Radix cross Linux

The main Radix cross Linux repository contains the build scripts of packages, which have the most complete and common functionality for desktop machines

383 Commits   1 Branch   1 Tag
Index: 2.36/Makefile
--- 2.36/Makefile	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.36/Makefile	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+NEED_ABS_PATH      = true
+COMPONENT_IS_3PP   = true
+include ../../../build-system/constants.mk
+SOURCE_REQUIRES   = sources/GNU/glibc/2.36
+SOURCE_REQUIRES  += sources/iana/tz
+REQUIRES          = dev/kernel-headers
+REQUIRES         += dev/gcc-runtime/12.2.0
+# ======= __END_OF_REQUIRES__ =======
+version           = 2.36
+tar_xz_archive    = $(SRC_PACKAGE_PATH)/GNU/glibc/$(version)/glibc-$(version).tar.xz
+tz_version            = 2022f
+tar_gz_code_archive   = $(SRC_PACKAGE_PATH)/iana/tz/tzcode$(tz_version).tar.gz
+tar_gz_data_archive   = $(SRC_PACKAGE_PATH)/iana/tz/tzdata$(tz_version).tar.gz
+exclude_list          = $(CURDIR)/tz-exclude.list
+SRC_ARCHIVE       = $(tar_xz_archive)
+SRC_DIR           = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/glibc-$(version)
+src_dir_name      = glibc-$(version)
+src_done          = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.source-done
+PATCHES           = PATCHES
+build_dir         = $(CURDIR)/$(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/build
+build_target      = $(CURDIR)/$(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.built
+install_target    = $(CURDIR)/$(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.installed
+build_glibc_pkg   = $(CURDIR)/$(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.glibc_pkg_done
+####### Targets
+PKG_GROUP = libs
+# *PKG_NAME & *PKG_VERSION shouldn't be a reference to value.
+GLIBC_PKG_NAME                = glibc
+GLIBC_PKG_VERSION             = 2.36
+GLIBC_PKG_ARCH                = $(PKGARCH)
+GLIBC_PKG_GROUP               = $(PKG_GROUP)
+###                            |---handy-ruler-------------------------------|
+GLIBC_PKG_URL                 = $(BUG_URL)
+GLIBC_PKG_LICENSE             = GPLv2
+pkg_archive      = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/$(PKG_GROUP)/$(pkg_basename).$(pkg_arch_suffix)
+pkg_certificate  = $(call cert-name,$(pkg_archive))
+pkg_signature    = $(call sign-name,$(pkg_archive))
+pkg_description  = $(call desc-name,$(pkg_archive))
+products         = $(call pkg-files,$(pkg_archive))
+BUILD_TARGETS    = $(build_target)
+BUILD_TARGETS   += $(install_target)
+BUILD_TARGETS   += $(build_glibc_pkg)
+PRODUCT_TARGETS  = $(products)
+ROOTFS_TARGETS   = $(pkg_archive)
+include ../../../build-system/core.mk
+env_sysroot = install_root=$(GLIBC_PKG)
+extra_configure_switches  += --libdir=/usr/lib$(LIBSUFFIX)
+extra_configure_switches  += --with-headers=$(TARGET_DEST_DIR)/usr/include
+extra_configure_switches  += --enable-kernel=2.6.36
+extra_configure_switches  += --enable-add-ons
+extra_configure_switches  += --enable-profile
+extra_configure_switches  += --enable-bind-now
+extra_configure_switches  += --without-gd
+extra_configure_switches  += --without-cvs
+extra_configure_switches  += libc_cv_slibdir=/lib$(LIBSUFFIX)
+extra_configure_switches  += libc_cv_rtlddir=/lib$(LIBSUFFIX)
+# Time Zone config:
+$(src_done): $(SRC_ARCHIVE) $(PATCHES_DEP)
+	@tar --exclude-from=$(exclude_list) -xzf $(tar_gz_code_archive) -C $(SRC_DIR)/timezone
+	@tar --exclude-from=$(exclude_list) -xzf $(tar_gz_data_archive) -C $(SRC_DIR)/timezone
+	@touch $@
+$(build_target): $(src_done)
+	@mkdir -p $(build_dir)
+	@echo "slibdir=/lib$(LIBSUFFIX)" >> $(build_dir)/configparms
+	@echo "rtlddir=/lib$(LIBSUFFIX)" >> $(build_dir)/configparms
+	@cd $(build_dir) && $(BUILD_ENVIRONMENT) $(env_sysroot) $(extra_environment) ../$(src_dir_name)/configure \
+	  --prefix=/usr                \
+	  --build=$(BUILD)             \
+	  --host=$(TARGET)             \
+	  $(extra_configure_switches)
+	@cd $(build_dir) && $(BUILD_ENVIRONMENT) $(MAKE)
+	@touch $@
+$(install_target): $(build_target)
+	@mkdir -p $(GLIBC_PKG)
+	@cd $(build_dir) && $(BUILD_ENVIRONMENT) $(MAKE) -j1 install $(env_sysroot)
+	# ======= fake LOCALES installation to allow implementation of iconv and intl into GLIBC =======
+	@cd $(build_dir) && $(BUILD_ENVIRONMENT) $(MAKE) -j1 SUPPORTED-LOCALES="" \
+	                                                     localedata/install-locales $(env_sysroot)
+	@touch $@
+$(build_glibc_pkg): $(install_target)
+	# ======= Install nscd.conf =======
+	@mkdir -p $(GLIBC_PKG)/etc
+	@cat $(SRC_DIR)/nscd/nscd.conf > $(GLIBC_PKG)/etc/nscd.conf.new
+	@mkdir -p $(GLIBC_PKG)/var/db/nscd
+	@mkdir -p $(GLIBC_PKG)/var/run/nscd
+	# ======= Install profile.d scripts =======
+	@mkdir -p $(GLIBC_PKG)/etc/profile.d
+	@cat $(CURDIR)/profile.d/glibc.csh > $(GLIBC_PKG)/etc/profile.d/glibc.csh.new
+	@cat $(CURDIR)/profile.d/glibc.sh  > $(GLIBC_PKG)/etc/profile.d/glibc.sh.new
+	@chmod 755 $(GLIBC_PKG)/etc/profile.d/*
+	# ======= create sln symlink in /bin =======
+	@mkdir -p $(GLIBC_PKG)/bin
+	@( cd $(GLIBC_PKG)/bin ; ln -sf ../sbin/sln sln )
+	# ======= Install Documentation =======
+	@rm -f $(GLIBC_PKG)/usr/share/info/dir
+	@gzip -9 $(GLIBC_PKG)/usr/share/info/*
+	@mkdir -p $(GLIBC_PKG)/usr/doc/glibc-$(version)
+	        $(GLIBC_PKG)/usr/doc/glibc-$(version)
+	@mkdir -p $(GLIBC_PKG)/usr/share/doc/glibc-$(version)/nscd
+	@( cd $(SRC_DIR) ; \
+	         $(GLIBC_PKG)/usr/share/doc/glibc-$(version) ; \
+	 )
+	@cp -a $(SRC_DIR)/nscd/nscd.init $(GLIBC_PKG)/usr/share/doc/glibc-$(version)/nscd
+	@( cd $(SRC_DIR) ; \
+	   if [ -r ChangeLog ]; then \
+	     DOCSDIR=`echo $(GLIBC_PKG)/usr/share/doc/glibc-$(version)` ; \
+	     cat ChangeLog | head -n 1000 > $$DOCSDIR/ChangeLog ; \
+	     touch -r ChangeLog $$DOCSDIR/ChangeLog ; \
+	   fi \
+	 )
+	# ======= Install the same to $(TARGET_DEST_DIR) =======
+	$(call install-into-devenv, $(GLIBC_PKG))
+	# ======= Remove BS path from target scripts =======
+	@sed -i 's,$(BUILDSYSTEM),,g' $(GLIBC_PKG)/usr/bin/mtrace
+	# ======= Strip binaries =======
+	@( cd $(GLIBC_PKG) ; \
+	   find . | xargs file | grep "executable" | grep ELF | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs $(STRIP) --strip-debug 2> /dev/null ; \
+	   find . | xargs file | grep "shared object" | grep ELF | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs $(STRIP) -g2 2> /dev/null ; \
+	   find . | xargs file | grep "current ar archive" | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs $(STRIP) -g 2> /dev/null ; \
+	   find . | xargs file | grep "relocatable" | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs $(STRIP) -g 2> /dev/null ; \
+	 )
+	@touch $@
+	@cat $< | $(SED) -e "s/@VERSION@/$(version)/g" > $@
+$(pkg_certificate) : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_signature)   : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_description) : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_archive): $(build_glibc_pkg) $(GLIBC_PKG_DESCRIPTION_FILE) $(GLIBC_PKG_INSTALL_SCRIPT)
+	@echo "pkgname=$(GLIBC_PKG_NAME)"                            >  $(GLIBC_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "pkgver=$(GLIBC_PKG_VERSION)"                          >> $(GLIBC_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "arch=$(GLIBC_PKG_ARCH)"                               >> $(GLIBC_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "distroname=$(GLIBC_PKG_DISTRO_NAME)"                  >> $(GLIBC_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "distrover=$(GLIBC_PKG_DISTRO_VERSION)"                >> $(GLIBC_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "group=$(GLIBC_PKG_GROUP)"                             >> $(GLIBC_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "short_description=\"$(GLIBC_PKG_SHORT_DESCRIPTION)\"" >> $(GLIBC_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "url=$(GLIBC_PKG_URL)"                                 >> $(GLIBC_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "license=$(GLIBC_PKG_LICENSE)"                         >> $(GLIBC_PKG)/.PKGINFO
+	@$(PSEUDO) sh -c "cd $(GLIBC_PKG) && \
+	                  chown -R root:root . && \
+	                  $(MAKE_PACKAGE) -J --linkadd=yes $(GNUPG_OPTIONS) -m -d .. ."
Index: 2.36/PATCHES
--- 2.36/PATCHES	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.36/PATCHES	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+../../../sources/GNU/glibc/2.36/patches/glibc-2.36-b3736d1a3c-2.36.1.patch   -p0
+../../../sources/GNU/glibc/2.36/patches/glibc-2.36-i18n.patch                -p0
+../../../sources/GNU/glibc/2.36/patches/glibc-2.36-malloc-hooks.patch        -p0
+../../../sources/GNU/glibc/2.36/patches/glibc-2.36-en_US-no-am-pm.patch      -p0
+../../../sources/GNU/glibc/2.36/patches/glibc-2.36-reenable-DT-HASH.patch    -p0
+../../../sources/GNU/glibc/2.36/patches/glibc-2.36-locale-no-archive.patch   -p0
+../../../sources/GNU/glibc/2.36/patches/glibc-2.36-zonefile.patch            -p0
+../../../sources/iana/tz/patches/glibc-2.36-tzcode-2022f.patch               -p0
+../../../sources/GNU/glibc/2.36/patches/glibc-2.36-ppc64-interpreter.patch   -p0
+../../../sources/GNU/glibc/2.36/patches/glibc-2.36-x86_64-interpreter.patch  -p0
Index: 2.36/glibc-pkg-description.in
--- 2.36/glibc-pkg-description.in	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.36/glibc-pkg-description.in	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# The "handy ruler" below makes it easier to edit a package description.  Line
+# up the first '|' above the ':' following the base package name, and the '|'
+# on the right side marks the last column you can put a character in.  You must
+# make exactly 11 lines for the formatting to be correct.  It's also
+# customary to leave one space after the ':'.
+     |-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------|
+glibc: glibc @VERSION@ (GNU C libraries)
+glibc: This package contains the GNU C libraries and header files.
+glibc: The GNU C library was written originally by Roland McGrath,
+glibc: and is currently maintained by Ulrich Drepper. Some parts of
+glibc: the library were contributed or worked on by other people.
Index: 2.36/glibc-pkg-install.sh
--- 2.36/glibc-pkg-install.sh	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.36/glibc-pkg-install.sh	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,2219 @@
+# Preserve new files
+install_file() {
+  NEW="$1"
+  OLD="`dirname $NEW`/`basename $NEW .new`"
+  # If there's no file by that name, mv it over:
+  if [ ! -r $OLD ]; then
+    mv $NEW $OLD
+  elif [ "`cat $OLD | md5sum`" = "`cat $NEW | md5sum`" ]; then # toss the redundant copy
+    rm $NEW
+  fi
+  # Otherwise, we leave the .new copy for the admin to consider...
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+pre_install() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+post_install() {
+  install_file etc/nscd.conf.new
+  install_file etc/profile.d/glibc.csh.new
+  install_file etc/profile.d/glibc.sh.new
+  # ======= Clearly you already decided this issue. :-) =======
+  rm -f etc/profile.d/glibc.csh.new
+  rm -f etc/profile.d/glibc.sh.new
+  #
+  # NOTE:
+  #   'install-info' can work using relative paths and we can make use build machine
+  #   utility during installation to the some partition and use target 'install-info'
+  #   during installation directly on the running target machine.
+  #
+  if [ -x /usr/bin/install-info ] ; then
+    install-info --info-dir=usr/share/info usr/share/info/libc.info.gz 2>/dev/null
+  elif ! grep "(libc)" usr/share/info/dir 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then
+  cat << __EOF__ >> usr/share/info/dir
+GNU C library functions and macros
+* __fbufsize: (libc)Controlling Buffering.
+* __flbf: (libc)Controlling Buffering.
+* __fpending: (libc)Controlling Buffering.
+* __fpurge: (libc)Flushing Buffers.
+* __freadable: (libc)Opening Streams.
+* __freading: (libc)Opening Streams.
+* __fsetlocking: (libc)Streams and Threads.
+* __fwritable: (libc)Opening Streams.
+* __fwriting: (libc)Opening Streams.
+* __gconv_end_fct: (libc)glibc iconv Implementation.
+* __gconv_fct: (libc)glibc iconv Implementation.
+* __gconv_init_fct: (libc)glibc iconv Implementation.
+* __ppc_get_timebase_freq: (libc)PowerPC.
+* __ppc_get_timebase: (libc)PowerPC.
+* __ppc_mdoio: (libc)PowerPC.
+* __ppc_mdoom: (libc)PowerPC.
+* __ppc_set_ppr_low: (libc)PowerPC.
+* __ppc_set_ppr_med_high: (libc)PowerPC.
+* __ppc_set_ppr_med_low: (libc)PowerPC.
+* __ppc_set_ppr_med: (libc)PowerPC.
+* __ppc_set_ppr_very_low: (libc)PowerPC.
+* __ppc_yield: (libc)PowerPC.
+* __riscv_flush_icache: (libc)RISC-V.
+* __va_copy: (libc)Argument Macros.
+* __x86_get_cpuid_feature_leaf: (libc)X86.
+* _Complex_I: (libc)Complex Numbers.
+* _dl_find_object: (libc)Dynamic Linker Introspection.
+* _exit: (libc)Termination Internals.
+* _Exit: (libc)Termination Internals.
+* _flushlbf: (libc)Flushing Buffers.
+* _Fork: (libc)Creating a Process.
+* _Imaginary_I: (libc)Complex Numbers.
+* _IOFBF: (libc)Controlling Buffering.
+* _IOLBF: (libc)Controlling Buffering.
+* _IONBF: (libc)Controlling Buffering.
+* _PATH_UTMP: (libc)Manipulating the Database.
+* _PATH_WTMP: (libc)Manipulating the Database.
+* _POSIX2_C_DEV: (libc)System Options.
+* _POSIX2_C_VERSION: (libc)Version Supported.
+* _POSIX2_FORT_DEV: (libc)System Options.
+* _POSIX2_FORT_RUN: (libc)System Options.
+* _POSIX2_LOCALEDEF: (libc)System Options.
+* _POSIX2_SW_DEV: (libc)System Options.
+* _POSIX_CHOWN_RESTRICTED: (libc)Options for Files.
+* _POSIX_JOB_CONTROL: (libc)System Options.
+* _POSIX_NO_TRUNC: (libc)Options for Files.
+* _POSIX_SAVED_IDS: (libc)System Options.
+* _POSIX_VDISABLE: (libc)Options for Files.
+* _POSIX_VERSION: (libc)Version Supported.
+* _tolower: (libc)Case Conversion.
+* _toupper: (libc)Case Conversion.
+* a64l: (libc)Encode Binary Data.
+* abort: (libc)Aborting a Program.
+* abs: (libc)Absolute Value.
+* accept: (libc)Accepting Connections.
+* access: (libc)Testing File Access.
+* acosfNx: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions.
+* acosfN: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions.
+* acosf: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions.
+* acoshfNx: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* acoshfN: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* acoshf: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* acoshl: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* acosh: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* acosl: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions.
+* acos: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions.
+* addmntent: (libc)mtab.
+* addseverity: (libc)Adding Severity Classes.
+* adjtimex: (libc)Setting and Adjusting the Time.
+* adjtime: (libc)Setting and Adjusting the Time.
+* aio_cancel: (libc)Cancel AIO Operations.
+* aio_cancel64: (libc)Cancel AIO Operations.
+* aio_error: (libc)Status of AIO Operations.
+* aio_error64: (libc)Status of AIO Operations.
+* aio_fsync: (libc)Synchronizing AIO Operations.
+* aio_fsync64: (libc)Synchronizing AIO Operations.
+* aio_init: (libc)Configuration of AIO.
+* aio_read: (libc)Asynchronous Reads/Writes.
+* aio_read64: (libc)Asynchronous Reads/Writes.
+* aio_return: (libc)Status of AIO Operations.
+* aio_return64: (libc)Status of AIO Operations.
+* aio_suspend: (libc)Synchronizing AIO Operations.
+* aio_suspend64: (libc)Synchronizing AIO Operations.
+* aio_write: (libc)Asynchronous Reads/Writes.
+* aio_write64: (libc)Asynchronous Reads/Writes.
+* alarm: (libc)Setting an Alarm.
+* aligned_alloc: (libc)Aligned Memory Blocks.
+* alloca: (libc)Variable Size Automatic.
+* alphasort: (libc)Scanning Directory Content.
+* alphasort64: (libc)Scanning Directory Content.
+* ALTWERASE: (libc)Local Modes.
+* arc4random_buf: (libc)High Quality Random.
+* arc4random_uniform: (libc)High Quality Random.
+* arc4random: (libc)High Quality Random.
+* ARG_MAX: (libc)General Limits.
+* ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN: (libc)Argp Parser Functions.
+* argp_error: (libc)Argp Helper Functions.
+* argp_failure: (libc)Argp Helper Functions.
+* argp_help: (libc)Argp Help.
+* argp_parse: (libc)Argp.
+* argp_state_help: (libc)Argp Helper Functions.
+* argp_usage: (libc)Argp Helper Functions.
+* argz_add_sep: (libc)Argz Functions.
+* argz_add: (libc)Argz Functions.
+* argz_append: (libc)Argz Functions.
+* argz_count: (libc)Argz Functions.
+* argz_create_sep: (libc)Argz Functions.
+* argz_create: (libc)Argz Functions.
+* argz_delete: (libc)Argz Functions.
+* argz_extract: (libc)Argz Functions.
+* argz_insert: (libc)Argz Functions.
+* argz_next: (libc)Argz Functions.
+* argz_replace: (libc)Argz Functions.
+* argz_stringify: (libc)Argz Functions.
+* asctime_r: (libc)Formatting Calendar Time.
+* asctime: (libc)Formatting Calendar Time.
+* asinfNx: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions.
+* asinfN: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions.
+* asinf: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions.
+* asinhfNx: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* asinhfN: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* asinhf: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* asinhl: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* asinh: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* asinl: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions.
+* asin: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions.
+* asprintf: (libc)Dynamic Output.
+* assert_perror: (libc)Consistency Checking.
+* assert: (libc)Consistency Checking.
+* atan2f: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions.
+* atan2: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions.
+* atanfNx: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions.
+* atanfN: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions.
+* atanf: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions.
+* atanhfNx: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* atanhfN: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* atanhf: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* atanhl: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* atanh: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* atanl: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions.
+* atan: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions.
+* atan2fNx: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions.
+* atan2fN: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions.
+* atan2l: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions.
+* atexit: (libc)Cleanups on Exit.
+* atof: (libc)Parsing of Floats.
+* atoi: (libc)Parsing of Integers.
+* atoll: (libc)Parsing of Integers.
+* atol: (libc)Parsing of Integers.
+* backtrace_symbols_fd: (libc)Backtraces.
+* backtrace_symbols: (libc)Backtraces.
+* backtrace: (libc)Backtraces.
+* basename: (libc)Finding Tokens in a String.
+* basename: (libc)Finding Tokens in a String.
+* BC_BASE_MAX: (libc)Utility Limits.
+* BC_DIM_MAX: (libc)Utility Limits.
+* BC_SCALE_MAX: (libc)Utility Limits.
+* BC_STRING_MAX: (libc)Utility Limits.
+* bcmp: (libc)String/Array Comparison.
+* bcopy: (libc)Copying Strings and Arrays.
+* bind_textdomain_codeset: (libc)Charset conversion in gettext.
+* bindtextdomain: (libc)Locating gettext catalog.
+* bind: (libc)Setting Address.
+* brk: (libc)Resizing the Data Segment.
+* BRKINT: (libc)Input Modes.
+* bsearch: (libc)Array Search Function.
+* btowc: (libc)Converting a Character.
+* BUFSIZ: (libc)Controlling Buffering.
+* bzero: (libc)Copying Strings and Arrays.
+* cabsfNx: (libc)Absolute Value.
+* cabsfN: (libc)Absolute Value.
+* cabsf: (libc)Absolute Value.
+* cabsl: (libc)Absolute Value.
+* cabs: (libc)Absolute Value.
+* cacosfNx: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions.
+* cacosfN: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions.
+* cacosf: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions.
+* cacoshfNx: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* cacoshfN: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* cacoshf: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* cacoshl: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* cacosh: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* cacosl: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions.
+* cacos: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions.
+* call_once: (libc)Call Once.
+* calloc: (libc)Allocating Cleared Space.
+* canonicalize_file_name: (libc)Symbolic Links.
+* canonicalizefNx: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* canonicalizefN: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* canonicalizef: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* canonicalizel: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* canonicalize: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* cargfNx: (libc)Operations on Complex.
+* cargfN: (libc)Operations on Complex.
+* cargf: (libc)Operations on Complex.
+* cargl: (libc)Operations on Complex.
+* carg: (libc)Operations on Complex.
+* casinfNx: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions.
+* casinfN: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions.
+* casinf: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions.
+* casinhfNx: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* casinhfN: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* casinhf: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* casinhl: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* casinh: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* casinl: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions.
+* casin: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions.
+* catanfNx: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions.
+* catanfN: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions.
+* catanf: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions.
+* catanhfNx: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* catanhfN: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* catanhf: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* catanhl: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* catanh: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* catanl: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions.
+* catan: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions.
+* catclose: (libc)The catgets Functions.
+* catgets: (libc)The catgets Functions.
+* catopen: (libc)The catgets Functions.
+* cbrtfNx: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* cbrtfN: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* cbrtf: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* cbrtl: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* cbrt: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* ccosfNx: (libc)Trig Functions.
+* ccosfN: (libc)Trig Functions.
+* ccosf: (libc)Trig Functions.
+* ccoshfNx: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* ccoshfN: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* ccoshf: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* ccoshl: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* ccosh: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* ccosl: (libc)Trig Functions.
+* ccos: (libc)Trig Functions.
+* CCTS_OFLOW: (libc)Control Modes.
+* ceilfNx: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* ceilfN: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* ceilf: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* ceill: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* ceil: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* cexpfNx: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* cexpfN: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* cexpf: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* cexpl: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* cexp: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* cfgetispeed: (libc)Line Speed.
+* cfgetospeed: (libc)Line Speed.
+* cfmakeraw: (libc)Noncanonical Input.
+* cfsetispeed: (libc)Line Speed.
+* cfsetospeed: (libc)Line Speed.
+* cfsetspeed: (libc)Line Speed.
+* CHAR_BIT: (libc)Width of Type.
+* chdir: (libc)Working Directory.
+* CHILD_MAX: (libc)General Limits.
+* chmod: (libc)Setting Permissions.
+* chown: (libc)File Owner.
+* CIGNORE: (libc)Control Modes.
+* cimagfNx: (libc)Operations on Complex.
+* cimagfN: (libc)Operations on Complex.
+* cimagf: (libc)Operations on Complex.
+* cimagl: (libc)Operations on Complex.
+* cimag: (libc)Operations on Complex.
+* clearenv: (libc)Environment Access.
+* clearerr_unlocked: (libc)Error Recovery.
+* clearerr: (libc)Error Recovery.
+* CLK_TCK: (libc)Processor Time.
+* CLOCAL: (libc)Control Modes.
+* clock_getres: (libc)Getting the Time.
+* clock_gettime: (libc)Getting the Time.
+* CLOCK_MONOTONIC: (libc)Getting the Time.
+* CLOCK_REALTIME: (libc)Getting the Time.
+* clock_settime: (libc)Setting and Adjusting the Time.
+* clock: (libc)CPU Time.
+* CLOCKS_PER_SEC: (libc)CPU Time.
+* clog10fNx: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* clog10fN: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* clog10f: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* clog10l: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* clog10: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* clogfNx: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* clogfN: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* clogf: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* clogl: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* clog: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* close_range: (libc)Opening and Closing Files.
+* closedir: (libc)Reading/Closing Directory.
+* closefrom: (libc)Opening and Closing Files.
+* closelog: (libc)closelog.
+* close: (libc)Opening and Closing Files.
+* cnd_broadcast: (libc)ISO C Condition Variables.
+* cnd_destroy: (libc)ISO C Condition Variables.
+* cnd_init: (libc)ISO C Condition Variables.
+* cnd_signal: (libc)ISO C Condition Variables.
+* cnd_timedwait: (libc)ISO C Condition Variables.
+* cnd_wait: (libc)ISO C Condition Variables.
+* COLL_WEIGHTS_MAX: (libc)Utility Limits.
+* confstr: (libc)String Parameters.
+* conjfNx: (libc)Operations on Complex.
+* conjfN: (libc)Operations on Complex.
+* conjf: (libc)Operations on Complex.
+* conjl: (libc)Operations on Complex.
+* conj: (libc)Operations on Complex.
+* connect: (libc)Connecting.
+* copy_file_range: (libc)Copying File Data.
+* copysignfNx: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* copysignfN: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* copysignf: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* copysignl: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* copysign: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* cosfNx: (libc)Trig Functions.
+* cosfN: (libc)Trig Functions.
+* cosf: (libc)Trig Functions.
+* coshfNx: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* coshfN: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* coshf: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* coshl: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* cosh: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* cosl: (libc)Trig Functions.
+* cos: (libc)Trig Functions.
+* cpowfNx: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* cpowfN: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* cpowf: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* cpowl: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* cpow: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* cprojfNx: (libc)Operations on Complex.
+* cprojfN: (libc)Operations on Complex.
+* cprojf: (libc)Operations on Complex.
+* cprojl: (libc)Operations on Complex.
+* cproj: (libc)Operations on Complex.
+* CPU_CLR: (libc)CPU Affinity.
+* CPU_ISSET: (libc)CPU Affinity.
+* CPU_SETSIZE: (libc)CPU Affinity.
+* CPU_SET: (libc)CPU Affinity.
+* CPU_ZERO: (libc)CPU Affinity.
+* CREAD: (libc)Control Modes.
+* crealfNx: (libc)Operations on Complex.
+* crealfN: (libc)Operations on Complex.
+* crealf: (libc)Operations on Complex.
+* creall: (libc)Operations on Complex.
+* creal: (libc)Operations on Complex.
+* creat: (libc)Opening and Closing Files.
+* creat64: (libc)Opening and Closing Files.
+* CRTS_IFLOW: (libc)Control Modes.
+* crypt_r: (libc)Passphrase Storage.
+* crypt: (libc)Passphrase Storage.
+* CS5: (libc)Control Modes.
+* CS6: (libc)Control Modes.
+* CS7: (libc)Control Modes.
+* CS8: (libc)Control Modes.
+* csinfNx: (libc)Trig Functions.
+* csinfN: (libc)Trig Functions.
+* csinf: (libc)Trig Functions.
+* csinhfNx: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* csinhfN: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* csinhf: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* csinhl: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* csinh: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* csinl: (libc)Trig Functions.
+* csin: (libc)Trig Functions.
+* CSIZE: (libc)Control Modes.
+* csqrtfNx: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* csqrtfN: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* csqrtf: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* csqrtl: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* csqrt: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* CSTOPB: (libc)Control Modes.
+* ctanfNx: (libc)Trig Functions.
+* ctanfN: (libc)Trig Functions.
+* ctanf: (libc)Trig Functions.
+* ctanhfNx: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* ctanhfN: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* ctanhf: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* ctanhl: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* ctanh: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* ctanl: (libc)Trig Functions.
+* ctan: (libc)Trig Functions.
+* ctermid: (libc)Identifying the Terminal.
+* ctime_r: (libc)Formatting Calendar Time.
+* ctime: (libc)Formatting Calendar Time.
+* cuserid: (libc)Who Logged In.
+* daddl: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* dcgettext: (libc)Translation with gettext.
+* dcngettext: (libc)Advanced gettext functions.
+* ddivl: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* dfmal: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* dgettext: (libc)Translation with gettext.
+* difftime: (libc)Calculating Elapsed Time.
+* dirfd: (libc)Opening a Directory.
+* dirname: (libc)Finding Tokens in a String.
+* div: (libc)Integer Division.
+* DLFO_EH_SEGMENT_TYPE: (libc)Dynamic Linker Introspection.
+* DLFO_STRUCT_HAS_EH_COUNT: (libc)Dynamic Linker Introspection.
+* DLFO_STRUCT_HAS_EH_DBASE: (libc)Dynamic Linker Introspection.
+* dlinfo: (libc)Dynamic Linker Introspection.
+* dmull: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* dngettext: (libc)Advanced gettext functions.
+* drand48_r: (libc)SVID Random.
+* drand48: (libc)SVID Random.
+* dremf: (libc)Remainder Functions.
+* dreml: (libc)Remainder Functions.
+* drem: (libc)Remainder Functions.
+* dsqrtl: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* dsubl: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* DTTOIF: (libc)Directory Entries.
+* dup: (libc)Duplicating Descriptors.
+* dup2: (libc)Duplicating Descriptors.
+* E2BIG: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EACCES: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EADDRINUSE: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EADDRNOTAVAIL: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EADV: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EAFNOSUPPORT: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EAGAIN: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EALREADY: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EAUTH: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EBACKGROUND: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EBADE: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EBADFD: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EBADF: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EBADMSG: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EBADRPC: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EBADRQC: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EBADR: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EBADSLT: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EBFONT: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EBUSY: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ECANCELED: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ECHILD: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ECHOCTL: (libc)Local Modes.
+* ECHOE: (libc)Local Modes.
+* ECHOKE: (libc)Local Modes.
+* ECHOK: (libc)Local Modes.
+* ECHONL: (libc)Local Modes.
+* ECHOPRT: (libc)Local Modes.
+* ECHO: (libc)Local Modes.
+* ECHRNG: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ECOMM: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ECONNABORTED: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ECONNREFUSED: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ECONNRESET: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ecvt_r: (libc)System V Number Conversion.
+* ecvt: (libc)System V Number Conversion.
+* EDEADLK: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EDEADLOCK: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EDESTADDRREQ: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EDIED: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EDOM: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EDOTDOT: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EDQUOT: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ED: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EEXIST: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EFAULT: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EFBIG: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EFTYPE: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EGRATUITOUS: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EGREGIOUS: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EHOSTDOWN: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EHOSTUNREACH: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EHWPOISON: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EIDRM: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EIEIO: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EILSEQ: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EINPROGRESS: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EINTR: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EINVAL: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EIO: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EISCONN: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EISDIR: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EISNAM: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EKEYEXPIRED: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EKEYREJECTED: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EKEYREVOKED: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EL2HLT: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EL2NSYNC: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EL3HLT: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EL3RST: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ELIBACC: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ELIBBAD: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ELIBEXEC: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ELIBMAX: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ELIBSCN: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ELNRNG: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ELOOP: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EMEDIUMTYPE: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EMFILE: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EMLINK: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EMSGSIZE: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EMULTIHOP: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ENAMETOOLONG: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ENAVAIL: (libc)Error Codes.
+* endfsent: (libc)fstab.
+* endgrent: (libc)Scanning All Groups.
+* endhostent: (libc)Host Names.
+* endmntent: (libc)mtab.
+* endnetent: (libc)Networks Database.
+* endnetgrent: (libc)Lookup Netgroup.
+* endprotoent: (libc)Protocols Database.
+* endpwent: (libc)Scanning All Users.
+* endservent: (libc)Services Database.
+* endutent: (libc)Manipulating the Database.
+* endutxent: (libc)XPG Functions.
+* ENEEDAUTH: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ENETDOWN: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ENETRESET: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ENETUNREACH: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ENFILE: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ENOANO: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ENOBUFS: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ENOCSI: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ENODATA: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ENODEV: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ENOENT: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ENOEXEC: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ENOKEY: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ENOLCK: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ENOLINK: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ENOMEDIUM: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ENOMEM: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ENOMSG: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ENONET: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ENOPKG: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ENOPROTOOPT: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ENOSPC: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ENOSR: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ENOSTR: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ENOSYS: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ENOTBLK: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ENOTCONN: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ENOTDIR: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ENOTEMPTY: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ENOTNAM: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ENOTRECOVERABLE: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ENOTSOCK: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ENOTSUP: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ENOTTY: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ENOTUNIQ: (libc)Error Codes.
+* envz_add: (libc)Envz Functions.
+* envz_entry: (libc)Envz Functions.
+* envz_get: (libc)Envz Functions.
+* envz_merge: (libc)Envz Functions.
+* envz_remove: (libc)Envz Functions.
+* envz_strip: (libc)Envz Functions.
+* ENXIO: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EOF: (libc)EOF and Errors.
+* EOPNOTSUPP: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EOVERFLOW: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EOWNERDEAD: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EPERM: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EPFNOSUPPORT: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EPIPE: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EPROCLIM: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EPROCUNAVAIL: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EPROGMISMATCH: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EPROGUNAVAIL: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EPROTONOSUPPORT: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EPROTOTYPE: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EPROTO: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EQUIV_CLASS_MAX: (libc)Utility Limits.
+* erand48_r: (libc)SVID Random.
+* erand48: (libc)SVID Random.
+* ERANGE: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EREMCHG: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EREMOTEIO: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EREMOTE: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ERESTART: (libc)Error Codes.
+* erfcfNx: (libc)Special Functions.
+* erfcfN: (libc)Special Functions.
+* erfcf: (libc)Special Functions.
+* erfcl: (libc)Special Functions.
+* erfc: (libc)Special Functions.
+* erffNx: (libc)Special Functions.
+* erffN: (libc)Special Functions.
+* erff: (libc)Special Functions.
+* ERFKILL: (libc)Error Codes.
+* erfl: (libc)Special Functions.
+* erf: (libc)Special Functions.
+* EROFS: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ERPCMISMATCH: (libc)Error Codes.
+* errno: (libc)Checking for Errors.
+* error_at_line: (libc)Error Messages.
+* error: (libc)Error Messages.
+* errx: (libc)Error Messages.
+* err: (libc)Error Messages.
+* ESHUTDOWN: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ESOCKTNOSUPPORT: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ESPIPE: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ESRCH: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ESRMNT: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ESTALE: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ESTRPIPE: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ETIMEDOUT: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ETIME: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ETOOMANYREFS: (libc)Error Codes.
+* ETXTBSY: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EUCLEAN: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EUNATCH: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EUSERS: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EWOULDBLOCK: (libc)Error Codes.
+* EXDEV: (libc)Error Codes.
+* execle: (libc)Executing a File.
+* execlp: (libc)Executing a File.
+* execl: (libc)Executing a File.
+* execve: (libc)Executing a File.
+* execvp: (libc)Executing a File.
+* execv: (libc)Executing a File.
+* EXFULL: (libc)Error Codes.
+* exit: (libc)Normal Termination.
+* EXIT_FAILURE: (libc)Exit Status.
+* EXIT_SUCCESS: (libc)Exit Status.
+* exp10fNx: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* exp10fN: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* exp10f: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* exp10l: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* exp10: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* exp2f: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* exp2: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* expfNx: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* expfN: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* expf: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* explicit_bzero: (libc)Erasing Sensitive Data.
+* expl: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* expm1fNx: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* expm1fN: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* expm1f: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* expm1l: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* expm1: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* exp: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* exp2fNx: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* exp2fN: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* exp2l: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* EXPR_NEST_MAX: (libc)Utility Limits.
+* F_DUPFD: (libc)Duplicating Descriptors.
+* F_GETFD: (libc)Descriptor Flags.
+* F_GETFL: (libc)Getting File Status Flags.
+* F_GETLK: (libc)File Locks.
+* F_GETOWN: (libc)Interrupt Input.
+* F_OFD_GETLK: (libc)Open File Description Locks.
+* F_OFD_SETLKW: (libc)Open File Description Locks.
+* F_OFD_SETLK: (libc)Open File Description Locks.
+* F_OK: (libc)Testing File Access.
+* F_SETFD: (libc)Descriptor Flags.
+* F_SETFL: (libc)Getting File Status Flags.
+* F_SETLKW: (libc)File Locks.
+* F_SETLK: (libc)File Locks.
+* F_SETOWN: (libc)Interrupt Input.
+* fabsfNx: (libc)Absolute Value.
+* fabsfN: (libc)Absolute Value.
+* fabsf: (libc)Absolute Value.
+* fabsl: (libc)Absolute Value.
+* fabs: (libc)Absolute Value.
+* faddl: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fadd: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fchdir: (libc)Working Directory.
+* fchmod: (libc)Setting Permissions.
+* fchown: (libc)File Owner.
+* fcloseall: (libc)Closing Streams.
+* fclose: (libc)Closing Streams.
+* fcntl: (libc)Control Operations.
+* fcvt_r: (libc)System V Number Conversion.
+* fcvt: (libc)System V Number Conversion.
+* FD_CLOEXEC: (libc)Descriptor Flags.
+* FD_CLR: (libc)Waiting for I/O.
+* FD_ISSET: (libc)Waiting for I/O.
+* FD_SETSIZE: (libc)Waiting for I/O.
+* FD_SET: (libc)Waiting for I/O.
+* FD_ZERO: (libc)Waiting for I/O.
+* fdatasync: (libc)Synchronizing I/O.
+* fdimfNx: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fdimfN: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fdimf: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fdiml: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fdim: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fdivl: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fdiv: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fdopendir: (libc)Opening a Directory.
+* fdopen: (libc)Descriptors and Streams.
+* FE_SNANS_ALWAYS_SIGNAL: (libc)Infinity and NaN.
+* feclearexcept: (libc)Status bit operations.
+* fedisableexcept: (libc)Control Functions.
+* feenableexcept: (libc)Control Functions.
+* fegetenv: (libc)Control Functions.
+* fegetexceptflag: (libc)Status bit operations.
+* fegetexcept: (libc)Control Functions.
+* fegetmode: (libc)Control Functions.
+* fegetround: (libc)Rounding.
+* feholdexcept: (libc)Control Functions.
+* feof_unlocked: (libc)EOF and Errors.
+* feof: (libc)EOF and Errors.
+* feraiseexcept: (libc)Status bit operations.
+* ferror_unlocked: (libc)EOF and Errors.
+* ferror: (libc)EOF and Errors.
+* fesetenv: (libc)Control Functions.
+* fesetexceptflag: (libc)Status bit operations.
+* fesetexcept: (libc)Status bit operations.
+* fesetmode: (libc)Control Functions.
+* fesetround: (libc)Rounding.
+* fetestexceptflag: (libc)Status bit operations.
+* fetestexcept: (libc)Status bit operations.
+* feupdateenv: (libc)Control Functions.
+* fexecve: (libc)Executing a File.
+* fflush_unlocked: (libc)Flushing Buffers.
+* fflush: (libc)Flushing Buffers.
+* ffmal: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* ffma: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fgetc_unlocked: (libc)Character Input.
+* fgetc: (libc)Character Input.
+* fgetgrent_r: (libc)Scanning All Groups.
+* fgetgrent: (libc)Scanning All Groups.
+* fgetpos: (libc)Portable Positioning.
+* fgetpos64: (libc)Portable Positioning.
+* fgetpwent_r: (libc)Scanning All Users.
+* fgetpwent: (libc)Scanning All Users.
+* fgets_unlocked: (libc)Line Input.
+* fgets: (libc)Line Input.
+* fgetwc_unlocked: (libc)Character Input.
+* fgetwc: (libc)Character Input.
+* fgetws_unlocked: (libc)Line Input.
+* fgetws: (libc)Line Input.
+* FILENAME_MAX: (libc)Limits for Files.
+* fileno_unlocked: (libc)Descriptors and Streams.
+* fileno: (libc)Descriptors and Streams.
+* finitef: (libc)Floating Point Classes.
+* finitel: (libc)Floating Point Classes.
+* finite: (libc)Floating Point Classes.
+* flockfile: (libc)Streams and Threads.
+* floorfNx: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* floorfN: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* floorf: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* floorl: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* floor: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* FLUSHO: (libc)Local Modes.
+* fMaddfNx: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fMaddfN: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fmafNx: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fmafN: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fmaf: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fmal: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fmaxfNx: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fmaxfN: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fmaxf: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fmaximum_mag_numfNx: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fmaximum_mag_numfN: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fmaximum_mag_numf: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fmaximum_mag_numl: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fmaximum_mag_num: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fmaximum_magfNx: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fmaximum_magfN: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fmaximum_magf: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fmaximum_magl: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fmaximum_mag: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fmaximum_numfNx: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fmaximum_numfN: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fmaximum_numf: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fmaximum_numl: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fmaximum_num: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fmaximumfNx: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fmaximumfN: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fmaximumf: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fmaximuml: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fmaximum: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fmaxl: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fmaxmagfNx: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fmaxmagfN: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fmaxmagf: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fmaxmagl: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fmaxmag: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fmax: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fma: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fMdivfNx: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fMdivfN: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fmemopen: (libc)String Streams.
+* fMfmafNx: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fMfmafN: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fminfNx: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fminfN: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fminf: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fminimum_mag_numfNx: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fminimum_mag_numfN: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fminimum_mag_numf: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fminimum_mag_numl: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fminimum_mag_num: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fminimum_magfNx: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fminimum_magfN: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fminimum_magf: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fminimum_magl: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fminimum_mag: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fminimum_numfNx: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fminimum_numfN: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fminimum_numf: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fminimum_numl: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fminimum_num: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fminimumfNx: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fminimumfN: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fminimumf: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fminimuml: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fminimum: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fminl: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fminmagfNx: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fminmagfN: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fminmagf: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fminmagl: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fminmag: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fmin: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fMmulfNx: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fMmulfN: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fmodfNx: (libc)Remainder Functions.
+* fmodfN: (libc)Remainder Functions.
+* fmodf: (libc)Remainder Functions.
+* fmodl: (libc)Remainder Functions.
+* fmod: (libc)Remainder Functions.
+* fMsqrtfNx: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fMsqrtfN: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fMsubfNx: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fMsubfN: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fmtmsg: (libc)Printing Formatted Messages.
+* fmull: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fmul: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fMxaddfNx: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fMxaddfN: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fMxdivfNx: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fMxdivfN: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fMxfmafNx: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fMxfmafN: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fMxmulfNx: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fMxmulfN: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fMxsqrtfNx: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fMxsqrtfN: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fMxsubfNx: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fMxsubfN: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fnmatch: (libc)Wildcard Matching.
+* FOPEN_MAX: (libc)Opening Streams.
+* fopencookie: (libc)Streams and Cookies.
+* fopen: (libc)Opening Streams.
+* fopen64: (libc)Opening Streams.
+* forkpty: (libc)Pseudo-Terminal Pairs.
+* fork: (libc)Creating a Process.
+* FP_ILOGB0: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* FP_ILOGBNAN: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* FP_LLOGB0: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* FP_LLOGBNAN: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* fpathconf: (libc)Pathconf.
+* fpclassify: (libc)Floating Point Classes.
+* fprintf: (libc)Formatted Output Functions.
+* fputc_unlocked: (libc)Simple Output.
+* fputc: (libc)Simple Output.
+* fputs_unlocked: (libc)Simple Output.
+* fputs: (libc)Simple Output.
+* fputwc_unlocked: (libc)Simple Output.
+* fputwc: (libc)Simple Output.
+* fputws_unlocked: (libc)Simple Output.
+* fputws: (libc)Simple Output.
+* fread_unlocked: (libc)Block Input/Output.
+* fread: (libc)Block Input/Output.
+* free: (libc)Freeing after Malloc.
+* freopen: (libc)Opening Streams.
+* freopen64: (libc)Opening Streams.
+* frexpfNx: (libc)Normalization Functions.
+* frexpfN: (libc)Normalization Functions.
+* frexpf: (libc)Normalization Functions.
+* frexpl: (libc)Normalization Functions.
+* frexp: (libc)Normalization Functions.
+* fromfpfNx: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* fromfpfN: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* fromfpf: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* fromfpl: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* fromfpxfNx: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* fromfpxfN: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* fromfpxf: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* fromfpxl: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* fromfpx: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* fromfp: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* fscanf: (libc)Formatted Input Functions.
+* fseeko: (libc)File Positioning.
+* fseeko64: (libc)File Positioning.
+* fseek: (libc)File Positioning.
+* fsetpos: (libc)Portable Positioning.
+* fsetpos64: (libc)Portable Positioning.
+* fsqrtl: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fsqrt: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fstat: (libc)Reading Attributes.
+* fstat64: (libc)Reading Attributes.
+* fsubl: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fsub: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic.
+* fsync: (libc)Synchronizing I/O.
+* ftello: (libc)File Positioning.
+* ftello64: (libc)File Positioning.
+* ftell: (libc)File Positioning.
+* ftruncate: (libc)File Size.
+* ftruncate64: (libc)File Size.
+* ftrylockfile: (libc)Streams and Threads.
+* ftw: (libc)Working with Directory Trees.
+* ftw64: (libc)Working with Directory Trees.
+* funlockfile: (libc)Streams and Threads.
+* futimes: (libc)File Times.
+* fwide: (libc)Streams and I18N.
+* fwprintf: (libc)Formatted Output Functions.
+* fwrite_unlocked: (libc)Block Input/Output.
+* fwrite: (libc)Block Input/Output.
+* fwscanf: (libc)Formatted Input Functions.
+* gammaf: (libc)Special Functions.
+* gammal: (libc)Special Functions.
+* gamma: (libc)Special Functions.
+* gcvt: (libc)System V Number Conversion.
+* get_avphys_pages: (libc)Query Memory Parameters.
+* get_current_dir_name: (libc)Working Directory.
+* get_nprocs_conf: (libc)Processor Resources.
+* get_nprocs: (libc)Processor Resources.
+* get_phys_pages: (libc)Query Memory Parameters.
+* getauxval: (libc)Auxiliary Vector.
+* getc_unlocked: (libc)Character Input.
+* getchar_unlocked: (libc)Character Input.
+* getchar: (libc)Character Input.
+* getcontext: (libc)System V contexts.
+* getcpu: (libc)CPU Affinity.
+* getcwd: (libc)Working Directory.
+* getc: (libc)Character Input.
+* getdate_r: (libc)General Time String Parsing.
+* getdate: (libc)General Time String Parsing.
+* getdelim: (libc)Line Input.
+* getdents64: (libc)Low-level Directory Access.
+* getdomainnname: (libc)Host Identification.
+* getegid: (libc)Reading Persona.
+* getentropy: (libc)Unpredictable Bytes.
+* getenv: (libc)Environment Access.
+* geteuid: (libc)Reading Persona.
+* getfsent: (libc)fstab.
+* getfsfile: (libc)fstab.
+* getfsspec: (libc)fstab.
+* getgid: (libc)Reading Persona.
+* getgrent_r: (libc)Scanning All Groups.
+* getgrent: (libc)Scanning All Groups.
+* getgrgid_r: (libc)Lookup Group.
+* getgrgid: (libc)Lookup Group.
+* getgrnam_r: (libc)Lookup Group.
+* getgrnam: (libc)Lookup Group.
+* getgrouplist: (libc)Setting Groups.
+* getgroups: (libc)Reading Persona.
+* gethostbyaddr_r: (libc)Host Names.
+* gethostbyaddr: (libc)Host Names.
+* gethostbyname2_r: (libc)Host Names.
+* gethostbyname2: (libc)Host Names.
+* gethostbyname_r: (libc)Host Names.
+* gethostbyname: (libc)Host Names.
+* gethostent: (libc)Host Names.
+* gethostid: (libc)Host Identification.
+* gethostname: (libc)Host Identification.
+* getitimer: (libc)Setting an Alarm.
+* getline: (libc)Line Input.
+* getloadavg: (libc)Processor Resources.
+* getlogin: (libc)Who Logged In.
+* getmntent_r: (libc)mtab.
+* getmntent: (libc)mtab.
+* getnetbyaddr: (libc)Networks Database.
+* getnetbyname: (libc)Networks Database.
+* getnetent: (libc)Networks Database.
+* getnetgrent_r: (libc)Lookup Netgroup.
+* getnetgrent: (libc)Lookup Netgroup.
+* getopt_long_only: (libc)Getopt Long Options.
+* getopt_long: (libc)Getopt Long Options.
+* getopt: (libc)Using Getopt.
+* getpagesize: (libc)Query Memory Parameters.
+* getpass: (libc)getpass.
+* getpayloadfNx: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* getpayloadfN: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* getpayloadf: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* getpayloadl: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* getpayload: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* getpeername: (libc)Who is Connected.
+* getpgid: (libc)Process Group Functions.
+* getpgrp: (libc)Process Group Functions.
+* getpid: (libc)Process Identification.
+* getppid: (libc)Process Identification.
+* getpriority: (libc)Traditional Scheduling Functions.
+* getprotobyname: (libc)Protocols Database.
+* getprotobynumber: (libc)Protocols Database.
+* getprotoent: (libc)Protocols Database.
+* getpt: (libc)Allocation.
+* getpwent_r: (libc)Scanning All Users.
+* getpwent: (libc)Scanning All Users.
+* getpwnam_r: (libc)Lookup User.
+* getpwnam: (libc)Lookup User.
+* getpwuid_r: (libc)Lookup User.
+* getpwuid: (libc)Lookup User.
+* getrandom: (libc)Unpredictable Bytes.
+* getrlimit: (libc)Limits on Resources.
+* getrlimit64: (libc)Limits on Resources.
+* getrusage: (libc)Resource Usage.
+* getservbyname: (libc)Services Database.
+* getservbyport: (libc)Services Database.
+* getservent: (libc)Services Database.
+* getsid: (libc)Process Group Functions.
+* getsockname: (libc)Reading Address.
+* getsockopt: (libc)Socket Option Functions.
+* getsubopt: (libc)Suboptions.
+* gets: (libc)Line Input.
+* gettext: (libc)Translation with gettext.
+* gettid: (libc)Process Identification.
+* gettimeofday: (libc)Getting the Time.
+* getuid: (libc)Reading Persona.
+* getumask: (libc)Setting Permissions.
+* getutent_r: (libc)Manipulating the Database.
+* getutent: (libc)Manipulating the Database.
+* getutid_r: (libc)Manipulating the Database.
+* getutid: (libc)Manipulating the Database.
+* getutline_r: (libc)Manipulating the Database.
+* getutline: (libc)Manipulating the Database.
+* getutmpx: (libc)XPG Functions.
+* getutmp: (libc)XPG Functions.
+* getutxent: (libc)XPG Functions.
+* getutxid: (libc)XPG Functions.
+* getutxline: (libc)XPG Functions.
+* getwc_unlocked: (libc)Character Input.
+* getwchar_unlocked: (libc)Character Input.
+* getwchar: (libc)Character Input.
+* getwc: (libc)Character Input.
+* getwd: (libc)Working Directory.
+* getw: (libc)Character Input.
+* globfree: (libc)More Flags for Globbing.
+* globfree64: (libc)More Flags for Globbing.
+* glob: (libc)Calling Glob.
+* glob64: (libc)Calling Glob.
+* gmtime_r: (libc)Broken-down Time.
+* gmtime: (libc)Broken-down Time.
+* grantpt: (libc)Allocation.
+* gsignal: (libc)Signaling Yourself.
+* gtty: (libc)BSD Terminal Modes.
+* hasmntopt: (libc)mtab.
+* hcreate_r: (libc)Hash Search Function.
+* hcreate: (libc)Hash Search Function.
+* hdestroy_r: (libc)Hash Search Function.
+* hdestroy: (libc)Hash Search Function.
+* hsearch_r: (libc)Hash Search Function.
+* hsearch: (libc)Hash Search Function.
+* htonl: (libc)Byte Order.
+* htons: (libc)Byte Order.
+* HUGE_VAL_FNx: (libc)Math Error Reporting.
+* HUGE_VAL_FN: (libc)Math Error Reporting.
+* HUGE_VALF: (libc)Math Error Reporting.
+* HUGE_VALL: (libc)Math Error Reporting.
+* HUGE_VAL: (libc)Math Error Reporting.
+* HUPCL: (libc)Control Modes.
+* hypotfNx: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* hypotfN: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* hypotf: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* hypotl: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* hypot: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* ICANON: (libc)Local Modes.
+* iconv_close: (libc)Generic Conversion Interface.
+* iconv_open: (libc)Generic Conversion Interface.
+* iconv: (libc)Generic Conversion Interface.
+* ICRNL: (libc)Input Modes.
+* IEXTEN: (libc)Local Modes.
+* if_freenameindex: (libc)Interface Naming.
+* if_indextoname: (libc)Interface Naming.
+* if_nameindex: (libc)Interface Naming.
+* if_nametoindex: (libc)Interface Naming.
+* IFNAMSIZ: (libc)Interface Naming.
+* IFTODT: (libc)Directory Entries.
+* IGNBRK: (libc)Input Modes.
+* IGNCR: (libc)Input Modes.
+* IGNPAR: (libc)Input Modes.
+* ilogbfNx: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* ilogbfN: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* ilogbf: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* ilogbl: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* ilogb: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* imaxabs: (libc)Absolute Value.
+* IMAXBEL: (libc)Input Modes.
+* imaxdiv: (libc)Integer Division.
+* in6addr_any: (libc)Host Address Data Type.
+* in6addr_loopback: (libc)Host Address Data Type.
+* INADDR_ANY: (libc)Host Address Data Type.
+* INADDR_BROADCAST: (libc)Host Address Data Type.
+* INADDR_LOOPBACK: (libc)Host Address Data Type.
+* INADDR_NONE: (libc)Host Address Data Type.
+* index: (libc)Search Functions.
+* inet_addr: (libc)Host Address Functions.
+* inet_aton: (libc)Host Address Functions.
+* inet_lnaof: (libc)Host Address Functions.
+* inet_makeaddr: (libc)Host Address Functions.
+* inet_netof: (libc)Host Address Functions.
+* inet_network: (libc)Host Address Functions.
+* inet_ntoa: (libc)Host Address Functions.
+* inet_ntop: (libc)Host Address Functions.
+* inet_pton: (libc)Host Address Functions.
+* INFINITY: (libc)Infinity and NaN.
+* initgroups: (libc)Setting Groups.
+* initstate_r: (libc)BSD Random.
+* initstate: (libc)BSD Random.
+* INLCR: (libc)Input Modes.
+* innetgr: (libc)Netgroup Membership.
+* INPCK: (libc)Input Modes.
+* ioctl: (libc)IOCTLs.
+* IPPORT_RESERVED: (libc)Ports.
+* isalnum: (libc)Classification of Characters.
+* isalpha: (libc)Classification of Characters.
+* isascii: (libc)Classification of Characters.
+* isatty: (libc)Is It a Terminal.
+* isblank: (libc)Classification of Characters.
+* iscanonical: (libc)Floating Point Classes.
+* iscntrl: (libc)Classification of Characters.
+* isdigit: (libc)Classification of Characters.
+* iseqsig: (libc)FP Comparison Functions.
+* isfinite: (libc)Floating Point Classes.
+* isgraph: (libc)Classification of Characters.
+* isgreaterequal: (libc)FP Comparison Functions.
+* isgreater: (libc)FP Comparison Functions.
+* ISIG: (libc)Local Modes.
+* isinff: (libc)Floating Point Classes.
+* isinfl: (libc)Floating Point Classes.
+* isinf: (libc)Floating Point Classes.
+* islessequal: (libc)FP Comparison Functions.
+* islessgreater: (libc)FP Comparison Functions.
+* isless: (libc)FP Comparison Functions.
+* islower: (libc)Classification of Characters.
+* isnanf: (libc)Floating Point Classes.
+* isnanl: (libc)Floating Point Classes.
+* isnan: (libc)Floating Point Classes.
+* isnan: (libc)Floating Point Classes.
+* isnormal: (libc)Floating Point Classes.
+* isprint: (libc)Classification of Characters.
+* ispunct: (libc)Classification of Characters.
+* issignaling: (libc)Floating Point Classes.
+* isspace: (libc)Classification of Characters.
+* issubnormal: (libc)Floating Point Classes.
+* ISTRIP: (libc)Input Modes.
+* isunordered: (libc)FP Comparison Functions.
+* isupper: (libc)Classification of Characters.
+* iswalnum: (libc)Classification of Wide Characters.
+* iswalpha: (libc)Classification of Wide Characters.
+* iswblank: (libc)Classification of Wide Characters.
+* iswcntrl: (libc)Classification of Wide Characters.
+* iswctype: (libc)Classification of Wide Characters.
+* iswdigit: (libc)Classification of Wide Characters.
+* iswgraph: (libc)Classification of Wide Characters.
+* iswlower: (libc)Classification of Wide Characters.
+* iswprint: (libc)Classification of Wide Characters.
+* iswpunct: (libc)Classification of Wide Characters.
+* iswspace: (libc)Classification of Wide Characters.
+* iswupper: (libc)Classification of Wide Characters.
+* iswxdigit: (libc)Classification of Wide Characters.
+* isxdigit: (libc)Classification of Characters.
+* iszero: (libc)Floating Point Classes.
+* IXANY: (libc)Input Modes.
+* IXOFF: (libc)Input Modes.
+* IXON: (libc)Input Modes.
+* I: (libc)Complex Numbers.
+* j0fNx: (libc)Special Functions.
+* j0fN: (libc)Special Functions.
+* j0f: (libc)Special Functions.
+* j0l: (libc)Special Functions.
+* j0: (libc)Special Functions.
+* j1fNx: (libc)Special Functions.
+* j1fN: (libc)Special Functions.
+* j1f: (libc)Special Functions.
+* j1l: (libc)Special Functions.
+* j1: (libc)Special Functions.
+* jnfNx: (libc)Special Functions.
+* jnfN: (libc)Special Functions.
+* jnf: (libc)Special Functions.
+* jnl: (libc)Special Functions.
+* jn: (libc)Special Functions.
+* jrand48_r: (libc)SVID Random.
+* jrand48: (libc)SVID Random.
+* killpg: (libc)Signaling Another Process.
+* kill: (libc)Signaling Another Process.
+* l64a: (libc)Encode Binary Data.
+* L_ctermid: (libc)Identifying the Terminal.
+* L_cuserid: (libc)Who Logged In.
+* L_tmpnam: (libc)Temporary Files.
+* labs: (libc)Absolute Value.
+* lcong48_r: (libc)SVID Random.
+* lcong48: (libc)SVID Random.
+* ldexpfNx: (libc)Normalization Functions.
+* ldexpfN: (libc)Normalization Functions.
+* ldexpf: (libc)Normalization Functions.
+* ldexpl: (libc)Normalization Functions.
+* ldexp: (libc)Normalization Functions.
+* ldiv: (libc)Integer Division.
+* lfind: (libc)Array Search Function.
+* lgamma_r: (libc)Special Functions.
+* lgammaf_r: (libc)Special Functions.
+* lgammafN_r: (libc)Special Functions.
+* lgammafNx_r: (libc)Special Functions.
+* lgammafNx: (libc)Special Functions.
+* lgammafN: (libc)Special Functions.
+* lgammaf: (libc)Special Functions.
+* lgammal_r: (libc)Special Functions.
+* lgammal: (libc)Special Functions.
+* lgamma: (libc)Special Functions.
+* LINE_MAX: (libc)Utility Limits.
+* LINK_MAX: (libc)Limits for Files.
+* linkat: (libc)Hard Links.
+* link: (libc)Hard Links.
+* lio_listio: (libc)Asynchronous Reads/Writes.
+* lio_listio64: (libc)Asynchronous Reads/Writes.
+* listen: (libc)Listening.
+* llabs: (libc)Absolute Value.
+* lldiv: (libc)Integer Division.
+* llogbfNx: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* llogbfN: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* llogbf: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* llogbl: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* llogb: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* llrintfNx: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* llrintfN: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* llrintf: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* llrintl: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* llrint: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* llroundfNx: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* llroundfN: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* llroundf: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* llroundl: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* llround: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* localeconv: (libc)The Lame Way to Locale Data.
+* localtime_r: (libc)Broken-down Time.
+* localtime: (libc)Broken-down Time.
+* log10fNx: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* log10fN: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* log10f: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* log10l: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* log10: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* log1pfNx: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* log1pfN: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* log1pf: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* log1pl: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* log1p: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* log2fN: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* log2f: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* log2: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* logbfNx: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* logbfN: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* logbf: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* logbl: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* logb: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* logfNx: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* logfN: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* logf: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* login_tty: (libc)Logging In and Out.
+* login: (libc)Logging In and Out.
+* logl: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* logout: (libc)Logging In and Out.
+* logwtmp: (libc)Logging In and Out.
+* log: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* log2fNx: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* log2l: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* longjmp: (libc)Non-Local Details.
+* lrand48_r: (libc)SVID Random.
+* lrand48: (libc)SVID Random.
+* lrintfNx: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* lrintfN: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* lrintf: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* lrintl: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* lrint: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* lroundfNx: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* lroundfN: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* lroundf: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* lroundl: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* lround: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* lsearch: (libc)Array Search Function.
+* lseek: (libc)File Position Primitive.
+* lseek64: (libc)File Position Primitive.
+* lstat: (libc)Reading Attributes.
+* lstat64: (libc)Reading Attributes.
+* lutimes: (libc)File Times.
+* madvise: (libc)Memory-mapped I/O.
+* makecontext: (libc)System V contexts.
+* mallinfo2: (libc)Statistics of Malloc.
+* malloc: (libc)Basic Allocation.
+* mallopt: (libc)Malloc Tunable Parameters.
+* MAX_CANON: (libc)Limits for Files.
+* MAX_INPUT: (libc)Limits for Files.
+* MAXNAMLEN: (libc)Limits for Files.
+* MAXSYMLINKS: (libc)Symbolic Links.
+* MB_CUR_MAX: (libc)Selecting the Conversion.
+* MB_LEN_MAX: (libc)Selecting the Conversion.
+* mblen: (libc)Non-reentrant Character Conversion.
+* mbrlen: (libc)Converting a Character.
+* mbrtowc: (libc)Converting a Character.
+* mbsinit: (libc)Keeping the state.
+* mbsnrtowcs: (libc)Converting Strings.
+* mbsrtowcs: (libc)Converting Strings.
+* mbstowcs: (libc)Non-reentrant String Conversion.
+* mbtowc: (libc)Non-reentrant Character Conversion.
+* mcheck: (libc)Heap Consistency Checking.
+* MDMBUF: (libc)Control Modes.
+* memalign: (libc)Aligned Memory Blocks.
+* memccpy: (libc)Copying Strings and Arrays.
+* memchr: (libc)Search Functions.
+* memcmp: (libc)String/Array Comparison.
+* memcpy: (libc)Copying Strings and Arrays.
+* memfd_create: (libc)Memory-mapped I/O.
+* memfrob: (libc)Obfuscating Data.
+* memmem: (libc)Search Functions.
+* memmove: (libc)Copying Strings and Arrays.
+* mempcpy: (libc)Copying Strings and Arrays.
+* memrchr: (libc)Search Functions.
+* memset: (libc)Copying Strings and Arrays.
+* mkdir: (libc)Creating Directories.
+* mkdtemp: (libc)Temporary Files.
+* mkfifo: (libc)FIFO Special Files.
+* mknod: (libc)Making Special Files.
+* mkstemp: (libc)Temporary Files.
+* mktemp: (libc)Temporary Files.
+* mktime: (libc)Broken-down Time.
+* mlockall: (libc)Page Lock Functions.
+* mlock: (libc)Page Lock Functions.
+* mlock2: (libc)Page Lock Functions.
+* mmap: (libc)Memory-mapped I/O.
+* mmap64: (libc)Memory-mapped I/O.
+* modffNx: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* modffN: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* modff: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* modfl: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* modf: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* mount: (libc)Mount-Unmount-Remount.
+* mprobe: (libc)Heap Consistency Checking.
+* mprotect: (libc)Memory Protection.
+* mrand48_r: (libc)SVID Random.
+* mrand48: (libc)SVID Random.
+* mremap: (libc)Memory-mapped I/O.
+* MSG_DONTROUTE: (libc)Socket Data Options.
+* MSG_OOB: (libc)Socket Data Options.
+* MSG_PEEK: (libc)Socket Data Options.
+* msync: (libc)Memory-mapped I/O.
+* mtrace: (libc)Tracing malloc.
+* mtx_destroy: (libc)ISO C Mutexes.
+* mtx_init: (libc)ISO C Mutexes.
+* mtx_lock: (libc)ISO C Mutexes.
+* mtx_timedlock: (libc)ISO C Mutexes.
+* mtx_trylock: (libc)ISO C Mutexes.
+* mtx_unlock: (libc)ISO C Mutexes.
+* munlockall: (libc)Page Lock Functions.
+* munlock: (libc)Page Lock Functions.
+* munmap: (libc)Memory-mapped I/O.
+* muntrace: (libc)Tracing malloc.
+* NAME_MAX: (libc)Limits for Files.
+* nanfNx: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* nanfN: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* nanf: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* nanl: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* nanosleep: (libc)Sleeping.
+* nan: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* NAN: (libc)Infinity and NaN.
+* NCCS: (libc)Mode Data Types.
+* nearbyintfNx: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* nearbyintfN: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* nearbyintf: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* nearbyintl: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* nearbyint: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* nextafterfNx: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* nextafterfN: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* nextafterf: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* nextafterl: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* nextafter: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* nextdownfNx: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* nextdownfN: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* nextdownf: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* nextdownl: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* nextdown: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* nexttowardf: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* nexttowardl: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* nexttoward: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* nextupfNx: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* nextupfN: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* nextupf: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* nextupl: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* nextup: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* nftw: (libc)Working with Directory Trees.
+* nftw64: (libc)Working with Directory Trees.
+* ngettext: (libc)Advanced gettext functions.
+* NGROUPS_MAX: (libc)General Limits.
+* nice: (libc)Traditional Scheduling Functions.
+* nl_langinfo: (libc)The Elegant and Fast Way.
+* NOFLSH: (libc)Local Modes.
+* NOKERNINFO: (libc)Local Modes.
+* nrand48_r: (libc)SVID Random.
+* nrand48: (libc)SVID Random.
+* NSIG: (libc)Standard Signals.
+* ntohl: (libc)Byte Order.
+* ntohs: (libc)Byte Order.
+* ntp_adjtime: (libc)Setting and Adjusting the Time.
+* ntp_gettime: (libc)Setting and Adjusting the Time.
+* NULL: (libc)Null Pointer Constant.
+* O_ACCMODE: (libc)Access Modes.
+* O_APPEND: (libc)Operating Modes.
+* O_ASYNC: (libc)Operating Modes.
+* O_CREAT: (libc)Open-time Flags.
+* O_DIRECTORY: (libc)Open-time Flags.
+* O_EXCL: (libc)Open-time Flags.
+* O_EXEC: (libc)Access Modes.
+* O_EXLOCK: (libc)Open-time Flags.
+* O_FSYNC: (libc)Operating Modes.
+* O_IGNORE_CTTY: (libc)Open-time Flags.
+* O_NDELAY: (libc)Operating Modes.
+* O_NOATIME: (libc)Operating Modes.
+* O_NOCTTY: (libc)Open-time Flags.
+* O_NOFOLLOW: (libc)Open-time Flags.
+* O_NOLINK: (libc)Open-time Flags.
+* O_NONBLOCK: (libc)Operating Modes.
+* O_NONBLOCK: (libc)Open-time Flags.
+* O_NOTRANS: (libc)Open-time Flags.
+* O_PATH: (libc)Access Modes.
+* O_RDONLY: (libc)Access Modes.
+* O_RDWR: (libc)Access Modes.
+* O_READ: (libc)Access Modes.
+* O_SHLOCK: (libc)Open-time Flags.
+* O_SYNC: (libc)Operating Modes.
+* O_TMPFILE: (libc)Open-time Flags.
+* O_TRUNC: (libc)Open-time Flags.
+* O_WRITE: (libc)Access Modes.
+* O_WRONLY: (libc)Access Modes.
+* obstack_1grow_fast: (libc)Extra Fast Growing.
+* obstack_1grow: (libc)Growing Objects.
+* obstack_alignment_mask: (libc)Obstacks Data Alignment.
+* obstack_alloc: (libc)Allocation in an Obstack.
+* obstack_base: (libc)Status of an Obstack.
+* obstack_blank_fast: (libc)Extra Fast Growing.
+* obstack_blank: (libc)Growing Objects.
+* obstack_chunk_size: (libc)Obstack Chunks.
+* obstack_copy: (libc)Allocation in an Obstack.
+* obstack_copy0: (libc)Allocation in an Obstack.
+* obstack_finish: (libc)Growing Objects.
+* obstack_free: (libc)Freeing Obstack Objects.
+* obstack_grow: (libc)Growing Objects.
+* obstack_grow0: (libc)Growing Objects.
+* obstack_init: (libc)Preparing for Obstacks.
+* obstack_int_grow_fast: (libc)Extra Fast Growing.
+* obstack_int_grow: (libc)Growing Objects.
+* obstack_next_free: (libc)Status of an Obstack.
+* obstack_object_size: (libc)Status of an Obstack.
+* obstack_object_size: (libc)Growing Objects.
+* obstack_printf: (libc)Dynamic Output.
+* obstack_ptr_grow_fast: (libc)Extra Fast Growing.
+* obstack_ptr_grow: (libc)Growing Objects.
+* obstack_room: (libc)Extra Fast Growing.
+* obstack_vprintf: (libc)Variable Arguments Output.
+* offsetof: (libc)Structure Measurement.
+* on_exit: (libc)Cleanups on Exit.
+* ONLCR: (libc)Output Modes.
+* ONOEOT: (libc)Output Modes.
+* open64: (libc)Opening and Closing Files.
+* OPEN_MAX: (libc)General Limits.
+* open_memstream: (libc)String Streams.
+* opendir: (libc)Opening a Directory.
+* openlog: (libc)openlog.
+* openpty: (libc)Pseudo-Terminal Pairs.
+* open: (libc)Opening and Closing Files.
+* OPOST: (libc)Output Modes.
+* OXTABS: (libc)Output Modes.
+* P_tmpdir: (libc)Temporary Files.
+* PA_FLAG_MASK: (libc)Parsing a Template String.
+* PARENB: (libc)Control Modes.
+* PARMRK: (libc)Input Modes.
+* PARODD: (libc)Control Modes.
+* parse_printf_format: (libc)Parsing a Template String.
+* PATH_MAX: (libc)Limits for Files.
+* pathconf: (libc)Pathconf.
+* pause: (libc)Using Pause.
+* pclose: (libc)Pipe to a Subprocess.
+* PENDIN: (libc)Local Modes.
+* perror: (libc)Error Messages.
+* PF_FILE: (libc)Local Namespace Details.
+* PF_INET: (libc)Internet Namespace.
+* PF_INET6: (libc)Internet Namespace.
+* PF_LOCAL: (libc)Local Namespace Details.
+* PF_UNIX: (libc)Local Namespace Details.
+* pipe: (libc)Creating a Pipe.
+* PIPE_BUF: (libc)Limits for Files.
+* pkey_alloc: (libc)Memory Protection.
+* pkey_free: (libc)Memory Protection.
+* pkey_get: (libc)Memory Protection.
+* pkey_mprotect: (libc)Memory Protection.
+* pkey_set: (libc)Memory Protection.
+* popen: (libc)Pipe to a Subprocess.
+* posix_fallocate: (libc)Storage Allocation.
+* posix_fallocate64: (libc)Storage Allocation.
+* posix_memalign: (libc)Aligned Memory Blocks.
+* powfNx: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* powfN: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* powf: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* powl: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* pow: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* preadv: (libc)Scatter-Gather.
+* preadv2: (libc)Scatter-Gather.
+* preadv64v2: (libc)Scatter-Gather.
+* preadv64: (libc)Scatter-Gather.
+* pread: (libc)I/O Primitives.
+* pread64: (libc)I/O Primitives.
+* printf_size_info: (libc)Predefined Printf Handlers.
+* printf_size: (libc)Predefined Printf Handlers.
+* printf: (libc)Formatted Output Functions.
+* psignal: (libc)Signal Messages.
+* pthread_attr_getsigmask_np: (libc)Initial Thread Signal Mask.
+* PTHREAD_ATTR_NO_SIGMASK_NP: (libc)Initial Thread Signal Mask.
+* pthread_attr_setsigmask_np: (libc)Initial Thread Signal Mask.
+* pthread_clockjoin_np: (libc)Waiting with Explicit Clocks.
+* pthread_cond_clockwait: (libc)Waiting with Explicit Clocks.
+* pthread_getattr_default_np: (libc)Default Thread Attributes.
+* pthread_getspecific: (libc)Thread-specific Data.
+* pthread_key_create: (libc)Thread-specific Data.
+* pthread_key_delete: (libc)Thread-specific Data.
+* pthread_rwlock_clockrdlock: (libc)Waiting with Explicit Clocks.
+* pthread_rwlock_clockwrlock: (libc)Waiting with Explicit Clocks.
+* pthread_setattr_default_np: (libc)Default Thread Attributes.
+* pthread_setspecific: (libc)Thread-specific Data.
+* pthread_timedjoin_np: (libc)Waiting with Explicit Clocks.
+* pthread_tryjoin_np: (libc)Waiting with Explicit Clocks.
+* ptsname_r: (libc)Allocation.
+* ptsname: (libc)Allocation.
+* putc_unlocked: (libc)Simple Output.
+* putchar_unlocked: (libc)Simple Output.
+* putchar: (libc)Simple Output.
+* putc: (libc)Simple Output.
+* putenv: (libc)Environment Access.
+* putpwent: (libc)Writing a User Entry.
+* puts: (libc)Simple Output.
+* pututline: (libc)Manipulating the Database.
+* pututxline: (libc)XPG Functions.
+* putwc_unlocked: (libc)Simple Output.
+* putwchar_unlocked: (libc)Simple Output.
+* putwchar: (libc)Simple Output.
+* putwc: (libc)Simple Output.
+* putw: (libc)Simple Output.
+* pwritev: (libc)Scatter-Gather.
+* pwritev2: (libc)Scatter-Gather.
+* pwritev64v2: (libc)Scatter-Gather.
+* pwritev64: (libc)Scatter-Gather.
+* pwrite: (libc)I/O Primitives.
+* pwrite64: (libc)I/O Primitives.
+* qecvt_r: (libc)System V Number Conversion.
+* qecvt: (libc)System V Number Conversion.
+* qfcvt_r: (libc)System V Number Conversion.
+* qfcvt: (libc)System V Number Conversion.
+* qgcvt: (libc)System V Number Conversion.
+* qsort: (libc)Array Sort Function.
+* R_OK: (libc)Testing File Access.
+* raise: (libc)Signaling Yourself.
+* RAND_MAX: (libc)ISO Random.
+* rand_r: (libc)ISO Random.
+* random_r: (libc)BSD Random.
+* random: (libc)BSD Random.
+* rand: (libc)ISO Random.
+* rawmemchr: (libc)Search Functions.
+* RE_DUP_MAX: (libc)General Limits.
+* readdir64_r: (libc)Reading/Closing Directory.
+* readdir64: (libc)Reading/Closing Directory.
+* readdir_r: (libc)Reading/Closing Directory.
+* readdir: (libc)Reading/Closing Directory.
+* readlink: (libc)Symbolic Links.
+* readv: (libc)Scatter-Gather.
+* read: (libc)I/O Primitives.
+* reallocarray: (libc)Changing Block Size.
+* realloc: (libc)Changing Block Size.
+* realpath: (libc)Symbolic Links.
+* recvfrom: (libc)Receiving Datagrams.
+* recvmsg: (libc)Receiving Datagrams.
+* recv: (libc)Receiving Data.
+* regcomp: (libc)POSIX Regexp Compilation.
+* regerror: (libc)Regexp Cleanup.
+* regexec: (libc)Matching POSIX Regexps.
+* regfree: (libc)Regexp Cleanup.
+* register_printf_function: (libc)Registering New Conversions.
+* remainderfNx: (libc)Remainder Functions.
+* remainderfN: (libc)Remainder Functions.
+* remainderf: (libc)Remainder Functions.
+* remainderl: (libc)Remainder Functions.
+* remainder: (libc)Remainder Functions.
+* remove: (libc)Deleting Files.
+* rename: (libc)Renaming Files.
+* rewinddir: (libc)Random Access Directory.
+* rewind: (libc)File Positioning.
+* rindex: (libc)Search Functions.
+* rintfNx: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* rintfN: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* rintf: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* rintl: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* rint: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* RLIM_INFINITY: (libc)Limits on Resources.
+* rmdir: (libc)Deleting Files.
+* roundevenfNx: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* roundevenfN: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* roundevenf: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* roundevenl: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* roundeven: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* roundfNx: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* roundfN: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* roundf: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* roundl: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* round: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* rpmatch: (libc)Yes-or-No Questions.
+* RSEQ_SIG: (libc)Restartable Sequences.
+* S_IFMT: (libc)Testing File Type.
+* S_ISBLK: (libc)Testing File Type.
+* S_ISCHR: (libc)Testing File Type.
+* S_ISDIR: (libc)Testing File Type.
+* S_ISFIFO: (libc)Testing File Type.
+* S_ISLNK: (libc)Testing File Type.
+* S_ISREG: (libc)Testing File Type.
+* S_ISSOCK: (libc)Testing File Type.
+* S_TYPEISMQ: (libc)Testing File Type.
+* S_TYPEISSEM: (libc)Testing File Type.
+* S_TYPEISSHM: (libc)Testing File Type.
+* SA_NOCLDSTOP: (libc)Flags for Sigaction.
+* SA_ONSTACK: (libc)Flags for Sigaction.
+* SA_RESTART: (libc)Flags for Sigaction.
+* sbrk: (libc)Resizing the Data Segment.
+* scalbf: (libc)Normalization Functions.
+* scalblnfNx: (libc)Normalization Functions.
+* scalblnfN: (libc)Normalization Functions.
+* scalblnf: (libc)Normalization Functions.
+* scalblnl: (libc)Normalization Functions.
+* scalbln: (libc)Normalization Functions.
+* scalbl: (libc)Normalization Functions.
+* scalbnfNx: (libc)Normalization Functions.
+* scalbnfN: (libc)Normalization Functions.
+* scalbnf: (libc)Normalization Functions.
+* scalbnl: (libc)Normalization Functions.
+* scalbn: (libc)Normalization Functions.
+* scalb: (libc)Normalization Functions.
+* scandir: (libc)Scanning Directory Content.
+* scandir64: (libc)Scanning Directory Content.
+* scanf: (libc)Formatted Input Functions.
+* sched_get_priority_max: (libc)Basic Scheduling Functions.
+* sched_get_priority_min: (libc)Basic Scheduling Functions.
+* sched_getaffinity: (libc)CPU Affinity.
+* sched_getparam: (libc)Basic Scheduling Functions.
+* sched_getscheduler: (libc)Basic Scheduling Functions.
+* sched_rr_get_interval: (libc)Basic Scheduling Functions.
+* sched_setaffinity: (libc)CPU Affinity.
+* sched_setparam: (libc)Basic Scheduling Functions.
+* sched_setscheduler: (libc)Basic Scheduling Functions.
+* sched_yield: (libc)Basic Scheduling Functions.
+* secure_getenv: (libc)Environment Access.
+* seed48_r: (libc)SVID Random.
+* seed48: (libc)SVID Random.
+* SEEK_CUR: (libc)File Positioning.
+* SEEK_END: (libc)File Positioning.
+* SEEK_SET: (libc)File Positioning.
+* seekdir: (libc)Random Access Directory.
+* select: (libc)Waiting for I/O.
+* sem_clockwait: (libc)Waiting with Explicit Clocks.
+* sem_close: (libc)Semaphores.
+* sem_destroy: (libc)Semaphores.
+* sem_getvalue: (libc)Semaphores.
+* sem_init: (libc)Semaphores.
+* sem_open: (libc)Semaphores.
+* sem_post: (libc)Semaphores.
+* sem_timedwait: (libc)Semaphores.
+* sem_trywait: (libc)Semaphores.
+* sem_unlink: (libc)Semaphores.
+* sem_wait: (libc)Semaphores.
+* semctl: (libc)Semaphores.
+* semget: (libc)Semaphores.
+* semop: (libc)Semaphores.
+* semtimedop: (libc)Semaphores.
+* sendmsg: (libc)Receiving Datagrams.
+* sendto: (libc)Sending Datagrams.
+* send: (libc)Sending Data.
+* setbuffer: (libc)Controlling Buffering.
+* setbuf: (libc)Controlling Buffering.
+* setcontext: (libc)System V contexts.
+* setdomainname: (libc)Host Identification.
+* setegid: (libc)Setting Groups.
+* setenv: (libc)Environment Access.
+* seteuid: (libc)Setting User ID.
+* setfsent: (libc)fstab.
+* setgid: (libc)Setting Groups.
+* setgrent: (libc)Scanning All Groups.
+* setgroups: (libc)Setting Groups.
+* sethostent: (libc)Host Names.
+* sethostid: (libc)Host Identification.
+* sethostname: (libc)Host Identification.
+* setitimer: (libc)Setting an Alarm.
+* setjmp: (libc)Non-Local Details.
+* setlinebuf: (libc)Controlling Buffering.
+* setlocale: (libc)Setting the Locale.
+* setlogmask: (libc)setlogmask.
+* setmntent: (libc)mtab.
+* setnetent: (libc)Networks Database.
+* setnetgrent: (libc)Lookup Netgroup.
+* setpayloadfNx: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* setpayloadfN: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* setpayloadf: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* setpayloadl: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* setpayloadsigfNx: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* setpayloadsigfN: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* setpayloadsigf: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* setpayloadsigl: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* setpayloadsig: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* setpayload: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* setpgid: (libc)Process Group Functions.
+* setpgrp: (libc)Process Group Functions.
+* setpriority: (libc)Traditional Scheduling Functions.
+* setprotoent: (libc)Protocols Database.
+* setpwent: (libc)Scanning All Users.
+* setregid: (libc)Setting Groups.
+* setreuid: (libc)Setting User ID.
+* setrlimit: (libc)Limits on Resources.
+* setrlimit64: (libc)Limits on Resources.
+* setservent: (libc)Services Database.
+* setsid: (libc)Process Group Functions.
+* setsockopt: (libc)Socket Option Functions.
+* setstate_r: (libc)BSD Random.
+* setstate: (libc)BSD Random.
+* settimeofday: (libc)Setting and Adjusting the Time.
+* setuid: (libc)Setting User ID.
+* setutent: (libc)Manipulating the Database.
+* setutxent: (libc)XPG Functions.
+* setvbuf: (libc)Controlling Buffering.
+* shm_open: (libc)Memory-mapped I/O.
+* shm_unlink: (libc)Memory-mapped I/O.
+* shutdown: (libc)Closing a Socket.
+* SIG_ERR: (libc)Basic Signal Handling.
+* sigabbrev_np: (libc)Signal Messages.
+* SIGABRT: (libc)Program Error Signals.
+* sigaction: (libc)Advanced Signal Handling.
+* sigaddset: (libc)Signal Sets.
+* SIGALRM: (libc)Alarm Signals.
+* sigaltstack: (libc)Signal Stack.
+* sigblock: (libc)BSD Signal Handling.
+* SIGBUS: (libc)Program Error Signals.
+* SIGCHLD: (libc)Job Control Signals.
+* SIGCLD: (libc)Job Control Signals.
+* SIGCONT: (libc)Job Control Signals.
+* sigdelset: (libc)Signal Sets.
+* sigdescr_np: (libc)Signal Messages.
+* sigemptyset: (libc)Signal Sets.
+* SIGEMT: (libc)Program Error Signals.
+* sigfillset: (libc)Signal Sets.
+* SIGFPE: (libc)Program Error Signals.
+* SIGHUP: (libc)Termination Signals.
+* SIGILL: (libc)Program Error Signals.
+* SIGINFO: (libc)Miscellaneous Signals.
+* siginterrupt: (libc)BSD Signal Handling.
+* SIGINT: (libc)Termination Signals.
+* SIGIOT: (libc)Program Error Signals.
+* SIGIO: (libc)Asynchronous I/O Signals.
+* sigismember: (libc)Signal Sets.
+* SIGKILL: (libc)Termination Signals.
+* siglongjmp: (libc)Non-Local Exits and Signals.
+* SIGLOST: (libc)Operation Error Signals.
+* sigmask: (libc)BSD Signal Handling.
+* signal: (libc)Basic Signal Handling.
+* signbit: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling.
+* significandf: (libc)Normalization Functions.
+* significandl: (libc)Normalization Functions.
+* significand: (libc)Normalization Functions.
+* sigpause: (libc)BSD Signal Handling.
+* sigpending: (libc)Checking for Pending Signals.
+* SIGPIPE: (libc)Operation Error Signals.
+* SIGPOLL: (libc)Asynchronous I/O Signals.
+* sigprocmask: (libc)Process Signal Mask.
+* SIGPROF: (libc)Alarm Signals.
+* SIGQUIT: (libc)Termination Signals.
+* SIGSEGV: (libc)Program Error Signals.
+* sigsetjmp: (libc)Non-Local Exits and Signals.
+* sigsetmask: (libc)BSD Signal Handling.
+* sigstack: (libc)Signal Stack.
+* SIGSTOP: (libc)Job Control Signals.
+* sigsuspend: (libc)Sigsuspend.
+* SIGSYS: (libc)Program Error Signals.
+* SIGTERM: (libc)Termination Signals.
+* SIGTRAP: (libc)Program Error Signals.
+* SIGTSTP: (libc)Job Control Signals.
+* SIGTTIN: (libc)Job Control Signals.
+* SIGTTOU: (libc)Job Control Signals.
+* SIGURG: (libc)Asynchronous I/O Signals.
+* SIGUSR1: (libc)Miscellaneous Signals.
+* SIGUSR2: (libc)Miscellaneous Signals.
+* SIGVTALRM: (libc)Alarm Signals.
+* SIGWINCH: (libc)Miscellaneous Signals.
+* SIGXCPU: (libc)Operation Error Signals.
+* SIGXFSZ: (libc)Operation Error Signals.
+* sincosfNx: (libc)Trig Functions.
+* sincosfN: (libc)Trig Functions.
+* sincosf: (libc)Trig Functions.
+* sincosl: (libc)Trig Functions.
+* sincos: (libc)Trig Functions.
+* sinfNx: (libc)Trig Functions.
+* sinfN: (libc)Trig Functions.
+* sinf: (libc)Trig Functions.
+* sinhfNx: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* sinhfN: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* sinhf: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* sinhl: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* sinh: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* sinl: (libc)Trig Functions.
+* sin: (libc)Trig Functions.
+* sleep: (libc)Sleeping.
+* SNANFNx: (libc)Infinity and NaN.
+* SNANFN: (libc)Infinity and NaN.
+* SNANF: (libc)Infinity and NaN.
+* SNANL: (libc)Infinity and NaN.
+* SNAN: (libc)Infinity and NaN.
+* snprintf: (libc)Formatted Output Functions.
+* SOCK_DGRAM: (libc)Communication Styles.
+* SOCK_RAW: (libc)Communication Styles.
+* SOCK_RDM: (libc)Communication Styles.
+* SOCK_SEQPACKET: (libc)Communication Styles.
+* SOCK_STREAM: (libc)Communication Styles.
+* socketpair: (libc)Socket Pairs.
+* socket: (libc)Creating a Socket.
+* SOL_SOCKET: (libc)Socket-Level Options.
+* sprintf: (libc)Formatted Output Functions.
+* sqrtfNx: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* sqrtfN: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* sqrtf: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* sqrtl: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* sqrt: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms.
+* srandom_r: (libc)BSD Random.
+* srandom: (libc)BSD Random.
+* srand: (libc)ISO Random.
+* srand48_r: (libc)SVID Random.
+* srand48: (libc)SVID Random.
+* sscanf: (libc)Formatted Input Functions.
+* ssignal: (libc)Basic Signal Handling.
+* SSIZE_MAX: (libc)General Limits.
+* stat: (libc)Reading Attributes.
+* stat64: (libc)Reading Attributes.
+* stime: (libc)Setting and Adjusting the Time.
+* stpcpy: (libc)Copying Strings and Arrays.
+* stpncpy: (libc)Truncating Strings.
+* strcasecmp: (libc)String/Array Comparison.
+* strcasestr: (libc)Search Functions.
+* strcat: (libc)Concatenating Strings.
+* strchrnul: (libc)Search Functions.
+* strchr: (libc)Search Functions.
+* strcmp: (libc)String/Array Comparison.
+* strcoll: (libc)Collation Functions.
+* strcpy: (libc)Copying Strings and Arrays.
+* strcspn: (libc)Search Functions.
+* strdupa: (libc)Copying Strings and Arrays.
+* strdup: (libc)Copying Strings and Arrays.
+* STREAM_MAX: (libc)General Limits.
+* strerror_r: (libc)Error Messages.
+* strerrordesc_np: (libc)Error Messages.
+* strerrorname_np: (libc)Error Messages.
+* strerror: (libc)Error Messages.
+* strfmon: (libc)Formatting Numbers.
+* strfromd: (libc)Printing of Floats.
+* strfromfNx: (libc)Printing of Floats.
+* strfromfN: (libc)Printing of Floats.
+* strfromf: (libc)Printing of Floats.
+* strfroml: (libc)Printing of Floats.
+* strfry: (libc)Shuffling Bytes.
+* strftime: (libc)Formatting Calendar Time.
+* strlen: (libc)String Length.
+* strncasecmp: (libc)String/Array Comparison.
+* strncat: (libc)Truncating Strings.
+* strncmp: (libc)String/Array Comparison.
+* strncpy: (libc)Truncating Strings.
+* strndupa: (libc)Truncating Strings.
+* strndup: (libc)Truncating Strings.
+* strnlen: (libc)String Length.
+* strpbrk: (libc)Search Functions.
+* strptime: (libc)Low-Level Time String Parsing.
+* strrchr: (libc)Search Functions.
+* strsep: (libc)Finding Tokens in a String.
+* strsignal: (libc)Signal Messages.
+* strspn: (libc)Search Functions.
+* strstr: (libc)Search Functions.
+* strtod: (libc)Parsing of Floats.
+* strtofNx: (libc)Parsing of Floats.
+* strtofN: (libc)Parsing of Floats.
+* strtof: (libc)Parsing of Floats.
+* strtoimax: (libc)Parsing of Integers.
+* strtok_r: (libc)Finding Tokens in a String.
+* strtok: (libc)Finding Tokens in a String.
+* strtold: (libc)Parsing of Floats.
+* strtoll: (libc)Parsing of Integers.
+* strtol: (libc)Parsing of Integers.
+* strtoq: (libc)Parsing of Integers.
+* strtoull: (libc)Parsing of Integers.
+* strtoul: (libc)Parsing of Integers.
+* strtoumax: (libc)Parsing of Integers.
+* strtouq: (libc)Parsing of Integers.
+* strverscmp: (libc)String/Array Comparison.
+* strxfrm: (libc)Collation Functions.
+* stty: (libc)BSD Terminal Modes.
+* SUN_LEN: (libc)Local Namespace Details.
+* swapcontext: (libc)System V contexts.
+* swprintf: (libc)Formatted Output Functions.
+* swscanf: (libc)Formatted Input Functions.
+* symlink: (libc)Symbolic Links.
+* sync: (libc)Synchronizing I/O.
+* syscall: (libc)System Calls.
+* sysconf: (libc)Sysconf Definition.
+* syslog: (libc)syslog; vsyslog.
+* system: (libc)Running a Command.
+* sysv_signal: (libc)Basic Signal Handling.
+* tanfNx: (libc)Trig Functions.
+* tanfN: (libc)Trig Functions.
+* tanf: (libc)Trig Functions.
+* tanhfNx: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* tanhfN: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* tanhf: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* tanhl: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* tanh: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions.
+* tanl: (libc)Trig Functions.
+* tan: (libc)Trig Functions.
+* tcdrain: (libc)Line Control.
+* tcflow: (libc)Line Control.
+* tcflush: (libc)Line Control.
+* tcgetattr: (libc)Mode Functions.
+* tcgetpgrp: (libc)Terminal Access Functions.
+* tcgetsid: (libc)Terminal Access Functions.
+* tcsendbreak: (libc)Line Control.
+* tcsetattr: (libc)Mode Functions.
+* tcsetpgrp: (libc)Terminal Access Functions.
+* tdelete: (libc)Tree Search Function.
+* tdestroy: (libc)Tree Search Function.
+* telldir: (libc)Random Access Directory.
+* tempnam: (libc)Temporary Files.
+* textdomain: (libc)Locating gettext catalog.
+* tfind: (libc)Tree Search Function.
+* tgammafNx: (libc)Special Functions.
+* tgammafN: (libc)Special Functions.
+* tgammaf: (libc)Special Functions.
+* tgammal: (libc)Special Functions.
+* tgamma: (libc)Special Functions.
+* tgkill: (libc)Signaling Another Process.
+* thrd_create: (libc)ISO C Thread Management.
+* thrd_current: (libc)ISO C Thread Management.
+* thrd_detach: (libc)ISO C Thread Management.
+* thrd_equal: (libc)ISO C Thread Management.
+* thrd_exit: (libc)ISO C Thread Management.
+* thrd_join: (libc)ISO C Thread Management.
+* thrd_sleep: (libc)ISO C Thread Management.
+* thrd_yield: (libc)ISO C Thread Management.
+* timegm: (libc)Broken-down Time.
+* timelocal: (libc)Broken-down Time.
+* times: (libc)Processor Time.
+* time: (libc)Getting the Time.
+* TMP_MAX: (libc)Temporary Files.
+* tmpfile: (libc)Temporary Files.
+* tmpfile64: (libc)Temporary Files.
+* tmpnam_r: (libc)Temporary Files.
+* tmpnam: (libc)Temporary Files.
+* toascii: (libc)Case Conversion.
+* tolower: (libc)Case Conversion.
+* TOSTOP: (libc)Local Modes.
+* totalorderfNx: (libc)FP Comparison Functions.
+* totalorderfN: (libc)FP Comparison Functions.
+* totalorderf: (libc)FP Comparison Functions.
+* totalorderl: (libc)FP Comparison Functions.
+* totalordermagfNx: (libc)FP Comparison Functions.
+* totalordermagfN: (libc)FP Comparison Functions.
+* totalordermagf: (libc)FP Comparison Functions.
+* totalordermagl: (libc)FP Comparison Functions.
+* totalordermag: (libc)FP Comparison Functions.
+* totalorder: (libc)FP Comparison Functions.
+* toupper: (libc)Case Conversion.
+* towctrans: (libc)Wide Character Case Conversion.
+* towlower: (libc)Wide Character Case Conversion.
+* towupper: (libc)Wide Character Case Conversion.
+* truncate: (libc)File Size.
+* truncate64: (libc)File Size.
+* truncfNx: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* truncfN: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* truncf: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* truncl: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* trunc: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* tsearch: (libc)Tree Search Function.
+* tss_create: (libc)ISO C Thread-local Storage.
+* tss_delete: (libc)ISO C Thread-local Storage.
+* tss_get: (libc)ISO C Thread-local Storage.
+* tss_set: (libc)ISO C Thread-local Storage.
+* ttyname_r: (libc)Is It a Terminal.
+* ttyname: (libc)Is It a Terminal.
+* twalk_r: (libc)Tree Search Function.
+* twalk: (libc)Tree Search Function.
+* TZNAME_MAX: (libc)General Limits.
+* tzset: (libc)Time Zone Functions.
+* ufromfpfNx: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* ufromfpfN: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* ufromfpf: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* ufromfpl: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* ufromfpxfNx: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* ufromfpxfN: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* ufromfpxf: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* ufromfpxl: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* ufromfpx: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* ufromfp: (libc)Rounding Functions.
+* ulimit: (libc)Limits on Resources.
+* umask: (libc)Setting Permissions.
+* umount: (libc)Mount-Unmount-Remount.
+* umount2: (libc)Mount-Unmount-Remount.
+* uname: (libc)Platform Type.
+* ungetc: (libc)How Unread.
+* ungetwc: (libc)How Unread.
+* unlink: (libc)Deleting Files.
+* unlockpt: (libc)Allocation.
+* unsetenv: (libc)Environment Access.
+* updwtmp: (libc)Manipulating the Database.
+* utimes: (libc)File Times.
+* utime: (libc)File Times.
+* utmpname: (libc)Manipulating the Database.
+* utmpxname: (libc)XPG Functions.
+* va_arg: (libc)Argument Macros.
+* va_copy: (libc)Argument Macros.
+* va_end: (libc)Argument Macros.
+* va_start: (libc)Argument Macros.
+* valloc: (libc)Aligned Memory Blocks.
+* vasprintf: (libc)Variable Arguments Output.
+* VDISCARD: (libc)Other Special.
+* VDSUSP: (libc)Signal Characters.
+* VEOF: (libc)Editing Characters.
+* VEOL: (libc)Editing Characters.
+* VEOL2: (libc)Editing Characters.
+* VERASE: (libc)Editing Characters.
+* verrx: (libc)Error Messages.
+* verr: (libc)Error Messages.
+* versionsort: (libc)Scanning Directory Content.
+* versionsort64: (libc)Scanning Directory Content.
+* vfork: (libc)Creating a Process.
+* vfprintf: (libc)Variable Arguments Output.
+* vfscanf: (libc)Variable Arguments Input.
+* vfwprintf: (libc)Variable Arguments Output.
+* vfwscanf: (libc)Variable Arguments Input.
+* VINTR: (libc)Signal Characters.
+* VKILL: (libc)Editing Characters.
+* vlimit: (libc)Limits on Resources.
+* VLNEXT: (libc)Other Special.
+* VMIN: (libc)Noncanonical Input.
+* vprintf: (libc)Variable Arguments Output.
+* VQUIT: (libc)Signal Characters.
+* VREPRINT: (libc)Editing Characters.
+* vscanf: (libc)Variable Arguments Input.
+* vsnprintf: (libc)Variable Arguments Output.
+* vsprintf: (libc)Variable Arguments Output.
+* vsscanf: (libc)Variable Arguments Input.
+* VSTART: (libc)Start/Stop Characters.
+* VSTATUS: (libc)Other Special.
+* VSTOP: (libc)Start/Stop Characters.
+* VSUSP: (libc)Signal Characters.
+* vswprintf: (libc)Variable Arguments Output.
+* vswscanf: (libc)Variable Arguments Input.
+* vsyslog: (libc)syslog; vsyslog.
+* VTIME: (libc)Noncanonical Input.
+* vwarnx: (libc)Error Messages.
+* vwarn: (libc)Error Messages.
+* VWERASE: (libc)Editing Characters.
+* vwprintf: (libc)Variable Arguments Output.
+* vwscanf: (libc)Variable Arguments Input.
+* W_OK: (libc)Testing File Access.
+* wait3: (libc)BSD Wait Functions.
+* waitpid: (libc)Process Completion.
+* wait: (libc)Process Completion.
+* wait4: (libc)Process Completion.
+* warnx: (libc)Error Messages.
+* warn: (libc)Error Messages.
+* WCHAR_MAX: (libc)Extended Char Intro.
+* WCHAR_MIN: (libc)Extended Char Intro.
+* WCOREDUMP: (libc)Process Completion Status.
+* wcpcpy: (libc)Copying Strings and Arrays.
+* wcpncpy: (libc)Truncating Strings.
+* wcrtomb: (libc)Converting a Character.
+* wcscasecmp: (libc)String/Array Comparison.
+* wcscat: (libc)Concatenating Strings.
+* wcschrnul: (libc)Search Functions.
+* wcschr: (libc)Search Functions.
+* wcscmp: (libc)String/Array Comparison.
+* wcscoll: (libc)Collation Functions.
+* wcscpy: (libc)Copying Strings and Arrays.
+* wcscspn: (libc)Search Functions.
+* wcsdup: (libc)Copying Strings and Arrays.
+* wcsftime: (libc)Formatting Calendar Time.
+* wcslen: (libc)String Length.
+* wcsncasecmp: (libc)String/Array Comparison.
+* wcsncat: (libc)Truncating Strings.
+* wcsncmp: (libc)String/Array Comparison.
+* wcsncpy: (libc)Truncating Strings.
+* wcsnlen: (libc)String Length.
+* wcsnrtombs: (libc)Converting Strings.
+* wcspbrk: (libc)Search Functions.
+* wcsrchr: (libc)Search Functions.
+* wcsrtombs: (libc)Converting Strings.
+* wcsspn: (libc)Search Functions.
+* wcsstr: (libc)Search Functions.
+* wcstod: (libc)Parsing of Floats.
+* wcstofNx: (libc)Parsing of Floats.
+* wcstofN: (libc)Parsing of Floats.
+* wcstof: (libc)Parsing of Floats.
+* wcstoimax: (libc)Parsing of Integers.
+* wcstok: (libc)Finding Tokens in a String.
+* wcstold: (libc)Parsing of Floats.
+* wcstoll: (libc)Parsing of Integers.
+* wcstol: (libc)Parsing of Integers.
+* wcstombs: (libc)Non-reentrant String Conversion.
+* wcstoq: (libc)Parsing of Integers.
+* wcstoull: (libc)Parsing of Integers.
+* wcstoul: (libc)Parsing of Integers.
+* wcstoumax: (libc)Parsing of Integers.
+* wcstouq: (libc)Parsing of Integers.
+* wcswcs: (libc)Search Functions.
+* wcsxfrm: (libc)Collation Functions.
+* wctob: (libc)Converting a Character.
+* wctomb: (libc)Non-reentrant Character Conversion.
+* wctrans: (libc)Wide Character Case Conversion.
+* wctype: (libc)Classification of Wide Characters.
+* WEOF: (libc)Extended Char Intro.
+* WEOF: (libc)EOF and Errors.
+* WEXITSTATUS: (libc)Process Completion Status.
+* WIFEXITED: (libc)Process Completion Status.
+* WIFSIGNALED: (libc)Process Completion Status.
+* WIFSTOPPED: (libc)Process Completion Status.
+* wmemchr: (libc)Search Functions.
+* wmemcmp: (libc)String/Array Comparison.
+* wmemcpy: (libc)Copying Strings and Arrays.
+* wmemmove: (libc)Copying Strings and Arrays.
+* wmempcpy: (libc)Copying Strings and Arrays.
+* wmemset: (libc)Copying Strings and Arrays.
+* wordexp: (libc)Calling Wordexp.
+* wordfree: (libc)Calling Wordexp.
+* wprintf: (libc)Formatted Output Functions.
+* writev: (libc)Scatter-Gather.
+* write: (libc)I/O Primitives.
+* wscanf: (libc)Formatted Input Functions.
+* WSTOPSIG: (libc)Process Completion Status.
+* WTERMSIG: (libc)Process Completion Status.
+* X_OK: (libc)Testing File Access.
+* y0fNx: (libc)Special Functions.
+* y0fN: (libc)Special Functions.
+* y0f: (libc)Special Functions.
+* y0l: (libc)Special Functions.
+* y0: (libc)Special Functions.
+* y1fNx: (libc)Special Functions.
+* y1fN: (libc)Special Functions.
+* y1f: (libc)Special Functions.
+* y1l: (libc)Special Functions.
+* y1: (libc)Special Functions.
+* ynfNx: (libc)Special Functions.
+* ynfN: (libc)Special Functions.
+* ynf: (libc)Special Functions.
+* ynl: (libc)Special Functions.
+* yn: (libc)Special Functions.
+Software libraries
+* Libc: (libc).                 C library.
+  fi
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+# arg 2:  the old package version
+pre_update() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+# arg 2:  the old package version
+post_update() {
+  post_install
+# arg 1:  the old package version
+pre_remove() {
+  if [ -x /usr/bin/install-info ] ; then
+    install-info --delete --info-file=usr/share/info/libc.info.gz --dir-file=usr/share/info/dir 2> /dev/null || /bin/true
+  fi
+# arg 1:  the old package version
+post_remove() {
+  /bin/true
+$operation $*

Property changes on: 2.36/glibc-pkg-install.sh
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: 2.36/profile.d/glibc.csh
--- 2.36/profile.d/glibc.csh	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.36/profile.d/glibc.csh	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Set more relaxed (glibc-2.3.5 like) malloc() checking.
+# This relaxes the default paranoia level so that it reports
+# bugs, but does not kill the questionable process.  You can
+# get away with running broken programs with this setting,
+# but at a possible performance and security cost.
+#setenv MALLOC_CHECK_ 1
Index: 2.36/profile.d/glibc.sh
--- 2.36/profile.d/glibc.sh	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.36/profile.d/glibc.sh	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Set more relaxed (glibc-2.3.5 like) malloc() checking.
+# This relaxes the default paranoia level so that it reports
+# bugs, but does not kill the questionable process.  You can
+# get away with running broken programs with this setting,
+# but at a possible performance and security cost.
+#export MALLOC_CHECK_=1
Index: 2.36/profile.d
--- 2.36/profile.d	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.36/profile.d	(revision 5)

Property changes on: 2.36/profile.d
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: 2.36/tz-exclude.list
--- 2.36/tz-exclude.list	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.36/tz-exclude.list	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Index: 2.36
--- 2.36	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.36	(revision 5)

Property changes on: 2.36
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: 2.36-i18n/Makefile
--- 2.36-i18n/Makefile	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.36-i18n/Makefile	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+NEED_ABS_PATH      = true
+COMPONENT_IS_3PP   = true
+include ../../../build-system/constants.mk
+SOURCE_REQUIRES   = sources/GNU/glibc/2.36
+SOURCE_REQUIRES  += sources/iana/tz
+REQUIRES          = libs/glibc/2.36
+# ======= __END_OF_REQUIRES__ =======
+version           = 2.36
+tar_xz_archive    = $(SRC_PACKAGE_PATH)/GNU/glibc/$(version)/glibc-$(version).tar.xz
+tz_version            = 2022f
+tar_gz_code_archive   = $(SRC_PACKAGE_PATH)/iana/tz/tzcode$(tz_version).tar.gz
+tar_gz_data_archive   = $(SRC_PACKAGE_PATH)/iana/tz/tzdata$(tz_version).tar.gz
+exclude_list          = $(CURDIR)/tz-exclude.list
+SRC_ARCHIVE       = $(tar_xz_archive)
+SRC_DIR           = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/glibc-$(version)
+src_dir_name      = glibc-$(version)
+src_done          = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.source-done
+PATCHES           = PATCHES
+build_dir         = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/build
+build_target      = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.built
+install_target    = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.installed
+####### Targets
+PKG_GROUP = libs
+# *PKG_NAME & *PKG_VERSION shouldn't be a reference to value.
+GLIBC_I18N_PKG_NAME                = glibc-i18n
+GLIBC_I18N_PKG_VERSION             = 2.36
+GLIBC_I18N_PKG_ARCH                = $(PKGARCH)
+GLIBC_I18N_PKG_GROUP               = $(PKG_GROUP)
+###                                 |---handy-ruler-------------------------------|
+GLIBC_I18N_PKG_URL                 = $(BUG_URL)
+GLIBC_I18N_PKG_LICENSE             = GPLv2
+GLIBC_I18N_PKG_INSTALL_SCRIPT      = $(GLIBC_I18N_PKG_NAME)-pkg-install.sh
+pkg_archive      = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/$(PKG_GROUP)/$(pkg_basename).$(pkg_arch_suffix)
+pkg_certificate  = $(call cert-name,$(pkg_archive))
+pkg_signature    = $(call sign-name,$(pkg_archive))
+pkg_description  = $(call desc-name,$(pkg_archive))
+products         = $(call pkg-files,$(pkg_archive))
+BUILD_TARGETS    = $(build_target)
+BUILD_TARGETS   += $(install_target)
+PRODUCT_TARGETS  = $(products)
+ROOTFS_TARGETS   = $(pkg_archive)
+include ../../../build-system/core.mk
+env_sysroot = install_root=$(GLIBC_I18N_PKG)
+ifneq ($(filter $(TOOLCHAIN),$(TOOLCHAIN_X86_64_GLIBC)   \
+                             $(TOOLCHAIN_POWER8_GLIBC)   \
+                             $(TOOLCHAIN_POWER8LE_GLIBC) \
+                             $(TOOLCHAIN_POWER9_GLIBC)   \
+                             $(TOOLCHAIN_POWER9LE_GLIBC)),)
+# ==================================================================
+# ==================================================================
+LOCALES += de_DE.UTF-8/UTF-8 de_DE/ISO-8859-1 de_DE@euro/ISO-8859-15
+# ==================================================================
+LOCALES += en_HK.UTF-8/UTF-8 en_HK/ISO-8859-1
+LOCALES += en_PH.UTF-8/UTF-8 en_PH/ISO-8859-1
+LOCALES += en_US.UTF-8/UTF-8 en_US/ISO-8859-1
+LOCALES += es_MX.UTF-8/UTF-8 es_MX/ISO-8859-1
+# ==================================================================
+LOCALES += fr_FR.UTF-8/UTF-8 fr_FR/ISO-8859-1 fr_FR@euro/ISO-8859-15
+LOCALES += it_IT.UTF-8/UTF-8 it_IT/ISO-8859-1 it_IT@euro/ISO-8859-15
+# ==================================================================
+LOCALES += en_RU.KOI8-R/KOI8-R en_RU.UTF-8/UTF-8 en_RU.CP1251/CP1251
+LOCALES += en_RU.ISO-8859-5/ISO-8859-5 en_RU/ISO-8859-5
+# ==================================================================
+LOCALES += ru_RU.KOI8-R/KOI8-R ru_RU.UTF-8/UTF-8 ru_RU.CP1251/CP1251
+LOCALES += ru_RU.ISO-8859-5/ISO-8859-5 ru_RU/ISO-8859-5
+# ==================================================================
+RADIX_BUILD_CC = $(X86_64_GLIBC_PATH)/$(X86_64_GLIBC_VERSION)/bin/$(X86_64_GLIBC_ARCH)-gcc
+$(src_done): $(SRC_ARCHIVE) $(PATCHES_DEP)
+	@tar --exclude-from=$(exclude_list) -xzf $(tar_gz_code_archive) -C $(SRC_DIR)/timezone
+	@tar --exclude-from=$(exclude_list) -xzf $(tar_gz_data_archive) -C $(SRC_DIR)/timezone
+	@cd $(SRC_DIR)/localedata && sed -i 's,$\(LOCALEDEF),\$\(LOCALEDEF\) --no-archive,' Makefile
+	@touch $@
+$(build_target): $(src_done)
+	@mkdir -p $(build_dir)
+	@mkdir -p $(GLIBC_I18N_PKG)
+	@echo "slibdir=/lib$(LIBSUFFIX)" >> $(build_dir)/configparms
+	@cd $(build_dir) && CC=$(RADIX_BUILD_CC) ../$(src_dir_name)/configure \
+	  --prefix=/usr                  \
+	  --build=$(BUILD)               \
+	  --libdir=/usr/lib$(LIBSUFFIX)
+	@cd $(build_dir) && $(MAKE)
+ifneq ($(INSTALL_ALL_LOCALES),yes)
+	@cd $(build_dir) && $(MAKE) -j1 SUPPORTED-LOCALES="$(LOCALES)" localedata/install-locales $(env_sysroot)
+	@cd $(build_dir) && $(MAKE) -j1 localedata/install-locales $(env_sysroot)
+	@touch $@
+$(install_target): $(build_target)
+ifneq ($(filter $(TOOLCHAIN),$(TOOLCHAIN_X86_64_GLIBC) \
+                             $(TOOLCHAIN_POWER8_GLIBC) \
+                             $(TOOLCHAIN_POWER9_GLIBC)),)
+	# ======= Install the same locales into /usr/lib32 (x86_32, ppc32 compat) directories =======
+	@mkdir -p $(GLIBC_I18N_PKG)/usr/lib32 && cp -rf $(GLIBC_I18N_PKG)/usr/lib/locale $(GLIBC_I18N_PKG)/usr/lib32
+	# ======= Install the same to $(TARGET_DEST_DIR) =======
+	$(call install-into-devenv, $(GLIBC_I18N_PKG))
+	@touch $@
+	@cat $< | $(SED) -e "s/@VERSION@/$(version)/g" > $@
+$(pkg_certificate) : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_signature)   : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_description) : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_archive): $(install_target) $(GLIBC_I18N_PKG_DESCRIPTION_FILE) $(GLIBC_I18N_PKG_INSTALL_SCRIPT)
+	@echo "pkgname=$(GLIBC_I18N_PKG_NAME)"                            >  $(GLIBC_I18N_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "pkgver=$(GLIBC_I18N_PKG_VERSION)"                          >> $(GLIBC_I18N_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "arch=$(GLIBC_I18N_PKG_ARCH)"                               >> $(GLIBC_I18N_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "distroname=$(GLIBC_I18N_PKG_DISTRO_NAME)"                  >> $(GLIBC_I18N_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "distrover=$(GLIBC_I18N_PKG_DISTRO_VERSION)"                >> $(GLIBC_I18N_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "group=$(GLIBC_I18N_PKG_GROUP)"                             >> $(GLIBC_I18N_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "short_description=\"$(GLIBC_I18N_PKG_SHORT_DESCRIPTION)\"" >> $(GLIBC_I18N_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "url=$(GLIBC_I18N_PKG_URL)"                                 >> $(GLIBC_I18N_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "license=$(GLIBC_I18N_PKG_LICENSE)"                         >> $(GLIBC_I18N_PKG)/.PKGINFO
+	@$(PSEUDO) sh -c "cd $(GLIBC_I18N_PKG) && \
+	                  chown -R root:root . && \
+	                  $(MAKE_PACKAGE) -J --linkadd=yes $(GNUPG_OPTIONS) -m -d .. ."
Index: 2.36-i18n/PATCHES
--- 2.36-i18n/PATCHES	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.36-i18n/PATCHES	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+../../../sources/GNU/glibc/2.36/patches/glibc-2.36-b3736d1a3c-2.36.1.patch   -p0
+../../../sources/GNU/glibc/2.36/patches/glibc-2.36-i18n.patch                -p0
+../../../sources/GNU/glibc/2.36/patches/glibc-2.36-malloc-hooks.patch        -p0
+../../../sources/GNU/glibc/2.36/patches/glibc-2.36-en_US-no-am-pm.patch      -p0
+../../../sources/GNU/glibc/2.36/patches/glibc-2.36-reenable-DT-HASH.patch    -p0
+../../../sources/GNU/glibc/2.36/patches/glibc-2.36-locale-no-archive.patch   -p0
+../../../sources/GNU/glibc/2.36/patches/glibc-2.36-zonefile.patch            -p0
+../../../sources/iana/tz/patches/glibc-2.36-tzcode-2022f.patch               -p0
+../../../sources/GNU/glibc/2.36/patches/glibc-2.36-ppc64-interpreter.patch   -p0
+../../../sources/GNU/glibc/2.36/patches/glibc-2.36-x86_64-interpreter.patch  -p0
Index: 2.36-i18n/glibc-i18n-pkg-description.in
--- 2.36-i18n/glibc-i18n-pkg-description.in	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.36-i18n/glibc-i18n-pkg-description.in	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# The "handy ruler" below makes it easier to edit a package description.  Line
+# up the first '|' above the ':' following the base package name, and the '|'
+# on the right side marks the last column you can put a character in.  You must
+# make exactly 11 lines for the formatting to be correct.  It's also
+# customary to leave one space after the ':'.
+          |-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------|
+glibc-i18n: glibc-i18n @VERSION@ (locale files from glibc)
+glibc-i18n: These files go in /usr/lib/locale and /usr/share/i18n/ to provide
+glibc-i18n: internationalization support. You'll need this package unless you
+glibc-i18n: will be using US English only.
Index: 2.36-i18n/glibc-i18n-pkg-install.sh
--- 2.36-i18n/glibc-i18n-pkg-install.sh	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.36-i18n/glibc-i18n-pkg-install.sh	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+pre_install() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+post_install() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+# arg 2:  the old package version
+pre_update() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+# arg 2:  the old package version
+post_update() {
+  post_install
+# arg 1:  the old package version
+pre_remove() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the old package version
+post_remove() {
+  /bin/true
+$operation $*

Property changes on: 2.36-i18n/glibc-i18n-pkg-install.sh
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: 2.36-i18n/tz-exclude.list
--- 2.36-i18n/tz-exclude.list	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.36-i18n/tz-exclude.list	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Index: 2.36-i18n
--- 2.36-i18n	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.36-i18n	(revision 5)

Property changes on: 2.36-i18n
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: 2.36-ppc32/Makefile
--- 2.36-ppc32/Makefile	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.36-ppc32/Makefile	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+NEED_ABS_PATH       = true
+COMPONENT_IS_3PP    = true
+include ../../../build-system/constants.mk
+SOURCE_REQUIRES     = sources/GNU/glibc/2.36
+SOURCE_REQUIRES    += sources/iana/tz
+REQUIRES            = libs/glibc/2.36
+REQUIRES           += dev/kernel-headers
+REQUIRES           += dev/gcc-runtime/12.2.0
+# ======= __END_OF_REQUIRES__ =======
+version             = 2.36
+tar_xz_archive      = $(SRC_PACKAGE_PATH)/GNU/glibc/$(version)/glibc-$(version).tar.xz
+tz_version          = 2022f
+tar_gz_code_archive = $(SRC_PACKAGE_PATH)/iana/tz/tzcode$(tz_version).tar.gz
+tar_gz_data_archive = $(SRC_PACKAGE_PATH)/iana/tz/tzdata$(tz_version).tar.gz
+exclude_list        = $(CURDIR)/tz-exclude.list
+SRC_ARCHIVE         = $(tar_xz_archive)
+SRC_DIR             = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/glibc-$(version)
+src_dir_name        = glibc-$(version)
+src_done            = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.source-done
+PATCHES             = PATCHES
+build_dir           = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/build
+build_target        = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.built
+install_target      = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.installed
+build_glibc32_pkg   = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.glibc32_pkg_done
+####### Targets
+PKG_GROUP = libs
+# *PKG_NAME & *PKG_VERSION shouldn't be a reference to value.
+GLIBC_32_PKG_NAME                = glibc-x32
+GLIBC_32_PKG_VERSION             = 2.36
+GLIBC_32_PKG_ARCH                = $(PKGARCH)
+GLIBC_32_PKG_GROUP               = $(PKG_GROUP)
+###                               |---handy-ruler-------------------------------|
+GLIBC_32_PKG_URL                 = $(BUG_URL)
+GLIBC_32_PKG_LICENSE             = GPLv2
+GLIBC_32_PKG_DESCRIPTION_FILE_IN = $(GLIBC_32_PKG_NAME)-pkg-description.in
+GLIBC_32_PKG_INSTALL_SCRIPT      = $(GLIBC_32_PKG_NAME)-pkg-install.sh
+pkg_archive      = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/$(PKG_GROUP)/$(pkg_basename).$(pkg_arch_suffix)
+pkg_certificate  = $(call cert-name,$(pkg_archive))
+pkg_signature    = $(call sign-name,$(pkg_archive))
+pkg_description  = $(call desc-name,$(pkg_archive))
+products         = $(call pkg-files,$(pkg_archive))
+BUILD_TARGETS    = $(build_target)
+BUILD_TARGETS   += $(install_target)
+BUILD_TARGETS   += $(build_glibc32_pkg)
+PRODUCT_TARGETS  = $(products)
+ROOTFS_TARGETS   = $(pkg_archive)
+include ../../../build-system/core.mk
+env_sysroot = install_root=$(GLIBC_32_PKG)
+extra_configure_switches  += --libdir=/usr/lib$(MULTILIB_PPC32_SUFFIX)
+extra_configure_switches  += --with-headers=$(TARGET_DEST_DIR)/usr/include
+extra_configure_switches  += --with-binutils=$(TOOLCHAIN_PATH)/bin
+extra_configure_switches  += --enable-kernel=2.6.36
+extra_configure_switches  += --enable-add-ons
+extra_configure_switches  += --enable-profile
+extra_configure_switches  += --enable-bind-now
+extra_configure_switches  += --without-gd
+extra_configure_switches  += --without-cvs
+extra_configure_switches  += libc_cv_slibdir=/lib$(MULTILIB_PPC32_SUFFIX)
+extra_configure_switches  += libc_cv_rtlddir=/lib$(MULTILIB_PPC32_SUFFIX)
+$(src_done): $(SRC_ARCHIVE) $(PATCHES_DEP)
+	@tar --exclude-from=$(exclude_list) -xzf $(tar_gz_code_archive) -C $(SRC_DIR)/timezone
+	@tar --exclude-from=$(exclude_list) -xzf $(tar_gz_data_archive) -C $(SRC_DIR)/timezone
+	@touch $@
+$(build_target): $(src_done)
+	@mkdir -p $(build_dir)
+	@echo "slibdir=/lib$(MULTILIB_PPC32_SUFFIX)" >> $(build_dir)/configparms
+	@echo "rtlddir=/lib$(MULTILIB_PPC32_SUFFIX)" >> $(build_dir)/configparms
+	@cd $(build_dir) && $(BUILD_ENVIRONMENT) $(env_sysroot) ../$(src_dir_name)/configure \
+	  --prefix=/usr                \
+	  --build=$(BUILD)             \
+	  --host=$(TARGET32)           \
+	  $(extra_configure_switches)
+	@cd $(build_dir) && $(BUILD_ENVIRONMENT) $(MAKE)
+	@touch $@
+$(install_target): $(build_target)
+	@mkdir -p $(GLIBC_32_PKG)
+	@cd $(build_dir) && $(BUILD_ENVIRONMENT) $(MAKE) -j1 install $(env_sysroot)
+	# ======= fake LOCALES installation to allow implementation of iconv and intl into GLIBC =======
+	@cd $(build_dir) && $(BUILD_ENVIRONMENT) $(MAKE) -j1 SUPPORTED-LOCALES="" \
+	                                                     localedata/install-locales $(env_sysroot)
+	@touch $@
+$(build_glibc32_pkg): $(install_target)
+	# ======= Remove not needed stuff =======
+	@rm -rf $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/etc
+	@rm -rf $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/sbin
+	@rm -rf $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/usr/bin
+	@rm -rf $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/usr/sbin
+	@rm -rf $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/usr/share
+	@rm -rf $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/var
+	@( cd $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/usr/include/gnu ;  cp lib-names-32.h stubs-32.h ../.. )
+	@rm -rf $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/usr/include
+	@( mkdir -p $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/usr/include/gnu ; \
+	   mv $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/usr/lib-names-32.h $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/usr/include/gnu ; \
+	   mv $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/usr/stubs-32.h     $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/usr/include/gnu ; \
+	 )
+	# ======= Create symbolic link to libnsl.so.1 =======
+	@( cd $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/usr/lib$(MULTILIB_PPC32_SUFFIX) ; \
+	   ln -sf ../../lib$(MULTILIB_PPC32_SUFFIX)/libnsl.so.1 libnsl.so ; \
+	 )
+	# ======= Install the same to $(TARGET_DEST_DIR) =======
+	$(call install-into-devenv, $(GLIBC_32_PKG))
+	# ======= Strip binaries =======
+	@( cd $(GLIBC_32_PKG) ; \
+	   find . | xargs file | grep "executable" | grep ELF | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs $(STRIP) --strip-debug 2> /dev/null ; \
+	   find . | xargs file | grep "shared object" | grep ELF | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs $(STRIP) -g 2> /dev/null ; \
+	   find . | xargs file | grep "current ar archive" | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs $(STRIP) -g 2> /dev/null ; \
+	   find . | xargs file | grep "relocatable" | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs $(STRIP) -g 2> /dev/null ; \
+	 )
+	@touch $@
+	@cat $< | $(SED) -e "s/@VERSION@/$(version)/g" > $@
+$(pkg_certificate) : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_signature)   : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_description) : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_archive): $(build_glibc32_pkg) $(GLIBC_32_PKG_DESCRIPTION_FILE) $(GLIBC_32_PKG_INSTALL_SCRIPT)
+	@echo "pkgname=$(GLIBC_32_PKG_NAME)"                            >  $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "pkgver=$(GLIBC_32_PKG_VERSION)"                          >> $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "arch=$(GLIBC_32_PKG_ARCH)"                               >> $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "distroname=$(GLIBC_32_PKG_DISTRO_NAME)"                  >> $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "distrover=$(GLIBC_32_PKG_DISTRO_VERSION)"                >> $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "group=$(GLIBC_32_PKG_GROUP)"                             >> $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "short_description=\"$(GLIBC_32_PKG_SHORT_DESCRIPTION)\"" >> $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "url=$(GLIBC_32_PKG_URL)"                                 >> $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "license=$(GLIBC_32_PKG_LICENSE)"                         >> $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/.PKGINFO
+	@$(PSEUDO) sh -c "cd $(GLIBC_32_PKG) && \
+	                  chown -R root:root . && \
+	                  $(MAKE_PACKAGE) -J --linkadd=yes $(GNUPG_OPTIONS) -m -d .. ."
Index: 2.36-ppc32/PATCHES
--- 2.36-ppc32/PATCHES	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.36-ppc32/PATCHES	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+../../../sources/GNU/glibc/2.36/patches/glibc-2.36-b3736d1a3c-2.36.1.patch   -p0
+../../../sources/GNU/glibc/2.36/patches/glibc-2.36-i18n.patch                -p0
+../../../sources/GNU/glibc/2.36/patches/glibc-2.36-malloc-hooks.patch        -p0
+../../../sources/GNU/glibc/2.36/patches/glibc-2.36-en_US-no-am-pm.patch      -p0
+../../../sources/GNU/glibc/2.36/patches/glibc-2.36-reenable-DT-HASH.patch    -p0
+../../../sources/GNU/glibc/2.36/patches/glibc-2.36-locale-no-archive.patch   -p0
+../../../sources/GNU/glibc/2.36/patches/glibc-2.36-zonefile.patch            -p0
+../../../sources/iana/tz/patches/glibc-2.36-tzcode-2022f.patch               -p0
+../../../sources/GNU/glibc/2.36/patches/glibc-2.36-ppc64-interpreter.patch   -p0
+../../../sources/GNU/glibc/2.36/patches/glibc-2.36-x86_64-interpreter.patch  -p0
Index: 2.36-ppc32/glibc-x32-pkg-description.in
--- 2.36-ppc32/glibc-x32-pkg-description.in	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.36-ppc32/glibc-x32-pkg-description.in	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# The "handy ruler" below makes it easier to edit a package description.  Line
+# up the first '|' above the ':' following the base package name, and the '|'
+# on the right side marks the last column you can put a character in.  You must
+# make exactly 11 lines for the formatting to be correct.  It's also
+# customary to leave one space after the ':'.
+          |-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------|
+glibc-x32: glibc-x32 @VERSION@ (ppc32 GNU C libraries)
+glibc-x32: This package contains the GNU C libraries and header files.
+glibc-x32: The GNU C library was written originally by Roland McGrath,
+glibc-x32: and is currently maintained by Ulrich Drepper. Some parts of
+glibc-x32: the library were contributed or worked on by other people.
Index: 2.36-ppc32/glibc-x32-pkg-install.sh
--- 2.36-ppc32/glibc-x32-pkg-install.sh	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.36-ppc32/glibc-x32-pkg-install.sh	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+pre_install() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+post_install() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+# arg 2:  the old package version
+pre_update() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+# arg 2:  the old package version
+post_update() {
+  post_install
+# arg 1:  the old package version
+pre_remove() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the old package version
+post_remove() {
+  /bin/true
+$operation $*

Property changes on: 2.36-ppc32/glibc-x32-pkg-install.sh
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: 2.36-ppc32/tz-exclude.list
--- 2.36-ppc32/tz-exclude.list	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.36-ppc32/tz-exclude.list	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Index: 2.36-ppc32
--- 2.36-ppc32	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.36-ppc32	(revision 5)

Property changes on: 2.36-ppc32
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: 2.36-x86_32/Makefile
--- 2.36-x86_32/Makefile	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.36-x86_32/Makefile	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+NEED_ABS_PATH       = true
+COMPONENT_IS_3PP    = true
+CREATE_X86_32_PACKAGE = true
+include ../../../build-system/constants.mk
+SOURCE_REQUIRES     = sources/GNU/glibc/2.36
+SOURCE_REQUIRES    += sources/iana/tz
+REQUIRES            = libs/glibc/2.36
+REQUIRES           += dev/kernel-headers
+REQUIRES           += dev/gcc-runtime/12.2.0
+# ======= __END_OF_REQUIRES__ =======
+version             = 2.36
+tar_xz_archive      = $(SRC_PACKAGE_PATH)/GNU/glibc/$(version)/glibc-$(version).tar.xz
+tz_version          = 2022f
+tar_gz_code_archive = $(SRC_PACKAGE_PATH)/iana/tz/tzcode$(tz_version).tar.gz
+tar_gz_data_archive = $(SRC_PACKAGE_PATH)/iana/tz/tzdata$(tz_version).tar.gz
+exclude_list        = $(CURDIR)/tz-exclude.list
+SRC_ARCHIVE         = $(tar_xz_archive)
+SRC_DIR             = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/glibc-$(version)
+src_dir_name        = glibc-$(version)
+src_done            = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.source-done
+PATCHES             = PATCHES
+build_dir           = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/build
+build_target        = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.built
+install_target      = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.installed
+build_glibc32_pkg   = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.glibc32_pkg_done
+####### Targets
+PKG_GROUP = libs
+# *PKG_NAME & *PKG_VERSION shouldn't be a reference to value.
+GLIBC_32_PKG_NAME                = glibc-x32
+GLIBC_32_PKG_VERSION             = 2.36
+GLIBC_32_PKG_ARCH                = $(PKGARCH)
+GLIBC_32_PKG_GROUP               = $(PKG_GROUP)
+###                               |---handy-ruler-------------------------------|
+GLIBC_32_PKG_URL                 = $(BUG_URL)
+GLIBC_32_PKG_LICENSE             = GPLv2
+GLIBC_32_PKG_DESCRIPTION_FILE_IN = $(GLIBC_32_PKG_NAME)-pkg-description.in
+GLIBC_32_PKG_INSTALL_SCRIPT      = $(GLIBC_32_PKG_NAME)-pkg-install.sh
+pkg_archive      = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/$(PKG_GROUP)/$(pkg_basename).$(pkg_arch_suffix)
+pkg_certificate  = $(call cert-name,$(pkg_archive))
+pkg_signature    = $(call sign-name,$(pkg_archive))
+pkg_description  = $(call desc-name,$(pkg_archive))
+products         = $(call pkg-files,$(pkg_archive))
+BUILD_TARGETS    = $(build_target)
+BUILD_TARGETS   += $(install_target)
+BUILD_TARGETS   += $(build_glibc32_pkg)
+PRODUCT_TARGETS  = $(products)
+ROOTFS_TARGETS   = $(pkg_archive)
+include ../../../build-system/core.mk
+env_sysroot = install_root=$(GLIBC_32_PKG)
+extra_configure_switches  += --libdir=/usr/lib$(MULTILIB_X86_32_SUFFIX)
+extra_configure_switches  += --with-headers=$(TARGET_DEST_DIR)/usr/include
+extra_configure_switches  += --with-binutils=$(TOOLCHAIN_PATH)/bin
+extra_configure_switches  += --enable-kernel=2.6.36
+extra_configure_switches  += --enable-add-ons
+extra_configure_switches  += --enable-profile
+extra_configure_switches  += --enable-bind-now
+extra_configure_switches  += --without-gd
+extra_configure_switches  += --without-cvs
+extra_configure_switches  += libc_cv_slibdir=/lib$(MULTILIB_X86_32_SUFFIX)
+extra_configure_switches  += libc_cv_rtlddir=/lib$(MULTILIB_X86_32_SUFFIX)
+$(src_done): $(SRC_ARCHIVE) $(PATCHES_DEP)
+	@tar --exclude-from=$(exclude_list) -xzf $(tar_gz_code_archive) -C $(SRC_DIR)/timezone
+	@tar --exclude-from=$(exclude_list) -xzf $(tar_gz_data_archive) -C $(SRC_DIR)/timezone
+	@touch $@
+$(build_target): $(src_done)
+	@mkdir -p $(build_dir)
+	@echo "slibdir=/lib$(MULTILIB_X86_32_SUFFIX)" >> $(build_dir)/configparms
+	@echo "rtlddir=/lib$(MULTILIB_X86_32_SUFFIX)" >> $(build_dir)/configparms
+	@cd $(build_dir) && $(BUILD_ENVIRONMENT) $(env_sysroot) ../$(src_dir_name)/configure \
+	  --prefix=/usr                \
+	  --build=$(BUILD)             \
+	  --host=$(TARGET32)           \
+	  $(extra_configure_switches)
+	@cd $(build_dir) && $(BUILD_ENVIRONMENT) $(MAKE)
+	@touch $@
+$(install_target): $(build_target)
+	@mkdir -p $(GLIBC_32_PKG)
+	@cd $(build_dir) && $(BUILD_ENVIRONMENT) $(MAKE) -j1 install $(env_sysroot)
+	# ======= fake LOCALES installation to allow implementation of iconv and intl into GLIBC =======
+	@cd $(build_dir) && $(BUILD_ENVIRONMENT) $(MAKE) -j1 SUPPORTED-LOCALES="" \
+	                                                     localedata/install-locales $(env_sysroot)
+	@touch $@
+$(build_glibc32_pkg): $(install_target)
+	# ======= Remove not needed stuff =======
+	@rm -rf $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/etc
+	@rm -rf $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/sbin
+	@rm -rf $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/usr/bin
+	@rm -rf $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/usr/sbin
+	@rm -rf $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/usr/share
+	@rm -rf $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/var
+	@( cd $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/usr/include/gnu ;  cp lib-names-32.h stubs-32.h ../.. )
+	@rm -rf $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/usr/include
+	@( mkdir -p $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/usr/include/gnu ; \
+	   mv $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/usr/lib-names-32.h $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/usr/include/gnu ; \
+	   mv $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/usr/stubs-32.h     $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/usr/include/gnu ; \
+	 )
+	# ======= Create symbolic link to libnsl.so.1 =======
+	@( cd $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/usr/lib$(MULTILIB_X86_32_SUFFIX) ; \
+	   ln -sf ../../lib$(MULTILIB_X86_32_SUFFIX)/libnsl.so.1 libnsl.so ; \
+	 )
+	# ======= Install the same to $(TARGET_DEST_DIR) =======
+	$(call install-into-devenv, $(GLIBC_32_PKG))
+	# ======= Strip binaries =======
+	@( cd $(GLIBC_32_PKG) ; \
+	   find . | xargs file | grep "executable" | grep ELF | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs $(STRIP) --strip-debug 2> /dev/null ; \
+	   find . | xargs file | grep "shared object" | grep ELF | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs $(STRIP) -g 2> /dev/null ; \
+	   find . | xargs file | grep "current ar archive" | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs $(STRIP) -g 2> /dev/null ; \
+	   find . | xargs file | grep "relocatable" | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs $(STRIP) -g 2> /dev/null ; \
+	 )
+	@touch $@
+	@cat $< | $(SED) -e "s/@VERSION@/$(version)/g" > $@
+$(pkg_certificate) : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_signature)   : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_description) : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_archive): $(build_glibc32_pkg) $(GLIBC_32_PKG_DESCRIPTION_FILE) $(GLIBC_32_PKG_INSTALL_SCRIPT)
+	@echo "pkgname=$(GLIBC_32_PKG_NAME)"                            >  $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "pkgver=$(GLIBC_32_PKG_VERSION)"                          >> $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "arch=$(GLIBC_32_PKG_ARCH)"                               >> $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "distroname=$(GLIBC_32_PKG_DISTRO_NAME)"                  >> $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "distrover=$(GLIBC_32_PKG_DISTRO_VERSION)"                >> $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "group=$(GLIBC_32_PKG_GROUP)"                             >> $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "short_description=\"$(GLIBC_32_PKG_SHORT_DESCRIPTION)\"" >> $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "url=$(GLIBC_32_PKG_URL)"                                 >> $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "license=$(GLIBC_32_PKG_LICENSE)"                         >> $(GLIBC_32_PKG)/.PKGINFO
+	@$(PSEUDO) sh -c "cd $(GLIBC_32_PKG) && \
+	                  chown -R root:root . && \
+	                  $(MAKE_PACKAGE) -J --linkadd=yes $(GNUPG_OPTIONS) -m -d .. ."
Index: 2.36-x86_32/PATCHES
--- 2.36-x86_32/PATCHES	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.36-x86_32/PATCHES	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+../../../sources/GNU/glibc/2.36/patches/glibc-2.36-b3736d1a3c-2.36.1.patch   -p0
+../../../sources/GNU/glibc/2.36/patches/glibc-2.36-i18n.patch                -p0
+../../../sources/GNU/glibc/2.36/patches/glibc-2.36-malloc-hooks.patch        -p0
+../../../sources/GNU/glibc/2.36/patches/glibc-2.36-en_US-no-am-pm.patch      -p0
+../../../sources/GNU/glibc/2.36/patches/glibc-2.36-reenable-DT-HASH.patch    -p0
+../../../sources/GNU/glibc/2.36/patches/glibc-2.36-locale-no-archive.patch   -p0
+../../../sources/GNU/glibc/2.36/patches/glibc-2.36-zonefile.patch            -p0
+../../../sources/iana/tz/patches/glibc-2.36-tzcode-2022f.patch               -p0
+../../../sources/GNU/glibc/2.36/patches/glibc-2.36-ppc64-interpreter.patch   -p0
+../../../sources/GNU/glibc/2.36/patches/glibc-2.36-x86_64-interpreter.patch  -p0
Index: 2.36-x86_32/glibc-x32-pkg-description.in
--- 2.36-x86_32/glibc-x32-pkg-description.in	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.36-x86_32/glibc-x32-pkg-description.in	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# The "handy ruler" below makes it easier to edit a package description.  Line
+# up the first '|' above the ':' following the base package name, and the '|'
+# on the right side marks the last column you can put a character in.  You must
+# make exactly 11 lines for the formatting to be correct.  It's also
+# customary to leave one space after the ':'.
+          |-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------|
+glibc-x32: glibc-x32 @VERSION@ (GNU C libraries)
+glibc-x32: This package contains the GNU C libraries and header files.
+glibc-x32: The GNU C library was written originally by Roland McGrath,
+glibc-x32: and is currently maintained by Ulrich Drepper. Some parts of
+glibc-x32: the library were contributed or worked on by other people.
Index: 2.36-x86_32/glibc-x32-pkg-install.sh
--- 2.36-x86_32/glibc-x32-pkg-install.sh	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.36-x86_32/glibc-x32-pkg-install.sh	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+pre_install() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+post_install() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+# arg 2:  the old package version
+pre_update() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+# arg 2:  the old package version
+post_update() {
+  post_install
+# arg 1:  the old package version
+pre_remove() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the old package version
+post_remove() {
+  /bin/true
+$operation $*

Property changes on: 2.36-x86_32/glibc-x32-pkg-install.sh
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: 2.36-x86_32/tz-exclude.list
--- 2.36-x86_32/tz-exclude.list	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.36-x86_32/tz-exclude.list	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Index: 2.36-x86_32
--- 2.36-x86_32	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.36-x86_32	(revision 5)

Property changes on: 2.36-x86_32
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: 2.36-zoneinfo/2022f/Makefile
--- 2.36-zoneinfo/2022f/Makefile	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.36-zoneinfo/2022f/Makefile	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+NEED_ABS_PATH      = true
+COMPONENT_IS_3PP   = true
+include ../../../../build-system/constants.mk
+SOURCE_REQUIRES   = sources/iana/tz
+REQUIRES          = libs/glibc/2.36-i18n
+# ======= __END_OF_REQUIRES__ =======
+version    = 2.36
+tz_version = 2022f
+tar_gz_code_archive       = $(SRC_PACKAGE_PATH)/iana/tz/tzcode$(tz_version).tar.gz
+tar_gz_data_archive       = $(SRC_PACKAGE_PATH)/iana/tz/tzdata$(tz_version).tar.gz
+SRC_DIR           = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/timezone
+doc_dir_name      = zoneinfo-$(version)
+src_done          = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.source-done
+PATCHES           = PATCHES
+install_target    = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.install_done
+scripts_dir       = $(CURDIR)/scripts
+part_01           = $(CURDIR)/$(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/part-01
+####### Targets
+PKG_GROUP = libs
+# *PKG_NAME & *PKG_VERSION shouldn't be a reference to value.
+GLIBC_TZ_PKG_NAME                = glibc-zoneinfo
+GLIBC_TZ_PKG_VERSION             = 2.36
+GLIBC_TZ_PKG_ARCH                = $(PKGARCH)
+GLIBC_TZ_PKG_GROUP               = $(PKG_GROUP)
+###                               |---handy-ruler-------------------------------|
+GLIBC_TZ_PKG_SHORT_DESCRIPTION   = timezone database
+GLIBC_TZ_PKG_URL                 = $(BUG_URL)
+GLIBC_TZ_PKG_LICENSE             = public
+pkg_archive      = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/$(PKG_GROUP)/$(pkg_basename).$(pkg_arch_suffix)
+pkg_certificate  = $(call cert-name,$(pkg_archive))
+pkg_signature    = $(call sign-name,$(pkg_archive))
+pkg_description  = $(call desc-name,$(pkg_archive))
+products         = $(call pkg-files,$(pkg_archive))
+BUILD_TARGETS    = $(install_target)
+PRODUCT_TARGETS  = $(products)
+ROOTFS_TARGETS   = $(pkg_archive)
+include ../../../../build-system/core.mk
+$(src_done): $(tar_gz_code_archive) $(tar_gz_data_archive)
+	@mkdir -p $(SRC_DIR)
+	@tar xzf $(tar_gz_code_archive) -C $(SRC_DIR)
+	@tar xzf $(tar_gz_data_archive) -C $(SRC_DIR)
+	@touch $@
+$(install_target): $(src_done)
+	@mkdir -p $(GLIBC_TZ_PKG)
+	@cd $(SRC_DIR) && $(MAKE)
+	@cd $(SRC_DIR) && $(MAKE) -j1 install DESTDIR=.
+	@mkdir -p $(GLIBC_TZ_PKG)/usr/lib$(LIBSUFFIX)
+	@cp -a $(SRC_DIR)/usr/lib/libtz.a $(GLIBC_TZ_PKG)/usr/lib$(LIBSUFFIX)
+	@mkdir -p $(GLIBC_TZ_PKG)/usr/share/zoneinfo{,-leaps}
+	@cp -a $(SRC_DIR)/usr/share/zoneinfo/* $(GLIBC_TZ_PKG)/usr/share/zoneinfo
+	@cp -a $(SRC_DIR)/usr/share/zoneinfo-leaps/* $(GLIBC_TZ_PKG)/usr/share/zoneinfo-leaps
+	@( cd $(GLIBC_TZ_PKG)/usr/share ;  ln -sf zoneinfo zoneinfo-posix )
+	# ======= Remove PACKAGE/usr/share/zoneinfo/localtime --                =======
+	# ======= the install script will create it as a link to /etc/localtime =======
+	@rm -f $(GLIBC_TZ_PKG)/usr/share/zoneinfo/localtime
+	# ======= timeconfig script =======
+	@$(scripts_dir)/list-zones $(GLIBC_TZ_PKG)/usr/share/zoneinfo $(part_01)
+	@mkdir -p $(GLIBC_TZ_PKG)/usr/sbin
+	@cat $(scripts_dir)/part-00 $(part_01) $(scripts_dir)/part-02 > $(GLIBC_TZ_PKG)/usr/sbin/timeconfig
+	@chmod 0755 $(GLIBC_TZ_PKG)/usr/sbin/timeconfig
+	# ======= Install Documentation =======
+	@cp -rf $(SRC_DIR)/usr/share/man $(GLIBC_TZ_PKG)/usr/share
+	@( cd $(GLIBC_TZ_PKG)/usr/share/man/man3 ; \
+	   for file in *.3 ; do \
+	     gzip -9 --force $$file; \
+	   done )
+	@( cd $(GLIBC_TZ_PKG)/usr/share/man/man5 ; \
+	   for file in *.5 ; do \
+	     gzip -9 --force $$file; \
+	   done )
+	@( cd $(GLIBC_TZ_PKG)/usr/share/man/man8 ; \
+	   for file in *.8 ; do \
+	     gzip -9 --force $$file; \
+	   done )
+	@mkdir -p $(GLIBC_TZ_PKG)/usr/share/doc/$(doc_dir_name)
+	@( cd $(SRC_DIR) ; \
+	         $(GLIBC_TZ_PKG)/usr/share/doc/$(doc_dir_name) ; \
+	 )
+	# ======= Install the same to $(TARGET_DEST_DIR) =======
+	$(call install-into-devenv, $(GLIBC_TZ_PKG))
+	@touch $@
+	@cat $< | $(SED) -e "s/@VERSION@/$(version)/g" \
+	        | $(SED) -e "s/@TZVERSION@/$(tz_version)/g" > $@
+$(pkg_certificate) : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_signature)   : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_description) : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_archive): $(install_target) $(GLIBC_TZ_PKG_DESCRIPTION_FILE) $(GLIBC_TZ_PKG_INSTALL_SCRIPT)
+	@echo "pkgname=$(GLIBC_TZ_PKG_NAME)"                            >  $(GLIBC_TZ_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "pkgver=$(GLIBC_TZ_PKG_VERSION)"                          >> $(GLIBC_TZ_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "arch=$(GLIBC_TZ_PKG_ARCH)"                               >> $(GLIBC_TZ_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "distroname=$(GLIBC_TZ_PKG_DISTRO_NAME)"                  >> $(GLIBC_TZ_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "distrover=$(GLIBC_TZ_PKG_DISTRO_VERSION)"                >> $(GLIBC_TZ_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "group=$(GLIBC_TZ_PKG_GROUP)"                             >> $(GLIBC_TZ_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "short_description=\"$(GLIBC_TZ_PKG_SHORT_DESCRIPTION)\"" >> $(GLIBC_TZ_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "url=$(GLIBC_TZ_PKG_URL)"                                 >> $(GLIBC_TZ_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "license=$(GLIBC_TZ_PKG_LICENSE)"                         >> $(GLIBC_TZ_PKG)/.PKGINFO
+	@$(PSEUDO) sh -c "cd $(GLIBC_TZ_PKG) && \
+	                  chown -R root:root . && \
+	                  $(MAKE_PACKAGE) -J --linkadd=yes $(GNUPG_OPTIONS) -m -d .. ."
Index: 2.36-zoneinfo/2022f/PATCHES
--- 2.36-zoneinfo/2022f/PATCHES	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.36-zoneinfo/2022f/PATCHES	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+../../../../sources/iana/tz/patches/tzcode-2022f-version.patch -p0
Index: 2.36-zoneinfo/2022f/glibc-zoneinfo-pkg-description.in
--- 2.36-zoneinfo/2022f/glibc-zoneinfo-pkg-description.in	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.36-zoneinfo/2022f/glibc-zoneinfo-pkg-description.in	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# The "handy ruler" below makes it easier to edit a package description.  Line
+# up the first '|' above the ':' following the base package name, and the '|'
+# on the right side marks the last column you can put a character in.  You must
+# make exactly 11 lines for the formatting to be correct.  It's also
+# customary to leave one space after the ':'.
+              |-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------|
+glibc-zoneinfo: glibc-zoneinfo @VERSION@ (timezone database @TZVERSION@)
+glibc-zoneinfo: This package allows you to configure your time zone.
+glibc-zoneinfo: This timezone database comes from the tzdata and tzcode packages by
+glibc-zoneinfo: Arthur David Olson et.al. The latest version and more information
+glibc-zoneinfo: may be found at:  http://www.iana.org/time-zones
+glibc-zoneinfo: Use the timeconfig utility to set your local time zone.
Index: 2.36-zoneinfo/2022f/glibc-zoneinfo-pkg-install.sh
--- 2.36-zoneinfo/2022f/glibc-zoneinfo-pkg-install.sh	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.36-zoneinfo/2022f/glibc-zoneinfo-pkg-install.sh	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+pre_install() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+post_install() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+# arg 2:  the old package version
+pre_update() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+# arg 2:  the old package version
+post_update() {
+  post_install
+# arg 1:  the old package version
+pre_remove() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the old package version
+post_remove() {
+  /bin/true
+$operation $*

Property changes on: 2.36-zoneinfo/2022f/glibc-zoneinfo-pkg-install.sh
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: 2.36-zoneinfo/2022f/scripts/list-zones
--- 2.36-zoneinfo/2022f/scripts/list-zones	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.36-zoneinfo/2022f/scripts/list-zones	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+if [ -z "$path" -a -z "$p01" ] ; then
+  echo ""
+  echo "Usage: `basename $0` PATH output-file"
+  echo ""
+  exit 1
+ls 1> /dev/null 2> $p01
+( cd $path
+  find . -type f | xargs file | grep "timezone data" | cut -f 1 -d : | sort | while read zone ; do
+    if [ "`dirname $zone`" != "." ] ; then
+      line="\"`echo "$zone" | sed "s,\./,,"`\" \" \" \\\\"
+      echo "$line" >> $p01
+    fi
+  done
+  find . -type f | xargs file | grep "timezone data" | cut -f 1 -d : | sort | while read zone ; do
+    if [ "`dirname $zone`" == "." ] ; then
+      line="\"`echo "$zone" | sed "s,\./,,"`\" \" \" \\\\"
+      echo "$line" >> $p01
+    fi
+  done

Property changes on: 2.36-zoneinfo/2022f/scripts/list-zones
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: 2.36-zoneinfo/2022f/scripts/part-00
--- 2.36-zoneinfo/2022f/scripts/part-00	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.36-zoneinfo/2022f/scripts/part-00	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+# program name:
+program=`basename $0`
+# 16 = root path has not specified arter --root option
+# 91 = root path not correct
+# 92 = Cannot create '/tmp/...' directory
+umask 022
+if [ ! -z "$TMPDIR" ] ; then mkdir -p $TMPDIR ; fi
+TMP=$(mkdir -p /tmp/radix && mktemp -d -p /tmp/radix $program.XXXXXXXX) || { echo "Cannot create '/tmp/...' directory" ; exit 92; }
+trap "rm -rf $TMP" EXIT
+usage() {
+ cat << EOF
+Usage: $program [options]
+$program - Radix Linux timezone configuration utility.
+   --root <DIR>   - Configure timezone someplace else, like <DIR>.
+  if [ ! -z "$TARGET_ROOT_PATH" ] ; then
+    if [[ ${TARGET_ROOT_PATH:0:1} != "/" ]] ; then
+    fi
+    TARGET_ROOT_PATH="$(echo "$TARGET_ROOT_PATH" | sed -e "s/\/$//")/"
+  fi
+# Parse options:
+while [ 0 ]; do
+  if [ "$1" = "-h" -o "$1" = "--help" ]; then
+    usage
+    exit 0
+  elif [ "$1" = "--root" ]; then
+    if [ "$2" = "" ]; then
+      usage
+      echo "ERROR: Target ROOT directory has not specified. Check --root option."
+      EXITSTATUS=17
+      exit $EXITSTATUS
+    fi
+    shift 2
+  else
+    break
+  fi
+if [ -z "$TARGET_ROOT_PATH" ] ; then
+if [ ! -d $TARGET_ROOT_PATH ] ; then
+  echo "ERROR: Target ROOT path specified but not correct."
+: ${DIALOG=dialog}
+: ${DIALOGRC=${TARGET_ROOT_PATH}etc/dialogrc}
+# The hardware clock configuration file:
+# setzone( $TIMEZONE )
+# This function accepts a time zone as the only parameter
+# and sets it as the default system time zone.
+  TZ=$1
+  cd ${TARGET_ROOT_PATH}etc
+  if [ -r ${TARGET_ROOT_PATH}usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ -o \
+       -L ${TARGET_ROOT_PATH}usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ    ]; then
+      ln -sf ../usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ localtime-copied-from
+      rm -f localtime
+      cd ..
+      cp etc/localtime-copied-from etc/localtime
+   fi
+# writeconf( $CLOCK_SET_TO )
+# Writes out $HWCLOCK_CONF that tells rc.S how the hardware clock value is stored.
+   echo "#"                                               > $HWCLOCK_CONF
+   echo "# /etc/hardwareclock"                           >> $HWCLOCK_CONF
+   echo "#"                                              >> $HWCLOCK_CONF
+   echo "# Tells how the hardware clock time is stored." >> $HWCLOCK_CONF
+   echo "# You should run timeconfig to edit this file." >> $HWCLOCK_CONF
+   echo ""                                               >> $HWCLOCK_CONF
+   echo $1 >> $HWCLOCK_CONF
+# Ask the user if the hardware clock is set for UTC/GMT
+cat > $TMP/menu-utc$$ << EOF
+--colors \\
+--backtitle "\Z7Radix\Zn \Z1cross\Zn\Z7 Linux\Zn" \\
+--title " \Z4\ZbSet Hardware Clock\ZB\Zn " \\
+--menu "\\n\\
+ Is the hardware clock set to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC/GMT)?\\n\\
+ If it is, select YES here.\\n\\n\\
+ If the hardware clock is set to the current local time (this is how\\n\\
+ most PCs are set up), then say NO here.\\n\\n\\
+ If you are not sure what this is, you should answer NO here.\\n\\
+" 16 74 2 \\
+"NO" "Hardware clock is set to local time" \\
+"YES" "Hardware clock is set to UTC" \\
+$DIALOG --file $TMP/menu-utc$$ 2> $TMP/utc$$
+if [ $? = 1 -o $? = 255 ]; then
+  rm -f $TMP/utc$$
+  rm -f $TMP/menu-utc$$
+  exit
+if [ "`cat $TMP/utc$$`" = "YES" ]; then
+  # yes, the hardware clock is UTC
+  writeconf "UTC"
+else # must be NO
+  writeconf "localtime"
+rm -f $TMP/utc$$
+rm -f $TMP/menu-utc$$
+# Ask the user which timezone is preffered
+cat > $TMP/menu-tz$$ << EOF
+--colors \\
+--backtitle "\Z7Radix\Zn \Z1cross\Zn\Z7 Linux\Zn" \\
+--title " \Z4\ZbTimezone Configuration\ZB\Zn " \\
+--menu "\\n\\
+ Please select one of the following timezones for your machine:\\n\\
+" 22 74 14 \\
Index: 2.36-zoneinfo/2022f/scripts/part-02
--- 2.36-zoneinfo/2022f/scripts/part-02	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.36-zoneinfo/2022f/scripts/part-02	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+$DIALOG --file $TMP/menu-tz$$ 2> $TMP/tz$$
+if [ $ret -eq 1 -o $ret -eq 255 ]; then
+  rm -f $TMP/tz$$
+  rm -f $TMP/menu-tz$$
+  exit
+TIMEZONE="`cat $TMP/tz$$`"
+rm -f $TMP/tz$$
+rm -f $TMP/menu-tz$$
+setzone $TIMEZONE
Index: 2.36-zoneinfo/2022f/scripts
--- 2.36-zoneinfo/2022f/scripts	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.36-zoneinfo/2022f/scripts	(revision 5)

Property changes on: 2.36-zoneinfo/2022f/scripts
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: 2.36-zoneinfo/2022f
--- 2.36-zoneinfo/2022f	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.36-zoneinfo/2022f	(revision 5)

Property changes on: 2.36-zoneinfo/2022f
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: 2.36-zoneinfo
--- 2.36-zoneinfo	(nonexistent)
+++ 2.36-zoneinfo	(revision 5)

Property changes on: 2.36-zoneinfo
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: .
--- .	(nonexistent)
+++ .	(revision 5)

Property changes on: .
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies