --title " \Z0Format Swap Partition\Zn \Z4${pname}\Zn " \
+                    --yes-label " OK " \
+                    --yesno "$(cat $TMP/mountpoint-help$$)" 9 74`
+    ret=$?
+    rm -f $TMP/mountpoint-help$$
+    if [ ${ret} -eq 0 ]; then
+      make_swap ${pname} swap
+    else
+      return
+    fi
+    set_recomended_fstype "${pname}" "swap"
+    set_recomended_mpoint "${pname}" "swap"
+    return
+  else
+    if grep -wq ext2 /proc/filesystems 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then
+      EXT2="Ext2 is the traditional Linux file system and is fast and stable."
+    fi
+    if grep -wq ext3 /proc/filesystems 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then
+      EXT3="Ext3 is the journaling version of the Ext2 filesystem."
+    fi
+    if grep -wq ext4 /proc/filesystems 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then
+      EXT4="Ext4 is the successor to the ext3 filesystem."
+    fi
+    if grep -wq btrfs /proc/filesystems 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then
+      BTRFS="Btrfs is a B-tree copy-on-write filesystem."
+    fi
+    if grep -wq vfat /proc/filesystems 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then
+      VFAT="VFAT is a updated version of the FAT filesystem for Windows. VFAT's updates are mainly support for longer file names."
+    fi
+    if grep -wq jfs /proc/filesystems 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then
+      JFS="JFS is IBM's Journaled Filesystem, currently used in IBM enterprise servers."
+    fi
+    if grep -wq xfs /proc/filesystems 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then
+      XFS="XFS is SGI's journaling filesystem that originated on IRIX."
+    fi
+    cat > $TMP/filesystem-help$$ << EOF
+--colors --default-item "${fstype}" \\
+--backtitle "\Z7Radix\Zn \Z1cross\Zn\Z7 Linux\Zn" \\
+--title " \Z0Select File System for\Zn \Z4${pname}\Zn " \\
+--menu "\\n\\
+ Please select the type of filesystem to use for the specified device\\n\\
+ or hit <\Z1\ZbC\ZB\Zn\Zbancel\ZB> to leave existed filesystem. \\
+ Here are descriptions of the available filesystems:\\
+" 15 74 4 \\
+    if [ "x${EXT2}" != "x" ]; then
+      echo "\"ext2\" \"Standard Linux Ext2 Filesystem\" \\" >> $TMP/filesystem-help$$
+    fi
+    if [ "x${EXT3}" != "x" ]; then
+      echo "\"ext3\" \"Ext3 Journaling Filesystem\" \\" >> $TMP/filesystem-help$$
+    fi
+    if [ "x${EXT4}" != "x" ]; then
+      echo "\"ext4\" \"Ext4 Journaling Filesystem\" \\" >> $TMP/filesystem-help$$
+    fi
+    if [ "x${VFAT}" != "x" ]; then
+      echo "\"vfat\" \"VFAT updated version of the FAT filesystem\" \\" >> $TMP/filesystem-help$$
+    fi
+    if [ "x${BTRFS}" != "x" ]; then
+      echo "\"btrfs\" \"Btrfs Copy-on-Write B-tree Filesystem\" \\" >> $TMP/filesystem-help$$
+    fi
+    $DIALOG --file $TMP/filesystem-help$$ 2> $TMP/filesystem$$
+    ret=$?
+    result=`cat $TMP/filesystem$$`
+    rm -f $TMP/filesystem$$
+    rm -f $TMP/filesystem-help$$
+    if [ ${ret} -eq 0 ]; then
+      fstype=${result}
+      # Create File System:
+      create_file_system "${pname}" "${fstype}"
+      # Set Mount Point:
+      set_mount_point "${pname}" "${mpoint}"
+    else
+      # Leave existed file system:
+      set_recomended_fstype "${pname}" "${fstype}"
+      # Set Mount Point:
+      set_mount_point "${pname}" "${mpoint}"
+    fi
+  fi
+  local disk=${1}
+  if [ "x${disk}" = "x" ] ; then
+    return 255
+  fi
+  local items=4
+  local height=21
+  gen_parts_list "${disk}"
+  while [ 0 ] ; do
+    cat > $TMP/menu-format$$ << EOF
+--colors --clear --cancel-label "Continue" \\
+--backtitle "\Z7Radix\Zn \Z1cross\Zn\Z7 Linux\Zn" \\
+--title " \Z0Create File Systems and Select\Zn \Z0Mountpoints\Zn " \\
+--menu "\\n\\
+    cat >> $TMP/menu-format$$ << EOF
+ The target disk has fillowing partitions. Each menu item show the\\n\\
+ device name, size in MiB, and type of existing partition. Last two\\n\\
+ columns may shows recomended filesystem and mount point for the\\n\\
+ target system. Now you can create filesystem on each existing\\n\\
+ partitions (if needed) and choose or confirm mount point.\\n\\n\\
+ Already changed values will be shown in \Z4\ZbBlue\ZB\Zn (0x0000FF) color.\\
+    cat >> $TMP/menu-format$$ << EOF
+ Please select each of partitions listed below,\\n\\
+ or if you're done, hit <Continue>:\\
+" $height 73 $items \\
+    gen_parts_menu_items "${disk}"
+    cat "${partitems}" >> $TMP/menu-format$$
+    $DIALOG --file $TMP/menu-format$$ 2> $TMP/format$$
+    ret=$?
+    if [ ${ret} -eq 1 -o ${ret} -eq 255 ]; then
+      rm -f $TMP/format$$
+      rm -f $TMP/menu-format$$
+      # continue the installation
+      return ${ret}
+    fi
+    local pname=`cat $TMP/format$$`
+    rm -f $TMP/format$$
+    rm -f $TMP/menu-format$$
+    format_partition "${pname}"
+  done
+  local disk=${1}
+  while [ 0 ] ; do
+    prepare_partitions "${disk}"
+    ret=$?
+    if [ ${ret} -eq 255 ]; then
+      # User can interrupt format partitions cycle by press Esc button
+      # on keyboard. In this case we have to exit setup because we not
+      # sure that user done all needs.  If user say Esc again, then we
+      # will return him back to the cycle until user press <Continue>.
+      ask_exit_setup
+      continue
+    fi
+    if [ ${ret} -eq 1 ]; then
+      break
+    fi
+  done
+  local disk=${1}
+  local has_uefi=
+  local has_linux=
+  local retvalue=0
+  if [ "${partition_table_type}" = "g" ] ; then
+    if [ "x${uefi_bytes}" != "x" ] ; then
+      has_uefi=`LANG=en_US.UTF-8 fdisk -l ${disk} | tr -s ' ' | grep "^${disk}.* EFI System"`
+      if [ "x${has_uefi}" = "x" ] ; then
+        retvalue=1
+      fi
+    fi
+    has_linux=`LANG=en_US.UTF-8 fdisk -l ${disk} | tr -s ' '  | grep "^${disk}.* Linux filesystem"`
+    if [ "x${has_linux}" = "x" ] ; then
+      retvalue=2
+    fi
+  else
+    if [ "x${uefi_bytes}" != "x" ] ; then
+      has_uefi=`LANG=en_US.UTF-8 fdisk -l ${disk} | tr -s ' '  | grep "^${disk}.* ef .*"`
+      if [ "x${has_uefi}" = "x" ] ; then
+        retvalue=1
+      fi
+    fi
+    has_linux=`LANG=en_US.UTF-8 fdisk -l ${disk} | tr -s ' '  | grep "^${disk}.* 83 .*"`
+    if [ "x${has_linux}" = "x" ] ; then
+      retvalue=2
+    fi
+  fi
+  if [ "${retvalue}" -eq "1" ] ; then
+    error_dialog "Target device must have \Z1EFI\Zn partition."
+    ask_formatting "${disk}"
+  fi
+  if [ "${retvalue}" -eq "2" ] ; then
+    error_dialog "Target device must have at least one \Z1Linux\Zn partition."
+    ask_formatting "${disk}"
+  fi
+  cat "${partlist}" | while read -r line ; do
+    pname= ; fstype= ; mpoint=
+     pname=`echo "${line}" | cut -f1 -d':'`
+    fstype=`echo "${line}" | cut -f3 -d':'`
+    mpoint=`echo "${line}" | cut -f4 -d':'`
+      used=`echo "${line}" | cut -f5 -d':'`
+    if [ "${used}" = "use" ] ; then
+      if [ "${mpoint}" = "/" ] ; then
+        name=`echo ${pname} | sed -e 's,/dev/,,'`
+        PARTUUID=`LANG=en_US.UTF-8 lsblk -ln -o name,partuuid | grep "^${name}" | tr -s ' ' | cut -f2 -d' '`
+            UUID=`LANG=en_US.UTF-8 lsblk -ln -o name,uuid | grep "^${name}" | tr -s ' ' | cut -f2 -d' '`
+        set_part_uuid "${pname}" "${PARTUUID}"
+             set_uuid "${pname}" "${UUID}"
+      elif [ "${mpoint}" = "/home" ] ; then
+        name=`echo ${pname} | sed -e 's,/dev/,,'`
+        PARTUUID=`LANG=en_US.UTF-8 lsblk -ln -o name,partuuid | grep "^${name}" | tr -s ' ' | cut -f2 -d' '`
+            UUID=`LANG=en_US.UTF-8 lsblk -ln -o name,uuid | grep "^${name}" | tr -s ' ' | cut -f2 -d' '`
+        set_part_uuid "${pname}" "${PARTUUID}"
+             set_uuid "${pname}" "${UUID}"
+      elif [ "${fstype}" = "vfat" -a "${mpoint}" = "/boot/efi" ] ; then
+        name=`echo ${pname} | sed -e 's,/dev/,,'`
+        PARTUUID=`LANG=en_US.UTF-8 lsblk -ln -o name,partuuid | grep "^${name}" | tr -s ' ' | cut -f2 -d' '`
+            UUID=`LANG=en_US.UTF-8 lsblk -ln -o name,uuid | grep "^${name}" | tr -s ' ' | cut -f2 -d' '`
+        set_part_uuid "${pname}" "${PARTUUID}"
+             set_uuid "${pname}" "${UUID}"
+      elif [ "${fstype}" = "swap" ] ; then
+        name=`echo ${pname} | sed -e 's,/dev/,,'`
+        PARTUUID=`LANG=en_US.UTF-8 lsblk -ln -o name,partuuid | grep "^${name}" | tr -s ' ' | cut -f2 -d' '`
+            UUID=`LANG=en_US.UTF-8 lsblk -ln -o name,uuid | grep "^${name}" | tr -s ' ' | cut -f2 -d' '`
+        set_part_uuid "${pname}" "${PARTUUID}"
+             set_uuid "${pname}" "${UUID}"
+      fi
+    fi
+  done
+# End of Partitions functions.
+# prepare /etc/fstab - create temporary /etc/fstab according to
+#                      the table of formated partitions.
+prepare_dev_etc_fstab() {
+  cat > $fstab << EOF
+# /etc/fstab
+# --------------+----------------+-----------+------------------------------------+------+------
+#        device | mount point    | FS type   | options                            | dump | pass
+# --------------+----------------+-----------+------------------------------------+------+------
+  cat "${partlist}" | while read -r line ; do
+    pname= ; fstype= ; mpoint= ; dump= ; pass=
+     pname=`echo "${line}" | cut -f1 -d':'`
+    fstype=`echo "${line}" | cut -f3 -d':'`
+    mpoint=`echo "${line}" | cut -f4 -d':'`
+      used=`echo "${line}" | cut -f5 -d':'`
+    if [ "${used}" = "use" ] ; then
+      if [ "${mpoint}" = "/" ] ; then
+        dump=1 ; pass=1
+      elif [ "${mpoint}" = "/home" ] ; then
+        dump=1 ; pass=2
+      elif [ "${fstype}" = "vfat" -a "${mpoint}" = "/boot/efi" ] ; then
+        dump=1 ; pass=0
+      elif [ "${mpoint}" = "swap" ] ; then
+        dump=0 ; pass=0
+      else
+        dump=1 ; pass=2
+      fi
+      printf "%-16s %-16s %-11s %-36s %-6s %s\n" "${pname}" "${mpoint}" "${fstype}" "defaults" "${dump}" "${pass}" >> ${fstab}
+    fi
+  done
+  echo "" >> ${fstab}
+  printf "%-16s %-16s %-11s %-36s %-6s %s\n" "devpts" "/dev/pts" "devpts" "gid=5,mode=620"      "0" "0" >> ${fstab}
+  printf "%-16s %-16s %-11s %-36s %-6s %s\n" "proc"   "/proc"    "proc"   "defaults"            "0" "0" >> ${fstab}
+  printf "%-16s %-16s %-11s %-36s %-6s %s\n" "tmpfs"  "/dev/shm" "tmpfs"  "nosuid,nodev,noexec" "0" "0" >> ${fstab}
+  cat >> ${fstab} << EOF
+# --------------+----------------+-----------+------------------------------------+------+------
+prepare_uuid_etc_fstab() {
+  cat > $fstab << EOF
+# /etc/fstab
+# ----------------------------------------+----------------+-----------+------------------------------------+------+------
+#                  device                 | mount point    | FS type   | options                            | dump | pass
+# ----------------------------------------+----------------+-----------+------------------------------------+------+------
+  cat "${partlist}" | while read -r line ; do
+    pname= ; fstype= ; mpoint= ; dump= ; pass=
+     pname=`echo "${line}" | cut -f1 -d':'`
+    fstype=`echo "${line}" | cut -f3 -d':'`
+    mpoint=`echo "${line}" | cut -f4 -d':'`
+      used=`echo "${line}" | cut -f5 -d':'`
+      uuid=`echo "${line}" | cut -f7 -d':'`
+    if [ "${used}" = "use" ] ; then
+      if [ "${mpoint}" = "/" ] ; then
+        dump=1 ; pass=1
+      elif [ "${mpoint}" = "/home" ] ; then
+        dump=1 ; pass=2
+      elif [ "${fstype}" = "vfat" -a "${mpoint}" = "/boot/efi" ] ; then
+        dump=1 ; pass=0
+      elif [ "${mpoint}" = "swap" ] ; then
+        dump=0 ; pass=0
+      else
+        dump=1 ; pass=2
+      fi
+      printf "%-42s %-16s %-11s %-36s %-6s %s\n" "UUID=${uuid}" "${mpoint}" "${fstype}" "defaults" "${dump}" "${pass}" >> ${fstab}
+    fi
+  done
+  echo "" >> ${fstab}
+  printf "%-42s %-16s %-11s %-36s %-6s %s\n" "devpts" "/dev/pts" "devpts" "gid=5,mode=620"      "0" "0" >> ${fstab}
+  printf "%-42s %-16s %-11s %-36s %-6s %s\n" "proc"   "/proc"    "proc"   "defaults"            "0" "0" >> ${fstab}
+  printf "%-42s %-16s %-11s %-36s %-6s %s\n" "tmpfs"  "/dev/shm" "tmpfs"  "nosuid,nodev,noexec" "0" "0" >> ${fstab}
+  cat >> ${fstab} << EOF
+# ----------------------------------------+----------------+-----------+------------------------------------+------+------
+prepare_partuuid_etc_fstab() {
+  if [ "${partition_table_type}" = "g" ] ; then
+    local dlen=46
+    cat > $fstab << EOF
+# /etc/fstab
+# --------------------------------------------+----------------+-----------+------------------------------------+------+------
+#                    device                   | mount point    | FS type   | options                            | dump | pass
+# --------------------------------------------+----------------+-----------+------------------------------------+------+------
+  else
+    local dlen=21
+    cat > $fstab << EOF
+# /etc/fstab
+# -------------------+----------------+-----------+------------------------------------+------+------
+#             device | mount point    | FS type   | options                            | dump | pass
+# -------------------+----------------+-----------+------------------------------------+------+------
+  fi
+  cat "${partlist}" | while read -r line ; do
+    pname= ; fstype= ; mpoint= ; dump= ; pass=
+     pname=`echo "${line}" | cut -f1 -d':'`
+    fstype=`echo "${line}" | cut -f3 -d':'`
+    mpoint=`echo "${line}" | cut -f4 -d':'`
+      used=`echo "${line}" | cut -f5 -d':'`
+     puuid=`echo "${line}" | cut -f6 -d':'`
+    if [ "${used}" = "use" ] ; then
+      if [ "${mpoint}" = "/" ] ; then
+        dump=1 ; pass=1
+      elif [ "${mpoint}" = "/home" ] ; then
+        dump=1 ; pass=2
+      elif [ "${fstype}" = "vfat" -a "${mpoint}" = "/boot/efi" ] ; then
+        dump=1 ; pass=0
+      elif [ "${mpoint}" = "swap" ] ; then
+        dump=0 ; pass=0
+      else
+        dump=1 ; pass=2
+      fi
+      printf "%-${dlen}s %-16s %-11s %-36s %-6s %s\n" "PARTUUID=${puuid}" "${mpoint}" "${fstype}" "defaults" "${dump}" "${pass}" >> ${fstab}
+    fi
+  done
+  echo "" >> ${fstab}
+  printf "%-${dlen}s %-16s %-11s %-36s %-6s %s\n" "devpts" "/dev/pts" "devpts" "gid=5,mode=620"      "0" "0" >> ${fstab}
+  printf "%-${dlen}s %-16s %-11s %-36s %-6s %s\n" "proc"   "/proc"    "proc"   "defaults"            "0" "0" >> ${fstab}
+  printf "%-${dlen}s %-16s %-11s %-36s %-6s %s\n" "tmpfs"  "/dev/shm" "tmpfs"  "nosuid,nodev,noexec" "0" "0" >> ${fstab}
+  if [ "${partition_table_type}" = "g" ] ; then
+    cat >> ${fstab} << EOF
+# --------------------------------------------+----------------+-----------+------------------------------------+------+------
+  else
+    cat >> ${fstab} << EOF
+# -------------------+----------------+-----------+------------------------------------+------+------
+  fi
+# End of prepare /etc/fstab functions.
+# prepare /boot/grub/grub.cfg - create temporary
+#                               /boot/grub/grub.cfg according to
+#                               the table of formated partitions.
+  local root_uuid=`cat "${partlist}" | grep ':/:' | cut -f7 -d':'`
+  local root_partuuid=`cat "${partlist}" | grep ':/:' | cut -f6 -d':'`
+  cat > ${grub_cfg} << EOF
+set menu_color_normal=black/light-gray
+set menu_color_highlight=white/light-gray
+set background_color=black
+set timeout=5
+  if [ "${hardware}" = "baikal-m1" ] ; then
+    cat >> ${grub_cfg} << EOF
+font '/boot/grub/fonts/dejavusansmono.pf2'
+  fi
+  cat >> ${grub_cfg} << EOF
+loadfont dejavusansmono
+menuentry 'Radix cross Linux' {
+  set root_uuid=${root_uuid}
+  set part_uuid=${root_partuuid}
+  insmod gzio
+  insmod xzio
+  if [ "${hardware}" = "intel-pc32" ] ; then
+    cat >> ${grub_cfg} << EOF
+  insmod part_msdos
+  fi
+  cat >> ${grub_cfg} << EOF
+  insmod part_gpt
+  insmod ext2
+  search --set=root --fs-uuid \$root_uuid
+  if [ "${hardware}" = "ebox-3350dx2" -o \
+       "${hardware}" = "intel-pc32"   -o \
+       "${hardware}" = "intel-pc64" ] ; then
+    cat >> ${grub_cfg} << EOF
+  linux (\$root)/boot/vmlinuz root=PARTUUID=\$part_uuid ro rootwait console=tty0
+  fi
+  if [ "${hardware}" = "baikal-m1" ] ; then
+    cat >> ${grub_cfg} << EOF
+  linux (\$root)/boot/Image root=PARTUUID=\$part_uuid ro rootwait console=tty1 earlyprintk=uart8250-32bit,0x20230000,115200
+  fi
+  cat >> ${grub_cfg} << EOF
+  local root_uuid=`cat "${partlist}" | grep ':/:' | cut -f7 -d':'`
+  cat > ${grub_load_cfg} << EOF
+set color_normal=black/black
+set pager=1
+search.fs_uuid ${root_uuid} root
+set prefix=(\$root)/boot/grub
+set color_normal=light-gray/black
+# End of prepare /boot/grub/grub.cfg functions.
+# Install packages:
+  ROOT=`get_rootfs_devname`
+  if [ "x${ROOT}" = "x" ] ; then
+    fatal_error_dialog "Cannot mount ROOT partition. Exit ${program}."
+    push_log "ERROR: Cannot mount ROOT partition"
+    push_log "Aborted due to an error"
+    push_err "ERROR: Cannot mount ROOT partition"
+    exit
+  fi
+  if `mount | grep -q ${ROOT}` ; then
+    umount ${ROOT}
+  fi
+  mkdir -p ${ROOT_MPOINT}
+  if [ "x`mount | grep ${ROOT_MPOINT}`" != "x" ] ; then
+    umount ${ROOT_MPOINT}
+  fi
+  mount ${ROOT} ${ROOT_MPOINT}
+  TMP=/tmp install-pkglist --errlist --info-dialog --priority all --root=${ROOT_MPOINT}/ ${repo} 2>${errlist}
+  mkdir -p ${ROOT_MPOINT}/etc
+  cat ${fstab} > ${ROOT_MPOINT}/etc/fstab
+  if [ "${hardware}" = "baikal-m1"    -o \
+       "${hardware}" = "ebox-3350dx2" -o \
+       "${hardware}" = "intel-pc32"   -o \
+       "${hardware}" = "intel-pc64" ] ; then
+    mkdir -p ${ROOT_MPOINT}/boot/grub
+    cat ${grub_cfg} > ${ROOT_MPOINT}/boot/grub/grub.cfg
+  fi
+# End of install packages:
+# Install GRUB:
+  UEFI=`get_uefi_devname`
+  if [ "x${UEFI}" = "x" ] ; then
+    fatal_error_dialog "Cannot mount EFI partition. Exit ${program}."
+    push_log "ERROR: Cannot mount EFI partition"
+    push_log "Aborted due to an error"
+    push_err "ERROR: Cannot mount EFI partition"
+    exit
+  fi
+  if `mount | grep -q ${UEFI}` ; then
+    umount ${UEFI}
+  fi
+  mkdir -p ${UEFI_MPOINT}
+  if [ "x`mount | grep ${UEFI_MPOINT}`" != "x" ] ; then
+    umount ${UEFI_MPOINT}
+  fi
+  mount ${UEFI} ${UEFI_MPOINT}
+  local grub_modules="all_video archelp bfs bitmap bitmap_scale blocklist boot btrfs"
+  grub_modules="${grub_modules} cat chain configfile cpio date datehook datetime disk diskfilter"
+  grub_modules="${grub_modules} echo efi_gop efifwsetup efinet elf eval exfat ext2 extcmd f2fs fat"
+  grub_modules="${grub_modules} fdt file font fshelp gettext gfxmenu gfxterm gfxterm_background"
+  grub_modules="${grub_modules} gfxterm_menu gptsync gzio halt hashsum help hexdump iso9660 jpeg"
+  grub_modules="${grub_modules} json keystatus linux loadenv loopback ls lsefi lzopio mdraid1x"
+  grub_modules="${grub_modules} memdisk minicmd msdospart net newc normal part_gpt part_msdos"
+  grub_modules="${grub_modules} png probe procfs read reboot regexp reiserfs search search_fs_file"
+  grub_modules="${grub_modules} search_fs_uuid search_label serial squash4 tar terminal terminfo"
+  grub_modules="${grub_modules} test tftp time tr trig true udf ufs1 ufs2 video video_colors"
+  grub_modules="${grub_modules} video_fb videoinfo xzio zstd"
+  /usr/sbin/grub-install --skip-fs-probe \
+                         --fonts=dejavusansmono \
+                         --boot-directory=${ROOT_MPOINT}/boot \
+                         --directory=/usr/lib/grub/arm64-efi \
+                         --target=arm64-efi --no-efi \
+                         --no-bootsector --no-nvram  2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null
+  mkdir -p ${ROOT_MPOINT}/boot/efi
+  mkdir -p ${ROOT_MPOINT}/boot/grub/arm64-efi
+  cat ${grub_load_cfg} > ${ROOT_MPOINT}/boot/grub/arm64-efi/load.cfg
+  mkdir -p ${UEFI_MPOINT}/efi/boot
+  /usr/bin/grub-mkimage --format=arm64-efi \
+                        --directory=/usr/lib/grub/arm64-efi \
+                        --compression=xz \
+                        --prefix=/efi/boot \
+                        --config="${grub_load_cfg}" \
+                        --output=${UEFI_MPOINT}/efi/boot/bootaa64.efi \
+                        ${grub_modules}  2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null
+  UEFI=`get_uefi_devname`
+  if [ "x${UEFI}" = "x" ] ; then
+    fatal_error_dialog "Cannot mount EFI partition. Exit ${program}."
+    push_log "ERROR: Cannot mount EFI partition"
+    push_log "Aborted due to an error"
+    push_err "ERROR: Cannot mount EFI partition"
+    exit
+  fi
+  if `mount | grep -q ${UEFI}` ; then
+    umount ${UEFI}
+  fi
+  mkdir -p ${UEFI_MPOINT}
+  if [ "x`mount | grep ${UEFI_MPOINT}`" != "x" ] ; then
+    umount ${UEFI_MPOINT}
+  fi
+  mount ${UEFI} ${UEFI_MPOINT}
+  local grub_modules="part_gpt part_msdos fat f2fs ext2 hfs hfsplus iso9660 udf ufs1 ufs2 chain linux"
+  grub_modules="${grub_modules} boot appleldr configfile normal regexp minicmd reboot halt search search_fs_file"
+  grub_modules="${grub_modules} search_fs_uuid search_label gfxterm gfxmenu efi_gop efi_uga all_video loadbios"
+  grub_modules="${grub_modules} gzio echo true probe loadenv bitmap_scale font cat help ls png jpeg tga test"
+  grub_modules="${grub_modules} at_keyboard usb_keyboard zstd"
+  /usr/sbin/grub-install --skip-fs-probe \
+                         --fonts=dejavusansmono \
+                         --boot-directory=${ROOT_MPOINT}/boot \
+                         --directory=/usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi \
+                         --target=x86_64-efi --no-efi \
+                         --no-bootsector --no-nvram  2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null
+  mkdir -p ${ROOT_MPOINT}/boot/efi
+  mkdir -p ${ROOT_MPOINT}/boot/grub/x86_64-efi
+  cat ${grub_load_cfg} > ${ROOT_MPOINT}/boot/grub/x86_64-efi/load.cfg
+  mkdir -p ${UEFI_MPOINT}/efi/boot
+  /usr/bin/grub-mkimage --format=x86_64-efi \
+                        --directory=/usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi \
+                        --compression=xz \
+                        --prefix=/efi/boot \
+                        --config="${grub_load_cfg}" \
+                        --output=${UEFI_MPOINT}/efi/boot/bootx64.efi \
+                        ${grub_modules}  2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null
+  local disk=${1}
+  local grub_modules="part_gpt part_msdos fat f2fs ext2 hfs hfsplus iso9660 udf ufs1 ufs2 chain linux"
+  grub_modules="${grub_modules} boot biosdisk configfile normal regexp minicmd reboot halt search search_fs_file"
+  grub_modules="${grub_modules} search_fs_uuid search_label gfxterm gfxmenu all_video gzio echo true probe loadenv"
+  grub_modules="${grub_modules} bitmap_scale font cat help ls png jpeg tga test at_keyboard usb_keyboard zstd"
+  /usr/sbin/grub-install --skip-fs-probe \
+                         --fonts=dejavusansmono \
+                         --boot-directory=${ROOT_MPOINT}/boot \
+                         --directory=/usr/lib/grub/i386-pc \
+                         --target=i386-pc \
+                         --modules="${grub_modules}" \
+                         --disk-module=biosdisk \
+                         ${disk}  2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null
+  mkdir -p ${ROOT_MPOINT}/boot/grub/i386-pc
+  cat ${grub_load_cfg} > ${ROOT_MPOINT}/boot/grub/i386-pc/load.cfg
+  /usr/bin/grub-mkimage --format=i386-pc \
+                        --directory=/usr/lib/grub/i386-pc \
+                        --prefix=/boot/grub \
+                        --config="${grub_load_cfg}" \
+                        --output=${grub_core_img} \
+                        ${grub_modules}  2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null
+  dd if=${grub_core_img} of=${disk} obs=512 seek=1 conv=notrunc  2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null
+  local disk=${1}
+  local grub_modules="part_gpt part_msdos fat f2fs ext2 hfs hfsplus iso9660 udf ufs1 ufs2 chain linux"
+  grub_modules="${grub_modules} boot biosdisk configfile normal regexp minicmd reboot halt search search_fs_file"
+  grub_modules="${grub_modules} search_fs_uuid search_label gfxterm gfxmenu all_video gzio echo true probe loadenv"
+  grub_modules="${grub_modules} bitmap_scale font cat help ls png jpeg tga test at_keyboard usb_keyboard zstd"
+  /usr/sbin/grub-install --skip-fs-probe \
+                         --fonts=dejavusansmono \
+                         --boot-directory=${ROOT_MPOINT}/boot \
+                         --directory=/usr/lib/grub/i386-pc \
+                         --target=i386-pc \
+                         --modules="${grub_modules}" \
+                         --disk-module=biosdisk \
+                         ${disk}  2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null
+  mkdir -p ${ROOT_MPOINT}/boot/grub/i386-pc
+  cat ${grub_load_cfg} > ${ROOT_MPOINT}/boot/grub/i386-pc/load.cfg
+  /usr/bin/grub-mkimage --format=i386-pc \
+                        --directory=/usr/lib/grub/i386-pc \
+                        --prefix=/boot/grub \
+                        --config="${grub_load_cfg}" \
+                        --output=${grub_core_img} \
+                        ${grub_modules}  2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null
+  dd if=${grub_core_img} of=${disk} obs=512 seek=1 conv=notrunc  2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null
+# End of install GRUB:
+# Install U-Boot:
+  local disk=${1}
+  dd if=${ROOT_MPOINT}/boot/u-boot/idbloader.img of=${disk} bs=512 seek=64     2>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+  dd if=${ROOT_MPOINT}/boot/u-boot/u-boot.itb    of=${disk} bs=512 seek=16384  2>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+  ln -sfr ${ROOT_MPOINT}/boot/boot.emmc.scr ${ROOT_MPOINT}/boot/boot.scr
+# End of install U-Boot:
+# Parse Options:
+while [ 0 ]; do
+  if [ "$1" = "-h" -o "$1" = "--help" ] ; then
+    usage
+    exit
+  elif [ "$1" = "-r" -o "$1" = "--root-dev" ]; then
+    if [ "$2" = "" ]; then
+      usage
+      push_log "ERROR: Target DEVICE has not specified by --root-dev option"
+      push_log "Aborted due to an error"
+      push_err "ERROR: Target DEVICE has not specified by --root-dev option"
+      EXITSTATUS=16
+      exit
+    fi
+    device="`echo $2 | sed 's,/$,,'`"
+    shift 2
+  elif [ "$1" = "--repo" ]; then
+    if [ "$2" = "" ]; then
+      usage
+      push_log "ERROR: Custom REPO directory has not specified by --repo option"
+      push_err "ERROR: Custom REPO directory has not specified by --repo option"
+      EXITSTATUS=18
+      exit
+    fi
+    custom_repo="$2"
+    if ! `echo ${custom_repo: -1} | grep -q '/'` ; then
+      custom_repo="${custom_repo}/"
+    fi
+    shift 2
+  else
+    break
+  fi
+if [ "x${custom_repo}" != "xno" ] ; then
+  check_custom_repo "${custom_repo}"
+  check_repo "${repo}"
+  ret=$?
+  if [ $ret -ne 0 ] ; then
+    fatal_error_dialog "Source REPO directory is invalid. Exit ${program}."
+    push_log "ERROR: Source REPO directory is invalid"
+    push_log "Aborted due to an error"
+    push_err "ERROR: Source REPO directory is invalid"
+    exit
+  fi
+# Show DISTRO spec:
+# ----------------
+if [ "x${custom_repo}" != "xyes" ] ; then
+  welcome_setup
+  welcome_custom_setup
+# Ask for format target device:
+# ----------------------------
+ask_formatting "${device}"
+blockdev -q --rereadpt "${device}"
+# File Systems:
+# ------------
+check_partitions "${device}"
+partitions_loop "${device}"
+$DIALOG --colors \
+        --backtitle "\Z7Radix\Zn \Z1cross\Zn\Z7 Linux\Zn" \
+        --title " \Z0Install Packages\Zn " \
+        --infobox "\n Please wait for packages installation.\n\n" 5 74
+# /etc/fstab:
+# ----------
+if [ "${hardware}" = "baikal-m1" -o \
+     "${hardware}" = "intel-pc64" ] ; then
+  prepare_partuuid_etc_fstab
+  prepare_uuid_etc_fstab
+  #prepare_dev_etc_fstab
+# /boot/grub/grub.cfg:
+# -------------------
+if [ "${hardware}" = "baikal-m1"    -o \
+     "${hardware}" = "ebox-3350dx2" -o \
+     "${hardware}" = "intel-pc32"   -o \
+     "${hardware}" = "intel-pc64" ] ; then
+  prepare_grub_config
+  prepare_grub_load_config
+# Install all packages:
+# --------------------
+# Install GRUB:
+# ------------
+if [ "${hardware}" = "baikal-m1" ] ; then
+  install_baikal_m1_grub
+if [ "${hardware}" = "intel-pc64" ] ; then
+  install_intel_pc64_grub
+if [ "${hardware}" = "intel-pc32" ] ; then
+  install_intel_pc32_grub "${device}"
+if [ "${hardware}" = "ebox-3350dx2" ] ; then
+  install_ebox_3350dx2_grub "${device}"
+# Install GRUB:
+# ------------
+if [ "${hardware}" = "leez-p710" ] ; then
+  install_leez_p710_uboot "${device}"
+# post-install settings:
+if [ -x ${ROOT_MPOINT}/usr/sbin/timeconfig ] ; then
+  ${ROOT_MPOINT}/usr/sbin/timeconfig --root ${ROOT_MPOINT}
+$DIALOG --colors --clear \
+        --backtitle "\Z7Radix\Zn \Z1cross\Zn\Z7 Linux\Zn" \
+        --title " \Z0System Installation is Complete\Zn " \
+        --msgbox "\nSetup is complete. Please set \Z1root\Zn password at first login.\n" 7 74
Index: radix-setup/scripts/where-we-are
--- radix-setup/scripts/where-we-are	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-setup/scripts/where-we-are	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+program=`basename $0`
+sbindir=`cd $(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}) >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd`
+# 14 = target device is not a partition
+# 15 = target device is not found
+usage() {
+  cat << EOF
+Usage: $program [options] [partition]
+    -o, --output <list> - output columns
+    -n, --no-header     - output columns without header line
+  Available columns (for --output):
+               DISK  device name of HW disk
+               ROOT  device name of current ROOT partition
+               UUID  filesystem UUID
+              MAJOR  device major number
+              MINOR  device minor number
+optional argument:
+     partition     - If 'partition' is present then we assume that the 'partition'
+                     is a root FS partition. In this case the $program do not try
+                     to find working root FS partition.
+push_err() {
+  local message=$1
+  echo -n "$program: " 1>&2 ; echo "${message}" 1>&2
+# returns root partition device (such as /dev/part_name)
+root_part() {
+  local dev=`findmnt --noheadings --raw / | tr -s ' ' | cut -f2 -d' '`
+  if [ "$dev" != "" ] ; then
+    echo "$dev"
+    return 0
+  fi
+major_number() {
+  local part=$1
+  local name=`basename $part`
+  local major=`ls -l /dev | grep -v ^l | grep ${name} | tr -s ' ' | sed 's/,//g' | cut -f5 -d' ' | sort -u | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,$//'`
+  echo "${major}"
+minor_number() {
+  local part=$1
+  local name=`basename $part`
+  local minor=`ls -l /dev | grep -v ^l | grep ${name} | tr -s ' ' | sed 's/,//g' | cut -f6 -d' ' | sort -u | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,$//'`
+  echo "${minor}"
+# returns root partition disk (such as /dev/disk_name)
+root_disk_by_part() {
+  local part=$1
+  local mjrs=`major_number $1`
+  local disks="`lsblk -I ${mjrs} -l -o name,type | grep 'disk\|raid\|loop$' | cut -f1 -d' '`"
+  disks="`echo -e "$disks" | sort -r`"
+  for line in $disks ; do
+    local found=`echo "$part" | grep "$line"`
+    if [ "$found" != "" ] ; then
+      echo "/dev/$line"
+      break
+    fi
+  done
+root_disk() {
+  local part=$1
+  local name=`basename $part`
+  local mjrs=`major_number $1`
+  echo "`lsblk -I ${mjrs} -l -o name,type`" | grep $name | while read -r line ; do
+    local type=`echo "$line" | tr -s ' ' | cut -f2 -d' '`
+    if [ "$type" = "part" ] ; then
+      root_disk_by_part $part
+      break
+    fi
+  done
+# returns root partition UUID (by /dev/part_name)
+root_uuid() {
+  local part=`basename $1`
+  local mjrs=`major_number $1`
+  echo "`lsblk -I ${mjrs} -l -o name,uuid`" | while read -r line ; do
+    local pname=`echo "$line" | tr -s ' ' | cut -f 1 -d ' '`
+    local puuid=`echo "$line" | tr -s ' ' | cut -f 2 -d ' '`
+    if [ `echo "$pname" | grep "$part"` ] ; then
+      echo "$puuid"
+      break
+    fi
+  done
+check_root_partition_device() {
+  local part=$1
+  local base=`basename $part`
+  local mjrs=`major_number $1`
+  line="`lsblk -I ${mjrs} -l -o name,type | grep \"$base \" | head -1 | tr -s ' '`"
+  if [ "$line" != "" ] ; then
+    local name=`echo "$line" | tr -s ' ' | cut -f1 -d' '`
+    local type=`echo "$line" | tr -s ' ' | cut -f2 -d' '`
+    if [ "$base" = "$name" ] && [ "$type" != "part" ] ; then
+      push_err "ERROR: The DEVICE ($part) is not a disk partition"
+      EXITSTATUS=14
+      exit $EXITSTATUS
+    fi
+  else
+    push_err "ERROR: The DEVICE ($part) not found"
+    exit $EXITSTATUS
+  fi
+# Optional argument:
+# Parse options:
+while [ 0 ] ; do
+  if [ "$1" = "-h" -o "$1" = "--help" ] ;  then
+    usage
+    exit 0
+  elif [ "$1" = "-o" -o "$1" = "--output" ] ; then
+    if [ "$2" != "" ] ; then
+      OTPUTLIST="$2"
+      shift 2
+    else
+      shift 1
+    fi
+  elif [ "$1" = "-n" -o "$1" = "--no-header" ] ; then
+    HEADER="no"
+    shift 1
+  else
+    break
+  fi
+# check optional partition (if present):
+if [ "${ROOT_PARTITION}" != "" ] ; then
+  if [ ! `echo ${ROOT_PARTITION} | grep "^/dev.*"` ] ; then
+    push_err "ERROR: Wrong PARTITION device name: ${ROOT_PARTITION}"
+    usage
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  check_root_partition_device ${ROOT_PARTITION}
+# main()
+# root partition /dev/... :
+if [ "${ROOT_PARTITION}" != "" ] ; then
+  root_part=${ROOT_PARTITION}
+  root_part=`root_part`
+# root phy disk /dev/... :
+root_disk=`root_disk ${root_part}`
+# root partition UUID :
+root_uuid=`root_uuid ${root_part}`
+# root partition device MAJOR number :
+root_major=`major_number ${root_part}`
+# root partition device MINOR number :
+root_minor=`minor_number ${root_part}`
+if [ "$OTPUTLIST" != "" ] ; then
+  list=`echo $OTPUTLIST | sed 's/,/ /g' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`
+  if [ "$HEADER" = "yes" ] ; then
+    root_disk_len=${#root_disk}
+    root_part_len=${#root_part}
+    root_uuid_len=${#root_uuid}
+    root_major_len=${#root_major}
+    if [ ${root_major_len} -lt 5 ] ; then
+      root_major_len=5
+    fi
+    root_minor_len=${#root_minor}
+    if [ ${root_minor_len} -lt 5 ] ; then
+      root_minor_len=5
+    fi
+    out=""
+    for item in $list ; do
+      if   [ "$item" = "disk"    ] ; then
+        out="$out `printf '%-*s' ${root_disk_len} 'DISK'`"
+      elif [ "$item" = "root"    ] ; then
+        out="$out `printf '%-*s' ${root_part_len} 'ROOT'`"
+      elif [ "$item" = "uuid"    ] ; then
+        out="$out `printf '%-*s' ${root_uuid_len} 'UUID'`"
+      elif [ "$item" = "major" ] ; then
+        out="$out `printf '%-*s' ${root_major_len} 'MAJOR'`"
+      elif [ "$item" = "minor" ] ; then
+        out="$out `printf '%-*s' ${root_minor_len} 'MINOR'`"
+      fi
+    done
+    out=`echo "$out" | sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//'`
+    echo "$out"
+  else
+    root_disk_len=${#root_disk}
+    root_part_len=${#root_part}
+    root_uuid_len=${#root_uuid}
+    root_major_len=${#root_major}
+    root_minor_len=${#root_minor}
+  fi
+  out=""
+  for item in $list ; do
+    if   [ "$item" = "disk"    ] ; then
+      out="$out `printf '%-*s' ${root_disk_len} ${root_disk}`"
+    elif [ "$item" = "root"    ] ; then
+      out="$out `printf '%-*s' ${root_part_len} ${root_part}`"
+    elif [ "$item" = "uuid"    ] ; then
+      out="$out `printf '%-*s' ${root_uuid_len} ${root_uuid}`"
+    elif [ "$item" = "major" ] ; then
+      out="$out `printf '%-*s' ${root_major_len} ${root_major}`"
+    elif [ "$item" = "minor" ] ; then
+      out="$out `printf '%-*s' ${root_minor_len} ${root_minor}`"
+    fi
+  done
+  out=`echo "$out" | sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//'`
+  echo "$out"
Index: radix-setup/scripts
--- radix-setup/scripts	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-setup/scripts	(revision 5)

Property changes on: radix-setup/scripts
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: radix-setup
--- radix-setup	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-setup	(revision 5)

Property changes on: radix-setup
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: radix-system/Makefile
--- radix-system/Makefile	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/Makefile	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+include ../../build-system/constants.mk
+REQUIRES           = base/init-devices
+# ======= __END_OF_REQUIRES__ =======
+source_etc  = $(CURDIR)/etc
+source_root = $(CURDIR)/root
+modprobes   = $(CURDIR)/modprobe
+scripts     = $(CURDIR)/scripts
+PKG_GROUP = base
+SYSINIT_BIN_PKG_NAME                = radix-system
+SYSINIT_BIN_PKG_ARCH                = $(PKGARCH)
+###                                  |---handy-ruler-------------------------------|
+SYSINIT_BIN_PKG_URL                 = $(BUG_URL)
+build = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.done
+pkg_archive      = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/$(PKG_GROUP)/$(pkg_basename).$(pkg_arch_suffix)
+pkg_certificate  = $(call cert-name,$(pkg_archive))
+pkg_signature    = $(call sign-name,$(pkg_archive))
+pkg_description  = $(call desc-name,$(pkg_archive))
+products         = $(call pkg-files,$(pkg_archive))
+BUILD_TARGETS    = $(build)
+PRODUCT_TARGETS  = $(products)
+ROOTFS_TARGETS   = $(pkg_archive)
+include ../../build-system/core.mk
+ifneq ($(filter $(HARDWARE),$(HARDWARE_CI20)),)
+NOCLEAR_FIRST_TTY = --noclear
+ifneq ($(filter $(HARDWARE),$(HARDWARE_P201) $(HARDWARE_NEXBOX_A95X) \
+                            $(HARDWARE_P212) $(HARDWARE_KHADAS_VIM)  \
+                            $(HARDWARE_Q201) $(HARDWARE_ENYBOX_X2)   \
+                                             $(HARDWARE_KHADAS_VIM2)),)
+FB_BPP = 24
+FB_BPP = 32
+	@mkdir -p $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/dev/{cgroup,pts,shm}
+	@mkdir -p $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/{X11,rc.d,profile.d}
+	@mkdir -p $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/{home,media,mnt,proc,root,run,sys,tmp}
+	@mkdir -p $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/root/{.cpan/CPAN,bin}
+	@mkdir -p $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/var/{log,run,tmp}
+	@mkdir -p $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/var/spool/mail
+	@touch $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/var/log/{lastlog.new,wtmp}
+	@touch $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/var/run/utmp
+	@( cd $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/var ; \
+	   ln -sf log        adm  ; \
+	   ln -sf spool/mail mail ; \
+	 )
+	@mkdir -p $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/mnt/{cdrecorder,cdrom,dvd,floppy,hd,memory,tmp,zip}
+	@mkdir -p $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/media/cdrecorder{0,1}
+	@mkdir -p $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/media/cdrom{0,1}
+	@mkdir -p $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/media/dvd{0,1}
+	@mkdir -p $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/media/floppy{0,1}
+	@mkdir -p $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/media/hd{0,1}
+	@mkdir -p $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/media/memory{0,1}
+	@mkdir -p $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/media/zip{0,1}
+	@( cd $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/media ; \
+	   ln -sf cdrecorder0 cdrecorder ; \
+	   ln -sf      cdrom0 cdrom      ; \
+	   ln -sf        dvd0 dvd        ; \
+	   ln -sf     floppy0 floppy     ; \
+	   ln -sf         hd0 hd         ; \
+	   ln -sf     memory0 memory     ; \
+	   ln -sf        zip0 zip        ; \
+	 )
+	# ======= Home /root files =======
+	@cp -a $(source_root)/.cpan/CPAN/MyConfig.pm $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/root/.cpan/CPAN/MyConfig.pm.new
+	@cp -a $(source_root)/.cpan/Config.pm        $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/root/.cpan/Config.pm.new
+	@cp -a $(source_root)/bin/cpan-install       $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/root/bin/cpan-install.new
+	@cp -a $(source_root)/bin/cpan-uninstall     $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/root/bin/cpan-uninstall.new
+	@chmod 0755 $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/root/bin/cpan-{,un}install.new
+	# ======= Common /etc files =======
+	@cp -a $(source_etc)/skel $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/
+	@( for file in csh.login filesystems group inputrc networks nsswitch.conf printcap \
+	               profile passwd securetty services shadow shells termcap        ; do \
+	     if [ -f $(source_etc)/$$file ] ; then \
+	       cp -a $(source_etc)/$$file $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/$${file}.new ; \
+	     fi ; \
+	   done ; \
+	 )
+	@( for file in motd termcap-BSD termcap-Linux ; do \
+	     if [ -f $(source_etc)/$$file ] ; then \
+	       cp -a $(source_etc)/$$file $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc ; \
+	     fi ; \
+	   done ; \
+	 )
+	@cp -a $(source_etc)/rc.d/rc.{local,local_shutdown,loop,sysvinit} $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d
+	@( cd $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d ; \
+	   mv rc.local           rc.local.new          ; \
+	   mv rc.local_shutdown  rc.local_shutdown.new ; \
+	   mv rc.loop            rc.loop.new           ; \
+	   mv rc.sysvinit        rc.sysvinit.new       ; \
+	 )
+	@chmod a+x $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.{local.new,local_shutdown.new,sysvinit.new}
+	# ======= Console Font config an modules config =======
+	@cp -a $(source_etc)/rc.d/rc.{fbset,font,gpm,keymap,modules,modules.local} $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d
+	@( cd $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d ; \
+	   mv rc.fbset          rc.fbset.new   ; \
+	   mv rc.font           rc.font.new    ; \
+	   mv rc.gpm            rc.gpm.new     ; \
+	   mv rc.keymap         rc.keymap.new  ; \
+	   mv rc.modules        rc.modules.new ; \
+	   mv rc.modules.local  rc.modules.local.new ; \
+	 )
+ifneq ($(filter $(HARDWARE),$(HARDWARE_M201) $(HARDWARE_MXV)),)
+	@cat $(scripts)/rc.meson8fb >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.fbset.new
+ifneq ($(filter $(HARDWARE),$(HARDWARE_P201) $(HARDWARE_NEXBOX_A95X) \
+                            $(HARDWARE_P212) $(HARDWARE_KHADAS_VIM)  \
+                            $(HARDWARE_Q201) $(HARDWARE_ENYBOX_X2)   \
+                                             $(HARDWARE_KHADAS_VIM2)),)
+	@cat $(scripts)/rc.meson64fb >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.fbset.new
+ifneq ($(filter $(HARDWARE),$(HARDWARE_ODROID_C2)),)
+	@cat $(scripts)/rc.odroidc2 >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.fbset.new
+ifneq ($(filter $(HARDWARE),$(HARDWARE_CB1X)),)
+	@echo "# Ethernet:"                    >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+	@echo "/sbin/modprobe sunxi_gmac"      >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+	@echo "# Wi-Fi/Bluetooth:"             >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+	@echo "/sbin/modprobe ap6210"          >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+	@echo ""                               >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+	@echo "# Mali:"                        >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+	@echo "/sbin/modprobe mali_drm"        >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+	@echo "/sbin/modprobe mali"            >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+	@echo "/sbin/modprobe disp_ump"        >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+	@echo ""                               >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+	@echo "# Additional stuff:"            >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+	@echo "/sbin/modprobe cpufreq_stats"   >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+	@echo "/sbin/modprobe hid_logitech_dj" >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+	@echo ""                               >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+	@echo "/sbin/modprobe spidev"          >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+ifneq ($(filter $(HARDWARE),$(HARDWARE_CB3X)),)
+	@echo "# Ethernet:"                    >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+	@echo "/sbin/modprobe sunxi_gmac"      >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+	@echo "# Wi-Fi/Bluetooth:"             >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+	@echo "/sbin/modprobe ap6210"          >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+	@echo ""                               >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+	@echo "# Additional stuff:"            >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+	@echo "/sbin/modprobe cpufreq_stats"   >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+	@echo "/sbin/modprobe hid_logitech_dj" >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+	@echo ""                               >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+	@echo "/sbin/modprobe spidev"          >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+ifneq ($(filter $(HARDWARE),$(HARDWARE_CI20)),)
+	@echo "# PowerVR:"                     >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+	@echo "/sbin/modprobe bc_example"      >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+ifneq ($(filter $(HARDWARE),$(HARDWARE_BAIKAL_T1)),)
+	@echo "# HW Random:"                   >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+	@echo "/sbin/modprobe rng-core"        >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+ifneq ($(filter $(HARDWARE),$(HARDWARE_OMAP5UEVM)),)
+	@cat $(modprobes)/modprobe.$(HARDWARE) >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+ifneq ($(filter $(HARDWARE),$(HARDWARE_M201)),)
+	@echo "# Mali:"                        >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+	@echo "/sbin/modprobe mali"            >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+	@echo "/sbin/modprobe mali_drm"        >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+	@echo "# /sbin/modprobe ump"           >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+	@echo ""                               >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+	@echo "# Additional stuff:"            >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+	@echo "/sbin/modprobe udl"             >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+ifneq ($(filter $(HARDWARE),$(HARDWARE_KHADAS_VIM)  \
+                            $(HARDWARE_ENYBOX_X2)   \
+                            $(HARDWARE_KHADAS_VIM2)),)
+	@echo "# Wi-Fi/Bluetooth:"             >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+	@echo "/sbin/modprobe dhd"             >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+	@echo "/sbin/modprobe bcmdhd"          >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+	@chmod a+x $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.{fbset.new,font.new,gpm.new,keymap.new,modules.new,modules.local.new}
+	# ======= etc/inittab =======
+	@cat $(source_etc)/inittab.in | \
+	     sed 's,@NOCLEAR@,$(NOCLEAR_FIRST_TTY),'  > $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/inittab.new
+ifneq ($(filter $(HARDWARE),$(HARDWARE_CB1X)),)
+	@echo "s1:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -L ttyS0 115200 vt100" >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/inittab.new
+ifneq ($(filter $(HARDWARE),$(HARDWARE_CB2X)),)
+	@echo "s1:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -L ttyS0 115200 vt100" >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/inittab.new
+ifneq ($(filter $(HARDWARE),$(HARDWARE_CB3X)),)
+	@echo "s1:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -L ttyS0 115200 vt100" >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/inittab.new
+ifneq ($(filter $(HARDWARE),$(HARDWARE_M201) $(HARDWARE_MXV)         \
+                            $(HARDWARE_P201) $(HARDWARE_NEXBOX_A95X) \
+                                             $(HARDWARE_ODROID_C2)   \
+                            $(HARDWARE_P212) $(HARDWARE_KHADAS_VIM)  \
+                            $(HARDWARE_Q201) $(HARDWARE_ENYBOX_X2)   \
+                                             $(HARDWARE_KHADAS_VIM2)),)
+	@echo "s1:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -L ttyS0 115200 vt100" >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/inittab.new
+ifneq ($(filter $(HARDWARE),$(HARDWARE_CI20)),)
+	@echo "s1:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -L ttyS4 115200 vt100" >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/inittab.new
+ifneq ($(filter $(HARDWARE),$(HARDWARE_NIT6Q)),)
+	@echo "mxc1:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -L ttymxc1 115200 vt100" >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/inittab.new
+ifneq ($(filter $(HARDWARE),$(HARDWARE_OMAP5UEVM)),)
+	@echo "s1:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -L ttyS2 115200 vt100" >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/inittab.new
+ifneq ($(filter $(HARDWARE),$(HARDWARE_DRA7XXEVM)),)
+	@echo "s1:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -L ttyS0 115200 vt100" >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/inittab.new
+ifneq ($(filter $(HARDWARE),$(HARDWARE_BAIKAL_T1)),)
+	@echo "s1:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -L ttyS0 115200 vt100" >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/inittab.new
+ifneq ($(filter $(HARDWARE),$(HARDWARE_LEEZ_P710)),)
+	@echo "s1:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -L ttyS2 1500000 vt100" >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/inittab.new
+	@echo ""                                                    >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/inittab.new
+	@echo "# End of /etc/inittab"                               >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/inittab.new
+	# ======= etc/fstab =======
+	@cp -a $(source_etc)/fstab $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/fstab.new
+	# ======= etc/profile.d =======
+	@cp -a $(source_etc)/profile.d/lang.{csh,sh} $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/profile.d
+	@( cd $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/profile.d ; \
+	   mv lang.csh lang.csh.new ; \
+	   mv lang.sh  lang.sh.new  ; \
+	 )
+	@chmod a+x $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/profile.d/lang.{csh.new,sh.new}
+	# ======= etc/rc.{4,6,K,M,S} =======
+	@( for file in rc.{4,6,K,S} ; do \
+	     if [ -f $(source_etc)/rc.d/$$file ] ; then \
+	       cp -a $(source_etc)/rc.d/$$file $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/$${file}.new ; \
+	     fi ; \
+	   done ; \
+	 )
+	@cat $(source_etc)/rc.d/rc.M.in | \
+	     sed 's,@HARDWARE@,$(HARDWARE),' > $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.M.new
+	@cat $(source_etc)/rc.d/rc.S.in | \
+	     sed 's,@DISTRO@,$(DISTRO_NAME),' > $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.S.new
+	@chmod a+x $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.{4.new,6.new,K.new,M.new,S.new}
+	# ======= etc/rc.{inet1,inet2,wireless} =======
+	@( for file in rc.{inet1,inet1.conf,inet2,wireless,wireless.conf} ; do \
+	     if [ -f $(source_etc)/rc.d/$$file ] ; then \
+	       cp -a $(source_etc)/rc.d/$$file $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/$${file}.new ; \
+	     fi ; \
+	   done ; \
+	 )
+	@chmod a+x $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.{inet1.new,inet2.new,wireless.new}
+	@chmod 600 $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/rc.d/rc.{inet1.conf.new,wireless.conf.new}
+	# ======= etc/profile.d =======
+	@cat $(source_etc)/X11/xorg.conf.fbdev.in | \
+	     sed 's,@HARDWARE_SPEC@,$(HW_SPEC),'  | \
+	     sed 's,@DEFAULT_FB_BPP@,$(FB_BPP),'  > $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/X11/xorg.conf.fbdev
+	@cat $(source_etc)/HOSTNAME.in | \
+	     sed 's,@HARDWARE@,$(HARDWARE),' > $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/HOSTNAME.new
+	@cat $(source_etc)/hosts.in | \
+	     sed 's,@HARDWARE@,$(HARDWARE),g' > $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/hosts.new
+	@cat $(source_etc)/radix-version.in | \
+	     sed "s,@DISTRO_CAPTION@,$(DISTRO_CAPTION),g" | \
+	     sed "s,@DISTRO_VERSION@,$(DISTRO_VERSION),g" > $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/radix-version
+	@cat $(source_etc)/radix-release.in | \
+	     sed "s,@DISTRO_NAME@,$(DISTRO_NAME),g" | \
+	     sed "s,@DISTRO_CAPTION@,$(DISTRO_CAPTION),g" | \
+	     sed "s,@DISTRO_SPEC@,$(DISTRO_SPEC),g" | \
+	     sed "s,@DISTRO_VERSION@,$(DISTRO_VERSION),g" | \
+	     sed "s,@BUG_URL@,$(BUG_URL),g" | \
+	     sed "s,@HARDWARE@,$(HARDWARE),g" | \
+	     sed "s,@HARDWARE_NAME@,$(call hw_name,$(HARDWARE)),g" | \
+	     sed "s,@HARDWARE_ID@,$(call hw_id,$(HARDWARE)),g" | \
+	     sed "s,@HARDWARE_SPEC@,$(HW_SPEC),g" | \
+	     sed "s,@DISTRO_BRANCH@,$(DISTRO_BUILD_BRANCH),g" | \
+	     sed "s,@DOWNLOAD_SERVER@,$(DOWNLOAD_SERVER),g" | \
+	     sed "s,@TOOLCHAIN_NAME@,$(TOOLCHAIN),g" | \
+	     sed "s,@PACKAGES_BASE_URL@,$(PACKAGES_BASE_URL),g" | \
+	     sed "s,@PACKAGES_REPOSITORY@,$(PACKAGES_REPOSITORY),g" > $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/radix-release
+	@cat $(source_etc)/os-release.in | \
+	     sed "s,@BUG_URL@,$(BUG_URL),g"               | \
+	     sed "s,@DISTRO_NAME@,$(DISTRO_NAME),g"       | \
+	     sed "s,@DISTRO_CAPTION@,$(DISTRO_CAPTION),g" | \
+	     sed "s,@DISTRO_VERSION@,$(DISTRO_VERSION),g" > $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/os-release
+	@cat $(source_etc)/issue.in | \
+	     sed "s,@HW_SPEC@,$(HW_SPEC),g"               | \
+	     sed "s,@DISTRO_CAPTION@,$(DISTRO_CAPTION),g" | \
+	     sed "s,@DISTRO_VERSION@,$(DISTRO_VERSION),g" > $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/issue.new
+	@touch $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/issue.net.new
+	@touch $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/mtab
+	@touch $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/gshadow.new
+	@cat $(source_etc)/ld.so.conf.in | \
+	     sed 's,@TARGET@,$(TARGET),'  > $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/etc/ld.so.conf.new
+	@touch $@
+	@cat $< | $(SED) -e "s/@VERSION@/$(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG_VERSION)/g" > $@
+$(pkg_certificate) : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_signature)   : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_description) : $(pkg_archive) ;
+	@echo "pkgname=$(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG_NAME)"                            >  $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "pkgver=$(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG_VERSION)"                          >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "arch=$(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG_ARCH)"                               >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "distroname=$(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG_DISTRO_NAME)"                  >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "distrover=$(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG_DISTRO_VERSION)"                >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "group=$(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG_GROUP)"                             >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "short_description=\"$(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG_SHORT_DESCRIPTION)\"" >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "url=$(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG_URL)"                                 >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "license=$(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG_LICENSE)"                         >> $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG)/.PKGINFO
+	@$(PSEUDO) sh -c "cd $(SYSINIT_BIN_PKG) && \
+	                  chown -R 0:0 .        && \
+	                  chown -R 0:12 var/spool/mail && \
+	                  chown -R 0:22 var/log/wtmp var/run/utmp && \
+	                  $(MAKE_PACKAGE) -J --linkadd=yes $(GNUPG_OPTIONS) -m -d .. ."
Index: radix-system/doc/NOTE.TXT
--- radix-system/doc/NOTE.TXT	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/doc/NOTE.TXT	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+  etc/rc.d/rc.gpm     - will be done in the app/gpm package
+  etc/rc.d/rc.font,
+  etc/rc.d/rc.keymap  - will be done in app/kbd package
+  etc/rc.d/rc.modules - this is a head of script, we need to add
+                        modprobe commands for needed modules for
+                        different HW.
Index: radix-system/doc/readme.issue
--- radix-system/doc/readme.issue	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/doc/readme.issue	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+b   Insert the baudrate of the current line.
+d   Insert the current date.
+s   Insert the system name, the name of the operating system.
+l   Insert the name of the current tty line.
+m   Insert the architecture identifier of the machine, e.g., i686.
+n   Insert the nodename of the machine, also known as the hostname.
+o   Insert the domainname of the machine.
+r   Insert the release number of the kernel, e.g.,
+t   Insert the current time.
+u   Insert the number of current users logged in.
+U   Insert the string "1 user" or "<n> users" where <n> is the
+    number of current users logged in.
+v   Insert the version of the OS, e.g., the build-date etc.
Index: radix-system/doc
--- radix-system/doc	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/doc	(revision 5)

Property changes on: radix-system/doc
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: radix-system/etc/HOSTNAME.in
--- radix-system/etc/HOSTNAME.in	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/HOSTNAME.in	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Index: radix-system/etc/X11/xorg.conf.fbdev.in
--- radix-system/etc/X11/xorg.conf.fbdev.in	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/X11/xorg.conf.fbdev.in	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# X.Org X server configuration file for @HARDWARE_SPEC@
+Section "Device"
+    Identifier      "Device0"
+    Driver          "fbdev"
+Section "Monitor"
+    Identifier      "Monitor"
+Section "Screen"
+    Identifier      "Screen0"
+    Monitor         "Monitor"
+    Device          "Device0"
+    DefaultFbBpp    @DEFAULT_FB_BPP@
Index: radix-system/etc/X11
--- radix-system/etc/X11	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/X11	(revision 5)

Property changes on: radix-system/etc/X11
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: radix-system/etc/csh.login
--- radix-system/etc/csh.login	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/csh.login	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# /etc/csh.login: This file contains login defaults used by csh and tcsh.
+# Set up some environment variables:
+if ($?prompt) then
+	umask 022
+	set cdpath = ( /var/spool )
+	set notify
+	set history = 100
+        setenv MANPATH /usr/local/man:/usr/man
+	setenv MINICOM "-c on"
+	setenv HOSTNAME "`cat /etc/HOSTNAME`"
+	setenv LESS "-M"
+	setenv LESSOPEN "|lesspipe.sh %s"
+	set path = ( $path /usr/games )
+# If the user doesn't have a .inputrc, use the one in /etc.
+if (! -r "$HOME/.inputrc") then
+	setenv INPUTRC /etc/inputrc
+# I had problems with the backspace key installed by 'tset', but you might want
+# to try it anyway instead of the section below it.  I think with the right
+# /etc/termcap it would work.
+# eval `tset -sQ "$term"`
+# Set TERM to linux for unknown type or unset variable:
+if ! $?TERM setenv TERM linux
+if ("$TERM" == "") setenv TERM linux
+if ("$TERM" == "unknown") setenv TERM linux
+# Set the default shell prompt:
+set prompt = "%n@%m:%~%# "
+# Notify user of incoming mail.  This can be overridden in the user's
+# local startup file (~/.login)
+biff y >& /dev/null
+# Set an empty MANPATH if none exists (this prevents some profile.d scripts
+# from exiting from trying to access an unset variable):
+if ! $?MANPATH setenv MANPATH ""
+# Append any additional csh scripts found in /etc/profile.d/:
+[ -d /etc/profile.d ]
+if ($status == 0) then
+        set nonomatch
+        foreach file ( /etc/profile.d/*.csh )
+                [ -x $file ]
+                if ($status == 0) then
+                        source $file
+                endif
+        end
+        unset file nonomatch
Index: radix-system/etc/filesystems
--- radix-system/etc/filesystems	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/filesystems	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Index: radix-system/etc/fstab
--- radix-system/etc/fstab	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/fstab	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+rootfs           /                auto        defaults         1   1
+devpts           /dev/pts         devpts      gid=5,mode=620   0   0
+proc             /proc            proc        defaults         0   0
+tmpfs            /dev/shm         tmpfs       defaults         0   0
Index: radix-system/etc/group
--- radix-system/etc/group	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/group	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
Index: radix-system/etc/hosts.in
--- radix-system/etc/hosts.in	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/hosts.in	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# hosts         This file describes a number of hostname-to-address
+#               mappings for the TCP/IP subsystem.  It is mostly
+#               used at boot time, when no name servers are running.
+#               On small systems, this file can be used instead of a
+#               "named" name server.  Just add the names, addresses
+#               and any aliases to this file...
+# By the way, Arnt Gulbrandsen <agulbra@nvg.unit.no> says that
+# should NEVER be named with the name of the machine.  It causes problems
+# for some (stupid) programs, irc and reputedly talk. :^)
+# For loopbacking:
+	localhost
+# This next entry is technically wrong, but good enough to get TCP/IP apps
+# to quit complaining that they can't verify the hostname on a loopback-only
+# Linux box:
+	@HARDWARE@.example.org @HARDWARE@
+# End of hosts.
Index: radix-system/etc/inittab.in
--- radix-system/etc/inittab.in	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/inittab.in	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# inittab       This file describes how the INIT process should set up
+#               the system in a certain run-level.
+# Author:       Miquel van Smoorenburg, <miquels@drinkel.nl.mugnet.org>
+# Modified by:  Patrick J. Volkerding,  <volkerdi@slackware.com>
+#               Andrey V. Kosteltsev,   <kx@radix.pro>
+# These are the default runlevels:
+# -------------------------------
+#   0: halt
+#   1: single user mode
+#   2: unused (but configured the same as runlevel 3)
+#   3: multiuser mode (default runlevel)
+#   4: X11 with KDM/GDM/XDM (session managers)
+#   5: unused (but configured the same as runlevel 3)
+#   6: reboot
+# id:runlevels:action:process
+# Default runlevel:
+# System initialization:
+# Script to run when going single user:
+# Script to run when going multi user:
+# What to do at the "Three Finger Salute":
+ca::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t5 -r now
+# Runlevel 0 halts the system:
+# Runlevel 6 reboots the system:
+# Runlevel 4 also starts /etc/rc.d/rc.4 to run a display manager for X.
+# Display managers are preferred in this order:  gdm, kdm, xdm
+# What to do when power fails:
+pf::powerfail:/sbin/genpowerfail start
+# If power is back, cancel the running shutdown:
+pg::powerokwait:/sbin/genpowerfail stop
+# These are the standard console login getties in multiuser mode:
+c1:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty @NOCLEAR@ 38400 tty1 linux
+c2:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 tty2 linux
+c3:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 tty3 linux
+c4:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 tty4 linux
+c5:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 tty5 linux
+c6:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 tty6 linux
+# Dialup lines:
+#d1:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -mt60 38400,19200,9600,2400,1200 ttyS0 vt100
+#d2:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -mt60 38400,19200,9600,2400,1200 ttyS1 vt100
+# Local serial lines:
+#s1:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -L ttyS0 9600 vt100
+#s2:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -L ttyS1 9600 vt100
Index: radix-system/etc/inputrc
--- radix-system/etc/inputrc	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/inputrc	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# /etc/inputrc
+# This file configures keyboard input for programs using readline.
+# See "man 3 readline" for more examples.
+# Configure the system bell.  Options are none, visible, and audible.
+#set bell-style none
+# Enable 8 bit input.
+set meta-flag On
+set input-meta On
+set convert-meta Off
+set output-meta On
+# Set various nice escape sequences:
+"\eOd": backward-word
+"\eOc": forward-word
+# for linux console
+"\e[1~": beginning-of-line
+"\e[4~": end-of-line
+"\e[5~": beginning-of-history
+"\e[6~": end-of-history
+"\e[3~": delete-char
+"\e[2~": quoted-insert
+# for xterm
+"\eOH": beginning-of-line
+"\eOF": end-of-line
+# for freebsd console
+"\e[H": beginning-of-line
+"\e[F": end-of-line
Index: radix-system/etc/issue.in
--- radix-system/etc/issue.in	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/issue.in	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+@DISTRO_CAPTION@ \s \r for @HW_SPEC@ release @DISTRO_VERSION@ [ \l ]
Index: radix-system/etc/ld.so.conf.in
--- radix-system/etc/ld.so.conf.in	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/ld.so.conf.in	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Index: radix-system/etc/motd
--- radix-system/etc/motd	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/motd	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Linux .
Index: radix-system/etc/mtab
Index: radix-system/etc/networks
--- radix-system/etc/networks	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/networks	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# networks      This file describes a number of netname-to-address
+#               mappings for the TCP/IP subsystem. It is mostly used
+#               at boot time, when no name servers are running.
+# End of networks.
Index: radix-system/etc/nsswitch.conf
--- radix-system/etc/nsswitch.conf	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/nsswitch.conf	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# /etc/nsswitch.conf
+# An example Name Service Switch config file. This file should be
+# sorted with the most-used services at the beginning.
+# The entry '[NOTFOUND=return]' means that the search for an
+# entry should stop if the search in the previous entry turned
+# up nothing. Note that if the search failed due to some other reason
+# (like no NIS server responding) then the search continues with the
+# next entry.
+# Legal entries are:
+#      nisplus or nis+         Use NIS+ (NIS version 3)
+#      nis or yp               Use NIS (NIS version 2), also called YP
+#      dns                     Use DNS (Domain Name Service)
+#      files                   Use the local files
+#      [NOTFOUND=return]       Stop searching if not found so far
+# passwd:       files nis
+# shadow:       files nis
+# group:        files nis
+passwd:         compat
+group:          compat
+hosts:          files dns
+networks:       files
+services:       files
+protocols:      files
+rpc:            files
+ethers:         files
+netmasks:       files
+netgroup:       files
+bootparams:     files
+automount:      files
+aliases:        files
Index: radix-system/etc/os-release.in
--- radix-system/etc/os-release.in	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/os-release.in	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Index: radix-system/etc/passwd
--- radix-system/etc/passwd	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/passwd	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+rpc:x:32:32:RPC portmap user:/:/bin/false
+ntp:x:44:44:User for NTP:/:/bun/false
+icecc:x:49:49:User for Icecream distributed compiler:/var/cache/icecream:/bin/false
+usbmux:x:52:83:User for usbmux daemon:/var/empty:/bin/false
+named:x:53:53:User for BIND:/var/named:/bin/false
+sddm:x:64:64:User for SDDM:/var/lib/sddm:/bin/false
+pulse:x:65:65:User for PulseAudio:/var/run/pulse:/bin/false
+dhcpcd:x:68:68:User for dhcpcd:/var/lib/dhcpcd:/bin/false
+apache:x:80:80:User for Apache:/srv/httpd:/bin/false
+messagebus:x:81:81:User for D-BUS:/var/run/dbus:/bin/false
+haldaemon:x:82:82:User for HAL:/var/run/hald:/bin/false
+polkitd:x:87:87:PolicyKit daemon owner:/var/lib/polkit:/bin/false
+postfix:x:91:91:User for Postfix MTA:/dev/null:/bin/false
+dovecot:x:94:94:User for Dovecot processes:/dev/null:/bin/false
+dovenull:x:95:95:User for Dovecot login processing:/dev/null:/bin/false
+ldap:x:330:330:OpenLDAP server:/var/lib/openldap:/bin/false
+cyrus:x:238:238:Cyrus IMAP Server:/var/lib/imap:/bin/bash
+opendkim:x:305:305:OpenDKIM Milter:/var/run/opendkim/:/sbin/nologin
Index: radix-system/etc/printcap
--- radix-system/etc/printcap	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/printcap	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# /etc/printcap
+# See "man printcap" for information on editing this file.
+# In most cases it is better to use a tool to write the printcap
+# for you (at least initially), such as apsfilter
+# (/usr/share/apsfilter/SETUP, used in conjunction with the
+# LPRng lpd daemon), or with the web interface provided by the
+# cupsd print daemon at this URL: http://localhost:631
+# (if you use CUPS).
Index: radix-system/etc/profile
--- radix-system/etc/profile	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/profile	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# /etc/profile: This file contains system-wide defaults used by
+#               all Bourne (and related) shells.
+# Set the values for some environment variables:
+export MINICOM="-c on"
+export HOSTNAME="`cat /etc/HOSTNAME`"
+export LESSOPEN="|lesspipe.sh %s"
+# Setting a default $LESS was something inherited from SLS many years ago,
+# but apparently the previous setting of "-M" causes display issues with
+# some programs (i.e. git log). Adding "-R" as well fixes this, but some
+# folks have concerns about the security of this option (I think it's
+# actually "-r" that's the dangerous one). Anyway, it might be best to
+# just leave this unset by default. Uncomment it if you like, or set
+# up your own definition or aliases on a per-account basis.
+#export LESS="-M -R"
+# If the user doesn't have a .inputrc, use the one in /etc.
+if [ ! -r "$HOME/.inputrc" ]; then
+  export INPUTRC=/etc/inputrc
+# Set the default system $PATH:
+# For root users, ensure that /usr/local/sbin, /usr/sbin, and /sbin are in
+# the $PATH.  Some means of connection don't add these by default (sshd comes
+# to mind).
+if [ "`id -u`" = "0" ]; then
+  echo $PATH | grep /usr/local/sbin 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null
+  if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then
+    PATH=/sbin/pkgtools:/sbin/setup:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:$PATH
+  fi
+# Set TERM to linux for unknown type or unset variable:
+if [ "$TERM" = "" -o "$TERM" = "unknown" ]; then
+ TERM=linux
+# Set ksh93 visual editing mode:
+if [ "$SHELL" = "/bin/ksh" ]; then
+  VISUAL=emacs
+#  VISUAL=gmacs
+#  VISUAL=vi
+# Set a default shell prompt:
+# PS1='`hostname`:`pwd`# '
+if [ "$SHELL" = "/bin/pdksh" ]; then
+  PS1='! $ '
+elif [ "$SHELL" = "/bin/ksh" ]; then
+  PS1='! ${PWD/#$HOME/~}$ '
+elif [ "$SHELL" = "/bin/zsh" ]; then
+  PS1='%n@%m:%~%# '
+elif [ "$SHELL" = "/bin/ash" ]; then
+  PS1='$ '
+  PS1='\u@\h:\w\$ '
+PS2='> '
+# Default umask.  A umask of 022 prevents new files from being created group
+# and world writable.
+umask 022
+# Notify user of incoming mail.  This can be overridden in the user's
+# local startup file (~/.bash.login or whatever, depending on the shell)
+if [ -x /usr/bin/biff ]; then
+  biff y 2> /dev/null
+# Append any additional sh scripts found in /etc/profile.d/:
+for profile_script in /etc/profile.d/*.sh ; do
+  if [ -x $profile_script ]; then
+    . $profile_script
+  fi
+unset profile_script
Index: radix-system/etc/profile.d/lang.csh
--- radix-system/etc/profile.d/lang.csh	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/profile.d/lang.csh	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Set the system locale.  (no, we don't have a menu for this ;-)
+# For a list of locales which are supported by this machine, type:
+#   locale -a
+# en_US is the default locale:
+setenv LANG en_US.utf8
+# 'C' is the UNIX default, which is 127-bit ASCII with a charmap
+# setting of ANSI_X3.4-1968. These days, it's better to use en_US
+# or another modern $LANG setting to support extended character sets.
+#setenv LANG C
+# There is also support for UTF-8 locales, but be aware that
+# some programs are not yet able to handle UTF-8 and will fail to
+# run properly. In those cases, you can set LANG=C before
+# starting them. Still, I'd avoid UTF unless you actually need it.
+#setenv LANG en_US.UTF-8
+# Another option for en_US:
+#setenv LANG en_US.ISO8859-1
+# One side effect of the newer locales is that the sort order
+# is no longer according to ASCII values, so the sort order will
+# change in many places. Since this isn't usually expected and
+# can break scripts, we'll stick with traditional ASCII sorting.
+# If you'd prefer the sort algorithm that goes with your $LANG
+# setting, comment this out.
+setenv LC_COLLATE C
+# End of /etc/profile.d/lang.csh
Index: radix-system/etc/profile.d/lang.sh
--- radix-system/etc/profile.d/lang.sh	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/profile.d/lang.sh	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Set the system locale.  (no, we don't have a menu for this ;-)
+# For a list of locales which are supported by this machine, type:
+#   locale -a
+# en_US is the default locale:
+export LANG=en_US.utf8
+# 'C' is the UNIX default, which is 127-bit ASCII with a charmap
+# setting of ANSI_X3.4-1968. These days, it's better to use en_US
+# or another modern $LANG setting to support extended character sets.
+#export LANG=C
+# There is also support for UTF-8 locales, but be aware that
+# some programs are not yet able to handle UTF-8 and will fail to
+# run properly. In those cases, you can set LANG=C before
+# starting them. Still, I'd avoid UTF unless you actually need it.
+#export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
+# Another option for en_US:
+#export LANG=en_US.ISO8859-1
+# One side effect of the newer locales is that the sort order
+# is no longer according to ASCII values, so the sort order will
+# change in many places. Since this isn't usually expected and
+# can break scripts, we'll stick with traditional ASCII sorting.
+# If you'd prefer the sort algorithm that goes with your $LANG
+# setting, comment this out.
+export LC_COLLATE=C
+# End of /etc/profile.d/lang.sh
Index: radix-system/etc/profile.d
--- radix-system/etc/profile.d	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/profile.d	(revision 5)

Property changes on: radix-system/etc/profile.d
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: radix-system/etc/radix-release.in
--- radix-system/etc/radix-release.in	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/radix-release.in	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# /etc/@DISTRO_NAME@-release
+# Hardware specification:
+# System build information:
+# Build-System information:
+# Download information:
+# Toolchain information:
+# Sources information:
+# Packages information:
Index: radix-system/etc/radix-version.in
--- radix-system/etc/radix-version.in	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/radix-version.in	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Index: radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.4
--- radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.4	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.4	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# rc.4          This file is executed by init(8) when the system is being
+#               initialized for run level 4 (XDM)
+# Author:       Fred N. van Kempen,    <waltje@uwalt.nl.mugnet.org>
+# Modifyed by:  Patrick J. Volkerding, <volkerdi@slackware.com>,
+#               Andrey V. Kosteltsev,  <kx@radix.pro>
+# Tell the viewers what's going to happen...
+echo "Starting up X11 session manager..."
+# If you'd like to start something different or in a different order than
+# the options below, create your own startup script /etc/rc.d/rc.4.local
+# and make it executable and it will be used instead:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.4.local ]; then
+  exec /bin/bash /etc/rc.d/rc.4.local
+# Try to use GNOME's gdm session manager. This comes first because if gdm is on the
+# machine then the user probably installed it and wants to use it by default:
+if [ -x /usr/bin/gdm ]; then
+  exec /usr/bin/gdm -nodaemon
+# Someone thought that gdm looked prettier in /usr/sbin, so look there, too:
+if [ -x /usr/sbin/gdm ]; then
+  exec /usr/sbin/gdm -nodaemon
+# Not there?  OK, try to use KDE's kdm session manager:
+if [ -x /opt/kde/bin/kdm ]; then
+  exec /opt/kde/bin/kdm -nodaemon
+elif [ -x /usr/bin/kdm ]; then
+  exec /usr/bin/kdm -nodaemon
+# Look for SDDM as well:
+if [ -x /usr/bin/sddm ]; then
+  exec /usr/bin/sddm
+# If all you have is XDM, I guess it will have to do:
+if [ -x /usr/bin/xdm ]; then
+  exec /usr/bin/xdm -nodaemon
+elif [ -x /usr/X11R6/bin/xdm ]; then
+  exec /usr/X11R6/bin/xdm -nodaemon
+# error
+echo ""
+echo "Hey, you don't have GDM, KDM, SDDM or XDM. Can't use runlevel 4 without"
+echo "one of those installed."
+echo ""
+sleep 30
+# All done.
Index: radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.6
--- radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.6	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.6	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# rc.6          This file is executed by init when it goes into runlevel
+#               0 (halt) or runlevel 6 (reboot). It kills all processes,
+#               unmounts file systems and then either halts or reboots.
+# Author:       Miquel van Smoorenburg, <miquels@drinkel.nl.mugnet.org>
+# Modified by:  Patrick J. Volkerding,  <volkerdi@slackware.com>,
+#               Andrey V. Kosteltsev,   <kx@radix.pro>
+# Set the path:
+# If there are SystemV init scripts for this runlevel, run them:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.sysvinit ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.sysvinit
+# Set linefeed mode to avoid staircase effect:
+/bin/stty onlcr
+echo "Running shutdown script $0:"
+# Find out how we were called.
+case "$0" in
+  *0)
+    command="halt"
+    ;;
+  *6)
+    command=reboot
+    ;;
+   *)
+     echo "$0: call me as \"rc.0\" or \"rc.6\" please!"
+     exit 1
+     ;;
+# Restart init. This prevents init from hanging on to file handles for removed
+# glibc shared libraries in the case that those were upgraded or reinstalled.
+/sbin/telinit u
+# Save the system time to the hardware clock using hwclock --systohc.
+# This will also create or update the timestamps in /etc/adjtime.
+if [ -x /sbin/hwclock ]; then
+  # Check for a broken motherboard RTC clock (where ioports for rtc are unknown)
+  # to prevent hwclock causing a hang:
+  if ! grep -q " : rtc" /proc/ioports ; then
+    CLOCK_OPT="--directisa"
+  fi
+  if [ /etc/adjtime -nt /etc/hardwareclock ]; then
+    if grep -q "^LOCAL" /etc/adjtime ; then
+      echo "Saving system time to the hardware clock (localtime)."
+    else
+      echo "Saving system time to the hardware clock (UTC)."
+    fi
+    /sbin/hwclock $CLOCK_OPT --systohc
+  elif grep -q "^UTC" /etc/hardwareclock 2> /dev/null ; then
+    echo "Saving system time to the hardware clock (UTC)."
+    if [ ! -r /etc/adjtime ]; then
+      echo "Creating system time correction file /etc/adjtime."
+    fi
+    /sbin/hwclock $CLOCK_OPT --utc --systohc
+  else
+    echo "Saving system time to the hardware clock (localtime)."
+    if [ ! -r /etc/adjtime ]; then
+      echo "Creating system time correction file /etc/adjtime."
+    fi
+    /sbin/hwclock $CLOCK_OPT --localtime --systohc
+  fi
+# Run any local shutdown scripts:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.local_shutdown ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.local_shutdown stop
+# Stop the Icecream daemon::
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.iceccd ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.iceccd stop
+# Stop the Icecream scheduler:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.icecc-scheduler ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.icecc-scheduler stop
+# Stop the GPM mouse server:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.gpm ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.gpm stop
+# Stop Samba:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.samba ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.samba stop
+# Stop Dovecot:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.dovecot ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.dovecot stop
+# Stop local LDAP name service daemon (from nss-pam-ldapd):
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.nslcd ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.nslcd stop
+# Shut down OpenLDAP:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.openldap ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.openldap stop
+# Stop the Apache web server:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.httpd ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.httpd stop
+# Stop Nginx server:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.nginx ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.nginx stop
+# Stop Message broker RabbitMQ
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.rabbitmq ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.rabbitmq stop
+# Stop key-value store Redis
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.redis ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.redis stop
+# Stop uWSGI for cGit server:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.cgit-uwsgi ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.cgit-uwsgi stop
+# Stop FastCGI PHP server:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.php-fpm ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.php-fpm stop
+# Stop postgres
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.postgresql ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.postgresql stop
+# Stop the MySQL database:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.mysqld -a -r /var/run/mysql/mysql.pid ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.mysqld stop
+# Stop the Tomcat daemon:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.tomcat ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.tomcat stop
+# Shut down the Memcached daemon:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.memcached ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.memcached stop
+# Stop the mail server:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.sendmail -a -x usr/sbin/makemap ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.sendmail stop
+elif [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.postfix -a -x usr/sbin/postdrop ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.postfix stop
+# Shut down the IMAP daemon:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.cyrus-imapd ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.cyrus-imapd stop
+# Shut down the SASL authentication daemon:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.saslauthd ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.saslauthd stop
+# Stop the haveged entropy daemon:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.haveged ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.haveged stop
+# Kill any processes (typically gam) that would otherwise prevent
+# unmounting NFS volumes:
+for dir in $(/bin/mount | grep -e 'type nfs ' -e 'type nfs4 ' | sed -e 's|.* on ||g' | cut -d ' ' -f 1) ; do
+  echo "Killing processes holding NFS mount $dir open..."
+  # Background this to prevent fuser from also blocking shutdown:
+  /usr/bin/fuser -k -M -m "$dir" &
+# If fuser was run, let it have some delay:
+if [ ! -z "$FUSER_DELAY" ]; then
+  sleep $FUSER_DELAY
+# Unmount any NFS, SMB, or CIFS filesystems:
+echo "Unmounting remote filesystems:"
+/bin/umount -v -a -l -f -r -t nfs,nfs4,smbfs,cifs | tr -d ' ' | grep successfully | sed "s/:successfullyunmounted/ has been successfully unmounted./g"
+# Stop D-Bus:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.messagebus ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.messagebus stop
+# Try to shut down pppd:
+PS="$(ps ax)"
+if echo "$PS" | /bin/grep -q -w pppd ; then
+  if [ -x /usr/sbin/ppp-off ]; then
+    /usr/sbin/ppp-off
+  fi
+# Shut down the NFS server:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.nfsd ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.nfsd stop
+# Shut down OpenVPN:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.openvpn ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.openvpn stop
+# Shut down YP services:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.yp ]; then
+  if grep -wq stop /etc/rc.d/rc.yp ; then
+    /etc/rc.d/rc.yp stop
+  fi
+# Shut down the BIND name server daemon:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.bind ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.bind stop
+# Shut down the SSH server:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.sshd ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.sshd stop
+# Shut down the inetd server:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.inetd ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.inetd stop
+# Bring down the networking system, but first make sure that this
+# isn't a diskless client with the / partition mounted via NFS:
+if ! /bin/mount | /bin/grep -q -e 'on / type nfs' -e 'on / type nfs4' ; then
+  if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 ]; then
+    /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 stop
+  fi
+# In case dhcpcd might have been manually started on the command line,
+# look for the .pid file, and shut dhcpcd down if it's found:
+if /bin/ls /etc/dhcpc/*.pid 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then
+  /sbin/dhcpcd -k 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null
+  # A little time for /etc/resolv.conf and/or other files to
+  # restore themselves.
+  sleep 2
+# Shut down PCMCIA devices:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.pcmcia ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.pcmcia stop
+  # The cards might need a little extra time here to deactivate:
+  /bin/sleep 5
+# Turn off process accounting:
+if [ -x /sbin/accton -a -r /var/log/pacct ]; then
+  /sbin/accton off
+# Terminate acpid before syslog:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.acpid -a -r /var/run/acpid.pid ]; then # quit
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.acpid stop
+# Stop udev:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.udev ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.udev force-stop
+# Kill all remaining processes:
+OMITPIDS="$(for p in $(pgrep mdmon); do echo -o $p; done)" # Don't kill mdmon
+if [ ! "$1" = "fast" ]; then
+  echo "Sending all processes the SIGTERM signal."
+  /sbin/killall5 -15 $OMITPIDS
+  /bin/sleep 5
+  echo "Sending all processes the SIGKILL signal."
+  /sbin/killall5 -9 $OMITPIDS
+# Try to turn off quota:
+if /bin/grep -q quota /etc/fstab ; then
+  if [ -x /sbin/quotaoff ]; then
+    echo "Turning off filesystem quotas."
+    /sbin/quotaoff -a
+  fi
+# Carry a random seed between reboots:
+echo "Saving random seed from /dev/urandom in /etc/random-seed."
+# Use the pool size from /proc, or 4096 bits:
+if [ -r /proc/sys/kernel/random/poolsize ]; then
+  /bin/dd if=/dev/urandom of=/etc/random-seed count=1 bs=$(expr $(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/poolsize) / 8) 2> /dev/null
+  /bin/dd if=/dev/urandom of=/etc/random-seed count=1 bs=512 2> /dev/null
+/bin/chmod 600 /etc/random-seed
+# Before unmounting file systems write a reboot or halt record to wtmp.
+$command -w
+# Clear /var/lock/subsys:
+if [ -d /var/lock/subsys ]; then
+  rm -f /var/lock/subsys/*
+# Turn off swap:
+echo "Turning off swap:"
+/sbin/swapoff -a
+# Umount all tmpfs mounts except /dev/shm and under /run:
+cat /proc/mounts | grep " tmpfs " | grep -v -e " /run " -e " /run/" -e " /dev/shm " | while read mount ; do
+  umount --recursive -v $(echo $mount | cut -f 2 -d ' ') 2> /dev/null
+echo "Unmounting local file systems:"
+/bin/umount -v -a -t no,proc,sysfs,devtmpfs,fuse.gvfsd-fuse,tmpfs
+# JFS needs a sync here or the / partition cannot be remounted read-only.
+# In spite of this, it seems that a JFS root partition will always be checked
+# (and found to be clean) at boot:
+echo "Remounting root filesystem read-only:"
+/bin/mount -v -n -o remount,ro /
+# This never hurts:
+# Close any volumes opened by cryptsetup:
+if [ -f /etc/crypttab -a -x /sbin/cryptsetup ]; then
+  cat /etc/crypttab | grep -v "^#" | grep -v "^$" | while read line; do
+    # NOTE: we only support LUKS formatted volumes (except for swap)!
+    LUKS=$(echo $line | tr '\t' ' ' | tr -s ' ' | cut -f1 -d' ')
+    DEV=$(echo $line | tr '\t' ' ' | tr -s ' ' | cut -f2 -d' ')
+    OPTS=$(echo $line | tr '\t' ' ' | tr -s ' ' | cut -f4 -d' ')
+    if /sbin/cryptsetup isLuks $DEV 2>/dev/null ; then
+      echo "Locking LUKS crypt volume '${LUKS}':"
+      /sbin/cryptsetup luksClose ${LUKS}
+    elif echo $OPTS | grep -wq swap ; then
+      # If any of the volumes was used as encrypted swap,
+      # then run mkswap on the underlying device -
+      # in case other Linux installations on this computer should use it:
+      echo "Erasing encrypted swap '${LUKS}' and restoring normal swap on ${DEV}:"
+      /sbin/cryptsetup remove ${LUKS}
+      mkswap $DEV
+    fi
+  done
+# Deactivate LVM volume groups:
+if [ -r /etc/lvmtab -o -d /etc/lvm/backup ]; then
+  echo "Deactivating LVM volume groups:"
+  /sbin/vgchange -an
+# This never hurts again (especially since root-on-LVM always fails
+# to deactivate the / logical volume...  but at least it was
+# remounted as read-only first)
+# sleep 3 fixes problems with some hard drives that don't
+# otherwise finish syncing before reboot or poweroff
+/bin/sleep 3
+# This is to ensure all processes have completed on SMP machines:
+if [ -x /sbin/genpowerd ]; then
+  # See if this is a powerfail situation:
+  if /bin/egrep -q "FAIL|SCRAM" /etc/upsstatus 2> /dev/null ; then
+    # Signal UPS to shut off the inverter:
+    /sbin/genpowerd -k
+    if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then
+      echo
+      echo "There was an error signaling the UPS."
+      echo "Perhaps you need to edit /etc/genpowerd.conf to configure"
+      echo "the serial line and UPS type."
+      # Wasting 15 seconds of precious power:
+      /bin/sleep 15
+    fi
+  fi
+# APC UPS Daemon:
+# This will cause the UPS to kill the power supply after a configurable number
+# of seconds (see the apcupsd.conf file).  This is important for situations
+# where the mains power comes back before the UPS batteries are completely
+# dead.
+#if [ -f /etc/apcupsd/powerfail ]; then
+#  echo
+#  echo "apcupsd will now power off the UPS"
+#  echo
+#  /etc/apcupsd/apccontrol killpower
+#  echo
+#  echo "Please ensure that the UPS has powered off before rebooting."
+#  echo "Otherwise, the UPS may cut the power during the reboot."
+#  echo
+#  halt -f -p         # power down the system if the hardware is capable
+# Now halt (poweroff with APM or ACPI enabled kernels) or reboot.
+if [ "$command" = "reboot" ]; then
+  echo "Rebooting."
+  /sbin/reboot
+  /sbin/poweroff
Index: radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.K
--- radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.K	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.K	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# rc.K          This file is executed by init when it goes into runlevel 1,
+#               which is the administrative state. It kills all daemons and
+#               then puts the system into single user mode. Note that the
+#               file systems are kept mounted.
+# Author:       Miquel van Smoorenburg, <miquels@drinkel.nl.mugnet.org>
+# Modified by:  Patrick J. Volkerding,  <volkerdi@slackware.com>,
+#               Andrey V. Kosteltsev,   <kx@radix.pro>
+# Set the path.
+# Load a custom screen font if the user has an rc.font script.
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.font ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.font
+# Load any needed keyboard mappings:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.keymap ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.keymap
+# If there are SystemV init scripts for this runlevel, run them.
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.sysvinit ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.sysvinit
+# Try to turn off quota:
+if grep -q quota /etc/fstab ; then
+  if [ -x /sbin/quotaoff ]; then
+    echo "Turning off filesystem quotas."
+    /sbin/quotaoff -a
+  fi
+# Try to turn off accounting:
+if [ -x /sbin/accton -a -r /var/log/pacct ]; then
+  /sbin/accton off
+# Run any local shutdown scripts:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.local_shutdown ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.local_shutdown stop
+# Stop the Apache web server:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.httpd ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.httpd stop
+# Stop Nginx server:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.nginx ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.nginx stop
+# Stop Message broker RabbitMQ
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.rabbitmq ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.rabbitmq stop
+# Stop key-value store Redis
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.redis ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.redis stop
+# Stop uWSGI for cGit server:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.cgit-uwsgi ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.cgit-uwsgi stop
+# Stop FastCGI PHP server:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.php-fpm ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.php-fpm stop
+# Stop postgres
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.postgresql ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.postgresql stop
+# Stop the MySQL database:
+if [ -r /var/run/mysql/mysql.pid ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.mysqld stop
+# Stop the Samba server:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.samba ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.samba stop
+# Shut down the NFS server:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.nfsd ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.nfsd stop
+# Shut down the SSH server:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.sshd ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.sshd stop
+# Stop the Tomcat daemon:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.tomcat ]; then
+  . /etc/rc.d/rc.tomcat stop
+# Shut down the Memcached daemon:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.memcached ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.memcached stop
+# Shut down the Postfix daemon:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.postfix ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.postfix stop
+# Shut down the IMAP daemon:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.cyrus-imapd ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.cyrus-imapd stop
+# Shut down the SASL authentication daemon:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.saslauthd ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.saslauthd stop
+# Shut down OpenLDAP:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.openldap ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.openldap stop
+# Stop D-Bus:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.messagebus ]; then
+  sh /etc/rc.d/rc.messagebus stop
+# Kill any processes (typically gam) that would otherwise prevent
+# unmounting NFS volumes:
+for dir in $(/bin/mount | grep -e 'type nfs ' -e 'type nfs4 ' | sed -e 's|.* on ||g' | cut -d ' ' -f 1) ; do
+  echo "Killing processes holding NFS mount $dir open..."
+  # Background this to prevent fuser from also blocking shutdown:
+  /usr/bin/fuser -k -M -m "$dir" &
+# If fuser was run, let it have some delay:
+if [ ! -z "$FUSER_DELAY" ]; then
+  sleep $FUSER_DELAY
+# Unmount any NFS, SMB, or CIFS filesystems:
+echo "Unmounting remote filesystems:"
+/bin/umount -v -a -l -f -r -t nfs,nfs4,smbfs,cifs | tr -d ' ' | grep successfully | sed "s/:successfullyunmounted/ has been successfully unmounted./g"
+# Shut down PCMCIA devices:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.pcmcia ] ; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.pcmcia stop
+  # The cards might need a little extra time here to deactivate:
+  sleep 5
+# Terminate acpid before syslog:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.acpid -a -r /var/run/acpid.pid ]; then # quit
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.acpid stop
+# Terminate ntpd before syslog:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.ntpd -a -r /var/run/ntpd.pid ]; then # quit
+  sh /etc/rc.d/rc.ntpd stop
+# Kill all processes.
+OMITPIDS="$(for p in $(pgrep mdmon); do echo -o $p; done)" # Don't kill mdmon
+echo "Sending all processes the SIGHUP signal."
+killall5 -1 $OMITPIDS
+echo -n "Waiting for processes to hang up"
+for loop in 0 1 2 3 4 5 ; do
+  sleep 1
+  echo -n "."
+echo "Sending all processes the SIGTERM signal."
+killall5 -15 $OMITPIDS
+echo -n "Waiting for processes to terminate"
+for loop in 0 1 2 3 4 5 ; do
+  sleep 1
+  echo -n "."
+echo "Sending all processes the SIGKILL signal."
+killall5 -9 $OMITPIDS
+echo -n "Waiting for processes to exit"
+for loop in 0 1 2 3 4 5 ; do
+  sleep 1
+  echo -n "."
+# Now go to the single user level
+echo "Going to single user mode..."
+/sbin/telinit -t 1 1
Index: radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.M.in
--- radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.M.in	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.M.in	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,566 @@
+# rc.M          This file is executed by init(8) when the system is being
+#               initialized for one of the "multi user" run levels (i.e.
+#               levels 1 through 6).  It usually does mounting of file
+#               systems et al.
+# Author:       Fred N. van Kempen, <waltje@uwalt.nl.mugnet.org>
+# Modified by:  Patrick Volkerding, <volkerdi@slackware.com>,
+#               Andrey V. Kosteltsev,  <kx@radix.pro>
+# Tell the viewers what's going to happen.
+echo "Going multiuser..."
+# Update all the shared library links:
+if [ -x /sbin/ldconfig ]; then
+  echo "Updating shared library links:  /sbin/ldconfig &"
+  /sbin/ldconfig &
+# create cracklib dictionary on first start up:
+if [ -x /bin/hostname ] ; then
+  echo `/bin/hostname` >> /usr/share/dict/host-name
+  extra_words=/usr/share/dict/host-name
+if [ ! -r var/cache/cracklib/pq_dict.hwm -o \
+     ! -r var/cache/cracklib/pq_dict.pwd -o \
+     ! -r var/cache/cracklib/pq_dict.pwi    ]; then
+  LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libcrack.so \
+    /sbin/create-cracklib-dict -o /var/cache/cracklib/pq_dict /usr/share/dict/cracklib ${extra_words}
+# Call the setterm init script to set screen blanking and power management defaults:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.setterm ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.setterm
+# Set the hostname.
+if [ -r /etc/HOSTNAME ]; then
+  /bin/hostname $(cat /etc/HOSTNAME | cut -f1 -d .)
+  # fall back on this old default:
+  echo "@HARDWARE@.example.org" > /etc/HOSTNAME
+  /bin/hostname radix
+# Set the permissions on /var/log/dmesg according to whether the kernel
+# permits non-root users to access kernel dmesg information:
+if [ -r /proc/sys/kernel/dmesg_restrict ]; then
+  if [ $(cat /proc/sys/kernel/dmesg_restrict) = 1 ]; then
+    touch /var/log/dmesg
+    chmod 640 /var/log/dmesg
+  fi
+  touch /var/log/dmesg
+  chmod 644 /var/log/dmesg
+# Save the contents of 'dmesg':
+/bin/dmesg -s 65536 > /var/log/dmesg
+# Initialize PCMCIA devices:
+# NOTE: This used to be started near the top of rc.S so that PCMCIA devices
+# could be fsck'ed along with the other drives.  This had some unfortunate
+# side effects, however, since root isn't yet read-write, and /var might not
+# even be mounted the .pid files can't be correctly written in /var/run and
+# the pcmcia system can't be correctly shut down.  If you want some PCMCIA
+# partition to be mounted at boot (or when the card is inserted) then add
+# the appropriate lines to /etc/pcmcia/scsi.opts.
+# Note that the stuff in /etc/pcmcia/ is only for 2.4.x kernels using
+# 16-bit PCMCIA cards (not 32-bit Cardbus cards!).  For example, with a
+# wireless card you might need to set options in /etc/pcmcia OR in
+# /etc/rc.d/rc.wireless.conf, or even in /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf (with
+# extra options if needed for the encryption key, ESSID, etc.)
+# Hopefully this situation will be unified in the future, but for now
+# that's how it is...
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.pcmcia ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.pcmcia start
+  # The cards might need a little extra time here to initialize.
+  sleep 5
+# Start the system logger:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.syslog ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.syslog start
+####### Update the X font indexes (check fonts.dir, fonts.scale also):
+if [ -d /usr/share/fonts/100dpi ] ; then
+  if [ ! -r /usr/share/fonts/100dpi/fonts.dir -o ! -r /usr/share/fonts/100dpi/fonts.scale ] ; then
+    if [ -x /usr/bin/mkfontscale -a -x /usr/bin/mkfontdir ] ; then
+      echo "Updating fonts.dir, fonts.scale in /usr/share/fonts/100dpi directory"
+      ( cd /usr/share/fonts/100dpi ; /usr/bin/mkfontscale . ; /usr/bin/mkfontdir . )
+    fi
+  fi
+if [ -d /usr/share/fonts/75dpi ] ; then
+  if [ ! -r /usr/share/fonts/75dpi/fonts.dir -o ! -r /usr/share/fonts/75dpi/fonts.scale ] ; then
+    if [ -x /usr/bin/mkfontscale -a -x /usr/bin/mkfontdir ] ; then
+      echo "Updating fonts.dir, fonts.scale in /usr/share/fonts/75dpi directory"
+      ( cd /usr/share/fonts/75dpi ; /usr/bin/mkfontscale . ; /usr/bin/mkfontdir . )
+    fi
+  fi
+if [ -d /usr/share/fonts/OTF ] ; then
+  if [ ! -r /usr/share/fonts/OTF/fonts.dir -o ! -r /usr/share/fonts/OTF/fonts.scale ] ; then
+    if [ -x /usr/bin/mkfontscale -a -x /usr/bin/mkfontdir ] ; then
+      echo "Updating fonts.dir, fonts.scale in /usr/share/fonts/OTF directory"
+      ( cd /usr/share/fonts/OTF ; /usr/bin/mkfontscale . ; /usr/bin/mkfontdir . )
+    fi
+  fi
+if [ -d /usr/share/fonts/Speedo ] ; then
+  if [ ! -r /usr/share/fonts/Speedo/fonts.dir -o ! -r /usr/share/fonts/Speedo/fonts.scale ] ; then
+    if [ -x /usr/bin/mkfontscale -a -x /usr/bin/mkfontdir ] ; then
+      echo "Updating fonts.dir, fonts.scale in /usr/share/fonts/Speedo directory"
+      ( cd /usr/share/fonts/Speedo ; /usr/bin/mkfontscale . ; /usr/bin/mkfontdir . )
+    fi
+  fi
+if [ -d /usr/share/fonts/TTF ] ; then
+  if [ ! -r /usr/share/fonts/TTF/fonts.dir -o ! -r /usr/share/fonts/TTF/fonts.scale ] ; then
+    if [ -x /usr/bin/mkfontscale -a -x /usr/bin/mkfontdir ] ; then
+      echo "Updating fonts.dir, fonts.scale in /usr/share/fonts/TTF directory"
+      ( cd /usr/share/fonts/TTF ; /usr/bin/mkfontscale . ; /usr/bin/mkfontdir . )
+    fi
+  fi
+if [ -d /usr/share/fonts/Type1 ] ; then
+  if [ ! -r /usr/share/fonts/Type1/fonts.dir -o ! -r /usr/share/fonts/Type1/fonts.scale ] ; then
+    if [ -x /usr/bin/mkfontscale -a -x /usr/bin/mkfontdir ] ; then
+      echo "Updating fonts.dir, fonts.scale in /usr/share/fonts/Type1 directory"
+      ( cd /usr/share/fonts/Type1 ; /usr/bin/mkfontscale . ; /usr/bin/mkfontdir . )
+    fi
+  fi
+if [ -d /usr/share/fonts/cyrillic ] ; then
+  if [ ! -r /usr/share/fonts/cyrillic/fonts.dir -o ! -r /usr/share/fonts/cyrillic/fonts.scale ] ; then
+    if [ -x /usr/bin/mkfontscale -a -x /usr/bin/mkfontdir ] ; then
+      echo "Updating fonts.dir, fonts.scale in /usr/share/fonts/cyrillic directory"
+      ( cd /usr/share/fonts/cyrillic ; /usr/bin/mkfontscale . ; /usr/bin/mkfontdir . )
+    fi
+  fi
+if [ -d /usr/share/fonts/terminus ] ; then
+  if [ ! -r /usr/share/fonts/terminus/fonts.dir -o ! -r /usr/share/fonts/terminus/fonts.scale ] ; then
+    if [ -x /usr/bin/mkfontscale -a -x /usr/bin/mkfontdir ] ; then
+      echo "Updating fonts.dir, fonts.scale in /usr/share/fonts/terminus directory"
+      ( cd /usr/share/fonts/terminus ; /usr/bin/mkfontscale . ; /usr/bin/mkfontdir . )
+    fi
+  fi
+if [ -d /usr/share/fonts/misc ] ; then
+  if [ ! -r /usr/share/fonts/misc/fonts.dir -o ! -r /usr/share/fonts/misc/fonts.scale ] ; then
+    if [ -x /usr/bin/mkfontscale -a -x /usr/bin/mkfontdir ] ; then
+      echo "Updating fonts.dir, fonts.scale in /usr/share/fonts/misc directory"
+      ( cd /usr/share/fonts/misc ; /usr/bin/mkfontscale . ; /usr/bin/mkfontdir -e /usr/share/fonts/encodings -e /usr/share/fonts/encodings/large . )
+    fi
+  fi
+if [ -x /usr/bin/fc-cache ]; then
+  echo "Updating X font indexes:  /usr/bin/fc-cache -f &"
+  /usr/bin/fc-cache -f &
+####### Update the ca-certificates at first system boot:
+if [ -d /etc/ssl/certs ] ; then
+  if [ ! -r /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt -a -x /usr/sbin/update-ca-certificates ] ; then
+    echo "Updating ca-certificates in /etc/ssl/certs directory"
+    /usr/sbin/update-ca-certificates
+  fi
+# Run rc.udev again.  This will start udev if it is not already running
+# (for example, upon return from runlevel 1), otherwise it will trigger it
+# to look for device changes and to generate persistent rules if needed.
+if grep -wq sysfs /proc/mounts && grep -q devtmpfs /proc/filesystems ; then
+  if ! grep -wq nohotplug /proc/cmdline ; then
+    if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.udev ]; then
+      /bin/sh /etc/rc.d/rc.udev start
+    fi
+  fi
+# Start the haveged entropy daemon:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.haveged ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.haveged start
+# Start the rngd entropy daemon:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.rngd ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.rngd start
+# Initialize the networking hardware:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1
+# Start D-Bus:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.messagebus ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.messagebus start
+# Start the session/seat daemon:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.elogind -a -x /bin/loginctl ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.elogind start
+elif [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.consolekit -a -x /usr/sbin/console-kit-daemon ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.consolekit start
+# Start Bluetooth:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.bluetooth ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.bluetooth start
+# Start wicd or networkmanager:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.wicd -a -x /usr/sbin/wicd ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.wicd start
+elif [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.networkmanager ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.networkmanager start
+# Start networking daemons:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.inet2 ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.inet2
+# Mount any additional filesystem types that haven't already been mounted:
+mount -a -v 2> /dev/null | grep -v -e "already mounted" -e "ignored" | cut -f 1 -d : | tr -d ' ' | while read dev ; do mount | grep "${dev} " ; done
+# Start the Control Script for automounter:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.autofs ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.autofs start
+# Start the Network Time Protocol daemon:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.ntpd ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.ntpd start
+# Remove stale locks and junk files (must be done after mount -a!)
+/bin/rm -f /var/lock/* /var/spool/uucp/LCK..* /tmp/.X*lock /tmp/.X11-unix/* /tmp/core /core 2> /dev/null
+/bin/rm -rf /var/spool/cron/cron.?????? 2> /dev/null
+# Remove stale hunt sockets so the game can start.
+if [ -r /tmp/hunt -o -r /tmp/hunt.stats ]; then
+  echo "Removing your stale hunt sockets from /tmp."
+  /bin/rm -f /tmp/hunt*
+# Ensure basic filesystem permissions sanity.
+chmod 755 / 2> /dev/null
+chmod 1777 /tmp /var/tmp
+# Start ACPI daemon.
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.acpid ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.acpid start
+# Enable CPU frequency scaling:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.cpufreq ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.cpufreq start
+# Update any existing icon cache files:
+if find /usr/share/icons -maxdepth 2 2> /dev/null | grep -q icon-theme.cache ; then
+  for theme_dir in /usr/share/icons/* ; do
+    if [ -r ${theme_dir}/icon-theme.cache ]; then
+      echo "Updating icon-theme.cache in ${theme_dir}..."
+      /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache -t -f ${theme_dir} 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null &
+    fi
+  done
+  # This would be a large file and probably shouldn't be there.
+  if [ -r /usr/share/icons/icon-theme.cache ]; then
+    echo "Deleting icon-theme.cache in /usr/share/icons..."
+    #/usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache -t -f /usr/share/icons 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null &
+    rm -f /usr/share/icons/icon-theme.cache
+  fi
+# Update mime database:
+if [ -x /usr/bin/update-mime-database -a -d /usr/share/mime ]; then
+  echo "Updating MIME database:  /usr/bin/update-mime-database /usr/share/mime &"
+  /usr/bin/update-mime-database /usr/share/mime 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null &
+# Start HAL:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.hald ]; then
+  sh /etc/rc.d/rc.hald start
+# Start system-wide PulseAudio daemon (not recommended, nor required in
+# order to use PulseAudio -- see the script for details):
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.pulseaudio ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.pulseaudio start
+# These GTK+/pango files need to be kept up to date for
+# proper input method, pixbuf loaders, and font support.
+if [ -x /usr/bin/update-gtk-immodules ]; then
+  echo "Updating gtk.immodules:"
+  echo "  /usr/bin/update-gtk-immodules &"
+  /usr/bin/update-gtk-immodules > /dev/null 2>&1 &
+if [ -x /usr/bin/update-gdk-pixbuf-loaders ]; then
+  echo "Updating gdk-pixbuf.loaders:"
+  echo "  /usr/bin/update-gdk-pixbuf-loaders &"
+  HOME=/root /usr/bin/update-gdk-pixbuf-loaders > /dev/null 2>&1 &
+if [ -x /usr/bin/update-pango-querymodules ]; then
+  echo "Updating pango.modules:"
+  echo "  /usr/bin/update-pango-querymodules &"
+  /usr/bin/update-pango-querymodules > /dev/null 2>&1 &
+if [ -x /usr/bin/glib-compile-schemas ]; then
+  echo "Compiling GSettings XML schema files:"
+  echo "  /usr/bin/glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas &"
+  /usr/bin/glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas >/dev/null 2>&1 &
+# Start dnsmasq, a simple DHCP/DNS server:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.dnsmasq ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.dnsmasq start
+# Start snmpd:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.snmpd ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.snmpd start
+# Start the print spooling system.  This will usually be LPRng (lpd) or CUPS.
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.cups ]; then
+  # Start CUPS:
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.cups start
+elif [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.lprng ]; then
+  # Start LPRng (lpd):
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.lprng start
+# Start netatalk. (a file/print server for Macs using Appletalk)
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.atalk ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.atalk start
+# Start smartd, which monitors the status of S.M.A.R.T. compatible
+# hard drives and reports any problems:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.smartd ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.smartd start
+## Monitor the UPS with genpowerd.
+## To use this, uncomment this section and edit your settings in
+## /etc/genpowerd.conf (serial device, UPS type, etc).  For more information,
+## see "man genpowerd" or the extensive documentation in the
+## /usr/doc/genpower-*/ directory.
+## You'll also need to configure a similar block in /etc/rc.d/rc.6 if you want
+## support for stopping the UPS's inverter after the machine halts.
+##if [ -x /sbin/genpowerd ]; then
+##  echo "Starting genpowerd daemon..."
+##  /sbin/genpowerd
+# Turn on process accounting.  To enable process accounting, make sure the
+# option for BSD process accounting is enabled in your kernel, and then
+# create the file /var/log/pacct (touch /var/log/pacct).  By default, process
+# accounting is not enabled (since /var/log/pacct does not exist).  This is
+# because the log file can get VERY large.
+if [ -x /sbin/accton -a -r /var/log/pacct ]; then
+  chmod 640 /var/log/pacct
+  /sbin/accton /var/log/pacct
+# Start crond (Dillon's crond):
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.crond ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.crond start
+# Start atd (manages jobs scheduled with 'at'):
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.atd ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.atd start
+## Mini-Quota-HOWTO:
+# To really activate quotas, you'll need to add 'usrquota' and/or 'grpquota' to
+# the appropriate partitions as listed in /etc/fstab.  Here's an example:
+# /dev/hda2      /home      ext3     defaults,usrquota      1   1
+# You'll then need to setup initial quota files at the top of the partitions
+# to support quota, like this:
+# touch /home/aquota.user /home/aquota.group
+# chmod 600 /home/aquota.user /home/aquota.group
+# Then, reboot to activate the system.
+# To edit user quotas, use 'edquota'.  See 'man edquota'.  Also, the
+# official Quota Mini-HOWTO has lots of useful information.  That can be found
+# here:  /usr/doc/Linux-HOWTOs/Quota
+# Check quotas and then turn quota system on:
+if grep -q quota /etc/fstab ; then
+  for quotafs in $(awk '/quota/ {print $2}' /etc/fstab) ; do
+    /bin/rm -f $quotafs/{a,}quota.{group,user}.new
+  done
+  if [ -x /sbin/quotacheck ]; then
+    echo "Checking filesystem quotas:  /sbin/quotacheck -avugm"
+    /sbin/quotacheck -avugm
+  fi
+  if [ -x /sbin/quotaon ]; then
+    echo "Activating filesystem quotas:  /sbin/quotaon -avug"
+    /sbin/quotaon -avug
+  fi
+# Start the SASL authentication server.  This provides SASL
+# authentication services for sendmail:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.saslauthd ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.saslauthd start
+# Start the IMAP daemon:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.cyrus-imapd ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.cyrus-imapd start
+# Start the mail server:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.sendmail -a -x usr/sbin/makemap ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.sendmail start
+elif [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.postfix -a -x usr/sbin/postdrop ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.postfix start
+# Start the Memcached daemon:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.memcached ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.memcached start
+# Start the Tomcat daemon:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.tomcat ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.tomcat start
+# Load ALSA (sound) defaults:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.alsa ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.alsa
+# Load a custom screen font if the user has an rc.font script.
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.font ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.font
+# Load a custom keymap if the user has an rc.keymap script.
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.keymap ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.keymap
+# Start the MySQL database:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.mysqld ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.mysqld start
+# Startup postgresql:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.postgresql ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.postgresql start
+# Start FastCGI PHP server:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.php-fpm ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.php-fpm start
+# Start uWSGI for cGit server:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.cgit-uwsgi ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.cgit-uwsgi start
+# Start key-value store Redis:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.redis ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.redis start
+# Start Message broker RabbitMQ:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.rabbitmq ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.rabbitmq start
+# Start Nginx server:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.nginx ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.nginx start
+# Start Apache web server:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.httpd ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.httpd start
+# Start OpenLDAP:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.openldap ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.openldap start
+# Start local LDAP name service daemon (from nss-pam-ldapd):
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.nslcd ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.nslcd start
+# Start Dovecot:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.dovecot ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.dovecot start
+# Start Samba (a file/print server for Win95/NT machines).
+# Samba can be started in /etc/inetd.conf instead.
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.samba ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.samba start
+# Start the GPM mouse server:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.gpm ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.gpm start
+# Start the Icecream scheduler. This needs to run on
+# only one machine that is part of the compile cluster:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.icecc-scheduler ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.icecc-scheduler start
+# Start the Icecream daemon. This needs to run on every machine that will be
+# part of the compile cluster (including the machine running the scheduler):
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.iceccd ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.iceccd start
+# If there are SystemV init scripts for this runlevel, run them:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.sysvinit ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.sysvinit
+# Start the local setup procedure.
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.local ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.local
+# All done.
Index: radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.S.in
--- radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.S.in	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.S.in	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+# /etc/rc.d/rc.S:  System initialization script.
+# Written by:      Patrick J. Volkerding, <volkerdi@slackware.com>
+# Modified by:     Andrey V. Kosteltsev,  <kx@radix.pro>
+# Mount /proc if it is not already mounted:
+if [ ! -d /proc/sys ]; then
+  /sbin/mount -v proc /proc -n -t proc 2> /dev/null
+# Mount /sys if it is not already mounted:
+if [ ! -d /sys/kernel ]; then
+  /sbin/mount -v sysfs /sys -n -t sysfs 2> /dev/null
+# If /run exists, mount a tmpfs on it (unless the initrd has already done so):
+if [ -d /run ]; then
+  if ! grep -wq "tmpfs /run tmpfs" /proc/mounts ; then
+    /sbin/mount -v -n -t tmpfs tmpfs /run -o mode=0755,size=32M,nodev,nosuid,noexec
+  fi
+# Load the loop device kernel module (not applicable on OMAP5):
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.loop ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.loop start
+# Initialize udev to manage /dev entries and hotplugging for 3.x kernels.
+# You may turn off udev by making the /etc/rc.d/rc.udev file non-executable
+# or giving the "nohotplug" option at boot, but realize that if you turn off
+# udev that you will have to load all the kernel modules that you need
+# yourself (possibly in /etc/rc.d/rc.modules, which does not promise to list
+# all of them), and make any additional device nodes that you need in the
+# /dev directory.  Even USB and IEEE1394 devices will need to have the
+# modules loaded by hand if udev is not used.  So use it.  :-)
+if grep -wq sysfs /proc/mounts && grep -q devtmpfs /proc/filesystems ; then
+  if ! grep -wq nohotplug /proc/cmdline ; then
+    if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.udev ]; then
+      /etc/rc.d/rc.udev start
+    fi
+  fi
+# Mount Control Groups filesystem interface:
+if grep -wq cgroup /proc/filesystems ; then
+  if [ -d /sys/fs/cgroup ]; then
+    # See linux-*/Documentation/cgroups/cgroups.txt (section 1.6)
+    # Check if we have some tools to autodetect the available cgroup controllers
+    if [ -x /bin/cut -a -x /bin/tail ]; then
+      # Mount a tmpfs as the cgroup filesystem root
+      mount -t tmpfs -o mode=0755,size=8M cgroup_root /sys/fs/cgroup
+      # Autodetect available controllers and mount them in subfolders
+      controllers="$(/bin/cut -f 1 /proc/cgroups | /bin/tail -n +2)"
+      for i in $controllers; do
+        mkdir /sys/fs/cgroup/$i
+        mount -t cgroup -o $i $i /sys/fs/cgroup/$i
+      done
+      unset i controllers
+    else
+      # We can't use autodetection so fall back mounting them all together
+      mount -t cgroup cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup
+    fi
+  else
+    mkdir -p /dev/cgroup
+    mount -t cgroup cgroup /dev/cgroup
+  fi
+# Initialize the Logical Volume Manager.
+# This won't start unless we find /etc/lvmtab (LVM1) or
+# /etc/lvm/backup/ (LVM2).  This is created by /sbin/vgscan, so to
+# use LVM you must run /sbin/vgscan yourself the first time (and
+# create some VGs and LVs).
+# Create LVM lock/run directories:
+mkdir -p -m 0700 /run/lvm /run/lock /run/lock/lvm
+if [ -r /etc/lvmtab -o -d /etc/lvm/backup ]; then
+  echo "Initializing LVM (Logical Volume Manager):"
+  # Check for device-mapper support.
+  if ! grep -wq device-mapper /proc/devices ; then
+    # Try to load a device-mapper kernel module:
+    /sbin/modprobe -q dm-mod
+  fi
+  # Scan for new volume groups:
+  /sbin/vgscan --mknodes --ignorelockingfailure 2> /dev/null
+  if [ $? = 0 ]; then
+    # Make volume groups available to the kernel.
+    # This should also make logical volumes available.
+    /sbin/vgchange -ay --ignorelockingfailure
+  fi
+# Open any volumes created by cryptsetup:
+# Some notes on /etc/crypttab in Slackware:
+# Only LUKS formatted volumes are supported (except for swap)
+# crypttab follows the following format:
+# <luks_name> <device> <password> <options>
+# <luks_name>:  This is the name of your LUKS volume.
+# For example:  crypt-home
+# <device>:  This is the device containing your LUKS volume.
+# For example:  /dev/sda2
+# <password>:  This is either the volume password in plain text, or the name of
+# a key file.  Use 'none' to interactively enter password on boot.
+# <options>:  Comma-separated list of options.  Note that there must be a
+# password field for any options to be picked up (use a password of 'none' to
+# get a password prompt at boot).  The following options are supported:
+# discard -- this will cause --allow-discards to be passed to the cryptsetup
+# program while opening the LUKS volume.
+# ro -- this will cause --readonly to be passed to the cryptsetup program while
+# opening the LUKS volume.
+# swap -- this option cannot be used with other options.  The device given will
+# be formatted as a new encrypted volume with a random key on boot, and used as
+# swap.
+if [ -f /etc/crypttab -a -x /sbin/cryptsetup ]; then
+  # First, check for device-mapper support.
+  if ! grep -wq device-mapper /proc/devices ; then
+    # If device-mapper exists as a module, try to load it.
+    # Try to load a device-mapper kernel module:
+    /sbin/modprobe -q dm-mod
+  fi
+  # NOTE: we only support LUKS formatted volumes (except for swap)!
+  cat /etc/crypttab | grep -v "^#" | grep -v "^$" | while read line; do
+    eval LUKSARRAY=( $line )
+    LUKS="${LUKSARRAY[0]}"
+    DEV="${LUKSARRAY[1]}"
+    PASS="${LUKSARRAY[2]}"
+    OPTS="${LUKSARRAY[3]}"
+    LUKSOPTS=""
+    if echo $OPTS | grep -wq ro ; then LUKSOPTS="${LUKSOPTS} --readonly" ; fi
+    if echo $OPTS | grep -wq discard ; then LUKSOPTS="${LUKSOPTS} --allow-discards" ; fi
+    # Skip LUKS volumes that were already unlocked (in the initrd):
+    /sbin/cryptsetup status $LUKS 2>/dev/null | head -n 1 | grep -q "is active" && continue
+    if /sbin/cryptsetup isLuks $DEV 2>/dev/null ; then
+      if [ -z "${LUKSOPTS}" ]; then
+        echo "Unlocking LUKS encrypted volume '${LUKS}' on device '$DEV':"
+      else
+        echo "Unlocking LUKS encrypted volume '${LUKS}' on device '$DEV' with options '${LUKSOPTS}':"
+      fi
+      if [ -n "${PASS}" -a "${PASS}" != "none" ]; then
+        if [ -f "${PASS}" ]; then
+          # A password was given a key-file filename
+          /sbin/cryptsetup ${LUKSOPTS} --key-file=${PASS} luksOpen $DEV $LUKS
+        else
+          # A password was provided in plain text
+          echo "${PASS}" | /sbin/cryptsetup ${LUKSOPTS} luksOpen $DEV $LUKS
+        fi
+      else
+        # No password was given, or a password of 'none' was given
+        /sbin/cryptsetup ${LUKSOPTS} luksOpen $DEV $LUKS </dev/tty0 >/dev/tty0 2>&1
+      fi
+    elif echo $OPTS | grep -wq swap ; then
+      # If any of the volumes is to be used as encrypted swap,
+      # then encrypt it using a random key and run mkswap:
+      echo "Creating encrypted swap volume '${LUKS}' on device '$DEV':"
+      /sbin/cryptsetup --cipher=aes --key-file=/dev/urandom --key-size=256 create $LUKS $DEV
+      mkswap /dev/mapper/$LUKS
+    fi
+  done
+# Enable swapping:
+/sbin/swapon -a 2> /dev/null
+## Start FUSE, if requested:
+#if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.fuse ]; then
+#  /etc/rc.d/rc.fuse start
+# Set the tick and frequency for the system clock.
+# Default values are: TICK=10000 and FREQ=0
+# If there's a /etc/default/adjtimex config file, source it to override
+# the default TICK and FREQ:
+if [ -r /etc/default/adjtimex ]; then
+  . /etc/default/adjtimex
+if /sbin/adjtimex --tick $TICK --frequency $FREQ; then
+  echo "Setting the system clock rate:  /sbin/adjtimex --tick $TICK --frequency $FREQ"
+  echo "Failed to set system clock with adjtimex, possibly invalid parameters? (TICK=$TICK FREQ=$FREQ)"
+# Set the system time from the hardware clock using hwclock --hctosys.
+if [ -x /sbin/hwclock ]; then
+  # Check for a broken motherboard RTC clock (where ioports for rtc are
+  # unknown) to prevent hwclock causing a hang:
+  if ! grep -q " : rtc" /proc/ioports ; then
+    CLOCK_OPT="--directisa"
+  fi
+  if [ /etc/adjtime -nt /etc/hardwareclock ]; then
+    if grep -q "^LOCAL" /etc/adjtime ; then
+      echo -n "Setting system time from the hardware clock (localtime):  "
+    else
+      echo -n "Setting system time from the hardware clock (UTC):  "
+    fi
+    /sbin/hwclock $CLOCK_OPT --hctosys
+  elif grep -wq "^localtime" /etc/hardwareclock 2> /dev/null ; then
+    echo -n "Setting system time from the hardware clock (localtime):  "
+    /sbin/hwclock $CLOCK_OPT --localtime --hctosys
+  else
+    echo -n "Setting system time from the hardware clock (UTC):  "
+    /sbin/hwclock $CLOCK_OPT --utc --hctosys
+  fi
+  date
+####### TODO: Test to see if the root partition is read-only, like it ought to be.
+## Test to see if the root partition is read-only, like it ought to be.
+#if touch /fsrwtestfile 2>/dev/null; then
+#  rm -f /fsrwtestfile
+#  echo "Testing root filesystem status:  read-only filesystem"
+## See if a forced filesystem check was requested at shutdown:
+#if [ -r /etc/forcefsck ]; then
+#  FORCEFSCK="-f"
+## If we're using F2FS for the root filesystem, don't check it as it doesn't
+## allow checking a read-only filesystem:
+#if grep -q ' / f2fs ' /proc/mounts ; then
+#  echo "Remounting root device with read-write enabled."
+#  /sbin/mount -w -v -n -o remount /
+#elif [ ! $READWRITE = yes ]; then
+#  # Check the root filesystem:
+#  RETVAL=0
+#  if [ ! -r /etc/fastboot ]; then
+#    echo "Checking root filesystem:"
+#    /sbin/fsck $FORCEFSCK -C -a /
+#    RETVAL=$?
+#  fi
+#  # An error code of 2 or higher will require a reboot.
+#  if [ $RETVAL -ge 2 ]; then
+#    # An error code equal to or greater than 4 means that some errors
+#    # could not be corrected.  This requires manual attention, so we
+#    # offer a chance to try to fix the problem in single-user mode:
+#    if [ $RETVAL -ge 4 ]; then
+#      echo
+#      echo "***********************************************************"
+#      echo "*** An error occurred during the root filesystem check. ***"
+#      echo "*** You will now be given a chance to log into the      ***"
+#      echo "*** system in single-user mode to fix the problem.      ***"
+#      echo "***                                                     ***"
+#      echo "*** If you are using the ext2 filesystem, running       ***"
+#      echo "*** 'e2fsck -v -y <partition>' might help.              ***"
+#      echo "***********************************************************"
+#      echo
+#      echo "Once you exit the single-user shell, the system will reboot."
+#      echo
+#      PS1="(Repair filesystem) \#"; export PS1
+#      sulogin
+#    else # With an error code of 2 or 3, reboot the machine automatically:
+#      echo
+#      echo "***********************************"
+#      echo "*** The filesystem was changed. ***"
+#      echo "*** The system will now reboot. ***"
+#      echo "***********************************"
+#      echo
+#    fi
+#    echo "Unmounting file systems."
+#    /sbin/umount -a -r
+#    /sbin/mount -n -o remount,ro /
+#    echo "Rebooting system."
+#    reboot -f
+#  fi
+#  # Remount the root filesystem in read-write mode
+#  echo "Remounting root device with read-write enabled:"
+#  /sbin/mount -w -v -n -o remount /
+#  if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then
+#    echo "FATAL:  Attempt to remount root device as read-write failed!  This is going to"
+#    echo "cause serious problems."
+#  fi
+#  echo "Testing root filesystem status:  read-write filesystem"
+#  echo
+#  echo "ERROR: Root partition has already been mounted read-write. Cannot check!"
+#  echo
+#  echo "For filesystem checking to work properly, your system must initially mount"
+#  echo "the root partition as read only.  If you're booting with LILO, add a line:"
+#  echo
+#  echo "   read-only"
+#  echo
+#  echo "to the Linux section in your /etc/lilo.conf and type 'lilo' to reinstall it."
+#fi # Done checking root filesystem
+  echo "Remounting root device with read-write enabled:"
+  /sbin/mount -w -v -n -o remount /
+# If /etc/mtab is a symlink (probably to /proc/mounts) then we don't want to mess with it.
+if [ ! -L /etc/mtab -o ! -r /etc/mtab ]; then
+  # /etc/mtab is a file (or doesn't exist), so we'll handle it the old way:
+  # Any /etc/mtab that exists here is old, so we start with a new one:
+  /bin/rm -f /etc/mtab{,~,.tmp} && /bin/touch /etc/mtab
+  # Add /, /proc, /sys, and /dev/shm mounts to /etc/mtab:
+  /sbin/mount -f -w /
+  if [ -d /proc/sys ]; then
+    /sbin/mount -f -t proc proc /proc
+  fi
+  if [ -d /sys/bus ]; then
+    /sbin/mount -f -t sysfs sysfs /sys
+  fi
+  if grep -q '^[^ ]\+ /dev/shm ' /proc/mounts 2> /dev/null ; then
+    /sbin/mount -f -t tmpfs tmpfs /dev/shm
+  fi
+# Configure ISA Plug-and-Play devices:
+if [ -r /etc/isapnp.conf ]; then
+  if [ -x /sbin/isapnp ]; then
+    /sbin/isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf
+  fi
+# Run the kernel module script.  This updates the module dependencies and
+# also supports manually loading kernel modules through rc.modules.local.
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.modules ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.modules
+# Configure kernel parameters:
+if [ -x /sbin/sysctl -a -r /etc/sysctl.conf ]; then
+  echo "Configuring kernel parameters:  /sbin/sysctl -e --system"
+  /sbin/sysctl -e --system
+elif [ -x /sbin/sysctl  ]; then
+  echo "Configuring kernel parameters:  /sbin/sysctl -e --system"
+  # Don't say "Applying /etc/sysctl.conf" or complain if the file doesn't exist
+  /sbin/sysctl -e --system 2> /dev/null | grep -v "Applying /etc/sysctl.conf"
+# Check all the non-root filesystems:
+if [ ! -r /etc/fastboot ]; then
+  echo "Checking non-root filesystems:"
+  /sbin/fsck $FORCEFSCK -C -R -A -a
+# Mount usbfs only if it is found in /etc/fstab:
+if grep -wq usbfs /proc/filesystems; then
+  if ! grep -wq usbfs /proc/mounts ; then
+    if grep -wq usbfs /etc/fstab; then
+      /sbin/mount -v /proc/bus/usb
+    fi
+  fi
+# Mount non-root file systems in fstab, but not NFS or SMB 
+# because TCP/IP is not yet configured, and not proc or sysfs
+# because those have already been mounted.  Also check that
+# devpts is not already mounted before attempting to mount
+# it.  With a 2.6.x or newer kernel udev mounts devpts.
+echo "Mounting non-root local filesystems:"
+if /bin/grep -wq devpts /proc/mounts ; then
+  # This pipe after the mount command is just to convert the new
+  # mount verbose output back to the old format that contained
+  # more useful information:
+  /sbin/mount -a -v -t nonfs,nosmbfs,nocifs,noproc,nosysfs,nodevpts | grep successfully | cut -f 1 -d : | tr -d ' ' | while read dev ; do mount | grep " ${dev} " ; done
+  /sbin/mount -a -v -t nonfs,nosmbfs,nocifs,noproc,nosysfs | grep successfully | cut -f 1 -d : | tr -d ' ' | while read dev ; do mount | grep " ${dev} " ; done
+# Make sure that /var/run is a symbolic link pointing to /run:
+if [ -d /run -a ! -L /var/run ]; then
+  (cd /var ; rm -rf run ; ln -sf /run run)
+# Enable swapping again.  This is needed in case a swapfile is used,
+# as it can't be enabled until the filesystem it resides on has been
+# mounted read-write.
+/sbin/swapon -a 2> /dev/null
+# Start libcgroup services:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.cgconfig -a -x /etc/rc.d/rc.cgred -a -d /sys/fs/cgroup ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.cgconfig start ; echo " /usr/sbin/cgconfigparser -l /etc/cgconfig.conf"
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.cgred start
+# Clean up some temporary files:
+rm -f /etc/nologin /etc/dhcpc/*.pid /etc/forcefsck /etc/fastboot \
+  /var/state/saslauthd/saslauthd.pid /tmp/.Xauth* 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null
+rm -rf /tmp/{kde-[a-zA-Z]*,ksocket-[a-zA-Z]*,hsperfdata_[a-zA-Z]*,plugtmp*}
+if [ -d /var/lib/@DISTRO@/setup/tmp ]; then
+  ( cd /var/lib/@DISTRO@/setup/tmp && rm -rf * )
+# Clear /var/lock/subsys:
+if [ -d /var/lock/subsys ]; then
+  rm -f /var/lock/subsys/*
+# Create /tmp/{.ICE-unix,.X11-unix} if they are not present:
+if [ ! -e /tmp/.ICE-unix ]; then
+  mkdir -p /tmp/.ICE-unix
+  chmod 1777 /tmp/.ICE-unix
+if [ ! -e /tmp/.X11-unix ]; then
+  mkdir -p /tmp/.X11-unix
+  chmod 1777 /tmp/.X11-unix
+# Create a fresh utmp file:
+touch /var/run/utmp
+chown root:utmp /var/run/utmp
+chmod 664 /var/run/utmp
+# In case pam_faillock(8) is being used, create the tally directory:
+mkdir -p /var/run/faillock
+# Update the current kernel level in the /etc/motd (Message Of The Day) file,
+# if the first line of that file begins with the word 'Linux'.
+# You are free to modify the rest of the file as you see fit.
+if [ -x /bin/sed ]; then
+  /bin/sed -i "{1s/^Linux.*/$(/bin/uname -sr)\./}" /etc/motd
+# If there are SystemV init scripts for this runlevel, run them.
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.sysvinit ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.sysvinit
+# Run serial port setup script:
+# CAREFUL!  This can make some systems hang if the rc.serial script isn't
+# set up correctly.  If this happens, you may have to edit the file from
+# a boot disk, and/or set it as non-executable:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.serial ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.serial start
+# Start the framebuffer setup procedure.
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.fbset ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.fbset
+# Start the remote control setup procedure.
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.remote-control ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.remote-control
+# Carry an entropy pool between reboots to improve randomness.
+if [ -f /etc/random-seed ]; then
+  echo "Using /etc/random-seed to initialize /dev/urandom."
+  cat /etc/random-seed > /dev/urandom
+# Use the pool size from /proc, or 4096 bits:
+if [ -r /proc/sys/kernel/random/poolsize ]; then
+  dd if=/dev/urandom of=/etc/random-seed count=1 bs=$(expr $(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/poolsize) / 8) 2> /dev/null
+  dd if=/dev/urandom of=/etc/random-seed count=1 bs=512 2> /dev/null
+chmod 600 /etc/random-seed
Index: radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.fbset
--- radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.fbset	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.fbset	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# This setup default framebuffer mode.
+# fbset(8)
Index: radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.font
--- radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.font	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.font	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# This selects your default screen font from among the ones in
+# /usr/share/consolefonts or /usr/share/kbd/consolefonts.
+# Examples:
+# --------
+# setfont -v
+# setfont -v LatArCyrHeb-16.psfu.gz -m 8859-5
+# loadkeys ru-rCtrl-iso88595
+# unicode_start LatArCyrHeb-16
+# loadkeys ru-rCtrl-utf8
+if [ ! -f "${FONT}" ] ; then
+  FONT=/usr/share/kbd/consolefonts/LatArCyrHeb-16.psfu.gz
+# setfont & loadkeys for each console present in inittab:
+for TTY in `grep '^[^#].*respawn:/sbin/agetty' /etc/inittab | grep -o '\btty[[:digit:]]*\b'` ; do
+  openvt -f -w -c ${TTY#tty} -- \
+    /bin/sh -c "setfont -v -C /dev/tty${TTY#tty} ${FONT} -m 8859-5 &>/dev/null"
+  openvt -f -w -c ${TTY#tty} -- \
+    /bin/sh -c "loadkeys ${KEYMAP} &>/dev/null"
Index: radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.gpm
--- radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.gpm	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.gpm	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Start/stop/restart the GPM mouse server:
+if [ "$1" = "stop" ]; then
+  echo "Stopping gpm..."
+  /usr/sbin/gpm -k
+elif [ "$1" = "restart" ]; then
+  echo "Restarting gpm..."
+  /usr/sbin/gpm -k
+  sleep 1
+  /usr/sbin/gpm -m /dev/mouse -t imps2
+else # assume $1 = start:
+  echo "Starting gpm:  /usr/sbin/gpm -m /dev/mouse -t imps2"
+  /usr/sbin/gpm -m /dev/mouse -t imps2
+# There is another way to run GPM, where it acts as a repeater outputting a
+# virtual MouseSystems mouse on /dev/gpmdata.  This is useful for feeding
+# gpm's data to X, especially if you've got a busmouse (in that situation X
+# and gpm may not coexist without using a repeater).  To try running a GPM
+# repeater for X, change the gpm command line to look like this:
+# /usr/sbin/gpm -R msc -m /dev/mouse -t imps2
+# Then, make sure that the mouse configuration in your XF86Config file refers
+# to the repeater device (/dev/gpmdata) and a MouseSystems mouse type.  If you
+# edit the file directly, you'll want the lines to look like this (minus the
+# comment marks '#' shown here, of course):
+#Section "Pointer"
+#    Protocol    "MouseSystems"
+#    Device      "/dev/gpmdata"
Index: radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.inet1
--- radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.inet1	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.inet1	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,703 @@
+# /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1
+# This script is used to bring up the various network interfaces.
+# @(#)/etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 10.2  Sun Jul 24 12:45:56 PDT 2005  (pjv)
+# Get the configuration information from /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf:
+. /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf
+# Message logging.
+info_log() {
+  # If possible, log events in /var/log/messages:
+  if [ -f /var/run/syslogd.pid ] && [ -x /usr/bin/logger ]; then
+    /usr/bin/logger -t "rc.inet1" --id="$$" "$*"
+  else
+    printf "%s: %s\\n" "rc.inet1" "$*"
+  fi
+# Verbose logging.
+debug_log() {
+  if [ "$DEBUG_ETH_UP" = "yes" ]; then
+    info_log "$*"
+  fi
+# Compose a list of interfaces from /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf (with a maximum
+# of 6 interfaces, but you can easily enlarge the interface limit
+# - send me a picture of such a box :-).
+# If a value for IFNAME[n] is not set, we assume it is an eth'n' interface.
+# This way, the new script is compatible with older rc.inet1.conf files.
+# The IFNAME array will be used to determine which interfaces to bring up/down.
+while [ $i -lt $MAXNICS ];
+  IFNAME[$i]=${IFNAME[$i]:=eth${i}}
+  i=$((i+1))
+debug_log "List of interfaces: ${IFNAME[*]}"
+for i in "${IFNAME[@]}"; do
+  # If the interface isn't in the kernel yet (but there's an alias for it in modules.conf),
+  # then it should be loaded first:
+  if [ ! -e /sys/class/net/${i%%[:.]*} ]; then # no interface yet
+    if /sbin/modprobe -c | grep -v "^#" | grep -w "alias ${i%%[:.]*}" | grep -vw "alias ${i%%[:.]*} off" >/dev/null; then
+      debug_log "/sbin/modprobe ${i%%[:.]*}"
+      /sbin/modprobe ${i%%[:.]*}
+      _DID_MODPROBE=1
+    fi
+  fi
+# Normally the ipv6 module would be automatically loaded when the first IP is assigned to an
+# interface (assuming ipv6 has not been disabled entirely), but autoconf/accept_ra need to be
+# set to 0 before that happens, so try to pre-load ipv6 here.
+if [ ! -e /proc/sys/net/ipv6 ]; then
+  debug_log "/sbin/modprobe ipv6"
+  /sbin/modprobe -q ipv6
+# If we did any module loading in the blocks above, sleep for a couple of
+# seconds to give time for everything to "take"
+[ -n "${_DID_MODPROBE}" ] && sleep 2
+# Function to bring up the loopback interface.  If loopback is
+# already up, do nothing.
+lo_up() {
+  if [ -e /sys/class/net/lo ]; then
+    if ! /sbin/ip link show dev lo | grep -wq -e "state UP" -e "state UNKNOWN" ; then
+      info_log "lo: configuring interface"
+      debug_log "/sbin/ip -4 address add dev lo"
+      /sbin/ip -4 address add dev lo
+      if [ -e /proc/sys/net/ipv6 ]; then
+        debug_log "/sbin/ip -6 address add ::1/128 dev lo"
+        /sbin/ip -6 address add ::1/128 dev lo
+      fi
+      debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev lo up"
+      /sbin/ip link set dev lo up
+      debug_log "/sbin/ip route add dev lo"
+      /sbin/ip route add dev lo
+    fi
+  fi
+# Function to take down the loopback interface:
+lo_down() {
+  if [ -e /sys/class/net/lo ]; then
+    info_log "lo: de-configuring interface"
+    debug_log "/sbin/ip address flush dev lo"
+    /sbin/ip address flush dev lo
+    debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev lo down"
+    /sbin/ip link set dev lo down
+  fi
+# Function to create virtual interfaces
+virtif_create() {
+  # argument is 'i' - the position of this interface in the VIRTIFNAME array.
+  # this loop goes from i=0 to i=number_of_configured_virtual_interfaces_minus_one
+  # which means it doesn't do anything if there are none.
+  for i in $(seq 0 $((${#VIRTIFNAME[@]} - 1))); do
+    info_log "${VIRTIFNAME[$i]}: creating virtual interface"
+    debug_log "/sbin/ip tuntap add dev ${VIRTIFNAME[$i]} mode ${VIRTIFTYPE[$i]} user ${VIRTIFUSER[$i]} group ${VIRTIFGROUP[$i]}"
+    /sbin/ip tuntap add dev ${VIRTIFNAME[$i]} mode ${VIRTIFTYPE[$i]} user ${VIRTIFUSER[$i]} group ${VIRTIFGROUP[$i]}
+  done
+# Function to destroy virtual interfaces
+virtif_destroy() {
+  # argument is 'i' - the position of this interface in the VIRTIFNAME array.
+  for i in $(seq 0 $((${#VIRTIFNAME[@]} - 1))); do
+    info_log "${VIRTIFNAME[$i]}: destroying virtual interface"
+    debug_log "/sbin/ip tuntap del dev ${VIRTIFNAME[$i]} mode ${VIRTIFTYPE[$i]}"
+    /sbin/ip tuntap del dev ${VIRTIFNAME[$i]} mode ${VIRTIFTYPE[$i]}
+  done
+# Function to assemble a bridge interface.
+br_open() {
+  # argument is 'i' - the position of this interface in the IFNAME array.
+  info_log "${IFNAME[$1]}: creating bridge"
+  debug_log "/sbin/ip link add name ${IFNAME[$1]} type bridge"
+  /sbin/ip link add name ${IFNAME[$1]} type bridge
+  for BRIF in ${BRNICS[$1]}; do
+    debug_log "/sbin/ip address flush dev $BRIF"
+    /sbin/ip address flush dev $BRIF
+    debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev $BRIF master ${IFNAME[$1]}"
+    /sbin/ip link set dev $BRIF master ${IFNAME[$1]}
+    debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev $BRIF up"
+    /sbin/ip link set dev $BRIF up
+  done
+  while read -r -d \| IFOPT; do
+    if [ -n "$IFOPT" ]; then
+      debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev ${IFNAME[$1]} type bridge $IFOPT"
+      /sbin/ip link set dev ${IFNAME[$1]} type bridge $IFOPT
+    fi
+  done <<<"${IFOPTS[$1]/%|*([[:blank:]])}|"	# The | on the end is required.
+  # Don't bring up the interface if it will be brought up later during IP configuration.
+  # This prevents a situation where SLAAC takes a while to apply if the interface is already up.
+  if [ -z "${IPADDRS[$1]}" ] && [ -z "${IP6ADDRS[$1]}" ] && [ -z "${IPADDR[$1]}" ] && [ "${USE_DHCP[$1]}" != "yes" ] && [ "${USE_DHCP6[$1]}" != "yes" ] && [ "${USE_SLAAC[$1]}" != "yes" ]; then
+    debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev ${IFNAME[$1]} up"
+    /sbin/ip link set dev ${IFNAME[$1]} up
+  fi
+# Function to disassemble a bridge interface.
+br_close() {
+  # argument is 'i' - the position of this interface in the IFNAME array.
+  info_log "${IFNAME[$1]}: destroying bridge"
+  debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev ${IFNAME[$1]} down"
+  /sbin/ip link set dev ${IFNAME[$1]} down
+  for BRIF in $(ls --indicator-style=none /sys/class/net/${IFNAME[$1]}/brif/)
+  do
+    debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev $BRIF nomaster"
+    /sbin/ip link set dev $BRIF nomaster
+  done
+  for BRIF in ${BRNICS[$1]}; do
+    debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev $BRIF down"
+    /sbin/ip link set dev $BRIF down
+  done
+  debug_log "/sbin/ip link del ${IFNAME[$1]}"
+  /sbin/ip link del ${IFNAME[$1]}
+# Function to create a bond.
+bond_create() {
+  # Argument is 'i' - the position of this interface in the IFNAME array.
+  info_log "${IFNAME[$1]}: creating bond"
+  debug_log "/sbin/ip link add name ${IFNAME[$1]} type bond"
+  /sbin/ip link add name ${IFNAME[$1]} type bond
+  debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev ${IFNAME[$1]} type bond mode ${BONDMODE[$1]:-balance-rr}"
+  /sbin/ip link set dev ${IFNAME[$1]} type bond mode ${BONDMODE[$1]:-balance-rr}
+  for BONDIF in ${BONDNICS[$1]}; do
+    debug_log "/sbin/ip address flush dev $BONDIF"
+    /sbin/ip address flush dev $BONDIF
+    debug_log "/sbin/ip link set $BONDIF master ${IFNAME[$1]}"
+    /sbin/ip link set $BONDIF master ${IFNAME[$1]}
+    debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev $BONDIF up"
+    /sbin/ip link set dev $BONDIF up
+  done
+  # This has to be done *after* the interface is brought up because the
+  # 'primary <interface>' option has to occur after the interface is active.
+  while read -r -d \| IFOPT; do
+    if [ -n "$IFOPT" ]; then
+      debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev ${IFNAME[$1]} type bond $IFOPT"
+      /sbin/ip link set dev ${IFNAME[$1]} type bond $IFOPT
+    fi
+  done <<<"${IFOPTS[$1]/%|*([[:blank:]])}|"	# The | on the end is required.
+# Function to destroy a bond.
+bond_destroy() {
+  # Argument is 'i' - the position of this interface in the IFNAME array.
+  info_log "${IFNAME[$1]}: destroying bond"
+  debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev ${IFNAME[$1]} down"
+  /sbin/ip link set dev ${IFNAME[$1]} down
+  debug_log "/sbin/ip address flush dev ${IFNAME[$1]}"
+  /sbin/ip address flush dev ${IFNAME[$1]}
+  for BONDIF in ${BONDNICS[$1]}; do
+    debug_log "/sbin/ip link set $BONDIF nomaster"
+    /sbin/ip link set $BONDIF nomaster
+    debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev $BONDIF down"
+    /sbin/ip link set dev $BONDIF down
+  done
+  debug_log "/sbin/ip link del name ${IFNAME[$1]} type bond"
+  /sbin/ip link del name ${IFNAME[$1]} type bond
+# Function to bring up a network interface.  If the interface is
+# already up or does not yet exist (perhaps because the kernel driver
+# is not loaded yet), do nothing.
+if_up() {
+  # Determine position 'i' of this interface in the IFNAME array:
+  i=0
+  while [ $i -lt $MAXNICS ]; do
+    [ "${IFNAME[$i]}" = "${1}" ] && break
+    i=$((i+1))
+  done
+  # If "i" is greater or equal to "MAXNICS" at this point, it means we didn't
+  # find an entry in IFNAME array corresponding to "${1}", which likely means
+  # there are more interfaces configured than MAXNICS. Let's err on the
+  # side of caution and do nothing instead of possibly doing the wrong thing.
+  if [ $i -ge $MAXNICS ]; then
+    info_log "${1}: skipping - you might need to increase MAXNICS"
+    return
+  fi
+  info_log "${1}: configuring interface"
+  # If you need to set hardware addresses for the underlying interfaces in a
+  # bond or bridge, configure the interfaces with IPs of and set the
+  # MAC address with HWADDR.  Then, finally, define the bond or bridge.
+  # If the interface is a bond, create it.
+  [ -n "${BONDNICS[$i]}" ] && bond_create $i
+  # If the interface is a bridge, create it.
+  [ -n "${BRNICS[$i]}" ] && br_open $i
+  if [ -e /sys/class/net/${1%%[:.]*} ]; then # interface exists
+    if ! /sbin/ip address show scope global dev ${1} 2>/dev/null | grep -Ewq '(inet|inet6)' || \
+        ! /sbin/ip link show dev ${1} | grep -wq "state UP"; then # interface not up or not configured
+      local IF_UP=0
+      # Initialize any wireless parameters:
+      if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.wireless ]; then
+        . /etc/rc.d/rc.wireless ${1} start
+      fi
+      # Handle VLAN interfaces before trying to configure IP addresses.
+      if echo "${1}" | grep -Fq .; then
+        IFACE="${1%.*}"
+        VLAN="${1##*.}"
+        # Check if the underlying interface is already up.
+        if ! /sbin/ip link show dev $IFACE 2>/dev/null| grep -wq "state UP"; then
+          # Bring up the underlying interface.
+          debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev $IFACE up"
+          if ! /sbin/ip link set dev $IFACE up; then
+            info_log "${1}: failed to bring up interface $IFACE"
+            return
+          fi
+          IF_UP=1
+        fi
+        # Configure the VLAN interface.
+        info_log "${1}: creating VLAN interface"
+        debug_log "/sbin/ip link add link $IFACE name ${1} type vlan id $VLAN"
+        if ! /sbin/ip link add link $IFACE name ${1} type vlan id $VLAN; then
+          info_log "${1}: failed to create VLAN interface"
+          ((IF_UP == 1)) && /sbin/ip link set dev $IFACE down
+          return
+        fi
+        while read -r -d \| IFOPT; do
+          if [ -n "$IFOPT" ]; then
+            debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev ${1} type vlan $IFOPT"
+            /sbin/ip link set dev ${1} type vlan $IFOPT
+          fi
+        done <<<"${IFOPTS[$i]/%|*([[:blank:]])}|"	# The | on the end is required.
+      elif [ -z "${BONDNICS[$i]}" ] && [ -z "${BRNICS[$i]}" ]; then
+        # Only apply IFOPTS for a physical interface if it's not been handled
+        # by a higher level interface.
+        while read -r -d \| IFOPT; do
+          if [ -n "$IFOPT" ]; then
+            debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev ${1} $IFOPT"
+            /sbin/ip link set dev ${1} $IFOPT
+          fi
+        done <<<"${IFOPTS[$i]/%|*([[:blank:]])}|"	# The | on the end is required.
+      fi
+      # Set hardware address:
+      if [ -n "${HWADDR[$i]}" ]; then
+        debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev ${1} address ${HWADDR[$i]}"
+        if ! /sbin/ip link set dev ${1} address ${HWADDR[$i]} 2>/dev/null; then
+          info_log "${1}: failed to set hardware address"
+        fi
+      fi
+      if [ -e /proc/sys/net/ipv6 ]; then # ipv6 networking is available
+        # Disable v6 IP auto configuration before trying to bring up the interface:
+        debug_log "${1}: disabling IPv6 autoconf"
+        echo "0" >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/autoconf
+        if [ "${USE_RA[$i]}" = "yes" ]; then
+          # Unconditionally accept router advertisements on this interface:
+          debug_log "${1}: accepting IPv6 RA"
+          echo "1" >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/accept_ra
+        else
+          # Disable router advertisments on this interface until SLAAC is enabled:
+          debug_log "${1}: ignoring IPv6 RA"
+          echo "0" >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/accept_ra
+        fi
+      fi
+      debug_log "/sbin/ip address flush dev ${1}"
+      /sbin/ip address flush dev ${1}
+      IF_UP=0
+      if [ -e /proc/sys/net/ipv6 ] && [ "${USE_DHCP6[$i]}" != "yes" ] && [ "${USE_SLAAC[$i]}" = "yes" ]; then # configure via SLAAC
+        info_log "${1}: enabling SLAAC"
+        # Enable accepting of RA packets, unless explicitly configured not to:
+        if [ "${USE_RA[$i]}" = "no" ]; then
+          debug_log "${1}: ignoring IPv6 RA"
+          echo "0" >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/accept_ra
+        else
+          debug_log "${1}: accepting IPv6 RA"
+          echo "1" >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/accept_ra
+        fi
+        # Set up SLAAC privacy enhancements if configured.
+        if [ "${SLAAC_PRIVIPGEN[$i]}" = "yes" ]; then
+          if [ -n "${SLAAC_SECRET[$i]}" ]; then
+            debug_log "${1}: seeding secret and enabling private IPv6 generation"
+            echo "${SLAAC_SECRET[$i]}" >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/stable_secret
+            echo "2" >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/addr_gen_mode
+          else
+            debug_log "${1}: using random secret and enabling private IPv6 generation"
+            echo -n >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/stable_secret
+            echo "3" >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/addr_gen_mode
+          fi
+        fi
+        if [ "${SLAAC_TEMPADDR[$i]}" = "yes" ]; then
+          debug_log "${1}: enabling SLAAC tempaddr"
+          echo "2" >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/use_tempaddr
+        fi
+        # Enable auto configuration of interfaces:
+        echo "1" >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/autoconf
+        # Bring the interface up:
+        debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev ${1} up"
+        /sbin/ip link set dev ${1} up
+        echo "${1}: waiting for router announcement"
+        for ((j = ${SLAAC_TIMEOUT[$i]:=15} * 2; j--;)); do # by default, wait a max of 15 seconds for the interface to configure
+          /sbin/ip -6 address show dynamic dev ${1} 2>/dev/null | grep -Ewq 'inet6' && { IF_UP=1; break; }
+          sleep 0.5
+        done
+        if ((IF_UP != 1)); then
+          echo "${1}: timed out"
+          info_log "${1}: failed to auto configure after ${SLAAC_TIMEOUT[$i]} seconds"
+          debug_log "/sbin/ip address flush dev ${1}"
+          /sbin/ip address flush dev ${1}
+          debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev ${1} down"
+          /sbin/ip link set dev ${1} down
+        fi
+      fi
+      # Slackware historically favours dynamic configuration over fixed IP to configure interfaces, so keep that tradition:
+      if [ "${USE_DHCP[$i]}" = "yes" ] || { [ -e /proc/sys/net/ipv6 ] && [ "${USE_DHCP6[$i]}" = "yes" ]; }; then # use dhcpcd
+        info_log "${1}: starting dhcpcd"
+        # Declare DHCP_OPTIONS array before adding new options to it:
+        local -a DHCP_OPTIONS=()
+        # Set DHCP_OPTIONS for this interface:
+        if [ -e /proc/sys/net/ipv6 ]; then
+          if [ "${USE_DHCP[$i]}" = "yes" ] && [ "${USE_DHCP6[$i]}" != "yes" ]; then # only try v4 dhcp
+            DHCP_OPTIONS+=("-4")
+          elif [ "${USE_DHCP[$i]}" != "yes" ] && [ "${USE_DHCP6[$i]}" = "yes" ]; then # only try v6 dhcp
+            DHCP_OPTIONS+=("-6")
+          fi
+        else
+          DHCP_OPTIONS+=("-4")
+        fi
+        [ -n "${DHCP_HOSTNAME[$i]}" ] && DHCP_OPTIONS+=("-h" "${DHCP_HOSTNAME[$i]}")
+        [ "${DHCP_KEEPRESOLV[$i]}" = "yes" ] && DHCP_OPTIONS+=("-C" "resolv.conf")
+        [ "${DHCP_KEEPNTP[$i]}" = "yes" ] && DHCP_OPTIONS+=("-C" "ntp.conf")
+        [ "${DHCP_KEEPGW[$i]}" = "yes" ] && DHCP_OPTIONS+=("-G")
+        [ "${DHCP_DEBUG[$i]}" = "yes" ] && DHCP_OPTIONS+=("-d")
+        # The -L option used to be hard coded into the dhcpcd command line in -current.  It was added to assist ARM users
+        # get networking up and running.  Previous versions of Slackware did not have -L hard coded - the code here keeps
+        # the 14.2 behaviour, but can be altered to make the use of -L default as in -current.  To change the behaviour,
+        # alter the test below to be: [ "${DHCP_NOIPV4LL[$i]}" != "no" ].
+        # Note: ARM users should make use of the DHCP_NOIPV4LL[x]="yes" parameter in rc.inet1.conf - this is the correct
+        # way to get the behaviour they seek.
+        [ "${DHCP_NOIPV4LL[$i]}" = "yes" ] && DHCP_OPTIONS+=("-L")
+        echo "${1}: polling for DHCP server"
+        # 15 seconds should be a reasonable default DHCP timeout.  30 was too much.
+        debug_log "/sbin/dhcpcd -t ${DHCP_TIMEOUT[$i]:-15} ${DHCP_OPTIONS[*]} ${1}"
+        if /sbin/dhcpcd -t "${DHCP_TIMEOUT[$i]:-15}" "${DHCP_OPTIONS[@]}" ${1}; then
+          # Enable accepting of RA packets if explicitly told to:
+          if [ -e /proc/sys/net/ipv6 ] && [ "${USE_RA[$i]}" = "yes" ]; then
+            debug_log "${1}: unconditionally accepting IPv6 RA"
+            echo "1" >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/accept_ra
+          fi
+          IF_UP=1
+        else
+          info_log "${1}: failed to obtain DHCP lease"
+          debug_log "/sbin/ip address flush dev ${1}"
+          /sbin/ip address flush dev ${1}
+          debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev ${1} down"
+          /sbin/ip link set dev ${1} down
+        fi
+      fi
+      if [ -e /proc/sys/net/ipv6 ] && [ -n "${IP6ADDRS[$i]}" ]; then # add v6 IPs
+        info_log "${1}: setting IPv6 addresses"
+        # IPv6's Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) causes a race condition when bringing up interfaces, as
+        # described here:  https://www.agwa.name/blog/post/beware_the_ipv6_dad_race_condition
+        # Disable DAD while bringing up the interface - but note that this means the loss of detection of a
+        # duplicate address.  It's a trade off, unfortunately.
+        debug_log "${1}: disabling IPv6 DAD"
+        echo "0" >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/accept_dad
+        for V6IP in ${IP6ADDRS[$i]}; do
+          IP="${V6IP%/*}"
+          PREFIX="${V6IP#*/}"
+          if [ -z "$PREFIX" ] || [ "$IP" == "$PREFIX" ]; then
+            info_log "${1}: no prefix length set for IP $IP - assuming 64"
+            PREFIX="64"
+          fi
+          debug_log "/sbin/ip -6 address add $IP/$PREFIX dev ${1}"
+          if /sbin/ip -6 address add $IP/$PREFIX dev ${1} && /sbin/ip link set dev ${1} up; then
+            # Enable accepting of RA packets if explicitly told to.
+            if [ "${USE_RA[$i]}" = "yes" ]; then
+              debug_log "${1}: unconditionally accepting IPv6 RA"
+              echo "1" >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/accept_ra
+            fi
+            IF_UP=1
+          else
+            info_log "${1}: failed to set IP $IP"
+            if ((IF_UP != 1)); then # a v4 address was configured, don't flush it
+              debug_log "/sbin/ip address flush dev ${1}"
+              /sbin/ip address flush dev ${1}
+              debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev ${1} down"
+              /sbin/ip link set dev ${1} down
+            fi
+          fi
+        done
+        # Reset accept_dad back to default now all the IPs are configured:
+        debug_log "${1}: resetting IPv6 DAD to default"
+        cat /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/default/accept_dad >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/accept_dad
+      fi
+      if [ -n "${IPADDRS[$i]}" ] || [ -n "${IPADDR[$i]}" ]; then # add v4 IPs
+        info_log "${1}: setting IPv4 addresses"
+        # Only use IPADDR if no dynamic configuration was done.
+        if [ "${USE_DHCP[$i]}" == "yes" ] || [ "${USE_DHCP6[$i]}" == "yes" ] || [ "${USE_SLAAC[$i]}" == "yes" ]; then
+          V4IPS="${IPADDRS[$i]}"
+        else
+          V4IPS="${IPADDRS[$i]} ${IPADDR[$i]}${NETMASK[$i]:+/${NETMASK[$i]}}"
+        fi
+        for V4IP in $V4IPS; do
+          IP="${V4IP%/*}"
+          NM="${V4IP#*/}"
+          if [ -z "$NM" ] || [ "$IP" == "$NM" ]; then
+            info_log "${1}: no netmask set for IP $IP - assuming 24 (aka,"
+            NM="24"
+          fi
+          debug_log "/sbin/ip -4 address add $IP/$NM broadcast + dev ${1}"
+          if /sbin/ip -4 address add $IP/$NM broadcast + dev ${1} && /sbin/ip link set dev ${1} up; then
+            IF_UP=1
+          else
+            info_log "${1}: failed to set IP $IP"
+            if ((IF_UP != 1)); then # if at least one address was configured, don't flush the device
+              debug_log "/sbin/ip address flush dev ${1}"
+              /sbin/ip address flush dev ${1}
+              debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev ${1} down"
+              /sbin/ip link set dev ${1} down
+            fi
+          fi
+        done
+      fi
+      if ((IF_UP == 1)) && [ -n "${IPALIASES[$i]}" ]; then # Only apply IPALIASES onto an up interface
+        info_log "${1}: setting extra IPv4 addresses"
+        NUM=0
+        for EXTRAIP in ${IPALIASES[$i]}; do
+          IP="${EXTRAIP%/*}"
+          NM="${EXTRAIP#*/}"
+          if [ -z "$NM" ] || [ "$IP" == "$NM" ]; then
+            info_log "${1}: no netmask set for alias IP $IP - assuming 24 (aka,"
+            NM="24"
+          fi
+          debug_log "/sbin/ip -4 address add $IP/$NM broadcast + dev ${1} label ${1}:$NUM"
+          if /sbin/ip -4 address add $IP/$NM broadcast + dev ${1} label ${1}:$NUM; then
+            NUM=$((NUM + 1))
+          else
+            info_log "${1}: failed to add alias IP $IP"
+          fi
+        done
+      fi
+      if ((IF_UP == 1)); then
+        # Force an MTU (possibly overriding that set by DHCP or RA):
+        if [ -n "${MTU[$i]}" ]; then
+          info_log "${1}: setting custom MTU"
+          debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev ${1} mtu ${MTU[$i]}"
+          if ! /sbin/ip link set dev ${1} mtu ${MTU[$i]}; then
+            info_log "${1}: failed to set MTU"
+          fi
+        fi
+        # Set promiscuous mode on the interface:
+        if [ "${PROMISCUOUS[$i]}" = "yes" ]; then
+          info_log "${1}: setting promiscuous mode"
+          debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev ${1} promisc on"
+          if ! /sbin/ip link set dev ${1} promisc on; then
+            info_log "${1}: failed to set promiscuous mode"
+          fi
+        fi
+      fi
+    else
+      debug_log "${1}: skipping configuration - already up"
+    fi
+  else
+    debug_log "${1}: skipping configuration - does not exist (yet)"
+  fi
+# Function to take down a network interface:
+if_down() {
+  # Determine position 'i' of this interface in the IFNAME array:
+  i=0
+  while [ $i -lt $MAXNICS ]; do
+    [ "${IFNAME[$i]}" = "${1}" ] && break
+    i=$((i+1))
+  done
+  if [ $i -ge $MAXNICS ]; then
+    info_log "${1}: skipping - you might need to increase MAXNICS"
+    return
+  fi
+  info_log "${1}: de-configuring interface"
+  if [ -e /sys/class/net/${1} ]; then
+    if [ "${USE_DHCP[$i]}" = "yes" ] || [ "${USE_DHCP6[$i]}" = "yes" ]; then # take down dhcpcd
+      info_log "${1}: stopping dhcpcd"
+      # When using -k, dhcpcd requires some command line options to match those used to invoke it:
+      if [ "${USE_DHCP[$i]}" = "yes" ] && [ "${USE_DHCP6[$i]}" != "yes" ]; then # only v4 dhcp
+        DHCP_OPTIONS=( -4 )
+      elif [ "${USE_DHCP[$i]}" != "yes" ] && [ "${USE_DHCP6[$i]}" = "yes" ]; then # only v6 dhcp
+        DHCP_OPTIONS=( -6 )
+      fi
+      debug_log "/sbin/dhcpcd ${DHCP_OPTIONS[*]} -k -d ${1}"
+      /sbin/dhcpcd "${DHCP_OPTIONS[*]}" -k -d ${1} 2>/dev/null || info_log "${1}: failed to stop dhcpcd"
+    fi
+    # Disable v6 IP auto configuration and RA before trying to clear the IP from the interface:
+    if [ -e /proc/sys/net/ipv6 ]; then
+      debug_log "${1}: disabling IPv6 autoconf and RA"
+      echo "0" >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/autoconf
+      echo "0" >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/accept_ra
+    fi
+    sleep 0.5 # allow time for DHCP/RA to unconfigure the interface
+    # Flush any remaining IPs:
+    debug_log "/sbin/ip address flush dev ${1}"
+    /sbin/ip address flush dev ${1}
+    # Bring the interface down:
+    debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev ${1} down"
+    /sbin/ip link set dev ${1} down
+    # Reset everything back to defaults:
+    if [ -e /proc/sys/net/ipv6 ]; then
+      debug_log "${1}: resetting IPv6 configuration to defaults"
+      cat /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/default/autoconf >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/autoconf
+      cat /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/default/accept_ra >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/accept_ra
+      cat /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/default/use_tempaddr >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/use_tempaddr
+      cat /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/default/addr_gen_mode >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/addr_gen_mode
+      echo -n >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/stable_secret
+    fi
+    # If the interface is a bridge, then destroy it now:
+    [ -n "${BRNICS[$i]}" ] && br_close $i
+    # If the interface is a bond, then destroy it now.
+    [ -n "${BONDNICS[$i]}" ] && bond_destroy $i
+    # Take down VLAN interface, if configured.
+    if echo "${1}" | grep -Fq .; then
+      info_log "${1}: destroying VLAN interface"
+      debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev ${1} down"
+      /sbin/ip link set dev ${1} down
+      debug_log "/sbin/ip link delete ${1}"
+      /sbin/ip link delete ${1}
+      if ! /sbin/ip address show scope global dev ${1%.*} 2>/dev/null | grep -Ewq '(inet|inet6)'; then
+        debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev ${1%.*} down"
+        /sbin/ip link set dev ${1%.*} down
+      fi
+    fi
+    # Kill wireless daemons if any:
+    if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.wireless ]; then
+      . /etc/rc.d/rc.wireless ${1} stop
+    fi
+  fi
+# Function to bring up the gateway if there is not yet a default route:
+gateway_up() {
+  info_log "Configuring gateways"
+  # Bring up the IPv4 gateway:
+  if [ -n "$GATEWAY" ]; then
+    if ! /sbin/ip -4 route show | grep -wq default; then
+      debug_log "/sbin/ip -4 route add default via ${GATEWAY}"
+      /sbin/ip -4 route add default via ${GATEWAY}
+    fi
+  fi
+  # Bring up the IPv6 gateway:
+  if [ -n "$GATEWAY6" ]; then
+    if ! /sbin/ip -6 route show | grep -wq default; then
+      debug_log "/sbin/ip -6 route add default via ${GATEWAY6}"
+      /sbin/ip -6 route add default via ${GATEWAY6}
+    fi
+  fi
+# Function to take down an existing default gateway:
+gateway_down() {
+  info_log "De-configuring gateways"
+  if /sbin/ip -4 route show | grep -wq default ; then
+    debug_log "/sbin/ip -4 route del default"
+    /sbin/ip -4 route del default
+  fi
+  if /sbin/ip -6 route show | grep -wq default ; then
+    debug_log "/sbin/ip -6 route del default"
+    /sbin/ip -6 route del default
+  fi
+# Function to start the network:
+start() {
+  echo "Starting the network interfaces..."
+  lo_up
+  virtif_create
+  for i in "${IFNAME[@]}" ; do
+    if_up $i
+  done
+  gateway_up
+# Function to stop the network:
+stop() {
+  echo "Stopping the network interfaces..."
+  gateway_down
+  for (( i = MAXNICS - 1; i >= 0; i-- )); do
+    if_down ${IFNAME[$i]}
+  done
+  virtif_destroy
+  lo_down
+### MAIN ###
+# extglob is required for some functionallity.
+shopt -s extglob
+case "${1}" in
+start|up) # "start" (or "up") brings up all configured interfaces:
+  start
+  ;;
+stop|down) # "stop" (or "down") takes down all configured interfaces:
+  stop
+  ;;
+restart) # "restart" restarts the network:
+  stop
+  start
+  ;;
+lo_start|lo_up) # Start the loopback interface:
+  lo_up
+  ;;
+lo_stop|lo_down) # Stop the loopback interface:
+  lo_down
+  ;;
+*_start|*_up) # Example: "eth1_start" (or "eth1_up") will start the specified interface 'eth1'
+  INTERFACE=$(echo ${1} | /bin/cut -d '_' -f 1)
+  if_up $INTERFACE
+  gateway_up
+  ;;
+*_stop|*_down) # Example: "eth0_stop" (or "eth0_down") will stop the specified interface 'eth0'
+  INTERFACE=$(echo ${1} | /bin/cut -d '_' -f 1)
+  if_down $INTERFACE
+  ;;
+*_restart) # Example: "wlan0_restart" will take 'wlan0' down and up again
+  INTERFACE=$(echo ${1} | /bin/cut -d '_' -f 1)
+  if_down $INTERFACE
+  sleep 1
+  if_up $INTERFACE
+  gateway_up
+  ;;
+*) # The default is to bring up all configured interfaces:
+  start
+# End of /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1
Index: radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf
--- radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+# /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf
+# This file contains the configuration settings for network interfaces.
+# If USE_DHCP[interface] is set to "yes", this overrides any other settings.
+# If you don't have an interface, leave the settings null ("").
+# You can configure network interfaces other than eth0,eth1... by setting
+# IFNAME[interface] to the interface's name. If IFNAME[interface] is unset
+# or empty, it is assumed you're configuring eth<interface>.
+# Several other parameters are available; the end of this file contains a
+# comprehensive set of examples.
+# Important note for IPv6 stateless auto configuration (SLAAC) users:
+# From Slackware 15.0 onwards, you need to set USE_SLAAC[0]="yes" below.
+# =============================================================================
+# IPv4 config options for eth0:
+# IPv6 config options for eth0:
+# Generic options for eth0:
+# IPv4 config options for eth1:
+# IPv6 config options for eth1:
+# Generic options for eth1:
+# IPv4 config options for eth2:
+# IPv6 config options for eth2:
+# Generic options for eth2:
+# IPv4 config options for eth3:
+# IPv6 config options for eth3:
+# Generic options for eth3:
+# IPv4 default gateway IP address:
+# IPv6 default gateway IP address:
+# =============================================================================
+# Example of how to configure a bond (link aggregation) interface.
+# Note the addition of the BONDNICS and BONDMODE parameters.
+# BONDNICS is a space delimited list of interfaces to add to this bond.  The
+# BONDNICS interfaces will be brought up and configured while bringing up the
+# bond interface, so do not need to be previously defined in rc.inet1.conf.
+# BONDMODE sets the bonding mode for this interface.  If not specified when
+# BONDNICS has been used, the default is 'balance-rr'.
+# IFOPTS is a pipe (|) delimited list of bonding module specific settings to be
+# applied to the interface, and should always include the 'miimon' option when
+# configuring bonding - not using this option will result in network
+# degradation.  In 'active-backup' mode, the 'primary' option should also be
+# supplied.  When using '802.3ad' mode, set "lacp_rate fast" for faster
+# recovery from an interface failure.  In other modes, the 'xmit_hash_policy'
+# should be set.  See the /usr/src/linux/Documentation/networking/bonding.txt
+# file (search for "Bonding Driver Options") for the full set of options.
+#BONDNICS[0]="eth0 eth1"
+#IFOPTS[0]="xmit_hash_policy layer2+3 | miimon 100"
+# =============================================================================
+# Example of how to configure a VLAN interface:
+# The VLAN ID is taken from the full interface name, which is comprised of the
+# underlying interface name, a period (.) and then the VLAN ID.
+# IFOPTS is a pipe (|) delimited list of VLAN module specific settings to be
+# applied to the interface.  See the ip-link(8) man page (search for "VLAN Type
+# Support") for details of the options available.  This option is not required
+# for a standard VLAN to be configured.
+# =============================================================================
+# Example of how to configure a bridge:
+# Note the added "BRNICS" variable which contains a space-separated list
+# of the physical or virtual network interfaces you want to add to the bridge.
+# IFOPTS is a pipe (|) delimited list of bridge module specific settings to be
+# applied to the interface.  See the ip-link(8) man page (search for "BRIDGE
+# Type Support") for details of the options available.  This option is not
+# required for a standard bridge to be configured.
+# =============================================================================
+# Virtual interfaces to create - these are created before any address
+# configuration or bridge setup is done, so you may use these interfaces
+# as IFNAME or BRNICS values. These can be tun or tap interfaces:
+# adjust VIRTIFNAME and VIRTIFTYPE accordingly.
+# Starting with VIRTIFNAME[0] is mandatory, and each next one must be
+# incremented by one, so VIRTIFNAME[1], VIRTIFNAME[2], and so on.
+# Virtual tap interface example
+# Virtual tun interface example
+# =============================================================================
+# Example config information for wlan0:
+# Uncomment the lines you need and fill in your data.  You may not need all of
+# these for your wireless network.
+#WLAN_RATE[4]="54M auto"
+#WLAN_IWPRIV[4]="set AuthMode=WPAPSK | set EncrypType=TKIP | set WPAPSK=96389dc66eaf7e6efd5b5523ae43c7925ff4df2f8b7099495192d44a774fda16"
+# =============================================================================
+# Some examples of additional network parameters that you can use.
+#IFNAME[4]="wlan0"              # Use a different interface name instead of
+                                # the default 'eth4'
+#IFOPTS[4]=""                   # A pipe (|) delimited list of interface type
+                                # specific options to apply.  These options
+                                # can be found in the ip-link(8) man page in
+                                # the approprite section for the interface
+                                # type being configured.
+#HWADDR[4]="00:01:23:45:67:89"  # Overrule the card's hardware MAC address
+#MTU[4]=""                      # The default MTU is 1500, but you might need
+                                # 1360 when you use NAT'ed IPSec traffic.
+#PROMISCUOUS[4]="yes"           # Set promiscuous mode on the interface.
+#DHCP_TIMEOUT[4]="15"           # The default timeout for the DHCP client to
+                                # wait for server resonse is 15 seconds, but
+                                # you might want a shorter or longer wait.
+#DHCP_KEEPRESOLV[4]="yes"       # If you don't want /etc/resolv.conf overwritten
+#DHCP_KEEPNTP[4]="yes"          # If you don't want ntp.conf overwritten
+#DHCP_KEEPGW[4]="yes"           # If you don't want the DHCP server to change
+                                # your default gateway
+#DHCP_IPADDR[4]=""              # Request a specific IP address from the DHCP
+                                # server
+#DHCP_DEBUG[4]="yes"            # Make dhcpcd show verbose diagnostics
+#DHCP_NOIPV4LL[4]="yes"         # Do not assign an ipv4ll address when a DHCP
+                                # server is not found (ipv4ll link-local
+                                # adresses in the IP range are
+                                # also known as "zeroconf" addresses)
+#SLAAC_TIMEOUT[4]="15"          # The default timeout for auto configuration to
+                                # wait for the interface to come up is 15 sec.
+                                # Increase the timeout if required.
+#SLAAC_PRIVIPGEN[4]="yes"       # When assigning addresses via SLAAC, use the
+                                # 'private' (RFC7217) address generation method.
+                                # It is advisable to also set SLAAC_SECRET[x].
+                                # When SLAAC_PRIVIPGEN[x]="yes" is set, this is
+                                # the secret to be used.  This must be in the
+                                # form of an IPv6 address.  When left unset, a
+                                # random secret is used (this is the default).
+#SLAAC_TEMPADDR[4]="yes"        # Use a temporary address with SLAAC to enhance
+                                # security.
+#USE_RA[4]="yes"                # Accept router advertisements even when SLAAC
+                                # is disabled on the interface.
+#WLAN_ESSID[4]="DARKSTAR"       # An example of how you can override _any_
+                                # parameter defined in rc.wireless.conf, by
+                                # prepending 'WLAN_' to the parameter's name.
+                                # Useful with multiple wireless interfaces.
+#WLAN_IWPRIV[4]="set AuthMode=WPAPSK | set EncrypType=TKIP | set WPAPSK=thekey"
+                                # Some drivers require a private ioctl to be
+                                # set through the iwpriv command. If more than
+                                # one is required, you can place them in the
+                                # IWPRIV parameter (separated with the pipe (|)
+                                # character, see the example).
+#WLAN_WPA[4]="wpa_supplicant"   # Run wpa_supplicant for WPA support
+#WLAN_WPADRIVER[4]="ndiswrapper"# Tell wpa_supplicant to specifically use the
+                                # ndiswrapper driver (if you leave this empty
+                                # the 'wext' driver is used by default)
+#WLAN_WPAWAIT[4]="30"           # In case it takes long for the WPA association
+                                # to finish, you can increase the wait time
+                                # (defaults to 10 seconds)
+# =============================================================================
+# Change this to "yes" for debugging output to syslog (if available, stdout if
+# not).
+# MAXNICS is the maximum number of interfaces that will be configured.
+# You may need to increase the MAXNICS value if you have many interfaces, or
+# you use multiple VLANs and/or bridges.  The default is 6.
Index: radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.inet2
--- radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.inet2	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.inet2	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+# rc.inet2      This shell script boots up the entire network system.
+#               Note, that when this script is used to also fire
+#               up any important remote NFS disks (like the /usr
+#               directory), care must be taken to actually
+#               have all the needed binaries online _now_ ...
+#               Uncomment or comment out sections depending on which
+#               services your site requires.
+# Author:       Fred N. van Kempen, <waltje@uwalt.nl.mugnet.org>
+# Modified by:  Patrick Volkerding <volkerdi@slackware.com>
+#               Andrey V. Kosteltsev,  <kx@radix.pro>
+# At this point, we are (almost) ready to talk to The World...
+# If there is a firewall script, run it before enabling packet forwarding.
+# See the HOWTOs on http://www.netfilter.org/ for documentation on
+# setting up a firewall or NAT on Linux. In some cases this might need to
+# be moved past the section below dealing with IP packet forwarding.
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall start
+# Turn on IPv4 packet forwarding support.
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.ip_forward ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.ip_forward start
+# Start krb5kdc, which is the Kerberos version 5 Authentication Service
+# and Key Distribution Center (AS/KDC). This needs to run first on both
+# master and secondary KDCs.
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.krb5kdc ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.krb5kdc start
+# Start the Kerberos administration server. This typically runs on the
+# master Kerberos server, which stores the KDC database.
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.kadmind ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.kadmind start
+# Start the Kerberos V5 slave KDC update server. This runs on a slave
+# (secondary) KDC server. It allows the master Kerberos server to use
+# kprop(8) to propagate its database to the slave servers.
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.kpropd ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.kpropd start
+# Mount remote (NFS) filesystems:
+if cat /etc/fstab | grep -v '^#' | grep -w nfs 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then
+  # Start rpc.portmap, /sbin/rpc.lockd, and /sbin/rpc.statd if we find NFS
+  # volumes defined in /etc/fstab since these will need to be running in order
+  # to mount them. If they are not running, attempting to mount an NFS
+  # partition will cause mount to hang, or at least result in unreliable
+  # operation. Keep this in mind if you plan to mount unlisted NFS
+  # partitions... 
+  # If you have uncommented NFS partitions in your /etc/fstab, rc.rpc is run
+  # whether it is set as executable or not. If you don't want to run it,
+  # comment the NFS partitions out in /etc/fstab or erase/rename rc.rpc.
+  if [ -r /etc/rc.d/rc.rpc ]; then
+    sh /etc/rc.d/rc.rpc start
+  fi
+  echo "Mounting remote (NFS) file systems:  /sbin/mount -a -t nfs"
+  /sbin/mount -a -t nfs          # This may be our /usr runtime!
+  # Show the mounted volumes:
+  /sbin/mount -v -t nfs
+# If /etc/rc.d/rc.rpc is executable, run it to load rpc.portmap, rpc.lockd,
+# and rpc.statd. This might be needed to mount NFS partitions that are not
+# listed in /etc/fstab. Starting this twice won't hurt as the script will
+# check if things are already running before trying to start them.
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.rpc ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.rpc start
+# Mount remote CIFS filesystems. Note that where possible, using CIFS is
+# preferred over SMBFS. SMBFS is no longer actively maintained.
+if cat /etc/fstab | grep -v '^#' | grep -w cifs 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then
+  echo "Mounting remote CIFS file systems:  /sbin/mount -a -t cifs"
+  /sbin/mount -a -t cifs
+  # Show the mounted volumes:
+  /sbin/mount -v -t cifs
+# Mount remote SMB filesystems:
+if cat /etc/fstab | grep -v '^#' | grep -w smbfs 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then
+  echo "Mounting remote SMBFS file systems:  /sbin/mount -a -t smbfs"
+  /sbin/mount -a -t smbfs
+  # Show the mounted volumes:
+  /sbin/mount -v -t smbfs
+# Start the system logger if it is not already running (maybe because /usr
+# is on a network partition). NOTE: Don't put /usr on a network partition,
+# or even a separate local partition. This is not supported and is likely to
+# cause some problems...
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.syslog -a -d /var/log -a ! -r /var/run/syslogd.pid ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.syslog start
+# Start the inetd server:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.inetd ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.inetd start
+# Start the OpenSSH SSH daemon:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.sshd ]; then
+  echo "Starting OpenSSH SSH daemon:  /usr/sbin/sshd"
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.sshd start
+# Start the BIND name server daemon:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.bind ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.bind start
+# Start NIS (the Network Information Service):
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.yp ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.yp start
+# Start OpenVPN:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.openvpn ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.openvpn start
+# Start the NFS server. Note that for this to work correctly, you'll
+# need nfsd support in the kernel (the startup script will try to load
+# the module for you).
+# You'll also need to set up some shares in /etc/exports.
+# Starting the NFS server:
+if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.nfsd ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.nfsd start
Index: radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.keymap
--- radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.keymap	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.keymap	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# Load the keyboard map.  More maps are in /usr/share/kbd/keymaps.
+if [ -x /usr/bin/loadkeys ]; then
+  /usr/bin/loadkeys ru-rCtrl-utf8
Index: radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.local
--- radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.local	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.local	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# /etc/rc.d/rc.local  -  Local system initialization script.
+# Put any local startup commands in here.
Index: radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.local_shutdown
--- radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.local_shutdown	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.local_shutdown	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# /etc/rc.d/rc.local_shutdown  -  Local system shutdown script.
+# If you have anything that needs to be run at shutdown time
+# you can put those commands in here.
Index: radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.loop
--- radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.loop	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.loop	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Load the loop device kernel module.
+if modinfo loop 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then
+  if ! lsmod | grep -wq "^loop" ; then
+    modprobe loop
+  fi
Index: radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.modules
--- radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.modules	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.modules	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# /etc/rc.d/rc.modules
+# Determine the version of the running kernel:
+RELEASE=$(uname -r)
+# Update kernel module dependencies:
+if [ -e "/lib/modules/$RELEASE/modules.dep" ]; then 
+  echo "Updating module dependency list for $RELEASE:  /sbin/depmod --quick"
+  /sbin/depmod --quick
+  echo "Creating module dependency list for $RELEASE:  /sbin/depmod --all"
+  /sbin/depmod --all
+# Run any rc.modules-$(uname -r) file that exists (this is used
+# if you have specific modules which should only be loaded for
+# specific kernel versions):
+if [ -x "/etc/rc.d/rc.modules-$RELEASE" ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.modules-$RELEASE
+# Run a local (sysadmin-version) of rc.modules if it exists:
+if [ -x "/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.local" ]; then
+  /etc/rc.d/rc.modules.local
Index: radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.local
--- radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.local	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.modules.local	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# /etc/rc.d/rc.modules.local
+# The Linux kernel source is the best place to look for documentation
+# for the many available kernel modules.  This can be found under
+# /usr/src/linux-$VERSION/Documentation/.
+# Almost all necessary modules are automatically loaded when needed,
+# but there are a few exceptions.  Here's a (not all-inclusive) list,
+# so uncomment any of the below entries or add others as needed:
+# Note that you could also create/edit rc.modules-$version if you
+# only wanted specific modules loaded for particular kernels.
+#/sbin/modprobe tun            # Universal TUN/TAP device driver
+#/sbin/modprobe sg             # Generic SCSI support for SATA DVD-RW
Index: radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.sysvinit
--- radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.sysvinit	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.sysvinit	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# rc.sysvinit   This file provides basic compatibility with SystemV style
+#               startup scripts. The SystemV style init system places start/stop
+#               scripts for each runlevel into directories such as /etc/rc.d/rc3.d
+#               (for runlevel 3) instead of starting them from /etc/rc.d/rc.M.
+#               This makes for a lot more init scripts, and a more complicated
+#               execution path to follow through if something goes wrong. For
+#               this reason, Radix has always used the traditional BSD style
+#               init script layout.
+#               However, many binary packages exist that install SystemV init scripts.
+#               With rc.sysvinit in place, most well-written startup scripts will work.
+#               This is primarily intended to  support commercial software, though,
+#               and probably shouldn't be considered bug free.
+#               Written by Patrick Volkerding <volkerdi@slackware.com>, 1999
+#               from an example by Miquel van Smoorenburg <miquels@cistron.nl>.
+# Run an init script:
+startup() {
+  case "$1" in
+  *.sh)
+    sh "$@"
+    ;;
+  *)
+    "$@"
+    ;;
+  esac
+# Set onlcr to avoid staircase effect.
+stty onlcr 0>&1
+if [ "$runlevel" = "" ]; then
+  runlevel=$RUNLEVEL
+  export runlevel
+  prevlevel=$PREVLEVEL
+  export prevlevel
+# Run kill scripts in the previous runlevel if not "none"
+if [ ! "$prevlevel" = "N" ]; then
+  for script in /etc/rc.d/rc$prevlevel.d/K* ; do
+    if [ -x $script ]; then
+      startup $script stop
+    fi
+  done
+# Now do the startup scripts:
+for script in /etc/rc.d/rc$runlevel.d/S* ; do
+  if [ -x $script ]; then
+    startup $script start
+  fi
Index: radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.wireless
--- radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.wireless	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.wireless	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+# /etc/rc.d/rc.wireless
+# $Id: rc.wireless,v 1.13 2007/04/13 14:14:43 eha Exp eha $
+# Wireless network card setup.
+# This script sets up PCI, USB, and 32-bit Cardbus wireless devices
+# NOT 16-bit PCMCIA cards!  Those are configured in /etc/pcmcia/.
+# Single parameter to this script is the name of a network interface.
+# Normally this script is called from rc.inet1 rather than run
+# directly.
+# This script is a modified '/etc/pcmcia/wireless' script
+# 09/apr/2004 by Eric Hameleers
+# 16/sep/2004 * Eric Hameleers * Fixed iwspy and iwpriv commands
+# 08/apr/2005 * Eric Hameleers * Allow per-interface overrides of the wireless
+#                                parameters (see /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf)
+# 11/apr/2005 * Eric Hameleers * Tune wpa_supplicant interactions.
+# 23/apr/2005 * Eric Hameleers * First configure card with iwconfig,
+#                                before starting wpa_supplicant
+# 27/apr/2005 * Eric Hameleers * Multiple 'iwpriv $INTERFACE set' commands.
+# 14/feb/2006 * Eric Hameleers * Better error messages; alternative way of
+#                                getting HWADDR; parametrized WPA_WAIT value.
+#                                Don't kill an already running wpa_supplicant.
+# 29/apr/2006 * Pat Volkerding * Reverted HWADDR change, since it relies on
+#                                a binary (macaddr) that is not built or
+#                                installed by default since it is not
+#                                compatible with all interfaces.
+# 15/aug/2006 * Eric Hameleers * Added missing "" around $ESSID, which broke
+#                                ESSIDs that contain a space character.
+# 10/oct/2006 * Eric Hameleers * Added default empty values for all parameters.
+#                                This makes a second wireless card leave
+#                                wpa_supplicant alone if WPA is not configured.
+# 15/oct/2006 * Eric Hameleers * Swapped the calls to "key <key>" and
+#                                "key restricted" since that might be needed
+#                                for WEP to work reliably.
+# 09/jan/2007 * Eric Hameleers * Add explicit default values to wireless params;
+#                                also set the ESSID before IWPRIV commands,
+#                                needed for some RaLink cards;
+#                                use /proc/net/wireless instead of calling
+#                                iwconfig to determine if a card is wireless.
+# 13/apr/2007 * Eric Hameleers * Use of the IWPRIV variable was broken.
+#                                NOTE: if you need to enter multiple parameters
+#                                in IWPRIV, you must separate them with the pipe
+#                                (|) character - this used to be a space char!
+#                                See the example in rc.inet1.conf.
+# 16/apr/2008 * Pat Volkerding * Make sure that HWADDR is all upper case.
+# 23/apr/2008 * Pat Volkerding * Increase sleep time after bringing up an
+#                                interface to 3 seconds.  Some drivers
+#                                need this additional time to initalize.
+# 02/jan/2010 * Pat Volkerding * Look for /sys/class/net/$NETDEV/wireless rather
+#                                than the contents of /proc/net/wireless to find
+#                                if a network device is wireless.  In newer
+#                                kernels devices will not show up in
+#                                /proc/net/wireless until active.
+# 16/aug/2012 * Pat Volkerding * Use several tests to determine if an interface
+#                                is wireless, as the reliability of any given
+#                                test may depend on the kernel options and the
+#                                wireless driver used.
+#                                Convert the MAC address to uppercase in sed.
+# 11/Nov/2019 * Darren Austin *  Log to syslog, failling back to stdout.
+#                                Output error to stderr if not called from
+#                                rc.inet1.
+# 09/Mar/2021 * Darren Austin *  Don't leave the interface in an 'up' state upon
+#                                exit from the script - this causes problems for
+#                                SLAAC in rc.inet1 when control is returned.
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# If possible, log events in /var/log/messages:
+if [ -f /var/run/syslogd.pid ] && [ -x /usr/bin/logger ]; then
+  LOGGER=/usr/bin/logger
+else # output to stdout/stderr:
+  LOGGER=/bin/cat
+if [ -z "$IFNAME" ] ; then
+  echo "ERROR: The script 'rc.wireless' must be executed by 'rc.inet1'!" >&2
+  echo "       You should run the command \"/etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 <your_interface>_start\" yourself." >&2
+  return 1 2> /dev/null || exit 1
+# Find the path where wireless tools are installed
+for IWPATH in /usr/{bin,sbin} /usr/local/{bin,sbin} /sbin /bin ; do
+    if [ -x $IWPATH/iwconfig ] ; then break ; fi
+# The same for wpa_supplicant (needed for WPA support)
+for SUPPATH in /usr/{bin,sbin} /usr/local/{bin,sbin} /sbin /bin ; do
+    if [ -x $SUPPATH/wpa_supplicant ] ; then break ; fi
+# Set all desired settings through the wireless tools
+IFCOMMAND="/sbin/ip link set dev ${INTERFACE}"
+is_wireless_device ()
+    # Return 0 for a wireless interface, or 1 for a non-wireless interface.
+    if [ -d /sys/class/net/${1}/wireless ]; then
+        return 0
+    elif grep -Fxq 'DEVTYPE=wlan' /sys/class/net/${1}/uevent 2>/dev/null; then 
+        return 0
+    elif LC_ALL=C $IWPATH/iwconfig $1 2>&1 | grep -q "IEEE 802.11" ; then
+        return 0
+    else # all tests failed, assume the device is not wireless (or add a better test :)
+        return 1
+    fi
+# Is the device wireless?  If not, exit this script.
+is_wireless_device ${INTERFACE} || return 0 2> /dev/null || exit 0
+# If we stop a wireless interface using wpa_supplicant,
+# we'll kill its wpa_supplicant daemon too and exit this script:
+if [ "$2" = "stop" ]; then
+	pkill --full "bin/wpa_supplicant.* -i${INTERFACE}"
+	return 0
+# -----------------------------------------------------
+# Continue with the script - bringing the interface UP.
+# -----------------------------------------------------
+# Bring interface up - for determining the HWADDR
+sleep 3
+# Get the MAC address for the interface
+HWADDR=$(cat "/sys/class/net/${INTERFACE}/address")
+# Empty all wireless parameters- some of them could still be set for a previous interface:
+# when rc.inet1 is sourced from rc.M all scripts are run in the same shell.
+# Read the configuration information for the card with address $HWADDR
+# from /etc/rc.d/rc.wireless.conf:
+[[ -r /etc/rc.d/rc.wireless.conf ]] && . /etc/rc.d/rc.wireless.conf
+# Let any per-interface overrides (the WLAN_xxxx parameters) that are set
+# in /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf have precedence.
+# The reason: you might have multiple wireless cards of the same brand, or
+# connecting to multiple networks.
+# Position 'i' of this interface in the IFNAME array was determined in rc.inet1
+# The "ext" interface will be default if not explicitly set
+# The default config file as installed by the wpa_supplicant package:
+[ -n "$VERBOSE" ] && [ -n "$INFO" ] && echo "$0:  $1 information: '$INFO'"
+# Mode needs to be first : some settings apply only in a specific mode!
+if [ -n "$MODE" ] ; then
+	echo "$0:  $IWCOMMAND mode $MODE" | $LOGGER
+        # if $IWCOMMAND fails, try taking the interface down to run it.
+        # Some drivers require this.
+	if ! $IWCOMMAND mode $MODE 2> /dev/null ; then
+		$IFCOMMAND down
+		sleep 3
+        fi
+# This is a bit hackish, but should do the job right...
+if [ ! -n "$NICKNAME" ] ; then
+    NICKNAME=$(/bin/hostname)
+if [ -n "$ESSID" ] || [ -n "$MODE" ] ; then
+	echo "$0:  $IWCOMMAND nick $NICKNAME" | $LOGGER
+# Regular stuff...
+if [ -n "$NWID" ] ; then
+	echo "$0:  $IWCOMMAND nwid $NWID" | $LOGGER
+if [ -n "$FREQ" ] ; then
+	echo "$0:  $IWCOMMAND freq $FREQ" | $LOGGER
+elif [ -n "$CHANNEL" ] ; then
+	echo "$0:  $IWCOMMAND channel $CHANNEL" | $LOGGER
+# WEP keys (non-WPA) 
+if [ -n "$KEY" ] && [ ! -n "$WPA" ] ; then
+	if [ "$KEY" = "off" ]; then
+	  echo "$0:  $IWCOMMAND key open" | $LOGGER
+	  $IWCOMMAND key open
+	  echo "$0:  $IWCOMMAND key off" | $LOGGER
+	  $IWCOMMAND key off
+	else 
+	  echo "$0:  $IWCOMMAND key ************" | $LOGGER
+	  if ! echo "$KEY" | egrep -qw "restricted|open" ; then
+	    # Set "restricted" as the default security mode:
+	    echo "$0:  $IWCOMMAND key restricted" | $LOGGER
+	    $IWCOMMAND key restricted
+	  fi
+	fi
+if [ -n "$SENS" ] ; then
+	echo "$0:  $IWCOMMAND sens $SENS" | $LOGGER
+if [ -n "$RATE" ] ; then
+	echo "$0:  $IWCOMMAND rate $RATE" | $LOGGER
+if [ -n "$RTS" ] ; then
+	echo "$0:  $IWCOMMAND rts $RTS" | $LOGGER
+if [ -n "$FRAG" ] ; then
+	echo "$0:  $IWCOMMAND frag $FRAG" | $LOGGER
+# More specific parameters
+if [ -n "$IWCONFIG" ] ; then
+if [ -n "$IWSPY" ] ; then
+	echo "$0:  $IWSPYCMD $IWSPY" | $LOGGER
+# For RaLink cards, the SSID must be set right before configuring WPAPSK/TKIP parameters
+# using iwpriv commands in order to generate the wpapsk password. This should not hurt other cards:
+if [ -n "$ESSID" ] ; then
+  echo "$0:  $IWCOMMAND essid \"$ESSID\"" | $LOGGER
+  $IWCOMMAND essid "$ESSID"
+# The iwpriv can set one private IOCTL at the time, so if the $IWPRIV
+# variable contains multiple pipe ('|') separated settings, we split them here:
+# WARNING: if your iwpriv commands contain a WEP/WPA key, these can be logged
+# in /var/log/messages!
+if [ -n "$IWPRIV" ] ; then
+  echo "${IWPRIV}|" | \
+  while read -d '|' iwi; do
+    if [ -n "$iwi" ]; then
+      echo "$0:  $IWPRIVCMD $iwi" | $LOGGER
+      $IWPRIVCMD $iwi
+    fi
+  done
+# Support for WPA (wireless protected access) is provided by wpa_supplicant
+# for those drivers that support it (and it looks like wpa_supplicant is
+# the future for WPA support in Linux anyway)
+if [ "$WPA" = "wpa_supplicant" ] || [ "$WPA" = "wpaxsupplicant" ] && [ -x ${SUPPATH}/wpa_supplicant ]; then
+	# Interface down, so wpa_supplicant can associate with the AP
+	#WPACONF=${WPACONF:-/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf}
+	[ -n "$WPADRIVER" ] && WPA_OPTIONS="-D${WPADRIVER}" # specify the driver
+	[ "$WPA" = "wpaxsupplicant" ] && WPA_OPTIONS="${WPA_OPTIONS} -e" # Use external xsupplicant (disables the internal supplicant)
+	# We leave a running wpa_supplicant process in peace:
+	if pgrep --full "bin/wpa_supplicant.* -i${INTERFACE}" >/dev/null ; then
+	  echo "$0:  wpa_supplicant found running already" | $LOGGER
+	else
+	  echo "$0:  wpa_supplicant -B -c${WPACONF} ${WPA_OPTIONS} -i$INTERFACE" | $LOGGER
+	  ${SUPPATH}/wpa_supplicant -B -c${WPACONF} ${WPA_OPTIONS} -i$INTERFACE
+	fi
+	# Buy wpa_supplicant some time to authenticate before bringing the
+	# interface back up... but we don't wait forever:
+	# You can increase this value in rc.inet1.conf (WLAN_WPAWAIT) or rc.wireless.conf (WPAWAIT)
+        # if your card takes longer to associate:
+	wi=0
+	while [ $wi -lt $WPAWAIT ]; do
+	  wi=$(($wi+1)); sleep 1
+	  if (grep -q "^ctrl_interface=" ${WPACONF}); then
+	    if (LC_ALL=C ${SUPPATH}/wpa_cli -i$INTERFACE status | grep -q "^wpa_state=COMPLETED"); then break; fi
+	  else
+	    if (LC_ALL=C ${IWCOMMAND} | grep -Eq "Encryption key:....-"); then break; fi
+	  fi
+	done
+	if [ $wi -eq $WPAWAIT ]; then
+	  echo "$0:  WPA authentication did not complete, try running '/etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 ${INTERFACE}_start' in a few seconds." | $LOGGER
+	fi
+	# Bring interface up to avoid 'not ready' errors when calling iwconfig
+        # Update 09/Mar/21: No point bringing it up here to be taken down at exit.
+	# sleep 3
+	# ESSID need to be last: most devices re-perform the scanning/discovery
+	# when this is set, and things like encryption keys had better be
+	# defined if we want to discover the right set of APs/nodes.
+	# NOTE: when automatic association does not work, but you manage to get
+	# an IP address by manually setting the ESSID and then calling dhcpcd,
+	# then the cause might be the incorrect definition of your ESSID="bla"
+	# parameter in rc.wireless.conf.
+	# Debug your wireless problems by running 'iwevent' while the card
+	# is being configured.
+	if [ -n "$ESSID" ] ; then
+	  echo "$0:  $IWCOMMAND essid \"$ESSID\"" | $LOGGER
+	  $IWCOMMAND essid "$ESSID"
+	fi
+sleep 3
Index: radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.wireless.conf
--- radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.wireless.conf	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/rc.d/rc.wireless.conf	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+# Wireless LAN adapter configuration
+# Theory of operation :
+# The script attempts to match a block of settings to the specific wireless
+# card inserted, the *first* block matching the card is used.
+# The address format is "hwaddr", with * as a wildcard.
+# 'hwaddr' is the unique MAC address identifier of the wireless card.
+# The MAC address is usually printed on the card, or can be found via 
+# "/sbin/ip link show dev $interface"
+# Some examples here use only half of the MAC address with a wildcard to
+# match a whole family of cards...
+# All the Wireless specific configuration is done through the Wireless
+# Extensions, so we will just call 'iwconfig' with the right parameters
+# defined below.
+# Of course, you need to have iwconfig installled on your system.
+# To download iwconfig, or for more info on Wireless Extensions :
+#    http://www.hpl.hp.com/personal/Jean_Tourrilhes/Linux/Tools.html
+# Note : you don't need to fill all parameters, leave them blank, in most
+# cases the driver will initialise itself with sane defaults values or
+# automatically figure out the value... And no drivers do support all
+# possible settings...
+# -- This is a modified '/etc/pcmcia/wireless.opts' script --
+# -- I added sections for Prism/GT and Atheros based cards --
+# --    (supported by the prism54 and madwifi drivers)     --
+# --              16/sep/2004 * Eric Hameleers             --
+case "$HWADDR" in
+## NOTE : Comment out the following five lines to activate the samples below ...
+## --------- START SECTION TO REMOVE -----------
+## Pick up any Access Point, should work on most 802.11 cards
+    INFO="Any ESSID"
+    ESSID="any"
+    ;;
+## ---------- END SECTION TO REMOVE ------------
+# Here are a few examples with a few Wireless LANs supported...
+# The matching is done on the first 3 bytes of the MAC address
+# SMC2835W EZ Connect g 2.4GHz 54 Mbps Wireless Cardbus Adapter 
+    INFO="SMC2835W EZ Connect g 2.4GHz 54 Mbps Wireless Cardbus Adapter"
+    # ESSID (extended network name) : My Network, any
+    ESSID="any"
+    # NWID/Domain (cell identifier) : 89AB, 100, off
+    NWID=""
+    # Operation mode : Ad-Hoc, Managed, Master, Repeater, Secondary, auto
+    MODE="Managed"
+    # Frequency or channel : 1, 2, 3 (channel) ; 2.422G, 2.46G (frequency)
+    FREQ=""
+    CHANNEL="7"
+    # Sensitivity (cell size + roaming speed) : 1, 2, 3 ; -70 (dBm)
+    SENS=""
+    # Bit rate : auto, 1M, 11M,54M
+    RATE="auto"
+    # Encryption key : 4567-89AB-CD, s:password
+    # Example for 40-bit encryption:
+    #KEY="883e-aa67-21 [1] key 5501-d0da-87 [2] key 91f5-3368-6b [3] key 2d73-31b7-96 [4]"
+    # Example for 104-bit encryption (aka 128-bit WEP):
+    #KEY="d5ad2f05abd048ecf10b1c80c7"
+    KEY=""
+    # RTS threshold : off, 500
+    RTS=""
+    # Fragmentation threshold : off, 1000
+    FRAG=""
+    # Other iwconfig parameters : power off, ap 01:23:45:67:89:AB
+    IWCONFIG=""
+    # iwspy parameters : + 01:23:45:67:89:AB
+    IWSPY=""
+    # iwpriv parameters : set_port 2, set_histo 50 60
+    IWPRIV=""
+# Multiband Atheros based 802.11a/b/g universal NIC cards
+    INFO="Multiband Atheros based 802.11a/b/g universal NIC"
+    # ESSID (extended network name) : My Network, any
+    ESSID=""
+    # Operation mode : Ad-Hoc, Managed, Master, Repeater, Secondary, auto
+    MODE="Managed"
+    # Frequency or channel : 1, 2, 3 (channel) ; 2.422G, 2.46G (frequency)
+    FREQ=""
+    CHANNEL="7"
+    # Bit rate : auto, 1M, 11M,54M
+    RATE="auto"
+    # Encryption key : 4567-89AB-CD, s:password
+    # Example for 40-bit encryption:
+    #KEY="883e-aa67-21 [1] key 5501-d0da-87 [2] key 91f5-3368-6b [3] key 2d73-31b7-96 [4]"
+    # Example for 104-bit encryption (aka 128-bit WEP):
+    #KEY="d5ad2f05abd048ecf10b1c80c7"
+    KEY=""
+    # Other iwconfig parameters : power off, ap 01:23:45:67:89:AB
+    IWCONFIG=""
+    # iwspy parameters : + 01:23:45:67:89:AB
+    IWSPY=""
+    # iwpriv parameters : set_port 2, set_histo 50 60
+    IWPRIV=""
+    ;;
+# Lucent Wavelan IEEE (+ Orinoco, RoamAbout and ELSA)
+# Note : wvlan_cs driver only, and version 1.0.4+ for encryption support
+    INFO="Wavelan IEEE example (Lucent default settings)"
+    ESSID="Wavelan Network"
+    MODE="Managed"
+    #RATE="auto"
+    KEY="s:secu1"
+    # To set all four keys, use :
+    #KEY="s:secu1 [1] key s:secu2 [2] key s:secu3 [3] key s:secu4 [4] key [1]"
+    # For the RG 1000 Residential Gateway: The ESSID is the identifier on
+    # the unit, and the default key is the last 5 digits of the same.
+    #ESSID="084d70"
+    #KEY="s:84d70"
+    ;;
+# Cisco/Aironet 4800/3x0
+# Note : MPL driver only (airo/airo_cs), version 1.3 or later
+    INFO="Cisco/Aironet example (Cisco default settings)"
+    ESSID="any"
+    # To set all four ESSID, use iwconfig v21 and the same trick as above
+    MODE="Managed"
+    #RATE="11M auto"
+    #KEY="d5ad2f05abd048ecf10b1c80c7"
+    KEY="off"
+    ;;
+# Samsung MagicLan (+ some other PrismII cards)
+# Note : Samsung binary library driver, version 1.20 or later
+    INFO="Samsung MagicLan example (Samsung default settings)"
+    ESSID="any"
+    MODE="Managed"
+    CHANNEL="4"
+    RATE="auto"
+    #KEY="883e-aa67-21 [1] key 5501-d0da-87 [2] key 91f5-3368-6b [3] key 2d73-31b7-96 [4]"
+    #IWCONFIG="power on"
+    ;;
+# Raytheon Raylink/WebGear Aviator2.4
+# Note : doesn't work yet, please use for debugging only :-(
+    INFO="Raylink/Aviator2.4 example (Aviator default ad-hoc setting)"
+    MODE="Ad-Hoc"
+    RATE="auto"
+    IWPRIV="set_framing 1"
+    ;;
+# Old Lucent Wavelan
+    INFO="Wavelan example (Lucent default settings)"
+    NWID="0100"
+    MODE="Ad-Hoc"
+    FREQ="2.425G"
+    KEY="off"
+    ;;
+# Netwave (Xircom Netwave/Netwave Airsurfer)
+    INFO="Netwave example (Netwave default settings)"
+    NWID="100"
+    KEY="00"
+    ;;
+# Proxim RangeLan2/Symphony (what is the MAC address ???)
+    INFO="Proxim RangeLan2/Symphony example"
+    NWID="0"
+    MODE="Master"
+    CHANNEL="15"
+    IWPRIV="setsubchan 1"
+    ;;
+# No Wires Needed Swallow 550 and 1100 setting (what is the MAC address ???)
+    INFO="NWN Swallow example"
+    ESSID="session"
+    KEY="0000-0000-00 open"
+    ;;
+# Symbol Spectrum24 setting (what is the MAC address ???)
+    INFO="Symbol Spectrum24 example"
+    ESSID="Essid string"
+    ;;
+# Generic example (decribe all possible settings)
+    INFO="Fill with your own settings..."
+    # ESSID (extended network name) : My Network, any
+    ESSID=""
+    # NWID/Domain (cell identifier) : 89AB, 100, off
+    NWID=""
+    # Operation mode : Ad-Hoc, Managed, Master, Repeater, Secondary, auto
+    MODE=""
+    # Frequency or channel : 1, 2, 3 (channel) ; 2.422G, 2.46G (frequency)
+    FREQ=""
+    CHANNEL=""
+    # Sensitivity (cell size + roaming speed) : 1, 2, 3 ; -70 (dBm)
+    SENS=""
+    # Bit rate : auto, 1M, 11M
+    RATE=""
+    # Encryption key : 4567-89AB-CD, s:password
+    KEY=""
+    # RTS threshold : off, 500
+    RTS=""
+    # Fragmentation threshold : off, 1000
+    FRAG=""
+    # Other iwconfig parameters : power off, ap 01:23:45:67:89:AB
+    IWCONFIG=""
+    # iwspy parameters : + 01:23:45:67:89:AB
+    IWSPY=""
+    # iwpriv parameters : set_port 2, set_histo 50 60
+    IWPRIV=""
+    ;;
Index: radix-system/etc/rc.d
--- radix-system/etc/rc.d	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/rc.d	(revision 5)

Property changes on: radix-system/etc/rc.d
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: radix-system/etc/securetty
--- radix-system/etc/securetty	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/securetty	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# This file defines which devices root can log in on.
+# These are the ttys on the physical console:
+# These are some remote ttys, and uncommenting them might be less than fully secure:
Index: radix-system/etc/services
--- radix-system/etc/services	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/services	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,2401 @@
+# Network services, Internet style
+# Note that it is presently the policy of IANA to assign a single well-known
+# port number for both TCP and UDP; hence, most entries here have two entries
+# even if the protocol doesn't support UDP operations.
+# The latest IANA port assignments can be gotten from
+#	http://www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbers
+# The Well Known Ports are those from 0 through 1023.
+# The Registered Ports are those from 1024 through 49151
+# The Dynamic and/or Private Ports are those from 49152 through 65535
+# Kerberos services are for Kerberos v4, and are unofficial.  Sites running
+# v5 should uncomment v5 entries and comment v4 entries.
+# $FreeBSD: src/etc/services,v 1.117 2010/02/01 13:30:06 ume Exp $
+#       From: @(#)services      5.8 (Berkeley) 5/9/91
+rtmp		  1/ddp	   #Routing Table Maintenance Protocol
+tcpmux		  1/tcp	   #TCP Port Service Multiplexer
+tcpmux		  1/udp	   #TCP Port Service Multiplexer
+nbp		  2/ddp	   #Name Binding Protocol
+compressnet	  2/tcp	   #Management Utility
+compressnet	  2/udp	   #Management Utility
+compressnet	  3/tcp	   #Compression Process
+compressnet	  3/udp	   #Compression Process
+echo		  4/ddp	   #AppleTalk Echo Protocol
+rje		  5/tcp	   #Remote Job Entry
+rje		  5/udp	   #Remote Job Entry
+zip		  6/ddp	   #Zone Information Protocol
+echo		  7/tcp
+echo		  7/udp
+discard		  9/tcp	   sink null
+discard		  9/udp	   sink null
+systat		 11/tcp	   users	#Active Users
+systat		 11/udp	   users	#Active Users
+daytime		 13/tcp
+daytime		 13/udp
+qotd		 17/tcp	   quote	#Quote of the Day
+qotd		 17/udp	   quote	#Quote of the Day
+msp		 18/tcp	   #Message Send Protocol
+msp		 18/udp	   #Message Send Protocol
+chargen		 19/tcp	   ttytst source	#Character Generator
+chargen		 19/udp	   ttytst source	#Character Generator
+ftp-data	 20/tcp	   #File Transfer [Default Data]
+ftp-data	 20/udp	   #File Transfer [Default Data]
+ftp		 21/tcp	   #File Transfer [Control]
+ftp		 21/udp	   #File Transfer [Control]
+ssh		 22/tcp	   #Secure Shell Login
+ssh		 22/udp	   #Secure Shell Login
+telnet		 23/tcp
+telnet		 23/udp
+#		 24/tcp	   any private mail system
+#		 24/udp	   any private mail system
+smtp		 25/tcp	   mail		#Simple Mail Transfer
+smtp		 25/udp	   mail		#Simple Mail Transfer
+nsw-fe		 27/tcp	   #NSW User System FE
+nsw-fe		 27/udp	   #NSW User System FE
+msg-icp		 29/tcp	   #MSG ICP
+msg-icp		 29/udp	   #MSG ICP
+msg-auth	 31/tcp	   #MSG Authentication
+msg-auth	 31/udp	   #MSG Authentication
+dsp		 33/tcp	   #Display Support Protocol
+dsp		 33/udp	   #Display Support Protocol
+#		 35/tcp	   any private printer server
+#		 35/udp	   any private printer server
+time		 37/tcp	   timserver
+time		 37/udp	   timserver
+rap		 38/tcp	   #Route Access Protocol
+rap		 38/udp	   #Route Access Protocol
+rlp		 39/tcp	   resource	#Resource Location Protocol
+rlp		 39/udp	   resource	#Resource Location Protocol
+graphics	 41/tcp
+graphics	 41/udp
+nameserver	 42/tcp	   name		#Host Name Server
+nameserver	 42/udp	   name		#Host Name Server
+nicname		 43/tcp	   whois
+nicname		 43/udp	   whois
+mpm-flags	 44/tcp	   #MPM FLAGS Protocol
+mpm-flags	 44/udp	   #MPM FLAGS Protocol
+mpm		 45/tcp	   #Message Processing Module [recv]
+mpm		 45/udp	   #Message Processing Module [recv]
+mpm-snd		 46/tcp	   #MPM [default send]
+mpm-snd		 46/udp	   #MPM [default send]
+ni-ftp		 47/tcp	   #NI FTP
+ni-ftp		 47/udp	   #NI FTP
+auditd		 48/tcp	   #Digital Audit Daemon
+auditd		 48/udp	   #Digital Audit Daemon
+tacacs		 49/tcp	   #Login Host Protocol (TACACS)
+tacacs		 49/udp	   #Login Host Protocol (TACACS)
+re-mail-ck	 50/tcp	   #Remote Mail Checking Protocol
+re-mail-ck	 50/udp	   #Remote Mail Checking Protocol
+la-maint	 51/tcp	   #IMP Logical Address Maintenance
+la-maint	 51/udp	   #IMP Logical Address Maintenance
+xns-time	 52/tcp	   #XNS Time Protocol
+xns-time	 52/udp	   #XNS Time Protocol
+domain		 53/tcp	   #Domain Name Server
+domain		 53/udp	   #Domain Name Server
+xns-ch		 54/tcp	   #XNS Clearinghouse
+xns-ch		 54/udp	   #XNS Clearinghouse
+isi-gl		 55/tcp	   #ISI Graphics Language
+isi-gl		 55/udp	   #ISI Graphics Language
+xns-auth	 56/tcp	   #XNS Authentication
+xns-auth	 56/udp	   #XNS Authentication
+#		 57/tcp    any private terminal access
+#		 57/udp    any private terminal access
+xns-mail	 58/tcp	   #XNS Mail
+xns-mail	 58/udp	   #XNS Mail
+#		 59/tcp	   any private file service
+#		 59/udp	   any private file service
+ni-mail		 61/tcp	   #NI MAIL
+ni-mail		 61/udp	   #NI MAIL
+acas		 62/tcp	   #ACA Services
+acas		 62/udp	   #ACA Services
+whois++		 63/tcp
+whois++		 63/udp
+covia		 64/tcp	   #Communications Integrator (CI)
+covia		 64/udp	   #Communications Integrator (CI)
+tacacs-ds	 65/tcp	   #TACACS-Database Service
+tacacs-ds	 65/udp	   #TACACS-Database Service
+sql*net		 66/tcp	   #Oracle SQL*NET
+sql*net		 66/udp	   #Oracle SQL*NET
+bootps		 67/tcp	   dhcps	#Bootstrap Protocol Server
+bootps		 67/udp	   dhcps	#Bootstrap Protocol Server
+bootpc		 68/tcp	   dhcpc	#Bootstrap Protocol Client
+bootpc		 68/udp	   dhcpc	#Bootstrap Protocol Client
+tftp		 69/tcp	   #Trivial File Transfer
+tftp		 69/udp	   #Trivial File Transfer
+gopher		 70/tcp
+gopher		 70/udp
+netrjs-1	 71/tcp	   #Remote Job Service
+netrjs-1	 71/udp	   #Remote Job Service
+netrjs-2	 72/tcp	   #Remote Job Service
+netrjs-2	 72/udp	   #Remote Job Service
+netrjs-3	 73/tcp	   #Remote Job Service
+netrjs-3	 73/udp	   #Remote Job Service
+netrjs-4	 74/tcp	   #Remote Job Service
+netrjs-4	 74/udp	   #Remote Job Service
+#		 75/tcp	   any private dial out service
+#		 75/udp	   any private dial out service
+deos		 76/tcp	   #Distributed External Object Store
+deos		 76/udp	   #Distributed External Object Store
+#		 77/tcp	   any private RJE service
+#		 77/udp	   any private RJE service
+vettcp		 78/tcp
+vettcp		 78/udp
+finger		 79/tcp
+finger		 79/udp
+http		 80/tcp	   www www-http	#World Wide Web HTTP
+http		 80/udp	   www www-http	#World Wide Web HTTP
+hosts2-ns	 81/tcp	   #HOSTS2 Name Server
+hosts2-ns	 81/udp	   #HOSTS2 Name Server
+xfer		 82/tcp	   #XFER Utility
+xfer		 82/udp	   #XFER Utility
+mit-ml-dev	 83/tcp	   #MIT ML Device
+mit-ml-dev	 83/udp	   #MIT ML Device
+ctf		 84/tcp	   #Common Trace Facility
+ctf		 84/udp	   #Common Trace Facility
+mit-ml-dev	 85/tcp	   #MIT ML Device
+mit-ml-dev	 85/udp	   #MIT ML Device
+mfcobol		 86/tcp	   #Micro Focus Cobol
+mfcobol		 86/udp	   #Micro Focus Cobol
+#		 87/tcp	   any private terminal link
+#		 87/udp	   any private terminal link
+kerberos-sec	 88/tcp	   kerberos	# krb5	# Kerberos (v5)
+kerberos-sec	 88/udp	   kerberos	# krb5	# Kerberos (v5)
+su-mit-tg	 89/tcp	   #SU/MIT Telnet Gateway
+su-mit-tg	 89/udp	   #SU/MIT Telnet Gateway
+dnsix		 90/tcp	   #DNSIX Securit Attribute Token Map
+dnsix		 90/udp	   #DNSIX Securit Attribute Token Map
+mit-dov		 91/tcp	   #MIT Dover Spooler
+mit-dov		 91/udp	   #MIT Dover Spooler
+npp		 92/tcp	   #Network Printing Protocol
+npp		 92/udp	   #Network Printing Protocol
+dcp		 93/tcp	   #Device Control Protocol
+dcp		 93/udp	   #Device Control Protocol
+objcall		 94/tcp	   #Tivoli Object Dispatcher
+objcall		 94/udp	   #Tivoli Object Dispatcher
+supdup		 95/tcp
+supdup		 95/udp
+dixie		 96/tcp	   #DIXIE Protocol Specification
+dixie		 96/udp	   #DIXIE Protocol Specification
+swift-rvf	 97/tcp	   #Swift Remote Virtural File Protocol
+swift-rvf	 97/udp	   #Swift Remote Virtural File Protocol
+tacnews		 98/tcp	   #TAC News, Unofficial: Red Hat linuxconf
+tacnews		 98/udp	   #TAC News, Unofficial: Red Hat linuxconf
+metagram	 99/tcp	   #Metagram Relay
+metagram	 99/udp	   #Metagram Relay
+newacct		100/tcp	   #[unauthorized use]
+hostname	101/tcp	   hostnames	#NIC Host Name Server
+hostname	101/udp	   hostnames	#NIC Host Name Server
+iso-tsap	102/tcp	   tsap		#ISO-TSAP Class 0
+iso-tsap	102/udp	   tsap		#ISO-TSAP Class 0
+gppitnp		103/tcp	   #Genesis Point-to-Point Trans Net
+gppitnp		103/udp	   #Genesis Point-to-Point Trans Net
+acr-nema	104/tcp	   #ACR-NEMA Digital Imag. & Comm. 300
+acr-nema	104/udp	   #ACR-NEMA Digital Imag. & Comm. 300
+csnet-ns	105/tcp	   cso-ns cso	#Mailbox Name Nameserver
+csnet-ns	105/udp	   cso-ns cso	#Mailbox Name Nameserver
+pop3pw		106/tcp	   3com-tsmux	#Eudora compatible PW changer
+3com-tsmux	106/udp
+rtelnet		107/tcp	   #Remote Telnet Service
+rtelnet		107/udp	   #Remote Telnet Service
+snagas		108/tcp	   #SNA Gateway Access Server
+snagas		108/udp	   #SNA Gateway Access Server
+pop2		109/tcp	   postoffice	#Post Office Protocol - Version 2
+pop2		109/udp	   postoffice	#Post Office Protocol - Version 2
+pop3		110/tcp	   #Post Office Protocol - Version 3
+pop3		110/udp	   #Post Office Protocol - Version 3
+sunrpc		111/tcp	   rpcbind	#SUN Remote Procedure Call
+sunrpc		111/udp	   rpcbind	#SUN Remote Procedure Call
+mcidas		112/tcp	   #McIDAS Data Transmission Protocol
+mcidas		112/udp	   #McIDAS Data Transmission Protocol
+auth		113/tcp	   ident tap	#Authentication Service
+auth		113/udp	   ident tap	#Authentication Service
+sftp		115/tcp	   #Simple File Transfer Protocol
+sftp		115/udp	   #Simple File Transfer Protocol
+ansanotify	116/tcp	   #ANSA REX Notify
+ansanotify	116/udp	   #ANSA REX Notify
+uucp-path	117/tcp	   #UUCP Path Service
+uucp-path	117/udp	   #UUCP Path Service
+sqlserv		118/tcp	   #SQL Services
+sqlserv		118/udp	   #SQL Services
+nntp		119/tcp	   usenet	#Network News Transfer Protocol
+nntp		119/udp	   usenet	#Network News Transfer Protocol
+cfdptkt		120/tcp
+cfdptkt		120/udp
+erpc		121/tcp	   #Encore Expedited Remote Pro.Call
+erpc		121/udp	   #Encore Expedited Remote Pro.Call
+smakynet	122/tcp
+smakynet	122/udp
+ntp		123/tcp	   #Network Time Protocol
+ntp		123/udp	   #Network Time Protocol
+ansatrader	124/tcp	   #ANSA REX Trader
+ansatrader	124/udp	   #ANSA REX Trader
+locus-map	125/tcp	   #Locus PC-Interface Net Map Ser
+locus-map	125/udp	   #Locus PC-Interface Net Map Ser
+unitary		126/tcp	   #Unisys Unitary Login
+unitary		126/udp	   #Unisys Unitary Login
+locus-con	127/tcp	   #Locus PC-Interface Conn Server
+locus-con	127/udp	   #Locus PC-Interface Conn Server
+gss-xlicen	128/tcp	   #GSS X License Verification
+gss-xlicen	128/udp	   #GSS X License Verification
+pwdgen		129/tcp	   #Password Generator Protocol
+pwdgen		129/udp	   #Password Generator Protocol
+cisco-fna	130/tcp	   #cisco FNATIVE
+cisco-fna	130/udp	   #cisco FNATIVE
+cisco-tna	131/tcp	   #cisco TNATIVE
+cisco-tna	131/udp	   #cisco TNATIVE
+cisco-sys	132/tcp	   #cisco SYSMAINT
+cisco-sys	132/udp	   #cisco SYSMAINT
+statsrv		133/tcp	   #Statistics Service
+statsrv		133/udp	   #Statistics Service
+ingres-net	134/tcp	   #INGRES-NET Service
+ingres-net	134/udp	   #INGRES-NET Service
+loc-srv		135/tcp	   epmap	#Location Service
+loc-srv		135/udp	   epmap	#Location Service
+profile		136/tcp	   #PROFILE Naming System
+profile		136/udp	   #PROFILE Naming System
+netbios-ns	137/tcp	   #NETBIOS Name Service
+netbios-ns	137/udp	   #NETBIOS Name Service
+netbios-dgm	138/tcp	   #NETBIOS Datagram Service
+netbios-dgm	138/udp	   #NETBIOS Datagram Service
+netbios-ssn	139/tcp	   #NETBIOS Session Service
+netbios-ssn	139/udp	   #NETBIOS Session Service
+emfis-data	140/tcp	   #EMFIS Data Service
+emfis-data	140/udp	   #EMFIS Data Service
+emfis-cntl	141/tcp	   #EMFIS Control Service
+emfis-cntl	141/udp	   #EMFIS Control Service
+bl-idm		142/tcp	   #Britton-Lee IDM
+bl-idm		142/udp	   #Britton-Lee IDM
+imap		143/tcp	   imap2 imap4	#Interim Mail Access Protocol v2
+imap		143/udp	   imap2 imap4	#Interim Mail Access Protocol v2
+NeWS		144/tcp	   # Window System
+NeWS		144/udp	   # Window System
+#uma		144/tcp	   #Universal Management Architecture
+#uma		144/udp	   #Universal Management Architecture
+uaac		145/tcp	   #UAAC Protocol
+uaac		145/udp	   #UAAC Protocol
+iso-tp0		146/tcp
+iso-tp0		146/udp
+iso-ip		147/tcp
+iso-ip		147/udp
+cronus		148/tcp	   jargon	#CRONUS-SUPPORT
+cronus		148/udp	   jargon	#CRONUS-SUPPORT
+aed-512		149/tcp	   #AED 512 Emulation Service
+aed-512		149/udp	   #AED 512 Emulation Service
+sql-net		150/tcp
+sql-net		150/udp
+hems		151/tcp
+hems		151/udp
+bftp		152/tcp	   #Background File Transfer Program
+bftp		152/udp	   #Background File Transfer Program
+sgmp		153/tcp
+sgmp		153/udp
+netsc-prod	154/tcp
+netsc-prod	154/udp
+netsc-dev	155/tcp
+netsc-dev	155/udp
+sqlsrv		156/tcp	   #SQL Service
+sqlsrv		156/udp	   #SQL Service
+knet-cmp	157/tcp	   #KNET/VM Command/Message Protocol
+knet-cmp	157/udp	   #KNET/VM Command/Message Protocol
+pcmail-srv	158/tcp	   #PCMail Server
+pcmail-srv	158/udp	   #PCMail Server
+nss-routing	159/tcp
+nss-routing	159/udp
+sgmp-traps	160/tcp
+sgmp-traps	160/udp
+snmp		161/tcp
+snmp		161/udp
+snmptrap	162/tcp	   snmp-trap
+snmptrap	162/udp	   snmp-trap
+cmip-man	163/tcp	   #CMIP/TCP Manager
+cmip-man	163/udp	   #CMIP/TCP Manager
+cmip-agent	164/tcp	   #CMIP/TCP Agent
+smip-agent	164/udp	   #CMIP/TCP Agent
+xns-courier	165/tcp	   #Xerox
+xns-courier	165/udp	   #Xerox
+s-net		166/tcp	   #Sirius Systems
+s-net		166/udp	   #Sirius Systems
+namp		167/tcp
+namp		167/udp
+rsvd		168/tcp
+rsvd		168/udp
+send		169/tcp
+send		169/udp
+print-srv	170/tcp	   #Network PostScript
+print-srv	170/udp	   #Network PostScript
+multiplex	171/tcp	   #Network Innovations Multiplex
+multiplex	171/udp	   #Network Innovations Multiplex
+cl/1		172/tcp	   #Network Innovations CL/1
+cl/1		172/udp	   #Network Innovations CL/1
+xyplex-mux	173/tcp
+xyplex-mux	173/udp
+mailq		174/tcp
+mailq		174/udp
+vmnet		175/tcp
+vmnet		175/udp
+genrad-mux	176/tcp
+genrad-mux	176/udp
+xdmcp		177/tcp	   #X Display Manager Control Protocol
+xdmcp		177/udp	   #X Display Manager Control Protocol
+NextStep	178/tcp	   nextstep NeXTStep	#NextStep Window Server
+NextStep	178/udp	   nextstep NeXTStep	#NextStep Window Server
+bgp		179/tcp	   #Border Gateway Protocol
+bgp		179/udp	   #Border Gateway Protocol
+ris		180/tcp	   #Intergraph
+ris		180/udp	   #Intergraph
+unify		181/tcp
+unify		181/udp
+audit		182/tcp	   #Unisys Audit SITP
+audit		182/udp	   #Unisys Audit SITP
+ocbinder	183/tcp
+ocbinder	183/udp
+ocserver	184/tcp
+ocserver	184/udp
+remote-kis	185/tcp
+remote-kis	185/udp
+kis		186/tcp	   #KIS Protocol
+kis		186/udp	   #KIS Protocol
+aci		187/tcp	   #Application Communication Interface
+aci		187/udp	   #Application Communication Interface
+mumps		188/tcp	   #Plus Five's MUMPS
+mumps		188/udp	   #Plus Five's MUMPS
+qft		189/tcp	   #Queued File Transport
+qft		189/udp	   #Queued File Transport
+gacp		190/tcp	   #Gateway Access Control Protocol
+gacp		190/udp	   cacp		#Gateway Access Control Protocol
+prospero	191/tcp	   #Prospero Directory Service
+prospero	191/udp	   #Prospero Directory Service
+osu-nms		192/tcp	   #OSU Network Monitoring System
+osu-nms		192/udp	   #OSU Network Monitoring System
+srmp		193/tcp	   #Spider Remote Monitoring Protocol
+srmp		193/udp	   #Spider Remote Monitoring Protocol
+irc		194/tcp	   #Internet Relay Chat Protocol
+irc		194/udp	   #Internet Relay Chat Protocol
+dn6-nlm-aud	195/tcp	   #DNSIX Network Level Module Audit
+dn6-nlm-aud	195/udp	   #DNSIX Network Level Module Audit
+dn6-smm-red	196/tcp	   #DNSIX Session Mgt Module Audit Redir
+dn6-smm-red	196/udp	   #DNSIX Session Mgt Module Audit Redir
+dls		197/tcp	   #Directory Location Service
+dls		197/udp	   #Directory Location Service
+dls-mon		198/tcp	   #Directory Location Service Monitor
+dls-mon		198/udp	   #Directory Location Service Monitor
+smux		199/tcp
+smux		199/udp
+src		200/tcp	   #IBM System Resource Controller
+src		200/udp	   #IBM System Resource Controller
+at-rtmp		201/tcp	   #AppleTalk Routing Maintenance
+at-rtmp		201/udp	   #AppleTalk Routing Maintenance
+at-nbp		202/tcp	   #AppleTalk Name Binding
+at-nbp		202/udp	   #AppleTalk Name Binding
+at-3		203/tcp	   #AppleTalk Unused
+at-3		203/udp	   #AppleTalk Unused
+at-echo		204/tcp	   #AppleTalk Echo
+at-echo		204/udp	   #AppleTalk Echo
+at-5		205/tcp	   #AppleTalk Unused
+at-5		205/udp	   #AppleTalk Unused
+at-zis		206/tcp	   #AppleTalk Zone Information
+at-zis		206/udp	   #AppleTalk Zone Information
+at-7		207/tcp	   #AppleTalk Unused
+at-7		207/udp	   #AppleTalk Unused
+at-8		208/tcp	   #AppleTalk Unused
+at-8		208/udp	   #AppleTalk Unused
+qmtp		209/tcp	   #The Quick Mail Transfer Protocol
+qmtp		209/udp	   #The Quick Mail Transfer Protocol
+#tam		209/tcp	   #Trivial Authenticated Mail Protocol
+#tam		209/udp	   #Trivial Authenticated Mail Protocol
+z39.50		210/tcp	   wais		#ANSI Z39.50
+z39.50		210/udp	   wais		#ANSI Z39.50
+914c/g		211/tcp	   #Texas Instruments 914C/G Terminal
+914c/g		211/udp	   #Texas Instruments 914C/G Terminal
+anet		212/tcp	   #ATEXSSTR
+anet		212/udp	   #ATEXSSTR
+ipx		213/tcp
+ipx		213/udp
+vmpwscs		214/tcp
+vmpwscs		214/udp
+softpc		215/tcp	   #Insignia Solutions
+softpc		215/udp	   #Insignia Solutions
+CAIlic		216/tcp	   atls		#Computer Associates Int'l License Server
+CAIlic		216/udp	   atls		#Computer Associates Int'l License Server
+dbase		217/tcp	   #dBASE Unix
+dbase		217/udp	   #dBASE Unix
+mpp		218/tcp	   #Netix Message Posting Protocol
+mpp		218/udp	   #Netix Message Posting Protocol
+uarps		219/tcp	   #Unisys ARPs
+uarps		219/udp	   #Unisys ARPs
+imap3		220/tcp	   #Interactive Mail Access Protocol v3
+imap3		220/udp	   #Interactive Mail Access Protocol v3
+fln-spx		221/tcp	   #Berkeley rlogind with SPX auth
+fln-spx		221/udp	   #Berkeley rlogind with SPX auth
+rsh-spx		222/tcp	   #Berkeley rshd with SPX auth
+rsh-spx		222/udp	   #Berkeley rshd with SPX auth
+cdc		223/tcp	   #Certificate Distribution Center
+cdc		223/udp	   #Certificate Distribution Center
+masqdialer	224/tcp
+masqdialer	224/udp
+direct		242/tcp
+direct		242/udp
+sur-meas	243/tcp	   #Survey Measurement
+sur-meas	243/udp	   #Survey Measurement
+dayna		244/tcp
+dayna		244/udp
+link		245/tcp
+link		245/udp
+dsp3270		246/tcp	   #Display Systems Protocol
+dsp3270		246/udp	   #Display Systems Protocol
+subntbcst_tftp	247/tcp	   #subntbcst_tftp
+subntbcst_tftp	247/udp	   #subntbcst_tftp
+bhfhs		248/tcp
+bhfhs		248/udp
+#		249-255	   reserved
+rap		256/tcp
+rap		256/udp
+set		257/tcp	   #secure electronic transaction
+set		257/udp	   #secure electronic transaction
+esro-gen	259/tcp	   #efficient short remote operations
+esro-gen	259/udp	   #efficient short remote operations
+openport	260/tcp
+openport	260/udp
+nsiiops		261/tcp	   #iiop name service over tls/ssl
+nsiiops		261/udp	   #iiop name service over tls/ssl
+arcisdms	262/tcp
+arcisdms	262/udp
+hdap		263/tcp
+hdap		263/udp
+bgmp		264/tcp
+bgmp		264/udp
+x-bone-ctl	265/tcp    #X-Bone CTL
+x-bone-ctl	265/udp    #X-Bone CTL
+sst		266/tcp    #SCSI on ST
+sst		266/udp    #SCSI on ST
+td-service	267/tcp    #Tobit David Service Layer
+td-service	267/udp    #Tobit David Service Layer
+td-replica	268/tcp    #Tobit David Replica
+td-replica	268/udp    #Tobit David Replica
+#		269-279	   unassigned
+http-mgmt	280/tcp
+http-mgmt	280/udp
+personal-link	281/tcp
+personal-link	281/udp
+cableport-ax	282/tcp	   #cable port a/x
+cableport-ax	282/udp	   #cable port a/x
+rescap		283/tcp
+rescap		283/udp
+corerjd		284/tcp
+corerjd		284/udp
+#		285        unassigned
+fxp		286/tcp
+fxp		286/udp
+k-block		287/tcp
+k-block		287/udp
+#		288-307	   unassigned
+novastorbakcup	308/tcp	   #novastor backup
+novastorbakcup	308/udp	   #novastor backup
+entrusttime	309/tcp
+entrusttime	309/udp
+bhmds		310/tcp
+bhmds		310/udp
+asip-webadmin	311/tcp	   #appleshare ip webadmin
+asip-webadmin	311/udp	   #appleshare ip webadmin
+vslmp		312/tcp
+vslmp		312/udp
+magenta-logic	313/tcp
+magenta-logic	313/udp
+opalis-robot	314/tcp
+opalis-robot	314/udp
+dpsi		315/tcp
+dpsi		315/udp
+decauth		316/tcp
+decauth		316/udp
+zannet		317/tcp
+zannet		317/udp
+pkix-timestamp	318/tcp    #PKIX TimeStamp
+pkix-timestamp	318/udp    #PKIX TimeStamp
+ptp-event	319/tcp    #PTP Event
+ptp-event	319/udp    #PTP Event
+ptp-general	320/tcp    #PTP General
+ptp-general	320/udp    #PTP General
+pip		321/tcp
+pip		321/udp
+rtsps		322/tcp
+rtsps		322/udp
+#		323-332	   #unassigned
+texar		333/tcp    #Texar Security Port
+texar		333/udp    #Texar Security Port
+#		334-343	   #unassigned
+pdap		344/tcp	   #Prospero Data Access Protocol
+pdap		344/udp	   #Prospero Data Access Protocol
+pawserv		345/tcp	   #Perf Analysis Workbench
+pawserv		345/udp	   #Perf Analysis Workbench
+zserv		346/tcp	   #Zebra server
+zserv		346/udp	   #Zebra server
+fatserv		347/tcp	   #Fatmen Server
+fatserv		347/udp	   #Fatmen Server
+csi-sgwp	348/tcp	   #Cabletron Management Protocol
+csi-sgwp	348/udp	   #Cabletron Management Protocol
+mftp		349/tcp
+mftp		349/udp
+matip-type-a	350/tcp	   #MATIP Type A
+matip-type-a	350/udp
+matip-type-b	351/tcp	   #MATIP Type B
+matip-type-b	351/udp
+bhoetty		351/tcp	   #unassigned but widespread use
+bhoetty		351/udp	   #unassigned but widespread use
+dtag-ste-sb	352/tcp	   #DTAG
+dtag-ste-sb	352/udp	   #DTAG
+bhoedap4	352/tcp	   #unassigned but widespread use
+bhoedap4	352/udp	   #unassigned but widespread use
+ndsauth		353/tcp
+ndsauth		353/udp
+bh611		354/tcp
+bh611		354/udp
+datex-asn	355/tcp
+datex-asn	355/udp
+cloanto-net-1	356/tcp	   #Cloanto Net 1
+cloanto-net-1	356/udp
+bhevent		357/tcp
+bhevent		357/udp
+shrinkwrap	358/tcp
+shrinkwrap	358/udp
+tenebris_nts	359/tcp	   #Tenebris Network Trace Service
+tenebris_nts	359/udp	   #Tenebris Network Trace Service
+scoi2odialog	360/tcp
+scoi2odialog	360/udp
+semantix	361/tcp
+semantix	361/udp
+srssend		362/tcp	   #SRS Send
+srssend		362/udp	   #SRS Send
+rsvp_tunnel	363/tcp
+rsvp_tunnel	363/udp
+aurora-cmgr	364/tcp
+aurora-cmgr	364/udp
+dtk		365/tcp	   #Deception Tool Kit - Fred Cohen <fc@all.net>
+dtk		365/udp	   #Deception Tool Kit - Fred Cohen <fc@all.net>
+odmr		366/tcp
+odmr		366/udp
+mortgageware	367/tcp
+mortgageware	367/udp
+qbikgdp		368/tcp	   #QbikGDP
+qbikgdp		368/udp
+rpc2portmap	369/tcp
+rpc2portmap	369/udp
+codaauth2	370/tcp
+codaauth2	370/udp
+clearcase	371/tcp
+clearcase	371/udp
+ulistserv	372/tcp	   ulistproc	#Unix Listserv
+ulistserv	372/udp	   ulistproc	#Unix Listserv
+legent-1	373/tcp	   #Legent Corporation (now Computer Associates Intl.)
+legent-1	373/udp	   #Legent Corporation (now Computer Associates Intl.)
+legent-2	374/tcp	   #Legent Corporation (now Computer Associates Intl.)
+legent-2	374/udp	   #Legent Corporation (now Computer Associates Intl.)
+hassle		375/tcp
+hassle		375/udp
+nip		376/tcp	   #Amiga Envoy Network Inquiry Proto
+nip		376/udp	   #Amiga Envoy Network Inquiry Proto
+tnETOS		377/tcp	   #NEC Corporation
+tnETOS		377/udp	   #NEC Corporation
+dsETOS		378/tcp	   #NEC Corporation
+dsETOS		378/udp	   #NEC Corporation
+is99c		379/tcp	   #TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem client
+is99c		379/udp	   #TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem client
+is99s		380/tcp	   #TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem server
+is99s		380/udp	   #TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem server
+hp-collector	381/tcp	   #hp performance data collector
+hp-collector	381/udp	   #hp performance data collector
+hp-managed-node	382/tcp	   #hp performance data managed node
+hp-managed-node	382/udp	   #hp performance data managed node
+hp-alarm-mgr	383/tcp	   #hp performance data alarm manager
+hp-alarm-mgr	383/udp	   #hp performance data alarm manager
+arns		384/tcp	   #A Remote Network Server System
+arns		384/udp	   #A Remote Network Server System
+ibm-app		385/tcp	   #IBM Application
+ibm-app		385/udp	   #IBM Application
+asa		386/tcp	   #ASA Message Router Object Def.
+asa		386/udp	   #ASA Message Router Object Def.
+aurp		387/tcp	   #Appletalk Update-Based Routing Pro.
+aurp		387/udp	   #Appletalk Update-Based Routing Pro.
+unidata-ldm	388/tcp	   #Unidata LDM Version 4
+unidata-ldm	388/udp	   #Unidata LDM Version 4
+ldap		389/tcp	   #Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
+ldap		389/udp	   #Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
+uis		390/tcp
+uis		390/udp
+synotics-relay	391/tcp	   #SynOptics SNMP Relay Port
+synotics-relay	391/udp	   #SynOptics SNMP Relay Port
+synotics-broker	392/tcp	   #SynOptics Port Broker Port
+synotics-broker	392/udp	   #SynOptics Port Broker Port
+dis		393/tcp	   #Data Interpretation System
+dis		393/udp	   #Data Interpretation System
+embl-ndt	394/tcp	   #EMBL Nucleic Data Transfer
+embl-ndt	394/udp	   #EMBL Nucleic Data Transfer
+netcp		395/tcp	   #NETscout Control Protocol
+netcp		395/udp	   #NETscout Control Protocol
+netware-ip	396/tcp	   #Novell Netware over IP
+netware-ip	396/udp	   #Novell Netware over IP
+mptn		397/tcp	   #Multi Protocol Trans. Net.
+mptn		397/udp	   #Multi Protocol Trans. Net.
+kryptolan	398/tcp
+kryptolan	398/udp
+iso-tsap-c2	399/tcp	   #ISO-TSAP Class 2
+iso-tsap-c2	399/udp	   #ISO-TSAP Class 2
+work-sol	400/tcp	   #Workstation Solutions
+work-sol	400/udp	   #Workstation Solutions
+ups		401/tcp	   #Uninterruptible Power Supply
+ups		401/udp	   #Uninterruptible Power Supply
+genie		402/tcp	   #Genie Protocol
+genie		402/udp	   #Genie Protocol
+decap		403/tcp
+decap		403/udp
+nced		404/tcp
+nced		404/udp
+ncld		405/tcp
+ncld		405/udp
+imsp		406/tcp	   #Interactive Mail Support Protocol
+imsp		406/udp	   #Interactive Mail Support Protocol
+timbuktu	407/tcp
+timbuktu	407/udp
+prm-sm		408/tcp	   #Prospero Resource Manager Sys. Man.
+prm-sm		408/udp	   #Prospero Resource Manager Sys. Man.
+prm-nm		409/tcp	   #Prospero Resource Manager Node Man.
+prm-nm		409/udp	   #Prospero Resource Manager Node Man.
+decladebug	410/tcp	   #DECLadebug Remote Debug Protocol
+decladebug	410/udp	   #DECLadebug Remote Debug Protocol
+rmt		411/tcp	   #Remote MT Protocol
+rmt		411/udp	   #Remote MT Protocol
+synoptics-trap	412/tcp	   #Trap Convention Port
+synoptics-trap	412/udp	   #Trap Convention Port
+smsp		413/tcp
+smsp		413/udp
+infoseek	414/tcp
+infoseek	414/udp
+bnet		415/tcp
+bnet		415/udp
+silverplatter	416/tcp
+silverplatter	416/udp
+onmux		417/tcp
+onmux		417/udp
+hyper-g		418/tcp
+hyper-g		418/udp
+ariel1		419/tcp
+ariel1		419/udp
+smpte		420/tcp
+smpte		420/udp
+ariel2		421/tcp
+ariel2		421/udp
+ariel3		422/tcp
+ariel3		422/udp
+opc-job-start	423/tcp	   #IBM Operations Planning and Control Start
+opc-job-start	423/udp	   #IBM Operations Planning and Control Start
+opc-job-track	424/tcp	   #IBM Operations Planning and Control Track
+opc-job-track	424/udp	   #IBM Operations Planning and Control Track
+icad-el		425/tcp
+icad-el		425/udp
+smartsdp	426/tcp
+smartsdp	426/udp
+svrloc		427/tcp	   #Server Location
+svrloc		427/udp	   #Server Location
+ocs_cmu		428/tcp
+ocs_cmu		428/udp
+ocs_amu		429/tcp
+ocs_amu		429/udp
+utmpsd		430/tcp
+utmpsd		430/udp
+utmpcd		431/tcp
+utmpcd		431/udp
+iasd		432/tcp
+iasd		432/udp
+nnsp		433/tcp
+nnsp		433/udp
+mobileip-agent	434/tcp
+mobileip-agent	434/udp
+mobilip-mn	435/tcp
+mobilip-mn	435/udp
+dna-cml		436/tcp
+dna-cml		436/udp
+comscm		437/tcp
+comscm		437/udp
+dsfgw		438/tcp
+dsfgw		438/udp
+dasp		439/tcp
+dasp		439/udp
+sgcp		440/tcp
+sgcp		440/udp
+decvms-sysmgt	441/tcp
+decvms-sysmgt	441/udp
+cvc_hostd	442/tcp
+cvc_hostd	442/udp
+https		443/tcp
+https		443/udp
+snpp		444/tcp	   #Simple Network Paging Protocol
+snpp		444/udp	   #Simple Network Paging Protocol
+#			   [RFC1568]
+microsoft-ds	445/tcp
+microsoft-ds	445/udp
+ddm-rdb		446/tcp
+ddm-rdb		446/udp
+ddm-dfm		447/tcp
+ddm-dfm		447/udp
+ddm-ssl		448/tcp	   ddm-byte
+ddm-ssl		448/udp	   ddm-byte
+as-servermap	449/tcp	   #AS Server Mapper
+as-servermap	449/udp	   #AS Server Mapper
+tserver		450/tcp
+tserver		450/udp
+sfs-smp-net	451/tcp	   #Cray Network Semaphore server
+sfs-smp-net	451/udp	   #Cray Network Semaphore server
+sfs-config	452/tcp	   #Cray SFS config server
+sfs-config	452/udp	   #Cray SFS config server
+creativeserver	453/tcp	   #CreativeServer
+creativeserver	453/udp	   #CreativeServer
+contentserver	454/tcp	   #ContentServer
+contentserver	454/udp	   #ContentServer
+creativepartnr	455/tcp	   #CreativePartnr
+creativepartnr	455/udp	   #CreativePartnr
+macon-tcp	456/tcp
+macon-udp	456/udp
+scohelp		457/tcp
+scohelp		457/udp
+appleqtc	458/tcp	   #apple quick time
+appleqtc	458/udp	   #apple quick time
+ampr-rcmd	459/tcp
+ampr-rcmd	459/udp
+skronk		460/tcp
+skronk		460/udp
+datasurfsrv	461/tcp
+datasurfsrv	461/udp
+datasurfsrvsec	462/tcp
+datasurfsrvsec	462/udp
+alpes		463/tcp
+alpes		463/udp
+kpasswd5	464/tcp	   # Kerberos (v5)
+kpasswd5	464/udp	   # Kerberos (v5)
+# IANA has offically assigned these two ports as ``kpasswd''
+#kpasswd	464/tcp	   # Kerberos (v5)
+#kpasswd	464/udp	   # Kerberos (v5)
+smtps		465/tcp	   #smtp protocol over TLS/SSL (was ssmtp)
+smtps		465/udp	   #smtp protocol over TLS/SSL (was ssmtp)
+digital-vrc	466/tcp
+digital-vrc	466/udp
+mylex-mapd	467/tcp
+mylex-mapd	467/udp
+photuris	468/tcp
+photuris	468/udp
+rcp		469/tcp	   #Radio Control Protocol
+rcp		469/udp	   #Radio Control Protocol
+scx-proxy	470/tcp
+scx-proxy	470/udp
+mondex		471/tcp
+mondex		471/udp
+ljk-login	472/tcp
+ljk-login	472/udp
+hybrid-pop	473/tcp
+hybrid-pop	473/udp
+tn-tl-w1	474/tcp
+tn-tl-w2	474/udp
+tcpnethaspsrv	475/tcp
+tcpnethaspsrv	475/udp
+tn-tl-fd1	476/tcp
+tn-tl-fd1	476/udp
+ss7ns		477/tcp
+ss7ns		477/udp
+spsc		478/tcp
+spsc		478/udp
+iafserver	479/tcp
+iafserver	479/udp
+iafdbase	480/tcp
+iafdbase	480/udp
+ph		481/tcp
+ph		481/udp
+bgs-nsi		482/tcp
+bgs-nsi		482/udp
+ulpnet		483/tcp
+ulpnet		483/udp
+integra-sme	484/tcp	   #Integra Software Management Environment
+integra-sme	484/udp	   #Integra Software Management Environment
+powerburst	485/tcp	   #Air Soft Power Burst
+powerburst	485/udp	   #Air Soft Power Burst
+avian		486/tcp
+avian		486/udp
+saft		487/tcp	   #saft Simple Asynchronous File Transfer
+saft		487/udp	   #saft Simple Asynchronous File Transfer
+gss-http	488/tcp
+gss-http	488/udp
+nest-protocol	489/tcp
+nest-protocol	489/udp
+micom-pfs	490/tcp
+micom-pfs	490/udp
+go-login	491/tcp
+go-login	491/udp
+ticf-1		492/tcp	   #Transport Independent Convergence for FNA
+ticf-1		492/udp	   #Transport Independent Convergence for FNA
+ticf-2		493/tcp	   #Transport Independent Convergence for FNA
+ticf-2		493/udp	   #Transport Independent Convergence for FNA
+pov-ray		494/tcp
+pov-ray		494/udp
+intecourier	495/tcp
+intecourier	495/udp
+pim-rp-disc	496/tcp
+pim-rp-disc	496/udp
+dantz		497/tcp
+dantz		497/udp
+siam		498/tcp
+siam		498/udp
+iso-ill		499/tcp	   #ISO ILL Protocol
+iso-ill		499/udp	   #ISO ILL Protocol
+isakmp		500/tcp
+isakmp		500/udp
+stmf		501/tcp
+stmf		501/udp
+asa-appl-proto	502/tcp
+asa-appl-proto	502/udp
+intrinsa	503/tcp
+intrinsa	503/udp
+citadel		504/tcp
+citadel		504/udp
+mailbox-lm	505/tcp
+mailbox-lm	505/udp
+ohimsrv		506/tcp
+ohimsrv		506/udp
+crs		507/tcp
+crs		507/udp
+xvttp		508/tcp
+xvttp		508/udp
+snare		509/tcp
+snare		509/udp
+fcp		510/tcp	   #FirstClass Protocol
+fcp		510/udp	   #FirstClass Protocol
+passgo		511/tcp
+passgo		511/udp
+# Berkeley-specific services
+exec		512/tcp	   #remote process execution;
+#			   authentication performed using
+#			   passwords and UNIX login names
+biff		512/udp	   comsat	#used by mail system to notify users
+#					of new mail received; currently
+#					receives messages only from
+#					processes on the same machine
+login		513/tcp	   #remote login a la telnet;
+#			   automatic authentication performed
+#			   based on priviledged port numbers
+#			   and distributed data bases which
+#			   identify "authentication domains"
+who		513/udp	   whod		#maintains data bases showing who's
+#					logged in to machines on a local
+#					net and the load average of the
+#					machine
+shell		514/tcp	   cmd		#like exec, but automatic
+#					authentication is performed as for
+#					login server
+syslog		514/udp
+printer		515/tcp	   spooler
+printer		515/udp	   spooler
+videotex	516/tcp
+videotex	516/udp
+talk		517/tcp	   #like tenex link, but across
+#			   machine - unfortunately, doesn't
+#			   use link protocol (this is actually
+#			   just a rendezvous port from which a
+#			   tcp connection is established)
+talk		517/udp	   #like tenex link, but across
+#			   machine - unfortunately, doesn't
+#			   use link protocol (this is actually
+#			   just a rendezvous port from which a
+#			   tcp connection is established)
+ntalk		518/tcp
+ntalk		518/udp
+utime		519/tcp	   unixtime
+utime		519/udp	   unixtime
+efs		520/tcp	   #extended file name server
+router		520/udp	   route routed	#local routing process (on site);
+#					   uses variant of Xerox NS routing
+#					   information protocol
+ripng		521/tcp
+ripng		521/udp
+ulp		522/tcp
+ulp		522/udp
+ibm-db2		523/tcp
+ibm-db2		523/udp
+ncp		524/tcp
+ncp		524/udp
+timed		525/tcp	   timeserver
+timed		525/udp	   timeserver
+tempo		526/tcp	   newdate
+tempo		526/udp	   newdate
+stx		527/tcp	   #Stock IXChange
+stx		527/udp	   #Stock IXChange
+custix		528/tcp	   #Customer IXChange
+custix		528/udp	   #Customer IXChange
+irc-serv	529/tcp
+irc-serv	529/udp
+courier		530/tcp	   rpc
+courier		530/udp	   rpc
+conference	531/tcp	   chat
+conference	531/udp	   chat
+netnews		532/tcp	   readnews
+netnews		532/udp	   readnews
+netwall		533/tcp	   #for emergency broadcasts
+netwall		533/udp	   #for emergency broadcasts
+mm-admin	534/tcp	   #MegaMedia Admin
+mm-admin	534/udp	   #MegaMedia Admin
+iiop		535/tcp
+iiop		535/udp
+opalis-rdv	536/tcp
+opalis-rdv	536/udp
+nmsp		537/tcp	   #Networked Media Streaming Protocol
+nmsp		537/udp	   #Networked Media Streaming Protocol
+gdomap		538/tcp
+gdomap		538/udp
+apertus-ldp	539/tcp	   #Apertus Technologies Load Determination
+apertus-ldp	539/udp	   #Apertus Technologies Load Determination
+uucp		540/tcp	   uucpd
+uucp		540/udp	   uucpd
+uucp-rlogin	541/tcp
+uucp-rlogin	541/udp
+commerce	542/tcp
+commerce	542/udp
+klogin		543/tcp	   # Kerberos (v4/v5)
+klogin		543/udp	   # Kerberos (v4/v5)
+kshell		544/tcp	   krcmd	# Kerberos (v4/v5)
+kshell		544/udp	   krcmd	# Kerberos (v4/v5)
+appleqtcsrvr	545/tcp
+appleqtcsrvr	545/udp
+dhcpv6-client	546/tcp	   #DHCPv6 Client
+dhcpv6-client	546/udp	   #DHCPv6 Client
+dhcpv6-server	547/tcp	   #DHCPv6 Server
+dhcpv6-server	547/udp	   #DHCPv6 Server
+afpovertcp	548/tcp	   #AFP over TCP
+afpovertcp	548/udp	   #AFP over TCP
+idfp		549/tcp
+idfp		549/udp
+new-rwho	550/tcp	   new-who
+new-rwho	550/udp	   new-who
+cybercash	551/tcp
+cybercash	551/udp
+deviceshare	552/tcp
+deviceshare	552/udp
+pirp		553/tcp
+pirp		553/udp
+rtsp		554/tcp	   #Real Time Stream Control Protocol
+rtsp		554/udp	   #Real Time Stream Control Protocol
+dsf		555/tcp
+dsf		555/udp
+remotefs	556/tcp	   rfs rfs_server	# Brunhoff remote filesystem
+remotefs	556/udp	   rfs rfs_server	# Brunhoff remote filesystem
+openvms-sysipc	557/tcp
+openvms-sysipc	557/udp
+sdnskmp		558/tcp
+sdnskmp		558/udp
+teedtap		559/tcp
+teedtap		559/udp
+rmonitor	560/tcp	   rmonitord
+rmonitor	560/udp	   rmonitord
+monitor		561/tcp
+monitor		561/udp
+chshell		562/tcp	   chcmd
+chshell		562/udp	   chcmd
+nntps		563/tcp	   snntp	#nntp protocol over TLS/SSL
+nntps		563/udp	   snntp	#nntp protocol over TLS/SSL
+9pfs		564/tcp	   #plan 9 file service
+9pfs		564/udp	   #plan 9 file service
+whoami		565/tcp
+whoami		565/udp
+streettalk	566/tcp
+streettalk      566/udp
+banyan-rpc	567/tcp
+banyan-rpc	567/udp
+ms-shuttle	568/tcp	   #Microsoft shuttle
+ms-shuttle	568/udp	   #Microsoft shuttle
+ms-rome		569/tcp	   #Microsoft rome
+ms-rome		569/udp	   #Microsoft rome
+meter		570/tcp	   #demon
+meter		570/udp	   #demon
+umeter		571/tcp	   #udemon
+umeter		571/udp	   #udemon
+sonar		572/tcp
+sonar		572/udp
+banyan-vip	573/tcp
+banyan-vip	573/udp
+ftp-agent	574/tcp	   #FTP Software Agent System
+ftp-agent	574/udp	   #FTP Software Agent System
+vemmi		575/tcp
+vemmi		575/udp
+ipcd		576/tcp
+ipcd		576/udp
+vnas		577/tcp
+vnas		577/udp
+ipdd		578/tcp
+ipdd		578/udp
+decbsrv		579/tcp
+decbsrv		579/udp
+sntp-heartbeat	580/tcp
+sntp-heartbeat	580/udp
+bdp		581/tcp	   #Bundle Discovery Protocol
+bdp		581/udp	   #Bundle Discovery Protocol
+scc-security	582/tcp
+scc-security	582/udp
+philips-vc	583/tcp	   #Philips Video-Conferencing
+philips-vc	583/udp	   #Philips Video-Conferencing
+keyserver	584/tcp
+keyserver	584/udp
+#imap4-ssl@585 never should have been allocated. See PR 46294.
+#imap4-ssl	585/tcp	   #IMAP4+SSL (use of 585 is not recommended,
+#imap4-ssl	585/udp	   #		use 993 instead)
+password-chg	586/tcp
+password-chg	586/udp
+submission	587/tcp
+submission	587/udp
+cal		588/tcp
+cal		588/udp
+eyelink		589/tcp
+eyelink		589/udp
+tns-cml		590/tcp
+tns-cml		590/udp
+http-alt	591/tcp	   #FileMaker, Inc. - HTTP Alternate (see Port 80)
+http-alt	591/udp	   #FileMaker, Inc. - HTTP Alternate (see Port 80)
+eudora-set	592/tcp
+eudora-set	592/udp
+http-rpc-epmap	593/tcp	   #HTTP RPC Ep Map
+http-rpc-epmap	593/udp	   #HTTP RPC Ep Map
+tpip		594/tcp
+tpip		594/udp
+cab-protocol	595/tcp
+cab-protocol	595/udp
+smsd		596/tcp
+smsd		596/udp
+ptcnameservice	597/tcp	   #PTC Name Service
+ptcnameservice	597/udp	   #PTC Name Service
+sco-websrvrmg3	598/tcp	   #SCO Web Server Manager 3
+sco-websrvrmg3	598/udp	   #SCO Web Server Manager 3
+acp		599/tcp	   #Aeolon Core Protocol
+acp		599/udp	   #Aeolon Core Protocol
+ipcserver	600/tcp	   #Sun IPC server
+ipcserver	600/udp	   #Sun IPC server
+syslog-conn     601/tcp    #Reliable Syslog Service
+syslog-conn     601/udp    #Reliable Syslog Service
+xmlrpc-beep     602/tcp    #XML-RPC over BEEP
+xmlrpc-beep     602/udp    #XML-RPC over BEEP
+idxp            603/tcp
+idxp            603/udp
+tunnel          604/tcp
+tunnel          604/udp
+soap-beep       605/tcp    #SOAP over BEEP
+soap-beep       605/udp    #SOAP over BEEP
+urm		606/tcp	   #Cray Unified Resource Manager
+urm		606/udp	   #Cray Unified Resource Manager
+nqs		607/tcp
+nqs		607/udp
+sift-uft	608/tcp	   #Sender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer
+sift-uft	608/udp	   #Sender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer
+npmp-trap	609/tcp
+npmp-trap	609/udp
+npmp-local	610/tcp
+npmp-local	610/udp
+npmp-gui	611/tcp
+npmp-gui	611/udp
+hmmp-ind	612/tcp    #HMMP Indication
+hmmp-ind	612/udp	   #HMMP Indication
+hmmp-op		613/tcp    #HMMP Operation
+hmmp-op		613/udp	   #HMMP Operation
+sshell		614/tcp	   #SSLshell
+sshell		614/udp
+sco-inetmgr	615/tcp	   #Internet Configuration Manager
+sco-inetmgr	615/udp    #Internet Configuration Manager
+sco-sysmgr	616/tcp    #SCO System Administration Server
+sco-sysmgr	616/udp    #SCO System Administration Server
+sco-dtmgr	617/tcp    #SCO Desktop Administration Server
+sco-dtmgr	617/udp    #SCO Desktop Administration Server
+dei-icda	618/tcp
+dei-icda	618/udp
+compaq-evm	619/tcp    #Compaq EVM
+compaq-evm	619/udp    #Compaq EVM
+sco-websrvrmgr  620/tcp    #SCO WebServer Manager
+sco-websrvrmgr  620/udp    #SCO WebServer Manager
+escp-ip		621/tcp    #ESCP
+escp-ip		621/udp    #ESCP
+collaborator	622/tcp
+collaborator	622/udp
+asf-rmcp        623/tcp    #ASF Remote Management and Control Protocol
+asf-rmcp        623/udp    #ASF Remote Management and Control Protocol
+cryptoadmin	624/tcp    #Crypto Admin
+cryptoadmin	624/udp    #Crypto Admin
+dec_dlm		625/tcp    #DEC DLM
+dec_dlm		625/udp    #DEC DLM
+asia		626/tcp
+asia		626/udp
+passgo-tivoli	627/tcp    #PassGo Tivoli
+passgo-tivoli	627/udp    #PassGo Tivoli
+qmqp		628/tcp
+qmqp		628/udp
+3com-amp3	629/tcp    #3Com AMP3
+3com-amp3	629/udp    #3Com AMP3
+rda		630/tcp
+rda		630/udp
+ipp		631/tcp	   #IPP (Internet Printing Protocol)
+ipp		631/udp	   #IPP (Internet Printing Protocol)
+bmpp		632/tcp
+bmpp		632/udp
+servstat	633/tcp    #Service Status update (Sterling Software)
+servstat	633/udp    #Service Status update (Sterling Software)
+ginad		634/tcp
+ginad		634/udp
+rlzdbase        635/tcp    #RLZ DBase
+rlzdbase        635/udp    #RLZ DBase
+ldaps		636/tcp	   sldap	#ldap protocol over TLS/SSL
+ldaps		636/udp	   sldap
+lanserver       637/tcp
+lanserver       637/udp
+mcns-sec	638/tcp
+mcns-sec	638/udp
+msdp		639/tcp
+msdp		639/udp
+entrust-sps	640/tcp
+entrust-sps	640/udp
+repcmd		641/tcp
+repcmd		641/udp
+esro-emsdp	642/tcp    #ESRO-EMSDP V1.3
+esro-emsdp	642/udp    #ESRO-EMSDP V1.3
+sanity		643/tcp    #SANity
+sanity		643/udp    #SANity
+dwr		644/tcp
+dwr		644/udp
+pssc		645/tcp
+pssc		645/udp
+ldp		646/tcp
+ldp		646/udp
+dhcp-failover   647/tcp    #DHCP Failover
+dhcp-failover   647/udp    #DHCP Failover
+rrp             648/tcp    #Registry Registrar Protocol (RRP)
+rrp             648/udp    #Registry Registrar Protocol (RRP)
+cadview-3d      649/tcp    #Cadview-3d - streaming 3d models over the internet
+cadview-3d      649/udp    #Cadview-3d - streaming 3d models over the internet
+obex		650/tcp
+obex		650/udp
+ieee-mms	651/tcp    #IEEE MMS
+ieee-mms	651/udp    #IEEE MMS
+hello-port	652/tcp
+hello-port	652/udp
+repscmd		653/tcp
+repscmd		653/udp
+aodv		654/tcp	   #Ad-Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol
+aodv		654/udp	   #Ad-Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol
+tinc		655/tcp
+tinc		655/udp
+spmp		656/tcp
+spmp		656/udp
+rmc		657/tcp
+rmc		657/udp
+tenfold		658/tcp
+tenfold		658/udp
+mac-srvr-admin  660/tcp    #MacOS Server Admin
+mac-srvr-admin  660/udp    #MacOS Server Admin
+hap             661/tcp
+hap             661/udp
+pftp            662/tcp
+pftp            662/udp
+purenoise       663/tcp    #PureNoise
+purenoise       663/udp    #PureNoise
+asf-secure-rmcp 664/tcp    #ASF Secure Remote Management and Control Protocol
+asf-secure-rmcp 664/udp    #ASF Secure Remote Management and Control Protocol
+sun-dr          665/tcp    #Sun DR
+sun-dr          665/udp    #Sun DR
+mdqs		666/tcp
+mdqs		666/udp
+doom		666/tcp	   #doom Id Software
+doom		666/udp	   #doom Id Software
+disclose        667/tcp    #campaign contribution disclosures - SDR Technologies
+disclose        667/udp    #campaign contribution disclosures - SDR Technologies
+mecomm          668/tcp
+mecomm          668/udp
+meregister      669/tcp
+meregister      669/udp
+vacdsm-sws      670/tcp
+vacdsm-sws      670/udp
+vacdsm-app      671/tcp
+vacdsm-app      671/udp
+vpps-qua        672/tcp
+vpps-qua        672/udp
+cimplex         673/tcp
+cimplex         673/udp
+acap		674/tcp	   #Application Configuration Access Protocol
+acap		674/udp	   #Application Configuration Access Protocol
+dctp		675/tcp
+dctp		675/udp
+vpps-via	676/tcp    #VPPS Via
+vpps-via	676/udp    #VPPS Via
+vpp		677/tcp    #Virtual Presence Protocol 
+vpp		677/udp    #Virtual Presence Protocol 
+ggf-ncp		678/tcp    #GNU Generation Foundation NCP
+ggf-ncp		678/udp    #GNU Generation Foundation NCP
+mrm             679/tcp
+mrm             679/udp
+entrust-aaas	680/tcp
+entrust-aaas	680/udp
+entrust-aams	681/tcp
+entrust-aams	681/udp
+xfr             682/tcp
+xfr             682/udp
+corba-iiop      683/tcp    #CORBA IIOP 
+corba-iiop      683/udp    #CORBA IIOP 
+corba-iiop-ssl	684/tcp    #CORBA IIOP SSL
+corba-iiop-ssl	684/udp    #CORBA IIOP SSL
+mdc-portmapper	685/tcp    #MDC Port Mapper
+mdc-portmapper	685/udp    #MDC Port Mapper
+hcp-wismar      686/tcp    #Hardware Control Protocol Wismar
+hcp-wismar      686/udp    #Hardware Control Protocol Wismar
+asipregistry	687/tcp
+asipregistry	687/udp
+realm-rusd      688/tcp    #ApplianceWare managment protocol
+realm-rusd      688/udp    #ApplianceWare managment protocol
+nmap            689/tcp
+nmap            689/udp
+vatp            690/tcp    #Velazquez Application Transfer Protocol
+vatp            690/udp    #Velazquez Application Transfer Protocol
+msexch-routing	691/tcp    #MS Exchange Routing
+msexch-routing	691/udp    #MS Exchange Routing
+hyperwave-isp	692/tcp    #Hyperwave-ISP
+hyperwave-isp	692/udp    #Hyperwave-ISP
+connendp        693/tcp
+connendp        693/udp
+ha-cluster      694/tcp
+ha-cluster      694/udp
+ieee-mms-ssl    695/tcp
+ieee-mms-ssl    695/udp
+rushd           696/tcp
+rushd           696/udp
+uuidgen         697/tcp
+uuidgen         697/udp
+olsr            698/tcp
+olsr            698/udp
+accessnetwork   699/tcp    #Access Network
+accessnetwork   699/udp    #Access Network
+epp             700/tcp    #Extensible Provisioning Protocol
+epp             700/udp    #Extensible Provisioning Protocol
+lmp             701/tcp    #Link Management Protocol (LMP)
+lmp             701/udp    #Link Management Protocol (LMP)
+iris-beep       702/tcp    #IRIS over BEEP
+iris-beep       702/udp    #IRIS over BEEP
+elcsd		704/tcp	   #errlog copy/server daemon
+elcsd		704/udp	   #errlog copy/server daemon
+agentx	        705/tcp    #AgentX
+agentx          705/udp    #AgentX
+silc            706/tcp
+silc            706/udp
+borland-dsj     707/tcp    #Borland DSJ
+borland-dsj     707/udp	   #Borland DSJ
+entrustmanager	709/tcp	   #EntrustManager
+entrustmanager	709/udp	   #EntrustManager
+entrust-ash     710/tcp    #Entrust Administration Service Handler
+entrust-ash     710/udp    #Entrust Administration Service Handler
+cisco-tdp       711/tcp    #Cisco TDP
+cisco-tdp       711/udp    #Cisco TDP
+tbrpf           712/tcp
+tbrpf           712/udp
+iris-xpc	713/tcp    #IRIS over XPC 
+iris-xpc	713/udp    #IRIS over XPC 
+iris-xpcs	714/tcp    #IRIS over XPCS
+iris-xpcs	714/udp    #IRIS over XPCS
+iris-lwz	715/tcp
+iris-lwz	715/udp
+netviewdm1	729/tcp	   #IBM NetView DM/6000 Server/Client
+netviewdm1	729/udp	   #IBM NetView DM/6000 Server/Client
+netviewdm2	730/tcp	   #IBM NetView DM/6000 send/tcp
+netviewdm2	730/udp	   #IBM NetView DM/6000 send/tcp
+netviewdm3	731/tcp	   #IBM NetView DM/6000 receive/tcp
+netviewdm3	731/udp	   #IBM NetView DM/6000 receive/tcp
+netgw		741/tcp
+netgw		741/udp
+netrcs		742/tcp	   #Network based Rev. Cont. Sys.
+netrcs		742/udp	   #Network based Rev. Cont. Sys.
+flexlm		744/tcp	   #Flexible License Manager
+flexlm		744/udp	   #Flexible License Manager
+fujitsu-dev	747/tcp	   #Fujitsu Device Control
+fujitsu-dev	747/udp	   #Fujitsu Device Control
+ris-cm		748/tcp	   #Russell Info Sci Calendar Manager
+ris-cm		748/udp	   #Russell Info Sci Calendar Manager
+kerberos-adm	749/tcp	   #Kerberos administration (v5)
+kerberos-adm	749/udp	   #Kerberos administration (v5)
+kerberos-iv	750/udp	   kdc		# Kerberos (v4)
+kerberos-iv	750/tcp	   kdc		# Kerberos (v4)
+#rfile		750/tcp
+#loadav		750/udp
+kerberos_master	751/tcp	   # Kerberos `kadmin' (v4)
+kerberos_master	751/udp	   # Kerberos `kadmin' (v4)
+pump		751/tcp
+pump		751/udp
+qrh		752/tcp
+qrh		752/udp
+rrh		753/tcp
+rrh		753/udp
+krb_prop	754/tcp	   krb5_prop	# kerberos/v5 server propagation
+tell		754/tcp	   #send
+tell		754/udp	   #send
+nlogin		758/tcp
+nlogin		758/udp
+con		759/tcp
+con		759/udp
+krbupdate	760/tcp	   kreg		# Kerberos (v4) registration
+ns		760/tcp
+ns		760/udp
+kpasswd		761/tcp	   kpwd		# Kerberos (v4) "passwd"
+rxe		761/tcp
+rxe		761/udp
+quotad		762/tcp
+quotad		762/udp
+cycleserv	763/tcp
+cycleserv	763/udp
+omserv		764/tcp
+omserv		764/udp
+webster		765/tcp
+webster		765/udp
+phonebook	767/tcp	   #phone
+phonebook	767/udp	   #phone
+vid		769/tcp
+vid		769/udp
+cadlock		770/tcp
+cadlock		770/udp
+rtip		771/tcp
+rtip		771/udp
+cycleserv2	772/tcp
+cycleserv2	772/udp
+submit		773/tcp
+notify		773/udp
+rpasswd		774/tcp
+acmaint_dbd	774/udp
+entomb		775/tcp
+acmaint_transd	775/udp
+wpages		776/tcp
+wpages		776/udp
+multiling-http	777/tcp    #Multiling HTTP
+multiling-http	777/udp    #Multiling HTTP
+wpgs		780/tcp
+wpgs		780/udp
+mdbs_daemon	800/tcp
+mdbs_daemon	800/udp
+device		801/tcp
+device		801/udp
+fcp-udp		810/tcp    #FCP
+fcp-udp		810/udp    #FCP Datagram
+itm-mcell-s	828/tcp
+itm-mcell-s	828/udp
+pkix-3-ca-ra	829/tcp    #PKIX-3 CA/RA
+pkix-3-ca-ra    829/udp    #PKIX-3 CA/RA
+netconf-ssh     830/tcp    #NETCONF over SSH
+netconf-ssh     830/udp    #NETCONF over SSH
+netconf-beep    831/tcp    #NETCONF over BEEP 
+netconf-beep    831/udp    #NETCONF over BEEP
+netconfsoaphttp 832/tcp    #NETCONF for SOAP over HTTPS
+netconfsoaphttp 832/udp    #NETCONF for SOAP over HTTPS
+netconfsoapbeep 833/tcp    #NETCONF for SOAP over BEEP
+netconfsoapbeep 833/udp    #NETCONF for SOAP over BEEP
+dhcp-failover2  847/tcp    #dhcp-failover 2
+dhcp-failover2  847/udp    #dhcp-failover 2
+gdoi            848/tcp
+gdoi            848/udp
+iscsi           860/tcp
+iscsi           860/udp
+owamp-control   861/tcp
+owamp-control   861/udp
+supfilesrv	871/tcp	   # for SUP
+rsync		873/tcp
+rsync		873/udp
+iclcnet-locate  886/tcp    #ICL coNETion locate server
+iclcnet-locate  886/udp    #ICL coNETion locate server
+iclcnet_svinfo  887/tcp    #ICL coNETion server info
+iclcnet_svinfo  887/udp    #ICL coNETion server info
+accessbuilder	888/tcp
+accessbuilder	888/udp
+omginitialrefs  900/tcp    #OMG Initial Refs
+omginitialrefs  900/udp    #OMG Initial Refs
+swat		901/tcp	   # samba web configuration tool
+smpnameres      901/tcp
+smpnameres      901/udp
+ideafarm-chat   902/tcp
+ideafarm-chat   902/udp
+ideafarm-catch  903/tcp
+ideafarm-catch  903/udp
+kink            910/tcp    #Kerberized Internet Negotiation of Keys (KINK) 
+kink            910/udp    #Kerberized Internet Negotiation of Keys (KINK)
+xact-backup     911/tcp
+xact-backup     911/udp
+apex-mesh       912/tcp    #APEX relay-relay service
+apex-mesh       912/udp    #APEX relay-relay service
+apex-edge       913/tcp    #APEX endpoint-relay service
+apex-edge       913/udp    #APEX endpoint-relay service    
+rndc		953/tcp	   # named's rndc control socket
+ftps-data	989/tcp	   # ftp protocol, data, over TLS/SSL
+ftps-data	989/udp
+ftps		990/tcp	   # ftp protocol, control, over TLS/SSL
+ftps		990/udp
+nas		991/tcp    #Netnews Administration System
+nas		991/udp    #Netnews Administration System
+telnets		992/tcp	   # telnet protocol over TLS/SSL
+telnets		992/udp
+imaps		993/tcp	   # imap4 protocol over TLS/SSL
+imaps		993/udp
+ircs		994/tcp	   # irc protocol over TLS/SSL
+ircs		994/udp
+pop3s		995/tcp	   spop3	# pop3 protocol over TLS/SSL
+pop3s		995/udp	   spop3
+vsinet		996/tcp
+vsinet		996/udp
+maitrd		997/tcp
+maitrd		997/udp
+busboy		998/tcp
+puparp		998/udp
+garcon		999/tcp
+applix		999/udp	   #Applix ac
+puprouter	999/tcp
+puprouter	999/udp
+cadlock2	1000/tcp
+cadlock2	1000/udp
+surf		1010/tcp
+surf		1010/udp
+exp1            1021/tcp   #RFC3692-style Experiment 1 (*)    [RFC4727]
+exp1            1021/udp   #RFC3692-style Experiment 1 (*)    [RFC4727]
+exp2            1022/tcp   #RFC3692-style Experiment 2 (*)    [RFC4727]
+exp2            1022/udp   #RFC3692-style Experiment 2 (*)    [RFC4727]
+blackjack	1025/tcp   #network blackjack
+blackjack	1025/udp   #network blackjack
+iad1		1030/tcp   #BBN IAD
+iad1		1030/udp   #BBN IAD
+iad2		1031/tcp   #BBN IAD
+iad2		1031/udp   #BBN IAD
+iad3		1032/tcp   #BBN IAD
+iad3		1032/udp   #BBN IAD
+nim		1058/tcp
+nim		1058/udp
+nimreg		1059/tcp
+nimreg		1059/udp
+instl_boots	1067/tcp   #Installation Bootstrap Proto. Serv.
+instl_boots	1067/udp   #Installation Bootstrap Proto. Serv.
+instl_bootc	1068/tcp   #Installation Bootstrap Proto. Cli.
+instl_bootc	1068/udp   #Installation Bootstrap Proto. Cli.
+socks		1080/tcp
+socks		1080/udp
+ansoft-lm-1	1083/tcp   #Anasoft License Manager
+ansoft-lm-1	1083/udp   #Anasoft License Manager
+ansoft-lm-2	1084/tcp   #Anasoft License Manager
+ansoft-lm-2	1084/udp   #Anasoft License Manager
+webobjects	1085/tcp   #Web Objects
+webobjects	1085/udp   #Web Objects
+kpop		1109/tcp   #Unofficial
+kpop		1109/udp   #Unofficial
+nfsd-status	1110/tcp   #Cluster status info
+nfsd-keepalive	1110/udp   #Client status info
+supfiledbg	1127/tcp   # for SUP
+nfa		1155/tcp   #Network File Access
+nfa		1155/udp   #Network File Access
+phone		1167/udp   #conference calling
+skkserv		1178/tcp   #SKK (kanji input)
+openvpn		1194/tcp   #OpenVPN
+openvpn		1194/udp   #OpenVPN
+lupa		1212/tcp
+lupa		1212/udp
+nerv		1222/tcp   #SNI R&D network
+nerv		1222/udp   #SNI R&D network
+hermes		1248/tcp
+hermes		1248/udp
+healthd		1281/tcp   #healthd
+healthd		1281/udp   #healthd
+alta-ana-lm	1346/tcp   #Alta Analytics License Manager
+alta-ana-lm	1346/udp   #Alta Analytics License Manager
+bbn-mmc		1347/tcp   #multi media conferencing
+bbn-mmc		1347/udp   #multi media conferencing
+bbn-mmx		1348/tcp   #multi media conferencing
+bbn-mmx		1348/udp   #multi media conferencing
+sbook		1349/tcp   #Registration Network Protocol
+sbook		1349/udp   #Registration Network Protocol
+editbench	1350/tcp   #Registration Network Protocol
+editbench	1350/udp   #Registration Network Protocol
+equationbuilder	1351/tcp   #Digital Tool Works (MIT)
+equationbuilder	1351/udp   #Digital Tool Works (MIT)
+lotusnote	1352/tcp   #Lotus Note
+lotusnote	1352/udp   #Lotus Note
+relief		1353/tcp   #Relief Consulting
+relief		1353/udp   #Relief Consulting
+rightbrain	1354/tcp   #RightBrain Software
+rightbrain	1354/udp   #RightBrain Software
+intuitive-edge	1355/tcp   #Intuitive Edge
+intuitive-edge	1355/udp   #Intuitive Edge
+cuillamartin	1356/tcp   #CuillaMartin Company
+cuillamartin	1356/udp   #CuillaMartin Company
+pegboard	1357/tcp   #Electronic PegBoard
+pegboard	1357/udp   #Electronic PegBoard
+connlcli	1358/tcp
+connlcli	1358/udp
+ftsrv		1359/tcp
+ftsrv		1359/udp
+mimer		1360/tcp
+mimer		1360/udp
+linx		1361/tcp
+linx		1361/udp
+timeflies	1362/tcp
+timeflies	1362/udp
+ndm-requester	1363/tcp   #Network DataMover Requester
+ndm-requester	1363/udp   #Network DataMover Requester
+ndm-server	1364/tcp   #Network DataMover Server
+ndm-server	1364/udp   #Network DataMover Server
+adapt-sna	1365/tcp   #Network Software Associates
+adapt-sna	1365/udp   #Network Software Associates
+netware-csp	1366/tcp   #Novell NetWare Comm Service Platform
+netware-csp	1366/udp   #Novell NetWare Comm Service Platform
+dcs		1367/tcp
+dcs		1367/udp
+screencast	1368/tcp
+screencast	1368/udp
+gv-us		1369/tcp   #GlobalView to Unix Shell
+gv-us		1369/udp   #GlobalView to Unix Shell
+us-gv		1370/tcp   #Unix Shell to GlobalView
+us-gv		1370/udp   #Unix Shell to GlobalView
+fc-cli		1371/tcp   #Fujitsu Config Protocol
+fc-cli		1371/udp   #Fujitsu Config Protocol
+fc-ser		1372/tcp   #Fujitsu Config Protocol
+fc-ser		1372/udp   #Fujitsu Config Protocol
+chromagrafx	1373/tcp
+chromagrafx	1373/udp
+molly		1374/tcp   #EPI Software Systems
+molly		1374/udp   #EPI Software Systems
+bytex		1375/tcp
+bytex		1375/udp
+ibm-pps		1376/tcp   #IBM Person to Person Software
+ibm-pps		1376/udp   #IBM Person to Person Software
+cichlid		1377/tcp   #Cichlid License Manager
+cichlid		1377/udp   #Cichlid License Manager
+elan		1378/tcp   #Elan License Manager
+elan		1378/udp   #Elan License Manager
+dbreporter	1379/tcp   #Integrity Solutions
+dbreporter	1379/udp   #Integrity Solutions
+telesis-licman	1380/tcp   #Telesis Network License Manager
+telesis-licman	1380/udp   #Telesis Network License Manager
+apple-licman	1381/tcp   #Apple Network License Manager
+apple-licman	1381/udp   #Apple Network License Manager
+#udt_os		1382/tcp
+#udt_os		1382/udp
+gwha		1383/tcp   #GW Hannaway Network License Manager
+gwha		1383/udp   #GW Hannaway Network License Manager
+os-licman	1384/tcp   #Objective Solutions License Manager
+os-licman	1384/udp   #Objective Solutions License Manager
+atex_elmd	1385/tcp   #Atex Publishing License Manager
+atex_elmd	1385/udp   #Atex Publishing License Manager
+checksum	1386/tcp   #CheckSum License Manager
+checksum	1386/udp   #CheckSum License Manager
+cadsi-lm	1387/tcp   #Computer Aided Design Software Inc LM
+cadsi-lm	1387/udp   #Computer Aided Design Software Inc LM
+objective-dbc	1388/tcp   #Objective Solutions DataBase Cache
+objective-dbc	1388/udp   #Objective Solutions DataBase Cache
+iclpv-dm	1389/tcp   #Document Manager
+iclpv-dm	1389/udp   #Document Manager
+iclpv-sc	1390/tcp   #Storage Controller
+iclpv-sc	1390/udp   #Storage Controller
+iclpv-sas	1391/tcp   #Storage Access Server
+iclpv-sas	1391/udp   #Storage Access Server
+iclpv-pm	1392/tcp   #Print Manager
+iclpv-pm	1392/udp   #Print Manager
+iclpv-nls	1393/tcp   #Network Log Server
+iclpv-nls	1393/udp   #Network Log Server
+iclpv-nlc	1394/tcp   #Network Log Client
+iclpv-nlc	1394/udp   #Network Log Client
+iclpv-wsm	1395/tcp   #PC Workstation Manager software
+iclpv-wsm	1395/udp   #PC Workstation Manager software
+dvl-activemail	1396/tcp   #DVL Active Mail
+dvl-activemail	1396/udp   #DVL Active Mail
+audio-activmail	1397/tcp   #Audio Active Mail
+audio-activmail	1397/udp   #Audio Active Mail
+video-activmail	1398/tcp   #Video Active Mail
+video-activmail	1398/udp   #Video Active Mail
+cadkey-licman	1399/tcp   #Cadkey License Manager
+cadkey-licman	1399/udp   #Cadkey License Manager
+cadkey-tablet	1400/tcp   #Cadkey Tablet Daemon
+cadkey-tablet	1400/udp   #Cadkey Tablet Daemon
+goldleaf-licman	1401/tcp   #Goldleaf License Manager
+goldleaf-licman	1401/udp   #Goldleaf License Manager
+prm-sm-np	1402/tcp   #Prospero Resource Manager
+prm-sm-np	1402/udp   #Prospero Resource Manager
+prm-nm-np	1403/tcp   #Prospero Resource Manager
+prm-nm-np	1403/udp   #Prospero Resource Manager
+igi-lm		1404/tcp   #Infinite Graphics License Manager
+igi-lm		1404/udp   #Infinite Graphics License Manager
+ibm-res		1405/tcp   #IBM Remote Execution Starter
+ibm-res		1405/udp   #IBM Remote Execution Starter
+netlabs-lm	1406/tcp   #NetLabs License Manager
+netlabs-lm	1406/udp   #NetLabs License Manager
+dbsa-lm		1407/tcp   #DBSA License Manager
+dbsa-lm		1407/udp   #DBSA License Manager
+sophia-lm	1408/tcp   #Sophia License Manager
+sophia-lm	1408/udp   #Sophia License Manager
+here-lm		1409/tcp   #Here License Manager
+here-lm		1409/udp   #Here License Manager
+hiq		1410/tcp   #HiQ License Manager
+hiq		1410/udp   #HiQ License Manager
+af		1411/tcp   #AudioFile
+af		1411/udp   #AudioFile
+innosys		1412/tcp
+innosys		1412/udp
+innosys-acl	1413/tcp
+innosys-acl	1413/udp
+ibm-mqseries	1414/tcp   #IBM MQSeries
+ibm-mqseries	1414/udp   #IBM MQSeries
+dbstar		1415/tcp
+dbstar		1415/udp
+novell-lu6.2	1416/tcp   #Novell LU6.2
+novell-lu6.2	1416/udp   #Novell LU6.2
+timbuktu-srv1	1417/tcp   #Timbuktu Service 1 Port
+timbuktu-srv1	1417/udp   #Timbuktu Service 1 Port
+timbuktu-srv2	1418/tcp   #Timbuktu Service 2 Port
+timbuktu-srv2	1418/udp   #Timbuktu Service 2 Port
+timbuktu-srv3	1419/tcp   #Timbuktu Service 3 Port
+timbuktu-srv3	1419/udp   #Timbuktu Service 3 Port
+timbuktu-srv4	1420/tcp   #Timbuktu Service 4 Port
+timbuktu-srv4	1420/udp   #Timbuktu Service 4 Port
+gandalf-lm	1421/tcp   #Gandalf License Manager
+gandalf-lm	1421/udp   #Gandalf License Manager
+autodesk-lm	1422/tcp   #Autodesk License Manager
+autodesk-lm	1422/udp   #Autodesk License Manager
+essbase		1423/tcp   #Essbase Arbor Software
+essbase		1423/udp   #Essbase Arbor Software
+hybrid		1424/tcp   #Hybrid Encryption Protocol
+hybrid		1424/udp   #Hybrid Encryption Protocol
+zion-lm		1425/tcp   #Zion Software License Manager
+zion-lm		1425/udp   #Zion Software License Manager
+sas-1		1426/tcp   #Satellite-data Acquisition System 1
+sas-1		1426/udp   #Satellite-data Acquisition System 1
+mloadd		1427/tcp   #mloadd monitoring tool
+mloadd		1427/udp   #mloadd monitoring tool
+informatik-lm	1428/tcp   #Informatik License Manager
+informatik-lm	1428/udp   #Informatik License Manager
+nms		1429/tcp   #Hypercom NMS
+nms		1429/udp   #Hypercom NMS
+tpdu		1430/tcp   #Hypercom TPDU
+tpdu		1430/udp   #Hypercom TPDU
+rgtp		1431/tcp   #Reverse Gossip Transport
+rgtp		1431/udp   #Reverse Gossip Transport
+blueberry-lm	1432/tcp   #Blueberry Software License Manager
+blueberry-lm	1432/udp   #Blueberry Software License Manager
+ms-sql-s	1433/tcp   #Microsoft-SQL-Server
+ms-sql-s	1433/udp   #Microsoft-SQL-Server
+ms-sql-m	1434/tcp   #Microsoft-SQL-Monitor
+ms-sql-m	1434/udp   #Microsoft-SQL-Monitor
+ibm-cics	1435/tcp
+ibm-cics	1435/udp
+sas-2		1436/tcp   #Satellite-data Acquisition System 2
+sas-2		1436/udp   #Satellite-data Acquisition System 2
+tabula		1437/tcp
+tabula		1437/udp
+eicon-server	1438/tcp   #Eicon Security Agent/Server
+eicon-server	1438/udp   #Eicon Security Agent/Server
+eicon-x25	1439/tcp   #Eicon X25/SNA Gateway
+eicon-x25	1439/udp   #Eicon X25/SNA Gateway
+eicon-slp	1440/tcp   #Eicon Service Location Protocol
+eicon-slp	1440/udp   #Eicon Service Location Protocol
+cadis-1		1441/tcp   #Cadis License Management
+cadis-1		1441/udp   #Cadis License Management
+cadis-2		1442/tcp   #Cadis License Management
+cadis-2		1442/udp   #Cadis License Management
+ies-lm		1443/tcp   #Integrated Engineering Software
+ies-lm		1443/udp   #Integrated Engineering Software
+marcam-lm	1444/tcp   #Marcam  License Management
+marcam-lm	1444/udp   #Marcam  License Management
+proxima-lm	1445/tcp   #Proxima License Manager
+proxima-lm	1445/udp   #Proxima License Manager
+ora-lm		1446/tcp   #Optical Research Associates License Manager
+ora-lm		1446/udp   #Optical Research Associates License Manager
+apri-lm		1447/tcp   #Applied Parallel Research LM
+apri-lm		1447/udp   #Applied Parallel Research LM
+oc-lm		1448/tcp   #OpenConnect License Manager
+oc-lm		1448/udp   #OpenConnect License Manager
+peport		1449/tcp
+peport		1449/udp
+dwf		1450/tcp   #Tandem Distributed Workbench Facility
+dwf		1450/udp   #Tandem Distributed Workbench Facility
+infoman		1451/tcp   #IBM Information Management
+infoman		1451/udp   #IBM Information Management
+gtegsc-lm	1452/tcp   #GTE Government Systems License Man
+gtegsc-lm	1452/udp   #GTE Government Systems License Man
+genie-lm	1453/tcp   #Genie License Manager
+genie-lm	1453/udp   #Genie License Manager
+interhdl_elmd	1454/tcp   #interHDL License Manager
+interhdl_elmd	1454/udp   #interHDL License Manager
+esl-lm		1455/tcp   #ESL License Manager
+esl-lm		1455/udp   #ESL License Manager
+dca		1456/tcp
+dca		1456/udp
+valisys-lm	1457/tcp   #Valisys License Manager
+valisys-lm	1457/udp   #Valisys License Manager
+nrcabq-lm	1458/tcp   #Nichols Research Corp.
+nrcabq-lm	1458/udp   #Nichols Research Corp.
+proshare1	1459/tcp   #Proshare Notebook Application
+proshare1	1459/udp   #Proshare Notebook Application
+proshare2	1460/tcp   #Proshare Notebook Application
+proshare2	1460/udp   #Proshare Notebook Application
+ibm_wrless_lan	1461/tcp   #IBM Wireless LAN
+ibm_wrless_lan	1461/udp   #IBM Wireless LAN
+world-lm	1462/tcp   #World License Manager
+world-lm	1462/udp   #World License Manager
+nucleus		1463/tcp
+nucleus		1463/udp
+msl_lmd		1464/tcp   #MSL License Manager
+msl_lmd		1464/udp   #MSL License Manager
+pipes		1465/tcp   #Pipes Platform
+pipes		1465/udp   #Pipes Platform  mfarlin@peerlogic.com
+oceansoft-lm	1466/tcp   #Ocean Software License Manager
+oceansoft-lm	1466/udp   #Ocean Software License Manager
+csdmbase	1467/tcp
+csdmbase	1467/udp
+csdm		1468/tcp
+csdm		1468/udp
+aal-lm		1469/tcp   #Active Analysis Limited License Manager
+aal-lm		1469/udp   #Active Analysis Limited License Manager
+uaiact		1470/tcp   #Universal Analytics
+uaiact		1470/udp   #Universal Analytics
+csdmbase	1471/tcp
+csdmbase	1471/udp
+csdm		1472/tcp
+csdm		1472/udp
+openmath	1473/tcp
+openmath	1473/udp
+telefinder	1474/tcp
+telefinder	1474/udp
+taligent-lm	1475/tcp   #Taligent License Manager
+taligent-lm	1475/udp   #Taligent License Manager
+clvm-cfg	1476/tcp
+clvm-cfg	1476/udp
+ms-sna-server	1477/tcp
+ms-sna-server	1477/udp
+ms-sna-base	1478/tcp
+ms-sna-base	1478/udp
+dberegister	1479/tcp
+dberegister	1479/udp
+pacerforum	1480/tcp
+pacerforum	1480/udp
+airs		1481/tcp
+airs		1481/udp
+miteksys-lm	1482/tcp   #Miteksys License Manager
+miteksys-lm	1482/udp   #Miteksys License Manager
+afs		1483/tcp   #AFS License Manager
+afs		1483/udp   #AFS License Manager
+confluent	1484/tcp   #Confluent License Manager
+confluent	1484/udp   #Confluent License Manager
+lansource	1485/tcp
+lansource	1485/udp
+nms_topo_serv	1486/tcp
+nms_topo_serv	1486/udp
+localinfosrvr	1487/tcp
+localinfosrvr	1487/udp
+docstor		1488/tcp
+docstor		1488/udp
+dmdocbroker	1489/tcp
+dmdocbroker	1489/udp
+insitu-conf	1490/tcp
+insitu-conf	1490/udp
+anynetgateway	1491/tcp
+anynetgateway	1491/udp
+stone-design-1	1492/tcp
+stone-design-1	1492/udp
+netmap_lm	1493/tcp
+netmap_lm	1493/udp
+ica		1494/tcp
+ica		1494/udp
+cvc		1495/tcp
+cvc		1495/udp
+liberty-lm	1496/tcp
+liberty-lm	1496/udp
+rfx-lm		1497/tcp
+rfx-lm		1497/udp
+watcom-sql	1498/tcp
+watcom-sql	1498/udp
+fhc		1499/tcp   #Federico Heinz Consultora
+fhc		1499/udp   #Federico Heinz Consultora
+vlsi-lm		1500/tcp   #VLSI License Manager
+vlsi-lm		1500/udp   #VLSI License Manager
+sas-3		1501/tcp   #Satellite-data Acquisition System 3
+sas-3		1501/udp   #Satellite-data Acquisition System 3
+shivadiscovery	1502/tcp   #Shiva
+shivadiscovery	1502/udp   #Shiva
+imtc-mcs	1503/tcp   #Databeam
+imtc-mcs	1503/udp   #Databeam
+evb-elm		1504/tcp   #EVB Software Engineering License Manager
+evb-elm		1504/udp   #EVB Software Engineering License Manager
+funkproxy	1505/tcp   #Funk Software, Inc.
+funkproxy	1505/udp   #Funk Software, Inc.
+utcd		1506/tcp   #Universal Time daemon (utcd)
+utcd		1506/udp   #Universal Time daemon (utcd)
+symplex		1507/tcp
+symplex		1507/udp
+diagmond	1508/tcp
+diagmond	1508/udp
+robcad-lm	1509/tcp   #Robcad, Ltd. License Manager
+robcad-lm	1509/udp   #Robcad, Ltd. License Manager
+mvx-lm		1510/tcp   #Midland Valley Exploration Ltd. Lic. Man.
+mvx-lm		1510/udp   #Midland Valley Exploration Ltd. Lic. Man.
+3l-l1		1511/tcp
+3l-l1		1511/udp
+wins		1512/tcp   #Microsoft's Windows Internet Name Service
+wins		1512/udp   #Microsoft's Windows Internet Name Service
+fujitsu-dtc	1513/tcp   #Fujitsu Systems Business of America, Inc
+fujitsu-dtc	1513/udp   #Fujitsu Systems Business of America, Inc
+fujitsu-dtcns	1514/tcp   #Fujitsu Systems Business of America, Inc
+fujitsu-dtcns	1514/udp   #Fujitsu Systems Business of America, Inc
+ifor-protocol	1515/tcp
+ifor-protocol	1515/udp
+vpad		1516/tcp   #Virtual Places Audio data
+vpad		1516/udp   #Virtual Places Audio data
+vpac		1517/tcp   #Virtual Places Audio control
+vpac		1517/udp   #Virtual Places Audio control
+vpvd		1518/tcp   #Virtual Places Video data
+vpvd		1518/udp   #Virtual Places Video data
+vpvc		1519/tcp   #Virtual Places Video control
+vpvc		1519/udp   #Virtual Places Video control
+atm-zip-office	1520/tcp   #atm zip office
+atm-zip-office	1520/udp   #atm zip office
+ncube-lm	1521/tcp   #nCube License Manager
+ncube-lm	1521/udp   #nCube License Manager
+rna-lm		1522/tcp   #Ricardo North America License Manager
+rna-lm		1522/udp   #Ricardo North America License Manager
+cichild-lm	1523/tcp
+cichild-lm	1523/udp
+ingreslock	1524/tcp   #ingres
+ingreslock	1524/udp   #ingres
+prospero-np	1525/tcp   #Prospero Directory Service non-priv
+prospero-np	1525/udp   #Prospero Directory Service non-priv
+orasrv		1525/tcp   #oracle
+orasrv		1525/udp   #oracle
+pdap-np		1526/tcp   #Prospero Data Access Prot non-priv
+pdap-np		1526/udp   #Prospero Data Access Prot non-priv
+tlisrv		1527/tcp   #oracle
+tlisrv		1527/udp   #oracle
+mciautoreg	1528/tcp
+mciautoreg	1528/udp
+support		1529/tcp   prmsd gnatsd	# cygnus bug tracker
+coauthor	1529/tcp   #oracle
+coauthor	1529/udp   #oracle
+rap-service	1530/tcp
+rap-service	1530/udp
+rap-listen	1531/tcp
+rap-listen	1531/udp
+miroconnect	1532/tcp
+miroconnect	1532/udp
+virtual-places	1533/tcp   #Virtual Places Software
+virtual-places	1533/udp   #Virtual Places Software
+micromuse-lm	1534/tcp
+micromuse-lm	1534/udp
+ampr-info	1535/tcp
+ampr-info	1535/udp
+ampr-inter	1536/tcp
+ampr-inter	1536/udp
+sdsc-lm		1537/tcp
+sdsc-lm		1537/udp
+3ds-lm		1538/tcp
+3ds-lm		1538/udp
+intellistor-lm	1539/tcp   #Intellistor License Manager
+intellistor-lm	1539/udp   #Intellistor License Manager
+rds		1540/tcp
+rds		1540/udp
+rds2		1541/tcp
+rds2		1541/udp
+gridgen-elmd	1542/tcp
+gridgen-elmd	1542/udp
+simba-cs	1543/tcp
+simba-cs	1543/udp
+aspeclmd	1544/tcp
+aspeclmd	1544/udp
+vistium-share	1545/tcp
+vistium-share	1545/udp
+abbaccuray	1546/tcp
+abbaccuray	1546/udp
+laplink		1547/tcp
+laplink		1547/udp
+axon-lm		1548/tcp   #Axon License Manager
+axon-lm		1548/udp   #Axon License Manager
+shivahose	1549/tcp   #Shiva Hose
+shivasound	1549/udp   #Shiva Sound
+3m-image-lm	1550/tcp   #Image Storage license manager 3M Company
+3m-image-lm	1550/udp   #Image Storage license manager 3M Company
+hecmtl-db	1551/tcp
+hecmtl-db	1551/udp
+pciarray	1552/tcp
+pciarray	1552/udp
+issd		1600/tcp
+issd		1600/udp
+# IMPORTANT NOTE: Ports 1645/1646 are the traditional radius ports used by
+# many vendors without obtaining official IANA assignment.  The official
+# assignment is now ports 1812/1813 and users are encouraged to migrate
+# when possible to these new ports.
+#radius		1645/udp   #RADIUS authentication protocol (old)
+#radacct	1646/udp   #RADIUS accounting protocol (old)
+nkd		1650/tcp
+nkd		1650/udp
+shiva_confsrvr	1651/tcp
+shiva_confsrvr	1651/udp
+xnmp		1652/tcp
+xnmp		1652/udp
+netview-aix-1	1661/tcp
+netview-aix-1	1661/udp
+netview-aix-2	1662/tcp
+netview-aix-2	1662/udp
+netview-aix-3	1663/tcp
+netview-aix-3	1663/udp
+netview-aix-4	1664/tcp
+netview-aix-4	1664/udp
+netview-aix-5	1665/tcp
+netview-aix-5	1665/udp
+netview-aix-6	1666/tcp
+netview-aix-6	1666/udp
+netview-aix-7	1667/tcp
+netview-aix-7	1667/udp
+netview-aix-8	1668/tcp
+netview-aix-8	1668/udp
+netview-aix-9	1669/tcp
+netview-aix-9	1669/udp
+netview-aix-10	1670/tcp
+netview-aix-10	1670/udp
+netview-aix-11	1671/tcp
+netview-aix-11	1671/udp
+netview-aix-12	1672/tcp
+netview-aix-12	1672/udp
+l2f		1701/tcp   #l2f
+l2f		1701/udp   #l2f
+l2tp		1701/tcp   #Layer 2 Tunnelling Protocol
+l2tp		1701/udp   #Layer 2 Tunnelling Protocol
+pptp		1723/tcp   #Point-to-point tunnelling protocol
+# IMPORTANT NOTE: See comments for ports 1645/1646 when using older equipment
+radius		1812/udp   #RADIUS authentication protocol (IANA sanctioned)
+radacct		1813/udp   #RADIUS accounting protocol (IANA sanctioned)
+licensedaemon	1986/tcp   #cisco license management
+licensedaemon	1986/udp   #cisco license management
+tr-rsrb-p1	1987/tcp   #cisco RSRB Priority 1 port
+tr-rsrb-p1	1987/udp   #cisco RSRB Priority 1 port
+tr-rsrb-p2	1988/tcp   #cisco RSRB Priority 2 port
+tr-rsrb-p2	1988/udp   #cisco RSRB Priority 2 port
+tr-rsrb-p3	1989/tcp   #cisco RSRB Priority 3 port
+tr-rsrb-p3	1989/udp   #cisco RSRB Priority 3 port
+mshnet		1989/tcp   #MHSnet system
+mshnet		1989/udp   #MHSnet system
+stun-p1		1990/tcp   #cisco STUN Priority 1 port
+stun-p1		1990/udp   #cisco STUN Priority 1 port
+stun-p2		1991/tcp   #cisco STUN Priority 2 port
+stun-p2		1991/udp   #cisco STUN Priority 2 port
+stun-p3		1992/tcp   #cisco STUN Priority 3 port
+stun-p3		1992/udp   #cisco STUN Priority 3 port
+ipsendmsg	1992/tcp
+ipsendmsg	1992/udp
+snmp-tcp-port	1993/tcp   #cisco SNMP TCP port
+snmp-tcp-port	1993/udp   #cisco SNMP TCP port
+stun-port	1994/tcp   #cisco serial tunnel port
+stun-port	1994/udp   #cisco serial tunnel port
+perf-port	1995/tcp   #cisco perf port
+perf-port	1995/udp   #cisco perf port
+tr-rsrb-port	1996/tcp   #cisco Remote SRB port
+tr-rsrb-port	1996/udp   #cisco Remote SRB port
+gdp-port	1997/tcp   #cisco Gateway Discovery Protocol
+gdp-port	1997/udp   #cisco Gateway Discovery Protocol
+x25-svc-port	1998/tcp   #cisco X.25 service (XOT)
+x25-svc-port	1998/udp   #cisco X.25 service (XOT)
+tcp-id-port	1999/tcp   #cisco identification port
+tcp-id-port	1999/udp   #cisco identification port
+callbook	2000/tcp
+callbook	2000/udp
+dc		2001/tcp
+wizard		2001/udp   #curry
+globe		2002/tcp
+globe		2002/udp
+cfingerd	2003/tcp   #GNU finger
+mailbox		2004/tcp
+emce		2004/udp   #CCWS mm conf
+berknet		2005/tcp
+oracle		2005/udp
+invokator	2006/tcp
+raid-cc		2006/udp   #raid
+dectalk		2007/tcp
+raid-am		2007/udp
+conf		2008/tcp
+terminaldb	2008/udp
+news		2009/tcp
+whosockami	2009/udp
+search		2010/tcp
+pipe_server	2010/udp
+raid-cc		2011/tcp   #raid
+servserv	2011/udp
+ttyinfo		2012/tcp
+raid-ac		2012/udp
+raid-am		2013/tcp
+raid-cd		2013/udp
+troff		2014/tcp
+raid-sf		2014/udp
+cypress		2015/tcp
+raid-cs		2015/udp
+bootserver	2016/tcp
+bootserver	2016/udp
+cypress-stat	2017/tcp
+bootclient	2017/udp
+terminaldb	2018/tcp
+rellpack	2018/udp
+whosockami	2019/tcp
+about		2019/udp
+xinupageserver	2020/tcp
+xinupageserver	2020/udp
+servexec	2021/tcp
+xinuexpansion1	2021/udp
+down		2022/tcp
+xinuexpansion2	2022/udp
+xinuexpansion3	2023/tcp
+xinuexpansion3	2023/udp
+xinuexpansion4	2024/tcp
+xinuexpansion4	2024/udp
+ellpack		2025/tcp
+xribs		2025/udp
+scrabble	2026/tcp
+scrabble	2026/udp
+shadowserver	2027/tcp
+shadowserver	2027/udp
+submitserver	2028/tcp
+submitserver	2028/udp
+device2		2030/tcp
+device2		2030/udp
+blackboard	2032/tcp
+blackboard	2032/udp
+glogger		2033/tcp
+glogger		2033/udp
+scoremgr	2034/tcp
+scoremgr	2034/udp
+imsldoc		2035/tcp
+imsldoc		2035/udp
+objectmanager	2038/tcp
+objectmanager	2038/udp
+lam		2040/tcp
+lam		2040/udp
+interbase	2041/tcp
+interbase	2041/udp
+isis		2042/tcp
+isis		2042/udp
+isis-bcast	2043/tcp
+isis-bcast	2043/udp
+rimsl		2044/tcp
+rimsl		2044/udp
+cdfunc		2045/tcp
+cdfunc		2045/udp
+sdfunc		2046/tcp
+sdfunc		2046/udp
+#dls		2047/tcp
+#dls		2047/udp
+dls-monitor	2048/tcp
+dls-monitor	2048/udp
+nfsd		2049/tcp   nfs		# NFS server daemon
+nfsd		2049/udp   nfs		# NFS server daemon
+#shilp		2049/tcp
+#shilp		2049/udp
+dlsrpn		2065/tcp   #Data Link Switch Read Port Number
+dlsrpn		2065/udp   #Data Link Switch Read Port Number
+dlswpn		2067/tcp   #Data Link Switch Write Port Number
+dlswpn		2067/udp   #Data Link Switch Write Port Number
+zephyr-clt	2103/udp   #Zephyr serv-hm connection
+zephyr-hm	2104/udp   #Zephyr hostmanager
+#zephyr-hm-srv	2105/udp   #Zephyr hm-serv connection
+eklogin		2105/tcp   #Kerberos (v4) encrypted rlogin
+eklogin		2105/udp   #Kerberos (v4) encrypted rlogin
+ekshell		2106/tcp   #Kerberos (v4) encrypted rshell
+ekshell		2106/udp   #Kerberos (v4) encrypted rshell
+rkinit		2108/tcp   #Kerberos (v4) remote initialization
+rkinit		2108/udp   #Kerberos (v4) remote initialization
+ats		2201/tcp   #Advanced Training System Program
+ats		2201/udp   #Advanced Training System Program
+hpssd		2207/tcp   #HP Status and Services
+hpssd		2207/udp   #HP Status and Services
+hpiod		2208/tcp   #HP I/O Backend
+hpiod		2208/udp   #HP I/O Backend
+ivs-video	2232/tcp   #IVS Video default
+ivs-video	2232/udp   #IVS Video default
+ivsd		2241/tcp   #IVS Daemon
+ivsd		2241/udp   #IVS Daemon
+pehelp		2307/tcp
+pehelp		2307/udp
+cvspserver	2401/tcp   #CVS network server
+cvspserver	2401/udp   #CVS network server
+venus		2430/tcp   #venus
+venus		2430/udp   #venus
+venus-se	2431/tcp   #venus-se
+venus-se	2431/udp   #venus-se
+codasrv		2432/tcp   #codasrv
+codasrv		2432/udp   #codasrv
+codasrv-se	2433/tcp   #codasrv-se
+codasrv-se	2433/udp   #codasrv-se
+rtsserv		2500/tcp   #Resource Tracking system server
+rtsserv		2500/udp   #Resource Tracking system server
+rtsclient	2501/tcp   #Resource Tracking system client
+rtsclient	2501/udp   #Resource Tracking system client
+hp-3000-telnet	2564/tcp   #HP 3000 NS/VT block mode telnet
+zebrasrv	2600/tcp   #zebra service
+zebra		2601/tcp   #zebra vty
+ripd		2602/tcp   #RIPd vty
+ripngd		2603/tcp   #RIPngd vty
+ospfd		2604/tcp   #OSPFd vty
+bgpd		2605/tcp   #BGPd vty
+ospf6d		2606/tcp   #OSPF6d vty
+dict		2628/tcp   #RFC 2229
+dict		2628/udp   #RFC 2229
+listen		2766/tcp   #System V listener port
+www-dev		2784/tcp   #world wide web - development
+www-dev		2784/udp   #world wide web - development
+eppc		3031/tcp   #Remote AppleEvents/PPC Toolbox
+eppc		3031/udp   #Remote AppleEvents/PPC Toolbox
+NSWS		3049/tcp
+NSWS		3049/udp
+gds_db		3050/tcp   #InterBase Database Remote Protocol
+gds_db		3050/udp   #InterBase Database Remote Protocol
+sj3		3086/tcp   #SJ3 (kanji input)
+vmodem		3141/tcp
+vmodem		3141/udp
+iscsi-target	3260/tcp   # iSCSI port
+iscsi-target	3260/udp   # iSCSI port
+ccmail		3264/tcp   #cc:mail/lotus
+ccmail		3264/udp   #cc:mail/lotus
+dec-notes	3333/tcp   #DEC Notes
+dec-notes	3333/udp   #DEC Notes
+rdp		3389/tcp   #Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol
+bmap		3421/tcp   #Bull Apprise portmapper
+bmap		3421/udp   #Bull Apprise portmapper
+prsvp		3455/tcp   #RSVP Port
+prsvp		3455/udp   rsvp-encap	#RSVP Port
+vat		3456/tcp   #VAT default data
+vat		3456/udp   #VAT default data
+vat-control	3457/tcp   #VAT default control
+vat-control	3457/udp   #VAT default control
+nut		3493/tcp   #Network UPS Tools
+nut		3493/udp   #Network UPS Tools
+tsp		3653/tcp   #Tunnel Setup Protocol
+tsp		3653/udp   #Tunnel Setup Protocol
+svn		3690/tcp   #Subversion
+svn		3690/udp   #Subversion
+udt_os		3900/tcp   #Unidata UDT OS
+udt_os		3900/udp   #Unidata UDT OS
+mapper-nodemgr	3984/tcp   #MAPPER network node manager
+mapper-nodemgr	3984/udp   #MAPPER network node manager
+mapper-mapethd	3985/tcp   #MAPPER TCP/IP server
+mapper-mapethd	3985/udp   #MAPPER TCP/IP server
+mapper-ws_ethd	3986/tcp   #MAPPER workstation server
+mapper-ws_ethd	3986/udp   #MAPPER workstation server
+netcheque	4008/tcp   #NetCheque accounting
+netcheque	4008/udp   #NetCheque accounting
+lockd		4045/udp   # NFS lock daemon/manager
+lockd		4045/tcp
+nuts_dem	4132/tcp   #NUTS Daemon
+nuts_dem	4132/udp   #NUTS Daemon
+nuts_bootp	4133/tcp   #NUTS Bootp Server
+nuts_bootp	4133/udp   #NUTS Bootp Server
+sieve		4190/tcp   #ManageSieve Protocol
+sieve		4190/udp   #ManageSieve Protocol
+rwhois		4321/tcp   #Remote Who Is
+rwhois		4321/udp   #Remote Who Is
+unicall		4343/tcp
+unicall		4343/udp
+epmd		4369/tcp   #Erlang Port Mapper Daemon
+epmd		4369/udp   #Erlang Port Mapper Daemon
+krb524		4444/tcp
+krb524		4444/udp
+# PROBLEM krb524 assigned the port,
+# PROBLEM nv used it without an assignment
+nv-video	4444/tcp   #NV Video default
+nv-video	4444/udp   #NV Video default
+sae-urn		4500/tcp
+sae-urn		4500/udp
+fax		4557/tcp   #FAX transmission service
+hylafax		4559/tcp   #HylaFAX client-server protocol
+rfa		4672/tcp   #remote file access server
+rfa		4672/udp   #remote file access server
+commplex-main	5000/tcp
+commplex-main	5000/udp
+commplex-link	5001/tcp
+commplex-link	5001/udp
+rfe		5002/tcp   #radio free ethernet
+rfe		5002/udp   #radio free ethernet
+telelpathstart	5010/tcp
+telelpathstart	5010/udp
+telelpathattack	5011/tcp
+telelpathattack	5011/udp
+mmcc		5050/tcp   #multimedia conference control tool
+mmcc		5050/udp   #multimedia conference control tool
+sds		5059/tcp   #SIP Directory Services
+sds		5059/udp   #SIP Directory Services
+sip		5060/tcp   #Session Initialization Protocol (VoIP)
+sip		5060/udp   #Session Initialization Protocol (VoIP)
+sip-tls		5061/tcp   #SIP over TLS
+sip-tls		5061/udp   #SIP over TLS
+rmonitor_secure	5145/tcp
+rmonitor_secure	5145/udp
+aol		5190/tcp   #America-Online
+aol		5190/udp   #America-Online
+aol-1		5191/tcp   #AmericaOnline1
+aol-1		5191/udp   #AmericaOnline1
+aol-2		5192/tcp   #AmericaOnline2
+aol-2		5192/udp   #AmericaOnline2
+aol-3		5193/tcp   #AmericaOnline3
+aol-3		5193/udp   #AmericaOnline3
+xmpp-client	5222/tcp   #XMPP Client Connection
+xmpp-client	5222/udp   #XMPP Client Connection
+padl2sim	5236/tcp
+padl2sim	5236/udp
+xmpp-server	5269/tcp   #XMPP Server Connection
+xmpp-server	5269/udp   #XMPP Server Connection
+hacl-hb		5300/tcp   # HA cluster heartbeat
+hacl-hb		5300/udp   # HA cluster heartbeat
+hacl-gs		5301/tcp   # HA cluster general services
+hacl-gs		5301/udp   # HA cluster general services
+hacl-cfg	5302/tcp   # HA cluster configuration
+hacl-cfg	5302/udp   # HA cluster configuration
+hacl-probe	5303/tcp   # HA cluster probing
+hacl-probe	5303/udp   # HA cluster probing
+hacl-local	5304/tcp
+hacl-local	5304/udp
+hacl-test	5305/tcp
+hacl-test	5305/udp
+cfengine	5308/tcp
+cfengine	5308/udp
+mdns		5353/tcp   #Multicast DNS
+mdns		5353/udp   #Multicast DNS
+postgresql	5432/tcp   #PostgreSQL Database
+postgresql	5432/udp   #PostgreSQL Database
+rplay		5555/udp
+canna		5680/tcp   #Canna (Japanese Input)
+proshareaudio	5713/tcp   #proshare conf audio
+proshareaudio	5713/udp   #proshare conf audio
+prosharevideo	5714/tcp   #proshare conf video
+prosharevideo	5714/udp   #proshare conf video
+prosharedata	5715/tcp   #proshare conf data
+prosharedata	5715/udp   #proshare conf data
+prosharerequest	5716/tcp   #proshare conf request
+prosharerequest	5716/udp   #proshare conf request
+prosharenotify	5717/tcp   #proshare conf notify
+prosharenotify	5717/udp   #proshare conf notify
+cvsup		5999/tcp   #CVSup file transfer/John Polstra/FreeBSD
+x11		6000/tcp   #6000-6063 are assigned to X Window System
+x11		6000/udp
+x11-ssh		6010/tcp   #Unofficial name, for convenience
+x11-ssh		6010/udp
+softcm		6110/tcp   #HP SoftBench CM
+softcm		6110/udp   #HP SoftBench CM
+spc		6111/tcp   #HP SoftBench Sub-Process Control
+spc		6111/udp   #HP SoftBench Sub-Process Control
+meta-corp	6141/tcp   #Meta Corporation License Manager
+meta-corp	6141/udp   #Meta Corporation License Manager
+aspentec-lm	6142/tcp   #Aspen Technology License Manager
+aspentec-lm	6142/udp   #Aspen Technology License Manager
+watershed-lm	6143/tcp   #Watershed License Manager
+watershed-lm	6143/udp   #Watershed License Manager
+statsci1-lm	6144/tcp   #StatSci License Manager - 1
+statsci1-lm	6144/udp   #StatSci License Manager - 1
+statsci2-lm	6145/tcp   #StatSci License Manager - 2
+statsci2-lm	6145/udp   #StatSci License Manager - 2
+lonewolf-lm	6146/tcp   #Lone Wolf Systems License Manager
+lonewolf-lm	6146/udp   #Lone Wolf Systems License Manager
+montage-lm	6147/tcp   #Montage License Manager
+montage-lm	6147/udp   #Montage License Manager
+ricardo-lm	6148/tcp   #Ricardo North America License Manager
+ricardo-lm	6148/udp   #Ricardo North America License Manager
+sge_qmaster	6444/tcp   #Grid Engine Qmaster Service
+sge_qmaster	6444/udp   #Grid Engine Qmaster Service
+sge_execd	6445/tcp   #Grid Engine Execution Service
+sge_execd	6445/udp   #Grid Engine Execution Service
+xdsxdm		6558/tcp
+xdsxdm		6558/udp
+ircd		6667/tcp   #Internet Relay Chat (unoffical)
+acmsoda		6969/tcp
+acmsoda		6969/udp
+afs3-fileserver	7000/tcp   #file server itself
+afs3-fileserver	7000/udp   #file server itself
+afs3-callback	7001/tcp   #callbacks to cache managers
+afs3-callback	7001/udp   #callbacks to cache managers
+afs3-prserver	7002/tcp   #users & groups database
+afs3-prserver	7002/udp   #users & groups database
+afs3-vlserver	7003/tcp   #volume location database
+afs3-vlserver	7003/udp   #volume location database
+afs3-kaserver	7004/tcp   #AFS/Kerberos authentication service
+afs3-kaserver	7004/udp   #AFS/Kerberos authentication service
+afs3-volser	7005/tcp   #volume management server
+afs3-volser	7005/udp   #volume management server
+afs3-errors	7006/tcp   #error interpretation service
+afs3-errors	7006/udp   #error interpretation service
+afs3-bos	7007/tcp   #basic overseer process
+afs3-bos	7007/udp   #basic overseer process
+afs3-update	7008/tcp   #server-to-server updater
+afs3-update	7008/udp   #server-to-server updater
+afs3-rmtsys	7009/tcp   #remote cache manager service
+afs3-rmtsys	7009/udp   #remote cache manager service
+afs3-resserver	7010/tcp   #MR-AFS residence server
+afs3-resserver	7010/udp   #MR-AFS residence server
+ups-onlinet	7010/tcp   #onlinet uninterruptable power supplies
+ups-onlinet	7010/udp   #onlinet uninterruptable power supplies
+afs3-remio	7011/tcp   #MR-AFS remote IO server
+afs3-remio	7011/udp   #MR-AFS remote IO server
+font-service	7100/tcp   #X Font Service
+font-service	7100/udp   #X Font Service
+fodms		7200/tcp   #FODMS FLIP
+fodms		7200/udp   #FODMS FLIP
+dlip		7201/tcp
+dlip		7201/udp
+ftp-proxy	8021/tcp   # FTP proxy
+natd		8668/divert # Network Address Translation
+jetdirect	9100/tcp   #HP JetDirect card
+git		9418/tcp   #git pack transfer service
+git		9418/udp   #git pack transfer service
+man		9535/tcp
+man		9535/udp
+sd		9876/tcp   #Session Director
+sd		9876/udp   #Session Director
+amanda		10080/tcp  #Dump server control
+amanda		10080/udp  #Dump server control
+amandaidx	10082/tcp  #Amanda indexing
+amidxtape	10083/tcp  #Amanda tape indexing
+isode-dua	17007/tcp
+isode-dua	17007/udp
+biimenu		18000/tcp  #Beckman Instruments, Inc.
+biimenu		18000/udp  #Beckman Instruments, Inc.
+wnn4		22273/tcp  wnn6		#Wnn4 (Japanese input)
+wnn4_Cn		22289/tcp  wnn6_Cn	#Wnn4 (Chinese input)
+wnn4_Kr		22305/tcp  wnn6_Kr	#Wnn4 (Korean input)
+wnn4_Tw		22321/tcp  wnn6_Tw	#Wnn4 (Taiwanse input)
+wnn6_DS		26208/tcp  #Wnn6 (Dserver)
+dbbrowse	47557/tcp  #Databeam Corporation
+dbbrowse	47557/udp  #Databeam Corporation
Index: radix-system/etc/shadow
--- radix-system/etc/shadow	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/shadow	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
Index: radix-system/etc/shells
--- radix-system/etc/shells	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/shells	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Index: radix-system/etc/skel/.bash_profile
--- radix-system/etc/skel/.bash_profile	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/skel/.bash_profile	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
+  . ~/.bashrc
+export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin
Index: radix-system/etc/skel/.bashrc
--- radix-system/etc/skel/.bashrc	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/skel/.bashrc	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# .bashrc - is executed for interactive non-login shells,
+#           while .bash_profile is executed for login shells.
Index: radix-system/etc/skel/.config/openbox/autostart
--- radix-system/etc/skel/.config/openbox/autostart	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/skel/.config/openbox/autostart	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+setxkbmap -model px105 -layout us,ru -variant ,winkeys -option grp:alt_shift_toggle
+feh --bg-fill $HOME/pixmaps/desktop/background-2560x1600.jpeg &
+tint2 &
+nm-applet &
+sleep 1

Property changes on: radix-system/etc/skel/.config/openbox/autostart
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: radix-system/etc/skel/.config/openbox/environment
--- radix-system/etc/skel/.config/openbox/environment	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/skel/.config/openbox/environment	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH

Property changes on: radix-system/etc/skel/.config/openbox/environment
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: radix-system/etc/skel/.config/openbox/menu.xml
--- radix-system/etc/skel/.config/openbox/menu.xml	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/skel/.config/openbox/menu.xml	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<openbox_menu xmlns="http://openbox.org/3.4/menu">
+<menu id="apps-accessories-menu" label="Accessories">
+  <item label="Calculator">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>gnome-calculator</command>
+      <startupnotify>
+        <enabled>yes</enabled>
+      </startupnotify>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+  <item label="Character Map">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>gnome-character-map</command>
+      <startupnotify>
+        <enabled>yes</enabled>
+      </startupnotify>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+  <item label="Ark File Archiver">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>ark</command>
+      <startupnotify>
+        <enabled>yes</enabled>
+      </startupnotify>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+<menu id="apps-editors-menu" label="Editors">
+  <item label="GVim">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>gvim</command>
+      <startupnotify>
+        <enabled>yes</enabled>
+        <wmclass>GVim</wmclass>
+      </startupnotify>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+  <item label="Emacs">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>emacs</command>
+      <startupnotify>
+        <enabled>yes</enabled>
+        <wmclass>Emacs</wmclass>
+      </startupnotify>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+  <item label="GEdit">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>gedit</command>
+      <startupnotify>
+        <enabled>yes</enabled>
+      </startupnotify>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+  <item label="Kate">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>kate</command>
+      <startupnotify>
+        <enabled>yes</enabled>
+      </startupnotify>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+  <item label="Kwrite">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>kwrite</command>
+      <startupnotify>
+        <enabled>yes</enabled>
+      </startupnotify>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+<menu id="apps-term-menu" label="Terminals">
+  <item label="Rxvt Unicode">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>urxvt</command>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+  <item label="Gnome Terminal">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>gnome-terminal</command>
+      <startupnotify>
+        <enabled>yes</enabled>
+      </startupnotify>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+  <item label="Xfce Terminal">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>xfce4-terminal</command>
+      <startupnotify>
+        <enabled>yes</enabled>
+      </startupnotify>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+  <item label="Konsole">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>konsole</command>
+      <startupnotify>
+        <enabled>yes</enabled>
+      </startupnotify>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+  <item label="Xterm">
+    <action name="Execute"><command>xterm-utf8.en.sh</command></action>
+  </item>
+<menu id="apps-net-menu" label="Internet">
+  <item label="Firefox">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>firefox</command>
+      <startupnotify>
+        <enabled>yes</enabled>
+        <wmclass>Firefox</wmclass>
+      </startupnotify>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+  <item label="Opera">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>opera</command>
+      <startupnotify>
+        <enabled>yes</enabled>
+        <wmclass>Opera</wmclass>
+      </startupnotify>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+  <item label="Konqueror">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>konqueror</command>
+      <startupnotify>
+        <enabled>yes</enabled>
+      </startupnotify>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+  <item label="Epiphany">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>epiphany</command>
+      <startupnotify>
+        <enabled>yes</enabled>
+      </startupnotify>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+  <item label="Pidgin Instant Messenger">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>pidgin</command>
+      <startupnotify>
+        <enabled>yes</enabled>
+      </startupnotify>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+  <item label="Kopete Instant Messenger">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>kopete</command>
+      <startupnotify>
+        <enabled>yes</enabled>
+      </startupnotify>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+  <item label="XChat">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>xchat</command>
+      <startupnotify>
+        <enabled>yes</enabled>
+      </startupnotify>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+<menu id="apps-office-menu" label="Office">
+  <item label="OpenOffice Base">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>ooffice -base</command>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+  <item label="OpenOffice Calc">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>ooffice -calc</command>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+  <item label="OpenOffice Draw">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>ooffice -draw</command>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+  <item label="OpenOffice Impress">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>ooffice -impress</command>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+  <item label="OpenOffice Math">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>ooffice -math</command>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+  <item label="OpenOffice Printer Administration">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>ooffice-printeradmin</command>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+  <item label="OpenOffice Writer">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>ooffice -writer</command>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+<menu id="apps-multimedia-menu" label="Multimedia">
+  <item label="Amarok">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>amarok</command>
+      <startupnotify>
+        <enabled>yes</enabled>
+      </startupnotify>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+  <item label="Rhythmbox">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>rhythmbox</command>
+      <startupnotify>
+        <enabled>yes</enabled>
+      </startupnotify>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+  <item label="K3b">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>k3b</command>
+      <startupnotify>
+        <enabled>yes</enabled>
+      </startupnotify>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+  <item label="MPlayer">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>gmplayer</command>
+      <startupnotify>
+        <enabled>yes</enabled>
+        <wmclass>MPlayer</wmclass>
+      </startupnotify>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+  <item label="Totem">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>totem</command>
+      <startupnotify>
+        <enabled>yes</enabled>
+      </startupnotify>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+<menu id="apps-fileman-menu" label="File Managers">
+  <item label="Nautilus">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>nautilus --no-desktop --browser</command>
+      <startupnotify>
+        <enabled>yes</enabled>
+      </startupnotify>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+  <item label="Thunar">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>Thunar</command>
+      <startupnotify>
+        <enabled>yes</enabled>
+      </startupnotify>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+  <item label="KDE File Manager">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>kfmclient openURL ~</command>
+      <startupnotify>
+        <enabled>yes</enabled>
+      </startupnotify>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+  <item label="Rox">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>rox</command>
+      <startupnotify>
+        <enabled>yes</enabled>
+        <wmclass>ROX-Filer</wmclass>
+      </startupnotify>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+  <item label="PCMan File Manager">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>pcmanfm</command>
+      <startupnotify>
+        <enabled>yes</enabled>
+      </startupnotify>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+<menu id="apps-graphics-menu" label="Graphics">
+  <item label="Gimp">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>gimp</command>
+      <startupnotify>
+        <enabled>yes</enabled>
+      </startupnotify>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+  <item label="Gwenview">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>gwenview</command>
+      <startupnotify>
+        <enabled>yes</enabled>
+      </startupnotify>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+  <item label="Dia Diagram Editor">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>dia</command>
+      <startupnotify>
+        <enabled>yes</enabled>
+      </startupnotify>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+  <item label="Inkscape">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>inkscape</command>
+      <startupnotify>
+        <enabled>yes</enabled>
+      </startupnotify>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+<menu id="system-menu" label="System">
+  <item label="Openbox Configuration Manager">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>obconf</command>
+      <startupnotify><enabled>yes</enabled></startupnotify>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+  <item label="Gnome Control Center">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>gnome-control-center</command>
+      <startupnotify><enabled>yes</enabled></startupnotify>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+  <item label="KDE Control Center">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>kcontrol</command>
+      <startupnotify><enabled>yes</enabled></startupnotify>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+  <item label="Xfce Settings">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>xfce-setting-show</command>
+      <startupnotify><enabled>yes</enabled></startupnotify>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+  <item label="Manage Cups Printers">
+    <action name="Execute">
+      <command>xdg-open http://localhost:631/</command>
+      <startupnotify>
+        <enabled>no</enabled>
+        <icon>cups</icon>
+      </startupnotify>
+    </action>
+  </item>
+  <separator />
+  <item label="Reconfigure Openbox">
+    <action name="Reconfigure" />
+  </item>
+<menu id="root-menu" label="Openbox 3">
+  <separator label="Applications" />
+  <menu id="apps-accessories-menu"/>
+  <menu id="apps-editors-menu"/>
+  <menu id="apps-graphics-menu"/>
+  <menu id="apps-net-menu"/>
+  <menu id="apps-office-menu"/>
+  <menu id="apps-multimedia-menu"/>
+  <menu id="apps-term-menu"/>
+  <menu id="apps-fileman-menu"/>
+  <separator label="System" />
+  <menu id="system-menu"/>
+  <separator />
+  <item label="Log Out">
+    <action name="Exit">
+      <prompt>yes</prompt>
+    </action>
+  </item>
Index: radix-system/etc/skel/.config/openbox/rc.xml
--- radix-system/etc/skel/.config/openbox/rc.xml	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/skel/.config/openbox/rc.xml	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,784 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!-- Do not edit this file, it will be overwritten on install.
+        Copy the file to $HOME/.config/openbox/ instead. -->
+<openbox_config xmlns="http://openbox.org/3.4/rc" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">
+  <resistance>
+    <strength>10</strength>
+    <screen_edge_strength>20</screen_edge_strength>
+  </resistance>
+  <focus>
+    <focusNew>yes</focusNew>
+    <!-- always try to focus new windows when they appear. other rules do
+       apply -->
+    <followMouse>no</followMouse>
+    <!-- move focus to a window when you move the mouse into it -->
+    <focusLast>yes</focusLast>
+    <!-- focus the last used window when changing desktops, instead of the one
+       under the mouse pointer. when followMouse is enabled -->
+    <underMouse>no</underMouse>
+    <!-- move focus under the mouse, even when the mouse is not moving -->
+    <focusDelay>200</focusDelay>
+    <!-- when followMouse is enabled, the mouse must be inside the window for
+       this many milliseconds (1000 = 1 sec) before moving focus to it -->
+    <raiseOnFocus>no</raiseOnFocus>
+    <!-- when followMouse is enabled, and a window is given focus by moving the
+       mouse into it, also raise the window -->
+  </focus>
+  <placement>
+    <policy>Smart</policy>
+    <!-- 'Smart' or 'UnderMouse' -->
+    <center>yes</center>
+    <!-- whether to place windows in the center of the free area found or
+       the top left corner -->
+    <monitor>Primary</monitor>
+    <!-- with Smart placement on a multi-monitor system, try to place new windows
+       on: 'Any' - any monitor, 'Mouse' - where the mouse is, 'Active' - where
+       the active window is, 'Primary' - only on the primary monitor -->
+    <primaryMonitor>1</primaryMonitor>
+    <!-- The monitor where Openbox should place popup dialogs such as the
+       focus cycling popup, or the desktop switch popup.  It can be an index
+       from 1, specifying a particular monitor.  Or it can be one of the
+       following: 'Mouse' - where the mouse is, or
+                  'Active' - where the active window is -->
+  </placement>
+  <theme>
+    <name>Onyx-Citrus</name>
+    <titleLayout>NLIMC</titleLayout>
+    <!--
+      available characters are NDSLIMC, each can occur at most once.
+      N: window icon
+      L: window label (AKA title).
+      I: iconify
+      M: maximize
+      C: close
+      S: shade (roll up/down)
+      D: omnipresent (on all desktops).
+  -->
+    <keepBorder>yes</keepBorder>
+    <animateIconify>yes</animateIconify>
+    <font place="ActiveWindow">
+      <name>sans</name>
+      <size>8</size>
+      <!-- font size in points -->
+      <weight>bold</weight>
+      <!-- 'bold' or 'normal' -->
+      <slant>normal</slant>
+      <!-- 'italic' or 'normal' -->
+    </font>
+    <font place="InactiveWindow">
+      <name>sans</name>
+      <size>8</size>
+      <!-- font size in points -->
+      <weight>bold</weight>
+      <!-- 'bold' or 'normal' -->
+      <slant>normal</slant>
+      <!-- 'italic' or 'normal' -->
+    </font>
+    <font place="MenuHeader">
+      <name>sans</name>
+      <size>9</size>
+      <!-- font size in points -->
+      <weight>normal</weight>
+      <!-- 'bold' or 'normal' -->
+      <slant>normal</slant>
+      <!-- 'italic' or 'normal' -->
+    </font>
+    <font place="MenuItem">
+      <name>sans</name>
+      <size>9</size>
+      <!-- font size in points -->
+      <weight>normal</weight>
+      <!-- 'bold' or 'normal' -->
+      <slant>normal</slant>
+      <!-- 'italic' or 'normal' -->
+    </font>
+    <font place="ActiveOnScreenDisplay">
+      <name>sans</name>
+      <size>9</size>
+      <!-- font size in points -->
+      <weight>bold</weight>
+      <!-- 'bold' or 'normal' -->
+      <slant>normal</slant>
+      <!-- 'italic' or 'normal' -->
+    </font>
+    <font place="InactiveOnScreenDisplay">
+      <name>sans</name>
+      <size>9</size>
+      <!-- font size in points -->
+      <weight>bold</weight>
+      <!-- 'bold' or 'normal' -->
+      <slant>normal</slant>
+      <!-- 'italic' or 'normal' -->
+    </font>
+  </theme>
+  <desktops>
+    <!-- this stuff is only used at startup, pagers allow you to change them
+       during a session
+       these are default values to use when other ones are not already set
+       by other applications, or saved in your session
+       use obconf if you want to change these without having to log out
+       and back in -->
+    <number>4</number>
+    <firstdesk>1</firstdesk>
+    <names>
+      <name>Desktop 1</name>
+      <name>Desktop 2</name>
+      <name>Desktop 3</name>
+      <name>Desktop 4</name>
+    </names>
+    <popupTime>875</popupTime>
+    <!-- The number of milliseconds to show the popup for when switching
+       desktops.  Set this to 0 to disable the popup. -->
+  </desktops>
+  <resize>
+    <drawContents>yes</drawContents>
+    <popupShow>Nonpixel</popupShow>
+    <!-- 'Always', 'Never', or 'Nonpixel' (xterms and such) -->
+    <popupPosition>Center</popupPosition>
+    <!-- 'Center', 'Top', or 'Fixed' -->
+    <popupFixedPosition>
+      <!-- these are used if popupPosition is set to 'Fixed' -->
+      <x>10</x>
+      <!-- positive number for distance from left edge, negative number for
+         distance from right edge, or 'Center' -->
+      <y>10</y>
+      <!-- positive number for distance from top edge, negative number for
+         distance from bottom edge, or 'Center' -->
+    </popupFixedPosition>
+  </resize>
+  <!-- You can reserve a portion of your screen where windows will not cover when
+     they are maximized, or when they are initially placed.
+     Many programs reserve space automatically, but you can use this in other
+     cases. -->
+  <margins>
+    <top>0</top>
+    <bottom>0</bottom>
+    <left>0</left>
+    <right>0</right>
+  </margins>
+  <dock>
+    <position>TopLeft</position>
+    <!-- (Top|Bottom)(Left|Right|)|Top|Bottom|Left|Right|Floating -->
+    <floatingX>0</floatingX>
+    <floatingY>0</floatingY>
+    <noStrut>no</noStrut>
+    <stacking>Above</stacking>
+    <!-- 'Above', 'Normal', or 'Below' -->
+    <direction>Vertical</direction>
+    <!-- 'Vertical' or 'Horizontal' -->
+    <autoHide>no</autoHide>
+    <hideDelay>300</hideDelay>
+    <!-- in milliseconds (1000 = 1 second) -->
+    <showDelay>300</showDelay>
+    <!-- in milliseconds (1000 = 1 second) -->
+    <moveButton>Middle</moveButton>
+    <!-- 'Left', 'Middle', 'Right' -->
+  </dock>
+  <keyboard>
+    <chainQuitKey>C-g</chainQuitKey>
+    <!-- Keybindings for desktop switching -->
+    <keybind key="C-A-Left">
+      <action name="GoToDesktop">
+        <to>left</to>
+        <wrap>no</wrap>
+      </action>
+    </keybind>
+    <keybind key="C-A-Right">
+      <action name="GoToDesktop">
+        <to>right</to>
+        <wrap>no</wrap>
+      </action>
+    </keybind>
+    <keybind key="C-A-Up">
+      <action name="GoToDesktop">
+        <to>up</to>
+        <wrap>no</wrap>
+      </action>
+    </keybind>
+    <keybind key="C-A-Down">
+      <action name="GoToDesktop">
+        <to>down</to>
+        <wrap>no</wrap>
+      </action>
+    </keybind>
+    <keybind key="S-A-Left">
+      <action name="SendToDesktop">
+        <to>left</to>
+        <wrap>no</wrap>
+      </action>
+    </keybind>
+    <keybind key="S-A-Right">
+      <action name="SendToDesktop">
+        <to>right</to>
+        <wrap>no</wrap>
+      </action>
+    </keybind>
+    <keybind key="S-A-Up">
+      <action name="SendToDesktop">
+        <to>up</to>
+        <wrap>no</wrap>
+      </action>
+    </keybind>
+    <keybind key="S-A-Down">
+      <action name="SendToDesktop">
+        <to>down</to>
+        <wrap>no</wrap>
+      </action>
+    </keybind>
+    <keybind key="W-F1">
+      <action name="GoToDesktop">
+        <to>1</to>
+      </action>
+    </keybind>
+    <keybind key="W-F2">
+      <action name="GoToDesktop">
+        <to>2</to>
+      </action>
+    </keybind>
+    <keybind key="W-F3">
+      <action name="GoToDesktop">
+        <to>3</to>
+      </action>
+    </keybind>
+    <keybind key="W-F4">
+      <action name="GoToDesktop">
+        <to>4</to>
+      </action>
+    </keybind>
+    <keybind key="W-d">
+      <action name="ToggleShowDesktop"/>
+    </keybind>
+    <!-- Keybindings for windows -->
+    <keybind key="A-F4">
+      <action name="Close"/>
+    </keybind>
+    <keybind key="A-Escape">
+      <action name="Lower"/>
+      <action name="FocusToBottom"/>
+      <action name="Unfocus"/>
+    </keybind>
+    <keybind key="A-space">
+      <action name="ShowMenu">
+        <menu>client-menu</menu>
+      </action>
+    </keybind>
+    <!-- Keybindings for window switching -->
+    <keybind key="A-Tab">
+      <action name="NextWindow">
+        <finalactions>
+          <action name="Focus"/>
+          <action name="Raise"/>
+          <action name="Unshade"/>
+        </finalactions>
+      </action>
+    </keybind>
+    <keybind key="A-S-Tab">
+      <action name="PreviousWindow">
+        <finalactions>
+          <action name="Focus"/>
+          <action name="Raise"/>
+          <action name="Unshade"/>
+        </finalactions>
+      </action>
+    </keybind>
+    <keybind key="C-A-Tab">
+      <action name="NextWindow">
+        <panels>yes</panels>
+        <desktop>yes</desktop>
+        <finalactions>
+          <action name="Focus"/>
+          <action name="Raise"/>
+          <action name="Unshade"/>
+        </finalactions>
+      </action>
+    </keybind>
+    <!-- Keybindings for window switching with the arrow keys -->
+    <keybind key="W-S-Right">
+      <action name="DirectionalCycleWindows">
+        <direction>right</direction>
+      </action>
+    </keybind>
+    <keybind key="W-S-Left">
+      <action name="DirectionalCycleWindows">
+        <direction>left</direction>
+      </action>
+    </keybind>
+    <keybind key="W-S-Up">
+      <action name="DirectionalCycleWindows">
+        <direction>up</direction>
+      </action>
+    </keybind>
+    <keybind key="W-S-Down">
+      <action name="DirectionalCycleWindows">
+        <direction>down</direction>
+      </action>
+    </keybind>
+    <!-- Keybindings for running applications -->
+    <keybind key="W-e">
+      <action name="Execute">
+        <startupnotify>
+          <enabled>true</enabled>
+          <name>Konqueror</name>
+        </startupnotify>
+        <command>kfmclient openProfile filemanagement</command>
+      </action>
+    </keybind>
+  </keyboard>
+  <mouse>
+    <dragThreshold>1</dragThreshold>
+    <!-- number of pixels the mouse must move before a drag begins -->
+    <doubleClickTime>500</doubleClickTime>
+    <!-- in milliseconds (1000 = 1 second) -->
+    <screenEdgeWarpTime>400</screenEdgeWarpTime>
+    <!-- Time before changing desktops when the pointer touches the edge of the
+       screen while moving a window, in milliseconds (1000 = 1 second).
+       Set this to 0 to disable warping -->
+    <screenEdgeWarpMouse>false</screenEdgeWarpMouse>
+    <!-- Set this to TRUE to move the mouse pointer across the desktop when
+       switching due to hitting the edge of the screen -->
+    <context name="Frame">
+      <mousebind button="A-Left" action="Press">
+        <action name="Focus"/>
+        <action name="Raise"/>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="A-Left" action="Click">
+        <action name="Unshade"/>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="A-Left" action="Drag">
+        <action name="Move"/>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="A-Right" action="Press">
+        <action name="Focus"/>
+        <action name="Raise"/>
+        <action name="Unshade"/>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="A-Right" action="Drag">
+        <action name="Resize"/>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="A-Middle" action="Press">
+        <action name="Lower"/>
+        <action name="FocusToBottom"/>
+        <action name="Unfocus"/>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="A-Up" action="Click">
+        <action name="GoToDesktop">
+          <to>previous</to>
+        </action>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="A-Down" action="Click">
+        <action name="GoToDesktop">
+          <to>next</to>
+        </action>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="C-A-Up" action="Click">
+        <action name="GoToDesktop">
+          <to>previous</to>
+        </action>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="C-A-Down" action="Click">
+        <action name="GoToDesktop">
+          <to>next</to>
+        </action>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="A-S-Up" action="Click">
+        <action name="SendToDesktop">
+          <to>previous</to>
+        </action>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="A-S-Down" action="Click">
+        <action name="SendToDesktop">
+          <to>next</to>
+        </action>
+      </mousebind>
+    </context>
+    <context name="Titlebar">
+      <mousebind button="Left" action="Drag">
+        <action name="Move"/>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="Left" action="DoubleClick">
+        <action name="ToggleMaximize"/>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="Up" action="Click">
+        <action name="if">
+          <shaded>no</shaded>
+          <then>
+            <action name="Shade"/>
+            <action name="FocusToBottom"/>
+            <action name="Unfocus"/>
+            <action name="Lower"/>
+          </then>
+        </action>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="Down" action="Click">
+        <action name="if">
+          <shaded>yes</shaded>
+          <then>
+            <action name="Unshade"/>
+            <action name="Raise"/>
+          </then>
+        </action>
+      </mousebind>
+    </context>
+    <context name="Titlebar Top Right Bottom Left TLCorner TRCorner BRCorner BLCorner">
+      <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
+        <action name="Focus"/>
+        <action name="Raise"/>
+        <action name="Unshade"/>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="Middle" action="Press">
+        <action name="Lower"/>
+        <action name="FocusToBottom"/>
+        <action name="Unfocus"/>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="Right" action="Press">
+        <action name="Focus"/>
+        <action name="Raise"/>
+        <action name="ShowMenu">
+          <menu>client-menu</menu>
+        </action>
+      </mousebind>
+    </context>
+    <context name="Top">
+      <mousebind button="Left" action="Drag">
+        <action name="Resize">
+          <edge>top</edge>
+        </action>
+      </mousebind>
+    </context>
+    <context name="Left">
+      <mousebind button="Left" action="Drag">
+        <action name="Resize">
+          <edge>left</edge>
+        </action>
+      </mousebind>
+    </context>
+    <context name="Right">
+      <mousebind button="Left" action="Drag">
+        <action name="Resize">
+          <edge>right</edge>
+        </action>
+      </mousebind>
+    </context>
+    <context name="Bottom">
+      <mousebind button="Left" action="Drag">
+        <action name="Resize">
+          <edge>bottom</edge>
+        </action>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="Right" action="Press">
+        <action name="Focus"/>
+        <action name="Raise"/>
+        <action name="ShowMenu">
+          <menu>client-menu</menu>
+        </action>
+      </mousebind>
+    </context>
+    <context name="TRCorner BRCorner TLCorner BLCorner">
+      <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
+        <action name="Focus"/>
+        <action name="Raise"/>
+        <action name="Unshade"/>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="Left" action="Drag">
+        <action name="Resize"/>
+      </mousebind>
+    </context>
+    <context name="Client">
+      <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
+        <action name="Focus"/>
+        <action name="Raise"/>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="Middle" action="Press">
+        <action name="Focus"/>
+        <action name="Raise"/>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="Right" action="Press">
+        <action name="Focus"/>
+        <action name="Raise"/>
+      </mousebind>
+    </context>
+    <context name="Icon">
+      <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
+        <action name="Focus"/>
+        <action name="Raise"/>
+        <action name="Unshade"/>
+        <action name="ShowMenu">
+          <menu>client-menu</menu>
+        </action>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="Right" action="Press">
+        <action name="Focus"/>
+        <action name="Raise"/>
+        <action name="ShowMenu">
+          <menu>client-menu</menu>
+        </action>
+      </mousebind>
+    </context>
+    <context name="AllDesktops">
+      <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
+        <action name="Focus"/>
+        <action name="Raise"/>
+        <action name="Unshade"/>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="Left" action="Click">
+        <action name="ToggleOmnipresent"/>
+      </mousebind>
+    </context>
+    <context name="Shade">
+      <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
+        <action name="Focus"/>
+        <action name="Raise"/>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="Left" action="Click">
+        <action name="ToggleShade"/>
+      </mousebind>
+    </context>
+    <context name="Iconify">
+      <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
+        <action name="Focus"/>
+        <action name="Raise"/>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="Left" action="Click">
+        <action name="Iconify"/>
+      </mousebind>
+    </context>
+    <context name="Maximize">
+      <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
+        <action name="Focus"/>
+        <action name="Raise"/>
+        <action name="Unshade"/>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="Middle" action="Press">
+        <action name="Focus"/>
+        <action name="Raise"/>
+        <action name="Unshade"/>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="Right" action="Press">
+        <action name="Focus"/>
+        <action name="Raise"/>
+        <action name="Unshade"/>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="Left" action="Click">
+        <action name="ToggleMaximize"/>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="Middle" action="Click">
+        <action name="ToggleMaximize">
+          <direction>vertical</direction>
+        </action>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="Right" action="Click">
+        <action name="ToggleMaximize">
+          <direction>horizontal</direction>
+        </action>
+      </mousebind>
+    </context>
+    <context name="Close">
+      <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
+        <action name="Focus"/>
+        <action name="Raise"/>
+        <action name="Unshade"/>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="Left" action="Click">
+        <action name="Close"/>
+      </mousebind>
+    </context>
+    <context name="Desktop">
+      <mousebind button="Up" action="Click">
+        <action name="GoToDesktop">
+          <to>previous</to>
+        </action>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="Down" action="Click">
+        <action name="GoToDesktop">
+          <to>next</to>
+        </action>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="A-Up" action="Click">
+        <action name="GoToDesktop">
+          <to>previous</to>
+        </action>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="A-Down" action="Click">
+        <action name="GoToDesktop">
+          <to>next</to>
+        </action>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="C-A-Up" action="Click">
+        <action name="GoToDesktop">
+          <to>previous</to>
+        </action>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="C-A-Down" action="Click">
+        <action name="GoToDesktop">
+          <to>next</to>
+        </action>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
+        <action name="Focus"/>
+        <action name="Raise"/>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="Right" action="Press">
+        <action name="Focus"/>
+        <action name="Raise"/>
+      </mousebind>
+    </context>
+    <context name="Root">
+      <!-- Menus -->
+      <mousebind button="Middle" action="Press">
+        <action name="ShowMenu">
+          <menu>client-list-combined-menu</menu>
+        </action>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="Right" action="Press">
+        <action name="ShowMenu">
+          <menu>root-menu</menu>
+        </action>
+      </mousebind>
+    </context>
+    <context name="MoveResize">
+      <mousebind button="Up" action="Click">
+        <action name="GoToDesktop">
+          <to>previous</to>
+        </action>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="Down" action="Click">
+        <action name="GoToDesktop">
+          <to>next</to>
+        </action>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="A-Up" action="Click">
+        <action name="GoToDesktop">
+          <to>previous</to>
+        </action>
+      </mousebind>
+      <mousebind button="A-Down" action="Click">
+        <action name="GoToDesktop">
+          <to>next</to>
+        </action>
+      </mousebind>
+    </context>
+  </mouse>
+  <menu>
+    <!-- You can specify more than one menu file in here and they are all loaded,
+       just don't make menu ids clash or, well, it'll be kind of pointless -->
+    <!-- default menu file (or custom one in $HOME/.config/openbox/) -->
+    <file>menu.xml</file>
+    <hideDelay>200</hideDelay>
+    <!-- if a press-release lasts longer than this setting (in milliseconds), the
+       menu is hidden again -->
+    <middle>no</middle>
+    <!-- center submenus vertically about the parent entry -->
+    <submenuShowDelay>100</submenuShowDelay>
+    <!-- time to delay before showing a submenu after hovering over the parent
+       entry.
+       if this is a negative value, then the delay is infinite and the
+       submenu will not be shown until it is clicked on -->
+    <submenuHideDelay>400</submenuHideDelay>
+    <!-- time to delay before hiding a submenu when selecting another
+       entry in parent menu
+       if this is a negative value, then the delay is infinite and the
+       submenu will not be hidden until a different submenu is opened -->
+    <showIcons>yes</showIcons>
+    <!-- controls if icons appear in the client-list-(combined-)menu -->
+    <manageDesktops>yes</manageDesktops>
+    <!-- show the manage desktops section in the client-list-(combined-)menu -->
+  </menu>
+  <applications>
+    <!--
+  # this is an example with comments through out. use these to make your
+  # own rules, but without the comments of course.
+  # you may use one or more of the name/class/role/title/type rules to specify
+  # windows to match
+  <application name="the window's _OB_APP_NAME property (see obxprop)"
+              class="the window's _OB_APP_CLASS property (see obxprop)"
+          groupname="the window's _OB_APP_GROUP_NAME property (see obxprop)"
+         groupclass="the window's _OB_APP_GROUP_CLASS property (see obxprop)"
+               role="the window's _OB_APP_ROLE property (see obxprop)"
+              title="the window's _OB_APP_TITLE property (see obxprop)"
+               type="the window's _OB_APP_TYPE property (see obxprob)..
+                      (if unspecified, then it is 'dialog' for child windows)">
+  # you may set only one of name/class/role/title/type, or you may use more
+  # than one together to restrict your matches.
+  # the name, class, role, and title use simple wildcard matching such as those
+  # used by a shell. you can use * to match any characters and ? to match
+  # any single character.
+  # the type is one of: normal, dialog, splash, utility, menu, toolbar, dock,
+  #    or desktop
+  # when multiple rules match a window, they will all be applied, in the
+  # order that they appear in this list
+    # each rule element can be left out or set to 'default' to specify to not 
+    # change that attribute of the window
+    <decor>yes</decor>
+    # enable or disable window decorations
+    <shade>no</shade>
+    # make the window shaded when it appears, or not
+    <position force="no">
+      # the position is only used if both an x and y coordinate are provided
+      # (and not set to 'default')
+      # when force is "yes", then the window will be placed here even if it
+      # says you want it placed elsewhere.  this is to override buggy
+      # applications who refuse to behave
+      <x>center</x>
+      # a number like 50, or 'center' to center on screen. use a negative number
+      # to start from the right (or bottom for <y>), ie -50 is 50 pixels from
+      # the right edge (or bottom). use 'default' to specify using value
+      # provided by the application, or chosen by openbox, instead.
+      <y>200</y>
+      <monitor>1</monitor>
+      # specifies the monitor in a xinerama setup.
+      # 1 is the first head, or 'mouse' for wherever the mouse is
+    </position>
+    <size>
+      # the size to make the window.
+      <width>20</width>
+      # a number like 20, or 'default' to use the size given by the application.
+      # you can use fractions such as 1/2 or percentages such as 75% in which
+      # case the value is relative to the size of the monitor that the window
+      # appears on.
+      <height>30%</height>
+    </size>
+    <focus>yes</focus>
+    # if the window should try be given focus when it appears. if this is set
+    # to yes it doesn't guarantee the window will be given focus. some
+    # restrictions may apply, but Openbox will try to
+    <desktop>1</desktop>
+    # 1 is the first desktop, 'all' for all desktops
+    <layer>normal</layer>
+    # 'above', 'normal', or 'below'
+    <iconic>no</iconic>
+    # make the window iconified when it appears, or not
+    <skip_pager>no</skip_pager>
+    # asks to not be shown in pagers
+    <skip_taskbar>no</skip_taskbar>
+    # asks to not be shown in taskbars. window cycling actions will also
+    # skip past such windows
+    <fullscreen>yes</fullscreen>
+    # make the window in fullscreen mode when it appears
+    <maximized>true</maximized>
+    # 'Horizontal', 'Vertical' or boolean (yes/no)
+  </application>
+  # end of the example
+  </applications>
Index: radix-system/etc/skel/.config/openbox
--- radix-system/etc/skel/.config/openbox	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/skel/.config/openbox	(revision 5)

Property changes on: radix-system/etc/skel/.config/openbox
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: radix-system/etc/skel/.config/tint2/tint2rc
--- radix-system/etc/skel/.config/tint2/tint2rc	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/skel/.config/tint2/tint2rc	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+#---- Generated by tint2conf ecba ----
+# See https://gitlab.com/o9000/tint2/wikis/Configure for 
+# full documentation of the configuration options.
+# Gradients
+# Backgrounds
+# Background 1: Panel
+rounded = 0
+border_width = 0
+border_sides = TBLR
+border_content_tint_weight = 0
+background_content_tint_weight = 0
+background_color = #000000 60
+border_color = #000000 30
+background_color_hover = #000000 60
+border_color_hover = #000000 30
+background_color_pressed = #000000 60
+border_color_pressed = #000000 30
+# Background 2: Default task, Iconified task
+rounded = 4
+border_width = 1
+border_sides = TBLR
+border_content_tint_weight = 0
+background_content_tint_weight = 0
+background_color = #777777 20
+border_color = #777777 30
+background_color_hover = #aaaaaa 22
+border_color_hover = #eaeaea 44
+background_color_pressed = #555555 4
+border_color_pressed = #eaeaea 44
+# Background 3: Active task
+rounded = 4
+border_width = 1
+border_sides = TBLR
+border_content_tint_weight = 0
+background_content_tint_weight = 0
+background_color = #777777 20
+border_color = #ffffff 40
+background_color_hover = #aaaaaa 22
+border_color_hover = #eaeaea 44
+background_color_pressed = #555555 4
+border_color_pressed = #eaeaea 44
+# Background 4: Urgent task
+rounded = 4
+border_width = 1
+border_sides = TBLR
+border_content_tint_weight = 0
+background_content_tint_weight = 0
+background_color = #aa4400 100
+border_color = #aa7733 100
+background_color_hover = #cc7700 100
+border_color_hover = #aa7733 100
+background_color_pressed = #555555 4
+border_color_pressed = #aa7733 100
+# Background 5: Tooltip
+rounded = 1
+border_width = 1
+border_sides = TBLR
+border_content_tint_weight = 0
+background_content_tint_weight = 0
+background_color = #222222 100
+border_color = #333333 100
+background_color_hover = #ffffaa 100
+border_color_hover = #000000 100
+background_color_pressed = #ffffaa 100
+border_color_pressed = #000000 100
+# Panel
+panel_items = LST:C
+panel_size = 100% 36
+panel_margin = 0 0
+panel_padding = 8 2 2
+panel_background_id = 1
+wm_menu = 1
+panel_dock = 0
+panel_pivot_struts = 0
+panel_position = bottom center horizontal
+panel_layer = top
+panel_monitor = all
+panel_shrink = 0
+autohide = 0
+autohide_show_timeout = 0
+autohide_hide_timeout = 0.5
+autohide_height = 2
+strut_policy = follow_size
+panel_window_name = tint2
+disable_transparency = 1
+mouse_effects = 1
+font_shadow = 0
+mouse_hover_icon_asb = 100 0 10
+mouse_pressed_icon_asb = 100 0 0
+scale_relative_to_dpi = 0
+scale_relative_to_screen_height = 0
+# Taskbar
+taskbar_mode = single_desktop
+taskbar_hide_if_empty = 0
+taskbar_padding = 0 0 2
+taskbar_background_id = 0
+taskbar_active_background_id = 0
+taskbar_name = 1
+taskbar_hide_inactive_tasks = 0
+taskbar_hide_different_monitor = 0
+taskbar_hide_different_desktop = 0
+taskbar_always_show_all_desktop_tasks = 0
+taskbar_name_padding = 4 2
+taskbar_name_background_id = 0
+taskbar_name_active_background_id = 0
+taskbar_name_font_color = #e3e3e3 100
+taskbar_name_active_font_color = #ffffff 100
+taskbar_distribute_size = 0
+taskbar_sort_order = none
+task_align = left
+# Task
+task_text = 1
+task_icon = 1
+task_centered = 1
+urgent_nb_of_blink = 100000
+task_maximum_size = 150 35
+task_padding = 2 2 4
+task_tooltip = 1
+task_thumbnail = 0
+task_thumbnail_size = 210
+task_font_color = #ffffff 100
+task_background_id = 2
+task_active_background_id = 3
+task_urgent_background_id = 4
+task_iconified_background_id = 2
+mouse_left = toggle_iconify
+mouse_middle = none
+mouse_right = close
+mouse_scroll_up = toggle
+mouse_scroll_down = iconify
+# System tray (notification area)
+systray_padding = 0 4 2
+systray_background_id = 0
+systray_sort = ascending
+systray_icon_size = 24
+systray_icon_asb = 100 0 0
+systray_monitor = 1
+systray_name_filter = 
+# Launcher
+launcher_padding = 4 4 4
+launcher_background_id = 0
+launcher_icon_background_id = 0
+launcher_icon_size = 48
+launcher_icon_asb = 100 0 0
+launcher_icon_theme_override = 0
+startup_notifications = 1
+launcher_tooltip = 1
+launcher_item_app = tint2conf.desktop
+launcher_item_app = ~/.local/share/applications/XTerm.desktop
+# Clock
+time1_format = %H:%M
+time2_format = %A %d %B
+time1_font = Sans Bold 9
+time1_timezone = 
+time2_timezone = 
+time2_font = Sans 8
+clock_font_color = #ffffff 100
+clock_padding = 8 0
+clock_background_id = 0
+clock_tooltip = 
+clock_tooltip_timezone = 
+clock_lclick_command = 
+clock_rclick_command = orage
+clock_mclick_command = 
+clock_uwheel_command = 
+clock_dwheel_command = 
+# Battery
+battery_tooltip = 1
+battery_low_status = 10
+battery_low_cmd = xmessage 'tint2: Battery low!'
+battery_full_cmd = 
+battery_font_color = #ffffff 100
+bat1_format = 
+bat2_format = 
+battery_padding = 1 0
+battery_background_id = 0
+battery_hide = 101
+battery_lclick_command = 
+battery_rclick_command = 
+battery_mclick_command = 
+battery_uwheel_command = 
+battery_dwheel_command = 
+ac_connected_cmd = 
+ac_disconnected_cmd = 
+# Separator 1
+separator = new
+separator_background_id = 0
+separator_color = #777777 86
+separator_style = dots
+separator_size = 3
+separator_padding = 1 0
+# Tooltip
+tooltip_show_timeout = 0.5
+tooltip_hide_timeout = 0.1
+tooltip_padding = 4 4
+tooltip_background_id = 5
+tooltip_font_color = #dddddd 100
Index: radix-system/etc/skel/.config/tint2
--- radix-system/etc/skel/.config/tint2	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/skel/.config/tint2	(revision 5)

Property changes on: radix-system/etc/skel/.config/tint2
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: radix-system/etc/skel/.config
--- radix-system/etc/skel/.config	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/skel/.config	(revision 5)

Property changes on: radix-system/etc/skel/.config
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/hd/conkyrc
--- radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/hd/conkyrc	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/hd/conkyrc	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# -— Conky settings -- #
+conky.config = {
+  background = true,
+  update_interval = 1,
+  total_run_times = 0,
+  net_avg_samples = 2,
+  override_utf8_locale = true,
+  double_buffer = true,
+  no_buffers = true,
+  text_buffer_size = 2048,
+  imlib_cache_size = 0,
+-- Window specifications —-
+  own_window_class = 'Conky',
+  own_window = true,
+  own_window_type = 'desktop',
+  own_window_transparent = true,
+  own_window_hints = 'undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager',
+  border_inner_margin = 0,
+  border_outer_margin = 0,
+  minimum_width = 330,
+  minimum_height = 330,
+  maximum_width = 330,
+  alignment = 'top_right',
+  gap_x = 10,
+  gap_y = 10,
+-- Graphics settings —-
+  draw_shades = false,
+  draw_outline = false,
+  draw_borders = false,
+  draw_graph_borders = false,
+-- Text settings —-
+  use_xft = true,
+  font = 'LCDMono2:size=8.1',
+  xftalpha = 1.0,
+  default_color = 'FFFBD8',
+  uppercase = false,
+  use_spacer = right,
+-- Lua Load —-
+  lua_load = '~/.conky/clocks/hd/cups_n_saucers.lua',
+  lua_draw_hook_post = 'main',
+conky.text = [[
+  ${voffset 150}${goto 200}${font LCDMono2:size=24.1}${time %H:%M}${font}
+  ${voffset 2}${goto 210}${font LCDMono2:size=10.1}${time %a %d %b}${font}

Property changes on: radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/hd/conkyrc
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/hd/cups_n_saucers.lua
--- radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/hd/cups_n_saucers.lua	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/hd/cups_n_saucers.lua	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
+--  				Cups and Saucers
+--                               Lua conky script
+--  author  : Abu Yahya
+--  license : Distributed under the terms of GNU GPL v3
+--  30.05.2012
+-- v.1.0.1
+require 'cairo'
+----Adjustable Settings 
+coffee_table = {
+    {
+    name='time',                   arg='%I.%M',                    max_value=12,
+    x=170,                         y=170,
+    cup_radius=35,
+    cup_wall_thickness=90,
+    cup_bg_clr=0xffffff,           cup_bg_alpha=0.0,
+    cup_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           cup_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    handle_length=70,              handle_circ=5,
+    handle_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        handle_fg_alpha=1.0,
+    graduation_radius=124,
+    graduation_thickness=8,        graduation_mark_circ=1.5,
+    graduation_mark_angle=30,
+    graduation_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,    graduation_fg_alpha=0.5,
+    saucer_thickness=6,            thick_saucer_circ=11/12,
+    saucer_radius=135,             thin_saucer_circ=11/12,
+    saucer_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        saucer_fg_alpha=0.3,
+    saucer_mark_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,   saucer_mark_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    inner_saucer=true,
+    txt_weight=0,                  txt_size=8.0,
+    txt_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           txt_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    caption='',                    caption2='',
+    },
+   {
+    name='time',                   arg='%H',                    max_value=12,
+    x=170,                         y=170,
+    cup_radius=2,
+    cup_wall_thickness=3,
+    cup_bg_clr=0xffffff,           cup_bg_alpha=1.0,
+    cup_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           cup_fg_alpha=1.0,
+    handle_length=40,              handle_circ=4,
+    handle_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        handle_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    graduation_radius=127,
+    graduation_thickness=1,        graduation_mark_circ=0.5,
+    graduation_mark_angle=3,
+    graduation_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,    graduation_fg_alpha=0.5,
+    saucer_thickness=6,            thick_saucer_circ=11/12,
+    saucer_radius=135,             thin_saucer_circ=11/12,
+    saucer_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        saucer_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    saucer_mark_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,   saucer_mark_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    inner_saucer=true,
+    txt_weight=0,                  txt_size=8.0,
+    txt_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           txt_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    caption='',                    caption2='',
+    },
+    {
+    name='time',                   arg='%M',                    max_value=60,
+    x=170,                         y=170,
+    cup_radius=55,
+    cup_wall_thickness=120,
+    cup_bg_clr=0xffffff,           cup_bg_alpha=0.0,
+    cup_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           cup_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    graduation_radius=123,
+    graduation_thickness=10,       graduation_mark_circ=2.5,
+    graduation_mark_angle=90,
+    graduation_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,    graduation_fg_alpha=0.5,
+    handle_length=110,              handle_circ=3,
+    handle_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        handle_fg_alpha=1.0,
+    saucer_thickness=6,            thick_saucer_circ=11/12,
+    saucer_radius=155,             thin_saucer_circ=11/12,
+    saucer_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        saucer_fg_alpha=0.3,
+    saucer_mark_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,   saucer_mark_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    txt_weight=0,                  txt_size=8.0,
+    txt_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           txt_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    caption='',                    caption2='',
+    },
+    {
+    name='time',                   arg='%S',                    max_value=60,
+    x=170,                         y=170,
+    cup_radius=59,
+    cup_wall_thickness=120,
+    cup_bg_clr=0xffffff,           cup_bg_alpha=0.0,
+    cup_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,      	   cup_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    handle_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        handle_fg_alpha=1.0,
+    handle_length=118,              handle_circ=1,
+    graduation_radius=125,
+    graduation_thickness=6,        graduation_mark_circ=0.5,
+    graduation_mark_angle=6,
+    graduation_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,    graduation_fg_alpha=0.5,
+    saucer_thickness=5,            thick_saucer_circ=1,
+    saucer_radius=145,             thin_saucer_circ=11/12,
+    saucer_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        saucer_fg_alpha=0.4,
+    saucer_mark_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,   saucer_mark_fg_alpha=0.4,
+    txt_weight=0,                  txt_size=8.0,
+    txt_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           txt_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    caption='',                    caption2='',
+    {
+    name='cpu',                    arg='cpu0',                  max_value=100,
+    x=170,                         y=100,
+    cup_radius=20,
+    cup_wall_thickness=40,
+    cup_start_angle=0,
+    cup_bg_clr=0xFFFFFF,           cup_bg_alpha=0.0,
+    cup_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           cup_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    handle_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        handle_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    handle_length=40,              handle_circ=4,
+    xtxt=-20,                      ytxt= -5,
+    txt_weight=0,                  txt_size=8.0,
+    txt_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           txt_fg_alpha=0.8,
+    caption=' CPU ',               caption2=' %',
+    graduation_radius=25,
+    graduation_thickness=3,        graduation_mark_circ=2,
+    graduation_mark_angle=36,
+    graduation_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,    graduation_fg_alpha=0.6,
+    saucer_thickness=3,            thick_saucer_circ=0.85,
+    saucer_radius=30,              thin_saucer_circ=0.85,
+    saucer_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        saucer_fg_alpha= 0.3,
+    saucer_mark_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,   saucer_mark_fg_alpha=0.5,
+    inner_saucer=true,
+    },
+    {
+    name='freq_g',                 arg='/',                  max_value=5,
+    x=170,                         y=100,
+    cup_radius=12,
+    cup_wall_thickness=23,
+    cup_start_angle=0,
+    cup_bg_clr=0xFFFFFF,           cup_bg_alpha=0.0,
+    cup_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           cup_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    handle_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        handle_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    handle_length=40,              handle_circ=4,
+    xtxt=-20,                      ytxt= 10,
+    txt_weight=0,                  txt_size=8.0,
+    txt_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           txt_fg_alpha=0.8,
+    caption='',                    caption2=' GHz',
+    graduation_radius=25,
+    graduation_thickness=4,        graduation_mark_circ=4,
+    graduation_mark_angle=30,
+    graduation_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,    graduation_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    saucer_thickness=3,            thick_saucer_circ=0.75,
+    saucer_radius=35,              thin_saucer_circ=0.75,
+    saucer_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        saucer_fg_alpha= 0.3,
+    saucer_mark_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,   saucer_mark_fg_alpha=0.5,
+    name='memperc',                arg='/',                      max_value=100,
+    x=100,                         y=170,
+    cup_radius=12,
+    cup_wall_thickness=23,
+    cup_start_angle=0,
+    cup_bg_clr=0xFFFFFF,           cup_bg_alpha=0.0,
+    cup_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           cup_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    handle_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        handle_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    handle_length=40,              handle_circ=4,
+    xtxt=-20,                      ytxt= -5,
+    txt_weight=0,                  txt_size=8.0,
+    txt_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           txt_fg_alpha=0.8,
+    caption='RAM ',                caption2=' %',
+    graduation_radius=25,
+    graduation_thickness=3,        graduation_mark_circ=2,
+    graduation_mark_angle=36,
+    graduation_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,    graduation_fg_alpha=0.6,
+    saucer_thickness=3,            thick_saucer_circ=0.85,
+    saucer_radius=30,              thin_saucer_circ=0.85,
+    saucer_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        saucer_fg_alpha= 0.3,
+    saucer_mark_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,   saucer_mark_fg_alpha=0.5,
+    inner_saucer=true,
+    name='swapperc',               arg='/',                      max_value=100,
+    x=100,                         y=170,
+    cup_radius=12,
+    cup_wall_thickness=27,
+    cup_start_angle=0,
+    cup_bg_clr=0xFFFFFF,           cup_bg_alpha=0.0,
+    cup_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           cup_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    handle_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        handle_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    handle_length=40,              handle_circ=4,
+    xtxt=-20,                      ytxt= 10,
+    txt_weight=0,                  txt_size=8.0,
+    txt_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           txt_fg_alpha=0.8,
+    caption='Swp ',                caption2=' %',
+    graduation_radius=25,
+    graduation_thickness=4,        graduation_mark_circ=4,
+    graduation_mark_angle=30,
+    graduation_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,    graduation_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    saucer_thickness=3,            thick_saucer_circ=0.85,
+    saucer_radius=35,              thin_saucer_circ=0.85,
+    saucer_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        saucer_fg_alpha=0.3,
+    saucer_mark_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,   saucer_mark_fg_alpha=0.5,
+    name='fs_used_perc',           arg='/home',                      max_value=100,
+    x=170,                         y=240,
+    cup_radius=12,
+    cup_wall_thickness=27,
+    cup_start_angle=0,
+    cup_bg_clr=0xFFFFFF,           cup_bg_alpha=0.0,
+    cup_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           cup_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    handle_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        handle_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    handle_length=40,              handle_circ=4,
+    xtxt=-20,                      ytxt= 10,
+    txt_weight=0,                  txt_size=8.0,
+    txt_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           txt_fg_alpha=0.8,
+    caption=' FS /: ',             caption2=' %',
+    graduation_radius=25,
+    graduation_thickness=3,        graduation_mark_circ=2,
+    graduation_mark_angle=36,
+    graduation_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,    graduation_fg_alpha=0.6,
+    saucer_thickness=3,            thick_saucer_circ=0.85,
+    saucer_radius=30,              thin_saucer_circ=0.85,
+    saucer_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        saucer_fg_alpha=0.3,
+    saucer_mark_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,   saucer_mark_fg_alpha=0.5,
+    inner_saucer=true,
+    name='fs_used_perc',           arg='/',                      max_value=100,
+    x=170,                         y=240,
+    cup_radius=12,
+    cup_wall_thickness=27,
+    cup_start_angle=0,
+    cup_bg_clr=0xFFFFFF,           cup_bg_alpha=0.0,
+    cup_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           cup_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    handle_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        handle_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    handle_length=40,              handle_circ=4,
+    xtxt=-20,                      ytxt= -5,
+    txt_weight=0,                  txt_size=8.0,
+    txt_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           txt_fg_alpha=0.8,
+    caption=' FS H: ',             caption2=' %',
+    graduation_radius=25,
+    graduation_thickness=4,        graduation_mark_circ=4,
+    graduation_mark_angle=36,
+    graduation_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,    graduation_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    saucer_thickness=3,            thick_saucer_circ=0.85,
+    saucer_radius=35,              thin_saucer_circ=0.85,     
+    saucer_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        saucer_fg_alpha=0.3,
+    saucer_mark_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,   saucer_mark_fg_alpha=0.5,
+--Fixed code -do not edit unless you know what you are doing------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- converts color in hexa to decimal
+function rgb_to_r_g_b(clr, alpha)
+    return ((clr / 0x10000) % 0x100) / 255., ((clr / 0x100) % 0x100) / 255., (clr % 0x100) / 255., alpha
+-- displays cups and saucers
+local function draw_coffee_table(display, data, value) 
+     max_value = data['max_value']
+     x, y = data['x'], data['y']
+     if x==nil then x=conky_window.width/2 end
+     if y==nil then y=conky_window.height/2 end	
+     cup_radius = data['cup_radius']
+     if cup_radius==nil then cup_radius=conky_window.width/4 end
+     cup_wall_thickness = data['cup_wall_thickness']
+     if cup_wall_thickness==nil then cup_wall_thickness=20 end
+     handle_length, handle_circ = data['handle_length'], data['handle_circ']
+     if handle_length==nil then handle_length=20 end
+     if handle_circ==nil then handle_circ=1 end
+     cup_start_angle = data['cup_start_angle']
+     if cup_start_angle == nil then cup_start_angle =0 end
+     total_angle = data['total_angle']
+     if total_angle == nil then total_angle=360 end
+     cup_sector_angle = (math.abs(total_angle))/max_value
+     cup_end_angle = total_angle + cup_start_angle
+     cup_bg_clr, cup_bg_alpha = data['cup_bg_clr'], data['cup_bg_alpha']
+     if cup_bg_clr==nil then cup_bg_clr =0xffffff end
+     cup_fg_clr, cup_fg_alpha = data['cup_fg_clr'], data['cup_fg_alpha']
+     if cup_fg_clr==nil then cup_fg_clr =0xfffbd8 end
+     if cup_fg_alpha==nil then cup_fg_alpha=0 end
+     handle_fg_clr, handle_fg_alpha = data['handle_fg_clr'], data['handle_fg_alpha']  
+     if handle_fg_clr==nil then handle_fg_clr = 0xfffbd8 end
+     if handle_fg_alpha==nil then handle_fg_alpha=0 end
+     saucer_radius = data['saucer_radius']
+     if saucer_radius==nil then saucer_radius=conky_window.width/2 end 
+     total_saucer_angle=data['total_saucer_angle']
+     if total_saucer_angle==nil then total_saucer_angle=360 end 
+     saucer_sector_angle=(math.abs(total_saucer_angle))/max_value
+     saucer_thickness = data['saucer_thickness']
+     if saucer_thickness==nil then saucer_thickness=6 end
+     saucer_fg_clr = data['saucer_fg_clr']
+     if saucer_fg_clr ==nil then saucer_fg_clr=0 end
+     saucer_fg_alpha = data['saucer_fg_alpha']
+     if saucer_fg_alpha ==nil then saucer_fg_alpha=0 end
+     saucer_mark_fg_alpha = data['saucer_mark_fg_alpha']
+     if saucer_mark_fg_alpha ==nil then saucer_mark_fg_alpha=0 end
+     saucer_mark_fg_clr = data['saucer_mark_fg_clr']
+     if saucer_mark_fg_clr ==nil then saucer_mark_fg_clr=0xfffbd8 end
+     thick_saucer_circ = data['thick_saucer_circ']
+     if thick_saucer_circ==nil then thick_saucer_circ =0.9 end
+     thin_saucer_circ = data['thin_saucer_circ']
+     if thin_saucer_circ==nil then thin_saucer_circ =0.9 end
+     inner_saucer = data['inner_saucer']
+     graduation_radius = data['graduation_radius']
+     if graduation_radius ==nil then graduation_radius = conky_window.width/3 end
+     graduation_thickness, graduation_mark_circ = data['graduation_thickness'], data['graduation_mark_circ']
+     if graduation_thickness ==nil then graduation_thickness = 2 end
+     if graduation_mark_circ ==nil then graduation_mark_circ = 1 end
+     graduation_mark_angle = data['graduation_mark_angle']
+     if graduation_mark_angle == nil then graduation_mark_angle = total_angle/10 end
+     graduation_fg_clr, graduation_fg_alpha = data['graduation_fg_clr'], data['graduation_fg_alpha']
+     if graduation_fg_clr ==nil then graduation_fg_clr= 0xfffbd8 end
+     if graduation_fg_alpha==nil then graduation_fg_alpha =0 end
+     txt_weight, txt_size = data['txt_weight'], data['txt_size']
+     if txt_weight == nil then txt_weight=1 end
+     if txt_size == nil then txt_size=8 end
+     txt_fg_clr, txt_fg_alpha = data['txt_fg_clr'], data['txt_fg_alpha']
+     if txt_fg_clr ==nil then txt_fg_clr= 0xfffbd8 end
+     if txt_fg_alpha==nil then txt_fg_alpha =0 end
+     caption = data['caption']
+     if caption==nil then caption='' end
+     caption2 = data['caption2']
+     if caption2==nil then caption2='' end
+     xtxt, ytxt= data ['xtxt'], data['ytxt']
+     if xtxt ==nil then xtxt=0 end
+     if ytxt ==nil then ytxt=0 end
+--convert degree to rad and rotate (0 degree is top/north)
+    function angle_to_position(start_angle, current_angle)
+      if total_angle < 0 then 
+        local pos = start_angle - current_angle
+        return ( ( pos * (math.pi / 180) ) - (math.pi / 2) )
+      else 
+        local pos = current_angle + start_angle 
+        return ( ( pos * (math.pi / 180) ) - (math.pi / 2) ) 
+      end
+    end
+--cup centre background
+  if cup_bg_alpha >0   then
+    if total_angle < 0 then
+      cairo_arc_negative(display, x, y, cup_radius, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, 0), angle_to_position(cup_end_angle, 0))
+    else
+      cairo_arc(display, x, y, cup_radius, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, 0), angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, cup_end_angle))
+    end
+    cairo_set_source_rgba(display, rgb_to_r_g_b(cup_bg_clr, cup_bg_alpha))
+    cairo_set_line_width(display, cup_wall_thickness)
+    cairo_stroke(display)
+  end 
+--cup wall fg
+  if cup_fg_alpha > 0 then 
+   local fg_stop_arc = (cup_sector_angle * value)
+    if total_angle < 0 then
+      cairo_arc_negative(display, x, y, cup_radius, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, 0), angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, fg_stop_arc))
+    else
+      cairo_arc(display, x, y, cup_radius, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, 0), angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, fg_stop_arc))
+    end
+    cairo_set_source_rgba(display, rgb_to_r_g_b(cup_fg_clr, cup_fg_alpha))
+    cairo_set_line_width(display, cup_wall_thickness)
+    cairo_stroke(display)
+  end
+-- cup handle
+  if handle_fg_alpha>0 then 
+    local start_handle = (cup_sector_angle * value) - (handle_circ*0.5)
+    local stop_handle = (cup_sector_angle * value) +  (handle_circ*0.5)
+    if total_angle < 0 then
+      cairo_arc_negative(display, x, y, cup_radius, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, start_handle), angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, stop_handle))
+    else
+      cairo_arc(display, x, y, cup_radius, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, start_handle), angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, stop_handle))
+    end
+    cairo_set_line_width(display, handle_length)    
+    cairo_set_source_rgba(display, rgb_to_r_g_b(handle_fg_clr, handle_fg_alpha))
+    cairo_stroke(display)
+  end
+---thick saucer
+    if saucer_fg_alpha > 0 and (thin_saucer_circ >0 or thick_saucer_circ > 0)
+      then
+        if value < (max_value/2)
+        then j = value + ((max_value*total_saucer_angle)/720)
+        else j = value - ((max_value*total_saucer_angle)/720)
+        end
+      local start_saucer = (saucer_sector_angle * j) - (value*saucer_sector_angle*0.5*thick_saucer_circ)
+      local stop_saucer = (saucer_sector_angle * j) + (value*saucer_sector_angle*0.5*thick_saucer_circ)
+      if total_angle < 0 then
+        cairo_arc_negative(display, x, y, saucer_radius, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, start_saucer), angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, stop_saucer))
+      else
+        cairo_arc(display, x, y, saucer_radius, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, start_saucer), angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, stop_saucer))
+      end
+      cairo_set_source_rgba(display, rgb_to_r_g_b(saucer_fg_clr, saucer_fg_alpha))
+      cairo_set_line_width(display, saucer_thickness)
+      cairo_stroke(display)
+      --thin saucer
+      if inner_saucer == true 
+      then rt = (saucer_radius - 0.5) + (0.5 * saucer_thickness)
+      else rt = (saucer_radius + 0.5) - (0.5 * saucer_thickness)  
+      end
+      local start_thin_saucer = (saucer_sector_angle * j) - (max_value *0.5*saucer_sector_angle*thin_saucer_circ)
+      local stop_thin_saucer = (saucer_sector_angle * j) + (max_value *0.5*saucer_sector_angle*thin_saucer_circ)
+      if total_angle < 0 then
+        cairo_arc_negative(display, x, y, rt, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, start_thin_saucer), angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, stop_thin_saucer))
+      else
+        cairo_arc(display, x, y, rt, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, start_thin_saucer), angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, stop_thin_saucer))
+      end
+      cairo_set_source_rgba(display, rgb_to_r_g_b(saucer_fg_clr, saucer_fg_alpha))
+      cairo_set_line_width(display, 1)
+      cairo_stroke(display)
+    end
+--saucer mark
+    if saucer_mark_fg_alpha > 0 then 
+      local start_cm = (saucer_sector_angle * value) - (handle_circ *0.5 )
+      local stop_cm = (saucer_sector_angle * value) + (handle_circ *0.5 )
+      if total_angle < 0 then
+        cairo_arc_negative(display, x, y, saucer_radius, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, start_cm), angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, stop_cm))
+      else
+        cairo_arc(display, x, y, saucer_radius, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, start_cm), angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, stop_cm))
+      end
+      cairo_set_source_rgba(display, rgb_to_r_g_b(saucer_mark_fg_clr, saucer_mark_fg_alpha))
+      cairo_set_line_width(display, saucer_thickness)
+      cairo_stroke(display)
+    end
+--graduation mark
+  if graduation_radius > 0 and graduation_thickness > 0 and graduation_mark_angle > 0 then
+    number_graduation = (math.abs(total_angle) +1)/ graduation_mark_angle
+    local start_arc_grad = 0
+    local stop_arc_grad = 0
+    local i = 0
+    while i < number_graduation do
+      local start_arc_grad = (graduation_mark_angle * (i)) - (graduation_mark_circ *0.5)
+      local stop_arc_grad = (graduation_mark_angle * (i)) + (graduation_mark_circ *0.5)
+      if total_angle < 0 then
+        cairo_arc_negative(display, x, y, graduation_radius, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, start_arc_grad), angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, stop_arc_grad))
+      else
+        cairo_arc(display, x, y, graduation_radius, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, start_arc_grad), angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, stop_arc_grad))
+      end
+      cairo_set_source_rgba(display,rgb_to_r_g_b(graduation_fg_clr,graduation_fg_alpha))
+      cairo_set_line_width(display, graduation_thickness)
+      cairo_stroke(display)
+      i = i + 1
+    end
+  end
+-- text
+  if txt_fg_alpha>0 then 
+    cairo_select_font_face (display, "hooge 05_53", CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, txt_weight);
+    cairo_set_font_size (display,txt_size)
+    cairo_set_source_rgba (display, rgb_to_r_g_b(txt_fg_clr, txt_fg_alpha))
+    cairo_move_to (display,x+xtxt,y+ytxt)
+    cairo_show_text (display, caption ) cairo_show_text (display,value)cairo_show_text (display, caption2 )
+    cairo_stroke (display)
+  end
+-- loads data and displays table_settings
+function display_coffee_table(display)
+  local function load_coffee_table(display, data)
+    local str, value = '', 0
+    if data['name'] == 'time2' then
+      local max_value = data['max_value']
+      str = string.format('${time %s}', data['arg'])
+      str = conky_parse(str)
+      local value2 = tonumber(str:sub(0,2))
+      if value2 == max_value then value2 = 0 end
+      value = value2 + (tonumber(str:sub(4,5))/60)
+    else
+      str = string.format('${%s %s}',data['name'], data['arg'])
+      str = conky_parse(str)
+      value = tonumber(str)
+    end
+    if value == nil then value = 0 end
+    draw_coffee_table(display, data, value)
+  end
+  for i in pairs(coffee_table) do
+    load_coffee_table(display, coffee_table[i])
+  end
+runscheck = 0 -- fix for draw shades running script twice on every update
+function conky_main()
+  if conky_window == nil then
+    return
+  end
+  local cs = cairo_xlib_surface_create(conky_window.display, conky_window.drawable, conky_window.visual, conky_window.width, conky_window.height)
+  local display = cairo_create(cs)
+  local updates = conky_parse('${updates}')
+  update_num = tonumber(updates)
+  if update_num > 5 then
+    cairo_set_antialias (display, CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_SUBPIXEL)
+    display_coffee_table(display)
+    cairo_set_antialias (display, CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT)
+  end
+  cairo_surface_destroy(cs)
+  cairo_destroy(display)
Index: radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/hd/start
--- radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/hd/start	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/hd/start	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+conky -c $HOME/.conky/clocks/hd/conkyrc &

Property changes on: radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/hd/start
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/hd
--- radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/hd	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/hd	(revision 5)

Property changes on: radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/hd
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/midi/conkyrc
--- radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/midi/conkyrc	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/midi/conkyrc	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# -— Conky settings -- #
+conky.config = {
+  background = true,
+  update_interval = 1,
+  total_run_times = 0,
+  net_avg_samples = 2,
+  override_utf8_locale = true,
+  double_buffer = true,
+  no_buffers = true,
+  text_buffer_size = 2048,
+  imlib_cache_size = 0,
+-- Window specifications —-
+  own_window_class = 'Conky',
+  own_window = true,
+  own_window_type = 'desktop',
+  own_window_transparent = true,
+  own_window_hints = 'undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager',
+  border_inner_margin = 0,
+  border_outer_margin = 0,
+  minimum_width = 280,
+  minimum_height = 280,
+  maximum_width = 280,
+  alignment = 'top_left',
+  gap_x = 10,
+  gap_y = 10,
+-- Graphics settings —-
+  draw_shades = false,
+  draw_outline = false,
+  draw_borders = false,
+  draw_graph_borders = false,
+-- Text settings —-
+  use_xft = true,
+  font = 'LCDMono2:size=7',
+  xftalpha = 1.0,
+  default_color = 'FFFDB8',
+  uppercase = false,
+  use_spacer = right,
+-- Lua Load —-
+  lua_load = '~/.conky/clocks/midi/cups_n_saucers.lua',
+  lua_draw_hook_post = 'main',
+conky.text = [[
+  ${voffset 115}${goto 150}${font LCDMono2:size=18.1}${time %H:%M}${font}
+  ${voffset 2}${goto 156}${time %a %d %b}

Property changes on: radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/midi/conkyrc
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/midi/cups_n_saucers.lua
--- radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/midi/cups_n_saucers.lua	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/midi/cups_n_saucers.lua	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
+--  				Cups and Saucers
+--                               Lua conky script
+--  author  : Abu Yahya
+--  license : Distributed under the terms of GNU GPL v3
+--  05.06.2012
+-- v.2.0.1
+require 'cairo'
+----Adjustable Settings 
+coffee_table= {
+    {
+    name='time2',                  arg='%I.%M',                    max_value=12,
+    x=130,                         y=130,
+    cup_radius=25,
+    cup_wall_thickness=90,
+    total_angle=360,
+    cup_bg_clr=0xffffff,           cup_bg_alpha=0.0,
+    cup_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           cup_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    handle_length=50,              handle_circ=5,
+    handle_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        handle_fg_alpha=1.0,
+    graduation_radius=-35+124,
+    graduation_thickness=5,        graduation_mark_circ=1.5,
+    graduation_mark_angle=30,
+    graduation_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,    graduation_fg_alpha=0.5,
+    saucer_thickness=6,            thick_saucer_circ=11/12,
+    saucer_radius=-35+135,         thin_saucer_circ=11/12,
+    saucer_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        saucer_fg_alpha=0.3, 
+    saucer_mark_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,   saucer_mark_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    inner_saucer=true,
+    txt_weight=0,                  txt_size=7.0,
+    txt_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           txt_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    caption='',                    caption2='',
+    },
+   {
+    name='time',                   arg='%H',                    max_value=12,
+    x=130,                         y=130,
+    cup_radius=1,
+    cup_wall_thickness=3,
+    total_angle=360,
+    cup_bg_clr=0xffffff,           cup_bg_alpha=1.0,
+    cup_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           cup_fg_alpha=1.0,
+    handle_length=-35+40,          handle_circ=4,
+    handle_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        handle_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    graduation_radius=-35+127,
+    graduation_thickness=1,        graduation_mark_circ=0.5,
+    graduation_mark_angle=3,
+    graduation_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,    graduation_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    saucer_thickness=6,            thick_saucer_circ=11/12,
+    saucer_radius=-35+135,         thin_saucer_circ=11/12,
+    saucer_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        saucer_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    saucer_mark_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,   saucer_mark_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    inner_saucer=true,
+    txt_weight=0,                  txt_size=7.0,
+    txt_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           txt_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    caption='',                    caption2='',
+    },
+    {
+    name='time',                   arg='%M',                    max_value=60,
+    x=130,                         y=130,
+    cup_radius=40,                 cup_wall_thickness=120,
+                                   total_angle=360,
+    cup_bg_clr=0xffffff,           cup_bg_alpha=0.0,
+    cup_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           cup_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    graduation_radius=-35+123,
+    graduation_thickness=7,        graduation_mark_circ=2,
+    graduation_mark_angle=90,
+    graduation_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,    graduation_fg_alpha=0.5,
+    handle_length=80,              handle_circ=2,
+    handle_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        handle_fg_alpha=1.0,
+    saucer_thickness=6,            thick_saucer_circ=11/12,
+    saucer_radius=-35+155,         thin_saucer_circ=11/12,
+    saucer_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        saucer_fg_alpha=0.3,
+    saucer_mark_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,   saucer_mark_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    txt_weight=0,                  txt_size=7.0,
+    txt_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           txt_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    caption='',                    caption2='',
+    },
+    {
+    name='time',                   arg='%S',                    max_value=60,
+    x=130,                         y=130,
+    cup_radius=-17+59,             cup_wall_thickness=120,
+                                   total_angle=360,
+    cup_bg_clr=0xffffff,           cup_bg_alpha=0.0,
+    cup_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,      	   cup_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    handle_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        handle_fg_alpha=1.0,
+    handle_length=-35+118,         handle_circ=1,
+    graduation_radius=-35+125,
+    graduation_thickness=3,        graduation_mark_circ=0.5,
+    graduation_mark_angle=6,
+    graduation_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,    graduation_fg_alpha=0.5,
+    saucer_thickness=5,            thick_saucer_circ=1,
+    saucer_radius=-35+145,         thin_saucer_circ=11/12,
+    saucer_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        saucer_fg_alpha=0.4,
+    saucer_mark_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,   saucer_mark_fg_alpha=0.4,
+    txt_weight=0,                  txt_size=7.0,
+    txt_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           txt_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    caption='',                    caption2='',
+ {
+    name='cpu',                    arg='cpu0',                  max_value=100,
+    x=130,                         y=80,
+    cup_radius=20,
+    cup_wall_thickness=40,
+    cup_start_angle=0,             total_angle=360, 
+    cup_bg_clr=0xFFFFFF,           cup_bg_alpha=0.0,
+    cup_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           cup_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    handle_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        handle_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    handle_length=40,              handle_circ=4,
+    xtxt=-15,                      ytxt= -5,
+    txt_weight=0,                  txt_size=7.0,
+    txt_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           txt_fg_alpha=0.8,
+    caption='CPU ',                caption2=' %',
+    graduation_radius=20,
+    graduation_thickness=3,        graduation_mark_circ=2,
+    graduation_mark_angle=36,
+    graduation_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,    graduation_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    saucer_thickness=3,            thick_saucer_circ=0.85,
+    saucer_radius=25,              thin_saucer_circ=0.85,
+    saucer_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        saucer_fg_alpha= 0.3,
+    saucer_mark_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,   saucer_mark_fg_alpha=0.5,
+    inner_saucer=true,
+    },
+    {
+    name='freq_g',                 arg='/',                  max_value=5,
+    x=130,                         y=80,
+    cup_radius=12,
+    cup_wall_thickness=23,
+    cup_start_angle=0,             total_angle=360,
+    cup_bg_clr=0xFFFFFF,           cup_bg_alpha=0.0,
+    cup_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           cup_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    handle_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        handle_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    handle_length=40,              handle_circ=4,
+    xtxt=-15,                      ytxt= 7,
+    txt_weight=0,                  txt_size=7.0,
+    txt_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           txt_fg_alpha=0.8,
+    caption='',                    caption2=' GHz',
+    graduation_radius=20,
+    graduation_thickness=4,        graduation_mark_circ=4,
+    graduation_mark_angle=30,
+    graduation_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,    graduation_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    saucer_thickness=3,            thick_saucer_circ=0.75,
+    saucer_radius=30,              thin_saucer_circ=0.75,
+    saucer_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,	   saucer_fg_alpha= 0.3,
+    saucer_mark_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,   saucer_mark_fg_alpha=0.5,
+    name='memperc',                arg='/',                      max_value=100,
+    x=80,                         y=130,
+    cup_radius=12,
+    cup_wall_thickness=23,
+    cup_start_angle=0,
+    cup_bg_clr=0xFFFFFF,           cup_bg_alpha=0.0,
+    cup_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           cup_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    handle_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        handle_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    handle_length=40,              handle_circ=4,
+    xtxt=-15,                      ytxt=-5,
+    txt_weight=0,                  txt_size=7.0,
+    txt_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           txt_fg_alpha=0.8,
+    caption='RAM ',                caption2=' %',
+    graduation_radius=20,
+    graduation_thickness=3,        graduation_mark_circ=2,
+    graduation_mark_angle=36,
+    graduation_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,    graduation_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    saucer_thickness=3,            thick_saucer_circ=0.85,
+    saucer_radius=25,              thin_saucer_circ=0.85,
+    saucer_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        saucer_fg_alpha= 0.3,
+    saucer_mark_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,   saucer_mark_fg_alpha=0.5,
+    inner_saucer=true,
+    name='swapperc',               arg='/',                      max_value=100,
+    x=80,                         y=130,
+    cup_radius=12,
+    cup_wall_thickness=27,
+    cup_start_angle=0,
+    cup_bg_clr=0xFFFFFF,           cup_bg_alpha=0.0,
+    cup_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           cup_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    handle_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        handle_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    handle_length=40,              handle_circ=4,
+    xtxt=-15,                      ytxt= 7,
+    txt_weight=0,                  txt_size=7.0,
+    txt_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           txt_fg_alpha=0.8,
+    caption='Swp ',                caption2=' %',
+    graduation_radius=20,
+    graduation_thickness=4,        graduation_mark_circ=4,
+    graduation_mark_angle=30,
+    graduation_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,    graduation_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    saucer_thickness=3,            thick_saucer_circ=0.85,
+    saucer_radius=30,              thin_saucer_circ=0.85,
+    saucer_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        saucer_fg_alpha=0.3,
+    saucer_mark_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,   saucer_mark_fg_alpha=0.5,
+    name='fs_used_perc',           arg='/home',                      max_value=100,
+    x=130,                         y=180,
+    cup_radius=12,                 cup_wall_thickness=27,
+    cup_start_angle=0,             total_angle=360, 
+    cup_bg_clr=0xFFFFFF,           cup_bg_alpha=0.0,
+    cup_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           cup_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    handle_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        handle_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    handle_length=40,              handle_circ=4,
+    xtxt=-15,                      ytxt= -5,
+    txt_weight=0,                  txt_size=7.0,
+    txt_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           txt_fg_alpha=0.8,
+    caption='FS /: ',              caption2=' %',
+    graduation_radius=20,
+    graduation_thickness=3,        graduation_mark_circ=2,
+    graduation_mark_angle=36,
+    graduation_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,    graduation_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    saucer_thickness=3,            thick_saucer_circ=0.85,
+    saucer_radius=25,              thin_saucer_circ=0.85,
+    saucer_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        saucer_fg_alpha=0.3,
+    saucer_mark_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,   saucer_mark_fg_alpha=0.5,
+    inner_saucer=true,
+    name='fs_used_perc',           arg='/',                      max_value=100,
+    x=130,                         y=180,
+    cup_radius=12,                 cup_wall_thickness=27,
+    cup_start_angle=0,             total_angle=360,
+    cup_bg_clr=0xFFFFFF,           cup_bg_alpha=0.0,
+    cup_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           cup_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    handle_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        handle_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    handle_length=40,              handle_circ=4,
+    xtxt=-15,                      ytxt= 7,
+    txt_weight=0,                  txt_size=7.0,
+    txt_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           txt_fg_alpha=0.8,
+    caption='/Hm: ',               caption2=' %',
+    graduation_radius=20,
+    graduation_thickness=4,        graduation_mark_circ=4,
+    graduation_mark_angle=36,
+    graduation_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,    graduation_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    saucer_thickness=3,            thick_saucer_circ=0.85,
+    saucer_radius=30,              thin_saucer_circ=0.85,
+    saucer_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        saucer_fg_alpha=0.3,
+    saucer_mark_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,   saucer_mark_fg_alpha=0.5,
+--Fixed code -do not edit unless you know what you are doing------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- converts color in hexa to decimal
+function rgb_to_r_g_b(clr, alpha)
+    return ((clr / 0x10000) % 0x100) / 255., ((clr / 0x100) % 0x100) / 255., (clr % 0x100) / 255., alpha
+-- displays cups and saucers
+local function draw_coffee_table(display, data, value) 
+     max_value = data['max_value']
+     x, y = data['x'], data['y']
+     if x==nil then x=conky_window.width/2 end
+     if y==nil then y=conky_window.height/2 end	
+     cup_radius = data['cup_radius']    
+     if cup_radius==nil then cup_radius=conky_window.width/4 end
+     cup_wall_thickness = data['cup_wall_thickness']
+     if cup_wall_thickness==nil then cup_wall_thickness=20 end
+     handle_length, handle_circ = data['handle_length'], data['handle_circ']
+     if handle_length==nil then handle_length=20 end
+     if handle_circ==nil then handle_circ=1 end
+     cup_start_angle = data['cup_start_angle']
+     if cup_start_angle == nil then cup_start_angle =0 end
+     total_angle = data['total_angle']
+     if total_angle == nil then total_angle=360 end
+     cup_sector_angle = (math.abs(total_angle))/max_value
+     cup_end_angle = total_angle + cup_start_angle
+     cup_bg_clr, cup_bg_alpha = data['cup_bg_clr'], data['cup_bg_alpha']
+     if cup_bg_clr==nil then cup_bg_clr =0xffffff end
+     cup_fg_clr, cup_fg_alpha = data['cup_fg_clr'], data['cup_fg_alpha']
+     if cup_fg_clr==nil then cup_fg_clr =0xfffbd8 end
+     if cup_fg_alpha==nil then cup_fg_alpha=0 end
+     handle_fg_clr, handle_fg_alpha = data['handle_fg_clr'], data['handle_fg_alpha']
+     if handle_fg_clr==nil then handle_fg_clr = 0xfffbd8 end
+     if handle_fg_alpha==nil then handle_fg_alpha=0 end
+     saucer_radius = data['saucer_radius']
+     if saucer_radius==nil then saucer_radius=conky_window.width/2 end
+     total_saucer_angle=data['total_saucer_angle']
+     if total_saucer_angle==nil then total_saucer_angle=360 end
+     saucer_sector_angle=(math.abs(total_saucer_angle))/max_value
+     saucer_thickness = data['saucer_thickness']
+     if saucer_thickness==nil then saucer_thickness=6 end
+     saucer_fg_clr = data['saucer_fg_clr']
+     if saucer_fg_clr ==nil then saucer_fg_clr=0 end
+     saucer_fg_alpha = data['saucer_fg_alpha']
+     if saucer_fg_alpha ==nil then saucer_fg_alpha=0 end
+     saucer_mark_fg_alpha = data['saucer_mark_fg_alpha']
+     if saucer_mark_fg_alpha ==nil then saucer_mark_fg_alpha=0 end
+     saucer_mark_fg_clr = data['saucer_mark_fg_clr']
+     if saucer_mark_fg_clr ==nil then saucer_mark_fg_clr=0xfffbd8 end
+     thick_saucer_circ = data['thick_saucer_circ']
+     if thick_saucer_circ==nil then thick_saucer_circ =0.9 end
+     thin_saucer_circ = data['thin_saucer_circ']
+     if thin_saucer_circ==nil then thin_saucer_circ =0.9 end
+     inner_saucer = data['inner_saucer']
+     graduation_radius = data['graduation_radius']
+     if graduation_radius ==nil then graduation_radius = conky_window.width/3 end
+     graduation_thickness, graduation_mark_circ = data['graduation_thickness'], data['graduation_mark_circ']
+     if graduation_thickness ==nil then graduation_thickness = 2 end
+     if graduation_mark_circ ==nil then graduation_mark_circ = 1 end
+     graduation_mark_angle = data['graduation_mark_angle']
+     if graduation_mark_angle == nil then graduation_mark_angle = total_angle/10 end
+     graduation_fg_clr, graduation_fg_alpha = data['graduation_fg_clr'], data['graduation_fg_alpha']
+     if graduation_fg_clr ==nil then graduation_fg_clr= 0xfffbd8 end
+     if graduation_fg_alpha==nil then graduation_fg_alpha =0 end
+     txt_weight, txt_size = data['txt_weight'], data['txt_size']
+     if txt_weight == nil then txt_weight=1 end
+     if txt_size == nil then txt_size=8 end
+     txt_fg_clr, txt_fg_alpha = data['txt_fg_clr'], data['txt_fg_alpha']
+     if txt_fg_clr ==nil then txt_fg_clr= 0xfffbd8 end
+     if txt_fg_alpha==nil then txt_fg_alpha =0 end
+     caption = data['caption']
+     if caption==nil then caption='' end
+     caption2 = data['caption2']
+     if caption2==nil then caption2='' end
+     xtxt, ytxt= data ['xtxt'], data['ytxt']
+     if xtxt ==nil then xtxt=0 end
+     if ytxt ==nil then ytxt=0 end
+--convert degree to rad and rotate (0 degree is top/north)
+    function angle_to_position(start_angle, current_angle)
+      if total_angle < 0 then 
+        local pos = start_angle - current_angle
+        return ( ( pos * (math.pi / 180) ) - (math.pi / 2) )
+      else 
+        local pos = current_angle + start_angle 
+        return ( ( pos * (math.pi / 180) ) - (math.pi / 2) )
+      end
+    end
+--cup centre background
+  if cup_bg_alpha >0   then
+    if total_angle < 0 then
+      cairo_arc_negative(display, x, y, cup_radius, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, 0), angle_to_position(cup_end_angle, 0))
+    else
+      cairo_arc(display, x, y, cup_radius, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, 0), angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, cup_end_angle))
+    end
+    cairo_set_source_rgba(display, rgb_to_r_g_b(cup_bg_clr, cup_bg_alpha))
+    cairo_set_line_width(display, cup_wall_thickness)
+    cairo_stroke(display)
+  end 
+--cup wall fg    
+  if cup_fg_alpha > 0 then 
+   local fg_stop_arc = (cup_sector_angle * value)
+    if total_angle < 0 then
+      cairo_arc_negative(display, x, y, cup_radius, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, 0), angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, fg_stop_arc))
+    else
+      cairo_arc(display, x, y, cup_radius, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, 0), angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, fg_stop_arc))
+    end
+    cairo_set_source_rgba(display, rgb_to_r_g_b(cup_fg_clr, cup_fg_alpha))
+    cairo_set_line_width(display, cup_wall_thickness)
+    cairo_stroke(display)
+  end
+-- cup handle
+  if handle_fg_alpha>0 then 
+    local start_handle = (cup_sector_angle * value) - (handle_circ*0.5)
+    local stop_handle = (cup_sector_angle * value) +  (handle_circ*0.5)
+    if total_angle < 0 then
+      cairo_arc_negative(display, x, y, cup_radius, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, start_handle), angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, stop_handle))
+    else
+      cairo_arc(display, x, y, cup_radius, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, start_handle), angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, stop_handle))
+    end
+    cairo_set_line_width(display, handle_length)
+    cairo_set_source_rgba(display, rgb_to_r_g_b(handle_fg_clr, handle_fg_alpha))
+    cairo_stroke(display)
+  end
+---thick saucer
+    if saucer_fg_alpha > 0 and (thin_saucer_circ >0 or thick_saucer_circ > 0)
+      then 
+        if value < (max_value/2)
+          then j = value + ((max_value*total_saucer_angle)/720)
+        else j = value - ((max_value*total_saucer_angle)/720)
+        end
+    local start_saucer = (saucer_sector_angle * j) - (value*saucer_sector_angle*0.5*thick_saucer_circ)
+    local stop_saucer = (saucer_sector_angle * j) + (value*saucer_sector_angle*0.5*thick_saucer_circ)
+    if total_angle < 0 then
+      cairo_arc_negative(display, x, y, saucer_radius, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, start_saucer), angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, stop_saucer))
+    else
+      cairo_arc(display, x, y, saucer_radius, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, start_saucer), angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, stop_saucer))
+    end
+    cairo_set_source_rgba(display, rgb_to_r_g_b(saucer_fg_clr, saucer_fg_alpha))
+    cairo_set_line_width(display, saucer_thickness)
+    cairo_stroke(display)
+    --thin saucer
+      if inner_saucer == true 
+        then rt = (saucer_radius - 0.5) + (0.5 * saucer_thickness)
+      else rt = (saucer_radius + 0.5) - (0.5 * saucer_thickness)  
+      end
+    local start_thin_saucer = (saucer_sector_angle * j) - (max_value *0.5*saucer_sector_angle*thin_saucer_circ)
+    local stop_thin_saucer = (saucer_sector_angle * j) + (max_value *0.5*saucer_sector_angle*thin_saucer_circ)
+    if total_angle < 0 then
+      cairo_arc_negative(display, x, y, rt, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, start_thin_saucer), angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, stop_thin_saucer))
+    else
+      cairo_arc(display, x, y, rt, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, start_thin_saucer), angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, stop_thin_saucer))
+    end
+    cairo_set_source_rgba(display, rgb_to_r_g_b(saucer_fg_clr, saucer_fg_alpha))
+    cairo_set_line_width(display, 1)
+    cairo_stroke(display)
+   end
+--saucer mark
+    if saucer_mark_fg_alpha > 0 then 
+      local start_cm = (saucer_sector_angle * value) - (handle_circ *0.5 )
+      local stop_cm = (saucer_sector_angle * value) + (handle_circ *0.5 )
+      if total_angle < 0 then
+        cairo_arc_negative(display, x, y, saucer_radius, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, start_cm), angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, stop_cm))
+      else
+        cairo_arc(display, x, y, saucer_radius, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, start_cm), angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, stop_cm))
+      end
+      cairo_set_source_rgba(display, rgb_to_r_g_b(saucer_mark_fg_clr, saucer_mark_fg_alpha))
+      cairo_set_line_width(display, saucer_thickness)
+      cairo_stroke(display)
+    end
+--graduation mark 
+     if graduation_radius > 0 and graduation_thickness > 0 and graduation_mark_angle > 0 then
+        number_graduation = (math.abs(total_angle) +1)/ graduation_mark_angle
+        local start_arc_grad = 0
+        local stop_arc_grad = 0
+        local i = 0
+        while i < number_graduation do            
+            local start_arc_grad = (graduation_mark_angle * (i)) - (graduation_mark_circ *0.5)
+            local stop_arc_grad = (graduation_mark_angle * (i)) + (graduation_mark_circ *0.5)
+            if total_angle < 0 then
+            cairo_arc_negative(display, x, y, graduation_radius, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, start_arc_grad), angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, stop_arc_grad))
+          else
+            cairo_arc(display, x, y, graduation_radius, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, start_arc_grad), angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, stop_arc_grad))
+          end
+          cairo_set_source_rgba(display,rgb_to_r_g_b(graduation_fg_clr,graduation_fg_alpha))
+            cairo_set_line_width(display, graduation_thickness)
+          cairo_stroke(display)
+            i = i + 1
+        end
+    end
+-- text
+  if txt_fg_alpha>0 then 
+    cairo_select_font_face (display, "hooge 05_53", CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, txt_weight);
+    cairo_set_font_size (display,txt_size)
+    cairo_set_source_rgba (display, rgb_to_r_g_b(txt_fg_clr, txt_fg_alpha))
+    cairo_move_to (display,x+xtxt,y+ytxt)
+    cairo_show_text (display, caption ) cairo_show_text (display,value)cairo_show_text (display, caption2 )
+    cairo_stroke (display)
+  end
+-- loads data and displays table_settings
+function display_coffee_table(display)
+    local function load_coffee_table(display, data)
+      local str, value = '', 0
+      if data['name'] == 'time2' then
+        local max_value = data['max_value']
+            str = string.format('${time %s}', data['arg'])
+            str = conky_parse(str)
+            local value2 = tonumber(str:sub(0,2))
+        if value2 == max_value then value2 = 0 end
+          value = value2 + (tonumber(str:sub(4,5))/60)
+        else
+            str = string.format('${%s %s}',data['name'], data['arg'])
+            str = conky_parse(str)
+            value = tonumber(str)
+        end
+        if value == nil then value = 0 end
+        draw_coffee_table(display, data, value)
+    end
+    for i in pairs(coffee_table) do
+        load_coffee_table(display, coffee_table[i])
+    end
+runscheck = 0 -- fix for draw shades running script twice on every update
+function conky_main()
+    if conky_window == nil then 
+        return
+    end
+    local cs = cairo_xlib_surface_create(conky_window.display, conky_window.drawable, conky_window.visual, conky_window.width, conky_window.height)
+    local display = cairo_create(cs)
+    local updates = conky_parse('${updates}')
+    update_num = tonumber(updates)
+    if update_num > 5 then
+      cairo_set_antialias (display, CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_SUBPIXEL)
+      display_coffee_table(display)
+      cairo_set_antialias (display, CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT)
+    end
+    cairo_surface_destroy(cs)
+    cairo_destroy(display)
Index: radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/midi/start
--- radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/midi/start	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/midi/start	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+conky -c $HOME/.conky/clocks/midi/conkyrc &

Property changes on: radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/midi/start
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/midi
--- radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/midi	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/midi	(revision 5)

Property changes on: radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/midi
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/mini/conkyrc
--- radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/mini/conkyrc	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/mini/conkyrc	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# —- Conky settings —- #
+conky.config = {
+  background = true,
+  update_interval = 1,
+  total_run_times = 0,
+  net_avg_samples = 2,
+  override_utf8_locale = true,
+  double_buffer = true,
+  no_buffers = true,
+  text_buffer_size = 2048,
+  imlib_cache_size = 0,
+-- Window specifications —-
+  own_window_class = 'Conky',
+  own_window = true,
+  own_window_type = 'desktop',
+  own_window_transparent = true,
+  own_window_hints = 'undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager',
+  border_inner_margin = 0,
+  border_outer_margin = 0,
+  minimum_width = 220,
+  minimum_height = 220,
+  maximum_width = 300,
+  alignment = 'bottom_left',
+  gap_x = 10,
+  gap_y = 40,
+-- Graphics settings —-
+  draw_shades = false,
+  draw_outline = false,
+  draw_borders = false,
+  draw_graph_borders = false,
+-- Text settings —-
+  use_xft = true,
+  font = 'LCDMono2:size=14',
+  xftalpha = 1.0,
+  default_color = 'FFFBD8',
+  uppercase = false,
+  use_spacer = right,
+-- Lua Load —-
+  lua_load = '~/.conky/clocks/mini/cups_n_saucers2.lua',
+  lua_draw_hook_post = 'main',
+conky.text = [[
+  ${voffset 78}${goto 58}${font LCDMono2:size=32}${time %H:%M}${font}
+  ${voffset 2}${goto 64}${time %a %d %b}
+#  ${voffset 600}

Property changes on: radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/mini/conkyrc
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/mini/cups_n_saucers2.lua
--- radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/mini/cups_n_saucers2.lua	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/mini/cups_n_saucers2.lua	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+--  				Cups and Saucers
+--                               Lua conky script
+--  author  : Abu Yahya
+--  license : Distributed under the terms of GNU GPL v3
+--  30.05.2012
+-- v.1.0.1
+require 'cairo'
+----Adjustable Settings 
+coffee_table = {
+    {
+    name='time',                   arg='%I.%M',                    max_value=12,
+    x=110,                         y=110,
+    cup_radius=35,
+    cup_wall_thickness=90,
+    cup_bg_clr=0xffffff,           cup_bg_alpha=0.0,
+    cup_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           cup_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    handle_length=70,              handle_circ=1,
+    handle_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        handle_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    graduation_radius=-60+124,
+    graduation_thickness=8,        graduation_mark_circ=1.5,
+    graduation_mark_angle=30,
+    graduation_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,    graduation_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    saucer_thickness=5,            thick_saucer_circ=11/12,
+    saucer_radius=77,         thin_saucer_circ=11/12,
+    saucer_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        saucer_fg_alpha=0.3,
+    saucer_mark_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,   saucer_mark_fg_alpha=1.0,
+    inner_saucer=true, 
+    txt_weight=0,                  txt_size=0,
+    txt_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           txt_fg_alpha=1.0,
+    caption='',                    caption2='',
+    },
+    {
+    name='time',                   arg='%M',                    max_value=60,
+    x=110,                         y=110,
+    cup_radius=55,
+    cup_wall_thickness=120,
+    cup_bg_clr=0xffffff,           cup_bg_alpha=0.0,
+    cup_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           cup_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    graduation_radius=-60+123,
+    graduation_thickness=10,       graduation_mark_circ=2.5,
+    graduation_mark_angle=90,
+    graduation_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,    graduation_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    handle_length=110,             handle_circ=1,
+    handle_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        handle_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    saucer_thickness=5,            thick_saucer_circ=11/12,
+    saucer_radius=93,         thin_saucer_circ=11/12,
+    saucer_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        saucer_fg_alpha=0.3,
+    saucer_mark_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,   saucer_mark_fg_alpha=1.0,
+    txt_weight=0,                  txt_size=8.0,
+    txt_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           txt_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    caption='',                    caption2='',
+    },
+    {
+    name='time',                   arg='%S',                    max_value=60,
+    x=110,                         y=110,
+    cup_radius=59,
+    cup_wall_thickness=120,
+    cup_bg_clr=0xffffff,           cup_bg_alpha=0.0,
+    cup_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,      	   cup_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    handle_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        handle_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    handle_length=118,             handle_circ=1,
+    graduation_radius=-60+125,
+    graduation_thickness=6,        graduation_mark_circ=0.5,
+    graduation_mark_angle=6,
+    graduation_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,    graduation_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    saucer_thickness=5,            thick_saucer_circ=1,
+    saucer_radius=85,              thin_saucer_circ=11/12,
+    saucer_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,        saucer_fg_alpha=0.4,
+    saucer_mark_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,   saucer_mark_fg_alpha=1.0,
+    txt_weight=0,                  txt_size=8.0,
+    txt_fg_clr=0xfffbd8,           txt_fg_alpha=0.0,
+    caption='',                    caption2='',
+--Fixed code -do not edit unless you know what you are doing------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- converts color in hexa to decimal
+function rgb_to_r_g_b(clr, alpha)
+    return ((clr / 0x10000) % 0x100) / 255., ((clr / 0x100) % 0x100) / 255., (clr % 0x100) / 255., alpha
+-- displays cups and saucers
+local function draw_coffee_table(display, data, value) 
+     max_value = data['max_value']
+     x, y = data['x'], data['y']
+     if x==nil then x=conky_window.width/2 end
+     if y==nil then y=conky_window.height/2 end	
+     cup_radius = data['cup_radius']
+     if cup_radius==nil then cup_radius=conky_window.width/4 end
+     cup_wall_thickness = data['cup_wall_thickness']
+     if cup_wall_thickness==nil then cup_wall_thickness=20 end
+     handle_length, handle_circ = data['handle_length'], data['handle_circ']
+     if handle_length==nil then handle_length=20 end
+     if handle_circ==nil then handle_circ=1 end
+     cup_start_angle = data['cup_start_angle']
+     if cup_start_angle == nil then cup_start_angle =0 end
+     total_angle = data['total_angle']
+     if total_angle == nil then total_angle=360 end
+     cup_sector_angle = (math.abs(total_angle))/max_value  
+     cup_end_angle = total_angle + cup_start_angle
+     cup_bg_clr, cup_bg_alpha = data['cup_bg_clr'], data['cup_bg_alpha']
+     if cup_bg_clr==nil then cup_bg_clr =0xffffff end
+     cup_fg_clr, cup_fg_alpha = data['cup_fg_clr'], data['cup_fg_alpha']
+     if cup_fg_clr==nil then cup_fg_clr =0xfffbd8 end
+     if cup_fg_alpha==nil then cup_fg_alpha=0 end
+     handle_fg_clr, handle_fg_alpha = data['handle_fg_clr'], data['handle_fg_alpha']
+     if handle_fg_clr==nil then handle_fg_clr = 0xfffbd8 end
+     if handle_fg_alpha==nil then handle_fg_alpha=0 end
+     saucer_radius = data['saucer_radius']
+     if saucer_radius==nil then saucer_radius=conky_window.width/2 end
+     total_saucer_angle=data['total_saucer_angle']
+     if total_saucer_angle==nil then total_saucer_angle=360 end 
+     saucer_sector_angle=(math.abs(total_saucer_angle))/max_value
+     saucer_thickness = data['saucer_thickness']
+     if saucer_thickness==nil then saucer_thickness=6 end
+     saucer_fg_clr = data['saucer_fg_clr']
+     if saucer_fg_clr ==nil then saucer_fg_clr=0 end
+     saucer_fg_alpha = data['saucer_fg_alpha']
+     if saucer_fg_alpha ==nil then saucer_fg_alpha=0 end
+     saucer_mark_fg_alpha = data['saucer_mark_fg_alpha']
+     if saucer_mark_fg_alpha ==nil then saucer_mark_fg_alpha=0 end
+     saucer_mark_fg_clr = data['saucer_mark_fg_clr']
+     if saucer_mark_fg_clr ==nil then saucer_mark_fg_clr=0xfffbd8 end
+     thick_saucer_circ = data['thick_saucer_circ']
+     if thick_saucer_circ==nil then thick_saucer_circ =0.9 end
+     thin_saucer_circ = data['thin_saucer_circ']
+     if thin_saucer_circ==nil then thin_saucer_circ =0.9 end
+     inner_saucer = data['inner_saucer']
+     graduation_radius = data['graduation_radius']
+     if graduation_radius ==nil then graduation_radius = conky_window.width/3 end
+     graduation_thickness, graduation_mark_circ = data['graduation_thickness'], data['graduation_mark_circ']
+     if graduation_thickness ==nil then graduation_thickness = 2 end
+     if graduation_mark_circ ==nil then graduation_mark_circ = 1 end
+     graduation_mark_angle = data['graduation_mark_angle']
+     if graduation_mark_angle == nil then graduation_mark_angle = total_angle/10 end
+     graduation_fg_clr, graduation_fg_alpha = data['graduation_fg_clr'], data['graduation_fg_alpha']
+     if graduation_fg_clr ==nil then graduation_fg_clr= 0xfffbd8 end
+     if graduation_fg_alpha==nil then graduation_fg_alpha =0 end
+     txt_weight, txt_size = data['txt_weight'], data['txt_size']
+     if txt_weight == nil then txt_weight=1 end
+     if txt_size == nil then txt_size=8 end
+     txt_fg_clr, txt_fg_alpha = data['txt_fg_clr'], data['txt_fg_alpha']
+     if txt_fg_clr ==nil then txt_fg_clr= 0xfffbd8 end
+     if txt_fg_alpha==nil then txt_fg_alpha =0 end
+     caption = data['caption']
+     if caption==nil then caption='' end
+     caption2 = data['caption2']
+     if caption2==nil then caption2='' end
+     xtxt, ytxt= data ['xtxt'], data['ytxt']
+     if xtxt ==nil then xtxt=0 end
+     if ytxt ==nil then ytxt=0 end
+--convert degree to rad and rotate (0 degree is top/north)
+    function angle_to_position(start_angle, current_angle)
+      if total_angle < 0 then 
+        local pos = start_angle - current_angle
+        return ( ( pos * (math.pi / 180) ) - (math.pi / 2) )
+      else 
+        local pos = current_angle + start_angle 
+        return ( ( pos * (math.pi / 180) ) - (math.pi / 2) ) 
+      end   
+    end
+--cup centre background    
+  if cup_bg_alpha >0   then
+    if total_angle < 0 then
+      cairo_arc_negative(display, x, y, cup_radius, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, 0), angle_to_position(cup_end_angle, 0))
+    else
+      cairo_arc(display, x, y, cup_radius, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, 0), angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, cup_end_angle))
+    end
+    cairo_set_source_rgba(display, rgb_to_r_g_b(cup_bg_clr, cup_bg_alpha))
+    cairo_set_line_width(display, cup_wall_thickness)
+    cairo_stroke(display)
+  end 
+--cup wall fg
+  if cup_fg_alpha > 0 then 
+   local fg_stop_arc = (cup_sector_angle * value)
+    if total_angle < 0 then
+      cairo_arc_negative(display, x, y, cup_radius, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, 0), angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, fg_stop_arc))
+    else
+      cairo_arc(display, x, y, cup_radius, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, 0), angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, fg_stop_arc))
+    end
+    cairo_set_source_rgba(display, rgb_to_r_g_b(cup_fg_clr, cup_fg_alpha))
+    cairo_set_line_width(display, cup_wall_thickness)
+    cairo_stroke(display)
+  end
+-- cup handle
+  if handle_fg_alpha>0 then 
+    local start_handle = (cup_sector_angle * value) - (handle_circ*0.5)
+    local stop_handle = (cup_sector_angle * value) +  (handle_circ*0.5)
+    if total_angle < 0 then
+      cairo_arc_negative(display, x, y, cup_radius, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, start_handle), angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, stop_handle))
+    else
+      cairo_arc(display, x, y, cup_radius, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, start_handle), angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, stop_handle))
+    end
+    cairo_set_line_width(display, handle_length)    
+    cairo_set_source_rgba(display, rgb_to_r_g_b(handle_fg_clr, handle_fg_alpha))
+    cairo_stroke(display)
+  end
+---thick saucer
+    if saucer_fg_alpha > 0 and (thin_saucer_circ >0 or thick_saucer_circ > 0)
+      then
+        if value < (max_value/2)
+          then j = value + ((max_value*total_saucer_angle)/720)
+        else j = value - ((max_value*total_saucer_angle)/720)
+        end
+    local start_saucer = (saucer_sector_angle * j) - (value*saucer_sector_angle*0.5*thick_saucer_circ)
+    local stop_saucer = (saucer_sector_angle * j) + (value*saucer_sector_angle*0.5*thick_saucer_circ)
+    if total_angle < 0 then
+      cairo_arc_negative(display, x, y, saucer_radius, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, start_saucer), angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, stop_saucer))
+    else
+      cairo_arc(display, x, y, saucer_radius, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, start_saucer), angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, stop_saucer))
+    end
+    cairo_set_source_rgba(display, rgb_to_r_g_b(saucer_fg_clr, saucer_fg_alpha))
+    cairo_set_line_width(display, saucer_thickness)
+    cairo_stroke(display)
+    --thin saucer
+      if inner_saucer == true 
+      then rt = (saucer_radius - 0.5) + (0.5 * saucer_thickness)
+      else rt = (saucer_radius + 0.5) - (0.5 * saucer_thickness)
+      end
+    local start_thin_saucer = (saucer_sector_angle * j) - (max_value *0.5*saucer_sector_angle*thin_saucer_circ)
+    local stop_thin_saucer = (saucer_sector_angle * j) + (max_value *0.5*saucer_sector_angle*thin_saucer_circ)
+    if total_angle < 0 then
+      cairo_arc_negative(display, x, y, rt, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, start_thin_saucer), angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, stop_thin_saucer))
+    else
+      cairo_arc(display, x, y, rt, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, start_thin_saucer), angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, stop_thin_saucer))
+    end
+    cairo_set_source_rgba(display, rgb_to_r_g_b(saucer_fg_clr, saucer_fg_alpha))
+    cairo_set_line_width(display, 1)
+    cairo_stroke(display)
+   end
+--saucer mark
+    if saucer_mark_fg_alpha > 0 then
+      local start_cm = (saucer_sector_angle * value) - (handle_circ *0.5 )
+      local stop_cm = (saucer_sector_angle * value) + (handle_circ *0.5 )
+      if total_angle < 0 then
+        cairo_arc_negative(display, x, y, saucer_radius, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, start_cm), angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, stop_cm))
+      else
+        cairo_arc(display, x, y, saucer_radius, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, start_cm), angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, stop_cm))
+      end
+      cairo_set_source_rgba(display, rgb_to_r_g_b(saucer_mark_fg_clr, saucer_mark_fg_alpha))
+        cairo_set_line_width(display, saucer_thickness)
+        cairo_stroke(display)
+    end
+--graduation mark
+     if graduation_radius > 0 and graduation_thickness > 0 and graduation_mark_angle > 0 then
+       number_graduation = (math.abs(total_angle) +1)/ graduation_mark_angle
+       local start_arc_grad = 0
+       local stop_arc_grad = 0
+       local i = 0
+       while i < number_graduation do
+         local start_arc_grad = (graduation_mark_angle * (i)) - (graduation_mark_circ *0.5)
+         local stop_arc_grad = (graduation_mark_angle * (i)) + (graduation_mark_circ *0.5)
+         if total_angle < 0 then
+           cairo_arc_negative(display, x, y, graduation_radius, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, start_arc_grad), angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, stop_arc_grad))
+         else
+           cairo_arc(display, x, y, graduation_radius, angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, start_arc_grad), angle_to_position(cup_start_angle, stop_arc_grad))
+         end
+         cairo_set_source_rgba(display,rgb_to_r_g_b(graduation_fg_clr,graduation_fg_alpha))
+         cairo_set_line_width(display, graduation_thickness)
+         cairo_stroke(display)
+         i = i + 1
+       end
+    end
+-- text
+  if txt_fg_alpha>0 then
+    cairo_select_font_face (display, "hooge 05_53", CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, txt_weight);
+    cairo_set_font_size (display,txt_size)
+    cairo_set_source_rgba (display, rgb_to_r_g_b(txt_fg_clr, txt_fg_alpha))
+    cairo_move_to (display,x+xtxt,y+ytxt)
+    cairo_show_text (display, caption ) cairo_show_text (display,value)cairo_show_text (display, caption2 )
+    cairo_stroke (display)
+  end
+-- loads data and displays table_settings
+function display_coffee_table(display)
+  local function load_coffee_table(display, data)
+    local str, value = '', 0
+    if data['name'] == 'time2' then
+      local max_value = data['max_value']
+      str = string.format('${time %s}', data['arg'])
+      str = conky_parse(str)
+      local value2 = tonumber(str:sub(0,2))
+      if value2 == max_value then value2 = 0 end
+        value = value2 + (tonumber(str:sub(4,5))/60)
+      else
+        str = string.format('${%s %s}',data['name'], data['arg'])
+        str = conky_parse(str)
+        value = tonumber(str)
+      end
+      if value == nil then value = 0 end
+      draw_coffee_table(display, data, value)
+    end
+    for i in pairs(coffee_table) do
+      load_coffee_table(display, coffee_table[i])
+  end
+runscheck = 0 -- fix for draw shades running script twice on every update
+function conky_main()
+  if conky_window == nil then 
+    return
+  end
+  local cs = cairo_xlib_surface_create(conky_window.display, conky_window.drawable, conky_window.visual, conky_window.width, conky_window.height)
+  local display = cairo_create(cs)
+  local updates = conky_parse('${updates}')
+  update_num = tonumber(updates)
+  if update_num > 5 then
+    cairo_set_antialias (display, CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_SUBPIXEL)
+    display_coffee_table(display)
+    cairo_set_antialias (display, CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT)
+  end
+  cairo_surface_destroy(cs)
+  cairo_destroy(display)
Index: radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/mini/start
--- radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/mini/start	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/mini/start	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+conky -c $HOME/.conky/clocks/mini/conkyrc &

Property changes on: radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/mini/start
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/mini
--- radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/mini	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/mini	(revision 5)

Property changes on: radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks/mini
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks
--- radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks	(revision 5)

Property changes on: radix-system/etc/skel/.conky/clocks
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: radix-system/etc/skel/.conky
--- radix-system/etc/skel/.conky	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/skel/.conky	(revision 5)

Property changes on: radix-system/etc/skel/.conky
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: radix-system/etc/skel/.local/share/applications/XTerm.desktop
--- radix-system/etc/skel/.local/share/applications/XTerm.desktop	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/skel/.local/share/applications/XTerm.desktop	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
Index: radix-system/etc/skel/.local/share/applications
--- radix-system/etc/skel/.local/share/applications	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/skel/.local/share/applications	(revision 5)

Property changes on: radix-system/etc/skel/.local/share/applications
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: radix-system/etc/skel/.local/share
--- radix-system/etc/skel/.local/share	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/skel/.local/share	(revision 5)

Property changes on: radix-system/etc/skel/.local/share
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: radix-system/etc/skel/.local
--- radix-system/etc/skel/.local	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/skel/.local	(revision 5)

Property changes on: radix-system/etc/skel/.local
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: radix-system/etc/skel/.screenrc
--- radix-system/etc/skel/.screenrc	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/skel/.screenrc	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+# Example of a user's .screenrc file
+# This is how one can set a reattach password:
+# password ODSJQf.4IJN7E    # "1234"
+# no annoying audible bell, please
+vbell on
+# detach on hangup
+autodetach on
+# don't display the copyright page
+startup_message off
+# emulate .logout message
+pow_detach_msg "Screen session of \$LOGNAME \$:cr:\$:nl:ended."
+# advertise hardstatus support to $TERMCAP
+# termcapinfo  * '' 'hs:ts=\E_:fs=\E\\:ds=\E_\E\\'
+# make the shell in every window a login shell
+#shell -$SHELL
+# autoaka testing
+# shellaka '> |tcsh'
+# shellaka '$ |sh'
+# set every new windows hardstatus line to somenthing descriptive
+# defhstatus "screen: ^En (^Et)"
+defscrollback 1000
+# don't kill window after the process died
+# zombie "^["
+# enable support for the "alternate screen" capability in all windows
+# altscreen on
+# xterm tweaks
+#xterm understands both im/ic and doesn't have a status line.
+#Note: Do not specify im and ic in the real termcap/info file as
+#some programs (e.g. vi) will not work anymore.
+termcap  xterm hs@:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:im=\E[4h:ei=\E[4l
+terminfo xterm hs@:cs=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dr:im=\E[4h:ei=\E[4l
+#80/132 column switching must be enabled for ^AW to work
+#change init sequence to not switch width
+termcapinfo  xterm Z0=\E[?3h:Z1=\E[?3l:is=\E[r\E[m\E[2J\E[H\E[?7h\E[?1;4;6l
+# Make the output buffer large for (fast) xterms.
+#termcapinfo xterm* OL=10000
+termcapinfo xterm* OL=100
+# tell screen that xterm can switch to dark background and has function
+# keys.
+termcapinfo xterm 'VR=\E[?5h:VN=\E[?5l'
+termcapinfo xterm 'k1=\E[11~:k2=\E[12~:k3=\E[13~:k4=\E[14~'
+termcapinfo xterm 'kh=\EOH:kI=\E[2~:kD=\E[3~:kH=\EOF:kP=\E[5~:kN=\E[6~'
+# special xterm hardstatus: use the window title.
+termcapinfo xterm 'hs:ts=\E]2;:fs=\007:ds=\E]2;screen\007'
+#terminfo xterm 'vb=\E[?5h$<200/>\E[?5l'
+termcapinfo xterm 'vi=\E[?25l:ve=\E[34h\E[?25h:vs=\E[34l'
+# emulate part of the 'K' charset
+termcapinfo   xterm 'XC=K%,%\E(B,[\304,\\\\\326,]\334,{\344,|\366,}\374,~\337'
+# xterm-52 tweaks:
+# - uses background color for delete operations
+termcapinfo xterm* be
+# wyse terminals
+#wyse-75-42 must have flow control (xo = "terminal uses xon/xoff")
+#essential to have it here, as this is a slow terminal.
+termcapinfo wy75-42 xo:hs@
+# New termcap sequences for cursor application mode.
+termcapinfo wy* CS=\E[?1h:CE=\E[?1l:vi=\E[?25l:ve=\E[?25h:VR=\E[?5h:VN=\E[?5l:cb=\E[1K:CD=\E[1J
+# other terminals
+# make hp700 termcap/info better
+termcapinfo  hp700 'Z0=\E[?3h:Z1=\E[?3l:hs:ts=\E[62"p\E[0$~\E[2$~\E[1$}:fs=\E[0}\E[61"p:ds=\E[62"p\E[1$~\E[61"p:ic@'
+# Extend the vt100 desciption by some sequences.
+termcap  vt100* ms:AL=\E[%dL:DL=\E[%dM:UP=\E[%dA:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC
+terminfo vt100* ms:AL=\E[%p1%dL:DL=\E[%p1%dM:UP=\E[%p1%dA:DO=\E[%p1%dB:LE=\E[%p1%dD:RI=\E[%p1%dC
+termcapinfo linux C8
+# old rxvt versions also need this
+# termcapinfo rxvt C8
+# keybindings
+#remove some stupid / dangerous key bindings
+bind k
+bind ^k
+bind .
+bind ^\
+bind \\
+bind ^h
+bind h
+#make them better
+bind 'K' kill
+bind 'I' login on
+bind 'O' login off
+bind '}' history
+# Yet another hack:
+# Prepend/append register [/] to the paste if ^a^] is pressed.
+# This lets me have autoindent mode in vi.
+register [ "\033:se noai\015a"
+register ] "\033:se ai\015a"
+bind ^] paste [.]
+# default windows
+# screen -t local 0
+# screen -t mail 1 mutt
+# screen -t 40 2 rlogin server
+# caption always "%3n %t%? @%u%?%? [%h]%?%=%c"
+# hardstatus alwaysignore
+# hardstatus alwayslastline "%Lw"
+# bind = resize =
+# bind + resize +1
+# bind - resize -1
+# bind _ resize max
+# defnonblock 1
+# blankerprg rain -d 100
+# idle 30 blanker
Index: radix-system/etc/skel/bin/conky-clock
--- radix-system/etc/skel/bin/conky-clock	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/skel/bin/conky-clock	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# NOTE:
+# ====
+#  To prevent KSMserver remember previous session with 'conky' we have open
+#  System Settings -> Startup And Shutdown -> Desktop Session -> When logging in ->
+#  and set Start with an empty session
+# conky -c ~/.conky/clocks/hd/conkyrc &
+# conky -c ~/.conky/clocks/midi/conkyrc &
+# conky -c ~/.conky/clocks/mini/conkyrc &
+conky -c ~/.conky/clocks/midi/conkyrc &

Property changes on: radix-system/etc/skel/bin/conky-clock
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: radix-system/etc/skel/bin/xterm-utf8.en-f14.sh
--- radix-system/etc/skel/bin/xterm-utf8.en-f14.sh	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/skel/bin/xterm-utf8.en-f14.sh	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+  xterm -u8 -bdc -fb "${USED_BFONT}" -fn "${USED_NFONT}" -fs ${FONT_SIZE} \
+  -fg "SeaGreen3" -bg "black" -cr "red" \
+  -sb -sl 640 -geometry ${GEOMETRY} "$@"
+# === =======
+#  ^     ^
+#  |     |
+#  |     --- scroll buffer in lines
+#  |
+#  --- show scroll bar

Property changes on: radix-system/etc/skel/bin/xterm-utf8.en-f14.sh
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: radix-system/etc/skel/bin/xterm-utf8.en.sh
--- radix-system/etc/skel/bin/xterm-utf8.en.sh	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/skel/bin/xterm-utf8.en.sh	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+link xterm-utf8.en-f14.sh
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: radix-system/etc/skel/bin/xterm-utf8.en.sh
Added: svn:special
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: radix-system/etc/skel/bin
--- radix-system/etc/skel/bin	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/skel/bin	(revision 5)

Property changes on: radix-system/etc/skel/bin
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: radix-system/etc/skel/pixmaps/desktop/background-2560x1600.jpeg
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/jpeg

Property changes on: radix-system/etc/skel/pixmaps/desktop/background-2560x1600.jpeg
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: radix-system/etc/skel/pixmaps/desktop
--- radix-system/etc/skel/pixmaps/desktop	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/skel/pixmaps/desktop	(revision 5)

Property changes on: radix-system/etc/skel/pixmaps/desktop
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: radix-system/etc/skel/pixmaps/xterm-linux.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png

Property changes on: radix-system/etc/skel/pixmaps/xterm-linux.png
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: radix-system/etc/skel/pixmaps/xterm-linux2.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png

Property changes on: radix-system/etc/skel/pixmaps/xterm-linux2.png
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: radix-system/etc/skel/pixmaps/xterm.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png

Property changes on: radix-system/etc/skel/pixmaps/xterm.png
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: radix-system/etc/skel/pixmaps
--- radix-system/etc/skel/pixmaps	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/skel/pixmaps	(revision 5)

Property changes on: radix-system/etc/skel/pixmaps
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: radix-system/etc/skel
--- radix-system/etc/skel	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/skel	(revision 5)

Property changes on: radix-system/etc/skel
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: radix-system/etc/termcap
--- radix-system/etc/termcap	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/termcap	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,23490 @@
+#       /etc/termcap
+#	$Revision: 1.835 $
+#	$Date: 2020/12/05 16:54:21 $
+#       Converted from terminfo.src for Slackware:
+#       tic -C -t terminfo.src > termcap
+#       This file is included to support legacy applications using libtermcap.
+#       Modern applications will use ncurses/terminfo instead.
+# This version of terminfo.src is distributed with ncurses and is maintained
+# by Thomas E. Dickey (TD).
+# Report bugs and new terminal descriptions to
+#	bug-ncurses@gnu.org
+#	$Revision: 1.835 $
+#	$Date: 2020/12/05 16:54:21 $
+# The original header is preserved below for reference.  It is noted that there
+# is a "newer" version which differs in some cosmetic details (but actually
+# stopped updates several years ago); we have decided to not change the header
+# unless there is also a change in content.
+# To further muddy the waters, it is noted that changes to this file as part of
+# maintenance of ncurses (since 1996) are generally conceded to be copyright
+# under the ncurses MIT-style license.  That was the effect of the agreement
+# which the principal authors of ncurses made in 1998.  However, since much of
+# the file itself is of unknown authorship (and the disclaimer below makes it
+# obvious that Raymond cannot or will not convey rights over those parts),
+# there is no explicit copyright notice on the file itself.
+# It would also be a nuisance to split the file into unknown/known authorship
+# and move pieces as they are maintained, since many of the maintenance changes
+# have been small corrections to Raymond's translations to/from termcap format,
+# correcting the data but not the accompanying annotations.
+# In any case, note that almost half of this file is not data but annotations
+# which reflect creative effort.  Furthermore, the structure of entries to
+# reuse common chunks also is creative (and subject to copyright).  Finally,
+# some portions of the data are derivative work under a compatible MIT-style
+# license from xterm.
+# https://invisible-island.net/ncurses/ncurses.faq.html#terminfo_copying
+# https://invisible-island.net/personal/copyrights.html#removing_notes
+#	Version 10.2.1
+#	terminfo syntax
+#	Eric S. Raymond		(current maintainer)
+#	John Kunze, Berkeley
+#	Craig Leres, Berkeley
+# Please e-mail changes to terminfo@thyrsus.com; the old termcap@berkeley.edu
+# address is no longer valid.  The latest version can always be found at
+# <http://www.tuxedo.org/terminfo>.
+# This file describes the capabilities of various character-cell terminals,
+# as needed by software such as screen-oriented editors.
+# Other terminfo and termcap files exist, supported by various OS vendors
+# or as relics of various older versions of UNIX.  This one is the longest
+# and most comprehensive one in existence.  It subsumes not only the entirety
+# of the historical 4.4BSD, GNU, System V and SCO termcap files and the BRL
+# termcap file, but also large numbers of vendor-maintained termcap and
+# terminfo entries more complete and carefully tested than those in historical
+# termcap/terminfo versions.
+# Pointers to related resources (including the ncurses distribution) may
+# be found at <http://www.tuxedo.org/terminfo>.
+# This file uses only the US-ASCII character set (no ISO8859 characters).
+# This file assumes a US-ASCII character set. If you need to fix this, start
+# by global-replacing \E(B and \E)B with the appropriate ISO 6429 enablers
+# for your character set.  \E(A and \E)A enables the British character set
+# with the pound sign at position 2/3.
+# In a Japanese-processing environment using EUC/Japanese or Shift-JIS,
+# C1 characters are considered the first-byte set of the Japanese encodings,
+# so \E)0 should be avoided in <enacs> and initialization strings.
+# The version you are looking at may be in any of three formats: master
+# (terminfo with OT capabilities), stock terminfo, or termcap.  You can tell
+# which by the format given in the header above.
+# The master format is accepted and generated by the terminfo tools in the
+# ncurses suite; it differs from stock (System V-compatible) terminfo only
+# in that it admits a group of capabilities (prefixed `OT') equivalent to
+# various obsolete termcap capabilities.  You can, thus, convert from master
+# to stock terminfo simply by filtering with `sed "/OT[^,]*,/s///"'; but if
+# you have ncurses `tic -I' is nicer (among other things, it automatically
+# outputs entries in a canonical form).
+# The termcap version is generated automatically from the master version
+# using tic -C.  This filtering leaves in the OT capabilities under their
+# original termcap names.  All translated entries fit within the 1023-byte
+# string-table limit of archaic termcap libraries except where explicitly
+# noted below.  Note that the termcap translation assumes that your termcap
+# library can handle multiple tc capabilities in an entry. 4.4BSD has this
+# capability.  Older versions of GNU termcap, through 1.3, do not.
+# For details on these formats, see terminfo(5) in the ncurses distribution,
+# and termcap(5) in the 4.4BSD Unix Programmer's Manual.  Be aware that 4.4BSD
+# curses has been declared obsolete by the caretakers of the 4.4BSD sources
+# as of June 1995; they are encouraging everyone to migrate to ncurses.
+# Note: unlike some other distributed terminfo files (Novell Unix & SCO's),
+# no entry in this file has embedded comments.  This is so source translation
+# to termcap only has to carry over leading comments.  Also, no name field
+# contains embedded whitespace (such whitespace confuses rdist).
+# Further note: older versions of this file were often installed with an editor
+# script (reorder) that moved the most common terminal types to the front of
+# the file.  This should no longer be necessary, as the file is now ordered
+# roughly by type frequency with ANSI/VT100 and other common types up front.
+# Some information has been merged in from terminfo files distributed by
+# USL and SCO (see COPYRIGHTS AND OTHER DELUSIONS below).  Much information
+# comes from vendors who maintain official terminfos for their hardware
+# (notably DEC and Wyse).
+# A detailed change history is included at the end of this file.
+# Comments in this file begin with # - they cannot appear in the middle
+# of a terminfo/termcap entry (this feature had to be sacrificed in order
+# to allow standard terminfo and termcap syntax to be generated cleanly from
+# the master format).  Individual capabilities are commented out by
+# placing a period between the colon and the capability name.
+# The file is divided up into major sections (headed by lines beginning with
+# the string "########") and minor sections (beginning with "####"); do
+#	grep "^####" <file> | more
+# to see a listing of section headings.  The intent of the divisions is
+# (a) to make it easier to find things, and (b) to order the database so
+# that important and frequently-encountered terminal types are near the
+# front (so that you'll get reasonable search efficiency from a linear
+# search of the termcap form even if you don't use reorder).  Minor sections
+# usually correspond to manufacturers or standard terminal classes.
+# Parenthesized words following manufacturer names are type prefixes or
+# product line names used by that manufacturers.
+# The first name in an entry is the canonical name for the model or
+# type, last entry is a verbose description.  Others are mnemonic synonyms for
+# the terminal.
+# Terminal names look like <manufacturer> <model> - <modes/options>
+# The part to the left of the dash, if a dash is present, describes the
+# particular hardware of the terminal.  The part to the right may be used
+# for flags indicating special ROMs, extra memory, particular terminal modes,
+# or user preferences.
+# All names should be in lower case, for consistency in typing.
+# The following are conventionally used suffixes:
+#	-2p	Has two pages of memory.  Likewise 4p, 8p, etc.
+#	-am	Enable auto-margin.
+#	-m	Monochrome.  Suppress color support
+#	-mc	Magic-cookie.  Some terminals (notably older Wyses) can
+#		only support one attribute without magic-cookie lossage.
+#		Their base entry is usually paired with another that
+#		uses magic cookies to support multiple attributes.
+#	-nam	No auto-margin - suppress :am: capability
+#	-nl	No labels - suppress soft labels
+#	-ns	No status line - suppress status line
+#	-rv	Terminal in reverse video mode (black on white)
+#	-s	Enable status line.
+#	-vb	Use visible bell (:vb:) rather than :bl:.
+#	-w	Wide - in 132 column mode.
+# If a name has multiple suffixes and one is a line height, that one should
+# go first.  Thus `aaa-30-s-rv' is recommended over `aaa-s-rv-30'.
+# Entries with embedded plus signs are designed to be included through use/tc
+# capabilities, not used as standalone entries.
+# To avoid search clashes, some older all-numeric names for terminals have
+# been removed (i.e., "33" for the Model 33 Teletype, "2621" for the HP2621).
+# All primary names of terminals now have alphanumeric prefixes.
+# Comments marked "esr" are mostly results of applying the termcap-compiler
+# code packaged with ncurses and contemplating the resulting error messages.
+# In many cases, these indicated obvious fixes to syntax garbled by the
+# composers.  In a few cases, I was able to deduce corrected forms for garbled
+# capabilities by looking at context.  All the information in the original
+# entries is preserved in the comments.
+# In the comments, terminfo capability names are bracketed with <> (angle
+# brackets).  Termcap capability names are bracketed with :: (colons).
+# The System V Release 4 and XPG4 terminfo format defines ten string
+# capabilities for use by applications, <u0>...<u9>.   In this file, we use
+# certain of these capabilities to describe functions which are not covered
+# by terminfo.  The mapping is as follows:
+#	u9	terminal enquire string (equiv. to ANSI/ECMA-48 DA)
+#	u8	terminal answerback description
+#	u7	cursor position request (equiv. to VT100/ANSI/ECMA-48 DSR 6)
+#	u6	cursor position report (equiv. to ANSI/ECMA-48 CPR)
+# The terminal enquire string <u9> should elicit an answerback response
+# from the terminal.  Common values for <u9> will be ^E (on older ASCII
+# terminals) or \E[c (on newer VT100/ANSI/ECMA-48-compatible terminals).
+# The cursor position request (<u7>) string should elicit a cursor position
+# report.  A typical value (for VT100 terminals) is \E[6n.
+# The terminal answerback description (u8) must consist of an expected
+# answerback string.  The string may contain the following scanf(3)-like
+# escapes:
+#	%c	Accept any character
+#	%[...]	Accept any number of characters in the given set
+# The cursor position report (<u6>) string must contain two scanf(3)-style
+# %d format elements.  The first of these must correspond to the Y coordinate
+# and the second to the %d.  If the string contains the sequence %i, it is
+# taken as an instruction to decrement each value after reading it (this is
+# the inverse sense from the cup string).  The typical CPR value is
+# \E[%i%d;%dR (on VT100/ANSI/ECMA-48-compatible terminals).
+# These capabilities are used by tack(1m), the terminfo action checker
+# (distributed with ncurses 5.0).
+# All the entries in this file have been edited to assume that the tabset
+# files directory is /usr/share/tabset, in conformance with the File Hierarchy
+# Standard for Linux and open-source BSD systems.  Some vendors (notably Sun)
+# use /usr/lib/tabset or (more recently) /usr/share/lib/tabset.
+# No curses package we know of actually uses these files.  If their location
+# is an issue, you will have to hand-patch the file locations before compiling
+# this file.
+# As the ANSI/ECMA-48 standard and variants take firmer hold, and as
+# character-cell terminals are increasingly replaced by X displays, much of
+# this file is becoming a historical document (this is part of the reason for
+# the new organization, which puts ANSI types, xterm, Unix consoles,
+# and vt100 up front in confidence that this will catch 95% of new hardware).
+# For the terminal types still alive, I'd like to have manufacturer's
+# contact data (Internet address and/or snail-mail + phone).
+# I'm also interested in enriching the comments so that the latter portions of
+# the file do in fact become a potted history of VDT technology as seen by
+# UNIX hackers.  Ideally, I'd like the headers for each manufacturer to
+# include its live/dead/out-of-the-business status, and for as many
+# terminal types as possible to be tagged with information like years
+# of heaviest use, popularity, and interesting features.
+# I'm especially interested in identifying the obscure entries listed under
+# `Miscellaneous obsolete terminals, manufacturers unknown' before the tribal
+# wisdom about them gets lost.  If you know a lot about obscure old terminals,
+# please go to the terminfo resource page, grab the UFO file (ufo.ti), and
+# eyeball it for things you can identify and describe.
+# If you have been around long enough to contribute, please read the file
+# with this in mind and send me your annotations.
+# The BSD ancestor of this file had a standard Regents of the University of
+# California copyright with dates from 1980 to 1993.
+# Some information has been merged in from a terminfo file SCO distributes.
+# It has an obnoxious boilerplate copyright which I'm ignoring because they
+# took so much of the content from the ancestral BSD versions of this file
+# and didn't attribute it, thereby violating the BSD Regents' copyright.
+# Not that anyone should care.  However many valid functions copyrights may
+# serve, putting one on a termcap/terminfo file with hundreds of anonymous
+# contributors makes about as much sense as copyrighting a wall-full of
+# graffiti -- it's legally dubious, ethically bogus, and patently ridiculous.
+# This file deliberately has no copyright.  It belongs to no one and everyone.
+# If you claim you own it, you will merely succeed in looking like a fool.
+# Use it as you like.  Use it at your own risk.  Copy and redistribute freely.
+# There are no guarantees anywhere.  Svaha!
+# This section describes terminal classes and brands that are still
+# quite common.
+#### Specials
+# Special "terminals".  These are used to label tty lines when you don't
+# know what kind of terminal is on it.  The characteristics of an unknown
+# terminal are the lowest common denominator - they look about like a ti 700.
+dumb|80-column dumb tty:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=\r:do=\n:sf=\n:
+unknown|unknown terminal type:\
+	:gn:tc=dumb:
+lpr|printer|line printer:\
+	:bs:hc:os:\
+	:co#132:li#66:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=\r:do=\n:ff=^L:le=^H:sf=\n:
+glasstty|classic glass tty interpreting ASCII control characters:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=^L:cr=\r:do=\n:kd=\n:kl=^H:le=^H:nw=\r\n:ta=^I:
+vanilla|dumb tty:\
+	:bs:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=\r:do=\n:sf=\n:
+# This is almost the same as "dumb", but with no prespecified width.
+# DEL and ^C are hardcoded to act as kill characters.
+# ^D acts as a line break (just like newline).
+# It also interprets
+#      \033];xxx\007
+# for compatibility with xterm -TD
+9term|Plan9 terminal emulator for X:\
+	:am:\
+	:bl=^G:do=\n:nl=\n:
+#### ANSI.SYS/ISO 6429/ECMA-48 Capabilities
+# See the end-of-file comment for more on these.
+# ANSI capabilities are broken up into pieces, so that a terminal
+# implementing some ANSI subset can use many of them.
+ansi+local1|ANSI normal-mode cursor-keys:\
+	:do=\E[B:le=\E[D:nd=\E[C:up=\E[A:
+ansi+local|ANSI normal-mode parameterized cursor-keys:\
+	:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:tc=ansi+local1:
+ansi+tabs|ANSI tab-stops:\
+	:bt=\E[Z:ct=\E[3g:st=\EH:ta=^I:
+ansi+inittabs|ANSI initial tab-stops:\
+	:it#8:tc=ansi+tabs:
+ansi+erase|ANSI clear screen/line:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:
+ansi+rca|ANSI relative cursor-addressing:
+ansi+cup|ANSI absolute cursor-addressing:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:ho=\E[H:
+ansi+rep|ANSI repeat-character:
+ansi+idl1|ANSI insert/delete one line:\
+	:al=\E[L:dl=\E[M:
+ansi+idl|ANSI insert/delete lines:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DL=\E[%dM:tc=ansi+idl1:
+ansi+idc1|ANSI insert/delete one character:\
+	:dc=\E[P:ei=\E[4l:ic=\E[@:im=\E[4h:
+ansi+idc|ANSI insert/delete characters:\
+	:DC=\E[%dP:IC=\E[%d@:ei=:im=:tc=ansi+idc1:
+ansi+arrows|ANSI normal-mode cursor-keys:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:
+ansi+sgr|ANSI graphic renditions:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:me=\E[0m:mk=\E[8m:mr=\E[7m:
+ansi+sgrso|ANSI standout only:\
+	:se=\E[m:so=\E[7m:
+ansi+sgrul|ANSI underline only:\
+	:ue=\E[m:us=\E[4m:
+ansi+sgrbold|ANSI graphic renditions; assuming terminal has bold; not dim:\
+	:md=\E[1m:tc=ansi+sgr:tc=ansi+sgrso:tc=ansi+sgrul:
+ansi+sgrdim|ANSI graphic renditions; assuming terminal has dim; not bold:\
+	:mh=\E[2m:tc=ansi+sgr:tc=ansi+sgrso:tc=ansi+sgrul:
+# ECMA-48 does not specify scroll-regions, but most people consider it to be
+# "ANSI" because it is widely-supported.  See ecma+index for the standard form.
+ansi+csr|ANSI scroll-region plus cursor save & restore:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:
+# The normal (ANSI) flavor of "media copy" building block asserts that
+# characters sent to the printer do not echo on the screen. DEC terminals
+# can also be put into autoprinter mode, where each line is sent to the
+# printer as you move off that line, e.g., by a carriage return.
+ansi+pp|ANSI printer port:\
+	:5i:\
+	:pf=\E[4i:po=\E[5i:ps=\E[i:
+dec+pp|DEC autoprinter mode:\
+	:pf=\E[?4i:po=\E[?5i:ps=\E[i:
+# The IBM PC alternate character set.  Plug this into any Intel console entry.
+# We use \E[11m for rmacs rather than \E[12m so the <acsc> string can use the
+# ROM graphics for control characters such as the diamond, up- and down-arrow.
+# This works with the System V, Linux, and BSDI consoles.  It's a safe bet this
+# will work with any Intel console, they all seem to have inherited \E[11m
+# from the ANSI.SYS de-facto standard.
+klone+acs|alternate character set for ansi.sys displays:\
+	:ac=+\020,\021-\030.^Y0\333`\004a\261f\370g\361h\260j\331k\277l\332m\300n\305o~p\304q\304r\304s_t\303u\264v\301w\302x\263y\363z\362{\343|\330}\234~\376:\
+	:ae=\E[10m:as=\E[11m:
+# Highlight controls corresponding to the ANSI.SYS standard.  Most
+# console drivers for Intel boxes obey these.  Makes the same assumption
+# about \E[11m as klone+acs.  True ANSI/ECMA-48 would have :se=\E[27m:,
+# :ue=\E[24m:, but this isn't a documented feature of ANSI.SYS.
+klone+sgr|attribute control for ansi.sys displays:\
+	:S2=\E[11m:S3=\E[10m:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:mr=\E[7m:\
+	:se=\E[m:so=\E[7m:ue=\E[m:us=\E[4m:tc=klone+acs:
+# Most Intel boxes do not treat "invis" (invisible) text.
+klone+sgr8|attribute control for ansi.sys displays:\
+	:mk=\E[8m:tc=klone+sgr:
+# Highlight controls corresponding to the ANSI.SYS standard.  *All*
+# console drivers for Intel boxes obey these.  Does not assume \E[11m will
+# work; uses \E[12m instead, which is pretty bulletproof but loses you the ACS
+# diamond and arrow characters under curses.
+klone+sgr-dumb|attribute control for ansi.sys displays (no ESC [ 11 m):\
+	:as=\E[12m:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:mk=\E[8m:mr=\E[7m:\
+	:se=\E[m:so=\E[7m:ue=\E[m:us=\E[4m:tc=klone+acs:
+# KOI8-R (RFC1489) acs (alternate character set)
+# From: Qing Long <qinglong@Bolizm.ihep.su>, 24 Feb 1996.
+klone+koi8acs|alternate character set for ansi.sys displays with KOI8 charset:\
+	:ac=+\020,\021-\036.^_0\215`\004a\237f\234g\232h\222i\220j\205k\203l\202m\204n\212o\213p\216q\0r\217s\214t\206u\207v\210w\211x\201y\230z\231{\267|\274}L~\225:\
+	:ae=\E[10m:as=\E[11m:
+# ANSI.SYS color control.  The setab/setaf caps depend on the coincidence
+# between SVr4/XPG4's color numbers and ANSI.SYS attributes.  Here are longer
+# but equivalent strings that don't rely on that coincidence:
+# setb=\E[4%?%p1%{1}%=%t4%e%p1%{3}%=%t6%e%p1%{4}%=%t1%e%p1%{6}%=%t3%e%p1%d%;m,
+# setf=\E[3%?%p1%{1}%=%t4%e%p1%{3}%=%t6%e%p1%{4}%=%t1%e%p1%{6}%=%t3%e%p1%d%;m,
+# The DOS 5 manual asserts that these sequences meet the ISO 6429 standard.
+# They match a subset of ECMA-48.
+klone+color|color control for ansi.sys and ISO6429-compatible displays:\
+	:Co#8:NC#3:pa#64:\
+	:AB=\E[4%dm:AF=\E[3%dm:op=\E[37;40m:
+# This is better than klone+color, it doesn't assume white-on-black as the
+# default color pair,  but many `ANSI' terminals don't grok the <op> cap.
+ecma+color|color control for ECMA-48-compatible terminals:\
+	:Co#8:NC#3:pa#64:\
+	:AB=\E[4%dm:AF=\E[3%dm:op=\E[39;49m:
+ecma+italics|ECMA-48 italics:\
+	:ZH=\E[3m:ZR=\E[23m:
+# Attribute control for ECMA-48-compatible terminals
+ecma+sgr|attribute capabilities for true ECMA-48 terminals:\
+	:se=\E[27m:ue=\E[24m:tc=klone+sgr8:
+ecma+strikeout|ECMA-48 strikeout/crossed-out:
+# ECMA-48 does not include the VT100 indexing and scroll-margins.  It has its
+# own variation.
+ecma+index|ECMA-48 scroll up/down:\
+	:SF=\E[%dS:SR=\E[%dT:
+# For comparison, here are all the capabilities implied by the Intel
+# Binary Compatibility Standard (level 2) that fit within terminfo.
+# For more detail on this rather pathetic standard, see the comments
+# near the end of this file.
+ibcs2|Intel Binary Compatibility Standard prescriptions:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:S1=\E=%dg:SA=\E[?7h:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:bt=\E[Z:ch=\E[%i%dG:cl=\Ec:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:ct=\E[g:\
+	:cv=\E[%i%dd:do=\E[1B:ec=\E[%dX:ei=:ic=\E[@:im=:le=\E[1D:\
+	:nd=\E[1C:rc=\E7:sc=\E7:st=\EH:up=\E[1A:tc=ecma+index:
+#### ANSI/ECMA-48 terminals and terminal emulators
+# See near the end of this file for details on ANSI conformance.
+# Don't mess with these entries!  Lots of other entries depend on them!
+# This section lists entries in a least-capable to most-capable order.
+# if you're in doubt about what `ANSI' matches yours, try them in that
+# order and back off from the first that breaks.
+# ansi-mr is for ANSI terminals with ONLY relative cursor addressing
+# and more than one page of memory.  It uses local motions instead of
+# direct cursor addressing, and makes almost no assumptions. It does
+# assume auto margins, no padding and/or xon/xoff, and a 24x80 screen.
+ansi-mr|mem rel cup ansi:\
+	:am:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:tc=vanilla:tc=ansi+erase:tc=ansi+local1:
+# ansi-mini is a bare minimum ANSI terminal. This should work on anything, but
+# beware of screen size problems and memory relative cursor addressing.
+ansi-mini|any ansi terminal with pessimistic assumptions:\
+	:am:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:tc=vanilla:tc=ansi+cup:tc=ansi+erase:
+# ansi-mtabs adds relative addressing and minimal tab support
+ansi-mtabs|any ansi terminal with pessimistic assumptions:\
+	:it#8:\
+	:ta=^I:tc=ansi-mini:tc=ansi+local1:
+# ANSI X3.64 from emory!mlhhh (Hugh Hansard) via BRL
+# The following is an entry for the full ANSI 3.64 (1977).  It lacks
+# padding, but most terminals using the standard are "fast" enough
+# not to require any -- even at 9600 bps.  If you encounter problems,
+# try including the padding specifications.
+# Note: the :as: and :ae: specifications are not implemented here, for
+# the available termcap documentation does not make clear WHICH alternate
+# character set to specify.  ANSI 3.64 seems to make allowances for several.
+# Please make the appropriate adjustments to fit your needs -- that is
+# if you will be using alternate character sets.
+# There are very few terminals running the full ANSI 3.64 standard,
+# so I could only test this entry on one verified terminal (Visual 102).
+# I would appreciate the results on other terminals sent to me.
+# Please report comments, changes, and problems to:
+# U.S. MAIL:   Hugh Hansard
+#              Box: 22830
+#              Emory University
+#              Atlanta, GA. 30322.
+# USENET {akgua,msdc,sb1,sb6,gatech}!emory!mlhhh.
+# (Added vt100 :rc:,:sc: to quiet a tic warning --esr)
+ansi77|ANSI 3.64 standard 1977 version:\
+	:am:bs:mi:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=5*\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[;H\E[2J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dc=\E[P:dl=5*\E[M:\
+	:do=\E[B:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOR:k4=\EOS:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:\
+	:nd=\E[C:nw=\r\ED:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:\
+	:sr=\EM:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+# Procomm and some other ANSI emulations don't recognize all of the ANSI-
+# standard capabilities.  This entry deletes :UP:, :RI:, :DO:, :LE:, and
+# <vpa>/<hpa> capabilities, forcing curses to use repetitions of :up:,
+# :nd:, :do: and :le:.  Also deleted :IC: and :ic:, as QModem up to
+# 5.03 doesn't recognize these.  Finally, we delete :rp: and :sr:, which seem
+# to confuse many emulators.  On the other hand, we can count on these programs
+# doing :ae:/:as:/:sa:. Older versions of this entry featured
+# <invis=\E[9m>, but <invis=\E[8m> now seems to be more common under
+# ANSI.SYS influence.
+# From: Eric S. Raymond <esr@snark.thyrsus.com> Oct 30 1995
+pcansi-m|pcansi-mono|ibm-pc terminal programs claiming to be ansi (mono mode):\
+	:am:bs:mi:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=\E[L:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:\
+	:ho=\E[H:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:\
+	:le=\E[D:nd=\E[C:sf=\n:st=\EH:ta=^I:up=\E[A:\
+	:tc=klone+sgr-dumb:
+pcansi-25-m|pcansi25m|ibm-pc terminal programs with 25 lines (mono mode):\
+	:li#25:tc=pcansi-m:
+pcansi-33-m|pcansi33m|ibm-pc terminal programs with 33 lines (mono mode):\
+	:li#33:tc=pcansi-m:
+pcansi-43-m|ansi43m|ibm-pc terminal programs with 43 lines (mono mode):\
+	:li#43:tc=pcansi-m:
+# The color versions.  All PC emulators do color...
+pcansi|ibm-pc terminal programs claiming to be ansi:\
+	:tc=klone+color:tc=pcansi-m:
+pcansi-25|pcansi25|ibm-pc terminal programs with 25 lines:\
+	:li#25:tc=pcansi:
+pcansi-33|pcansi33|ibm-pc terminal programs with 33 lines:\
+	:li#33:tc=pcansi:
+pcansi-43|pcansi43|ibm-pc terminal programs with 43 lines:\
+	:li#43:tc=pcansi:
+# ansi-m -- full ANSI X3.64 with ANSI.SYS-compatible attributes, no color.
+# If you want pound signs rather than dollars, replace `B' with `A'
+# in the <s0ds>, <s1ds>, <s2ds>, and <s3ds> capabilities.
+# From: Eric S. Raymond <esr@snark.thyrsus.com> Nov 6 1995
+ansi-m|ansi-mono|ANSI X3.64-1979 terminal with ANSI.SYS compatible attributes:\
+	:5i:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:cb=\E[1K:ch=\E[%i%dG:\
+	:ct=\E[3g:cv=\E[%i%dd:ec=\E[%dX:ei=:im=:kB=\E[Z:kI=\E[L:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:nw=\r\E[S:pf=\E[4i:\
+	:po=\E[5i:s0=\E(B:s1=\E)B:s2=\E*B:s3=\E+B:ta=\E[I:\
+	:tc=ecma+index:tc=pcansi-m:
+ansi+enq|ncurses extension for ANSI ENQ:\
+	:u6=\E[%i%d;%dR:u7=\E[6n:u9=\E[c:
+# ansi -- this terminfo expresses the largest subset of X3.64 that will fit in
+# standard terminfo.  Assumes ANSI.SYS-compatible attributes and color.
+# From: Eric S. Raymond <esr@snark.thyrsus.com> Nov 6 1995
+ansi|ansi/pc-term compatible with color:\
+	:tc=ansi+enq:tc=ecma+color:tc=klone+sgr8:tc=ansi-m:
+# ansi-generic is a vanilla ANSI terminal. This is assumed to implement
+# all the normal ANSI stuff with no extensions. It assumes
+# insert/delete line/char is there, so it won't work with
+# vt100 clones. It assumes video attributes for bold, blink,
+# underline, and reverse, which won't matter much if the terminal
+# can't do some of those. Padding is assumed to be zero, which
+# shouldn't hurt since xon/xoff is assumed.
+ansi-generic|ansiterm|generic ansi standard terminal:\
+	:am:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:tc=vanilla:tc=ansi+csr:tc=ansi+cup:\
+	:tc=ansi+rca:tc=ansi+erase:tc=ansi+tabs:tc=ansi+local:\
+	:tc=ansi+idc:tc=ansi+idl:tc=ansi+rep:tc=ansi+sgrbold:\
+	:tc=ansi+arrows:
+#### DOS ANSI.SYS variants
+# This completely describes the sequences specified in the DOS 2.1 ANSI.SYS
+# documentation (except for the keyboard key reassignment feature, which
+# doesn't fit the <pfkey> model well).  The klone+acs sequences were valid
+# though undocumented.  The <pfkey> capability is untested but should work for
+# keys F1-F10 (%p1 values outside this range will yield unpredictable results).
+# From: Eric S. Raymond <esr@snark.thyrsus.com> Nov 7 1995
+ansi.sys-old|ANSI.SYS under PC-DOS 2.1:\
+	:am:bs:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#25:\
+	:RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7h:ce=\E[k:cl=\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:do=\E[B:ho=\E[H:is=\E[m\E[?7h:kd=\n:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:\
+	:ku=^K:le=^H:nd=\E[C:rc=\E[u:sc=\E[s:u6=\E[%i%d;%dR:\
+	:u7=\E[6n:up=\E[A:tc=klone+color:tc=klone+sgr8:
+# Keypad:	Home=\0G	Up=\0H	PrPag=\0I
+#		ka1,kh		kcuu1		kpp,ka3
+#		Left=\0K	5=\0L		Right=\0M
+#		kcub1		kb2		kcuf1
+#		End=\0O		Down=\0P	NxPag=\0Q
+#		kc1,kend	kcud1		kc3,knp
+#		Ins=\0R		Del=\0S
+#		kich1		kdch1
+# On keyboard with 12 function keys,
+#	shifted f-keys: F13-F24
+#	control f-keys: F25-F36
+#	alt f-keys:     F37-F48
+# The shift/control/alt keys do not modify each other, but alt overrides both,
+# and control overrides shift.
+# <pfkey> capability for F1-F48 -TD
+ansi.sys|ANSI.SYS 3.1 and later versions:\
+	:@7=\0O:F1=\0\205:F2=\0\206:F3=\0T:F4=\0U:F5=\0V:F6=\0W:\
+	:F7=\0X:F8=\0Y:F9=\0Z:FA=\0[:FB=\0\\:FC=\0]:FD=\0\207:\
+	:FE=\0\210:FF=\0\136:FG=\0_:FH=\0`:FI=\0a:FJ=\0b:FK=\0c:\
+	:FL=\0d:FM=\0e:FN=\0f:FO=\0g:FP=\0\211:FQ=\0\212:FR=\0h:\
+	:FS=\0i:FT=\0j:FU=\0k:FV=\0l:FW=\0m:FX=\0n:FY=\0o:FZ=\0p:\
+	:Fa=\0q:Fb=\0\213:Fc=\0\214:K1=\0G:K2=\0L:K3=\0I:K4=\0O:\
+	:K5=\0Q:ce=\E[K:k1=\0;:k2=\0<:k3=\0=:k4=\0>:k5=\0?:k6=\0@:\
+	:k7=\0A:k8=\0B:k9=\0C:k;=\0D:kB=\0^O:kD=\0S:kI=\0R:kN=\0Q:\
+	:kP=\0I:kb=^H:kd=\0P:kh=\0G:kl=\0K:kr=\0M:ku=\0H:\
+	:tc=ansi.sys-old:
+# Define IBM PC keypad keys for vi as per MS-Kermit while using ANSI.SYS.
+# This should only be used when the terminal emulator cannot redefine the keys.
+# Since redefining keys with ansi.sys also affects PC-DOS programs, the key
+# definitions must be restored.  If the terminal emulator is quit while in vi
+# or others using :ks:/:ke:, the keypad will not be defined as per PC-DOS.
+# The PgUp and PgDn are prefixed with ESC so that tn3270 can be used on Unix
+# (^U and ^D are already defined for tn3270).  The ESC is safe for vi but it
+# does "beep".  ESC ESC i is used for Ins to avoid tn3270 ESC i for coltab.
+# Note that :kl: is always BS, because PC-dos can tolerate this change.
+# Caution: vi is limited to 256 string bytes, longer crashes or weirds out vi.
+# Consequently the End keypad key could not be set (it is relatively safe and
+# actually useful because it sends ^@ O, which beeps and opens a line above).
+ansi.sysk|ansisysk|PC-DOS 3.1 ANSI.SYS with keypad redefined for vi:\
+	:is=U2 PC-DOS 3.1 ANSI.SYS with keypad redefined for vi 9-29-86\n\E[;75;8p:\
+	:ke=\E[;71;0;71p\E[;72;0;72p\E[;73;0;73p\E[;77;0;77p\E[;80;0;80p\E[;81;0;81p\E[;82;0;82p\E[;83;0;83p:\
+	:ks=\E[;71;30p\E[;72;11p\E[;73;27;21p\E[;77;12p\E[;80;10p\E[;81;27;4p\E[;82;27;27;105p\E[;83;127p:\
+	:tc=ansi.sys:
+# Adds ins/del line/character, hence vi reverse scrolls/inserts/deletes nicer.
+nansi.sys|nansisys|PC-DOS Public Domain NANSI.SYS:\
+	:al=\E[1L:dc=\E[1P:dl=\E[1M:ei=:ic=\E[1@:im=:\
+	:is=U3 PC-DOS Public Domain NANSI.SYS 9-23-86\n:\
+	:tc=ansi.sys:
+# See ansi.sysk and nansi.sys above.
+nansi.sysk|nansisysk|PC-DOS Public Domain NANSI.SYS with keypad redefined for vi:\
+	:al=\E[1L:dc=\E[1P:dl=\E[1M:ei=:ic=\E[1@:im=:\
+	:is=U4 PC-DOS Public Domain NANSI.SYS with keypad redefined for vi 9-29-86\n\E[;75;8p:\
+	:tc=ansi.sysk:
+#### Atari ST terminals
+# From Guido Flohr <gufl0000@stud.uni-sb.de>.
+tw52|tw52-color|Toswin window manager with color:\
+	:ut:\
+	:Co#16:pa#256:\
+	:oc=\Eb?\Ec0:op=\Eb?\Ec0:tc=tw52-m:
+tw52-m|Toswin window manager monochrome:\
+	:ul:\
+	:ma#999:\
+	:dc=\Ea:is=\Ev\Eq\Ez_\Ee\Ei\Eb?\Ec0:md=\Eya:me=\Ez_:\
+	:mh=\EyB:mr=\EyP:rs=\Ev\Eq\Ez_\Ee\Ei\Eb?\Ec0:se=\EzQ:\
+	:so=\EyQ:ue=\EzH:us=\EyH:tc=at-m:
+tt52|Atari TT medium and high resolution:\
+	:li#30:tc=at-color:
+st52-color|at-color|atari-color|atari_st-color|Atari ST with color:\
+	:ut:\
+	:Co#16:pa#256:\
+	:is=\Ev\Eq\Ee\Eb1\Ec0:rs=\Ev\Eq\Ee\Eb1\Ec0:tc=st52:
+st52|st52-m|at|at-m|atari|atari-m|atari_st|atarist-m|Atari ST:\
+	:NP:am:eo:mi:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:#4=\Ed:%1=\EH:%i=\Ec:&8=\EK:F1=\Ep:F2=\Eq:F3=\Er:F4=\Es:\
+	:F5=\Et:F6=\Eu:F7=\Ev:F8=\Ew:F9=\Ex:FA=\Ey:al=\EL:bl=^G:\
+	:cb=\Eo:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EE:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=\r:dl=\EM:\
+	:do=\EB:ho=\EH:is=\Ev\Eq\Ee:k1=\EP:k2=\EQ:k3=\ER:k4=\ES:\
+	:k5=\ET:k6=\EU:k7=\EV:k8=\EW:k9=\EX:k;=\EY:kD=\177:kI=\EI:\
+	:kN=\Eb:kP=\Ea:kb=^H:kd=\EB:kh=\EE:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:\
+	:le=\ED:me=\Eq:mr=\Ep:nd=\EC:nw=\r\n:rc=\Ek:rs=\Ev\Eq\Ee:\
+	:sc=\Ej:se=\Eq:sf=\n:so=\Ep:sr=\EI:ta=^I:up=\EA:ve=\Ee:\
+	:vi=\Ef:
+tw100|toswin vt100 window mgr:\
+	:eo:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:Co#8:co#80:it#8:li#24:pa#64:vt#3:\
+	:%1=\EH:&8=\EK:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:F1=\Ep:F2=\Eq:F3=\Er:\
+	:F4=\Es:F5=\Et:F6=\Eu:F7=\Ev:F8=\Ew:F9=\Ex:FA=\Ey:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=++,,--..00II``aaffgghhjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=^O:al=\EL:as=^N:bl=^G:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[2J\E[H:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\
+	:ct=\E[3g:dc=\Ea:dl=\E[M:do=\EB:ei=\Ei:ho=\E[H:im=\Eh:\
+	:is=\E<\E)0:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\EOT:\
+	:k6=\EOU:k7=\EOV:k8=\EOW:k9=\EOX:k;=\EOY:kD=\177:kI=\EI:\
+	:kN=\Eb:kP=\E\Ea:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kh=\E\EE:\
+	:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:ll=\E[24H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\EC:nw=\EE:\
+	:oc=\E[30;47m:op=\E[30;47m:\
+	:r1=\E<\E[20l\E[?3;6;9l\E[r\Eq\E(B\017\E)0\E>:rc=\E8:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:te=\E[?7h:ti=\E[?7l:ue=\E[m:up=\EA:us=\E[4m:ve=\Ee:vi=\Ef:
+# The entries for stv52 and stv52pc probably need a revision.
+stv52|MiNT virtual console:\
+	:am:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#30:\
+	:%1=\EH:&8=\EK:F1=\Ep:F2=\Eq:F3=\Er:F4=\Es:F5=\Et:F6=\Eu:\
+	:F7=\Ev:F8=\Ew:F9=\Ex:FA=\Ey:al=\EL:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:\
+	:cl=\EE:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=\r:dl=\EM:do=\EB:ho=\EH:k1=\EP:\
+	:k2=\EQ:k3=\ER:k4=\ES:k5=\ET:k6=\EU:k7=\EV:k8=\EW:k9=\EX:\
+	:k;=\EY:kD=\177:kI=\EI:kN=\Eb:kP=\Ea:kb=^H:kd=\EB:kh=\EE:\
+	:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:mb=\Er:md=\EyA:me=\Ez_:mh=\Em:\
+	:mr=\Ep:nd=\EC:nw=2*\r\n:op=\Eb@\EcO:r1=\Ez_\Eb@\EcA:\
+	:se=\Eq:sf=2*\n:so=\Ep:sr=2*\EI:ta=^I:te=\Ev\E. \Ee\Ez_:\
+	:ti=\Ev\Ee\Ez_:ue=\EzH:up=\EA:us=\EyH:ve=\E. \Ee:vi=\Ef:\
+	:vs=\E.":
+stv52pc|MiNT virtual console with PC charset:\
+	:am:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#30:\
+	:%1=\EH:&8=\EK:F1=\Ep:F2=\Eq:F3=\Er:F4=\Es:F5=\Et:F6=\Eu:\
+	:F7=\Ev:F8=\Ew:F9=\Ex:FA=\Ey:\
+	:ac=+\257,\256-\136.v0\333I\374`\177a\260f\370g\361h\261j\331k\277l\332m\300n\305o\377p-q\304r-s_t+u+v+w+x\263y\363z\362{\343|\366}\234~\371:\
+	:al=\EL:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EE:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=\r:\
+	:dl=\EM:do=\EB:ho=\EH:k1=\EP:k2=\EQ:k3=\ER:k4=\ES:k5=\ET:\
+	:k6=\EU:k7=\EV:k8=\EW:k9=\EX:k;=\EY:kD=\177:kI=\EI:kN=\Eb:\
+	:kP=\Ea:kb=^H:kd=\EB:kh=\EE:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:\
+	:mb=\Er:md=\EyA:me=\Ez_:mh=\Em:mr=\Ep:nd=\EC:nw=2*\r\n:\
+	:r1=\Ez_\Eb@\EcA:se=\Eq:sf=2*\n:so=\Ep:sr=2*\EI:ta=^I:\
+	:te=\Ev\E. \Ee\Ez_:ti=\Ev\Ee\Ez_:ue=\EzH:up=\EA:us=\EyH:\
+	:ve=\E. \Ee:vi=\Ef:vs=\E.":
+# From: Simson L. Garfinkel <simsong@media-lab.mit.edu>
+atari-old|atari st:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:\
+	:al=\EL:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\EY%+ %+ :dl=\EM:do=\EB:\
+	:kd=\EB:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=\ED:me=\Eq:nd=\EC:se=\Eq:\
+	:so=\Ep:sr=\EI:ta=^I:up=\EA:
+# UniTerm terminal program for the Atari ST:  49-line VT220 emulation mode
+# From: Paul M. Aoki <aoki@ucbvax.berkeley.edu>
+uniterm|uniterm49|UniTerm VT220 emulator with 49 lines:\
+	:li#49:\
+	:is=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E[1;49r\E[49;1H:\
+	:tc=vt220:
+# MiNT VT52 emulation. 80 columns, 25 rows.
+# MiNT is Now TOS, the operating system which comes with all Ataris now
+# (mainly Atari Falcon). This termcap is for the VT52 emulation you get
+# under tcsh/zsh/bash/sh/ksh/ash/csh when you run MiNT in `console' mode
+# From: Per Persson <pp@gnu.ai.mit.edu>, 27 Feb 1996
+st52-old|Atari ST with VT52 emulation:\
+	:am:km:\
+	:co#80:li#25:\
+	:K1=\E#7:K2=\E#9:K3=\E#5:K4=\E#1:K5=\E#3:al=\EL:bl=^G:\
+	:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=\r:dl=\EM:do=\EB:\
+	:ho=\EH:k0=\E#D:k1=\E#;:k2=\E#<:k3=\E#=:k4=\E#>:k5=\E#?:\
+	:k6=\E#@:k7=\E#A:k8=\E#B:k9=\E#C:kA=\E#R:kC=\E#7:kF=\E#2:\
+	:kR=\E#8:kb=^H:kd=\E#P:kh=\E#G:kl=\E#K:kr=\E#M:ku=\E#H:\
+	:l0=f10:le=\ED:me=\Eq:nd=\EC:nw=\r\n:r1=\Ez_\Eb@\EcA:\
+	:rc=\Ek:sc=\Ej:se=\Eq:sf=\n:so=\Ep:sr=\EI:ta=^I:te=:ti=\Ee:\
+	:up=\EA:ve=\Ee:vi=\Ef:
+#### BeOS
+# BeOS entry for Terminal program Seems to be almost ANSI
+beterm|BeOS Terminal:\
+	:am:eo:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:Co#8:NC#5:co#80:it#8:li#25:pa#64:\
+	:&7=^Z:@7=\E[4~:AB=\E[4%dm:AF=\E[3%dm:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:\
+	:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:F1=\E[21~:F2=\E[22~:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:Sb=\E[%+(m:Sf=\E[%+^^m:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:ch=\E[%i%dG:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\
+	:cv=\E[%i%dd:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:\
+	:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=\E[4h:k1=\E[11~:k2=\E[12~:k3=\E[13~:\
+	:k4=\E[14~:k5=\E[15~:k6=\E[16~:k7=\E[17~:k8=\E[18~:\
+	:k9=\E[19~:k;=\E[20~:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:ke=\E[?4l:kh=\E[1~:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:\
+	:ks=\E[?4h:ku=\E[A:le=^H:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0;10m:mr=\E[7m:\
+	:nd=\E[C:nw=\r\n:op=\E[m:r1=\Ec:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\n:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:u6=\E[%i%d;%dR:u7=\E[6n:\
+	:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+#### Linux consoles
+# This entry is good for the 1.2.13 or later version of the Linux console.
+# ***************************************************************************
+# *                                                                         *
+# *                           WARNING:                                      *
+# * Linuxes come with a default keyboard mapping kcbt=^I.  This entry, in   *
+# * response to user requests, assumes kcbt=\E[Z, the ANSI/ECMA reverse-tab *
+# * character. Here are the keymap replacement lines that will set this up: *
+# *                                                                         *
+#	keycode  15 = Tab             Tab
+#		alt     keycode  15 = Meta_Tab
+#		shift	keycode  15 = F26
+#	string F26 ="\033[Z"
+# *                                                                         *
+# * This has to use a key slot which is unfortunate (any unused one will    *
+# * do, F26 is the higher-numbered one).  The change ought to be built      *
+# * into the kernel tables.                                                 *
+# *                                                                         *
+# ***************************************************************************
+# All linux kernels since 1.2.13 (at least) set the screen size
+# themselves; this entry assumes that capability.
+linux-basic|linux console:\
+	:am:eo:mi:ms:ut:xn:xo:\
+	:NC#18:it#8:\
+	:&7=^Z:@7=\E[4~:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:\
+	:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:IC=\E[%d@:K2=\E[G:Km=\E[M:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=+\020,\021-\030.^Y0\333`\004a\261f\370g\361h\260i\316j\331k\277l\332m\300n\305o~p\304q\304r\304s_t\303u\264v\301w\302x\263y\363z\362{\343|\330}\234~\376:\
+	:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:ch=\E[%i%dG:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\
+	:ct=\E[3g:cv=\E[%i%dd:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ec=\E[%dX:\
+	:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=\E[4h:k1=\E[[A:k2=\E[[B:\
+	:k3=\E[[C:k4=\E[[D:k5=\E[[E:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:\
+	:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:kB=\E[Z:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:\
+	:kP=\E[5~:kb=\177:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[1~:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:\
+	:le=^H:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\r\n:r1=\Ec\E]R:rc=\E8:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\n:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[24m:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:tc=vt102+enq:\
+	:tc=klone+sgr:tc=ecma+color:tc=linux+sfkeys:
+linux+decid|ncurses extension for Linux console DECID:\
+	:u6=\E[%i%d;%dR:u7=\E[6n:u8=\E[?6c:u9=\EZ:
+linux+sfkeys|shifted function-keys for Linux console:\
+	:F3=\E[25~:F4=\E[26~:F5=\E[28~:F6=\E[29~:F7=\E[31~:\
+	:F8=\E[32~:F9=\E[33~:FA=\E[34~:
+linux-m|Linux console no color:\
+	:Co@:pa@:\
+	:AB@:AF@:Sb@:Sf@:tc=linux:
+# The 1.3.x kernels add color-change capabilities; if yours doesn't have this
+# and it matters, turn off <ccc>.  The %02x escape used to implement this is
+# not supposedly back-portable to older SV curses (although it has worked fine
+# on Solaris for several years) and not supported in ncurses versions before
+# 1.9.9.
+linux-c-nc|linux console with color-change:\
+	:cc:\
+	:oc=\E]R:tc=linux-basic:
+# From: Dennis Henriksen <opus@osrl.dk>, 9 July 1996
+linux-c|linux console 1.3.6+ for older ncurses:\
+	:cc:\
+	:oc=\E]R:tc=linux-basic:
+# The 2.2.x kernels add a private mode that sets the cursor type; use that to
+# get a block cursor for cvvis.
+# reported by Frank Heckenbach <frank@g-n-u.de>.
+linux2.2|linux 2.2.x console:\
+	:ve=\E[?25h\E[?0c:vi=\E[?25l\E[?1c:vs=\E[?25h\E[?8c:\
+	:tc=linux-c-nc:
+# Linux 2.6.x has a fix for SI/SO to work with UTF-8 encoding added here:
+#	http://lkml.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/0602.2/0738.html
+# Although the kernel has mappings for these, they were not in the default
+# font (tested with Debian and Fedora):
+#	'`' diamond
+#	'~' scan line 1
+#	'p' scan line 3
+#	'r' scan line 7
+#	'_' scan line 9
+linux2.6|linux 2.6.x console:\
+	:ac=++,,--..00``aaffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=^O:as=^N:eA=\E)0:me=\E[m\017:tc=linux2.2:
+# The 3.0 kernel adds support for clearing scrollback buffer (capability E3).
+# It is the same as xterm's erase-saved-lines feature.
+linux3.0|linux 3.0 kernels:\
+	:tc=linux2.6:
+# This is Linux console for ncurses.
+linux|linux console:\
+	:tc=linux3.0:
+# Subject: linux 2.6.26 vt back_color_erase
+# Changes to the Linux console driver broke bce model as reported in
+#	https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=418613
+# apparently from
+#	http://lkml.org/lkml/2008/4/26/305
+#	http://lkml.org/lkml/2008/10/3/66
+linux2.6.26|linux console w/o bce:\
+	:ut@:tc=linux2.6:
+# See the note on ICH/ICH1 VERSUS RMIR/SMIR near the end of file
+linux-nic|linux with ich/ich1 suppressed for non-curses programs:\
+	:IC@:ic@:tc=linux:
+# This assumes you have used setfont(8) to load one of the Linux koi8-r fonts.
+# acsc entry from Pavel Roskin" <pavel@absolute.spb.su>, 29 Sep 1997.
+linux-koi8|linux with koi8 alternate character set:\
+	:ac=+\020,\021-\030.^Y0\215`\004a\221f\234g\237h\220i\276j\205k\203l\202m\204n\212o~p\0q\0r\0s_t\206u\207v\211w\210x\201y\230z\231{\267|\274~\224:\
+	:tc=linux:tc=klone+koi8acs:
+# Another entry for KOI8-r with Qing Long's acsc.
+# (which one better complies with the standard?)
+linux-koi8r|linux with koi8-r alternate character set:\
+	:tc=linux:tc=klone+koi8acs:
+# Entry for the latin1 and latin2 fonts
+linux-lat|linux with latin1 or latin2 alternate character set:\
+	:ac=+\020,\021-\030.^Y0\333`\004a\013f\370g\361h\260i\316j\211k\214l\206m\203n\305o~p\304q\212r\304s_t\207u\215v\301w\302x\205y\363z\362{\343|\330}\234~\376:\
+	:tc=linux:
+# This uses graphics from VT codeset instead of from cp437.
+# reason: cp437 (aka "straight to font") is not functional under luit.
+# from: Andrey V Lukyanov <land@long.yar.ru>.
+linux-vt|linux console using VT codes for graphics:\
+	:S2@:S3@:\
+	:ac=++,,--..00``aaffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz~~:\
+	:ae=\E(K:as=\E(0:me=\E[0m\E(K\017:sa@:tc=linux:
+# This is based on the Linux console (relies on the console to perform some
+# of the functionality), but does not recognize as many control sequences.
+# The program comes bundled with an old (circa 1998) copy of the Linux
+# console terminfo.  It recognizes some non-ANSI/VT100 sequences such as
+#	\E*	move cursor to home, as as \E[H
+#	\E,X	same as \E(X
+#	\EE	move cursor to beginning of row
+#	\E[y,xf	same as \E[y,xH
+# Note: The status-line support is buggy (dsl does not work).
+kon|kon2|jfbterm|Kanji ON Linux console:\
+	:cc@:hs:\
+	:Ic@:Ip@:ds=\E[?H:fs=\E[?F:kB@:oc@:op=\E[37;40m:r1=\Ec:\
+	:ts=\E[?T:vb@:ve@:vi@:vs@:tc=linux:
+# FbTerm
+# Another variant.  There are two parts (src, src/lib) with the latter
+# comprising the escape-sequence parsing.  The copyright notice on that
+# says it is based on GTerm by Timothy Miller.
+# The original developer "dragchan" has left, but as of March 2017 there is
+# (still dead) code from May 2015 here:
+#	https://github.com/izmntuk/fbterm
+# The acsc string may be incorrect.
+# Not used here, the program recognizes escapes for italic, underline and
+# dim, rendering those as green, cyan and gray respectively.
+fbterm|FbTerm for Linux with framebuffer:\
+	:Co#256:pa#65536:\
+	:AB=\E[2;%d}:AF=\E[1;%d}:\
+	:ac=+\020,\021-\030.^Y0\333`\004a\261f\370g\361h\260i\316j\331k\277l\332m\300n\305o~p\304q\304r\304s_t\303u\264v\301w\302x\263y\363z\362{\343|\330}\234~\376:\
+	:ae=\E[10m:as=\E[11m:me=\E[0m:tc=linux:
+# 16-color linux console entry; this works with a 256-character
+# console font but bright background colors turn into dim ones when
+# you use a 512-character console font. This uses bold for bright
+# foreground colors and blink for bright background colors.
+# Interestingly, the original version of this entry in 2009 used a documented
+# (but nonstandard) SGR 21, which was supported in the Linux console since 1992
+# as an equivalent for SGR 22.  Long after (early 2018), someone modified the
+# console driver to make it ignore SGR 21 because the ECMA-48 standard
+# suggested a different use for that particular code:
+# https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/65d9982d7e523a1a8e7c9af012da0d166f72fc56#diff-7da3c215d12c9f6b88e1a37d38b116f0
+# Two years later, someone (unfamiliar with ECMA-48 this time) documented it:
+# https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/docs/man-pages/man-pages.git/commit/man4/console_codes.4?id=a133a6bc03d751a424fe0a4adea2198757599615
+# For background, refer to the report on bug-ncurses:
+# https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-ncurses/2019-10/msg00059.html
+linux-16color|linux console with 16 colors:\
+	:Co#16:NC#42:pa#256:tc=linux:
+# bterm (bogl 0.1.18)
+# Implementation is in bogl-term.c
+# Key capabilities from linux terminfo entry
+# Notes:
+# bterm only supports acs using wide-characters, has case for these: qjxamlkut
+# bterm does not support sgr, since it only processes one parameter -TD
+bterm|bogl virtual terminal:\
+	:am:ut:\
+	:Co#8:co#80:li#24:pa#64:\
+	:&7=^Z:@7=\E[4~:AB=\E[4%dm:AF=\E[3%dm:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:\
+	:F3=\E[25~:F4=\E[26~:F5=\E[28~:F6=\E[29~:F7=\E[31~:\
+	:F8=\E[32~:F9=\E[33~:FA=\E[34~:K2=\E[G:Km=\E[M:\
+	:ac=aajjkkllmmqqttuuxx:ae=^O:as=^N:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:do=\n:ho=\E[H:k1=\E[[A:\
+	:k2=\E[[B:k3=\E[[C:k4=\E[[D:k5=\E[[E:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:\
+	:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:kB=\E[Z:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:\
+	:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=\177:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[1~:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:mr=\E[7m:nw=\r\n:\
+	:op=\E[49m\E[39m:se=\E[27m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:\
+	:ue=\E[24m:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:
+#### Mach
+# From: Matthew Vernon <mcv21@pick.sel.cam.ac.uk>
+mach|Mach Console:\
+	:am:km:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:\
+	:@7=\E[Y:AL=\E[%dL:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\Ec:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ho=\E[H:k1=\EOP:\
+	:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\EOT:k6=\EOU:k7=\EOV:k8=\EOW:\
+	:k9=\EOX:k;=\EOY:kD=\E[9:kH=\E[F:kI=\E[@:kN=\E[U:kP=\E[V:\
+	:kb=\177:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[0m:\
+	:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:ta=^I:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+mach-bold|Mach Console with bold instead of underline:\
+	:ue=\E[0m:us=\E[1m:tc=mach:
+mach-color|Mach Console with ANSI color:\
+	:Co#8:pa#64:\
+	:AB=\E[4%dm:AF=\E[3%dm:mh=\E[2m:mk=\E[8m:op=\E[37;40m:\
+	:se=\E[27m:tc=mach:
+# From: Samuel Thibault
+# Source: git://git.sv.gnu.org/hurd/gnumach.git
+# Files: i386/i386at/kd.c
+# Added nel, hpa, sgr and removed rmacs, smacs based on source -TD
+mach-gnu|GNU Mach:\
+	:DC=\E[%dP:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:ac=+>,<-\136.v0\333`+a\261f\370g\361h\260i#j\331k\277l\332m\300n\305o~p\304q\304r\304s_t\303u\264v\301w\302x\263y\363z\362{\343|\330}\234~\376:\
+	:cb=\E[1K:ch=\E[%i%dG:dc=\E[P:ec=\E[%dX:ei=:ic=\E[@:im=:\
+	:mh=\E[2m:mk=\E[8m:nw=\EE:tc=ecma+index:tc=mach:
+mach-gnu-color|Mach Console with ANSI color:\
+	:Co#8:pa#64:\
+	:AB=\E[4%dm:AF=\E[3%dm:op=\E[37;40m:se=\E[27m:\
+	:tc=mach-gnu:
+# From: Marcus Brinkmann
+# http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/hurd/hurd.git/log/console/
+# Comments in the original are summarized here:
+# hurd uses 8-bit characters (km).
+# Although it doesn't do XON/XOFF, we don't want padding characters (xon).
+# Regarding compatibility to vt100:  hurd doesn't specify :xn:, as we don't
+# have the eat_newline_glitch.  It doesn't support setting or removing tab
+# stops (hts/tbc).
+# hurd uses ^H instead of \E[D for cub1, as only ^H implements :bw: and it is
+# one byte instead three.
+# :ic: is not included because hurd has insert mode.
+# hurd doesn't use ^J for scrolling, because this could put things into the
+# scrollback buffer.
+# gsbom/grbom are used to enable/disable real bold (not intensity bright) mode.
+# This is a GNU extension.
+# The original has commented-out ncv, but is restored here.
+# Reading the source, RIS resets cnorm, but not xmous.
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+hurd|The GNU Hurd console server:\
+	:am:bw:eo:km:mi:ms:ut:xn:xo:\
+	:Co#8:NC#18:it#8:pa#64:\
+	:&7=^Z:@7=\E[4~:AB=\E[4%dm:AF=\E[3%dm:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:\
+	:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:F3=\E[25~:\
+	:F4=\E[26~:F5=\E[28~:F6=\E[29~:F7=\E[31~:F8=\E[32~:\
+	:F9=\E[33~:FA=\E[34~:IC=\E[%d@:K2=\E[G:Km=\E[M:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=\E[10m:al=\E[L:as=\E[11m:bl=^G:\
+	:bt=\E[Z:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:ch=\E[%i%dG:cl=\Ec:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:cv=\E[%i%dd:dc=\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\E[15~:k6=\E[17~:\
+	:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:kB=\E[Z:kD=\E[3~:\
+	:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=\177:kd=\EOB:kh=\E[1~:\
+	:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ku=\EOA:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:\
+	:mh=\E[2m:mk=\E[8m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\r\n:op=\E[39;49m:\
+	:r1=\EM\E[?1000l:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\E[S:so=\E[7m:\
+	:sr=\E[T:ta=^I:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:vb=\Eg:\
+	:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:vs=\E[34l:tc=ecma+index:\
+	:tc=ecma+italics:
+#### QNX
+# QNX 4.0 Console
+# Michael's original version of this entry had <am@>, :ti=\Ei:,
+# :te=\Eh\ER:; this was so terminfo applications could write the lower
+# right corner without triggering a scroll.  The ncurses terminfo library can
+# handle this case with the :ic: capability, and prefers :am: for better
+# optimization.  Bug: The <op> capability resets attributes.
+# From: Michael Hunter <mphunter@qnx.com> 30 Jul 1996
+# (removed: :sa=%?%p1%t\E<%;%p2%t\E[%;%p3%t\E(%;%p4%t\E{%;%p6%t\E<%;,:)
+# (rmacs/smacs removed for consistency)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+qnx|qnx4|qnx console:\
+	:km:mi:ms:xt:\
+	:co#80:it#4:li#25:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=\r:\
+	:dc=\Ef:dl=\EF:do=\n:ei=:ho=\EH:ic=\Ee:im=:k1=\377\201:\
+	:k2=\377\202:k3=\377\203:k4=\377\204:k5=\377\205:\
+	:k6=\377\206:k7=\377\207:k8=\377\210:k9=\377\211:\
+	:kD=\377\254:kI=\377\253:kN=\377\252:kP=\377\242:\
+	:kd=\377\251:kh=\377\240:kl=\377\244:kr=\377\246:\
+	:ku=\377\241:le=^H:mb=\E{:md=\E<:me=\E}\E]\E>\E):mr=\E(:\
+	:nd=\EC:rp=\Eg%r%+ %.:se=\E):sf=\n:so=\E(:sr=\EI:ta=^I:\
+	:te=\Eh\ER:ti=\Ei:ue=\E]:up=\EA:us=\E[:ve=\Ey1:vi=\Ey0:\
+	:vs=\Ey2:
+qnxt|qnxt4|QNX4 terminal:\
+	:YB:tc=qnx4:
+qnxm|QNX4 with mouse events:\
+	:Yd#1:\
+	:ZC=\E/:ZD=\E":ZJ=\E/>2h:ZT=\E/>2l:ZZ=\E/>1l\E/>9h:\
+	:Za=\E/>7h:Zb=\E/>7l:Zd=\E/>6l:Zf=\E/>1h:Zg=\E/>1h:\
+	:Zh=\E/>1h\E/>9l:Zi=\E/>6h:i1=\E/0t:tc=qnx4:
+qnxw|QNX4 windows:\
+	:YD:tc=qnxm:
+#	Monochrome QNX4 terminal or console. Setting this terminal type will
+#	allow an application running on a color console to behave as if it
+#	were a monochrome terminal. Output will be through stdout instead of
+#	console writes because the term routines will recognize that the
+#	terminal name starts with 'qnxt'.
+qnxtmono|Monochrome QNX4 terminal or console:\
+	:Co@:pa@:\
+	:sp@:tc=qnx4:
+# From: Federico Bianchi <bianchi@pc-arte2.arte.unipi.it>, 1 Jul 1998
+# (esr: commented out <scp> and :te: to avoid warnings.)
+# (TD: derive from original qnx4 entry)
+qnxt2|qnx 2.15 serial terminal:\
+	:am:\
+	:!3@:%h@:%j@:&7@:Sb@:Sf@:dc@:ic@:rp@:se=\E>:so=\E<:te@:ti@:ve@:vi@:\
+	:vs@:tc=qnx4:
+# QNX ANSI terminal definition
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+qansi-g|QNX ANSI:\
+	:am:es:hs:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:ws#80:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=\E[1L:as=^N:bl=^G:\
+	:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[2J\E[H:cm=5\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[1M:do=\E[B:\
+	:ds=\E[r:ec=\E[%dX:ei=:fs=\E[?6h\E8:ho=\E[H:i2=\E(B\E)0:\
+	:ic=\E[1@:im=:is=\E>\E[?1l\E[?7h\E[0;10;39;49m:k1=\EOP:\
+	:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\EOT:k6=\EOU:k7=\EOV:k8=\EOW:\
+	:k9=\EOX:kD=\E[P:kI=\E[@:kN=\E[U:kP=\E[V:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:\
+	:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=\E[D:ll=\E[99H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:nw=\EE:se=\E[27m:sf=\E[S:so=\E[7m:sr=\E[T:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:ts=\E7\E1;24r\E[?6l\E[25;%i%dH:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?25h\E[?12l:vi=\E[?25l:\
+	:vs=\E[?12;25h:tc=ansi+rep:tc=ecma+index:
+qansi|QNX ansi with console writes:\
+	:YA:YC:tc=qansi-g:
+qansi-t|QNX ansi without console writes:\
+	:YB:tc=qansi:
+qansi-m|QNX ansi with mouse:\
+	:Yd#1:\
+	:ZC=\E[:ZD=\E]:ZJ=\E[>2h:ZT=\E[>2l:ZZ=\E[>1l\E[>9h:\
+	:Za=\E[>7h:Zb=\E[>7l:Zd=\E[>6l:Zf=\E[>1h:Zg=\E[>1h:\
+	:Zh=\E[>1h\E[>9l:Zi=\E[>6h:i1=\E[0t:tc=qansi:
+qansi-w|QNX ansi for windows:\
+	:YD:tc=qansi-m:
+#### SCO consoles
+# SCO console and SOS-Syscons console for 386bsd
+# (scoansi: had unknown capabilities
+#	:Gc=N:Gd=K:Gh=M:Gl=L:Gu=J:Gv=\072:\
+#	:GC=E:GD=B:GH=D:GL=\64:GU=A:GV=\63:GR=C:
+#	:G1=?:G2=Z:G3=@:G4=Y:G5=;:G6=I:G7=H:G8=<:\
+#	:CW=\E[M:NU=\E[N:RF=\E[O:RC=\E[P:\
+#	:WL=\E[S:WR=\E[T:CL=\E[U:CR=\E[V:\
+# I renamed GS/GE/HM/EN/PU/PD/RT and added klone+sgr-dumb, based
+# on the :as:=\E[12m  -- esr)
+# klone+sgr-dumb is an error since the acsc does not match -TD
+# In this description based on SCO's keyboard(HW) manpage list of default
+# function key values:
+#	F13-F24 are shifted F1-F12
+#	F25-F36 are control F1-F12
+#	F37-F48 are shift+control F1-F12
+# hpa/vpa work in the console, but not in scoterm:
+#	hpa=\E[%p1%dG,
+#	vpa=\E[%p1%dd,
+# SCO's terminfo uses
+#	kLFT=\E[d,
+#	kRIT=\E[c,
+# which do not work (console or scoterm).
+# Console documents only 3 attributes can be set with SGR (so we don't use sgr).
+# (rmacs/smacs removed for consistency)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+scoansi-old|SCO Extended ANSI standard crt (5.0.5):\
+	:am:bs:eo:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:\
+	:cd=\E[m\E[J:ce=\E[m\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=:k1=\E[M:\
+	:k2=\E[N:k3=\E[O:k4=\E[P:k5=\E[Q:k6=\E[R:k7=\E[S:k8=\E[T:\
+	:k9=\E[U:kD=\177:kI=\E[L:kN=\E[G:kP=\E[I:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:\
+	:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:\
+	:me=\E[0;10m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:\
+	:sf=\E[S:so=\E[7m:sr=\E[T:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[=10;12C:vi=\E[=14;12C:vs=\E[=0;12C:\
+	:tc=ecma+index:
+scoansi-new|SCO Extended ANSI standard crt (5.0.6):\
+	:km:\
+	:MC=\E[=r:MR=\E[=3;0m:Zk=\E[=1;0m:Zl=\E[=1;%i%dm:\
+	:Zm=\E[=2;%i%dm:Zn=\E[=3;%i%dm:Zo=\E[=0;0m:\
+	:Zp=\E[=0;%i%dm:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:mm=\E[=10L:mo=\E[=11L:\
+	:oc=\E[51m:op=\E[50m:rp=\E[%d;%db:ve=\E[=1c:vi=\E[=0c:\
+	:vs=\E[=2c:tc=scoansi-old:
+# make this easy to change...
+scoansi|SCO Extended ANSI standard crt:\
+	:tc=scoansi-old:
+#### SGI consoles
+# Sent by Stefan Stapelberg <stefan@rent-a-guru.de>, 24 Feb 1997, this is
+# from SGI's terminfo database.  SGI's entry shows F9-F12 with the codes
+# for the application keypad mode.  We have added iris-ansi-ap rather than
+# change the original to keypad mode.
+# (iris-ansi: added rmam/smam based on init string -- esr)
+# This entry, and those derived from it, is used in xwsh (also known as
+# winterm).  Some capabilities that do not fit into the terminfo model
+# include the shift- and control-functionkeys:
+# F1-F12 generate different codes when shift or control modifiers are used.
+# For example:
+#	F1		\E[001q
+#	shift F1	\E[013q
+#	control-F1	\E[025q
+# In application keypad mode, F9-F12 generate codes like vt100 PF1-PF4, i.e.,
+# \EOP to \EOS.  The shifted and control modifiers still do the same thing.
+# The cursor keys also have different codes:
+#	control-up	\E[162q
+#	control-down	\E[165q
+#	control-left	\E[159q
+#	control-right	\E[168q
+#	shift-up	\E[161q
+#	shift-down	\E[164q
+#	shift-left	\E[158q
+#	shift-right	\E[167q
+#	control-tab	\[072q
+iris-ansi|iris-ansi-net|IRIS emulating 40 line ANSI terminal (almost VT100):\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#40:\
+	:!2=\E[218q:#2=\E[143q:#4=\E[158q:%9=\E[209q:%f=\E[210q:\
+	:%i=\E[167q:&7=\E[217q:*4=\E[P:*7=\E[147q:@7=\E[146q:\
+	:@8=\r:AL=\E[%dL:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:F1=\E[011q:\
+	:F2=\E[012q:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:\
+	:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:ct=\E[3g:dl=\E[M:do=\n:\
+	:ho=\E[H:is=\E[?1l\E>\E[?7h\E[100g\E[0m\E7\E[r\E8:\
+	:k1=\E[001q:k2=\E[002q:k3=\E[003q:k4=\E[004q:k5=\E[005q:\
+	:k6=\E[006q:k7=\E[007q:k8=\E[008q:k9=\E[009q:k;=\E[010q:\
+	:kB=\E[Z:kD=\177:kI=\E[139q:kM=\E[146q:kN=\E[154q:\
+	:kP=\E[150q:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:\
+	:le=\E[D:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:\
+	:pk=\EP101;%d.y%s\E\\:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\ED:\
+	:so=\E[1;7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:ve=\E[9/y\E[12/y\E[=6l:vs=\E[10/y\E[=1h\E[=2l\E[=6h:
+iris-ansi-ap|IRIS ANSI in application-keypad mode:\
+	:@8=\EOM:F1=\E[011q:F2=\E[012q:is=\E[?1l\E=\E[?7h:\
+	:k9=\E[009q:k;=\E[010q:tc=iris-ansi:
+# From the man-page, this is a quasi-vt100 emulator that runs on SGI's IRIX
+# (T.Dickey 98/1/24)
+iris-color|xwsh|IRIX ANSI with color:\
+	:NC#33:\
+	:DC=\E[%dP:IC=\E[%d@:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ec=\E[%dX:ei=:im=:\
+	:mh=\E[2m:r1=\Ec:r2=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:\
+	:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:ue=\E[24m:tc=ecma+italics:tc=vt100+enq:\
+	:tc=klone+color:tc=iris-ansi-ap:
+#### OpenBSD consoles
+# From: Alexei Malinin <Alexei.Malinin@mail.ru>; October, 2011.
+# The following terminal descriptions for the  AMD/Intel PC console
+# were prepared  based on information contained in  the OpenBSD-4.9
+# termtypes.master and wscons(4) & vga(4) manuals (2010, November).
+# Added bce based on testing with tack -TD
+# Added several capabilities to pccon+base, reading wsemul_vt100_subr.c -TD
+# Changed kbs to DEL and removed keys that duplicate stty settings -TD
+# Notes from testing with vttest:
+#	fails wrapping test
+#	no 8-bit controls
+#	identifies as vt200 with selective erase, but does not implement DECSCA
+#	no vt52 mode
+#	also lacks these:
+#		ESC # 8	  DEC Screen Alignment Test (DECALN).
+#		CSI ? 5 h Reverse Video (DECSCNM).
+pccon+keys|OpenBSD PC keyboard keys:\
+	:&2=^R:@7=\E[8~:@8=\r:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:F3=\E[25~:\
+	:F4=\E[26~:F5=\E[28~:F6=\E[29~:F7=\E[31~:F8=\E[32~:\
+	:F9=\E[33~:FA=\E[34~:FB=\E[35~:FC=\E[36~:FD=\E[37~:\
+	:FE=\E[38~:k1=\E[11~:k2=\E[12~:k3=\E[13~:k4=\E[14~:\
+	:k5=\E[15~:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:\
+	:k;=\E[21~:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=\177:\
+	:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[7~:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:
+pccon+sgr+acs0|sgr and simple ASCII pseudographics for OpenBSD PC console:\
+	:ac=+>,<-\136.v0#`+a\:f\\h#i#j+k+l+m+n+o~p-q-r-s_t+u+v+w+x|y#z#{*|!}#~o:\
+	:me=\E[m:
+pccon+sgr+acs|sgr and default ASCII pseudographics for OpenBSD PC console:\
+	:ac=++,,--..00``aaffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=5\E(B:as=5\E(0:eA=5\E)0:me=5\E[m\E(B:
+# underline renders as color
+pccon+colors|ANSI colors for OpenBSD PC console:\
+	:ut:\
+	:Co#8:NC#2:pa#64:\
+	:AB=\E[4%dm:AF=\E[3%dm:op=\E[47;30m:
+pccon+base|base capabilities for OpenBSD PC console:\
+	:5i:NP:am:km:ms:nx:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:DC=\E[%dP:IC=\E[%d@:RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7h:al=\E[L:bl=^G:\
+	:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=\r:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ec=\E[%dX:ei=:ho=\E[H:\
+	:im=:le=^H:md=\E[1m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:rs=50\Ec:\
+	:se=\E[27m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:u6=\E[%i%d;%dR:u7=\E[6n:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+pccon0-m|OpenBSD PC console without colors & with simple ASCII pseudographics:\
+	:tc=pccon+sgr+acs0:tc=pccon+base:tc=pccon+keys:
+pccon0|OpenBSD PC console with simple ASCII pseudographics:\
+	:tc=pccon0-m:tc=pccon+colors:
+pccon-m|OpenBSD PC console without colors:\
+	:tc=pccon+base:tc=pccon+sgr+acs:tc=pccon+keys:
+pccon|OpenBSD PC console:\
+	:tc=pccon-m:tc=pccon+colors:
+#### NetBSD consoles
+# pcvt termcap database entries (corresponding to release 3.31)
+# Author's last edit-date: [Fri Sep 15 20:29:10 1995]
+# (For the terminfo master file, I translated these into terminfo syntax.
+# Then I dropped all the pseudo-HP entries. we don't want and can't use
+# the :Xs: flag. Then I split :is: into a size-independent :i1: and a
+# size-dependent :is:.  Finally, I added <rmam>/<smam> -- esr)
+# NOTE: :ic: has been taken out of this entry. for reference, it should
+# be <ich1=\E[@>.  For discussion, see ICH/ICH1 VERSUS RMIR/SMIR below.
+# (esr: added :vi: and :ve: to resolve NetBSD Problem Report #4583)
+pcvtXX|pcvt vt200 emulator (DEC VT220):\
+	:am:km:mi:ms:xn:\
+	:it#8:vt#3:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=++,,--..00``aaffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz~~:\
+	:ae=\E(B:al=\E[L:as=\E(0:bl=^G:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\
+	:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:\
+	:i1=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:im=\E[4h:\
+	:k1=\E[17~:k2=\E[18~:k3=\E[19~:k4=\E[20~:k5=\E[21~:\
+	:k6=\E[23~:k7=\E[24~:k8=\E[25~:kD=\E[3~:kH=\E[4~:kI=\E[2~:\
+	:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=\177:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kh=\E[1~:\
+	:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:\
+	:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:\
+	:r1=\Ec\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:rc=\E8:\
+	:rf=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\ED:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:tc=ecma+index:
+#	NetBSD/FreeBSD vt220 terminal emulator console (pc keyboard & monitor)
+#	termcap entries for pure VT220-Emulation and 25, 28, 35, 40, 43 and
+#	50 lines entries; 80 columns
+pcvt25|dec vt220 emulation with 25 lines:\
+	:co#80:li#25:\
+	:is=\E[1;25r\E[25;1H:tc=pcvtXX:
+pcvt28|dec vt220 emulation with 28 lines:\
+	:co#80:li#28:\
+	:is=\E[1;28r\E[28;1H:tc=pcvtXX:
+pcvt35|dec vt220 emulation with 35 lines:\
+	:co#80:li#35:\
+	:is=\E[1;35r\E[35;1H:tc=pcvtXX:
+pcvt40|dec vt220 emulation with 40 lines:\
+	:co#80:li#40:\
+	:is=\E[1;40r\E[40;1H:tc=pcvtXX:
+pcvt43|dec vt220 emulation with 43 lines:\
+	:co#80:li#43:\
+	:is=\E[1;43r\E[43;1H:tc=pcvtXX:
+pcvt50|dec vt220 emulation with 50 lines:\
+	:co#80:li#50:\
+	:is=\E[1;50r\E[50;1H:tc=pcvtXX:
+#	NetBSD/FreeBSD vt220 terminal emulator console (pc keyboard & monitor)
+#	termcap entries for pure VT220-Emulation and 25, 28, 35, 40, 43 and
+#	50 lines entries; 132 columns
+pcvt25w|dec vt220 emulation with 25 lines and 132 cols:\
+	:co#132:li#25:\
+	:is=\E[1;25r\E[25;1H:tc=pcvtXX:
+pcvt28w|dec vt220 emulation with 28 lines and 132 cols:\
+	:co#132:li#28:\
+	:is=\E[1;28r\E[28;1H:tc=pcvtXX:
+pcvt35w|dec vt220 emulation with 35 lines and 132 cols:\
+	:co#132:li#35:\
+	:is=\E[1;35r\E[35;1H:tc=pcvtXX:
+pcvt40w|dec vt220 emulation with 40 lines and 132 cols:\
+	:co#132:li#40:\
+	:is=\E[1;40r\E[40;1H:tc=pcvtXX:
+pcvt43w|dec vt220 emulation with 43 lines and 132 cols:\
+	:co#132:li#43:\
+	:is=\E[1;43r\E[43;1H:tc=pcvtXX:
+pcvt50w|dec vt220 emulation with 50 lines and 132 cols:\
+	:co#132:li#50:\
+	:is=\E[1;50r\E[50;1H:tc=pcvtXX:
+#	OpenBSD implements a color variation
+pcvt25-color|dec vt220 emulation with 25 lines and color:\
+	:co#80:li#25:\
+	:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:F3=\E[25~:F4=\E[26~:F5=\E[28~:\
+	:F6=\E[29~:F7=\E[31~:F8=\E[32~:F9=\E[33~:FA=\E[34~:\
+	:is=\E[1;25r\E[25;1H:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:\
+	:k5=\E[17~:k6=\E[18~:k7=\E[19~:k8=\E[20~:k9=\E[21~:\
+	:k;=\E[29~:tc=pcvtXX:tc=ecma+color:
+# Terminfo entries to enable the use of the ncurses library in colour on a
+# NetBSD-arm32 console (only tested on a RiscPC).
+# Created by Dave Millen <dmill@globalnet.co.uk> 22.07.98
+# modified codes for setf/setb to setaf/setab, then to klone+color, corrected
+# typo in invis - TD
+arm100|arm100-am|Arm(RiscPC) ncurses compatible (for 640x480):\
+	:am:ms:ut:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#30:\
+	:@8=\E[M:DO=\E[%dB:K1=\E[q:K2=\E[r:K3=\E[s:K4=\E[p:K5=\E[n:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=^O:as=^N:bl=^G:cb=3\E[1K:cd=50\E[J:ce=3\E[K:\
+	:cl=50\E[H\E[J:cm=5\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\
+	:ct=\E[3g:do=\n:eA=\E(B\E)0:ho=\E[H:k0=\E[y:k1=\E[P:\
+	:k2=\E[Q:k3=\E[R:k4=\E[S:k5=\E[t:k6=\E[u:k7=\E[v:k8=\E[l:\
+	:k9=\E[w:k;=\E[x:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=2\E[5m:md=2\E[1m:\
+	:me=2\E[0m:mk=2\E[8m:mr=2\E[7m:nd=2\E[C:rc=\E8:\
+	:rs=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:sc=\E7:se=2\E[m:\
+	:sf=\n:so=2\E[7m:sr=5\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=2\E[m:up=2\E[A:\
+	:us=2\E[4m:tc=ecma+sgr:tc=klone+color:
+arm100-w|arm100-wam|Arm(RiscPC) ncurses compatible (for 1024x768):\
+	:co#132:li#50:tc=arm100:
+# NetBSD/x68k console vt200 emulator. This port runs on a 68K machine
+# manufactured by Sharp for the Japanese market.
+# From Minoura Makoto <minoura@netlaputa.or.jp>, 12 May 1996
+x68k|x68k-ite|NetBSD/x68k ITE:\
+	:co#96:li#32:\
+	:%1=\E[28~:kC=\E[9~:tc=vt220:
+# <tv@pobox.com>:
+# Entry for the DNARD OpenFirmware console, close to ANSI but not quite.
+# (still unfinished, but good enough so far.)
+ofcons|DNARD OpenFirmware console:\
+	:bw:\
+	:co#80:li#30:\
+	:AL=\233%dL:DC=\233%dP:DL=\233%dM:DO=\233%dB:IC=\233%d@:\
+	:LE=\233%dD:RI=\233%dC:UP=\233%dA:al=\233L:bl=^G:cd=\233J:\
+	:ce=\233K:cl=^L:cm=\233%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:dc=\233P:dl=\233M:\
+	:do=\233B:ei=:ic=\233@:im=:k1=\2330P:k2=\2330Q:k3=\2330W:\
+	:k4=\2330x:k5=\2330t:k6=\2330u:k7=\2330q:k8=\2330r:\
+	:k9=\2330p:k;=\2330M:kD=\233P:kN=\233/:kP=\233?:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\233B:kl=\233D:kr=\233C:ku=\233A:le=\233D:mb=\2335m:\
+	:md=\2331m:me=\2330m:mh=\2332m:mk=\2338m:mr=\2337m:\
+	:nd=\233C:nw=\r\n:se=\2330m:sf=\n:so=\2337m:ta=^I:\
+	:ue=\2330m:up=\233A:us=\2334m:vb=^G:
+# NetBSD "wscons" emulator in vt220 mode.
+# This entry is based on the NetBSD termcap entry, correcting the ncv value.
+# The emulator renders underlined text in red.  Colors are otherwise usable.
+# Testing the emulator and reading the source code (NetBSD 2.0), it appears
+# that "vt220" is inaccurate.  There are a few vt220-features, but most of the
+# vt220 screens in vttest do not work with this emulator.  For instance, it
+# identifies itself (primary DA response) as a vt220 with selective erase.  But
+# the selective erase feature does not work.  The secondary response is copied
+# from Kermit's emulation of vt220, does not correspond to actual vt220.  At
+# the level of detail in a termcap, it is a passable emulator, since ECH does
+# work.  Don't use it on a VMS system -TD
+wsvt25|NetBSD wscons in 25 line DEC VT220 mode:\
+	:ms:ut:\
+	:Co#8:NC#2:co#80:it#8:li#25:pa#64:\
+	:@7=\E[8~:AB=\E[4%dm:AF=\E[3%dm:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:\
+	:is=\E[r\E[25;1H:k1=\E[11~:k2=\E[12~:k3=\E[13~:k4=\E[14~:\
+	:k5=\E[15~:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:\
+	:k;=\E[21~:kD=\E[3~:kh=\E[7~:op=\E[m:r1=\Ec:ve=\E[?25h:\
+	:vi=\E[?25l:tc=vt220:
+wsvt25m|NetBSD wscons in 25 line DEC VT220 mode with Meta:\
+	:km:tc=wsvt25:
+# NetBSD 6.x still uses wscons, with minor changes (2014/02/22) -TD
+# TERM is by default vt100 for the console, wsvt25 for other ttys.
+# Initial testing set TERM=xterm, based on comments by developers, found too
+# many differences to continue in that path.  However, test-results may be
+# useful to people curious about compatibility with xterm.
+# Testing with tack:
+# -----------------
+# Failed: cbt, bel, flash, cvvis, smul (color), blink, invis
+# There is color-bleeding in the color-pairs screen.
+# Attributes do not work with color
+# Failed: vpa/hpa
+# Failed: kf1-kf4, kf13-kf48, khome, kend
+#	(effectively xterm-r6 for function-keys)
+# None of the function or cursor key-modifiers are encoded.
+# Console hangs in the smm/rmm test if TERM=xterm, does not show test
+# Testing with vttest:
+# -------------------
+# Identifies as vt220 with selective erase
+#	(however, selective erase refers to DECSCA, SPA)
+# Does not implement vt52
+# Uses spaces to simulate double-size characters
+# Does not support 8-bit controls
+# Does not support VT220 reports
+# Does not support send/receive mode
+# Supports ECH (like rxvt)
+# Does not support DECSCA
+# Does not support any of the ISO-6429 cursor-movement
+# Does not support any of the ISO-6429 miscellaneous tests
+#	(SL/SR also leave unexpected char on screen too)
+# Background does not change in menu 11.6.9 (SGR 22-27)
+# None of the xterm special features tests work
+netbsd6|NetBSD wscons in 25 line DEC VT100 mode:\
+	:kb=\177:tc=wsvt25:
+# `rasterconsole' provided by 4.4BSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD on SPARC, and
+# DECstation/pmax.
+rcons|BSD rasterconsole:\
+	:tc=sun-il:
+# Color version of above. Color currently only provided by NetBSD.
+rcons-color|BSD rasterconsole with ANSI color:\
+	:ut:\
+	:Co#8:pa#64:\
+	:AB=\E[4%dm:AF=\E[3%dm:op=\E[m:tc=rcons:
+# mgterm -- MGL/MGL2, MobileGear Graphic Library
+# for PocketBSD,PocketLinux,NetBSD/{hpcmips,mac68k}
+# -- the setf/setb are probably incorrect, more likely setaf/setab -TD
+# -- compare with cons25w
+mgterm|MGL/MGL2 MobileGear Graphic Library:\
+	:NP:am:bs:bw:eo:km:ms:pt:ut:\
+	:Co#8:co#80:it#8:li#18:pa#64:\
+	:@7=\E[F:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:F1=\E[W:\
+	:F2=\E[X:IC=\E[%d@:K2=\E[E:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:Sb=\E[4%dm:\
+	:Sf=\E[3%dm:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cb=\E[1K:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:ch=\E[%i%d`:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:cv=\E[%i%dd:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:\
+	:ec=\E[%dX:ei=:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=:k1=\E[M:k2=\E[N:k3=\E[O:\
+	:k4=\E[P:k5=\E[Q:k6=\E[R:k7=\E[S:k8=\E[T:k9=\E[U:k;=\E[V:\
+	:kB=\E[Z:kD=\177:kI=\E[L:kN=\E[G:kP=\E[I:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:\
+	:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:\
+	:me=\E[m:mh=\E[30;1m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\E[E:op=\E[x:\
+	:rc=\E8:rs=\E[x\E[m\Ec:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\E[S:so=\E[7m:\
+	:sr=\E[T:ta=^I:up=\E[A:tc=ecma+index:
+#### FreeBSD console entries
+# From: Andrey Chernov <ache@astral.msk.su> 29 Mar 1996
+# Andrey Chernov maintains the FreeBSD termcap distributions.
+# Note: Users of FreeBSD 2.1.0 and older versions must either upgrade
+# or comment out the :cb: capability in the console entry.
+# Alexander Lukyanov reports:
+# I have seen FreeBSD-2.1.5R... The old el1 bug changed, but it is still there.
+# Now el1 clears not only to the line beginning, but also a large chunk
+# of previous line. But there is another bug - ech does not work at all.
+# for syscons
+# common entry without semigraphics
+# Bug: The <op> capability resets attributes.
+# Bug? The ech and el1 attributes appear to move the cursor in some cases; for
+# instance el1 does if the cursor is moved to the right margin first.  Removed
+# by T.Dickey 97/5/3 (ech=\E[%p1%dX, el1=\E[1K)
+# Setting colors turns off reverse; we cannot guarantee order, so use ncv.
+# Note that this disables standout with color.
+# The emulator sends difference strings based on shift- and control-keys,
+# like scoansi:
+#	F13-F24 are shifted F1-F12
+#	F25-F36 are control F1-F12
+#	F37-F48 are shift+control F1-F12
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+cons25w|ansiw|ansi80x25-raw|freebsd console (25-line raw mode):\
+	:am:bw:eo:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:K2=\E[E:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bl=^G:\
+	:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ec=\E[%dX:ei=:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=:\
+	:k1=\E[M:k2=\E[N:k3=\E[O:k4=\E[P:k5=\E[Q:k6=\E[R:k7=\E[S:\
+	:k8=\E[T:k9=\E[U:kD=\177:kI=\E[L:kN=\E[G:kP=\E[I:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:\
+	:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mh=\E[30;1m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\E[E:\
+	:rc=\E8:rs=\E[x\E[m\Ec:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\E[S:so=\E[7m:\
+	:sr=\E[T:ta=^I:up=\E[A:ve=\E[=0C:vs=\E[=1C:tc=ecma+index:
+cons25|ansis|ansi80x25|freebsd console (25-line ansi mode):\
+	:ac=-\030.^Y0\333`\004a\260f\370g\361h\261i\025j\331k\277l\332m\300n\305q\304t\303u\264v\301w\302x\263y\363z\362~\371:\
+	:tc=cons25w:
+cons25-debian|freebsd console with debian backspace (25-line ansi mode):\
+	:kD=\E[3~:kb=\177:tc=cons25:
+cons25-m|ansis-mono|ansi80x25-mono|freebsd console (25-line mono ansi mode):\
+	:Co@:pa@:\
+	:AB@:AF@:md@:mh@:op@:ue=\E[m:us=\E[4m:tc=cons25:
+cons30|ansi80x30|freebsd console (30-line ansi mode):\
+	:li#30:tc=cons25:
+cons30-m|ansi80x30-mono|freebsd console (30-line mono ansi mode):\
+	:li#30:tc=cons25-m:
+cons43|ansi80x43|freebsd console (43-line ansi mode):\
+	:li#43:tc=cons25:
+cons43-m|ansi80x43-mono|freebsd console (43-line mono ansi mode):\
+	:li#43:tc=cons25-m:
+cons50|ansil|ansi80x50|freebsd console (50-line ansi mode):\
+	:li#50:tc=cons25:
+cons50-m|ansil-mono|ansi80x50-mono|freebsd console (50-line mono ansi mode):\
+	:li#50:tc=cons25-m:
+cons60|ansi80x60|freebsd console (60-line ansi mode):\
+	:li#60:tc=cons25:
+cons60-m|ansi80x60-mono|freebsd console (60-line mono ansi mode):\
+	:li#60:tc=cons25-m:
+cons25r|pc3r|ibmpc3r|cons25-koi8-r|freebsd console w/koi8-r cyrillic:\
+	:ac=-\030.^Y0\215`\004a\220f\234h\221i\025j\205k\203l\202m\204n\212q\0t\206u\207v\211w\210x\201y\230z\231~\225:\
+	:tc=cons25w:
+cons25r-m|pc3r-m|ibmpc3r-mono|cons25-koi8r-m|freebsd console w/koi8-r cyrillic (mono):\
+	:Co@:pa@:\
+	:AB@:AF@:op@:ue=\E[m:us=\E[4m:tc=cons25r:
+cons50r|cons50-koi8r|freebsd console w/koi8-r cyrillic (50 lines):\
+	:li#50:tc=cons25r:
+cons50r-m|cons50-koi8r-m|freebsd console w/koi8-r cyrillic (50-line mono):\
+	:li#50:tc=cons25r-m:
+cons60r|cons60-koi8r|freebsd console w/koi8-r cyrillic (60 lines):\
+	:li#60:tc=cons25r:
+cons60r-m|cons60-koi8r-m|freebsd console w/koi8-r cyrillic (60-line mono):\
+	:li#60:tc=cons25r-m:
+# ISO 8859-1 FreeBSD console
+cons25l1|cons25-iso8859|freebsd console w/iso 8859-1 chars:\
+	:ac=+\253,\273-\030.\031`\201a\202f\207g\210i\247j\213k\214l\215m\216n\217o\220p\221q\222r\223s\224t\225u\226v\227w\230x\231y\232z\233~\237:\
+	:tc=cons25w:
+cons25l1-m|cons25-iso-m|freebsd console w/iso 8859-1 chars (mono):\
+	:Co@:pa@:\
+	:AB@:AF@:md@:mh@:op@:ue=\E[m:us=\E[4m:tc=cons25l1:
+cons50l1|cons50-iso8859|freebsd console w/iso 8859-1 chars (50 lines):\
+	:li#50:tc=cons25l1:
+cons50l1-m|cons50-iso-m|freebsd console w/iso 8859-1 chars (50-line mono):\
+	:li#50:tc=cons25l1-m:
+cons60l1|cons60-iso|freebsd console w/iso 8859-1 chars (60 lines):\
+	:li#60:tc=cons25l1:
+cons60l1-m|cons60-iso-m|freebsd console w/iso 8859-1 chars (60-line mono):\
+	:li#60:tc=cons25l1-m:
+# Starting with FreeBSD 8, an alternative configuration for syscons is provided,
+# which is intended to be xterm-compatible.  See for example
+#	http://svnweb.freebsd.org/base/stable/8/sys/dev/syscons/
+# in particular scterm-teken.c
+# For FreeBSD 9 and 10:
+# --------------------
+# The /etc/ttys entries for console and other ttys are all configured to set
+# TERM=xterm.
+# Testing with tack:
+# There is no VT100 line-drawing (uses +'s and -'s)
+# Shifted f1-f12 give cons25 codes, rather than xterm function-keys
+# Testing with vttest:
+# Menu 2 diamonds don't work, blink ditto, light background ditto
+# The terminal identifies itself as VT100 with AVO
+# There is no VT52 support
+# There is no doublesize character support
+# The terminal supports ECH (like rxvt)
+# The terminal does not support send/receive mode
+# The terminal supports all of the ISO-6429 cursor-movement
+# The terminal supports some of the ISO-6429 miscellaneous tests
+#	(SL/SR also leave unexpected char on screen too)
+# Considering cons25 as a base, the line-drawing mostly works, but is missing
+# the cells which happen to have ASCII control-character values:
+#	-    ^X    arrow pointing up
+#	.    ^Y    arrow pointing down
+#	i    ^Y    lantern
+#	`    ^D    diamond
+# Those are removed from this entry's acsc string to avoid confusion.
+# The resulting description provides correct line-drawing and function-keys -TD
+teken|syscons with teken:\
+	:bw@:mi:xn:\
+	:@7=\E[F:@8=\r:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:\
+	:ac=0\333a\260f\370g\361h\261j\331k\277l\332m\300n\305q\304t\303u\264v\301w\302x\263y\363z\362~\371:\
+	:ch=\E[%i%dG:ct=\E[3g:cv=\E[%i%dd:ei=\E[4l:im=\E[4h:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\E[15~:k6=\E[17~:\
+	:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:kD=\E[3~:\
+	:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:st=\EH:u6=\E[%i%d;%dR:u7=\E[6n:\
+	:u8=\E[?1;2c:u9=\E[c:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:vs@:tc=cons25:
+#### 386BSD and BSD/OS Consoles
+# This was the original 386BSD console entry (I think).
+# Some places it's named oldpc3|oldibmpc3.
+# From: Alex R.N. Wetmore <aw2t@andrew.cmu.edu>
+origpc3|origibmpc3|IBM PC 386BSD Console:\
+	:am:bs:bw:eo:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#25:\
+	:ac=j\331k\277l\332m\300n\305q\304t\303u\264v\301w\302x\263:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\Ec:cm=\E[%i%2;%2H:do=\E[B:ho=\E[H:\
+	:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[Y:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:md=\E[7m:\
+	:me=\E[m\E[1;0x\E[2;7x:nd=\E[C:se=\E[1;0x\E[2;7x:\
+	:sf=\E[S:so=\E[1;7x\E[2;0x:sr=\E[T:ue=\E[1;0x\E[2;7x:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[1;7x\E[2;0x:
+# description of BSD/386 console emulator in version 1.0 (supplied by BSDI)
+oldpc3|oldibmpc3|old IBM PC BSD/386 Console:\
+	:bs:km:\
+	:li#25:\
+	:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cr=\r:dl=\E[M:do=\n:kH=\E[F:kI=\E[L:kN=\E[G:\
+	:kP=\E[I:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:\
+	:md=\E[=15F:me=\E[=R:mh=\E[=8F:nw=\r\n:sf=\n:ta=^I:
+# Description of BSD/OS console emulator in version 1.1, 2.0, 2.1
+# Note, the emulator supports many of the additional console features
+# listed in the iBCS2 (e.g. character-set selection) though not all
+# are described here.  This entry really ought to be upgraded.
+# Also note, the console will also work with fewer lines after doing
+# "stty rows NN", e.g. to use 24 lines.
+# (Color support from Kevin Rosenberg <kevin@cyberport.com>, 2 May 1996)
+# Bug: The <op> capability resets attributes.
+bsdos-pc|IBM PC BSD/OS Console:\
+	:tc=bsdos-pc-nobold:
+bsdos-pc-nobold|BSD/OS PC console w/o bold:\
+	:tc=klone+color:tc=bsdos-pc-m:
+bsdos-pc-m|bsdos-pc-mono|BSD/OS PC console mono:\
+	:am:bs:eo:km:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:\
+	:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\Ec:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ho=\E[H:kH=\E[F:\
+	:kI=\E[L:kN=\E[G:kP=\E[I:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:nd=\E[C:nw=\r\n:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:sf=\n:\
+	:ta=^I:up=\E[A:tc=klone+sgr8:
+# Old names for BSD/OS PC console used in releases before 4.1.
+pc3|BSD/OS on the PC Console:\
+	:tc=bsdos-pc-nobold:
+ibmpc3|pc3-bold|BSD/OS on the PC Console with bold instead of underline:\
+	:tc=bsdos-pc:
+# BSD/OS on the SPARC
+bsdos-sparc|Sun SPARC BSD/OS Console:\
+	:tc=sun:
+# BSD/OS on the PowerPC
+bsdos-ppc|PowerPC BSD/OS Console:\
+	:tc=bsdos-pc:
+#### DEC VT52
+# (<acsc>/:ae:/:as: capabilities aren't in DEC's official entry -- esr)
+# Actually (TD pointed this out at the time the acsc string was added):
+# vt52 shouldn't define full acsc since most of the cells don't match.
+# see vt100 manual page A-31.  This is the list that does match:
+#	f degree
+#	g plus/minus
+#	h right-arrow
+#	k down-arrow
+#	m scan-1
+#	o scan-3
+#	q scan-5
+#	s scan-7
+# The line-drawing happens to work in several terminal emulators, but should
+# not be used as a guide to the capabilities of the vt52.  Note in particular
+# that vt52 does not support line-drawing characters (the scan-X values refer
+# to a crude plotting feature) -TD
+vt52|dec vt52:\
+	:bs:\
+	:it#8:li#24:\
+	:ac=+h.k0affggolpnqprrss:ae=\EG:as=\EF:ho=\EH:kb=^H:\
+	:ke=\E>:ks=\E=:nw=\r\n:sr=\EI:u8=\E/[KL]:tc=vt50h:
+# This is more likely the "vt52" that you would see in emulation, i.e., no
+# keypad, no graphics.
+vt52-basic|vt52 for emulators:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=\r:do=\EB:\
+	:ho=\EH:kb=^H:kd=\EB:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=\ED:nd=\EC:\
+	:nw=\r\n:sf=\n:sr=\EI:ta=^I:up=\EA:
+#### DEC VT100 and compatibles
+# DEC terminals from the vt100 forward are collected here. Older DEC terminals
+# and micro consoles can be found in the `obsolete' section.  More details on
+# the relationship between the VT100 and ANSI X3.64/ISO 6429/ECMA-48 may be
+# found near the end of this file.
+# Except where noted, these entries are DEC's official terminfos.
+# Contact Bill Hedberg <hedberg@hannah.enet.dec.com> of Terminal Support
+# Engineering for more information.  Updated terminfos and termcaps
+# are kept available at ftp://gatekeeper.dec.com/pub/DEC/termcaps.
+# In October 1995 DEC sold its terminals business, including the VT and Dorio
+# line and trademark, to SunRiver Data Systems.  SunRiver has since changed
+# its name to Boundless Technologies; see http://www.boundless.com.
+# NOTE:  Any VT100 emulation, whether in hardware or software, almost
+# certainly includes what DEC called the `Level 1 editing extension' codes;
+# only the very oldest VT100s lacked these and there probably aren't any of
+# those left alive.  To capture these, use one of the VT102 entries.
+# Note that the :xn: glitch in vt100 is not quite the same as on the Concept,
+# since the cursor is left in a different position while in the
+# weird state (concept at beginning of next line, vt100 at end
+# of this line) so all versions of vi before 3.7 don't handle
+# :xn: right on vt100. The correct way to handle :xn: is when
+# you output the char in column 80, immediately output CR LF
+# and then assume you are in column 1 of the next line. If :xn:
+# is on, am should be on too.
+# I assume you have smooth scroll off or are at a slow enough baud
+# rate that it doesn't matter (1200? or less). Also this assumes
+# that you set auto-nl to "on", if you set it off use vt100-nam
+# below.
+# The padding requirements listed here are guesses. It is strongly
+# recommended that xon/xoff be enabled, as this is assumed here.
+# The vt100 uses <rs2> and <rf> rather than :is:/:ct:/:st: because the
+# tab settings are in non-volatile memory and don't need to be
+# reset upon login. Also setting the number of columns glitches
+# the screen annoyingly. You can type "reset" to get them set.
+# The VT100 series terminals have cursor ("arrows") keys which can operate
+# in two different modes: Cursor Mode and Application Mode.  Cursor Mode
+# is the reset state, and is assumed to be the normal state.  Application
+# Mode is the "set" state.  In Cursor Mode, the cursor keys transmit
+# "Esc [ {code}" sequences, conforming to ANSI standards.  In Application
+# Mode, the cursor keys transmit "Esc O <code>" sequences.  Application Mode
+# was provided primarily as an aid to the porting of VT52 applications.  It is
+# assumed that the cursor keys are normally in Cursor Mode, and expected that
+# applications such as vi will always transmit the :ks: string.  Therefore,
+# the definitions for the cursor keys are made to match what the terminal
+# transmits after the :ks: string is transmitted.  If the :ks: string
+# is a null string or is not defined, then cursor keys are assumed to be in
+# "Cursor Mode", and the cursor keys definitions should match that assumption,
+# else the application may fail.  It is also expected that applications will
+# always transmit the :ke: string to the terminal before they exit.
+# The VT100 series terminals have an auxiliary keypad, commonly referred to as
+# the "Numeric Keypad", because it is a cluster of numeric and function keys.
+# The Numeric Keypad which can operate in two different modes: Numeric Mode and
+# Application Mode.  Numeric Mode is the reset state, and is assumed to be
+# the normal state.  Application Mode is the "set" state.  In Numeric Mode,
+# the numeric and punctuation keys transmit ASCII 7-bit characters, and the
+# Enter key transmits the same as the Return key (Note: the Return key
+# can be configured to send either LF (\015) or CR LF).  In Application Mode,
+# all the keypad keys transmit "Esc O {code}" sequences.  The PF1 - PF4 keys
+# always send the same "Esc O {code}" sequences.  It is assumed that the keypad
+# is normally in Numeric Mode.  If an application requires that the keypad be
+# in Application Mode then it is expected that the user, or the application,
+# will set the TERM environment variable to point to a terminfo entry which has
+# defined the :ks: string to include the codes that switch the keypad into
+# Application Mode, and the terminfo entry will also define function key
+# fields to match the Application Mode control codes.  If the :ks: string
+# is a null string or is not defined, then the keypad is assumed to be in
+# Numeric Mode.  If the :ks: string switches the keypad into Application
+# Mode, it is expected that the :ke: string will contain the control codes
+# necessary to reset the keypad to "Normal" mode, and it is also expected that
+# applications which transmit the :ks: string will also always transmit the
+# :ke: string to the terminal before they exit.
+# Here's a diagram of the VT100 keypad keys with their bindings.
+# The top line is the name of the key (some DEC keyboards have the keys
+# labelled somewhat differently, like GOLD instead of PF1, but this is
+# the most "official" name).  The second line is the escape sequence it
+# generates in Application Keypad mode (where "$" means the ESC
+# character).  The third line contains two items, first the mapping of
+# the key in terminfo, and then in termcap.
+#   _______________________________________
+#  |   PF1   |   PF2   |   PF3   |   PF4   |
+#  |   $OP   |   $OQ   |   $OR   |   $OS   |
+#  |_kf1__k1_|_kf2__k2_|_kf3__k3_|_kf4__k4_|
+#  |    7         8         9         -    |
+#  |   $Ow   |   $Ox   |   $Oy   |   $Om   |
+#  |_kf9__k9_|_kf10_k;_|_kf0__k0_|_________|
+#  |    4    |    5    |    6    |    ,    |
+#  |   $Ot   |   $Ou   |   $Ov   |   $Ol   |
+#  |_kf5__k5_|_kf6__k6_|_kf7__k7_|_kf8__k8_|
+#  |    1    |    2    |    3    |         |
+#  |   $Oq   |   $Or   |   $Os   |  enter  |
+#  |_ka1__K1_|_kb2__K2_|_ka3__K3_|  $OM    |
+#  |         0         |   .     |         |
+#  |        $Op        |  $On    |         |
+#  |___kc1_______K4____|_kc3__K5_|_kent_@8_|
+# Note however, that the arrangement of the 5-key ka1-kc3 do not follow the
+# terminfo guidelines.  That is a compromise used to assign the remaining
+# keys on the keypad to kf5-kf0, used on older systems with legacy termcap
+# support:
+vt100+keypad|dec vt100 numeric keypad no fkeys:\
+	:K1=\EOq:K2=\EOr:K3=\EOs:K4=\EOp:K5=\EOn:
+vt100+pfkeys|dec vt100 numeric keypad:\
+	:@8=\EOM:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:tc=vt100+keypad:
+vt100+fnkeys|dec vt100 numeric keypad:\
+	:k0=\EOy:k5=\EOt:k6=\EOu:k7=\EOv:k8=\EOl:k9=\EOw:k;=\EOx:\
+	:tc=vt100+pfkeys:
+# A better adaptation to modern keyboards such as the PC's, which have a dozen
+# function keys and the keypad 2,4,6,8 keys are labeled with arrows keys, is to
+# use the 5-key arrangement to model the arrow keys as suggested in the
+# terminfo guidelines:
+#   _______________________________________
+#  |   PF1   |   PF2   |   PF3   |   PF4   |
+#  |   $OP   |   $OQ   |   $OR   |   $OS   |
+#  |_kf1__k1_|_kf2__k2_|_kf3__k3_|_kf4__k4_|
+#  |    7         8         9         -    |
+#  |   $Ow   |   $Ox   |   $Oy   |   $Om   |
+#  |_ka1__K1_|_________|_ka3__K3_|_________|
+#  |    4    |    5    |    6    |    ,    |
+#  |   $Ot   |   $Ou   |   $Ov   |   $Ol   |
+#  |_________|_kb2__K2_|_________|_________|
+#  |    1    |    2    |    3    |         |
+#  |   $Oq   |   $Or   |   $Os   |  enter  |
+#  |_kc1__K4_|_________|_kc3__K5_|  $OM    |
+#  |         0         |   .     |         |
+#  |        $Op        |  $On    |         |
+#  |___________________|_________|_kent_@8_|
+vt220+keypad|dec vt220 numeric keypad:\
+	:@8=\EOM:K1=\EOw:K2=\EOu:K3=\EOy:K4=\EOq:K5=\EOs:k1=\EOP:\
+	:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:
+vt100+enq|ncurses extension for vt100-style ENQ:\
+	:u8=\E[?1;2c:tc=ansi+enq:
+vt102+enq|ncurses extension for vt102-style ENQ:\
+	:u8=\E[?6c:tc=ansi+enq:
+# And here, for those of you with orphaned VT100s lacking documentation, is
+# a description of the soft switches invoked when you do `Set Up'.
+#  Scroll 0-Jump               Shifted 3   0-#
+#  |      1-Smooth             |           1-British pound sign
+#  | Autorepeat 0-Off          | Wrap Around 0-Off
+#  | |          1-On           | |           1-On
+#  | | Screen 0-Dark Bkg       | | New Line 0-Off
+#  | | |      1-Light Bkg      | | |        1-On
+#  | | | Cursor 0-Underline    | | | Interlace 0-Off
+#  | | | |      1-Block        | | | |         1-On
+#  | | | |                     | | | |
+#  1 1 0 1       1 1 1 1       0 1 0 0       0 0 1 0       <--Standard Settings
+#                | | | |                     | | | |
+#                | | | Auto XON/XOFF 0-Off   | | | Power 0-60 Hz
+#                | | |               1-On    | | |       1-50 Hz
+#                | | ANSI/VT52 0-VT52        | | Bits Per Char. 0-7 Bits
+#                | |           1-ANSI        | |                1-8 Bits
+#                | Keyclick 0-Off            | Parity 0-Off
+#                |          1-On             |        1-On
+#                Margin Bell 0-Off           Parity Sense 0-Odd
+#                            1-On                         1-Even
+# The following SET-UP modes are assumed for normal operation:
+# Other SET-UP modes may be set for operator convenience or communication
+# requirements; I recommend
+# Unless you have a graphics add-on such as Digital Engineering's VT640
+# (and even then, whenever it can be arranged!) you should set
+# (vt100: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string, also :bs:. -- esr)
+vt100|vt100-am|dec vt100 (w/advanced video):\
+	:5i:bs:xn:xo:\
+	:vt#3:\
+	:RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7h:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:\
+	:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:l1=pf1:l2=pf2:l3=pf3:\
+	:l4=pf4:pf=\E[4i:po=\E[5i:ps=\E[0i:rc=\E8:\
+	:rs=\E<\E>\E[?3;4;5l\E[?7;8h\E[r:sc=\E7:so=2\E[7m:\
+	:tc=vt100+4bsd:tc=vt100+fnkeys:
+vt100+4bsd|dec vt100 from 4.0BSD:\
+	:am:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=^O:as=^N:bl=^G:cb=3\E[1K:cd=50\E[J:ce=3\E[K:\
+	:cl=50\E[H\E[J:cm=5\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:ct=\E[3g:do=\n:\
+	:eA=\E(B\E)0:ho=\E[H:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:\
+	:le=^H:mb=2\E[5m:md=2\E[1m:me=2\E[0m:mr=2\E[7m:nd=2\E[C:\
+	:rs=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:se=2\E[m:sf=\n:\
+	:so=2\E[1;7m:sr=5\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=2\E[m:up=2\E[A:\
+	:us=2\E[4m:
+vt100nam|vt100-nam|vt100 no automargins:\
+	:am@:xn@:\
+	:rs=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7l\E[?8h:tc=vt100-am:
+vt100-vb|dec vt100 (w/advanced video) & no beep:\
+	:bl@:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:tc=vt100:
+# Ordinary vt100 in 132 column ("wide") mode.
+vt100-w|vt100-w-am|dec vt100 132 cols (w/advanced video):\
+	:co#132:li#24:\
+	:rs=\E>\E[?3h\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?8h:tc=vt100-am:
+vt100-w-nam|vt100-nam-w|dec vt100 132 cols (w/advanced video no automargin):\
+	:co#132:li#14:vt@:\
+	:rs=\E>\E[?3h\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?8h:tc=vt100-nam:
+# vt100 with no advanced video.
+vt100-nav|vt100 without advanced video option:\
+	:sg#1:\
+	:mb@:md@:me@:mr@:sa@:se=\E[m:so=\E[7m:ue@:us@:tc=vt100:
+vt100-nav-w|vt100-w-nav|dec vt100 132 cols 14 lines (no advanced video option):\
+	:co#132:li#14:tc=vt100-nav:
+# vt100 with one of the 24 lines used as a status line.
+# We put the status line on the top.
+vt100-s|vt100-s-top|vt100-top-s|vt100 for use with top sysline:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:li#23:\
+	:cl=50\E[2;1H\E[J:cs=\E[%i%i%d;%dr:ds=\E7\E[1;24r\E8:\
+	:fs=\E8:ho=\E[2;1H:is=\E7\E[2;24r\E8:\
+	:ts=\E7\E[1;%dH\E[1K:tc=vt100-am:
+# Status line at bottom.
+# Clearing the screen will clobber status line.
+vt100-s-bot|vt100-bot-s|vt100 for use with bottom sysline:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:li#23:\
+	:ds=\E7\E[1;24r\E8:fs=\E8:is=\E[1;23r\E[23;1H:\
+	:ts=\E7\E[24;%dH\E[1K:tc=vt100-am:
+# Most of the `vt100' emulators out there actually emulate a vt102
+# This entry (or vt102-nsgr) is probably the right thing to use for
+# these.
+vt102|dec vt102:\
+	:al=\E[L:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:ei=\E[4l:im=\E[4h:tc=vt100:
+vt102-w|dec vt102 in wide mode:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:r3=\E[?3h:tc=vt102:
+# Many brain-dead PC comm programs that pretend to be `vt100-compatible'
+# fail to interpret the ^O and ^N escapes properly.  Symptom: the :me:
+# string in the canonical vt100 entry above leaves the screen littered
+# with little  snowflake or star characters (IBM PC ROM character \017 = ^O)
+# after highlight turnoffs.  This entry should fix that, and even leave
+# ACS support working, at the cost of making multiple-highlight changes
+# slightly more expensive.
+# From: Eric S. Raymond <esr@snark.thyrsus.com> July 22 1995
+vt102-nsgr|vt102 no sgr (use if you see snowflakes after highlight changes):\
+	:me=\E[m:sa@:tc=vt102:
+# VT125 Graphics CRT.  Clear screen also erases graphics
+# Some vt125's came configured with vt102 support.
+vt125|vt125 graphics terminal:\
+	:mi:\
+	:cl=50\E[H\E[2J\EPpS(E)\E\\:tc=vt100:
+# This isn't a DEC entry, it came from University of Wisconsin.
+# (vt131: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string, also :bs: -- esr)
+vt131|dec vt131:\
+	:am:bs:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:vt#3:\
+	:RA=\E[?7h:SA=\E[?7h:bl=^G:cd=50\E[J:ce=3\E[K:\
+	:cl=50\E[;H\E[2J:cm=5\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\
+	:do=\n:ho=\E[H:is=\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:\
+	:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:\
+	:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:mb=2\E[5m:md=2\E[1m:\
+	:me=2\E[m:mr=2\E[7m:nd=2\E[C:nw=\r\n:\
+	:r1=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:\
+	:se=2\E[m:so=2\E[7m:sr=5\EM:ta=^I:ue=2\E[m:up=2\E[A:\
+	:us=2\E[4m:
+# vt132 - like vt100 but slower and has ins/del line and such.
+# I'm told that :im:/:ei: are backwards in the terminal from the
+# manual and from the ANSI standard, this describes the actual
+# terminal. I've never actually used a vt132 myself, so this
+# is untested.
+vt132|DEC vt132:\
+	:xn:\
+	:al=99\E[L:dc=7\E[P:dl=99\E[M:ei=\E[4h:im=\E[4l:ip=7:\
+	:sf=30\n:tc=vt100:
+# This vt220 description maps F5--F9 to the second block of function keys
+# at the top of the keyboard.  The "DO" key is used as F10 to avoid conflict
+# with the key marked (ESC) on the vt220.  See vt220d for an alternate mapping.
+# PF1--PF4 are used as F1--F4.
+# added msgr -TD
+vt220-old|vt200-old|DEC VT220 in vt100 emulation mode:\
+	:am:bs:mi:ms:pt:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:vt#3:\
+	:@7=\E[4~:RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7h:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=4\E(B:al=\E[L:as=2\E(0:bl=^G:cd=50\E[J:ce=3\E[K:\
+	:cl=50\E[H\E[2J:cm=10\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\
+	:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:\
+	:if=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:\
+	:k5=\E[17~:k6=\E[18~:k7=\E[19~:k8=\E[20~:k9=\E[21~:\
+	:k;=\E[29~:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[1~:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=2\E[5m:\
+	:md=2\E[1m:me=2\E[m:mr=2\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nl=\n:rc=\E8:\
+	:rf=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:\
+	:rs=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:\
+	:sf=20\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=14\EM:ta=^I:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:
+# A much better description of the VT200/220; used to be vt220-8
+# changed rmacs/smacs from shift-in/shift-out to vt200-old's explicit G0/G1
+# designation to accommodate bug in pcvt -TD
+# Here's a picture of the VT220 editing keypad:
+#	+--------+--------+--------+
+#	| Find   | Insert | Remove |
+#	+--------+--------+--------+
+#	| Select | Prev   | Next   |
+#	+--------+--------+--------+
+vt220|vt200|dec vt220:\
+	:am:bs:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:vt#3:\
+	:%0=\E[29~:%1=\E[28~:*6=\E[4~:@0=\E[1~:AL=\E[%dL:\
+	:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:\
+	:F3=\E[25~:F4=\E[26~:F7=\E[31~:F8=\E[32~:F9=\E[33~:\
+	:FA=\E[34~:IC=\E[%d@:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:\
+	:SA=\E[?7h:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=4\E(B:al=\E[L:as=2\E(0:bl=^G:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\
+	:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\n:eA=\E)0:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:\
+	:ho=\E[H:if=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E[?7h\E[>\E[?1l\E F\E[?4l:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:\
+	:k4=\EOS:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:\
+	:k;=\E[21~:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\E[B:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:l1=pf1:l2=pf2:l3=pf3:\
+	:l4=pf4:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=2\E[0m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:nw=\EE:r1=\E[?3l:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:\
+	:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:tc=ansi+pp:tc=ansi+enq:
+vt220-w|vt200-w|DEC vt220 in wide mode:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:r3=\E[?3h:tc=vt220:
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+vt220-8bit|vt220-8|vt200-8bit|vt200-8|dec vt220/200 in 8-bit mode:\
+	:am:bs:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:vt#3:\
+	:AL=\233%dL:DC=\233%dP:DL=\233%dM:DO=\233%dB:IC=\233%d@:\
+	:LE=\233%dD:RI=\233%dC:UP=\233%dA:ae=\E(B:al=\233L:\
+	:as=\E(0:bl=^G:cd=\233J:ce=\233K:cl=\233H\233J:\
+	:cm=\233%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\233%i%d;%dr:ct=\2333g:\
+	:dc=\233P:dl=\233M:do=\n:ec=\233%dX:ei=\2334l:ho=\233H:\
+	:if=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:im=\2334h:\
+	:is=\233?7h\233>\233?1l\E F\233?4l:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:\
+	:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k6=\23317~:k7=\23318~:k8=\23319~:\
+	:k9=\23320~:kD=\2333~:kI=\2332~:kN=\2336~:kP=\2335~:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\233B:kh=\233H:kl=\233D:kr=\233C:ku=\233A:le=^H:\
+	:mb=\2335m:md=\2331m:me=2\2330m:mr=\2337m:nd=\233C:nw=\EE:\
+	:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\23327m:sf=\ED:so=\2337m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:\
+	:ta=^I:ue=\23324m:up=\233A:us=\2334m:vb=\233?5h\233?5l:
+# vt220d:
+# This vt220 description regards F6--F10 as the second block of function keys
+# at the top of the keyboard.  This mapping follows the description given
+# in the VT220 Programmer Reference Manual and agrees with the labeling
+# on some terminals that emulate the vt220.  There is no support for an F5.
+# See vt220 for an alternate mapping.
+vt220d|DEC VT220 in vt100 mode with DEC function key labeling:\
+	:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:F3=\E[25~:F4=\E[26~:F5=\E[28~:\
+	:F6=\E[29~:F7=\E[31~:F8=\E[32~:F9=\E[33~:FA=\E[34~:k5@:\
+	:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:\
+	:tc=vt220-old:
+vt220-nam|v200-nam|VT220 in vt100 mode with no auto margins:\
+	:am@:\
+	:rs=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7l\E[?8h:tc=vt220:
+# vt220 termcap written Tue Oct 25 20:41:10 1988 by Alex Latzko
+# (not an official DEC entry!)
+# The problem with real vt220 terminals is they don't send escapes when in
+# in vt220 mode.  This can be gotten around two ways.  1> don't send
+# escapes or 2> put the vt220 into vt100 mode and use all the nifty
+# features of vt100 advanced video which it then has.
+# This entry takes the view of putting a vt220 into vt100 mode so
+# you can use the escape key in emacs and everything else which needs it.
+# You probably don't want to use this on a VMS machine since VMS will think
+# it has a vt220 and will get fouled up coming out of emacs
+# From: Alexander Latzko <latzko@marsenius.rutgers.edu>, 30 Dec 1996
+# (Added vt100 :rc:,:sc: to quiet a tic warning -- esr)
+# added msgr -TD
+vt200-js|vt220-js|dec vt200 series with jump scroll:\
+	:am:ms:\
+	:co#80:\
+	:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:dm=:do=\n:ed=:\
+	:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E[61"p\E[H\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?1h\E[?5l\E[?6l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E[?25h\E>\E[m:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:\
+	:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:\
+	:nd=\E[C:nw=\r\ED:r1=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:\
+	:rc=\E8:rf=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:sc=\E7:se=5\E[27m:\
+	:sf=\ED:so=5\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+# This was DEC's vt320.  Use the purpose-built one below instead
+#vt320|DEC VT320 in vt100 emulation mode,
+#	use=vt220,
+# Use v320n for SCO's LYRIX.  Otherwise, use Adam Thompson's vt320-nam.
+vt320nam|v320n|DEC VT320 in vt100 emul. mode with NO AUTO WRAP mode:\
+	:am@:\
+	:rs=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7l\E[?8h:tc=vt220:
+# These entries are not DEC's official ones, they were purpose-built for the
+# VT320.  Here are the designer's notes:
+# <kel> is end on a PC kbd.  Actually 'select' on a VT.  Mapped to
+# 'Erase to End of Field'... since nothing seems to use 'end' anyways...
+# khome is Home on a PC kbd.  Actually 'FIND' on a VT.
+# Things that use <knxt> usually use tab anyways... and things that don't use
+# tab usually use <knxt> instead...
+# kprv is same as tab - Backtab is useless...
+# I left out :sa: because of its RIDICULOUS complexity,
+# and the resulting fact that it causes the termcap translation of the entry
+# to SMASH the 1k-barrier...
+# From: Adam Thompson <athompso@pangea.ca> Sept 10 1995
+# (vt320: uncommented :fs: --esr)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+vt320|vt300|dec vt320 7 bit terminal:\
+	:am:hs:mi:ms:xn:\
+	:co#80:li#24:ws#80:\
+	:%5=^I:%8=\E[Z:*6=\E[4~:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:\
+	:DO=\E[%dB:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:F3=\E[25~:F4=\E[26~:\
+	:F5=\E[28~:F6=\E[29~:F7=\E[31~:F8=\E[32~:F9=\E[33~:\
+	:FA=\E[34~:IC=\E[%d@:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:\
+	:SA=\E[?7h:UP=\E[%dA:ae=\E(B:al=\E[L:as=\E(0:bl=^G:\
+	:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\n:\
+	:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:\
+	:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:\
+	:kD=\E[3~:kE=\E[4~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=\177:\
+	:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kh=\E[1~:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:\
+	:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=2\E[0m:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:rc=\E8:\
+	:rf=/usr/share/tabset/vt300:\
+	:rs=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:tc=dec+pp:\
+	:tc=vt220+keypad:tc=dec+sl:tc=ansi+enq:
+vt320-nam|vt300-nam|dec vt320 7 bit terminal with no am to make SAS happy:\
+	:am@:\
+	:is=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7l\E[?8h\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:\
+	:rs=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7l\E[?8h\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:\
+	:tc=vt320:
+# We have to init 132-col mode, not 80-col mode.
+vt320-w|vt300-w|dec vt320 wide 7 bit terminal:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:is=\E>\E[?3h\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:\
+	:rs=\E>\E[?3h\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:\
+	:tc=vt320:
+vt320-w-nam|vt300-w-nam|dec vt320 wide 7 bit terminal with no am:\
+	:am@:\
+	:is=\E>\E[?3h\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7l\E[?8h\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:\
+	:rs=\E>\E[?3h\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7l\E[?8h\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:\
+	:tc=vt320-w:
+# VT330 and VT340 -- These are ReGIS and SIXEL graphics terminals
+#   which are pretty much a superset of the VT320.  They have the
+#   host writable status line, yet another different DRCS matrix size,
+#   and such, but they add the DEC Technical character set, Multiple text
+#   pages, selectable length pages, and the like.  The difference between
+#   the vt330 and vt340 is that the former has only 2 planes and a monochrome
+#   monitor, the latter has 4 planes and a color monitor.  These terminals
+#   support VT131 and ANSI block mode, but as with much of these things,
+#   termcap/terminfo doesn't deal with these features.
+# Note that this entry is are set up in what was the standard way for GNU
+# Emacs v18 terminal modes to deal with the cursor keys in that the arrow
+# keys were switched into application mode at the same time the numeric pad
+# is switched into application mode.  This changes the definitions of the
+# arrow keys.  Emacs v19 is smarter and mines its keys directly out of
+# your termcap or terminfo entry,
+# From: Daniel Glasser <dag@persoft.persoft.com>, 13 Oct 1993
+# (vt340: string capability "sb=\E[M" corrected to "sr";
+# also, added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string -- esr)
+vt340|dec-vt340|vt330|dec-vt330|dec vt340 graphics terminal with 24 line page:\
+	:am:es:hs:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:vt#3:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=\E(B:al=\E[L:as=\E(0:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ds=\E[2$~\r\E[1$}\E[K\E[$}:ei=\E[4l:\
+	:fs=\E[$}:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E<\E F\E>\E[?1h\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:\
+	:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:\
+	:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:l1=pf1:l2=pf2:l3=pf3:l4=pf4:\
+	:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=2\E[0m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:nw=\r\ED:r1=\E[?3l:rc=\E8:rf=/usr/share/tabset/vt300:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:ts=\E[2$~\E[1$}\E[1;%dH:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:
+# Left/right margins are supported in xterm since patch #279 (2012/05/10)
+vt420+lrmm|VT420 left/right margins:\
+	:MC=\E[?69l:ML=\E[?69h\E[%i%d;%ds:
+# DEC doesn't supply a vt400 description, so we add Daniel Glasser's
+# (originally written with vt420 as its primary name, and usable for it).
+# VT400/420 -- This terminal is a superset of the vt320.  It adds the multiple
+#    text pages and long text pages with selectable length of the vt340, along
+#    with left and right margins, rectangular area text copy, fill, and erase
+#    operations, selected region character attribute change operations,
+#    page memory and rectangle checksums, insert/delete column, reception
+#    macros, and other features too numerous to remember right now.  TERMCAP
+#    can only take advantage of a few of these added features.
+# Note that this entry is set up in what was the standard way for GNU
+# Emacs v18 terminal modes to deal with the cursor keys in that the arrow
+# keys were switched into application mode at the same time the numeric pad
+# is switched into application mode.  This changes the definitions of the
+# arrow keys.  Emacs v19 is smarter and mines its keys directly out of
+# your termcap entry,
+# From: Daniel Glasser <dag@persoft.persoft.com>, 13 Oct 1993
+# (vt400: string capability ":sb=\E[M:" corrected to ":sr=\E[M:";
+# also, added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string -- esr)
+vt400|vt400-24|dec-vt400|dec vt400 24x80 column autowrap:\
+	:am:es:hs:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:vt#3:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=\E(B:al=\E[L:as=\E(0:cd=10\E[J:ce=4\E[K:cl=10\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ds=\E[2$~\r\E[1$}\E[K\E[$}:ei=\E[4l:\
+	:fs=\E[$}:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E<\E F\E>\E[?1h\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:\
+	:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:\
+	:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:l1=pf1:l2=pf2:l3=pf3:l4=pf4:\
+	:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=2\E[0m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:nw=\r\ED:r1=\E<\E[?3l\E[!p\E[?7h:rc=\E8:\
+	:rf=/usr/share/tabset/vt300:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\ED:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ts=\E[2$~\E[1$}\E[1;%dH:\
+	:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?25h:\
+	:vi=\E[?25l:tc=dec+sl:
+# (vt420: I removed :k0:, it collided with <kf10>.  I also restored
+# a missing :sc: -- esr)
+# add msgr and other capabilities from vt220 -TD
+vt420|DEC VT420:\
+	:am:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:vt#3:\
+	:*6=\E[4~:@0=\E[1~:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:\
+	:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:\
+	:S5=\E[?0;0r\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:\
+	:SA=\E[?7h:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=4\E(B:al=\E[L:as=2\E(0:bl=^G:cb=\E[1K:cd=50\E[J:\
+	:ce=3\E[K:cl=50\E[H\E[2J:cm=10\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\n:eA=\E)0:\
+	:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:i2=\E[?67h\E[64;1"p:\
+	:if=/usr/share/tabset/vt300:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:\
+	:k5=\E[17~:k6=\E[18~:k7=\E[19~:k8=\E[20~:k9=\E[21~:\
+	:k;=\E[29~:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\E[B:ke=\E>:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ks=\E=:ku=\E[A:le=^H:\
+	:mb=2\E[5m:md=2\E[1m:me=2\E[0m:mr=2\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:\
+	:r3=\E[?67h\E[64;1"p:rc=\E8:rf=/usr/share/tabset/vt300:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?25h:\
+	:vi=\E[?25l:tc=ansi+pp:tc=dec+sl:tc=ansi+enq:
+# DEC VT220 and up support DECUDK (user-defined keys).  DECUDK (i.e., pfx)
+# takes two parameters, the key and the string.  Translating the key is
+# straightforward (keys 1-5 are not defined on real terminals, though some
+# emulators define these):
+#               if (key < 16) then  value = key;
+#               else if (key < 21) then value = key + 1;
+#               else if (key < 25) then value = key + 2;
+#               else if (key < 27) then value = key + 3;
+#               else if (key < 30) then value = key + 4;
+#               else value = key + 5;
+# The string must be the hexadecimal equivalent, e.g., "5052494E" for "PRINT".
+# There's no provision in terminfo for emitting a string in this format, so the
+# application has to know it.
+vt420pc|DEC VT420 w/PC keyboard:\
+	:@7=\E[4~:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:F3=\E[11;2~:F4=\E[12;2~:\
+	:F5=\E[13;2~:F6=\E[14;2~:F7=\E[15;2~:F8=\E[17;2~:\
+	:F9=\E[18;2~:FA=\E[19;2~:FB=\E[20;2~:FC=\E[21;2~:\
+	:FD=\E[23;2~:FE=\E[24;2~:FF=\E[23~:FG=\E[24~:FH=\E[25~:\
+	:FI=\E[26~:FJ=\E[28~:FK=\E[29~:FL=\E[31~:FM=\E[32~:\
+	:FN=\E[33~:FO=\E[34~:FP=\E[35~:FQ=\E[36~:FR=\E[23;2~:\
+	:FS=\E[24;2~:FT=\E[25;2~:FU=\E[26;2~:FV=\E[28;2~:\
+	:FW=\E[29;2~:FX=\E[31;2~:FY=\E[32;2~:FZ=\E[33;2~:\
+	:Fa=\E[34;2~:Fb=\E[35;2~:Fc=\E[36;2~:\
+	:S6=USR_TERM\:vt420pcdos\::k1=\E[11~:k2=\E[12~:\
+	:k3=\E[13~:k4=\E[14~:k5=\E[15~:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:\
+	:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:kD=\177:kh=\E[H:tc=vt420:
+vt420pcdos|DEC VT420 w/PC for DOS Merge:\
+	:li#25:\
+	:S4=\E[?1;2r\E[34h:\
+	:S5=\E[?0;0r\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:S6@:\
+	:me=\E[m:sa@:tc=vt420pc:
+vt420f|DEC VT420 with VT kbd; VT400 mode; F1-F5 used as Fkeys:\
+	:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:F3=\E[25~:F4=\E[26~:F5=\E[28~:\
+	:F6=\E[29~:F7=\E[31~:F8=\E[32~:F9=\E[33~:FA=\E[34~:\
+	:k1=\E[11~:k2=\E[12~:k3=\E[13~:k4=\E[14~:k5=\E[15~:\
+	:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:\
+	:kD=\177:kh=\E[H:l1=\EOP:l2=\EOQ:l3=\EOR:l4=\EOS:tc=vt420:
+vt510|DEC VT510:\
+	:tc=vt420:
+vt510pc|DEC VT510 w/PC keyboard:\
+	:tc=vt420pc:
+vt510pcdos|DEC VT510 w/PC for DOS Merge:\
+	:tc=vt420pcdos:
+# VT520/VT525
+# The VT520 is a monochrome text terminal capable of managing up to
+# four independent sessions in the terminal.  It has multiple ANSI
+# emulations (VT520, VT420, VT320, VT220, VT100, VT PCTerm, SCO Console)
+# and ASCII emulations (WY160/60, PCTerm, 50/50+, 150/120, TVI 950,
+# 925 910+, ADDS A2).  This terminfo data is for the ANSI emulations only.
+# Terminal Set-Up is entered by pressing [F3], [Caps Lock]/[F3] or
+# [Alt]/[Print Screen] depending upon which keyboard and which
+# terminal mode is being used.  If Set-Up has been disabled or
+# assigned to an unknown key, Set-Up may be entered by pressing
+# [F3] as the first key after power up, regardless of keyboard type.
+vt520|DEC VT520:\
+	:tc=ansi+rca:tc=vt420:tc=ansi+tabs:
+vt525|DEC VT525:\
+	:tc=vt520:
+# I just got a brand new Boundless VT520 with that company's "ANSI 2011"
+# Keyboard, which replaces the old LK41R-AA keyboard.
+# In trying to get the function keys to work, I had to cobble my own
+# terminfo.src entry, since the existing vt520 entry doesn't include most of
+# the function keys.  If I blend the entries for "vt420f" and "vt220+keypad"
+# I seem to get them all -Mike Gran
+vt520ansi|Boundless VT520 ANSI:\
+	:tc=ansi+rca:tc=vt420f:tc=vt220+keypad:tc=ansi+tabs:
+#### VT100 emulations
+# John Hawkinson <jhawk@MIT.EDU> tells us that the EWAN telnet for Windows
+# (the best Windows telnet as of September 1995) presents the name `dec-vt100'
+# to telnetd.   Michael Deutschmann <ldeutsch@mail.netshop.net> informs us
+# that this works best with a stock vt100 entry.
+dec-vt100|EWAN telnet's vt100 emulation:\
+	:tc=vt100:
+# From: Adrian Garside <94ajg2@eng.cam.ac.uk>, 19 Nov 1996
+dec-vt220|DOS tnvt200 terminal emulator:\
+	:am@:tc=vt220:
+# Zstem340 is an (IMHO) excellent VT emulator for PC's.  I recommend it to
+# anyone who needs PC VT340 emulation. (or anything below that level, for
+# that matter -- DEC's ALL-in-1 seems happy with it, as does INFOPLUS's
+# RDBM systems, it includes ReGIS and Sixel support!  I'm impressed...
+# I can send the address if requested.
+# (z340: changed garbled \E[5?l to \E[?5l, DEC smooth scroll off -- esr)
+# From: Adam Thompson <athompso@pangea.ca> Sept 10 1995
+z340|zstem vt340 terminal emulator 132col 42line:\
+	:li#42:\
+	:is=\E>\E[?3h\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E[1;42r\E[42;1H:\
+	:rs=\E>\E[?3h\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E[1;42r\E[42;1H:\
+	:tc=vt320-w:
+z340-nam|zstem vt340 terminal emulator 132col 42line (no automatic margins):\
+	:am@:\
+	:is=\E>\E[?3h\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7l\E[?8h\E[1;42r\E[42;1H:\
+	:rs=\E>\E[?3h\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7l\E[?8h\E[1;42r\E[42;1H:\
+	:tc=z340:
+# expect-
+# a minimal subset of a vt100 (compare with "news-unk).
+# The missing "=" in smkx is not a typo (here), but an error in tkterm.
+tt|tkterm|Don Libes' tk text widget terminal emulator:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%d;%dH:cr=\r:do=\n:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:\
+	:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\EOT:k6=\EOU:k7=\EOV:k8=\EOW:k9=\EOX:\
+	:ke=\E[?1l\E>:ks=\E[?1h\E:le=^H:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:sf=\n:\
+	:so=\E[7m:up=\E[A:
+######## APPLE
+#### Terminal.app
+# nsterm*|Apple_Terminal - AppKit Terminal.app
+# Terminal.app is a Terminal emulator bundled with NeXT's NeXTSTEP and
+# OPENSTEP/Mach operating systems, and with Apple's Rhapsody, Mac OS X
+# Server and Mac OS X operating systems. There is also a
+# "terminal.app" in GNUstep, but I believe it to be an unrelated
+# codebase and I have not attempted to describe it here.
+# For NeXTSTEP, OPENSTEP/Mach, Rhapsody and Mac OS X Server 1.0, you
+# are pretty much on your own. Use "nsterm-7-m" and hope for the best.
+# You might also try "nsterm-7" and "nsterm-old" if you suspect your
+# version supports color.
+# To determine the version of Terminal.app you're using by running:
+# For Apple_Terminal v309+, use "nsterm-256color" (or "nsterm-bce")
+# For Apple_Terminal v200+, use "nsterm-16color" (a.k.a. "nsterm")
+# For Apple_Terminal v71+/v100+, use "nsterm-bce".
+# For Apple_Terminal v51+, use "nsterm-7-c" or "nsterm-7-c-s".
+# For Apple_Terminal v41+, use "nsterm-old", or "nsterm-s".
+# For all earlier versions (Apple_Terminal), try "nsterm-7-m"
+# (monochrome) or "nsterm-7" (color); "nsterm-7-m-s" and "nsterm-7-s"
+# might work too, but really you're on your own here since these
+# systems are very obsolete and I can't test them. I do welcome
+# patches, though :).
+# Other Terminals:
+# For GNUstep_Terminal, you're probably best off using "linux" or
+# writing your own terminfo.
+# For MacTelnet, you're on your own. It's a different codebase, and
+# seems to be somewhere between "vt102", "ncsa" and "xterm-color".
+# For iTerm.app, see "iterm".
+# The AppKit Terminal.app descriptions all have names beginning with
+# "nsterm". Note that the statusline (-s) versions use the window
+# titlebar as a phony status line, and may produce warnings during
+# compilation as a result ("tsl uses 0 parameters, expected 1".)
+# Ignore these warnings, or even ignore these entries entirely. Apps
+# which need to position the cursor or do other fancy stuff inside the
+# status line won't work with these entries. They're primarily useful
+# for programs like Pine which provide simple notifications in the
+# status line. Please note that non-ASCII characters don't work right
+# in the status line, since Terminal.app incorrectly interprets their
+# Unicode codepoints as MacRoman codepoints (in earlier Mac OS X
+# versions) or only accepts status lines consisting entirely of
+# characters from the first 256 Unicode positions (including C1 but
+# not C0 or DEL.)
+# The Mythology* of AppKit Terminal.app:
+# In the days of NeXTSTEP 0.x and 1.x there were two incompatible
+# bundled terminal emulators, Shell and Terminal. Scott Hess wrote a
+# shareware replacement for Terminal called "Stuart" which NeXT bought
+# and used as the basis for the Terminal.app in NeXTSTEP 2+,
+# OPENSTEP/Mach, Apple Rhapsody, Mac OS X Server 1.0, and Mac OS X. I
+# don't know the TERM_PROGRAM and TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION settings or
+# capabilities for the early versions, but I believe that the
+# TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION may have been reset at some point.
+# The early versions were tailored to the NeXT character set. Sometime
+# after the Apple acquisition the encoding was switched to MacRoman
+# (initially with serious altcharset bugs due to incomplete conversion
+# of the old NeXT code,) and then later to UTF-8. Also sometime during
+# or just prior to the early days of Mac OS X, the Terminal grew ANSI
+# 8-color support (initially buggy when combined with attributes, but
+# that was later fixed.) More recently, around Mac OS X version 10.3
+# or so (Terminal.app v100+) xterm-like 16-color support was added. In
+# some versions (for instance 133-1 which shipped with Mac OS X
+# version 10.4) this suffered from the <bce> bug, but that seems to
+# have been fixed in Mac OS X version 10.5 (Terminal.app v240.2+).
+# In the early days of Mac OS X the terminal was fairly buggy and
+# would routinely crash under load. Many of these bugs seem to have
+# been fixed around Mac OS X version 10.3 (Terminal.app v100+) but
+# some may still remain. This change seems to correspond to
+# Terminal.app reporting "xterm-color" as $TERM rather than "vt100" as
+# it did previously.
+# * This may correspond with what actually happened, but I don't
+#   know. It is based on guesswork, hearsay, private correspondence,
+#   my faulty memory, and the following online sources and references:
+# [1] "Three Scotts and a Duane" by Simson L. Garfinkel
+# http://www.nextcomputers.org/NeXTfiles/Articles/NeXTWORLD/93.8/93.8.Dec.Community1.html
+# [2] NeXTSTEP entry from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
+# https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Nextstep
+# * Renamed the AppKit Terminal.app entry from "Apple_Terminal" to
+#   "nsterm" to comply with the name length and case conventions and
+#   limitations of various software packages [notably Solaris terminfo
+#   and UNIX.] A single Apple_Terminal alias is retained for
+#   backwards-compatibility.
+# * Added function key support (F1-F4). These only work in Terminal.app
+#   version 51, hopefully the capabilities won't cause problems for people
+#   using version 41.
+# * Added "full color" (-c) entries which support the 16-color mode in
+#   version 51.
+# * By default, version 51 uses UTF-8 encoding with broken altcharset
+#   support, so "ASCII" (-7) entries without altcharset support were
+#   added.
+# nsterm - AppKit Terminal.app
+# Apple's Mac OS X includes a Terminal.app derived from the old NeXT
+# Terminal.app. It is a partial VT100 emulation with some xterm-like
+# extensions. This terminfo was written to describe versions 41
+# (shipped with Mac OS X version 10.0) and 51 (shipped with Mac OS X
+# version 10.1) of Terminal.app.
+# Terminal.app runs under the Mac OS X Quartz windowing system (and
+# other AppKit-supported windowing systems.)  On the Mac OS X machine I
+# use, the executable for Terminal.app is:
+# /Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app/Contents/MacOS/Terminal
+# If you're looking for a description of the full-screen system
+# console which runs under Apple's Darwin operating system on PowerPC
+# platforms, see the "xnuppc" entry instead.
+# There were no function keys in version 41. In version 51, there are
+# four working function keys (F1, F2, F3 and F4.) The function keys
+# are included in all of these entries.
+# It does not support mouse pointer position reporting. Under some
+# circumstances the cursor can be positioned using option-click; this
+# works by comparing the cursor position and the selected position,
+# and simulating enough cursor-key presses to move the cursor to the
+# selected position. This technique fails in all but the simplest
+# applications.
+# It provides partial ANSI color support (background colors interacted
+# badly with bold in version 41, though, as reflected in :ncv:.) The
+# monochrome (-m) entries are useful if you've disabled color support
+# or use a monochrome monitor. The full color (-c) entries are useful
+# in version 51, which doesn't exhibit the background color bug. They
+# also enable an xterm-compatible 16-color mode.
+# The configurable titlebar is set using xterm-compatible sequences;
+# it is used as a status bar in the statusline (-s) entries. Its width
+# depends on font sizes and window sizes, but 50 characters seems to
+# be the default for an 80x24 window.
+# The MacRoman character encoding is used for some of the alternate
+# characters in the "MacRoman" entries; the "ASCII" (-7) entries
+# disable alternate character set support entirely, and the "VT100"
+# (-acs) entries rely instead on Terminal.app's own buggy VT100
+# graphics emulation, which seems to think the character encoding is
+# the old NeXT charset instead of MacRoman. The "ASCII" (-7) entries
+# are useful in Terminal.app version 51, which supports UTF-8 and
+# other ASCII-compatible character encodings but does not correctly
+# implement VT100 graphics; once VT100 graphics are correctly
+# implemented in Terminal.app, the "VT100" (-acs) entries should be
+# usable in any ASCII-compatible character encoding [except perhaps
+# in UTF-8, where some experts argue for disallowing alternate
+# characters entirely.]
+# Terminal.app reports "vt100" as the terminal type, but exports
+# several environment variables which may aid detection in a shell
+# profile (i.e. .profile or .login):
+# TERM=vt100
+# TERM_PROGRAM=Apple_Terminal
+# TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION=41      # in Terminal.app version 41
+# TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION=51      # in Terminal.app version 51
+# For example, the following Bourne shell script would detect the
+# correct terminal type:
+# if [ :"$TERM" = :"vt100" -a :"$TERM_PROGRAM" = :"Apple_Terminal" ]
+# then
+#     export TERM
+#     if [ :"$TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION" = :41 ]
+#     then
+#         TERM="nsterm-old"
+#     else
+#         TERM="nsterm-c-7"
+#     fi
+# fi
+# In a C shell derivative, this would be accomplished by:
+#     if ( :"$TERM" == :"vt100" && :"$TERM_PROGRAM" == :"Apple_Terminal" ) then
+#          if ( :"$TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION" == :41 ) then
+#              setenv TERM "nsterm-old"
+#          else
+#              setenv TERM "nsterm-c-7"
+#          endif
+#     endif
+# endif
+# The '+' entries are building blocks
+nsterm+7|AppKit Terminal.app v41+ basic capabilities w/ASCII charset:\
+	:am:bw:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:@8=\EOM:AL=\E[%dL:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bl=^G:\
+	:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ho=\E[H:\
+	:kb=\177:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:\
+	:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:\
+	:mh=\E[2m:mk=\E[8m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:\
+	:rs=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:\
+	:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:tc=vt100+enq:tc=vt100+pfkeys:
+nsterm+acs|AppKit Terminal.app v41+ basic capabilities w/VT100 alternate-charset:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=^O:as=^N:eA=\E(B\E)0:me=\E[0m:tc=nsterm+7:
+nsterm+mac|AppKit Terminal.app v41+ basic capabilities w/MacRoman alternate-charset:\
+	:ac=+\335,\334-\366.\3770#`\327a\:f\241g\261h#i\360jjkkllmmnno\370p\370q\321rrssttuuvvwwxxy\262z\263{\271|\255}\243~\245:\
+	:ae=^O:as=^N:eA=\E(B\E)0:me=\E[0m:tc=nsterm+7:
+# compare with xterm+sl-twm
+nsterm+s|AppKit Terminal.app v41+ status-line (window titlebar) support:\
+	:ws#50:tc=xterm+sl-twm:
+nsterm+c|AppKit Terminal.app v51+ full color support (including 16 colors):\
+	:op=\E[0m:tc=ibm+16color:
+nsterm+c41|AppKit Terminal.app v41 color support:\
+	:Co#8:NC#37:pa#64:\
+	:AB=\E[4%dm:AF=\E[3%dm:op=\E[0m:
+# These are different combinations of the building blocks
+# ASCII charset (-7)
+nsterm-m-7|nsterm-7-m|AppKit Terminal.app v41+ w/ASCII charset (monochrome):\
+	:tc=nsterm+7:
+nsterm-m-s-7|nsterm-7-m-s|AppKit Terminal.app v41+ w/ASCII charset (monochrome w/statusline):\
+	:tc=nsterm+s:tc=nsterm+7:
+nsterm-7|AppKit Terminal.app v41+ w/ASCII charset (color):\
+	:tc=nsterm+c41:tc=nsterm+7:
+nsterm-7-c|nsterm-c-7|AppKit Terminal.app v51+ w/ASCII charset (full color):\
+	:tc=nsterm+c:tc=nsterm+7:
+nsterm-s-7|nsterm-7-s|AppKit Terminal.app v41+ w/ASCII charset (color w/statusline):\
+	:tc=nsterm+s:tc=nsterm+c41:tc=nsterm+7:
+nsterm-c-s-7|nsterm-7-c-s|AppKit Terminal.app v51+ w/ASCII charset (full color w/statusline):\
+	:tc=nsterm+s:tc=nsterm+c:tc=nsterm+7:
+# VT100 alternate-charset (-acs)
+nsterm-m-acs|nsterm-acs-m|AppKit Terminal.app v41+ w/VT100 alternate-charset (monochrome):\
+	:tc=nsterm+acs:
+nsterm-m-s-acs|nsterm-acs-m-s|AppKit Terminal.app v41+ w/VT100 alternate-charset (monochrome w/statusline):\
+	:tc=nsterm+s:tc=nsterm+acs:
+nsterm-acs|AppKit Terminal.app v41+ w/VT100 alternate-charset (color):\
+	:tc=nsterm+c41:tc=nsterm+acs:
+nsterm-c-acs|nsterm-acs-c|AppKit Terminal.app v51+ w/VT100 alternate-charset (full color):\
+	:tc=nsterm+c:tc=nsterm+acs:
+nsterm-s-acs|nsterm-acs-s|AppKit Terminal.app v41+ w/VT100 alternate-charset (color w/statusline):\
+	:tc=nsterm+s:tc=nsterm+c41:tc=nsterm+acs:
+nsterm-c-s-acs|nsterm-acs-c-s|AppKit Terminal.app v51+ w/VT100 alternate-charset (full color w/statusline):\
+	:tc=nsterm+s:tc=nsterm+c:tc=nsterm+acs:
+# MacRoman charset
+nsterm-m|AppKit Terminal.app v41+ w/MacRoman charset (monochrome):\
+	:tc=nsterm+mac:
+nsterm-m-s|AppKit Terminal.app v41+ w/MacRoman charset (monochrome w/statusline):\
+	:tc=nsterm+s:tc=nsterm+mac:
+nsterm-old|AppKit Terminal.app v41+ w/MacRoman charset (color):\
+	:tc=nsterm+c41:tc=nsterm+mac:
+nsterm-c|AppKit Terminal.app v51+ w/MacRoman charset (full color):\
+	:tc=nsterm+c:tc=nsterm+mac:
+nsterm-s|AppKit Terminal.app v41+ w/MacRoman charset (color w/statusline):\
+	:tc=nsterm+s:tc=nsterm+c41:tc=nsterm+mac:
+nsterm-c-s|AppKit Terminal.app v51+ w/MacRoman charset (full color w/statusline):\
+	:tc=nsterm+s:tc=nsterm+c:tc=nsterm+mac:
+# In Mac OS X version 10.5 the format of the preferences has changed
+# and a new, more complex technique is needed, e.g.,
+#       python -c 'import sys,objc;NSUserDefaults=objc.lookUpClass(
+#       "NSUserDefaults");ud=NSUserDefaults.alloc();
+#       ud.init();prefs=ud.persistentDomainForName_(
+#       "com.apple.Terminal");prefs["Window Settings"][
+#       prefs["Default Window Settings"]]["TerminalType"
+#       ]=sys.argv[1];ud.setPersistentDomain_forName_(prefs,
+#       "com.apple.Terminal")' nsterm-16color
+# and it is still not settable from the preferences dialog. This is
+# tracked under rdar://problem/7365108 and rdar://problem/7365134
+# in Apple's bug reporter.
+# In OS X 10.5 (Leopard) the TERM which can be set in the preferences dialog
+# defaults to xterm-color.  Alternative selections are ansi, dtterm, rxvt,
+# vt52, vt100, vt102 and xterm.
+nsterm-16color|AppKit Terminal.app v240.2+ with Mac OS X version 10.5:\
+	:NP:bw@:mi:\
+	:@7=\E[F:DC=\E[%dP:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:F3=\E[25~:\
+	:F4=\E[26~:F5=\E[28~:F6=\E[29~:F7=\E[31~:F8=\E[22~:\
+	:F9=\E[33~:FA=\E[34~:IC=\E[%d@:ch=\E[%i%dG:cv=\E[%i%dd:\
+	:dc=\E[P:ei=\E[4l:ic=\E[@:im=\E[4h:k5=\E[15~:k6=\E[17~:\
+	:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:kD=\E[3~:\
+	:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kh=\E[H:te=\E[2J\E[?47l\E8:\
+	:ti=\E7\E[?47h:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:\
+	:tc=nsterm-c-s-acs:
+# The versions of Terminal.app in Mac OS X version 10.3.x seem to have
+# the background color erase feature. The newer version 240.2 in Mac OS X
+# version 10.5 does not.
+# This entry is based on newsgroup comments by Alain Bench, Christian Ebert,
+# and D P Schreber comparing to nsterm-c-s-acs.
+# In Mac OS X version 10.4 and earlier, D P Schreber notes that $TERM
+# can be set in Terminal.app, e.g.,
+#	defaults write com.apple.Terminal TermCapString nsterm-bce
+# and that it is not set in Terminal's preferences dialog.
+# Modified for OS X 10.8, omitting bw based on testing with tack -TD
+# Notes:
+# * The terminal description matches the default settings.
+# * The keyboard is configurable via a dialog.
+# * By default khome, kend, knext and kprev are honored only with a
+#   shift-modifier.
+# * There are bindings for control left/right arrow (but not up/down).
+#   Added those to nsterm-16color, which is the version used for OS X 10.6
+# * "Allow VT100 application keypage mode" is by default disabled.
+#   There is no way to press keypad-comma unless application mode is enabled
+#   and used.
+# * 132-column mode stopped working during vttest's tests.  Consider it broken.
+# * CHT, REP, SU, SD are buggy.
+# * ECH works (also in Leopard), but is not used here for compatibility.
+# * The terminal preferences dialog replaces xterm-color by xterm-16color and
+#   xterm-256color.  However, it adds "nsterm", so it is possible to use the
+#   nsterm entry from this file to override the MacPorts (20110404) or
+#   system (20081102) copy of this file.
+# + In OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) the TERM which can be set in the preferences
+#   dialog defaults to xterm-256color.  Alternative selections are ansi,
+#   dtterm, rxvt, vt52, vt100, vt102, xterm and xterm-16color.  However,
+#   the menu says "Declare terminal as" without promising to actually emulate
+#   the corresponding terminals.  Indeed, changing TERM does not affect the
+#   emulation itself.  This means that
+#   + the function-keys do not match for dtterm for kf1-kf4 as well as
+#     khome/kend
+#   + the color model is the same for each setting of TERM (does not match
+#     ansi or dtterm).
+#   + the shift/control/meta key modifiers from rxvt and xterm variants are not
+#     recognised except for a few special cases, i.e., kRIT5 and kLFT5.
+#   + the vt52 emulation does not give a usable shell because screen-clearing
+#     does not work as expected.
+#   + selecting "xterm" or "xterm-16color" sets TERM to "xterm-256color".
+# + OSX 10.9 (Yosemite) added more extended keys in the default configuration
+#   as well as unmasking F10 (which had been used in the window manager). Those
+#   keys are listed in this entry.
+nsterm-bce|AppKit Terminal.app v71+/v100.1.8+ with Mac OS X version 10.3/10.4 (bce):\
+	:ut:tc=nsterm-16color:
+# This is tested with OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion), 2012/08/11
+# Earlier reports state that these differences also apply to OS X 10.7 (Lion),
+nsterm-build309|Terminal.app in OS X 10.8:\
+	:tc=xterm+256setaf:tc=nsterm-bce:
+# removed bogus kDC7 -TD
+nsterm-build326|Terminal.app in OS X 10.9:\
+	:#4=\E[1;2D:%i=\E[1;2C:*4=\E[3;2~:F8=\E[32~:kB=\E[Z:\
+	:tc=nsterm-build309:
+# actually "343.7"
+nsterm-build343|Terminal.app in OS X 10.10:\
+	:@7=\EOF:kh=\EOH:tc=nsterm-build326:
+# reviewed Terminal.app in El Capitan (version 2.6 build 361) -TD
+# Using vttest:
+# + no vt52 mode for cursor keys, though vt52 screen works in vttest
+# + f1-f4 map to pf1-pf4
+# + no vt220 support aside from DECTCEM and ECH
+# + there are no protected areas.  Forget about anything above vt220.
+# + in ECMA-48 cursor movement, VPR and HPR fail.  Others work.
+# + vttest color 11.6.4 and 11.6.5 (bce for ED/EL and ECH/indexing) are bce
+# + but bce fails for (test repeat).
+# + SD ( also fails, but SL/SR/SU work.
+# + 11.6.6 (test insert/delete char/line with bce) has several failures.
+# + normal (not X10 or Highlight tracking) mouse now works.
+# + mouse any-event works
+# + mouse button-event works
+# + in alternate screen:
+#   mode 47/48 work
+#   mode 1047 fails to restore cursor position (do not use)
+#   mode 1049 fails to restore screen contents (do not use)
+# + dtterm window-modify operations work (some messages are not printed)
+# + dtterm window-report gives size of window in characters/pixels as
+#   well as state of window.
+# Using tack:
+# + there is no difference between cnorm/cvvis
+# + has dim/invis/blink (no protect of course)
+# + most function keys with shift/control modifiers give beep
+#   (user can configure, but out-of-the-box is what I record)
+# + shift-F5 is \E[25~ through shift-F12 is \E[34~ (skips \E[30~ between
+#   F8 and F9).
+# + kLFT5/kRIT5 work, but not up/down with control-modifier
+# + kLFT/kRIT work, but not up/down with shift-modifier
+# + there are a few predefined bindings with Alt, but no clear pattern.
+# + uses alt-key as UTF-8 "meta" something like xterm altSendsEscape
+# Using ncurses test-program with xterm-new:
+# + no italics
+# Using xterm's scripts:
+# + palette for 256-colors is hardcoded.
+# + no support for "dynamic colors"
+# + no support for tcap-query.
+nsterm-build361|Terminal.app in OS X 10.11:\
+	:Km=\E[M:tc=nsterm-build343:
+# reviewed Terminal.app in High Sierra (version 2.8 build 400) -TD
+# Comparing with build361, little has changed, except that italics work.
+# Direct-color is not supported, by the way.
+# Improved rmso/rmul -TD
+nsterm-build400|Terminal.app in OS X 10.13:\
+	:se=\E[27m:ue=\E[24m:tc=xterm+sm+1006:tc=ecma+italics:\
+	:tc=nsterm-build361:
+# This is an alias which should always point to the "current" version
+nsterm|nsterm-256color|Apple_Terminal|AppKit Terminal.app:\
+	:tc=nsterm-build400:
+#### iTerm, iTerm2
+# iTerm 0.10
+# iTerm.app from http://iterm.sourceforge.net/ is an alternative (and more
+# featureful) terminal emulator for Mac OS X.  It is similar enough in
+# capabilities to nsterm-16color that I have derived this description from that
+# one, but as far as I know they share no code.  Many of the features are
+# user-configurable, but I attempt only to describe the default configuration
+# (B. Sittler).
+# According to its documentation, iTerm uses terminfo to obtain function key
+# definitions.  For example, if it is started with TERM=xterm, it uses key
+# definitions from that terminal description from the local OSX machine.  Those
+# $TERM settings may be augmented using the bookmark and profile dialogs.
+# However, the behavior seen with tack does not agree with either the terminfo
+# description or the function keys in its "xterm" profile.
+# with vttest:
+#	reports primary DA as VT100 with AVO: \E[?1;2c
+#	reports secondary DA as "\E[>0;95;c"
+#	supports blink and underline
+#	displays bold text as red
+#	recognizes all dtterm controls for modifying/querying window
+#	resizing via escape sequence is very slow
+#	supports X11R5 mouse (no X10) and XFree86 mouse (button- and event-tracking)
+#	supports X11R5 alternate screen and XFree86 1049 (no 1047/1048)
+#	supports CHA, VPA, VPR, but no other ECMA-48 cursor movement such as HPA
+# with tack:
+#	.
+# with ncurses test-program:
+#	ncurses 'k' has problem in second screen; light background does not fill
+# with xterm scripts
+#	can display/alter xterm-256color cube
+#	can display/alter xterm-88color cube
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+iTerm.app|iterm|iTerm.app terminal emulator for Mac OS X:\
+	:NP:am:hs:mi:ms:ut:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:ws#50:\
+	:#4=\E[1;2D:%i=\E[1;2C:@7=\EOF:@8=\EOM:AL=\E[%dL:\
+	:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:\
+	:IC=\E[%d@:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:\
+	:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:\
+	:ce=\E[K:ch=\E[%i%dG:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:cv=\E[%i%dd:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:\
+	:do=\n:eA=\E(B\E)0:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=\E[4h:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\E[15~:k6=\E[17~:\
+	:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:kB=\E[Z:kD=\E[3~:\
+	:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=\177:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kh=\EOH:\
+	:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:\
+	:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:op=\E[0m:rc=\E8:\
+	:rs=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:\
+	:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:te=\E[2J\E[?47l\E8:\
+	:ti=\E7\E[?47h:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:\
+	:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:tc=ansi+enq:tc=xterm+sl-twm:\
+	:tc=vt100+keypad:tc=xterm+x11mouse:tc=xterm+256setaf:
+# iTerm2 3.0.15
+# https://www.iterm2.com/
+# https://github.com/gnachman/iTerm2
+# ~/Library/Preferences/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist
+# "iTerm" stalled in 2009.  A different set of developers began "iTerm2".
+# with vttest:
+#	reports primary DA as VT100 with AVO: \E[?1;2c
+#	reports secondary DA as "\E[>0;95;0c"
+#	numeric keypad application mode does not work
+#	by default, dtterm window-modifications are ignored
+#	by default, dtterm window-reports return, but icon as "L", window as "l"
+#	supports SD/SU, no REP, SL, SR
+#	supports CBT, CHA, VPA, CNL, CPL, VPR (no HPA, CHT, HPR)
+#	no improvement to XFree86 1047/1048 modes
+# with tack:
+#	in meta-mode, imitates xterm, sending UTF-8
+#	special-key modifiers based on xterm use incompatible default for alt/meta
+# with ncurses test-program:
+#	no italics
+#	no improvement to ncurses 'k'
+# with xterm scripts:
+#	acolors.sh works
+# Italic text did not work initially, apparently because upgrading did not
+# add/change that preference (set in Preferences, Profiles, Text).  A new
+# install of iTerm 3.0.15 provides italics by default (blinking text is an
+# option in the preferences dialog).
+# 2018/01/21: found xterm+sm+1006 did not work with version 3.1.5
+# 2018/05/19: xterm+sm+1006 seems to work with 3.1.6beta -TD
+iTerm2.app|iterm2|terminal emulator for Mac OS X:\
+	:#2=\E[1;2H:*7=\E[1;2F:@8@:F3=\E[1;2P:F4=\E[1;2Q:\
+	:F5=\E[1;2R:F6=\E[1;2S:F7=\E[15;2~:F8=\E[17;2~:\
+	:F9=\E[18;2~:FA=\E[19;2~:FB=\E[20;2~:FC=\E[21;2~:\
+	:FD=\E[23;2~:FE=\E[24;2~:K1@:K2@:K3@:K4@:K5@:bt=\E[Z:k2=\EOQ:\
+	:kF=\E[1;2B:kR=\E[1;2A:mb=\E[5m:mh=\E[2m:nw=\EE:\
+	:op=\E[39;49m:rs=\E[!p\E[?3;4l\E[4l\E>\E[?1000l:\
+	:se=\E[27m:ue=\E[24m:tc=ecma+index:tc=xterm+alt+title:\
+	:tc=ecma+italics:tc=iterm:
+# xnuppc - Darwin PowerPC Console (a.k.a. "darwin")
+# On PowerPC platforms, Apple's Darwin operating system uses a
+# full-screen system console derived from a NetBSD framebuffer
+# console. It is an ANSI-style terminal, and is not really VT-100
+# compatible.
+# Under Mac OS X, this is the system console driver used while in
+# single-user mode [reachable by holding down Command-S during the
+# boot process] and when logged in using console mode [reachable by
+# typing ">console" at the graphical login prompt.]
+# If you're looking for a description of the Terminal.app terminal
+# emulator which runs under the Mac OS X Quartz windowing system (and
+# other AppKit-supported windowing systems,) see the "nsterm"
+# entry instead.
+# NOTE: Under Mac OS X version 10.1, the default login window does not
+# prompt for user name, instead requiring an icon to be selected from
+# a list of known users. Since the special ">console" login is not in
+# this list, you must make one of two changes in the Login Window
+# panel of the Login section of System Prefs to make the special
+# ">console" login accessible. The first option is to enable 'Show
+# "Other User" in list for network users', which will add a special
+# "Other..." icon to the graphical login panel. Selecting "Other..."
+# will present the regular graphical login prompt. The second option
+# is to change the 'Display Login Window as:' setting to 'Name and
+# password entry fields', which replaces the login panel with a
+# graphical login prompt.
+# There are no function keys, at least not in Darwin 1.3.
+# It has no mouse support.
+# It has full ANSI color support, and color combines correctly with
+# all three supported attributes: bold, inverse-video and underline.
+# However, bold colored text is almost unreadable (bolding is
+# accomplished using shifting and or-ing, and looks smeared) so bold
+# has been excluded from the list of color-compatible attributes
+# [using (ncv)]. The monochrome entry (-m) is useful if you use a
+# monochrome monitor.
+# There is one serious bug with this terminal emulation's color
+# support: repositioning the cursor onto a cell with non-matching
+# colors obliterates that cell's contents, replacing it with a blank
+# and displaying a colored cursor in the "current" colors. There is
+# no complete workaround at present [other than using the monochrome
+# (-m) entries,] but removing the (msgr) capability seemed to help.
+# The "standout" chosen was simple reverse-video, although a colorful
+# standout might be more aesthetically pleasing. Similarly, the bold
+# chosen is the terminal's own smeared bold, although a simple
+# color-change might be more readable. The color-bold (-b) entries
+# uses magenta colored text for bolding instead. The fancy color (-f
+# and -f2) entries use color for bold, standout and underlined text
+# (underlined text is still underlined, though.)
+# Apparently the terminal emulator does support a VT-100-style
+# alternate character set, but all the alternate character set
+# positions have been left blank in the font. For this reason, no
+# alternate character set capabilities have been included in this
+# description. The console driver appears to be ASCII-only, so (enacs)
+# has been excluded [although the VT-100 sequence does work.]
+# The default Mac OS X and Darwin installation reports "vt100" as the
+# terminal type, and exports no helpful environment variables. To fix
+# this, change the "console" entry in /etc/ttys from "vt100" to
+# "xnuppc-WxH", where W and H are the character dimensions of your
+# console (see below.)
+# The font used by the terminal emulator is apparently one originally
+# drawn by Ka-Ping Yee, and uses 8x16-pixel characters. This
+# file includes descriptions for the following geometries:
+#     Pixels        Characters   Entry Name (append -m for monochrome)
+#    -------------------------------------------------------------------
+#     640x400       80x25        xnuppc-80x25
+#     640x480       80x30        xnuppc-80x30
+#     720x480       90x30        xnuppc-90x30
+#     800x600       100x37       xnuppc-100x37
+#     896x600       112x37       xnuppc-112x37
+#     1024x640      128x40       xnuppc-128x40
+#     1024x768      128x48       xnuppc-128x48
+#     1152x768      144x48       xnuppc-144x48
+#     1280x1024     160x64       xnuppc-160x64
+#     1600x1024     200x64       xnuppc-200x64
+#     1600x1200     200x75       xnuppc-200x75
+#     2048x1536     256x96       xnuppc-256x96
+# The basic "xnuppc" entry includes no size information, and the
+# emulator includes no reporting capability, so you'll be at the mercy
+# of the TTY device (which reports incorrectly on my hardware.) The
+# color-bold entries do not include size information.
+# The '+' entries are building blocks
+xnuppc+basic|Darwin PowerPC Console basic capabilities:\
+	:am:mi:ut:xn:\
+	:it#8:\
+	:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:\
+	:UP=\E[%dA:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:do=\E[B:\
+	:ds=\E]2;\007:ho=\E[H:kb=\177:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:\
+	:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=\E[D:md=\E[1m:\
+	:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:\
+	:rs=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:\
+	:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:tc=vt100+keypad:
+xnuppc+c|Darwin PowerPC Console ANSI color support:\
+	:Co#8:NC#32:pa#64:\
+	:AB=\E[4%dm:AF=\E[3%dm:op=\E[37;40m:
+xnuppc+b|Darwin PowerPC Console color-bold support:\
+	:NC#32:\
+	:md=\E[35m:tc=xnuppc+basic:
+xnuppc+f|Darwin PowerPC Console fancy color support:\
+	:NC#35:\
+	:so=\E[33;44m:us=\E[36;4m:tc=xnuppc+b:
+xnuppc+f2|Darwin PowerPC Console alternate fancy color support:\
+	:NC#35:\
+	:md=\E[33m:so=\E[31;47m:us=\E[34m:tc=xnuppc+basic:
+# Building blocks for specific screen sizes
+xnuppc+80x25|Darwin PowerPC Console 80x25 support (640x400 pixels):\
+	:co#80:li#25:
+xnuppc+80x30|Darwin PowerPC Console 80x30 support (640x480 pixels):\
+	:co#80:li#30:
+xnuppc+90x30|Darwin PowerPC Console 90x30 support (720x480 pixels):\
+	:co#90:li#30:
+xnuppc+100x37|Darwin PowerPC Console 100x37 support (800x600 pixels):\
+	:co#100:li#37:
+xnuppc+112x37|Darwin PowerPC Console 112x37 support (896x600 pixels):\
+	:co#112:li#37:
+xnuppc+128x40|Darwin PowerPC Console 128x40 support (1024x640 pixels):\
+	:co#128:li#40:
+xnuppc+128x48|Darwin PowerPC Console 128x48 support (1024x768 pixels):\
+	:co#128:li#48:
+xnuppc+144x48|Darwin PowerPC Console 144x48 support (1152x768 pixels):\
+	:co#144:li#48:
+xnuppc+160x64|Darwin PowerPC Console 160x64 support (1280x1024 pixels):\
+	:co#160:li#64:
+xnuppc+200x64|Darwin PowerPC Console 200x64 support (1600x1024 pixels):\
+	:co#200:li#64:
+xnuppc+200x75|Darwin PowerPC Console 200x75 support (1600x1200 pixels):\
+	:co#200:li#75:
+xnuppc+256x96|Darwin PowerPC Console 256x96 support (2048x1536 pixels):\
+	:co#256:li#96:
+# These are different combinations of the building blocks
+xnuppc-m|darwin-m|Darwin PowerPC Console (monochrome):\
+	:tc=xnuppc+basic:
+xnuppc|darwin|Darwin PowerPC Console (color):\
+	:tc=xnuppc+c:tc=xnuppc+basic:
+xnuppc-m-b|darwin-m-b|Darwin PowerPC Console (monochrome w/color-bold):\
+	:tc=xnuppc+b:
+xnuppc-b|darwin-b|Darwin PowerPC Console (color w/color-bold):\
+	:tc=xnuppc+b:tc=xnuppc+c:
+xnuppc-m-f|darwin-m-f|Darwin PowerPC Console (fancy monochrome):\
+	:tc=xnuppc+f:
+xnuppc-f|darwin-f|Darwin PowerPC Console (fancy color):\
+	:tc=xnuppc+f:tc=xnuppc+c:
+xnuppc-m-f2|darwin-m-f2|Darwin PowerPC Console (alternate fancy monochrome):\
+	:tc=xnuppc+f2:
+xnuppc-f2|darwin-f2|Darwin PowerPC Console (alternate fancy color):\
+	:tc=xnuppc+f2:tc=xnuppc+c:
+# Combinations for specific screen sizes
+xnuppc-80x25-m|darwin-80x25-m|Darwin PowerPC Console (monochrome) 80x25:\
+	:tc=xnuppc+80x25:tc=xnuppc+basic:
+xnuppc-80x25|darwin-80x25|Darwin PowerPC Console (color) 80x25:\
+	:tc=xnuppc+c:tc=xnuppc+80x25:tc=xnuppc+basic:
+xnuppc-80x30-m|darwin-80x30-m|Darwin PowerPC Console (monochrome) 80x30:\
+	:tc=xnuppc+80x30:tc=xnuppc+basic:
+xnuppc-80x30|darwin-80x30|Darwin PowerPC Console (color) 80x30:\
+	:tc=xnuppc+c:tc=xnuppc+80x30:tc=xnuppc+basic:
+xnuppc-90x30-m|darwin-90x30-m|Darwin PowerPC Console (monochrome) 90x30:\
+	:tc=xnuppc+90x30:tc=xnuppc+basic:
+xnuppc-90x30|darwin-90x30|Darwin PowerPC Console (color) 90x30:\
+	:tc=xnuppc+c:tc=xnuppc+90x30:tc=xnuppc+basic:
+xnuppc-100x37-m|darwin-100x37-m|Darwin PowerPC Console (monochrome) 100x37:\
+	:tc=xnuppc+100x37:tc=xnuppc+basic:
+xnuppc-100x37|darwin-100x37|Darwin PowerPC Console (color) 100x37:\
+	:tc=xnuppc+c:tc=xnuppc+100x37:tc=xnuppc+basic:
+xnuppc-112x37-m|darwin-112x37-m|Darwin PowerPC Console (monochrome) 112x37:\
+	:tc=xnuppc+112x37:tc=xnuppc+basic:
+xnuppc-112x37|darwin-112x37|Darwin PowerPC Console (color) 112x37:\
+	:tc=xnuppc+c:tc=xnuppc+112x37:tc=xnuppc+basic:
+xnuppc-128x40-m|darwin-128x40-m|Darwin PowerPC Console (monochrome) 128x40:\
+	:tc=xnuppc+128x40:tc=xnuppc+basic:
+xnuppc-128x40|darwin-128x40|Darwin PowerPC Console (color) 128x40:\
+	:tc=xnuppc+c:tc=xnuppc+128x40:tc=xnuppc+basic:
+xnuppc-128x48-m|darwin-128x48-m|Darwin PowerPC Console (monochrome) 128x48:\
+	:tc=xnuppc+128x48:tc=xnuppc+basic:
+xnuppc-128x48|darwin-128x48|Darwin PowerPC Console (color) 128x48:\
+	:tc=xnuppc+c:tc=xnuppc+128x48:tc=xnuppc+basic:
+xnuppc-144x48-m|darwin-144x48-m|Darwin PowerPC Console (monochrome) 144x48:\
+	:tc=xnuppc+144x48:tc=xnuppc+basic:
+xnuppc-144x48|darwin-144x48|Darwin PowerPC Console (color) 144x48:\
+	:tc=xnuppc+c:tc=xnuppc+144x48:tc=xnuppc+basic:
+xnuppc-160x64-m|darwin-160x64-m|Darwin PowerPC Console (monochrome) 160x64:\
+	:tc=xnuppc+160x64:tc=xnuppc+basic:
+xnuppc-160x64|darwin-160x64|Darwin PowerPC Console (color) 160x64:\
+	:tc=xnuppc+c:tc=xnuppc+160x64:tc=xnuppc+basic:
+xnuppc-200x64-m|darwin-200x64-m|Darwin PowerPC Console (monochrome) 200x64:\
+	:tc=xnuppc+200x64:tc=xnuppc+basic:
+xnuppc-200x64|darwin-200x64|Darwin PowerPC Console (color) 200x64:\
+	:tc=xnuppc+c:tc=xnuppc+200x64:tc=xnuppc+basic:
+xnuppc-200x75-m|darwin-200x75-m|Darwin PowerPC Console (monochrome) 200x75:\
+	:tc=xnuppc+200x75:tc=xnuppc+basic:
+xnuppc-200x75|darwin-200x75|Darwin PowerPC Console (color) 200x75:\
+	:tc=xnuppc+c:tc=xnuppc+200x75:tc=xnuppc+basic:
+xnuppc-256x96-m|darwin-256x96-m|Darwin PowerPC Console (monochrome) 256x96:\
+	:tc=xnuppc+256x96:tc=xnuppc+basic:
+xnuppc-256x96|darwin-256x96|Darwin PowerPC Console (color) 256x96:\
+	:tc=xnuppc+c:tc=xnuppc+256x96:tc=xnuppc+basic:
+######## DOS/WINDOWS
+# CRT is shareware.  It implements some xterm features, including mouse.
+crt|crt-vt220|CRT 2.3 emulating VT220:\
+	:ms:ut:\
+	:NC@:\
+	:st=\EH:tc=vt100+enq:tc=vt220:tc=ecma+color:
+#### PuTTY
+# PuTTY 0.74 (27 June 2020)
+# http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/
+# PuTTY 0.73 (September 2019)
+# Testing with tack:
+#	does not implement italics
+#	does not implement cross-out text
+#	its settings dialog allows some of the VT100 line-drawing tests to pass
+#	(not the padding test, though)
+# Testing with vttest:
+#	xterm mouse modes are incomplete: X10, highlight, any-event, and focus in/out modes are not implemented.
+#	does not implement protected areas
+#	does not implement SL/SR
+# PuTTY 0.71 (March 2019) provided a workable "rep" capability.  It also
+# changed longstanding keypad assignments, so that these no longer apply:
+#	kLFT=\E[D, kRIT=\E[C, kb2=\E[G,
+# PuTTY recognized xterm's 1006 mouse mode in late 2015; subsequent release was
+# in 2017 (0.70) -TD
+# Comparing with 0.51, vttest is much better (only a few problems with the
+# cursor position reports and wrapping).
+# PuTTY 0.51 (14 December 2000)
+# This emulates vt100 + vt52 (plus a few vt220 features:  ech, SRM, DECTCEM, as
+# well as SCO and Atari, color palettes from Linux console).  Reading the code,
+# it is intended to be VT102 plus selected features.  By default, it sets $TERM
+# to xterm, which is incorrect, since several features are misimplemented:
+#	Alt+key always sends ESC+key, so 'km' capability is removed.
+#	Control responses, wrapping and tabs are buggy, failing a couple of
+#	screens in vttest.
+#	xterm mouse support is not implemented (unreleased version may).
+# Several features such as backspace/delete are optional; this entry documents
+# the default behavior.  None of the combinations of keyboard settings match
+# those used for xterm -TD
+# PuTTY recognizes xterm's 1049 mode for switching to/from alternate screen,
+# but implements it incorrectly as mentioned here:
+#	http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24613237/terminal-retains-bg-color-after-closing-vim-using-color-scheme-and-putty-256co/37869114#37869114
+putty|PuTTY terminal emulator:\
+	:am:bw:cc:mi:ms:ut:xn:xo:\
+	:Co#8:NC#22:it#8:pa#64:\
+	:&7=^Z:@7=\E[4~:AB=\E[4%dm:AF=\E[3%dm:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:\
+	:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:\
+	:S2=\E[11m:S3=\E[10m:SA=\E[?7h:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:ch=\E[%i%dG:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:cv=\E[%i%dd:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\ED:\
+	:eA=\E(B\E)0:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E7\E[r\E[m\E[?7h\E[?1;4;6l\E[4l\E8\E>\E]R:\
+	:kB=\E[Z:kD=\E[3~:kF=\E[B:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:\
+	:kR=\E[A:kb=\177:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kh=\E[1~:kl=\EOD:\
+	:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:\
+	:me=\E[0m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\r\n:oc=\E]R:op=\E[39;49m:\
+	:rc=\E8:rs=\E<\E["p\E[50;6"p\Ec\E[?3l\E]R\E[?1000l:\
+	:s0=\E[10m:s1=\E[11m:s2=\E[12m:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\n:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:te=\E[2J\E[?47l:ti=\E[?47h:ue=\E[24m:\
+	:up=\EM:us=\E[4m:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:\
+	:tc=ansi+tabs:tc=ansi+rep:tc=ecma+index:\
+	:tc=xterm+sm+1006:tc=putty+fnkeys:tc=vt102+enq:\
+	:tc=xterm+sl:tc=vt100+fnkeys:tc=putty+keypad:
+putty+keypad|PuTTY numeric keypad:
+vt100-putty|Reset PuTTY to pure vt100:\
+	:rs=\E<\E["p\Ec\E[?3l\E]R\E[40"p\E[61"p\E[50;1;2"p:\
+	:tc=vt100:
+putty-256color|PuTTY 0.58 with xterm 256-colors:\
+	:tc=xterm+256setaf:tc=putty:
+putty-noapp|putty with cursor keys in normal mode:\
+	:#4=\EOD:%i=\EOC:kF=\EOB:kR=\EOA:kd=\E[B:ke=\E>:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ks=\E=:ku=\E[A:tc=putty:
+# One of the keyboard selections is "VT100+".
+# pterm (the X11 port) uses shifted F1-F10 as F11-F20
+putty-vt100|VT100+ keyboard layout:\
+	:tc=putty+fnkeys+vt100:tc=putty:
+putty-sco|putty with SCO function keys:\
+	:tc=putty+fnkeys+sco:tc=putty:
+# PuTTY has more than one section in its Keyboard configuration:
+# a) backspace/delete, which we ignore since that choice largely depends on
+#    whether one matches Unix and BSD or Linux.
+# b) home/end keys, also ignored because the "rxvt" setting sends keys which
+#    are unrelated to rxvt's actual settings.
+# c) function keys and keypad - this is the interesting part.  None of the
+#    selections match any of their respective namesakes, but they are shown
+#    here to help users who expect that the selections do what is implied.
+# This is the default setting for PuTTY
+putty+fnkeys|fn-keys for PuTTY:\
+	:tc=putty+fnkeys+esc:
+putty+fnkeys+esc|ESC[n~ fn-keys for PuTTY:\
+	:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:F3=\E[25~:F4=\E[26~:F5=\E[28~:\
+	:F6=\E[29~:F7=\E[31~:F8=\E[32~:F9=\E[33~:FA=\E[34~:\
+	:k1=\E[11~:k2=\E[12~:k3=\E[13~:k4=\E[14~:k5=\E[15~:\
+	:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:
+putty+fnkeys+linux|Linux fn-keys for PuTTY:\
+	:k1=\E[[A:k2=\E[[B:k3=\E[[C:k4=\E[[D:k5=\E[[E:\
+	:tc=putty+fnkeys+esc:
+putty+fnkeys+xterm|Xterm R6 fn-keys for PuTTY:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:tc=putty+fnkeys+esc:
+putty+fnkeys+vt400|VT400 fn-keys for PuTTY:\
+	:tc=putty+fnkeys+esc:
+# Shifted F1 is F11.  F13-F20 inherit from the defaults, and the last distinct
+# key is F20.
+putty+fnkeys+vt100|VT100+ fn-keys for PuTTY:\
+	:F1=\EOZ:F2=\EO[:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\EOT:\
+	:k6=\EOU:k7=\EOV:k8=\EOW:k9=\EOX:k;=\EOY:\
+	:tc=putty+fnkeys+esc:
+# Unlike xterm-sco, this leaves kmous ambiguous with kf1.
+# Use modifiers to obtain function keys past 12:
+# F1-F12 - normal
+# F13-F24 - shift
+# F25-F36 - control/alt
+# F37-F48 - control/shift
+putty+fnkeys+sco|SCO fn-keys for PuTTY:\
+	:@1=\E[E:@7=\E[F:F1=\E[W:F2=\E[X:F3=\E[Y:F4=\E[Z:F5=\E[a:\
+	:F6=\E[b:F7=\E[c:F8=\E[d:F9=\E[e:FA=\E[f:FB=\E[g:FC=\E[h:\
+	:FD=\E[i:FE=\E[j:FF=\E[k:FG=\E[l:FH=\E[m:FI=\E[n:FJ=\E[o:\
+	:FK=\E[p:FL=\E[q:FM=\E[r:FN=\E[s:FO=\E[t:FP=\E[u:FQ=\E[v:\
+	:FR=\E[w:FS=\E[x:FT=\E[y:FU=\E[z:FV=\E[@:FW=\E[[:FX=\E[\\:\
+	:FY=\E[]:FZ=\E[\136:Fa=\E[_:Fb=\E[`:Fc=\E[{:k1=\E[M:\
+	:k2=\E[N:k3=\E[O:k4=\E[P:k5=\E[Q:k6=\E[R:k7=\E[S:k8=\E[T:\
+	:k9=\E[U:k;=\E[V:kD=\177:kI=\E[L:kN=\E[G:kP=\E[I:kd=\E[B:\
+	:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:
+#### mintty
+# https://github.com/mintty/mintty
+# Originally a fork (and reduction) of PuTTY, this has grown from 15ksloc in
+# 2013 to 41ksloc in 2020.  That is still smaller than PuTTY (160ksloc), but
+# larger than rxvt (31ksloc) and slightly smaller than rxvt-unicode (42ksloc).
+# Version 3.0 responds to DA as a VT400, however it does not implement the
+# application keypad.  The assignment of cursor-keys versus modifiers differs
+# from xterm (alt-left and alt-right send modifier 7, i.e., alt+control).
+# Thomas Wolff suggested these extensions:
+#	blink2   turn on rapid blinking
+#	blink0   turn off blinking
+#	norm     turn off bold and half-bright mode
+#	opaq     turn off blank mode
+#	smul2    begin double underline mode
+#	smol     begin overline mode
+#	rmol     exit overline mode
+#	Font0    use default font
+#	Font1    use alternative font 1
+#	...
+#	Font10   use alternative font 10
+#	setal    set (under)line color
+#	ol       set default (under)line color
+#	overs    overstrike (print characters over each other)
+# but see vte-2018 (use Smol/Rmol rather than smol/rmol).
+mintty|Cygwin Terminal:\
+	:tc=xterm+256color:tc=mintty+common:
+mintty-direct|Cygwin Terminal direct-color:\
+	:tc=xterm+direct:tc=mintty+common:
+mintty+common|shared capabilities for mintty:\
+	:NP:km@:\
+	:@8=\EOM:S2=\E[11m:S3=\E[10m:ZM=\E[1\:2m:ZN=\E[74m:\
+	:ZO=\E[73m:ZU=\E[22m:ZV=\E[75m:ZW=\E[75m:kB=\E[Z:mm@:mo@:\
+	:r1=\Ec\E]104\007:tc=ansi+rep:tc=ecma+strikeout:\
+	:tc=ecma+index:tc=vt420+lrmm:tc=xterm+sm+1006:\
+	:tc=xterm+pcfkeys:tc=xterm+tmux:tc=xterm-basic:
+# 2019-06-09: These capabilities are commented-out for compatibility with
+# existing releases 5.9-6.1, and may be considered for inclusion after the
+# release of ncurses 6.2:
+#	Font0=\E[10m,
+#	Font1=\E[11m,
+#	Font2=\E[12m,
+#	Font3=\E[13m,
+#	Font4=\E[14m,
+#	Font5=\E[15m,
+#	Font6=\E[16m,
+#	Font7=\E[17m,
+#	Font8=\E[18m,
+#	Font9=\E[19m,
+#	Font10=\E[20m,
+#	blink0=\E[25m,
+#	ol=\E[59m,
+#	overs=\E[8\:7m,
+#### TeraTerm
+# This entry is for Tera Term Pro version 2.3, for MS-Windows 95/NT written by
+# T. Teranishi dated Mar 10, 1998.  It is a free software terminal emulator
+# (communication program) which supports:
+#	- Serial port connections.
+#	- TCP/IP (telnet) connections.
+#	- VT100 emulation, and selected VT200/300 emulation.
+#	- TEK4010 emulation.
+#	- File transfer protocols (Kermit, XMODEM, ZMODEM, B-PLUS and
+#	  Quick-VAN).
+#	- Scripts using the "Tera Term Language".
+#	- Japanese and Russian character sets.
+# The program does not come with terminfo or termcap entries.  However, the
+# emulation (testing with vttest and ncurses) is reasonably close to vt100 (no
+# vt52 or doublesize character support; blinking is done with color).  Besides
+# the HPA, VPA extensions it also implements CPL and CNL.
+# All of the function keys can be remapped.  This description shows the default
+# mapping, as installed.  Both vt100 PF1-PF4 keys and quasi-vt220 F1-F4 keys
+# are supported.  F13-F20 are obtained by shifting F3-F10.  The editing keypad
+# is laid out like vt220, rather than the face codes on the PC keyboard, i.e,
+#	kfnd	Insert
+#	kslt	Delete
+#	kich1	Home
+#	kdch1	PageUp
+#	kpp	End
+#	knp	PageDown
+# ANSI colors are implemented, but cannot be combined with video attributes
+# except for reverse.
+# No fonts are supplied with the program, so the acsc string is chosen to
+# correspond with the default Microsoft terminal font.
+# Tera Term recognizes some xterm sequences, including those for setting and
+# retrieving the window title, and for setting the window size (i.e., using
+# "resize -s"), though it does not pass SIGWINCH to the application if the
+# user resizes the window with the mouse.
+teraterm2.3|Tera Term Pro:\
+	:km:\
+	:NC#43:vt@:\
+	:*6=\E[4~:@0=\E[1~:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:\
+	:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:F3=\E[25~:F4=\E[26~:F5=\E[28~:\
+	:F6=\E[29~:F7=\E[31~:F8=\E[32~:F9=\E[33~:FA=\E[34~:\
+	:ac=+\020,\021-\030.^Y0\333`\004a\261f\370g\361h\260i\316j\331k\277l\332m\300n\305o~p\304q\304r\304s_t\303u\264v\301w\302x\263y\363z\362{\343|\330}\234~\376:\
+	:al=\E[L:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:ch=\E[%i%dG:cl=\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cv=\E[%i%dd:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:ec=\E[%dX:\
+	:k1=\E[11~:k2=\E[12~:k3=\E[13~:k4=\E[14~:k5=\E[15~:\
+	:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:\
+	:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:\
+	:me=\E[0m\017:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:op=\E[100m:se=\E[27m:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:tc=vt100+enq:\
+	:tc=klone+color:tc=vt100:
+# Version 4.59 has regular vt100 line-drawing (so it is no longer necessary
+# to choose a Windows OEM font).
+# Testing with tack:
+#	- it does not have xenl (suppress that)
+#	- underline seems to work with color (modify ncv).
+# Testing with vttest:
+#	- wrapping differs from vt100 (menu 1).
+#	- it recognizes xterm's X10 and normal mouse tracking, but none of the
+#	  other flavors.
+#	- it recognizes the dtterm window controls for reporting size in
+#	  characters and pixels.
+#	- it passes SIGWINCH.
+teraterm4.59|Tera Term Pro:\
+	:ut:xn@:\
+	:NC#41:\
+	:Km=\E[M:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:tc=teraterm2.3:
+# Version 4.97
+# Testing with tack:
+#	- no bell (flash works)
+#	- bold is yellow, blink is red.
+#	- default keyboard sends ^? for Delete, can be configured for kdch1
+#	- no meta mode
+# Testing with vttest:
+#	+ autowrap has problems...
+#	+ color-tests for bce feature match xterm's behavior
+#	+ handles most of xterm's mouse-controls other than highlight-tracking.
+#	  xterm's SGR 1006 works.
+#	+ partial support for DEC locator-events
+#	+ implements ECMA-48 SD/SU, but not REP, SL/SR.
+#	+ has a "Tek" window, but does not work with vttest's examples
+#	+ supports the dtterm window modify/report controls
+#	+ responds to DECRQM and DECRQSS controls, but not consistent with DSR
+#	  e.g., for VT220
+#	+ VT220 screen-display tests are ok
+#	+ no VT52 support
+# Other tests:
+#	+ recognizes xterm's original direct-colors sequences, but result is
+#	  poor.
+#	+ no UTF-8 apparent when UTF-8 is set, with font Lucida Control
+teraterm4.97|Tera Term Pro:\
+	:tc=ecma+color:tc=xterm+sm+1006:tc=teraterm4.59:
+teraterm-256color|TeraTerm with xterm 256-colors:\
+	:tc=xterm+256setaf:tc=teraterm:
+teraterm|Tera Term:\
+	:tc=teraterm4.97:
+#### Command prompt
+# Tested with WinNT 4.0, the telnet application assumes the screensize is
+# 25x80.  This entry uses the 'Terminal' font, to get line-drawing characters.
+# Other notes:
+# a) Fails tack's cup (cursor-addressing) test, though cup works well enough
+#    for casual (occasional) use.  Also fails several of the vttest screens,
+#    but that is not unusual for vt100 "emulators".
+# b) Does not implement vt100 keypad
+# c) Recognizes a subset of vt52 controls.
+ms-vt100|MS telnet imitating dec vt100:\
+	:li#25:\
+	:@8@:K1@:K2@:K3@:K4@:K5@:\
+	:ac=+\020,\021-\030.^Y0\333`\004a\261f\370g\361h\260i\316j\331k\277l\332m\300n\305o~p\304q\304r\304s_t\303u\264v\301w\302x\263y\363z\362{\343|\330}\234~\376:\
+	:ct@:k0@:k1@:k2@:k3@:k4@:k5@:k6@:k7@:k8@:k9@:k;@:tc=vt102+enq:\
+	:tc=vt100:
+# Tested with Windows 2000, the telnet application runs in a console window,
+# also using 'Terminal' font.
+# Other notes:
+# a) This version has no function keys or numeric keypad.  Unlike the older
+#    version, the numeric keypad is entirely ignored.
+# b) The program sets $TERM to "ansi", which of course is inaccurate.
+ms-vt100-color|vtnt|windows 2000 ansi (sic):\
+	:ut:\
+	:DC=\E[%dP:IC=\E[%d@:ei=:im=:tc=ecma+color:tc=ms-vt100:
+# Based on comments from Federico Bianchi:
+#	vt100+ is basically a VT102-noSGR with ANSI.SYS colors and a different
+#	scheme for PF keys.
+# and PuTTY wishlist:
+#	The modifiers are represented as the codes listed above, prefixed to
+#	the normal sequences.  If the modifier is pressed alone, its sequence
+#	is transmitted twice in succession.  If multiple modifiers apply,
+#	they're transmitted in the order shift, control, alt.
+#	Shift	\E^S
+#	Alt	\E^A,
+#	Ctrl	\E^C,
+ms-vt100+|vt100+|windows XP vt100+ (sic):\
+	:@7=\Ek:F1=\E!:F2=\E@:F3=\E\023\E1:F4=\E\023\E2:\
+	:F5=\E\023\E3:F6=\E\023\E4:F7=\E\023\E5:F8=\E\023\E6:\
+	:F9=\E\023\E7:FA=\E\023\E8:FB=\E\023\E9:FC=\E\023\E0:\
+	:FD=\E\023\E!:FE=\E\023\E@:FF=\E\003\E1:FG=\E\003\E2:\
+	:FH=\E\003\E3:FI=\E\003\E4:FJ=\E\003\E5:FK=\E\003\E6:\
+	:FL=\E\003\E7:FM=\E\003\E8:FN=\E\003\E9:FO=\E\003\E0:\
+	:FP=\E\003\E!:FQ=\E\003\E@:FR=\E\001\E1:FS=\E\001\E2:\
+	:FT=\E\001\E3:FU=\E\001\E4:FV=\E\001\E5:FW=\E\001\E6:\
+	:FX=\E\001\E7:FY=\E\001\E8:FZ=\E\001\E9:Fa=\E\001\E0:\
+	:Fb=\E\001\E!:Fc=\E\001\E@:k1=\E1:k2=\E2:k3=\E3:k4=\E4:\
+	:k5=\E5:k6=\E6:k7=\E7:k8=\E8:k9=\E9:k;=\E0:kD=\E-:kI=\E+:\
+	:kN=\E/:kP=\E?:kh=\Eh:tc=ms-vt100-color:
+ms-vt-utf8|vt-utf8|UTF-8 flavor of vt100+:\
+	:tc=ms-vt100+:
+# Windows Terminal (Preview)
+# Windows 10 1903
+# Version 0.2.1831.0
+# https://github.com/microsoft/terminal
+# The task manager shows this as "OpenConsole.exe", which differs
+# from the "Windows Command Processor" used for the command-prompt.
+# The settings dialog does not work (unless the end user expects to open
+# profiles.json in Visual Studio).  There is no documentation, of course.
+# Testing via an ssh connection, using openssh:
+# - the program sets TERM to cygwin if the tab is set to PowerShell,
+#   and to xterm-256color if "Legacy".  However, in the latter, more tests
+#   fail in vttest, which does not pay attention to TERM.
+# vttest:
+# - menu 1 (tests for cursor movement) misbehaves like command-prompt
+# - primary DA says this is a vanilla VT100
+# - does not flush response to primary DA, leaving a ^M on the end when
+#   the PowerShell tab is used.  Both the "Legacy" tab and the command-prompt
+#   work properly in this test.
+# - in the generic VT100 tests, there are problems with character sets
+#   (diamond shows as a double-width character, DEL as two replacement-chars).
+# - outside of the generic VT100 tests, the program does poorly because most
+#   of the features are missing.
+# - ECH does not work properly
+# - a few generic xterm features are supported (set window title), but
+#   others are missing (such as the mouse).
+# - the cursor visible/invisible works in the PowerShell tab, not in "Legacy"
+# tack:
+# - blink, dim, bold, invis, protect do not work
+# - bce works (but per vttest, with ED, EL, not ECH)
+# - does not support keypad application mode
+# - implements most of the xterm modified keys; sometimes modifiers are ignored
+#   or simply incorrect
+# - sends escape+key rather than implementing meta mode
+# other:
+# - color palette can be altered, but OSC 104 for resetting does not work
+# - crashed with a script used for testing NRCS.
+# - does not recognize either xterm+direct or xterm+indirect escapes.
+ms-terminal|Windows10 terminal:\
+	:NP:\
+	:ke=\E[?1l:ks=\E[?1h:mm@:mo@:tc=xterm+256setaf:\
+	:tc=xterm+pcfkeys:tc=ansi+rep:tc=ecma+index:\
+	:tc=xterm-basic:
+#### Visual Studio
+# Visual Studio Code 1.45.0 uses xterm.js 12.8.1 (see https://xtermjs.org/).
+# vttest:
+# - fixes menu 1 problem with wrapping
+# - supports DECALN
+# - fixes menu 8 problem with delete-character
+# - REP, SL/SL work
+# - keypad application mode still does not work; PF1-PF4 are not assigned.
+# - DECRQM/DECRPM do not work
+# - xterm mouse features:
+#   - SGR coordinates work; the other modes do not (see vscode #96058)
+#   - focus-events are not sent
+#   - mouse highlight tracking does not send button event
+# tack/other:
+# - little or no change since previous review
+# Visual Studio Code 1.35.1 uses xterm.js (see https://xtermjs.org/).
+# https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/integrated-terminal
+# This sets TERM to xterm-256color, which is a little more successful than
+# Windows Terminal.
+# vttest:
+# - menu 1 (cursor movement) has problems with wrapping
+# - claims to be a VT100 with AVO, but copies xterm #276's secondary response
+# - menu 8 (insert/delete char/line) has problem with delete-character
+# - like Windows Terminal, fails the ECH test: neither supports DECALN
+#   However, the bce test with ECH works.
+# - does not support keypad application mode
+# - supports most xterm mode controls (except DEC Locator Events)
+# - REP, SL/SL do not work, but SD/SU work.
+# - the alternate-screen tests fail because it does not support DECALN
+# - window modify/report is not supported
+# - supports some VT320 presentation reports
+# tack:
+# - does not support blinking text
+# - implements most of the xterm modified keys, with some exceptions:
+#   - pageup/pagedown do not send escapes
+#   - alt cursor left/right send escape-b and escape-f
+# - sends UTF-8 like xterm for meta mode
+# other:
+# - mouse mode is not reset by reset-sequence
+# - supports italics and dim, but not cross-out or double-underline
+# - color-palette cannot be changed
+vscode|xterm.js|Visual Studio Code terminal using xterm.js:\
+	:NP:\
+	:kB=\E[Z:ke=\E[?1l:ks=\E[?1h:tc=xterm+256setaf:\
+	:tc=ecma+index:tc=xterm+sm+1006:tc=xterm+pcfkeys:\
+	:tc=xterm-basic:
+vscode-direct|Visual Studio Code with direct-colors:\
+	:tc=xterm+indirect:tc=vscode:
+#### XTERM
+# You can add the following line to your .Xdefaults to change the terminal type
+# set by the xterms you start up to my-xterm:
+# *termName:  my-xterm
+# System administrators can change the default entry for xterm instances
+# by adding a similar line to /usr/X11/lib/X11/app-defaults/XTerm.  In either
+# case, xterm will detect and reject an invalid terminal type, falling back
+# to the default of xterm.
+# X10/6.6	11/7/86, minus alternate screen, plus (csr)
+# (xterm: ":MT:" changed to ":km:"; added <smam>/<rmam> based on init string;
+# removed (hs, eslok, tsl=\E[?E\E[?%i%dT, fsl=\E[?F, dsl=\E[?E)
+# as these seem not to work -- esr)
+x10term|vs100-x10|xterm terminal emulator (X10 window system):\
+	:am:bs:km:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#65:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7h:\
+	:al=\E[L:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:\
+	:im=\E[4h:is=\E\E[m\E[?7h\E[?1;4l:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:\
+	:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:\
+	:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:\
+	:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+# Compatible with the R5 xterm
+# (from the XFree86 3.2 distribution, <blink=@> removed)
+# added khome/kend, rmir/smir, rmul/smul, hts based on the R5 xterm code - TD
+# corrected typos in rs2 string - TD
+# added u6-u9 -TD
+xterm-r5|xterm R5 version:\
+	:am:bs:km:ms:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:@7=\E[4~:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:\
+	:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:IC=\E[%d@:Km=\E[M:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\
+	:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:\
+	:im=\E[4h:k0=\EOq:k1=\E[11~:k2=\E[12~:k3=\E[13~:k4=\E[14~:\
+	:k5=\E[15~:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:\
+	:k;=\E[21~:kA=\E[30~:kD=\E[3~:kE=\E[8~:kI=\E[2~:kL=\E[31~:\
+	:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kh=\E[1~:kl=\EOD:\
+	:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:\
+	:rs=\E>\E[?1;3;4;5;6l\E[4l\E[?7h\E[m\E[r\E[2J\E[H:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:tc=vt100+enq:tc=xterm+kbs:
+# Compatible with the R6 xterm
+# (from XFree86 3.2 distribution, <acsc> and :it: added, <blink@> removed)
+# added khome/kend, hts based on the R6 xterm code - TD
+# (khome/kend do not actually work in X11R5 or X11R6, but many people use this
+# for compatibility with other emulators).
+xterm-r6|xterm X11R6 version:\
+	:am:bs:km:mi:ms:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:*6=\E[4~:@0=\E[1~:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:\
+	:DO=\E[%dB:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:F3=\E[25~:F4=\E[26~:\
+	:F5=\E[28~:F6=\E[29~:F7=\E[31~:F8=\E[32~:F9=\E[33~:\
+	:FA=\E[34~:Km=\E[M:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:do=\n:eA=\E)0:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E[m\E[?7h\E[4l\E>\E7\E[r\E[?1;3;4;6l\E8:\
+	:k1=\E[11~:k2=\E[12~:k3=\E[13~:k4=\E[14~:k5=\E[15~:\
+	:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:\
+	:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:\
+	:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:md=\E[1m:\
+	:me=\E[m:ml=\El:mr=\E[7m:mu=\Em:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:\
+	:rs=\E[m\E[?7h\E[4l\E>\E7\E[r\E[?1;3;4;6l\E8:sc=\E7:\
+	:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:te=\E[2J\E[?47l\E8:ti=\E7\E[?47h:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:tc=xterm+kbs:tc=vt100+enq:
+xterm-old|antique xterm version:\
+	:tc=xterm-r6:
+# The monochrome version began as a copy of "xtermm" (from Solaris), and was
+# initially part of the xterm sources (in XFree86).  But "xterm" continued to
+# grow, while "xterm-mono" had none of the newer features.  Additionally,
+# inheriting from "xtermm" runs into several problems, including different
+# function keys as well as the fact that the mouse support is not compatible.
+# This entry restores the original intent, intentionally not an alias to
+# simplify maintenance -TD
+xterm-mono|monochrome xterm:\
+	:tc=xterm-r6:
+# This is the base xterm entry for the xterm supplied with XFree86 3.2 & up.
+# The name has been changed and some aliases have been removed.
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+xterm-xf86-v32|xterm terminal emulator (XFree86 3.2 Window System):\
+	:am:bs:km:mi:ms:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:\
+	:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\n:\
+	:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E7\E[r\E[m\E[?7h\E[?1;3;4;6l\E[4l\E8\E>:\
+	:k1=\E[11~:k2=\E[12~:k3=\E[13~:k4=\E[14~:k5=\E[15~:\
+	:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:kD=\177:kI=\E[2~:\
+	:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kh=\EOH:kl=\EOD:\
+	:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:\
+	:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:te=\E[2J\E[?47l\E8:ti=\E7\E[?47h:\
+	:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?25h:\
+	:vi=\E[?25l:tc=xterm+kbs:tc=vt100+enq:tc=ecma+color:\
+	:tc=vt220+keypad:
+# This is the stock xterm entry supplied with XFree86 3.3, which uses VT100
+# codes for F1-F4 except while in VT220 mode.
+xterm-xf86-v33|xterm terminal emulator (XFree86 3.3 Window System):\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:tc=xterm-xf86-v32:
+# This version was released in XFree86 3.3.3 (November 1998).
+# Besides providing printer support, it exploits a new feature that allows
+# xterm to use terminfo-based descriptions with the titeInhibit resource.
+# -- the distribution contained incorrect khome/kend values -TD
+xterm-xf86-v333|xterm terminal emulator (XFree86 3.3.3 Window System):\
+	:*6@:@0@:ic@:is=\E[!p\E[?3;4l\E[4l\E>:kD=\E[3~:mb=\E[5m:\
+	:mk=\E[8m:r1=\Ec:r2=\E[!p\E[?3;4l\E[4l\E>:\
+	:te=\E[?1047l\E[?1048l:ti=\E[?1048h\E[?1047h:\
+	:tc=ansi+pp:tc=xterm-xf86-v33:
+# This version was released in XFree86 4.0.
+xterm-xf86-v40|xterm terminal emulator (XFree86 4.0 Window System):\
+	:NP:\
+	:#2=\EO5H:#3=\E[2;5~:#4=\EO5D:%c=\E[6;5~:%e=\E[5;5~:\
+	:%i=\EO5C:*4=\E[3;5~:*7=\EO5F:@7=\EOF:F3=\EO2P:F4=\EO2Q:\
+	:F5=\EO2R:F6=\EO2S:F7=\E[15;2~:F8=\E[17;2~:F9=\E[18;2~:\
+	:FA=\E[19;2~:FB=\E[20;2~:FC=\E[21;2~:FD=\E[23;2~:\
+	:FE=\E[24;2~:FF=\EO5P:FG=\EO5Q:FH=\EO5R:FI=\EO5S:\
+	:FJ=\E[15;5~:FK=\E[17;5~:FL=\E[18;5~:FM=\E[19;5~:\
+	:FN=\E[20;5~:FO=\E[21;5~:FP=\E[23;5~:FQ=\E[24;5~:\
+	:FR=\EO6P:FS=\EO6Q:FT=\EO6R:FU=\EO6S:FV=\E[15;6~:\
+	:FW=\E[17;6~:FX=\E[18;6~:FY=\E[19;6~:FZ=\E[20;6~:\
+	:Fa=\E[21;6~:Fb=\E[23;6~:Fc=\E[24;6~:K1@:K2=\EOE:K3@:K4@:\
+	:K5@:kB=\E[Z:kD=\E[3~:kh=\EOH:tc=xterm+alt1049:\
+	:tc=xterm-xf86-v333:
+# This version was released in XFree86 4.3.
+xterm-xf86-v43|xterm terminal emulator (XFree86 4.3 Window System):\
+	:#2=\E[1;2H:#3=\E[2;2~:#4=\E[1;2D:%c=\E[6;2~:%e=\E[5;2~:\
+	:%i=\E[1;2C:*4=\E[3;2~:*7=\E[1;2F:@1@:tc=xterm-xf86-v40:
+# This version was released in XFree86 4.4.
+xterm-xf86-v44|xterm terminal emulator (XFree86 4.4 Window System):\
+	:ve=\E[?12l\E[?25h:vs=\E[?12;25h:tc=ecma+index:\
+	:tc=xterm-xf86-v43:
+xterm-xfree86|xterm terminal emulator (XFree86):\
+	:tc=xterm-xf86-v44:
+# This version reflects the current xterm features.
+xterm-new|modern xterm terminal emulator:\
+	:NP:\
+	:@8=\EOM:kB=\E[Z:tc=ecma+index:tc=ansi+rep:\
+	:tc=ecma+strikeout:tc=xterm+keypad:tc=vt420+lrmm:\
+	:tc=xterm+sm+1006:tc=xterm+pcfkeys:tc=xterm+tmux:\
+	:tc=xterm-basic:
+# This fragment is for people who cannot agree on what the backspace key
+# should send.
+xterm+kbs|fragment for backspace key:\
+	:kb=^H:
+# This fragment describes as much of XFree86 xterm's "pc-style" function
+# keys as will fit into terminfo's 60 function keys.
+# From ctlseqs.ms:
+#    Code     Modifiers
+#  ---------------------------------
+#     2       Shift
+#     3       Alt
+#     4       Shift + Alt
+#     5       Control
+#     6       Shift + Control
+#     7       Alt + Control
+#     8       Shift + Alt + Control
+#  ---------------------------------
+# The meta key may also be used as a modifier in this scheme, adding another
+# bit to the parameter.
+xterm+pcfkeys|fragment for PC-style fkeys:\
+	:tc=xterm+app:tc=xterm+pcf2:tc=xterm+pcc2:tc=xterm+pce2:
+xterm+noapp|fragment with cursor keys in normal mode:\
+	:@7=\E[F:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:
+xterm+app|fragment with cursor keys in application mode:\
+	:@7=\EOF:kd=\EOB:kh=\EOH:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ku=\EOA:
+# The "PC-style" modifier scheme was introduced in xterm patch #94 (1999/3/27)
+# and revised in xterm patch #167 (2002/8/24).  Some other terminal emulators
+# copied the earlier scheme, as noted in the "use=" clauses in this file.
+# The original assignments from patch #94 for cursor-keys had some technical
+# issues:
+#	A parameter for a function-key to represent a modifier is just more
+#	bits.  But for a cursor-key it may change the behavior of the
+#	application.  For instance, emacs decodes the first parameter of a
+#	cursor-key as a repeat count.
+#	A parameterized string should (really) not begin with SS3 (\EO).
+#	Rather, CSI (\E[) should be used.
+# For these reasons, the original assignments were deprecated.  For
+# compatibility reasons, they are still available as a setting of xterm's
+# modifyCursorKeys resource.  These fragments list the modified cursor-keys
+# that might apply to xterm+pcfkeys with different values of that resource.
+# These entries will have warnings when checking with tic because the kri/kind
+# capabilities duplicate the kUP/kDN extensions.  This is intentional, though
+# not part of the original plan.  The changes for xterm patch #206 (2005/11/3)
+# show that kri/kind were seen much later as part of a set including kLFT/kRIT:
+#   * modify  xterm-new  terminfo  entry to use capabilities for shifted
+#     scroll forward/reverse as shifted cursor up/down.
+# In the 1980s when terminfo was defined, the developers made more of
+# a distinction between shifted up/down versus shifted left/right since most
+# terminals can index (scroll up/down), while few can scroll left/right.
+xterm+pcc3|fragment with modifyCursorKeys=3:\
+	:#4=\E[>1;2D:%i=\E[>1;2C:kF=\E[>1;2B:kR=\E[>1;2A:
+xterm+pcc2|fragment with modifyCursorKeys=2:\
+	:#4=\E[1;2D:%i=\E[1;2C:kF=\E[1;2B:kR=\E[1;2A:
+xterm+pcc1|fragment with modifyCursorKeys=1:\
+	:#4=\E[2D:%i=\E[2C:kF=\E[2B:kR=\E[2A:
+xterm+pcc0|fragment with modifyCursorKeys=0:\
+	:#4=\EO2D:%i=\EO2C:kF=\EO2B:kR=\EO2A:
+# Here are corresponding fragments from xterm patch #216:
+xterm+pcf0|fragment with modifyFunctionKeys=0:\
+	:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:F3=\EO2P:F4=\EO2Q:F5=\EO2R:F6=\EO2S:\
+	:F7=\E[15;2~:F8=\E[17;2~:F9=\E[18;2~:FA=\E[19;2~:\
+	:FB=\E[20;2~:FC=\E[21;2~:FD=\E[23;2~:FE=\E[24;2~:\
+	:FF=\EO5P:FG=\EO5Q:FH=\EO5R:FI=\EO5S:FJ=\E[15;5~:\
+	:FK=\E[17;5~:FL=\E[18;5~:FM=\E[19;5~:FN=\E[20;5~:\
+	:FO=\E[21;5~:FP=\E[23;5~:FQ=\E[24;5~:FR=\EO6P:FS=\EO6Q:\
+	:FT=\EO6R:FU=\EO6S:FV=\E[15;6~:FW=\E[17;6~:FX=\E[18;6~:\
+	:FY=\E[19;6~:FZ=\E[20;6~:Fa=\E[21;6~:Fb=\E[23;6~:\
+	:Fc=\E[24;6~:Fd=\EO3P:Fe=\EO3Q:Ff=\EO3R:Fg=\EO3S:\
+	:Fh=\E[15;3~:Fi=\E[17;3~:Fj=\E[18;3~:Fk=\E[19;3~:\
+	:Fl=\E[20;3~:Fm=\E[21;3~:Fn=\E[23;3~:Fo=\E[24;3~:\
+	:Fp=\EO4P:Fq=\EO4Q:Fr=\EO4R:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:\
+	:k4=\EOS:k5=\E[15~:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:\
+	:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:
+xterm+pcf2|fragment with modifyFunctionKeys=2:\
+	:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:F3=\E[1;2P:F4=\E[1;2Q:F5=\E[1;2R:\
+	:F6=\E[1;2S:F7=\E[15;2~:F8=\E[17;2~:F9=\E[18;2~:\
+	:FA=\E[19;2~:FB=\E[20;2~:FC=\E[21;2~:FD=\E[23;2~:\
+	:FE=\E[24;2~:FF=\E[1;5P:FG=\E[1;5Q:FH=\E[1;5R:FI=\E[1;5S:\
+	:FJ=\E[15;5~:FK=\E[17;5~:FL=\E[18;5~:FM=\E[19;5~:\
+	:FN=\E[20;5~:FO=\E[21;5~:FP=\E[23;5~:FQ=\E[24;5~:\
+	:FR=\E[1;6P:FS=\E[1;6Q:FT=\E[1;6R:FU=\E[1;6S:FV=\E[15;6~:\
+	:FW=\E[17;6~:FX=\E[18;6~:FY=\E[19;6~:FZ=\E[20;6~:\
+	:Fa=\E[21;6~:Fb=\E[23;6~:Fc=\E[24;6~:Fd=\E[1;3P:\
+	:Fe=\E[1;3Q:Ff=\E[1;3R:Fg=\E[1;3S:Fh=\E[15;3~:\
+	:Fi=\E[17;3~:Fj=\E[18;3~:Fk=\E[19;3~:Fl=\E[20;3~:\
+	:Fm=\E[21;3~:Fn=\E[23;3~:Fo=\E[24;3~:Fp=\E[1;4P:\
+	:Fq=\E[1;4Q:Fr=\E[1;4R:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:\
+	:k5=\E[15~:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:\
+	:k;=\E[21~:
+# Chunks from xterm #230:
+xterm+pce2|fragment with modifyCursorKeys=2:\
+	:#2=\E[1;2H:#3=\E[2;2~:%c=\E[6;2~:%e=\E[5;2~:*4=\E[3;2~:\
+	:*7=\E[1;2F:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:tc=xterm+edit:
+xterm+edit|fragment for 6-key editing-keypad:\
+	:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:tc=xterm+pc+edit:
+xterm+pc+edit|fragment for pc-style editing keypad:\
+	:@7=\E[4~:kh=\E[1~:
+xterm+vt+edit|fragment for vt220-style editing keypad:\
+	:*6=\E[4~:@0=\E[1~:
+# These variations for alternate-screen and title-stacking were introduced by
+# xterm patch #331:
+xterm+noalt|xterm without altscreen:\
+	:te@:ti@:
+xterm+alt1049|xterm 90 feature:\
+	:te=\E[?1049l:ti=\E[?1049h:
+xterm+titlestack|xterm 251 feature:\
+	:te=\E[23;0;0t:ti=\E[22;0;0t:
+xterm+alt+title|xterm 90 and 251 features combined:\
+	:te=\E[?1049l\E[23;0;0t:ti=\E[?1049h\E[22;0;0t:
+# https://invisible-island.net/xterm/xterm.faq.html#xterm_keypad
+# Xterm's emulation of the VT100 numeric keypad on a PC-keyboard runs into the
+# problem that the keypad layout is different, and that the natural choice for
+# PF1 is NumLock (which happens to be reserved for other use).  To work around
+# that, PF1-PF4 are emulated via F1-F4, which leaves the "/", "*" and "+" not
+# directly related to VT100.
+# With the VT220 keypad block that uses the 1-9 keys as suggested in
+# terminfo(5), the other keys can be handled with user-defined capabilities:
+#   _______________________________________
+#  | NumLock |    /    |    *    |    -    |
+#  |         |   $Oo   |   $Oj   |   $OS   |
+#  |_________|__kpDIV__|__kpMUL__|__kpSUB__|
+#  |    7         8         9    |         |
+#  |   $Ow   |   $Ox   |   $Oy   |    +    |
+#  |_ka1__K1_|_________|_ka3__K3_|   $Ok   |
+#  |    4    |    5    |    6    |  kpADD  |
+#  |   $Ot   |   $Ou   |   $Ov   |         |
+#  |_________|_kb2__K2_|_________|_________|
+#  |    1    |    2    |    3    |         |
+#  |   $Oq   |   $Or   |   $Os   |         |
+#  |_kc1__K4_|_________|_kc3__K5_|  enter  |
+#  |         0         |   .     |   $OM   |
+#  |        $Op        |  $On    |         |
+#  |___________________|_________|_kent_@8_|
+xterm+keypad|xterm emulating VT100/VT220 numeric keypad:\
+	:tc=vt220+keypad:
+# Those chunks use the new-style (the xterm oldFunctionKeys resource is false).
+# Alternatively, the same scheme with old-style function keys as in xterm-r6
+# is shown here (because that is used in mrxvt and mlterm):
+xterm+r6f2|xterm with oldFunctionKeys and modifyFunctionKeys=2:\
+	:F3=\E[11;2~:F4=\E[12;2~:F5=\E[13;2~:F6=\E[14;2~:\
+	:FF=\E[11;5~:FG=\E[12;5~:FH=\E[13;5~:FI=\E[14;5~:\
+	:FR=\E[11;6~:FS=\E[12;6~:FT=\E[13;6~:FU=\E[14;6~:\
+	:Fd=\E[11;3~:Fe=\E[12;3~:Ff=\E[13;3~:Fg=\E[14;3~:\
+	:Fp=\E[11;4~:Fq=\E[12;4~:Fr=\E[13;4~:k1=\E[11~:k2=\E[12~:\
+	:k3=\E[13~:k4=\E[14~:tc=xterm+pcf2:
+# This chunk is used for building the VT220/Sun/PC keyboard variants.
+xterm-basic|modern xterm terminal emulator - common:\
+	:am:bs:mi:ms:ut:xn:\
+	:Co#8:co#80:it#8:li#24:pa#64:\
+	:AB=\E[4%dm:AF=\E[3%dm:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:\
+	:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:Km=\E[M:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=\E(B:al=\E[L:as=\E(0:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:\
+	:ce=\E[K:ch=\E[%i%dG:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:cv=\E[%i%dd:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:\
+	:do=\n:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E[!p\E[?3;4l\E[4l\E>:ke=\E[?1l\E>:ks=\E[?1h\E=:\
+	:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:mh=\E[2m:mk=\E[8m:ml=\El:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:mu=\Em:nd=\E[C:op=\E[39;49m:r1=\Ec:\
+	:r2=\E[!p\E[?3;4l\E[4l\E>:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\n:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?12l\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:\
+	:vs=\E[?12;25h:tc=ecma+italics:tc=ansi+pp:tc=xterm+kbs:\
+	:tc=xterm+alt+title:tc=ansi+enq:tc=xterm+meta:
+xterm+meta|meta mode for xterm:\
+	:km:\
+	:mm=\E[?1034h:mo=\E[?1034l:
+# From: David J. MacKenzie <djm@va.pubnix.com>, 14 Nov 1997
+# In retrospect, something like xterm-r6 was intended here -TD
+xterm-xi|xterm on XI Graphics Accelerated X under BSD/OS 3.1:\
+	:se=\E[m:ue=\E[m:tc=xterm-xf86-v33:
+#### XTERM Colors
+# 16-colors is one of the variants of XFree86 3.3 xterm, updated for 4.0
+# (T.Dickey)
+# If configured to support 88- or 256-colors (which is fairly common in 2009),
+# xterm also recognizes the control sequences for initc -TD
+xterm-16color|xterm with 16 colors like aixterm:\
+	:cc:tc=xterm+osc104:tc=ibm+16color:tc=xterm-new:
+# 256-colors is a compile-time feature of XFree86 xterm beginning with
+# xterm patch #111 (1999/7/10) -TD
+xterm+256color|original xterm 256-color feature:\
+	:cc:\
+	:Co#256:pa#65536:\
+	:AB=\E[48;5;%dm:AF=\E[38;5;%dm:Sb@:Sf@:oc=\E]104\007:
+# The semicolon separator used in xterm+256color does not follow the ECMA-48
+# standard.  Since patch #282 (in 2012), xterm has supported both the legacy
+# subparameter separator (semicolon) and the standard (colon).
+# The xterm FAQ gives some of the history:
+#	https://invisible-island.net/xterm/xterm.faq.html#color_by_number
+xterm+256color2|xterm 256-color feature:\
+	:AB=\E[48;5;%dm:AF=\E[38;5;%dm:tc=xterm+256color:
+# xterm OSC 104 resets the color palette.  Using it as part of xterm+256color
+# has the drawback that some of the xterm-alikes which use that building block
+# require a different approach to rs1 -TD
+xterm+osc104|reset color palette:\
+	:oc=\E]104\007:r1=\Ec\E]104\007:
+# palette is hardcoded...
+xterm+256setaf|xterm 256-color (set-only):\
+	:cc@:\
+	:Co#256:pa#65536:\
+	:AB=\E[48;5;%dm:AF=\E[38;5;%dm:Ic@:Sb@:Sf@:op=\E[39;49m:
+# 88-colors is a compile-time feature of XFree86 xterm beginning with
+# xterm patch #115 (1999/9/18) -TD
+# Note that the escape sequences used are the same as for 256-colors - xterm
+# has a different table of default color resource values.  If built for
+# 256-colors, it can still handle an 88-color palette by using the initc
+# capability.
+# At this time (2007/7/14), except for rxvt 2.7.x, none of the other terminals
+# which support the xterm+256color feature support the associated initc
+# capability.  So it is cancelled in the entries which use this and/or the
+# xterm+256color block.
+# The default color palette for the 256- and 88-colors are different.  A
+# given executable will have one palette (perhaps compiled-in).  If the program
+# supports xterm's control sequence, it can be programmed using initc.
+xterm+88color|original xterm 88-color feature:\
+	:Co#88:pa#7744:tc=xterm+256color:
+xterm+88color2|xterm 88-color feature:\
+	:Co#88:pa#7744:tc=xterm+256color2:
+# These variants of XFree86 3.9.16 xterm are built as a configure option.
+xterm-256color|xterm with 256 colors:\
+	:tc=xterm+osc104:tc=xterm+256color:tc=xterm-new:
+xterm-88color|xterm with 88 colors:\
+	:tc=xterm+osc104:tc=xterm+88color:tc=xterm-256color:
+# Emacs 26.1 and later support direct color mode in terminals, using a
+# combination of user-defined capabilities and ncurses-dependent function
+# calls.  We will not include that here.
+# Here is a first revision, which (disregarding the reuse of colors 1-7 which
+# is of interest only to the numerically illiterate), is compatible with other
+# terminal descriptions written for curses.  It relies upon the extended range
+# for numeric capabilities provided in ncurses 6.1:
+xterm+direct2|xterm with direct-color indexing:\
+	:Co#16777216:pa#65536:\
+	:Ic@:Sb@:Sf@:op=\E[39;49m:
+xterm-direct2|xterm with direct-color indexing (old):\
+	:tc=xterm+direct2:tc=xterm+titlestack:tc=xterm:
+# That in turn had a problem: in the original patch submitted for KDE konsole
+# in 2006, the submitter and the developer alike overlooked a "color space
+# identifier" parameter.  This version provides for that parameter:
+xterm+direct|xterm with direct-color indexing:\
+	:Co#16777216:pa#65536:\
+	:Ic@:Sb@:Sf@:op=\E[39;49m:
+xterm-direct|xterm with direct-color indexing:\
+	:tc=xterm+direct:tc=xterm:
+# Here are corresponding flavors for terminals which could use the feature:
+iterm2-direct|iTerm2 with direct-color indexing:\
+	:tc=xterm+direct:tc=iterm2:
+mlterm-direct|mlterm with direct-color indexing:\
+	:tc=xterm+direct:tc=mlterm:
+# Meanwhile, in KDE #107487, the patch submitter and the developer both saw
+# that xterm's original implementation should have used colons for the
+# subparameter separators, but chose not to correct this in konsole.  As of
+# late 2017, konsole still accepts only the nonstandard semicolon delimiters.
+xterm+indirect|xterm with direct-color indexing (old):\
+	:Co#16777216:pa#65536:\
+	:Ic@:Sb@:Sf@:op=\E[39;49m:
+konsole-direct|konsole with direct-color indexing:\
+	:tc=xterm+indirect:tc=konsole:
+st-direct|st with direct-color indexing:\
+	:tc=xterm+indirect:tc=st:
+vte-direct|vte with direct-color indexing:\
+	:tc=xterm+indirect:tc=vte:
+# reportedly in Apple's Mohave (fall 2018), but untested -TD
+nsterm-direct|nsterm with direct-color indexing:\
+	:tc=xterm+indirect:tc=nsterm:
+# As for others (commenting at the time of release for ncurses 6.1):
+# + Apple's Terminal.app does not recognize either form of the direct-color
+#   sequences.
+# + Cygwin's mintty recognizes xterm's original implementation, does okay with
+#   the colors.  Like vte, it is a subset of xterm, although different
+#   omissions/reservations of modified-keys are seen in testing.
+# + PuTTY 0.70 seems to recognize xterm's original implementation but does
+#   nothing useful with the colors.
+# + Teraterm 4.97, like PuTTY (no good).
+# + terminology 0.91 recognizes xterm's original implementation, but does
+#   nothing useful with it.
+# Reviewing after ncurses 6.2:
+# + Apple's Terminal.app is unchanged, has no support for direct color:
+#	Catalina 10.15.5 Terminal.app 2.10 (433)
+#	Mohave 10.14.6 - Terminal.app 2.9.5 (421.2)
+# + Cygwin's mintty 3.1.7 works with colon/semicolon
+# + PuTTY 0.73 works with semicolon
+# + Teraterm 4.105 works with semicolon
+# + terminology 1.7.0 works with colon/semicolon.
+# Other variants are possible, e.g., by using more of xterm's indexed color
+# palette, though the intrusion of indexed colors on the direct-color space
+# would be more noticeable.
+xterm+direct16|xterm with direct-color indexing:\
+	:Sb@:Sf@:tc=xterm+direct:
+xterm-direct16|xterm with direct-colors and 16 indexed colors:\
+	:tc=xterm:tc=xterm+direct16:
+xterm+direct256|xterm with direct-color indexing:\
+	:Sb@:Sf@:tc=xterm+direct:
+xterm-direct256|xterm with direct-colors and 256 indexed colors:\
+	:tc=xterm:tc=xterm+direct256:
+#### XTERM Features
+# This chunk is based on suggestions by Ailin Nemui and Nicholas Marriott, who
+# asked for some of xterm's advanced features to be added to its terminfo
+# entry.  It defines extended capabilities not found in standard terminfo or
+# termcap.  These are useful in tmux, for instance, hence the name.
+# One caveat in adding extended capabilities in ncurses is that if the names
+# are longer than two characters, then they will not be visible through the
+# termcap interface.
+# Ms modifies the selection/clipboard.  Its parameters are
+#	p1 = the storage unit (clipboard, selection or cut buffer)
+#	p2 = the base64-encoded clipboard content.
+# Ss is used to set the cursor style as described by the DECSCUSR
+#	function to a block or underline.
+# Se resets the cursor style to the terminal power-on default.
+# Cs and Cr set and reset the cursor colour.
+xterm+tmux|advanced xterm features used in tmux:
+# This is another variant, for XFree86 4.0 xterm (T.Dickey)
+# This is an 8-bit version of xterm, which emulates DEC vt220 with ANSI color.
+# To use it, your decTerminalID resource must be set to 200 or above.
+#	HTS	\E H	\210
+#	RI	\E M	\215
+#	SS3	\E O	\217
+#	CSI	\E [	\233
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+xterm-8bit|xterm terminal emulator 8-bit controls (X Window System):\
+	:am:bs:km:mi:ms:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:AL=\233%dL:DC=\233%dP:DL=\233%dM:DO=\233%dB:IC=\233%d@:\
+	:K1=\217w:K2=\217y:K3=\217u:K4=\217q:K5=\217s:LE=\233%dD:\
+	:RI=\233%dC:UP=\233%dA:ae=\E(B:al=\233L:as=\E(0:bl=^G:\
+	:bt=\233Z:cd=\233J:ce=\233K:cl=\233H\2332J:\
+	:cm=\233%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\233%i%d;%dr:ct=\2333g:\
+	:dc=\233P:dl=\233M:do=\n:ec=\233%dX:ei=\2334l:ho=\233H:\
+	:im=\2334h:\
+	:is=\E[62"p\E G\233m\233?7h\E>\E7\233?1;3;4;6l\2334l\233r\E8:\
+	:k1=\23311~:k2=\23312~:k3=\23313~:k4=\23314~:k5=\23315~:\
+	:k6=\23317~:k7=\23318~:k8=\23319~:k9=\23320~:kD=\2333~:\
+	:kI=\2332~:kN=\2336~:kP=\2335~:kd=\217B:ke=\233?1l\E>:\
+	:kh=\2331~:kl=\217D:kr=\217C:ks=\233?1h\E=:ku=\217A:le=^H:\
+	:mb=\2335m:md=\2331m:me=\2330m:mr=\2337m:nd=\233C:rc=\E8:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\23327m:sf=\n:so=\2337m:sr=\215:st=\210:ta=^I:\
+	:te=\233?1049l:ti=\233?1049h:ue=\23324m:up=\233A:\
+	:us=\2334m:vb=\233?5h\233?5l:ve=\233?25l\233?25h:\
+	:vi=\233?25l:vs=\233?12;25h:tc=xterm+kbs:
+xterm-hp|xterm with hpterm function keys:\
+	:@7=\EF:k1=\Ep:k2=\Eq:k3=\Er:k4=\Es:k5=\Et:k6=\Eu:k7=\Ev:\
+	:k8=\Ew:kC=\EJ:kD=\EP:kI=\EQ:kN=\ES:kP=\ET:kd=\EB:kh=\Eh:\
+	:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:tc=xterm-basic:
+xterm-sco|xterm with SCO function keys:\
+	:@1=\E[E:@7=\E[F:F1=\E[W:F2=\E[X:F3=\E[Y:F4=\E[Z:F5=\E[a:\
+	:F6=\E[b:F7=\E[c:F8=\E[d:F9=\E[e:FA=\E[f:FB=\E[g:FC=\E[h:\
+	:FD=\E[i:FE=\E[j:FF=\E[k:FG=\E[l:FH=\E[m:FI=\E[n:FJ=\E[o:\
+	:FK=\E[p:FL=\E[q:FM=\E[r:FN=\E[s:FO=\E[t:FP=\E[u:FQ=\E[v:\
+	:FR=\E[w:FS=\E[x:FT=\E[y:FU=\E[z:FV=\E[@:FW=\E[[:FX=\E[\\:\
+	:FY=\E[]:FZ=\E[\136:Fa=\E[_:Fb=\E[`:Fc=\E[{:Km=\E[>M:\
+	:k1=\E[M:k2=\E[N:k3=\E[O:k4=\E[P:k5=\E[Q:k6=\E[R:k7=\E[S:\
+	:k8=\E[T:k9=\E[U:k;=\E[V:kD=\177:kI=\E[L:kN=\E[G:kP=\E[I:\
+	:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:tc=xterm-basic:
+# The xterm-new description has all of the features, but is not completely
+# compatible with vt220.  If you are using a Sun or PC keyboard, set the
+# sunKeyboard resource to true:
+#	+ maps the editing keypad
+#	+ interprets control-function-key as a second array of keys, so a
+#	  12-fkey keyboard can support vt220's 20-fkeys.
+#	+ maps numeric keypad "+" to ",".
+#	+ uses DEC-style control sequences for the application keypad.
+xterm-vt220|xterm emulating vt220:\
+	:@7=\E[4~:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:F3=\E[25~:F4=\E[26~:\
+	:F5=\E[28~:F6=\E[29~:F7=\E[31~:F8=\E[32~:F9=\E[33~:\
+	:FA=\E[34~:Km=\E[M:k5=\E[15~:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:\
+	:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:kB=\E[Z:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:\
+	:kP=\E[5~:kd=\EOB:kh=\E[1~:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ku=\EOA:\
+	:tc=xterm+app:tc=xterm+edit:tc=xterm-basic:\
+	:tc=vt220+keypad:
+xterm-vt52|xterm emulating dec vt52:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=\EG:as=\EF:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\EY%+ %+ :\
+	:cr=\r:do=\EB:ho=\EH:kd=\EB:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=\ED:\
+	:nd=\EC:nw=\r\n:sf=\n:sr=\EI:ta=^I:up=\EA:tc=xterm+kbs:\
+	:tc=vt52+keypad:
+xterm-noapp|xterm with cursor keys in normal mode:\
+	:ke=\E>:ks=\E=:te@:ti@:tc=xterm+noapp:tc=xterm:
+xterm-24|vs100|xterms|xterm terminal emulator (X Window System):\
+	:li#24:tc=xterm-old:
+# This is xterm for ncurses.
+xterm|xterm terminal emulator (X Window System):\
+	:tc=xterm-new:
+# This entry assumes that xterm's handling of VT100 SI/SO is disabled by
+# setting the vt100Graphics resource to false.
+xterm-utf8|xterm with no VT100 line-drawing in UTF-8 mode:\
+	:tc=xterm:
+# These building-blocks allow access to the X titlebar and icon name as a
+# status line.  There are a few problems in using them in entries:
+# a) tsl should have a parameter to denote the column on which to transfer to
+#    the status line.
+# b) the "0" code for xterm updates both icon-title and window title.  Some
+#    window managers such as twm (and possibly window managers descended from
+#    it such as tvtwm, ctwm, and vtwm) track windows by icon-name. Thus, you
+#    don't want to mess with icon-name when using those window managers.
+# The extension "TS" is preferable, because it does not accept a parameter.
+# However, if you are using a non-extended terminfo, "TS" is not visible.
+xterm+sl|access X title line and icon name:\
+	:hs:\
+	:ds=\E]0;\007:fs=^G:ts=\E]0;:
+xterm+sl-twm|access X title line (pacify twm-descended window managers):\
+	:hs:\
+	:ds=\E]2;\007:fs=^G:ts=\E]2;:
+# In contrast, this block can be used for a DEC vt320 and up.  There are two
+# controls used.
+# DECSASD (select active status display)
+#	\E[0$}	Main display
+#	\E[1$}	Status line
+# DECSSDT (select status line type)
+#	\E[0$~	No status line
+#	\E[1$~	Indicator status line
+#	\E[2$~	Host-writable status line
+# The building block assumes that the terminal always shows something at the
+# status line (either the indicator, or status line).  That is because if no
+# status line is used, then the terminal makes that line part of the user
+# window, changing its size without notice.
+# Because there is no "esl" (enable status line) capability, the "tsl"
+# capability ensures that the status line is host-writable.  A DEC terminal
+# will clear the status line when changing from indicator to host-writable
+# mode.
+# Once on the status line, the row part of cursor addressing is ignored.  Since
+# tsl expects a parameter (to specify the column), the shortest addressing that
+# can be used for this purpose is HPA, e.g., \E[5d to go to column 5.
+dec+sl|DEC VTxx status line:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:ds=\E[1$~:fs=\E[0$}:ts=\E[2$~\E[1$}\E[%i%d`:
+# The following xterm variants don't depend on your base version
+# xterm with bold instead of underline
+xterm-bold|xterm terminal emulator (X11R6 Window System) standout w/bold:\
+	:so=\E[7m:us=\E[1m:tc=xterm-old:
+# See the note on ICH/ICH1 VERSUS RMIR/SMIR near the end of file
+xterm-nic|xterm with ich/ich1 suppressed for non-curses programs:\
+	:IC@:ic@:tc=xterm:
+# From: Mark Sheppard <kimble@mistral.co.uk>, 4 May 1996
+xterm1|xterm terminal emulator ignoring the alternate screen buffer:\
+	:te@:ti@:tc=xterm:
+#### XTERM Mouse
+# The xterm mouse protocol is used by other terminal emulators.
+# In this section, two extended capabilities are used to illustrate the mouse
+# protocol: XM and xm.  The "XM" capability is recognized by ncurses to allow
+# enabling/disabling other mouse protocols.  The "xm" capability describes the
+# mouse response; currently there is no interpreter which would use this
+# information to make the mouse support completely data-driven.
+# Here is the "original" xterm mouse protocol.
+# First seen in X10.3, February 1986, this likely dates from 1985 based on the
+# copyright dates in the sources.  A comment in charproc.c notes "MIT bogus
+# sequence", referring to the fact that it does not correspond to a "real"
+# terminal.  The mouse responses for the X10 protocol are sent only for
+# button-presses.
+xterm+x10mouse|X10 xterm mouse protocol:\
+	:Km=\E[M:
+xterm-x10mouse|X10 xterm mouse:\
+	:tc=xterm+x10mouse:tc=xterm:
+# Here is the conventional xterm mouse protocol, introduced with X11R1 in
+# September 1987.
+# The mouse responses for the X11 protocol covered button releases, as well as
+# modifiers:
+#  shift    4
+#  alt/meta 8 (technically the "mod1" mask, because X11 has no such keys)
+#  control 16
+# The modifiers are not reflected in this description because as used in xterm
+# they are normally inaccessible because the translations resources assign
+# shift and control to other features.  However, they are important because
+# they take up space in the first byte of the response.  The other bits of this
+# byte are used to encode the button number for both presses and releases.
+# In the X11 protocol, any button-release is encoded with "3" (the lowest 2
+# bits in the byte).  Later work on XFree86 xterm used the remaining 3 bits to
+# provide additional features, e.g., wheel mouse.
+# X11R1's xterm also supported an "emacs" mouse protocol, with final character
+# "t" or "T", which was activated by double-clicking.  The "t" response was
+# used when the starting/ending positions were the same.
+# X11R3 (February 1988) added the highlight/tracking mode.
+# X11R4 (December 1989) added the control sequences document, listing the
+# control sequences for the X10/X11 protocols without descriptions.  It also
+# mentioned the "emacs" ("T") response.  Comments in button.c referred to the
+# X11 protocol as "DEC vt200 compatible", although DEC offered no such terminal.
+# X11R5 (November 1993) gave a description of the mouse protocol.
+# X11R6 (January 1995) moved the control sequences document out of the xterm
+# source-directory to xc/doc/specs/xterm, polishing the formatting but adding
+# no new information.
+xterm+x11mouse|X11 xterm mouse protocol:\
+	:Km=\E[M:
+xterm-x11mouse|X11 mouse:\
+	:tc=xterm+x11mouse:tc=xterm:
+# Here is a suggested description of the xterm highlighting protocol.
+# A more complicated example could be constructed to account for the "t"
+# response.
+xterm+x11hilite|X11 xterm mouse protocol with highlight:\
+	:Km=\E[M:
+xterm-x11hilite|X11 mouse with highlight:\
+	:tc=xterm+x11mouse:tc=xterm:
+# The preceding were the sources from X Consortium.  Other sources (or patches)
+# were available.  Starting in mid-1995, XFree86 developers collected some of
+# those changes and began improvements, e.g., to support color.  This was, by
+# the way, around the same time that rxvt developers began implementing color,
+# though dates (and attributions) are not well documented.  I became interested
+# in xterm in late 1995, and involved in early 1996.  To complete the picture,
+# CDE's dtterm was introduced around the same time, with no mouse protocol -TD
+# xterm patch #83 (1998/10/7), added Jason Bacon's changes to provide an
+# "any-event" mouse mode.
+xterm+sm+1002|xterm any-event mouse:\
+	:Km=\E[M:
+xterm-1002|xterm any-event mouse:\
+	:tc=xterm+sm+1002:tc=xterm:
+xterm+sm+1003|testing xterm-mouse:\
+	:Km=\E[M:
+xterm-1003|testing xterm-mouse:\
+	:tc=xterm+sm+1003:tc=xterm:
+# xterm patch #116 (1999/9/25) added Stephen P Wall's changes to support DEC
+# locator mode.
+# xterm patch #120 (1999/10/28) added my change to support wheel mouse, by
+# dropping support for the X11 mouse protocol's shift-modifier and using
+# available bits in the first byte of the response to encode buttons 4 and 5.
+# xterm patch #126 (2000/2/8) amended that change to avoid conflicting with
+# older configurations which might have used the obsolete modifiers.
+# xterm patch #262 (2010/8/30) added Ryan Johnson's changes to provide a mode
+# where the coordinates in the mouse response would be encoded in UTF-8,
+# thereby extending the range of coordinates past 222=(255-33).  This is the
+# "1005" mouse mode.
+xterm+sm+1005|xterm UTF-8 mouse:\
+	:Km=\E[M:
+xterm-1005|xterm UTF-8 mouse:\
+	:tc=xterm+sm+1005:tc=xterm:
+# xterm patch #277 (2012/1/7) provides a mode where the mouse response uses
+# SGR-style parameters.
+# Someone stated that the 1005 mouse mode would not be handled properly in luit.
+# (By the way, this is a problem with the X11 protocol).  A more plausible
+# criticism is that the responses provided by the 1005 mode are not distinct
+# from the non-1005 responses.
+# As an alternative (and fixing the longstanding limitation of X11 mouse
+# protocol regarding button-releases), I provided the 1006 mode, referring
+# to it as "SGR 1006" since the replies resemble the SGR control string:
+xterm+sm+1006|xterm SGR-mouse:\
+	:Km=\E[<:
+xterm-1006|xterm SGR-mouse:\
+	:tc=xterm+sm+1006:tc=xterm:
+#### KTERM
+# (kterm: this had extension capabilities ":KJ:TY=ascii:" -- esr)
+# (kterm should not invoke DEC Graphics as the alternate character set
+#  -- Kenji Rikitake)
+# (proper setting of enacs, smacs, rmacs makes kterm to use DEC Graphics
+#  -- MATSUMOTO Shoji)
+# kterm implements acsc via built-in table of X Drawable's
+kterm|kterm kanji terminal emulator (X window system):\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:NC@:\
+	:Km=\E[M:RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7h:\
+	:ac=``aajjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxx~~:ae=\E(B:\
+	:as=\E(0:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ds=\E[?H:eA=:fs=\E[?F:me=\E[0m:\
+	:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:ts=\E[?E\E[?%i%dT:tc=xterm-r6:\
+	:tc=ecma+color:
+kterm-color|kterm-co|kterm with ANSI colors:\
+	:NC@:tc=kterm:tc=ecma+color:
+#### Other XTERM
+# These (xtermc and xtermm) are distributed with Solaris.  They refer to a
+# variant of xterm which is apparently no longer supported, but are interesting
+# because they illustrate SVr4 curses mouse controls - T.Dickey
+xtermm|xterm terminal emulator (monochrome):\
+	:am:bs:km:mi:ms:xn:\
+	:BT#3:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:@7=\E[Y:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:F1=\EOZ:\
+	:F2=\EOA:Gm=\E[%dY:IC=\E[%d@:Km=\E[^_:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:\
+	:RQ=\E[492Z:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:cb=3\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\
+	:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\n:eA=\E(B\E)0:ei=:ho=\E[H:\
+	:ic=\E[@:im=:k0=\EOy:k5=\EOT:k6=\EOU:k7=\EOV:k8=\EOW:\
+	:k9=\EOX:k;=\EOY:kN=\E[U:kP=\E[V:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:kh=\E[H:\
+	:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ku=\EOA:le=\E[D:mb@:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:r1=\E>\E[1;3;4;5;6l\E[?7h\E[m\E[r\E[2J\E[H:\
+	:r2=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:\
+	:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:te=\E@0\E[?4r:\
+	:ti=\E@0\E[?4s\E[?4h\E@1:up=\E[A:tc=vt100+fnkeys:
+xtermc|xterm terminal emulator (color):\
+	:Co#8:NC#7:pa#64:\
+	:AB=\E[4%dm:AF=\E[3%dm:op=\E[100m:tc=xtermm:
+# From: David J. MacKenzie <djm@va.pubnix.com> 20 Apr 1995
+# Here's a termcap entry I've been using for xterm_color, which comes
+# with BSD/OS 2.0, and the X11R6 contrib tape too I think.  Besides the
+# color stuff, I also have a status line defined as the window manager
+# title bar. [I have translated it to terminfo -- ESR]
+xterm-pcolor|xterm with color used for highlights and status line:\
+	:ws#40:\
+	:md=\E[1;43m:mr=\E[7;34m:so=\E[7;31m:us=\E[4;42m:\
+	:tc=xterm+sl:tc=xterm-r6:
+# This describes the capabilities of color_xterm, an xterm variant from
+# before ECMA-64 color support was folded into the main-line xterm release.
+# This entry is straight from color_xterm's maintainer.
+# From: Jacob Mandelson <jlm@ugcs.caltech.edu>, 09 Nov 1996
+# The README's with the distribution also say that it supports SGR 21, 24, 25
+# and 27, but they are not present in the terminfo or termcap.
+color_xterm|cx|cx100|color_xterm color terminal emulator for X:\
+	:am:bs:km:mi:ms:xn:\
+	:NC@:co#80:it#8:li#65:\
+	:@7=\E[8~:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:\
+	:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:IC=\E[%d@:Km=\E[M:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\
+	:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\n:eA=\E(B\E)0:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:\
+	:i1=\E[r\E[m\E[?7h\E[?4;6l\E[4l:im=\E[4h:k1=\E[11~:\
+	:k2=\E[12~:k3=\E[13~:k4=\E[14~:k5=\E[15~:k6=\E[17~:\
+	:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:kI=\E[2~:\
+	:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:kh=\E[7~:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:\
+	:ku=\EOA:le=^H:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:r1=\E(B\017\E[r\E[m\E[2J\E[H\E[?7h\E[?1;3;4;6l\E[4l\E<:\
+	:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:\
+	:te=\E>\E[?41;1r:ti=\E[?1;41s\E[?1;41h\E=:ue=\E[24m:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:tc=ecma+color:tc=vt220+keypad:
+# The 'nxterm' distributed with Redhat Linux 5.2 is a slight rehack of
+# xterm-sb_right-ansi-3d, which implements ANSI colors, but does not support
+# SGR 39 or 49.  SGR 0 does reset colors (along with everything else).  This
+# description is "compatible" with color_xterm, rxvt and XFree86 xterm, except
+# that each of those implements the home, end, delete keys differently.
+# Redhat Linux 6.x distributes XFree86 xterm as "nxterm", which uses bce
+# colors; note that this is not compatible with the 5.2 version.
+# csw (2002-05-15): make xterm-color primary instead of nxterm, to
+#   match XFree86's xterm.terminfo usage and prevent circular links
+xterm-color|nxterm|generic color xterm:\
+	:NC@:\
+	:op=\E[m:tc=xterm-r6:tc=klone+color:
+# This entry describes an xterm with Sun-style function keys enabled
+# via the X resource setting "xterm*sunFunctionKeys:true"
+# To understand <kf11>/<kf12> note that L1,L2 and F11,F12 are the same.
+# The <kf13>...<kf20> keys are L3-L10.  We don't set <kf16=\E[197z>
+# because we want it to be seen as <kcpy>.
+# The <kf31>...<kf45> keys are R1-R15.  We treat some of these in accordance
+# with their Sun keyboard labels instead.
+# From: Simon J. Gerraty <sjg@zen.void.oz.au> 10 Jan 1996
+xterm-sun|xterm with sunFunctionKeys true:\
+	:%1=\E[196z:&8=\E[195z:@0=\E[200z:@5=\E[197z:@7=\E[220z:\
+	:@8=\EOM:F1=\E[192z:F2=\E[193z:F3=\E[194z:F4=\E[195z:\
+	:F5=\E[196z:F7=\E[198z:F8=\E[199z:F9=\E[200z:FA=\E[201z:\
+	:FL=\E[208z:FM=\E[209z:FN=\E[210z:FO=\E[211z:FP=\E[212z:\
+	:FQ=\E[213z:FS=\E[215z:FU=\E[217z:FW=\E[219z:FY=\E[221z:\
+	:FZ=\E[222z:Fa=\E[234z:Fb=\E[235z:K2=\E[218z:k1=\E[224z:\
+	:k2=\E[225z:k3=\E[226z:k4=\E[227z:k5=\E[228z:k6=\E[229z:\
+	:k7=\E[230z:k8=\E[231z:k9=\E[232z:k;=\E[233z:kD=\E[3z:\
+	:kI=\E[2z:kN=\E[222z:kP=\E[216z:kd=\EOB:kh=\E[214z:\
+	:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ku=\EOA:tc=xterm-basic:
+xterms-sun|small (80x24) xterm with sunFunctionKeys true:\
+	:co#80:li#24:tc=xterm-sun:
+#### GNOME (VTE)
+# this describes the alpha-version of Gnome terminal shipped with Redhat 6.0
+gnome-rh62|Gnome terminal:\
+	:ut:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kD=\177:tc=xterm-color:
+# GNOME Terminal (Redhat 7.2)
+# This implements a subset of vt102 with a random selection of features from
+# other terminals such as color and function-keys.
+# shift-f1 to shift-f10 are f11 to f20
+# NumLock changes the application keypad to approximate vt100 keypad, except
+# that there is no escape sequence matching comma (,).
+# Other defects observed:
+#	vt100 LNM mode is not implemented.
+#	vt100 80/132 column mode is not implemented.
+#	vt100 DECALN is not implemented.
+#	vt100 DECSCNM mode is not implemented, so flash does not work.
+#	vt100 TBC (tab reset) is not implemented.
+#	xterm alternate screen controls do not restore cursor position properly
+#	it hangs in tack after running function-keys test.
+gnome-rh72|GNOME Terminal:\
+	:km@:ut:\
+	:RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7h:ct@:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:\
+	:kD=\E[3~:me=\E[0m\017:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:\
+	:tc=xterm-color:
+# GNOME Terminal 2.0.1 (Redhat 8.0)
+# Documentation now claims it implements vt220 (which is demonstrably false).
+# However, it does implement ECH, which is a vt220 feature.  And there are
+# workable vt100 LNM, DECALN, DECSNM modes, making it possible to display
+# more of its bugs using vttest.
+# However, note that bce and msgr are broken in this release.  Tabs (tbc and
+# hts) are broken as well.  Sometimes flash (as in xterm-new) works.
+# kf1 and kf10 are not tested since they're assigned (hardcoded?) to menu
+# operations.  Shift-tab generates a distinct sequence so it can be argued
+# that it implements kcbt.
+gnome-rh80|GNOME Terminal:\
+	:ms@:ut@:\
+	:ec=\E[%dX:kB=\E^I:kb=\177:op=\E[39;49m:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:\
+	:tc=gnome-rh72:
+# GNOME Terminal 2.2.1 (Redhat 9.0)
+# bce and msgr are repaired.
+gnome-rh90|GNOME Terminal:\
+	:ms:ut:\
+	:#4=\EO2D:%i=\EO2C:*4=\E[3;2~:@7=\EOF:K2=\E[E:ch=\E[%i%dG:\
+	:ct=\E[3g:cv=\E[%i%dd:kB=\E[Z:kh=\EOH:tc=xterm+pcf0:\
+	:tc=xterm+pcfkeys:tc=gnome-rh80:
+# GNOME Terminal 2.14.2 (Fedora Core 5)
+# Ed Catmur notes that gnome-terminal has recognized soft-reset since May 2002.
+gnome-fc5|GNOME Terminal:\
+	:r1=\Ec:\
+	:r2=\E7\E[r\E8\E[m\E[?7h\E[!p\E[?1;3;4;6l\E[4l\E>\E[?1000l\E[?25h:\
+	:tc=ansi+enq:tc=xterm+pcc0:tc=gnome-rh90:
+# GNOME Terminal 2.18.1 (2007 snapshot)
+# For any "recent" version of gnome-terminal, it is futile to attempt to
+# support modifiers on cursor- and keypad keys because the program usually
+# is hardcoded to set $TERM to "xterm", and on startup, it builds a subset
+# of the keys (which more/less correspond to the termcap values), and will
+# interpret those according to the $TERM value, but others not in the
+# terminfo according to some constantly changing set of hacker guidelines -TD
+vte-2007|VTE in GNOME Terminal snapshot 2.18.1:\
+	:tc=xterm+pcc2:tc=gnome-fc5:
+gnome-2007|GNOME Terminal snapshot 2.18.1:\
+	:tc=vte-2007:
+# GNOME Terminal 2.22.3 (2008 snapshot)
+# In vttest, it claims to be a vt220 with national replacement character-sets,
+# but aside from the identifier string, implements only a small fraction of
+# vt220's behavior, which will make it less usable on a VMS system (unclear
+# what the intent of the developer is, since the NRC feature exposed in vttest
+# by this change does not work).
+vte-2008|VTE in GNOME Terminal snapshot 2.22.3:\
+	:tc=vte+pcfkeys:tc=vte-2007:
+gnome-2008|GNOME Terminal snapshot 2.22.3:\
+	:tc=vte-2008:
+# GNOME Terminal 3.6.0 (2012)
+# VTE 0.34.1 was marked in git 2012-10-15 (three days after patch was applied
+# in ncurses).  It inherited from gnome-fc5, which broke the modified forms
+# of f1-f4 -TD
+# Testing with tack shows that flash does not/has not worked -TD
+vte-2012|VTE 0.34.1:\
+	:NC#16:\
+	:mh=\E[2m:mk=\E[8m:se=\E[27m:ue=\E[24m:vb@:\
+	:tc=ecma+italics:tc=vte-2008:
+# Version 3.6.1 sets TERM to xterm-256color (still hardcoded), which has
+# 61 differences from a correct entry for gnome terminal.
+gnome-2012|GNOME Terminal 3.6.0:\
+	:tc=vte-2012:
+# Before 2008, GNOME terminal could automatically use the contents of the
+# "xterm" terminfo to supply key information which is not built into the
+# program.  With 2.22.3, this list was built into the program (which addressed
+# the inadvertent use of random terminfo data, though using a set of values
+# which did not correspond to any that xterm produced - still not solving the
+# problem that GNOME terminal hardcoded the $TERM variable as "xterm").
+#	terminfo	modifier	code	keys
+#	kf13-kf24	shift		2	F1 to F12
+#	kf25-kf36	control		5	F1 to F12
+#	kf37-kf48	shift/control	6	F1 to F12
+#	kf49-kf60	alt		3	F1 to F12
+#	kf61-kf63	shift-alt	4	F1 to F3
+# The parameters with \EO (SS3) are technically an error, since SS3 should have
+# no parameters.  This appears to be rote copying based on xterm+pcc0.
+vte+pcfkeys|VTE's variation on xterm+pcfkeys:\
+	:F3=\EO1;2P:F4=\EO1;2Q:F5=\EO1;2R:F6=\EO1;2S:FF=\EO1;5P:\
+	:FG=\EO1;5Q:FH=\EO1;5R:FI=\EO1;5S:FR=\EO1;6P:FS=\EO1;6Q:\
+	:FT=\EO1;6R:FU=\EO1;6S:Fd=\EO1;3P:Fe=\EO1;3Q:Ff=\EO1;3R:\
+	:Fg=\EO1;3S:Fp=\EO1;4P:Fq=\EO1;4Q:Fr=\EO1;4R:k1=\EOP:\
+	:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:tc=xterm+pcfkeys:
+gnome+pcfkeys|VTE's variation on xterm+pcfkeys:\
+	:tc=vte+pcfkeys:
+# deprecated - use "vte" for newer versions
+gnome|GNOME Terminal:\
+	:tc=vte-2012:
+gnome-256color|GNOME Terminal with xterm 256-colors:\
+	:tc=xterm+256color:tc=gnome:
+# relevant changes were made in January 2014, and later.
+# Originally VTE was promoted as a library able to emulate any terminal by
+# reading its terminal description.  In practice, that never got beyond the
+# ability to read definitions of special keys (function-, editing-, cursor).
+# Before 2014, VTE had a termcap reader (originally pointing to a private copy
+# of a termcap file derived from xterm).  That was incomplete because it did
+# not have any of the modifier-key information used for xterm's function-,
+# editing-, and cursor-keys.  Having its own reader was unnecessary since
+# ncurses provides that information; used since xterm patch #225 in 2007.
+# During April/May 2014, a few bug reports (e.g., gnome #169295, gnome #728900,
+# gnome #730137) dealt with attempts to recast that termcap reader as library
+# calls, then attempting to adapt a chunk of code from ncurses (src/vteti.c),
+# abandoning that and finally constructing a table to match xterm's default
+# behavior, e.g., for "xterm+pcfkeys".
+vte-2014|VTE 0.35.1:\
+	:NC@:\
+	:@8=\EOM:IC=\E[%d@:bt=\E[Z:cb=\E[1K:ei=:im=:\
+	:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:tc=ecma+index:tc=xterm+sm+1006:\
+	:tc=xterm+pcfkeys:tc=vte-2012:
+# As of January 2018, this was the  most recent release,
+# e.g., with gnome-terminal 3.26.2
+vte-2017|VTE 0.50.2:\
+	:tc=ecma+strikeout:tc=vte-2014:
+# VTE 0.51.2 and gnome-terminal 3.28.2 copied a feature from KovId's TTY
+# late in 2017 for changing the appearance of underlines, which was
+# incorporated into Debian and Fedora testing-packages in February and March
+# 2018, respectively. Overline (Smol/Rmol) has been supported since December
+# 2017.
+vte-2018|VTE 0.51.2:\
+	:tc=vte-2017:
+vte|VTE aka GNOME Terminal:\
+	:tc=vte-2018:
+vte-256color|VTE with xterm 256-colors:\
+	:tc=xterm+256color:tc=vte:
+# XFCE Terminal
+# This is based on some of the same source code, e.g., the VTE library, as
+# gnome-terminal, but has fewer features, fails more screens in vttest.
+# Since most of the terminfo-related behavior is due to the VTE library,
+# the terminfo is the same as gnome-terminal.
+xfce|Xfce Terminal:\
+	:tc=vte-2008:
+# https://github.com/thestinger/termite
+# A review requires install of Arch Linux since Fedora and Debian don't have
+# this program.  It uses "vte3-ng" (a conflicting package), which is here:
+#	https://github.com/thestinger/vte-ng
+# which (based on the default branch setting) seems to be a fork of vte
+# 0.48.2, and is noted as such in Arch:
+#	https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/vte3-ng/
+# It won't be merged:
+#	https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=679658#c10
+#	https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=78291
+# but perhaps made obsolete.
+# The entry as given was mislabeled "xterm-termite" (it is not xterm), and
+# was mostly cut/paste from xterm-256color, but since VTE does not actually
+# implement several of the features in that terminal description, this one is
+# trimmed to eliminate those.  Also, since it is a slightly older version of
+# VTE, it lacks a few more features (again, trimmed).
+termite|VTE-based terminal:\
+	:NP:am:cc:km:mi:ms:xn:\
+	:NC@:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:@8=\EOM:DC=\E[%dP:DO=\E[%dB:K2=\EOE:Km=\E[M:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=++,,--..00``aaffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=\E(B:as=\E(0:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:ch=\E[%i%dG:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:cv=\E[%i%dd:do=\n:ec=\E[%dX:\
+	:ho=\E[H:is=\E[!p\E[?3;4l\E[4l\E>:kB=\E[Z:kb=\177:\
+	:ke=\E[?1l\E>:ks=\E[?1h\E=:le=^H:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:\
+	:mk=\E[8m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:r1=\Ec:\
+	:r2=\E[!p\E[?3;4l\E[4l\E>:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\n:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?12l\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:\
+	:tc=xterm+alt1049:tc=ecma+index:tc=ansi+idc:tc=ansi+idl:\
+	:tc=ansi+enq:tc=ecma+italics:tc=xterm+256color:\
+	:tc=ecma+color:tc=xterm+pcfkeys:tc=xterm+sl-twm:
+#### Other GNOME
+# Multi-Gnome-Terminal 1.6.2
+# This does not use VTE, and does have different behavior (compare xfce and
+# gnome).
+mgt|Multi GNOME Terminal:\
+	:tc=ecma+index:tc=xterm-xf86-v333:
+#### KDE
+# This is kvt 0-18.7, shipped with Redhat 6.0 (though whether it supports bce
+# or not is debatable).
+kvt|KDE terminal:\
+	:km@:ut:\
+	:@7=\E[F:kD=\177:kh=\E[H:tc=xterm-color:
+# Konsole 1.0.1 (2001/11/25)
+# (formerly known as kvt)
+# This program hardcodes $TERM to 'xterm', which is not accurate.  However, to
+# simplify this entry (and point out why konsole isn't xterm), we base this on
+# xterm-r6.  The default keyboard appears to be 'linux'.
+# Notes:
+# a) konsole implements several features from XFree86 xterm, though none of
+#    that is documented - except of course in its source code - apparently
+#    because its implementors are unaccustomed to reading documentation - as
+#    evidenced by the sparse and poorly edited documentation distributed with
+#    konsole.  Some features such as the 1049 private mode are recognized but
+#    incorrectly implemented as a duplicate of the 47 private mode.
+# b) even with the "vt100 (historical)" keyboard setting, the numeric keypad
+#    sends PC-style escapes rather than vt100.
+# c) fails vttest menu 3 (Test of character sets) because it does not properly
+#    parse some control sequences.  Also fails vttest Primary Device Attributes
+#    by sending a bogus code (in the source it says it's supposed to be a
+#    vt220, which is doubly incorrect because it does not implement vt220
+#    control sequences except for a few special cases).  Treat it as a
+#    mildly-broken vt102.
+# Update for konsole 1.3.2:
+#    The 1049 private mode works (but see the other xterm screens in vttest).
+#    Primary Device Attributes now returns the code for a vt100 with advanced
+#    video option.  Perhaps that's intended to be a "mildly-broken vt102".
+# Updated for konsole 1.6.4:
+#    add konsole-solaris
+# Updated for konsole 1.6.6:
+#    add control-key modifiers for function-keys, etc.
+# Updated for konsole 2.3 (October 2008):
+#    vttest menu 1 shows that both konsole and gnome terminal do wrapping
+#    different from xterm (and vt100's).  They have the same behavior in
+#    this detail, but it is unclear which copies the other.
+# Deferred update for konsole 2.10 (late 2012):
+#    add SGR 1006 mouse
+# Updated for konsole 2.12.4 (late 2013):
+#    add sitm/ritm
+# Updated for konsole 16.07 (mid 2016):
+#    add dim, invis, strikeout
+#    (also overline, which is too rarely used to provide as an extension)
+# Updated for konsole 17.12.0 (late 2017):
+# Re-enable "bel", since it is latent in the source-code even though KDE config
+# often hides the feature (2020/5/30)
+konsole-base|KDE console window:\
+	:NP:km@:ut:\
+	:NC@:\
+	:*6@:@0@:@7=\E[4~:F1@:F2@:F3@:F4@:F5@:F6@:F7@:F8@:F9@:FA@:\
+	:RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7h:ch=\E[%i%dG:cv=\E[%i%dd:ec=\E[%dX:\
+	:k1@:k2@:k3@:k4@:k5@:k6@:k7@:k8@:k9@:k;@:kD=\E[3~:kb=\177:\
+	:kh=\E[1~:mb=\E[5m:me=\E[0m\017:mh=\E[2m:mk=\E[8m:r1=\Ec:\
+	:r2=\E7\E[r\E8\E[m\E[?7h\E[?1;3;4;6l\E[4l\E>\E[?1000l\E[?25h:\
+	:se=\E[27m:ue=\E[24m:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?25h:\
+	:vi=\E[?25l:tc=ecma+index:tc=xterm+sm+1006:\
+	:tc=ecma+strikeout:tc=ecma+italics:tc=ecma+color:\
+	:tc=xterm-r6:
+# The keytab feature was introduced in 0.9.12 (February 2000) with "linux" and
+# "vt100" key-table files along with a compiled-in default key-table.
+# The main difference between the two keytabs was that the developer equated
+# "vt100" with xterm, and noticed that the Linux console's F1-F5 differed from
+# that.  For the same reason, the home/end keys differ.  A VT100 had none of
+# that.  The otherwise identical keytabs have definitions to model the VT52
+# cursor-keys and the VT100 cursor-keys with application versus normal modes.
+# An "x11r5" keytab (displayed in the menu as "X11 R5") was added in January
+# 2001, and shortly after retitled to "XFree 3.x.x".  Both it and "vt100" were
+# dropped from the install in June 2008.
+# The default keytab added in January 2000 was originally titled "X11 R6",
+# and likewise retitled to "XFree 4".
+# A "solaris" keytab was added in Febrary 2005, copying the "vt100" keytab
+# and changing backspace to ^H, removing that keytab's attempt to model the
+# VT100 keypad and VT52 (KDE #20459).
+# The developers made changes to the default and linux keytabs.  Comparing
+# the original and 2018 versions using diffstat:
+#	default: 119 added, 147 deleted, 28 unchanged
+#	linux:   47 added, 28 deleted, 104 unchanged
+# Most of the change for the default keytab was to make konsole act more like
+# xterm.  That was a feature named AnyMod which came in May 2005 for KDE #92749
+# (see also Redhat #122815).  Later, in June 2007 the compiled-in keytab was
+# made an external file (like "linux" and "solaris"), and some further
+# refinement made.  But there are still flaws in the scheme.
+# Essentially AnyMod maps the xterm "PC-style" modifier codes such as 2 for
+# Shift into a placeholder in the table entries.  That works well if all of the
+# modified keys are modified in the same way.  But xterm does not do that.  The
+# first 4 function keys are used in xterm to support the VT100 PF1-PF4 keypad
+# keys.  For example, F2 sends \EOQ in both terminals because of this feature.
+# But a shifted F2 (F14=F2+12) differs like this, in infocmp's listing:
+#	kf14: '\E[1;2Q', '\EO2Q'.
+# In effect, a quarter of konsole's function-keys are different from xterm.
+# It is not a simple blunder:
+# a) xterm patch #121 (November 1999), providing the first version of the
+#    PC-style modifiers would send \EO2Q
+# b) xterm patch #216 (July 2006) amended this and other details, provided
+#    better documentation for the modifiers and made the behavior configurable,
+#    e.g., using the modifyFunctionKeys resource.  The reason why it sends
+#    \E[1;2Q is that \E[O2Q is not a legal ECMA-48 control sequence.  The
+#    changelog points this out as "avoid sending SS3 with parameters".
+# c) That came after AnyMod was introduced, but still early enough that one
+#    might expect konsole's developers to followup.  Twelve years later that
+#    has yet to happen.
+# As of 2018, konsole still provides 3 keyboard profiles ("XFree 4", "linux",
+# "solaris").
+konsole-linux|KDE console window with linux keyboard:\
+	:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:F3@:F4@:F5@:F6@:F7@:F8@:F9@:FA@:k1=\E[[A:\
+	:k2=\E[[B:k3=\E[[C:k4=\E[[D:k5=\E[[E:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:\
+	:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:tc=konsole-base:
+konsole-solaris|KDE console window with Solaris keyboard:\
+	:@7=\E[4~:kb=^H:kh=\E[1~:tc=konsole-vt100:
+# Obsolete: x11r5.keymap
+# KDE's "XFree86 3.x.x" keyboard was obviously based on reading the xterm
+# terminfo at the time rather than testing the code.
+konsole-xf3x|KDE console window with keyboard for XFree86 3.x xterm:\
+	:@7=\E[4~:kh=\E[1~:tc=konsole-vt100:
+# The value for kbs (see konsole-vt100) reflects local customization rather
+# than the settings used for XFree86 xterm.
+konsole-xf4x|KDE console window with keyboard for XFree86 4.x xterm:\
+	:@7=\EOF:kh=\EOH:tc=konsole+pcfkeys:tc=konsole-vt100:
+konsole+pcfkeys|konsole subset of xterm+pcfkeys:\
+	:kB=\E[Z:tc=xterm+pcc2:tc=xterm+pcf0:tc=xterm+pce2:
+# Obsolete: vt100.keymap
+# KDE's "vt100" keyboard has no relationship to any terminal that DEC made, but
+# it is still useful for deriving the other entries, since the developer
+# provided function-keys based on xterm.
+konsole-vt100|KDE console window with vt100 (sic) keyboard:\
+	:@7=\E[F:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:F3@:F4@:F5@:F6@:F7@:F8@:F9@:FA@:\
+	:k1=\E[11~:k2=\E[12~:k3=\E[13~:k4=\E[14~:k5=\E[15~:\
+	:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:\
+	:kD=\E[3~:kb=\177:kh=\E[H:tc=konsole-base:
+# Obsolete: vt420pc.keytab was added in June 2000, dropped from the install in
+# September 2008 and removed in June 2016.  The developer who removed it stated
+# that it was never installed.
+konsole-vt420pc|KDE console window with vt420 pc keyboard:\
+	:kD=\177:kb=^H:tc=konsole-vt100:
+# make a default entry for konsole
+konsole|KDE console window:\
+	:tc=konsole-xf4x:
+# These were written for ncurses:
+konsole-16color|klone of xterm-16color:\
+	:NC#32:tc=ibm+16color:tc=konsole:
+konsole-256color|KDE console window with xterm 256-colors:\
+	:tc=xterm+256setaf:tc=konsole:
+#### MLTERM
+# https://github.com/arakiken/mlterm
+mlterm|multi lingual terminal emulator:\
+	:tc=mlterm3:
+# Tested mlterm 3.9.0 (2020/09/19):
+# ncurses:
+# - has blinking text
+# - has italics
+# - has invisible-text
+# tack:
+# - has crossed-out text
+# - does not support palette reset with OSC 104
+# - testing the function-keys is difficult because the terminal is
+#   preconfigured to set many of the modified keys to special functions, e.g.,
+#   - shift-F1 and shift-F2 are bound to a split-screen feature
+#   - control-F1 and control-F2 is bound to a new-terminal feature
+# vttest:
+# - primary response says it is a VT340 (ReGIS and Sixel).
+# - has partial support for double-size characters.
+# - character-set tests do not work.
+# - DEC locator works.
+# - 1006-mouse works.
+# - focus-events do not work reliably.
+# - numeric keypad escapes do not work.
+# - back-color erase works
+# other:
+# - title-stack works.
+# - doesn't respond to 8-bit controls.
+# - 256-color palette initializing works.
+# - DECSTR soft-reset is documented.
+# Tested mlterm 3.3.8 (2018/01/21):
+# found xterm+sm+1006 did not work with version 3.3.8
+# soft-reset DECSTR is in sources since 2017/09/19.
+# Tested mlterm 3.2.2 (2014/03/22):
+# mlterm 3.x made further changes, but they were not reflected in the included
+# mlterm.ti (which was dropped in 2015).  This entry has been based on testing
+# with ncurses, tack and vttest -TD
+mlterm3|multi lingual terminal emulator:\
+	:ut:\
+	:is=\E[!p\E[?3;4l\E>:mb=\E[5m:mk=\E[8m:\
+	:rs=\E[!p\E[?3;4l\E>:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:tc=ansi+enq:\
+	:tc=ansi+rep:tc=ecma+italics:tc=ecma+strikeout:\
+	:tc=xterm+app:tc=xterm+pcf2:tc=xterm+pcc2:tc=xterm+pce2:\
+	:tc=xterm+meta:tc=xterm+alt+title:tc=xterm+sm+1006:\
+	:tc=vt100+pfkeys:tc=mlterm2:
+# This is mlterm 2.9.3's mlterm.ti, with some additions/corrections -TD
+# It is nominally a vt102 emulator, with features borrowed from rxvt and
+# xterm.
+# The function keys are numbered based on shift/control/alt modifiers, except
+# that the control-modifier itself is used to spawn a new copy of mlterm (the
+# "-P" option).  So control/F1 to control/F12 may not be usable, depending on
+# how it is configured.
+#				kf1 to kf12	\E[11~   to \E[24~
+#	shift			kf1 to kf12	\E[11;2~ to \E[24;2~
+#	alt			kf1 to kf12	\E[11;3~ to \E[24;3~
+#	shift/alt		kf1 to kf12	\E[11;4~ to \E[24;4~
+#	control			kf1 to kf12	\E[11;5~ to \E[24;5~ (maybe)
+#	control/shift		kf1 to kf12	\E[11;6~ to \E[24;6~
+#	control/alt		kf1 to kf12	\E[11;7~ to \E[24;7~
+#	control/shift/alt	kf1 to kf12	\E[11;8~ to \E[24;8~
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+mlterm2|multi lingual terminal emulator:\
+	:5i:NP:am:es:km:mi:ms:xn:\
+	:Co#8:co#80:it#8:li#24:pa#64:\
+	:*6=\E[4~:@0=\E[1~:@7=\EOF:@8=\EOM:AB=\E[4%dm:AF=\E[3%dm:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:Km=\E[M:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:\
+	:UP=\E[%dA:ae=\E(B:al=\E[L:as=\E(0:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cb=\E[1K:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:ch=\E[%i%dG:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:cv=\E[%i%dd:dc=\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:do=\n:eA=:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E7\E[r\E[m\E[?7h\E[?1;3;4;6l\E[4l\E8\E>:kB=\E[Z:\
+	:kD=\E[3~:kF=\EO1;2B:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:\
+	:kR=\EO1;2A:kb=\177:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kh=\EOH:kl=\EOD:\
+	:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:op=\E[39;49m:ps=\E[i:r1=\Ec:\
+	:r2=\E7\E[r\E8\E[m\E[?7h\E[?1;3;4;6l\E[4l\E>\E[?1000l:\
+	:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:u6=\E[%i%d;%dR:u7=\E[6n:u8=\E[?1;2c:u9=\E[c:ue=\E[24m:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:tc=xterm+alt1049:\
+	:tc=ecma+index:tc=mlterm+pcfkeys:tc=xterm+r6f2:
+# The insert/delete/home/end keys do not respond to modifiers because mlterm
+# looks in its termcap to decide which string to send.  If it used terminfo
+# (when available), it could use the extended names introduced for xterm.
+mlterm+pcfkeys|fragment for PC-style fkeys:\
+	:#4=\EO1;2D:%c=\E[6;2~:%e=\E[5;2~:%i=\EO1;2C:
+mlterm-256color|mlterm 3.0 with xterm 256-colors:\
+	:tc=xterm+256color:tc=mlterm:
+#### RXVT
+# From: Thomas Dickey <dickey@clark.net> 04 Oct 1997
+# Updated: Oezguer Kesim <kesim@math.fu-berlin.de> 02 Nov 1997
+# Notes:
+# rxvt 2.21b uses
+#	smacs=\E(B\E)U^N, rmacs=\E(B\E)0^O,
+# but some applications don't work with that.
+# It also has an AIX extension
+#	box2=lqkxjmwuvtn,
+# and
+#	ech=\E[%p1%dX,
+# but the latter does not work correctly.
+# The distributed terminfo says it implements hpa and vpa, but they are not
+# implemented correctly, using relative rather than absolute positioning.
+# rxvt is normally configured to look for "xterm" or "xterm-color" as $TERM.
+# Since rxvt is not really compatible with xterm, it should be configured as
+# "rxvt" or "rxvt-color".
+# removed dch/dch1 because they are inconsistent with bce/ech -TD
+# remove km as per tack test -TD
+rxvt-basic|rxvt terminal base (X Window System):\
+	:am:bs:eo:mi:ms:ut:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:Km=\E[M:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\
+	:ct=\E[3g:dl=\E[M:do=\n:eA=\E(B\E)0:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:\
+	:i1=\E[?47l\E=\E[?1l:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E[r\E[m\E[2J\E[H\E[?7h\E[?1;3;4;6l\E[4l:kB=\E[Z:\
+	:kb=^H:ke=\E>:ks=\E=:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:r1=\E>\E[1;3;4;5;6l\E[?7h\E[m\E[r\E[2J\E[H:\
+	:r2=\E[r\E[m\E[2J\E[H\E[?7h\E[?1;3;4;6l\E[4l\E>\E[?1000l\E[?25h:\
+	:rc=\E8:s0=\E(B:s1=\E(0:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:\
+	:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:te=\E[2J\E[?47l\E8:ti=\E7\E[?47h:\
+	:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?25h:\
+	:vi=\E[?25l:tc=vt100+enq:tc=rxvt+pcfkeys:\
+	:tc=vt220+keypad:
+# Key Codes from rxvt reference:
+# Note: Shift + F1-F10 generates F11-F20
+# For the keypad, use Shift to temporarily override Application-Keypad
+# setting use Num_Lock to toggle Application-Keypad setting if Num_Lock
+# is off, escape sequences toggle Application-Keypad setting.
+# Also note that values of Home, End, Delete may have been compiled
+# differently on your system.
+#                   Normal       Shift        Control      Ctrl+Shift
+#  Tab              ^I           ESC [ Z      ^I           ESC [ Z
+#  BackSpace        ^H           ^?           ^?           ^?
+#  Find             ESC [ 1 ~    ESC [ 1 $    ESC [ 1 ^    ESC [ 1 @
+#  Insert           ESC [ 2 ~    paste        ESC [ 2 ^    ESC [ 2 @
+#  Execute          ESC [ 3 ~    ESC [ 3 $    ESC [ 3 ^    ESC [ 3 @
+#  Select           ESC [ 4 ~    ESC [ 4 $    ESC [ 4 ^    ESC [ 4 @
+#  Prior            ESC [ 5 ~    scroll-up    ESC [ 5 ^    ESC [ 5 @
+#  Next             ESC [ 6 ~    scroll-down  ESC [ 6 ^    ESC [ 6 @
+#  Home             ESC [ 7 ~    ESC [ 7 $    ESC [ 7 ^    ESC [ 7 @
+#  End              ESC [ 8 ~    ESC [ 8 $    ESC [ 8 ^    ESC [ 8 @
+#  Delete           ESC [ 3 ~    ESC [ 3 $    ESC [ 3 ^    ESC [ 3 @
+#  F1               ESC [ 11 ~   ESC [ 23 ~   ESC [ 11 ^   ESC [ 23 ^
+#  F2               ESC [ 12 ~   ESC [ 24 ~   ESC [ 12 ^   ESC [ 24 ^
+#  F3               ESC [ 13 ~   ESC [ 25 ~   ESC [ 13 ^   ESC [ 25 ^
+#  F4               ESC [ 14 ~   ESC [ 26 ~   ESC [ 14 ^   ESC [ 26 ^
+#  F5               ESC [ 15 ~   ESC [ 28 ~   ESC [ 15 ^   ESC [ 28 ^
+#  F6               ESC [ 17 ~   ESC [ 29 ~   ESC [ 17 ^   ESC [ 29 ^
+#  F7               ESC [ 18 ~   ESC [ 31 ~   ESC [ 18 ^   ESC [ 31 ^
+#  F8               ESC [ 19 ~   ESC [ 32 ~   ESC [ 19 ^   ESC [ 32 ^
+#  F9               ESC [ 20 ~   ESC [ 33 ~   ESC [ 20 ^   ESC [ 33 ^
+#  F10              ESC [ 21 ~   ESC [ 34 ~   ESC [ 21 ^   ESC [ 34 ^
+#  F11              ESC [ 23 ~   ESC [ 23 $   ESC [ 23 ^   ESC [ 23 @
+#  F12              ESC [ 24 ~   ESC [ 24 $   ESC [ 24 ^   ESC [ 24 @
+#  F13              ESC [ 25 ~   ESC [ 25 $   ESC [ 25 ^   ESC [ 25 @
+#  F14              ESC [ 26 ~   ESC [ 26 $   ESC [ 26 ^   ESC [ 26 @
+#  F15 (Help)       ESC [ 28 ~   ESC [ 28 $   ESC [ 28 ^   ESC [ 28 @
+#  F16 (Menu)       ESC [ 29 ~   ESC [ 29 $   ESC [ 29 ^   ESC [ 29 @
+#  F17              ESC [ 31 ~   ESC [ 31 $   ESC [ 31 ^   ESC [ 31 @
+#  F18              ESC [ 32 ~   ESC [ 32 $   ESC [ 32 ^   ESC [ 32 @
+#  F19              ESC [ 33 ~   ESC [ 33 $   ESC [ 33 ^   ESC [ 33 @
+#  F20              ESC [ 34 ~   ESC [ 34 $   ESC [ 34 ^   ESC [ 34 @
+#                                                          Application
+#  Up               ESC [ A      ESC [ a      ESC O a      ESC O A
+#  Down             ESC [ B      ESC [ b      ESC O b      ESC O B
+#  Right            ESC [ C      ESC [ c      ESC O c      ESC O C
+#  Left             ESC [ D      ESC [ d      ESC O d      ESC O D
+#  KP_Enter         ^M                                     ESC O M
+#  KP_F1            ESC O P                                ESC O P
+#  KP_F2            ESC O Q                                ESC O Q
+#  KP_F3            ESC O R                                ESC O R
+#  KP_F4            ESC O S                                ESC O S
+#  XK_KP_Multiply   *                                      ESC O j
+#  XK_KP_Add        +                                      ESC O k
+#  XK_KP_Separator  ,                                      ESC O l
+#  XK_KP_Subtract   -                                      ESC O m
+#  XK_KP_Decimal    .                                      ESC O n
+#  XK_KP_Divide     /                                      ESC O o
+#  XK_KP_0          0                                      ESC O p
+#  XK_KP_1          1                                      ESC O q
+#  XK_KP_2          2                                      ESC O r
+#  XK_KP_3          3                                      ESC O s
+#  XK_KP_4          4                                      ESC O t
+#  XK_KP_5          5                                      ESC O u
+#  XK_KP_6          6                                      ESC O v
+#  XK_KP_7          7                                      ESC O w
+#  XK_KP_8          8                                      ESC O x
+#  XK_KP_9          9                                      ESC O y
+# The source-code for rxvt actually defines mappings for F21-F35, using
+# "ESC [ 35 ~" to "ESC [  49 ~".  Keyboards with more than 12 function keys
+# are rare, so this entry uses the shift- and control-modifiers as in
+# xterm+pcfkeys to define keys past F12.
+# kIC is normally not used, since rxvt performs a paste for that (shifted
+# insert), unless private mode 35 is set.
+# kDN, kDN5, kDN6, etc are extensions based on the names from xterm+pcfkeys -TD
+# Removed kDN6, etc (control+shift) since rxvt does not implement this -TD
+rxvt+pcfkeys|fragment for PC-style fkeys:\
+	:#2=\E[7$:#3=\E[2$:#4=\E[d:%c=\E[6$:%e=\E[5$:%i=\E[c:\
+	:*4=\E[3$:*6=\E[4~:*7=\E[8$:@0=\E[1~:@7=\E[8~:F1=\E[23~:\
+	:F2=\E[24~:F3=\E[25~:F4=\E[26~:F5=\E[28~:F6=\E[29~:\
+	:F7=\E[31~:F8=\E[32~:F9=\E[33~:FA=\E[34~:FB=\E[23$:\
+	:FC=\E[24$:FD=\E[11\136:FE=\E[12\136:FF=\E[13\136:\
+	:FG=\E[14\136:FH=\E[15\136:FI=\E[17\136:FJ=\E[18\136:\
+	:FK=\E[19\136:FL=\E[20\136:FM=\E[21\136:FN=\E[23\136:\
+	:FO=\E[24\136:FP=\E[25\136:FQ=\E[26\136:FR=\E[28\136:\
+	:FS=\E[29\136:FT=\E[31\136:FU=\E[32\136:FV=\E[33\136:\
+	:FW=\E[34\136:FX=\E[23@:FY=\E[24@:k1=\E[11~:k2=\E[12~:\
+	:k3=\E[13~:k4=\E[14~:k5=\E[15~:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:\
+	:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:kD=\E[3~:kE=\E[8\136:\
+	:kF=\E[a:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kR=\E[b:kd=\E[B:\
+	:kh=\E[7~:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:
+# rxvt was originally "xvt", first announced in April 1993:
+#	http://www.krsaborio.net/linux-desktops/research/1993/0416.html
+# Article: 567 of comp.os.linux.announce
+# Path: pavo.csi.cam.ac.uk!warwick!uknet!pipex!uunet!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!
+# caen!batcomputer!theory.TC.Cornell.EDU!mdw
+# From: nation@rocket.sanders.com (Robert Nation)
+# Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce
+# Subject: xvt upload
+# Date: 16 Apr 1993 18:13:07 GMT
+# Organization: Cornell Theory Center
+# Lines: 13
+# Approved: linux-announce@tc.cornell.edu (Matt Welsh)
+# Message-ID: <1qmsvj$pvj@fitz.TC.Cornell.EDU>
+# NNTP-Posting-Host: theory.tc.cornell.edu
+# Keywords: xvt, xterm, Xwindows
+# Originator: mdw@theory.TC.Cornell.EDU
+# Rxvt has been uploaded to /pub/Linux/Incoming/rxvt.tar.z and
+# rxvt.README on sunsite.unc.edu.
+# Xvt is an xterm replacement which uses a little less memory, and is
+# suitable for use on machines with small memories. Tek4010 support
+# is removed.
+# Modifications were made by Rob Nation (nation@rocket.sanders.lockheed.com)
+# to make it a little more compact, and to add and remove certain features.
+# --
+# Send submissions for comp.os.linux.announce to: linux-announce@tc.cornell.edu
+# Though its change-log does not mention this, John Davis has stated that he
+# was the author of the changes to use the bce ("new color model") which was
+# incorporated into rxvt 2.11 (June 15, 1995).  The change-log does not give
+# dates, nor give developer's names.  Initial color support was added for rxvt
+# "2.0", which was sometime in 1994.
+# rxvt had usable color support with 2.16 (April 2, 1996), with some help by my
+# work on vttest, as well as bug reports to Mark Olesen.  For instance, the fix
+# mentioned here
+#	https://web.archive.org/web/20141016124430/http://web.archiveorange.com/archive/v/6ETvLb5wHtbbzCaS4S9J
+# was from one of my bug-reports -TD
+# While the color model both for xterm and rxvt was based on Linux console,
+# Olesen (or possibly Davis) diverged in one respect from Linux's bce color
+# behavior: inserting/deleting characters does not fill the newly empty cell
+# with the default background color.
+rxvt|rxvt terminal emulator (X Window System):\
+	:NC@:\
+	:ch=\E[%i%dG:cv=\E[%i%dd:k0=\E[21~:me=\E[m\017:\
+	:tc=rxvt-basic:tc=ecma+color:
+rxvt-color|rxvt terminal emulator (X Window System):\
+	:tc=rxvt:
+rxvt-256color|rxvt 2.7.9 with xterm 256-colors:\
+	:tc=xterm+256color:tc=rxvt:
+rxvt-88color|rxvt 2.7.9 with xterm 88-colors:\
+	:tc=xterm+88color:tc=rxvt:
+rxvt-xpm|rxvt terminal emulator (X Window System):\
+	:tc=rxvt:
+rxvt-cygwin|rxvt terminal emulator (X Window System) on cygwin:\
+	:ac=+\257,\256-\1360\333`\004a\261f\370g\361h\260j\331k\277l\332m\300n\305o~p\304q\304r\304s_t\303u\264v\301w\302x\263y\363z\362{\343|\330}\234~\376:\
+	:tc=rxvt:
+rxvt-cygwin-native|rxvt terminal emulator (native MS Window System port) on cygwin:\
+	:ac=+\257,\256-\1360\333`\004a\261f\370g\361h\260j\331k\277l\332m\300n\305o~p\304q\304r\304s_t\303u\264v\301w\302x\263y\363z\362{\343|\330~\376:\
+	:tc=rxvt-cygwin:
+# This variant is supposed to work with rxvt 2.7.7 when compiled with
+# NO_BRIGHTCOLOR defined.  rxvt needs more work...
+rxvt-16color|rxvt with 16 colors like aixterm:\
+	:NC#32:tc=ibm+16color:tc=rxvt:
+#### MRXVT
+# mrxvt 0.5.4
+# mrxvt is based on rxvt 2.7.11, but has by default XTERM_FKEYS defined, which
+# makes its function-keys different from other flavors of rxvt -TD
+# Testing with tack:
+# +	made custom description (below) to work, though it sets TERM=xterm.
+# Testing with vttest:
+# +	While "based on" rxvt, some of the basic functionality is broken.  The
+#	window collapses to a single line when running several of the screens
+#	in vttest, e.g., the tests for cursor movement, screen features,
+#	double-sized characters.
+# +	The vt52 test works properly, but this is an exception.  Due to the
+#	other bug(s) most of vttest is untestable.
+# +	the color test using ECH shows a gap in the bce model, like rxvt.
+# Testing with xterm "vttest" scripts:
+# +	resize.pl does not work because mrxvt does implement CSI 18 t
+#	(not in rxvt, but not documented by mrxvt) but not CSI 19 t.
+# +	none of the "dynamic colors" (OSC colors) scripts work.
+mrxvt|multitabbed rxvt:\
+	:#2=\E[7;2~:*7=\E[8;2~:@7=\E[8~:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[7~:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:tc=xterm+r6f2:tc=xterm+pcfkeys:tc=rxvt:
+mrxvt-256color|multitabbed rxvt with 256 colors:\
+	:tc=xterm+256color:tc=mrxvt:
+#### ETERM
+# From: Michael Jennings <mej@valinux.com>
+# Eterm 0.9.3
+# removed kf0 which conflicts with kf10 -TD
+# remove cvvis which conflicts with cnorm -TD
+# Eterm does not implement control/shift cursor keys such as kDN6, or kPRV/kNXT
+# but does otherwise follow the rxvt+pcfkeys model -TD
+# remove nonworking flash -TD
+# remove km as per tack test -TD
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+Eterm|Eterm-color|Eterm with xterm-style color support (X Window System):\
+	:5i:am:bw:eo:mi:ms:ut:xn:xo:\
+	:BT#5:NC@:co#80:it#8:li#24:lm#0:\
+	:%1=\E[28~:%c@:%e@:@1=\EOu:@8=\EOM:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:\
+	:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:K1=\E[7~:K2=\EOu:K3=\E[5~:\
+	:K4=\E[8~:K5=\E[6~:Km=\E[M:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:\
+	:SA=\E[?7h:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:cb=\E[1K:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:ch=\E[%i%dG:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:cv=\E[%i%dd:dc=\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:eA=\E)0:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:\
+	:i1=\E[?47l\E>\E[?1l:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E[r\E[m\E[2J\E[H\E[?7h\E[?1;3;4;6l\E[4l:kb=^H:ke=:\
+	:ks=:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:pf=\E[4i:po=\E[5i:\
+	:r1=\E>\E[1;3;4;5;6l\E[?7h\E[m\E[r\E[2J\E[H:\
+	:r2=\E[r\E[m\E[2J\E[H\E[?7h\E[?1;3;4;6l\E[4l\E>\E[?1000l\E[?25h:\
+	:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:te=\E[2J\E[?47l\E8:ti=\E7\E[?47h:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:tc=vt100+enq:\
+	:tc=rxvt+pcfkeys:tc=ecma+color:
+Eterm-256color|Eterm with xterm 256-colors:\
+	:tc=xterm+256color:tc=Eterm:
+Eterm-88color|Eterm with 88 colors:\
+	:tc=xterm+88color:tc=Eterm:
+#### ATERM
+# Based on rxvt 2.4.8, it has a few differences in key bindings
+aterm|AfterStep terminal:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kb=\177:tc=rxvt:
+#### XITERM
+# xiterm  0.5-5.2
+# This is not based on xterm's source...
+# vttest shows several problems with keyboard, cursor-movements.
+# see also https://invisible-island.net/xterm/xterm.faq.html#bug_xiterm
+xiterm|internationalized terminal emulator for X:\
+	:km@:\
+	:kD=\E[3~:kb=\177:tc=klone+color:tc=xterm-r6:
+#### HPTERM
+# HP ships this (HPUX 9 and 10), except for the pb#9600 which was merged in
+# from BSD termcap.  (hpterm:  added empty <acsc>, we have no idea what ACS
+# chars look like --esr)
+hpterm|X-hpterm|hp X11 terminal emulator:\
+	:am:da:db:mi:xo:xs:\
+	:Nl#8:co#80:lh#2:li#24:lm#0:lw#8:pb#9600:sg#0:ug#0:\
+	:LF=\E&j@:LO=\E&jB:ac=:ae=^O:al=\EL:as=^N:bl=^G:bt=\Ei:\
+	:cd=1\EJ:ce=\EK:ch=\E&a%dC:cl=\E&a0y0C\EJ:cm=\E&a%dy%dC:\
+	:cr=\r:ct=\E3:cv=\E&a%dY:dc=\EP:dl=\EM:do=\EB:ei=\ER:im=\EQ:\
+	:k1=\Ep:k2=\Eq:k3=\Er:k4=\Es:k5=\Et:k6=\Eu:k7=\Ev:k8=\Ew:\
+	:kA=\EL:kC=\EJ:kD=\EP:kE=\EK:kF=\ES:kH=\EF:kI=\EQ:kL=\EM:\
+	:kM=\ER:kN=\EU:kP=\EV:kR=\ET:kS=\EJ:kT=\E1:ka=\E3:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\EB:ke=\E&s0A:kh=\Eh:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ks=\E&s1A:kt=\E2:\
+	:ku=\EA:le=^H:md=\E&dB:me=\E&d@:mh=\E&dH:ml=\El:mr=\E&dB:\
+	:mu=\Em:nd=\EC:se=\E&d@:sf=\n:so=\E&dJ:sr=\ET:st=\E1:ta=^I:\
+	:ue=\E&d@:up=\EA:us=\E&dD:
+# HPUX 11 provides a color version.
+hpterm-color|HP X11 terminal emulator with color:\
+	:cc:\
+	:Co#64:pa#8:\
+	:ho=\E&a0y0C:op=\E&v0S:sp=\E&v%dS:tc=hpterm:
+#### EMU
+# This is for the extensible terminal emulator on the X11R6 contrib tape.
+# It corresponds to emu's internal emulation:
+#	emu -term emu
+# emu's default sets TERM to "xterm", but that doesn't work well -TD
+# fixes: remove bogus rmacs/smacs, change oc to op, add bce, am -TD
+# fixes: add civis, cnorm, sgr -TD
+emu|emu native mode:\
+	:am:mi:ms:ut:xo:\
+	:Co#15:co#80:it#8:li#24:pa#64:vt#200:\
+	:*6=\Esel:@0=\Efind:@8=\r:AB=\Es%i%d;:AF=\Er%i%d;:\
+	:AL=\EQ%d;:DC=\EI%d;:DL=\ER%d;:DO=\Ep%d;:F1=\EF11:\
+	:F2=\EF12:F3=\EF13:F4=\EF14:F5=\EF15:F6=\EF16:F7=\EF17:\
+	:F8=\EF18:F9=\EF19:FA=\EF20:LE=\Eq-%d;:RI=\Eq%d;:\
+	:UP=\Ep-%d;:\
+	:ac=61a\202f\260g2j\213k\214l\215m\216n\217o\220q\222s\224t\225u\226v\227w\230x\231~\244:\
+	:al=\EQ1;:bl=^G:cb=\EL:cd=\EN:ce=\EK:cl=\EP\EE0;0;:\
+	:cm=\EE%d;%d;:cr=\r:cs=\Ek%d;%d;:ct=\Ej:dc=\EI1;:dl=\ER1;:\
+	:do=\EB:ec=\Ej%d;:ei=\EX:ho=\EE0;0;:im=\EY:\
+	:is=\ES\Er0;\Es0;:k0=\EF00:k1=\EF01:k2=\EF02:k3=\EF03:\
+	:k4=\EF04:k5=\EF05:k6=\EF06:k7=\EF07:k8=\EF08:k9=\EF09:\
+	:k;=\EF10:kD=\177:kI=\Eins:kN=\Enext:kP=\Eprior:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\EB:kl=\EC:kr=\ED:ku=\EA:le=^H:mb=\EW:md=\EU:me=\ES:\
+	:mr=\ET:nd=\EC:op=\Es0;\Er0;:rs=\ES\Es0;\Er0;:se=\ES:\
+	:sf=\EG:so=\ET:sr=\EF:st=\Eh:ta=^I:ue=\ES:up=\EA:us=\EV:\
+	:ve=\Ea:vi=\EZ:
+# vt220 Terminfo entry for the Emu emulation, corresponds to
+#	emu -term vt220
+# with NumLock set (to make the keypad transmit kf0-kf9).
+# fixes: add am, xenl, corrected sgr0 -TD
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+emu-220|Emu-220 (vt200-7bit mode):\
+	:am:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:vt#200:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=\E[1L:as=^N:bl=^G:cd=\E[0J:\
+	:ce=\E[0K:cl=\E[2J\E[H:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[1P:dl=\E[1M:do=\E[1B:\
+	:ho=\E[H:if=/usr/share/tabset/vt300:\
+	:is=\E>\E[?1l\E[?3l\E[4l\E[?7h:k0=\EOp:k1=\EOq:k2=\EOr:\
+	:k3=\EOs:k4=\EOt:k5=\EOu:k6=\EOv:k7=\EOw:k8=\EOx:k9=\EOy:\
+	:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:ke=\E>:\
+	:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ks=\E=:ku=\E[A:le=\E[1D:mb=\E[0;5m:\
+	:md=\E[0;1m:me=\E[0m:mr=\E[0;7m:nd=\E[1C:rc=\E8:\
+	:rs=\E[4l\E[34l\E[?1l\E[?3l\E[?5l\E[?7h:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:\
+	:sf=\ED:so=\E[0;7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:te=\E>:ti=\E[?1l\E=:\
+	:ue=\E[m:up=\E[1A:us=\E[0;4m:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:
+#### MVTERM
+# A commercial product, Reportedly a version of Xterm with an OPEN LOOK UI,
+# print interface, ANSI X3.64 colour escape sequences, etc.  Newsgroup postings
+# indicate that it emulates more than one terminal, but incompletely.
+# This is adapted from a FreeBSD bug-report by Daniel Rudy <dcrudy@pacbell.net>
+# It is based on vt102's entry, with some subtle differences, but also
+#	has status line
+#	supports ANSI colors (except for 'op' string)
+#	apparently implements alternate screen like xterm
+#	does not use padding, of course.
+mvterm|vv100|SwitchTerm aka mvTERM:\
+	:am:es:hs:km:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:Co#8:co#80:it#8:li#24:pa#64:\
+	:AB=\E[4%dm:AF=\E[3%dm:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:\
+	:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:cb=3\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\
+	:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ds=\E[?E:eA=\E(B\E)0:ei=:\
+	:fs=\E[?F:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=:k0=\EOy:k5=\EOt:k6=\EOu:\
+	:k7=\EOv:k8=\EOl:k9=\EOw:k;=\EOx:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:\
+	:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:op=\E[100m:\
+	:rc=\E8:\
+	:rs=\E>\E[1;3;4;5;6l\E[?7h\E[100m\E[m\E[r\E[2J\E[H:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:te=\E[2J\E[?47l\E8:ti=\E7\E[?47h:ts=\E[?E\E[?%i%dT:\
+	:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:tc=vt100+fnkeys:
+#### MTERM
+# This application is available by email from <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>.
+# "mterm -type ansi" sets $TERM to "ansi"
+mterm-ansi|ANSI emulation:\
+	:am:bw:mi:ms:\
+	:it#8:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:ch=\E[%i%d`:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cv=\E[%i%dd:dc=\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:ic=:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E)0\017:kb=^H:le=\E[D:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:\
+	:mh=\E[2m:mk=\E[8m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:se=\E[27m:\
+	:sf=\E[S:so=\E[7m:sr=\E[T:ta=^I:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:tc=ecma+index:
+# mterm normally sets $TERM to "mterm"
+mterm|mouse-sun|Der Mouse term:\
+	:am:bw:mi:\
+	:it#8:\
+	:al=^A:bl=^G:cd=^B:ce=^C:cl=^L:cm=\006%d.%d.:cr=\r:dc=^Y:\
+	:dl=^K:do=^N:ei=^O:ho=^P:im=^Q:kb=^H:le=^H:ll=^R:nd=^S:\
+	:nw=\r^U:se=^T:sf=^U:so=^V:sr=^W:ta=^I:up=^X:
+# "mterm -type decansi" sets $TERM to "decansi"
+# note: kdch1, kfnd, kslt are in the source code, but do not work -TD
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+decansi|ANSI emulation with DEC compatibility hacks:\
+	:am:mi:ms:xn:\
+	:Co#8:it#8:pa#64:\
+	:*6=\E[4~:@0=\E[1~:AB=\E[4%dm:AF=\E[3%dm:AL=\E[%dL:\
+	:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:\
+	:F3=\E[25~:F4=\E[26~:F5=\E[28~:F6=\E[29~:F7=\E[31~:\
+	:F8=\E[32~:F9=\E[33~:FA=\E[34~:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:ch=\E[%i%d`:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:cv=\E[%i%dd:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:\
+	:eA=\E(B\E)0:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:ic=:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E)0\E[r\017:k1=\E[11~:k2=\E[12~:k3=\E[13~:k4=\E[14~:\
+	:k5=\E[15~:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:\
+	:k;=\E[21~:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:\
+	:ku=\EOA:le=\E[D:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:mh=\E[2m:\
+	:mk=\E[8m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:op=\E[0m:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:\
+	:se=\E[27m:sf=\E[S:so=\E[7m:sr=\E[T:ta=^I:u6=\E[%i%d;%dR:\
+	:u7=\E[6n:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[?25h:\
+	:vi=\E[?25l:tc=ecma+index:
+#### VWM
+# http://vwm.sourceforge.net/
+# VWM 2.0.2 (2009-05-01)
+# vwmterm is a terminal emulator written for the VWM console window manager.
+# This version is obsolete, replaced by libvterm in 2.1.0 (2009-10-23).
+vwmterm|(vwm term):\
+	:NP:am:cc:mi:ms:ut:xn:xo:\
+	:Co#8:pa#64:\
+	:@7=\E[4~:AB=\E[4%dm:AF=\E[3%dm:DO=\E[%dB:F1=\E[22~:\
+	:F2=\E[23~:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:\
+	:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=\E[10m:al=\E[L:as=\E[11m:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:do=\E[B:ho=\E[H:\
+	:k1=\E[[A:k2=\E[[B:k3=\E[[C:k4=\E[[D:k5=\E[[E:k6=\E[17~:\
+	:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:kD=\E[3~:\
+	:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[1~:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:\
+	:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:mh=\E[2m:\
+	:mk=\E[8m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:r1=\E[H\E[J\E[m\Ec:sf=\n:\
+	:so=\E[3m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:\
+	:vs=\E[?25h:tc=xterm+alt1049:
+#### MGR
+# MGR is a Bell Labs window system lighter-weight than X.
+# These entries describe MGR's xterm-equivalent.
+# They are courtesy of Vincent Broman <broman@nosc.mil> 14 Jan 1997
+mgr|Bellcore MGR (non X) window system terminal emulation:\
+	:am:km:xo:\
+	:AL=3*\E%da:DC=5\E%dE:DL=3*\E%dd:IC=5\E%dA:RA=\E5S:\
+	:SA=\E5s:al=3\Ea:bl=^G:cd=\EC:ce=\Ec:cl=^L:cm=\E%r%d;%dM:\
+	:cr=\r:cs=\E%d;%dt:dc=\EE:dl=3\Ed:do=\Ef:ei=:hd=\E1;2f:\
+	:hu=\E1;2u:ic=\EA:im=:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:\
+	:le=^H:md=\E2n:me=\E0n:mr=\E1n:nd=\Er:nw=\r\n:se=\E0n:sf=\n:\
+	:so=\E1n:ta=^I:ue=\E0n:up=\Eu:us=\E4n:ve=\Eh:vi=\E9h:\
+	:vs=\E0h:
+mgr-sun|Mgr window with Sun keyboard:\
+	:%1=\E[207z:%6=\E[198z:&8=\E[195z:@0=\E[200z:@5=\E[197z:\
+	:@7=\E[220z:@8=\E[250z:F1=\E[234z:F2=\E[235z:K1=\E[214z:\
+	:K2=\E[218z:K3=\E[216z:K4=\E[220z:K5=\E[222z:k1=\E[224z:\
+	:k2=\E[225z:k3=\E[226z:k4=\E[227z:k5=\E[228z:k6=\E[229z:\
+	:k7=\E[230z:k8=\E[231z:k9=\E[232z:k;=\E[233z:kN=\E[222z:\
+	:kP=\E[216z:kh=\E[214z:tc=mgr:
+mgr-linux|Mgr window with Linux keyboard:\
+	:@7=\E[4~:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:K1=\E[H:K2=\E[G:K3=\E[5~:\
+	:K4=\E[Y:K5=\E[6~:k0=\E[[J:k1=\E[[A:k2=\E[[B:k3=\E[[C:\
+	:k4=\E[[D:k5=\E[[E:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:\
+	:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:kD=\E[3~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kh=\E[1~:\
+	:tc=mgr:
+# st.suckless.org
+st|stterm| simpleterm:\
+	:tc=st-0.8:
+# Reviewed 0.8.2:
+# In tack,
+#	there is some problem turning off line-drawing
+#	shift+control function-keys do nothing; shift+control cursor keys work
+#	the padding tests make the terminal non-functional.
+# In vttest,
+#	SD/SU work
+#	SL/SR/REP do not work
+#	ECMA-48 cursor movement works, e.g., CHA, CBT, etc.
+# This entry discards the ccc/initc capabilities from st-0.7 because they
+# belong in st-256color.
+st-0.8|simpleterm 0.7:\
+	:@8@:kB@:mh=\E[2m:oc=\E]104\007:tc=ecma+strikeout:\
+	:tc=st-0.6:
+# Reviewed 0.7:
+#	dim is intermittent, sometimes works, sometimes does not
+#	italics may show up with yellow color
+#	has control cursor-keys, alt cursor-keys, still no combinations
+#	has control pageup/down
+# tmux extensions, see TERMINFO EXTENSIONS in tmux(1)
+#	Se and Ss are implemented in the source-code, but the terminfo
+#	provided with the source is incorrect, since Se/Ss are mis-coded
+#	as booleans rather than strings.
+st-0.7|simpleterm 0.7:\
+	:cc:\
+	:@8@:kB@:mh=\E[2m:oc=\E]104\007:tc=ecma+strikeout:\
+	:tc=st-0.6:
+# st-0.4.1
+# This version uses a table which supports a single modifier (a subset of
+# xterm's keys, using the same scheme).  Because it supports only a single
+# modifier in this table, function keys f36-f48 are normally unavailable
+# because they are assigned to modifier-4.
+# The program assigns TERM to match the program name (the upstream source says
+# "st", but Debian renames it to "stterm").
+# The source includes two entries which are not useful here:
+#	st-meta| simpleterm with meta key,
+#	st-meta-256color| simpleterm with meta key and 256 colors,
+# because st's notion of "meta" does not correspond to the terminfo definition.
+# Rather, it acts like xterm - when the meta feature is disabled.
+# Removed invis -TD
+# Added eo, removed ul -TD
+# Reviewed st 0.5:
+# implements control-modifier, but not control-shift for special keys
+# implements alt-modifier, but not alt-shift for special keys
+# Reviewed st 0.6:
+#	http://git.suckless.org/st/log/st.info
+# Tmux unofficial extensions, see TERMINFO EXTENSIONS in tmux(1)
+# still has no function keys past kf36 (no combinations of modifiers)
+# no application keypad mode, e.g, kent.
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+st-0.6|simpleterm 0.6:\
+	:am:hs:mi:ms:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:K1=\E[1~:K2=\EOu:K3=\E[5~:K4=\E[4~:K5=\E[6~:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=\E(B:al=\E[L:as=\E(0:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ec=\E[%dX:\
+	:ei=\E[4l:fs=^G:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:is=\E[4l\E>\E[?1034l:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\E[15~:k6=\E[17~:\
+	:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:\
+	:kP=\E[5~:kb=\177:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kh=\E[1~:kl=\EOD:\
+	:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:\
+	:me=\E[0m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\n:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?12l\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:\
+	:vs=\E[?25h:tc=ecma+index:tc=xterm+alt1049:tc=xterm+sl:\
+	:tc=ecma+italics:
+# st-0.1.1
+# Note:  the original terminfo description uses leading blank to persuade
+# ncurses to use "st" as its name.  Proper fix for that is to use "st" as an
+# alias.
+# Reading the code shows it should work for aixterm 16-colors
+# - added st-16color
+# Using tack:
+# - set eo (erase-overstrike)
+# - set xenl
+# - tbc doesn't work
+# - hts works
+# - cbt doesn't work
+# - shifted cursor-keys send sequences like rxvt
+# - sgr referred to unimplemented "invis" mode.
+# Fixes: add eo and xenl per tack, remove nonworking cbt, hts and tbc, invis
+simpleterm|old-st| simpleterm 0.1.1:\
+	:am:eo:mi:ms:ul:xn:\
+	:Co#8:NC#3:co#80:it#8:li#24:pa#64:\
+	:@7=\E[4~:AB=\E[4%dm:AF=\E[3%dm:AL=\E[%dL:DL=\E[%dM:\
+	:DO=\E[%dB:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:IC=\E[%d@:RI=\E[%dC:\
+	:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=\E(B:al=\E[L:as=\E(0:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:ch=\E[%i%dG:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\
+	:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ei=:ho=\E[H:im=:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:\
+	:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\E[15~:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:\
+	:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:kD=\E[3~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=\177:\
+	:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[1~:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:md=\E[1m:\
+	:me=\E[0m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:op=\E[37;40m:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:\
+	:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:ve=\E[?12l\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:tc=ecma+index:
+st-16color|stterm-16color|simpleterm with 16-colors:\
+	:tc=ibm+16color:tc=st:
+# Tested with st 0.8.2
+# The issue with the titlebar is fixed, though st is very slow.
+# In st 0.7, 256 colors "works", but when running xterm's test-scripts, some
+# garbage is shown in the titlebar.
+# terminal wants to use TERM=stterm-256color, but that is longer than 14
+# characters, making the choice nonportable.
+st-256color|stterm-256color|simpleterm with 256 colors:\
+	:tc=xterm+256color:tc=st:
+# https://github.com/software-jessies-org/jessies/wiki/Terminator
+# Tested using the Debian package org.jessies.terminator 6.104.3256 on 64-bit
+# Debian/current -TD (2011/8/20)
+# There were some packaging problems:
+# a) using Java, the program starts off using 50Mb, and climbs from there,
+#    up to 114Mb after testing (no scrollback).
+# b) it insists on reinstalling its terminal description in $HOME/.terminfo
+#    (two copies, just in case the host happens to be Mac OS X).
+#    I deleted this after testing with tack.
+# Issues/features found with tack:
+# a) tbc does not work (implying that hts also is broken).
+#    Comparing with the tabs utility shows a problem with the last tabstop on
+#    a line.
+# b) has xterm-style shifted function-key strings
+#    meta also is used, but control is ignored.
+# c) has xterm-style modifiers for cursor keys (shift, control, shift+control,
+#    meta)
+# d) some combinations of shift/control send xterm-style sequences for
+#    insert/delete/home/end.
+# e) numeric keypad sends only numbers (compare with vttest).
+# f) meta mode (km) is not implemented.
+# Issues found with ncurses test-program:
+# a) bce is inconsistently implemented
+# b) widths of Unicode values above 256 do not always agree with wcwidth.
+# Checked with vttest, found low degree of compatibility there.
+# Checked with xterm's scripts, found that the 256-color palette is fixed.
+# Fixes:
+# a) add sgr string
+# b) corrected sgr0 to reset alternate character set
+# c) modified smacs/rmacs to use SCS rather than SI/SO
+# d) removed bce
+# e) removed km
+# Revisiting in May 2019, the Debian package was no longer available, and a
+# developer-provided ".deb" does not work.  However, a usable Windows ".msi"
+# (which relies upon Cygwin) can be tested.  The developers provide a terminfo,
+# but some of the features it lists do not work reliably (bce, italics, invis).
+# tack:
+#	tbc fails
+#	invis attribute fails
+#	key-definitions could be expanded, with some work:
+#	+ supports xterm-style cursor key-modifiers for shift
+#	+ supports xterm-style function key-modifiers for shift,control,alt
+#	+ supports xterm-style editing key-modifiers for shift,control,alt
+#	(kbs=^?)
+# ncurses test-program:
+#	"C" menu shows that bce implementation is incomplete
+#	italics did not work
+#	dim worked once in tack, but not in ncurses test-program
+#	"F" thick-line characters do not display
+# vttest:
+#	terminal does not respond to 80/132-column switching
+#	wrapping at the right margin is erratic
+#	there are several problems in the cursor-movements and screen-features
+#	no vt52, no double-sized characters
+#	Device attributes response says it is a vanilla VT100
+#	does not respond to xterm mouse controls
+#	alternate screen tests do not fill the screen, return wrong position
+#	window modify/report operations do not work
+#	miscellaneous ISO-6429 tests, e.g., REP, do not work
+#	CBT, CHT, HPR, CNL,CPL, VPR do not work
+# removed the cancel for "hs", removed cbt, invis, corrected sgr -TD
+# use xterm+256setaf, etc -TD
+terminator|Terminator no line wrap:\
+	:eo:mi:ms:ut:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:lm#0:\
+	:@7=\E[4~:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:\
+	:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:F3=\E[25~:F4=\E[26~:F5=\E[28~:\
+	:F6=\E[29~:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=\E(B:al=\E[L:as=\E(0:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:ch=\E[%i%dG:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:cv=\E[%i%dd:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:\
+	:do=\n:eA=\E(B\E)0:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:i1=\E[?47l\E=\E[?1l:\
+	:im=\E[4h:is=\E[r\E[m\E[2J\E[H\E[?7h\E[?1;3;4;6l\E[4l:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\E[15~:k6=\E[17~:\
+	:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:kD=\E[3~:\
+	:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=\177:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[1~:\
+	:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:mh=\E[2m:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:r1=\Ec:r2=\E[!p\E[?3;4l\E[4l\E>:rc=\E8:\
+	:s0=\E(B:s1=\E(0:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:\
+	:st=\EH:ta=^I:ts=\E]2;:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:vb=^G:\
+	:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:tc=ecma+italics:tc=ecma+index:\
+	:tc=xterm+256setaf:tc=xterm+sl-twm:tc=xterm+alt1049:
+# https://www.enlightenment.org/about-terminology
+# Tested terminology-0.3.0, 0.6.1, using tack and vttest.  This is not a vt100
+# emulator, nor is it compatible with xterm, but it uses a few features from
+# both -TD
+# General comments:
+#	cursor does not fill on focus
+#	there are pervasive problems with clearing/erasing parts of the screen
+#	resizing the window causes it to stop listening to the keyboard
+# tack -
+#	doesn't understand vt100 CPR needed for resize
+#	no CBT
+#	no cvvis
+#	has invis
+#	no blink
+#	uses bce model for colors, but (see below) fails the vttest screens
+#	has partial support for 256color feature.
+#	tack function-keys (a subset of xterm+pcf0), and
+#	tack cursor-keys (a subset of xterm+pce2):
+#			ctrl+shift (ignored)
+#		2	shift
+#			shift-alt modifier -> shift (2)
+#		3	alt
+#		4
+#		5	ctrl
+#	tack modifiers did not work for fkeys in 0.3.0; subset works in 0.6.1
+#	ctrl + khome/kend works - none of the other modifiers do
+# vttest -
+#	spits lots of messages from termptyesc.c especially in vttest.
+#	no 132-column mode
+#	fails menu 1, 2 (definitely not vt100-compatible)
+#	primary (claims vt420 with several options, apparently none work) and
+#	secondary report says (perhaps... vt420): \E[>41;285;0c
+#	CHA, HPR, VPA, CNL, CPL work
+#	BCE with ED/EL - fail
+#	BCE with ECH/indexing - fail
+#	SD/SU work
+#	unlike teken, background light/dark works
+#	can set title
+#	X10 and Normal mouse work
+#	Any-event mouse works
+#	Mouse button-event works
+# This description uses xterm+pcf0, which is misleading because the program
+# does not handle combinations of modifiers - but listing them all would
+# involve more effort than its developers spent -TD
+terminology-0.6.1|EFL-based terminal emulator:\
+	:5i@:\
+	:#4=\E[1;2D:%i=\E[1;2C:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:cb@:cd@:ce@:\
+	:cv=\E[%i%dd:k5=\E[15~:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:\
+	:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:kF=\E[1;2B:kR=\E[1;2A:mb@:mk=\E[8m:\
+	:tc=xterm+pcf0:tc=vt100:tc=xterm+256setaf:
+# Tested terminology 1.0.0
+# tack -
+#	Shifted cursor-keys send nothing, but xterm modifiers for control+shift
+#	and control+alt were added like xterm+pcc2
+#	Editing keys have some features from xterm+pce2
+#	Changed from xterm+pcf0 to xterm+pcf2
+# vttest -
+#	REP, SL, SR fail
+# Aside from the partial fixes for function/cursor/editing keys, no improvement
+# in other tests versus 0.6.1
+terminology-1.0.0|EFL-based terminal emulator:\
+	:@7=\E[OF:ae=\E(B:as=\E(0:kh=\E[OH:me=\E(B\E[m:mh=\E[2m:\
+	:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?12l\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:\
+	:tc=ecma+italics:tc=xterm+x11mouse:tc=xterm+pce2:\
+	:tc=xterm+pcf2:tc=xterm+pcc2:tc=terminology-0.6.1:
+terminology|EFL-based terminal emulator:\
+	:tc=terminology-1.0.0:
+#### Alacritty
+# https://github.com/jwilm/alacritty
+# Version 0.6.0 (2020/11/25)
+# Version 0.4.0 (2019/11/25)
+# Version 0.3.3 (2019/08/03)
+# Version 0.2.1 (2018/10/03)
+# Project started in 2016/02, uses Rust and OpenGL, and in contrast to (most X
+# terminal programs) is not designed to run with a remote server.
+# Packaged in Arch Linux -
+# vttest:
+#	initial screensize 24x80
+#	no DECCOLM (does not switch between 80/132 columns)
+#	otherwise, passes wrapping test
+#	identifies as a vt102
+#	numeric keypad does not send expected codes (seen in 0.4.0)
+#	passes bce test
+#	vt220:
+#		ECH works in 0.3.3 (0.2.1 left text on right margin)
+#		no SRM, DECSCA
+#	vt320:
+#		fails DECXCPR
+#		does not implement any of the DECRQM/DECRPM controls
+#		does not implement any of the DECRQSS controls
+#	vt420:
+#		no DECLRMM
+#	other:
+#		fails CHT, otherwise ECMA-48 cursor movement ok
+#		fails ERM/SPA, SL, SR, passes REP, SD, SU
+#	xterm:
+#		no X10 mouse
+#		has normal and highlight mouse
+#		has any-event and button-event mouse
+#		+ does support SGR-mouse
+#		+ does not correctly support focus in/out events (seen in 0.4.0)
+#		cursor-position wrong after alternate-screen (fixed in 0.4.0)
+#		none of the dtterm controls work
+# tack:
+#	bell and flash do not work
+#	blink does not work
+#	italics and crossed-out work (latter did not work in 0.2.1)
+#	function-keys work up (tested combinations which window manager allows)
+#	treats meta as escape-prefix
+# The program sources include "alacritty" and "alacritty-direct", which are
+# copied from "xterm-256color" and "xterm-direct" (but using semicolon for
+# subparameter delimiter).  Refactored here to use ncurses building blocks -TD
+alacritty|alacritty terminal emulator:\
+	:r1=\Ec\E]104\007:tc=xterm+256color:\
+	:tc=alacritty+common:
+alacritty-direct|alacritty with direct color indexing:\
+	:tc=xterm+indirect:tc=alacritty+common:
+# cancel km, since it is not actually meta mode -TD
+# added ecma+strikeout in 0.3.3 -TD
+# added xterm+sl-twm in 0.3.3 -TD
+alacritty+common|base fragment for alacritty:\
+	:NP:km@:\
+	:@8=\EOM:K2=\EOE:kB=\E[Z:kb=\177:tc=ecma+index:\
+	:tc=xterm+sm+1006:tc=xterm-basic:tc=xterm+app:\
+	:tc=ansi+rep:tc=xterm+tmux:tc=ecma+strikeout:\
+	:tc=xterm+sl-twm:tc=ecma+italics:tc=xterm+pce2:\
+	:tc=xterm+pcc2:tc=xterm+pcf2:
+#### Kitty
+# https://github.com/kovidgoyal/kitty
+# Project started in 2016/10 (see alacritty), but is a Python script rather
+# than Rust, using OpenGL.  The same caveats regarding remote connections
+# apply.  This is not an X terminal, though (like alacritty), it copies
+# features from xterm.
+# Regarding the name "kitty", that is a pun, reflected in the description.
+# But see
+#	http://www.9bis.net/kitty/
+#	https://github.com/kovidgoyal/kitty/issues/9
+#	https://github.com/kovidgoyal/kitty/issues/1025
+# and
+#	http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-ncurses/2018-09/msg00005.html
+#	https://github.com/kovidgoyal/kitty/issues/879
+# Version 0.19.1
+# changes since 0.13.3:
+# vttest
+#	ISO-6429
+#		REP works, though using unspecified behavior
+#	xterm
+#		xterm's SGR-mouse mode is recognized.
+#		does recognize original alternate-screen
+#		bug: mouse focus in/out does not work.
+#		bug: X10 mouse mode responds like any-event
+#		bug: highlight-tracking does not work; terminal hangs.
+# tack
+#	rs1 adds an empty string for resetting title- and other OSC-strings.
+#	italics work
+# Version 0.13.3
+# Notes:
+#	initial screensize 71x22
+#	does not respond to "resize -s"
+#	resizing with window manager gives no clues
+# vttest
+#	does not switch between 80/132 columns
+#	fails wrapping test, copying vte/rxvt
+#	no reverse-background, no blink
+#	claims to be vt200:
+#		primary \E[?62;c
+#		secondary \E[>1;4000;12c
+#	however -
+#		no GR in the locking-shifts screen
+#		no NRCS or ISO-2022, anyway
+#	no VT52
+#	VT220:
+#		has DECTCEM, ECH, but no SRM and DECSCA
+#		has operating condition report, none of the others
+#	VT320:
+#		has SU/SD
+#		DECRQSS ok for DECSTBM, SGR, none of the others
+#		no status-line
+#	VT420:
+#		DECXCPR device status works, none of the others
+#		no left/right margins
+#		inside of DECCARA is uncolored
+#		line-drawing with DECCARA does not work
+#		aside from left/right margins, editing sequences look ok
+#	color:
+#		fails ECH test for bce
+#	ISO-6429
+#		fails REP, SL, SL, but other cursor-movement ok
+#	xterm:
+#		does not recognize original alternate-screen
+#		cursor-position wrong after alternate-screen
+#		has normal mouse, any-event, any-button, but
+#			no X10 mouse
+#			no mouse-highlight tracking
+#			no DEC locator
+#		dtterm - only supports report-size chars/pixels
+#		recognizes tcap-query
+# tack:
+#	flash doesn't work
+#	italics do not work
+#	bce should be set (but see vttest)
+#*	developer's terminfo stopped at kf25, but the program continues,
+#	copying xterm for the rest of the control+fkey sequence
+#	(but only one modifier is supported, like iTerm2).
+#*	it omitted shifted pageup/down
+#*	control+editing keys work
+#	In contrast to function-keys, some additional modifier combinations
+#	act like xterm for the editing/cursor-keys, e.g., alt+shift.  While
+#	the implementation is incomplete, the building-blocks are consistent
+#	with what has been implemented -TD
+#	DECKPAM does not work -TD
+#*	ka1, ka3, kc1, kc3 were bogus (removed)
+#*	meta sends escape (removed kmm) -TD
+#*	cvvis does not make cursor "more visible" -TD
+kitty|KovId's TTY:\
+	:tc=xterm+256color:tc=kitty+common:
+kitty-direct|KovId's TTY using direct colors:\
+	:oc=\E]104\007:tc=xterm+direct2:tc=kitty+common:
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+kitty+common|KovId's TTY common properties:\
+	:am:mi:ms:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=\E(B:al=\E[L:as=\E(0:\
+	:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:k1=\EOP:\
+	:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\E[15~:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:\
+	:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:\
+	:kb=\177:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l:kh=\EOH:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:\
+	:ks=\E[?1h:ku=\EOA:le=^H:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:mh=\E[2m:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:\
+	:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?12l\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:\
+	:tc=ansi+rep:tc=xterm+sm+1006:tc=ecma+index:\
+	:tc=xterm+sl-twm:tc=ecma+strikeout:tc=xterm+pce2:\
+	:tc=xterm+pcc2:tc=ecma+italics:tc=xterm+alt1049:
+######## WEB CLIENTS
+#### DomTerm
+# https://domterm.org
+# Quoting its webpage:
+#	The domterm command runs a server that manages sessions (usually shell
+#	processes).  The user interface and terminal emulation is handled by a
+#	JavaScript library that can run in a regular web browser or an embedded
+#	browser such as Electron, using Web Sockets to talk to the server.
+# it can connect to, and display in, a web browser, or as a standalone Qt
+# application.  Either way, it displays in the current desktop session.
+# Testing current code (2019/07/06) with Fedora 30:
+# tack
+#	no flash
+#	no beep
+#	no dim
+#	no blink
+#	no invis
+#	no italics
+#	ok smxx/rmxx
+#	bce screen shows diagonal lines...
+#	kf6 sends nothing
+#	kf11 toggles maximize
+#	cursor-key application mode works
+#	numeric keypad application does not work; keys always send face-codes
+#	sends utf-8 for meta, like xterm
+# vttest
+#	has problems with menu #1 (wrapping)
+#	DA = vt200 with 132 columns, color
+#	DA2 = 990, 100300 ("\E[>990;100300;0c")
+#	no VT52, no double-size characters
+#	vt220 ECH test works, SRM, DECSCA do not
+#	S7C1T/S8C1t does not work
+#	DECUDK does not work
+#	CNL does not work; the other ECMA-48 cursor-movement tests work
+#	REP sort-of works (does not match xterm)
+#	SD/SU work, but not SL/SR
+#	window reporting: works for size in chars/pixels, but not other tests
+#	X10 mouse clicks work -- but return 4 rather than 1 for codes
+#	any-event mouse mode acts like any-button mode
+#	implements SGR mouse-mode
+# other:
+#	does not implement initc
+#	does accept either colons or semicolon in 38/48 SGR.
+domterm|DomTerm web client:\
+	:NP:\
+	:ZH@:ZR@:bl@:kB=\E[Z:ke=\E[?1l:ks=\E[?1h:mb@:mh@:mk@:\
+	:tc=xterm+256setaf:tc=ecma+index:tc=xterm+sm+1006:\
+	:tc=xterm+pcfkeys:tc=xterm-basic:tc=xterm-basic:
+# Columbus UNIX virtual terminal. This terminal also appears in
+# UNIX 4.0 and successors as line discipline 1 (?), but is
+# undocumented and does not really work quite right.
+cbunix|cb unix virtual terminal:\
+	:am:bs:da:db:\
+	:co#80:li#24:lm#0:\
+	:al=\EP:bl=^G:cd=\EL:ce=\EK:cl=\EL:cm=\EG%r%.%.:cr=\r:\
+	:dc=\EM:dl=\EN:do=\n:ei=:ic=\EO:im=:kd=\EB:kh=\EE:kl=\ED:\
+	:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:nd=\EC:se=\Eb^D:sf=\n:so=\Ea^D:\
+	:ue=\Eb^A:up=\EA:us=\Ea^A:
+# (vremote: removed obsolete ":nl@:" -- esr)
+vremote|virtual remote terminal:\
+	:am@:\
+	:co#79:tc=cbunix:
+pty|4bsd pseudo teletype:\
+	:cm=\EG%+ %+ :se=\Eb$:so=\Ea$:ue=\Eb!:us=\Ea!:tc=cbunix:
+#### Emacs
+# https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/AnsiTerm
+# https://github.com/emacs-mirror/emacs/blob/master/lisp/term.el
+# The codes supported by the term.el terminal emulation in GNU Emacs 19.30
+eterm|gnu emacs term.el terminal emulation:\
+	:am:mi:xn:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cb=\E[1K:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:\
+	:im=\E[4h:le=^H:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:\
+	:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:ta=^I:te=\E[2J\E[?47l\E8:ti=\E7\E[?47h:\
+	:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+# The codes supported by the term.el terminal emulation in GNU Emacs 22.2
+eterm-color|Emacs term.el terminal emulator term-protocol-version 0.96:\
+	:am:mi:ms:xn:\
+	:Co#8:co#80:li#24:pa#64:\
+	:@7=\E[4~:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:\
+	:IC=\E[%d@:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bl=^G:\
+	:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ei=\E[4l:\
+	:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:\
+	:kb=\177:kd=\EOB:kh=\E[1~:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ku=\EOA:le=^H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mk=\E[8m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:op=\E[39;49m:r1=\Ec:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\n:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:u6=\E[%i%d;%dR:u7=\E[6n:ue=\E[24m:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+# shell.el can "do" color, though not nearly as well.
+# seen here:
+# http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/237943/changing-colors-used-by-ls-does-not-work-in-emacs-shell-mode
+# and
+# https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-gnu-emacs/2012-08/msg00481.html
+# https://github.com/emacs-mirror/emacs/blob/master/lisp/shell.el
+# https://github.com/emacs-mirror/emacs/blob/master/lisp/ansi-color.el
+# however, as tested with Emacs 24.5.1, the result is buggy, losing overlays
+# frequently.  The contemporaneous term.el aka ansi-term does not "support"
+# italics but does not lose the color information -TD 2017/01/28.
+dumb-emacs-ansi|Emacs dumb terminal with ANSI color codes:\
+	:am:hc:\
+	:Co#8:NC#13:it#8:pa#64:\
+	:AB=\E[4%dm:AF=\E[3%dm:do=\n:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:\
+	:op=\E[39;49m:sf=\n:ta=^I:ue=\E[24m:us=\E[4m:\
+	:tc=ecma+italics:
+#### Screen
+# Entries for use by the `screen' program by Juergen Weigert,
+# Michael Schroeder, Oliver Laumann.  The screen and
+# screen-w entries came with version 3.7.1.  The screen2 and screen3 entries
+# come from University of Wisconsin and may be older.
+# (screen: added :ve: on ANSI model -- esr)
+# 'screen' defines extensions to termcap.  Some are used in its terminal
+# description:
+#      G0   (bool)  Terminal can deal with ISO 2022  font  selection sequences.
+#      AX   (bool)  Does  understand ANSI set default fg/bg color
+#                   (\E[39m / \E[49m).
+#      S0   (str)   Switch charset 'G0' to the specified charset.
+#      E0   (str)   Switch charset 'G0' back to standard charset.
+# Initially tested with screen 3.09.08
+# According to its manual page
+#      Screen is a full-screen window manager that multiplexes a physical
+#      terminal between several processes (typically interactive shells).  Each
+#      virtual terminal provides the functions of a DEC VT100 terminal and, in
+#      addition, several control functions from the ISO 6429 (ECMA 48, ANSI
+#      X3.64) and ISO 2022 standards (e.g.  insert/delete line and support for
+#      multiple character sets).
+# However, there is a design error in its support for video highlights.  The
+# program uses a table (rendlist) which equates the SGR codes to terminal
+# capabilities.  That, and color-decoding are hardcoded in screen; its behavior
+# is modified only by the presence or absence of the corresponding capabilities.
+# Not by their values.
+# If screen sets the TERMCAP variable, it uses hardcoded strings which
+# correspond to the rendlist table.
+# The table gives this information:
+#	SGR	capability
+#	---	---------
+#	1	bold
+#	2	dim
+#	3	standout
+#	4	underline
+#	5	blink
+#	-	(unused 6)
+#	7	reverse
+#	-	(unused 8-21)
+#	22	reset bold, standout and dim
+#	23	reset standout
+#	24	reset underline
+#	25	reset blink
+#	-	(unused 26)
+#	27	reset reverse
+# ECMA-48 differs from this: 3 and 23 set and reset italics, respectively.
+# ECMA-48 does not define "standout" - that is a termcap/terminfo abstraction.
+# Without some redesign of screen, it is not possible to extend the set of
+# capabilities.  Substitution would be possible, e.g., sending italics in
+# place of underline.
+# Because screen uses hard-coded parsing, it does not check if two capabilities
+# use the same value.  For example, changing standout to be the same as any of
+# the other capabilities will confuse screen.  Curses applications which use
+# sgr are not impacted (because that usually resets all capabilities before
+# setting any), but termcap applications do not use sgr -TD
+# The "screen" entry should use ecma+index rather than just indn, but tmux
+# defaults to using "screen".  For background, screen supported ecma+index
+# since 1994 (i.e., screen 3.0.5), stating that it was an obscure code used by
+# the (Siemens Nixdorf) 97801 terminal.  It was not shown in the termcap or
+# terminfo entries (which list about 60% of the control sequences).
+screen|VT 100/ANSI X3.64 virtual terminal:\
+	:am:bs:km:mi:ms:pt:xn:\
+	:Co#8:NC@:co#80:it#8:li#24:pa#64:\
+	:@7=\E[4~:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:\
+	:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:IC=\E[%d@:Km=\E[M:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:SF=\E[%dS:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=++,,--..00``aaffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:ch=\E[%i%dG:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:cv=\E[%i%dd:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:\
+	:do=\n:eA=\E(B\E)0:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:is=\E)0:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\E[15~:k6=\E[17~:\
+	:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:kB=\E[Z:kD=\E[3~:\
+	:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:\
+	:kh=\E[1~:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:nw=\EE:rc=\E8:rs=\Ec\E[?1000l\E[?25h:sc=\E7:se=\E[23m:\
+	:sf=\n:so=\E[3m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[24m:up=\EM:\
+	:us=\E[4m:vb=\Eg:ve=\E[34h\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:vs=\E[34l:\
+	:tc=xterm+alt1049:tc=ecma+color:tc=vt100+enq:
+# The bce and status-line entries are from screen 3.9.13 (and require some
+# changes to .screenrc).
+screen-bce|VT 100/ANSI X3.64 virtual terminal with bce:\
+	:ut:\
+	:ec@:tc=screen4:
+screen-s|VT 100/ANSI X3.64 virtual terminal with hardstatus line:\
+	:ds=\E_\E\\:fs=\E\\:ts=\E_:tc=screen4:
+# ======================================================================
+# Entries for GNU Screen with 16 colors.
+# Those variations permit to benefit from 16 colors palette, and from
+# bold font and blink attribute separated from bright colors. But they
+# are less portable than the generic "screen" 8 color entries: Their
+# usage makes real sense only if the terminals you attach and reattach
+# do all support 16 color palette.
+screen-16color|GNU Screen with 16 colors:\
+	:tc=ibm+16color:tc=screen4:
+screen-16color-s|GNU Screen with 16 colors and status line:\
+	:tc=ibm+16color:tc=screen-s:
+screen-16color-bce|GNU Screen with 16 colors and BCE:\
+	:tc=ibm+16color:tc=screen-bce:
+screen-16color-bce-s|GNU Screen with 16 colors using BCE and status line:\
+	:ut:tc=ibm+16color:tc=screen-s:
+# ======================================================================
+# Entries for GNU Screen 4.02 with --enable-colors256.
+screen-256color|GNU Screen with 256 colors:\
+	:tc=xterm+256setaf:tc=screen4:
+screen-256color-s|GNU Screen with 256 colors and status line:\
+	:tc=xterm+256setaf:tc=screen-s:
+screen-256color-bce|GNU Screen with 256 colors and BCE:\
+	:ut:tc=xterm+256setaf:tc=screen-bce:
+screen-256color-bce-s|GNU Screen with 256 colors using BCE and status line:\
+	:ut:tc=xterm+256setaf:tc=screen-s:
+screen.xterm-256color|GNU Screen with xterm using 256 colors:\
+	:tc=xterm+256setaf:tc=screen.xterm-new:
+screen.konsole-256color|GNU Screen with konsole using 256 colors:\
+	:tc=xterm+256setaf:tc=screen.konsole:
+screen.vte-256color|GNU Screen with vte using 256 colors:\
+	:tc=xterm+256setaf:tc=screen.vte:
+screen.putty-256color|GNU Screen with putty using 256 colors:\
+	:tc=xterm+256setaf:tc=screen.putty:
+screen.mlterm-256color|GNU Screen with mlterm using 256 colors:\
+	:tc=xterm+256setaf:tc=screen.mlterm:
+# ======================================================================
+# Read the fine manpage:
+#       When  screen  tries  to  figure  out  a  terminal name for
+#       itself, it first looks for an entry named "screen.<term>",
+#       where  <term>  is the contents of your $TERM variable.  If
+#       no such entry exists, screen tries "screen" (or "screen-w"
+#       if the terminal is wide (132 cols or more)).  If even this
+#       entry cannot be found, "vt100" is used as a substitute.
+# Notwithstanding the manpage, screen uses its own notion of the termcap
+# and some keys from "screen.<term>" are ignored.  Here is an entry which
+# covers those (tested with screen 4.00.02) -TD
+screen+fkeys|function-keys according to screen:\
+	:*6@:@0@:@7=\E[4~:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kh=\E[1~:
+# See explanation before "screen" entry.  Cancel italics so that applications
+# do not assume screen supports the feature.  Add this tweak to entries which
+# extend screen for terminals which do support italics.
+screen+italics|screen cannot support italics:\
+	:ZH@:ZR@:
+# Here are a few customized entries which are useful -TD
+# Notes:
+# (a)	screen does not support invis.
+# (b)	screen's implementation of bw is incorrect according to tack.
+# (c)	screen appears to hardcode the strings for khome/kend, making it
+#	necessary to override the "use=" clause's values (screen+fkeys).
+# (d)	screen sets $TERMCAP to a termcap-formatted copy of the 'screen' entry,
+#	which is NOT the same as the terminfo screen.<term>.
+# (e)	when screen finds one of these customized entries, it sets $TERM to
+#	match.  Hence, no "screen.xterm" entry is provided, since that would
+#	create heartburn for people running remote xterm's.
+# (f)   screen does not support rep.
+#	xterm (-xfree86 or -r6) does not normally support kIC, kNXT and kPRV
+#	since the default translations override the built-in keycode
+#	translation.  They are suppressed here to show what is tested by tack.
+screen.xterm-xfree86|screen.xterm-new|screen customized for modern xterm:\
+	:bw:ut@:\
+	:#3@:%c@:%e@:mk@:ml@:mu@:rp@:tc=screen+italics:\
+	:tc=screen+fkeys:tc=xterm+x11mouse:tc=xterm-new:
+#:screen.xterm|screen for modern xterm,
+#:	use=screen.xterm-new,
+# xterm-r6 does not really support khome/kend unless it is propped up by
+# the translations resource.
+screen.xterm-r6|screen customized for X11R6 xterm:\
+	:bw:tc=xterm+x11mouse:tc=screen+fkeys:tc=xterm-r6:
+# Color applications running in screen and TeraTerm do not play well together
+# on Solaris because Sun's curses implementation gets confused.
+screen.teraterm|disable ncv in teraterm:\
+	:NC#127:\
+	:ac=+\020,\021-\030.^Y0\333`\004a\261f\370g\361h\260i\316j\331k\277l\332m\300n\305o~p\304q\304r\304s_t\303u\264v\301w\302x\263y\363z\362{\343|\330}\234~\376:\
+	:tc=screen+fkeys:tc=xterm+x11mouse:tc=screen4:
+# Other terminals
+screen.rxvt|screen in rxvt:\
+	:bw:\
+	:kd=\EOB:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ku=\EOA:vb@:vs@:tc=screen+fkeys:\
+	:tc=vt100+enq:tc=rxvt+pcfkeys:tc=xterm+x11mouse:\
+	:tc=vt220+keypad:tc=screen4:
+screen.Eterm|screen in Eterm:\
+	:tc=xterm+x11mouse:tc=screen+fkeys:tc=Eterm:
+screen.mrxvt|screen in mrxvt:\
+	:tc=xterm+x11mouse:tc=screen+fkeys:tc=mrxvt:
+screen.vte|screen in any VTE-based terminal:\
+	:tc=xterm+x11mouse:tc=screen+italics:tc=screen+fkeys:\
+	:tc=vte:
+screen.gnome|screen in GNOME Terminal:\
+	:tc=xterm+x11mouse:tc=screen+italics:tc=screen+fkeys:\
+	:tc=gnome:
+screen.konsole|screen in KDE console window:\
+	:tc=xterm+x11mouse:tc=screen+italics:tc=screen+fkeys:\
+	:tc=konsole:
+# fix the backspace key
+screen.linux|screen.linux-s|screen in linux console:\
+	:bw:\
+	:kB@:kb=\177:tc=linux+sfkeys:tc=xterm+x11mouse:\
+	:tc=screen+fkeys:tc=screen4:
+screen.mlterm|screen in mlterm:\
+	:tc=xterm+x11mouse:tc=screen+fkeys:tc=mlterm:
+screen.putty|screen in putty:\
+	:tc=xterm+x11mouse:tc=screen+fkeys:tc=putty:
+# The default "screen" entry is reasonably portable, but not optimal for the
+# most widely-used terminal emulators.  The "bce" capability is supported in
+# screen since 3.9.13, and when used, will require fewer characters to be sent
+# to the terminal for updates.
+# If you are using only terminals which support bce, then you can use this
+# feature in your screen configuration.
+# Adding these lines to your ".screenrc" file will allow using these customized
+# entries:
+#	term screen-bce
+#	bce on
+#	defbce on
+screen-bce.xterm-new|screen optimized for modern xterm:\
+	:ut:\
+	:ec@:tc=screen+italics:tc=screen.xterm-new:
+screen-bce.rxvt|screen optimized for rxvt:\
+	:ut:\
+	:ec@:tc=screen.rxvt:
+screen-bce.Eterm|screen optimized for Eterm:\
+	:ut:\
+	:ec@:tc=screen.Eterm:
+screen-bce.mrxvt|screen optimized for mrxvt:\
+	:ut:\
+	:ec@:tc=screen.mrxvt:
+screen-bce.gnome|screen optimized for GNOME-Terminal:\
+	:ut:\
+	:ec@:tc=screen+italics:tc=screen.gnome:
+screen-bce.konsole|screen optimized for KDE console window:\
+	:ut:\
+	:ec@:tc=screen+italics:tc=screen.konsole:
+screen-bce.linux|screen optimized for linux console:\
+	:ut:\
+	:ec@:tc=screen.linux:
+screen-w|VT 100/ANSI X3.64 virtual terminal with 132 cols:\
+	:co#132:tc=screen4:
+screen2|old VT 100/ANSI X3.64 virtual terminal:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:\
+	:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[2J\E[H:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:ct=\E[3g:\
+	:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=\E[4l:ic=:im=\E[4h:k0=\E~:\
+	:k1=\ES:k2=\ET:k3=\EU:k4=\EV:k5=\EW:k6=\EP:k7=\EQ:k8=\ER:\
+	:k9=\E0I:kb=^H:kd=\EB:kh=\EH:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:\
+	:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:nw=\r\n:r1=\Ec:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[23m:\
+	:sf=\n:so=\E[3m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:
+# (screen3: removed unknown ":xv:LP:G0:" -- esr)
+screen3|older VT 100/ANSI X3.64 virtual terminal:\
+	:km:mi:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ei=\E[4l:\
+	:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:is=\E)0:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E>:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:r1=\Ec:\
+	:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[23m:sf=\n:so=\E[3m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:ue=\E[24m:up=\EM:us=\E[4m:
+# screen 4.0 was released 2003-07-21, and as of March 2019, its terminfo file
+# was last updated in 2009 to include 256-color support.  The most recent
+# release is 4.6.2 (October 2017).
+screen4|VT 100/ANSI X3.64 virtual terminal:\
+	:tc=ecma+index:tc=screen:
+# As of March 2019, screen 5.0 has not been released.
+# However,
+#	https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?36676
+# mentions a change to implement italics which should be in a version 5,
+# (implemented 2016-11-05, but merged 2017-07-09).  That does away with the
+# longstanding use of SGR 3 for standout, and interprets it as italics.
+# The same development branch has some support for direct-colors, but none
+# of this has been documented.
+screen5|VT 100/ANSI X3.64 virtual terminal (someday):\
+	:se=\E[27m:so=\E[7m:tc=ecma+italics:tc=screen4:
+#### Tmux
+# tmux is mostly compatible with screen, but has support for italics, and some
+# of the xterm cursor bits.
+# However, unlike screen, tmux has no provision for using derived terminal
+# descriptions.  When screen starts, it looks for a suitable "inner" terminal
+# such as "screen.$TERM" to correspond to the outer terminal's quirks.  The
+# various entries such as screen.xterm-new provide a way to more closely
+# match the terminal.
+tmux|tmux terminal multiplexer:\
+	:kb=\177:mk=\E[8m:se=\E[27m:so=\E[7m:tc=ecma+italics:\
+	:tc=ecma+strikeout:tc=xterm+edit:tc=xterm+pcfkeys:\
+	:tc=xterm+sl:tc=xterm+tmux:tc=screen:
+tmux-256color|tmux with 256 colors:\
+	:tc=xterm+256setaf:tc=tmux:
+tmux-direct|tmux with direct-color indexing:\
+	:tc=xterm+direct:tc=tmux:
+#### Dvtm
+# dvtwm 0.15
+# http://www.brain-dump.org/projects/dvtm/
+# + This uses ncurses to manage the display, including support for italics and
+#   default-colors.
+# + However, default-colors are incomplete: do not set bce.
+# + It does not implement flash (since no \e[?5h)
+# + Do not set XT: dvtm knows about OSC 0 and 2, but not 1.
+#   Oddly enough, if $TERM contains "linux", it attempts to set the title.
+# + Some of the program is cut/paste from rxvt-unicode, e.g., the ACS table.
+# + The built-in table of function-keys (based on rxvt) is incomplete (ends
+#   with kf22).
+# + It also omits the shifted cursor- and editing-keypad keys.
+#   However, it is confused by xterm's shifted cursor- and editing-keypad keys
+#   (and passes those through without interpretation)
+#   and may simply pass-through rxvt's, making it appear to work.
+#   In other cases such as kf23 and up, no pass-through is done.
+# + Most of the mode-settings in the initialization/reset strings are not
+#   implemented; dvtm copies its description from rxvt.
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+dvtm|dynamic virtual terminal manager:\
+	:am:eo:mi:ms:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:K1=\EOw:K2=\EOu:\
+	:K3=\EOy:K4=\EOq:K5=\EOs:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dl=\E[M:\
+	:do=\n:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:i1=\E[?47l\E=\E[?1l:ic=\E[@:\
+	:im=\E[4h:is=\E[r\E[m\E[2J\E[H\E[?7h\E[?1;3;4;6l\E[4l:\
+	:k0=\E[21~:k1=\E[11~:k2=\E[12~:k3=\E[13~:k4=\E[14~:\
+	:k5=\E[15~:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:\
+	:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=\177:kd=\E[B:\
+	:kh=\E[7~:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:\
+	:me=\E[0m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\n:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:te=\E[2J\E[?47l\E8:\
+	:ti=\E7\E[?47h:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[?25h:\
+	:vi=\E[?25l:tc=ecma+italics:
+dvtm-256color|dynamic virtual terminal manager with 256 colors:\
+	:Co#256:pa#65536:\
+	:AB=\E[48;5;%dm:AF=\E[38;5;%dm:tc=dvtm:
+#### NCSA Telnet
+# Francesco Potorti <F.Potorti@cnuce.cnr.it>:
+# NCSA telnet is one of the most used telnet clients for the Macintosh.  It has
+# been maintained until recently by the National Center for Supercomputer
+# Applications, and it is feature rich, stable and free.  It can be downloaded
+# from www.ncsa.edu.  This terminfo description file is based on xterm-vt220,
+# xterm+sl, and the docs at NCSA.  It works well.
+# NCSA Telnet 2.6 for Macintosh in vt220 8-bit emulation mode
+# The terminal options should be set as follows:
+#         Xterm sequences ON
+#         use VT wrap mode ON
+#         use Emacs arrow keys OFF
+#         CTRL-COMND is Emacs meta ON
+#         8 bit mode ON
+#         answerback string: "ncsa-vt220-8"
+#         setup keys: all disabled
+# Application mode is not used.
+# Other special mappings:
+#	Apple		VT220
+#	HELP		Find
+#	HOME		Insert here
+#	PAGEUP		Remove
+#	DEL		Select
+#	END		Prev Screen
+#	PAGEDOWN	Next Screen
+# Though it supports ANSI color, NCSA Telnet uses color to represent blinking
+# text.
+# The status-line manipulation is a mapping of the xterm-compatible control
+# sequences for setting the window-title.  So you must use tsl and fsl in
+# pairs, since the latter ends the string that is loaded to the window-title.
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+ncsa-m|ncsa-vt220-8|NCSA Telnet 2.6 for Macintosh in vt220-8 mode:\
+	:am:km:mi:ms:xn:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=\E(B:al=\E[L:as=\E(0:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ei=\E[4l:\
+	:ho=\E[H:if=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E7\E[r\E[m\E[?7h\E[?1;4;6l\E[4l\E8\E>:k1=\E[17~:\
+	:k2=\E[18:k3=\E[19~:k4=\E[20~:k5=\E[21~:k6=\E[23~:\
+	:k7=\E[24~:k8=\E[25~:k9=\E[26~:kD=\E[4~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[3~:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[2~:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:\
+	:rs=\E7\E[r\E8\E[m\E[?7h\E[?1;4;6l\E[4l\E>:sc=\E7:\
+	:se=\E[27m:sf=150*\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:te=\E[2J\E8:ti=\E7:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:tc=xterm+sl:\
+	:tc=ansi+enq:
+ncsa|NCSA Telnet 2.7 for Macintosh in vt220-8 mode:\
+	:tc=ncsa-m:tc=klone+color:
+ncsa-ns|NCSA Telnet 2.7 for Macintosh in vt220-8 mode:\
+	:hs@:\
+	:ds@:fs@:ts@:tc=ncsa:
+ncsa-m-ns|NCSA Telnet 2.6 for Macintosh in vt220-8 mode:\
+	:hs@:\
+	:ds@:fs@:ts@:tc=ncsa-m:
+# alternate -TD:
+# The documented function-key mapping refers to the Apple Extended Keyboard
+# (e.g., NCSA Telnet's F1 corresponds to a VT220 F6).  We use the VT220-style
+# codes, however, since the numeric keypad (VT100) PF1-PF4 are available on
+# some keyboards and many applications require these as F1-F4.
+ncsa-vt220|NCSA Telnet using vt220-compatible function keys:\
+	:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:F3=\E[25~:F4=\E[26~:F5=\E[28~:\
+	:F6=\E[29~:F7=\E[31~:F8=\E[32~:F9=\E[33~:FA=\E[34~:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:\
+	:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:tc=ncsa:
+#### Pilot Pro Palm-Top
+# Termcap for Top Gun Telnet and SSH on the Palm Pilot.
+# https://web.archive.org/web/20051103015726/http://www.ai/~iang/TGssh/
+pilot|tgtelnet|Top Gun Telnet on the Palm Pilot Professional:\
+	:am:bs:xn:\
+	:co#39:li#16:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=\Ec:cm=\Em%+ %+ :cr=\r:do=\n:ho=\Em\s\s:kN=^L:\
+	:kP=^K:kb=^H:kd=\n:kl=^H:le=^H:nw=\Em~\s:se=\EB:sf=\n:so=\Eb:\
+	:ta=^I:
+# From: Federico Bianchi <bianchi@www.arte.unipi.it>
+# These entries are for the Embeddable Linux Kernel System (ELKS)
+# project - an heavily stripped down Linux to be run on 16 bit
+# boxes or, eventually, to be used in embedded systems - and have been
+# adapted from the stock ELKS termcap. The project itself looks stalled,
+# and the latest improvements I know of date back to March 2000.
+# To cope with the ELKS dumb console I added an "elks-glasstty" entry;
+# as an added bonus, this deals with all the capabilities common to
+# both VT52 and ANSI (or, eventually, "special") modes.
+elks-glasstty|ELKS glass-TTY capabilities:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=\r:kb=^H:kd=\n:kl=^H:nw=\r\n:sf=\n:ta=^I:
+elks-vt52|ELKS vt52 console:\
+	:ce=\EK:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\EY%+ %+ :do=\EB:ho=\EH:le=\ED:nd=\EC:\
+	:up=\EA:tc=elks-glasstty:
+elks-ansi|ELKS ANSI console:\
+	:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:do=\E[B:ho=\E[H:\
+	:le=\E[D:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:so=\E[7m:up=\E[A:\
+	:tc=elks-glasstty:
+# As a matter of fact, ELKS 0.0.83 on PCs defaults to ANSI emulation
+# instead of VT52, but the "elks" entry still refers to the latter.
+elks|default ELKS console:\
+	:tc=elks-vt52:
+# Project SIBO (for Psion 3 palmtops) console is identical to the ELKS
+# one but in screen size
+sibo|ELKS SIBO console:\
+	:co#61:it#8:li#20:tc=elks-vt52:
+#### Alpha consoles
+# This is from the OSF/1 Release 1.0 termcap file
+pccons|pcconsole|ANSI (mostly) Alpha PC console terminal emulation:\
+	:am:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#25:\
+	:al=\E[L:bl=^G:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ei=:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:\
+	:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:\
+	:nd=\E[C:nw=\r\n:se=\E[m:so=\E[7m:ta=^I:up=\E[A:
+#### Sun consoles
+# :is1: resets scrolling region in case a previous user had used "tset vt100"
+oldsun|Sun Microsystems Workstation console:\
+	:am:bs:km:mi:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#34:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:IC=\E[%d@:al=\E[L:bl=^G:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=^L:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:dc=\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=:i1=\E[1r:ic=\E[@:im=:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:\
+	:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:\
+	:le=^H:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:ta=^I:up=\E[A:
+# From: Alexander Lukyanov <lav@video.yars.free.net>, 14 Nov 1995
+# :li: capability later corrected by J.T. Conklin <jtc@cygnus.com>
+# SGR 1, 4 aren't supported - removed bold/underline (T.Dickey 17 Jan 1998)
+sun-il|Sun Microsystems console with working insert-line:\
+	:am:km:ms:\
+	:co#80:li#34:\
+	:%7=\E[194z:&5=\E[193z:&8=\E[195z:@7=\E[220z:AL=\E[%dL:\
+	:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:F1=\E[234z:F2=\E[235z:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:K2=\E[218z:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=^L:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ei=:ic=\E[@:im=:\
+	:k1=\E[224z:k2=\E[225z:k3=\E[226z:k4=\E[227z:k5=\E[228z:\
+	:k6=\E[229z:k7=\E[230z:k8=\E[231z:k9=\E[232z:k;=\E[233z:\
+	:kD=\177:kI=\E[247z:kN=\E[222z:kP=\E[216z:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:\
+	:kh=\E[214z:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:\
+	:nd=\E[C:rs=\E[s:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:ta=^I:u8=\E[1t:\
+	:u9=\E[11t:ue@:up=\E[A:
+# On some versions of CGSIX framebuffer firmware (SparcStation 5), :al:/:AL:
+# flake out on the last line.  Unfortunately, without them the terminal has no
+# way to scroll.
+sun-cgsix|sun-ss5|Sun SparcStation 5 console:\
+	:AL@:al@:tc=sun-il:
+# If you are using an SS5, change the sun definition to use sun-ss5.
+sun|sun1|sun2|Sun Microsystems Inc. workstation console:\
+	:tc=sun-il:
+sun+sl|Sun Workstation window status line:\
+	:hs:\
+	:ds=\E]l\E\\:fs=\E\\:ts=\E]l:
+# From: <john@ucbrenoir>  Tue Sep 24 13:14:44 1985
+sun-s|Sun Microsystems Workstation window with status line:\
+	:hs:\
+	:ds=\E]l\E\\:fs=\E\\:ts=\E]l:tc=sun:
+sun-e-s|sun-s-e|Sun Microsystems Workstation with status hacked for emacs:\
+	:hs:\
+	:ds=\E]l\E\\:fs=\E\\:ts=\E]l:tc=sun-e:
+sun-48|Sun 48-line window:\
+	:co#80:li#48:tc=sun:
+sun-34|Sun 34-line window:\
+	:co#80:li#34:tc=sun:
+sun-24|Sun 24-line window:\
+	:co#80:li#24:tc=sun:
+sun-17|Sun 17-line window:\
+	:co#80:li#17:tc=sun:
+sun-12|Sun 12-line window:\
+	:co#80:li#12:tc=sun:
+sun-1|Sun 1-line window for sysline:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:co#80:li#1:\
+	:ds=^L:fs=\E[K:ts=\r:tc=sun:
+sun-e|sun-nic|sune|Sun Microsystems Workstation without insert character:\
+	:ei@:ic@:im@:tc=sun:
+sun-c|sun-cmd|Sun Microsystems Workstation console with scrollable history:\
+	:li#35:\
+	:te=\E[>4h:ti=\E[>4l:tc=sun:
+sun-type4|Sun Workstation console with type 4 keyboard:\
+	:kd=\E[221z:kl=\E[217z:kr=\E[219z:ku=\E[215z:tc=sun-il:
+# Most of the current references to sun-color are from users wondering why this
+# is the default on install.  Details from reading the wscons manpage, adding
+# cub, etc., here (rather than in the base sun-il entry) since it is not clear
+# when those were added -TD (2005-05-28)
+# According to wscons manpage, color is supported only on IA systems.
+# Sun's terminfo entry documents bold and smul/rmul capabilities, but wscons
+# does not list these.  It also sets ncv#3, however that corresponds to
+# underline and standout.
+# Since the documentation and terminfo do not agree, see also current code at
+# https://web.archive.org/web/20091231042744/http://src.opensolaris.org/source/xref/onnv/onnv-gate/usr/src/uts/common/io/tem_safe.c
+# That (actually a different driver which "supports" sun-color) also supports
+# these features:
+#	vpa=\E[%i%p1%dd
+#	hpa=\E[%i%p1%d`
+#	cbt=\E[Z
+#	dim=\E[2m
+#	blink=\E[5m
+# It supports bold, but not underline -TD (2009-09-19)
+sun-color|Sun Microsystems Workstation console with color support (IA systems):\
+	:Co#8:NC#3:pa#64:\
+	:AB=\E[4%dm:AF=\E[3%dm:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:\
+	:UP=\E[%dA:ho=\E[H:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:op=\E[0m:rs=\E[s:\
+	:so=\E[7m:tc=sun:
+#### Iris consoles
+# (wsiris: this had extension capabilities
+#	:HS=\E7F2:HE=\E7F7:\
+#	:CT#2:CZ=*Bblack,red,green,yellow,blue,magenta,cyan,*Fwhite:
+# See the note on Iris extensions near the end of this file.
+# Finally, removed suboptimal :cl:=\EH\EJ and added :do: &
+# :vb: from BRL -- esr)
+wsiris|iris40|iris emulating a 40 line visual 50 (approximately):\
+	:am:bs:nc:pt:\
+	:co#80:it#8:kn#3:li#40:\
+	:al=\EL:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\Ev:cm=\EY%+ %+ :dl=\EM:\
+	:do=\EB:ho=\EH:is=\E7B0\E7F7\E7C2\E7R3:k0=\E0:k1=\E1:\
+	:k2=\E2:k3=\E3:k4=\E4:k5=\E5:k6=\E6:k7=\E7:k8=\E8:k9=\E9:\
+	:kd=\EB:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:me=\E7F7:mh=\E7F2:nd=\EC:\
+	:nl=\EB:se=\E0@:sf=\n:so=\E9P:sr=\EI:ta=^I:ue=\E7R3\E0@:\
+	:up=\EA:us=\E7R2\E9P:vb=\E7F4\E7B1\013\E7F7\E7B0:ve=\E>:\
+	:vs=\E;:
+#### NeWS consoles
+# Console terminal windows under the NeWS (Sun's Display Postscript windowing
+# environment).   Note: these have nothing to do with Sony's News workstation
+# line.
+# Entry for NeWS's psterm from Eric Messick & Hugh Daniel
+# (psterm: unknown ":sl=\EOl:el=\ENl:" removed -- esr)
+psterm|psterm-basic|NeWS psterm-80x34:\
+	:am:bs:hs:km:ul:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#34:\
+	:al=\EA:cd=\EB:ce=\EC:cl=^L:cm=\E%d;%d;:cs=\EE%d;%d;:\
+	:dc=\EF:dl=\EK:do=\EP:ei=\ENi:fs=\ENl:ho=\ER:i1=\EN*:\
+	:im=\EOi:kd=\E[B:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=\ET:ll=\EU:\
+	:mb=\EOb:md=\EOd:me=\EN*:mr=\EOr:nd=\EV:rc=^\:sc=^]:se=\ENo:\
+	:sf=\EW:so=\EOo:sr=\EX:ta=^I:te=\ENt:ti=\EOt:ts=\EOl:\
+	:ue=\ENu:up=\EY:us=\EOu:vb=\EZ:
+psterm-96x48|NeWS psterm 96x48:\
+	:co#96:li#48:tc=psterm:
+psterm-90x28|NeWS psterm 90x28:\
+	:co#90:li#28:tc=psterm:
+psterm-80x24|NeWS psterm 80x24:\
+	:co#80:li#24:tc=psterm:
+# This is a faster termcap for psterm.  Warning:  if you use this termcap,
+# some control characters you type will do strange things to the screen.
+# (psterm-fast: unknown ":sl=^Ol:el=^Nl:" -- esr)
+psterm-fast|NeWS psterm fast version (flaky ctrl chars):\
+	:am:bs:hs:km:ul:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#34:\
+	:al=^A:cd=^B:ce=^C:cl=^L:cm=\004%d;%d;:cs=\005%d;%d;:dc=^F:\
+	:dl=^K:do=^P:ei=^Ni:fs=^Nl:ho=^R:i1=^N*:im=^Oi:kd=\E[B:\
+	:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^T:ll=^U:mb=^Ob:md=^Od:me=^N*:\
+	:mr=^Or:nd=^V:rc=^\:sc=^]:se=^No:sf=^W:so=^Oo:sr=^X:ta=^I:\
+	:te=^Nt:ti=^Ot:ts=^Ol:ue=^Nu:up=^Y:us=^Ou:vb=^Z:
+#### NeXT consoles
+# Use `glasstty' for the Workspace application
+# From: Dave Wetzel <dave@turbocat.snafu.de> 22 Dec 1995
+next|NeXT console:\
+	:am:xt:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:ce=\E[K:cl=^L:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:do=\n:ho=\E[H:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\n:kl=^H:le=^H:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:nw=\r\n:se=\E[4;1m:\
+	:sf=\n:so=\E[4;2m:ta=^I:up=\E[A:
+nextshell|NeXT Shell application:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=\r:do=\n:kb=^H:kd=\n:kl=^H:le=^H:nw=\r\n:ta=^I:
+#### Sony NEWS workstations
+# (news-unk: this had :KB=news: -- esr)
+news-unk|SONY NEWS vt100 emulator common entry:\
+	:am:bs:pt:xn:\
+	:co#80:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DL=\E[%dM:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\
+	:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ho=\E[H:if=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:\
+	:is=\E[?7h\E[?1h\E[?3l\E7\E8:k0=\EOY:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:\
+	:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\EOT:k6=\EOU:k7=\EOV:k8=\EOW:k9=\EOX:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:\
+	:ku=\EOA:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:nl=\n:rc=\E8:rs=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E[r:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:
+# (news-29: this had :TY=ascii: --esr)
+news-29|SONY NEWS vt100 emulator with 29 lines:\
+	:li#29:tc=news-unk:
+# (news-29-euc: this had :TY=euc: --esr)
+news-29-euc|SONY NEWS vt100 emulator with 29 lines and EUC:\
+	:tc=news-29:
+# (news-29-sjis: this had :TY=sjis: --esr)
+news-29-sjis|SONY NEWS vt100 emulator with 29 lines and SJIS:\
+	:tc=news-29:
+# (news-33: this had :TY=ascii: --esr)
+news-33|SONY NEWS vt100 with 33 lines:\
+	:li#33:tc=news-unk:
+# (news-33-euc: this had :TY=euc: --esr)
+news-33-euc|SONY NEWS vt100 with 33 lines and EUC:\
+	:tc=news-33:
+# (news-33-sjis: this had :TY=sjis: --esr)
+news-33-sjis|SONY NEWS vt100 with 33 lines and SJIS:\
+	:tc=news-33:
+# (news-42: this had :TY=ascii: --esr)
+news-42|SONY NEWS vt100 with 42 lines:\
+	:li#42:tc=news-unk:
+# (news-42-euc: this had :TY=euc: --esr)
+news-42-euc|SONY NEWS vt100 with 42 lines and EUC:\
+	:tc=news-42:
+# (news-42-sjis: this had :TY=sjis: --esr)
+news-42-sjis|SONY NEWS vt100 with 42 lines and SJIS:\
+	:tc=news-42:
+#	NEWS-OS old termcap entry
+# (news-old-unk: this had :KB=news:TY=sjis: --esr)
+news-old-unk|SONY NEWS vt100 emulator common entry:\
+	:am:bs:pt:xn:\
+	:co#80:vt#3:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[;H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:do=\n:ho=\E[H:\
+	:if=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:\
+	:k4=\EOS:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:\
+	:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nl=\n:rc=\E8:\
+	:rs=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+# (nwp512: this had :DE=^H:, which I think means :bs: --esr)
+nwp512|news|nwp514|news40|vt100-bm|old sony vt100 emulator 40 lines:\
+	:bs:\
+	:li#40:\
+	:is=\E7\E[r\E8\EE\EE\EE\EM\EM\EM\E[?7h\E[?1l\E[?3l\E7\E[1;40r\E8:\
+	:tc=news-old-unk:
+# (nwp512-a: this had :TY=ascii: and the alias vt100-bm --esr)
+nwp512-a|nwp514-a|news-a|news42|news40-a|sony vt100 emulator 42 line:\
+	:li#42:\
+	:is=\E[?7h\E[?1l\E[?3l\E7\E[1;42r\E8:tc=news-old-unk:
+# (nwp-512-o: this had :KB=nwp410:DE=^H:  I interpret the latter as :bs:. --esr)
+nwp512-o|nwp514-o|news-o|news40-o|vt100-bm-o|sony vt100 emulator 40 lines:\
+	:bs:\
+	:li#40:\
+	:is=\E7\E[r\E8\EE\EE\EE\EM\EM\EM\E[?7h\E[?1l\E[?3l\E7\E[1;40r\E8:\
+	:tc=news-old-unk:
+# (nwp513: this had :DE=^H: and the alias vt100-bm --esr)
+nwp513|nwp518|nwe501|newscbm|news31|sony vt100 emulator 33 lines:\
+	:bs:\
+	:li#31:\
+	:is=\E7\E[r\E8\EE\EE\EE\EM\EM\EM\E[?7h\E[?1l\E[?3l\E7\E[1;31r\E8:\
+	:tc=news-old-unk:
+# (nwp513-a: this had :TY=ascii: and :DE=^H:, which I interpret as :bs:; --esr)
+# also the alias vt100-bm.
+nwp513-a|nwp518-a|nwe501-a|nwp251-a|newscbm-a|news31-a|newscbm33|news33|old sony vt100 emulator 33 lines:\
+	:bs:\
+	:li#33:\
+	:is=\E7\E[r\E8\EE\EE\EE\EM\EM\EM\E[?7h\E[?1l\E[?3l\E7\E[1;33r\E8:\
+	:tc=news-old-unk:
+# (nwp513-o: had :DE=^H:, I think that's :bs:; also the alias vt100-bm --esr)
+nwp513-o|nwp518-o|nwe501-o|nwp251-o|newscbm-o|news31-o|old sony vt100 emulator 33 lines:\
+	:bs:\
+	:li#31:\
+	:is=\E7\E[r\E8\EE\EE\EE\EM\EM\EM\E[?7h\E[?1l\E[?3l\E7\E[1;31r\E8:\
+	:tc=news-old-unk:
+# (news28: this had :DE=^H:, I think that's :bs:, and :KB=nws1200: --esr)
+news28|sony vt100 emulator 28 lines:\
+	:bs:\
+	:li#28:\
+	:is=\E7\E[r\E8\EE\EE\EE\EM\EM\EM\E[?7h\E[?1l\E[?3l\E7\E[1;28r\E8:\
+	:tc=news-old-unk:
+# (news29: this had :TY=ascii:KB=nws1200:\ --esr)
+news29|news28-a|sony vt100 emulator 29 lines:\
+	:li#29:\
+	:is=\E7\E[r\E8\EE\EE\EE\EM\EM\EM\E[?7h\E[?1l\E[?3l\E7\E[1;29r\E8:\
+	:tc=news-old-unk:
+# (news511: this had :TY=sjis: --esr)
+nwp511|nwp-511|nwp-511 vt100:\
+	:am:bs:pt:xn:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\E[L:cd=30\E[J:ce=3\E[K:cl=20\E[;H\E[2J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:\
+	:is=\E[?5l\E[?1l\E>\E[?7h\E[?8h:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:\
+	:k4=\EOS:k5=\EOT:k6=\E#W:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:\
+	:ku=\E[A:le=\E[D:nd=\E[C:\
+	:rs=\E7\E[r\E8\E[?5l\E[?1l\E>\E[?7h\E[?8h:se=2\E[m:\
+	:so=2\E[7m:sr=5\EM:ue=2\E[m:up=2\E[A:us=2\E[4m:\
+	:vb=\E[?5h\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\E[?5l:
+# (news517: this had :TY=sjis:. --esr)
+nwp517|nwp-517|nwp-517 vt200 80 cols 30 rows:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:co#80:li#30:\
+	:ds=\E[1$~:fs=\E[0$}:i2=\E[2$~\n:\
+	:is=\E7\E[r\E8\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:\
+	:ts=\E[1$}\E[;%df:tc=vt200:
+# (news517-w: this had :TY=sjis:. --esr)
+nwp517-w|nwp-517-w|nwp-517 vt200 132 cols 50 rows:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:co#132:li#50:\
+	:ds=\E[1$~:fs=\E[0$}:i2=\E[2$~\n:\
+	:is=\E7\E[r\E8\E>\E[?3h\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:\
+	:rs=\E>\E[?3h\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:\
+	:ts=\E[1$}\E[;%df:tc=vt200:
+#### Common Desktop Environment
+# This ships with Sun's CDE in Solaris 2.5
+# Corrected Sun Aug 9 1998 by Alexander V. Lukyanov <lav@video.yars.free.net>
+dtterm|CDE desktop terminal:\
+	:am:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:NC@:co#80:it#8:li#24:lm#0:\
+	:%1=\E[28~:*6=\E[4~:@0=\E[1~:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:\
+	:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:F3=\E[25~:\
+	:F4=\E[26~:F5=\E[28~:F6=\E[29~:F7=\E[31~:F8=\E[32~:\
+	:F9=\E[33~:FA=\E[34~:IC=\E[%d@:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\
+	:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\n:eA=\E(B\E)0:ec=\E[%dX:\
+	:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E F\E>\E[?1l\E[?7h\E[?45l:k1=\E[11~:k2=\E[12~:\
+	:k3=\E[13~:k4=\E[14~:k5=\E[15~:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:\
+	:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:\
+	:kP=\E[5~:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:mh=\E[2m:mk=\E[8m:mr=\E[7m:\
+	:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[22;27m:sf=\ED:\
+	:so=\E[2;7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:tc=ecma+color:
+######## Non-Unix Consoles
+#### EMX termcap.dat compatibility modes
+# Also (possibly only EMX, so we don't put it in ansi.sys, etc): set the
+# no_color_video to inform the application that standout(1), underline(2)
+# reverse(4) and invisible(64) don't work with color.
+emx-base|DOS special keys:\
+	:bw:ut:\
+	:NC#71:it#8:\
+	:bl=^G:tc=ansi.sys:
+# Except for the "-emx" suffixes, these are as distributed with EMX 0.9b,
+# a Unix-style environment used on OS/2.  (Note that the suffix makes some
+# names longer than 14 characters, the nominal maximum).
+# Removed: rmacs=\E[10m, smacs=\E[11m, because OS/2 does not implement acs.
+ansi-emx|ANSI.SYS color:\
+	:am:eo:mi:ms:ut:xo:\
+	:Co#8:co#80:it#8:li#25:pa#64:\
+	:&7=^Z:AB=\E[4%dm:AF=\E[3%dm:DC=\E[%dp:IC=\E[%d@:K2=\E[G:\
+	:S2=\E[11m:S3=\E[10m:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[1;33;44m\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:ct=\E[3g:\
+	:do=\n:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=\E[4h:k0=\0D:kH=\0O:\
+	:kb=^H:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m\E[1;33;44m:\
+	:mr=\E[5;37;41m:nd=\E[C:nw=\r\n:r1=\Ec:\
+	:se=\E[0;44m\E[1;33m:sf=\n:so=\E[0;31;47m:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:u8=\E[?6c:u9=\E[c:ue=\E[0;44m\E[1;33m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[1;31;44m:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:\
+	:tc=emx-base:
+# nice colors for Emacs (white on blue, mode line white on cyan)
+ansi-color-2-emx|ANSI.SYS color 2:\
+	:AF=\E[3%dm:cl=\E[0;37;44m\E[H\E[J:me=\E[0;37;44m:\
+	:mr=\E[1;37;46m:r1=\Ec:se=\E[0;37;44m:so=\E[1;37;46m:\
+	:ue=\E[0;37;44m:us=\E[1;36;44m:tc=ansi-emx:
+# nice colors for Emacs (white on black, mode line black on cyan)
+ansi-color-3-emx|ANSI.SYS color 3:\
+	:AF=\E[3%dm:cl=\E[0;37;40m\E[H\E[J:me=\E[0;10m:\
+	:mr=\E[1;37;46m:r1=\Ec:se=\E[0;37;40m:so=\E[1;37;46m:\
+	:ue=\E[0;37;40m:us=\E[0;36;40m:tc=ansi-emx:
+mono-emx|stupid monochrome ansi terminal with only one kind of emphasis:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:K2=\E[G:ce=\E[K:cl=50\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:do=\E[B:\
+	:ho=\E[H:k0=\0D:k1=\0;:k2=\0<:k3=\0=:k4=\0>:k5=\0?:k6=\0@:\
+	:k7=\0A:k8=\0B:k9=\0C:kH=\0O:kI=\0R:kN=\0Q:kP=\0I:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\0P:kh=\0G:kl=\0K:kr=\0M:ku=\0H:le=\E[D:me=\E[0m:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\r\n:ta=^I:up=\E[A:
+#### Cygwin
+# Use this for cygwin32 (tested with beta 19.1)
+# underline is colored bright magenta
+# shifted kf1-kf12 are kf11-kf22
+cygwinB19|ANSI emulation for cygwin32:\
+	:@7=\E[4~:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:F3=\E[25~:F4=\E[26~:\
+	:F5=\E[28~:F6=\E[29~:F7=\E[31~:F8=\E[32~:F9=\E[33~:\
+	:FA=\E[34~:RA@:SA@:k1=\E[[A:k2=\E[[B:k3=\E[[C:k4=\E[[D:\
+	:k5=\E[[E:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:\
+	:k;=\E[21~:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kd=\E[B:\
+	:kh=\E[1~:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:tc=ansi.sys:
+# Use this for cygwin (tested with version 1.1.0).
+# I've combined pcansi and linux.  Some values of course were different and
+# I've indicated which of these were and which I used.
+# Cheers, earnie_boyd@yahoo.com
+# several changes based on running with tack and comparing with older entry -TD
+# more changes from csw:
+#   add    cbt   [backtab]
+#   remove eo    [erase overstrike with blank]
+#   change clear was \E[H\E[J  now \E[2J  (faster?)
+#   remove cols
+#   remove lines
+#   remove ncv#3 [colors collide with highlights, bitmask] not applicable
+#                to MSDOS box?
+#   add    cub   [cursor back param]
+#   add    cuf   [cursor forward param]
+#   add    cuu   [cursor up param]
+#   add    cud   [cursor down param]
+#   add    hs    [has status line]
+#   add    fsl   [return from status line]
+#   add    tsl   [go to status line]
+#   add    smacs [Start alt charset] (not sure if this works)
+#   add    rmacs [End alt charset]   (ditto)
+#   add    smcup [enter_ca_mode] (save console; thanks Corinna)
+#   add    rmcup [exit_ca_mode]  (restore console; thanks Corinna)
+#   add    kb2   [center of keypad]
+#   add    u8    [user string 8] \E[?6c
+#   add    el    [clear to end of line] \E[K
+# Notes:
+#   cnorm [make cursor normal] not implemented
+#   flash [flash] not implemented
+#   blink [blink] not implemented very usefully in cygwin? \E[5m
+#   dim   [dim] not implemented very usefully in cygwin? \E[2m
+#   cub1  [cursor back 1] typically \E[D, but ^H is faster?
+#   kNXT  [shifted next key] not implemented
+#   kPRV  [shifted prev key] not implemented
+#   khome [home key] really is \E[1~ NOT \E[H
+#   tbc   [clear tab stops] not implemented
+#   xenl  [newline ignored after 80 cols] messes up last line? Ehud Karni
+#   smpch [Start PC charset] is \E[11m, same as smacs
+#   rmpch [End PC charset] is \E[10m, same as rmacs
+#   mir   [move in insert mode] fails in tack?
+#   bce   [back color erase] causes problems with change background color?
+#   cvvis [make cursor very visible] causes a stackdump when testing with
+#         testcurs using the output option? \E[?25h\E[?8c
+#   civis [make cursor invisible] causes everything to stackdump? \E[?25l\E[?1c
+#   ech   [erase characters param] broken \E[%p1%dX
+#   kcbt  [back-tab key] not implemented in cygwin?  \E[Z
+# 2005/11/12 -TD
+#	Remove cbt since it does not work in current cygwin
+#	Add 'mir' and 'in' flags based on tack
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (rmacs/smacs removed for consistency)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+cygwin|ANSI emulation for Cygwin:\
+	:am:hs:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:Co#8:it#8:pa#64:\
+	:&7=^Z:@7=\E[4~:AB=\E[4%dm:AF=\E[3%dm:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:\
+	:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:F3=\E[25~:\
+	:F4=\E[26~:F5=\E[28~:F6=\E[29~:F7=\E[31~:F8=\E[32~:\
+	:F9=\E[33~:FA=\E[34~:IC=\E[%d@:K2=\E[G:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:S2=\E[11m:S3=\E[10m:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bl=^G:\
+	:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:ch=\E[%i%dG:cl=\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cv=\E[%i%dd:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:\
+	:ei=\E[4l:fs=^G:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=\E[4h:k1=\E[[A:k2=\E[[B:\
+	:k3=\E[[C:k4=\E[[D:k5=\E[[E:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:\
+	:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[1~:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:\
+	:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:mk=\E[8m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\r\n:\
+	:op=\E[39;49m:r1=\Ec\E]R:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\n:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:te=\E[2J\E[?47l\E8:ti=\E7\E[?47h:\
+	:ts=\E];:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:tc=vt102+enq:
+# I've supplied this so that you can help test new values and add other
+# features.  Cheers, earnie_boyd@yahoo.com.
+# Some features are from pcansi.  The op value is from linux.  Function-keys
+# are from linux.  These have been tested not to cause problems.  xenl was in
+# this list, but DOES cause problems so it has been removed
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (rmacs/smacs removed for consistency)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+cygwinDBG|Debug Version for Cygwin:\
+	:am:eo:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:Co#8:NC#3:co#80:it#8:li#24:pa#64:\
+	:%c=\E[6$:%e=\E[5$:&7=^Z:@7=\E[4~:AB=\E[4%dm:AF=\E[3%dm:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:F1=\E[23~:\
+	:F2=\E[24~:F3=\E[25~:F4=\E[26~:F5=\E[28~:F6=\E[29~:\
+	:F7=\E[31~:F8=\E[32~:F9=\E[33~:FA=\E[34~:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:K2=\E[G:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bl=^G:\
+	:bt=\E[Z:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:ch=\E[%i%dG:cl=\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:ct=\E[3g:cv=\E[%i%dd:dc=\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=\E[4h:\
+	:k1=\E[[A:k2=\E[[B:k3=\E[[C:k4=\E[[D:k5=\E[[E:k6=\E[17~:\
+	:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:kB=\E[Z:kD=\E[3~:\
+	:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[1~:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=\E[D:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:\
+	:mh=\E[2m:mk=\E[8m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\r\n:op=\E[39;49m:\
+	:r1=\Ec\E]R:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:\
+	:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:\
+	:ve=\E[?25h:tc=vt102+enq:
+#### DJGPP
+# Key definitions:
+# The encodings for unshifted arrow keys, F1-F12, Home, Insert, etc.  match the
+# encodings used by other x86 environments.  All others are invented for DJGPP.
+# Oddly enough, while several combinations of modifiers are tabulated, there is
+# none for shifted cursor keys.
+#	F1			\E[[A
+#	F2			\E[[B
+#	F3			\E[[C
+#	F4			\E[[D
+#	F5			\E[[E
+#	F6			\E[17~
+#	F7			\E[18~
+#	F8			\E[19~
+#	F9			\E[20~
+#	F10			\E[21~
+#	F11			\E[23~
+#	F12			\E[24~
+#	Delete			\E[3~
+#	Down Arrow		\E[B
+#	End			\E[4~
+#	Home			\E[1~
+#	Insert			\E[2~
+#	Left Arrow		\E[D
+#	Page Down		\E[6~
+#	Page Up			\E[5~
+#	Right Arrow		\E[C
+#	Up Arrow		\E[A
+#	Shift-F1		\E[25~
+#	Shift-F2		\E[26~
+#	Shift-F3		\E[27~
+#	Shift-F4		\E[28~
+#	Shift-F5		\E[29~
+#	Shift-F6		\E[30~
+#	Shift-F7		\E[31~
+#	Shift-F8		\E[32~
+#	Shift-F9		\E[33~
+#	Shift-F10		\E[34~
+#	Shift-F11		\E[35~
+#	Shift-F12		\E[36~
+#	Ctrl-F1			\E[47~
+#	Ctrl-F2			\E[48~
+#	Ctrl-F3			\E[49~
+#	Ctrl-F4			\E[50~
+#	Ctrl-F5			\E[51~
+#	Ctrl-F6			\E[52~
+#	Ctrl-F7			\E[53~
+#	Ctrl-F8			\E[54~
+#	Ctrl-F9			\E[55~
+#	Ctrl-F10		\E[56~
+#	Ctrl-F11		\E[57~
+#	Ctrl-F12		\E[58~
+#	Ctrl-Delete		\E[43~
+#	Ctrl-Down Arrow		\E[38~
+#	Ctrl-End		\E[44~
+#	Ctrl-Home		\E[41~
+#	Ctrl-Insert		\E[42~
+#	Ctrl-Left Arrow		\E[39~
+#	Ctrl-Page Down		\E[46~
+#	Ctrl-Page Up		\E[45~
+#	Ctrl-Right Arrow	\E[40~
+#	Ctrl-Up Arrow		\E[37~
+#	Alt-F1			\E[59~
+#	Alt-F2			\E[60~
+#	Alt-F3			\E[61~
+#	Alt-F4			\E[62~
+#	Alt-F5			\E[63~
+#	Alt-F6			\E[64~
+#	Alt-F7			\E[65~
+#	Alt-F8			\E[66~
+#	Alt-F9			\E[67~
+#	Alt-F10			\E[68~
+#	Alt-F11			\E[79~
+#	Alt-F12			\E[80~
+#	Alt-Delete		\E[65~
+#	Alt-Down Arrow		\E[60~
+#	Alt-End			\E[66~
+#	Alt-Home		\E[41~
+#	Alt-Insert		\E[64~
+#	Alt-Left Arrow		\E[61~
+#	Alt-Page Down		\E[68~
+#	Alt-Page Up		\E[67~
+#	Alt-Right Arrow		\E[62~
+#	Alt-Up Arrow		\E[59~
+# Also:
+#	Alt-A			\E[82~
+#	Alt-B			\E[82~
+#	Alt-C			\E[83~
+#	Alt-D			\E[84~
+#	Alt-E			\E[85~
+#	Alt-F			\E[86~
+#	Alt-G			\E[87~
+#	Alt-H			\E[88~
+#	Alt-I			\E[89~
+#	Alt-J			\E[90~
+#	Alt-K			\E[91~
+#	Alt-L			\E[92~
+#	Alt-M			\E[93~
+#	Alt-N			\E[94~
+#	Alt-O			\E[95~
+#	Alt-P			\E[96~
+#	Alt-Q			\E[97~
+#	Alt-R			\E[98~
+#	Alt-S			\E[99~
+#	Alt-T			\E[100~
+#	Alt-U			\E[101~
+#	Alt-V			\E[102~
+#	Alt-W			\E[103~
+#	Alt-X			\E[104~
+#	Alt-Y			\E[105~
+#	Alt-Z			\E[106~
+djgpp|ANSI emulation for DJGPP alpha:\
+	:am:ms:ut:xo:xs:xt:\
+	:Co#8:it#8:pa#64:\
+	:@7=\E[4~:AB=\E[4%dm:AF=\E[3%dm:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:\
+	:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=+\020,\021-\030.^Y0\333`\004a\261f\370g\361h\260j\331k\277l\332m\300n\305o~p\304q\304r\304s_t\303u\264v\301w\302x\263y\363z\362{\343|\330}\234~\376:\
+	:al=\E[L:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:ch=\E[%i%dG:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:cv=\E[%i%dd:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ec=\E[%dX:ei=:ho=\E[H:\
+	:ic=\E[@:im=:k1=\E[[A:k2=\E[[B:k3=\E[[C:k4=\E[[D:k5=\E[[E:\
+	:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:\
+	:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:\
+	:kh=\E[1~:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:\
+	:me=\E[m:mk=\E[8m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\r\n:op=\E[37;40m:\
+	:se=\E[m:sf=\E[S:so=\E[7m:sr=\E[T:ta=^I:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:ve=\E[v:vi=\E[1v:vs=\E[2v:tc=ecma+index:
+djgpp203|Entry for DJGPP 2.03:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=\r:do=\n:kb=^H:kd=\n:kl=^H:le=^H:nw=\r\n:sf=\n:\
+	:ta=^I:
+djgpp204|Entry for DJGPP 2.04:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:Co#8:NC#3:co#80:it#8:li#25:pa#64:\
+	:AB=\E[4%dm:AF=\E[3%dm:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:\
+	:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:al=\E[L:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ec=\E[%dX:\
+	:ei=:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=:k0=\E[21~:k1=\E[[A:k2=\E[[B:\
+	:k3=\E[[C:k4=\E[[D:k5=\E[[E:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:\
+	:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:kD=\E[3~:kH=\E[4~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:\
+	:kP=\E[5~:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[1~:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:\
+	:le=\E[D:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mk=\E[8m:mr=\E[7m:\
+	:nd=\E[C:nw=\r\n:se=\E[m:sf=\E[S:so=\E[7m:sr=\E[T:ta=^I:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[v:vi=\E[1v:vs=\E[2v:tc=ecma+index:
+#### U/Win
+# This is tested using U/Win's telnet.  Scrolling is omitted because it is
+# buggy.  Another odd bug appears when displaying "~" in alternate character
+# set (the emulator spits out error messages).  Compare with att6386 -TD
+uwin|U/Win 3.2 console:\
+	:am:eo:in:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:Co#8:NC#58:it#8:pa#64:\
+	:@7=\E[Y:AB=\E[4%dm:AF=\E[3%dm:DC=\E[%dP:F1=\EOZ:F2=\EOA:\
+	:IC=\E[%d@:S2=\E[11m:S3=\E[10m:\
+	:ac=+\020,\021-\030.^Y0\333`\004a\261f\370g\361h\260i\316j\331k\277l\332m\300n\305o~p\304q\304r\304s_t\303u\264v\301w\302x\263y\363z\362{\343|\330}\234~\376:\
+	:ae=\E[10m:as=\E[11m:bl=^G:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:do=\n:\
+	:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=\E[4h:k1=\EOP:\
+	:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\EOT:k6=\EOU:k7=\EOV:k8=\EOW:\
+	:k9=\EOX:k;=\EOY:kD=\177:kI=\E[@:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:\
+	:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:\
+	:me=\E[0;10m:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\r\n:\
+	:op=\E[39;49m:r1=\Ec\E]R:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:so=\E[7m:\
+	:st=\EH:ta=^I:u6=\E[%i%d;%dR:u7=\E[6n:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:
+#### Microsoft (miscellaneous)
+# This entry fits the Windows NT console when the _POSIX_TERM environment
+# variable is set to 'on'.  While the Windows NT POSIX console is seldom used,
+# the Telnet client supplied with both the Windows for WorkGroup 3.11 TCP/IP
+# stack and the Win32 (i.e., Windows 95 and Windows NT 3.1 or later) operating
+# systems is not, and (surprise!) they match very well.
+# See:  MS Knowledge Base item Q108581, dated 13-MAY-1997, titled "Setting Up
+# VI POSIX Editor for Windows NT 3.1".  True to Microsoft form, not only
+# are the installation instructions a pile of mind-numbing bureaucratese,
+# but the termcap entry is actually broken and unusable as given; the :do:
+# capability is misspelled "d".
+# To use this, you need to a bunch of environment variables:
+# SET TERM=ansi
+# SET TERMCAP=location of termcap file in POSIX file format
+# which is case-sensitive.
+# e.g. SET TERMCAP=//D/RESKIT35/posix/termcap
+# Important note: setting the TMP environment variable in POSIX style renders
+# it incompatible with a lot of other applications, including Visual C++. So
+# you should have a separate command window just for vi. All the other
+# variables may be permanently set in the Control Panel\System applet.
+# You can find out more about the restrictions of this facility at
+# <https://jeffpar.github.io/kbarchive/kb/108/Q108581/>
+# From: Federico Bianchi <bianchi@magna.cisid.unipi.it>, 15 Jan 1997
+ansi-nt|psx_ansi|Microsoft Windows NT console POSIX ANSI mode:\
+	:am:bw:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:do=\n:\
+	:ho=\E[H:kb=^H:kd=\E[V:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:\
+	:me=\E[0m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\r\E[S:rc=\E[u:sc=\E[s:\
+	:se=\E[m:sf=\E[S:so=\E[7m:sr=\E[T:ta=^I:up=\E[A:
+# From: jew@venus.sunquest.com
+# Date: 19 Feb 93 23:41:07 GMT
+# Here's  a  combination of  ansi and  vt100 termcap
+# entries   that  works  nearly   perfectly  for  me
+# (Gateway 2000 Handbook and Microsoft Works 3.0):
+pcmw|PC running Microsoft Works:\
+	:am:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:vt#3:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=50\E[J:ce=3\E[K:cl=50\E[;H\E[2J:\
+	:cm=5\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:ct=2\E[3g:do=\n:ho=\E[H:\
+	:is=\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ku=\EOA:le=^H:mb=2\E[5m:\
+	:md=2\E[1m:me=2\E[m:mr=2\E[7m:nd=2\E[C:nw=5\r\ED:rc=\E8:\
+	:rf=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:\
+	:rs=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:sc=\E7:se=2\E[m:\
+	:sf=5\ED:so=2\E[7m:sr=5\EM:st=2\EH:ta=^I:ue=2\E[m:up=2\E[A:\
+	:us=2\E[4m:
+# From: Federico Bianchi
+# This is the entry for the OpenNT terminal.
+# The ntconsole name is for backward compatibility.
+# This is for OpenNT 2.0 and later.
+# Later OpenNT was renamed to Interix.
+# Presently it is distributed by Microsoft as Services For Unix (SFU).
+# The 3.5 beta contained ncurses 4.2 (that is header files and executables,
+# the documentation dated from 1.9.9e) -TD
+# For a US keyboard, with 12 function-kecbt=\E[Z, ys,
+#	kf1-kf12 are unmodifiedcbt=\E[Z, cbt=\E[Z,
+#	kf13-kf24 use the shift-key
+#	kf25-kf36 use the left alt-key
+#	kf37-kf38 use the control-key
+#	kf49-kf60 use the shift- and control-keys
+# The shifted cursor keys send the sequences originally used for kf61-kf64:
+#	down=\EF+	(kf61)
+#	up=\EF-		(kf62)
+#	left=\EF^	(unassigned)
+#	right=\EF$	(kf64)
+# (rmacs/smacs removed for consistency)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+interix|opennt|opennt-25|ntconsole|ntconsole-25|OpenNT-term compatible with color:\
+	:am:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:\
+	:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[2J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ho=\E[H:k0=\EFA:\
+	:k1=\EF1:k2=\EF2:k3=\EF3:k4=\EF4:k5=\EF5:k6=\EF6:k7=\EF7:\
+	:k8=\EF8:k9=\EF9:kD=\177:kH=\E[U:kI=\E[L:kN=\E[T:kP=\E[S:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=\E[D:\
+	:ll=\E[U:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\r\n:\
+	:rc=\E[u:sc=\E[s:se=\E[m:sf=\E[S:so=\E[7m:sr=\E[T:ta=^I:\
+	:te=\E[2b\E[u\r\E[K:ti=\E[s\E[1b:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:tc=ecma+index:tc=klone+color:
+opennt-35|ntconsole-35|OpenNT-term35 compatible with color:\
+	:li#35:tc=opennt:
+opennt-50|ntconsole-50|OpenNT-term50 compatible with color:\
+	:li#50:tc=opennt:
+opennt-60|ntconsole-60|OpenNT-term60 compatible with color:\
+	:li#60:tc=opennt:
+opennt-100|ntconsole-100|OpenNT-term100 compatible with color:\
+	:li#100:tc=opennt:
+# OpenNT wide terminals
+opennt-w|opennt-25-w|ntconsole-w|ntconsole-25-w|OpenNT-term-w compat with color:\
+	:co#125:tc=opennt:
+opennt-35-w|ntconsole-35-w|OpenNT-term35-w compatible with color:\
+	:li#35:tc=opennt-w:
+opennt-50-w|ntconsole-50-w|OpenNT-term50-w compatible with color:\
+	:li#50:tc=opennt-w:
+opennt-60-w|ntconsole-60-w|OpenNT-term60-w compatible with color:\
+	:li#60:tc=opennt-w:
+opennt-w-vt|opennt-25-w-vt|ntconsole-w-vt|ntconsole-25-w-vt|OpenNT-term-w-vt compat with color:\
+	:co#132:tc=opennt:
+# OpenNT terminals with no smcup/rmcup (names match termcap entries)
+interix-nti|opennt-nti|opennt-25-nti|ntconsole-25-nti|OpenNT-nti compatible with color:\
+	:te@:ti@:tc=opennt:
+opennt-35-nti|ntconsole-35-nti|OpenNT-term35-nti compatible with color:\
+	:li#35:tc=opennt-nti:
+opennt-50-nti|ntconsole-50-nti|OpenNT-term50-nti compatible with color:\
+	:li#50:tc=opennt-nti:
+opennt-60-nti|ntconsole-60-nti|OpenNT-term60-nti compatible with color:\
+	:li#60:tc=opennt-nti:
+opennt-100-nti|ntconsole-100-nti|OpenNT-term100-nti compatible with color:\
+	:li#100:tc=opennt-nti:
+# This section describes terminal classes and maker brands that are still
+# quite common, but have proprietary command sets not blessed by ANSI.
+#### Altos
+# Altos made a moderately successful line of UNIX boxes.  In 1990 they were
+# bought out by Acer, a major Taiwanese manufacturer of PC-clones.
+# Acer has a web site at http://www.acer.com.
+# Altos descriptions from Ted Mittelstaedt <tedm@agora.rain.com> 4 Sep 1993
+# His comments suggest they were shipped with the system.
+# (altos2: had extension capabilities
+#	:c0=^A`\r:c1=^Aa\r:c2=^Ab\r:c3=^Ac\r:\
+#	:c4=^Ad\r:c5=^Ae\r:c6=^Af\r:c7=^Ag\r:\
+#	:c8=^Ah\r:c9=^Ai\r:cA=^Aj\r:cB=^Ak\r:\
+#	:cC=^Al\r:cD=^Am\r:cE=^An\r:cF=^Ao\r:
+#	:XU=^Aq\r:XD=^Ar\r:XR=^As\r:XL=^At\r:\
+#	:YU=^AQ\r:YD=^AR\r:YR=^AS\r:YL=^AT\r:\
+#	:HL=^AP\r:SP=\E[i:\
+#	:IS=\E[@:DE=\E[P:IL=\E[L:NS=\E[S:PS=\E[T:\
+#	:LO=\E[0q:LC=\E[5q:LL=\E[6q:\
+# Comparison with the k* capabilities makes it obvious that the c* things are
+# shift keys.  I have renamed them to keys 32 and up accordingly.  Also,
+# :sr: was given as a boolean-- esr)
+altos2|alt2|altos-2|altos II:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:sg#0:ug#0:\
+	:*5=^Am\r:*8=^An\r:FM=^A`\r:FN=^Aa\r:FO=^Ab\r:FP=^Ac\r:\
+	:FQ=^Ad\r:FR=^Ae\r:FS=^Af\r:FT=^Ag\r:FU=^Ah\r:FV=^Ai\r:\
+	:FW=^Aj\r:FX=^Ak\r:RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7h:al=\E[L:cd=\E[J:\
+	:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:dc=\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:do=\E[1B:ei=:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:\
+	:if=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:im=:\
+	:is=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:k0=^AI\r:\
+	:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:\
+	:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:kA=^AJ\r:kB=^AK\r:kC=^AL\r:\
+	:kD=^AM\r:kE=^AN\r:kF=^AO\r:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[f:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:me=\E[m:nd=\E[1C:nw=\r\n:se=\E[m:\
+	:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[1A:us=\E[4m:
+# (altos3: had extension capabilities
+#	:c0=^A`\r:c1=^Aa\r:c2=^Ab\r:c3=^Ac\r:\
+#	:c4=^Ad\r:c5=^Ae\r:c6=^Af\r:c7=^Ag\r:\
+#	:c8=^Ah\r:c9=^Ai\r:cA=^Aj\r:cB=^Ak\r:\
+#	:cC=^Al\r:cD=^Am\r:cE=^An\r:cF=^Ao\r:
+#	:XU=^Aq\r:XD=^Ar\r:XR=^As\r:XL=^At\r:\
+#	:HL=^AP\r:SP=\E[i:\
+#	:IS=\E[@:DE=\E[P:IL=\E[L:NS=\E[S:PS=\E[T:
+altos3|altos5|alt3|alt5|altos-3|altos-5|altos III or V:\
+	:mb=\E[5p:me=\E[p:sr=\EM:tc=altos2:
+altos4|alt4|altos-4|altos IV:\
+	:tc=wy50:
+# (altos7: had extension capabilities:
+#	:GG#0:GI=\EH8:GF=\EH7:\
+#	:c0=^A`\r:c1=^Aa\r:c2=^Ab\r:c3=^Ac\r:\
+#	:c4=^Ad\r:c5=^Ae\r:c6=^Af\r:c7=^Ag\r:\
+#	:c8=^Ah\r:c9=^Ai\r:cA=^Aj\r:cB=^Ak\r:\
+#	:cC=^Al\r:cD=^Am\r:cE=^An\r:cF=^Ao\r:
+# Comparison with the k* capabilities makes it obvious that the c* things are
+# shift keys.  I have renamed them to keys 32 and up accordingly.  I have
+# also made this entry relative to adm12 in order to give it an :sa:. The
+# <invis> imported by use=adm+sgr may work, let me know. -- esr)
+altos7|alt7|altos VII:\
+	:am:mi:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#0:\
+	:*5=^Am\r:*8=^An\r:FM=^A`\r:FN=^Aa\r:FO=^Ab\r:FP=^Ac\r:\
+	:FQ=^Ad\r:FR=^Ae\r:FS=^Af\r:FT=^Ag\r:FU=^Ah\r:FV=^Ai\r:\
+	:FW=^Aj\r:FX=^Ak\r:ac=j5k3l2m1n8q\:t4u9v=w0x6:al=\EE:\
+	:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=\E+^^:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:\
+	:do=\n:ei=\Er:ho=^^:im=\Eq:\
+	:is=\E`\:\Ee(\EO\Ee6\Ec41\E~4\Ec21\Eu\E~2:k0=^AI\r:\
+	:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:\
+	:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:kA=^AJ\r:kB=^AK\r:kC=^AL\r:\
+	:kD=^AM\r:kE=^AN\r:kF=^AO\r:kN=\EK:kP=\EJ:kb=^H:kd=\n:kh=^^:\
+	:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:mb=\EG2:md=\EGt:mh=\EGp:mk=\EG1:\
+	:nd=^L:nw=\r\n:pf=\EJ:po=\Ed#:sf=\n:sr=\Ej:ta=^I:up=^K:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:
+altos7pc|alt7pc|altos PC VII:\
+	:@7=\ET:tc=altos7:
+#### Hewlett-Packard (hp)
+#	Hewlett-Packard
+#	8000 Foothills Blvd
+#	Roseville, CA 95747
+#	Vox: 1-(916)-785-4363	(Technical response line for VDTs)
+#	     1-(800)-633-3600	(General customer support)
+# As of March 1998, HP no longer has any terminals in production.
+# The 700 series (22, 32, 41, 44, 92, 94, 96, 98) is still being
+# supported (they still have parts). So are the 2392a and 2394a.
+# See the WORKSTATION CONSOLES section for the 700s.
+# Generic HP terminal - this should (hopefully) work on any HP terminal.
+hpgeneric|hp|hewlett-packard generic terminal:\
+	:am:bs:da:db:mi:pt:xs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:lm#0:vt#6:\
+	:al=\EL:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:ch=\E&a%dC:cl=\EH\EJ:\
+	:cm=6\E&a%r%dc%dY:cr=\r:ct=\E3:cv=\E&a%dY:dc=\EP:dl=\EM:\
+	:do=\n:ei=\ER:im=\EQ:kB=\Ei:kb=^H:le=^H:me=\E&d@:nd=\EC:\
+	:se=\E&d@:sf=\n:so=\E&dJ:st=\E1:ta=^I:ue=\E&d@:up=\EA:\
+	:us=\E&dD:
+hp110|hewlett-packard model 110 portable:\
+	:li#16:tc=hpgeneric:
+hp+pfk+cr|hp function keys with CR:\
+	:k1=\Ep\r:k2=\Eq\r:k3=\Er\r:k4=\Es\r:k5=\Et\r:k6=\Eu\r:\
+	:k7=\Ev\r:k8=\Ew\r:
+hp+pfk-cr|hp function keys w/o CR:\
+	:k1=\Ep:k2=\Eq:k3=\Er:k4=\Es:k5=\Et:k6=\Eu:k7=\Ev:k8=\Ew:
+# The hp2621s use the same keys for the arrows and function keys,
+# but not separate escape sequences. These definitions allow the
+# user to use those keys as arrow keys rather than as function
+# keys.
+hp+pfk+arrows|hp alternate arrow definitions:\
+	:k1@:k2@:k3@:k4@:k5@:k6@:k7@:k8@:kF=\Er\r:kH=\Eq\r:kR=\Es\r:\
+	:kd=\Ew\r:kh=\Ep\r:kl=\Eu\r:kr=\Ev\r:ku=\Et\r:
+hp+arrows|hp arrow definitions:\
+	:kF=\ES:kH=\EF:kR=\ET:kd=\EB:kh=\Eh:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:
+# Generic stuff from the HP 262x series
+hp262x|HP 262x terminals:\
+	:xs:\
+	:cd=\EJ:dc=2\EP:ip=2:kA=\EL:kD=\EP:kE=\EK:kF=\ES:kI=\EQ:\
+	:kL=\EM:kM=\ER:kN=\EU:kP=\EV:kR=\ET:kS=\EJ:kd=\EB:ke=\E&s0A:\
+	:kh=\Eh:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ks=\E&s1A:ku=\EA:mb=\E&dA:me=\E&d@:\
+	:mk=\E&dS:mr=\E&dB:se=\E&d@:sf=\ES:so=\E&dB:ta=2^I:\
+	:ue=\E&d@:us=\E&dD:
+# Note: no :ho: on HPs since that homes to top of memory, not screen.
+# Due to severe 2621 braindamage, the only way to get the arrow keys to
+# transmit anything at all is to turn on the function key labels
+# with :ks:, and even then the user has to hold down shift!
+# The default 2621 turns off the labels except when it has to to
+# enable the function keys. If your installation prefers labels
+# on all the time, or off all the time (at the "expense" of the
+# function keys), use 2621-nl or 2621-wl.
+# Note: there are newer ROMs for 2621's that allow you to set
+# strap A so the regular arrow keys xmit \EA, etc, as with the
+# 2645. However, even with this strap set, the terminal stops
+# xmitting if you reset it, until you unset and reset the strap!
+# Since there is no way to set/unset the strap with an escape
+# sequence, we don't use it in the default.
+# If you like, you can use 2621-ba (brain-damaged arrow keys).
+hp2621-ba|2621 w/new rom and strap A set:\
+	:ke@:ks@:tc=hp+arrows:tc=hp2621:
+# hp2621 with function labels. Most of the time they are off,
+# but inside vi, the function key labels appear. You have to
+# hold down shift to get them to xmit.
+hp2621|hp2621a|hp2621A|2621|2621a|2621A|hp2621-wl|2621-wl|hp 2621 w/labels:\
+	:is=\E&jA\r:ke=\E&jA:tc=hp2621-fl:
+hp2621-fl|hp 2621:\
+	:xo:xs@:\
+	:pb#19200:\
+	:bt=\Ei:cm=\E&a%r%dc%dY:dc=2\EP:ip=2:is=\E&j@\r:ke=\E&j@:\
+	:ks=\E&jB:me=\E&d@:se=\E&d@:so=\E&dD:ta=2^I:ue=\E&d@:\
+	:us=\E&dD:tc=hp+pfk+cr:tc=hpgeneric:
+# To use hp2621p printer, setenv TERM=2621p, PRINTER=2612p
+hp2621p|hp 2621 with printer:\
+	:pf=\E&p13C:po=\E&p11C:tc=hp2621:
+hp2621p-a|hp2621p with fn as arrows:\
+	:tc=hp+pfk+arrows:tc=hp2621p:
+# hp2621 with k45 keyboard
+hp2621-k45|hp2621k45|k45|hp 2621 with 45 keyboard:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\EB:ke=\E&s0A:kh=\Eh:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ks=\E&s1A:\
+	:ku=\EA:tc=hp2621:
+# 2621 using all 48 lines of memory, only 24 visible at any time.
+hp2621-48|48 line 2621:\
+	:li#48:\
+	:cm=\E&a%r%dc%dR:cv=\E&a%dR:ho=\EH:tc=hp2621:
+# 2621 with no labels ever. Also prevents vi delays on escape.
+hp2621-nl|hp 2621 with no labels:\
+	:kd@:ke@:kh@:kl@:kr@:ks@:ku@:tc=hp2621-fl:
+# Needed for UCB ARPAVAX console, since lsi-11 expands tabs
+# (wrong).
+hp2621-nt|hp 2621 w/no tabs:\
+	:ta@:tc=hp2621:
+# Hp 2624 B with 4 or 10 pages of memory.
+# Some assumptions are made with this entry. These settings are
+# NOT set up by the initialization strings.
+# Port Configuration
+#	RecvPace=Xon/Xoff
+#	XmitPace=Xon/Xoff
+#	StripNulDel=Yes
+# Terminal Configuration
+#	InhHndShk=Yes
+#	InhDC2=Yes
+#	XmitFnctn(A)=No
+#	InhEolWrp=No
+# Note: the 2624 DOES have a true :ho:, believe it or not!
+# The 2624 has an "error line" to which messages can be sent.
+# This is CLOSE to what is expected for a "status line". However,
+# after a message is sent to the "error line", the next carriage
+# return is EATEN and the "error line" is turned back off again!
+# So I guess we can't define :hs:, :es:, :ws:, :ds:, :fs:, :ts:.
+# This entry supports emacs (and any other program that uses raw
+# mode) at 4800 baud and less. I couldn't get the padding right
+# for 9600.
+# (hp2624: replaced NUL sequences in flash with mandatory pauses -- esr)
+hp2624|hp2624a|hp2624b|hp2624b-4p|Hewlett Packard 2624 B:\
+	:da:db:\
+	:lm#96:\
+	:vb=\E&w13F\E&w12F\E&w13F\E&w12F:tc=hp+labels:tc=scrhp:
+# This hp2626 entry does not use any of the fancy windowing stuff
+# of the 2626.
+# Indeed, terminfo does not yet handle such stuff. Since changing
+# any window clears memory, it is probably not possible to use
+# this for screen opt.
+# ed is incredibly slow most of the time - I am guessing at the
+# exact padding. Since the terminal uses xoff/xon this is intended
+# only for cost computation, so that the terminal will prefer el
+# or even dl1 which is probably faster!
+# \ED\EJ\EC hack for ed from Ed Bradford - apparently ed is only
+# extra slow on the last line of the window.
+# The padding probably should be changed.
+hp2626|hp2626a|hp2626p|hp 2626:\
+	:da:db:\
+	:lm#0:pb#19200:\
+	:SF=\E&r%dD:SR=\E&r%dU:cd=\ED\EJ\EC:ip=4:is=\E&j@\r:\
+	:tc=hp+pfk-cr:tc=hp+labels:tc=scrhp:
+# This entry is for sysline. It allocates a 23 line window with
+# a 115 line workspace for regular use, and a 1 line window for
+# the status line.
+# This assumes port 2 is being used.
+# Turn off horizontal line, Create ws #1 with 115 lines,
+# Create ws #2 with 1 line, Create window #1 lines 1-23,
+# Create window #2 lines 24-24, Attach cursor to workspace #1.
+# Note that this clears the tabs so it must be done by tset before
+# it sets the tabs.
+hp2626-s|hp 2626 using only 23 lines:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:li#23:\
+	:fs=\E&d@\E&w7f2p1I\E&w4f1I:\
+	:i1=\E&q3t0{0H \E&w0f115n1I \E&w0f1n2I \E&w2f1i0d0u22l0S \E&w2f2i0d23u23l0S \E&w7f2p1I \r:\
+	:ts=\E&w7f2p2I\E&w4f2I\r\EK\E&a%dC:tc=hp2626:
+# Force terminal back to 24 lines after being 23.
+hp2626-ns|hp 2626 using all 24 lines:\
+	:i1=\E&q3t0{0H \E&w0f118n1I \E&w0f1n2I \E&w2f1i0d0u23l0S \E&w3f2I \E&w7f2p1I \r:\
+	:tc=hp2626:
+# Various entries useful for small windows on 2626.
+hp2626-12|hewlett-packard 2626 12 lines:\
+	:li#12:tc=hp2626:
+hp2626-12x40|hewlett-packard 2626 12 lines 40 columns:\
+	:co#40:li#12:tc=hp2626:
+hp2626-x40|hewlett-packard 2626 40 columns:\
+	:co#40:tc=hp2626:
+hp2626-12-s|hewlett-packard 2626 11 lines plus status:\
+	:li#11:tc=hp2626-s:
+# hp2627 color tubes from University of Wisconsin
+hp2627a-rev|hp 2627 with reverse video colors:\
+	:cr=\r:do=\n:\
+	:is=\E&v0m1a0b0c1x1y1z1i0a0b1c1x1y1z0i0S\E&j@\r\E3\r:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\n:kl=^H:nw=\r\n:sf=\n:ta=^I:ue=\E&v0S\E&d@:\
+	:us=\E&dD\E&v1S:tc=hp2621-nl:
+hp2627a|hp 2627 color terminal with no labels:\
+	:cr=\r:do=\n:\
+	:is=\E&v0m1a1b0c1i0a1b1c2i1a0b0c0i0S\E&j@\r\E3\r:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\n:kl=^H:nw=\r\n:se=\E&v0S:sf=\n:so=\E&v2S:ta=^I:\
+	:ue=\E&v0S\E&d@:us=\E&dD\E&v1S:tc=hp2621-nl:
+hp2627c|hp 2627 color (cyan) terminal with no labels:\
+	:cr=\r:do=\n:\
+	:is=\E&v0m1a0b0c2i1a1b0c1i0a1b1c0i0S\E&j@\r\E3\r:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\n:kl=^H:nw=\r\n:sf=\n:ta=^I:tc=hp2627a:
+# hp2640a doesn't have the Y cursor addressing feature, and C is
+# memory relative instead of screen relative, as we need.
+hp2640a|hp 2640a:\
+	:cm@:ke@:ks@:tc=hp2645:
+hp2640b|hp2644a|hp 264x series:\
+	:ke@:ks@:tc=hp2645:
+# (hp2641a: removed unknown :gu: -- esr)
+hp2641a|hp2645a|hp2647a|HP 264?A series BRL entry:\
+	:am:da:db:mi:xs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\EL:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:ch=\E&a%2C:cl=\EH\EJ:\
+	:cm=\E&a%r%2c%2Y:cr=\r:cv=\E&a%2Y:dc=\EP:dl=\EM:do=\n:\
+	:ei=\ER:if=/usr/share/tabset/std:im=\EQ:is=500\EE:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\n:kl=^H:le=^H:nd=\EC:nw=\r\n:se=\E&d@:sf=\n:so=\E&dB:\
+	:ta=^I:up=\EA:
+# This terminal should be used at 4800 baud or less. It needs padding for
+# plain characters at 9600, I guessed at an appropriate cr delay.  It really
+# wants ^E/^F handshaking, but that doesn't work well even if you write
+# software to support it.
+hp2645|hp45|HP 2645 series:\
+	:pb#9600:\
+	:cr=20\r:kA=\EL:kD=\EP:kE=\EK:kF=\ES:kI=\EQ:kL=\EM:kM=\ER:\
+	:kN=\EU:kP=\EV:kR=\ET:kS=\EJ:kT=\E1:kd=\EB:ke=\E&s0A:kh=\Eh:\
+	:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ks=\E&s1A:kt=\E2:ku=\EA:mb=\E&dA:me=\E&d@:\
+	:mh=\E&dH:mr=\E&dB:us=\E&dD:tc=hpgeneric:
+# You should use this terminal at 4800 baud or less.
+hp2648|hp2648a|HP 2648a graphics terminal:\
+	:cl=50\EH\EJ:cm=20\E&a%r%dc%dY:dc=7\EP:ip=5:tc=hp2645:
+# The HP 150 terminal is a fairly vanilla HP terminal, with the
+# clreol standout problem. It also has graphics capabilities and
+# a touch screen, which we don't describe here.
+hp150|hewlett packard Model 150:\
+	:bs:tc=hp2622:
+# HP 2382a terminals, "the little ones." They don't have any
+# alternate character set support and sending out ^N/^O will
+# leave the screen blank.
+hp2382a|hp2382|hewlett packard 2382a:\
+	:da:db:\
+	:lh#1:lm#48:\
+	:ac@:ae@:as@:me=\E&d@:tc=hp+labels:tc=scrhp:
+hp2621-a|hp2621a-a|hp2621 with fn as arrows:\
+	:tc=hp+pfk+arrows:tc=hp2621-fl:
+# newer hewlett packard terminals
+newhpkeyboard|generic entry for HP extended keyboard:\
+	:kA=\EL:kB=\Ei:kC=\EJ:kD=\EP:kE=\EK:kF=\ET:kH=\EF:kI=\EQ:\
+	:kL=\EM:kM=\ER:kN=\EU:kP=\EV:kR=\ES:kS=\EJ:kb=^H:kd=\EB:\
+	:ke=\E&s0A:kh=\Eh:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ks=\E&s1A:ku=\EA:\
+	:tc=hp+pfk-cr:
+newhp|generic entry for new hewlett packard terminals:\
+	:am:bw:mi:xo:xs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:pb#4800:\
+	:ac=2[3@4>5I9(\:'JSKWLQMAO#P$Q;R!S"T1U2V4W3X\:Y+Z*dHjGkTlRmFn/q,t5u6v8w7x.:\
+	:ae=^O:al=\EL:as=^N:bl=^G:bt=\Ei:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cr=\r:ct=\E3:\
+	:dc=2\EP:dl=\EM:do=\n:ei=\ER:i1=8\E&jB:im=\EQ:ip=2:le=^H:\
+	:mb=\E&dA:md=\E&dF:me=\E&d@:mh=\E&dH:mk=\E&dS:mr=\E&dB:\
+	:nd=\EC:nw=\r\n:r1=\Eg:se=\E&d@:sf=\n:so=\E&dJ:sr=\ET:\
+	:st=\E1:ta=2^I:ue=\E&d@:up=\EA:us=\E&dD:tc=newhpkeyboard:
+memhp|memory relative addressing for new HP ttys:\
+	:vt#6:\
+	:CM=\E&a%dr%dC:DO=\E&a+%dR:LE=\E&a-%dC:RI=\E&a+%dC:\
+	:UP=\E&a-%dR:ch=\E&a%dC:cl=40\EH\EJ:cm=\E&a%dr%dC:\
+	:cv=\E&a%dR:ho=\EH:ll=\E&a23R\r:tc=newhp:
+scrhp|screen relative addressing for new HP ttys:\
+	:CM=\E&a%dr%dC:DO=\E&a+%dR:LE=\E&a-%dC:RI=\E&a+%dC:\
+	:UP=\E&a-%dR:ch=\E&a%dC:cl=40\E&a0c0Y\EJ:\
+	:cm=10\E&a%dy%dC:cv=\E&a%dY:ho=\E&a0y0C:ll=\E&a0y0C\EA:\
+	:tc=newhp:
+# (hp+labels: added label values from a BRL termcap -- esr)
+hp+labels|"standard" label info for new HP ttys:\
+	:Nl#8:lh#2:lw#8:\
+	:LF=\E&j@:LO=\E&jB:l0=f1:l1=f2:l2=f3:l3=f4:l4=f5:l5=f6:l6=f7:\
+	:l7=f8:
+hp+printer|"standard" printer info for HP ttys:\
+	:ff=\E&p4u0C:pf=\E&p13C:po=\E&p11C:ps=\EH\E&p4dF:
+# The new hp2621b is kind of a cross between the old 2621 and the
+# new 262x series of machines. It has dip-switched options.
+# The firmware has a bug in it such that if you give it a null
+# length label, the following character is eaten!
+hp2621b|hp 2621b with old style keyboard:\
+	:Nl#8:lh#1:lm#48:lw#8:\
+	:LO=\E&jB:kF=\ET:kH=\EF:kR=\ES:kd=\EB:kh=\Eh:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:\
+	:ku=\EA:tc=hp2621:
+hp2621b-p|hp 2621b with printer:\
+	:tc=hp+printer:tc=hp2621b:
+# hp2621b - new 2621b with new extended keyboard
+# these are closer to the new 26xx series than the other 2621b
+hp2621b-kx|hp 2621b with extended keyboard:\
+	:tc=newhpkeyboard:tc=hp2621b:
+hp2621b-kx-p|hp 2621b with new keyboard & printer:\
+	:tc=hp+printer:tc=hp2621b-kx:
+# Some assumptions are made in the following entries.
+# These settings are NOT set up by the initialization strings.
+#    Port Configuration
+# RecvPace=Xon/Xoff	XmitPace=Xon/Xoff	StripNulDel=Yes
+#    Terminal Configuration
+# InhHndShk(G)=Yes	InhDC2(H)=Yes
+# XmitFnctn(A)=No		InhEolWrp=No
+# Hp 2622a & hp2623a display and graphics terminals
+hp2622|hp2622a|hp 2622:\
+	:da:db:\
+	:lm#0:pb#19200:\
+	:is=\E&dj@\r:tc=hp+pfk-cr:tc=hp+labels:tc=scrhp:
+# The 2623 is a 2622 with extra graphics hardware.
+hp2623|hp2623a|hp 2623:\
+	:tc=hp2622:
+hp2624b-p|hp2624b-4p-p|hewlett packard 2624 B with printer:\
+	:tc=hp+printer:tc=hp2624:
+# The hewlett packard B can have an optional extra 6 pages of memory.
+hp2624-10p|hp2624a-10p|hp2624b-10p|hewlett packard 2624 B w/ 10 pages of memory:\
+	:lm#240:tc=hp2624:
+hp2624b-10p-p|hewlett packard 2624 B w/ extra memory & printer:\
+	:lm#240:tc=hp2624b-p:
+# Color manipulations for HP terminals
+hp+color|hp with colors:\
+	:cc:\
+	:Co#16:NC#17:pa#7:\
+	:oc=\E&v0m1a1b1c0I\E&v1a1I\E&v1b2I\E&v1a1b3I\E&v1c4I\E&v1a1c5I\E&v1b1c6I\E&v1x1y7I:\
+	:op=\E&v0S:sp=\E&v%dS:
+# :is: sets the screen to be 80 columns wide
+hp2397a|hp2397|hewlett packard 2397A color terminal:\
+	:is=\E&w6f80X:tc=memhp:tc=hp+labels:tc=hp+color:
+#  HP 700/44 Setup parameters:
+# Terminal Mode		HP-PCterm
+# Inhibit Auto Wrap	NO
+# Status Line		Host Writable
+# PC Character Set	YES
+# Twenty-Five Line Mode	YES
+# XON/XOFF		@128 or 64 (sc)
+# Keycode Mode		NO   or YES (sc)
+# Backspace Key		BS or BS/DEL
+# :is:		sets pcterm; autowrap; 25 lines; pc char set; prog DEL key;
+# \E\\? does not turn off keycode mode
+# <smsc>	sets alternate start/stop; keycode on
+hpansi|hp700|hewlett packard 700/44 in HP-PCterm mode:\
+	:am:eo:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#25:\
+	:@7=\E[4~:RA=\E[?7l:S4=250\E[>11h\EPO**x0/65;1/67\E\\:\
+	:S5=\E[>11l\EP1**x0/11;1/13\E[m\E\\:SA=\E[?7h:XF=g:XN=e:\
+	:ac=j\331k\277l\332m\300n\305q\304t\303u\264v\301w\302x\263:\
+	:al=\E[L:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[2J\E[H:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=:ho=\E[H:\
+	:ic=\E[@:im=:\
+	:is=\E[44"p\E[?7h\E[>10h\E[>12h\EP1;1|3/7F\E\\:\
+	:k1=\E[17~:k2=\E[18~:k3=\E[19~:k4=\E[20~:k5=\E[21~:\
+	:k6=\E[23~:k7=\E[24~:k8=\E[25~:k9=\E[26~:k;=\E[28~:\
+	:kB=\E[Z:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[1~:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=\E[D:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:sf=\n:\
+	:so=\E[7m:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[?25h:\
+	:vi=\E[?25l:
+# (hp2392: copied :ei: here from hpex -- esr)
+hp2392|239x series:\
+	:co#80:\
+	:bt=\Ei:cm=\E&a%dy%dC:cv=\E&a%dY:ei=\ER:im=\EQ:k1=\Ep\r:\
+	:k2=\Eq\r:k3=\Er\r:k4=\Es\r:k5=\Et\r:k6=\Eu\r:k7=\Ev\r:\
+	:k8=\Ew\r:kF=\EU:kN=\Eu:kP=\Ev:kR=\EV:kh=\Eh:ue=\E&d@:\
+	:us=\E&dD:tc=hpsub:
+hpsub|hp terminals -- capability subset:\
+	:am:da:db:mi:xo:xs:\
+	:li#24:\
+	:al=\EL:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:ch=\E&a%dC:cl=\EH\EJ:cr=\r:\
+	:dc=\EP:dl=\EM:do=\EB:if=/usr/share/tabset/stdcrt:\
+	:is=\E&s1A\E<\E&k0\\:kb=^H:kd=\EB:ke=\E&s0A:kh=\Eh:kl=\ED:\
+	:kr=\EC:ks=\E&s1A:ku=\EA:le=^H:me=\E&d@:nd=\EC:se=\E&d@:\
+	:sf=\n:so=\E&dB:ta=^I:up=\EA:
+# hpex:
+#	May be used for most 24 x 80 hp terminals,
+# but has no padding added, so may allow runover in some terminals at high
+# baud rates.  Will not work for hp2640a or hp2640b terminals, hp98x6 and
+# hp98x5 terminal emulators or hp98x6 consoles.
+#	Adds xy-cursor addressing, vertical cursor addressing, home,
+# last line, and underline capabilities.
+# (hpex: removed memory-lock capabilities ":ml=\El:mu=\Em:",
+# moved :ei: here from hpsub -- esr)
+hpex|hp extended capabilities:\
+	:cm=\E&a%dy%dC:cr=\r:cv=\E&a%dY:do=\n:ei=\ER:im=\EQ:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\n:kl=^H:nw=\r\n:sf=\n:ta=^I:ue=\E&d@:us=\E&dD:tc=hpsub:
+# From: Ville Sulko <Ville.Sulko@bip.atk.tpo.fi>, 05 Aug 1996
+hp2|hpex2|hewlett-packard extended capabilities newer version:\
+	:am:da:db:mi:xs:\
+	:Nl#8:co#80:lh#2:li#24:lm#0:lw#8:sg#0:ug#0:\
+	:LF=\E&j@:LO=\E&jB:al=\EL:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:ch=\E&a%dC:\
+	:cl=\E&a0y0C\EJ:cm=\E&a%dy%dC:cr=\r:ct=\E3:cv=\E&a%dY:\
+	:dc=\EP:dl=\EM:do=\EB:ei=\ER:im=\EQ:k1=\Ep:k2=\Eq:k3=\Er:\
+	:k4=\Es:k5=\Et:k6=\Eu:k7=\Ev:k8=\Ew:kA=\EL:kC=\EJ:kD=\EP:\
+	:kE=\EK:kF=\ES:kH=\EF:kI=\EQ:kL=\EM:kM=\ER:kN=\EU:kP=\EV:\
+	:kR=\ET:kS=\EJ:kT=\E1:ka=\E3:kb=^H:kd=\EB:ke=\E&s0A:kh=\Eh:\
+	:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ks=\E&s1A:kt=\E2:ku=\EA:le=^H:me=\E&d@\017:\
+	:ml=\El:mu=\Em:nd=\EC:se=\E&d@:sf=\n:so=\E&dB:st=\E1:ta=^I:\
+	:ue=\E&d@:up=\EA:us=\E&dD:
+# HP 236 console
+# From: <ddavis@ic.berkeley.edu>
+hp236|hp236 internal terminal emulator:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\EG:ce=\EK:cl=\EF:cm=\EE%+ %+ :dc=\EJ:dl=\EH:ei=:ic=\EI:\
+	:im=:le=^H:me=\ECI:se=\ECI:so=\EBI:up=^K:ve=\EDE:vs=\EDB:
+# This works on a hp300 console running Utah 4.3 BSD
+# From: Craig Leres <leres@okeeffe.berkeley.edu>
+hp300h|HP Catseye console:\
+	:am:bs:da:db:mi:xs:\
+	:co#128:li#51:lm#0:sg#0:ug#0:\
+	:al=\EL:bl=^G:bt=\Ei:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:ch=\E&a%dC:\
+	:cl=\E&a0y0C\EJ:cm=\E&a%dy%dC:cr=\r:ct=\E3:cv=\E&a%dY:\
+	:dc=\EP:dl=\EM:do=\EB:ei=\ER:if=/usr/share/tabset/stdcrt:\
+	:im=\EQ:kb=^H:kd=\EB:ke=\E&s0A:kh=\Eh:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:\
+	:ks=\E&s1A:ku=\EA:le=^H:me=\E&d@:nd=\EC:se=\E&d@:sf=\n:\
+	:so=\E&dB:ta=^I:ue=\E&d@:up=\EA:us=\E&dD:
+# From: Greg Couch <gregc@ernie.berkeley.edu>
+hp9837|hp98720|hp98721|HP 9000/300 workstations:\
+	:am:bs:da:db:mi:xs:\
+	:co#128:it#8:li#46:lm#0:\
+	:al=\EL:bl=^G:bt=\Ei:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:ch=\E&a%dC:\
+	:cl=\E&a0y0C\EJ:cm=\E&a%dy%dC:ct=\E3:cv=\E&a%dY:dc=\EP:\
+	:dl=\EM:do=\EB:ei=\ER:im=\EQ:is=\E&v0m1b0i&j@:kA=\EL:\
+	:kD=\EP:kE=\EK:kI=\EQ:kL=\EM:kN=\EU:kP=\EV:kS=\EJ:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\EB:ke=\E&s0A:kh=\Eh:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ks=\E&s1A:ku=\EA:\
+	:le=^H:me=\E&d@:nd=\EC:se=\E&v0S:sf=\n:so=\E&v5S:st=\E1:\
+	:ta=^I:ue=\E&d@:up=\EA:us=\E&dD:
+# HP 9845 desktop computer from BRL
+# (hp9845: removed unknown capability :gu: -- esr)
+hp9845|HP 9845:\
+	:am:bs:da:db:eo:mi:xs:\
+	:co#80:li#21:\
+	:al=\EL:bc=\ED:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\E&a%r%2c%2Y:\
+	:dc=\EP:dl=\EM:do=\EB:ei=\ER:if=/usr/share/tabset/std:\
+	:im=\EQ:le=\ED:nd=\EC:se=\E&d@:so=\E&dB:up=\EA:
+# From: Charles A. Finnell of MITRE <finnell@mitre.org>, developed 07SEP90
+# (hp98550: replaced /usr/share/tabset/9837 with std because :it#8:,:st=\E1:;
+# added empty <acsc> to avoid warnings re :as:/:ae: --esr)
+hp98550|hp98550a|HP 9000 Series 300 color console:\
+	:am:bs:da:db:mi:xs:\
+	:co#128:it#8:li#49:lm#0:\
+	:ac=:ae=^O:al=\EL:as=^N:bl=^G:bt=\Ei:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:\
+	:ch=\E&a%dC:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\E&a%dy%dC:cr=\r:ct=\E3:\
+	:cv=\E&a%dY:dc=\EP:dl=\EM:do=\n:ei=\ER:\
+	:if=/usr/share/tabset/std:im=\EQ:k1=\Ep:k2=\Eq:k3=\Er:\
+	:k4=\Es:k5=\Et:k6=\Eu:k7=\Ev:k8=\Ew:kA=\EL:kC=\EJ:kD=\EP:\
+	:kE=\EK:kF=\ES:kH=\EF:kI=\EQ:kL=\EM:kM=\ER:kN=\EU:kP=\EV:\
+	:kR=\ET:kS=\EJ:kT=\E1:ka=\E3:kb=^H:kd=\EB:ke=\E&s0A:kh=\Eh:\
+	:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ks=\E&s1A:kt=\E2:ku=\EA:le=^H:mb=\E&dA:\
+	:md=\E&dJ:me=\E&d@:mh=\E&dH:mk=\E&ds:mr=\E&dJ:nd=\EC:\
+	:se=\E&d@:sf=\n:so=\E&dJ:st=\E1:ta=^I:ue=\E&d@:up=\EA:\
+	:us=\E&dD:ve=\E*dQ:vi=\E*dR:
+# From: Victor Duchovni <vic@fine.princeton.edu>
+# (hp700-wy: removed obsolete ":nl=^J:";
+# replaced /usr/share/tabset/hp700-wy with std because :it#8:,:st=\E1: -- esr)
+hp700-wy|HP700/41 emulating wyse30:\
+	:am:bs:bw:mi:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:sg#1:ug#1:\
+	:al=0.7*\EE:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=10\ET:cl=^Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :\
+	:cr=\r:ct=\E0:cv=\E[%+ :dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^V:ei=\Er:ho=^^:\
+	:i1=\E~"\EC\Er\E(\EG0\003\E`9\E`1:\
+	:if=/usr/share/tabset/stdcrt:im=\Eq:kB=\EI:kC=^Z:kE=\ET:\
+	:kI=\Eq:kM=\Er:kS=\EY:kT=\EI:kb=\177:kd=^V:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:\
+	:ku=^K:le=^H:ll=^^^K:me=10\EG0:nd=^L:se=10\EG0:so=10\EG4:\
+	:sr=\Ej:st=\E1:ta=^I:ue=10\EG0:up=^K:us=10\EG8:
+hp70092|hp70092a|hp70092A|HP 700/92:\
+	:am:da:db:xs:\
+	:Nl#8:co#80:lh#2:li#24:lm#0:lw#8:\
+	:LF=\E&j@:LO=\E&jB:ac=0cjgktlrmfn/q,t5u6v8w7x.:ae=^O:\
+	:al=\EL:as=^N:bl=^G:bt=\Ei:ce=\EK:ch=\E&a%dC:\
+	:cl=\E&a0y0C\EJ:cm=\E&a%dy%dC:cr=\r:ct=\E3:cv=\E&a%dY:\
+	:dc=\EP:dl=\EM:do=\EB:ei=\ER:im=\EQ:k1=\Ep:k2=\Eq:k3=\Er:\
+	:k4=\Es:k5=\Et:k6=\Eu:k7=\Ev:k8=\Ew:kA=\EL:kC=\EJ:kD=\EP:\
+	:kE=\EK:kF=\ES:kH=\EF:kI=\EQ:kL=\EM:kM=\ER:kN=\EU:kP=\EV:\
+	:kR=\ET:kS=\EJ:kT=\E1:ka=\E3:kb=^H:kd=\EB:ke=\E&s0A:kh=\Eh:\
+	:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ks=\E&s1A:kt=\E2:ku=\EA:le=^H:mb=\E&dA:\
+	:md=\E&dB:me=\E&d@:mh=\E&dH:mr=\E&dB:nd=\EC:se=\E&d@:\
+	:so=\E&dJ:sr=\ET:st=\E1:ta=^I:ue=\E&d@:up=\EA:us=\E&dD:
+bobcat|sbobcat|HP 9000 model 300 console:\
+	:am:da:db:mi:xs:\
+	:co#128:it#8:li#47:sg#0:ug#0:\
+	:al=10*\EL:bt=\Ei:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:ch=6\E&a%dC:cl=\EH\EJ:\
+	:cm=6\E&a%dy%dC:cr=\r:cv=6\E&a%dY:dc=\EP:dl=10*\EM:do=\EB:\
+	:ei=\ER:im=\EQ:kb=^H:kd=\EB:ke=\E&s0A:kh=\Eh:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:\
+	:ks=\E&s1A:ku=\EA:le=^H:me=\E&d@:nd=\EC:nw=\r\n:se=\E&d@:\
+	:sf=\n:so=\E&dB:ta=^I:ue=\E&d@:up=\EA:us=\E&dD:
+gator-t|HP 9000 model 237 emulating extra-tall AAA:\
+	:li#94:tc=gator:
+gator|HP 9000 model 237 emulating AAA:\
+	:bw:km:mi:ul:\
+	:co#128:it#8:li#47:\
+	:AL=1*\E[%dL:DC=4\E[%dP:DL=1*\E[%dM:IC=4\E[%d@:al=\E[L:\
+	:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:ch=\E[%i%d`:cl=\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ei=:ho=\E[H:\
+	:ic=\E[@:im=:kb=^H:kd=\n:kl=^H:le=^H:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:\
+	:nd=\E[C:nw=\r\n:rp=1*%.\E[%db:se=\E[m:so=\E[7m:ta=^I:\
+	:ue=\E[m:up=\EM:us=\E[4m:
+gator-52|HP 9000 model 237 emulating VT52:\
+	:co#128:li#47:tc=vt52-basic:
+gator-52t|HP 9000 model 237 emulating extra-tall VT52:\
+	:li#94:tc=gator-52:
+#### Honeywell-Bull
+# From: Michael Haardt <michael@gandalf.moria> 11 Jan 93
+# Honeywell Bull terminal.  Its cursor and function keys send single
+# control characters and it has standout/underline glitch.  Most programs
+# do not like these features/bugs.  Visual bell is realized by flashing the
+# "keyboard locked" LED.
+dku7003-dumb|Honeywell Bull DKU 7003 dumb mode:\
+	:co#80:li#25:\
+	:cd=^_:ce=\E[K:cl=^]^_:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:do=^K:ho=^]:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=^K:kh=^]:kl=^Y:kr=^X:ku=^Z:le=^Y:nd=^X:nw=\r\n:\
+	:sf=\n:ta=^I:up=^Z:vb=\E[2h\E[2l:
+dku7003|Honeywell Bull DKU 7003 all features described:\
+	:ms:\
+	:sg#1:ug#1:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[7m:me=\E[m:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:se=\E[m:\
+	:so=\E[7m:ue=\E[m:us=\E[4m:tc=dku7003-dumb:
+#### Lear-Siegler (adm)
+# These guys are long since out of the terminals business, but
+# in 1995 many current terminals still have an adm type as one of their
+# emulations (usually their stupidest, and usually labeled adm3, though
+# these `adm3' emulations normally have adm3a+ capabilities).
+# WARNING: Some early ADM terminals (including the ADM3 and ADM5) had a
+# `diagnostic feature' that sending them a ^G while pin 22 (`Ring Indicator')
+# was being held to ground would trigger a send of the top line on the screen.
+# A quick fix might be to drop back to a cheesy 4-wire cable with pin 22
+# hanging in the air. (Thanks to Eric Fischer, <eric@fudge.uchicago.edu>,
+# for clearing up this point.)
+adm1a|adm1|lsi adm1a:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=1\E;:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:do=\n:ho=^^:le=^H:nd=^L:\
+	:sf=\n:up=^K:
+adm2|lsi adm2:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=^G:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=\E;:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:\
+	:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=\n:ei=:ho=^^:ic=\EQ:im=:kd=\n:kh=^^:kl=^H:\
+	:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:nd=^L:sf=\n:up=^K:
+# (adm3: removed obsolete ":ma=^K^P:" -- esr)
+adm3|lsi adm3:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=^Z:cr=\r:do=\n:le=^H:sf=\n:
+# The following ADM-3A switch settings are assumed for normal operation:
+# Other switches may be set for operator convenience or communication
+# requirements.  I recommend
+# Most of these terminals required an option ROM to support lower case display.
+# Open the case and look at the motherboard; if you see an open 24-pin DIP
+# socket, you may be out of luck.
+# (adm3a: some capabilities merged in from BRl entry -- esr)
+adm3a|lsi adm3a:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=1^Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:do=\n:ho=^^:kd=\n:kl=^H:\
+	:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:ma=^K^P:nd=^L:nl=\n:rs=^N:sf=\n:up=^K:
+adm3a+|adm3a plus:\
+	:kb=^H:tc=adm3a:
+# (adm5: removed obsolete ":ma=^Hh^Jj^Kk^Ll^^H:" & duplicate ":do=^J:" -- esr)
+adm5|lsi adm5:\
+	:sg#1:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cr=\r:do=\n:kb=^H:kh=^^:se=\EG:so=\EG:\
+	:tc=adm3a+:
+# A lot of terminals other than adm11s use these.  Wherever you see
+# use=adm+sgr with some of its capabilities disabled, try the
+# disabled ones.  They may well work but not have been documented or
+# expressed in the using entry.  We'd like to cook up an :sa: but the
+# :ae:/:as: sequences of the using entries vary too much.
+adm+sgr|adm style highlight capabilities:\
+	:me=\EG0:mk=\EG1:mr=\EG4:se=\EG0:so=\EG4:ue=\EG0:us=\EG8:
+# LSI ADM-11 from George William Hartwig, Jr. <geo@BRL-TGR.ARPA> via BRL
+# Status line additions from Stephen J. Muir <stephen%comp.lancs.ac.uk@ucl-cs>
+# :kh: from <stephen%comp.lancs.ac.uk@ucl-cs.arpa>.  :cl: could also
+# be ^Z, according to his entry.
+# (adm11: :us:=\EG4 was obviously erroneous because it also said
+# :mr:=\EG4.  Looking at other ADMs confirms this -- esr)
+adm11|LSI ADM-11:\
+	:am:bs:hs:\
+	:co#80:kn#8:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=\E*:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:do=\n:ds=\Eh:\
+	:fs=\E(\r:ho=^^:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:\
+	:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:kb=^H:kd=\n:kh=^^:\
+	:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:mb=\EG2:nd=^L:nl=\n:nw=\r\n:ta=^I:\
+	:ts=\EF\E):up=^K:tc=adm+sgr:
+# From: Andrew Scott Beals <bandy@lll-crg.ARPA>
+# Corrected by Olaf Siebert <rhialto@polder.ubc.kun.nl>, 11 May 1995
+# Supervisor mode info by Ari Wuolle, <awuolle@delta.hut.fi>, 27 Aug 1996
+# (adm12: removed obsolete ":kn:ma=j^Jk^P^K^Pl ^R^L^L :".  This formerly had
+# :is:=\Eq but that looked wrong; this :is: is from Dave Yost <esquire!yost>
+# via BRL.  That entry asserted :sg#1:, but I've left that out because
+# neither earlier nor later ADMSs have it -- esr)
+# You will need to get into the supervisor setup before you can set
+# baudrate etc. for your ADM-12+. Press Shift-Ctrl-Setup and you should
+# see a lot more setup options.
+# While in supervisor setup you can also use following codes:
+# Ctrl-P Personality character selections (configure for example what
+#        arrow keys send, if I recall correctly)
+# Ctrl-T tabs 1-80   use left&right to move and up to set and
+# Ctrl-V tabs 81-158 down to clear tab. Shift-Ctrl-M sets right margin at cursor
+# Ctrl-B Binary setup (probably not needed. I think that everything can
+#        be set using normal setup)
+# Ctrl-A Answerback mode (enter answerback message)
+# Ctrl-U User friendly mode (normal setup)
+# Ctrl-D Defaults entire setup and function keys from EPROM tables
+# Ctrl-S Save both setup and functions keys. Takes from 6 to 10 seconds.
+# Ctrl-R Reads both setup and functions keys from NVM.
+# Shift-Ctrl-X Unlock keyboard and cancel received X-OFF status
+# ADM-12+ supports hardware handshaking, but it is DTR/CTS as opposed to
+# RTS/CTS used nowadays with virtually every modem and computer. 19200
+# bps works fine with hardware flow control.
+# The following null-modem cable should fix this and enable you to use
+# RTS/CTS handshaking (which Linux supports, use CRTSCTS setting). Also
+# set ADM-12+ for DTR handshaking from supervisor setup.
+# PC Serial   ADM-12+
+#  --------   -------
+#         2 - 3
+#         3 - 2
+#         4 - 5
+#         5 - 20
+#       6,8 - 4
+#         7 - 7
+#        20 - 6,8
+adm12|lsi adm12:\
+	:am:bs:mi:pt:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:ug#1:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=^G:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=^Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:ct=\E0:\
+	:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=\n:ei=\Er:ho=^^:ic=\EQ:im=\Eq:\
+	:is=\E0        \E1        \E1        \E1        \E1        \E1        \E1        \E1        \E1:\
+	:k0=^A0\r:k1=^A1\r:k2=^A2\r:k3=^A3\r:k4=^A4\r:k5=^A5\r:\
+	:k6=^A6\r:k7=^A7\r:k8=^A8\r:k9=^A9\r:kd=\n:kl=^H:kr=^L:\
+	:ku=^K:le=^H:nd=^L:st=\E1:up=^K:tc=adm+sgr:
+# (adm20: removed obsolete ":kn#7:" -- esr)
+adm20|lear siegler adm20:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=^Z:\
+	:cm=\E=%i%r%+^_%+^_:cr=\r:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:ei=:ho=^^:ic=\EQ:\
+	:im=:k1=^A:k2=^B:k3=^W:k4=^D:k5=^E:k6=^X:k7=^Z:le=^H:me=\E(:\
+	:nd=^L:se=\E(:so=\E):ta=^I:up=^K:
+adm21|lear siegler adm21:\
+	:sg#1:\
+	:al=30*\EE:bl=^G:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cr=\r:dc=\EW:dl=30*\ER:do=\n:\
+	:ei=:ic=\EQ:im=:kb=^H:kd=\n:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:mk@:sf=\n:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:tc=adm3a:
+# (adm22: ":em=:" was an obvious typo for ":ei=:"; also,
+# removed obsolete ":kn#7:ma=j^Jk^P^K^Pl ^R^L^L :";
+# removed bogus-looking \200 from before :cm:. -- esr)
+adm22|lsi adm22:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\Ey:ce=\Et:cl=\E+:cm=\E=%+ %+ :\
+	:cr=\r:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=\n:ei=:ho=^^:ic=\EQ:im=:\
+	:is=\E%\014\014\014\016\003\0\003\002\003\002\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0:\
+	:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:\
+	:k7=^AF\r:kb=^H:kd=\n:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:l1=F1:l2=F2:\
+	:l3=F3:l4=F4:l5=F5:l6=F6:l7=F7:le=^H:me=\E(:nd=^L:se=\E(:\
+	:so=\E):ta=\Ei:up=^K:
+# ADM 31 DIP Switches
+# This information comes from two versions of the manual for the
+# Lear-Siegler ADM 31.
+# Main board:
+#                  rear of case
+#   +-||||-------------------------------------+
+#   + S1S2                              ||S    +
+#   +                                   ||3    +
+#   +                                          +
+#   +                                ||S       +
+#   +                                ||4       +
+#   +                                          +
+#   +                                          +
+#   +                                          +
+#   +                                          +
+#   +                                          +
+# +-+                                          +-+
+# +                                              +
+# +                               S5 S6 S7       +
+# +                               == == ==       +
+# +----------------------------------------------+
+#            front of case (keyboard)
+#  S1 - Data Rate - Modem
+#  S2 - Data Rate - Printer
+# ------------------------
+# Data Rate   Setting
+# -------------------
+# 50          0 0 0 0
+# 75          1 0 0 0
+# 110         0 1 0 0
+# 134.5       1 1 0 0
+# 150         0 0 1 0
+# 300         1 0 1 0
+# 600         0 1 1 0
+# 1200        1 1 1 0
+# 1800        0 0 0 1
+# 2000        1 0 0 1
+# 2400        0 1 0 1
+# 3600        1 1 0 1
+# 4800        0 0 1 1
+# 7200        1 0 1 1
+# 9600        0 1 1 1
+# x           1 1 1 1
+# S3 - Interface/Printer/Attributes
+# ---------------------------------
+# Printer Busy Control
+# sw1   sw2   sw3
+# ---------------
+# off   off   off   Busy not active, CD disabled
+# off   off   on    Busy not active, CD enabled
+# off   on    off   Busy active on J5-20, CD disabled
+# on    off   off   Busy active on J5-19, CD disabled - Factory Set.
+# on    off   on    Busy active on J5-19, CD enabled
+# sw4   Used in conjunction with S4 for comm interface control - Fact 0
+# sw5   Secondary Channel Control (Hardware implementation only) - Fact 0
+# sw6   ON enables printer BUSY active LOW - Factory Setting
+#       OFF enables printer BUSY active HIGH - If set to this, ADM31 senses
+# sw7   ON - steady cursor - Factory Setting
+#       OFF - blinking cursor
+# sw8   ON causes selected attribute character to be displayed
+#       OFF causes SPACE to be displayed instead - Factory Setting
+# S4 - Interface
+# --------------
+# Modem Interface
+# S3    S4    S4    S4    S4
+# sw4   sw1   sw2   sw3   sw4
+# ---------------------------
+# OFF   ON    OFF   ON    OFF   Enable RS-232C interface, Direct Connect and
+#                               Current Loop disabled - Factory Setting
+# ON    ON    OFF   ON    OFF   Enable Current Loop interface, Direct Connect
+#                               disabled
+# OFF   OFF   ON    OFF   ON    Enable Direct Connect interface, RS-232C and
+#                               Current Loop Disabled
+# sw5   ON disables dot stretching mode - Factory Setting
+#       OFF enables dot stretching mode
+# sw6   ON enables blanking function
+#       OFF enables underline function - Factory Setting
+# sw7   ON causes NULLS to be displayed as NULLS
+#       OFF causes NULLS to be displayed as SPACES - Factory Setting
+# S5 - Word Structure
+# -------------------
+# sw1   ON enables BREAK key - Factory Setting
+#       OFF disables BREAK key
+# sw2   ON selects 50Hz monitor refresh rate
+#       OFF selects 60Hz monitor refresh rate - Factory Setting
+# Modem Port Selection
+# sw3   sw4   sw5
+# ---------------
+# ON    ON    ON    Selects 7 DATA bits, even parity, 2 STOP bits
+# OFF   ON    ON    Selects 7 DATA bits, odd  parity, 2 STOP bits
+# ON    OFF   ON    Selects 7 DATA bits, even parity, 1 STOP bit - Factory Set.
+# OFF   OFF   ON    Selects 7 DATA bits, odd  parity, 1 STOP bit
+# ON    ON    OFF   Selects 8 DATA bits, no   parity, 2 STOP bits
+# OFF   ON    OFF   Selects 8 DATA bits, no   parity, 1 STOP bit
+# ON    OFF   OFF   Selects 8 DATA bits, even parity, 1 STOP bit
+# OFF   OFF   OFF   Selects 8 DATA bits, odd  parity, 1 STOP bit
+# sw6   ON  sends bit 8 a 1 (mark)
+#       OFF sends bit 8 as 0 (space) - Factory Setting
+# sw7   ON  selects Block Mode
+#       OFF selects Conversation Mode - Factory Setting
+# sw8   ON  selects Full Duplex operation
+#       OFF selects Half Duplex operation - Factory Setting
+# S6 - Printer
+# ------------
+# sw1, sw2, sw6, sw7   Reserved - Factory 0
+# Printer Port Selection
+# same as Modem above, bit 8 (when 8 DATA bits) is always = 0
+# sw8   ON   enables Printer Port
+#       OFF disables Printer Port - Factory Setting
+# S7 - Polling Address
+# --------------------
+# sw1-7 Establish ASCII character which designates terminal polling address
+#       ON  = logic 0
+#       OFF = logic 1 - Factory Setting
+# sw8   ON   enables Polling Option
+#       OFF disables Polling Option - Factory Setting
+# On some older adm31s, S4 does not exist, and S5-sw6 is not defined.
+# This adm31 entry uses underline as the standout mode.
+# If the adm31 gives you trouble with standout mode, check the DIP switch in
+# position 6, bank @c11, 25% from back end of the circuit board.  Should be
+# OFF.  If there is no such switch, you have an old adm31 and must use oadm31.
+# (adm31: removed obsolete ":ma=j^Jk^P^K^Pl ^R^L^L :" -- esr)
+adm31|lsi adm31 with sw6 set for underline mode:\
+	:am:bs:mi:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=^G:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=\E*:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:\
+	:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=\n:ei=\Er:ho=^^:im=\Eq:is=\Eu\E0:k0=^A0\r:\
+	:k1=^A1\r:k2=^A2\r:k3=^A3\r:k4=^A4\r:k5=^A5\r:k6=^A6\r:\
+	:k7=^A7\r:k8=^A8\r:k9=^A9\r:kd=\n:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:\
+	:me=\EG0:nd=^L:se=\EG0:sf=\n:so=\EG1:ue=\EG0:up=^K:us=\EG1:
+adm31-old|o31|old adm31:\
+	:so=\EG4:ue@:us@:tc=adm31:
+# LSI ADM-36 from Col. George L. Sicherman <gloria!colonel> via BRL
+adm36|LSI ADM36:\
+	:bs:pt:\
+	:kn#4:\
+	:if=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:\
+	:is=\E<\E>\E[6;?2;?7;?8h\E[4;20;?1;?3;?4;?5;?6;?18;?19l:\
+	:tc=vt100+4bsd:
+# (adm42: removed obsolete ":ma=^K^P:" -- esr)
+adm42|lsi adm42:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=270\EE:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=\E;:cm=\E=%+ %+ :\
+	:cr=\r:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=\n:ei=\Er:im=\Eq:ip=6*:kd=\n:kh=^^:\
+	:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:mk@:nd=^L:pc=\177:sf=\n:ta=^I:ue@:\
+	:up=^K:us@:vs=\EC\E3 \E3(:tc=adm+sgr:
+# The following termcap for the Lear Siegler ADM-42 leaves the
+# "system line" at the bottom of the screen blank (for those who
+# find it distracting otherwise)
+adm42-ns|lsi adm-42 with no system line:\
+	:al=\EE\EF \011:bt=\EI\EF \011:cd=\EY\EF \011:\
+	:ce=\ET\EF \011:cl=\E;\EF \011:cm=\E=%+ %+ \EF \011:\
+	:dc=\EW\EF \011:dl=\ER\EF \011:ei=\Er\EF \011:\
+	:im=\Eq\EF \011:tc=adm42:
+# ADM 1178 terminal -- rather like an ADM-42.  Manual is dated March 1 1985.
+# The insert mode of this terminal is commented out because it's broken for our
+# purposes in that it will shift the position of every character on the page,
+# not just the cursor line!
+# From: Michael Driscoll <fenris@lightspeed.net> 10 July 1996
+adm1178|1178|lsi adm1178:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#1:ug#1:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=\E+:cm=\E=%+ %+ :\
+	:cr=\r:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=\n:ho=^^:ip=6*:kb=^H:kd=\n:kl=^H:\
+	:le=^H:md=\E(:me=\E):mr=\EG4:nd=^L:nw=\r\n:pc=\177:se=\EG0:\
+	:sf=\n:so=\EG4:ta=^I:ue=\EG0:up=^K:us=\EG1:vs=\EC\E3 \E3(:
+#### Prime
+# Yes, Prime made terminals.  These entries were posted by Kevin J. Cummings
+# <cummings@primerd.prime.com> on 14 Dec 1992 and lightly edited by esr.
+# Prime merged with ComputerVision in the late 1980s; you can reach them at:
+#	ComputerVision Services
+#	500 Old Connecticut Path
+#	Framingham, Mass.
+# Standout mode is dim reverse-video.
+pt100|pt200|wren|fenix|prime pt100/pt200:\
+	:am:bw:mi:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:DC=\E[%dP:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:al=\E[L\E[t:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J\E[r:ce=\E[K\E[t:cl=\E?:\
+	:cm=\E0%+!%+!:cr=\r:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\ED:ei=\E[4l:\
+	:ho=\E$B:im=\E[4h:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:ke=\E[>13l:kh=\E$A:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ks=\E[>13h:ku=\E[A:le=^H:me=\E[m:mh=\E[2m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:nw=\r\n:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[2;7m:ta=^I:te=:\
+	:ti=\E[>1l\E[>2l\E[>16l\E[4l\E[>9l\E[20l\E[>3l\E[>7h\E[>12l\E[1Q:\
+	:ue=\E[m:up=\EM:us=\E[4m:vb=\E$\E$P:
+pt100w|pt200w|wrenw|fenixw|prime pt100/pt200 in 132-column mode:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:tc=pt100:
+pt250|Prime PT250:\
+	:se@:so@:tc=pt100:
+pt250w|Prime PT250 in 132-column mode:\
+	:se@:so@:tc=pt100w:
+#### Qume (qvt)
+#	Qume, Inc.
+#	3475-A North 1st Street
+#	San Jose CA 95134
+#	Vox: (800)-457-4447
+#	Fax: (408)-473-1510
+#	Net: josed@techsupp.wyse.com (Jose D'Oliveira)
+# Qume was bought by Wyse, but still (as of early 1995) has its own support
+# group and production division.
+# Discontinued Qume models:
+# The qvt101 and qvt102 listed here are long obsolete; so is the qvt101+
+# built to replace them, and a qvt119+ which was a 101+ with available wide
+# mode (132 columns).  There was a qvt103 which added vt100/vt131 emulations
+# and an ANSI-compatible qvt203 that replaced it.  Qume started producing
+# ANSI-compatible terminals with the qvt323 and qvt61.
+# Current Qume models (as of February 1995):
+# All current Qume terminals have ANSI-compatible operation modes.
+# Qume is still producing the qvt62, which features emulations for other
+# popular lines such as ADDS, and dual-host capabilities.  The qvt82 is
+# designed for use as a SCO ANSI terminal.  The qvt70 is a color terminal
+# with many emulations including Wyse370, Wyse 325, etc.  Their newest
+# model is the qvt520, which is vt420-compatible.
+# There are some ancient printing Qume terminals under `Daisy Wheel Printers'
+# If you inherit a Qume without docs, try Ctrl-Shift-Setup to enter its
+# setup mode.  Shift-s should be a configuration save to NVRAM.
+qvt101|qvt108|qume qvt 101 and QVT 108:\
+	:sg#1:tc=qvt101+:
+# This used to have :vs=\E.2: but no :ve: or :vi:.  The BSD termcap
+# file had :vs=\EM4 \200\200\200:.  I've done the safe thing and yanked
+# both. The :mr: is from BSD, which also claimed bold=\E( and dim=\E).
+# What seems to be going on here is that this entry was designed so that
+# the normal highlight is bold and standout is dim plus something else
+# (reverse-video maybe?  But then, are there two :mr: sequences?)
+# Added kdch1, kil1, kdl1 based on screenshot -TD:
+#	http://www.vintagecomputer.net/qume/qvt-108/qume_qvt-108_keyboard.jpg
+qvt101+|qvt101p|qume qvt 101 PLUS product:\
+	:am:bw:hs:ul:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#0:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=^Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:\
+	:ct=\E3:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=\n:ds=\Eg\Ef\r:ei=:fs=\r:ho=^^:\
+	:ic=\EQ:im=:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:\
+	:k6=^AE\r:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:k;=^AI\r:kA=\EE:\
+	:kB=\EI:kD=\EW:kE=\ET:kI=\EQ:kL=\ER:kS=\EY:kb=^H:kd=\n:kh=^^:\
+	:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:mk@:nd=^L:pf=\EA:po=\E@:se=\E(:sf=\n:\
+	:so=\E0P\E):st=\E1:ta=^I:ts=\Eg\Ef:up=^K:vb=\Eb\Ed:ve=\E.4:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:
+qvt102|qume qvt 102:\
+	:ve=\E.:tc=qvt101:
+# (qvt103: added <rmam>/<smam> based on init string -- esr)
+qvt103|qume qvt 103:\
+	:am:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:vt#3:\
+	:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:\
+	:UP=\E[%dA:bl=^G:cd=50\E[J:ce=3\E[K:cl=50\E[H\E[2J:\
+	:cm=5\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:do=\n:\
+	:ho=\E[H:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:\
+	:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:\
+	:mb=2\E[5m:md=2\E[1m:me=2\E[m:mr=2\E[7m:nd=2\E[C:rc=\E8:\
+	:rs=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:sc=\E7:se=2\E[m:\
+	:sf=\n:so=2\E[7m:sr=5\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=2\E[m:up=2\E[A:\
+	:us=2\E[4m:
+qvt103-w|qume qvt103 132 cols:\
+	:co#132:li#24:\
+	:rs=\E>\E[?3h\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?8h:tc=qvt103:
+qvt119+|qvt119p|qvt119|qume qvt 119 and 119PLUS terminals:\
+	:am:hs:mi:ms:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#0:ug#0:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\Ey:ce=\Et:cl=\E*1:cm=\E=%+ %+ :\
+	:cr=\r:ct=\E3:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=\n:ds=\Eg\Ef\r:ei=\Er:fs=\r:\
+	:ho=^^:im=\Eq:is=\EDF\EC\EG0\Er\E(\E%EX:k0=^AI\r:\
+	:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:\
+	:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:kb=^H:kd=\n:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:\
+	:ku=^K:le=^H:nd=^L:pf=\EA:po=\E@:sf=\n:sr=\EJ:st=\E1:ta=^I:\
+	:ts=\Eg\Ef:up=^K:us=\EG8:vb=\En0\En1:ve=\E.4:vs=\E.2:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:
+qvt119+-25|qvt119p-25|QVT 119 PLUS with 25 data lines:\
+	:li#25:tc=qvt119+:
+qvt119+-w|qvt119p-w|qvt119-w|QVT 119 and 119 PLUS in 132 column mode:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:is=\EDF\EC\EG0\Er\E(\E%\EX\En4:tc=qvt119+:
+qvt119+-25-w|qvt119p-25-w|qvt119-25-w|QVT 119 and 119 PLUS 132 by 25:\
+	:li#25:tc=qvt119+:
+qvt203|qvt203+|qume qvt 203 Plus:\
+	:al=99\E[L:dc=7\E[P:dl=99\E[M:ei=\E[4l:im=\E[4h:ip=7:\
+	:k0=\E[29~:k1=\E[17~:k2=\E[18~:k3=\E[19~:k4=\E[20~:\
+	:k5=\E[21~:k6=\E[23~:k7=\E[24~:k8=\E[25~:k9=\E[28~:\
+	:sf=30\n:tc=qvt103:
+qvt203-w|qvt203-w-am|qume qvt 203 PLUS in 132 cols (w/advanced video):\
+	:co#132:li#24:\
+	:rs=\E>\E[?3h\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?8h:tc=qvt203:
+#	Since a command is present for enabling 25 data lines,
+#	a specific terminfo entry may be generated for the 203.
+#	If one is desired for the QVT 119 PLUS then 25 lines must
+#	be selected in the status line (setup line 9).
+qvt203-25|QVT 203 PLUS with 25 by 80 column mode:\
+	:co#80:li#25:\
+	:is=\E[=40h\E[?3l:tc=qvt203:
+qvt203-25-w|QVT 203 PLUS with 25 by 132 columns:\
+	:co#132:li#25:\
+	:rs=\E[?3h\E[=40h:tc=qvt203:
+#### Televideo (tvi)
+#	TeleVideo
+#	550 East Brokaw Road
+#	PO Box 49048    95161
+#	San Jose CA 95112
+#	Vox: (408)-954-8333
+#	Fax: (408)-954-0623
+# These require incredible amounts of padding.
+# All of these terminals (912 to 970 and the tvipt) are discontinued.  Newer
+# Televideo terminals are ANSI and PC-ANSI compatible.
+tvi803|televideo 803:\
+	:cl=10\E*:tc=tvi950:
+# Vanilla tvi910 -- W. Gish <cswarren@violet> 10/29/86
+# Switch settings are:
+# S1  1 2 3 4
+#     D D D D  9600
+#     D D D U    50
+#     D D U D    75
+#     D D U U   110
+#     D U D D   135
+#     D U D U   150
+#     D U U D   300
+#     D U U U   600
+#     U D D D  1200
+#     U D D U  1800
+#     U D U D  2400
+#     U D U U  3600
+#     U U D D  4800
+#     U U D U  7200
+#     U U U D  9600
+#     U U U U 19200
+# S1  5 6 7 8
+#     U D X D  7N1 (data bits, parity, stop bits) (X means ignored)
+#     U D X U  7N2
+#     U U D D  7O1
+#     U U D U  7O2
+#     U U U D  7E1
+#     U U U U  7E2
+#     D D X D  8N1
+#     D D X U  8N2
+#     D U D D  8O1
+#     D U U U  8E2
+# S1  9  Autowrap
+#     U  on
+#     D  off
+# S1 10  CR/LF
+#     U  do CR/LF when CR received
+#     D  do CR when CR received
+# S2  1  Mode
+#     U  block
+#     D  conversational
+# S2  2  Duplex
+#     U  half
+#     D  full
+# S2  3  Hertz
+#     U  50
+#     D  60
+# S2  4  Edit mode
+#     U  local
+#     D  duplex
+# S2  5  Cursor type
+#     U  underline
+#     D  block
+# S2  6  Cursor down key
+#     U  send ^J
+#     D  send ^V
+# S2  7  Screen colour
+#     U  green on black
+#     D  black on green
+# S2  8  DSR status (pin 6)
+#     U  disconnected
+#     D  connected
+# S2  9  DCD status (pin 8)
+#     U  disconnected
+#     D  duplex
+# S2 10  DTR status (pin 20)
+#     U  disconnected
+#     D  duplex
+# (tvi910: removed obsolete ":ma=^Kk^Ll^R^L:"; added :kh:, :le:, :do:,
+# :sf:, <hpa>, <vpa>, :am:, :ms: from SCO entry -- esr)
+tvi910|televideo model 910:\
+	:am:bs:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:sg#1:\
+	:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:ch=\E]%+ :cl=^Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :\
+	:cr=\r:cv=\E[%+ :do=\n:ho=\E=^A^A:\
+	:if=/usr/share/tabset/stdcrt:k0=^AI\r:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:\
+	:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:\
+	:k9=^AH\r:kb=^H:kd=\n:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:mk@:nd=^L:\
+	:sf=\n:ta=^I:up=^K:tc=adm+sgr:
+# From: Alan R. Rogers <rogers%albany@csnet-relay>
+# as subsequently hacked over by someone at SCO
+# (tvi910+: removed obsolete ":ma=^K^P^L :" -- esr)
+# Here are the 910+'s DIP switches (U = up, D = down, X = don't care):
+# S1  1 2 3 4:
+#     D D D D  9600     D D D U    50     D D U D    75     D D U U   110
+#     D U D D   135     D U D U   150     D U U D   300     D U U U   600
+#     U D D D  1200     U D D U  1800     U D U D  2400     U D U U  3600
+#     U U D D  4800     U U D U  7200     U U U D  9600     U U U U 19200
+# S1  5 6 7 8:
+#     U D X D  7N1     U D X U  7N2     U U D D  7O1     U U D U  7O2
+#     U U U D  7E1     U U U U  7E2     D D X D  8N1     D D X U  8N2
+#     D U D D  8O1     D U U U  8E2
+# S1  9  Autowrap            (U = on, D = off)
+# S1 10  CR/LF               (U = CR/LF on CR received, D = CR on CR received)
+# S2  1  Mode                (U = block, D = conversational)
+# S2  2  Duplex              (U =  half, D = full)
+# S2  3  Hertz               (U = 50, D = 60)
+# S2  4  Edit mode           (U = local, D = duplex)
+# S2  5  Cursor type         (U = underline, D = block)
+# S2  6  Cursor down key     (U = send ^J, D = send ^V)
+# S2  7  Screen colour       (U = green on black, D = black on green)
+# S2  8  DSR status (pin 6)  (U = disconnected, D = connected)
+# S2  9  DCD status (pin 8)  (U = disconnected, D = connected)
+# S2 10  DTR status (pin 20) (U = disconnected, D = connected)
+tvi910+|televideo 910+:\
+	:al=33*\EE:dc=\EW:dl=33*\ER:ei=:ho=^^:ic=\EQ:im=:k0=^A@\r:\
+	:k1=^AA\r:k2=^AB\r:k3=^AC\r:k4=^AD\r:k5=^AE\r:k6=^AF\r:\
+	:k7=^AG\r:k8=^AH\r:k9=^AI\r:ll=\E=7\s:tc=tvi910:
+# (tvi912: removed obsolete ":ma=^K^P^L :", added  :vb: and
+# :kh: from BRL entry -- esr)
+tvi912|tvi914|tvi920|old televideo 912/914/920:\
+	:am:bs:ms:pt:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:sg#1:ug#1:\
+	:al=33*\EE:bl=^G:cd=\Ey:ce=\ET:cl=^Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:\
+	:ct=\E3:dc=\EW:dl=33*\ER:do=\n:ei=:ho=^^:ic=\EQ:\
+	:if=/usr/share/tabset/stdcrt:im=:k0=^AI\r:k1=^A@\r:\
+	:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:k7=^AF\r:\
+	:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:kb=^H:kd=\n:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:\
+	:nd=^L:se=\Ek:sf=\n:so=\Ej:st=\E1:ta=^I:ue=\Em:up=^K:us=\El:\
+	:vb=\Eb\Ed:
+# We got some new tvi912c terminals that act really weird on the regular
+# termcap, so one of our gurus worked this up. Seems that cursor
+# addressing is broken.
+tvi912cc|tvi912 at cowell college:\
+	:cm@:tc=tvi912c:
+# tvi{912,920}[bc] - TeleVideo TVI-912B/TVI-920B and TVI-912C/TVI-920C
+# From: Benjamin C. W. Sittler
+# Someone has put a scanned copy of the manual online at:
+#     http://vt100.net/televideo/912b-om/
+#     (https://vt100.net/manx/details/6,5484)
+# These terminals were produced ca. 1979, and had a 12" monochrome
+# screen, supported 75-9600 baud (no handshaking), monochrome, 7-bit
+# ASCII, and were generally similar to adm3a but with attributes
+# (including some with magic cookies), fancy half-duplex mode, and
+# different bugs.
+# Some operations require truly incredible amounts of padding. The
+# insert_line (:al:) and delete_line (:dl:) operations in particular
+# are so slow as to be nearly unusable.
+# There may or may not have been a separate, earlier series of 912/920
+# terminals (without the "B" and "C" suffix); I have never seen one,
+# and the manual only describes the "B" and "C" series. The 912 and 920
+# are quite distinct from the 914 and 924, which were much nicer non-
+# magic-cookie terminals similar to the 950.
+# This is a new description for the following TeleVideo terminals,
+# distinguished chiefly by their keyboards:
+#   TVI-912B - very odd layout, no function keys (84 keys)
+#   TVI-920B - typewriter layout, no function keys (103 keys)
+#   TVI-912C - very odd layout, function keys F1-F11 (82 keys)
+#   TVI-920C - typewriter layout, function keys F1-F11 (101 keys)
+# To choose a setting for the TERM variable, start with the model:
+#    Model  || base name
+# ----------||-----------
+#  TVI-912B || tvi912b
+#  TVI-912C || tvi912c
+#  TVI-920B || tvi920b
+#  TVI-920C || tvi920c
+# Then add a suffix from the following table describing installed options
+# and how you'd like to use the terminal:
+#   Use Video | Second | Visual |  Magic  |  Page || feature
+#  Attributes |  Page  |  Bell  | Cookies | Print || suffix
+# ------------|--------|--------|---------|-------||---------
+#      No     |   No   |  N/A   |   N/A   |   No  || -unk
+#      No     |   No   |  N/A   |   N/A   |  Yes  || -p
+#      No     |  Yes   |   No   |   N/A   |   No  || -2p-unk
+#      No     |  Yes   |   No   |   N/A   |  Yes  || -2p-p
+#      No     |  Yes   |  Yes   |   N/A   |   No  || -vb-unk
+#      No     |  Yes   |  Yes   |   N/A   |  Yes  || -vb-p
+#     Yes     |   No   |  N/A   |    No   |  N/A  ||
+#     Yes     |   No   |  N/A   |   Yes   |  N/A  || -mc
+#     Yes     |  Yes   |   No   |    No   |  N/A  || -2p
+#     Yes     |  Yes   |   No   |   Yes   |  N/A  || -2p-mc
+#     Yes     |  Yes   |  Yes   |    No   |  N/A  || -vb
+#     Yes     |  Yes   |  Yes   |   Yes   |  N/A  || -vb-mc
+# So e.g. a model 920 C with second page memory option, visual bell
+# and no magic cookies would be tvi920c-vb; a model 912 B without the
+# second page memory option and using magic cookies would be
+# tvi912b-mc
+# At 9600 baud, the terminal is prone to overflow its input buffer
+# during complex operations (insert/delete
+# character/line/screen/page), and it does not signal this over the
+# RS232 cable. The typical symptom of an overrun is that the terminal
+# starts beeping, and output becomes garbled.
+# The padding delays in this terminfo were derived using tack(1)
+# running on a Linux box connected to a TVI-920C with a later-model
+# (A49C1-style) ROM running at 9600 baud, so your mileage may
+# vary. The numbers below seem to give the terminal enough time so
+# that it doesn't overflow its input buffer and start losing
+# characters.
+# If you want to use the FUNCT key on a tvi912[bc], use the
+# corresponding tvi920[bc] terminfo with FUNCT + ... equivalents from
+# the following table (these also work on the 920 series):
+# Unshifted Function Keys:
+#  Key | capname|| Equivalent
+# -----|--------||------------
+#   F1 |  :k1: || FUNCT + @
+#   F2 |  :k2: || FUNCT + A
+#   F3 |  :k3: || FUNCT + B
+#   F4 |  :k4: || FUNCT + C
+#   F5 |  :k5: || FUNCT + D
+#   F6 |  :k6: || FUNCT + E
+#   F7 |  :k7: || FUNCT + F
+#   F8 |  :k8: || FUNCT + G
+#   F9 |  :k9: || FUNCT + H
+#  F10 | <kf10> || FUNCT + I
+#  F11 | <kf11> || FUNCT + J
+# Shifted Function Keys:
+#  SHIFT + Key | capname|| Equivalent
+# -------------|--------||------------
+#   SHIFT + F1 | <kf12> || FUNCT + `
+#   SHIFT + F2 | <kf13> || FUNCT + a
+#   SHIFT + F3 | <kf14> || FUNCT + b
+#   SHIFT + F4 | <kf15> || FUNCT + c
+#   SHIFT + F5 | <kf16> || FUNCT + d
+#   SHIFT + F6 | <kf17> || FUNCT + e
+#   SHIFT + F7 | <kf18> || FUNCT + f
+#   SHIFT + F8 | <kf19> || FUNCT + g
+#   SHIFT + F9 | <kf20> || FUNCT + h
+#  SHIFT + F10 | <kf21> || FUNCT + i
+#  SHIFT + F11 | <kf22> || FUNCT + j
+# Here are the switch settings for the TVI-912B/TVI-920B and
+# TVI-912C/TVI-920C:
+# S1 (Line), and S3 (Printer) baud rates -- put one, and only one, switch down:
+# 2: 9600	3: 4800		4: 2400		5: 1200
+# 6:  600	7:  300		8:  150		9:   75
+# 10: 110
+# S2 UART/Terminal options:
+#		Up			Down
+# 1:		Not used		Not allowed
+# 2:	Alternate character set	  Standard character set
+# 3:	    Full duplex		    Half duplex
+# 4:	    50 Hz refresh	    60 Hz refresh
+# 5:	      No parity		     Send parity
+# 6:	     2 stop bits	     1 stop bit
+# 7:	     8 data bits	     7 data bits
+# 8:		Not used		Not allowed on Rev E or lower
+# 9:	     Even parity	     Odd parity
+# 10:	    Steady cursor	    Blinking cursor
+#	(On Rev E or lower, use W25 instead of switch 10.)
+# S5 UART/Terminal options:
+#		Open			Closed
+# 1:	P3-6 Not connected	DSR received on P3-6
+# 2:	P3-8 Not connected	DCD received on P3-8
+# 3 Open, 4 Open:		P3-20 Not connected
+# 3 Open, 4 Closed:	DTR on when terminal is on
+# 3 Closed, 4 Open:	DTR is connected to RTS
+# 3 Closed, 4 Closed:	Not allowed
+# 5 Closed:	HDX printer (hardware control) Rev. K with extension port off,
+#		all data transmitted out of the modem port (P3) will also be
+#		transmitted out of the printer port (P4).
+# 6 Open, 7 Open:		Not allowed
+# 6 Open, 7 Closed:	20ma current loop input
+# 6 Closed, 7 Open:	RS232 input
+# 6 Closed, 7 Closed:	Not allowed
+# Jumper options:
+# If the jumper is installed, the effect will occur (the next time the terminal
+# is switched on).
+# S4/W31:	Enables automatic LF upon receipt of CR from
+#		remote or keyboard.
+# S4/W32:	Enables transmission of EOT at the end of Send.  If not
+#		installed, a carriage return is sent.
+# S4/W33:	Disables automatic carriage return in column 80.
+# S4/W34:	Selects Page Print Mode as initial condition.  If not
+#		installed, Extension Mode is selected.
+# Sending <u9> or <u7> returns a cursor position report in the format
+# YX\r, where Y and X are as in :cm:. This format is described in
+# <u8> and <u6>, but it's not clear how one should write an
+# appropriate scanf string, since we need to subtract %' ' from the
+# character after reading it. The <u9> capability is used by tack(1)
+# to synchronize during padding tests, and seems to work for that
+# purpose.
+# This description also includes the obsolete termcap capabilities
+# has_hardware_tabs (:pt:) and backspaces_with_bs (:bs:).
+# The FUNCT modifier actually works with every normal key by sending
+# ^AX\r, where X is the sequence normally sent by that key. This is a
+# sort of meta key not currently describable in terminfo.
+# There are quite a few other keys (especially on the 920 models,) but
+# they are for the most part only useful in block mode.
+# These terminals have lots of forms manipulation features, mainly
+# useful in block mode, including "clear X to nulls" (vs. "clear X to
+# spaces"; nulls are sentinels for "send X" operations); "send X"
+# operations for uploading all or part of the screen; and block-mode
+# editing keys (they don't send escape sequences, but manipulate video
+# memory directly). Block mode is used for local editing, and protect
+# mode (in conjunction with the "write protect" attribute,
+# a.k.a. half-intensity outside of protect mode) is used to control
+# which parts of the screen are edited/sent/printed (by <mc0>).
+# There are at least two major families of ROM, "early" and
+# A49B1/A49C1; the major difference seems to be that the latter ROMs
+# support a few extra escape sequences for manipulating the off-screen
+# memory page, and for sending whole pages back to the host (mainly
+# useful in block mode.) The descriptions in this file don't use any
+# of those sequences: set cursor position including page (\E-PYX,
+# where P is \s for page 0 and ! for page 1 [actually only the LSB of
+# P is taken into account, so e.g. 0 and 1 work too,] and Y and X are
+# as in :cm:); read cursor position (\E/), which is analogous to <u9>
+# and returns PYX\r, where P is \s for page 0 or ! for page 1, and YX
+# are as in :cm:, and some "send page" features mainly useful for
+# forms manipulation.
+# The keyboard enable (\E") and disable (\E#) sequences are unused,
+# except that a terminal reset (:is:) enables the keyboard.
+# Auto-flip mode (\Ev) is likely faster than the scrolling mode (\Ew)
+# enabled in :is:, but auto-flip is very jarring so we don't use it.
+# At least up to the A49B1 and A49C1 ROMs, there are no \Eb and \Ed
+# sequences (I infer that in some TeleVideo terminal they may invert
+# and uninvert the display) so the :vb: sequence given here is a
+# cheesy page-flip instead.
+# The back_tab (:bt:) sequence (\EI) doesn't work according to
+# tack(1), so it is not included in the descriptions below.
+# It's not clear whether auto_left_margin (:bw:) flag should be set
+# for these terminals; tack says yes, so it is set here, but this
+# differs from other descriptions I've seen.
+# Extension print mode (<mc5>) echoes all characters to the printer
+# port [in addition to displaying them] except for the page print mode
+# sequence (<mc4>); this is a slight violation of the terminfo
+# definition for <mc5> but I don't expect it to cause problems.  We
+# reset to page print mode in <rs1> since it may have been enabled
+# accidentally.
+# The descriptions with plus signs (+) are building blocks.
+tvi912b-unk|tvi912c-unk|TeleVideo TVI-912B or TVI-912C (no attributes):\
+	:am:bs:bw:pt:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:@8=\r:al=100\EE:bl=^G:cd=10\Ey:ce=15\ET:cl=50^Z:\
+	:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:ct=\E3:dc=30\EW:dl=100\ER:do=\n:ei=:\
+	:ho=^^:ic=30\EQ:if=/usr/share/tabset/stdcrt:im=:\
+	:is=\Ew\EA\E'\E"\E(:kD=\177:kd=\n:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:\
+	:le=^H:nd=^L:pf=\EA:po=\E@:r1=\Ek\010\Em\010\Eq\032:\
+	:sf=10\n:st=\E1:ta=^I:u6=%.%.\r:u7=\E?:u8=%.%.\r:u9=\E?:\
+	:up=^K:
+# This isn't included in the basic capabilities because it is
+# typically unusable in combination with the full range of video
+# attributes, since the magic cookie attributes turn into ASCII
+# control characters, and the half-intensity ("protected") attribute
+# converts all affected characters to spaces.
+tvi912b+printer|TeleVideo TVI-912B/TVI-920B and TVI-912C/TVI-920C page print support:\
+	:ps=\EP:
+# This uses half-intensity mode (:mh:) for standout (:so:), and
+# exposes no other attributes (half-intensity is the only attribute
+# that does not generate a magic cookie.)
+tvi912b+dim|TeleVideo TVI-912B/TVI-920B and TVI-912C/TVI-920C half-intensity attribute support:\
+	:ms:\
+	:me=\E(:mh=\E):se=\E(:so=\E):
+# Full magic-cookie attribute support, with half-intensity reverse
+# video for standout. Note that we add a space in the :mh: sequence
+# to give a consistent magic-cookie count. Also note that :sa: uses
+# backspacing (in the TVI-supported order) to apply all requested
+# attributes with only a single magic cookie.
+tvi912b+mc|TeleVideo TVI-912B/TVI-920B and TVI-912C/TVI-920C full magic-cookie attribute support:\
+	:sg#1:ug#1:\
+	:mb=\E\136:me=\E(\Ek\010\Em\010\Eq:mh=\E)\s:mk=\E_:\
+	:mr=\Ej:se=\E(\Ek:so=\E)\Ej:ue=\Em:us=\El:
+# This uses the second page memory option to save & restore screen
+# contents. If your terminal is missing the option, this description
+# should still work, but that has not been tested.
+tvi912b+2p|TeleVideo TVI-912B/TVI-920B and TVI-912C/TVI-920C second page memory option support:\
+	:te=\032\EK\E=7\s:\
+	:ti=50\EK\032\E(\Ek\010\Em\010\Eq\032:vb=\EK\EK:
+# This simulates flashing by briefly toggling to the other page
+# (kludge!)
+tvi912b+vb|TeleVideo TVI-912B/TVI-920B and TVI-912C/TVI-920C second page memory option "visible bell" support:\
+	:bl=\EK\EK:tc=tvi912b+2p:
+# Function keys (<kf12> .. <kf22> are shifted :k1: .. <kf11>)
+tvi920b+fn|TeleVideo TVI-920B and TVI-920C function key support:\
+	:F1=^AJ\r:F2=^A`\r:F3=^Aa\r:F4=^Ab\r:F5=^Ac\r:F6=^Ad\r:\
+	:F7=^Ae\r:F8=^Af\r:F9=^Ag\r:FA=^Ah\r:FB=^Ai\r:FC=^Aj\r:\
+	:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:\
+	:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:k;=^AI\r:
+# Combinations of the basic building blocks
+tvi912b-2p-unk|tvi912c-2p-unk|tvi912b-unk-2p|tvi912c-unk-2p|TeleVideo TVI-912B or TVI-912C (second page memory option; no attributes):\
+	:tc=tvi912b+2p:tc=tvi912b-unk:
+tvi912b-vb-unk|tvi912c-vb-unk|tvi912b-unk-vb|tvi912c-unk-vb|TeleVideo TVI-912B or TVI-912C (second page memory option "visible bell"; no attributes):\
+	:tc=tvi912b+vb:tc=tvi912b-unk:
+tvi912b-p|tvi912c-p|TeleVideo TVI-912B or TVI-912C (no attributes; page print):\
+	:tc=tvi912b+printer:tc=tvi912b-unk:
+tvi912b-2p-p|tvi912c-2p-p|tvi912b-p-2p|tvi912c-p-2p|TeleVideo TVI-912B or TVI-912C (second page memory option; no attributes; page print):\
+	:tc=tvi912b+2p:tc=tvi912b+printer:tc=tvi912b-unk:
+tvi912b-vb-p|tvi912c-vb-p|tvi912b-p-vb|tvi912c-p-vb|TeleVideo TVI-912B or TVI-912C (second page memory option "visible bell"; no attributes; page print):\
+	:tc=tvi912b+vb:tc=tvi912b+printer:tc=tvi912b-unk:
+tvi912b-2p|tvi912c-2p|TeleVideo TVI-912B or TVI-912C (second page memory option; half-intensity attribute):\
+	:tc=tvi912b+2p:tc=tvi912b+dim:tc=tvi912b-unk:
+tvi912b-2p-mc|tvi912c-2p-mc|tvi912b-mc-2p|tvi912c-mc-2p|TeleVideo TVI-912B or TVI-912C (second page memory option; magic cookies):\
+	:tc=tvi912b+2p:tc=tvi912b+mc:tc=tvi912b-unk:
+tvi912b-vb|tvi912c-vb|TeleVideo TVI-912B or TVI-912C (second page memory option "visible bell"; half-intensity attribute):\
+	:tc=tvi912b+vb:tc=tvi912b+dim:tc=tvi912b-unk:
+tvi912b-vb-mc|tvi912c-vb-mc|tvi912b-mc-vb|tvi912c-mc-vb|TeleVideo TVI-912B or TVI-912C (second page memory option "visible bell"; magic cookies):\
+	:tc=tvi912b+vb:tc=tvi912b+mc:tc=tvi912b-unk:
+tvi912b|tvi912c|TeleVideo TVI-912B or TVI-912C (half-intensity attribute):\
+	:tc=tvi912b+dim:tc=tvi912b-unk:
+tvi912b-mc|tvi912c-mc|TeleVideo TVI-912B or TVI-912C (magic cookies):\
+	:tc=tvi912b+mc:tc=tvi912b-unk:
+tvi920b-unk|tvi920c-unk|TeleVideo TVI-920B or TVI-920C (no attributes):\
+	:tc=tvi920b+fn:tc=tvi912b-unk:
+tvi920b-2p-unk|tvi920c-2p-unk|tvi920b-unk-2p|tvi920c-unk-2p|TeleVideo TVI-920B or TVI-920C (second page memory option; no attributes):\
+	:tc=tvi920b+fn:tc=tvi912b+2p:tc=tvi912b-unk:
+tvi920b-vb-unk|tvi920c-vb-unk|tvi920b-unk-vb|tvi920c-unk-vb|TeleVideo TVI-920B or TVI-920C (second page memory option "visible bell"; no attributes):\
+	:tc=tvi920b+fn:tc=tvi912b+vb:tc=tvi912b-unk:
+tvi920b-p|tvi920c-p|TeleVideo TVI-920B or TVI-920C (no attributes; page print):\
+	:tc=tvi920b+fn:tc=tvi912b+printer:tc=tvi912b-unk:
+tvi920b-2p-p|tvi920c-2p-p|tvi920b-p-2p|tvi920c-p-2p|TeleVideo TVI-920B or TVI-920C (second page memory option; no attributes; page print):\
+	:tc=tvi920b+fn:tc=tvi912b+2p:tc=tvi912b+printer:\
+	:tc=tvi912b-unk:
+tvi920b-vb-p|tvi920c-vb-p|tvi920b-p-vb|tvi920c-p-vb|TeleVideo TVI-920B or TVI-920C (second page memory option "visible bell"; no attributes; page print):\
+	:tc=tvi920b+fn:tc=tvi912b+vb:tc=tvi912b+printer:\
+	:tc=tvi912b-unk:
+tvi920b-2p|tvi920c-2p|TeleVideo TVI-920B or TVI-920C (second page memory option; half-intensity attribute):\
+	:tc=tvi920b+fn:tc=tvi912b+2p:tc=tvi912b+dim:\
+	:tc=tvi912b-unk:
+tvi920b-2p-mc|tvi920c-2p-mc|tvi920b-mc-2p|tvi920c-mc-2p|TeleVideo TVI-920B or TVI-920C (second page memory option; magic cookies):\
+	:tc=tvi920b+fn:tc=tvi912b+2p:tc=tvi912b+mc:\
+	:tc=tvi912b-unk:
+tvi920b-vb|tvi920c-vb|TeleVideo TVI-920B or TVI-920C (second page memory option "visible bell"; half-intensity attribute):\
+	:tc=tvi920b+fn:tc=tvi912b+vb:tc=tvi912b+dim:\
+	:tc=tvi912b-unk:
+tvi920b-vb-mc|tvi920c-vb-mc|tvi920b-mc-vb|tvi920c-mc-vb|TeleVideo TVI-920B or TVI-920C (second page memory option "visible bell"; magic cookies):\
+	:tc=tvi920b+fn:tc=tvi912b+vb:tc=tvi912b+mc:\
+	:tc=tvi912b-unk:
+tvi920b|tvi920c|TeleVideo TVI-920B or TVI-920C (half-intensity attribute):\
+	:tc=tvi920b+fn:tc=tvi912b+dim:tc=tvi912b-unk:
+tvi920b-mc|tvi920c-mc|TeleVideo TVI-920B or TVI-920C (magic cookies):\
+	:tc=tvi920b+fn:tc=tvi912b+mc:tc=tvi912b-unk:
+# Televideo 921 and variants
+# From: Tim Theisen <tim@cs.wisc.edu> 22 Sept 1995
+# (tvi921: removed :ko=bt: before translation, I see no backtab cap;
+# also added empty <acsc> to suppress tic warning -- esr)
+tvi921|televideo model 921 with sysline same as page & real vi function:\
+	:am:bs:hs:pt:xn:xs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#0:\
+	:ac=:ae=\E%%:al=\EE:as=\E$:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=^Z:\
+	:cm=3\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:dc=\EW:dl=1*\ER:do=^V:ds=\Ef\r\Eg:ei=:\
+	:fs=\Eg:ho=^^:ic=\EQ:if=/usr/share/tabset/stdcrt:im=:\
+	:is=\El\E"\EF1\E.3\017\EA\E<:kA=\EE:kC=^Z:kD=\EW:kE=\ET:\
+	:kI=\EQ:kL=1*\ER:kS=\EY:kb=^H:kd=^V:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:\
+	:mk@:nd=^L:nw=\r\n:sf=\n:ta=^I:ts=\Ef\EG0:up=^K:ve=\E.3:\
+	:vs=\E.2:tc=adm+sgr:
+# without the beeper
+# (tvi92B: removed :ko=bt: before translation, I see no backtab cap;
+# also added empty <acsc> to suppress tic warning -- esr)
+tvi92B|televideo model 921 with sysline same as page & real vi function & no beeper:\
+	:am:hs:xn:xs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#0:\
+	:ac=:ae=\E%%:al=\EE:as=\E$:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=^Z:\
+	:cm=3\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:dc=\EW:dl=1*\ER:do=^V:ds=\Ef\r\Eg:ei=:\
+	:fs=\Eg:ho=^^:ic=\EQ:if=/usr/share/tabset/stdcrt:im=:\
+	:is=\El\E"\EF1\E.3\017\EA\E<:kA=\EE:kC=^Z:kD=\EW:kE=\ET:\
+	:kI=\EQ:kL=1*\ER:kS=\EY:kb=^H:kd=^V:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:\
+	:mk@:nd=^L:nw=\r\n:sf=\n:ta=^I:ts=\Ef\EG0:up=^K:vb=\Eb\Ed:\
+	:ve=\E.3:vs=\E.2:tc=adm+sgr:
+# (tvi92D: removed :ko=bt: before translation, I see no backtab cap -- esr)
+tvi92D|tvi92B with DTR instead of XON/XOFF & better padding:\
+	:al=2*\EE:dl=2*\ER:is=\El\E"\EF1\E.3\016\EA\E<:kA=2*\EE:\
+	:kL=2*\ER:tc=tvi92B:
+# (tvi924: This used to have :ds=\Es0:, :fs=\031:.  I put the new strings
+# in from a BSD termcap file because it looks like they do something the
+# old ones skip -- esr)
+tvi924|televideo tvi924:\
+	:am:bw:hs:in:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:sg#0:ws#80:\
+	:F1=^AK\r:F2=^AL\r:F3=^AM\r:F4=^AN\r:F5=^AO\r:al=\EE:bl=^G:\
+	:bt=\EI:cd=\Ey:ce=\Et:cl=\E*0:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:\
+	:cs=\E_%+ %+ :ct=\E3:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^V:ds=\Es0\Ef\031:\
+	:ei=:fs=\031\Es1:ho=^^:\
+	:i1=\017\E%\E'\E(\EDF\EC\EG0\EN0\Es0\Ev0:ic=\EQ:\
+	:if=/usr/share/tabset/stdcrt:im=:k0=^A@\r:k1=^AA\r:\
+	:k2=^AB\r:k3=^AC\r:k4=^AD\r:k5=^AE\r:k6=^AF\r:k7=^AG\r:\
+	:k8=^AH\r:k9=^AI\r:k;=^AJ\r:kA=\EE:kC=\E*0:kD=\EW:kE=\Et:\
+	:kI=\EQ:kL=\ER:kS=\Ey:kb=^H:kd=^V:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:\
+	:l0=F1:l1=F2:l2=F3:l3=F4:l4=F5:l5=F6:l6=F7:l7=F8:l8=F9:l9=F10:\
+	:la=F11:le=^H:mb=\EG2:mk@:nd=^L:pk=\E|%+1%s\031:sf=\n:\
+	:sr=\Ej:st=\E1:ta=^I:ts=\Ef:up=^K:vb=\Eb\Ed:ve=\E.3:vi=\E.0:\
+	:vs=\E.1:tc=adm+sgr:
+# TVI925 DIP switches.  In each of these, D = Down and U = Up,
+# Here are the settings for the external (baud) switches (S1):
+#             Position		Baud
+# 7	8	9	10		[Printer]
+# 1	2	3	4		[Main RS232]
+# -----------------------------------------------------
+# D	D	D	D	9600
+# D	D	D	U	  50
+# D	D	U	D	  75
+# D	D	U	U	 110
+# D	U	D	D	 135
+# D	U	D	U	 150
+# D	U	U	D	 300
+# D	U	U	U	 600
+# U	D	D	D	1200
+# U	D	D	U	1800
+# U	D	U	D	2400
+# U	D	U	U	3600
+# U	U	D	D	4800
+# U	U	D	U	7200
+# U	U	U	D	9600
+# U	U	U	U	19200
+# Settings for word length and stop-bits (S1)
+#  Position	Description
+# 5	6
+# ---------------------------
+# U	-	7-bit word
+# D	-	8-bit word
+# -	U	2 stop bits
+# -	D	1 stop bit
+# S2 (external) settings
+# Position	Up	Dn	Description
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 1		X		Local edit
+#			X	Duplex edit (transmit editing keys)
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 2		X		912/920 emulation
+#			X	925
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 3			X
+# 4			X	No parity
+# 5			X
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 3			X
+# 4			X	Odd parity
+# 5		X
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 3			X
+# 4		X		Even parity
+# 5		X
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 3		X
+# 4			X	Mark parity
+# 5		X
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 3		X
+# 4		X		Space parity
+# 5		X
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 6		X		White on black display
+#			X	Black on white display
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 7			X	Half Duplex
+# 8			X
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 7		X		Full Duplex
+# 8			X
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 7			X	Block mode
+# 8		X
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 9			X	50 Hz
+#		X		60 Hz
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 10		X		CR/LF (Auto LF)
+#			X	CR only
+# S3 (internal switch) settings:
+# Position	Up	Dn	Description
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 1		X		Keyclick off
+#			X	Keyclick on
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 2			X	English
+# 3			X
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 2			X	German
+# 3		X
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 2		X		French
+# 3			X
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 2		X		Spanish
+# 3		X
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 4			X	Blinking block cursor
+# 5			X
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 4			X	Blinking underline cursor
+# 5		X
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 4		X		Steady block cursor
+# 5			X
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 4		X		Steady underline cursor
+# 5		X
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 6		X		Screen blanking timer (ON)
+#			X	Screen blanking timer (OFF)
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 7		X		Page attributes
+#			X	Line attributes
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 8		X		DCD disconnected
+#			X	DCD connected
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 9		X		DSR disconnected
+#			X	DSR connected
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 10		X		DTR Disconnected
+#			X	DTR connected
+# --------------------------------------------
+# (tvi925: BSD has :cl=\E*:.  I got :is: and :sr: from there -- esr)
+tvi925|televideo 925:\
+	:am:bs:bw:hs:ul:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#1:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=^Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:\
+	:ct=\E3:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^V:ds=\Eh:ei=:fs=\r\Eg:ho=^^:ic=\EQ:\
+	:im=:is=\El\E":k0=^AI\r:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:\
+	:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:\
+	:kA=\EE:kC=^Z:kD=\EW:kE=\ET:kI=\EQ:kL=\ER:kS=\EY:kb=^H:kd=^V:\
+	:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:mk@:nd=^L:sf=\n:sr=\Ej:st=\E1:\
+	:ta=^I:ts=\Eh\Ef:up=^K:vb=\Eb\Ed:ve=\E.4:vs=\E.2:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:
+# TeleVideo 925 from Mitch Bradley <sun!wmb> via BRL
+# to avoid "magic cookie" standout glitch:
+tvi925-hi|TeleVideo Model 925 with half intensity standout mode:\
+	:sg@:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\n:kl=^H:se=\E(:so=\E):tc=tvi925:
+# From: Todd Litwin <litwin@litwin.jpl.nasa.gov> 28 May 1993
+# Originally Tim Curry, Univ. of Central Fla., <duke!ucf-cs!tim> 5/21/82
+# for additional capabilities,
+# The following tvi descriptions from B:pjphar and virus!mike
+# is for all 950s.  It sets the following attributes:
+# full duplex (\EDF)		write protect off (\E()
+# conversation mode (\EC)	graphics mode off (\E%)
+# white on black (\Ed)		auto page flip off (\Ew)
+# turn off status line (\Eg)	clear status line (\Ef\r)
+# normal video (\E0)		monitor mode off (\EX or \Eu)
+# edit mode (\Er)		load blank char to space (\Ee\040)
+# line edit mode (\EO)		enable buffer control (^O)
+# protect mode off (\E\047)	duplex edit keys (\El)
+# program unshifted send key to send line all (\E016)
+# program shifted send key to send line unprotected (\E004)
+# set the following to nulls:
+#	field delimiter (\Ex0\200\200)
+#	line delimiter (\Ex1\200\200)
+#	start-protected field delimiter (\Ex2\200\200)
+#	end-protected field delimiter (\Ex3\200\200)
+# set end of text delimiter to carriage return/null (\Ex4\r\200)
+#                     TVI 950 Switch Setting Reference Charts
+#                                     TABLE 1:
+#      S1     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10
+#          +-----------------------+-----+-----+-----------------------+
+#          | Computer Baud Rate    |Data |Stop | Printer Baud Rate     |
+#          |                       |Bits |Bits |                       |
+#   +------+-----------------------+-----+-----+-----------------------+
+#   |  Up  |        See            |  7  |  2  |        See            |
+#   +------+-----------------------+-----+-----+-----------------------+
+#   | Down |      TABLE 2          |  8  |  1  |      TABLE 2          |
+#   +------+-----------------------+-----+-----+-----------------------+
+#      S2     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10
+#          +-----+-----+-----------------+-----+-----------+-----+-----+
+#          |Edit |Cursr|    Parity       |Video|Transmiss'n| Hz  |Click|
+#   +------+-----+-----+-----------------+-----+-----------+-----+-----+
+#   |  Up  | Dplx|Blink|      See        |GonBk|   See     | 60  | Off |
+#   +------+-----+-----+-----------------+-----+-----------+-----+-----+
+#   | Down |Local|St'dy|    TABLE 3      |BkonG|  CHART    | 50  | On  |
+#   +------+-----+-----+-----------------+-----+-----------+-----+-----+
+#                                    TABLE 2:
+#             +-----------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----------+
+#             | Display   |  1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |   Baud    |
+#             +-----------+-----+-----+-----+-----+           |
+#             | Printer   |  7  |  8  |  9  | 10  |   Rate    |
+#             +-----------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----------+
+#                         |  D  |  D  |  D  |  D  |   9600    |
+#                         |  U  |  D  |  D  |  D  |     50    |
+#                         |  D  |  U  |  D  |  D  |     75    |
+#                         |  U  |  U  |  D  |  D  |    110    |
+#                         |  D  |  D  |  U  |  D  |    135    |
+#                         |  U  |  D  |  U  |  D  |    150    |
+#                         |  D  |  U  |  U  |  D  |    300    |
+#                         |  U  |  U  |  U  |  D  |    600    |
+#                         |  D  |  D  |  D  |  U  |   1200    |
+#                         |  U  |  D  |  D  |  U  |   1800    |
+#                         |  D  |  U  |  D  |  U  |   2400    |
+#                         |  U  |  U  |  D  |  U  |   3600    |
+#                         |  D  |  D  |  U  |  U  |   4800    |
+#                         |  U  |  D  |  U  |  U  |   7200    |
+#                         |  D  |  U  |  U  |  U  |   9600    |
+#                         |  U  |  U  |  U  |  U  |  19200    |
+#                         +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----------+
+#                                    TABLE 3:
+#                         +-----+-----+-----+-----------+
+#                         |  3  |  4  |  5  |   Parity  |
+#                         +-----+-----+-----+-----------+
+#                         |  X  |  X  |  D  |    None   |
+#                         |  D  |  D  |  U  |     Odd   |
+#                         |  D  |  U  |  U  |    Even   |
+#                         |  U  |  D  |  U  |    Mark   |
+#                         |  U  |  U  |  U  |   Space   |
+#                         +-----+-----+-----+-----------+
+#                                 X = don't care
+#                                     CHART:
+#                         +-----+-----+-----------------+
+#                         |  7  |  8  | Communication   |
+#                         +-----+-----+-----------------+
+#                         |  D  |  D  |  Half Duplex    |
+#                         |  D  |  U  |  Full Duplex    |
+#                         |  U  |  D  |     Block       |
+#                         |  U  |  U  |     Local       |
+#                         +-----+-----+-----------------+
+# (tvi950: early versions had obsolete ":ma=^Vj^Kk^Hh^Ll^^H:".
+# I also inserted :ic: and :kI:; the :ko: string indicated that :IC:
+# should be present and all tvi native modes use the same string for this.
+# Finally, note that BSD has cud1=^V. -- esr)
+# TVI 950 has 11 function-keys -TD
+tvi950|televideo 950:\
+	:am:bs:hs:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:sg#1:\
+	:F1=^AJ\r:ac=jHkGlFmEnIqKtMuLvOwNxJ:ae=\E%%:al=\EE:\
+	:as=\E$:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\Ey:ce=\Et:cl=\E*:cm=\E=%+ %+ :\
+	:cr=\r:ct=\E3:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=\n:ds=\Eg\Ef\r:ei=\Er:fs=\r:\
+	:ho=^^:ic=\EQ:im=\Eq:\
+	:is=\EDF\EC\Ed\EG0\Eg\Er\EO\E'\E(\E%\Ew\EX\Ee \017\011\El\E016\E004\Ex0\0\0\Ex1\0\0\Ex2\0\0\011\Ex3\0\0\Ex4\r\0\Ef\r:\
+	:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:\
+	:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:k;=^AI\r:kA=\EE:kB=\EI:kC=\E*:\
+	:kD=\EW:kE=\Et:kI=\EQ:kL=\ER:kS=\Ey:kb=^H:kd=^V:kh=^^:kl=^H:\
+	:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:mk@:nd=^L:pf=\Ea:po=\E`:sf=\n:sr=\Ej:\
+	:st=\E1:ta=^I:ts=\Eg\Ef:up=^K:vb=\Eb\Ed:tc=adm+sgr:
+# is for 950 with two pages adds the following:
+#	set 48 line page (\E\\2)
+#	place cursor at page 0, line 24, column 1 (\E-07 )
+#	set local (no send) edit keys (\Ek)
+# two page 950 adds the following:
+#	when entering ex, set 24 line page (\E\\1)
+#	when exiting ex, reset 48 line page (\E\\2)
+#			 place cursor at 0,24,1 (\E-07 )
+#	set duplex (send) edit keys (\El) when entering vi
+#	set local (no send) edit keys (\Ek) when exiting vi
+tvi950-2p|televideo950 w/2 pages:\
+	:is=\EDF\EC\Ed\EG0\Eg\Er\EO\E'\E(\E%\Ew\EX\Ee \017\011\Ek\E016\E004\Ex0\0\0\Ex1\0\0\Ex2\0\0\011\Ex3\0\0\Ex4\r\0\E\\2\E-07 \011:\
+	:ke=\Ek:ks=\El:te=\E\\2\E-07\s:ti=\E\\1\E-07\s:tc=tvi950:
+# is for 950 with four pages adds the following:
+#	set 96 line page (\E\\3)
+#	place cursor at page 0, line 24, column 1 (\E-07 )
+# four page 950 adds the following:
+#	when entering ex, set 24 line page (\E\\1)
+#	when exiting ex, reset 96 line page (\E\\3)
+#			 place cursor at 0,24,1 (\E-07 )
+tvi950-4p|televideo950 w/4 pages:\
+	:is=\EDF\EC\Ed\EG0\Eg\Er\EO\E'\E(\E%\Ew\EX\Ee \017\011\Ek\E016\E004\Ex0\0\0\Ex1\0\0\Ex2\0\0\011\Ex3\0\0\Ex4\r\0\E\\3\E-07 \011:\
+	:ke=\Ek:ks=\El:te=\E\\3\E-07\s:ti=\E\\1\E-07\s:tc=tvi950:
+# :is: for reverse video 950 changes the following:
+#	set reverse video (\Ed)
+# set vb accordingly (\Ed ...delay... \Eb)
+tvi950-rv|televideo950 rev video:\
+	:is=\EDF\EC\Eb\EG0\Eg\Er\EO\E'\E(\E%\Ew\EX\Ee \017\011\El\E016\E004\Ex0\0\0\Ex1\0\0\Ex2\0\0\011\Ex3\0\0\Ex4\r\0:\
+	:vb=\Ed\Eb:tc=tvi950:
+# tvi950-rv-2p uses the appropriate entries from 950-2p and 950-rv
+tvi950-rv-2p|televideo950 rev video w/2 pages:\
+	:is=\EDF\EC\Eb\EG0\Eg\Er\EO\E'\E(\E%\Ew\EX\Ee \017\011\Ek\E016\E004\Ex0\0\0\Ex1\0\0\Ex2\0\0\011\Ex3\0\0\Ex4\r\0\E\\2\E-07\s:\
+	:ke=\Ek:ks=\El:te=\E\\2\E-07\s:ti=\E\\1\E-07\s:vb=\Ed\Eb:\
+	:tc=tvi950:
+# tvi950-rv uses the appropriate entries from 950-4p and 950-rv
+tvi950-rv-4p|televideo950 rev video w/4 pages:\
+	:is=\EDF\EC\Eb\EG0\Er\EO\E'\E(\E%\Ew\EX\Ee \017\011\Ek\E016\E004\Ex0\0\0\Ex1\0\0\Ex2\0\0\011\Ex3\0\0\Ex4\r\0\E\\3\E-07\s:\
+	:ke=\Ek:ks=\El:te=\E\\3\E-07\s:ti=\E\\1\E-07\s:vb=\Ed\Eb:\
+	:tc=tvi950:
+# From: Andreas Stolcke <stolcke@icsi.berkeley.edu>
+# (tvi955: removed obsolete ":ma:=^Vj^Kk^Hh^Ll^^H";
+# removed incorrect (and overridden) ":do=^J:"; fixed broken continuations in
+# the :rs: string, inserted the :IC: implied by the termcap :ko: string.  Note
+# the :ko: string had :cl: in it, which means that one of the original
+# :cl=\E*:, <kclr=\EY> had to be wrong; set <kclr=\E*> because that's what
+# the 950 has.   Finally, corrected the <kel> string to match the 950 and what
+# ko implies -- esr)
+# If the BSD termcap file was right, :cm=\E=%p1%{32}%+%c%p2%{32}%+%c: would
+# also work.
+tvi955|televideo 955:\
+	:5i:bs:ms@:\
+	:it#8:sg@:\
+	:RA=\E[=7l:RX=^N:SA=\E[=7h:SX=^O:\
+	:ac=0_`RjHkGlFmEnIoPqKsQtMuLvOwNxJ:ae=\E%:as=\E$:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:do=^V:is=\E[=3l\EF1\Ed\EG0\E[=5l\E%\El:\
+	:kM=\EQ:kN=\EK:kP=\EJ:kT=\E1:ka=\E3:kt=\E2:mb=\EG2:\
+	:me=\EG0\E[=5l:mh=\E[=5h:mk=\EG1:ps=\EP:\
+	:r1=\EDF\EC\Eg\Er\EO\E'\E(\Ew\EX\Ee \017\E0P\E6\0\E0p\E4\0\Ef\r:\
+	:sf@:ve=\E.2:vi=\E.0:vs=\E.1:tc=tvi950:
+tvi955-w|955-w|televideo955 w/132 cols:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:is=\E[=3h\EF1\Ed\EG0\E[=5l\E%\El:tc=tvi955:
+# use half-intensity as normal mode, full intensity as :md:
+tvi955-hb|955-hb|televideo955 half-bright:\
+	:is=\E[=3l\EF1\Ed\EG0\E[=5h\E%\El:md=\E[=5l:\
+	:me=\EG0\E[=5h:mh@:tc=tvi955:
+# From: Humberto Appleton <beto@cs.utexas.edu>, 880521 UT Austin
+# (tvi970: removed ":sg#0:"; removed :se:=\E[m, :ue:=\E[m;
+# added :am:/:cs:/:ho:/<hpa>/<vpa>/:ti:/:te: from BRL.
+# According to BRL we could have :ke:=\E>, :ks:=\E= but I'm not sure what
+# it does to the function keys.  I deduced <rmam>/<smam>.
+# also added empty <acsc> to suppress tic warning,  -- esr)
+tvi970|televideo 970:\
+	:am:bs:da:db:mi:ms:pt:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:RA=\E[?7h:SA=\E[?7l:ac=:ae=\E(B:al=\E[L:as=\E(B:bt=\E[Z:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:ch=\E[%i%dG:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%df:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:cv=\E[%i%dd:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\ED:\
+	:ds=\Eg\Ef\r:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E<\E[?21l\E[19h\E[1Q\E[10l\E[7l\E[H\E[2J:k1=\E?a:\
+	:k2=\E?b:k3=\E?c:k4=\E?d:k5=\E?e:k6=\E?f:k7=\E?g:k8=\E?h:\
+	:k9=\E?i:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:\
+	:le=^H:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:te=:\
+	:ti=\E[?20l\E[?7h\E[1Q:ue=\E[m:up=\EM:us=\E[4m:\
+	:vb=\E[5m\E[m:vs=\E[1Q:
+tvi970-vb|televideo 970 with visual bell:\
+	:vb=\E[?5h\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\E[?5l:tc=tvi970:
+tvi970-2p|televideo 970 with using 2 pages of memory:\
+	:te=\E[H\E[J\E[V:ti=\E[U\E[?20l\E[?7h\E[1Q:tc=tvi970:
+# Works with vi and rogue.  NOTE: Esc v sets autowrap on, Esc u sets 80 chars
+# per line (rather than 40), Esc K chooses the normal character set.  Not sure
+# padding is needed, but adapted from the tvi920c termcap.  The :so: and
+# :us: strings are klutzy, but at least use no screen space.
+# (tvipt: removed obsolete ":ma=^Kk^Ll^R^L:".  I wish we knew <rmam>,
+# its absence means <smam>=\Ev isn't safe to use. -- esr)
+# From: Gene Rochlin <armsis@amber.berkeley.edu> 9/19/84.
+# The :cd:/:k0:/:k1:/:kh:/<mc4>, and <mc5> caps are from BRL, which says:
+# F1 and F2 should be programmed as ^A and ^B; required for UNIFY.
+tvipt|televideo personal terminal:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=5*\EE:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=^Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :dl=5*\ER:\
+	:ho=^^:if=/usr/share/tabset/stdcrt:is=\Ev\Eu\EK:k0=^A:\
+	:k1=^B:kb=^H:kd=\n:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:nd=^L:pf=^T:\
+	:po=^R:se=\EF:so=\EG1@A\EH:ue=\EF:up=^K:us=\EG1B@\EH:
+# From: Nathan Peterson <nathan@sco.com>, 03 Sep 1996
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (rmacs/smacs removed for consistency)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+tvi9065|televideo 9065:\
+	:am:bw:hs:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:lm#0:ma#4:vt#0:ws#30:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:al=\EE:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:\
+	:ce=\ET:cl=^Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E3:\
+	:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:dm=\Er:do=^V:ds=\E_30\r:ec=\E[%d@:ed=\0:\
+	:ei=\Er:fs=\r:ho=^^:\
+	:i1=\E"\E%\E'\E(\EG@\EO\EX\E[=5l\E[=6l\E[=7h\Ed\Er:\
+	:i2=\E<\E[=4l\E[=8h:if=/usr/share/tabset/stdcrt:im=\Eq:\
+	:ip=3:is=\EF2\EG0\E\\L:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:\
+	:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:\
+	:kD=\EW:kb=^H:kd=^V:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:\
+	:ll=\E[25;1H:mb=\EG2:md=\EG,:me=\EG0\E%:mh=\EGp:mr=\EG4:\
+	:nd=^L:nw=\r\n:rp=\E[%r%db%.:se=\EG0:sf=\n:so=\EGt:sr=\Ej:\
+	:st=\E1:ta=^I:te=\E.3\Er\E[1;25r\E[25;0H:ti=\E.2:\
+	:ts=\E[4;1v\E_30:uc=\EG8\EG0:ue=\EG0:up=^K:us=\EG8:\
+	:vb=\Eb\Ed:ve=\E.3:vi=\E.0:vs=\E.2:tc=ecma+index:
+#### Visual (vi)
+# In September 1993, Visual Technology of Westboro, Massachusetts,
+# merged with White Pine Software of Nashua, New Hampshire.
+# White Pine Software may be contacted at +1 603/886-9050.
+# Or visit White Pine on the World Wide Web at URL http://www.wpine.com.
+# Visual 50 from Beau Shekita, BTL-Whippany <whuxlb!ejs>
+# Recently I hacked together the following termcap for Visual
+# Technology's Visual 50 terminal. It's a slight modification of
+# the vt52 termcap.
+# It's intended to run when the Visual 50 is in vt52 emulation mode
+# (I know what you're thinking; if it's emulating a vt52, then why
+# another termcap? Well, it turns out that the Visual 50 can handle
+# :dl: and db(?) among other things, which the vt52 can't)
+# The termcap works OK for the most part. The only problem is on
+# character inserts. The whole line gets painfully redrawn for each
+# character typed. Any suggestions?
+# Beau's entry is combined with the vi50 entry from University of Wisconsin.
+# Note especially the :al: function.  :k4:-:k6: are really l4-l6 in
+# disguise; :k7:-:k9: are really l1-l3.
+vi50|visual 50:\
+	:am:bs:da:db:ms:pt:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=\EL:bl=^G:bt=4\Ez:cd=\EJ:ce=16\EK:cl=\EH\EJ:\
+	:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=\r:dl=3*\EM:do=\EB:ho=\EH:k1=\EP:k2=\EQ:\
+	:k3=\ER:k4=\EV:k5=\EE:k6=\E]:k7=\EL:k8=\Ev:k9=\EM:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\EB:kh=\EH:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:nd=\EC:nl=\n:\
+	:nw=\r\n:se=\ET:sf=\n:so=\EU:sr=\EI:ta=^I:ue=\EW:up=\EA:\
+	:us=\ES:
+# this one was BSD & SCO's vi50
+vi50adm|visual 50 in adm3a mode:\
+	:am:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=\EL:bl=^G:cd=\Ek:ce=\EK:cl=^Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:dl=\EM:\
+	:do=\n:ho=\EH:kb=^H:kd=\EB:kh=\EH:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:\
+	:nd=^L:se=\ET:sf=\n:so=\EU:ta=^I:up=^K:
+# From: Jeff Siegal <jbs@quiotix.com>
+vi55|Visual 55:\
+	:am:bs:mi:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=\EL:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\Ev:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cs=\E_%+A%+A:\
+	:dc=\Ew:dl=\EM:do=\n:ei=\Eb:ho=\EH:im=\Ea:\
+	:is=\Ev\E_AX\Eb\EW\E9P\ET:kb=^H:kd=\EB:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:\
+	:ku=\EA:le=^H:nd=\EC:se=\ET:so=\EU:sr=\EI:ta=^I:up=\EA:
+# Visual 200 from BRL
+# The following switch settings are assumed for normal operation:
+# Other switches may be set for operator convenience or communication
+# requirements.
+# Character insertion is kludged in order to get around the "beep" misfeature.
+# (This cap is commented out because :im:/:ei: is more efficient -- esr)
+# Supposedly "4*" delays should be used for :al:, :cd:, :cl:, :dc:,
+# and :dl: strings, but we seem to get along fine without them.
+vi200|visual 200:\
+	:am:bs:mi:ms:pt:\
+	:co#80:it#8:kn#10:li#24:\
+	:ac=+h.kffggjmkllsmenbq`tnuovcwdxa}r:ae=\EG:al=\EL:\
+	:as=\EF:bl=^G:bt=\Ez:cd=\Ey:ce=\Ex:cl=\Ev:cm=\EY%+ %+ :\
+	:cr=\r:ct=\Eg:dc=\EO:dl=\EM:do=\n:ho=\EH:k0=\E?p:k1=\E?q:\
+	:k2=\E?r:k3=\E?s:k4=\E?t:k5=\E?u:k6=\E?v:k7=\E?w:k8=\E?x:\
+	:k9=\E?y:kA=\EL:kC=\Ev:kD=\EO:kE=\Et:kI=\Ei:kL=\EM:kM=\Ej:\
+	:kS=\EJ:kT=\E1:kb=^H:kd=\EB:ke=\E>:kh=\EH:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:\
+	:ks=\E=:kt=\E2:ku=\EA:le=^H:me=\E3\Eb:mh=\E4:mk=\Ea:nd=\EC:\
+	:pf=\EX:po=\EW:ps=\EH\E]:r1=\E3\Eb\Ej\E\El\EG\Ec\Ek\EX:\
+	:se=\E3:sf=\n:so=\E4:sr=\EI:st=\E1:ta=^I:up=\EA:ve=\Ec:\
+	:vs=\Ed:
+# The older Visuals didn't come with function keys. This entry uses
+# :ks: and :ke: so that the keypad keys can be used as function keys.
+# If your version of vi doesn't support function keys you may want
+# to use vi200-f.
+vi200-f|visual 200 no function keys:\
+	:is=\E3\Eb\Ej\E\\\El\EG\Ed\Ek:k0=\E?p:k1=\E?q:k2=\E?r:\
+	:k3=\E?s:k4=\E?t:k5=\E?u:k6=\E?v:k7=\E?w:k8=\E?x:k9=\E?y:\
+	:ke=\E>:ks=\E=:se@:so@:tc=vi200:
+vi200-rv|visual 200 reverse video:\
+	:se=\E3:so=\E4:sr@:ve@:vs@:tc=vi200:
+# the function keys are programmable but we don't reprogram them to their
+# default values with :is: because programming them is very verbose. maybe
+# an initialization file should be made for the 300 and they could be stuck
+# in it.
+# (vi300: added <rmam>/<smam> based on init string -- esr)
+vi300|visual 300 ansi x3.64:\
+	:am:bw:mi:xn:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7h:al=\E[L:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:dc=40\E[P:dl=\E[M:\
+	:do=\E[B:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E[7s\E[2;3;4;20;?5;?6l\E[12;?7h\E[1Q\E[0;1(D\E[8s:\
+	:k1=\E_A\E\\:k2=\E_B\E\\:k3=\E_C\E\\:k4=\E_D\E\\:\
+	:k5=\E_E\E\\:k6=\E_F\E\\:k7=\E_G\E\\:k8=\E_H\E\\:\
+	:k9=\E_I\E\\:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:\
+	:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[1m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:\
+	:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+# some of the vi300s have older firmware that has the command
+# sequence for setting editing extent reversed.
+vi300-old|visual 300 with old firmware (set edit extent reversed):\
+	:is=\E[7s\E[2;3;4;20;?5;?6l\E[12;?7h\E[2Q\E[0;1(D\E[8s:\
+	:tc=vi300:
+# Visual 500 prototype entry from University of Wisconsin.
+# The best place to look for the escape sequences is page A1-1 of the
+# Visual 500 manual.  The initialization sequence given here may be
+# overkill, but it does leave out some of the initializations which can
+# be done with the menus in set-up mode.
+# The :xp: line below is so that emacs can understand the padding requirements
+# of this slow terminal.  :xp: is 10 time the padding factor.
+# (vi500: removed unknown :xp#4: termcap;
+# also added empty <acsc> to suppress tic warning -- esr)
+vi500|visual 500:\
+	:am:mi:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#33:\
+	:ac=:ae=^O:al=3*\EL\Ex:as=^N:bt=4\Ez:cd=3*\Ey:ce=16\Ex:\
+	:cl=6*\Ev:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=\r:cs=\E(%+ %+ :dc=3*\EO:\
+	:dl=3*\EM:do=\EB:ei=\Ej:ho=\EH:im=\Ei:\
+	:is=\E3\E\001\E\007\E\003\Ek\EG\Ed\EX\El\E>\Eb\E\\:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\EB:kh=\EH:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:nd=\EC:\
+	:nw=\r\n:se=\E^G:sf=\n:so=\E^H:ta=8^I:ue=\E^C:up=\EA:\
+	:us=\E^D:
+# The visual 550 is a visual 300 with tektronix graphics,
+# and with 33 lines. clear screen is modified here to
+# also clear the graphics.
+vi550|visual 550 ansi x3.64:\
+	:li#33:\
+	:cl=\030\E[H\E[2J:tc=vi300:
+vi603|visual603|visual 603:\
+	:hs:mi:\
+	:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:ds=\EP2;1~\E\\:ei=\E[4l:\
+	:fs=\E\\:i1=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E[1;24r:\
+	:im=\E[4h:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=2\E[m\017:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:se=\E[27m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ts=\EP2~:ue=\E[24m:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:tc=vt100+4bsd:
+#### Wyse (wy)
+#	Wyse Technology
+#	3471 North First Street
+#	San Jose, CA 95134
+#	Vox: (408)-473-1200
+#	Fax: (408) 473-1222
+#	Web: http://www.wyse.com
+# Wyse sales can be reached by phone at 1-800-GET-WYSE.  Tech support is at
+# (800)-800-WYSE (option 5 gets you a human).  There's a Web page at the
+# obvious address, <http://www.wyse.com>.  They keep terminfo entries at
+# https://web.archive.org/web/19970712022641/http://www.wyse.co.uk/support/appnotes/idxappnt.htm
+# Wyse bought out Link Technology, Inc. in 1990 and closed it down in 1995.
+# They now own the Qume and Amdek brands, too.  So these are the people to
+# talk with about all Link, Qume, and Amdek terminals.
+# These entries include a few small fixes.
+# I canceled the bel capacities in the vb entries.
+# I made two trivial syntax fixes in the wyse30 entry.
+# I made some entries relative to adm+sgr.
+# Note: The wyse75, wyse85, and wyse99 have been discontinued.
+#	   Although the Wyse 30 can support more than one attribute
+#	it requires magic cookies to do so.  Many applications do not
+#	function well with magic cookies.  The following terminfo uses
+#	the protect mode to support one attribute (dim) without cookies.
+#	If more than one attribute is needed then the wy30-mc terminfo
+#	should be used.
+wy30|wyse30|Wyse 30:\
+	:5i:am:bw:hs:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:Nl#8:co#80:lh#1:li#24:lw#8:ma#1:ws#45:\
+	:#2=\E{:&3=\Er:@8=\E7:LF=\EA11:LO=\EA10:\
+	:ac=0wa_h[jukslrmqnxqzttuyv]wpxv:ae=\EH^C:al=2\EE:\
+	:as=\EH^B:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=80\EY:ce=\ET:cl=80\E+:\
+	:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:ct=\E0:dc=10\EW:dl=1\ER:do=\n:ds=\EF\r:\
+	:ei=\Er:fs=\r:ho=^^:im=\Eq:ip=2:\
+	:is=\E'\E(\E\1363\E`9\016\024:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:\
+	:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:\
+	:kA=\EE:kB=\EI:kD=\EW:kE=\ET:kI=\EQ:kL=\ER:kN=\EK:kP=\EJ:\
+	:kS=\EY:kb=^H:kd=\n:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:ll=^^^K:\
+	:me=\E(:mh=\E`7\E):mp=\E`7\E):nd=^L:nw=\r\n:pf=^T:\
+	:pn=\Ez%+/%s\r:po=^X:ps=\EP:px=\Ez%+?%s\177:se=\E(:sf=2\n:\
+	:so=\E`7\E):sr=3\Ej:st=\E1:ta=1^I:ts=\EF:up=^K:vb=\E`8\E`9:\
+	:ve=\E`1:vi=\E`0:
+#	This terminal description uses the non-hidden attribute mode
+#	(with magic cookie).
+# (wy30-mc: added :ti: to suppress tic warning --esr)
+wy30-mc|wyse30-mc|wyse 30 with magic cookies:\
+	:ms@:\
+	:ma@:sg#1:\
+	:ae=\EG0\EH\003:as=\EG0\EH\002:mb=\EG2:\
+	:me=\EG0\E(\EH\003:mh=\EGp:mp=\EG0\E):se=\EG0:so=\EG4:\
+	:te=\EG0:ti=:tc=wy30:tc=adm+sgr:
+#	The mandatory pause used by :vb: does not work with
+#	older versions of terminfo.  If you see this effect then
+#	unset xon and delete the / from the delay.
+#	i.e. change $<100/> to $<100>
+wy30-vb|wyse30-vb|wyse 30 visible bell:\
+	:bl@:tc=wy30:
+#	   The Wyse 50 can support one attribute (e.g. Dim, Inverse,
+#	Normal) without magic cookies by using the protect mode.
+#	The following description uses this feature, but when more
+#	than one attribute is put on the screen at once, all attributes
+#	will be changed to be the same as the last attribute given.
+#	   The Wyse 50 can support more attributes when used with magic
+#	cookies.  The wy50-mc terminal description uses magic cookies
+#	to correctly handle multiple attributes on a screen.
+wy50|wyse50|Wyse 50:\
+	:5i:am:bw:hs:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:Nl#8:co#80:lh#1:li#24:lw#8:ma#1:ws#45:\
+	:#2=\E{:%9=\EP:&3=\Er:@8=\E7:F1=^AJ\r:F2=^AK\r:F3=^AL\r:\
+	:F4=^AM\r:F5=^AN\r:F6=^AO\r:LF=\EA11:LO=\EA10:\
+	:ac=a;j5k3l2m1n8q\:t4u9v=w0x6:ae=\EH^C:al=\EE:as=\EH^B:\
+	:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=20\EY:ce=\ET:cl=20\E+:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:\
+	:ct=\E0:dc=1\EW:dl=\ER:do=\n:ds=\EF\r:ei=\Er:fs=\r:ho=^^:\
+	:i1=30\E`\:\E`9:im=\Eq:ip=1:is=\016\024\E'\E(:k1=^A@\r:\
+	:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:k7=^AF\r:\
+	:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:k;=^AI\r:kA=\EE:kB=\EI:kD=\EW:kE=\ET:\
+	:kI=\EQ:kL=\ER:kN=\EK:kP=\EJ:kS=\EY:kb=^H:kd=\n:kh=^^:kl=^H:\
+	:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:ll=^^^K:me=\E(:mh=\E`7\E):mp=\E`7\E):\
+	:mr=\E`6\E):nd=^L:nw=\r\n:pf=^T:pn=\Ez%+/%s\r:po=^X:ps=\EP:\
+	:px=\Ez%+?%s\177:se=\E(:sf=2\n:so=\E`6\E):sr=\Ej:st=\E1:\
+	:ta=^I:ts=\EF:up=^K:vb=\E`8\E`9:ve=\E`1:vi=\E`0:
+#	This terminal description uses the non-hidden attribute mode
+#	(with magic cookie).
+#	The mandatory pause used by flash does not work with some
+#	older versions of terminfo.  If you see this effect then
+#	unset :xo: and delete the / from the delay.
+#	i.e. change $<100/> to $<100>
+# (wy50-mc: added :ti: to suppress tic warning --esr)
+wy50-mc|wyse50-mc|wyse 50 with magic cookies:\
+	:ms@:\
+	:ma@:sg#1:\
+	:ae=\EG0\EH\003:as=\EG0\EH\002:mb=\EG2:\
+	:me=\EG0\E(\EH\003:mh=\EGp:mp=\EG0\E):mr=\EG4:se=\EG0:\
+	:so=\EGt:te=\EG0:ti=:tc=wy50:tc=adm+sgr:
+wy50-vb|wyse50-vb|wyse 50 visible bell:\
+	:bl@:tc=wy50:
+wy50-w|wyse50-w|wyse 50 132-column:\
+	:Nl#16:co#132:lw#7:ws#97:\
+	:cm=\Ea%i%dR%dC:dc=2\EW:i1=30\E`;\E`9:tc=wy50:
+wy50-wvb|wyse50-wvb|wyse 50 132-column visible bell:\
+	:bl@:tc=wy50-w:
+#	The Wyse 350 is a Wyse 50 with color.
+#	Unfortunately this means that it has magic cookies.
+#	The color attributes are designed to overlap the reverse, dim and
+#	underline attributes.  This is nice for monochrome applications
+#	because you can make underline stuff green (or any other color)
+#	but for true color applications it's not so hot because you cannot
+#	mix color with reverse, dim or underline.
+#	    To further complicate things one of the attributes must be
+#	black (either the foreground or the background).  In reverse video
+#	the background changes color with black letters.  In normal video
+#	the foreground changes colors on a black background.
+#	    This terminfo uses some of the more advanced features of curses
+#	to display both color and blink.  In the final analysis I am not
+#	sure that the wy350 runs better with this terminfo than it does
+#	with the wy50 terminfo (with user adjusted colors).
+#	The mandatory pause used by flash does not work with
+#	older versions of terminfo.  If you see this effect then
+#	unset xon and delete the / from the delay.
+#	i.e. change $<100/> to $<100>
+# Bug: The <op> capability resets attributes.
+wy350|wyse350|Wyse 350:\
+	:5i:am:bw:hs:mi:xo:\
+	:Co#8:NC#55:Nl#8:co#80:lh#1:li#24:lw#8:pa#8:sg#1:ws#45:\
+	:#2=\E{:%9=\EP:&3=\Er:@8=\E7:F1=^AJ\r:F2=^AK\r:F3=^AL\r:\
+	:F4=^AM\r:F5=^AN\r:F6=^AO\r:LF=\EA11:LO=\EA10:Sb=:\
+	:ac=0wa_h[jukslrmqnxqzttuyv]wpxv:ae=\EG0\EH\003:al=\EE:\
+	:as=\EG0\EH\002:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=20\EY:ce=\ET:cl=20\E+:\
+	:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:ct=\E0:dc=1\EW:dl=\ER:do=\n:ds=\EF\r:\
+	:ei=\Er:fs=\r:ho=^^:i1=30\E`\:\E`9:i2=\E%?:im=\Eq:ip=1:\
+	:is=\016\024\E'\E(:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:\
+	:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:k;=^AI\r:\
+	:kA=\EE:kB=\EI:kD=\EW:kE=\ET:kI=\EQ:kL=\ER:kN=\EK:kP=\EJ:\
+	:kS=\EY:kb=^H:kd=\n:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:ll=^^^K:\
+	:mb=\EG2:me=%{0}%PA%{0}%PC:mh=\EGp:mp=\EG0\E):nd=^L:\
+	:nw=\r\n:oc=\E%?:op=\EG0:pf=^T:pn=\Ez%+/%s\r:po=^X:ps=\EP:\
+	:px=\Ez%+?%s\177:sf=2\n:sr=\Ej:st=\E1:ta=^I:ts=\EF:up=^K:\
+	:vb=\E`8\E`9:ve=\E`1:vi=\E`0:tc=adm+sgr:
+wy350-vb|wyse350-vb|wyse 350 visible bell:\
+	:bl@:tc=wy350:
+wy350-w|wyse350-w|wyse 350 132-column:\
+	:Nl#16:co#132:lw#7:ws#97:\
+	:cm=\Ea%i%dR%dC:dc=2\EW:i1=30\E`;\E`9:tc=wy350:
+wy350-wvb|wyse350-wvb|wyse 350 132-column visible bell:\
+	:bl@:tc=wy350-w:
+#	This terminfo description is untested.
+#	The wyse100 emulates an adm31, so the adm31 entry should work.
+wy100|wyse 100:\
+	:hs:mi:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#1:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=^G:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=\E;:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:\
+	:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=\n:ds=\EA31:ei=\Er:fs=\r:im=\Eq:is=\Eu\E0:\
+	:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:\
+	:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:kb=^H:kd=\n:kh=\E{:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:\
+	:le=^H:mk@:nd=^L:sf=\n:ts=\EF:up=^K:tc=adm+sgr:
+#	The Wyse 120/150 has most of the features of the Wyse 60.
+#	This terminal does not need padding up to 9600 baud!
+#	:ms: should be set but the clear screen fails when in
+#	alt-charset mode.  Try \EcE\s\s\E+\s if the screen is really clear
+#	then set :ms:.
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (rmacs/smacs removed for consistency)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+wy120|wyse120|wy150|wyse150|Wyse 120/150:\
+	:5i:am:bw:hs:km:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:Nl#8:co#80:it#8:lh#1:li#24:lw#8:pb#9601:ws#45:\
+	:#2=\E{:%9=\EP:&3=\Er:@8=\E7:F1=^AJ\r:F2=^AK\r:F3=^AL\r:\
+	:F4=^AM\r:F5=^AN\r:F6=^AO\r:LF=\EA11:LO=\EA10:RA=\Ed.:\
+	:RX=\Ec20:SA=\Ed/:SX=\Ec21:al=3\EE:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=50\EY:\
+	:ce=4\ET:cl=50\E+:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:ct=\E0:dc=7\EW:\
+	:dl=3\ER:do=\n:ds=\EF\r:ei=\Er:fs=\r:ho=^^:i1=\EcB0\EcC1:\
+	:i2=150\EwJ\Ew1:im=\Eq:ip=2:\
+	:is=\Ed$\EcD\E'\Er\EH\003\Ed/\EO\Ee1\Ed*\E`@\E`9\E`1\016\024\El:\
+	:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:\
+	:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:k;=^AI\r:kA=\EE:kB=\EI:kD=\EW:\
+	:kE=\ET:kI=\EQ:kL=\ER:kN=\EK:kP=\EJ:kS=\EY:kb=^H:kd=\n:kh=^^:\
+	:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:ll=^^^K:mb=\EG2:\
+	:me=\E(\EH\003\EG0\EcD:mh=\EGp:mp=\E):nd=^L:nw=3\r\n:\
+	:pf=^T:pl=\EZ2%+?%s\177:pn=\Ez%+/%s\r:po=\Ed#:ps=\EP:\
+	:px=\EZ1%+?%s\177:r1=30\E~!\E~4:r2=70\EeF\E`\::\
+	:r3=100\EwG\Ee(:sf=3\n:so=\EGt:sr=2\Ej:st=\E1:ta=1^I:\
+	:te=\Ew1:ti=\Ew0:ts=\EF:up=^K:vb=\E`8\E`9:ve=\E`1:vi=\E`0:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:
+wy120-w|wyse120-w|wy150-w|wyse150-w|wyse 120/150 132-column:\
+	:Nl#16:co#132:lw#7:ws#97:\
+	:cm=\Ea%i%dR%dC:dc=12\EW:ip=4:rs=70\E`;:tc=wy120:
+wy120-25|wyse120-25|wy150-25|wyse150-25|wyse 120/150 80-column 25-lines:\
+	:Nl@:lh@:li#25:lw@:\
+	:pn@:r3=100\EwG\Ee):tc=wy120:
+wy120-25-w|wyse120-25-w|wy150-25-w|wyse150-25-w|wyse 120/150 132-column 25-lines:\
+	:Nl@:lh@:li#25:lw@:\
+	:pn@:r3=100\EwG\Ee):tc=wy120-w:
+wy120-vb|wyse120-vb|wy150-vb|wyse150-vb|Wyse 120/150 visible bell:\
+	:bl@:tc=wy120:
+wy120-w-vb|wy120-wvb|wyse120-wvb|wy150-w-vb|wyse150-w-vb|Wyse 120/150 132-column visible bell:\
+	:bl@:tc=wy120-w:
+#	The Wyse 60 is like the Wyse 50 but with more padding.
+#	The reset strings are slow and the pad times very depending
+#	on other parameters such as font loading.  I have tried
+#	to follow the following outline:
+#		<rs1> -> set personality
+#		<rs2> -> set number of columns
+#		<rs3> -> set number of lines
+#		:i1: -> select the proper font
+#		:is: -> do the initialization
+#		:i3: -> set up display memory (2 pages)
+#	The Wyse 60's that have vt100 emulation are slower than the
+#	older Wyse 60's.  This change happened mid-1987.
+#	The capabilities effected are :dc: :dl: :al: :sf: :sr:
+#	The meta key is only half right.  This terminal will return the
+#	high order bit set when you hit CTRL-function_key
+#	It may be useful to assign two function keys with the
+#	values  \E=(\s  look at old data in page 1
+#	        \E=W,   look at bottom of page 1
+#	where \s is a space ( ).
+#	Note:
+#	   The Wyse 60 runs faster when the XON/XOFF
+#	   handshake is turned off.
+# (wy60: we use \E{ rather than ^^ for home (both are documented) to avoid
+# a bug reported by Robert Dunn, <rcdii@inlink.com> -- esr)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (rmacs/smacs removed for consistency)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+wy60|wyse60|Wyse 60:\
+	:5i:am:bw:hs:km:mi:ms:\
+	:Nl#8:co#80:lh#1:li#24:lw#8:ws#45:\
+	:#2=\E{:%9=\EP:&3=\Er:@8=\E7:DK=\E`b:F1=^AJ\r:F2=^AK\r:\
+	:F3=^AL\r:F4=^AM\r:F5=^AN\r:F6=^AO\r:LF=\EA11:LO=\EA10:\
+	:RA=\Ed.:RC=\E`c:RX=\Ec20:SA=\Ed/:SX=\Ec21:al=4\EE:bl=^G:\
+	:bt=\EI:cd=100\EY:ce=\ET:cl=100\E+:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:\
+	:ct=\E0:dc=11\EW:dl=5\ER:do=\n:ds=\EF\r:ei=\Er:fs=\r:ho=\E{:\
+	:i1=\EcB0\EcC1:i2=150\EwJ\Ew1:im=\Eq:ip=3:\
+	:is=\Ed$\EcD\E'\Er\EH\003\Ed/\EO\Ee1\Ed*\E`@\E`9\E`1\016\024\El:\
+	:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:\
+	:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:k;=^AI\r:kA=\EE:kB=\EI:kD=\EW:\
+	:kE=\ET:kI=\EQ:kL=\ER:kN=\EK:kP=\EJ:kS=\EY:kb=^H:kd=\n:kh=^^:\
+	:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:ll=\E{^K:mb=\EG2:\
+	:me=\E(\EH\003\EG0\EcD:mh=\EGp:mp=\E):nd=^L:nw=3\r\n:\
+	:pf=^T:pl=\EZ2%+?%s\177:pn=\Ez%+/%s\r:po=\Ed#:ps=\EP:\
+	:px=\EZ1%+?%s\177:r1=150\E~!\E~4:r2=150\EeG:\
+	:r3=200\EwG\Ee(:sf=5\n:so=\EGt:sr=7\Ej:st=\E1:ta=1^I:\
+	:te=\Ew1:ti=\Ew0:ts=\EF:up=^K:vb=\E`8\E`9:ve=\E`1:vi=\E`0:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:
+wy60-w|wyse60-w|wyse 60 132-column:\
+	:Nl#16:co#132:lw#7:ws#97:\
+	:cm=\Ea%i%dR%dC:dc=16\EW:ip=5:rs=150\EeF\E`;:tc=wy60:
+wy60-25|wyse60-25|wyse 60 80-column 25-lines:\
+	:Nl@:lh@:li#25:lw@:\
+	:pn@:r3=200\EwG\Ee):tc=wy60:
+wy60-25-w|wyse60-25-w|wyse 60 132-column 25-lines:\
+	:Nl@:lh@:li#25:lw@:\
+	:pn@:r3=200\EwG\Ee):tc=wy60-w:
+wy60-42|wyse60-42|wyse 60 80-column 42-lines:\
+	:li#42:\
+	:al=11\EE:cd=260\Ey:cl=260\E+:cm=2\E=%+ %+ :dc=16\EW:\
+	:dl=11\ER:i1=\EcB2\EcC3:ip=5:nw=6\r\n:r3=150\Ee*:sf=9\n:\
+	:sr=10\Ej:tc=wy60:
+wy60-42-w|wyse60-42-w|wyse 60 132-column 42-lines:\
+	:Nl#16:co#132:lw#7:ws#97:\
+	:cd=260\Ey:cl=260\E+:cm=2\Ea%i%dR%dC:dc=19\EW:ho=2^^:ip=6:\
+	:nw=11\r\n:rs=150\EeF\E`;:tc=wy60-42:
+wy60-43|wyse60-43|wyse 60 80-column 43-lines:\
+	:Nl@:lh@:li#43:lw@:\
+	:pn@:r3=150\Ee+:tc=wy60-42:
+wy60-43-w|wyse60-43-w|wyse 60 132-column 43-lines:\
+	:Nl@:lh@:li#43:lw@:\
+	:pn@:r3=150\Ee+:tc=wy60-42-w:
+wy60-vb|wyse60-vb|Wyse 60 visible bell:\
+	:bl@:tc=wy60:
+wy60-w-vb|wy60-wvb|wyse60-wvb|Wyse 60 132-column visible bell:\
+	:bl@:tc=wy60-w:
+#	The Wyse-99GT looks at lot like the Wyse 60 except that it
+#	does not have the 42/43 line mode.  In the Wyse-60 the "lines"
+#	setup parameter controls the number of lines on the screen.
+#	For the Wyse 99GT the "lines" setup parameter controls the
+#	number of lines in a page.  The screen can display 25 lines max.
+#	    The Wyse-99GT also has personalities for the VT220 and
+#	Tektronix 4014.  But this has no bearing on the native mode.
+#	(msgr) should be set but the clear screen fails when in
+#	alt-charset mode.  Try \EcE\s\s\E+\s if the screen is really clear
+#	then set msgr, else use msgr@.
+#	u0 -> enter Tektronix mode
+#	u1 -> exit Tektronix mode
+wy99gt|wyse99gt|Wyse 99gt:\
+	:ms@:\
+	:al=4\EE:cd=130\Ey:ce=5\Et:cl=130\E+:dc=7\EW:dl=4\ER:\
+	:i2=20\Ew0:ip=2:nw@:rs=150\E`\::sf=4\n:sr=3\Ej:ta=1^I:\
+	:te=\Ew0:ti=\Ew1:u0=\E~>\E8:u1=\E[42h:vb=\E`8\E`9:tc=wy60:
+wy99gt-w|wyse99gt-w|wyse 99gt 132-column:\
+	:Nl#16:co#132:lw#7:ws#97:\
+	:cd=160\Ey:cl=160\E+:cm=2\Ea%i%dR%dC:dc=9\EW:ip=4:\
+	:rs=150\E`;:tc=wy99gt:
+wy99gt-25|wyse99gt-25|wyse 99gt 80-column 25-lines:\
+	:Nl@:lh@:li#25:lw@:\
+	:pn@:r2=150\E`\::r3=200\EwG\Ee):tc=wy99gt:
+wy99gt-25-w|wyse99gt-25-w|wyse 99gt 132-column 25-lines:\
+	:Nl@:lh@:li#25:lw@:\
+	:pn@:rs=150\E`;:tc=wy99gt-w:
+wy99gt-vb|wyse99gt-vb|Wyse 99gt visible bell:\
+	:bl@:tc=wy99gt:
+wy99gt-w-vb|wy99gt-wvb|wyse99gt-wvb|Wyse 99gt 132-column visible bell:\
+	:bl@:tc=wy99gt-w:
+# Can't set tabs! Other bugs (ANSI mode only):
+# - can't redefine function keys (anyway, key redefinition in ANSI mode
+#   is too much complex to be described);
+# - meta key can't be described (the terminal forgets it when reset);
+# The xon-xoff handshaking can't be disabled while in ansi personality, so
+# emacs can't work at speed greater than 9600 baud.  No padding is needed at
+# this speed.
+#   dch1 has been commented out because it causes annoying glittering when
+# vi deletes one character at the beginning of a line with tabs in it.
+#   dch makes sysgen(1M) have a horrible behaviour when deleting
+# a screen and makes screen(1) behave badly, so it is disabled too. The nice
+# thing is that vi goes crazy if smir-rmir are present and both dch-dch1 are
+# not, so smir and rmir are commented out as well.
+# From: Francesco Potorti` <F.Potorti@cnuce.cnr.it>, 24 Aug 1998
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+wy99-ansi|Wyse WY-99GT in ansi mode (int'l PC keyboard):\
+	:am:km:mi:ms:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:vt#3:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:LE=1\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=1\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:\
+	:cd=8*\E[J:ce=1\E[K:cl=200\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dl=\E[M:do=\ED:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:\
+	:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E7\E[1r\E8\E[2;3;4;13;20;34;39;36l\E[12;16;34h\E[?1;3;4;5;10;18l\E[?7;8;25h\E>\E[?5W\E(B\017\E[4i:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\E[M:k6=\E[17~:\
+	:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l:\
+	:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h:ku=\EOA:le=1^H:ll=\E[24E:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m\017\E["q:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:\
+	:nd=1\E[C:nw=\EE:rc=\E8:\
+	:rs=\E[61"p\E[40h\E[?6l\E[1r\E[2;3;4;13;20;34;39;36l\E[12;16;34h\E[?1;3;4;5;10;18l\E[?7;8;25h\E>\E[?5W\E(B\017\E[24E\E[4i:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=1\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:ue=\E[24m:\
+	:up=\EM:us=\E[4m:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[34h\E[?25h:\
+	:vi=\E[?25l:vs=\E[34l\E[?25h:
+#   This is the american terminal. Here tabs work fine.
+# From: Francesco Potorti` <F.Potorti@cnuce.cnr.it>, 24 Aug 1998
+wy99a-ansi|Wyse WY-99GT in ansi mode (US PC keyboard):\
+	:ct=\E[3g:i2=\E[?5l:r3=\E[?5l:st=\EH:tc=wy99-ansi:
+# This terminal (firmware version 02) has a lot of bugs:
+# - can't set tabs;
+# - other bugs in ANSI modes (see above).
+# This description disables handshaking when using cup. This is because
+# GNU emacs doesn't like Xon-Xoff handshaking. This means the terminal
+# cannot be used at speeds greater than 9600 baud, because at greater
+# speeds handshaking is needed even for character sending. If you use
+# DTR handshaking, you can use even greater speeds.
+# From: Francesco Potorti` <F.Potorti@cnuce.cnr.it>, 24 Aug 1998
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (rmacs/smacs removed for consistency)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+wy99f|wy99fgt|wy-99fgt|Wyse WY-99GT (int'l PC keyboard):\
+	:am:bw:hs:km:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:ws#46:\
+	:K1=^^:K3=\EJ:K4=\ET:K5=\EK:al=\EE:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=8*\EY:\
+	:ce=8\ET:cl=\E'\E(\032:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:\
+	:do=\Ej:ds=\EF\r:ei=\Er:fs=\r:ho=^^:im=\Eq:\
+	:is=\Eu\Ee6\EC\EDF\Ec21\Ec31\Ec62\Ec72\Ee;\016\E'\EeL\E`9\E\1360\E`1\E`4\Ee.\E`\:\Ee1\EG0\E(\Ed/\Ee4\Ed*\EO\E`I\Er\Ee"\EcD\024:\
+	:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:\
+	:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:kb=^H:kd=\n:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:\
+	:le=^H:mb=\EG2:me=\E(\EG0\EcD:mh=\EGp:mr=\EG4:nd=^L:nw=^_:\
+	:rs=\Eu\E~4\Ee6\EC\EDF\Ec21\Ec31\Ec62\Ec72\Ee;\016\E'\EeL\E`9\E\1360\E`1\E`4\Ee.\E`\:\Ee)\Ew\EwG\Ew0\Ee1\EG0\E(\Ed/\Ee4\Ed*\EO\E`I\Er\Ee"\Ec@0B\EcD\024:\
+	:se=\EG0:sf=\n:so=\EG4:sr=\Ej:ta=^I:te=\Ec21\Ec31:\
+	:ti=\Ec20\Ec30:ts=\EF:up=^K:vb=\E\1361\E\1360:\
+	:ve=\E`4\E`1:vi=\E`0:vs=\E`2\E`1:
+# This is the american terminal. Here tabs work.
+# From: Francesco Potorti` <F.Potorti@cnuce.cnr.it>, 24 Aug 1998
+wy99fa|wy99fgta|wy-99fgta|Wyse WY-99GT (US PC keyboard):\
+	:ct=\E0:st=\E1:tc=wy99f:
+#	The Wyse 160 is combination of the WY-60 and the WY-99gt.
+#	The reset strings are slow and the pad times very depending
+#	on other parameters such as font loading.  I have tried
+#	to follow the following outline:
+#		<rs1> -> set personality
+#		<rs2> -> set number of columns
+#		<rs3> -> set number of lines
+#		:i1: -> select the proper font
+#		:is: -> do the initialization
+#		:i3: -> set up display memory (2 pages)
+#	The display memory may be used for either text or graphics.
+#	When "Display Memory = Shared" the terminal will have more pages
+#	but garbage may be left on the screen when you switch from
+#	graphics to text.  If "Display Memory = Unshared" then the
+#	text area will be only one page long.
+# (wy160: we use \E{ rather than ^^ for home (both are documented) to avoid
+# a bug reported by Robert Dunn, <rcdii@inlink.com> -- esr)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (rmacs/smacs removed for consistency)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+wy160|wyse160|Wyse 160:\
+	:5i:am:bw:hs:km:mi:ms:\
+	:Nl#8:co#80:lh#1:li#24:lw#8:ws#38:\
+	:#2=\E{:%9=\EP:&3=\Er:@8=\E7:DK=\E`b:F1=^AJ\r:F2=^AK\r:\
+	:F3=^AL\r:F4=^AM\r:F5=^AN\r:F6=^AO\r:LF=\EA11:LO=\EA10:\
+	:RA=\Ed.:RC=\E`c:RX=\Ec20:SA=\Ed/:SX=\Ec21:al=1\EE:bl=^G:\
+	:bt=\EI:cd=30\EY:ce=5\ET:cl=30\E+:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:\
+	:ct=\E0:dc=5\EW:dl=1\ER:do=\n:ds=\EF\r:ei=\Er:fs=\r:ho=\E{:\
+	:i1=\EcB0\EcC1:i2=100\Ew0:im=\Eq:ip=2:\
+	:is=\Ed$\EcD\E'\Er\EH\003\Ed/\EO\Ee1\Ed*\E`@\E`9\E`1\016\024\El:\
+	:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:\
+	:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:k;=^AI\r:kA=\EE:kB=\EI:kD=\EW:\
+	:kE=\ET:kI=\EQ:kL=\ER:kN=\EK:kP=\EJ:kS=\EY:kb=^H:kd=\n:kh=^^:\
+	:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:ll=\E{^K:mb=\EG2:\
+	:me=\E(\EH\003\EG0\EcD:mh=\EGp:mp=\E):nd=^L:nw=1\r\n:\
+	:pf=^T:pl=\EZ2%+?%s\177:pn=\Ez%+/%s\r:po=\Ed#:ps=\EP:\
+	:px=\EZ1%+?%s\177:r1=70\E~!\E~4:r2=100\E`\::\
+	:r3=140\EwG\Ee(:sf=1\n:so=\EGt:sr=1\Ej:st=\E1:ta=^I:\
+	:te=\Ew0:ti=\Ew1:ts=\EF:up=^K:vb=\E`8\E`9:ve=\E`1:vi=\E`0:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:
+wy160-w|wyse160-w|wyse 160 132-column:\
+	:Nl#16:co#132:lw#7:ws#90:\
+	:cm=\Ea%i%dR%dC:dc=9\EW:rs=150\EeF\E`;:tc=wy160:
+wy160-25|wyse160-25|wyse 160 80-column 25-lines:\
+	:Nl@:lh@:li#25:lw@:\
+	:pn@:r3=200\EwG\Ee):tc=wy160:
+wy160-25-w|wyse160-25-w|wyse 160 132-column 25-lines:\
+	:Nl@:lh@:li#25:lw@:\
+	:pn@:r3=200\EwG\Ee):tc=wy160-w:
+wy160-42|wyse160-42|wyse 160 80-column 42-lines:\
+	:li#42:\
+	:al=2\EE:cd=50\Ey:cl=50\E+:dl=2\ER:i1=\EcB2\EcC3:nw=2\r\n:\
+	:r3=150\Ee*:sf=2\n:sr=2\Ej:tc=wy160:
+wy160-42-w|wyse160-42-w|wyse 160 132-column 42-lines:\
+	:Nl#16:co#132:lw#7:ws#90:\
+	:cm=\Ea%i%dR%dC:dc=8\EW:ip=3:rs=150\EeF\E`;:tc=wy160-42:
+wy160-43|wyse160-43|wyse 160 80-column 43-lines:\
+	:Nl@:lh@:li#43:lw@:\
+	:pn@:r3=150\Ee+:tc=wy160-42:
+wy160-43-w|wyse160-43-w|wyse 160 132-column 43-lines:\
+	:Nl@:lh@:li#43:lw@:\
+	:pn@:r3=150\Ee+:tc=wy160-42-w:
+wy160-vb|wyse160-vb|Wyse 160 visible bell:\
+	:bl@:tc=wy160:
+wy160-w-vb|wy160-wvb|wyse160-wvb|Wyse 160 132-column visible bell:\
+	:bl@:tc=wy160-w:
+#	The Wyse 75 is a vt100 lookalike without advanced video.
+#	   The Wyse 75 can support one attribute (e.g. Dim, Inverse,
+#	Underline) without magic cookies.  The following description
+#	uses this capability, but when more than one attribute is
+#	put on the screen at once, all attributes will be changed
+#	to be the same as the last attribute given.
+#	   The Wyse 75 can support more attributes when used with magic
+#	cookies.  The wy75-mc terminal description uses magic cookies
+#	to correctly handle multiple attributes on a screen.
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+wy75|wyse75|wyse 75:\
+	:am:hs:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:ma#1:pb#1201:ws#78:\
+	:AL=2*\E[%dL:DC=3*\E[%dP:DL=1*\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:\
+	:IC=1*\E[%d@:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=2\E[L:\
+	:as=^N:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=30\E[J:ce=3\E[K:cl=30\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=2\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=3\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ds=\E[>,\001\001\E[>-\001\001:ec=\E[%dX:\
+	:ei=\E[4l:fs=^A:ho=\E[H:\
+	:i1=\E[2;4;20;30l\E[?1;10l\E[12h\E[?7;8;25h:i2=\E[m:\
+	:im=\E[4h:ip=1:is=\E>\E(B\E)0\017:k1=\E[?5i:k2=\E[?3i:\
+	:k3=\E[2i:k4=\E[@:k5=\E[M:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:\
+	:k9=\E[20~:kI=\E[@:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:ke=\E>:\
+	:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ks=\E[?1l\E[?7h\E=:ku=\E[A:le=^H:\
+	:me=\E[m:mh=\E[0t\E[2m:mr=\E[1t\E[7m:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=2\n:so=\E[1t\E[7m:sr=2\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:ts=\E[>,\001:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[2t\E[4m:\
+	:vb=\E[30h\E,\E[30l:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:\
+	:tc=vt220+keypad:
+#	This terminal description uses the non-hidden attribute mode
+#	(with magic cookie).
+wy75-mc|wyse75-mc|wyse 75 with magic cookies:\
+	:ms@:\
+	:ma@:sg#1:ug#1:\
+	:ae=\E[0p\017:as=\E[0p\016:i2=\E[m\E[p:mb=\E[2p:\
+	:me=\E[0p\017:mh=\E[1p:mk=\E[4p:mr=\E[16p:se=\E[0p:\
+	:so=\E[17p:ue=\E[0p:us=\E[8p:tc=wy75:
+wy75-vb|wyse75-vb|wyse 75 with visible bell:\
+	:pb@:\
+	:bl@:tc=wy75:
+wy75-w|wyse75-w|wyse 75 in 132 column mode:\
+	:co#132:ws#130:\
+	:rs=80\E[35h\E[?3h:tc=wy75:
+wy75-wvb|wyse75-wvb|wyse 75 with visible bell 132 columns:\
+	:pb@:\
+	:bl@:tc=wy75-w:
+#	Wyse 85 emulating a vt220 7 bit mode.
+#		24 line screen with status line.
+#	The vt220 mode permits more function keys but it wipes out
+#	the escape key.  I strongly recommend that <f11> be set to
+#	escape (esc).
+#	The terminal may have to be set for 8 data bits and 2 stop
+#	bits for the arrow keys to work.
+#	The Wyse 85 runs faster with XON/XOFF enabled.  Also the
+#	:DC: and :IC: work best when XON/XOFF is set.  :IC: and
+#	:DC: leave trash on the screen when used without XON/XOFF.
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+wy85|wyse85|wyse 85:\
+	:am:hs:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:ws#80:\
+	:AL=5*\E[%dL:DC=3*\E[%dP:DL=3*\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:\
+	:IC=4*\E[%d@:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=5\E[L:\
+	:as=^N:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=110\E[J:ce=1\E[K:cl=110\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=1\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=3\E[P:\
+	:dl=3\E[M:do=\n:ds=\E[40l:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:\
+	:fs=\E[1;24r\E8:ho=\E[H:i1=\E[62;1"p\E[?5W:\
+	:i2=\E>\E(B\E)0\017\E[m:im=\E[4h:ip=3:\
+	:is=16\E[2;4;20;30l\E[?1;4;10;16l\E[12h\E[?7;8;25h:\
+	:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:kD=\E[3~:\
+	:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:ke=\E>:kh=\E[26~:\
+	:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ks=\E[?1l\E=:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:\
+	:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:\
+	:se=\E[m:sf=3\n:so=\E[7m:sr=3\EM:st=\EH:ta=1^I:\
+	:ts=\E[40h\E7\E[25;%i%dH:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:vb=\E[30h\E,\E[30l:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:\
+	:tc=vt220+keypad:
+#	Wyse 85 with visual bell.
+wy85-vb|wyse85-vb|wyse 85 with visible bell:\
+	:bl@:vb=\E[30h\E,\E[30l:tc=wy85:
+#	Wyse 85 in 132-column mode.
+wy85-w|wyse85-w|wyse 85 in 132-column mode:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:rs=\E[35h\E[?3h:tc=wy85:
+#	Wyse 85 in 132-column mode with visual bell.
+wy85-wvb|wyse85-wvb|wyse 85 with visible bell 132-columns:\
+	:bl@:tc=wy85-w:
+# From: Kevin Turner <kevint@aracnet.com>, 12 Jul 1998
+# This copes with an apparent firmware bug in the wy85.  He writes:
+# "What I did was change leave the terminal cursor keys set to Normal
+# (instead of application), and change \E[ to \233 for all the keys in
+# terminfo. At one point, I found some reference indicating that this
+# terminal bug (not sending \E[) was acknowledged by Wyse (so it's not just
+# me), but I can't find that and the server under my bookmark to "Wyse
+# Technical" isn't responding.  So there's the question of whether the wy85
+# terminfo should reflect the manufacturer's intended behaviour of the terminal
+# or the actual."
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+wy85-8bit|wyse85-8bit|wyse 85 in 8-bit mode:\
+	:am:hs:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:ws#80:\
+	:AL=5*\E[%dL:DC=3*\E[%dP:DL=3*\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:\
+	:IC=4*\E[%d@:K1=\EOw:K2=\EOu:K3=\EOy:K4=\EOq:K5=\EOs:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=5\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:\
+	:bt=\E[Z:cd=110\E[J:ce=1\E[K:cl=110\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=1\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=3\E[P:\
+	:dl=3\E[M:do=\n:ds=\E[40l:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:\
+	:fs=\E[1;24r\E8:ho=\E[H:i1=\E[62;1"p\E[?5W:\
+	:i2=\E>\E(B\E)0\017\E[m:im=\E[4h:ip=3:\
+	:is=16\E[2;4;20;30l\E[?1;4;10;16l\E[12h\E[?7;8;25h:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k6=\23317~:k7=\23318~:\
+	:k8=\23319~:k9=\23320~:kD=\2333~:kI=\2332~:kN=\2336~:\
+	:kP=\2335~:kb=^H:kd=\233B:ke=\E>:kh=\23326~:kl=\233D:\
+	:kr=\233C:ks=\E[?1l\E=:ku=\233A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:\
+	:me=\E[m\017:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:\
+	:se=\E[m:sf=3\n:so=\E[7m:sr=3\EM:st=\EH:ta=1^I:\
+	:ts=\E[40h\E7\E[25;%i%dH:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:vb=\E[30h\E,\E[30l:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:
+#	Wyse 185 emulating a vt320 7 bit mode.
+#	This terminal always displays 25 lines.  These lines may be used
+#	as 24 data lines and a terminal status line (top or bottom) or
+#	25 data lines.  The 48 and 50 line modes change the page size
+#	and not the number of lines on the screen.
+#	The Compose Character key can be used as a meta key if changed
+#	by set-up.
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+wy185|wyse185|wyse 185:\
+	:am:hs:km:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:ws#80:\
+	:AL=3*\E[%dL:DC=3\E[%dP:DL=2*\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=2\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=3\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:\
+	:bt=\E[Z:cd=40\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=40\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=\r:cs=20\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=3\E[P:dl=2\E[M:do=\n:\
+	:ds=\E7\E[99;0H\E[K\E8:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:\
+	:fs=\E[1;24r\E8:ho=\E[H:i1=\E[?5W:\
+	:i2=\E>\E(B\E)0\017\E[m:im=\E[4h:ip=4:\
+	:is=\E[2;4;20;30l\E[?1;4;10;16l\E[12h\E[?7;8;25h:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:\
+	:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:ke=\E>:kh=\E[26~:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:\
+	:ks=\E[?1l\E=:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:\
+	:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=2\n:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=2\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:te=\E[ R:ti=\E[ Q:\
+	:ts=\E7\E[99;%i%dH:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:vb=\E[30h\E,\E[30l:ve=\E[34h\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:\
+	:vs=\E[?25h\E[34l:tc=vt220+keypad:
+#	Wyse 185 with 24 data lines and top status (terminal status)
+wy185-24|wyse185-24|wyse 185 with 24 data lines:\
+	:hs@:\
+	:ds@:fs@:r3=\E[?5l\E[47h\E[40l\E[1;24r:ts@:tc=wy185:
+#	Wyse 185 with visual bell.
+wy185-vb|wyse185-vb|wyse 185+flash:\
+	:bl@:tc=wy185:
+#	Wyse 185 in 132-column mode.
+wy185-w|wyse185-w|wyse 185 in 132-column mode:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:DC=7\E[%dP:IC=7\E[%d@:dc=7\E[P:ei=:im=:ip=7:\
+	:rs=\E[35h\E[?3h:tc=wy185:
+#	Wyse 185 in 132-column mode with visual bell.
+wy185-wvb|wyse185-wvb|wyse 185+flash+132 cols:\
+	:bl@:tc=wy185-w:
+# wy325 terminfo entries
+# Done by Joe H. Davis        3-9-92
+# lines 25  columns 80
+wy325|wyse325|Wyse epc:\
+	:5i:am:bw:hs:mi:\
+	:Nl#8:co#80:lh#1:li#24:lw#8:pb#9601:ws#45:\
+	:#2=\E{:%9=\EP:&3=\Er:@8=\E7:F1=^AJ\r:F2=^AK\r:F3=^AL\r:\
+	:F4=^AM\r:F5=^AN\r:F6=^AO\r:LF=\EA11:LO=\EA10:RA=\Ed.:\
+	:SA=\Ed/:\
+	:ac=+/,.0[a2fxgqh1ihjYk?lZm@nEqDtCu4vAwBx3yszr{c~~:\
+	:ae=\EcD:al=3\EE:as=\EcE:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=50\EY:ce=4\ET:\
+	:cl=50\E+:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:ct=\E0:dc=7\EW:dl=3\ER:do=\n:\
+	:ds=\EF\r:ei=\Er:fs=\r:ho=^^:i1=\EcB0\EcC1:i2=16\Ew0:\
+	:im=\Eq:ip=2:\
+	:is=\EcD\E'\Er\EH\003\Ed/\EO\Ee1\Ed*\E`@\E`9\E`1\016\024\El:\
+	:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:\
+	:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:k;=^AI\r:kA=\EE:kB=\EI:kD=\EW:\
+	:kE=\ET:kI=\Eq:kL=\ER:kN=\EK:kP=\EJ:kS=\EY:kb=^H:kd=\n:kh=^^:\
+	:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:ll=^^^K:mb=\EG2:\
+	:me=\E(\EH\003\EG0\EcD:mh=\EGp:mp=\E):nd=^L:pf=^T:\
+	:pl=\EZ2%+?%s\177:pn=\Ez%+/%s\r:po=\Ed#:ps=\EP:\
+	:px=\EZ1%+?%s\177:r1=30\E~!\E~4:r2=70\EeF\E`\::\
+	:r3=100\EwG\Ee(:sf=3\n:so=\EGt:sr=2\Ej:st=\E1:ta=^I:\
+	:te=\Ew0:ti=\Ew1:ts=\EF:up=^K:vb=\E`8\E`9:ve=\E`1:vi=\E`0:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:
+# lines 24  columns 80  vb
+wy325-vb|wyse325-vb|wyse-325 with visual bell:\
+	:bl@:tc=wy325:
+# lines 24  columns 132
+wy325-w|wyse325-w|wy325w-24|wyse-325 in wide mode:\
+	:Nl#16:co#132:lw#7:ws#97:\
+	:cm=\Ea%i%dR%dC:dc=12\EW:ip=4:rs=70\E`;:tc=wy325:
+# lines 25  columns 80
+wy325-25|wyse325-25|wy325-80|wyse-325|wyse-325 25 lines:\
+	:Nl@:lh@:li#25:lw@:\
+	:pn@:r3=100\EwG\Ee):tc=wy325:
+# lines 25  columns 132
+wy325-25w|wyse325-25w|wy325 132 columns:\
+	:Nl@:lh@:li#25:lw@:\
+	:pn@:r3=100\EwG\Ee):tc=wy325-w:
+# lines 25  columns 132  vb
+wy325-w-vb|wy325-wvb|wyse325-wvb|wyse-325 wide mode reverse video:\
+	:bl@:tc=wy325-w:
+# lines 42  columns 80
+wy325-42|wyse325-42|wyse-325 42 lines:\
+	:Nl@:lh@:li#42:lw@:\
+	:pn@:r3=100\EwG\Ee):tc=wy325:
+# lines 42  columns 132
+wy325-42w|wyse325-42w|wyse-325 42 lines wide mode:\
+	:Nl@:lh@:li#42:lw@:\
+	:pn@:r3=100\EwG\Ee):tc=wy325-w:
+# lines 42  columns 132  vb
+wy325-42w-vb|wy325-42wvb|wyse-325 42 lines wide mode visual bell:\
+	:bl@:tc=wy325-w:
+# lines 43  columns 80
+wy325-43|wyse325-43|wyse-325 43 lines:\
+	:Nl@:lh@:li#43:lw@:\
+	:pn@:tc=wy325:
+# lines 43  columns 132
+wy325-43w|wyse325-43w|wyse-325 43 lines wide mode:\
+	:Nl@:lh@:li#43:lw@:\
+	:pn@:r3=100\EwG\Ee):tc=wy325-w:
+# lines 43  columns 132  vb
+wy325-43w-vb|wy325-43wvb|wyse-325 43 lines wide mode visual bell:\
+	:bl@:tc=wy325-w:
+#	Wyse 370 -- 24 line screen with status line.
+#	The terminal may have to be set for 8 data bits and 2 stop
+#	bits for the arrow keys to work.
+#	If you change keyboards the terminal will send different
+#	escape sequences.
+#	The following definition is for the basic terminal without
+#	function keys.
+#	<u0> -> enter Tektronix 4010/4014 mode
+#	<u1> -> exit  Tektronix 4010/4014 mode
+#	<u2> -> enter ASCII mode (from any ANSI mode)
+#	<u3> -> exit  ASCII mode (goto native ANSI mode)
+#	<u4> -> enter Tek 4207 ANSI mode (from any ANSI mode)
+#	<u5> -> exit  Tek 4207 mode (goto native ANSI mode)
+# Bug: The <op> capability resets attributes.
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+wy370-nk|wyse 370 without function keys:\
+	:am:hs:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:ws#80:\
+	:AL=2*\E[%dL:DC=1*\E[%dP:DL=2*\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:\
+	:IC=1*\E[%d@:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=2\E[L:\
+	:as=^N:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=40\E[J:ce=10\E[K:cl=40\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=1\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=1\E[P:\
+	:dl=2\E[M:do=\n:ds=\E[40l:ec=.1*\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:\
+	:fs=\E[1;24r\E8:ho=\E[H:i1=6\E[90;1"p\E[?5W:\
+	:i2=\E>\017\E)0\E(B\E[63;0w\E[m:im=\E[4h:ip=1:\
+	:is=\E[2;4;20;30;40l\E[?1;10;16l\E[12h\E[?7;8;25h:\
+	:ke=\E>:ks=\E[?1l\E=:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:\
+	:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=2\n:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=2\EM:st=\EH:ta=1^I:te=\E[ R:ti=\E[ Q:\
+	:ts=\E[40l\E[40h\E7\E[99;%i%dH:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:vb=\E[30h\E,\E[30l:ve=\E[34h\E[?25h:\
+	:vi=\E[?25l:vs=\E[?25h\E[34l:
+#	Function key set for the ASCII (wy-50 compatible) keyboard
+#	This is the default 370.
+wy370|wyse370|wy370-101k|Wyse 370 with 101 key keyboard:\
+	:@8=\EOM:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:F3=\E[25~:F4=\E[26~:\
+	:F5=\E[28~:F6=\E[29~:k1=\E[?4i:k2=\E[?3i:k3=\E[2i:k4=\E[@:\
+	:k5=\E[M:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:\
+	:k;=\E[21~:kA=\EOP:kB=\E[Z:kD=\EOQ:kI=\EOP:kL=\EOQ:kN=\E[U:\
+	:kP=\E[V:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:\
+	:tc=wy370-nk:
+#	Function key set for the VT-320 (and wy85) compatible keyboard
+wy370-105k|Wyse 370 with 105 key keyboard:\
+	:%1=\E[28~:*6=\E[4~:@0=\E[1~:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:\
+	:F3=\E[25~:F4=\E[26~:F5=\E[28~:F6=\E[29~:F7=\E[31~:\
+	:F8=\E[32~:F9=\E[33~:FA=\E[34~:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:\
+	:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:\
+	:kP=\E[5~:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[26~:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:\
+	:l1=PF1:l2=PF2:l3=PF3:l4=PF4:tc=wy370-nk:tc=vt220+keypad:
+#	Function key set for the PC compatible keyboard
+wy370-EPC|Wyse 370 with 102 key keyboard:\
+	:@7=\E[1~:@8=\EOM:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:\
+	:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\E[M:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:\
+	:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:kB=\E[Z:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[U:kP=\E[V:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:tc=wy370-nk:
+#	Wyse 370 with visual bell.
+wy370-vb|Wyse 370 with visible bell:\
+	:bl@:tc=wy370:
+#	Wyse 370 in 132-column mode.
+wy370-w|Wyse 370 in 132-column mode:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:rs=70\E[35h\E[?3h:tc=wy370:
+#	Wyse 370 in 132-column mode with visual bell.
+wy370-wvb|Wyse 370 with visible bell 132-columns:\
+	:vb=\E[30h\E,\E[30l:tc=wy370-w:
+wy370-rv|Wyse 370 reverse video:\
+	:r3=\E[32h\E[?5h:tc=wy370:
+#	Wyse 99gt Tektronix 4010/4014 emulator,
+wy99gt-tek|Wyse 99gt Tektronix 4010/4014 emulator:\
+	:am:os:\
+	:co#74:li#35:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=\E^L:cr=\r:do=\n:ff=^L:\
+	:ho=^]7`x @\037:\
+	:is=\E8:le=^H:nd=\s:nw=\r\n:u0=\E~>\E8:u1=\E[42h:up=^K:
+#	Wyse 160 Tektronix 4010/4014 emulator,
+wy160-tek|Wyse 160 Tektronix 4010/4014 emulator:\
+	:ho=^]8`g @\037:tc=wy99gt-tek:
+#	Wyse 370 Tektronix 4010/4014 emulator,
+wy370-tek|Wyse 370 Tektronix 4010/4014 emulator:\
+	:am:os:\
+	:co#80:li#36:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=\E^L:cr=\r:do=\n:ff=^L:\
+	:ho=^]8g @\037:\
+	:is=\E8:kb=^H:kd=\n:kl=^H:kr=^I:ku=^K:le=^H:nd=\s:nw=\r\n:\
+	:u0=\E[?38h\E8:u1=\E[?38l\E)0:up=^K:
+# Vendor-supplied Wyse entries end here.
+#DATE:   8/5/93
+# The WY520 terminfo is based on the WY285 entry published on the WYSE
+# BBS with the addition of more function keys and special keys.
+#               rs1 -> set personality
+#               rs2 -> set number of columns
+#               rs3 -> set number of lines
+#               is1 -> select the proper font
+#               is2 -> do the initialization
+#               is3 -> If this string is empty then rs3 gets sent.
+#       Wyse 520 emulating a vt420 7 bit mode with default ANSI keyboard
+#       - The BS key is programmed to generate BS in smcup since
+#         is2 doesn't seem to work.
+#       - Remove and shift/Remove: delete a character
+#       - Insert : enter insert mode
+#       - Find   : delete to end of file
+#       - Select : clear a line
+#       - F11, F12, F13: send default sequences (not ESC, BS, LF)
+#       - F14 : Home key
+#       - Bottom status line (host writable line) is used.
+#       - smkx,rmkx are removed because this would put the numeric
+#         keypad in Dec application mode which doesn't seem to work
+#         with SCO applications.
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+wy520|wyse520|wyse 520:\
+	:am:hs:km:mi:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:ws#80:\
+	:AL=3*\E[%dL:DC=3\E[%dP:DL=2*\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=2\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=3\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:\
+	:bt=\E[Z:cd=40\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=40\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=\r:cs=20\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=30\E[P:dl=2\E[M:do=\n:\
+	:ds=\E[0$~:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:fs=\E[0$}:ho=\E[H:i1=\E[?5W:\
+	:i2=\E>\E(B\E)0\017\E[m:im=\E[4h:ip=4:\
+	:is=\E[2;4;20;30l\E[?1;4;10;16l\E[12h\E[?7;8;25;67h:\
+	:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:kD=\E[3~:\
+	:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[26~:\
+	:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:\
+	:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=2\n:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=2\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:te=\E[ R:ti=\E[ Q\E[?67;8h:\
+	:ts=\E[2$~\E[1$}\E[%i%d`:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:ve=\E[34h\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:vs=\E[?25h\E[34l:\
+	:tc=vt220+keypad:
+#       Wyse 520 with 24 data lines and status (terminal status)
+wy520-24|wyse520-24|wyse 520 with 24 data lines:\
+	:hs@:\
+	:ds@:fs@:r3=\E[?5l\E[47h\E[40l\E[1;24r:ts@:tc=wy520:
+#       Wyse 520 with visual bell.
+wy520-vb|wyse520-vb|wyse 520 with visible bell:\
+	:vb=\E[30h\E,\E[30l:tc=wy520:
+#       Wyse 520 in 132-column mode.
+wy520-w|wyse520-w|wyse 520 in 132-column mode:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:DC=7\E[%dP:IC=7\E[%d@:dc=7\E[P:ei=:im=:ip=7:\
+	:rs=\E[35h\E[?3h:tc=wy520:
+#       Wyse 520 in 132-column mode with visual bell.
+wy520-wvb|wyse520-wvb|wyse 520 with visible bell 132-columns:\
+	:vb=\E[30h\E,\E[30l:tc=wy520-w:
+#       Wyse 520 emulating a vt420 7 bit mode.
+#       The DEL key is programmed to generate BS in is2.
+#       With EPC keyboard.
+#       - 'End' key will clear till end of line on EPC keyboard
+#       - Shift/End : ignored.
+#       - Insert : enter insert mode.
+#       - Delete : delete a character (have to change interrupt character
+#                  to CTRL-C: stty intr '^c') for it to work since the
+#                  Delete key sends 7FH.
+wy520-epc|wyse520-epc|wyse 520 with EPC keyboard:\
+	:@7=\E[4~:k0=\E[21~:k1=\E[11~:k2=\E[12~:k3=\E[13~:\
+	:k4=\E[14~:k5=\E[15~:kD=\177:kE=\E[4~:kh=\E[H:tc=wy520:
+#       Wyse 520 with 24 data lines and status (terminal status)
+#       with EPC keyboard.
+wy520-epc-24|wyse520-pc-24|wyse 520 with 24 data lines and EPC keyboard:\
+	:hs@:\
+	:ds@:fs@:r3=\E[?5l\E[47h\E[40l\E[1;24r:ts@:tc=wy520-epc:
+#       Wyse 520 with visual bell.
+wy520-epc-vb|wyse520-pc-vb|wyse 520 with visible bell and EPC keyboard:\
+	:vb=\E[30h\E,\E[30l:tc=wy520-epc:
+#       Wyse 520 in 132-column mode.
+wy520-epc-w|wyse520-epc-w|wyse 520 in 132-column mode with EPC keyboard:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:DC=7\E[%dP:IC=7\E[%d@:dc=7\E[P:ei=:im=:ip=7:\
+	:rs=\E[35h\E[?3h:tc=wy520-epc:
+#       Wyse 520 in 132-column mode with visual bell.
+wy520-epc-wvb|wyse520-p-wvb|wyse 520 with visible bell 132-columns and EPC keyboard:\
+	:vb=\E[30h\E,\E[30l:tc=wy520-epc-w:
+#       Wyse 520 in 80-column, 36 lines
+wy520-36|wyse520-36|wyse 520 with 36 data lines:\
+	:hs@:\
+	:li#36:\
+	:ds@:fs@:r3=\E[?5l\E[36*|\E[36t\E[40l\E[1;36r:ts@:\
+	:tc=wy520:
+#       Wyse 520 in 80-column, 48 lines
+wy520-48|wyse520-48|wyse 520 with 48 data lines:\
+	:hs@:\
+	:li#48:\
+	:ds@:fs@:r3=\E[?5l\E[48*|\E[48t\E[40l\E[1;48r:ts@:\
+	:tc=wy520:
+#       Wyse 520 in 132-column, 36 lines
+wy520-36w|wyse520-36w|wyse 520 with 132 columns and 36 data lines:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:r2=\E[?3h:\
+	:r3=\E[?5l\E[36*|\E[36t\E[40l\E[1;36r\E[132$|:\
+	:tc=wy520-36:
+#       Wyse 520 in 132-column, 48 lines
+wy520-48w|wyse520-48w|wyse 520 with 48 data lines:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:r2=\E[?3h:\
+	:r3=\E[?5l\E[48*|\E[48t\E[40l\E[1;48r\E[132$|:\
+	:tc=wy520-48:
+#       Wyse 520 in 80-column, 36 lines with EPC keyboard
+wy520-36pc|wyse520-36pc|wyse 520 with 36 data lines and EPC keyboard:\
+	:hs@:\
+	:li#36:\
+	:ds@:fs@:r3=\E[?5l\E[36*|\E[36t\E[40l\E[1;36r:ts@:\
+	:tc=wy520-epc:
+#       Wyse 520 in 80-column, 48 lines with EPC keyboard
+wy520-48pc|wyse520-48pc|wyse 520 with 48 data lines and EPC keyboard:\
+	:hs@:\
+	:li#48:\
+	:ds@:fs@:r3=\E[?5l\E[48*|\E[48t\E[40l\E[1;48r:ts@:\
+	:tc=wy520-epc:
+#       Wyse 520 in 132-column, 36 lines with EPC keyboard
+wy520-36wpc|wyse520-36wpc|wyse 520 with 36 data lines and EPC keyboard:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:r2=\E[?3h:\
+	:r3=\E[?5l\E[36*|\E[36t\E[40l\E[1;36r\E[132$|:\
+	:tc=wy520-36pc:
+#       Wyse 520 in 132-column, 48 lines with EPC keyboard
+wy520-48wpc|wyse520-48wpc|wyse 520 with 48 data lines and EPC keyboard:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:r2=\E[?3h:\
+	:r3=\E[?5l\E[48*|\E[48t\E[40l\E[1;48r\E[132$|:\
+	:tc=wy520-48pc:
+# From: John Gilmore <hoptoad!gnu@lll-crg.arpa>
+# (wyse-vp: removed :if=/usr/share/tabset/wyse-adds:, there's no such
+# file and we don't know what :st: is -- esr)
+wyse-vp|Wyse 50 in ADDS Viewpoint emulation mode with "enhance" on:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=\EM:bl=^G:cd=\Ek:ce=\EK:cl=^L:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=\r:dc=\EW:\
+	:dl=\El:do=\n:ei=\Er:ho=^A:im=\Eq:is=\E`\:\E`9\017\Er:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\n:kh=^A:kl=^U:kr=^F:ku=^Z:le=^H:ll=^A^Z:me=^O:\
+	:nd=^F:nw=\r\n:r1=\E`\:\E`9\017\Er:se=^O:sf=\n:so=^N:ta=^I:\
+	:ue=^O:up=^Z:us=^N:
+wy75ap|wyse75ap|wy-75ap|wyse-75ap|Wyse WY-75 Applications and Cursor keypad:\
+	:is=\E[1;24r\E[?10;3l\E[?1;25h\E[4l\E[m\E(B\E=:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\EOB:ke=10\E[?1l\E>:kh=\EOH:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:\
+	:ks=10\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:tc=wy75:
+# From: Eric Freudenthal <freudent@eric.ultra.nyu.edu>
+wy100q|Wyse 100 for Quotron:\
+	:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#1:\
+	:al=\EE:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=^Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :dc=\EW:\
+	:dl=\ER:do=\n:ei=\Er:ho=^^:im=\Eq:\
+	:is=\E`\:\0\EC\EDF\E0\E'\E(\EA21:kd=\n:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:\
+	:le=^H:mk@:nd=^L:sr=\Ej:up=^K:tc=adm+sgr:
+#### Kermit terminal emulations
+# Obsolete Kermit versions may be listed in the section describing obsolete
+# non-ANSI terminal emulators later in the file.
+# KERMIT standard all versions.
+# Straight ascii keyboard. :sr=\EI: not avail. many versions + bug prone in vi.
+# (kermit: removed obsolete ":ma=^Hh^Jj^Kk^Ll^^H:" -- esr)
+# From: greg small <gts@populi.berkeley.edu> 9-25-84
+kermit|standard kermit:\
+	:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EE:cm=\EY%+ %+ :do=\EB:ho=\EH:\
+	:is=K0 Standard Kermit  9-25-84\n:kd=\n:kh=^^:kl=^H:\
+	:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:nd=\EC:up=\EA:
+kermit-am|standard kermit plus auto-margin:\
+	:am:\
+	:is=K1 Standard Kermit plus Automatic Margins\n:\
+	:tc=kermit:
+# IBMPC Kermit 1.2.
+# Bugs: :cd:, :ce:: do not work except at beginning of line!  :cl: does
+# not work, but fake with :cl=\EH\EJ (since :cd=\EJ: works at beginning of
+# line).
+# From: greg small <gts@populi.berkeley.edu> 8-30-84
+pckermit|pckermit12|UCB IBMPC Kermit 1.2:\
+	:am:\
+	:li#25:\
+	:cd@:ce@:cl=\EH\EJ:\
+	:is=K2 UCB IBMPC Kermit 1.2  8-30-84\n:tc=kermit:
+# IBMPC Kermit 1.20
+# Cannot use line 25, now acts funny like ansi special scrolling region.
+# Initialization must escape from that region by cursor position to line 24.
+# Cannot use character insert because 1.20 goes crazy if insert at col 80.
+# Does not use :am: because autowrap is lost when kermit dropped and restarted.
+# From: greg small <gts@populi.berkeley.edu> 12-19-84
+pckermit120|UCB IBMPC Kermit 1.20:\
+	:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=\EL:dc=\EN:dl=\EM:do=\EB:ei@:im@:\
+	:is=\EO\Eq\EJ\EY7 K3 UCB IBMPC Kermit 1.20  12-19-84\n:\
+	:se=\Eq:so=\Ep:ta=^I:vs=\EO\Eq\EEK3:tc=kermit:
+# MS-DOS Kermit 2.27 for the IBMPC
+# Straight ascii keyboard. :sr=\EI: not avail. many versions + bug prone in vi.
+# Cannot use line 25, now acts funny like ansi special scrolling region.
+# Initialization must escape from that region by cursor position to line 24.
+# Does not use am: because autowrap is lost when kermit dropped and restarted.
+# Reverse video for standout like H19.
+# (msk227: removed obsolete ":ma=^Hh^Jj^Kk^Ll^^H:" -- esr)
+# From: greg small <gts@populi.berkeley.edu> 3-17-85
+msk227|mskermit227|MS-DOS Kermit 2.27 for the IBMPC:\
+	:am@:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=\EL:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EE:cm=\EY%+ %+ :dc=\EN:dl=\EM:\
+	:do=\EB:ei=\EO:ho=\EH:im=\E@:\
+	:is=\EO\Eq\EG\Ew\EJ\EY7 K4 MS Kermit 2.27 for the IBMPC 3-17-85\n:\
+	:kd=\n:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:nd=\EC:rc=\Ek:sc=\Ej:\
+	:se=\Eq:so=\Ep:ta=^I:up=\EA:vs=\EO\Eq\EG\EwK4:
+# MS-DOS Kermit 2.27 with automatic margins
+# From:	greg small <gts@populi.berkeley.edu> 3-17-85
+msk227am|mskermit227am|UCB MS-DOS Kermit 2.27 with automatic margins:\
+	:am:\
+	:is=\EO\Eq\EG\Ev\EJ\EY7 K5 MS Kermit 2.27 +automatic margins 3-17-85\n:\
+	:vs=\EO\Eq\EG\EvK5:tc=msk227:
+# MS-DOS Kermit 2.27 UCB 227.14 for the IBM PC
+# Automatic margins now default.  Use ansi :sa: for highlights.
+# Define function keys.
+# (msk22714: removed obsolete ":kn#10:" -- esr)
+# From: greg small <gts@populi.berkeley.edu> 3-17-85
+msk22714|mskermit22714|UCB MS-DOS Kermit 2.27 UCB 227.14 IBM PC:\
+	:am:\
+	:is=\EO\Eq\EG\Ev\EJ\EY7 K6 MS Kermit 2.27 UCB 227.14 IBM PC 3-17-85\n:\
+	:k0=\E0:k1=\E1:k2=\E2:k3=\E3:k4=\E4:k5=\E5:k6=\E6:k7=\E7:\
+	:k8=\E8:k9=\E9:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:se=\E[m:so=\E[1m:\
+	:ue=\E[m:us=\E[4m:vs=\EO\Eq\EG\EvK6:tc=mskermit227:
+# This was designed for a VT320 emulator, but it is probably a good start
+# at support for the VT320 itself.
+# Please send changes with explanations to bug-gnu-emacs@prep.ai.mit.edu.
+# (vt320-k3: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string -- esr)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+vt320-k3|MS-Kermit 3.00's vt320 emulation:\
+	:am:es:hs:km:mi:ms:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#49:pb#9600:vt#3:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:CC=\E:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:SR=\E[%dL:UP=\E[%dA:ae=\E(B:al=\E[L:\
+	:as=\E(0:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\n:\
+	:ds=\E[0$~:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:fs=\E[0$}:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E>\E F\E[?1h\E[?7h\E[r\E[2$~:k0=\E[21~:k1=\EOP:\
+	:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:\
+	:k9=\E[20~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:\
+	:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\r\n:rc=\E8:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:ts=\E[1$}\r\E[K:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l\E[?5h\E[?5l\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?25h:\
+	:vi=\E[?25l:
+# From: Joseph Gil <yogi@cs.ubc.ca> 13 Dec 1991
+# ACS capabilities from Philippe De Muyter  <phdm@info.ucl.ac.be> 30 May 1996
+# (I removed a bogus boolean :mo: and added :ms:, <smam>, <rmam> -- esr)
+vt320-k311|dec vt320 series as defined by kermit 3.11:\
+	:am:es:hs:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:vt#3:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=^O:al=3\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[;H\E[2J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ds=\E[2$~\r\E[1$}\E[K\E[$}:ei=\E[4l:\
+	:fs=\E[$}:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:\
+	:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:\
+	:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:l1=pf1:l2=pf2:l3=pf3:l4=pf4:\
+	:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\r\ED:\
+	:r1=\E[?3l:rc=\E8:rf=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:sc=\E7:\
+	:se=\E[27m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:ts=\E[2$~\E[1$}\E[1;%dH:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:
+#### Avatar
+# These entries attempt to describe Avatar, a terminal emulation used with
+# MS-DOS bulletin-board systems.  It was designed to give ANSI-like
+# capabilities, but with cheaper (shorter) control sequences.  Messy design,
+# excessively dependent on PC idiosyncrasies, but apparently rather popular
+# in the BBS world.
+# No color support.  Avatar doesn't fit either of the Tektronix or HP color
+# models that terminfo knows about.  An Avatar color attribute is the
+# low 7 bits of the IBM-PC display-memory attribute.  Bletch.
+# I wrote these entries while looking at the Avatar spec.  I don't have
+# the facilities to test them.  Let me know if they work, or don't.
+# Avatar escapes not used by these entries (because maybe you're smarter
+# and more motivated than I am and can figure out how to wrap terminfo
+# around some of them, and because they are weird enough to be funny):
+#				level 0:
+# ^L		-- clear window/reset current attribute to default
+# ^V^A%p1%c	-- set current color attribute, parameter decodes as follows:
+#      bit:         6   5   4   3   2   1   0
+#                   |       |   |   |       |
+#                   +---+---+   |   +---+---+
+#                       |       |       |
+#                       |       |  foreground color
+#                       |  foreground intensity
+#                  background color
+#				level 0+:
+# ^V^J%p1%c%p2%c%p3%c%p4%c%p5%c	-- scroll (p2,p3) to (p4,p5) up by p1 lines
+# ^V^K%p1%c%p2%c%p3%c%p4%c%p5%c	-- scroll (p2,p3) to (p4,p5) down by p1 lines
+# ^V^L%p1%c%p2%c%p3%c		-- clear p2 lines and p3 cols w/attr %p1
+# ^V^M%p1%c%p2%c%p3%c%p4%c	-- fill p3 lines & p4 cols w/char p2+attr %p1
+# (^V^L and ^V^M set the current attribute as a side-effect.)
+# ^V ^Y <a> [...] <c>	-- repeat pattern. <a> specifies the number of bytes
+#			   in the pattern, <c> the number of times the pattern
+#			   should be repeated. If either value is 0, no-op.
+#			   The pattern can contain Avatar console codes,
+#			   including other ^V ^Y patterns.
+#				level 1:
+# ^V^O		-- clockwise mode on; turn print direction right each time you
+#		   hit a window edge (yes, really).  Turned off by CR
+# ^V^P		-- no-op
+# ^V^Q%c	-- query the driver
+# ^V^R		-- driver reset
+# ^V^S		-- Sound tone (PC-specific)
+# ^V^T			-- change highlight at current cursor position to %c
+# ^V^U%p1%c%p2%c	-- highlight window <a> with attribute <b>
+# ^V^V%p1%c%p2%c%p3%c%p4%c%p5%c
+#			-- define window
+# From: Eric S. Raymond <esr@snark.thyrsus.com> 1 Nov 1995
+# (The :mb:/:md:/:mr:/:as:/:us:/:so: capabilities exist only to
+# tell ncurses that the corresponding highlights exist; it should use :sa:,
+# which is the only method that will actually work for multiple highlights.)
+# Update by TD - 2004: half of this was inconsistent.  Found documentation
+# and repaired most of the damage.  sgr0 is probably incorrect, but the
+# available documentation gives no clues for a workable string.
+avatar0|avatar terminal emulator level 0:\
+	:am:ms:ut:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:\
+	:ae@:as@:ce=^V^G:cm=\026\010%.%.:cr=\r:do=^V^D:le=^V^E:\
+	:mb=^V^B:md=^V^A^P:me=^V^A^G:mk=^V^A\0:mr=^V^Ap:nd=^V^F:\
+	:rp=\031%.%.:rs=^L:sf=\n:so=^V^Ap:up=^V^C:us=^V^A^A:\
+	:tc=klone+acs:
+# From: Eric S. Raymond <esr@snark.thyrsus.com> 1 Nov 1995
+avatar0+|avatar terminal emulator level 0+:\
+	:dc=^V^N:ei=\026\n\0\0\0\0:im=^V^I:tc=avatar0:
+# From: Eric S. Raymond <esr@snark.thyrsus.com> 1 Nov 1995
+avatar|avatar1|avatar terminal emulator level 1:\
+	:RA=^V":SA=^V$:al=^V+:dl=^V-:ei=^V^P:ve=^V'^A:vi=^V'^B:\
+	:vs=^V^C:tc=avatar0+:
+#### RBcomm
+# RBComm is a lean and mean terminal emulator written by the Interrupt List
+# maintainer, Ralf Brown. It was fairly popular in the late DOS years (early
+# '90s), especially in the BBS world, and still has some loyal users due to
+# its very small memory footprint and to a cute macro language.
+rbcomm|IBM PC with RBcomm and EMACS keybindings:\
+	:am:bw:mi:ms:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DL=\E[%dM:al=^K:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=^F5:ce=^P^P:\
+	:cl=^L:cm=\037%r%+ %+ :cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dc=^W:dl=^Z:\
+	:dm=:do=^C:ec=\E[%dX:ed=:ei=^]:im=^\:\
+	:is=\017\035\E(B\E)0\E[?7h\E[?3l\E[>8g:kb=^H:kd=^N:\
+	:ke=\E>:kh=^A:kl=^B:kr=^F:ks=\E=:ku=^P:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:\
+	:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mk=\E[8m:mr=^R:nd=^B:nw=\r\ED:\
+	:r1=\017\E(B\E)0\025\E[?3l\E[>8g:rc=\E8:rp=\030%.%.:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=^U:sf=\ED:so=^R:sr=\EM:ta=^I:te=:ti=:ue=^U:up=^^:\
+	:us=^T:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:
+rbcomm-nam|IBM PC with RBcomm without autowrap:\
+	:am@:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=\r:do=\n:\
+	:is=\017\035\E(B\E)0\E[?7l\E[?3l\E[>8g:kb=^H:kd=\n:\
+	:kl=^H:nw=\r\n:sf=\n:ta=^I:tc=rbcomm:
+rbcomm-w|IBM PC with RBcomm in 132 column mode:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=\r:do=\n:\
+	:is=\017\035\E(B\E)0\E[?7h\E[?3h\E[>8g:kb=^H:kd=\n:\
+	:kl=^H:nw=\r\n:sf=\n:ta=^I:tc=rbcomm:
+######## LCD DISPLAYS
+#### Matrix Orbital
+# from: Eric Z. Ayers  (eric@ale.org)
+# Matrix Orbital 20x4 LCD display
+# Command Character is 0xFE (decimal 254, octal 376)
+# On this device, cursor addressability isn't possible.  The LCD expects:
+#      0xfe G <col> <row>
+#      for cup: %p1 == row and %p2 is column
+# This line:
+#	cup=\376G%p2%c%p1%c
+# LOOKS like it will work, but sometimes only one of the two numbers is sent.
+# See the terminfo (5) manpage commented regarding 'Terminals which use "%c"'.
+# Alas, there is no cursor upline capability on this display.
+# These entries add some 'sanity stuff' to the clear function.  That is, it
+# does a 'clear' and also turns OFF auto scroll, turns ON Auto Line Wrapping,
+# and turns off the cursor blinking and stuff like that.
+# NOTE: calling 'beep' turns on the backlight (bell)
+# NOTE: calling 'flash' turns it on and back off (visual bell)
+MtxOrb|Generic Matrix Orbital LCD display:\
+	:bl=\376B\001:cl=\376X\376C\376R\376K\376T:ho=\376H:\
+	:le=\376L:nd=\376M:vb=\376B\001\376F:ve=\376K\376T:
+MtxOrb204|20x4 Matrix Orbital LCD display:\
+	:co#20:li#4:tc=MtxOrb:
+MtxOrb162|16x2 Matrix Orbital LCD display:\
+	:co#16:li#2:tc=MtxOrb:
+# The end
+# This section is devoted to older commercial terminal brands that are now
+# discontinued, but known to be still in use or represented by emulations.
+#### AT&T (att, tty)
+# This section also includes Teletype-branded VDTs.
+# The AT&T/Teletype terminals group was sold to SunRiver Data Systems (now
+# Boundless Technologies); for details, see the header comment on the ADDS
+# section.
+# These are AT&T's official terminfo entries.  All-caps aliases have been
+# removed.
+att2300|sv80|AT&T 2300 Video Information Terminal 80 column mode:\
+	:am:eo:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:F1=\E[11r:\
+	:F2=\E[12r:F3=\E[13r:F4=\E[14r:F5=\E[15r:F6=\E[16r:\
+	:IC=\E[%d@:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bl=^G:\
+	:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=\r:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:\
+	:k1=\E[1r:k2=\E[2r:k3=\E[3r:k4=\E[4r:k5=\E[5r:k6=\E[6r:\
+	:k7=\E[7r:k8=\E[8r:k9=\E[9r:k;=\E[10r:kA=\E[L:kB=\E[Z:\
+	:kC=\E[J:kD=\E[P:kI=\E[@:kL=\E[M:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:\
+	:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:pf=\E[4i:po=\E[5i:ps=\E[0i:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:ta=^I:\
+	:up=\E[A:
+att2350|AT&T 2350 Video Information Terminal 80 column mode:\
+	:pf@:po@:ps@:tc=att2300:
+# Must setup RETURN KEY - CR, REC'VD LF - INDEX.
+# Seems upward compatible with vt100, plus ins/del line/char.
+# On sgr, the protection parameter is ignored.
+# No check is made to make sure that only 3 parameters are output.
+#	standout= reverse + half-intensity = 3 | 5.
+#	bold= reverse + underline = 2 | 3.
+# note that half-bright blinking doesn't look different from normal blinking.
+# NOTE:you must program the function keys first, label second!
+# (att4410: a BSD entry has been seen with the following capabilities:
+# :is=\E[?6l:, :k1=\EOc:, :k2=\EOd:, :k3=\EOe:, :k4=\EOg:,
+# :k6=\EOh:, :k7=\EOi:, :k8=\EOj:, -- esr)
+att5410v1|att4410v1|tty5410v1|AT&T 4410/5410 80 columns - version 1:\
+	:am:hs:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:Nl#8:co#80:it#8:lh#2:li#24:lw#8:ws#80:\
+	:ac=++,,--..00``aaffgghhjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:\
+	:do=\E[B:ei=:fs=\E8:ho=\E[H:i1=\E[?3l\E)0:\
+	:i2=\E[1;03q   f1           \EOP\E[2;03q   f2           \EOQ\E[3;03q   f3           \EOR\E[4;03q   f4           \EOS\E[5;03q   f5           \EOT\E[6;03q   f6           \EOU\E[7;03q   f7           \EOV\E[8;03q   f8           \EOW:\
+	:ic=\E[@:im=:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\EOT:\
+	:k6=\EOU:k7=\EOV:k8=\EOW:kC=\E[2J:kH=\E[24;1H:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:ll=\E[24H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[2;7m:me=\E[0m:mh=\E[2m:mk=\E[8m:mr=\E[7m:\
+	:nd=\E[C:nw=\r\n:rc=\E8:rs=\Ec\E[?3l\E[2;0y:sc=\E7:\
+	:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:
+att4410v1-w|att5410v1-w|tty5410v1-w|AT&T 4410/5410 132 columns - version 1:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:i1=\E[?3h\E)0:rs=\Ec\E[?3h\E[2;0y:tc=att5410v1:
+att4410|att5410|tty5410|AT&T 4410/5410 80 columns - version 2:\
+	:bs:tc=att5410v1:
+att5410-w|att4410-w|4410-w|tty5410-w|5410-w|AT&T 4410/5410 in 132 column mode:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:i1=\E[?3h\E)0:rs=\Ec\E[?3h\E[2;0y:tc=att4410:
+# 5410 in terms of a vt100
+# (v5410: added <rmam>/<smam> based on init string -- esr)
+v5410|att5410 in terms of a vt100:\
+	:am:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:vt#3:\
+	:RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7h:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:cb=3\E[1K:cd=50\E[J:ce=3\E[K:\
+	:cl=50\E[H\E[J:cm=5\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\
+	:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\n:eA=\E(B\E)0:ei=:ho=\E[H:\
+	:ic=\E[@:im=:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:\
+	:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:mb=2\E[5m:md=2\E[1m:me=2\E[0m:\
+	:mr=2\E[7m:nd=2\E[C:rc=\E8:\
+	:rs=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:sc=\E7:se=2\E[m:\
+	:sf=\n:so=2\E[1;7m:sr=5\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=2\E[m:up=2\E[A:\
+	:us=2\E[4m:tc=vt100+fnkeys:
+# Teletype Model 5420 -- A souped up 5410, with multiple windows,
+# even! the 5420 has three modes: scroll, window or page mode
+# this terminfo should work in scroll or window mode, but doesn't
+# take advantage of any of the differences between them.
+# Has memory below (2 lines!)
+# 3 pages of memory (plus some spare)
+# The 5410 sequences for :cm:, :vs:, :DC:, :DL:, :ec:, :vb:, :ho:,
+# <hpa>, :st: would work for these, but these work in both scroll and window
+# mode... Unset insert character so insert mode works
+# :i1: sets 80 column mode,
+# :is: escape sequence:
+# 1) turn off all fonts
+# 2) function keys off, keyboard lock off, control display off,
+#    insert mode off, erasure mode off,
+# 3) full duplex, monitor mode off, send graphics off, nl on lf off
+# 4) reset origin mode
+# 5) set line wraparound
+# 6) exit erasure mode, positional attribute mode, and erasure extent mode
+# 7) clear margins
+# 8) program ENTER to transmit ^J,
+# We use \212 to program the ^J because a bare ^J will get translated by
+# UNIX into a CR/LF. The enter key is needed for AT&T uOMS.
+#     1      2            3              4     5     6    7  8
+# :i3: set screen color to black,
+# No representation in terminfo for the delete word key: kdw1=\Ed
+# Key capabilities assume the power-up send sequence...
+# This :te: is not strictly necessary, but it helps maximize
+# memory usefulness: :te=\Ez:,
+# Alternate sgr0:	:me=\E[m\EW^O:,
+# Alternate sgr:	:sa=\E[%?%p1%t2;7%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p3%t;7%;%?%p4%t;5%;%?%p5%t;2%;%?%p7%t;8%;m%?%p8%t\EV%;%?%p9%t^N%e^O%;:,
+# smkx programs the SYS PF keys to send a set sequence.
+# It also sets up labels f1, f2, ..., f8, and sends edit keys.
+# This string causes them to send the strings :k1:-:k8:
+# when pressed in SYS PF mode.
+# (att4415: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string -- esr)
+att4415|tty5420|att5420|AT&T 4415/5420 80 cols:\
+	:bs:db:mi:xo:\
+	:Nl#8:lh#2:lm#78:lw#8:ws#55:\
+	:@1=\Et:@7=\Ez:@8=\Eent:AL=\E[%dL:CM=\E[%i%d;%dt:\
+	:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:LE=\E[%dD:LF=\E|:\
+	:LO=\E~:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:SF=\E[%dE:SR=\E[%dF:\
+	:UP=\E[%dA:bt=\E[Z:cl=\E[x\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dx:ct=\E[3g:\
+	:ec=\E[%ds\E[%dD:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[x:i1=100\E[?3l:i2=\E[?5l:\
+	:ic@:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E[m\017\E[1;2;3;4;6l\E[12;13;14;20l\E[?6;97;99l\E[?7h\E[4i\Ex\E[21;1j\212:\
+	:k1=\EOc:k2=\EOd:k3=\EOe:k4=\EOf:k5=\EOg:k6=\EOh:k7=\EOi:\
+	:k8=\EOj:kA=\E[L:kB=\E[Z:kD=\E[P:kE=\E[2K:kF=\E[T:kH=\Eu:\
+	:kI=\E[4h:kL=\E[M:kN=\E[U:kP=\E[V:kR=\E[S:\
+	:ke=\E[19;0j\E[21;1j\212:ks=\E[19;1j\E[21;4j\Eent:\
+	:l1=F1:l2=F2:l3=F3:l4=F4:l5=F5:l6=F6:l7=F7:l8=F8:ll=\Ew:\
+	:me=\E[0m\017:mp=\EV:pf=\E[?9i:po=\E[?4i:ps=\E[?2i:st=\EH:\
+	:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[11;0j:vs=\E[11;1j:tc=att4410:
+att4415-w|tty5420-w|att5420-w|AT&T 4415/5420 132 cols:\
+	:co#132:lm#54:ws#97:\
+	:i1=100\E[?3h:tc=att4415:
+att4415-rv|tty5420-rv|att5420-rv|AT&T 4415/5420 80 cols/rv:\
+	:i2=\E[?5h:vb=\E[?5l\E[?5h:tc=att4415:
+att4415-w-rv|tty5420-w-rv|att5420-w-rv|AT&T 4415/5420 132 cols/rv:\
+	:co#132:lm#54:ws#97:\
+	:i1=100\E[?3h:i2=\E[?5h:vb=\E[?5l\E[?5h:tc=att4415:
+# Note that this mode permits programming USER PF KEYS and labels
+# However, when you program user pf labels you have to reselect
+# user pf keys to make them appear!
+att4415+nl|tty5420+nl|att5420+nl|generic AT&T 4415/5420 changes for not changing labels:\
+	:k1@:k2@:k3@:k4@:k5@:k6@:k7@:k8@:
+att4415-nl|tty5420-nl|att5420-nl|AT&T 4415/5420 without changing labels:\
+	:k1@:k2@:k3@:k4@:k5@:k6@:k7@:k8@:tc=att4415+nl:tc=att4415:
+att4415-rv-nl|tty5420-rv-nl|att5420-rv-nl|AT&T 4415/5420 reverse video without changing labels:\
+	:k1@:k2@:k3@:k4@:k5@:k6@:k7@:k8@:tc=att4415+nl:tc=att4415-rv:
+att4415-w-nl|tty5420-w-nl|att5420-w-nl|AT&T 4415/5420 132 cols without changing labels:\
+	:k1@:k2@:k3@:k4@:k5@:k6@:k7@:k8@:tc=att4415+nl:tc=att4415-w:
+att4415-w-rv-n|tty5420-w-rv-n|att5420-w-rv-n|AT&T 4415/5420 132 cols reverse without changing labels:\
+	:k1@:k2@:k3@:k4@:k5@:k6@:k7@:k8@:tc=att4415+nl:\
+	:tc=att4415-w-rv:
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+att5420_2|AT&T 5420 model 2 80 cols:\
+	:am:db:hs:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:lm#78:ws#55:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:CM=\E[%i%d;%dt:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:\
+	:IC=\E[%d@:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:SF=\E[%dE:SR=\E[%dF:\
+	:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bt=\E[1Z:cd=\E[0J:ce=\E[0K:\
+	:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\EG:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:\
+	:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[1B:ec=\E[%ds\E[%dD:ei=:fs=\E8:\
+	:ho=\E[H:\
+	:i1=\E[0;23r\Ex\Ey\E[2;0j\E[3;3j\E[4;0j\E[5;0j\E[6;0j\E[7;0j\E[8;0j\E[9;1j\E[10;0j\E[15;0j\E[16;1j\E[19;0j\E[20;1j\E[29;0j\E[1;24r:\
+	:ic=\E[@:im=:k1=\EOc:k2=\EOd:k3=\EOe:k4=\EOf:k5=\EOg:\
+	:k6=\EOh:k7=\EOi:k8=\EOj:kD=\E[P:kH=\Eu:kI=\E[4h:kN=\E[U:\
+	:kP=\E[V:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:ke=\E[19;0j:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:\
+	:ks=\E[19;1j:ku=\E[A:le=^H:ll=\Ew:mb=\E[5m:me=\E[0m:\
+	:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[1C:nw=\r\n:rc=\E8:\
+	:rs=\Ec\E[?3l\E[2;0y:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:\
+	:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[1A:us=\E[4m:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:\
+	:ve=\E[11;0j:vs=\E[11;1j:
+att5420_2-w|AT&T 5420 model 2 in 132 column mode:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:i1=\E[0;23r\Ex\Ey\E[2;0j\E[3;3j\E[4;0j\E[5;1j\E[6;0j\E[7;0j\E[8;0j\E[9;1j\E[10;0j\E[15;0j\E[16;1j\E[19;0j\E[20;1j\E[29;0j\E[1;24r:\
+	:tc=att5420_2:
+att4418|att5418|AT&T 5418 80 cols:\
+	:am:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:@8=\E[:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:F1=\E[n:\
+	:F2=\E[o:F3=\E[H:F4=\E[I:F5=\E[J:F8=\E[K:F9=\E[L:FA=\E[E:\
+	:FB=\E[_:FC=\E[M:FD=\E[N:FE=\E[O:IC=\E[%d@:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=^O:al=\E[1L:as=^N:bl=^G:cd=\E[0J:ce=\E[0K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:dc=\E[1P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=:ho=\E[H:\
+	:i1=\E[?3l:ic=\E[1@:im=:is=\E)0\E?6l\E?5l:k1=\E[h:k2=\E[i:\
+	:k3=\E[j:k6=\E[k:k7=\E[l:k8=\E[f:k9=\E[w:k;=\E[m:kC=\E[%%:\
+	:kd=\EU:kh=\Ec:kl=\E@:kr=\EA:ku=\ES:le=\E[D:mb=\E[5m:\
+	:me=\E[m\017:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:\
+	:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+att4418-w|att5418-w|AT&T 5418 132 cols:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:i1=\E[?3h:tc=att5418:
+att4420|tty4420|teletype 4420:\
+	:bs:da:db:eo:ms:ul:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:lm#72:\
+	:al=\EL:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\Ez:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=\EG:\
+	:dc=\EP:dl=\EM:dm@:do=\EB:ed@:ho=\EH:k0=\EU:k3=\E@:kA=\EL:\
+	:kB=\EO:kC=\EJ:kD=\EP:kF=\ES:kI=\E\136:kL=\EM:kR=\ET:kd=\EB:\
+	:kh=\EH:kl=^H:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:l0=segment advance:\
+	:l3=cursor tab:le=\ED:nd=\EC:se=\E~:sf=\EH\EM\EY7\s:\
+	:so=\E}:ue=\EZ:up=\EA:us=\E\\:
+#  The following is a terminfo entry for the Teletype 4424
+#  asynchronous keyboard-display terminal.  It supports
+#  the vi editor.  The terminal must be set up as follows,
+#  The second entry below provides limited (a la adm3a)
+#  operation under GROUP II.
+#  This must be used with DISPLAY FUNCTION GROUP I or III
+# The terminal has either bold or blink, depending on options
+# (att4424: commented out :ti:=\E[1m, we don't need bright locked on -- esr)
+att4424|tty4424|teletype 4424:\
+	:am:bs:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=\E(B:al=\EL:as=\E(0:bl=^G:bt=\EO:cd=\EJ:ce=\Ez:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\EF:\
+	:dc=\EP:dl=\EM:do=\EB:ei=:ho=\E[H:ic=\E\136:im=:\
+	:is=\E[20l\E[?7h:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kC=\EJ:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E3:\
+	:md=\E3:me=\EX\E~\EZ\E4\E(B:mh=\EW:mr=\E}:nd=\EC:nw=\EE:\
+	:se=\E~:sf=\n:so=\E}:sr=\ET:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\EZ:up=\EA:\
+	:us=\E\\:
+att4424-1|tty4424-1|teletype 4424 in display function group I:\
+	:kC@:kd=\EB:kh@:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:tc=att4424:
+# This entry is not one of AT&T's official ones, it was translated from the
+# 4.4BSD termcap file.  The highlight strings are different from att4424.
+# I have no idea why this is -- older firmware version, maybe?
+# The following two lines are the comment originally attached to the entry:
+# This entry appears to avoid the top line - I have no idea why.
+# From: jwb Wed Mar 31 13:25:09 1982 remote from ihuxp
+att4424m|tty4424m|teletype 4424M:\
+	:am:da:db:mi:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#23:\
+	:al=\EL:bl=^G:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[2;H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%2;%2H\E[B:\
+	:cr=\r:dc=\EP:dl=\EM:do=\n:ei=:ic=\E\136:im=:ip=2:\
+	:is=\E[m\E[2;24r:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:me=\E[m:\
+	:nd=\E[C:nw=\r\n:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\ET:ta=^I:\
+	:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+# The Teletype 5425 is really version 2 of the Teletype 5420. It
+# is quite similar, except for some minor differences. No page
+# mode, for example, so all of the :cm: sequences used above have
+# to change back to what's being used for the 5410. Many of the
+# option settings have changed their numbering as well.
+# This has been tested on a preliminary model.
+# (att5425: added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string -- esr)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+att5425|tty5425|att4425|AT&T 4425/5425:\
+	:am:da:db:hs:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:lm#78:ws#55:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:SF=\E[%dE:SR=\E[%dF:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:\
+	:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ec=\E[%ds\E[%dD:ei=\E[4l:fs=\E8:ho=\E[H:\
+	:i1=100\E<\E[?3l:i2=\E[?5l:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E[m\017\E[1;2;3;4;6l\E[12;13;14;20l\E[?6;97;99l\E[?7h\E[4i\Ex\E[25;1j\212:\
+	:k1=\EOc:k2=\EOd:k3=\EOe:k4=\EOf:k5=\EOg:k6=\EOh:k7=\EOi:\
+	:k8=\EOj:kD=\E[P:kI=\E[4h:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:\
+	:ke=\E[21;0j\E[25;1j\212:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:\
+	:ks=\E[21;1j\E[25;4j\Eent\E~:ku=\E[A:le=^H:ll=\E[24H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[2;7m:me=\E[0m:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:nw=\r\n:rc=\E8:rs=\Ec\E[?3l\E[2;0y:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\n:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[12;0j:vs=\E[12;1j:
+att5425-nl|tty5425-nl|att4425-nl|AT&T 4425/5425 80 columns no labels:\
+	:ks=\E[21;1j\E[25;4j\Eent:tc=att4425:
+att5425-w|att4425-w|tty5425-w|teletype 4425/5425 in 132 column mode:\
+	:co#132:lm#54:ws#97:\
+	:i1=100\E[?3h:tc=tty5425:
+# (att4426: his had bogus capabilities: :ri=\EM:, :ri=\E[1U:.
+# I also added <rmam>/<smam> -- esr)
+att4426|tty4426|teletype 4426S:\
+	:am:da:db:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:lm#48:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=\E(B:al=\EL:as=\E(0:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[0K:ch=\E[%dG:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[2J\E[1U\E[H\E[2J\E[1V:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:ct=\E[3g:cv=\E[%dd:dc=\EP:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=:ho=\E[H:\
+	:i1=\Ec\E[?7h:ic=\E\136:im=:is=\E[m\E[1;24r:k1=\EOP:\
+	:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\EOT:k6=\EOU:k7=\EOV:k8=\EOW:\
+	:kB=\EO:kC=\E[2J:kH=\E[24;1H:kb=^H:kd=\EB:kh=\E[H:kl=\ED:\
+	:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=\E[D:ll=\E[24H:md=\E[5m:me=\E[m\E(B:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\r\n:rc=\E8:rs=\Ec\E[?3l\E[2;0y:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[5m:sr=\ET:st=\E1:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:tc=ecma+index:
+# Terminfo entry for the AT&T 510 A Personal Terminal
+# Function keys 9 - 16 are available only after the
+# screen labeled (soft keys/action blocks) are labeled.  Function key
+# 9 corresponds to the leftmost touch target on the screen,
+# function key 16 corresponds to the rightmost.
+# This entry is based on one done by Ernie Rice at Summit, NJ and
+# changed by Anne Gallup, Skokie, IL, ttrdc!anne
+att510a|bct510a|AT&T 510A Personal Terminal:\
+	:am:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:Nl#8:co#80:lh#2:li#24:lw#7:\
+	:#4=\E[u:%i=\E[v:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:\
+	:F1=\EOe:F2=\EOf:F3=\EOg:F4=\EOh:F5=\EOi:F6=\EOj:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=+g,h-f.e`bhrisjjkkllmmnnqqttuuvvwwxx{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[0J:\
+	:ce=\E[0K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:ct=\E[3g:\
+	:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:eA=\E(B\E)1:ff=^L:ho=\E[H:\
+	:i1=\E(B\E)1\E[2l:i2=\E[21;1|\212:k1=\EOm:k2=\EOV:\
+	:k3=\EOu:k4=\ENj:k5=\ENe:k6=\ENf:k7=\ENh:k8=\E[H:k9=\EOc:\
+	:k;=\EOd:kB=\E[Z:kF=\E[S:kR=\E[T:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:ke=\E[19;0|:\
+	:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ks=\E[19;1|:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:\
+	:md=\E[2;7m:me=\E[0m:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:\
+	:pf=\E[?8i:po=\E[?4i:ps=\E[0i:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\n:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:ve=\E[11;3|:vi=\E[11;0|:vs=\E[11;2|:
+# Terminfo entry for the AT&T 510 D Personal Terminal
+# Function keys 9 through 16 are accessed by bringing up the
+# system blocks.
+# Function key 9 corresponds to the leftmost touch target on the screen,
+# function key 16 corresponds to the rightmost.
+# There are problems with soft key labeling.  These are due to
+# strangenesses in the native terminal that are impossible to
+# describe in a terminfo.
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+att510d|bct510d|AT&T 510D Personal Terminal:\
+	:am:da:db:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:Nl#8:co#80:lh#2:li#24:lm#48:lw#7:\
+	:#4=\E[u:%i=\E[v:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:\
+	:F1=\EOe:F2=\EOf:F3=\EOg:F4=\EOh:F5=\EOi:F6=\EOj:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:LF=\E<:LO=\E?:MC=\E\::ML=\E4:MR=\E5:RI=\E[%dC:\
+	:RX=\E[29;1|:SX=\E[29;0|:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:\
+	:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[0J:ce=\E[0K:cl=\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:\
+	:eA=\E(B\E)1:ei=\E[4l:ff=^L:ho=\E[H:i1=\E(B\E)1\E[5;0|:\
+	:i2=\E[21;1|\212:im=\E[4h:k1=\EOm:k2=\EOV:k3=\EOu:k4=\ENj:\
+	:k5=\ENe:k6=\ENf:k7=\ENh:k8=\E[H:k9=\EOc:k;=\EOd:kB=\E[Z:\
+	:kF=\E[S:kR=\E[T:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:ke=\E[19;0|:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:\
+	:ks=\E[19;1|:ku=\E[A:le=^H:ll=\E#2:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[2;7m:\
+	:me=\E[0m:mh=\E[2m:mk=\E[8m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:\
+	:pf=\E[?8i:po=\E[?4i:ps=\E[0i:rc=\E8:rs=\E[5;0|:sc=\E7:\
+	:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[11;3|:vs=\E[11;2|:tc=ansi+rep:\
+	:tc=ecma+index:
+# (att500: I merged this with the att513 entry, att500 just used att513 -- esr)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+att500|att513|AT&T 513 using page mode:\
+	:am:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:SF=\E[%dE:SR=\E[%dF:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:\
+	:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=%i\E[%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=1\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:\
+	:i1=\E?\E[3;3|\E[10;0|\E[21;1|\212\E[6;1|\E[1{\E[?99l:\
+	:im=\E[4h:k1=\EOc:k2=\EOd:k3=\EOe:k4=\EOf:k5=\EOg:k6=\EOh:\
+	:k7=\EOi:k8=\EOj:kD=\ENf:kI=\ENj:kN=\E[U:kP=\E[V:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\E[B:ke=\E[19;0|\E[21;1|\212:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:\
+	:ks=\E[19;1|\E[21;4|\Eent:ku=\E[A:le=^H:ll=\E#2:mb=\E[5m:\
+	:md=\E[2;7m:me=\E[0m:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:\
+	:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[11;0|:vs=\E[11;1|:\
+	:tc=ansi+rep:
+# 01-07-88
+# printer must be set to EMUL ANSI to accept ESC codes
+# :up: stops at top margin
+# :i1: sets cpi 10,lpi 6,form 66,left 1,right 132,top 1,bottom 66,font
+#	and alt font ascii,wrap on,tabs cleared
+# :is: disables newline on LF,Emphasized off
+# The <u0> capability sets form length
+att5310|att5320|AT&T Model 53210 or 5320 matrix printer:\
+	:YA:YD:\
+	:Ya#8192:Yi#10:Yj#12:Yk#100:Yl#72:Ym#120:co#132:it#8:li#66:\
+	:DO=\E[%de:RI=\E[%da:ZM=\E[5m:ZU=\E[m:Zl=\E[;%dr:\
+	:Zp=\E[%dr:ch=\E[%d`:cr=\r:cv=\E[%dd:do=\n:ff=^L:i1=\Ec:\
+	:is=\E[20l\r:nd=\s:ta=^I:u0=\E[%dt:up=\EM:
+# Teletype 5620, firmware version 1.1 (8;7;3) or earlier from BRL
+# The following SET-UP modes are assumed for normal operation:
+# Other SET-UP modes may be set for operator convenience or communication
+# requirements.  This termcap description is for the Resident Terminal Mode.
+# No delays specified; use "stty ixon -ixany" to enable DC3/DC1 flow control!
+# The BRL entry also said: UNSAFE :ll=\E[70H:
+att5620-1|tty5620-1|dmd1|Teletype 5620 with old ROMs:\
+	:am:xo:\
+	:co#88:it#8:li#70:vt#3:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:IC=\E[%d@:al=\E[L:bl=^G:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:dc=\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ei=:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=:kC=\E[2J:kH=\E[70;1H:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:\
+	:nd=\E[C:nw=\r\n:r1=\Ec:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:sf=\n:sr=\E[T:ta=^I:\
+	:up=\E[A:tc=ecma+index:
+# 5620 terminfo  (2.0 or later ROMS with char attributes)
+# The following SET-UP modes are assumed for normal operation:
+# Other SET-UP modes may be set for operator convenience or communication
+# requirements.  This termcap description is for Resident Terminal Mode.  No
+# delays are specified; use "stty ixon -ixany" to enable DC3/DC1 flow control!
+# assumptions: :sf: (scroll forward one line) is only done at screen bottom
+# Be aware that older versions of the dmd have a firmware bug that affects
+# parameter defaulting; for this terminal, the 0 in \E[0m is not optional.
+# :ms: is from an otherwise inferior BRL for this terminal.  That entry
+# also has :ll:=\E[70H commented out and marked unsafe.
+# For more, see the 5620 FAQ maintained by David Breneman <daveb@dgtl.com>.
+att5620|dmd|tty5620|ttydmd|5620|5620 terminal 88 columns:\
+	:NL:NP:am:bs:ms:xo:\
+	:co#88:it#8:li#70:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:IC=\E[%d@:al=\E[L:bl=^G:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:dc=\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=:kC=\E[2J:\
+	:kH=\E[70;1H:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:\
+	:le=^H:md=\E[2m:me=\E[0m:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\n:\
+	:r1=\Ec:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[0m:sf=\E[S:so=\E[7m:sr=\E[T:\
+	:ta=^I:ue=\E[0m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:tc=ecma+index:
+att5620-24|tty5620-24|dmd-24|teletype dmd 5620 in a 24x80 layer:\
+	:li#24:tc=att5620:
+att5620-34|tty5620-34|dmd-34|teletype dmd 5620 in a 34x80 layer:\
+	:li#34:tc=att5620:
+# 5620 layer running the "S" system's downloaded graphics handler:
+att5620-s|tty5620-s|layer|vitty|5620 S layer:\
+	:am:bs:pt:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#72:\
+	:al=\EI:bl=^G:ce=\EK:cl=^L:cm=\EY%r%+ %+ :cr=\r:dl=\ED:\
+	:do=\n:kC=\E[2J:kH=\E[70;1H:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:sf=\n:ta=^I:up=^K:vb=\E^G:
+# Entries for <kf15> thru <kf28> refer to the shifted system pf keys.
+# Entries for <kf29> thru <kf46> refer to the alternate keypad mode
+# keys:  = * / + 7 8 9 - 4 5 6 , 1 2 3 0 . ENTER
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+att605|AT&T 605 80 column 102key keyboard:\
+	:am:eo:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:ws#80:\
+	:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:IC=\E[%d@:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=\E)0\016:\
+	:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=\r:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=\E[4l:fs=\E8:\
+	:i1=\E[8;0|\E[?\E[13;20l\E[?\E[12h:ic=\E[@:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E[m\017:k1=\EOc:k2=\EOd:k3=\EOe:k4=\EOf:k5=\EOg:\
+	:k6=\EOh:k7=\EOi:k8=\EOj:k9=\ENo:kD=\E[P:kI=\E[@:kN=\E[U:\
+	:kP=\E[V:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:\
+	:le=^H:ll=\E[24H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m\017:mh=\E[2m:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:rc=\E8:rs=\Ec\E[?3l:sc=\E7:\
+	:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:ta=^I:ts=\E7\E[25;%i%dx:ue=\E[m:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+att605-pc|ATT 605 in pc term mode:\
+	:@7=\E[F:S4=250\E[?11l\E[50;1|:S5=400\E[50;0|:XF=g:XN=e:\
+	:ac=j\331k\277l\332m\300n\305q\304t\303u\264v\301w\302x\263:\
+	:al=\E[L:bt=\E[Z:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=:ic=\E[@:im=:\
+	:k1=\E[M:k2=\E[N:k3=\E[O:k4=\E[P:k5=\E[Q:k6=\E[R:k7=\E[S:\
+	:k8=\E[T:k9=\E[U:k;=\E[V:kB=\E[Z:kD=\E[P:kI=\E[@:kL=\E[M:\
+	:kN=\E[G:kP=\E[I:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:\
+	:le=\E[D:nd=\E[C:up=\E[A:tc=att605:
+att605-w|AT&T 605-w 132 column 102 key keyboard:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:i1=\E[8;0|\E[?4;5;13;15l\E[13;20l\E[?3;7h\E[12h\E(B\E)0:\
+	:tc=att605:
+# (att610: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string.  I also
+# added :SF: and :SR: because the BSD file says the att615s have them,
+# and the 615 is like a 610 with a big keyboard, and most of their other
+# smart terminals support the same sequence -- esr)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+att610|AT&T 610; 80 column; 98key keyboard:\
+	:am:es:hs:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:Nl#8:co#80:it#8:lh#2:li#24:lw#8:ws#80:\
+	:#4=\E[ @:%i=\E[ A:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:\
+	:DO=\E[%dB:F1=\ENq:F2=\ENr:F3=\ENs:F4=\ENt:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:LF=\E[2p:LO=\E[p:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:\
+	:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cb=\E[1K:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=\E[4l:fs=\E8:\
+	:ho=\E[H:\
+	:i1=\E[8;0|\E[?3;4;5;13;15l\E[13;20l\E[?7h\E[12h\E(B\E)0:\
+	:i2=\E(B\E)0:im=\E[4h:is=\E[m\017:k1=\EOc:k2=\EOd:k3=\EOe:\
+	:k4=\EOf:k5=\EOg:k6=\EOh:k7=\EOi:k8=\EOj:k9=\ENo:k;=\ENp:\
+	:kB=\E[Z:kC=\E[2J:kF=\E[S:kR=\E[T:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:\
+	:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:ll=\E[24H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:\
+	:me=\E[0m:mh=\E[2m:mk=\E[8m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:\
+	:pf=\E[?4i:po=\E[?5i:rc=\E8:rs=\Ec\E[?3l:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:\
+	:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:ts=\E7\E[25;%i%dx:ue=\E[m:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?25h\E[?12l:\
+	:vi=\E[?25l:vs=\E[?12;25h:tc=ecma+index:
+att610-w|AT&T 610; 132 column; 98key keyboard:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:i1=\E[8;0|\E[?4;5;13;15l\E[13;20l\E[?3;7h\E[12h:\
+	:tc=att610:
+att610-103k|AT&T 610; 80 column; 103key keyboard:\
+	:!1=\EOO:!2=\EOP:!3=\EOS:#1=\EOM:%0=\EOt:%1=\EOm:%2=\ENi:\
+	:%3=\EOl:%4=\ENc:%5=\ENh:%6=\EOv:%7=\EOr:%8=\ENg:%9=\EOz:\
+	:%a=\EOL:%b=\ENC:%c=\ENH:%d=\EOR:%e=\ENG:%f=\EOZ:%g=\EOT:\
+	:%h=\EOY:%j=\EOQ:&0=\EOW:&1=\EOb:&2=\ENa:&3=\EOy:&4=\EOB:\
+	:&5=\EOq:&6=\EOo:&7=\EOp:&8=\EOs:&9=\ENB:*0=\EOX:*1=\EOU:\
+	:*2=\END:*3=\EON:*4=\ENF:*5=\ENE:*6=\ENI:*7=\ENN:*8=\EOA:\
+	:*9=\EOK:@0=\EOx:@1=\E9:@2=\EOw:@3=\EOV:@4=\EOu:@5=\ENd:\
+	:@6=\EOn:@7=\E0:@8=\r:@9=\EOk:F1@:F2@:F3@:F4@:k9@:k;@:kD=\ENf:\
+	:kE=\EOa:kI=\ENj:kL=\ENe:kM=\ENj:kN=\E[U:kP=\E[V:tc=att610:
+att610-103k-w|AT&T 610; 132 column; 103key keyboard:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:i1=\E[8;0|\E[?4;5;13;15l\E[13;20l\E[?3;7h\E[12h:\
+	:tc=att610-103k:
+att615|AT&T 615; 80 column; 98key keyboard:\
+	:#4=\E[ A:%i=\E[ @:F5=\EOC:F6=\EOD:F7=\EOE:F8=\EOF:F9=\EOG:\
+	:FO=\EOx:FP=\EOy:FQ=\EOm:FR=\EOt:FS=\EOu:FT=\EOv:FU=\EOl:\
+	:FV=\EOq:FW=\EOr:FX=\EOs:FY=\EOp:FZ=\EOn:Fa=\EOM:tc=att610:
+att615-w|AT&T 615; 132 column; 98key keyboard:\
+	:#4=\E[ A:%i=\E[ @:F5=\EOC:F6=\EOD:F7=\EOE:F8=\EOF:F9=\EOG:\
+	:FO=\EOx:FP=\EOy:FQ=\EOm:FR=\EOt:FS=\EOu:FT=\EOv:FU=\EOl:\
+	:FV=\EOq:FW=\EOr:FX=\EOs:FY=\EOp:FZ=\EOn:Fa=\EOM:\
+	:tc=att610-w:
+att615-103k|AT&T 615; 80 column; 103key keyboard:\
+	:#4=\E[ A:%i=\E[ @:tc=att610-103k:
+att615-103k-w|AT&T 615; 132 column; 103key keyboard:\
+	:#4=\E[ A:%i=\E[ @:tc=att610-103k-w:
+# (att620: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string and
+# :SR:/:SF: from a BSD termcap -- esr)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+att620|AT&T 620; 80 column; 98key keyboard:\
+	:am:es:hs:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:ws#80:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=\E(B\017:al=\E[L:\
+	:as=\E)0\016:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:\
+	:do=\E[B:ei=\E[4l:fs=\E8:ho=\E[H:\
+	:i1=\E[8;0|\E[?3;4;5;13;15l\E[13;20l\E[?7h\E[12h:\
+	:i2=\E(B\E)0:im=\E[4h:is=\E[m\017:k1=\EOc:k2=\EOd:k3=\EOe:\
+	:k4=\EOf:k5=\EOg:k6=\EOh:k7=\EOi:k8=\EOj:k9=\ENo:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:ll=\E[24H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:nw=\EE:rc=\E8:rs=\Ec\E[?3l:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:\
+	:sr=\EM:ta=^I:ts=\E7\E[25;%i%dx:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?25h\E[?12l:vi=\E[?25l:\
+	:vs=\E[?12;25h:tc=ecma+index:
+att620-w|AT&T 620; 132 column; 98key keyboard:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:i1=\E[8;0|\E[?4;5;13;15l\E[13;20l\E[?3;7h\E[12h:\
+	:tc=att620:
+att620-103k|AT&T 620; 80 column; 103key keyboard:\
+	:!1=\EOO:!2=\EOP:!3=\EOS:#1=\EOM:%0=\EOt:%1=\EOm:%2=\ENi:\
+	:%3=\EOl:%4=\ENc:%5=\ENh:%6=\EOv:%7=\EOr:%8=\ENg:%9=\EOz:\
+	:%a=\EOL:%b=\ENC:%c=\ENH:%d=\EOR:%e=\ENG:%f=\EOZ:%g=\EOT:\
+	:%h=\EOY:%j=\EOQ:&0=\EOW:&1=\EOb:&2=\ENa:&3=\EOy:&4=\EOB:\
+	:&5=\EOq:&6=\EOo:&7=\EOp:&8=\EOs:&9=\ENB:*0=\EOX:*1=\EOU:\
+	:*2=\END:*3=\EON:*4=\ENF:*5=\ENE:*6=\ENI:*7=\ENN:*8=\EOA:\
+	:*9=\EOK:@0=\EOx:@1=\E9:@2=\EOw:@3=\EOV:@4=\EOu:@5=\ENd:\
+	:@6=\EOn:@7=\E0:@8=\r:@9=\EOk:F1@:F2@:F3@:F4@:F5@:F6@:F7@:F8@:\
+	:F9@:FA@:FB@:FC@:FD@:FE@:FF@:FG@:FH@:FI@:FJ@:FK@:FL@:FM@:FN@:FO@:FP@:\
+	:FQ@:FR@:FS@:FT@:FU@:FV@:FW@:FX@:FY@:FZ@:Fa@:k9@:k;@:kD=\ENf:\
+	:kE=\EOa:kI=\ENj:kL=\ENe:kM=\ENj:kN=\E[U:kP=\E[V:tc=att620:
+att620-103k-w|AT&T 620; 132 column; 103key keyboard:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:i1=\E[8;0|\E[?4;5;13;15l\E[13;20l\E[?3;7h\E[12h:\
+	:tc=att620-103k:
+# AT&T (formerly Teletype) 630 Multi-Tasking Graphics terminal
+# The following SETUP modes are assumed for normal operation:
+#	Local_Echo=Off	Gen_Flow=On	Return=CR	Received_Newline=LF
+#	Font_Size=Large		Non-Layers_Window_Cols=80
+#				Non-Layers_Window_Rows=60
+# Other SETUP modes may be set for operator convenience or communication
+# requirements.  Some capabilities assume a printer attached to the Aux EIA
+# port.  This termcap description is for the Fixed Non-Layers Window.  No
+# delays are specified; use "stty ixon -ixany" to enable DC3/DC1 flow control!
+# (att630: added :ic:, :mb: and :mh: from a BSD termcap file -- esr)
+att630|AT&T 630 windowing terminal:\
+	:NP:am:bs:da:db:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#60:lm#0:\
+	:@8=\r:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:F1=\ENq:\
+	:F2=\ENr:F3=\ENs:F4=\ENt:F5=\ENu:F6=\ENv:F7=\ENw:F8=\ENx:\
+	:F9=\ENy:FA=\ENz:FB=\EN{:FC=\EN|:FD=\EN}:FE=\EN~:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:\
+	:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=\r:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:\
+	:im=\E[4h:is=\E[m:k9=\ENo:k;=\ENp:kA=\E[L:kB=\E[Z:kC=\E[2J:\
+	:kD=\E[P:kI=\E[@:kL=\E[M:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:me=\E[m:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:\
+	:nd=\E[C:nw=\r\n:pf=\E[?4i:po=\E[?5i:rc=\E8:rs=\Ec:sc=\E7:\
+	:se=\E[m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:tc=ecma+index:
+att630-24|5630-24|5630DMD-24|630MTG-24|AT&T 630 windowing terminal 24 lines:\
+	:li#24:tc=att630:
+# This is the att700 entry for 700 native emulation of the AT&T 700
+# terminal.  Comments are relative to changes from the 605V2 entry and
+# att730 on which the entry is based.  Comments show the terminfo
+# capability name, termcap name, and description.
+# Here is what's going onm in the init string:
+#	ESC [ 50;4|	set 700 native mode (really is 605)
+# x	ESC [ 56;ps|	set lines to 24: ps=0; 40: ps=1 (plus status line)
+#	ESC [ 53;0|	set GenFlow to Xon/Xoff
+#	ESC [ 8 ;0|	set CR on NL
+# x	ESC [ ? 3 l/h	set workspace: 80 col(l); 132 col(h)
+#	ESC [ ? 4 l	jump scroll
+#	ESC [ ? 5 l/h	video: normal (l); reverse (h)
+#	ESC [ ?13 l	Labels on
+#	ESC [ ?15 l	parity check = no
+#	ESC [ 13 l	monitor mode off
+#	ESC [ 20 l	LF on NL (not CRLF on NL)
+#	ESC [ ? 7 h	autowrap on
+#	ESC [ 12 h	local echo off
+#	ESC ( B		GO = ASCII
+#	ESC ) 0		G1 = Special Char & Line Drawing
+#	ESC [ ? 31 l	Set 7 bit controls
+# Note: Most terminals, especially the 600 family use Reverse Video for
+# standout mode.  DEC also uses reverse video.  The VT100 uses bold in addition
+# Assume we should stay with reverse video for 70..  However, the 605V2 exits
+# standout mode with \E[m (all normal attributes).  The 730 entry simply
+# exits reverse video which would leave other current attributes intact.  It
+# was assumed the 730 entry to be more correct so rmso has changed.  The
+# 605V2 has no sequences to turn individual attributes off, thus its setting
+# and the rmso/smso settings from the 730.
+# Note: For the same reason as above in rmso I changed exit under-score mode
+# to specifically turn off underscore, rather than return to all normal
+# attributes
+# Note: The following pkey_xmit is taken from the 605V2 which contained the
+# capability as pfxl.  It was changed here to pfx since pfxl
+# will only compile successfully with Unix 4.0 tic.  Also note that pfx only
+# allows strings to be parameters and label values must be programmed as
+# constant strings.  Supposedly the pfxl of Version 4.0 allows both labels
+# and strings to be parameters.  The 605V2 pfx entry should be examined later
+# in this regard. For reference the 730 pfxl entry is shown here for comparison
+# 730 pfx entry:
+#     pfxl=\E[%?%p1%{25}%<%t%p1%e%p1%{24}%-%;%d;%p2%l%02d%?%p1%{25}%<%tq\s\s\s
+# SYS\s\s\s\s\sF%p1%:-2d\s\s%e;0;3q%;%p2%s,
+# (for 4.0 tic)
+#     pfxl=\E[%p1%d;%p2%l%02dq%?%p1%{9}%<%t   F%p1%1d           %;%p2%s,
+# (for <4.0 tic)
+#     pfx=\E[%p1%d;%p2%l%02dq%?%p1%{9}%<%t   F%p1%1d           %;%p2%s,
+# From the AT&T 705 Multi-tasking terminal user's guide Page 8-8,8-9
+# Port1 Interface
+# modular 10 pin Connector
+# Left side       Right side
+# Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
+#        Key (notch) at bottom
+# Pin    1 DSR
+#        3 DCD
+#        4 DTR
+#        5 Sig Ground
+#        6 RD
+#        7 SD
+#        8 CTS
+#        9 RTS
+#        10 Frame Ground
+# The manual is 189 pages and is loaded with details about the escape codes,
+# etc..... Available from AT&T CIC 800-432-6600...
+# ask for Document number 999-300-660..
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+att700|AT&T 700 24x80 column display w/102key keyboard:\
+	:am:es:hs:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:ws#80:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:\
+	:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=\E[4l:\
+	:fs=\E8:ho=\E[H:i2=\E(B\E)0:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E[50;4|\E[53;0|\E[8;0|\E[?4;13;15l\E[13;20l\E[?7h\E[12h\E(B\E)0\E[?31l\E[0m\017:\
+	:k1=\EOc:k2=\EOd:k3=\EOe:k4=\EOf:k5=\EOg:k6=\EOh:k7=\EOi:\
+	:k8=\EOj:k9=\ENo:kD=\E[P:kI=\E[@:kN=\E[U:kP=\E[V:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:ll=\E[24H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:nw=\EE:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:\
+	:st=\EH:ta=^I:ts=\E7\E[99;%i%dx:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?25h\E[?12l:vi=\E[?25l:\
+	:vs=\E[?12;25h:tc=ansi+rep:
+# This entry was modified 3/13/90 by JWE.
+# fixes include additions of <enacs>, correcting :rp:, and modification
+# of <kHOM>.  (See comments below)
+# att730 has status line of 80 chars
+# These were commented out: :SF=\E[%p1%dS:, :SR=\E[%p1%dT:,
+# the <kf25> and up keys are used for shifted system Fkeys
+# NOTE: JWE 3/13/90 The 98 key keyboard translation for shift/HOME is
+# currently the same as :kh: (unshifted HOME or \E[H).  On the 102, 102+1
+# and 122 key keyboards, the 730's translation is \E[2J.  For consistency
+# <kHOM> has been commented out.  The user can uncomment <kHOM> if using the
+# 102, 102+1, or 122 key keyboards
+#       kHOM=\E[2J,
+# (att730: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string -- esr)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+att730|AT&T 730 windowing terminal:\
+	:am:da:db:es:hs:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#60:lm#0:ws#80:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:\
+	:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=\E[4l:fs=\E8:\
+	:ho=\E[H:\
+	:i1=\E[8;0|\E[?3;4;5;13;15l\E[13;20l\E[?7h\E[12h\E(B\E)B:\
+	:i2=\E(B\E)0:im=\E[4h:is=\E[m\017:k1=\EOc:k2=\EOd:k3=\EOe:\
+	:k4=\EOf:k5=\EOg:k6=\EOh:k7=\EOi:k8=\EOj:k9=\ENo:kI=\E[@:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:nw=\EE:rc=\E8:rs=\Ec\E[?3l:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\ED:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:ts=\E7\E[;%i%dx:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?25h\E[?12l:vi=\E[?25l:\
+	:vs=\E[?12;25h:tc=ansi+rep:
+att730-41|730MTG-41|AT&T 730-41 windowing terminal Version:\
+	:li#41:tc=att730:
+att730-24|730MTG-24|AT&T 730-24 windowing terminal Version:\
+	:li#24:tc=att730:
+att730r|730MTGr|AT&T 730 rev video windowing terminal Version:\
+	:i1=\E[8;0|\E[?3;4;13;15l\E[?5h\E[13;20l\E[?7h\E[12h\E(B\E)B:\
+	:vb=\E[?5l\E[?5h:tc=att730:
+att730r-41|730MTG-41r|AT&T 730r-41 rev video windowing terminal Version:\
+	:li#41:tc=att730r:
+att730r-24|730MTGr-24|AT&T 730r-24 rev video windowing terminal Version:\
+	:li#24:tc=att730r:
+# The following represents the screen layout along with the associated
+# bezel buttons for the 5430/pt505 terminal. The "kf" designations do
+# not appear on the screen but are shown to reference the bezel buttons.
+# The "CMD", "MAIL", and "REDRAW" buttons are shown in their approximate
+# position relative to the screen.
+#      +----------------------------------------------------------------+
+#      |                                                                |
+# XXXX | kf0                                                       kf24 | XXXX
+#      |                                                                |
+#      |                                                                |
+# XXXX | kf1                                                       kf23 | XXXX
+#      |                                                                |
+#      |                                                                |
+# XXXX | kf2                                                       kf22 | XXXX
+#      |                                                                |
+#      |                                                                |
+# XXXX | kf3                                                       kf21 | XXXX
+#      |                                                                |
+#      |                                                                |
+# XXXX | kf4                                                       kf20 | XXXX
+#      |                                                                |
+#      |                                                                |
+# XXXX | kf5                                                       kf19 | XXXX
+#      |                                                                |
+#      |                                                                |
+# XXXX | kf6                                                       kf18 | XXXX
+#      |                                                                |
+#      |                                                                |
+# XXXX |                                                                | XXXX
+#      |                                                                |
+#      |                                                                |
+#      +----------------------------------------------------------------+
+# Note: XXXX represents the screen buttons
+#                                                          CMD   REDRAW
+#                                                          MAIL
+# version 1 note:
+#	The character string sent by key 'kf26' may be user programmable
+#       to send either \E[16s, or \E[26s.
+#       The character string sent by key 'krfr' may be user programmable
+#       to send either \E[17s, or \E[27s.
+# Depression of the "CMD" key sends    \E!    (kcmd)
+# Depression of the "MAIL" key sends   \E[26s (kf26)
+# "REDRAW" same as "REFRESH" (krfr)
+# "kf" functions adds carriage return to output string if terminal is in
+# 'new line' mode.
+# The following are functions not covered in the table above:
+#       Set keyboard character (SKC): \EPn1;Pn2w
+#                       Pn1= 0 Back Space key
+#                       Pn1= 1 Break key
+#                       Pn2=   Program char (hex)
+#       Screen Definition (SDF): \E[Pn1;Pn2;Pn3;Pn4;Pn5t
+#                       Pn1=     Window number (1-39)
+#                       Pn2-Pn5= Y;X;Y;X coordinates
+#       Screen Selection (SSL): \E[Pnu
+#                       Pn= Window number
+#       Set Terminal Modes (SM): \E[Pnh
+#                       Pn= 3 Graphics mode
+#                       Pn= > Cursor blink
+#                       Pn= < Enter new line mode
+#                       Pn= = Enter reverse insert/replace mode
+#                       Pn= ? Enter no scroll mode
+#       Reset Terminal Mode (RM): \E[Pnl
+#                       Pn= 3 Exit graphics mode
+#                       Pn= > Exit cursor blink
+#                       Pn= < Exit new line mode
+#                       Pn= = Exit reverse insert/replace mode
+#                       Pn= ? Exit no scroll mode
+#       Screen Status Report (SSR): \E[Pnp
+#                       Pn= 0 Request current window number
+#                       Pn= 1 Request current window dimensions
+#       Device Status Report (DSR): \E[6n    Request cursor position
+#       Call Status Report (CSR): \E[Pnv
+#                       Pn= 0 Call failed
+#                       Pn= 1 Call successful
+#       Transparent Button String (TBS): \E[Pn1;Pn2;Pn3;{string
+#                       Pn1= Button number to be loaded
+#                       Pn2= Character count of "string"
+#                       Pn3= Key mode being loaded:
+#                               0= Unshifted
+#                               1= Shifted
+#                               2= Control
+#                       String= Text string (15 chars max)
+#       Screen Number Report (SNR): \E[Pnp
+#                       Pn= Screen number
+#       Screen Dimension Report (SDR): \E[Pn1;Pn2r
+#                       Pn1= Number of rows available in window
+#                       Pn2= Number of columns available in window
+#       Cursor Position Report (CPR): \E[Pn1;Pn2R
+#                       Pn1= "Y" Position of cursor
+#                       Pn2= "X" Position of cursor
+#       Request Answer Back (RAB): \E[c
+#       Answer Back Response (ABR): \E[?;*;30;VSV
+#                       *=  0 No printer available
+#                       *=  2 Printer available
+#                       V=  Software version number
+#                       SV= Software sub version number
+#	(printer-available field not documented in v1)
+#       Screen Alignment Aid: \En
+#       Bell (lower pitch): \E[x
+#       Dial Phone Number: \EPdstring\
+#                       string= Phone number to be dialed
+#       Set Phone Labels: \EPpstring\
+#                       string= Label for phone buttons
+#       Set Clock: \EPchour;minute;second\
+#       Position Clock: \EPsY;X\
+#                       Y= "Y" coordinate
+#                       X= "X" coordinate
+#       Delete Clock: \Epr\
+#       Programming The Function Buttons: \EPfPn;string\
+#                       Pn= Button number (00-06, 18-24)
+#                                         (kf00-kf06, kf18-kf24)
+#                       string= Text to sent on button depression
+# The following in version 2 only:
+#       Request For Local Directory Data: \EPp12;\
+#       Local Directory Data to host: \EPp11;LOCAL...DIRECTORY...DATA\
+#	Request for Local Directory Data in print format: \EPp13;\
+#	Enable 'Prt on Line' mode: \022 (DC2)
+#	Disable 'Prt on Line' mode: \024 (DC4)
+# 05-Aug-86:
+# The following Terminfo entry describes functions which are supported by
+# the AT&T 5430/pt505 terminal software version 2 and later.
+att505|pt505|att5430|gs5430|AT&T Personal Terminal 505 or 5430 GETSET terminal:\
+	:am:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:&2=\E[27s:@4=\E!:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:\
+	:F8=\E[18s:F9=\E[19s:FA=\E[20s:FB=\E[21s:FC=\E[22s:\
+	:FD=\E[23s:FE=\E[24s:FG=\E[26s:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[11;1j:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[11;0j:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=\E[10m:al=\E[L:as=\E[11m:bl=^G:cb=\E[2K:cd=\E[0J:\
+	:ce=\E[0K:cl=\E[2J\E[H:cm=\E[%d;%dH:cr=\r:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:\
+	:do=\E[B:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:\
+	:i1=\EPr\\E[0u\E[2J\E[0;0H\E[m\E[3l\E[<l\E[4l\E[>l\E[=l\E[?l:\
+	:im=\E[4h:k0=\E[00s:k1=\E[01s:k2=\E[02s:k3=\E[03s:\
+	:k4=\E[04s:k5=\E[05s:k6=\E[06s:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=\E[D:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:pf=\E[4i:po=\E[5i:r1=\Ec:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:\
+	:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[1m:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:ve=\E[>l:vs=\E[>h:
+# The following Terminfo entry describes functions which are supported by
+# the AT&T 5430/pt505 terminal software version 1.
+att505-24|pt505-24|gs5430-24|AT&T PT505 or 5430 GETSET version 1 24 lines:\
+	:li#24:\
+	:RA@:SA@:pf@:po@:rc@:sc@:tc=att505:
+tt505-22|pt505-22|gs5430-22|AT&T PT505 or 5430 GETSET version 1 22 lines:\
+	:li#22:tc=att505:
+#### ------------------ TERMINFO FILE CAN BE SPLIT HERE ---------------------
+# This cut mark helps make life less painful for people running ncurses tic
+# on machines with relatively little RAM.  The file can be broken in half here
+# cleanly and compiled in sections -- no `use' references cross this cut
+# going forward.
+#### Ampex (Dialogue)
+# Yes, these are the same people who are better-known for making audio- and
+# videotape.  I'm told they are located in Redwood City, CA.
+# From: <cbosg!ucbvax!SRC:george> Fri Sep 11 22:38:32 1981
+# (ampex80: some capabilities merged in from SCO's entry -- esr)
+ampex80|a80|d80|dialogue|dialogue80|ampex dialogue 80:\
+	:am:bs:bw:ul:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=5*\EE:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\Ey:ce=\Et:cl=75\E*:cm=\E=%+ %+ :\
+	:cr=\r:ct=\E3:dc=\EW:dl=5*\ER:do=\n:ei=:ic=\EQ:im=:is=\EA:\
+	:le=^H:nd=^L:se=\Ek:sf=\n:so=\Ej:st=\E1:ta=^I:ue=\Em:up=^K:\
+	:us=\El:
+# This entry was from somebody anonymous, Tue Aug  9 20:11:37 1983, who wrote:
+ampex175|ampex d175:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=^G:cd=\Ey:ce=\Et:cl=\E+:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:\
+	:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=\n:ei=:ho=^^:ic=\EQ:im=:is=\EX\EA\EF:\
+	:kA=\EE:kD=\EW:kI=\EQ:kL=\ER:kd=\n:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:\
+	:le=^H:ll=^^^K:nd=^L:se=\Ek:sf=\n:so=\Ej:te=\EF:ti=\EN:\
+	:ue=\Em:up=^K:us=\El:
+# No backspace key in the main QWERTY cluster. Fortunately, it has a
+# NEWLINE/PAGE key just above RETURN that sends a strange single-character
+# code.  Given a suitable Unix (one that lets you set an echo-erase-as-BS-SP-BS
+# mode), this key can be used as the erase key; I find I like this. Because
+# some people and some systems may not, there is another termcap ("ampex175")
+# that suppresses this little eccentricity by omitting the relevant capability.
+ampex175-b|ampex d175 using left arrow for erase:\
+	:kb=^_:tc=ampex175:
+# From: Richard Bascove <atd!dsd!rcb@ucbvax.berkeley.edu>
+# (ampex210: removed obsolete ":kn#10:" -- esr)
+ampex210|a210|ampex a210:\
+	:am:bs:hs:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:sg#1:\
+	:al=\EE:bt=\EI:cd=\Ey:ce=\Et:cl=\E*:cm=\E=%+ %+ :dc=\EW:\
+	:dl=\ER:ei=:fs=\E.2:ho=^^:ic=\EQ:if=/usr/share/tabset/std:\
+	:im=:is=\EC\Eu\E'\E(\El\EA\E%\E{\E.2\EG0\Ed\En:\
+	:k0=^A0\r:k1=^A1\r:k2=^A2\r:k3=^A3\r:k4=^A4\r:k5=^A5\r:\
+	:k6=^A6\r:k7=^A7\r:k8=^A8\r:k9=^A9\r:kd=^V:kh=^^:kl=^H:\
+	:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:mk@:nd=^L:ta=^I:ts=\E.0\Eg\E}\Ef:up=^K:\
+	:vb=\EU\EX\EU\EX\EU\EX\EU\EX:tc=adm+sgr:
+# (ampex219: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string, added :vs:
+# from ampex219w, added :ve:=\E[?3l, irresistibly suggested by :vs:,
+# and moved the padding to be *after* the caps -- esr)
+ampex219|ampex-219|amp219|Ampex with Automargins:\
+	:hs:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7h:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=50\E[J:ce=3\E[K:\
+	:cl=50\E[H\E[2J:cm=5\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=%i\E[%2;%2r:\
+	:do=\E[B:ho=\E[H:\
+	:is=\E>\E[?1l\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:k0=\E[21~:\
+	:k1=\E[7~:k2=\E[8~:k3=\E[9~:k4=\E[10~:k5=\E[11~:k6=\E[17~:\
+	:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:kd=\E[B:ke=\E>:kh=\E[H:\
+	:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ks=\E=:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=2\E[5m:md=2\E[1m:\
+	:me=2\E[m:mh=\E[1m:mr=\E[7m:nd=2\E[C:se=2\E[m:sf=\n:\
+	:so=2\E[7m:sr=5\EM:ta=^I:ue=2\E[m:up=2\E[A:us=2\E[4m:\
+	:ve=\E[?3l:vs=\E[?3h:
+ampex219w|ampex-219w|amp219w|Ampex 132 cols:\
+	:co#132:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=\r:do=\n:is=\E>\E[?3h\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:\
+	:sf=\n:tc=ampex219:
+# (ampex232: removed :if=/usr/share/tabset/ampex:, no file and no :st: --esr)
+ampex232|ampex-232|Ampex Model 232:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#1:\
+	:al=5*\EE:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=\E+:cm=\E=%+ %+ :dc=\EW:\
+	:dl=5*\ER:do=^V:ei=:ic=\EQ:im=:is=\Eg\El:k0=^A@\r:k1=^AA\r:\
+	:k2=^AB\r:k3=^AC\r:k4=^AD\r:k5=^AE\r:k6=^AF\r:k7=^AG\r:\
+	:k8=^AH\r:k9=^AI\r:kb=^H:kd=^V:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:\
+	:mk@:nd=^L:ta=^I:up=^K:vb=\Eb\Ed:ve=\E.4:vi=\E.0:tc=adm+sgr:
+# (ampex: removed :if=/usr/share/tabset/amp-132:, no file and no :st: -- esr)
+ampex232w|Ampex Model 232 / 132 columns:\
+	:co#132:li#24:\
+	:is=\E\034Eg\El:tc=ampex232:
+#### Ann Arbor (aa)
+# Ann Arbor made dream terminals for hackers -- large screen sizes and huge
+# numbers of function keys.  At least some used monitors in portrait mode,
+# allowing up to 76-character screen heights!  They were reachable at:
+#	Ann Arbor Terminals
+#	6175 Jackson Road
+#	Ann Arbor, MI 48103
+#	(313)-663-8000
+# But in 1996 the phone number reaches some kitschy retail shop, and Ann Arbor
+# can't be found on the Web; I fear they're long dead.  R.I.P.
+# Originally from Mike O'Brien@Rand and Howard Katseff at Bell Labs.
+# Highly modified 6/22 by Mike O'Brien.
+# split out into several for the various screen sizes by dave-yost@rand
+# Modifications made 3/82 by Mark Horton
+# Modified by Tom Quarles at UCB for greater efficiency and more diversity
+# status line moved to top of screen, :vb: removed 5/82
+# Some unknown person at SCO then hacked the init strings to make them more
+# efficient.
+# assumes the following setup:
+#   A menu: 0000 1010  0001 0000
+#   B menu: 9600  0100 1000  0000 0000  1000 0000  17  19
+#   C menu: 56   66   0    0    9600  0110 1100
+#   D menu: 0110 1001   1   0
+#	Briefly, the settings are for the following modes:
+#	   (values are for bit set/clear with * indicating our preference
+#	    and the value used to test these termcaps)
+#	Note that many of these settings are irrelevant to the terminfo
+#	and are just set to the default mode of the terminal as shipped
+#	by the factory.
+# A menu: 0000 1010  0001 0000
+#	Block/underline cursor*
+#	blinking/nonblinking cursor*
+#	key click/no key click*
+#	bell/no bell at column 72*
+#	key pad is cursor control*/key pad is numeric
+#	return and line feed/return for :cr: key *
+#	repeat after .5 sec*/no repeat
+#	repeat at 25/15 chars per sec. *
+#	hold data until pause pressed/process data unless pause pressed*
+#	slow scroll/no slow scroll*
+#	Hold in area/don't hold in area*
+#	functions keys have default*/function keys disabled on powerup
+#	show/don't show position of cursor during page transmit*
+#	unused
+#	unused
+#	unused
+# B menu: 9600  0100 1000  0000 0000  1000 0000  17  19
+#	Baud rate (9600*)
+#	2 bits of parity - 00=odd,01=even*,10=space,11=mark
+#	1 stop bit*/2 stop bits
+#	parity error detection off*/on
+#	keyboard local/on line*
+#	half/full duplex*
+#	disable/do not disable keyboard after data transmission*
+#	transmit entire page/stop transmission at cursor*
+#	transfer/do not transfer protected characters*
+#	transmit all characters/transmit only selected characters*
+#	transmit all selected areas/transmit only 1 selected area*
+#	transmit/do not transmit line separators to host*
+#	transmit/do not transmit page tab stops tabs to host*
+#	transmit/do not transmit column tab stop tabs to host*
+#	transmit/do not transmit graphics control (underline,inverse..)*
+#	enable*/disable auto XON/XOFF control
+#	require/do not require receipt of a DC1 from host after each LF*
+#	pause key acts as a meta key/pause key is pause*
+#	unused
+#	unused
+#	unused
+#	unused
+#	unused
+#	XON character (17*)
+#	XOFF character (19*)
+# C menu: 56   66   0    0    9600  0110 1100
+#	number of lines to print data on (printer) (56*)
+#	number of lines on a sheet of paper (printer) (66*)
+#	left margin (printer) (0*)
+#	number of pad chars on new line to printer (0*)
+#	printer baud rate (9600*)
+#	printer parity: 00=odd,01=even*,10=space,11=mark
+#	printer stop bits: 2*/1
+#	print/do not print guarded areas*
+#	new line is: 01=LF,10=CR,11=CRLF*
+#	unused
+#	unused
+# D menu: 0110 1001   1   0
+#	LF is newline/LF is down one line, same column*
+#	wrap to preceding line if move left from col 1*/don't wrap
+#	wrap to next line if move right from col 80*/don't wrap
+#	backspace is/is not destructive*
+#	display*/ignore DEL character
+#	display will not/will scroll*
+#	page/column tab stops*
+#	erase everything*/erase unprotected only
+#	editing extent: 0=display,1=line*,2=field,3=area
+#	unused
+annarbor4080|aa4080|ann arbor 4080:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#40:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=2^L:cr=\r:ct=^\^P^P:do=\n:ho=^K:kb=^^:kd=\n:kh=^K:\
+	:kl=^H:kr=^_:ku=^N:le=^H:nd=^_:sf=\n:st=^]^P1:ta=^I:up=^N:
+# Strange Ann Arbor terminal from BRL
+aas1901|Ann Arbor K4080 w/S1901 mod:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#40:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=^L:cr=\r:do=\n:ho=^K:kb=^H:kd=\n:kl=^H:le=^H:\
+	:ll=^O\0c:nd=^_:nw=\r\n:sf=\n:ta=^I:up=^N:
+# If you're using the GNU termcap library, add
+#	:cS=\E[%p1%d;%p2%d;%p3%d;%p4%dp:
+# to these capabilities.  This is the nonstandard GNU termcap scrolling
+# capability, arguments are:
+#   1. Total number of lines on the screen.
+#   2. Number of lines above desired scroll region.
+#   3. Number of lines below (outside of) desired scroll region.
+#   4. Total number of lines on the screen, the same as the first parameter.
+# The generic Ann Arbor entry is the only one that uses this.
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+aaa+unk|aaa-unk|ann arbor ambassador (internal - don't use this directly):\
+	:am:bs:km:mi:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=4*\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:al=3\E[L:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=5\E[K:cl=156\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^K:ei=:ho=\E[H:\
+	:i1=\E[m\E7\E[H\E9\E8:i2=\E[1Q\E[>20;30l\EP`+x~M\E\\:\
+	:ic=4\E[@:im=:k1=\EOA:k2=\EOB:k3=\EOC:k4=\EOD:k5=\EOE:\
+	:k6=\EOF:k7=\EOG:k8=\EOH:k9=\EOI:kD=\E[P:kI=\E[@:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\E[B:\
+	:ke=\EP`>y~[[J`8xy~[[A`4xy~[[D`6xy~[[C`2xy~[[B\E\\:\
+	:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:\
+	:ks=\EP`>z~[[J`8xz~[[A`4xz~[[D`6xz~[[C`2xz~[[B\E\\:\
+	:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mm=\E[>52h:\
+	:mo=\E[>52l:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=^K:\
+	:so=\E[7m:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:tc=ansi+rep:
+aaa+rv|ann arbor ambassador in reverse video:\
+	:i1=\E[7m\E7\E[H\E9\E8:mb=\E[5;7m:md=\E[1;7m:\
+	:me=\E[7m\016:mk=\E[7;8m:mr=\E[m:r1=156\E[H\E[7m\E[J:\
+	:se=\E[7m:so=\E[m:ue=\E[7m:us=\E[4;7m:
+# Ambassador with the DEC option, for partial vt100 compatibility.
+aaa+dec|ann arbor ambassador in dec vt100 mode:\
+	:ac=aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}:\
+	:ae=^N:as=^O:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:eA=\E(0:
+aaa-18|ann arbor ambassador/18 lines:\
+	:li#18:\
+	:is=\E7\E[60;0;0;18p\E8:te=\E[60;0;0;18p\E[60;1H\E[K:\
+	:ti=\E[18;0;0;18p:tc=aaa+unk:
+aaa-18-rv|ann arbor ambassador/18 lines+reverse video:\
+	:tc=aaa+rv:tc=aaa-18:
+aaa-20|ann arbor ambassador/20 lines:\
+	:li#20:\
+	:is=\E7\E[60;0;0;20p\E8:te=\E[60;0;0;20p\E[60;1H\E[K:\
+	:ti=\E[20;0;0;20p:tc=aaa+unk:
+aaa-22|ann arbor ambassador/22 lines:\
+	:li#22:\
+	:is=\E7\E[60;0;0;22p\E8:te=\E[60;0;0;22p\E[60;1H\E[K:\
+	:ti=\E[22;0;0;22p:tc=aaa+unk:
+aaa-24|ann arbor ambassador/24 lines:\
+	:li#24:\
+	:is=\E7\E[60;0;0;24p\E8:te=\E[60;0;0;24p\E[60;1H\E[K:\
+	:ti=\E[24;0;0;24p:tc=aaa+unk:
+aaa-24-rv|ann arbor ambassador/24 lines+reverse video:\
+	:tc=aaa+rv:tc=aaa-24:
+aaa-26|ann arbor ambassador/26 lines:\
+	:li#26:\
+	:is=\E7\E[60;0;0;26p\E8:te=\E[60;0;0;26p\E[26;1H\E[K:\
+	:ti=\E[H\E[J\E[26;0;0;26p:tc=aaa+unk:
+aaa-28|ann arbor ambassador/28 lines:\
+	:li#28:\
+	:is=\E7\E[60;0;0;28p\E8:te=\E[60;0;0;28p\E[28;1H\E[K:\
+	:ti=\E[H\E[J\E[28;0;0;28p:tc=aaa+unk:
+aaa-30-s|aaa-s|ann arbor ambassador/30 lines w/status:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:li#29:\
+	:ds=\E7\E[60;0;0;30p\E[1;1H\E[K\E[H\E8\r\n\E[K:\
+	:fs=\E[>51l:is=\r\n\E[A\E7\E[60;1;0;30p\E8:\
+	:te=\E[60;1;0;30p\E[29;1H\E[K:\
+	:ti=\E[H\E[J\E[30;1;0;30p\E[30;1H\E[K:\
+	:ts=\E[>51h\E[1;%dH\E[2K:tc=aaa+unk:
+aaa-30-s-rv|aaa-s-rv|ann arbor ambassador/30 lines+status+reverse video:\
+	:tc=aaa+rv:tc=aaa-30-s:
+aaa-s-ctxt|aaa-30-s-ctxt|ann arbor ambassador/30 lines+status+save context:\
+	:te=\E[60;1;0;30p\E[59;1H\E[K:\
+	:ti=\E[30;1H\E[K\E[30;1;0;30p:tc=aaa-30-s:
+aaa-s-rv-ctxt|aaa-30-s-rv-ct|ann arbor ambassador/30 lines+status+save context+reverse video:\
+	:te=\E[60;1;0;30p\E[59;1H\E[K:\
+	:ti=\E[30;1H\E[K\E[30;1;0;30p:tc=aaa-30-s-rv:
+aaa|aaa-30|ambas|ambassador|ann arbor ambassador/30 lines:\
+	:li#30:\
+	:is=\E7\E[60;0;0;30p\E8:te=\E[60;0;0;30p\E[30;1H\E[K:\
+	:ti=\E[H\E[J\E[30;0;0;30p:tc=aaa+unk:
+aaa-30-rv|aaa-rv|ann arbor ambassador/30 lines in reverse video:\
+	:tc=aaa+rv:tc=aaa-30:
+aaa-30-ctxt|aaa-ctxt|ann arbor ambassador/30 lines; saving context:\
+	:te=\E[60;0;0;30p\E[60;1H\E[K:ti=\E[30;0;0;30p:\
+	:tc=aaa-30:
+aaa-30-rv-ctxt|aaa-rv-ctxt|ann arbor ambassador/30 lines reverse video; saving context:\
+	:te=\E[60;0;0;30p\E[60;1H\E[K:ti=\E[30;0;0;30p:\
+	:tc=aaa+rv:tc=aaa-30:
+aaa-36|ann arbor ambassador/36 lines:\
+	:li#36:\
+	:is=\E7\E[60;0;0;36p\E8:te=\E[60;0;0;36p\E[36;1H\E[K:\
+	:ti=\E[H\E[J\E[36;0;0;36p:tc=aaa+unk:
+aaa-36-rv|ann arbor ambassador/36 lines+reverse video:\
+	:tc=aaa+rv:tc=aaa-36:
+aaa-40|ann arbor ambassador/40 lines:\
+	:li#40:\
+	:is=\E7\E[60;0;0;40p\E8:te=\E[60;0;0;40p\E[40;1H\E[K:\
+	:ti=\E[H\E[J\E[40;0;0;40p:tc=aaa+unk:
+aaa-40-rv|ann arbor ambassador/40 lines+reverse video:\
+	:tc=aaa+rv:tc=aaa-40:
+aaa-48|ann arbor ambassador/48 lines:\
+	:li#48:\
+	:is=\E7\E[60;0;0;48p\E8:te=\E[60;0;0;48p\E[48;1H\E[K:\
+	:ti=\E[H\E[J\E[48;0;0;48p:tc=aaa+unk:
+aaa-48-rv|ann arbor ambassador/48 lines+reverse video:\
+	:tc=aaa+rv:tc=aaa-48:
+aaa-60-s|ann arbor ambassador/59 lines+status:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:li#59:\
+	:ds=\E7\E[60;0;0;60p\E[1;1H\E[K\E[H\E8\r\n\E[K:\
+	:fs=\E[>51l:is=\r\n\E[A\E7\E[60;1;0;60p\E8:\
+	:ts=\E[>51h\E[1;%dH\E[2K:tc=aaa+unk:
+aaa-60-s-rv|ann arbor ambassador/59 lines+status+reverse video:\
+	:tc=aaa+rv:tc=aaa-60-s:
+aaa-60-dec-rv|ann arbor ambassador/dec mode+59 lines+status+rev video:\
+	:tc=aaa+dec:tc=aaa+rv:tc=aaa-60-s:
+aaa-60|ann arbor ambassador/60 lines:\
+	:li#60:\
+	:is=\E7\E[60;0;0;60p\E[1Q\E[m\E[>20;30l\E8:tc=aaa+unk:
+aaa-60-rv|ann arbor ambassador/60 lines+reverse video:\
+	:tc=aaa+rv:tc=aaa-60:
+aaa-db|ann arbor ambassador 30/destructive backspace:\
+	:bs@:\
+	:i2=\E[1Q\E[m\E[>20l\E[>30h:le=\E[D:tc=aaa-30:
+guru|guru-33|guru+unk|ann arbor guru/33 lines 80 cols:\
+	:li#33:\
+	:i2=\E[>59l:is=\E7\E[255;0;0;33;80;80p\E8\E[J:\
+	:te=\E[255p\E[255;1H\E[K:ti=\E[33p:vb=\E[>59h\E[>59l:\
+	:tc=aaa+unk:
+guru+rv|guru changes for reverse video:\
+	:i2=\E[>59h:vb=\E[>59l\E[>59h:
+guru-rv|guru-33-rv|ann arbor guru/33 lines+reverse video:\
+	:tc=guru+rv:tc=guru-33:
+guru+s|guru status line:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:ds=\E7\E[;0p\E[1;1H\E[K\E[H\E8\r\n\E[K:fs=\E[>51l:\
+	:te=\E[255;1p\E[255;1H\E[K:ti=:ts=\E[>51h\E[1;%dH\E[2K:
+guru-nctxt|guru with no saved context:\
+	:ti=\E[H\E[J\E[33p\E[255;1H\E[K:tc=guru:
+guru-s|guru-33-s|ann arbor guru/33 lines+status:\
+	:li#32:\
+	:is=\r\n\E[A\E7\E[255;1;0;33;80;80p\E8\E[J:\
+	:ti=\E[33;1p\E[255;1H\E[K:tc=guru+s:tc=guru+unk:
+guru-24|ann arbor guru 24 lines:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:is=\E7\E[255;0;0;24;80;80p\E8\E[J:ti=\E[24p:\
+	:tc=guru+unk:
+guru-44|ann arbor guru 44 lines:\
+	:co#97:li#44:\
+	:is=\E7\E[255;0;0;44;97;100p\E8\E[J:ti=\E[44p:\
+	:tc=guru+unk:
+guru-44-s|ann arbor guru/44 lines+status:\
+	:li#43:\
+	:is=\r\n\E[A\E7\E[255;1;0;44;80;80p\E8\E[J:\
+	:ti=\E[44;1p\E[255;1H\E[K:tc=guru+s:tc=guru+unk:
+guru-76|guru with 76 lines by 89 cols:\
+	:co#89:li#76:\
+	:is=\E7\E[255;0;0;76;89;100p\E8\E[J:ti=\E[76p:\
+	:tc=guru+unk:
+guru-76-s|ann arbor guru/76 lines+status:\
+	:co#89:li#75:\
+	:is=\r\n\E[A\E7\E[255;1;0;76;89;100p\E8\E[J:\
+	:ti=\E[76;1p\E[255;1H\E[K:tc=guru+s:tc=guru+unk:
+guru-76-lp|guru-lp|guru with page bigger than line printer:\
+	:co#134:li#76:\
+	:is=\E7\E[255;0;0;76;134;134p\E8\E[J:ti=\E[76p:\
+	:tc=guru+unk:
+guru-76-w|guru 76 lines by 178 cols:\
+	:co#178:li#76:\
+	:is=\E7\E[255;0;0;76;178;178p\E8\E[J:ti=\E[76p:\
+	:tc=guru+unk:
+guru-76-w-s|ann arbor guru/76 lines+status+wide:\
+	:co#178:li#75:\
+	:is=\r\n\E[A\E7\E[255;1;0;76;178;178p\E8\E[J:\
+	:ti=\E[76;1p\E[255;1H\E[K:tc=guru+s:tc=guru+unk:
+guru-76-wm|guru 76 lines by 178 cols with 255 cols memory:\
+	:co#178:li#76:\
+	:is=\E7\E[255;0;0;76;178;255p\E8\E[J:ti=\E[76p:\
+	:tc=guru+unk:
+aaa-rv-unk|ann arbor unknown type:\
+	:Nl#0:lh#0:lw#0:\
+	:ho=\E[H:i1=\E[7m\E7\E[H\E9\E8:mb=\E[5;7m:md=\E[1;7m:\
+	:me=\E[7m:mk=\E[7;8m:mr=\E[m:r1=\E[H\E[7m\E[J:se=\E[7m:\
+	:so=\E[m:ue=\E[7m:us=\E[4;7m:
+#### Applied Digital Data Systems (adds)
+# ADDS itself is long gone.  ADDS was bought by NCR, and the same group made
+# ADDS and NCR terminals.  When AT&T and NCR merged, the engineering for
+# terminals was merged again.  Then AT&T sold the terminal business to
+# SunRiver, which later changed its  name to Boundless Technologies.  The
+# engineers from Teletype, AT&T terminals, ADDS, and NCR (who are still there
+# as of early 1995) are at:
+#	Boundless Technologies
+#	100 Marcus Boulevard
+#	Hauppauge, NY 11788-3762
+#	Vox: (800)-231-5445
+#	Fax: (516)-342-7378
+#	Web: http://boundless.com
+# Their voice mail used to describe the place as "SunRiver (formerly ADDS)".
+# In 1995 Boundless acquired DEC's terminals business.
+# Regent: lowest common denominator, works on all regents.
+# (regent: renamed ":bc:" to ":le:" -- esr)
+regent|Adds Regent Series:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=^L:cr=\r:do=\n:ho=\EY\s\s:le=^U:ll=^A:nd=^F:sf=\n:\
+	:up=^Z:
+# Regent 100 has a bug where if computer sends escape when user is holding
+# down shift key it gets confused, so we avoid escape.
+regent100|Adds Regent 100:\
+	:sg#1:ug#1:\
+	:bl=^G:cm=\013%+ \020%B%.:k0=^B1\r:k1=^B2\r:k2=^B3\r:\
+	:k3=^B4\r:k4=^B5\r:k5=^B6\r:k6=^B7\r:k7=^B8\r:l0=F1:l1=F2:\
+	:l2=F3:l3=F4:l4=F5:l5=F6:l6=F7:l7=F8:me=\E0@:se=\E0@:so=\E0P:\
+	:ue=\E0@:us=\E0`:tc=regent:
+regent20|Adds Regent 20:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\Ek:ce=\EK:cm=\EY%+ %+ :tc=regent:
+regent25|Adds Regent 25:\
+	:bl=^G:kd=\n:kh=^A:kl=^U:kr=^F:ku=^Z:tc=regent20:
+regent40|Adds Regent 40:\
+	:sg#1:ug#1:\
+	:al=2*\EM:bl=^G:dl=2*\El:k1=^B1\r:k2=^B2\r:k3=^B3\r:\
+	:k4=^B4\r:k5=^B5\r:k6=^B6\r:k7=^B7\r:k8=^B8\r:l0=F1:l1=F2:\
+	:l2=F3:l3=F4:l4=F5:l5=F6:l6=F7:l7=F8:me=\E0@:se=\E0@:so=\E0P:\
+	:ue=\E0@:us=\E0`:tc=regent25:
+regent40+|Adds Regent 40+:\
+	:is=\EB:tc=regent40:
+# It uses a different code for mapping acs vs dim/blink.
+regent60|regent200|adds200|Adds Regent 60:\
+	:ac=jLkDl@mHnhq`tXuTv\\wPxd:ae=\E2:as=\E1:cd=\Ek:dc=\EE:\
+	:ei=\EF:im=\EF:is=\EV\EB:kB=\EO:kD=\EE:kI=\EF:kM=\EF:kb=^H:\
+	:se=\ER\E0@\EV:so=\ER\E0P\EV:tc=regent40+:
+# From: <edward@onyx.berkeley.edu> Thu Jul  9 09:27:33 1981
+# (viewpoint: added :kr:, function key, and :dl: capabilities -- esr)
+viewpoint|addsviewpoint|adds viewpoint:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=16.1*\Ek:ce=16\EK:cl=^L:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=\r:\
+	:dl=\El:do=\n:is=\017\E0`:k0=^B1:k2=^B2:k3=^B!:k4=^B":\
+	:k5=^B#:kd=\n:kh=^A:kl=^U:kr=^F:ku=^Z:le=^H:ll=^A:me=^O:nd=^F:\
+	:se=^O:sf=\n:so=^N:ue=^O:up=^Z:us=^N:ve=\017\E0`:\
+	:vs=\017\E0P:
+# Some viewpoints have bad ROMs that foo up on ^O
+screwpoint|adds viewpoint with ^O bug:\
+	:se@:so@:ue@:us@:vs@:tc=viewpoint:
+# From: Jay S. Rouman <jsr@dexter.mi.org> 5 Jul 92
+# The :vi:/:ve:/:sa:/:me: strings were added by ESR from specs.
+# Theory; the vp3a+ wants \E0%c to set highlights, where normal=01000000,
+# underline=01100000, rev=01010000, blink=01000010,dim=01000001,
+# invis=01000100 and %c is the logical or of desired attributes.
+# There is also a `tag bit' enabling attributes, set by \E) and unset by \E(.
+# Update by TD - 2004:
+# Adapted from
+#	https://web.archive.org/web/19990922005103/http://www.cs.utk.edu/~shuford/terminal/adds_viewpoint_news.txt
+# COMMANDS                        ASCII CODE
+# Address, Absolute               ESC,=,row,column
+# Beep                            BEL
+# Aux Port Enable                 ESC,@
+# Aux Port Disable                ESC,A
+# Backspace                       BS
+# Cursor back                     BS
+# Cursor down                     LF
+# Cursor forward                  FF
+# Cursor home                     RS
+# Cursor up                       VT
+# Cursor suppress                 ETB
+# Cursor enable                   CAN
+# Erase to end of line            ESC,T
+# Erase to end of page            ESC,Y
+# Erase screen                    SUB
+# Keyboard lock                   SI
+# Keyboard unlock                 SO
+# Read current cursor position    ESC,?
+# Set Attribute                   ESC,0,x  (see below for values of x)
+# Tag bit reset                   ESC,(
+# Tag bit set                     ESC,)
+# Transparent Print on            ESC,3
+# Transparent Print off           ESC,4
+# Normal                          @	0100
+# Half Intensity                  A	0101
+# Blinking                        B	0102
+# Half Intensity Blinking         C	0103
+# Reverse Video                   P	0120
+# Reverse Video Half Intensity    Q	0121
+# Reverse Video Blinking          R	0122
+# Reverse Video Half Intensity
+#    Blinking                     S	0123
+# Underlined                      `	0140
+# Underlined Half Intensity       a	0141
+# Underlined Blinking             b	0142
+# Underlined Half Intensity
+#    Blinking                     c	0143
+# Video suppress                  D	0104
+vp3a+|viewpoint3a+|adds viewpoint 3a+:\
+	:am:bw:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:cd=80\EY:ce=\ET:cl=80\E*:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:do=\n:ho=^^:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\n:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:mb=\E0B\E):me=\E(:\
+	:mh=\E0A\E):mk=\E0D\E):mr=\E0P\E):nd=^L:nw=\r\n:se=\E(:\
+	:sf=\n:so=\E0Q\E):ta=^I:up=^K:us=\E0`\E):ve=^X:vi=^W:
+vp60|viewpoint60|addsvp60|adds viewpoint60:\
+	:tc=regent40:
+# adds viewpoint 90 - from cornell
+# Note:  emacs sends ei occasionally to insure the terminal is out of
+#        insert mode. This unfortunately puts the viewpoint90 IN insert
+#        mode.  A hack to get around this is :ic=\EF\s\EF^U:.  (Also,
+#   -    :ei=:im=: must be present in the termcap translation.)
+#   -    :xs: indicates glitch that attributes stick to location
+#   -    :ms: means it's safe to move in standout mode
+#   -    :cl=\EG\Ek:: clears screen and visual attributes without affecting
+#               the status line
+# Function key and label capabilities merged in from SCO.
+vp90|viewpoint90|adds viewpoint 90:\
+	:bs:bw:ms:xs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:cd=\Ek:ce=\EK:cl=\EG\Ek:cm=\EY%+ %+ :dc=\EE:dl=\El:do=\n:\
+	:ei=:ho=\EY\s\s:ic=\EF \EF\025:im=:k0=^B1\r:k1=^B2\r:\
+	:k2=^B3\r:k3=^B4\r:k4=^B5\r:k5=^B6\r:k6=^B7\r:k7=^B8\r:\
+	:k8=^B9\r:k9=\002\:\r:k;=^B;\r:kb=^H:kd=\n:kh=^A:kl=^U:\
+	:kr=^F:ku=^Z:l0=F1:l1=F2:l2=F3:l3=F4:l4=F5:l5=F6:l6=F7:l7=F8:\
+	:l8=F9:l9=F10:la=F11:le=^H:ll=^A:me=\ER\E0@\EV:nd=^F:\
+	:se=\ER\E0@\EV:sf=\n:so=\ER\E0Q\EV:ta=^I:ue=\ER\E0@\EV:\
+	:up=^Z:us=\ER\E0`\EV:
+# Note: if return acts weird on a980, check internal switch #2
+# on the top chip on the CONTROL pc board.
+adds980|a980|adds consul 980:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=13\E\016:bl=^G:cl=^L^K@:cm=\013%+@\E\005%2:cr=\r:\
+	:dl=13\E\017:do=\n:k0=\E0:k1=\E1:k2=\E2:k3=\E3:k4=\E4:\
+	:k5=\E5:k6=\E6:k7=\E7:k8=\E8:k9=\E9:le=^H:me=^O:nd=\E^E01:\
+	:se=^O:sf=\n:so=^Y^^^N:
+#### C. Itoh Electronics
+# As of 1995 these people no longer make terminals (they're still in the
+# printer business).  Their terminals were all clones of the DEC VT series.
+# They're located in Orange County, CA.
+# CIT 80  - vt-52 emulator, the termcap has been modified to remove
+#           the delay times and do an auto tab set rather than the indirect
+#           file used in vt100.
+cit80|cit-80|citoh 80:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\E[H\EJ:cm=\E[%i%2;%2H:cr=\r:do=\E[B:\
+	:ff=^L:is=\E>:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:\
+	:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:nd=\E[C:sf=\n:up=\E[A:
+# From: Tim Wood <mtxinu!sybase!tim> Fri Sep 27 09:39:12 PDT 1985
+# (cit101: added <rmam>/<smam> based on init string, merged this with c101 -- esr)
+cit101|citc|C.itoh fast vt100:\
+	:am:bs:xn:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7h:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=:\
+	:ic=\E[@:im=:\
+	:is=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E[3g\E[>5g:\
+	:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:\
+	:ku=\EOA:le=^H:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:so=\E[7m:ue=\E[m:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[V\E8:vs=\E7\E[U:
+# CIE Terminals CIT-101e from Geoff Kuenning <callan!geoff> via BRL
+# The following termcap entry was created from the Callan cd100 entry.  The
+# last two lines (with the capabilities in caps) are used by RM-cobol to allow
+# full selection of combinations of reverse video, underline, and blink.
+# (cit101e: removed unknown :f0=\EOp:f1=\EOq:f2=\EOr:f3=\EOs:f4=\EOt:f5=\EOu:\
+# f6=\EOv:f7=\EOw:f8=\EOx:f9=\EOy:AB=\E[0;5m:AL=\E[m:AR=\E[0;7m:AS=\E[0;5;7m:\
+# :NB=\E[0;1;5m:NM=\E[0;1m:NR=\E[0;1;7m:NS=\E[0;1;5;7m: -- esr)
+cit101e|C. Itoh CIT-101e:\
+	:am:bs:mi:ms:pt:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:ac=:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%2;%2H:cs=\E[%i%2;%2r:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:\
+	:ei=\E[4l:if=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:im=\E[4h:k0=\EOT:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\EOm:k6=\EOl:k7=\EOM:\
+	:k8=\EOn:kd=\E[B:ke=\E>:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ks=\E=:ku=\E[A:\
+	:le=\E[D:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:\
+	:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=:vs=\E[?1l\E[?4l\E[?7h:
+# From: David S. Lawyer, June 1997:
+# The CIT 101-e was made in Japan in 1983-4 and imported by CIE
+# Terminals in Irvine, CA.  It was part of CITOH Electronics.  In the
+# late 1980's CIT Terminals went out of business.
+# There is no need to use the initialization string is=... (by invoking
+# tset or setterm etc.) provided that the terminal has been manually set
+# up (and the setup saved with ^S) to be compatible with this termcap.  To be
+# compatible it should be in ANSI mode (not VT52).   A set-up that
+# works is to set all the manually settable stuff to factory defaults
+# by pressing ^D in set-up mode.  Then increase the brightness with the
+# up-arrow key since the factory default will likely be dim on an old
+# terminal.  Then change any options you want (provided that they are
+# compatible with the termcap).  For my terminal I set: Screen
+# Background: light; Keyclicks: silent; Auto wraparound: on; CRT saver:
+# on.  I also set up mine for parity (but you may not need it).  Then
+# save the setup with ^S.
+# (cit101e-rv: added empty :te: to suppress a tic warning. --esr)
+cit101e-rv|Citoh CIT-101e (sets reverse video):\
+	:am:eo:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:ch=\E[%i%dG:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:\
+	:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E<\E>\E[?1l\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5h\E[?7h\E[?8h\E[3g\E[>5g\E(B\E[m\E[20l\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kb=\177:kd=\E[B:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:\
+	:nd=\E[C:nl=\EM:nw=\EE:r1=\Ec\E[?7h\E[>5g:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:\
+	:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:te=:\
+	:ti=\E[>5g\E[?7h\E[?5h:u6=\E[%i%d;%dR:u7=\E[6n:\
+	:u8=\E[?6c:u9=\E[c:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:vb=\E[?5l\E[?5h:ve=\E[0;3;4v:vi=\E[1v:vs=\E[3;5v:\
+	:tc=ecma+index:
+cit101e-n|CIT-101e w/o am:\
+	:am@:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\n:kl=^H:vs=\E[?1l\E[?4l\E[?7l:tc=cit101e:
+cit101e-132|CIT-101e with 132 cols:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\n:kl=^H:tc=cit101e:
+cit101e-n132|CIT-101e with 132 cols w/o am:\
+	:am@:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\n:kl=^H:vs=\E[?1l\E[?4l\E[?7l:tc=cit101e:
+# CIE Terminals CIT-500 from BRL
+# The following SET-UP modes are assumed for normal operation:
+# Other SET-UP modes may be set for operator convenience or communication
+# requirements.
+# Hardware tabs are assumed to be set every 8 columns; they can be set up
+# by the "reset", "tset", or "tabs" utilities.  No delays are specified; use
+# "stty ixon -ixany" to enable DC3/DC1 flow control!
+# (cit500: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string -- esr)
+cit500|CIE Terminals CIT-500:\
+	:bs:mi:ms:pt:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:kn#10:li#64:vt#3:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:UP=\E[%dA:ac=:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:\
+	:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\n:\
+	:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:is=\E<\E)0:k0=\EOP:k1=\EOQ:\
+	:k2=\EOR:k3=\EOS:k4=\EOU:k5=\EOV:k6=\EOW:k7=\EOX:k8=\EOY:\
+	:k9=\EOZ:kA=\E[L:kB=\E[Z:kD=\E[P:kE=\EK:kI=\E[4h:kL=\E[M:\
+	:kM=\E[4l:kS=\EJ:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kh=\E[H:\
+	:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:l0=PF1:l1=PF2:l2=PF3:\
+	:l3=PF4:l4=F15:l5=F16:l6=F17:l7=F18:l8=F19:l9=F20:le=^H:\
+	:ll=\E[64H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:nw=\EE:\
+	:r1=\E<\E2\E[20l\E[?6l\E[r\E[m\E[q\E(B\017\E)0\E>:\
+	:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:ue=\E[m:up=\EM:us=\E[4m:
+# C. Itoh printers begin here
+citoh|ci8510|8510|c.itoh 8510a:\
+	:co#80:it#8:\
+	:is=\E(009,017,025,033,041,049,057,065,073.:le@:md=\E!:\
+	:me=\E"\EY:rp=\ER%r%3%.:sr=\Er:ue=\EY:us=\EX:tc=lpr:
+citoh-pica|citoh in pica:\
+	:i1=\EN:tc=citoh:
+citoh-elite|citoh in elite:\
+	:co#96:\
+	:i1=\EE:\
+	:is=\E(009,017,025,033,041,049,057,065,073,081,089.:\
+	:tc=citoh:
+citoh-comp|citoh in compressed:\
+	:co#136:\
+	:i1=\EQ:\
+	:is=\E(009,017,025,033,041,049,057,065,073,081,089,097,105,113,121,129.:\
+	:tc=citoh:
+# citoh has infinite cols because we don't want lp ever inserting \n\t**.
+citoh-prop|citoh-ps|ips|citoh in proportional spacing mode:\
+	:co#32767:\
+	:i1=\EP:tc=citoh:
+citoh-6lpi|citoh in 6 lines per inch mode:\
+	:i2=\EA:tc=citoh:
+citoh-8lpi|citoh in 8 lines per inch mode:\
+	:li#88:\
+	:i2=\EB:tc=citoh:
+#### Control Data (cdc)
+cdc456|cdc 456 terminal:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\EL:bl=^G:cd=^X:ce=^V:cl=^Y^X:cm=\E1%+ %+ :cr=\r:dl=\EJ:\
+	:do=\n:ho=^Y:le=^H:nd=^L:sf=\n:up=^Z:
+# Assorted CDC terminals from BRL (improvements by DAG & Ferd Brundick)
+cdc721|CDC Viking:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:ce=^K:cl=^L:cm=\002%r%+ %+ :ho=^Y:kd=\n:kh=^Y:kl=^H:kr=^I:\
+	:ku=^W:nd=^X:up=^W:
+cdc721ll|CDC Viking with long lines:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#132:li#24:\
+	:ce=^K:cl=^L:cm=\002%r%+ %+ :ho=^Y:kd=\n:kh=^Y:kl=^H:kr=^I:\
+	:ku=^W:nd=^X:up=^W:
+# (cdc752: the BRL entry had :ll=\E1  ^Z: commented out
+cdc752|CDC 752:\
+	:am:bs:bw:xs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:ce=^V:cl=\030\E1\s\s:cm=\E1%r%+ %+ :cr=\r:do=\n:\
+	:ho=\E1\s\s:le=^H:ll=^Y:nd=^U:r1=\E1  \030\002\003\017:\
+	:sf=\n:up=^Z:
+# CDC 756
+# The following switch/key settings are assumed for normal operation:
+#	96 chars	SCROLL		FULL duplex	not BLOCK
+# Other switches may be set according to communication requirements.
+# Insert/delete-character cannot be used, as the whole display is affected.
+# "so" & "se" are commented out until jove handles "sg" correctly.
+cdc756|CDC 756:\
+	:am:bs:bw:\
+	:co#80:kn#10:li#24:\
+	:al=6*\EL:bl=^G:cd=^X:ce=^V:cl=^Y^X:cm=\E1%r%+ %+ :cr=\r:\
+	:dl=6*\EJ:do=\n:ho=^Y:k0=\EA:k1=\EB:k2=\EC:k3=\ED:k4=\EE:\
+	:k5=\EF:k6=\EG:k7=\EH:k8=\Ea:k9=\Eb:kA=\EL:kD=\EI:kE=^V:\
+	:kI=\EK:kL=\EL:kS=^X:kT=^O:kb=^H:kd=\n:kh=^Y:kl=^H:kr=^U:\
+	:ku=^Z:l0=F1:l1=F2:l2=F3:l3=F4:l4=F5:l5=F6:l6=F7:l7=F8:l8=F9:\
+	:l9=F10:le=^H:ll=^Y^Z:nd=^U:r1=^Y^X^B^C^O:sf=\n:up=^Z:
+# CDC 721 from Robert Viduya, Ga. Tech. <ihnp4!gatech!gitpyr!robert> via BRL.
+# Part of the long initialization string defines the "DOWN" key to the left
+# of the tab key to send an ESC.  The real ESC key is positioned way out
+# in right field.
+# The termcap won't work in 132 column mode due to the way it it moves the
+# cursor.  Termcap doesn't have the capability (as far as I could tell) to
+# handle the 721 in 132 column mode.
+# (cdc721: changed :ri: to :sr: -- esr)
+cdc721-esc|Control Data 721:\
+	:am:bs:bw:ms:pt:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:kn#10:li#30:\
+	:al=^^R:bl=^G:bt=^^^K:cd=^^P:ce=^K:cl=^L:cm=\002%r%+ %+ :\
+	:ct=^^^RY:dc=^^N:dl=^^Q:do=^Z:ei=:ho=^Y:ic=^^O:im=:\
+	:is=\036\022B\003\036\035\017\022\025\035\036E\036\022H\036\022J\036\022L\036\022N\036\022P\036\022Q\036\022\036\022\136\036\022b\036\022i\036W =\036\022Z\036\011C1-` `!k/o:\
+	:k0=^^q:k1=^^r:k2=^^s:k3=^^t:k4=^^u:k5=^^v:k6=^^w:k7=^^x:\
+	:k8=^^y:k9=^^z:kb=^H:kd=^Z:ke=^^^Rl:kh=^Y:kl=^H:kr=^X:\
+	:ks=^^^Rk:ku=^W:le=^H:ll=^B =:mb=^N:me=^O^U^]^^E^^^R\\:\
+	:mh=^\:mk=^^^R[:mr=^^D:nd=^X:se=^^E:sf=\036W =\036U:so=^^D:\
+	:sr=\036W =\036V:st=^^^RW:ue=^]:up=^W:us=^\:
+#### Getronics
+# Getronics is a Dutch electronics company that at one time was called
+# `Geveke' and made async terminals; but (according to the company itself!)
+# they've lost all their documentation on the command set.  The hardware
+# documentation suggests the terminals were actually manufactured by a
+# Taiwanese electronics company named Cal-Comp.  There are known
+# to have been at least two models, the 33 and the 50.
+# The 50 seems to be a top end vt220 clone, with the addition of a higher
+# screen resolution, a larger screen, at least 1 page of memory above and
+# below the screen, apparently pages of memory right and left of the screen
+# which can be panned, and about 75 function keys (15 function keys x normal,
+# shift, control, func A, func B). It also has more setup possibilities than
+# the vt220. The monitor case is dated November 1978 and the keyboard case is
+# May 1982.
+# The vt100 emulation works as is.  The entry below describes the rather
+# non-conformant (but more featureful) ANSI mode.
+# From: Stephen Peterson <stv@utrecht.ow.nl>, 27 May 1995
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+visa50|geveke visa 50 terminal in ansi 80 character mode:\
+	:bw:mi:ms:\
+	:co#80:li#25:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dX:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:K1=\E[f:K2=\EOP:K3=\EOQ:K4=\EOR:K5=\EOS:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E?7h:UP=\E[%dA:ae=\E[3l:al=\E[L:\
+	:as=\E3h:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:ch=\E[%i%dG:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\
+	:ct=\E[3g:cv=\E[%i%dd:dc=\E[X:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=\E[4l:\
+	:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E0;2m\E[1;25r\E[25;1H\E[?3l\E[?7h\E[?8h:k0=\E010:\
+	:k1=\E001:k2=\E002:k3=\E003:k4=\E004:k5=\E005:k6=\E006:\
+	:k7=\E007:k8=\E008:k9=\E009:k;=\E011:kD=\177:kL=\EOS:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\E[A:ke=\E>:kh=\E[f:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ks=\E=:ku=\E[A:\
+	:l2=A delete char:l3=A insert line:l4=A delete line:\
+	:l5=A clear:l6=A ce of/cf gn:l7=A print:l8=A on-line:\
+	:l9=A funcl0=A send:le=\E[D:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0;2m:\
+	:mh=\E[2m:mk=\E[8m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\r\n:se=\E[0;2m:\
+	:sf=\n:so=\E[2;7m:ta=^I:ue=\E[0m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:
+#### Human Designed Systems (Concept)
+#	Human Designed Systems
+#	400 Fehley Drive
+#	King of Prussia, PA 19406
+#	Vox: (610)-277-8300
+#	Fax: (610)-275-5739
+#	Net: support@hds.com
+# John Martin <john@hds.com> is their termcap expert.  They're mostly out of
+# the character-terminal business now (1995) and making X terminals.  In
+# particular, the whole `Concept' line described here was discontinued long
+# ago.
+# From: <vax135!hpk>  Sat Jun 27 07:41:20 1981
+# Extensive changes to c108 by arpavax:eric Feb 1982
+# Some unknown person at SCO then translated it to terminfo.
+# There seem to be a number of different versions of the C108 PROMS
+# (with bug fixes in its Z-80 program).
+# The first one that we had would lock out the keyboard of you
+# sent lots of short lines (like /usr/dict/words) at 9600 baud.
+# Try that on your C108 and see if it sends a ^S when you type it.
+# If so, you have an old version of the PROMs.
+# You should configure the C108 to send ^S/^Q before running this.
+# It is much faster (at 9600 baud) than the c100 because the delays
+# are not fixed.
+# new status line display entries for c108-8p:
+# :i3: - init str #3 - setup term for status display -
+# set programmer mode, select window 2, define window at last
+# line of memory, set bkgnd stat mesg there, select window 0.
+# :ts: - to status line - select window 2, home cursor, erase to
+# end-of-window, 1/2 bright on, goto(line#0, col#?)
+# :fs: - from status line - 1/2 bright off, select window 0
+# :ds: - disable status display - set bkgnd status mesg with
+# illegal window #
+# There are probably more function keys that should be added but
+# I don't know what they are.
+# No delays needed on c108 because of ^S/^Q handshaking
+c108|concept108|c108-8p|concept108-8p|concept 108 w/8 pages:\
+	:i2=\EU\E z"\Ev\001\177 !p\E ;"\E z \Ev  \001\177p\Ep\n:\
+	:te=\Ev  \001\177p\Ep\r\n:tc=c108-4p:
+c108-4p|concept108-4p|concept 108 w/4 pages:\
+	:bs:es:hs:xo:\
+	:pb@:\
+	:ac=jEkTl\\mMqLxU:ae=\Ej\s:as=\Ej!:cr=\r:dc=16*\E 1:\
+	:ds=\E ;\177:fs=\Ee\E z\s:i1=\EK\E!\E F:\
+	:i2=\EU\E z"\Ev\177 !p\E ;"\E z \Ev  \001 p\Ep\n:\
+	:sf=\n:te=\Ev  \001 p\Ep\r\n:ti=\EU\Ev  8p\Ep\r\E\025:\
+	:ve=\Ew:vs=\EW:tc=c100:
+c108-rv|c108-rv-8p|concept 108 w/8 pages in reverse video:\
+	:te=\Ev  \002 p\Ep\r\n:ti=\EU\Ev  8p\Ep\r:\
+	:tc=c108-rv-4p:
+c108-rv-4p|concept108rv4p|concept 108 w/4 pages in reverse video:\
+	:i1=\Ek:se=\Ee:so=\EE:vb=\EK\Ek:tc=c108-4p:
+c108-w|c108-w-8p|concept108-w-8|concept108-w8p|concept 108 w/8 pages in wide mode:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:i1=\E F\E":te=\Ev  ^A0\001D\Ep\r\n:\
+	:ti=\EU\Ev  8\001D\Ep\r:tc=c108-8p:
+# Concept 100:
+# These have only window relative cursor addressing, not screen
+# relative. To get it to work right here, smcup/rmcup (which
+# were invented for the concept) lock you into a one page
+# window for screen style programs.
+# To get out of the one page window, we use a clever trick:
+# we set the window size to zero ("\Ev    " in rmcup) which the
+# terminal recognizes as an error and resets the window to all
+# of memory.
+# This trick works on c100 but does not on c108, sigh.
+# Some tty drivers use cr3 for concept, others use nl3, hence
+# the delays on cr and ind below. This padding is only needed at
+# 9600 baud and up.  One or the other is commented out depending on
+# local conventions.
+# 2 ms padding on :te: isn't always enough. 6 works fine. Maybe
+# less than 6 but more than 2 will work.
+# Note: can't use function keys f7-f10 because they are
+# indistinguishable from arrow keys (!), also, del char and
+# clear eol use xon/xoff so they probably won't work very well.
+# Also note that we don't define insrt/del char/delline/eop/send
+# because they don't transmit unless we reset them - I figured
+# it was a bad idea to clobber their definitions.
+# The <mc5> sequence changes the escape character to ^^ so that
+# escapes will be passed through to the printer. Only trouble
+# is that ^^ won't be - ^^ was chosen to be unlikely.
+# Unfortunately, if you're sending raster bits through to be
+# plotted, any character you choose will be likely, so we lose.
+# \EQ"\EY(^W (send anything from printer to host, for xon/xoff)
+# cannot be # in is2 because it will hang a c100 with no printer
+# if sent twice.
+c100|concept100|concept|c104|c100-4p|hds concept 100:\
+	:am:bs:eo:mi:ul:xn:\
+	:co#80:li#24:pb#9600:vt#8:\
+	:al=3*\E\022:bl=^G:cd=16*\E\005:ce=16\E\025:\
+	:cl=2*\E?\E\005:cm=\Ea%+ %+ :cr=\r:dc=16*\E\021:\
+	:dl=3*\E\002:do=\n:ei=\E\s\s:i1=\EK:i2=\Ev    \Ep\n:\
+	:im=\E^P:ip=16*:\
+	:is=\EU\Ef\E7\E5\E8\El\ENH\E\0\Eo&\0\Eo'\E\Eo!\0\E\007!\E\010A@ \E4#\:"\E\:a\E4#;"\E\:b\E4#<"\E\:c:\
+	:k1=\E5:k2=\E6:k3=\E7:k4=\E8:k5=\E9:k6=\E\:a:k7=\E\:b:\
+	:k8=\E\:c:kA=\E^R:kB=\E':kD=\E^Q:kE=\E^S:kF=\E[:kI=\E^P:\
+	:kL=\E^B:kM=\E\0:kN=\E-:kP=\E.:kR=\E\\:kS=\E^C:kT=\E]:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\E<:ke=\Ex:kh=\E?:kl=\E>:kr=\E=:ks=\EX:kt=\E_:ku=\E;:\
+	:le=^H:mb=\EC:me=\EN@:mh=\EE:mk=\EH:mp=\EI:mr=\ED:nd=\E=:\
+	:pf=\036o \E\EQ!\EYP\027:po=\EQ"\EY(\027\EYD\Eo \036:\
+	:rp=.2*\Er%.%+ :se=\Ed:sf=\n:so=\ED:ta=8^I:\
+	:te=\Ev    \Ep\r\n:ti=16\EU\Ev  8p\Ep\r\E\025:ue=\Eg:\
+	:up=\E;:us=\EG:vb=\Ek\EK:
+c100-rv|c100-rv-4p|concept100-rv|c100 rev video:\
+	:i1=\Ek:se=\Ee:so=\EE:vb=\EK\Ek:ve@:vs@:tc=c100:
+oc100|oconcept|c100-1p|old 1 page concept 100:\
+	:in:\
+	:i3@:tc=c100:
+# From: Walter Skorski <walt@genetics1.JMP.TJU.EDU>, 16-oct-1996.
+# Lots of notes, originally inline, but ncurses doesn't grok that.
+# am:	not available in power on mode, but turned on with \E[=107;207h in
+#	is2=.  Also, \E=124l in is2= could have been used to prevent needing
+#	to specify xenl:, but that would have rendered the last space on the
+#	last line useless.
+# bw:	Not available in power on mode, but turned on with \E[=107;207h in
+#	is2=.
+# clear: Could be done with \E[2J alone, except that vi (and probably most
+#	other programs) assume that this also homes the cursor.
+# dsl:	Go to window 2, go to the beginning of the line, use a line feed to
+#	scroll the window, and go back to window 1.
+# is2:	the string may cause a warning to be issued by tic that it
+#	found a very long line and that it suspects that a comma is missing
+#	somewhere.  This warning can be ignored (unless it comes up more than
+#	once).  The initialization string contains the following commands:
+#	 [Setup mode items changed from factory defaults:]
+#		\E)0			set alternate character set to
+#						graphics
+#		^O			set character set to default
+#	 [In case it wasn't]
+#		\E[m			turn off all attributes
+#	 [In case they weren't off]
+#		\E[=107;		cursor wrap and
+#			207h			character wrap on
+#		\E[90;3u		set Fkey definitions to "transmit"
+#						defaults
+#		\E[92;3u		set cursor key definitions to
+#						"transmit" defaults
+#		\E[43;1u		set shift F13 to transmit...
+#		\177\E$P\177
+#		\E[44;1u		set shift F14 to transmit...
+#			\177\E$Q\177
+#		\E[45;1u		set shift F15 to transmit...
+#			\177\E$R\177
+#		\E[46;1u		set shift F16 to transmit...
+#			\177\E$S\177
+#		\E[200;1u		set shift up to transmit...
+#			\177\E$A\177
+#		\E[201;1u		set shift down to transmit...
+#			\177\E$B\177
+#		\E[202;1u		set shift right to transmit...
+#			\177\E$C\177
+#		\E[203;1u		set shift left to transmit...
+#			\177\E$D\177
+#		\E[204;1u		set shift home to transmit...
+#			\177\E$H\177
+#		\E[212;1u		set backtab to transmit...
+#			\177\E$I\177
+#		\E[213;1u		set shift backspace to transmit...
+#			\177\E$^H\177
+#		\E[214;1u		set shift del to transmit...
+#			"\E$\177"
+#	 [Necessary items not mentioned in setup mode:]
+#		\E[2!w			move to window 2
+#		\E[25;25w		define window as line 25 of memory
+#		\E[!w			move to window 1
+#		\E[2*w			show current line of window 2 as
+#						status line
+#		\E[2+x			set meta key to use high bit
+#		\E[;3+}			move underline to bottom of character
+#	All Fkeys are set to their default transmit definitions with \E[90;3u
+#	in is2=.  IMPORTANT:  to use this terminal definition, the "quit" stty
+#	setting MUST be redefined or deactivated, because the default is
+#	contained in almost all of this terminal's Fkey strings!  If for some
+#	reason "quit" cannot be altered, the Fkeys can, but it would be
+#	necessary to change ^| to ^] in all of these definitions, and add
+#	\E[2;029!t to is2.
+# lines: is set to 24 because this terminal refuses to treat the 25th
+#	line normally.
+# ll:	Not available in power on mode, but turned on with \E[=107;207h in
+#	is2=.
+# lm:	Pointless, given that this definition locks a single screen of
+#	memory into view, but what the hey...
+# rmso: Could use \E[1;7!{ to turn off only bold and reverse (leaving any
+#	other attributes alone), but some programs expect this to turn off
+#	everything.
+# rmul: Could use \E[4!{ to turn off only underline (leaving any other
+#	attributes alone), but some programs expect this to turn off
+#	everything.
+# sgr:	Attributes are set on this terminal with the string \E[ followed by
+#	a list of attribute code numbers (in decimal, separated by
+#	semicolons), followed by the character m.  The attribute code
+#	numbers are:
+#		  1 for bold;
+#		  2 for dim (which is ignored in power on mode);
+#		  4 for underline;
+#		  5 for blinking;
+#		  7 for inverse;
+#		  8 for not displayable; and
+#		=99 for protected (except that there are strange side
+#		effects to protected characters which make them inadvisable).
+#	 The mapping of terminfo parameters to attributes is as follows:
+#		%p1 (standout) = bold and inverse together;
+#		%p2 (underline) = underline;
+#		%p3 (reverse) = inverse;
+#		%p4 (blink) = blinking;
+#		%p5 (dim) is ignored;
+#		%p6 (bold) = bold;
+#		%p7 (invisible) = not displayable;
+#		%p8 (protected) is ignored; and
+#		%p9 (alt char set) = alt char set.
+#	 The code to do this is:
+#		\E[0		OUTPUT	\E[0
+#		%?%p1%p6%O	IF	(standout; bold) OR
+#		%t;1		THEN	OUTPUT	;1
+#		%;		ENDIF
+#		%?%p2		IF	underline
+#		%t;4		THEN	OUTPUT	;4
+#		%;		ENDIF
+#		%?%p4		IF	blink
+#		%t;5		THEN	OUTPUT	;5
+#		%;		ENDIF
+#		%?%p1%p3%O	IF	(standout; reverse) OR
+#		%t;7		THEN	OUTPUT	;7
+#		%;		ENDIF
+#		%?%p7		IF	invisible
+#		%t;8		THEN	OUTPUT	;8
+#		%;		ENDIF
+#		m		OUTPUT	m
+#		%?%p9		IF	altcharset
+#		%t^N		THEN	OUTPUT	^N
+#		%e^O		ELSE	OUTPUT	^O
+#		%;		ENDIF
+# sgr0: Everything is turned off (including alternate character set), since
+#	there is no way of knowing what it is that the program wants turned
+#	off.
+# smul: The "underline" attribute is reconfigurable to an overline or
+#	strike-through, or (as done with \E[;3+} in is2=), to a line at the true
+#	bottom of the character cell.  This was done to allow for more readable
+#	underlined characters, and to be able to distinguish between an
+#	underlined space, an underscore, and an underlined underscore.
+# xenl: Terminal can be configured to not need this, but this "glitch"
+#	behavior is actually preferable with autowrap terminals.
+# Parameters kf31= thru kf53= actually contain the strings sent by the shifted
+# Fkeys.  There are no parameters for shifted Fkeys in terminfo.  The is2
+# string modifies the 'O' in kf43 to kf46 to a '$'.
+# kcbt was originally ^I but redefined in is2=.
+# kHOM was \E[H originally but redefined in is2=, as were a number of
+# other keys.
+# kDC was originally \177 but redefined in is2=.
+# kbs:	Shift was also ^H originally but redefined as \E$^H in is2=.
+# tsl:	Go to window 2, then do an hpa=.
+#------- flash=\E[8;3!}^G\E[3;3!}
+#------- flash=\E[?5h$<100>\E[?5l
+# There are two ways to flash the screen, both of which have their drawbacks.
+# The first is to set the bell mode to video, transmit a bell character, and
+# set the bell mode back - but to what?  There is no way of knowing what the
+# user's old bell setting was before we messed with it.  Worse, the command to
+# set the bell mode also sets the key click volume, and there is no way to say
+# "leave that alone", or to know what it's set to, either.
+# The second way to do a flash is to set the screen to inverse video, pad for a
+# tenth of a second, and set it back - but like before, there's no way to know
+# that the screen wasn't ALREADY in inverse video, or that the user may prefer
+# it that way.  The point is moot anyway, since vi (and probably other
+# programs) assume that by defining flash=, you want the computer to use it
+# INSTEAD of bel=, rather than as a secondary type of signal.
+#------- cvvis=\E[+{
+# The is the power on setting, which is also as visible as the cursor
+# gets.
+#-------  wind=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%d;%p3%{1}%+%d;%p4%{1}%+%dw
+# Windowing is possible, but not defined here because it is also used to
+# emulate status line functions.  Allowing a program to set a window could
+# clobber the status line or render it unusable.  There is additional memory,
+# but screen scroll functions are destructive and do not make use of it.
+#-------   dim=			Not available in power on mode.
+# You have a choice of defining low intensity characters as "half bright" and
+# high intensity as "normal", or defining low as "normal" and high as "bold".
+# No matter which you choose, only one of either "half bright" or "bold" is
+# available at any time, so taking the time to override the default is
+# pointless.
+#-------  prot=\E[=0;99m
+# Not defined, because it appears to have some strange side effects.
+#------- pfkey=%?%p1%{24}%<%p1%{30}%>%p1%{54}%<%A%O%t\E[%p1%du\177%p2%s\177%;
+#------- pfloc=%?%p1%{24}%<%p1%{30}%>%p1%{54}%<%A%O%t\E[%p1%du\177%p2%s\177%;
+#-------   pfx=%?%p1%{24}%<%p1%{30}%>%p1%{54}%<%A%O%t\E[%p1%d;1u\177%p2%s\177%;
+#	 Available, but making them available to programs is inadvisable.
+#	 The code to do this is:
+#		%?%p1%{24}%<	IF	((key; 24) <;
+#		%p1%{30}%>		 ((key; 30) >;
+#		%p1%{54}%<		  (key; 54) <
+#		%A			 ) AND
+#		%O			) OR
+#	 [that is, "IF key < 24 OR (key > 30 AND key < 54)",]
+#		%t\E[		THEN	OUTPUT	\E[
+#		%p1%d			OUTPUT	(key) as decimal
+#	 [next line applies to pfx only]
+#		;1			OUTPUT	;1
+#		u			OUTPUT	u
+#		\177			OUTPUT	\177
+#		%p2%s			OUTPUT	(string) as string
+#		\177			OUTPUT	\177
+#	 [DEL chosen as delimiter, but could be any character]
+#	 [implied:		ELSE	do nothing]
+#		%;		ENDIF
+#-------   rs2=
+# Not defined since anything it might do could be done faster and easier with
+# either Meta-Shift-Reset or the main power switch.
+#-------  smkx=\E[1!z
+#-------  rmkx=\E[!z
+# These sequences apply to the cursor and setup keys only, not to the
+# numeric keypad.  But it doesn't matter anyway, since making these
+# available to programs is inadvisable.
+# For the key definitions below, all sequences beginning with \E$ are
+# custom and programmed into the terminal via is2.  \E$ also has no
+# meaning to any other terminal.
+#------- cmdch=\E[;%p1%d!t
+# Available, but making it available to programs is inadvisable.
+#------- smxon=\E[1*q
+# Available, but making it available to programs is inadvisable.
+# Terminal will send XON/XOFF on buffer overflow.
+#------- rmxon=\E[*q
+# Available, but making it available to programs is inadvisable.
+# Terminal will not notify on buffer overflow.
+#-------   smm=\E[2+x
+#-------   rmm=\E[+x
+# Available, but making them available to programs is inadvisable.
+# Printing:
+#	 It's not made clear in the manuals, but based on other ansi/vt type
+#	 terminals, it's a good guess that this terminal is capable of both
+#	 "transparent print" (which doesn't copy data to the screen, and
+#	 therefore needs mc5i: specified to say so) and "auxiliary print"
+#	 (which does duplicate printed data on the screen, in which case mc4=
+#	 and mc5= should use the \E[?4i and \E[?5i strings instead).
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (some function-key capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+hds200|Human Designed Systems HDS200:\
+	:am:bw:es:hs:km:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:lm#0:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:\
+	:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:\
+	:ds=\E[2!w\r\n\E[!w:ei=\E[4l:fs=\E[!w:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E)0\017\E[m\E[=107;207h\E[90;3u\E[92;3u\E[43;1u\177\E$P\177\E[44;1u\177\E$Q\177\E[45;1u\177\E$R\177\E[46;1u\177\E$S\177\E[200;1u\177\E$A\177\E[201;1u\177\E$B\177\E[202;1u\177\E$C\177\E[203;1u\177\E$D\177\E[204;1u\177\E$H\177\E[212;1u\177\E$I\177\E[213;1u\177\E$\010\177\E[214;1u"\E$\177"\E[2!w\E[25;25w\E[!w\E[2*w\E[2+x\E[;3+}:\
+	:kD=\177:kN=\E[U:kP=\E[V:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=\E[D:ll=\E[H\E[A:mb=\E[0;5m:\
+	:md=\E[0;1m:me=\E[0m:mr=\E[0;7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\E[E:rc=\E8:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[m\017:sf=\ED:so=\E[0;1;7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:\
+	:ta=^I:ts=\E[2!w\E[%i%dG:ue=\E[m\017:up=\E[A:us=\E[0;4m:\
+	:ve=\E[+{:vi=\E[6+{:tc=ansi+pp:
+# :ta: through :ce: included to specify padding needed in raw mode.
+# (avt-ns: added empty <acsc> to suppress a tic warning --esr)
+avt-ns|concept avt no status line:\
+	:am:bs:eo:mi:ul:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:lm#192:\
+	:AL=4*\E[%dL:DL=4*\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ac=:ae=1^N:al=4\E[L:as=1^O:bl=^G:\
+	:bt=\E[Z:cd=96\E[J:ce=6\E[K:cl=38\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=4\E[M:do=\n:\
+	:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:i1=\E[=103l\E[=205l:ic=\E[@:im=\E[4h:\
+	:ip=4:\
+	:is=\E[1*q\E[2!t\E[7!t\E[=4;101;119;122l\E[=107;118;207h\E)1\E[1Q\EW\E[!y\E[!z\E>\E[0\:0\:32!r\E[0*w\E[w\E2\r\n\E[2;27!t:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kA=\E\003\r:kD=\E\002\r:\
+	:kI=\E\001\r:kS=\E\004\r:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:ke=\E[!z\E[0;2u:\
+	:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ks=\E[1!z\E[0;3u:ku=\E[A:le=^H:\
+	:ll=\E[24H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=1\E[m:mh=\E[1!{:mk=\E[8m:\
+	:mp=\E[99m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:pf=\E[4i:pl=\E[%d;0u#%s#:\
+	:po=\E[5i:ps=\E[0i:px=\E[%d;1u#%s#:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:\
+	:se=\E[7!{:sf=8\n:so=\E[7m:sr=4\EM:st=\EH:ta=4^I:\
+	:te=\E[w\E2\r\n:ti=\E[=4l\E[1;24w\E2\r:ue=\E[4!{:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[=119l:vs=\E[=119h:tc=ansi+rep:
+avt-rv-ns|concept avt in reverse video mode/no status line:\
+	:i1=\E[=103l\E[=205h:vb=\E[=205l\E[=205h:tc=avt-ns:
+avt-w-ns|concept avt in 132 column mode/no status line:\
+	:i1=\E[=103h\E[=205l:ti=\E[H\E[1;24;1;132w:tc=avt-ns:
+avt-w-rv-ns|concept avt in 132 column mode/no status line/reverse video:\
+	:i1=\E[=103h\E[=205h:ti=\E[H\E[1;24;1;132w:\
+	:vb=\E[=205l\E[=205h:tc=avt-ns:
+# Concept AVT with status line. We get the status line using the
+# "Background status line" feature of the terminal. We swipe the
+# first line of memory in window 2 for the status line, keeping
+# 191 lines of memory and 24 screen lines for regular use.
+# The first line is used instead of the last so that this works
+# on both 4 and 8 page AVTs. (Note the lm#191 or 192 - this
+# assumes an 8 page AVT but lm isn't currently used anywhere.)
+avt+s|concept avt status line changes:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:lm#191:\
+	:ds=\E[0*w:fs=\E[1;1!w:\
+	:i2=\E[2w\E[2!w\E[1;1;1;80w\E[H\E[2*w\E[1!w\E2\r\n:\
+	:te=\E[2w\E2\r\n:ti=\E[2;25w\E2\r:\
+	:ts=\E[2;1!w\E[;%dH\E[2K:
+avt|avt-s|concept-avt|avt w/80 columns:\
+	:tc=avt+s:tc=avt-ns:
+avt-rv|avt-rv-s|avt reverse video w/sl:\
+	:i1=\E[=103l\E[=205h:vb=\E[=205l\E[=205h:tc=avt+s:\
+	:tc=avt-ns:
+avt-w|avt-w-s|concept avt 132 cols+status:\
+	:i1=\E[=103h\E[=205l:ti=\E[H\E[1;24;1;132w:tc=avt+s:\
+	:tc=avt-ns:
+avt-w-rv|avt-w-rv-s|avt wide+status+rv:\
+	:i1=\E[=103h\E[=205h:ti=\E[H\E[1;24;1;132w:\
+	:vb=\E[=205l\E[=205h:tc=avt+s:tc=avt-ns:
+#### Contel Business Systems.
+# Contel c300 and c320 terminals.
+contel300|contel320|c300|Contel Business Systems C-300 or C-320:\
+	:am:in:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#1:\
+	:al=5.5*\EL:bl=^G:cd=5.5*\EJ:ce=5.5\EI:cl=\EK:\
+	:cm=\EX%+ \EY%+ :cr=\r:ct=\E3:dc=5.5*\EO:dl=5.5*\EM:do=\n:\
+	:ei=:ho=\EH:ic=\EN:im=:ip=5.5*:k0=\ERJ:k1=\ERA:k2=\ERB:\
+	:k3=\ERC:k4=\ERD:k5=\ERE:k6=\ERF:k7=\ERG:k8=\ERH:k9=\ERI:\
+	:kb=^H:le=^H:ll=\EH\EA:me=\E!\0:nd=\EC:se=\E!\0:sf=\n:\
+	:so=\E!\r:st=\E1:up=\EA:vb=^P^B^P^C:
+# Contel c301 and c321 terminals.
+contel301|contel321|c301|c321|Contel Business Systems C-301 or C-321:\
+	:ic@:ip@:se=20\E!\0:so=20\E!\r:vb@:tc=contel300:
+#### Data General (dg)
+# According to James Carlson <carlson@xylogics.com> writing in January 1995,
+# the terminals group at Data General was shut down in 1991; all these
+# terminals have thus been discontinued.
+# DG terminals have function keys that respond to the SHIFT and CTRL keys,
+# e.g., SHIFT-F1 generates a different code from F1.  To number the keys
+# sequentially, first the unmodified key codes are listed as F1 through F15.
+# Then their SHIFT versions are listed as F16 through F30, their CTRL versions
+# are listed as F31 through F45, and their CTRL-SHIFT versions are listed as
+# F46 through F60.  This is done in the private "includes" below whose names
+# start with "dgkeys+".
+# DG terminals generally support 8 bit characters.  For each of these terminals
+# two descriptions are supplied:
+#	1) A default description for 8 bits/character communications, which
+#	   uses the default DG international character set and keyboard codes.
+#	2) A description with suffix "-7b" for 7 bits/character communications.
+#	   This description must use the NON-DEFAULT native keyboard language.
+# Unmodified fkeys (kf1-kf11), Shift fkeys (kf12-kf22), Ctrl fkeys (kf23-kf33),
+# Ctrl/Shift fdkeys (kf34-kf44).
+dgkeys+8b|Private entry describing DG terminal 8-bit ANSI mode special keys:\
+	:%9=\233i:F1=\233011z:F2=\233012z:F3=\233013z:\
+	:F4=\233014z:F5=\233000z:F6=\233101z:F7=\233102z:\
+	:F8=\233103z:F9=\233104z:FA=\233105z:FB=\233106z:\
+	:FC=\233107z:FD=\233108z:FE=\233109z:FF=\233110z:\
+	:FG=\233111z:FH=\233112z:FI=\233113z:FJ=\233114z:\
+	:FK=\233100z:FL=\233201z:FM=\233202z:FN=\233203z:\
+	:FO=\233204z:FP=\233205z:FQ=\233206z:FR=\233207z:\
+	:FS=\233208z:FT=\233209z:FU=\233210z:FV=\233211z:\
+	:FW=\233212z:FX=\233213z:FY=\233214z:FZ=\233200z:\
+	:Fa=\233301z:Fb=\233302z:Fc=\233303z:Fd=\233304z:\
+	:Fe=\233305z:Ff=\233306z:Fg=\233307z:Fh=\233308z:\
+	:Fi=\233309z:Fj=\233310z:Fk=\233311z:Fl=\233312z:\
+	:Fm=\233313z:Fn=\233314z:Fo=\233300z:K1=\233020z:\
+	:K3=\233021z:K4=\233022z:K5=\233023z:k1=\233001z:\
+	:k2=\233002z:k3=\233003z:k4=\233004z:k5=\233005z:\
+	:k6=\233006z:k7=\233007z:k8=\233008z:k9=\233009z:\
+	:k;=\233010z:kC=\2332J:kE=\233K:kd=\233B:kh=\233H:\
+	:kl=\233D:kr=\233C:ku=\233A:
+dgkeys+7b|Private entry describing DG terminal 7-bit ANSI mode special keys:\
+	:%9=\E[i:F1=\E[011z:F2=\E[012z:F3=\E[013z:F4=\E[014z:\
+	:F5=\E[000z:F6=\E[101z:F7=\E[102z:F8=\E[103z:F9=\E[104z:\
+	:FA=\E[105z:FB=\E[106z:FC=\E[107z:FD=\E[108z:FE=\E[109z:\
+	:FF=\E[110z:FG=\E[111z:FH=\E[112z:FI=\E[113z:FJ=\E[114z:\
+	:FK=\E[100z:FL=\E[201z:FM=\E[202z:FN=\E[203z:FO=\E[204z:\
+	:FP=\E[205z:FQ=\E[206z:FR=\E[207z:FS=\E[208z:FT=\E[209z:\
+	:FU=\E[210z:FV=\E[211z:FW=\E[212z:FX=\E[213z:FY=\E[214z:\
+	:FZ=\E[200z:Fa=\E[301z:Fb=\E[302z:Fc=\E[303z:Fd=\E[304z:\
+	:Fe=\E[305z:Ff=\E[306z:Fg=\E[307z:Fh=\E[308z:Fi=\E[309z:\
+	:Fj=\E[310z:Fk=\E[311z:Fl=\E[312z:Fm=\E[313z:Fn=\E[314z:\
+	:Fo=\E[300z:K1=\E[020z:K3=\E[021z:K4=\E[022z:K5=\E[023z:\
+	:k1=\E[001z:k2=\E[002z:k3=\E[003z:k4=\E[004z:k5=\E[005z:\
+	:k6=\E[006z:k7=\E[007z:k8=\E[008z:k9=\E[009z:k;=\E[010z:\
+	:kC=\E[2J:kE=\E[K:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:
+dgkeys+11|Private entry describing 11 minimal-subset DG mode special keys:\
+	:F1=^^{:F2=^^a:F3=^^b:F4=^^c:F5=^^d:F6=^^e:F7=^^f:F8=^^g:\
+	:F9=^^h:FA=^^i:FB=^^j:FC=^^k:FD=^^1:FE=^^2:FF=^^3:FG=^^4:\
+	:FH=^^5:FI=^^6:FJ=^^7:FK=^^8:FL=^^9:FM=^^\::FN=^^;:FO=^^!:\
+	:FP=^^":FQ=^^#:FR=^^$:FS=^^%%:FT=^^&:FU=^^':FV=^^(:FW=^^):\
+	:FX=^^*:FY=^^+:k1=^^q:k2=^^r:k3=^^s:k4=^^t:k5=^^u:k6=^^v:\
+	:k7=^^w:k8=^^x:k9=^^y:k;=^^z:kC=^L:kE=^K:kd=^Z:kh=^H:kl=^Y:\
+	:kr=^X:ku=^W:
+dgkeys+15|Private entry describing 15 DG mode special keys:\
+	:#2=^^^H:#4=^^^Y:%i=^^^X:F1=^^{:F2=^^|:F3=^^}:F4=^^~:F5=^^p:\
+	:F6=^^a:F7=^^b:F8=^^c:F9=^^d:FA=^^e:FB=^^f:FC=^^g:FD=^^h:\
+	:FE=^^i:FF=^^j:FG=^^k:FH=^^l:FI=^^m:FJ=^^n:FK=^^`:FL=^^1:\
+	:FM=^^2:FN=^^3:FO=^^4:FP=^^5:FQ=^^6:FR=^^7:FS=^^8:FT=^^9:\
+	:FU=^^\::FV=^^;:FW=^^<:FX=^^=:FY=^^>:FZ=^^0:Fa=^^!:Fb=^^":\
+	:Fc=^^#:Fd=^^$:Fe=^^%%:Ff=^^&:Fg=^^':Fh=^^(:Fi=^^):Fj=^^*:\
+	:Fk=^^+:Fl=^^,:Fm=^^-:Fn=^^.:Fo=^^\s:K1=^^\\:K3=^^]:\
+	:K4=^^\136:K5=^^_:k1=^^q:k2=^^r:k3=^^s:k4=^^t:k5=^^u:k6=^^v:\
+	:k7=^^w:k8=^^x:k9=^^y:k;=^^z:
+# Data General color terminals use the "Tektronix" color model.  The total
+# number of colors varies with the terminal model, as does support for
+# attributes used in conjunction with color.
+# Removed u7, u8 definitions since they conflict with tack:
+#		Preserve user-defined colors in at least some cases.
+#	u7=^^Fh,
+#		Default is ACM mode.
+#	u8=^^F}20^^Fi^^F}21,
+dgunix+fixed|Fixed color info for DG D430C terminals in DG-UNIX mode:\
+	:ut:\
+	:Co#16:NC#53:pa#256:\
+	:Sb=\036B%+0:Sf=\036A%+0:op=\036Ad\036Bd:
+dg+fixed|Fixed color info for DG D430C terminals in DG mode:\
+	:tc=dgunix+fixed:
+# Video attributes are coordinated using static variables set by "sgr", then
+# checked by "op", "seta[bf]", and "set[bf]" to refresh the attribute settings.
+# (D=dim, U=underline, B=blink, R=reverse.)
+dg+color8|Color info for Data General D220 and D230C terminals in ANSI mode:\
+	:ut:\
+	:Co#8:NC#16:pa#64:\
+	:op=\E[%?%gD%t2;%;%?%gU%t4;%;%?%gB%t5;%;%?%gR%t7;%;m:
+dg+color|Color info for Data General D470C terminals in ANSI mode:\
+	:Co#16:NC#53:pa#256:tc=dg+color8:
+dgmode+color8|Color info for Data General D220/D230C terminals in DG mode:\
+	:ut:\
+	:Co#8:NC#16:pa#64:\
+	:Sb=\036B%+0:Sf=\036A%+0:op=\036Ad\036Bd:
+dgmode+color|Color info for Data General D470C terminals in DG mode:\
+	:Co#16:pa#256:tc=dgmode+color8:
+dgunix+ccc|Configurable color info for DG D430C terminals in DG-UNIX mode:\
+	:cc:ut:\
+	:Co#52:NC#53:pa#26:\
+	:oc=\036RG01A00FF00000000\036RG01B00000000FF00\036RG01C007F00000000\036RG01D000000007F00:\
+	:op=\036RF4831A\036RF2E31B\036RF1D31C\036RF3F31D:
+# Colors are in the order:  normal, reverse, dim, dim + reverse.
+dg+ccc|Configurable color info for DG D430C terminals in DG mode:\
+	:cc:ut:\
+	:Co#52:NC#53:pa#26:\
+	:oc=\036RG01\:00??00000000\036RG01;00000000??00\036RG01<007?00000000\036RG01=000000007?00:\
+	:op=\036RF4831\:\036RF2>31;\036RF1=31<\036RF3?31=:
+# The generic DG terminal type (an 8-bit-clean subset of the 6053)
+# Initialization string 1 sets:
+#	^R		- vertical scrolling enabled
+#	^C		- blinking enabled
+dg-generic|Generic Data General terminal in DG mode:\
+	:NL:am:bw:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:ce=^K:cl=^L:cm=\020%r%.%.:cr=\r:do=^Z:i1=^R^C:le=^Y:\
+	:mb=^N:me=^O^U^]:mh=^\:nd=^X:nw=\n:ps=^Q:se=^]:sf=\n:so=^\:\
+	:ue=^U:up=^W:us=^T:tc=dgkeys+11:
+# According to the 4.4BSD termcap file, the dg200 :cm: should be the
+# termcap equivalent of \020%p2%{128}%+%c%p1%{128}%+%c (in termcap
+# notation that's "^P%r%+\200%+\200").  Those \200s are suspicious,
+# maybe they were originally nuls (which would fit).
+dg200|data general dasher 200:\
+	:NL:am:bs:bw:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:ce=^K:cl=^L:cm=\020%r%.%.:cr=\r:do=^Z:ho=^H:k0=^^z:\
+	:k1=^^q:k2=^^r:k3=^^s:k4=^^t:k5=^^u:k6=^^v:k7=^^w:k8=^^x:\
+	:k9=^^y:kd=^Z:kh=^H:kl=^Y:kr=^X:ku=^W:l0=f10:le=^Y:nd=^X:\
+	:nw=\n:se=^^E:sf=\n:so=^^D:ue=^U:up=^W:us=^T:
+# Data General 210/211 (and 410?)	from Lee Pearson (umich!lp) via BRL
+dg210|dg-ansi|Data General 210/211:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:do=\E[B:ho=\E[H:\
+	:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=\E[D:nd=\E[C:\
+	:nl=\E[B:nw=\r\E[H\E[A\n:se=\E[0;m:so=\E[7;m:ue=\E[0;m:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[4;m:
+# From: Peter N. Wan <ihnp4!gatech!gacsr!wan>
+# courtesy of Carlos Rucalde of Vantage Software, Inc.
+# (dg211: this had :cm=\020%r%.%:., which was an ancient termcap hangover.
+# I suspect the d200 function keys actually work on the dg211, check it out.)
+dg211|Data General d211:\
+	:k0@:k1@:k2@:k3@:k4@:k5@:k6@:k7@:k8@:k9@:kb=^Y:l0@:nw=\r^Z:\
+	:se=0^^E:sf@:so=5^^D:ta=^I:te=^L:ti=^L^R:ve=^L:vs=^L^R:\
+	:tc=dg200:
+# dg450 from Cornell (not official)
+dg450|dg6134|data general 6134:\
+	:le@:nd=^X:tc=dg200:
+# Not official...
+# Note: lesser Dasher terminals will not work with vi because vi insists upon
+# having a command to move straight down from any position on the bottom line
+# and scroll the screen up, or a direct vertical scroll command.  The 460 and
+# above have both, the D210/211, for instance, has neither.  We must use ANSI
+# mode rather than DG mode because standard UNIX tty drivers assume that ^H is
+# backspace on all terminals.  This is not so in DG mode.
+# (dg460-ansi: removed obsolete ":kn#6:"; also removed ":mu=\EW:", on the
+# grounds that there is no matching ":ml:"
+dg460-ansi|Data General Dasher 460 in ANSI-mode:\
+	:am:bs:ms:ul:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=\E[L:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%2;%2H:dc=\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=:is=^^F@:k0=\E[001z:\
+	:k1=\E[002z:k2=\E[003z:k3=\E[004z:k4=\E[005z:k5=\E[006z:\
+	:k6=\E[007z:k7=\E[008z:k8=\E[009z:k9=\E[00\:z:kb=\E[D:\
+	:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:l0=f1:l1=f2:l2=f3:\
+	:l3=f4:l4=f5:l5=f6:l6=f7:l7=f8:l9=f10:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:\
+	:me=\E(B\E[m:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nl=\ED:ps=\E[i:\
+	:se=\E[m:sf=\E[S:so=\E[7m:sr=\E[T:ta=^I:u6=\E[%d;%dR:\
+	:u7=\E[6n:u8=\E[5n:u9=\E[0n:ue=\E[05:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+# From: Wayne Throop <mcnc!rti-sel!rtp47!throopw> (not official)
+# Data General 605x
+# Ought to work for a Model 6242, Type D210 as well as a 605x.
+# Note that the cursor-down key transmits ^Z.  Job control users, beware!
+# This also matches a posted description of something called a `Dasher 100'
+# so there's a dg100 alias here.
+# (dg6053: the 4.4BSD file had :le=^H:, :do=^J:, :nd=^S:. -- esr)
+dg6053-old|dg100|data general 6053:\
+	:am:bs:bw:ul:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bc=^Y:bl=^G:ce=^K:cl=^L:cm=\020%r%.%.:cr=\r:do=^Z:ho=^H:\
+	:is=^R:k0=^^q:k1=^^r:k2=^^s:k3=^^t:k4=^^u:k5=^^v:k6=^^w:\
+	:k7=^^x:k8=^^y:k9=^^z:kb=^Y:kd=^Z:kh=^H:kl=^Y:kr=^X:ku=^W:\
+	:le=^Y:nd=^X:se=\0^^E:so=\0\0\0\0\0\036D:ta=^I:te=^L:\
+	:ti=^L^R:ue=^U:up=^W:us=^T:ve=^L:vs=^L^R:
+# (Some performance can be gained over the generic DG terminal type)
+dg6053|6053|6053-dg|dg605x|605x|605x-dg|d2|d2-dg|Data General DASHER 6053:\
+	:xo@:\
+	:ho=\020\0\0:ll=^P\0^W:tc=dg-generic:
+# Like 6053, but adds reverse video and more keypad and function keys.
+d200|d200-dg|Data General DASHER D200:\
+	:ho@:ll@:md=^^D^T:me=^O^U^]^^E:mr=^^D:se=^^E^]:so=^^D^\:\
+	:tc=dgkeys+15:tc=dg6053:
+# DASHER D210 series terminals in ANSI mode.
+#	Reverse video, no insert/delete character/line, 7 bits/character only.
+# Initialization string 1 sets:
+#	<0		- scrolling enabled
+#	<1		- blink enabled
+#	<4		- print characters regardless of attributes
+d210|d214|Data General DASHER D210 series:\
+	:NL:am:bw:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:bl=^G:cb=\E[1K:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:do=\E[B:\
+	:ho=\E[H:i1=\E[<0;<1;<4l:le=^H:ll=\E[H\E[A:mb=\E[5m:\
+	:md=\E[4;7m:me=\E[m:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\n:\
+	:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[2;7m:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:tc=dgkeys+7b:
+# DASHER D210 series terminals in DG mode.
+# Like D200, but adds clear to end-of-screen and needs XON/XOFF.
+d210-dg|d214-dg|Data General DASHER D210 series in DG mode:\
+	:xo:\
+	:cd=^^FF:tc=d200-dg:
+# DASHER D211 series terminals in ANSI mode.
+# Like the D210, but with 8-bit characters and local printer support.
+# Initialization string 2 sets:
+#	\E[2;1;1;1v
+#		2;1	- 8 bit operations
+#		1;1	- 8 bit (international) keyboard language
+#	\E(B		- default primary character set (U.S. ASCII)
+#	\E)4		- default secondary character set (international)
+#	^O		- primary character set
+d211|d215|Data General DASHER D211 series:\
+	:km:\
+	:is=\E[2;1;1;1v\E(B\E)4\017:ps=\E[i:tc=dgkeys+8b:\
+	:tc=d210:
+# Initialization string 2 sets:
+#	\E[2;0;1;0v
+#		2;0	- 7 bit operations
+#		1;0	- 7 bit (native) keyboard language
+#	\E(0		- default character set (the keyboard native language)
+#	^O		- primary character set
+d211-7b|d215-7b|Data General DASHER D211 series in 7 bit mode:\
+	:km@:\
+	:is=\E[2;0;1;0v\E(0\017:tc=dgkeys+7b:tc=d211:
+# Like the D210 series, but adds support for 8-bit characters.
+# Reset string 2 sets:
+#	^^N	- secondary character set
+#	^^FS0>	- 8 bit international character set
+#	^^O	- primary character set
+#	^^FS00	- default character set (matching the native keyboard language)
+d211-dg|d215-dg|Data General DASHER D211 series in DG mode:\
+	:km:\
+	:rs=\036N\036FS0>\036O\036FS00:tc=d210-dg:
+d216-dg|d216e-dg|d216+dg|d216e+dg|d217-dg|Data General DASHER D216 series in DG mode:\
+	:tc=d211-dg:
+# Enhanced DG mode with changes to be more UNIX compatible.
+d216-unix|d216e-unix|d216+|d216e+|Data General DASHER D216+ in DG-UNIX mode:\
+	:5i:\
+	:it#8:\
+	:#2=^^Pf:#4=^^Pd:%9=^^P0:%f=^^P1:%i=^^Pc:\
+	:ac=a\177j$k"l!m#n)q+t'u&v(w%x*:ae=\036FS00:\
+	:as=\036FS11:ce=^^PE:ch=\020%.\177:cl=^^PH:cv=\020\177%.:\
+	:do=^^PB:ho=^^PF:i1=^R^C^^P@1:i2=^^Fz0:kC=^^PH:kE=^^PE:\
+	:kd=^^PB:kh=^^PF:kl=^^PD:kr=^^PC:ku=^^PA:le=^^PD:mb=^^PI:\
+	:me=\036PJ\025\035\036E\036FS00:nd=^^PC:pf=^^Fa:po=^^F`:\
+	:ps=^^F?9:rs=\036N\036FS0E\036O\036FS00:sf=\n:ta=^I:\
+	:up=^^PA:tc=dgkeys+15:tc=d216-dg:
+d216-unix-25|d216+25|Data General DASHER D216+ in DG-UNIX mode with 25 lines:\
+	:li#25:\
+	:i2=^^Fz2:tc=d216+:
+d217-unix|Data General DASHER D217 in DG-UNIX mode:\
+	:tc=d216-unix:
+d217-unix-25|Data General DASHER D217 in DG-UNIX mode with 25 lines:\
+	:tc=d216-unix-25:
+# DASHER D220 color terminal in ANSI mode.
+# Like the D470C but with fewer colors and screen editing features.
+# Initialization string 1 sets:
+#	\E[<0;<1;<4l
+#		<0	- scrolling enabled
+#		<1	- blink enabled
+#		<4	- print characters regardless of attributes
+#	\E[m		- all attributes off
+# Reset string 1 sets:
+#	\Ec		- initial mode defaults (RIS)
+d220|Data General DASHER D220:\
+	:5i@:\
+	:AL@:DL@:al@:dl@:i1=\E[<0;<1;<4l\E[m:pf@:po@:r1=\Ec:\
+	:tc=dg+color8:tc=d470c:
+d220-7b|Data General DASHER D220 in 7 bit mode:\
+	:5i@:\
+	:AL@:DL@:al@:dl@:i1=\E[<0;<1;<4l\E[m:pf@:po@:r1=\Ec:\
+	:tc=dg+color8:tc=d470c-7b:
+# Initialization string 3 sets:
+#	- default cursor (solid rectangle)
+# Reset string 2 sets:
+#	^^N     - secondary character set
+#	^^FS0>  - 8 bit international character set
+#	^^O     - primary character set
+#       ^^FS00  - default character set (matching the native keyboard language)
+d220-dg|Data General DASHER D220 color terminal in DG mode:\
+	:5i@:\
+	:al@:dl@:ho@:i2=^^FQ2:is@:ll@:pf@:po@:r1@:\
+	:rs=\036N\036FS0>\036O\036FS00:tc=dgmode+color8:\
+	:tc=d470c-dg:
+# DASHER D230C color terminal in ANSI mode.
+# Like the D220 but with minor ANSI compatibility improvements.
+d230c|d230|Data General DASHER D230C:\
+	:ke=\E[2;1v:ks=\E[2;0v:mb=\E[5;50m:md=\E[4;7;50m:\
+	:me=\E[50m\E)4\017:mh=\E[2;50m:mr=\E[7;50m:nw=\r\n:\
+	:se=\E[50m:so=\E[2;7;50m:ue=\E[50m:us=\E[4;50m:\
+	:tc=dgkeys+7b:tc=d220:
+d230c-dg|d230-dg|Data General DASHER D230C in DG mode:\
+	:tc=d220-dg:
+# DASHER D400/D450 series terminals.
+# These add intelligent features like insert/delete to the D200 series.
+# Initialization string 2 sets:
+#	^^FQ2		- default cursor (solid rectangle)
+#	^^FW		- character protection disabled
+#	^^FJ		- normal (80 column) mode
+#	^^F\^		- horizontal scrolling enabled (for alignment)
+#	^^FX004?	- margins at columns 0 and 79
+#	^^F]		- horizontal scrolling disabled
+#	^^O		- primary character set
+#	^^FS00		- default character set (the keyboard native language)
+#	- (should reset scrolling regions, but that glitches the screen)
+# Reset string 1 sets:
+#	^^FA		- all terminal defaults except scroll rate
+# Reset string 2 sets:
+#	^^F]		- horizontal scrolling disabled
+#	^^FT0		- jump scrolling
+d400|d400-dg|d450|d450-dg|Data General DASHER D400/D450 series:\
+	:5i:\
+	:ac=j$k"l!m#n)q+t'u&v(w%x*:ae=^^O:al=^^FH:as=^^N:\
+	:ch=\020%.\177:cv=\020\177%.:dc=^^K:dl=^^FI:\
+	:eA=\036N\036FS11\036O:ei=:ho=^^FG:ic=^^J:im=:\
+	:is=\036FQ2\036FW\036FJ\036F\136\036FX004?\036F]\036O\036FS00:\
+	:ll=^^FG^W:me=^O^U^]^^E^^O:pf=^^Fa:po=^^F`:r1=^^FA:\
+	:r2=\036F]\036FT0:sr=^^I:ve=^^FQ2:vi=^^FQ0:tc=d210-dg:
+# DASHER D410/D460 series terminals in ANSI mode.
+# These add a large number of intelligent terminal features.
+# Initialization string 1 sets:
+#	\E[<0;<1;<2;<4l
+#		<0	- scrolling enabled
+#		<1	- blink enabled
+#		<2	- horizontal scrolling enabled (for alignment)
+#		<4	- print characters regardless of attributes
+#	\E[5;0v		- normal (80 column) mode
+#	\E[1;1;80w	- margins at columns 1 and 80
+#	\E[1;6;<2h
+#		1	- print all characters even if protected
+#		6	- character protection disabled
+#		<2	- horizontal scrolling disabled
+#	- (should reset scrolling regions, but that glitches the screen)
+# Initialization string 2 sets:
+#	\E[3;2;2;1;1;1v
+#		3;2	- default cursor (solid rectangle)
+#		2;1	- 8 bit operations
+#		1;1	- international keyboard language
+#	\E(B		- default primary character set (U.S. ASCII)
+#	\E)4		- default secondary character set (international)
+#	^O		- primary character set
+#	Reset string 1 sets:
+#	\Ec		- initial mode defaults (RIS)
+#	\E[<2h		- horizontal scrolling disabled
+# Reset string 2 sets:
+#	\E[4;0;2;1;1;1v
+#		4;0	- jump scrolling
+#		2;1	- 8 bit operations
+#		1;1	- 8 bit (international) keyboard language
+#	\E(B		- default primary character set (U.S. ASCII)
+#	\E)4		- default secondary character set (international)
+d410|d411|d460|d461|Data General DASHER D410/D460 series:\
+	:5i:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:ac=j$k"l!m#n)q+t'u&v(w%x*:ae=\E)4\017:al=\E[L:\
+	:as=\E)6\016:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:ei=:\
+	:i1=\E[<0;<1;<2;<4l\E[5;0v\E[1;1;80w\E[1;6;<2h:\
+	:ic=\E[@:im=:is=\E[3;2;2;1;1;1v\E(B\E)4\017:me=\E[m:\
+	:pf=\E[4i:po=\E[5i:r1=\Ec\E[<2h:\
+	:r2=\E[4;0;2;1;1;1v\E(B\E)4:sr=\EM:ve=\E[3;2v:\
+	:vi=\E[3;0v:tc=d211:
+# Initialization string 2 sets:
+#	\E[3;2;2;0;1;0v
+#		3;2	- default cursor (solid rectangle)
+#		2;0	- 7 bit operations
+#		1;0	- 7 bit (native) keyboard language
+#	\E(0		- default character set (the keyboard native language)
+#	^O		- primary character set
+# Reset string 2 sets:
+#	\E[4;0;2;0;1;0v
+#		4;0	- jump scrolling
+#		2;0	- 7 bit operations
+#		1;0	- 7 bit (native) keyboard language
+#	\E(0		- default character set (the keyboard native language)
+d410-7b|d411-7b|d460-7b|d461-7b|Data General DASHER D410/D460 series in 7 bit mode:\
+	:km@:\
+	:ae=^O:as=^N:eA=\E)6:is=\E[3;2;2;0;1;0v\E(0\017:me=\E[m:\
+	:rs=\E[4;0;2;0;1;0v\E(0:tc=dgkeys+7b:tc=d410:
+d410-dg|d460-dg|d411-dg|d461-dg|Data General DASHER D410/D460 series in DG mode:\
+	:km:\
+	:ae=\036FS00:as=\036FS11:eA@:\
+	:me=\017\025\035\036E\036FS00:tc=d400-dg:
+# DASHER D410/D460 series terminals in wide (126 columns) ANSI mode.
+# Initialization string 1 sets:
+#	\E[<0;<1;<2;<4l
+#		<0	- scrolling enabled
+#		<1	- blink enabled
+#		<2	- horizontal scrolling enabled (for alignment)
+#		<4	- print characters regardless of attributes
+#	\E[5;1v		- compressed (135 column) mode
+#	\E[1;1;126	- margins at columns 1 and 126
+#	\E[1;6;<2h
+#		1	- print all characters even if protected
+#		6	- character protection disabled
+#		<2	- horizontal scrolling disabled
+#	- (should reset scrolling regions, but that glitches the screen)
+# Reset string 1 sets:
+#	\Ec		- initial mode defaults (RIS)
+#	\E[5;1v		- compressed (135 column) mode
+#	\E[1;1;126w	- margins at columns 1 and 126
+#	\E[<2h		- horizontal scrolling disabled
+d410-w|d411-w|d460-w|d461-w|Data General DASHER D410/D460 series in wide mode:\
+	:co#126:\
+	:i1=\E[<0;<1;<2;<4l\E[5;1v\E[1;1;126w\E[1;6;<2h:\
+	:r1=\Ec\E[5;1v\E[1;1;126w\E[<2h:tc=d410:
+d410-7b-w|d411-7b-w|d460-7b-w|d461-7b-w|Data General DASHER D410/D460 series in wide 7 bit mode:\
+	:co#126:\
+	:i1=\E[<0;<1;<2;<4l\E[5;1v\E[1;1;126w\E[1;6;<2h:\
+	:r1=\Ec\E[5;1v\E[1;1;126w\E[<2h:tc=d410-7b:
+d412-dg|d462-dg|d462e-dg|d412+dg|d462+dg|d413-dg|d463-dg|Data General DASHER D412/D462 series in DG mode:\
+	:tc=d410-dg:
+# These add intelligent features like scrolling regions.
+d412-unix|d462-unix|d412+|d462+|Data General DASHER D412+/D462+ series in Unix mode:\
+	:al=^^FH:cl=^^FE:dc=^^K:dl=^^FI:ei=:ho=^^FG:ic=^^J:im=:\
+	:is=\036FQ5\036FW\036FJ\036F\136\036FX004F\036O\036FS00:\
+	:ll=\036FG\036PA:ps=^A:r1=\036FA\036FT0:r2=^^P@1:\
+	:rc=\036F}11:sc=\036F}10:sr=^^I:ve=^^FQ5:vi=^^FQ0:\
+	:tc=d216+:
+d412-unix-w|d462-unix-w|d412+w|d462+w|Data General DASHER D412+/D462+ series in wide Unix mode:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:is=\036FQ5\036FW\036FK\036F\136\036FX0083\036O\036FS00:\
+	:rs=\036P@1\036FK\036FX0083:tc=d412-unix:
+d412-unix-25|d462-unix-25|d412+25|d462+25|Data General DASHER D412+/D462+ series in Unix mode with 25 lines:\
+	:li#25:\
+	:i2=^^Fz2:tc=d462+:
+d412-unix-s|d462-unix-s|d412+s|d462+s|Data General DASHER D412+/D462+ in Unix mode with status line:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:cl=\036FG\036PH:fs=\036F}01\022:\
+	:i2=\036Fz2\036F}00\036FB180000\036F}01:ll@:tc=d462+:
+#	Relative cursor motions are confined to the current window,
+#	which is not what the scrolling region specification expects.
+#	Thus, relative vertical cursor positioning must be deleted.
+d412-unix-sr|d462-unix-sr|d412+sr|d462+sr|Data General DASHER D412+/D462+ in Unix mode with scrolling region:\
+	:do@:ll@:up@:tc=d462+:
+d413-unix|d463-unix|Data General DASHER D413/D463 series in DG-UNIX mode:\
+	:tc=d412-unix:
+d413-unix-w|d463-unix-w|Data General DASHER D413/D463 series in wide DG-UNIX mode:\
+	:tc=d412-unix-w:
+d413-unix-25|d463-unix-25|Data General DASHER D413/D463 series in DG-UNIX mode with 25 lines:\
+	:tc=d412-unix-25:
+d413-unix-s|d463-unix-s|Data General DASHER D413/D463 in DG-UNIX mode with status line:\
+	:tc=d412-unix-s:
+d413-unix-sr|d463-unix-sr|Data General DASHER D413/D463 in DG-UNIX mode with scrolling region:\
+	:tc=d412-unix-sr:
+d414-unix|d464-unix|Data General D414/D464 in DG-UNIX mode:\
+	:tc=d413-unix:
+d414-unix-w|d464-unix-w|Data General D414/D464 in wide DG-UNIX mode:\
+	:tc=d413-unix-w:
+d414-unix-25|d464-unix-25|Data General D414/D464 in DG-UNIX mode with 25 lines:\
+	:tc=d413-unix-25:
+d414-unix-s|d464-unix-s|Data General D414/D464 in DG-UNIX mode with status line:\
+	:tc=d413-unix-s:
+d414-unix-sr|d464-unix-sr|Data General D414/D464 in DG-UNIX mode with scrolling region:\
+	:tc=d413-unix-sr:
+d430c-dg|d430-dg|Data General D430C in DG mode:\
+	:tc=d413-dg:tc=dg+fixed:
+d430c-dg-ccc|d430-dg-ccc|Data General D430C in DG mode with configurable colors:\
+	:tc=d413-dg:tc=dg+ccc:
+d430c-unix|d430-unix|Data General D430C in DG-UNIX mode:\
+	:tc=d413-unix:tc=dgunix+fixed:
+d430c-unix-w|d430-unix-w|Data General D430C in wide DG-UNIX mode:\
+	:tc=d413-unix-w:tc=dgunix+fixed:
+d430c-unix-25|d430-unix-25|Data General D430C in DG-UNIX mode with 25 lines:\
+	:tc=d413-unix-25:tc=dgunix+fixed:
+d430c-unix-s|d430-unix-s|Data General D430C in DG-UNIX mode with status line:\
+	:tc=d413-unix-s:tc=dgunix+fixed:
+d430c-unix-sr|d430-unix-sr|Data General D430C in DG-UNIX mode with scrolling region:\
+	:tc=d413-unix-sr:tc=dgunix+fixed:
+d430c-unix-ccc|d430-unix-ccc|Data General D430C in DG-UNIX mode with configurable colors:\
+	:tc=d413-unix:tc=dgunix+ccc:
+d430c-unix-w-ccc|d430-unix-w-ccc|Data General D430C in wide DG-UNIX mode with configurable colors:\
+	:tc=d413-unix-w:tc=dgunix+ccc:
+d430c-unix-25-ccc|d430-unix-25-ccc|Data General D430C in DG-UNIX mode with 25 lines and configurable colors:\
+	:tc=d413-unix-25:tc=dgunix+ccc:
+d430c-unix-s-ccc|d430-unix-s-ccc|Data General D430C in DG-UNIX mode with status line and configurable colors:\
+	:tc=d413-unix-s:tc=dgunix+ccc:
+d430c-unix-sr-ccc|d430-unix-sr-ccc|Data General D430C in DG-UNIX mode with scrolling region and configurable colors:\
+	:tc=d413-unix-sr:tc=dgunix+ccc:
+# DASHER D470C color terminal in ANSI mode.
+# Like the D460 but with 16 colors and without a compressed mode.
+# Initialization string 1 sets:
+#	\E[<0;<1;<2;<4l
+#		<0	- scrolling enabled
+#		<1	- blink enabled
+#		<2	- horizontal scrolling enabled (for alignment)
+#		<4	- print characters regardless of attributes
+#	\E[1;1;80w	- margins at columns 1 and 80
+#	\E[1;6;<2h
+#		1	- print all characters even if protected
+#		6	- character protection disabled
+#		<2	- horizontal scrolling disabled
+#	- (should reset scrolling regions, but that glitches the screen)
+d470c|d470|Data General DASHER D470C:\
+	:i1=\E[<0;<1;<2;<4l\E[1;1;80w\E[1;6;<2h:tc=dg+color:\
+	:tc=d460:
+d470c-7b|d470-7b|Data General DASHER D470C in 7 bit mode:\
+	:i1=\E[<0;<1;<2;<4l\E[1;1;80w\E[1;6;<2h:tc=dg+color:\
+	:tc=d460-7b:
+# Initialization string 2 sets:
+#	^^FQ2		- default cursor (solid rectangle)
+#	^^FW		- character protection disabled
+#	^^F\^		- horizontal scrolling enabled (for alignment)
+#	^^FX004?	- margins at columns 0 and 79
+#	^^F]		- horizontal scrolling disabled
+#	^^O		- primary character set
+#	^^FS00		- default character set (the keyboard native language)
+#	- (should reset scrolling regions, but that glitches the screen)
+d470c-dg|d470-dg|Data General DASHER D470C in DG mode:\
+	:is=\036FQ2\036FW\036F\136\036FX004?\036F]\036O\036FS00:\
+	:tc=dgmode+color:tc=d460-dg:
+# DASHER D555 terminal in ANSI mode.
+# Like a D411, but has an integrated phone.
+d555|Data General DASHER D555:\
+	:tc=d411:
+d555-7b|Data General DASHER D555 in 7-bit mode:\
+	:tc=d411-7b:
+d555-w|Data General DASHER D555 in wide mode:\
+	:tc=d411-w:
+d555-7b-w|Data General DASHER D555 in wide 7-bit mode:\
+	:tc=d411-7b-w:
+d555-dg|Data General DASHER D555 series in DG mode:\
+	:tc=d411-dg:
+# DASHER D577 terminal in ANSI mode.
+# Like a D411, but acts as a keyboard for serial printers ("KSR" modes).
+d577|Data General DASHER D577:\
+	:tc=d411:
+d577-7b|Data General DASHER D577 in 7-bit mode:\
+	:tc=d411-7b:
+d577-w|Data General DASHER D577 in wide mode:\
+	:tc=d411-w:
+d577-7b-w|Data General DASHER D577 in wide 7-bit mode:\
+	:tc=d411-7b-w:
+d577-dg|d578-dg|Data General DASHER D577/D578 series in DG mode:\
+	:tc=d411-dg:
+# DASHER D578 terminal.
+# Like a D577, but without compressed mode; like a D470C in this respect.
+# Initialization string 1 sets:
+#	\E[<0;<1;<2;<4l
+#		<0	- scrolling enabled
+#		<1	- blink enabled
+#		<2	- horizontal scrolling enabled (for alignment)
+#		<4	- print characters regardless of attributes
+#	\E[1;1;80w	- margins at columns 1 and 80
+#	\E[1;6;<2h
+#		1	- print all characters even if protected
+#		6	- character protection disabled
+#		<2	- horizontal scrolling disabled
+#	- (should reset scrolling regions, but that glitches the screen)
+d578|Data General DASHER D578:\
+	:i1=\E[<0;<1;<2;<4l\E[1;1;80w\E[1;6;<2h:tc=d577:
+d578-7b|Data General DASHER D578 in 7-bit mode:\
+	:i1=\E[<0;<1;<2;<4l\E[1;1;80w\E[1;6;<2h:tc=d577-7b:
+#### Datamedia (dm)
+# Datamedia was headquartered in Nashua, New Hampshire until it went
+# out of business in 1993, but the ID plates on the terminals referred
+# to the factory in Pennsauken, NJ.  The factory was sold to a PCB board
+# manufacturer which threw out all information about the terminals.
+cs10|colorscan|Datamedia Color Scan 10:\
+	:ms:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%2;%2H:cr=\r:\
+	:do=\n:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kd=\E[B:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:sf=\n:\
+	:so=\E[7m:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+cs10-w|Datamedia Color Scan 10 with 132 columns:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%2;%3H:tc=cs10:
+# (dm1520: removed obsolete ":ma=^\ ^_^P^YH:" -- esr)
+dm1520|dm1521|datamedia 1520:\
+	:am:bs:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=^K:ce=^]:cl=^L:cm=\036%r%+ %+ :cr=\r:do=\n:ho=^Y:\
+	:kd=\n:kh=^Y:kl=^H:kr=^\:ku=^_:le=^H:nd=^\:sf=\n:ta=^I:up=^_:
+# dm2500: this terminal has both :IC: and :im:. Applications using
+# termcap/terminfo directly (rather than through ncurses) might be confused.
+dm2500|datamedia2500|datamedia 2500:\
+	:bs:nc:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=15\020\n\030\035\030\035:bl=^G:ce=^W:cl=^^^^\177:\
+	:cm=\014%r%n%.%.:dc=10*^P^H^X^]:dl=10*^P^Z^X^]:dm=^P:\
+	:do=\n:ed=^X^]:ei=10\377\377\030\035:ho=^B:\
+	:ic=10*^P^\^X^]:im=^P:le=^H:nd=^\:pc=\377:se=^X^]:sf=\n:\
+	:so=^N:up=^Z:
+# dmchat is like DM2500, but DOES need "all that padding" (jcm 1/31/82)
+# also, has a meta-key.
+# From: <goldberger@su-csli.arpa>
+# (dmchat: ":MT:" changed to ":km:" -- esr)
+dmchat|dmchat version of datamedia 2500:\
+	:km:\
+	:al=1*\020\n\030\035\030\035:dl=2^P^Z^X^]:tc=dm2500:
+# (dm3025: ":MT:" changed to ":km:" -- esr)
+dm3025|datamedia 3025a:\
+	:bs:km:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=130\EP\n\EQ:bl=^G:cd=2\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=2\EM:\
+	:cm=\EY%r%+ %+ :cr=\r:dc=6^H:dl=130\EP\EA\EQ:dm=\EP:do=\n:\
+	:ed=\EQ:ei=\EQ:ho=\EH:im=\EP:ip=6:is=\EQ\EU\EV:le=^H:nd=\EC:\
+	:se=\EO0:sf=\n:so=\EO1:ta=^I:up=\EA:
+dm3045|datamedia 3045a:\
+	:am:bs:eo:km@:ul:xn:\
+	:al@:dc=6\EB:dl@:dm@:ed@:ei=\EP:is=\EU\EV:k0=\Ey\r:k1=\Ep\r:\
+	:k2=\Eq\r:k3=\Er\r:k4=\Es\r:k5=\Et\r:k6=\Eu\r:k7=\Ev\r:\
+	:k8=\Ew\r:k9=\Ex\r:kh=\EH:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:pc=\177:se@:so@:\
+	:tc=dm3025:
+# Datamedia DT80 soft switches:
+# 1	0=Jump  1=Smooth
+#	Autorepeat	0=off  1=on
+#	Screen		0=Dark 1=light
+#	Cursor		0=u/l  1=block
+# 2	Margin Bell	0=off  1=on
+#	Keyclick	0=off  1=on
+#	ANSI/VT52	0=VT52 1=ANSI
+#	Xon/Xoff	0=Off  1=On
+# 3	Shift3		0=Hash 1=UK Pound
+#	Wrap		0=Off  1=On
+#	Newline		0=Off  1=On
+#	Interlace	0=Off  1=On
+# 4	Parity		0=Odd  1=Even
+#	Parity		0=Off  1=On
+#	Bits/Char	0=7    1=8
+#	Power		0=60Hz 1=50Hz
+# 5	Line Interface  0=EIA  1=Loop
+#	Aux Interface	0=EIA  1=Loop
+#	Local Copy	0=Off  1=On
+#	Spare
+# 6	Aux Parity	0=Odd  1=Even
+#	Aux Parity	0=Off  1=On
+#	Aux Bits/Char	0=7    1=8
+#	CRT Saver	0=Off  1=On
+# dm80/1 is a vt100 lookalike, but it doesn't seem to need any padding.
+dm80|dmdt80|dt80|datamedia dt80/1:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[2J\E[H:cm=%i\E[%d;%dH:do=\n:\
+	:ho=\E[H:me=2\E[m\017:nd=\E[C:pf=\E[4i:po=\E[5i:ps=\E[0i:\
+	:se=\E[m:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:tc=vt100+4bsd:
+# except in 132 column mode, where it needs a little padding.
+# This is still less padding than the vt100, and you can always turn on
+# the ^S/^Q handshaking, so you can use vt100 flavors for things like
+# reverse video.
+dm80w|dmdt80w|dt80w|datamedia dt80/1 in 132 char mode:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:cd=20\E[0J:ce=20\E[0K:cl=50\E[H\E[2J:cm=5\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:do=\n:up=5\E[A:tc=dm80:
+# From: Adam Thompson <athompso@pangea.ca> Sept 10 1995
+dt80-sas|Datamedia DT803/DTX for SAS usage:\
+	:am:bw:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:ac=``a1fxgqh0jYk?lZm@nEooppqDrrsstCu4vAwBx3yyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=\EG:al=\EL:as=\EF:bl=^G:cd=^K:ce=^]:cl=^L:\
+	:cm=\E=%r%+ %+ :cr=\r:ct=\E'0:dl=\EM:do=\EB:ff=^L:ho=^Y:\
+	:is=\E)0\E<\EP\E'0\E$2:kC=^L:kE=^]:kS=^K:kd=\n:kh=^Y:kl=^H:\
+	:kr=^\:ku=^_:le=^H:me=^X:mr=\E$2\004:nd=^\:pf=^O:po=^N:se=^X:\
+	:sf=\EB:so=\E$2\004:sr=\EI:st=\E'1:ta=^I:up=^_:
+# Datamedia Excel 62, 64 from Gould/SEL UTX/32 via BRL
+# These aren't end-all Excel termcaps; but do insert/delete char/line
+# and name some of the extra function keys.  (Mike Feldman ccvaxa!feldman)
+# The naming convention has been bent somewhat, with the use of E? (where
+# E is for 'Excel') as # a name.  This was done to distinguish the entries
+# from the other Datamedias in use here, and yet to associate a model of
+# the Excel terminals with the regular datamedia terminals that share
+# major characteristics.
+excel62|excel64|datamedia Excel 62:\
+	:dc=\E[P:ei=\E[4l:im=\E[4h:k5=\EOu:k6=\EOv:k7=\EOw:k8=\EOx:\
+	:k9=\EOy:kb=^H:kd=\n:kl=^H:tc=dt80:
+excel62-w|excel64-w|datamedia Excel 62 in 132 char mode:\
+	:dc=\E[P:ei=\E[4l:im=\E[4h:k5=\EOu:k6=\EOv:k7=\EOw:k8=\EOx:\
+	:k9=\EOy:kb=^H:kd=\n:kl=^H:tc=dt80w:
+excel62-rv|excel64-rv|datamedia Excel 62 in reverse video mode:\
+	:dc=\E[P:ei=\E[4l:im=\E[4h:k5=\EOu:k6=\EOv:k7=\EOw:k8=\EOx:\
+	:k9=\EOy:kb=^H:kd=\n:kl=^H:vb=\E[?5l\E[?5h:tc=dt80:
+#### Falco
+#	Falco Data Products
+#	440 Potrero Avenue
+#	Sunnyvale, CA 940864-196
+#	Vox: (800)-325-2648
+#	Fax: (408)-745-7860
+#	Net: techsup@charm.sys.falco.com
+# Current Falco models as of 1995 are generally ANSI-compatible and support
+# emulations of DEC VT-series, Wyse, and Televideo types.
+# Test version for Falco ts-1. See <arpavax.hickman@ucb> for info
+# This terminal was released around 1983 and was discontinued long ago.
+# The standout and underline highlights are the same.
+falco|ts1|ts-1|falco ts-1:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=^G:cd=\EY:ce=\ET\EG0\010:cl=\E*:cm=\E=%+ %+ :\
+	:cr=\r:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=\n:ei=\Er:ho=^^:im=\Eq:is=\Eu\E3:\
+	:k0=^A0\r:kd=\n:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:me=\Eg0:nd=^L:\
+	:se=\Eg0:sf=\n:so=\Eg1:ta=^I:ue=\Eg0:up=^K:us=\Eg1:
+falco-p|ts1p|ts-1p|falco ts-1 with paging option:\
+	:am:bs:da:db:mi:ms:ul:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET\EG0\010\Eg0:cl=\E*:\
+	:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=\E[B:ei=\Er:im=\Eq:\
+	:is=\EZ\E3\E_c:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:\
+	:le=^H:me=\Eg0:nd=\E[C:se=\Eg0:sf=\n:so=\Eg4:ta=^I:te=\E_b:\
+	:ti=\E_d:ue=\Eg0:up=\E[A:us=\Eg1:
+# (ts100: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string -- esr)
+ts100|ts100-sp|falco ts100-sp:\
+	:am:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:vt#3:\
+	:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:\
+	:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=^O:al=\E~E:as=^N:bl=^G:cb=3\E[1K:cd=50\E[J:ce=3\E[K:\
+	:cl=50\E[H\E[J:cm=5\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\
+	:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E~W:dl=\E~R:do=\n:eA=\E(B\E)0:ei=:ho=\E[H:\
+	:i1=\E~)\E~ea:ic=\E~Q:im=:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:\
+	:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:mb=2\E[5m:\
+	:md=2\E[1m:me=2\E[0m:mr=2\E[7m:nd=2\E[C:rc=\E8:\
+	:rs=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:sc=\E7:se=2\E[m:\
+	:sf=\n:so=2\E[1;7m:sr=5\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=2\E[m:up=2\E[A:\
+	:us=2\E[4m:tc=vt100+fnkeys:
+ts100-ctxt|falco ts-100 saving context:\
+	:te=\E~_b:ti=\E~_d\E[2J:tc=ts100:
+#### Florida Computer Graphics
+# Florida Computer Graphics Beacon System, using terminal emulator program
+# "host.com", as provided by FCG.  This description is for an early release
+# of the "host" program.  Known bug: :cd: clears the whole screen, so it's
+# commented out.
+# From: David Bryant <cbosg!djb> 1/7/83
+beacon|FCG Beacon System:\
+	:am:da:db:\
+	:co#80:li#32:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=1\ESTART\r\E37\r\EEND\r:ce=\ET:cl=10\EZ:\
+	:cm=20\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=\n:ei=:ho=10\EH:\
+	:ic=\EQ:im=:le=^H:mb=\ESTART\r\E61,1\r\EEND\r:\
+	:me=20\ESTART\r\E78\r\E70,0\r\EEND\r:\
+	:mr=\ESTART\r\E59,1\r\EEND\r:nd=\EV:\
+	:se=20\ESTART\r\E70,0\r\EEND\r:sf=\n:\
+	:so=20\ESTART\r\E70,6\r\EEND\r:te=:\
+	:ti=10\ESTART\r\E2,0\r\E12\r\EEND\r:\
+	:ue=\ESTART\r\E60,0\r\EEND\r:up=\EU:\
+	:us=\ESTART\r\E60,1\r\EEND\r:
+#### Fluke
+# The f1720a differences from ANSI: no auto margin, destructive
+# tabs, # of lines, funny highlighting and underlining
+f1720|f1720a|fluke 1720A:\
+	:xt:\
+	:co#80:li#16:sg#1:ug#1:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:do=\E[B:is=\E[H\E[2J:kd=^]:kl=^_:kr=^^:ku=^\:le=^H:me=\E[m:\
+	:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:
+#### Liberty Electronics (Freedom)
+#	Liberty Electronics
+#	48089 Fremont Blvd
+#	Fremont CA 94538
+#	Vox: (510)-623-6000
+#	Fax: (510)-623-7021
+# From: <faletti@berkeley.edu>
+# (f100: added empty <acsc> to suppress a tic warning;
+# made this relative to adm+sgr -- note that <invis> isn't
+# known to work for f100 but does on the f110. --esr)
+f100|freedom|freedom100|freedom model 100:\
+	:am:bs:bw:hs:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:ac=:ae=\E$:al=8.5*\EE:as=\E%%:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:\
+	:ch=\E]%+ :cl=^Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:ct=\E3:cv=\E[%+ :\
+	:dc=\EW:dl=11.5*\ER:do=\n:ds=\Eg\Ef\r:ei=\Er:fs=\r:ho=^^:\
+	:im=\Eq:ip=6:is=\Eg\Ef\r\Ed:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:\
+	:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:\
+	:k;=^AI\r:kB=\EI:kb=^H:kd=^V:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:\
+	:nd=^L:sf=\n:sr=\Ej:st=\E1:ta=^I:ts=\Eg\Ef:up=^K:vb=\Eb\Ed:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:
+f100-rv|freedom-rv|freedom 100 in reverse video:\
+	:is=\Eg\Ef\r\Eb:vb=\Ed\Eb:tc=f100:
+# The f110 and f200 have problems with vi(1).  They use the ^V
+# code for the down cursor key. When kcud1 is defined in terminfo
+# as ^V, the Control Character Quoting capability (^V in insert mode)
+# is lost! It cannot be remapped in vi because it is necessary to enter
+# a ^V to to quote the ^V that is being remapped!!!
+# f110/f200 users will have to decide whether
+# to lose the down cursor key or the quoting capability. We will opt
+# initially for leaving the quoting capability out, since use of VI
+# is not generally applicable to most interactive applications
+# (f110: added :ta:, :kh: & <kcbt> from f100 -- esr)
+f110|freedom110|Liberty Freedom 110:\
+	:bw@:es:\
+	:it#8:ws#80:\
+	:ae=\E%%:al=\EE:as=\E$:dl=\ER:do=^V:ds=\Ef\r:ei=\Er\EO:\
+	:im=\EO\Eq:ip@:is@:k0=^AI\r:k;@:kA=\EE:kC=^^:kD=\EW:kE=\ET:\
+	:kI=\EQ:kL=\ER:kS=\EY:mb=\EG2:md=\EG0:mh=\EG@:pf=\Ea:po=\E`:\
+	:so=\EG<:sr=\EJ:ts=\Ef:vb=\Eb\Ed:ve=\E.2:vi=\E.1:tc=f100:
+f110-14|Liberty Freedom 110 14inch:\
+	:dc@:tc=f110:
+f110-w|Liberty Freedom 110 - 132 cols:\
+	:co#132:tc=f110:
+f110-14w|Liberty Freedom 110 14in/132 cols:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:dc@:tc=f110:
+# (f200: added <acsc> to suppress tic warnings re :as:/:ae: --esr)
+f200|freedom200|Liberty Freedom 200:\
+	:am:bs:es:hs:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:ws#80:\
+	:ac=:ae=\E%%:al=\EE:as=\E$:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:\
+	:ch=\E]%+ :cl=^Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:cs=\Em0%+ %+ :ct=\E3:\
+	:cv=\E[%+ :dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^V:ds=\Ef\r:ei=\Er:fs=\r:ho=^^:\
+	:im=\Eq:k0=^AI\r:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:\
+	:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:kA=\EE:kC=^^:\
+	:kD=\EW:kE=\ET:kI=\EQ:kL=\ER:kS=\EY:kb=^H:kd=^V:kl=^H:kr=^L:\
+	:ku=^K:le=^H:mb=\EG2:md=\EG0:mh=\EG@:nd=^L:pf=\Ea:po=\E`:\
+	:sf=\n:so=\EG<:sr=\EJ:st=\E1:ts=\Ef:up=^K:vb=\Eo\En:ve=\E.1:\
+	:vi=\E.0:tc=adm+sgr:
+f200-w|Liberty Freedom 200 - 132 cols:\
+	:co#132:tc=f200:
+# The f200 has the ability to reprogram the down cursor key. The key is
+# reprogrammed to ^J (linefeed). This value is remembered in non-volatile RAM,
+# so powering the terminal off and on will not cause the change to be lost.
+f200vi|Liberty Freedom 200 for vi:\
+	:kd=\n:vb=\Eb\Ed:tc=f200:
+f200vi-w|Liberty Freedom 200 - 132 cols for vi:\
+	:co#132:tc=f200vi:
+#### GraphOn (go)
+#	Graphon Corporation
+#	544 Division Street
+#	Campbell, CA 95008
+#	Vox: (408)-370-4080
+#	Fax: (408)-370-5047
+#	Net: troy@graphon.com (Troy Morrison)
+# The go140 and go225 have been discontinued.  GraphOn now makes X terminals,
+# including one odd hybrid that starts out life on power-up as a character
+# terminal, than can be switched to X graphics mode (driven over the serial
+# line) by an escape sequence.  No info on this beast yet.
+# (go140: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string -- esr)
+go140|graphon go-140:\
+	:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7h:al=\E[L:cd=10\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=10\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%2;%2H:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:\
+	:ei=\E[4l:if=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E<\E=\E[?3l\E[?7l\E(B\E[J\E7\E[;r\E8\E[m\E[q:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:\
+	:kh=\E[H:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:\
+	:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+go140w|graphon go-140 in 132 column mode:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:is=\E<\E=\E[?3h\E[?7h\E(B\E[J\E7\E[;r\E8\E[m\E[q:\
+	:tc=go140:
+# Hacked up vt200 termcap to handle GO-225/VT220
+# From: <edm@nwnexus.WA.COM>
+# (go225: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string -- esr)
+go225|go-225|Graphon 225:\
+	:am:bs:mi:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:vt#3:\
+	:RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7h:al=\E[L:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\n:\
+	:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:\
+	:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:ke=\E>:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ks=\E=:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:r1=\E[!p\E[?7h\E[2;1;1#w:rc=\E8:\
+	:rf=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\ED:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:te=\E[!p\E[?7h\E[2;1;1#w:\
+	:ti=\E[2;0#w\E[1;25r:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+#### Harris (Beehive)
+# Bletch.  These guys shared the Terminal Brain Damage laurels with Hazeltine.
+# Their terminal group is ancient history now (1995) though the parent
+# company is still in business.
+# Beehive documentation is undated and marked Preliminary and has no figures
+# so we must have early Superbee2 (Model 600, according to phone conversation
+# with mfr.). It has proved reliable except for some missing padding
+# (notably after \EK and <nl> at bottom of screen).
+# The key idea is that AEP mode is poison for :cm: & that US's in
+# the local memory should be avoided like the plague. That means
+# that the 2048 character local buffer is used as 25 lines of 80
+# characters, period. No scrolling local memory, folks. It also
+# appears that we cannot use naked INS LINE feature since it uses
+# US. The sbi fakes :al: with an 80-space insert that may be too
+# slow at low speeds; also spaces get converted to \040 which is
+# too long for some programs (not vi).  DEL LINE is ok but slow.
+# The <nl> string is designed for last line of screen ONLY; cup to
+# 25th line corrects the motion inherent in scrolling to Page 1.
+# There is one understood bug. It is that the screen appears to
+# pop to a new (blank) page after a :nw:, or leave a half-line
+# ellipsis to a quad that is the extra 48 memory locations. The
+# data received is dumped into memory but not displayed.  Not to
+# worry if :cm: is being used; the lines not displayed will be,
+# whenever the cursor is moved up there. Since :cm: is addressed
+# relative to MEMORY of window, nothing is lost; but beware of
+# relative cursor motion (:up:,:do:,:nd:,:le:). Recommended,
+# therefore, is setenv MORE -c .
+# WARNING: Not all features tested.
+# Timings are assembled from 3 sources. Some timings may reflect
+# SB2/Model 300 that were used if more conservative.
+# Tested on a Model 600 at 1200 and 9600 bd.
+# The BACKSPACEkb option is cute. The NEWLINE key, so cleverly
+# placed on the keyboard and useless because of AEP, is made
+# into a backspace key. In use ESC must be pressed twice (to send)
+# and sending ^C must be prefixed by ESC to avoid that weird
+# transmit mode associated with ENTER key.
+# IF TERMINAL EVER GOES CATATONIC with the cursor buzzing across
+# the screen, then it has dropped into ENTER mode; hit
+# RESET--ONLINE--!tset.
+# As delivered this machine has a FATAL feature that will throw
+# it into that strange transmit state (SPOW) if the space bar is
+# hit after a CR is received, but before receiving a LF (or a
+# few others).
+# The circuits MUST be modified to eliminate the SPOW latch.
+# This is done by strapping on chip A46 of the I/O board; cut
+# the p.c. connection to Pin 5 and strap Pin 5 to Pin 8 of that
+# chip. This mod has been checked out on a Mod 600 of Superbee II.
+# With this modification absurdly high timings on cr are
+# unnecessary.
+# NOTE WELL that the rear panel switch should be set to CR/LF,
+# not AEP!
+sb1|beehive superbee:\
+	:am:bs:bw:da:db:mi:ul:xb:\
+	:co#80:li#25:sg#1:ug#1:\
+	:al=3\EN\EL\EQ                                                                                \EP \EO\ER\EA:\
+	:bl=^G:bt=650\E`:cd=3\EJ:ce=3\EK:cl=3\EH\EJ:cm=\EF%r%3%3:\
+	:cr=\r:ct=\E3:dc=3\EP:dl=100\EM:do=\n:ei=\ER:ho=1\EH:\
+	:im=\EQ\EO:is=\EE\EX\EZ\EO\Eb\Eg\ER:k0=\E2:k1=\Ep:k2=\Eq:\
+	:k3=\Er:k4=\Es:k5=\Et:k6=\Eu:k7=\Ev:k8=\Ew:k9=\E1:kE=\EK:\
+	:kI=\EQ\EO:kL=\EM:kM=\ER:kS=\EJ:kb=^_:kd=\EB:kh=\EH:kl=\ED:\
+	:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:l0=TAB CLEAR:l9=TAB SET:le=^H:me=\E_3:\
+	:nd=3\EC:se=\E_3:sf=\n:so=\E_1:st=\E1:ta=^I:te=:ti=\EO:\
+	:ue=\E_3:up=3\EA:us=\E_0:
+sbi|superbee|beehive superbee at Indiana U.:\
+	:xb:\
+	:al=\EN\EL\EQ \EP \EO\ER\EA:cr=1\r:tc=sb1:
+# Alternate (older) description of Superbee - f1=escape, f2=^C.
+# Note: there are at least 3 kinds of superbees in the world.  The sb1
+# holds onto escapes and botches ^C's.  The sb2 is the best of the 3.
+# The sb3 puts garbage on the bottom of the screen when you scroll with
+# the switch in the back set to CRLF instead of AEP.  This description
+# is tested on the sb2 but should work on all with either switch setting.
+# The f1/f2 business is for the sb1 and the :xb: can be taken out for
+# the other two if you want to try to hit that tiny escape key.
+# This description is tricky: being able to use cup depends on there being
+# 2048 bytes of memory and the hairy <nl> string.
+superbee-xsb|beehive super bee:\
+	:am:da:db:xb:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:\
+	:cd=3\EJ:ce=3\EK:cl=3\EH\EJ:cm=\EF%r%3%3:cr=1000\r:ct=\E3:\
+	:dc=3\EP:dl=100\EM:do=\n:ho=\EH:is=\EH\EJ:k1=\Ep:k2=\Eq:\
+	:k3=\Er:k4=\Es:k5=\Et:k6=\Eu:k7=\Ev:k8=\Ew:kd=\EB:kh=\EH:\
+	:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:me=\E_3:nd=\EC:se=\E_3:\
+	:sf=\n\0\0\0\n\0\0\0\EA\EK\0\0\0\ET\ET:so=\E_1:st=\E1:\
+	:ta=^I:up=3\EA:ve=\n:
+# This loses on lines > 80 chars long, use at your own risk
+superbeeic|super bee with insert char:\
+	:ei=\ER:ic=:im=\EQ:tc=superbee-xsb:
+sb2|sb3|fixed superbee:\
+	:xb@:tc=superbee:
+#### Beehive Medical Electronics
+# Steve Seymour <srseymour@mindspring.com> writes (Wed, 03 Feb 1999):
+# Regarding your question though; Beehive terminals weren't made by Harris.
+# They were made by Beehive Medical Electronics in Utah. They went out of
+# business in the early '80s.
+# (OK, then, I don't know why a couple of these say "harris beehive".)
+# Reports are that most of these Beehive entries (except superbee) have not
+# been tested and do not work right.  :se: is a trouble spot.  Be warned.
+# (bee: :ic: was empty, which is obviously bogus -- esr)
+beehive|bee|harris beehive:\
+	:am:bs:mi:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\EL:bt=\E>:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EE:cm=\EF%+ %+ :dc=\EP:\
+	:dl=\EM:do=\EB:ei=\E@:ho=\EH:im=\EQ:kA=\EL:kB=\E>:kC=\EE:\
+	:kD=\EP:kE=\EK:kI=\EQ:kL=\EM:kM=\E@:kb=^H:kd=\EB:kh=\EH:\
+	:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:me=\Ed@:nd=\EC:se=\Ed@:so=\EdP:\
+	:ue=\Ed@:up=\EA:us=\Ed`:
+# set tab is ^F, clear (one) tab is ^V, no way to clear all tabs.
+# good grief - does this entry make :sg:/:ug: when it doesn't have to?
+# look at those spaces in :se:/:so:.  Seems strange to me...
+# (beehive: :if=/usr/share/tabset/beehive: removed, no such file.  If you
+# really care, cook up one using ^F -- esr)
+beehive3|bh3m|beehiveIIIm|harris beehive 3m:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#20:\
+	:al=160^S:bl=^G:cd=^R:ce=^P:cl=^E^R:cr=\r:dl=350^Q:do=\n:\
+	:ho=^E:le=^H:ll=^E^K:nd=^L:se=\s^_:sf=\n:so=^]\s:st=^F:ta=^I:\
+	:up=^K:
+beehive4|bh4|beehive 4:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EE:cr=\r:do=\n:ho=\EH:le=\ED:nd=\EC:\
+	:sf=\n:up=\EA:
+# There was an early Australian kit-built computer called a "Microbee".
+# It's not clear whether this is for one of those or for a relative
+# of the Beehive.
+microb|microbee|micro bee series:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EE:cm=\EF%+ %+ :cr=\r:do=\n:k1=\Ep:\
+	:k2=\Eq:k3=\Er:k4=\Es:k5=\Et:k6=\Eu:k7=\Ev:k8=\Ew:k9=\Ex:\
+	:kd=\EB:kh=\EH:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:me=\Ed@:nd=\EC:\
+	:se=\Ed@:sf=\n:so=\s\EdP:ta=^I:ue=\Ed@:up=\EA:us=\Ed`:
+# 8675, 8686, and bee from Cyrus Rahman
+# (8675: changed k10, k11...k16 to k;, F1...F6 -- esr)
+ha8675|harris 8675:\
+	:F1=^W:F2=\ER:F3=\EE:F4=\EI:F5=\Ei:F6=\Eg:\
+	:is=\ES\E#\E*\Eh\Em\E?\E1\E9\E@\EX\EU:k1=^F:k2=^P:k3=^N:\
+	:k4=^V:k5=\n:k6=^T:k7=^H:k8=\177:k9=\Ee:k;=\Ed:tc=bee:
+# (8686: changed k10, k11...k16 to k;, F1...F6; fixed broken continuation
+# in :is: -- esr)
+ha8686|harris 8686:\
+	:F1=\EW:F2=^B\E{^C:F3=^B\E|^C:F4=^B\E}^C:F5=^B\E~^C:\
+	:F6=^B\E\177^C:\
+	:is=\ES\E#\E*\Eh\Em\E?\E1\E9\E@\EX\EU\E"*Z01\E"8F35021B7C83#\E"8F45021B7D83#\E"8F55021B7E83#\E"8F65021B7F83#\E"8F75021B7383#\E"8F851BD7#\E"8F95021B7083#\E"8FA5021B7183#\E"8FB5021B7283#:\
+	:k1=^B\Ep^C:k2=^B\Eq^C:k3=^B\Er^C:k4=^B\Es^C:k5=\E3:\
+	:k6=\EI:k7=\ER:k8=\EJ:k9=\E(:k;=\Ej:tc=bee:
+#### Hazeltine
+# Hazeltine appears to be out of the terminal business as of 1995.  These
+# guys were co-owners of the Terminal Brain Damage Hall Of Fame along with
+# Harris. They have a hazeltine.com domain (but no web page there ) and can
+# be reached at:
+#	Hazeltine
+#	450 East Pulaski Road
+#	Greenlawn, New York 11740
+# As late as 1993, manuals for the terminal product line could still be
+# purchased from:
+#	TRW Customer Service Division
+#	15 Law Drive
+#	P.O. Box 2076
+#	Fairfield, NJ 07007-2078
+# They're now (1998) a subsidiary of General Electric, operating under the
+# marque "GEC-Marconi Hazeltine" and doing military avionics.  Web page
+# at <http://www.gec.com/cpd/1ncpd.htm#1.55>.
+# Since :nd: is blank, when you want to erase something you
+# are out of luck.  You will have to do ^L's a lot to
+# redraw the screen.  h1000 is untested.  It doesn't work in
+# vi - this terminal is too dumb for even vi.  (The code is
+# there but it isn't debugged for this case.)
+hz1000|hazeltine 1000:\
+	:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#12:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=^L:cr=\r:do=\n:ho=^K:le=^H:nd=\s:sf=\n:
+# From: <cbosg!ucbvax!pur-ee!cincy!chris> Thu Aug 20 09:09:18 1981
+hz1420|hazeltine 1420:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\E^Z:bl=^G:cd=\E^X:ce=\E^O:cl=\E^\:cm=\E\021%r%.%+ :\
+	:cr=\r:dl=\E^S:do=\n:le=^H:nd=^P:se=\E^Y:sf=\n:so=\E^_:ta=^N:\
+	:up=\E^L:
+# New "safe" cursor movement (11/87) from <cgs@umd5.umd.edu>.  Prevents
+# freakout with out-of-range args and tn3270.  No hz since it needs to
+# receive tildes.
+hz1500|hazeltine 1500:\
+	:am:bs:hz:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=40~^Z:bl=^G:cd=10~^X:ce=~^O:cl=~^\:\
+	:cm=~\021%r%>^^ %+`%+`:cr=\r:dl=40~^S:do=~^K:ho=~^R:kd=\n:\
+	:kh=~^R:kl=^H:kr=^P:ku=~^L:le=^H:nd=^P:se=~^Y:sf=\n:so=~^_:\
+	:up=~^L:
+# h1510 assumed to be in sane escape mode.  Else use h1500.
+# (h1510: early versions of this entry apparently had ":se=\E^_:,
+# :so=\E^Y:, but these caps were commented out in 8.3; also,
+# removed incorrect and overridden ":do=^J:" -- esr)
+hz1510|hazeltine 1510:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\E^Z:bl=^G:cd=\E^X:ce=\E^O:cl=\E^\:cm=\E\021%r%.%.:\
+	:cr=\r:dl=\E^S:do=\E^K:le=^H:nd=^P:sf=\n:up=\E^L:
+# Hazeltine 1520
+# The following switch settings are assumed for normal operation:
+# Other switches may be set for operator convenience or communication
+# requirements.
+hz1520|Hazeltine 1520:\
+	:am:bs:bw:ms:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\E^Z:bl=^G:cd=\E^X:ce=\E^O:cl=\E^\:cm=\E\021%r%.%.:\
+	:cr=\r:dl=\E^S:do=\n:ho=\E^R:kA=\E^Z:kC=\E^\:kE=\E^O:\
+	:kL=\E^S:kS=\E^X:kb=^H:kd=\E^K:kh=\E^R:kl=^H:kr=^P:ku=\E^L:\
+	:le=^H:md=\E^_:me=\E^Y:nd=^P:r1=\E$\E\005\E?\E\031:\
+	:se=\E^Y:sf=\n:so=\E^_:up=\E^L:
+# This version works with the escape switch off
+# (h1520: removed incorrect and overridden ":do=^J:" -- esr)
+hz1520-noesc|hazeltine 1520:\
+	:am:hz:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=~^Z:bl=^G:cd=~^X:ce=~^O:cl=~^\:cm=1~\021%r%.%.:cr=\r:\
+	:dl=~^S:do=~^K:ho=~^R:le=^H:nd=^P:se=~^Y:sf=\n:so=~^_:up=~^L:
+# Note: the h1552 appears to be the first Hazeltine terminal which
+# is not braindamaged.  It has tildes and backprimes and everything!
+# Be sure the auto lf/cr switch is set to cr.
+hz1552|hazeltine 1552:\
+	:bs:\
+	:al=\EE:dl=\EO:do=\n:l1=blue:l2=red:l3=green:tc=vt52:
+hz1552-rv|hazeltine 1552 reverse video:\
+	:do=\n:se=\ET:so=\ES:tc=hz1552:
+# Note: h2000 won't work well because of a clash between upper case and ~'s.
+hz2000|hazeltine 2000:\
+	:am:bs:nc:\
+	:co#74:li#27:\
+	:al=6~^Z:bl=^G:cl=6~^\:cm=~\021%r%.%.:dl=6~^S:do=\n:ho=~^R:\
+	:le=^H:pc=\177:sf=\n:
+# Date: Fri Jul 23 10:27:53 1982.  Some unknown person wrote:
+# I tested this termcap entry for the Hazeltine Esprit with vi. It seems
+# to work ok. There is one problem though if one types a lot of garbage
+# characters very fast vi seems not able to keep up and hangs while trying
+# to insert. That's in insert mode while trying to insert in the middle of
+# a line. It might be because the Esprit doesn't have insert char and delete
+# char as a built in function. Vi has to delete to end of line and then
+# redraw the rest of the line.
+esprit|Hazeltine Esprit I:\
+	:am:bs:bw:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\E^Z:bl=^G:bt=\E^T:cd=\E^W:ce=\E^O:cl=\E^\:\
+	:cm=\E\021%r%.%.:cr=\r:dl=\E^S:do=\E^K:ho=\E^R:is=\E?:\
+	:k0=^B0\n:k1=^B1\n:k2=^B2\n:k3=^B3\n:k4=^B4\n:k5=^B5\n:\
+	:k6=^B6\n:k7=^B7\n:k8=^B8\n:k9=^B9\n:kb=^H:kd=\E^K:ke=\E>:\
+	:kh=\E^R:kl=^H:kr=^P:ks=\E<:ku=\E^L:l0=0:l1=1:l2=2:l3=3:l4=4:\
+	:l5=5:l6=6:l7=7:l8=8:l9=9:le=^H:nd=^P:se=\E^Y:sf=\n:so=\E^_:\
+	:up=\E^L:
+esprit-am|hazeltine esprit auto-margin:\
+	:am:tc=esprit:
+# Hazeltine Modular-1 from Cliff Shackelton <ittvax!ittral!shackelt> via BRL
+# Vi it seems always wants to send a control J for "do" and it turned out
+# that the terminal would work somewhat if the auto LF/CR was turned off.
+# (hmod1: removed :dn=~^K: -- esr)
+hmod1|Hazeltine Modular 1:\
+	:am:bs:hz:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=~^Z:bl=^G:bt=~^T:cl=~^\:cm=~\021%r%.%.:cr=\r:dl=~^S:\
+	:do=~^K:ho=~^R:kd=~^K:kh=~^R:kl=^H:kr=^P:ku=~^L:le=^H:me=~^Y:\
+	:nd=^P:rc=~^Q:sc=~^E:se=~^Y:sf=\n:so=~^_:up=~^L:
+# Hazeltine Executive 80 Model 30 (1554?)
+#	from  Will Martin <control@ALMSA-1.ARPA> via BRL
+# Like VT100, except for different "am" behavior.
+hazel|exec80|h80|he80|Hazeltine Executive 80:\
+	:am:bs:pt:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:vt#3:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=50\E[J:ce=3\E[K:cl=50\E[;H\E[2J:\
+	:cm=5\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:do=\n:ho=\E[H:\
+	:is=\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:\
+	:ku=\EOA:le=^H:mb=2\E[5m:md=2\E[1m:me=2\E[m:mr=2\E[7m:\
+	:nd=2\E[C:nl=\n:r1=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:\
+	:rc=\E8:rf=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:sc=\E7:se=2\E[m:\
+	:so=2\E[7m:sr=5\EM:ta=^I:ue=2\E[m:up=2\E[A:us=2\E[4m:
+#### IBM
+ibm327x|line mode IBM 3270 style:\
+	:gn:\
+	:ce=\r:cl=\r\n:ho=\r:
+ibm3101|i3101|IBM 3101-10:\
+	:am:bs:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EI:cl=\EK:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=\r:ct=\EH:do=\n:\
+	:ho=\EH:kd=\EB:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:nd=\EC:nw=\r\n:\
+	:sf=\n:st=\E0:up=\EA:
+ibm3151|IBM 3151 display:\
+	:ae=\E>B:as=\E>A:is=\E S:me=\E4@:rs=\E S:s0=\E>B:te=\E>B:\
+	:ti=\E>B:tc=ibm3162:
+# From: Mark Easter <marke@fsi-ssd.csg.ssd.fsi.com> 29 Oct 1992
+# removed kend, knp, kpp -TD
+# From: Stephen Powell <zlinuxman@wowway.com> 23 Apr 2015
+# Added ich1 (kich1 without ich1 doesn't make sense).
+# Added il1 (kil1 without il1 doesn't make sense).
+# Added xon (terminal uses XON/XOFF flow control).
+ibm3161|ibm3163|wy60-316X|wyse60-316X|IBM 3161/3163 display:\
+	:am:bs:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:F1=\Ek\r:F2=\El\r:F3=\E!a\r:F4=\E!b\r:F5=\E!c\r:\
+	:F6=\E!d\r:F7=\E!e\r:F8=\E!f\r:F9=\E!g\r:FA=\E!h\r:\
+	:FB=\E!i\r:FC=\E!j\r:FD=\E!k\r:FE=\E!l\r:\
+	:ac=j\352k\353l\354m\355n\356q\361t\364u\365v\366w\367x\370:\
+	:al=\EN:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EI:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=\r:\
+	:dc=\EQ:dl=\EO:do=\EB:ei=:ho=\EH:ic=\EP \010:im=:k1=\Ea\r:\
+	:k2=\Eb\r:k3=\Ec\r:k4=\Ed\r:k5=\Ee\r:k6=\Ef\r:k7=\Eg\r:\
+	:k8=\Eh\r:k9=\Ei\r:k;=\Ej\r:kA=\EN:kB=\E2:kC=\EL\r:kD=\EQ:\
+	:kE=\EI:kI=\EP \010:kL=\EO:kS=\EJ:kT=\E0:ka=\E 1:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\EB:kh=\EH:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:kt=\E1:ku=\EA:le=\ED:mb=\E4D:\
+	:md=\E4H:me=\E4@\E<@:mk=\E4P:mr=\E4A:nd=\EC:pf=^P^T:\
+	:po=^P^R:se=\E4@:sf=\n:so=\E4A:te=\E>A:ti=\E>A:ue=\E4@:\
+	:up=\EA:us=\E4B:
+ibm3161-C|IBM 3161-C NLS terminal using cartridge:\
+	:s0=\E>B:s1=\E>A:te=\E>B:ti=\E>B:tc=ibm3161:
+# From: Stephen Powell <zlinuxman@wowway.com> 23 Apr 2015
+# Deleted il1.  (il1 will now be inherited from ibm3161-C, which inherits
+# it from ibm3161.
+ibm3162|IBM 3162 display:\
+	:mb=\E4$a:md=\E4(a:me=\E4@:mk=\E40a:mr=\E4!a:se=\E4>b:\
+	:so=\E4!a:ue=\E4=b:us=\E4"a:tc=ibm3161-C:
+# This really should not use setab/setaf, but it is clear that the
+# original terminfo does not toggle red/blue colors as in setb/setf.
+ibm3164|i3164|IBM 3164:\
+	:ms:\
+	:Co#8:pa#64:\
+	:AB=\E4  %+@:op=\E4 "@:s0=\E>B:s1=\E>A:te=\E!9(N\E>B:\
+	:ti=\E!9/N\E>B:tc=ibm3161:
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (rmacs/smacs removed for consistency)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+ibm5151|wy60-AT|wyse60-AT|IBM 5151 Monochrome display:\
+	:am:bw:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:\
+	:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ec=\E[%dX:\
+	:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:is=\Ec:k1=\E[001q:k2=\E[002q:\
+	:k3=\E[003q:k4=\E[004q:k5=\E[005q:k6=\E[006q:k7=\E[007q:\
+	:k8=\E[008q:k9=\E[009q:kD=\E[P:kI=\E[139q:kN=\E[154q:\
+	:kP=\E[150q:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:\
+	:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:rs=\Ec:\
+	:se=\E[m:sf=\E[S:so=\E[7m:sr=\E[T:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:tc=ecma+index:
+ibmaed|IBM Experimental display:\
+	:am:bs:eo:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#52:\
+	:al=\EN:cd=\EJ:ce=\EI:cl=\EH\EK:cm=\EY%+ %+ :dc=\EQ:dl=\EO:\
+	:do=\EB:ei=:ho=\EH:ic=\EP:im=:kb=^H:kd=\EB:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:\
+	:ku=\EA:le=^H:me=\E0:nd=\EC:se=\E0:so=\E0:ta=^I:up=\EA:\
+	:vb=\EG:
+ibm-apl|apl|IBM apl terminal simulator:\
+	:li#25:tc=dm1520:
+# (ibmmono: this had an unknown `sb' boolean, I changed it to `bs'.
+# Also it had ":I0=f10:" which pretty obviously should be "l0=f10" -- esr)
+ibmmono|IBM workstation monochrome:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:al=\EL:dl=\EM:ds=\Ej\EY8 \EI\Ek:fs=\Ek:k0=\E<:k1=\ES:\
+	:k2=\ET:k3=\EU:k4=\EV:k5=\EW:k6=\EP:k7=\EQ:k8=\ER:k9=\EY:\
+	:kF=\EE:kI=\0:kN=\EE:kP=\Eg:kR=\EG:kb=^H:kh=\EH:l0=f10:\
+	:md=\EZ:me=\Ew\Eq\Ez\EB:mk=\EF\Ef0;\Eb0;:mr=\Ep:se=\Ez:\
+	:so=\EZ:sr=\EA:ue=\Ew:us=\EW:tc=ibm3101:
+ibmega|IBM Enhanced Color Display:\
+	:cr=\r:do=\n:kb=^H:kd=\n:kl=^H:nw=\r\n:sf=\n:ta=^I:\
+	:tc=ibmmono:
+# This color scheme is assumed in some recent IBM terminal descriptions
+# (green on black, emulated on a 16-color terminal).
+ibm+color|IBM color definitions:\
+	:Co#8:NC#3:pa#64:\
+	:op=\E[32m\E[40m:
+ibm+16color|IBM aixterm color definitions:\
+	:Co#16:pa#256:
+ibm5154|IBM 5154 Color display:\
+	:Co#8:NC@:pa#64:\
+	:AB=\E[4%dm:AF=\E[3%dm:md@:tc=ibm5151:tc=ibm+color:
+ibmega-c|ibm5154-c|IBM Enhanced Color Display with standout and underline:\
+	:se=\EB:so=\EF\Ef3;:ue=\EB:us=\EF\Ef2;:tc=ibmmono:
+ibmvga-c|IBM VGA display color termcap:\
+	:cr=\r:do=\n:kb=^H:kd=\n:kl=^H:nw=\r\n:sf=\n:ta=^I:\
+	:tc=ibmega-c:
+ibmvga|IBM VGA display:\
+	:cr=\r:do=\n:kb=^H:kd=\n:kl=^H:nw=\r\n:sf=\n:ta=^I:tc=ibmega:
+# ibmapa* and ibmmono entries come from ACIS 4.3 distribution
+rtpc|ibmapa16|IBM 6155 Extended Monochrome Graphics Display:\
+	:li#32:\
+	:ds=\Ej\EY@ \EI\Ek:tc=ibmmono:
+ibm6155|IBM 6155 Black & White display:\
+	:mb@:md@:tc=ibm5151:
+# Advanced Monochrome (6153) and Color (6154) Graphics Display:
+ibmapa8c|ibmapa8|IBM 6154 Advanced Graphics Display:\
+	:li#31:\
+	:ds=\Ej\EY? \EI\Ek:tc=ibmmono:
+ibmapa8c-c|ibm6154-c|IBM 6154 Advanced Color Graphics Display:\
+	:li#31:\
+	:ds=\Ej\EY? \EI\Ek:mh=\EF\Ef7;:tc=ibmega-c:
+ibm6154|IBM 6154 Color displays:\
+	:mb@:md=\E[12m:me=\E[0;10m:s0=\E[10m:s1=\E[11m:s2=\E[12m:\
+	:tc=ibm5154:
+ibm6153|IBM 6153 Black & White display:\
+	:mb@:md=\E[12m:me=\E[0;10m:s0=\E[10m:s1=\E[11m:s2=\E[12m:\
+	:tc=ibm5151:
+ibm6153-90|IBM 6153 Black & White display:\
+	:co#90:li#36:\
+	:mb@:md@:tc=ibm5151:
+ibm6153-40|IBM 6153 Black & White display:\
+	:co#40:li#12:tc=ibm6153-90:
+ibm8512|ibm8513|IBM color VGA Terminal:\
+	:am:mi:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DL=\E[%dM:RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7h:\
+	:ac=jjkkllmmnnqqttuuvvwwxx:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:cd=\E[J:\
+	:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:dl=\E[M:dm=\E[4h:\
+	:do=\n:ec=\E[%dX:ed=\E[4l:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\Eb\E[m\017\E[?7h:k0=\E[010q:k1=\E[001q:k2=\E[002q:\
+	:k3=\E[003q:k4=\E[004q:k5=\E[005q:k6=\E[006q:k7=\E[007q:\
+	:k8=\E[008q:k9=\E[009q:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:ku=\E[A:le=\E[D:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:r1=\Eb\E[m\017\E[?7h\E[H\E[J:rc=\E[u:sc=\E[s:se=\E[m:\
+	:so=\E[7m:te=\E[20h:ti=\E[20;4l\E[?7h\Eb:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:tc=ibm8503:
+hft-c|HFT with Color:\
+	:Co#8:pa#64:\
+	:AB=\E[4%dm:AF=\E[3%dm:ac=jjkkllmmnnqqttuuvvwwxx:\
+	:me=\E[0m\E(B:s0=\E(B:s1=\E(0:tc=ibm5151:tc=ibm+color:
+hft-c-old|HFT with Color PC850:\
+	:Co#8:pa#64:\
+	:AB=\E[4%dm:AF=\E[3%dm:tc=ibm5151:tc=ibm+color:
+hft-old|AIWS High Function Terminal:\
+	:am:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#25:\
+	:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=\r:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ei=\E6:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=\E6:\
+	:k1=\E[001q:k2=\E[002q:k3=\E[003q:k4=\E[004q:k5=\E[005q:\
+	:k6=\E[006q:k7=\E[007q:k8=\E[008q:k9=\E[009q:kN=\E[153q:\
+	:kP=\E[159q:ka=\E[010q:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mk=\E[8m:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:tc=ibm+color:
+ibm-system1|system1|ibm system/1 computer:\
+	:am:xt:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=^Z:cm=\005%+ %+ :ho=^K:le=^H:nd=^\:sf=\n:up=^^:
+#       lft-pc850 : IBM Low Function Terminal Device
+#    lft "supports" underline, bold, and blink in the sense that the lft code
+#    sets all the right bits.  HOWEVER, depending upon the adapter, these
+#    attributes may or may not be supported by the device driver.
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (rmacs/smacs removed for consistency)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+lft|lft-pc850|LFT-PC850|IBM LFT PC850 Device:\
+	:am:bw:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:\
+	:cd=\E[2J:ce=\E[0K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:\
+	:im=\E[4h:is=\Ec:k1=\E[001q:k2=\E[002q:k3=\E[003q:\
+	:k4=\E[004q:k5=\E[005q:k6=\E[006q:k7=\E[007q:k8=\E[008q:\
+	:k9=\E[009q:kD=\E[P:kI=\E[139q:kN=\E[154q:kP=\E[150q:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m\E(B:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:rs=\Ec:\
+	:se=\E[0m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\EL:ue=\E[0m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:tc=ecma+index:
+# "Megapel" refers to the display adapter, which was used with the IBM RT
+# aka IBM 6150.
+ibm5081|hft|IBM Megapel Color display:\
+	:ac=jjkkllmmnnqqttuuvvwwxx:mb@:md@:me=\E[0m\E(B:s0=\E(B:\
+	:s1=\E(0:tc=ibm5154:
+ibm5081-c|ibmmpel-c|IBM 5081 1024x1024 256/4096 Megapel enhanced color display:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:li#33:\
+	:ds=\Ej\EYA \EI\Ek:fs=\Ek:tc=ibmega-c:
+ibm8503|ibm8507|ibm8604|IBM 8503 B & W VGA display:\
+	:tc=hft-c:
+ibm8514|IBM 8514/a color VGA display:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:ds=\Ej\EYI \EI\Ek:fs=\Ek:tc=hft:
+ibm8514-c|IBM 8514 color display with standout and underline:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:li#41:\
+	:cr=\r:do=\n:ds=\Ej\EYI \EI\Ek:fs=\Ek:kb=^H:kd=\n:kl=^H:\
+	:nw=\r\n:sf=\n:ta=^I:tc=ibmega-c:
+# AIX entries.  IBM ships these with AIX 3.2.5.
+# -- added rc, sc based on manpage -TD
+# -- added rmacs, smacs based on manpage -TD
+# Note that we could use ibm+16color, but that is not how IBM defines this one.
+aixterm|IBM Aixterm Terminal Emulator:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:ac=jjkkllmmnnqqttuuvvwwxx:ae=\E(B:as=\E(0:ds=\E[?E:\
+	:fs=\E[?F:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0;10m:rc=\E8:s0=\E(B:s1=\E(0:\
+	:sc=\E7:sr@:ts=\E[?%dT:tc=ibm6154:
+aixterm-m|IBM AIXterm Monochrome Terminal Emulator:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:ac=jjkkllmmnnqqttuuvvwwxx:ds=\E[?E:fs=\E[?F:md=\E[1m:\
+	:me=\E[0;10m\E(B:s0=\E(B:s1=\E(0:sr@:ts=\E[?%dT:\
+	:tc=ibm6153:
+aixterm-m-old|old IBM AIXterm Monochrome Terminal Emulator:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:ds=\E[?E:fs=\E[?F:md=\E[1m:sr@:ts=\E[?%dT:tc=ibm6153:
+jaixterm|IBM Kanji Aixterm Terminal Eemulator:\
+	:ac@:ae@:as@:me=\E[m:tc=aixterm:
+jaixterm-m|IBM Kanji AIXterm Monochrome Terminal Emulator:\
+	:ac@:ae@:as@:me=\E[m:tc=aixterm-m:
+# This flavor is adapted from xterm, in turn from aixterm documentation -TD
+aixterm-16color|IBM Aixterm Terminal Emulator with 16 colors:\
+	:tc=ibm+16color:tc=aixterm:
+#### Infoton/General Terminal Corp.
+# gt100 sounds like something DEC would come out with.  Let's hope they don't.
+i100|gt100|gt100a|General Terminal 100A (formerly Infoton 100):\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\EL:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=^L:cm=\Ef%r%+ %+ :cr=\r:\
+	:dl=\EM:do=\n:ho=\EH:le=^H:nd=\EC:se=\Ea:sf=\n:so=\Eb:up=\EA:\
+	:vb=\Eb\Ea:
+i400|infoton 400:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#25:\
+	:al=\E[L:bl=^G:ce=\E[N:cl=\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%3;%3H:cr=\r:\
+	:dc=\E[4h\E[2Q\E[P\E[4l\E[0Q:dl=\E[M:do=\n:\
+	:ei=\E[4l\E[0Q:im=\E[4h\E[2Q:le=^H:nd=\E[C:sf=\n:up=\E[A:
+# (addrinfo: removed obsolete ":bc=^Z:" -- esr)
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=^K:cl=^L:cm=\037%.%.:cr=\r:do=\n:ho=^H:le=^Z:\
+	:ll=^H^\:nd=^Y:sf=\n:up=^\:
+# (infoton: used to have the no-ops <lh#0>, <lw#0>, <nlab#0> -- esr)
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=^K:cl=^L:cr=\r:do=\n:le=^Z:ll=^H^\:nd=^Y:sf=\n:\
+	:up=^\:
+# The ICL6402 was actually the Kokusai Display System 6402.
+# The 6404 was the KDS7372 (color version of the 6402).
+# ICL6404 control codes follow:
+#code            function
+#~~~~~~~~~~~     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+#ctrl-A          set SOM position at cursor position
+#ctrl-G          Bell
+#ctrl-H          Backspace
+#ctrl-I          Horizontal tab
+#ctrl-J          Linefeed
+#ctrl-K          Cursor up
+#ctrl-L          Cursor right
+#ctrl-M          Carriage return
+#ctrl-N          Disable xon/xoff to host
+#ctrl-O          Enable xon/xoff to host
+#ctrl-R          Enable bidirectional mode
+#ctrl-T          Disable bidirectional mode
+#ctrl-V          Cursor down
+#ctrl-Z          Clear unprotected data to insert char
+#ctrl-^          Cursor home
+#ctrl-_          Newline
+#ESC             lead-in char for multiple character command
+#ESC space R     execute power on sequence
+#ESC ! p1 p2     define scroll region:
+#                p1 = scroll top    line:  20h - 37h
+#                p1 = scroll bottom line:  20h - 37h
+#ESC "           unlock keyboard
+#ESC #           lock keyboard
+#ESC $           Semi-graphics mode on
+#ESC %           Semi-graphics mode off
+#ESC &           protect mode on
+#ESC '           protect mode off
+#ESC (           write protect mode off (full intensity)
+#ESC )           write protect mode on (half intensity)
+#ESC *           clear screen
+#ESC +           clear unprotected data to insert char
+#ESC ,           clear unprotected data to half intensity spaces
+#ESC - p1 p2 p3 p4     address cursor to page, row, column:
+#                      p1 = page number  0 - 3
+#                      p2 = row          20h - 7fh
+#                      p3 = column (lo)  20h - 7fh
+#                      p4 = column (hi)  20h - 21h (only 132 col)
+#ESC . p1        set cursor style:
+#                p1 = 0  invisible cursor
+#                p1 = 1  block blinking cursor
+#                p1 = 2  block steady cursor
+#                p1 = 3  underline blinking cursor
+#                p1 = 4  underline steady cursor
+#ESC /           transmit cursor location (page, row, column)
+#ESC 0 p1 p2 p3 p4     program edit key:
+#                      p1 = edit key code: '@'-'S', '`'-'s'
+#                      p2 p3 p4 = program data (3 bytes)
+#ESC 1           set tab
+#ESC 2           clear tab at cursor
+#ESC 3           clear all tabs
+#ESC 4           send unprotect line to cursor
+#ESC 5           send unprotect page to cursor
+#ESC 6           send line to cursor
+#ESC 7           send page to cursor
+#ESC 8 n         set scroll mode:
+#                n = 0   set jump scroll
+#                n = 1   set smooth scroll
+#ESC 9 n         control display:
+#                n = 0   display off
+#                n = 1   display on
+#ESC :           clear unprotected data to null
+#ESC ;           clear unprotected data to insert char
+#ESC <           keyclick on
+#ESC = p1 p2     address cursor to row, column
+#                p1 = row          20h - 7fh
+#                p2 = column (lo)  20h - 7fh
+#                p3 = column (hi)  20h - 21h (only 132 col)
+#ESC >           keyclick off
+#ESC ?           transmit cursor location (row, column)
+#ESC @           copy print mode on
+#ESC A           copy print mode off
+#ESC B           block mode on
+#ESC C           block mode off (conversation mode)
+#ESC D F         set full duplex
+#ESC D H         set half duplex
+#ESC E           line insert
+#ESC F p1 p2     set page colour (p1 = f/grnd, p2 = b/grnd)
+#                0 = black, 1 = red,     2 = green, 3 = yellow
+#                4 = blue,  5 = magenta, 6 = cyan,  7 = white
+#ESC G n         set serial field attribute (n = 30h - 3Fh)
+#ESC H n         full graphics mode:
+#                n = 0  exit full graphics mode
+#                n = 1  enter full graphics mode
+#ESC I           back tab
+#ESC J           back page
+#ESC K           forward page
+#ESC L           unformatted page print
+#ESC M L         move window left  (132 col mode only)
+#ESC M R         move window right (132 col mode only)
+#ESC N           set page edit (clear line edit)
+#ESC O           set line edit (clear page edit)
+#ESC P           formatted page print
+#ESC Q           character insert
+#ESC R           line delete
+#ESC S           send message unprotected only
+#ESC T           erase line to insert char
+#ESC U           set monitor mode   (see ESC X, ESC u)
+#ESC V n         select video attribute mode:
+#                n = 0   serial field attribute mode
+#                n = 1   parallel character attribute mode
+#ESC V 2 n       define line attribute:
+#                n = 0   single width single height
+#                n = 1   single width double height
+#                n = 2   double width single height
+#                n = 3   double width double height
+#ESC V 3 n       select character font:
+#                n = 0   system font
+#                n = 1   user defined font
+#ESC V 4 n       select screen mode:
+#                n = 0   page screen mode
+#                n = 1   virtual screen mode
+#ESC V 5 n       control mouse mode:
+#                n = 0   disable mouse
+#                n = 1   enable sample mode
+#                n = 2   send mouse information
+#                n = 3   enable request mode
+#ESC W           character delete
+#ESC X           clear monitor mode (see ESC U, ESC u)
+#ESC Y           erase page to insert char
+#ESC Z n         send user/status line:
+#                n = 0   send user line
+#                n = 1   send status line
+#                n = 2   send terminal ID
+#ESC [ p1 p2 p3  set character attribute (parallel char mode):
+#                p1: 0 = normal
+#                    1 = blank
+#                    2 = blink
+#                    3 = blink blank (= blank)
+#                    4 = reverse
+#                    5 = reverse blank
+#                    6 = reverse blink
+#                    7 = reverse blink blank (= reverse blank)
+#                    8 = underline
+#                    9 = underline blank
+#                    : = underline blink
+#                    ; = underline blink blank
+#                    < = reverse underline
+#                    = = reverse underline blank
+#                    > = reverse underline blink
+#                    ? = reverse underline blink blank
+#                p2, p3: f/grnd, b/grnd colour
+#                (see ESC F for colours)
+#                use ZZ for mono, eg.
+#                    ESC [ 0 Z Z for normal
+#                    ESC [ 4 Z Z for inverse etc.
+#ESC \ n         set page size:
+#                n = 1   24 lines/page
+#                n = 2   48 lines/page
+#                n = 3   72 lines/page
+#                n = 4   96 lines/page
+#ESC ] n         set Wordstar mode:
+#                n = 0   normal (KDS7372) mode
+#                n = 1   Wordstar mode
+#ESC b           set foreground colour screen
+#ESC c n         enter self-test mode:
+#                n = 0   exit self test mode
+#                n = 1   ROM test
+#                n = 2   RAM test
+#                n = 3   NVRAM test
+#                n = 4   screen display test
+#                n = 5   main/printer port test
+#                n = 6   mouse port test
+#                n = 7   graphics board test
+#                n = 8   graphics memory test
+#                n = 9   display all 'E'
+#                n = :   display all 'H'
+#ESC d           set background colour screen
+#ESC e n         program insert char (n = insert char)
+#ESC f text CR   load user status line with 'text'
+#ESC g           display user status line on 25th line
+#ESC h           display system status line on 25th line
+#ESC i           tab
+#ESC j           reverse linefeed
+#ESC k n         duplex/local edit mode:
+#                n = 0   duplex edit mode
+#                n = 1   local edit mode
+#ESC l n         select virtual screen:
+#                n = 0   screen 1
+#                n = 1   screen 2
+#ESC m           save current config to NVRAM
+#ESC n p1        select display screen:
+#                p1 = 0  screen 1
+#                p1 = 1  screen 2
+#                p1 = 2  screen 3
+#                p1 = 3  screen 4
+#ESC o p1 p2     set characters/line and attribute:
+#                p1 = 0  80 chars/line
+#ESC o p1 p2     set characters/line and attribute:
+#                p1 = 0  80 chars/line
+#                p1 = 1  132 chars/line
+#                p2 = 0  single width single height
+#                p2 = 1  single width double height
+#                p2 = 2  double width single height
+#                p2 = 3  double width double height
+#ESC q           insert mode on
+#ESC r           edit mode on
+#ESC s           send message all
+#ESC t           erase line to null
+#ESC u           clear monitor mode (see ESC U, ESC X)
+#ESC v           autopage mode on
+#ESC w           autopage mode off
+#ESC x p1 p2 p3  define delimiter code...
+#ESC y           erase page to null
+#ESC z 2 p1 p2 p3 p4   draw quadrangle:
+#                      p1 = starting row
+#                      p2 = starting column
+#                      p3 = end row
+#                      p4 = end column
+#ESC { p1 p2 p3 p4     configure main port
+#                      (baud, stop bits, parity, word length)
+#ESC | p1 p2 text Ctrl-Y    program function key with 'text':
+#                        p1 = function key code:
+#                             '1' - ';'  normal f1- f11
+#                             '<' - 'F'  shifted f1 - f11
+#                        p2 = program mode:
+#                             1 = FDX
+#                             2 = LOC
+#                             3 = HDX
+#                        Ctrl-Y = terminator
+#                        (use Ctrl-P to escape ^P, ^Y )
+#ESC } p1 p2 p3 p4     configure printer port
+#                      (baud, stop bits, parity, word length)
+#ESC ~           send system status
+# Codes and info from Peter Disdale <pete@pdlmail.demon.co.uk> 12 May 1997
+# Entry is by esr going solely on above information and is UNTESTED.
+# This actually looks a lot like a Televideo 9xx.
+# This entry uses page 0 and is monochrome; I'm not brave enough to try
+# to make color work without a test terminal.  The :am: capability is a guess.
+# The initialization string sets conversation mode, blinking underline cursor,
+# full duplex, parallel attribute mode, display user status line, white
+# foreground, black background, normal highlight.
+icl6404|kds7372|icl6402|kds6402|ICL 6404 aka Kokusai Display Systems 7372:\
+	:am:bs:hs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cl=\E*:cr=\r:cs=\E!%+ %+ :ct=\E3:\
+	:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^V:ei=\Er:ho=^^:\
+	:i1=\EC\E.3\EDF\EV1\Eg\E[0ZZ:im=\Eq:le=^H:mb=\E[2ZZ:\
+	:me=\E[0ZZ:mk=\E[1ZZ:mr=\E[4ZZ:nd=^L:nw=^_:rs=\Eo1:\
+	:se=\E[%gh%{4}%^%Ph%gh%dZZ:so=\E[8ZZ:st=\E1:ta=^I:\
+	:ue=\E[%gh%{8}%^%Ph%gh%dZZ:up=^K:us=\E[8ZZ:ve=\E.3:\
+	:vi=\E.0:vs=\E.1:
+icl6404-w|kds7372-w|ICL 6404 aka Kokusai Display Systems 7372 132 cols:\
+	:rs=\Eo1:tc=icl6404:
+#### Interactive Systems Corp
+# ISC used to sell OEMed and customized hardware to support ISC UNIX.
+# ISC UNIX still exists in 1995, but ISC itself is no more; they got
+# bought out by Sun.
+# From: <cithep!eric>  Wed Sep 16 08:06:44 1981
+# (intext: removed obsolete ":ma=^K^P^R^L^L ::bc=^_:", also the
+# ":le=^_:" later overridden -- esr)
+intext|Interactive Systems Corporation modified owl 1200:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:sg#1:\
+	:al=5.5*\020:bl=^G:bt=^Y:cd=5.5*\026J:ce=^Kp^R:cl=132^L:\
+	:cm=\017%+ %+ :cr=\r:dc=5.5*\022:dl=5.5*\021:do=\n:ei=^V<:\
+	:im=^V;:ip=5.5*:k0=^VJ\r:k1=^VA\r:k2=^VB\r:k3=^VC\r:\
+	:k4=^VD\r:k5=^VE\r:k6=^VF\r:k7=^VG\r:k8=^VH\r:k9=^VI\r:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\n:ke=^V9:kh=^Z:kl=^_:kr=^^:ks=\036\:\264\026%%:\
+	:ku=^\:le=^H:nd=^^:se=^V#\s:sf=\n:so=^V$,:ta=^I:up=^\:
+intext2|intextii|INTERACTIVE modified owl 1251:\
+	:am:bw:ul:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#0:ug#0:\
+	:al=\E[L:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=:ic=\E[@:\
+	:im=:k0=\E@\r:k1=\EP\r:k2=\EQ\r:k3=\ES\r:k4=\ET\r:k5=\EU\r:\
+	:k6=\EV\r:k7=\EW\r:k8=\EX\r:k9=\EY\r:kb=^H:kd=\EB\r:\
+	:kh=\ER\r:kl=\ED\r:kr=\EC\r:ku=\EA\r:l0=REFRSH:l1=DEL CH:\
+	:l2=TABSET:l3=GOTO:l4=+PAGE:l5=+SRCH:l6=-PAGE:l7=-SRCH:\
+	:l8=LEFT:l9=RIGHT:le=\E[D:nd=\E[C:se=\E[2 D:sf=\E[S:\
+	:so=\E[6 D:sr=\E[T:ta=^I:ue=\E[2 D:up=\E[A:us=\E[18 D:\
+	:vb=\E[;;;;;;;;;2;;u\E[;;;;;;;;;1;;u:
+#### Kimtron (abm, kt)
+# Kimtron seems to be history, but as March 1998 these people are still
+# offering repair services for Kimtron equipment:
+#    Com/Pair Monitor Service
+#    1105 N. Cliff Ave.
+#    Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57103
+#    WATS voice:  1-800/398-4946
+#    POTS   fax: +1 605/338-8709
+#    POTS voice: +1 605/338-9650
+#         Email: <compair@sd.cybernex.net>
+#  Internet/Web: <http://www.com-pair.com>
+# Kimtron entries include (undocumented) codes for: enter dim mode,
+# enter bold mode, enter reverse mode, turn off all attributes.
+# Kimtron ABM 85 added by Dual Systems
+# (abm85: removed duplicated ":kd=^J:" -- esr)
+abm85|Kimtron ABM 85:\
+	:am:bs:bw:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:sg#1:ug#1:\
+	:al=\EE:bt=\EI:cd=\Ey:ce=\Et:cl=\E*:cm=\E=%+ %+ :dc=\EW:\
+	:dl=\ER:do=\n:ei=\Er:if=/usr/share/tabset/stdcrt:im=\EQ:\
+	:is=\EC\EX\Eg\En\E%\Er\E(\Ek\Em\Eq:kb=^H:kd=\n:kh=^^:\
+	:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:nd=^L:se=\Ek:so=\Ej:ta=^I:ue=\Em:\
+	:up=^K:us=\El:
+# Kimtron ABM 85H added by Dual Systems.
+# Some notes about the abm85h entries:
+# 1) there are several firmware revs of 85H in the world. Use abm85h-old for
+#    firmware revs prior to SP51
+# 2) Make sure to use abm85h entry if the terminal is in 85h mode and the
+#    abm85e entry if it is in tvi920 emulation mode. They are incompatible
+#    in some places and NOT software settable i.e., :is: can't fix it)
+# 3) In 85h mode, the arrow keys and special functions transmit when
+#    the terminal is in dup-edit, and work only locally in local-edit.
+#    Vi won't swallow `del char' for instance, but :ti: turns on
+#    dup-edit anyway so that the arrow keys will work right. If the
+#    arrow keys don't work the way you like, change :ti:, :te:, and
+#    :is:.  Note that 920E mode does not have software commands to toggle
+#    between dup and local edit, so you get whatever was set last on the
+#    terminal.
+# 4) :vb: attribute is nice, but seems too slow to work correctly
+#    (\Eb:pc:\Ed)
+# 5) Make sure `hidden' attributes are selected. If `embedded' attributes
+#    are selected, the <xmc@> entry should be removed.
+# 6) auto new-line should be on (selectable from setup mode only)
+# From: Erik Fair <fair@ucbarpa>  Sun Oct 27 07:21:05 1985
+abm85h|Kimtron ABM 85H native mode:\
+	:hs:\
+	:sg@:\
+	:bl=^G:ds=\Ee:fs=\r:im=\EZ:\
+	:is=\EC\EN\EX\024\016\EA\Ea\E%\E9\Ee\Er\En\E"\E}\E'\E(\Ef\r\EG0\Ed\E.4\El:\
+	:kd=^V:me=\E(\EG0:mh=\E):mk@:ts=\Eg\Ef:vb@:ve=\E.4:vs=\E.2:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:tc=abm85:
+abm85e|Kimtron ABM 85H in 920E mode:\
+	:sg@:\
+	:bl=^G:im=\EZ:\
+	:is=\EC\EX\EA\E%\E9\Ee\Er\En\E"\E}\E'\E(\Ef\r\Ek\Eq\Em:\
+	:me=\E(\Ek:mh=\E):mr=\Ej:vb@:tc=abm85:
+abm85h-old|oabm85h|o85h|Kimtron ABM 85H with old firmware rev.:\
+	:sg@:\
+	:bl=^G:im=\EZ:\
+	:is=\E}\EC\EX\Ee\En\E%\Er\E(\Ek\Em\Eq\Ed\ET\EC\E9\EF:\
+	:me=\E(\Ek:mh=\E):mr=\Ej:tc=abm85:
+# From: <malman@bbn-vax.arpa>
+# (kt7: removed obsolete :ma=^V^J^L :" -- esr)
+kt7|kimtron model kt-7:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=\EE:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=^Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :dc=\EW:\
+	:dl=\ER:do=^V:ei=:fs=\Eg:ho=^^:ic=\EQ:\
+	:if=/usr/share/tabset/stdcrt:im=:is=\El\E":k0=^AI\r:\
+	:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:\
+	:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:kA=\EE:kB=\EI:kC=^Z:kD=\EW:\
+	:kE=\ET:kI=\EQ:kL=\ER:kS=\EY:kb=^H:kd=^V:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:\
+	:ku=^K:le=^H:mk@:nd=^L:ta=^I:ts=\Ef:up=^K:tc=adm+sgr:
+# Renamed TB=^I to :ta:, BE=^G to :bl:, BS=^H to :kb:, N to :kS: (based on the
+# other kt7 entry and the adjacent key capabilities).  Removed EE which is
+# identical to :mh:.  Removed :ES=\EGD: which is some kind of highlight
+# but we can't figure out what.
+kt7ix|kimtron model kt-7 or 70 in IX mode:\
+	:am:bw:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:\
+	:@7=\EY:PU=\EK:ac=jYk?lZm@nEqDt4uCvAwBx3:ae=\E%%:al=\EE:\
+	:as=\E$:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=\E*:cm=\E=%+ %+ :\
+	:cr=\r:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^V:ds=\Ef\r:ei=:fs=\r:ho=^^:ic=\EQ:\
+	:im=:is=\EG0\E s\017\E~:k0=^AI\r:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:\
+	:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:\
+	:k9=^AH\r:kA=\EE:kB=\EI:kC=\E*:kE=\ET:kI=\EQ:kL=\ER:kN=\EJ:\
+	:kS=\EY:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=^^:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:\
+	:mb=\EG2:me=\EG0:mh=\EG@:nd=^L:nw=\r\n:se=\EG0:sf=\n:\
+	:so=\EG4:ta=^I:ts=\Ef:ue=\EG0:up=^K:us=\EG8:ve=\E.3:vi=\E.0:
+#### Microdata/MDIS
+# This was a line of terminals made by McDonnell-Douglas Information Systems.
+# These entries come direct from MDIS documentation.  I have edited them only
+# to move primary names of the form p[0-9] * to aliases, and to comment out
+# :ae:/:as: in a couple of entries without <acsc> strings.  I have
+# also removed the change history; the last version indicates this is
+# version 4.3 by A.Barkus, September 1990 (earliest entry is October 1989).
+# McDonnell Information Systems Terminal Family History
+# =========================================
+# Prism-1, Prism-2 and P99:
+#       Ancient Microdata and CMC terminals, vaguely like Adds Regent 25.
+# Prism-4 and Prism-5:
+#       Slightly less ancient range of Microdata terminals. Follow-on from
+#       Prism-2, but with many enhancements. P5 has eight display pages.
+# Prism-6:
+#       A special terminal for use with library systems, primarily in Germany.
+#       Limited numbers. Similar functionality to P5 (except attributes?).
+# Prism-7, Prism-8 and Prism-9:
+#       More recent range of MDIS terminals, in which P7 and P8
+#       replace the P4 & P5, with added functionality, and P9 is the flagship.
+#       The P9 has two emulation modes - P8 and ANSI - and includes a
+#       large number of the DEC VT220 control sequences. Both
+#       P8 and P9 support 80c/24ln/8pg and 132cl/24li/4pg formats.
+# Prism-12 and Prism-14:
+#       Latest range, functionally very similar to the P9.  The P14 has a
+#       black-on-white overscanning screen.
+# The terminfo definitions given here are:
+# p2      - Prism-2 (or Prism-1 or P99).
+# p4      - Prism-4 (and older P7s & P8s).
+# p5      - Prism-5 (or Prism-6).
+# p7      - Prism-7.
+# p8      - Prism-8 (in national or multinational mode).
+# p8-w    - 132 column version of p8.
+# p9      - Prism-9 in ANSI mode.
+# p9-w    - 132 column version of p9.
+# p9-8    - Prism-9 in Prism-8 emulation mode.
+# p9-8-w  - As p9-8, but with 132 columns.
+# p12     - Prism-12 in ANSI mode.
+# p12-w   - 132 column version of p12.
+# p12-m   - Prism-12 in MDC emulation mode.
+# p12-m-w - As p12-m, but with 132 columns.
+# p14     - Prism-14 in ANSI mode.
+# p14-w   - 132 column version of p14.
+# p14-m   - Prism-14 in MDC emulation mode.
+# p14-m-w - As p14-m, but with 132 columns.
+# p2: Prism-2
+# -----------
+# Includes Prism-1 and basic P99 without SP or MP loaded.
+# The simplest form of Prism-type terminal.
+# Basic cursor movement and clearing operations only.
+# No video attributes.
+# Notes:
+#  Horizontal cursor qualifiers of NUL, XON and XOFF are mapped to the next
+#  value up, followed by backspace.
+prism2|MDC Prism-2:\
+	:am:bw:ms:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=20^L:cr=\r:cv=^K%+ :do=\n:ho=^A:\
+	:kb=^H:kh=^A:le=^H:nd=^F:sf=\n:up=^Z:
+# p4: Prism-4
+# -----------
+# Includes early versions of P7 & P8.
+# Basic family definition for most Prisms (except P2 and P9 ANSI).
+# Notes:
+#  Horizontal cursor qualifiers of NUL, XON and XOFF are mapped to the next
+#  value up, followed by backspace.
+#  Cursor key definitions removed because they interfere with vi and csh keys.
+prism4|p4|P4|MDC Prism-4:\
+	:5i:am:bw:hs:ms:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#1:ug#1:ws#72:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=20^L:cr=\r:cv=^K%+ :do=\n:\
+	:ds=\035\343\035\345:fs=\035\345:ho=^A:kb=^H:kh=^A:le=^H:\
+	:mb=^CB:me=^C\s:mh=^CA:mk=^CH:mr=^CD:nd=^F:pf=\ET:po=\ER:\
+	:ps=\EU:se=^C\s:sf=\n:so=^CD:ts=\035\343:ue=^C\s:up=^Z:\
+	:us=^CP:ve=\035\342:vi=\035\344:
+# p5: Prism-5
+# -----------
+# Same definition as p4. Includes Prism-6 (not tested!).
+# Does not use any multi-page features.
+prism5|p5|P5|MDC Prism-5:\
+	:tc=p4:
+# p7: Prism-7
+# -----------
+# Similar definition to p4. Uses ANSI cursor motion to avoid network problems.
+# Notes:
+#  Use p4 for very early models of P7.
+#  Rev-index removed; can't send nulls to terminal in 8-bit modes.
+prism7|p7|P7|MDC Prism-7:\
+	:ch@:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cv@:tc=p4:
+# p8: Prism-8
+# -----------
+# Similar definition to p7. Uses ANSI cursor motion to avoid network problems.
+# Supports national and multinational character sets.
+# Notes:
+#  Alternate char set operations only work in multinational mode.
+#  Use p4 for very early models of P8.
+#  Rev-index removed; can't send nulls to terminal in 8-bit modes.
+# (esr: commented out :as:/:ae: because there's no <acsc>)
+prism8|p8|P8|MDC Prism-8:\
+	:ch=\E[%i%d`:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cv=\E[%i%dd:is=\E[<12h:tc=p4:
+# p8-w: Prism-8 in 132 column mode
+# --------------------------------
+# 'Wide' version of p8.
+# Notes:
+#  Rev-index removed; can't send nulls to terminal in 8-bit modes.
+prism8-w|p8-w|P8-W|MDC Prism-8 in 132 column mode:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:is=\E[<12h\E[<14h:tc=p8:
+# p9: Prism-9 in ANSI mode
+# -------------------------
+# The "flagship" model of this generation of terminals.
+# ANSI X3.64 (ISO 6429) standard sequences, plus many DEC VT220 ones.
+# Notes:
+#  Tabs only reset by "reset". Otherwise assumes default (8 cols).
+#  Fixes to deal with terminal firmware bugs:
+#  . 'ri' uses insert-line since rev index doesn't always
+#  . 'sgr0' has extra '0' since esc[m fails
+#  . 'fsl' & 'dsl' use illegal char since cr is actioned wrong on line 25
+#  Not covered in the current definition:
+#  . Labels
+#  . Programming Fn keys
+#  . Graphic characters (defaults correctly to vt100)
+#  . Padding values (sets xon)
+# (esr: commented out :as:/:ae: because there's no <acsc>)
+prism9|p9|P9|MDC Prism-9 in ANSII mode:\
+	:am:bw:hs:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:vt#3:ws#72:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:F1=\E[23~:\
+	:F2=\E[24~:F3=\E[25~:F4=\E[26~:F5=\E[28~:F6=\E[29~:\
+	:F7=\E[31~:F8=\E[32~:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:al=\E[L:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=10\E[J:ce=\E[K:ch=\E[%i%d`:cl=^L:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%d%%v:ct=\E[3g:\
+	:cv=\E[%i%dd:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ds=\E[%}\024:ec=\E[%dX:\
+	:ei=\E[4l:fs=^T:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:is=\E[&p\E[<12l\E F:\
+	:k1=\E[11~:k2=\E[12~:k3=\E[13~:k4=\E[14~:k5=\E[15~:\
+	:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:kC=^L:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m\017:mp=\E[32%{:mr=\E[7m:\
+	:nd=\E[C:nw=\r\n:rc=\E[%z:rp=\E[%r%db%.:\
+	:rs=\E[&p\E[<12l\E F\E[3g\E[9;17;25;33;41;49;57;65;73 N:\
+	:sc=\E[%y:se=\E[27m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\E[L:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:ts=\E[%i%d%%}:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[<4h:\
+	:vi=\E[<4l:tc=ansi+pp:
+# p9-w: Prism-9 in 132 column mode
+# --------------------------------
+# 'Wide' version of p9.
+prism9-w|p9-w|P9-W|MDC Prism-9 in 132 column mode:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:is=\E[&p\E[<12l\E F\E[<14h:\
+	:rs=\E[&p\E[<12l\E F\E[<14h:tc=p9:
+# p9-8: Prism-9 in P8 mode
+# ------------------------
+# P9 terminal in P8 emulation mode.
+# Similar to p8 definition.
+# Insertion and deletion operations possible.
+prism9-8|p9-8|P9-8|MDC Prism-9 in P8 mode:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:IC=\E[%d@:al=\E[L:dc=\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:ei=:ic=\E[@:im=:tc=p8:
+# p9-8-w: Prism-9 in P8 and 132 column modes
+# ------------------------------------------
+# P9 terminal in P8 emulation mode and 132 column mode.
+prism9-8-w|p9-8-w|P9-8-W|MDC Prism-9 in Prism 8 emulation and 132 column mode:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:IC=\E[%d@:al=\E[L:dc=\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:ei=:ic=\E[@:im=:tc=p8-w:
+# p12: Prism-12 in ANSI mode
+# ---------------------------
+# See p9 definition.
+prism12|p12|P12|MDC Prism-12 in ANSI mode:\
+	:tc=p9:
+# p12-w: Prism-12 in 132 column mode
+# ----------------------------------
+# 'Wide' version of p12.
+prism12-w|p12-w|P12-W|MDC Prism-12 in 132 column mode:\
+	:tc=p9-w:
+# p12-m: Prism-12 in MDC emulation mode
+# -------------------------------------
+# P12 terminal in MDC emulation mode.
+# Similar to p8 definition.
+# Insertion and deletion operations possible.
+prism12-m|p12-m|P12-M|MDC Prism-12 in MDC emulation mode:\
+	:tc=p9-8:
+# p12-m-w: Prism-12 in MDC emulation and 132 column modes
+# -------------------------------------------------------
+# P12 terminal in MDC emulation mode and 132 column mode.
+prism12-m-w|p12-m-w|P12-M-W|MDC Prism-12 in MDC emulation and 132 column mode:\
+	:tc=p9-8-w:
+# p14: Prism-14 in ANSII mode
+# ---------------------------
+# See p9 definition.
+prism14|p14|P14|MDC Prism-14 in ANSII mode:\
+	:tc=p9:
+# p14-w: Prism-14 in 132 column mode
+# ----------------------------------
+# 'Wide' version of p14.
+prism14-w|p14-w|P14-W|MDC Prism-14 in 132 column mode:\
+	:tc=p9-w:
+# p14-m: Prism-14 in MDC emulation mode
+# -------------------------------------
+# P14 terminal in MDC emulation mode.
+# Similar to p8 definition.
+# Insertion and deletion operations possible.
+prism14-m|p14-m|P14-M|MDC Prism-14 in MDC emulation mode:\
+	:tc=p9-8:
+# p14-m-w: Prism-14 in MDC emulation and 132 column modes
+# -------------------------------------------------------
+# P14 terminal in MDC emulation mode and 132 column mode.
+prism14-m-w|p14-m-w|P14-M-W|MDC Prism-14 in MDC emulation and 132 column mode:\
+	:tc=p9-8-w:
+# End of McDonnell Information Systems Prism definitions
+# These things were popular in the Pick database community at one time
+# From: George Land <georgeland@aol.com> 24 Sep 1996
+p8gl|prism8gl|McDonnell-Douglas Prism-8 alternate definition:\
+	:am:bw:hs:mi:\
+	:co#80:li#24:ma#1:sg#1:ug#1:ws#78:\
+	:F2=^AJ\r:F3=^AK\r:F4=^AL\r:F5=^AM\r:F6=^AN\r:F7=^AO\r:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=^L:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:dc=\s^H:\
+	:dl=^P:do=\n:ho=^A:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:\
+	:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:k;=^AI\r:\
+	:kD=\s^H:kE=\EK:kL=^P:kS=\EJ:kb=^H:kd=\n:kh=^A:kl=^U:kr=^F:\
+	:ku=^Z:l1=F1:l2=F2:l3=F3:l4=F4:l5=F5:l6=F6:l7=F7:l8=F8:l9=F9:\
+	:la=F10:le=^U:mb=^CB:me=^C\s:mh=^CA:mk=^CH:mr=^CD:nd=^F:\
+	:nw=\n\r:pc=\0:se=^C\s:sf=\n:so=^CE:ue=^C\s:up=^Z:us=^C0:
+#### Microterm (act, mime)
+# The mime1 entries refer to the Microterm Mime I or Mime II.
+# The default mime is assumed to be in enhanced act iv mode.
+# New "safe" cursor movement (5/87) from <reuss@umd5.umd.edu>.  Prevents
+# freakout with out-of-range args on Sytek multiplexors.  No :so=^N: and
+# :se=^N: since  it gets confused and it's too dim anyway.  No :ic:
+# since Sytek insists ^S means xoff.
+# (act4: found ":ic=2^S:ei=:im=:ip=.1*^V:" commented out in 8.3 -- esr)
+act4|microterm|microterm act iv:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=2.3*\001<2.3*/>:bl=^G:cd=2.2*\037:ce=.1*^^:cl=12^L:\
+	:cm=\024%+^X%>/0%+P:cr=\r:dc=.1*^D:dl=2.3*\027:do=^K:\
+	:ho=^]:kd=^K:kl=^H:kr=^X:ku=^Z:le=^H:nd=^X:sf=\n:up=^Z:
+# The padding on :sr: and :ta: for act5 and mime is a guess and not final.
+# The act 5 has hardware tabs, but they are in columns 8, 16, 24, 32, 41 (!)...
+# (microterm5: removed obsolete ":ma==^Z^P^Xl^Kj:" -- esr)
+act5|microterm5|microterm act v:\
+	:kd=^K:kl=^H:kr=^X:ku=^Z:sr=3\EH:uc=^H\EA:tc=act4:
+# Mimes using brightness for standout.  Half bright is really dim unless
+# you turn up the brightness so far that lines show up on the screen.
+mime-fb|full bright mime1:\
+	:is=^S\E:se=^S:so=^Y:tc=mime:
+mime-hb|half bright mime1:\
+	:is=^Y\E:se=^Y:so=^S:tc=mime:
+# (mime: removed obsolete ":ma=^X ^K^J^Z^P:"; removed ":do=^K:" that overrode
+# the more plausible ":do=^J:" -- esr)
+# uc was at one time disabled to get around a curses bug, be wary of it
+mime|mime1|mime2|mimei|mimeii|microterm mime1:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:vt#9:\
+	:al=80^A:bl=^G:cd=^_:ce=^^:cl=^]^C:cm=\024%+^X%> 0%+P:\
+	:cr=\r:dl=80^W:do=\n:ho=^]:is=^S\E^Q:kd=^K:kl=^H:kr=^X:ku=^Z:\
+	:le=^H:nd=^X:sf=\n:sr=3^R:ta=2^I:uc=^U:up=^Z:
+# These termcaps (for mime2a) put the terminal in low intensity mode
+# since high intensity mode is so obnoxious.
+mime2a-s|microterm mime2a (emulating an enhanced soroc iq120):\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=20*^A:bl=^G:cd=20*\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EL:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:\
+	:dc=\ED:dl=20*^W:do=\n:ei=^Z:ho=^^:im=\EE:ip=2:is=\E):kd=\n:\
+	:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:nd=^L:se=\E;:sf=\n:so=\E\::sr=\EI:\
+	:ue=\E7:up=\EI:us=\E6:
+# This is the preferred mode (but ^X can't be used as a kill character)
+mime2a|mime2a-v|microterm mime2a (emulating an enhanced vt52):\
+	:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=20*^A:bl=^G:cd=20*\EQ:ce=\EP:cl=\EL:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=\r:\
+	:dc=^N:dl=20*^W:do=\n:ei=^Z:ho=\EH:im=^O:ip=2:is=^Y:kd=\EB:\
+	:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:nd=\EC:se=\E9:sf=\n:so=\E8:\
+	:sr=\EA:ta=^I:ue=\E5:up=\EA:us=\E4:
+# (mime3a: removed obsolete ":ma=^X ^K^J^Z^P:" -- esr)
+mime3a|mime1 emulating 3a:\
+	:am@:\
+	:kd=^K:kl=^H:kr=^X:ku=^Z:tc=adm3a:
+mime3ax|mime-3ax|mime1 emulating enhanced 3a:\
+	:it#8:\
+	:al=80^A:cd=^_:ce=^X:dl=80^W:ta=3^I:tc=mime3a:
+# Wed Mar  9 18:53:21 1983
+# We run our terminals at 2400 baud, so there might be some timing problems at
+# higher speeds. The major improvements in this model are the terminal now
+# scrolls down and insert mode works without redrawing the rest of the line
+# to the right of the cursor. This is done with a bit of a kludge using the
+# exit graphics mode to get out of insert, but it does not appear to hurt
+# anything when using vi at least. If you have some users using act4s with
+# programs that use curses and graphics mode this could be a problem.
+mime314|mm314|mime 314:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=^A:cd=^_:ce=^^:cl=^L:cm=\024%.%.:dc=^D:dl=^W:ei=^V:ho=^]:\
+	:im=^S:kd=^K:kl=^H:kr=^X:ku=^Z:le=^H:nd=^X:ta=^I:up=^Z:
+# Microterm mime 340 from University of Wisconsin
+mm340|mime340|mime 340:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=46\EU:cd=2*^_:ce=2.1\EL:cl=12^Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:\
+	:dc=2.1*\E#:dl=49.6\EV:do=\n:is=\E,:kb=^H:kd=\n:kl=^H:ku=^K:\
+	:le=^H:nd=^L:nw=\r\n:sf=\n:ta=^I:up=^K:
+# This came from University of Wisconsin marked "astro termcap for jooss".
+# (mt4520-rv: removed obsolete ":kn#4:" and incorrect ":ri=\E[C:";
+# also added <rmam>/<smam> based  on the init string -- esr)
+mt4520-rv|micro-term 4520 reverse video:\
+	:am:hs:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:ws#80:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=:\
+	:fs=\E[?5l\E[?5h:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=:\
+	:is=\E(B\E[2l\E>\E[20l\E[?3l\E[?5h\E[?7h\E[1;24r\E[24;1H\E[H\E[J:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:\
+	:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=\E[D:ll=\E[24;1H:me=\E[m:\
+	:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:\
+	:r1=\E(B\E[2l\E>\E[20l\E[?3l\E[?5h\E[?7h\E[H\E[J:\
+	:rc=\E8:rf=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:sc=\E7:se=\E[0m:\
+	:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ts=\E[25;1H:ue=\E[24m:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:vb=\E[?5l\E[?5h:ve=\E[0V\E8:\
+	:vs=\E7\E[0U:
+# Fri Aug  5 08:11:57 1983
+# This entry works for the ergo 4000 with the following setups:
+# ansi,wraparound,newline disabled, xon/xoff disabled in both
+# setup a & c.
+# WARNING!!! There are multiple versions of ERGO 4000 microcode
+# Be advised that very early versions DO NOT WORK RIGHT !!
+# Microterm does have a ROM exchange program- use it or lose big
+# (ergo400: added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string -- esr)
+ergo4000|microterm ergo 4000:\
+	:da:db:ms:\
+	:co#80:li#66:\
+	:RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7m:al=5*\E[1L:bl=^G:cd=15\E[0J:\
+	:ce=13\E[0K:cl=80\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:dc=80\E[1P:dl=5*\E[1M:do=\E[B:ei=\E[4l:im=6\E[4h:\
+	:is=300\E<\E=\E[?1l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:k1=\EOP:\
+	:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kd=\E[B:ke=4\E=:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:\
+	:ks=4\E=:ku=\E[A:l1=pf1:l2=pf2:l3=pf3:l4=pf4:le=^H:\
+	:me=20\E[m:nd=\E[C:se=20\E[m:sf=20*\ED:so=20\E[7m:\
+	:sr=20*\EM:ta=^I:up=\E[A:
+#### NCR
+# NCR's terminal group was merged with AT&T's when AT&T bought the company.
+# For what happened to that group, see the ADDS section.
+# There is an NCR4103 terminal that's just a re-badged Wyse-50.
+# The following vendor-supplied termcaps were captured from the Boundless
+# Technologies site, 8 March 1998.  I removed all-upper-case names that were
+# identical, except for case, to lower-case ones.  I also uncommented the acsc
+# capabilities.X
+# The Intecolor emulation of the NCR 2900/260C color terminal is basically a
+# DEC vt200/300 with color capabilities added.
+ncr260intan|NCR Intecolor emulation of the 2900_260C with an ANSI keyboard:\
+	:Co#8:pa#64:\
+	:AB=\E[4%dm:AF=\E[3%dm:op=\E[0m:tc=ncr260vt300an:
+# The Intecolor emulation of the NCR 2900/260C color terminal is basically a
+# DEC vt200/300 with color capabilities added.
+ncr260intwan|NCR Intecolor emulation of the 2900_260C with an ANSI keyboard:\
+	:Co#8:pa#64:\
+	:AB=\E[4%dm:AF=\E[3%dm:op=\E[0m:tc=ncr260vt300wan:
+# The Intecolor emulation of the NCR 2900/260C color terminal is basically a
+# DEC vt200/300 with color capabilities added.
+ncr260intpp|NCR Intecolor emulation of the 2900_260C with a PC+ keyboard:\
+	:Co#8:pa#64:\
+	:AB=\E[4%dm:AF=\E[3%dm:op=\E[0m:tc=ncr260vt300pp:
+# The Intecolor emulation of the NCR 2900/260C color terminal is basically a
+# DEC vt200/300 with color capabilities added.
+ncr260intwpp|NCR Intecolor emulation of the 2900_260C with a PC+ keyboard in 132 column mode:\
+	:Co#8:pa#64:\
+	:AB=\E[4%dm:AF=\E[3%dm:op=\E[0m:tc=ncr260vt300wpp:
+# This definition for ViewPoint supports several attributes.  This means
+# that it has magic cookies (extra spaces where the attributes begin).
+# Some applications do not function well with magic cookies.  The System
+# Administrator's Shell in NCR Unix SVR4 1.03 is one such application.
+# If supporting various attributes is not vital, 'xmc#1' and the extra
+# attributes can be removed.
+# Mapping to ASCII character set ('acsc' capability) can also be
+# restored if needed.
+# (rmacs/smacs removed for consistency)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+ncr260vppp|NCR 2900_260 viewpoint:\
+	:am:bw:hs:km:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#1:ug#1:\
+	:K1=^A:K3=\EJ:K4=\ET:K5=\EJ:al=2\EM:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=2\Ek:\
+	:ce=2\EK:cl=40^L:cm=5\EY%+ %+ :cr=2\r:dc=2\EW:dl=2\El:\
+	:do=2\n:ds=\E`c:ei=\Er:fs=\r:ho=2^^:im=\Eq:\
+	:is=100\Ee6\E~%\E+\E`\:\Ed/\E`1\EO\Ee4\Ec@0@\Ec@1A\EcB0\EcC1\Ee7:\
+	:k1=^B1\r:k2=^B2\r:k3=^B3\r:k4=^B4\r:k5=^B5\r:k6=^B6\r:\
+	:k7=^B7\r:k8=^B8\r:k9=^B9\r:kD=\EW:kI=\Eq:kN=\EJ:kP=\EJ:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\n:kh=^A:kl=^U:kr=^F:ku=^Z:le=2^H:ll=5^A:mb=\EG2:\
+	:me=\EG0\EH\003:mh=\EGp:mr=\EG4:nd=2^F:nw=2^_:\
+	:rs=100\Ee6\E~%\E+\E`\:\Ed/\E`1\EO\Ee4\Ec@0@\Ec@1A\EcB0\EcC1\Ee7:\
+	:se=\EG0:sf=2\n:so=\EG4:sr=2\Ej:st=\E1:ta=^I:ts=\EF:ue=\EG0:\
+	:up=2^Z:us=\EG8:ve=\E`5:vi=\E`0:
+ncr260vpwpp|NCR 2900_260 viewpoint wide mode:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:cm=30\Ea%i%dR%dC:\
+	:is=100\Ee6\E~%\E+\E`;\Ed/\E`1\EO\Ee4\Ec@0@\Ec@1A\EcB0\EcC1\Ee7:\
+	:rs=100\Ee6\E~%\E+\E`;\Ed/\E`1\EO\Ee4\Ec@0@\Ec@1A\EcB0\EcC1\Ee7:\
+	:tc=ncr260vppp:
+ncr260vt100an|NCR 2900_260 vt100 with ansi kybd:\
+	:am:hs:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:Nl#32:co#80:li#24:\
+	:%0=\E[29~:%1=\E[28~:*6=\E[4~:@0=\E[1~:AL=5\E[%dL:\
+	:DC=5\E[%dP:DL=5\E[%dM:DO=5\E[%dB:IC=5\E[%d@:LE=5\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=5\E[%dC:SF=5\E[%dE:UP=5\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooqqssttuuvvwwxx~~:ae=^O:\
+	:al=5\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:cb=3\E[1K:cd=5\E[0J:ce=3\E[0K:\
+	:ch=40\E[%dG:cl=20\E[2J\E[1;1H:cm=10\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=1\r:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:cv=40\E[%dd:dc=5\E[1P:dl=5\E[M:\
+	:do=5\E[B:ds=\E[0$~\E[1$~:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:fs=\E[0$}:\
+	:ho=1\E[H:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=200\E[!p\E[?7;19;67h\E[?1;3;4l\E(B\E)0\017\E[2J\E[1;1H\E>:\
+	:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:\
+	:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:\
+	:le=5\E[D:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=20\E[0m:mk=\E[8m:mr=\E[7m:\
+	:nd=5\E[C:nw=5\EE:rc=\E8:\
+	:rs=200\E[!p\E[?7;19;67h\E[?1;3;4l\E(B\E)0\017\E[2J\E[1;1H\E>:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[0m:sf=5\ED:so=\E[1;7m:sr=5\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:ts=\E[2$~\E[1$}:ue=\E[0m:up=5\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[?25h:\
+	:vi=\E[?25l:tc=vt220+keypad:
+ncr260vt100wan|NCR 2900_260 vt100 wide mode ansi kybd:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:cm=30\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:is=200\E[!p\E[?3;7;19;67h\E[?1;4l\E(B\E)0\017\E[2J\E[1;1H\E>:\
+	:rs=200\E[!p\E[?3;7;19;67h\E[?1;4l\E(B\E)0\017\E[2J\E[1;1H\E>:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt100an:
+ncr260vt100pp|NCR 2900_260 vt100 with PC+ kybd:\
+	:@7=\E[5~:K1=\E[H:K2=\E[V:K3=\EOu:K5=\E[U:\
+	:is=200\E[!p\E[?7;19;67h\E[?1;3;4l\E(B\E)0\017\E[2J\E[1;1H\E>:\
+	:kD=\E[4~:kI=\E[1~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[3~:kd=\E[B:ke=\E>:\
+	:kh=\E[2~:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ks=\E=:ku=\E[A:l1=pf1:l2=pf2:\
+	:l3=pf3:l4=pf4:\
+	:rs=200\E[!p\E[?7;19;67h\E[?1;3;4l\E(B\E)0\017\E[2J\E[1;1H\E>:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt100an:
+ncr260vt100wpp|NCR 2900_260 vt100 wide mode pc+  kybd:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:cm=30\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:is=200\E[!p\E[?3;7;19;67h\E[?1;4l\E(B\E)0\017\E[2J\E[1;1H\E>:\
+	:rs=200\E[!p\E[?3;7;19;67h\E[?1;4l\E(B\E)0\017\E[2J\E[1;1H\E>:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt100pp:
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+ncr260vt200an|NCR 2900_260 vt200 with ansi kybd:\
+	:am:hs:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:AL=5\E[%dL:DC=5\E[%dP:DL=5\E[%dM:DO=5\E[%dB:IC=5\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=5\E[%dD:RI=5\E[%dC:SF=5\E[%dE:UP=5\E[%dA:ae=20^O:\
+	:al=5\E[L:as=20^N:bl=^G:cd=\E[0J:ce=5\E[0K:\
+	:cl=20\E[2J\E[1;1H:cm=10\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=1\r:\
+	:cs=5\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=5\E[1P:dl=5\E[M:do=5\E[B:\
+	:ds=\E[0$~\E[1$~:ec=5\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:fs=\E[0$}:ho=\E[H:\
+	:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=200\E[!p\E[?7;19;67h\E[?1;3;4l\E(B\E)0\017\E[2J\E[1;1H\E>:\
+	:k0=\EOy:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\E[M:k6=\E[17~:\
+	:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:\
+	:kP=\E[5~:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:\
+	:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=5\E[D:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:\
+	:me=20\E[0m:mr=\E[7m:nd=5\E[C:nw=\EE:rc=\E8:\
+	:rs=200\E[!p\E[?7;19;67h\E[?1;3;4l\E(B\E)0\017\E[2J\E[1;1H\E>:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=5\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=5\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:ts=\E[2$~\E[1$}:ue=\E[24m:up=5\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[?25h:\
+	:vi=\E[?25l:tc=vt220+keypad:
+ncr260vt200wan|NCR 2900_260 vt200 wide mode ansi kybd:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:cm=30\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:is=200\E[!p\E[?3;7;19;67h\E[?4l\E(B\E)0\017\E[2J\E[1;1H:\
+	:rs=200\E[!p\E[?3;7;19;67h\E[?4l\E(B\E)0\017\E[2J\E[1;1H:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt200an:
+ncr260vt200pp|NCR 2900_260 vt200 with pc+ kybd:\
+	:@7=\E[1~:K1=\E[H:K2=\E[V:K3=\EOu:K5=\E[U:kD=\E[4~:\
+	:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kd=\E[B:ke=\E>:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ks=\E=:ku=\E[A:l1=pf1:l2=pf2:l3=pf3:l4=pf4:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt200an:
+ncr260vt200wpp|NCR 2900_260 vt200 wide mode pc+  kybd:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:cm=30\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:is=200\E[!p\E[?3;7;19;67h\E[?1;4l\E(B\E)0\017\E[2J\E[1;1H\E>:\
+	:rs=200\E[!p\E[?3;7;19;67h\E[?1;4l\E(B\E)0\017\E[2J\E[1;1H\E>:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt200pp:
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+ncr260vt300an|NCR 2900_260 vt300 with ansi kybd:\
+	:am:hs:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:AL=5\E[%dL:DC=5\E[%dP:DL=5\E[%dM:DO=5\E[%dB:IC=5\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=5\E[%dD:RI=5\E[%dC:SF=5\E[%dE:UP=5\E[%dA:ae=20^O:\
+	:al=5\E[L:as=20^N:bl=^G:cd=\E[0J:ce=5\E[0K:\
+	:cl=20\E[2J\E[1;1H:cm=10\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=1\r:\
+	:cs=5\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=5\E[1P:dl=5\E[M:do=5\E[B:\
+	:ds=\E[0$~\E[1$~:ec=5\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:fs=\E[0$}:ho=\E[H:\
+	:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=200\E[!p\E[?7;19;67h\E[?1;3;4l\E[1;0%w\E(B\E)0\017\E[2J\E[1;1H\E>:\
+	:k0=\EOy:k5=\E[M:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:\
+	:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:\
+	:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:\
+	:le=5\E[D:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=20\E[0m:mr=\E[7m:nd=5\E[C:\
+	:nw=\EE:rc=\E8:\
+	:rs=200\E[!p\E[?7;19;67h\E[?1;3;4l\E[1;0%w\E(B\E)0\017\E[2J\E[1;1H\E>:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=5\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=5\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:ts=\E[2$~\E[1$}:ue=\E[24m:up=5\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[?25h:\
+	:vi=\E[?25l:tc=vt220+keypad:
+ncr260vt300wan|NCR 2900_260 vt300 wide mode ansi kybd:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:cm=30\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:is=200\E[!p\E[?3;7;19;67h\E[?4l\E[1;0%w\E(B\E)0\017\E[2J\E[1;1H:\
+	:rs=200\E[!p\E[?3;7;19;67h\E[?4l\E[1;0%w\E(B\E)0\017\E[2J\E[1;1H:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt300an:
+ncr260vt300pp|NCR 2900_260 vt300 with pc+ kybd:\
+	:@7=\E[1~:K1=\E[H:K2=\E[V:K3=\EOu:K5=\E[U:kD=\E[4~:\
+	:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kd=\E[B:ke=\E>:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ks=\E=:ku=\E[A:l1=pf1:l2=pf2:l3=pf3:l4=pf4:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt300an:
+NCR260VT300WPP|ncr260vt300wpp|NCR 2900_260 vt300 wide mode pc+  kybd:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:cm=30\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:is=200\E[!p\E[?3;7;19;67h\E[?1;4l\E[1;0%w\E(B\E)0\017\E[2J\E[1;1H\E>:\
+	:rs=200\E[!p\E[?3;7;19;67h\E[?1;4l\E[1;0%w\E(B\E)0\017\E[2J\E[1;1H\E>:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt300pp:
+# This terminfo file contains color capabilities for the Wyse325 emulation of
+# the NCR 2900/260C color terminal.  Because of the structure of the command
+# (escape sequence) used to set color attributes, one of the fore/background
+# colors must be preset to a given value. I have set the background color to
+# black.  The user can change this setup by altering the last section of the
+# 'setf' definition.  The escape sequence to set color attributes is
+#		ESC d y <foreground_color> <background_color> 1
+# In addition, the background color can be changed through the desk accessories.
+# The capability 'op' sets colors to green on black (default combination).
+# NOTE:  The NCR Unix System Administrator's Shell will not function properly
+#	    if the 'pairs' capability is defined. Un-Comment the 'pairs'
+#	    capability and recompile if you wish to have it included.
+# (rmacs/smacs removed for consistency)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+ncr260wy325pp|NCR 2900_260 wyse 325:\
+	:am:bw:hs:km:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:K1=^^:K2=\EJ:K4=\ET:K5=\EK:al=5\EE:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=5\Ey:\
+	:ce=5\Et:cl=10\E*:cm=10\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:ct=\E0:dc=50\EW:\
+	:dl=5\ER:do=5\n:ds=\E`c:ei=\Er:fs=\r:ho=5^^:im=\Eq:\
+	:is=100\Ee6\Ed/\Ee1\Ed*\Er\EO\E`1\E`\:\E`@\E~!\E"\Ee4\Ex@\E`9\Ee7:\
+	:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:\
+	:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:kD=\EW:kI=\Eq:kN=\EK:kP=\EJ:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\n:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=5^H:mb=\EG2:\
+	:me=15\EG0\EcB0\EcD:mr=\EG4:nd=5^L:nw=5^_:\
+	:rs=100\Ee6\Ed/\Ee1\Ed*\Er\EO\E`1\E`\:\E`@\E~!\E"\Ee4\Ex@\E`9\Ee7:\
+	:se=\EG0:sf=5\n:so=\EGt:sr=5\Ej:st=\E1:ta=^I:ts=\EF:ue=\EG0:\
+	:up=5^K:us=\EG8:ve=\E`1:vi=\E`0:vs=\E`5:
+ncr260wy325wpp|NCR 2900_260 wyse 325 wide mode:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:cm=30\Ea%i%dR%dC:\
+	:is=100\Ee6\Ed/\Ee1\Ed*\Er\EO\E`1\E`;\E`@\E~!\E"\Ee4\Ex@\E`9\Ee7:\
+	:rs=100\Ee6\Ed/\Ee1\Ed*\Er\EO\E`1\E`;\E`@\E~!\E"\Ee4\Ex@\E`9\Ee7:\
+	:tc=ncr260wy325pp:
+# This definition for Wyse 350 supports several attributes.  This means
+# that it has magic cookies (extra spaces where the attributes begin).
+# Some applications do not function well with magic cookies.  The System
+# Administrator's Shell in NCR Unix SVR4 1.03 is one such application.
+# If supporting various attributes is not vital, 'xmc#1' and the extra
+# attributes can be removed.
+# Mapping to ASCII character set ('acsc' capability) can also be
+# restored if needed.
+# In addition, color capabilities have been added to this file.  The drawback,
+# however, is that the background color has to be black.  The foreground colors
+# are numbered 0 through 15.
+# NOTE:  The NCR Unix System Administrator's Shell does not function properly
+#	    with the 'pairs' capability defined as below.  If you wish to
+#	    have it included, Un-comment it and recompile (using 'tic').
+# (rmacs/smacs removed for consistency)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+ncr260wy350pp|NCR 2900_260 wyse 350:\
+	:am:bw:hs:km:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#1:ug#1:\
+	:K1=^^:K4=\ET:K5=\EK:al=5\EE:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=5\Ey:ce=5\Et:\
+	:cl=20\E+:cm=40\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:ct=\E0:dc=50\EW:dl=5\ER:\
+	:do=5\n:ds=\E`c:ei=\Er:fs=\r:ho=10^^:im=\Eq:\
+	:is=100\Ee6\Ed/\Ee1\Ed*\Er\EO\E`1\E`\:\E`@\E~!\E"\Ee4\Ex@\E`9\Ee7:\
+	:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:\
+	:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:kD=\EW:kI=\Eq:kN=\EK:kP=\EJ:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\n:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=5^H:mb=\EG2:\
+	:me=\EG0\EH\003\EcD:mh=\EGp:mr=\EG4:nd=5^L:nw=5^_:\
+	:rs=100\Ee6\Ed/\Ee1\Ed*\Er\EO\E`1\E`\:\E`@\E~!\E"\Ee4\Ex@\E`9\Ee7:\
+	:se=\EG0:sf=5\n:so=\EGt:sr=5\Ej:st=\E1:ta=^I:ts=\EF:ue=\EG0:\
+	:up=5^K:us=\EG8:ve=\E`1:vi=\E`0:vs=\E`5:
+ncr260wy350wpp|NCR 2900_260 wyse 350 wide mode:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:cm=30\Ea%i%dR%dC:\
+	:is=200\Ee6\Ed/\Ee1\Ed*\Er\EO\E`1\E`;\E`@\E~!\E"\Ee4\Ex@\E`9\Ee7:\
+	:rs=200\Ee6\Ed/\Ee1\Ed*\Er\EO\E`1\E`;\E`@\E~!\E"\Ee4\Ex@\E`9\Ee7:\
+	:tc=ncr260wy350pp:
+# This definition for Wyse 50+ supports several attributes.  This means
+# that it has magic cookies (extra spaces where the attributes begin).
+# Some applications do not function well with magic cookies.  The System
+# Administrator's Shell in NCR Unix SVR4 1.03 is one such application.
+# If supporting various attributes is not vital, 'xmc#1' and the extra
+# attributes can be removed.
+# Mapping to ASCII character set ('acsc' capability) can also be
+# restored if needed.
+# (ncr260wy50+pp: originally contained commented-out
+# <acsc=j5k3l2m1n8q:t4u9v=w0x6>, as well as the commented-out one there -- esr)
+# (rmacs/smacs removed for consistency)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+ncr260wy50+pp|NCR 2900_260 wyse 50+:\
+	:am:bw:hs:km:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#1:ug#1:\
+	:K1=^^:K4=\ET:K5=\EK:al=5\EE:bl=^G:bt=5\EI:cd=5\EY:ce=5\ET:\
+	:cl=20\E+:cm=30\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:ct=5\E0:dc=50\EW:dl=5\ER:\
+	:do=5\n:ds=\E`c:ei=\Er:fs=\r:ho=10^^:im=\Eq:\
+	:is=100\Ee6\E~"\E+\Ed/\Ee1\Ed*\Er\EO\E`1\E`\:\E`@\E~!\E"\Ee4\Ex@\E`9\Ee7:\
+	:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:\
+	:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:kD=\EW:kI=\Eq:kN=\EK:kP=\EJ:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\n:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=5^H:mb=\EG2:\
+	:me=15\EG0\EH\003:mh=\EGp:mr=\EG4:nd=5^L:nw=5^_:\
+	:rs=100\Ee6\E~"\E+\Ed/\Ee1\Ed*\Er\EO\E`1\E`\:\E`@\E~!\E"\Ee4\Ex@\E`9\Ee7:\
+	:se=\EG0:sf=5\n:so=\EGt:sr=5\Ej:st=5\E1:ta=5^I:ts=\EF:\
+	:ue=\EG0:up=5^K:us=\EG8:ve=\E`1:vi=\E`0:vs=\E`5:
+ncr260wy50+wpp|NCR 2900_260 wyse 50+ wide mode:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:cm=30\Ea%i%dR%dC:\
+	:is=200\Ee6\E~"\E+\Ed/\Ee1\Ed*\Er\EO\E`1\E`;\E`@\E~!\E"\Ee4\Ex@\E`9\Ee7:\
+	:rs=200\Ee6\E~"\E+\Ed/\Ee1\Ed*\Er\EO\E`1\E`;\E`@\E~!\E"\Ee4\Ex@\E`9\Ee7:\
+	:tc=ncr260wy50+pp:
+# (rmacs/smacs removed for consistency)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+ncr260wy60pp|NCR 2900_260 wyse 60:\
+	:am:bw:hs:km:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:K1=^^:K2=\EJ:K4=\ET:K5=\EK:al=5\EE:bl=^G:bt=15\EI:cd=5\Ey:\
+	:ce=5\Et:cl=100\E*:cm=10\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:ct=15\E0:dc=50\EW:\
+	:dl=5\ER:do=5\n:ds=\E`c:ei=\Er:fs=\r:ho=25^^:im=\Eq:\
+	:is=100\Ee6\E~4\E+\Ed/\Ee1\Ed*\Er\EO\E`1\E`\:\E`@\E~!\E"\Ee4\Ex@\E`9\Ee7:\
+	:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:\
+	:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:kD=\EW:kI=\Eq:kN=\EK:kP=\EJ:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\n:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=5^H:mb=\EG2:\
+	:me=15\EG0\EcB0\EcD:mr=\EG4:nd=5^L:nw=5^_:\
+	:rs=100\Ee6\E~4\E+\Ed/\Ee1\Ed*\Er\EO\E`1\E`\:\E`@\E~!\E"\Ee4\Ex@\E`9\Ee7:\
+	:se=\EG0:sf=5\n:so=\EGt:sr=5\Ej:st=15\E1:ta=15^I:ts=\EF:\
+	:ue=\EG0:up=5^K:us=\EG8:ve=\E`1:vi=\E`0:vs=\E`5:
+ncr260wy60wpp|NCR 2900_260 wyse 60 wide mode:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:cm=30\Ea%i%dR%dC:\
+	:is=100\Ee6\E~4\E+\Ed/\Ee1\Ed*\Er\EO\E`1\E`;\E`@\E~!\E"\Ee4\Ex@\E`9\Ee7:\
+	:rs=100\Ee6\E~4\E+\Ed/\Ee1\Ed*\Er\EO\E`1\E`;\E`@\E~!\E"\Ee4\Ex@\E`9\Ee7:\
+	:tc=ncr260wy60pp:
+ncr160vppp|NCR 2900_160 viewpoint:\
+	:tc=ncr260vppp:
+ncr160vpwpp|NCR 2900_160 viewpoint wide mode:\
+	:tc=ncr260vpwpp:
+ncr160vt100an|NCR 2900_160 vt100 with ansi kybd:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt100an:
+ncr160vt100pp|NCR 2900_160 vt100 with PC+ kybd:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt100pp:
+ncr160vt100wan|NCR 2900_160 vt100 wide mode ansi kybd:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt100wan:
+ncr160vt100wpp|NCR 2900_160 vt100 wide mode pc+  kybd:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt100wpp:
+ncr160vt200an|NCR 2900_160 vt200 with ansi kybd:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt200an:
+ncr160vt200pp|NCR 2900_160 vt200 with pc+ kybd:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt200pp:
+ncr160vt200wan|NCR 2900_160 vt200 wide mode ansi kybd:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt200wan:
+ncr160vt200wpp|NCR 2900_160 vt200 wide mode pc+  kybd:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt200wpp:
+ncr160vt300an|NCR 2900_160 vt300 with ansi kybd:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt300an:
+ncr160vt300pp|NCR 2900_160 vt300 with pc+ kybd:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt300pp:
+ncr160vt300wan|NCR 2900_160 vt300 wide mode ansi kybd:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt300wan:
+ncr160vt300wpp|NCR 2900_160 vt300 wide mode pc+  kybd:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt300wpp:
+ncr160wy50+pp|NCR 2900_160 wyse 50+:\
+	:tc=ncr260wy50+pp:
+ncr160wy50+wpp|NCR 2900_160 wyse 50+ wide mode:\
+	:tc=ncr260wy50+wpp:
+ncr160wy60pp|NCR 2900_160 wyse 60:\
+	:tc=ncr260wy60pp:
+ncr160wy60wpp|NCR 2900_160 wyse 60 wide mode:\
+	:tc=ncr260wy60wpp:
+ncrvt100an|ncrvt100pp|NCR vt100 for the 2900 terminal:\
+	:5i:am:hs:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:Nl#32:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:#4=\E[D:%i=\E[C:@8=\r:AL=80\E[%dL:DC=40\E[%dP:\
+	:DL=70\E[%dM:DO=30\E[%dB:K1=\E[H:LE=30\E[%dD:RI=30\E[%dC:\
+	:UP=30\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffgghhiijjkkllmmnnqqttuuvvwwxxyyzz~~:ae=90^O:\
+	:al=80\E[B\E[L:as=90^N:bl=^G:cb=30\E[1K:cd=300\E[0J:\
+	:ce=30\E[0K:cl=300\E[2J\E[1;1H:cm=100\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:cs=100\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=40\E[3g:dc=10\E[1P:dl=40\E[M:\
+	:do=2\E[B:ds=25\E[31l:eA=40\E(B\E)0:ei=80\E[4l:fs=101:\
+	:ho=80\E[H:im=80\E[4h:\
+	:is=200\E[12h\E[?10l\E%/0n\E[P\031\E[?3l\E(B\E)0:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=2\E[D:mb=30\E[5m:md=30\E[1m:\
+	:me=120\017\E[0m:mr=30\E[7m:nd=2\E[C:nw=\EE:ps=100\E[i:\
+	:rc=\E8:\
+	:rs=200\Ec\E[12;31h\E[?3;4;5;10l\E[?6;7;19;25h\E[33;34l\E[0m\E(B\E)0\E%/0n\E[P\031:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=30\E[0m:sf=\ED:so=30\E[7m:sr=50\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:ts=70\E[>+1:ue=30\E[0m:up=2\E[A:us=30\E[4m:
+ncrvt100wan|NCRVT100WPP|ncrvt100wpp|NCR VT100 emulation of the 2900 terminal:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:is=200\E[12h\E[?10l\E%/0n\E[P\031\E[?3h\E(B\E)0:\
+	:rs=200\Ec\E[12;31h\E[?4;5;10l\E?3;6;7;19;25h\E[33;34l\E[0m\E(B\E)0\E%/0n\E[P\031:\
+	:tc=ncrvt100an:
+# Vendor-supplied NCR termcaps end here
+# NCR7900 DIP switches:
+# Switch A:
+# 1-4 - Baud Rate
+# 5   - Parity (Odd/Even)
+# 6   - Don't Send or Do Send Spaces
+# 7   - Parity Enable
+# 8   - Stop Bits (One/Two)
+# Switch B:
+# 1   - Upper/Lower Shift
+# 2   - Typewriter Shift
+# 3   - Half Duplex / Full Duplex
+# 4   - Light/Dark Background
+# 5-6 - Carriage Return Without / With Line Feed
+# 7   - Extended Mode
+# 8   - Suppress Keyboard Display
+# Switch C:
+# 1   - End of line entry disabled/enabled
+# 2   - Conversational mode / (Local?) Mode
+# 3   - Control characters displayed / not displayed
+# 4   - (2-wire?) / 4-wire communications
+# 5   - RTS on and off for each character
+# 6   - (50Hz?) / 60 Hz
+# 7   - Exit after level zero diagnostics
+# 8   - RS-232 interface
+# Switch D:
+# 1   - Reverse Channel (yes / no)
+# 2   - Manual answer (no / yes)
+# 3-4 - Cursor appearance
+# 5   - Communication Rate
+# 6   - Enable / Disable EXT turnoff
+# 7   - Enable / Disable CR turnoff
+# 8   - Enable / Disable backspace
+# Since each attribute parameter is 0 or 1, we shift each attribute (standout,
+# reverse, blink, dim, and underline) the appropriate number of bits (by
+# multiplying the 0 or 1 by a correct factor to shift) so the bias character,
+# '@' is (effectively) "or"ed with each attribute to generate the proper third
+# character in the <ESC>0 sequence.  The :sa: string implements the following
+# equation:
+# ((((('@' + P5) | (P4 << 1)) | (P3 << 3)) | (P2 << 4)) | (p1 * 17))    =>
+# ((((('@' + P5) + (P4 << 1)) + (P3 << 3)) + (P2 << 4)) + (p1 * 17))
+#	Where:  P1 <==> Standout attribute parameter
+#		P2 <==> Underline attribute parameter
+#		P3 <==> Reverse attribute parameter
+#		P4 <==> Blink attribute parameter
+#		P5 <==> Dim attribute parameter
+# From <root@goliath.un.atlantaga.NCR.COM>, init string hacked by SCO.
+ncr7900i|ncr7900|n7900|ncr 7900 model 1:\
+	:am:bw:ul:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#1:ug#1:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\Ek:ce=\EK:cl=^L:cm=\E1%r%.%.:cr=\r:do=\n:\
+	:is=\E0@\010\E3\E4\E7:kd=\n:kh=^A:kl=^U:kr=^F:ku=^Z:le=^H:\
+	:ll=^A:mb=\E0B:me=\E0@:mh=\E0A:mr=\E0P:nd=^F:pf=^T:po=^R:\
+	:se=\E0@:sf=\n:so=\E0Q:ue=\E0@:up=^Z:us=\E0`:
+ncr7900iv|ncr 7900 model 4:\
+	:am:bw:es:hs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\E^N:bl=^G:cl=^L:cm=\013%+@\E\005%2:cr=\r:dl=\E^O:\
+	:do=\n:ds=\Ey1:fs=\Ek\Ey5:ho=\013@\E^E00:k1=\ES:k2=\ET:\
+	:k3=\EU:k4=\EV:k5=\EW:k6=\EP:k7=\EQ:k8=\ER:kb=^H:kd=\EB:\
+	:kh=\EH:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:l6=blue:l7=red:l8=white:le=^H:\
+	:nw=\r\n:sf=\n:ts=\Ej\Ex5\Ex1\EY8%+ \Eo:
+# Warning: This terminal will lock out the keyboard when it receives a CTRL-D.
+#	   The user can enter a CTRL-B to get out of this locked state.
+# In <hpa>, we want to output the character given by the formula:
+#		((col / 10) * 16) + (col % 10)		where "col" is "p1"
+ncr7901|ncr 7901 model:\
+	:am:bw:ul:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\Ek:ce=\EK:ch=\020%B%.:cl=^L:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=\r:\
+	:cv=^K%+@:do=\n:is=\E4^O:kC=^L:kd=\n:kh=^H:kl=^U:kr=^F:ku=^Z:\
+	:le=^H:ll=^A:mb=\E0B:me=^O:mh=\E0A:mr=\E0P:nd=^F:pf=^T:po=^R:\
+	:se=^O:sf=\n:so=\E0Q\016:ue=^O:up=^Z:us=\E0`\016:ve=^X:\
+	:vi=^W:
+# Newbury Data Recording Limited (Newbury Data)
+# Have been manufacturing and reselling  various peripherals for a long time
+# They don't make terminals anymore, but are still in business (in 2007).
+# Their e-mail address is at ndsales@newburydata.co.uk
+# and their post address is:
+# Newbury Data Recording Ltd,
+# Premier Park, Road One,
+# Winsford, Cheshire, CW7 3PT
+# Their technical support is still good, they sent me for free a printed copy
+# of the 9500 user manual and I got it just 1 week after I first contacted them
+# (in 2005)!
+# NDR 9500
+# Manufactured in the early/mid eighties, behaves almost the same as a
+# Televideo 950.  Take a 950, change its cabinet for a more 80s-ish one (but
+# keep the same keyboard layout), add an optional 25-line mode, replace the DIP
+# switches with a menu and remove the "lock line" feature (ESC !  1 and ESC !
+# 2), here is the NDR 9500.  Even the line-lock, albeit disabled, is
+# recognized:  if you type in "ESC !", the next (third) character is not
+# echoed, showing that the terminal was actually waiting for a parameter!
+ndr9500|nd9500|Newbury Data 9500:\
+	:5i:am:bw:hs:mi:ms:ul:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:ws#79:\
+	:#3=\Eq:%9=\EP:*4=\Er:*5=\EO:*8=\Et:@8=\r:F1=^AJ\r:F2=^A`\r:\
+	:F3=^Aa\r:F4=^Ab\r:F5=^Ac\r:F6=^Ad\r:F7=^Ae\r:F8=^Af\r:\
+	:F9=^Ag\r:FA=^Ah\r:FB=^Ai\r:FC=^Aj\r:RX=^N:SX=^O:\
+	:ac=jDkClBmAnIqKtMuLvOwNxJ:ae=\E%%:al=\EE:as=\E$:bl=^G:\
+	:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=\E;:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:ct=\E3:\
+	:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^V:ds=\Eh:ei=\Er:fs=\r:ho=^^:ic=\EQ:im=\Eq:\
+	:is=\Ew\E'\EDF\El\Er\EO:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:\
+	:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:\
+	:k;=^AI\r:kA=\EE:kB=\EI:kC=^Z:kD=\EW:kE=\ET:kI=\EQ:kL=\ER:\
+	:kS=\EY:kd=^V:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:me=\EG0\E%%\E(:\
+	:mh=\E):mp=\E):nd=^L:nw=^_:pf=\Ea:po=\E`:se=\E(:sf=\n:so=\E):\
+	:sr=\Ej:st=\E1:ta=^I:ts=\Eg\Ef\011%+ :up=^K:vb=\Eb\Ed:\
+	:ve=\E.1:vi=\E.0:
+ndr9500-nl|NDR 9500 with no status line:\
+	:hs@:\
+	:ws@:\
+	:ds@:fs@:ts@:tc=ndr9500:
+ndr9500-25|NDR 9500 with 25th line enabled:\
+	:li#25:tc=ndr9500:
+ndr9500-25-nl|NDR 9500 with 25 lines and no status line:\
+	:li#25:tc=ndr9500-nl:
+ndr9500-mc|NDR 9500 with magic cookies (enables underline inverse video invisible and blink):\
+	:ms@:\
+	:sg#1:ug#1:\
+	:mb=\EG2:me=\EG0\E%%\E(:mk=\EG1:mr=\EG4:se=\EG0:so=\EG4:\
+	:ue=\EG0:us=\EG8:tc=ndr9500:
+ndr9500-25-mc|NDR 500 with 25 lines and magic cookies:\
+	:li#25:tc=ndr9500-mc:
+ndr9500-mc-nl|NDR 9500 with magic cookies and no status line:\
+	:hs@:\
+	:ws@:\
+	:ds@:fs@:ts@:tc=ndr9500-mc:
+ndr9500-25-mc-nl|NDR 9500 with 25 lines and magic cookies and no status line:\
+	:li#25:tc=ndr9500-mc-nl:
+#### Perkin-Elmer (Owl)
+# These are official terminfo entries from within Perkin-Elmer.
+bantam|pe550|pe6100|perkin elmer 550:\
+	:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:ce=20\EI:cl=20\EK:cm=\EX%+ \EY%+ :cr=\r:do=\n:\
+	:ho=\EH:le=^H:ll=\EH\EA:nd=\EC:sf=\n:up=\EA:
+fox|pe1100|perkin elmer 1100:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=5.5*\EJ:ce=\EI:cl=132\EH\EJ:cm=\EX%+ \EY%+ :\
+	:cr=\r:ct=\E3:do=\n:ho=\EH:le=^H:ll=\EH\EA:nd=\EC:sf=\n:\
+	:st=\E1:up=\EA:vb=^P^B^P^C:
+owl|pe1200|perkin elmer 1200:\
+	:am:bs:in:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=5.5*\EL:bl=^G:cd=5.5*\EJ:ce=5.5\EI:cl=132\EH\EJ:\
+	:cm=\EX%+ \EY%+ :cr=\r:ct=\E3:dc=5.5*\EO:dl=5.5*\EM:do=\n:\
+	:ei=:ho=\EH:ic=\EN:im=:ip=5.5*:k0=\ERJ:k1=\ERA:k2=\ERB:\
+	:k3=\ERC:k4=\ERD:k5=\ERE:k6=\ERF:k7=\ERG:k8=\ERH:k9=\ERI:\
+	:kb=^H:le=^H:ll=\EH\EA:me=\E!\0:nd=\EC:se=\E!\0:sf=\n:\
+	:so=\E!^H:st=\E1:up=\EA:vb=^P^B^P^C:
+pe1251|pe6300|pe6312|perkin elmer 1251:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:pb#300:sg#1:vt#8:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=20*\EJ:ce=10*\EI:cl=332\EK:cm=\EX%+ \EY%+ :\
+	:cr=\r:ct=\E3:do=\EB:ho=\EH:k0=\ERA:k1=\ERB:k2=\ERC:k3=\ERD:\
+	:k4=\ERE:k5=\ERF:k6=\ERG:k7=\ERH:k8=\ERI:k9=\ERJ:k;=\ERK:\
+	:le=\ED:nd=\EC:sf=\n:st=\E1:up=\EA:
+# (pe7000m: this had
+#	rmul=\E!\0, smul=\E!\040,
+# which is probably wrong, it collides with kf0
+pe7000m|perkin elmer 7000 series monochrome monitor:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:bt=\E!Y:cd=\EJ:ce=\EI:cl=\EK:cm=\ES%+ %+ :cr=\r:\
+	:do=\EB:ho=\EH:i1=\E!\0\EW  7o\Egf\ES7\s:k0=\E!\0:\
+	:k1=\E!^A:k2=\E!^B:k3=\E!^C:k4=\E!^D:k5=\E!^E:k6=\E!^F:\
+	:k7=\E!^G:k8=\E!^H:k9=\E!^I:k;=\E!\n:kb=^H:kd=\E!U:kh=\E!S:\
+	:kl=\E!V:kr=\E!W:ku=\E!T:le=\ED:ll=\ES7\s:nd=\EC:sf=\n:\
+	:sr=\ER:up=\EA:
+pe7000c|perkin elmer 7000 series colour monitor:\
+	:i1=\E!\0\EW  7o\Egf\Eb0\Ec7\ES7\s:se=\Eb0:so=\Eb2:\
+	:ue=\E!\0:us=\E!\s:tc=pe7000m:
+#### Sperry Univac
+# Sperry Univac has merged with Burroughs to form Unisys.
+# This entry is for the Sperry UTS30 terminal running the TTY
+# utility under control of CP/M Plus 1R1. The functionality
+# provided is comparable to the DEC vt100.
+# (uts30: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string -- esr)
+uts30|sperry uts30 with cp/m@1R1:\
+	:am:bw:hs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:ws#40:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7m:SF=\E[%dB:\
+	:SR=\E[%dA:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=\Ed:al=\EN:as=\EF:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=^L:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\EU%+ %+ :dc=\EM:dl=\EL:do=\E[B:\
+	:ei=:fs=\r:ho=\E[H:ic=\EO:im=:is=\E[U 7\E[24;1H:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\EOB:kh=\E[H:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ku=\EOA:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:\
+	:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:rc=\EX:\
+	:rf=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:\
+	:rs=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:sc=\EW:se=\E[m:\
+	:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\EI:ta=^I:ts=\E]:uc=\EPB:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:ve=\ES:vi=\ER:
+#### Tandem
+# Tandem builds these things for use with its line of fault-tolerant
+# transaction-processing computers.  They aren't generally available
+# on the merchant market, and so are fairly uncommon.
+tandem6510|adm3a repackaged by Tandem:\
+	:tc=adm3a:
+# A funny series of terminal that TANDEM uses.  The actual model numbers
+# have a fourth digit after 653 that designates minor variants.  These are
+# natively block-mode and rather ugly, but they have a character mode which
+# this doubtless(?) exploits.  There is a 6520 that is slightly dumber.
+# (tandem653: had ":sb=\ES:", probably someone's mistake for sf; also,
+# removed :if=/usr/share/tabset/tandem653:, no such file -- esr)
+tandem653|t653x|Tandem 653x multipage terminal:\
+	:am:bs:da:db:hs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#1:ug#1:ws#64:\
+	:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EI:cm=\023%+ %+ :do=\n:ds=\Eo\r:fs=\r:\
+	:ho=\EH:le=^H:me=\E6\s:nd=\EC:se=\E6\s:sf=\ES:so=\E6$:\
+	:sr=\ET:ts=\Eo:ue=\E6\s:up=\EA:us=\E60:
+#### Tandy/Radio Shack
+# Tandy has a line of VDTs distinct from its microcomputers.
+dmterm|deskmate terminal:\
+	:am:bw:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\EP:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\Ej:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=\r:\
+	:dc=\ES:dl=\ER:do=\EB:ei=:ho=\EH:ic=\EQ:im=:k0=\E1:k1=\E2:\
+	:k2=\E3:k3=\E4:k4=\E5:k5=\E6:k6=\E7:k7=\E8:k8=\E9:k9=\E0:\
+	:kd=\EB:kh=\EH:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:l0=f1:l1=f2:l2=f3:l3=f4:\
+	:l4=f5:l5=f6:l6=f7:l7=f8:l8=f9:l9=f10:le=^H:ll=\EE:mk@:nd=\EC:\
+	:sf=\EX:ta=^I:ue@:up=\EA:us@:ve=\EG6:vi=\EG5:tc=adm+sgr:
+dt100|dt-100|Tandy DT-100 terminal:\
+	:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#1:ug#1:\
+	:ac=jjkkllmmnnqqttuuvvwwxx:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\010\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:cs=\E[%2;%2r:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:\
+	:im=:is=\E[?3l\E)0\E(B:k1=\E[?3i:k2=\E[2i:k3=\E[@:k4=\E[M:\
+	:k5=\E[17~:k6=\E[18~:k7=\E[19~:k8=\E[20~:k9=\E[21~:\
+	:k;=\E[?5i:kN=\E[29~:kP=\E[28~:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:l1=f1:l2=f2:l3=f3:l4=f4:l5=f5:l6=f6:l7=f7:\
+	:l8=f8:le=^H:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:\
+	:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:
+dt100w|dt-100w|Tandy DT-100 terminal (wide mode):\
+	:co#132:tc=dt100:
+dt110|Tandy DT-110 emulating ansi:\
+	:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:@7=\E[K:ac=jjkkllmmnnqqttuuvvwwxx:ae=^O:al=\E[0L:as=^N:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\E[0J:ce=\E[0K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\010\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dc=\E[0P:dl=\E[0M:do=\E[B:\
+	:eA=\E(B\E)0:ei=:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[0@:im=:is=\E[?3l\E)0\E(B:\
+	:k1=\E[1~:k2=\E[2~:k3=\E[3~:k4=\E[4~:k5=\E[5~:k6=\E[6~:\
+	:k7=\E[7~:k8=\E[8~:k9=\E[9~:k;=\E[10~:kI=\E[@:kN=\E[26~:\
+	:kP=\E[25~:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[G:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:l0=f1:\
+	:l1=f2:l2=f3:l3=f4:l4=f5:l5=f6:l6=f7:l7=f8:l8=f9:l9=f10:le=^H:\
+	:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:\
+	:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:
+pt210|TRS-80 PT-210 printing terminal:\
+	:hc:os:\
+	:co#80:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=\r:do=\n:sf=\n:
+#### Tektronix (tek)
+# Tektronix tubes are graphics terminals.  Most of them use modified
+# oscilloscope technology incorporating a long-persistence green phosphor,
+# and support vector graphics on a main screen with an attached "dialogue
+# area" for interactive text.
+tek|tek4012|tektronix 4012:\
+	:bs:os:\
+	:co#75:li#35:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=1000\E\014:cr=\r:do=\n:ff=1000\014:is=\E^O:le=^H:
+# (tek4013: added <acsc> to suppress tic warnings re :as:/:ae: --esr)
+tek4013|tektronix 4013:\
+	:ac=:ae=\E^O:as=\E^N:tc=tek4012:
+tek4014|tektronix 4014:\
+	:co#81:li#38:\
+	:is=\E\017\E9:tc=tek4012:
+# (tek4015: added <acsc> to suppress tic warnings re :as:/:ae: --esr)
+tek4015|tektronix 4015:\
+	:ac=:ae=\E^O:as=\E^N:tc=tek4014:
+tek4014-sm|tektronix 4014 in small font:\
+	:co#121:li#58:\
+	:is=\E\017\E\::tc=tek4014:
+# (tek4015-sm: added <acsc> to suppress tic warnings re :as:/:ae: --esr)
+tek4015-sm|tektronix 4015 in small font:\
+	:ac=:ae=\E^O:as=\E^N:tc=tek4014-sm:
+# Tektronix 4023 from Andrew Klossner <orca!andrew.tektronix@csnet-relay>
+# You need to have "stty nl2" in effect.  Some versions of tset(1) know
+# how to set it for you.
+# It's got the Magic Cookie problem around stand-out mode.  If you can't
+# live with Magic Cookie, remove the :so: and :se: fields and do without
+# reverse video.  If you like reverse video stand-out mode but don't want
+# it to flash, change the letter 'H' to 'P' in the :so: field.
+tek4023|tektronix 4023:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:dN#4:li#24:sg#1:vt#4:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=4\E^L:cm=\034%r%+ %+ :cr=\r:do=\n:kb=^H:le=^H:\
+	:nd=^I:nl=\n:se=^_@:so=^_P:
+# It is recommended that you run the 4025 at 4800 baud or less;
+# various bugs in the terminal appear at 9600.  It wedges at the
+# bottom of memory (try "cat /usr/dict/words"); ^S and ^Q typed
+# on keyboard don't work.  You have to hit BREAK twice to get
+# one break at any speed - this is a documented feature.
+# Can't use cursor motion because it's memory relative, and
+# because it only works in the workspace, not the monitor.
+# Same for home. Likewise, standout only works in the workspace.
+# :ce: was commented out since vi and rogue seem to work better
+# simulating it with lots of spaces!
+# :al: and :AL: had 145ms of padding, but that slowed down vi's ^U
+# and didn't seem necessary.
+tek4024|tek4025|tek4027|tektronix 4024/4025/4027:\
+	:am:bs:da:db:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#34:lm#0:\
+	:AL=\037up\r\037ili %d\r:CC=^_:DL=\037dli %d\r\006:\
+	:DO=\037dow %d\r:LE=\037lef %d\r:RI=\037rig %d\r:\
+	:UP=\037up %d\r:al=\037up\r\037ili\r:bl=^G:\
+	:cd=\037dli 50\r:cl=\037era\r\n\n:cr=\r:dc=\037dch\r:\
+	:dl=\037dli\r\006:do=^F\n:ei=:ic=\037ich\r \010:im=:\
+	:is=!com 31\r\n\037sto 9 17 25 33 41 49 57 65 73\r:\
+	:ke=\037lea p2\r\037lea p4\r\037lea p6\r\037lea p8\r\037lea f5\r:\
+	:ks=\037lea p4 /h/\r\037lea p8 /k/\r\037lea p6 / /\r\037lea p2 /j/\r\037lea f5 /H/\r:\
+	:le=^H:nd=\037rig\r:sf=^F\n:ta=^I:up=^K:
+tek4025-17|tek 4025 17 line window:\
+	:li#17:tc=tek4025:
+tek4025-17-ws|tek 4025 17 line window in workspace:\
+	:is=!com 31\r\n\037sto 9 17 25 33 41 49 57 65 73\r\037wor 17\r\037mon 17\r:\
+	:se=\037att s\r:so=\037att e\r:te=\037mon h\r:\
+	:ti=\037wor h\r:tc=tek4025-17:
+tek4025-ex|tek4027-ex|tek 4025/4027 w/!:\
+	:is=\037com 33\r\n!sto 9 17 25 33 41 49 57 65 73\r:\
+	:te=\037com 33\r:ti=!com 31\r:tc=tek4025:
+# Tektronix 4025a
+# From: Doug Gwyn <gwyn@brl-smoke.ARPA>
+# The following status modes are assumed for normal operation (replace the
+# initial "!" by whatever the current command character is):
+#	!COM 29			# NOTE: changes command character to GS (^])
+#	^]DUP
+#	^]ECH R
+#	^]EOL
+#	^]RSS T
+#	^]SNO N
+#	^]STO 9 17 25 33 41 49 57 65 73
+# Other modes may be set according to communication requirements.
+# If the command character is inadvertently changed, termcap can't restore it.
+# Insert-character cannot be made to work on both top and bottom rows.
+# Clear-to-end-of-display emulation via !DLI 988 is too grotty to use, alas.
+# There also seems to be a problem with vertical motion, perhaps involving
+# delete/insert-line, following a typed carriage return.  This terminal sucks.
+# Delays not specified; use "stty ixon -ixany" to enable DC3/DC1 flow control!
+# (tek4025a: removed obsolete ":xx:". This may mean the tek4025a entry won't
+# work any more. -- esr)
+tek4025a|Tektronix 4025A:\
+	:am:bs:bw:da:db:pt:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#34:\
+	:CC=^]:DC=\035dch %d;:DL=\035dli %d;:DO=\035dow %d;:\
+	:LE=\035lef %d;:RI=\035rig %d;:SF=\035dow %d;:\
+	:UP=\035up %d;:al=\013\035ili;:bl=^G:bt=\035bac;:\
+	:ce=\035dch 80;:ch=\r\035rig %d;:cl=\035era;\n\035rup;:\
+	:cr=\r:ct=\035sto;:dc=\035dch;:dl=\035dli;:do=\n:le=^H:\
+	:nd=\035rig;:\
+	:rs=!com 29\035del 0\035rss t\035buf\035buf n\035cle\035dis\035dup\035ech r\035eol\035era g\035for n\035pad 203\035pad 209\035sno n\035sto 9 17 25 33 41 49 57 65 73\035wor 0;:\
+	:sf=\n:ta=^I:up=^K:
+# From: cbosg!teklabs!davem Wed Sep 16 21:11:41 1981
+# Here's the command file that I use to get rogue to work on the 4025.
+# It should work with any program using the old curses (e.g. it better
+# not try to scroll, or cursor addressing won't work.  Also, you can't
+# see the cursor.)
+# (This "learns" the arrow keys for rogue. I have adapted it for termcap - mrh)
+tek4025-cr|tek 4025 for curses and rogue:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#33:\
+	:cl=\037era;:cm=\037jum%i%d,%d;:do=^F\n:\
+	:is=!com 31\r\n\037sto 9 17 25 33 41 49 57 65 73\r:\
+	:le=^H:nd=\037rig;:sf=^F\n:ta=^I:te=\037wor 0:\
+	:ti=\037wor 33h:up=^K:
+# next two lines commented out since curses only allows 128 chars, sigh.
+#	:ti=\037lea p1/b/\037lea p2/j/\037lea p3/n/\037lea p4/h/\037lea p5/ /\037lea p6/l/\037lea p7/y/\037lea p8/k/\037lea p9/u/\037lea p./f/\037lea pt/`era w/13\037lea p0/s/\037wor 33h:\
+#	:te=\037lea p1\037lea p2\037lea p3\037lea p4\037lea pt\037lea p5\037lea p6\037lea p7\037lea p8\037lea p9/la/13\037lea p.\037lea p0\037wor 0:
+tek4025ex|4025ex|4027ex|tek 4025 w/!:\
+	:is=\037com 33\r\n!sto 9,17,25,33,41,49,57,65,73\r:\
+	:te=\037com 33\r:ti=!com 31\r:tc=tek4025:
+tek4105|tektronix 4105:\
+	:am:bs:mi:ms:ul:xn:xt:\
+	:co#79:it#8:li#29:\
+	:ac=:ae=\E[m:al=\E[1L:as=\E[1m:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:\
+	:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[2J\E[H:cm=\E[%i%2;%2H:cr=\r:ct=\E[1g:\
+	:dc=\E[1P:dl=\E[1M:do=\E[1B:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:i1=\E%!1\E[m:\
+	:im=\E[4h:is=\E%!1\E[?6141\E[m:kb=^H:kd=\E[1B:kl=\E[1D:\
+	:kr=\E[1C:ku=\E[1A:le=\E[1D:mb=\E[=3;<7m:md=\E[=7;<4m:\
+	:me=\E[=0;<1m:mh=\E[=1;<6m:mk=\E[=6;<5:mr=\E[=1;<3m:\
+	:nd=\E[1C:se=\E[=0;<1m:sf=\E[S:so=\E[=2;<3m:sr=\E[T:ta=^I:\
+	:te=:ti=\E%!1\E[?6l\E[2J:ue=\E[=0;<1m:up=\E[1A:\
+	:us=\E[=5;<2m:
+# (tek4105-30: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string -- esr)
+tek4105-30|4015 emulating 30 line vt100:\
+	:am:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#30:vt#3:\
+	:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:\
+	:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=^O:as=^N:bl=^G:cb=3\E[1K:cd=50\E[J:ce=3\E[K:\
+	:cl=50\E[H\E[J:cm=5\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\
+	:ct=\E[3g:do=\n:eA=\E(B\E)0:ho=\E[H:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:\
+	:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:\
+	:mb=2\E[5m:md=2\E[1m:me=2\E[0m:mr=2\E[7m:nd=2\E[C:rc=\E8:\
+	:rs=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:sc=\E7:se=2\E[m:\
+	:sf=\n:so=2\E[1;7m:sr=5\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=2\E[m:up=2\E[A:\
+	:us=2\E[4m:tc=vt100+fnkeys:
+# Tektronix 4105 from BRL
+# The following setup modes are assumed for normal operation:
+#	CODE ansi		CRLF no			DABUFFER 141
+#	DAENABLE yes		DALINES 30		DAMODE replace
+# Other setup modes may be set for operator convenience or communication
+# requirements; I recommend
+#	GAMODE overstrike	GCURSOR 0 100 0		GSPEED 10 1
+#	PROMPTSTRING ''		QUEUESIZE 2460		WINDOW 0 0 4095 3132
+# and factory color maps.  After setting these modes, save them with NVSAVE. No
+# delays are specified; use "stty ixon -ixany" to enable DC3/DC1 flow control!
+# "IC" cannot be used in combination with "im" & "ei".
+# "tek4105a" is just a guess:
+tek4105a|Tektronix 4105:\
+	:bs:ms:pt:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:kn#8:li#30:vt#3:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ac=:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ec=\E[%dX:\
+	:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:is=\E%!1:k0=\EOA:k1=\EOB:\
+	:k2=\EOC:k3=\EOD:k4=\EOP:k5=\EOQ:k6=\EOR:k7=\EOS:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:\
+	:ku=\EOA:l0=F1:l1=F2:l2=F3:l3=F4:l4=F5:l5=F6:l6=F8:le=^H:\
+	:ll=\E[30;H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:nw=\EE:rc=\E8:\
+	:rs=\030\E%!0\EKC\E\014\EKR0\EKF0\ENM0\ELBH=\ETF8000010F40\ELI100\ELLA>\ELM0\EKE0\ENF1\EKS0\END0\E%!1\Ec\E[?3;5l\E[?7;8h\E[r\E[m\E>:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:te=\E%!0\ELBH=\E%!1:ti=\E[?6l:ue=\E[m:up=\EM:us=\E[4m:\
+	:ve=\E%!0\ETD10\E%!1:vi=\E%!0\ETD00\E%!1:\
+	:vs=\E%!0\ETD70\E%!1:tc=ecma+index:
+# Tektronix 4106/4107/4109 from BRL
+# The following setup modes are assumed for normal operation:
+#	CODE ansi		COLUMNMODE 80		CRLF no
+#	TABS -2
+# Other setup modes may be set for operator convenience or communication
+# requirements; I recommend
+#	GAMODE overstrike	GCURSOR 0 100 0		GSPEED 9 3
+#	PROMPTSTRING ''		QUEUESIZE 2620		WINDOW 0 0 4095 3132
+# and factory color maps.  After setting these modes, save them with NVSAVE.  No
+# delays are specified; use "stty ixon -ixany" to enable DC3/DC1 flow control!
+# "IC" cannot be used in combination with "im" & "ei".
+tek4106brl|tek4107brl|tek4109brl|Tektronix 4106 4107 or 4109:\
+	:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#32:vt#3:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ac=:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ec=\E[%dX:\
+	:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:is=\E%!1:k0=\EOA:k1=\EOB:\
+	:k2=\EOC:k3=\EOD:k4=\EOP:k5=\EOQ:k6=\EOR:k7=\EOS:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:\
+	:ku=\EOA:l0=F1:l1=F2:l2=F3:l3=F4:l4=F5:l5=F6:l6=F8:le=^H:\
+	:ll=\E[32;H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:nw=\EE:\
+	:r1=\030\E%!0\EKC\E\014\EKR0\EKF0\ENM0\ELBH=\ETF8000010F40\ELI100\ELLB0\ELM0\EKE0\ENF1\EKS0\END0\ERE0\E%!1\Ec\E[?3;5l\E[?7;8h\E[r\E[m\E>:\
+	:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[7;42m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:\
+	:ta=^I:te=\E%!0\ELBH=\E%!1:ti=\E[?6l:ue=\E[m:up=\EM:\
+	:us=\E[4m:ve=\E%!0\ETD10\E%!1:vi=\E%!0\ETD00\E%!1:\
+	:vs=\E%!0\ETD70\E%!1:tc=ecma+index:
+# Refer to:
+# TEK Programmer's Reference
+# Part No. 070-4893-00
+# Product Group 18
+# 4107/4109 Computer Display Terminal
+# November 1983
+# Tektronix 4107/4109 interpret 4 modes using "\E%!" followed by a code:
+# 0 selects Tek mode, i.e., \E%!0
+# 1 selects ANSI mode
+# 2 selects ANSI edit-mode
+# 3 selects VT52 mode
+# One odd thing about the description (which has been unchanged since the 90s)
+# is that the cursor addressing is using VT52 mode, and a few others use the
+# VT52's non-CSI versions of ANSI, e.g., \EJ.  A possible explanation is that
+# the developer used Emacs, which misuses cvvis (this description sets VT52
+# mode in that capability).
+tek4107|tek4109|tektronix terminals 4107 4109:\
+	:am:bs:mi:ms:ul:xn:xt:\
+	:co#79:it#8:li#29:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\ELZ:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=\r:do=\n:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\EB:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:mb=\E%!1\E[5m\E%!0:\
+	:md=\E%!1\E[1m\E%!0:me=\E%!1\E[m\E%!0:\
+	:mh=\E%!1\E[<0m\E%!0:mr=\E%!1\E[7m\E%!0:nd=\EC:\
+	:se=\E%!1\E[m\E%!0:sf=\n:so=\E%!1\E[7;5m\E%!0:sr=\EI:\
+	:ta=^I:ue=\E%!1\E[m\E%!0:up=\EA:us=\E%!1\E[4m\E%!0:\
+	:ve=\E%!0:vs=\E%!3:
+# Tektronix 4207 with sysline.  In the ancestral termcap file this was 4107-s;
+# see the note attached to tek4207.
+tek4207-s|Tektronix 4207 with sysline but no memory:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:ds=\E7\E[?6l\E[2K\E[?6h\E8:fs=\E[?6h\E8:\
+	:i1=\E%!1\E[2;32r\E[132D\E[2g\EH\E[8C\EH\E[8C\EH\E[8C\EH\E[8C\EH\E[8C\EH\E[8C\EH\E[8C\EH\E[8C\EH\E[8C\EH\E[J:\
+	:is=\E7\E[?6l\E[2K\E[?6h\E8:\
+	:ts=\E7\E[?6l\E[2K\E[;%i%df:tc=tek4107:
+# The 4110 series may be a wonderful graphics series, but they make the 4025
+# look good for screen editing.  In the dialog area, you can't move the cursor
+# off the bottom line.  Out of the dialog area, ^K moves it up, but there
+# is no way to scroll.
+# Note that there is a floppy for free from Tek that makes the
+# 4112 emulate the vt52 (use the vt52 termcap). There is also
+# an expected enhancement that will use ANSI standard sequences.
+# 4112 in non-dialog area pretending to scroll. It really wraps
+# but vi is said to work (more or less) in this mode.
+# 'vi' works reasonably well with this entry.
+otek4112|o4112-nd|otek4113|otek4114|old tektronix 4110 series:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#34:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=\E^L:cr=\r:do=\n:le=^H:sf=\n:te=\EKA1\ELV1:\
+	:ti=\EKA0\ELV0\EMG0:up=^K:
+# The 4112 with the ANSI compatibility enhancement
+tek4112|tek4114|tektronix 4110 series:\
+	:am:bs:db:\
+	:co#80:li#34:\
+	:al=\E[L:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[0J:ce=\E[0K:cl=\E[2J\E[0;0H:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=:ic=\E[@:im=:\
+	:is=\E3!1:le=^H:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:\
+	:sf=\E7\E[0;0H\E[M\E8:so=\E[7m:sr=\E7\E[0;0H\E[L\E8:\
+	:ue=\E[m:up=\EM:us=\E[4m:
+tek4112-nd|4112 not in dialog area:\
+	:ns:\
+	:up=^K:tc=tek4112:
+tek4112-5|4112 in 5 line dialog area:\
+	:li#5:tc=tek4112:
+# (tek4113: this used to have ":nd=\LM1\s\LM0:", someone's mistake;
+# removed ":as=\E^N:, :ae=\E^O:", which had been commented out in 8.3.
+# Note, the !0 and !1 sequences in :te:/:ti:/:ve:/:vi: were
+# previously \0410 and \0411 sequences...I don't *think* they were supposed
+# to be 4-digit octal -- esr)
+tek4113|tektronix 4113 color graphics with 5 line dialog area:\
+	:am:bs:da:eo:\
+	:co#80:li#5:\
+	:cl=\ELZ:do=\n:is=\EKA1\ELL5\ELV0\ELV1:le=^H:\
+	:nd=\ELM1 \ELM0:uc=\010\ELM1_\ELM0:\
+tek4113-34|tektronix 4113 color graphics with 34 line dialog area:\
+	:li#34:\
+	:is=\EKA1\ELLB2\ELV0\ELV1:tc=tek4113:
+# :ns: left off to allow vi visual mode. APL font (:as=\E^N:/:ae=\E^O:) not
+# supported here. :uc: is slow, but looks nice. Suggest setenv MORE -up .
+# :vb: needs enough delay to let you see the background color being toggled.
+tek4113-nd|tektronix 4113 color graphics with no dialog area:\
+	:am:bs:eo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#34:\
+	:cl=\E^L:do=\n:ho=\ELF7l\177 @:is=\ELZ\EKA0\ELF7l\177 @:\
+	:le=^H:ll=\ELF hl @:nd=^I:se=\EMT1:so=\EMT2:ta=^I:\
+	:uc=\010\EMG1_\EMG0:up=^K:\
+	:vs=\ELZ\EKA0:
+# This entry is from Tek. Inc.  (Brian Biehl)
+# (tek4115: :bc: renamed to :le:, <rmam>/<smam> added based on init string -- esr)
+otek4115|Tektronix 4115:\
+	:am:bs:da:db:eo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#34:\
+	:RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7h:al=\E[L:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:\
+	:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:if=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E%!0\E%\014\ELV0\EKA1\ELBB2\ENU@=\ELLB2\ELM0\ELV1\EKYA?\E%!1\E[<1l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E[34;1H\E[34B\E[m:\
+	:kb=^H:ke=\E>:ks=\E=:le=\E[D:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:te=\E%!0\ELBG8\E%!1\E[34;1H\E[J:\
+	:ti=\E%!0\ELBB2\E%!1:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:ve=\E%!0\ELBG8\E%!1\E[34;1H:vs=\E%!0\ELBB2\E%!1:
+tek4115|newer tektronix 4115 entry with more ANSI capabilities:\
+	:am:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#34:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bl=^G:\
+	:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ei=:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mk=\E[8m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:tc=ansi+rep:
+# The tek4125 emulates a vt100 incorrectly - the scrolling region
+# command is ignored.  The following entry replaces :cs: with the needed
+# :AL:, :AL:, and :im:; removes some cursor pad commands that the tek4125
+# chokes on; and adds a lot of initialization for the tek dialog area.
+# Note that this entry uses all 34 lines and sets the cursor color to green.
+# Steve Jacobson 8/85
+# (tek4125: there were two "\!"s in the is that I replaced with "\E!";
+# commented out, :im:=\E1 because there's no :ei:  -- esr)
+tek4125|tektronix 4125:\
+	:li#34:\
+	:al=\E[1L:cs@:dl=\E[1M:\
+	:is=\E%\E!0\EQD1\EUX03\EKA\ELBB2\ELCE0\ELI100\ELJ2\ELLB2\ELM0\ELS1\ELX00\ELV1\E%\E!1\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:\
+	:ks=\E=:rc@:sc@:tc=vt100+4bsd:
+# From: <jcoker@ucbic>
+# (tek4207: This was the termcap file's entry for the 4107/4207, but SCO
+# supplied another, less capable 4107 entry.  So we'll use that for 4107 and
+# note that if jcoker wasn't confused you may be able to use this one.
+# I merged in :ms:,:sf:,:sr:,<invis>,:ct: from a BRL entry -- esr)
+tek4207|Tektronix 4207 graphics terminal with memory:\
+	:am:bw:mi:ms:ul:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#32:\
+	:al=3\E[L:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=5\E[K:cl=156\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:ct=\E[1g:dc=4\E[P:dl=3\E[M:do=\n:ei=:\
+	:ho=\E[H:ic=4\E[@:im=:\
+	:is=\E%!0\ELBP0\E%!1\E[H\E[2g\EH\E[8C\EH\E[8C\EH\E[8C\EH\E[8C\EH\E[8C\EH\E[8C\EH\E[8C\EH\E[8C\EH\E[8C\EH\E[J:\
+	:kd=\ED:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\EM:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:\
+	:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mk=\E[=6;<5:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:\
+	:sf=\E[S:so=\E[7m:sr=\E[T:ta=^I:\
+	:te=\E[?6h\E%!0\ELBP0\E%!1\E[32;1f:ti=\E[?6l\E[H\E[J:\
+	:ue=\E[m:up=\EM:us=\E[4m:
+# From: <carolyn@dali.berkeley.edu>  Thu Oct 31 12:54:27 1985
+# (tek4404: There was a "\!" in :ti: that I replaced with "\E!".
+# Tab had been given as \E2I,that must be the tab-set capability -- esr)
+tek4404|tektronix 4404:\
+	:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#32:\
+	:al=\E[1L:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[1M:do=\n:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:\
+	:im=\E[4h:kd=\E[B:ke=\E[?1h:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ks=\E[?1l:\
+	:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:so=\E[7m:st=\E[2I:ta=^I:\
+	:te=\E[1;1H\E[0J\E[?6h\E[?1l:\
+	:ti=\E%\E!1\E[1;32r\E[?6l\E>:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+# Some unknown person wrote:
+# I added the is string - straight Unix has ESC ; in the login
+# string which sets a ct8500 into monitor mode (aka 4025 snoopy
+# mode). The is string here cleans up a few things (but not
+# everything).
+ct8500|tektronix ct8500:\
+	:am:bw:da:db:\
+	:co#80:li#25:\
+	:al=\E^L:bl=^G:bt=\E^I:cd=\E^U:ce=\E^T:cl=\E^E:\
+	:cm=\E|%+ %+ :cr=\r:dc=\E^]:dl=\E\r:do=\n:ei=:ic=\E^\:im=:\
+	:is=\037\EZ\Ek:le=^H:me=\E\s:nd=\ES:se=\E\s:sf=\n:so=\E$:\
+	:sr=\E^A:ta=^I:ue=\E\s:up=\ER:us=\E!:
+# Tektronix 4205 terminal.
+# am is not defined because the wrap around occurs not when the char.
+# is placed in the 80'th column, but when we are attempting to type
+# the 81'st character on the line.  (esr: hmm, this is like the vt100
+# version of xenl, perhaps am + xenl would work!)
+# Bold, dim, and standout are simulated by colors and thus not allowed
+# with colors.  The tektronix color table is mapped into the RGB color
+# table by setf/setb. All colors are reset to factory specifications by oc.
+# The <initc> cap uses RGB notation to define colors.  for arguments 1-3 the
+# interval (0-1000) is broken into 8 smaller sub-intervals (125).  Each sub-
+# interval then maps into pre-defined value.
+tek4205|tektronix 4205:\
+	:cc:mi:ms:\
+	:Co#8:NC#49:co#80:it#8:li#30:pa#63:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=^O:al=\E[1L:as=^N:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:\
+	:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[2J\E[H:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:ct=\E[1g:\
+	:dc=\E[1P:dl=\E[1M:do=\E[B:eA=\E)0:ec=\E%dX:ei=\E[4l:\
+	:ho=\E[H:i1=\E%!0\ETM1\E%!1\E[m:im=\E[4h:k0=\EOA:k1=\EOB:\
+	:k2=\EOC:k3=\EOD:k4=\EP:k5=\EQ:k6=\ER:k7=\ES:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:\
+	:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=\E[D:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[=7;<4m:\
+	:me=\E[=0;<1m\E[24;25;27m\017:mh=\E[=1;<6m:mk=\E[=6;<5:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:oc=\E%!0\ETFB000001F4F4F42F40030F404A4C<F450F4F46F40F47F4F40\E%!1:\
+	:op=\E[39;40m:se=\E[=0;<1m:sf=\ED:so=\E[=2;<3m:sr=\EM:\
+	:ta=^I:te=:ti=\E%%!1\E[?6l\E[2J:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:
+#### Teletype (tty)
+# These are the hardcopy Teletypes from before AT&T bought the company,
+# clattering electromechanical dinosaurs in Bakelite cases that printed on
+# pulpy yellow roll paper.  If you remember these you go back a ways.
+# Teletype-branded VDTs are listed in the AT&T section.
+# The earliest UNIXes were designed to use these clunkers; nroff and a few
+# other programs still default to emitting codes for the Model 37.
+tty33|tty35|model 33 or 35 teletype:\
+	:hc:os:xo:\
+	:co#72:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=\r:do=\n:sf=\n:
+tty37|model 37 teletype:\
+	:bs:hc:os:xo:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=\r:do=\n:hd=\E9:hu=\E8:le=^H:sf=\n:up=\E7:
+# There are known to be at least three flavors of the tty40, all seem more
+# like IBM half duplex forms fillers than ASCII terminals.  They have lots of
+# awful braindamage, such as printing a visible newline indicator after each
+# newline.  The 40-1 is a half duplex terminal and is hopeless.  The 40-2 is
+# braindamaged but has hope and is described here.  The 40-4 is a 3270
+# lookalike and beyond hope.  The terminal has visible bell but I don't know
+# it - it's null here to prevent it from showing the BL character.
+# There is an \EG in <nl> because of a bug in old vi (if stty says you have
+# a "newline" style terminal (-crmode) vi figures all it needs is nl
+# to get crlf, even if :cr: is not ^M.)
+# (tty40: removed obsolete ":nl=\EG\EB:", it's just do+cr -- esr)
+tty40|ds40|ds40-2|dataspeed40|teletype dataspeed 40/2:\
+	:bs:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=50\EL:cd=75\EJ:cl=80\EH\EJ:cr=\EG:ct=80\EH\E2:\
+	:dc=50\EP:dl=50\EM:do=\EB:ei=:ho=10\EH:ic=50\E\136:im=:\
+	:kb=^]:kl=^H:le=^H:nd=\EC:pf=^T:po=2000\022:rs=60\023\ER:\
+	:se=\E4:sf=20\ES:so=\E3:sr=10\ET:st=\E1:ta=10\E@:up=\E7:
+tty43|model 43 teletype:\
+	:am:bs:hc:os:xo:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=\r:do=\n:kb=^H:le=^H:sf=\n:
+#### Tymshare
+# You can add :is=\E<: to put this 40-column mode, though I can't
+# for the life of me think why anyone would want to.
+scanset|sc410|sc415|Tymshare Scan Set:\
+	:am:bw:ms:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:ac=j%k4l<m-q,x5:ae=^O:as=^N:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EH\EJ:\
+	:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=\r:do=\n:ho=\EH:kd=\EB:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:\
+	:ku=\EA:le=^H:nd=^I:pf=\E;0:po=\E;0:ps=\E;3:r1=\E>:rc=^C:\
+	:sc=^B:sf=\n:up=^K:
+#### Volker-Craig (vc)
+# If you saw a Byte Magazine cover with a terminal on it during the early
+# 1980s, it was probably one of these.  Carl Helmers liked them because
+# they could crank 19.2 and were cheap (that is, he liked them until he tried
+# to program one...)
+# Missing in vc303a and vc303 descriptions:  they scroll 2 lines at a time
+# every other linefeed.
+vc303|vc103|vc203|volker-craig 303:\
+	:am:bs:ns:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=40^L:cr=\r:do=\n:ho=40^K:kd=\n:kl=^H:kr=^I:ku=^N:\
+	:le=^H:ll=^OW:nd=^I:up=^N:
+vc303a|vc403a|volker-craig 303a:\
+	:ce=20^V:cl=40^X:ho=40^Y:kr=^U:ku=^Z:ll=^P:nd=^U:up=^Z:\
+	:tc=vc303:
+# (vc404: removed obsolete ":ma=^Z^P^U :" -- esr)
+vc404|volker-craig 404:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=40^W:ce=20^V:cl=40^X:cm=\020%+ %+ :cr=\r:do=\n:\
+	:ho=40^Y:kd=\n:kl=^H:kr=^U:ku=^Z:le=^H:nd=^U:sf=\n:up=^Z:
+vc404-s|volker-craig 404 w/standout mode:\
+	:do=\n:se=^O:so=^N:tc=vc404:
+# From: <wolfgang@cs.sfu.ca>
+# (vc414: merged in cup/dl1/home from an old vc414h-noxon)
+vc414|vc414h|Volker-Craig 414H in sane escape mode.:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=40\E\032:cd=\E^X:ce=10\E\017:cl=40\E\034:\
+	:cm=40\E\021%r%.%.:dc=\E3:dl=40\E\023:do=\E^K:ei=:ho=\E^R:\
+	:ic=\E\::im=:k0=\EA:k1=\EB:k2=\EC:k3=\ED:k4=\EE:k5=\EF:\
+	:k6=\EG:k7=\EH:kd=\E^K:kh=\E^R:kl=^H:kr=^P:ku=\E^L:l0=PF1:\
+	:l1=PF2:l2=PF3:l3=PF4:l4=PF5:l5=PF6:l6=PF7:l7=PF8:nd=^P:\
+	:se=\E^_:so=\E^Y:up=\E^L:
+vc415|volker-craig 415:\
+	:cl=^L:tc=vc404:
+#### IBM PC and clones
+# The pcplot IBM-PC terminal emulation program is really messed up. It is
+# supposed to emulate a vt-100, but emulates the wraparound bug incorrectly,
+# doesn't support scrolling regions, ignores add line commands, and ignores
+# delete line commands. Consequently, the resulting behavior looks like a
+# crude adm3a-type terminal.
+# Steve Jacobson 8/85
+pcplot|pc-plot terminal emulation program:\
+	:xn@:\
+	:AL@:DL@:al@:cs@:dl@:rc@:sc@:tc=vt100+4bsd:
+# KayPro II from Richard G Turner <rturner at Darcom-Hq.ARPA>
+# I've found that my KayPro II, running MDM730, continues to emulate an
+# ADM-3A terminal, just like I was running TERM.COM. On our 4.2 UNIX
+# system the following termcap entry works well:
+# I have noticed a couple of minor glitches, but nothing I can't work
+# around. (I added two capabilities from the BRL entry -- esr)
+kaypro|kaypro2|kaypro II:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=^G:cd=^W:ce=^X:cl=1^Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:dl=\ER:\
+	:do=\n:ho=^^:kd=\n:kr=^L:ku=^K:nd=^L:sf=\n:up=^K:
+# From IBM, Thu May  5 19:35:27 1983
+# (ibmpc: commented out :im:=\200R because we don't know :ei: -- esr)
+ibm-pc|ibm5051|5051|IBM Personal Computer (no ANSI.SYS):\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=^L^K:cr=\r^^:do=\n:ho=^K:kd=^_:le=^]:nd=^\:sf=10\n:\
+	:up=^^:
+ibmpc|wy60-PC|wyse60-PC|IBM PC/XT running PC/IX:\
+	:am:bs:bw:eo:hs:km:ms:ul:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:@7=\E[Y:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:SF=\E[%dS\E[%dB:\
+	:SR=\E[%dT\E[%dA:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=j\331k\277l\332m\300n\305q\304t\303u\264v\301w\302x\263:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:ch=\E[%i%dG:cl=\Ec:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=\r:do=\E[B:ec=\E[%dX:ho=\E[H:k1=\240:k2=\241:k3=\242:\
+	:k4=\243:k5=\244:k6=\245:k7=\246:k8=\247:k9=\250:k;=\251:\
+	:kB=^]:kD=\177:kI=\E[^H:kN=\E[U:kP=\E[V:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:\
+	:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=\E[D:ll=\E[24;1H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mk=\E[30;40m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:nw=\r:se=\E[m:sf=\E[S\E[B:so=\E[7m:sr=\E[T\E[A:ue=\E[m:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+#### Apple II
+# Apple II firmware console first, then various 80-column cards and
+# terminal emulators.  For two cents I'd toss all these in the UFO file
+# along with the 40-column apple entries.
+# From: brsmith@umn-cs.cs.umn.edu (Brian R. Smith) via BRL
+#	'it#8' tells UNIX that you have tabs every 8 columns.  This is a
+#		function of TIC, not the firmware.
+#	The clear key on a IIgs will do something like clear-screen,
+#		depending on what you're in.
+appleIIgs|appleIIe|appleIIc|Apple 80 column firmware interface:\
+	:am:bs:bw:eo:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=^K:ce=^]:cl=^L:cm=\036%r%+ %+ :cr=\r:do=\n:ho=^Y:\
+	:kC=^X:kD=\177:kb=^H:kd=\n:kl=^H:kr=^U:ku=^K:le=^H:nd=^\:\
+	:nw=\r^W:se=^N:sf=^W:so=^O:sr=^V:ta=^I:up=^_:
+# Apple //e with 80-column card, entry from BRL
+# The modem interface is permitted to discard LF (maybe DC1), otherwise
+# passing characters to the 80-column firmware via COUT (PR#3 assumed).
+# Auto-wrap does not work right due to newline scrolling delay, which also
+# requires that you set "stty cr2".
+# Note: Cursor addressing is only available via the Pascal V1.1 entry,
+# not via the BASIC PR#3 hook.  All this nonsense can be avoided only by
+# using a terminal emulation program instead of the built-in firmware.
+apple2e|Apple //e:\
+	:bw:ms:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=4*^K:ce=4^]:cl=100^L:do=\n:ho=^Y:is=^R^N:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\n:kl=^H:kr=^U:ku=^K:le=^H:me=^N:mr=^O:nw=100\r:r1=^R^N:\
+	:se=^N:sf=^W:so=^O:sr=^V:ta=^I:up=^_:
+# mcvax!vu44!vu45!wilcke uses the "ap" entry together with Ascii Express Pro
+# 4.20, with incoming and outgoing terminals both on 0, emulation On.
+apple2e-p|Apple //e via Pascal:\
+	:cm=\036%r%+ %+ :kb=^H:kd=\n:kl=^H:tc=apple2e:
+# (ASCII Express) MouseTalk "Standard Apple //" emulation from BRL
+# Enable DC3/DC1 flow control with "stty ixon -ixany".
+apple-ae|ASCII Express:\
+	:am:bs:bw:ms:nx:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:bl=500^G:cd=^K:ce=^]:cl=^L:cm=\036%r%+ %+ :cr=\r:do=\n:\
+	:ho=^Y:is=^R^N:kC=^X:kd=\n:kl=^H:kr=^U:ku=^K:le=^H:me=^N:\
+	:mr=^O:nd=^U:r1=^R^N:se=^N:sf=^W:so=^O:sr=^V:up=^_:
+appleII|apple ii plus:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:cd=^K:ce=^]:cl=^L:cm=\036%r%+ %+ :do=\n:ho=\E^Y:is=^TT1^N:\
+	:kd=\n:kr=^U:le=^H:me=^N:nd=^\:se=^N:so=^O:ta=^I:up=^_:\
+	:vb=\024G1\024T1:ve=^TC2:vs=^TC6:
+# Originally by Gary Ford 21NOV83
+# From: <ee178aci%sdcc7@SDCSVAX.ARPA>  Fri Oct 11 21:27:00 1985
+apple-80|apple II with smarterm 80 col:\
+	:am:bs:bw:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bt=^R:cd=10*^K:ce=10^]:cl=10*^L:cm=\036%r%+ %+ :cr=10*\r:\
+	:do=\n:ho=^Y:le=^H:nd=^\:up=^_:
+apple-soroc|apple emulating soroc 120:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=300\E*:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:do=\n:\
+	:ho=^^:kd=\n:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:nd=^L:sf=\n:up=^K:
+# From Peter Harrison, Computer Graphics Lab, San Francisco
+#   ucbvax!ucsfmis!harrison  .....uucp
+#   ucbvax!ucsfmis!harrison@BERKELEY   .......ARPA
+# "These two work.  If you don't have the inverse video chip for the
+# Apple with videx then remove the :so: and :se: fields."
+# (apple-videx: this used to be called DaleApple -- esr)
+apple-videx|Apple with videx videoterm 80 column board with inverse video:\
+	:am:bs:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:cd=^K:ce=^]:cl=300^L:cm=\036%r%+ %+ :do=\n:ho=^Y:kd=\n:\
+	:kh=^Y:kl=^H:kr=^U:le=^H:me=^Z2:nd=^\:se=^Z2:so=^Z3:ta=^I:\
+	:up=^_:
+# My system [for reference] : Apple ][+, 64K, Ultraterm display card,
+#			      Apple Cat ][ 212 modem, + more all
+#			      controlled by ASCII Express: Pro.
+# From Dave Shaver <isucs1!shaver>
+apple-uterm-vb|Videx Ultraterm for Apple micros with Visible Bell:\
+	:am:bs:eo:xt:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:ac=:cd=^K:ce=^]:cl=^L:cm=\036%r%+ %+ :ho=^Y:\
+	:is=^V4^W06\017\rVisible Bell Installed.\016\r\n:\
+	:nd=^\:se=^N:so=^O:up=^_:vb=^W35^W06:
+apple-uterm|Ultraterm for Apple micros:\
+	:am:bs:eo:xt:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:ac=:cd=^K:ce=^]:cl=^L:cm=\036%r%+ %+ :ho=^Y:\
+	:is=^V4^W06\016:nd=^\:se=^N:so=^O:up=^_:
+# from trwrba!bwong (Bradley W. Wong):
+# This entry assumes that you are using an apple with the UCSD Pascal
+# language card.  SYSTEM.MISCINFO is assumed to be the same as that
+# supplied with the standard apple except that screenwidth should be set
+# using SETUP to 80 columns.  Note that the right arrow is not mapped in
+# this termcap entry.  This is because that key, on the Apple, transmits
+# a ^U and would thus preempt the more useful "up" function of vi.
+# HMH 2/23/81
+apple80p|80-column apple with Pascal card:\
+	:am:bw:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:cd=^K:ce=^]:cl=^Y^L:cm=\036%r%+ %+ :ho=^Y:kl=^H:nd=^\\::\
+	:up=^_:
+# Apple II+ equipped with Videx 80 column card
+# Terminfo from ihnp4!ihu1g!djc1 (Dave Christensen) via BRL;
+# manually converted by D A Gwyn
+# DO NOT use any terminal emulation with this data base, it works directly
+# with the Videx card.  This has been tested with vi 1200 baud and works fine.
+# This works great for vi, except I've noticed in pre-R2, ^U will scroll back
+# 1 screen, while in R2 ^U doesn't.
+# For inverse alternate character set add:
+#	:as:=^O::ae:=^N:
+# (apple-v: added it#8 -- esr)
+apple-videx2|Apple II+ w/ Videx card (similar to Datamedia h1520):\
+	:am:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:bl=100^G:cd=16*^K:ce=^]:cl=16*^L:cm=\036%r%+ %+ :cr=\r:\
+	:do=\n:ho=^Y:kb=^H:kd=\n:kh=^Y:kl=^H:kr=^\:ku=^_:le=^H:nd=^\:\
+	:se=^Z2:sf=\n:so=^Z3:ta=8^I:up=^_:
+apple-videx3|vapple|Apple II with 80 col card:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:ce=\Ex:cl=\Ev:cm=\EY%+ %+ :do=\EB:ho=\EH:k0=\EP:k1=\EQ:\
+	:k2=\ER:k3=\E\s:k4=\E!:k5=\E":k6=\E#:k7=\E$:k8=\E%%:k9=\E&:\
+	:kd=\EB:kh=\EH:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=\ED:nd=\EC:up=\EA:
+#From: decvax!cbosgd!cbdkc1!mww Mike Warren via BRL
+aepro|Apple II+ running ASCII Express Pro--vt52:\
+	:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=300^L:cm=\EY%+ %+ :do=\EB:ho=\EH:le=\ED:\
+	:nd=\EC:up=\EA:
+# UCSD addition: Yet another termcap from Brian Kantor's Micro Munger Factory
+apple-vm80|ap-vm80|apple with viewmax-80:\
+	:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:cd=300^K:ce=^]:cl=300^L:cm=100\036%+ %+ :ho=200^Y:\
+	:nd=^\\::up=^_:
+#### Apple Lisa & Macintosh
+# (lisa: changed :vs: to :ve: -- esr)
+lisa|apple lisa console display (black on white):\
+	:am:bs:eo:ms:\
+	:co#88:it#8:li#32:\
+	:ac=jdkclfmenbqattuvvuwsx`:ae=\E[10m:al=\E[L:as=\E[11m:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=^L:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:\
+	:do=\E[B:ei=:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=:is=\E>\E[m\014:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\E[B:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:se=\E[m:so=\E[7m:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[5l:\
+	:vi=\E[5h:
+liswb|apple lisa console display (white on black):\
+	:is=\E>\E[0;7m\014:se=\E[0;7m:so=\E[m:ue=\E[0;7m:\
+	:us=\E[4m:tc=lisa:
+# lisaterm from ulysses!gamma!epsilon!mb2c!jed (John E. Duncan III) via BRL;
+# :is: revised by Ferd Brundick <fsbrn@BRL.ARPA>
+# These entries assume that the 'Auto Wraparound' is enabled.
+# Xon-Xoff flow control should also be enabled.
+# The vt100 uses :rs2: and :rf: rather than :is2:/:tbc:/:hts: because the tab
+# settings are in non-volatile memory and don't need to be reset upon login.
+# Also setting the number of columns glitches the screen annoyingly.
+# You can type "reset" to get them set.
+lisaterm|Apple Lisa or Lisa/2 running LisaTerm vt100 emulation:\
+	:am:bs:pt:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:kn#4:li#24:vt#3:\
+	:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:\
+	:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:do=\n:ho=\E[H:k0=\EOP:k1=\EOQ:\
+	:k2=\EOR:k3=\EOS:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:\
+	:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:l0=F1:l1=F2:l2=F3:l3=F4:le=^H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:r1=\E>\E[?1l\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E[1;24r:\
+	:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+# Lisaterm in 132 column ("wide") mode.
+lisaterm-w|Apple Lisa with Lisaterm in 132 column mode:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\n:kl=^H:tc=lisaterm:
+# Although MacTerminal has insert/delete line, it is commented out here
+# since it is much faster and cleaner to use the "lock scrolling region"
+# method of inserting and deleting lines due to the MacTerminal implementation.
+# Also, the "Insert/delete ch" strings have an extra character appended to them
+# due to a bug in MacTerminal V1.1.  Blink is disabled since it is not
+# supported by MacTerminal.
+mac|macintosh|Macintosh with MacTerminal:\
+	:xn:\
+	:dN#30:\
+	:dc=7\E[P:ei=:ic=9\E[@:im=:ip=7:mb@:tc=lisa:
+# Lisaterm in 132 column ("wide") mode.
+mac-w|macterminal-w|Apple Macintosh with MacTerminal in 132 column mode:\
+	:co#132:tc=mac:
+#### Radio Shack/Tandy
+# (coco3: This had "ta" used incorrectly as a boolean and bl given as "bl#7".
+# I read these as mistakes for ":it#8:" and ":bl=\007:" respectively -- esr)
+# From: <{pbrown,ctl}@ocf.berkeley.edu> 12 Mar 90
+coco3|os9LII|Tandy CoCo3 24*80 OS9 Level II:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=^_0:bl=^G:cd=^K:ce=^D:cl=5*^L:cm=2\002%r%+ %+ :dl=^_1:\
+	:do=\n:ho=^A:kd=\n:kl=^H:kr=^I:ku=^L:le=^H:mb=^_":\
+	:md=\E\:\001:me=\037!\E\:\0:mr=^_\s:nd=^F:se=^_!:so=^_\s:\
+	:ue=^_#:up=^I:us=^_":ve=^E!:vi=^E\s:
+# (trs2: removed obsolete ":nl=^_:" -- esr)
+trs2|trsII|trs80II|Radio Shack Model II using P&T CP/M:\
+	:am:bs:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=^D:bl=^G:cd=^B:ce=^A:cl=^L:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=\r:dl=^K:\
+	:do=^_:ho=^F:kb=^H:kd=^_:kl=^\:kr=^]:ku=^^:le=^H:me=^O:nd=^]:\
+	:se=^O:sf=\n:so=^N:ta=^I:up=^^:
+# From: Kevin Braunsdorf <ksb@mentor.cc.purdue.edu>
+# (This had extension capabilities
+#	:BN=\E[?33h:BF=\E[?33l:UC=\E[_ q:BC=\E[\177 q:\
+#	:CN=\ERC:CF=\ERc:NR=\ERD:NM=\ER@:
+# I also deleted the unnecessary ":kn#2:", ":sg#0:" -- esr)
+trs16|trs-80 model 16 console:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:ac=jak`l_mbquvewcxs:ae=\ERg:al=\EL:as=\ERG:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:\
+	:ce=\EK:cl=^L:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=\r:dc=\EQ:dl=\EM:do=\EB:ei=:\
+	:ho=\EH:ic=\EP:im=:k0=^A:k1=^B:k2=^D:k3=^L:k4=^U:k5=^P:k6=^N:\
+	:k7=^S:kb=^H:kd=\EB:kh=^W:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:l0=f1:l1=f2:\
+	:l2=f3:l3=f4:l4=f5:l5=f6:l6=f7:l7=f8:le=^H:me=\ER@:nd=\EC:\
+	:pf=\E]+:po=\E]=:se=\ER@:sf=\n:so=\ERD:ta=^I:up=\EA:ve=\ERC:\
+	:vi=\ERc:
+#### Commodore Business Machines
+# Formerly located in West Chester, PA; went spectacularly bust in 1994
+# after years of shaky engineering and egregious mismanagement.  Made one
+# really nice machine (the Amiga) and boatloads of nasty ones (PET, C-64,
+# C-128, VIC-20).  The C-64 is said to have been the most popular machine
+# ever (most units sold); they can still be found gathering dust in closets
+# everywhere.
+# From: Kent Polk <kent@swrinde.nde.swri.edu>, 30 May 90
+# Added a few more entries, converted caret-type control sequence (^x) entries
+# to '\0xx' entries since a couple of people mentioned losing '^x' sequences.
+# Corrections by Ty Sarna <tsarna@endicor.com>, Sat Feb 28 18:55:15 1998
+# :as:, :ae:			Support for alternate character sets.
+# :ve=\E[\040p:vi=\E[\060\040p:	cursor visible/invisible.
+# :xn:  vt100 kludginess at column 80/NEWLINE ignore after 80 cols(Concept)
+#     This one appears to fix a problem I always had with a line ending
+#     at 'width+1' (I think) followed by a blank line in vi. The blank
+#     line tended to disappear and reappear depending on how the screen
+#     was refreshed. Note that this is probably needed only if you use
+#     something like a Dnet Fterm with the window sized to some peculiar
+#     dimension larger than 80 columns.
+# :k0=\E9~:	map F10 to k0 - could have F0-9 -> k0-9, but ... F10 was 'k;'
+# (amiga: removed obsolete :kn#10:,
+# also added empty <acsc> to suppress a warning --esr)
+amiga|Amiga ANSI:\
+	:am:bs:bw:xn:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ac=:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:\
+	:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=:is=\E[20l:\
+	:k0=\E[9~:k1=\E[0~:k2=\E[1~:k3=\E[2~:k4=\E[3~:k5=\E[4~:\
+	:k6=\E[5~:k7=\E[6~:k8=\E[7~:k9=\E[8~:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=\E[D:mb=\E[7;2m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:\
+	:mh=\E[2m:mk=\E[8m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:r1=\Ec:se=\E[m:sf=\E[S:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=\E[T:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[ p:\
+	:vi=\E[0 p:tc=ecma+index:
+# From: Hans Verkuil <hans@wyst.hobby.nl>, 4 Dec 1995
+# (amiga: added empty <acsc> to suppress a warning.
+# I'm told this entry screws up badly with AS225, the Amiga
+# TCP/IP package once from Commodore, and now sold by InterWorks.--esr)
+amiga-h|Hans Verkuil's Amiga ANSI:\
+	:bs:bw:ms:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:DC=\233%dP:DO=\233%dB:IC=\233%d@:LE=\233%dD:RI=\233%dC:\
+	:SF=\233%dS:SR=\233%dT:UP=\233%dA:ac=:ae=^O:as=^N:bl=^G:\
+	:bt=\233Z:cd=\233J:ce=\233K:cl=\233H\233J:\
+	:cm=\233%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:dc=\233P:do=\233B:ec=\233%dP:ei=:\
+	:ho=\233H:ic=\233@:im=:is=\23320l:k0=\2339~:k1=\2330~:\
+	:k2=\2331~:k3=\2332~:k4=\2333~:k5=\2334~:k6=\2335~:\
+	:k7=\2336~:k8=\2337~:k9=\2338~:kD=\177:kb=^H:kd=\233B:\
+	:kl=\233D:kr=\233C:ku=\233A:le=\233D:mb=\2337;2m:\
+	:md=\2331m:me=\2330m:mh=\2332m:mk=\2338m:mr=\2337m:\
+	:nd=\233C:nw=\233B\r:r1=\Ec:se=\2330m:sf=\233S:so=\2337m:\
+	:sr=\233T:ta=^I:te=\233?7h:ti=\233?7l:ue=\2330m:up=\233A:\
+	:us=\2334m:vb=^G:ve=\233 p:vi=\2330 p:
+# From: Henning 'Faroul' Peters <Faroul@beyond.kn-bremen.de>, 25 Sep 1999
+# Pavel Fedin added
+#	Home    Shift+Left
+#	End     Shift+Right
+#	PgUp    Shift+Up
+#	PgDn    Shift+Down
+amiga-8bit|Amiga ANSI using 8-bit controls:\
+	:@7=\233 @:AL=\233%dL:DL=\233%dM:SF@:SR@:ac=:al=\233L:\
+	:dl=\233M:kN=\233S:kP=\233T:kh=\233 A:sf=\204:sr=\215:\
+	:tc=amiga-h:
+# From: Ruediger Kuhlmann <terminfo@ruediger-kuhlmann.de>, 18 Jul 2000
+# requires use of appropriate preferences settings.
+amiga-vnc|Amiga using VNC console (black on light gray):\
+	:ND:am:da:db:ms:\
+	:BT#1:Co#16:NC#0:co#80:li#24:lm#0:pa#256:\
+	:%1=\E[?~:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:\
+	:IC=\E[%d@:Km=\E[M:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[1L:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[1M:do=\E[B:ei=:ic=\E[@:im=:\
+	:is=\E[>?2;18l\E[>?26;?6;20;>?15;?7;>?22;>?8h:\
+	:k0=\E[9~:k1=\E[0~:k2=\E[1~:k3=\E[2~:k4=\E[3~:k5=\E[4~:\
+	:k6=\E[5~:k7=\E[6~:k8=\E[7~:k9=\E[8~:kB=\233Z:kD=\177:\
+	:kH=\E[45~:kN=\E[42~:kP=\E[41~:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:ke=\E[?1l:\
+	:kh=\E[44~:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ks=\E[?1h:ku=\E[A:le=\E[D:\
+	:mb=\E[7;2m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m\017\E[30;85;>15m:mh=\E[2m:\
+	:mk=\E8m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:oc=\E[0m:r1=\Ec:\
+	:r2=\E[>?2;18l\E[>?26;?6;20;>?15;?7;>?22;>?8h:\
+	:se=\E[21m:sf=\ED:so=\E[1m:sr=\EM:te=\E[?7h\E[r\E[J:\
+	:ti=\E[?7h:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:vb=^G:\
+	:ve=\E[p\E[>?6l:vi=\E[0p:vs=\E[>?6h:tc=ecma+index:
+# MorphOS on Genesi Pegasos
+# By Pavel Fedin <sonic_amiga@rambler.ru>
+morphos|MorphOS on Genesi Pegasos:\
+	:@7=\23345~:AL=\233%dL:DL=\233%dM:F1=\23320~:F2=\23321~:\
+	:SF@:SR@:ac=:al=\233L:dl=\233M:kI=\23340~:kN=\23342~:\
+	:kP=\23341~:kh=\23344~:sf=\204:sr=\215:tc=amiga-h:
+# Commodore B-128 microcomputer from Doug Tyrol <det@HEL-ACE.ARPA>
+#	I'm trying to write a termcap for a commodore b-128, and I'm
+# having a little trouble. I've had to map most of my control characters
+# to something that unix will accept (my delete-char is a ctrl-t, etc),
+# and create some functions (like cm), but thats life.
+#	The problem is with the arrow keys - right, and up work fine, but
+# left deletes the previous character and down I just can't figure out.
+# Jove knows what I want, but I don't know what it's sending to me (it
+# isn't thats bound to next-line in jove).
+#	Anybody got any ideas? Here's my termcap.
+# DAG -- I changed his "^n" entries to "\n"; see if that works.
+commodore|b-128|Commodore B-128 micro:\
+	:am:bw:\
+	:co#80:dN#20:li#24:pb#150:\
+	:al=10\Ei:bc=^H:ce=10\Eq:cl=10\E\006:cm=20\E\013%2,%2,:\
+	:cr=\r:dc=10*\177:dl=10*\Ed:do=\n:ei=:ho=\E^E:ic=5\E\n:im=:\
+	:kd=\n:kh=\E^E:kl=^B:kr=^F:ku=^P:nd=^F:nl=\r:ta=5^I:up=^P:
+#### North Star
+# North Star Advantage from Lt. Fickie <brl-ibd!fickie> via BRL
+northstar|North Star Advantage:\
+	:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:cd=200^O:ce=200^N:cl=200^D:cm=1\E=%+ %+ :ho=200^\^Z:
+#### Osborne
+# Thu Jul  7 03:55:16 1983
+# As an aside, be careful; it may sound like an anomaly on the
+# Osborne, but with the 80-column upgrade, it's too easy to
+# enter lines >80 columns!
+# I've already had several comments...
+# The Osborne-1 with the 80-col option is capable of being
+# 52, 80, or 104 characters wide; default to 80 for compatibility
+# with most systems.
+# The tab is destructive on the Ozzie; make sure to 'stty -tabs'.
+osborne-w|osborne1-w|osborne I in 104-column mode:\
+	:ms:ul:xt:\
+	:co#104:li#24:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=^G:ce=\ET:cl=^Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:\
+	:do=\n:ei=:ic=\EQ:im=:kd=\n:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:nd=^L:\
+	:se=\E(:sf=\n:so=\E):ue=\Em:up=^K:us=\El:
+# Osborne I	from ptsfa!rhc (Robert Cohen) via BRL
+osborne|osborne1|osborne I in 80-column mode:\
+	:am:bs:mi:ms:ul:xs:\
+	:co#80:dB#4:li#24:\
+	:al=\EE:ce=\ET:cl=^Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :dc=4\EW:dl=\ER:do=\n:ei=:\
+	:im=\EQ:is=^Z:kb=^H:kd=\n:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=4^H:nd=^L:\
+	:se=\E):so=\E(:ue=\Em:up=^K:us=\El:
+# Osborne Executive definition from BRL
+# Similar to tvi920
+# Added by David Milligan and Tom Smith (SMU)
+osexec|Osborne executive:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#1:ug#1:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=^G:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=^Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:ct=\E3:\
+	:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=\n:ei=:ho=^^:ic=\EQ:im=:\
+	:is=\Eq\Ek\Em\EA\Ex0:k0=^A@\r:k1=^AA\r:k2=^AB\r:k3=^AC\r:\
+	:k4=^AD\r:k5=^AE\r:k6=^AF\r:k7=^AG\r:k8=^AH\r:k9=^AI\r:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\n:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:nd=^L:nl=\n:se=\Ek:\
+	:so=\Ej:st=\E1:ue=\Em:up=^K:us=\El:
+#### Console types for obsolete UNIX clones
+# Coherent, Minix, Venix, and several lesser-known kin were OSs for 8088
+# machines that tried to emulate the UNIX look'n'feel.  Coherent and Venix
+# were commercial, Minix an educational tool sold in conjunction with a book.
+# Memory-segmentation limits and a strong tendency to look like V7 long after
+# it was obsolete made all three pretty lame.  Venix croaked early.  Coherent
+# and Minix were ported to 32-bit Intel boxes, only to be run over by a
+# steamroller named `Linux' (which, to be fair, traces some lineage to Minix).
+# Coherent's vendor, the Mark Williams Company, went belly-up in 1994.  There
+# are also, I'm told, Minix ports that ran on Amiga and Atari machines and
+# even as single processes under SunOS and the Macintosh OS.
+# See
+#	https://web.archive.org/web/20120703021949/http://www.minix3.org/manpages/html4/console.html
+minix|minix console (v3):\
+	:@7=\E[Y:F1=\E[11;2~:F2=\E[12;2~:F3=\E[13;2~:F4=\E[14;2~:\
+	:F5=\E[15;2~:F6=\E[17;2~:F7=\E[18;2~:F8=\E[19;2~:\
+	:F9=\E[20;2~:FA=\E[21;2~:FB=\E[11;5~:FC=\E[12;5~:\
+	:FD=\E[13;5~:FE=\E[14;5~:FF=\E[15;5~:FG=\E[17;5~:\
+	:FH=\E[18;5~:FI=\E[19;5~:FJ=\E[20;5~:FK=\E[21;5~:\
+	:FL=\E[11;6~:FM=\E[12;6~:FN=\E[13;6~:FO=\E[14;6~:\
+	:FP=\E[15;6~:FQ=\E[17;6~:FR=\E[18;6~:FS=\E[19;6~:\
+	:FT=\E[20;6~:FU=\E[21;6~:\
+	:ac=+\020,\021-\030.^Y0\333`\004a\261f\370g\361h\260j\331k\277l\332m\300n\305o~p\304q\304r\304s_t\303u\264v\301w\302x\263y\363z\362{\343|\330}\234~\376:\
+	:k0=\E[21~:k1=\E[11~:k2=\E[12~:k3=\E[13~:k4=\E[14~:\
+	:k5=\E[15~:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:\
+	:k;=\E[21~:kD=\177:kI=\E[@:kN=\E[U:kP=\E[V:l0@:l1@:l2@:l3@:\
+	:l4@:l5@:tc=minix-3.0:
+minix-3.0|minix console (v3.0):\
+	:tc=ecma+color:tc=minix-1.7:
+# See
+#	https://web.archive.org/web/20030914201935/http://www.minix-vmd.org/pub/Minix-vmd/1.7.0/wwwman/man4/console.4.html
+# This is the entry provided with minix 1.7.4, with bogus :ri: removed.
+minix-1.7|minix console (v1.7):\
+	:am:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cb=\E[2K:\
+	:cd=\E[0J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[0J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=:is=\E[0m:\
+	:k0=\E[Y:k1=\E[V:k2=\E[U:k3=\E[T:k4=\E[S:k5=\E[G:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:l0=End:l1=PgUp:\
+	:l2=PgDn:l3=Num +:l4=Num -:l5=Num 5:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:\
+	:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\r\n:se=\E[0m:sf=\n:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:ue=\E[0m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+# Corrected Jan 14, 1997 by Vincent Broman <broman@nosc.mil>
+minix-old|minix-1.5|minix console (v1.5):\
+	:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[0J:\
+	:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[0J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:dc=\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=:k0=\E[Y:k1=\E[V:\
+	:k2=\E[U:k3=\E[T:k4=\E[S:k5=\E[G:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:\
+	:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\r\n:se=\E[0m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:\
+	:ta=^I:ue=\E[0m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+# The linewrap option can be specified by editing /usr/include/minix/config.h
+# before recompiling the minix 1.5 kernel.
+minix-old-am|minix console with linewrap:\
+	:am:tc=minix-old:
+pc-minix|minix console on an Intel box:\
+	:tc=klone+acs:tc=minix-3.0:
+# According to the Coherent 2.3 manual, the PC console is similar
+# to a z19. The differences seem to be (1) 25 lines, (2) no status
+# line, (3) standout is broken, (4) ins/del line is broken, (5)
+# has blinking and bold.
+pc-coherent|pcz19|coherent|IBM PC console running Coherent:\
+	:am:mi:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EE:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=\r:dc=\EN:\
+	:do=\EB:ei=\EO:ho=\EH:im=\E@:kb=^H:kd=\EB:kh=\EH:kl=\ED:\
+	:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:me=\Eq:nd=\EC:se=\Eq:sf=\n:so=\Ep:\
+	:sr=\EI:ta=^I:up=\EA:
+# According to the Venix 1.1 manual, the PC console is similar
+# to a DEC vt52.  Differences seem to be (1) arrow keys send
+# different strings, (2) enhanced standout, (3) added insert/delete line.
+# Note in particular that it doesn't have automatic margins.
+# There are other keys (f1-f10, kpp, knp, kcbt, kich1, kdch1) but they
+# not described here because this derives from an old termcap entry.
+pc-venix|venix|IBM PC console running Venix:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:\
+	:al=\EL:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=\r:\
+	:dl=\EM:do=\n:kb=^H:kd=\EP:kh=\EG:kl=\EK:kr=\EM:ku=\EH:le=^H:\
+	:nd=\EC:sf=\n:sr=\EI:ta=^I:up=\EA:
+#### Miscellaneous microcomputer consoles
+# If you know anything more about any of these, please tell me.
+# The MAI Basic Four computer was obsolete at the end of the 1980s.
+# It may be used as a terminal by putting it in "line" mode as seen on
+# one of the status lines.
+# Initialization is similar to CIT80. :is: will set ANSI mode for you.
+# Hardware tabs set by :if: at 8-spacing.  Auto line wrap causes glitches so
+# wrap mode is reset by :vs:.  Using :sf:=\E[S caused errors so I
+# used \ED instead.
+# From: bf347@lafn.org (David Lawyer), 28 Jun 1997
+mai|basic4|MAI Basic Four in ansi mode:\
+	:am:da:db:mi:ms:\
+	:co#82:it#8:li#25:\
+	:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=^_:ce=^^:cl=^]^_:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dc=\E[1P:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ei=\E[4l:ho=^]:\
+	:if=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E>\E[?1h\E[?7h\E[?5l\017\E(B\E[m\E[20l\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\EOT:k6=\EOU:k7=\EOV:\
+	:k8=\EOW:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ku=\EOA:le=^H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=^X:nw=\r\ED:rc=\E8:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\E[T:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=^Z:\
+	:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[?7h:vs=\E[?7l:
+# basis from Peter Harrison, Computer Graphics Lab, San Francisco
+#   ucbvax!ucsfmis!harrison ...uucp / ucbvax!ucsfmis!harrison@BERKELEY ...ARPA
+# On Sat, 7 Aug 1999, Torsten Jerzembeck <toje@nightingale.ms.sub.org> wrote:
+# The Basis 108 was a Apple II clone, manufactured by the "Basis
+# Mikrocomputer GmbH" in Munster, Germany (the company still exists today,
+# about 1,5 km from where I live, but doesn't build own computers any
+# more). A Basis 108 featured a really heavy (cast aluminium?) case, was
+# equipped with one or two 5.25" disk drives, had a monochrome and colour
+# video output for a TV set or a dedicated monitor and several slots for
+# Apple II cards. Basis 108 were quite popular at german schools before
+# the advent of the IBM PC. They run, for example, the UCSD Pascal
+# development system (which I used even in 1993 to program the steering
+# and data recording for our school's experimental solar panel :), Apple DOS
+# or CP/M.
+# (basis: removed obsolete ":ma=^K^P^R^L^L :nl=5000*^J:" -- esr)
+basis|BASIS108 computer with terminal translation table active:\
+	:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=300\E*:do=5000\n:kb=^H:kd=\n:kl=^H:kr=^L:\
+	:ku=^K:me=\E):se=\E):so=\E(:tc=adm3a:
+# luna's BMC terminal emulator
+luna|luna68k|LUNA68K Bitmap console:\
+	:co#88:li#46:tc=ansi-mini:
+megatek|pegasus workstation terminal emulator:\
+	:am:os:\
+	:co#83:li#60:
+# The Xerox 820 was a Z80 micro with a snazzy XEROX PARC-derived
+# interface (pre-Macintosh by several years) that went nowhere.
+xerox820|x820|Xerox 820:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=^Q:ce=^X:cl=1^Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:do=\n:ho=^^:\
+	:le=^H:nd=^L:sf=\n:up=^K:
+#### Videotex and teletext
+# \E\:1}	switch to te'le'informatique mode (ascii terminal/ISO 6429)
+# \E[?3l	80 columns
+# \E[?4l	scrolling on
+# \E[12h	local echo off
+# \Ec		reset: G0 U.S. charset (to get #,@,{,},...), 80 cols, clear screen
+# \E)0		G1 DEC set (line graphics)
+# From: Igor Tamitegama <igor@ppp1493-ft.teaser.fr>, 18 Jan 1997
+m2-nam|minitel|minitel-2|minitel-2-nam|France Telecom Minitel 2 mode te'le'informatique:\
+	:bs:es:hs:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:sg#0:ug#0:ws#72:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=aaffggjjkkllmmnnooqqssttuuvvwwxx:ae=^O:al=\E[L:\
+	:as=^N:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=\E[4l:\
+	:fs=\n:ho=\E[H:i1=\E\:1}\Ec\E[?4l\E[12h:i2=\E[?3l:\
+	:im=\E[4h:ip=7:is=\Ec\E[12h\E)0:k0=\EOp:k1=\EOq:k2=\EOr:\
+	:k3=\EOs:k4=\EOt:k5=\EOu:k6=\EOv:k7=\EOw:k8=\EOx:k9=\EOy:\
+	:k;=\EOp:kA=\E[4l:kC=\E[2J:kD=\E[P:kI=\E[4h:kL=\E[M:\
+	:kN=\EOn:kP=\EOR:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:\
+	:ku=\E[A:le=\E[D:ll=\E[24;80H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\r\n:ps=\E[i:r1=\Ec\E[?4l\E[12h:\
+	:r2=\Ec\E)0:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:\
+	:ta=^I:ts=^_@A:u6=\E[%i%d;%dR:u7=\E[6n:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:vb=^G:ve=\E[<1l:vi=\E[<1h:
+# From: Alexandre Montaron <canal@mygale.org>, 18 Jun 1998, updated 19 Sep 2016
+minitel1|minitel 1:\
+	:am:bw:es:hs:hz:\
+	:Co#8:co#40:li#24:pa#8:\
+	:%1=^SD:&2=^SC:@2=^SE:@7=^SI:@8=^SA:AB=\0:AF=\E%+@:Sb=\0:\
+	:ac=j+k+l+m+n+o~q`s_t+u+v+w+x|:bl=^G:ce=^X:cl=^L:\
+	:cm=\037%+A%+A:cr=\r:do=\n:ds=\037@A\030\n:fs=\n:ho=^^:\
+	:is=\E;`ZQ\E\:iC\E\:iE\021:kN=^SH:kP=^SB:kb=^SG:le=^H:\
+	:mb=\EH:me=\EI\E\\\EG:mr=\E]:nd=^I:nw=\r\n:op=\EG:\
+	:rp=%.\022%+?:\
+	:rs=\024\037XA\030\n\030\n\030\n\030\n\030\n\030\n\030\n\030\n\030\n\030\n\030\n\030\n\030\n\030\n\030\n\030\n\030\n\030\n\030\n\030\n\030\n\030\n\030\n\030\014\021:\
+	:se=\E\\:sf=\n:so=\E]:sr=^K:ts=\037@%+A:u7=\Ea:u9=\E9{:\
+	:up=^K:vb=\037@A\EW \177\022\177\022P\r\030\n:ve=^Q:\
+	:vi=^T:
+minitel1b|minitel 1-bistandard (in 40cols mode):\
+	:mi:\
+	:%1@:&2@:@2@:@8@:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:\
+	:F1=^Y1:F2=^Y/:F3=^Y{1:F4=^Y{2:F5=^Y{3:F6=^Y{4:F7=^Y{5:\
+	:F8=^Y{6:F9=^Y{7:FA=^Y{8:FB=^Y{9:FC=^Y{0:FD=^Y{*:FE=^Y{#:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:\
+	:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:ei=\E[4l:i1=\E;iYA\E;jYC:im=\E[4h:k1=^SD:\
+	:k2=^SC:k3=^SF:k4=^SA:k5=^SG:k6=^SE:k7=^Y8:k8=^Y,:k9=^Y.:\
+	:k;=^Y0:kA=\E[L:kC=\E[2J:kD=\E[P:kI=\E[4h:kL=\E[M:kb@:\
+	:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:kt=^I:ku=\E[A:l1=Guide:\
+	:l2=Repetition:l3=Sommaire:l4=Envoi:l5=Correction:\
+	:l6=Annulation:tc=minitel1:
+# rmkx posait des problemes (logout en sortant de vi).
+minitel1b-80|minitel 1-bistandard (standard teleinformatique):\
+	:am@:bw@:es@:hz@:ms:\
+	:Co@:co#80:it#8:pa@:\
+	:%1=\EOm:&2=\EOS:@2=\EOQ:@7=\E)4\r:@8=\EOM:AB@:AF@:F1=\EOP1:\
+	:F2=\EOP2:F3=\EOP3:F4=\EOP4:F5=\EOP5:F6=\EOP6:F7=\EOP7:\
+	:F8=\EOP8:F9=\EOP9:FA=\EOP0:FB=\EOP*:FC=\EOP#:FD@:FE@:Sb@:\
+	:Sf@:ac@:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:ho=\E[H:i1@:is@:\
+	:k1=\EOq:k2=\EOr:k3=\EOs:k4=\EOt:k5=\EOu:k6=\EOv:k7=\EOw:\
+	:k8=\EOx:k9=\EOy:k;=\EOp:kN=\EOn:kP=\EOR:kb=\EOl:ke@:ks@:l1@:\
+	:l2@:l3@:l4@:l5@:l6@:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:\
+	:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:op@:rc=\E8:rp@:\
+	:rs=\036\E[12H\E[2M\E[H\E[L\E[12H\E[2M\E[H\E[L\E[12H\E[2M\E[H\E[L\E[12H\E[2M\E[H\E[L\E[12H\E[2M\E[H\E[L\E[12H\E[2M\E[H\E[L\E[12H\E[2M\E[H\E[L\E[12H\E[2M\E[H\E[L\E[12H\E[2M\E[H\E[L\E[12H\E[2M\E[H\E[L\E[12H\E[2M\E[H\E[L\E[12H\E[2M\E[H\E[J\E[m:\
+	:sa@:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:u6@:u7@:\
+	:u8@:u9@:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\037@A\021\n:\
+	:vi=\037@A\024\n:tc=minitel1b:
+minitel1-nb|minitel 1 (40cols) noir & blanc sans couleurs avec bold et dim ...:\
+	:Co@:pa@:\
+	:AB@:AF@:Sb@:Sf@:cl=^L\EB:cm=\037%+A%+A\EB:ho=^^\EB:md=\EG:\
+	:me=\EI\E\\\EB:mh=\ED:op@:rs=^L\EB:ts=\037@%+A\EB:\
+	:tc=minitel1:
+minitel1b-nb|minitel 1b (40cols) noir & blanc sans couleurs avec bold et dim ...:\
+	:ms:\
+	:Co@:pa@:\
+	:@7=\E)4\r:AB@:AF@:Sb@:Sf@:\
+	:ac=`>a9f!j%k4l<m-n=p#q,rpt=u5v-w<x5yvzy|l~$:ae=^O:\
+	:as=^N:cl=^L\EB:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:ho=^^\EB:k1=\E$4\r:\
+	:k2=\E#4\r:k3=\E&4\r:k4=\E!4\r:k5=\E'4\r:k6=\E/4\r:\
+	:kN=\E(4\r:kP=\E"4\r:md=\EG:me=\EI\E\\\EB:mh=\ED:op@:\
+	:rs=^L\EB:ts=\037@%+A\EB:tc=minitel1b:
+# Note:
+# Faire, Fnct T puis "/" (TS+"?") pour activer les touches en 40cols :
+# TS+Connexion/Fin(Fin),Retour(Page Up),Suite(Page Down),Guide(F1),
+# Repetition(F2),Sommaire(F3),Envoi(F4),Correction(F5),Annulation(F6),
+# Ctrl+7(F7),Ctrl+8(F8),Ctrl+9(F9),Ctrl+0(F10),Ctrl+*(F11),Ctrl+#(F12).
+# Ctrl+Suite-1(F13), Ctrl+Suite-2(F14), Ctrl+Suite-3(F15),
+# Ctrl+Suite-4(F16), Ctrl+Suite-5(F17), Ctrl+Suite-6(F18),
+# Ctrl+Suite-7(F19), Ctrl+Suite-8(F20), Ctrl+Suite-9(F21),
+# Ctrl+Suite-0(F22), Ctrl+Suite-*(F23), Ctrl+Suite-#(F24).
+# Fonctionne par exemple avec Midnight Commander (mc).
+minitel2-80|minitel 2 (80cols) avec filets vt100 (DEC):\
+	:ac=ffggjjkkllmmnnooqqssttuuvvwwxxyyzz||}}:ae=^O:as=^N:\
+	:eA=\E)0:u6=\E[%i%d;%dR:tc=minitel12-80:
+minitel12-80|minitel 12 (80cols):\
+	:is=\E[12h:u6=\E[%i%d;%dH:u7=\E[6n:ve=\E[<1l:vi=\E[<1h:\
+	:tc=minitel1b-80:
+# Add these in your ~/.screenrc for inputting some special glyphs like french
+# accentuated chars in 40 cols mode:
+# bindkey ^YA digraph '`'  # Saisi accent grave.
+# bindkey ^YB digraph "'"  # Saisi accent aigu.
+# bindkey ^YC digraph '^'  # Saisi accent circonflexe.
+# bindkey ^YH digraph '"'  # Saisi accent trema.
+# bindkey ^Y#      stuff \243  # Livre.
+# bindkey "^Y\047" stuff \247  # Paragraphe.
+# bindkey ^Yj      stuff \306  # AE
+# bindkey ^Yz      stuff \346  # ae
+# bindkey ^YKc     stuff \347  # c cedille.
+screen.minitel1|Screen specific for minitel1:\
+	:NC@:\
+	:Km@:\
+	:ac=++,,--..00``aaffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz||}}~~:\
+	:bl=\007\E\136 \E\\:cs@:md@:u6=\E[%i%d;%dR:u7=\E[6n:\
+	:u8=\E[?1;2c:u9=\EZ:ue@:us@:vb=\Eg\E\136 \E\\:\
+	:tc=xterm+x11mouse:tc=screen4:
+screen.minitel1b|Screen specific for minitel1b:\
+	:F3=^Y{1:F4=^Y{2:F5=^Y{3:F6=^Y{4:F7=^Y{5:F8=^Y{6:F9=^Y{7:\
+	:FA=^Y{8:FB=^Y{9:FC=^Y{0:FD=^Y{*:FE=^Y{#:kA=\E[L:kC=\E[2J:\
+	:kL=\E[M:tc=screen.minitel1:
+screen.minitel1b-80|screen.minitel2-80|screen.minitel12-80|Screen specific for minitel1b-80 minitel2-80 and minitel12-80:\
+	:Co@:NC@:pa@:\
+	:%1=\EOm:@8=\EOM:AB@:AF@:F3@:F4@:F5@:F6@:F7@:F8@:F9@:FA@:FB@:FC@:\
+	:FD@:FE@:Sb@:Sf@:md=\E[1m:op@:ue=\E[24m:us=\E[4m:\
+	:tc=screen.minitel1b:
+screen.minitel1-nb|Screen specific for minitel1-nb:\
+	:Co@:NC@:pa@:\
+	:AB@:AF@:Sb@:Sf@:md=\E[1m:mh=\E[2m:op@:tc=screen.minitel1:
+screen.minitel1b-nb|Screen specific for minitel1b-nb:\
+	:Co@:NC@:pa@:\
+	:AB@:AF@:Sb@:Sf@:md=\E[1m:mh=\E[2m:op@:tc=screen.minitel1b:
+# From: Alexandre Montaron, 29 Sep 2016
+# (rmacs/smacs removed for consistency)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+linux-m1|Linux Minitel 1 "like" Couleurs:\
+	:am:bw@:mi:ms:xn:\
+	:it#8:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:K1=\EOw:K2=\E[G:K3=\EOy:\
+	:K4=\EOq:K5=\EOs:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E]R\E]P3FFFF80\E[?8c:k1=\E[[A:k2=\E[[B:k3=\E[[C:\
+	:k4=\E[[D:k5=\E[[E:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:\
+	:k9=\E[20~:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=\177:\
+	:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[1~:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:\
+	:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:rc=\E8:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:up=\E[A:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:\
+	:tc=linux+decid:
+# 1. Using double-shapes for vt100 graphical chars (eg: mc).
+# 2. Native brown color corrected to good yellow color.
+# 3. Adding "Insert" and "Delete Line" keys as ESC Up and ESC Down arrow keys.
+# 4. Suppressed nonexistent underlined mode (normally as bright).
+# 5. ich/ich1 not filled because of non-curses programs.
+# 6. Suppressed nonexistent invisible mode.
+#(7.)Adding forgotten "cub/cud/cuf/cuu" sequences deplacement.
+linux-m1b|Linux Minitel 1B "like" Monochrome (Gris/Blanc/Noir+Dim):\
+	:cc@:\
+	:Co@:NC@:pa@:\
+	:AB=^A:AF=^A:Ic@:ac@:ae@:as@:eA@:\
+	:md=\E[33m:oc@:op@:tc=linux-m1:
+linux-m2|Linux Minitel 2 "like" Couleurs (Vert/Blanc/Noir+Bleu):\
+	:cc@:\
+	:Co@:NC@:pa@:\
+	:AB=^A:AF=^A:Ic@:\
+	:ac=++,,--..00``aabbccddeeffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=^O:as=^N:eA=\E)0:\
+	:md=\E[33m:me=\E[;37m:oc@:op@:ve=\E[?2c\E[?25h:\
+	:vs=\E[?8c\E[?25h:tc=linux-m1:
+# From: Alexandre Montaron, 27 May 2020
+linux-s|Linux Console with added status line at bottom:\
+	:hs:\
+	:cd@:cl=\E[255;255H\E[A\E[1J\E[H:cs@:\
+	:ds=\E7\E[255H\E[K\E8:fs=\E8:\
+	:iP=\sbash -c 'echo -ne "\E[?6l\E[255H\E[A\E[6n" ; read -d R TMP ; LINES=`echo $TMP | cut -f1 -d ";" | cut -f2 -d "["` ; stty rows $LINES ; echo -ne "\E[;"$LINES"r\E[J"':\
+	:r1=\E]R:ts=\E7\E[255;%dH:tc=linux:
+# Screen entries counterpart :
+screen.linux-m1|Linux m1 specific for screen:\
+	:NC@:\
+	:F3=\E[25~:F4=\E[26~:F5=\E[28~:F6=\E[29~:F7=\E[31~:\
+	:F8=\E[32~:F9=\E[33~:FA=\E[34~:kA=\E\E[B:kC=\E\r:\
+	:kL=\E\E[A:kb=\177:mh=\E[2m:u6=\E[%i%d;%dR:u7=\E[6n:\
+	:u8=\E[?1;2c:u9=\EZ:ue@:us@:tc=xterm+x11mouse:tc=screen4:
+screen.linux-m1b|Linux m1b specific for screen:\
+	:Co@:pa@:\
+	:AB@:AF@:Sb@:Sf@:op@:tc=screen.linux-m1:
+screen.linux-m2|Linux m2 specific for screen:\
+	:ac=++,,--..00``aabbccddeeffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:tc=screen.linux-m1b:
+# Putty :
+putty-m1|Putty Minitel 1 "like" Couleurs:\
+	:hs:\
+	:k1=\E[11~:k2=\E[12~:k3=\E[13~:k4=\E[14~:k5=\E[15~:mh@:\
+	:te=\E[2J\E[?47l\E8:ti=\E7\E[?47h:ue=\E[24m:us=\E[4m:\
+	:tc=putty+screen:tc=xterm+sl-twm:tc=ecma+index:\
+	:tc=linux-m1:
+putty-m1b|Putty Minitel 1B "like" Monochrome (Gris/Blanc/Noir):\
+	:hs:\
+	:k1=\E[11~:k2=\E[12~:k3=\E[13~:k4=\E[14~:k5=\E[15~:mh@:\
+	:te=\E[2J\E[?47l\E8:ti=\E7\E[?47h:ue=\E[24m:us=\E[4m:\
+	:tc=putty+screen:tc=xterm+sl-twm:tc=ecma+index:\
+	:tc=linux-m1b:
+putty-m2|Putty Minitel 2 "like" Couleurs (Vert/Blanc/Noir):\
+	:hs:\
+	:ac=``aabbccddeeffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:k1=\E[11~:k2=\E[12~:k3=\E[13~:k4=\E[14~:k5=\E[15~:mh@:\
+	:te=\E[2J\E[?47l\E8:ti=\E7\E[?47h:ue=\E[24m:us=\E[4m:\
+	:tc=putty+screen:tc=xterm+sl-twm:tc=ecma+index:\
+	:tc=linux-m2:
+putty+screen|PuTTY with screen resizing extensions:
+putty-screen|PuTTY with screen resizing extensions:\
+	:tc=putty:
+screen.putty-m1|Putty m1 specific for screen:\
+	:mh@:ue=\E[24m:us=\E[4m:tc=screen.linux-m1:
+screen.putty-m1b|Putty m1b specific for screen:\
+	:Co@:pa@:\
+	:AB@:AF@:Sb@:Sf@:op@:tc=screen.putty-m1:
+screen.putty-m2|Putty m2 specific for screen:\
+	:ac=++,,--..00``aabbccddeeffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:tc=screen.putty-m1b:
+# From: Alexandre Montaron, 19 Nov 2015, updated 19 Sep 2016
+# He comments:
+# viewdata lacks a true cup capability,
+# so I achieved it with home and cud1/cuf1 sequences only !
+viewdata|prestel/viewdata terminals:\
+	:am:bw:es:hz:\
+	:co#40:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=^L:cr=\r:do=\n:ho=^^:le=^H:nd=^I:nw=\r\n:rs=^L:\
+	:up=^K:ve=^Q:vi=^T:
+viewdata-o|optimized version of viewdata prestel/viewdata terminals:\
+	:tc=viewdata:
+# Samples with TERM=viewdata and TERM=viewdata-rv: http://canal.chez.com/blog/
+viewdata-rv|prestel/viewdata terminals with reverse capabilitie (as green):\
+	:sg#1:\
+	:se=\EG:so=\EB:tc=viewdata-o:
+# These terminals are *long* dead -- these entries are retained for
+# historical interest only.
+#### Amtek Business Machines
+# (abm80: early versions of this entry apparently had ":se=\E^_:so=\E^Y",
+# but these caps were commented out in 8.3; also, removed overridden
+# ":do=^J:" -- esr)
+abm80|amtek business machines 80:\
+	:am:bs:bw:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\E^Z:bt=^T:cd=\E^X:ce=\E^O:cl=\E^\:cm=\E\021%r%+ %+ :\
+	:dl=\E^S:do=\E^K:ho=\E^R:le=^H:nd=^P:up=\E^L:
+#### Bell Labs blit terminals
+# These were AT&T's official entries.  The 5620 FAQ maintained by
+# David Breneman <daveb@dgtl.com> has this to say:
+#  Actually, in the beginning was the Jerq, and the Jerq was white with a
+#  green face, and Locanthi and Pike looked upon the Jerq and said the Jerq
+#  was good.  But lo, upon the horizon loomed a mighty management-type person
+#  (known now only by the initials VP) who said, the mighty Jerq must stay
+#  alone, and could not go forth into the world. So Locanthi and Pike put the
+#  Jerq to sleep, cloned its parts, and the Blit was brought forth unto the
+#  world. And the Jerq lived the rest of its days in research, but never
+#  strayed from those paths.
+#  In all seriousness, the Blit was originally known as the Jerq, but when
+#  it started to be shown outside of the halls of the Bell Labs Research
+#  organization, the management powers that be decided that the name could
+#  not remain. So it was renamed to be Blit. This was in late 1981.
+# (The AT&T 5620 was the commercialized Blit.  Its successors were the 630,
+# 730, and 730+.)
+blit|jerq|blit running teletype rom:\
+	:am:eo:ul:xo:\
+	:co#87:it#8:li#72:\
+	:AL=\EF%+ :DC=\Ee%+ :DL=\EE%+ :IC=\Ef%+ :al=\EF!:bl=^G:\
+	:ce=\EK:cl=^L:cm=\EY%r%+ %+ :cr=\r:dc=\Ee!:dl=\EE!:do=\n:\
+	:ei=:ic=\Ef!:im=:k1=\Ex:k2=\Ey:k3=\Ez:kb=^H:kd=\EB:kl=\ED:\
+	:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=\ED:nd=\EC:sf=\n:ta=^I:up=\EA:
+# (cbblit: here's a BSD termcap that says :do=\EG: -- esr)
+cbblit|fixterm|blit running columbus code:\
+	:co#88:\
+	:cd=\EJ:ei=\ER:ic@:im=\EQ:pO=\EP%3:pf=^T:po=^R:se=\EV!:\
+	:so=\EU!:ue=\EV":us=\EU":vb=\E^G:tc=blit:
+oblit|ojerq|first version of blit rom:\
+	:am:da:db:eo:mi:ul:xo:\
+	:co#88:it#8:li#72:\
+	:AL=\Ef%+ :DL=\Ee%+ :al=\EF:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=^L:\
+	:cm=\EY%r%+ %+ :cr=\r:dc=\EO:dl=\EE:do=\n:ei=\ER:im=\EQ:\
+	:kb=^H:le=\ED:nd=\EC:sf=\n:ta=^I:up=\EA:vb=\E^G:
+#### Bolt, Beranek & Newman (bbn)
+# The BitGraph was a product of the now-defunct BBN Computer Corporation.
+# The parent company, best known as the architects of the Internet, is
+# still around.
+# Jeff DelPapa <dp@world.std.com> writes:
+# The bitgraph was a large white box that contained a monochrome bitmap
+# display, and a 68000 to run it.  You could download code and run it on
+# the cpu, it had 128kb (I think) of memory.  I used one in the late
+# 70's, sure beat a vt100.  It had one strange feature tho -- it used
+# the cpu to bitblt pixels to scroll, it took longer than the refresh
+# rate, and looked like a rubber sheet stretching, then snapping
+# upwards.  It had everything the early mac had, except a floppy drive a
+# small screen (it had a 17" crisp beauty) and a real OS. They (Bolt
+# Beranek and Neuman) sold at most a few hundred of them to the real
+# world.  DOD may have bought more...
+# Entries for the BitGraph terminals.  The problem
+# with scrolling in vi can only be fixed by getting BBN to put
+# smarter scroll logic in the terminal or changing vi or padding
+# scrolls with about 500 ms delay.
+# I always thought the problem was related to the terminal
+# counting newlines in its input buffer before scrolling and
+# then moving the screen that much. Then vi comes along and
+# paints lines in on the bottom line of the screen, so you get
+# this big white gap.
+bitgraph|bg2.0nv|bg3.10nv|bbn bitgraph 2.0 or later (normal video):\
+	:is=\E>\E[?5l\E[?7h:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:tc=bg2.0:
+bg2.0rv|bg3.10rv|bbn bitgraph 2.0 (reverse video):\
+	:is=\E>\E[?5h\E[?7h:vb=\E[?5l\E[?5h:tc=bg2.0:
+bg2.0|bg3.10|bbn bitgraph 2.0 or later (no init):\
+	:bs:xn:\
+	:co#85:li#64:\
+	:al=2*\E[L:bl=^G:cd=150\E[J:ce=2\E[K:cl=150\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=%i\E[%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dl=2*\E[M:do=\E[B:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kd=\E[B:ke=\E>:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ks=\E=:ku=\E[A:l1=PF1:l2=PF2:l3=PF3:l4=PF4:le=^H:\
+	:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=280\n:so=\E[7m:\
+	:ta=^I:up=\E[A:
+bg1.25rv|bbn bitgraph 1.25 (reverse video):\
+	:is=\E>\E[?5h\E[?7h:vb=\E[?5l\E[?5h:tc=bg1.25:
+bg1.25nv|bbn bitgraph 1.25 (normal video):\
+	:is=\E>\E[?5l\E[?7h:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:tc=bg1.25:
+# (bg1.25: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string -- esr)
+bg1.25|bbn bitgraph 1.25:\
+	:co#85:li#64:\
+	:RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7h:al=2*\E[L:bl=^G:cd=150\E[J:ce=2\E[K:\
+	:cl=150\E[H\E[J:cm=%i\E[%d;%dH:cr=\r:dl=2*\E[M:do=\E[B:\
+	:k1=\EP:k2=\EQ:k3=\ER:k4=\ES:kd=\EB:ke=\E>:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:\
+	:ks=\E=:ku=\EA:l1=PF1:l2=PF2:l3=PF3:l4=PF4:le=^H:\
+	:ll=\E[64;1H:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:sf=280\n:so=\E[7m:\
+	:ta=^I:up=\E[A:
+#### Bull (bq, dku, vip)
+# (Adapted for terminfo; AIX extension capabilities translated -- esr)
+# BULL QUESTAR 210 `SDP' terminals emulation #
+# Description written by R.K.Saunders (Bull Transac)
+# Modifications written by F. Girard (Bull MTS)
+#		19-05-87 V02.00.01
+#		17-12-87 V02.00.02
+#		15-09-89 V02.00.05
+#	Typical technical selections F1 (modes SDP/ROLL):
+# -------------------------------------------------------
+# |   01   02   03   04   05   06   07   08   09   10   |
+# |  1010 0011 1010 0110 0110 0001 0100 0000 0000 0000  |
+# |                                                     |
+# |   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   |
+# |  0000 0110 100? 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0001  |
+# |                                                     |
+# |   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   |
+# |  0011 0000 0001 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  |
+# |                                                     |
+# |   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   |
+# |  1010 0011 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  |
+# -------------------------------------------------------
+#	Typical firmware identification F5 "etat 6":
+#  P287.02.04b	(AZERTY)
+#  P297.11.04	(24-pin: 2732)	or P798.11.04	(28-pin: 2764)
+#  P298.03.03	(monochrome)	or P374.03.02	(colour)
+#	SM SDP mode (VIP command):	^[[?=h
+#	RIS (erases screen):		^[c
+#	DMI disable keyboard:		^[`
+#	SM double rendition mode:	^[[?>h
+#	RM solicited status mode:	^[[5l
+#	RM character mode:		^[[>l
+#	RM echoplex mode:		^[[12l
+#	RM column tab mode:		^[[18l
+#	RM forbid SS2 keyboard mode:	^[[?<l
+#	SM scroll mode:			^[[=h
+#	FCF enable XON/XOFF:		^[P1s^[\
+#	MTL select end msg character:	^[[^Wp
+#	EMI enable keyboard:		^[b
+#	RIS retour etat initial:	^[c
+#	enable FC keypad:		^[[?<h,
+#	MPW map status line window:	^[PY99:98^[\
+#	SCP select status line:		^[[0;98v
+#	ED erase entire partition:	^[[2J
+#	SCP select main partition:	^[[v
+#	SM character insertion mode:	^[[4h
+#	RM character replacement mode:	^[[4l
+#	COO cursor on:			^[[r
+#	COO cursor off:			^[[1r
+#	SGR dim (turquoise) rev attr:	^[[2;7m
+#	SGR Data normal attr:		^[[m
+#	SO Line-graphic mode ON:	^N
+#	SI Line-graphic mode OFF:	^O
+#	MC start routing to printer:	^[[5i
+#	MC stop routing to printer:	^M^[[4i
+# This entry covers the following terminals:
+# dku7102, tws2102, and tws models 2105 to 2112
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (rmacs/smacs removed for consistency)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+tws-generic|dku7102|Bull Questar tws terminals:\
+	:am:es:hs:mi:ms:xn:xo:xs@:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:ws#80:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%df:cr=\r:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:\
+	:do=\n:ds=\EPY99\:98\E\\\E[0;98v\E[2J\E[v:ei=\E[4l:\
+	:fs=\E[v:ho=\E[H:i1=\E[?=h\Ec\E`\E[?>h\EPY99\:98\E\\:\
+	:i2=\Eb\E[?<h:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E[5;>;12;18;?<l\E[=h\EP1s\E\\\E[\027p:\
+	:k1=\E[1u\027:k2=\E[2u\027:k3=\E[3u\027:k4=\E[4u\027:\
+	:k5=\E[5u\027:k6=\E[6u\027:k7=\E[7u\027:k8=\E[8u\027:\
+	:kD=\E[P:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:\
+	:le=^H:ll=\E[H\E[A:mb=\E[0;5m:me=\E[0m\017:mh=\E[0;2m:\
+	:mr=\E[0;7m:nd=\E[C:rs=\E[?=h\Ec:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[0;7m:\
+	:st=\EH:ta=\E[I:te=\E[0;98v\E[2J\E[v:\
+	:ti=\E[?>h\EPY99\:98\E\\:\
+	:ts=\EPY99\:98\E\\\E[0;98v\E[2;7m:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[0;4m:ve=\E[r:vi=\E[1r:
+tws2102-sna|dku7102-sna|BULL Questar tws2102 for SNA:\
+	:ds=\E[0;98v\E[2J\E[v:fs=\E[v:i2=\Eb:ts=\E[0;98v:\
+	:tc=tws-generic:
+tws2103|xdku|BULL Questar tws2103:\
+	:ta=^I:tc=tws-generic:
+tws2103-sna|dku7103-sna|BULL Questar tws2103 for SNA:\
+	:ta=^I:tc=tws2102-sna:
+dku7102-old|BULL Questar 200 DKU7102 (microcode version < 6):\
+	:AL@:DL@:al@:ce=\E[K\E[m:cl=\E[2J\E[H:cm@:dl@:\
+	:ds=\EPY99\:98\E\\\E[0;98v\E[2J\E[H\E[v:\
+	:ts=\EPY99\:98\E\\\E[0;98v\E[H\E[2;7m:tc=tws-generic:
+dku7202|BULL Questar 200 DKU7202 (colour/character attributes):\
+	:i2=\E[?3h\Eb:mb=\E[0;2;4m:mh=\E[0;5m:so=\E[0;4;5;7m:\
+	:ta=^I:us=\E[0;2m:tc=tws-generic:
+# BULL QUESTAR 303 & 310 `DEC VT 320' terminals emulation #
+# Description written by J. Staerck (BULL SA)
+#       Copyright (c) 1989 BULL SA
+#  This entry is used for terminals with vt320 emulation mode
+#  and following set-up :
+#    8 bit ISO Latin Character Set (ISO 8859-1),
+#    7 bit Control Characters,
+#    80 columns screen.
+#  Hereafter are some DEC vt terminals' commands. (valid on vt200 and 300)
+#  They are used in string capabilities with vt220-320 emulation mode.
+#  In the following DEC definitions, two kinds of terminfo databases are
+#    provided :
+#    1. the first with Command Sequence Introducer starting with escape
+#       sequence in 7 bits characters ex. ESC [ : 2 chars. in 7-bit mode.
+#    2. the second with Command Sequence Introducer starting with escape
+#       sequence in 8 bits characters ex. ESC [ : 1 char. 'CSI' =x9B.
+#	Soft Terminal Reset		esc [ ! p
+#	RIS (erases screen):		esc c
+#	DECKPNM numeric keypad mode:	esc >
+#	DECKPAM applic. keypad mode:	esc =
+#	DECSTBM Scrolling region:	esc [ r
+#	SCS select G0 = US:		esc ( B
+#	SCS select G1 = line-graphic:	esc ) 0
+#	Select 7-bit C1 controls:	esc sp F
+#	Select 8-bit C1 controls:	esc sp G
+#	Select cursor home:		esc [  H
+#	Select erase screen:		esc [  J
+#	SM KAM lock keyboard:		esc [ 2 h
+#	RM KAM unlock keyboard:		esc [ 2 l
+#	SM SRM local echo off:		esc [ 1 2 h
+#	RM SRM local echo on:		esc [ 1 2 l
+#	SM LNM New line :		esc [ 2 0 h
+#	RM LNM return = CR only:	esc [ 2 0 l
+#	SM DECCKM cursor keys mode:	esc [ ? 1 h
+#	RM DECCKM appli. keys mode:	esc [ ? 1 l
+#	SM DECANM ANSI mode on:		esc [ ? 2 h
+#	RM DECANM ANSI mode off:	esc [ ? 2 l
+#	SM DECCOLM 132-column screen:	esc [ ? 3 h
+#	RM DECCOLM 80-column screen:	esc [ ? 3 l
+#	SM DECSCLM Smooth scroll:	esc [ ? 4 h
+#	RM DECSCLM Jump scroll:		esc [ ? 4 l
+#	SM DECSCNM screen light backgr.	esc [ ? 5 h
+#	RM DECSCNM screen dark backgr.	esc [ ? 5 l
+#	SM DECOM move within margins:	esc [ ? 6 h
+#	RM DECOM move outside margins:	esc [ ? 6 l
+#	SM DECAWM auto right margin:	esc [ ? 7 h
+#	RM DECAWM auto right margin:	esc [ ? 7 l
+#	SM DECARM auto repeat:		esc [ ? 8 h
+#	RM DECARM auto repeat:		esc [ ? 8 l
+#	DECSASD Select active main:	esc [ 0 $ }
+#	DECSASD Select active status:	esc [ 1 $ }
+#	DECSSDT Select status none:	esc [ 0 $ ~
+#	DECSSDT Select status indic.:	esc [ 1 $ ~
+#	DECSSDT Select status host-wr:	esc [ 2 $ ~
+#	SM DECTCEM Visible cursor:	esc [ ? 2 5 h
+#	RM DECTCEM Invisible cursor:	esc [ ? 2 5 l
+#	SM DECNCRM 7 bits NCR set:	esc [ ? 4 2 h
+#	RM DECNCRM Multi or ISO latin:	esc [ ? 4 2 l
+#	SM DECNKM numeric keypad mode:	esc [ ? 6 6 h
+#	RM DECNKM numeric keypad appl.:	esc [ ? 6 6 l
+#	SM DECKBUM clavier informatique	esc [ ? 6 8 h
+#	RM DECKBUM clavier bureautique:	esc [ ? 6 8 l
+#	DECSCL vt300 mode 8-bit ctrl:	esc [ 6 3 " p
+# or	DECSCL vt300 mode 8-bit ctrl:	esc [ 6 3 ; 0 " p
+# or	DECSCL vt300 mode 8-bit ctrl:	esc [ 6 3 ; 2 " p
+#	DECSCL vt300 mode 7-bit ctrl:	esc [ 6 3 ; 1 " p
+#	Char. and Line attributes:	esc [ Ps ... Ps m
+# with:  0 All off, 1 Bold, 4 Underline, 5 Blinking, 7 Reverse
+# and : 22 Bold off, 24 Underline off, 25 Blinking off, 27 Reverse off
+# This entry covers BQ303, BQ306, BQ310, Q303, Q306, Q310
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+bq300|Bull vt320 ISO Latin 1 80 columns terminal:\
+	:am:eo:es:hs:km:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:vt#3:ws#80:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:K1=\EOw:K2=\EOu:K3=\EOy:K4=\EOq:K5=\EOs:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=\E(B:al=\E[L:as=\E(0:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:\
+	:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\
+	:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:\
+	:ds=\E[1$}\E[2$~\n\E[0$}:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:fs=\E[0$}:\
+	:ho=\E[H:i1=\E[63;1"p\E[2h:\
+	:i2=\E[0$}\E[?25h\E[2l\E[H\E[J:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E[?2h\E[?3l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E>\E[?1l\E F\E[?42l\E[?4l:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:\
+	:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:\
+	:le=\E[D:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:\
+	:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:\
+	:ta=^I:te=\E[?7h:ti=\E[?7l\E[?1l\E(B:ts=\E[1$}\E[2$~:\
+	:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?25h:\
+	:vi=\E[?25l:tc=ansi+pp:
+bq300-rv|Bull vt320 reverse 80 columns:\
+	:is=\E[?2h\E[?3l\E[?5h\E[?7h\E[?8h\E>\E[?1l\E F\E[?42l\E[?4l:\
+	:vb=\E[?5l\E[?5h:tc=bq300:
+bq300-w|Bull vt320 132 columns:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:is=\E[?2h\E[?3h\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E>\E[?1l\E F\E[?42l\E[?4l:\
+	:rs=\E[?3h:tc=bq300:
+bq300-w-rv|Bull vt320 reverse mode 132 columns:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:is=\E[?2h\E[?3h\E[?5h\E[?7h\E[?8h\E>\E[?1l\E F\E[?42l\E[?4l:\
+	:rs=\E[?3h:vb=\E[?5l\E[?5h:tc=bq300:
+#  This entry is used for terminals with vt320 emulation mode
+#  and following set-up :
+#    8 bit ISO Latin Character Set (ISO 8859-1),
+#    8 bit Control Characters, (CSI coded as x9B for ESC [)
+#    80 columns screen.
+#	Soft Terminal Reset		csi ! p
+#	RIS (erases screen):		esc c
+#	DECKPNM numeric keypad mode:	esc >
+#	DECKPAM applic. keypad mode:	esc =
+#	DECSTBM Scrolling region:	esc [ r
+#	SCS select G0 = US:		esc ( B
+#	SCS select G1 = line-graphic:	esc ) 0
+#	Select 7-bit C1 controls:	esc sp F
+#	Select 8-bit C1 controls:	esc sp G
+#	Select cursor home:		csi H
+#	Select erase screen:		csi J
+#	SM KAM lock keyboard:		csi 2 h
+#	RM KAM unlock keyboard:		csi 2 l
+#	SM SRM local echo off:		csi 1 2 h
+#	RM SRM local echo on:		csi 1 2 l
+#	SM LNM New line :		csi 2 0 h
+#	RM LNM return = CR only:	csi 2 0 l
+#	SM DECCKM cursor keys mode:	csi ? 1 h
+#	RM DECCKM appli. keys mode:	csi ? 1 l
+#	SM DECANM ANSI mode on:		csi ? 2 h
+#	RM DECANM ANSI mode off:	csi ? 2 l
+#	SM DECCOLM 132-column screen:	csi ? 3 h
+#	RM DECCOLM 80-column screen:	csi ? 3 l
+#	SM DECSCLM Smooth scroll:	csi ? 4 h
+#	RM DECSCLM Jump scroll:		csi ? 4 l
+#	SM DECSCNM screen light backgr.	csi ? 5 h
+#	RM DECSCNM screen dark backgr.	csi ? 5 l
+#	SM DECOM move within margins:	csi ? 6 h
+#	RM DECOM move outside margins:	csi ? 6 l
+#	SM DECAWM auto right margin:	csi ? 7 h
+#	RM DECAWM auto right margin:	csi ? 7 l
+#	SM DECARM auto repeat:		csi ? 8 h
+#	RM DECARM auto repeat:		csi ? 8 l
+#	DECSASD Select active main:	csi 0 $ }
+#	DECSASD Select active status:	csi 1 $ }
+#	DECSSDT Select status none:	csi 0 $ ~
+#	DECSSDT Select status indic.:	csi 1 $ ~
+#	DECSSDT Select status host-wr:	csi 2 $ ~
+#	SM DECTCEM Visible cursor:	csi ? 2 5 h
+#	RM DECTCEM Invisible cursor:	csi ? 2 5 l
+#	SM DECNCRM 7 bits NCR set:	csi ? 4 2 h
+#	RM DECNCRM Multi or ISO latin:	csi ? 4 2 l
+#	DECSCL vt300 mode 8-bit ctrl:	csi 6 3 " p
+# or	DECSCL vt300 mode 8-bit ctrl:	csi 6 3 ; 0 " p
+#	DECSCL vt300 mode 7-bit ctrl:	csi 6 3 ; 1 " p
+#	Char. and Line attributes:	csi Ps ... Ps m
+# with:  0 All off, 1 Bold, 4 Underline, 5 Blinking, 7 Reverse
+# and : 22 Bold off, 24 Underline off, 25 Blinking off, 27 Reverse off
+# (bq300-8: :le:,:nd:,:up:,:do:,:dl:,:al: to get under 1024 --esr)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (some function-key capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+bq300-8|Bull vt320 full 8 bits 80 columns:\
+	:am:eo:es:hs:km:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:vt#3:ws#80:\
+	:AL=\233%dL:DC=\233%dP:DL=\233%dM:DO=\233%dB:IC=\233%d@:\
+	:K1=\217w:K2=\217u:K3=\217y:K4=\217q:K5=\217s:LE=\233%dD:\
+	:RI=\233%dC:UP=\233%dA:ae=\E(B:al=\233L:as=\E(0:bl=^G:\
+	:cd=\233J:ce=\233K:cl=\233H\233J:cm=\233%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:cs=\233%i%d;%dr:ct=\2333g:dc=\233P:dl=\233M:do=\2331B:\
+	:ds=\2331$}\2332$~\n\2330$}:ec=\233%dX:ei=\2334l:\
+	:fs=\2330$}:ho=\233H:i1=\E[63;2"p\E[2h:\
+	:i2=\2330$}\233?25h\2332l\233H\233J:im=\2334h:\
+	:is=\E[?2h\E[?3l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E>\E[?1l\E G\E[?42l\E[?4l:\
+	:k1=\217P:kD=\2333~:kI=\2332~:kN=\2336~:kP=\2335~:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\233B:ke=\233?1l\E>:kl=\233D:kr=\233C:ku=\233A:\
+	:le=\2331D:mb=\2335m:md=\2331m:me=\2330m\E(B:mr=\2337m:\
+	:nd=\2331C:nw=\EE:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\23327m:sf=\ED:\
+	:so=\2337m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:te=\233?7h:\
+	:ti=\233?7l\233?1l\E(B:ts=\2331$}\2332$~:ue=\23324m:\
+	:up=\2331A:us=\2334m:vb=\233?5h\233?5l:ve=\233?25h:\
+	:vi=\233?25l:
+bq300-8rv|Bull vt320 8-bit reverse mode 80 columns:\
+	:is=\E[?2h\E[?3l\E[?5h\E[?7h\E[?8h\E>\E[?1l\E G\E[?42l\E[?4l:\
+	:vb=\233?5l\233?5h:tc=bq300-8:
+bq300-8w|Bull vt320 8-bit 132 columns:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:is=\E[?2h\E[?3h\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E>\E[?1l\E G\E[?42l\E[?4l:\
+	:rs=\233?3h:tc=bq300-8:
+bq300-w-8rv|Bull vt320 8-bit reverse mode 132 columns:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:is=\E[?2h\E[?3h\E[?5h\E[?7h\E[?8h\E>\E[?1l\E G\E[?42l\E[?4l:\
+	:rs=\233?3h:vb=\233?5l\233?5h:tc=bq300-8:
+#  This entry is used for terminals with vt320 emulation mode
+#  a 102 keys keyboard (PC scancode !) and following set-up :
+#    8 bit ISO Latin Character Set (ISO 8859-1),
+#    7 bit Control Characters,
+#    80 columns screen.
+bq300-pc|Questar 303 with PC keyboard ISO Latin 1 80 columns:\
+	:%0@:%1@:*6@:@0@:@7=\E[4~:F1=\E[29~:F2=\E[31~:F3@:F4@:F5@:F6@:\
+	:F7@:F8@:F9@:FA@:k1=\E[17~:k2=\E[18~:k3=\E[19~:k4=\E[20~:\
+	:k5=\E[21~:k6=\E[23~:k7=\E[24~:k8=\E[25~:k9=\E[26~:\
+	:k;=\E[28~:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=^H:\
+	:kh=\E[1~:l1@:l2@:l3@:l4@:tc=bq300:
+bq300-pc-rv|Questar 303 with PC keyboard reverse mode 80 columns:\
+	:is=\E[?2h\E[?3l\E[?5h\E[?7h\E[?8h\E>\E[?1l\E F\E[?42l\E[?4l:\
+	:vb=\E[?5l\E[?5h:tc=bq300-pc:
+bq300-pc-w|Questar 303 with PC keyboard 132 columns terminal:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:is=\E[?2h\E[?3h\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E>\E[?1l\E F\E[?42l\E[?4l:\
+	:rs=\E[?3h:tc=bq300-pc:
+bq300-pc-w-rv|Questar 303 with PC keyboard reverse mode 132 columns:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:is=\E[?2h\E[?3h\E[?5h\E[?7h\E[?8h\E>\E[?1l\E F\E[?42l\E[?4l:\
+	:rs=\E[?3h:vb=\E[?5l\E[?5h:tc=bq300-pc:
+#    8 bit ISO Latin Character Set (ISO 8859-1),
+#    8 bit Control Characters,
+#    80 columns screen.
+bq300-8-pc|Q306-8-pc|Questar 303 with PC keyboard in full 8 bits 80 columns:\
+	:%0@:%1@:*6@:@0@:@7=\2334~:F1=\23329~:F2=\23331~:F3@:F4@:F5@:\
+	:F6@:F7@:F8@:F9@:FA@:k1=\23317~:k2=\23318~:k3=\23319~:\
+	:k4=\23320~:k5=\23321~:k6=\23323~:k7=\23324~:k8=\23325~:\
+	:k9=\23326~:k;=\23328~:kD=\2333~:kI=\2332~:kN=\2336~:\
+	:kP=\2335~:kb=^H:kh=\2331~:l1@:l2@:l3@:l4@:tc=bq300-8:
+bq300-8-pc-rv|Questar 303 with PC keyboard full 8 bits reverse mode 80 columns:\
+	:is=\E[?2h\E[?3l\E[?5h\E[?7h\E[?8h\E>\E[?1l\E G\E[?42l\E[?4l:\
+	:vb=\E[?5l\E[?5h:tc=bq300-8-pc:
+bq300-8-pc-w|Questar 303 with PC keyboard full 8 bits 132 columns:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:is=\E[?2h\E[?3h\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E>\E[?1l\E G\E[?42l\E[?4l:\
+	:rs=\E[?3h:tc=bq300-8-pc:
+bq300-8-pc-w-rv|Questar 303 with PC keyboard full 8 bits reverse 132 columns:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:is=\E[?2h\E[?3h\E[?5h\E[?7h\E[?8h\E>\E[?1l\E G\E[?42l\E[?4l:\
+	:rs=\E[?3h:vb=\E[?5l\E[?5h:tc=bq300-8-pc:
+# BULL QUESTAR 310 `VIP 7800/8800' terminals emulation #
+# normal mode, 8 bits, 80 columns terminal.
+#	RES reset :			^[e
+#	RIS reset initial state:	^[c
+#	BLE bell enable			^[h
+#	BLD bell disable		^[g
+#	CAMS char. attr. mode set	^[[D
+#	CAMR char. attr. mode reset	^[[G
+#	CLR clear			^[`
+#	KBU keyboard unlock (set)	^[[W
+#	KBL keyboard lock (reset)	^[[X
+#	CM  character mode (async.)	^[k
+#	NEP non echoplex mode (by host)	^[l
+#	EP  echoplex mode (by host)	^[m
+#	IM  insert mode set		^[[I
+#	IM  insert mode reset		^[[J
+#	RMS roll mode set		^[r
+#	RMR roll mode reset		^[q
+#	SM78 set mode vip7800		^[[1q
+#	SD  scroll up	(72 lines)	^[[0s
+#	SD  scroll down (72 lines)	^[[1s
+#	RBM block mode reset		^[[E
+#	SLS status line set		^[w
+#	SLR status line reset		^[v
+#	SLL status line lock		^[O
+#	LGS Line-graphic mode set	^[G
+#	LGR Line-graphic mode reset	^[F
+#	TBC tab clear (at cursor pos.)	^[[g
+#	TBI tab initialize		^[[N
+#	TBS tab set (at cursor pos.)	^[p
+#	PDS  print data space		^[[0p
+#	PHD  print host data		^[[3p
+#	PDT  print data terminator	^[[<p
+#	PRES print adapter reset	^[[2p
+#	SSPR multi-part. reset		^[[<>u
+#	SSP0 partition 0 set		^[[00u
+#	SSP1 partition n format 1	^[[PnPnSTRINGu
+#	SSP2 partition n format 2	^[[PnPnSTRINGu
+#	SSP3 partition n format 3	^[[PnPnu
+#	ATR attribute (visual)
+#	    blink :			^[sB
+#	    dim :			^[sL
+#	    hide (blank) :		^[sH
+#	    restore :			^[sR
+#	    inverse video :		^[sI
+#	    prot. :			^[sP
+#	    underline :			^[s_
+#	    reset :			^{
+# This covers the vip7800 and BQ3155-vip7800
+# (rmacs/smacs removed for consistency)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+vip|Bull Questar 3155-7800:\
+	:5i:am:es:hs:km:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:vt#3:ws#80:\
+	:#2=\EH:#4=\Eo:%i=\Eu:F1=\E\\:F2=\E\136:F3@:F4@:F5@:F6@:F7@:\
+	:F8@:F9@:FA@:FB=\E1:FC=\E5:FD=\E7:FE=\E9:FF=\E;:FG=\E=:FH=\E?:\
+	:FI=\EQ:FJ=\ES:FK=\EV:FL=\E]:FM=\E_:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\EJ:\
+	:ce=\EK:cl=\E`:cm=\E[%i%3%3f:cr=\r:ct=\E[N:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:\
+	:do=\n:ds=\Ev:ei=\E[J:fs=\EO:ho=\EH:i2=\Er\E[W\E`:ic=\E[I:\
+	:im=\E[I:is=\E[00u\E[<>001001024080024080u\E[01u:\
+	:k1=\E0:k2=\E2:k3=\E6:k4=\E8:k5=\E\::k6=\E<:k7=\E>:k8=\EP:\
+	:k9=\ER:k;=\ET:kA=\E[L:kB=\E[Z:kC=\E`:kD=\E[P:kE=\EK:\
+	:kF=\E[0s:kH=\EH\EA:kI=\E[I:kL=\E[M:kM=\E[J:kR=\E[1s:\
+	:kS=\EJ:kT=\Ep:ka=\E[N:kb=^H:kd=\EB:kh=\EH:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:\
+	:kt=\E[g:ku=\EA:l1=pf1:l2=pf2:l3=pf3:l4=pf4:le=^H:ll=\EH\EA:\
+	:mb=\EsB:me=\EsR\EsU\EF:mh=\EsL:mk=\EsH:mp=\EsP:mr=\EsI:\
+	:nd=\EC:nw=\r:pf=\E[<p:po=\E[3p:ps=\E[0p:r1=\Ec:r2=\E[G:\
+	:s0=\EF:s1=\EG:se=\EsR:sf=\n:so=\EsI:sr=10\EA\EJ\EH\E[L:\
+	:st=\Ep:ta=^I:ts=\Ew:ue=\EsR:up=\EA:us=\Es_:vb=^G^G^G:
+# normal screen, 8 bits, 132 columns terminal.
+vip-w|vip7800-w|Q310-vip-w|Q310-vip-w-am|Questar 3155-vip7800 wide:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:is=\E[00u\E[<>001001024132024132u\E[01u:tc=vip:
+vip-H|vip7800-H|Q310-vip-H|Q310-vip-H-am|Questar 3155-vip7800 72 lines:\
+	:li#72:\
+	:is=\E[00u\E[<>001001024080072080u\E[01u:tc=vip:
+vip-Hw|vip7800-Hw|Q310-vip-Hw|Questar 3155-vip7800 wide 72 lines:\
+	:co#132:li#72:ws#132:\
+	:is=\E[00u\E[<>001001024132072132u\E[01u:tc=vip:
+#### Chromatics
+# I have put the long strings in :ti:/:te:. Ti sets up a window
+# that is smaller than the screen, and puts up a warning message
+# outside the window. Te erases the warning message, puts the
+# window back to be the whole screen, and puts the cursor at just
+# below the small window. I defined :ve: and :vi: to really turn
+# the cursor on and off, but I have taken this out since I don't
+# like the cursor being turned off when vi exits.
+cg7900|chromatics|chromatics 7900:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#40:\
+	:al=^A>2:bl=^G:cd=^Al:ce=^A`:cl=^L:cm=\001M%r%d,%d,:cr=\r:\
+	:dc=^A<1:dl=^A<2:do=\n:ei=:ho=^\:ic=^A>1:im=:le=^H:ll=^A|:\
+	:nd=^]:se=\001C1,\001c2,:sf=\n:so=\001C4,\001c7,:\
+	:te=\001W0,40,85,48,\014\001W0,0,85,48,\001M0,40,:\
+	:ti=\001P0\001O1\001R1\001C4,\001c0,\014\001M0,42,WARNING DOUBLE ENTER ESCAPE and \025\001C1,\001c2,\001W0,0,79,39,:\
+	:uc=^A^A_^A\0:up=^K:
+#### Computer Automation
+ca22851|computer automation 22851:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=^\:ce=^]:cl=8^L:cm=\002%i%.%.:cr=\r:do=\n:ho=^^:\
+	:kd=^W:kh=^^:kl=^U:ku=^V:le=^U:nd=^I:sf=\n:up=^V:
+#### Cybernex
+# This entry has correct padding and the undocumented "ri" capability
+cyb83|xl83|cybernex xl-83:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=62^P:ce=3^O:cl=62^L:cm=\027%+ %+ :cr=\r:do=\n:\
+	:ho=^K:kd=\n:kl=^H:kr=^I:ku=^N:le=^H:nd=^I:sf=\n:sr=^N:up=^N:
+# (mdl110: removed obsolete ":ma=^Z^P:" and overridden ":cd=145^NA^W:" -- esr)
+cyb110|mdl110|cybernex mdl-110:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=65^NA^N^]:bl=^G:cd=6^N@^V:ce=145\016@\026:cl=70^X:\
+	:cm=\020%+ %+ :cr=\r:dc=3.5\016A\036:dl=40^NA^N^^:do=\n:\
+	:ei=:ho=^Y:ic=3.5\016A\035:im=:le=^H:nd=^U:se=^NG:sf=\n:\
+	:so=^NF:ta=43^I:up=^Z:
+#### Datapoint
+# Datapoint is gone.  They used to be headquartered in Texas.
+# They created ARCnet, an Ethernet competitor that flourished for a while
+# in the early 1980s before 3COM got wise and cut its prices.  The service
+# side of Datapoint still lives (1995) in the form of Intelogic Trace.
+dp3360|datapoint|datapoint 3360:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#82:li#25:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=^_:ce=^^:cl=^]^_:cr=\r:do=\n:ho=^]:le=^H:nd=^X:\
+	:sf=\n:up=^Z:
+# From: Jan Willem Stumpel <jw.stumpel@inter.nl.net>, 11 May 1997
+# The Datapoint 8242 Workstation was sold at least between 1985
+# and 1989. To make the terminal work with this entry, press
+# CONTROL-INT-INT to take the terminal off-line, and type (opt).
+# Set the options AUTO ROLL, ROLL DN, and ESC KBD on, and AUTO
+# CR/LF off. Use control-shift-[] as escape key, control-I as tab,
+# shift-F1 to shift-F5 as F6 to F10 (unshifted F1 to F5 are in
+# fact unusable because the strings sent by the terminal conflict
+# with other keys).
+# The terminal is capable of displaying "box draw" characters.
+# For each graphic character you must send 2 ESC's (\E\E) followed
+# by a control character as follows:
+#         character        meaning
+#         =========        =======
+#         ctrl-E           top tee
+#         ctrl-F           right tee
+#         ctrl-G           bottom tee
+#         ctrl-H           left tee
+#         ctrl-I           cross
+#         ctrl-J           top left corner
+#         ctrl-K           top right corner
+#         ctrl-L           bottom left corner
+#         ctrl-M           bottom right corner
+#         ctrl-N           horizontal line
+#         ctrl-O           vertical line
+# Unfortunately this cannot be fitted into the termcap/terminfo
+# description scheme.
+dp8242|datapoint 8242:\
+	:ms:\
+	:co#80:li#25:\
+	:al=\E^T:bl=^G:cd=^W:ce=^V:cl=^U\E^D^W^X:cr=\r:dl=\E^Z:\
+	:do=\n:ho=^U:\
+	:i1=\E\014\E\016\0\230\0\317\025\027\030\E\004:\
+	:k1=^G\Ee:k2=^I\Ed:k3=\n\Ec:k4=\n\Eb:k5=^S\Ea:k6=\EO\Ee:\
+	:k7=\EN\Ed:k8=\EM\Ec:k9=\EL\Eb:k;=\EK\Ea:kb=^H:kd=^B:kl=^D:\
+	:kr=^F:ku=^E:le=^H:nw=\r\n:\
+	:r1=\E\014\E\016\0\230\0\317\025\027\030\E\004:\
+	:rp=\E\023%.%.:se=\E^D:sf=^C:so=\E^E:sr=^K:ta=^I:ue=\E^D:\
+	:us=\E^F:ve=^X:vi=^Y:
+#### DEC terminals (Obsolete types: DECwriter and vt40/42/50)
+# These entries came from DEC's official terminfos for its older terminals
+# (which happen to be identical to the AT&T/SCO terminal descriptions),
+# Bill Hedberg <hedberg@hannah.enet.dec.com> of Terminal Support Engineering
+# may have had more information.  Updated terminfos and termcaps were available
+# at ftp://gatekeeper.dec.com/pub/DEC/termcaps.
+# DEC's terminfos did not describe the auxiliary keypad.
+# DECScope of course had no "function keys", but this building block assigns
+# the three blank keys at the top of the auxiliary (numeric) keypad, using
+# the same analogy as vt100 (also lacking function-keys).
+# These assignments use the same layout for 0-9 as vt100+keypad; the vt52
+# keypad had its cursor-keys on the right-column as shown -TD
+#   _______________________________________
+#  |   PF1   |   PF2   |   PF3   | c-up    |
+#  |   \EP   |   \EQ   |   \ER   |   \EA   |
+#  |_kf1__k1_|_kf2__k2_|_kf3__k3_|kcuu1_k4_|
+#  |    7         8         9      c-down  |
+#  |   \E?w  |   \E?x  |   \E?y  |   \EB   |
+#  |_kf9__k9_|_kf10_k;_|_kf0__k0_|kcud1____|
+#  |    4    |    5    |    6    | c-right |
+#  |   \E?t  |   \E?u  |   \E?v  |   \EC   |
+#  |_kf5__k5_|_kf6__k6_|_kf7__k7_|kcuf1_k8_|
+#  |    1    |    2    |    3    | c-left  |
+#  |   \E?q  |   \E?r  |   \E?s  |   \ED   |
+#  |_ka1__K1_|_kb2__K2_|_ka3__K3_|kcub1____|
+#  |         0         |   .     |  enter  |
+#  |        \E?p       |  \E?n   |  \E?M   |
+#  |___kc1_______K4____|_kc3__K5_|_kent_@8_|
+vt52+keypad|DECScope auxiliary keypad:\
+	:K1=\E?q:K2=\E?r:K3=\E?s:K4=\E?p:K5=\E?n:k0=\E?y:k1=\EP:\
+	:k2=\EQ:k3=\ER:k5=\E?t:k6=\E?u:k7=\E?v:k8=\E?w:k9=\E?x:
+gt40|dec gt40:\
+	:bs:os:\
+	:co#72:li#30:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=\r:do=\n:le=^H:
+gt42|dec gt42:\
+	:bs:os:\
+	:co#72:li#40:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=\r:do=\n:le=^H:
+vt50|dec vt50:\
+	:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#12:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EH\EJ:cr=\r:do=\n:le=^H:nd=\EC:\
+	:sf=\n:ta=^I:u8=\E/A:u9=\EZ:up=\EA:
+vt50h|dec vt50h:\
+	:cm=\EY%+ %+ :do=\EB:kd=\EB:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=\ED:\
+	:u8=\E/[HJ]:tc=vt52+keypad:tc=vt50:
+# (vt61: there's a BSD termcap that claims :dl=\EPd:, :al=\EPf.: :kb=^H:)
+vt61|vt-61|vt61.5|dec vt61:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=120\EJ:ce=70\EK:cl=120\EH\EJ:cm=20\EY%+ %+ :\
+	:cr=20\r:do=\n:kd=\EB:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:nd=20\EC:\
+	:sf=20\n:sr=\EI:ta=^I:up=20\EA:
+# The gigi does standout with red!
+# (gigi: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string, corrected cub1 -- esr)
+gigi|vk100|dec gigi graphics terminal:\
+	:am:bs:xn:\
+	:co#84:li#24:\
+	:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:\
+	:UP=\E[%dA:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:do=\n:\
+	:is=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?20l\E[?7h\E[?8h:k1=\EOP:\
+	:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kh=\E[H:\
+	:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:me=\E[m:\
+	:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[7;31m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+# DEC PRO-350 console (VT220-style).  The 350 was DEC's attempt to produce
+# a PC differentiated from the IBM clones.  It was a total, ludicrous,
+# grossly-overpriced failure (among other things, DEC's OS didn't include
+# a format program, so you had to buy pre-formatted floppies from DEC at
+# a hefty premium!).
+pro350|decpro|dec pro console:\
+	:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=\EG:as=\EF:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\EY%+ %+ :do=\EB:\
+	:ho=\EH:k0=\EE:k1=\EF:k2=\EG:k3=\EH:k4=\EI:k5=\EJ:k6=\Ei:\
+	:k7=\Ej:kd=\EB:kh=\EH:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:nd=\EC:\
+	:se=\E^N:so=\E^H:sr=\EI:ta=^I:ue=\E^C:up=\EA:us=\E^D:
+dw1|decwriter I:\
+	:bs:hc:os:\
+	:co#72:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=\r:do=\n:le=^H:sf=\n:
+dw2|decwriter|dw|decwriter II:\
+	:bs:hc:os:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=\r:do=\n:kb=^H:le=^H:sf=\n:
+# \E(B		Use U.S. character set (otherwise # => british pound !)
+# \E[20l	Disable "linefeed newline" mode (else puts \r after \n,\f,\v)
+# \E[w		10 char/in pitch
+# \E[1;132	full width horizontal margins
+# \E[2g		clear all tab stops
+# \E[z		6 lines/in
+# \E[66t	66 lines/page (for \f)
+# \E[1;66r	full vertical page can be printed
+# \E[4g		clear vertical tab stops
+# \E>		disable alternate keypad mode (so it transmits numbers!)
+# \E[%i%p1%du	set tab stop at column %d (origin == 1)
+#		(Full syntax is \E[n;n;n;n;n;...;nu where each 'n' is
+#		a tab stop)
+#       The dw3 does standout with wide characters.
+dw3|la120|decwriter III:\
+	:bs:hc:os:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=\r:do=\n:\
+	:i1=\E(B\E[20l\E[w\E[0;132s\E[2g\E[z\E[66t\E[1;66r\E[4g\E>:\
+	:is=\E[9;17;25;33;41;49;57;65;73;81;89;97;105;113;121;129u\r:\
+	:kb=^H:le=^H:me=\E[w:se=\E[w:sf=\n:so=\E[6w:ta=^I:
+dw4|decwriter IV:\
+	:am:bs:hc:os:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=\r:do=\n:is=\Ec:k0=\EOP:k1=\EOQ:k2=\EOR:k3=\EOS:\
+	:kb=^H:le=^H:sf=\n:ta=^I:
+# These aren't official
+ln03|dec ln03 laser printer:\
+	:hc:\
+	:co#80:li#66:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=\r:do=\n:hd=\EK:hu=\EL:me=\E[m:nw=\r\n:se=\E[22m:\
+	:sf=\n:so=\E[1m:ta=^I:ue=\E[24m:us=\E[4m:
+ln03-w|dec ln03 laser printer 132 cols:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=\r:do=\n:kb=^H:kd=\n:kl=^H:nw=\r\n:sf=\n:ta=^I:\
+	:tc=ln03:
+#### Delta Data (dd)
+# Untested. The cup sequence is hairy enough that it probably needs work.
+# The idea is ctrl(O), dd(row), dd(col), where dd(x) is x - 2*(x%16) + '9'.
+# There are BSD-derived termcap entries floating around for this puppy
+# that are *certainly* wrong.
+delta|dd5000|delta data 5000:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#27:\
+	:bl=^G:ce=^NU:cl=^NR:dc=^NV:do=\n:ho=^NQ:le=^H:nd=^Y:sf=\n:\
+	:up=^Z:
+#### Digital Data Research (ddr)
+# (ddr: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string -- esr)
+ddr|rebus3180|ddr3180|Rebus/DDR 3180 vt100 emulator:\
+	:am:bs:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:vt#3:\
+	:RA=\E[7l:SA=\E[7l:cd=50\E[J:ce=3\E[K:cl=50\E[H\E[2J:\
+	:cm=5\E[%i%d;%dH:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:do=\n:ho=\E[H:\
+	:is=\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ks=\E[?1h\E=:\
+	:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=2\E[5m:md=2\E[1m:me=2\E[m:mr=2\E[7m:\
+	:nd=2\E[C:r1=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:rc=\E8:\
+	:rf=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=5\ED:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=5\EM:ta=^I:ue=2\E[m:up=2\E[A:us=2\E[4m:
+#### Evans & Sutherland
+# Jon Leech <leech@cs.unc.edu> tells us:
+# The ps300 was the Evans & Sutherland Picture System 300, a high
+# performance 3D vector graphics system with a bunch of specialized hardware.
+# Approximate date of release was 1982 (early 80s, anyway), and it had several
+# evolutions including (limited) color versions such as the PS330C. PS300s
+# were effectively obsolete by the late 80s, replaced by raster graphics
+# systems, although specialized applications like molecular modeling
+# hung onto them for a while longer.  AFAIK all E&S vector graphics systems
+# are out of production, though of course E&S is very much alive (in 1996).
+# (ps300: changed ":pt@:" to "it@" -- esr)
+ps300|Picture System 300:\
+	:xt:\
+	:it@:\
+	:se@:so@:ue@:us@:tc=vt100+4bsd:
+#### General Electric (ge)
+terminet1200|terminet300|tn1200|tn300|terminet|GE terminet 1200:\
+	:bs:hc:os:\
+	:co#120:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=\r:do=\n:sf=\n:
+#### Heathkit/Zenith
+# Here is a description of the H19 DIP switches:
+# S401
+# 0-3 = baud rate as follows:
+#         3       2       1       0
+#	---	---	---	---
+#         0       0       1       1       300 baud
+#         0       1       0       1       1200 baud
+#         1       0       0       0       2400 baud
+#         1       0       1       0       4800 baud
+#         1       1       0       0       9600 baud
+#         1       1       0       1       19.2K baud
+# 4 = parity (0 = no parity)
+# 5 = even parity (0 = odd parity)
+# 6 = stick parity (0 = normal parity)
+# 7 = full duplex (0 = half duplex)
+# S402
+# 0 = block cursor (0 = underscore cursor)
+# 1 = no key click (0 = keyclick)
+# 2 = wrap at end of line (0 = no wrap)
+# 3 = auto LF on CR (0 = no LF on CR)
+# 4 = auto CR on LF (0 = no CR on LF)
+# 5 = ANSI mode (0 = VT52 mode)
+# 6 = keypad shifted (0 = keypad unshifted)
+# 7 = 50Hz refresh (1 = 60Hz refresh)
+# Factory Default settings are as follows:
+#          7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+# S401     1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
+# S402     0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+# (h19: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string;
+# also added empty <acsc> to suppress a tic warning -- esr)
+h19-a|h19a|heath-ansi|heathkit-a|heathkit h19 ansi mode:\
+	:am:bs:mi:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7h:ac=:ae=\E[11m:al=1*\E[1L:as=\E[10m:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:dc=\E[1P:dl=1*\E[1M:do=\E[1B:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E<\E[>1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9l\E[m\E[11m\E[?7h:k1=\EOS:\
+	:k2=\EOT:k3=\EOU:k4=\EOV:k5=\EOW:k6=\EOP:k7=\EOQ:k8=\EOR:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[1B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[1D:kr=\E[1C:ku=\E[1A:l6=blue:\
+	:l7=red:l8=white:le=^H:nd=\E[1C:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:\
+	:sr=\EM:ta=^I:up=\E[1A:ve=\E[>4l:vs=\E[>4h:
+h19-bs|heathkit w/keypad shifted:\
+	:ke=\Eu:ks=\Et:tc=h19-b:
+h19-us|h19us|h19-smul|heathkit w/keypad shifted/underscore cursor:\
+	:ke=\Eu:ks=\Et:tc=h19-u:
+# (h19: merged in :ip: from BSDI hp19-e entry>;
+# also added empty <acsc> to suppress a tic warning --esr)
+# From: Tim Pierce <twp@skepsis.com>, 23 Feb 1998
+# Tim tells us that:
+# I have an old Zenith-19 terminal at home that still gets a lot of use.
+# This terminal suffers from the same famous insert-mode padding lossage
+# that has been acknowledged for the Z29 terminal.  Emacs is nearly
+# unusable on this box, since even a half-scroll up or down the window
+# causes flaming terminal death.
+# On the Z19, the only way I have found around this problem is to remove
+# the :al: and :dl: entries entirely.  No amount of extra padding will
+# help (I have tried up to 20000).  Removing :al=\EL$: and :dl=\EM$:
+# makes Emacs a little slower, but it remains in the land of the living.
+# Big win.
+h19|heath|h19-b|heathkit|heath-19|z19|zenith|heathkit h19:\
+	:am:bs:es:hs:mi:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:ac=+h.kaiggjdkclfmenbozqas{tvutvuwsx`~\136:ae=\EG:\
+	:as=\EF:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EE:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=\r:\
+	:dc=\EN:do=\EB:ei=\EO:fs=\Ek\Ey5:ho=\EH:im=\E@:ip=1.5:\
+	:k1=\ES:k2=\ET:k3=\EU:k4=\EV:k5=\EW:k6=\EP:k7=\EQ:k8=\ER:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\EB:kh=\EH:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:l6=blue:l7=red:\
+	:l8=white:le=^H:nd=\EC:se=\Eq:sf=\n:so=\Ep:sr=\EI:ta=^I:\
+	:ts=\Ej\Ex5\EY8%+ \Eo\Eo:up=\EA:ve=\Ey4:vs=\Ex4:
+h19-u|heathkit with underscore cursor:\
+	:ve@:vs@:tc=h19-b:
+h19-g|h19g|heathkit w/block cursor:\
+	:ve=\Ex4:vs@:tc=h19-b:
+alto-h19|altoh19|altoheath|alto-heath|alto emulating heathkit h19:\
+	:li#60:\
+	:al=\EL:dl=\EM:tc=h19:
+# The major problem with the Z29 is that it requires more padding than the Z19.
+# The problem with declaring an H19 to be synonymous with a Z29 is that
+# it needs more padding. It especially loses if a program attempts
+# to put the Z29 into insert mode and insert text at 9600 baud. It
+# even loses worse if the program attempts to insert tabs at 9600
+# baud. Adding padding to text that is inserted loses because in
+# order to make the Z29 not die, one must add so much padding that
+# whenever the program tries to use insert mode, the effective
+# rate is about 110 baud.
+# What program would want to put the terminal into insert mode
+# and shove stuff at it at 9600 baud you ask?
+# Emacs. Emacs seems to want to do the mathematically optimal
+# thing in doing a redisplay rather than the practical thing.
+# When it is about to output a line on top of a line that is
+# already on the screen, instead of just killing to the end of
+# the line and outputting the new line, it compares the old line
+# and the new line and if there are any similarities, it
+# constructs the new line by deleting the text on the old line
+# on the terminal that is already there and then inserting new
+# text into the line to transform it into the new line that is
+# to be displayed. The Z29 does not react kindly to this.
+# But don't cry for too long.... There is a solution. You can make
+# a termcap entry for the Z29 that says the Z29 has no insert mode.
+# Then Emacs cannot use it. "Oh, no, but now inserting into a
+# line will be really slow", you say. Well there is a sort of a
+# solution to that too. There is an insert character option on
+# the Z29 that will insert one character. Unfortunately, it
+# involves putting the terminal into ansi mode, inserting the
+# character, and changing it back to H19 mode. All this takes 12
+# characters. Pretty expensive to insert one character, but it
+# works. Either Emacs doesn't try to use its inserting hack when
+# it's only given an insert character ability or the Z29 doesn't
+# require padding with this (the former is probably more likely,
+# but I haven't checked it out).
+# (z29: added empty <acsc> to suppress a tic warning, merged in
+# status line capabilities from BRL entry --esr)
+z29|zenith29|z29b|zenith z29b:\
+	:am:bs:es:hs:mi:ms:pt:\
+	:co#80:kn#10:li#24:\
+	:ac=:ae=\EF:al=1\EL:as=\EG:bc=\ED:bl=^G:bt=\E-:cd=14\EJ:\
+	:ce=1\EK:cl=14\EE:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=\r:dc=0.1*\EN:dl=1\EM:\
+	:do=\EB:ds=\Ey1:ei=\EO:fs=\Ek\Ey5:ho=\EH:\
+	:ic=1\E<\E[1@\E[?2h:im=\E@:is=\E<\E[?2h\Ev:k0=\E~:k1=\ES:\
+	:k2=\ET:k3=\EU:k4=\EV:k5=\EW:k6=\EP:k7=\EQ:k8=\ER:k9=\E0I:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\EB:kh=\EH:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:l0=home:le=^H:\
+	:nd=\EC:se=\Eq:sf=2\n:so=\Ep:sr=2\EI:ta=^I:ue=\Es0:up=\EA:\
+	:us=\Es8:ve=\Ey4:vs=\Ex4:
+# z29 in ansi mode. Assumes that the cursor is in the correct state, and that
+# the world is stable. <rs1> causes the terminal to be reset to the state
+# indicated by the name. kc -> key click, nkc -> no key click, uc -> underscore
+# cursor, bc -> block cursor.
+# From: Mike Meyers
+# (z29a: replaced nonexistent :if=/usr/share/tabset/zenith29: because :st:
+# looks vt100-compatible -- esr)
+z29a|z29a-kc-bc|h29a-kc-bc|heath/zenith 29 in ansi mode:\
+	:am:bs:es:hs:mi:ms:pt:\
+	:co#80:it#8:kn#10:li#24:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bc=\ED:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:\
+	:dc=\E[1P:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ds=\E[>1l:fs=\E[u\E[>5l:ho=\E[H:\
+	:if=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:k0=\E[~:k1=\EOS:k2=\EOT:\
+	:k3=\EOU:k4=\EOV:k5=\EOW:k6=\EOP:k7=\EOQ:k8=\EOR:k9=\EOX:\
+	:kC=\E[J:kS=\E[J:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:kh=\E[H:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:\
+	:ku=\EOA:l0=help:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[2m:me=\E[m:mh=\E[2m:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\r\ED:ps=\E#7:\
+	:r1=\E<\E[1;24r\E[24;1H\E[?7h\E[>4h\E[>1;2;3;5;6;7;8;9l\E[m\E[11m:\
+	:rc=\E[r:sc=\E[s:se=\E[m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7;2m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:\
+	:ta=^I:te=\E[?7h:ti=\E[?7l:\
+	:ts=\E[s\E[>5;1h\E[25;%i%dH\E[1K:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:
+z29a-kc-uc|h29a-kc-uc|z29 ansi mode with keyclick and underscore cursor:\
+	:r1=\E<\E[1;24r\E[24;1H\E[?7h\E[>1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9l\E[m\E[11m:\
+	:tc=z29a:
+z29a-nkc-bc|h29a-nkc-bc|z29 ansi mode with block cursor and no keyclick:\
+	:r1=\E<\E[1;24r\E[24;1H\E[?7h\E[>2;4h\E[>1;3;5;6;7;8;9l\E[m\E[11m:\
+	:tc=z29a:
+z29a-nkc-uc|h29a-nkc-uc|z29 ansi mode with underscore cursor and no keyclick:\
+	:r1=\E<\E[1;24r\E[24;1H\E[?7h\E[>2h\E[>1;3;4;5;6;7;8;9l\E[m\E[11m:\
+	:tc=z29a:
+# From: Jeff Bartig <jeffb@dont.doit.wisc.edu> 31 Mar 1995
+z39-a|z39a|zenith39-a|zenith39-ansi|Zenith 39 in ANSI mode:\
+	:5i:am:es:hs:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:%1=\E[~:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:K1=\EOw:\
+	:K2=\EOy:K3=\EOu:K4=\EOq:K5=\EOs:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:\
+	:UP=\E[%dA:ac=0a``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooqqssttuuvvwwxx~~:\
+	:ae=\E(B:al=\E[1L:as=\E(0:bl=^G:bt=\E[1Z:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[0J:\
+	:ce=\E[0K:cl=\E[2J\E[H:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[1P:dl=\E[1M:do=\E[B:\
+	:ds=\E[>1l:ei=\E[4l:fs=\E[u:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E<\E[>1;3;5;6;7l\E[0m\E[2J:k1=\EOS:k2=\EOT:k3=\EOU:\
+	:k4=\EOV:k5=\EOW:k6=\EOP:k7=\EOQ:k8=\EOR:k9=\EOX:kS=\E[J:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:ke=\E[>7l:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ks=\E[>7h:\
+	:ku=\E[A:le=^H:ll=\E[24;1H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:\
+	:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:pf=\E[4i:po=\E[5i:\
+	:ps=\E[?19h\E[i:rc=\E[u:rs=\E<\Ec\0:sc=\E[s:se=\E[0m:\
+	:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:st=\EH:ta=^I:ts=\E[s\E[>1h\E[25;%i%dH:\
+	:ue=\E[0m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[>5l:vi=\E[>5h:
+# From: Brad Brahms <Brahms@USC-ECLC>
+z100|h100|z110|z-100|h-100|heath/zenith z-100 pc with color monitor:\
+	:ve=\Ey4\Em70:vs=\Ex4\Em71:tc=z100bw:
+# (z100bw: removed obsolete ":kn#10:", added empty <acsc> -- esr)
+z100bw|h100bw|z110bw|z-100bw|h-100bw|heath/zenith z-100 pc:\
+	:bs:mi:ms:pt:\
+	:co#80:it#8:kn#10:li#24:\
+	:ac=+h.kaiggjdkclfmenbozqas{tvutvuwsx`~\136:ae=\EG:\
+	:al=5*\EL:as=\EF:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=5*\EE:cm=1*\EY%+ %+ :\
+	:dc=1*\EN:dl=5*\EM:do=\EB:ei=\EO:ho=\EH:im=\E@:k0=\EJ:\
+	:k1=\ES:k2=\ET:k3=\EU:k4=\EV:k5=\EW:k6=\EP:k7=\EQ:k8=\ER:\
+	:k9=\EOI:kb=^H:kd=\EB:kh=\EH:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:\
+	:nd=\EC:se=\Eq:so=\Ep:sr=\EI:ta=^I:up=\EA:ve=\Ey4:vs=\Ex4:
+p19|h19-b with il1/dl1:\
+	:al=2*\EL:dl=2*\EM:tc=h19-b:
+# From: <ucscc!B.fiatlux@ucbvax.berkeley.edu>
+# (ztx: removed duplicate :sr: -- esr)
+ztx|ztx11|zt-1|htx11|ztx-1-a|ztx-10 or 11:\
+	:am:bs:es:hs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=\EL:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EE:cm=\EY%+ %+ :dl=\EM:do=\n:\
+	:ds=\Ey1:fs=\Ek\Ey5:ho=\EH:\
+	:is=\Ej\EH\Eq\Ek\Ev\Ey1\Ey5\EG\Ey8\Ey9\Ey>:k0=\ES:\
+	:k1=\EB:k2=\EU:k3=\EV:k4=\EW:k5=\EP:k6=\EQ:k7=\ER:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\EB:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:nd=\EC:se=\Eq:so=\Es5:\
+	:sr=\EI:ta=^I:ue=\Eq:up=\EA:us=\Es2:
+#### IMS International (ims)
+# There was a company called IMS International located in Carson City,
+# Nevada, that flourished from the mid-70s to mid-80s.  They made S-100
+# bus/Z80 hardware and a line of terminals called Ultimas.
+# From: Erik Fair <fair@ucbarpa.berkeley.edu>  Sun Oct 27 07:21:05 1985
+ims950-b|bare ims950 no init string:\
+	:is@:tc=ims950:
+# (ims950: removed obsolete ":ko@:" -- esr)
+ims950|ims televideo 950 emulation:\
+	:xn@:\
+	:k0@:k1@:k2@:k3@:k4@:k5@:k6@:k7@:k8@:k9@:kb@:kd@:kh@:kl@:kr@:ku@:vb@:\
+	:tc=tvi950:
+# (ims950-rv: removed obsolete ":ko@:" -- esr)
+ims950-rv|ims tvi950 rev video:\
+	:xn@:\
+	:k0@:k1@:k2@:k3@:k4@:k5@:k6@:k7@:k8@:k9@:kb@:kd@:kh@:kl@:kr@:ku@:vb@:\
+	:tc=tvi950-rv:
+ims-ansi|ultima2|ultimaII|IMS Ultima II:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:cd=\E[0J:ce=\E[0K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%2;%2H:do=\ED:\
+	:if=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:\
+	:is=\E[m\E[>14l\E[?1;?5;20l\E>\E[1m\r:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:\
+	:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:me=\E[m:nd=\EC:se=\E[m\E[1m:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:ue=\E[m\E[1m:up=\EM:us=\E[4m:
+#### Intertec Data Systems
+# I think this company is long dead as of 1995.  They made an early CP/M
+# micro called the "Intertec Superbrain" that was moderately popular,
+# then sank out of sight.
+superbrain|intertec superbrain:\
+	:am:bs:bw:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bc=^U:bl=^G:cd=10*\E~k<10*>:ce=15\E~K:cl=5*^L:\
+	:cm=20\EY%+ %+ :cr=\r:do=\n:kd=\n:kl=^U:kr=^F:ku=^K:le=^H:\
+	:nd=^F:sf=\n:ta=^I:te=^L:ti=^L:up=^K:
+# (intertube: a Gould entry via BRL asserted smul=\E0@$<200/>,
+# rmul=\E0A$<200/>; my guess is the highlight letter is bit-coded like an ADM,
+# and the reverse is actually true.  Try it. -- esr)
+intertube|intertec|Intertec InterTube:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#25:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=^L:cm=50\EY%+ %+ :cr=\r:do=\n:ho=^A:le=^H:nd=^F:\
+	:se=\E0@:sf=\n:so=\E0P:up=^Z:
+# The intertube 2 has the "full duplex" problem like the tek 4025: if you
+# are typing and a command comes in, the keystrokes you type get interspersed
+# with the command and it messes up
+intertube2|intertec data systems intertube 2:\
+	:bs:\
+	:ce=\EK:ch=\020%B%.:cm=\016%.\020%B%.:cv=^K%.:ll=^K^X\r:\
+	:tc=intertube:
+#### Ithaca Intersystems
+# This company made S100-bus personal computers long ago in the pre-IBM-PC
+# past.  They used to be reachable at:
+#	Ithaca Intersystems
+#	1650 Hanshaw Road
+#	Ithaca, New York 14850
+# However, the outfit went bankrupt years ago.
+# The Graphos III was a color graphics terminal from Ithaca Intersystems.
+# These entries were written (originally in termcap syntax) by Brian Yandell
+# <yandell@stat.wisc.edu> and Mike Meyer <mikem@stat.wisc.edu> at the
+# University of Wisconsin.
+# (graphos: removed obsolete and syntactically incorrect :kn=4:,
+# removed :if=/usr/share/tabset/init.graphos: and
+# <rf=/usr/share/tabset/init.graphos> no such file & no :st: -- esr)
+graphos|graphos III:\
+	:am:mi:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:\
+	:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:dm=\E[4h:do=\E[B:\
+	:ed=\E[4l:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:\
+	:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:\
+	:ku=\E[A:le=^H:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:nw=\r\ED:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:\
+	:se=\E[m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:up=\E[A:\
+	:ve=\Ez56;2;0;0z\Ez73z\Ez4;1;1z:\
+	:vs=\Ez4;2;1z\Ez56;2;80;24z:
+graphos-30|graphos III with 30 lines:\
+	:li#30:\
+	:vs=\Ez4;2;1z\Ez56;2;80;30z:tc=graphos:
+#### Modgraph
+# These people used to be reachable at:
+#	Modgraph, Inc
+#	1393 Main Street,
+#	Waltham, MA 02154
+#	Vox: (617)-890-5796.
+# However, if you call that number today you'll get an insurance company.
+# I have mail from "Michael Berman, V.P. Sales, Modgraph" dated
+# 26 Feb 1997 that says:
+# Modgraph GX-1000, replaced by GX-2000.  Both are out of production, have been
+# for ~7 years.  Modgraph still in business.  Products are rugged laptop and
+# portable PC's and specialized CRT and LCD monitors (rugged, rack-mount
+# panel-mount etc).  I can be emailed at sonfour@aol.com
+# Peter D. Smith <pdsmith@nbbn.com> notes that his modgraph manual was
+# dated 1984.  According to the manual, it featured Tek 4010/4014
+# graphics and DEC VT100/VT52 + ADM-3A emulation with a VT220-style keyboard.
+modgraph|mod24|modgraph terminal emulating vt100:\
+	:xn@:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:is=\E\1369;0s\E\1367;1s\E[3g\E\13611;9s\E\13611;17s\E\13611;25s\E\13611;33s\E\13611;41s\E\13611;49s\E\13611;57s\E\13611;65s\E\13611;73s\E\13611;81s\E\13611;89s:\
+	:rf@:sr=5\EM\E[K:vs=\E\1369;0s\E\1367;1s:tc=vt100+4bsd:
+# The GX-1000 manual is dated 1984.  This looks rather like a VT-52.
+modgraph2|modgraph gx-1000 80x24 with keypad not enabled:\
+	:am:da:db:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:cd=50\EJ:ce=3\EK:cl=50\EH\EJ:cm=5\EY%+ %+ :do=2\EB:\
+	:is=\E<\E\1365;2s\E\1367;1s\E[3g\E\13611;9s\E\13611;17s\E\13611;25s\E\13611;33s\E\13611;41s\E\13611;49s\E\13611;57s\E\13611;65s\E\13611;73s\E\13611;81s\E\13611;89s\E\13612;0s\E\13614;2s\E\13615;9s\E\13625;1s\E\1369;1s\E\13627;1:\
+	:le=^H:nd=2\EC:sr=5\EI:ta=^I:up=2\EA:
+# Modgraph from Nancy L. Cider <nancyc@brl-tbd>
+# BUG NOTE from Barbara E. Ringers <barb@brl-tbd>:
+# If we set TERM=vt100, and set the Modgraph screen to 24 lines, setting a
+# mark and using delete-to-killbuffer work correctly.  However, we would
+# like normal mode of operation to be using a Modgraph with 48 line setting.
+# If we set TERM=mod (which is a valid entry in termcap with 48 lines)
+# the setting mark and delete-to-killbuffer results in the deletion of only
+# the line the mark is set on.
+# We've discovered that the delete-to-killbuffer works correctly
+# with TERM=mod and screen set to 80x48 but it's not obvious.  Only
+# the first line disappears but a ctrl-l shows that it did work
+# correctly.
+modgraph48|mod|Modgraph w/48 lines:\
+	:am:bs:pt:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#48:vt#3:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[;H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:do=\n:ho=\E[H:\
+	:is=\E<\E[1;48r\E[0q\E[3;4q\E=\E[?1h:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:\
+	:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:\
+	:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:\
+	:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nl=\n:r1=\E=\E[0q\E>:rc=\E8:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:vb=\E[?5h\E[0q\E[1;2q\E[?5l\E[0q\E[4;3q:
+#### Morrow Designs
+# This was George Morrow's company.  They started in the late 1970s making
+# S100-bus machines.  They used to be reachable at:
+#        Morrow
+#        600 McCormick St.
+#        San Leandro, CA 94577
+# but they're long gone now (1995).
+# The mt70 terminal was shipped with the Morrow MD-3 microcomputer.
+# Jeff's specimen was dated June 1984.
+# From: Jeff Wieland <wieland@acn.purdue.edu> 24 Feb 1995
+mt70|mt-70|Morrow MD-70; native Morrow mode:\
+	:am:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:%1=^AO\r:F1=^A`\r:F2=^Aa\r:F3=^Ab\r:F4=^Ac\r:F5=^Ad\r:\
+	:F6=^Ae\r:F7=^Af\r:F8=^Ag\r:F9=^Ah\r:FA=^Ai\r:\
+	:ac=+z,{-x.yOi`|jGkFlEmDnHqJtLuKvNwMxI:ae=\E%%:al=\EE:\
+	:as=\E$:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=10\ET:cl=^Z:cm=1\E=%+ %+ :\
+	:cr=\r:ct=\E0:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=\n:ei=:ho=^^:i1=\E"2\EG0\E]:\
+	:ic=\EQ:im=:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:\
+	:k6=^AE\r:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:k;=^AI\r:kB=^A^Z\r:\
+	:kC=^An\r:kD=\177:kb=^H:kd=^AK\r:kh=^AN\r:kl=^AL\r:\
+	:kr=^AM\r:ku=^AJ\r:le=^H:mh=\EG2:mk@:nd=^L:nw=^_:sf=\n:ta=^I:\
+	:te=:ti=\E"2\EG0\E]:up=^K:us=\EG1:vb=\EK1\EK0:ve=\E"2:\
+	:vi=\E"0:tc=adm+sgr:
+#### Motorola
+# Motorola EXORterm 155	from {decvax, ihnp4}!philabs!sbcs!megad!seth via BRL
+# (Seth H Zirin)
+ex155|Motorola Exorterm 155:\
+	:am:bs:bw:\
+	:co#80:kn#5:li#24:ug#1:\
+	:bt=\E[:cd=\ET:ce=\EU:cl=\EX:cm=\EE%+ %+ :do=\EB:ho=\E@:\
+	:kB=\E[:kC=\EX:kE=\EU:kS=\ET:kb=^H:kd=\n:kh=\E@:kl=^H:kr=^L:\
+	:ku=^K:le=\ED:nd=\EC:se=\Ec\ED:so=\Eb\ED:ta=\EZ:ue=\Eg\ED:\
+	:up=\EA:us=\Ef\ED:
+#### Omron
+# This company is still around in 1995, manufacturing point-of-sale systems.
+omron|Omron 8025AG:\
+	:am:bs:da:db:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\EL:bl=^G:cd=\ER:ce=\EK:cl=\EJ:cr=\r:dc=\EP:dl=\EM:do=\n:\
+	:ho=\EH:le=^H:nd=\EC:se=\E4:sf=\ES:so=\Ef:sr=\ET:up=\EA:\
+	:vs=\EN:
+#### Ramtek
+# Ramtek was a vendor of high-end graphics terminals around 1979-1983; they
+# were competition for things like the Tektronix 4025.
+# Ramtek 6221 from BRL, probably by Doug Gwyn
+# The following SET-UP modes are assumed for normal operation:
+# Other SET-UP modes may be set for operator convenience or communication
+# requirements; I recommend
+# Hardware tabs are assumed to be every 8 columns; they can be set up by the
+# "reset", "tset", or "tabs" utilities (use rt6221-w, 160 columns, for this).
+# Note that the Control-E key is useless on this brain-damaged terminal.  No
+# delays are specified; use "stty ixon -ixany" to enable DC3/DC1 flow control!
+rt6221|Ramtek 6221 80x24:\
+	:bs:ms:pt:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:kn#4:li#24:vt#3:\
+	:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ac=:ae=^O:as=^N:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[1;1H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:do=^K:ho=\E[1;1H:is=\E)0:\
+	:k0=\EOP:k1=\EOQ:k2=\EOR:k3=\EOS:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:ke=\E>:\
+	:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ks=\E=:ku=\E[A:l0=PF1:l1=PF2:l2=PF3:l3=PF4:\
+	:le=^H:ll=\E[24;1H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:\
+	:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:\
+	:r1=\E[1w\E[>37m\E[>39m\E[1v\E[20l\E[?3l\E[?6l\E[>5h\E[>6h\E[>7h\E[>8l\E[>9h\E[>10l\E[1;24r\E[m\E[q\E(B\017\E)0\E#5\E>:\
+	:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:ue=\E[m:up=\EM:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[>5h\E[>9h:vi=\E[>5l:\
+	:vs=\E[>7h\E[>9l:
+# [TO DO: Check out: short forms of ho/cl and ll; reset (\Ec)].
+rt6221-w|Ramtek 6221 160x48:\
+	:co#160:li#48:\
+	:ll=\E[48;1H:tc=rt6221:
+#### RCA
+# RCA VP3301 or VP3501
+rca|rca vp3301/vp3501:\
+	:bs:\
+	:co#40:li#24:\
+	:cl=^L:cm=\EY%+ %+ :ho=^Z:nd=^U:se=\E\ES0:so=\E\ES1:up=^K:
+#### Selanar
+# Selanar HiREZ-100 from BRL, probably by Doug Gwyn
+# The following SET-UP modes are assumed for normal operation:
+# For use with graphics software, all graphics modes should be set to factory
+# default.  Other SET-UP modes may be set for operator convenience or
+# communication requirements.  No delays are specified; use "stty ixon -ixany"
+# to enable DC3/DC1 flow control!
+# I commented out the scrolling capabilities since they are too slow.
+hirez100|Selanar HiREZ-100:\
+	:bs:mi:ms:pt:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:kn#4:li#48:vt#3:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ac=:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:\
+	:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:ct=\E[3g:\
+	:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ho=\E[H:is=\E<\E)0:k0=\EOP:k1=\EOQ:\
+	:k2=\EOR:k3=\EOS:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:\
+	:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:l0=PF1:l1=PF2:l2=PF3:l3=PF4:\
+	:le=^H:ll=\E[48H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:\
+	:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:pf=\E[4i\E[?4i:po=\E[?5i\E[5i:ps=\E[i:\
+	:r1=\030\E2\E<\E[4i\E[?4i\E[12h\E[2;4;20l\E[?0;7h\E[?1;3;6;19l\E[r\E[m\E(B\017\E)0\E>:\
+	:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:so=\E[7m:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\EM:\
+	:us=\E[4m:
+hirez100-w|Selanar HiREZ-100 in 132-column mode:\
+	:co#132:tc=hirez100:
+#### Signetics
+# From University of Wisconsin
+vsc|Signetics Vsc Video driver by RMC:\
+	:am:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#26:\
+	:ce=\E[K:cl=50\E[;H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:do=\n:\
+	:ho=\E[H:kb=^H:kd=\n:kl=^H:le=^H:me=^_!:mr=^_\s:nd=\E[C:\
+	:nw=\r\n:se=^_!:sf=\n:so=^_\s:ta=^I:ue=^_#:up=\E[A:us=^_":
+#### Soroc
+# Alan Frisbie <frisbie@flying-disk.com> writes:
+# As you may recall, the Soroc logo consisted of their name,
+# with the letter "S" superimposed over an odd design.   This
+# consisted of a circle with a slightly smaller 15 degree (approx.)
+# wedge with rounded corners inside it.   The color was sort of
+# a metallic gold/yellow.
+# If I had been more of a beer drinker it might have been obvious
+# to me, but it took a clue from their service department to make
+# me exclaim, "Of course!"   The circular object was the top of
+# a beer can (the old removable pop-top style) and "Soroc" was an
+# anagram for "Coors".
+# I can just imagine the founders of the company sitting around
+# one evening, tossing back a few and trying to decide what to
+# call their new company and what to use for a logo.
+# (soroc120: removed obsolete ":ma=^K^P^R^L^L :" -- esr)
+soroc120|iq120|soroc|soroc iq120:\
+	:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=2\E*:do=\n:kd=\n:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:\
+	:tc=adm3a:
+soroc140|iq140|soroc iq140:\
+	:am:bs:mi:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=1*\Ee:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\Ey:ce=\Et:cl=\E+:cm=\E=%+ %+ :\
+	:cr=\r:dc=\Ew:dl=.7*\Er:do=\n:ei=\E8:ho=^^:im=\E9:k0=^A0\r:\
+	:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:\
+	:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:kb=^H:kh=^^:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:\
+	:ll=^^^K:nd=^L:se=\E\177:sf=\n:so=\E\177:ue=\E^A:up=^K:\
+	:us=\E^A:
+#### Southwest Technical Products
+# These guys made an early personal micro called the M6800.
+# The ct82 was probably its console terminal.
+# (swtp: removed obsolete ":bc=^D:" -- esr)
+swtp|ct82|southwest technical products ct82:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#82:li#20:\
+	:al=^\^Y:bl=^G:cd=^V:ce=^F:cl=^L:cm=\013%r%.%.:cr=\r:\
+	:dc=^\^H:dl=^Z:do=\n:ei=:ho=^P:ic=^\^X:im=:\
+	:is=\034\022\036\023\036\004\035\027\011\023\036\035\036\017\035\027\022\011:\
+	:le=^D:ll=^C:nd=^S:se=^^^F:sf=^N:so=^^^V:sr=^O:up=^A:
+#### Synertek
+# Bob Manson <manson@pattyr.acs.ohio-state.edu> writes (28 Apr 1995):
+# Synertek used to make ICs, various 6502-based single-board process
+# control and hobbyist computers, and assorted peripherals including a
+# series of small inexpensive terminals (I think they were one of the
+# first to have a "terminal-on-a-keyboard", where the terminal itself
+# was only slightly larger than the keyboard).
+# They apparently had a KTM-1 model, which I've never seen. The KTM-2/40
+# was a 40x24 terminal that could connect to a standard TV through a
+# video modulator.  The KTM-2/80 was the 80-column version (the 2/40
+# could be upgraded to the 2/80 by adding 2 2114 SRAMs and a new ROM).
+# I have a KTM-2/80 still in working order.  The KTM-2s had fully
+# socketed parts, used 2 6507s, a 6532 as keyboard scanner, a program
+# ROM and 2 ROMs as character generators. They were incredibly simple,
+# and I've never had any problems with mine (witness the fact that mine
+# was made in 1981 and is still working great... I've blown the video
+# output transistor a couple of times, but it's a 2N2222 :-)
+# The KTM-3 (which is what is listed in the terminfo file) was their
+# attempt at putting a KTM-2 in a box (and some models came with a
+# CRT). It wasn't much different from the KTM-2 hardware-wise, but the
+# control and escape sequences are very different. The KTM-3 was always
+# real broken, at least according to the folks I've talked to about it.
+# The padding in the entry is probably off--these terminals were very
+# slow (it takes like 100ms for the KTM-2 to clear the screen...) And
+# anyone with any sanity replaced the ROMs with something that provided
+# a reasonable subset of VT100 functionality, since the usual ROMs were
+# obviously very primitive... oh, you could get an upgraded ROM from
+# Synertek for some incredible amount of money, but what hacker with an
+# EPROM burner would do that? :)
+# Sorry I don't have any contact info; I believe they were located in
+# Sunnyvale, and I'm fairly sure they are still manufacturing ICs
+# (they've gone to ASICs and FPGAs), but I doubt they're in the computer
+# business these days.
+# Tested, seems to work fine with vi.
+synertek|ktm|synertek380|synertek ktm 3/80 tubeless terminal:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=^Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :le=^H:nd=^L:up=^K:
+#### Tab Office Products
+#	TAB Products Co. - Palo Alto, California
+#	Electronic Office Products,
+#	1451 California Avenue 94304
+# I think they're out of business.
+# The tab 132 uses xon/xoff, so no padding needed.
+# :ks:/:ke: have nothing to do with arrow keys.
+# :is: sets 80 col mode, normal video, autowrap on (for :am:).
+# Seems to be no way to get rid of status line.
+# The manual for this puppy was dated June 1981.  It claims to be VT52-
+# compatible but looks more vt100-like.
+tab132|tab|tab132-15|tab 132/15:\
+	:da:db:\
+	:co#80:dN@:li#24:lm#96:\
+	:al=\E[L:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\n:ei=\E[4l:\
+	:im=\E[4h:is=\E[?7h\E[?3l\E[?5l:kd=\E[B:ke@:kl=\E[D:ks@:\
+	:ku=\E[A:tc=vt100+4bsd:
+tab132-w|tab132 in wide mode:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:is=\E[?7h\E[?3h\E[?5l:tc=tab132:
+tab132-rv|tab132 in reverse-video mode:\
+	:is=\E[?7h\E[?3l\E[?5h:tc=tab132:
+tab132-w-rv|tab132 in reverse-video/wide mode:\
+	:is=\E[?7h\E[?3h\E[?5h:tc=tab132-w:
+#### Teleray
+#	Research Incorporated
+#	6425 Flying Cloud Drive
+#	Eden Prairie, MN 55344
+#	Vox: (612)-941-3300
+# The Teleray terminals were all discontinued in 1992-93.  RI still services
+# and repairs these beasts, but no longer manufactures them.  The Teleray
+# people believe that all the types listed below are very rare now (1995).
+# There was a newer line of Telerays (Model 7, Model 20, Model 30, and
+# Model 100) that were ANSI-compatible.
+# Note two things called "teleray".  Reorder should move the common one
+# to the front if you have either.  A dumb teleray with the cursor stuck
+# on the bottom and no obvious model number is probably a 3700.
+t3700|dumb teleray 3700:\
+	:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=^L:cr=\r:do=\n:le=^H:sf=\n:
+t3800|teleray 3800 series:\
+	:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=^L:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=\r:do=\n:ho=\EH:\
+	:le=^H:ll=\EY7\s:nd=\EC:sf=\n:ta=^I:up=^K:
+t1061|teleray|teleray 1061:\
+	:am:bs:km:xs:xt:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:sg#1:ug#1:\
+	:al=2*\EL:bl=^G:cd=1\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=1^L:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=\r:\
+	:ct=\EG:dc=\EQ:dl=2*\EM:do=\n:ei=:ho=\EH:ic=\EP:im=:ip=0.4*:\
+	:is=\Ee\EU01^Z1\EV\EU02^Z2\EV\EU03^Z3\EV\EU04^Z4\EV\EU05^Z5\EV\EU06^Z6\EV\EU07^Z7\EV\EU08^Z8\EV\Ef:\
+	:k1=^Z1:k2=^Z2:k3=^Z3:k4=^Z4:k5=^Z5:k6=^Z6:k7=^Z7:k8=^Z8:\
+	:le=^H:nd=\EC:se=\ER@:sf=\n:so=\s\ERD:st=\EF:ta=^I:ue=\ER@:\
+	:up=\EA:us=\ERH:
+t1061f|teleray 1061 with fast PROMs:\
+	:al=\EL:dl=\EM:ip@:tc=t1061:
+# "Teleray Arpa Special", officially designated as
+# "Teleray Arpa network model 10" with "Special feature 720".
+# This is the new (1981) fast microcode updating the older "arpa" proms
+# (which gave meta-key and programmable-fxn keys).  720 is much much faster,
+# converts the keypad to programmable function keys, and has other goodies.
+# Standout mode is still broken (magic cookie, etc) so is suppressed as no
+# programs handle such lossage properly.
+# Note: this is NOT the old termcap's "t1061f with fast proms."
+# From: J. Lepreau <lepreau@utah-cs> Tue Feb  1 06:39:37 1983, Univ of Utah
+# (t10: removed overridden ":so@:se@:us@:ue@:" -- esr)
+t10|teleray 10 special:\
+	:bs:km:xs:xt:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:sg#2:ug#2:\
+	:al=\EL:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=30\Ej:cm=\EY%+ %+ :dc=\EQ:dl=\EM:\
+	:do=\EB:ei=:ho=\EH:ic=\EP:im=:le=^H:nd=\EC:pc=\0:se=\ER@:\
+	:sf=\Eq:so=\ERD:sr=\Ep:ta=^I:ue=\ER@:up=\EA:us=\ERH:
+# teleray 16 - map the arrow keys for vi/rogue, shifted to up/down page, and
+# back/forth words. Put the function keys (f1-f10) where they can be
+# found, and turn off the other magic keys along the top row, except
+# for line/local. Do the magic appropriate to make the page shifts work.
+# Also toggle ^S/^Q for those of us who use Emacs.
+t16|teleray 16:\
+	:am:da:db:mi:xs:xt:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[0J:ce=\E[0K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:\
+	:cm=%i\E[%d;%df:cr=\r:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=\E[4l:\
+	:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:k1=^Z1:k2=^Z2:k3=^Z3:k4=^Z4:k5=^Z5:k6=^Z6:\
+	:k7=^Z7:k8=^Z8:k9=^Z9:k;=^Z0:le=^H:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:\
+	:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\E[T:ta=^I:te=\E[V\E[24;1f\E[?38h:\
+	:ti=\E[U\E[?38l:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+#### Texas Instruments (ti)
+# The Silent 700 was so called because it was built around a quiet thermal
+# printer.  It was portable, equipped with an acoustic coupler, and pretty
+# neat for its day.
+ti700|ti733|ti735|ti745|ti800|ti silent 700/733/735/745 or omni 800:\
+	:bs:hc:os:\
+	:co#80:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=162\r:do=\n:le=^H:sf=\n:
+# Terminal entries for the Texas Instruments 703/707
+# hardcopy terminals.
+# http://www.bitsavers.org/pdf/ti/terminal/silent_700/
+# Refer to:
+#	Model 707 Data Terminal User's Manual
+# pages 2-7 and 2-8 say that the model 707 prints 10.2 characters per inch
+# (cpi) (80 characters per line) by default, and can be switched to/from 17.0
+# cpi using an escape sequence.  There is no 80/132-column capability in
+# terminfo (only the more general cpi which allows any value).
+ti703|ti707|Texas Instruments Silent 703/707:\
+	:am:hc:os:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=162\r:do=\n:is=\EPC\\:le=^H:nd=\s:nw=\r\n:sf=\n:
+ti703-w|ti707-w|Texas Instruments Silent 703/707:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:is=\EPD\\:tc=ti703:
+# Texas Instruments 916 VDT 7 bit control mode
+ti916|ti916-220-7|Texas Instruments 916 VDT 8859/1 vt220 mode 7 bit CTRL:\
+	:da:db:in:ms:\
+	:%9=^X:@4=\E[29~:@8=\n:AL=36\E[%dL:DC=250\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:\
+	:DO=\E[%dB:F1=\E[29~:F2=\E[31~:IC=250\E[%d@:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=2^O:as=2^N:bt=\E[Z:cb=\E[1K:\
+	:cd=6\E[J:ce=\E[0K:cl=6\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:ct=\E[3g:\
+	:dc=\E[P:eA=\E(B\E)0:ec=20\E[%dX:ei=:ff=^L:im=:ip=10:\
+	:is=\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:k1=\E[17~:k2=\E[18~:k3=\E[19~:\
+	:k4=\E[20~:k5=\E[21~:k6=\E[23~:k7=\E[24~:k8=\E[25~:\
+	:k9=\E[26~:k;=\E[28~:kD=\E[P:kI=\E[@:kN=\E[S:kP=\E[T:\
+	:kh=\E[H:mp=\E&:rs=\E[!p:sa@:st=\E[0W:vb=6\E[?5h\E[?5l:\
+	:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:tc=vt220:
+# Texas Instruments 916 VDT 8 bit control mode
+ti916-8|ti916-220-8|Texas Instruments 916 VDT 8859/1 8 vt220 mode bit CTRL:\
+	:%9=^X:@4=\23329~:@8=\n:F1=\23329~:F2=\23331~:k1=\23317~:\
+	:k2=\23318~:k3=\23319~:k4=\23320~:k5=\23321~:k6=\23323~:\
+	:k7=\23324~:k8=\23325~:k9=\23326~:k;=\23328~:kD=\233P:\
+	:kI=\233@:kN=\233S:kP=\233T:kd=\233B:kh=\233H:kl=\233D:\
+	:kr=\233C:ku=\233A:tc=ti916:
+# Texas Instruments 916 VDT 8859/1 7 bit control 132 column mode
+ti916-132|Texas Instruments 916 VDT vt220 132 column:\
+	:co#132:tc=ti916:
+# Texas Instruments 916 VDT 8859/1 8 bit control 132 column mode
+ti916-8-132|Texas Instruments 916 VDT 8-bit vt220 132 column:\
+	:co#132:tc=ti916-8:
+ti924|Texas Instruments 924 VDT 8859/1 7 bit CTRL:\
+	:am:bs:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[2J\E[H:\
+	:cm=%i\E[%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=%i\E[%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dl=\E[M:\
+	:do=\E[B:ho=\E[H:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\E[16~:\
+	:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:kD=\E[P:kI=\E[@:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=\E[D:mb=\E[5m:\
+	:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:\
+	:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:vs=\E[?31h:
+ti924-8|Texas Instruments 924 VDT 8859/1 8 bit CTRL:\
+	:am:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[2J\E[H:\
+	:cm=%i\E[%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=%i\E[%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dl=\E[M:\
+	:do=\E[B:ho=\E[H:k1=\217P:k2=\217Q:k3=\217R:k4=\217S:\
+	:k5=\23316~:k6=\23317~:k7=\23318~:k8=\23319~:k9=\23320~:\
+	:kD=\233P:kI=\233@:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:\
+	:le=\E[D:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:vs=\E[?31h:
+ti924w|Texas Instruments 924 VDT 7 bit - 132 column mode:\
+	:co#132:tc=ti924:
+ti924-8w|Texas Instruments 924 VDT 8 bit - 132 column mode:\
+	:co#132:tc=ti924-8:
+ti931|Texas Instruments 931 VDT:\
+	:am:bs:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\EN:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EI:cl=\EL:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=\r:\
+	:dc=\EQ:dl=\EO:do=\EB:ei=:ho=\EH:ic=\ER\EP\EM:im=:\
+	:is=\EGB\E(@B@@\E):k1=\Ei1:k2=\Ei2:k3=\Ei3:k4=\Ei4:\
+	:k5=\Ei5:k6=\Ei6:k7=\Ei7:k8=\Ei8:k9=\Ei9:kA=\EN:kD=\EQ:\
+	:kI=\EP:kL=\EO:kd=\EB:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=\ED:mb=\E4P:\
+	:me=\E4@:mk=\E4H:mr=\E4B:nd=\EC:se=\E4@:sf=\Ea:so=\E4A:\
+	:sr=\Eb:ue=\E4@:up=\EA:us=\E4D:ve=\E4@:
+ti926|Texas Instruments 926 VDT 8859/1 7 bit CTRL:\
+	:cs@:sf=\E[1S:sr=\E[1T:tc=ti924:
+# (ti926-8: I corrected this from the broken SCO entry -- esr)
+ti926-8|Texas Instruments 926 VDT 8859/1 8 bit CTRL:\
+	:cs@:sf=\2331S:sr=\2331T:tc=ti924-8:
+ti_ansi|basic entry for ti928:\
+	:am:eo:ut:xn:xo:\
+	:Co#8:co#80:it#8:li#25:pa#64:\
+	:@7=\E[F:AB=\E[4%dm:AF=\E[3%dm:al=\E[L:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[2J\E[H:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=:ho=\E[H:\
+	:ic=\E[@:im=:k0=\E[V:k1=\E[M:k2=\E[N:k3=\E[O:k4=\E[P:\
+	:k5=\E[Q:k6=\E[R:k7=\E[S:k8=\E[T:k9=\E[U:kN=\E[G:kP=\E[I:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:op=\E[37;40m:se=\E[m:\
+	:sf=\E[S:so=\E[7m:sr=\E[T:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+#       928 VDT 7 bit control mode
+ti928|Texas Instruments 928 VDT 8859/1 7 bit CTRL:\
+	:%9=\E[35~:@7=\E_1\E\\:@8=\E[8~:F1=\E[29~:F2=\E[31~:\
+	:F3=\E[32~:F5=\E[34~:k1=\E[17~:k2=\E[18~:k3=\E[19~:\
+	:k4=\E[20~:k5=\E[21~:k6=\E[23~:k7=\E[24~:k8=\E[25~:\
+	:k9=\E[26~:k;=\E[28~:kD=\E[P:kI=\E[@:kN=\E[S:kP=\E[T:\
+	:tc=ti_ansi:
+#       928 VDT 8 bit control mode
+ti928-8|Texas Instruments 928 VDT 8859/1 8 bit CTRL:\
+	:%9=\23335~:@7=\2371\234:@8=\2338~:F1=\23329~:F2=\23331~:\
+	:F3=\23332~:F5=\23334~:k1=\23317~:k2=\23318~:k3=\23319~:\
+	:k4=\23320~:k5=\23321~:k6=\23323~:k7=\23324~:k8=\23325~:\
+	:k9=\23326~:k;=\23328~:kD=\233P:kI=\233@:kN=\233S:\
+	:kP=\233T:kh=\233H:tc=ti_ansi:
+#### Zentec (zen)
+# (zen30: removed obsolete :ma=^L ^R^L^K^P:.  This entry originally
+# had just :so:=\EG6 which I think means standout was supposed to be
+# dim-reverse using ADM12-style attributes. ADM12 :us:/:ue: and
+# <invis> might work-- esr)
+zen30|z30|zentec 30:\
+	:am:bs:mi:ul:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=1.5*\EE:bl=^G:cd=\EY:ce=1.0*\ET:cl=\E*:cm=\E=%+ %+ :\
+	:cr=\r:dc=\EW:dl=1.5*\ER:do=\n:ei=\Er:ho=^^:im=\Eq:le=^H:\
+	:mh=\EG2:nd=^L:sf=\n:so=\EG6:ue@:up=^K:us@:tc=adm+sgr:
+# (zen50: this had extension capabilities
+#	:BS=^U:CL=^V:CR=^B:
+# UK/DK/RK/LK/HM were someone's aliases for ku/kd/kl/kr/kh,
+# which were also in the original entry -- esr)
+# (zen50: removed obsolete ":ma=^Hh^Ll^Jj^Kk:" -- esr)
+zen50|z50|zentec zephyr:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#1:\
+	:al=\EE:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=\E+:cm=\E=%+ %+ :dc=\EW:dl=\ER:ei=:\
+	:ic=\EQ:im=:kd=\n:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:mk@:ue@:up=^K:\
+	:us@:tc=adm+sgr:
+# CCI 4574 (Office Power) from Will Martin <wmartin@BRL.ARPA> via BRL
+cci|cci1|z8001|zen8001|CCI Custom Zentec 8001:\
+	:am:bs:bw:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cs=\ER%+ %+ :do=\n:\
+	:ho=\EH:is=\EM \EF\ET\EP\ER 7:kb=^H:kd=\EB:kh=\EH:kl=\ED:\
+	:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:mb=\EM":me=\EM\s:mh=\EM!:mk=\EM(:\
+	:mr=\EM$:nd=\EC:pf=^T:po=^R:se=\EM\s:so=\EM$:sr=\EI:\
+	:ue=\EM\s:up=\EA:us=\EM0:ve=\EP:vs=\EF\EQ\EM \ER 7:
+#### Apollo consoles
+# Apollo got bought by Hewlett-Packard.  The Apollo workstations are
+# labeled HP700s now.
+# From: Gary Darland <goodmanc@garnet.berkeley.edu>
+apollo|apollo console:\
+	:am:bs:mi:\
+	:co#88:li#53:\
+	:al=\EI:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:ch=\EN%d:cl=^L:cm=\EM%+ %d):\
+	:cv=\EO+\s:dc=\EP:dl=\EL:do=\EB:ei=\ER:im=\EQ:le=^H:nd=\EC:\
+	:se=\ET:sf=\EE:so=\ES:sr=\ED:te=\EX:ti=\EW:ue=\EV:up=\EA:\
+	:us=\EU:
+# We don't know whether or not the apollo guys replicated DEC's firmware bug
+# in the VT132 that reversed :ei:/:im:.  To be on the safe side, disable
+# both these capabilities.
+apollo_15P|apollo 15 inch display:\
+	:ei@:im@:tc=vt132:
+apollo_19L|apollo 19 inch display:\
+	:ei@:im@:tc=vt132:
+apollo_color|apollo color display:\
+	:ei@:im@:tc=vt132:
+#### AT&T consoles
+# This actually describes the generic SVr4 display driver for Intel boxes.
+# The :mh=\E[2m: isn't documented and therefore may not be reliable.
+# From: Eric Raymond <esr@snark.thyrsus.com> Mon Nov 27 19:00:53 EST 1995
+att6386|at386|386at|AT&T WGS 6386 console:\
+	:am:bw:eo:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:\
+	:@7=\E[Y:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:F1=\EOZ:\
+	:F2=\EOA:IC=\E[%d@:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``a1fxgqh0jYk?lZm@nEooppqDrrsstCu4vAwBx3yyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=\E[10m:al=\E[1L:as=\E[12m:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:\
+	:ce=\E[K:ch=\E[%i%dG:cl=\E[2J\E[H:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:ct=\E[3g:cv=\E[%i%dd:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[1M:do=\E[B:ec=\E[%dX:\
+	:ei=:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[1@:im=:is=\E[0;10;39m:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:\
+	:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\EOT:k6=\EOU:k7=\EOV:k8=\EOW:k9=\EOX:\
+	:k;=\EOY:kB=^]:kD=\E[P:kI=\E[@:kM=\E0:kN=\E[U:kP=\E[V:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=\E[D:mb=\E[5m:\
+	:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0;10m:mh=\E[2m:mk=\E[9m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:nw=\r\E[S:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\E[S:so=\E[7m:sr=\E[T:\
+	:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[=1C:vi=\E[=C:\
+	:tc=ecma+index:tc=klone+color:
+# (pc6300plus: removed ":KM=/usr/lib/ua/kmap.s5:"; renamed BO/EE/CI/CV -- esr)
+pc6300plus|AT&T 6300 plus:\
+	:am:bs:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\E[1L:bl=^G:cd=\E[0J:ce=\E[0K:cl=\E[2J\E[H:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%2;%2H:cr=\r:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[1P:dl=\E[1M:do=\E[B:\
+	:ei=:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[1@:im=:k1=\EOc:k2=\EOd:k3=\EOe:k4=\EOf:\
+	:k5=\EOg:k6=\EOh:k7=\EOi:k8=\EOj:k9=\EOk:k;=\EOu:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\E[B:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:\
+	:me=\E[m:mh=\E[2m:mk=\E[9m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\r\n:\
+	:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:st=\EH:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:ve=\E[=1C:vi=\E[=C:
+# From: Benjamin C. W. Sittler <bsittler@nmt.edu>
+# I have a UNIX PC which I use as a terminal attached to my Linux PC.
+# Unfortunately, the UNIX PC terminfo entry that comes with ncurses
+# is broken. All the special key sequences are broken, making it unusable
+# with Emacs. The problem stems from the following:
+# The UNIX PC has a plethora of keys (103 of them, and there's no numeric
+# keypad!), loadable fonts, and strange highlighting modes ("dithered"
+# half-intensity, "smeared" bold, and real strike-out, for example.) It also
+# uses resizable terminal windows, but the bundled terminal program always
+# uses an 80x24 window (and doesn't support seem to support a 132-column
+# mode.)
+# HISTORY: The UNIX PC was one of the first machines with a GUI, and used a
+# library which was a superset of SVr3.5 curses (called tam, for "terminal
+# access method".) tam includes support for real, overlapping windows,
+# onscreen function key labels, and bitmap graphics. But since the primary
+# user interface on the UNIX PC was a GUI program (ua, for "user
+# assistant",) and remote administration was considered important for the
+# machine, tam also supported VT100-compatible terminals attached to the
+# serial port or used across the StarLan network. To simulate the extra keys
+# not present on a VT100, users could press ESC and a two-letter sequence,
+# such as u d (Undo) or U D (Shift-Undo.) These two-letter sequences,
+# however, were not the same as those sent by the actual Undo key. The
+# actual Undo key sends ESC 0 s unshifted, and ESC 0 S shifted, for example.
+# (If you're interested in adding some of the tam calls to ncurses, btw, I
+# have the full documentation and several programs which use tam. It also
+# used an extended terminfo format to describe key sequences, special
+# highlighting modes, etc.)
+# KEYS: This means that ncurses would quite painful on the UNIX PC, since
+# there are two sequences for every key-modifier combination (local keyboard
+# sequence and remote "VT100" sequence.) But I doubt many people are trying
+# to use ncurses on the UNIX PC, since ncurses doesn't properly handle the
+# GUI. Unfortunately, the terminfo entry (and the termcap, too, I presume)
+# seem to have been built from the manual describing the VT100 sequences.
+# This means it doesn't work for a real live UNIX PC.
+# FONTS: The UNIX PC also has a strange interpretation of "alternate
+# character set". Rather than the VT100 graphics you might expect, it allows
+# up to 8 custom fonts to be loaded at any given time. This means that
+# programs expecting VT100 graphics will usually be disappointed. For this
+# reason I have disabled the smacs/rmacs sequences, but they could easily be
+# re-enabled. Here are the relevant control sequences (from the ESCAPE(7)
+# manpage), should you wish to do so:
+# SGR10 - Select font 0 - ESC [ 10 m or SO
+# SGR11 - Select font 1 - ESC [ 11 m or SI
+# SGR12 - Select font 2 - ESC [ 12 m
+# ... (etc.)
+# SGR17 - Select font 7 - ESC [ 17 m
+# Graphics for line drawing are not reliably found at *any* character
+# location because the UNIX PC has dynamically reloadable fonts. I use font
+# 0 for regular text and font 1 for italics, but this is by no means
+# universal. So ASCII line drawing is in order if smacs/rmacs are enabled.
+# MISC: The cursor visible/cursor invisible sequences were swapped in the
+# distributed terminfo.
+# To ameliorate these problems (and fix a few highlighting bugs) I rewrote
+# the UNIX PC terminfo entry. The modified version works great with Lynx,
+# Emacs, and XEmacs running on my Linux PC and displaying on the UNIX PC
+# attached by serial cable. In Emacs, even the Undo key works, and many
+# applications can now use the F1-F8 keys.
+# esr's notes:
+#	Terminfo entry for the AT&T Unix PC 7300
+#	from escape(7) in Unix PC 7300 Manual.
+#	Somewhat similar to a vt100-am (but different enough
+#	to redo this from scratch.)
+#	/***************************************************************
+#	*
+#	*
+#	*     This routine loads a font defined in the file ALTFONT
+#	*     into font memory slot #1.  Once the font has been loaded,
+#	*     it can be used as an alternative character set.
+#	*
+#	*     The call to ioctl with the argument WIOCLFONT is the key
+#	*     to this routine.  For more information, see window(7) in
+#	*     the PC 7300 documentation.
+#	***************************************************************/
+#	#include <string.h>		/* needed for strcpy call */
+#	#include <sys/window.h>         /* needed for ioctl call */
+#	#define FNSIZE	60		/* font name size */
+#	#define ALTFONT  "/usr/lib/wfont/special.8.ft"  /* font file */
+#	/*
+#	*     The file /usr/lib/wfont/special.8.ft comes with the
+#	*     standard PC software.  It defines a graphics character set
+#	*     similar to that of the Teletype 5425 terminal.  To view
+#	*     this or other fonts in /usr/lib/wfont, use the command
+#	*     cfont <filename>.  For further information on fonts see
+#	*     cfont(1) in the PC 7300 documentation.
+#	*/
+#	struct altfdata		/* structure for alt font data */
+#	{
+#	short	altf_slot;		/* memory slot number */
+#	char	altf_name[FNSIZE];	/* font name (file name) */
+#	};
+#	ldfont()
+#	{
+#		int wd;		/* window in which altfont will be */
+#		struct altfdata altf;
+#		altf.altf_slot=1;
+#		strcpy(altf.altf_name,ALTFONT);
+#		for (wd =1; wd < 12; wd++) {
+#		     ioctl(wd, WIOCLFONT,&altf);
+#	        }
+#	}
+# (att7300: added :vi:/:ve:/:ic:/<invis> from the BSDI entry,
+# they're confirmed by the man page for the System V display---esr)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+att7300|unixpc|pc7300|3b1|s4|AT&T UNIX PC Model 7300:\
+	:am:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:\
+	:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bl=^G:bt=\E^I:cd=\E[0J:ce=\E[0K:\
+	:cl=\E[2J\E[H:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:\
+	:do=\E[B:ei=:ho=\E[H:i1=\017\E[=1w:ic=\E[@:im=:k1=\EOc:\
+	:k2=\EOd:k3=\EOe:k4=\EOf:k5=\EOg:k6=\EOh:k7=\EOi:k8=\EOj:\
+	:kD=\ENf:kI=\ENj:kN=\E[U:kP=\E[V:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:\
+	:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[9m:md=\E[1m:\
+	:me=\E[0;10m:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:se=\E[m:\
+	:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[=0C:\
+	:vi=\E[=1C:
+#### Convergent Technology
+# Burroughs bought Convergent shortly before it merged with Univac.
+# CTOS is (I believe) dead.  Probably the aws is too (this entry dates
+# from 1991 or earlier).
+# Convergent AWS workstation from Gould/SEL UTX/32 via BRL
+# (aws: removed unknown :dn=^K: -- esr)
+aws|Convergent Technologies AWS workstation under UTX and Xenix:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#28:sg#0:ug#0:\
+	:ac=:ae=\EAAF:al=\EIL:as=\EAAN:bc=^H:cd=\EEF:ce=\EEL:\
+	:ch=\EH%.:cl=^L:cm=\EC%r%.%.:cv=\EV%.:dc=\EDC:dl=\EDL:\
+	:do=^K:ei=:ic=\EIC:im=:kb=^H:kd=^K:kl=^N:kr=^R:ku=^A:\
+	:ma=\016h\013j\001k\022l\002m:nd=^R:nl=\n:se=\EARF:\
+	:sf=\ESU:so=\EARN:sr=\ESD:ue=\EAUF:up=^A:us=\EAUN:
+awsc|Convergent Technologies AWS workstation under CTOS:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#0:ug#0:\
+	:ac=:ae=\EAAF:as=\EAAN:bc=^N:cd=\EEF:ce=\EEL:cl=^L:\
+	:cm=\EC%r%.%.:do=^K:kb=^H:kd=^K:kl=^N:kr=^R:ku=^A:\
+	:ma=\016h\013j\001k\022l\002m:nd=^R:se=\EAA:so=\EAE:\
+	:ue=\EAA:up=^A:us=\EAC:
+#### DEC consoles
+# The MicroVax console.  Tim Theisen <tim@cs.wisc.edu> writes:
+# The digital uVax II's had a graphic display called a qdss.  It was
+# supposed to be a high performance graphic accelerator, but it was
+# late to market and barely appeared before faster dumb frame buffers
+# appeared.  I have only used this display while running X11.  However,
+# during bootup, it was in text mode, and probably had a terminal emulator
+# within it.  And that is what your termcap entry is for.  In graphics
+# mode the screen size is 1024x864 pixels.
+qdss|qdcons|qdss glass tty:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#128:li#57:\
+	:cl=1^Z:cm=\E=%.%.:do=\n:le=^H:nd=^L:up=^K:
+#### Fortune Systems consoles
+# Fortune made a line of 68K-based UNIX boxes that were pretty nifty
+# in their day; I (esr) used one myself for a year or so around 1984.
+# They had no graphics, though, and couldn't compete against Suns and
+# the like.  R.I.P.
+# From: Robert Nathanson <c160-3bp@Coral> via tut   Wed Oct 5, 1983
+# (This had extension capabilities
+#	:rv=\EH:re=\EI:rg=0:GG=0:\
+#	:CO=\E\\:WL=^Aa\r:WR=^Ab\r:CL=^Ac\r:CR=^Ad\r:DL=^Ae\r:RF=^Af\r:\
+#	:RC=^Ag\r:CW=^Ah\r:NU=^Aj\r:EN=^Ak\r:HM=^Al:PL=^Am\r:\
+#	:PU=^An\r:PD=^Ao\r:PR=^Ap\r:HP=^A@\r:RT=^Aq\r:TB=\r:CN=\177:MP=\E+F:
+# It had both ":bs:" and ":bs=^H:"; I removed the latter.  Also, it had
+# ":sg=0:" and ":ug=0:"; evidently the composer was trying (unnecessarily)
+# to force both magic cookie glitches off.  Once upon a time, I
+# used a Fortune myself, so I know the capabilities of the form ^A[a-z]\r are
+# function keys; thus the "Al" value for HM was certainly an error.  I renamed
+# EN/PD/PU/CO/CF/RT according to the XENIX/TC mappings, but not HM/DL/RF/RC.
+# I think :rv: and :re: are start/end reverse video and :rg: is a nonexistent
+# "reverse-video-glitch" capability; I have put :rv: and :re: in with standard
+# names below.  I've removed obsolete ":nl=5^J:" as there is a :do: -- esr)
+fos|fortune|Fortune system:\
+	:am:bs:bw:\
+	:co#80:li#25:\
+	:@7=^Ak\r:@8=^Aq:ac=j*k(l m"q&v%w#x-:ae=^O:al=15^\E:\
+	:as=\Eo:bl=^G:cd=3*^\Y:ce=^\Z:cl=20^L:cm=\034C%+ %+ :cr=\r:\
+	:dc=5^\W:dl=15^\R:do=3\n:ei=:ho=10^^:ic=5^\Q:im=:is=^_..:\
+	:k1=^Aa\r:k2=^Ab\r:k3=^Ac\r:k4=^Ad\r:k5=^Ae\r:k6=^Af\r:\
+	:k7=^Ag\r:k8=^Ah\r:kN=^Ao\r:kP=^An\r:kb=^H:kd=^Ay\r:\
+	:kh=^A?\r:kl=^Aw\r:kr=^Az\r:ku=^Ax\r:le=^H:mb=\EN:me=\EI:\
+	:mr=\EH:nw=\r\n:se=^\I`:sf=\n:so=^\H`:ta=^Z:ue=^\IP:up=3^K:\
+	:us=^\HP:ve=\E\\:vi=\E]:vs=\E\::
+#### Masscomp consoles
+# Masscomp has gone out of business.  Their product line was purchased by a
+# company in Georgia (US) called "XS International", parts and service may
+# still be available through them.
+# (masscomp: ":MT:" changed to ":km:";  -- esr)
+masscomp|masscomp workstation console:\
+	:bs:km:mi:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=\E[L:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:dc=\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=\E[4l:im=\E[4h:is=\EGc\EGb\EGw:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\EOB:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ku=\EOA:le=^H:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:\
+	:so=\E[7m:ta=^I:ue=\EGau:up=\E[A:us=\EGu:
+masscomp1|masscomp large screen version 1:\
+	:co#104:li#36:tc=masscomp:
+masscomp2|masscomp large screen version 2:\
+	:co#64:li#21:tc=masscomp:
+#### OSF Unix
+# OSF/1 1.1 Snapshot 2
+pmcons|pmconsole|PMAX console:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#128:li#57:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=^L:cr=\r:do=\n:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:\
+	:kd=\E[B:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:sf=\n:ta=^I:up=^K:
+#### Other consoles
+# The following is a version of the ibm-pc entry distributed with PC/IX,
+# (Interactive Systems' System 3 for the Big Blue), modified by Richard
+# McIntosh at UCB/CSM.  The :pt: and :uc: have been removed from the original,
+# (the former is untrue, and the latter failed under UCB/man); standout and
+# underline modes have been added.  Note: this entry describes the "native"
+# capabilities of the PC monochrome display, without ANY emulation; most
+# communications packages (but NOT PC/IX connect) do some kind of emulation.
+pcix|PC/IX console:\
+	:am:bw:eo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\Ec:cm=\E[%i%2;%2H:do=\E[B:ho=\E[H:\
+	:le=^H:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:so=\E[7m:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:
+# (ibmpcx: this entry used to be known as ibmx.
+# It formerly included the following extension capabilities:
+#	:GC=b:GL=v:GR=t:RT=^J:\
+#	:GH=\E[196g:GV=\E[179g:\
+#	:GU=\E[193g:GD=\E[194g:\
+#	:G1=\E[191g:G2=\E[218g:G3=\E[192g:G4=\E[217g:\
+#	:CW=\E[E:NU=\E[F:RF=\E[G:RC=\E[H:\
+#	:WL=\E[K:WR=\E[L:CL=\E[M:CR=\E[N:\
+# I renamed GS/GE/WL/WR/CL/CR/PU/PD/HM/EN; also, removed a duplicate
+# ":kh=\E[Y:".  Added IBM-PC forms characters and highlights, they match
+# what was there before. -- esr)
+ibmpcx|xenix|ibmx|IBM PC xenix console display:\
+	:am:bs:ms:\
+	:co#80:li#25:\
+	:@7=\E[d:al=\E[L:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=^L:cm=\E[%d;%dH:\
+	:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=:k1=\E[K:\
+	:k2=\E[L:k3=\E[M:k4=\E[N:kN=\E[e:kP=\E[Z:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:\
+	:kh=\E[Y:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:nd=\E[C:up=\E[A:\
+	:tc=klone+acs:tc=klone+sgr8:
+# These terminals are *long* dead -- these entries are retained for
+# historical interest only.
+#### Obsolete non-ANSI software emulations
+# CTRM terminal emulator
+# 1. underlining is not allowed with colors: first, is is simulated by
+# black on white, second, it disables background color manipulations.
+# 2. BLINKING, REVERSE and BOLD are allowed with colors,
+# so we have to save their status in the static registers A, B and H
+# respectively, to be able to restore them when color changes
+# (because any color change turns off ALL attributes)
+# 3. :md: and :mr: sequences alternate modes,
+# rather than simply  entering them.  Thus we have to check the
+# static register B and H to determine the status, before sending the
+# escape sequence.
+# 4. :me: now must set the status of all 3 register (A,B,H) to zero
+# and then reset colors
+# 5. implementation of the protect mode would badly penalize the performance.
+# we would have to use \E&bn sequence to turn off colors (as well as all
+# other attributes), and keep the status of protect mode in yet another
+# static variable.  If someone really needs this mode, they would have to
+# create another terminfo entry.
+# 6. original color-pair is white on black.
+# store the information about colors into static registers
+# 7. set foreground color.  it performs the following steps.
+#   1) turn off all attributes
+#   2) turn on the background and video attributes that have been turned
+#      on before (this information is stored in static registers X,Y,Z,A,B,H,D).
+#   3) turn on foreground attributes
+#   4) store information about foreground into U,V,W static registers
+# 8. turn on background: similar to turn on foreground above
+ctrm|C terminal emulator:\
+	:am:ut:xo:\
+	:Co#8:NC#2:Nl#0:co#80:lh#0:li#24:lm#0:lw#0:pa#63:pb#19200:vt#6:\
+	:al=\EL:bl=^G:bt=\Ei:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:ch=\E&a%dC:cl=\EH\EJ:\
+	:cm=\E&a%r%dc%dY:cr=\r:ct=\E3:cv=\E&a%dY:dc=2\EP:dl=\EM:\
+	:do=\n:ei=\ER:im=\EQ:ip=2:is=\E&jA\r:k1=\Ep\r:k2=\Eq\r:\
+	:k3=\Er\r:k4=\Es\r:k5=\Et\r:k6=\Eu\r:k7=\Ev\r:k8=\Ew\r:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\Ew\r:ke=\E&jA:kh=\Ep\r:kl=\Eu\r:kr=\Ev\r:\
+	:ks=\E&jB:ku=\Et\r:le=^H:mb=\E&dA%{1}%PA:\
+	:md=%?%gH%{0}%=%t\E&dH%{1}%PH%;:\
+	:me=\E&d@%{0}%PA%{0}%PB%{0}%PH:\
+	:mr=%?%gB%{0}%=%t\E&dB%{1}%PB%;:nd=\EC:\
+	:op=\E&bn\E&bB\E&bG\E&bR%{0}%PX%{0}%PY%{0}%PZ%{1}%PW%{1}%PV%{1}%PU:\
+	:sf=\n:so=\E&dD:st=\E1:ta=2^I:up=\EA:us=\E&dD:
+# gs6300 - can't use blue foreground, it clashes with underline;
+# it's simulated with cyan
+# Bug: The <op> capability probably resets attributes.
+# (gs6300: commented out <rmln> (no <smln>) --esr)
+gs6300|emots|AT&T PC6300 with EMOTS terminal emulator:\
+	:am:ms:ut:xo:\
+	:Co#8:co#80:it#8:li#24:pa#63:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:Sb=\E[?;%dm:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=++,,--..``aaffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=\E[10m:al=\E[L:as=\E[11m:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\n:\
+	:ei=:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=:is=\E[m:k1=\E[0s:k2=\E[24s:\
+	:k3=\E[1s:k4=\E[23s:k5=\E[2s:k6=\E[22s:k7=\E[3s:k8=\E[21s:\
+	:kB=^R^I:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:\
+	:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m\E[10m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:op=\E[?;m:pf=\E[4i:po=\E[5i:r1=\Ec:sf=\n:so=\E[1m:sr=\E[L:\
+	:ta=^I:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+# From: <earle@smeagol.UUCP> 29 Oct 85 05:40:18 GMT
+# MS-Kermit with Heath-19 emulation mode enabled
+# (h19k: changed ":pt@:" to ":it@"
+h19k|h19kermit|heathkit emulation provided by Kermit (no auto margin):\
+	:am@:da:db:xt:\
+	:it@:\
+	:ta@:tc=h19-u:
+# Apple Macintosh with Versaterm, a terminal emulator distributed by Synergy
+# Software (formerly Peripherals Computers & Supplies, Inc) of
+# 2457 Perkiomen Ave., Reading, PA 19606, 1-800-876-8376.  They can
+# also be reached at support@synergy.com.
+versaterm|versaterm vt100 emulator for the Macintosh:\
+	:am:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=9\E[1L:bl=^G:cd=50\E[J:ce=3\E[K:cl=50\E[;H\E[2J:\
+	:cm=5\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dc=7\E[1P:\
+	:dl=9\E[1M:do=\n:ei=:ho=\E[H:ic=7\E[1@:im=:\
+	:is=\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E>\E[?1l:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E=\E[?1h:\
+	:ku=\EOA:le=^H:mb=2\E[5m:md=2\E[1m:me=2\E[m:mr=2\E[7m:\
+	:nd=2\E[C:nw=\r\n:r1=\E>:rc=\E8:\
+	:rf=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:sc=\E7:se=2\E[m:so=2\E[7m:\
+	:sr=5\EM:ta=^I:ue=2\E[m:up=2\E[A:us=2\E[4m:
+# From: Rick Thomas <ihnp4!btlunix!rbt>
+# (xtalk: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string.
+xtalk|IBM PC with xtalk communication program (versions up to 3.4):\
+	:am:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:sg#1:vt#3:\
+	:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:\
+	:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=^O:al=99\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:cb=3\E[1K:cd=50\E[J:ce=3\E[K:\
+	:cl=50\E[H\E[J:cm=5\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:ct=\E[3g:dl=99\E[M:\
+	:do=\n:eA=\E(B\E)0:ho=\E[H:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:\
+	:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:me=\E[m:\
+	:nd=2\E[C:rs=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:\
+	:se=\E[m\s:sf=\n:so=\E[7m\s:sr=5\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:up=2\E[A:\
+	:tc=vt100+fnkeys:
+# The official PC terminal emulator program of the AT&T Product Centers.
+# Note - insert mode commented out - doesn't seem to work on AT&T PC.
+simterm|attpc running simterm:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\EL:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=\r:\
+	:dc=\ER:dl=\EM:do=\EB:ho=\EH:le=^H:me=\E&d@:nd=\EC:se=\E&d@:\
+	:sf=\n:so=\E&dB:te=\EVE:ti=\EVS:up=\EA:
+#### Daisy wheel printers
+# This section collects Diablo, DTC, Xerox, Qume, and other daisy
+# wheel terminals.  These are now largely obsolete.
+# (diablo1620: removed :if=/usr/share/tabset/xerox1720:, no such file -- esr)
+diablo1620|diablo1720|diablo450|ipsi|diablo 1620:\
+	:hc:os:\
+	:co#132:it#8:\
+	:ch=\E\011%i%.:ct=\E2:do=\n:hd=\ED:hu=\EU:kb=^H:le=^H:\
+	:st=\E1:ta=^I:up=\E\n:
+diablo1620-m8|diablo1640-m8|diablo 1620 w/8 column left margin:\
+	:co#124:\
+	:is=\r        \E9:tc=diablo1620:
+# (diablo1640: removed :if=/usr/share/tabset/xerox1730:, no such file -- esr)
+diablo1640|diablo1730|diablo1740|diablo630|x1700|diablo|xerox|diablo 1640:\
+	:bl=^G:se=\E&:so=\EW:ue=\ER:us=\EE:tc=diablo1620:
+# (diablo1640-lm: removed :if=/usr/share/tabset/xerox1730-lm:, no such
+# file -- esr)
+diablo1640-lm|diablo-lm|xerox-lm|diablo 1640 with indented left margin:\
+	:co#124:\
+	:se=\E&:so=\EW:ue=\ER:us=\EE:tc=diablo1620:
+diablo1740-lm|630-lm|1730-lm|x1700-lm|diablo 1740 printer:\
+	:tc=diablo1640-lm:
+# DTC 382 with VDU.  Has no :cd: so we fake it with :ce:.  Standout
+# :so=^P\s\002^PF: works but won't go away without dynamite :se=^P\s\0:.
+# The terminal has tabs, but I'm getting tired of fighting the braindamage.
+# If no tab is set or the terminal's in a bad mood, it glitches the screen
+# around all of memory.  Note that return puts a blank ("a return character")
+# in the space the cursor was at, so we use ^P return (and thus ^P newline for
+# newline).  Note also that if you turn off :pt: and let Unix expand tabs,
+# curses won't work (some old BSD versions) because it doesn't clear this bit,
+# and cursor addressing sends a tab for row/column 9.  What a losing terminal!
+# I have been unable to get tabs set in all 96 lines - it always leaves at
+# least one line with no tabs in it, and once you tab through that line,
+# it completely weirds out.
+# (dtc382: change :te: to :ti: -- it  just does a clear --esr)
+dtc382|DTC 382:\
+	:am:da:db:xs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:lm#96:\
+	:al=^P^Z:bl=^G:cd=^P^U^P^S^P^S:ce=^P^U:cl=20^P^]:\
+	:cm=\020\021%r%.%.:cr=^P\r:dc=^X:dl=^P^S:ei=^Pi:ho=^P^R:\
+	:im=^PI:le=^H:nd=^PR:pc=\177:sf=\n:te=:ti=20^P^]:ue=^P \0:\
+	:up=^P^L:us=^P ^P:ve=^Pb:vs=^PB:
+dtc300s|DTC 300s:\
+	:hc:os:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=\r:ct=\E3:do=\n:ff=^L:hd=\Eh:hu=\EH:kb=^H:le=^H:\
+	:sf=\n:st=\E1:ta=^I:up=^Z:
+gsi|mystery gsi terminal:\
+	:hc:os:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=\r:do=\n:hd=\Eh:hu=\EH:le=^H:sf=\n:ta=^I:up=^Z:
+aj830|aj832|aj|anderson jacobson:\
+	:hc:os:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=\r:do=\n:hd=\E9:hu=\E8:le=^H:sf=\n:up=\E7:
+# From: Chris Torek <chris@gyre.umd.edu> Thu, 7 Nov 85 18:21:58 EST
+aj510|Anderson-Jacobson model 510:\
+	:am:mi:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=2*\E&I:cd=\E'P:ce=\E'L:cl=^L:cm=\E#%+ %+ :dc=.1*\E'D:\
+	:dl=2*\E&D:ei=\E'J:ic=:im=\E'I:ip=.1*:kd=\EZ:kl=\EW:kr=\EX:\
+	:ku=\EY:le=^H:nd=\EX:pc=\177:se=\E"I:so=\E"I:te=\E"N:\
+	:ti=\E"N:ue=\E"U:up=\EY:us=\E"U:
+# From: <cbosg!ucbvax!pur-ee!cincy!chris> Thu Aug 20 09:09:18 1981
+# This is incomplete, but it's a start.
+nec5520|nec|spinwriter|nec 5520:\
+	:hc:os:\
+	:co#132:it#8:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=\r:ct=\E3:do=\n:ff=^L:hd=\E]s\n\E]W:\
+	:hu=\E]s\E9\E]W:kb=^H:le=^H:sf=\n:st=\E1:ta=^I:up=\E9:
+qume5|qume|Qume Sprint 5:\
+	:hc:os:\
+	:co#80:it#8:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=\r:ct=\E3:do=\n:ff=^L:hd=\Eh:hu=\EH:kb=^H:le=^H:\
+	:sf=\n:st=\E1:ta=^I:up=^Z:
+# I suspect the xerox 1720 is the same as the diablo 1620.
+xerox1720|x1720|x1750|xerox 1720:\
+	:hc:os:\
+	:co#132:it#8:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=\r:ct=\E2:do=\n:ff=^L:le=^H:sf=\n:st=\E1:ta=^I:
+#### Miscellaneous obsolete terminals, manufacturers unknown
+# If you have any information about these (like, a manufacturer's name,
+# and a date on the serial-number plate) please send it!
+cad68-3|cgc3|cad68 basic monitor transparent mode size 3 chars:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#73:li#36:\
+	:cl=^Z:ho=^^:le=^H:nd=^L:up=^K:
+cad68-2|cgc2|cad68 basic monitor transparent mode size 2 chars:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#85:li#39:\
+	:cl=^Z:ho=^^:k1=\E5:k2=\E6:k3=\E7:k4=\E8:kd=\E2:kl=\E3:\
+	:kr=\E4:ku=\E1:le=^H:nd=^L:se=\Em^C:so=\Em^L:up=^K:
+cops10|cops|cops-10|cops 10:\
+	:am:bw:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=^W:ce=^V:cl=30^X:cm=\020%+ %+ :cr=\r:do=\n:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\n:kh=^Y:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:nd=^L:sf=\n:up=^K:
+# (d132: removed duplicate :ic=\E5:,
+# merged in capabilities from a BRL entry -- esr)
+d132|datagraphix|datagraphix 132a:\
+	:da:db:in:\
+	:co#80:li#30:\
+	:al=\E3:bl=^G:cl=^L:cm=\E8%i%3%3:cr=\r:dc=\E6:do=\n:ei=:\
+	:ho=\ET:ic=\E5:im=:kb=^H:kd=\n:kl=^H:le=^H:nd=\EL:nw=\r\n:\
+	:sf=\n:sr=\Ew:ta=^I:up=\EK:ve=\Em\En:vs=\Ex:
+# The d800 was an early portable terminal from c.1984-85 that looked a lot
+# like the original Compaq `lunchbox' portable (but no handle).  It had a vt220
+# mode (which is what this entry looks like) and several other lesser-known
+# emulations.
+d800|Direct 800/A:\
+	:am:bs:da:db:ms:xs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:ac=``a1fxgqh0jYk?lZm@nEooppqDrrsstCu4vAwBx3yyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=\E[m:as=\E[1m:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[1;1H\E[2J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:do=\n:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:\
+	:k4=\EOS:k5=\EOT:k6=\EOU:k7=\EOV:k8=\EOW:kd=\E[B:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:sf=\ED:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[>12h:\
+	:vs=\E[>12l:
+digilog|digilog 333:\
+	:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#16:\
+	:bl=^G:ce=^X:cr=\r:do=\n:ho=^N:le=^H:nd=^I:sf=\n:up=^O:
+# The DWK was a terminal manufactured in the Soviet Union c.1986
+dwk|dwk-vt|dwk terminal:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:ac=+\136,Q-S.M0\177`+a\:f'g#h#i#jXkClJmFnNo~qUs_tEuPv\\wKxW~_:\
+	:ae=\EG:as=\EF:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\EY%+ %+ :\
+	:cr=\r:dc=\EP:do=\n:ei=:ho=\EH:ic=\EQ:im=:k1=\Ef1:k2=\Ef2:\
+	:k3=\Ef3:k4=\Ef4:k5=\Ef5:k6=\Ef6:k7=\Ef7:k8=\Ef8:k9=\Ef9:\
+	:k;=\Ef0:kD=\Ee:kI=\Ed:kN=\Eh:kP=\Eg:kb=\177:kd=\EB:kl=\ED:\
+	:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:me=\EX:mr=\ET:nd=\EC:nw=\r\n:se=\EX:\
+	:sf=\n:so=\ET:sr=\ES:ta=^I:up=\EA:
+env230|envision230|envision 230 graphics terminal:\
+	:xn@:\
+	:ae@:as@:eA@:me=2\E[0m:pf=\E[4i:po=\E[5i:ps=\E[0i:so=\E[7m:\
+	:tc=vt100+4bsd:
+# These execuports were impact-printer ttys with a 30- or maybe 15-cps acoustic
+# coupler attached, the whole rig fitting in a suitcase and more or less
+# portable.  Hot stuff for c.1977 :-) -- esr
+ep48|ep4080|execuport 4080:\
+	:am:bs:os:\
+	:co#80:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=\r:do=\n:hd=^\:hu=^^:le=^H:sf=\n:
+ep40|ep4000|execuport 4000:\
+	:co#136:tc=ep4080:
+# Adam Thompson <athompso@pangea.ca> tells us:
+# Informer series - these are all portable units, resembling older
+# automatic bread-baking machines.  The terminal looks like a `clamshell'
+# design, but isn't.  The structure is similar to the Direct terminals,
+# but only half the width.  The entire unit is only about 10" wide.
+# It features an 8" screen (6" or 7" if you have color!), and an 9"x6"
+# keyboard.  All the keys are crammed together, much like some laptop
+# PCs today, but perhaps less well organized...all these units have a
+# bewildering array of plugs on the back, including a built-in modem.
+# The 305 was a color version of the 304; the 306 and 307 were mono and
+# color terminals built for IBM bisync protocols.
+# From: Paul Leondis <unllab@amber.berkeley.edu>
+ifmr|Informer D304:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:cd=\E/:ce=\EQ:cl=\EZ:cm=\EY%r%+ %+ :dc=\E\\:do=\n:ei=:\
+	:ho=\EH:ic=\E[:im=:le=^H:me=\EK:nd=\EC:se=\EK:so=\EJ:sr=\En:\
+	:up=\EA:
+# Entry largely based on wy60 and has the features of wy60ak.
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (rmacs/smacs removed for consistency)
+# (acsc removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+opus3n1+|Esprit Opus3n1+ in wy60 mode with ANSI arrow keys:\
+	:am:bw:hs:km:mi:ms:ul:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:ws#80:\
+	:al=4\EE:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=100\EY:ce=\ET:cl=100\E*:\
+	:cm=\Ea%i%dR%dC:cr=\r:ct=\E0:dc=11\EW:dl=5\ER:do=\n:\
+	:ds=\Ez(\r:ei=\Er:fs=\r:ho=2^^:if=/usr/share/tabset/std:\
+	:im=\Eq:ip=3:\
+	:is=\E`\:\Ee(\EO\Ee6\Ec41\E~4\Ec21\Ed/\Ezz&\E[A\177\Ezz'\E[B\177\Ezz(\E[D\177\Ezz)\E[C\177\Ezz<\E[Q\177\Ezz`\E[F\177\EA1*\EZH12:\
+	:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:\
+	:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:kD=\EW:kI=\EQ:kN=\EK:kP=\EJ:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=^^:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\EG2:\
+	:me=\EcD:mh=\EGp:nd=^L:nw=3\r\n:sf=\n:sr=7\Ej:st=\E1:ta=5^I:\
+	:te=:\
+	:ti=\Ezz&\E[A\177\Ezz'\E[B\177\Ezz(\E[D\177\Ezz)\E[C\177\Ezz<\E[Q\177:\
+	:ts=\Ez(:uc=\EG8\EG0:up=^K:ve=\E`1:vi=\E`0:tc=adm+sgr:
+teletec|Teletec Datascreen:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=^L:cr=\r:do=\n:ho=^^:le=^H:nd=^_:sf=\n:up=^K:
+# From: Mark Dornfeld <romwa@ucbvax.berkeley.edu>
+# This description is for the LANPAR Technologies VISION 3220
+# terminal from 1984/85.  The function key definitions k0-k5 represent the
+# NEXT SCREEN. The key definitions k6-k9 represent the PF1 to PF4 keys.
+# Kenneth Randell <kenr@datametrics.com> writes on 31 Dec 1998:
+# I had a couple of scopes (3221) like this once where I used to work, around
+# the 1987 time frame if memory serves me correctly.  These scopes were made
+# by an outfit called LANPAR Technologies, and were meant to me DEC VT 220
+# compatible.  The 3220 was a plain text terminal like the VT-220, the 3221
+# was a like the VT-240 (monochrome with Regis + Sixel graphics), and the 3222
+# was like the VT-241 (color with Regis + Sixel Graphics).  These terminals
+# (3221) cost about $1500 each, and one was always broken -- had to be sent
+# back to the shop for repairs.
+# The only real advantage these scopes had over the VT-240's were:
+# 1) They were faster in the Regis display, or at least the ones I did
+# 2) They had a handy debugging feature where you could split-screen the
+# scope, the graphics would appear on the top, and the REGIS commands would
+# appear on the bottom.  I don't remember the VT-240s being able to do that.
+# I would swear that LANPAR Technologies was in MA someplace, but since I
+# don't work at the same place anymore, and those terminals and manuals were
+# long since junked, I cannot be any more sure than that.
+# (v3220: removed obsolete ":kn#10:",
+# I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string -- esr)
+v3220|LANPAR Vision II model 3220/3221/3222:\
+	:am:bs:mi:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7h:al=\E[L:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=\E[4l:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E>\E[?3l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E[p:k0=\E[1~:k1=\E[2~:\
+	:k2=\E[3~:k3=\E[4~:k4=\E[5~:k5=\E[6~:k6=\E[OP:k7=\E[OQ:\
+	:k8=\E[OR:k9=\E[OS:kd=\E[B:ke=\E>:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:\
+	:ks=\E=:ku=\E[A:le=^H:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:so=\E[7m:\
+	:sr=\EM:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+# Some non-curses applications get confused if both ich/ich1 and rmir/smir
+# are present; the symptom is doubled characters in an update using insert.
+# These applications are technically correct; in both 4.3BSD termcap and
+# terminfo, you're not actually supposed to specify both ich/ich1 and rmir/smir
+# unless the terminal needs both.  To my knowledge, no terminal still in this
+# file requires both other than the very obsolete dm2500.
+# For ncurses-based applications this is not a problem, as ncurses uses
+# one or the other as appropriate but never mixes the two.  Therefore we
+# have not corrected entries like `linux' and `xterm' that specify both.
+# If you see doubled characters from these, use the linux-nic and xterm-nic
+# entries that suppress ich/ich1.  And upgrade to ncurses!
+# ANSI X3.64 has been withdrawn and replaced by ECMA-48.  The ISO 6429 and
+# ECMA-48 standards are said to be almost identical, but are not the same
+# as X3.64 (though for practical purposes they are close supersets of it).
+# You can obtain ECMA-48 for free by sending email to helpdesk@ecma.ch
+# requesting the standard(s) you want (i.e. ECMA-48, "Control Functions for
+# Coded Character Sets"), include your snail-mail address, and you should
+# receive the document in due course.  Don't expect an email acknowledgment.
+# Related standards include "X3.4-1977: American National Standard Code for
+# Information Interchange" (the ASCII standard) and "X3.41.1974:
+# Code-Extension Techniques for Use with the 7-Bit Coded Character Set of
+# American National Standard for Information Interchange."  I believe (but
+# am not certain) that these are effectively identical to ECMA-6 and ECMA-35
+# respectively.
+#### VT100/ANSI/ECMA-48
+# ANSI Standard (X3.64) Control Sequences for Video Terminals and Peripherals
+# and ECMA-48 Control Functions for Coded Character Sets.
+# Much of the content of this comment is adapted from a table prepared by
+# Richard Shuford, based on a 1984 Byte article.  Terminfo correspondences,
+# discussion of some terminfo-related issues, and updates to capture ECMA-48
+# have been added.  Control functions described in ECMA-48 only are tagged
+# with * after their names.
+# The table is a complete list of the defined ANSI X3.64/ECMA-48 control
+# sequences.  In the main table, \E stands for an escape (\033) character,
+# SPC for space.  Pn stands for a single numeric parameter to be inserted
+# in decimal ASCII.  Ps stands for a list of such parameters separated by
+# semicolons.  Parameter meanings for most parameterized sequences are
+# described in the notes.
+# Sequence     Sequence                             Parameter   or
+# Mnemonic     Name              Sequence           Value      Mode   terminfo
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# APC  Applicatn Program Command \E _                -         Delim  -
+# BEL  Bell *                    ^G                  -         -      bel
+# BPH  Break Permitted Here *    \E B                -         *      -
+# BS   BackSpace *               ^H                  -         EF     -
+# CAN  Cancel *                  ^X                  -         -      -   (A)
+# CBT  Cursor Backward Tab       \E [ Pn Z           1         eF     cbt
+# CCH  Cancel Previous Character \E T                -         -      -
+# CHA  Cursor Horizntal Absolute \E [ Pn G           1         eF     hpa (B)
+# CHT  Cursor Horizontal Tab     \E [ Pn I           1         eF     tab (C)
+# CMD  Coding Method Delimiter * \E
+# CNL  Cursor Next Line          \E [ Pn E           1         eF     nel (D)
+# CPL  Cursor Preceding Line     \E [ Pn F           1         eF     -
+# CPR  Cursor Position Report    \E [ Pn ; Pn R      1, 1      -      -   (E)
+# CSI  Control Sequence Intro    \E [                -         Intro  -
+# CTC  Cursor Tabulation Control \E [ Ps W           0         eF     -   (F)
+# CUB  Cursor Backward           \E [ Pn D           1         eF     cub
+# CUD  Cursor Down               \E [ Pn B           1         eF     cud
+# CUF  Cursor Forward            \E [ Pn C           1         eF     cuf
+# CUP  Cursor Position           \E [ Pn ; Pn H      1, 1      eF     cup (G)
+# CUU  Cursor Up                 \E [ Pn A           1         eF     cuu
+# CVT  Cursor Vertical Tab       \E [ Pn Y           -         eF     -   (H)
+# DA   Device Attributes         \E [ Pn c           0         -      -
+# DAQ  Define Area Qualification \E [ Ps o           0         -      -
+# DCH  Delete Character          \E [ Pn P           1         eF     dch
+# DCS  Device Control String     \E P                -         Delim  -
+# DL   Delete Line               \E [ Pn M           1         eF     dl
+# DLE  Data Link Escape *        ^P                  -         -      -
+# DMI  Disable Manual Input      \E \                -         Fs     -
+# DSR  Device Status Report      \E [ Ps n           0         -      -   (I)
+# DTA  Dimension Text Area *     \E [ Pn ; Pn SPC T  -         PC     -
+# EA   Erase in Area             \E [ Ps O           0         eF     -   (J)
+# ECH  Erase Character           \E [ Pn X           1         eF     ech
+# ED   Erase in Display          \E [ Ps J           0         eF     ed  (J)
+# EF   Erase in Field            \E [ Ps N           0         eF     -
+# EL   Erase in Line             \E [ Ps K           0         eF     el  (J)
+# EM   End of Medium *           ^Y                  -         -      -
+# EMI  Enable Manual Input       \E b                          Fs     -
+# ENQ  Enquire                   ^E                  -         -      -
+# EOT  End Of Transmission       ^D                  -         *      -
+# EPA  End of Protected Area     \E W                -         -      -   (K)
+# ESA  End of Selected Area      \E G                -         -      -
+# ESC  Escape                    ^[                  -         -      -
+# ETB  End Transmission Block    ^W                  -         -      -
+# ETX  End of Text               ^C                  -         -      -
+# FF   Form Feed                 ^L                  -         -      -
+# FNK  Function Key *            \E [ Pn SPC W       -         -      -
+# GCC  Graphic Char Combination* \E [ Pn ; Pn SPC B  -         -      -
+# FNT  Font Selection            \E [ Pn ; Pn SPC D  0, 0      FE     -
+# GSM  Graphic Size Modify       \E [ Pn ; Pn SPC B  100, 100  FE     -   (L)
+# GSS  Graphic Size Selection    \E [ Pn SPC C       none      FE     -
+# HPA  Horz Position Absolute    \E [ Pn `           1         FE     -   (B)
+# HPB  Char Position Backward    \E [ j              1         FE     -
+# HPR  Horz Position Relative    \E [ Pn a           1         FE     -   (M)
+# HT   Horizontal Tab *          ^I                  -         FE     -   (N)
+# HTJ  Horz Tab w/Justification  \E I                -         FE     -
+# HTS  Horizontal Tab Set        \E H                -         FE     hts
+# HVP  Horz & Vertical Position  \E [ Pn ; Pn f      1, 1      FE     -   (G)
+# ICH  Insert Character          \E [ Pn @           1         eF     ich
+# IDCS ID Device Control String  \E [ SPC O          -         *      -
+# IGS  ID Graphic Subrepertoire  \E [ SPC M          -         *      -
+# IL   Insert Line               \E [ Pn L           1         eF     il
+# IND  Index                     \E D                -         FE     -
+# INT  Interrupt                 \E a                -         Fs     -
+# JFY  Justify                   \E [ Ps SPC F       0         FE     -
+# IS1  Info Separator #1 *       ^_                  -         *      -
+# IS2  Info Separator #1 *       ^^                  -         *      -
+# IS3  Info Separator #1 *       ^]                  -         *      -
+# IS4  Info Separator #1 *       ^\                  -         *      -
+# LF   Line Feed                 ^J                  -         -      -
+# LS1R Locking Shift Right 1 *   \E ~                -         -      -
+# LS2  Locking Shift 2 *         \E n                -         -      -
+# LS2R Locking Shift Right 2 *   \E }                -         -      -
+# LS3  Locking Shift 3 *         \E o                -         -      -
+# LS3R Locking Shift Right 3 *   \E |                -         -      -
+# MC   Media Copy                \E [ Ps i           0         -      -   (S)
+# MW   Message Waiting           \E U                -         -      -
+# NAK  Negative Acknowledge *    ^U                  -         *      -
+# NBH  No Break Here *           \E C                -         -      -
+# NEL  Next Line                 \E E                -         FE     nel (D)
+# NP   Next Page                 \E [ Pn U           1         eF     -
+# NUL  Null *                    ^@                  -         -      -
+# OSC  Operating System Command  \E ]                -         Delim  -
+# PEC  Pres. Expand/Contract *   \E Pn SPC Z         0         -      -
+# PFS  Page Format Selection *   \E Pn SPC J         0         -      -
+# PLD  Partial Line Down         \E K                -         FE     -   (T)
+# PLU  Partial Line Up           \E L                -         FE     -   (U)
+# PM   Privacy Message           \E ^                -         Delim  -
+# PP   Preceding Page            \E [ Pn V           1         eF     -
+# PPA  Page Position Absolute *  \E [ Pn SPC P       1         FE     -
+# PPB  Page Position Backward *  \E [ Pn SPC R       1         FE     -
+# PPR  Page Position Forward *   \E [ Pn SPC Q       1         FE     -
+# PTX  Parallel Texts *          \E [ \              -         -      -
+# PU1  Private Use 1             \E Q                -         -      -
+# PU2  Private Use 2             \E R                -         -      -
+# QUAD Typographic Quadding      \E [ Ps SPC H       0         FE     -
+# REP  Repeat Char or Control    \E [ Pn b           1         -      rep
+# RI   Reverse Index             \E M                -         FE     -   (V)
+# RIS  Reset to Initial State    \E c                -         Fs     -
+# RM   Reset Mode *              \E [ Ps l           -         -      -   (W)
+# SACS Set Add. Char. Sep. *     \E [ Pn SPC /       0         -      -
+# SAPV Sel. Alt. Present. Var. * \E [ Ps SPC ]       0         -      -   (X)
+# SCI  Single-Char Introducer    \E Z                -         -      -
+# SCO  Sel. Char. Orientation *  \E [ Pn ; Pn SPC k  -         -      -
+# SCS  Set Char. Spacing *       \E [ Pn SPC g       -         -      -
+# SD   Scroll Down               \E [ Pn T           1         eF     rin
+# SDS  Start Directed String *   \E [ Pn ]           1         -      -
+# SEE  Select Editing Extent     \E [ Ps Q           0         -      -   (Y)
+# SEF  Sheet Eject & Feed *      \E [ Ps ; Ps SPC Y  0,0       -      -
+# SGR  Select Graphic Rendition  \E [ Ps m           0         FE     sgr (O)
+# SHS  Select Char. Spacing *    \E [ Ps SPC K       0         -      -
+# SI   Shift In                  ^O                  -         -      -   (P)
+# SIMD Sel. Imp. Move Direct. *  \E [ Ps ^           -         -      -
+# SL   Scroll Left               \E [ Pn SPC @       1         eF     -
+# SLH  Set Line Home *           \E [ Pn SPC U       -         -      -
+# SLL  Set Line Limit *          \E [ Pn SPC V       -         -      -
+# SLS  Set Line Spacing *        \E [ Pn SPC h       -         -      -
+# SM   Select Mode               \E [ Ps h           none      -      -   (W)
+# SO   Shift Out                 ^N                  -         -      -   (Q)
+# SOH  Start Of Heading *        ^A                  -         -      -
+# SOS  Start of String *         \E X                -         -      -
+# SPA  Start of Protected Area   \E V                -         -      -   (Z)
+# SPD  Select Pres. Direction *  \E [ Ps ; Ps SPC S  0,0       -      -
+# SPH  Set Page Home *           \E [ Ps SPC G       -         -      -
+# SPI  Spacing Increment         \E [ Pn ; Pn SPC G  none      FE     -
+# SPL  Set Page Limit *          \E [ Ps SPC j       -         -      -
+# SPQR Set Pr. Qual. & Rapid. *  \E [ Ps SPC X       0         -      -
+# SR   Scroll Right              \E [ Pn SPC A       1         eF     -
+# SRCS Set Reduced Char. Sep. *  \E [ Pn SPC f       0         -      -
+# SRS  Start Reversed String *   \E [ Ps [           0         -      -
+# SSA  Start of Selected Area    \E F                -         -      -
+# SSU  Select Size Unit *        \E [ Pn SPC I       0         -      -
+# SSW  Set Space Width *         \E [ Pn SPC [       none      -      -
+# SS2  Single Shift 2 (G2 set)   \E N                -         Intro  -
+# SS3  Single Shift 3 (G3 set)   \E O                -         Intro  -
+# ST   String Terminator         \E \                -         Delim  -
+# STAB Selective Tabulation *    \E [ Pn SPC ^       -         -      -
+# STS  Set Transmit State        \E S                -         -      -
+# STX  Start pf Text *           ^B                  -         -      -
+# SU   Scroll Up                 \E [ Pn S           1         eF     indn
+# SUB  Substitute *              ^Z                  -         -      -
+# SVS  Select Line Spacing *     \E [ Pn SPC \       1         -      -
+# SYN  Synchronous Idle *        ^F                  -         -      -
+# TAC  Tabul. Aligned Centered * \E [ Pn SPC b       -         -      -
+# TALE Tabul. Al. Leading Edge * \E [ Pn SPC a       -         -      -
+# TATE Tabul. Al. Trailing Edge* \E [ Pn SPC `       -         -      -
+# TBC  Tab Clear                 \E [ Ps g           0         FE     tbc
+# TCC  Tabul. Centered on Char * \E [ Pn SPC c       -         -      -
+# TSR  Tabulation Stop Remove  * \E [ Pn SPC d       -         FE     -
+# TSS  Thin Space Specification  \E [ Pn SC E        none      FE     -
+# VPA  Vert. Position Absolute   \E [ Pn d           1         FE     vpa
+# VPB  Line Position Backward *  \E [ Pn k           1         FE     -
+# VPR  Vert. Position Relative   \E [ Pn e           1         FE     -   (R)
+# VT   Vertical Tabulation *     ^K                  -         FE     -
+# VTS  Vertical Tabulation Set   \E J                -         FE     -
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Notes:
+# Some control characters are listed in the ECMA-48 standard without
+# being assigned functions relevant to terminal control there (they
+# referred to other standards such as ISO 1745 or ECMA-35).  They are listed
+# here anyway for completeness.
+# (A) ECMA-48 calls this "CancelCharacter" but retains the CCH abbreviation.
+# (B) There seems to be some confusion abroad between CHA and HPA.  Most
+# `ANSI' terminals accept the CHA sequence, not the HPA. but terminfo calls
+# the capability (hpa).  ECMA-48 calls this "Cursor Character Absolute" but
+# preserved the CHA abbreviation.
+# (C) CHT corresponds to terminfo (tab).  Usually it has the value ^I.
+# Occasionally (as on, for example, certain HP terminals) this has the HTJ
+# value.  ECMA-48 calls this "Cursor Forward Tabulation" but preserved the
+# CHT abbreviation.
+# (D) terminfo (nel) is usually \r\n rather than ANSI \EE.
+# (E) ECMA-48 calls this "Active Position Report" but preserves the CPR
+# abbreviation.
+# (F) CTC parameter values:
+#	0 = set char tab,
+#	1 = set line tab,
+#	2 = clear char tab,
+#	3 = clear line tab,
+#	4 = clear all char tabs on current line,
+#	5 = clear all char tabs,
+#	6 = clear all line tabs.
+# (G) CUP and HVP are identical in effect.  Some ANSI.SYS versions accept
+# HVP, but always allow CUP as an alternate.  ECMA-48 calls HVP "Character
+# Position Absolute" but retains the HVP abbreviation.
+# (H) ECMA calls this "Cursor Line Tabulation" but preserves the CVT
+# abbreviation.
+# (I) DSR parameter values:
+#	0 = ready,
+#	1 = busy,
+#	2 = busy, will send DSR later,
+#	3 = malfunction,
+#	4 = malfunction, will send DSR later,
+#	5 = request DSR,
+#	6 = request CPR response.
+# (J) ECMA calls ED "Erase In Page". EA/ED/EL parameters:
+#	0 = clear to end,
+#	1 = clear from beginning,
+#	2 = clear.
+# (K) ECMA calls this "End of Guarded Area" but preserves the EPA abbreviation.
+# (L) The GSM parameters are vertical and horizontal parameters to scale by.
+# (M) Some ANSI.SYS versions accept HPR, but more commonly `ANSI' terminals
+# use CUF for this function and ignore HPR.  ECMA-48 calls this "Character
+# Position Relative" but retains the HPR abbreviation.
+# (N) ECMA-48 calls this "Character Tabulation" but retains the HT
+# abbreviation.
+# (O) SGR parameter values:
+#	0 = default mode (attributes off),
+#	1 = bold,
+#	2 = dim,
+#	3 = italicized,
+#	4 = underlined,
+#	5 = slow blink,
+#	6 = fast blink,
+#	7 = reverse video,
+#	8 = invisible,
+#	9 = crossed-out (marked for deletion),
+#	10 = primary font,
+#	10 + n (n in 1..9) = nth alternative font,
+#	20 = Fraktur,
+#	21 = double underline,
+#	22 = turn off 2,
+#	23 = turn off 3,
+#	24 = turn off 4,
+#	25 = turn off 5,
+#	26 = proportional spacing,
+#	27 = turn off 7,
+#	28 = turn off 8,
+#	29 = turn off 9,
+#	30 = black fg,
+#	31 = red fg,
+#	32 = green fg,
+#	33 = yellow fg,
+#	34 = blue fg,
+#	35 = magenta fg,
+#	36 = cyan fg,
+#	37 = white fg,
+#	38 = set fg color as in CCITT T.416,
+#	39 = set default fg color,
+#	40 = black bg
+#	41 = red bg,
+#	42 = green bg,
+#	43 = yellow bg,
+#	44 = blue bg,
+#	45 = magenta bg,
+#	46 = cyan bg,
+#	47 = white bg,
+#	48 = set bg color as in CCITT T.416,
+#	49 = set default bg color,
+#	50 = turn off 26,
+#	51 = framed,
+#	52 = encircled,
+#	53 = overlined,
+#	54 = turn off 51 & 52,
+#	55 = not overlined,
+#	56-59 = reserved,
+#	61-65 = variable highlights for ideograms.
+# (P) SI is also called LSO, Locking Shift Zero.
+# (Q) SI is also called LS1, Locking Shift One.
+# (R) Some ANSI.SYS versions accept VPR, but more commonly `ANSI' terminals
+# use CUD for this function and ignore VPR.  ECMA calls it `Line Position
+# Absolute' but retains the VPA abbreviation.
+# (S) MC parameters:
+#	0 = start xfer to primary aux device,
+#	1 = start xfer from primary aux device,
+#	2 = start xfer to secondary aux device,
+#	3 = start xfer from secondary aux device,
+#	4 = stop relay to primary aux device,
+#	5 = start relay to primary aux device,
+#	6 = stop relay to secondary aux device,
+#	7 = start relay to secondary aux device.
+# (T) ECMA-48 calls this "Partial Line Forward" but retains the PLD
+# abbreviation.
+# (U) ECMA-48 calls this "Partial Line Backward" but retains the PLU
+# abbreviation.
+# (V) ECMA-48 calls this "Reverse Line Feed" but retains the RI abbreviation.
+# (W) RM/SM modes are as follows:
+#	1 = Guarded Area Transfer Mode (GATM),
+#	2 = Keyboard Action Mode (KAM),
+#	3 = Control Representation Mode (CRM),
+#	4 = Insertion Replacement Mode (IRM),
+#	5 = Status Report Transfer Mode (SRTM),
+#	6 = Erasure Mode (ERM),
+#	7 = Line Editing Mode (LEM),
+#	8 = Bi-Directional Support Mode (BDSM),
+#	9 = Device Component Select Mode (DCSM),
+#	10 = Character Editing Mode (HEM),
+#	11 = Positioning Unit Mode (PUM),
+#	12 = Send/Receive Mode (SRM),
+#	13 = Format Effector Action Mode (FEAM),
+#	14 = Format Effector Transfer Mode (FETM),
+#	15 = Multiple Area Transfer Mode (MATM),
+#	16 = Transfer Termination Mode (TTM),
+#	17 = Selected Area Transfer Mode (SATM),
+#	18 = Tabulation Stop Mode (TSM),
+#	19 = Editing Boundary Mode (EBM),
+#	20 = Line Feed New Line Mode (LF/NL),
+#	21 = Graphic Rendition Combination Mode (GRCM),
+#	22 = Zero Default Mode (ZDM).
+# The EBM and LF/NL modes have actually been removed from ECMA-48's 5th edition
+# but are listed here for reference.
+# (X) Select Alternate Presentation Variants is used only for non-Latin
+# alphabets.
+# (Y) "Select Editing Extent" (SEE) was ANSI "Select Edit Extent Mode" (SEM).
+# (Z) ECMA-48 calls this "Start of Guarded Area" but retains the SPA
+# abbreviation.
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Abbreviations:
+# Intro  an Introducer of some kind of defined sequence; the normal 7-bit
+#        X3.64 Control Sequence Introducer is the two characters "Escape ["
+# Delim  a Delimiter
+# x/y    identifies a character by position in the ASCII table (column/row)
+# eF     editor function (see explanation)
+# FE     format effector (see explanation)
+# F      is a Final character in
+#             an Escape sequence (F from 3/0 to 7/14 in the ASCII table)
+#             a control sequence (F from 4/0 to 7/14)
+# Gs     is a graphic character appearing in strings (Gs ranges from
+#        2/0 to 7/14) in the ASCII table
+# Ce     is a control represented as a single bit combination in the C1 set
+#        of controls in an 8-bit character set
+# C0     the familiar set of 7-bit ASCII control characters
+# C1     roughly, the set of control chars available only in 8-bit systems.
+#        This is too complicated to explain fully here, so read Jim Fleming's
+#        article in the February 1983 BYTE, especially pages 214 through 224.
+# Fe     is a Final character of a 2-character Escape sequence that has an
+#        equivalent representation in an 8-bit environment as a Ce-type
+#        (Fe ranges from 4/0 to 5/15)
+# Fs     is a Final character of a 2-character Escape sequence that is
+#        standardized internationally with identical representation in 7-bit
+#        and 8-bit environments and is independent of the currently
+#        designated C0 and C1 control sets (Fs ranges from 6/0 to 7/14)
+# I      is an Intermediate character from 2/0 to 2/15 (inclusive) in the
+#        ASCII table
+# P      is a parameter character from 3/0 to 3/15 (inclusive) in the ASCII
+#        table
+# Pn     is a numeric parameter in a control sequence, a string of zero or
+#        more characters ranging from 3/0 to 3/9 in the ASCII table
+# Ps     is a variable number of selective parameters in a control sequence
+#        with each selective parameter separated from the other by the code
+#        3/11 (which usually represents a semicolon); Ps ranges from
+#        3/0 to 3/9 and includes 3/11
+# *      Not relevant to terminal control, listed for completeness only.
+# Format Effectors versus Editor Functions
+# A format effector specifies how following output is to be displayed.
+# An editor function allows you to modify the display.  Informally
+# format effectors may be destructive; format effectors should not be.
+# For instance, a format effector that moves the "active position" (the
+# cursor or equivalent) one space to the left would be useful when you want to
+# create an overstrike, a compound character made of two standard characters
+# overlaid. Control-H, the Backspace character, is actually supposed to be a
+# format effector, so you can do this. But many systems use it in a
+# nonstandard fashion, as an editor function, deleting the character to the
+# left of the cursor and moving the cursor left. When Control-H is assumed to
+# be an editor function, you cannot predict whether its use will create an
+# overstrike unless you also know whether the output device is in an "insert
+# mode" or an "overwrite mode". When Control-H is used as a format effector,
+# its effect can always be predicted. The familiar characters carriage
+# return, linefeed, formfeed, etc., are defined as format effectors.
+# Control sequences implemented in the VT100 are as follows:
+#      LNM, NEL, RI, RIS, RM, SGR, SM, TBC
+# plus several private DEC commands.
+# Erasing parts of the display (EL and ED) in the VT100 is performed thus:
+#      Erase from cursor to end of line           Esc [ 0 K    or Esc [ K
+#      Erase from beginning of line to cursor     Esc [ 1 K
+#      Erase line containing cursor               Esc [ 2 K
+#      Erase from cursor to end of screen         Esc [ 0 J    or Esc [ J
+#      Erase from beginning of screen to cursor   Esc [ 1 J
+#      Erase entire screen                        Esc [ 2 J
+# Some brain-damaged terminal/emulators respond to Esc [ J as if it were
+# Esc [ 2 J, but this is wrong; the default is 0.
+# The VT100 responds to receiving the DA (Device Attributes) control
+#      Esc [ c    (or Esc [ 0 c)
+# by transmitting the sequence
+#      Esc [ ? l ; Ps c
+# where Ps is a character that describes installed options.
+# The VT100's cursor location can be read with the DSR (Device Status
+# Report) control
+#      Esc [ 6 n
+# The VT100 reports by transmitting the CPR sequence
+#      Esc [ Pl ; Pc R
+# where Pl is the line number and Pc is the column number (in decimal).
+# The specification for the DEC VT100 is document EK-VT100-UG-003.
+#### ANSI.SYS
+# Here is a description of the color and attribute controls supported in the
+# the ANSI.SYS driver under MS-DOS.  Most console drivers and ANSI
+# terminal emulators for Intel boxes obey these.  They are a proper subset
+# of the ECMA-48 escapes.
+# 0	all attributes off
+# 1	foreground bright
+# 4	underscore on
+# 5	blink on/background bright (not reliable with brown)
+# 7	reverse-video
+# 8	set blank (non-display)
+# 10	set primary font
+# 11	set first alternate font (on PCs, display ROM characters 1-31)
+# 12	set second alternate font (on PCs, display IBM high-half chars)
+#			Color attribute sets
+# 3n	set foreground color       / 0=black, 1=red,     2=green, 3=brown,
+# 4n	set background color       \ 4=blue,  5=magenta, 6=cyan,  7=white
+# Bright black becomes gray.  Bright brown becomes yellow,
+# These coincide with the prescriptions of the ISO 6429/ECMA-48 standard.
+# * If the 5 attribute is on and you set a background color (40-47) it is
+#   supposed to enable bright background.
+# * Many VGA cards (such as the Paradise and compatibles) do the wrong thing
+#   when you try to set a "bright brown" (yellow) background with attribute
+#   5 (you get a blinking yellow foreground instead).  A few displays
+#   (including the System V console) support an attribute 6 that undoes this
+#   braindamage (this is required by iBCS2).
+# * Some older versions of ANSI.SYS have a bug that causes them to require
+#   ESC [ Pn k as EL rather than the ANSI ESC [ Pn K.  (This is not ECMA-48
+#   compatible.)
+#### Intel Binary Compatibility Standard
+# For comparison, here are the capabilities implied by the Intel Binary
+# Compatibility Standard for UNIX systems (Intel order number 468366-001).
+# These recommendations are optional.  IBCS2 allows the leading escape to
+# be either the 7-bit \E[ or 8-bit \0233 introducer, in accordance with
+# the ANSI X.364/ISO 6429/ECMA-48 standard.  Here are the iBCS2 capabilities
+# (as described in figure 9-3 of the standard).  Those expressed in the ibcs2
+# terminfo entry are followed with the corresponding capability in parens:
+#	CSI <n>k		disable (n=0) or enable (n=1) keyclick
+#	CSI 2h			lock keyboard
+#	CSI 2i			send screen as input
+#	CSI 2l			unlock keyboard
+#	CSI 6m			enable background color intensity
+#	CSI <0-2>c		reserved
+#	CSI <0-59>m		select graphic rendition
+#	CSI <n>;<m>H	(cup)	cursor to line n and column m
+#	CSI <n>;<m>f		cursor to line n and column m
+#	CSI <n>@	(ich)	insert characters
+#	CSI <n>A	(cuu)	cursor up n lines
+#	CSI <n>B	(cud)	cursor down n lines
+#	CSI <n>C	(cuu)	cursor right n characters
+#	CSI <n>D	(cud)	cursor left n characters
+#	CSI <n>E		cursor down n lines and in first column
+#	CSI <n>F		cursor up n lines and in first column
+#	CSI <n>G	(hpa)	position cursor at column n-1
+#	CSI <n>J	(ed)	erase in display
+#	CSI <n>K	(el)	erase in line
+#	CSI <n>L	(il)	insert line(s)
+#	CSI <n>P	(dch)	delete characters
+#	CSI <n>S	(indn)	scroll up n lines
+#	CSI <n>T	(rin)	scroll down n lines
+#	CSI <n>X	(ech)	erase characters
+#	CSI <n>Z	(cbt)	back up n tab stops
+#	CSI <n>`		cursor to column n on line
+#	CSI <n>a	(cuu)	cursor right n characters
+#	CSI <n>d	(vpa)	cursor to line n
+#	CSI <n>e		cursor down n lines and in first column
+#	CSI <n>g	(cbt)	clear all tabs
+#	CSI <n>z		make virtual terminal n active
+#	CSI ?7h		(smam)	turn automargin on
+#	CSI ?7l		(rmam)	turn automargin off
+#	CSI s			save cursor position
+#	CSI u			restore cursor position to saved value
+#	CSI =<c>A		set overscan color
+#	CSI =<c>F		set normal foreground color
+#	CSI =<c>G		set normal background color
+#	CSI =<c>H		set reverse foreground color
+#	CSI =<c>I		set reverse foreground color
+#	CSI =<c>J		set graphic foreground color
+#	CSI =<c>K		set graphic foreground color
+#	CSI =<n>g	(dispc) display n from alternate graphics character set
+#	CSI =<p>;<d>B		set bell parameters
+#	CSI =<s>;<e>C		set cursor parameters
+#	CSI =<x>D		enable/disable intensity of background color
+#	CSI =<x>E		set/clear blink vs. bold background
+#	CSI 7		(sc)	(sc) save cursor position
+#	CSI 8		(rc)	(rc) restore cursor position to saved value
+#	CSI H		(hts)	(hts) set tab stop
+#	CSI Q<n><string>	define function key string
+#				(string must begin and end with delimiter char)
+#	CSI c		(clear) clear screen
+# The lack of any specification for attributes in SGR (among other things)
+# makes this a wretchedly weak standard. The table above is literally
+# everything iBSC2 has to say about terminal escape sequences; there is
+# no further discussion of their meaning or how to set the parameters
+# in these sequences at all.
+# The historical termcap file entries were written primarily in 4.4BSD termcap.
+# The 4.4BSD termcap set was substantially larger than the original 4.1BSD set,
+# with the extension names chosen for compatibility with the termcap names
+# assigned in System V terminfo.  There are some variant extension sets out
+# there.  We try to describe them here.
+#### XENIX extensions:
+# The XENIX extensions include a set of function-key capabilities as follows:
+#       code	XENIX variable name	terminfo name	name clashes?
+#	----	-------------------	-------------	-----------------------
+#	CL	key_char_left
+#	CR	key_char_right
+#	CW	key_change_window			create_window
+#	EN	key_end			kend
+#	HM	key_home		khome
+#	HP	??
+#	LD	key_delete_line		kdl1
+#	LF	key_linefeed				label_off
+#	NU	key_next_unlocked_cell
+#	PD	key_page_down		knp
+#	PL	??
+#	PN	start_print		mc5
+#	PR	??
+#	PS	stop_print		mc4
+#	PU	key_page_up		kpp		pulse
+#	RC	key_recalc				remove_clock
+#	RF	key_toggle_ref				req_for_input
+#	RT	key_return		kent
+#	UP	key_up_arrow		kcuu1		parm_up_cursor
+#	WL	key_word_left
+#	WR	key_word_right
+# The XENIX extensions also include the following character-set and highlight
+# capabilities:
+#	XENIX	terminfo	function
+#	-----	--------	------------------------------
+#	GS	smacs		start alternate character set
+#	GE	rmacs		end alternate character set
+#	GG			:as:/:ae: glitch (analogous to :sg:/:ug:)
+#	bo	blink		begin blink (not used in /etc/termcap)
+#	be			end blink (not used in /etc/termcap)
+#	bb			blink glitch  (not used in /etc/termcap)
+#	it	dim		begin dim (not used in /etc/termcap)
+#	ie			end dim (not used in /etc/termcap)
+#	ig			dim glitch  (not used in /etc/termcap)
+# Finally, XENIX also used the following forms-drawing capabilities:
+#	single	double  type             ASCII approximation
+#	------	------	-------------    -------------------
+#	GV	Gv	vertical line             |
+#	GH	Gv	horizontal line       -   _
+#	G1	G5	top right corner       _   |
+#	G2	G6	top left corner       |
+#	G3	G7	bottom left corner         |_
+#	G4	G8	bottom right corner   _|
+#	GD	Gd	down-tick character        T
+#	GL	Gl	left-tick character   -|
+#	GR	Gr	right-tick character       |-
+#	GC	Gc	middle intersection   -|-
+#	GU	Gu	up-tick character          _|_
+# These were invented to take advantage of the IBM PC ROM character set.  One
+# can compose an acsc string from the single-width characters as follows
+#	"j{G4}k{G1}l{G2}m{G3}q{GH}x{GV}t{GR}u{GL}v{GU}w{GD}n{GC}"
+# When translating a termcap file, ncurses tic will do this automatically.
+# The double forms characters don't fit the SVr4 terminfo model.
+#### AT&T Extensions:
+# The old AT&T 5410, 5420, 5425, pc6300plus, 610, and s4 entries used a set of
+# nonstandard capabilities.  Its signature is the KM capability, used to name
+# some sort of keymap file.  EE, BO, CI, CV, XS, DS, FL and FE are in this
+# set.  Comments in the original, and a little cross-checking with other AT&T
+# documentation, seem to establish that BO=:mr: (start reverse video), DS=:mh:
+# (start dim), XS=:mk: (secure/invisible mode), EE=:me: (end highlights),
+# FL=:LO: (enable soft labels), FE=:LF: (disable soft labels), CI=:vi: (make
+# cursor invisible), and CV=:ve: (make cursor normal).
+#### HP Extensions
+# The HP library (as of mid-1995, their term.h file version 70.1) appears to
+# have the System V capabilities up to SVr1 level.  After that, it supports
+# two nonstandard caps meml and memu corresponding to the old termcap :ml:,
+# :mu: capabilities.  After that, it supports caps plab_norm, label_on,
+# label_off, and key_f11..key_f63 capabilities like SVr4's.  This makes the
+# HP binary format incompatible with SVr4's.
+#### IBM Extensions
+# There is a set of nonstandard terminfos used by IBM's AIX operating system.
+# The AIX terminfo library diverged from SVr1 terminfo, and replaces all
+# capabilities following prtr_non with the following special capabilities:
+# box[12], batt[12], colb[0123456789], colf[0123456789], f[01234567], kbtab,
+# kdo, kcmd, kcpn, kend, khlp, knl, knpn, kppn, kppn, kquit, ksel, kscl, kscr,
+# ktab, kmpf[123456789], apstr, ksf1..ksf10, kf11...kf63, kact, topl, btml,
+# rvert, lvert.   Some of these are identical to XPG4/SVr4 equivalents:
+# kcmd, kend, khlp, and kf11...kf63.  Two others (kbtab and ksel) can be
+# renamed (to kcbt and kslt).  The places in the box[12] capabilities
+# correspond to acsc chars, here is the mapping:
+#	box1[0]  = ACS_ULCORNER
+#	box1[1]  = ACS_HLINE
+#	box1[2]  = ACS_URCORNER
+#	box1[3]  = ACS_VLINE
+#	box1[4]  = ACS_LRCORNER
+#	box1[5]  = ACS_LLCORNER
+#	box1[6]  = ACS_TTEE
+#	box1[7]  = ACS_RTEE
+#	box1[8]  = ACS_BTEE
+#	box1[9]  = ACS_LTEE
+#	box1[10] = ACS_PLUS
+# The box2 characters are the double-line versions of these forms graphics.
+# The AIX binary terminfo format is incompatible with SVr4's.
+#### Iris console extensions:
+# HS is half-intensity start; HE is half-intensity end
+# CT is color terminal type (for Curses & rogue)
+# CP is color change escape sequence
+# CZ are color names (for Curses & rogue)
+# The ncurses tic utility recognizes HS as an alias for mh <dim>.
+#### TC Extensions:
+# There is a set of extended termcaps associated with something
+# called the "Terminal Control" or TC package created by MainStream Systems,
+# Winfield Kansas.  This one also uses GS/GE for as/ae, and also uses
+# CF for civis and CO for cvvis.  Finally, they define a boolean :ct:
+# that flags color terminals.
+# Extensions added after ncurses 5.0 generally use the "-x" option of tic and
+# infocmp to manipulate user-definable capabilities.  Those that are intended
+# for use in either terminfo or termcap use 2-character names.  Extended
+# function keys do not use 2-character names, and are available only with
+# terminfo.
+# Beginning in 2010, NetBSD curses has also provided a "-x" option for
+# tic/infocmp, and uses this database (with a few changes).  There are a few
+# differences, noted in
+#	https://invisible-island.net/ncurses/ncurses-netbsd.html
+# ncurses makes explicit checks for a few user-definable capabilities:  AX,
+# RGB, U8, XM, which are documented in the user_caps(5) manual page.
+#### SCREEN Extensions:
+# The screen program uses the termcap interface.  It recognizes a few useful
+# nonstandard capabilities.  Those are used in this file.
+#       AX   (bool)  Does  understand  ANSI  set  default fg/bg color (\E[39m /
+#                    \E[49m).
+#       G0   (bool)  Terminal can deal with ISO 2022  font  selection sequences.
+#       E0   (str)   Switch charset 'G0' back to standard charset.
+#       S0   (str)   Switch charset 'G0' to the specified charset.
+#       XT   (bool)  Terminal understands special xterm sequences  (OSC,  mouse
+#                    tracking).
+# AX is relatively straightforward; it is interpreted by ncurses to say that
+# SGR 39/49 reset the terminal's foreground and background colors to their
+# "default".
+# XT is harder, since screen's manpage does not give more details.  For that,
+# we must read screen's source-code.  For example, when XT is set, screen
+# assumes
+# a) OSC 1 sets the title string, e.g., for the icon.  Recent versions of
+#    screen may also set the terminal's name, which is (for xterm) distinct
+#    from the icon name.
+# b) OSC 20 sets the background pixmap.  This is an rxvt feature.
+# c) OSC 39 and OSC 49 set the default foreground/background colors.  Again
+#    this is an rxvt feature.
+# d) certain mode settings enable the mouse: 9, 1000, 1001, 1002, 1003.
+#    These are from xterm, although xterm accepts mouse codes that may not be
+#    recognized by screen, e.g., 1005, 1006.
+# e) colors beyond 0..7 are implemented by xterm's aixterm-like 16-color
+#    sequence.  However, because screen uses only termcap, the values returned
+#    by Af/Ab are not usable because they rely on expressions that termcap
+#    does not support.  Therefore, screen uses a hardcoded string to work
+#    around the limitation.  In a few cases, screen also uses tparm, which
+#    is a terminfo function rather than termcap.
+# f) all entries named "*xterm*" or "*rxvt*" have the bce flag set.
+# g) screen also uses the feature to decide whether to pay attention to other
+#    xterm-related features which are unrelated to the description in the
+#    manual page.
+# Since XT is useful only when the outer terminal matches screen's assumptions,
+# it is appropriate to use it in the derived terminal descriptions such as
+# "screen.xterm", but not in the generic "screen", "screen-bce" entries.
+# The other ISO-2022 features are rarely used, but provided here to make
+# screen's termcap features available.
+#### XTERM Extensions:
+# Most of the xterm extensions are for function-keys.  Since xterm patch #94 (in
+# 1999), xterm has supported shift/control/alt/meta modifiers which produce
+# additional function-key strings.  Some other developers copied the feature,
+# though they did not follow xterm's lead in xterm patch #167 (in 2002), to make
+# these key definitions less ambiguous.
+# A few terminals provide similar functionality (sending distinct keys when
+# a modifier is used), including rxvt.
+# These are the extended keys defined in this file:
+# kDC3 kDC4 kDC5 kDC6 kDC7 kDN kDN3 kDN4 kDN5 kDN6 kDN7 kEND3 kEND4 kEND5 kEND6
+# kEND7 kHOM3 kHOM4 kHOM5 kHOM6 kHOM7 kIC3 kIC4 kIC5 kIC6 kIC7 kLFT3 kLFT4
+# kLFT5 kLFT6 kLFT7 kNXT3 kNXT4 kNXT5 kNXT6 kNXT7 kPRV3 kPRV4 kPRV5 kPRV6 kPRV7
+# kRIT3 kRIT4 kRIT5 kRIT6 kRIT7 kUP kUP3 kUP4 kUP5 kUP6 kUP7 ka2 kb1 kb3 kc2
+# Here are the other xterm-related extensions which are used in this file:
+# Cr is a string capability which resets the cursor color
+# Cs is a string capability which sets the cursor color to a given value.
+#    The single string parameter is the color name/number, according to the
+#    implementation.
+# Ms modifies the selection/clipboard.  Its parameters are
+#	p1 = the storage unit (clipboard, selection or cut buffer)
+#	p2 = the base64-encoded clipboard content.
+# Se resets the cursor style to the terminal power-on default.
+# Ss is a string capability with one numeric parameter.  It is used to set the
+#    cursor style as described by the DECSCUSR function to a block or
+#    underline.
+# TS is a string capability which acts like "tsl", but uses no parameter and
+#    goes to the first column of the "status line".
+# XM is a string capability which overrides ncurses's built-in string which
+#    enables/disables xterm mouse mode.
+# xm shows the format of the mouse responses.  Parameters:
+#	p1 = y-ordinate
+#	p2 = x-ordinate
+#	p3 = button
+#	p4 = state, e.g., pressed or released
+#	p5 = y-ordinate starting region
+#	p6 = x-ordinate starting region
+#	p7 = y-ordinate ending region
+#	p8 = x-ordinate ending region
+# Other extensions, used in xm:
+#	%u = UTF-8
+#### Miscellaneous extensions:
+# gsbom/grbom are used to enable/disable real bold (not intensity bright) mode.
+#    This was implemented for the Hurd.
+# rmxx/smxx describes the ECMA-48 strikeout/crossed-out attributes, as an
+#    experimental feature of tmux.
+# CO gives the number of indexed ("ANSI") colors which overlay an RGB color
+#    space.
+# E3 clears the terminal's scrollback buffer.  This was implemented in the
+#    Linux 3.0 kernel as a security feature.  It matches a feature which was
+#    added in xterm patch #107.
+# U8 is a numeric capability which denotes a terminal emulator which does not
+#    support VT100 SI/SO when processing UTF-8 encoding.  Set this to a nonzero
+#    value to enable it.
+# Smulx modifies the appearance of underlines in VTE, December 2017.
+# The last /etc/termcap version maintained by John Kunze was 8.3, dated 8/5/94.
+# Releases 9 and 10 (up until the release of ncurses 4.2 in 1998) were
+# maintained by Eric S. Raymond as part of the ncurses project.
+# This file contains all the capability information present in John Kunze's
+# last version of the termcap master file, except as noted in the change
+# comments at end of file.  Some information about very ancient obsolete
+# capabilities has been moved to comments.  Some all-numeric names of older
+# terminals have been retired.
+# I changed :MT: to :km: (the 4.4BSD name) everywhere.  I commented out some
+# capabilities (EP, dF, dT, dV, kn, ma, ml, mu, xr, xx) that are no longer
+# used by BSD curses.
+# The 9.1.0 version of this file was translated from my lightly-edited copy of
+# 8.3, then mechanically checked against 8.3 using Emacs Lisp code written for
+# the purpose.  Unless the ncurses tic implementation and the Lisp code were
+# making perfectly synchronized mistakes which I then failed to catch by
+# eyeball, the translation was correct and perfectly information-preserving.
+# Major version number bumps correspond to major version changes in ncurses.
+# Here is a log of the changes since then:
+# 9.1.0 (Wed Feb  1 04:50:32 EST 1995):
+#	* First terminfo master translated from 8.3.
+# 9.2.0 (Wed Feb  1 12:21:45 EST 1995):
+#	* Replaced Wyse entries with updated entries supplied by vendor.
+# 9.3.0 (Mon Feb  6 19:14:40 EST 1995):
+#	* Added contact & status info from G. Clark Brown <clark@sssi.com>.
+# 9.3.1 (Tue Feb  7 12:00:24 EST 1995):
+#	* Better XENIX keycap translation.  Describe TC termcaps.
+#	* Contact and history info supplied by Qume.
+# 9.3.2 (Sat Feb 11 23:40:02 EST 1995):
+#	* Raided the Shuford FTP site for recent termcaps/terminfos.
+#	* Added information on X3.64 and VT100 standard escape sequences.
+# 9.3.3 (Mon Feb 13 12:26:15 EST 1995):
+#	* Added a correct X11R6 xterm entry.
+#	* Fixed terminfo translations of padding.
+# 9.3.4 (Wed Feb 22 19:27:34 EST 1995):
+#	* Added correct acsc/smacs/rmacs strings for vt100 and xterm.
+#	* Added u6/u7/u8/u9 capabilities.
+#	* Added PCVT entry.
+# 9.3.5 (Thu Feb 23 09:37:12 EST 1995):
+#	* Emacs uses :so:, not :mr:, for its mode line.  Fix linux entry
+#	  to use reverse-video standout so Emacs will look right.
+#	* Added el1 capability to ansi.
+#	* Added smacs/rmacs to ansi.sys.
+# 9.4.0 (Sat Feb 25 16:43:25 EST 1995):
+#	* New mt70 entry.
+#	* Added AT&T 23xx & 500/513, vt220 and vt420, opus3n1+, netronics
+#	  smartvid & smarterm, ampex 175 & 219 & 232,
+#	  env230, falco ts100, fluke, intertube, superbrain, ncr7901, vic20,
+#	  ozzie, trs200, tr600, Tandy & Texas Instruments VDTs, intext2,
+#	  screwpoint, fviewpoint, Contel Business Systems, Datamedia Colorscan,
+#	  adm36, mime314, ergo4000, ca22851.  Replaced att7300, esprit, dd5500.
+#	* Replaced the Perkin-Elmer entries with vendor's official ones.
+#	* Restored the old minimal-ansi entry, luna needs it.
+#	* Fixed some incorrect ip and proportional-padding translations.
+# 9.4.1 (Mon Feb 27 14:18:33 EST 1995):
+#	* Fix linux & AT386 sgr strings to do A_ALTCHARSET turnoff correctly.
+#	* Make the xterm entry 65 lines again; create xterm25 and xterm24
+#	  to force a particular height.
+#	* Added beehive4 and reorganized other Harris entries.
+# 9.4.2 (Thu Mar  9 01:45:44 EST 1995):
+#	* Merged in DEC's official entries for its terminals.  The only old
+#	  entry I kept was Doug Gwyn's alternate vt100 (as vt100-avo).
+#	* Replaced the translated BBN BitGraph entries with purpose-built
+#	  ones from AT&T's SVr3.
+#	* Replaced the AT&T entries with AT&T's official terminfos.
+#	* Added teleray 16, vc415, cops10.
+#	* Merged in many individual capabilities from SCO terminfo files.
+# 9.4.3 (Mon Mar 13 02:37:53 EST 1995):
+#	* Typo fixes.
+#	* Change linux entry so A_PROTECT enables IBM-PC ROM characters.
+# 9.4.4 (Mon Mar 27 12:32:35 EST 1995):
+#	* Added tty35, Ann Arbor Guru series. vi300 and 550, cg7900, tvi803,
+#	  pt210, ibm3164, IBM System 1, ctrm, Tymshare scanset, dt200, adm21,
+#	  simterm, citoh and variants.
+#	* Replaced sol entry with sol1 and sol2.
+#	* Replaced Qume QVT and Freedom-series entries with purpose-built
+#	  terminfo entries.
+#	* Enhanced vt220, tvi910, tvi924, hpterm, hp2645, adm42, tek
+#	  and dg200 entries using caps from from SCO.
+#	* Added the usual set of function-key mappings to ANSI entry.
+#	* Corrected xterm's function-key capabilities.
+# 9.4.5 (Tue Mar 28 14:27:49 EST 1995):
+#	* Fix in xterm entry, cub and cud are not reliable under X11R6.
+# 9.4.6 (Thu Mar 30 14:52:15 EST 1995):
+#	* Fix in xterm entry, get the arrow keys right.
+#	* Change some \0 escapes to \200.
+# 9.4.7 (Tue Apr  4 11:27:11 EDT 1995)
+#	* Added apple (Videx card), adm1a, oadm31.
+#	* Fixed malformed ampex csr.
+#	* Fixed act4, cyb110; they had old-style prefix padding left in.
+#	* Changed mandatory to advisory padding in many entries.
+#	* Replaced HP entries up to hpsub with purpose-built ones.
+#	* Blank rmir/smir/rmdc/smdc capabilities removed.
+#	* Small fixes merged in from SCO entries for lpr, fos, tvi910+, tvi924.
+# 9.4.8 (Fri Apr  7 09:36:34 EDT 1995):
+#	* Replaced the Ann Arbor entries with SCO's, the init strings are
+#	  more efficient (but the entries otherwise identical).
+#	* Added dg211 from Shuford archive.
+#	* Added synertek, apple-soroc, ibmpc, pc-venix, pc-coherent, xtalk,
+#	  adm42-nl, pc52, gs6300, xerox820, uts30.
+#	* Pull SCO's padding into vi200 entry.
+#	* Improved capabilities for tvi4107 and other Televideo and Viewpoint
+#	  entries merged in from SCO's descriptions.
+#	* Fixed old-style prefix padding on zen50, h1500.
+#	* Moved old superbee entry to superbee-xsb, pulled in new superbee
+#	  entry from SCO's description.
+#	* Reorganized the special entries.
+#	* Added lm#0 to cbunix and virtual entries.
+# 9.5.0 (Mon Apr 10 11:30:00 EDT 1995):
+#	* Restored cdc456tst.
+#	* Fixed sb1 entry, SCO erroneously left out the xsb glitch.
+#	* Added megatek, beacon, microkit.
+#	* Freeze for ncurses-1.9 release.
+# 9.5.1 (Fri Apr 21 12:46:42 EDT 1995):
+#	* Added historical data for TAB.
+#	* Comment fixes from David MacKenzie.
+#	* Added the new BSDI pc3 entry.
+# 9.5.2 (Tue Apr 25 17:27:52 EDT 1995)
+#	* A change in the tic -C logic now ensures that all entries in
+#	  the termcap translation will fit in < 1024 bytes.
+#	* Added `bobcat' and `gator' HP consoles and the Nu machine entries
+#	  from GNU termcap file.  This merges in all their local information.
+# 9.5.3 (Tue Apr 25 22:28:13 EDT 1995)
+#	* Changed tic -C logic to dump all capabilities used by GNU termcap.
+#	* Added warnings about entries with long translations (restoring
+#	  all the GNU termcaps pushes a few over the edge).
+# 9.5.4 (Wed Apr 26 15:35:09 EDT 1995)
+#	* Yet another tic change, and a couple of entry tweaks, to reduce the
+#	  number of long (> 1024) termcap translations back to 0.
+# 9.6.0 (Mon May  1 10:35:54 EDT 1995)
+#	* Added kf13-kf20 to Linux entry.
+#	* Regularize Prime terminal names.
+#	* Historical data on Synertek.
+#	* Freeze for ncurses-1.9.1.
+# 9.6.1 (Sat May  6 02:00:52 EDT 1995):
+#	* Added true xterm-color entry, renamed djm's pseudo-color entry.
+#	* Eliminate whitespace in short name fields, this tanks some scripts.
+#	* Name field changes to shorten some long entries.
+#	* Termcap translation now automatically generates empty rmir/smir
+#	  when ich1/ich is present (copes with an ancient vi bug).
+#	* Added `screen' entries from FSF's screen-3.6.2.
+#	* Added linux-nic and xterm-nic entries.
+# 9.6.2 (Sat May  6 17:00:55 EDT 1995):
+#	* Change linux entry to use smacs=\E[11m and have an explicit acsc,
+#	  eliminating some special-case code in ncurses.
+# 9.7.0 (Tue May  9 18:03:12 EDT 1995):
+#	* Added vt320-k3, rsvidtx from the Emacs termcap.dat file.  I think
+#	  that captures everything unique from it.
+#	* Added reorder script generator.
+#	* Freeze for ncurses 1.9.2 release.
+# 9.7.1 (Thu Jun 29 09:35:22 EDT 1995):
+#	* Added Sean Farley's kspd, flash, rs1 capabilities for linux.
+#	* Added Olaf Siebert's corrections for adm12.
+#	* ansi-pc-color now includes the colors and pairs caps, so that
+#	  entries which use it will inherit them automatically.
+#	* The linux entry can now recognize the center (keypad 5) key.
+#	* Removed some junk that found its way into Linux acsc.
+# 9.8.0 (Fri Jul  7 04:46:57 EDT 1995):
+#	* Add 50% cut mark as a desperate hack to reduce tic's core usage.
+#	* xterm doesn't try to use application keypad mode any more.
+#	* Freeze for ncurses-1.9.3 release.
+# 9.8.1 (Thu Jul 19 17:02:12 EDT 1995):
+#	* Added corrected sun entry from vendor.
+#	* Added csr capability to linux entry.
+#	* Peter Wemm says the at386 hpa should be \E[%i%p1%dG, not \E[%p1%dG.
+#	* Added vt102-nsgr to cope with stupid IBM PC `VT100' emulators.
+#	* Some commented-out caps in long entries come back in, my code
+#	  for computing string-table lengths had a bug in it.
+#	* pcansi series modified to fit comm-program reality better.
+# 9.8.2 (Sat Sep  9 23:35:00 EDT 1995):
+#	* BSD/OS actually ships the ibmpc3 bold entry as its console.
+#	* Correct some bad aliases in the pcansi series
+#	* Added entry for QNX console.
+#	* Clean up duplicate long names for use with 4.4 library.
+#	* Change vt100 standout to be normal reverse vide, not bright reverse;
+#	  this makes the Emacs status line look better.
+# 9.8.3 (Sun Sep 10 13:07:34 EDT 1995):
+#	* Added Adam Thompson's VT320 entries, also his dtx-sas and z340.
+#	* Minor surgery, mostly on name strings, to shorten termcap version.
+# 9.9.0 (Sat Sep 16 23:03:48 EDT 1995):
+#	* Added dec-vt100 for use with the EWAN emulator.
+#	* Added kmous to xterm for use with xterm's mouse-tracking facility.
+#	* Freeze for 1.9.5 alpha release.
+# 9.9.1 (Wed Sep 20 13:46:09 EDT 1995):
+#	* Changed xterm lines to 24, the X11R6 default.
+# 9.9.2 (Sat Sep 23 21:29:21 EDT 1995):
+#	* Added 7 newly discovered, undocumented acsc characters to linux
+#	  entry (the pryz{|} characters).
+#	* ncurses no longer steals A_PROTECT.  Simplify linux sgr accordingly.
+#	* Correct two typos in the xterm entries introduced in 9.9.1.
+#	* I finally figured out how to translate ko capabilities.  Done.
+#	* Added tvi921 entries from Tim Theisen.
+#	* Cleanup: dgd211 -> dg211, adm42-nl -> adm42-nsl.
+#	* Removed mystery tec entry, it was neither interesting nor useful.
+#	* shortened altos3, qvt203, tvi910+, tvi92D, tvi921-g, tvi955, vi200-f,
+#	  vi300-ss, att505-24, contel301, dm3045, f200vi, pe7000c, vc303a,
+#	  trs200, wind26, wind40, wind50, cdc456tst, dku7003, f110, dg211,
+#	  by making them relative to use capabilities
+#	* Added cuf1=^L to tvi925 from deleted variant tvi925a.
+#	* fixed cup in adm22 entry and parametrized strings in vt320-k3.
+#	* added it#8 to entries that used to have :pt: -- tvi912, vi200,
+#	  ampex80,
+#	* Translate all home=\E[;H capabilities to home=\E[H, they're
+#	  equivalent.
+#	* Translate \E[0m -> \E[m in [rs]mso, [rs]mul, and init strings of
+#	  vt100 and ANSI-like terminals.
+# 9.9.3 (Tue Sep 26 20:11:15 EDT 1995):
+#	* Added it#8 and ht=\t to *all* entries with :pt:; the ncurses tic
+#	  does this now, too.
+#	* fviewpoint is gone, it duplicated screwpoint.
+#	* Added hp2627, graphos, graphos-30, hpex, ibmega, ibm8514, ibm8514-c,
+#	  ibmvga, ibmvga-c, minix, mm340, mt4520-rv, screen2, screen3,
+#	  versaterm, vi500, vsc, vt131, vt340, vt400 entries from UW.
+#	  The UW vi50 replaces the old one, which becomes vi50adm,
+#	* No more embedded commas in name fields.
+# 9.10.0 (Wed Oct  4 15:39:37 EDT 1995):
+#	* XENIX forms characters in fos, trs16, scoansi become acsc strings,
+#	* Introduced klone+* entries for describing Intel-console behavior.
+#	* Linux kbs is default-mapped to delete for some brain-dead reason.
+#	* -nsl -> -ns.  The -pp syntax is obsolete.
+#	* Eliminate [A-Z]* primaries in accordance with SVr4 terminfo docs.
+#	* Make xterm entry do application-keypad mode again.  I got complaints
+#	  that it was messing up someone's 3270 emulator.
+#	* Added some longname fields in order to avoid warning messages from
+#	  older tic implementations.
+#	* According to ctlseqs.ms, xterm has a full vt100 graphics set.  Use
+#	  it! (This gives us pi, greater than, less than, and a few more.)
+#	* Freeze for ncurses-1.9.6 release.
+# 9.10.1 (Sat Oct 21 22:18:09 EDT 1995):
+#	* Add xon to a number of console entries, they're memory-mapped and
+#	  don't need padding.
+#	* Correct the use dependencies in the ansi series.
+#	* Hand-translate more XENIX capabilities.
+#	* Added hpterm entry for HP's X terminal emulator.
+#	* Added aixterm entries.
+#	* Shortened four names so everything fits in 14 chars.
+# 9.11.0 (Thu Nov  2 17:29:35 EST 1995):
+#	* Added ibcs2 entry and info on iBCS2 standard.
+#	* Corrected hpa/vpa in linux entry.  They still fail the worm test.
+#	* We can handle the HP meml/memu capability now.
+#	* Added smacs to klone entries, just as documentation.
+#	* Corrected ansi.sys and cit-500 entries.
+#	* Added z39, vt320-k311, v220c, and avatar entries.
+#	* Make pcansi use the ansi.sys invis capability.
+#	* Added DIP switch descriptions for vt100, adm31, tvi910, tvi920c,
+#	  tvi925, tvi950, dt80, ncr7900i, h19.
+#	* X3.64 has been withdrawn, change some references.
+#	* Removed function keys from ansi-m entry.
+#	* Corrected ansi.sys entry.
+#	* Freeze for ncurses-1.9.7 release.
+# 9.11.1 (Tue Nov  6 18:18:38 EST 1995):
+#	* Added rmam/smam capabilities to many entries based on init strings.
+#	* Added correct hpa/vpa to linux.
+#	* Reduced several entries relative to vt52.
+# 9.11.2 (Tue Nov  7 00:21:06 EST 1995):
+#	* Exiled some utterly unidentifiable custom and homebrew types to the
+#	  UFO file; also, obsolete small-screen hardware; also, entries which
+#	  look flat-out incorrect, garbled, or redundant.  These include the
+#	  following entries: carlock, cdc456tst, microkit, qdss, ramtek, tec,
+#	  tec400, tec500, ubell, wind, wind16, wind40, wind50, plasma, agile,
+#	  apple, bch, daleblit, nucterm, ttywilliams, nuterminal, nu24, bnu,
+#	  fnu, nunix-30, nunix-61, exidy, ex3000, sexidy, pc52, sanyo55,
+#	  yterm10, yterm11, yterm10nat, aed, aed-ucb, compucolor, compucolor2,
+#	  vic20, dg1, act5s, netx, smartvid, smarterm, sol, sol2, dt200,
+#	  trs80, trs100, trs200, trs600, xitex, rsvidtx, vid, att2300-x40,
+#	  att2350-x40, att4410-nfk, att5410-ns, otty5410, att5425-nl-w,
+#	  tty5425-fk, tty5425-w-fk, cita, c108-na, c108-rv-na, c100-rv-na,
+#	  c108-na-acs, c108-rv-na-acs, ims950-ns, infotonKAS, ncr7900i-na,
+#	  regent60na, scanset-n, tvi921-g, tvi925n, tvi925vbn, tvi925vb,
+#	  vc404-na, vc404-s-na, vt420nam, vt420f-nam, vt420pc-nam, vt510nam,
+#	  vt510pc-nam, vt520nam, vt525nam, xterm25, xterm50, xterm65, xterms.
+#	* Corrected pcvt25h as suggested by Brian C. Grayson
+#	  <bgrayson@pine.ece.utexas.edu>.
+# 9.11.3 (Thu Nov  9 12:14:40 EST 1995):
+#	* Added kspd=\E[P, kcbt=\E[Z, to linux entry, changed kbs back to ^H.
+#	* Added kent=\EOM to xterm entry.
+# 9.11.4 (Fri Nov 10 08:31:35 EST 1995):
+#	* Corrected gigi entry.
+#	* Restored cuf/cud1 to xterm, their apparent bugginess was due to
+#	  bad hpa/vpa capabilities.
+#	* Corrected flash strings to have a uniform delay of .2 sec.  No
+#	  more speed-dependent NUL-padding!
+#	* terminfo capabilities in comments bracketed with <>.
+# 9.11.5 (Fri Nov 10 15:35:02 EST 1995):
+#	* Replaced pcvt with the 3.31 pcvt entries.
+#	* Freeze for 1.9.7a.
+# 9.11.6 (Mon Nov 13 10:20:24 EST 1995):
+#	* Added emu entry from the X11R6 contrib tape sources.
+# 9.12.0 (Wed Nov 29 04:22:25 EST 1995):
+#	* Improved iris-ansi and sun entries.
+#	* More flash string improvements.
+#	* Corrected wy160 & wy160 as suggested by Robert Dunn
+#	* Added dim to at386.
+#	* Reconciled pc3 and ibmpc3 with the BSDI termcap file.  Keith says
+#	  he's ready to start using the termcap generated from this one.
+#	* Added vt102-w, vt220-w, xterm-bold, wyse-vp, wy75ap, att4424m,
+#	  ln03, lno3-w, h19-g, z29a*, qdss.  Made vt200 an alias of vt220.
+#	* Improved hpterm, apollo consoles, fos, qvt101, tvi924. tvi925,
+#	  att610, att620, att630,
+#	* Changed hazeltine name prefix from h to hz.
+#	* Sent t500 to the UFI file.
+#	* I think we've sucked all the juice out of BSDI's termcap file now.
+#	* Freeze for ncurses 1.9.8 release
+# 9.12.1 (Thu Nov 30 03:14:06 EST 1995)
+#	* Unfreeze, linux kbs needed to be fixed.
+#	* Tim Theisen pinned down a bug in the DMD firmware.
+# 9.12.2 (Thu Nov 30 19:08:55 EST 1995):
+#	* Fixes to ansi and klone capabilities (thank you, Aaron Ucko).
+#	  (The broken ones had been shadowed by sgr.)
+# 9.12.3 (Thu Dec  7 17:47:22 EST 1995):
+#	* Added documentation on ECMA-48 standard.
+#	* New Amiga entry.
+# 9.12.4 (Thu Dec 14 04:16:39 EST 1995):
+#	* More ECMA-48 stuff
+#	* Corrected typo in minix entry, added pc-minix.
+#	* Corrected khome/kend in xterm (thank you again, Aaron Ucko).
+#	* Added rxvt entry.
+#	* Added 1.3.x color-change capabilities to linux entry.
+# 9.12.5 (Tue Dec 19 00:22:10 EST 1995):
+#	* Corrected rxvt entry khome/kend.
+#	* Corrected linux color change capabilities.
+#	* NeXT entries from Dave Wetzel.
+#	* Cleaned up if and rf file names (all in /usr/share now).
+#	* Changed linux op capability to avoid screwing up a background color
+#	  pair set by setterm.
+# 9.12.6 (Wed Feb  7 16:14:35 EST 1996):
+#	* Added xterm-sun.
+# 9.12.7 (Fri Feb  9 13:27:35 EST 1996):
+#	* Added visa50.
+# 9.13.0 (Sun Mar 10 00:13:08 EST 1996):
+#	* Another sweep through the Shuford archive looking for new info.
+#	* Added dg100 alias to dg6053 based on a comp.terminals posting.
+#	* Added st52 from Per Persson.
+#	* Added eterm from the GNU Emacs 19.30 distribution.
+#	* Freeze for 1.9.9.
+# 9.13.1 (Fri Mar 29 14:06:46 EST 1996):
+#	* FreeBSD console entries from Andrew Chernov.
+#	* Removed duplicate Atari st52 name.
+# 9.13.2 (Tue May  7 16:10:06 EDT 1996)
+#	* xterm doesn't actually have ACS_BLOCK.
+#	* Change klone+color setf/setb to simpler forms that can be
+#	  translated into termcap.
+#	* Added xterm1.
+#	* Removed mechanically-generated junk capabilities from cons* entries.
+#	* Added color support to bsdos.
+# 9.13.3 (Thu May  9 10:35:51 EDT 1996):
+#	* Added Wyse 520 entries from Wm. Randolph Franklin <wrf@ecse.rpi.edu>.
+#	* Created ecma+color, linux can use it.  Also added ech to linux.
+#	* Teach xterm about more keys. Add Thomas Dickey's 3.1.2E updates.
+#	* Add descriptions to FreeBSD console entries.  Also shorten
+#	  some aliases to <= 14 chars for portability.
+#	* Added x68k console
+#	* Added OTbs to several VT-series entries.
+# 9.13.4 (Wed May 22 10:54:09 EDT 1996):
+#	* screen entry update for 3.7.1 from Michael Alan Dorman.
+# 9.13.5 (Wed Jun  5 11:22:41 EDT 1996):
+#	* kterm correction due to Kenji Rikitake.
+#	* ACS correction in vt320-kll due to Phillippe De Muyter.
+# 9.13.6 (Sun Jun 16 15:01:07 EDT 1996):
+#	* Sun console entry correction from J.T. Conklin.
+#	* Changed all DEC VT300 and up terminals to use VT300 tab set
+# 9.13.7 (Mon Jul  8 20:14:32 EDT 1996):
+#	* Added smul to linux entry (we never noticed it was missing
+#	  because of sgr!).
+#	* Added rmln to hp+labels (deduced from other HP entries).
+#	* Added vt100 acsc capability to vt220, vt340, vt400, d800, dt80-sas,
+#	  pro350, att7300, 5420_2, att4418, att4424, att4426, att505, vt320-k3.
+#	* Corrected vt220 acsc.
+#	* The klone+sgr and klone+sgr-dumb entries now use klone+acs;
+#	  this corresponds to reality and helps prevent some tic warnings.
+#	* Added sgr0 to c101, pcix, vt100-nav, screen2, oldsun, next, altos2,
+#	  hpgeneric, hpansi, hpsub, hp236, hp700-wy, bobcat, dku7003, adm11,
+#	  adm12, adm20, adm21, adm22, adm31, adm36, adm42, pt100, pt200,
+#	  qvt101, tvi910, tvi921, tvi92B, tvi925, tvi950, tvi970, wy30-mc,
+#	  wy50-mc, wy100, wyse-vp, ampex232, regent100, viewpoint, vp90,
+#	  adds980, cit101, cit500, contel300, cs10, dm80, falco, falco-p,
+#	  f1720a, go140, sb1, superbeeic, microb, ibm8512, kt7, ergo4000,
+#	  owl, uts30, dmterm, dt100, dt100, dt110, appleII, apple-videx,
+#	  lisa, trsII, atari, st52, pc-coherent, basis, m2-man, bg2.0, bg1.25,
+#	  dw3, ln03, ims-ansi, graphos, t16, zen30, xtalk, simterm, d800,
+#	  ifmr, v3220, wy100q, tandem653, ibmaed.
+#	* Added DWK terminal description.
+# 9.13.8 (Wed Jul 10 11:45:21 EDT 1996):
+#	* Many entries now have highlights inherited from adm+sgr.
+#	* xterm entry now corresponds to XFree86 3.1.2E, with color.
+#	* xtitle and xtitle-twm enable access to the X status line.
+#	* Added linux-1.3.6 color palette caps in conventional format.
+#	* Added adm1178 terminal.
+#	* Move fos and apollo terminals to obsolete category.
+#	* Aha! The BRL terminals file told us what the Iris extensions mean.
+#	* Added, from the BRL termcap file: rt6221, rt6221-w, northstar,
+#	  commodore, cdc721-esc, excel62, osexec.  Replaced from the BRL file:
+#	  cit500, adm11.
+# 9.13.9 (Mon Jul 15 00:32:51 EDT 1996):
+#	* Added, from the BRL termcap file: cdc721, cdc721l, cdc752, cdc756,
+#	  aws, awsc, zentec8001, modgraph48, rca vp3301/vp3501, ex155.
+#	* Corrected, from BRL termcap file: vi50.
+#	* Better rxvt entry & corrected xterm entries from Thomas Dickey.
+# 9.13.10 (Mon Jul 15 12:20:13 EDT 1996):
+#	* Added from BRL: cit101e & variants, hmod1, vi200, ansi77, att5620-1,
+#	  att5620-s, att5620-s, dg210, aas1901, hz1520, hp9845, osborne
+#	  (old osborne moved to osborne-w), tvi970-vb, tvi970-2p, tvi925-hi,
+#	  tek4105brl, tek4106brl, tek4107brl,tek4109brl, hazel, aepro,
+#	  apple40p, apple80p, appleIIgs, apple2e, apple2e-p, apple-ae.
+#	* Paired-attribute fixes to various terminals.
+#	* Sun entry corrections from A. Lukyanov & Gert-Jan Vons.
+#	* xterm entry corrections from Thomas Dickey.
+# 9.13.11 (Tue Jul 30 16:42:58 EDT 1996):
+#	* Added t916 entry, translated from a termcap in SCO's support area.
+#	* New qnx entry from Michael Hunter.
+# 9.13.12 (Mon Aug  5 14:31:11 EDT 1996):
+#	* Added hpex2 from Ville Sulko.
+#	* Fixed a bug that ran the qnx and pcvtXX together.
+# 9.13.13 (Fri Aug  9 01:16:17 EDT 1996):
+#	* Added dtterm entry from Solaris CDE.
+# 9.13.14 (Tue Sep 10 15:31:56 EDT 1996):
+#	* corrected pairs#8 typo in dtterm entry.
+#	* added tvi9065.
+# 9.13.15 (Sun Sep 15 02:47:05 EDT 1996):
+#	* updated xterm entry to cover 3.1.2E's new features.
+# 9.13.16 (Tue Sep 24 12:47:43 EDT 1996):
+#	* Added new minix entry
+#	* Removed aliases of the form ^[0-9]* for obsolete terminals.
+#	* Commented out linux-old, nobody's using pre-1.2 kernels now.
+# 9.13.17 (Fri Sep 27 13:25:38 EDT 1996):
+#	* Added Prism entries and kt7ix.
+#	* Caution notes about EWAN and tabset files.
+#	* Changed /usr/lib/tabset -> /usr/share/tabset.
+#	* Added acsc/rmacs/smacs to vt52.
+# 9.13.18 (Mon Oct 28 13:24:59 EST 1996):
+#	* Merged in Thomas Dickey's reorganization of the xterm entries;
+#	  added technical corrections to avoid warning messages.
+# 9.13.19 (Sat Nov 16 16:05:49 EST 1996):
+#	* Added rmso=\E[27m in Linux entry.
+#	* Added koi8-r support for Linux console.
+#	* Replace xterm entries with canonical ones from XFree86 3.2.
+# 9.13.20 (Sun Nov 17 23:02:51 EST 1996):
+#	* Added color_xterm from Jacob Mandelson
+# 9.13.21 (Mon Nov 18 12:43:42 EST 1996):
+#	* Back off the xterm entry to use r6 as a base.
+# 9.13.22 (Sat Nov 30 11:51:31 EST 1996):
+#	* Added dec-vt220 at Adrian Garside's request.
+# 10.1.0 (Sun Dec 29 02:36:31 EST 1996): withdrawn
+#	* Minor corrections to xterm entries.
+#	* Replaced EWAN telnet entry.
+#	* Dropped the reorder script generator.  It was a fossil.
+# 9.13.23 (Fri Feb 21 16:36:06 EST 1997):
+#	* Replaced minitel-2 entry.
+#	* Added MGR, ansi-nt.
+# 9.13.24 (Sun Feb 23 20:55:23 EST 1997):
+#	* Thorsten Lockert added termcap `bs' to a lot of types, working from
+#	  the 4.4BSD Lite2 file.
+# 10.1.1 (Sat May  3 21:41:27 EDT 1997):
+#	* Use setaf/setab consistently with SVr4.
+#	* Remove ech, el1 from cons25w, they do not work in FreeBSD 2.1.5
+# 10.1.2 (Sat May 24 21:10:57 EDT 1997)
+#	* update xterm-xf86-v32 to match XFree86 3.2A (changes F1-F4)
+#	* add xterm-16color, for XFree86 3.3
+# 10.1.3 (Sat May 31 12:21:05 EDT 1997)
+#	* correct typo in emu
+#	* correct typo in vt102-w (Robert Wuest)
+#	* make new entry xterm-xf86-v33, restored xterm-xf86-v32.
+# 10.1.4 (Sun Jun 15 08:29:05 EDT 1997)
+#	* remove ech capability from rxvt (it does the wrong thing)
+# 10.1.5 (Sat Jun 28 21:34:36 EDT 1997)
+#	* remove spurious newlines from several entries (hp+color, wy50,
+#	  wy350, wy370-nk, wy99gt-tek, wy370-tek, ibm3161, tek4205, ctrm,
+#	  gs6300)
+# 10.1.6 (Sat Jul  5 15:08:16 EDT 1997)
+#	* correct rmso capability of wy50-mc
+# 10.1.7 (Sat Jul 12 20:05:55 EDT 1997)
+#	* add cbt to xterm-xf86-v32
+#	* disentangle some entries from 'xterm', preferring xterm-r6 in case
+#	  'xterm' is derived from xterm-xf86-v32, which implements ech and
+#	  other capabilities not in xterm-r6.
+#	* remove alternate character set from kterm entry.
+# 10.1.8 (Sat Aug  2 18:43:18 EDT 1997)
+#	* correct acsc entries for ACS_LANTERN, which is 'i', not 'I'.
+# 10.1.9 (Sat Aug 23 17:54:38 EDT 1997)
+#	* add xterm-8bit entry.
+# 10.1.10 (Sat Oct  4 18:17:13 EDT 1997)
+#	* repair several places where early version of tic replaced \, with \\\,
+#	* make acsc entries canonical form (sorted, uniq).
+#	* modify acsc entries for linux, linux-koi8
+#	* new rxvt entry, from corrected copy of distribution in rxvt 2.21b
+#	* add color, mouse support to kterm.
+# 10.1.11 (Sat Oct 11 14:57:10 EDT 1997)
+#	* correct wy120 smxon/tbc capabilities which were stuck together.
+# 10.1.12 (Sat Oct 18 17:38:41 EDT 1997)
+#	* add entry for xterm-xf86-v39t
+# 10.1.13 (Sat Nov  8 13:43:33 EST 1997)
+#	* add u8,u9 to sun-il description
+# 10.1.14 (Sat Nov 22 19:59:03 EST 1997)
+#	* add vt220-js, pilot, rbcomm, datapoint entries from esr's 27-jun-97
+#	  version.
+#	* add hds200 description (Walter Skorski)
+#	* add EMX 0.9b descriptions
+#	* correct rmso/smso capabilities in wy30-mc and wy50-mc (Daniel Weaver)
+#	* rename xhpterm back to hpterm.
+# 10.1.15 (Sat Nov 29 19:21:59 EST 1997)
+#	* change initc in linux-c-nc to use 0..1000 range.
+# 10.1.16 (Sat Dec 13 19:41:59 EST 1997)
+#	* remove hpa/vpa from rxvt, which implements them incorrectly.
+#	* add sgr0 for rxvt.
+#	* remove bogus smacs/rmacs from EMX descriptions.
+# 10.1.17 (Sat Dec 20 17:54:10 EST 1997)
+#	* revised entry for att7300
+# 10.1.18 (Sat Jan  3 17:58:49 EST 1998)
+#	* use \0 rather than \200.
+#	* rename rxvt-color to rxvt to match rxvt 2.4.5 distribution.
+# 10.1.19 (Sat Jan 17 14:24:57 EST 1998)
+#	* change xterm (xterm-xf86-v40), xterm-8bit rs1 to use hard reset.
+#	* rename xterm-xf86-v39t to xterm-xf86-v40
+#	* remove bold/underline from sun console entries since they're not
+#	  implemented.
+# 10.1.20 (Sat Jan 24 11:02:51 EST 1998)
+#	* add beterm entry (Fred Fish)
+#	* add irix-color/xwsh entry.
+#	* turn ncv off for linux.
+# 10.1.21 (Sat Jan 31 17:39:16 EST 1998)
+#	* set ncv for FreeBSD console (treat colors with reverse specially).
+#	* remove sgr string from qnx based on report by Xiaodan Tang
+# 10.1.22 (Wed Feb 11 18:40:12 EST 1998)
+#	* remove spurious commas from descriptions
+#	* correct xterm-8bit to match XFree86 3.9Ad F1-F4.
+# 10.1.23 (Sat Feb 28 17:48:38 EST 1998)
+#	* add linux-koi8r to replace linux-koi8 (which uses a corrupt acsc,
+#	  apparently based on cp-866).
+# 9.13.23 (Fri Feb 21 16:36:06 EST 1997):
+#	* Replaced minitel-2 entry.
+#	* Added MGR, ansi-nt.
+#	* Minor corrections to xterm entries.
+#	* Replaced EWAN telnet entry.
+#	* Dropped the reorder script generator.  It was a fossil.
+# 9.13.24 (Sun Feb 23 20:55:23 EST 1997):
+#	* Thorsten Lockert added termcap `bs' to a lot of types, working from
+#	  the 4.4BSD Lite2 file.
+# 9.13.25 (Fri Jun 20 12:33:36 EDT 1997):
+#	* Added Datapoint 8242, pilot, ansi_psx, rbcomm, vt220js.
+#	* Updated iris-ansi; corrected vt102-w.
+#	* Switch base xterm entry to 3.3 level.
+# 9.13.26 (Mon Jun 30 22:45:45 EDT 1997)
+#	* Added basic4.
+#	* Removed rmir/smir from tv92B.
+# 10.2.0 (Sat Feb 28 12:47:36 EST 1998):
+#	* add hds200 description (Walter Skorski)
+#	* add beterm entry (Fred Fish)
+#	* add Thomas Dickey's xterm-xf86-v40, xterm-8bit, xterm-16color,
+#	  iris-color entries.
+#	* add emx entries.
+#	* Replaced unixpc entry with Benjamin Sittler's corrected version.
+#	* Replaced xterm/rxvt/emu/syscons entries with Thomas Dickey's
+#	  versions.
+#	* remove sgr string from qnx based on report by Xiaodan Tang
+#	* Added u8/u9, removed rmul/smul from sun-il.
+#	* 4.2 tic displays \0 rather than \200.
+#	* add linux-koi8r to replace linux-koi8 (which uses a corrupt acsc,
+#	  apparently based on cp-866).
+#	* Merged in Pavel Roskin's acsc for linux-koi8
+#	* Corrected some erroneous \\'s to \.
+#	* 4.2 ncurses has been changed to use setaf/setab, consistent w/SysV.
+#	* II -> ii in pcvtXX, screen, xterm.
+#	* Removed \n chars following ANSI escapes in sgr & friends.
+#	* Updated Wyse entries.
+#	* h19 corrections from Tim Pierce.
+#	* Noted that the dm2500 has both ich and smir.
+#	* added pccons for the Alpha under OSF/1.
+#	* Added Sony NEWS workstation entries and cit101e-rv.
+#	* Reverted `amiga'; to Kent Polk's version, as I'm told
+#	  the Verkuil entry messes up with Amiga Telnet.
+# 10.2.1 (Sun Mar  8 18:32:04 EST 1998):
+#	* Corrected attributions in 10.2.0 release notes.
+#	* Scanned the Shuford archive for new terminfos and information.
+#	* Removed sgr from qnx entry (Thomas Dickey).
+#	* Added entries for ICL and Kokusai Data Systems terminals.
+#	* Incorporated NCR terminfos from the Boundless Technology FTP site.
+#	* Incorporated att700 from the Boundless Technology FTP site.
+#	* Miscellaneous contact-address and Web-page updates.
+# 1998/5/9
+#	* add nxterm and xterm-color terminfo description (request by Cristian
+#	  Gafton <gafton@redhat.com>).
+#	* modify rxvt terminfo description to clear alternate screen before
+#	  switching back to normal screen, for compatibility with applications
+#	  which use xterm (reported by Manoj Kasichainula <manojk@io.com>).
+#	* modify linux terminfo description to reset color palette (reported
+#	  by Telford Tendys <telford@eng.uts.edu.au>).
+# 1998/7/4
+#	* merge changes from current XFree86 xterm terminfo descriptions.
+# 1998/7/25
+#	* Added minitel1 entries from Alexander Montaron.
+#	* Added qnxt2 from Federico Bianchi.
+#	* Added arm100 terminfo entries from Dave Millen.
+# 1998/8/6
+#	* Added ncsa telnet entries from Francesco Potorti
+# 1998/8/15
+#	* modify ncsa telnet entry to reflect color, other capabilities based on
+#	  examination of the source code - T.Dickey.
+# 1998/8/22
+#	* Corrected some erroneous \\'s to \ (eterm, osborne) - TD.
+# 1998/8/29
+#	* Added Francesco Potorti's tuned Wyse 99 entries.
+#	* dtterm enacs correction from Alexander V. Lukyanov.
+#	* Add ncsa-ns, ncsa-m-ns and ncsa-m entries from esr version.
+#	* correct a typo in icl6404 entry.
+#	* add xtermm and xtermc
+# 1998/9/26
+#	* format most %'char' sequences to %{number}
+#	* adapt IBM AIX 3.2.5 terminfo - T.Dickey
+#	* merge Data General terminfo from Hasufin <hasufin@vidnet.net> - TD
+# 1998/10/10
+#	* update xterm-xfree86 to current (xterm patch #84), for is2/rs2 changes - TD
+#	* correct initialization string in xterm-r5, add misc other features
+#	  to correspond with xterm patch #84 - TD
+# 1998/12/19
+#	* update xterm-xfree86 to current (xterm patch #90), smcur/rmcur changes - TD
+#	* add Mathew Vernon's mach console entries
+#	* corrections for ncsa function-keys (report by Larry Virden)
+# 1998/12/19
+#	* change linux to use ncv#2, since underline does not work with color - TD
+# 1999/1/9
+#	* add kbt to iris-ansi, document other shift/control functionkeys - TD
+#	* correct iris-ansi and iris-ansi-ap with respect to normal vs keypad
+#	  application modes, change kent to use the correct keypad code - TD
+# 1999/1/10
+#	* add entry for Tera Term - TD
+# 1999/1/23
+#	* minor improvements for teraterm entry - TD
+#	* rename several entries used by BSDI: bsdos to bsdos-pc-nobold,
+#	  and bsdos-bold to bsdos-pc (Jeffrey C Honig)
+# 1999/2/20
+#	* resolve ambiguity of kend/kll/kslt and khome/kfnd/kich1 strings in
+#	  xterm and ncsa entries by removing the unneeded ones.  Note that
+#	  some entries will return kend & khome versus kslt and kfnd, for
+#	  PC-style keyboards versus strict vt220 compatibility - TD
+# 1999/3/13
+#	* adjust xterm-xfree86 khome/kend to match default PC-style keyboard
+#	  tables - TD
+#	* add 'crt' entry - TD
+#	* correct typos in 'linux-c' entry - TD
+# 1999/3/14
+#	* update entries for BSD/OS console to use klone+sgr and klone+color
+#	  (Jeffrey C Honig)
+# 1999/3/27
+#	* adjust xterm-xfree86 miscellaneous keypad keys, as per xterm patch #94 - TD.
+# 1999/4/10
+#	* add linux-lat, from RedHat patches to ncurses 4.2
+# 1999/4/17
+#	* add complete set of default function-key definitions for scoansi - TD.
+# 1999/7/3
+#	* add cnorm, cvvis for Linux 2.2 kernels
+# 1999/7/24
+#	* add kmous to xterm-r5 -TD
+#	* correct entries xterm+sl and xterm+sl-twm, which were missing the
+#	  parent "use" clause -TD
+# 1999/7/31
+#	* corrected cnorm, added el1 in 'screen' description -TD
+# 1999/8/14
+#	* add ms-vt100 -TD
+# 1999/8/21
+#	* corrections to beterm entry -TD
+# 1999/8/28
+#	* add cygwin entry -TD
+# 1999/9/4
+#	* minor corrections for beterm entry -TD
+# 1999/9/18
+#	* add acsc string to HP 70092 terminfo entry -Joerg Wunsch
+# 1999/9/25
+#	* add amiga-8bit entry
+#	* add console entries from NetBSD: ofcons, wsvt25, wsvt25m, rcons,
+#	  rcons-color, based on
+#	  ftp://ftp.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD/NetBSD-current/src/share/termcap/termcap.src
+#	* add alias for iris-ansi-net
+# 1999/10/2
+#	* corrected scoansi entry's acsc, some function keys, add color -TD
+# 1999/10/23
+#	* add cnorm, cvvis to cons25w, and modify ncv to add 'dim' -TD
+#	* reorder ncsa entries to make ncsa-vt220 use the alternate function
+#	  key mapping, leaving Potorti's entries more like he named them -TD
+#	* remove enter/exit am-mode from cygwin -TD
+# 1999/10/30
+#	* correct typos in several entries (missing '[' from CSI):
+#	  mgr-sun, ncsa-m, vt320-k3, att505, avt-ns, as well as smir/rmir
+#	  strings for avt-ns -TD
+#	* add 'dim' to ncv mask for linux (report by Klaus Weide).
+# 1999/11/27
+#	* correct kf1-kf4 in xterm-r6 which were vt100-style PF1-PF4 -TD
+#	* add hts to xterm-r6, and u6-u9 to xterm-r5 -TD
+#	* add xterm-88color and xterm-256color -TD
+# 1999/12/4
+#	* add "obsolete" termcap strings -TD
+#	* add kvt and gnome entries -TD
+# 1999/12/11
+#	* correct cup string for regent100 -TD
+# 2000/1/1
+#	* update mach, add mach-color based on Debian diffs for ncurses 5.0 -TD
+#	* add entries for xterm-hp, xterm-vt220, xterm-vt52 and xterm-noapp -TD
+#	* change OTrs capabilities to rs2 -TD
+#	* add obsolete and extended capabilities to 'screen' -TD
+# 2000/1/5
+#	* remove kf0 from rxvt, vt520, vt525 and ibm5151 since it conflicts
+#	  with kf10 -TD
+#	* updated xterm-xf86-v40, making kdch1 correspond to vt220 'Remove',
+#	  and adding kcbt -TD
+# 2000/1/12
+#	* remove incorrect khome/kend from xterm-xf86-v333, which was based on
+#	  nonstandard resource settings -TD
+# 2000/2/26
+#	* minor fixes for xterm-*, based on Debian #58530 -TD
+# 2000/3/4
+#	* add several terminal types from esr's "11.0", as well as comments.
+#	  bq300*, dku7102-old, dku7202, hft, lft, pcmw, pmcons, tws*, vip*,
+#	  vt220-8bit, vt220-old, wy85-8bit
+# 2000/3/18
+#	* add several terminal types from esr's "11.0.1" (ansi-*).
+#	* update OTxx capabilities for changes on 2000/3/4.
+#	* revert part of vt220 change (request by Todd C Miller for OpenBSD)
+# 2000/3/26
+#	* move screen's AX extension to ecma+color, modify several entries to
+#	  use that, adjusting ncv as needed -TD
+# 2000/4/8
+#	* add bsdos-pc-m, bsdos-pc-mono (Jeffrey C Honig)
+#	* correct spelling error in entry name: bq300-rv was given as bg300-rv
+#	  in esr's version.
+# 2000/4/15
+#	* add cud, ech, etc., to beterm based on feedback from Rico Tudor -TD
+#	* correct color definition for ibm3164, make minor changes to other
+#	  IBM terminal definitions based on recent terminfo descriptions -TD
+# 2000/4/22
+#	* add mgterm, from NetBSD -TD
+#	* add alias sun-cgsix for sun-ss5 as per NetBSD
+#	* change cons25w to use rs2 for reset rather than rs1 -TD
+#	* add rc/sc to aixterm based on manpage -TD
+# 2000/5/13
+#	* remove ncv from xterm-16color, xterm-256color
+# 2000/6/10
+#	* add kmous capability to linux to use Joerg Schoen's gpm patch.
+# 2000/7/1
+#	* add Eterm (Michael Jennings)
+# 2000-07-18
+#       * add amiga-vnc entry.
+# 2000-08-12
+#	* correct description of Top Gun Telnet.
+#	* add kterm-color
+# 2000-08-26
+#	* add qansi* entries from QNX ftp site.
+# 2000-09-16
+#	* add Matrix Orbital entries by Eric Z. Ayers).
+#	* add xterm-basic, xterm-sco entries, update related entries to XFree86
+#	  4.0.1c -TD
+# 2000-09-17
+#	* add S0, E0 extensions to screen's entry -TD
+# 2000-09-23
+#	* several corrections based on tic's new parameter-checking code -TD
+#	* modify xterm-r6 and similar rs2 sequences which had \E7...\E8
+#	  bracketing sequences that reset video attributes (\E8 would restore
+#	  them) -TD
+# 2000-11-11
+#	* rename cygwin to cygwinB19, adapt newer entry from Earnie Boyd -TD
+# 2000-12-16
+#	* improved scoansi, based on SCO man-page, and testing console,
+#	  scoterm with tack -TD
+# 2001-01-27
+#	* modify kterm to use acsc via SCS controls.
+# 2001-02-10
+#	* screen 3.9.8 allows xterm mouse controls to pass-through
+# 2001-03-11
+#	* remove spurious "%|" from some xterm entries.
+# 2001-03-31
+#	* modify 'screen' khome/kend to match screen 3.09.08
+#	* add examples of 'screen' customization (screen.xterm-xfree86,
+#	  screen.xterm-r6, screen.teraterm) -TD
+# 2001-04-14
+#	* correct definitions of shifted editing keys for xterm-xfree86 -TD
+#	* add "Apple_Terminal" entries -Benjamin Sittler
+#	* remove time-delays from "Apple_Terminal" entries -TD
+#	* make sgr entries time-delays consistent with individual caps -TD
+# 2001-05-05
+#	* corrected/updated screen.xterm-xfree86
+# 2001-05-19
+#	* ELKS descriptions, from Federico Bianchi
+#	* add u6 (CSR) to Eterm (Michael Jennings).
+# 2001-07-21
+#	* renamed "Apple_Terminal" entries to "nsterm" to work with Solaris's
+#	  tic which handles names no longer than 14 characters.  Add
+#	  corresponding descriptions for the Darwin PowerPC console named
+#	  "xnuppc" -Benjamin Sittler
+# 2001-09-01
+#	* change kbs in mach entries to ^? (Marcus Brinkmann).
+# 2001-11-17
+#	* add "putty" entry -TD
+#	* updated "Apple_Terminal" entries -Benjamin Sittler
+# 2001-11-24
+#	* add ms-vt100-color entry -TD
+#	* add "konsole" entries -TD
+# 2001-12-08
+#	* update gnome entry to Redhat 7.2 -TD
+# 2002-05-25
+#	* add kf13-kf48 strings to cons25w -TD
+#	* add pcvt25-color entry -TD
+#	* changed a few /usr/lib/tabset -> /usr/share/tabset.
+#	* improve some features of scoansi entry based on SCO's version -TD
+#	* add scoansi-new entry corresponding to OpenServer 5.0.6
+# 2002-06-15
+#	* add kcbt to screen entry -TD
+# 2002-06-22
+#	* add rxvt-16color, ibm+16color, mvterm entries -TD
+# 2002-09-28
+#	* split out linux-basic entry, making linux-c inherit from that, and
+#	  in turn linux (with cnorm, etc) inherit from linux-c-nc to reflect
+#	  the history of this console type -TD
+#	* scaled the linux-c terminfo entry to match linux-c-nc, i.e., the
+#	  r/g/b parameters of initc are in the range 0 to 1000 -TD
+# 2002-10-05
+#	* minor fix for scale-factor of linux-c and linux-c-nc -TD
+# 2002-11-09
+#	* split-out vt100+keypad and vt220+keypad, fix interchanged ka3/kb2
+#	  in the latter -TD
+# 2002-11-16
+#	* add entries for mterm (mterm, mterm-ansi, decansi) -TD
+#	* ncr260wy350pp has only 16 color pairs -TD
+#	* add sun-type4 from NetBSD -TD
+#	* update xterm-xfree86 to current (xterm patch #170) -TD
+#	* add screen-bce, screen-s entries -TD
+#	* add xterm-1002, xterm-1003 entries -TD
+# 2003-01-11
+#	* update homepage for Top Gun Telnet/SSH
+# 2003-01-25
+#	* reduce duplication in emx entries, added emx-base -TD
+# 2003-05-24
+#	* corrected acs for screen.teraterm -TD
+#	* add tkterm entry -TD
+# 2003-07-15
+#	* cygwin changes from Charles Wilson:
+#	  misc/terminfo.src (nxterm|xterm-color): make xterm-color
+#	  primary instead of nxterm, to match XFree86's xterm.terminfo
+#	  usage and to prevent circular links.
+#	  (rxvt): add additional codes from rxvt.org.
+#	  (rxvt-color): new alias
+#	  (rxvt-xpm): new alias
+#	  (rxvt-cygwin): like rxvt, but with special acsc codes.
+#	  (rxvt-cygwin-native): ditto.  rxvt may be run under XWindows, or
+#	  with a "native" MSWin GUI.  Each takes different acsc codes,
+#	  which are both different from the "normal" rxvt's acsc.
+#	  (cygwin): cygwin-in-cmd.exe window.  Lots of fixes.
+#	  (cygwinDBG): ditto.
+# 2003-09-27
+#	* update gnome terminal entries -TD
+# 2003-10-04
+#	* add entries for djgpp 2.03 and 2.04 -TD
+# 2003-10-25
+#	* add alias for vtnt -TD
+#	* update xterm-xfree86 for XFree86 4.4 -TD
+# 2003-11-22
+#	* add linux-vt (Andrey V Lukyanov)
+# 2003-12-20
+#	* add screen.linux -TD
+# 2004-01-10
+#	* revised/improved entries for tvi912b, tvi920b (Benjamin Sittler)
+# 2004-01-17
+#	* add OpenNT/Interix/SFU entries (Federico Bianchi)
+#	* add vt100+ and vt-utf8 entries -TD
+#	* add uwin entry -TD
+# 2004-03-27
+#	* add sgr strings to several common entries lacking them, e.g.,
+#	  screen, to make the entries more portable -TD
+#	* remove cvvis from rxvt entry, since it is the same as cnorm -TD
+#	* similar fixups for cvvis/cnorm various entries -TD
+# 2004-05-22
+#	* remove 'ncv' from xterm-256color (xterm patch #188) -TD
+# 2004-06-26
+#	* add mlterm -TD
+#	* add xterm-xf86-v44 -TD
+#	* modify xterm-new aka xterm-xfree86 to accommodate luit, which relies
+#	  on G1 being used via an ISO-2022 escape sequence (report by
+#	  Juliusz Chroboczek) -TD
+#	* add 'hurd' entry -TD
+# 2004-07-03
+#	* make xterm-xf86-v43 derived from xterm-xf86-v40 rather than
+#	  xterm-basic -TD
+#	* align with xterm #192's use of xterm-new -TD
+#	* update xterm-new and xterm-8bit for cvvis/cnorm strings -TD
+#	* make xterm-new the default "xterm" -TD
+# 2004-07-10
+#	* minor fixes for emu -TD
+#	* add emu-220
+#	* add rmam/smam to linux (Trevor Van Bremen)
+#	* change wyse acsc strings to use 'i' map rather than 'I' -TD
+#	* fixes for avatar0 -TD
+#	* fixes for vp3a+ -TD
+# 2004-07-17
+#	* add xterm-pc-fkeys -TD
+#	* review/update gnome and gnome-rh90 entries (prompted by
+#	  Redhat Bugzilla #122815) -TD
+#	* review/update konsole entries -TD
+#	* add sgr, correct sgr0 for kterm and mlterm -TD
+#	* correct tsl string in kterm -TD
+# 2004-07-24
+#	* make ncsa-m rmacs/smacs consistent with sgr -TD
+#	* add sgr, rc/sc and ech to syscons entries -TD
+#	* add function-keys to decansi -TD
+#	* add sgr to mterm-ansi -TD
+#	* add sgr, civis, cnorm to emu -TD
+#	* correct/simplify cup in addrinfo -TD
+#	* corrections for gnome and konsole entries
+#	  (Redhat Bugzilla #122815) -Hans de Goede
+#	* modify DEC entries (vt220, etc), to add sgr string, and to use
+#	  ISO-2022 strings for rmacs/smacs -TD
+# 2004-07-31
+#	* rename xterm-pc-fkeys to xterm+pcfkeys -TD
+# 2004-08-07
+#	* improved putty entry -Robert de Bath
+# 2004-08-14
+#	* remove dch/dch1 from rxvt because they are implemented inconsistently
+#	  with the common usage of bce/ech -TD
+#	* remove khome from vt220 (vt220's have no home key) -TD
+#	* add rxvt+pcfkeys -TD
+# 2004-08-21
+#	* modify several entries to ensure xterm mouse and cursor visibility
+#	  are reset in rs2 string:  hurd, putty, gnome, konsole-base, mlterm,
+#	  Eterm, screen.  (The xterm entries are left alone - old ones for
+#	  compatibility, and the new ones do not require this change) -TD
+# 2004-08-28
+#	* add morphos entry -Pavel Fedin
+#	* modify amiga-8bit to add khome/kend/knp/kpp -Pavel Fedin
+#	* corrected \E[5?l to \E[?5l in vt320 entries -TD
+# 2004-11-20
+#	* update wsvt25 entry -TD
+# 2005-01-29
+#	* update pairs for xterm-88color and xterm-256color to reflect the
+#	  ncurses extended-color support -TD
+# 2005-02-26
+#	* modify sgr/sgr0 in xterm-new to improve tgetent's derived "me" -TD
+#	* add aixterm-16color to demonstrate 16-color capability -TD
+# 2005-04-23
+#	* add media-copy to vt100 -TD
+#	* corrected acsc string for vt52 -TD
+# 2005-04-30
+#	* add kUP, kDN (user-defined shifted up/down arrow) definitions for
+#	  xterm-new -TD
+#	* add kUP5, kUP6, etc., for xterm-new and rxvt -TD
+# 2005-05-07
+#	* re-corrected acsc string for vt52 -TD
+# 2005-05-28
+#	* corrected sun-il sgr string which referred to bold and underline -TD
+#	* add sun-color entry -TD
+# 2005-07-23
+#	* modify sgr0 in several entries to reset alternate-charset as in the
+#	  sgr string -TD
+#	* modify sgr string of prism9 to better match the individual
+#	  attributes -TD
+# 2005-10-15
+#	* correct order of use= in rxvt-basic -TD
+# 2005-10-26
+#	* use kind/kri as shifted up/down cursor keys for xterm-new -TD
+# 2005-11-12
+#	* other minor fixes to cygwin based on tack -TD
+#	* correct smacs in cygwin (report by Baurzhan Ismagulov).
+# 2006-02-18
+#	* add nsterm-16color entry -TD
+#	* remove ncv flag from xterm-16color -TD
+#	* remove setf/setb from xterm-256color to match xterm #209 -TD
+#	* update mlterm entry to 2.9.2 -TD
+# 2006-02-25
+#	* fixes to make nsterm-16color match report
+#	  by Christian Ebert -Alain Bench
+# 2006-04-22
+#	* add xterm+256color building block -TD
+#	* add gnome-256color, putty-256color, rxvt-256color -TD
+# 2006-05-06
+#	* add hpterm-color -TD
+# 2006-06-24
+#	* add xterm+pcc0, xterm+pcc1, xterm+pcc2, xterm+pcc3 -TD
+#	* add gnome-fc5 (prompted by GenToo #122566) -TD
+#	* remove obsolete/misleading comments about kcbt on Linux -Alain Bench
+#	* improve xterm-256color by combining the ibm+16color setaf/setab
+#	  strings with SGR 48.  The setf/setb strings also are cancelled here
+#	  rather than omitted so derived entries will cancel those also -Alain
+#	  Bench
+# 2006-07-01
+#	* add some notes regarding copyright to terminfo.src -TD
+#	* use rxvt+pcfkeys in Eterm -TD
+#	* remove km and flash from gnome, Eterm and rxvt since they do not work
+#	  as one would expect (km sends ESC rather than setting the 8th bit
+#	  of the key) -TD
+#	* add/use ansi+enq, vt100+enq and vt102+enq -TD
+#	* add konsole-solaris -TD
+# 2006-07-22
+#	* update xterm-sun and xterm-sco entries to match xterm #216 -TD
+#	* modify is2/rs2 strings for xterm-r6 as per fix in xterm #148 -TD
+#	* modify xterm-24 to inherit from "xterm" -TD
+#	* add xiterm entry -TD
+#	* add putty-vt100 entry -TD
+#	* corrected spelling of Michael A Dorman's name, prompted by
+#	  http://www.advogato.org/person/mdorman/diary.html -TD
+# 2006-08-05
+#	* add xterm+pcf0, xterm+pcf2 from xterm #216 -TD
+#	* update xterm+pcfkeys to match xterm #216 -TD
+# 2006-08-17
+#	* make descriptions of xterm entries consistent with its terminfo -TD
+# 2006-08-26
+#	* add xfce, mgt -TD
+# 2006-09-02
+#	* correct acsc string in kterm -TD
+# 2006-09-09
+#	* add kon entry -TD
+#	* remove invis from linux and related entries, add klone+sgr8 for those
+#	  that implement the feature (or have not been shown to lack it) -TD
+# 2006-09-23
+#	* add ka2, kb1, kb3, kc2 to vt220-keypad as an extension -TD
+#	* minor improvements to rxvt+pcfkeys -TD
+# 2006-09-30
+#	* fix a few typos in if/then/else expressions -TD
+# 2006-10-07
+#	* add several GNU Screen variations with 16- and 256-colors, and
+#	  status line (Alain Bench).
+# 2007-03-03
+#	* add Newbury Data entries (Jean-Charles Billaud).
+# 2007-06-10
+#	* corrected xterm+pcf2 modifiers for F1-F4, match xterm #226 -TD
+# 2007-07-14
+#	* restore section of pre-ncurses-4.2 changelog to fix attribution -TD
+#	* add konsole-256color entry -TD
+# 2007-08-18
+#	* add 9term entry (request by Juhapekka Tolvanen) -TD
+# 2007-10-13
+#	* correct kIC in rxvt+pcfkeys (prompted by Debian #446444) -TD
+#	* add shift-control- and control-modified keys for rxvt editing
+#	  keypad -TD
+#	* update mlterm entry to 2.9.3 -TD
+#	* add mlterm+pcfkeys -TD
+# 2007-10-20
+#	* move kLFT, kRIT, kind and kri capabilities from xterm-new to
+#	  xterm+pcc0, etc., to make the corresponding building blocks reflect
+#	  xterm's capabilities -TD
+#	* add mrxvt entry -TD
+#	* add xterm+r6f2, use in mlterm and mrxvt entries -TD
+# 2007-11-03
+#	* correct acsc strings for h19 and z100 (Benjamin Sittler)
+# 2007-11-11
+#	* use xterm-xf86-v44 for "xterm-xfree86", reflecting changes to
+#	  xterm starting with xterm patch #216 -TD
+#	* make legacy xterm entries such as xterm-24 inherit from xterm-old,
+#	  to match xterm #230 -TD
+#	* extend xterm+pccX entries to match xterm #230 -TD
+#	* add xterm+app, xterm+noapp, from xterm #230 -TD
+#	* add/use xterm+pce2 from xterm #230, in xterm+pcfkeys -TD
+# 2008-04-19
+#	* add screen.rxvt -TD
+# 2008-04-28
+#	* add screen+fkeys (prompted by Debian #478094) -TD
+# 2008-06-28
+#	* add screen.mlterm -TD
+#	* improve mlterm and mlterm+pcfkeys -TD
+# 2008-08-23
+#	* add Eterm-256color, Eterm-88color -TD
+#	* add rxvt-88color -TD
+# 2008-10-12
+#	* add teraterm4.59 entry, use that as primary teraterm entry, rename
+#	  original to teraterm2.3 -TD
+#	* update "gnome" to 2.22.3 -TD
+#	* update "konsole" to 1.6.6 -TD
+#	* add "aterm" -TD
+#	* add "linux2.6.26" -TD
+# 2008-11-15
+#	* change several \E[2g (clear tab at current column) to \E[3g
+#	  (clear all tabs) to match definition for tbc capability -TD
+# 2008-11-29
+#	* add eterm-color -TD
+# 2009-01-10
+#	* add screen.Eterm -TD
+# 2009-03-28
+#	* correct typo in pfkey of ansi.sys-old
+#	  (report by Kalle Olavi Niemitalo)
+#	* move function- and cursor-keys from emx-base to ansi.sys, and create
+#	  a pfkey capability which handles F1-F48 -TD
+# 2009-05-02
+#	* add vwmterm entry (Bryan Christ)
+# 2009-09-19
+#	* change ncv and op capabilities in sun-color to match Sun's entry for
+#	  this (report by Laszlo Peter)
+#	* improve interix smso by using reverse rather than bold (report by
+#	  Kristof Zelechovski).
+# 2009-10-03
+#	* remove unnecessary kcan assignment to ^C from putty (Sven Joachim)
+#	* add linux-16color (Benjamin Sittler)
+#	* correct initc capability of linux-c-nc end-of-range (Benjamin Sittler)
+#	* similar change for dg+ccc and dgunix+ccc (Benjamin Sittler)
+#	* add ccc and initc capabilities to xterm-16color -TD
+# 2009-10-31
+#	* updated nsterm* entries (Benjamin Sittler, prompted by GenToo #206201)
+# 2009-12-12
+#	* updated nsterm* entries (Benjamin Sittler, Emanuele Giaquinta)
+# 2009-12-19
+#	* add bw (auto-left-margin) to nsterm* entries (Benjamin Sittler)
+#	* rename minix to minix-1.7, add minix entry for Minix3 -TD
+# 2009-12-26
+#	* add bterm (bogl 0.1.18) -TD
+#	* minor fix to rxvt+pcfkeys -TD
+# 2010-02-06
+#	* update mrxvt to 0.5.4, add mrxvt-256color -TD
+# 2010-02-13
+#	* add several screen-bce.XXX entries -TD
+# 2010-02-23
+#	* modify screen-bce.XXX entries to exclude ech, since screen's color
+#	  model does not clear with color for that feature -TD
+# 2010-03-20
+#	* rename atari and st52 to atari-old, st52-old, use newer entries from
+#	  FreeMiNT by Guido Flohr (from patch/report by Alan Hourihane).
+# 2010-06-12
+#	* add mlterm-256color entry -TD
+# 2010-07-17
+#	* add hard-reset for rs2 to wsvt25 to help ensure that reset ends
+#	  the alternate character set (patch by Nicholas Marriott)
+# 2010-08-28
+#	* improve acsc for vt52 (Benjamin Sittler)
+#	* modify nsterm entries for consistent sgr/sgr0 -TD
+#	* modify xnuppc entries for consistent sgr/sgr0 -TD
+#	* add invis to tek4115 sgr -TD
+# 2010-09-11
+#	* reformat acsc strings to canonical format -TD
+# 2010-09-25
+#	* add "XT" capability to entries for terminals that support both
+#	  xterm-style mouse- and title-controls, for "screen" which
+#	  special-cases TERM beginning with "xterm" or "rxvt" -TD
+# 2010-10-02
+#	* fill in no-parameter forms of cursor-movement where a parameterized
+#	  form is available -TD
+#	* fill in missing cursor controls where the form of the controls is
+#	  ANSI -TD
+#	* add parameterized cursor-controls to linux-basic (report by Dae) -TD
+# 2010-10-09
+#	* correct comparison used for setting 16-colors in linux-16color
+#	  entry (Novell #644831) -TD
+#	* improve linux-16color entry, using "dim" for color-8 which makes it
+#	  gray rather than black like color-0 -TD
+# 2010-11-20
+#	* make "vte" the principal entry defining "gnome", since GNOME terminal
+#	  is merely one of several terminals whose behavior is provided by this
+#	  library -TD
+# 2010-11-27
+#	* fix typo in rmso for tek4106 -Goran Weinholt
+# 2010-12-11
+#	* suppress ncv in screen entry, allowing underline -Alejandro R. Sedeno
+#	* also suppress ncv in konsole-base -TD
+# 2011-02-05
+#	* add U8 feature to denote entries for terminal emulators which do not
+#	  support VT100 SI/SO when processing UTF-8 encoding -TD
+#	* add xterm-utf8 as a demo of the U8 feature -TD
+# 2011-02-20
+#	* add cons25-debian entry (Brian M Carlson, Debian #607662).
+# 2011-06-11
+#	* update minix entry to minix 3.2 (Thomas Cort).
+# 2011-07-09
+#	* fix inconsistent tabset path in pcmw (Todd C. Miller).
+#	* remove a backslash which continued comment, obscuring altos3
+#	  definition with OpenBSD toolset (Nicholas Marriott).
+# 2011-07-16
+#	* add/use xterm+tmux chunk from xterm #271 -TD
+#	* resync xterm-new entry from xterm #271 -TD
+#	* add E3 extended capability to linux-basic (Miroslav Lichvar)
+#	* add linux2.2, linux2.6, linux3.0 entries to give context for E3 -TD
+#	* add SI/SO change to linux2.6 entry (Debian #515609) -TD
+# 2011-07-21
+#	* add kich1 to sun (Yuri Pankov)
+#	* use bold rather than reverse for smso in sun-color (Yuri Pankov).
+# 2011-08-06
+#	* corrected k9 in dg460-ansi, add other features based on manuals -TD
+# 2011-08-20
+#	* minor cleanup of X-terminal emulator section -TD
+#	* add terminator entry -TD
+#	* add simpleterm entry -TD
+# 2011-09-10
+#	* add xterm+kbs fragment from xterm #272 -TD
+# 2011-11-12
+#	* add pccon entries for OpenBSD console (Alexei Malinin)
+# 2011-12-17
+#	* corrected old changelog comments -TD
+# 2011-11-24
+#	* add putty-sco -TD
+# 2012-01-28
+#	* add mach-gnu (Samuel Thibault)
+#	* add mach-gnu-color, tweaks to mach-gnu -TD
+#	* make sgr for sun-color agree with smso -TD
+#	* make sgr for prism9 agree with other caps -TD
+#	* make sgr for icl6404 agree with other caps -TD
+#	* make sgr for ofcons agree with other caps -TD
+#	* make sgr for att5410v1, att4415, att620 agree with other caps -TD
+#	* make sgr for aaa-unk, aaa-rv agree with other caps -TD
+#	* make sgr for avt-ns agree with other caps -TD
+# 2012-02-11
+#	* make sgr for xterm-pcolor agree with other caps -TD
+#	* make sgr for att5425 agree with other caps -TD
+#	* make sgr for att630 agree with other caps -TD
+#	* make sgr for linux entries agree with other caps -TD
+#	* make sgr for tvi9065 agree with other caps -TD
+#	* make sgr for ncr260vt200an agree with other caps -TD
+#	* make sgr for ncr160vt100pp agree with other caps -TD
+#	* make sgr for ncr260vt300an agree with other caps -TD
+#	* make sgr for aaa-60-dec-rv, aaa+dec agree with other caps -TD
+#	* make sgr for cygwin, cygwinDBG agree with other caps -TD
+# 2012-03-31
+#	* correct order of use-clauses in st-256color -TD
+# 2012-04-01
+#	* revert 2011-07-16 change to "linux" alias, return to "linux2.2" -TD
+# 2012-04-14
+#	* document all of the user-defined capabilities in one place -TD
+#	* add XT to some places to improve usefulness for other applications
+#	  than screen, which would like to pretend that xterm's title is
+#	  a status-line. -TD
+#	* change use-clauses in ansi-mtabs, hp2626, and hp2622 based on review
+#	  of ordering and overrides -TD
+# 2012-04-21
+#	* add msgr to vt420, similar DEC vtXXX entries -TD
+#	* add several missing vt420 capabilities from vt220 -TD
+#	* factor out ansi+pp from several entries -TD
+#	* change xterm+sl and xterm+sl-twm to include only the status-line
+#	  capabilities and not "use=xterm", making them more generally useful
+#	  as building-blocks -TD
+#	* add dec+sl building block, as example -TD
+# 2012-04-28
+#	* fix some inconsistencies between vt320/vt420, e.g., cnorm/civis -TD
+#	* add eslok flag to dec+sl -TD
+#	* dec+sl applies to vt320 and up -TD
+#	* drop wsl width from xterm+sl -TD
+#	* reuse xterm+sl in putty and nsca-m -TD
+#	* add ansi+tabs to vt520 -TD
+#	* add ansi+enq to vt220-vt520 -TD
+# 2012-05-05
+#	* remove p6 (bold) from opus3n1+ for consistency -TD
+#	* remove acs stuff from env230 per clues in Ingres termcap -TD
+#	* modify env230 sgr/sgr0 to match other capabilities -TD
+#	* modify smacs/rmacs in bq300-8 to match sgr/sgr0 -TD
+#	* make sgr for dku7202 agree with other caps -TD
+#	* make sgr for ibmpc agree with other caps -TD
+#	* make sgr for tek4107 agree with other caps -TD
+#	* make sgr for ndr9500 agree with other caps -TD
+#	* make sgr for sco-ansi agree with other caps -TD
+#	* make sgr for d410 agree with other caps -TD
+#	* make sgr for d210 agree with other caps -TD
+#	* make sgr for d470c, d470c-7b agree with other caps -TD
+# 2012-05-12
+#	* rewrite vt520 entry based on vt420 -TD
+#	* corrected 'op' for bterm (report by Samuel Thibault) -TD
+# 2012-06-02
+#	* add kdch1 to wsvt25 entry from NetBSD CVS (reported by David Lord,
+#	  analysis by Martin Husemann).
+#	* add cnorm/civis to wsvt25 entry from NetBSD CVS (report/analysis by
+#	  Onno van der Linden).
+#	* add kdch1 aka "Remove" to vt220 and vt220-8 entries -TD
+#	* add kdch1, etc., to qvt108 -TD
+#	* add dl1/il1 to some entries based on dl/il values -TD
+#	* add dl to simpleterm -TD
+# 2012-06-10
+#	* modify some older xterm entries to align with xterm source -TD
+#	* separate "xterm-old" alias from "xterm-r6" -TD
+# 2012-07-28
+#	* add E3 to xterm-basic and putty -TD
+# 2012-08-11
+#	* add nsterm-256color, make this the default nsterm -TD
+#	* remove bw from nsterm-bce, per testing with tack -TD
+# 2012-10-12
+#       * add vte-2012, gnome-2012, making these the defaults for vte/gnome
+#	  (patch by Christian Persch).
+# 2012-11-02
+#	* reviewed vte-2012, reverted most of the change since it was incorrect
+#	  based on testing with tack -TD
+#	* un-cancel the initc in vte-256color, since this was implemented
+#	  starting with version 0.20 in 2009 -TD
+# 2013-03-16
+#	* correct typo in sgr string for sun-color,
+#	  add bold for consistency with sgr,
+#	  change smso for consistency with sgr -TD
+#	* correct typo in sgr string for terminator -TD
+#	* add blink to the attributes masked by ncv in linux-16color (report
+#	  by Benjamin Sittler)
+# 2013-03-23
+#	* change initialization for vt220, similar entries for consistency
+#	  with cursor-key strings (NetBSD #47674) -TD
+#	* further improvements to linux-16color (Benjamin Sittler)
+# 2013-05-11
+#	* move nsterm-related entries out of "obsolete" section to more
+#	  plausible "ansi consoles" -TD
+#	* additional cleanup of table-of-contents by reordering -TD
+# 2013-06-07
+#	* added note to clarify Terminal.app's non-emulation of the various
+#	  terminal types listed in the preferences dialog -TD
+# 2013-11-02
+#	* use TS extension to describe xterm's title-escapes -TD
+#	* modify terminator and nsterm-s to use xterm+sl-twm building block -TD
+#	* update hurd.ti, add xenl to reflect 2011-03-06 change in
+#	  http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/hurd/hurd.git/log/console/display.c
+#	  (Debian #727119).
+#	* simplify pfkey expression in ansi.sys -TD
+# 2013-11-10
+#	* split-out building blocks xterm+sm+1002 and xterm+sm+1003 -TD
+# 2014-02-22
+#	* updated notes for wsvt25 based on tack and vttest -TD
+#	* add teken entry to show actual properties of FreeBSD's "xterm"
+#	  console -TD
+# 2014-03-22
+#	* add terminology entry -TD
+#	* add mlterm3 entry, use that as "mlterm" -TD
+#	* inherit mlterm-256color from mlterm -TD
+# 2014-03-23
+#	* fix typo in "mlterm" entry (report by Gabriele Balducci) -TD
+# 2014-03-30
+#	* cancel ccc in putty-256color and konsole-256color for consistency
+#	  with the cancelled initc capability (patch by Sven Zuhlsdorf).
+#	* add xterm+256setaf building block for various terminals which only
+#	  get the 256-color feature half-implemented -TD
+#	* updated "st" entry (leaving the 0.1.1 version as "simpleterm") to
+#	  0.4.1 -TD
+# 2014-05-03
+#	* add vt520ansi (Mike Gran)
+# 2014-05-24
+#	* correct several entries which had termcap-style padding used in
+#	  terminfo: adm21, aj510, alto-h19, att605-pc, x820 -TD
+#	* correct syntax for padding in some entries: dg211, h19 -TD
+#	* correct ti924-8 which had confused padding versus octal escapes -TD
+#	* correct padding in sbi entry -TD
+# 2014-06-07
+#	* update xterm-new to xterm patch #305 -TD
+#	+ change screen's smso to use SGR 7 (ECMA-80 reverse) rather than SGR 3
+#	  (italic).  This was a long-ago typo in screen 3.1.1 which was
+#	  overlooked until a few terminal emulators implemented the feature -TD
+# 2014-06-09
+#	> fix regression in screen terminfo entries (reports by Christian
+#	  Ebert, Gabriele Balducci) -TD
+#	+ revert the change to screen; see notes for why this did not work -TD
+#	+ cancel sitm/ritm for entries which extend "screen", to work around
+#	  screen's hardcoded behavior for SGR 3 -TD
+# 2014-06-14
+#	+ modify sgr for screen.xterm-new to support dim capability -TD
+#	+ add dim capability to nsterm+7 -TD
+#	+ cancel dim capability for iterm -TD
+#	+ add dim, invis capabilities to vte-2012 -TD
+#	+ add sitm/ritm to konsole-base and mlterm3 -TD
+# 2014-10-06
+#	+ add xterm-1005 and xterm-1006 entries, with suggested extension
+#	  capability "xm" -TD
+# 2014-10-07
+#	+ update test-report for mrxvt -TD
+# 2014-10-11
+#	+ add xterm-x10mouse, xterm-x11mouse, etc. -TD
+# 2014-10-18
+#	+ reviewed terminology 0.6.1, add function key definitions.  None of
+#	  the vt100-compatibility issues were improved -TD
+# 2015-04-22
+#	+ add 'dim' capability to screen entry (report by Leonardo B Schenkel)
+#	+ add several key definitions to nsterm-bce to match preconfigured
+#	  keys, e.g., with OSX 10.9 and 10.10 (report by Leonardo B Schenkel)
+# 2015-05-02
+#	+ remove unnecessary ';' from E3 capabilities -TD
+#	+ add tmux entry, derived from screen (patch by Nicholas Marriott).
+#	+ split-out recent change to nsterm-bce as nsterm-build326, and add
+#	  nsterm-build342 to reflect changes with successive releases of OSX
+#	  (discussion with Leonardo B Schenkel)
+#	+ add xon, ich1, il1 to ibm3161 (patch by Stephen Powell,
+#	  Debian #783806)
+# 2015-05-17
+#	+ remove screen-bce.mlterm, since mlterm does not do "bce" -TD
+#	+ add several screen.XXX entries to support the respective variations
+#	  for 256 colors -TD
+# 2015-05-23
+#	+ add putty+fnkeys* building-block entries -TD
+# 2015-05-30
+#	+ remove spurious "%;" from st entry (report by Daniel Pitts) -TD
+#	+ add vte-2014, update vte to use that -TD
+# 2015-06-27
+#	+ comment-out "screen.xterm" entry, and inherit screen.xterm-256color
+#	  from xterm-new (report by Richard Birkett) -TD
+# 2015-07-25
+#	+ add status line to tmux via xterm+sl (patch by Nicholas Marriott).
+#	+ fixes for st 0.5 from testing with tack -TD
+# 2015-10-24
+#	+ updated minitel entries to fix kel problem with emacs, and add
+#	  minitel1b-nb (Alexandre Montaron).
+#	+ reviewed/updated nsterm entry Terminal.app in OSX -TD
+#	+ replace some dead URLs in commands with equivalents from the
+#	  Internet Archive -TD
+# 2015-11-14
+#	+ add bold to pccon+sgr+acs and pccon-base (Tati Chevron).
+#	+ add keys f12-f124 to pccon+keys (Tati Chevron).
+# 2015-11-21
+#	+ fix some inconsistencies in the pccon* entries -TD
+# 2015-11-28
+#	+ add viewdata (Alexandre Montaron).
+# 2016-01-16
+#	+ tidy up comments about hardcoded 256color palette (report by
+#	  Leonardo Brondani Schenkel) -TD
+#	+ add putty-noapp entry, and amend putty entry to use application mode
+#	  for better consistency with xterm (report by Leonardo Brondani
+#	  Schenkel) -TD
+# 2016-04-23
+#	+ add 'oc' capability to xterm+256color, allowing palette reset for
+#	  xterm -TD
+# 2016-05-14
+#	+ modify linux2.6 entry to improve line-drawing -TD
+#	+ make linux3.0 entry the default linux entry (Debian #823658) -TD
+# 2016-05-29
+#	+ modify rs1 for xterm-16color, xterm-88color and xterm-256color to
+#	  reset palette using "oc" string as in linux -TD
+# 2016-06-11
+#	+ use ANSI reply for u8 in xterm-new, to reflect vt220-style responses
+#	  that could be returned -TD
+#	+ added a few capabilities fixed in recent vte -TD
+# 2016-08-17
+#	+ correct a typo in interix -TD
+# 2016-09-24
+#	+ updated minitel entries to use status line with screen(1), as well as
+#	  printing special G2 videotex chars like french accentuated glyph
+#	  using special cap XC= (patch by Alexandre Montaron).
+# 2016-10-01
+#	+ add linux-m1 minitel entries (patch by Alexandre Montaron).
+#	+ correct rs2 string for vt100-nam -TD
+# 2016-11-26
+#	+ modify linux-16color to not mask dim, standout or reverse with the
+#	  ncv capability -TD
+#	+ add 0.1sec mandatory delay to flash capabilities using the VT100
+#	  reverse-video control -TD
+#	+ omit selection of ISO-8859-1 for G0 in enacs capability from linux2.6
+#	  entry, to avoid conflict with the user-defined mapping.  The reset
+#	  feature will use ISO-8859-1 in any case (Mikulas Patocka).
+# 2016-12-30
+#	+ merge current st description (report by Harry Gindi) -TD
+# 2016-12-31
+#	+ modify flash capability for linux and wyse entries to put the delay
+#	  between the reverse/normal escapes rather than after -TD
+# 2017-01-28
+#	+ minor comment-fixes to help automate links to bug-urls -TD
+#	+ add dvtm, dvtm-256color -TD
+#	+ add settings corresponding to xterm-keys option to tmux entry to
+#	  reflect upcoming change to make that option "on" by default
+#	  (patch by Nicholas Marriott).
+#	+ uncancel Ms in tmux entry (Harry Gindi, Nicholas Marriott).
+#	+ add dumb-emacs-ansi -TD
+# 2017-03-05
+#	+ correct a few spelling errors in comments -TD
+#	+ add fbterm -TD
+# 2017-03-11
+#	+ add vt100+4bsd building block, use that for older terminals rather
+#	  than "vt100" which is now mostly used as a building block for
+#	  terminal emulators -TD
+#	+ modify vt100 rs2 string to reset vt52 mode and scrolling regions
+#	  (report/analysis by Robert King) -TD
+# 2017-04-01
+#	+ minor fixes for vt100+4bsd, e.g., delay in sgr for consistency -TD
+#	+ add smso for env230, to match sgr -TD
+#	+ remove p7/protect from sgr in fbterm -TD
+#	+ drop setf/setb from fbterm; setaf/setab are enough -TD
+#	+ make xterm-pcolor sgr consistent with other capabilities -TD
+#	+ add rmxx/smxx ECMA-48 strikeout extension to tmux and xterm-basic
+#	  (discussion with Nicholas Marriott)
+# 2017-04-22
+#	+ correct missing comma-separator between string capabilities in
+#	  icl6402 and m2-nam -TD
+#	+ update formatting with ncurses 6.0.20170422 -TD
+#	+ restore rmir/smir in ansi+idc to better match original ansiterm+idc,
+#	  add alias ansiterm (report by Robert King).
+# 2017-05-13
+#	+ reformatted using hexadecimal numbers to improve readability -TD
+# 2017-07-29
+#	+ update interix entry using tack and SFU on Windows 7 Ultimate -TD
+#	+ use ^? for kdch1 in interix (reported by Jonathan de Boyne Pollard)
+#	+ add "rep" to xterm-new, available since 1997/01/26 -TD
+#	+ move SGR 24 and 27 from vte-2014 to vte-2012 (request by Alain
+#	  Williams) -TD
+# 2017-08-16
+#	+ update "iterm" entry -TD
+#	+ add "iterm2" entry (report by Leonardo Brondani Schenkel) -TD
+# 2017-08-18
+#	+ update notes on user-defined capabilities -TD
+# 2017-08-26
+#	+ fixes for "iterm2" (report by Leonardo Brondani Schenkel) -TD
+# 2017-11-11
+#	+ add "op" to xterm+256setaf -TD
+#	+ reviewed terminology 1.0.0 -TD
+#	+ reviewed st 0.7 -TD
+# 2017-11-18
+#	+ modify old terminology entry and a few other terminal emulators to
+#	  account for xon -TD
+#	+ correct sgr string for tmux, which used screen's "standout" code
+#	  rather than the standard code (patch by Roman Kagan)
+#	+ correct sgr/sgr0 strings in a few other cases reported by tic, making
+#	  those correspond to the non-sgr settings where they differ, but
+#	  otherwise use ECMA-48 consistently:
+#	  jaixterm, aixterm, att5420_2, att4424, att500, decansi, d410-7b,
+#	  dm80, hpterm, emu-220, hp2, iTerm2.app, mterm-ansi, ncrvt100an,
+#	  st-0.7, vi603, vwmterm -TD
+# 2017-12-30
+#	+ add xterm+noalt, xterm+titlestack, xterm+alt1049, xterm+alt+title
+#	  blocks from xterm #331 -TD
+#	+ add xterm+direct, xterm+indirect, xterm-direct entries from xterm
+#	  #331 -TD
+#	+ modify xterm+256color and xterm+256setaf to use correct number of
+#	  color pairs, for ncurses 6.1 -TD
+#	+ add rs1 capability to xterm-256color -TD
+#	+ modify xterm-r5, xterm-r6 and xterm-xf86-v32 to use xterm+kbs to
+#	  match xterm #272, reflecting packager's changes -TD
+#	+ remove "boolean" Se, Ss from st-0.7 -TD
+# 2018-01-04
+#	+ add konsole-direct and st-direct -TD
+#	+ remove unsupported "Tc" capability from st-0.7; use st-direct if
+#	  direct-colors are wanted -TD
+# 2018-01-17
+#	+ add vte-direct -TD
+#	+ add XT, hpa, indn, and vpa to screen, and invis, E3 to tmux (patch by
+#	  Pierre Carru)
+# 2018-01-21
+#	+ use xterm+sm+1006 in xterm-new, vte-2014 -TD
+#	+ use xterm+x11mouse in iterm, iterm2, mlterm3 because xterm's 1006
+#	  mode does not work with those programs.  konsole is debatable -TD
+#	+ add "termite" entry (report by Markus Pfeiffer) -TD
+# 2018-01-27
+#	+ trim "XT" from screen entry -TD
+#	+ modify iterm to use xterm+sl-twm building block -TD
+#	+ mark konsole-420pc, konsole-vt100, konsole-xf3x obsolete reflecting
+#	  konsole's removal in 2008 -TD
+#	+ expanded the history section of konsole to explain its flawed
+#	  imitation of xterm's keyboard -TD
+#	+ use xterm+x11mouse in screen.* entries because screen does not yet
+#	  support xterm's 1006 mode -TD
+#	+ add nsterm-build400 for macOS 10.13 -TD
+#	+ add ansi+idc1, use that in ansi+idc adding dch for consistency -TD
+#	+ update vte to vte-2017 -TD
+#	+ add ecma+strikeout to vte-2017 -TD
+#	+ add iterm2-direct -TD
+#	+ updated teraterm, added teraterm-256color -TD
+#	+ add mlterm-direct -TD
+#	+ add descriptions for ANSI building-blocks -TD
+# 2018-02-24
+#	+ correct Ss/Ms interchange in st-0.7 entry (tmux #1264) -TD
+#	+ fix remaining flash capabilities with trailing mandatory delays -TD
+# 2018-03-17
+#	+ trim some redundant capabilities from st-0.7 -TD
+#	+ trim unnecessary setf/setb from interix -TD
+# 2018-05-19
+#	+ trim spurious whitespace from tmux in 2018-02-24 changes;
+#	  fix some inconsistencies in/between tmux- and iterm2-entries for SGR
+#	  (report by C Anthony Risinger)
+#	+ improve iterm2 using some xterm features which it has adapted -TD
+# 2018-06-30
+#	+ add acsc string to vi200 (Nibby Nebbulous)
+#	  add right/down-arrow to vi200's acsc -TD
+# 2018-07-21
+#	+ corrected acsc for wy50 -TD
+#	+ add wy50 and wy60 shifted function-keys as kF1 to kF16 -TD
+#	+ remove ansi+rep mis-added to interix in 2018-02-23 -TD
+# 2018-07-28
+#	+ fix typo in tvi955 -TD
+#	+ corrected acsc for regent60 -TD
+#	+ add alias n7900 -TD
+# 2018-09-29
+#	+ corrected acsc for tvi950 -TD
+#	+ remove bogus kf0 from tvi950 -TD
+#	+ added function-key definitions to agree with Televideo 950 manual -TD
+#	+ add bel to tvi950 -TD
+#	+ add shifted function-keys to regent60 -TD
+#	+ renumber regent40 function-keys to match manual -TD
+#	+ add cd (clr_eos) to adds200 -TD
+# 2018-10-27
+#	+ add OpenGL clients alacritty and kitty -TD
+#	+ add Smulx for tmux, vte-2018 -Nicholas Marriott
+# 2018-12-15
+#	+ fix a typo in comments (Aaron Gyes).
+#	+ add nsterm-build309 to replace nsterm-256color, assigning the latter
+#	  as an alias of nsterm, to make mouse work with nsterm-256color -TD
+#	+ base gnome-256color entry on "gnome", not "vte", for consistency -TD
+# 2019-01-12
+#	+ add nsterm-direct -TD
+#	+ use SGR 1006 mouse for konsole-base -TD
+#	+ use SGR 1006 mouse for putty -TD
+#	+ add ti703/ti707, ti703-w/ti707-w (Robert Clausecker)
+# 2019-02-23
+#	+ fix typo in adds200 -TD
+# 2019-03-30
+#	+ add "screen5", to mention italics (report by Stefan Assmann)
+#	+ modify description of xterm+x11hilite to eliminate unused p5 -TD
+# 2019-05-18
+#	+ update xterm-new to xterm patch #345 -TD
+#	+ add/use xterm+keypad in xterm-new (report by Alain D D Williams) -TD
+#	+ update terminator entry -TD
+#	+ remove hard-tabs from ti703 (report by Robert Clausecker)
+#	+ add Smol/Rmol for tmux, vte-2018 -Nicholas Marriott
+# 2019-06-01
+#	+ add rs1 to konsole, mlterm -TD
+# 2019-06-08
+#	+ add mintty, mintty-direct (Thomas Wolff)
+# 2019-06-09
+#	+ comment-out some user-defined capabilities in mintty+common to allow
+#	  builds with existing releases 5.9-6.1 -TD
+# 2019-06-30
+#	+ add ms-terminal -TD
+#	+ add vscode, vscode-direct -TD
+#	+ use ecma+index in screen, st -TD
+# 2019-07-06
+#	+ add domterm -TD
+#	+ improve comments for recent changes, add alias xterm.js -TD
+# 2019-08-03
+#	+ amend the change to screen, because tmux relies upon that entry
+#	  and does not support that feature (Debian #933572) -TD
+#	+ updated ms-terminal entry & notes -TD
+#	+ updated kitty entry & notes -TD
+#	+ updated alacritty+common entry & notes -TD
+#	+ use xterm+sl-twm for consistency -TD
+# 2019-09-22
+#	+ correct a comment -TD
+# 2019-10-26
+#	+ modify linux-16color to accommodate Linux console driver change in
+#	  early 2018 (report by Dino Petrucci).
+# 2019-11-02
+#	+ add "xterm-mono" to help packagers (report by Sven Joachim) -TD
+# 2019-11-09
+#	+ drop ich1 from rxvt-basic, Eterm and mlterm to improve compatibility
+#	  with old non-curses programs -TD
+#	+ reviewed st 0.8.2, updated some details -TD
+#	+ use ansi+rep several places -TD
+# 2020-01-12
+#	+ update alacritty entries for 0.4.0 (prompted by patch by
+#	  Christian Duerr) -TD
+# 2020-01-18
+#	+ spelling fixes per codespell -TD
+#	+ improve xm example for xterm+x11mouse, xterm+sm+1006 -TD
+# 2020-02-22
+#	+ improve vt50h and vt52 based on DECScope manual -TD
+#	+ add/use vt52+keypad and vt52-basic -TD
+# 2020-04-18
+#	+ use vt52+keypad in xterm-vt52, from xterm #354 -TD
+# 2020-04-25
+#	+ use vt100+fnkeys in putty -TD
+# 2020-05-02
+#	+ add details on the change to Linux SGR 21 in 2018 -TD
+#	+ add xterm-direct16 and xterm-direct256 -TD
+# 2020-05-03
+#	+ fix some dead URLs -TD
+# 2020-05-16
+#	+ update notes on vscode / xterm.js -TD
+# 2020-05-30
+#	+ re-enable "bel" in konsole-base (report by Nia Huang)
+#	+ add linux-s entry (patch by Alexandre Montaron).
+# 2020-06-06
+#	+ add xterm+256color2, xterm+88color2, to deprecate nonstandard usage
+#	  in xterm+256color, xterm+88color -TD
+#	+ add shifted Linux console keys in linux+sfkeys entry for
+#	  screen.linux (report by Alexandre Montaron).
+#	+ use vt100+enq in screen (report by Alexandre Montaron).
+#	+ add screen.linux-s alias (suggested by Alexandre Montaron).
+# 2020-07-11
+#	+ fix pound-sign mapping in acsc of linux2.6 entry (report by Ingo
+#	  Bruckl).
+# 2020-08-28
+#	+ correct icl6404 csr (report by Florian Weimer).
+#	+ correct ti916 cup (report by Florian Weimer).
+#	+ improve ndr9500 (report by Florian Weimer).
+# 2020-09-05
+#	+ correct description of vt330/vt340 (Ross Combs).
+# 2020-09-19
+#	+ update mlterm3 for 3.9.0 (report by Premysl Eric Janouch).
+# 2020-09-29
+#	+ add tmux-direct (tmux #2370)
+#	+ simplify mlterm initialization with DECSTR -TD
+#	+ change tmux's kbs to ^? (report by Premysl Eric Janouch)
+# 2020-10-10
+#	+ correct sgr in aaa+rv (report by Florian Weimer) -TD
+#	+ fix some sgr inconsistencies in d230c, ibm6153, ibm6154,
+#	  ncrvt100an -TD
+# 2020-10-17
+#	+ expanded notes about tek4107 -TD
+# 2020-11-07
+#	+ update kitty+common -TD
+#	+ add putty+screen and putty-screen (suggested by Alexandre Montaron).
+# 2020-11-28
+#	+ add Smulx to alacritty (Christian Duerr).
+#	+ add rep to PuTTY -TD
+#	+ add putty+keypad -TD
+# 2020-12-05
+#	+ correct mlterm3 kf1-kf4 (Debian #975322) -TD
+#	+ add flash to mlterm3 -TD
Index: radix-system/etc/termcap-BSD
--- radix-system/etc/termcap-BSD	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/termcap-BSD	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,16470 @@
+#	Version 11.0.1
+#	$Date: 2000/03/02 15:51:11 $
+#	termcap syntax
+#	Eric S. Raymond		(current maintainer)
+#	John Kunze, Berkeley
+#	Craig Leres, Berkeley
+# Please e-mail changes to terminfo@thyrsus.com; the old termcap@berkeley.edu
+# address is no longer valid.  The latest version can always be found at
+# <http://www.tuxedo.org/terminfo>.
+# This file describes the capabilities of various character-cell terminals,
+# as needed by software such as screen-oriented editors.
+# Other terminfo and termcap files exist, supported by various OS vendors
+# or as relics of various older versions of UNIX.  This one is the longest
+# and most comprehensive one in existence.  It subsumes not only the entirety
+# of the historical 4.4BSD, GNU, System V and SCO termcap files and the BRL
+# termcap file, but also large numbers of vendor-maintained termcap and
+# terminfo entries more complete and carefully tested than those in historical
+# termcap/terminfo versions.
+# Pointers to related resources (including the ncurses distribution) may
+# be found at <http://www.tuxedo.org/terminfo>.
+# This file uses only the US-ASCII character set (no ISO8859 characters).
+# This file assumes a US-ASCII character set. If you need to fix this, start
+# by global-replacing \E(B and \E)B with the appropriate ISO 6429 enablers
+# for your character set.  \E(A and \E)A enables the British character set
+# with the pound sign at position 2/3.  
+# In a Japanese-processing environment using EUC/Japanese or Shift-JIS,
+# C1 characters are considered the first-byte set of the Japanese encodings,
+# so \E)0 should be avoided in <enacs> and initialization strings.
+# The version you are looking at may be in any of three formats: master
+# (terminfo with OT capabilities), stock terminfo, or termcap.  You can tell
+# which by the format given in the header above.
+# The master format is accepted and generated by the terminfo tools in the
+# ncurses suite; it differs from stock (System V-compatible) terminfo only
+# in that it admits a group of capabilities (prefixed `OT') equivalent to
+# various obsolete termcap capabilities.  You can, thus, convert from master
+# to stock terminfo simply by filtering with `sed "/OT[^,]*,/s///"'; but if
+# you have ncurses `tic -I' is nicer (among other things, it automatically
+# outputs entries in a canonical form).
+# The termcap version is generated automatically from the master version
+# using tic -C.  This filtering leaves in the OT capabilities under their
+# original termcap names.  All translated entries fit within the 1023-byte
+# string-table limit of archaic termcap libraries except where explicitly
+# noted below.  Note that the termcap translation assumes that your termcap
+# library can handle multiple tc capabilities in an entry. 4.4BSD has this
+# capability.  Older versions of GNU termcap, through 1.3, do not. 
+# For details on these formats, see terminfo(5) in the ncurses distribution,
+# and termcap(5) in the 4.4BSD Unix Programmer's Manual.  Be aware that 4.4BSD
+# curses has been declared obsolete by the caretakers of the 4.4BSD sources
+# as of June 1995; they are encouraging everyone to migrate to ncurses.
+# Note: unlike some other distributed terminfo files (Novell Unix & SCO's),
+# no entry in this file has embedded comments.  This is so source translation
+# to termcap only has to carry over leading comments.  Also, no name field
+# contains embedded whitespace (such whitespace confuses rdist).
+# Further note: older versions of this file were often installed with an editor
+# script (reorder) that moved the most common terminal types to the front of
+# the file.  This should no longer be necessary, as the file is now ordered
+# roughly by type frequency with ANSI/VT100 and other common types up front.
+# Some information has been merged in from terminfo files distributed by
+# USL and SCO (see COPYRIGHTS AND OTHER DELUSIONS below).  Much information
+# comes from vendors who maintain official terminfos for their hardware
+# (notably DEC and Wyse).
+# A detailed change history is included at the end of this file.
+# Comments in this file begin with # - they cannot appear in the middle
+# of a terminfo/termcap entry (this feature had to be sacrificed in order
+# to allow standard terminfo and termcap syntax to be generated cleanly from
+# the master format).  Individual capabilities are commented out by
+# placing a period between the colon and the capability name.
+# The file is divided up into major sections (headed by lines beginning with 
+# the string "########") and minor sections (beginning with "####"); do
+#	grep "^####" <file> | more
+# to see a listing of section headings.  The intent of the divisions is
+# (a) to make it easier to find things, and (b) to order the database so
+# that important and frequently-encountered terminal types are near the
+# front (so that you'll get reasonable search efficiency from a linear
+# search of the termcap form even if you don't use reorder).  Minor sections
+# usually correspond to manufacturers or standard terminal classes. 
+# Parenthesized words following manufacturer names are type prefixes or
+# product line names used by that manufacturers.
+# The first name in an entry is the canonical name for the model or
+# type, last entry is a verbose description.  Others are mnemonic synonyms for
+# the terminal.
+# Terminal names look like <manufacturer> <model> - <modes/options>
+# The part to the left of the dash, if a dash is present, describes the
+# particular hardware of the terminal.  The part to the right may be used
+# for flags indicating special ROMs, extra memory, particular terminal modes,
+# or user preferences.
+# All names should be in lower case, for consistency in typing.
+# The following are conventionally used suffixes:
+#	-2p	Has two pages of memory.  Likewise 4p, 8p, etc.
+#	-am	Enable auto-margin.
+#	-m	Monochrome.  Suppress color support
+#	-mc	Magic-cookie.  Some terminals (notably older Wyses) can
+#		only support one attribute without magic-cookie lossage.
+#		Their base entry is usually paired with another that
+#		uses magic cookies to support multiple attributes.
+#	-nam	No auto-margin - suppress :am: capability
+#	-nl	No labels - suppress soft labels
+#	-ns	No status line - suppress status line
+#	-rv	Terminal in reverse video mode (black on white)
+#	-s	Enable status line.
+#	-vb	Use visible bell (:vb:) rather than :bl:.
+#	-w	Wide - in 132 column mode.
+# If a name has multiple suffixes and one is a line height, that one should 
+# go first.  Thus `aaa-30-s-rv' is recommended over `aaa-s-rv-30'.  
+# Entries with embedded plus signs are designed to be included through use/tc
+# capabilities, not used as standalone entries. 
+# To avoid search clashes, some older all-numeric names for terminals have
+# been removed (i.e., "33" for the Model 33 Teletype, "2621" for the HP2621).
+# All primary names of terminals now have alphanumeric prefixes.
+# Comments marked "esr" are mostly results of applying the termcap-compiler
+# code packaged with ncurses and contemplating the resulting error messages. 
+# In many cases, these indicated obvious fixes to syntax garbled by the
+# composers.  In a few cases, I was able to deduce corrected forms for garbled
+# capabilities by looking at context.  All the information in the original
+# entries is preserved in the comments.
+# In the comments, terminfo capability names are bracketed with <> (angle
+# brackets).  Termcap capability names are bracketed with :: (colons).
+# The System V Release 4 and XPG4 terminfo format defines ten string
+# capabilities for use by applications, <u0>...<u9>.   In this file, we use
+# certain of these capabilities to describe functions which are not covered
+# by terminfo.  The mapping is as follows:
+#	u9	terminal enquire string (equiv. to ANSI/ECMA-48 DA)
+#	u8	terminal answerback description
+#	u7	cursor position request (equiv. to VT100/ANSI/ECMA-48 DSR 6)
+#	u6	cursor position report (equiv. to ANSI/ECMA-48 CPR)
+# The terminal enquire string <u9> should elicit an answerback response
+# from the terminal.  Common values for <u9> will be ^E (on older ASCII
+# terminals) or \E[c (on newer VT100/ANSI/ECMA-48-compatible terminals).
+# The cursor position request (<u7>) string should elicit a cursor position
+# report.  A typical value (for VT100 terminals) is \E[6n.
+# The terminal answerback description (u8) must consist of an expected
+# answerback string.  The string may contain the following scanf(3)-like
+# escapes:
+#	%c	Accept any character
+#	%[...]	Accept any number of characters in the given set
+# The cursor position report (<u6>) string must contain two scanf(3)-style 
+# %d format elements.  The first of these must correspond to the Y coordinate
+# and the second to the %d.  If the string contains the sequence %i, it is
+# taken as an instruction to decrement each value after reading it (this is
+# the inverse sense from the cup string).  The typical CPR value is
+# \E[%i%d;%dR (on VT100/ANSI/ECMA-48-compatible terminals).
+# These capabilities are used by tac(1m), the terminfo action checker
+# (distributed with ncurses 5.0).
+# All the entries in this file have been edited to assume that the tabset
+# files directory is /usr/share/tabset, in conformance with the File Hierarchy
+# Standard for Linux and open-source BSD systems.  Some vendors (notably Sun)
+# use /usr/lib/tabset or (more recently) /usr/share/lib/tabset.  
+# No curses package we know of actually uses these files.  If their location
+# is an issue, you will have to hand-patch the file locations before compiling
+# this file.
+# As the ANSI/ECMA-48 standard and variants take firmer hold, and as
+# character-cell terminals are increasingly replaced by X displays, much of
+# this file is becoming a historical document (this is part of the reason for
+# the new organization, which puts ANSI types, xterm, Unix consoles,
+# and vt100 up front in confidence that this will catch 95% of new hardware).
+# For the terminal types still alive, I'd like to have manufacturer's
+# contact data (Internet address and/or snail-mail + phone).
+# I'm also interested in enriching the comments so that the latter portions of
+# the file do in fact become a potted history of VDT technology as seen by
+# UNIX hackers.  Ideally, I'd like the headers for each manufacturer to
+# include its live/dead/out-of-the-business status, and for as many
+# terminal types as possible to be tagged with information like years
+# of heaviest use, popularity, and interesting features.
+# I'm especially interested in identifying the obscure entries listed under
+# `Miscellaneous obsolete terminals, manufacturers unknown' before the tribal
+# wisdom about them gets lost.  If you know a lot about obscure old terminals,
+# please go to the terminfo resource page, grab the UFO file (ufo.ti), and 
+# eyeball it for things you can identify and describe. 
+# If you have been around long enough to contribute, please read the file
+# with this in mind and send me your annotations.
+# The BSD ancestor of this file had a standard Regents of the University of
+# California copyright with dates from 1980 to 1993.
+# Some information has been merged in from a terminfo file SCO distributes.
+# It has an obnoxious boilerplate copyright which I'm ignoring because they 
+# took so much of the content from the ancestral BSD versions of this file
+# and didn't attribute it, thereby violating the BSD Regents' copyright.
+# Not that anyone should care.  However many valid functions copyrights may
+# serve, putting one on a termcap/terminfo file with hundreds of anonymous
+# contributors makes about as much sense as copyrighting a wall-full of
+# graffiti -- it's legally dubious, ethically bogus, and patently ridiculous.
+# This file deliberately has no copyright.  It belongs to no one and everyone.
+# If you claim you own it, you will merely succeed in looking like a fool. 
+# Use it as you like.  Use it at your own risk.  Copy and redistribute freely.
+# There are no guarantees anywhere.  Svaha!
+# This section describes terminal classes and brands that are still
+# quite common.
+#### Specials
+# Special "terminals".  These are used to label tty lines when you don't
+# know what kind of terminal is on it.  The characteristics of an unknown
+# terminal are the lowest common denominator - they look about like a ti 700.
+dumb|80-column dumb tty:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=^M:do=^J:sf=^J:
+unknown|unknown terminal type:\
+	:gn:tc=dumb:
+lpr|printer|line printer:\
+	:bs:hc:os:\
+	:co#132:li#66:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=^M:do=^J:ff=^L:le=^H:sf=^J:
+glasstty|classic glass tty interpreting ASCII control characters:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=^L:cr=^M:do=^J:kd=^J:kl=^H:le=^H:nw=^M^J:ta=^I:
+	:bs:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=^M:do=^J:sf=^J:
+#### ANSI.SYS/ISO 6429/ECMA-48 Capabilities
+# See the end-of-file comment for more on these.
+# ANSI capabilities are broken up into pieces, so that a terminal
+# implementing some ANSI subset can use many of them.
+	:do=\E[B:le=\E[D:nd=\E[C:up=\E[A:
+	:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:tc=ansi+local1:
+	:bt=\E[Z:ct=\E[2g:st=\EH:ta=^I:
+	:it#8:tc=ansi+tabs:
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:
+	:ch=\E[%+^AG:cv=\E[%+^Ad:
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:ho=\E[H:
+	:..rp=%p1%c\E[%p2%{1}%-%db:
+	:al=\E[L:dl=\E[M:
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DL=\E[%dM:tc=ansi+idl1:
+	:IC=\E[%d@:dc=\E[P:ei=\E6:ic=\E[@:im=\E6:
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:
+ansi+sgr|ansi graphic renditions:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:me=\E[0m:mk=\E[8m:mr=\E[7m:
+ansi+sgrso|ansi standout only:\
+	:se=\E[m:so=\E[7m:
+ansi+sgrul|ansi underline only:\
+	:ue=\E[m:us=\E[4m:
+ansi+sgrbold|ansi graphic renditions; assuming terminal has bold; not dim:\
+	:md=\E[1m:\
+	:..sa=\E[%?%p1%t7;%;%?%p2%t4;%;%?%p3%t7;%;%?%p4%t5;%;%?%p6%t1;%;m:tc=ansi+sgr:tc=ansi+sgrso:tc=ansi+sgrul:
+ansi+sgrdim|ansi graphic renditions; assuming terminal has dim; not bold:\
+	:mh=\E[2m:\
+	:..sa=\E[%?%p1%t7;%;%?%p2%t4;%;%?%p3%t7;%;%?%p4%t5;%;%?%p5%t2;%;m:tc=ansi+sgr:tc=ansi+sgrso:tc=ansi+sgrul:
+ansi+pp|ansi printer port:\
+	:pf=\E[4i:po=\E[5i:ps=\E[0i:
+ansi+csr|ansi scroll-region plus cursor save & restore:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:
+# The IBM PC alternate character set.  Plug this into any Intel console entry.
+# We use \E[11m for rmacs rather than \E[12m so the <acsc> string can use the
+# ROM graphics for control characters such as the diamond, up- and down-arrow.
+# This works with the System V, Linux, and BSDI consoles.  It's a safe bet this
+# will work with any Intel console, they all seem to have inherited \E[11m
+# from the ANSI.SYS de-facto standard.
+klone+acs|alternate character set for ansi.sys displays:\
+	:ac=+\020\054\021-\030.^Y0\333`\004a\261f\370g\361h\260j\331k\277l\332m\300n\305o~p\304q\304r\304s_t\303u\264v\301w\302x\263y\363z\362{\343|\330}\234~\376:\
+	:ae=\E[10m:as=\E[11m:
+# Highlight controls corresponding to the ANSI.SYS standard.  Most 
+# console drivers for Intel boxes obey these.  Makes the same assumption
+# about \E[11m as klone+acs.  True ANSI/ECMA-48 would have :se=\E[27m:,
+# :ue=\E[24m:, but this isn't a documented feature of ANSI.SYS.
+klone+sgr|attribute control for ansi.sys displays:\
+	:S2=\E[11m:S3=\E[10m:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0;10m:\
+	:mk=\E[8m:mr=\E[7m:\
+	:..sa=\E[0;10%?%p1%t;7%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p3%t;7%;%?%p4%t;5%;%?%p6%t;1%;%?%p7%t;8%;%?%p9%t;11%;m:\
+	:se=\E[m:so=\E[7m:ue=\E[m:us=\E[4m:\
+	:tc=klone+acs:
+# Highlight controls corresponding to the ANSI.SYS standard.  *All*
+# console drivers for Intel boxes obey these.  Does not assume \E[11m will
+# work; uses \E[12m instead, which is pretty bulletproof but loses you the ACS
+# diamond and arrow characters under curses.
+klone+sgr-dumb|attribute control for ansi.sys displays (no ESC [ 11 m):\
+	:as=\E[12m:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0;10m:mk=\E[8m:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:\
+	:..sa=\E[0;10%?%p1%t;7%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p3%t;7%;%?%p4%t;5%;%?%p6%t;1%;%?%p7%t;8%;%?%p9%t;12%;m:\
+	:se=\E[m:so=\E[7m:ue=\E[m:us=\E[4m:\
+	:tc=klone+acs:
+# KOI8-R (RFC1489) acs (alternate character set)
+# From: Qing Long <qinglong@Bolizm.ihep.su>, 24 Feb 1996.
+klone+koi8acs|alternate character set for ansi.sys displays with KOI8 charset:\
+	:ac=+\020\054\021-\036.^_0\215`\004a\237f\234g\232h\222i\220j\205k\203l\202m\204n\212o\213p\216q\0r\217s\214t\206u\207v\210w\211x\201y\230z\231{\267|\274}L~\225:\
+	:ae=\E[10m:as=\E[11m:
+# ANSI.SYS color control.  The setab/setaf caps depend on the coincidence
+# between SVr4/XPG4's color numbers and ANSI.SYS attributes.  Here are longer
+# but equivalent strings that don't rely on that coincidence:
+# setb=\E[4%?%p1%{1}%=%t4%e%p1%{3}%=%t6%e%p1%{4}%=%t1%e%p1%{6}%=%t3%e%p1%d%;m,
+# setf=\E[3%?%p1%{1}%=%t4%e%p1%{3}%=%t6%e%p1%{4}%=%t1%e%p1%{6}%=%t3%e%p1%d%;m,
+# The DOS 5 manual asserts that these sequences meet the ISO 6429 standard.
+# They match a subset of ECMA-48.
+klone+color|color control for ansi.sys and ISO6429-compatible displays:\
+	:Co#8:NC#3:pa#64:\
+	:AB=\E[4%p1%dm:AF=\E[3%p1%dm:op=\E[37;40m:
+# This is better than klone+color, it doesn't assume white-on-black as the
+# default color pair,  but many `ANSI' terminals don't grok the <op> cap.
+ecma+color|color control for ECMA-48-compatible terminals:\
+	:Co#8:NC#3:pa#64:\
+	:AB=\E[4%p1%dm:AF=\E[3%p1%dm:op=\E[39;49m:
+# Attribute control for ECMA-48-compatible terminals
+ecma+sgr|attribute capabilities for true ECMA-48 terminals:\
+	:se=\E[27m:ue=\E[24m:\
+	:tc=klone+sgr:
+# For comparison, here are all the capabilities implied by the Intel
+# Binary Compatibility Standard (level 2) that fit within terminfo.
+# For more detail on this rather pathetic standard, see the comments
+# near the end of this file.
+ibcs2|Intel Binary Compatibility Standard prescriptions:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:S1=\E=%p1%dg:SA=\E[?7h:SF=\E[%dS:\
+	:SR=\E[%dT:UP=\E[%dA:bt=\E[Z:ch=\E[%i%dG:cl=\Ec:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:ct=\E[g:cv=\E[%i%dd:ec=\E[%dX:ei=:im=:\
+	:rc=\E7:sc=\E7:st=\EH:
+#### ANSI/ECMA-48 terminals and terminal emulators
+# See near the end of this file for details on ANSI conformance.
+# Don't mess with these entries!  Lots of other entries depend on them!
+# This section lists entries in a least-capable to most-capable order.
+# if you're in doubt about what `ANSI' matches yours, try them in that
+# order and back off from the first that breaks.
+# ansi-mr is for ANSI terminals with ONLY relative cursor addressing
+# and more than one page of memory.  It uses local motions instead of
+# direct cursor addressing, and makes almost no assumptions. It does
+# assume auto margins, no padding and/or xon/xoff, and a 24x80 screen.
+ansi-mr|mem rel cup ansi:\
+	:am:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:tc=vanilla:tc=ansi+erase:tc=ansi+local1:
+# ansi-mini is a bare minimum ANSI terminal. This should work on anything, but 
+# beware of screen size problems and memory relative cursor addressing.
+ansi-mini|minimum ansi standard terminal:\
+	:am:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:tc=vanilla:tc=ansi+cup:tc=ansi+erase:
+# ansi-mtabs adds relative addressing and minimal tab support 
+ansi-mtabs|any ansi terminal with pessimistic assumptions:\
+	:it#8:\
+	:ta=^I:tc=ansi+local1:tc=ansi-mini:
+# ANSI X3.64 from emory!mlhhh (Hugh Hansard) via BRL
+# The following is an entry for the full ANSI 3.64 (1977).  It lacks
+# padding, but most terminals using the standard are "fast" enough
+# not to require any -- even at 9600 bps.  If you encounter problems,
+# try including the padding specifications.
+# Note: the :as: and :ae: specifications are not implemented here, for
+# the available termcap documentation does not make clear WHICH alternate
+# character set to specify.  ANSI 3.64 seems to make allowances for several.
+# Please make the appropriate adjustments to fit your needs -- that is
+# if you will be using alternate character sets.
+# There are very few terminals running the full ANSI 3.64 standard,
+# so I could only test this entry on one verified terminal (Visual 102).
+# I would appreciate the results on other terminals sent to me.
+# Please report comments, changes, and problems to:
+# U.S. MAIL:   Hugh Hansard
+#              Box: 22830
+#              Emory University
+#              Atlanta, GA. 30322.
+# USENET {akgua,msdc,sb1,sb6,gatech}!emory!mlhhh.
+# (Added vt100 :rc:,:sc: to quiet a tic warning --esr)
+ansi77|ansi 3.64 standard 1977 version:\
+	:am:bs:mi:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=5*\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[;H\E[2J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dc=\E[P:dl=5*\E[M:\
+	:do=\E[B:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOR:k4=\EOS:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:\
+	:nd=\E[C:nw=^M\ED:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:\
+	:sr=\EM:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+# Procomm and some other ANSI emulations don't recognize all of the ANSI-
+# standard capabilities.  This entry deletes :UP:, :RI:, :DO:, :LE:, and 
+# <vpa>/<hpa> capabilities, forcing curses to use repetitions of :up:, 
+# :nd:, :do: and :le:.  Also deleted :IC: and :ic:, as QModem up to 
+# 5.03 doesn't recognize these.  Finally, we delete :rp: and :sr:, which seem
+# to confuse many emulators.  On the other hand, we can count on these programs
+# doing :ae:/:as:/:sa:. Older versions of this entry featured 
+# <invis=\E[9m>, but <invis=\E[8m> now seems to be more common under
+# ANSI.SYS influence.
+# From: Eric S. Raymond <esr@snark.thyrsus.com> Oct 30 1995
+pcansi-m|pcansi-mono|ibm-pc terminal programs claiming to be ansi (mono mode):\
+	:am:bs:mi:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=\E[L:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:ct=\E[2g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:\
+	:ho=\E[H:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:\
+	:le=\E[D:nd=\E[C:sf=^J:st=\EH:ta=^I:up=\E[A:\
+	:tc=klone+sgr-dumb:
+pcansi-25-m|pcansi25m|ibm-pc terminal programs with 25 lines (mono mode):\
+	:li#25:tc=pcansi-m:
+pcansi-33-m|pcansi33m|ibm-pc terminal programs with 33 lines (mono mode):\
+	:li#33:tc=pcansi-m:
+pcansi-43-m|ansi43m|ibm-pc terminal programs with 43 lines (mono mode):\
+	:li#43:tc=pcansi-m:
+# The color versions.  All PC emulators do color...
+pcansi|ibm-pc terminal programs claiming to be ansi:\
+	:tc=klone+color:tc=pcansi-m:
+pcansi-25|pcansi25|ibm-pc terminal programs with 25 lines:\
+	:li#25:tc=pcansi:
+pcansi-33|pcansi33|ibm-pc terminal programs with 33 lines:\
+	:li#33:tc=pcansi:
+pcansi-43|pcansi43|ibm-pc terminal programs with 43 lines:\
+	:li#43:tc=pcansi:
+# ansi-m -- full ANSI X3.64 with ANSI.SYS-compatible attributes, no color.
+# If you want pound signs rather than dollars, replace `B' with `A'
+# in the <s0ds>, <s1ds>, <s2ds>, and <s3ds> capabilities.
+# From: Eric S. Raymond <esr@snark.thyrsus.com> Nov 6 1995
+ansi-m|ansi-mono|ANSI X3.64-1979 terminal with ANSI.SYS compatible attributes:\
+	:5i:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:SF=\E[%dS:SR=\E[%dT:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:cb=\E[1K:ch=\E[%i%dG:ct=\E[2g:cv=\E[%i%dd:ec=\E[%dX:ei=:\
+	:im=:kB=\E[Z:kI=\E[L:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:\
+	:nw=\r\E[S:pf=\E[4i:po=\E[5i:..rp=%p1%c\E[%p2%{1}%-%db:\
+	:s0=\E(B:s1=\E)B:s2=\E*B:s3=\E+B:ta=\E[I:\
+	:tc=pcansi-m:
+# ansi -- this terminfo expresses the largest subset of X3.64 that will fit in
+# standard terminfo.  Assumes ANSI.SYS-compatible attributes and color.
+# From: Eric S. Raymond <esr@snark.thyrsus.com> Nov 6 1995
+ansi|ansi/pc-term compatible with color:\
+	:u6=\E[%i%d;%dR:u7=\E[6n:..u8=\E[?%[;0123456789]c:\
+	:u9=\E[c:\
+	:tc=ecma+color:tc=klone+sgr:tc=ansi-m:
+# ansi-generic is a vanilla ANSI terminal. This is assumed to implement 
+# all the normal ANSI stuff with no extensions. It assumes 
+# insert/delete line/char is there, so it won't work with 
+# vt100 clones. It assumes video attributes for bold, blink, 
+# underline, and reverse, which won't matter much if the terminal 
+# can't do some of those. Padding is assumed to be zero, which 
+# shouldn't hurt since xon/xoff is assumed.
+ansi-generic|generic ansi standard terminal:\
+	:am:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:tc=vanilla:tc=ansi+csr:tc=ansi+cup:\
+	:tc=ansi+rca:tc=ansi+erase:tc=ansi+tabs:tc=ansi+local:\
+	:tc=ansi+idc:tc=ansi+idl:tc=ansi+rep:tc=ansi+sgrbold:\
+	:tc=ansi+arrows:
+#### Linux consoles
+# This entry is good for the 1.2.13 or later version of the Linux console.
+# ***************************************************************************
+# *                                                                         *
+# *                           WARNING:                                      *
+# * Linuxes come with a default keyboard mapping kcbt=^I.  This entry, in   *
+# * response to user requests, assumes kcbt=\E[Z, the ANSI/ECMA reverse-tab *
+# * character. Here are the keymap replacement lines that will set this up: *
+# *                                                                         *
+#	keycode  15 = Tab             Tab
+#		alt     keycode  15 = Meta_Tab
+#		shift	keycode  15 = F26
+#	string F26 ="\033[Z"
+# *                                                                         *
+# * This has to use a key slot which is unfortunate (any unused one will    *
+# * do, F26 is the higher-numbered one).  The change ought to be built      *
+# * into the kernel tables.                                                 *
+# *                                                                         *
+# ***************************************************************************
+# The 1.3.x kernels add color-change capabilities; if yours doesn't have this
+# and it matters, turn off <ccc>.  The %02x escape used to implement this is
+# not back-portable to SV curses and not supported in ncurses versions before
+# 1.9.9. All linux kernels since 1.2.13 (at least) set the screen size
+# themselves; this entry assumes that capability.
+# This entry is good for the 1.2.13 or later version of the Linux console.
+# ***************************************************************************
+# *                                                                         *
+# *                           WARNING:                                      *
+# * Linuxes come with a default keyboard mapping kcbt=^I.  This entry, in   *
+# * response to user requests, assumes kcbt=\E[Z, the ANSI/ECMA reverse-tab *
+# * character. Here are the keymap replacement lines that will set this up: *
+# *                                                                         *
+#	keycode  15 = Tab             Tab
+#		alt     keycode  15 = Meta_Tab
+#		shift	keycode  15 = F26
+#	string F26 ="\033[Z"
+# *                                                                         *
+# * This has to use a key slot which is unfortunate (any unused one will    *
+# * do, F26 is the higher-numbered one).  The change ought to be built      *
+# * into the kernel tables.                                                 *
+# *                                                                         *
+# ***************************************************************************
+# The 1.3.x kernels add color-change capabilities; if yours doesn't have this
+# and it matters, turn off <ccc>.  The %02x escape used to implement this is
+# not back-portable to SV curses and not supported in ncurses versions before
+# 1.9.9. All linux kernels since 1.2.13 (at least) set the screen size
+# themselves; this entry assumes that capability.
+# The 2.2.x kernels add a private mode that sets the cursor type; use that to
+# get a block cursor for cvvis.
+# reported by Frank Heckenbach <frank@g-n-u.de>.
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+linux|linux console:\
+	:am:eo:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:it#8:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:IC=\E[%d@:K2=\E[G:al=\E[L:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ec=\E[%dX:\
+	:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=\E[4h:k1=\E[[A:k2=\E[[B:\
+	:k3=\E[[C:k4=\E[[D:k5=\E[[E:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:\
+	:k9=\E[20~:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=\177:\
+	:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[1~:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mh=\E[2m:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=^M^J:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=^J:\
+	:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:vb=200\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?25h\E[?0c:vi=\E[?25l\E[?1c:\
+	:vs=\E[?25h\E[?8c:\
+	:tc=klone+sgr:tc=ecma+color:
+linux-m|Linux console no color:\
+	:Co@:pa@:\
+	:AB@:AF@:Sb@:Sf@:tc=linux:
+linux-c-nc|linux console 1.3.x hack for ncurses only:\
+	:cc:\
+	:..Ic=\E]P%p1%x%p2%{255}%*%{1000}%/%02x%p3%{255}%*%{1000}%/%02x%p4%{255}%*%{1000}%/%02x:\
+	:oc=\E]R:\
+	:tc=linux:
+# From: Dennis Henriksen <opus@osrl.dk>, 9 July 1996
+linux-c|linux console 1.3.6+ with private palette for each virtual console:\
+	:cc:\
+	:Co#8:pa#64:\
+	:..Ic=\E]P%?%p1%{9}%>%t%p1%{10}%-%'a'%+%c%e%p1%d%;%p2%{255}%&%Pr%gr%{16}%/%Px%?%gx%{9}%>%t%gx%{10}%-%'A'%+%c%e%gx%d%;%gr%{15}%&%Px%?%gx%{9}%>%t%gx%{10}%-%'A'%+%c%e%gx%d%;%p3%{255}%&%Pr%gr%{16}%/%Px%?%gx%{9}%>%t%gx%{10}%-%'A'%+%c%e%gx%d%;%gr%{15}%&%Px%?%gx%{9}%>%t%gx%{10}%-%'A'%+%c%e%gx%d%;%p4%{255}%&%Pr%gr%{16}%/%Px%?%gx%{9}%>%t%gx%{10}%-%'A'%+%c%e%gx%d%;%gr%{15}%&%Px%?%gx%{9}%>%t%gx%{10}%-%'A'%+%c%e%gx%d%;:\
+	:oc=\E]R:\
+	:tc=linux:
+# See the note on ICH/ICH1 VERSUS RMIR/SMIR near the end of file
+linux-nic|linux with ich/ich1 suppressed for non-curses programs:\
+	:IC@:ei=:ic@:im=:\
+	:tc=linux:
+# This assumes you have used setfont(8) to load one of the Linux koi8-r fonts.
+# acsc entry from Pavel Roskin" <pavel@absolute.spb.su>, 29 Sep 1997.
+linux-koi8|linux with koi8 alternate character set:\
+	:ac=+\020\054\021-\030.^Y0\215`\004a\221f\234g\237h\220i\276j\205k\203l\202m\204n\212o~p\0q\0r\0s_t\206u\207v\211w\210x\201y\230z\231{\267|\274~\224:tc=linux:\
+	:tc=klone+koi8acs:
+# Another entry for KOI8-r with Qing Long's acsc.
+# (which one better complies with the standard?)
+linux-koi8r|linux with koi8-r alternate character set:\
+	:tc=linux:tc=klone+koi8acs:
+# Entry for the latin1 and latin2 fonts
+linux-lat|linux with latin1 or latin2 alternate character set:\
+	:ac=+\020\054\021-\030.^Y0\333`\004a\013f\370g\361h\260i\316j\211k\214l\206m\203n\305o~p\304q\212r\304s_t\207u\215v\301w\302x\205y\363z\362{\343|\330}\234~\376:\
+	:tc=linux:
+#### NetBSD consoles
+# pcvt termcap database entries (corresponding to release 3.31)
+# Author's last edit-date: [Fri Sep 15 20:29:10 1995]
+# (For the terminfo master file, I translated these into terminfo syntax.
+# Then I dropped all the pseudo-HP entries. we don't want and can't use
+# the :Xs: flag. Then I split :is: into a size-independent :i1: and a
+# size-dependent :is:.  Finally, I added <rmam>/<smam> -- esr)
+# NOTE: :ic: has been taken out of this entry. for reference, it should
+# be <ich1=\E[@>.  For discussion, see ICH/ICH1 VERSUS RMIR/SMIR below.
+# (esr: added :vi: and :ve: to resolve NetBSD Problem Report #4583)
+pcvtXX|pcvt vt200 emulator (DEC VT220):\
+	:am:km:mi:ms:xn:\
+	:it#8:vt#3:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:SF=\E[%dS:\
+	:SR=\E[%dT:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=++\054\054--..00``aaffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz~~:\
+	:ae=\E(B:al=\E[L:as=\E(0:bl=^G:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\
+	:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:\
+	:i1=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:im=\E[4h:\
+	:k1=\E[17~:k2=\E[18~:k3=\E[19~:k4=\E[20~:k5=\E[21~:\
+	:k6=\E[23~:k7=\E[24~:k8=\E[25~:kD=\E[3~:kH=\E[4~:kI=\E[2~:\
+	:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=\177:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kh=\E[1~:\
+	:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:\
+	:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:\
+	:r1=\Ec\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:rc=\E8:\
+	:rf=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\ED:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:
+#	NetBSD/FreeBSD vt220 terminal emulator console (pc keyboard & monitor)
+#	termcap entries for pure VT220-Emulation and 25, 28, 35, 40, 43 and
+#	50 lines entries; 80 columns
+pcvt25|dec vt220 emulation with 25 lines:\
+	:co#80:li#25:\
+	:is=\E[1;25r\E[25;1H:tc=pcvtXX:
+pcvt28|dec vt220 emulation with 28 lines:\
+	:co#80:li#28:\
+	:is=\E[1;28r\E[28;1H:tc=pcvtXX:
+pcvt35|dec vt220 emulation with 35 lines:\
+	:co#80:li#35:\
+	:is=\E[1;35r\E[35;1H:tc=pcvtXX:
+pcvt40|dec vt220 emulation with 40 lines:\
+	:co#80:li#40:\
+	:is=\E[1;40r\E[40;1H:tc=pcvtXX:
+pcvt43|dec vt220 emulation with 43 lines:\
+	:co#80:li#43:\
+	:is=\E[1;43r\E[43;1H:tc=pcvtXX:
+pcvt50|dec vt220 emulation with 50 lines:\
+	:co#80:li#50:\
+	:is=\E[1;50r\E[50;1H:tc=pcvtXX:
+#	NetBSD/FreeBSD vt220 terminal emulator console (pc keyboard & monitor)
+#	termcap entries for pure VT220-Emulation and 25, 28, 35, 40, 43 and
+#	50 lines entries; 132 columns
+pcvt25w|dec vt220 emulation with 25 lines and 132 cols:\
+	:co#132:li#25:\
+	:is=\E[1;25r\E[25;1H:tc=pcvtXX:
+pcvt28w|dec vt220 emulation with 28 lines and 132 cols:\
+	:co#132:li#28:\
+	:is=\E[1;28r\E[28;1H:tc=pcvtXX:
+pcvt35w|dec vt220 emulation with 35 lines and 132 cols:\
+	:co#132:li#35:\
+	:is=\E[1;35r\E[35;1H:tc=pcvtXX:
+pcvt40w|dec vt220 emulation with 40 lines and 132 cols:\
+	:co#132:li#40:\
+	:is=\E[1;40r\E[40;1H:tc=pcvtXX:
+pcvt43w|dec vt220 emulation with 43 lines and 132 cols:\
+	:co#132:li#43:\
+	:is=\E[1;43r\E[43;1H:tc=pcvtXX:
+pcvt50w|dec vt220 emulation with 50 lines and 132 cols:\
+	:co#132:li#50:\
+	:is=\E[1;50r\E[50;1H:tc=pcvtXX:
+# Terminfo entries to enable the use of the ncurses library in colour on a
+# NetBSD-arm32 console (only tested on a RiscPC).
+# Created by Dave Millen <dmill@globalnet.co.uk> 22.07.98
+# modified codes for setf/setb to setaf/setab, then to klone+color, corrected
+# typo in invis - TD
+arm100|arm100-am|Arm(RiscPC) ncurses compatible (for 640x480):\
+	:am:ms:ut:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#30:\
+	:@8=\E[M:DO=\E[%dB:K1=\E[q:K2=\E[r:K3=\E[s:K4=\E[p:K5=\E[n:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=^O:as=^N:bl=^G:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:do=^J:\
+	:eA=\E(B\E)0:ho=\E[H:k0=\E[y:k1=\E[P:k2=\E[Q:k3=\E[R:\
+	:k4=\E[S:k5=\E[t:k6=\E[u:k7=\E[v:k8=\E[l:k9=\E[w:k;=\E[x:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ks=\E[?1h\E=:\
+	:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m\017:mk=\E[8m:\
+	:mr=\E[6m:nd=\E[C:r2=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:\
+	:rc=\E8:\
+	:..sa=\E[0%?%p1%p6%|%t;1%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p1%p3%|%t;7%;%?%p4%t;5%;m%?%p9%t\016%e\017%;:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:tc=ecma+sgr:tc=klone+color:
+arm100-w|arm100-wam|Arm(RiscPC) ncurses compatible (for 1024x768):\
+	:co#132:li#50:tc=arm100:
+# NetBSD/x68k console vt200 emulator. This port runs on a 68K machine
+# manufactured by Sharp for the Japenese market.
+# From Minoura Makoto <minoura@netlaputa.or.jp>, 12 May 1996
+x68k|x68k-ite|NetBSD/x68k ITE:\
+	:co#96:li#32:\
+	:%1=\E[28~:kC=\E[9~:tc=vt220:
+# <tv@pobox.com>:
+# Entry for the DNARD OpenFirmware console, close to ANSI but not quite.
+# (still unfinished, but good enough so far.)
+	:bw:\
+	:co#80:li#30:\
+	:AL=\233%dL:DC=\233%dP:DL=\233%dM:DO=\233%dB:IC=\233%d@:\
+	:LE=\233%dD:RI=\233%dC:UP=\233%dA:al=\233L:bl=^G:cd=\233J:\
+	:ce=\233K:cl=^L:cm=\233%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:dc=\233P:dl=\233M:\
+	:do=\233B:ei=:ic=\233@:im=:k1=\2330P:k2=\2330Q:k3=\2330W:\
+	:k4=\2330x:k5=\2330t:k6=\2330u:k7=\2330q:k8=\2330r:\
+	:k9=\2330p:k;=\2330M:kD=\233P:kN=\233/:kP=\233?:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\233B:kl=\233D:kr=\233C:ku=\233A:le=\233D:mb=\2337;2m:\
+	:md=\2331m:me=\2330m:mh=\2332m:mk=\2338m:mr=\2337m:\
+	:nd=\233C:nw=^M^J:se=\2330m:sf=^J:ta=^I:ue=\2330m:up=\233A:\
+	:vb=^G:
+# NetBSD "wscons" emulator in vt220 mode
+# These are micro-minimal and probably need to be redone for real
+# after the manner of the pcvt entries.
+wsvt25|NetBSD wscons in 25 line DEC VT220 mode:\
+	:co#80:li#25:tc=vt220:
+wsvt25m|NetBSD wscons in 25 line DEC VT220 mode with Meta:\
+	:km:\
+	:co#80:li#25:tc=vt220:
+# `rasterconsole' provided by 4.4BSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD on SPARC, and 
+# DECstation/pmax.
+rcons|BSD rasterconsole:\
+	:tc=sun-il:
+# Color version of above. Color currenly only provided by NetBSD.
+rcons-color|BSD rasterconsole with ANSI color:\
+	:ut:\
+	:Co#8:pa#64:\
+	:AB=\E[4%dm:AF=\E[3%dm:op=\E[m:tc=rcons:
+#### FreeBSD console entries
+# From: Andrey Chernov <ache@astral.msk.su> 29 Mar 1996
+# Andrey Chernov maintains the FreeBSD termcap distributions.
+# Note: Users of FreeBSD 2.1.0 and older versions must either upgrade
+# or comment out the :cb: capability in the console entry.
+# Alexander Lukyanov reports:
+# I have seen FreeBSD-2.1.5R... The old el1 bug changed, but it is still there.
+# Now el1 clears not only to the line beginning, but also a large chunk
+# of previous line. But there is another bug - ech does not work at all.
+# for syscons
+# common entry without semigraphics
+# Bug: The <op> capability resets attributes.
+# Bug? The ech and el1 attributes appear to move the cursor in some cases; for
+# instance el1 does if the cursor is moved to the right margin first.  Removed
+# by T.Dickey 97/5/3 (ech=\E[%p1%dX, el1=\E[1K)
+# Setting colors turns off reverse; we cannot guarantee order, so use ncv.
+# Note that this disables standout with color.
+cons25w|ansiw|ansi80x25-raw|freebsd console (25-line raw mode):\
+	:NP:am:bw:eo:ms:ut:\
+	:Co#8:NC#21:co#80:it#8:li#25:pa#64:\
+	:@7=\E[F:AB=\E[4%p1%dm:AF=\E[3%p1%dm:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:\
+	:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:F1=\E[W:F2=\E[X:IC=\E[%d@:K2=\E[E:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:SF=\E[%dS:SR=\E[%dT:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:al=\E[L:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:ch=\E[%i%d`:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cv=\E[%i%dd:dc=\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=:k1=\E[M:k2=\E[N:\
+	:k3=\E[O:k4=\E[P:k5=\E[Q:k6=\E[R:k7=\E[S:k8=\E[T:k9=\E[U:\
+	:k;=\E[V:kB=\E[Z:kD=\177:kI=\E[L:kN=\E[G:kP=\E[I:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:\
+	:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mh=\E[30;1m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\E[E:\
+	:op=\E[x:r1=\E[x\E[m\Ec:se=\E[m:sf=\E[S:so=\E[7m:sr=\E[T:\
+	:ta=^I:up=\E[A:ve=\E[=0C:vs=\E[=1C:
+cons25|ansis|ansi80x25|freebsd console (25-line ansi mode):\
+	:ac=-\030.^Y0\333`\004a\260f\370g\361h\261i\025j\331k\277l\332m\300n\305q\304t\303u\264v\301w\302x\263y\363z\362~\371:\
+	:tc=cons25w:
+cons25-m|ansis-mono|ansi80x25-mono|freebsd console (25-line mono ansi mode):\
+	:Co@:pa@:\
+	:AB@:AF@:md@:mh@:op@:ue=\E[m:us=\E[4m:tc=cons25:
+cons30|ansi80x30|freebsd console (30-line ansi mode):\
+	:li#30:tc=cons25:
+cons30-m|ansi80x30-mono|freebsd console (30-line mono ansi mode):\
+	:li#30:tc=cons25-m:
+cons43|ansi80x43|freebsd console (43-line ansi mode):\
+	:li#43:tc=cons25:
+cons43-m|ansi80x43-mono|freebsd console (43-line mono ansi mode):\
+	:li#43:tc=cons25-m:
+cons50|ansil|ansi80x50|freebsd console (50-line ansi mode):\
+	:li#50:tc=cons25:
+cons50-m|ansil-mono|ansi80x50-mono|freebsd console (50-line mono ansi mode):\
+	:li#50:tc=cons25-m:
+cons60|ansi80x60|freebsd console (60-line ansi mode):\
+	:li#60:tc=cons25:
+cons60-m|ansi80x60-mono|freebsd console (60-line mono ansi mode):\
+	:li#60:tc=cons25-m:
+cons25r|pc3r|ibmpc3r|cons25-koi8-r|freebsd console w/koi8-r cyrillic:\
+	:ac=-\030.^Y0\215`\004a\220f\234h\221i\025j\205k\203l\202m\204n\212q\0t\206u\207v\211w\210x\201y\230z\231~\225:\
+	:tc=cons25w:
+cons25r-m|pc3r-m|ibmpc3r-mono|cons25-koi8r-m|freebsd console w/koi8-r cyrillic (mono):\
+	:Co@:pa@:\
+	:AB@:AF@:op@:ue=\E[m:us=\E[4m:tc=cons25r:
+cons50r|cons50-koi8r|freebsd console w/koi8-r cyrillic (50 lines):\
+	:li#50:tc=cons25r:
+cons50r-m|cons50-koi8r-m|freebsd console w/koi8-r cyrillic (50-line mono):\
+	:li#50:tc=cons25r-m:
+cons60r|cons60-koi8r|freebsd console w/koi8-r cyrillic (60 lines):\
+	:li#60:tc=cons25r:
+cons60r-m|cons60-koi8r-m|freebsd console w/koi8-r cyrillic (60-line mono):\
+	:li#60:tc=cons25r-m:
+# ISO 8859-1 FreeBSD console
+cons25l1|cons25-iso8859|freebsd console w/iso 8859-1 chars:\
+	:ac=+\253\054\273-\030.\031`\201a\202f\207g\210i\247j\213k\214l\215m\216n\217o\220p\221q\222r\223s\224t\225u\226v\227w\230x\231y\232z\233~\237:\
+	:tc=cons25w:
+cons25l1-m|cons25-iso-m|freebsd console w/iso 8859-1 chars (mono):\
+	:Co@:pa@:\
+	:AB@:AF@:md@:mh@:op@:ue=\E[m:us=\E[4m:tc=cons25l1:
+cons50l1|cons50-iso8859|freebsd console w/iso 8859-1 chars (50 lines):\
+	:li#50:tc=cons25l1:
+cons50l1-m|cons50-iso-m|freebsd console w/iso 8859-1 chars (50-line mono):\
+	:li#50:tc=cons25l1-m:
+cons60l1|cons60-iso|freebsd console w/iso 8859-1 chars (60 lines):\
+	:li#60:tc=cons25l1:
+cons60l1-m|cons60-iso-m|freebsd console w/iso 8859-1 chars (60-line mono):\
+	:li#60:tc=cons25l1-m:
+#### 386BSD and BSD/OS Consoles
+# This was the original 386BSD console entry (I think).  
+# Some places it's named oldpc3|oldibmpc3.
+# From: Alex R.N. Wetmore <aw2t@andrew.cmu.edu>
+origpc3|origibmpc3|IBM PC 386BSD Console:\
+	:am:bw:eo:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#25:\
+	:ac=j\331k\277l\332m\300n\305q\304t\303u\264v\301w\302x\263:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\Ec:cm=\E[%i%2;%2H:do=\E[B:ho=\E[H:\
+	:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[Y:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:md=\E[7m:\
+	:me=\E[m\E[1;0x\E[2;7x:nd=\E[C:se=\E[1;0x\E[2;7x:\
+	:sf=\E[S:so=\E[1;7x\E[2;0x:sr=\E[T:ue=\E[1;0x\E[2;7x:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[1;7x\E[2;0x:
+# description of BSD/386 console emulator in version 1.0 (supplied by BSDI)
+oldpc3|oldibmpc3|old IBM PC BSD/386 Console:\
+	:km:\
+	:li#25:\
+	:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cr=^M:dl=\E[M:do=^J:kH=\E[F:kI=\E[L:kN=\E[G:\
+	:kP=\E[I:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:\
+	:md=\E[=15F:me=\E[=R:mh=\E[=8F:nw=^M^J:sf=^J:ta=^I:
+# Description of BSD/OS console emulator in version 1.1, 2.0, 2.1
+# Note, the emulator supports many of the additional console features
+# listed in the iBCS2 (e.g. character-set selection) though not all
+# are described here.  This entry really ought to be upgraded.
+# Also note, the console will also work with fewer lines after doing
+# "stty rows NN", e.g. to use 24 lines.
+# (Color support from Kevin Rosenberg <kevin@cyberport.com>, 2 May 1996) 
+# Bug: The <op> capability resets attributes.
+bsdos-pc-nobold|BSD/OS PC console w/o bold:\
+	:am:eo:km:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:\
+	:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\Ec:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ho=\E[H:kH=\E[F:\
+	:kI=\E[L:kN=\E[G:kP=\E[I:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:nd=\E[C:nw=^M^J:rc=\E8:\
+	:..sa=\E[0;10%?%p1%t;7%;%?%p3%t;7%;%?%p4%t;5%;%?%p6%t;1%;%?%p7%t;8%;%?%p9%t;11%;m%?%p5%t\E[=8F%;:\
+	:sc=\E7:sf=^J:ta=^I:up=\E[A:\
+	:tc=klone+sgr:tc=klone+color:
+bsdos-pc|IBM PC BSD/OS Console:\
+	:..sa=\E[0;10%?%p1%t;7%;%?%p2%t;1%;%?%p3%t;7%;%?%p4%t;5%;%?%p6%t;1%;%?%p7%t;8%;%?%p9%t;11%;m:tc=bsdos-pc-nobold:
+# Old names for BSD/OS PC console used in releases before 4.1. 
+pc3|BSD/OS on the PC Console:\
+	:tc=bsdos-pc-nobold:
+ibmpc3|pc3-bold|BSD/OS on the PC Console with bold instead of underline:\
+	:tc=bsdos-pc:
+# BSD/OS on the SPARC 
+bsdos-sparc|Sun SPARC BSD/OS Console:\
+	:tc=sun:
+# BSD/OS on the PowerPC 
+bsdos-ppc|PowerPC BSD/OS Console:\
+	:tc=bsdos-pc:
+#### DEC VT100 and compatibles
+# DEC terminals from the vt100 forward are collected here. Older DEC terminals
+# and micro consoles can be found in the `obsolete' section.  More details on
+# the relationship between the VT100 and ANSI X3.64/ISO 6429/ECMA-48 may be
+# found near the end of this file.
+# Except where noted, these entries are DEC's official terminfos.
+# Contact Bill Hedberg <hedberg@hannah.enet.dec.com> of Terminal Support
+# Engineering for more information.  Updated terminfos and termcaps 
+# are kept available at ftp://gatekeeper.dec.com/pub/DEC/termcaps.
+# In October 1995 DEC sold its terminals business, including the VT and Dorio
+# line and trademark, to SunRiver Data Systems.  SunRiver has since changed
+# its name to Boundless Technologies; see http://www.boundless.com.
+# NOTE:  Any VT100 emulation, whether in hardware or software, almost
+# certainly includes what DEC called the `Level 1 editing extension' codes;
+# only the very oldest VT100s lacked these and there probably aren't any of
+# those left alive.  To capture these, use one of the VT102 entries.
+# Note that the :xn: glitch in vt100 is not quite the same as on the Concept,
+# since the cursor is left in a different position while in the
+# weird state (concept at beginning of next line, vt100 at end
+# of this line) so all versions of vi before 3.7 don't handle
+# :xn: right on vt100. The correct way to handle :xn: is when
+# you output the char in column 80, immediately output CR LF
+# and then assume you are in column 1 of the next line. If :xn:
+# is on, am should be on too.
+# I assume you have smooth scroll off or are at a slow enough baud
+# rate that it doesn't matter (1200? or less). Also this assumes
+# that you set auto-nl to "on", if you set it off use vt100-nam 
+# below.
+# The padding requirements listed here are guesses. It is strongly
+# recommended that xon/xoff be enabled, as this is assumed here.
+# The vt100 uses <rs2> and <rf> rather than :is:/:ct:/:st: because the 
+# tab settings are in non-volatile memory and don't need to be 
+# reset upon login. Also setting the number of columns glitches 
+# the screen annoyingly. You can type "reset" to get them set.
+# The VT100 series terminals have cursor ("arrows") keys which can operate
+# in two different modes: Cursor Mode and Application Mode.  Cursor Mode
+# is the reset state, and is assumed to be the normal state.  Application
+# Mode is the "set" state.  In Cursor Mode, the cursor keys transmit
+# "Esc [ {code}" sequences, conforming to ANSI standards.  In Application
+# Mode, the cursor keys transmit "Esc O <code>" sequences.  Application Mode
+# was provided primarily as an aid to the porting of VT52 applications.  It is
+# assumed that the cursor keys are normally in Cursor Mode, and expected that
+# applications such as vi will always transmit the :ks: string.  Therefore,
+# the definitions for the cursor keys are made to match what the terminal
+# transmits after the :ks: string is transmitted.  If the :ks: string
+# is a null string or is not defined, then cursor keys are assumed to be in
+# "Cursor Mode", and the cursor keys definitions should match that assumption,
+# else the appication may fail.  It is also expected that applications will
+# always transmit the :ke: string to the terminal before they exit.
+# The VT100 series terminals have an auxilliary keypad, commonly referred to as
+# the "Numeric Keypad", because it is a cluster of numeric and function keys.
+# The Numeric Keypad which can operate in two different modes: Numeric Mode and
+# Application Mode.  Numeric Mode is the reset state, and is assumed to be
+# the normal state.  Application Mode is the "set" state.  In Numeric Mode,
+# the numeric and punctuation keys transmit ASCII 7-bit characters, and the 
+# Enter key transmits the same as the Return key (Note: the Return key
+# can be configured to send either LF (\015) or CR LF).  In Application Mode,
+# all the keypad keys transmit "Esc O {code}" sequences.  The PF1 - PF4 keys
+# always send the same "Esc O {code}" sequences.  It is assumed that the keypad
+# is normally in Numeric Mode.  If an application requires that the keypad be
+# in Application Mode then it is expected that the user, or the application,
+# will set the TERM environment variable to point to a terminfo entry which has
+# defined the :ks: string to include the codes that switch the keypad into
+# Application Mode, and the terminfo entry will also define function key
+# fields to match the Application Mode control codes.  If the :ks: string
+# is a null string or is not defined, then the keypad is assumed to be in
+# Numeric Mode.  If the :ks: string switches the keypad into Application
+# Mode, it is expected that the :ke: string will contain the control codes
+# necessary to reset the keypad to "Normal" mode, and it is also expected that
+# applications which transmit the :ks: string will also always transmit the
+# :ke: string to the terminal before they exit.
+# Here's a diagram of the VT100 keypad keys with their bindings.
+# The top line is the name of the key (some DEC keyboards have the keys
+# labelled somewhat differently, like GOLD instead of PF1, but this is
+# the most "official" name).  The second line is the escape sequence it
+# generates in Application Keypad mode (where "$" means the ESC
+# character).  The third line contains two items, first the mapping of
+# the key in terminfo, and then in termcap.
+#   _______________________________________
+#  |   PF1   |   PF2   |   PF3   |   PF4   |
+#  |   $OP   |   $OQ   |   $OR   |   $OS   |
+#  |_kf1__k1_|_kf2__k2_|_kf3__k3_|_kf4__k4_|
+#  |    7         8         9         -    |
+#  |   $Ow   |   $Ox   |   $Oy   |   $Om   |
+#  |_kf9__k9_|_kf10_k;_|_kf0__k0_|_________|
+#  |    4    |    5    |    6    |    ,    |
+#  |   $Ot   |   $Ou   |   $Ov   |   $Ol   |
+#  |_kf5__k5_|_kf6__k6_|_kf7__k7_|_kf8__k8_|
+#  |    1    |    2    |    3    |         |
+#  |   $Oq   |   $Or   |   $Os   |  enter  |
+#  |_ka1__K1_|_kb2__K2_|_ka3__K3_|  $OM    |
+#  |         0         |   .     |         |
+#  |        $Op        |  $On    |         |
+#  |___kc1_______K4____|_kc3__K5_|_kent_@8_|
+# And here, for those of you with orphaned VT100s lacking documentation, is
+# a description of the soft switches invoked when you do `Set Up'.
+#  Scroll 0-Jump               Shifted 3   0-#
+#  |      1-Smooth             |           1-British pound sign
+#  | Autorepeat 0-Off          | Wrap Around 0-Off
+#  | |          1-On           | |           1-On
+#  | | Screen 0-Dark Bkg       | | New Line 0-Off
+#  | | |      1-Light Bkg      | | |        1-On
+#  | | | Cursor 0-Underline    | | | Interlace 0-Off
+#  | | | |      1-Block        | | | |         1-On
+#  | | | |                     | | | |
+#  1 1 0 1       1 1 1 1       0 1 0 0       0 0 1 0       <--Standard Settings
+#                | | | |                     | | | |
+#                | | | Auto XON/XOFF 0-Off   | | | Power 0-60 Hz
+#                | | |               1-On    | | |       1-50 Hz
+#                | | Ansi/VT52 0-VT52        | | Bits Per Char. 0-7 Bits
+#                | |           1-ANSI        | |                1-8 Bits
+#                | Keyclick 0-Off            | Parity 0-Off
+#                |          1-On             |        1-On
+#                Margin Bell 0-Off           Parity Sense 0-Odd
+#                            1-On                         1-Even
+# The following SET-UP modes are assumed for normal operation:
+# Other SET-UP modes may be set for operator convenience or communication
+# requirements; I recommend
+# Unless you have a graphics add-on such as Digital Engineering's VT640
+# (and even then, whenever it can be arranged!) you should set
+# (vt100: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string, also :bs:. -- esr)
+vt100|vt100-am|dec vt100 (w/advanced video):\
+	:am:bs:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:vt#3:\
+	:@8=\EOM:DO=\E[%dB:K1=\EOq:K2=\EOr:K3=\EOs:K4=\EOp:K5=\EOn:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=^O:as=^N:bl=^G:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:do=^J:\
+	:eA=\E(B\E)0:ho=\E[H:k0=\EOy:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:\
+	:k4=\EOS:k5=\EOt:k6=\EOu:k7=\EOv:k8=\EOl:k9=\EOw:k;=\EOx:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:\
+	:ku=\EOA:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m\017:mr=\E[7m:\
+	:nd=\E[C:r2=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:rc=\E8:\
+	:..sa=\E[0%?%p1%p6%|%t;1%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p1%p3%|%t;7%;%?%p4%t;5%;m%?%p9%t\016%e\017%;:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+vt100nam|vt100-nam|vt100 no automargins:\
+	:am@:xn@:tc=vt100-am:
+vt100-vb|dec vt100 (w/advanced video) & no beep:\
+	:bl@:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:tc=vt100:
+# Ordinary vt100 in 132 column ("wide") mode.
+vt100-w|vt100-w-am|dec vt100 132 cols (w/advanced video):\
+	:co#132:li#24:\
+	:r2=\E>\E[?3h\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?8h:tc=vt100-am:
+vt100-w-nam|vt100-nam-w|dec vt100 132 cols (w/advanced video no automargin):\
+	:co#132:li#14:vt@:\
+	:r2=\E>\E[?3h\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?8h:tc=vt100-nam:
+# vt100 with no advanced video.
+vt100-nav|vt100 without advanced video option:\
+	:sg#1:\
+	:mb@:md@:me@:mr@:sa@:se=\E[m:so=\E[7m:ue@:us@:tc=vt100:
+vt100-nav-w|vt100-w-nav|dec vt100 132 cols 14 lines (no advanced video option):\
+	:co#132:li#14:tc=vt100-nav:
+# vt100 with one of the 24 lines used as a status line.
+# We put the status line on the top.
+vt100-s|vt100-s-top|vt100-top-s|vt100 for use with top sysline:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:li#23:\
+	:cl=\E[2;1H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%+^A;%dH:cs=\E[%i%i%d;%dr:\
+	:ds=\E7\E[1;24r\E8:fs=\E8:ho=\E[2;1H:is=\E7\E[2;24r\E8:\
+	:ts=\E7\E[1;%p1%dH\E[1K:\
+	:tc=vt100-am:
+# Status line at bottom. 
+# Clearing the screen will clobber status line.
+vt100-s-bot|vt100-bot-s|vt100 for use with bottom sysline:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:li#23:\
+	:ds=\E7\E[1;24r\E8:fs=\E8:is=\E[1;23r\E[23;1H:\
+	:ts=\E7\E[24;%p1%dH\E[1K:\
+	:tc=vt100-am:
+# Most of the `vt100' emulators out there actually emulate a vt102
+# This entry (or vt102-nsgr) is probably the right thing to use for
+# these.  
+vt102|dec vt102:\
+	:mi:\
+	:al=\E[L:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:ei=\E[4l:im=\E[4h:tc=vt100:
+vt102-w|dec vt102 in wide mode:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:r3=\E[?3h:tc=vt102:
+# Many brain-dead PC comm programs that pretend to be `vt100-compatible'
+# fail to interpret the ^O and ^N escapes properly.  Symptom: the :me:
+# string in the canonical vt100 entry above leaves the screen littered
+# with little  snowflake or star characters (IBM PC ROM character \017 = ^O)
+# after highlight turnoffs.  This entry should fix that, and even leave
+# ACS support working, at the cost of making multiple-highlight changes 
+# slightly more expensive.
+# From: Eric S. Raymond <esr@snark.thyrsus.com> July 22 1995
+vt102-nsgr|vt102 no sgr (use if you see snowflakes after highlight changes):\
+	:me=\E[m:sa@:\
+	:tc=vt102:
+# VT125 Graphics CRT.  Clear screen also erases graphics
+vt125|vt125 graphics terminal:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[2J\EPpS(E)\E\:tc=vt100:
+# This isn't a DEC entry, it came from University of Wisconsin.
+# (vt131: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string, also :bs: -- esr)
+vt131|dec vt131:\
+	:am:bs:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:vt#3:\
+	:RA=\E[?7h:SA=\E[?7h:bl=^G:cd=50\E[J:ce=3\E[K:\
+	:cl=50\E[;H\E[2J:cm=5\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\
+	:do=^J:ho=\E[H:is=\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:\
+	:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:\
+	:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:mb=2\E[5m:md=2\E[1m:\
+	:me=2\E[m:mr=2\E[7m:nd=2\E[C:nw=^M^J:\
+	:r1=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:\
+	:se=2\E[m:so=2\E[7m:sr=5\EM:ta=^I:ue=2\E[m:up=2\E[A:\
+	:us=2\E[4m:
+# vt132 - like vt100 but slower and has ins/del line and such.
+# I'm told that :im:/:ei: are backwards in the terminal from the
+# manual and from the ANSI standard, this describes the actual 
+# terminal. I've never actually used a vt132 myself, so this 
+# is untested.
+vt132|DEC vt132:\
+	:xn:\
+	:al=\E[L:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:ei=\E[4h:im=\E[4l:ip=:sf=\n:tc=vt100:
+# This vt220 description maps F5--F9 to the second block of function keys
+# at the top of the keyboard.  The "DO" key is used as F10 to avoid conflict
+# with the key marked (ESC) on the vt220.  See vt220d for an alternate mapping.
+# PF1--PF4 are used as F1--F4.
+vt220-old|vt200-old|DEC VT220 in vt100 emulation mode:\
+	:am:bs:mi:pt:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:vt#3:\
+	:@7=\E[4~:RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7h:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=\E(B:al=\E[L:as=\E(0:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\
+	:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:\
+	:if=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:\
+	:k5=\E[17~:k6=\E[18~:k7=\E[19~:k8=\E[20~:k9=\E[21~:\
+	:k;=\E[29~:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[1~:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:\
+	:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nl=^J:\
+	:r2=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:rc=\E8:\
+	:rf=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:\
+	:..sa=\E[0%?%p6%t;1%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p4%t;5%;%?%p1%p3%|%t;7%;m%?%p9%t\E(0%e\E(B%;:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=20\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=14\EM:ta=^I:\
+	:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:
+# A much better description of the VT200/220; used to be vt220-8
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+vt220|vt200|dec vt220:\
+	:am:bs:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:vt#3:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ec=\E[%dX:\
+	:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:if=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E[?7h\E[>\E[?1h\E F\E[?4l:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:\
+	:k4=\EOS:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:kI=\E[2~:\
+	:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:\
+	:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:nw=\EE:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:\
+	:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:
+vt220-w|vt200-w|DEC vt220 in wide mode:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:r3=\E[?3h:tc=vt220:
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+vt220-8bit|vt220-8|vt200-8bit|vt200-8|dec vt220/200 in 8-bit mode:\
+	:am:bs:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:vt#3:\
+	:AL=\233%dL:DC=\233%dP:DL=\233%dM:DO=\233%dB:IC=\233%d@:\
+	:LE=\233%dD:RI=\233%dC:UP=\233%dA:ae=^O:al=\233L:as=^N:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\233J:ce=\233K:cl=\233H\233J:cm=\233%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=^M:cs=\233%i%d;%dr:ct=\2333g:dc=\233P:dl=\233M:do=^J:\
+	:ec=\233%dX:ei=\2334l:ho=\233H:\
+	:if=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:im=\2334h:\
+	:is=\233?7h\233>\233?1h\E F\233?4l:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:\
+	:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k6=\23317~:k7=\23318~:k8=\23319~:\
+	:k9=\23320~:kI=\2332~:kN=\2336~:kP=\2335~:kb=^H:kd=\233B:\
+	:kh=\233H:kl=\233D:kr=\233C:ku=\233A:le=^H:mb=\2335m:\
+	:md=\2331m:me=\233m:mr=\2337m:nd=\233C:nw=\EE:rc=\E8:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\23327m:sf=\ED:so=\2337m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:ue=\23324m:up=\233A:us=\2334m:vb=\233?5h\233?5l:
+# vt220d:
+# This vt220 description regards F6--F10 as the second block of function keys
+# at the top of the keyboard.  This mapping follows the description given
+# in the VT220 Programmer Reference Manual and agrees with the labeling
+# on some terminals that emulate the vt220.  There is no support for an F5.
+# See vt220 for an alternate mapping. 
+vt220d|DEC VT220 in vt100 mode with DEC function key labeling:\
+	:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:F3=\E[25~:F4=\E[26~:F5=\E[28~:\
+	:F6=\E[29~:F7=\E[31~:F8=\E[32~:F9=\E[33~:FA=\E[34~:k5@:\
+	:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:\
+	:tc=vt220-old:
+vt220-nam|v200-nam|VT220 in vt100 mode with no auto margins:\
+	:am@:\
+	:r2=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7l\E[?8h:tc=vt220:
+# vt220 termcap written Tue Oct 25 20:41:10 1988 by Alex Latzko
+# (not an official DEC entry!)
+# The problem with real vt220 terminals is they don't send escapes when in
+# in vt220 mode.  This can be gotten around two ways.  1> don't send
+# escapes or 2> put the vt220 into vt100 mode and use all the nifty
+# features of vt100 advanced video which it then has.
+# This entry takes the view of putting a vt220 into vt100 mode so
+# you can use the escape key in emacs and everything else which needs it.
+# You probably don't want to use this on a VMS machine since VMS will think
+# it has a vt220 and will get fouled up coming out of emacs
+# From: Alexander Latzko <latzko@marsenius.rutgers.edu>, 30 Dec 1996
+# (Added vt100 :rc:,:sc: to quiet a tic warning -- esr)
+vt200-js|vt220-js|dec vt200 series with jump scroll:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:\
+	:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:dm=:do=^J:ed=:\
+	:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E[61"p\E[H\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?1l\E[?5l\E[?6l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E[?25h\E>\E[m:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:\
+	:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:\
+	:nw=^M\ED:r1=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:rc=\E8:\
+	:rf=/usr/lib/tabset/vt100:sc=\E7:se=5\E[27m:sf=\ED:\
+	:so=5\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+# This was DEC's vt320.  Use the purpose-built one below instead 
+#vt320|DEC VT320 in vt100 emulation mode,
+#	use=vt220,
+# Use v320n for SCO's LYRIX.  Otherwise, use Adam Thompson's vt320-nam.
+vt320nam|v320n|DEC VT320 in vt100 emul. mode with NO AUTO WRAP mode:\
+	:am@:\
+	:r2=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7l\E[?8h:tc=vt220:
+# These entries are not DEC's official ones, they were purpose-built for the 
+# VT320.  Here are the designer's notes:
+# <kel> is end on a PC kbd.  Actually 'select' on a VT.  Mapped to 
+# 'Erase to End of Field'... since nothing seems to use 'end' anyways...
+# khome is Home on a PC kbd.  Actually 'FIND' on a VT.
+# Things that use <knxt> usually use tab anyways... and things that don't use
+# tab usually use <knxt> instead...
+# kprv is same as tab - Backtab is useless...
+# I left out :sa: because of its RIDICULOUS complexity,
+# and the resulting fact that it causes the termcap translation of the entry
+# to SMASH the 1k-barrier...
+# From: Adam Thompson <athompso@pangea.ca> Sept 10 1995
+# (vt320: uncommented :fs:, comnmmented out <kslt> to avoid a conflict --esr) 
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+vt320|vt300|dec vt320 7 bit terminal:\
+	:am:es:hs:mi:ms:xn:\
+	:co#80:li#24:ws#80:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:K1=\EOw:K2=\EOu:K3=\EOy:K4=\EOq:K5=\EOs:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=\E(B:al=\E[L:as=\E(0:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:\
+	:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ec=\E[%dX:\
+	:ei=\E[4l:fs=\E[0$}:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[5?l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:\
+	:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:\
+	:kb=\177:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kh=\E[1~:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:\
+	:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\ED:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ts=\E[1$}\E[H\E[K:ue=\E[m:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:
+vt320-nam|vt300-nam|dec vt320 7 bit terminal with no am to make SAS happy:\
+	:am@:\
+	:is=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[5?l\E[?7l\E[?8h\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:\
+	:r2=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[5?l\E[?7l\E[?8h\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:\
+	:tc=vt320:
+# We have to init 132-col mode, not 80-col mode.
+vt320-w|vt300-w|dec vt320 wide 7 bit terminal:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:is=\E>\E[?3h\E[?4l\E[5?l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:\
+	:r2=\E>\E[?3h\E[?4l\E[5?l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:\
+	:tc=vt320:
+vt320-w-nam|vt300-w-nam|dec vt320 wide 7 bit terminal with no am:\
+	:am@:\
+	:is=\E>\E[?3h\E[?4l\E[5?l\E[?7l\E[?8h\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:\
+	:r2=\E>\E[?3h\E[?4l\E[5?l\E[?7l\E[?8h\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:\
+	:tc=vt320-w:
+# VT330 and VT340 -- These are ReGIS and SIXEL graphics terminals
+#   which are pretty much a superset of the VT320.  They have the
+#   host writable status line, yet another different DRCS matrix size,
+#   and such, but they add the DEC Technical character set, Multiple text
+#   pages, selectable length pages, and the like.  The difference between
+#   the vt330 and vt340 is that the latter has only 2 planes and a monochrome
+#   monitor, the former has 4 planes and a color monitor.  These terminals
+#   support VT131 and ANSI block mode, but as with much of these things,
+#   termcap/terminfo doesn't deal with these features.
+# Note that this entry is are set up in what was the standard way for GNU
+# Emacs v18 terminal modes to deal with the cursor keys in that the arrow
+# keys were switched into application mode at the same time the numeric pad
+# is switched into application mode.  This changes the definitions of the
+# arrow keys.  Emacs v19 is smarter and mines its keys directly out of 
+# your termcap or terminfo entry,
+# From: Daniel Glasser <dag@persoft.persoft.com>, 13 Oct 1993
+# (vt340: string capability "sb=\E[M" corrected to "sr";
+# also, added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string -- esr)
+vt340|dec-vt340|vt330|dec-vt330|dec vt340 graphics terminal with 24 line page:\
+	:am:es:hs:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:vt#3:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ds=\E[2$~\r\E[1$}\E[K\E[$}:ei=\E[4l:\
+	:fs=\E[$}:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E<\E F\E>\E[?1h\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:\
+	:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:\
+	:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:l1=pf1:l2=pf2:l3=pf3:l4=pf4:\
+	:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=^M\ED:\
+	:r1=\E[?3l:rc=\E8:rf=/usr/share/tabset/vt300:sc=\E7:\
+	:se=\E[27m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:ts=\E[2$~\E[1$}\E[1;%dH:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:vb=200\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:vs=\E[?25h:
+# DEC doesn't supply a vt400 description, so we add Daniel Glasser's
+# (originally written with vt420 as its primary name, and usable for it).
+# VT400/420 -- This terminal is a superset of the vt320.  It adds the multiple 
+#    text pages and long text pages with selectable length of the vt340, along
+#    with left and right margins, rectangular area text copy, fill, and erase
+#    operations, selected region character attribute change operations,
+#    page memory and rectangle checksums, insert/delete column, reception
+#    macros, and other features too numerous to remember right now.  TERMCAP
+#    can only take advantage of a few of these added features.
+# Note that this entry is are set up in what was the standard way for GNU
+# Emacs v18 terminal modes to deal with the cursor keys in that the arrow
+# keys were switched into application mode at the same time the numeric pad
+# is switched into application mode.  This changes the definitions of the
+# arrow keys.  Emacs v19 is smarter and mines its keys directly out of 
+# your termcap entry,
+# From: Daniel Glasser <dag@persoft.persoft.com>, 13 Oct 1993
+# (vt400: string capability ":sb=\E[M:" corrected to ":sr=\E[M:";
+# also, added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string -- esr)
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+vt400|vt400-24|dec-vt400|dec vt400 24x80 column autowrap:\
+	:am:es:hs:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:vt#3:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:\
+	:cd=10\E[J:ce=4\E[K:cl=10\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:\
+	:ds=\E[2$~\r\E[1$}\E[K\E[$}:ei=\E[4l:fs=\E[$}:ho=\E[H:\
+	:ic=\E[@:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E<\E F\E>\E[?1h\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:\
+	:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:\
+	:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:\
+	:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=^M\ED:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:\
+	:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:ts=\E[2$~\E[1$}\E[1;%dH:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:vb=200\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:vs=\E[?25h:
+# (vt420: I removed :k0:, it collided with <kf10>.  I also restored
+# a missing :sc: -- esr)
+vt420|DEC VT420:\
+	:am:mi:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:vt#3:\
+	:*6=\E[4~:@0=\E[1~:RA=\E[?7l:\
+	:S5=\E[?0;0r\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:\
+	:SA=\E[?7h:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=\E(B:al=\E[L:as=\E(0:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\
+	:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:\
+	:i2=\E[?67h\E[64;1"p:if=/usr/share/tabset/vt300:\
+	:im=\E[4h:is=\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:\
+	:k4=\EOS:k5=\E[17~:k6=\E[18~:k7=\E[19~:k8=\E[20~:\
+	:k9=\E[21~:k;=\E[29~:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:ke=\E>:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ks=\E=:ku=\E[A:le=^H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:r3=\E[?67h\E[64;1"p:rc=\E8:rf=/usr/share/tabset/vt300:\
+	:..sa=\E[0%?%p6%t;1%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p4%t;5%;%?%p1%p3%|%t;7%;m%?%p9%t\E(0%e\E(B%;:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+# DEC VT220 and up support DECUDK (user-defined keys).  DECUDK (i.e., pfx)
+# takes two parameters, the key and the string.  Translating the key is
+# straightforward (keys 1-5 are not defined on real terminals, though some
+# emulators define these):
+#               if (key < 16) then  value = key;
+#               else if (key < 21) then value = key + 1; 
+#               else if (key < 25) then value = key + 2;
+#               else if (key < 27) then value = key + 3;
+#               else if (key < 30) then value = key + 4;
+#               else value = key + 5;
+# The string must be the hexadecimal equivalent, e.g., "5052494E" for "PRINT". 
+# There's no provision in terminfo for emitting a string in this format, so the
+# application has to know it.
+vt420pc|DEC VT420 w/PC keyboard:\
+	:@7=\E[4~:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:F3=\E[11;2~:F4=\E[12;2~:\
+	:F5=\E[13;2~:F6=\E[14;2~:F7=\E[15;2~:F8=\E[17;2~:\
+	:F9=\E[18;2~:FA=\E[19;2~:FB=\E[20;2~:FC=\E[21;2~:\
+	:FD=\E[23;2~:FE=\E[24;2~:FF=\E[23~:FG=\E[24~:FH=\E[25~:\
+	:FI=\E[26~:FJ=\E[28~:FK=\E[29~:FL=\E[31~:FM=\E[32~:\
+	:FN=\E[33~:FO=\E[34~:FP=\E[35~:FQ=\E[36~:FR=\E[23;2~:\
+	:FS=\E[24;2~:FT=\E[25;2~:FU=\E[26;2~:FV=\E[28;2~:\
+	:FW=\E[29;2~:FX=\E[31;2~:FY=\E[32;2~:FZ=\E[33;2~:\
+	:Fa=\E[34;2~:Fb=\E[35;2~:Fc=\E[36;2~:\
+	:S6=USR_TERM\072vt420pcdos\072:k1=\E[11~:k2=\E[12~:\
+	:k3=\E[13~:k4=\E[14~:k5=\E[15~:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:\
+	:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:kD=\177:kh=\E[H:\
+	:..px=\EP1;1|%?%{16}%p1%>%t%{0}%e%{21}%p1%>%t%{1}%e%{25}%p1%>%t%{2}%e%{27}%p1%>%t%{3}%e%{30}%p1%>%t%{4}%e%{5}%;%p1%+%d/%p2%s\E\:tc=vt420:
+vt420pcdos|DEC VT420 w/PC for DOS Merge:\
+	:li#25:\
+	:S1=%?%p2%{19}%=%t\E\023\021%e%p2%{32}%<%t\E%p2%c%e%p2%{127}%=%t\E\177%e%p2%c%;:\
+	:S4=\E[?1;2r\E[34h:\
+	:S5=\E[?0;0r\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:S6@:\
+	:me=\E[m:sa@:\
+	:tc=vt420pc:
+vt420f|DEC VT420 with VT kbd; VT400 mode; F1-F5 used as Fkeys:\
+	:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:F3=\E[25~:F4=\E[26~:F5=\E[28~:\
+	:F6=\E[29~:F7=\E[31~:F8=\E[32~:F9=\E[33~:FA=\E[34~:\
+	:k1=\E[11~:k2=\E[12~:k3=\E[13~:k4=\E[14~:k5=\E[15~:\
+	:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:\
+	:kD=\177:kh=\E[H:l1=\EOP:l2=\EOQ:l3=\EOR:l4=\EOS:\
+	:tc=vt420:
+vt510|DEC VT510:\
+	:tc=vt420:
+vt510pc|DEC VT510 w/PC keyboard:\
+	:tc=vt420pc:
+vt510pcdos|DEC VT510 w/PC for DOS Merge:\
+	:tc=vt420pcdos:
+# VT520/VT525
+# The VT520 is a monochrome text terminal capable of managing up to
+# four independent sessions in the terminal.  It has multiple ANSI
+# emulations (VT520, VT420, VT320, VT220, VT100, VT PCTerm, SCO Console)
+# and ASCII emulations (WY160/60, PCTerm, 50/50+, 150/120, TVI 950,
+# 925 910+, ADDS A2).  This terminfo data is for the ANSI emulations only.
+# Terminal Set-Up is entered by pressing [F3], [Caps Lock]/[F3] or
+# [Alt]/[Print Screen] depending upon which keyboard and which
+# terminal mode is being used.  If Set-Up has been disabled or
+# assigned to an unknown key, Set-Up may be entered by pressing
+# [F3] as the first key after power up, regardless of keyboard type.
+# (vt520: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string, also :sc: -- esr)
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+vt520|DEC VT520:\
+	:am:mi:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:vt#3:\
+	:*6=\E[4~:@0=\E[1~:RA=\E[?7l:\
+	:S5=\E[?0;0r\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:\
+	:SA=\E[?7h:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=\E(B:al=\E[L:as=\E(0:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\
+	:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:\
+	:i2=\E[?67h\E[64;1"p:if=/usr/share/tabset/vt300:\
+	:im=\E[4h:is=\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:k0=\E[29~:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:\
+	:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\E[17~:k6=\E[18~:k7=\E[19~:k8=\E[20~:\
+	:k9=\E[21~:k;=\E[29~:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:\
+	:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:r3=\E[?67h\E[64;1"p:\
+	:rc=\E8:rf=/usr/share/tabset/vt300:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\ED:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+# (vt525: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string;
+# removed :se:=\E[m, :ue:=\E[m, added :sc: -- esr)
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+vt525|DEC VT525:\
+	:am:mi:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:vt#3:\
+	:*6=\E[4~:@0=\E[1~:RA=\E[?7l:\
+	:S5=\E[?0;0r\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:\
+	:SA=\E[?7h:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=\E(B:al=\E[L:as=\E(0:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\
+	:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:\
+	:i2=\E[?67h\E[64;1"p:if=/usr/share/tabset/vt300:\
+	:im=\E[4h:is=\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:k0=\E[29~:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:\
+	:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\E[17~:k6=\E[18~:k7=\E[19~:k8=\E[20~:\
+	:k9=\E[21~:k;=\E[29~:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:\
+	:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:r3=\E[?67h\E[64;1"p:\
+	:rc=\E8:rf=/usr/share/tabset/vt300:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\ED:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+#### VT100 emulations
+# John Hawkinson <jhawk@MIT.EDU> tells us that the EWAN telnet for Windows
+# (the best Windows telnet as of September 1995) presents the name `dec-vt100'
+# to telnetd.   Michael Deutschmann <ldeutsch@mail.netshop.net> informs us
+# that this works best with a stock vt100 entry.
+dec-vt100|EWAN telnet's vt100 emulation:\
+	:tc=vt100:
+# From: Adrian Garside <94ajg2@eng.cam.ac.uk>, 19 Nov 1996
+dec-vt220|DOS tnvt200 terminal emulator:\
+	:am@:tc=vt220:
+# Zstem340 is an (IMHO) excellent VT emulator for PC's.  I recommend it to
+# anyone who needs PC VT340 emulation. (or anything below that level, for
+# that matter -- DEC's ALL-in-1 seems happy with it, as does INFOPLUS's
+# RDBM systems, it includes ReGIS and SiXel support!  I'm impressed...
+# I can send the address if requested.
+# (z340: changed garbled \E[5?l to \E[?5l, DEC smooth scroll off -- esr)
+# From: Adam Thompson <athompso@pangea.ca> Sept 10 1995
+z340|zstem vt340 terminal emulator 132col 42line:\
+	:li#42:\
+	:is=\E>\E[?3h\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E[1;42r\E[42;1H:\
+	:r2=\E>\E[?3h\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E[1;42r\E[42;1H:\
+	:tc=vt320-w:
+z340-nam|zstem vt340 terminal emulator 132col 42line (no automatic margins):\
+	:am@:\
+	:is=\E>\E[?3h\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7l\E[?8h\E[1;42r\E[42;1H:\
+	:r2=\E>\E[?3h\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7l\E[?8h\E[1;42r\E[42;1H:\
+	:tc=z340:
+# CRT is shareware.  It implements some xterm features, including mouse.
+crt|crt-vt220|CRT 2.3 emulating VT220:\
+	:ms:ut:\
+	:Co#8:pa#64:\
+	:AB=\E[4%p1%dm:AF=\E[3%p1%dm:Sb=\E[4%dm:Sf=\E[3%dm:\
+	:op=\E[39;49m:st=\EH:u6=\E[%i%d;%dR:u7=\E[6n:u8=\E[?1;2c:\
+	:u9=\E[c:\
+	:tc=vt220:
+# This entry is for Tera Term Pro version 2.3, for MS-Windows 95/NT written by
+# T. Teranishi dated Mar 10, 1998.  It is a free software terminal emulator
+# (communication program) which supports:
+#	- Serial port connections.
+#	- TCP/IP (telnet) connections.
+#	- VT100 emulation, and selected VT200/300 emulation.
+#	- TEK4010 emulation.
+#	- File transfer protocols (Kermit, XMODEM, ZMODEM, B-PLUS and
+#	  Quick-VAN).
+#	- Scripts using the "Tera Term Language".
+#	- Japanese and Russian character sets.
+# The program does not come with terminfo or termcap entries.  However, the
+# emulation (testing with vttest and ncurses) is reasonably close to vt100 (no
+# vt52 or doublesize character support; blinking is done with color).  Besides
+# the HPA, VPA extensions it also implements CPL and CNL.
+# All of the function keys can be remapped.  This description shows the default
+# mapping, as installed.  Both vt100 PF1-PF4 keys and quasi-vt220 F1-F4 keys
+# are supported.  F13-F20 are obtained by shifting F3-F10.  The editing keypad
+# is laid out like vt220, rather than the face codes on the PC keyboard, i.e,
+#	kfnd	Insert
+#	kslt	Delete
+#	kich1	Home
+#	kdch1	PageUp
+#	kpp	End
+#	knp	PageDown
+# ANSI colors are implemented, but cannot be combined with video attributes
+# except for reverse.
+# No fonts are supplied with the program, so the acsc string is chosen to
+# correspond with the default Microsoft terminal font.
+# Tera Term recognizes some xterm sequences, including those for setting and
+# retrieving the window title, and for setting the window size (i.e., using
+# "resize -s"), though it does not pass SIGWINCH to the application if the
+# user resizes the window with the mouse.
+teraterm|Tera Term Pro:\
+	:km:xo@:\
+	:NC#43:vt@:\
+	:*6=\E[4~:@0=\E[1~:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:\
+	:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:F3=\E[25~:F4=\E[26~:F5=\E[28~:\
+	:F6=\E[29~:F7=\E[31~:F8=\E[32~:F9=\E[33~:FA=\E[34~:\
+	:ac=+\020\054\021-\030.^Y0\333`\004a\261f\370g\361h\260i\316j\331k\277l\332m\300n\305o~p\304q\304r\304s_t\303u\264v\301w\302x\263y\363z\362{\343|\330}\234~\376:\
+	:al=\E[L:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:ch=\E[%i%dG:cl=\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cv=\E[%i%dd:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:ec=\E[%dX:\
+	:k1=\E[11~:k2=\E[12~:k3=\E[13~:k4=\E[14~:k5=\E[15~:\
+	:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:\
+	:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:\
+	:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:op=\E[100m:se=\E[27m:so=\E[7m:\
+	:sr=\EM:u6=\E[%i%d;%dR:u7=\E[6n:u8=\E[?1;2c:u9=\E[c:\
+	:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:vb=200\E[?5h\E[?5l:\
+	:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:\
+	:tc=klone+color:tc=vt100:
+# Tested with WinNT 4.0, the telnet application assumes the screensize is
+# 25x80.  This entry uses the 'Terminal' font, to get line-drawing characters.
+ms-vt100|MS telnet imitating dec vt100:\
+	:li#25:\
+	:ac=+\020\054\021-\030.^Y0\333`\004a\261f\370g\361h\260i\316j\331k\277l\332m\300n\305o~p\304q\304r\304s_t\303u\264v\301w\302x\263y\363z\362{\343|\330}\234~\376:\
+	:ct@:u6=\E[%i%d;%dR:u7=\E[6n:u8=\E[?6c:u9=\E[c:\
+	:tc=vt100:
+#### X terminal emulators
+# You can add the following line to your .Xdefaults to change the terminal type
+# set by the xterms you start up to my-xterm:
+# *termName:  my-xterm
+# System administrators can change the default entry for xterm instances
+# by adding a similar line to /usr/X11/lib/X11/app-defaults/XTerm.  In either
+# case, xterm will detect and reject an invalid terminal type, falling back
+# to the default of xterm.
+# X10/6.6	11/7/86, minus alternate screen, plus (csr)
+# (xterm: ":MT:" changed to ":km:"; added <smam>/<rmam> based on init string;
+# removed (hs, eslok, tsl=\E[?E\E[?%i%dT, fsl=\E[?F, dsl=\E[?E)
+# as these seem not to work -- esr)
+x10term|vs100-x10|xterm terminal emulator (X10 window system):\
+	:am:bs:km:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#65:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7h:\
+	:al=\E[L:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:\
+	:im=\E[4h:is=\E\E[m\E[?7h\E[?1;4l:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:\
+	:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:\
+	:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:\
+	:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+# Compatible with the R5 xterm 
+# (from the XFree86 3.2 distribution, <blink=@> removed)
+# added khome/kend, rmir/smir, rmul/smul based on the R5 xterm code - TD
+# corrected typos in rs2 string - TD
+xterm-r5|xterm R5 version:\
+	:am:bs:km:ms:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:@7=\E[4~:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:\
+	:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:IC=\E[%d@:Km=\E[M:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\
+	:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:\
+	:im=\E[4h:k0=\EOq:k1=\E[11~:k2=\E[12~:k3=\E[13~:k4=\E[14~:\
+	:k5=\E[15~:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:\
+	:k;=\E[21~:kA=\E[30~:kD=\E[3~:kE=\E[8~:kI=\E[2~:kL=\E[31~:\
+	:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kh=\E[1~:\
+	:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:md=\E[1m:\
+	:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:r2=\E>\E[?1;3;4;5;6l\E[4l\E[?7h\E[m\E[r\E[2J\E[H:\
+	:rc=\E8:\
+	:..sa=\E[%?%p1%t;7%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p3%t;7%;%?%p4%t;5%;%?%p6%t;1%;m:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+# Compatible with the R6 xterm
+# (from XFree86 3.2 distribution, <acsc> and :it: added, <blink@> removed)
+# added khome/kend - TD
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+xterm-r6|xterm-old|xterm X11R6 version:\
+	:am:bs:km:mi:ms:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:\
+	:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ei=\E[4l:\
+	:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E7\E[r\E[m\E[?7h\E[?1;3;4;6l\E[4l\E8\E>:k1=\EOP:\
+	:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\E[15~:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:\
+	:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:\
+	:ku=\EOA:le=^H:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:\
+	:te=\E[2J\E[?47l\E8:ti=\E7\E[?47h:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:
+# This is the base xterm entry for the xterm supplied with XFree86 3.2 & up.
+# The name has been changed and some aliases have been removed.
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+xterm-xf86-v32|xterm terminal emulator (XFree86 3.2 Window System):\
+	:am:bs:km:mi:ms:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:K1=\EOw:K2=\EOy:K3=\EOu:K4=\EOq:K5=\EOs:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ec=\E[%dX:\
+	:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E7\E[r\E[m\E[?7h\E[?1;3;4;6l\E[4l\E8\E>:\
+	:k1=\E[11~:k2=\E[12~:k3=\E[13~:k4=\E[14~:k5=\E[15~:\
+	:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:kD=\177:kI=\E[2~:\
+	:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kh=\EOH:\
+	:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:md=\E[1m:\
+	:me=\E[m\017:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:\
+	:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:te=\E[2J\E[?47l\E8:\
+	:ti=\E7\E[?47h:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:vs=\E[?25h:
+# This is the stock xterm entry supplied with XFree86 3.3, which uses VT100
+# codes for F1-F4 except while in VT220 mode.
+xterm-xf86-v33|xterm terminal emulator (XFree86 3.3 Window System):\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:\
+	:tc=xterm-xf86-v32:
+# This version was released in XFree86 3.3.3 (November 1998).
+# Besides providing printer support, it exploits a new feature that allows
+# xterm to use terminfo-based descriptions with the titeInhibit resource.
+xterm-xf86-v333|xterm terminal emulator (XFree86 3.3.3 Window System):\
+	:5i:\
+	:*6@:@0@:@7=\E[4~:ei=:ic@:im=:is=\E[\041p\E[?3;4l\E[4l\E>:\
+	:kD=\E[3~:kh=\E[1~:mb=\E[5m:mk=\E[8m:pf=\E[4i:po=\E[5i:\
+	:ps=\E[i:r1=\Ec:r2=\E[\041p\E[?3;4l\E[4l\E>:\
+	:..sa=\E[0%?%p1%p6%|%t;1%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p1%p3%|%t;7%;%?%p4%t;5%;%?%p7%t;8%;m%?%p9%t\016%e\017%;:\
+	:te=\E[?1047l\E[?1048l:ti=\E[?1048h\E[?1047h:\
+	:tc=xterm-xf86-v33:
+# This beta version will probably be released in XFree86 4.0.
+xterm-xf86-v40|xterm terminal emulator (XFree86 4.0 Window System):\
+	:@7=\EOF:K1=\EOH:K2=\EOE:K3=\E[5~:K4=\EOF:K5=\E[6~:kD=\177:\
+	:kh=\EOH:te=\E[?1049l:ti=\E[?1049h:\
+	:tc=xterm-xf86-v333:
+xterm-xfree86|xterm-new|xterm terminal emulator (XFree86 4.0 Window System):\
+	:tc=xterm-xf86-v40:
+# From: David J. MacKenzie <djm@va.pubnix.com>, 14 Nov 1997
+xterm-xi|xterm on XI Graphics Accelerated X under BSD/OS 3.1:\
+	:se=\E[m:ue=\E[m:\
+	:tc=xterm-xf86-v33:
+# This is one of the variants of XFree86 3.3 xterm, updated for 4.0 (T.Dickey)
+xterm-16color|xterm with 16 colors like aixterm:\
+	:Co#16:NC#32:pa#256:\
+	:AB=\E[%?%p1%{8}%<%t%p1%{40}%+%e%p1%{92}%+%;%dm:\
+	:AF=\E[%?%p1%{8}%<%t%p1%{30}%+%e%p1%{82}%+%;%dm:\
+	:..Sb=%p1%{8}%/%{6}%*%{4}%+\E[%d%p1%{8}%m%Pa%?%ga%{1}%=%t4%e%ga%{3}%=%t6%e%ga%{4}%=%t1%e%ga%{6}%=%t3%e%ga%d%;m:\
+	:..Sf=%p1%{8}%/%{6}%*%{3}%+\E[%d%p1%{8}%m%Pa%?%ga%{1}%=%t4%e%ga%{3}%=%t6%e%ga%{4}%=%t1%e%ga%{6}%=%t3%e%ga%d%;m:\
+	:tc=xterm-xf86-v40:
+# This is another variant, for XFree86 4.0 xterm (T.Dickey)
+# This is an 8-bit version of xterm, which emulates DEC vt220 with ANSI color.
+# To use it, your decTerminalID resource must be set to 200 or above.
+#	HTS	\E H	\210
+#	RI	\E M	\215
+#	SS3	\E O	\217
+#	CSI	\E [	\233
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+xterm-8bit|xterm terminal emulator 8-bit controls (X Window System):\
+	:am:bs:km:mi:ms:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:AL=\233%dL:DC=\233%dP:DL=\233%dM:DO=\233%dB:IC=\233%d@:\
+	:K1=\217w:K2=\217y:K3=\217u:K4=\217q:K5=\217s:LE=\233%dD:\
+	:RI=\233%dC:UP=\233%dA:ae=^O:al=\233L:as=^N:bl=^G:bt=\233Z:\
+	:cd=\233J:ce=\233K:cl=\233H\2332J:cm=\233%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:\
+	:cs=\233%i%d;%dr:ct=\2333g:dc=\233P:dl=\233M:do=^J:\
+	:ec=\233%dX:ei=\2334l:ho=\233H:im=\2334h:\
+	:is=\E7\E G\233r\233m\233?7h\233?1;3;4;6l\2334l\E8\E>:\
+	:k1=\23311~:k2=\23312~:k3=\23313~:k4=\23314~:k5=\23315~:\
+	:k6=\23317~:k7=\23318~:k8=\23319~:k9=\23320~:kD=\2333~:\
+	:kI=\2332~:kN=\2336~:kP=\2335~:kb=^H:kd=\217B:\
+	:ke=\233?1l\E>:kh=\2331~:kl=\217D:kr=\217C:ks=\233?1h\E=:\
+	:ku=\217A:le=^H:mb=\2335m:md=\2331m:me=\233m^O:mr=\2337m:\
+	:nd=\233C:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\23327m:sf=^J:so=\2337m:sr=\215:\
+	:st=\210:ta=^I:te=\233?1049l:ti=\233?1049h:ue=\23324m:\
+	:up=\233A:us=\2334m:vb=\233?5h\233?5l:ve=\233?25h:\
+	:vi=\233?25l:vs=\233?25h:
+xterm-24|vs100|xterms|xterm terminal emulator (X Window System):\
+	:li#24:tc=xterm:
+# This is xterm for ncurses.
+xterm|xterm terminal emulator (X Window System):\
+	:Km=\E[M:\
+	:ac=``aaffggiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:u6=\E[%i%d;%dR:u7=\E[6n:u8=\E[?1;2c:u9=\E[c:\
+	:tc=xterm-r6:
+# These entries allow access to the X titlebar and icon name as a status line. 
+# Note that twm (and possibly window managers descended from it such as tvtwm, 
+# ctwm, and vtwm) track windows by icon-name; thus, you don't want to mess
+# with it.
+xterm+sl|access X title line and icon name:\
+	:hs:\
+	:ws#40:\
+	:ds=\E]0;\007:fs=^G:ts=\E]0;:tc=xterm:
+xterm+sl-twm|access X title line (pacify twm-descended window managers):\
+	:hs:\
+	:ws#40:\
+	:ds=\E]2;\007:fs=^G:ts=\E]2;:tc=xterm:
+# The following xterm variants don't depend on your base version
+# xterm with bold instead of underline
+xterm-bold|xterm terminal emulator (X11R6 Window System) standout w/bold:\
+	:so=\E[7m:us=\E[1m:\
+	:tc=xterm:
+# (kterm: this had extension capabilities ":KJ:TY=ascii:" -- esr)
+# (kterm should not invoke DEC Graphics as the alternate character set
+#  -- Kenji Rikitake)
+kterm|kterm kanji terminal emulator (X window system):\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:Km=\E[M:ac@:ae@:as@:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ds=\E[?H:eA@:fs=\E[?F:\
+	:op=\E[39;49m:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:ts=\E[?E\E[?%i%dT:\
+	:tc=xterm-r6:tc=klone+color:
+# See the note on ICH/ICH1 VERSUS RMIR/SMIR near the end of file
+xterm-nic|xterm with ich/ich1 suppressed for non-curses programs:\
+	:IC@:ei=:ic@:im=:\
+	:tc=xterm:
+# From: Mark Sheppard <kimble@mistral.co.uk>, 4 May 1996 
+xterm1|xterm terminal emulator ignoring the alternate screen buffer:\
+	:te@:ti@:\
+	:tc=xterm:
+# This describes the capabilities of color_xterm, an xterm variant from
+# before ECMA-64 color support was folded into the main-line xterm release.
+# This entry is straight from color_xterm's maintainer.
+# From: Jacob Mandelson <jlm@ugcs.caltech.edu>, 09 Nov 1996
+# The README's with the distribution also say that it supports SGR 21, 24, 25
+# and 27, but they are not present in the terminfo or termcap.
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+color_xterm|cx|cx100|color_xterm color terminal emulator for X:\
+	:am:bs:km:mi:ms:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#65:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:K1=\EOw:K2=\EOu:K3=\EOy:K4=\EOq:K5=\EOs:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:\
+	:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:\
+	:i1=\E[r\E[m\E[?7h\E[?4;6l\E[4l:im=\E[4h:k1=\E[11~:\
+	:k2=\E[12~:k3=\E[13~:k4=\E[14~:k5=\E[15~:k6=\E[17~:\
+	:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:kh=\E[7~:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ku=\EOA:le=^H:\
+	:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:\
+	:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:te=\E>\E[?41;1r:\
+	:ti=\E[?1;41s\E[?1;41h\E=:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+# The 'nxterm' distributed with Redhat Linux is a slight rehack of
+# xterm-sb_right-ansi-3d, which implements ANSI colors, but does not support
+# SGR 39 or 49.  SGR 0 does reset colors (along with everything else).  This
+# description is "compatible" with color_xterm, rxvt and XFree86 xterm, except
+# that each of those implements the home, end, delete keys differently.
+nxterm|xterm-color|generic color xterm:\
+	:NC@:\
+	:op=\E[m:tc=xterm-r6:tc=klone+color:
+# From: Thomas Dickey <dickey@clark.net> 04 Oct 1997
+# Updated: Oezguer Kesim <kesim@math.fu-berlin.de> 02 Nov 1997
+# Notes:
+# rxvt 2.21b uses
+#	smacs=\E(B\E)U^N, rmacs=\E(B\E)0^O,
+# but some applications don't work with that.
+# It also has an AIX extension
+#	box2=lqkxjmwuvtn,
+# and
+#	ech=\E[%p1%dX,
+# but the latter does not work correctly.
+# The distributed terminfo says it implements hpa and vpa, but they are not
+# implemented correctly, using relative rather than absolute positioning.
+# rxvt is normally configured to look for "xterm" or "xterm-color" as $TERM.
+# Since rxvt is not really compatible with xterm, it should be configured as
+# "rxvt" (monochrome) and "rxvt-color". 
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+rxvt|rxvt terminal base (X Window System):\
+	:am:bs:eo:km:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:K1=\EOw:K2=\EOu:K3=\EOy:K4=\EOq:K5=\EOs:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:\
+	:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ei=\E[4l:\
+	:ho=\E[H:i1=\E[?47l\E=\E[?1l:ic=\E[@:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E[r\E[m\E[2J\E[H\E[?7h\E[?1;3;4;6l\E[4l:\
+	:k0=\E[21~:k1=\E[11~:k2=\E[12~:k3=\E[13~:k4=\E[14~:\
+	:k5=\E[15~:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:\
+	:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:ke=\E>:\
+	:kh=\E[7~:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ks=\E=:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:\
+	:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m\017:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:\
+	:se=\E[27m:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:te=\E[2J\E[?47l\E8:ti=\E7\E[?47h:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:\
+	:vs=\E[?25h:
+rxvt-color|rxvt terminal emulator (X Window System):\
+	:Co#8:pa#64:\
+	:AB=\E[%p1%{40}%+%dm:AF=\E[%p1%{30}%+%dm:me=\E[m\017:\
+	:op=\E[39;49m:\
+	:tc=rxvt:
+# These (xtermc and xtermm) are distributed with Solaris.  They refer to a
+# variant of xterm which is apparently no longer supported, but are interesting
+# because they illustrate SVr4 curses mouse controls - T.Dickey
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+xtermm|xterm terminal emulator (monocrome):\
+	:am:bs:km:mi:ms:xn:\
+	:BT#3:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:@7=\E[Y:@8=\EOM:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:\
+	:F1=\EOZ:F2=\EOA:Gm=\E[%p1%dY:IC=\E[%d@:K1=\EOq:K2=\EOr:\
+	:K3=\EOs:K4=\EOp:K5=\EOn:Km=\E[^_:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:\
+	:RQ=\E[492Z:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\
+	:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:eA=\E(B\E)0:ei=:ho=\E[H:\
+	:ic=\E[@:im=:k0=\EOy:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:\
+	:k5=\EOT:k6=\EOU:k7=\EOV:k8=\EOW:k9=\EOX:k;=\EOY:kN=\E[U:\
+	:kP=\E[V:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:kh=\E[H:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ku=\EOA:\
+	:le=\E[1D:mb=@:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m\017:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:r1=\E>\E[1;3;4;5;6l\E[?7h\E[m\E[r\E[2J\E[H:\
+	:r2=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:\
+	:se=\E[m:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:te=\E@0\E[?4r:\
+	:ti=\E@0\E[?4s\E[?4h\E@1:up=\E[A:
+xtermc|xterm terminal emulator (color):\
+	:Co#8:NC#7:pa#64:\
+	:AB=\E[4%p1%dm:AF=\E[3%p1%dm:\
+	:..Sb=\E[4%?%p1%{1}%=%t4%e%p1%{3}%=%t6%e%p1%{4}%=%t1%e%p1%{6}%=%t3%e%p1%d%;m:\
+	:..Sf=\E[3%?%p1%{1}%=%t4%e%p1%{3}%=%t6%e%p1%{4}%=%t1%e%p1%{6}%=%t3%e%p1%d%;m:\
+	:op=\E[100m:\
+	:tc=xtermm:
+# From: David J. MacKenzie <djm@va.pubnix.com> 20 Apr 1995
+# Here's a termcap entry I've been using for xterm_color, which comes
+# with BSD/OS 2.0, and the X11R6 contrib tape too I think.  Besides the
+# color stuff, I also have a status line defined as the window manager
+# title bar. [I have translated it to terminfo -- ESR]
+xterm-pcolor|xterm with color used for highlights and status line:\
+	:md=\E[1m\E[43m:mr=\E[7m\E[34m:so=\E[7m\E[31m:\
+	:us=\E[4m\E[42m:\
+	:tc=xterm+sl:tc=xterm-r6:
+# HP ships this, except for the pb#9600 which was merged in from BSD termcap.
+# (hpterm: added empty <acsc>, we have no idea what ACS chars look like --esr)
+hpterm|X-hpterm|hp X11 terminal emulator:\
+	:am:da:db:mi:xs:\
+	:Nl#8:co#80:lh#2:li#24:lm#0:lw#8:pb#9600:sg#0:\
+	:LF=\E&j@:LO=\E&jB:ac=:ae=^O:al=\EL:as=^N:bl=^G:bt=\Ei:\
+	:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:ch=\E&a%dC:cl=\E&a0y0C\EJ:cm=\E&a%dy%dC:\
+	:cr=^M:ct=\E3:cv=\E&a%dY:dc=\EP:dl=\EM:do=\EB:ei=\ER:im=\EQ:\
+	:k1=\Ep:k2=\Eq:k3=\Er:k4=\Es:k5=\Et:k6=\Eu:k7=\Ev:k8=\Ew:\
+	:kA=\EL:kC=\EJ:kD=\EP:kE=\EK:kF=\ES:kH=\EF:kI=\EQ:kL=\EM:\
+	:kM=\ER:kN=\EU:kP=\EV:kR=\ET:kS=\EJ:kT=\E1:ka=\E3:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\EB:ke=\E&s0A:kh=\Eh:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ks=\E&s1A:kt=\E2:\
+	:ku=\EA:le=^H:md=\E&dB:me=\E&d@:mh=\E&dH:ml=\El:mr=\E&dB:\
+	:mu=\Em:nd=\EC:..pk=\E&f%p1%dk%p2%l%dL%p2%s:\
+	:..pl=\E&f1a%p1%dk%p2%l%dL%p2%s:\
+	:..pn=\E&f%p1%dk%p2%l%dd0L%p2%s:\
+	:..px=\E&f2a%p1%dk%p2%l%dL%p2%s:\
+	:..sa=\E&d%?%p7%t%{115}%c%;%p1%p3%|%p6%|%{2}%*%p2%{4}%*%+%p4%+%p5%{8}%*%+%{64}%+%c%?%p9%t%'\016'%c%e%'\017'%c%;:\
+	:se=\E&d@:sf=^J:so=\E&dJ:sr=\ET:st=\E1:ta=^I:ue=\E&d@:\
+	:up=\EA:us=\E&dD:
+# This entry describes an xterm with Sun-style function keys enabled
+# via the X resource setting "xterm*sunFunctionKeys:true"
+# To understand <kf11>/<kf12> note that L1,L2 and F11,F12 are the same.
+# The <kf13>...<kf20> keys are L3-L10.  We don't set <kf16=\E[197z>
+# because we want it to be seen as <kcpy>. 
+# The <kf31>...<kf45> keys are R1-R15.  We treat some of these in accordance
+# with their Sun keyboard labels instead.
+# From: Simon J. Gerraty <sjg@zen.void.oz.au> 10 Jan 1996
+xterm-sun|xterm with sunFunctionKeys true:\
+	:%1=\E[196z:&8=\E[195z:@0=\E[200z:@5=\E[197z:@7=\E[220z:\
+	:F1=\E[192z:F2=\E[193z:F3=\E[194z:F4=\E[195z:F5=\E[196z:\
+	:F7=\E[198z:F8=\E[199z:F9=\E[200z:FA=\E[201z:FL=\E[208z:\
+	:FM=\E[209z:FN=\E[210z:FO=\E[211z:FP=\E[212z:FQ=\E[213z:\
+	:FS=\E[215z:FU=\E[217z:FW=\E[219z:FY=\E[221z:K2=\E[218z:\
+	:k1=\E[224z:k2=\E[225z:k3=\E[226z:k4=\E[227z:k5=\E[228z:\
+	:k6=\E[229z:k7=\E[230z:k8=\E[231z:k9=\E[232z:k;=\E[233z:\
+	:kI=\E[2z:kN=\E[222z:kP=\E[216z:kh=\E[214z:\
+	:tc=xterm:
+xterms-sun|small (80x24) xterm with sunFunctionKeys true:\
+	:co#80:li#24:tc=xterm-sun:
+# This is for the extensible terminal emulator on the X11R6 contrib tape.
+emu|emu native mode:\
+	:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:Co#15:co#80:it#8:li#24:pa#64:vt#200:\
+	:*6=\Esel:@0=\Efind:@8=^M:AB=\Es%i%p1%d;:AF=\Er%i%p1%d;:\
+	:AL=\EQ%d;:DC=\EI%d;:DL=\ER%d;:DO=\Ep%d;:F1=\EF11:\
+	:F2=\EF12:F3=\EF13:F4=\EF14:F5=\EF15:F6=\EF16:F7=\EF17:\
+	:F8=\EF18:F9=\EF19:FA=\EF20:LE=\Eq-%d;:RI=\Eq%d;:\
+	:UP=\Ep-%d;:\
+	:ac=61a\202f\260g2j\213k\214l\215m\216n\217o\220q\222s\224t\225u\226v\227w\230x\231~\244:\
+	:ae=\0:al=\EQ1;:as=\0:bl=^G:cb=\EL:cd=\EN:ce=\EK:\
+	:cl=\EP\EE0;0;:cm=\EE%d;%d;:cr=^M:cs=\Ek%d;%d;:ct=\Ej:\
+	:dc=\EI1;:dl=\ER1;:do=\EB:eA=\0:ec=\Ej%d;:ei=\EX:\
+	:ho=\EE0;0;:im=\EY:is=\ES\Er0;\Es0;:k0=\EF00:k1=\EF01:\
+	:k2=\EF02:k3=\EF03:k4=\EF04:k5=\EF05:k6=\EF06:k7=\EF07:\
+	:k8=\EF08:k9=\EF09:k;=\EF10:kD=\177:kI=\Eins:kN=\Enext:\
+	:kP=\Eprior:kb=^H:kd=\EB:kl=\EC:kr=\ED:ku=\EA:le=^H:\
+	:mb=\ES\EW:md=\ES\EU:me=\ES:mr=\ES\ET:nd=\ED:\
+	:oc=\Es0;\Er0;:r2=\ES\Es0;\Er0;:se=\ES:sf=\EG:so=\ES\ET:\
+	:sr=\EF:st=\Eh:ta=^I:ue=\ES:up=\EA:us=\ES\EV:ve=\Ea:vi=\EZ:\
+	:vs=\Ea:
+#### Alpha consoles
+# This is from the OSF/1 Release 1.0 termcap file
+pccons|pcconsole|ANSI (mostly) Alpha PC console terminal emulation:\
+	:am:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#25:\
+	:al=\E[L:bl=^G:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:\
+	:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ei=:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:\
+	:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:\
+	:nd=\E[C:nw=^M^J:se=\E[m:so=\E[7m:ta=^I:up=\E[A:
+#### AT&T consoles
+# This actually describes the generic SVr4 display driver for Intel boxes.
+# The :mh=\E[2m: isn't documented and therefore may not be reliable.
+# From: Eric Raymond <esr@snark.thyrsus.com> Mon Nov 27 19:00:53 EST 1995
+att6386|at386|386at|AT&T WGS 6386 console:\
+	:am:bw:eo:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:\
+	:@7=\E[Y:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:F1=\EOZ:\
+	:F2=\EOA:IC=\E[%d@:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:SF=\E[%dS:\
+	:SR=\E[%dT:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``a1fxgqh0jYk?lZm@nEooppqDrrsstCu4vAwBx3yyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=\E[10m:al=\E[1L:as=\E[12m:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:\
+	:ce=\E[K:ch=\E[%i%dG:cl=\E[2J\E[H:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:\
+	:ct=\E[2g:cv=\E[%i%dd:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[1M:do=\E[B:ec=\E[%dX:\
+	:ei=:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[1@:im=:is=\E[0;10;39m:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:\
+	:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\EOT:k6=\EOU:k7=\EOV:k8=\EOW:k9=\EOX:\
+	:k;=\EOY:kB=^]:kD=\E[P:kI=\E[@:kM=\E0:kN=\E[U:kP=\E[V:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=\E[D:mb=\E[5m:\
+	:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0;10m:mh=\E[2m:mk=\E[9m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:nw=\r\E[S:rc=\E8:\
+	:..sa=\E[10m\E[0%?%p1%p3%|%t;7%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p4%t;5%;%?%p5%t;2%;%?%p6%t;1%;%?%p9%t;12%e;10%;%?%p7%t;9%;m:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\E[S:so=\E[7m:sr=\E[T:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[=1C:vi=\E[=C:\
+	:tc=klone+color:
+# (pc6300plus: removed ":KM=/usr/lib/ua/kmap.s5:"; renamed BO/EE/CI/CV -- esr)
+pc6300plus|AT&T 6300 plus:\
+	:am:bs:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\E[1L:bl=^G:cd=\E[0J:ce=\E[0K:cl=\E[2J\E[H:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%2;%2H:cr=^M:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[1P:dl=\E[1M:do=\E[B:\
+	:ei=:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[1@:im=:k1=\EOc:k2=\EOd:k3=\EOe:k4=\EOf:\
+	:k5=\EOg:k6=\EOh:k7=\EOi:k8=\EOj:k9=\EOk:k;=\EOu:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\E[B:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:\
+	:me=\E[m:mh=\E[2m:mk=\E[9m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=^M^J:\
+	:se=\E[m:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:st=\EH:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:ve=\E[=1C:vi=\E[=C:
+# From: Benjamin C. W. Sittler <bsittler@nmt.edu>
+# I have a UNIX PC which I use as a terminal attached to my Linux PC.
+# Unfortunately, the UNIX PC terminfo entry that comes with ncurses
+# is broken. All the special key sequences are broken, making it unusable
+# with Emacs. The problem stems from the following:
+# The UNIX PC has a plethora of keys (103 of them, and there's no numeric
+# keypad!), loadable fonts, and strange highlighting modes ("dithered"
+# half-intensity, "smeared" bold, and real strike-out, for example.) It also
+# uses resizable terminal windows, but the bundled terminal program always
+# uses an 80x24 window (and doesn't support seem to support a 132-column
+# mode.) 
+# HISTORY: The UNIX PC was one of the first machines with a GUI, and used a
+# library which was a superset of SVr3.5 curses (called tam, for "terminal
+# access method".) tam includes support for real, overlapping windows,
+# onscreen function key labels, and bitmap graphics. But since the primary
+# user interface on the UNIX PC was a GUI program (ua, for "user
+# assistant",) and remote administration was considered important for the
+# machine, tam also supported VT100-compatible terminals attached to the
+# serial port or used across the StarLan network. To simulate the extra keys
+# not present on a VT100, users could press ESC and a two-letter sequence,
+# such as u d (Undo) or U D (Shift-Undo.) These two-letter sequences,
+# however, were not the same as those sent by the actual Undo key. The
+# actual Undo key sends ESC 0 s unshifted, and ESC 0 S shifted, for example.
+# (If you're interested in adding some of the tam calls to ncurses, btw, I
+# have the full documentation and several programs which use tam. It also
+# used an extended terminfo format to describe key sequences, special
+# highlighting modes, etc.) 
+# KEYS: This means that ncurses would quite painful on the UNIX PC, since
+# there are two sequences for every key-modifier combination (local keyboard
+# sequence and remote "VT100" sequence.) But I doubt many people are trying
+# to use ncurses on the UNIX PC, since ncurses doesn't properly handle the
+# GUI. Unfortunately, the terminfo entry (and the termcap, too, I presume) 
+# seem to have been built from the manual describing the VT100 sequences. 
+# This means it doesn't work for a real live UNIX PC. 
+# FONTS: The UNIX PC also has a strange interpretation of "alternate
+# character set". Rather than the VT100 graphics you might expect, it allows
+# up to 8 custom fonts to be loaded at any given time. This means that
+# programs expecting VT100 graphics will usually be disappointed. For this
+# reason I have disabled the smacs/rmacs sequences, but they could easily be
+# re-enabled. Here are the relevant control sequences (from the ESCAPE(7) 
+# manpage), should you wish to do so: 
+# SGR10 - Select font 0 - ESC [ 10 m or SO
+# SGR11 - Select font 1 - ESC [ 11 m or SI
+# SGR12 - Select font 2 - ESC [ 12 m
+# ... (etc.)
+# SGR17 - Select font 7 - ESC [ 17 m
+# Graphics for line drawing are not reliably found at *any* character
+# location because the UNIX PC has dynamically reloadable fonts. I use font
+# 0 for regular text and font 1 for italics, but this is by no means
+# universal. So ASCII line drawing is in order if smacs/rmacs are enabled.
+# MISC: The cursor visible/cursor invisible sequences were swapped in the
+# distributed terminfo.
+# To ameliorate these problems (and fix a few highlighting bugs) I rewrote
+# the UNIX PC terminfo entry. The modified version works great with Lynx,
+# Emacs, and XEmacs running on my Linux PC and displaying on the UNIX PC
+# attached by serial cable. In Emacs, even the Undo key works, and many
+# applications can now use the F1-F8 keys. 
+# esr's notes:
+#	Terminfo entry for the AT&T Unix PC 7300
+#	from escape(7) in Unix PC 7300 Manual.
+#	Somewhat similar to a vt100-am (but different enough
+#	to redo this from scratch.)
+#	/***************************************************************
+#	*
+#	*
+#	*     This routine loads a font defined in the file ALTFONT
+#	*     into font memory slot #1.  Once the font has been loaded,
+#	*     it can be used as an alternative character set.
+#	*
+#	*     The call to ioctl with the argument WIOCLFONT is the key 
+#	*     to this routine.  For more information, see window(7) in 
+#	*     the PC 7300 documentation.
+#	***************************************************************/
+#	#include <string.h>		/* needed for strcpy call */
+#	#include <sys/window.h>         /* needed for ioctl call */
+#	#define FNSIZE	60		/* font name size */
+#	#define ALTFONT  "/usr/lib/wfont/special.8.ft"  /* font file */
+#	/*
+#	*     The file /usr/lib/wfont/special.8.ft comes with the
+#	*     standard PC software.  It defines a graphics character set
+#	*     similar to that of the Teletype 5425 terminal.  To view
+#	*     this or other fonts in /usr/lib/wfont, use the command
+#	*     cfont <filename>.  For further information on fonts see
+#	*     cfont(1) in the PC 7300 documentation.
+#	*/
+#	struct altfdata 	/* structure for alt font data */
+#	{
+#	short	altf_slot;		/* memory slot number */
+#	char	altf_name[FNSIZE];	/* font name (file name) */
+#	};
+#	ldfont()
+#	{
+#		int wd;		/* window in which altfont will be */
+#		struct altfdata altf;
+#		altf.altf_slot=1;
+#		strcpy(altf.altf_name,ALTFONT);
+#		for (wd =1; wd < 12; wd++) {
+#		     ioctl(wd, WIOCLFONT,&altf);
+#	        }
+#	}
+# (att7300: added :vi:/:ve:/:ic:/<invis> from the BSDI entry,
+# they're confirmed by the man page for the System V display---esr)
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+att7300|unixpc|pc7300|3b1|s4|AT&T UNIX PC Model 7300:\
+	:am:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:\
+	:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bl=^G:bt=\E^I:cd=\E[0J:ce=\E[0K:\
+	:cl=\E[2J\E[H:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:\
+	:do=\E[B:ei=:ho=\E[H:i1=\017\E[=1w:ic=\E[@:im=:k1=\EOc:\
+	:k2=\EOd:k3=\EOe:k4=\EOf:k5=\EOg:k6=\EOh:k7=\EOi:k8=\EOj:\
+	:kD=\ENf:kI=\ENj:kN=\E[U:kP=\E[V:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:\
+	:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[9m:md=\E[1m:\
+	:me=\E[0;10m:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:se=\E[m:\
+	:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[=0C:\
+	:vi=\E[=1C:
+#### Hewlett-Packard consoles
+# These are descriptions for the HP700 series, the workstations formerly
+# known as Apollos.  HP terminals are described elsewhere in the file
+# From: Victor Duchovni <vic@fine.princeton.edu>
+# (hp700-wy: removed obsolete ":nl=^J:";
+# replaced /usr/share/tabset/hp700-wy with std because :it#8:,:st=\E1: -- esr)
+hp700-wy|HP700/41 emulating wyse30:\
+	:am:bs:bw:mi:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:sg#1:\
+	:al=0.7*\EE:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=10\ET:cl=^Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :\
+	:cr=^M:ct=\E0:cv=\E[%+ :dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^V:ei=\Er:ho=^^:\
+	:i1=\E~"\EC\Er\E(\EG0\003\E`9\E`1:\
+	:if=/usr/share/tabset/stdcrt:im=\Eq:kB=\EI:kC=^Z:kE=\ET:\
+	:kI=\Eq:kM=\Er:kS=\EY:kT=\EI:kb=\177:kd=^V:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:\
+	:ku=^K:le=^H:ll=^^^K:me=10\EG0:nd=^L:se=10\EG0:so=10\EG4:\
+	:sr=\Ej:st=\E1:ta=^I:ue=10\EG0:up=^K:us=10\EG8:
+hp70092|hp70092a|hp70092A|HP 700/92:\
+	:am:da:db:xs:\
+	:Nl#8:co#80:lh#2:li#24:lm#0:lw#8:\
+	:LF=\E&j@:LO=\E&jB:ac=0cjgktlrmfn/q\054t5u6v8w7x.:ae=^O:\
+	:al=\EL:as=^N:bl=^G:bt=\Ei:ce=\EK:ch=\E&a%dC:\
+	:cl=\E&a0y0C\EJ:cm=\E&a%dy%dC:cr=^M:ct=\E3:cv=\E&a%dY:\
+	:dc=\EP:dl=\EM:do=\EB:ei=\ER:im=\EQ:k1=\Ep:k2=\Eq:k3=\Er:\
+	:k4=\Es:k5=\Et:k6=\Eu:k7=\Ev:k8=\Ew:kA=\EL:kC=\EJ:kD=\EP:\
+	:kE=\EK:kF=\ES:kH=\EF:kI=\EQ:kL=\EM:kM=\ER:kN=\EU:kP=\EV:\
+	:kR=\ET:kS=\EJ:kT=\E1:ka=\E3:kb=^H:kd=\EB:ke=\E&s0A:kh=\Eh:\
+	:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ks=\E&s1A:kt=\E2:ku=\EA:le=^H:mb=\E&dA:\
+	:md=\E&dB:me=\E&d@:mh=\E&dH:mr=\E&dB:nd=\EC:se=\E&d@:\
+	:so=\E&dJ:sr=\ET:st=\E1:ta=^I:ue=\E&d@:up=\EA:us=\E&dD:
+#  HP 700/44 Setup parameters:  
+# Terminal Mode		HP-PCterm
+# Inhibit Auto Wrap	NO
+# Status Line		Host Writable
+# PC Character Set	YES
+# Twenty-Five Line Mode	YES
+# XON/XOFF		@128 or 64 (sc)
+# Keycode Mode 		NO   or YES (sc)
+# Backspace Key		BS or BS/DEL
+# :is: 	sets pcterm; autowrap; 25 lines; pc char set; prog DEL key; 
+# \E\\? does not turn off keycode mode
+# <smsc>	sets alternate start/stop; keycode on
+hpansi|hp700|hewlett packard 700/44 in HP-PCterm mode:\
+	:am:eo:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#25:\
+	:@7=\E[4~:RA=\E[?7l:S4=\E[>11h\EPO**x0/65;1/67\E\:\
+	:S5=\E[>11l\EP1**x0/11;1/13\E[m\E\:SA=\E[?7h:XF=g:XN=e:\
+	:ac=j\331k\277l\332m\300n\305q\304t\303u\264v\301w\302x\263:\
+	:al=\E[L:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[2J\E[H:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=:ho=\E[H:\
+	:ic=\E[@:im=:\
+	:is=\E[44"p\E[?7h\E[>10h\E[>12h\EP1;1|3/7F\E\:\
+	:k1=\E[17~:k2=\E[18~:k3=\E[19~:k4=\E[20~:k5=\E[21~:\
+	:k6=\E[23~:k7=\E[24~:k8=\E[25~:k9=\E[26~:k;=\E[28~:\
+	:kB=\E[Z:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[1~:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=\E[D:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:sf=^J:\
+	:so=\E[7m:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[?25h:\
+	:vi=\E[?25l:
+#### Iris consoles
+# Sent by Stefan Stapelberg <stefan@rent-a-guru.de>, 24 Feb 1997, this is
+# from SGI's terminfo database.  SGI's entry shows F9-F12 with the codes
+# for the application keypad mode.  We have added iris-ansi-ap rather than
+# change the original to keypad mode.
+# (iris-ansi: added rmam/smam based on init string -- esr)
+# This entry, and those derived from it, is used in xwsh (also known as
+# winterm).  Some capabilities that do not fit into the terminfo model
+# include the shift- and control-functionkeys:
+# F1-F12 generate different codes when shift or control modifiers are used.
+# For example:
+#	F1      	\E[001q
+#	shift F1	\E[013q
+#	control-F1	\E[025q
+# In application keypad mode, F9-F12 generate codes like vt100 PF1-PF4, i.e.,
+# \EOP to \EOS.  The shifted and control modifiers still do the same thing.
+# The cursor keys also have different codes:
+#	control-up	\E[162q
+#	control-down	\E[165q
+#	control-left	\E[159q
+#	control-right	\E[168q
+#	shift-up	\E[161q
+#	shift-down	\E[164q
+#	shift-left	\E[158q
+#	shift-right	\E[167q
+#	control-tab	\[072q
+# iris-ansi-net alias helps with IRIX does when you rsh to a remote system. 
+iris-ansi|iris-ansi-net|IRIS emulating 40 line ANSI terminal (almost VT100):\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#40:\
+	:!2=\E[218q:#2=\E[143q:#4=\E[158q:%9=\E[209q:%f=\E[210q:\
+	:%i=\E[167q:&7=\E[217q:*4=\E[P:*7=\E[147q:@7=\E[146q:\
+	:@8=^M:AL=\E[%dL:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:F1=\E[011q:\
+	:F2=\E[012q:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:\
+	:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:ct=\E[3g:dl=\E[M:do=^J:\
+	:ho=\E[H:is=\E[?1l\E>\E[?7h\E[100g\E[0m\E7\E[r\E8:\
+	:k1=\E[001q:k2=\E[002q:k3=\E[003q:k4=\E[004q:k5=\E[005q:\
+	:k6=\E[006q:k7=\E[007q:k8=\E[008q:k9=\E[009q:k;=\E[010q:\
+	:kB=\E[Z:kD=\177:kI=\E[139q:kM=\E[146q:kN=\E[154q:\
+	:kP=\E[150q:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:\
+	:le=\E[D:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:\
+	:pk=\EP101;%d.y%s\E\:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\ED:\
+	:so=\E[1;7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:ve=\E[9/y\E[12/y\E[=6l:vs=\E[10/y\E[=1h\E[=2l\E[=6h:
+iris-ansi-ap|IRIS ANSI in application-keypad mode:\
+	:@8=\EOM:F1=\E[011q:F2=\E[012q:is=\E[?1l\E=\E[?7h:\
+	:k9=\E[009q:k;=\E[010q:\
+	:tc=iris-ansi:
+# From the man-page, this is a quasi-vt100 emulator that runs on SGI's IRIX
+# (T.Dickey 98/1/24)
+iris-color|xwsh|IRIX ANSI with color:\
+	:NC#33:\
+	:DC=\E[%dP:IC=\E[%d@:ZH=\E[3m:ZR=\E[23m:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\
+	:ec=\E[%dX:ei=:im=:mh=\E[2m:r1=\Ec:\
+	:r2=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:\
+	:u6=\E[%i%d;%dR:u7=\E[6n:u8=\E[?1;2c:u9=\E[c:ue=\E[24m:\
+	:tc=klone+color:tc=iris-ansi-ap:
+# (wsiris: this had extension capabilities
+#	:HS=\E7F2:HE=\E7F7:\
+#	:CT#2:CZ=*Bblack,red,green,yellow,blue,magenta,cyan,*Fwhite:
+# See the note on Iris extensions near the end of this file.  
+# Finally, removed suboptimal :cl:=\EH\EJ and added :do: & 
+# :vb: from BRL -- esr)
+wsiris|iris40|iris emulating a 40 line visual 50 (approximately):\
+	:am:bs:nc:pt:\
+	:co#80:it#8:kn#3:li#40:\
+	:al=\EL:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\Ev:cm=\EY%+ %+ :dl=\EM:\
+	:do=\EB:ho=\EH:is=\E7B0\E7F7\E7C2\E7R3:k0=\E0:k1=\E1:\
+	:k2=\E2:k3=\E3:k4=\E4:k5=\E5:k6=\E6:k7=\E7:k8=\E8:k9=\E9:\
+	:kd=\EB:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:me=\E7F7:mh=\E7F2:nd=\EC:\
+	:nl=\EB:se=\E0@:sf=^J:so=\E9P:sr=\EI:ta=^I:ue=\E7R3\E0@:\
+	:up=\EA:us=\E7R2\E9P:vb=\E7F4\E7B1\013\E7F7\E7B0:ve=\E>:\
+	:vs=\E;:
+#### NeWS consoles
+# Console terminal windows under the NeWS (Sun's Display Postscript windowing
+# environment).   Note: these have nothing to do with Sony's News workstation
+# line.
+# Entry for NeWS's psterm from Eric Messick & Hugh Daniel
+# (psterm: unknown ":sl=\EOl:el=\ENl:" removed -- esr)
+psterm|psterm-basic|NeWS psterm-80x34:\
+	:am:bs:hs:km:ul:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#34:\
+	:al=\EA:cd=\EB:ce=\EC:cl=^L:cm=\E%d;%d;:cs=\EE%d;%d;:\
+	:dc=\EF:dl=\EK:do=\EP:ei=\ENi:fs=\ENl:ho=\ER:i1=\EN*:\
+	:im=\EOi:kd=\E[B:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=\ET:ll=\EU:\
+	:mb=\EOb:md=\EOd:me=\EN*:mr=\EOr:nd=\EV:rc=^\:sc=^]:se=\ENo:\
+	:sf=\EW:so=\EOo:sr=\EX:ta=^I:te=\ENt:ti=\EOt:ts=\EOl:\
+	:ue=\ENu:up=\EY:us=\EOu:vb=\EZ:
+psterm-96x48|NeWS psterm 96x48:\
+	:co#96:li#48:tc=psterm:
+psterm-90x28|NeWS psterm 90x28:\
+	:co#90:li#28:tc=psterm:
+psterm-80x24|NeWS psterm 80x24:\
+	:co#80:li#24:tc=psterm:
+# This is a faster termcap for psterm.  Warning:  if you use this termcap,
+# some control characters you type will do strange things to the screen.
+# (psterm-fast: unknown ":sl=^Ol:el=^Nl:" -- esr)
+psterm-fast|NeWS psterm fast version (flaky ctrl chars):\
+	:am:bs:hs:km:ul:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#34:\
+	:al=^A:cd=^B:ce=^C:cl=^L:cm=\004%d;%d;:cs=\005%d;%d;:dc=^F:\
+	:dl=^K:do=^P:ei=^Ni:fs=^Nl:ho=^R:i1=^N*:im=^Oi:kd=\E[B:\
+	:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^T:ll=^U:mb=^Ob:md=^Od:me=^N*:\
+	:mr=^Or:nd=^V:rc=^\:sc=^]:se=^No:sf=^W:so=^Oo:sr=^X:ta=^I:\
+	:te=^Nt:ti=^Ot:ts=^Ol:ue=^Nu:up=^Y:us=^Ou:vb=^Z:
+#### NeXT consoles
+# Use `glasstty' for the Workspace application
+# From: Dave Wetzel <dave@turbocat.snafu.de> 22 Dec 1995
+next|NeXT console:\
+	:am:xt:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:ce=\E[K:cl=^L:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:do=^J:ho=\E[H:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=^J:kl=^H:le=^H:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:nw=^M^J:se=\E[4;1m:\
+	:sf=^J:so=\E[4;2m:ta=^I:up=\E[A:
+nextshell|NeXT Shell application:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=^M:do=^J:kb=^H:kd=^J:kl=^H:le=^H:nw=^M^J:ta=^I:
+#### SCO consoles
+# SCO console and SOS-Syscons console for 386bsd
+# (scoansi: had unknown capabilities
+#	:Gc=N:Gd=K:Gh=M:Gl=L:Gu=J:Gv=\072:\
+#	:GC=E:GD=B:GH=D:GL=\64:GU=A:GV=\63:GR=C:
+#	:G1=?:G2=Z:G3=@:G4=Y:G5=;:G6=I:G7=H:G8=<:\
+#	:CW=\E[M:NU=\E[N:RF=\E[O:RC=\E[P:\
+#	:WL=\E[S:WR=\E[T:CL=\E[U:CR=\E[V:\
+# I renamed GS/GE/HM/EN/PU/PD/RT and added klone+sgr-dumb, based
+# on the :as:=\E[12m  -- esr)
+# SCO function keys and <acsc> corrected by Thomas Dickey.
+# In this description based on SCO's keyboard(HW) manpage list of default function key
+# values:
+#	F13-F24 are shifted F1-F12
+#	F25-F36 are control F1-F12
+#	F37-F48 are shift+control F1-F12
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+scoansi|SCO Extended ANSI standard crt:\
+	:am:eo:xo:\
+	:Co#8:co#80:it#8:li#25:pa#64:\
+	:@1=\E[E:@7=\E[F:AB=\E[4%p1%dm:AF=\E[3%p1%dm:F1=\E[W:\
+	:F2=\E[X:F3=\E[Y:F5=\E[a:F6=\E[b:F7=\E[c:F8=\E[d:F9=\E[e:\
+	:FA=\E[f:FB=\E[g:FC=\E[h:FD=\E[i:FE=\E[j:FF=\E[k:FG=\E[l:\
+	:FH=\E[m:FI=\E[n:FJ=\E[o:FK=\E[p:FL=\E[q:FM=\E[r:FN=\E[s:\
+	:FO=\E[t:FP=\E[u:FQ=\E[v:FR=\E[w:FS=\E[x:FT=\E[y:FU=\E[z:\
+	:FV=\E[@:FW=\E[[:FX=\E[\:FY=\E[]:FZ=\E[\136:Fa=\E[_:\
+	:Fb=\E[`:Fc=\E[{:\
+	:ac=0[5566778899\072\072;;<<==>>FFGGHHIIJJKKLLMMNNOOPPQQRRSSTTUUVVWWXX`ja0fxgqh2jYk?lZm@nEqDtCu4vAwBx3~y:\
+	:ae=\E[10m:al=\E[L:as=\E[12m:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=:\
+	:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=:k1=\E[M:k2=\E[N:k3=\E[O:k4=\E[P:\
+	:k5=\E[Q:k6=\E[R:k7=\E[S:k8=\E[T:k9=\E[U:k;=\E[V:kB=\E[Z:\
+	:kI=\E[L:kN=\E[G:kP=\E[I:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=\E[D:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0;10m:\
+	:mk=\E[8m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:op=\E[37;40m:se=\E[m:sf=\E[S:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=\E[T:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+#### Sun consoles
+# :is1: resets scrolling region in case a previous user had used "tset vt100"
+oldsun|Sun Microsystems Workstation console:\
+	:am:bs:km:mi:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#34:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:IC=\E[%d@:al=\E[L:bl=^G:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=^L:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:dc=\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=:i1=\E[1r:ic=\E[@:im=:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:\
+	:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:\
+	:le=^H:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:ta=^I:up=\E[A:
+# From: Alexander Lukyanov <lav@video.yars.free.net>, 14 Nov 1995
+# :li: capability later corrected by J.T. Conklin <jtc@cygnus.com>
+# SGR 1, 4 aren't supported - removed bold/underline (T.Dickey 17 Jan 1998)
+sun-il|Sun Microsystems console with working insert-line:\
+	:am:km:ms:\
+	:co#80:li#34:\
+	:%7=\E[194z:&5=\E[193z:&8=\E[195z:@7=\E[220z:AL=\E[%dL:\
+	:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:F1=\E[234z:F2=\E[235z:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:K2=\E[218z:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=^L:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ei=:ic=\E[@:im=:\
+	:k1=\E[224z:k2=\E[225z:k3=\E[226z:k4=\E[227z:k5=\E[228z:\
+	:k6=\E[229z:k7=\E[230z:k8=\E[231z:k9=\E[232z:k;=\E[233z:\
+	:kD=\177:kN=\E[222z:kP=\E[216z:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[214z:\
+	:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:md@:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:r2=\E[s:\
+	:..sa=\E[0%?%p6%t;1%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p1%p3%|%t;7%;m:\
+	:se=\E[m:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:ta=^I:u8=\E[1t:u9=\E[11t:ue@:\
+	:up=\E[A:us@:
+# On a SparcStation 5, :al:/:AL: flake out on the last line.
+# Unfortunately, without them the terminal has no way to scroll.
+sun-ss5|Sun SparcStation 5 console:\
+	:AL@:al@:tc=sun-il:
+# If you are using an SS5, change the sun definition to use sun-ss5.
+sun|sun1|sun2|Sun Microsystems Inc. workstation console:\
+	:tc=sun-il:
+# From: <john@ucbrenoir>  Tue Sep 24 13:14:44 1985
+sun-s|Sun Microsystems Workstation window with status line:\
+	:hs:\
+	:ds=\E]l\E\:fs=\E\:ts=\E]l:tc=sun:
+sun-e-s|sun-s-e|Sun Microsystems Workstation with status hacked for emacs:\
+	:hs:\
+	:ds=\E]l\E\:fs=\E\:ts=\E]l:tc=sun-e:
+sun-48|Sun 48-line window:\
+	:co#80:li#48:tc=sun:
+sun-34|Sun 34-line window:\
+	:co#80:li#34:tc=sun:
+sun-24|Sun 24-line window:\
+	:co#80:li#24:tc=sun:
+sun-17|Sun 17-line window:\
+	:co#80:li#17:tc=sun:
+sun-12|Sun 12-line window:\
+	:co#80:li#12:tc=sun:
+sun-1|Sun 1-line window for sysline:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:co#80:li#1:\
+	:ds=^L:fs=\E[K:ts=^M:tc=sun:
+sun-e|sun-nic|sune|Sun Microsystems Workstation without insert character:\
+	:ei@:ic@:im@:\
+	:tc=sun:
+sun-c|sun-cmd|Sun Microsystems Workstation console with scrollable history:\
+	:li#35:\
+	:te=\E[>4h:ti=\E[>4l:tc=sun:
+#### Common Desktop Environment
+# This ships with Sun's CDE in Solaris 2.5
+# Corrected Sun Aug 9 1998 by Alexander V. Lukyanov <lav@video.yars.free.net>
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+dtterm|CDE desktop terminal:\
+	:am:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:lm#0:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ec=\E[%dX:\
+	:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E F\E>\E[?1l\E[?7h\E[?45l:k1=\E[11~:k2=\E[12~:\
+	:k3=\E[13~:k4=\E[14~:k5=\E[15~:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:\
+	:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:\
+	:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m\017:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:\
+	:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[22;27m:sf=\ED:so=\E[2;7m:sr=\EM:\
+	:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:\
+	:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:
+#### Mach
+# From: Matthew Vernon <mcv21@pick.sel.cam.ac.uk>
+mach|Mach Console:\
+	:am:km:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:\
+	:@7=\E[Y:AL=\E[%dL:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\Ec:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ho=\E[H:k1=\EOP:\
+	:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\EOT:k6=\EOU:k7=\EOV:k8=\EOW:\
+	:k9=\EOX:k;=\EOY:kD=\E[9:kH=\E[F:kI=\E[@:kN=\E[U:kP=\E[V:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=^M^J:\
+	:se=\E[0m:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:ta=^I:up=\E[A:
+mach-bold|Mach Console with bold instead of underline:\
+	:ue=\E[0m:us=\E[1m:\
+	:tc=mach:
+#### OSF Unix
+# OSF/1 1.1 Snapshot 2
+pmcons|pmconsole|PMAX console:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#128:li#57:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=^L:cr=^M:do=^J:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:\
+	:kd=\E[B:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:sf=^J:ta=^I:up=^K:
+#### FSF virtual terminal types
+# The codes supported by the term.el terminal emulation in GNU Emacs 19.30 
+eterm|gnu emacs term.el terminal emulation:\
+	:am:mi:xn:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cb=\E[1K:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:\
+	:im=\E[4h:le=^H:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:\
+	:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:ta=^I:te=\E[2J\E[?47l\E8:ti=\E7\E[?47h:\
+	:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+# Entries for use by the `screen' program by Juergen Weigert, 
+# Michael Schroeder, Oliver Laumann.  The screen and
+# screen-w entries came with version 3.7.1.  The screen2 and screen3 entries
+# come from University of Wisconsin and may be older.
+# (screen: added :ve: on ANSI model -- esr)
+# (screen: added <el1> -- TD)
+screen|VT 100/ANSI X3.64 virtual terminal:\
+	:am:km:mi:ms:xn:\
+	:Co#8:co#80:it#8:li#24:pa#64:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:F1=\E[23~:\
+	:F2=\E[24~:IC=\E[%d@:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=++\054\054--..00``aaffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\
+	:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:eA=\E(B\E)0:ei=\E[4l:\
+	:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:is=\E)0:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:\
+	:k5=\E[15~:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:\
+	:k;=\E[21~:kD=\E[3~:kH=\E[4~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kh=\E[1~:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:\
+	:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:r2=\Ec:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[23m:\
+	:sf=^J:so=\E[3m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[24m:up=\EM:\
+	:us=\E[4m:vb=\Eg:ve=\E[34h\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:vs=\E[34l:\
+	:tc=ecma+color:
+screen-w|VT 100/ANSI X3.64 virtual terminal with 132 cols:\
+	:co#132:tc=screen:
+screen2|old VT 100/ANSI X3.64 virtual terminal:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:\
+	:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[2J\E[H:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:ct=\E[3g:\
+	:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=\E[4l:ic=:im=\E[4h:k0=\E~:\
+	:k1=\ES:k2=\ET:k3=\EU:k4=\EV:k5=\EW:k6=\EP:k7=\EQ:k8=\ER:\
+	:k9=\E0I:kb=^H:kd=\EB:kh=\EH:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:\
+	:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:nw=^M^J:r1=\Ec:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[23m:\
+	:sf=^J:so=\E[3m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:
+# (screen3: removed unknown ":xv:LP:G0:" -- esr)
+screen3|older VT 100/ANSI X3.64 virtual terminal:\
+	:km:mi:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ei=\E[4l:\
+	:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:is=\E)0:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E>:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:r1=\Ec:\
+	:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[23m:sf=^J:so=\E[3m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:ue=\E[24m:up=\EM:us=\E[4m:
+# Francesco Potorti <F.Potorti@cnuce.cnr.it>:
+# NCSA telnet is one of the most used telnet clients for the Macintosh.  It has
+# been maintained until recently by the National Center for Supercomputer
+# Applications, and it is feature rich, stable and free.  It can be downloaded
+# from www.ncsa.edu.  This terminfo description file is based on xterm-vt220,
+# xterm+sl, and the docs at NCSA.  It works well.
+# NCSA Telnet 2.6 for Macintosh in vt220 8-bit emulation mode
+# The terminal options should be set as follows:
+#         Xterm sequences ON
+#         use VT wrap mode ON
+#         use Emacs arrow keys OFF
+#         CTRL-COMND is Emacs meta ON
+#         8 bit mode ON
+#         answerback string: "ncsa-vt220-8"
+#         setup keys: all disabled
+# Application mode is not used.
+# Other special mappings:
+#	Apple		VT220
+#	HELP 		Find
+#	HOME		Insert here
+#	PAGEUP		Remove
+#	DEL		Select
+#	END		Prev Screen
+#	PAGEDOWN	Next Screen
+# Though it supports ANSI color, NCSA Telnet uses color to represent blinking
+# text.
+# The status-line manipulation is a mapping of the xterm-compatible control
+# sequences for setting the window-title.  So you must use tsl and fsl in
+# pairs, since the latter ends the string that is loaded to the window-title.
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+ncsa-m|ncsa-vt220-8|NCSA Telnet 2.6 for Macintosh in vt220-8 mode:\
+	:am:hs:km:mi:ms:xn:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:\
+	:ds=\E]0;\007:ei=\E[4l:fs=^G:ho=\E[H:\
+	:if=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E7\E[r\E[m\E[?7h\E[?1;4;6l\E[4l\E8\E>:k1=\E[17~:\
+	:k2=\E[18:k3=\E[19~:k4=\E[20~:k5=\E[21~:k6=\E23~:\
+	:k7=\E[24~:k8=\E[25~:k9=\E[26~:kD=\E[4~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[3~:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[2~:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m\017:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:te=\E[2J\E8:ti=\E7:ts=\E]0;:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:
+ncsa|NCSA Telnet 2.7 for Macintosh in vt220-8 mode:\
+	:tc=ncsa-m:tc=klone+color:
+ncsa-ns|NCSA Telnet 2.7 for Macintosh in vt220-8 mode:\
+	:hs@:\
+	:ds@:fs@:ts@:tc=ncsa:
+ncsa-m-ns|NCSA Telnet 2.6 for Macintosh in vt220-8 mode:\
+	:hs@:\
+	:ds@:fs@:ts@:tc=ncsa-m:
+# alternate -TD:
+# The documented function-key mapping refers to the Apple Extended Keyboard
+# (e.g., NCSA Telnet's F1 corresponds to a VT220 F6).  We use the VT220-style
+# codes, however, since the numeric keypad (VT100) PF1-PF4 are available on
+# some keyboards and many applications require these as F1-F4.
+ncsa-vt220|NCSA Telnet using vt220-compatible function keys:\
+	:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:F3=\E[25~:F4=\E[26~:F5=\E[28~:\
+	:F6=\E[29~:F7=\E[31~:F8=\E[32~:F9=\E[33~:FA=\E[34~:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:\
+	:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:\
+	:tc=ncsa:
+#### Pilot Pro Palm-Top
+# From: Jason Downs <downsj@downsj.com>, 15 Jun 1997 (Top Gun Telnet's author)
+pilot|tgtelnet|Top Gun Telnet on the Palm Pilot Professional:\
+	:am:xn:\
+	:co#39:li#16:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=\Ec:cm=\Em%+ %+ :cr=^M:do=^J:ho=\Em  :kN=^L:kP=^K:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=^J:kl=^H:le=^H:nw=\Em~ :se=\EB:sf=^J:so=\Eb:ta=^I:
+#### MGR
+# MGR is a Bell Labs window system lighter-weight than X.
+# These entries describe MGR's xterm-equivalent. 
+# They are courtesy of Vincent Broman <broman@nosc.mil> 14 Jan 1997 
+mgr|Bellcore MGR (non X) window system terminal emulation:\
+	:am:km:\
+	:AL=\E%da:DC=\E%dE:DL=\E%dd:IC=\E%dA:RA=\E5S:SA=\E5s:\
+	:al=\Ea:bl=^G:cd=\EC:ce=\Ec:cl=^L:cm=\E%r%d;%dM:cr=^M:\
+	:cs=\E%d;%dt:dc=\EE:dl=\Ed:do=\Ef:ei=:hd=\E1;2f:hu=\E1;2u:\
+	:ic=\EA:im=:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:\
+	:md=\E2n:me=\E0n:mr=\E1n:nd=\Er:nw=^M^J:se=\E0n:sf=^J:\
+	:so=\E1n:ta=^I:ue=\E0n:up=\Eu:us=\E4n:ve=\Eh:vi=\E9h:\
+	:vs=\E0h:
+mgr-sun|Mgr window with Sun keyboard:\
+	:%1=\E[207z:%6=\E[198z:&8=\E[195z:@0=\E[200z:@5=\E197z:\
+	:@7=\E[220z:@8=\E[250z:F1=\E[234z:F2=\E[235z:K1=\E[214z:\
+	:K2=\E[218z:K3=\E[216z:K4=\E[220z:K5=\E[222z:k1=\E[224z:\
+	:k2=\E[225z:k3=\E[226z:k4=\E[227z:k5=\E[228z:k6=\E[229z:\
+	:k7=\E[230z:k8=\E[231z:k9=\E[232z:k;=\E[233z:kN=\E[222z:\
+	:kP=\E[216z:kh=\E[214z:\
+	:tc=mgr:
+mgr-linux|Mgr window with Linux keyboard:\
+	:@7=\E[4~:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:K1=\E[H:K2=\E[G:K3=\E[5~:\
+	:K4=\E[Y:K5=\E[6~:k0=\E[[J:k1=\E[[A:k2=\E[[B:k3=\E[[C:\
+	:k4=\E[[D:k5=\E[[E:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:\
+	:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:kD=\E[3~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kh=\E[1~:tc=mgr:
+#### BeOS
+# BeOS entry for Terminal program Seems to be almost ANSI
+beterm|BeOS Terminal:\
+	:am:eo:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:Co#8:NC#5:co#80:it#8:li#25:pa#64:\
+	:&7=^Z:@7=\E[4~:AB=\E[4%p1%dm:AF=\E[3%p1%dm:AL=\E[%dL:\
+	:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:F1=\E[21~:F2=\E[22~:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:Sb=\E[%+(m:Sf=\E[%+^^m:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:ch=\E[%i%dG:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:cv=\E[%i%dd:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:\
+	:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=\E[4h:k1=\E[11~:k2=\E[12~:\
+	:k3=\E[13~:k4=\E[14~:k5=\E[15~:k6=\E[16~:k7=\E[17~:\
+	:k8=\E[18~:k9=\E[19~:k;=\E[20~:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:\
+	:kP=\E[5~:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[1~:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:\
+	:le=^H:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0;10m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=^M^J:\
+	:op=\E[m:r1=\Ec:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:\
+	:st=\EH:ta=^I:u6=\E[%i%d;%dR:u7=\E[6n:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:
+#### QNX
+# QNX 4.0 Console
+# Michael's original version of this entry had <am@>, :ti=\Ei:,
+# :te=\Eh\ER:; this was so terminfo applications could write the lower
+# right corner without triggering a scroll.  The ncurses terminfo library can
+# handle this case with the :ic: capability, and prefers :am: for better
+# optimization.  Bug: The <op> capability resets attributes.
+# From: Michael Hunter <mphunter@qnx.com> 30 Jul 1996
+# (removed: :sa=%?%p1%t\E<%;%p2%t\E[%;%p3%t\E(%;%p4%t\E{%;%p6%t\E<%;,:)
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+qnx|qnx4|qnx console:\
+	:km:mi:ms:xt:\
+	:co#80:it#4:li#25:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=^M:\
+	:dc=\Ef:dl=\EF:do=^J:ei=:ho=\EH:ic=\Ee:im=:k1=\377\201:\
+	:k2=\377\202:k3=\377\203:k4=\377\204:k5=\377\205:\
+	:k6=\377\206:k7=\377\207:k8=\377\210:k9=\377\211:\
+	:kD=\377\254:kI=\377\253:kN=\377\252:kP=\377\242:\
+	:kd=\377\251:kh=\377\240:kl=\377\244:kr=\377\246:\
+	:ku=\377\241:le=^H:mb=\E{:md=\E<:me=\E}\E]\E>\E):mr=\E(:\
+	:nd=\EC:rp=\Eg%r%+ %.:se=\E):sf=^J:so=\E(:sr=\EI:ta=^I:\
+	:te=\Eh\ER:ti=\Ei:ue=\E]:up=\EA:us=\E[:ve=\Ey1:vi=\Ey0:\
+	:vs=\Ey2:
+# From: Federico Bianchi <bianchi@pc-arte2.arte.unipi.it>, 1 Jul 1998
+# (esr: commented out <scp> and :te: to avoid warnings.)
+# (TD: derive from original qnx4 entry)
+qnxt2|qnx 2.15 serial terminal:\
+	:am:\
+	:!3@:%h@:%j@:&7@:Sb@:Sf@:dc@:ei=:ic@:im=:rp@:se=\E>:so=\E<:te@:ti@:\
+	:ve@:vi@:vs@:\
+	:tc=qnx4:
+#### DOS ANSI.SYS variants
+# This completely describes the sequences specified in the DOS 2.1 ANSI.SYS
+# documentation (except for the keyboard key reassignment feature, which
+# doen't fit the <pfkey> model well).  The klone+acs sequences were valid
+# though undocumented.  The <pfkey> capability is untested but should work for
+# keys F1-F10 (%p1 values outside this range will yield unpredictable results).
+# From: Eric S. Raymond <esr@snark.thyrsus.com> Nov 7 1995
+ansi.sys-old|ANSI.SYS under PC-DOS 2.1:\
+	:am:bs:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#25:\
+	:RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7h:ce=\E[k:cl=\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:do=\E[B:ho=\E[H:is=\E[m\E[?7h:kd=^J:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:\
+	:ku=^K:le=^H:nd=\E[C:pk=\E[0;%+:;"%s":rc=\E[u:sc=\E[s:\
+	:u6=\E[%i%d;%dR:u7=\E[6n:up=\E[A:\
+	:tc=klone+color:tc=klone+sgr:
+ansi.sys|ANSI.SYS 3.1 and later versions:\
+	:ce=\E[K:tc=ansi.sys-old:
+# Define IBM PC keypad keys for vi as per MS-Kermit while using ANSI.SYS.
+# This should only be used when the terminal emulator cannot redefine the keys.
+# Since redefining keys with ansi.sys also affects PC-DOS programs, the key
+# definitions must be restored.  If the terminal emulator is quit while in vi
+# or others using :ks:/:ke:, the keypad will not be defined as per PC-DOS.
+# The PgUp and PgDn are prefixed with ESC so that tn3270 can be used on Unix
+# (^U and ^D are already defined for tn3270).  The ESC is safe for vi but it
+# does "beep".  ESC ESC i is used for Ins to avoid tn3270 ESC i for coltab.
+# Note that :kl: is always BS, because PC-dos can tolerate this change.
+# Caution: vi is limited to 256 string bytes, longer crashes or weirds out vi.
+# Consequently the End keypad key could not be set (it is relatively safe and
+# actually useful because it sends ^@ O, which beeps and opens a line above).
+ansi.sysk|ansisysk|PC-DOS 3.1 ANSI.SYS with keypad redefined for vi:\
+	:is=U2 PC-DOS 3.1 ANSI.SYS with keypad redefined for vi 9-29-86\n\E[;75;8p:\
+	:ke=\E[;71;0;71p\E[;72;0;72p\E[;73;0;73p\E[;77;0;77p\E[;80;0;80p\E[;81;0;81p\E[;82;0;82p\E[;83;0;83p:\
+	:ks=\E[;71;30p\E[;72;11p\E[;73;27;21p\E[;77;12p\E[;80;10p\E[;81;27;4p\E[;82;27;27;105p\E[;83;127p:\
+	:tc=ansi.sys:
+# Adds ins/del line/character, hence vi reverse scrolls/inserts/deletes nicer.
+nansi.sys|nansisys|PC-DOS Public Domain NANSI.SYS:\
+	:al=\E[1L:dc=\E[1P:dl=\E[1M:ei=:ic=\E[1@:im=:\
+	:is=U3 PC-DOS Public Domain NANSI.SYS 9-23-86\n:tc=ansi.sys:
+# See ansi.sysk and nansi.sys above.
+nansi.sysk|nansisysk|PC-DOS Public Domain NANSI.SYS with keypad redefined for vi:\
+	:al=\E[1L:dc=\E[1P:dl=\E[1M:ei=:ic=\E[1@:im=:\
+	:is=U4 PC-DOS Public Domain NANSI.SYS with keypad redefined for vi 9-29-86\n\E[;75;8p:tc=ansi.sysk:
+#### OS/2
+# Except for the "-emx" suffixes, these are as distributed with EMX 0.9b,
+# a Unix-style environment used on OS/2.  (Note that the suffix makes some
+# names longer than 14 characters, the nominal maximum).
+# Removed: rmacs=\E[10m, smacs=\E[11m, because OS/2 does not implement acs.
+ansi-emx|ANSI.SYS color:\
+	:am:eo:mi:ms:ut:xn:xo:\
+	:Co#16:co#80:it#8:li#25:pa#64:\
+	:&7=^Z:AB=\E[4%p1%dm:AF=\E[3%p1%dm:DC=\E[%dp:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:K2=\E[G:S2=\E[11m:S3=\E[10m:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[1;33;44m\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:ct=\E[3g:\
+	:do=^J:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=\E[4h:k0=\0D:k1=\0;:\
+	:k2=\0<:k3=\0=:k4=\0>:k5=\0?:k6=\0@:k7=\0A:k8=\0B:k9=\0C:\
+	:kH=\0O:kI=\0R:kN=\0Q:kP=\0I:kb=^H:kd=\0P:kh=\0G:kl=\0K:\
+	:kr=\0M:ku=\0H:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:\
+	:me=\E[0m\E[1;33;44m:mr=\E[5;37;41m:nd=\E[C:nw=^M^J:\
+	:r1=\Ec:se=\E[0;44m\E[1;33m:sf=^J:so=\E[0;31;47m:st=\EH:\
+	:ta=^I:u8=\E[?6c:u9=\E[c:ue=\E[0;44m\E[1;33m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[1;31;44m:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:
+ansi-color-2-emx|ANSI.SYS color 2:\
+	:am:eo:mi:ms:ut:xn:xo:\
+	:Co#16:co#80:it#8:li#25:pa#64:\
+	:&7=^Z:AB=\E[4%p1%dm:AF=\E[3%p1%dm:DC=\E[%dp:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:K2=\E[G:S2=\E[11m:S3=\E[10m:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[0;37;44m\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:ct=\E[3g:\
+	:do=^J:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=\E[4h:k0=\0D:k1=\0;:\
+	:k2=\0<:k3=\0=:k4=\0>:k5=\0?:k6=\0@:k7=\0A:k8=\0B:k9=\0C:\
+	:kH=\0O:kI=\0R:kN=\0Q:kP=\0I:kb=^H:kd=\0P:kh=\0G:kl=\0K:\
+	:kr=\0M:ku=\0H:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0;37;44m:\
+	:mr=\E[1;37;46m:nd=\E[C:nw=^M^J:r1=\Ec:se=\E[0;37;44m:\
+	:sf=^J:so=\E[1;37;46m:st=\EH:ta=^I:u8=\E[?6c:u9=\E[c:\
+	:ue=\E[0;37;44m:up=\E[A:us=\E[1;36;44m:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:\
+	:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:
+ansi-color-3-emx|ANSI.SYS color 3:\
+	:am:eo:mi:ms:ut:xn:xo:\
+	:Co#16:co#80:it#8:li#25:pa#64:\
+	:&7=^Z:AB=\E[4%p1%dm:AF=\E[3%p1%dm:DC=\E[%dp:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:K2=\E[G:S2=\E[11m:S3=\E[10m:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[0;37;40m\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:ct=\E[3g:\
+	:do=^J:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=\E[4h:k0=\0D:k1=\0;:\
+	:k2=\0<:k3=\0=:k4=\0>:k5=\0?:k6=\0@:k7=\0A:k8=\0B:k9=\0C:\
+	:kH=\0O:kI=\0R:kN=\0Q:kP=\0I:kb=^H:kd=\0P:kh=\0G:kl=\0K:\
+	:kr=\0M:ku=\0H:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0;10m:\
+	:mr=\E[1;37;46m:nd=\E[C:nw=^M^J:r1=\Ec:se=\E[0;37;40m:\
+	:sf=^J:so=\E[1;37;46m:st=\EH:ta=^I:u8=\E[?6c:u9=\E[c:\
+	:ue=\E[0;37;40m:up=\E[A:us=\E[0;36;40m:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:\
+	:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:
+mono-emx|stupid monochrome ansi terminal with only one kind of emphasis:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:K2=\E[G:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:do=\E[B:\
+	:ho=\E[H:k0=\0D:k1=\0;:k2=\0<:k3=\0=:k4=\0>:k5=\0?:k6=\0@:\
+	:k7=\0A:k8=\0B:k9=\0C:kH=\0O:kI=\0R:kN=\0Q:kP=\0I:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\0P:kh=\0G:kl=\0K:kr=\0M:ku=\0H:le=\E[D:me=\E[0m:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=^M^J:ta=^I:up=\E[A:
+# Use this for cygwin32 (tested with beta 19.1)
+# underline is colored bright magenta
+# shifted kf1-kf12 are kf11-kf22
+cygwin|ansi emulation for cygwin32:\
+	:@7=\E[4~:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:F3=\E[25~:F4=\E[26~:\
+	:F5=\E[28~:F6=\E[29~:F7=\E[31~:F8=\E[32~:F9=\E[33~:\
+	:FA=\E[34~:RA@:SA@:k1=\E[[A:k2=\E[[B:k3=\E[[C:k4=\E[[D:\
+	:k5=\E[[E:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:\
+	:k;=\E[21~:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kd=\E[B:\
+	:kh=\E[1~:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:\
+	:tc=ansi.sys:
+#### Windows NT
+# This entry fits the Windows NT console when the _POSIX_TERM environment
+# variable is set to 'on'.  While the Windows NT POSIX console is seldom used,
+# the Telnet client supplied with both the Windows for WorkGroup 3.11 TCP/IP
+# stack and the Win32 (i.e., Windows 95 and Windows NT 3.1 or later) operating
+# systems is not, and (surprise!) they match very well.
+# See:  MS Knowledge Base item Q108581, dated 13-MAY-1997, titled "Setting Up
+# VI POSIX Editor for Windows NT 3.1".  True to Microsoft form, not only
+# are the installation instructions a pile of mind-numbing bureaucratese,
+# but the termcap entry is actually broken and unusable as given; the :do:
+# capability is misspelled "d".
+# To use this, you need to a bunch of environment variables: 
+# SET TERM=ansi
+# SET TERMCAP=location of termcap file in POSIX file format
+# which is case-sensitive.
+# e.g. SET TERMCAP=//D/RESKIT35/posix/termcap
+# Important note: setting the TMP environment variable in POSIX style renders
+# it incompatible with a lot of other applications, including Visual C++. So
+# you should have a separate command window just for vi. All the other
+# variables may be permanently set in the Control Panel\System applet. 
+# You can find out more about the restrictions of this facility at
+# <http://www.nentug.org/unix-to-nt/ntposix.htm>.
+# From: Federico Bianchi <bianchi@magna.cisid.unipi.it>, 15 Jan 1997
+ansi-nt|psx_ansi|Microsoft Windows NT console POSIX ANSI mode:\
+	:am:bw:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:do=^J:\
+	:ho=\E[H:kb=^H:kd=\E[V:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:\
+	:me=\E[0m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\r\E[S:rc=\E[u:sc=\E[s:\
+	:se=\E[m:sf=\E[S:so=\E[7m:sr=\E[T:ta=^I:up=\E[A:
+# From: jew@venus.sunquest.com
+# Date: 19 Feb 93 23:41:07 GMT
+# Here's  a  combination of  ansi and  vt100 termcap
+# entries   that  works  nearly   perfectly  for  me
+# (Gateway 2000 Handbook and Microsoft Works 3.0):
+pcmw|PC running Microsoft Works:\
+	:am:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:vt#3:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=50\E[J:ce=3\E[K:cl=50\E[;H\E[2J:\
+	:cm=5\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:ct=2\E[3g:do=^J:ho=\E[H:\
+	:is=\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ku=\EOA:le=^H:mb=2\E[5m:\
+	:md=2\E[1m:me=2\E[m:mr=2\E[7m:nd=2\E[C:nw=5\r\ED:\
+	:r2=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:rc=\E8:\
+	:rf=/usr/share/lib/tabset/vt100:sc=\E7:se=2\E[m:sf=5\ED:\
+	:so=2\E[7m:sr=5\EM:st=2\EH:ta=^I:ue=2\E[m:up=2\E[A:\
+	:us=2\E[4m:
+# This section describes terminal classes and maker brands that are still
+# quite common, but have proprietary command sets not blessed by ANSI.
+#### Lear-Siegler (adm)
+# These guys are long since out of the terminals business, but
+# in 1995 many current terminals still have an adm type as one of their
+# emulations (usually their stupidest, and usually labeled adm3, though
+# these `adm3' emulations normally have adm3a+ capabilities).
+# WARNING: Some early ADM terminals (including the ADM3 and ADM5) had a 
+# `diagnostic feature' that sending them a ^G while pin 22 (`Ring Indicator')
+# was being held to ground would trigger a send of the top line on the screen.
+# A quick fix might be to drop back to a cheesy 4-wire cable with pin 22
+# hanging in the air. (Thanks to Eric Fischer, <eric@fudge.uchicago.edu>,
+# for clearing up this point.)
+adm1a|adm1|lsi adm1a:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=\E;:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:do=^J:ho=^^:le=^H:nd=^L:\
+	:sf=^J:up=^K:
+adm2|lsi adm2:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=^G:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=\E;:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:\
+	:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^J:ei=:ho=^^:ic=\EQ:im=:kd=^J:kh=^^:kl=^H:\
+	:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:nd=^L:sf=^J:up=^K:
+# (adm3: removed obsolete ":ma=^K^P:" -- esr)
+adm3|lsi adm3:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=^Z:cr=^M:do=^J:le=^H:sf=^J:
+# The following ADM-3A switch settings are assumed for normal operation:
+# Other switches may be set for operator convenience or communication
+# requirements.  I recommend
+# Most of these terminals required an option ROM to support lower case display.
+# Open the case and look at the motherboard; if you see an open 24-pin DIP
+# socket, you may be out of luck.
+# (adm3a: some capabilities merged in from BRl entry -- esr)
+adm3a|lsi adm3a:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=1\032:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:do=^J:ho=^^:kd=^J:kl=^H:\
+	:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:ma=^K^P:nd=^L:nl=^J:r1=^N:rs=^N:sf=^J:\
+	:up=^K:
+adm3a+|adm3a plus:\
+	:kb=^H:tc=adm3a:
+# (adm5: removed obsolete ":ma=^Hh^Jj^Kk^Ll^^H:" & duplicate ":do=^J:" -- esr)
+adm5|lsi adm5:\
+	:sg#1:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cr=^M:do=^J:kb=^H:kh=^^:se=\EG:so=\EG:tc=adm3a+:
+# A lot of terminals other than adm11s use these.  Wherever you see
+# use=adm+sgr with some of its capabilities disabled, try the
+# disabled ones.  They may well work but not have been documented or
+# expressed in the using entry.  We'd like to cook up an :sa: but the
+# :ae:/:as: sequences of the using entries vary too much.
+adm+sgr|adm style highlight capabilities:\
+	:me=\EG0:mk=\EG1:mr=\EG4:se=\EG0:so=\EG4:ue=\EG0:us=\EG8:
+# LSI ADM-11 from George William Hartwig, Jr. <geo@BRL-TGR.ARPA> via BRL
+# Status line additions from Stephen J. Muir <stephen%comp.lancs.ac.uk@ucl-cs>
+# :kh: from <stephen%comp.lancs.ac.uk@ucl-cs.arpa>.  :cl: could also
+# be ^Z, according to his entry.
+# (adm11: :us:=\EG4 was obviously erroneous because it also said
+# :mr:=\EG4.  Looking at other ADMs confirms this -- esr)
+adm11|LSI ADM-11:\
+	:am:bs:hs:\
+	:co#80:kn#8:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=\E*:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:do=^J:ds=\Eh:\
+	:fs=\E(\r:ho=^^:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:\
+	:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:kb=^H:kd=^J:kh=^^:\
+	:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:mb=\EG2:nd=^L:nl=^J:nw=^M^J:ta=^I:\
+	:ts=\EF\E):up=^K:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:
+# From: Andrew Scott Beals <bandy@lll-crg.ARPA>
+# Corrected by Olaf Siebert <rhialto@polder.ubc.kun.nl>, 11 May 1995
+# Supervisor mode info by Ari Wuolle, <awuolle@delta.hut.fi>, 27 Aug 1996
+# (adm12: removed obsolete ":kn:ma=j^Jk^P^K^Pl ^R^L^L :".  This formerly had
+# :is:=\Eq but that looked wrong; this :is: is from Dave Yost <esquire!yost>
+# via BRL.  That entry asserted :sg#1:, but I've left that out because 
+# neither earlier nor later ADMSs have it -- esr)
+# You will need to get into the supervisor setup before you can set
+# baudrate etc. for your ADM-12+. Press Shift-Ctrl-Setup and you should
+# see a lot more setup options.
+# While in supervisor setup you can also use following codes:
+# Ctrl-P Personality character selections (configure for example what
+#        arrow keys send, if I recall correctly)
+# Ctrl-T tabs 1-80   use left&right to move and up to set and
+# Ctrl-V tabs 81-158 down to clear tab. Shift-Ctrl-M sets right margin at cursor
+# Ctrl-B Binary setup (probably not needed. I think that everything can
+#        be set using normal setup)
+# Ctrl-A Answerback mode (enter answerback message)
+# Ctrl-U User friendly mode (normal setup)
+# Ctrl-D Defaults entire setup and function keys from EPROM tables
+# Ctrl-S Save both setup and functions keys. Takes from 6 to 10 seconds.
+# Ctrl-R Reads both setup and functions keys from NVM.
+# Shift-Ctrl-X Unlock keyboard and cancel received X-OFF status
+# ADM-12+ supports hardware handshaking, but it is DTR/CTS as opposed to
+# RTS/CTS used nowadays with virtually every modem and computer. 19200
+# bps works fine with hardware flow control.
+# The following null-modem cable should fix this and enable you to use
+# RTS/CTS handshaking (which Linux supports, use CRTSCTS setting). Also
+# set ADM-12+ for DTR handshaking from supervisor setup.
+# PC Serial   ADM-12+
+#  --------   -------
+#         2 - 3
+#         3 - 2
+#         4 - 5
+#         5 - 20
+#       6,8 - 4
+#         7 - 7
+#        20 - 6,8
+adm12|lsi adm12:\
+	:am:bs:mi:pt:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=^G:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=^Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:ct=\E0:\
+	:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^J:ei=\Er:ho=^^:ic=\EQ:im=\Eq:\
+	:is=\E0        \E1        \E1        \E1        \E1        \E1        \E1        \E1        \E1:\
+	:k0=^A0\r:k1=^A1\r:k2=^A2\r:k3=^A3\r:k4=^A4\r:k5=^A5\r:\
+	:k6=^A6\r:k7=^A7\r:k8=^A8\r:k9=^A9\r:kd=^J:kl=^H:kr=^L:\
+	:ku=^K:le=^H:nd=^L:st=\E1:up=^K:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:
+# (adm20: removed obsolete ":kn#7:" -- esr)
+adm20|lear siegler adm20:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=^Z:\
+	:cm=\E=%i%r%+^_%+^_:cr=^M:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:ei=:ho=^^:ic=\EQ:\
+	:im=:k1=^A:k2=^B:k3=^W:k4=^D:k5=^E:k6=^X:k7=^Z:le=^H:me=\E(:\
+	:nd=^L:se=\E(:so=\E):ta=^I:up=^K:
+adm21|lear siegler adm21:\
+	:sg#1:\
+	:al=30*\EE:bl=^G:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cr=^M:dc=\EW:dl=30*\ER:do=^J:\
+	:ei=:ic=\EQ:im=:kb=^H:kd=^J:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:mk@:sf=^J:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:tc=adm3a:
+# (adm22: ":em=:" was an obvious typo for ":ei=:"; also,
+# removed obsolete ":kn#7:ma=j^Jk^P^K^Pl ^R^L^L :";
+# removed bogus-looking \200 from before :cm:. -- esr)
+adm22|lsi adm22:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\Ey:ce=\Et:cl=\E+:cm=\E=%+ %+ :\
+	:cr=^M:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^J:ei=:ho=^^:ic=\EQ:im=:\
+	:is=\E%\014\014\014\016\003\0\003\002\003\002\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0:\
+	:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:\
+	:k7=^AF\r:kb=^H:kd=^J:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:l1=F1:l2=F2:\
+	:l3=F3:l4=F4:l5=F5:l6=F6:l7=F7:le=^H:me=\E(:nd=^L:se=\E(:\
+	:so=\E):ta=\Ei:up=^K:
+# ADM 31 DIP Switches
+# This information comes from two versions of the manual for the
+# Lear-Siegler ADM 31.
+# Main board:
+#                  rear of case
+#   +-||||-------------------------------------+
+#   + S1S2                              ||S    +
+#   +                                   ||3    +
+#   +                                          +
+#   +                                ||S       +
+#   +                                ||4       +
+#   +                                          +
+#   +                                          +
+#   +                                          +
+#   +                                          +
+#   +                                          +
+# +-+                                          +-+
+# +                                              +
+# +                               S5 S6 S7       +   
+# +                               == == ==       +
+# +----------------------------------------------+
+#            front of case (keyboard)
+#  S1 - Data Rate - Modem
+#  S2 - Data Rate - Printer
+# ------------------------
+# Data Rate   Setting
+# -------------------
+# 50          0 0 0 0
+# 75          1 0 0 0
+# 110         0 1 0 0
+# 134.5       1 1 0 0
+# 150         0 0 1 0
+# 300         1 0 1 0
+# 600         0 1 1 0
+# 1200        1 1 1 0
+# 1800        0 0 0 1
+# 2000        1 0 0 1
+# 2400        0 1 0 1
+# 3600        1 1 0 1
+# 4800        0 0 1 1
+# 7200        1 0 1 1
+# 9600        0 1 1 1
+# x           1 1 1 1
+# S3 - Interface/Printer/Attributes
+# ---------------------------------
+# Printer Busy Control
+# sw1   sw2   sw3
+# ---------------
+# off   off   off   Busy not active, CD disabled
+# off   off   on    Busy not active, CD enabled
+# off   on    off   Busy active on J5-20, CD disabled
+# on    off   off   Busy active on J5-19, CD disabled - Factory Set.
+# on    off   on    Busy active on J5-19, CD enabled
+# sw4   Used in conjuction with S4 for comm interface control - Fact 0
+# sw5   Secondary Channel Control (Hardware implementation only) - Fact 0
+# sw6   ON enables printer BUSY active LOW - Factory Setting
+#       OFF enables printer BUSY active HIGH - If set to this, ADM31 senses
+# sw7   ON - steady cursor - Factory Setting
+#       OFF - blinking cursor
+# sw8   ON causes selected attribute character to be displayed
+#       OFF causes SPACE to be displayed instead - Factory Setting
+# S4 - Interface
+# --------------
+# Modem Interface
+# S3    S4    S4    S4    S4
+# sw4   sw1   sw2   sw3   sw4
+# ---------------------------
+# OFF   ON    OFF   ON    OFF   Enable RS-232C interface, Direct Connect and
+#                               Current Loop disabled - Factory Setting
+# ON    ON    OFF   ON    OFF   Enable Current Loop interface, Direct Connect
+#                               disabled
+# OFF   OFF   ON    OFF   ON    Enable Direct Connect interface, RS-232C and
+#                               Current Loop Disabled
+# sw5   ON disables dot stretching mode - Factory Setting
+#       OFF enables dot stretching mode
+# sw6   ON enables blanking function
+#       OFF enables underline function - Factory Setting
+# sw7   ON causes NULLS to be displayed as NULLS
+#       OFF causes NULLS to be displayed as SPACES - Factory Setting
+# S5 - Word Structure
+# -------------------
+# sw1   ON enables BREAK key - Factory Setting
+#       OFF disables BREAK key
+# sw2   ON selects 50Hz monitor refresh rate
+#       OFF selects 60Hz monitor refresh rate - Factory Setting
+# Modem Port Selection
+# sw3   sw4   sw5
+# ---------------
+# ON    ON    ON    Selects 7 DATA bits, even parity, 2 STOP bits
+# OFF   ON    ON    Selects 7 DATA bits, odd  parity, 2 STOP bits
+# ON    OFF   ON    Selects 7 DATA bits, even parity, 1 STOP bit - Factory Set.
+# OFF   OFF   ON    Selects 7 DATA bits, odd  parity, 1 STOP bit
+# ON    ON    OFF   Selects 8 DATA bits, no   parity, 2 STOP bits
+# OFF   ON    OFF   Selects 8 DATA bits, no   parity, 1 STOP bit
+# ON    OFF   OFF   Selects 8 DATA bits, even parity, 1 STOP bit
+# OFF   OFF   OFF   Selects 8 DATA bits, odd  parity, 1 STOP bit
+# sw6   ON  sends bit 8 a 1 (mark)
+#       OFF sends bit 8 as 0 (space) - Factory Setting
+# sw7   ON  selects Block Mode
+#       OFF selects Conversation Mode - Factory Setting
+# sw8   ON  selects Full Duplex operation
+#       OFF selects Half Duplex operation - Factory Setting
+# S6 - Printer
+# ------------
+# sw1, sw2, sw6, sw7   Reserved - Factory 0
+# Printer Port Selection
+# same as Modem above, bit 8 (when 8 DATA bits) is always = 0
+# sw8   ON   enables Printer Port
+#       OFF disables Printer Port - Factory Setting
+# S7 - Polling Address
+# --------------------
+# sw1-7 Establish ASCII character which designates terminal polling address
+#       ON  = logic 0
+#       OFF = logic 1 - Factory Setting
+# sw8   ON   enables Polling Option
+#       OFF disables Polling Option - Factory Setting
+# On some older adm31s, S4 does not exist, and S5-sw6 is not defined.
+# This adm31 entry uses underline as the standout mode.
+# If the adm31 gives you trouble with standout mode, check the DIP switch in
+# position 6, bank @c11, 25% from back end of the circuit board.  Should be
+# OFF.  If there is no such switch, you have an old adm31 and must use oadm31.
+# (adm31: removed obsolete ":ma=j^Jk^P^K^Pl ^R^L^L :" -- esr)
+adm31|lsi adm31 with sw6 set for underline mode:\
+	:am:bs:mi:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=^G:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=\E*:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:\
+	:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^J:ei=\Er:ho=^^:im=\Eq:is=\Eu\E0:k0=^A0\r:\
+	:k1=^A1\r:k2=^A2\r:k3=^A3\r:k4=^A4\r:k5=^A5\r:k6=^A6\r:\
+	:k7=^A7\r:k8=^A8\r:k9=^A9\r:kd=^J:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:\
+	:me=\EG0:nd=^L:se=\EG0:sf=^J:so=\EG1:ue=\EG0:up=^K:us=\EG1:
+adm31-old|o31|old adm31:\
+	:so=\EG4:ue@:us@:tc=adm31:
+# LSI ADM-36 from Col. George L. Sicherman <gloria!colonel> via BRL
+adm36|LSI ADM36:\
+	:bs:pt:\
+	:kn#4:\
+	:if=/usr/lib/tabset/vt100:\
+	:is=\E<\E>\E[6;?2;?7;?8h\E[4;20;?1;?3;?4;?5;?6;?18;?19l:tc=vt100:
+# (adm42: removed obsolete ":ma=^K^P:" -- esr)
+adm42|lsi adm42:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=\E;:cm=\E=%+ %+ :\
+	:cr=^M:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^J:ei=\Er:im=\Eq:ip=:kd=^J:kh=^^:\
+	:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:mk@:nd=^L:pc=\177:sf=^J:ta=^I:ue@:\
+	:up=^K:us@:vs=\EC\E3 \E3(:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:
+# The following termcap for the Lear Siegler ADM-42 leaves the 
+# "system line" at the bottom of the screen blank (for those who 
+# find it distracting otherwise)
+adm42-ns|lsi adm-42 with no system line:\
+	:al=\EE\EF \011:bt=\EI\EF \011:cd=\EY\EF \011:\
+	:ce=\ET\EF \011:cl=\E;\EF \011:cm=\E=%+ %+ \EF \011:\
+	:dc=\EW\EF \011:dl=\ER\EF \011:ei=\Er\EF \011:\
+	:im=\Eq\EF \011:tc=adm42:
+# ADM 1178 terminal -- rather like an ADM-42.  Manual is dated March 1 1985.
+# The insert mode of this terminal is commented out because it's broken for our
+# purposes in that it will shift the position of every character on the page,
+# not just the cursor line!
+# From: Michael Driscoll <fenris@lightspeed.net> 10 July 1996
+adm1178|1178|lsi adm1178:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#1:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=\E+:cm=\E=%+ %+ :\
+	:cr=^M:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^J:ho=^^:ip=6*:kb=^H:kd=^J:kl=^H:\
+	:le=^H:md=\E(:me=\E):mr=\EG4:nd=^L:nw=^M^J:pc=\177:se=\EG0:\
+	:sf=^J:so=\EG4:ta=^I:ue=\EG0:up=^K:us=\EG1:vs=\EC\E3 \E3(:
+#### Qume (qvt)
+#	Qume, Inc.
+#	3475-A North 1st Street
+#	San Jose CA 95134
+#	Vox: (800)-457-4447
+#	Fax: (408)-473-1510
+#	Net: josed@techsupp.wyse.com (Jose D'Oliveira)
+# Qume was bought by Wyse, but still (as of early 1995) has its own support
+# group and production division.
+# Discontinued Qume models:
+# The qvt101 and qvt102 listed here are long obsolete; so is the qvt101+
+# built to replace them, and a qvt119+ which was a 101+ with available wide
+# mode (132 columns).  There was a qvt103 which added vt100/vt131 emulations
+# and an ANSI-compatible qvt203 that replaced it.  Qume started producing
+# ANSI-compatible terminals with the qvt323 and qvt61.
+# Current Qume models (as of February 1995):
+# All current Qume terminals have ANSI-compatible operation modes.
+# Qume is still producing the qvt62, which features emulations for other
+# popular lines such as ADDS, and dual-host capabilities.  The qvt82 is
+# designed for use as a SCO ANSI terminal.  The qvt70 is a color terminal
+# with many emulations including Wyse370, Wyse 325, etc.  Their newest
+# model is the qvt520, which is vt420-compatible.
+# There are some ancient printing Qume terminals under `Daisy Wheel Printers'
+# If you inherit a Qume without docs, try Ctrl-Shift-Setup to enter its
+# setup mode.  Shift-s should be a configuration save to NVRAM.
+qvt101|qvt108|qume qvt 101 and QVT 108:\
+	:sg#1:tc=qvt101+:
+# This used to have :vs=\E.2: but no :ve: or :vi:.  The BSD termcap
+# file had :vs=\EM4 \200\200\200:.  I've done the safe thing and yanked 
+# both. The :mr: is from BSD, which also claimed bold=\E( and dim=\E).
+# What seems to be going on here is that this entry was designed so that
+# the normal highlight is bold and standout is dim plus something else
+# (reverse-video maybe?  But then, are there two :mr: sequences?)  
+qvt101+|qvt101p|qume qvt 101 PLUS product:\
+	:am:bw:hs:ul:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#0:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=^Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:\
+	:ct=\E3:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^J:ds=\Eg\Ef\r:ei=:fs=^M:ho=^^:\
+	:ic=\EQ:im=:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:\
+	:k6=^AE\r:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:k;=^AI\r:kA=\EE:\
+	:kB=\EI:kE=\ET:kI=\EQ:kL=\ER:kS=\EY:kb=^H:kd=^J:kh=^^:kl=^H:\
+	:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:mk@:nd=^L:pf=\EA:po=\E@:se=\E(:sf=^J:\
+	:so=\E0P\E):st=\E1:ta=^I:ts=\Eg\Ef:up=^K:vb=\Eb\Ed:ve=\E.4:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:
+qvt102|qume qvt 102:\
+	:ve=\E.:tc=qvt101:
+# (qvt103: added <rmam>/<smam> based on init string -- esr)
+qvt103|qume qvt 103:\
+	:am:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:vt#3:\
+	:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:\
+	:UP=\E[%dA:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:do=^J:\
+	:ho=\E[H:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:\
+	:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:r2=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:rc=\E8:\
+	:..sa=\E[%?%p1%t;7%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p3%t;7%;%?%p4%t;5%;%?%p6%t;1%;m:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+qvt103-w|qume qvt103 132 cols:\
+	:co#132:li#24:\
+	:r2=\E>\E[?3h\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?8h:tc=qvt103:
+qvt119+|qvt119p|qvt119|qume qvt 119 and 119PLUS terminals:\
+	:am:hs:mi:ms:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#0:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\Ey:ce=\Et:cl=\E*1:cm=\E=%+ %+ :\
+	:cr=^M:ct=\E3:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^J:ds=\Eg\Ef\r:ei=\Er:fs=^M:\
+	:ho=^^:im=\Eq:is=\EDF\EC\EG0\Er\E(\E%EX:k0=^AI\r:\
+	:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:\
+	:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:kb=^H:kd=^J:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:\
+	:ku=^K:le=^H:nd=^L:pf=\EA:po=\E@:sf=^J:sr=\EJ:st=\E1:ta=^I:\
+	:ts=\Eg\Ef:up=^K:us=\EG8:vb=\En0\En1:ve=\E.4:vs=\E.2:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:
+qvt119+-25|qvt119p-25|QVT 119 PLUS with 25 data lines:\
+	:li#25:tc=qvt119+:
+qvt119+-w|qvt119p-w|qvt119-w|QVT 119 and 119 PLUS in 132 column mode:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:is=\EDF\EC\EG0\Er\E(\E%\EX\En4:tc=qvt119+:
+qvt119+-25-w|qvt119p-25-w|qvt119-25-w|QVT 119 and 119 PLUS 132 by 25:\
+	:li#25:tc=qvt119+:
+qvt203|qvt203+|qume qvt 203 Plus:\
+	:al=\E[L:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:ei=\E[4l:im=\E[4h:ip=:k0=\E[29~:\
+	:k1=\E[17~:k2=\E[18~:k3=\E[19~:k4=\E[20~:k5=\E[21~:\
+	:k6=\E[23~:k7=\E[24~:k8=\E[25~:k9=\E[28~:sf=\n:\
+	:tc=qvt103:
+qvt203-w|qvt203-w-am|qume qvt 203 PLUS in 132 cols (w/advanced video):\
+	:co#132:li#24:\
+	:r2=\E>\E[?3h\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?8h:tc=qvt203:
+#	Since a command is present for enabling 25 data lines,
+#	a specific terminfo entry may be generated for the 203.
+#	If one is desired for the QVT 119 PLUS then 25 lines must
+#	be selected in the status line (setup line 9).
+qvt203-25|QVT 203 PLUS with 25 by 80 column mode:\
+	:co#80:li#25:\
+	:is=\E[=40h\E[?3l:tc=qvt203:
+qvt203-25-w|QVT 203 PLUS with 25 by 132 columns:\
+	:co#132:li#25:\
+	:r2=\E[?3h\E[=40h:tc=qvt203:
+#### Televideo (tvi)
+#	TeleVideo
+#	550 East Brokaw Road
+#	PO Box 49048    95161
+#	San Jose CA 95112
+#	Vox: (408)-954-8333
+#	Fax: (408)-954-0623
+# There are some tvi terminals that require incredible amounts of padding and
+# some that don't.  I'm assuming tvi912 and tvi920 are the old slow ones, and
+# tvi912b, tvi912c, tvi920b, tvi920c are the new ones that don't need padding.
+# All of these terminals (912 to 970 and the tvipt) are discontinued.  Newer
+# Televideo terminals are ANSI and PC-ANSI compatible.
+tvi803|televideo 803:\
+	:cl=\E*:tc=tvi950:
+# Vanilla tvi910 -- W. Gish <cswarren@violet> 10/29/86
+# Switch settings are:
+# S1  1 2 3 4
+#     D D D D  9600
+#     D D D U    50
+#     D D U D    75
+#     D D U U   110
+#     D U D D   135
+#     D U D U   150
+#     D U U D   300
+#     D U U U   600
+#     U D D D  1200
+#     U D D U  1800
+#     U D U D  2400
+#     U D U U  3600
+#     U U D D  4800
+#     U U D U  7200
+#     U U U D  9600
+#     U U U U 19200
+# S1  5 6 7 8
+#     U D X D  7N1 (data bits, parity, stop bits) (X means ignored)
+#     U D X U  7N2
+#     U U D D  7O1
+#     U U D U  7O2
+#     U U U D  7E1
+#     U U U U  7E2
+#     D D X D  8N1
+#     D D X U  8N2
+#     D U D D  8O1
+#     D U U U  8E2
+# S1  9  Autowrap
+#     U  on
+#     D  off
+# S1 10  CR/LF
+#     U  do CR/LF when CR received
+#     D  do CR when CR received
+# S2  1  Mode
+#     U  block
+#     D  conversational
+# S2  2  Duplex
+#     U  half
+#     D  full
+# S2  3  Hertz
+#     U  50
+#     D  60
+# S2  4  Edit mode
+#     U  local
+#     D  duplex
+# S2  5  Cursor type
+#     U  underline
+#     D  block
+# S2  6  Cursor down key
+#     U  send ^J
+#     D  send ^V
+# S2  7  Screen colour
+#     U  green on black
+#     D  black on green
+# S2  8  DSR status (pin 6)
+#     U  disconnected
+#     D  connected
+# S2  9  DCD status (pin 8)
+#     U  disconnected
+#     D  duplex
+# S2 10  DTR status (pin 20)
+#     U  disconnected
+#     D  duplex
+# (tvi910: removed obsolete ":ma=^Kk^Ll^R^L:"; added :kh:, :le:, :do:,
+# :sf:, <hpa>, <vpa>, :am:, :ms: from SCO entry -- esr)
+tvi910|televideo model 910:\
+	:am:bs:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:sg#1:\
+	:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:ch=\E]%+ :cl=^Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :\
+	:cr=^M:cv=\E[%+ :do=^J:ho=\E=\001\001:\
+	:if=/usr/share/tabset/stdcrt:k0=^AI\r:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:\
+	:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:\
+	:k9=^AH\r:kb=^H:kd=^J:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:mk@:nd=^L:\
+	:sf=^J:ta=^I:up=^K:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:
+# From: Alan R. Rogers <rogers%albany@csnet-relay>
+# as subsequently hacked over by someone at SCO
+# (tvi910+: removed obsolete ":ma=^K^P^L :" -- esr)
+# Here are the 910+'s DIP switches (U = up, D = down, X = don't care):
+# S1  1 2 3 4:
+#     D D D D  9600     D D D U    50     D D U D    75     D D U U   110
+#     D U D D   135     D U D U   150     D U U D   300     D U U U   600
+#     U D D D  1200     U D D U  1800     U D U D  2400     U D U U  3600
+#     U U D D  4800     U U D U  7200     U U U D  9600     U U U U 19200
+# S1  5 6 7 8:
+#     U D X D  7N1     U D X U  7N2     U U D D  7O1     U U D U  7O2
+#     U U U D  7E1     U U U U  7E2     D D X D  8N1     D D X U  8N2
+#     D U D D  8O1     D U U U  8E2
+# S1  9  Autowrap            (U = on, D = off)
+# S1 10  CR/LF               (U = CR/LF on CR received, D = CR on CR received)
+# S2  1  Mode                (U = block, D = conversational)
+# S2  2  Duplex              (U =  half, D = full)
+# S2  3  Hertz               (U = 50, D = 60)
+# S2  4  Edit mode           (U = local, D = duplex)
+# S2  5  Cursor type         (U = underline, D = block)
+# S2  6  Cursor down key     (U = send ^J, D = send ^V)
+# S2  7  Screen colour       (U = green on black, D = black on green)
+# S2  8  DSR status (pin 6)  (U = disconnected, D = connected)
+# S2  9  DCD status (pin 8)  (U = disconnected, D = connected)
+# S2 10  DTR status (pin 20) (U = disconnected, D = connected)
+tvi910+|televideo 910+:\
+	:al=\EE:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:ei=:ho=^^:ic=\EQ:im=:k0=^A@\r:k1=^AA\r:\
+	:k2=^AB\r:k3=^AC\r:k4=^AD\r:k5=^AE\r:k6=^AF\r:k7=^AG\r:\
+	:k8=^AH\r:k9=^AI\r:ll=\E=7 :\
+	:tc=tvi910:
+# (tvi912: removed obsolete ":ma=^K^P^L :", added  :vb: and
+# :kh: from BRL entry -- esr)
+tvi912|tvi914|tvi920|old televideo 912/914/920:\
+	:am:bs:ms:pt:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:sg#1:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=^G:cd=\Ey:ce=\ET:cl=^Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:ct=\E3:\
+	:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^J:ei=:ho=^^:ic=\EQ:\
+	:if=/usr/share/tabset/stdcrt:im=:k0=^AI\r:k1=^A@\r:\
+	:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:k7=^AF\r:\
+	:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:kb=^H:kd=^J:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:\
+	:nd=^L:se=\Ek:sf=^J:so=\Ej:st=\E1:ta=^I:ue=\Em:up=^K:us=\El:\
+	:vb=\Eb\Ed:
+# the 912 has a <funct> key that's like shift: <funct>8 xmits "^A8\r".
+# The 920 has this plus real function keys that xmit different things.
+# Terminfo makes you use the funct key on the 912 but the real keys on the 920.
+tvi912c|tvi912b|new televideo 912:\
+	:al=\EE:dl=\ER:tc=tvi912:
+# set to page 1 when entering curses application (\E-17 )
+# reset to page 0 when exiting curses application (\E-07 )
+tvi912-2p|tvi920-2p|tvi-2p|televideo w/2 pages:\
+	:te=\E-07 :ti=\E-17 :tc=tvi912:
+# We got some new tvi912c terminals that act really weird on the regular 
+# termcap, so one of our gurus worked this up. Seems that cursor 
+# addressing is broken.
+tvi912cc|tvi912 at cowell college:\
+	:cm@:tc=tvi912c:
+# Here are the switch settings for the tvi920c:
+# S1 (Line), and S3 (Printer) baud rates -- put one, and only one, switch down:
+# 2: 9600	3: 4800		4: 2400		5: 1200
+# 6:  600	7:  300		8:  150		9:   75
+# 10: 110
+# S2 UART/Terminal options:
+# 		Up			Down
+# 1:		Not used		Not allowed
+# 2:	Alternate character set	  Standard character set
+# 3:	    Full duplex		    Half duplex
+# 4:	    50 Hz refresh	    60 Hz refresh
+# 5:	      No parity		     Send parity
+# 6:	     2 stop bits	     1 stop bit
+# 7:	     8 data bits	     7 data bits
+# 8:		Not used		Not allowed on Rev E or lower
+# 9:	     Even parity	     Odd parity
+# 10:	    Steady cursor	    Blinking cursor
+# 	(On Rev E or lower, use W25 instead of switch 10.)
+# S5 UART/Terminal options:
+# 		Open			Closed
+# 1:	P3-6 Not connected	DSR received on P3-6
+# 2:	P3-8 Not connected	DCD received on P3-8
+# 3 Open, 4 Open:		P3-20 Not connected
+# 3 Open, 4 Closed:	DTR on when terminal is on
+# 3 Closed, 4 Open:	DTR is connected to RTS
+# 3 Closed, 4 Closed:	Not allowed
+# 5 Closed:	HDX printer (hardware control) Rev. K with extension port off,
+# 		all data transmitted out of the modem port (P3) will also be
+# 		transmitted out of the printer port (P4).
+# 6 Open, 7 Open:		Not allowed
+# 6 Open, 7 Closed:	20ma current loop input
+# 6 Closed, 7 Open:	RS232 input
+# 6 Closed, 7 Closed:	Not allowed
+# Jumper options:
+# If the jumper is installed, the effect will occur (the next time the terminal
+# is switched on).
+# S4/W31:	Enables automatic LF upon receipt of CR from
+# 		remote or keyboard.
+# S4/W32:	Enables transmission of EOT at the end of Send.  If not 
+# 		installed, a carriage return is sent.
+# S4/W33:	Disables automatic carriage return in column 80.
+# S4/W34:	Selects Page Print Mode as initial condition.  If not 
+# 		installed, Extension Mode is selected.
+tvi920b|tvi920c|new televideo 920:\
+	:al=\EE:dl=\ER:k0=^AI\r:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:\
+	:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:\
+	:tc=tvi912:
+# Televideo 921 and variants
+# From: Tim Theisen <tim@cs.wisc.edu> 22 Sept 1995
+# (tvi921: removed :ko=bt: before translation, I see no backtab cap;
+# also added empty <acsc> to suppress tic warning -- esr)
+tvi921|televideo model 921 with sysline same as page & real vi function:\
+	:am:bs:hs:pt:xn:xs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#0:\
+	:ac=:ae=\E%:al=\EE:as=\E$:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=^Z:cm=3\E=%+ %+ :\
+	:cr=^M:dc=\EW:dl=1*\ER:do=^V:ds=\Ef\r\Eg:ei=:fs=\Eg:ho=^^:\
+	:ic=\EQ:if=/usr/share/tabset/stdcrt:im=:\
+	:is=\El\E"\EF1\E.3\017\EA\E<:kA=\EE:kC=^Z:kD=\EW:kE=\ET:\
+	:kI=\EQ:kL=1*\ER:kS=\EY:kb=^H:kd=^V:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:\
+	:mk@:nd=^L:nw=^M^J:sf=^J:ta=^I:ts=\Ef\EG0:up=^K:ve=\E.3:\
+	:vs=\E.2:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:
+# without the beeper
+# (tvi92B: removed :ko=bt: before translation, I see no backtab cap;
+# also added empty <acsc> to suppress tic warning -- esr)
+tvi92B|televideo model 921 with sysline same as page & real vi function & no beeper:\
+	:am:hs:xn:xs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#0:\
+	:ac=:ae=\E%:al=\EE:as=\E$:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=^Z:cm=3\E=%+ %+ :\
+	:cr=^M:dc=\EW:dl=1*\ER:do=^V:ds=\Ef\r\Eg:ei=:fs=\Eg:ho=^^:\
+	:ic=\EQ:if=/usr/share/tabset/stdcrt:im=:\
+	:is=\El\E"\EF1\E.3\017\EA\E<:kA=\EE:kC=^Z:kD=\EW:kE=\ET:\
+	:kI=\EQ:kL=1*\ER:kS=\EY:kb=^H:kd=^V:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:\
+	:mk@:nd=^L:nw=^M^J:sf=^J:ta=^I:ts=\Ef\EG0:up=^K:vb=\Eb\Ed:\
+	:ve=\E.3:vs=\E.2:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:
+# (tvi92D: removed :ko=bt: before translation, I see no backtab cap -- esr)
+tvi92D|tvi92B with DTR instead of XON/XOFF & better padding:\
+	:al=2*\EE:dl=2*\ER:is=\El\E"\EF1\E.3\016\EA\E<:kA=2*\EE:\
+	:kL=2*\ER:\
+	:tc=tvi92B:
+# (tvi924: This used to have :ds=\Es0:, :fs=\031:.  I put the new strings
+# in from a BSD termcap file because it looks like they do something the
+# old ones skip -- esr)
+tvi924|televideo tvi924:\
+	:am:bw:hs:in:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:sg#0:ws#80:\
+	:F1=^AK\r:F2=^AL\r:F3=^AM\r:F4=^AN\r:F5=^AO\r:al=\EE:bl=^G:\
+	:bt=\EI:cd=\Ey:ce=\Et:cl=\E*0:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:\
+	:cs=\E_%+ %+ :ct=\E3:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^V:ds=\Es0\Ef\031:\
+	:ei=:fs=\031\Es1:ho=^^:\
+	:i1=\017\E%\E'\E(\EDF\EC\EG0\EN0\Es0\Ev0:ic=\EQ:\
+	:if=/usr/share/tabset/stdcrt:im=:k0=^A@\r:k1=^AA\r:\
+	:k2=^AB\r:k3=^AC\r:k4=^AD\r:k5=^AE\r:k6=^AF\r:k7=^AG\r:\
+	:k8=^AH\r:k9=^AI\r:k;=^AJ\r:kA=\EE:kC=\E*0:kD=\EW:kE=\Et:\
+	:kI=\EQ:kL=\ER:kS=\Ey:kb=^H:kd=^V:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:\
+	:l0=F1:l1=F2:l2=F3:l3=F4:l4=F5:l5=F6:l6=F7:l7=F8:l8=F9:l9=F10:\
+	:la=F11:le=^H:mb=\EG2:mk@:nd=^L:pk=\E|%+1%s\031:sf=^J:\
+	:sr=\Ej:st=\E1:ta=^I:ts=\Ef:up=^K:vb=\Eb\Ed:ve=\E.3:vi=\E.0:\
+	:vs=\E.1:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:
+# TVI925 DIP switches.  In each of these, D = Down and U = Up,
+# Here are the settings for the external (baud) switches (S1):
+#             Position		Baud
+# 7	8	9	10		[Printer]
+# 1	2	3	4		[Main RS232]
+# -----------------------------------------------------
+# D	D	D	D	9600
+# D	D	D	U	  50
+# D	D	U	D	  75
+# D	D	U	U	 110
+# D	U	D	D	 135
+# D	U	D	U	 150
+# D	U	U	D	 300
+# D	U	U	U	 600
+# U	D	D	D	1200
+# U	D	D	U	1800
+# U	D	U	D	2400
+# U	D	U	U	3600
+# U	U	D	D	4800
+# U	U	D	U	7200
+# U	U	U	D	9600
+# U	U	U	U	19200
+# Settings for word length and stop-bits (S1)
+#  Position	Description
+# 5	6	
+# ---------------------------
+# U	-	7-bit word
+# D	-	8-bit word
+# -	U	2 stop bits
+# -	D	1 stop bit
+# S2 (external) settings
+# Position	Up	Dn	Description
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 1		X		Local edit
+# 			X	Duplex edit (transmit editing keys)
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 2		X		912/920 emulation
+# 			X	925
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 3			X
+# 4			X	No parity
+# 5			X	
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 3			X
+# 4			X	Odd parity
+# 5		X	
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 3			X
+# 4		X		Even parity
+# 5		X	
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 3		X	
+# 4			X	Mark parity
+# 5		X		
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 3		X
+# 4		X		Space parity
+# 5		X
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 6		X		White on black display
+# 			X	Black on white display
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 7			X	Half Duplex
+# 8			X
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 7		X		Full Duplex
+# 8			X	
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 7			X	Block mode
+# 8		X	
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 9			X	50 Hz
+# 		X		60 Hz
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 10		X		CR/LF (Auto LF)
+# 			X	CR only
+# S3 (internal switch) settings:
+# Position	Up	Dn	Description
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 1		X		Keyclick off 
+# 			X	Keyclick on
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 2			X	English
+# 3			X	
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 2			X	German
+# 3		X		
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 2		X		French
+# 3			X	
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 2		X		Spanish
+# 3		X	
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 4			X	Blinking block cursor
+# 5			X	
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 4			X	Blinking underline cursor
+# 5		X		
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 4		X		Steady block cursor
+# 5			X	
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 4		X		Steady underline cursor
+# 5		X	
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 6		X		Screen blanking timer (ON)
+# 			X	Screen blanking timer (OFF)
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 7		X		Page attributes
+# 			X	Line attributes
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 8		X		DCD disconnected
+# 			X	DCD connected
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 9		X		DSR disconnected
+# 			X	DSR connected
+# --------------------------------------------
+# 10		X		DTR Disconnected
+# 			X	DTR connected
+# --------------------------------------------
+# (tvi925: BSD has :cl=\E*:.  I got :is: and :sr: from there -- esr)
+tvi925|televideo 925:\
+	:am:bs:bw:hs:ul:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#1:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=^Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:\
+	:ct=\E3:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^V:ds=\Eh:ei=:fs=^M\Eg:ho=^^:ic=\EQ:\
+	:im=:is=\El\E":k0=^AI\r:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:\
+	:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:\
+	:kA=\EE:kC=^Z:kD=\EW:kE=\ET:kI=\EQ:kL=\ER:kS=\EY:kb=^H:kd=^V:\
+	:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:mk@:nd=^L:sf=^J:sr=\Ej:st=\E1:\
+	:ta=^I:ts=\Eh\Ef:up=^K:vb=\Eb\Ed:ve=\E.4:vs=\E.2:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:
+# TeleVideo 925 from Mitch Bradley <sun!wmb> via BRL
+# to avoid "magic cookie" standout glitch:
+tvi925-hi|TeleVideo Model 925 with half intensity standout mode:\
+	:sg@:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=^J:kl=^H:se=\E(:so=\E):tc=tvi925:
+# From: Todd Litwin <litwin@litwin.jpl.nasa.gov> 28 May 1993
+# Originally Tim Curry, Univ. of Central Fla., <duke!ucf-cs!tim> 5/21/82
+# for additional capabilities, 
+# The following tvi descriptions from B:pjphar and virus!mike
+# is for all 950s.  It sets the following attributes:
+# full duplex (\EDF)		write protect off (\E()
+# conversation mode (\EC)	graphics mode off (\E%)
+# white on black (\Ed)		auto page flip off (\Ew)
+# turn off status line (\Eg)	clear status line (\Ef\r)
+# normal video (\E0)		monitor mode off (\EX or \Eu)
+# edit mode (\Er)		load blank char to space (\Ee\040)
+# line edit mode (\EO)		enable buffer control (^O)
+# protect mode off (\E\047)	duplex edit keys (\El)
+# program unshifted send key to send line all (\E016)
+# program shifted send key to send line unprotected (\E004)
+# set the following to nulls:
+#	field delimiter (\Ex0\200\200)
+#	line delimiter (\Ex1\200\200)
+#	start-protected field delimiter (\Ex2\200\200)
+#	end-protected field delimiter (\Ex3\200\200)
+# set end of text delimiter to carriage return/null (\Ex4\r\200)
+#                     TVI 950 Switch Setting Reference Charts
+#                                     TABLE 1:
+#      S1     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10
+#          +-----------------------+-----+-----+-----------------------+
+#          | Computer Baud Rate    |Data |Stop | Printer Baud Rate     |
+#          |                       |Bits |Bits |                       |
+#   +------+-----------------------+-----+-----+-----------------------+
+#   |  Up  |        See            |  7  |  2  |        See            |
+#   +------+-----------------------+-----+-----+-----------------------+
+#   | Down |      TABLE 2          |  8  |  1  |      TABLE 2          |
+#   +------+-----------------------+-----+-----+-----------------------+
+#      S2     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10
+#          +-----+-----+-----------------+-----+-----------+-----+-----+
+#          |Edit |Cursr|    Parity       |Video|Transmiss'n| Hz  |Click|
+#   +------+-----+-----+-----------------+-----+-----------+-----+-----+
+#   |  Up  | Dplx|Blink|      See        |GonBk|   See     | 60  | Off |
+#   +------+-----+-----+-----------------+-----+-----------+-----+-----+
+#   | Down |Local|St'dy|    TABLE 3      |BkonG|  CHART    | 50  | On  |
+#   +------+-----+-----+-----------------+-----+-----------+-----+-----+
+#                                    TABLE 2:
+#             +-----------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----------+
+#             | Display   |  1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |   Baud    |
+#             +-----------+-----+-----+-----+-----+           |
+#             | Printer   |  7  |  8  |  9  | 10  |   Rate    |
+#             +-----------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----------+
+#                         |  D  |  D  |  D  |  D  |   9600    |
+#                         |  U  |  D  |  D  |  D  |     50    |
+#                         |  D  |  U  |  D  |  D  |     75    |
+#                         |  U  |  U  |  D  |  D  |    110    |
+#                         |  D  |  D  |  U  |  D  |    135    |
+#                         |  U  |  D  |  U  |  D  |    150    |
+#                         |  D  |  U  |  U  |  D  |    300    |
+#                         |  U  |  U  |  U  |  D  |    600    |
+#                         |  D  |  D  |  D  |  U  |   1200    |
+#                         |  U  |  D  |  D  |  U  |   1800    |
+#                         |  D  |  U  |  D  |  U  |   2400    |
+#                         |  U  |  U  |  D  |  U  |   3600    |
+#                         |  D  |  D  |  U  |  U  |   4800    |
+#                         |  U  |  D  |  U  |  U  |   7200    |
+#                         |  D  |  U  |  U  |  U  |   9600    |
+#                         |  U  |  U  |  U  |  U  |  19200    |
+#                         +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----------+
+#                                    TABLE 3:
+#                         +-----+-----+-----+-----------+
+#                         |  3  |  4  |  5  |   Parity  |
+#                         +-----+-----+-----+-----------+
+#                         |  X  |  X  |  D  |    None   |
+#                         |  D  |  D  |  U  |     Odd   |
+#                         |  D  |  U  |  U  |    Even   |
+#                         |  U  |  D  |  U  |    Mark   |
+#                         |  U  |  U  |  U  |   Space   |
+#                         +-----+-----+-----+-----------+
+#                                 X = don't care
+#                                     CHART:
+#                         +-----+-----+-----------------+
+#                         |  7  |  8  | Communication   |
+#                         +-----+-----+-----------------+
+#                         |  D  |  D  |  Half Duplex    |
+#                         |  D  |  U  |  Full Duplex    |
+#                         |  U  |  D  |     Block       |
+#                         |  U  |  U  |     Local       |
+#                         +-----+-----+-----------------+
+# (tvi950: early versions had obsolete ":ma=^Vj^Kk^Hh^Ll^^H:". 
+# I also inserted :ic: and :kI:; the :ko: string indicated that :IC: 
+# should be present and all tvi native modes use the same string for this.
+# Finally, note that BSD has cud1=^V. -- esr) 
+tvi950|televideo 950:\
+	:am:bs:hs:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:sg#1:\
+	:ac=b\011c\014d\re\ni\013:ae=^X:al=\EE:as=^U:bl=^G:bt=\EI:\
+	:cd=\Ey:ce=\Et:cl=\E*:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:ct=\E3:dc=\EW:\
+	:dl=\ER:do=^J:ds=\Eg\Ef\r:ei=\Er:fs=^M:ho=^^:ic=\EQ:im=\Eq:\
+	:is=\EDF\EC\Ed\EG0\Eg\Er\EO\E'\E(\E%\Ew\EX\Ee \017\011\El\E016\E004\Ex0\0\0\Ex1\0\0\Ex2\0\0\011\Ex3\0\0\Ex4\r\0\Ef\r:\
+	:k0=^A0\r:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:\
+	:k6=^AE\r:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:kA=\EE:kB=\EI:kC=\E*:\
+	:kD=\EW:kE=\Et:kI=\EQ:kL=\ER:kS=\Ey:kb=^H:kd=^V:kh=^^:kl=^H:\
+	:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:mk@:nd=^L:pf=\Ea:po=\E`:sf=^J:sr=\Ej:\
+	:st=\E1:ta=^I:ts=\Eg\Ef:up=^K:vb=\Eb\Ed:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:
+# is for 950 with two pages adds the following:
+#	set 48 line page (\E\\2)
+#	place cursor at page 0, line 24, column 1 (\E-07 )
+#	set local (no send) edit keys (\Ek)
+# two page 950 adds the following:
+#	when entering ex, set 24 line page (\E\\1)
+#	when exiting ex, reset 48 line page (\E\\2)
+#			 place cursor at 0,24,1 (\E-07 )
+#	set duplex (send) edit keys (\El) when entering vi
+#	set local (no send) edit keys (\Ek) when exiting vi
+tvi950-2p|televideo950 w/2 pages:\
+	:is=\EDF\EC\Ed\EG0\Eg\Er\EO\E'\E(\E%\Ew\EX\Ee \017\011\Ek\E016\E004\Ex0\0\0\Ex1\0\0\Ex2\0\0\011\Ex3\0\0\Ex4\r\0\E\2\E-07 \011:\
+	:ke=\Ek:ks=\El:te=\E\2\E-07 :ti=\E\1\E-07 :\
+	:tc=tvi950:
+# is for 950 with four pages adds the following:
+#	set 96 line page (\E\\3)
+#	place cursor at page 0, line 24, column 1 (\E-07 )
+# four page 950 adds the following:
+#	when entering ex, set 24 line page (\E\\1)
+#	when exiting ex, reset 96 line page (\E\\3)
+#			 place cursor at 0,24,1 (\E-07 )
+tvi950-4p|televideo950 w/4 pages:\
+	:is=\EDF\EC\Ed\EG0\Eg\Er\EO\E'\E(\E%\Ew\EX\Ee \017\011\Ek\E016\E004\Ex0\0\0\Ex1\0\0\Ex2\0\0\011\Ex3\0\0\Ex4\r\0\E\3\E-07 \011:\
+	:ke=\Ek:ks=\El:te=\E\3\E-07 :ti=\E\1\E-07 :\
+	:tc=tvi950:
+# :is: for reverse video 950 changes the following:
+#	set reverse video (\Ed)
+# set vb accordingly (\Ed ...delay... \Eb)
+tvi950-rv|televideo950 rev video:\
+	:is=\EDF\EC\Eb\EG0\Eg\Er\EO\E'\E(\E%\Ew\EX\Ee \017\011\El\E016\E004\Ex0\0\0\Ex1\0\0\Ex2\0\0\011\Ex3\0\0\Ex4\r\0:\
+	:vb=\Ed\Eb:\
+	:tc=tvi950:
+# tvi950-rv-2p uses the appropriate entries from 950-2p and 950-rv
+tvi950-rv-2p|televideo950 rev video w/2 pages:\
+	:is=\EDF\EC\Eb\EG0\Eg\Er\EO\E'\E(\E%\Ew\EX\Ee \017\011\Ek\E016\E004\Ex0\0\0\Ex1\0\0\Ex2\0\0\011\Ex3\0\0\Ex4\r\0\E\2\E-07 :\
+	:ke=\Ek:ks=\El:te=\E\2\E-07 :ti=\E\1\E-07 :vb=\Ed\Eb:\
+	:tc=tvi950:
+# tvi950-rv uses the appropriate entries from 950-4p and 950-rv
+tvi950-rv-4p|televideo950 rev video w/4 pages:\
+	:is=\EDF\EC\Eb\EG0\Er\EO\E'\E(\E%\Ew\EX\Ee \017\011\Ek\E016\E004\Ex0\0\0\Ex1\0\0\Ex2\0\0\011\Ex3\0\0\Ex4\r\0\E\3\E-07 :\
+	:ke=\Ek:ks=\El:te=\E\3\E-07 :ti=\E\1\E-07 :vb=\Ed\Eb:\
+	:tc=tvi950:
+# From: Andreas Stolcke <stolcke@icsi.berkeley.edu>
+# (tvi955: removed obsolete ":ma:=^Vj^Kk^Hh^Ll^^H";
+# removed incorrect (and overridden) ":do=^J:"; fixed broken continuations in
+# the :rs: string, inserted the :IC: implied by the termcap :ko: string.  Note
+# the :ko: string had :cl: in it, which means that one of the original
+# :cl=\E*:, <kclr=\EY> had to be wrong; set <kclr=\E*> because that's what
+# the 950 has.   Finally, corrected the <kel> string to match the 950 and what
+# ko implies -- esr)
+# If the BSD termcap file was right, :cm=\E=%p1%{32}%+%c%p2%{32}%+%c: would
+# also work.
+tvi955|televideo 955:\
+	:5i:bs:ms@:\
+	:it#8:sg@:\
+	:RA=\E[=7l:RX=^N:SA=\E[=7h:SX=^O:\
+	:ac=0_`RjHkGlFmEnIoPqKsQtMuLvOwNxJ:ae=\E%:as=\E$:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:do=^V:is=\E[=3l\EF1\Ed\EG0\E[=5l\E%\El:\
+	:kM=\EQ:kN=\EK:kP=\EJ:kT=\E1:ka=\E3:kt=\E2:mb=\EG2:\
+	:me=\EG0\E[=5l:mh=\E[=5h:mk=\EG1:ps=\EP:\
+	:r1=\EDF\EC\Eg\Er\EO\E'\E(\Ew\EX\Ee \017\E0P\E6\0\E0p\E4\0\Ef\r:\
+	:sf@:ve=\E.2:vi=\E.0:vs=\E.1:\
+	:tc=tvi950:
+tvi955-w|955-w|televideo955 w/132 cols:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:is=\E[=3h\EF1\Ed\EG0\E[=5l\E%\El:tc=tvi955:
+# use half-intensity as normal mode, full intensity as :md:
+tvi955-hb|955-hb|televideo955 half-bright:\
+	:is=\E[=3l\EF1\Ed\EG0\E[=5h\E%\El:md=\E[=5l:\
+	:me=\EG0\E[=5h:mh@:tc=tvi955:
+# From: Humberto Appleton <beto@cs.utexas.edu>, 880521 UT Austin
+# (tvi970: removed ":sg#0:"; removed :se:=\E[m, :ue:=\E[m;
+# added :am:/:cs:/:ho:/<hpa>/<vpa>/:ti:/:te: from BRL.
+# According to BRL we could have :ke:=\E>, :ks:=\E= but I'm not sure what
+# it does to the function keys.  I deduced <rmam>/<smam>.
+# also added empty <acsc> to suppress tic warning,  -- esr)
+tvi970|televideo 970:\
+	:am:bs:da:db:mi:ms:pt:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:RA=\E[?7h:SA=\E[?7l:ac=:ae=\E(B:al=\E[L:as=\E(B:bt=\E[Z:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:ch=\E[%i%dG:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%df:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:cv=\E[%i%dd:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\ED:\
+	:ds=\Eg\Ef\r:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E<\E[?21l\E[19h\E[1Q\E[10l\E[7l\E[H\E[2J:k1=\E?a:\
+	:k2=\E?b:k3=\E?c:k4=\E?d:k5=\E?e:k6=\E?f:k7=\E?g:k8=\E?h:\
+	:k9=\E?i:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:\
+	:le=^H:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:te=:\
+	:ti=\E[?20l\E[?7h\E[1Q:ue=\E[m:up=\EM:us=\E[4m:\
+	:vb=\E[5m\E[m:vs=\E[1Q:
+tvi970-vb|televideo 970 with visual bell:\
+	:vb=\E[?5h\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\E[?5l:tc=tvi970:
+tvi970-2p|televideo 970 with using 2 pages of memory:\
+	:te=\E[H\E[J\E[V:ti=\E[U\E[?20l\E[?7h\E[1Q:\
+	:tc=tvi970:
+# Works with vi and rogue.  NOTE: Esc v sets autowrap on, Esc u sets 80 chars
+# per line (rather than 40), Esc K chooses the normal character set.  Not sure
+# padding is needed, but adapted from the tvi920c termcap.  The :so: and 
+# :us: strings are klutzy, but at least use no screen space.
+# (tvipt: removed obsolete ":ma=^Kk^Ll^R^L:".  I wish we knew <rmam>,
+# its absence means <smam>=\Ev isn't safe to use. -- esr)
+# From: Gene Rochlin <armsis@amber.berkeley.edu> 9/19/84. 
+# The :cd:/:k0:/:k1:/:kh:/<mc4>, and <mc5> caps are from BRL, which says:
+# F1 and F2 should be programmed as ^A and ^B; required for UNIFY.
+tvipt|televideo personal terminal:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\EE:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=^Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :dl=\ER:\
+	:ho=^^:if=/usr/share/tabset/stdcrt:is=\Ev\Eu\EK:k0=^A:\
+	:k1=^B:kb=^H:kd=^J:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:nd=^L:pf=^T:\
+	:po=^R:se=\EF:so=\EG1@A\EH:ue=\EF:up=^K:us=\EG1B@\EH:
+# From: Nathan Peterson <nathan@sco.com>, 03 Sep 1996
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+tvi9065|televideo 9065:\
+	:am:bw:hs:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:lm#0:ma#4:vt#0:ws#30:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:SF=\E[%dS:SR=\E[%dT:UP=\E[%dA:ae=\E%:\
+	:al=\EE:as=\E$:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=^Z:\
+	:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E3:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:\
+	:dm=\Er:do=^V:ds=\E_30\r:ec=\E[%d@:ed=\0:ei=\Er:fs=^M:ho=^^:\
+	:i1=\E"\E%\E'\E(\EG@\EO\EX\E[=5l\E[=6l\E[=7h\Ed\Er:\
+	:i2=\E<\E[=4l\E[=8h:if=/usr/share/tabset/stdcrt:im=\Eq:\
+	:ip=:is=\EF2\EG0\E\L:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:\
+	:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:kD=\EW:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=^V:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:ll=\E[25;1H:mb=\EG2:\
+	:md=\EG\054:me=\EG0:mh=\EGp:mr=\EG4:nd=^L:nw=^M^J:\
+	:rp=\E[%r%db%.:se=\EG0:sf=^J:so=\EGt:sr=\Ej:st=\E1:ta=^I:\
+	:te=\E.3\Er\E[1;25r\E[25;0H:ti=\E.2:ts=\E[4;1v\E_30:\
+	:uc=\EG8\EG0:ue=\EG0:up=^K:us=\EG8:vb=\Eb\Ed:ve=\E.3:\
+	:vi=\E.0:vs=\E.2:
+#### Visual (vi)
+# In September 1993, Visual Technology of Westboro, Massachusetts,
+# merged with White Pine Software of Nashua, New Hampshire.
+# White Pine Software may be contacted at +1 603/886-9050.
+# Or visit White Pine on the World Wide Web at URL http://www.wpine.com.
+# Visual 50 from Beau Shekita, BTL-Whippany <whuxlb!ejs>
+# Recently I hacked together the following termcap for Visual
+# Technology's Visual 50 terminal. It's a slight modification of
+# the vt52 termcap. 
+# It's intended to run when the Visual 50 is in vt52 emulation mode
+# (I know what you're thinking; if it's emulating a vt52, then why
+# another termcap? Well, it turns out that the Visual 50 can handle
+# :dl: and db(?) among other things, which the vt52 can't)
+# The termcap works OK for the most part. The only problem is on
+# character inserts. The whole line gets painfully redrawn for each
+# character typed. Any suggestions?
+# Beau's entry is combined with the vi50 entry from University of Wisconsin.
+# Note especially the :al: function.  :k4:-:k6: are really l4-l6 in
+# disguise; :k7:-:k9: are really l1-l3.
+vi50|visual 50:\
+	:am:bs:da:db:ms:pt:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=\EL:bl=^G:bt=4\Ez:cd=\EJ:ce=16\EK:cl=\EH\EJ:\
+	:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=^M:dl=3*\EM:do=\EB:ho=\EH:k1=\EP:k2=\EQ:\
+	:k3=\ER:k4=\EV:k5=\EE:k6=\E]:k7=\EL:k8=\Ev:k9=\EM:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\EB:kh=\EH:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:nd=\EC:nl=^J:\
+	:nw=^M^J:se=\ET:sf=^J:so=\EU:sr=\EI:ta=^I:ue=\EW:up=\EA:\
+	:us=\ES:
+# this one was BSD & SCO's vi50
+vi50adm|visual 50 in adm3a mode:\
+	:am:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=\EL:bl=^G:cd=\Ek:ce=\EK:cl=^Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:dl=\EM:\
+	:do=^J:ho=\EH:kb=^H:kd=\EB:kh=\EH:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:\
+	:nd=^L:se=\ET:sf=^J:so=\EU:ta=^I:up=^K:
+# From: Jeff Siegal <jbs@quiotix.com>
+vi55|Visual 55:\
+	:am:bs:mi:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=\EL:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\Ev:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cs=\E_%+A%+A:\
+	:dc=\Ew:dl=\EM:do=^J:ei=\Eb:ho=\EH:im=\Ea:\
+	:is=\Ev\E_AX\Eb\EW\E9P\ET:kb=^H:kd=\EB:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:\
+	:ku=\EA:le=^H:nd=\EC:se=\ET:so=\EU:sr=\EI:ta=^I:up=\EA:
+# Visual 200 from BRL
+# The following switch settings are assumed for normal operation:
+# Other switches may be set for operator convenience or communication
+# requirements.
+# Character insertion is kludged in order to get around the "beep" misfeature.
+# (This cap is commented out because :im:/:ei: is more efficient -- esr)
+# Supposedly "4*" delays should be used for :al:, :cd:, :cl:, :dc:,
+# and :dl: strings, but we seem to get along fine without them.
+vi200|visual 200:\
+	:am:bs:mi:ms:pt:\
+	:co#80:it#8:kn#10:li#24:\
+	:ac=:ae=\EG:al=\EL:as=\EF:bl=^G:bt=\Ez:cd=\Ey:ce=\Ex:cl=\Ev:\
+	:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=^M:ct=\Eg:dc=\EO:dl=\EM:do=^J:ho=\EH:\
+	:k0=\E?p:k1=\E?q:k2=\E?r:k3=\E?s:k4=\E?t:k5=\E?u:k6=\E?v:\
+	:k7=\E?w:k8=\E?x:k9=\E?y:kA=\EL:kC=\Ev:kD=\EO:kE=\Et:kI=\Ei:\
+	:kL=\EM:kM=\Ej:kS=\EJ:kT=\E1:kb=^H:kd=\EB:ke=\E>:kh=\EH:\
+	:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ks=\E=:kt=\E2:ku=\EA:le=^H:me=\E3\Eb:mh=\E4:\
+	:mk=\Ea:nd=\EC:pf=\EX:po=\EW:ps=\EH\E]:\
+	:r1=\E3\Eb\Ej\E\El\EG\Ec\Ek\EX:se=\E3:sf=^J:so=\E4:\
+	:sr=\EI:st=\E1:ta=^I:up=\EA:ve=\Ec:vs=\Ed:
+# The older Visuals didn't come with function keys. This entry uses
+# :ks: and :ke: so that the keypad keys can be used as function keys.
+# If your version of vi doesn't support function keys you may want
+# to use vi200-f.
+vi200-f|visual 200 no function keys:\
+	:is=\E3\Eb\Ej\E\\El\EG\Ed\Ek:k0=\E?p:k1=\E?q:k2=\E?r:\
+	:k3=\E?s:k4=\E?t:k5=\E?u:k6=\E?v:k7=\E?w:k8=\E?x:k9=\E?y:\
+	:ke=\E>:ks=\E=:se@:so@:\
+	:tc=vi200:
+vi200-rv|visual 200 reverse video:\
+	:se=\E3:so=\E4:sr@:ve@:vs@:tc=vi200:
+# the function keys are programmable but we don't reprogram them to their
+# default values with :is: because programming them is very verbose. maybe
+# an initialization file should be made for the 300 and they could be stuck
+# in it.
+# (vi300: added <rmam>/<smam> based on init string -- esr)
+vi300|visual 300 ansi x3.64:\
+	:am:bw:mi:xn:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7h:al=\E[L:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:\
+	:do=\E[B:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E[7s\E[2;3;4;20;?5;?6l\E[12;?7h\E[1Q\E[0;1(D\E[8s:\
+	:k1=\E_A\E\:k2=\E_B\E\:k3=\E_C\E\:k4=\E_D\E\:k5=\E_E\E\:\
+	:k6=\E_F\E\:k7=\E_G\E\:k8=\E_H\E\:k9=\E_I\E\:kd=\E[B:\
+	:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:se=\E[m:sf=^J:so=\E[1m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:
+# some of the vi300s have older firmware that has the command
+# sequence for setting editing extent reversed.
+vi300-old|visual 300 with old firmware (set edit extent reversed):\
+	:is=\E[7s\E[2;3;4;20;?5;?6l\E[12;?7h\E[2Q\E[0;1(D\E[8s:\
+	:tc=vi300:
+# Visual 500 prototype entry from University of Wisconsin.
+# The best place to look for the escape sequences is page A1-1 of the
+# Visual 500 manual.  The initialization sequence given here may be
+# overkill, but it does leave out some of the initializations which can
+# be done with the menus in set-up mode.
+# The :xp: line below is so that emacs can understand the padding requirements
+# of this slow terminal.  :xp: is 10 time the padding factor.
+# (vi500: removed unknown :xp#4: termcap;
+# also added empty <acsc> to suppress tic warning -- esr)
+vi500|visual 500:\
+	:am:mi:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#33:\
+	:ac=:ae=^O:al=3*\EL\Ex:as=^N:bt=4\Ez:cd=3*\Ey:ce=16\Ex:\
+	:cl=6*\Ev:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=^M:cs=\E(%+ %+ :dc=3*\EO:\
+	:dl=3*\EM:do=\EB:ei=\Ej:ho=\EH:im=\Ei:\
+	:is=\E3\E\001\E\007\E\003\Ek\EG\Ed\EX\El\E>\Eb\E\:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\EB:kh=\EH:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:nd=\EC:\
+	:nw=^M^J:se=\E^G:sf=^J:so=\E^H:ta=8\011:ue=\E^C:up=\EA:\
+	:us=\E^D:
+# The visual 550 is a visual 300 with tektronix graphics,
+# and with 33 lines. clear screen is modified here to
+# also clear the graphics.
+vi550|visual 550 ansi x3.64:\
+	:li#33:\
+	:cl=\030\E[H\E[2J:tc=vi300:
+vi603|visual603|visual 603:\
+	:hs:mi:\
+	:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:ds=\EP2;1~\E\:ei=\E[4l:\
+	:fs=\E\:i1=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E[1;24r:\
+	:im=\E[4h:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:se=\E[27m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ts=\EP2~:ue=\E[24m:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:tc=vt100:
+#### Wyse (wy)
+#	Wyse Technology
+#	3471 North First Street
+#	San Jose, CA 95134
+#	Vox: (408)-473-1200
+#	Fax: (408) 473-1222
+#	Web: http://www.wyse.com
+# Wyse sales can be reached by phone at 1-800-GET-WYSE.  Tech support is at
+# (800)-800-WYSE (option 5 gets you a human).  There's a Web page at the
+# obvious address, <http://www.wyse.com>.  They keep terminfo entries at
+# <http://www.wyse.co.uk/support/appnotes/idxappnt.htm>.
+# Wyse bought out Link Technology, Inc. in 1990 and closed it down in 1995.
+# They now own the Qume and Amdek brands, too.  So these are the people to
+# talk with about all Link, Qume, and Amdek terminals.
+# These entries include a few small fixes.
+# I canceled the bel capacities in the vb entries.
+# I made two trivial syntax fixes in the wyse30 entry.
+# I made some entries relative to adm+sgr.
+# Note: The wyse75, wyse85, and wyse99 have been discontinued.
+#	   Although the Wyse 30 can support more than one attribute
+#	it requires magic cookies to do so.  Many applications do not
+#	function well with magic cookies.  The following terminfo uses
+#	the protect mode to support one attribute (dim) without cookies.
+#	If more than one attribute is needed then the wy30-mc terminfo
+#	should be used.
+wy30|wyse30|Wyse 30:\
+	:5i:am:bw:hs:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:Nl#8:co#80:lh#1:li#24:lw#8:ma#1:ws#45:\
+	:#2=\E{:&3=\Er:@8=\E7:LF=\EA11:LO=\EA10:\
+	:ac=0wa_h[jukslrmqnxqzttuyv]wpxv:ae=\EH^C:al=\EE:\
+	:as=\EH^B:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=\E+:cm=\E=%+ %+ :\
+	:cr=^M:ct=\E0:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^J:ds=\EF\r:ei=\Er:fs=^M:\
+	:ho=^^:im=\Eq:ip=:is=\E'\E(\E\1363\E`9\016\024:k1=^A@\r:\
+	:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:k7=^AF\r:\
+	:k8=^AG\r:kA=\EE:kB=\EI:kD=\EW:kE=\ET:kI=\EQ:kL=\ER:kN=\EK:\
+	:kP=\EJ:kS=\EY:kb=^H:kd=^J:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:\
+	:ll=^^^K:me=\E(\EH\003:mh=\E`7\E):mp=\E`7\E):nd=^L:\
+	:nw=^M^J:pf=^T:pn=\Ez%+/%s\r:po=^X:ps=\EP:px=\Ez%+?%s\177:\
+	:..sa=%?%p1%p5%p8%|%|%t\E`7\E)%e\E(%;%?%p9%t\EH\002%e\EH\003%;:\
+	:se=\E(:sf=\n:so=\E`7\E):sr=\Ej:st=\E1:ta=\011:ts=\EF:up=^K:\
+	:vb=\E`8\E`9:ve=\E`1:vi=\E`0:
+#	This terminal description uses the non-hidden attribute mode
+#	(with magic cookie).
+# (wy30-mc: added :ti: to suppress tic warning --esr)
+wy30-mc|wyse30-mc|wyse 30 with magic cookies:\
+	:ms@:\
+	:ma@:sg#1:\
+	:ae=\EG0\EH\003:as=\EG0\EH\002:mb=\EG2:\
+	:me=\EG0\E(\EH\003:mh=\EGp:mp=\EG0\E):\
+	:..sa=\EG%{48}%?%p2%p6%|%t%{8}%|%;%?%p1%p3%|%p6%|%t%{4}%|%;%?%p4%t%{2}%|%;%?%p1%p5%|%t%{64}%|%;%?%p7%t%{1}%|%;%c%?%p8%t\E)%e\E(%;%?%p9%t\EH\002%e\EH\003%;:\
+	:se=\EG0:so=\EG4:te=\EG0:ti=:\
+	:tc=wy30:tc=adm+sgr:
+#	The mandatory pause used by :vb: does not work with
+#	older versions of terminfo.  If you see this effect then
+#	unset xon and delete the / from the delay.
+#	i.e. change $<100/> to $<100>
+wy30-vb|wyse30-vb|wyse 30 visible bell:\
+	:bl@:tc=wy30:
+#	   The Wyse 50 can support one attribute (e.g. Dim, Inverse,
+#	Normal) without magic cookies by using the protect mode.
+#	The following description uses this feature, but when more
+#	than one attribute is put on the screen at once, all attributes
+#	will be changed to be the same as the last attribute given.
+#	   The Wyse 50 can support more attributes when used with magic
+#	cookies.  The wy50-mc terminal description uses magic cookies
+#	to correctly handle multiple attributes on a screen.
+wy50|wyse50|Wyse 50:\
+	:5i:am:bw:hs:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:Nl#8:co#80:lh#1:li#24:lw#8:ma#1:ws#45:\
+	:#2=\E{:%9=\EP:&3=\Er:@8=\E7:F1=^AJ\r:F2=^AK\r:F3=^AL\r:\
+	:F4=^AM\r:F5=^AN\r:F6=^AO\r:LF=\EA11:LO=\EA10:\
+	:ac=0wa_h[jukslrmqnxqzttuyv]wpxv:ae=\EH^C:al=\EE:\
+	:as=\EH^B:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=\E+:cm=\E=%+ %+ :\
+	:cr=^M:ct=\E0:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^J:ds=\EF\r:ei=\Er:fs=^M:\
+	:ho=^^:i1=\E`\072\E`9:im=\Eq:ip=:is=\016\024\E'\E(:\
+	:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:\
+	:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:k;=^AI\r:kA=\EE:kB=\EI:kD=\EW:\
+	:kE=\ET:kI=\EQ:kL=\ER:kN=\EK:kP=\EJ:kS=\EY:kb=^H:kd=^J:kh=^^:\
+	:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:ll=^^^K:me=\E(\EH\003:mh=\E`7\E):\
+	:mp=\E`7\E):mr=\E`6\E):nd=^L:nw=^M^J:pf=^T:pn=\Ez%+/%s\r:\
+	:po=^X:ps=\EP:px=\Ez%+?%s\177:\
+	:..sa=%?%p1%p3%|%t\E`6\E)%e%p5%p8%|%t\E`7\E)%e\E(%;%?%p9%t\EH\002%e\EH\003%;:\
+	:se=\E(:sf=\n:so=\E`6\E):sr=\Ej:st=\E1:ta=^I:ts=\EF:up=^K:\
+	:vb=\E`8\E`9:ve=\E`1:vi=\E`0:
+#	This terminal description uses the non-hidden attribute mode
+#	(with magic cookie).
+#	The mandatory pause used by flash does not work with some
+#	older versions of terminfo.  If you see this effect then
+#	unset :xo: and delete the / from the delay.
+#	i.e. change $<100/> to $<100>
+# (wy50-mc: added :ti: to suppress tic warning --esr)
+wy50-mc|wyse50-mc|wyse 50 with magic cookies:\
+	:ms@:\
+	:ma@:sg#1:\
+	:ae=\EG0\EH\003:as=\EG0\EH\002:mb=\EG2:\
+	:me=\EG0\E(\EH\003:mh=\EGp:mp=\EG0\E):mr=\EG4:\
+	:..sa=\EG%{48}%?%p2%p6%|%t%{8}%|%;%?%p1%p3%|%p6%|%t%{4}%|%;%?%p4%t%{2}%|%;%?%p1%p5%|%t%{64}%|%;%?%p7%t%{1}%|%;%c%?%p8%t\E)%e\E(%;%?%p9%t\EH\002%e\EH\003%;:\
+	:se=\EG0:so=\EGt:te=\EG0:ti=:\
+	:tc=wy50:tc=adm+sgr:
+wy50-vb|wyse50-vb|wyse 50 visible bell:\
+	:bl@:tc=wy50:
+wy50-w|wyse50-w|wyse 50 132-column:\
+	:Nl#16:co#132:lw#7:ws#97:\
+	:cm=\Ea%i%dR%dC:dc=\EW:i1=\E`;\E`9:tc=wy50:
+wy50-wvb|wyse50-wvb|wyse 50 132-column visible bell:\
+	:bl@:\
+	:tc=wy50-w:
+#	The Wyse 350 is a Wyse 50 with color.
+#	Unfortunately this means that it has magic cookies.
+#	The color attributes are designed to overlap the reverse, dim and
+#	underline attributes.  This is nice for monochrome applications
+#	because you can make underline stuff green (or any other color)
+#	but for true color applications it's not so hot because you cannot
+#	mix color with reverse, dim or underline.
+#	    To further complicate things one of the attributes must be
+#	black (either the foreground or the background).  In reverse video
+#	the background changes color with black letters.  In normal video
+#	the foreground changes colors on a black background.  
+#	    This terminfo uses some of the more advanced features of curses
+#	to display both color and blink.  In the final analysis I am not
+#	sure that the wy350 runs better with this terminfo than it does
+#	with the wy50 terminfo (with user adjusted colors).
+#	The mandatory pause used by flash does not work with
+#	older versions of terminfo.  If you see this effect then
+#	unset xon and delete the / from the delay.
+#	i.e. change $<100/> to $<100>
+# Bug: The <op> capability resets attributes.
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+wy350|wyse350|Wyse 350:\
+	:5i:am:bw:hs:mi:xo:\
+	:Co#8:NC#55:Nl#8:co#80:lh#1:li#24:lw#8:pa#8:sg#1:ws#45:\
+	:#2=\E{:%9=\EP:&3=\Er:@8=\E7:F1=^AJ\r:F2=^AK\r:F3=^AL\r:\
+	:F4=^AM\r:F5=^AN\r:F6=^AO\r:LF=\EA11:LO=\EA10:Sb=:\
+	:ac=0wa_h[jukslrmqnxqzttuyv]wpxv:ae=\EG0\EH\003:al=\EE:\
+	:as=\EG0\EH\002:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=\E+:\
+	:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:ct=\E0:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^J:ds=\EF\r:\
+	:ei=\Er:fs=^M:ho=^^:i1=\E`\072\E`9:i2=\E%?:im=\Eq:ip=:\
+	:is=\016\024\E'\E(:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:\
+	:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:k;=^AI\r:\
+	:kA=\EE:kB=\EI:kD=\EW:kE=\ET:kI=\EQ:kL=\ER:kN=\EK:kP=\EJ:\
+	:kS=\EY:kb=^H:kd=^J:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:ll=^^^K:\
+	:mb=\EG2:me=\EG0\E(\EH\003%{0}%PA%{0}%PC:mh=\EGp:\
+	:mp=\EG0\E):nd=^L:nw=^M^J:oc=\E%?:op=\EG0:pf=^T:\
+	:pn=\Ez%+/%s\r:po=^X:ps=\EP:px=\Ez%+?%s\177:sf=\n:sr=\Ej:\
+	:st=\E1:ta=^I:ts=\EF:up=^K:vb=\E`8\E`9:ve=\E`1:vi=\E`0:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:
+wy350-vb|wyse350-vb|wyse 350 visible bell:\
+	:bl@:tc=wy350:
+wy350-w|wyse350-w|wyse 350 132-column:\
+	:Nl#16:co#132:lw#7:ws#97:\
+	:cm=\Ea%i%dR%dC:dc=\EW:i1=\E`;\E`9:tc=wy350:
+wy350-wvb|wyse350-wvb|wyse 350 132-column visible bell:\
+	:bl@:\
+	:tc=wy350-w:
+#	This terminfo description is untested.
+#	The wyse100 emulates an adm31, so the adm31 entry should work.
+wy100|wyse 100:\
+	:hs:mi:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#1:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=^G:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=\E;:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:\
+	:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^J:ds=\EA31:ei=\Er:fs=^M:im=\Eq:is=\Eu\E0:\
+	:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:\
+	:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:kb=^H:kd=^J:kh=\E{:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:\
+	:le=^H:mk@:nd=^L:sf=^J:ts=\EF:up=^K:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:
+#	The Wyse 120/150 has most of the features of the Wyse 60.
+#	This terminal does not need padding up to 9600 baud!
+#	:ms: should be set but the clear screen fails when in
+#	alt-charset mode.  Try \EcE\s\s\E+\s if the screen is really clear
+#	then set :ms:.
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+wy120|wyse120|wy150|wyse150|Wyse 120/150:\
+	:am:bw:hs:km:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:pb#9601:ws#45:\
+	:ae=\EcD:al=\EE:as=\EcE:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=\E+:\
+	:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:ct=\E0:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^J:ds=\EF\r:\
+	:ei=\Er:fs=^M:ho=^^:i1=\EcB0\EcC1:i2=\EwJ\Ew1:im=\Eq:ip=:\
+	:is=\Ed$\EcD\E'\Er\EH\003\Ed/\EO\Ee1\Ed*\E`@\E`9\E`1\016\024\El:\
+	:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:\
+	:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:kD=\EW:kI=\EQ:kN=\EK:kP=\EJ:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=^J:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:ll=^^^K:mb=\EG2:\
+	:me=\E(\EH\003\EG0\EcD:mh=\EGp:nd=^L:nw=\r\n:sf=\n:\
+	:so=\EGt:sr=\Ej:st=\E1:ta=\011:te=\Ew1:ti=\Ew0:ts=\EF:up=^K:\
+	:vb=\E`8\E`9:ve=\E`1:vi=\E`0:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:
+wy120-w|wyse120-w|wy150-w|wyse150-w|wyse 120/150 132-column:\
+	:Nl#16:co#132:lw#7:ws#97:\
+	:cm=\Ea%i%dR%dC:dc=\EW:ip=:r2=\E`;:tc=wy120:
+wy120-25|wyse120-25|wy150-25|wyse150-25|wyse 120/150 80-column 25-lines:\
+	:Nl@:lh@:li#25:lw@:\
+	:pn@:r3=\EwG\Ee):tc=wy120:
+wy120-25-w|wyse120-25-w|wy150-25-w|wyse150-25-w|wyse 120/150 132-column 25-lines:\
+	:Nl@:lh@:li#25:lw@:\
+	:pn@:r3=\EwG\Ee):tc=wy120-w:
+wy120-vb|wyse120-vb|wy150-vb|wyse150-vb|Wyse 120/150 visible bell:\
+	:bl@:\
+	:tc=wy120:
+wy120-w-vb|wy120-wvb|wyse120-wvb|wy150-w-vb|wyse150-w-vb|Wyse 120/150 132-column visible bell:\
+	:bl@:\
+	:tc=wy120-w:
+#	The Wyse 60 is like the Wyse 50 but with more padding.
+#	The reset strings are slow and the pad times very depending
+#	on other parameters such as font loading.  I have tried
+#	to follow the following outline:
+#		<rs1> -> set personality
+#		<rs2> -> set number of columns
+#		<rs3> -> set number of lines
+#		:i1: -> select the proper font
+#		:is: -> do the initialization
+#		:i3: -> set up display memory (2 pages)
+#	The Wyse 60's that have vt100 emulation are slower than the
+#	older Wyse 60's.  This change happened mid-1987.
+#	The capabilities effected are :dc: :dl: :al: :sf: :sr:
+#	The meta key is only half right.  This terminal will return the
+#	high order bit set when you hit CTRL-function_key
+#	It may be useful to assign two function keys with the
+#	values  \E=(\s  look at old data in page 1
+#	        \E=W,   look at bottom of page 1
+#	where \s is a space ( ).
+#	Note:
+#	   The Wyse 60 runs faster when the XON/XOFF
+#	   handshake is turned off.
+# (wy60: we use \E{ rather than ^^ for home (both are documented) to avoid
+# a bug reported by Robert Dunn, <rcdii@inlink.com> -- esr)
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+wy60|wyse60|Wyse 60:\
+	:am:bw:hs:km:mi:ms:\
+	:co#80:li#24:ws#45:\
+	:ae=\EcD:al=\EE:as=\EcE:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=\E+:\
+	:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:ct=\E0:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^J:ds=\EF\r:\
+	:ei=\Er:fs=^M:ho=\E{:i1=\EcB0\EcC1:i2=\EwJ\Ew1:im=\Eq:ip=:\
+	:is=\Ed$\EcD\E'\Er\EH\003\Ed/\EO\Ee1\Ed*\E`@\E`9\E`1\016\024\El:\
+	:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:\
+	:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:kD=\EW:kI=\EQ:kN=\EK:kP=\EJ:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=^J:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:ll=\E{^K:mb=\EG2:\
+	:me=\E(\EH\003\EG0\EcD:mh=\EGp:nd=^L:nw=\r\n:sf=\n:\
+	:so=\EGt:sr=\Ej:st=\E1:ta=\011:te=\Ew1:ti=\Ew0:ts=\EF:up=^K:\
+	:vb=\E`8\E`9:ve=\E`1:vi=\E`0:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:
+wy60-w|wyse60-w|wyse 60 132-column:\
+	:Nl#16:co#132:lw#7:ws#97:\
+	:cm=\Ea%i%dR%dC:dc=\EW:ip=:r2=\EeF\E`;:tc=wy60:
+wy60-25|wyse60-25|wyse 60 80-column 25-lines:\
+	:Nl@:lh@:li#25:lw@:\
+	:pn@:r3=\EwG\Ee):tc=wy60:
+wy60-25-w|wyse60-25-w|wyse 60 132-column 25-lines:\
+	:Nl@:lh@:li#25:lw@:\
+	:pn@:r3=\EwG\Ee):tc=wy60-w:
+wy60-42|wyse60-42|wyse 60 80-column 42-lines:\
+	:li#42:\
+	:al=\EE:cd=\Ey:cl=\E+:cm=\E=%+ %+ :dc=\EW:dl=\ER:\
+	:i1=\EcB2\EcC3:ip=:nw=\r\n:r3=\Ee*:sf=\n:sr=\Ej:tc=wy60:
+wy60-42-w|wyse60-42-w|wyse 60 132-column 42-lines:\
+	:Nl#16:co#132:lw#7:ws#97:\
+	:cd=\Ey:cl=\E+:cm=\Ea%i%dR%dC:dc=\EW:ho=\036:ip=:nw=\r\n:\
+	:r2=\EeF\E`;:\
+	:tc=wy60-42:
+wy60-43|wyse60-43|wyse 60 80-column 43-lines:\
+	:Nl@:lh@:li#43:lw@:\
+	:pn@:r3=\Ee+:tc=wy60-42:
+wy60-43-w|wyse60-43-w|wyse 60 132-column 43-lines:\
+	:Nl@:lh@:li#43:lw@:\
+	:pn@:r3=\Ee+:tc=wy60-42-w:
+wy60-vb|wyse60-vb|Wyse 60 visible bell:\
+	:bl@:tc=wy60:
+wy60-w-vb|wy60-wvb|wyse60-wvb|Wyse 60 132-column visible bell:\
+	:bl@:\
+	:tc=wy60-w:
+#	The Wyse-99GT looks at lot like the Wyse 60 except that it
+#	does not have the 42/43 line mode.  In the Wyse-60 the "lines"
+#	setup parameter controls the number of lines on the screen.
+#	For the Wyse 99GT the "lines" setup parameter controls the
+#	number of lines in a page.  The screen can display 25 lines max.
+#	    The Wyse-99GT also has personalities for the VT220 and
+#	Tektronix 4014.  But this has no bearing on the native mode.
+#	(msgr) should be set but the clear screen fails when in
+#	alt-charset mode.  Try \EcE\s\s\E+\s if the screen is really clear
+#	then set msgr, else use msgr@.
+#	u0 -> enter Tektronix mode
+#	u1 -> exit Tektronix mode
+wy99gt|wyse99gt|Wyse 99gt:\
+	:ms@:\
+	:al=\EE:cd=\Ey:ce=\Et:cl=\E+:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:i2=\Ew0:ip=:nw@:\
+	:r2=\E`\072:sf=\n:sr=\Ej:ta=\011:te=\Ew0:ti=\Ew1:\
+	:u0=\E~>\E8:u1=\E[42h:vb=\E`8\E`9:tc=wy60:
+wy99gt-w|wyse99gt-w|wyse 99gt 132-column:\
+	:Nl#16:co#132:lw#7:ws#97:\
+	:cd=\Ey:cl=\E+:cm=\Ea%i%dR%dC:dc=\EW:ip=:r2=\E`;:tc=wy99gt:
+wy99gt-25|wyse99gt-25|wyse 99gt 80-column 25-lines:\
+	:Nl@:lh@:li#25:lw@:\
+	:pn@:r2=\E`\072:r3=\EwG\Ee):tc=wy99gt:
+wy99gt-25-w|wyse99gt-25-w|wyse 99gt 132-column 25-lines:\
+	:Nl@:lh@:li#25:lw@:\
+	:pn@:r2=\E`;:tc=wy99gt-w:
+wy99gt-vb|wyse99gt-vb|Wyse 99gt visible bell:\
+	:bl@:tc=wy99gt:
+wy99gt-w-vb|wy99gt-wvb|wyse99gt-wvb|Wyse 99gt 132-column visible bell:\
+	:bl@:\
+	:tc=wy99gt-w:
+#	The Wyse 160 is combination of the WY-60 and the WY-99gt.
+#	The reset strings are slow and the pad times very depending
+#	on other parameters such as font loading.  I have tried
+#	to follow the following outline:
+#		<rs1> -> set personality
+#		<rs2> -> set number of columns
+#		<rs3> -> set number of lines
+#		:i1: -> select the proper font
+#		:is: -> do the initialization
+#		:i3: -> set up display memory (2 pages)
+#	The display memory may be used for either text or graphics.
+#	When "Display Memory = Shared" the terminal will have more pages
+#	but garbage may be left on the screen when you switch from
+#	graphics to text.  If "Display Memory = Unshared" then the
+#	text area will be only one page long.
+# (wy160: we use \E{ rather than ^^ for home (both are documented) to avoid
+# a bug reported by Robert Dunn, <rcdii@inlink.com> -- esr)
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+wy160|wyse160|Wyse 160:\
+	:am:bw:hs:km:mi:ms:\
+	:co#80:li#24:ws#38:\
+	:ae=\EcD:al=\EE:as=\EcE:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=\E+:\
+	:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:ct=\E0:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^J:ds=\EF\r:\
+	:ei=\Er:fs=^M:ho=\E{:i1=\EcB0\EcC1:i2=\Ew0:im=\Eq:ip=:\
+	:is=\Ed$\EcD\E'\Er\EH\003\Ed/\EO\Ee1\Ed*\E`@\E`9\E`1\016\024\El:\
+	:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:\
+	:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:kD=\EW:kI=\EQ:kN=\EK:kP=\EJ:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=^J:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:ll=\E{^K:mb=\EG2:\
+	:me=\E(\EH\003\EG0\EcD:mh=\EGp:nd=^L:nw=\r\n:sf=\n:\
+	:so=\EGt:sr=\Ej:st=\E1:ta=^I:te=\Ew0:ti=\Ew1:ts=\EF:up=^K:\
+	:vb=\E`8\E`9:ve=\E`1:vi=\E`0:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:
+wy160-w|wyse160-w|wyse 160 132-column:\
+	:Nl#16:co#132:lw#7:ws#90:\
+	:cm=\Ea%i%dR%dC:dc=\EW:r2=\EeF\E`;:tc=wy160:
+wy160-25|wyse160-25|wyse 160 80-column 25-lines:\
+	:Nl@:lh@:li#25:lw@:\
+	:pn@:r3=\EwG\Ee):tc=wy160:
+wy160-25-w|wyse160-25-w|wyse 160 132-column 25-lines:\
+	:Nl@:lh@:li#25:lw@:\
+	:pn@:r3=\EwG\Ee):tc=wy160-w:
+wy160-42|wyse160-42|wyse 160 80-column 42-lines:\
+	:li#42:\
+	:al=\EE:cd=\Ey:cl=\E+:dl=\ER:i1=\EcB2\EcC3:nw=\r\n:r3=\Ee*:\
+	:sf=\n:sr=\Ej:\
+	:tc=wy160:
+wy160-42-w|wyse160-42-w|wyse 160 132-column 42-lines:\
+	:Nl#16:co#132:lw#7:ws#90:\
+	:cm=\Ea%i%dR%dC:dc=\EW:ip=:r2=\EeF\E`;:tc=wy160-42:
+wy160-43|wyse160-43|wyse 160 80-column 43-lines:\
+	:Nl@:lh@:li#43:lw@:\
+	:pn@:r3=\Ee+:tc=wy160-42:
+wy160-43-w|wyse160-43-w|wyse 160 132-column 43-lines:\
+	:Nl@:lh@:li#43:lw@:\
+	:pn@:r3=\Ee+:tc=wy160-42-w:
+wy160-vb|wyse160-vb|Wyse 160 visible bell:\
+	:bl@:tc=wy160:
+wy160-w-vb|wy160-wvb|wyse160-wvb|Wyse 160 132-column visible bell:\
+	:bl@:\
+	:tc=wy160-w:
+#	The Wyse 75 is a vt100 lookalike without advanced video.
+#	   The Wyse 75 can support one attribute (e.g. Dim, Inverse,
+#	Underline) without magic cookies.  The following description
+#	uses this capability, but when more than one attribute is
+#	put on the screen at once, all attributes will be changed
+#	to be the same as the last attribute given.
+#	   The Wyse 75 can support more attributes when used with magic
+#	cookies.  The wy75-mc terminal description uses magic cookies
+#	to correctly handle multiple attributes on a screen.
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+wy75|wyse75|wyse 75:\
+	:am:hs:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:ma#1:pb#1201:ws#78:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:K1=\EOw:K2=\EOu:K3=\EOy:K4=\EOq:K5=\EOs:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:\
+	:ds=\E[>\054\001\001\E[>-\001\001:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:\
+	:fs=^A:ho=\E[H:\
+	:i1=\E[2;4;20;30l\E[?1;10l\E[12h\E[?7;8;25h:i2=\E[m:\
+	:im=\E[4h:ip=:is=\E>\E(B\E)0\017:k1=\E[?5i:k2=\E[?3i:\
+	:k3=\E[2i:k4=\E[@:k5=\E[M:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:\
+	:k9=\E[20~:kI=\E[@:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:ke=\E>:\
+	:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ks=\E[?1l\E[?7h\E=:ku=\E[A:le=^H:\
+	:me=\E[m\017:mh=\E[0t\E[2m:mr=\E[1t\E[7m:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[1t\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:ts=\E[>\054\001:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[2t\E[4m:\
+	:vb=\E[30h\E\054\E[30l:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:
+#	This terminal description uses the non-hidden attribute mode
+#	(with magic cookie).
+wy75-mc|wyse75-mc|wyse 75 with magic cookies:\
+	:ms@:\
+	:ma@:sg#1:\
+	:ae=\E[0p\017:as=\E[0p\016:i2=\E[m\E[p:mb=\E[2p:\
+	:me=\E[0p\017:mh=\E[1p:mk=\E[4p:mr=\E[16p:\
+	:..sa=\E[%{0}%?%p2%p6%|%t%{8}%|%;%?%p1%p3%|%p6%|%t%{16}%|%;%?%p4%t%{2}%|%;%?%p1%p5%|%t%{1}%|%;%?%p7%t%{4}%|%;%dp%?%p9%t\016%e\017%;:\
+	:se=\E[0p:so=\E[17p:ue=\E[0p:us=\E[8p:\
+	:tc=wy75:
+wy75-vb|wyse75-vb|wyse 75 with visible bell:\
+	:pb@:\
+	:bl@:tc=wy75:
+wy75-w|wyse75-w|wyse 75 in 132 column mode:\
+	:co#132:ws#130:\
+	:r2=\E[35h\E[?3h:tc=wy75:
+wy75-wvb|wyse75-wvb|wyse 75 with visible bell 132 columns:\
+	:pb@:\
+	:bl@:tc=wy75-w:
+#	Wyse 85 emulating a vt220 7 bit mode.
+#		24 line screen with status line.
+#	The vt220 mode permits more function keys but it wipes out
+#	the escape key.  I strongly recommend that <f11> be set to
+#	escape (esc).
+#	The terminal may have to be set for 8 data bits and 2 stop
+#	bits for the arrow keys to work.
+#	The Wyse 85 runs faster with XON/XOFF enabled.  Also the
+#	:DC: and :IC: work best when XON/XOFF is set.  :IC: and
+#	:DC: leave trash on the screen when used without XON/XOFF.
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+wy85|wyse85|wyse 85:\
+	:am:hs:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:ws#80:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:K1=\EOw:K2=\EOu:K3=\EOy:K4=\EOq:K5=\EOs:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ds=\E[40l:\
+	:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:fs=\E[1;24r\E8:ho=\E[H:\
+	:i1=\E[62;1"p\E[?5W:i2=\E>\E(B\E)0\017\E[m:im=\E[4h:ip=:\
+	:is=\E[2;4;20;30l\E[?1;4;10;16l\E[12h\E[?7;8;25h:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:\
+	:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:ke=\E>:kh=\E[26~:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:\
+	:ks=\E[?1l\E=:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m\017:\
+	:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\n:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=\011:\
+	:ts=\E[40h\E7\E[25;%i%p1%dH:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:vb=\E[30h\E\054\E[30l:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:
+#	Wyse 85 with visual bell.
+wy85-vb|wyse85-vb|wyse 85 with visible bell:\
+	:bl@:vb=\E[30h\E\054\E[30l:tc=wy85:
+#	Wyse 85 in 132-column mode.
+wy85-w|wyse85-w|wyse 85 in 132-column mode:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:r2=\E[35h\E[?3h:tc=wy85:
+#	Wyse 85 in 132-column mode with visual bell.
+wy85-wvb|wyse85-wvb|wyse 85 with visible bell 132-columns:\
+	:bl@:\
+	:tc=wy85-w:
+#	Wyse 185 emulating a vt320 7 bit mode.
+#	This terminal always displays 25 lines.  These lines may be used
+#	as 24 data lines and a terminal status line (top or bottom) or
+#	25 data lines.  The 48 and 50 line modes change the page size
+#	and not the number of lines on the screen.
+#	The Compose Character key can be used as a meta key if changed
+#	by set-up.
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+wy185|wyse185|wyse 185:\
+	:am:hs:km:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:ws#80:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:K1=\EOw:K2=\EOu:K3=\EOy:K4=\EOq:K5=\EOs:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:\
+	:ds=\E7\E[99;0H\E[K\E8:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:\
+	:fs=\E[1;24r\E8:ho=\E[H:i1=\E[?5W:\
+	:i2=\E>\E(B\E)0\017\E[m:im=\E[4h:ip=:\
+	:is=\E[2;4;20;30l\E[?1;4;10;16l\E[12h\E[?7;8;25h:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:\
+	:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:ke=\E>:kh=\E[26~:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:\
+	:ks=\E[?1l\E=:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m\017:\
+	:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\n:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:te=\E[ R:ti=\E[ Q:\
+	:ts=\E7\E[99;%i%p1%dH:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:vb=\E[30h\E\054\E[30l:ve=\E[34h\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:\
+	:vs=\E[?25h\E[34l:
+#	Wyse 185 with 24 data lines and top status (terminal status)
+wy185-24|wyse185-24|wyse 185 with 24 data lines:\
+	:hs@:\
+	:ds@:fs@:r3=\E[?5l\E[47h\E[40l\E[1;24r:ts@:tc=wy185:
+#	Wyse 185 with visual bell.
+wy185-vb|wyse185-vb|wyse 185+flash:\
+	:bl@:tc=wy185:
+#	Wyse 185 in 132-column mode.
+wy185-w|wyse185-w|wyse 185 in 132-column mode:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:DC=\E[%dP:IC=\E[%d@:dc=\E[P:ei=:im=:ip=:r2=\E[35h\E[?3h:tc=wy185:
+#	Wyse 185 in 132-column mode with visual bell.
+wy185-wvb|wyse185-wvb|wyse 185+flash+132 cols:\
+	:bl@:tc=wy185-w:
+# wy325 terminfo entries
+# Done by Joe H. Davis        3-9-92
+# lines 25  columns 80
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+wy325|wyse325|Wyse epc:\
+	:5i:am:bw:hs:mi:\
+	:Nl#8:co#80:lh#1:li#24:lw#8:pb#9601:ws#45:\
+	:#2=\E{:%9=\EP:&3=\Er:@8=\E7:F1=^AJ\r:F2=^AK\r:F3=^AL\r:\
+	:F4=^AM\r:F5=^AN\r:F6=^AO\r:LF=\EA11:LO=\EA10:RA=\Ed.:\
+	:SA=\Ed/:\
+	:ac=+/\054.0[Iha2fxgqh1jYk?lZm@nEqDtCu4vAwBx3yszr{c~~:\
+	:ae=\EcD:al=\EE:as=\EcE:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=\E+:\
+	:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:ct=\E0:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^J:ds=\EF\r:\
+	:ei=\Er:fs=^M:ho=^^:i1=\EcB0\EcC1:i2=\Ew0:im=\Eq:ip=:\
+	:is=\EcD\E'\Er\EH\003\Ed/\EO\Ee1\Ed*\E`@\E`9\E`1\016\024\El:\
+	:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:\
+	:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:k;=^AI\r:kA=\EE:kB=\EI:kD=\EW:\
+	:kE=\ET:kI=\Eq:kL=\ER:kN=\EK:kP=\EJ:kS=\EY:kb=^H:kd=^J:kh=^^:\
+	:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:ll=^^^K:mb=\EG2:\
+	:me=\E(\EH\003\EG0\EcD:mh=\EGp:mp=\E):nd=^L:pf=^T:\
+	:pl=\EZ2%+?%s\177:pn=\Ez%+/%s\r:po=\Ed#:ps=\EP:\
+	:px=\EZ1%+?%s\177:r1=\E~\041\E~4:r2=\EeF\E`\072:\
+	:r3=\EwG\Ee(:sf=\n:so=\EGt:sr=\Ej:st=\E1:ta=^I:te=\Ew0:\
+	:ti=\Ew1:ts=\EF:up=^K:vb=\E`8\E`9:ve=\E`1:vi=\E`0:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:
+# lines 24  columns 80  vb 
+wy325-vb|wyse325-vb|wyse-325 with visual bell:\
+	:bl@:tc=wy325:
+# lines 24  columns 132
+wy325-w|wyse325-w|wy325w-24|wyse-325 in wide mode:\
+	:Nl#16:co#132:lw#7:ws#97:\
+	:cm=\Ea%i%dR%dC:dc=\EW:ip=:r2=\E`;:tc=wy325:
+# lines 25  columns 80
+wy325-25|wyse325-25|wy325-80|wyse-325|wyse-325 25 lines:\
+	:Nl@:lh@:li#25:lw@:\
+	:pn@:r3=\EwG\Ee):tc=wy325:
+# lines 25  columns 132
+wy325-25w|wyse325-25w|wy325 132 columns:\
+	:Nl@:lh@:li#25:lw@:\
+	:pn@:r3=\EwG\Ee):tc=wy325-w:
+# lines 25  columns 132  vb 
+wy325-w-vb|wy325-wvb|wyse325-wvb|wyse-325 wide mode reverse video:\
+	:bl@:\
+	:tc=wy325-w:
+# lines 42  columns 80
+wy325-42|wyse325-42|wyse-325 42 lines:\
+	:Nl@:lh@:li#42:lw@:\
+	:pn@:r3=\EwG\Ee):tc=wy325:
+# lines 42  columns 132
+wy325-42w|wyse325-42w|wyse-325 42 lines wide mode:\
+	:Nl@:lh@:li#42:lw@:\
+	:pn@:r3=\EwG\Ee):tc=wy325-w:
+# lines 42  columns 132  vb 
+wy325-42w-vb|wy325-42wvb|wyse-325 42 lines wide mode visual bell:\
+	:bl@:\
+	:tc=wy325-w:
+# lines 43  columns 80
+wy325-43|wyse325-43|wyse-325 43 lines:\
+	:Nl@:lh@:li#43:lw@:\
+	:pn@:tc=wy325:
+# lines 43  columns 132
+wy325-43w|wyse325-43w|wyse-325 43 lines wide mode:\
+	:Nl@:lh@:li#43:lw@:\
+	:pn@:r3=\EwG\Ee):tc=wy325-w:
+# lines 43  columns 132  vb 
+wy325-43w-vb|wy325-43wvb|wyse-325 43 lines wide mode visual bell:\
+	:bl@:\
+	:tc=wy325-w:
+#	Wyse 370 -- 24 line screen with status line.
+#	The terminal may have to be set for 8 data bits and 2 stop
+#	bits for the arrow keys to work.
+#	If you change keyboards the terminal will send different
+#	escape sequences.
+#	The following definition is for the basic terminal without
+#	function keys.
+#	<u0> -> enter Tektronix 4010/4014 mode
+#	<u1> -> exit  Tektronix 4010/4014 mode
+#	<u2> -> enter ASCII mode (from any ANSI mode)
+#	<u3> -> exit  ASCII mode (goto native ANSI mode)
+#	<u4> -> enter Tek 4207 ANSI mode (from any ANSI mode)
+#	<u5> -> exit  Tek 4207 mode (goto native ANSI mode)
+# Bug: The <op> capability resets attributes.
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+wy370-nk|wyse 370 without function keys:\
+	:am:hs:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:ws#80:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:\
+	:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ds=\E[40l:\
+	:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:fs=\E[1;24r\E8:ho=\E[H:\
+	:i1=\E[90;1"p\E[?5W:i2=\E>\017\E)0\E(B\E[63;0w\E[m:\
+	:im=\E[4h:ip=:\
+	:is=\E[2;4;20;30;40l\E[?1;10;16l\E[12h\E[?7;8;25h:\
+	:ke=\E>:ks=\E[?1l\E=:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m\017:\
+	:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\n:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=\011:te=\E[ R:ti=\E[ Q:\
+	:ts=\E[40l\E[40h\E7\E[99;%i%p1%dH:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:vb=\E[30h\E\054\E[30l:ve=\E[34h\E[?25h:\
+	:vi=\E[?25l:vs=\E[?25h\E[34l:
+#	Function key set for the ASCII (wy-50 compatible) keyboard
+#	This is the default 370.
+wy370|wyse370|wy370-101k|Wyse 370 with 101 key keyboard:\
+	:@8=\EOM:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:F3=\E[25~:F4=\E[26~:\
+	:F5=\E[28~:F6=\E[29~:k1=\E[?4i:k2=\E[?3i:k3=\E[2i:k4=\E[@:\
+	:k5=\E[M:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:\
+	:k;=\E[21~:kA=\EOP:kB=\E[Z:kD=\EOQ:kI=\EOP:kL=\EOQ:kN=\E[U:\
+	:kP=\E[V:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:\
+	:tc=wy370-nk:
+#	Function key set for the VT-320 (and wy85) compatible keyboard
+wy370-105k|Wyse 370 with 105 key keyboard:\
+	:%1=\E[28~:*6=\E[4~:@0=\E[1~:@8=\EOM:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:\
+	:F3=\E[25~:F4=\E[26~:F5=\E[28~:F6=\E[29~:F7=\E[31~:\
+	:F8=\E[32~:F9=\E[33~:FA=\E[34~:K1=\EOw:K2=\EOu:K3=\EOy:\
+	:K4=\EOq:K5=\EOs:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k6=\E[17~:\
+	:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:kD=\E[3~:\
+	:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[26~:\
+	:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:l1=PF1:l2=PF2:l3=PF3:l4=PF4:\
+	:tc=wy370-nk:
+#	Function key set for the PC compatible keyboard
+wy370-EPC|Wyse 370 with 102 key keyboard:\
+	:@7=\E[1~:@8=\EOM:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:\
+	:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\E[M:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:\
+	:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:kB=\E[Z:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[U:kP=\E[V:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:\
+	:tc=wy370-nk:
+#	Wyse 370 with visual bell.
+wy370-vb|Wyse 370 with visible bell:\
+	:bl@:tc=wy370:
+#	Wyse 370 in 132-column mode.
+wy370-w|Wyse 370 in 132-column mode:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:r2=\E[35h\E[?3h:tc=wy370:
+#	Wyse 370 in 132-column mode with visual bell.
+wy370-wvb|Wyse 370 with visible bell 132-columns:\
+	:vb=\E[30h\E\054\E[30l:tc=wy370-w:
+wy370-rv|Wyse 370 reverse video:\
+	:r3=\E[32h\E[?5h:tc=wy370:
+#	Wyse 99gt Tektronix 4010/4014 emulator,
+wy99gt-tek|Wyse 99gt Tektronix 4010/4014 emulator:\
+	:am:os:\
+	:co#74:li#35:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=\E^L:\
+	:..cm=\035%{3040}%{89}%p1%*%-%Py%p2%{55}%*%Px%gy%{128}%/%{31}%&%{32}%+%c%gy%{3}%&%{4}%*%gx%{3}%&%+%{96}%+%c%gy%{004}%/%{31}%&%{96}%+%c%gx%{128}%/%{31}%&%{32}%+%c%gx%{004}%/%{31}%&%{64}%+%c\037:\
+	:cr=^M:do=^J:ff=^L:\
+	:ho=^]7`x @\037:\
+	:is=\E8:le=^H:nd= :nw=^M^J:u0=\E~>\E8:u1=\E[42h:up=^K:
+#	Wyse 160 Tektronix 4010/4014 emulator,
+wy160-tek|Wyse 160 Tektronix 4010/4014 emulator:\
+	:..cm=\035%{3103}%{91}%p1%*%-%Py%p2%{55}%*%Px%gy%{128}%/%{31}%&%{32}%+%c%gy%{3}%&%{4}%*%gx%{3}%&%+%{96}%+%c%gy%{004}%/%{31}%&%{96}%+%c%gx%{128}%/%{31}%&%{32}%+%c%gx%{004}%/%{31}%&%{64}%+%c\037:\
+	:ho=^]8`g @\037:\
+	:tc=wy99gt-tek:
+#	Wyse 370 Tektronix 4010/4014 emulator,
+wy370-tek|Wyse 370 Tektronix 4010/4014 emulator:\
+	:am:os:\
+	:co#80:li#36:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=\E^L:\
+	:..cm=\035%{775}%{108}%p1%*%{5}%/%-%Py%p2%{64}%*%{4}%+%{5}%/%Px%gy%{32}%/%{31}%&%{32}%+%c%gy%{31}%&%{96}%+%c%gx%{32}%/%{31}%&%{32}%+%c%gx%{31}%&%{64}%+%c\037:\
+	:cr=^M:do=^J:ff=^L:\
+	:ho=^]8g @\037:\
+	:is=\E8:kb=^H:kd=^J:kl=^H:kr=^I:ku=^K:le=^H:nd= :nw=^M^J:\
+	:u0=\E[?38h\E8:u1=\E[?38l\E)0:up=^K:
+# Vendor-supplied Wyse entries end here.
+# Can't set tabs! Other bugs (ANSI mode only):
+# - can't redefine function keys (anyway, key redefinition in ANSI mode
+#   is too much complex to be described);
+# - meta key can't be described (the terminal forgets it when reset);
+# The xon-xoff handshaking can't be disabled while in ansi personality, so
+# emacs can't work at speed greater than 9600 baud.  No padding is needed at
+# this speed.
+#   dch1 has been commented out because it causes annoying glittering when
+# vi deletes one character at the beginning of a line with tabs in it.
+#   dch makes sysgen(1M) have a horrible behaviour when deleting
+# a screen and makes screen(1) behave badly, so it is disabled too. The nice
+# thing is that vi goes crazy if smir-rmir are present and both dch-dch1 are
+# not, so smir and rmir are commented out as well.
+# From: Francesco Potorti` <F.Potorti@cnuce.cnr.it>, 24 Aug 1998
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+wy99-ansi|Wyse WY-99GT in ansi mode (int'l PC keyboard):\
+	:am:km:mi:ms:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:vt#3:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dl=\E[M:do=\ED:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:\
+	:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E7\E[1r\E8\E[2;3;4;13;20;34;39;36l\E[12;16;34h\E[?1;3;4;5;10;18l\E[?7;8;25h\E>\E[?5W\E(B\017\E[4i:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\E[M:k6=\E[17~:\
+	:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l:\
+	:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h:ku=\EOA:le=\010:ll=\E[24E:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m\017\E["q:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:\
+	:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:\
+	:sr=\EM:ta=^I:ue=\E[24m:up=\EM:us=\E[4m:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:\
+	:ve=\E[34h\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:vs=\E[34l\E[?25h:
+#   This is the american terminal. Here tabs work fine.
+# From: Francesco Potorti` <F.Potorti@cnuce.cnr.it>, 24 Aug 1998
+wy99a-ansi|Wyse WY-99GT in ansi mode (US PC keyboard):\
+	:ct=\E[3g:i2=\E[?5l:r3=\E[?5l:st=\EH:\
+	:tc=wy99-ansi:
+# This terminal (firmware version 02) has a lot of bugs:
+# - can't set tabs;
+# - other bugs in ANSI modes (see above).
+# This description disables handshaking when using cup. This is because
+# GNU emacs doesn't like Xon-Xoff handshaking. This means the terminal
+# cannot be used at speeds greater than 9600 baud, because at greater
+# speeds handshaking is needed even for character sending. If you use
+# DTR handshaking, you can use even greater speeds.
+# From: Francesco Potorti` <F.Potorti@cnuce.cnr.it>, 24 Aug 1998
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+wy99f|wy99fgt|wy-99fgt|Wyse WY-99GT (int'l PC keyboard):\
+	:am:bw:hs:km:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:ws#46:\
+	:K1=^^:K3=\EJ:K4=\ET:K5=\EK:ae=\EcD:al=\EE:as=\EcE:bl=^G:\
+	:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=\E'\E(\032:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:\
+	:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=\Ej:ds=\EF\r:ei=\Er:fs=^M:ho=^^:im=\Eq:\
+	:is=\Eu\Ee6\EC\EDF\Ec21\Ec31\Ec62\Ec72\Ee;\016\E'\EeL\E`9\E\1360\E`1\E`4\Ee.\E`\072\Ee1\EG0\E(\Ed/\Ee4\Ed*\EO\E`I\Er\Ee"\EcD\024:\
+	:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:\
+	:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:kb=^H:kd=^J:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:\
+	:le=^H:mb=\EG2:me=\E(\EG0:mh=\EGp:mr=\EG4:nd=^L:nw=^_:\
+	:se=\EG0:sf=^J:so=\EG4:sr=\Ej:ta=^I:te=\Ec21\Ec31:\
+	:ti=\Ec20\Ec30:ts=\EF:up=^K:vb=\E\1361\E\1360:\
+	:ve=\E`4\E`1:vi=\E`0:vs=\E`2\E`1:
+# This is the american terminal. Here tabs work.
+# From: Francesco Potorti` <F.Potorti@cnuce.cnr.it>, 24 Aug 1998
+wy99fa|wy99fgta|wy-99fgta|Wyse WY-99GT (US PC keyboard):\
+	:ct=\E0:st=\E1:\
+	:tc=wy99f:
+#DATE:   8/5/93
+# The WY520 terminfo is based on the WY285 entry published on the WYSE 
+# BBS with the addition of more function keys and special keys.
+#               rs1 -> set personality
+#               rs2 -> set number of columns
+#               rs3 -> set number of lines
+#               is1 -> select the proper font
+#               is2 -> do the initialization
+#               is3 -> If this string is empty then rs3 gets sent.
+#       Wyse 520 emulating a vt420 7 bit mode with default ANSI keyboard
+#       - The BS key is programmed to generate BS in smcup since
+#         is2 doesn't seem to work.
+#       - Remove and shift/Remove: delete a character
+#       - Insert : enter insert mode
+#       - Find   : delete to end of file
+#       - Select : clear a line
+#       - F11, F12, F13: send default sequences (not ESC, BS, LF)
+#       - F14 : Home key
+#       - Bottom status line (host writable line) is used.
+#       - smkx,rmkx are removed because this would put the numeric
+#         keypad in Dec application mode which doesn't seem to work
+#         with SCO applications.
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+wy520|wyse520|wyse 520:\
+	:am:hs:km:mi:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:ws#80:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:K1=\EOw:K2=\EOy:K3=\EOu:K4=\EOq:K5=\EOs:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ds=\E[0$~:\
+	:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:fs=\E[0$}:ho=\E[H:i1=\E[?5W:\
+	:i2=\E>\E(B\E)0\017\E[m:im=\E[4h:ip=:\
+	:is=\E[2;4;20;30l\E[?1;4;10;16l\E[12h\E[?7;8;25;67h:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:\
+	:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[26~:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m\017:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:te=\E[ R:ti=\E[ Q\E[?67;8h:ts=\E[2$~\E[1$}\E[%i%p1%d`:\
+	:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[34h\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:\
+	:vs=\E[?25h\E[34l:
+#       Wyse 520 with 24 data lines and status (terminal status)
+wy520-24|wyse520-24|wyse 520 with 24 data lines:\
+	:hs@:\
+	:ds@:fs@:r3=\E[?5l\E[47h\E[40l\E[1;24r:ts@:tc=wy520:
+#       Wyse 520 with visual bell.
+wy520-vb|wyse520-vb|wyse 520 with visible bell:\
+	:vb=\E[30h\E\054\E[30l:tc=wy520:
+#       Wyse 520 in 132-column mode.
+wy520-w|wyse520-w|wyse 520 in 132-column mode:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:DC=\E[%dP:IC=\E[%d@:dc=\E[P:ei=:im=:ip=:r2=\E[35h\E[?3h:tc=wy520:
+#       Wyse 520 in 132-column mode with visual bell.
+wy520-wvb|wyse520-wvb|wyse 520 with visible bell 132-columns:\
+	:vb=\E[30h\E\054\E[30l:\
+	:tc=wy520-w:
+#       Wyse 520 emulating a vt420 7 bit mode.
+#       The DEL key is programmed to generate BS in is2.
+#       With EPC keyboard.
+#       - 'End' key will clear till end of line on EPC keyboard
+#       - Shift/End : ignored.
+#       - Insert : enter insert mode.
+#       - Delete : delete a character (have to change interrupt character
+#                  to CTRL-C: stty intr '^c') for it to work since the
+#                  Delete key sends 7FH.
+wy520-epc|wyse520-epc|wyse 520 with EPC keyboard:\
+	:@7=\E[4~:k0=\E[21~:k1=\E[11~:k2=\E[12~:k3=\E[13~:\
+	:k4=\E[14~:k5=\E[15~:kD=\177:kE=\E[4~:kh=\E[H:\
+	:tc=wy520:
+#       Wyse 520 with 24 data lines and status (terminal status)
+#       with EPC keyboard.
+wy520-epc-24|wyse520-pc-24|wyse 520 with 24 data lines and EPC keyboard:\
+	:hs@:\
+	:ds@:fs@:r3=\E[?5l\E[47h\E[40l\E[1;24r:ts@:tc=wy520-epc:
+#       Wyse 520 with visual bell.
+wy520-epc-vb|wyse520-pc-vb|wyse 520 with visible bell and EPC keyboard:\
+	:vb=\E[30h\E\054\E[30l:\
+	:tc=wy520-epc:
+#       Wyse 520 in 132-column mode.
+wy520-epc-w|wyse520-epc-w|wyse 520 in 132-column mode with EPC keyboard:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:DC=\E[%dP:IC=\E[%d@:dc=\E[P:ei=:im=:ip=:r2=\E[35h\E[?3h:tc=wy520-epc:
+#       Wyse 520 in 132-column mode with visual bell.
+wy520-epc-wvb|wyse520-p-wvb|wyse 520 with visible bell 132-columns and EPC keyboard:\
+	:vb=\E[30h\E\054\E[30l:\
+	:tc=wy520-epc-w:
+#       Wyse 520 in 80-column, 36 lines
+wy520-36|wyse520-36|wyse 520 with 36 data lines:\
+	:hs@:\
+	:li#36:\
+	:ds@:fs@:r3=\E[?5l\E[36*|\E[36t\E[40l\E[1;36r:ts@:tc=wy520:
+#       Wyse 520 in 80-column, 48 lines
+wy520-48|wyse520-48|wyse 520 with 48 data lines:\
+	:hs@:\
+	:li#48:\
+	:ds@:fs@:r3=\E[?5l\E[48*|\E[48t\E[40l\E[1;48r:ts@:tc=wy520:
+#       Wyse 520 in 132-column, 36 lines
+wy520-36w|wyse520-36w|wyse 520 with 132 columns and 36 data lines:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:r2=\E[?3h:\
+	:r3=\E[?5l\E[36*|\E[36t\E[40l\E[1;36r\E[132$|:tc=wy520-36:
+#       Wyse 520 in 132-column, 48 lines
+wy520-48w|wyse520-48w|wyse 520 with 48 data lines:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:r2=\E[?3h:\
+	:r3=\E[?5l\E[48*|\E[48t\E[40l\E[1;48r\E[132$|:tc=wy520-48:
+#       Wyse 520 in 80-column, 36 lines with EPC keyboard
+wy520-36pc|wyse520-36pc|wyse 520 with 36 data lines and EPC keyboard:\
+	:hs@:\
+	:li#36:\
+	:ds@:fs@:r3=\E[?5l\E[36*|\E[36t\E[40l\E[1;36r:ts@:tc=wy520-epc:
+#       Wyse 520 in 80-column, 48 lines with EPC keyboard
+wy520-48pc|wyse520-48pc|wyse 520 with 48 data lines and EPC keyboard:\
+	:hs@:\
+	:li#48:\
+	:ds@:fs@:r3=\E[?5l\E[48*|\E[48t\E[40l\E[1;48r:ts@:tc=wy520-epc:
+#       Wyse 520 in 132-column, 36 lines with EPC keyboard
+wy520-36wpc|wyse520-36wpc|wyse 520 with 36 data lines and EPC keyboard:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:r2=\E[?3h:\
+	:r3=\E[?5l\E[36*|\E[36t\E[40l\E[1;36r\E[132$|:tc=wy520-36pc:
+#       Wyse 520 in 132-column, 48 lines with EPC keyboard
+wy520-48wpc|wyse520-48wpc|wyse 520 with 48 data lines and EPC keyboard:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:r2=\E[?3h:\
+	:r3=\E[?5l\E[48*|\E[48t\E[40l\E[1;48r\E[132$|:tc=wy520-48pc:
+# From: John Gilmore <hoptoad!gnu@lll-crg.arpa>
+# (wyse-vp: removed :if=/usr/share/tabset/wyse-adds:, there's no such
+# file and we don't know what :st: is -- esr)
+wyse-vp|Wyse 50 in ADDS Viewpoint emulation mode with "enhance" on:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=\EM:bl=^G:cd=\Ek:ce=\EK:cl=^L:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=^M:dc=\EW:\
+	:dl=\El:do=^J:ei=\Er:ho=^A:im=\Eq:is=\E`\072\E`9\017\Er:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=^J:kh=^A:kl=^U:kr=^F:ku=^Z:le=^H:ll=^A^Z:me=^O:\
+	:nd=^F:nw=^M^J:r1=\E`\072\E`9\017\Er:se=^O:sf=^J:so=^N:\
+	:ta=^I:ue=^O:up=^Z:us=^N:
+wy75ap|wyse75ap|wy-75ap|wyse-75ap|Wyse WY-75 Applications and Cursor keypad:\
+	:is=\E[1;24r\E[?10;3l\E[?1;25h\E[4l\E[m\E(B\E=:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\EOB:ke=10\E[?1l\E>:kh=\EOH:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:\
+	:ks=10\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:tc=wy75:
+# From: Kevin Turner <kevint@aracnet.com>, 12 Jul 1998
+# This copes with an apparent firmware bug in the wy85.  He writes:
+# "What I did was change leave the terminal cursor keys set to Normal
+# (instead of application), and change \E[ to \233 for all the keys in
+# terminfo. At one point, I found some reference indicating that this
+# terminal bug (not sending \E[) was acknowledged by Wyse (so it's not just
+# me), but I can't find that and the server under my bookmark to "Wyse 
+# Technical" isn't responding.  So there's the question of wether the wy85
+# terminfo should reflect the manufactuer's intended behaviour of the terminal
+# or the actual."
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+wy85-8bit|wyse85-8bit|wyse 85 in 8-bit mode:\
+	:am:hs:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:ws#80:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:K1=\EOw:K2=\EOu:K3=\EOy:K4=\EOq:K5=\EOs:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ds=\E[40l:\
+	:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:fs=\E[1;24r\E8:ho=\E[H:\
+	:i1=\E[62;1"p\E[?5W:i2=\E>\E(B\E)0\017\E[m:im=\E[4h:ip=:\
+	:is=\E[2;4;20;30l\E[?1;4;10;16l\E[12h\E[?7;8;25h:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k6=\23317~:k7=\23318~:\
+	:k8=\23319~:k9=\23320~:kD=\2333~:kI=\2332~:kN=\2336~:\
+	:kP=\2335~:kb=^H:kd=\233B:ke=\E>:kh=\23326~:kl=\233D:\
+	:kr=\233C:ks=\E[?1l\E=:ku=\233A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:\
+	:me=\E[m\017:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:\
+	:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=\011:\
+	:ts=\E[40h\E7\E[25;%i%p1%dH:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:vb=\E[30h\E\054\E[30l:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:
+# From: Eric Freudenthal <freudent@eric.ultra.nyu.edu>
+wy100q|Wyse 100 for Quotron:\
+	:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#1:\
+	:al=\EE:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=^Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :dc=\EW:\
+	:dl=\ER:do=^J:ei=\Er:ho=^^:im=\Eq:\
+	:is=\E`\072\0\EC\EDF\E0\E'\E(\EA21:kd=^J:kl=^H:kr=^L:\
+	:ku=^K:le=^H:mk@:nd=^L:sr=\Ej:up=^K:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:
+#### Kermit terminal emulations
+# Obsolete Kermit versions may be listed in the section describing obsolete
+# non-ANSI terminal emulators later in the file.
+# KERMIT standard all versions.
+# Straight ascii keyboard. :sr=\EI: not avail. many versions + bug prone in vi.
+# (kermit: removed obsolete ":ma=^Hh^Jj^Kk^Ll^^H:" -- esr)
+# From: greg small <gts@populi.berkeley.edu> 9-25-84
+kermit|standard kermit:\
+	:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EE:cm=\EY%+ %+ :ho=\EH:\
+	:is=K0 Standard Kermit  9-25-84\n:kd=^J:kh=^^:kl=^H:\
+	:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:nd=\EC:up=\EA:
+kermit-am|standard kermit plus auto-margin:\
+	:am:\
+	:is=K1 Standard Kermit plus Automatic Margins\n:tc=kermit:
+# IBMPC Kermit 1.2.
+# Bugs: :cd:, :ce:: do not work except at beginning of line!  :cl: does
+# not work, but fake with :cl=\EH\EJ (since :cd=\EJ: works at beginning of
+# line).
+# From: greg small <gts@populi.berkeley.edu> 8-30-84
+pckermit|pckermit12|UCB IBMPC Kermit 1.2:\
+	:am:\
+	:li#25:\
+	:cd@:ce@:cl=\EH\EJ:\
+	:is=K2 UCB IBMPC Kermit 1.2  8-30-84\n:tc=kermit:
+# IBMPC Kermit 1.20
+# Cannot use line 25, now acts funny like ansi special scrolling region.
+# Initialization must escape from that region by cursor position to line 24.
+# Cannot use character insert because 1.20 goes crazy if insert at col 80.
+# Does not use :am: because autowrap is lost when kermit dropped and restarted.
+# From: greg small <gts@populi.berkeley.edu> 12-19-84
+pckermit120|UCB IBMPC Kermit 1.20:\
+	:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=\EL:dc=\EN:dl=\EM:do=\EB:ei@:im@:\
+	:is=\EO\Eq\EJ\EY7 K3 UCB IBMPC Kermit 1.20  12-19-84\n:\
+	:se=\Eq:so=\Ep:ta=^I:vs=\EO\Eq\EEK3:\
+	:tc=kermit:
+# MS-DOS Kermit 2.27 for the IBMPC
+# Straight ascii keyboard. :sr=\EI: not avail. many versions + bug prone in vi.
+# Cannot use line 25, now acts funny like ansi special scrolling region.
+# Initialization must escape from that region by cursor position to line 24.
+# Does not use am: because autowrap is lost when kermit dropped and restarted.
+# Reverse video for standout like H19.
+# (msk227: removed obsolete ":ma=^Hh^Jj^Kk^Ll^^H:" -- esr)
+# From: greg small <gts@populi.berkeley.edu> 3-17-85
+msk227|mskermit227|MS-DOS Kermit 2.27 for the IBMPC:\
+	:am@:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=\EL:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EE:cm=\EY%+ %+ :dc=\EN:dl=\EM:\
+	:do=\EB:ei=\EO:ho=\EH:im=\E@:\
+	:is=\EO\Eq\EG\Ew\EJ\EY7 K4 MS Kermit 2.27 for the IBMPC 3-17-85\n:\
+	:kd=^J:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:nd=\EC:rc=\Ek:sc=\Ej:\
+	:se=\Eq:so=\Ep:ta=^I:up=\EA:vs=\EO\Eq\EG\EwK4:
+# MS-DOS Kermit 2.27 with automatic margins
+# From:	greg small <gts@populi.berkeley.edu> 3-17-85
+msk227am|mskermit227am|UCB MS-DOS Kermit 2.27 with automatic margins:\
+	:am:\
+	:is=\EO\Eq\EG\Ev\EJ\EY7 K5 MS Kermit 2.27 +automatic margins 3-17-85\n:\
+	:vs=\EO\Eq\EG\EvK5:\
+	:tc=msk227:
+# MS-DOS Kermit 2.27 UCB 227.14 for the IBM PC
+# Automatic margins now default.  Use ansi :sa: for highlights.
+# Define function keys.
+# (msk22714: removed obsolete ":kn#10:" -- esr)
+# From: greg small <gts@populi.berkeley.edu> 3-17-85
+msk22714|mskermit22714|UCB MS-DOS Kermit 2.27 UCB 227.14 IBM PC:\
+	:am:\
+	:is=\EO\Eq\EG\Ev\EJ\EY7 K6 MS Kermit 2.27 UCB 227.14 IBM PC 3-17-85\n:\
+	:k0=\E0:k1=\E1:k2=\E2:k3=\E3:k4=\E4:k5=\E5:k6=\E6:k7=\E7:\
+	:k8=\E8:k9=\E9:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:se=\E[m:so=\E[1m:\
+	:ue=\E[m:us=\E[4m:vs=\EO\Eq\EG\EvK6:\
+	:tc=mskermit227:
+# This was designed for a VT320 emulator, but it is probably a good start
+# at support for the VT320 itself.
+# Please send changes with explanations to bug-gnu-emacs@prep.ai.mit.edu.
+# (vt320-k3: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string -- esr)
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+vt320-k3|MS-Kermit 3.00's vt320 emulation:\
+	:am:es:hs:km:mi:ms:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#49:pb#9600:vt#3:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:CC=\E:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:SR=\E[%dL:UP=\E[%dA:ae=\E(B:al=\E[L:\
+	:as=\E(0:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:\
+	:ds=\E[0$~:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:fs=\E[0$}:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E>\E F\E[?1l\E[?7h\E[r\E[2$~:k0=\E[21~:k1=\EOP:\
+	:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:\
+	:k9=\E[20~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:\
+	:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=^M^J:rc=\E8:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:ts=\E[1$}\r\E[K:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l\E[?5h\E[?5l\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?25h:\
+	:vi=\E[?25l:
+# From: Joseph Gil <yogi@cs.ubc.ca> 13 Dec 1991
+# ACS capabilities from Philippe De Muyter  <phdm@info.ucl.ac.be> 30 May 1996
+# (I removed a bogus boolean :mo: and added :ms:, <smam>, <rmam> -- esr)
+vt320-k311|dec vt320 series as defined by kermit 3.11:\
+	:am:es:hs:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:vt#3:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=^O:al=3\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[;H\E[2J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ds=\E[2$~\r\E[1$}\E[K\E[$}:ei=\E[4l:\
+	:fs=\E[$}:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:\
+	:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:\
+	:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:l1=pf1:l2=pf2:l3=pf3:l4=pf4:\
+	:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=^M\ED:\
+	:r1=\E[?3l:rc=\E8:rf=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:sc=\E7:\
+	:se=\E[27m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:ts=\E[2$~\E[1$}\E[1;%dH:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:vs=\E[?25h:
+######## ---------------- TERMINFO FILE CAN BE SPLIT HERE -------------------
+# This cut mark helps make life less painful for people running ncurses tic
+# on machines with relatively little RAM.  The file can be broken in half here
+# cleanly and compiled in sections -- no `use' references cross this cut
+# going forward.
+# This section is devoted to older commercial terminal brands that are now
+# discontinued, but known to be still in use or represented by emulations.
+#### AT&T (att, tty)
+# This section also includes Teletype-branded VDTs.
+# The AT&T/Teletype terminals group was sold to SunRiver Data Systems (now
+# Boundless Technologies); for details, see the header comment on the ADDS
+# section.
+# These are AT&T's official terminfo entries.  All-caps aliases have been
+# removed.
+att2300|sv80|AT&T 2300 Video Information Terminal 80 column mode:\
+	:am:eo:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:F1=\E[11r:\
+	:F2=\E[12r:F3=\E[13r:F4=\E[14r:F5=\E[15r:F6=\E[16r:\
+	:IC=\E[%d@:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bl=^G:\
+	:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=^M:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:\
+	:k1=\E[1r:k2=\E[2r:k3=\E[3r:k4=\E[4r:k5=\E[5r:k6=\E[6r:\
+	:k7=\E[7r:k8=\E[8r:k9=\E[9r:k;=\E[10r:kA=\E[L:kB=\E[Z:\
+	:kC=\E[J:kD=\E[P:kI=\E[@:kL=\E[M:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:\
+	:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:pf=\E[4i:po=\E[5i:ps=\E[0i:se=\E[m:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:ta=^I:\
+	:up=\E[A:
+att2350|AT&T 2350 Video Information Terminal 80 column mode:\
+	:pf@:po@:ps@:\
+	:tc=att2300:
+# Must setup RETURN KEY - CR, REC'VD LF - INDEX.
+# Seems upward compatible with vt100, plus ins/del line/char.
+# On sgr, the protection parameter is ignored.
+# No check is made to make sure that only 3 parameters are output.
+# 	standout= reverse + half-intensity = 3 | 5.
+# 	bold= reverse + underline = 2 | 3.
+# note that half-bright blinking doesn't look different from normal blinking.
+# NOTE:you must program the function keys first, label second!
+# (att4410: a BSD entry has been seen with the following capabilities: 
+# :is=\E[?6l:, :k1=\EOc:, :k2=\EOd:, :k3=\EOe:, :k4=\EOg:,
+# :k6=\EOh:, :k7=\EOi:, :k8=\EOj:, -- esr)
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+att5410v1|att4410v1|tty5410v1|AT&T 4410/5410 80 columns - version 1:\
+	:am:hs:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:Nl#8:co#80:it#8:lh#2:li#24:lw#8:ws#80:\
+	:ac=++\054\054--..00``aaffgghhjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:\
+	:do=\E[B:ei=:fs=\E8:ho=\E[H:i1=\E[?3l\E)0:\
+	:i2=\E[1;03q   f1           \EOP\E[2;03q   f2           \EOQ\E[3;03q   f3           \EOR\E[4;03q   f4           \EOS\E[5;03q   f5           \EOT\E[6;03q   f6           \EOU\E[7;03q   f7           \EOV\E[8;03q   f8           \EOW:\
+	:ic=\E[@:im=:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\EOT:\
+	:k6=\EOU:k7=\EOV:k8=\EOW:kC=\E[2J:kH=\E[24;1H:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:ll=\E[24H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[2;7m:me=\E[m\017:mh=\E[2m:mk=\E[8m:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=^M^J:r2=\Ec\E[?3l\E[2;0y:rc=\E8:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:\
+	:ts=\E7\E[25;%p1%{1}%+%dH:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+att4410v1-w|att5410v1-w|tty5410v1-w|AT&T 4410/5410 132 columns - version 1:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:i1=\E[?3h\E)0:r2=\Ec\E[?3h\E[2;0y:tc=att5410v1:
+att4410|att5410|tty5410|AT&T 4410/5410 80 columns - version 2:\
+	:bs:\
+	:..px=\E[%p1%d;%p2%l%02dq   f%p1%d           %p2%s:tc=att5410v1:
+att5410-w|att4410-w|4410-w|tty5410-w|5410-w|AT&T 4410/5410 in 132 column mode:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:i1=\E[?3h\E)0:r2=\Ec\E[?3h\E[2;0y:tc=att4410:
+# 5410 in terms of a vt100
+# (v5410: added <rmam>/<smam> based on init string -- esr)
+v5410|att5410 in terms of a vt100:\
+	:am:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:vt#3:\
+	:@8=\EOM:K1=\EOq:K2=\EOr:K3=\EOs:K4=\EOp:K5=\EOn:RA=\E[?7l:\
+	:SA=\E[?7h:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\
+	:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:eA=\E(B\E)0:ei=:ho=\E[H:\
+	:ic=\E[@:im=:k0=\EOy:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:\
+	:k5=\EOt:k6=\EOu:k7=\EOv:k8=\EOl:k9=\EOw:k;=\EOx:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:\
+	:ku=\EOA:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m\017:mr=\E[7m:\
+	:nd=\E[C:r2=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:rc=\E8:\
+	:..sa=\E[0%?%p1%p6%|%t;1%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p1%p3%|%t;7%;%?%p4%t;5%;m%?%p9%t\016%e\017%;:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=^J:so=\E[1;7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+# Teletype Model 5420 -- A souped up 5410, with multiple windows,
+# even! the 5420 has three modes: scroll, window or page mode
+# this terminfo should work in scroll or window mode, but doesn't
+# take advantage of any of the differences between them.
+# Has memory below (2 lines!)
+# 3 pages of memory (plus some spare)
+# The 5410 sequences for :cm:, :vs:, :DC:, :DL:, :ec:, :vb:, :ho:,
+# <hpa>, :st: would work for these, but these work in both scroll and window
+# mode... Unset insert character so insert mode works
+# :i1: sets 80 column mode,
+# :is: escape sequence:
+# 1) turn off all fonts
+# 2) function keys off, keyboard lock off, control display off,
+#    insert mode off, erasure mode off,
+# 3) full duplex, monitor mode off, send graphics off, nl on lf off
+# 4) reset origin mode
+# 5) set line wraparound
+# 6) exit erasure mode, positional attribute mode, and erasure extent mode
+# 7) clear margins
+# 8) program ENTER to transmit ^J,
+# We use \212 to program the ^J because a bare ^J will get translated by
+# UNIX into a CR/LF. The enter key is needed for AT&T uOMS.
+#     1      2            3              4     5     6    7  8
+# :i3: set screen color to black,
+# No representation in terminfo for the delete word key: kdw1=\Ed
+# Key capabilities assume the power-up send sequence...
+# This :te: is not strictly necessary, but it helps maximize 
+# memory usefulness: :te=\Ez:,
+# Alternate sgr0:	:me=\E[m\EW^O:,
+# Alternate sgr:	:sa=\E[%?%p1%t2;7%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p3%t;7%;%?%p4%t;5%;%?%p5%t;2%;%?%p7%t;8%;m%?%p8%t\EV%;%?%p9%t^N%e^O%;:,
+# smkx programs the SYS PF keys to send a set sequence.
+# It also sets up labels f1, f2, ..., f8, and sends edit keys.
+# This string causes them to send the strings :k1:-:k8:
+# when pressed in SYS PF mode.
+# (att4415: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string -- esr)
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+att4415|tty5420|att5420|AT&T 4415/5420 80 cols:\
+	:bs:db:mi:xo:\
+	:Nl#8:lh#2:lm#78:lw#8:ws#55:\
+	:@1=\Et:@7=\Ez:@8=\Eent:AL=\E[%dL:CM=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dt:\
+	:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:LE=\E[%dD:LF=\E|:\
+	:LO=\E~:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:SF=\E[%dE:SR=\E[%dF:\
+	:UP=\E[%dA:bt=\E[Z:ch=\E[%+^AG:cl=\E[x\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dx:ct=\E[3g:cv=\E[%+^Ad:ec=\E[%ds\E[%dD:\
+	:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[x:i1=\E[?3l:i2=\E[?5l:ic@:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E[m\017\E[1;2;3;4;6l\E[12;13;14;20l\E[?6;97;99l\E[?7h\E[4i\Ex\E[21;1j\212:\
+	:k1=\EOc:k2=\EOd:k3=\EOe:k4=\EOf:k5=\EOg:k6=\EOh:k7=\EOi:\
+	:k8=\EOj:kA=\E[L:kB=\E[Z:kD=\E[P:kE=\E[2K:kF=\E[T:kH=\Eu:\
+	:kI=\E[4h:kL=\E[M:kN=\E[U:kP=\E[V:kR=\E[S:\
+	:ke=\E[19;0j\E[21;1j\212:ks=\E[19;1j\E[21;4j\Eent:\
+	:l1=F1:l2=F2:l3=F3:l4=F4:l5=F5:l6=F6:l7=F7:l8=F8:ll=\Ew:\
+	:me=\E[m\017:mp=\EV:pf=\E[?9i:po=\E[?4i:ps=\E[?2i:st=\EH:\
+	:ts=\E7\E[25;%p1%{8}%+%dH:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[11;0j:\
+	:vs=\E[11;1j:\
+	:tc=att4410:
+att4415-w|tty5420-w|att5420-w|AT&T 4415/5420 132 cols:\
+	:co#132:lm#54:ws#97:\
+	:i1=\E[?3h:tc=att4415:
+att4415-rv|tty5420-rv|att5420-rv|AT&T 4415/5420 80 cols/rv:\
+	:i2=\E[?5h:vb=\E[?5l\E[?5h:\
+	:tc=att4415:
+att4415-w-rv|tty5420-w-rv|att5420-w-rv|AT&T 4415/5420 132 cols/rv:\
+	:co#132:lm#54:ws#97:\
+	:i1=\E[?3h:i2=\E[?5h:vb=\E[?5l\E[?5h:tc=att4415:
+# Note that this mode permits programming USER PF KEYS and labels
+# However, when you program user pf labels you have to reselect
+# user pf keys to make them appear! 
+att4415+nl|tty5420+nl|att5420+nl|generic AT&T 4415/5420 changes for not changing labels:\
+	:k1@:k2@:k3@:k4@:k5@:k6@:k7@:k8@:\
+	:..pn=\E[%p1%d;0;0;1q%p2%:-16.16s:\
+	:..px=\E[%p1%d;%p2%l%02d;0;1q   F%p1%d           %p2%s:
+att4415-nl|tty5420-nl|att5420-nl|AT&T 4415/5420 without changing labels:\
+	:k1@:k2@:k3@:k4@:k5@:k6@:k7@:k8@:\
+	:tc=att4415+nl:tc=att4415:
+att4415-rv-nl|tty5420-rv-nl|att5420-rv-nl|AT&T 4415/5420 reverse video without changing labels:\
+	:k1@:k2@:k3@:k4@:k5@:k6@:k7@:k8@:\
+	:tc=att4415+nl:tc=att4415-rv:
+att4415-w-nl|tty5420-w-nl|att5420-w-nl|AT&T 4415/5420 132 cols without changing labels:\
+	:k1@:k2@:k3@:k4@:k5@:k6@:k7@:k8@:\
+	:tc=att4415+nl:tc=att4415-w:
+att4415-w-rv-n|tty5420-w-rv-n|att5420-w-rv-n|AT&T 4415/5420 132 cols reverse without changing labels:\
+	:k1@:k2@:k3@:k4@:k5@:k6@:k7@:k8@:\
+	:tc=att4415+nl:tc=att4415-w-rv:
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+att5420_2|AT&T 5420 model 2 80 cols:\
+	:am:db:hs:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:lm#78:ws#55:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:CM=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dt:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:\
+	:IC=\E[%d@:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:SF=\E[%dE:SR=\E[%dF:\
+	:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bt=\E[1Z:cd=\E[0J:ce=\E[0K:\
+	:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\EG:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:\
+	:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[1B:ec=\E[%ds\E[%dD:ei=:fs=\E8:\
+	:ho=\E[H:\
+	:i1=\E[0;23r\Ex\Ey\E[2;0j\E[3;3j\E[4;0j\E[5;0j\E[6;0j\E[7;0j\E[8;0j\E[9;1j\E[10;0j\E[15;0j\E[16;1j\E[19;0j\E[20;1j\E[29;0j\E[1;24r:\
+	:ic=\E[@:im=:k1=\EOc:k2=\EOd:k3=\EOe:k4=\EOf:k5=\EOg:\
+	:k6=\EOh:k7=\EOi:k8=\EOj:kD=\E[P:kH=\Eu:kI=\E[4h:kN=\E[U:\
+	:kP=\E[V:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:ke=\E[19;0j:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:\
+	:ks=\E[19;1j:ku=\E[A:le=^H:ll=\Ew:mb=\E[5m:me=\E[m\017:\
+	:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[1C:nw=^M^J:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:\
+	:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:ts=\E7\E[25;%p1%{8}%+%dH:ue=\E[m:us=\E[4m:\
+	:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[11;0j:vs=\E[11;1j:
+att5420_2-w|AT&T 5420 model 2 in 132 column mode:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:i1=\E[0;23r\Ex\Ey\E[2;0j\E[3;3j\E[4;0j\E[5;1j\E[6;0j\E[7;0j\E[8;0j\E[9;1j\E[10;0j\E[15;0j\E[16;1j\E[19;0j\E[20;1j\E[29;0j\E[1;24r:tc=att5420_2:
+att4418|att5418|AT&T 5418 80 cols:\
+	:am:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:@8=\E[:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:F1=\E[n:\
+	:F2=\E[o:F3=\E[H:F4=\E[I:F5=\E[J:F8=\E[K:F9=\E[L:FA=\E[E:\
+	:FB=\E[_:FC=\E[M:FD=\E[N:FE=\E[O:IC=\E[%d@:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=^O:al=\E[1L:as=^N:bl=^G:cd=\E[0J:ce=\E[0K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:dc=\E[1P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=:ho=\E[H:\
+	:i1=\E[?3l:ic=\E[1@:im=:is=\E)0\E?6l\E?5l:k1=\E[h:k2=\E[i:\
+	:k3=\E[j:k6=\E[k:k7=\E[l:k8=\E[f:k9=\E[w:k;=\E[m:kC=\E[%:\
+	:kd=\EU:kh=\Ec:kl=\E@:kr=\EA:ku=\ES:le=\E[D:mb=\E[5m:\
+	:me=\E[m\017:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:\
+	:se=\E[m:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+att4418-w|att5418-w|AT&T 5418 132 cols:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:i1=\E[?3h:tc=att5418:
+att4420|tty4420|teletype 4420:\
+	:bs:da:db:eo:ms:ul:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:lm#72:\
+	:al=\EL:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\Ez:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=\EG:\
+	:dc=\EP:dl=\EM:dm@:do=\EB:ed@:ho=\EH:k0=\EU:k3=\E@:kA=\EL:\
+	:kB=\EO:kC=\EJ:kD=\EP:kF=\ES:kI=\E\136:kL=\EM:kR=\ET:kd=\EB:\
+	:kh=\EH:kl=^H:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:l0=segment advance:\
+	:l3=cursor tab:le=\ED:nd=\EC:se=\E~:sf=\EH\EM\EY7 :so=\E}:\
+	:ue=\EZ:up=\EA:us=\E\:
+#  The following is a terminfo entry for the Teletype 4424
+#  asynchronous keyboard-display terminal.  It supports
+#  the vi editor.  The terminal must be set up as follows,
+#  The second entry below provides limited (a la adm3a)
+#  operation under GROUP II.
+#  This must be used with DISPLAY FUNCTION GROUP I or III
+# The terminal has either bold or blink, depending on options
+# (att4424: commented out :ti:=\E[1m, we don't need bright locked on -- esr)
+att4424|tty4424|teletype 4424:\
+	:am:bs:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=\E(B:al=\EL:as=\E(0:bl=^G:bt=\EO:cd=\EJ:ce=\Ez:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\EF:\
+	:dc=\EP:dl=\EM:do=\EB:ei=:ho=\E[H:ic=\E\136:im=:\
+	:is=\E[20l\E[?7h:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kC=\EJ:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E3:\
+	:md=\E3:me=\EX\E~\EZ\E4\E(B:mh=\EW:mr=\E}:nd=\EC:nw=\EE:\
+	:..sa=\E[%?%p1%t7%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p3%t;7%;%?%p6%t;1%;%?%p6%p4%|%t;5%;%?%p5%t;0%;m:\
+	:se=\E~:sf=^J:so=\E}:sr=\ET:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\EZ:up=\EA:\
+	:us=\E\:
+att4424-1|tty4424-1|teletype 4424 in display function group I:\
+	:kC@:kd=\EB:kh@:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:\
+	:tc=att4424:
+# This entry is not one of AT&T's official ones, it was translated from the
+# 4.4BSD termcap file.  The highlight strings are different from att4424.
+# I have no idea why this is -- older firmware version, maybe?
+# The following two lines are the comment originally attached to the entry:
+# This entry appears to avoid the top line - I have no idea why.
+# From: jwb Wed Mar 31 13:25:09 1982 remote from ihuxp
+att4424m|tty4424m|teletype 4424M:\
+	:am:da:db:mi:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#23:\
+	:al=\EL:bl=^G:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[2;H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%2;%2H\E[B:\
+	:cr=^M:dc=\EP:dl=\EM:do=^J:ei=:ic=\E\136:im=:ip=2:\
+	:is=\E[m\E[2;24r:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:me=\E[m:\
+	:nd=\E[C:nw=^M^J:se=\E[m:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:sr=\ET:ta=^I:\
+	:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+# The Teletype 5425 is really version 2 of the Teletype 5420. It 
+# is quite similar, except for some minor differences. No page 
+# mode, for example, so all of the :cm: sequences used above have 
+# to change back to what's being used for the 5410. Many of the 
+# option settings have changed their numbering as well.
+# This has been tested on a preliminary model.
+# (att5425: added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string -- esr)
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+att5425|tty5425|att4425|AT&T 4425/5425:\
+	:am:da:db:hs:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:lm#78:ws#55:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:SF=\E[%dE:SR=\E[%dF:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:\
+	:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ec=\E[%ds\E[%dD:ei=\E[4l:fs=\E8:ho=\E[H:\
+	:i1=\E<\E[?3l:i2=\E[?5l:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E[m\017\E[1;2;3;4;6l\E[12;13;14;20l\E[?6;97;99l\E[?7h\E[4i\Ex\E[25;1j\212:\
+	:k1=\EOc:k2=\EOd:k3=\EOe:k4=\EOf:k5=\EOg:k6=\EOh:k7=\EOi:\
+	:k8=\EOj:kD=\E[P:kI=\E[4h:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:\
+	:ke=\E[21;0j\E[25;1j\212:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:\
+	:ks=\E[21;1j\E[25;4j\Eent\E~:ku=\E[A:le=^H:ll=\E[24H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[2;7m:me=\E[m\017:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:\
+	:nd=\E[C:nw=^M^J:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:\
+	:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ts=\E7\E[25;%p1%{8}%+%dH:ue=\E[m:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[12;0j:\
+	:vs=\E[12;1j:
+att5425-nl|tty5425-nl|att4425-nl|AT&T 4425/5425 80 columns no labels:\
+	:ks=\E[21;1j\E[25;4j\Eent:\
+	:tc=att4425:
+att5425-w|att4425-w|tty5425-w|teletype 4425/5425 in 132 column mode:\
+	:co#132:lm#54:ws#97:\
+	:i1=\E[?3h:tc=tty5425:
+# (att4426: his had bogus capabilities: :ri=\EM:, :ri=\E[1U:. 
+# I also added <rmam>/<smam> -- esr)
+att4426|tty4426|teletype 4426S:\
+	:am:da:db:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:lm#48:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:SF=\E[%dS:\
+	:SR=\E[%dT:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=\E(B:al=\EL:as=\E(0:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[0K:ch=\E[%dG:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[2J\E[1U\E[H\E[2J\E[1V:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:\
+	:ct=\E[3g:cv=\E[%dd:dc=\EP:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=:ho=\E[H:\
+	:i1=\Ec\E[?7h:ic=\E\136:im=:is=\E[m\E[1;24r:k1=\EOP:\
+	:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\EOT:k6=\EOU:k7=\EOV:k8=\EOW:\
+	:kB=\EO:kC=\E[2J:kH=\E[24;1H:kb=^H:kd=\EB:kh=\E[H:kl=\ED:\
+	:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=\E[D:ll=\E[24H:md=\E[5m:me=\E[m\E(B:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=^M^J:r2=\Ec\E[?3l\E[2;0y:rc=\E8:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=^J:so=\E[5m:sr=\ET:st=\E1:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:\
+	:up=\EA:us=\E[4m:
+# Terminfo entry for the AT&T 510 A Personal Terminal
+# Function keys 9 - 16 are available only after the 
+# screen labeled (soft keys/action blocks) are labeled.  Function key
+# 9 corresponds to the leftmost touch target on the screen,
+# function key 16 corresponds to the rightmost.
+# This entry is based on one done by Ernie Rice at Summit, NJ and
+# changed by Anne Gallup, Skokie, IL, ttrdc!anne
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+att510a|bct510a|AT&T 510A Personal Terminal:\
+	:am:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:Nl#8:co#80:lh#2:li#24:lw#7:\
+	:#4=\E[u:%i=\E[v:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:\
+	:F1=\EOe:F2=\EOf:F3=\EOg:F4=\EOh:F5=\EOi:F6=\EOj:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=+g\054h-f.e`bhrisjjkkllmmnnqqttuuvvwwxx{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[0J:\
+	:ce=\E[0K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:ct=\E[3g:\
+	:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[1B:eA=\E(B\E)1:ff=^L:ho=\E[H:\
+	:i1=\E(B\E)1\E[2l:i2=\E[21;1|\212:k1=\EOm:k2=\EOV:\
+	:k3=\EOu:k4=\ENj:k5=\ENe:k6=\ENf:k7=\ENh:k8=\E[H:k9=\EOc:\
+	:k;=\EOd:kB=\E[Z:kF=\E[S:kR=\E[T:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:ke=\E[19;0|:\
+	:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ks=\E[19;1|:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:\
+	:md=\E[2;7m:me=\E[m\017:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:\
+	:pf=\E[?8i:po=\E[?4i:ps=\E[0i:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=^J:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:ve=\E[11;3|:vi=\E[11;0|:vs=\E[11;2|:
+# Terminfo entry for the AT&T 510 D Personal Terminal
+# Function keys 9 through 16 are accessed by bringing up the
+# system blocks.
+# Function key 9 corresponds to the leftmost touch target on the screen,
+# function key 16 corresponds to the rightmost.
+# There are problems with soft key labeling.  These are due to 
+# strangenesses in the native terminal that are impossible to
+# describe in a terminfo.  
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+att510d|bct510d|AT&T 510D Personal Terminal:\
+	:am:da:db:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:lm#48:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:SF=\E[%dS:SR=\E[%dT:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:\
+	:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[0J:ce=\E[0K:cl=\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[1B:\
+	:ei=\E[4l:ff=^L:ho=\E[H:i1=\E(B\E)1\E[5;0|:\
+	:i2=\E[21;1|\212:im=\E[4h:k1=\EOm:k2=\EOV:k3=\EOu:k4=\ENj:\
+	:k5=\ENe:k6=\ENf:k7=\ENh:k8=\E[H:k9=\EOc:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:\
+	:ke=\E[19;0|:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ks=\E[19;1|:ku=\E[A:le=^H:\
+	:ll=\E#2:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[2;7m:me=\E[m\017:mh=\E[2m:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=^J:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:ve=\E[11;3|:vs=\E[11;2|:
+# (att500: I merged this with the att513 entry, att500 just used att513 -- esr)
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+att500|att513|AT&T 513 using page mode:\
+	:am:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:SF=\E[%dE:SR=\E[%dF:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:\
+	:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=%i\E[%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:\
+	:i1=\E?\E[3;3|\E[10;0|\E[21;1|\212\E[6;1|\E[1{\E[?99l:\
+	:im=\E[4h:k1=\EOc:k2=\EOd:k3=\EOe:k4=\EOf:k5=\EOg:k6=\EOh:\
+	:k7=\EOi:k8=\EOj:kD=\ENf:kI=\ENj:kN=\E[U:kP=\E[V:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\E[B:ke=\E[19;0|\E[21;1|\212:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:\
+	:ks=\E[19;1|\E[21;4|\Eent:ku=\E[A:le=^H:ll=\E#2:mb=\E[5m:\
+	:md=\E[2;7m:me=\E[m\017:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:\
+	:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[11;0|:vs=\E[11;1|:
+# 01-07-88
+# printer must be set to EMUL ANSI to accept ESC codes
+# :up: stops at top margin
+# :i1: sets cpi 10,lpi 6,form 66,left 1,right 132,top 1,bottom 66,font
+#	and alt font ascii,wrap on,tabs cleared
+# :is: disables newline on LF,Emphasized off
+# The <u0> capability sets form length
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+att5310|att5320|AT&T Model 53210 or 5320 matrix printer:\
+	:co#132:it#8:li#66:\
+	:DO=\E[%de:RI=\E[%da:cr=^M:do=^J:ff=^L:i1=\Ec:is=\E[20l\r:\
+	:nd= :ta=^I:up=\EM:
+# Teletype 5620, firmware version 1.1 (8;7;3) or earlier from BRL
+# The following SET-UP modes are assumed for normal operation:
+# Other SET-UP modes may be set for operator convenience or communication
+# requirements.  This termcap description is for the Resident Terminal Mode.
+# No delays specified; use "stty ixon -ixany" to enable DC3/DC1 flow control!
+# The BRL entry also said: UNSAFE :ll=\E[70H:
+att5620-1|tty5620-1|dmd1|Teletype 5620 with old ROMs:\
+	:am:xo:\
+	:co#88:it#8:li#70:vt#3:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:IC=\E[%d@:SF=\E[%dS:\
+	:SR=\E[%dT:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ei=:ho=\E[H:\
+	:ic=\E[@:im=:kC=\E[2J:kH=\E[70;1H:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:\
+	:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:nd=\E[C:nw=^M^J:r1=\Ec:\
+	:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:sf=^J:sr=\E[T:ta=^I:up=\E[A:
+# 5620 terminfo  (2.0 or later ROMS with char attributes)
+# The following SET-UP modes are assumed for normal operation:
+# Other SET-UP modes may be set for operator convenience or communication
+# requirements.  This termcap description is for Resident Terminal Mode.  No
+# delays are specified; use "stty ixon -ixany" to enable DC3/DC1 flow control!
+# assumptions: :sf: (scroll forward one line) is only done at screen bottom
+# Be aware that older versions of the dmd have a firmware bug that affects
+# parameter defaulting; for this terminal, the 0 in \E[0m is not optional.
+# :ms: is from an otherwise inferior BRL for this terminal.  That entry
+# also has :ll:=\E[70H commented out and marked unsafe.
+# For more, see the 5620 FAQ maintained by David Breneman <daveb@dgtl.com>.
+att5620|dmd|tty5620|ttydmd|5620|5620 terminal 88 columns:\
+	:NL:NP:am:bs:ms:xo:\
+	:co#88:it#8:li#70:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:IC=\E[%d@:SF=\E[%dS:\
+	:SR=\E[%dT:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=:ho=\E[H:\
+	:ic=\E[@:im=:kC=\E[2J:kH=\E[70;1H:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:\
+	:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:md=\E[2m:me=\E[0m:mh=\E[2m:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=^J:..px=\E[%p1%d;%p2%l%dq%p2%s:\
+	:r1=\Ec:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[0m:sf=\E[S:so=\E[7m:sr=\E[T:\
+	:ta=^I:ue=\E[0m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+att5620-24|tty5620-24|dmd-24|teletype dmd 5620 in a 24x80 layer:\
+	:li#24:tc=att5620:
+att5620-34|tty5620-34|dmd-34|teletype dmd 5620 in a 34x80 layer:\
+	:li#34:tc=att5620:
+# 5620 layer running the "S" system's downloaded graphics handler:
+att5620-s|tty5620-s|layer|vitty|5620 S layer:\
+	:am:bs:pt:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#72:\
+	:al=\EI:bl=^G:ce=\EK:cl=^L:cm=\EY%r%+ %+ :cr=^M:dl=\ED:\
+	:do=^J:kC=\E[2J:kH=\E[70;1H:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:sf=^J:ta=^I:up=^K:vb=\E^G:
+# Entries for <kf15> thru <kf28> refer to the shifted system pf keys.
+# Entries for <kf29> thru <kf46> refer to the alternate keypad mode
+# keys:  = * / + 7 8 9 - 4 5 6 , 1 2 3 0 . ENTER
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+att605|AT&T 605 80 column 102key keyboard:\
+	:am:eo:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:ws#80:\
+	:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:IC=\E[%d@:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=\E)0\016:\
+	:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=^M:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=\E[4l:fs=\E8:\
+	:i1=\E[8;0|\E[?\E[13;20l\E[?\E[12h:ic=\E[@:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E[m\017:k1=\EOc:k2=\EOd:k3=\EOe:k4=\EOf:k5=\EOg:\
+	:k6=\EOh:k7=\EOi:k8=\EOj:k9=\ENo:kD=\E[P:kI=\E[@:kN=\E[U:\
+	:kP=\E[V:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:\
+	:le=^H:ll=\E[24H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m\017:mh=\E[2m:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=^J:\
+	:so=\E[7m:ta=^I:ts=\E7\E[25;%i%p1%dx:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:
+att605-pc|ATT 605 in pc term mode:\
+	:@7=\E[F:AL=\E[L:S4=250\E[?11l\E[50;1|:S5=400\E[50;0|:\
+	:XF=g:XN=e:\
+	:ac=j\331k\277l\332m\300n\305q\304t\303u\264v\301w\302x\263:\
+	:al=\E[L:bt=\E[Z:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=:ic=\E[@:im=:\
+	:k1=\E[M:k2=\E[N:k3=\E[O:k4=\E[P:k5=\E[Q:k6=\E[R:k7=\E[S:\
+	:k8=\E[T:k9=\E[U:k;=\E[V:kB=\E[Z:kD=\E[P:kI=\E[@:kL=\E[M:\
+	:kN=\E[G:kP=\E[I:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:\
+	:le=\E[D:nd=\E[C:up=\E[A:\
+	:tc=att605:
+att605-w|AT&T 605-w 132 column 102 key keyboard:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:i1=\E[8;0|\E[?4;5;13;15l\E[13;20l\E[?3;7h\E[12h\E(B\E)0:tc=att605:
+# (att610: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string.  I also
+# added :SF: and :SR: because the BSD file says the att615s have them,
+# and the 615 is like a 610 with a big keyboard, and most of their other
+# smart terminals support the same sequence -- esr)
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+att610|AT&T 610; 80 column; 98key keyboard:\
+	:am:es:hs:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:ws#80:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:SF=\E[%dS:SR=\E[%dT:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:\
+	:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:\
+	:do=\E[B:ei=\E[4l:fs=\E8:ho=\E[H:\
+	:i1=\E[8;0|\E[?3;4;5;13;15l\E[13;20l\E[?7h\E[12h\E(B\E)0:\
+	:i2=\E(B\E)0:im=\E[4h:is=\E[m\017:k1=\EOc:k2=\EOd:k3=\EOe:\
+	:k4=\EOf:k5=\EOg:k6=\EOh:k7=\EOi:k8=\EOj:k9=\ENo:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:ll=\E[24H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m\017:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:nw=\EE:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:\
+	:ts=\E7\E[25;%i%p1%dx:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?25h\E[?12l:vi=\E[?25l:\
+	:vs=\E[?12;25h:
+att610-w|AT&T 610; 132 column; 98key keyboard:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:i1=\E[8;0|\E[?4;5;13;15l\E[13;20l\E[?3;7h\E[12h:tc=att610:
+att610-103k|AT&T 610; 80 column; 103key keyboard:\
+	:!1=\EOO:!2=\EOP:!3=\EOS:#1=\EOM:%0=\EOt:%1=\EOm:%2=\ENi:\
+	:%3=\EOl:%4=\ENc:%5=\ENh:%6=\EOv:%7=\EOr:%8=\ENg:%9=\EOz:\
+	:%a=\EOL:%b=\ENC:%c=\ENH:%d=\EOR:%e=\ENG:%f=\EOZ:%g=\EOT:\
+	:%h=\EOY:%j=\EOQ:&0=\EOW:&1=\EOb:&2=\ENa:&3=\EOy:&4=\EOB:\
+	:&5=\EOq:&6=\EOo:&7=\EOp:&8=\EOs:&9=\ENB:*0=\EOX:*1=\EOU:\
+	:*2=\END:*3=\EON:*4=\ENF:*5=\ENE:*6=\ENI:*7=\ENN:*8=\EOA:\
+	:*9=\EOK:@0=\EOx:@1=\E9:@2=\EOw:@3=\EOV:@4=\EOu:@5=\ENd:\
+	:@6=\EOn:@7=\E0:@8=^M:@9=\EOk:F1@:F2@:F3@:F4@:k9@:k;@:kD=\ENf:\
+	:kE=\EOa:kI=\ENj:kL=\ENe:kM=\ENj:kN=\E[U:kP=\E[V:\
+	:tc=att610:
+att610-103k-w|AT&T 610; 132 column; 103key keyboard:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:i1=\E[8;0|\E[?4;5;13;15l\E[13;20l\E[?3;7h\E[12h:tc=att610-103k:
+att615|AT&T 615; 80 column; 98key keyboard:\
+	:#4=\E[ A:%i=\E[ @:F5=\EOC:F6=\EOD:F7=\EOE:F8=\EOF:F9=\EOG:\
+	:FO=\EOx:FP=\EOy:FQ=\EOm:FR=\EOt:FS=\EOu:FT=\EOv:FU=\EOl:\
+	:FV=\EOq:FW=\EOr:FX=\EOs:FY=\EOp:FZ=\EOn:Fa=\EOM:\
+	:tc=att610:
+att615-w|AT&T 615; 132 column; 98key keyboard:\
+	:#4=\E[ A:%i=\E[ @:F5=\EOC:F6=\EOD:F7=\EOE:F8=\EOF:F9=\EOG:\
+	:FO=\EOx:FP=\EOy:FQ=\EOm:FR=\EOt:FS=\EOu:FT=\EOv:FU=\EOl:\
+	:FV=\EOq:FW=\EOr:FX=\EOs:FY=\EOp:FZ=\EOn:Fa=\EOM:\
+	:tc=att610-w:
+att615-103k|AT&T 615; 80 column; 103key keyboard:\
+	:#4=\E[ A:%i=\E[ @:\
+	:tc=att610-103k:
+att615-103k-w|AT&T 615; 132 column; 103key keyboard:\
+	:#4=\E[ A:%i=\E[ @:\
+	:tc=att610-103k-w:
+# (att620: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string and
+# :SR:/:SF: from a BSD termcap -- esr)
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+att620|AT&T 620; 80 column; 98key keyboard:\
+	:am:es:hs:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:ws#80:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:SF=\E[%dS:SR=\E[%dT:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ae=\E(B\017:al=\E[L:as=\E)0\016:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:\
+	:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\
+	:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=\E[4l:fs=\E8:ho=\E[H:\
+	:i1=\E[8;0|\E[?3;4;5;13;15l\E[13;20l\E[?7h\E[12h:\
+	:i2=\E(B\E)0:im=\E[4h:is=\E[m\017:k1=\EOc:k2=\EOd:k3=\EOe:\
+	:k4=\EOf:k5=\EOg:k6=\EOh:k7=\EOi:k8=\EOj:k9=\ENo:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:ll=\E[24H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m\E(B\017:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:\
+	:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:\
+	:sr=\EM:ta=^I:ts=\E7\E[25;%i%p1%dx:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?25h\E[?12l:vi=\E[?25l:\
+	:vs=\E[?12;25h:
+att620-w|AT&T 620; 132 column; 98key keyboard:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:i1=\E[8;0|\E[?4;5;13;15l\E[13;20l\E[?3;7h\E[12h:tc=att620:
+att620-103k|AT&T 620; 80 column; 103key keyboard:\
+	:!1=\EOO:!2=\EOP:!3=\EOS:#1=\EOM:%0=\EOt:%1=\EOm:%2=\ENi:\
+	:%3=\EOl:%4=\ENc:%5=\ENh:%6=\EOv:%7=\EOr:%8=\ENg:%9=\EOz:\
+	:%a=\EOL:%b=\ENC:%c=\ENH:%d=\EOR:%e=\ENG:%f=\EOZ:%g=\EOT:\
+	:%h=\EOY:%j=\EOQ:&0=\EOW:&1=\EOb:&2=\ENa:&3=\EOy:&4=\EOB:\
+	:&5=\EOq:&6=\EOo:&7=\EOp:&8=\EOs:&9=\ENB:*0=\EOX:*1=\EOU:\
+	:*2=\END:*3=\EON:*4=\ENF:*5=\ENE:*6=\ENI:*7=\ENN:*8=\EOA:\
+	:*9=\EOK:@0=\EOx:@1=\E9:@2=\EOw:@3=\EOV:@4=\EOu:@5=\ENd:\
+	:@6=\EOn:@7=\E0:@8=^M:@9=\EOk:F1@:F2@:F3@:F4@:F5@:F6@:F7@:F8@:\
+	:F9@:FA@:FB@:FC@:FD@:FE@:FF@:FG@:FH@:FI@:FJ@:FK@:FL@:FM@:FN@:FO@:FP@:\
+	:FQ@:FR@:FS@:FT@:FU@:FV@:FW@:FX@:FY@:FZ@:Fa@:k9@:k;@:kD=\ENf:\
+	:kE=\EOa:kI=\ENj:kL=\ENe:kM=\ENj:kN=\E[U:kP=\E[V:\
+	:tc=att620:
+att620-103k-w|AT&T 620; 132 column; 103key keyboard:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:i1=\E[8;0|\E[?4;5;13;15l\E[13;20l\E[?3;7h\E[12h:tc=att620-103k:
+# AT&T (formerly Teletype) 630 Multi-Tasking Graphics terminal
+# The following SETUP modes are assumed for normal operation:
+#	Local_Echo=Off	Gen_Flow=On	Return=CR	Received_Newline=LF
+#	Font_Size=Large		Non-Layers_Window_Cols=80
+#				Non-Layers_Window_Rows=60
+# Other SETUP modes may be set for operator convenience or communication
+# requirements.  Some capabilities assume a printer attached to the Aux EIA
+# port.  This termcap description is for the Fixed Non-Layers Window.  No
+# delays are specified; use "stty ixon -ixany" to enable DC3/DC1 flow control!
+# (att630: added :ic:, :mb: and :mh: from a BSD termcap file -- esr)
+att630|AT&T 630 windowing terminal:\
+	:NP:am:bs:da:db:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#60:lm#0:\
+	:@8=^M:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:F1=\ENq:\
+	:F2=\ENr:F3=\ENs:F4=\ENt:F5=\ENu:F6=\ENv:F7=\ENw:F8=\ENx:\
+	:F9=\ENy:FA=\ENz:FB=\EN{:FC=\EN|:FD=\EN}:FE=\EN~:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:SF=\E[%dS:SR=\E[%dT:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:al=\E[L:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:\
+	:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=\E[4h:is=\E[m:k9=\ENo:k;=\ENp:\
+	:kA=\E[L:kB=\E[Z:kC=\E[2J:kD=\E[P:kI=\E[@:kL=\E[M:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:\
+	:me=\E[m:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=^M^J:pf=\E[?4i:\
+	:po=\E[?5i:..px=\E[%p1%d;%p2%l%dq%p2%s:r2=\Ec:rc=\E8:\
+	:..sa=\E[0%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p1%p3%|%p4%|%p5%|%t;7%;m:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+att630-24|5630-24|5630DMD-24|630MTG-24|AT&T 630 windowing terminal 24 lines:\
+	:li#24:tc=att630:
+# This is the att700 entry for 700 native emulation of the AT&T 700
+# terminal.  Comments are relative to changes from the 605V2 entry and
+# att730 on which the entry is based.  Comments show the terminfo
+# capability name, termcap name, and description.
+# Here is what's going onm in the init string:
+#	ESC [ 50;4|	set 700 native mode (really is 605)
+# x	ESC [ 56;ps| 	set lines to 24: ps=0; 40: ps=1 (plus status line)
+#	ESC [ 53;0|	set GenFlow to Xon/Xoff
+#	ESC [ 8 ;0|	set CR on NL 
+# x	ESC [ ? 3 l/h	set workspace: 80 col(l); 132 col(h)
+#	ESC [ ? 4 l	jump scroll 
+#	ESC [ ? 5 l/h	video: normal (l); reverse (h)
+#	ESC [ ?13 l	Labels on
+#	ESC [ ?15 l	parity check = no
+#	ESC [ 13 l	monitor mode off
+#	ESC [ 20 l	LF on NL (not CRLF on NL)
+#	ESC [ ? 7 h	autowrap on
+#	ESC [ 12 h	local echo off
+#	ESC ( B		GO = ASCII
+#	ESC ) 0		G1 = Special Char & Line Drawing
+#	ESC [ ? 31 l	Set 7 bit controls
+# Note: Most terminals, especially the 600 family use Reverse Video for
+# standout mode.  DEC also uses reverse video.  The VT100 uses bold in addition
+# Assume we should stay with reverse video for 70..  However, the 605V2 exits
+# standout mode with \E[m (all normal attributes).  The 730 entry simply
+# exits reverse video which would leave other current attributes intact.  It
+# was assumed the 730 entry to be more correct so rmso has changed.  The
+# 605V2 has no sequences to turn individual attributes off, thus its setting
+# and the rmso/smso settings from the 730.
+# Note: For the same reason as above in rmso I changed exit under-score mode
+# to specifically turn off underscore, rather than return to all normal 
+# attributes
+# Note: The following pkey_xmit is taken from the 605V2 which contained the
+# capability as pfxl.  It was changed here to pfx since pfxl
+# will only compile successfully with Unix 4.0 tic.  Also note that pfx only
+# allows strings to be parameters and label values must be programmed as
+# constant strings.  Supposedly the pfxl of Version 4.0 allows both labels
+# and strings to be parameters.  The 605V2 pfx entry should be examined later
+# in this regard. For reference the 730 pfxl entry is shown here for comparison
+# 730 pfx entry:
+#     pfxl=\E[%?%p1%{25}%<%t%p1%e%p1%{24}%-%;%d;%p2%l%02d%?%p1%{25}%<%tq\s\s\s
+# SYS\s\s\s\s\sF%p1%:-2d\s\s%e;0;3q%;%p2%s,
+# (for 4.0 tic)
+#     pfxl=\E[%p1%d;%p2%l%02dq%?%p1%{9}%<%t   F%p1%1d           %;%p2%s,
+# (for <4.0 tic)
+#     pfx=\E[%p1%d;%p2%l%02dq%?%p1%{9}%<%t   F%p1%1d           %;%p2%s,
+# From the AT&T 705 Multi-tasking terminal user's guide Page 8-8,8-9
+# Port1 Interface
+# modular 10 pin Connector
+# Left side       Right side
+# Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
+#        Key (notch) at bottom
+# Pin    1 DSR
+#        3 DCD
+#        4 DTR
+#        5 Sig Ground
+#        6 RD
+#        7 SD
+#        8 CTS
+#        9 RTS
+#        10 Frame Ground
+# The manual is 189 pages and is loaded with details about the escape codes,
+# etc..... Available from AT&T CIC 800-432-6600...
+# ask for Document number 999-300-660..
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+att700|AT&T 700 24x80 column display w/102key keyboard:\
+	:am:es:hs:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:ws#80:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:\
+	:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=\E[4l:\
+	:fs=\E8:ho=\E[H:i2=\E(B\E)0:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E[50;4|\E[53;0|\E[8;0|\E[?4;13;15l\E[13;20l\E[?7h\E[12h\E(B\E)0\E[?31l\E[0m\017:\
+	:k1=\EOc:k2=\EOd:k3=\EOe:k4=\EOf:k5=\EOg:k6=\EOh:k7=\EOi:\
+	:k8=\EOj:k9=\ENo:kD=\E[P:kI=\E[@:kN=\E[U:kP=\E[V:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:ll=\E[24H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m\017:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:nw=\EE:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:\
+	:st=\EH:ta=^I:ts=\E7\E[99;%i%p1%dx:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?25h\E[?12l:vi=\E[?25l:\
+	:vs=\E[?12;25h:
+# This entry was modified 3/13/90 by JWE.
+# fixes include additions of <enacs>, correcting :rp:, and modification
+# of <kHOM>.  (See comments below)
+# att730 has status line of 80 chars
+# These were commented out: :SF=\E[%p1%dS:, :SR=\E[%p1%dT:,
+# the <kf25> and up keys are used for shifted system Fkeys
+# NOTE: JWE 3/13/90 The 98 key keyboard translation for shift/HOME is 
+# currently the same as :kh: (unshifted HOME or \E[H).  On the 102, 102+1
+# and 122 key keyboards, the 730's translation is \E[2J.  For consistency
+# <kHOM> has been commented out.  The user can uncomment <kHOM> if using the
+# 102, 102+1, or 122 key keyboards
+#       kHOM=\E[2J,
+# (att730: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string -- esr)
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+att730|AT&T 730 windowing terminal:\
+	:am:da:db:es:hs:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#60:lm#0:ws#80:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:\
+	:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=\E[4l:fs=\E8:\
+	:ho=\E[H:\
+	:i1=\E[8;0|\E[?3;4;5;13;15l\E[13;20l\E[?7h\E[12h\E(B\E)B:\
+	:i2=\E(B\E)0:im=\E[4h:is=\E[m\017:k1=\EOc:k2=\EOd:k3=\EOe:\
+	:k4=\EOf:k5=\EOg:k6=\EOh:k7=\EOi:k8=\EOj:k9=\ENo:kI=\E[@:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m\017:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:nw=\EE:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:\
+	:ta=^I:ts=\E7\E[;%i%p1%dx:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?25h\E[?12l:vi=\E[?25l:\
+	:vs=\E[?12;25h:
+att730-41|730MTG-41|AT&T 730-41 windowing terminal Version:\
+	:li#41:tc=att730:
+att730-24|730MTG-24|AT&T 730-24 windowing terminal Version:\
+	:li#24:tc=att730:
+att730r|730MTGr|AT&T 730 rev video windowing terminal Version:\
+	:i1=\E[8;0|\E[?3;4;13;15l\E[?5h\E[13;20l\E[?7h\E[12h\E(B\E)B:\
+	:vb=\E[?5l\E[?5h:\
+	:tc=att730:
+att730r-41|730MTG-41r|AT&T 730r-41 rev video windowing terminal Version:\
+	:li#41:tc=att730r:
+att730r-24|730MTGr-24|AT&T 730r-24 rev video windowing terminal Version:\
+	:li#24:tc=att730r:
+# The following represents the screen layout along with the associated
+# bezel buttons for the 5430/pt505 terminal. The "kf" designations do
+# not appear on the screen but are shown to reference the bezel buttons.
+# The "CMD", "MAIL", and "REDRAW" buttons are shown in their approximate
+# position relative to the screen.
+#      +----------------------------------------------------------------+
+#      |                                                                |
+# XXXX | kf0                                                       kf24 | XXXX
+#      |                                                                |
+#      |                                                                |
+# XXXX | kf1                                                       kf23 | XXXX
+#      |                                                                |
+#      |                                                                |
+# XXXX | kf2                                                       kf22 | XXXX
+#      |                                                                |
+#      |                                                                |
+# XXXX | kf3                                                       kf21 | XXXX
+#      |                                                                |
+#      |                                                                |
+# XXXX | kf4                                                       kf20 | XXXX
+#      |                                                                |
+#      |                                                                |
+# XXXX | kf5                                                       kf19 | XXXX
+#      |                                                                |
+#      |                                                                |
+# XXXX | kf6                                                       kf18 | XXXX
+#      |                                                                |
+#      |                                                                |
+# XXXX |                                                                | XXXX
+#      |                                                                |
+#      |                                                                |
+#      +----------------------------------------------------------------+
+# Note: XXXX represents the screen buttons
+#                                                          CMD   REDRAW
+#                                                          MAIL
+# version 1 note: 
+#	The character string sent by key 'kf26' may be user programmable
+#       to send either \E[16s, or \E[26s.
+#       The character string sent by key 'krfr' may be user programmable
+#       to send either \E[17s, or \E[27s.
+# Depression of the "CMD" key sends    \E!    (kcmd)
+# Depression of the "MAIL" key sends   \E[26s (kf26)
+# "REDRAW" same as "REFRESH" (krfr)
+# "kf" functions adds carriage return to output string if terminal is in
+# 'new line' mode.
+# The following are functions not covered in the table above:
+#       Set keyboard character (SKC): \EPn1;Pn2w
+#                       Pn1= 0 Back Space key
+#                       Pn1= 1 Break key
+#                       Pn2=   Program char (hex)
+#       Screen Definition (SDF): \E[Pn1;Pn2;Pn3;Pn4;Pn5t
+#                       Pn1=     Window number (1-39)
+#                       Pn2-Pn5= Y;X;Y;X coordinates
+#       Screen Selection (SSL): \E[Pnu
+#                       Pn= Window number
+#       Set Terminal Modes (SM): \E[Pnh
+#                       Pn= 3 Graphics mode
+#                       Pn= > Cursor blink
+#                       Pn= < Enter new line mode
+#                       Pn= = Enter reverse insert/replace mode
+#                       Pn= ? Enter no scroll mode
+#       Reset Terminal Mode (RM): \E[Pnl
+#                       Pn= 3 Exit graphics mode
+#                       Pn= > Exit cursor blink
+#                       Pn= < Exit new line mode
+#                       Pn= = Exit reverse insert/replace mode
+#                       Pn= ? Exit no scroll mode
+#       Screen Status Report (SSR): \E[Pnp
+#                       Pn= 0 Request current window number
+#                       Pn= 1 Request current window dimensions
+#       Device Status Report (DSR): \E[6n    Request cursor position
+#       Call Status Report (CSR): \E[Pnv
+#                       Pn= 0 Call failed
+#                       Pn= 1 Call successful
+#       Transparent Button String (TBS): \E[Pn1;Pn2;Pn3;{string
+#                       Pn1= Button number to be loaded
+#                       Pn2= Character count of "string"
+#                       Pn3= Key mode being loaded:
+#                               0= Unshifted
+#                               1= Shifted
+#                               2= Control
+#                       String= Text string (15 chars max)
+#       Screen Number Report (SNR): \E[Pnp
+#                       Pn= Screen number
+#       Screen Dimension Report (SDR): \E[Pn1;Pn2r
+#                       Pn1= Number of rows available in window
+#                       Pn2= Number of columns available in window
+#       Cursor Position Report (CPR): \E[Pn1;Pn2R
+#                       Pn1= "Y" Position of cursor
+#                       Pn2= "X" Position of cursor
+#       Request Answer Back (RAB): \E[c
+#       Answer Back Response (ABR): \E[?;*;30;VSV
+#                       *=  0 No printer available
+#                       *=  2 Printer available
+#                       V=  Software version number
+#                       SV= Software sub version number
+#	(printer-available field not documented in v1)
+#       Screen Alignment Aid: \En
+#       Bell (lower pitch): \E[x
+#       Dial Phone Number: \EPdstring\
+#                       string= Phone number to be dialed
+#       Set Phone Labels: \EPpstring\
+#                       string= Label for phone buttons
+#       Set Clock: \EPchour;minute;second\
+#       Position Clock: \EPsY;X\
+#                       Y= "Y" coordinate
+#                       X= "X" coordinate
+#       Delete Clock: \Epr\
+#       Programming The Function Buttons: \EPfPn;string\
+#                       Pn= Button number (00-06, 18-24)
+#                                         (kf00-kf06, kf18-kf24)
+#                       string= Text to sent on button depression
+# The following in version 2 only:
+#       Request For Local Directory Data: \EPp12;\
+#       Local Directory Data to host: \EPp11;LOCAL...DIRECTORY...DATA\
+#	Request for Local Directory Data in print format: \EPp13;\
+#	Enable 'Prt on Line' mode: \022 (DC2)
+#	Disable 'Prt on Line' mode: \024 (DC4)
+# 05-Aug-86:
+# The following Terminfo entry describes functions which are supported by
+# the AT&T 5430/pt505 terminal software version 2 and later.
+att505|pt505|att5430|gs5430|AT&T Personal Terminal 505 or 5430 GETSET terminal:\
+	:am:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:&2=\E[27s:@4=\E\041:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:\
+	:DO=\E[%dB:F8=\E[18s:F9=\E[19s:FA=\E[20s:FB=\E[21s:\
+	:FC=\E[22s:FD=\E[23s:FE=\E24s:FG=\E26s:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RA=\E[11;1j:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[11;0j:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=\E[10m:al=\E[L:as=\E[11m:bl=^G:cb=\E2K:cd=\E[0J:\
+	:ce=\E[0K:cl=\E[2J\E[H:cm=\E[%d;%dH:cr=^M:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:\
+	:do=\E[B:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:\
+	:i1=\EPr\E[0u\E[2J\E[0;0H\E[m\E[3l\E[<l\E[4l\E[>l\E[=l\E[?l:\
+	:im=\E[4h:k0=\E[00s:k1=\E[01s:k2=\E[02s:k3=\E[03s:\
+	:k4=\E[04s:k5=\E[05s:k6=\E[06s:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=\E[D:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:pf=\E[4i:po=\E[5i:r1=\Ec:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:\
+	:se=\E[m:sf=^J:so=\E[1m:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:ve=\E[>l:vs=\E[>h:
+# The following Terminfo entry describes functions which are supported by
+# the AT&T 5430/pt505 terminal software version 1.
+att505-24|pt505-24|gs5430-24|AT&T PT505 or 5430 GETSET version 1 24 lines:\
+	:li#24:\
+	:RA@:SA@:pf@:po@:rc@:sc@:tc=att505:
+tt505-22|pt505-22|gs5430-22|AT&T PT505 or 5430 GETSET version 1 22 lines:\
+	:li#22:tc=att505:
+#### Ampex (Dialogue)
+# Yes, these are the same people who are better-known for making audio- and
+# videotape.  I'm told they are located in Redwood City, CA.
+# From: <cbosg!ucbvax!SRC:george> Fri Sep 11 22:38:32 1981
+# (ampex80: some capabilities merged in from SCO's entry -- esr)
+ampex80|a80|d80|dialogue|dialogue80|ampex dialogue 80:\
+	:am:bs:bw:ul:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\Ey:ce=\Et:cl=\E*:cm=\E=%+ %+ :\
+	:cr=^M:ct=\E3:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^J:ei=:ic=\EQ:im=:is=\EA:le=^H:\
+	:nd=^L:se=\Ek:sf=^J:so=\Ej:st=\E1:ta=^I:ue=\Em:up=^K:us=\El:
+# This entry was from somebody anonymous, Tue Aug  9 20:11:37 1983, who wrote:
+ampex175|ampex d175:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=^G:cd=\Ey:ce=\Et:cl=\E+:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:\
+	:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^J:ei=:ho=^^:ic=\EQ:im=:is=\EX\EA\EF:\
+	:kA=\EE:kD=\EW:kI=\EQ:kL=\ER:kd=^J:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:\
+	:le=^H:ll=^^^K:nd=^L:se=\Ek:sf=^J:so=\Ej:te=\EF:ti=\EN:\
+	:ue=\Em:up=^K:us=\El:
+# No backspace key in the main QWERTY cluster. Fortunately, it has a
+# NEWLINE/PAGE key just above RETURN that sends a strange single-character
+# code.  Given a suitable Unix (one that lets you set an echo-erase-as-BS-SP-BS
+# mode), this key can be used as the erase key; I find I like this. Because
+# some people and some systems may not, there is another termcap ("ampex175")
+# that suppresses this little eccentricity by omitting the relevant capability.
+ampex175-b|ampex d175 using left arrow for erase:\
+	:kb=^_:\
+	:tc=ampex175:
+# From: Richard Bascove <atd!dsd!rcb@ucbvax.berkeley.edu>
+# (ampex210: removed obsolete ":kn#10:" -- esr)
+ampex210|a210|ampex a210:\
+	:am:bs:hs:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:sg#1:\
+	:al=\EE:bt=\EI:cd=\Ey:ce=\Et:cl=\E*:cm=\E=%+ %+ :dc=\EW:\
+	:dl=\ER:ei=:fs=\E.2:ho=^^:ic=\EQ:if=/usr/share/tabset/std:\
+	:im=:is=\EC\Eu\E'\E(\El\EA\E%\E{\E.2\EG0\Ed\En:\
+	:k0=^A0\r:k1=^A1\r:k2=^A2\r:k3=^A3\r:k4=^A4\r:k5=^A5\r:\
+	:k6=^A6\r:k7=^A7\r:k8=^A8\r:k9=^A9\r:kd=^V:kh=^^:kl=^H:\
+	:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:mk@:nd=^L:ta=^I:ts=\E.0\Eg\E}\Ef:up=^K:\
+	:vb=\EU\EX\EU\EX\EU\EX\EU\EX:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:
+# (ampex219: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string, added :vs:
+# from ampex219w, added :ve:=\E[?3l, irresistibly suggested by :vs:,
+# and moved the padding to be *after* the caps -- esr)
+ampex219|ampex-219|amp219|Ampex with Automargins:\
+	:hs:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7h:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=%i\E[%2;%2r:\
+	:do=\E[B:ho=\E[H:\
+	:is=\E>\E[?1l\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:k0=\E[21~:\
+	:k1=\E[7~:k2=\E[8~:k3=\E[9~:k4=\E[10~:k5=\E[11~:k6=\E[17~:\
+	:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:kd=\E[B:ke=\E>:kh=\E[H:\
+	:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ks=\E=:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:\
+	:me=\E[m:mh=\E[1m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:\
+	:sr=\EM:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[?3l:vs=\E[?3h:
+ampex219w|ampex-219w|amp219w|Ampex 132 cols:\
+	:co#132:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=^M:do=^J:is=\E>\E[?3h\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:\
+	:sf=^J:\
+	:tc=ampex219:
+# (ampex232: removed :if=/usr/share/tabset/ampex:, no file and no :st: --esr) 
+ampex232|ampex-232|Ampex Model 232:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#1:\
+	:al=5*\EE:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=\E+:cm=\E=%+ %+ :dc=\EW:\
+	:dl=5*\ER:do=^V:ei=:ic=\EQ:im=:is=\Eg\El:k0=^A@\r:k1=^AA\r:\
+	:k2=^AB\r:k3=^AC\r:k4=^AD\r:k5=^AE\r:k6=^AF\r:k7=^AG\r:\
+	:k8=^AH\r:k9=^AI\r:kb=^H:kd=^V:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:\
+	:mk@:nd=^L:ta=^I:up=^K:vb=\Eb\Ed:ve=\E.4:vi=\E.0:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:
+# (ampex: removed :if=/usr/share/tabset/amp-132:, no file and no :st: -- esr) 
+ampex232w|Ampex Model 232 / 132 columns:\
+	:co#132:li#24:\
+	:is=\E\034Eg\El:tc=ampex232:
+#### Ann Arbor (aa)
+# Ann Arbor made dream terminals for hackers -- large screen sizes and huge
+# numbers of function keys.  At least some used monitors in portrait mode,
+# allowing up to 76-character screen heights!  They were reachable at:
+#	Ann Arbor Terminals
+#	6175 Jackson Road
+#	Ann Arbor, MI 48103
+#	(313)-663-8000
+# But in 1996 the phone number reaches some kitschy retail shop, and Ann Arbor
+# can't be found on the Web; I fear they're long dead.  R.I.P.
+# Originally from Mike O'Brien@Rand and Howard Katseff at Bell Labs.
+# Highly modified 6/22 by Mike O'Brien.
+# split out into several for the various screen sizes by dave-yost@rand
+# Modifications made 3/82 by Mark Horton
+# Modified by Tom Quarles at UCB for greater efficiency and more diversity
+# status line moved to top of screen, :vb: removed 5/82
+# Some unknown person at SCO then hacked the init strings to make them more
+# efficient.
+# assumes the following setup:
+#   A menu: 0000 1010  0001 0000
+#   B menu: 9600  0100 1000  0000 0000  1000 0000  17  19
+#   C menu: 56   66   0    0    9600  0110 1100
+#   D menu: 0110 1001   1   0
+#	Briefly, the settings are for the following modes:
+#	   (values are for bit set/clear with * indicating our preference
+#	    and the value used to test these termcaps)
+#	Note that many of these settings are irrelevent to the terminfo
+#	and are just set to the default mode of the terminal as shipped
+#	by the factory.
+# A menu: 0000 1010  0001 0000
+#	Block/underline cursor*
+#	blinking/nonblinking cursor*
+#	key click/no key click*
+#	bell/no bell at column 72*
+#	key pad is cursor control*/key pad is numeric
+#	return and line feed/return for :cr: key *
+#	repeat after .5 sec*/no repeat
+#	repeat at 25/15 chars per sec. *
+#	hold data until pause pressed/process data unless pause pressed*
+#	slow scroll/no slow scroll*
+#	Hold in area/don't hold in area*
+#	functions keys have default*/function keys disabled on powerup
+#	show/don't show position of cursor during page transmit*
+#	unused
+#	unused
+#	unused
+# B menu: 9600  0100 1000  0000 0000  1000 0000  17  19
+#	Baud rate (9600*)
+#	2 bits of parity - 00=odd,01=even*,10=space,11=mark
+#	1 stop bit*/2 stop bits
+#	parity error detection off*/on
+#	keyboard local/on line*
+#	half/full duplex*
+#	disable/do not disable keyboard after data transmission*
+#	transmit entire page/stop transmission at cursor*
+#	transfer/do not transfer protected characters*
+#	transmit all characters/transmit only selected characters*
+#	transmit all selected areas/transmit only 1 selected area*
+#	transmit/do not transmit line separators to host*
+#	transmit/do not transmit page tab stops tabs to host*
+#	transmit/do not transmit column tab stop tabs to host*
+#	transmit/do not transmit graphics control (underline,inverse..)*
+#	enable*/disable auto XON/XOFF control
+#	require/do not require receipt of a DC1 from host after each LF*
+#	pause key acts as a meta key/pause key is pause*
+#	unused
+#	unused
+#	unused
+#	unused
+#	unused
+#	XON character (17*)
+#	XOFF character (19*)
+# C menu: 56   66   0    0    9600  0110 1100
+#	number of lines to print data on (printer) (56*)
+#	number of lines on a sheet of paper (printer) (66*)
+#	left margin (printer) (0*)
+#	number of pad chars on new line to printer (0*)
+#	printer baud rate (9600*)
+#	printer parity: 00=odd,01=even*,10=space,11=mark
+#	printer stop bits: 2*/1
+#	print/do not print guarded areas*
+#	new line is: 01=LF,10=CR,11=CRLF*
+#	unused
+#	unused
+# D menu: 0110 1001   1   0
+#	LF is newline/LF is down one line, same column*
+#	wrap to preceding line if move left from col 1*/don't wrap
+#	wrap to next line if move right from col 80*/don't wrap
+#	backspace is/is not destructive*
+#	display*/ignore DEL character
+#	display will not/will scroll*
+#	page/column tab stops*
+#	erase everything*/erase unprotected only
+#	editing extent: 0=display,1=line*,2=field,3=area
+#	unused
+annarbor4080|aa4080|ann arbor 4080:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#40:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=\014:\
+	:..cm=\017%p2%{10}%/%{16}%*%p2%{10}%m%+%c%p1%?%p1%{19}%>%t%{12}%+%;%{64}%+%c:\
+	:cr=^M:ct=^^P^P:do=^J:ho=^K:kb=^^:kd=^J:kh=^K:kl=^H:kr=^_:\
+	:ku=^N:le=^H:nd=^_:sf=^J:st=^]^P1:ta=^I:up=^N:
+# Strange Ann Arbor terminal from BRL
+aas1901|Ann Arbor K4080 w/S1901 mod:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#40:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=^L:cr=^M:do=^J:ho=^K:kb=^H:kd=^J:kl=^H:le=^H:\
+	:ll=^O\0c:nd=^_:nw=^M^J:sf=^J:ta=^I:up=^N:
+# If you're using the GNU termcap library, add
+#	:cS=\E[%p1%d;%p2%d;%p3%d;%p4%dp:
+# to these capabilities.  This is the nonstandard GNU termcap scrolling
+# capability, arguments are:
+#   1. Total number of lines on the screen.
+#   2. Number of lines above desired scroll region.
+#   3. Number of lines below (outside of) desired scroll region.
+#   4. Total number of lines on the screen, the same as the first parameter.
+# The generic Ann Arbor entry is the only one that uses this.
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+aaa+unk|aaa-unk|ann arbor ambassador (internal - don't use this directly):\
+	:am:bs:km:mi:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:\
+	:ct=\E[2g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^K:ei=:ho=\E[H:\
+	:i1=\E[m\E7\E[H\E9\E8:i2=\E[1Q\E[>20;30l\EP`+x~M\E\:\
+	:ic=\E[@:im=:k1=\EOA:k2=\EOB:k3=\EOC:k4=\EOD:k5=\EOE:\
+	:k6=\EOF:k7=\EOG:k8=\EOH:k9=\EOI:kD=\E[P:kI=\E[@:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\E[B:\
+	:ke=\EP`>y~[[J`8xy~[[A`4xy~[[D`6xy~[[C`2xy~[[B\E\:\
+	:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:\
+	:ks=\EP`>z~[[J`8xz~[[A`4xz~[[D`6xz~[[C`2xz~[[B\E\:\
+	:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mm=\E[>52h:\
+	:mo=\E[>52l:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=^K:\
+	:so=\E[7m:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+aaa+rv|ann arbor ambassador in reverse video:\
+	:i1=\E[7m\E7\E[H\E9\E8:mb=\E[5;7m:md=\E[1;7m:\
+	:me=\E[7m\016:mk=\E[7;8m:mr=\E[m:r1=\E[H\E[7m\E[J:\
+	:..sa=\E[%?%p1%p3%|%!%t7;%;%?%p2%t4;%;%?%p4%t5;%;%?%p6%t1;%;%?%p7%t8;%;m:\
+	:se=\E[7m:so=\E[m:ue=\E[7m:us=\E[4;7m:
+# Ambassador with the DEC option, for partial vt100 compatibility.
+aaa+dec|ann arbor ambassador in dec vt100 mode:\
+	:ac=aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}:\
+	:ae=^N:as=^O:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:eA=\E(0:\
+	:..sa=\E[%?%p1%p3%|%!%t7;%;%?%p2%t4;%;%?%p4%t5;%;%?%p6%t1;%;%?%p7%t8;%;m%?%p9%t\017%e\016%;:
+aaa-18|ann arbor ambassador/18 lines:\
+	:li#18:\
+	:is=\E7\E[60;0;0;18p\E8:te=\E[60;0;0;18p\E[60;1H\E[K:\
+	:ti=\E[18;0;0;18p:\
+	:tc=aaa+unk:
+aaa-18-rv|ann arbor ambassador/18 lines+reverse video:\
+	:tc=aaa+rv:tc=aaa-18:
+aaa-20|ann arbor ambassador/20 lines:\
+	:li#20:\
+	:is=\E7\E[60;0;0;20p\E8:te=\E[60;0;0;20p\E[60;1H\E[K:\
+	:ti=\E[20;0;0;20p:\
+	:tc=aaa+unk:
+aaa-22|ann arbor ambassador/22 lines:\
+	:li#22:\
+	:is=\E7\E[60;0;0;22p\E8:te=\E[60;0;0;22p\E[60;1H\E[K:\
+	:ti=\E[22;0;0;22p:\
+	:tc=aaa+unk:
+aaa-24|ann arbor ambassador/24 lines:\
+	:li#24:\
+	:is=\E7\E[60;0;0;24p\E8:te=\E[60;0;0;24p\E[60;1H\E[K:\
+	:ti=\E[24;0;0;24p:\
+	:tc=aaa+unk:
+aaa-24-rv|ann arbor ambassador/24 lines+reverse video:\
+	:tc=aaa+rv:tc=aaa-24:
+aaa-26|ann arbor ambassador/26 lines:\
+	:li#26:\
+	:is=\E7\E[60;0;0;26p\E8:te=\E[60;0;0;26p\E[26;1H\E[K:\
+	:ti=\E[H\E[J\E[26;0;0;26p:\
+	:tc=aaa+unk:
+aaa-28|ann arbor ambassador/28 lines:\
+	:li#28:\
+	:is=\E7\E[60;0;0;28p\E8:te=\E[60;0;0;28p\E[28;1H\E[K:\
+	:ti=\E[H\E[J\E[28;0;0;28p:\
+	:tc=aaa+unk:
+aaa-30-s|aaa-s|ann arbor ambassador/30 lines w/status:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:li#29:\
+	:ds=\E7\E[60;0;0;30p\E[1;1H\E[K\E[H\E8\r\n\E[K:\
+	:fs=\E[>51l:is=\r\n\E[A\E7\E[60;1;0;30p\E8:\
+	:te=\E[60;1;0;30p\E[29;1H\E[K:\
+	:ti=\E[H\E[J\E[30;1;0;30p\E[30;1H\E[K:\
+	:ts=\E[>51h\E[1;%p1%dH\E[2K:tc=aaa+unk:
+aaa-30-s-rv|aaa-s-rv|ann arbor ambassador/30 lines+status+reverse video:\
+	:tc=aaa+rv:tc=aaa-30-s:
+aaa-s-ctxt|aaa-30-s-ctxt|ann arbor ambassador/30 lines+status+save context:\
+	:te=\E[60;1;0;30p\E[59;1H\E[K:\
+	:ti=\E[30;1H\E[K\E[30;1;0;30p:tc=aaa-30-s:
+aaa-s-rv-ctxt|aaa-30-s-rv-ct|ann arbor ambassador/30 lines+status+save context+reverse video:\
+	:te=\E[60;1;0;30p\E[59;1H\E[K:\
+	:ti=\E[30;1H\E[K\E[30;1;0;30p:tc=aaa-30-s-rv:
+aaa|aaa-30|ambas|ambassador|ann arbor ambassador/30 lines:\
+	:li#30:\
+	:is=\E7\E[60;0;0;30p\E8:te=\E[60;0;0;30p\E[30;1H\E[K:\
+	:ti=\E[H\E[J\E[30;0;0;30p:\
+	:tc=aaa+unk:
+aaa-30-rv|aaa-rv|ann arbor ambassador/30 lines in reverse video:\
+	:tc=aaa+rv:tc=aaa-30:
+aaa-30-ctxt|aaa-ctxt|ann arbor ambassador/30 lines; saving context:\
+	:te=\E[60;0;0;30p\E[60;1H\E[K:ti=\E[30;0;0;30p:\
+	:tc=aaa-30:
+aaa-30-rv-ctxt|aaa-rv-ctxt|ann arbor ambassador/30 lines reverse video; saving context:\
+	:te=\E[60;0;0;30p\E[60;1H\E[K:ti=\E[30;0;0;30p:\
+	:tc=aaa+rv:tc=aaa-30:
+aaa-36|ann arbor ambassador/36 lines:\
+	:li#36:\
+	:is=\E7\E[60;0;0;36p\E8:te=\E[60;0;0;36p\E[36;1H\E[K:\
+	:ti=\E[H\E[J\E[36;0;0;36p:\
+	:tc=aaa+unk:
+aaa-36-rv|ann arbor ambassador/36 lines+reverse video:\
+	:tc=aaa+rv:tc=aaa-36:
+aaa-40|ann arbor ambassador/40 lines:\
+	:li#40:\
+	:is=\E7\E[60;0;0;40p\E8:te=\E[60;0;0;40p\E[40;1H\E[K:\
+	:ti=\E[H\E[J\E[40;0;0;40p:\
+	:tc=aaa+unk:
+aaa-40-rv|ann arbor ambassador/40 lines+reverse video:\
+	:tc=aaa+rv:tc=aaa-40:
+aaa-48|ann arbor ambassador/48 lines:\
+	:li#48:\
+	:is=\E7\E[60;0;0;48p\E8:te=\E[60;0;0;48p\E[48;1H\E[K:\
+	:ti=\E[H\E[J\E[48;0;0;48p:\
+	:tc=aaa+unk:
+aaa-48-rv|ann arbor ambassador/48 lines+reverse video:\
+	:tc=aaa+rv:tc=aaa-48:
+aaa-60-s|ann arbor ambassador/59 lines+status:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:li#59:\
+	:ds=\E7\E[60;0;0;60p\E[1;1H\E[K\E[H\E8\r\n\E[K:\
+	:fs=\E[>51l:is=\r\n\E[A\E7\E[60;1;0;60p\E8:\
+	:ts=\E[>51h\E[1;%p1%dH\E[2K:tc=aaa+unk:
+aaa-60-s-rv|ann arbor ambassador/59 lines+status+reverse video:\
+	:tc=aaa+rv:tc=aaa-60-s:
+aaa-60-dec-rv|ann arbor ambassador/dec mode+59 lines+status+rev video:\
+	:tc=aaa+dec:tc=aaa+rv:tc=aaa-60-s:
+aaa-60|ann arbor ambassador/60 lines:\
+	:li#60:\
+	:is=\E7\E[60;0;0;60p\E[1Q\E[m\E[>20;30l\E8:tc=aaa+unk:
+aaa-60-rv|ann arbor ambassador/60 lines+reverse video:\
+	:tc=aaa+rv:tc=aaa-60:
+aaa-db|ann arbor ambassador 30/destructive backspace:\
+	:bs@:\
+	:i2=\E[1Q\E[m\E[>20l\E[>30h:le=\E[D:tc=aaa-30:
+guru|guru-33|guru+unk|ann arbor guru/33 lines 80 cols:\
+	:li#33:\
+	:i2=\E[>59l:is=\E7\E[255;0;0;33;80;80p\E8\E[J:\
+	:te=\E[255p\E[255;1H\E[K:ti=\E[33p:vb=\E[>59h\E[>59l:\
+	:tc=aaa+unk:
+guru+rv|guru changes for reverse video:\
+	:i2=\E[>59h:vb=\E[>59l\E[>59h:
+guru-rv|guru-33-rv|ann arbor guru/33 lines+reverse video:\
+	:tc=guru+rv:tc=guru-33:
+guru+s|guru status line:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:ds=\E7\E[;0p\E[1;1H\E[K\E[H\E8\r\n\E[K:fs=\E[>51l:\
+	:te=\E[255;1p\E[255;1H\E[K:ti=:\
+	:ts=\E[>51h\E[1;%p1%dH\E[2K:
+guru-nctxt|guru with no saved context:\
+	:ti=\E[H\E[J\E[33p\E[255;1H\E[K:tc=guru:
+guru-s|guru-33-s|ann arbor guru/33 lines+status:\
+	:li#32:\
+	:is=\r\n\E[A\E7\E[255;1;0;33;80;80p\E8\E[J:\
+	:ti=\E[33;1p\E[255;1H\E[K:tc=guru+s:\
+	:tc=guru+unk:
+guru-24|ann arbor guru 24 lines:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:is=\E7\E[255;0;0;24;80;80p\E8\E[J:ti=\E[24p:tc=guru+unk:
+guru-44|ann arbor guru 44 lines:\
+	:co#97:li#44:\
+	:is=\E7\E[255;0;0;44;97;100p\E8\E[J:ti=\E[44p:tc=guru+unk:
+guru-44-s|ann arbor guru/44 lines+status:\
+	:li#43:\
+	:is=\r\n\E[A\E7\E[255;1;0;44;80;80p\E8\E[J:\
+	:ti=\E[44;1p\E[255;1H\E[K:tc=guru+s:\
+	:tc=guru+unk:
+guru-76|guru with 76 lines by 89 cols:\
+	:co#89:li#76:\
+	:is=\E7\E[255;0;0;76;89;100p\E8\E[J:ti=\E[76p:tc=guru+unk:
+guru-76-s|ann arbor guru/76 lines+status:\
+	:co#89:li#75:\
+	:is=\r\n\E[A\E7\E[255;1;0;76;89;100p\E8\E[J:\
+	:ti=\E[76;1p\E[255;1H\E[K:tc=guru+s:\
+	:tc=guru+unk:
+guru-76-lp|guru-lp|guru with page bigger than line printer:\
+	:co#134:li#76:\
+	:is=\E7\E[255;0;0;76;134;134p\E8\E[J:ti=\E[76p:tc=guru+unk:
+guru-76-w|guru 76 lines by 178 cols:\
+	:co#178:li#76:\
+	:is=\E7\E[255;0;0;76;178;178p\E8\E[J:ti=\E[76p:tc=guru+unk:
+guru-76-w-s|ann arbor guru/76 lines+status+wide:\
+	:co#178:li#75:\
+	:is=\r\n\E[A\E7\E[255;1;0;76;178;178p\E8\E[J:\
+	:ti=\E[76;1p\E[255;1H\E[K:\
+	:tc=guru+s:tc=guru+unk:
+guru-76-wm|guru 76 lines by 178 cols with 255 cols memory:\
+	:co#178:li#76:\
+	:is=\E7\E[255;0;0;76;178;255p\E8\E[J:ti=\E[76p:tc=guru+unk:
+aaa-rv-unk|ann arbor unknown type:\
+	:Nl#0:lh#0:lw#0:\
+	:ho=\E[H:i1=\E[7m\E7\E[H\E9\E8:mb=\E[5;7m:md=\E[1;7m:\
+	:me=\E[7m:mk=\E[7;8m:mr=\E[m:r1=\E[H\E[7m\E[J:\
+	:..sa=\E[%?%p1%!%t7;%;%?%p2%t4;%;%?%p3%t7;%;%?%p4%t5;%;%?%p6%t1;%;%?%p7%t8;%;m:\
+	:se=\E[7m:so=\E[m:ue=\E[7m:us=\E[4;7m:
+#### Applied Digital Data Systems (adds)
+# ADDS itself is long gone.  ADDS was bought by NCR, and the same group made
+# ADDS and NCR terminals.  When AT&T and NCR merged, the engineering for
+# terminals was merged again.  Then AT&T sold the terminal business to
+# SunRiver, which later changed its  name to Boundless Technologies.  The
+# engineers from Teletype, AT&T terminals, ADDS, and NCR (who are still there
+# as of early 1995) are at:
+#	Boundless Technologies
+#	100 Marcus Boulevard
+#	Hauppauge, NY 11788-3762
+#	Vox: (800)-231-5445
+#	Fax: (516)-342-7378
+#	Web: http://boundless.com
+# Their voice mail used to describe the place as "SunRiver (formerly ADDS)". 
+# In 1995 Boundless acquired DEC's terminals business.  
+# Regent: lowest common denominator, works on all regents.
+# (regent: renamed ":bc:" to ":le:" -- esr)
+regent|Adds Regent Series:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=^L:cr=^M:do=^J:ho=\EY  :le=^U:ll=^A:nd=^F:sf=^J:\
+	:up=^Z:
+# Regent 100 has a bug where if computer sends escape when user is holding
+# down shift key it gets confused, so we avoid escape.
+regent100|Adds Regent 100:\
+	:sg#1:\
+	:bl=^G:cm=\013%+ %B\020%.:k0=^B1\r:k1=^B2\r:k2=^B3\r:\
+	:k3=^B4\r:k4=^B5\r:k5=^B6\r:k6=^B7\r:k7=^B8\r:l0=F1:l1=F2:\
+	:l2=F3:l3=F4:l4=F5:l5=F6:l6=F7:l7=F8:me=\E0@:se=\E0@:so=\E0P:\
+	:ue=\E0@:us=\E0`:\
+	:tc=regent:
+regent20|Adds Regent 20:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\Ek:ce=\EK:cm=\EY%+ %+ :tc=regent:
+regent25|Adds Regent 25:\
+	:bl=^G:kd=^J:kh=^A:kl=^U:kr=^F:ku=^Z:tc=regent20:
+regent40|Adds Regent 40:\
+	:sg#1:\
+	:al=\EM:bl=^G:dl=\El:k0=^B1\r:k1=^B2\r:k2=^B3\r:k3=^B4\r:\
+	:k4=^B5\r:k5=^B6\r:k6=^B7\r:k7=^B8\r:l0=F1:l1=F2:l2=F3:\
+	:l3=F4:l4=F5:l5=F6:l6=F7:l7=F8:me=\E0@:se=\E0@:so=\E0P:\
+	:ue=\E0@:us=\E0`:\
+	:tc=regent25:
+regent40+|Adds Regent 40+:\
+	:is=\EB:tc=regent40:
+regent60|regent200|Adds Regent 60:\
+	:dc=\EE:ei=\EF:im=\EF:is=\EV\EB:kD=\EE:kI=\EF:kM=\EF:\
+	:se=\ER\E0@\EV:so=\ER\E0P\EV:\
+	:tc=regent40+:
+# From: <edward@onyx.berkeley.edu> Thu Jul  9 09:27:33 1981
+# (viewpoint: added :kr:, function key, and :dl: capabilities -- esr)
+viewpoint|addsviewpoint|adds viewpoint:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\Ek:ce=\EK:cl=^L:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=^M:dl=\El:do=^J:\
+	:is=\017\E0`:k0=^B1:k2=^B2:k3=^B\041:k4=^B":k5=^B#:kd=^J:\
+	:kh=^A:kl=^U:kr=^F:ku=^Z:le=^H:ll=^A:me=^O:nd=^F:se=^O:sf=^J:\
+	:so=^N:ue=^O:up=^Z:us=^N:ve=\017\E0`:vs=\017\E0P:
+# Some viewpoints have bad ROMs that foo up on ^O
+screwpoint|adds viewpoint with ^O bug:\
+	:se@:so@:ue@:us@:vs@:tc=viewpoint:
+# From: Jay S. Rouman <jsr@dexter.mi.org> 5 Jul 92
+# The :vi:/:ve:/:sa:/:me: strings were added by ESR from specs.  
+# Theory; the vp3a+ wants \E0%c to set highlights, where normal=01000000,
+# underline=01100000, rev=01010000, blink=01000010,dim=01000001,
+# invis=01000100 and %c is the logical or of desired attributes.
+# There is also a `tag bit' enabling attributes, set by \E) and unset by \E(.
+vp3a+|viewpoint3a+|adds viewpoint 3a+:\
+	:am:bw:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=\E*:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:do=^J:ho=^^:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=^J:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:me=\E(:nd=^L:nw=^M^J:\
+	:..sa=\E0%{64}%?%p1%tQ%|%;%?%p2%t%{96}%|%;%?%p3%tP%|%;%?%p4%t%{2}%|%;%?%p5%t%{1}%|%;%?%p7%tD%|%;%c\E):\
+	:se=\E(:sf=^J:so=\E0Q\E):ta=^I:up=^K:ve=^X:vi=^W:
+vp60|viewpoint60|addsvp60|adds viewpoint60:\
+	:tc=regent40:
+# adds viewpoint 90 - from cornell
+# Note:  emacs sends ei occasionally to insure the terminal is out of
+#        insert mode. This unfortunately puts the viewpoint90 IN insert
+#        mode.  A hack to get around this is :ic=\EF\s\EF^U:.  (Also,
+#   -    :ei=:im=: must be present in the termcap translation.)
+#   -    :xs: indicates glitch that attributes stick to location
+#   -    :ms: means it's safe to move in standout mode
+#   -    :cl=\EG\Ek:: clears screen and visual attributes without affecting
+#               the status line
+# Function key and label capabilities merged in from SCO.
+vp90|viewpoint90|adds viewpoint 90:\
+	:bs:bw:ms:xs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:cd=\Ek:ce=\EK:cl=\EG\Ek:cm=\EY%+ %+ :dc=\EE:dl=\El:do=^J:\
+	:ei=:ho=\EY  :ic=\EF \EF\025:im=:k0=^B1\r:k1=^B2\r:\
+	:k2=^B3\r:k3=^B4\r:k4=^B5\r:k5=^B6\r:k6=^B7\r:k7=^B8\r:\
+	:k8=^B9\r:k9=^B\072\r:k;=^B;\r:kb=^H:kd=^J:kh=^A:kl=^U:\
+	:kr=^F:ku=^Z:l0=F1:l1=F2:l2=F3:l3=F4:l4=F5:l5=F6:l6=F7:l7=F8:\
+	:l8=F9:l9=F10:la=F11:le=^H:ll=^A:me=\ER\E0@\EV:nd=^F:\
+	:se=\ER\E0@\EV:sf=^J:so=\ER\E0Q\EV:ta=^I:ue=\ER\E0@\EV:\
+	:up=^Z:us=\ER\E0`\EV:
+# Note: if return acts weird on a980, check internal switch #2
+# on the top chip on the CONTROL pc board.
+adds980|a980|adds consul 980:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\E\016:bl=^G:cl=\014\013@:cm=\013%+@\E\005%2:cr=^M:\
+	:dl=\E\017:do=^J:k0=\E0:k1=\E1:k2=\E2:k3=\E3:k4=\E4:k5=\E5:\
+	:k6=\E6:k7=\E7:k8=\E8:k9=\E9:le=^H:me=^O:nd=\E^E01:se=^O:\
+	:sf=^J:so=^Y^^^N:
+# Beehive documentation is undated and marked Preliminary and has no figures
+# so we must have early Superbee2 (Model 600, according to phone conversation
+# with mfr.). It has proved reliable except for some missing padding
+# (notably after \EK and <nl> at bottom of screen).
+# The key idea is that AEP mode is poison for :cm: & that US's in 
+# the local memory should be avoided like the plague. That means 
+# that the 2048 character local buffer is used as 25 lines of 80 
+# characters, period. No scrolling local memory, folks. It also 
+# appears that we cannot use naked INS LINE feature since it uses
+# US. The sbi fakes :al: with an 80-space insert that may be too 
+# slow at low speeds; also spaces get converted to \040 which is 
+# too long for some programs (not vi).  DEL LINE is ok but slow.
+# The <nl> string is designed for last line of screen ONLY; cup to 
+# 25th line corrects the motion inherent in scrolling to Page 1.
+# There is one understood bug. It is that the screen appears to
+# pop to a new (blank) page after a :nw:, or leave a half-line 
+# ellipsis to a quad that is the extra 48 memory locations. The 
+# data received is dumped into memory but not displayed.  Not to 
+# worry if :cm: is being used; the lines not displayed will be, 
+# whenever the cursor is moved up there. Since :cm: is addressed 
+# relative to MEMORY of window, nothing is lost; but beware of 
+# relative cursor motion (:up:,:do:,:nd:,:le:). Recommended,
+# therefore, is setenv MORE -c .
+# WARNING: Not all features tested.
+# Timings are assembled from 3 sources. Some timings may reflect 
+# SB2/Model 300 that were used if more conservative.
+# Tested on a Model 600 at 1200 and 9600 bd.
+# The BACKSPACEkb option is cute. The NEWLINE key, so cleverly 
+# placed on the keyboard and useless because of AEP, is made 
+# into a backspace key. In use ESC must be pressed twice (to send)
+# and sending ^C must be prefixed by ESC to avoid that weird 
+# transmit mode associated with ENTER key.
+# IF TERMINAL EVER GOES CATATONIC with the cursor buzzing across 
+# the screen, then it has dropped into ENTER mode; hit 
+# RESET--ONLINE--!tset.
+# As delivered this machine has a FATAL feature that will throw 
+# it into that strange transmit state (SPOW) if the space bar is 
+# hit after a CR is received, but before receiving a LF (or a 
+# few others).
+# The circuits MUST be modified to eliminate the SPOW latch. 
+# This is done by strapping on chip A46 of the I/O board; cut 
+# the p.c. connection to Pin 5 and strap Pin 5 to Pin 8 of that 
+# chip. This mod has been checked out on a Mod 600 of Superbee II.
+# With this modification absurdly high timings on cr are 
+# unnecessary.
+# NOTE WELL that the rear panel switch should be set to CR/LF, 
+# not AEP!
+sb1|beehive superbee:\
+	:am:bs:bw:da:db:mi:ul:xb:\
+	:co#80:li#25:sg#1:\
+	:al=\EN\EL\EQ                                                                                \EP \EO\ER\EA:\
+	:bl=^G:bt=\E`:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\EF%r%03%03:cr=\r:\
+	:ct=\E3:dc=\EP:dl=\EM:do=^J:ei=\ER:ho=\EH:im=\EQ\EO:\
+	:is=\EE\EX\EZ\EO\Eb\Eg\ER:k0=\E2:k1=\Ep:k2=\Eq:k3=\Er:\
+	:k4=\Es:k5=\Et:k6=\Eu:k7=\Ev:k8=\Ew:k9=\E1:kE=\EK:kI=\EQ\EO:\
+	:kL=\EM:kM=\ER:kS=\EJ:kb=^_:kd=\EB:kh=\EH:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:\
+	:ku=\EA:l0=TAB CLEAR:l9=TAB SET:le=^H:me=\E_3:nd=\EC:\
+	:se=\E_3:sf=^J:so=\E_1:st=\E1:ta=^I:te=:ti=\EO:ue=\E_3:\
+	:up=\EA:us=\E_0:
+sbi|superbee|beehive superbee at Indiana U.:\
+	:xb:\
+	:al=1\EN\EL\EQ \EP \EO\ER\EA:cr=\r:tc=sb1:
+# Alternate (older) description of Superbee - f1=escape, f2=^C.
+# Note: there are at least 3 kinds of superbees in the world.  The sb1
+# holds onto escapes and botches ^C's.  The sb2 is the best of the 3.
+# The sb3 puts garbage on the bottom of the screen when you scroll with
+# the switch in the back set to CRLF instead of AEP.  This description
+# is tested on the sb2 but should work on all with either switch setting.
+# The f1/f2 business is for the sb1 and the :xb: can be taken out for
+# the other two if you want to try to hit that tiny escape key.
+# This description is tricky: being able to use cup depends on there being
+# 2048 bytes of memory and the hairy <nl> string.
+superbee-xsb|beehive super bee:\
+	:am:da:db:xb:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:\
+	:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\EF%r%3%3:cr=\r:ct=\E3:dc=\EP:\
+	:dl=\EM:do=^J:ho=\EH:is=\EH\EJ:k1=\Ep:k2=\Eq:k3=\Er:k4=\Es:\
+	:k5=\Et:k6=\Eu:k7=\Ev:k8=\Ew:kd=\EB:kh=\EH:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:\
+	:ku=\EA:le=^H:me=\E_3:nd=\EC:se=\E_3:\
+	:sf=\n\0\0\0\n\0\0\0\EA\EK\0\0\0\ET\ET:so=\E_1:st=\E1:\
+	:ta=^I:up=\EA:ve=^J:
+# This loses on lines > 80 chars long, use at your own risk
+superbeeic|super bee with insert char:\
+	:ei=\ER:ic=:im=\EQ:tc=superbee-xsb:
+sb2|sb3|fixed superbee:\
+	:xb@:tc=superbee:
+####  Beehive Medical Electronics
+# Steve Seymour <srseymour@mindspring.com> writes (Wed, 03 Feb 1999):
+# Regarding your question though; Beehive terminals weren't made by Harris.
+# They were made by Beehive Medical Electronics in Utah. They went out of
+# business in the early '80s.
+# (OK, then, I don't know why a couple of these say "harris beehive".)
+# Reports are that most of these Beehive entries (except superbee) have not
+# been tested and do not work right.  :se: is a trouble spot.  Be warned.
+# (bee: :ic: was empty, which is obviously bogus -- esr)
+beehive|bee|harris beehive:\
+	:am:bs:mi:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\EL:bt=\E>:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EE:cm=\EF%+ %+ :dc=\EP:\
+	:dl=\EM:do=\EB:ei=\E@:ho=\EH:im=\EQ:kA=\EL:kB=\E>:kC=\EE:\
+	:kD=\EP:kE=\EK:kI=\EQ:kL=\EM:kM=\E@:kb=^H:kd=\EB:kh=\EH:\
+	:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:me=\Ed@:nd=\EC:se=\Ed@:so=\EdP:\
+	:ue=\Ed@:up=\EA:us=\Ed`:
+# set tab is ^F, clear (one) tab is ^V, no way to clear all tabs.
+# good grief - does this entry make :sg:/:ug: when it doesn't have to?
+# look at those spaces in :se:/:so:.  Seems strange to me...
+# (beehive: :if=/usr/share/tabset/beehive: removed, no such file.  If you
+# really care, cook up one using ^F -- esr)
+beehive3|bh3m|beehiveIIIm|harris beehive 3m:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#20:\
+	:al=\023:bl=^G:cd=^R:ce=^P:cl=^E^R:cr=^M:dl=\021:do=^J:ho=^E:\
+	:le=^H:ll=^E^K:nd=^L:se= ^_:sf=^J:so=^] :st=^F:ta=^I:up=^K:
+beehive4|bh4|beehive 4:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EE:cr=^M:do=^J:ho=\EH:le=\ED:nd=\EC:\
+	:sf=^J:up=\EA:
+# There was an early Australian kit-built computer called a "Microbee".
+# It's not clear whether this is for one of those or for a relative
+# of the Beehive.
+microb|microbee|micro bee series:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EE:cm=\EF%+ %+ :cr=^M:do=^J:k1=\Ep:\
+	:k2=\Eq:k3=\Er:k4=\Es:k5=\Et:k6=\Eu:k7=\Ev:k8=\Ew:k9=\Ex:\
+	:kd=\EB:kh=\EH:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:me=\Ed@:nd=\EC:\
+	:se=\Ed@:sf=^J:so= \EdP:ta=^I:ue=\Ed@:up=\EA:us=\Ed`:
+#### C. Itoh Electronics
+# As of 1995 these people no longer make terminals (they're still in the
+# printer business).  Their terminals were all clones of the DEC VT series.
+# They're located in Orange County, CA.
+# CIT 80  - vt-52 emulator, the termcap has been modified to remove
+#           the delay times and do an auto tab set rather than the indirect
+#           file used in vt100.
+cit80|cit-80|citoh 80:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\E[H\EJ:cm=\E[%i%2;%2H:cr=^M:ff=^L:\
+	:is=\E>:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:\
+	:ku=\EOA:le=^H:nd=\E[C:sf=^J:up=\E[A:
+# From: Tim Wood <mtxinu!sybase!tim> Fri Sep 27 09:39:12 PDT 1985
+# (cit101: added <rmam>/<smam> based on init string, merged this with c101 -- esr)
+cit101|citc|C.itoh fast vt100:\
+	:am:bs:xn:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7h:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:ei=:ic=\E[@:\
+	:im=:is=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E[3g\E[>5g:\
+	:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:\
+	:ku=\EOA:le=^H:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:so=\E[7m:ue=\E[m:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[V\E8:vs=\E7\E[U:
+# CIE Terminals CIT-101e from Geoff Kuenning <callan!geoff> via BRL
+# The following termcap entry was created from the Callan cd100 entry.  The
+# last two lines (with the capabilities in caps) are used by RM-cobol to allow
+# full selection of combinations of reverse video, underline, and blink.
+# (cit101e: removed unknown :f0=\EOp:f1=\EOq:f2=\EOr:f3=\EOs:f4=\EOt:f5=\EOu:\
+# f6=\EOv:f7=\EOw:f8=\EOx:f9=\EOy:AB=\E[0;5m:AL=\E[m:AR=\E[0;7m:AS=\E[0;5;7m:\
+# :NB=\E[0;1;5m:NM=\E[0;1m:NR=\E[0;1;7m:NS=\E[0;1;5;7m: -- esr)
+cit101e|C. Itoh CIT-101e:\
+	:am:bs:mi:ms:pt:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:ac=:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%2;%2H:cs=\E[%i%2;%2r:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:\
+	:ei=\E[4l:if=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:im=\E[4h:k0=\EOT:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\EOm:k6=\EOl:k7=\EOM:\
+	:k8=\EOn:kd=\E[B:ke=\E>:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ks=\E=:ku=\E[A:\
+	:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ue=\E[m:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=:vs=\E[?1l\E[?4l\E[?7h:
+# From: David S. Lawyer, June 1997:
+# The CIT 101-e was made in Japan in 1983-4 and imported by CIE
+# Terminals in Irvine, CA.  It was part of CITOH Electronics.  In the
+# late 1980's CIT Terminals went out of business.
+# There is no need to use the initialization string is=... (by invoking
+# tset or setterm etc.) provided that the terminal has been manually set
+# up (and the setup saved with ^S) to be compatible with this termcap.  To be
+# compatible it should be in ANSI mode (not VT52).   A set-up that
+# works is to set all the manually setable stuff to factory defaults
+# by pressing ^D in set-up mode.  Then increse the brighness with the
+# up-arrow key since the factory default will likely be dim on an old
+# terminal.  Then change any options you want (provided that they are
+# compatible with the termcap).  For my terminal I set: Screen
+# Background: light; Keyclicks: silent; Auto wraparound: on; CRT saver:
+# on.  I also set up mine for parity (but you may not need it).  Then 
+# save the setup with ^S.
+# (cit101e-rv: added empty :te: to suppress a tic warning. --esr)
+cit101e-rv|Citoh CIT-101e (sets reverse video):\
+	:am:eo:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:SF=\E[%dS:SR=\E[%dT:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:al=\E[L:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:ch=\E[%i%dG:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\
+	:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:\
+	:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E<\E>\E[?1l\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5h\E[?7h\E[?8h\E[3g\E[>5g\E(B\E[m\E[20l\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kb=\177:kd=\E[B:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:\
+	:nd=\E[C:nl=\EM:nw=\EE:r1=\Ec\E[?7h\E[>5g:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:\
+	:se=\E[m:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:te=:\
+	:ti=\E[>5g\E[?7h\E[?5h:u6=\E[%i%d;%dR:u7=\E[6n:\
+	:u8=\E[?6c:u9=\E[c:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:vb=200\E[?5l\E[?5h:ve=\E[0;3;4v:vi=\E[1v:vs=\E[3;5v:
+cit101e-n|CIT-101e w/o am:\
+	:am@:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=^J:kl=^H:vs=\E[?1l\E[?4l\E[?7l:tc=cit101e:
+cit101e-132|CIT-101e with 132 cols:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=^J:kl=^H:tc=cit101e:
+cit101e-n132|CIT-101e with 132 cols w/o am:\
+	:am@:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=^J:kl=^H:vs=\E[?1l\E[?4l\E[?7l:tc=cit101e:
+# CIE Terminals CIT-500 from BRL
+# The following SET-UP modes are assumed for normal operation:
+# Other SET-UP modes may be set for operator convenience or communication
+# requirements.
+# Hardware tabs are assumed to be set every 8 columns; they can be set up
+# by the "reset", "tset", or "tabs" utilities.  No delays are specified; use
+# "stty ixon -ixany" to enable DC3/DC1 flow control!
+# (cit500: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string -- esr)
+cit500|CIE Terminals CIT-500:\
+	:bs:mi:ms:pt:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:kn#10:li#64:vt#3:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:UP=\E[%dA:ac=:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:\
+	:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:\
+	:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:is=\E<\E)0:k0=\EOP:k1=\EOQ:\
+	:k2=\EOR:k3=\EOS:k4=\EOU:k5=\EOV:k6=\EOW:k7=\EOX:k8=\EOY:\
+	:k9=\EOZ:kA=\E[L:kB=\E[Z:kD=\E[P:kE=\EK:kI=\E[4h:kL=\E[M:\
+	:kM=\E[4l:kS=\EJ:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kh=\E[H:\
+	:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:l0=PF1:l1=PF2:l2=PF3:\
+	:l3=PF4:l4=F15:l5=F16:l6=F17:l7=F18:l8=F19:l9=F20:le=^H:\
+	:ll=\E[64H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:nw=\EE:\
+	:r1=\E<\E2\E[20l\E[?6l\E[r\E[m\E[q\E(B\017\E)0\E>:\
+	:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:ue=\E[m:up=\EM:us=\E[4m:
+# C. Itoh printers begin here
+citoh|ci8510|8510|c.itoh 8510a:\
+	:co#80:it#8:\
+	:is=\E(009\054017\054025\054033\054041\054049\054057\054065\054073.:\
+	:le@:md=\E\041:me=\E"\EY:rp=\ER%r%03%.:sr=\Er:ue=\EY:\
+	:us=\EX:\
+	:tc=lpr:
+citoh-pica|citoh in pica:\
+	:i1=\EN:tc=citoh:
+citoh-elite|citoh in elite:\
+	:co#96:\
+	:i1=\EE:\
+	:is=\E(009\054017\054025\054033\054041\054049\054057\054065\054073\054081\054089.:tc=citoh:
+citoh-comp|citoh in compressed:\
+	:co#136:\
+	:i1=\EQ:\
+	:is=\E(009\054017\054025\054033\054041\054049\054057\054065\054073\054081\054089\054097\054105\054113\054121\054129.:tc=citoh:
+# citoh has infinite cols because we don't want lp ever inserting \n\t**.
+citoh-prop|citoh-ps|ips|citoh in proportional spacing mode:\
+	:co#32767:\
+	:i1=\EP:tc=citoh:
+citoh-6lpi|citoh in 6 lines per inch mode:\
+	:i2=\EA:tc=citoh:
+citoh-8lpi|citoh in 8 lines per inch mode:\
+	:li#88:\
+	:i2=\EB:tc=citoh:
+#### Control Data (cdc)
+cdc456|cdc 456 terminal:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\EL:bl=^G:cd=^X:ce=^V:cl=^Y^X:cm=\E1%+ %+ :cr=^M:dl=\EJ:\
+	:do=^J:ho=^Y:le=^H:nd=^L:sf=^J:up=^Z:
+# Assorted CDC terminals from BRL (improvements by DAG & Ferd Brundick)
+cdc721|CDC Viking:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:ce=^K:cl=^L:cm=\002%r%+ %+ :ho=^Y:kd=^J:kh=^Y:kl=^H:kr=^I:\
+	:ku=^W:nd=^X:up=^W:
+cdc721ll|CDC Vikingll:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#132:li#24:\
+	:ce=^K:cl=^L:cm=\002%r%+ %+ :ho=^Y:kd=^J:kh=^Y:kl=^H:kr=^I:\
+	:ku=^W:nd=^X:up=^W:
+# (cdc752: the BRL entry had :ll=\E1  ^Z: commented out
+cdc752|CDC 752:\
+	:am:bs:bw:xs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:ce=^V:cl=\030\E1  :cm=\E1%r%+ %+ :cr=^M:do=^J:\
+	:ho=\E1  :le=^H:ll=^Y:nd=^U:r1=\E1  \030\002\003\017:\
+	:sf=^J:up=^Z:
+# CDC 756
+# The following switch/key settings are assumed for normal operation:
+#	96 chars	SCROLL		FULL duplex	not BLOCK
+# Other switches may be set according to communication requirements.
+# Insert/delete-character cannot be used, as the whole display is affected.
+# "so" & "se" are commented out until jove handles "sg" correctly.
+cdc756|CDC 756:\
+	:am:bs:bw:\
+	:co#80:kn#10:li#24:\
+	:al=6*\EL:bl=^G:cd=^X:ce=^V:cl=^Y^X:cm=\E1%r%+ %+ :cr=^M:\
+	:dl=6*\EJ:do=^J:ho=^Y:k0=\EA:k1=\EB:k2=\EC:k3=\ED:k4=\EE:\
+	:k5=\EF:k6=\EG:k7=\EH:k8=\Ea:k9=\Eb:kA=\EL:kD=\EI:kE=^V:\
+	:kI=\EK:kL=\EL:kS=^X:kT=^O:kb=^H:kd=^J:kh=^Y:kl=^H:kr=^U:\
+	:ku=^Z:l0=F1:l1=F2:l2=F3:l3=F4:l4=F5:l5=F6:l6=F7:l7=F8:l8=F9:\
+	:l9=F10:le=^H:ll=^Y^Z:nd=^U:r1=\031\030\002\003\017:sf=^J:\
+	:up=^Z:
+# CDC 721 from Robert Viduya, Ga. Tech. <ihnp4!gatech!gitpyr!robert> via BRL.
+# Part of the long initialization string defines the "DOWN" key to the left
+# of the tab key to send an ESC.  The real ESC key is positioned way out 
+# in right field.
+# The termcap won't work in 132 column mode due to the way it it moves the
+# cursor.  Termcap doesn't have the capability (as far as I could tell) to
+# handle the 721 in 132 column mode.
+# (cdc721: changed :ri: to :sr: -- esr)
+cdc721-esc|Control Data 721:\
+	:am:bs:bw:ms:pt:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:kn#10:li#30:\
+	:al=^^R:bl=^G:bt=^^^K:cd=^^P:ce=^K:cl=^L:cm=\002%r%+ %+ :\
+	:ct=^^^RY:dc=^^N:dl=^^Q:do=^Z:ei=:ho=^Y:ic=^^O:im=:\
+	:is=\036\022B\003\036\035\017\022\025\035\036E\036\022H\036\022J\036\022L\036\022N\036\022P\036\022Q\036\022\036\022\136\036\022b\036\022i\036W =\036\022Z\036\011C1-` `\041k/o:\
+	:k0=^^q:k1=^^r:k2=^^s:k3=^^t:k4=^^u:k5=^^v:k6=^^w:k7=^^x:\
+	:k8=^^y:k9=^^z:kb=^H:kd=^Z:ke=^^^Rl:kh=^Y:kl=^H:kr=^X:\
+	:ks=^^^Rk:ku=^W:le=^H:ll=^B =:mb=^N:\
+	:me=\017\025\035\036E\036\022\:mh=^\:mk=^^^R[:mr=^^D:\
+	:nd=^X:se=^^E:sf=\036W =\036U:so=^^D:sr=\036W =\036V:\
+	:st=^^^RW:ue=^]:up=^W:us=^\:
+#### Getronics
+# Getronics is a Dutch electronics company that at one time was called 
+# `Geveke' and made async terminals; but (according to the company itself!)
+# they've lost all their documentation on the command set.  The hardware
+# documentation suggests the terminals were actually manufactured by a
+# Taiwanese electronics company named Cal-Comp.  There are known
+# to have been at least two models, the 33 and the 50.
+# The 50 seems to be a top end vt220 clone, with the addition of a higher
+# screen resolution, a larger screen, at least 1 page of memory above and
+# below the screen, apparently pages of memory right and left of the screen
+# which can be panned, and about 75 function keys (15 function keys x normal,
+# shift, control, func A, func B). It also has more setup possibilities than
+# the vt220. The monitor case is dated November 1978 and the keyboard case is
+# May 1982.
+# The vt100 emulation works as is.  The entry below describes the rather
+# non-conformant (but more featureful) ANSI mode.
+# From: Stephen Peterson <stv@utrecht.ow.nl>, 27 May 1995
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+visa50|geveke visa 50 terminal in ansi 80 character mode:\
+	:bw:mi:ms:\
+	:co#80:li#25:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dX:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:K1=\E[f:K2=\EOP:K3=\EOQ:K4=\EOR:K5=\EOS:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=\E[3l:al=\E[L:as=\E3h:bl=^G:\
+	:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[X:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:\
+	:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E0;2m\E[1;25r\E[25;1H\E[?3l\E[?7h\E[?8h:k0=\E010:\
+	:k1=\E001:k2=\E002:k3=\E003:k4=\E004:k5=\E005:k6=\E006:\
+	:k7=\E007:k8=\E008:k9=\E009:kD=\177:kb=^H:kd=\E[A:ke=\E>:\
+	:kh=\E[f:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ks=\E=:ku=\E[A:le=\E[D:mb=\E[5m:\
+	:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0;2m:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=^M^J:\
+	:se=\E[0;2m:sf=^J:so=\E[2;7m:ta=^I:ue=\E[0m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:
+#### Human Designed Systems (Concept)
+#	Human Designed Systems
+#	400 Fehley Drive
+#	King of Prussia, PA 19406
+#	Vox: (610)-277-8300
+#	Fax: (610)-275-5739
+#	Net: support@hds.com
+# John Martin <john@hds.com> is their termcap expert.  They're mostly out of
+# the character-terminal business now (1995) and making X terminals.  In
+# particular, the whole `Concept' line described here was discontinued long
+# ago.
+# From: <vax135!hpk>  Sat Jun 27 07:41:20 1981
+# Extensive changes to c108 by arpavax:eric Feb 1982
+# Some unknown person at SCO then translated it to terminfo.
+# There seem to be a number of different versions of the C108 PROMS
+# (with bug fixes in its Z-80 program).
+# The first one that we had would lock out the keyboard of you
+# sent lots of short lines (like /usr/dict/words) at 9600 baud.
+# Try that on your C108 and see if it sends a ^S when you type it.
+# If so, you have an old version of the PROMs.
+# You should configure the C108 to send ^S/^Q before running this.
+# It is much faster (at 9600 baud) than the c100 because the delays
+# are not fixed.
+# new status line display entries for c108-8p:
+# :i3: - init str #3 - setup term for status display - 
+# set programmer mode, select window 2, define window at last 
+# line of memory, set bkgnd stat mesg there, select window 0.
+# :ts: - to status line - select window 2, home cursor, erase to 
+# end-of-window, 1/2 bright on, goto(line#0, col#?)
+# :fs: - from status line - 1/2 bright off, select window 0
+# :ds: - disable status display - set bkgnd status mesg with 
+# illegal window #
+# There are probably more function keys that should be added but 
+# I don't know what they are.
+# No delays needed on c108 because of ^S/^Q handshaking
+c108|concept108|c108-8p|concept108-8p|concept 108 w/8 pages:\
+	:i2=\EU\E z"\Ev\001\177 \041p\E ;"\E z \Ev  \001\177p\Ep\n:\
+	:te=\Ev  \001\177p\Ep\r\n:\
+	:tc=c108-4p:
+c108-4p|concept108-4p|concept 108 w/4 pages:\
+	:bs:es:hs:xo:\
+	:pb@:\
+	:ac=jEkTl\mMqLxU:ae=\Ej :as=\Ej\041:\
+	:..cm=\Ea%p1%?%p1%{95}%>%t\001%{96}%-%;%{32}%+%c%p2%?%p2%{95}%>%t\001%{96}%-%;%{32}%+%c:\
+	:cr=^M:dc=\E 1:ds=\E ;\177:fs=\Ee\E z :i1=\EK\E\041\E F:\
+	:i2=\EU\E z"\Ev\177 \041p\E ;"\E z \Ev  \001 p\Ep\n:\
+	:sf=^J:te=\Ev  \001 p\Ep\r\n:ti=\EU\Ev  8p\Ep\r\E\025:\
+	:ts=\E z"\E?\E\005\EE\Ea %+ :ve=\Ew:vs=\EW:\
+	:tc=c100:
+c108-rv|c108-rv-8p|concept 108 w/8 pages in reverse video:\
+	:te=\Ev  \002 p\Ep\r\n:ti=\EU\Ev  8p\Ep\r:\
+	:tc=c108-rv-4p:
+c108-rv-4p|concept108rv4p|concept 108 w/4 pages in reverse video:\
+	:i1=\Ek:se=\Ee:so=\EE:vb=\EK\Ek:\
+	:tc=c108-4p:
+c108-w|c108-w-8p|concept108-w-8|concept108-w8p|concept 108 w/8 pages in wide mode:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:i1=\E F\E":te=\Ev  ^A0\001D\Ep\r\n:\
+	:ti=\EU\Ev  8\001D\Ep\r:tc=c108-8p:
+# Concept 100:
+# These have only window relative cursor addressing, not screen 
+# relative. To get it to work right here, smcup/rmcup (which 
+# were invented for the concept) lock you into a one page 
+# window for screen style programs.
+# To get out of the one page window, we use a clever trick:
+# we set the window size to zero ("\Ev    " in rmcup) which the 
+# terminal recognizes as an error and resets the window to all 
+# of memory.
+# This trick works on c100 but does not on c108, sigh.
+# Some tty drivers use cr3 for concept, others use nl3, hence 
+# the delays on cr and ind below. This padding is only needed at 
+# 9600 baud and up.  One or the other is commented out depending on 
+# local conventions.
+# 2 ms padding on :te: isn't always enough. 6 works fine. Maybe 
+# less than 6 but more than 2 will work.
+# Note: can't use function keys f7-f10 because they are 
+# indistinguishable from arrow keys (!), also, del char and 
+# clear eol use xon/xoff so they probably won't work very well.
+# Also note that we don't define insrt/del char/delline/eop/send 
+# because they don't transmit unless we reset them - I figured 
+# it was a bad idea to clobber their definitions.
+# The <mc5> sequence changes the escape character to ^^ so that 
+# escapes will be passed through to the printer. Only trouble 
+# is that ^^ won't be - ^^ was chosen to be unlikely. 
+# Unfortunately, if you're sending raster bits through to be 
+# plotted, any character you choose will be likely, so we lose.
+# \EQ"\EY(^W (send anything from printer to host, for xon/xoff) 
+# cannot be # in is2 because it will hang a c100 with no printer 
+# if sent twice.
+c100|concept100|concept|c104|c100-4p|hds concept 100:\
+	:am:bs:eo:mi:ul:xn:\
+	:co#80:li#24:pb#9600:vt#8:\
+	:al=\E\022:bl=^G:cd=\E\005:ce=\E\025:cl=\E?\E\005:\
+	:cm=\Ea%+ %+ :cr=\r:dc=\E\021:dl=\E\002:do=^J:ei=\E  :\
+	:i1=\EK:i2=\Ev    \Ep\n:im=\E^P:ip=:\
+	:is=\EU\Ef\E7\E5\E8\El\ENH\E\0\Eo&\0\Eo'\E\Eo\041\0\E\007\041\E\010A@ \E4#\072"\E\072a\E4#;"\E\072b\E4#<"\E\072c:\
+	:k1=\E5:k2=\E6:k3=\E7:k4=\E8:k5=\E9:k6=\E\072a:k7=\E\072b:\
+	:k8=\E\072c:kA=\E^R:kB=\E':kD=\E^Q:kE=\E^S:kF=\E[:kI=\E^P:\
+	:kL=\E^B:kM=\E\0:kN=\E-:kP=\E.:kR=\E\:kS=\E^C:kT=\E]:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\E<:ke=\Ex:kh=\E?:kl=\E>:kr=\E=:ks=\EX:kt=\E_:ku=\E;:\
+	:le=^H:mb=\EC:me=\EN@:mh=\EE:mk=\EH:mp=\EI:mr=\ED:nd=\E=:\
+	:pf=\036o \E\EQ\041\EYP\027:\
+	:po=\EQ"\EY(\027\EYD\Eo \036:rp=\Er%.%+ :se=\Ed:sf=^J:\
+	:so=\ED:ta=\011:te=\Ev    \Ep\r\n:\
+	:ti=\EU\Ev  8p\Ep\r\E\025:ue=\Eg:up=\E;:us=\EG:vb=\Ek\EK:
+c100-rv|c100-rv-4p|concept100-rv|c100 rev video:\
+	:i1=\Ek:se=\Ee:so=\EE:vb=\EK\Ek:ve@:vs@:tc=c100:
+oc100|oconcept|c100-1p|old 1 page concept 100:\
+	:in:\
+	:i3@:tc=c100:
+# From: Walter Skorski <walt@genetics1.JMP.TJU.EDU>, 16-oct-1996.
+# Lots of notes, originally inline, but ncurses doesn't grok that.
+# am: 	not available in power on mode, but turned on with \E[=107;207h in
+#	is2=.  Also, \E=124l in is2= could have been used to prevent needing
+#	to specify xenl:, but that would have rendered the last space on the
+#	last line useless.
+# bw:	Not available in power on mode, but turned on with \E[=107;207h in
+#	is2=.
+# clear: Could be done with \E[2J alone, except that vi (and probably most
+#	other programs) assume that this also homes the cursor.
+# dsl:	Go to window 2, go to the beginning of the line, use a line feed to
+#	scroll the window, and go back to window 1.
+# is2:	the string may cause a warning to be issued by tic that it
+#	found a very long line and that it suspects that a comma is missing
+#	somewhere.  This warning can be ignored (unless it comes up more than
+#	once).  The initialization string contains the following commands:
+#	 [Setup mode items changed from factory defaults:]
+#		\E)0			set alternate character set to
+#						graphics
+#		^O			set character set to default
+#	 [In case it wasn't]
+#		\E[m			turn off all attributes
+#	 [In case they weren't off]
+#		\E[=107;		cursor wrap and
+#			207h			character wrap on
+#		\E[90;3u		set Fkey definitions to "transmit"
+#						defaults
+#		\E[92;3u		set cursor key definitions to
+#						"transmit" defaults
+#		\E[43;1u		set shift F13 to transmit...
+#		\177\E$P\177
+#		\E[44;1u		set shift F14 to transmit...
+#			\177\E$Q\177
+#		\E[45;1u		set shift F15 to transmit...
+#			\177\E$R\177
+#		\E[46;1u		set shift F16 to transmit...
+#			\177\E$S\177
+#		\E[200;1u		set shift up to transmit...
+#			\177\E$A\177
+#		\E[201;1u		set shift down to transmit...
+#			\177\E$B\177
+#		\E[202;1u		set shift right to transmit...
+#			\177\E$C\177
+#		\E[203;1u		set shift left to transmit...
+#			\177\E$D\177
+#		\E[204;1u		set shift home to transmit...
+#			\177\E$H\177
+#		\E[212;1u		set backtab to transmit...
+#			\177\E$I\177
+#		\E[213;1u		set shift backspace to transmit...
+#			\177\E$^H\177
+#		\E[214;1u		set shift del to transmit...
+#			"\E$\177"
+#	 [Necessary items not mentioned in setup mode:]
+#		\E[2!w			move to window 2
+#		\E[25;25w		define window as line 25 of memory
+#		\E[!w			move to window 1
+#		\E[2*w			show current line of window 2 as
+#						status line
+#		\E[2+x			set meta key to use high bit
+#		\E[;3+}			move underline to bottom of character
+#	All Fkeys are set to their default transmit definitions with \E[90;3u
+#	in is2=.  IMPORTANT:  to use this terminal definition, the "quit" stty
+#	setting MUST be redefined or deactivated, because the default is
+#	contained in almost all of this terminal's Fkey strings!  If for some
+#	reason "quit" cannot be altered, the Fkeys can, but it would be
+#	necessary to change ^| to ^] in all of these definitions, and add
+#	\E[2;029!t to is2.
+# lines: is set to 24 because this terminal refuses to treat the 25th
+#	line normally.
+# ll:	Not available in power on mode, but turned on with \E[=107;207h in
+#	is2=.
+# lm:	Pointless, given that this definition locks a single screen of
+#	memory into view, but what the hey...
+# rmso: Could use \E[1;7!{ to turn off only bold and reverse (leaving any
+#	other attributes alone), but some programs expect this to turn off
+#	everything.
+# rmul: Could use \E[4!{ to turn off only underline (leaving any other
+#	attributes alone), but some programs expect this to turn off
+#	everything.
+# sgr:	Attributes are set on this terminal with the string \E[ followed by
+#	a list of attribute code numbers (in decimal, separated by
+#	semicolons), followed by the character m.  The attribute code
+#	numbers are:
+#		  1 for bold;
+#		  2 for dim (which is ignored in power on mode);
+#		  4 for underline;
+#		  5 for blinking;
+#		  7 for inverse;
+#		  8 for not displayable; and
+#		=99 for protected (except that there are strange side
+#		effects to protected characters which make them inadvisable).
+#	 The mapping of terminfo parameters to attributes is as follows:
+#		%p1 (standout) = bold and inverse together;
+#		%p2 (underline) = underline;
+#		%p3 (reverse) = inverse;
+#		%p4 (blink) = blinking;
+#		%p5 (dim) is ignored;
+#		%p6 (bold) = bold;
+#		%p7 (invisible) = not displayable;
+#		%p8 (protected) is ignored; and
+#		%p9 (alt char set) = alt char set.
+#	 The code to do this is:
+#		\E[0		OUTPUT	\E[0
+#		%?%p1%p6%O	IF	(standout; bold) OR
+#		%t;1		THEN	OUTPUT	;1
+#		%;		ENDIF
+#		%?%p2		IF	underline
+#		%t;4		THEN	OUTPUT	;4
+#		%;		ENDIF
+#		%?%p4		IF	blink
+#		%t;5		THEN	OUTPUT	;5
+#		%;		ENDIF
+#		%?%p1%p3%O	IF	(standout; reverse) OR
+#		%t;7		THEN	OUTPUT	;7
+#		%;		ENDIF
+#		%?%p7		IF	invisible
+#		%t;8		THEN	OUTPUT	;8
+#		%;		ENDIF
+#		m		OUTPUT	m
+#		%?%p9		IF	altcharset
+#		%t^N		THEN	OUTPUT	^N
+#		%e^O		ELSE	OUTPUT	^O
+#		%;		ENDIF
+# sgr0: Everything is turned off (including alternate character set), since
+#	there is no way of knowing what it is that the program wants turned
+#	off.
+# smul: The "underline" attribute is reconfigurable to an overline or
+#	strikethru, or (as done with \E[;3+} in is2=), to a line at the true
+#	bottom of the character cell.  This was done to allow for more readable
+#	underlined characters, and to be able to distinguish between an
+#	underlined space, an underscore, and an underlined underscore.
+# xenl: Terminal can be configured to not need this, but this "glitch"
+#	behavior is actually preferable with autowrap terminals.
+# Parameters kf31= thru kf53= actually contain the strings sent by the shifted
+# Fkeys.  There are no parameters for shifted Fkeys in terminfo.  The is2
+# string modifies the 'O' in kf43 to kf46 to a '$'.
+# kcbt was originally ^I but redefined in is2=.
+# kHOM was \E[H originally but redefined in is2=, as were a number of
+# other keys.
+# kDC was originally \177 but redefined in is2=.
+# kbs:	Shift was also ^H originally but redefined as \E$^H in is2=.
+# tsl:	Go to window 2, then do an hpa=.
+#------- flash=\E[8;3!}^G\E[3;3!}
+#------- flash=\E[?5h$<100>\E[?5l
+# There are two ways to flash the screen, both of which have their drawbacks. 
+# The first is to set the bell mode to video, transmit a bell character, and
+# set the bell mode back - but to what?  There is no way of knowing what the
+# user's old bell setting was before we messed with it.  Worse, the command to
+# set the bell mode also sets the key click volume, and there is no way to say
+# "leave that alone", or to know what it's set to, either.
+# The second way to do a flash is to set the screen to inverse video, pad for a
+# tenth of a second, and set it back - but like before, there's no way to know
+# that the screen wasn't ALREADY in inverse video, or that the user may prefer
+# it that way.  The point is moot anyway, since vi (and probably other
+# programs) assume that by defining flash=, you want the computer to use it
+# INSTEAD of bel=, rather than as a secondary type of signal.
+#------- cvvis=\E[+{
+# The is the power on setting, which is also as visible as the cursor
+# gets.
+#-------  wind=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%d;%p3%{1}%+%d;%p4%{1}%+%dw
+# Windowing is possible, but not defined here because it is also used to
+# emulate status line functions.  Allowing a program to set a window could
+# clobber the status line or render it unusable.  There is additional memory,
+# but screen scroll functions are destructive and do not make use of it.
+#-------   dim=			Not available in power on mode.
+# You have a choice of defining low intensity characters as "half bright" and
+# high intensity as "normal", or defining low as "normal" and high as "bold". 
+# No matter which you choose, only one of either "half bright" or "bold" is
+# available at any time, so taking the time to override the default is
+# pointless.
+#-------  prot=\E[=0;99m
+# Not defined, because it appears to have some strange side effects.
+#------- pfkey=%?%p1%{24}%<%p1%{30}%>%p1%{54}%<%A%O%t\E[%p1%du\177%p2%s\177%;
+#------- pfloc=%?%p1%{24}%<%p1%{30}%>%p1%{54}%<%A%O%t\E[%p1%du\177%p2%s\177%;
+#-------   pfx=%?%p1%{24}%<%p1%{30}%>%p1%{54}%<%A%O%t\E[%p1%d;1u\177%p2%s\177%;
+#	 Available, but making them available to programs is inadvisable.
+#	 The code to do this is:
+#		%?%p1%{24}%<	IF	((key; 24) <;
+#		%p1%{30}%>		 ((key; 30) >;
+#		%p1%{54}%<		  (key; 54) <
+#		%A			 ) AND
+#		%O		  	) OR
+#	 [that is, "IF key < 24 OR (key > 30 AND key < 54)",]
+#		%t\E[		THEN	OUTPUT	\E[
+#		%p1%d			OUTPUT	(key) as decimal
+#	 [next line applies to pfx only]
+#		;1			OUTPUT	;1
+#		u			OUTPUT	u
+#		\177			OUTPUT	\177
+#		%p2%s			OUTPUT	(string) as string
+#		\177			OUTPUT	\177
+#	 [DEL chosen as delimiter, but could be any character]
+#	 [implied:		ELSE	do nothing]
+#		%;		ENDIF
+#-------   rs2=
+# Not defined since anything it might do could be done faster and easier with
+# either Meta-Shift-Reset or the main power switch.
+#-------  smkx=\E[1!z
+#-------  rmkx=\E[!z
+# These sequences apply to the cursor and setup keys only, not to the
+# numeric keypad.  But it doesn't matter anyway, since making these
+# available to programs is inadvisable.
+# For the key definitions below, all sequences beginning with \E$ are
+# custom and programmed into the terminal via is2.  \E$ also has no
+# meaning to any other terminal.
+#------- cmdch=\E[;%p1%d!t
+# Available, but making it available to programs is inadvisable.
+#------- smxon=\E[1*q
+# Available, but making it available to programs is inadvisable.
+# Terminal will send XON/XOFF on buffer overflow.
+#------- rmxon=\E[*q
+# Available, but making it available to programs is inadvisable.
+# Terminal will not notify on buffer overflow.
+#-------   smm=\E[2+x
+#-------   rmm=\E[+x
+# Available, but making them available to programs is inadvisable.
+# Printing:
+#	 It's not made clear in the manuals, but based on other ansi/vt type
+#	 terminals, it's a good guess that this terminal is capable of both
+#	 "transparent print" (which doesn't copy data to the screen, and
+#	 therefore needs mc5i: specified to say so) and "auxilliary print"
+#	 (which does duplicate printed data on the screen, in which case mc4=
+#	 and mc5= should use the \E[?4i and \E[?5i strings instead).
+# (esr: I have commented out is2 in order to avoid overflowing termcap's
+# 1024-byte limit.)
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+hds200|Human Designed Systems HDS200:\
+	:am:bw:es:hs:km:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:lm#0:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:\
+	:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:\
+	:ds=\E[2\041w\r\n\E[\041w:ei=\E[4l:fs=\E[\041w:ho=\E[H:\
+	:im=\E[4h:k1=^\001\r:k2=^\002\r:k3=^\003\r:k4=^\004\r:\
+	:k5=^\005\r:k6=^\006\r:k7=^\007\r:k8=^\008\r:k9=^\009\r:\
+	:kD=\177:kN=\E[U:kP=\E[V:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=\E[D:ll=\E[H\E[A:mb=\E[0;5m:\
+	:md=\E[0;1m:me=\E[m\017:mr=\E[0;7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\E[E:rc=\E8:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[m\017:sf=\ED:so=\E[0;1;7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:\
+	:ta=^I:ts=\E[2\041w\E[%i%p1%dG:ue=\E[m\017:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[0;4m:ve=\E[+{:vi=\E[6+{:
+# :ta: through :ce: included to specify padding needed in raw mode.
+# (avt-ns: added empty <acsc> to suppress a tic warning --esr)
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+avt-ns|concept avt no status line:\
+	:am:bs:eo:mi:ul:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:lm#192:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=\016:al=\E[L:as=\017:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[2g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ei=\E4l:\
+	:ho=\E[H:i1=\E[=103l\E[=205l:ic=\E[@:im=\E1:ip=:\
+	:is=\E[1*q\E[2\041t\E[7\041t\E[=4;101;119;122l\E[=107;118;207h\E)1\E[1Q\EW\E[\041y\E[\041z\E>\E[0\0720\07232\041r\E[0*w\E[w\E2\r\n\E[2;27\041t:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kD=\E^B\r:kI=\E^A\r:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\E[B:ke=\E[\041z\E[0;2u:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:\
+	:ks=\E[1\041z\E[0;3u:ku=\E[A:le=^H:ll=\E[24H:mb=\E[5m:\
+	:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mh=\E[1\041{:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[7\041{:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=\011:\
+	:te=\E[w\E2\r\n:ti=\E[=4l\E[1;24w\E2\r:ue=\E[4\041{:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[=119l:vs=\E[=119h:
+avt-rv-ns|concept avt in reverse video mode/no status line:\
+	:i1=\E[=103l\E[=205h:vb=\E[=205l\E[=205h:\
+	:tc=avt-ns:
+avt-w-ns|concept avt in 132 column mode/no status line:\
+	:i1=\E[=103h\E[=205l:ti=\E[H\E[1;24;1;132w:\
+	:tc=avt-ns:
+avt-w-rv-ns|concept avt in 132 column mode/no status line/reverse video:\
+	:i1=\E[=103h\E[=205h:ti=\E[H\E[1;24;1;132w:\
+	:vb=\E[=205l\E[=205h:tc=avt-ns:
+# Concept AVT with status line. We get the status line using the
+# "Background status line" feature of the terminal. We swipe the
+# first line of memory in window 2 for the status line, keeping
+# 191 lines of memory and 24 screen lines for regular use.
+# The first line is used instead of the last so that this works
+# on both 4 and 8 page AVTs. (Note the lm#191 or 192 - this
+# assumes an 8 page AVT but lm isn't currently used anywhere.)
+avt+s|concept avt status line changes:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:lm#191:\
+	:ds=\E[0*w:fs=\E[1;1\041w:\
+	:i2=\E[2w\E[2\041w\E[1;1;1;80w\E[H\E[2*w\E[1\041w\E2\r\n:\
+	:te=\E[2w\E2\r\n:ti=\E[2;25w\E2\r:\
+	:ts=\E[2;1\041w\E[;%p1%dH\E[2K:
+avt|avt-s|concept-avt|avt w/80 columns:\
+	:tc=avt+s:tc=avt-ns:
+avt-rv|avt-rv-s|avt reverse video w/sl:\
+	:i1=\E[=103l\E[=205h:vb=\E[=205l\E[=205h:tc=avt+s:tc=avt-ns:
+avt-w|avt-w-s|concept avt 132 cols+status:\
+	:i1=\E[=103h\E[=205l:ti=\E[H\E[1;24;1;132w:tc=avt+s:tc=avt-ns:
+avt-w-rv|avt-w-rv-s|avt wide+status+rv:\
+	:i1=\E[=103h\E[=205h:ti=\E[H\E[1;24;1;132w:\
+	:vb=\E[=205l\E[=205h:tc=avt+s:\
+	:tc=avt-ns:
+#### Contel Business Systems. 
+# Contel c300 and c320 terminals. 
+contel300|contel320|c300|Contel Business Systems C-300 or C-320:\
+	:am:in:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#1:\
+	:al=\EL:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EI:cl=\EK:cm=\EX%+ \EY%+ :cr=^M:\
+	:ct=\E3:dc=\EO:dl=\EM:do=^J:ei=:ho=\EH:ic=\EN:im=:ip=:k0=\ERJ:\
+	:k1=\ERA:k2=\ERB:k3=\ERC:k4=\ERD:k5=\ERE:k6=\ERF:k7=\ERG:\
+	:k8=\ERH:k9=\ERI:kb=^H:le=^H:ll=\EH\EA:me=\E\041\0:nd=\EC:\
+	:se=\E\041\0:sf=^J:so=\E\041\r:st=\E1:up=\EA:\
+	:vb=\020\002\020\003:
+# Contel c301 and c321 terminals.
+contel301|contel321|c301|c321|Contel Business Systems C-301 or C-321:\
+	:ei=:ic@:im=:ip@:se=\E\041\0:so=\E\041\r:vb@:\
+	:tc=contel300:
+#### Data General (dg)
+# According to James Carlson <carlson@xylogics.com> writing in January 1995,
+# the terminals group at Data General was shut down in 1991; all these
+# terminals have thus been discontinued.
+# DG terminals have function keys that respond to the SHIFT and CTRL keys,
+# e.g., SHIFT-F1 generates a different code from F1.  To number the keys
+# sequentially, first the unmodified key codes are listed as F1 through F15. 
+# Then their SHIFT versions are listed as F16 through F30, their CTRL versions
+# are listed as F31 through F45, and their CTRL-SHIFT versions are listed as
+# F46 through F60.  This is done in the private "includes" below whose names
+# start with "dgkeys+".
+# DG terminals generally support 8 bit characters.  For each of these terminals
+# two descriptions are supplied:
+#	1) A default description for 8 bits/character communications, which
+#	   uses the default DG international character set and keyboard codes.
+#	2) A description with suffix "-7b" for 7 bits/character communications.
+#	   This description must use the NON-DEFAULT native keyboard language.
+# Unmodified fkeys (kf1-kf11), Shift fkeys (kf12-kf22), Ctrl fkeys (kf23-kf33),
+# Ctrl/Shift fdkeys (kf34-kf44).
+# Most of these entries are `official' and came from DG.  Others are marked.
+dgkeys+8b|Private entry describing DG terminal 8-bit ANSI mode special keys:\
+	:%9=\233i:F1=\233011z:F2=\233012z:F3=\233013z:\
+	:F4=\233014z:F5=\233000z:F6=\233101z:F7=\233102z:\
+	:F8=\233103z:F9=\233104z:FA=\233105z:FB=\233106z:\
+	:FC=\233107z:FD=\233108z:FE=\233109z:FF=\233110z:\
+	:FG=\233111z:FH=\233112z:FI=\233113z:FJ=\233114z:\
+	:FK=\233100z:FL=\233201z:FM=\233202z:FN=\233203z:\
+	:FO=\233204z:FP=\233205z:FQ=\233206z:FR=\233207z:\
+	:FS=\233208z:FT=\233209z:FU=\233210z:FV=\233211z:\
+	:FW=\233212z:FX=\233213z:FY=\233214z:FZ=\233200z:\
+	:Fa=\233301z:Fb=\233302z:Fc=\233303z:Fd=\233304z:\
+	:Fe=\233305z:Ff=\233306z:Fg=\233307z:Fh=\233308z:\
+	:Fi=\233309z:Fj=\233310z:Fk=\233311z:Fl=\233312z:\
+	:Fm=\233313z:Fn=\233314z:Fo=\233300z:K1=\233020z:\
+	:K3=\233021z:K4=\233022z:K5=\233023z:k1=\233001z:\
+	:k2=\233002z:k3=\233003z:k4=\233004z:k5=\233005z:\
+	:k6=\233006z:k7=\233007z:k8=\233008z:k9=\233009z:\
+	:k;=\233010z:kC=\2332J:kE=\233K:kd=\233B:kh=\233H:\
+	:kl=\233D:kr=\233C:ku=\233A:
+dgkeys+7b|Private entry describing DG terminal 7-bit ANSI mode special keys:\
+	:%9=\E[i:F1=\E[011z:F2=\E[012z:F3=\E[013z:F4=\E[014z:\
+	:F5=\E[000z:F6=\E[101z:F7=\E[102z:F8=\E[103z:F9=\E[104z:\
+	:FA=\E[105z:FB=\E[106z:FC=\E[107z:FD=\E[108z:FE=\E[109z:\
+	:FF=\E[110z:FG=\E[111z:FH=\E[112z:FI=\E[113z:FJ=\E[114z:\
+	:FK=\E[100z:FL=\E[201z:FM=\E[202z:FN=\E[203z:FO=\E[204z:\
+	:FP=\E[205z:FQ=\E[206z:FR=\E[207z:FS=\E[208z:FT=\E[209z:\
+	:FU=\E[210z:FV=\E[211z:FW=\E[212z:FX=\E[213z:FY=\E[214z:\
+	:FZ=\E[200z:Fa=\E[301z:Fb=\E[302z:Fc=\E[303z:Fd=\E[304z:\
+	:Fe=\E[305z:Ff=\E[306z:Fg=\E[307z:Fh=\E[308z:Fi=\E[309z:\
+	:Fj=\E[310z:Fk=\E[311z:Fl=\E[312z:Fm=\E[313z:Fn=\E[314z:\
+	:Fo=\E[300z:K1=\E[020z:K3=\E[021z:K4=\E[022z:K5=\E[023z:\
+	:k1=\E[001z:k2=\E[002z:k3=\E[003z:k4=\E[004z:k5=\E[005z:\
+	:k6=\E[006z:k7=\E[007z:k8=\E[008z:k9=\E[009z:k;=\E[010z:\
+	:kC=\E[2J:kE=\E[K:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:
+dgkeys+11|Private entry describing 11 minimal-subset DG mode special keys:\
+	:F1=^^{:F2=^^a:F3=^^b:F4=^^c:F5=^^d:F6=^^e:F7=^^f:F8=^^g:\
+	:F9=^^h:FA=^^i:FB=^^j:FC=^^k:FD=^^1:FE=^^2:FF=^^3:FG=^^4:\
+	:FH=^^5:FI=^^6:FJ=^^7:FK=^^8:FL=^^9:FM=^^\072:FN=^^;:\
+	:FO=^^\041:FP=^^":FQ=^^#:FR=^^$:FS=^^%:FT=^^&:FU=^^':FV=^^(:\
+	:FW=^^):FX=^^*:FY=^^+:k1=^^q:k2=^^r:k3=^^s:k4=^^t:k5=^^u:\
+	:k6=^^v:k7=^^w:k8=^^x:k9=^^y:k;=^^z:kC=^L:kE=^K:kd=^Z:kh=^H:\
+	:kl=^Y:kr=^X:ku=^W:
+dgkeys+15|Private entry describing 15 DG mode special keys:\
+	:#2=^^^H:#4=^^^Y:%i=^^^X:F1=^^{:F2=^^|:F3=^^}:F4=^^~:F5=^^p:\
+	:F6=^^a:F7=^^b:F8=^^c:F9=^^d:FA=^^e:FB=^^f:FC=^^g:FD=^^h:\
+	:FE=^^i:FF=^^j:FG=^^k:FH=^^l:FI=^^m:FJ=^^n:FK=^^`:FL=^^1:\
+	:FM=^^2:FN=^^3:FO=^^4:FP=^^5:FQ=^^6:FR=^^7:FS=^^8:FT=^^9:\
+	:FU=^^\072:FV=^^;:FW=^^<:FX=^^=:FY=^^>:FZ=^^0:Fa=^^\041:\
+	:Fb=^^":Fc=^^#:Fd=^^$:Fe=^^%:Ff=^^&:Fg=^^':Fh=^^(:Fi=^^):\
+	:Fj=^^*:Fk=^^+:Fl=^^\054:Fm=^^-:Fn=^^.:Fo=^^ :K1=^^\:K3=^^]:\
+	:K4=^^\136:K5=^^_:k1=^^q:k2=^^r:k3=^^s:k4=^^t:k5=^^u:k6=^^v:\
+	:k7=^^w:k8=^^x:k9=^^y:k;=^^z:
+# Data General color terminals use the "Tektronix" color model.  The total
+# number of colors varies with the terminal model, as does support for
+# attributes used in conjunction with color.
+# Removed u7, u8 definitions since they conflict with tack:
+#		Preserve user-defined colors in at least some cases.
+#	u7=^^Fh,
+#		Default is ACM mode.
+#	u8=^^F}20^^Fi^^F}21,
+dgunix+fixed|Fixed color info for DG D430C terminals in DG-UNIX mode:\
+	:ut:\
+	:Co#16:NC#53:pa#256:\
+	:AB=\036B%p1%?%p1%{8}%<%t%{2}%&%?%p1%{1}%&%t%{4}%|%;%?%p1%{4}%&%t%{1}%|%;%;%{48}%+%c:\
+	:AF=\036A%p1%?%p1%{8}%<%t%{2}%&%?%p1%{1}%&%t%{4}%|%;%?%p1%{4}%&%t%{1}%|%;%;%{48}%+%c:\
+	:Sb=\036B%+0:Sf=\036A%+0:op=\036Ad\036Bd:
+dg+fixed|Fixed color info for DG D430C terminals in DG mode:\
+	:tc=dgunix+fixed:
+# Video attributes are coordinated using static variables set by "sgr", then
+# checked by "op", "seta[bf]", and "set[bf]" to refresh the attribute settings. 
+# (D=dim, U=underline, B=blink, R=reverse.)
+dg+color8|Color info for Data General D220 and D230C terminals in ANSI mode:\
+	:ut:\
+	:Co#8:NC#16:pa#64:\
+	:AB=\E[4%p1%d%?%gD%t;2%;%?%gU%t;4%;%?%gB%t;5%;%?%gR%t;7%;m:\
+	:AF=\E[3%p1%d%?%gD%t;2%;%?%gU%t;4%;%?%gB%t;5%;%?%gR%t;7%;m:\
+	:..Sb=\E[4%p1%{2}%&%?%p1%{1}%&%t%{4}%|%;%?%p1%{4}%&%t%{1}%|%;%d%?%gD%t;2%;%?%gU%t;4%;%?%gB%t;5%;%?%gR%t;7%;m:\
+	:..Sf=\E[3%p1%{2}%&%?%p1%{1}%&%t%{4}%|%;%?%p1%{4}%&%t%{1}%|%;%d%?%gD%t;2%;%?%gU%t;4%;%?%gB%t;5%;%?%gR%t;7%;m:\
+	:op=\E[%?%gD%t2;%;%?%gU%t4;%;%?%gB%t5;%;%?%gR%t7;%;m:
+dg+color|Color info for Data General D470C terminals in ANSI mode:\
+	:Co#16:NC#53:pa#256:\
+	:AB=\E[%?%p1%{8}%<%t4%p1%e=%p1%{2}%&%?%p1%{1}%&%t%{4}%|%;%?%p1%{4}%&%t%{1}%|%;%;%d%?%gD%t;2%;%?%gU%t;4%;%?%gB%t;5%;%?%gR%t;7%;m:\
+	:AF=\E[%?%p1%{8}%<%t3%p1%e<%p1%{2}%&%?%p1%{1}%&%t%{4}%|%;%?%p1%{4}%&%t%{1}%|%;%;%d%?%gD%t;2%;%?%gU%t;4%;%?%gB%t;5%;%?%gR%t;7%;m:\
+	:..Sb=\E[%?%p1%{8}%<%t4%e=%;%p1%{2}%&%?%p1%{1}%&%t%{4}%|%;%?%p1%{4}%&%t%{1}%|%;%d%?%gD%t;2%;%?%gU%t;4%;%?%gB%t;5%;%?%gR%t;7%;m:\
+	:..Sf=\E[%?%p1%{8}%<%t3%e<%;%p1%{2}%&%?%p1%{1}%&%t%{4}%|%;%?%p1%{4}%&%t%{1}%|%;%d%?%gD%t;2%;%?%gU%t;4%;%?%gB%t;5%;%?%gR%t;7%;m:\
+	:tc=dg+color8:
+dgmode+color8|Color info for Data General D220/D230C terminals in DG mode:\
+	:ut:\
+	:Co#8:NC#16:pa#64:\
+	:AB=\036B%p1%{2}%&%?%p1%{1}%&%t%{4}%|%;%?%p1%{4}%&%t%{1}%|%;%{48}%+%c:\
+	:AF=\036A%p1%{2}%&%?%p1%{1}%&%t%{4}%|%;%?%p1%{4}%&%t%{1}%|%;%{48}%+%c:\
+	:Sb=\036B%+0:Sf=\036A%+0:op=\036Ad\036Bd:
+dgmode+color|Color info for Data General D470C terminals in DG mode:\
+	:Co#16:pa#256:\
+	:AB=\036B%p1%?%p1%{8}%<%t%{2}%&%?%p1%{1}%&%t%{4}%|%;%?%p1%{4}%&%t%{1}%|%;%;%{48}%+%c:\
+	:AF=\036A%p1%?%p1%{8}%<%t%{2}%&%?%p1%{1}%&%t%{4}%|%;%?%p1%{4}%&%t%{1}%|%;%;%{48}%+%c:\
+	:tc=dgmode+color8:
+dgunix+ccc|Configurable color info for DG D430C terminals in DG-UNIX mode:\
+	:cc:ut:\
+	:Co#52:NC#53:pa#26:\
+	:..Ip=\036RG0%p1%02X%p2%{256}%*%{1001}%/%02X%p3%{256}%*%{1001}%/%02X%p4%{256}%*%{1001}%/%02X%p5%{256}%*%{1001}%/%02X%p6%{256}%*%{1001}%/%02X%p7%{256}%*%{1001}%/%02X:\
+	:oc=\036RG01A00FF00000000\036RG01B00000000FF00\036RG01C007F00000000\036RG01D000000007F00:\
+	:op=\036RF4831A\036RF2E31B\036RF1D31C\036RF3F31D:\
+	:..sp=\036RG2%p1%02X:
+# Colors are in the order:  normal, reverse, dim, dim + reverse.
+dg+ccc|Configurable color info for DG D430C terminals in DG mode:\
+	:cc:ut:\
+	:Co#52:NC#53:pa#26:\
+	:..Ip=\036RG0%p1%{16}%/%{48}%+%c%p1%{16}%m%{48}%+%c%p2%{256}%*%{1001}%/%Pa%ga%{16}%/%{48}%+%c%ga%{16}%m%{48}%+%c%p3%{256}%*%{1001}%/%Pa%ga%{16}%/%{48}%+%c%ga%{16}%m%{48}%+%c%p4%{256}%*%{1001}%/%Pa%ga%{16}%/%{48}%+%c%ga%{16}%m%{48}%+%c%p5%{256}%*%{1001}%/%Pa%ga%{16}%/%{48}%+%c%ga%{16}%m%{48}%+%c%p6%{256}%*%{1001}%/%Pa%ga%{16}%/%{48}%+%c%ga%{16}%m%{48}%+%c%p7%{256}%*%{1001}%/%Pa%ga%{16}%/%{48}%+%c%ga%{16}%m%{48}%+%c:\
+	:oc=\036RG01\07200??00000000\036RG01;00000000??00\036RG01<007?00000000\036RG01=000000007?00:\
+	:op=\036RF4831\072\036RF2>31;\036RF1=31<\036RF3?31=:\
+	:sp=\036RG2%+^P%+^P:
+# The generic DG terminal type (an 8-bit-clean subset of the 6053)
+# Initialization string 1 sets:
+#	^R		- vertical scrolling enabled
+#	^C		- blinking enabled
+dg-generic|Generic Data General terminal in DG mode:\
+	:NL:am:bw:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:ce=^K:cl=^L:cm=\020%r%.%.:cr=^M:do=^Z:i1=^R^C:le=^Y:\
+	:mb=^N:me=^O^U^]:mh=^\:nd=^X:nw=^J:ps=^Q:se=^]:sf=^J:so=^\:\
+	:ue=^U:up=^W:us=^T:\
+	:tc=dgkeys+11:
+# (Some performance can be gained over the generic DG terminal type)
+dg6053|6053|6053-dg|dg605x|605x|605x-dg|d2|d2-dg|Data General DASHER 6053:\
+	:xo@:\
+	:ho=^P\0\0:ll=^P\0^W:tc=dg-generic:
+# Like 6053, but adds reverse video and more keypad and function keys.
+d200|d200-dg|Data General DASHER D200:\
+	:ho@:ll@:md=^^D^T:me=\017\025\035\036E:mr=^^D:\
+	:..sa=\036%?%p1%p3%|%p6%|%tD%eE%;%?%p2%p6%|%t\024%e\025%;%?%p4%t\016%e\017%;%?%p1%p5%|%t\034%e\035%;:\
+	:se=^^E^]:so=^^D^\:\
+	:tc=dgkeys+15:tc=dg6053:
+# DASHER D210 series terminals in ANSI mode.
+#	Reverse video, no insert/delete character/line, 7 bits/character only.
+# Initialization string 1 sets:
+#	<0		- scrolling enabled
+#	<1		- blink enabled
+#	<4		- print characters regardless of attributes
+d210|d214|Data General DASHER D210 series:\
+	:NL:am:bw:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:bl=^G:cb=\E[1K:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:do=\E[B:\
+	:ho=\E[H:i1=\E[<0;<1;<4l:le=^H:ll=\E[H\E[A:mb=\E[5m:\
+	:md=\E[4;7m:me=\E[m:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=^J:\
+	:..sa=\E[%?%p1%p3%|%p6%|%t7;%;%?%p4%t5;%;%?%p2%p6%|%t4;%;%?%p1%p5%|%t2;%;m:\
+	:se=\E[m:sf=^J:so=\E[2;7m:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:tc=dgkeys+7b:
+# DASHER D210 series terminals in DG mode.
+# Like D200, but adds clear to end-of-screen and needs XON/XOFF.
+d210-dg|d214-dg|Data General DASHER D210 series in DG mode:\
+	:xo:\
+	:cd=^^FF:tc=d200:
+# DASHER D211 series terminals in ANSI mode.
+# Like the D210, but with 8-bit characters and local printer support.
+# Initialization string 2 sets:
+#	\E[2;1;1;1v
+#		2;1	- 8 bit operations
+#		1;1	- 8 bit (international) keyboard language
+#	\E(B		- default primary character set (U.S. ASCII)
+#	\E)4		- default secondary character set (international)
+#	^O		- primary character set
+d211|d215|Data General DASHER D211 series:\
+	:km:\
+	:is=\E[2;1;1;1v\E(B\E)4\017:ps=\E[i:tc=dgkeys+8b:tc=d210:
+# Initialization string 2 sets:
+#	\E[2;0;1;0v
+#		2;0	- 7 bit operations
+#		1;0	- 7 bit (native) keyboard language
+#	\E(0		- default character set (the keyboard native language)
+#	^O		- primary character set
+d211-7b|d215-7b|Data General DASHER D211 series in 7 bit mode:\
+	:km@:\
+	:is=\E[2;0;1;0v\E(0\017:tc=dgkeys+7b:tc=d211:
+# Like the D210 series, but adds support for 8-bit characters.
+# Reset string 2 sets:
+#	^^N	- secondary character set
+#	^^FS0>	- 8 bit international character set
+#	^^O	- primary character set
+#	^^FS00	- default character set (matching the native keyboard language)
+d211-dg|d215-dg|Data General DASHER D211 series in DG mode:\
+	:km:\
+	:r2=\036N\036FS0>\036O\036FS00:tc=d210-dg:
+d216-dg|d216e-dg|d216+dg|d216e+dg|d217-dg|Data General DASHER D216 series in DG mode:\
+	:tc=d211-dg:
+# Enhanced DG mode with changes to be more UNIX compatible.
+d216-unix|d216e-unix|d216+|d216e+|Data General DASHER D216+ in DG-UNIX mode:\
+	:5i:\
+	:it#8:\
+	:#2=^^Pf:#4=^^Pd:%9=^^P0:%f=^^P1:%i=^^Pc:\
+	:ac=a\177j$k"l\041m#n)q+t'u&v(w%x*:ae=\036FS00:\
+	:as=\036FS11:ce=^^PE:ch=\020%.\177:cl=^^PH:cv=\020\177%.:\
+	:do=^^PB:ho=^^PF:i1=\022\003\036P@1:i2=\036Fz0:kC=^^PH:\
+	:kE=^^PE:kd=^^PB:kh=^^PF:kl=^^PD:kr=^^PC:ku=^^PA:le=^^PD:\
+	:mb=^^PI:me=\036PJ\025\035\036E\036FS00:nd=^^PC:pf=^^Fa:\
+	:po=^^F`:ps=\036F?9:r2=\036N\036FS0E\036O\036FS00:\
+	:..sa=\036%?%p1%p3%|%p6%|%tD%eE%;%?%p2%p6%|%t\024%e\025%;\036P%?%p4%tI%eJ%;%?%p1%p5%|%t\034%e\035%;\036FS%?%p9%t11%e00%;:\
+	:sf=^J:ta=^I:up=^^PA:\
+	:tc=dgkeys+15:tc=d216-dg:
+d216-unix-25|d216+25|Data General DASHER D216+ in DG-UNIX mode with 25 lines:\
+	:li#25:\
+	:i2=\036Fz2:tc=d216+:
+d217-unix|Data General DASHER D217 in DG-UNIX mode:\
+	:tc=d216-unix:
+d217-unix-25|Data General DASHER D217 in DG-UNIX mode with 25 lines:\
+	:tc=d216-unix-25:
+# DASHER D220 color terminal in ANSI mode.
+# Like the D470C but with fewer colors and screen editing features.
+# Initialization string 1 sets:
+#	\E[<0;<1;<4l
+#		<0	- scrolling enabled
+#		<1	- blink enabled
+#		<4	- print characters regardless of attributes
+#	\E[m		- all attributes off
+# Reset string 1 sets:
+#	\Ec		- initial mode defaults (RIS)
+d220|Data General DASHER D220:\
+	:5i@:\
+	:AL@:DL@:al@:dl@:i1=\E[<0;<1;<4l\E[m:pf@:po@:r1=\Ec:tc=dg+color8:tc=d470c:
+d220-7b|Data General DASHER D220 in 7 bit mode:\
+	:5i@:\
+	:AL@:DL@:al@:dl@:i1=\E[<0;<1;<4l\E[m:pf@:po@:r1=\Ec:tc=dg+color8:tc=d470c-7b:
+# Initialization string 3 sets:
+#	- default cursor (solid rectangle)
+# Reset string 2 sets:
+#	^^N     - secondary character set
+#	^^FS0>  - 8 bit international character set
+#	^^O     - primary character set
+#       ^^FS00  - default character set (matching the native keyboard language)
+d220-dg|Data General DASHER D220 color terminal in DG mode:\
+	:5i@:\
+	:al@:dl@:ho@:i2=\036FQ2:is@:ll@:pf@:po@:r1@:\
+	:r2=\036N\036FS0>\036O\036FS00:tc=dgmode+color8:\
+	:tc=d470c-dg:
+# DASHER D230C color terminal in ANSI mode.
+# Like the D220 but with minor ANSI compatibility improvements.
+d230c|d230|Data General DASHER D230C:\
+	:ke=\E[2;1v:ks=\E[2;0v:mb=\E[5;50m:md=\E[4;7;50m:\
+	:me=\E[50m\E)4\017:mh=\E[2;50m:mr=\E[7;50m:nw=^M^J:\
+	:..sa=\E[50%?%p1%p3%|%p6%|%t;7%{1}%e%{0}%;%PR%?%p4%t;5%{1}%e%{0}%;%PB%?%p2%p6%|%t;4%{1}%e%{0}%;%PU%?%p1%p5%|%t;2%{1}%e%{0}%;%PDm\E)%?%p9%t6\016%e4\017%;:\
+	:se=\E[50m:so=\E[2;7;50m:ue=\E[50m:us=\E[4;50m:\
+	:tc=dgkeys+7b:tc=d220:
+d230c-dg|d230-dg|Data General DASHER D230C in DG mode:\
+	:tc=d220-dg:
+# DASHER D400/D450 series terminals.
+# These add intelligent features like insert/delete to the D200 series.
+# Initialization string 2 sets:
+#	^^FQ2		- default cursor (solid rectangle)
+#	^^FW		- character protection disabled
+#	^^FJ		- normal (80 column) mode
+#	^^F\^		- horizontal scrolling enabled (for alignment)
+#	^^FX004?	- margins at columns 0 and 79
+#	^^F]		- horizontal scrolling disabled
+#	^^O		- primary character set
+#	^^FS00		- default character set (the keyboard native language)
+#	- (should reset scrolling regions, but that glitches the screen)
+# Reset string 1 sets:
+#	^^FA		- all terminal defaults except scroll rate
+# Reset string 2 sets:
+#	^^F]		- horizontal scrolling disabled
+#	^^FT0		- jump scrolling
+d400|d400-dg|d450|d450-dg|Data General DASHER D400/D450 series:\
+	:5i:\
+	:ac=j$k"l\041m#n)q+t'u&v(w%x*:ae=^^O:al=^^FH:as=^^N:\
+	:ch=\020%.\177:cv=\020\177%.:dc=^^K:dl=^^FI:\
+	:eA=\036N\036FS11\036O:ei=:ho=^^FG:ic=^^J:im=:\
+	:is=\036FQ2\036FW\036FJ\036F\136\036FX004?\036F]\036O\036FS00:\
+	:ll=\036FG\027:me=\017\025\035\036E\036O:pf=^^Fa:\
+	:po=^^F`:r1=^^FA:r2=\036F]\036FT0:\
+	:..sa=\036%?%p1%p3%|%p6%|%tD%eE%;%?%p2%p6%|%t\024%e\025%;%?%p4%t\016%e\017%;%?%p1%p5%|%t\034%e\035%;\036%?%p9%tN%eO%;:\
+	:sr=^^I:ve=\036FQ2:vi=\036FQ0:\
+	:tc=d210-dg:
+# DASHER D410/D460 series terminals in ANSI mode.
+# These add a large number of intelligent terminal features.
+# Initialization string 1 sets:
+#	\E[<0;<1;<2;<4l
+#		<0	- scrolling enabled
+#		<1	- blink enabled
+#		<2	- horizontal scrolling enabled (for alignment)
+#		<4	- print characters regardless of attributes
+#	\E[5;0v		- normal (80 column) mode
+#	\E[1;1;80w	- margins at columns 1 and 80
+#	\E[1;6;<2h
+#		1	- print all characters even if protected
+#		6	- character protection disabled
+#		<2	- horizontal scrolling disabled
+#	- (should reset scrolling regions, but that glitches the screen)
+# Initialization string 2 sets:
+#	\E[3;2;2;1;1;1v
+#		3;2	- default cursor (solid rectangle)
+#		2;1	- 8 bit operations
+#		1;1	- international keyboard language
+#	\E(B		- default primary character set (U.S. ASCII)
+#	\E)4		- default secondary character set (international)
+#	^O		- primary character set
+#	Reset string 1 sets:
+#	\Ec		- initial mode defaults (RIS)
+#	\E[<2h		- horizontal scrolling disabled
+# Reset string 2 sets:
+#	\E[4;0;2;1;1;1v
+#		4;0	- jump scrolling
+#		2;1	- 8 bit operations
+#		1;1	- 8 bit (international) keyboard language
+#	\E(B		- default primary character set (U.S. ASCII)
+#	\E)4		- default secondary character set (international)
+d410|d411|d460|d461|Data General DASHER D410/D460 series:\
+	:5i:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:ac=j$k"l\041m#n)q+t'u&v(w%x*:ae=\E)4\017:al=\E[L:\
+	:as=\E)6\016:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:ei=:\
+	:i1=\E[<0;<1;<2;<4l\E[5;0v\E[1;1;80w\E[1;6;<2h:\
+	:ic=\E[@:im=:is=\E[3;2;2;1;1;1v\E(B\E)4\017:\
+	:me=\E[m\E)4\017:pf=\E[4i:po=\E[5i:r1=\Ec\E[<2h:\
+	:r2=\E[4;0;2;1;1;1v\E(B\E)4:\
+	:..sa=\E[%?%p1%p3%|%p6%|%t7;%;%?%p4%t5;%;%?%p2%p6%|%t4;%;%?%p1%p5%|%t2;%;m\E)%?%p9%t6\016%e4\017%;:\
+	:sr=\EM:ve=\E[3;2v:vi=\E[3;0v:\
+	:tc=d211:
+# Initialization string 2 sets:
+#	\E[3;2;2;0;1;0v
+#		3;2	- default cursor (solid rectangle)
+#		2;0	- 7 bit operations
+#		1;0	- 7 bit (native) keyboard language
+#	\E(0		- default character set (the keyboard native language)
+#	^O		- primary character set
+# Reset string 2 sets:
+#	\E[4;0;2;0;1;0v
+#		4;0	- jump scrolling
+#		2;0	- 7 bit operations
+#		1;0	- 7 bit (native) keyboard language
+#	\E(0		- default character set (the keyboard native language)
+d410-7b|d411-7b|d460-7b|d461-7b|Data General DASHER D410/D460 series in 7 bit mode:\
+	:km@:\
+	:ae=^O:as=^N:eA=\E)6:is=\E[3;2;2;0;1;0v\E(0\017:\
+	:me=\E[m\017:r2=\E[4;0;2;0;1;0v\E(0:\
+	:..sa=\E[%?%p1%p3%|%p6%|%t7;%;%?%p4%t5;%;%?%p2%p6%|%t4;%;%?%p1%p5%|%t2;%;m%?%p9%t\016%e\017%;:tc=dgkeys+7b:\
+	:tc=d410:
+d410-dg|d460-dg|d411-dg|d461-dg|Data General DASHER D410/D460 series in DG mode:\
+	:km:\
+	:ae=\036FS00:as=\036FS11:eA@:\
+	:me=\017\025\035\036E\036FS00:\
+	:..sa=\036%?%p1%p3%|%p6%|%tD%eE%;%?%p2%p6%|%t\024%e\025%;%?%p4%t\016%e\017%;%?%p1%p5%|%t\034%e\035%;\036FS%?%p9%t11%e00%;:tc=d400-dg:
+# DASHER D410/D460 series terminals in wide (126 columns) ANSI mode.
+# Initialization string 1 sets:
+#	\E[<0;<1;<2;<4l
+#		<0	- scrolling enabled
+#		<1	- blink enabled
+#		<2	- horizontal scrolling enabled (for alignment)
+#		<4	- print characters regardless of attributes
+#	\E[5;1v		- compressed (135 column) mode
+#	\E[1;1;126	- margins at columns 1 and 126
+#	\E[1;6;<2h
+#		1	- print all characters even if protected
+#		6	- character protection disabled
+#		<2	- horizontal scrolling disabled
+#	- (should reset scrolling regions, but that glitches the screen)
+# Reset string 1 sets:
+#	\Ec		- initial mode defaults (RIS)
+#	\E[5;1v		- compressed (135 column) mode
+#	\E[1;1;126w	- margins at columns 1 and 126
+#	\E[<2h		- horizontal scrolling disabled
+d410-w|d411-w|d460-w|d461-w|Data General DASHER D410/D460 series in wide mode:\
+	:co#126:\
+	:i1=\E[<0;<1;<2;<4l\E[5;1v\E[1;1;126w\E[1;6;<2h:\
+	:r1=\Ec\E[5;1v\E[1;1;126w\E[<2h:\
+	:tc=d410:
+d410-7b-w|d411-7b-w|d460-7b-w|d461-7b-w|Data General DASHER D410/D460 series in wide 7 bit mode:\
+	:co#126:\
+	:i1=\E[<0;<1;<2;<4l\E[5;1v\E[1;1;126w\E[1;6;<2h:\
+	:r1=\Ec\E[5;1v\E[1;1;126w\E[<2h:\
+	:tc=d410-7b:
+d412-dg|d462-dg|d462e-dg|d412+dg|d462+dg|d413-dg|d463-dg|Data General DASHER D412/D462 series in DG mode:\
+	:tc=d410-dg:
+# These add intelligent features like scrolling regions.
+d412-unix|d462-unix|d412+|d462+|Data General DASHER D412+/D462+ series in Unix mode:\
+	:al=^^FH:ch=\036FP%2.2XFF:cl=^^FE:cm=\036FP%r%2.2X%2.2X:\
+	:cv=\036FPFF%2.2X:dc=^^K:dl=^^FI:ei=:ho=^^FG:ic=^^J:im=:\
+	:is=\036FQ5\036FW\036FJ\036F\136\036FX004F\036O\036FS00:\
+	:ll=\036FG\036PA:ps=^A:r1=\036FA\036FT0:r2=\036P@1:\
+	:rc=\036F}11:sc=\036F}10:sr=^^I:ve=\036FQ5:vi=\036FQ0:\
+	:..wi=\036FB%?%p1%t%p1%2.2X0%;%p2%p1%-%{1}%+%2.2X0%?%{23}%p2%>%t000%;\036FX%p3%2.2X%p4%2.2X:\
+	:tc=d216+:
+d412-unix-w|d462-unix-w|d412+w|d462+w|Data General DASHER D412+/D462+ series in wide Unix mode:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:is=\036FQ5\036FW\036FK\036F\136\036FX0083\036O\036FS00:\
+	:r2=\036P@1\036FK\036FX0083:\
+	:..wi=\036FB%?%p1%t%p1%2.2X1%;%p2%p1%-%{1}%+%2.2X1%?%{23}%p2%>%t001%;\036FX%p3%2.2X%p4%2.2X:tc=d412-unix:
+d412-unix-25|d462-unix-25|d412+25|d462+25|Data General DASHER D412+/D462+ series in Unix mode with 25 lines:\
+	:li#25:\
+	:i2=\036Fz2:\
+	:..wi=\036FB%?%p1%t%p1%2.2X0%;%p2%p1%-%{1}%+%2.2X0%?%{24}%p2%>%t000%;\036FX%p3%2.2X%p4%2.2X:tc=d462+:
+d412-unix-s|d462-unix-s|d412+s|d462+s|Data General DASHER D412+/D462+ in Unix mode with status line:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:cl=\036FG\036PH:fs=\036F}01\022:\
+	:i2=\036Fz2\036F}00\036FB180000\036F}01:ll@:\
+	:ts=\036F}00\036FP%p1%2.2X18\036PG:\
+	:..wi=\036FB%?%p1%t%p1%2.2X0%;%p2%p1%-%{1}%+%2.2X0%?%{23}%p2%>%t%{23}%p2%-%2.2X0%;000\036FX%p3%2.2X%p4%2.2X:tc=d462+:
+#	Relative cursor motions are confined to the current window,
+#	which is not what the scrolling region specification expects.
+#	Thus, relative vertical cursor positioning must be deleted.
+d412-unix-sr|d462-unix-sr|d412+sr|d462+sr|Data General DASHER D412+/D462+ in Unix mode with scrolling region:\
+	:..cs=\036FB%?%p1%t%p1%2.2X0%;%p2%p1%-%{1}%+%2.2X0%?%{23}%p2%>%t000%;:\
+	:do@:ll@:up@:\
+	:tc=d462+:
+d413-unix|d463-unix|Data General DASHER D413/D463 series in DG-UNIX mode:\
+	:tc=d412-unix:
+d413-unix-w|d463-unix-w|Data General DASHER D413/D463 series in wide DG-UNIX mode:\
+	:tc=d412-unix-w:
+d413-unix-25|d463-unix-25|Data General DASHER D413/D463 series in DG-UNIX mode with 25 lines:\
+	:tc=d412-unix-25:
+d413-unix-s|d463-unix-s|Data General DASHER D413/D463 in DG-UNIX mode with status line:\
+	:tc=d412-unix-s:
+d413-unix-sr|d463-unix-sr|Data General DASHER D413/D463 in DG-UNIX mode with scrolling region:\
+	:tc=d412-unix-sr:
+d414-unix|d464-unix|Data General D414/D464 in DG-UNIX mode:\
+	:tc=d413-unix:
+d414-unix-w|d464-unix-w|Data General D414/D464 in wide DG-UNIX mode:\
+	:tc=d413-unix-w:
+d414-unix-25|d464-unix-25|Data General D414/D464 in DG-UNIX mode with 25 lines:\
+	:tc=d413-unix-25:
+d414-unix-s|d464-unix-s|Data General D414/D464 in DG-UNIX mode with status line:\
+	:tc=d413-unix-s:
+d414-unix-sr|d464-unix-sr|Data General D414/D464 in DG-UNIX mode with scrolling region:\
+	:tc=d413-unix-sr:
+d430c-dg|d430-dg|Data General D430C in DG mode:\
+	:tc=d413-dg:tc=dg+fixed:
+d430c-dg-ccc|d430-dg-ccc|Data General D430C in DG mode with configurable colors:\
+	:tc=d413-dg:tc=dg+ccc:
+d430c-unix|d430-unix|Data General D430C in DG-UNIX mode:\
+	:tc=d413-unix:tc=dgunix+fixed:
+d430c-unix-w|d430-unix-w|Data General D430C in wide DG-UNIX mode:\
+	:tc=d413-unix-w:tc=dgunix+fixed:
+d430c-unix-25|d430-unix-25|Data General D430C in DG-UNIX mode with 25 lines:\
+	:tc=d413-unix-25:tc=dgunix+fixed:
+d430c-unix-s|d430-unix-s|Data General D430C in DG-UNIX mode with status line:\
+	:tc=d413-unix-s:tc=dgunix+fixed:
+d430c-unix-sr|d430-unix-sr|Data General D430C in DG-UNIX mode with scrolling region:\
+	:tc=d413-unix-sr:tc=dgunix+fixed:
+d430c-unix-ccc|d430-unix-ccc|Data General D430C in DG-UNIX mode with configurable colors:\
+	:tc=d413-unix:tc=dgunix+ccc:
+d430c-unix-w-ccc|d430-unix-w-ccc|Data General D430C in wide DG-UNIX mode with configurable colors:\
+	:tc=d413-unix-w:tc=dgunix+ccc:
+d430c-unix-25-ccc|d430-unix-25-ccc|Data General D430C in DG-UNIX mode with 25 lines and configurable colors:\
+	:tc=d413-unix-25:tc=dgunix+ccc:
+d430c-unix-s-ccc|d430-unix-s-ccc|Data General D430C in DG-UNIX mode with status line and configurable colors:\
+	:tc=d413-unix-s:tc=dgunix+ccc:
+d430c-unix-sr-ccc|d430-unix-sr-ccc|Data General D430C in DG-UNIX mode with scrolling region and configurable colors:\
+	:tc=d413-unix-sr:tc=dgunix+ccc:
+# dg450 from Cornell (not official)
+dg450|dg6134|data general 6134:\
+	:le@:nd=^X:tc=dg200:
+# Not official...
+# Note: lesser Dasher terminals will not work with vi because vi insists upon
+# having a command to move straight down from any position on the bottom line
+# and scroll the screen up, or a direct vertical scroll command.  The 460 and
+# above have both, the D210/211, for instance, has neither.  We must use ANSI
+# mode rather than DG mode because standard UNIX tty drivers assume that ^H is
+# backspace on all terminals.  This is not so in DG mode.
+# (dg460-ansi: removed obsolete ":kn#6:"; also removed ":mu=\EW:", on the
+# grounds that there is no matching ":ml:"
+# fixed garbled ":k9=\E[00\:z:" capability -- esr)
+dg460-ansi|Data General Dasher 460 in ANSI-mode:\
+	:am:bs:ms:ul:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=\E[L:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%2;%2H:dc=\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=:is=^^F@:k0=\E[001z:\
+	:k1=\E[002z:k2=\E[003z:k3=\E[004z:k4=\E[005z:k5=\E[006z:\
+	:k6=\E[007z:k7=\E[008z:k8=\E[009z:k9=\E[010z:kb=\E[D:\
+	:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:l0=f1:l1=f2:l2=f3:\
+	:l3=f4:l4=f5:l5=f6:l6=f7:l7=f8:l9=f10:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:me=\E[m:\
+	:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nl=\ED:se=\E[m:sf=\E[S:so=\E[7m:\
+	:sr=\E[T:ta=^I:ue=\E[05:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+# DASHER D470C color terminal in ANSI mode.
+# Like the D460 but with 16 colors and without a compressed mode.
+# Initialization string 1 sets:
+#	\E[<0;<1;<2;<4l
+#		<0	- scrolling enabled
+#		<1	- blink enabled
+#		<2	- horizontal scrolling enabled (for alignment)
+#		<4	- print characters regardless of attributes
+#	\E[1;1;80w	- margins at columns 1 and 80
+#	\E[1;6;<2h
+#		1	- print all characters even if protected
+#		6	- character protection disabled
+#		<2	- horizontal scrolling disabled
+#	- (should reset scrolling regions, but that glitches the screen)
+d470c|d470|Data General DASHER D470C:\
+	:i1=\E[<0;<1;<2;<4l\E[1;1;80w\E[1;6;<2h:\
+	:..sa=\E[%?%p1%p3%|%p6%|%t7;%{1}%e%{0}%;%PR%?%p4%t5;%{1}%e%{0}%;%PB%?%p2%p6%|%t4;%{1}%e%{0}%;%PU%?%p1%p5%|%t2;%{1}%e%{0}%;%PDm\E)%?%p9%t6\016%e4\017%;:tc=dg+color:\
+	:tc=d460:
+d470c-7b|d470-7b|Data General DASHER D470C in 7 bit mode:\
+	:i1=\E[<0;<1;<2;<4l\E[1;1;80w\E[1;6;<2h:\
+	:..sa=\E[%?%p1%p3%|%p6%|%t7;%{1}%e%{0}%;%PR%?%p4%t5;%{1}%e%{0}%;%PB%?%p2%p6%|%t4;%{1}%e%{0}%;%PU%?%p1%p5%|%t2;%{1}%e%{0}%;%PDm%?%p9%t\016%e\017%;:tc=dg+color:\
+	:tc=d460-7b:
+# Initialization string 2 sets:
+#	^^FQ2		- default cursor (solid rectangle)
+#	^^FW		- character protection disabled
+#	^^F\^		- horizontal scrolling enabled (for alignment)
+#	^^FX004?	- margins at columns 0 and 79
+#	^^F]		- horizontal scrolling disabled
+#	^^O		- primary character set
+#	^^FS00		- default character set (the keyboard native language)
+#	- (should reset scrolling regions, but that glitches the screen)
+d470c-dg|d470-dg|Data General DASHER D470C in DG mode:\
+	:is=\036FQ2\036FW\036F\136\036FX004?\036F]\036O\036FS00:\
+	:tc=dgmode+color:tc=d460-dg:
+# DASHER D555 terminal in ANSI mode.
+# Like a D411, but has an integrated phone.
+d555|Data General DASHER D555:\
+	:tc=d411:
+d555-7b|Data General DASHER D555 in 7-bit mode:\
+	:tc=d411-7b:
+d555-w|Data General DASHER D555 in wide mode:\
+	:tc=d411-w:
+d555-7b-w|Data General DASHER D555 in wide 7-bit mode:\
+	:tc=d411-7b-w:
+d555-dg|Data General DASHER D555 series in DG mode:\
+	:tc=d411-dg:
+# DASHER D577 terminal in ANSI mode.
+# Like a D411, but acts as a keyboard for serial printers ("KSR" modes).
+d577|Data General DASHER D577:\
+	:tc=d411:
+d577-7b|Data General DASHER D577 in 7-bit mode:\
+	:tc=d411-7b:
+d577-w|Data General DASHER D577 in wide mode:\
+	:tc=d411-w:
+d577-7b-w|Data General DASHER D577 in wide 7-bit mode:\
+	:tc=d411-7b-w:
+d577-dg|d578-dg|Data General DASHER D577/D578 series in DG mode:\
+	:tc=d411-dg:
+# DASHER D578 terminal.
+# Like a D577, but without compressed mode; like a D470C in this respect.
+# Initialization string 1 sets:
+#	\E[<0;<1;<2;<4l
+#		<0	- scrolling enabled
+#		<1	- blink enabled
+#		<2	- horizontal scrolling enabled (for alignment)
+#		<4	- print characters regardless of attributes
+#	\E[1;1;80w	- margins at columns 1 and 80
+#	\E[1;6;<2h
+#		1	- print all characters even if protected
+#		6	- character protection disabled
+#		<2	- horizontal scrolling disabled
+#	- (should reset scrolling regions, but that glitches the screen)
+d578|Data General DASHER D578:\
+	:i1=\E[<0;<1;<2;<4l\E[1;1;80w\E[1;6;<2h:tc=d577:
+d578-7b|Data General DASHER D578 in 7-bit mode:\
+	:i1=\E[<0;<1;<2;<4l\E[1;1;80w\E[1;6;<2h:tc=d577-7b:
+# Here are some older Dasher entries from the Berkeley termcap file.
+# According to the 4.4BSD termcap file, the dg200 :cm: should be the
+# termcap equivalent of \020%p2%{128}%+%c%p1%{128}%+%c (in termcap
+# notation that's "^P%r%+\200%+\200").  Those \200s are suspicious,
+# maybe they were originally nuls (which would fit).
+dg200|data general dasher 200:\
+	:NL:am:bs:bw:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:ce=^K:cl=^L:cm=\020%r%.%.:cr=^M:do=^Z:ho=^H:k0=^^z:\
+	:k1=^^q:k2=^^r:k3=^^s:k4=^^t:k5=^^u:k6=^^v:k7=^^w:k8=^^x:\
+	:k9=^^y:kd=^Z:kh=^H:kl=^Y:kr=^X:ku=^W:l0=f10:le=^Y:nd=^X:\
+	:nw=^J:se=^^E:sf=^J:so=^^D:ue=^U:up=^W:us=^T:
+# Data General 210/211 (and 410?)	from Lee Pearson (umich!lp) via BRL
+dg210|dg-ansi|Data General 210/211:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:do=\E[B:ho=\E[H:\
+	:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:nl=\E[B:\
+	:nw=\r\E[H\E[A\n:se=\E[0;m:so=\E[7;m:ue=\E[0;m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4;m:
+# From: Peter N. Wan <ihnp4!gatech!gacsr!wan>
+# courtesy of Carlos Rucalde of Vantage Software, Inc.
+# (dg211: this had :cm=\020%r%.%:., which was an ancient termcap hangover.
+# I suspect the d200 function keys actually work on the dg211, check it out.)
+dg211|Data General d211:\
+	:k0@:k1@:k2@:k3@:k4@:k5@:k6@:k7@:k8@:k9@:kb=^Y:l0@:nw=^M^Z:\
+	:se=\036E\0/>:sf@:so=5\036D:ta=^I:te=^L:ti=^L^R:ve=^L:\
+	:vs=^L^R:\
+	:tc=dg200:
+# From: Wayne Throop <mcnc!rti-sel!rtp47!throopw> (not official)
+# Data General 605x     
+# Ought to work for a Model 6242, Type D210 as well as a 605x.
+# Note that the cursor-down key transmits ^Z.  Job control users, beware!
+# This also matches a posted description of something called a `Dasher 100'
+# so there's a dg100 alias here. 
+# (dg6053: the 4.4BSD file had :le=^H:, :do=^J:, :nd=^S:. -- esr) 
+dg6053-old|dg100|data general 6053:\
+	:am:bs:bw:ul:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bc=^Y:bl=^G:ce=^K:cl=^L:cm=\020%r%.%.:cr=^M:do=^Z:ho=^H:\
+	:is=^R:k0=^^q:k1=^^r:k2=^^s:k3=^^t:k4=^^u:k5=^^v:k6=^^w:\
+	:k7=^^x:k8=^^y:k9=^^z:kb=^Y:kd=^Z:kh=^H:kl=^Y:kr=^X:ku=^W:\
+	:le=^Y:nd=^X:se=\0^^E:so=\0\0\0\0\0\036D:ta=^I:te=^L:\
+	:ti=^L^R:ue=^U:up=^W:us=^T:ve=^L:vs=^L^R:
+#### Datamedia (dm)
+# Datamedia was headquartered in Nashua, New Hampshire until it went 
+# out of business in 1993, but the ID plates on the terminals referred
+# to the factory in Pennsauken, NJ.  The factory was sold to a PCB board
+# manufacturer which threw out all information about the terminals.
+cs10|colorscan|Datamedia Color Scan 10:\
+	:ms:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%02;%02H:cr=^M:\
+	:do=^J:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kd=\E[B:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:sf=^J:\
+	:so=\E[7m:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+cs10-w|Datamedia Color Scan 10 with 132 columns:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%02;%03H:tc=cs10:
+# (dm1520: removed obsolete ":ma=^\ ^_^P^YH:" -- esr)
+dm1520|dm1521|datamedia 1520:\
+	:am:bs:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=^K:ce=^]:cl=^L:cm=\036%r%+ %+ :cr=^M:do=^J:ho=^Y:\
+	:kd=^J:kh=^Y:kl=^H:kr=^\:ku=^_:le=^H:nd=^\:sf=^J:ta=^I:up=^_:
+# dm2500: this terminal has both :IC: and :im:. Applications using 
+# termcap/terminfo directly (rather than through ncurses) might be confused.
+dm2500|datamedia2500|datamedia 2500:\
+	:bs:nc:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\020\n\030\035\030\035:bl=^G:ce=^W:cl=^^^^\177:\
+	:cm=\014%r%n%.%.:dc=\020\010\030\035:\
+	:dl=\020\032\030\035:dm=^P:do=^J:ed=^X^]:\
+	:ei=\377\377\030\035:ho=^B:ic=\020\034\030\035:im=^P:\
+	:le=^H:nd=^\:pc=\377:se=^X^]:sf=^J:so=^N:up=^Z:
+# dmchat is like DM2500, but DOES need "all that padding" (jcm 1/31/82)
+# also, has a meta-key.
+# From: <goldberger@su-csli.arpa>
+# (dmchat: ":MT:" changed to ":km:" -- esr)
+dmchat|dmchat version of datamedia 2500:\
+	:km:\
+	:al=1*\020\n\030\035\030\035:dl=2\020\032\030\035:tc=dm2500:
+# (dm3025: ":MT:" changed to ":km:" -- esr)
+dm3025|datamedia 3025a:\
+	:bs:km:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=\EP\n\EQ:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EM:cm=\EY%r%+ %+ :\
+	:cr=^M:dc=\010:dl=\EP\EA\EQ:dm=\EP:do=^J:ed=\EQ:ei=\EQ:\
+	:ho=\EH:im=\EP:ip=:is=\EQ\EU\EV:le=^H:nd=\EC:se=\EO0:sf=^J:\
+	:so=\EO1:ta=^I:up=\EA:
+dm3045|datamedia 3045a:\
+	:am:bs:eo:km@:ul:xn:\
+	:al@:dc=\EB:dl@:dm@:ed@:ei=\EP:is=\EU\EV:k0=\Ey\r:k1=\Ep\r:\
+	:k2=\Eq\r:k3=\Er\r:k4=\Es\r:k5=\Et\r:k6=\Eu\r:k7=\Ev\r:\
+	:k8=\Ew\r:k9=\Ex\r:kh=\EH:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:pc=\177:se@:so@:\
+	:tc=dm3025:
+# Datamedia DT80 soft switches:
+# 1	0=Jump  1=Smooth
+# 	Autorepeat 	0=off  1=on
+# 	Screen		0=Dark 1=light
+# 	Cursor		0=u/l  1=block
+# 2	Margin Bell	0=off  1=on
+# 	Keyclick	0=off  1=on
+# 	Ansi/VT52	0=VT52 1=Ansi
+# 	Xon/Xoff	0=Off  1=On
+# 3	Shift3		0=Hash 1=UK Pound
+# 	Wrap		0=Off  1=On
+# 	Newline		0=Off  1=On
+# 	Interlace	0=Off  1=On
+# 4	Parity		0=Odd  1=Even
+# 	Parity		0=Off  1=On
+# 	Bits/Char	0=7    1=8
+# 	Power		0=60Hz 1=50Hz
+# 5	Line Interface  0=EIA  1=Loop
+# 	Aux Interface   0=EIA  1=Loop
+# 	Local Copy    	0=Off  1=On	
+# 	Spare
+# 6	Aux Parity	0=Odd  1=Even
+# 	Aux Parity	0=Off  1=On
+# 	Aux Bits/Char   0=7    1=8
+# 	CRT Saver	0=Off  1=On
+# dm80/1 is a vt100 lookalike, but it doesn't seem to need any padding.
+dm80|dmdt80|dt80|datamedia dt80/1:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[2J\E[H:cm=%i\E[%d;%dH:do=^J:\
+	:ho=\E[H:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:pf=\E[4i:po=\E[5i:ps=\E[0i:\
+	:se=\E[m:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:tc=vt100:
+# except in 132 column mode, where it needs a little padding.
+# This is still less padding than the vt100, and you can always turn on
+# the ^S/^Q handshaking, so you can use vt100 flavors for things like
+# reverse video.
+dm80w|dmdt80w|dt80w|datamedia dt80/1 in 132 char mode:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:cd=20\E[0J:ce=20\E[0K:cl=50\E[H\E[2J:cm=5\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:do=^J:up=5\E[A:\
+	:tc=dm80:
+# From: Adam Thompson <athompso@pangea.ca> Sept 10 1995
+dt80-sas|Datamedia DT803/DTX for SAS usage:\
+	:am:bw:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:ac=``a1fxgqh0jYk?lZm@nEooppqDrrsstCu4vAwBx3yyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=\EG:al=\EL:as=\EF:bl=^G:cd=^K:ce=^]:cl=^L:\
+	:cm=\E=%r%+ %+ :cr=^M:\
+	:..cs=\E=%p1%{32}%+%c%{32}%c\E#1\E=%p2%{32}%+%c%{32}%c\E#2:\
+	:ct=\E'0:dl=\EM:do=\EB:ff=^L:ho=^Y:is=\E)0\E<\EP\E'0\E$2:\
+	:kC=^L:kE=^]:kS=^K:kd=^J:kh=^Y:kl=^H:kr=^\:ku=^_:le=^H:me=^X:\
+	:mr=\E$2\004:nd=^\:pf=^O:po=^N:se=^X:sf=\EB:so=\E$2\004:\
+	:sr=\EI:st=\E'1:ta=^I:up=^_:
+# Datamedia Excel 62, 64 from Gould/SEL UTX/32 via BRL
+# These aren't end-all Excel termcaps; but do insert/delete char/line
+# and name some of the extra function keys.  (Mike Feldman ccvaxa!feldman)
+# The naming convention has been bent somewhat, with the use of E? (where
+# E is for 'Excel') as # a name.  This was done to distinguish the entries
+# from the other Datamedias in use here, and yet to associate a model of
+# the Excel terminals with the regular datamedia terminals that share
+# major characteristics.
+excel62|excel64|datamedia Excel 62:\
+	:dc=\E[P:ei=\E[4l:im=\E[4h:k5=\EOu:k6=\EOv:k7=\EOw:k8=\EOx:\
+	:k9=\EOy:kb=^H:kd=^J:kl=^H:\
+	:tc=dt80:
+excel62-w|excel64-w|datamedia Excel 62 in 132 char mode:\
+	:dc=\E[P:ei=\E[4l:im=\E[4h:k5=\EOu:k6=\EOv:k7=\EOw:k8=\EOx:\
+	:k9=\EOy:kb=^H:kd=^J:kl=^H:\
+	:tc=dt80w:
+excel62-rv|excel64-rv|datamedia Excel 62 in reverse video mode:\
+	:dc=\E[P:ei=\E[4l:im=\E[4h:k5=\EOu:k6=\EOv:k7=\EOw:k8=\EOx:\
+	:k9=\EOy:kb=^H:kd=^J:kl=^H:vb=\E[?5l\E[?5h:\
+	:tc=dt80:
+#### Falco
+#	Falco Data Products
+#	440 Potrero Avenue
+#	Sunnyvale, CA 940864-196
+#	Vox: (800)-325-2648
+#	Fax: (408)-745-7860
+#	Net: techsup@charm.sys.falco.com
+# Current Falco models as of 1995 are generally ANSI-compatible and support
+# emulations of DEC VT-series, Wyse, and Televideo types.
+# Test version for Falco ts-1. See <arpavax.hickman@ucb> for info
+# This terminal was released around 1983 and was discontinued long ago.
+# The standout and underline highlights are the same.
+falco|ts1|ts-1|falco ts-1:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=^G:cd=\EY:ce=\ET\EG0\010:cl=\E*:cm=\E=%+ %+ :\
+	:cr=^M:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^J:ei=\Er:ho=^^:im=\Eq:is=\Eu\E3:\
+	:k0=^A0\r:kd=^J:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:me=\Eg0:nd=^L:\
+	:se=\Eg0:sf=^J:so=\Eg1:ta=^I:ue=\Eg0:up=^K:us=\Eg1:
+falco-p|ts1p|ts-1p|falco ts-1 with paging option:\
+	:am:bs:da:db:mi:ms:ul:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET\EG0\010\Eg0:cl=\E*:\
+	:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=\E[B:ei=\Er:im=\Eq:\
+	:is=\EZ\E3\E_c:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:\
+	:le=^H:me=\Eg0:nd=\E[C:se=\Eg0:sf=^J:so=\Eg4:ta=^I:te=\E_b:\
+	:ti=\E_d:ue=\Eg0:up=\E[A:us=\Eg1:
+# (ts100: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string -- esr)
+ts100|ts100-sp|falco ts100-sp:\
+	:am:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:vt#3:\
+	:@8=\EOM:DO=\E[%dB:K1=\EOq:K2=\EOr:K3=\EOs:K4=\EOp:K5=\EOn:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=^O:al=\E~E:as=^N:bl=^G:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\
+	:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E~W:dl=\E~R:do=^J:eA=\E(B\E)0:ei=:ho=\E[H:\
+	:i1=\E~)\E~ea:ic=\E~Q:im=:k0=\EOy:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:\
+	:k4=\EOS:k5=\EOt:k6=\EOu:k7=\EOv:k8=\EOl:k9=\EOw:k;=\EOx:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:\
+	:ku=\EOA:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m\017:mr=\E[7m:\
+	:nd=\E[C:r2=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:rc=\E8:\
+	:..sa=\E[0%?%p1%p6%|%t;1%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p1%p3%|%t;7%;%?%p4%t;5%;m%?%p9%t\016%e\017%;:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=^J:so=\E[1;7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+ts100-ctxt|falco ts-100 saving context:\
+	:te=\E~_b:ti=\E~_d\E[2J:tc=ts100:
+#### Florida Computer Graphics
+# Florida Computer Graphics Beacon System, using terminal emulator program
+# "host.com", as provided by FCG.  This description is for an early release
+# of the "host" program.  Known bug: :cd: clears the whole screen, so it's
+# commented out.
+# From: David Bryant <cbosg!djb> 1/7/83
+beacon|FCG Beacon System:\
+	:am:da:db:\
+	:co#80:li#32:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=\ESTART\r\E37\r\EEND\r:ce=\ET:cl=\EZ:\
+	:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^J:ei=:ho=\EH:ic=\EQ:\
+	:im=:le=^H:mb=\ESTART\r\E61\0541\r\EEND\r:\
+	:me=\ESTART\r\E78\r\E70\0540\r\EEND\r:\
+	:mr=\ESTART\r\E59\0541\r\EEND\r:nd=\EV:\
+	:se=\ESTART\r\E70\0540\r\EEND\r:sf=^J:\
+	:so=\ESTART\r\E70\0546\r\EEND\r:te=:\
+	:ti=\ESTART\r\E2\0540\r\E12\r\EEND\r:\
+	:ue=\ESTART\r\E60\0540\r\EEND\r:up=\EU:\
+	:us=\ESTART\r\E60\0541\r\EEND\r:
+#### Fluke
+# The f1720a differences from ANSI: no auto margin, destructive 
+# tabs, # of lines, funny highlighting and underlining
+f1720|f1720a|fluke 1720A:\
+	:xt:\
+	:co#80:li#16:sg#1:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:\
+	:do=\E[B:is=\E[H\E[2J:kd=^]:kl=^_:kr=^^:ku=^\:le=^H:me=\E[m:\
+	:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:
+#### Liberty Electronics (Freedom)
+#	Liberty Electronics
+#	48089 Fremont Blvd
+#	Fremont CA 94538
+#	Vox: (510)-623-6000
+#	Fax: (510)-623-7021
+# From: <faletti@berkeley.edu>
+# (f100: added empty <acsc> to suppress a tic warning;
+# made this relative to adm+sgr -- note that <invis> isn't
+# known to work for f100 but does on the f110. --esr)
+f100|freedom|freedom100|freedom model 100:\
+	:am:bs:bw:hs:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:ac=:ae=\E$:al=\EE:as=\E%:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:\
+	:ch=\E]%+ :cl=^Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:ct=\E3:cv=\E[%+ :\
+	:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^J:ds=\Eg\Ef\r:ei=\Er:fs=^M:ho=^^:im=\Eq:\
+	:ip=:is=\Eg\Ef\r\Ed:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:\
+	:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:k;=^AI\r:\
+	:kB=\EI:kb=^H:kd=^V:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:nd=^L:sf=^J:\
+	:sr=\Ej:st=\E1:ta=^I:ts=\Eg\Ef:up=^K:vb=\Eb\Ed:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:
+f100-rv|freedom-rv|freedom 100 in reverse video:\
+	:is=\Eg\Ef\r\Eb:vb=\Ed\Eb:tc=f100:
+# The f110 and f200 have problems with vi(1).  They use the ^V
+# code for the down cursor key. When kcud1 is defined in terminfo
+# as ^V, the Control Character Quoting capability (^V in insert mode)
+# is lost! It cannot be remapped in vi because it is necessary to enter
+# a ^V to to quote the ^V that is being remapped!!!
+# f110/f200 users will have to decide whether
+# to lose the down cursor key or the quoting capability. We will opt
+# initially for leaving the quoting capability out, since use of VI
+# is not generally applicable to most interactive applications
+# (f110: added :ta:, :kh: & <kcbt> from f100 -- esr)
+f110|freedom110|Liberty Freedom 110:\
+	:bw@:es:\
+	:it#8:ws#80:\
+	:ae=\E%%:al=\EE:as=\E$:dl=\ER:do=^V:ds=\Ef\r:ei=\Er\EO:\
+	:im=\EO\Eq:ip@:is@:k0=^AI\r:k;@:kA=\EE:kC=^^:kD=\EW:kE=\ET:\
+	:kI=\EQ:kL=\ER:kS=\EY:mb=\EG2:md=\EG0:mh=\EG@:pf=\Ea:po=\E`:\
+	:so=\EG<:sr=\EJ:ts=\Ef:vb=\Eb\Ed:ve=\E.2:vi=\E.1:vs=\E.2:\
+	:tc=f100:
+f110-14|Liberty Freedom 110 14inch:\
+	:dc@:tc=f110:
+f110-w|Liberty Freedom 110 - 132 cols:\
+	:co#132:tc=f110:
+f110-14w|Liberty Freedom 110 14in/132 cols:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:dc@:tc=f110:
+# (f200: added <acsc> to suppress tic warnings re :as:/:ae: --esr)
+f200|freedom200|Liberty Freedom 200:\
+	:am:bs:es:hs:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:ws#80:\
+	:ac=:ae=\E%%:al=\EE:as=\E$:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:\
+	:ch=\E]%+ :cl=^Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:cs=\Em0%+ %+ :ct=\E3:\
+	:cv=\E[%+ :dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^V:ds=\Ef\r:ei=\Er:fs=^M:ho=^^:\
+	:im=\Eq:k0=^AI\r:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:\
+	:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:kA=\EE:kC=^^:\
+	:kD=\EW:kE=\ET:kI=\EQ:kL=\ER:kS=\EY:kb=^H:kd=^V:kl=^H:kr=^L:\
+	:ku=^K:le=^H:mb=\EG2:md=\EG0:mh=\EG@:nd=^L:pf=\Ea:po=\E`:\
+	:sf=^J:so=\EG<:sr=\EJ:st=\E1:ts=\Ef:up=^K:vb=\Eo\En:ve=\E.1:\
+	:vi=\E.0:vs=\E.1:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:
+f200-w|Liberty Freedom 200 - 132 cols:\
+	:co#132:tc=f200:
+# The f200 has the ability to reprogram the down cursor key. The key is
+# reprogrammed to ^J (linefeed). This value is remembered in non-volatile RAM,
+# so powering the terminal off and on will not cause the change to be lost.
+f200vi|Liberty Freedom 200 for vi:\
+	:kd=^J:vb=\Eb\Ed:tc=f200:
+f200vi-w|Liberty Freedom 200 - 132 cols for vi:\
+	:co#132:tc=f200vi:
+#### GraphOn (go)
+#	Graphon Corporation
+#	544 Division Street
+#	Campbell, CA 95008
+#	Vox: (408)-370-4080
+#	Fax: (408)-370-5047
+#	Net: troy@graphon.com (Troy Morrison)
+# The go140 and go225 have been discontinued.  GraphOn now makes X terminals,
+# including one odd hybrid that starts out life on power-up as a character
+# terminal, than can be switched to X graphics mode (driven over the serial
+# line) by an escape sequence.  No info on this beast yet.
+# (go140: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string -- esr)
+go140|graphon go-140:\
+	:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7h:al=\E[L:cd=10\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=10\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%2;%2H:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:ei=\E[4l:\
+	:if=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E<\E=\E[?3l\E[?7l\E(B\E[J\E7\E[;r\E8\E[m\E[q:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:\
+	:kh=\E[H:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:\
+	:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+go140w|graphon go-140 in 132 column mode:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:is=\E<\E=\E[?3h\E[?7h\E(B\E[J\E7\E[;r\E8\E[m\E[q:tc=go140:
+# Hacked up vt200 termcap to handle GO-225/VT220
+# From: <edm@nwnexus.WA.COM>
+# (go225: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string -- esr)
+go225|go-225|Graphon 225:\
+	:am:bs:mi:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:vt#3:\
+	:RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7h:al=\E[L:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:\
+	:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:\
+	:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:ke=\E>:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ks=\E=:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:r1=\E[\041p\E[?7h\E[2;1;1#w:rc=\E8:\
+	:rf=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\ED:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:te=\E[\041p\E[?7h\E[2;1;1#w:\
+	:ti=\E[2;0#w\E[1;25r:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+#### Harris
+# Bletch.  These guys shared the Terminal Brain Damage laurels with Hazeltine.
+# Their terminal group is ancient history now (1995) though the parent
+# company is still in business.
+# 8675, 8686, and bee from Cyrus Rahman
+# (8675: changed k10, k11...k16 to k;, F1...F6 -- esr)
+ha8675|harris 8675:\
+	:F1=^W:F2=\ER:F3=\EE:F4=\EI:F5=\Ei:F6=\Eg:\
+	:is=\ES\E#\E*\Eh\Em\E?\E1\E9\E@\EX\EU:k1=^F:k2=^P:k3=^N:\
+	:k4=^V:k5=^J:k6=^T:k7=^H:k8=\177:k9=\Ee:k;=\Ed:\
+	:tc=bee:
+# (8686: changed k10, k11...k16 to k;, F1...F6; fixed broken continuation
+# in :is: -- esr)
+ha8686|harris 8686:\
+	:F1=\EW:F2=\002\E{\003:F3=\002\E|\003:F4=\002\E}\003:\
+	:F5=\002\E~\003:F6=\002\E\177\003:\
+	:is=\ES\E#\E*\Eh\Em\E?\E1\E9\E@\EX\EU\E"*Z01\E"8F35021B7C83#\E"8F45021B7D83#\E"8F55021B7E83#\E"8F65021B7F83#\E"8F75021B7383#\E"8F851BD7#\E"8F95021B7083#\E"8FA5021B7183#\E"8FB5021B7283#:\
+	:k1=\002\Ep\003:k2=\002\Eq\003:k3=\002\Er\003:\
+	:k4=\002\Es\003:k5=\E3:k6=\EI:k7=\ER:k8=\EJ:k9=\E(:k;=\Ej:tc=bee:
+#### Hazeltine
+# Hazeltine appears to be out of the terminal business as of 1995.  These
+# guys were co-owners of the Terminal Brain Damage Hall Of Fame along with
+# Harris. They have a hazeltine.com domain (but no web page there ) and can
+# be reached at:
+#	Hazeltine
+#	450 East Pulaski Road
+#	Greenlawn, New York 11740
+# As late as 1993, manuals for the terminal product line could still be
+# purchased from:
+#	TRW Customer Service Division
+#	15 Law Drive
+#	P.O. Box 2076
+#	Fairfield, NJ 07007-2078
+# They're now (1998) a subsidiary of General Electric, operating under the
+# marque "GEC-Marconi Hazeltine" and doing military avionics.  Web page
+# at <http://www.gec.com/cpd/1ncpd.htm#1.55>.
+# Since :nd: is blank, when you want to erase something you
+# are out of luck.  You will have to do ^L's a lot to
+# redraw the screen.  h1000 is untested.  It doesn't work in
+# vi - this terminal is too dumb for even vi.  (The code is
+# there but it isn't debugged for this case.)
+hz1000|hazeltine 1000:\
+	:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#12:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=^L:cr=^M:do=^J:ho=^K:le=^H:nd= :sf=^J:
+# From: <cbosg!ucbvax!pur-ee!cincy!chris> Thu Aug 20 09:09:18 1981
+hz1420|hazeltine 1420:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\E^Z:bl=^G:cd=\E^X:ce=\E^O:cl=\E^\:cm=\E\021%r%.%+ :\
+	:cr=^M:dl=\E^S:do=^J:le=^H:nd=^P:se=\E^Y:sf=^J:so=\E^_:ta=^N:\
+	:up=\E^L:
+# New "safe" cursor movement (11/87) from <cgs@umd5.umd.edu>.  Prevents
+# freakout with out-of-range args and tn3270.  No hz since it needs to
+# receive tildes.
+hz1500|hazeltine 1500:\
+	:am:bs:hz:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=~\032:bl=^G:cd=~\030:ce=~^O:cl=~^\:\
+	:cm=~\021%r%>^^ %+`%+`:cr=^M:dl=~\023:do=~^K:ho=~^R:kd=^J:\
+	:kh=~^R:kl=^H:kr=^P:ku=~^L:le=^H:nd=^P:se=~^Y:sf=^J:so=~^_:\
+	:up=~^L:
+# h1510 assumed to be in sane escape mode.  Else use h1500.
+# (h1510: early versions of this entry apparently had ":se=\E^_:, 
+# :so=\E^Y:, but these caps were commented out in 8.3; also,
+# removed incorrect and overridden ":do=^J:" -- esr)
+hz1510|hazeltine 1510:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\E^Z:bl=^G:cd=\E^X:ce=\E^O:cl=\E^\:cm=\E\021%r%.%.:\
+	:cr=^M:dl=\E^S:do=\E^K:le=^H:nd=^P:sf=^J:up=\E^L:
+# Hazeltine 1520
+# The following switch settings are assumed for normal operation:
+# Other switches may be set for operator convenience or communication
+# requirements.
+hz1520|Hazeltine 1520:\
+	:am:bs:bw:ms:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\E^Z:bl=^G:cd=\E^X:ce=\E^O:cl=\E^\:cm=\E\021%r%.%.:\
+	:cr=^M:dl=\E^S:do=^J:ho=\E^R:kA=\E^Z:kC=\E^\:kE=\E^O:\
+	:kL=\E^S:kS=\E^X:kb=^H:kd=\E^K:kh=\E^R:kl=^H:kr=^P:ku=\E^L:\
+	:le=^H:md=\E^_:me=\E^Y:nd=^P:r1=\E$\E\005\E?\E\031:\
+	:se=\E^Y:sf=^J:so=\E^_:up=\E^L:
+# This version works with the escape switch off
+# (h1520: removed incorrect and overridden ":do=^J:" -- esr)
+hz1520-noesc|hazeltine 1520:\
+	:am:hz:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=~^Z:bl=^G:cd=~^X:ce=~^O:cl=~^\:cm=~\021%r%.%.:cr=^M:\
+	:dl=~^S:do=~^K:ho=~^R:le=^H:nd=^P:se=~^Y:sf=^J:so=~^_:up=~^L:
+# Note: the h1552 appears to be the first Hazeltine terminal which
+# is not braindamaged.  It has tildes and backprimes and everything!
+# Be sure the auto lf/cr switch is set to cr.
+hz1552|hazeltine 1552:\
+	:bs:\
+	:al=\EE:dl=\EO:do=^J:k1=\EP:k2=\EQ:k3=\ER:l1=blue:l2=red:\
+	:l3=green:\
+	:tc=vt52:
+hz1552-rv|hazeltine 1552 reverse video:\
+	:do=^J:se=\ET:so=\ES:tc=hz1552:
+# Note: h2000 won't work well because of a clash between upper case and ~'s.
+hz2000|hazeltine 2000:\
+	:am:bs:nc:\
+	:co#74:li#27:\
+	:al=~\032:bl=^G:cl=~\034:cm=~\021%r%.%.:dl=~\023:do=^J:\
+	:ho=~^R:le=^H:pc=\177:sf=^J:
+# Date: Fri Jul 23 10:27:53 1982.  Some unknown person wrote:
+# I tested this termcap entry for the Hazeltine Esprit with vi. It seems
+# to work ok. There is one problem though if one types a lot of garbage
+# characters very fast vi seems not able to keep up and hangs while trying
+# to insert. That's in insert mode while trying to insert in the middle of
+# a line. It might be because the Esprit doesn't have insert char and delete
+# char as a built in function. Vi has to delete to end of line and then 
+# redraw the rest of the line.
+esprit|Hazeltine Esprit I:\
+	:am:bs:bw:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\E^Z:bl=^G:bt=\E^T:cd=\E^W:ce=\E^O:cl=\E^\:\
+	:cm=\E\021%r%.%.:cr=^M:dl=\E^S:do=\E^K:ho=\E^R:is=\E?:\
+	:k0=^B0^J:k1=^B1^J:k2=^B2^J:k3=^B3^J:k4=^B4^J:k5=^B5^J:\
+	:k6=^B6^J:k7=^B7^J:k8=^B8^J:k9=^B9^J:kb=^H:kd=\E^K:ke=\E>:\
+	:kh=\E^R:kl=^H:kr=^P:ks=\E<:ku=\E^L:l0=0:l1=1:l2=2:l3=3:l4=4:\
+	:l5=5:l6=6:l7=7:l8=8:l9=9:le=^H:nd=^P:se=\E^Y:sf=^J:so=\E^_:\
+	:up=\E^L:
+esprit-am|hazeltine esprit auto-margin:\
+	:am:tc=esprit:
+# Hazeltine Modular-1 from Cliff Shackelton <ittvax!ittral!shackelt> via BRL
+# Vi it seems always wants to send a control J for "do" and it turned out
+# that the terminal would work somewhat if the auto LF/CR was turned off.
+# (hmod1: removed :dn=~^K: -- esr)
+hmod1|Hazeltine Modular 1:\
+	:am:bs:hz:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=~^Z:bl=^G:bt=~^T:cl=~^\:cm=~\021%r%.%.:cr=^M:dl=~^S:\
+	:do=~^K:ho=~^R:kd=~^K:kh=~^R:kl=^H:kr=^P:ku=~^L:le=^H:me=~^Y:\
+	:nd=^P:rc=~^Q:sc=~^E:se=~^Y:sf=^J:so=~^_:up=~^L:
+# Hazeltine Executive 80 Model 30 (1554?)
+#	from  Will Martin <control@ALMSA-1.ARPA> via BRL
+# Like VT100, except for different "am" behavior.
+hazel|exec80|h80|he80|Hazeltine Executive 80:\
+	:am:bs:pt:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:vt#3:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=50\E[J:ce=3\E[K:cl=50\E[;H\E[2J:\
+	:cm=5\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:do=^J:ho=\E[H:\
+	:is=\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:\
+	:ku=\EOA:le=^H:mb=2\E[5m:md=2\E[1m:me=2\E[m:mr=2\E[7m:\
+	:nd=2\E[C:nl=^J:r1=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:\
+	:rc=\E8:rf=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:sc=\E7:se=2\E[m:\
+	:so=2\E[7m:sr=5\EM:ta=^I:ue=2\E[m:up=2\E[A:us=2\E[4m:
+#### Hewlett-Packard (hp)
+#	Hewlett-Packard
+#	8000 Foothills Blvd 
+#	Roseville, CA 95747
+#	Vox: 1-(916)-785-4363	(Technical response line for VDTs)
+#	     1-(800)-633-3600	(General customer support)
+# As of March 1998, HP no longer has any terminals in production.
+# The 700 series (22, 32, 41, 44, 92, 94, 96, 98) is still being 
+# supported (they still have parts). So are the 2392a and 2394a.
+# See the WORKSTATION CONSOLES section for the 700s.
+# Generic HP terminal - this should (hopefully) work on any HP terminal.
+hpgeneric|hp|hewlett-packard generic terminal:\
+	:am:bs:da:db:mi:pt:xs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:lm#0:vt#6:\
+	:al=\EL:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:ch=\E&a%dC:cl=\EH\EJ:\
+	:cm=\E&a%r%dc%dY:cr=^M:ct=\E3:cv=\E&a%dY:dc=\EP:dl=\EM:\
+	:do=^J:ei=\ER:im=\EQ:kB=\Ei:kb=^H:le=^H:me=\E&d@:nd=\EC:\
+	:se=\E&d@:sf=^J:so=\E&dJ:st=\E1:ta=^I:ue=\E&d@:up=\EA:\
+	:us=\E&dD:
+hp110|hewlett-packard model 110 portable:\
+	:li#16:tc=hpgeneric:
+hp+pfk+cr|hp function keys with CR:\
+	:k1=\Ep\r:k2=\Eq\r:k3=\Er\r:k4=\Es\r:k5=\Et\r:k6=\Eu\r:\
+	:k7=\Ev\r:k8=\Ew\r:
+hp+pfk-cr|hp function keys w/o CR:\
+	:k1=\Ep:k2=\Eq:k3=\Er:k4=\Es:k5=\Et:k6=\Eu:k7=\Ev:k8=\Ew:
+# The hp2621s use the same keys for the arrows and function keys, 
+# but not separate escape sequences. These definitions allow the 
+# user to use those keys as arrow keys rather than as function 
+# keys.
+hp+pfk+arrows|hp alternate arrow definitions:\
+	:k1@:k2@:k3@:k4@:k5@:k6@:k7@:k8@:kF=\Er\r:kH=\Eq\r:kR=\Es\r:\
+	:kd=\Ew\r:kh=\Ep\r:kl=\Eu\r:kr=\Ev\r:ku=\Et\r:
+hp+arrows|hp arrow definitions:\
+	:kF=\ES:kH=\EF:kR=\ET:kd=\EB:kh=\Eh:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:
+# Generic stuff from the HP 262x series
+hp262x|HP 262x terminals:\
+	:xs:\
+	:cd=\EJ:dc=\EP:ip=:kA=\EL:kD=\EP:kE=\EK:kF=\ES:kI=\EQ:kL=\EM:\
+	:kM=\ER:kN=\EU:kP=\EV:kR=\ET:kS=\EJ:kd=\EB:ke=\E&s0A:kh=\Eh:\
+	:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ks=\E&s1A:ku=\EA:mb=\E&dA:me=\E&d@:mk=\E&dS:\
+	:mr=\E&dB:\
+	:..sa=\E&d%{64}%?%p1%t%{66}%|%;%?%p2%t%{68}%|%;%?%p3%t%{66}%|%;%?%p4%t%{65}%|%;%c:\
+	:se=\E&d@:sf=\ES:so=\E&dB:ta=\011:ue=\E&d@:us=\E&dD:
+# Note: no :ho: on HPs since that homes to top of memory, not screen.
+# Due to severe 2621 braindamage, the only way to get the arrow keys to
+# transmit anything at all is to turn on the function key labels
+# with :ks:, and even then the user has to hold down shift!
+# The default 2621 turns off the labels except when it has to to 
+# enable the function keys. If your installation prefers labels 
+# on all the time, or off all the time (at the "expense" of the 
+# function keys), use 2621-nl or 2621-wl.
+# Note: there are newer ROMs for 2621's that allow you to set 
+# strap A so the regular arrow keys xmit \EA, etc, as with the 
+# 2645. However, even with this strap set, the terminal stops 
+# xmitting if you reset it, until you unset and reset the strap!
+# Since there is no way to set/unset the strap with an escape 
+# sequence, we don't use it in the default.
+# If you like, you can use 2621-ba (brain-damaged arrow keys).
+hp2621-ba|2621 w/new rom and strap A set:\
+	:ke@:ks@:tc=hp+arrows:\
+	:tc=hp2621:
+# hp2621 with function labels. Most of the time they are off,
+# but inside vi, the function key labels appear. You have to
+# hold down shift to get them to xmit.
+hp2621|hp2621a|hp2621A|2621|2621a|2621A|hp2621-wl|2621-wl|hp 2621 w/labels:\
+	:is=\E&jA\r:ke=\E&jA:\
+	:tc=hp2621-fl:
+hp2621-fl|hp 2621:\
+	:xo:xs@:\
+	:pb#19200:\
+	:bt=\Ei:cm=\E&a%r%dc%dY:dc=\EP:ip=:is=\E&j@\r:ke=\E&j@:\
+	:ks=\E&jB:me=\E&d@:se=\E&d@:so=\E&dD:ta=\011:ue=\E&d@:\
+	:us=\E&dD:\
+	:tc=hp+pfk+cr:tc=hpgeneric:
+# To use hp2621p printer, setenv TERM=2621p, PRINTER=2612p
+hp2621p|hp 2621 with printer:\
+	:pf=\E&p13C:po=\E&p11C:tc=hp2621:
+hp2621p-a|hp2621p with fn as arrows:\
+	:tc=hp+pfk+arrows:tc=hp2621p:
+# hp2621 with k45 keyboard
+hp2621-k45|hp2621k45|k45|hp 2621 with 45 keyboard:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\EB:ke=\E&s0A:kh=\Eh:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ks=\E&s1A:\
+	:ku=\EA:\
+	:tc=hp2621:
+# 2621 using all 48 lines of memory, only 24 visible at any time.  
+hp2621-48|48 line 2621:\
+	:li#48:\
+	:cm=\E&a%r%dc%dR:cv=\E&a%dR:ho=\EH:tc=hp2621:
+# 2621 with no labels ever. Also prevents vi delays on escape.
+hp2621-nl|hp 2621 with no labels:\
+	:kd@:ke@:kh@:kl@:kr@:ks@:ku@:tc=hp2621-fl:
+# Needed for UCB ARPAVAX console, since lsi-11 expands tabs 
+# (wrong).
+hp2621-nt|hp 2621 w/no tabs:\
+	:ta@:tc=hp2621:
+# Hp 2624 B with 4 or 10 pages of memory.
+# Some assumptions are made with this entry. These settings are 
+# NOT set up by the initialization strings.
+# Port Configuration
+# 	RecvPace=Xon/Xoff
+# 	XmitPace=Xon/Xoff
+# 	StripNulDel=Yes
+# Terminal Configuration
+# 	InhHndShk=Yes
+# 	InhDC2=Yes
+# 	XmitFnctn(A)=No
+# 	InhEolWrp=No
+# Note: the 2624 DOES have a true :ho:, believe it or not!
+# The 2624 has an "error line" to which messages can be sent. 
+# This is CLOSE to what is expected for a "status line". However,
+# after a message is sent to the "error line", the next carriage 
+# return is EATEN and the "error line" is turned back off again! 
+# So I guess we can't define :hs:, :es:, :ws:, :ds:, :fs:, :ts:.
+# This entry supports emacs (and any other program that uses raw 
+# mode) at 4800 baud and less. I couldn't get the padding right 
+# for 9600.
+# (hp2624: replaced NUL sequences in flash with mandatory pauses -- esr)
+hp2624|hp2624a|hp2624b|hp2624b-4p|Hewlett Packard 2624 B:\
+	:da:db:\
+	:lm#96:\
+	:vb=\E&w13F\E&w12F\E&w13F\E&w12F:tc=hp+labels:tc=scrhp:
+# This hp2626 entry does not use any of the fancy windowing stuff 
+# of the 2626.
+# Indeed, terminfo does not yet handle such stuff. Since changing 
+# any window clears memory, it is probably not possible to use 
+# this for screen opt.
+# ed is incredibly slow most of the time - I am guessing at the 
+# exact padding. Since the terminal uses xoff/xon this is intended 
+# only for cost computation, so that the terminal will prefer el 
+# or even dl1 which is probably faster!
+# \ED\EJ\EC hack for ed from Ed Bradford - apparently ed is only 
+# extra slow on the last line of the window. 
+# The padding probably should be changed.
+hp2626|hp2626a|hp2626p|hp 2626:\
+	:da:db:\
+	:lm#0:pb#19200:\
+	:SF=\E&r%dD:SR=\E&r%dU:cd=\ED\EJ\EC:ip=:is=\E&j@\r:tc=hp+pfk+cr:tc=hp+labels:tc=scrhp:
+# This entry is for sysline. It allocates a 23 line window with 
+# a 115 line workspace for regular use, and a 1 line window for 
+# the status line.
+# This assumes port 2 is being used.
+# Turn off horizontal line, Create ws #1 with 115 lines,
+# Create ws #2 with 1 line, Create window #1 lines 1-23,
+# Create window #2 lines 24-24, Attach cursor to workspace #1.
+# Note that this clears the tabs so it must be done by tset before
+# it sets the tabs.
+hp2626-s|hp 2626 using only 23 lines:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:li#23:\
+	:fs=\E&d@\E&w7f2p1I\E&w4f1I:\
+	:i1=\E&q3t0{0H \E&w0f115n1I \E&w0f1n2I \E&w2f1i0d0u22l0S \E&w2f2i0d23u23l0S \E&w7f2p1I \r:\
+	:ts=\E&w7f2p2I\E&w4f2I\r\EK\E&a%p1%dC:\
+	:tc=hp2626:
+# Force terminal back to 24 lines after being 23.
+hp2626-ns|hp 2626 using all 24 lines:\
+	:i1=\E&q3t0{0H \E&w0f118n1I \E&w0f1n2I \E&w2f1i0d0u23l0S \E&w3f2I \E&w7f2p1I \r:tc=hp2626:
+# Various entries useful for small windows on 2626.
+hp2626-12|hewlett-packard 2626 12 lines:\
+	:li#12:tc=hp2626:
+hp2626-12x40|hewlett-packard 2626 12 lines 40 columns:\
+	:co#40:li#12:tc=hp2626:
+hp2626-x40|hewlett-packard 2626 40 columns:\
+	:co#40:tc=hp2626:
+hp2626-12-s|hewlett-packard 2626 11 lines plus status:\
+	:li#11:tc=hp2626-s:
+# hp2627 color tubes from University of Wisconsin
+hp2627a-rev|hp 2627 with reverse video colors:\
+	:cr=^M:do=^J:\
+	:is=\E&v0m1a0b0c1x1y1z1i0a0b1c1x1y1z0i0S\E&j@\r\E3\r:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=^J:kl=^H:nw=^M^J:sf=^J:ta=^I:ue=\E&v0S\E&d@:\
+	:us=\E&dD\E&v1S:\
+	:tc=hp2621-nl:
+hp2627a|hp 2627 color terminal with no labels:\
+	:cr=^M:do=^J:\
+	:is=\E&v0m1a1b0c1i0a1b1c2i1a0b0c0i0S\E&j@\r\E3\r:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=^J:kl=^H:nw=^M^J:se=\E&v0S:sf=^J:so=\E&v2S:ta=^I:\
+	:ue=\E&v0S\E&d@:us=\E&dD\E&v1S:\
+	:tc=hp2621-nl:
+hp2627c|hp 2627 color (cyan) terminal with no labels:\
+	:cr=^M:do=^J:\
+	:is=\E&v0m1a0b0c2i1a1b0c1i0a1b1c0i0S\E&j@\r\E3\r:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=^J:kl=^H:nw=^M^J:sf=^J:ta=^I:\
+	:tc=hp2627a:
+# hp2640a doesn't have the Y cursor addressing feature, and C is 
+# memory relative instead of screen relative, as we need.
+hp2640a|hp 2640a:\
+	:cm@:ke@:ks@:tc=hp2645:
+hp2640b|hp2644a|hp 264x series:\
+	:ke@:ks@:tc=hp2645:
+# (hp2641a: removed unknown :gu: -- esr)
+hp2641a|hp2645a|hp2647a|HP 264?A series BRL entry:\
+	:am:da:db:mi:xs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\EL:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:ch=\E&a%2C:cl=\EH\EJ:\
+	:cm=\E&a%r%2c%2Y:cr=^M:cv=\E&a%2Y:dc=\EP:dl=\EM:do=^J:\
+	:ei=\ER:if=/usr/share/tabset/std:im=\EQ:is=500\EE:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=^J:kl=^H:le=^H:nd=\EC:nw=^M^J:se=\E&d@:sf=^J:so=\E&dB:\
+	:ta=^I:up=\EA:
+# This terminal should be used at 4800 baud or less. It needs padding for
+# plain characters at 9600, I guessed at an appropriate cr delay.  It really
+# wants ^E/^F handshaking, but that doesn't work well even if you write
+# software to support it.
+hp2645|hp45|HP 2645 series:\
+	:pb#9600:\
+	:cr=\r:kA=\EL:kD=\EP:kE=\EK:kF=\ES:kI=\EQ:kL=\EM:kM=\ER:\
+	:kN=\EU:kP=\EV:kR=\ET:kS=\EJ:kT=\E1:kd=\EB:ke=\E&s0A:kh=\Eh:\
+	:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ks=\E&s1A:kt=\E2:ku=\EA:mb=\E&dA:me=\E&d@:\
+	:mh=\E&dH:mr=\E&dB:\
+	:..sa=\E&d%{64}%?%p1%t%{66}%|%;%?%p2%t%{68}%|%;%?%p3%t%{66}%|%;%?%p4%t%{65}%|%;%?%p5%t%{72}%|%;%?%p6%t%{66}%|%;%c:\
+	:us=\E&dD:\
+	:tc=hpgeneric:
+# You should use this terminal at 4800 baud or less.
+hp2648|hp2648a|HP 2648a graphics terminal:\
+	:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\E&a%r%dc%dY:dc=\EP:ip=:tc=hp2645:
+# The HP 150 terminal is a fairly vanilla HP terminal, with the 
+# clreol standout problem. It also has graphics capabilities and 
+# a touch screen, which we don't describe here.
+hp150|hewlett packard Model 150:\
+	:bs:tc=hp2622:
+# HP 2382a terminals, "the little ones." They don't have any 
+# alternate character set support and sending out ^N/^O will 
+# leave the screen blank.
+hp2382a|hp2382|hewlett packard 2382a:\
+	:da:db:\
+	:lh#1:lm#48:\
+	:ac@:ae@:as@:me=\E&d@:\
+	:..pn=\E&f0a%p1%dk%p2%l%Pa%?%ga%t%ga%d%e1%;d0L%?%ga%!%t %;%p2%s:\
+	:..sa=\E&d%{0}%Pa%?%p4%t%{1}%ga%+%Pa%;%?%p1%p3%|%p6%|%t%{2}%ga%+%Pa%;%?%p2%p6%|%t%{4}%ga%+%Pa%;%?%p1%p5%|%t%{8}%ga%+%Pa%;%?%p7%t%?%ga%ts%ga%{64}%+%e%{83}%;%e%?%ga%t%ga%{64}%+%e%{64}%;%;%c:\
+	:tc=hp+labels:tc=scrhp:
+hp2621-a|hp2621a-a|hp2621 with fn as arrows:\
+	:tc=hp+pfk+arrows:tc=hp2621-fl:
+# newer hewlett packard terminals
+newhpkeyboard|generic entry for HP extended keyboard:\
+	:kA=\EL:kB=\Ei:kC=\EJ:kD=\EP:kE=\EK:kF=\ET:kH=\EF:kI=\EQ:\
+	:kL=\EM:kM=\ER:kN=\EU:kP=\EV:kR=\ES:kS=\EJ:kb=^H:kd=\EB:\
+	:ke=\E&s0A:kh=\Eh:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ks=\E&s1A:ku=\EA:\
+	:tc=hp+pfk-cr:
+newhp|generic entry for new hewlett packard terminals:\
+	:am:bw:mi:xo:xs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:pb#4800:\
+	:ac=2[3@4>5I9(\072'JSKWLQMAO#P$Q;R\041S"T1U2V4W3X\072Y+Z*dHjGkTlRmFn/q\054t5u6v8w7x.:\
+	:ae=^O:al=\EL:as=^N:bl=^G:bt=\Ei:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cr=^M:ct=\E3:\
+	:dc=\EP:dl=\EM:do=^J:ei=\ER:i1=\E&jB:im=\EQ:ip=:le=^H:\
+	:mb=\E&dA:md=\E&dF:me=\E&d@\017:mh=\E&dH:mk=\E&dS:\
+	:mr=\E&dB:nd=\EC:nw=^M^J:\
+	:..pk=\E&f0a%p1%dk0d%p2%l%dL%p2%s:\
+	:..pl=\E&f1a%p1%dk0d%p2%l%dL%p2%s:\
+	:..px=\E&f2a%p1%dk0d%p2%l%dL%p2%s:r1=\Eg:\
+	:..sa=\E&d%{0}%Pa%?%p4%t%{1}%ga%+%Pa%;%?%p1%p3%|%p6%|%t%{2}%ga%+%Pa%;%?%p2%p6%|%t%{4}%ga%+%Pa%;%?%p1%p5%|%t%{8}%ga%+%Pa%;%?%p7%t%?%ga%ts%ga%{64}%+%e%{83}%;%e%?%ga%t%ga%{64}%+%e%{64}%;%;%c%?%p9%t\016%e\017%;:\
+	:se=\E&d@:sf=^J:so=\E&dJ:sr=\ET:st=\E1:ta=\011:ue=\E&d@:\
+	:up=\EA:us=\E&dD:\
+	:tc=newhpkeyboard:
+memhp|memory relative addressing for new HP ttys:\
+	:vt#6:\
+	:CM=\E&a%p1%dr%p2%dC:DO=\E&a+%dR:LE=\E&a-%dC:\
+	:RI=\E&a+%dC:UP=\E&a-%dR:ch=\E&a%dC:cl=\EH\EJ:\
+	:cm=\E&a%dr%dC:cv=\E&a%dR:ho=\EH:ll=\E&a23R\r:tc=newhp:
+scrhp|screen relative addressing for new HP ttys:\
+	:CM=\E&a%p1%dr%p2%dC:DO=\E&a+%dR:LE=\E&a-%dC:\
+	:RI=\E&a+%dC:UP=\E&a-%dR:ch=\E&a%dC:cl=\E&a0c0Y\EJ:\
+	:cm=\E&a%dy%dC:cv=\E&a%dY:ho=\E&a0y0C:ll=\E&a0y0C\EA:\
+	:tc=newhp:
+# (hp+labels: added label values from a BRL termcap -- esr)
+hp+labels|"standard" label info for new HP ttys:\
+	:Nl#8:lh#2:lw#8:\
+	:LF=\E&j@:LO=\E&jB:l0=f1:l1=f2:l2=f3:l3=f4:l4=f5:l5=f6:l6=f7:\
+	:l7=f8:\
+	:..pn=\E&f2a%p1%dk%p2%l%Pa%?%ga%t%ga%d%e1%;d0L%?%ga%!%t %;%p2%s:
+hp+printer|"standard" printer info for HP ttys:\
+	:ff=\E&p4u0C:pf=\E&p13C:po=\E&p11C:ps=\EH\E&p4dF:
+# The new hp2621b is kind of a cross between the old 2621 and the
+# new 262x series of machines. It has dip-switched options. 
+# The firmware has a bug in it such that if you give it a null 
+# length label, the following character is eaten!
+hp2621b|hp 2621b with old style keyboard:\
+	:Nl#8:lh#1:lm#48:lw#8:\
+	:LO=\E&jB:kF=\ET:kH=\EF:kR=\ES:kd=\EB:kh=\Eh:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:\
+	:ku=\EA:\
+	:..pn=\E&f0a%p1%dk%p2%l%Pa%?%ga%t%ga%d%e1%;d3L%?%ga%!%t%{32}%c%;%p2%s\E%{111}%p1%+%c\r:tc=hp2621:
+hp2621b-p|hp 2621b with printer:\
+	:tc=hp+printer:tc=hp2621b:
+# hp2621b - new 2621b with new extended keyboard
+# these are closer to the new 26xx series than the other 2621b
+hp2621b-kx|hp 2621b with extended keyboard:\
+	:tc=newhpkeyboard:tc=hp2621b:
+hp2621b-kx-p|hp 2621b with new keyboard & printer:\
+	:tc=hp+printer:tc=hp2621b-kx:
+# Some assumptions are made in the following entries.
+# These settings are NOT set up by the initialization strings.
+#    Port Configuration
+# RecvPace=Xon/Xoff	XmitPace=Xon/Xoff	StripNulDel=Yes
+#    Terminal Configuration
+# InhHndShk(G)=Yes	InhDC2(H)=Yes
+# XmitFnctn(A)=No		InhEolWrp=No
+# Hp 2622a & hp2623a display and graphics terminals
+hp2622|hp2622a|hp 2622:\
+	:da:db:\
+	:lm#0:pb#19200:\
+	:is=\E&dj@\r:tc=hp+pfk+cr:tc=hp+labels:tc=scrhp:
+# The 2623 is a 2622 with extra graphics hardware.
+hp2623|hp2623a|hp 2623:\
+	:tc=hp2622:
+hp2624b-p|hp2624b-4p-p|hewlett packard 2624 B with printer:\
+	:tc=hp+printer:tc=hp2624:
+# The hewlett packard B can have an optional extra 6 pages of memory.
+hp2624-10p|hp2624a-10p|hp2624b-10p|hewlett packard 2624 B w/ 10 pages of memory:\
+	:lm#240:tc=hp2624:
+hp2624b-10p-p|hewlett packard 2624 B w/ extra memory & printer:\
+	:lm#240:tc=hp2624b-p:
+# Color manipulations for HP terminals
+hp+color|hp with colors:\
+	:cc:\
+	:Co#16:NC#17:pa#7:\
+	:..Ip=\E&v%?%p2%{1000}%=%t1%e.%p2%d%;a%?%p3%{1000}%=%t1%e.%p3%d%;b%?%p4%{1000}%=%t1%e.%p4%d%;c%?%p5%{1000}%=%t1%e.%p5%d%;x%?%p6%{1000}%=%t1%e.%p6%d%;y%?%p7%{1000}%=%t1%e.%p7%d%;z%p1%dI:\
+	:oc=\E&v0m1a1b1c0I\E&v1a1I\E&v1b2I\E&v1a1b3I\E&v1c4I\E&v1a1c5I\E&v1b1c6I\E&v1x1y7I:\
+	:op=\E&v0S:sp=\E&v%dS:
+# :is: sets the screen to be 80 columns wide
+hp2397a|hp2397|hewlett packard 2397A color terminal:\
+	:is=\E&w6f80X:\
+	:tc=memhp:tc=hp+labels:tc=hp+color:
+# (hp2392: copied :ei: here from hpex -- esr)
+hp2392|239x series:\
+	:co#80:\
+	:bt=\Ei:cm=\E&a%dy%dC:cv=\E&a%dY:ei=\ER:im=\EQ:k1=\Ep\r:\
+	:k2=\Eq\r:k3=\Er\r:k4=\Es\r:k5=\Et\r:k6=\Eu\r:k7=\Ev\r:\
+	:k8=\Ew\r:kF=\EU:kN=\Eu:kP=\Ev:kR=\EV:kh=\Eh:ue=\E&d@:\
+	:us=\E&dD:\
+	:tc=hpsub:
+hpsub|hp terminals -- capability subset:\
+	:am:da:db:mi:xo:xs:\
+	:li#24:\
+	:al=\EL:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:ch=\E&a%dC:cl=\EH\EJ:cr=^M:\
+	:dc=\EP:dl=\EM:do=\EB:if=/usr/share/tabset/stdcrt:\
+	:is=\E&s1A\E<\E&k0\:kb=^H:kd=\EB:ke=\E&s0A:kh=\Eh:kl=\ED:\
+	:kr=\EC:ks=\E&s1A:ku=\EA:le=^H:me=\E&d@:nd=\EC:se=\E&d@:\
+	:sf=^J:so=\E&dB:ta=^I:up=\EA:
+# hpex:
+#	May be used for most 24 x 80 hp terminals,
+# but has no padding added, so may allow runover in some terminals at high 
+# baud rates.  Will not work for hp2640a or hp2640b terminals, hp98x6 and 
+# hp98x5 terminal emulators or hp98x6 consoles.  
+# 	Adds xy-cursor addressing, vertical cursor addressing, home, 
+# last line, and underline capabilities.
+# (hpex: removed memory-lock capabilities ":ml=\El:mu=\Em:",
+# moved :ei: here from hpsub -- esr)
+hpex|hp extended capabilites:\
+	:cm=\E&a%dy%dC:cr=^M:cv=\E&a%dY:do=^J:ei=\ER:im=\EQ:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=^J:kl=^H:nw=^M^J:sf=^J:ta=^I:ue=\E&d@:us=\E&dD:\
+	:tc=hpsub:
+# From: Ville Sulko <Ville.Sulko@bip.atk.tpo.fi>, 05 Aug 1996
+hp2|hpex2|hewlett-packard extended capabilities newer version:\
+	:am:da:db:mi:xs:\
+	:Nl#8:co#80:lh#2:li#24:lm#0:lw#8:sg#0:\
+	:LF=\E&j@:LO=\E&jB:al=\EL:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:ch=\E&a%dC:\
+	:cl=\E&a0y0C\EJ:cm=\E&a%dy%dC:cr=^M:ct=\E3:cv=\E&a%dY:\
+	:dc=\EP:dl=\EM:do=\EB:ei=\ER:im=\EQ:k1=\Ep:k2=\Eq:k3=\Er:\
+	:k4=\Es:k5=\Et:k6=\Eu:k7=\Ev:k8=\Ew:kA=\EL:kC=\EJ:kD=\EP:\
+	:kE=\EK:kF=\ES:kH=\EF:kI=\EQ:kL=\EM:kM=\ER:kN=\EU:kP=\EV:\
+	:kR=\ET:kS=\EJ:kT=\E1:ka=\E3:kb=^H:kd=\EB:ke=\E&s0A:kh=\Eh:\
+	:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ks=\E&s1A:kt=\E2:ku=\EA:le=^H:me=\E&d@:\
+	:ml=\El:mu=\Em:nd=\EC:..pk=\E&f%p1%dk%p2%l%dL%p2%s:\
+	:..pl=\E&f1a%p1%dk%p2%l%dL%p2%s:\
+	:..pn=\E&f%p1%dk%p2%l%dd0L%p2%s:\
+	:..px=\E&f2a%p1%dk%p2%l%dL%p2%s:\
+	:..sa=\E&d%?%p7%t%{115}%c%;%p1%p3%|%p6%|%{2}%*%p2%{4}%*%+%p4%+%p5%{8}%*%+%{64}%+%c%?%p9%t%'\016'%c%e%'\017'%c%;:\
+	:se=\E&d@:sf=^J:so=\E&dB:st=\E1:ta=^I:ue=\E&d@:up=\EA:\
+	:us=\E&dD:
+# HP 236 console
+# From: <ddavis@ic.berkeley.edu>
+hp236|hp236 internal terminal emulator:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\EG:ce=\EK:cl=\EF:cm=\EE%+ %+ :dc=\EJ:dl=\EH:ei=:ic=\EI:\
+	:im=:le=^H:me=\ECI:se=\ECI:so=\EBI:up=^K:ve=\EDE:vs=\EDB:
+# This works on a hp300 console running Utah 4.3 BSD
+# From: Craig Leres <leres@okeeffe.berkeley.edu>
+hp300h|HP Catseye console:\
+	:am:bs:da:db:mi:xs:\
+	:co#128:li#51:lm#0:sg#0:\
+	:al=\EL:bl=^G:bt=\Ei:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:ch=\E&a%dC:\
+	:cl=\E&a0y0C\EJ:cm=\E&a%dy%dC:cr=^M:ct=\E3:cv=\E&a%dY:\
+	:dc=\EP:dl=\EM:do=\EB:ei=\ER:if=/usr/share/tabset/stdcrt:\
+	:im=\EQ:kb=^H:kd=\EB:ke=\E&s0A:kh=\Eh:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:\
+	:ks=\E&s1A:ku=\EA:le=^H:me=\E&d@:nd=\EC:se=\E&d@:sf=^J:\
+	:so=\E&dB:ta=^I:ue=\E&d@:up=\EA:us=\E&dD:
+# From: Greg Couch <gregc@ernie.berkeley.edu>
+hp9837|hp98720|hp98721|HP 9000/300 workstations:\
+	:am:bs:da:db:mi:xs:\
+	:co#128:it#8:li#46:lm#0:\
+	:al=\EL:bl=^G:bt=\Ei:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:ch=\E&a%dC:\
+	:cl=\E&a0y0C\EJ:cm=\E&a%dy%dC:ct=\E3:cv=\E&a%dY:dc=\EP:\
+	:dl=\EM:do=\EB:ei=\ER:im=\EQ:is=\E&v0m1b0i&j@:kA=\EL:\
+	:kD=\EP:kE=\EK:kI=\EQ:kL=\EM:kN=\EU:kP=\EV:kS=\EJ:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\EB:ke=\E&s0A:kh=\Eh:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ks=\E&s1A:ku=\EA:\
+	:le=^H:me=\E&d@:nd=\EC:se=\E&v0S:sf=^J:so=\E&v5S:st=\E1:\
+	:ta=^I:ue=\E&d@:up=\EA:us=\E&dD:
+# HP 9845 desktop computer from BRL
+# (hp9845: removed unknown capability :gu: -- esr)
+hp9845|HP 9845:\
+	:am:bs:da:db:eo:mi:xs:\
+	:co#80:li#21:\
+	:al=\EL:bc=\ED:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\E&a%r%2c%2Y:\
+	:dc=\EP:dl=\EM:ei=\ER:if=/usr/share/tabset/std:im=\EQ:\
+	:nd=\EC:se=\E&d@:so=\E&dB:up=\EA:
+# From: Charles A. Finnell of MITRE <finnell@mitre.org>, developed 07SEP90
+# (hp98550: replaced /usr/share/tabset/9837 with std because :it#8:,:st=\E1:;
+# added empty <acsc> to avoid warnings re :as:/:ae: --esr)
+hp98550|hp98550a|HP 9000 Series 300 color console:\
+	:am:bs:da:db:mi:xs:\
+	:co#128:it#8:li#49:lm#0:\
+	:ac=:ae=^O:al=\EL:as=^N:bl=^G:bt=\Ei:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:\
+	:ch=\E&a%dC:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\E&a%dy%dC:cr=^M:ct=\E3:\
+	:cv=\E&a%dY:dc=\EP:dl=\EM:do=^J:ei=\ER:\
+	:if=/usr/share/tabset/std:im=\EQ:k1=\Ep:k2=\Eq:k3=\Er:\
+	:k4=\Es:k5=\Et:k6=\Eu:k7=\Ev:k8=\Ew:kA=\EL:kC=\EJ:kD=\EP:\
+	:kE=\EK:kF=\ES:kH=\EF:kI=\EQ:kL=\EM:kM=\ER:kN=\EU:kP=\EV:\
+	:kR=\ET:kS=\EJ:kT=\E1:ka=\E3:kb=^H:kd=\EB:ke=\E&s0A:kh=\Eh:\
+	:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ks=\E&s1A:kt=\E2:ku=\EA:le=^H:mb=\E&dA:\
+	:md=\E&dJ:me=\E&d@:mh=\E&dH:mk=\E&ds:mr=\E&dJ:nd=\EC:\
+	:se=\E&d@:sf=^J:so=\E&dJ:st=\E1:ta=^I:ue=\E&d@:up=\EA:\
+	:us=\E&dD:ve=\E*dQ:vi=\E*dR:
+bobcat|sbobcat|HP 9000 model 300 console:\
+	:am:da:db:mi:xs:\
+	:co#128:it#8:li#47:sg#0:\
+	:al=10*\EL:bt=\Ei:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:ch=6\E&a%dC:cl=\EH\EJ:\
+	:cm=6\E&a%dy%dC:cr=^M:cv=6\E&a%dY:dc=\EP:dl=10*\EM:do=\EB:\
+	:ei=\ER:im=\EQ:kb=^H:kd=\EB:ke=\E&s0A:kh=\Eh:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:\
+	:ks=\E&s1A:ku=\EA:le=^H:me=\E&d@:nd=\EC:nw=^M^J:se=\E&d@:\
+	:sf=^J:so=\E&dB:ta=^I:ue=\E&d@:up=\EA:us=\E&dD:
+gator-t|HP 9000 model 237 emulating extra-tall AAA:\
+	:li#94:tc=gator:
+gator|HP 9000 model 237 emulating AAA:\
+	:bw:km:mi:ul:\
+	:co#128:it#8:li#47:\
+	:AL=1*\E[%dL:DC=4\E[%dP:DL=1*\E[%dM:IC=4\E[%d@:al=\E[L:\
+	:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:ch=\E[%i%d`:cl=\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ei=:ho=\E[H:\
+	:ic=\E[@:im=:kb=^H:kd=^J:kl=^H:le=^H:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:\
+	:nd=\E[C:nw=^M^J:rp=1*%.\E[%db:se=\E[m:so=\E[7m:ta=^I:\
+	:ue=\E[m:up=\EM:us=\E[4m:
+gator-52|HP 9000 model 237 emulating VT52:\
+	:co#128:li#47:tc=vt52:
+gator-52t|HP 9000 model 237 emulating extra-tall VT52:\
+	:li#94:tc=gator-52:
+#### Honeywell-Bull
+# From: Michael Haardt <michael@gandalf.moria> 11 Jan 93
+# Honeywell Bull terminal.  Its cursor and function keys send single
+# control characters and it has standout/underline glitch.  Most programs
+# do not like these features/bugs.  Visual bell is realized by flashing the
+# "keyboard locked" LED.
+dku7003-dumb|Honeywell Bull DKU 7003 dumb mode:\
+	:co#80:li#25:\
+	:cd=^_:ce=\E[K:cl=^]^_:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:do=^K:ho=^]:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=^K:kh=^]:kl=^Y:kr=^X:ku=^Z:le=^Y:nd=^X:nw=^M^J:\
+	:sf=^J:ta=^I:up=^Z:vb=\E[2h\E[2l:
+dku7003|Honeywell Bull DKU 7003 all features described:\
+	:ms:\
+	:sg#1:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[7m:me=\E[m:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:se=\E[m:\
+	:so=\E[7m:ue=\E[m:us=\E[4m:\
+	:tc=dku7003-dumb:
+#### IBM
+ibm327x|line mode IBM 3270 style:\
+	:gn:\
+	:ce=^M:cl=^M^J:ho=^M:
+# Beware! The 3101 entry IBM shipped with AIX 3 is *wrong*.  Losers...
+# From: J.B. Nicholson-Owens <jeffo@uiuc.edu> 8 Mar 94
+# (ibm3101: :if=/usr/share/tabset/ibm3101: removed, no such file -- esr)
+# Some versions of this that have :ct=\EH:; they may ort may not be broken.
+ibm3101|i3101|IBM 3101-10:\
+	:am:bs:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EI:cl=\EK:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=^M:ct=\E1:do=^J:\
+	:ho=\EH:kb=^H:kd=\EB:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:nd=\EC:\
+	:nw=^M^J:sf=^J:st=\E0:ta=^I:up=\EA:
+ibm3151|IBM 3151 display:\
+	:ae=\E>B:as=\E>A:is=\E S:me=\E4@\E>B:r2=\E S:s0=\E>B:\
+	:..sa=\E4%{64}%?%p1%t%{65}%|%;%?%p2%t%{66}%|%;%?%p3%t%{65}%|%;%?%p4%t%{68}%|%;%?%p5%t%{64}%|%;%?%p6%t%{72}%|%;%?%p7%t%{80}%|%;%c%?%p9%t\E>A%e\E>B%;:\
+	:te=\E>B:ti=\E>B:\
+	:tc=ibm3163:
+# From: Mark Easter <marke@fsi-ssd.csg.ssd.fsi.com> 29 Oct 1992 
+# I've commented out or translated some IBM extensions.
+# <kend>, :kN:, :kP:, <mc4>, <mc5> merged in from AIX 3.2.5  
+ibm3161|ibm3163|wy60-316X|wyse60-316X|IBM 3161/3163 display:\
+	:am:bs:mi:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:@7=\E2:F1=\Ek\r:F2=\El\r:F3=\E\041a\r:F4=\E\041b\r:\
+	:F5=\E\041c\r:F6=\E\041d\r:F7=\E\041e\r:F8=\E\041f\r:\
+	:F9=\E\041g\r:FA=\E\041h\r:FB=\E\041i\r:FC=\E\041j\r:\
+	:FD=\E\041k\r:FE=\E\041l\r:\
+	:ac=j\352k\353l\354m\355n\356q\361t\364u\365v\366w\367x\370:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EI:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=^M:dc=\EQ:\
+	:dl=\EO:do=\EB:ho=\EH:k1=\Ea\r:k2=\Eb\r:k3=\Ec\r:k4=\Ed\r:\
+	:k5=\Ee\r:k6=\Ef\r:k7=\Eg\r:k8=\Eh\r:k9=\Ei\r:k;=\Ej\r:\
+	:kA=\EN:kB=\E2:kC=\EL\r:kD=\EQ:kE=\EI:kI=\EP \010:kL=\EO:\
+	:kN=\EI:kP=\EL:kS=\EJ:kT=\E0:ka=\E 1:kb=^H:kd=\EB:kh=\EH:\
+	:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:kt=\E1:ku=\EA:le=\ED:mb=\E4D:md=\E4H:\
+	:me=\E4@\E<@:mk=\E4P:mr=\E4A:nd=\EC:pf=^P^T:po=^P^R:\
+	:..sa=\E4%{64}%?%p1%t%{65}%|%;%?%p2%t%{66}%|%;%?%p3%t%{65}%|%;%?%p4%t%{68}%|%;%?%p5%t%{64}%|%;%?%p6%t%{72}%|%;%?%p7%t%{80}%|%;%c%?%p9%t\E>A%e\E<@%;:\
+	:se=\E4@:sf=^J:so=\E4A:te=\E>A:ti=\E>A:ue=\E4@:up=\EA:\
+	:us=\E4B:
+ibm3161-C|IBM 3161-C NLS terminal using cartridge:\
+	:s0=\E>B:s1=\E>A:te=\E>B:ti=\E>B:\
+	:tc=ibm3161:
+ibm3162|IBM 3162 display:\
+	:al=\EN:mb=\E4$a:md=\E4(a:me=\E4@:mk=\E40a:mr=\E4\041a:\
+	:se=\E4>b:so=\E4\041a:ue=\E4=b:us=\E4"a:\
+	:tc=ibm3161-C:
+# How the 3164 sgr string works:
+#	%{32}	        # push space for no special video characteristics
+#	%?%p2%t%{1}%|%; # if p2 set, then OR the 1 bit for reverse
+#	%?%p3%t%{4}%|%; # if p3 set, then OR the 4 bit for blink
+#	%?%p4%t%{2}%|%; # if p4 set, then OR the 2 bit for underline
+#	%c              # pop Pa1
+#	%{39}%p1%-	# calculate 32 + (7 - p1) for foreground
+#	%c		# pop Pa2 
+#	%{64}		# use only black background for now
+#	%c		# pop Pa3
+# (ibm3164: merged :ms:,<colors>,<pairs>,<setb>,<setf> from AIX 3.2.5 -- esr)
+ibm3164|i3164|IBM 3164:\
+	:ms:\
+	:Co#8:pa#64:\
+	:Sb=\E4  %+@:..Sf=\E4%?%p1%t %p1%{32}%+%c%e\041'%;@:\
+	:mb=\E4D:md=\E4H:me=\E4@:\
+	:..sa=\E4%{32}%?%p2%t%{1}%|%;%?%p3%t%{4}%|%;%?%p4%t%{2}%|%;%c%{39}%p1%-%c%{64}%c:tc=ibm3163:
+# From: <pryor@math.berkeley.edu>
+# (ibm5081: merged acsc, s0ds, s1ds, sgr0 into ibm5081 from AIX 3.2.5. -- esr)
+ibm5081|ibmmpel|IBM 5081 1024x1024 256/4096 Megapel color display:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:li#33:\
+	:ac=jjkkllmmnnqqttuuvvwwxx:ds=\Ej\EYA \EI\Ek:fs=\Ek:\
+	:me=\E[0m\E(B:s0=\E(B:s1=\E(0:ts=\Ej\EYA%+ \Eo:\
+	:tc=ibmmono:
+ibm5081-c|ibmmpel-c|IBM 5081 1024x1024 256/4096 Megapel enhanced color display:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:li#33:\
+	:ds=\Ej\EYA \EI\Ek:fs=\Ek:ts=\Ej\EYA%+ \Eo:tc=ibmega-c:
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+ibm5151|wy60-AT|wyse60-AT|IBM 5151 Monochrome display:\
+	:am:bw:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:\
+	:SF=\E[%dS:SR=\E[%dT:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:\
+	:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:dc=\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:is=\Ec:\
+	:k0=\E[010q:k1=\E[001q:k2=\E[002q:k3=\E[003q:k4=\E[004q:\
+	:k5=\E[005q:k6=\E[006q:k7=\E[007q:k8=\E[008q:k9=\E[009q:\
+	:kD=\E[P:kI=\E[139q:kN=\E[154q:kP=\E[150q:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:\
+	:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:\
+	:me=\E[0m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:rc=\E[u:sc=\E[s:se=\E[m:sf=\E[S:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=\E[T:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+ibm5154|IBM 5154 Color display:\
+	:Co#8:pa#64:\
+	:AB=\E[4%p1%dm:AF=\E[3%p1%dm:md@:tc=ibm5151:
+ibm6153|IBM 6153 Black & White display:\
+	:mb@:md=\E[12m:me=\E[0;10m:s0=\E[10m:s1=\E[11m:s2=\E[12m:\
+	:..sa=\E[%?%p1%t;7%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p3%t;7%;%?%p4%t;5%;%?%p6%t;12%;m:\
+	:tc=ibm5151:
+ibm6153-90|IBM 6153 Black & White display:\
+	:co#90:li#36:\
+	:mb@:md@:tc=ibm5151:
+ibm6153-40|IBM 6153 Black & White display:\
+	:co#40:li#12:tc=ibm6153-90:
+ibm6154|IBM 6154 Color displays:\
+	:mb@:md=\E[12m:me=\E[0;10m:s0=\E[10m:s1=\E[11m:s2=\E[12m:\
+	:..sa=\E[%?%p1%t;7%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p3%t;7%;%?%p4%t;5%;%?%p6%t;12%;m:\
+	:tc=ibm5154:
+ibm6155|IBM 6155 Black & White display:\
+	:mb@:md@:tc=ibm5151:
+ibm8503|ibm8507|ibm8604|IBM 8503 B & W VGA display:\
+	:tc=hft-c:
+ibm8512|ibm8513|IBM color VGA Terminal:\
+	:am:mi:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DL=\E[%dM:RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7h:\
+	:ac=jjkkllmmnnqqttuuvvwwxx:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:cd=\E[J:\
+	:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:dl=\E[M:dm=\E[4h:\
+	:do=^J:ec=\E[%dX:ed=\E[4l:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\Eb\E[m\017\E[?7h:k0=\E[010q:k1=\E[001q:k2=\E[002q:\
+	:k3=\E[003q:k4=\E[004q:k5=\E[005q:k6=\E[006q:k7=\E[007q:\
+	:k8=\E[008q:k9=\E[009q:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:ku=\E[A:le=\E[D:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:r1=\Eb\E[m\017\E[?7h\E[H\E[J:rc=\E[u:sc=\E[s:se=\E[m:\
+	:so=\E[7m:te=\E[20h:ti=\E[20;4l\E[?7h\Eb:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:\
+	:tc=ibm8503:
+ibm8514|IBM 8514 color display:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:li#41:\
+	:cr=^M:do=^J:ds=\Ej\EYI \EI\Ek:fs=\Ek:kb=^H:kd=^J:kl=^H:\
+	:nw=^M^J:sf=^J:ta=^I:ts=\Ej\EYI%+ \Eo:\
+	:tc=ibmega:
+ibm8514-c|IBM 8514 color display with standout and underline:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:li#41:\
+	:cr=^M:do=^J:ds=\Ej\EYI \EI\Ek:fs=\Ek:kb=^H:kd=^J:kl=^H:\
+	:nw=^M^J:sf=^J:ta=^I:ts=\Ej\EYI%+ \Eo:\
+	:tc=ibmega-c:
+ibmaed|IBM Experimental display:\
+	:am:bs:eo:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#52:\
+	:al=\EN:cd=\EJ:ce=\EI:cl=\EH\EK:cm=\EY%+ %+ :dc=\EQ:dl=\EO:\
+	:do=\EB:ei=:ho=\EH:ic=\EP:im=:kb=^H:kd=\EB:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:\
+	:ku=\EA:le=^H:me=\E0:nd=\EC:se=\E0:so=\E0:ta=^I:up=\EA:\
+	:vb=\EG:
+ibm-apl|apl|IBM apl terminal simulator:\
+	:li#25:tc=dm1520:
+# (ibmmono: this had an unknown `sb' boolean, I changed it to `bs'.  
+# Also it had ":I0=f10:" which pretty obviously should be "l0=f10" -- esr)
+ibmmono|IBM workstation monochrome:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:al=\EL:dl=\EM:ds=\Ej\EY8 \EI\Ek:fs=\Ek:k0=\E<:k1=\ES:\
+	:k2=\ET:k3=\EU:k4=\EV:k5=\EW:k6=\EP:k7=\EQ:k8=\ER:k9=\EY:\
+	:kF=\EE:kI=\0:kN=\EE:kP=\Eg:kR=\EG:kb=^H:kh=\EH:l0=f10:\
+	:md=\EZ:me=\Ew\Eq\Ez\EB:mk=\EF\Ef0;\Eb0;:mr=\Ep:se=\Ez:\
+	:so=\EZ:sr=\EA:ts=\Ej\EY8%+ \Eo:ue=\Ew:us=\EW:\
+	:tc=ibm3101:
+ibmega|IBM Enhanced Color Display:\
+	:cr=^M:do=^J:kb=^H:kd=^J:kl=^H:nw=^M^J:sf=^J:ta=^I:tc=ibmmono:
+ibmega-c|ibm5154-c|IBM Enhanced Color Display with standout and underline:\
+	:se=\EB:so=\EF\Ef3;:ue=\EB:us=\EF\Ef2;:\
+	:tc=ibmmono:
+ibmvga-c|IBM VGA display color termcap:\
+	:cr=^M:do=^J:kb=^H:kd=^J:kl=^H:nw=^M^J:sf=^J:ta=^I:tc=ibmega-c:
+ibmvga|IBM VGA display:\
+	:cr=^M:do=^J:kb=^H:kd=^J:kl=^H:nw=^M^J:sf=^J:ta=^I:tc=ibmega:
+# ibmapa* and ibmmono entries come from ACIS 4.3 distribution
+rtpc|ibmapa16|IBM 6155 Extended Monochrome Graphics Display:\
+	:li#32:\
+	:ds=\Ej\EY@ \EI\Ek:ts=\Ej\EY@%+ \Eo:tc=ibmmono:
+# Advanced Monochrome (6153) and Color (6154) Graphics Display:
+ibmapa8c|ibmapa8|IBM 6153/4 Advanced Graphics Display:\
+	:li#31:\
+	:ds=\Ej\EY? \EI\Ek:ts=\Ej\EY?%+ \Eo:tc=ibmmono:
+ibmapa8c-c|ibm6154-c|IBM 6154 Advanced Color Graphics Display:\
+	:li#31:\
+	:ds=\Ej\EY? \EI\Ek:mh=\EF\Ef7;:ts=\Ej\EY?%+ \Eo:tc=ibmega-c:
+hft-c-old|HFT with Color PC850:\
+	:Co#8:pa#64:\
+	:AB=\E[4%p1%dm:AF=\E[3%p1%dm:tc=ibm5151:
+# From: Marc Pawliger <marc@ibminet.awdpa.ibm.com>
+# also in /usr/lpp/bos/bsdsysadmin.
+# (hft-c: this entry had :kb=\E[D:kf=\E[C: on the line with ku/kd/kh; this was
+# pretty obviously mislabeled for :le: and :nd:; also ":ul=\E[4m:" was clearly
+# a typo for ":us=\E[4m:"; also ":el=\E[K:" was a typo for ":ce=\E[K:".
+# I also added <rmam>/<smam> based on the terminal reset string.
+# There was an unknown boolean ":ht:" which I assume was meant to set hardware
+# tabs, so I have inserted it#8. Finally, :ac=^N: paired with the :ae: looked
+# like a typo for :as=^N:; finally, added empty <acsc> to quiet tic -- esr)
+hft-c|IBM High Function Terminal:\
+	:am:mi:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DL=\E[%dM:RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7h:\
+	:ac=jjkkllmmnnqqttuuvvwwxx:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:cd=\E[J:\
+	:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:dl=\E[M:dm=\E[4h:\
+	:do=^J:ec=\E[%dX:ed=\E[4l:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\Eb\E[m\017\E[?7h:k0=\E[010q:k1=\E[001q:k2=\E[002q:\
+	:k3=\E[003q:k4=\E[004q:k5=\E[005q:k6=\E[006q:k7=\E[007q:\
+	:k8=\E[008q:k9=\E[009q:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:ku=\E[A:le=\E[D:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:r1=\Eb\E[m\017\E[?7h\E[H\E[J:rc=\E[u:sc=\E[s:se=\E[m:\
+	:so=\E[7m:te=\E[20h:ti=\E[20;4l\E[?7h\Eb:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:
+hft|AIWS High Function Terminal:\
+	:am:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#25:\
+	:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ei=\E6:ho=\E[H:\
+	:ic=\E[@:im=\E6:k1=\E[001q:k2=\E[002q:k3=\E[003q:\
+	:k4=\E[004q:k5=\E[005q:k6=\E[006q:k7=\E[007q:k8=\E[008q:\
+	:k9=\E[009q:kN=\E[153q:kP=\E[159q:ka=\E[010q:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:\
+	:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mk=\E[8m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:sf=^J:\
+	:so=\E[7m:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+ibm-system1|system1|ibm system/1 computer:\
+	:am:xt:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=^Z:cm=\005%+ %+ :ho=^K:le=^H:nd=^\:sf=^J:up=^^:
+#       lft-pc850 : IBM Low Function Terminal Device
+#    lft "supports" underline, bold, and blink in the sense that the lft code
+#    sets all the right bits.  HOWEVER, depending upon the adapter, these
+#    attributes may or may not be supported by the device driver.
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+lft|lft-pc850|LFT-PC850|IBM LFT PC850 Device:\
+	:am:bw:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:SF=\E[%dS:SR=\E[%dT:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ae=\E(B:al=\E[L:as=\E(0:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[2J:ce=\E[0K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:is=\Ec:\
+	:k1=\E[001q:k2=\E[002q:k3=\E[003q:k4=\E[004q:k5=\E[005q:\
+	:k6=\E[006q:k7=\E[007q:k8=\E[008q:k9=\E[009q:kD=\E[P:\
+	:kI=\E[139q:kN=\E[154q:kP=\E[150q:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:\
+	:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[0m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\EL:ue=\E[0m:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+# AIX entries.  IBM ships these with AIX 3.2.5. 
+# AIX extension caps are commented out,
+# except for box1 which has been translated to an <acsc> string.
+aixterm|IBM Aixterm Terminal Eemulator:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:ac=jjkkllmmnnqqttuuvvwwxx:ds=\E[?E:fs=\E[?F:md=\E[1m:\
+	:me=\E[0;10m\E(B:s0=\E(B:s1=\E(0:\
+	:..sa=\E[%?%p1%t;7%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p3%t;7%;%?%p4%t;5%;%?%p6%t;1%;%?%p7%t;8%;m:\
+	:sr@:ts=\E[?%p1%dT:\
+	:tc=ibm6154:
+aixterm-m|IBM AIXterm Monochrome Terminal Emulator:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:ac=jjkkllmmnnqqttuuvvwwxx:ds=\E[?E:fs=\E[?F:md=\E[1m:\
+	:me=\E[0;10m\E(B:s0=\E(B:s1=\E(0:\
+	:..sa=\E[%?%p1%t;7%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p3%t;7%;%?%p4%t;5%;%?%p6%t;1%;m:\
+	:sr@:ts=\E[?%p1%dT:\
+	:tc=ibm6153:
+aixterm-m-old|old IBM AIXterm Monochrome Terminal Emulator:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:ds=\E[?E:fs=\E[?F:md=\E[1m:\
+	:..sa=\E[%?%p1%t;7%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p3%t;7%;%?%p4%t;5%;%?%p6%t;1%;m:\
+	:sr@:ts=\E[?%p1%dT:\
+	:tc=ibm6153:
+jaixterm|IBM Kanji Aixterm Terminal Eemulator:\
+	:ac@:tc=aixterm:
+jaixterm-m|IBM Kanji AIXterm Monochrome Terminal Emulator:\
+	:ac@:\
+	:tc=aixterm-m:
+#### Infoton/General Terminal Corp.
+# gt100 sounds like something DEC would come out with.  Let's hope they don't.
+i100|gt100|gt100a|General Terminal 100A (formerly Infoton 100):\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\EL:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=^L:cm=\Ef%r%+ %+ :cr=^M:\
+	:dl=\EM:do=^J:ho=\EH:le=^H:nd=\EC:se=\Ea:sf=^J:so=\Eb:up=\EA:\
+	:vb=\Eb\Ea:
+i400|infoton 400:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#25:\
+	:al=\E[L:bl=^G:ce=\E[N:cl=\E[2J:cm=%i\E[%3;%3H:cr=^M:\
+	:dc=\E[4h\E[2Q\E[P\E[4l\E[0Q:dl=\E[M:do=^J:\
+	:ei=\E[4l\E[0Q:im=\E[4h\E[2Q:le=^H:nd=\E[C:sf=^J:up=\E[A:
+# (addrinfo: removed obsolete ":bc=^Z:" -- esr)
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=^K:cl=^L:..cm=\037%p1%{1}%-%c%p2%{1}%-%c:cr=^M:\
+	:do=^J:ho=^H:le=^Z:ll=^H^\:nd=^Y:sf=^J:up=^\:
+# (infoton: used to have the no-ops <lh#0>, <lw#0>, <nlab#0> -- esr)
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=^K:cl=^L:cr=^M:do=^J:le=^Z:ll=^H^\:nd=^Y:sf=^J:\
+	:up=^\:
+# The ICL6402 was actually the Kokusai Display System 6402.
+# The 6404 was the KDS7372 (color version of the 6402).
+# ICL6404 control codes follow:
+#code            function
+#~~~~~~~~~~~     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+#ctrl-A          set SOM position at cursor position
+#ctrl-G          Bell
+#ctrl-H          Backspace
+#ctrl-I          Horiz tab
+#ctrl-J          Linefeed
+#ctrl-K          Cursor up
+#ctrl-L          Cursor right
+#ctrl-M          Carriage return
+#ctrl-N          Disable xon/xoff to host
+#ctrl-O          Enable xon/xoff to host
+#ctrl-R          Enable bidirectional mode
+#ctrl-T          Disable bidirectional mode
+#ctrl-V          Cursor down
+#ctrl-Z          Clear unprotected data to insert char
+#ctrl-^          Cursor home
+#ctrl-_          Newline
+#ESC             lead-in char for multiple character command
+#ESC space R     execute power on sequence
+#ESC ! p1 p2     define scroll region:
+#                p1 = scroll top    line:  20h - 37h
+#                p1 = scroll bottom line:  20h - 37h
+#ESC "           unlock keyboard
+#ESC #           lock keyboard
+#ESC $           Semi-graphics mode on
+#ESC %           Semi-graphics mode off
+#ESC &           protect mode on
+#ESC '           protect mode off
+#ESC (           write protect mode off (full intensity)
+#ESC )           write protect mode on (half intensity)
+#ESC *           clear screen
+#ESC +           clear unprotected data to insert char
+#ESC ,           clear unprotected data to half intensity spaces
+#ESC - p1 p2 p3 p4     address cursor to page, row, column:
+#                      p1 = page number  0 - 3
+#                      p2 = row          20h - 7fh
+#                      p3 = column (lo)  20h - 7fh
+#                      p4 = column (hi)  20h - 21h (only 132 col)
+#ESC . p1        set cursor style:
+#                p1 = 0  invisible cursor
+#                p1 = 1  block blinking cursor
+#                p1 = 2  block steady cursor
+#                p1 = 3  underline blinking cursor
+#                p1 = 4  underline steady cursor
+#ESC /           transmit cursor location (page, row, column)
+#ESC 0 p1 p2 p3 p4     program edit key:
+#                      p1 = edit key code: '@'-'S', '`'-'s'
+#                      p2 p3 p4 = program data (3 bytes)
+#ESC 1           set tab
+#ESC 2           clear tab at cursor
+#ESC 3           clear all tabs
+#ESC 4           send unprotect line to cursor
+#ESC 5           send unprotect page to cursor
+#ESC 6           send line to cursor
+#ESC 7           send page to cursor
+#ESC 8 n         set scroll mode:
+#                n = 0   set jump scroll
+#                n = 1   set smooth scroll
+#ESC 9 n         control display:
+#                n = 0   display off
+#                n = 1   display on
+#ESC :           clear unprotected data to null
+#ESC ;           clear unprotected data to insert char
+#ESC <           keyclick on
+#ESC = p1 p2     address cursor to row, column
+#                p1 = row          20h - 7fh
+#                p2 = column (lo)  20h - 7fh
+#                p3 = column (hi)  20h - 21h (only 132 col)
+#ESC >           keyclick off
+#ESC ?           transmit cursor location (row, column)
+#ESC @           copy print mode on
+#ESC A           copy print mode off
+#ESC B           block mode on
+#ESC C           block mode off (conversation mode)
+#ESC D F         set full duplex
+#ESC D H         set half duplex
+#ESC E           line insert
+#ESC F p1 p2     set page colour (p1 = f/grnd, p2 = b/grnd)
+#                0 = black, 1 = red,     2 = green, 3 = yellow
+#                4 = blue,  5 = magenta, 6 = cyan,  7 = white
+#ESC G n         set serial field attribute (n = 30h - 3Fh)
+#ESC H n         full graphics mode:
+#                n = 0  exit full graphics mode
+#                n = 1  enter full graphics mode
+#ESC I           back tab
+#ESC J           back page
+#ESC K           forward page
+#ESC L           unformatted page print
+#ESC M L         move window left  (132 col mode only)
+#ESC M R         move window right (132 col mode only)
+#ESC N           set page edit (clear line edit)
+#ESC O           set line edit (clear page edit)
+#ESC P           formatted page print
+#ESC Q           character insert
+#ESC R           line delete
+#ESC S           send message unprotected only
+#ESC T           erase line to insert char
+#ESC U           set monitor mode   (see ESC X, ESC u)
+#ESC V n         select video attribute mode:
+#                n = 0   serial field attribute mode
+#                n = 1   parallel character attribute mode
+#ESC V 2 n       define line attribute:
+#                n = 0   single width single height
+#                n = 1   single width double height
+#                n = 2   double width single height
+#                n = 3   double width double height
+#ESC V 3 n       select character font:
+#                n = 0   system font
+#                n = 1   user defined font
+#ESC V 4 n       select screen mode:
+#                n = 0   page screen mode
+#                n = 1   virtual screen mode
+#ESC V 5 n       control mouse mode:
+#                n = 0   disable mouse
+#                n = 1   enable sample mode
+#                n = 2   send mouse information
+#                n = 3   enable request mode
+#ESC W           character delete
+#ESC X           clear monitor mode (see ESC U, ESC u)
+#ESC Y           erase page to insert char
+#ESC Z n         send user/status line:
+#                n = 0   send user line
+#                n = 1   send status line
+#                n = 2   send terminal ID
+#ESC [ p1 p2 p3  set character attribute (parallel char mode):
+#                p1: 0 = normal
+#                    1 = blank
+#                    2 = blink
+#                    3 = blink blank (= blank)
+#                    4 = reverse
+#                    5 = reverse blank
+#                    6 = reverse blink
+#                    7 = reverse blink blank (= reverse blank)
+#                    8 = underline
+#                    9 = underline blank
+#                    : = underline blink
+#                    ; = underline blink blank
+#                    < = reverse underline
+#                    = = reverse underline blank
+#                    > = reverse underline blink
+#                    ? = reverse underline blink blank
+#                p2, p3: f/grnd, b/grnd colour
+#                (see ESC F for colours)
+#                use ZZ for mono, eg.
+#                    ESC [ 0 Z Z for normal
+#                    ESC [ 4 Z Z for inverse etc.
+#ESC \ n         set page size:
+#                n = 1   24 lines/page
+#                n = 2   48 lines/page
+#                n = 3   72 lines/page
+#                n = 4   96 lines/page
+#ESC ] n         set Wordstar mode:
+#                n = 0   normal (KDS7372) mode
+#                n = 1   Wordstar mode
+#ESC b           set foreground colour screen
+#ESC c n         enter self-test mode:
+#                n = 0   exit self test mode
+#                n = 1   ROM test
+#                n = 2   RAM test
+#                n = 3   NVRAM test
+#                n = 4   screen display test
+#                n = 5   main/printer port test
+#                n = 6   mouse port test
+#                n = 7   graphics board test
+#                n = 8   graphics memory test
+#                n = 9   display all 'E'
+#                n = :   display all 'H'
+#ESC d           set background colour screen
+#ESC e n         program insert char (n = insert char)
+#ESC f text CR   load user status line with 'text'
+#ESC g           display user status line on 25th line
+#ESC h           display system status line on 25th line
+#ESC i           tab
+#ESC j           reverse linefeed
+#ESC k n         duplex/local edit mode:
+#                n = 0   duplex edit mode
+#                n = 1   local edit mode
+#ESC l n         select virtual screen:
+#                n = 0   screen 1
+#                n = 1   screen 2
+#ESC m           save current config to NVRAM
+#ESC n p1        select display screen:
+#                p1 = 0  screen 1
+#                p1 = 1  screen 2
+#                p1 = 2  screen 3
+#                p1 = 3  screen 4
+#ESC o p1 p2     set characters/line and attribute:
+#                p1 = 0  80 chars/line
+#ESC o p1 p2     set characters/line and attribute:
+#                p1 = 0  80 chars/line
+#                p1 = 1  132 chars/line
+#                p2 = 0  single width single height
+#                p2 = 1  single width double height
+#                p2 = 2  double width single height
+#                p2 = 3  double width double height
+#ESC q           insert mode on
+#ESC r           edit mode on
+#ESC s           send message all
+#ESC t           erase line to null
+#ESC u           clear monitor mode (see ESC U, ESC X)
+#ESC v           autopage mode on
+#ESC w           autopage mode off
+#ESC x p1 p2 p3  define delimiter code...
+#ESC y           erase page to null
+#ESC z 2 p1 p2 p3 p4   draw quadrangle:
+#                      p1 = starting row
+#                      p2 = starting column
+#                      p3 = end row
+#                      p4 = end column
+#ESC { p1 p2 p3 p4     configure main port
+#                      (baud, stop bits, parity, word length)
+#ESC | p1 p2 text Ctrl-Y    program function key with 'text':
+#                        p1 = function key code:
+#                             '1' - ';'  normal f1- f11
+#                             '<' - 'F'  shifted f1 - f11
+#                        p2 = program mode:
+#                             1 = FDX
+#                             2 = LOC
+#                             3 = HDX
+#                        Ctrl-Y = terminator
+#                        (use Ctrl-P to escape ^P, ^Y )
+#ESC } p1 p2 p3 p4     configure printer port
+#                      (baud, stop bits, parity, word length)
+#ESC ~           send system status
+# Codes and info from Peter Disdale <pete@pdlmail.demon.co.uk> 12 May 1997
+# Entry is by esr going solely on above information and is UNTESTED.
+# This actually looks a lot like a Televideo 9xx.
+# This entry uses page 0 and is monochrome; I'm not brave enough to try
+# to make color work without a test terminal.  The :am: capability is a guess.
+# The initialization string sets conversation mode, blinking underline cursor,
+# full duplex, parallel attribute mode, display user status line, white
+# foreground, black background, normal highlight.
+icl6404|kds7372|icl6402|kds6402|ICL 6404 aka Kokusai Display Systems 7372:\
+	:am:bs:hs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:DC=\EW:al=\EE:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cl=\E*:cm=\E=%+ %+P%+P:cr=^M:\
+	:..cs=\E\041%+%p1%{32}%+%p2%{32} cud1=\026:ct=\E3:\
+	:dl=\ER:ei=\Er:ho=^^:i1=\EC\E.3\EDF\EV1\Eg\E[0ZZ:im=\Eq:\
+	:mb=\E[2ZZ:me=\E[0ZZ:mk=\E[1ZZ:mr=\E[4ZZ:nd=^L:nw=^_:\
+	:r2=\Eo1:\
+	:..sa=\E[%{0}%?%p1%t%{4}%|%;%?%p2%t%{8}%|%;%?%p3%t%{4}%|%;%?%p4%t%{2}%|%;%?%p7%t%{1}%|%;ZZ:\
+	:se=\E[%gh%{4}%^%Ph%gh%dZZ:so=\E[8ZZ:st=\E1:ta=^I:\
+	:ue=\E[%gh%{8}%^%Ph%gh%dZZ:up=^K:us=\E[8ZZ:ve=\E.3:\
+	:vi=\E.0:vs=\E.1:
+icl6404-w|kds7372-w|ICL 6404 aka Kokusai Display Systems 7372 132 cols:\
+	:r2=\Eo1:\
+	:tc=icl6404:
+#### Interactive Systems Corp
+# ISC used to sell OEMed and customized hardware to support ISC UNIX.
+# ISC UNIX still exists in 1995, but ISC itself is no more; they got
+# bought out by Sun.
+# From: <cithep!eric>  Wed Sep 16 08:06:44 1981
+# (intext: removed obsolete ":ma=^K^P^R^L^L ::bc=^_:", also the
+# ":le=^_:" later overridden -- esr)
+intext|Interactive Systems Corporation modified owl 1200:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:sg#1:\
+	:al=\020:bl=^G:bt=^Y:cd=\026J:ce=^Kp^R:cl=\014:\
+	:cm=\017%+ %+ :cr=^M:dc=\022:dl=\021:do=^J:ei=^V<:im=^V;:\
+	:ip=:k0=^VJ\r:k1=^VA\r:k2=^VB\r:k3=^VC\r:k4=^VD\r:k5=^VE\r:\
+	:k6=^VF\r:k7=^VG\r:k8=^VH\r:k9=^VI\r:kb=^H:kd=^J:ke=^V9:\
+	:kh=^Z:kl=^_:kr=^^:ks=\036\072\264\026%:ku=^\:le=^H:nd=^^:\
+	:se=^V# :sf=^J:so=^V$\054:ta=^I:up=^\:
+intext2|intextii|INTERACTIVE modified owl 1251:\
+	:am:bw:ul:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#0:\
+	:al=\E[L:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:ch=\E[%+^AG:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:\
+	:do=\E[B:ei=:ic=\E[@:im=:k0=\E@\r:k1=\EP\r:k2=\EQ\r:\
+	:k3=\ES\r:k4=\ET\r:k5=\EU\r:k6=\EV\r:k7=\EW\r:k8=\EX\r:\
+	:k9=\EY\r:kb=^H:kd=\EB\r:kh=\ER\r:kl=\ED\r:kr=\EC\r:\
+	:ku=\EA\r:l0=REFRSH:l1=DEL CH:l2=TABSET:l3=GOTO:l4=+PAGE:\
+	:l5=+SRCH:l6=-PAGE:l7=-SRCH:l8=LEFT:l9=RIGHT:nd=\E[C:\
+	:se=\E[2 D:sf=\E[S:so=\E[6 D:sr=\E[T:ta=^I:ue=\E[2 D:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[18 D:\
+	:vb=\E[;;;;;;;;;2;;u\E[;;;;;;;;;1;;u:
+#### Kimtron (abm, kt)
+# Kimtron seems to be history, but as March 1998 these people are still 
+# offering repair services for Kimtron equipment:
+#    Com/Pair Monitor Service
+#    1105 N. Cliff Ave.
+#    Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57103
+#    WATS voice:  1-800/398-4946
+#    POTS   fax: +1 605/338-8709
+#    POTS voice: +1 605/338-9650
+#         Email: <compair@sd.cybernex.net>
+#  Internet/Web: <http://www.com-pair.com>
+# Kimtron entries include (undocumented) codes for: enter dim mode,
+# enter bold mode, enter reverse mode, turn off all attributes.
+# Kimtron ABM 85 added by Dual Systems
+# (abm85: removed duplicated ":kd=^J:" -- esr)
+abm85|Kimtron ABM 85:\
+	:am:bs:bw:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:sg#1:\
+	:al=\EE:bt=\EI:cd=\Ey:ce=\Et:cl=\E*:cm=\E=%+ %+ :dc=\EW:\
+	:dl=\ER:do=^J:ei=\Er:if=/usr/share/tabset/stdcrt:im=\EQ:\
+	:is=\EC\EX\Eg\En\E%\Er\E(\Ek\Em\Eq:kb=^H:kd=^J:kh=^^:\
+	:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:nd=^L:se=\Ek:so=\Ej:ta=^I:ue=\Em:\
+	:up=^K:us=\El:
+# Kimtron ABM 85H added by Dual Systems.
+# Some notes about the abm85h entries:
+# 1) there are several firmware revs of 85H in the world. Use abm85h-old for
+#    firmware revs prior to SP51
+# 2) Make sure to use abm85h entry if the terminal is in 85h mode and the
+#    abm85e entry if it is in tvi920 emulation mode. They are incompatible
+#    in some places and NOT software settable i.e., :is: can't fix it)
+# 3) In 85h mode, the arrow keys and special functions transmit when
+#    the terminal is in dup-edit, and work only locally in local-edit.
+#    Vi won't swallow `del char' for instance, but :ti: turns on
+#    dup-edit anyway so that the arrow keys will work right. If the
+#    arrow keys don't work the way you like, change :ti:, :te:, and
+#    :is:.  Note that 920E mode does not have software commands to toggle
+#    between dup and local edit, so you get whatever was set last on the
+#    terminal.
+# 4) :vb: attribute is nice, but seems too slow to work correctly
+#    (\Eb:pc:\Ed)
+# 5) Make sure `hidden' attributes are selected. If `embedded' attributes
+#    are selected, the <xmc@> entry should be removed.
+# 6) auto new-line should be on (selectable from setup mode only)
+# From: Erik Fair <fair@ucbarpa>  Sun Oct 27 07:21:05 1985
+abm85h|Kimtron ABM 85H native mode:\
+	:hs:\
+	:sg@:\
+	:bl=^G:ds=\Ee:fs=^M:im=\EZ:\
+	:is=\EC\EN\EX\024\016\EA\Ea\E%\E9\Ee\Er\En\E"\E}\E'\E(\Ef\r\EG0\Ed\E.4\El:\
+	:kd=^V:me=\E(\EG0:mh=\E):mk@:ts=\Eg\Ef:vb@:ve=\E.4:vs=\E.2:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:tc=abm85:
+abm85e|Kimtron ABM 85H in 920E mode:\
+	:sg@:\
+	:bl=^G:im=\EZ:\
+	:is=\EC\EX\EA\E%\E9\Ee\Er\En\E"\E}\E'\E(\Ef\r\Ek\Eq\Em:\
+	:me=\E(\Ek:mh=\E):mr=\Ej:vb@:\
+	:tc=abm85:
+abm85h-old|oabm85h|o85h|Kimtron ABM 85H with old firmware rev.:\
+	:sg@:\
+	:bl=^G:im=\EZ:\
+	:is=\E}\EC\EX\Ee\En\E%\Er\E(\Ek\Em\Eq\Ed\ET\EC\E9\EF:\
+	:me=\E(\Ek:mh=\E):mr=\Ej:\
+	:tc=abm85:
+# From: <malman@bbn-vax.arpa>
+# (kt7: removed obsolete :ma=^V^J^L :" -- esr)
+kt7|kimtron model kt-7:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=\EE:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=^Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :dc=\EW:\
+	:dl=\ER:do=^V:ei=:fs=\Eg:ho=^^:ic=\EQ:\
+	:if=/usr/share/tabset/stdcrt:im=:is=\El\E":k0=^AI\r:\
+	:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:\
+	:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:kA=\EE:kB=\EI:kC=^Z:kD=\EW:\
+	:kE=\ET:kI=\EQ:kL=\ER:kS=\EY:kb=^H:kd=^V:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:\
+	:ku=^K:le=^H:mk@:nd=^L:ta=^I:ts=\Ef:up=^K:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:
+# Renamed TB=^I to :ta:, BE=^G to :bl:, BS=^H to :kb:, N to :kS: (based on the
+# other kt7 entry and the adjacent key capabilities).  Removed EE which is
+# identical to :mh:.  Removed :ES=\EGD: which is some kind of highlight
+# but we can't figure out what.
+kt7ix|kimtron model kt-7 or 70 in IX mode:\
+	:am:bw:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:\
+	:@7=\EY:PU=\EK:ac=jYk?lZm@nEqDt4uCvAwBx3:ae=\E%:al=\EE:\
+	:as=\E$:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=\E*:cm=\E=%+ %+ :\
+	:cr=^M:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^V:ds=\Ef\r:ei=:fs=^M:ho=^^:ic=\EQ:\
+	:im=:is=\EG0\E s\017\E~:k0=^AI\r:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:\
+	:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:\
+	:k9=^AH\r:kA=\EE:kB=\EI:kC=\E*:kE=\ET:kI=\EQ:kL=\ER:kN=\EJ:\
+	:kS=\EY:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=^^:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:\
+	:mb=\EG2:me=\EG0:mh=\EG@:nd=^L:nw=^M^J:se=\EG0:sf=^J:\
+	:so=\EG4:ta=^I:ts=\Ef:ue=\EG0:up=^K:us=\EG8:ve=\E.3:vi=\E.0:
+#### Microdata/MDIS
+# This was a line of terminals made by McDonnell-Douglas Information Systems.
+# These entries come direct from MDIS documentation.  I have edited them only
+# to move primary names of the form p[0-9] * to aliases, and to comment out
+# :ae:/:as: in a couple of entries without <acsc> strings.  I have 
+# also removed the change history; the last version indicates this is
+# version 4.3 by A.Barkus, September 1990 (earliest entry is October 1989).
+# McDonnell Information Systems Terminal Family History
+# =========================================
+# Prism-1, Prism-2 and P99:
+#       Ancient Microdata and CMC terminals, vaguely like Adds Regent 25.
+# Prism-4 and Prism-5:
+#       Slightly less ancient range of Microdata terminals. Follow-on from
+#       Prism-2, but with many enhancements. P5 has eight display pages.
+# Prism-6:
+#       A special terminal for use with library systems, primarily in Germany.
+#       Limited numbers. Similar functionality to P5 (except attributes?).
+# Prism-7, Prism-8 and Prism-9:
+#       More recent range of MDIS terminals, in which P7 and P8
+#       replace the P4 & P5, with added functionality, and P9 is the flagship.
+#       The P9 has two emulation modes - P8 and ANSI - and includes a
+#       large number of the DEC VT220 control sequences. Both
+#       P8 and P9 support 80c/24ln/8pg and 132cl/24li/4pg formats.
+# Prism-12 and Prism-14:
+#       Latest range, functionally very similar to the P9.  The P14 has a
+#       black-on-white overscanning screen.
+# The terminfo definitions given here are:
+# p2      - Prism-2 (or Prism-1 or P99).
+# p4      - Prism-4 (and older P7s & P8s).
+# p5      - Prism-5 (or Prism-6).
+# p7      - Prism-7.
+# p8      - Prism-8 (in national or multinational mode).
+# p8-w    - 132 column version of p8.
+# p9      - Prism-9 in ANSI mode.
+# p9-w    - 132 column version of p9.
+# p9-8    - Prism-9 in Prism-8 emulation mode.
+# p9-8-w  - As p9-8, but with 132 columns.
+# p12     - Prism-12 in ANSI mode.
+# p12-w   - 132 column version of p12.
+# p12-m   - Prism-12 in MDC emulation mode.
+# p12-m-w - As p12-m, but with 132 columns.
+# p14     - Prism-14 in ANSI mode.
+# p14-w   - 132 column version of p14.
+# p14-m   - Prism-14 in MDC emulation mode.
+# p14-m-w - As p14-m, but with 132 columns.
+# p2: Prism-2
+# -----------
+# Includes Prism-1 and basic P99 without SP or MP loaded.
+# The simplest form of Prism-type terminal.
+# Basic cursor movement and clearing operations only.
+# No video attributes.
+# Notes:
+#  Horizontal cursor qualifiers of NUL, XON and XOFF are mapped to the next
+#  value up, followed by backspace.
+prism2|MDC Prism-2:\
+	:am:bw:ms:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:\
+	:..ch=\020%p1%{10}%/%{16}%*%p1%{10}%m%+%Pc%?%{17}%gc%=%{19}%gc%=%|%gc%!%|%t%{1}%gc%+%c%{8}%e%gc%;%c:\
+	:cl=\014:\
+	:..cm=\013%p1%{32}%+%c\020%p2%{10}%/%{16}%*%p2%{10}%m%+%Pc%?%{17}%gc%=%{19}%gc%=%|%gc%!%|%t%{1}%gc%+%c%{8}%e%gc%;%c:\
+	:cr=^M:cv=\013%+ :do=^J:ho=^A:kb=^H:kh=^A:le=^H:nd=^F:sf=^J:\
+	:up=^Z:
+# p4: Prism-4
+# -----------
+# Includes early versions of P7 & P8.
+# Basic family definition for most Prisms (except P2 and P9 ANSI).
+# Notes:
+#  Horizontal cursor qualifiers of NUL, XON and XOFF are mapped to the next
+#  value up, followed by backspace.
+#  Cursor key definitions removed because they interfere with vi and csh keys.
+prism4|p4|P4|MDC Prism-4:\
+	:5i:am:bw:hs:ms:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#1:ws#72:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:\
+	:..ch=\020%p1%{10}%/%{16}%*%p1%{10}%m%+%Pc%?%{17}%gc%=%{19}%gc%=%|%gc%!%|%t%{1}%gc%+%c%{8}%e%gc%;%c:\
+	:cl=\014:\
+	:..cm=\013%p1%{32}%+%c\020%p2%{10}%/%{16}%*%p2%{10}%m%+%Pc%?%{17}%gc%=%{19}%gc%=%|%gc%!%|%t%{1}%gc%+%c%{8}%e%gc%;%c:\
+	:cr=^M:cv=\013%+ :do=^J:ds=\035\343\035\345:fs=^]\345:\
+	:ho=^A:kb=^H:kh=^A:le=^H:mb=^CB:me=^C :mh=^CA:mk=^CH:mr=^CD:\
+	:nd=^F:pf=\ET:po=\ER:ps=\EU:\
+	:..sa=\003%{64}%?%p1%p3%|%t%{4}%+%;%?%p2%t%{16}%+%;%?%p4%t%{2}%+%;%?%p5%t%{1}%+%;%?%p7%t%{8}%+%;%c%?%p9%t\016%e\017%;:\
+	:se=^C :sf=^J:so=^CD:ts=^]\343:ue=^C :up=^Z:us=^CP:\
+	:ve=^]\342:vi=^]\344:
+# p5: Prism-5
+# -----------
+# Same definition as p4. Includes Prism-6 (not tested!).
+# Does not use any multi-page features.
+prism5|p5|P5|MDC Prism-5:\
+	:tc=p4:
+# p7: Prism-7
+# -----------
+# Similar definition to p4. Uses ANSI cursor motion to avoid network problems.
+# Notes:
+#  Use p4 for very early models of P7.
+#  Rev-index removed; can't send nulls to terminal in 8-bit modes.
+prism7|p7|P7|MDC Prism-7:\
+	:ch@:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cv@:tc=p4:
+# p8: Prism-8
+# -----------
+# Similar definition to p7. Uses ANSI cursor motion to avoid network problems.
+# Supports national and multinational character sets.
+# Notes:
+#  Alternate char set operations only work in multinational mode.
+#  Use p4 for very early models of P8.
+#  Rev-index removed; can't send nulls to terminal in 8-bit modes.
+# (esr: commented out :as:/:ae: because there's no <acsc>)
+prism8|p8|P8|MDC Prism-8:\
+	:ch=\E[%i%d`:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cv=\E[%i%dd:is=\E[<12h:tc=p4:
+# p8-w: Prism-8 in 132 column mode
+# --------------------------------
+# 'Wide' version of p8.
+# Notes:
+#  Rev-index removed; can't send nulls to terminal in 8-bit modes.
+prism8-w|p8-w|P8-W|MDC Prism-8 in 132 column mode:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:is=\E[<12h\E[<14h:tc=p8:
+# p9: Prism-9 in ANSI mode
+# -------------------------
+# The "flagship" model of this generation of terminals.
+# ANSI X3.64 (ISO 6429) standard sequences, plus many DEC VT220 ones.
+# Notes:
+#  Tabs only reset by "reset". Otherwise assumes default (8 cols).
+#  Fixes to deal with terminal firmware bugs:
+#  . 'ri' uses insert-line since rev index doesn't always
+#  . 'sgr0' has extra '0' since esc[m fails
+#  . 'fsl' & 'dsl' use illegal char since cr is actioned wrong on line 25
+#  Not covered in the current definition:
+#  . Labels
+#  . Programming Fn keys
+#  . Graphic characters (defaults correctly to vt100)
+#  . Padding values (sets xon)
+# (esr: commented out :as:/:ae: because there's no <acsc>)
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+prism9|p9|P9|MDC Prism-9 in ANSII mode:\
+	:5i:am:bw:hs:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:vt#3:ws#72:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:F1=\E[23~:\
+	:F2=\E[24~:F3=\E[25~:F4=\E[26~:F5=\E[28~:F6=\E[29~:\
+	:F7=\E[31~:F8=\E[32~:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:al=\E[L:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:ch=\E[%i%d`:cl=^L:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%d%v:ct=\E[2g:\
+	:cv=\E[%i%dd:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ds=\E[%}\024:ec=\E[%dX:\
+	:ei=\E[4l:fs=^T:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:is=\E[&p\E[<12l\E F:\
+	:k1=\E[11~:k2=\E[12~:k3=\E[13~:k4=\E[14~:k5=\E[15~:\
+	:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:kC=^L:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:mp=\E[32%{:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:nw=^M^J:pf=\E[4i:po=\E[5i:ps=\E[i:\
+	:r2=\E[&p\E[<12l\E F\E[3g\E[9;17;25;33;41;49;57;65;73 N:\
+	:rc=\E[%z:rp=\E[%r%db%.:sc=\E[%y:se=\E[27m:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:\
+	:sr=\E[L:st=\EH:ta=^I:ts=\E[%i%p1%d%%}:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[<4h:vi=\E[<4l:
+# p9-w: Prism-9 in 132 column mode
+# --------------------------------
+# 'Wide' version of p9.
+prism9-w|p9-w|P9-W|MDC Prism-9 in 132 column mode:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:is=\E[&p\E[<12l\E F\E[<14h:\
+	:r2=\E[&p\E[<12l\E F\E[<14h:tc=p9:
+# p9-8: Prism-9 in P8 mode
+# ------------------------
+# P9 terminal in P8 emulation mode.
+# Similar to p8 definition.
+# Insertion and deletion operations possible.
+prism9-8|p9-8|P9-8|MDC Prism-9 in P8 mode:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:IC=\E[%d@:al=\E[L:dc=\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:ei=:ic=\E[@:im=:\
+	:tc=p8:
+# p9-8-w: Prism-9 in P8 and 132 column modes
+# ------------------------------------------
+# P9 terminal in P8 emulation mode and 132 column mode.
+prism9-8-w|p9-8-w|P9-8-W|MDC Prism-9 in Prism 8 emulation and 132 column mode:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:IC=\E[%d@:al=\E[L:dc=\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:ei=:ic=\E[@:im=:\
+	:tc=p8-w:
+# p12: Prism-12 in ANSI mode
+# ---------------------------
+# See p9 definition.
+prism12|p12|P12|MDC Prism-12 in ANSI mode:\
+	:tc=p9:
+# p12-w: Prism-12 in 132 column mode
+# ----------------------------------
+# 'Wide' version of p12.
+prism12-w|p12-w|P12-W|MDC Prism-12 in 132 column mode:\
+	:tc=p9-w:
+# p12-m: Prism-12 in MDC emulation mode
+# -------------------------------------
+# P12 terminal in MDC emulation mode.
+# Similar to p8 definition.
+# Insertion and deletion operations possible.
+prism12-m|p12-m|P12-M|MDC Prism-12 in MDC emulation mode:\
+	:tc=p9-8:
+# p12-m-w: Prism-12 in MDC emulation and 132 column modes
+# -------------------------------------------------------
+# P12 terminal in MDC emulation mode and 132 column mode.
+prism12-m-w|p12-m-w|P12-M-W|MDC Prism-12 in MDC emulation and 132 column mode:\
+	:tc=p9-8-w:
+# p14: Prism-14 in ANSII mode
+# ---------------------------
+# See p9 definition.
+prism14|p14|P14|MDC Prism-14 in ANSII mode:\
+	:tc=p9:
+# p14-w: Prism-14 in 132 column mode
+# ----------------------------------
+# 'Wide' version of p14.
+prism14-w|p14-w|P14-W|MDC Prism-14 in 132 column mode:\
+	:tc=p9-w:
+# p14-m: Prism-14 in MDC emulation mode
+# -------------------------------------
+# P14 terminal in MDC emulation mode.
+# Similar to p8 definition.
+# Insertion and deletion operations possible.
+prism14-m|p14-m|P14-M|MDC Prism-14 in MDC emulation mode:\
+	:tc=p9-8:
+# p14-m-w: Prism-14 in MDC emulation and 132 column modes
+# -------------------------------------------------------
+# P14 terminal in MDC emulation mode and 132 column mode.
+prism14-m-w|p14-m-w|P14-M-W|MDC Prism-14 in MDC emulation and 132 column mode:\
+	:tc=p9-8-w:
+# End of McDonnell Information Systems Prism definitions
+# These things were popular in the Pick database community at one time
+# From: George Land <georgeland@aol.com> 24 Sep 1996
+p8gl|prism8gl|McDonnell-Douglas Prism-8 alternate definition:\
+	:am:bw:hs:mi:\
+	:co#80:li#24:ma#1:sg#1:ws#78:\
+	:F2=^AJ\r:F3=^AK\r:F4=^AL\r:F5=^AM\r:F6=^AN\r:F7=^AO\r:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=^L:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:dc= ^H:\
+	:dl=^P:do=^J:ho=^A:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:\
+	:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:k;=^AI\r:\
+	:kD= ^H:kE=\EK:kL=^P:kS=\EJ:kb=^H:kd=^J:kh=^A:kl=^U:kr=^F:\
+	:ku=^Z:l1=F1:l2=F2:l3=F3:l4=F4:l5=F5:l6=F6:l7=F7:l8=F8:l9=F9:\
+	:la=F10:le=^U:mb=^CB:me=^C :mh=^CA:mk=^CH:mr=^CD:nd=^F:\
+	:nw=^J^M:pc=\0:se=^C :sf=^J:so=^CE:ue=^C :up=^Z:us=^C0:
+#### Microterm (act, mime)
+# The mime1 entries refer to the Microterm Mime I or Mime II.
+# The default mime is assumed to be in enhanced act iv mode.
+# New "safe" cursor movement (5/87) from <reuss@umd5.umd.edu>.  Prevents
+# freakout with out-of-range args on Sytek multiplexors.  No :so=^N: and
+# :se=^N: since  it gets confused and it's too dim anyway.  No :ic:
+# since Sytek insists ^S means xoff.
+# (act4: found ":ic=2^S:ei=:im=:ip=.1*^V:" commented out in 8.3 -- esr)
+act4|microterm|microterm act iv:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=2.3*\001<2.3*/>:bl=^G:cd=2.2*\037:ce=.1*\036:\
+	:cl=12\014:cm=\024%+^X%>/0%+P:cr=^M:dc=.1*\004:\
+	:dl=2.3*\027:do=^K:ho=^]:kd=^K:kl=^H:kr=^X:ku=^Z:le=^H:nd=^X:\
+	:sf=^J:up=^Z:
+# The padding on :sr: and :ta: for act5 and mime is a guess and not final.
+# The act 5 has hardware tabs, but they are in columns 8, 16, 24, 32, 41 (!)...
+# (microterm5: removed obsolete ":ma==^Z^P^Xl^Kj:" -- esr)
+act5|microterm5|microterm act v:\
+	:kd=^K:kl=^H:kr=^X:ku=^Z:sr=\EH:uc=^H\EA:tc=act4:
+# Mimes using brightness for standout.  Half bright is really dim unless
+# you turn up the brightness so far that lines show up on the screen.
+mime-fb|full bright mime1:\
+	:is=^S\E:se=^S:so=^Y:tc=mime:
+mime-hb|half bright mime1:\
+	:is=^Y\E:se=^Y:so=^S:tc=mime:
+# (mime: removed obsolete ":ma=^X ^K^J^Z^P:"; removed ":do=^K:" that overrode
+# the more plausible ":do=^J:" -- esr)
+# uc was at one time disabled to get around a curses bug, be wary of it
+mime|mime1|mime2|mimei|mimeii|microterm mime1:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:vt#9:\
+	:al=\001:bl=^G:cd=^_:ce=^^:cl=^]^C:cm=\024%+^X%> 0%+P:\
+	:cr=^M:dl=\027:do=^J:ho=^]:is=^S\E^Q:kd=^K:kl=^H:kr=^X:ku=^Z:\
+	:le=^H:nd=^X:sf=^J:sr=\022:ta=\011:uc=^U:up=^Z:
+# These termcaps (for mime2a) put the terminal in low intensity mode
+# since high intensity mode is so obnoxious.
+mime2a-s|microterm mime2a (emulating an enhanced soroc iq120):\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\001:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EL:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:\
+	:dc=\ED:dl=\027:do=^J:ei=^Z:ho=^^:im=\EE:ip=:is=\E):kd=^J:\
+	:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:nd=^L:se=\E;:sf=^J:so=\E\072:sr=\EI:\
+	:ue=\E7:up=\EI:us=\E6:
+# This is the preferred mode (but ^X can't be used as a kill character)
+mime2a|mime2a-v|microterm mime2a (emulating an enhanced vt52):\
+	:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=\001:bl=^G:cd=\EQ:ce=\EP:cl=\EL:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=^M:\
+	:dc=^N:dl=\027:do=^J:ei=^Z:ho=\EH:im=^O:ip=:is=^Y:kd=\EB:\
+	:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:nd=\EC:se=\E9:sf=^J:so=\E8:\
+	:sr=\EA:ta=^I:ue=\E5:up=\EA:us=\E4:
+# (mime3a: removed obsolete ":ma=^X ^K^J^Z^P:" -- esr)
+mime3a|mime1 emulating 3a:\
+	:am@:\
+	:kd=^K:kl=^H:kr=^X:ku=^Z:tc=adm3a:
+mime3ax|mime-3ax|mime1 emulating enhanced 3a:\
+	:it#8:\
+	:al=\001:cd=^_:ce=^X:dl=\027:ta=\011:tc=mime3a:
+# Wed Mar  9 18:53:21 1983
+# We run our terminals at 2400 baud, so there might be some timing problems at
+# higher speeds. The major improvements in this model are the terminal now 
+# scrolls down and insert mode works without redrawing the rest of the line
+# to the right of the cursor. This is done with a bit of a kludge using the
+# exit graphics mode to get out of insert, but it does not appear to hurt
+# anything when using vi at least. If you have some users using act4s with
+# programs that use curses and graphics mode this could be a problem.
+mime314|mm314|mime 314:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=^A:cd=^_:ce=^^:cl=^L:cm=\024%.%.:dc=^D:dl=^W:ei=^V:ho=^]:\
+	:im=^S:kd=^K:kl=^H:kr=^X:ku=^Z:le=^H:nd=^X:ta=^I:up=^Z:
+# Microterm mime 340 from University of Wisconsin
+mm340|mime340|mime 340:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=46\EU:cd=2*\037:ce=2.1\EL:cl=12\032:cm=\E=%+ %+ :\
+	:cr=^M:dc=2.1*\E#:dl=49.6\EV:do=^J:is=\E\054:kb=^H:kd=^J:\
+	:kl=^H:ku=^K:le=^H:nd=^L:nw=^M^J:sf=^J:ta=^I:up=^K:
+# This came from University of Wisconsin marked "astro termcap for jooss".
+# (mt4520-rv: removed obsolete ":kn#4:" and incorrect ":ri=\E[C:";
+# also added <rmam>/<smam> based  on the init string -- esr)
+mt4520-rv|micro-term 4520 reverse video:\
+	:am:hs:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:ws#80:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=:\
+	:fs=\E[?5l\E[?5h:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=:\
+	:is=\E(B\E[2l\E>\E[20l\E[?3l\E[?5h\E[?7h\E[1;24r\E[24;1H\E[H\E[J:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:\
+	:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=\E[D:ll=\E[24;1H:me=\E[m:\
+	:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:\
+	:r1=\E(B\E[2l\E>\E[20l\E[?3l\E[?5h\E[?7h\E[H\E[J:\
+	:rc=\E8:rf=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:sc=\E7:se=\E[0m:\
+	:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ts=\E[25;1H:ue=\E[24m:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:vb=\E[?5l\E[?5h:ve=\E[0V\E8:\
+	:vs=\E7\E[0U:
+# Fri Aug  5 08:11:57 1983
+# This entry works for the ergo 4000 with the following setups:
+# ansi,wraparound,newline disabled, xon/xoff disabled in both
+# setup a & c.
+# WARNING!!! There are multiple versions of ERGO 4000 microcode
+# Be advised that very early versions DO NOT WORK RIGHT !!  
+# Microterm does have a ROM exchange program- use it or lose big
+# (ergo400: added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string -- esr)
+ergo4000|microterm ergo 4000:\
+	:da:db:ms:\
+	:co#80:li#66:\
+	:AL=\E[1L:RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7m:bl=^G:cd=\E[0J:ce=\E[0K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:dc=\E[1P:dl=\E[1M:\
+	:do=\E[B:ei=\E[4l:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E<\E=\E[?1l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:k1=\EOP:\
+	:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kd=\E[B:ke=\E=:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:\
+	:ks=\E=:ku=\E[A:l1=pf1:l2=pf2:l3=pf3:l4=pf4:le=^H:me=\E[m:\
+	:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:up=\E[A:
+#### NCR 
+# NCR's terminal group was merged with AT&T's when AT&T bought the company.
+# For what happened to that group, see the ADDS section.
+# There is an NCR4103 terminal that's just a re-badged Wyse-50.
+# The following vendor-supplied termcaps were captured from the Boundless
+# Technologies site, 8 March 1998.  I removed all-upper-case names that were
+# identical, except for case, to lower-case ones.  I also uncommented the acsc
+# capabilities.X
+# The Intecolor emulation of the NCR 2900/260C color terminal is basically a
+# DEC vt200/300 with color capabilities added.
+ncr260intan|NCR Intecolor emulation of the 2900_260C with an ANSI keyboard:\
+	:Co#8:pa#64:\
+	:AB=\E[4%p1%dm:AF=\E[3%p1%dm:op=\E[0m:tc=ncr260vt300an:
+# The Intecolor emulation of the NCR 2900/260C color terminal is basically a
+# DEC vt200/300 with color capabilities added.
+ncr260intwan|NCR Intecolor emulation of the 2900_260C with an ANSI keyboard:\
+	:Co#8:pa#64:\
+	:AB=\E[4%p1%dm:AF=\E[3%p1%dm:op=\E[0m:tc=ncr260vt300wan:
+# The Intecolor emulation of the NCR 2900/260C color terminal is basically a
+# DEC vt200/300 with color capabilities added.
+ncr260intpp|NCR Intecolor emulation of the 2900_260C with a PC+ keyboard:\
+	:Co#8:pa#64:\
+	:AB=\E[4%p1%dm:AF=\E[3%p1%dm:op=\E[0m:tc=ncr260vt300pp:
+# The Intecolor emulation of the NCR 2900/260C color terminal is basicly a
+# DEC vt200/300 with color capabilities added.
+ncr260intwpp|NCR Intecolor emulation of the 2900_260C with a PC+ keyboard in 132 column mode:\
+	:Co#8:pa#64:\
+	:AB=\E[4%p1%dm:AF=\E[3%p1%dm:op=\E[0m:tc=ncr260vt300wpp:
+# This definition for ViewPoint supports several attributes.  This means
+# that it has magic cookies (extra spaces where the attributes begin).
+# Some applications do not function well with magic cookies.  The System
+# Administrator's Shell in NCR Unix SVR4 1.03 is one such application. 
+# If supporting various attributes is not vital, 'xmc#1' and the extra
+# attributes can be removed. 
+# Mapping to ASCII character set ('acsc' capability) can also be 
+# restored if needed.
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+ncr260vppp|NCR 2900_260 viewpoint:\
+	:am:bw:hs:km:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#1:\
+	:CM=\Ew@%p1%{48}%+%c%p2%{32}%+%c%p3%{32}%+%c:K1=^A:\
+	:K3=\EJ:K4=\ET:K5=\EJ:ae=\EcB0\EH\003:al=\EM:\
+	:as=\EcB1\EH\002:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\Ek:ce=\EK:cl=\014:\
+	:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=\r:dc=\EW:dl=\El:do=\n:ds=\E`c:ei=\Er:\
+	:fs=^M:ho=\036:im=\Eq:\
+	:is=\Ee6\E~%\E+\E`\072\Ed/\E`1\EO\Ee4\Ec@0@\Ec@1A\EcB0\EcC1\Ee7:\
+	:k1=^B1\r:k2=^B2\r:k3=^B3\r:k4=^B4\r:k5=^B5\r:k6=^B6\r:\
+	:k7=^B7\r:k8=^B8\r:k9=^B9\r:kD=\EW:kI=\Eq:kN=\EJ:kP=\EJ:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=^J:kh=^A:kl=^U:kr=^F:ku=^Z:le=\010:ll=\001:mb=\EG2:\
+	:me=\EG0\EH\003:mh=\EGp:mr=\EG4:nd=\006:nw=\037:se=\EG0:\
+	:sf=\n:so=\EG4:sr=\Ej:st=\E1:ta=^I:ts=\EF:ue=\EG0:up=\032:\
+	:us=\EG8:ve=\E`5:vi=\E`0:vs=\E`5:
+ncr260vpwpp|NCR 2900_260 viewpoint wide mode:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:cm=\Ea%i%dR%dC:\
+	:is=\Ee6\E~%\E+\E`;\Ed/\E`1\EO\Ee4\Ec@0@\Ec@1A\EcB0\EcC1\Ee7:\
+	:r2=\Ee6\E~%\E+\E`;\Ed/\E`1\EO\Ee4\Ec@0@\Ec@1A\EcB0\EcC1\Ee7:\
+	:tc=ncr260vppp:
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+ncr260vt100an|NCR 2900_260 vt100 with ansi kybd:\
+	:am:hs:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:K1=\EOw:K2=\EOy:K3=\EOu:K4=\EOq:K5=\EOs:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:SF=\E[%dE:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:\
+	:cd=\E[0J:ce=\E[0K:cl=\E[2J\E[1;1H:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=\r:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[1P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:\
+	:ds=\E[0$~\E[1$~:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:fs=\E[0$}:ho=\E[H:\
+	:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E[\041p\E[?7;19;67h\E[?1;3;4l\E(B\E)0\017\E[2J\E[1;1H\E>:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:\
+	:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:\
+	:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=\E[D:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:\
+	:me=\E[0m\017:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:\
+	:se=\E[0m:sf=\ED:so=\E[1;7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:ts=\E[2$~\E[1$}:ue=\E[0m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[?25h:\
+	:vi=\E[?25l:
+ncr260vt100wan|NCR 2900_260 vt100 wide mode ansi kybd:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:is=\E[\041p\E[?3;7;19;67h\E[?1;4l\E(B\E)0\017\E[2J\E[1;1H\E>:\
+	:r2=\E[\041p\E[?3;7;19;67h\E[?1;4l\E(B\E)0\017\E[2J\E[1;1H\E>:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt100an:
+ncr260vt100pp|NCR 2900_260 vt100 with PC+ kybd:\
+	:@7=\E[5~:K1=\E[H:K2=\E[V:K3=\EOu:K5=\E[U:\
+	:is=\E[\041p\E[?7;19;67h\E[?1;3;4l\E(B\E)0\017\E[2J\E[1;1H\E>:\
+	:kD=\E[4~:kI=\E[1~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[3~:kd=\E[B:ke=\E>:\
+	:kh=\E[2~:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ks=\E=:ku=\E[A:l1=pf1:l2=pf2:\
+	:l3=pf3:l4=pf4:\
+	:r2=\E[\041p\E[?7;19;67h\E[?1;3;4l\E(B\E)0\017\E[2J\E[1;1H\E>:tc=ncr260vt100an:
+ncr260vt100wpp|NCR 2900_260 vt100 wide mode pc+  kybd:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:is=\E[\041p\E[?3;7;19;67h\E[?1;4l\E(B\E)0\017\E[2J\E[1;1H\E>:\
+	:r2=\E[\041p\E[?3;7;19;67h\E[?1;4l\E(B\E)0\017\E[2J\E[1;1H\E>:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt100pp:
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+ncr260vt200an|NCR 2900_260 vt200 with ansi kybd:\
+	:am:hs:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:K1=\EOw:K2=\EOy:K3=\EOu:K4=\EOq:K5=\EOs:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:SF=\E[%dE:UP=\E[%dA:ae=\017:al=\E[L:as=\016:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\E[0J:ce=\E[0K:cl=\E[2J\E[1;1H:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[1P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:\
+	:ds=\E[0$~\E[1$~:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:fs=\E[0$}:ho=\E[H:\
+	:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E[\041p\E[?7;19;67h\E[?1;3;4l\E(B\E)0\017\E[2J\E[1;1H\E>:\
+	:k0=\EOy:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\E[M:k6=\E[17~:\
+	:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:\
+	:kP=\E[5~:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:\
+	:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=\E[D:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:\
+	:me=\E[0m\017:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:\
+	:se=\E[27m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:ts=\E[2$~\E[1$}:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[?25h:\
+	:vi=\E[?25l:
+ncr260vt200wan|NCR 2900_260 vt200 wide mode ansi kybd:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:is=\E[\041p\E[?3;7;19;67h\E[?4l\E(B\E)0\017\E[2J\E[1;1H:\
+	:r2=\E[\041p\E[?3;7;19;67h\E[?4l\E(B\E)0\017\E[2J\E[1;1H:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt200an:
+ncr260vt200pp|NCR 2900_260 vt200 with pc+ kybd:\
+	:@7=\E[1~:K1=\E[H:K2=\E[V:K3=\EOu:K5=\E[U:kD=\E[4~:\
+	:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kd=\E[B:ke=\E>:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ks=\E=:ku=\E[A:l1=pf1:l2=pf2:l3=pf3:l4=pf4:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt200an:
+ncr260vt200wpp|NCR 2900_260 vt200 wide mode pc+  kybd:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:is=\E[\041p\E[?3;7;19;67h\E[?1;4l\E(B\E)0\017\E[2J\E[1;1H\E>:\
+	:r2=\E[\041p\E[?3;7;19;67h\E[?1;4l\E(B\E)0\017\E[2J\E[1;1H\E>:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt200pp:
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+ncr260vt300an|NCR 2900_260 vt300 with ansi kybd:\
+	:am:hs:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:K1=\EOw:K2=\EOy:K3=\EOu:K4=\EOq:K5=\EOs:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:SF=\E[%dE:UP=\E[%dA:ae=\017:al=\E[L:as=\016:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\E[0J:ce=\E[0K:cl=\E[2J\E[1;1H:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=\r:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[1P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:\
+	:ds=\E[0$~\E[1$~:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:fs=\E[0$}:ho=\E[H:\
+	:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E[\041p\E[?7;19;67h\E[?1;3;4l\E[1;0%w\E(B\E)0\017\E[2J\E[1;1H\E>:\
+	:k0=\EOy:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\E[M:k6=\E[17~:\
+	:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:\
+	:kP=\E[5~:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:\
+	:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=\E[D:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:\
+	:me=\E[0m\017:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:\
+	:se=\E[27m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:ts=\E[2$~\E[1$}:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[?25h:\
+	:vi=\E[?25l:
+ncr260vt300wan|NCR 2900_260 vt300 wide mode ansi kybd:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:is=\E[\041p\E[?3;7;19;67h\E[?4l\E[1;0%w\E(B\E)0\017\E[2J\E[1;1H:\
+	:r2=\E[\041p\E[?3;7;19;67h\E[?4l\E[1;0%w\E(B\E)0\017\E[2J\E[1;1H:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt300an:
+ncr260vt300pp|NCR 2900_260 vt300 with pc+ kybd:\
+	:@7=\E[1~:K1=\E[H:K2=\E[V:K3=\EOu:K5=\E[U:kD=\E[4~:\
+	:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kd=\E[B:ke=\E>:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ks=\E=:ku=\E[A:l1=pf1:l2=pf2:l3=pf3:l4=pf4:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt300an:
+NCR260VT300WPP|ncr260vt300wpp|NCR 2900_260 vt300 wide mode pc+  kybd:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:is=\E[\041p\E[?3;7;19;67h\E[?1;4l\E[1;0%w\E(B\E)0\017\E[2J\E[1;1H\E>:\
+	:r2=\E[\041p\E[?3;7;19;67h\E[?1;4l\E[1;0%w\E(B\E)0\017\E[2J\E[1;1H\E>:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt300pp:
+# This terminfo file contains color capabilities for the Wyse325 emulation of 
+# the NCR 2900/260C color terminal.  Because of the structure of the command
+# (escape sequence) used to set color attributes, one of the fore/background
+# colors must be preset to a given value. I have set the background color to
+# black.  The user can change this setup by altering the last section of the
+# 'setf' definition.  The escape sequence to set color attributes is 
+#		ESC d y <foreground_color> <background_color> 1  
+# In addition, the background color can be changed through the desk accessories.
+# The capablitiy 'op' sets colors to green on black (default combination).  
+# NOTE:  The NCR Unix System Administrator's Shell will not function properly
+# 	    if the 'pairs' capability is defined. Un-Comment the 'pairs'
+#	    capability and recompile if you wish to have it included. 
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+ncr260wy325pp|NCR 2900_260 wyse 325:\
+	:am:bw:hs:km:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:CM=\Ew@%p1%{48}%+%c%p2%{32}%+%c%p3%{32}%+%c:K1=^^:\
+	:K2=\EJ:K4=\ET:K5=\EK:ae=\EH\003\EcB0:al=\EE:\
+	:as=\EH\002\EcB1:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\Ey:ce=\Et:cl=\E*:\
+	:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:ct=\E0:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=\n:ds=\E`c:\
+	:ei=\Er:fs=^M:ho=\036:im=\Eq:\
+	:is=\Ee6\Ed/\Ee1\Ed*\Er\EO\E`1\E`\072\E`@\E~\041\E"\Ee4\Ex@\E`9\Ee7:\
+	:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:\
+	:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:kD=\EW:kI=\Eq:kN=\EK:kP=\EJ:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=^J:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=\010:mb=\EG2:\
+	:me=\EG0\EcB0\EcD:mr=\EG4:nd=\014:nw=\037:se=\EG0:sf=\n:\
+	:so=\EGt:sr=\Ej:st=\E1:ta=^I:ts=\EF:ue=\EG0:up=\013:us=\EG8:\
+	:ve=\E`1:vi=\E`0:vs=\E`5:
+ncr260wy325wpp|NCR 2900_260 wyse 325 wide mode:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:cm=\Ea%i%dR%dC:\
+	:is=\Ee6\Ed/\Ee1\Ed*\Er\EO\E`1\E`;\E`@\E~\041\E"\Ee4\Ex@\E`9\Ee7:\
+	:r2=\Ee6\Ed/\Ee1\Ed*\Er\EO\E`1\E`;\E`@\E~\041\E"\Ee4\Ex@\E`9\Ee7:\
+	:tc=ncr260wy325pp:
+# This definition for Wyse 350 supports several attributes.  This means
+# that it has magic cookies (extra spaces where the attributes begin).
+# Some applications do not function well with magic cookies.  The System
+# Administrator's Shell in NCR Unix SVR4 1.03 is one such application. 
+# If supporting various attributes is not vital, 'xmc#1' and the extra
+# attributes can be removed. 
+# Mapping to ASCII character set ('acsc' capability) can also be 
+# restored if needed.
+# In addition, color capabilities have been added to this file.  The drawback,
+# however, is that the background color has to be black.  The foreground colors
+# are numbered 0 through 15.  
+# NOTE:  The NCR Unix System Administrator's Shell does not function properly
+# 	    with the 'pairs' capability defined as below.  If you wish to
+#	    have it included, Un-comment it and recompile (using 'tic'). 
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+ncr260wy350pp|NCR 2900_260 wyse 350:\
+	:am:bw:hs:km:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#1:\
+	:CM=\Ew@%p1%{48}%+%c%p2%{32}%+%c%p3%{32}%+%c:K1=^^:\
+	:K4=\ET:K5=\EK:ae=\EH\003\EcB0:al=\EE:as=\EH\002\EcB1:\
+	:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\Ey:ce=\Et:cl=\E+:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:\
+	:ct=\E0:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=\n:ds=\E`c:ei=\Er:fs=^M:ho=\036:\
+	:im=\Eq:\
+	:is=\Ee6\Ed/\Ee1\Ed*\Er\EO\E`1\E`\072\E`@\E~\041\E"\Ee4\Ex@\E`9\Ee7:\
+	:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:\
+	:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:kD=\EW:kI=\Eq:kN=\EK:kP=\EJ:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=^J:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=\010:mb=\EG2:\
+	:me=\EG0\EH\003\EcD:mh=\EGp:mr=\EG4:nd=\014:nw=\037:\
+	:se=\EG0:sf=\n:so=\EGt:sr=\Ej:st=\E1:ta=^I:ts=\EF:ue=\EG0:\
+	:up=\013:us=\EG8:ve=\E`1:vi=\E`0:vs=\E`5:
+ncr260wy350wpp|NCR 2900_260 wyse 350 wide mode:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:cm=\Ea%i%dR%dC:\
+	:is=\Ee6\Ed/\Ee1\Ed*\Er\EO\E`1\E`;\E`@\E~\041\E"\Ee4\Ex@\E`9\Ee7:\
+	:r2=\Ee6\Ed/\Ee1\Ed*\Er\EO\E`1\E`;\E`@\E~\041\E"\Ee4\Ex@\E`9\Ee7:\
+	:tc=ncr260wy350pp:
+# This definition for Wyse 50+ supports several attributes.  This means
+# that it has magic cookies (extra spaces where the attributes begin).
+# Some applications do not function well with magic cookies.  The System
+# Administrator's Shell in NCR Unix SVR4 1.03 is one such application. 
+# If supporting various attributes is not vital, 'xmc#1' and the extra
+# attributes can be removed. 
+# Mapping to ASCII character set ('acsc' capability) can also be 
+# restored if needed.
+# (ncr260wy50+pp: originally contained commented-out 
+# <acsc=j5k3l2m1n8q:t4u9v=w0x6>, as well as the commented-out one there -- esr)
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+ncr260wy50+pp|NCR 2900_260 wyse 50+:\
+	:am:bw:hs:km:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#1:\
+	:CM=\Ew@%p1%{48}%+%c%p2%{32}%+%c%p3%{32}%+%c:K1=^^:\
+	:K4=\ET:K5=\EK:ae=\EH^C:al=\EE:as=\EH^B:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:\
+	:ce=\ET:cl=\E+:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:ct=\E0:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:\
+	:do=\n:ds=\E`c:ei=\Er:fs=^M:ho=\036:im=\Eq:\
+	:is=\Ee6\E~"\E+\Ed/\Ee1\Ed*\Er\EO\E`1\E`\072\E`@\E~\041\E"\Ee4\Ex@\E`9\Ee7:\
+	:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:\
+	:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:kD=\EW:kI=\Eq:kN=\EK:kP=\EJ:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=^J:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=\010:mb=\EG2:\
+	:me=\EG0\EH\003:mh=\EGp:mr=\EG4:nd=\014:nw=\037:se=\EG0:\
+	:sf=\n:so=\EGt:sr=\Ej:st=\E1:ta=\011:ts=\EF:ue=\EG0:up=\013:\
+	:us=\EG8:ve=\E`1:vi=\E`0:vs=\E`5:
+ncr260wy50+wpp|NCR 2900_260 wyse 50+ wide mode:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:cm=\Ea%i%dR%dC:\
+	:is=\Ee6\E~"\E+\Ed/\Ee1\Ed*\Er\EO\E`1\E`;\E`@\E~\041\E"\Ee4\Ex@\E`9\Ee7:\
+	:r2=\Ee6\E~"\E+\Ed/\Ee1\Ed*\Er\EO\E`1\E`;\E`@\E~\041\E"\Ee4\Ex@\E`9\Ee7:\
+	:tc=ncr260wy50+pp:
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+ncr260wy60pp|NCR 2900_260 wyse 60:\
+	:am:bw:hs:km:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:CM=\Ew@%p1%{48}%+%c%p2%{32}%+%c%p3%{32}%+%c:K1=^^:\
+	:K2=\EJ:K4=\ET:K5=\EK:ae=\EH^C:al=\EE:as=\EH^B:bl=^G:bt=\EI:\
+	:cd=\Ey:ce=\Et:cl=\E*:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:ct=\E0:dc=\EW:\
+	:dl=\ER:do=\n:ds=\E`c:ei=\Er:fs=^M:ho=\036:im=\Eq:\
+	:is=\Ee6\E~4\E+\Ed/\Ee1\Ed*\Er\EO\E`1\E`\072\E`@\E~\041\E"\Ee4\Ex@\E`9\Ee7:\
+	:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:\
+	:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:kD=\EW:kI=\Eq:kN=\EK:kP=\EJ:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=^J:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=\010:mb=\EG2:\
+	:me=\EG0\EcB0\EcD:mr=\EG4:nd=\014:nw=\037:se=\EG0:sf=\n:\
+	:so=\EGt:sr=\Ej:st=\E1:ta=\011:ts=\EF:ue=\EG0:up=\013:\
+	:us=\EG8:ve=\E`1:vi=\E`0:vs=\E`5:
+ncr260wy60wpp|NCR 2900_260 wyse 60 wide mode:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:cm=\Ea%i%dR%dC:\
+	:is=\Ee6\E~4\E+\Ed/\Ee1\Ed*\Er\EO\E`1\E`;\E`@\E~\041\E"\Ee4\Ex@\E`9\Ee7:\
+	:r2=\Ee6\E~4\E+\Ed/\Ee1\Ed*\Er\EO\E`1\E`;\E`@\E~\041\E"\Ee4\Ex@\E`9\Ee7:\
+	:tc=ncr260wy60pp:
+ncr160vppp|NCR 2900_160 viewpoint:\
+	:tc=ncr260vppp:
+ncr160vpwpp|NCR 2900_160 viewpoint wide mode:\
+	:tc=ncr260vpwpp:
+ncr160vt100an|NCR 2900_160 vt100 with ansi kybd:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt100an:
+ncr160vt100pp|NCR 2900_160 vt100 with PC+ kybd:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt100pp:
+ncr160vt100wan|NCR 2900_160 vt100 wide mode ansi kybd:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt100wan:
+ncr160vt100wpp|NCR 2900_160 vt100 wide mode pc+  kybd:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt100wpp:
+ncr160vt200an|NCR 2900_160 vt200 with ansi kybd:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt200an:
+ncr160vt200pp|NCR 2900_160 vt200 with pc+ kybd:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt200pp:
+ncr160vt200wan|NCR 2900_160 vt200 wide mode ansi kybd:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt200wan:
+ncr160vt200wpp|NCR 2900_160 vt200 wide mode pc+  kybd:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt200wpp:
+ncr160vt300an|NCR 2900_160 vt300 with ansi kybd:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt300an:
+ncr160vt300pp|NCR 2900_160 vt300 with pc+ kybd:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt300pp:
+ncr160vt300wan|NCR 2900_160 vt300 wide mode ansi kybd:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt300wan:
+ncr160vt300wpp|NCR 2900_160 vt300 wide mode pc+  kybd:\
+	:tc=ncr260vt300wpp:
+ncr160wy50+pp|NCR 2900_160 wyse 50+:\
+	:tc=ncr260wy50+pp:
+ncr160wy50+wpp|NCR 2900_160 wyse 50+ wide mode:\
+	:tc=ncr260wy50+wpp:
+ncr160wy60pp|NCR 2900_160 wyse 60:\
+	:tc=ncr260wy60pp:
+ncr160wy60wpp|NCR 2900_160 wyse 60 wide mode:\
+	:tc=ncr260wy60wpp:
+ncrvt100an|ncrvt100pp|NCR vt100 for the 2900 terminal:\
+	:5i:am:hs:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:Nl#32:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:#4=\E[D:%i=\E[C:@8=^M:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:\
+	:DO=\E[%dB:K1=\E[H:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffgghhiijjkkllmmnnqqttuuvvwwxxyyzz~~:ae=\017:\
+	:al=\E[B\E[L:as=\016:bl=^G:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[0J:ce=\E[0K:\
+	:cl=\E[2J\E[1;1H:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\
+	:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[1P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ds=\E[31l:eA=\E(B\E)0:\
+	:ei=\E[4l:fs=1:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E[12h\E[?10l\E%/0n\E[P\031\E[?3l\E(B\E)0:k1=\EOP:\
+	:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:\
+	:ku=\E[A:le=\E[D:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\017\E[0m:mr=\E[7m:\
+	:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:ps=\E[i:\
+	:r2=\Ec\E[12;31h\E[?3;4;5;10l\E[?6;7;19;25h\E[33;34l\E[0m\E(B\E)0\E%/0n\E[P\031:\
+	:rc=\E8:\
+	:..sa=\E[0%?%p1%p6%|%t;1%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p1%p3%|%t;7%;%?%p4%t;5%;m%?%p9%t\016%e\017%;$<100>:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[0m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:ts=\E[>+1:ue=\E[0m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+ncrvt100wan|NCRVT100WPP|ncrvt100wpp|NCR VT100 emulation of the 2900 terminal:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:is=\E[12h\E[?10l\E%/0n\E[P\031\E[?3h\E(B\E)0:\
+	:r2=\Ec\E[12;31h\E[?4;5;10l\E?3;6;7;19;25h\E[33;34l\E[0m\E(B\E)0\E%/0n\E[P\031:\
+	:tc=ncrvt100an:
+# Vendor-supplied NCR termcaps end here
+# NCR7900 DIP switches:
+# Switch A:
+# 1-4 - Baud Rate
+# 5   - Parity (Odd/Even)
+# 6   - Don't Send or Do Send Spaces
+# 7   - Parity Enable
+# 8   - Stop Bits (One/Two)
+# Switch B:
+# 1   - Upper/Lower Shift
+# 2   - Typewriter Shift
+# 3   - Half Duplex / Full Duplex
+# 4   - Light/Dark Background
+# 5-6 - Carriage Return Without / With Line Feed
+# 7   - Extended Mode
+# 8   - Suppress Keyboard Display
+# Switch C:
+# 1   - End of line entry disabled/enabled
+# 2   - Conversational mode / (Local?) Mode
+# 3   - Control characters displayed / not displayed
+# 4   - (2-wire?) / 4-wire communications
+# 5   - RTS on and off for each character
+# 6   - (50Hz?) / 60 Hz
+# 7   - Exit after level zero diagnostics
+# 8   - RS-232 interface
+# Switch D:
+# 1   - Reverse Channel (yes / no)
+# 2   - Manual answer (no / yes)
+# 3-4 - Cursor appearance
+# 5   - Communication Rate
+# 6   - Enable / Disable EXT turnoff
+# 7   - Enable / Disable CR turnoff
+# 8   - Enable / Disable backspace
+# Since each attribute parameter is 0 or 1, we shift each attribute (standout,
+# reverse, blink, dim, and underline) the appropriate number of bits (by
+# multiplying the 0 or 1 by a correct factor to shift) so the bias character,
+# '@' is (effectively) "or"ed with each attribute to generate the proper third
+# character in the <ESC>0 sequence.  The :sa: string implements the following
+# equation:
+# ((((('@' + P5) | (P4 << 1)) | (P3 << 3)) | (P2 << 4)) | (p1 * 17))    =>
+# ((((('@' + P5) + (P4 << 1)) + (P3 << 3)) + (P2 << 4)) + (p1 * 17))
+#	Where:  P1 <==> Standout attribute parameter
+#		P2 <==> Underline attribute parameter
+#		P3 <==> Reverse attribute parameter
+#		P4 <==> Blink attribute parameter
+#		P5 <==> Dim attribute parameter
+# From <root@goliath.un.atlantaga.NCR.COM>, init string hacked by SCO.
+ncr7900i|ncr7900|ncr 7900 model 1:\
+	:am:bw:ul:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#1:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\Ek:ce=\EK:cl=^L:cm=\E1%r%.%.:cr=^M:do=^J:\
+	:is=\E0@\010\E3\E4\E7:kd=^J:kh=^A:kl=^U:kr=^F:ku=^Z:le=^H:\
+	:ll=^A:mb=\E0B:me=\E0@:mh=\E0A:mr=\E0P:nd=^F:pf=^T:po=^R:\
+	:..sa=\E0%p5%{64}%+%p4%{2}%*%+%p3%{16}%*%+%p2%{32}%*%+%p1%{17}%*%+%c:\
+	:se=\E0@:sf=^J:so=\E0Q:ue=\E0@:up=^Z:us=\E0`:
+ncr7900iv|ncr 7900 model 4:\
+	:am:bw:es:hs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\E^N:bl=^G:cl=^L:cm=\013%+@\E\005%02:cr=^M:dl=\E^O:\
+	:do=^J:ds=\Ey1:fs=\Ek\Ey5:ho=\013@\E^E00:k1=\ES:k2=\ET:\
+	:k3=\EU:k4=\EV:k5=\EW:k6=\EP:k7=\EQ:k8=\ER:kb=^H:kd=\EB:\
+	:kh=\EH:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:l6=blue:l7=red:l8=white:le=^H:\
+	:nw=^M^J:sf=^J:ts=\Ej\Ex5\Ex1\EY8%p1%{32}%+%c\Eo:
+# Warning: This terminal will lock out the keyboard when it receives a CTRL-D.
+#	   The user can enter a CTRL-B to get out of this locked state.
+# In <hpa>, we want to output the character given by the formula:
+#		((col / 10) * 16) + (col % 10)		where "col" is "p1"
+ncr7901|ncr 7901 model:\
+	:am:bw:ul:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\Ek:ce=\EK:ch=\020%+^J:cl=^L:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=^M:\
+	:cv=\013%+@:do=^J:is=\E4^O:kC=^L:kd=^J:kh=^H:kl=^U:kr=^F:\
+	:ku=^Z:le=^H:ll=^A:mb=\E0B:me=^O:mh=\E0A:mr=\E0P:nd=^F:pf=^T:\
+	:po=^R:\
+	:..sa=\E0%p5%{64}%+%p4%{2}%*%+%p3%{16}%*%+%p2%{32}%*%+%p1%{17}%*%+%c\016:\
+	:se=^O:sf=^J:so=\E0Q\016:ue=^O:up=^Z:us=\E0`\016:ve=^X:\
+	:vi=^W:
+#### Perkin-Elmer (Owl)
+# These are official terminfo entries from within Perkin-Elmer.
+bantam|pe550|pe6100|perkin elmer 550:\
+	:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:ce=\EI:cl=\EK:cm=\EX%+ \EY%+ :cr=^M:do=^J:ho=\EH:\
+	:le=^H:ll=\EH\EA:nd=\EC:sf=^J:up=\EA:
+fox|pe1100|perkin elmer 1100:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EI:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\EX%+ \EY%+ :cr=^M:\
+	:ct=\E3:do=^J:ho=\EH:le=^H:ll=\EH\EA:nd=\EC:sf=^J:st=\E1:\
+	:up=\EA:vb=\020\002\020\003:
+owl|pe1200|perkin elmer 1200:\
+	:am:bs:in:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\EL:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EI:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\EX%+ \EY%+ :\
+	:cr=^M:ct=\E3:dc=\EO:dl=\EM:do=^J:ei=:ho=\EH:ic=\EN:im=:ip=:\
+	:k0=\ERJ:k1=\ERA:k2=\ERB:k3=\ERC:k4=\ERD:k5=\ERE:k6=\ERF:\
+	:k7=\ERG:k8=\ERH:k9=\ERI:kb=^H:le=^H:ll=\EH\EA:me=\E\041\0:\
+	:nd=\EC:se=\E\041\0:sf=^J:so=\E\041^H:st=\E1:up=\EA:\
+	:vb=\020\002\020\003:
+pe1251|pe6300|pe6312|perkin elmer 1251:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:pb#300:sg#1:vt#8:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EI:cl=\EK:cm=\EX%+ \EY%+ :cr=^M:ct=\E3:\
+	:do=\EB:ho=\EH:k0=\ERA:k1=\ERB:k2=\ERC:k3=\ERD:k4=\ERE:\
+	:k5=\ERF:k6=\ERG:k7=\ERH:k8=\ERI:k9=\ERJ:k;=\ERK:le=\ED:\
+	:nd=\EC:sf=^J:st=\E1:up=\EA:
+# (pe7000m: this had
+# 	rmul=\E!\0, smul=\E!\040, 
+# which is probably wrong, it collides with kf0
+pe7000m|perkin elmer 7000 series monochrome monitor:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:bt=\E\041Y:cd=\EJ:ce=\EI:cl=\EK:cm=\ES%+ %+ :cr=^M:\
+	:do=\EB:ho=\EH:i1=\E\041\0\EW  7o\Egf\ES7 :k0=\E\041\0:\
+	:k1=\E\041^A:k2=\E\041^B:k3=\E\041^C:k4=\E\041^D:\
+	:k5=\E\041^E:k6=\E\041^F:k7=\E\041^G:k8=\E\041^H:\
+	:k9=\E\041^I:k;=\E\041^J:kb=^H:kd=\E\041U:kh=\E\041S:\
+	:kl=\E\041V:kr=\E\041W:ku=\E\041T:le=\ED:ll=\ES7 :nd=\EC:\
+	:sf=^J:sr=\ER:up=\EA:
+pe7000c|perkin elmer 7000 series colour monitor:\
+	:i1=\E\041\0\EW  7o\Egf\Eb0\Ec7\ES7 :se=\Eb0:so=\Eb2:\
+	:ue=\E\041\0:us=\E\041 :\
+	:tc=pe7000m:
+#### Prime
+# Yes, Prime made terminals.  These entries were posted by Kevin J. Cummings
+# <cummings@primerd.prime.com> on 14 Dec 1992 and lightly edited by esr.
+# Prime merged with ComputerVision in the late 1980s; you can reach them at:
+#	ComputerVision Services
+#	500 Old Connecticut Path
+#	Framingham, Mass.
+# Standout mode is dim reverse-video.
+pt100|pt200|wren|fenix|prime pt100/pt200:\
+	:am:bw:mi:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[M:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:\
+	:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L\E[t:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J\E[r:ce=\E[K\E[t:\
+	:cl=\E?:cm=\E0%+!%+!:cr=^M:dc=\E[P:do=\ED:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E$B:\
+	:im=\E[4h:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:ke=\E[>13l:kh=\E$A:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:\
+	:ks=\E[>13h:ku=\E[A:le=^H:me=\E[m:mh=\E[2m:nd=\E[C:nw=^M^J:\
+	:se=\E[m:sf=^J:so=\E[2;7m:ta=^I:te=:\
+	:ti=\E[>1l\E[>2l\E[>16l\E[4l\E[>9l\E[20l\E[>3l\E[>7h\E[>12l\E[1Q:\
+	:ue=\E[m:up=\EM:us=\E[4m:vb=\E$\E$P:
+pt100w|pt200w|wrenw|fenixw|prime pt100/pt200 in 132-column mode:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:tc=pt100:
+pt250|Prime PT250:\
+	:se@:so@:tc=pt100:
+pt250w|Prime PT250 in 132-column mode:\
+	:se@:so@:tc=pt100w:
+#### Sperry Univac
+# Sperry Univac has merged with Burroughs to form Unisys.
+# This entry is for the Sperry UTS30 terminal running the TTY 
+# utility under control of CP/M Plus 1R1. The functionality 
+# provided is comparable to the DEC vt100.
+# (uts30: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string -- esr)
+uts30|sperry uts30 with cp/m@1R1:\
+	:am:bw:hs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:ws#40:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7m:SF=\E[%dB:\
+	:SR=\E[%dA:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=\Ed:al=\EN:as=\EF:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=^L:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=\EU%+ %+ :dc=\EM:dl=\EL:do=\EB:\
+	:ei=:fs=^M:ho=\E[H:ic=\EO:im=:is=\E[U 7\E[24;1H:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\EOB:kh=\E[H:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ku=\EOA:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:\
+	:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\EC:\
+	:r2=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:rc=\EX:\
+	:rf=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:sc=\EW:se=\E[m:sf=^J:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=\EI:ta=^I:ts=\E]:uc=\EPB:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:ve=\ES:vi=\ER:
+#### Tandem
+# Tandem builds these things for use with its line of fault-tolerant
+# transaction-processing computers.  They aren't generally available
+# on the merchant market, and so are fairly uncommon.
+tandem6510|adm3a repackaged by Tandem:\
+	:tc=adm3a:
+# A funny series of terminal that TANDEM uses.  The actual model numbers
+# have a fourth digit after 653 that designates minor variants.  These are
+# natively block-mode and rather ugly, but they have a character mode which
+# this doubtless(?) exploits.  There is a 6520 that is slightly dumber.
+# (tandem653: had ":sb=\ES:", probably someone's mistake for sf; also,
+# removed :if=/usr/share/tabset/tandem653:, no such file -- esr)
+tandem653|t653x|Tandem 653x multipage terminal:\
+	:am:bs:da:db:hs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#1:ws#64:\
+	:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EI:cm=\023%+ %+ :do=^J:ds=\Eo\r:fs=^M:\
+	:ho=\EH:le=^H:me=\E6 :nd=\EC:se=\E6 :sf=\ES:so=\E6$:sr=\ET:\
+	:ts=\Eo:ue=\E6 :up=\EA:us=\E60:
+#### Tandy/Radio Shack
+# Tandy has a line of VDTs distinct from its microcomputers.
+dmterm|deskmate terminal:\
+	:am:bw:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\EP:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\Ej:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=^M:\
+	:dc=\ES:dl=\ER:do=\EB:ei=:ho=\EH:ic=\EQ:im=:k0=\E1:k1=\E2:\
+	:k2=\E3:k3=\E4:k4=\E5:k5=\E6:k6=\E7:k7=\E8:k8=\E9:k9=\E0:\
+	:kd=\EB:kh=\EH:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:l0=f1:l1=f2:l2=f3:l3=f4:\
+	:l4=f5:l5=f6:l6=f7:l7=f8:l8=f9:l9=f10:le=^H:ll=\EE:mk@:nd=\EC:\
+	:sf=\EX:ta=^I:ue@:up=\EA:us@:ve=\EG6:vi=\EG5:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:
+dt100|dt-100|Tandy DT-100 terminal:\
+	:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#1:\
+	:ac=jjkkllmmnnqqttuuvvwwxx:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\010\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:\
+	:cs=\E[%2;%2r:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:\
+	:im=:is=\E[?3l\E)0\E(B:k1=\E[?3i:k2=\E[2i:k3=\E[@:k4=\E[M:\
+	:k5=\E[17~:k6=\E[18~:k7=\E[19~:k8=\E[20~:k9=\E[21~:\
+	:k;=\E[?5i:kN=\E[29~:kP=\E[28~:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:l1=f1:l2=f2:l3=f3:l4=f4:l5=f5:l6=f6:l7=f7:\
+	:l8=f8:le=^H:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:\
+	:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:
+dt100w|dt-100w|Tandy DT-100 terminal (wide mode):\
+	:co#132:tc=dt100:
+dt110|Tandy DT-110 emulating ansi:\
+	:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:@7=\E[K:ac=jjkkllmmnnqqttuuvvwwxx:ae=^O:al=\E[0L:as=^N:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\E[0J:ce=\E[0K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\010\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dc=\E[0P:dl=\E[0M:do=\E[0B:\
+	:eA=\E(B\E)0:ei=:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[0@:im=:is=\E[?3l\E)0\E(B:\
+	:k1=\E[1~:k2=\E[2~:k3=\E[3~:k4=\E[4~:k5=\E[5~:k6=\E[6~:\
+	:k7=\E[7~:k8=\E[8~:k9=\E[9~:k;=\E[10~:kI=\E[@:kN=\E[26~:\
+	:kP=\E[25~:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[G:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:l0=f1:\
+	:l1=f2:l2=f3:l3=f4:l4=f5:l5=f6:l6=f7:l7=f8:l8=f9:l9=f10:le=^H:\
+	:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:\
+	:ue=\E[m:up=\E[0A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:
+pt210|TRS-80 PT-210 printing terminal:\
+	:hc:os:\
+	:co#80:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=^M:do=^J:sf=^J:
+#### Tektronix (tek)
+# Tektronix tubes are graphics terminals.  Most of them use modified 
+# oscilloscope technology incorporating a long-persistence green phosphor,
+# and support vector graphics on a main screen with an attached "dialogue
+# area" for interactive text.
+tek|tek4012|tektronix 4012:\
+	:bs:os:\
+	:co#75:li#35:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=\E\014:cr=^M:do=^J:ff=\014:is=\E^O:le=^H:
+# (tek4013: added <acsc> to suppress tic warnings re :as:/:ae: --esr)
+tek4013|tektronix 4013:\
+	:ac=:ae=\E^O:as=\E^N:tc=tek4012:
+tek4014|tektronix 4014:\
+	:co#81:li#38:\
+	:is=\E\017\E9:tc=tek4012:
+# (tek4015: added <acsc> to suppress tic warnings re :as:/:ae: --esr)
+tek4015|tektronix 4015:\
+	:ac=:ae=\E^O:as=\E^N:tc=tek4014:
+tek4014-sm|tektronix 4014 in small font:\
+	:co#121:li#58:\
+	:is=\E\017\E\072:tc=tek4014:
+# (tek4015-sm: added <acsc> to suppress tic warnings re :as:/:ae: --esr)
+tek4015-sm|tektronix 4015 in small font:\
+	:ac=:ae=\E^O:as=\E^N:tc=tek4014-sm:
+# Tektronix 4023 from Andrew Klossner <orca!andrew.tektronix@csnet-relay>
+# You need to have "stty nl2" in effect.  Some versions of tset(1) know
+# how to set it for you.
+# It's got the Magic Cookie problem around stand-out mode.  If you can't
+# live with Magic Cookie, remove the :so: and :se: fields and do without
+# reverse video.  If you like reverse video stand-out mode but don't want
+# it to flash, change the letter 'H' to 'P' in the :so: field.
+tek4023|tektronix 4023:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:dN#4:li#24:sg#1:vt#4:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=4\E\014:cm=\034%r%+ %+ :cr=^M:do=^J:kb=^H:le=^H:\
+	:nd=^I:nl=^J:se=^_@:so=^_P:
+# It is recommended that you run the 4025 at 4800 baud or less;
+# various bugs in the terminal appear at 9600.  It wedges at the
+# bottom of memory (try "cat /usr/dict/words"); ^S and ^Q typed
+# on keyboard don't work.  You have to hit BREAK twice to get
+# one break at any speed - this is a documented feature.
+# Can't use cursor motion because it's memory relative, and 
+# because it only works in the workspace, not the monitor.  
+# Same for home. Likewise, standout only works in the workspace.
+# :ce: was commented out since vi and rogue seem to work better 
+# simulating it with lots of spaces!
+# :al: and :AL: had 145ms of padding, but that slowed down vi's ^U 
+# and didn't seem necessary.
+tek4024|tek4025|tek4027|tektronix 4024/4025/4027:\
+	:am:bs:da:db:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#34:lm#0:\
+	:AL=\037up\r\037ili %d\r:CC=^_:DL=\037dli %d\r\006:\
+	:DO=\037dow %d\r:LE=\037lef %d\r:RI=\037rig %d\r:\
+	:UP=\037up %d\r:al=\037up\r\037ili\r:bl=^G:\
+	:cd=\037dli 50\r:cl=\037era\r\n\n:cr=^M:dc=\037dch\r:\
+	:dl=\037dli\r\006:do=^F^J:ei=:ic=\037ich\r \010:im=:\
+	:is=\041com 31\r\n\037sto 9 17 25 33 41 49 57 65 73\r:\
+	:ke=\037lea p2\r\037lea p4\r\037lea p6\r\037lea p8\r\037lea f5\r:\
+	:ks=\037lea p4 /h/\r\037lea p8 /k/\r\037lea p6 / /\r\037lea p2 /j/\r\037lea f5 /H/\r:\
+	:le=^H:nd=\037rig\r:sf=^F^J:ta=^I:up=^K:
+tek4025-17|tek 4025 17 line window:\
+	:li#17:tc=tek4025:
+tek4025-17-ws|tek 4025 17 line window in workspace:\
+	:is=\041com 31\r\n\037sto 9 17 25 33 41 49 57 65 73\r\037wor 17\r\037mon 17\r:\
+	:se=\037att s\r:so=\037att e\r:te=\037mon h\r:\
+	:ti=\037wor h\r:\
+	:tc=tek4025-17:
+tek4025-ex|tek4027-ex|tek 4025/4027 w/!:\
+	:is=\037com 33\r\n\041sto 9 17 25 33 41 49 57 65 73\r:\
+	:te=\037com 33\r:ti=\041com 31\r:\
+	:tc=tek4025:
+# Tektronix 4025a
+# From: Doug Gwyn <gwyn@brl-smoke.ARPA>
+# The following status modes are assumed for normal operation (replace the
+# initial "!" by whatever the current command character is):
+#	!COM 29			# NOTE: changes command character to GS (^])
+#	^]DUP
+#	^]ECH R
+#	^]EOL
+#	^]RSS T
+#	^]SNO N
+#	^]STO 9 17 25 33 41 49 57 65 73
+# Other modes may be set according to communication requirements.
+# If the command character is inadvertently changed, termcap can't restore it.
+# Insert-character cannot be made to work on both top and bottom rows.
+# Clear-to-end-of-display emulation via !DLI 988 is too grotty to use, alas.
+# There also seems to be a problem with vertical motion, perhaps involving
+# delete/insert-line, following a typed carriage return.  This terminal sucks.
+# Delays not specified; use "stty ixon -ixany" to enable DC3/DC1 flow control!
+# (tek4025a: removed obsolete ":xx:". This may mean the tek4025a entry won't
+# work any more. -- esr)
+tek4025a|Tektronix 4025A:\
+	:am:bs:bw:da:db:pt:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#34:\
+	:CC=^]:DC=\035dch %d;:DL=\035dli %d;:DO=\035dow %d;:\
+	:LE=\035lef %d;:RI=\035rig %d;:SF=\035dow %d;:\
+	:UP=\035up %d;:al=\013\035ili;:bl=^G:bt=\035bac;:\
+	:ce=\035dch 80;:ch=\r\035rig %d;:cl=\035era;\n\035rup;:\
+	:cr=^M:ct=\035sto;:dc=\035dch;:dl=\035dli;:do=^J:le=^H:\
+	:nd=\035rig;:\
+	:rs=\041com 29\035del 0\035rss t\035buf\035buf n\035cle\035dis\035dup\035ech r\035eol\035era g\035for n\035pad 203\035pad 209\035sno n\035sto 9 17 25 33 41 49 57 65 73\035wor 0;:\
+	:sf=^J:ta=^I:up=^K:
+# From: cbosg!teklabs!davem Wed Sep 16 21:11:41 1981
+# Here's the command file that I use to get rogue to work on the 4025.
+# It should work with any program using the old curses (e.g. it better
+# not try to scroll, or cursor addressing won't work.  Also, you can't
+# see the cursor.)
+# (This "learns" the arrow keys for rogue. I have adapted it for termcap - mrh)
+tek4025-cr|tek 4025 for curses and rogue:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#33:\
+	:cl=\037era;:cm=\037jum%i%d\054%d;:do=^F^J:\
+	:is=\041com 31\r\n\037sto 9 17 25 33 41 49 57 65 73\r:\
+	:le=^H:nd=\037rig;:sf=^F^J:ta=^I:te=\037wor 0:\
+	:ti=\037wor 33h:up=^K:
+# next two lines commented out since curses only allows 128 chars, sigh.
+#	:ti=\037lea p1/b/\037lea p2/j/\037lea p3/n/\037lea p4/h/\037lea p5/ /\037lea p6/l/\037lea p7/y/\037lea p8/k/\037lea p9/u/\037lea p./f/\037lea pt/`era w/13\037lea p0/s/\037wor 33h:\
+#	:te=\037lea p1\037lea p2\037lea p3\037lea p4\037lea pt\037lea p5\037lea p6\037lea p7\037lea p8\037lea p9/la/13\037lea p.\037lea p0\037wor 0:
+tek4025ex|4025ex|4027ex|tek 4025 w/!:\
+	:is=\037com 33\r\n\041sto 9\05417\05425\05433\05441\05449\05457\05465\05473\r:\
+	:te=\037com 33\r:ti=\041com 31\r:\
+	:tc=tek4025:
+tek4105|tektronix 4105:\
+	:am:bs:mi:ms:ul:xn:xt:\
+	:co#79:it#8:li#29:\
+	:ac=:ae=\E[m:al=\E[1L:as=\E[1m:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:\
+	:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[2J\E[H:cm=\E[%i%2;%2H:cr=^M:ct=\E[1g:\
+	:dc=\E[1P:dl=\E[1M:do=\E[1B:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:i1=\E%!1\E[m:\
+	:im=\E[4h:is=\E%!1\E[?6141\E[m:kb=^H:kd=\E[1B:kl=\E[1D:\
+	:kr=\E[1C:ku=\E[1A:mb=\E[=3;<7m:md=\E[=7;<4m:\
+	:me=\E[=0;<1m:mh=\E[=1;<6m:mk=\E[=6;<5:mr=\E[=1;<3m:\
+	:nd=\E[1C:se=\E[=0;<1m:sf=\E[S:so=\E[=2;<3m:sr=\E[T:ta=^I:\
+	:te=:ti=\E%!1\E[?6l\E[2J:ue=\E[=0;<1m:up=\E[1A:\
+	:us=\E[=5;<2m:
+# (tek4105-30: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string -- esr)
+tek4105-30|4015 emulating 30 line vt100:\
+	:am:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#30:vt#3:\
+	:@8=\EOM:DO=\E[%dB:K1=\EOq:K2=\EOr:K3=\EOs:K4=\EOp:K5=\EOn:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=^O:as=^N:bl=^G:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:do=^J:\
+	:eA=\E(B\E)0:ho=\E[H:k0=\EOy:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:\
+	:k4=\EOS:k5=\EOt:k6=\EOu:k7=\EOv:k8=\EOl:k9=\EOw:k;=\EOx:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:\
+	:ku=\EOA:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m\017:mr=\E[7m:\
+	:nd=\E[C:r2=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:rc=\E8:\
+	:..sa=\E[0%?%p1%p6%|%t;1%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p1%p3%|%t;7%;%?%p4%t;5%;m%?%p9%t\016%e\017%;:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=^J:so=\E[1;7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+# Tektronix 4105 from BRL
+# The following setup modes are assumed for normal operation:
+#	CODE ansi		CRLF no			DABUFFER 141
+#	DAENABLE yes		DALINES 30		DAMODE replace
+# Other setup modes may be set for operator convenience or communication
+# requirements; I recommend
+#	GAMODE overstrike	GCURSOR 0 100 0		GSPEED 10 1
+#	PROMPTSTRING ''		QUEUESIZE 2460		WINDOW 0 0 4095 3132
+# and factory color maps.  After setting these modes, save them with NVSAVE. No
+# delays are specified; use "stty ixon -ixany" to enable DC3/DC1 flow control!
+# "IC" cannot be used in combination with "im" & "ei".
+# "tek4105a" is just a guess:
+tek4105a|Tektronix 4105:\
+	:bs:ms:pt:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:kn#8:li#30:vt#3:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:SF=\E[%dS:SR=\E[%dT:UP=\E[%dA:ac=:ae=^O:al=\E[L:\
+	:as=^N:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E%!1:k0=\EOA:k1=\EOB:k2=\EOC:k3=\EOD:k4=\EOP:k5=\EOQ:\
+	:k6=\EOR:k7=\EOS:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:\
+	:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:l0=F1:l1=F2:l2=F3:l3=F4:l4=F5:\
+	:l5=F6:l6=F8:le=^H:ll=\E[30;H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:rc=\E8:\
+	:rs=\030\E%!0\EKC\E\014\EKR0\EKF0\ENM0\ELBH=\ETF8000010F40\ELI100\ELLA>\ELM0\EKE0\ENF1\EKS0\END0\E%!1\Ec\E[?3;5l\E[?7;8h\E[r\E[m\E>:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:te=\E%!0\ELBH=\E%!1:ti=\E[?6l:ue=\E[m:up=\EM:us=\E[4m:\
+	:ve=\E%!0\ETD10\E%!1:vi=\E%!0\ETD00\E%!1:\
+	:vs=\E%!0\ETD70\E%!1:
+# Tektronix 4106/4107/4109 from BRL
+# The following setup modes are assumed for normal operation:
+#	CODE ansi		COLUMNMODE 80		CRLF no
+#	TABS -2
+# Other setup modes may be set for operator convenience or communication
+# requirements; I recommend
+#	GAMODE overstrike	GCURSOR 0 100 0		GSPEED 9 3
+#	PROMPTSTRING ''		QUEUESIZE 2620		WINDOW 0 0 4095 3132
+# and factory color maps.  After setting these modes, save them with NVSAVE.  No
+# delays are specified; use "stty ixon -ixany" to enable DC3/DC1 flow control!
+# "IC" cannot be used in combination with "im" & "ei".
+tek4106brl|tek4107brl|tek4109brl|Tektronix 4106 4107 or 4109:\
+	:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#32:vt#3:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:SF=\E[%dS:SR=\E[%dT:UP=\E[%dA:ac=:ae=^O:al=\E[L:\
+	:as=^N:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E%!1:k0=\EOA:k1=\EOB:k2=\EOC:k3=\EOD:k4=\EOP:k5=\EOQ:\
+	:k6=\EOR:k7=\EOS:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:\
+	:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:l0=F1:l1=F2:l2=F3:l3=F4:l4=F5:\
+	:l5=F6:l6=F8:le=^H:ll=\E[32;H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:\
+	:r1=\030\E%!0\EKC\E\014\EKR0\EKF0\ENM0\ELBH=\ETF8000010F40\ELI100\ELLB0\ELM0\EKE0\ENF1\EKS0\END0\ERE0\E%!1\Ec\E[?3;5l\E[?7;8h\E[r\E[m\E>:\
+	:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=^J:so=\E[7;42m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:\
+	:ta=^I:te=\E%!0\ELBH=\E%!1:ti=\E[?6l:ue=\E[m:up=\EM:\
+	:us=\E[4m:ve=\E%!0\ETD10\E%!1:vi=\E%!0\ETD00\E%!1:\
+	:vs=\E%!0\ETD70\E%!1:
+tek4107|tek4109|tektronix terminals 4107 4109:\
+	:am:bs:mi:ms:ul:xn:xt:\
+	:co#79:it#8:li#29:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\ELZ:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=^M:do=^J:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\EB:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:mb=\E%!1\E[5m\E%!0:\
+	:md=\E%!1\E[1m\E%!0:me=\E%!1\E[m\E%!0:\
+	:mh=\E%!1\E[<0m\E%!0:mr=\E%!1\E[7m\E%0:nd=\EC:\
+	:..sa=\E%%\0411\E[%?%p1%t;7%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p3%t;7%;%?%p4%t;5%;%?%p6%t;1%;m\E%%\0410:\
+	:se=\E%!1\E[m\E%!0:sf=^J:so=\E%!1\E[7;5m\E%!0:sr=\EI:\
+	:ta=^I:ue=\E%!1\E[m\E%!0:up=\EA:us=\E%!1\E[4m\E%!0:\
+	:ve=\E%!0:vs=\E%!3:
+# Tektronix 4207 with sysline.  In the ancestral termcap file this was 4107-s;
+# see the note attached to tek4207.
+tek4207-s|Tektronix 4207 with sysline but no memory:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:ds=\E7\E[?6l\E[2K\E[?6h\E8:fs=\E[?6h\E8:\
+	:i1=\E%!1\E[2;32r\E[132D\E[2g\EH\E[8C\EH\E[8C\EH\E[8C\EH\E[8C\EH\E[8C\EH\E[8C\EH\E[8C\EH\E[8C\EH\E[8C\EH\E[J:\
+	:is=\E7\E[?6l\E[2K\E[?6h\E8:\
+	:ts=\E7\E[?6l\E[2K\E[;%i%df:tc=tek4107:
+# The 4110 series may be a wonderful graphics series, but they make the 4025
+# look good for screen editing.  In the dialog area, you can't move the cursor
+# off the bottom line.  Out of the dialog area, ^K moves it up, but there
+# is no way to scroll.
+# Note that there is a floppy for free from Tek that makes the 
+# 4112 emulate the vt52 (use the vt52 termcap). There is also
+# an expected enhancement that will use ANSI standard sequences.
+# 4112 in non-dialog area pretending to scroll. It really wraps 
+# but vi is said to work (more or less) in this mode.
+# 'vi' works reasonably well with this entry.
+otek4112|o4112-nd|otek4113|otek4114|old tektronix 4110 series:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#34:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=\E^L:cr=^M:do=^J:le=^H:sf=^J:te=\EKA1\ELV1:\
+	:ti=\EKA0\ELV0\EMG0:up=^K:
+# The 4112 with the ANSI compatibility enhancement
+tek4112|tek4114|tektronix 4110 series:\
+	:am:bs:db:\
+	:co#80:li#34:\
+	:al=\E[L:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[0J:ce=\E[0K:cl=\E[2J\E[0;0H:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:ei=:ic=\E[@:im=:\
+	:is=\E3\0411:le=^H:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:\
+	:sf=\E7\E[0;0H\E[M\E8:so=\E[7m:sr=\E7\E[0;0H\E[L\E8:\
+	:ue=\E[m:up=\EM:us=\E[4m:
+tek4112-nd|4112 not in dialog area:\
+	:ns:\
+	:up=^K:tc=tek4112:
+tek4112-5|4112 in 5 line dialog area:\
+	:li#5:tc=tek4112:
+# (tek4113: this used to have ":nd=\LM1\s\LM0:", someone's mistake;
+# removed ":as=\E^N:, :ae=\E^O:", which had been commented out in 8.3.
+# Note, the !0 and !1 sequences in :te:/:ti:/:ve:/:vi: were
+# previously \0410 and \0411 sequences...I don't *think* they were supposed
+# to be 4-digit octal -- esr)
+tek4113|tektronix 4113 color graphics with 5 line dialog area:\
+	:am:bs:da:eo:\
+	:co#80:li#5:\
+	:cl=\ELZ:do=^J:is=\EKA1\ELL5\ELV0\ELV1:le=^H:\
+	:nd=\ELM1 \ELM0:uc=\010\ELM1_\ELM0:\
+tek4113-34|tektronix 4113 color graphics with 34 line dialog area:\
+	:li#34:\
+	:is=\EKA1\ELLB2\ELV0\ELV1:tc=tek4113:
+# :ns: left off to allow vi visual mode. APL font (:as=\E^N:/:ae=\E^O:) not 
+# supported here. :uc: is slow, but looks nice. Suggest setenv MORE -up .
+# :vb: needs enough delay to let you see the background color being toggled.
+tek4113-nd|tektronix 4113 color graphics with no dialog area:\
+	:am:bs:eo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#34:\
+	:cl=\E^L:do=^J:ho=\ELF7l\177 @:is=\ELZ\EKA0\ELF7l\177 @:\
+	:le=^H:ll=\ELF hl @:nd=^I:se=\EMT1:so=\EMT2:ta=^I:\
+	:uc=\010\EMG1_\EMG0:up=^K:\
+	:vs=\ELZ\EKA0:
+# This entry is from Tek. Inc.  (Brian Biehl)
+# (tek4115: :bc: renamed to :le:, <rmam>/<smam> added based on init string -- esr)
+otek4115|Tektronix 4115:\
+	:am:bs:da:db:eo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#34:\
+	:RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7h:al=\E[L:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:\
+	:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:if=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E%!0\E%\014\ELV0\EKA1\ELBB2\ENU@=\ELLB2\ELM0\ELV1\EKYA?\E%!1\E[<1l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E[34;1H\E[34B\E[m:\
+	:kb=^H:ke=\E>:ks=\E=:le=\E[D:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:te=\E%!0\ELBG8\E%!1\E[34;1H\E[J:\
+	:ti=\E%!0\ELBB2\E%!1:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:ve=\E%!0\ELBG8\E%!1\E[34;1H:vs=\E%!0\ELBB2\E%!1:
+tek4115|newer tektronix 4115 entry with more ANSI capabilities:\
+	:am:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#34:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bl=^G:\
+	:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:ch=\E[%+^AG:cl=\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:ct=\E[2g:cv=\E[%+^Ad:dc=\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ei=:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:\
+	:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:\
+	:mk=\E[8m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:..rp=%p1%c\E[%p2%{1}%-%db:\
+	:..sa=\E[%?%p1%t7;%;%?%p2%t4;%;%?%p3%t7;%;%?%p4%t5;%;%?%p6%t1;%;m:\
+	:se=\E[m:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:
+# The tek4125 emulates a vt100 incorrectly - the scrolling region
+# command is ignored.  The following entry replaces :cs: with the needed
+# :AL:, :AL:, and :im:; removes some cursor pad commands that the tek4125
+# chokes on; and adds a lot of initialization for the tek dialog area.
+# Note that this entry uses all 34 lines and sets the cursor color to green.
+# Steve Jacobson 8/85
+# (tek4125: there were two "\!"s in the is that I replaced with "\E!";
+# commented out, :im:=\E1 because there's no :ei:  -- esr)
+tek4125|tektronix 4125:\
+	:li#34:\
+	:al=\E[1L:cs@:dl=\E[1M:\
+	:is=\E%\E\0410\EQD1\EUX03\EKA\ELBB2\ELCE0\ELI100\ELJ2\ELLB2\ELM0\ELS1\ELX00\ELV1\E%\E\0411\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:\
+	:ks=\E=:rc@:sc@:\
+	:tc=vt100:
+# From: <jcoker@ucbic>
+# (tek4207: This was the termcap file's entry for the 4107/4207, but SCO
+# supplied another, less capable 4107 entry.  So we'll use that for 4107 and
+# note that if jcoker wasn't confused you may be able to use this one.
+# I merged in :ms:,:sf:,:sr:,<invis>,:ct: from a BRL entry -- esr)
+tek4207|Tektronix 4207 graphics terminal with memory:\
+	:am:bw:mi:ms:ul:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#32:\
+	:al=3\E[L:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=5\E[K:cl=156\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:ct=\E[1g:dc=4\E[P:dl=3\E[M:do=^J:ei=:\
+	:ho=\E[H:ic=4\E[@:im=:\
+	:is=\E%!0\ELBP0\E%!1\E[H\E[2g\EH\E[8C\EH\E[8C\EH\E[8C\EH\E[8C\EH\E[8C\EH\E[8C\EH\E[8C\EH\E[8C\EH\E[8C\EH\E[J:\
+	:kd=\ED:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\EM:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:\
+	:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mk=\E[=6;<5:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:\
+	:sf=\E[S:so=\E[7m:sr=\E[T:ta=^I:\
+	:te=\E[?6h\E%!0\ELBP0\E%!1\E[32;1f:ti=\E[?6l\E[H\E[J:\
+	:ue=\E[m:up=\EM:us=\E[4m:
+# From: <carolyn@dali.berkeley.edu>  Thu Oct 31 12:54:27 1985
+# (tek4404: There was a "\!" in :ti: that I replaced with "\E!".
+# Tab had been given as \E2I,that must be the tab-set capability -- esr)
+tek4404|tektronix 4404:\
+	:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#32:\
+	:al=\E[1L:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[1M:do=^J:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:\
+	:im=\E[4h:kd=\E[B:ke=\E[?1h:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ks=\E[?1l:\
+	:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:so=\E[7m:st=\E[2I:ta=^I:\
+	:te=\E[1;1H\E[0J\E[?6h\E[?1l:\
+	:ti=\E%\E\0411\E[1;32r\E[?6l\E>:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:
+# Some unknown person wrote:
+# I added the is string - straight Unix has ESC ; in the login 
+# string which sets a ct8500 into monitor mode (aka 4025 snoopy 
+# mode). The is string here cleans up a few things (but not 
+# everything).
+ct8500|tektronix ct8500:\
+	:am:bw:da:db:\
+	:co#80:li#25:\
+	:al=\E^L:bl=^G:bt=\E^I:cd=\E^U:ce=\E^T:cl=\E^E:\
+	:cm=\E|%+ %+ :cr=^M:dc=\E^]:dl=\E^M:do=^J:ei=:ic=\E^\:im=:\
+	:is=\037\EZ\Ek:le=^H:me=\E :nd=\ES:se=\E :sf=^J:so=\E$:\
+	:sr=\E^A:ta=^I:ue=\E :up=\ER:us=\E\041:
+# Tektronix 4205 terminal.
+# am is not defined because the wrap around occurs not when the char.
+# is placed in the 80'th column, but when we are attempting to type
+# the 81'st character on the line.  (esr: hmm, this is like the vt100
+# version of xenl, perhaps am + xenl would work!)
+# Bold, dim, and standout are simulated by colors and thus not allowed
+# with colors.  The tektronix color table is mapped into the RGB color
+# table by setf/setb. All colors are reset to factory specifications by oc.
+# The <initc> cap uses RGB notation to define colors.  for arguments 1-3 the 
+# interval (0-1000) is broken into 8 smaller sub-intervals (125).  Each sub-
+# interval then maps into pre-defined value.
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+tek4205|tektronix 4205:\
+	:cc:mi:ms:\
+	:Co#8:NC#49:co#80:it#8:li#30:pa#63:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:\
+	:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=^O:al=\E[1L:as=^N:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:\
+	:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[2J\E[H:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:ct=\E[1g:\
+	:dc=\E[1P:dl=\E[1M:do=\E[B:eA=\E)0:ec=\E%dX:ei=\E[4l:\
+	:ho=\E[H:i1=\E%!0\ETM1\E%!1\E[m:im=\E[4h:k0=\EOA:k1=\EOB:\
+	:k2=\EOC:k3=\EOD:k4=\EP:k5=\EQ:k6=\ER:k7=\ES:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:\
+	:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=\E[D:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[=7;<4m:\
+	:me=\E[=0;<1m\E[24;25;27m\017:mh=\E[=1;<6m:mk=\E[=6;<5:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:oc=\E%!0\ETFB000001F4F4F42F40030F404A4C<F450F4F46F40F47F4F40\E%!1:\
+	:op=\E[39;40m:se=\E[=0;<1m:sf=\ED:so=\E[=2;<3m:sr=\EM:\
+	:ta=^I:te=:ti=\E%%\0411\E[?6l\E[2J:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:
+#### Teletype (tty)
+# These are the hardcopy Teletypes from before AT&T bought the company,
+# clattering electromechanical dinosaurs in Bakelite cases that printed on
+# pulpy yellow roll paper.  If you remember these you go back a ways.
+# Teletype-branded VDTs are listed in the AT&T section.
+# The earliest UNIXes were designed to use these clunkers; nroff and a few
+# other programs still default to emitting codes for the Model 37.
+tty33|tty35|model 33 or 35 teletype:\
+	:hc:os:xo:\
+	:co#72:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=^M:do=^J:sf=^J:
+tty37|model 37 teletype:\
+	:bs:hc:os:xo:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=^M:do=^J:hd=\E9:hu=\E8:le=^H:sf=^J:up=\E7:
+# There are known to be at least three flavors of the tty40, all seem more
+# like IBM half duplex forms fillers than ASCII terminals.  They have lots of
+# awful braindamage, such as printing a visible newline indicator after each
+# newline.  The 40-1 is a half duplex terminal and is hopeless.  The 40-2 is
+# braindamaged but has hope and is described here.  The 40-4 is a 3270
+# lookalike and beyond hope.  The terminal has visible bell but I don't know
+# it - it's null here to prevent it from showing the BL character.
+# There is an \EG in <nl> because of a bug in old vi (if stty says you have
+# a "newline" style terminal (-crmode) vi figures all it needs is nl
+# to get crlf, even if :cr: is not ^M.)
+# (tty40: removed obsolete ":nl=\EG\EB:", it's just do+cr -- esr)
+tty40|ds40|ds40-2|dataspeed40|teletype dataspeed 40/2:\
+	:bs:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\EL:cd=\EJ:cl=\EH\EJ:cr=\EG:ct=\EH\E2:dc=\EP:dl=\EM:\
+	:do=\EB:ei=:ho=\EH:ic=\E\136:im=:kb=^]:kl=^H:le=^H:nd=\EC:\
+	:pf=^T:po=\022:r2=\023\ER:se=\E4:sf=\ES:so=\E3:sr=\ET:\
+	:st=\E1:ta=\E@:up=\E7:
+tty43|model 43 teletype:\
+	:am:bs:hc:os:xo:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=^M:do=^J:kb=^H:le=^H:sf=^J:
+#### Tymshare
+# You can add :is=\E<: to put this 40-column mode, though I can't
+# for the life of me think why anyone would want to.
+scanset|sc410|sc415|Tymshare Scan Set:\
+	:am:bw:ms:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:ac=j%k4l<m-q\054x5:ae=^O:as=^N:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:\
+	:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=^M:do=^J:ho=\EH:kd=\EB:kl=\ED:\
+	:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:nd=^I:pf=\E;0:po=\E;0:ps=\E;3:r1=\E>:\
+	:rc=^C:sc=^B:sf=^J:up=^K:
+#### Volker-Craig (vc)
+# If you saw a Byte Magazine cover with a terminal on it during the early
+# 1980s, it was probably one of these.  Carl Helmers liked them because
+# they could crank 19.2 and were cheap (that is, he liked them until he tried
+# to program one...)
+# Missing in vc303a and vc303 descriptions:  they scroll 2 lines at a time
+# every other linefeed.
+vc303|vc103|vc203|volker-craig 303:\
+	:am:bs:ns:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=\014:cr=^M:do=^J:ho=\013:kd=^J:kl=^H:kr=^I:ku=^N:\
+	:le=^H:ll=\017W:nd=^I:up=^N:
+vc303a|vc403a|volker-craig 303a:\
+	:ce=\026:cl=\030:ho=\031:kr=^U:ku=^Z:ll=^P:nd=^U:up=^Z:tc=vc303:
+# (vc404: removed obsolete ":ma=^Z^P^U :" -- esr)
+vc404|volker-craig 404:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\027:ce=\026:cl=\030:cm=\020%+ %+ :cr=^M:do=^J:\
+	:ho=\031:kd=^J:kl=^H:kr=^U:ku=^Z:le=^H:nd=^U:sf=^J:up=^Z:
+vc404-s|volker-craig 404 w/standout mode:\
+	:do=^J:se=^O:so=^N:tc=vc404:
+# From: <wolfgang@cs.sfu.ca>
+# (vc414: merged in cup/dl1/home from an old vc414h-noxon)
+vc414|vc414h|Volker-Craig 414H in sane escape mode.:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\E\032:cd=\E^X:ce=10\E\017:cl=\E\034:cm=\E\021%r%.%.:\
+	:dc=\E3:dl=\E\023:do=\E^K:ei=:ho=\E^R:ic=\E\072:im=:k0=\EA:\
+	:k1=\EB:k2=\EC:k3=\ED:k4=\EE:k5=\EF:k6=\EG:k7=\EH:kd=\E^K:\
+	:kh=\E^R:kl=^H:kr=^P:ku=\E^L:l0=PF1:l1=PF2:l2=PF3:l3=PF4:\
+	:l4=PF5:l5=PF6:l6=PF7:l7=PF8:nd=^P:se=\E^_:so=\E^Y:up=\E^L:
+vc415|volker-craig 415:\
+	:cl=^L:tc=vc404:
+#### IBM PC and clones
+# The pcplot IBM-PC terminal emulation program is really messed up. It is
+# supposed to emulate a vt-100, but emulates the wraparound bug incorrectly,
+# doesn't support scrolling regions, ignores add line commands, and ignores
+# delete line commands. Consequently, the resulting behavior looks like a
+# crude adm3a-type terminal.
+# Steve Jacobson 8/85
+pcplot|pc-plot terminal emulation program:\
+	:xn@:\
+	:AL@:DL@:al@:cs@:dl@:rc@:sc@:tc=vt100:
+# KayPro II from Richard G Turner <rturner at Darcom-Hq.ARPA>
+# I've found that my KayPro II, running MDM730, continues to emulate an
+# ADM-3A terminal, just like I was running TERM.COM. On our 4.2 UNIX
+# system the following termcap entry works well:
+# I have noticed a couple of minor glitches, but nothing I can't work
+# around. (I added two capabilities from the BRL entry -- esr)
+kaypro|kaypro2|kaypro II:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=^G:cd=^W:ce=^X:cl=1\032:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:\
+	:dl=\ER:do=^J:ho=^^:kd=^J:kr=^L:ku=^K:nd=^L:sf=^J:up=^K:
+# From IBM, Thu May  5 19:35:27 1983
+# (ibmpc: commented out :im:=\200R because we don't know :ei: -- esr)
+ibm-pc|ibm5051|5051|IBM Personal Computer (no ANSI.SYS):\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=^L^K:cr=^M^^:do=^J:ho=^K:kd=^_:le=^]:nd=^\:sf=\n:\
+	:up=^^:
+ibmpc|wy60-PC|wyse60-PC|IBM PC/XT running PC/IX:\
+	:am:bw:eo:hs:km:ms:ul:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:@7=\E[Y:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:SF=\E[%dS\E[%dB:\
+	:SR=\E[%dT\E[%dA:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=j\331k\277l\332m\300n\305q\304t\303u\264v\301w\302x\263:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:ch=\E[%i%dG:cl=\Ec:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=^M:do=\E[B:ec=\E[%dX:ho=\E[H:k1=\240:k2=\241:k3=\242:\
+	:k4=\243:k5=\244:k6=\245:k7=\246:k8=\247:k9=\250:k;=\251:\
+	:kB=^]:kD=\177:kI=\E[^H:kN=\E[U:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:\
+	:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=\E[D:ll=\E[24;1H:mb=\E[5m:\
+	:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mk=\E[30;40m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=^M:\
+	:..sa=\E[%?%p1%t;7%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p3%t;7%;%?%p4%t;5%;%?%p6%t;1%;m:\
+	:se=\E[m:sf=\E[S\E[B:so=\E[7m:sr=\E[T\E[A:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:
+#### Apple II
+# Apple II firmware console first, then various 80-column cards and 
+# terminal emulators.  For two cents I'd toss all these in the UFO file
+# along with the 40-column apple entries.
+# From: brsmith@umn-cs.cs.umn.edu (Brian R. Smith) via BRL
+#	'it#8' tells UNIX that you have tabs every 8 columns.  This is a
+#		function of TIC, not the firmware.
+#	The clear key on a IIgs will do something like clear-screen, 
+#		depending on what you're in.
+appleIIgs|appleIIe|appleIIc|Apple 80 column firmware interface:\
+	:am:bs:bw:eo:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=^K:ce=^]:cl=^L:cm=\036%r%+ %+ :cr=^M:do=^J:ho=^Y:\
+	:kC=^X:kD=\177:kb=^H:kd=^J:kl=^H:kr=^U:ku=^K:le=^H:nd=^\:\
+	:nw=^M^W:se=^N:sf=^W:so=^O:sr=^V:ta=^I:up=^_:
+# Apple //e with 80-column card, entry from BRL
+# The modem interface is permitted to discard LF (maybe DC1), otherwise
+# passing characters to the 80-column firmware via COUT (PR#3 assumed).
+# Auto-wrap does not work right due to newline scrolling delay, which also
+# requires that you set "stty cr2".
+# Note: Cursor addressing is only available via the Pascal V1.1 entry,
+# not via the BASIC PR#3 hook.  All this nonsense can be avoided only by
+# using a terminal emulation program instead of the built-in firmware.
+apple2e|Apple //e:\
+	:bw:ms:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=4*\013:ce=4\035:cl=100\014:do=^J:ho=^Y:is=^R^N:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=^J:kl=^H:kr=^U:ku=^K:le=^H:me=^N:mr=^O:nw=100\r:\
+	:r1=^R^N:se=^N:sf=^W:so=^O:sr=^V:ta=^I:up=^_:
+# mcvax!vu44!vu45!wilcke uses the "ap" entry together with Ascii Express Pro
+# 4.20, with incoming and outgoing terminals both on 0, emulation On.
+apple2e-p|Apple //e via Pascal:\
+	:cm=\036%r%+ %+ :kb=^H:kd=^J:kl=^H:tc=apple2e:
+# (ASCII Express) MouseTalk "Standard Apple //" emulation from BRL
+# Enable DC3/DC1 flow control with "stty ixon -ixany".
+apple-ae|ASCII Express:\
+	:am:bs:bw:ms:nx:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:bl=500\007:cd=^K:ce=^]:cl=^L:cm=\036%r%+ %+ :cr=^M:do=^J:\
+	:ho=^Y:is=^R^N:kC=^X:kd=^J:kl=^H:kr=^U:ku=^K:le=^H:me=^N:\
+	:mr=^O:nd=^U:r1=^R^N:se=^N:sf=^W:so=^O:sr=^V:up=^_:
+appleII|apple ii plus:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:cd=^K:ce=^]:cl=^L:cm=\036%r%+ %+ :do=^J:ho=\E^Y:\
+	:is=\024T1\016:kd=^J:kr=^U:le=^H:me=^N:nd=^\:se=^N:so=^O:\
+	:ta=^I:up=^_:vb=\024G1\024T1:ve=^TC2:vs=^TC6:
+# Originally by Gary Ford 21NOV83
+# From: <ee178aci%sdcc7@SDCSVAX.ARPA>  Fri Oct 11 21:27:00 1985
+apple-80|apple II with smarterm 80 col:\
+	:am:bs:bw:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bt=^R:cd=10*\013:ce=10\035:cl=10*\014:cm=\036%r%+ %+ :\
+	:cr=10*\r:do=^J:ho=^Y:le=^H:nd=^\:up=^_:
+apple-soroc|apple emulating soroc 120:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=\E*:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:do=^J:ho=^^:\
+	:kd=^J:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:nd=^L:sf=^J:up=^K:
+# From Peter Harrison, Computer Graphics Lab, San Francisco
+#   ucbvax!ucsfmis!harrison  .....uucp
+#   ucbvax!ucsfmis!harrison@BERKELEY   .......ARPA
+# "These two work.  If you don't have the inverse video chip for the
+# Apple with videx then remove the :so: and :se: fields."
+# (apple-videx: this used to be called DaleApple -- esr)
+apple-videx|Apple with videx videoterm 80 column board with inverse video:\
+	:am:bs:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:cd=^K:ce=^]:cl=300\014:cm=\036%r%+ %+ :do=^J:ho=^Y:kd=^J:\
+	:kh=^Y:kl=^H:kr=^U:le=^H:me=^Z2:nd=^\:se=^Z2:so=^Z3:ta=^I:\
+	:up=^_:
+# My system [for reference] : Apple ][+, 64K, Ultraterm display card,
+#			      Apple Cat ][ 212 modem, + more all
+#			      controlled by ASCII Express: Pro.
+# From Dave Shaver <isucs1!shaver>
+apple-uterm-vb|Videx Ultraterm for Apple micros with Visible Bell:\
+	:am:bs:eo:xt:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:ac=:cd=^K:ce=^]:cl=^L:cm=\036%r%+ %+ :ho=^Y:\
+	:is=^V4^W06\017\rVisible Bell Installed.\016\r\n:\
+	:nd=^\:se=^N:so=^O:up=^_:vb=^W35^W06:
+apple-uterm|Ultraterm for Apple micros:\
+	:am:bs:eo:xt:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:ac=:cd=^K:ce=^]:cl=^L:cm=\036%r%+ %+ :ho=^Y:\
+	:is=^V4^W06\016:nd=^\:se=^N:so=^O:up=^_:
+# from trwrba!bwong (Bradley W. Wong):
+# This entry assumes that you are using an apple with the UCSD Pascal
+# language card.  SYSTEM.MISCINFO is assumed to be the same as that
+# supplied with the standard apple except that screenwidth should be set
+# using SETUP to 80 columns.  Note that the right arrow in not mapped in
+# this termcap entry.  This is because that key, on the Apple, transmits
+# a ^U and would thus preempt the more useful "up" function of vi.
+# HMH 2/23/81
+apple80p|80-column apple with Pascal card:\
+	:am:bw:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:cd=^K:ce=^]:cl=^Y^L:cm=\036%r%+ %+ :ho=^Y:kl=^H:nd=^\\072:\
+	:up=^_:
+# Apple II+ equipped with Videx 80 column card
+# Terminfo from ihnp4!ihu1g!djc1 (Dave Christensen) via BRL;
+# manually converted by D A Gwyn
+# DO NOT use any terminal emulation with this data base, it works directly
+# with the Videx card.  This has been tested with vi 1200 baud and works fine.
+# This works great for vi, except I've noticed in pre-R2, ^U will scroll back
+# 1 screen, while in R2 ^U doesn't.
+# For inverse alternate character set add:
+#	:as:=^O::ae:=^N:
+# (apple-v: added it#8 -- esr)
+apple-videx2|Apple II+ w/ Videx card (similar to Datamedia h1520):\
+	:am:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:bl=100\007:cd=16*\013:ce=^]:cl=16*\014:cm=\036%r%+ %+ :\
+	:cr=^M:do=^J:ho=^Y:kb=^H:kd=^J:kh=^Y:kl=^H:kr=^\:ku=^_:le=^H:\
+	:nd=^\:se=^Z2:sf=^J:so=^Z3:ta=8\011:up=^_:
+apple-videx3|vapple|Apple II with 80 col card:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:ce=\Ex:cl=\Ev:cm=\EY%+ %+ :ho=\EH:k0=\EP:k1=\EQ:k2=\ER:\
+	:k3=\E :k4=\E\041:k5=\E":k6=\E#:k7=\E$:k8=\E%:k9=\E&:kd=\EB:\
+	:kh=\EH:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:nd=\EC:up=\EA:
+#From: decvax!cbosgd!cbdkc1!mww Mike Warren via BRL
+aepro|Apple II+ running ASCII Express Pro--vt52:\
+	:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=300\014:cm=\EY%+ %+ :ho=\EH:nd=\EC:\
+	:up=\EA:
+# UCSD addition: Yet another termcap from Brian Kantor's Micro Munger Factory
+apple-vm80|ap-vm80|apple with viewmax-80:\
+	:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:cd=300\013:ce=^]:cl=300\014:cm=100\036%+ %+ :ho=200\031:\
+	:nd=^\\072:up=^_:
+#### Apple Lisa & Macintosh
+# (lisa: changed :vs: to :ve: -- esr)
+lisa|apple lisa console display (black on white):\
+	:am:bs:eo:ms:\
+	:co#88:it#8:li#32:\
+	:ac=jdkclfmenbqattuvvuwsx`:ae=\E[10m:al=\E[L:as=\E[11m:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=^L:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:\
+	:do=\E[B:ei=:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=:is=\E>\E[m\014:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\E[B:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:se=\E[m:so=\E[7m:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[5l:\
+	:vi=\E[5h:
+liswb|apple lisa console display (white on black):\
+	:is=\E>\E[0;7m\014:se=\E[0;7m:so=\E[m:ue=\E[0;7m:\
+	:us=\E[4m:tc=lisa:
+# lisaterm from ulysses!gamma!epsilon!mb2c!jed (John E. Duncan III) via BRL;
+# :is: revised by Ferd Brundick <fsbrn@BRL.ARPA>
+# These entries assume that the 'Auto Wraparound' is enabled.
+# Xon-Xoff flow control should also be enabled.
+# The vt100 uses :rs2: and :rf: rather than :is2:/:tbc:/:hts: because the tab
+# settings are in non-volatile memory and don't need to be reset upon login.
+# Also setting the number of columns glitches the screen annoyingly.
+# You can type "reset" to get them set.
+lisaterm|Apple Lisa or Lisa/2 running LisaTerm vt100 emulation:\
+	:am:bs:pt:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:kn#4:li#24:vt#3:\
+	:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:\
+	:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:do=^J:ho=\E[H:k0=\EOP:k1=\EOQ:\
+	:k2=\EOR:k3=\EOS:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:\
+	:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:l0=F1:l1=F2:l2=F3:l3=F4:le=^H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:r1=\E>\E[?1l\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E[1;24r:\
+	:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+# Lisaterm in 132 column ("wide") mode.
+lisaterm-w|Apple Lisa with Lisaterm in 132 column mode:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=^J:kl=^H:tc=lisaterm:
+# Although MacTerminal has insert/delete line, it is commented out here
+# since it is much faster and cleaner to use the "lock scrolling region"
+# method of inserting and deleting lines due to the MacTerminal implementation.
+# Also, the "Insert/delete ch" strings have an extra character appended to them
+# due to a bug in MacTerminal V1.1.  Blink is disabled since it is not
+# supported by MacTerminal.
+mac|macintosh|Macintosh with MacTerminal:\
+	:xn:\
+	:dN#30:\
+	:dc=7\E[P:ei=:ic=9\E[@:im=:ip=7:mb@:tc=lisa:
+# Lisaterm in 132 column ("wide") mode.
+mac-w|macterminal-w|Apple Macintosh with Macterminal in 132 column mode:\
+	:co#132:tc=mac:
+#### Radio Shack/Tandy
+# (coco3: This had "ta" used incorrectly as a boolean and bl given as "bl#7".
+# I read these as mistakes for ":it#8:" and ":bl=\007:" respectively -- esr)
+# From: <{pbrown,ctl}@ocf.berkeley.edu> 12 Mar 90
+coco3|os9LII|Tandy CoCo3 24*80 OS9 Level II:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=^_0:bl=^G:cd=^K:ce=^D:cl=5*\014:cm=2\002%r%+ %+ :\
+	:dl=^_1:do=^J:ho=^A:kd=^J:kl=^H:kr=^I:ku=^L:le=^H:mb=^_":\
+	:md=\E\072^A:me=\037\041\E\072\0:mr=^_ :nd=^F:se=^_\041:\
+	:so=^_ :ue=^_#:up=^I:us=^_":ve=^E\041:vi=^E :
+# (trs2: removed obsolete ":nl=^_:" -- esr)
+trs2|trsII|trs80II|Radio Shack Model II using P&T CP/M:\
+	:am:bs:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=^D:bl=^G:cd=^B:ce=^A:cl=^L:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=^M:dl=^K:\
+	:do=^_:ho=^F:kb=^H:kd=^_:kl=^\:kr=^]:ku=^^:le=^H:me=^O:nd=^]:\
+	:se=^O:sf=^J:so=^N:ta=^I:up=^^:
+# From: Kevin Braunsdorf <ksb@mentor.cc.purdue.edu>
+# (This had extension capabilities
+#	:BN=\E[?33h:BF=\E[?33l:UC=\E[_ q:BC=\E[\177 q:\
+#	:CN=\ERC:CF=\ERc:NR=\ERD:NM=\ER@:
+# I also deleted the unnecessary ":kn#2:", ":sg#0:" -- esr)
+trs16|trs-80 model 16 console:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:ac=jak`l_mbquvewcxs:ae=\ERg:al=\EL:as=\ERG:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:\
+	:ce=\EK:cl=^L:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=^M:dc=\EQ:dl=\EM:do=\EB:ei=:\
+	:ho=\EH:ic=\EP:im=:k0=^A:k1=^B:k2=^D:k3=^L:k4=^U:k5=^P:k6=^N:\
+	:k7=^S:kb=^H:kd=\EB:kh=^W:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:l0=f1:l1=f2:\
+	:l2=f3:l3=f4:l4=f5:l5=f6:l6=f7:l7=f8:le=^H:me=\ER@:nd=\EC:\
+	:pf=\E]+:po=\E]=:se=\ER@:sf=^J:so=\ERD:ta=^I:up=\EA:ve=\ERC:\
+	:vi=\ERc:
+#### Atari ST
+# From: Simson L. Garfinkel <simsong@media-lab.mit.edu>
+atari|atari st:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:\
+	:al=\EL:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\EY%+ %+ :dl=\EM:do=\EB:\
+	:kd=\EB:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=\ED:me=\Eq:nd=\EC:se=\Eq:\
+	:so=\Ep:sr=\EI:ta=^I:up=\EA:
+# UniTerm terminal program for the Atari ST:  49-line VT220 emulation mode
+# From: Paul M. Aoki <aoki@ucbvax.berkeley.edu>
+uniterm|uniterm49|UniTerm VT220 emulator with 49 lines:\
+	:li#49:\
+	:is=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E[1;49r\E[49;1H:tc=vt220:
+# MiNT VT52 emulation. 80 columns, 25 rows.
+# MiNT is Now TOS, the operating system which comes with all Ataris now
+# (mainly Atari Falcon). This termcap is for the VT52 emulation you get
+# under tcsh/zsh/bash/sh/ksh/ash/csh when you run MiNT in `console' mode
+# From: Per Persson <pp@gnu.ai.mit.edu>, 27 Feb 1996
+st52|Atari ST with VT52 emulation:\
+	:am:km:\
+	:co#80:li#25:\
+	:K1=\E#7:K2=\E#9:K3=\E#5:K4=\E#1:K5=\E#3:al=\EL:bl=^G:\
+	:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=^M:dl=\EM:do=\EB:\
+	:ho=\EH:k0=\E#D:k1=\E#;:k2=\E#<:k3=\E#=:k4=\E#>:k5=\E#?:\
+	:k6=\E#@:k7=\E#A:k8=\E#B:k9=\E#C:kA=\E#R:kC=\E#7:kF=\E#2:\
+	:kR=\E#8:kb=^H:kd=\E#P:kh=\E#G:kl=\E#K:kr=\E#M:ku=\E#H:\
+	:l0=f10:le=\ED:me=\Eq:nd=\EC:nw=^M^J:r1=\Ez_\Eb@\EcA:\
+	:rc=\Ek:sc=\Ej:se=\Eq:sf=^J:so=\Ep:sr=\EI:ta=^I:te=:ti=\Ee:\
+	:up=\EA:ve=\Ee:vi=\Ef:
+#### Commodore Business Machines
+# Formerly located in West Chester, PA; went spectacularly bust in 1994
+# after years of shaky engineering and egregious mismanagement.  Made one
+# really nice machine (the Amiga) and boatloads of nasty ones (PET, C-64,
+# C-128, VIC-20).  The C-64 is said to have been the most popular machine
+# ever (most units sold); they can still be found gathering dust in closets
+# everywhere.
+# From: Kent Polk <kent@swrinde.nde.swri.edu>, 30 May 90
+# Added a few more entries, converted caret-type control sequence (^x) entries
+# to '\0xx' entries since a couple of people mentioned losing '^x' sequences.
+# Corrections by Ty Sarna <tsarna@endicor.com>, Sat Feb 28 18:55:15 1998
+# :as:, :ae:			Support for alternate character sets.
+# :ve=\E[\040p:vi=\E[\060\040p:	cursor visible/invisible.
+# :xn:  vt100 kludginess at column 80/NEWLINE ignore after 80 cols(Concept)
+#     This one appears to fix a problem I always had with a line ending
+#     at 'width+1' (I think) followed by a blank line in vi. The blank
+#     line tended to disappear and reappear depending on how the screen
+#     was refreshed. Note that this is probably needed only if you use
+#     something like a Dnet Fterm with the window sized to some peculiar
+#     dimension larger than 80 columns.
+# :k0=\E9~:	map F10 to k0 - could have F0-9 -> k0-9, but ... F10 was 'k;'
+# (amiga: removed obsolete :kn#10:,
+# also added empty <acsc> to suppress a warning --esr)
+amiga|Amiga ANSI:\
+	:am:bs:bw:xn:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:SF=\E[%dS:SR=\E[%dT:UP=\E[%dA:ac=:\
+	:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=:\
+	:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=:is=\E[20l:k0=\E[9~:k1=\E[0~:k2=\E[1~:\
+	:k3=\E[2~:k4=\E[3~:k5=\E[4~:k6=\E[5~:k7=\E[6~:k8=\E[7~:\
+	:k9=\E[8~:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=\E[D:\
+	:mb=\E[7;2m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mh=\E[2m:mk=\E[8m:mr=\E[7m:\
+	:nd=\E[C:r1=\Ec:se=\E[m:sf=\E[S:so=\E[7m:sr=\E[T:ue=\E[m:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[ p:vi=\E[0 p:
+# From: Hans Verkuil <hans@wyst.hobby.nl>, 4 Dec 1995
+# (amiga: added empty <acsc> to suppress a warning.
+# I'm told this entry screws up badly with AS225, the Amiga
+# TCP/IP package once from Commodore, and now sold by InterWorks.--esr)
+amiga-h|Hans Verkuil's Amiga ANSI:\
+	:bs:bw:ms:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:DC=\233%dP:DO=\233%dB:IC=\233%d@:LE=\233%dD:RI=\233%dC:\
+	:SF=\233%dS:SR=\233%dT:UP=\233%dA:ac=:ae=^O:as=^N:bl=^G:\
+	:bt=\233Z:cd=\233J:ce=\233K:cl=\233H\233J:\
+	:cm=\233%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:dc=\233P:do=\233B:ec=\233%dP:ei=:\
+	:ho=\233H:ic=\233@:im=:is=\23320l:k0=\2339~:k1=\2330~:\
+	:k2=\2331~:k3=\2332~:k4=\2333~:k5=\2334~:k6=\2335~:\
+	:k7=\2336~:k8=\2337~:k9=\2338~:kD=\177:kb=^H:kd=\233B:\
+	:kl=\233D:kr=\233C:ku=\233A:le=\233D:mb=\2337;2m:\
+	:md=\2331m:me=\2330m:mh=\2332m:mk=\2338m:mr=\2337m:\
+	:nd=\233C:nw=\233B\r:r1=\Ec:se=\2330m:sf=\233S:so=\2337m:\
+	:sr=\233T:ta=^I:te=\233?7h:ti=\233?7l:ue=\2330m:up=\233A:\
+	:us=\2334m:vb=^G:ve=\233 p:vi=\2330 p:
+# From: Henning 'Faroul' Peters <Faroul@beyond.kn-bremen.de>, 25 Sep 1999
+amiga-8bit|Amiga ANSI using 8-bit controls:\
+	:AL=\233%dL:DL=\233%dM:SF@:SR@:ac=:al=\233L:dl=\233M:\
+	:sf=\204:sr=\215:\
+	:tc=amiga-h:
+# Commodore B-128 microcomputer from Doug Tyrol <det@HEL-ACE.ARPA>
+# 	I'm trying to write a termcap for a commodore b-128, and I'm
+# having a little trouble. I've had to map most of my control characters
+# to something that unix will accept (my delete-char is a ctrl-t, etc),
+# and create some functions (like cm), but thats life.
+# 	The problem is with the arrow keys - right, and up work fine, but
+# left deletes the previous character and down I just can't figure out.
+# Jove knows what I want, but I don't know what it's sending to me (it
+# isn't thats bound to next-line in jove).
+# 	Anybody got any ideas? Here's my termcap.
+# DAG -- I changed his "^n" entries to "\n"; see if that works.
+commodore|b-128|Commodore B-128 micro:\
+	:am:bw:\
+	:co#80:dN#20:li#24:pb#150:\
+	:al=10\Ei:bc=^H:ce=10\Eq:cl=10\E\006:\
+	:cm=20\E\013%2\054%2\054:cr=^M:dc=10*\177:dl=10*\Ed:\
+	:do=^J:ei=:ho=\E^E:ic=5\E\n:im=:kd=^J:kh=\E^E:kl=^B:kr=^F:\
+	:ku=^P:nd=^F:nl=^M:ta=5\011:up=^P:
+#### North Star
+# North Star Advantage from Lt. Fickie <brl-ibd!fickie> via BRL
+northstar|North Star Advantage:\
+	:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:cd=200\017:ce=200\016:cl=200\004:cm=1\E=%+ %+ :\
+	:ho=200\034\032:
+#### Osborne
+# Thu Jul  7 03:55:16 1983
+# As an aside, be careful; it may sound like an anomaly on the 
+# Osborne, but with the 80-column upgrade, it's too easy to 
+# enter lines >80 columns!
+# I've already had several comments...
+# The Osborne-1 with the 80-col option is capable of being 
+# 52, 80, or 104 characters wide; default to 80 for compatibility 
+# with most systems.
+# The tab is destructive on the Ozzie; make sure to 'stty -tabs'.
+osborne-w|osborne1-w|osborne I in 104-column mode:\
+	:ms:ul:xt:\
+	:co#104:li#24:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=^G:ce=\ET:cl=^Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:\
+	:do=^J:ei=:ic=\EQ:im=:kd=^J:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:nd=^L:\
+	:se=\E(:sf=^J:so=\E):ue=\Em:up=^K:us=\El:
+# Osborne I	from ptsfa!rhc (Robert Cohen) via BRL
+osborne|osborne1|osborne I in 80-column mode:\
+	:am:bs:mi:ms:ul:xs:\
+	:co#80:dB#4:li#24:\
+	:al=\EE:ce=\ET:cl=^Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :dc=4\EW:dl=\ER:do=^J:ei=:\
+	:im=\EQ:is=^Z:kb=^H:kd=^J:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=\010:nd=^L:\
+	:se=\E):so=\E(:ue=\Em:up=^K:us=\El:
+# Osborne Executive definition from BRL
+# Similar to tvi920
+# Added by David Milligan and Tom Smith (SMU)
+osexec|Osborne executive:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#1:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=^G:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=^Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:ct=\E3:\
+	:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^J:ei=:ho=^^:ic=\EQ:im=:\
+	:is=\Eq\Ek\Em\EA\Ex0:k0=^A@\r:k1=^AA\r:k2=^AB\r:k3=^AC\r:\
+	:k4=^AD\r:k5=^AE\r:k6=^AF\r:k7=^AG\r:k8=^AH\r:k9=^AI\r:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=^J:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:nd=^L:nl=^J:se=\Ek:\
+	:so=\Ej:st=\E1:ue=\Em:up=^K:us=\El:
+#### Console types for obsolete UNIX clones
+# Coherent, Minix, Venix, and several lesser-known kin were OSs for 8088
+# machines that tried to emulate the UNIX look'n'feel.  Coherent and Venix
+# were commercial, Minix an educational tool sold in conjunction with a book.
+# Memory-segmentation limits and a strong tendency to look like V7 long after
+# it was obsolete made all three pretty lame.  Venix croaked early.  Coherent
+# and Minix were ported to 32-bit Intel boxes, only to be run over by a
+# steamroller named `Linux' (which, to be fair, traces some lineage to Minix). 
+# Coherent's vendor, the Mark Williams Company, went belly-up in 1994.  There
+# are also, I'm told, Minix ports that ran on Amiga and Atari machines and
+# even as single processes under SunOS and the Macintosh OS.
+# This is the entry provided with minix 1.7.4, with bogus :ri: removed.
+minix|minix console (v1.7):\
+	:am:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[0J:\
+	:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[0J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:dc=\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=:is=\E[0m:k0=\E[Y:\
+	:k1=\E[V:k2=\E[U:k3=\E[T:k4=\E[S:k5=\E[G:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:\
+	:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:l0=End:l1=PgUp:l2=PgDn:\
+	:l3=Num +:l4=Num -:l5=Num 5:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:\
+	:me=\E[0m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=^M^J:se=\E[0m:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:\
+	:sr=\EM:ta=^I:ue=\E[0m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+# Corrected Jan 14, 1997 by Vincent Broman <broman@nosc.mil>
+minix-old|minix console (v1.5):\
+	:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[0J:\
+	:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[0J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:dc=\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=:k0=\E[Y:k1=\E[V:\
+	:k2=\E[U:k3=\E[T:k4=\E[S:k5=\E[G:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:\
+	:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=^M^J:se=\E[0m:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:\
+	:ta=^I:ue=\E[0m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+# The linewrap option can be specified by editing /usr/include/minix/config.h
+# before recompiling the minix 1.5 kernel.
+minix-old-am|minix console with linewrap:\
+	:am:tc=minix-old:
+pc-minix|minix console on an Intel box:\
+	:tc=klone+acs:tc=minix:
+# According to the Coherent 2.3 manual, the PC console is similar
+# to a z19. The differences seem to be (1) 25 lines, (2) no status
+# line, (3) standout is broken, (4) ins/del line is broken, (5)
+# has blinking and bold.
+pc-coherent|pcz19|coherent|IBM PC console running Coherent:\
+	:am:mi:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EE:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=^M:dc=\EN:\
+	:do=\EB:ei=\EO:ho=\EH:im=\E@:kb=^H:kd=\EB:kh=\EH:kl=\ED:\
+	:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:me=\Eq:nd=\EC:se=\Eq:sf=^J:so=\Ep:\
+	:sr=\EI:ta=^I:up=\EA:
+# According to the Venix 1.1 manual, the PC console is similar
+# to a DEC vt52.  Differences seem to be (1) arrow keys send 
+# different strings, (2) enhanced standout, (3) added insert/delete line.
+# Note in particular that it doesn't have automatic margins.
+# There are other keys (f1-f10, kpp, knp, kcbt, kich1, kdch1) but they
+# not described here because this derives from an old termcap entry.
+pc-venix|venix|IBM PC console running Venix:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:\
+	:al=\EL:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=^M:\
+	:dl=\EM:do=^J:kb=^H:kd=\EP:kh=\EG:kl=\EK:kr=\EM:ku=\EH:le=^H:\
+	:nd=\EC:sf=^J:sr=\EI:ta=^I:up=\EA:
+#### Miscellaneous microcomputer consoles
+# If you know anything more about any of these, please tell me.
+# The MAI Basic Four computer was obsolete at the end of the 1980s.
+# It may be used as a terminal by putting it in "line" mode as seen on 
+# one of the status lines.
+# Initialization is similar to CIT80. :is: will set ANSI mode for you.  
+# Hardware tabs set by :if: at 8-spacing.  Auto line wrap causes glitches so
+# wrap mode is reset by :vs:.  Using :sf:=\E[S caused errors so I 
+# used \ED instead.
+# From: bf347@lafn.org (David Lawyer), 28 Jun 1997
+mai|basic4|MAI Basic Four in ansi mode:\
+	:am:da:db:mi:ms:\
+	:co#82:it#8:li#25:\
+	:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=^_:ce=^^:cl=^]^_:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dc=\E[1P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ei=\E[4l:ho=^]:\
+	:if=/usr/lib/tabset/vt100:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E>\E[?1h\E[?7h\E[?5l\017\E(B\E[m\E[20l\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\EOT:k6=\EOU:k7=\EOV:\
+	:k8=\EOW:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ku=\EOA:le=^H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=^X:nw=^M\ED:rc=\E8:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\E[T:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=^Z:\
+	:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[?7h:vs=\E[?7l:
+# basis from Peter Harrison, Computer Graphics Lab, San Francisco
+#   ucbvax!ucsfmis!harrison ...uucp / ucbvax!ucsfmis!harrison@BERKELEY ...ARPA
+# On Sat, 7 Aug 1999, Torsten Jerzembeck <toje@nightingale.ms.sub.org> wrote:
+# The Basis 108 was a Apple II clone, manufactured by the "Basis
+# Mikrocomputer GmbH" in Munster, Germany (the company still exists today,  
+# about 1,5 km from where I live, but doesn't build own computers any
+# more). A Basis 108 featured a really heavy (cast aluminium?) case, was
+# equipped with one or two 5.25" disk drives, had a monochrome and colour
+# video output for a TV set or a dedicated monitor and several slots for
+# Apple II cards. Basis 108 were quite popular at german schools before
+# the advent of the IBM PC. They run, for example, the UCSD Pascal
+# development system (which I used even in 1993 to program the steering
+# and data recording for our school's experimental solar panel :), Apple DOS
+# or CP/M.
+# (basis: removed obsolete ":ma=^K^P^R^L^L :nl=5000*^J:" -- esr)
+basis|BASIS108 computer with terminal translation table active:\
+	:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=300\E*:do=5000\n:kb=^H:kd=^J:kl=^H:kr=^L:\
+	:ku=^K:me=\E):se=\E):so=\E(:\
+	:tc=adm3a:
+# luna's BMC terminal emulator
+luna|luna68k|LUNA68K Bitmap console:\
+	:co#88:li#46:tc=ansi-mini:
+megatek|pegasus workstation terminal emulator:\
+	:am:os:\
+	:co#83:li#60:
+# The Xerox 820 was a Z80 micro with a snazzy XEROX PARC-derived 
+# interface (pre-Macintosh by several years) that went nowhere.
+xerox820|x820|Xerox 820:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=^Q:ce=^X:cl=1^Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:do=^J:ho=^^:\
+	:le=^H:nd=^L:sf=^J:up=^K:
+#### Videotex and teletext
+# From: Alexandre Montaron <canal@mygale.org>, 18 Jun 1998
+minitel1|minitel 1:\
+	:am:bw:es:hs:hz:ms:\
+	:Co#8:co#40:li#24:pa#8:\
+	:..Sf=\E%?%p1%{1}%=%tD%e%p1%{3}%=%tF%e%p1%{4}%=%tA%e%p1%{6}%=%tC%e%p1%{64}%+%c%;:\
+	:ac=+.\054\054./f0g1:bl=^G:ce=^X:cl=^L:cm=\037%+A%+A:\
+	:cr=^M:do=^J:eA=^Y:fs=^J:ho=^^:\
+	:is=\E;`ZQ\E\072iC\E\072iE\021:le=^H:mb=\EH:me=\EI\E\:\
+	:mr=\E]:nd=^I:nw=^M^J:op=\EG:rp=%.\022%+?:\
+	:..sa=%?%p1%t\E]%;%?%p3%t\E]%;%?%p4%t\EH%;:se=\E\:\
+	:sf=^J:so=\E]:sr=^K:ts=\037@%p1%{65}%+%c:up=^K:ve=^Q:vi=^T:
+# is2=Fnct TE, Fnct MR, Fnct CM et pour finir: curseur ON.
+minitel1b|minitel 1-bistandard (in 40cols mode):\
+	:mi:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:dc=\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:ei=\E[4l:i1=\E;iYA\E;jYC:im=\E[4h:kA=\E[L:\
+	:kC=\E[2J:kD=\E[P:kE=^X:kI=\E[4h:kL=\E[M:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:\
+	:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ks=\E;iYA\E;jYC:kt=^I:ku=\E[A:\
+	:tc=minitel1:
+# :ke: posait des problemes (logout en sortant de vi).
+minitel1b-80|minitel 1-bistandard (standard teleinformatique):\
+	:am@:bw@:hz@:\
+	:Co@:co#80:it#8:pa@:\
+	:@8=\EOM:Sf@:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:ho=\E[H:\
+	:i1@:is@:k0=\EOp:k1=\EOq:k2=\EOr:k3=\EOs:k4=\EOt:k5=\EOu:\
+	:k6=\EOv:k7=\EOw:k8=\EOx:k9=\EOy:ke@:ks@:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:\
+	:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:op@:rc=\E8:rp@:\
+	:..sa=\E[%?%p1%t7;%;%?%p2%t4;%;%?%p3%t7;%;%?%p4%t5;%;%?%p6%t1;%;m:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:ue=\E[24m:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\037@A\021\n:vi=\037@A\024\n:\
+	:tc=minitel1b:
+# \E\:1}	switch to te'le'informatique mode (ascii terminal/ISO 6429)
+# \E[?3l	80 columns
+# \E[?4l	scrolling on
+# \E[12h	local echo off
+# \Ec		reset: G0 U.S. charset (to get #,@,{,},...), 80 cols, clear screen
+# \E)0		G1 DEC set (line graphics)
+# From: Igor Tamitegama <igor@ppp1493-ft.teaser.fr>, 18 Jan 1997
+m2-nam|minitel|minitel-2|minitel-2-nam|France Telecom Minitel 2 mode te'le'informatique:\
+	:bs:es:hs:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:sg#0:ws#72:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:SF=^J:SR=\EM:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=aaffggjjkkllmmnnooqqssttuuvvwwxx:ae=^O:al=\E[L:\
+	:as=^N:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=\E[4l:\
+	:fs=^J:ho=\E[H:i1=\E\0721}\Ec\E[?4l\E[12h:\
+	:i2=\E[?3l kbs=\010:im=\E[4h:ip=7:is=\Ec\E[12h\E)0:\
+	:k0=\EOp:k1=\EOq:k2=\EOr:k3=\EOs:k4=\EOt:k5=\EOu:k6=\EOv:\
+	:k7=\EOw:k8=\EOx:k9=\EOy:k;=\EOp:kA=\E[4l:kC=\E[2J:kD=\E[P:\
+	:kI=\E[4h:kL=\E[M:kN=\EOn:kP=\EOR:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=\E[D:ll=\E[24;80H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:\
+	:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=^M^J:ps=\E[i:\
+	:r1=\Ec\E[?4l\E[12h:r2=\Ec\E)0:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:\
+	:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:ts=^_@A:u6=\E[%i%d;%dR:\
+	:u7=\E[6n:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:vb=^G:ve=\E[<1l:\
+	:vi=\E[<1h:
+# These terminals are *long* dead -- these entries are retained for
+# historical interest only.
+#### Amtek Business Machines
+# (abm80: early versions of this entry apparently had ":se=\E^_:so=\E^Y",
+# but these caps were commented out in 8.3; also, removed overridden
+# ":do=^J:" -- esr)
+abm80|amtek business machines 80:\
+	:am:bs:bw:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\E^Z:bt=^T:cd=\E^X:ce=\E^O:cl=\E^\:cm=\E\021%r%+ %+ :\
+	:dl=\E^S:do=\E^K:ho=\E^R:le=^H:nd=^P:up=\E^L:
+#### Bell Labs blit terminals
+# These were AT&T's official entries.  The 5620 FAQ maintained by 
+# David Breneman <daveb@dgtl.com> has this to say:
+#  Actually, in the beginning was the Jerq, and the Jerq was white with a
+#  green face, and Locanthi and Pike looked upon the Jerq and said the Jerq
+#  was good.  But lo, upon the horizon loomed a mighty management-type person
+#  (known now only by the initials VP) who said, the mighty Jerq must stay
+#  alone, and could not go forth into the world. So Locanthi and Pike put the
+#  Jerq to sleep, cloned its parts, and the Blit was brought forth unto the
+#  world. And the Jerq lived the rest of its days in research, but never
+#  strayed from those paths.
+#  In all seriousness, the Blit was originally known as the Jerq, but when
+#  it started to be shown outside of the halls of the Bell Labs Research
+#  organization, the management powers that be decided that the name could
+#  not remain. So it was renamed to be Blit. This was in late 1981.
+# (The AT&T 5620 was the commercialized Blit.  Its successors were the 630,
+# 730, and 730+.)
+blit|jerq|blit running teletype rom:\
+	:am:eo:ul:xo:\
+	:co#87:it#8:li#72:\
+	:AL=\EF%+ :DC=\Ee%+ :DL=\EE%+ :IC=\Ef%+ :al=\EF\041:bl=^G:\
+	:ce=\EK:cl=^L:cm=\EY%r%+ %+ :cr=^M:dc=\Ee\041:dl=\EE\041:\
+	:do=^J:ei=:ic=\Ef\041:im=:k1=\Ex:k2=\Ey:k3=\Ez:kb=^H:kd=\EB:\
+	:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=\ED:nd=\EC:sf=^J:ta=^I:up=\EA:
+# (cbblit: here's a BSD termcap that says :do=\EG: -- esr)
+cbblit|fixterm|blit running columbus code:\
+	:co#88:\
+	:cd=\EJ:ei=\ER:ic@:im=\EQ:pO=\EP%03:pf=^T:po=^R:se=\EV\041:\
+	:so=\EU\041:ue=\EV":us=\EU":vb=\E^G:\
+	:tc=blit:
+oblit|ojerq|first version of blit rom:\
+	:am:da:db:eo:mi:ul:xo:\
+	:co#88:it#8:li#72:\
+	:AL=\Ef%+ :DL=\Ee%+ :al=\EF:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=^L:\
+	:cm=\EY%r%+ %+ :cr=^M:dc=\EO:dl=\EE:do=^J:ei=\ER:im=\EQ:\
+	:kb=^H:le=\ED:nd=\EC:sf=^J:ta=^I:up=\EA:vb=\E^G:
+#### Bolt, Beranek & Newman (bbn)
+# The BitGraph was a product of the now-defunct BBN Computer Corporation.
+# The parent company, best known as the architects of the Internet, is
+# still around.
+# Jeff DelPapa <dp@world.std.com> writes:
+# The bitgraph was a large white box that contained a monochrome bitmap
+# display, and a 68000 to run it.  You could download code and run it on
+# the cpu, it had 128kb (I think) of memory.  I used one in the late
+# 70's, sure beat a vt100.  It had one strange feature tho -- it used
+# the cpu to bitblt pixels to scroll, it took longer than the refresh
+# rate, and looked like a rubber sheet stretching, then snapping
+# upwards.  It had everything the early mac had, except a floppy drive a
+# small screen (it had a 17" crisp beauty) and a real OS. They (Bolt
+# Beranek and Neuman) sold at most a few hundred of them to the real
+# world.  DOD may have bought more...
+# Entries for the BitGraph terminals.  The problem 
+# with scrolling in vi can only be fixed by getting BBN to put 
+# smarter scroll logic in the terminal or changing vi or padding 
+# scrolls with about 500 ms delay.
+# I always thought the problem was related to the terminal 
+# counting newlines in its input buffer before scrolling and 
+# then moving the screen that much. Then vi comes along and 
+# paints lines in on the bottom line of the screen, so you get 
+# this big white gap.
+bitgraph|bg2.0nv|bg3.10nv|bbn bitgraph 2.0 or later (normal video):\
+	:is=\E>\E[?5l\E[?7h:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:\
+	:tc=bg2.0:
+bg2.0rv|bg3.10rv|bbn bitgraph 2.0 (reverse video):\
+	:is=\E>\E[?5h\E[?7h:vb=\E[?5l\E[?5h:tc=bg2.0:
+bg2.0|bg3.10|bbn bitgraph 2.0 or later (no init):\
+	:bs:xn:\
+	:co#85:li#64:\
+	:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=%i\E[%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:\
+	:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kd=\E[B:ke=\E>:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ks=\E=:\
+	:ku=\E[A:l1=PF1:l2=PF2:l3=PF3:l4=PF4:le=^H:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:ta=^I:up=\E[A:
+bg1.25rv|bbn bitgraph 1.25 (reverse video):\
+	:is=\E>\E[?5h\E[?7h:vb=\E[?5l\E[?5h:tc=bg1.25:
+bg1.25nv|bbn bitgraph 1.25 (normal video):\
+	:is=\E>\E[?5l\E[?7h:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:tc=bg1.25:
+# (bg1.25: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string -- esr)
+bg1.25|bbn bitgraph 1.25:\
+	:co#85:li#64:\
+	:RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7h:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=%i\E[%d;%dH:cr=^M:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:k1=\EP:\
+	:k2=\EQ:k3=\ER:k4=\ES:kd=\EB:ke=\E>:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ks=\E=:\
+	:ku=\EA:l1=PF1:l2=PF2:l3=PF3:l4=PF4:le=^H:ll=\E[64;1H:\
+	:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:ta=^I:up=\E[A:
+#### Bull (bq, dku, vip)
+# (Adapted for terminfo; AIX extension capabilities translated -- esr)
+# BULL QUESTAR 210 `SDP' terminals emulation #
+# Description written by R.K.Saunders (Bull Transac)
+# Modifications written by F. Girard (Bull MTS)
+#		19-05-87 V02.00.01
+#		17-12-87 V02.00.02
+#		15-09-89 V02.00.05
+#	Typical technical selections F1 (modes SDP/ROLL):
+# -------------------------------------------------------
+# |   01   02   03   04   05   06   07   08   09   10   |
+# |  1010 0011 1010 0110 0110 0001 0100 0000 0000 0000  |
+# |                                                     |
+# |   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   |
+# |  0000 0110 100? 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0001  |
+# |                                                     |
+# |   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   |
+# |  0011 0000 0001 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  |
+# |                                                     |
+# |   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   |
+# |  1010 0011 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  |
+# -------------------------------------------------------
+#	Typical firmware identification F5 "etat 6":
+#  P287.02.04b	(AZERTY)
+#  P297.11.04	(24-pin: 2732)	or P798.11.04	(28-pin: 2764)
+#  P298.03.03	(monochrome)	or P374.03.02	(colour)
+#	SM SDP mode (VIP command):	^[[?=h
+#	RIS (erases screen):		^[c
+#	DMI disable keyboard:		^[`
+#	SM double rendition mode:	^[[?>h
+#	RM solicited status mode:	^[[5l
+#	RM character mode:		^[[>l
+#	RM echoplex mode:		^[[12l
+#	RM column tab mode:		^[[18l
+#	RM forbid SS2 keyboard mode:	^[[?<l
+#	SM scroll mode:			^[[=h
+#	FCF enable XON/XOFF:		^[P1s^[\
+#	MTL select end msg character:	^[[^Wp
+#	EMI enable keyboard:		^[b
+#	RIS retour etat initial:	^[c
+#	enable FC keypad:		^[[?<h,
+#	MPW map status line window:	^[PY99:98^[\
+#	SCP select status line:		^[[0;98v
+#	ED erase entire partition:	^[[2J
+#	SCP select main partition:	^[[v
+#	SM character insertion mode:	^[[4h
+#	RM character replacement mode:	^[[4l
+#	COO cursor on:			^[[r
+#	COO cursor off:			^[[1r
+#	SGR dim (turquoise) rev attr:	^[[2;7m
+#	SGR Data normal attr:		^[[m
+#	SO Line-graphic mode ON:	^N
+#	SI Line-graphic mode OFF:	^O
+#	MC start routing to printer:	^[[5i
+#	MC stop routing to printer:	^M^[[4i
+# This entry covers the following terminals:
+# dku7102, tws2102, and tws models 2105 to 2112
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+tws-generic|dku7102|Bull Questar tws terminals:\
+	:am:es:hs:mi:ms:xn:xo:xs@:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:ws#80:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%df:cr=^M:ct=\E[2g:\
+	:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:\
+	:ds=\EPY99\07298\E\\E[0;98v\E[2J\E[v:ei=\E[4l:fs=\E[v:\
+	:ho=\E[H:i1=\E[?=h\Ec\E`\E[?>h\EPY99\07298\E\:\
+	:i2=\Eb\E[?<h:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E[5;>;12;18;?<l\E[=h\EP1s\E\\E[\027p:\
+	:k1=\E[1u\027:k2=\E[2u\027:k3=\E[3u\027:k4=\E[4u\027:\
+	:k5=\E[5u\027:k6=\E[6u\027:k7=\E[7u\027:k8=\E[8u\027:\
+	:kD=\E[P:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:\
+	:le=^H:ll=\E[H\E[A:mb=\E[0;5m:me=\E[m\017:mh=\E[0;2m:\
+	:mr=\E[0;7m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:sf=^J:so=\E[0;7m:st=\EH:\
+	:ta=\E[I:te=\E[0;98v\E[2J\E[v:ti=\E[?>h\EPY99\07298\E\:\
+	:ts=\EPY99\07298\E\\E[0;98v\E[2;7m:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[0;4m:ve=\E[r:vi=\E[1r:
+tws2102-sna|dku7102-sna|BULL Questar tws2102 for SNA:\
+	:ds=\E[0;98v\E[2J\E[v:fs=\E[v:i2=\Eb:ts=\E[0;98v:\
+	:tc=tws-generic:
+tws2103|xdku|BULL Questar tws2103:\
+	:ta=^I:tc=tws-generic:
+tws2103-sna|dku7103-sna|BULL Questar tws2103 for SNA:\
+	:ta=^I:\
+	:tc=tws2102-sna:
+dku7102-old|BULL Questar 200 DKU7102 (microcode version < 6):\
+	:AL@:DL@:al@:ce=\E[K\E[m:cl=\E[2J\E[H:cm@:dl@:\
+	:ds=\EPY99\07298\E\\E[0;98v\E[2J\E[H\E[v:\
+	:ts=\EPY99\07298\E\\E[0;98v\E[H\E[2;7m:\
+	:tc=tws-generic:
+dku7202|BULL Questar 200 DKU7202 (colour/character attributes):\
+	:i2=\E[?3h\Eb:mb=\E[0;2;4m:mh=\E[0;5m:so=\E[0;4;5;7m:\
+	:ta=^I:us=\E[0;2m:\
+	:tc=tws-generic:
+# BULL QUESTAR 303 & 310 `DEC VT 320' terminals emulation #
+# Description written by J. Staerck (BULL SA)
+#       Copyright (c) 1989 BULL SA
+#  This entry is used for terminals with vt320 emulation mode
+#  and following set-up : 
+#    8 bit ISO Latin Character Set (ISO 8859-1),
+#    7 bit Control Characters, 
+#    80 columns screen.    
+#  Hereafter are some DEC vt terminals' commands. (valid on vt200 and 300)
+#  They are used in string capabilities with vt220-320 emulation mode.
+#  In the following DEC definitions, two kinds of terminfo databases are
+#    provided :
+#    1. the first with Command Sequence Introducer starting with escape 
+#       sequence in 7 bits characters ex. ESC [ : 2 chars. in 7-bit mode.
+#    2. the second with Command Sequence Introducer starting with escape 
+#       sequence in 8 bits characters ex. ESC [ : 1 char. 'CSI' =x9B.
+#	Soft Terminal Reset		esc [ ! p
+#	RIS (erases screen):		esc c
+#	DECKPNM numeric keypad mode:	esc >
+#	DECKPAM applic. keypad mode:	esc =
+#	DECSTBM Scrolling region:	esc [ r
+#	SCS select G0 = US:		esc ( B
+#	SCS select G1 = line-graphic:	esc ) 0
+#	Select 7-bit C1 controls:	esc sp F
+#	Select 8-bit C1 controls:	esc sp G
+#	Select cursor home:		esc [  H
+#	Select erase screen:		esc [  J
+#	SM KAM lock keyboard:		esc [ 2 h
+#	RM KAM unlock keyboard:		esc [ 2 l
+#	SM SRM local echo off:		esc [ 1 2 h
+#	RM SRM local echo on:		esc [ 1 2 l
+#	SM LNM New line :		esc [ 2 0 h
+#	RM LNM return = CR only:	esc [ 2 0 l
+#	SM DECCKM cursor keys mode:	esc [ ? 1 h
+#	RM DECCKM appli. keys mode:	esc [ ? 1 l
+#	SM DECANM ANSI mode on:		esc [ ? 2 h
+#	RM DECANM ANSI mode off:	esc [ ? 2 l
+#	SM DECCOLM 132-column screen:	esc [ ? 3 h
+#	RM DECCOLM 80-column screen:	esc [ ? 3 l
+#	SM DECSCLM Smooth scroll:	esc [ ? 4 h
+#	RM DECSCLM Jump scroll:		esc [ ? 4 l
+#	SM DECSCNM screen light backgr.	esc [ ? 5 h
+#	RM DECSCNM screen dark backgr.	esc [ ? 5 l
+#	SM DECOM move within margins:	esc [ ? 6 h
+#	RM DECOM move outside margins:	esc [ ? 6 l
+#	SM DECAWM auto right margin:	esc [ ? 7 h
+#	RM DECAWM auto right margin:	esc [ ? 7 l
+#	SM DECARM auto repeat:		esc [ ? 8 h
+#	RM DECARM auto repeat:		esc [ ? 8 l
+#	DECSASD Select active main:	esc [ 0 $ } 
+#	DECSASD Select active status:	esc [ 1 $ } 
+#	DECSSDT Select status none:	esc [ 0 $ ~ 
+#	DECSSDT Select status indic.:	esc [ 1 $ ~ 
+#	DECSSDT Select status host-wr:	esc [ 2 $ ~ 
+#	SM DECTCEM Visible cursor:	esc [ ? 2 5 h
+#	RM DECTCEM Invisible cursor:	esc [ ? 2 5 l
+#	SM DECNCRM 7 bits NCR set:	esc [ ? 4 2 h
+#	RM DECNCRM Multi or ISO latin:	esc [ ? 4 2 l
+#	SM DECNKM numeric keypad mode:	esc [ ? 6 6 h
+#	RM DECNKM numeric keypad appl.:	esc [ ? 6 6 l
+#	SM DECKBUM clavier informatique	esc [ ? 6 8 h
+#	RM DECKBUM clavier bureautique:	esc [ ? 6 8 l
+#	DECSCL vt300 mode 8-bit ctrl:	esc [ 6 3 " p
+# or	DECSCL vt300 mode 8-bit ctrl:	esc [ 6 3 ; 0 " p
+# or	DECSCL vt300 mode 8-bit ctrl:	esc [ 6 3 ; 2 " p
+#	DECSCL vt300 mode 7-bit ctrl:	esc [ 6 3 ; 1 " p
+#	Char. and Line attributes:	esc [ Ps ... Ps m
+# with:  0 All off, 1 Bold, 4 Underline, 5 Blinking, 7 Reverse
+# and : 22 Bold off, 24 Underline off, 25 Blinking off, 27 Reverse off
+# This entry covers BQ303, BQ306, BQ310, Q303, Q306, Q310
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+bq300|Bull vt320 ISO Latin 1 80 columns terminal:\
+	:am:eo:es:hs:km:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:vt#3:ws#80:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:K1=\EOw:K2=\EOu:K3=\EOy:K4=\EOq:K5=\EOs:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:\
+	:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\
+	:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:\
+	:ds=\E[1$}\E[2$~\n\E[0$}:ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:fs=\E[0$}:\
+	:ho=\E[H:i1=\E[63;1"p\E[2h:\
+	:i2=\E[0$}\E[?25h\E[2l\E[H\E[J:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E[?2h\E[?3l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E>\E[?1l\E F\E[?42l\E[?4l:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:\
+	:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:\
+	:le=\E[D:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m\E(B:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:nw=\EE:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:\
+	:st=\EH:ta=^I:te=\E[?7h:ti=\E[?7l\E[?1l\E(B:\
+	:ts=\E[1$}\E[2$~:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:\
+	:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:vs=\E[?25h:
+bg300-rv|Bull vt320 reverse 80 columns:\
+	:is=\E[?2h\E[?3l\E[?5h\E[?7h\E[?8h\E>\E[?1l\E F\E[?42l\E[?4l:\
+	:vb=\E[?5l\E[?5h:\
+	:tc=bq300:
+bq300-w|Bull vt320 132 columns:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:is=\E[?2h\E[?3h\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E>\E[?1l\E F\E[?42l\E[?4l:\
+	:r2=\E[?3h:\
+	:tc=bq300:
+bq300-w-rv|Bull vt320 reverse mode 132 columns:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:is=\E[?2h\E[?3h\E[?5h\E[?7h\E[?8h\E>\E[?1l\E F\E[?42l\E[?4l:\
+	:r2=\E[?3h:vb=\E[?5l\E[?5h:\
+	:tc=bq300:
+#  This entry is used for terminals with vt320 emulation mode
+#  and following set-up : 
+#    8 bit ISO Latin Character Set (ISO 8859-1),
+#    8 bit Control Characters, (CSI coded as x9B for ESC [)
+#    80 columns screen.    
+#	Soft Terminal Reset		csi ! p
+#	RIS (erases screen):		esc c
+#	DECKPNM numeric keypad mode:	esc >
+#	DECKPAM applic. keypad mode:	esc =
+#	DECSTBM Scrolling region:	esc [ r
+#	SCS select G0 = US:		esc ( B
+#	SCS select G1 = line-graphic:	esc ) 0
+#	Select 7-bit C1 controls:	esc sp F
+#	Select 8-bit C1 controls:	esc sp G
+#	Select cursor home:		csi H
+#	Select erase screen:		csi J
+#	SM KAM lock keyboard:		csi 2 h
+#	RM KAM unlock keyboard:		csi 2 l
+#	SM SRM local echo off:		csi 1 2 h
+#	RM SRM local echo on:		csi 1 2 l
+#	SM LNM New line :		csi 2 0 h
+#	RM LNM return = CR only:	csi 2 0 l
+#	SM DECCKM cursor keys mode:	csi ? 1 h
+#	RM DECCKM appli. keys mode:	csi ? 1 l
+#	SM DECANM ANSI mode on:		csi ? 2 h
+#	RM DECANM ANSI mode off:	csi ? 2 l
+#	SM DECCOLM 132-column screen:	csi ? 3 h
+#	RM DECCOLM 80-column screen:	csi ? 3 l
+#	SM DECSCLM Smooth scroll:	csi ? 4 h
+#	RM DECSCLM Jump scroll:		csi ? 4 l
+#	SM DECSCNM screen light backgr.	csi ? 5 h
+#	RM DECSCNM screen dark backgr.	csi ? 5 l
+#	SM DECOM move within margins:	csi ? 6 h
+#	RM DECOM move outside margins:	csi ? 6 l
+#	SM DECAWM auto right margin:	csi ? 7 h
+#	RM DECAWM auto right margin:	csi ? 7 l
+#	SM DECARM auto repeat:		csi ? 8 h
+#	RM DECARM auto repeat:		csi ? 8 l
+#	DECSASD Select active main:	csi 0 $ } 
+#	DECSASD Select active status:	csi 1 $ } 
+#	DECSSDT Select status none:	csi 0 $ ~ 
+#	DECSSDT Select status indic.:	csi 1 $ ~ 
+#	DECSSDT Select status host-wr:	csi 2 $ ~ 
+#	SM DECTCEM Visible cursor:	csi ? 2 5 h
+#	RM DECTCEM Invisible cursor:	csi ? 2 5 l
+#	SM DECNCRM 7 bits NCR set:	csi ? 4 2 h
+#	RM DECNCRM Multi or ISO latin:	csi ? 4 2 l
+#	DECSCL vt300 mode 8-bit ctrl:	csi 6 3 " p
+# or	DECSCL vt300 mode 8-bit ctrl:	csi 6 3 ; 0 " p
+#	DECSCL vt300 mode 7-bit ctrl:	csi 6 3 ; 1 " p
+#	Char. and Line attributes:	csi Ps ... Ps m
+# with:  0 All off, 1 Bold, 4 Underline, 5 Blinking, 7 Reverse
+# and : 22 Bold off, 24 Underline off, 25 Blinking off, 27 Reverse off
+# (bq300-8: :le:,:nd:,:up:,:do:,:dl:,:al: to get under 1024 --esr)
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+bq300-8|Bull vt320 full 8 bits 80 columns:\
+	:am:eo:es:hs:km:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:vt#3:ws#80:\
+	:AL=\233%dL:DC=\233%dP:DL=\233%dM:DO=\233%dB:IC=\233%d@:\
+	:K1=\217w:K2=\217u:K3=\217y:K4=\217q:K5=\217s:LE=\233%dD:\
+	:RI=\233%dC:UP=\233%dA:ae=^O:as=^N:bl=^G:cd=\233J:ce=\233K:\
+	:cl=\233H\233J:cm=\233%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=\233%i%d;%dr:\
+	:ct=\2333g:dc=\233P:ds=\2331$}\2332$~\n\2330$}:\
+	:ec=\233%dX:ei=\2334l:fs=\2330$}:ho=\233H:\
+	:i1=\E[63;2"p\E[2h:i2=\2330$}\233?25h\2332l\233H\233J:\
+	:im=\2334h:\
+	:is=\E[?2h\E[?3l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E>\E[?1l\E G\E[?42l\E[?4l:\
+	:k1=\217P:k2=\217Q:k3=\217R:k4=\217S:k6=\23317~:\
+	:k7=\23318~:k8=\23319~:k9=\23320~:kD=\2333~:kI=\2332~:\
+	:kN=\2336~:kP=\2335~:kb=^H:kd=\233B:ke=\233?1l\E>:\
+	:kl=\233D:kr=\233C:ku=\233A:mb=\2335m:md=\2331m:\
+	:me=\2330m\E(B:mr=\2337m:nw=\EE:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\23327m:\
+	:sf=\ED:so=\2337m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:te=\233?7h:\
+	:ti=\233?7l\233?1l\E(B:ts=\2331$}\2332$~:ue=\23324m:\
+	:us=\2334m:vb=\233?5h\233?5l:ve=\233?25h:vi=\233?25l:\
+	:vs=\233?25h:
+bq300-8rv|Bull vt320 8-bit reverse mode 80 columns:\
+	:is=\E[?2h\E[?3l\E[?5h\E[?7h\E[?8h\E>\E[?1l\E G\E[?42l\E[?4l:\
+	:vb=\233?5l\233?5h:\
+	:tc=bq300-8:
+bq300-8w|Bull vt320 8-bit 132 columns:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:is=\E[?2h\E[?3h\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E>\E[?1l\E G\E[?42l\E[?4l:\
+	:r2=\233?3h:\
+	:tc=bq300-8:
+bq300-w-8rv|Bull vt320 8-bit reverse mode 132 columns:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:is=\E[?2h\E[?3h\E[?5h\E[?7h\E[?8h\E>\E[?1l\E G\E[?42l\E[?4l:\
+	:r2=\233?3h:vb=\233?5l\233?5h:\
+	:tc=bq300-8:
+#  This entry is used for terminals with vt320 emulation mode
+#  a 102 keys keyboard (PC scancode !) and following set-up : 
+#    8 bit ISO Latin Character Set (ISO 8859-1),
+#    7 bit Control Characters, 
+#    80 columns screen.    
+bq300-pc|Questar 303 with PC keyboard ISO Latin 1 80 columns:\
+	:%0@:%1@:*6@:@0@:@7=\E[4~:F1=\E[29~:F2=\E[31~:F3@:F4@:F5@:F6@:\
+	:F7@:F8@:F9@:FA@:k1=\E[17~:k2=\E[18~:k3=\E[19~:k4=\E[20~:\
+	:k5=\E[21~:k6=\E[23~:k7=\E[24~:k8=\E[25~:k9=\E[26~:\
+	:k;=\E[28~:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=^H:\
+	:kh=\E[1~:l1@:l2@:l3@:l4@:\
+	:tc=bq300:
+bq300-pc-rv|Questar 303 with PC keyboard reverse mode 80 columns:\
+	:is=\E[?2h\E[?3l\E[?5h\E[?7h\E[?8h\E>\E[?1l\E F\E[?42l\E[?4l:\
+	:vb=\E[?5l\E[?5h:\
+	:tc=bq300-pc:
+bq300-pc-w|Questar 303 with PC keyboard 132 columns terminal:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:is=\E[?2h\E[?3h\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E>\E[?1l\E F\E[?42l\E[?4l:\
+	:r2=\E[?3h:\
+	:tc=bq300-pc:
+bq300-pc-w-rv|Questar 303 with PC keyboard reverse mode 132 columns:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:is=\E[?2h\E[?3h\E[?5h\E[?7h\E[?8h\E>\E[?1l\E F\E[?42l\E[?4l:\
+	:r2=\E[?3h:vb=\E[?5l\E[?5h:\
+	:tc=bq300-pc:
+#    8 bit ISO Latin Character Set (ISO 8859-1),
+#    8 bit Control Characters, 
+#    80 columns screen.    
+bq300-8-pc|Q306-8-pc|Questar 303 with PC keyboard in full 8 bits 80 columns:\
+	:%0@:%1@:*6@:@0@:@7=\2334~:F1=\23329~:F2=\23331~:F3@:F4@:F5@:\
+	:F6@:F7@:F8@:F9@:FA@:k1=\23317~:k2=\23318~:k3=\23319~:\
+	:k4=\23320~:k5=\23321~:k6=\23323~:k7=\23324~:k8=\23325~:\
+	:k9=\23326~:k;=\23328~:kD=\2333~:kI=\2332~:kN=\2336~:\
+	:kP=\2335~:kb=^H:kh=\2331~:l1@:l2@:l3@:l4@:\
+	:tc=bq300-8:
+bq300-8-pc-rv|Questar 303 with PC keyboard full 8 bits reverse mode 80 columns:\
+	:is=\E[?2h\E[?3l\E[?5h\E[?7h\E[?8h\E>\E[?1l\E G\E[?42l\E[?4l:\
+	:vb=\E[?5l\E[?5h:\
+	:tc=bq300-8-pc:
+bq300-8-pc-w|Questar 303 with PC keyboard full 8 bits 132 columns:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:is=\E[?2h\E[?3h\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E>\E[?1l\E G\E[?42l\E[?4l:\
+	:r2=\E[?3h:\
+	:tc=bq300-8-pc:
+bq300-8-pc-w-rv|Questar 303 with PC keyboard full 8 bits reverse 132 columns:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:is=\E[?2h\E[?3h\E[?5h\E[?7h\E[?8h\E>\E[?1l\E G\E[?42l\E[?4l:\
+	:r2=\E[?3h:vb=\E[?5l\E[?5h:\
+	:tc=bq300-8-pc:
+# BULL QUESTAR 310 `VIP 7800/8800' terminals emulation #
+# normal mode, 8 bits, 80 columns terminal.
+#	RES reset :			^[e
+#	RIS reset initial state:	^[c
+#	BLE bell enable			^[h
+#	BLD bell disable		^[g
+#	CAMS char. attr. mode set	^[[D
+#	CAMR char. attr. mode reset	^[[G
+#	CLR clear			^[`
+#	KBU keyboard unlock (set)	^[[W
+#	KBL keyboard lock (reset)	^[[X
+#	CM  character mode (async.) 	^[k
+#	NEP non echoplex mode (by host)	^[l
+#	EP  echoplex mode (by host) 	^[m
+#	IM  insert mode set		^[[I
+#	IM  insert mode reset 		^[[J
+#	RMS roll mode set 		^[r
+#	RMR roll mode reset 		^[q
+#	SM78 set mode vip7800	 	^[[1q
+#	SD  scroll up  	(72 lines) 	^[[0s
+#	SD  scroll down	(72 lines) 	^[[1s
+#	RBM block mode reset		^[[E
+#	SLS status line set 		^[w
+#	SLR status line reset 		^[v
+#	SLL status line lock 		^[O
+#	LGS Line-graphic mode set 	^[G
+#	LGR Line-graphic mode reset 	^[F
+#	TBC tab clear (at cursor pos.)	^[[g
+#	TBI tab initialize 		^[[N
+#	TBS tab set (at cursor pos.)	^[p
+#	PDS  print data space		^[[0p
+#	PHD  print host data 		^[[3p
+#	PDT  print data terminator	^[[<p
+#	PRES print adapter reset	^[[2p
+#	SSPR multi-part. reset		^[[<>u
+#	SSP0 partition 0 set		^[[00u
+#	SSP1 partition n format 1 	^[[PnPnSTRINGu
+#	SSP2 partition n format 2 	^[[PnPnSTRINGu
+#	SSP3 partition n format 3 	^[[PnPnu
+#	ATR attribute (visual)
+#	    blink :			^[sB
+#	    dim :			^[sL
+#	    hide (blank) :		^[sH
+#	    restore :			^[sR
+#	    inverse video :		^[sI
+#	    prot. :			^[sP
+#	    underline :			^[s_
+#	    reset :			^{
+# This covers the vip7800 and BQ3155-vip7800
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+vip|Bull Questar 3155-7800:\
+	:am:es:hs:km:ms:xn:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:vt#3:ws#80:\
+	:ae=\EF:as=\EG:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\E`:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%03%03f:cr=^M:ct=\E[N:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:\
+	:ds=\Ev:ei=\E[J:fs=\EO:ho=\EH:i2=\Er\E[W\E`:ic=\E[I:\
+	:im=\E[I:is=\E[00u\E[<>001001024080024080u\E[01u:\
+	:k1=\E0:k2=\E2:k3=\E6:k4=\E8:k5=\E\072:k6=\E<:k7=\E>:k8=\EP:\
+	:k9=\ER:kD=\E[P:kH=\EH\EA:kI=\E[I:kb=^H:kd=\EB:kh=\EH:\
+	:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:ll=\EH\EA:mb=\EsB:\
+	:me=\EsR\EsU\EF:mh=\EsL:mr=\EsI:nd=\EC:nw=^M:se=\EsR:sf=^J:\
+	:so=\EsI:sr=\EA\EJ\EH\E[L:st=\Ep:ta=^I:ts=\Ew:ue=\EsR:\
+	:up=\EA:us=\Es_:vb=\007\007\007:
+# normal screen, 8 bits, 132 columns terminal.
+vip-w|vip7800-w|Q310-vip-w|Q310-vip-w-am|Questar 3155-vip7800 wide:\
+	:co#132:ws#132:\
+	:is=\E[00u\E[<>001001024132024132u\E[01u:tc=vip:
+vip-H|vip7800-H|Q310-vip-H|Q310-vip-H-am|Questar 3155-vip7800 72 lines:\
+	:li#72:\
+	:is=\E[00u\E[<>001001024080072080u\E[01u:tc=vip:
+vip-Hw|vip7800-Hw|Q310-vip-Hw|Questar 3155-vip7800 wide 72 lines:\
+	:co#132:li#72:ws#132:\
+	:is=\E[00u\E[<>001001024132072132u\E[01u:tc=vip:
+#### Chromatics
+# I have put the long strings in :ti:/:te:. Ti sets up a window 
+# that is smaller than the screen, and puts up a warning message 
+# outside the window. Te erases the warning message, puts the 
+# window back to be the whole screen, and puts the cursor at just
+# below the small window. I defined :ve: and :vi: to really turn 
+# the cursor on and off, but I have taken this out since I don't 
+# like the cursor being turned off when vi exits.   
+cg7900|chromatics|chromatics 7900:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#40:\
+	:al=^A>2:bl=^G:cd=^Al:ce=^A`:cl=^L:cm=\001M%r%d\054%d\054:\
+	:cr=^M:dc=^A<1:dl=^A<2:do=^J:ei=:ho=^\:ic=^A>1:im=:le=^H:\
+	:ll=^A|:nd=^]:se=\001C1\054\001c2\054:sf=^J:\
+	:so=\001C4\054\001c7\054:\
+	:te=\001W0\05440\05485\05448\054\014\001W0\0540\05485\05448\054\001M0\05440\054:\
+	:ti=\001P0\001O1\001R1\001C4\054\001c0\054\014\001M0\05442\054WARNING DOUBLE ENTER ESCAPE and \025\001C1\054\001c2\054\001W0\0540\05479\05439\054:\
+	:uc=\001\001_\001\0:up=^K:
+#### Computer Automation
+ca22851|computer automation 22851:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=^\:ce=^]:cl=\014:cm=\002%i%.%.:cr=^M:do=^J:ho=^^:\
+	:kd=^W:kh=^^:kl=^U:ku=^V:le=^U:nd=^I:sf=^J:up=^V:
+#### Cybernex
+# This entry has correct padding and the undocumented "ri" capability
+cyb83|xl83|cybernex xl-83:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\020:ce=\017:cl=\014:cm=\027%+ %+ :cr=^M:do=^J:\
+	:ho=^K:kd=^J:kl=^H:kr=^I:ku=^N:le=^H:nd=^I:sf=^J:sr=^N:up=^N:
+# (mdl110: removed obsolete ":ma=^Z^P:" and overridden ":cd=145^NA^W:" -- esr)
+cyb110|mdl110|cybernex mdl-110:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\016A\016\035:bl=^G:cd=\016@\026:ce=\016@\026:\
+	:cl=\030:cm=\020%+ %+ :cr=^M:dc=\016A\036:\
+	:dl=\016A\016\036:do=^J:ei=:ho=^Y:ic=\016A\035:im=:le=^H:\
+	:nd=^U:se=^NG:sf=^J:so=^NF:ta=\011:up=^Z:
+#### Datapoint
+# Datapoint is gone.  They used to be headquartered in Texas.
+# They created ARCnet, an Ethernet competitor that flourished for a while
+# in the early 1980s before 3COM got wise and cut its prices.  The service
+# side of Datapoint still lives (1995) in the form of Intelogic Trace.
+dp3360|datapoint|datapoint 3360:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#82:li#25:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=^_:ce=^^:cl=^]^_:cr=^M:do=^J:ho=^]:le=^H:nd=^X:\
+	:sf=^J:up=^Z:
+# From: Jan Willem Stumpel <jw.stumpel@inter.nl.net>, 11 May 1997
+# The Datapoint 8242 Workstation was sold at least between 1985 
+# and 1989. To make the terminal work with this entry, press 
+# CONTROL-INT-INT to take the terminal off-line, and type (opt). 
+# Set the options AUTO ROLL, ROLL DN, and ESC KBD on, and AUTO 
+# CR/LF off. Use control-shift-[] as escape key, control-I as tab, 
+# shift-F1 to shift-F5 as F6 to F10 (unshifted F1 to F5 are in
+# fact unusable because the strings sent by the terminal conflict
+# with other keys).
+# The terminal is capable of displaying "box draw" characters.
+# For each graphic character you must send 2 ESC's (\E\E) followed 
+# by a control character as follows: 
+#         character        meaning
+#         =========        =======
+#         ctrl-E           top tee
+#         ctrl-F           right tee
+#         ctrl-G           bottom tee
+#         ctrl-H           left tee
+#         ctrl-I           cross
+#         ctrl-J           top left corner
+#         ctrl-K           top right corner
+#         ctrl-L           bottom left corner
+#         ctrl-M           bottom right corner
+#         ctrl-N           horizontal line
+#         ctrl-O           vertical line
+# Unfortunately this cannot be fitted into the termcap/terminfo 
+# description scheme. 
+dp8242|datapoint 8242:\
+	:ms:\
+	:co#80:li#25:\
+	:al=\E^T:bl=^G:cd=^W:ce=^V:cl=\025\E\004\027\030:\
+	:cm=\011%r%+\%+\:cr=^M:dl=\E^Z:do=^J:ho=^U:\
+	:i1=\E\014\E\016\0\230\0\317\025\027\030\E\004:\
+	:k1=^G\Ee:k2=^I\Ed:k3=^J\Ec:k4=^J\Eb:k5=^S\Ea:k6=\EO\Ee:\
+	:k7=\EN\Ed:k8=\EM\Ec:k9=\EL\Eb:k;=\EK\Ea:kb=^H:kd=^B:kl=^D:\
+	:kr=^F:ku=^E:le=^H:nw=^M^J:\
+	:r1=\E\014\E\016\0\230\0\317\025\027\030\E\004:\
+	:rp=\E\023%.%.:se=\E^D:sf=^C:so=\E^E:sr=^K:ta=^I:ue=\E^D:\
+	:us=\E^F:ve=^X:vi=^Y:\
+	:..wi=\E\014\E\016%p1%'\0'%+%c%p2%'\0'%+%c%p3%'\0'%+%c%p4%'\0'%+%c\025:
+#### DEC terminals (Obsolete types: DECwriter and vt40/42/50)
+# These entries are DEC's official terminfos for its older terminals.
+# Contact Bill Hedberg <hedberg@hannah.enet.dec.com> of Terminal Support
+# Engineering for more information.  Updated terminfos and termcaps 
+# are kept available at ftp://gatekeeper.dec.com/pub/DEC/termcaps.
+gt40|dec gt40:\
+	:bs:os:\
+	:co#72:li#30:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=^M:do=^J:le=^H:
+gt42|dec gt42:\
+	:bs:os:\
+	:co#72:li#40:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=^M:do=^J:le=^H:
+vt50|dec vt50:\
+	:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#12:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EH\EJ:cr=^M:do=^J:le=^H:nd=\EC:\
+	:sf=^J:ta=^I:up=\EA:
+vt50h|dec vt50h:\
+	:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#12:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=^M:do=^J:\
+	:le=^H:nd=\EC:sf=^J:sr=\EI:ta=^I:up=\EA:
+# (<acsc>/:ae:/:as: capabilities aren't in DEC's official entry -- esr)
+vt52|dec vt52:\
+	:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=\EG:as=\EF:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\EY%+ %+ :\
+	:cr=^M:do=\EB:ho=\EH:kb=^H:kd=\EB:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:\
+	:le=\ED:nd=\EC:nw=^M^J:sf=^J:sr=\EI:ta=^I:up=\EA:
+# (vt61: there's a BSD termcap that claims :dl=\EPd:, :al=\EPf.: :kb=^H:)
+vt61|vt-61|vt61.5|dec vt61:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=\r:do=^J:\
+	:kd=\EB:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:nd=\EC:sf=\n:sr=\EI:ta=^I:\
+	:up=\EA:
+# The gigi does standout with red!
+# (gigi: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string, corrected cub1 -- esr)
+gigi|vk100|dec gigi graphics terminal:\
+	:am:bs:xn:\
+	:co#84:li#24:\
+	:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:\
+	:UP=\E[%dA:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:do=^J:\
+	:is=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?20l\E[?7h\E[?8h:k1=\EOP:\
+	:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kh=\E[H:\
+	:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:me=\E[m:\
+	:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:sf=^J:so=\E[7;31m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:\
+	:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+# DEC PRO-350 console (VT220-style).  The 350 was DEC's attempt to produce
+# a PC differentiated from the IBM clones.  It was a total, ludicrous,
+# grossly-overpriced failure (among other things, DEC's OS didn't include
+# a format program, so you had to buy pre-formatted floppies from DEC at
+# a hefty premium!).
+pro350|decpro|dec pro console:\
+	:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=\EG:as=\EF:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\EY%+ %+ :do=\EB:\
+	:ho=\EH:k0=\EE:k1=\EF:k2=\EG:k3=\EH:k4=\EI:k5=\EJ:k6=\Ei:\
+	:k7=\Ej:kd=\EB:kh=\EH:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:nd=\EC:\
+	:se=\E^N:so=\E^H:sr=\EI:ta=^I:ue=\E^C:up=\EA:us=\E^D:
+dw1|decwriter I:\
+	:bs:hc:os:\
+	:co#72:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=^M:do=^J:le=^H:sf=^J:
+dw2|decwriter|dw|decwriter II:\
+	:bs:hc:os:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=^M:do=^J:kb=^H:le=^H:sf=^J:
+# \E(B		Use U.S. character set (otherwise # => british pound !)
+# \E[20l	Disable "linefeed newline" mode (else puts \r after \n,\f,\v)
+# \E[w   	10 char/in pitch
+# \E[1;132	full width horizontal margins
+# \E[2g		clear all tab stops
+# \E[z		6 lines/in
+# \E[66t	66 lines/page (for \f)
+# \E[1;66r	full vertical page can be printed
+# \E[4g		clear vertical tab stops
+# \E>		disable alternate keypad mode (so it transmits numbers!)
+# \E[%i%p1%du	set tab stop at column %d (origin == 1)
+#		(Full syntax is \E[n;n;n;n;n;...;nu where each 'n' is 
+#		a tab stop)
+#       The dw3 does standout with wide characters.
+dw3|la120|decwriter III:\
+	:bs:hc:os:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=^M:do=^J:\
+	:i1=\E(B\E[20l\E[w\E[0;132s\E[2g\E[z\E[66t\E[1;66r\E[4g\E>:\
+	:is=\E[9;17;25;33;41;49;57;65;73;81;89;97;105;113;121;129u\r:\
+	:kb=^H:le=^H:me=\E[w:se=\E[w:sf=^J:so=\E[6w:ta=^I:
+dw4|decwriter IV:\
+	:am:bs:hc:os:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=^M:do=^J:is=\Ec:k0=\EOP:k1=\EOQ:k2=\EOR:k3=\EOS:\
+	:kb=^H:le=^H:sf=^J:ta=^I:
+# These aren't official
+ln03|dec ln03 laser printer:\
+	:hc:\
+	:co#80:li#66:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=^M:do=^J:hd=\EK:hu=\EL:me=\E[m:nw=^M^J:se=\E[22m:\
+	:sf=^J:so=\E[1m:ta=^I:ue=\E[24m:us=\E[4m:
+ln03-w|dec ln03 laser printer 132 cols:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=^M:do=^J:kb=^H:kd=^J:kl=^H:nw=^M^J:sf=^J:ta=^I:tc=ln03:
+#### Delta Data (dd)
+# Untested. The cup sequence is hairy enough that it probably needs work.
+# The idea is ctrl(O), dd(row), dd(col), where dd(x) is x - 2*(x%16) + '9'.
+# There are BSD-derived termcap entries floating around for this puppy
+# that are *certainly* wrong.
+delta|dd5000|delta data 5000:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#27:\
+	:bl=^G:ce=^NU:cl=^NR:cm=\017%+^P%+^P:dc=^NV:do=^J:ho=^NQ:\
+	:le=^H:nd=^Y:sf=^J:up=^Z:
+#### Digital Data Research (ddr)
+# (ddr: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string -- esr)
+ddr|rebus3180|ddr3180|Rebus/DDR 3180 vt100 emulator:\
+	:am:bs:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:vt#3:\
+	:RA=\E[7l:SA=\E[7l:cd=50\E[J:ce=3\E[K:cl=50\E[H\E[2J:\
+	:cm=5\E[%i%d;%dH:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:do=^J:ho=\E[H:\
+	:is=\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ks=\E[?1h\E=:\
+	:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=2\E[5m:md=2\E[1m:me=2\E[m:mr=2\E[7m:\
+	:nd=2\E[C:r1=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:rc=\E8:\
+	:rf=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=5\ED:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=5\EM:ta=^I:ue=2\E[m:up=2\E[A:us=2\E[4m:
+#### Evans & Sutherland
+# Jon Leech <leech@cs.unc.edu> tells us:
+# The ps300 was the Evans & Sutherland Picture System 300, a high
+# performance 3D vector graphics system with a bunch of specialized hardware.
+# Approximate date of release was 1982 (early 80s, anyway), and it had several
+# evolutions including (limited) color versions such as the PS330C. PS300s
+# were effectively obsolete by the late 80s, replaced by raster graphics
+# systems, although specialized applications like molecular modelling
+# hung onto them for a while longer.  AFAIK all E&S vector graphics systems
+# are out of production, though of course E&S is very much alive (in 1996).
+# (ps300: changed ":pt@:" to "it@" -- esr)
+ps300|Picture System 300:\
+	:xt:\
+	:it@:\
+	:se@:so@:ue@:us@:tc=vt100:
+#### General Electric (ge)
+terminet1200|terminet300|tn1200|tn300|terminet|GE terminet 1200:\
+	:bs:hc:os:\
+	:co#120:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=^M:do=^J:sf=^J:
+#### Heathkit/Zenith
+# Here is a description of the H19 DIP switches:
+# S401
+# 0-3 = baud rate as follows:
+#         3       2       1       0
+#	---	---	---	--- 
+#         0       0       1       1       300 baud
+#         0       1       0       1       1200 baud
+#         1       0       0       0       2400 baud
+#         1       0       1       0       4800 baud
+#         1       1       0       0       9600 baud
+#         1       1       0       1       19.2K baud
+# 4 = parity (0 = no parity)
+# 5 = even parity (0 = odd parity)
+# 6 = stick parity (0 = normal parity)
+# 7 = full duplex (0 = half duplex)
+# S402 
+# 0 = block cursor (0 = underscore cursor)
+# 1 = no key click (0 = keyclick)
+# 2 = wrap at end of line (0 = no wrap)
+# 3 = auto LF on CR (0 = no LF on CR)
+# 4 = auto CR on LF (0 = no CR on LF)
+# 5 = ANSI mode (0 = VT52 mode)
+# 6 = keypad shifted (0 = keypad unshifted)
+# 7 = 50Hz refresh (1 = 60Hz refresh)
+# Factory Default settings are as follows:
+#          7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+# S401     1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
+# S402     0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+# (h19: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string;
+# also added empty <acsc> to suppress a tic warning -- esr)
+h19-a|h19a|heath-ansi|heathkit-a|heathkit h19 ansi mode:\
+	:am:bs:mi:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7h:ac=:ae=\E[11m:al=\E[1L:as=\E[10m:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:\
+	:dc=\E[1P:dl=\E[1M:do=\E[1B:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E<\E[>1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9l\E[m\E[11m\E[?7h:k1=\EOS:\
+	:k2=\EOT:k3=\EOU:k4=\EOV:k5=\EOW:k6=\EOP:k7=\EOQ:k8=\EOR:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[1B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[1D:kr=\E[1C:ku=\E[1A:l6=blue:\
+	:l7=red:l8=white:le=^H:nd=\E[1C:se=\E[m:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:\
+	:sr=\EM:ta=^I:up=\E[1A:ve=\E[>4l:vs=\E[>4h:
+h19-bs|heathkit w/keypad shifted:\
+	:ke=\Eu:ks=\Et:tc=h19-b:
+h19-us|h19us|h19-smul|heathkit w/keypad shifted/underscore cursor:\
+	:ke=\Eu:ks=\Et:\
+	:tc=h19-u:
+# (h19: merged in :ip: from BSDI hp19-e entry>;
+# also added empty <acsc> to suppress a tic warning --esr)
+# From: Tim Pierce <twp@skepsis.com>, 23 Feb 1998 
+# Tim tells us that:
+# I have an old Zenith-19 terminal at home that still gets a lot of use.
+# This terminal suffers from the same famous insert-mode padding lossage
+# that has been acknowledged for the Z29 terminal.  Emacs is nearly
+# unusable on this box, since even a half-scroll up or down the window
+# causes flaming terminal death.
+# On the Z19, the only way I have found around this problem is to remove
+# the :al: and :dl: entries entirely.  No amount of extra padding will
+# help (I have tried up to 20000).  Removing :al=\EL$: and :dl=\EM$:
+# makes Emacs a little slower, but it remains in the land of the living.
+# Big win.
+h19|heath|h19-b|heathkit|heath-19|z19|zenith|heathkit h19:\
+	:am:bs:es:hs:mi:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:ac=:ae=\EG:as=\EF:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EE:cm=\EY%+ %+ :\
+	:cr=^M:dc=\EN:do=\EB:ei=\EO:fs=\Ek\Ey5:ho=\EH:im=\E@:\
+	:ip=1.5<1.5/>:k1=\ES:k2=\ET:k3=\EU:k4=\EV:k5=\EW:k6=\EP:\
+	:k7=\EQ:k8=\ER:kb=^H:kd=\EB:kh=\EH:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:\
+	:l6=blue:l7=red:l8=white:le=^H:nd=\EC:se=\Eq:sf=^J:so=\Ep:\
+	:sr=\EI:ta=^I:ts=\Ej\Ex5\EY8%p1%{32}%+%c\Eo\Eo:up=\EA:\
+	:ve=\Ey4:vs=\Ex4:
+h19-u|heathkit with underscore cursor:\
+	:ve@:vs@:tc=h19-b:
+h19-g|h19g|heathkit w/block cursor:\
+	:ve=\Ex4:tc=h19-b:
+alto-h19|altoh19|altoheath|alto-heath|alto emulating heathkit h19:\
+	:li#60:\
+	:al=\EL:dl=\EM:tc=h19:
+# The major problem with the Z29 is that it requires more padding than the Z19.
+# The problem with declaring an H19 to be synonymous with a Z29 is that
+# it needs more padding. It especially loses if a program attempts
+# to put the Z29 into insert mode and insert text at 9600 baud. It
+# even loses worse if the program attempts to insert tabs at 9600
+# baud. Adding padding to text that is inserted loses because in 
+# order to make the Z29 not die, one must add so much padding that
+# whenever the program tries to use insert mode, the effective 
+# rate is about 110 baud.
+# What program would want to put the terminal into insert mode 
+# and shove stuff at it at 9600 baud you ask?  
+# Emacs. Emacs seems to want to do the mathematically optimal 
+# thing in doing a redisplay rather than the practical thing.
+# When it is about to output a line on top of a line that is 
+# already on the screen, instead of just killing to the end of 
+# the line and outputting the new line, it compares the old line 
+# and the new line and if there are any similarities, it 
+# constructs the new line by deleting the text on the old line 
+# on the terminal that is already there and then inserting new
+# text into the line to transform it into the new line that is 
+# to be displayed. The Z29 does not react kindly to this.
+# But don't cry for too long.... There is a solution. You can make
+# a termcap entry for the Z29 that says the Z29 has no insert mode.
+# Then Emacs cannot use it. "Oh, no, but now inserting into a 
+# line will be really slow", you say. Well there is a sort of a
+# solution to that too. There is an insert character option on 
+# the Z29 that will insert one character. Unfortunately, it 
+# involves putting the terminal into ansi mode, inserting the 
+# character, and changing it back to H19 mode. All this takes 12 
+# characters. Pretty expensive to insert one character, but it 
+# works. Either Emacs doesn't try to use its inserting hack when 
+# it's only given an insert character ability or the Z29 doesn't 
+# require padding with this (the former is probably more likely, 
+# but I haven't checked it out).
+# (z29: added empty <acsc> to suppress a tic warning, merged in
+# status line capabilities from BRL entry --esr)
+z29|zenith29|z29b|zenith z29b:\
+	:am:bs:es:hs:mi:ms:pt:\
+	:co#80:kn#10:li#24:\
+	:ac=:ae=\EF:al=1\EL:as=\EG:bc=\ED:bl=^G:bt=\E-:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:\
+	:cl=\EE:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=^M:dc=\EN:dl=1\EM:do=\EB:ds=\Ey1:\
+	:ei=\EO:fs=\Ek\Ey5:ho=\EH:ic=\E<\E[1@\E[?2h:im=\E@:\
+	:is=\E<\E[?2h\Ev:k0=\E~:k1=\ES:k2=\ET:k3=\EU:k4=\EV:k5=\EW:\
+	:k6=\EP:k7=\EQ:k8=\ER:k9=\E0I:kb=^H:kd=\EB:kh=\EH:kl=\ED:\
+	:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:l0=home:le=^H:nd=\EC:se=\Eq:sf=\n:so=\Ep:\
+	:sr=2\EI:ta=^I:ts=\Ej\Ex5\Ex1\EY8%+ \Eo:ue=\Es0:up=\EA:\
+	:us=\Es8:ve=\Ey4:vs=\Ex4:
+# z29 in ansi mode. Assumes that the cursor is in the correct state, and that
+# the world is stable. <rs1> causes the terminal to be reset to the state
+# indicated by the name. kc -> key click, nkc -> no key click, uc -> underscore
+# cursor, bc -> block cursor.
+# From: Mike Meyers
+# (z29a: replaced nonexistent :if=/usr/share/tabset/zenith29: befause :st:
+# looks vt100-compatible -- esr)
+z29a|z29a-kc-bc|h29a-kc-bc|heath/zenith 29 in ansi mode:\
+	:am:bs:es:hs:mi:ms:pt:\
+	:co#80:it#8:kn#10:li#24:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:bc=\ED:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[2J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[1P:\
+	:do=^J:ds=\E[>1l:fs=\E[u\E[>5l:ho=\E[H:\
+	:if=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:k0=\E[~:k1=\EOS:k2=\EOT:\
+	:k3=\EOU:k4=\EOV:k5=\EOW:k6=\EOP:k7=\EOQ:k8=\EOR:k9=\EOX:\
+	:kC=\E[J:kS=\E[J:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:kh=\E[H:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:\
+	:ku=\EOA:l0=help:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[2m:me=\E[m:mh=\E[2m:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=^M\ED:ps=\E#7:\
+	:r1=\E<\E[1;24r\E[24;1H\E[?7h\E[>4h\E[>1;2;3;5;6;7;8;9l\E[m\E[11m:\
+	:rc=\E[r:sc=\E[s:se=\E[m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7;2m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:\
+	:ta=^I:te=\E[?7h:ti=\E[?7l:\
+	:ts=\E[s\E[>5;1h\E[25;%i%dH\E[1K:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:
+z29a-kc-uc|h29a-kc-uc|z29 ansi mode with keyckick and underscore cursor:\
+	:r1=\E<\E[1;24r\E[24;1H\E[?7h\E[>1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9l\E[m\E[11m:\
+	:tc=z29a:
+z29a-nkc-bc|h29a-nkc-bc|z29 ansi mode with block cursor and no keyclick:\
+	:r1=\E<\E[1;24r\E[24;1H\E[?7h\E[>2;4h\E[>1;3;5;6;7;8;9l\E[m\E[11m:\
+	:tc=z29a:
+z29a-nkc-uc|h29a-nkc-uc|z29 ansi mode with underscore cursor and no keyclick:\
+	:r1=\E<\E[1;24r\E[24;1H\E[?7h\E[>2h\E[>1;3;4;5;6;7;8;9l\E[m\E[11m:\
+	:tc=z29a:
+# From: Jeff Bartig <jeffb@dont.doit.wisc.edu> 31 Mar 1995
+z39-a|z39a|zenith39-a|zenith39-ansi|Zenith 39 in ANSI mode:\
+	:5i:am:es:hs:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:%1=\E[~:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:K1=\EOw:\
+	:K2=\EOy:K3=\EOu:K4=\EOq:K5=\EOs:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:\
+	:UP=\E[%dA:ac=0a``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooqqssttuuvvwwxx~~:\
+	:ae=\E(B:al=\E[1L:as=\E(0:bl=^G:bt=\E[1Z:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[0J:\
+	:ce=\E[0K:cl=\E[2J\E[H:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[1P:dl=\E[1M:do=\E[B:\
+	:ds=\E[>1l:ei=\E[4l:fs=\E[u:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E<\E[>1;3;5;6;7l\E[0m\E[2J:k1=\EOS:k2=\EOT:k3=\EOU:\
+	:k4=\EOV:k5=\EOW:k6=\EOP:k7=\EOQ:k8=\EOR:k9=\EOX:kS=\E[J:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:ke=\E[>7l:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ks=\E[>7h:\
+	:ku=\E[A:le=^H:ll=\E[24;1H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:\
+	:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:pf=\E[4i:po=\E[5i:\
+	:ps=\E[?19h\E[i:r2=\E<\Ec\0:rc=\E[u:sc=\E[s:se=\E[0m:\
+	:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:st=\EH:ta=^I:ts=\E[s\E[>1h\E[25;%i%p1%dH:\
+	:ue=\E[0m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[>5l:vi=\E[>5h:
+# From: Brad Brahms <Brahms@USC-ECLC>
+z100|h100|z110|z-100|h-100|heath/zenith z-100 pc with color monitor:\
+	:ve=\Ey4\Em70:vs=\Ex4\Em71:\
+	:tc=z100bw:
+# (z100bw: removed obsolete ":kn#10:", added empty <acsc> -- esr)
+z100bw|h100bw|z110bw|z-100bw|h-100bw|heath/zenith z-100 pc:\
+	:bs:mi:ms:pt:\
+	:co#80:it#8:kn#10:li#24:\
+	:ac=:ae=\EG:al=5*\EL:as=\EF:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=5*\EE:\
+	:cm=1*\EY%+ %+ :dc=1*\EN:dl=5*\EM:do=\EB:ei=\EO:ho=\EH:\
+	:im=\E@:k0=\EJ:k1=\ES:k2=\ET:k3=\EU:k4=\EV:k5=\EW:k6=\EP:\
+	:k7=\EQ:k8=\ER:k9=\EOI:kb=^H:kd=\EB:kh=\EH:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:\
+	:ku=\EA:le=^H:nd=\EC:se=\Eq:so=\Ep:sr=\EI:ta=^I:up=\EA:\
+	:ve=\Ey4:vs=\Ex4:
+p19|h19-b with il1/dl1:\
+	:al=2*\EL:dl=2*\EM:tc=h19-b:
+# From: <ucscc!B.fiatlux@ucbvax.berkeley.edu>
+# (ztx: removed duplicate :sr: -- esr)
+ztx|ztx11|zt-1|htx11|ztx-1-a|ztx-10 or 11:\
+	:am:bs:es:hs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=\EL:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EE:cm=\EY%+ %+ :dl=\EM:do=^J:\
+	:ds=\Ey1:fs=\Ek\Ey5:ho=\EH:\
+	:is=\Ej\EH\Eq\Ek\Ev\Ey1\Ey5\EG\Ey8\Ey9\Ey>:k0=\ES:\
+	:k1=\EB:k2=\EU:k3=\EV:k4=\EW:k5=\EP:k6=\EQ:k7=\ER:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\EB:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:nd=\EC:se=\Eq:so=\Es5:\
+	:sr=\EI:ta=^I:ts=\Ej\Ex5\Ex1\EY8%+ \Eo:ue=\Eq:up=\EA:\
+	:us=\Es2:
+#### IMS International (ims)
+# There was a company called IMS International located in Carson City, 
+# Nevada, that flourished from the mid-70s to mid-80s.  They made S-100
+# bus/Z80 hardware and a line of terminals called Ultimas.  
+# From: Erik Fair <fair@ucbarpa.berkeley.edu>  Sun Oct 27 07:21:05 1985
+ims950-b|bare ims950 no init string:\
+	:is@:tc=ims950:
+# (ims950: removed obsolete ":ko@:" -- esr)
+ims950|ims televideo 950 emulation:\
+	:xn@:\
+	:k0@:k1@:k2@:k3@:k4@:k5@:k6@:k7@:k8@:k9@:kb@:kd@:kh@:kl@:kr@:ku@:vb@:tc=tvi950:
+# (ims950-rv: removed obsolete ":ko@:" -- esr)
+ims950-rv|ims tvi950 rev video:\
+	:xn@:\
+	:k0@:k1@:k2@:k3@:k4@:k5@:k6@:k7@:k8@:k9@:kb@:kd@:kh@:kl@:kr@:ku@:vb@:tc=tvi950-rv:
+ims-ansi|ultima2|ultimaII|IMS Ultima II:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:cd=\E[0J:ce=\E[0K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%2;%2H:do=\ED:\
+	:if=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:\
+	:is=\E[m\E[>14l\E[?1;?5;20l\E>\E[1m\r:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:\
+	:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:me=\E[m:se=\E[m\E[1m:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:ue=\E[m\E[1m:up=\EM:us=\E[4m:
+#### Intertec Data Systems
+# I think this company is long dead as of 1995.  They made an early CP/M
+# micro called the "Intertec Superbrain" that was moderately popular,
+# then sank out of sight.
+superbrain|intertec superbrain:\
+	:am:bs:bw:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bc=^U:bl=^G:cd=\E~k<10*>:ce=\E~K:cl=\014:cm=\EY%+ %+ :\
+	:cr=^M:do=^J:kd=^J:kl=^U:kr=^F:ku=^K:le=^H:nd=^F:sf=^J:ta=^I:\
+	:te=^L:ti=^L:up=^K:
+# (intertube: a Gould entry via BRL asserted smul=\E0@$<200/>, 
+# rmul=\E0A$<200/>; my guess is the highlight letter is bit-coded like an ADM,
+# and the reverse is actually true.  Try it. -- esr)
+intertube|intertec|Intertec InterTube:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#25:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=^L:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=^M:do=^J:ho=^A:le=^H:nd=^F:\
+	:se=\E0@:sf=^J:so=\E0P:up=^Z:
+# The intertube 2 has the "full duplex" problem like the tek 4025: if you
+# are typing and a command comes in, the keystrokes you type get interspersed
+# with the command and it messes up
+intertube2|intertec data systems intertube 2:\
+	:bs:\
+	:ce=\EK:ch=\020%+^J:cm=\016%.\020%+^J:cv=\013%.:\
+	:ll=^K^X\r:\
+	:tc=intertube:
+#### Ithaca Intersystems
+# This company made S100-bus personal computers long ago in the pre-IBM-PC
+# past.  They used to be reachable at:
+#	Ithaca Intersystems
+#	1650 Hanshaw Road
+#	Ithaca, New York 14850
+# However, the outfit went bankrupt years ago.
+# The Graphos III was a color graphics terminal from Ithaca Intersystems.
+# These entries were written (originally in termcap syntax) by Brian Yandell 
+# <yandell@stat.wisc.edu> and Mike Meyer <mikem@stat.wisc.edu> at the 
+# University of Wisconsin.
+# (graphos: removed obsolete and syntactically incorrect :kn=4:, 
+# removed :if=/usr/share/tabset/init.graphos: and 
+# <rf=/usr/share/tabset/init.graphos> no such file & no :st: -- esr)
+graphos|graphos III:\
+	:am:mi:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:\
+	:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:dm=\E[4h:do=\E[B:\
+	:ed=\E[4l:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:\
+	:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:\
+	:ku=\E[A:le=^H:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:nw=^M\ED:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:\
+	:se=\E[m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:up=\E[A:\
+	:ve=\Ez56;2;0;0z\Ez73z\Ez4;1;1z:\
+	:vs=\Ez4;2;1z\Ez56;2;80;24z:
+graphos-30|graphos III with 30 lines:\
+	:li#30:\
+	:vs=\Ez4;2;1z\Ez56;2;80;30z:tc=graphos:
+#### Modgraph
+# These people used to be reachable at:
+#	Modgraph, Inc
+#	1393 Main Street,
+#	Waltham, MA 02154
+#	Vox: (617)-890-5796.
+# However, if you call that number today you'll get an insurance company.
+# I have mail from "Michael Berman, V.P. Sales, Modgraph" dated 
+# 26 Feb 1997 that says:
+# Modgraph GX-1000, replaced by GX-2000.  Both are out of production, have been
+# for ~7 years.  Modgraph still in business.  Products are rugged laptop and
+# portable PC's and specialized CRT and LCD monitors (rugged, rack-mount
+# panel-mount etc).  I can be emailed at sonfour@aol.com
+# Peter D. Smith <pdsmith@nbbn.com> notes that his modgraph manual was
+# dated 1984.  According to the manual, it featured Tek 4010/4014
+# graphics and DEC VT100/VT52 + ADM-3A emulation with a VT220-style keyboard.
+modgraph|mod24|modgraph terminal emulating vt100:\
+	:xn@:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:is=\E\1369;0s\E\1367;1s\E[3g\E\13611;9s\E\13611;17s\E\13611;25s\E\13611;33s\E\13611;41s\E\13611;49s\E\13611;57s\E\13611;65s\E\13611;73s\E\13611;81s\E\13611;89s:\
+	:rf@:sr=5\EM\E[K:vs=\E\1369;0s\E\1367;1s:\
+	:tc=vt100:
+# The GX-1000 manual is dated 1984.  This looks rather like a VT-52.
+modgraph2|modgraph gx-1000 80x24 with keypad not enabled:\
+	:am:da:db:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:cd=50\EJ:ce=3\EK:cl=50\EH\EJ:cm=5\EY%+ %+ :\
+	:is=\E<\E\1365;2s\E\1367;1s\E[3g\E\13611;9s\E\13611;17s\E\13611;25s\E\13611;33s\E\13611;41s\E\13611;49s\E\13611;57s\E\13611;65s\E\13611;73s\E\13611;81s\E\13611;89s\E\13612;0s\E\13614;2s\E\13615;9s\E\13625;1s\E\1369;1s\E\13627;1:\
+	:le=^H:nd=2\EC:sr=5\EI:ta=^I:up=2\EA:
+# Modgraph from Nancy L. Cider <nancyc@brl-tbd>
+# BUG NOTE from Barbara E. Ringers <barb@brl-tbd>:
+# If we set TERM=vt100, and set the Modgraph screen to 24 lines, setting a
+# mark and using delete-to-killbuffer work correctly.  However, we would
+# like normal mode of operation to be using a Modgraph with 48 line setting.
+# If we set TERM=mod (which is a valid entry in termcap with 48 lines)
+# the setting mark and delete-to-killbuffer results in the deletion of only
+# the line the mark is set on.
+# We've discovered that the delete-to-killbuffer works correctly
+# with TERM=mod and screen set to 80x48 but it's not obvious.  Only
+# the first line disappears but a ctrl-l shows that it did work
+# correctly.
+modgraph48|mod|Modgraph w/48 lines:\
+	:am:bs:pt:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#48:vt#3:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[;H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:do=^J:ho=\E[H:\
+	:is=\E<\E[1;48r\E[0q\E[3;4q\E=\E[?1h:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:\
+	:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:\
+	:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:\
+	:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nl=^J:r1=\E=\E[0q\E>:rc=\E8:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:vb=\E[?5h\E[0q\E[1;2q\E[?5l\E[0q\E[4;3q:
+#### Morrow Designs
+# This was George Morrow's company.  They started in the late 1970s making
+# S100-bus machines.  They used to be reachable at:
+#        Morrow
+#        600 McCormick St.
+#        San Leandro, CA 94577
+# but they're long gone now (1995).
+# The mt70 terminal was shipped with the Morrow MD-3 microcomputer. 
+# Jeff's specimen was dated June 1984.
+# From: Jeff Wieland <wieland@acn.purdue.edu> 24 Feb 1995
+mt70|mt-70|Morrow MD-70; native Morrow mode:\
+	:am:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:%1=^AO\r:F1=^A`\r:F2=^Aa\r:F3=^Ab\r:F4=^Ac\r:F5=^Ad\r:\
+	:F6=^Ae\r:F7=^Af\r:F8=^Ag\r:F9=^Ah\r:FA=^Ai\r:\
+	:ac=+z\054{-x.yOi`|jGkFlEmDnHqJtLuKvNwMxI:ae=\E%:\
+	:al=\EE:as=\E$:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=^Z:\
+	:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:ct=\E0:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^J:ei=:ho=^^:\
+	:i1=\E"2\EG0\E]:ic=\EQ:im=:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:\
+	:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:\
+	:k;=^AI\r:kB=^A^Z\r:kC=^An\r:kD=\177:kb=^H:kd=^AK\r:\
+	:kh=^AN\r:kl=^AL\r:kr=^AM\r:ku=^AJ\r:le=^H:mh=\EG2:mk@:\
+	:nd=^L:nw=^_:sf=^J:ta=^I:te=:ti=\E"2\EG0\E]:up=^K:us=\EG1:\
+	:vb=\EK1\EK0:ve=\E"2:vi=\E"0:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:
+#### Motorola
+# Motorola EXORterm 155	from {decvax, ihnp4}!philabs!sbcs!megad!seth via BRL
+# (Seth H Zirin)
+ex155|Motorola Exorterm 155:\
+	:am:bs:bw:\
+	:co#80:kn#5:li#24:\
+	:bt=\E[:cd=\ET:ce=\EU:cl=\EX:cm=\EE%+ %+ :do=\EB:ho=\E@:\
+	:kB=\E[:kC=\EX:kE=\EU:kS=\ET:kb=^H:kd=^J:kh=\E@:kl=^H:kr=^L:\
+	:ku=^K:nd=\ED:se=\Ec\ED:so=\Eb\ED:ta=\EZ:ue=\Eg\ED:\
+	:us=\Ef\ED:
+#### Omron
+# This company is still around in 1995, manufacturing point-of-sale systems.
+omron|Omron 8025AG:\
+	:am:bs:da:db:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\EL:bl=^G:cd=\ER:ce=\EK:cl=\EJ:cr=^M:dc=\EP:dl=\EM:do=^J:\
+	:ho=\EH:le=^H:nd=\EC:se=\E4:sf=\ES:so=\Ef:sr=\ET:up=\EA:\
+	:vs=\EN:
+#### Ramtek
+# Ramtek was a vendor of high-end graphics terminals around 1979-1983; they
+# were competition for things like the Tektronics 4025.
+# Ramtek 6221 from BRL, probably by Doug Gwyn
+# The following SET-UP modes are assumed for normal operation:
+# Other SET-UP modes may be set for operator convenience or communication
+# requirements; I recommend
+# Hardware tabs are assumed to be every 8 columns; they can be set up by the
+# "reset", "tset", or "tabs" utilities (use rt6221-w, 160 columns, for this).
+# Note that the Control-E key is useless on this brain-damaged terminal.  No
+# delays are specified; use "stty ixon -ixany" to enable DC3/DC1 flow control!
+rt6221|Ramtek 6221 80x24:\
+	:bs:ms:pt:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:kn#4:li#24:vt#3:\
+	:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ac=:ae=^O:as=^N:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[1;1H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:do=^K:ho=\E[1;1H:is=\E)0:\
+	:k0=\EOP:k1=\EOQ:k2=\EOR:k3=\EOS:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:ke=\E>:\
+	:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ks=\E=:ku=\E[A:l0=PF1:l1=PF2:l2=PF3:l3=PF4:\
+	:le=^H:ll=\E[24;1H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:\
+	:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:\
+	:r1=\E[1w\E[>37m\E[>39m\E[1v\E[20l\E[?3l\E[?6l\E[>5h\E[>6h\E[>7h\E[>8l\E[>9h\E[>10l\E[1;24r\E[m\E[q\E(B\017\E)0\E#5\E>:\
+	:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+	:ue=\E[m:up=\EM:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[>5h\E[>9h:vi=\E[>5l:\
+	:vs=\E[>7h\E[>9l:
+# [TO DO: Check out: short forms of ho/cl and ll; reset (\Ec)].
+rt6221-w|Ramtek 6221 160x48:\
+	:co#160:li#48:\
+	:ll=\E[48;1H:tc=rt6221:
+#### RCA
+# RCA VP3301 or VP3501
+rca|rca vp3301/vp3501:\
+	:bs:\
+	:co#40:li#24:\
+	:cl=^L:cm=\EY%+ %+ :ho=^Z:nd=^U:se=\E\ES0:so=\E\ES1:up=^K:
+#### Selanar
+# Selanar HiREZ-100 from BRL, probably by Doug Gwyn
+# The following SET-UP modes are assumed for normal operation:
+# For use with graphics software, all graphics modes should be set to factory
+# default.  Other SET-UP modes may be set for operator convenience or
+# communication requirements.  No delays are specified; use "stty ixon -ixany"
+# to enable DC3/DC1 flow control!
+# I commented out the scrolling capabilities since they are too slow.
+hirez100|Selanar HiREZ-100:\
+	:bs:mi:ms:pt:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:kn#4:li#48:vt#3:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ac=:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:\
+	:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:ct=\E[3g:\
+	:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ho=\E[H:is=\E<\E)0:k0=\EOP:k1=\EOQ:\
+	:k2=\EOR:k3=\EOS:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:\
+	:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:l0=PF1:l1=PF2:l2=PF3:l3=PF4:\
+	:le=^H:ll=\E[48H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:\
+	:nd=\E[C:nw=\EE:pf=\E[4i\E[?4i:po=\E[?5i\E[5i:ps=\E[i:\
+	:r1=\030\E2\E<\E[4i\E[?4i\E[12h\E[2;4;20l\E[?0;7h\E[?1;3;6;19l\E[r\E[m\E(B\017\E)0\E>:\
+	:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:so=\E[7m:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\EM:\
+	:us=\E[4m:
+hirez100-w|Selanar HiREZ-100 in 132-column mode:\
+	:co#132:tc=hirez100:
+#### Signetics
+# From University of Wisconsin
+vsc|Signetics Vsc Video driver by RMC:\
+	:am:ms:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#26:\
+	:ce=\E[K:cl=50\E[;H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:do=^J:\
+	:ho=\E[H:kb=^H:kd=^J:kl=^H:le=^H:me=^_\041:mr=^_ :nd=\E[C:\
+	:nw=^M^J:se=^_\041:sf=^J:so=^_ :ta=^I:ue=^_#:up=\E[A:us=^_":
+#### Soroc
+# Alan Frisbie <frisbie@flying-disk.com> writes:
+# As you may recall, the Soroc logo consisted of their name,
+# with the letter "S" superimposed over an odd design.   This
+# consisted of a circle with a slightly smaller 15 degree (approx.)
+# wedge with rounded corners inside it.   The color was sort of
+# a metallic gold/yellow.
+# If I had been more of a beer drinker it might have been obvious
+# to me, but it took a clue from their service department to make
+# me exclaim, "Of course!"   The circular object was the top of
+# a beer can (the old removable pop-top style) and "Soroc" was an
+# anagram for "Coors".
+# I can just imagine the founders of the company sitting around
+# one evening, tossing back a few and trying to decide what to
+# call their new company and what to use for a logo.
+# (soroc120: removed obsolete ":ma=^K^P^R^L^L :" -- esr)
+soroc120|iq120|soroc|soroc iq120:\
+	:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=\E*:do=^J:kd=^J:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:tc=adm3a:
+soroc140|iq140|soroc iq140:\
+	:am:bs:mi:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\Ee:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\Ey:ce=\Et:cl=\E+:cm=\E=%+ %+ :\
+	:cr=^M:dc=\Ew:dl=\Er:do=^J:ei=\E8:ho=^^:im=\E9:k0=^A0\r:\
+	:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:\
+	:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:kb=^H:kh=^^:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:\
+	:ll=^^^K:nd=^L:se=\E\177:sf=^J:so=\E\177:ue=\E^A:up=^K:\
+	:us=\E^A:
+#### Synertek
+# Bob Manson <manson@pattyr.acs.ohio-state.edu> writes (28 Apr 1995):
+# Synertek used to make ICs, various 6502-based single-board process
+# control and hobbyist computers, and assorted peripherals including a
+# series of small inexpensive terminals (I think they were one of the
+# first to have a "terminal-on-a-keyboard", where the terminal itself
+# was only slightly larger than the keyboard).
+# They apparently had a KTM-1 model, which I've never seen. The KTM-2/40
+# was a 40x24 terminal that could connect to a standard TV through a
+# video modulator.  The KTM-2/80 was the 80-column version (the 2/40
+# could be upgraded to the 2/80 by adding 2 2114 SRAMs and a new ROM).
+# I have a KTM-2/80 still in working order.  The KTM-2s had fully
+# socketed parts, used 2 6507s, a 6532 as keyboard scanner, a program
+# ROM and 2 ROMs as character generators. They were incredibly simple,
+# and I've never had any problems with mine (witness the fact that mine
+# was made in 1981 and is still working great... I've blown the video
+# output transistor a couple of times, but it's a 2N2222 :-)
+# The KTM-3 (which is what is listed in the terminfo file) was their
+# attempt at putting a KTM-2 in a box (and some models came with a
+# CRT). It wasn't much different from the KTM-2 hardware-wise, but the
+# control and escape sequences are very different. The KTM-3 was always
+# real broken, at least according to the folks I've talked to about it.
+# The padding in the entry is probably off--these terminals were very
+# slow (it takes like 100ms for the KTM-2 to clear the screen...) And
+# anyone with any sanity replaced the ROMs with something that provided
+# a reasonable subset of VT100 functionality, since the usual ROMs were
+# obviously very primitive... oh, you could get an upgraded ROM from
+# Synertek for some incredible amount of money, but what hacker with an
+# EPROM burner would do that? :)
+# Sorry I don't have any contact info; I believe they were located in
+# Sunnyvale, and I'm fairly sure they are still manufacturing ICs
+# (they've gone to ASICs and FPGAs), but I doubt they're in the computer
+# business these days.
+# Tested, seems to work fine with vi.
+synertek|ktm|synertek380|synertek ktm 3/80 tubeless terminal:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=^Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :le=^H:nd=^L:up=^K:
+#### Tab Office Products
+#	TAB Products Co. - Palo Alto, California
+#	Electronic Office Products,
+#	1451 California Avenue 94304
+# I think they're out of business.
+# The tab 132 uses xon/xoff, so no padding needed.
+# :ks:/:ke: have nothing to do with arrow keys.
+# :is: sets 80 col mode, normal video, autowrap on (for :am:).
+# Seems to be no way to get rid of status line.
+# The manual for this puppy was dated June 1981.  It claims to be VT52-
+# compatible but looks more vt100-like.
+tab132|tab|tab132-15|tab 132/15:\
+	:da:db:\
+	:co#80:dN@:li#24:lm#96:\
+	:al=\E[L:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ei=\E[4l:\
+	:im=\E[4h:is=\E[?7h\E[?3l\E[?5l:kd=\E[B:ke@:kl=\E[D:ks@:\
+	:ku=\E[A:\
+	:tc=vt100:
+tab132-w|tab132 in wide mode:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:is=\E[?7h\E[?3h\E[?5l:tc=tab132:
+tab132-rv|tab132 in reverse-video mode:\
+	:is=\E[?7h\E[?3l\E[?5h:tc=tab132:
+tab132-w-rv|tab132 in reverse-video/wide mode:\
+	:is=\E[?7h\E[?3h\E[?5h:tc=tab132-w:
+#### Teleray
+#	Research Incorporated
+#	6425 Flying Cloud Drive
+#	Eden Prairie, MN 55344
+#	Vox: (612)-941-3300
+# The Teleray terminals were all discontinued in 1992-93.  RI still services
+# and repairs these beasts, but no longer manufactures them.  The Teleray
+# people believe that all the types listed below are very rare now (1995).
+# There was a newer line of Telerays (Model 7, Model 20, Model 30, and
+# Model 100) that were ANSI-compatible.
+# Note two things called "teleray".  Reorder should move the common one
+# to the front if you have either.  A dumb teleray with the cursor stuck
+# on the bottom and no obvious model number is probably a 3700.
+t3700|dumb teleray 3700:\
+	:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=^L:cr=^M:do=^J:le=^H:sf=^J:
+t3800|teleray 3800 series:\
+	:bs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=^L:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=^M:do=^J:ho=\EH:\
+	:le=^H:ll=\EY7 :nd=\EC:sf=^J:ta=^I:up=^K:
+t1061|teleray|teleray 1061:\
+	:am:bs:km:xs:xt:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:sg#1:\
+	:al=\EL:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\014:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=^M:\
+	:ct=\EG:dc=\EQ:dl=\EM:do=^J:ei=:ho=\EH:ic=\EP:im=:ip=:\
+	:is=\Ee\EU01^Z1\EV\EU02^Z2\EV\EU03^Z3\EV\EU04^Z4\EV\EU05^Z5\EV\EU06^Z6\EV\EU07^Z7\EV\EU08^Z8\EV\Ef:\
+	:k1=^Z1:k2=^Z2:k3=^Z3:k4=^Z4:k5=^Z5:k6=^Z6:k7=^Z7:k8=^Z8:\
+	:le=^H:nd=\EC:se=\ER@:sf=^J:so= \ERD:st=\EF:ta=^I:ue=\ER@:\
+	:up=\EA:us=\ERH:
+t1061f|teleray 1061 with fast PROMs:\
+	:al=\EL:dl=\EM:ip@:tc=t1061:
+# "Teleray Arpa Special", officially designated as
+# "Teleray Arpa network model 10" with "Special feature 720".
+# This is the new (1981) fast microcode updating the older "arpa" proms
+# (which gave meta-key and programmable-fxn keys).  720 is much much faster,
+# converts the keypad to programmable function keys, and has other goodies.
+# Standout mode is still broken (magic cookie, etc) so is suppressed as no
+# programs handle such lossage properly.
+# Note: this is NOT the old termcap's "t1061f with fast proms."
+# From: J. Lepreau <lepreau@utah-cs> Tue Feb  1 06:39:37 1983, Univ of Utah
+# (t10: removed overridden ":so@:se@:us@:ue@:" -- esr)
+t10|teleray 10 special:\
+	:bs:km:xs:xt:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:sg#2:\
+	:al=\EL:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=30\Ej:cm=\EY%+ %+ :dc=\EQ:dl=\EM:\
+	:ei=:ho=\EH:ic=\EP:im=:le=^H:nd=\EC:pc=\0:se=\ER@:sf=\Eq:\
+	:so=\ERD:sr=\Ep:ta=^I:ue=\ER@:up=\EA:us=\ERH:
+# teleray 16 - map the arrow keys for vi/rogue, shifted to up/down page, and
+# back/forth words. Put the function keys (f1-f10) where they can be
+# found, and turn off the other magic keys along the top row, except
+# for line/local. Do the magic appropriate to make the page shifts work.
+# Also toggle ^S/^Q for those of us who use Emacs.
+t16|teleray 16:\
+	:am:da:db:mi:xs:xt:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[0J:ce=\E[0K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:\
+	:cm=%i\E[%d;%df:cr=^M:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=\E[4l:\
+	:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h:k1=^Z1:k2=^Z2:k3=^Z3:k4=^Z4:k5=^Z5:k6=^Z6:\
+	:k7=^Z7:k8=^Z8:k9=^Z9:k;=^Z0:le=^H:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:\
+	:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:sr=\E[T:ta=^I:te=\E[V\E[24;1f\E[?38h:\
+	:ti=\E[U\E[?38l:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+#### Texas Instruments (ti)
+# The Silent 700 was so called because it was built around a quiet thermal
+# printer.  It was portable, equipped with an acoustic coupler, and pretty
+# neat for its day.
+ti700|ti733|ti735|ti745|ti800|ti silent 700/733/735/745 or omni 800:\
+	:bs:hc:os:\
+	:co#80:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=\r:do=^J:le=^H:sf=^J:
+# Texas Instruments 916 VDT 7 bit control mode
+ti916|ti916-220-7|Texas Instruments 916 VDT 8859/1 vt220 mode 7 bit CTRL:\
+	:da:db:in:ms:\
+	:%9=^X:@4=\E[29~:@8=^J:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:\
+	:DO=\E[%dB:F1=\E[29~:F2=\E[31~:IC=\E[%d@:LE=\E[%dD:\
+	:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=\017:as=\016:bt=\E[Z:cb=\E[1K:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[0K:ch=\E[%+^AG:cl=\E[H\E[2J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:ct=\E[3g:cv=\E[%+^Ad:dc=\E[P:eA=\E(B\E)0:\
+	:ec=\E[%dX:ei=:ff=^L:im=:ip=:is=\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:k1=\E[17~:\
+	:k2=\E[18~:k3=\E[19~:k4=\E[20~:k5=\E[21~:k6=\E[23~:\
+	:k7=\E[24~:k8=\E[25~:k9=\E[26~:k;=\E[28~:kD=\E[P:kI=\E[@:\
+	:kN=\E[S:kP=\E[T:kh=\E[H:mp=\E&:r2=\E[\041p:st=\E[0W:\
+	:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:vs=\E[?25h:\
+	:tc=vt220:
+# Texas Instruments 916 VDT 8 bit control mode
+ti916-8|ti916-220-8|Texas Instruments 916 VDT 8859/1 8 vt220 mode bit CTRL:\
+	:%9=^X:@4=\23329~:@8=^J:F1=\23329~:F2=\23331~:k1=\23317~:\
+	:k2=\23318~:k3=\23319~:k4=\23320~:k5=\23321~:k6=\23323~:\
+	:k7=\23324~:k8=\23325~:k9=\23326~:k;=\23328~:kD=\233P:\
+	:kI=\233@:kN=\233S:kP=\233T:kd=\233B:kh=\233H:kl=\233D:\
+	:kr=\233C:ku=\233A:\
+	:tc=ti916:
+# Texas Instruments 916 VDT 8859/1 7 bit control 132 column mode
+ti916-132|Texas Instruments 916 VDT vt220 132 column:\
+	:co#132:tc=ti916:
+# Texas Instruments 916 VDT 8859/1 8 bit control 132 column mode
+ti916-8-132|Texas Instruments 916 VDT 8-bit vt220 132 column:\
+	:co#132:tc=ti916-8:
+ti924|Texas Instruments 924 VDT 8859/1 7 bit CTRL:\
+	:am:bs:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[2J\E[H:\
+	:cm=%i\E[%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=%i\E[%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dl=\E[M:\
+	:do=\E[B:ho=\E[H:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\E[16~:\
+	:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:kD=\E[P:kI=\E[@:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=\E[D:mb=\E[5m:\
+	:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:\
+	:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:vs=\E[?31h:
+ti924-8|Texas Instruments 924 VDT 8859/1 8 bit CTRL:\
+	:am:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[2J\E[H:\
+	:cm=%i\E[%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=%i\E[%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dl=\E[M:\
+	:do=\E[B:ho=\E[H:k1=P\217>:k2=Q\217>:k3=R\217>:k4=S\217>:\
+	:k5=~\23316>:k6=~\23317>:k7=~\23318>:k8=~\23319>:\
+	:k9=~\23320>:kD=P\233>:kI=@\233>:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=\E[D:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:\
+	:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:\
+	:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[?25h:\
+	:vi=\E[?25l:vs=\E[?31h:
+ti924w|Texas Instruments 924 VDT 7 bit - 132 column mode:\
+	:co#132:tc=ti924:
+ti924-8w|Texas Instruments 924 VDT 8 bit - 132 column mode:\
+	:co#132:tc=ti924-8:
+ti931|Texas Instruments 931 VDT:\
+	:am:bs:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\EN:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EI:cl=\EL:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cr=^M:\
+	:dc=\EQ:dl=\EO:do=\EB:ei=:ho=\EH:ic=\ER\EP\EM:im=:\
+	:is=\EGB\E(@B@@\E):k1=\Ei1:k2=\Ei2:k3=\Ei3:k4=\Ei4:\
+	:k5=\Ei5:k6=\Ei6:k7=\Ei7:k8=\Ei8:k9=\Ei9:kA=\EN:kD=\EQ:\
+	:kI=\EP:kL=\EO:kd=\EB:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=\ED:mb=\E4P:\
+	:me=\E4@:mk=\E4H:mr=\E4B:nd=\EC:se=\E4@:sf=\Ea:so=\E4A:\
+	:sr=\Eb:ue=\E4@:up=\EA:us=\E4D:ve=\E4@:
+ti926|Texas Instruments 926 VDT 8859/1 7 bit CTRL:\
+	:cs@:sf=\E[1S:sr=\E[1T:tc=ti924:
+# (ti926-8: I corrected this from the broken SCO entry -- esr)
+ti926-8|Texas Instruments 926 VDT 8859/1 8 bit CTRL:\
+	:cs@:sf=\2331S:sr=\2331T:\
+	:tc=ti924-8:
+ti_ansi|basic entry for ti928:\
+	:am:eo:ut:xn:xo:\
+	:Co#8:co#80:it#8:li#25:pa#64:\
+	:@7=\E[F:AB=\E[4%p1%dm:AF=\E[3%p1%dm:al=\E[L:bl=^G:\
+	:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[2J\E[H:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=:ho=\E[H:\
+	:ic=\E[@:im=:k0=\E[V:k1=\E[M:k2=\E[N:k3=\E[O:k4=\E[P:\
+	:k5=\E[Q:k6=\E[R:k7=\E[S:k8=\E[T:k9=\E[U:kN=\E[G:kP=\E[I:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:op=\E[37;40m:se=\E[m:\
+	:sf=\E[S:so=\E[7m:sr=\E[T:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+#       928 VDT 7 bit control mode
+ti928|Texas Instruments 928 VDT 8859/1 7 bit CTRL:\
+	:%9=\E[35~:@7=\E_1\E\:@8=\E[8~:F1=\E[29~:F2=\E[31~:\
+	:F3=\E[32~:F5=\E[34~:k1=\E[17~:k2=\E[18~:k3=\E[19~:\
+	:k4=\E[20~:k5=\E[21~:k6=\E[23~:k7=\E[24~:k8=\E[25~:\
+	:k9=\E[26~:k;=\E[28~:kD=\E[P:kI=\E[@:kN=\E[S:kP=\E[T:\
+	:tc=ti_ansi:
+#       928 VDT 8 bit control mode
+ti928-8|Texas Instruments 928 VDT 8859/1 8 bit CTRL:\
+	:%9=\23335~:@7=\2371\234:@8=\2338~:F1=\23329~:F2=\23331~:\
+	:F3=\23332~:F5=\23334~:k1=\23317~:k2=\23318~:k3=\23319~:\
+	:k4=\23320~:k5=\23321~:k6=\23323~:k7=\23324~:k8=\23325~:\
+	:k9=\23326~:k;=\23328~:kD=\233P:kI=\233@:kN=\233S:\
+	:kP=\233T:kh=\233H:\
+	:tc=ti_ansi:
+#### Zentec (zen)
+# (zen30: removed obsolete :ma=^L ^R^L^K^P:.  This entry originally
+# had just :so:=\EG6 which I think means standout was supposed to be 
+# dim-reverse using ADM12-style attributes. ADM12 :us:/:ue: and
+# <invis> might work-- esr)
+zen30|z30|zentec 30:\
+	:am:bs:mi:ul:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\EE:bl=^G:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=\E*:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:\
+	:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^J:ei=\Er:ho=^^:im=\Eq:le=^H:mh=\EG2:nd=^L:\
+	:sf=^J:so=\EG6:ue@:up=^K:us@:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:
+# (zen50: this had extension capabilities
+#	:BS=^U:CL=^V:CR=^B:
+# UK/DK/RK/LK/HM were someone's aliases for ku/kd/kl/kr/kh,
+# which were also in the original entry -- esr)
+# (zen50: removed obsolete ":ma=^Hh^Ll^Jj^Kk:" -- esr)
+zen50|z50|zentec zephyr:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#1:\
+	:al=\EE:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=\E+:cm=\E=%+ %+ :dc=\EW:dl=\ER:ei=:\
+	:ic=\EQ:im=:kd=^J:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:mk@:ue@:up=^K:\
+	:us@:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:
+# CCI 4574 (Office Power) from Will Martin <wmartin@BRL.ARPA> via BRL
+cci|cci1|z8001|zen8001|CCI Custom Zentec 8001:\
+	:am:bs:bw:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cs=\ER%+ %+ :do=^J:\
+	:ho=\EH:is=\EM \EF\ET\EP\ER 7:kb=^H:kd=\EB:kh=\EH:kl=\ED:\
+	:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:mb=\EM":me=\EM :mh=\EM\041:mk=\EM(:\
+	:mr=\EM$:nd=\EC:pf=^T:po=^R:se=\EM :so=\EM$:sr=\EI:ue=\EM :\
+	:up=\EA:us=\EM0:ve=\EP:vs=\EF\EQ\EM \ER 7:
+#### Altos
+# Altos made a moderately successful line of UNIX boxes.  In 1990 they were
+# bought out by Acer, a major Taiwanese manufacturer of PC-clones.
+# Acer has a web site at http://www.acer.com.
+# Altos descriptions from Ted Mittelstaedt <tedm@agora.rain.com> 4 Sep 1993
+# His comments suggest they were shipped with the system.
+# (altos2: had extension capabilities
+#	:c0=^A`\r:c1=^Aa\r:c2=^Ab\r:c3=^Ac\r:\
+#	:c4=^Ad\r:c5=^Ae\r:c6=^Af\r:c7=^Ag\r:\
+#	:c8=^Ah\r:c9=^Ai\r:cA=^Aj\r:cB=^Ak\r:\
+#	:cC=^Al\r:cD=^Am\r:cE=^An\r:cF=^Ao\r:
+#	:XU=^Aq\r:XD=^Ar\r:XR=^As\r:XL=^At\r:\
+#	:YU=^AQ\r:YD=^AR\r:YR=^AS\r:YL=^AT\r:\
+#	:HL=^AP\r:SP=\E[i:\
+#	:IS=\E[@:DE=\E[P:IL=\E[L:NS=\E[S:PS=\E[T:\
+#	:LO=\E[0q:LC=\E[5q:LL=\E[6q:\
+# Comparison with the k* capabilities makes it obvious that the c* things are
+# shift keys.  I have renamed them to keys 32 and up accordingly.  Also,
+# :sr: was given as a boolean-- esr)
+altos2|alt2|altos-2|altos II:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:sg#0:\
+	:*5=^Am\r:*8=^An\r:DL=\E[M:FM=^A`\r:FN=^Aa\r:FO=^Ab\r:\
+	:FP=^Ac\r:FQ=^Ad\r:FR=^Ae\r:FS=^Af\r:FT=^Ag\r:FU=^Ah\r:\
+	:FV=^Ai\r:FW=^Aj\r:FX=^Ak\r:RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7h:al=\E[L:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:\
+	:dc=\E[P:do=\E[1B:ei=:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:\
+	:if=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:im=:\
+	:is=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:k0=^AI\r:\
+	:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:\
+	:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:kA=^AJ\r:kB=^AK\r:kC=^AL\r:\
+	:kD=^AM\r:kE=^AN\r:kF=^AO\r:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[f:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:me=\E[m:nd=\E[1C:nw=^M^J:se=\E[m:\
+	:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[1A:us=\E[4m:
+# (altos3: had extension capabilities
+#	:c0=^A`\r:c1=^Aa\r:c2=^Ab\r:c3=^Ac\r:\
+#	:c4=^Ad\r:c5=^Ae\r:c6=^Af\r:c7=^Ag\r:\
+#	:c8=^Ah\r:c9=^Ai\r:cA=^Aj\r:cB=^Ak\r:\
+#	:cC=^Al\r:cD=^Am\r:cE=^An\r:cF=^Ao\r:
+#	:XU=^Aq\r:XD=^Ar\r:XR=^As\r:XL=^At\r:\
+#	:HL=^AP\r:SP=\E[i:\
+#	:IS=\E[@:DE=\E[P:IL=\E[L:NS=\E[S:PS=\E[T:\
+altos3|altos5|alt3|alt5|altos-3|altos-5|altos III or V:\
+	:mb=\E[5p:me=\E[p:sr=\EM:\
+	:tc=altos2:
+altos4|alt4|altos-4|altos IV:\
+	:tc=wy50:
+# (altos7: had extension capabilities:
+#	:GG#0:GI=\EH8:GF=\EH7:\
+#	:c0=^A`\r:c1=^Aa\r:c2=^Ab\r:c3=^Ac\r:\
+#	:c4=^Ad\r:c5=^Ae\r:c6=^Af\r:c7=^Ag\r:\
+#	:c8=^Ah\r:c9=^Ai\r:cA=^Aj\r:cB=^Ak\r:\
+#	:cC=^Al\r:cD=^Am\r:cE=^An\r:cF=^Ao\r:
+# Comparison with the k* capabilities makes it obvious that the c* things are
+# shift keys.  I have renamed them to keys 32 and up accordingly.  I have
+# also made this entry relative to adm12 in order to give it an :sa:. The
+# <invis> imported by use=adm+sgr may work, let me know. -- esr)
+altos7|alt7|altos VII:\
+	:am:mi:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#0:\
+	:*5=^Am\r:*8=^An\r:DL=\ER:FM=^A`\r:FN=^Aa\r:FO=^Ab\r:\
+	:FP=^Ac\r:FQ=^Ad\r:FR=^Ae\r:FS=^Af\r:FT=^Ag\r:FU=^Ah\r:\
+	:FV=^Ai\r:FW=^Aj\r:FX=^Ak\r:\
+	:ac=j5k3l2m1n8q\072t4u9v=w0x6:al=\EE:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:\
+	:cl=\E+^^:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:dc=\EW:do=^J:ei=\Er:ho=^^:\
+	:im=\Eq:is=\E`\072\Ee(\EO\Ee6\Ec41\E~4\Ec21\Eu\E~2:\
+	:k0=^AI\r:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:\
+	:k6=^AE\r:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:kA=^AJ\r:kB=^AK\r:\
+	:kC=^AL\r:kD=^AM\r:kE=^AN\r:kF=^AO\r:kN=\EK:kP=\EJ:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=^J:kh=^^:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:mb=\EG2:md=\EGt:mh=\EGp:\
+	:mk=\EG1:nd=^L:nw=^M^J:pf=\EJ:po=\Ed#:sf=^J:sr=\Ej:ta=^I:\
+	:up=^K:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:
+altos7pc|alt7pc|altos PC VII:\
+	:@7=\ET:tc=altos7:
+#### Apollo consoles
+# Apollo got bought by Hewlett-Packard.  The Apollo workstations are 
+# labeled HP700s now.
+# From: Gary Darland <goodmanc@garnet.berkeley.edu>
+apollo|apollo console:\
+	:am:bs:mi:\
+	:co#88:li#53:\
+	:al=\EI:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:ch=\EN%d:cl=^L:cm=\EM%+ %d):cv=\EO+ :\
+	:dc=\EP:dl=\EL:do=\EB:ei=\ER:im=\EQ:le=^H:nd=\EC:se=\ET:\
+	:sf=\EE:so=\ES:sr=\ED:te=\EX:ti=\EW:ue=\EV:up=\EA:us=\EU:
+# We don't know whether or not the apollo guys replicated DEC's firmware bug
+# in the VT132 that reversed :ei:/:im:.  To be on the safe side, disable
+# both these capabilities.
+apollo_15P|apollo 15 inch display:\
+	:ei@:im@:tc=vt132:
+apollo_19L|apollo 19 inch display:\
+	:ei@:im@:tc=vt132:
+apollo_color|apollo color display:\
+	:ei@:im@:tc=vt132:
+#### Convergent Technology
+# Burroughs bought Convergent shortly before it merged with Univac.
+# CTOS is (I believe) dead.  Probably the aws is too (this entry dates
+# from 1991 or earlier).
+# Convergent AWS workstation from Gould/SEL UTX/32 via BRL
+# (aws: removed unknown :dn=^K: -- esr)
+aws|Convergent Technologies AWS workstation under UTX and Xenix:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#28:sg#0:\
+	:ac=:ae=\EAAF:al=\EIL:as=\EAAN:bc=^H:cd=\EEF:ce=\EEL:\
+	:ch=\EH%.:cl=^L:cm=\EC%r%.%.:cv=\EV%.:dc=\EDC:dl=\EDL:\
+	:do=^K:ei=:ic=\EIC:im=:kb=^H:kd=^K:kl=^N:kr=^R:ku=^A:\
+	:ma=\016h\013j\001k\022l\002m:nd=^R:nl=^J:se=\EARF:\
+	:sf=\ESU:so=\EARN:sr=\ESD:ue=\EAUF:up=^A:us=\EAUN:
+awsc|Convergent Technologies AWS workstation under CTOS:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#24:sg#0:\
+	:ac=:ae=\EAAF:as=\EAAN:bc=^N:cd=\EEF:ce=\EEL:cl=^L:\
+	:cm=\EC%r%.%.:do=^K:kb=^H:kd=^K:kl=^N:kr=^R:ku=^A:\
+	:ma=\016h\013j\001k\022l\002m:nd=^R:se=\EAA:so=\EAE:\
+	:ue=\EAA:up=^A:us=\EAC:
+#### DEC consoles
+# The MicroVax console.  Tim Theisen <tim@cs.wisc.edu> writes:
+# The digital uVax II's had a graphic display called a qdss.  It was
+# supposed to be a high performance graphic accelerator, but it was
+# late to market and barely appeared before faster dumb frame buffers
+# appeared.  I have only used this display while running X11.  However,
+# during bootup, it was in text mode, and probably had a terminal emulator
+# within it.  And that is what your termcap entry is for.  In graphics
+# mode the screen size is 1024x864 pixels.
+qdss|qdcons|qdss glass tty:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#128:li#57:\
+	:cl=1\032:cm=\E=%.%.:do=^J:le=^H:nd=^L:up=^K:
+#### Fortune Systems consoles
+# Fortune made a line of 68K-based UNIX boxes that were pretty nifty
+# in their day; I (esr) used one myself for a year or so around 1984.
+# They had no graphics, though, and couldn't compete against Suns and
+# the like.  R.I.P.
+# From: Robert Nathanson <c160-3bp@Coral> via tut   Wed Oct 5, 1983
+# (This had extension capabilities
+#	:rv=\EH:re=\EI:rg=0:GG=0:\
+#	:CO=\E\\:WL=^Aa\r:WR=^Ab\r:CL=^Ac\r:CR=^Ad\r:DL=^Ae\r:RF=^Af\r:\
+#	:RC=^Ag\r:CW=^Ah\r:NU=^Aj\r:EN=^Ak\r:HM=^Al:PL=^Am\r:\
+#	:PU=^An\r:PD=^Ao\r:PR=^Ap\r:HP=^A@\r:RT=^Aq\r:TB=\r:CN=\177:MP=\E+F:
+# It had both ":bs:" and ":bs=^H:"; I removed the latter.  Also, it had
+# ":sg=0:" and ":ug=0:"; evidently the composer was trying (unnecessarily)
+# to force both magic cookie glitches off.  Once upon a time, I
+# used a Fortune myself, so I know the capabilities of the form ^A[a-z]\r are
+# function keys; thus the "Al" value for HM was certainly an error.  I renamed
+# EN/PD/PU/CO/CF/RT according to the XENIX/TC mappings, but not HM/DL/RF/RC.  
+# I think :rv: and :re: are start/end reverse video and :rg: is a nonexistent
+# "reverse-video-glitch" capability; I have put :rv: and :re: in with standard
+# names below.  I've removed obsolete ":nl=5^J:" as there is a :do: -- esr)
+fos|fortune|Fortune system:\
+	:am:bs:bw:\
+	:co#80:li#25:\
+	:@7=^Ak\r:@8=^Aq:ac=j*k(l m"q&v%w#x-:ae=^O:al=\034E:\
+	:as=\Eo:bl=^G:cd=\034Y:ce=^\Z:cl=\014:cm=\034C%+ %+ :cr=^M:\
+	:dc=\034W:dl=\034R:do=\n:ei=:ho=\036:ic=\034Q:im=:is=^_..:\
+	:k1=^Aa\r:k2=^Ab\r:k3=^Ac\r:k4=^Ad\r:k5=^Ae\r:k6=^Af\r:\
+	:k7=^Ag\r:k8=^Ah\r:kN=^Ao\r:kP=^An\r:kb=^H:kd=^Ay\r:\
+	:kh=^A?\r:kl=^Aw\r:kr=^Az\r:ku=^Ax\r:le=^H:mb=\EN:me=\EI:\
+	:mr=\EH:nw=^M^J:se=^\I`:sf=^J:so=^\H`:ta=^Z:ue=^\IP:up=\013:\
+	:us=^\HP:ve=\E\:vi=\E]:vs=\E\072:
+#### IBM Unix consoles
+# The following is a version of the ibm-pc entry distributed with PC/IX,
+# (Interactive Systems' System 3 for the Big Blue), modified by Richard
+# McIntosh at UCB/CSM.  The :pt: and :uc: have been removed from the original,
+# (the former is untrue, and the latter failed under UCB/man); standout and
+# underline modes have been added.  Note: this entry describes the "native"
+# capabilities of the PC monochrome display, without ANY emulation; most
+# communications packages (but NOT PC/IX connect) do some kind of emulation.
+pcix|PC/IX console:\
+	:am:bw:eo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\Ec:cm=\E[%i%2;%2H:do=\E[B:ho=\E[H:\
+	:le=^H:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:so=\E[7m:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:
+# (ibmpcx: this entry used to be known as ibmx.
+# It formerly included the following extension capabilities:
+#	:GC=b:GL=v:GR=t:RT=^J:\
+#	:GH=\E[196g:GV=\E[179g:\
+#	:GU=\E[193g:GD=\E[194g:\
+#	:G1=\E[191g:G2=\E[218g:G3=\E[192g:G4=\E[217g:\
+#	:CW=\E[E:NU=\E[F:RF=\E[G:RC=\E[H:\
+#	:WL=\E[K:WR=\E[L:CL=\E[M:CR=\E[N:\
+# I renamed GS/GE/WL/WR/CL/CR/PU/PD/HM/EN; also, removed a duplicate
+# ":kh=\E[Y:".  Added IBM-PC forms characters and highlights, they match
+# what was there before. -- esr)
+ibmpcx|xenix|ibmx|IBM PC xenix console display:\
+	:am:bs:ms:\
+	:co#80:li#25:\
+	:@7=\E[d:al=\E[L:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=^L:cm=\E[%d;%dH:\
+	:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=:k1=\E[K:\
+	:k2=\E[L:k3=\E[M:k4=\E[N:kN=\E[e:kP=\E[Z:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:\
+	:kh=\E[Y:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:nd=\E[C:up=\E[A:\
+	:tc=klone+acs:tc=klone+sgr:
+#### Masscomp consoles
+# Masscomp has gone out of business.  Their product line was purchased by
+# comany in Georgia (US) called "XS International", parts and service may
+# still be available through them.
+# (masscomp: ":MT:" changed to ":km:";  -- esr)
+masscomp|masscomp workstation console:\
+	:bs:km:mi:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=\E[L:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:dc=\E[P:\
+	:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=\E[4l:im=\E[4h:is=\EGc\EGb\EGw:kb=^H:\
+	:kd=\EOB:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ku=\EOA:le=^H:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:\
+	:so=\E[7m:ta=^I:ue=\EGau:up=\E[A:us=\EGu:
+masscomp1|masscomp large screen version 1:\
+	:co#104:li#36:tc=masscomp:
+masscomp2|masscomp large screen version 2:\
+	:co#64:li#21:tc=masscomp:
+#### Sony NEWS workstations
+# (news-unk: this had :KB=news: -- esr)
+news-unk|SONY NEWS vt100 emulator old common entry:\
+	:am:bs:pt:xn:\
+	:co#80:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DL=\E[%dM:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\
+	:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ho=\E[H:if=/usr/lib/tabset/vt100:\
+	:is=\E[?7h\E[?1l\E[?3l\E7\E8:k0=\EOY:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:\
+	:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\EOT:k6=\EOU:k7=\EOV:k8=\EOW:k9=\EOX:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:\
+	:ku=\EOA:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:nl=^J:rc=\E8:rs=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E[r:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:\
+	:us=\E[4m:
+# (news-29: this had :TY=ascii: --esr)
+	:li#29:tc=news-unk:
+# (news-29-euc: this had :TY=euc: --esr)
+	:tc=news-29:
+# (news-29-sjis: this had :TY=sjis: --esr)
+	:tc=news-29:
+# (news-33: this had :TY=ascii: --esr)
+	:li#33:tc=news-unk:
+# (news-33-euc: this had :TY=euc: --esr)
+	:tc=news-33:
+# (news-33-sjis: this had :TY=sjis: --esr)
+	:tc=news-33:
+# (news-42: this had :TY=ascii: --esr)
+	:li#42:tc=news-unk:
+# (news-42-euc: this had :TY=euc: --esr)
+	:tc=news-42:
+# (news-42-sjis: this had :TY=sjis: --esr)
+	:tc=news-42:
+#	NEWS-OS old termcap entry 
+# (news-old-unk: this had :KB=news:TY=sjis: --esr)
+news-old-unk|SONY NEWS vt100 emulator common entry:\
+	:am:bs:pt:xn:\
+	:co#80:vt#3:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[;H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:do=^J:ho=\E[H:if=/usr/lib/tabset/vt100:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:\
+	:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nl=^J:rc=\E8:\
+	:rs=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:sc=\E7:se=\E[m:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+# (nwp512: this had :DE=^H:, which I think means :bs: --esr)
+nwp512|news|nwp514|news40|vt100-bm|old sony vt100 emulator 40 lines:\
+	:bs:\
+	:li#40:\
+	:is=\E7\E[r\E8\EE\EE\EE\EM\EM\EM\E[?7h\E[?1l\E[?3l\E7\E[1;40r\E8:tc=news-old-unk:
+# (nwp512-a: this had :TY=ascii: and the alias vt100-bm --esr)
+nwp512-a|nwp514-a|news-a|news42|news40-a|sony vt100 emulator 42 line:\
+	:li#42:\
+	:is=\E[?7h\E[?1l\E[?3l\E7\E[1;42r\E8:tc=news-old-unk:
+# (nwp-512-o: this had :KB=nwp410:DE=^H:  I interpret the latter as :bs:. --esr)
+nwp512-o|nwp514-o|news-o|news40-o|vt100-bm-o|sony vt100 emulator 40 lines:\
+	:bs:\
+	:li#40:\
+	:is=\E7\E[r\E8\EE\EE\EE\EM\EM\EM\E[?7h\E[?1l\E[?3l\E7\E[1;40r\E8:tc=news-old-unk:
+# (nwp513: this had :DE=^H: and the alias vt100-bm --esr)
+nwp513|nwp518|nwe501|newscbm|news31|sony vt100 emulator 33 lines:\
+	:bs:\
+	:li#31:\
+	:is=\E7\E[r\E8\EE\EE\EE\EM\EM\EM\E[?7h\E[?1l\E[?3l\E7\E[1;31r\E8:tc=news-old-unk:
+# (nwp513-a: this had :TY=ascii: and :DE=^H:, which I interpret as :bs:; --esr)
+# also the alias vt100-bm.
+nwp513-a|nwp518-a|nwe501-a|nwp251-a|newscbm-a|news31-a|newscbm33|news33|old sony vt100 emulator 33 lines:\
+	:bs:\
+	:li#33:\
+	:is=\E7\E[r\E8\EE\EE\EE\EM\EM\EM\E[?7h\E[?1l\E[?3l\E7\E[1;33r\E8:tc=news-old-unk:
+# (nwp513-o: had :DE=^H:, I think that's :bs:; also the alias vt100-bm --esr)
+nwp513-o|nwp518-o|nwe501-o|nwp251-o|newscbm-o|news31-o|old sony vt100 emulator 33 lines:\
+	:bs:\
+	:li#31:\
+	:is=\E7\E[r\E8\EE\EE\EE\EM\EM\EM\E[?7h\E[?1l\E[?3l\E7\E[1;31r\E8:tc=news-old-unk:
+# (news28: this had :DE=^H:, I think that's :bs:, and :KB=nws1200: --esr)
+news28|sony vt100 emulator 28 lines:\
+	:bs:\
+	:li#28:\
+	:is=\E7\E[r\E8\EE\EE\EE\EM\EM\EM\E[?7h\E[?1l\E[?3l\E7\E[1;28r\E8:tc=news-old-unk:
+# (news29: this had :TY=ascii:KB=nws1200:\ --esr)
+news29|news28-a|sony vt100 emulator 29 lines:\
+	:li#29:\
+	:is=\E7\E[r\E8\EE\EE\EE\EM\EM\EM\E[?7h\E[?1l\E[?3l\E7\E[1;29r\E8:tc=news-old-unk:
+# (news511: this had :TY=sjis: --esr)
+nwp511|nwp-511|nwp-511 vt100:\
+	:am:bs:pt:xn:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\E[L:cd=30\E[J:ce=3\E[K:cl=20\E[;H\E[2J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:dl=\E[M:is=\E[?5l\E[?1l\E>\E[?7h\E[?8h:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\EOT:k6=\E#W:kd=\E[B:\
+	:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:nd=\E[C:\
+	:rs=\E7\E[r\E8\E[?5l\E[?1l\E>\E[?7h\E[?8h:se=2\E[m:\
+	:so=2\E[7m:sr=5\EM:ue=2\E[m:up=2\E[A:us=2\E[4m:\
+	:vb=\E[?5h\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\E[?5l:
+# (news517: this had :TY=sjis:. --esr)
+nwp517|nwp-517|nwp-517 vt200 80 cols 30 rows:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:co#80:li#30:\
+	:ds=\E[1$~:fs=\E[0$}:i2=\E[2$~\n:\
+	:is=\E7\E[r\E8\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:\
+	:ts=\E[1$}\E[;%df:\
+	:tc=vt200:
+# (news517-w: this had :TY=sjis:. --esr)
+nwp517-w|nwp-517-w|nwp-517 vt200 132 cols 50 rows:\
+	:es:hs:\
+	:co#132:li#50:\
+	:ds=\E[1$~:fs=\E[0$}:i2=\E[2$~\n:\
+	:is=\E7\E[r\E8\E>\E[?3h\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:\
+	:rs=\E>\E[?3h\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:\
+	:ts=\E[1$}\E[;%df:tc=vt200:
+#### Obsolete virtual-terminal types.
+# Columbus UNIX virtual terminal. This terminal also appears in 
+# UNIX 4.0 and successors as line discipline 1 (?), but is 
+# undocumented and does not really work quite right.
+cbunix|cb unix virtual terminal:\
+	:am:bs:da:db:\
+	:co#80:li#24:lm#0:\
+	:al=\EP:bl=^G:cd=\EL:ce=\EK:cl=\EL:cm=\EG%r%.%.:cr=^M:\
+	:dc=\EM:dl=\EN:do=^J:ei=:ic=\EO:im=:kd=\EB:kh=\EE:kl=\ED:\
+	:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:nd=\EC:se=\Eb^D:sf=^J:so=\Ea^D:\
+	:ue=\Eb^A:up=\EA:us=\Ea^A:
+# (vremote: removed obsolete ":nl@:" -- esr)
+vremote|virtual remote terminal:\
+	:am@:\
+	:co#79:tc=cbunix:
+pty|4bsd pseudo teletype:\
+	:cm=\EG%+ %+ :se=\Eb$:so=\Ea$:ue=\Eb\041:us=\Ea\041:tc=cbunix:
+# These terminals are *long* dead -- these entries are retained for
+# historical interest only.
+#### Obsolete non-ANSI software emulations
+#### Avatar
+# These entries attempt to describe Avatar, a terminal emulation used with
+# MS-DOS bulletin-board systems.  It was designed to give ANSI-like
+# capabilities, but with cheaper (shorter) control sequences.  Messy design,
+# excessively dependent on PC idiosyncracies, but apparently rather popular
+# in the BBS world.
+# No color support.  Avatar doesn't fit either of the Tektronix or HP color
+# models that terminfo knows about.  An Avatar color attribute is the
+# low 7 bits of the IBM-PC display-memory attribute.  Bletch.
+# I wrote these entries while looking at the Avatar spec.  I don't have
+# the facilities to test them.  Let me know if they work, or don't.
+# Avatar escapes not used by these entries (because maybe you're smarter
+# and more motivated than I am and can figure out how to wrap terminfo
+# around some of them, and because they are weird enough to be funny):
+#				level 0:
+# ^L		-- clear window/reset current attribute to default
+# ^V^A%p1%c	-- set current color attribute, parameter decodes as follows:
+#      bit:         6   5   4   3   2   1   0
+#                   |       |   |   |       |
+#                   +---+---+   |   +---+---+
+#                       |       |       |
+#                       |       |  foreground color
+#                       |  foreground intensity
+#                  background color
+#				level 0+:
+# ^V^J%p1%c%p2%c%p3%c%p4%c%p5%c	-- scroll (p2,p3) to (p4,p5) up by p1 lines
+# ^V^K%p1%c%p2%c%p3%c%p4%c%p5%c	-- scroll (p2,p3) to (p4,p5) down by p1 lines
+# ^V^L%p1%c%p2%c%p3%c		-- clear p2 lines and p3 cols w/attr %p1 
+# ^V^M%p1%c%p2%c%p3%c%p4%c	-- fill p3 lines & p4 cols w/char p2+attr %p1 
+# (^V^L and ^V^M set the current attribute as a side-effect.)
+# ^V ^Y <a> [...] <c>	-- repeat pattern. <a> specifies the number of bytes
+#			   in the pattern, <c> the number of times the pattern
+#		  	   should be repeated. If either value is 0, no-op.
+#			   The pattern can contain Avatar console codes,
+#			   including other ^V ^Y patterns.
+#				level 1:
+# ^V^O		-- clockwise mode on; turn print direction right each time you
+#		   hit a window edge (yes, really).  Turned off by CR
+# ^V^P		-- no-op
+# ^V^Q%c	-- query the driver
+# ^V^R		-- driver reset
+# ^V^S		-- Sound tone (PC-specific)
+# ^V^T			-- change highlight at current cursor poition to %c
+# ^V^U%p1%c%p2%c	-- highlight window <a> with attribute <b>
+# ^V^V%p1%c%p2%c%p3%c%p4%c%p5%c
+#			-- define window 
+# From: Eric S. Raymond <esr@snark.thyrsus.com> 1 Nov 1995
+# (The :mb:/:md:/:mr:/:as:/:us:/:so: capabilities exist only to
+# tell ncurses that the corresponding highlights exist; it should use :sa:,
+# which is the only method that will actually work for multiple highlights.)
+avatar0|avatar terminal emulator level 0:\
+	:am:ms:ut:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:\
+	:as=:ce=^V^G:cm=\026\010%.%.:cr=^M:do=^V^D:le=^V^E:\
+	:mb=^A^V\177:md=^V^A^P:me=^V^A^G:mk=^V^A\0:mr=^A^Vp:\
+	:nd=^V^F:r2=^L:rp=\031%.%d:\
+	:..sa=\026\001%{0}%?%p1%t%{112}%|%;%?%p2%t%{1}%|%;%?%p3%t%{112}%|%;%?%p4%t{128}%|%;%?%p6%t%{16}%|%;:\
+	:sf=^J:so=^A^Vp:up=^V^C:us=^V^A:\
+	:tc=klone+acs:
+# From: Eric S. Raymond <esr@snark.thyrsus.com> 1 Nov 1995
+avatar0+|avatar terminal emulator level 0+:\
+	:dc=^V^N:ei=\026\n\0\0\0\0:im=^V^I:tc=avatar0:
+# From: Eric S. Raymond <esr@snark.thyrsus.com> 1 Nov 1995
+avatar|avatar1|avatar terminal emulator level 1:\
+	:RA=^V":SA=^V$:al=^V+:dl=^V-:ei=^V^P:ve=^V'^A:vi=^V'^B:\
+	:vs=^V^C:\
+	:tc=avatar0+:
+#### RBcomm
+# RBComm is a lean and mean terminal emulator written by the Interrupt List
+# maintainer, Ralf Brown. It was fairly popular in the late DOS years (early
+# '90s), especially in the BBS world, and still has some loyal users due to
+# its very small memory footprint and to a cute macro language.
+rbcomm|IBM PC with RBcomm and EMACS keybindings:\
+	:am:bw:mi:ms:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#25:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DL=\E[%dM:al=^K:bl=^G:bt=\E[Z:cd=^F5:ce=^P^P:\
+	:cl=^L:cm=\037%r%+ %+ :cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dc=^W:dl=^Z:\
+	:dm=:do=^C:ec=\E[%dX:ed=:ei=^]:im=^\:\
+	:is=\017\035\E(B\E)0\E[?7h\E[?3l\E[>8g:kb=^H:kd=^N:\
+	:ke=\E>:kh=^A:kl=^B:kr=^F:ks=\E=:ku=^P:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:\
+	:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mk=\E[8m:mr=^R:nd=^B:nw=^M\ED:\
+	:r1=\017\E(B\E)0\025\E[?3l\E[>8g:rc=\E8:rp=\030%.%.:\
+	:sc=\E7:se=^U:sf=\ED:so=^R:sr=\EM:ta=^I:te=:ti=:ue=^U:up=^^:\
+	:us=^T:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:vs=\E[?25h:
+rbcomm-nam|IBM PC with RBcomm without autowrap:\
+	:am@:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=^M:do=^J:\
+	:is=\017\035\E(B\E)0\E[?7l\E[?3l\E[>8g:kb=^H:kd=^J:\
+	:kl=^H:nw=^M^J:sf=^J:ta=^I:\
+	:tc=rbcomm:
+rbcomm-w|IBM PC with RBcomm in 132 column mode:\
+	:co#132:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=^M:do=^J:\
+	:is=\017\035\E(B\E)0\E[?7h\E[?3h\E[>8g:kb=^H:kd=^J:\
+	:kl=^H:nw=^M^J:sf=^J:ta=^I:\
+	:tc=rbcomm:
+# CTRM terminal emulator
+# 1. underlining is not allowed with colors: first, is is simulated by 
+# black on white, second, it disables background color manipulations.
+# 2. BLINKING, REVERSE and BOLD are allowed with colors,
+# so we have to save their status in the static registers A, B and H
+# respectively, to be able to restore them when color changes
+# (because any color change turns off ALL attributes)
+# 3. :md: and :mr: sequences alternate modes,
+# rather then simply  entering them.  Thus we have to check the
+# static register B and H to determine the status, before sending the 
+# escape sequence.
+# 4. :me: now must set the status of all 3 register (A,B,H) to zero
+# and then reset colors
+# 5. implementation of the protect mode would badly penalize the performance.
+# we would have to use \E&bn sequence to turn off colors (as well as all
+# other attributes), and keep the status of protect mode in yet another
+# static variable.  If someone really needs this mode, they would have to
+# create another terminfo entry.
+# 6. original color-pair is white on black.
+# store the information about colors into static registers
+# 7. set foreground color.  it performs the following steps.
+#   1) turn off all attributes
+#   2) turn on the background and video attributes that have been turned
+#      on before (this information is stored in static registers X,Y,Z,A,B,H,D).
+#   3) turn on foreground attributes
+#   4) store information about foreground into U,V,W static registers
+# 8. turn on background: similar to turn on foreground above
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+ctrm|C terminal emulator:\
+	:am:ut:xo:\
+	:Co#8:NC#2:Nl#0:co#80:lh#0:li#24:lm#0:lw#0:pa#63:pb#19200:vt#6:\
+	:al=\EL:bl=^G:bt=\Ei:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:ch=\E&a%dC:cl=\EH\EJ:\
+	:cm=\E&a%r%dc%dY:cr=^M:ct=\E3:cv=\E&a%dY:dc=\EP:dl=\EM:\
+	:do=^J:ei=\ER:im=\EQ:ip=:is=\E&jA\r:k1=\Ep\r:k2=\Eq\r:\
+	:k3=\Er\r:k4=\Es\r:k5=\Et\r:k6=\Eu\r:k7=\Ev\r:k8=\Ew\r:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\Ew\r:ke=\E&jA:kh=\Ep\r:kl=\Eu\r:kr=\Ev\r:\
+	:ks=\E&jB:ku=\Et\r:le=^H:mb=\E&dA%{1}%PA:\
+	:md=%?%gH%{0}%=%t\E&dH%{1}%PH%;:\
+	:me=\E&d@%{0}%PA%{0}%PB%{0}%PH:\
+	:mr=%?%gB%{0}%=%t\E&dB%{1}%PB%;:nd=\EC:\
+	:op=\E&bn\E&bB\E&bG\E&bR%{0}%PX%{0}%PY%{0}%PZ%{1}%PW%{1}%PV%{1}%PU:\
+	:sf=^J:so=\E&dD:st=\E1:ta=\011:up=\EA:us=\E&dD:
+# gs6300 - can't use blue foreground, it clashes with underline;
+# it's simulated with cyan
+# Bug: The <op> capability probably resets attributes.
+# (gs6300: commented out <rmln> (no <smln>) --esr)
+gs6300|emots|AT&T PC6300 with EMOTS terminal emulator:\
+	:am:ms:ut:xo:\
+	:Co#8:co#80:it#8:li#24:pa#63:\
+	:AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:Sb=\E[?;%dm:\
+	:..Sf=\E[?%?%p1%{0}%=%t0%e%p1%{1}%=%t2%e%p1%{1}%-%d%;m:\
+	:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=++\054\054--..``aaffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=\E[10m:al=\E[L:as=\E[11m:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:\
+	:ei=:ho=\E[H:ic=\E[@:im=:is=\E[m:k1=\E[0s:k2=\E[24s:\
+	:k3=\E[1s:k4=\E[23s:k5=\E[2s:k6=\E[22s:k7=\E[3s:k8=\E[21s:\
+	:kB=^R^I:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:\
+	:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m\E[10m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:op=\E[?;m:pf=\E[4i:po=\E[5i:r1=\Ec:sf=^J:so=\E[1m:sr=\E[L:\
+	:ta=^I:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+# From: <earle@smeagol.UUCP> 29 Oct 85 05:40:18 GMT
+# MS-Kermit with Heath-19 emulation mode enabled
+# (h19k: changed ":pt@:" to ":it@"
+h19k|h19kermit|heathkit emulation provided by Kermit (no auto margin):\
+	:am@:da:db:xt:\
+	:it@:\
+	:ta@:tc=h19-u:
+# Apple Macintosh with Versaterm, a terminal emulator distributed by Synergy
+# Software (formerly Peripherals Computers & Supplies, Inc) of
+# 2457 Perkiomen Ave., Reading, PA 19606, 1-800-876-8376.  They can
+# also be reached at support@synergy.com.
+versaterm|versaterm vt100 emulator for the macintosh:\
+	:am:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:al=9\E[1L:bl=^G:cd=50\E[J:ce=3\E[K:cl=50\E[;H\E[2J:\
+	:cm=5\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dc=7\E[1P:\
+	:dl=9\E[1M:do=^J:ei=:ho=\E[H:ic=7\E[1@:im=:\
+	:is=\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E>\E[?1l:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E=\E[?1h:\
+	:ku=\EOA:le=^H:mb=2\E[5m:md=2\E[1m:me=2\E[m:mr=2\E[7m:\
+	:nd=2\E[C:nw=^M^J:r1=\E>:rc=\E8:\
+	:rf=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:sc=\E7:se=2\E[m:so=2\E[7m:\
+	:sr=5\EM:ta=^I:ue=2\E[m:up=2\E[A:us=2\E[4m:
+# From: Rick Thomas <ihnp4!btlunix!rbt>
+# (xtalk: I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string.
+xtalk|IBM PC with xtalk communication program (versions up to 3.4):\
+	:am:mi:ms:xo:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:sg#1:vt#3:\
+	:@8=\EOM:DO=\E[%dB:K1=\EOq:K2=\EOr:K3=\EOs:K4=\EOp:K5=\EOn:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:UP=\E[%dA:\
+	:ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\
+	:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:ct=\E[3g:dl=\E[M:do=^J:\
+	:eA=\E(B\E)0:ho=\E[H:k0=\EOy:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:\
+	:k4=\EOS:k5=\EOt:k6=\EOu:k7=\EOv:k8=\EOl:k9=\EOw:k;=\EOx:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:\
+	:ku=\EOA:le=^H:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:\
+	:r2=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:se=\E[m :sf=^J:\
+	:so=\E[7m :sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:up=\E[A:
+# The official PC terminal emulator program of the AT&T Product Centers.
+# Note - insert mode commented out - doesn't seem to work on AT&T PC.
+simterm|attpc running simterm:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:al=\EL:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cr=^M:\
+	:dc=\ER:dl=\EM:do=\EB:ho=\EH:le=^H:me=\E&d@:nd=\EC:se=\E&d@:\
+	:sf=^J:so=\E&dB:te=\EVE:ti=\EVS:up=\EA:
+#### Miscellaneous obsolete terminals, manufacturers unknown
+# If you have any information about these (like, a manufacturer's name, 
+# and a date on the serial-number plate) please send it!
+cad68-3|cgc3|cad68 basic monitor transparent mode size 3 chars:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#73:li#36:\
+	:cl=^Z:ho=^^:le=^H:nd=^L:up=^K:
+cad68-2|cgc2|cad68 basic monitor transparent mode size 2 chars:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#85:li#39:\
+	:cl=^Z:ho=^^:k1=\E5:k2=\E6:k3=\E7:k4=\E8:kd=\E2:kl=\E3:\
+	:kr=\E4:ku=\E1:le=^H:nd=^L:se=\Em^C:so=\Em^L:up=^K:
+cops10|cops|cops-10|cops 10:\
+	:am:bw:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cd=^W:ce=^V:cl=30\030:cm=\020%+ %+ :cr=^M:do=^J:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=^J:kh=^Y:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:le=^H:nd=^L:sf=^J:up=^K:
+# (d132: removed duplicate :ic=\E5:,
+# merged in capabilities from a BRL entry -- esr)
+d132|datagraphix|datagraphix 132a:\
+	:da:db:in:\
+	:co#80:li#30:\
+	:al=\E3:bl=^G:cl=^L:cm=\E8%i%3%3:cr=^M:dc=\E6:do=^J:ei=:\
+	:ho=\ET:ic=\E5:im=:kb=^H:kd=^J:kl=^H:le=^H:nd=\EL:nw=^M^J:\
+	:sf=^J:sr=\Ew:ta=^I:up=\EK:ve=\Em\En:vs=\Ex:
+# The d800 was an early portable terminal from c.1984-85 that looked a lot
+# like the original Compaq `lunchbox' portable (but no handle).  It had a vt220
+# mode (which is what this entry looks like) and several other lesser-known
+# emulations.
+d800|Direct 800/A:\
+	:am:bs:da:db:ms:xs:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:ac=``a1fxgqh0jYk?lZm@nEooppqDrrsstCu4vAwBx3yyzz{{||}}~~:\
+	:ae=\E[m:as=\E[1m:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[1;1H\E[2J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:do=^J:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:\
+	:k4=\EOS:k5=\EOT:k6=\EOU:k7=\EOV:k8=\EOW:kd=\E[B:kl=\E[D:\
+	:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:sf=\ED:\
+	:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[>12h:\
+	:vs=\E[>12l:
+digilog|digilog 333:\
+	:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#16:\
+	:bl=^G:ce=^X:cr=^M:do=^J:ho=^N:le=^H:nd=^I:sf=^J:up=^O:
+# The DWK was a terminal manufactured in the Soviet Union c.1986
+dwk|dwk-vt|dwk terminal:\
+	:am:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:ac=+\136\054Q-S.M0\177`+a\072f'g#h#i#jXkClJmFnNo~qUs_tEuPv\wKxW~_:\
+	:ae=\EG:as=\EF:bl=^G:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\EY%+ %+ :\
+	:cr=^M:dc=\EP:do=^J:ei=:ho=\EH:ic=\EQ:im=:k1=\Ef1:k2=\Ef2:\
+	:k3=\Ef3:k4=\Ef4:k5=\Ef5:k6=\Ef6:k7=\Ef7:k8=\Ef8:k9=\Ef9:\
+	:k;=\Ef0:kD=\Ee:kI=\Ed:kN=\Eh:kP=\Eg:kb=\177:kd=\EB:kl=\ED:\
+	:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:le=^H:me=\EX:mr=\ET:nd=\EC:nw=^M^J:se=\EX:\
+	:sf=^J:so=\ET:sr=\ES:ta=^I:up=\EA:
+env230|envision230|envision 230 graphics terminal:\
+	:xn@:\
+	:pf=\E[4i:po=\E[5i:ps=\E[0i:\
+	:..sa=\E[%?%p1%t;1%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p3%t;7%;%?%p4%t;5%;%?%p6%t;1%;m:tc=vt100:
+# These execuports were impact-printer ttys with a 30- or maybe 15-cps acoustic
+# coupler attached, the whole rig fitting in a suitcase and more or less
+# portable.  Hot stuff for c.1977 :-) -- esr
+ep48|ep4080|execuport 4080:\
+	:am:bs:os:\
+	:co#80:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=^M:do=^J:hd=^\:hu=^^:le=^H:sf=^J:
+ep40|ep4000|execuport 4000:\
+	:co#136:tc=ep4080:
+# Adam Thompson <athompso@pangea.ca> tells us:
+# Informer series - these are all portable units, resembling older
+# automatic bread-baking machines.  The terminal looks like a `clamshell'
+# design, but isn't.  The structure is similar to the Direct terminals,
+# but only half the width.  The entire unit is only about 10" wide.
+# It features an 8" screen (6" or 7" if you have color!), and an 9"x6"
+# keyboard.  All the keys are crammed together, much like some laptop
+# PCs today, but perhaps less well organized...all these units have a
+# bewildering array of plugs on the back, including a built-in modem.
+# The 305 was a color version of the 304; the 306 and 307 were mono and
+# color terminals built for IBM bisync protocols.
+# From: Paul Leondis <unllab@amber.berkeley.edu>
+ifmr|Informer D304:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:cd=\E/:ce=\EQ:cl=\EZ:cm=\EY%r%+ %+ :dc=\E\:do=^J:ei=:\
+	:ho=\EH:ic=\E[:im=:le=^H:me=\EK:nd=\EC:se=\EK:so=\EJ:sr=\En:\
+	:up=\EA:
+# Entry largely based on wy60 and has the features of wy60ak.
+# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (sgr removed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within 1023 bytes)
+opus3n1+|Esprit Opus3n1+ in wy60 mode with ANSI arrow keys:\
+	:am:bw:hs:km:mi:ms:ul:xo:\
+	:co#80:li#24:ws#80:\
+	:ae=\EH^C:al=\EE:as=\EH^B:bl=^G:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=\E*:\
+	:cm=\Ea%i%dR%dC:cr=^M:ct=\E0:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^J:ds=\Ez(\r:\
+	:ei=\Er:fs=^M:ho=\036:if=/usr/share/tabset/std:im=\Eq:ip=:\
+	:is=\E`\072\Ee(\EO\Ee6\Ec41\E~4\Ec21\Ed/\Ezz&\E[A\177\Ezz'\E[B\177\Ezz(\E[D\177\Ezz)\E[C\177\Ezz<\E[Q\177\Ezz`\E[F\177\EA1*\EZH12:\
+	:k1=^A@\r:k2=^AA\r:k3=^AB\r:k4=^AC\r:k5=^AD\r:k6=^AE\r:\
+	:k7=^AF\r:k8=^AG\r:k9=^AH\r:kD=\EW:kI=\EQ:kN=\EK:kP=\EJ:\
+	:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=^^:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\EG2:\
+	:me=\E(\EH\003\EG0\EcD:mh=\EGp:nd=^L:nw=\r\n:sf=^J:sr=\Ej:\
+	:st=\E1:ta=\011:te=:\
+	:ti=\Ezz&\E[A\177\Ezz'\E[B\177\Ezz(\E[D\177\Ezz)\E[C\177\Ezz<\E[Q\177:\
+	:ts=\Ez(:uc=\EG8%p1%c\EG0:up=^K:ve=\E`1:vi=\E`0:\
+	:tc=adm+sgr:
+teletec|Teletec Datascreen:\
+	:am:bs:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:bl=^G:cl=^L:cr=^M:do=^J:ho=^^:le=^H:nd=^_:sf=^J:up=^K:
+# From: Mark Dornfeld <romwa@ucbvax.berkeley.edu>
+# This description is for the LANPAR Technologies VISION 3220
+# terminal from 1984/85.  The function key definitions k0-k5 represent the
+# NEXT SCREEN. The key definitions k6-k9 represent the PF1 to PF4 keys.
+# Kenneth Randell <kenr@datametrics.com> writes on 31 Dec 1998:
+# I had a couple of scopes (3221) like this once where I used to work, around
+# the 1987 time frame if memory serves me correctly.  These scopes were made  
+# by an outfit called LANPAR Technologies, and were meant to me DEC VT 220
+# compatible.  The 3220 was a plain text terminal like the VT-220, the 3221
+# was a like the VT-240 (monochrome with Regis + Sixel graphics), and the 3222
+# was like the VT-241 (color with Regis + Sixel Graphics).  These terminals
+# (3221) cost about $1500 each, and one was always broken -- had to be sent
+# back to the shop for repairs.
+# The only real advantage these scopes had over the VT-240's were:
+# 1) They were faster in the Regis display, or at least the ones I did
+# 2) They had a handy debugging feature where you could split-screen the
+# scope, the graphics would appear on the top, and the REGIS commands would
+# appear on the bottom.  I don't remember the VT-240s being able to do that.
+# I would swear that LANPAR Technologies was in MA someplace, but since I
+# don't work at the same place anymore, and those terminals and manuals were
+# long since junked, I cannot be any more sure than that.
+# (v3220: removed obsolete ":kn#10:",
+# I added <rmam>/<smam> based on the init string -- esr)
+v3220|LANPAR Vision II model 3220/3221/3222:\
+	:am:bs:mi:xn:\
+	:co#80:it#8:li#24:\
+	:RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7h:al=\E[L:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:ei=\E[4l:im=\E[4h:\
+	:is=\E>\E[?3l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E[p:k0=\E[1~:k1=\E[2~:\
+	:k2=\E[3~:k3=\E[4~:k4=\E[5~:k5=\E[6~:k6=\E[OP:k7=\E[OQ:\
+	:k8=\E[OR:k9=\E[OS:kd=\E[B:ke=\E>:kh=\E[H:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:\
+	:ks=\E=:ku=\E[A:le=^H:me=\E[m:nd=\E[C:se=\E[m:so=\E[7m:\
+	:sr=\EM:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:
+# Some non-curses applications get confused if both ich/ich1 and rmir/smir
+# are present; the symptom is doubled characters in an update using insert.
+# These applications are technically correct; in both 4.3BSD termcap and
+# terminfo, you're not actually supposed to specify both ich/ich1 and rmir/smir
+# unless the terminal needs both.  To my knowledge, no terminal still in this
+# file requires both other than the very obsolete dm2500.
+# For ncurses-based applications this is not a problem, as ncurses uses
+# one or the other as appropriate but never mixes the two.  Therefore we
+# have not corrected entries like `linux' and `xterm' that specify both.
+# If you see doubled characters from these, use the linux-nic and xterm-nic
+# entries that suppress ich/ich1.  And upgrade to ncurses!
+# ANSI X3.64 has been withdrawn and replaced by ECMA-48.  The ISO 6429 and
+# ECMA-48 standards are said to be almost identical, but are not the same
+# as X3.64 (though for practical purposes they are close supersets of it).
+# You can obtain ECMA-48 for free by sending email to helpdesk@ecma.ch
+# requesting the standard(s) you want (i.e. ECMA-48, "Control Functions for
+# Coded Character Sets"), include your snail-mail address, and you should
+# receive the document in due course.  Don't expect an email acknowledgement.
+# Related standards include "X3.4-1977: American National Standard Code for
+# Information Interchange" (the ASCII standard) and "X3.41.1974: 
+# Code-Extension Techniques for Use with the 7-Bit Coded Character Set of
+# American National Standard for Information Interchange."  I believe (but
+# am not certain) that these are effectively identical to ECMA-6 and ECMA-35
+# respectively. 
+#### VT100/ANSI/ECMA-48
+# ANSI Standard (X3.64) Control Sequences for Video Terminals and Peripherals
+# and ECMA-48 Control Functions for Coded Character Sets.
+# Much of the content of this comment is adapted from a table prepared by
+# Richard Shuford, based on a 1984 Byte article.  Terminfo correspondences,
+# discussion of some terminfo-related issues, and updates to capture ECMA-48
+# have been added.  Control functions described in ECMA-48 only are tagged
+# with * after their names.
+# The table is a complete list of the defined ANSI X3.64/ECMA-48 control
+# sequences.  In the main table, \E stands for an escape (\033) character,
+# SPC for space.  Pn stands for a single numeric parameter to be inserted
+# in decimal ASCII.  Ps stands for a list of such parameters separated by
+# semicolons.  Parameter meanings for most parametrized sequences are
+# decribed in the notes.
+# Sequence     Sequence                             Parameter   or
+# Mnemonic     Name              Sequence           Value      Mode   terminfo
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# APC  Applicatn Program Command \E _                -         Delim  -
+# BEL  Bell *                    ^G                  -         -      bel
+# BPH  Break Permitted Here *    \E B                -         *      -
+# BS   Backpace *                ^H                  -         EF     -
+# CAN  Cancel *                  ^X                  -         -      -   (A)
+# CBT  Cursor Backward Tab       \E [ Pn Z           1         eF     cbt
+# CCH  Cancel Previous Character \E T                -         -      -
+# CHA  Cursor Horizntal Absolute \E [ Pn G           1         eF     hpa (B)
+# CHT  Cursor Horizontal Tab     \E [ Pn I           1         eF     tab (C)
+# CMD  Coding Method Delimiter * \E
+# CNL  Cursor Next Line          \E [ Pn E           1         eF     nel (D)
+# CPL  Cursor Preceding Line     \E [ Pn F           1         eF     -
+# CPR  Cursor Position Report    \E [ Pn ; Pn R      1, 1      -      -   (E)
+# CSI  Control Sequence Intro    \E [                -         Intro  -
+# CTC  Cursor Tabulation Control \E [ Ps W           0         eF     -   (F)
+# CUB  Cursor Backward           \E [ Pn D           1         eF     cub
+# CUD  Cursor Down               \E [ Pn B           1         eF     cud
+# CUF  Cursor Forward            \E [ Pn C           1         eF     cuf
+# CUP  Cursor Position           \E [ Pn ; Pn H      1, 1      eF     cup (G)
+# CUU  Cursor Up                 \E [ Pn A           1         eF     cuu
+# CVT  Cursor Vertical Tab       \E [ Pn Y           -         eF     -   (H)
+# DA   Device Attributes         \E [ Pn c           0         -      -
+# DAQ  Define Area Qualification \E [ Ps o           0         -      -
+# DCH  Delete Character          \E [ Pn P           1         eF     dch
+# DCS  Device Control String     \E P                -         Delim  -
+# DL   Delete Line               \E [ Pn M           1         eF     dl
+# DLE  Data Link Escape *        ^P                  -         -      -
+# DMI  Disable Manual Input      \E \                -         Fs     -
+# DSR  Device Status Report      \E [ Ps n           0         -      -   (I)
+# DTA  Dimension Text Area *     \E [ Pn ; Pn SPC T  -         PC     -
+# EA   Erase in Area             \E [ Ps O           0         eF     -   (J)
+# ECH  Erase Character           \E [ Pn X           1         eF     ech
+# ED   Erase in Display          \E [ Ps J           0         eF     ed  (J)
+# EF   Erase in Field            \E [ Ps N           0         eF     -
+# EL   Erase in Line             \E [ Ps K           0         eF     el  (J)
+# EM   End of Medium *           ^Y                  -         -      -
+# EMI  Enable Manual Input       \E b                          Fs     -
+# ENQ  Enquire                   ^E                  -         -      -
+# EOT  End Of Transmission       ^D                  -         *      -
+# EPA  End of Protected Area     \E W                -         -      -   (K)
+# ESA  End of Selected Area      \E G                -         -      -
+# ESC  Escape                    ^[                  -         -      -
+# ETB  End Transmission Block    ^W                  -         -      -
+# ETX  End of Text               ^C                  -         -      -
+# FF   Form Feed                 ^L                  -         -      -
+# FNK  Function Key *            \E [ Pn SPC W       -         -      -
+# GCC  Graphic Char Combination* \E [ Pn ; Pn SPC B  -         -      -
+# FNT  Font Selection            \E [ Pn ; Pn SPC D  0, 0      FE     -
+# GSM  Graphic Size Modify       \E [ Pn ; Pn SPC B  100, 100  FE     -   (L)
+# GSS  Graphic Size Selection    \E [ Pn SPC C       none      FE     -
+# HPA  Horz Position Absolute    \E [ Pn `           1         FE     -   (B)
+# HPB  Char Position Backward    \E [ j              1         FE     -
+# HPR  Horz Position Relative    \E [ Pn a           1         FE     -   (M)
+# HT   Horizontal Tab *          ^I                  -         FE     -   (N)
+# HTJ  Horz Tab w/Justification  \E I                -         FE     -
+# HTS  Horizontal Tab Set        \E H                -         FE     hts
+# HVP  Horz & Vertical Position  \E [ Pn ; Pn f      1, 1      FE     -   (G)
+# ICH  Insert Character          \E [ Pn @           1         eF     ich
+# IDCS ID Device Control String  \E [ SPC O          -         *      -
+# IGS  ID Graphic Subrepertoire  \E [ SPC M          -         *      -
+# IL   Insert Line               \E [ Pn L           1         eF     il
+# IND  Index                     \E D                -         FE     -
+# INT  Interrupt                 \E a                -         Fs     -
+# JFY  Justify                   \E [ Ps SPC F       0         FE     -
+# IS1  Info Separator #1 *       ^_                  -         *      -
+# IS2  Info Separator #1 *       ^^                  -         *      -
+# IS3  Info Separator #1 *       ^]                  -         *      -
+# IS4  Info Separator #1 *       ^\                  -         *      -
+# LF   Line Feed                 ^J                  -         -      -
+# LS1R Locking Shift Right 1 *   \E ~                -         -      -
+# LS2  Locking Shift 2 *         \E n                -         -      -
+# LS2R Locking Shift Right 2 *   \E }                -         -      -
+# LS3  Locking Shift 3 *         \E o                -         -      -
+# LS3R Locking Shift Right 3 *   \E |                -         -      -
+# MC   Media Copy                \E [ Ps i           0         -      -   (S)
+# MW   Message Waiting           \E U                -         -      -
+# NAK  Negative Acknowledge *    ^U                  -         *      -
+# NBH  No Break Here *           \E C                -         -      -
+# NEL  Next Line                 \E E                -         FE     nel (D)
+# NP   Next Page                 \E [ Pn U           1         eF     -
+# NUL  Null *                    ^@                  -         -      -
+# OSC  Operating System Command  \E ]                -         Delim  -
+# PEC  Pres. Expand/Contract *   \E Pn SPC Z         0         -      -
+# PFS  Page Format Selection *   \E Pn SPC J         0         -      -
+# PLD  Partial Line Down         \E K                -         FE     -   (T)
+# PLU  Partial Line Up           \E L                -         FE     -   (U)
+# PM   Privacy Message           \E ^                -         Delim  -
+# PP   Preceding Page            \E [ Pn V           1         eF     -
+# PPA  Page Position Absolute *  \E [ Pn SPC P       1         FE     -
+# PPB  Page Position Backward *  \E [ Pn SPC R       1         FE     -
+# PPR  Page Position Forward *   \E [ Pn SPC Q       1         FE     -
+# PTX  Parallel Texts *          \E [ \              -         -      -
+# PU1  Private Use 1             \E Q                -         -      -
+# PU2  Private Use 2             \E R                -         -      -
+# QUAD Typographic Quadding      \E [ Ps SPC H       0         FE     -
+# REP  Repeat Char or Control    \E [ Pn b           1         -      rep
+# RI   Reverse Index             \E M                -         FE     -   (V)
+# RIS  Reset to Initial State    \E c                -         Fs     -
+# RM   Reset Mode *              \E [ Ps l           -         -      -   (W)
+# SACS Set Add. Char. Sep. *     \E [ Pn SPC /       0         -      -
+# SAPV Sel. Alt. Present. Var. * \E [ Ps SPC ]       0         -      -   (X)
+# SCI  Single-Char Introducer    \E Z                -         -      -
+# SCO  Sel. Char. Orientation *  \E [ Pn ; Pn SPC k  -         -      -
+# SCS  Set Char. Spacing *       \E [ Pn SPC g       -         -      -
+# SD   Scroll Down               \E [ Pn T           1         eF     rin
+# SDS  Start Directed String *   \E [ Pn ]           1         -      -
+# SEE  Select Editing Extent     \E [ Ps Q           0         -      -   (Y)
+# SEF  Sheet Eject & Feed *      \E [ Ps ; Ps SPC Y  0,0       -      -
+# SGR  Select Graphic Rendition  \E [ Ps m           0         FE     sgr (O)
+# SHS  Select Char. Spacing *    \E [ Ps SPC K       0         -      -
+# SI   Shift In                  ^O                  -         -      -   (P)
+# SIMD Sel. Imp. Move Direct. *  \E [ Ps ^           -         -      -
+# SL   Scroll Left               \E [ Pn SPC @       1         eF     -
+# SLH  Set Line Home *           \E [ Pn SPC U       -         -      -
+# SLL  Set Line Limit *          \E [ Pn SPC V       -         -      -
+# SLS  Set Line Spacing *        \E [ Pn SPC h       -         -      -
+# SM   Select Mode               \E [ Ps h           none      -      -   (W)
+# SO   Shift Out                 ^N                  -         -      -   (Q)
+# SOH  Start Of Heading *        ^A                  -         -      -
+# SOS  Start of String *         \E X                -         -      -
+# SPA  Start of Protected Area   \E V                -         -      -   (Z)
+# SPD  Select Pres. Direction *  \E [ Ps ; Ps SPC S  0,0       -      -
+# SPH  Set Page Home *           \E [ Ps SPC G       -         -      -
+# SPI  Spacing Increment         \E [ Pn ; Pn SPC G  none      FE     -
+# SPL  Set Page Limit *          \E [ Ps SPC j       -         -      -
+# SPQR Set Pr. Qual. & Rapid. *  \E [ Ps SPC X       0         -      -
+# SR   Scroll Right              \E [ Pn SPC A       1         eF     -
+# SRCS Set Reduced Char. Sep. *  \E [ Pn SPC f       0         -      -
+# SRS  Start Reversed String *   \E [ Ps [           0         -      -
+# SSA  Start of Selected Area    \E F                -         -      -
+# SSU  Select Size Unit *        \E [ Pn SPC I       0         -      -
+# SSW  Set Space Width *         \E [ Pn SPC [       none      -      -
+# SS2  Single Shift 2 (G2 set)   \E N                -         Intro  -
+# SS3  Single Shift 3 (G3 set)   \E O                -         Intro  -
+# ST   String Terminator         \E \                -         Delim  -
+# STAB Selective Tabulation *    \E [ Pn SPC ^       -         -      -
+# STS  Set Transmit State        \E S                -         -      -
+# STX  Start pf Text *           ^B                  -         -      -
+# SU   Scroll Up                 \E [ Pn S           1         eF     indn
+# SUB  Substitute *              ^Z                  -         -      -
+# SVS  Select Line Spacing *     \E [ Pn SPC \       1         -      -
+# SYN  Synchronous Idle *        ^F                  -         -      -
+# TAC  Tabul. Aligned Centered * \E [ Pn SPC b       -         -      -
+# TALE Tabul. Al. Leading Edge * \E [ Pn SPC a       -         -      -
+# TATE Tabul. Al. Trailing Edge* \E [ Pn SPC `       -         -      -
+# TBC  Tab Clear                 \E [ Ps g           0         FE     tbc
+# TCC  Tabul. Centered on Char * \E [ Pn SPC c       -         -      -
+# TSR  Tabulation Stop Remove  * \E [ Pn SPC d       -         FE     -
+# TSS  Thin Space Specification  \E [ Pn SC E        none      FE     -
+# VPA  Vert. Position Absolute   \E [ Pn d           1         FE     vpa
+# VPB  Line Position Backward *  \E [ Pn k           1         FE     -
+# VPR  Vert. Position Relative   \E [ Pn e           1         FE     -   (R)
+# VT   Vertical Tabulation *     ^K                  -         FE     -
+# VTS  Vertical Tabulation Set   \E J                -         FE     -
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Notes:
+# Some control characters are listed in the ECMA-48 standard without 
+# being assigned functions relevant to terminal control there (they 
+# referred to other standards such as ISO 1745 or ECMA-35).  They are listed
+# here anyway for completeness.
+# (A) ECMA-48 calls this "CancelCharacter" but retains the CCH abbreviation.
+# (B) There seems to be some confusion abroad between CHA and HPA.  Most
+# `ANSI' terminals accept the CHA sequence, not the HPA. but terminfo calls
+# the capability (hpa).  ECMA-48 calls this "Cursor Character Absolute" but
+# preserved the CHA abbreviation.
+# (C) CHT corresponds to terminfo (tab).  Usually it has the value ^I.
+# Occasionally (as on, for example, certain HP terminals) this has the HTJ
+# value.  ECMA-48 calls this "Cursor Forward Tabulation" but preserved the
+# CHT abbreviation.
+# (D) terminfo (nel) is usually \r\n rather than ANSI \EE.
+# (E) ECMA-48 calls this "Active Position Report" but preserves the CPR 
+# abbreviation.
+# (F) CTC parameter values: 0 = set char tab, 1 = set line tab, 2 = clear
+# char tab, 3 = clear line tab, 4 = clear all char tabs on current line, 
+# 5 = clear all char tabs, 6 = clear all line tabs.
+# (G) CUP and HVP are identical in effect.  Some ANSI.SYS versions accept
+# HVP, but always allow CUP as an alternate.  ECMA-48 calls HVP "Character
+# Position Absolute" but retains the HVP abbreviation.
+# (H) ECMA calls this "Cursor Line Tabulation" but preserves the CVT
+# abbreviation.
+# (I) DSR parameter values: 0 = ready, 1 = busy, 2 = busy, will send DSR
+# later, 3 = malfunction, 4 = malfunction, will send DSR later, 5 = request
+# DSR, 6 = request CPR response.
+# (J) ECMA calls ED "Erase In Page". EA/ED/EL parameters: 0 = clear to end,
+# 1 = clear from beginning, 2 = clear.
+# (K) ECMA calls this "End of Guarded Area" but preserves the EPA abbreviation.
+# (L) The GSM parameters are vertical and horizontal parameters to scale by.
+# (M) Some ANSI.SYS versions accept HPR, but more commonly `ANSI' terminals
+# use CUF for this function and ignore HPR.  ECMA-48 calls this "Character
+# Position Relative" but retains the HPR abbreviation.
+# (N) ECMA-48 calls this "Character Tabulation" but retains the HT
+# abbreviation.
+# (O) SGR parameter values: 0 = default mode (attributes off), 1 = bold,
+# 2 = dim, 3 = italicized, 4 = underlined, 5 = slow blink, 6 = fast blink,
+# 7 = reverse video, 8 = invisible, 9 = crossed-out (marked for deletion),
+# 10 = primary font, 10 + n (n in 1..9) = nth alternative font, 20 = Fraktur,
+# 21 = double underline, 22 = turn off 2, 23 = turn off 3, 24 = turn off 4,
+# 25 = turn off 5, 26 = proportional spacing, 27 = turn off 7, 28 = turn off
+# 8, 29 = turn off 9, 30 = black fg, 31 = red fg, 32 = green fg, 33 = yellow
+# fg, 34 = blue fg, 35 = magenta fg, 36 = cyan fg, 37 = white fg, 38 = set
+# fg color as in CCIT T.416, 39 = set default fg color, 40 = black bg
+# 41 = red bg, 42 = green bg, 43 = yellow bg, 44 = blue bg, 45 = magenta bg,
+# 46 = cyan bg, 47 = white bg, 48 = set bg color as in CCIT T.416, 39 = set
+# default bg color, 50 = turn off 26, 51 = framed, 52 = encircled, 53 =
+# overlined, 54 = turn off 51 & 52, 55 = not overlined, 56-59 = reserved,
+# 61-65 = variable highlights for ideograms.
+# (P) SI is also called LSO, Locking Shift Zero.
+# (Q) SI is also called LS1, Locking Shift One.
+# (R) Some ANSI.SYS versions accept VPR, but more commonly `ANSI' terminals
+# use CUD for this function and ignore VPR.  ECMA calls it `Line Position
+# Absolute' but retains the VPA abbreviation.
+# (S) MC parameters: 0 = start xfer to primary aux device, 1 = start xfer from
+# primary aux device, 2 = start xfer to secondary aux device, 3 = start xfer
+# from secondary aux device, 4 = stop relay to primary aux device, 5 = 
+# start relay to primary aux device, 6 = stop relay to secondary aux device,
+# 7 = start relay to secondary aux device.
+# (T) ECMA-48 calls this "Partial Line Forward" but retains the PLD
+# abbreviation.
+# (U) ECMA-48 calls this "Partial Line Backward" but retains the PLD
+# abbreviation.
+# (V) ECMA-48 calls this "Reverse Line Feed" but retains the RI abbreviation.
+# (W) RM/SM modes are as follows: 1 = Guarder Area Transfer Mode (GATM), 
+# 2 = Keyboard Action Mode (KAM), 3 = Control Representation Mode (CRM), 
+# 4 = Insertion Replacement Mode, 5 = Status Report Transfer Mode (SRTM),
+# 6 = Erasure Mode (ERM), 7 = Line Editing Mode (LEM), 8 = Bi-Directional
+# Support Mode (BDSM), 9 = Device Component Select Mode (DCSM), 
+# 10 = Character Editing Mode (HEM), 11 = Positioning Unit Mode (PUM),
+# 12 = Send/Receive Mode, 13 = Format Effector Action Mode (FEAM), 
+# 14 = Format Effector Transfer Mode (FETM), 15 = Multiple Area Transfer
+# Mode (MATM), 16 = Transfer Termination Mode, 17 = Selected Area Transfer
+# Mode, 18 = Tabulation Stop Mode, 19 = Editing Boundary Mode, 20 = Line Feed
+# New Line Mode (LF/NL), Graphic Rendition Combination Mode (GRCM), 22 =
+# Zero Default Mode (ZDM).  The EBM and LF/NL modes have actually been removed
+# from ECMA-48's 5th edition but are listed here for reference.
+# (X) Select Alternate Presentation Variants is used only for non-Latin
+# alphabets.
+# (Y) "Select Editing Extent" (SEE) was ANSI "Select Edit Extent Mode" (SEM).
+# (Z) ECMA-48 calls this "Start of Guarded Area" but retains the SPA
+# abbreviation.
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Abbreviations:
+# Intro  an Introducer of some kind of defined sequence; the normal 7-bit
+#        X3.64 Control Sequence Introducer is the two characters "Escape ["
+# Delim  a Delimiter
+# x/y    identifies a character by position in the ASCII table (column/row)
+# eF     editor function (see explanation)
+# FE     format effector (see explanation)
+# F      is a Final character in
+#             an Escape sequence (F from 3/0 to 7/14 in the ASCII table)
+#             a control sequence (F from 4/0 to 7/14)
+# Gs     is a graphic character appearing in strings (Gs ranges from
+#        2/0 to 7/14) in the ASCII table
+# Ce     is a control represented as a single bit combination in the C1 set
+#        of controls in an 8-bit character set
+# C0     the familiar set of 7-bit ASCII control characters
+# C1     roughly, the set of control chars available only in 8-bit systems.
+#        This is too complicated to explain fully here, so read Jim Fleming's
+#        article in the February 1983 BYTE, especially pages 214 through 224.
+# Fe     is a Final character of a 2-character Escape sequence that has an
+#        equivalent representation in an 8-bit environment as a Ce-type
+#        (Fe ranges from 4/0 to 5/15)
+# Fs     is a Final character of a 2-character Escape sequence that is
+#        standardized internationally with identical representation in 7-bit
+#        and 8-bit environments and is independent of the currently
+#        designated C0 and C1 control sets (Fs ranges from 6/0 to 7/14)
+# I      is an Intermediate character from 2/0 to 2/15 (inclusive) in the
+#        ASCII table
+# P      is a parameter character from 3/0 to 3/15 (inclusive) in the ASCII
+#        table
+# Pn     is a numeric parameter in a control sequence, a string of zero or
+#        more characters ranging from 3/0 to 3/9 in the ASCII table
+# Ps     is a variable number of selective parameters in a control sequence
+#        with each selective parameter separated from the other by the code
+#        3/11 (which usually represents a semicolon); Ps ranges from
+#        3/0 to 3/9 and includes 3/11
+# *      Not relevant to terminal control, listed for completeness only.
+# Format Effectors versus Editor Functions
+# A format effector specifies how following output is to be displayed.
+# An editor function allows you to modify the display.  Informally
+# format effectors may be destructive; format effectors should not be.
+# For instance, a format effector that moves the "active position" (the 
+# cursor or equivalent) one space to the left would be useful when you want to
+# create an overstrike, a compound character made of two standard characters
+# overlaid. Control-H, the Backspace character, is actually supposed to be a
+# format effector, so you can do this. But many systems use it in a
+# nonstandard fashion, as an editor function, deleting the character to the
+# left of the cursor and moving the cursor left. When Control-H is assumed to
+# be an editor function, you cannot predict whether its use will create an
+# overstrike unless you also know whether the output device is in an "insert
+# mode" or an "overwrite mode". When Control-H is used as a format effector,
+# its effect can always be predicted. The familiar characters carriage
+# return, linefeed, formfeed, etc., are defined as format effectors.
+# Control sequences implemented in the VT100 are as follows:
+#      LNM, NEL, RI, RIS, RM, SGR, SM, TBC
+# plus several private DEC commands.
+# Erasing parts of the display (EL and ED) in the VT100 is performed thus:
+#      Erase from cursor to end of line           Esc [ 0 K    or Esc [ K
+#      Erase from beginning of line to cursor     Esc [ 1 K
+#      Erase line containing cursor               Esc [ 2 K
+#      Erase from cursor to end of screen         Esc [ 0 J    or Esc [ J
+#      Erase from beginning of screen to cursor   Esc [ 1 J
+#      Erase entire screen                        Esc [ 2 J
+# Some brain-damaged terminal/emulators respond to Esc [ J as if it were
+# Esc [ 2 J, but this is wrong; the default is 0.
+# The VT100 responds to receiving the DA (Device Attributes) control
+#      Esc [ c    (or Esc [ 0 c)
+# by transmitting the sequence
+#      Esc [ ? l ; Ps c
+# where Ps is a character that describes installed options.
+# The VT100's cursor location can be read with the DSR (Device Status
+# Report) control
+#      Esc [ 6 n
+# The VT100 reports by transmitting the CPR sequence
+#      Esc [ Pl ; Pc R
+# where Pl is the line number and Pc is the column number (in decimal).
+# The specification for the DEC VT100 is document EK-VT100-UG-003.
+#### ANSI.SYS
+# Here is a description of the color and attribute controls supported in the
+# the ANSI.SYS driver under MS-DOS.  Most console drivers and ANSI
+# terminal emulators for Intel boxes obey these.  They are a proper subset
+# of the ECMA-48 escapes.
+# 0	all attributes off
+# 1	foreground bright
+# 4	underscore on
+# 5	blink on/background bright (not reliable with brown)
+# 7	reverse-video
+# 8	set blank (non-display)
+# 10	set primary font
+# 11	set first alternate font (on PCs, display ROM characters 1-31)
+# 12	set second alternate font (on PCs, display IBM high-half chars)
+#			Color attribute sets
+# 3n	set foreground color       / 0=black, 1=red,     2=green, 3=brown,
+# 4n	set background color       \ 4=blue,  5=magenta, 6=cyan,  7=white
+# Bright black becomes gray.  Bright brown becomes yellow,
+# These coincide with the prescriptions of the ISO 6429/ECMA-48 standard.
+# * If the 5 attribute is on and you set a background color (40-47) it is
+#   supposed to enable bright background.
+# * Many VGA cards (such as the Paradise and compatibles) do the wrong thing
+#   when you try to set a "bright brown" (yellow) background with attribute
+#   5 (you get a blinking yellow foreground instead).  A few displays
+#   (including the System V console) support an attribute 6 that undoes this
+#   braindamage (this is required by iBCS2).
+# * Some older versions of ANSI.SYS have a bug that causes thems to require
+#   ESC [ Pn k as EL rather than the ANSI ESC [ Pn K.  (This is not ECMA-48
+#   compatible.)
+#### Intel Binary Compatibility Standard
+# For comparison, here are the capabilities implied by the Intel Binary 
+# Compatibility Standard for UNIX systems (Intel order number 468366-001).
+# These recommendations are optional.  IBCS2 allows the leading escape to
+# be either the 7-bit \E[ or 8-bit \0233 introducer, in accordance with
+# the ANSI X.364/ISO 6429/ECMA-48 standard.  Here are the iBCS2 capabilities
+# (as described in figure 9-3 of the standard).  Those expressed in the ibcs2
+# terminfo entry are followed with the corresponding capability in parens:
+#	CSI <n>k		disable (n=0) or enable (n=1) keyclick
+#	CSI 2h   		lock keyboard
+#	CSI 2i  		send screen as input
+#	CSI 2l  		unlock keyboard
+#	CSI 6m  		enable background color intensity
+#	CSI <0-2>c		reserved
+#	CSI <0-59>m		select graphic rendition
+#	CSI <n>;<m>H	(cup)	cursor to line n and column m
+#	CSI <n>;<m>f		cursor to line n and column m
+#	CSI <n>@	(ich)	insert characters
+#	CSI <n>A	(cuu)	cursor up n lines
+#	CSI <n>B	(cud)	cursor down n lines
+#	CSI <n>C	(cuu)	cursor right n characters
+#	CSI <n>D	(cud)	cursor left n characters
+#	CSI <n>E		cursor down n lines and in first column
+#	CSI <n>F		cursor up n lines and in first column
+#	CSI <n>G	(hpa)	position cursor at column n-1
+#	CSI <n>J	(ed)	erase in display
+#	CSI <n>K	(el)	erase in line
+#	CSI <n>L	(il)	insert line(s)
+#	CSI <n>P	(dch)	delete characters
+#	CSI <n>S	(indn)	scroll up n lines
+#	CSI <n>T	(rin)	scroll down n lines
+#	CSI <n>X	(ech)	erase characters
+#	CSI <n>Z	(cbt)	back up n tab stops
+#	CSI <n>`		cursor to column n on line
+#	CSI <n>a	(cuu)	cursor right n characters
+#	CSI <n>d	(vpa)	cursor to line n
+#	CSI <n>e		cursor down n lines and in first column
+#	CSI <n>g	(cbt)	clear all tabs
+#	CSI <n>z		make virtual terminal n active
+#	CSI ?7h 	(smam)	turn automargin on
+#	CSI ?7l 	(rmam)	turn automargin off
+#	CSI s     		save cursor position
+#	CSI u   		restore cursor position to saved value
+#	CSI =<c>A		set overscan color
+#	CSI =<c>F		set normal foreground color
+#	CSI =<c>G		set normal background color
+#	CSI =<c>H		set reverse foreground color
+#	CSI =<c>I		set reverse foreground color
+#	CSI =<c>J		set graphic foreground color
+#	CSI =<c>K		set graphic foreground color
+#	CSI =<n>g	(dispc) display n from alternate graphics character set
+#	CSI =<p>;<d>B		set bell parameters
+#	CSI =<s>;<e>C		set cursor parameters
+#	CSI =<x>D		enable/disable intensity of background color
+#	CSI =<x>E		set/clear blink vs. bold background
+#	CSI 7     	(sc)	(sc) save cursor position
+#	CSI 8   	(rc)	(rc) restore cursor position to saved value
+#	CSI H		(hts)	(hts) set tab stop
+#	CSI Q<n><string>	define function key string
+#				(string must begin and end with delimiter char)
+#	CSI c   	(clear) clear screen
+# The lack of any specification for attributes in SGR (among other things)
+# makes this a wretchedly weak standard. The table above is literally 
+# everything iBSC2 has to say about terminal escape sequences; there is
+# no further discussion of their meaning or how to set the parameters
+# in these sequences at all.
+# The historical termcap file entries were written primarily in 4.4BSD termcap.
+# The 4.4BSD termcap set was substantially larger than the original 4.1BSD set,
+# with the extension names chosen for compatibility with the termcap names
+# assigned in System V terminfo.  There are some variant extension sets out
+# there.  We try to describe them here.
+# XENIX extensions:
+# The XENIX extensions include a set of function-key capabilities as follows:
+#       code	XENIX variable name	terminfo name	name clashes?
+#	----	-------------------	-------------	-----------------------
+#	CL	key_char_left
+#	CR	key_char_right
+#	CW	key_change_window			create_window
+#	EN	key_end          	kend
+#	HM	key_home		khome
+#	HP	??
+#	LD	key_delete_line  	kdl1
+#	LF	key_linefeed     			label_off
+#	NU	key_next_unlocked_cell
+#	PD	key_page_down   	knp
+#	PL	??
+#	PN	start_print		mc5
+#	PR	??
+#	PS	stop_print		mc4
+#	PU	key_page_up     	kpp		pulse
+#	RC	key_recalc				remove_clock
+#	RF	key_toggle_ref				req_for_input
+#	RT	key_return      	kent
+#	UP	key_up_arrow           	kcuu1   	parm_up_cursor
+#	WL	key_word_left
+#	WR	key_word_right
+# The XENIX extensions also include the following character-set and highlight
+# capabilities:
+#	XENIX	terminfo	function
+#	-----	--------	------------------------------
+#	GS	smacs		start alternate character set
+#	GE	rmacs		end alternate character set
+#	GG			:as:/:ae: glitch (analogous to :sg:/:ug:)
+#	bo	blink		begin blink (not used in /etc/termcap)
+#	be			end blink (not used in /etc/termcap)
+#	bb			blink glitch  (not used in /etc/termcap)
+#	it	dim		begin dim (not used in /etc/termcap)
+#	ie			end dim (not used in /etc/termcap)
+#	ig			dim glitch  (not used in /etc/termcap)
+# Finally, XENIX also used the following forms-drawing capabilities:
+#	single	double  type             ASCII approximation 
+#	------	------	-------------    -------------------
+#	GV	Gv	vertical line             |
+#	GH	Gv	horizontal line       -   _
+#	G1	G5	top right corner       _   |
+#	G2	G6	top left corner       | 
+#	G3	G7	bottom left corner         |_
+#	G4	G8	bottom right corner   _|
+#	GD	Gd	down-tick character        T
+#	GL	Gl	left-tick character   -|
+#	GR	Gr	right-tick character       |-
+#	GC	Gc	middle intersection   -|-
+#	GU	Gu	up-tick character          _|_
+# These were invented to take advantage of the IBM PC ROM character set.  One
+# can compose an acsc string from the single-width characters as follows
+#	"j{G4}k{G1}l{G2}m{G3}q{GH}x{GV}t{GR}u{GL}v{GU}w{GD}n{GC}"
+# When translating a termcap file, ncurses tic will do this automatically.
+# The double forms characters don't fit the SVr4 terminfo model.
+# AT&T Extensions:
+# The old AT&T 5410, 5420, 5425, pc6300plus, 610, and s4 entries used a set of
+# nonstandard capabilities.  Its signature is the KM capability, used to name
+# some sort of keymap file.  EE, BO, CI, CV, XS, DS, FL and FE are in this
+# set.  Comments in the original, and a little cross-checking with other AT&T
+# documentation, seem to establish that BO=:mr: (start reverse video), DS=:mh:
+# (start dim), XS=:mk: (secure/invisible mode), EE=:me: (end highlights),
+# FL=:LO: (enable soft labels), FE=:LF: (disable soft labels), CI=:vi: (make
+# cursor invisible), and CV=:ve: (make cursor normal).
+# HP Extensions
+# The HP library (as of mid-1995, their term.h file version 70.1) appears to
+# have the System V capabilities up to SVr1 level.  After that, it supports
+# two nonstandard caps meml and memu corresponding to the old termcap :ml:,
+# :mu: capabilities.  After that, it supports caps plab_norm, label_on,
+# label_off, and key_f11..key_f63 capabilities like SVr4's.  This makes the
+# HP binary format incompatible with SVr4's.
+# IBM Extensions
+# There is a set of nonstandard terminfos used by IBM's AIX operating system.
+# The AIX terminfo library diverged from SVr1 terminfo, and replaces all
+# capabilities following prtr_non with the following special capabilties:
+# box[12], batt[12], colb[0123456789], colf[0123456789], f[01234567], kbtab,
+# kdo, kcmd, kcpn, kend, khlp, knl, knpn, kppn, kppn, kquit, ksel, kscl, kscr,
+# ktab, kmpf[123456789], apstr, ksf1..ksf10, kf11...kf63, kact, topl, btml,
+# rvert, lvert.   Some of these are identical to XPG4/SVr4 equivalents:
+# kcmd, kend, khlp, and kf11...kf63.  Two others (kbtab and ksel) can be
+# renamed (to kcbt and kslt).  The places in the box[12] capabilities
+# correspond to acsc chars, here is the mapping:
+#	box1[0]  = ACS_ULCORNER
+#	box1[1]  = ACS_HLINE	
+#	box1[2]  = ACS_URCORNER
+#	box1[3]  = ACS_VLINE
+#	box1[4]  = ACS_LRCORNER
+#	box1[5]  = ACS_LLCORNER
+#	box1[6]  = ACS_TTEE
+#	box1[7]  = ACS_RTEE
+#	box1[8]  = ACS_BTEE
+#	box1[9]  = ACS_LTEE
+#	box1[10] = ACS_PLUS
+# The box2 characters are the double-line versions of these forms graphics.
+# The AIX binary terminfo format is incompatible with SVr4's.
+# Iris console extensions:
+# HS is half-intensity start; HE is half-intensity end
+# CT is color terminal type (for Curses & rogue)
+# CP is color change escape sequence
+# CZ are color names (for Curses & rogue)
+# The ncurses tic utility recognizes HS as an alias for mh <dim>.
+# TC Extensions:
+# There is a set of extended termcaps associated with something
+# called the "Terminal Control" or TC package created by MainStream Systems,
+# Winfield Kansas.  This one also uses GS/GE for as/ae, and also uses
+# CF for civis and CO for cvvis.  Finally, they define a boolean :ct:
+# that flags color terminals.
+# The last /etc/termcap version maintained by John Kunze was 8.3, dated 8/5/94.
+# Releases 9 and up are maintained by Eric S. Raymond as part of the ncurses
+# project.
+# This file contains all the capability information present in John Kunze's
+# last version of the termcap master file, except as noted in the change 
+# comments at end of file.  Some information about very ancient obsolete
+# capabilities has been moved to comments.  Some all-numeric names of older
+# terminals have been retired.
+# I changed :MT: to :km: (the 4.4BSD name) everywhere.  I commented out some
+# capabilities (EP, dF, dT, dV, kn, ma, ml, mu, xr, xx) that are no longer
+# used by BSD curses.
+# The 9.1.0 version of this file was translated from my lightly-edited copy of
+# 8.3, then mechanically checked against 8.3 using Emacs Lisp code written for
+# the purpose.  Unless the ncurses tic implementation and the Lisp code were
+# making perfectly synchronized mistakes which I then failed to catch by
+# eyeball, the translation was correct and perfectly information-preserving.
+# Major version number bumps correspond to major version changes in ncurses.
+# Here is a log of the changes since then:
+# 9.1.0 (Wed Feb  1 04:50:32 EST 1995):
+#	* First terminfo master translated from 8.3.
+# 9.2.0 (Wed Feb  1 12:21:45 EST 1995):
+#	* Replaced Wyse entries with updated entries supplied by vendor.
+# 9.3.0 (Mon Feb  6 19:14:40 EST 1995):
+#	* Added contact & status info from G. Clark Brown <clark@sssi.com>.
+# 9.3.1 (Tue Feb  7 12:00:24 EST 1995):
+#	* Better XENIX keycap translation.  Describe TC termcaps.
+#	* Contact and history info supplied by Qume.
+# 9.3.2 (Sat Feb 11 23:40:02 EST 1995):
+#	* Raided the Shuford FTP site for recent termcaps/terminfos.
+#	* Added information on X3.64 and VT100 standard escape sequences.
+# 9.3.3 (Mon Feb 13 12:26:15 EST 1995):
+#	* Added a correct X11R6 xterm entry.
+#	* Fixed terminfo translations of padding.
+# 9.3.4 (Wed Feb 22 19:27:34 EST 1995):
+#	* Added correct acsc/smacs/rmacs strings for vt100 and xterm.
+#	* Added u6/u7/u8/u9 capabilities.
+#	* Added PCVT entry.
+# 9.3.5 (Thu Feb 23 09:37:12 EST 1995):
+#	* Emacs uses :so:, not :mr:, for its mode line.  Fix linux entry
+#	  to use reverse-video standout so Emacs will look right.
+#	* Added el1 capability to ansi.
+#	* Added smacs/rmacs to ansi.sys.
+# 9.4.0 (Sat Feb 25 16:43:25 EST 1995):
+#	* New mt70 entry.
+#	* Added AT&T 23xx & 500/513, vt220 and vt420, opus3n1+, netronics
+#	  smartvid & smarterm, ampex 175 & 219 & 232,
+#	  env230, falco ts100, fluke, intertube, superbrain, ncr7901, vic20,
+#	  ozzie, trs200, tr600, Tandy & Texas Instruments VDTs, intext2,
+#	  screwpoint, fviewpoint, Contel Business Systems, Datamedia Colorscan,
+#	  adm36, mime314, ergo4000, ca22851.  Replaced att7300, esprit, dd5500.
+#	* Replaced the Perkin-Elmer entries with vendor's official ones.
+#	* Restored the old minimal-ansi entry, luna needs it.
+#	* Fixed some incorrect ip and proportional-padding translations.
+# 9.4.1 (Mon Feb 27 14:18:33 EST 1995):
+#	* Fix linux & AT386 sgr strings to do A_ALTCHARSET turnoff correctly.
+#	* Make the xterm entry 65 lines again; create xterm25 and xterm24
+#	  to force a particular height.
+#	* Added beehive4 and reorganized other Harris entries.
+# 9.4.2 (Thu Mar  9 01:45:44 EST 1995):
+#	* Merged in DEC's official entries for its terminals.  The only old
+#	  entry I kept was Doug Gwyn's alternate vt100 (as vt100-avo).
+#	* Replaced the translated BBN Bitgraph entries with purpose-built
+#	  ones from AT&T's SVr3.
+#	* Replaced the AT&T entries with AT&T's official terminfos.
+#	* Added teleray 16, vc415, cops10. 
+#	* Merged in many individual capabilities from SCO terminfo files.
+# 9.4.3 (Mon Mar 13 02:37:53 EST 1995):
+#	* Typo fixes.
+#	* Change linux entry so A_PROTECT enables IBM-PC ROM characters.
+# 9.4.4 (Mon Mar 27 12:32:35 EST 1995):
+#	* Added tty35, Ann Arbor Guru series. vi300 and 550, cg7900, tvi803,
+#	  pt210, ibm3164, IBM System 1, ctrm, Tymshare scanset, dt200, adm21,
+#	  simterm, citoh and variants.
+#	* Replaced sol entry with sol1 and sol2.
+#	* Replaced Qume QVT and Freedom-series entries with purpose-built
+#	  terminfo entries.
+#	* Enhanced vt220, tvi910, tvi924, hpterm, hp2645, adm42, tek
+#	  and dg200 entries using caps from from SCO.
+#	* Added the usual set of function-key mappings to ANSI entry.
+#	* Corrected xterm's function-key capabilities.
+# 9.4.5 (Tue Mar 28 14:27:49 EST 1995):
+#	* Fix in xterm entry, cub and cud are not reliable under X11R6.
+# 9.4.6 (Thu Mar 30 14:52:15 EST 1995):
+#	* Fix in xterm entry, get the arrow keys right.
+#	* Change some \0 escapes to \200.
+# 9.4.7 (Tue Apr  4 11:27:11 EDT 1995)
+#	* Added apple (Videx card), adm1a, oadm31.
+#	* Fixed malformed ampex csr.
+#	* Fixed act4, cyb110; they had old-style prefix padding left in. 
+#	* Changed mandatory to advisory padding in many entries.
+#	* Replaced HP entries up to hpsub with purpose-built ones.
+#	* Blank rmir/smir/rmdc/smdc capabilities removed.
+#	* Small fixes merged in from SCO entries for lpr, fos, tvi910+, tvi924.
+# 9.4.8 (Fri Apr  7 09:36:34 EDT 199):
+#	* Replaced the Ann Arbor entries with SCO's, the init strings are
+#	  more efficient (but the entries otherwise identical).
+#	* Added dg211 from Shuford archive.
+#	* Added synertek, apple-soroc, ibmpc, pc-venix, pc-coherent, xtalk,
+#	  adm42-nl, pc52, gs6300, xerox820, uts30.
+#	* Pull SCO's padding into vi200 entry.
+#	* Improved capabilities for tvi4107 and other Televideo and Viewpoint
+#	  entries merged in from SCO's descriptions.
+#	* Fixed old-style prefix padding on zen50, h1500.
+#	* Moved old superbee entry to superbee-xsb, pulled in new superbee
+#	  entry from SCO's description.
+#	* Reorganized the special entries.
+#	* Added lm#0 to cbunix and virtual entries.
+# 9.5.0 (Mon Apr 10 11:30:00 EDT 1995):
+#	* Restored cdc456tst.
+#	* Fixed sb1 entry, SCO erroneously left out the xsb glitch.
+#	* Added megatek, beacon, microkit.
+#	* Freeze for ncurses-1.9 release.
+# 9.5.1 (Fri Apr 21 12:46:42 EDT 1995):
+#	* Added historical data for TAB.
+#	* Comment fixes from David MacKenzie.
+#	* Added the new BSDI pc3 entry.
+# 9.5.2 (Tue Apr 25 17:27:52 EDT 1995)
+#	* A change in the tic -C logic now ensures that all entries in 
+#	  the termcap translation will fit in < 1024 bytes.
+#	* Added `bobcat' and `gator' HP consoles and the Nu machine entries
+#	  from GNU termcap file.  This merges in all their local information.
+# 9.5.3 (Tue Apr 25 22:28:13 EDT 1995)
+#	* Changed tic -C logic to dump all capabilities used by GNU termcap.
+#	* Added warnings about entries with long translations (restoring
+#	  all the GNU termcaps pushes a few over the edge).
+# 9.5.4 (Wed Apr 26 15:35:09 EDT 1995)
+#	* Yet another tic change, and a couple of entry tweaks, to reduce the
+#	  number of long (> 1024) termcap translations back to 0.
+# 9.6.0 (Mon May  1 10:35:54 EDT 1995)
+#	* Added kf13-kf20 to Linux entry.
+#	* Regularize Prime terminal names.
+#	* Historical data on Synertek.
+#	* Freeze for ncurses-1.9.1.
+# 9.6.1 (Sat May  6 02:00:52 EDT 1995):
+#	* Added true xterm-color entry, renamed djm's pseudo-color entry.
+#	* Eliminate whitespace in short name fields, this tanks some scripts.
+#	* Name field changes to shorten some long entries.
+#	* Termcap translation now automatically generates empty rmir/smir
+#	  when ich1/ich is present (copes with an ancient vi bug).
+#	* Added `screen' entries from FSF's screen-3.6.2.
+#	* Added linux-nic and xterm-nic entries.
+# 9.6.2 (Sat May  6 17:00:55 EDT 1995):
+#	* Change linux entry to use smacs=\E[11m and have an explicit acsc,
+#	  eliminating some special-case code in ncurses.
+# 9.7.0 (Tue May  9 18:03:12 EDT 1995):
+#	* Added vt320-k3, rsvidtx from the Emacs termcap.dat file.  I think
+#	  that captures everything unique from it.
+#	* Added reorder script generator.
+#	* Freeze for ncurses 1.9.2 release.
+# 9.7.1 (Thu Jun 29 09:35:22 EDT 1995):
+#	* Added Sean Farley's kspd, flash, rs1 capabilities for linux.
+#	* Added Olaf Siebert's corrections for adm12.
+#	* ansi-pc-color now includes the colors and pairs caps, so that
+#	  entries which use it will inherit them automatically.
+#	* The linux entry can now recognize the center (keypad 5) key.
+#	* Removed some junk that found its way into Linux acsc.
+# 9.8.0 (Fri Jul  7 04:46:57 EDT 1995):
+#	* Add 50% cut mark as a desperate hack to reduce tic's core usage.
+#	* xterm doesn't try to use application keypad mode any more.
+#	* Freeze for ncurses-1.9.3 release.
+# 9.8.1 (Thu Jul 19 17:02:12 EDT 1995):
+#	* Added corrected sun entry from vendor.
+#	* Added csr capability to linux entry.
+#	* Peter Wemm says the at386 hpa should be \E[%i%p1%dG, not \E[%p1%dG.
+#	* Added vt102-nsgr to cope with stupid IBM PC `VT100' emulators.
+#	* Some commented-out caps in long entries come back in, my code 
+#	  for computing string-table lengths had a bug in it.
+#	* pcansi series modified to fit comm-program reality better.
+# 9.8.2 (Sat Sep  9 23:35:00 EDT 1995):
+#	* BSD/OS actually ships the ibmpc3 bold entry as its console.
+#	* Correct some bad aliases in the pcansi series
+#	* Added entry for QNX console.
+#	* Clean up duplicate long names for use with 4.4 library.
+#	* Change vt100 standout to be normal reverse vide, not bright reverse;
+#	  this makes the Emacs status line look better.
+# 9.8.3 (Sun Sep 10 13:07:34 EDT 1995):
+#	* Added Adam Thompson's VT320 entries, also his dtx-sas and z340.
+#	* Minor surgery, mostly on name strings, to shorten termcap version.
+# 9.9.0 (Sat Sep 16 23:03:48 EDT 1995):
+#	* Added dec-vt100 for use with the EWAN emulator.
+#	* Added kmous to xterm for use with xterm's mouse-tracking facility.
+#	* Freeze for 1.9.5 alpha release.
+# 9.9.1 (Wed Sep 20 13:46:09 EDT 1995):
+#	* Changed xterm lines to 24, the X11R6 default.
+# 9.9.2 (Sat Sep 23 21:29:21 EDT 1995):
+#	* Added 7 newly discovered, undocumented acsc characters to linux
+#	  entry (the pryz{|} characters).
+#	* ncurses no longer steals A_PROTECT.  Simplify linux sgr accordingly.
+#	* Correct two typos in the xterm entries introduced in 9.9.1.
+#	* I finally figured out how to translate ko capabilities.  Done.
+#	* Added tvi921 entries from Tim Theisen.
+#	* Cleanup: dgd211 -> dg211, adm42-nl -> adm42-nsl.
+#	* Removed mystery tec entry, it was neither interesting nor useful.
+#	* shortened altos3, qvt203, tvi910+, tvi92D, tvi921-g, tvi955, vi200-f,
+#	  vi300-ss, att505-24, contel301, dm3045, f200vi, pe7000c, vc303a,
+#	  trs200, wind26, wind40, wind50, cdc456tst, dku7003, f110, dg211,
+#	  by making them relative to use capabilities
+#	* Added cuf1=^L to tvi925 from deleted variant tvi925a.
+#	* fixed cup in adm22 entry and parametrized strings in vt320-k3.
+#	* added it#8 to entries that used to have :pt: -- tvi912, vi200,
+#	  ampex80,
+#	* Translate all home=\E[;H capabilities to home=\E[H, they're 
+#	  equivalent.
+#	* Translate \E[0m -> \E[m in [rs]mso, [rs]mul, and init strings of
+#	  vt100 and ANSI-like terminals.
+# 9.9.3 (Tue Sep 26 20:11:15 EDT 1995):
+#	* Added it#8 and ht=\t to *all* entries with :pt:; the ncurses tic
+#	  does this now, too.
+#	* fviewpoint is gone, it duplicated screwpoint.
+#	* Added hp2627, graphos, graphos-30, hpex, ibmega, ibm8514, ibm8514-c,
+#	  ibmvga, ibmvga-c, minix, mm340, mt4520-rv, screen2, screen3, 
+#	  versaterm, vi500, vsc, vt131, vt340, vt400 entries from UW.
+#	  The UW vi50 replaces the old one, which becomes vi50adm,
+#	* No more embedded commas in name fields.
+# 9.10.0 (Wed Oct  4 15:39:37 EDT 1995):
+#	* XENIX forms characters in fos, trs16, scoansi become acsc strings,
+#	* Introduced klone+* entries for describing Intel-console behavior.
+#	* Linux kbs is default-mapped to delete for some brain-dead reason.
+#	* -nsl -> -ns.  The -pp syntax is obsolete.
+#	* Eliminate [A-Z]* primaries in accordance with SVr4 terminfo docs.
+#	* Make xterm entry do application-keypad mode again.  I got complaints
+#	  that it was messing up someone's 3270 emulator.
+#	* Added some longname fields in order to avoid warning messages from
+#	  older tic implementations.
+#	* According to ctrlseqs.ms, xterm has a full vt100 graphics set.  Use
+#	  it! (This gives us pi, greater than, less than, and a few more.)
+#	* Freeze for ncurses-1.9.6 release.
+# 9.10.1 (Sat Oct 21 22:18:09 EDT 1995):
+#	* Add xon to a number of console entries, they're memory-mapped and
+#	  don't need padding.
+#	* Correct the use dependencies in the ansi series.
+#	* Hand-translate more XENIX capabilities.
+#	* Added hpterm entry for HP's X terminal emulator.
+#	* Added aixterm entries.
+#	* Shortened four names so everything fits in 14 chars.  
+# 9.11.0 (Thu Nov  2 17:29:35 EST 1995):
+#	* Added ibcs2 entry and info on iBCS2 standard.
+#	* Corrected hpa/vpa in linux entry.  They still fail the worm test.
+#	* We can handle the HP meml/memu capability now.
+#	* Added smacs to klone entries, just as documentation.
+#	* Carrected ansi.sys and cit-500 entries.
+#	* Added z39, vt320-k311, v220c, and avatar entries.
+#	* Make pcansi use the ansi.sys invis capability.
+#	* Added DIP switch descriptions for vt100, adm31, tvi910, tvi920c,
+#	  tvi925, tvi950, dt80, ncr7900i, h19.
+#	* X3.64 has been withdrawn, change some references.
+#	* Removed function keys from ansi-m entry.
+#	* Corrected ansi.sys entry.
+#	* Freeze for ncurses-1.9.7 release.
+# 9.11.1 (Tue Nov  6 18:18:38 EST 1995):
+#	* Added rmam/smam capabilities to many entries based on init strings.
+#	* Added correct hpa/vpa to linux.
+#	* Reduced several entries relative to vt52.
+# 9.11.2 (Tue Nov  7 00:21:06 EST 1995):
+#	* Exiled some utterly unidentifiable custom and homebrew types to the
+#	  UFO file; also, obsolete small-screen hardware; also, entries which
+#	  look flat-out incorrect, garbled, or redundant.  These include the
+#	  following entries: carlock, cdc456tst, microkit, qdss, ramtek, tec, 
+#	  tec400, tec500, ubell, wind, wind16, wind40, wind50, plasma, agile,
+#	  apple, bch, daleblit, nucterm, ttywilliams, nuterminal, nu24, bnu,
+#	  fnu, nunix-30, nunix-61, exidy, ex3000, sexidy, pc52, sanyo55, 
+#	  yterm10, yterm11, yterm10nat, aed, aed-ucb, compucolor, compucolor2, 
+#	  vic20, dg1, act5s, netx, smartvid, smarterm, sol, sol2, dt200, 
+#	  trs80, trs100, trs200, trs600, xitex, rsvidtx, vid, att2300-x40, 
+#	  att2350-x40, att4410-nfk, att5410-ns, otty5410, att5425-nl-w, 
+#	  tty5425-fk, tty5425-w-fk, cita, c108-na, c108-rv-na, c100-rv-na, 
+#	  c108-na-acs, c108-rv-na-acs, ims950-ns, infotonKAS, ncr7900i-na, 
+#	  regent60na, scanset-n, tvi921-g, tvi925n, tvi925vbn, tvi925vb, 
+#	  vc404-na, vc404-s-na, vt420nam, vt420f-nam, vt420pc-nam, vt510nam, 
+#	  vt510pc-nam, vt520nam, vt525nam, xterm25, xterm50, xterm65, xterms.
+#	* Corrected pcvt25h as suggested by Brian C. Grayson
+#	  <bgrayson@pine.ece.utexas.edu>.
+# 9.11.3 (Thu Nov  9 12:14:40 EST 1995):
+#	* Added kspd=\E[P, kcbt=\E[Z, to linux entry, changed kbs back to ^H. 
+#	* Added kent=\EOM to xterm entry.
+# 9.11.4 (Fri Nov 10 08:31:35 EST 1995):
+#	* Corrected gigi entry.
+#	* Restored cuf/cud1 to xterm, their apparent bugginess was due to
+#	  bad hpa/vpa capabilities.
+#	* Corrected flash strings to have a uniform delay of .2 sec.  No
+#	  more speed-dependent NUL-padding!
+#	* terminfo capabilities in comments bracketed with <>.
+# 9.11.5 (Fri Nov 10 15:35:02 EST 1995):
+#	* Replaced pcvt with the 3.31 pcvt entries.
+#	* Freeze for 1.9.7a.
+# 9.11.6 (Mon Nov 13 10:20:24 EST 1995):
+#	* Added emu entry from the X11R6 contrib tape sources.
+# 9.12.0 (Wed Nov 29 04:22:25 EST 1995):
+#	* Improved iris-ansi and sun entries.
+#	* More flash string improvements.
+#	* Corrected wy160 & wy160 as suggested by Robert Dunn
+#	* Added dim to at386.  
+#	* Reconciled pc3 and ibmpc3 with the BSDI termcap file.  Keith says
+#	  he's ready to start using the termcap generated from this one.
+#	* Added vt102-w, vt220-w, xterm-bold, wyse-vp, wy75ap, att4424m,
+#	  ln03, lno3-w, h19-g, z29a*, qdss.  Made vt200 an alias of vt220.
+#	* Improved hpterm, apollo consoles, fos, qvt101, tvi924. tvi925,
+#	  att610, att620, att630, 
+#	* Changed hazeltine name prefix from h to hz.
+#	* Sent t500 to the UFI file.
+#	* I think we've sucked all the juice out of BSDI's termcap file now.
+#	* Freeze for ncurses 1.9.8 release
+# 9.12.1 (Thu Nov 30 03:14:06 EST 1995)
+#	* Unfreeze, linux kbs needed to be fixed.
+#	* Tim Theisen pinned down a bug in the DMD firmware.
+# 9.12.2 (Thu Nov 30 19:08:55 EST 1995):
+#	* Fixes to ansi and klone capabilities (thank you, Aaron Ucko).
+#	  (The broken ones had been shadowed by sgr.)
+# 9.12.3 (Thu Dec  7 17:47:22 EST 1995):
+#	* Added documentation on ECMA-48 standard.
+#	* New Amiga entry.
+# 9.12.4 (Thu Dec 14 04:16:39 EST 1995):
+#	* More ECMA-48 stuff
+#	* Corrected typo in minix entry, added pc-minix.
+#	* Corrected khome/kend in xterm (thank you again, Aaron Ucko).
+#	* Added rxvt entry.
+#	* Added 1.3.x color-change capabilities to linux entry.
+# 9.12.5 (Tue Dec 19 00:22:10 EST 1995):
+#	* Corrected rxvt entry khome/kend.
+#	* Corrected linux color change capabilities.
+#	* NeXT entries from Dave Wetzel.
+#	* Cleaned up if and rf file names (all in /usr/share now).
+#	* Changed linux op capability to avoid screwing up a background color
+#	  pair set by setterm.
+# 9.12.6 (Wed Feb  7 16:14:35 EST 1996):
+#	* Added xterm-sun.
+# 9.12.7 (Fri Feb  9 13:27:35 EST 1996):
+#	* Added visa50.
+# 9.13.0 (Sun Mar 10 00:13:08 EST 1996):
+#	* Another sweep through the Shuford archive looking for new info.
+#	* Added dg100 alias to dg6053 based on a comp.terminals posting.
+# 	* Added st52 from Per Persson.
+#	* Added eterm from the GNU Emacs 19.30 distribution.
+#	* Freeze for 1.9.9.
+# 9.13.1 (Fri Mar 29 14:06:46 EST 1996):
+#	* FreeBSD console entries from Andrew Chernov.
+#	* Removed duplicate Atari st52 name.
+# 9.13.2 (Tue May  7 16:10:06 EDT 1996)
+#	* xterm doesn't actually have ACS_BLOCK.
+#	* Change klone+color setf/setb to simpler forms that can be
+#	  translated into termcap.
+#	* Added xterm1.
+#	* Removed mechanically-generated junk capabilities from cons* entries.
+#	* Added color support to bsdos.
+# 9.13.3 (Thu May  9 10:35:51 EDT 1996):
+#	* Added Wyse 520 entries from Wm. Randolph Franklin <wrf@ecse.rpi.edu>.
+#	* Created ecma+color, linux can use it.  Also added ech to linux.
+#	* Teach xterm about more keys. Add Thomas Dickey's 3.1.2E updates.
+#	* Add descriptions to FreeBSD console entries.  Also shorten
+#	  some aliases to <= 14 chars for portability.
+#	* Added x68k console
+#	* Added OTbs to several VT-series entries.
+# 9.13.4 (Wed May 22 10:54:09 EDT 1996):
+#	* screen entry update for 3.7.1 from Michael Alan Dorfman.
+# 9.13.5 (Wed Jun  5 11:22:41 EDT 1996):
+#	* kterm correction due to Kenji Rikitake.
+#	* ACS correction in vt320-kll due to Phillippe De Muyter.
+# 9.13.6 (Sun Jun 16 15:01:07 EDT 1996):
+#	* Sun console entry correction from J.T. Conklin.
+#	* Changed all DEC VT300 and up terminals to use VT300 tab set
+# 9.13.7 (Mon Jul  8 20:14:32 EDT 1996):
+#	* Added smul to linux entry (we never noticed it was missing 
+#	  because of sgr!).
+#	* Added rmln to hp+labels (deduced from other HP entries).
+#	* Added vt100 acsc capability to vt220, vt340, vt400, d800, dt80-sas,
+#	  pro350, att7300, 5420_2, att4418, att4424, att4426, att505, vt320-k3.
+#	* Corrected vt220 acsc.
+#	* The klone+sgr and klone+sgr-dumb entries now use klone+acs;
+#	  this corresponds to reality and helps prevent some tic warnings.
+#	* Added sgr0 to c101, pcix, vt100-nav, screen2, oldsun, next, altos2,
+#	  hpgeneric, hpansi, hpsub, hp236, hp700-wy, bobcat, dku7003, adm11,
+#	  adm12, adm20, adm21, adm22, adm31, adm36, adm42, pt100, pt200,
+#	  qvt101, tvi910, tvi921, tvi92B, tvi925, tvi950, tvi970, wy30-mc,
+#	  wy50-mc, wy100, wyse-vp, ampex232, regent100, viewpoint, vp90,
+#	  adds980, cit101, cit500, contel300, cs10, dm80, falco, falco-p, 
+#	  f1720a, go140, sb1, superbeeic, microb, ibm8512, kt7, ergo4000,
+#	  owl, uts30, dmterm, dt100, dt100, dt110, appleII, apple-videx,
+#	  lisa, trsII, atari, st52, pc-coherent, basis, m2-man, bg2.0, bg1.25,
+#	  dw3, ln03, ims-ansi, graphos, t16, zen30, xtalk, simterm, d800,
+#	  ifmr, v3220, wy100q, tandem653, ibmaed.
+#	* Added DWK terminal description.
+# 9.13.8 (Wed Jul 10 11:45:21 EDT 1996):
+#	* Many entries now have highlights inherited from adm+sgr.
+#	* xterm entry now corresponds to XFree86 3.1.2E, with color.
+#	* xtitle and xtitle-twm enable access to the X status line.
+#	* Added linux-1.3.6 color palette caps in conventional format.
+#	* Added adm1178 terminal.
+#	* Move fos and apollo terminals to obsolete category.
+#	* Aha! The BRL terminals file told us what the Iris extensions mean.
+#	* Added, from the BRL termcap file: rt6221, rt6221-w, northstar,
+#	  commodore, cdc721-esc, excel62, osexec.  Replaced from the BRL file:
+#	  cit500, adm11. 
+# 9.13.9 (Mon Jul 15 00:32:51 EDT 1996):
+#	* Added, from the BRL termcap file: cdc721, cdc721l, cdc752, cdc756,
+#	  aws, awsc, zentec8001, modgraph48, rca vp3301/vp3501, ex155.
+#	* Corrected, from BRL termcap file: vi50.
+#	* Better rxvt entry & corrected xterm entries from Thomas Dickey.
+# 9.13.10 (Mon Jul 15 12:20:13 EDT 1996):
+#	* Added from BRL: cit101e & variants, hmod1, vi200, ansi77, att5620-1,
+#	  att5620-s, att5620-s, dg210, aas1901, hz1520, hp9845, osborne
+#	  (old osborne moved to osborne-w), tvi970-vb, tvi970-2p, tvi925-hi,
+#	  tek4105brl, tek4106brl, tek4107brl,tek4109brl, hazel, aepro,
+#	  apple40p, apple80p, appleIIgs, apple2e, apple2e-p, apple-ae.
+#	* Paired-attribute fixes to various terminals.
+#	* Sun entry corrections from A. Lukyanov & Gert-Jan Vons.
+#	* xterm entry corrections from Thomas Dickey.
+# 9.13.11 (Tue Jul 30 16:42:58 EDT 1996):
+#	* Added t916 entry, translated from a termcap in SCO's support area.
+#	* New qnx entry from Michael Hunter.
+# 9.13.12 (Mon Aug  5 14:31:11 EDT 1996):
+#	* Added hpex2 from Ville Sulko.
+#	* Fixed a bug that ran the qnx and pcvtXX together.
+# 9.13.13 (Fri Aug  9 01:16:17 EDT 1996):
+#	* Added dtterm entry from Solaris CDE.
+# 9.13.14 (Tue Sep 10 15:31:56 EDT 1996):
+#	* corrected pairs#8 typo in dtterm entry.
+#	* added tvi9065.
+# 9.13.15 (Sun Sep 15 02:47:05 EDT 1996):
+#	* updated xterm entry to cover 3.1.2E's new features.  
+# 9.13.16 (Tue Sep 24 12:47:43 EDT 1996):
+#	* Added new minix entry
+#	* Removed aliases of the form ^[0-9]* for obsolete terminals.
+#	* Commented out linux-old, nobody's using pre-1.2 kernels now.
+# 9.13.17 (Fri Sep 27 13:25:38 EDT 1996):
+#	* Added Prism entries and kt7ix.
+#	* Caution notes about EWAN and tabset files.
+#	* Changed /usr/lib/tabset -> /usr/share/tabset.
+#	* Added acsc/rmacs/smacs to vt52.
+# 9.13.18 (Mon Oct 28 13:24:59 EST 1996):
+#	* Merged in Thomas Dickey's reorganization of the xterm entries;
+#	  added technical corrections to avoid warning messages.
+# 9.13.19 (Sat Nov 16 16:05:49 EST 1996):
+#	* Added rmso=\E[27m in Linux entry.
+#	* Added koi8-r support for Linux console.
+#	* Replace xterm entries with canonical ones from XFree86 3.2.
+# 9.13.20 (Sun Nov 17 23:02:51 EST 1996):
+#	* Added color_xterm from Jacob Mandelson
+# 9.13.21 (Mon Nov 18 12:43:42 EST 1996):
+#	* Back off the xterm entry to use r6 as a base.
+# 9.13.22 (Sat Nov 30 11:51:31 EST 1996):
+#	* Added dec-vt220 at Adrian Garside's request.
+# 9.13.23 (Fri Feb 21 16:36:06 EST 1997):
+#	* Replaced minitel-2 entry.
+#	* Added MGR, ansi-nt.
+#	* Minor corrections to xterm entries.
+#	* Replaced EWAN telnet entry.
+#	* Dropped the reorder script generator.  It was a fossil.
+# 9.13.24 (Sun Feb 23 20:55:23 EST 1997):
+#	* Thorsten Lockert added termcap `bs' to a lot of types, working from
+#	  the 4.4BSD Lite2 file.
+# 9.13.25 (Fri Jun 20 12:33:36 EDT 1997):
+#	* Added Datapoint 8242, pilot, ansi_psx, rbcomm, vt220js.
+#	* Updated iris-ansi; corrected vt102-w.
+#	* Switch base xterm entry to 3.3 level.
+# 9.13.26 (Mon Jun 30 22:45:45 EDT 1997)
+#	* Added basic4.
+#	* Removed rmir/smir from tv92B.
+# 10.2.0 (Sat Feb 28 12:47:36 EST 1998):
+#	* add hds200 description (Walter Skorski)
+#	* add beterm entry (Fred Fish)
+#	* add Thomas Dickey's xterm-xf86-v40, xterm-8bit, xterm-16color,
+#	  iris-color entries.
+#	* add emx entries.
+#	* Replaced unixpc entry with Benjamin Sittler's corrected version.
+#	* Replaced xterm/rxvt/emu/syscons entries with Thomas Dickey's
+#	  versions.
+#	* remove sgr string from qnx based on report by Xiaodan Tang
+#	* Added u8/u9, removed rmul/smul from sun-il.
+#	* 4.2 tic displays \0 rather than \200.
+#	* add linux-koi8r to replace linux-koi8 (which uses a corrupt acsc,
+#	  apparently based on cp-866).
+#	* Merged in Pavel Roskin's acsc for linux-koi8
+#	* Corrected some erroneous \\\s to \.
+#	* 4.2 ncurses has been changed to use setaf/setab, consistent w/SysV.
+#	* II -> ii in pcvtXX, screen, xterm.
+#	* Removed \n chars following ANSI escapes in sgr & friends.
+#	* Updated Wyse entries.
+#	* h19 corrections from Tim Pierce.
+#	* Noted that the dm2500 has both ich and smir.
+#	* added pccons for the Alpha under OSF/1.
+#	* Added Sony NEWS workstation entries and cit101e-rv.
+#	* Reverted `amiga'; to Kent Polk's version, as I'm told
+#	  the Verkuil entry messes up with Amiga Telnet.
+# 10.2.1 (Sun Mar  8 18:32:04 EST 1998):
+#	* Corrected attributions in 10.2.0 release notes.
+#	* Scanned the Shuford archive for new terminfos and information.
+#	* Removed sgr from qnx entry (Thomas Dickey).
+#	* Added entries for ICL and Kokusai Data Systems terminals.
+#	* Incorporated NCR terminfos from the Boundless Technology FTP site.
+#	* Incorporated att700 from the Boundless Technology FTP site.
+#	* Miscellaneous contact-address and Web-page updates.
+# 10.2.2 (Thu May  7 12:18:04 EDT 1998):
+#	* Moved Hewlett-Packard terminals to OLDER TERMINAL TYPES, except for
+#	  the 700s which go to WORKSTATION CONSOLES.
+#	* Major reorganization of ANSI/console/VT types.  Moved vt52 to the
+#	  obsolete section.
+#	* Daisy-wheel printers moved to UFO file.
+# 10.2.3 (Tue May 12 22:59:11 EDT 1998):
+#	* Commented out hds200 is2 to avoid overflowing terminfo length limit.
+#	* Restored OT capabilities to UFO file.
+#	* add nxterm and xterm-color terminfo description (request by Cristian
+#	  Gafton <gafton@redhat.com>).
+#	* Modify rxvt terminfo description to clear alternate screen before
+#	  switching back to normal screen, for compatibility with applications
+#	  which use xterm (reported by Manoj Kasichainula <manojk@io.com>).
+#	* Modify linux terminfo description to reset color palette (reported
+#	  by Telford Tendys <telford@eng.uts.edu.au>).
+# 10.2.4 (Thu Jul  2 18:13:26 EDT 1998):
+#	* Added minitel1 entries from Alexander Montaron.
+#	* Added qnxt2 from Federico Bianchi.
+# 10.2.5: (Mon Aug 24 07:32:34 EDT 1998):
+#	* Resolve NetBSD Problem Report #4583 by adding civis/cnorm to pcvtXX.
+#	* dtterm enacs correction from Alexander V. Lukyanov.
+#	* Added ncsa-telnet, resolving Debian bug report 25341.
+#	* Added Francesco Potorti's tuned Wyse 99 entries.
+# 10.2.6: (Mon Dec 21 00:49:43 EST 1998):
+#	* Home site has changed.
+# 10.2.7: (Wed Mar  3 15:53:04 EST 1999):
+#	* Documentation fixes, mainly from David J. Mackenzie.
+# 11.0.0: (Wed Mar  1 22:02:03 EST 2000)
+#	* BSD/OS console fixes from Jeffrey Honig at BSDI.
+#       ** TD's branch changes up to his 1999/10/23 version begin here 
+#	* Added arm100 terminfo entries from Dave Millen.
+#	* Added Data General entries from Hasufin.
+#	* NCSA telnet entry from Francesco Potorti as modified by TD.
+#	* Added teraterm, crt, ms-vt100, mach, mach-bold, linux-lat,
+#	  ofcons, wsvt25, wsvt25m, rcons, rcons-color, cygwin, amiga-8bit,
+#	  ibm3161-C, ibm3162.
+#	* Updated xterm entries, BSD/OS entries, AIX entries.
+#	* Updated linux, iris-ansi, screen, beterm entries.
+#	* Added full function keys for scoansi.
+#	* Typo fixes for icl6404, osborne, eterm. att6386
+#	* Corrected hp70092 acsc.
+#	* Added ibmpc from AIX 3.2.5; ibm-pc is no longer a synonym.
+#	* Added ibm5151 from AIX 3.2.5; ibmmono is no longer a synonym.
+#	* Added ibm5154 from AIX 3.2.5; ibmega is no longer a synonym.
+#	* Merged acsc, s0ds, s1ds, sgr0 into ibm5081 from AIX 3.2.5.
+#	* Merged kend, knp, kpp, mc4, mc5 into ibm3161 in from AIX 3.2.5.
+#	* Merged acsc into hft-c from AIX 3.2.5.
+#	* Updated ibm3151 from AIX 3.2.5.
+#	* Errors in TD's branch not accepted: ibm3101, ibm3151, ibm8514
+#	* Merged msgr,colors,pairs,setb,setf into ibm3164 from AIX 3.2.5.
+#	** TD's branch changes end here
+#	* Address updates from various contributors.
+#	* Historical info on basis console.
+#	* Ty Sarna's corrections to the amiga entry.
+#	* Add Kevin Turner's entry for the Wyse 85 in 8-bit mode.
+#	* Added 22 Bull-Questar terminal variants from AIX 4.1.5
+#	* Added OSF/1 console and lft from AIX 4.1.5.
+#	* Move vt2220 to vt220-old, vt220-8 to vt220, introduce vt220-8bit
+#	  from AIX 4.1.5.
+#	* swtp moved to UFO file (only 20 lines).
+#	* Added pcmw.
+# 11.0.1: (Thu Mar  2 10:49:21 EST 2000):
+#	* Disabled hpa, vpa, in rxvt.
+#	* Incorporated ansi components and generic-ansi.
+# The following sets edit modes for GNU EMACS.
+# Local Variables:
+# fill-prefix:"\t"
+# fill-column:75
+# comment-column:0
+# comment-start-skip:"^#+"
+# comment-start:"# "
+# compile-command:"tic -c termtypes.master"
+# End:
Index: radix-system/etc/termcap-Linux
--- radix-system/etc/termcap-Linux	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc/termcap-Linux	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+# [If you're looking for a big, full-featured termcap, use /etc/termcap-BSD instead ]
+# From: miquels@drinkel.ow.org (Miquel van Smoorenburg)
+# Okay guys, here is a shorter termcap that does have most
+# capabilities and is ncurses compatible.  If it works for you
+# I'd like to hear about it.
+# Some entries in termcap 2.0.7 are too long and your programs
+# may complain "tgetent: warning: termcap entry too long". Here is
+# a smaller termcap.  But it may not cover as many terminals as the one
+# in termcap 2.0.7.  You can install it as /etc/termcap.
+# termcap	Termcap entries for the VT family.
+#		All termcap entries have been freed of the 'ks' and
+#		'ke' entries, that put the keypad into applications
+#		mode. This is a generally misused entry, not ment
+#		for the vt100 "applications" mode. Now cursor and
+#		function keys will work in all programs.
+#		Also, there is a "generic" vt entry with common
+#		entries for all terminals, on which all other entries
+#		are built.
+# Version:	@(#) vt-termcap 1.37 12-Mar-1996 MvS
+# Generic VT entry.
+vg|vt-generic|Generic VT entries:\
+	:bs:mi:ms:pt:xn:xo:it#8:\
+	:RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E?7h:\
+	:bl=^G:cr=^M:ta=^I:\
+	:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:\
+	:le=^H:up=\E[A:do=\E[B:nd=\E[C:\
+	:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:DO=\E[%dB:\
+	:ho=\E[H:cl=\E[H\E[2J:ce=\E[K:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:sf=\ED:sr=\EM:\
+	:ct=\E[3g:st=\EH:\
+	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:sc=\E7:rc=\E8:\
+	:ei=\E[4l:ic=\E[@:IC=\E[%d@:al=\E[L:AL=\E[%dL:\
+	:dc=\E[P:DC=\E[%dP:dl=\E[M:DL=\E[%dM:\
+	:so=\E[7m:se=\E[m:us=\E[4m:ue=\E[m:\
+	:mb=\E[5m:mh=\E[2m:md=\E[1m:mr=\E[7m:me=\E[m:\
+	:sc=\E7:rc=\E8:kb=\177:\
+	:ku=\E[A:kd=\E[B:kr=\E[C:kl=\E[D:
+## Linux console. One should really set TERM=linux instead of TERM=console.
+#lx|linux|console|con80x25|LINUX System Console:\
+#	:co#80:li#25:am:\
+#	:is=\E[m\E[?1l\E>\E[10m:\
+#	:rs=\E[m\E[?1l\E>\E[10m:\
+#	:ch=\E[%i%dG:cv=\E[%i%dd:\
+#	:eA=\E)0:as=^N:ae=^O:ac=aaffggjjkkllmmnnooqqssttuuvvwwxx:\
+#	:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:\
+#	:se=\E[27m:ue=\E[24m:mh=\E[2m:\
+#	:ks=:ke=:\
+#	:kh=\E[1~:kH=\E[4~:kI=\E[2~:kD=\E[3~:kP=\E[5~:kN=\E[6~:\
+#	:k1=\E[[A:k2=\E[[B:k3=\E[[C:k4=\E[[D:k5=\E[[E:\
+#	:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:k0=\E[21~:\
+#	:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:\
+#	:tc=vt-generic:
+# Slackware 3.1 linux termcap entry (Sat Apr 27 23:03:58 CDT 1996):
+lx|linux|console|con80x25|LINUX System Console:\
+        :do=^J:co#80:li#25:cl=\E[H\E[J:sf=\ED:sb=\EM:\
+        :le=^H:bs:am:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:nd=\E[C:up=\E[A:\
+        :ce=\E[K:cd=\E[J:so=\E[7m:se=\E[27m:us=\E[36m:ue=\E[m:\
+        :md=\E[1m:mr=\E[7m:mb=\E[5m:me=\E[m:is=\E[1;25r\E[25;1H:\
+        :ll=\E[1;25r\E[25;1H:al=\E[L:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:\
+        :it#8:ku=\E[A:kd=\E[B:kr=\E[C:kl=\E[D:kb=^H:ti=\E[r\E[H:\
+        :ho=\E[H:kP=\E[5~:kN=\E[6~:kH=\E[4~:kh=\E[1~:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:\
+        :k1=\E[[A:k2=\E[[B:k3=\E[[C:k4=\E[[D:k5=\E[[E:k6=\E[17~:\
+        :k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:k0=\E[21~:K1=\E[1~:K2=\E[5~:\
+        :K4=\E[4~:K5=\E[6~:\
+        :pt:sr=\EM:vt#3:xn:km:bl=^G:vi=\E[?25l:ve=\E[?25h:vs=\E[?25h:\
+        :sc=\E7:rc=\E8:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\
+        :r1=\Ec:r2=\Ec:r3=\Ec:
+# Some other, commonly used linux console entries.
+# vt102 - vt100 + insert line etc. VT102 does not have insert character.
+v2|vt102|DEC vt102 compatible:\
+	:co#80:li#24:\
+	:ic@:IC@:\
+	:is=\E[m\E[?1l\E>:\
+	:rs=\E[m\E[?1l\E>:\
+	:eA=\E)0:as=^N:ae=^O:ac=aaffggjjkkllmmnnooqqssttuuvvwwxx:\
+	:ks=:ke=:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:\
+	:tc=vt-generic:
+# vt100 - really vt102 without insert line, insert char etc.
+vt|vt100|DEC vt100 compatible:\
+	:im@:mi@:al@:dl@:ic@:dc@:AL@:DL@:IC@:DC@:\
+	:tc=vt102:
+# Standard vt320 (based on my own digital vt320)
+v3|vt320|DEC vt320:\
+	:co#80:li#24:hs:es:\
+	:is=\E[m\E[2$~\E[?1l\E>:\
+	:rs=\E[m\E[?1l\E>:\
+	:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:\
+	:se=\E[27m:ue=\E[24m:mh=\E[2m:\
+	:eA=\E)0:as=^N:ae=^O:ac=aaffggjjkkllmmnnooqqssttuuvvwwxx:\
+	:ts=\E[1$}\E[1;%i%dH:fs=\E[0$}:ds=\E[1$}\r\E[m\E[K\E[0$}:\
+	:ks=:ke=:\
+	:kI=\E[2~:kD=\E[3~:kP=\E[5~:kN=\E[6~:\
+	:@4=\E[29~:@0=\E[1~:*6=\E[4~:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\E[16~\
+	:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:k0=\E[21~:\
+	:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:F3=\E[25~:F4=\E[26~:F5=\E[28~:\
+	:F6=\E[29~:F7=\E[31~:F8=\E[32~:\
+	:tc=vt-generic:
+v8|vt320-8|DEC vt320 in 8-bit mode:\
+	:kI=\2332~:kD=\2333~:kP=\2335~:kN=\2336~:\
+	:@4=\23329~:@0=\2331~:*6=\2334~:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\23316~\
+	:k6=\23317~:k7=\23318~:k8=\23319~:k9=\23320~:k0=\23321~:\
+	:F1=\23323~:F2=\23324~:F3=\23325~:F4=\23326~:F5=\23328~:\
+	:F6=\23329~:F7=\23331~:F8=\23332~:\
+	:ku=\233A:kd=\233B:kr=\233C:kl=\233D:\
+	:tc=vt320:
+# Entry for minicom so it uses the PC (IBM) character set.
+# If this doesn't work for kernels between 1.1.18 and 1.1.80,
+# change \E(U -> \E[11m  (enter ANSI mode)
+# and    \E(B -> \E[10m  (leave ANSI mode)
+mc|minicom|ansi-mc|termcap entry for minicom on the console:\
+	:is=\E[m\E>\E(U:\
+	:rs=\E[m\E>\E(B:\
+	:as@:ae@:eA@:ac@:\
+	:bl=\E(B\007\E(U:\
+	:vb=\E(B\007\E(U:\
+	:tc=linux:
+# Entry for an xterm. Insert mode has been disabled.
+vs|xterm|xterm-color|vs100|xterm terminal emulator (X Window System):\
+	:am:bs:mi@:km:co#80:li#55:\
+	:im@:ei@:\
+	:ct=\E[3k:ue=\E[m:\
+	:is=\E[m\E[?1l\E>:\
+	:rs=\E[m\E[?1l\E>:\
+	:eA=\E)0:as=^N:ae=^O:ac=aaffggjjkkllmmnnooqqssttuuvvwwxx:\
+	:kI=\E[2~:kD=\177:kP=\E[5~:kN=\E[6~:\
+	:k1=\E[11~:k2=\E[12~:k3=\E[13~:k4=\E[14~:k5=\E[15~:\
+	:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:k0=\E[21~:\
+	:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:\
+	:kh=\E[H:kH=\EOw:\
+	:ks=:ke=:\
+	:te=\E[2J\E[?47l\E8:ti=\E7\E[?47h:\
+	:tc=vt-generic:
+# Some other entries for the same xterm.
+v2|xterms|vs100s|xterm small window:\
+	:co#80:li#24:tc=xterm:
+vb|xterm-bold|xterm with bold instead of underline:\
+	:us=\E[1m:tc=xterm:
+vi|xterm-ins|xterm with insert mode:\
+	:mi:im=\E[4h:ei=\E[4l:tc=xterm:
+Eterm|Eterm Terminal Emulator (X11 Window System):\
+        :am:bw:eo:km:mi:ms:xn:xo:\
+        :co#80:it#8:li#24:lm#0:pa#64:Co#8:AF=\E[3%dm:AB=\E[4%dm:op=\E[39m\E[49m:\
+        :AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:\
+        :K1=\E[7~:K2=\EOu:K3=\E[5~:K4=\E[8~:K5=\E[6~:LE=\E[%dD:\
+        :RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:\
+        :ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:\
+        :cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:\
+        :ec=\E[%dX:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:i1=\E[?47l\E>\E[?1l:ic=\E[@:\
+        :im=\E[4h:is=\E[r\E[m\E[2J\E[H\E[?7h\E[?1;3;4;6l\E[4l:\
+        :k1=\E[11~:k2=\E[12~:k3=\E[13~:k4=\E[14~:k5=\E[15~:\
+        :k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:kD=\E[3~:\
+        :kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:ke=:kh=\E[7~:\
+        :kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ks=:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:\
+        :me=\E[m\017:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:\
+        :sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:\
+        :te=\E[2J\E[?47l\E8:ti=\E7\E[?47h:ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:\
+        :us=\E[4m:vb=\E[?5h\E[?5l:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:\
+        :ac=``aaffggiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:
+# DOS terminal emulator such as Telix or TeleMate.
+# This probably also works for the SCO console, though it's incomplete.
+an|ansi|ansi-bbs|ANSI terminals (emulators):\
+	:co#80:li#24:am:\
+	:is=:rs=\Ec:kb=^H:\
+	:as=\E[m:ae=:eA=:\
+	:ac=0\333+\257,\256.\031-\030a\261f\370g\361j\331k\277l\332m\300n\305q\304t\264u\303v\301w\302x\263~\025:\
+	:kD=\177:kH=\E[Y:kN=\E[U:kP=\E[V:kh=\E[H:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\EOT:\
+	:k6=\EOU:k7=\EOV:k8=\EOW:k9=\EOX:k0=\EOY:\
+	:tc=vt-generic:
+# This seems to be an entry for other x86 based unices.
+at|at386-m|386AT-M|386at-m|at/386 console:\
+	:am:bw:eo:xt:co#80:li#25:\
+	:ae=\E[10m:as=\E[12m:\
+	:is=\E[0;10;38m:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\EOT:\
+	:k6=\EOU:k7=\EOV:k8=\EOW:k9=\EOX:\
+	:kh=\E[H:us=\E[4m:vb=^G:nl=\E[B:kb=^H:\
+	:tc=vt-generic:
+# Yeah - Minix still lives :)
+ma|minix|minix-am|minix-vcam|MINIX 1.5 Virtual Console:\
+	:am:bs:co#80:li#25:km:ms:\
+	:is=\E[0m\EPlinewrap.on\E\\:\
+	:rs=\Ec\EPlinewrap.on\E\\:\
+	:as=:ae=:eA=:\
+	:ac=0\333+\257,\256.\031-\030a\261f\370g\361j\331k\277l\332m\300n\305q\304t\264u\303v\301w\302x\263~\025:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\EOT:\
+	:k6=\EOU:k7=\EOV:k8=\EOW:k9=\EOX:k0=\EOY:\
+	:kD=\177:kH=\E[Y:kN=\E[U:kP=\E[V:kh=\E[H:kb=^H:\
+	:ve=\EPcursor.on\E\\:vi=\EPcursor.off\E\\:\
+	:tc=vt-generic:
+# Some obligatory historic entries.
+t7|37|tty37|model 37 teletype:\
+	:cr=^M:do=^J:nl=^J:bl=^G:le=^H:bs:hc:hu=\E8:hd=\E9:up=\E7:os:
+# Yes, there really are people that login from a Sun Console.
+mu|sun|Sun Microsystems Workstation console:\
+	:am:bs:km:mi:ms:pt:\
+	:li#34:co#80:cl=^L:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:nd=\E[C:up=\E[A:\
+	:ce=\E[K:cd=\E[J:so=\E[7m:se=\E[m:\
+	:kd=\E[B:kl=\E[D:ku=\E[A:kr=\E[C:kh=\E[H:\
+	:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:\
+	:al=\E[L:dl=\E[M:im=:ei=:ic=\E[@:dc=\E[P:\
+	:rs=\E[s:
Index: radix-system/etc
--- radix-system/etc	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/etc	(revision 5)

Property changes on: radix-system/etc
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: radix-system/modprobe/modprobe.omap5uevm
--- radix-system/modprobe/modprobe.omap5uevm	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/modprobe/modprobe.omap5uevm	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# PowerVR:
+/sbin/modprobe omapdrm_pvr
+# Wireless:
+/sbin/modprobe wl18xx > /dev/null
+/sbin/modprobe wlcore_spi
+/sbin/modprobe wlcore_sdio
+/sbin/modprobe arc4
+/sbin/modprobe cls_fw
+/sbin/modprobe cls_u32 > /dev/null
+/sbin/modprobe sch_gred
+/sbin/modprobe omap2430 > /dev/null
+/sbin/modprobe am35x
+/sbin/modprobe musb_dsps
+/sbin/modprobe bcm203x > /dev/null
+/sbin/modprobe omap-usb2
+/sbin/modprobe omap-usb3
+/sbin/modprobe dwc3
+/sbin/modprobe dwc3-exynos
+/sbin/modprobe palmas-usb
+/sbin/modprobe twl4030-usb
+/sbin/modprobe twl6030-usb
+/sbin/modprobe bpa10x > /dev/null
+/sbin/modprobe tsl2550 > /dev/null
+/sbin/modprobe lis3lv02d
+/sbin/modprobe lis3lv02d_i2c
+/sbin/modprobe ahci_platform
+/sbin/modprobe xhci-hcd > /dev/null
+/sbin/modprobe hci_uart > /dev/null
+/sbin/modprobe uvcvideo > /dev/null 2>&1
+# GSPCA USB Camera Driver:
+/sbin/modprobe gspca_main > /dev/null 2>&1
+# Multifunction Composite Gadget: (probably needs Open Firmware)
+/sbin/modprobe libcomposite
+/sbin/modprobe matrix_keypad
+# Temperature Sensor (probably needs Open Firmware for omap_i2c)
+/sbin/modprobe lm75
+/sbin/modprobe snd-usb-audio
+/sbin/modprobe snd-usbmidi-lib
+/sbin/modprobe snd-hwdep
+/sbin/modprobe snd-rawmidi
+/sbin/modprobe snd-mixer-oss
+/sbin/modprobe snd-pcm-oss
+/sbin/modprobe snd-soc-spdif-rx
+/sbin/modprobe snd-soc-spdif-tx
+/sbin/modprobe snd-soc-twl6040
+/sbin/modprobe snd-soc-dmic
+/sbin/modprobe snd-soc-twl4030
+/sbin/modprobe snd-soc-omap-abe-twl6040
+/sbin/modprobe snd-soc-omap-mcpdm
+/sbin/modprobe snd-soc-omap-dmic
+/sbin/modprobe snd-soc-omap-mcbsp
+/sbin/modprobe snd-soc-omap-mcasp
+/sbin/modprobe snd-soc-abe-hal
+/sbin/modprobe snd-soc-omap-twl4030
+/sbin/modprobe snd-soc-omap-abe
Index: radix-system/modprobe
--- radix-system/modprobe	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/modprobe	(revision 5)

Property changes on: radix-system/modprobe
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: radix-system/radix-system-pkg-description.in
--- radix-system/radix-system-pkg-description.in	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/radix-system-pkg-description.in	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# The "handy ruler" below makes it easier to edit a package description.  Line
+# up the first '|' above the ':' following the base package name, and the '|'
+# on the right side marks the last column you can put a character in.  You must
+# make exactly 11 lines for the formatting to be correct.  It's also
+# customary to leave one space after the ':'.
+            |-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------|
+radix-system: radix-system @VERSION@ (Radix System Scripts)
+radix-system: Radix System Init and daemons start/stop scripts.
Index: radix-system/radix-system-pkg-install.sh
--- radix-system/radix-system-pkg-install.sh	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/radix-system-pkg-install.sh	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+# Preserve new files
+install_file() {
+  NEW="$1"
+  OLD="`dirname $NEW`/`basename $NEW .new`"
+  # If there's no file by that name, mv it over:
+  if [ ! -r $OLD ]; then
+    mv $NEW $OLD
+  elif [ "`cat $OLD | md5sum`" = "`cat $NEW | md5sum`" ]; then # toss the redundant copy
+    rm $NEW
+  fi
+  # Otherwise, we leave the .new copy for the admin to consider...
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+pre_install() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+post_install() {
+  install_file etc/HOSTNAME.new
+  install_file etc/csh.login.new
+  install_file etc/filesystems.new
+  install_file etc/fstab.new
+  install_file etc/hosts.new
+  install_file etc/group.new
+  install_file etc/gshadow.new
+  install_file etc/inittab.new
+  install_file etc/inputrc.new
+  install_file etc/issue.new
+  install_file etc/issue.net.new
+  install_file etc/networks.new
+  install_file etc/nsswitch.conf.new
+  install_file etc/passwd.new
+  install_file etc/printcap.new
+  install_file etc/profile.new
+  install_file etc/securetty.new
+  install_file etc/services.new
+  install_file etc/shadow.new
+  install_file etc/shells.new
+  install_file etc/termcap.new
+  install_file etc/profile.d/lang.csh.new
+  install_file etc/profile.d/lang.sh.new
+  install_file etc/rc.d/rc.4.new
+  install_file etc/rc.d/rc.6.new
+  install_file etc/rc.d/rc.K.new
+  install_file etc/rc.d/rc.M.new
+  install_file etc/rc.d/rc.S.new
+  install_file etc/rc.d/rc.local.new
+  install_file etc/rc.d/rc.local_shutdown.new
+  install_file etc/rc.d/rc.loop.new
+  install_file etc/rc.d/rc.sysvinit.new
+  install_file etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.new
+  install_file etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf.new
+  install_file etc/rc.d/rc.inet2.new
+  install_file etc/rc.d/rc.wireless.new
+  install_file etc/rc.d/rc.wireless.conf.new
+  install_file root/.cpan/CPAN/MyConfig.pm.new
+  install_file root/.cpan/Config.pm.new
+  install_file root/bin/cpan-install.new
+  install_file root/bin/cpan-uninstall.new
+  install_file var/log/lastlog.new
+  install_file etc/ld.so.conf.new
+  # not fully finished stuff - depends on app/kbd, app/gpm, and kernel modules:
+  install_file etc/rc.d/rc.fbset.new
+  install_file etc/rc.d/rc.font.new
+  install_file etc/rc.d/rc.gpm.new
+  install_file etc/rc.d/rc.keymap.new
+  install_file etc/rc.d/rc.modules.new
+  install_file etc/rc.d/rc.modules.local.new
+  ( cd etc/rc.d ; rm -f rc.0 )
+  ( cd etc/rc.d ; ln -sf rc.6 rc.0 )
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+# arg 2:  the old package version
+pre_update() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+# arg 2:  the old package version
+post_update() {
+  post_install
+# arg 1:  the old package version
+pre_remove() {
+  ( cd etc/rc.d ; rm -f rc.0 )
+# arg 1:  the old package version
+post_remove() {
+  /bin/true
+$operation $*

Property changes on: radix-system/radix-system-pkg-install.sh
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: radix-system/root/.cpan/CPAN/MyConfig.pm
--- radix-system/root/.cpan/CPAN/MyConfig.pm	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/root/.cpan/CPAN/MyConfig.pm	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+$CPAN::Config = {
+  'allow_installing_module_downgrades' => q[ask/no],
+  'allow_installing_outdated_dists' => q[ask/no],
+  'applypatch' => q[],
+  'auto_commit' => q[0],
+  'build_cache' => q[100],
+  'build_dir' => q[/root/.cpan/build],
+  'build_dir_reuse' => q[0],
+  'build_requires_install_policy' => q[yes],
+  'bzip2' => q[/usr/bin/bzip2],
+  'cache_metadata' => q[1],
+  'check_sigs' => q[0],
+  'cleanup_after_install' => q[0],
+  'colorize_output' => q[0],
+  'commandnumber_in_prompt' => q[1],
+  'connect_to_internet_ok' => q[1],
+  'cpan_home' => q[/root/.cpan],
+  'ftp_passive' => q[1],
+  'ftp_proxy' => q[],
+  'getcwd' => q[cwd],
+  'gpg' => q[/usr/bin/gpg],
+  'gzip' => q[/usr/bin/gzip],
+  'halt_on_failure' => q[0],
+  'histfile' => q[/root/.cpan/histfile],
+  'histsize' => q[100],
+  'http_proxy' => q[],
+  'inactivity_timeout' => q[0],
+  'index_expire' => q[1],
+  'inhibit_startup_message' => q[0],
+  'keep_source_where' => q[/root/.cpan/sources],
+  'load_module_verbosity' => q[none],
+  'make' => q[/usr/bin/make],
+  'make_arg' => q[],
+  'make_install_arg' => q[UNINST=1 INSTALLDIRS=vendor],
+  'make_install_make_command' => q[/usr/bin/make],
+  'makepl_arg' => q[CCFLAGS='-I/usr/include -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-incompatible-pointer-types' INSTALLDIRS=vendor],
+  'mbuild_arg' => q[--extra_linker_flags -L/lib -L/usr/lib --installdirs vendor],
+  'mbuild_install_arg' => q[--uninst 1 --installdirs vendor],
+  'mbuild_install_build_command' => q[./Build],
+  'mbuildpl_arg' => q[--extra_linker_flags -L/lib -L/usr/lib --installdirs vendor],
+  'no_proxy' => q[],
+  'pager' => q[/usr/bin/less],
+  'patch' => q[/usr/bin/patch],
+  'perl5lib_verbosity' => q[none],
+  'prefer_external_tar' => q[1],
+  'prefer_installer' => q[MB],
+  'prefs_dir' => q[/root/.cpan/prefs],
+  'prerequisites_policy' => q[follow],
+  'pushy_https' => q[1],
+  'recommends_policy' => q[1],
+  'scan_cache' => q[atstart],
+  'shell' => q[/bin/bash],
+  'show_unparsable_versions' => q[0],
+  'show_upload_date' => q[0],
+  'show_zero_versions' => q[0],
+  'suggests_policy' => q[1],
+  'tar' => q[/usr/bin/tar],
+  'tar_verbosity' => q[none],
+  'term_is_latin' => q[1],
+  'term_ornaments' => q[1],
+  'test_report' => q[0],
+  'trust_test_report_history' => q[0],
+  'unzip' => q[/usr/bin/unzip],
+  'urllist' => [q[https://cpan.org/]],
+  'use_prompt_default' => q[0],
+  'use_sqlite' => q[0],
+  'version_timeout' => q[15],
+  'wget' => q[/usr/bin/wget],
+  'yaml_load_code' => q[0],
+  'yaml_module' => q[YAML],
Index: radix-system/root/.cpan/CPAN
--- radix-system/root/.cpan/CPAN	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/root/.cpan/CPAN	(revision 5)

Property changes on: radix-system/root/.cpan/CPAN
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: radix-system/root/.cpan/Config.pm
--- radix-system/root/.cpan/Config.pm	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/root/.cpan/Config.pm	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+$CPAN::Config = {
+  'allow_installing_module_downgrades' => q[ask/no],
+  'allow_installing_outdated_dists' => q[ask/no],
+  'cc' => q[/usr/bin/gcc],
+  'applypatch' => q[],
+  'auto_commit' => q[0],
+  'build_cache' => q[100],
+  'build_dir' => q[/root/.cpan/build],
+  'build_dir_reuse' => q[0],
+  'build_requires_install_policy' => q[yes],
+  'bzip2' => q[/usr/bin/bzip2],
+  'cache_metadata' => q[1],
+  'check_sigs' => q[0],
+  'cleanup_after_install' => q[1],
+  'colorize_output' => q[0],
+  'commandnumber_in_prompt' => q[1],
+  'connect_to_internet_ok' => q[1],
+  'cpan_home' => q[/root/.cpan],
+  'ftp_passive' => q[1],
+  'ftp_proxy' => q[],
+  'getcwd' => q[cwd],
+  'gpg' => q[/usr/bin/gpg],
+  'gzip' => q[/usr/bin/gzip],
+  'halt_on_failure' => q[0],
+  'histfile' => q[/root/.cpan/histfile],
+  'histsize' => q[100],
+  'http_proxy' => q[],
+  'inactivity_timeout' => q[0],
+  'index_expire' => q[1],
+  'inhibit_startup_message' => q[0],
+  'keep_source_where' => q[/root/.cpan/sources],
+  'load_module_verbosity' => q[none],
+  'make' => q[/usr/bin/make],
+  'make_arg' => q[],
+  'make_install_arg' => q[UNINST=1 INSTALLDIRS=vendor],
+  'make_install_make_command' => q[/usr/bin/make],
+  'makepl_arg' => q[CCFLAGS='-I/usr/include -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-incompatible-pointer-types' INSTALLDIRS=vendor],
+  'mbuild_arg' => q[--extra_linker_flags -L/lib -L/usr/lib --installdirs vendor],
+  'mbuild_install_arg' => q[--uninst 1 --installdirs vendor],
+  'mbuild_install_build_command' => q[./Build],
+  'mbuildpl_arg' => q[--extra_linker_flags -L/lib -L/usr/lib --installdirs vendor],
+  'no_proxy' => q[],
+  'pager' => q[/usr/bin/less],
+  'patch' => q[/usr/bin/patch],
+  'perl5lib_verbosity' => q[none],
+  'prefer_external_tar' => q[1],
+  'prefer_installer' => q[MB],
+  'prefs_dir' => q[/root/.cpan/prefs],
+  'prerequisites_policy' => q[follow],
+  'pushy_https' => q[1],
+  'recommends_policy' => q[1],
+  'scan_cache' => q[atstart],
+  'shell' => q[/bin/bash],
+  'show_unparsable_versions' => q[0],
+  'show_upload_date' => q[0],
+  'show_zero_versions' => q[0],
+  'suggests_policy' => q[1],
+  'tar' => q[/usr/bin/tar],
+  'tar_verbosity' => q[none],
+  'term_is_latin' => q[1],
+  'term_ornaments' => q[1],
+  'test_report' => q[0],
+  'trust_test_report_history' => q[0],
+  'unzip' => q[/usr/bin/unzip],
+  'urllist' => [q[https://cpan.org/]],
+  'use_prompt_default' => q[0],
+  'use_sqlite' => q[0],
+  'version_timeout' => q[15],
+  'wget' => q[/usr/bin/wget],
+  'yaml_load_code' => q[0],
+  'yaml_module' => q[YAML],
Index: radix-system/root/.cpan
--- radix-system/root/.cpan	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/root/.cpan	(revision 5)

Property changes on: radix-system/root/.cpan
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: radix-system/root/bin/cpan-install
--- radix-system/root/bin/cpan-install	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/root/bin/cpan-install	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+if [ -z "${module}" ] ; then
+  exit 0
+/usr/bin/cpan -T -j ${CPAN_CONFIG} install ${module}
Index: radix-system/root/bin/cpan-uninstall
--- radix-system/root/bin/cpan-uninstall	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/root/bin/cpan-uninstall	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+if [ -z "${module}" ] ; then
+  exit 0
+/usr/bin/cpan -T -j ${CPAN_CONFIG} uninstall ${module}
Index: radix-system/root/bin
--- radix-system/root/bin	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/root/bin	(revision 5)

Property changes on: radix-system/root/bin
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: radix-system/root
--- radix-system/root	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/root	(revision 5)

Property changes on: radix-system/root
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: radix-system/scripts/rc.meson64fb
--- radix-system/scripts/rc.meson64fb	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/scripts/rc.meson64fb	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+# rc.mesonfb - initial set up meson framebuffer
+# Parse command line arguments
+for arg in $(cat /proc/cmdline); do
+  case $arg in
+    hdmimode=*)
+      hdmimode="${arg#*=}"
+      ;;
+  esac
+/bin/echo $outputmode > /sys/class/display/mode
+# Enable framebuffer device
+/bin/echo 0 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/blank
+# Blank fb1 to prevent static noise
+/bin/echo 1 > /sys/class/graphics/fb1/blank
+# Disable framebuffer scaling
+/bin/echo 0 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/free_scale
+/bin/echo 0 > /sys/class/graphics/fb1/free_scale
+/bin/echo 1 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/freescale_mode
+case $outputmode in
+  480*)
+    /bin/echo 0 0 1279 719 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/free_scale_axis
+    /bin/echo 0 0 1279 719 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/window_axis
+    ;;
+  576*)
+    /bin/echo 0 0 1279 719 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/free_scale_axis
+    /bin/echo 0 0 1279 719 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/window_axis
+    ;;
+  720*)
+    /bin/echo 0 0 1279 719 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/free_scale_axis
+    /bin/echo 0 0 1279 719 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/window_axis
+    ;;
+  1080*)
+    /bin/echo 0 0 1919 1079 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/free_scale_axis
+    /bin/echo 0 0 1919 1079 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/window_axis
+    ;;
+  4k2k*)
+    /bin/echo 0 0 1919 1079 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/free_scale_axis
+    /bin/echo 0 0 1919 1079 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/window_axis
+    ;;
+  *)
+    # outputmode = 720p
+    /bin/echo 720p > /sys/class/display/mode
+    /bin/echo 0 0 1279 719 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/free_scale_axis
+    /bin/echo 0 0 1279 719 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/window_axis
+    ;;
+# Set framebuffer geometry to match the resolution
+case "$hdmimode" in
+  720*)
+    /usr/sbin/fbset -fb /dev/fb0 -a -g 1280 720 1280 1440 32
+    ;;
+  1080*)
+    /usr/sbin/fbset -fb /dev/fb0 -a -g 1920 1080 1920 3240 32
+    ;;
+/usr/sbin/fbset -fb /dev/fb1 -g 32 32 32 32 32
+# Include deinterlacer into default VFM map
+/bin/echo rm default > /sys/class/vfm/map
+/bin/echo add default decoder ppmgr deinterlace amvideo > /sys/class/vfm/map
+# If HDMI cable is connected during kernel start and the new
+# outputmode is equal to current hdmimode then the screen is
+# black.
+# To wake up the monitor, we must reset outputmode.
+# Only in this case, the driver will wake the display up.
+# Instead we will have to reconnect hdmi cable.
+outputmode=$(cat /sys/class/display/mode)
+hpdstate=$(cat /sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/hpd_state)
+if [ "$hpdstate" = "1" ]; then
+  # Blank fb0 to prevent static noise
+  /bin/echo 1 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/blank
+    case $outputmode in
+      720*)
+        /bin/echo 1080p60hz > /sys/class/display/mode
+        /bin/echo $outputmode > /sys/class/display/mode
+        ;;
+      1080*)
+        /bin/echo 720p60hz > /sys/class/display/mode
+        /bin/echo $outputmode > /sys/class/display/mode
+        ;;
+      *)
+        # probably nobody asks 480cvbs
+        /bin/echo 480cvbs > /sys/class/display/mode
+        /bin/echo $outputmode > /sys/class/display/mode
+        ;;
+    esac
+  # Enable framebuffer device
+  /bin/echo 0 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/blank
+# End of HDMI cable reconnect trick.
+echo 0x10001 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/free_scale
+echo 0 > /sys/class/graphics/fb1/free_scale
Index: radix-system/scripts/rc.meson8fb
--- radix-system/scripts/rc.meson8fb	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/scripts/rc.meson8fb	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+# rc.mesonfb - initial set up meson framebuffer
+# Parse command line arguments
+for arg in $(cat /proc/cmdline); do
+  case $arg in
+    hdmimode=*)
+      hdmimode="${arg#*=}"
+      ;;
+  esac
+/bin/echo $outputmode > /sys/class/display/mode
+# Enable framebuffer device
+/bin/echo 0 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/blank
+# Blank fb1 to prevent static noise
+/bin/echo 1 > /sys/class/graphics/fb1/blank
+# Disable framebuffer scaling
+/bin/echo 0 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/free_scale
+/bin/echo 0 > /sys/class/graphics/fb1/free_scale
+/bin/echo 1 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/freescale_mode
+case $outputmode in
+  480*)
+    /bin/echo 0 0 1279 719 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/free_scale_axis
+    /bin/echo 0 0 1279 719 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/window_axis
+    ;;
+  576*)
+    /bin/echo 0 0 1279 719 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/free_scale_axis
+    /bin/echo 0 0 1279 719 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/window_axis
+    ;;
+  720*)
+    /bin/echo 0 0 1279 719 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/free_scale_axis
+    /bin/echo 0 0 1279 719 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/window_axis
+    ;;
+  1080*)
+    /bin/echo 0 0 1919 1079 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/free_scale_axis
+    /bin/echo 0 0 1919 1079 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/window_axis
+    ;;
+  4k2k*)
+    /bin/echo 0 0 1919 1079 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/free_scale_axis
+    /bin/echo 0 0 1919 1079 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/window_axis
+    ;;
+  *)
+    # outputmode = 720p
+    /bin/echo 720p > /sys/class/display/mode
+    /bin/echo 0 0 1279 719 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/free_scale_axis
+    /bin/echo 0 0 1279 719 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/window_axis
+    ;;
+# Set framebuffer geometry to match the resolution
+case "$hdmimode" in
+  720*)
+    /usr/sbin/fbset -fb /dev/fb0 -a -g 1280 720 1280 1440 32
+    ;;
+  1080*)
+    /usr/sbin/fbset -fb /dev/fb0 -a -g 1920 1080 1920 3240 32
+    ;;
+/usr/sbin/fbset -fb /dev/fb1 -g 32 32 32 32 32
+# Include deinterlacer into default VFM map
+/bin/echo rm default > /sys/class/vfm/map
+/bin/echo add default decoder ppmgr deinterlace amvideo > /sys/class/vfm/map
+# If HDMI cable is connected during kernel start and the new
+# outputmode is equal to current hdmimode then the screen is
+# black.
+# To wake up the monitor, we must reset outputmode.
+# Only in this case, the driver will wake the display up.
+# Instead we will have to reconnect hdmi cable.
+outputmode=$(cat /sys/class/display/mode)
+hpdstate=$(cat /sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/hpd_state)
+if [ "$hpdstate" = "1" ]; then
+  # Blank fb0 to prevent static noise
+  /bin/echo 1 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/blank
+    case $outputmode in
+      720*)
+        /bin/echo 1080p > /sys/class/display/mode
+        /bin/echo $outputmode > /sys/class/display/mode
+        ;;
+      1080*)
+        /bin/echo 720p > /sys/class/display/mode
+        /bin/echo $outputmode > /sys/class/display/mode
+        ;;
+      *)
+        # probably nobody asks 480cvbs
+        /bin/echo 480cvbs > /sys/class/display/mode
+        /bin/echo $outputmode > /sys/class/display/mode
+        ;;
+    esac
+  # Enable framebuffer device
+  /bin/echo 0 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/blank
+# End of HDMI cable reconnect trick.
+echo 0x10001 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/free_scale
+echo 0 > /sys/class/graphics/fb1/free_scale
Index: radix-system/scripts/rc.odroidc2
--- radix-system/scripts/rc.odroidc2	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/scripts/rc.odroidc2	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+# rc.odroidc2 - initial set up ODROID C2 framebuffer
+for x in $(cat /proc/cmdline); do
+  case ${x} in
+    m_bpp=*) export bpp=${x#*=} ;;
+    hdmimode=*) export mode=${x#*=} ;;
+    modeline=*) export modeline=${x#*=} ;;
+  esac
+# if setenv nographics "1" in boot.ini then this needs to fail
+if [ ! -f $DISP_MODE ]; then
+  exit 0
+echo $mode > $DISP_MODE
+common_display_setup() {
+  M="0 0 $(($X - 1)) $(($Y - 1))"
+  Y_VIRT=$(($Y * 2))
+  fbset -fb /dev/fb0 -g $X $Y $X $Y_VIRT $bpp
+  echo $mode > /sys/class/display/mode
+  echo 0 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/free_scale
+  echo 1 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/freescale_mode
+  echo $M > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/free_scale_axis
+  echo $M > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/window_axis
+  echo 0 > /sys/class/graphics/fb1/free_scale
+  echo 1 > /sys/class/graphics/fb1/freescale_mode
+case $mode in
+  custombuilt*)
+    export X=`echo $modeline | cut -f1 -d","`
+    export Y=`echo $modeline | cut -f2 -d","`
+    ;;
+  480*) 
+    export X=720 
+    export Y=480 
+    ;;
+  576*)
+    export X=720
+    export Y=576
+    ;;
+  720p*)
+    export X=1280
+    export Y=720
+    ;;
+  1080*)
+    export X=1920
+    export Y=1080
+    ;;
+  2160p*)
+    export X=3840
+    export Y=2160
+    ;;
+  smpte24hz*)
+    export X=3840
+    export Y=2160
+    ;;
+  640x480p60hz*)
+    export X=640
+    export Y=480
+    ;;
+  800x480p60hz*)
+    export X=800
+    export Y=480
+    ;;
+  800x600p60hz*)
+    export X=800
+    export Y=600
+    ;;
+  1024x600p60hz*)
+    export X=1024
+    export Y=600
+    ;;
+  1024x768p60hz*)
+    export X=1024
+    export Y=768
+    ;;
+  1280x800p60hz*)
+    export X=1280
+    export Y=800
+    ;;
+  1280x1024p60hz*)
+    export X=1280
+    export Y=1024
+    ;;
+  1360x768p60hz*)
+    export X=1360
+    export Y=768
+    ;;
+  1440x900p60hz*)
+    export X=1440
+    export Y=900
+    ;;
+  1600x900p60hz*)
+    export X=1600
+    export Y=900
+    ;;
+  1680x1050p60hz*)
+    export X=1680
+    export Y=1050
+    ;;
+  1600x1200p60hz*)
+    export X=1600
+    export Y=1200
+    ;;
+  1920x1200p60hz*)
+    export X=1920
+    export Y=1200
+    ;;
+  2560x1080p60hz*)
+    export X=2560
+    export Y=1080
+    ;;
+  2560x1440p60hz*)
+    export X=2560
+    export Y=1440
+    ;;
+  2560x1600p60hz*)
+    export X=2560
+    export Y=1600
+    ;;
+  3440x1440p60hz*)
+    export X=3440
+    export Y=1440
+    ;;
+# Console unblack
+case $mode in
+  *cvbs*|480i*|576i*|1080i*)
+    echo 0 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/blank
+    echo 1 > /sys/class/graphics/fb1/blank
+    ;;
+  *)
+    echo 0 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/blank
+    echo 0 > /sys/class/graphics/fb1/blank
+    ;;
Index: radix-system/scripts
--- radix-system/scripts	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system/scripts	(revision 5)

Property changes on: radix-system/scripts
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: radix-system
--- radix-system	(nonexistent)
+++ radix-system	(revision 5)

Property changes on: radix-system
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: .
--- .	(nonexistent)
+++ .	(revision 5)

Property changes on: .
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies