Radix cross Linux

The main Radix cross Linux repository contains the build scripts of packages, which have the most complete and common functionality for desktop machines

383 Commits   1 Branch   1 Tag
     5         kx root::9804:0:::::
     5         kx bin:*:9797:0:::::
     5         kx daemon:*:9797:0:::::
     5         kx adm:*:9797:0:::::
     5         kx lp:*:9797:0:::::
     5         kx sync:*:9797:0:::::
     5         kx shutdown:*:9797:0:::::
     5         kx halt:*:9797:0:::::
     5         kx mail:*:9797:0:::::
     5         kx news:*:9797:0:::::
     5         kx uucp:*:9797:0:::::
     5         kx operator:*:9797:0:::::
     5         kx games:*:9797:0:::::
     5         kx ftp:*:9797:0:::::
     5         kx smmsp:*:9797:0:::::
     5         kx mysql:*:9797:0:::::
     5         kx rpc:*:9797:0:::::
     5         kx sshd:*:9797:0:::::
     5         kx gdm:*:9797:0:::::
     5         kx oprofile:*:9797:0:::::
     5         kx pop:*:9797:0:::::
     5         kx apache:*:9797:0:::::
     5         kx messagebus:*:9797:0:::::
     5         kx haldaemon:*:9797:0:::::
     5         kx nobody:*:9797:0:::::
     5         kx pulse:*:9797:0:::::
     5         kx avahi-autoipd:*:9797:0:::::
     5         kx avahi:*:9797:0:::::
     5         kx postfix:*:9797:0:::::
     5         kx cyrus:*:9797:0:::::
     5         kx tomcat:*:9797:0:::::
     5         kx postgres:*:9797:0:::::
     5         kx nginx:*:9797:0:::::
     5         kx rabbitmq:*:9797:0:::::
     5         kx ldap:*:9797:0:::::