Radix cross Linux

The main Radix cross Linux repository contains the build scripts of packages, which have the most complete and common functionality for desktop machines

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Index: rc.inet1
--- rc.inet1	(nonexistent)
+++ rc.inet1	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,703 @@
+# /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1
+# This script is used to bring up the various network interfaces.
+# @(#)/etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 10.2  Sun Jul 24 12:45:56 PDT 2005  (pjv)
+# Get the configuration information from /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf:
+. /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf
+# Message logging.
+info_log() {
+  # If possible, log events in /var/log/messages:
+  if [ -f /var/run/syslogd.pid ] && [ -x /usr/bin/logger ]; then
+    /usr/bin/logger -t "rc.inet1" --id="$$" "$*"
+  else
+    printf "%s: %s\\n" "rc.inet1" "$*"
+  fi
+# Verbose logging.
+debug_log() {
+  if [ "$DEBUG_ETH_UP" = "yes" ]; then
+    info_log "$*"
+  fi
+# Compose a list of interfaces from /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf (with a maximum
+# of 6 interfaces, but you can easily enlarge the interface limit
+# - send me a picture of such a box :-).
+# If a value for IFNAME[n] is not set, we assume it is an eth'n' interface.
+# This way, the new script is compatible with older rc.inet1.conf files.
+# The IFNAME array will be used to determine which interfaces to bring up/down.
+while [ $i -lt $MAXNICS ];
+  IFNAME[$i]=${IFNAME[$i]:=eth${i}}
+  i=$((i+1))
+debug_log "List of interfaces: ${IFNAME[*]}"
+for i in "${IFNAME[@]}"; do
+  # If the interface isn't in the kernel yet (but there's an alias for it in modules.conf),
+  # then it should be loaded first:
+  if [ ! -e /sys/class/net/${i%%[:.]*} ]; then # no interface yet
+    if /sbin/modprobe -c | grep -v "^#" | grep -w "alias ${i%%[:.]*}" | grep -vw "alias ${i%%[:.]*} off" >/dev/null; then
+      debug_log "/sbin/modprobe ${i%%[:.]*}"
+      /sbin/modprobe ${i%%[:.]*}
+      _DID_MODPROBE=1
+    fi
+  fi
+# Normally the ipv6 module would be automatically loaded when the first IP is assigned to an
+# interface (assuming ipv6 has not been disabled entirely), but autoconf/accept_ra need to be
+# set to 0 before that happens, so try to pre-load ipv6 here.
+if [ ! -e /proc/sys/net/ipv6 ]; then
+  debug_log "/sbin/modprobe ipv6"
+  /sbin/modprobe -q ipv6
+# If we did any module loading in the blocks above, sleep for a couple of
+# seconds to give time for everything to "take"
+[ -n "${_DID_MODPROBE}" ] && sleep 2
+# Function to bring up the loopback interface.  If loopback is
+# already up, do nothing.
+lo_up() {
+  if [ -e /sys/class/net/lo ]; then
+    if ! /sbin/ip link show dev lo | grep -wq -e "state UP" -e "state UNKNOWN" ; then
+      info_log "lo: configuring interface"
+      debug_log "/sbin/ip -4 address add dev lo"
+      /sbin/ip -4 address add dev lo
+      if [ -e /proc/sys/net/ipv6 ]; then
+        debug_log "/sbin/ip -6 address add ::1/128 dev lo"
+        /sbin/ip -6 address add ::1/128 dev lo
+      fi
+      debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev lo up"
+      /sbin/ip link set dev lo up
+      debug_log "/sbin/ip route add dev lo"
+      /sbin/ip route add dev lo
+    fi
+  fi
+# Function to take down the loopback interface:
+lo_down() {
+  if [ -e /sys/class/net/lo ]; then
+    info_log "lo: de-configuring interface"
+    debug_log "/sbin/ip address flush dev lo"
+    /sbin/ip address flush dev lo
+    debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev lo down"
+    /sbin/ip link set dev lo down
+  fi
+# Function to create virtual interfaces
+virtif_create() {
+  # argument is 'i' - the position of this interface in the VIRTIFNAME array.
+  # this loop goes from i=0 to i=number_of_configured_virtual_interfaces_minus_one
+  # which means it doesn't do anything if there are none.
+  for i in $(seq 0 $((${#VIRTIFNAME[@]} - 1))); do
+    info_log "${VIRTIFNAME[$i]}: creating virtual interface"
+    debug_log "/sbin/ip tuntap add dev ${VIRTIFNAME[$i]} mode ${VIRTIFTYPE[$i]} user ${VIRTIFUSER[$i]} group ${VIRTIFGROUP[$i]}"
+    /sbin/ip tuntap add dev ${VIRTIFNAME[$i]} mode ${VIRTIFTYPE[$i]} user ${VIRTIFUSER[$i]} group ${VIRTIFGROUP[$i]}
+  done
+# Function to destroy virtual interfaces
+virtif_destroy() {
+  # argument is 'i' - the position of this interface in the VIRTIFNAME array.
+  for i in $(seq 0 $((${#VIRTIFNAME[@]} - 1))); do
+    info_log "${VIRTIFNAME[$i]}: destroying virtual interface"
+    debug_log "/sbin/ip tuntap del dev ${VIRTIFNAME[$i]} mode ${VIRTIFTYPE[$i]}"
+    /sbin/ip tuntap del dev ${VIRTIFNAME[$i]} mode ${VIRTIFTYPE[$i]}
+  done
+# Function to assemble a bridge interface.
+br_open() {
+  # argument is 'i' - the position of this interface in the IFNAME array.
+  info_log "${IFNAME[$1]}: creating bridge"
+  debug_log "/sbin/ip link add name ${IFNAME[$1]} type bridge"
+  /sbin/ip link add name ${IFNAME[$1]} type bridge
+  for BRIF in ${BRNICS[$1]}; do
+    debug_log "/sbin/ip address flush dev $BRIF"
+    /sbin/ip address flush dev $BRIF
+    debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev $BRIF master ${IFNAME[$1]}"
+    /sbin/ip link set dev $BRIF master ${IFNAME[$1]}
+    debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev $BRIF up"
+    /sbin/ip link set dev $BRIF up
+  done
+  while read -r -d \| IFOPT; do
+    if [ -n "$IFOPT" ]; then
+      debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev ${IFNAME[$1]} type bridge $IFOPT"
+      /sbin/ip link set dev ${IFNAME[$1]} type bridge $IFOPT
+    fi
+  done <<<"${IFOPTS[$1]/%|*([[:blank:]])}|"	# The | on the end is required.
+  # Don't bring up the interface if it will be brought up later during IP configuration.
+  # This prevents a situation where SLAAC takes a while to apply if the interface is already up.
+  if [ -z "${IPADDRS[$1]}" ] && [ -z "${IP6ADDRS[$1]}" ] && [ -z "${IPADDR[$1]}" ] && [ "${USE_DHCP[$1]}" != "yes" ] && [ "${USE_DHCP6[$1]}" != "yes" ] && [ "${USE_SLAAC[$1]}" != "yes" ]; then
+    debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev ${IFNAME[$1]} up"
+    /sbin/ip link set dev ${IFNAME[$1]} up
+  fi
+# Function to disassemble a bridge interface.
+br_close() {
+  # argument is 'i' - the position of this interface in the IFNAME array.
+  info_log "${IFNAME[$1]}: destroying bridge"
+  debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev ${IFNAME[$1]} down"
+  /sbin/ip link set dev ${IFNAME[$1]} down
+  for BRIF in $(ls --indicator-style=none /sys/class/net/${IFNAME[$1]}/brif/)
+  do
+    debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev $BRIF nomaster"
+    /sbin/ip link set dev $BRIF nomaster
+  done
+  for BRIF in ${BRNICS[$1]}; do
+    debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev $BRIF down"
+    /sbin/ip link set dev $BRIF down
+  done
+  debug_log "/sbin/ip link del ${IFNAME[$1]}"
+  /sbin/ip link del ${IFNAME[$1]}
+# Function to create a bond.
+bond_create() {
+  # Argument is 'i' - the position of this interface in the IFNAME array.
+  info_log "${IFNAME[$1]}: creating bond"
+  debug_log "/sbin/ip link add name ${IFNAME[$1]} type bond"
+  /sbin/ip link add name ${IFNAME[$1]} type bond
+  debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev ${IFNAME[$1]} type bond mode ${BONDMODE[$1]:-balance-rr}"
+  /sbin/ip link set dev ${IFNAME[$1]} type bond mode ${BONDMODE[$1]:-balance-rr}
+  for BONDIF in ${BONDNICS[$1]}; do
+    debug_log "/sbin/ip address flush dev $BONDIF"
+    /sbin/ip address flush dev $BONDIF
+    debug_log "/sbin/ip link set $BONDIF master ${IFNAME[$1]}"
+    /sbin/ip link set $BONDIF master ${IFNAME[$1]}
+    debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev $BONDIF up"
+    /sbin/ip link set dev $BONDIF up
+  done
+  # This has to be done *after* the interface is brought up because the
+  # 'primary <interface>' option has to occur after the interface is active.
+  while read -r -d \| IFOPT; do
+    if [ -n "$IFOPT" ]; then
+      debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev ${IFNAME[$1]} type bond $IFOPT"
+      /sbin/ip link set dev ${IFNAME[$1]} type bond $IFOPT
+    fi
+  done <<<"${IFOPTS[$1]/%|*([[:blank:]])}|"	# The | on the end is required.
+# Function to destroy a bond.
+bond_destroy() {
+  # Argument is 'i' - the position of this interface in the IFNAME array.
+  info_log "${IFNAME[$1]}: destroying bond"
+  debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev ${IFNAME[$1]} down"
+  /sbin/ip link set dev ${IFNAME[$1]} down
+  debug_log "/sbin/ip address flush dev ${IFNAME[$1]}"
+  /sbin/ip address flush dev ${IFNAME[$1]}
+  for BONDIF in ${BONDNICS[$1]}; do
+    debug_log "/sbin/ip link set $BONDIF nomaster"
+    /sbin/ip link set $BONDIF nomaster
+    debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev $BONDIF down"
+    /sbin/ip link set dev $BONDIF down
+  done
+  debug_log "/sbin/ip link del name ${IFNAME[$1]} type bond"
+  /sbin/ip link del name ${IFNAME[$1]} type bond
+# Function to bring up a network interface.  If the interface is
+# already up or does not yet exist (perhaps because the kernel driver
+# is not loaded yet), do nothing.
+if_up() {
+  # Determine position 'i' of this interface in the IFNAME array:
+  i=0
+  while [ $i -lt $MAXNICS ]; do
+    [ "${IFNAME[$i]}" = "${1}" ] && break
+    i=$((i+1))
+  done
+  # If "i" is greater or equal to "MAXNICS" at this point, it means we didn't
+  # find an entry in IFNAME array corresponding to "${1}", which likely means
+  # there are more interfaces configured than MAXNICS. Let's err on the
+  # side of caution and do nothing instead of possibly doing the wrong thing.
+  if [ $i -ge $MAXNICS ]; then
+    info_log "${1}: skipping - you might need to increase MAXNICS"
+    return
+  fi
+  info_log "${1}: configuring interface"
+  # If you need to set hardware addresses for the underlying interfaces in a
+  # bond or bridge, configure the interfaces with IPs of and set the
+  # MAC address with HWADDR.  Then, finally, define the bond or bridge.
+  # If the interface is a bond, create it.
+  [ -n "${BONDNICS[$i]}" ] && bond_create $i
+  # If the interface is a bridge, create it.
+  [ -n "${BRNICS[$i]}" ] && br_open $i
+  if [ -e /sys/class/net/${1%%[:.]*} ]; then # interface exists
+    if ! /sbin/ip address show scope global dev ${1} 2>/dev/null | grep -Ewq '(inet|inet6)' || \
+        ! /sbin/ip link show dev ${1} | grep -wq "state UP"; then # interface not up or not configured
+      local IF_UP=0
+      # Initialize any wireless parameters:
+      if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.wireless ]; then
+        . /etc/rc.d/rc.wireless ${1} start
+      fi
+      # Handle VLAN interfaces before trying to configure IP addresses.
+      if echo "${1}" | grep -Fq .; then
+        IFACE="${1%.*}"
+        VLAN="${1##*.}"
+        # Check if the underlying interface is already up.
+        if ! /sbin/ip link show dev $IFACE 2>/dev/null| grep -wq "state UP"; then
+          # Bring up the underlying interface.
+          debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev $IFACE up"
+          if ! /sbin/ip link set dev $IFACE up; then
+            info_log "${1}: failed to bring up interface $IFACE"
+            return
+          fi
+          IF_UP=1
+        fi
+        # Configure the VLAN interface.
+        info_log "${1}: creating VLAN interface"
+        debug_log "/sbin/ip link add link $IFACE name ${1} type vlan id $VLAN"
+        if ! /sbin/ip link add link $IFACE name ${1} type vlan id $VLAN; then
+          info_log "${1}: failed to create VLAN interface"
+          ((IF_UP == 1)) && /sbin/ip link set dev $IFACE down
+          return
+        fi
+        while read -r -d \| IFOPT; do
+          if [ -n "$IFOPT" ]; then
+            debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev ${1} type vlan $IFOPT"
+            /sbin/ip link set dev ${1} type vlan $IFOPT
+          fi
+        done <<<"${IFOPTS[$i]/%|*([[:blank:]])}|"	# The | on the end is required.
+      elif [ -z "${BONDNICS[$i]}" ] && [ -z "${BRNICS[$i]}" ]; then
+        # Only apply IFOPTS for a physical interface if it's not been handled
+        # by a higher level interface.
+        while read -r -d \| IFOPT; do
+          if [ -n "$IFOPT" ]; then
+            debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev ${1} $IFOPT"
+            /sbin/ip link set dev ${1} $IFOPT
+          fi
+        done <<<"${IFOPTS[$i]/%|*([[:blank:]])}|"	# The | on the end is required.
+      fi
+      # Set hardware address:
+      if [ -n "${HWADDR[$i]}" ]; then
+        debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev ${1} address ${HWADDR[$i]}"
+        if ! /sbin/ip link set dev ${1} address ${HWADDR[$i]} 2>/dev/null; then
+          info_log "${1}: failed to set hardware address"
+        fi
+      fi
+      if [ -e /proc/sys/net/ipv6 ]; then # ipv6 networking is available
+        # Disable v6 IP auto configuration before trying to bring up the interface:
+        debug_log "${1}: disabling IPv6 autoconf"
+        echo "0" >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/autoconf
+        if [ "${USE_RA[$i]}" = "yes" ]; then
+          # Unconditionally accept router advertisements on this interface:
+          debug_log "${1}: accepting IPv6 RA"
+          echo "1" >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/accept_ra
+        else
+          # Disable router advertisments on this interface until SLAAC is enabled:
+          debug_log "${1}: ignoring IPv6 RA"
+          echo "0" >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/accept_ra
+        fi
+      fi
+      debug_log "/sbin/ip address flush dev ${1}"
+      /sbin/ip address flush dev ${1}
+      IF_UP=0
+      if [ -e /proc/sys/net/ipv6 ] && [ "${USE_DHCP6[$i]}" != "yes" ] && [ "${USE_SLAAC[$i]}" = "yes" ]; then # configure via SLAAC
+        info_log "${1}: enabling SLAAC"
+        # Enable accepting of RA packets, unless explicitly configured not to:
+        if [ "${USE_RA[$i]}" = "no" ]; then
+          debug_log "${1}: ignoring IPv6 RA"
+          echo "0" >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/accept_ra
+        else
+          debug_log "${1}: accepting IPv6 RA"
+          echo "1" >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/accept_ra
+        fi
+        # Set up SLAAC privacy enhancements if configured.
+        if [ "${SLAAC_PRIVIPGEN[$i]}" = "yes" ]; then
+          if [ -n "${SLAAC_SECRET[$i]}" ]; then
+            debug_log "${1}: seeding secret and enabling private IPv6 generation"
+            echo "${SLAAC_SECRET[$i]}" >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/stable_secret
+            echo "2" >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/addr_gen_mode
+          else
+            debug_log "${1}: using random secret and enabling private IPv6 generation"
+            echo -n >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/stable_secret
+            echo "3" >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/addr_gen_mode
+          fi
+        fi
+        if [ "${SLAAC_TEMPADDR[$i]}" = "yes" ]; then
+          debug_log "${1}: enabling SLAAC tempaddr"
+          echo "2" >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/use_tempaddr
+        fi
+        # Enable auto configuration of interfaces:
+        echo "1" >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/autoconf
+        # Bring the interface up:
+        debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev ${1} up"
+        /sbin/ip link set dev ${1} up
+        echo "${1}: waiting for router announcement"
+        for ((j = ${SLAAC_TIMEOUT[$i]:=15} * 2; j--;)); do # by default, wait a max of 15 seconds for the interface to configure
+          /sbin/ip -6 address show dynamic dev ${1} 2>/dev/null | grep -Ewq 'inet6' && { IF_UP=1; break; }
+          sleep 0.5
+        done
+        if ((IF_UP != 1)); then
+          echo "${1}: timed out"
+          info_log "${1}: failed to auto configure after ${SLAAC_TIMEOUT[$i]} seconds"
+          debug_log "/sbin/ip address flush dev ${1}"
+          /sbin/ip address flush dev ${1}
+          debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev ${1} down"
+          /sbin/ip link set dev ${1} down
+        fi
+      fi
+      # Slackware historically favours dynamic configuration over fixed IP to configure interfaces, so keep that tradition:
+      if [ "${USE_DHCP[$i]}" = "yes" ] || { [ -e /proc/sys/net/ipv6 ] && [ "${USE_DHCP6[$i]}" = "yes" ]; }; then # use dhcpcd
+        info_log "${1}: starting dhcpcd"
+        # Declare DHCP_OPTIONS array before adding new options to it:
+        local -a DHCP_OPTIONS=()
+        # Set DHCP_OPTIONS for this interface:
+        if [ -e /proc/sys/net/ipv6 ]; then
+          if [ "${USE_DHCP[$i]}" = "yes" ] && [ "${USE_DHCP6[$i]}" != "yes" ]; then # only try v4 dhcp
+            DHCP_OPTIONS+=("-4")
+          elif [ "${USE_DHCP[$i]}" != "yes" ] && [ "${USE_DHCP6[$i]}" = "yes" ]; then # only try v6 dhcp
+            DHCP_OPTIONS+=("-6")
+          fi
+        else
+          DHCP_OPTIONS+=("-4")
+        fi
+        [ -n "${DHCP_HOSTNAME[$i]}" ] && DHCP_OPTIONS+=("-h" "${DHCP_HOSTNAME[$i]}")
+        [ "${DHCP_KEEPRESOLV[$i]}" = "yes" ] && DHCP_OPTIONS+=("-C" "resolv.conf")
+        [ "${DHCP_KEEPNTP[$i]}" = "yes" ] && DHCP_OPTIONS+=("-C" "ntp.conf")
+        [ "${DHCP_KEEPGW[$i]}" = "yes" ] && DHCP_OPTIONS+=("-G")
+        [ "${DHCP_DEBUG[$i]}" = "yes" ] && DHCP_OPTIONS+=("-d")
+        # The -L option used to be hard coded into the dhcpcd command line in -current.  It was added to assist ARM users
+        # get networking up and running.  Previous versions of Slackware did not have -L hard coded - the code here keeps
+        # the 14.2 behaviour, but can be altered to make the use of -L default as in -current.  To change the behaviour,
+        # alter the test below to be: [ "${DHCP_NOIPV4LL[$i]}" != "no" ].
+        # Note: ARM users should make use of the DHCP_NOIPV4LL[x]="yes" parameter in rc.inet1.conf - this is the correct
+        # way to get the behaviour they seek.
+        [ "${DHCP_NOIPV4LL[$i]}" = "yes" ] && DHCP_OPTIONS+=("-L")
+        echo "${1}: polling for DHCP server"
+        # 15 seconds should be a reasonable default DHCP timeout.  30 was too much.
+        debug_log "/sbin/dhcpcd -t ${DHCP_TIMEOUT[$i]:-15} ${DHCP_OPTIONS[*]} ${1}"
+        if /sbin/dhcpcd -t "${DHCP_TIMEOUT[$i]:-15}" "${DHCP_OPTIONS[@]}" ${1}; then
+          # Enable accepting of RA packets if explicitly told to:
+          if [ -e /proc/sys/net/ipv6 ] && [ "${USE_RA[$i]}" = "yes" ]; then
+            debug_log "${1}: unconditionally accepting IPv6 RA"
+            echo "1" >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/accept_ra
+          fi
+          IF_UP=1
+        else
+          info_log "${1}: failed to obtain DHCP lease"
+          debug_log "/sbin/ip address flush dev ${1}"
+          /sbin/ip address flush dev ${1}
+          debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev ${1} down"
+          /sbin/ip link set dev ${1} down
+        fi
+      fi
+      if [ -e /proc/sys/net/ipv6 ] && [ -n "${IP6ADDRS[$i]}" ]; then # add v6 IPs
+        info_log "${1}: setting IPv6 addresses"
+        # IPv6's Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) causes a race condition when bringing up interfaces, as
+        # described here:  https://www.agwa.name/blog/post/beware_the_ipv6_dad_race_condition
+        # Disable DAD while bringing up the interface - but note that this means the loss of detection of a
+        # duplicate address.  It's a trade off, unfortunately.
+        debug_log "${1}: disabling IPv6 DAD"
+        echo "0" >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/accept_dad
+        for V6IP in ${IP6ADDRS[$i]}; do
+          IP="${V6IP%/*}"
+          PREFIX="${V6IP#*/}"
+          if [ -z "$PREFIX" ] || [ "$IP" == "$PREFIX" ]; then
+            info_log "${1}: no prefix length set for IP $IP - assuming 64"
+            PREFIX="64"
+          fi
+          debug_log "/sbin/ip -6 address add $IP/$PREFIX dev ${1}"
+          if /sbin/ip -6 address add $IP/$PREFIX dev ${1} && /sbin/ip link set dev ${1} up; then
+            # Enable accepting of RA packets if explicitly told to.
+            if [ "${USE_RA[$i]}" = "yes" ]; then
+              debug_log "${1}: unconditionally accepting IPv6 RA"
+              echo "1" >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/accept_ra
+            fi
+            IF_UP=1
+          else
+            info_log "${1}: failed to set IP $IP"
+            if ((IF_UP != 1)); then # a v4 address was configured, don't flush it
+              debug_log "/sbin/ip address flush dev ${1}"
+              /sbin/ip address flush dev ${1}
+              debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev ${1} down"
+              /sbin/ip link set dev ${1} down
+            fi
+          fi
+        done
+        # Reset accept_dad back to default now all the IPs are configured:
+        debug_log "${1}: resetting IPv6 DAD to default"
+        cat /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/default/accept_dad >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/accept_dad
+      fi
+      if [ -n "${IPADDRS[$i]}" ] || [ -n "${IPADDR[$i]}" ]; then # add v4 IPs
+        info_log "${1}: setting IPv4 addresses"
+        # Only use IPADDR if no dynamic configuration was done.
+        if [ "${USE_DHCP[$i]}" == "yes" ] || [ "${USE_DHCP6[$i]}" == "yes" ] || [ "${USE_SLAAC[$i]}" == "yes" ]; then
+          V4IPS="${IPADDRS[$i]}"
+        else
+          V4IPS="${IPADDRS[$i]} ${IPADDR[$i]}${NETMASK[$i]:+/${NETMASK[$i]}}"
+        fi
+        for V4IP in $V4IPS; do
+          IP="${V4IP%/*}"
+          NM="${V4IP#*/}"
+          if [ -z "$NM" ] || [ "$IP" == "$NM" ]; then
+            info_log "${1}: no netmask set for IP $IP - assuming 24 (aka,"
+            NM="24"
+          fi
+          debug_log "/sbin/ip -4 address add $IP/$NM broadcast + dev ${1}"
+          if /sbin/ip -4 address add $IP/$NM broadcast + dev ${1} && /sbin/ip link set dev ${1} up; then
+            IF_UP=1
+          else
+            info_log "${1}: failed to set IP $IP"
+            if ((IF_UP != 1)); then # if at least one address was configured, don't flush the device
+              debug_log "/sbin/ip address flush dev ${1}"
+              /sbin/ip address flush dev ${1}
+              debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev ${1} down"
+              /sbin/ip link set dev ${1} down
+            fi
+          fi
+        done
+      fi
+      if ((IF_UP == 1)) && [ -n "${IPALIASES[$i]}" ]; then # Only apply IPALIASES onto an up interface
+        info_log "${1}: setting extra IPv4 addresses"
+        NUM=0
+        for EXTRAIP in ${IPALIASES[$i]}; do
+          IP="${EXTRAIP%/*}"
+          NM="${EXTRAIP#*/}"
+          if [ -z "$NM" ] || [ "$IP" == "$NM" ]; then
+            info_log "${1}: no netmask set for alias IP $IP - assuming 24 (aka,"
+            NM="24"
+          fi
+          debug_log "/sbin/ip -4 address add $IP/$NM broadcast + dev ${1} label ${1}:$NUM"
+          if /sbin/ip -4 address add $IP/$NM broadcast + dev ${1} label ${1}:$NUM; then
+            NUM=$((NUM + 1))
+          else
+            info_log "${1}: failed to add alias IP $IP"
+          fi
+        done
+      fi
+      if ((IF_UP == 1)); then
+        # Force an MTU (possibly overriding that set by DHCP or RA):
+        if [ -n "${MTU[$i]}" ]; then
+          info_log "${1}: setting custom MTU"
+          debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev ${1} mtu ${MTU[$i]}"
+          if ! /sbin/ip link set dev ${1} mtu ${MTU[$i]}; then
+            info_log "${1}: failed to set MTU"
+          fi
+        fi
+        # Set promiscuous mode on the interface:
+        if [ "${PROMISCUOUS[$i]}" = "yes" ]; then
+          info_log "${1}: setting promiscuous mode"
+          debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev ${1} promisc on"
+          if ! /sbin/ip link set dev ${1} promisc on; then
+            info_log "${1}: failed to set promiscuous mode"
+          fi
+        fi
+      fi
+    else
+      debug_log "${1}: skipping configuration - already up"
+    fi
+  else
+    debug_log "${1}: skipping configuration - does not exist (yet)"
+  fi
+# Function to take down a network interface:
+if_down() {
+  # Determine position 'i' of this interface in the IFNAME array:
+  i=0
+  while [ $i -lt $MAXNICS ]; do
+    [ "${IFNAME[$i]}" = "${1}" ] && break
+    i=$((i+1))
+  done
+  if [ $i -ge $MAXNICS ]; then
+    info_log "${1}: skipping - you might need to increase MAXNICS"
+    return
+  fi
+  info_log "${1}: de-configuring interface"
+  if [ -e /sys/class/net/${1} ]; then
+    if [ "${USE_DHCP[$i]}" = "yes" ] || [ "${USE_DHCP6[$i]}" = "yes" ]; then # take down dhcpcd
+      info_log "${1}: stopping dhcpcd"
+      # When using -k, dhcpcd requires some command line options to match those used to invoke it:
+      if [ "${USE_DHCP[$i]}" = "yes" ] && [ "${USE_DHCP6[$i]}" != "yes" ]; then # only v4 dhcp
+        DHCP_OPTIONS=( -4 )
+      elif [ "${USE_DHCP[$i]}" != "yes" ] && [ "${USE_DHCP6[$i]}" = "yes" ]; then # only v6 dhcp
+        DHCP_OPTIONS=( -6 )
+      fi
+      debug_log "/sbin/dhcpcd ${DHCP_OPTIONS[*]} -k -d ${1}"
+      /sbin/dhcpcd "${DHCP_OPTIONS[*]}" -k -d ${1} 2>/dev/null || info_log "${1}: failed to stop dhcpcd"
+    fi
+    # Disable v6 IP auto configuration and RA before trying to clear the IP from the interface:
+    if [ -e /proc/sys/net/ipv6 ]; then
+      debug_log "${1}: disabling IPv6 autoconf and RA"
+      echo "0" >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/autoconf
+      echo "0" >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/accept_ra
+    fi
+    sleep 0.5 # allow time for DHCP/RA to unconfigure the interface
+    # Flush any remaining IPs:
+    debug_log "/sbin/ip address flush dev ${1}"
+    /sbin/ip address flush dev ${1}
+    # Bring the interface down:
+    debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev ${1} down"
+    /sbin/ip link set dev ${1} down
+    # Reset everything back to defaults:
+    if [ -e /proc/sys/net/ipv6 ]; then
+      debug_log "${1}: resetting IPv6 configuration to defaults"
+      cat /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/default/autoconf >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/autoconf
+      cat /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/default/accept_ra >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/accept_ra
+      cat /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/default/use_tempaddr >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/use_tempaddr
+      cat /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/default/addr_gen_mode >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/addr_gen_mode
+      echo -n >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${1}/stable_secret
+    fi
+    # If the interface is a bridge, then destroy it now:
+    [ -n "${BRNICS[$i]}" ] && br_close $i
+    # If the interface is a bond, then destroy it now.
+    [ -n "${BONDNICS[$i]}" ] && bond_destroy $i
+    # Take down VLAN interface, if configured.
+    if echo "${1}" | grep -Fq .; then
+      info_log "${1}: destroying VLAN interface"
+      debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev ${1} down"
+      /sbin/ip link set dev ${1} down
+      debug_log "/sbin/ip link delete ${1}"
+      /sbin/ip link delete ${1}
+      if ! /sbin/ip address show scope global dev ${1%.*} 2>/dev/null | grep -Ewq '(inet|inet6)'; then
+        debug_log "/sbin/ip link set dev ${1%.*} down"
+        /sbin/ip link set dev ${1%.*} down
+      fi
+    fi
+    # Kill wireless daemons if any:
+    if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.wireless ]; then
+      . /etc/rc.d/rc.wireless ${1} stop
+    fi
+  fi
+# Function to bring up the gateway if there is not yet a default route:
+gateway_up() {
+  info_log "Configuring gateways"
+  # Bring up the IPv4 gateway:
+  if [ -n "$GATEWAY" ]; then
+    if ! /sbin/ip -4 route show | grep -wq default; then
+      debug_log "/sbin/ip -4 route add default via ${GATEWAY}"
+      /sbin/ip -4 route add default via ${GATEWAY}
+    fi
+  fi
+  # Bring up the IPv6 gateway:
+  if [ -n "$GATEWAY6" ]; then
+    if ! /sbin/ip -6 route show | grep -wq default; then
+      debug_log "/sbin/ip -6 route add default via ${GATEWAY6}"
+      /sbin/ip -6 route add default via ${GATEWAY6}
+    fi
+  fi
+# Function to take down an existing default gateway:
+gateway_down() {
+  info_log "De-configuring gateways"
+  if /sbin/ip -4 route show | grep -wq default ; then
+    debug_log "/sbin/ip -4 route del default"
+    /sbin/ip -4 route del default
+  fi
+  if /sbin/ip -6 route show | grep -wq default ; then
+    debug_log "/sbin/ip -6 route del default"
+    /sbin/ip -6 route del default
+  fi
+# Function to start the network:
+start() {
+  echo "Starting the network interfaces..."
+  lo_up
+  virtif_create
+  for i in "${IFNAME[@]}" ; do
+    if_up $i
+  done
+  gateway_up
+# Function to stop the network:
+stop() {
+  echo "Stopping the network interfaces..."
+  gateway_down
+  for (( i = MAXNICS - 1; i >= 0; i-- )); do
+    if_down ${IFNAME[$i]}
+  done
+  virtif_destroy
+  lo_down
+### MAIN ###
+# extglob is required for some functionallity.
+shopt -s extglob
+case "${1}" in
+start|up) # "start" (or "up") brings up all configured interfaces:
+  start
+  ;;
+stop|down) # "stop" (or "down") takes down all configured interfaces:
+  stop
+  ;;
+restart) # "restart" restarts the network:
+  stop
+  start
+  ;;
+lo_start|lo_up) # Start the loopback interface:
+  lo_up
+  ;;
+lo_stop|lo_down) # Stop the loopback interface:
+  lo_down
+  ;;
+*_start|*_up) # Example: "eth1_start" (or "eth1_up") will start the specified interface 'eth1'
+  INTERFACE=$(echo ${1} | /bin/cut -d '_' -f 1)
+  if_up $INTERFACE
+  gateway_up
+  ;;
+*_stop|*_down) # Example: "eth0_stop" (or "eth0_down") will stop the specified interface 'eth0'
+  INTERFACE=$(echo ${1} | /bin/cut -d '_' -f 1)
+  if_down $INTERFACE
+  ;;
+*_restart) # Example: "wlan0_restart" will take 'wlan0' down and up again
+  INTERFACE=$(echo ${1} | /bin/cut -d '_' -f 1)
+  if_down $INTERFACE
+  sleep 1
+  if_up $INTERFACE
+  gateway_up
+  ;;
+*) # The default is to bring up all configured interfaces:
+  start
+# End of /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1