Radix cross Linux

The main Radix cross Linux repository contains the build scripts of packages, which have the most complete and common functionality for desktop machines

383 Commits   1 Branch   1 Tag
Index: X11/libs/libadwaita/1.3.2/Makefile
--- X11/libs/libadwaita/1.3.2/Makefile	(revision 67)
+++ X11/libs/libadwaita/1.3.2/Makefile	(revision 68)
@@ -76,7 +76,9 @@
 cross_file         = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET)-cross
+vala-api-file      = $(CURDIR)/vala-api/libadwaita-1.vapi
 ####### Targets
 PKG_GROUP = xlibs
@@ -252,6 +254,9 @@
 $(install_target): $(build_target)
 	@mkdir -p $(ADWAITA_PKG)
 	@cd $(build_dir) && $(env_sysroot) ninja install
+	# ======= Install Vala API file =======
+	@mkdir -p $(ADWAITA_PKG)/usr/share/vala/vapi
+	@cp -a $(vala-api-file) $(ADWAITA_PKG)/usr/share/vala/vapi/
 	# ======= Install Documentation =======
 	@if [ -d $(ADWAITA_PKG)/usr/share/man ]; then \
 	  ( cd $(ADWAITA_PKG)/usr/share/man ; \
Index: X11/libs/libadwaita/1.3.2/vala-api/libadwaita-1.vapi
--- X11/libs/libadwaita/1.3.2/vala-api/libadwaita-1.vapi	(nonexistent)
+++ X11/libs/libadwaita/1.3.2/vala-api/libadwaita-1.vapi	(revision 68)
@@ -0,0 +1,1477 @@
+/* libadwaita-1.vapi generated by vapigen, do not modify. */
+[CCode (cprefix = "Adw", gir_namespace = "Adw", gir_version = "1", lower_case_cprefix = "adw_")]
+namespace Adw {
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_about_window_get_type ()")]
+	[Version (since = "1.2")]
+	public sealed class AboutWindow : Adw.Window, Gtk.Accessible, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.ConstraintTarget, Gtk.Native, Gtk.Root, Gtk.ShortcutManager {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+		public AboutWindow ();
+		public void add_acknowledgement_section (string? name, [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] string[] people);
+		public void add_credit_section (string? name, [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] string[] people);
+		public void add_legal_section (string title, string? copyright, Gtk.License license_type, string? license);
+		public void add_link (string title, string url);
+		public unowned string get_application_icon ();
+		public unowned string get_application_name ();
+		[CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
+		public unowned string[]? get_artists ();
+		public unowned string get_comments ();
+		public unowned string get_copyright ();
+		public unowned string get_debug_info ();
+		public unowned string get_debug_info_filename ();
+		[CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
+		public unowned string[]? get_designers ();
+		public unowned string get_developer_name ();
+		[CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
+		public unowned string[]? get_developers ();
+		[CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
+		public unowned string[]? get_documenters ();
+		public unowned string get_issue_url ();
+		public unowned string get_license ();
+		public Gtk.License get_license_type ();
+		public unowned string get_release_notes ();
+		public unowned string get_release_notes_version ();
+		public unowned string get_support_url ();
+		public unowned string get_translator_credits ();
+		public unowned string get_version ();
+		public unowned string get_website ();
+		public void set_application_icon (string application_icon);
+		public void set_application_name (string application_name);
+		public void set_artists ([CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] string[]? artists);
+		public void set_comments (string comments);
+		public void set_copyright (string copyright);
+		public void set_debug_info (string debug_info);
+		public void set_debug_info_filename (string filename);
+		public void set_designers ([CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] string[]? designers);
+		public void set_developer_name (string developer_name);
+		public void set_developers ([CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] string[]? developers);
+		public void set_documenters ([CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] string[]? documenters);
+		public void set_issue_url (string issue_url);
+		public void set_license (string license);
+		public void set_license_type (Gtk.License license_type);
+		public void set_release_notes (string release_notes);
+		public void set_release_notes_version (string version);
+		public void set_support_url (string support_url);
+		public void set_translator_credits (string translator_credits);
+		public void set_version (string version);
+		public void set_website (string website);
+		public string application_icon { get; set; }
+		public string application_name { get; set; }
+		[CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
+		public string[] artists { get; set; }
+		public string comments { get; set; }
+		public string copyright { get; set; }
+		public string debug_info { get; set; }
+		public string debug_info_filename { get; set; }
+		[CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
+		public string[] designers { get; set; }
+		public string developer_name { get; set; }
+		[CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
+		public string[] developers { get; set; }
+		[CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
+		public string[] documenters { get; set; }
+		public string issue_url { get; set; }
+		public string license { get; set; }
+		public Gtk.License license_type { get; set; }
+		public string release_notes { get; set; }
+		public string release_notes_version { get; set; }
+		public string support_url { get; set; }
+		public string translator_credits { get; set; }
+		public string version { get; set; }
+		public string website { get; set; }
+		public signal bool activate_link (string uri);
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_action_row_get_type ()")]
+	public class ActionRow : Adw.PreferencesRow, Gtk.Accessible, Gtk.Actionable, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.ConstraintTarget {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+		public ActionRow ();
+		public virtual void activate ();
+		public void add_prefix (Gtk.Widget widget);
+		public void add_suffix (Gtk.Widget widget);
+		public unowned Gtk.Widget? get_activatable_widget ();
+		[Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "1.3")]
+		public unowned string? get_icon_name ();
+		public unowned string? get_subtitle ();
+		public int get_subtitle_lines ();
+		[Version (since = "1.3")]
+		public bool get_subtitle_selectable ();
+		public int get_title_lines ();
+		public void remove (Gtk.Widget widget);
+		public void set_activatable_widget (Gtk.Widget? widget);
+		[Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "1.3")]
+		public void set_icon_name (string? icon_name);
+		public void set_subtitle (string subtitle);
+		public void set_subtitle_lines (int subtitle_lines);
+		[Version (since = "1.3")]
+		public void set_subtitle_selectable (bool subtitle_selectable);
+		public void set_title_lines (int title_lines);
+		public Gtk.Widget activatable_widget { get; set; }
+		[Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "1.3")]
+		public string icon_name { get; set; }
+		public string subtitle { get; set; }
+		public int subtitle_lines { get; set; }
+		[Version (since = "1.3")]
+		public bool subtitle_selectable { get; set; }
+		public int title_lines { get; set; }
+		public signal void activated ();
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_animation_get_type ()")]
+	public abstract class Animation : GLib.Object {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		protected Animation ();
+		[Version (since = "1.3")]
+		public bool get_follow_enable_animations_setting ();
+		public Adw.AnimationState get_state ();
+		public unowned Adw.AnimationTarget get_target ();
+		public double get_value ();
+		public unowned Gtk.Widget get_widget ();
+		public void pause ();
+		public void play ();
+		public void reset ();
+		public void resume ();
+		[Version (since = "1.3")]
+		public void set_follow_enable_animations_setting (bool setting);
+		public void set_target (Adw.AnimationTarget target);
+		public void skip ();
+		[Version (since = "1.3")]
+		public bool follow_enable_animations_setting { get; set; }
+		public Adw.AnimationState state { get; }
+		public Adw.AnimationTarget target { get; set construct; }
+		public double value { get; }
+		public Gtk.Widget widget { get; construct; }
+		public signal void done ();
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_animation_target_get_type ()")]
+	public abstract class AnimationTarget : GLib.Object {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		protected AnimationTarget ();
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_application_get_type ()")]
+	public class Application : Gtk.Application, GLib.ActionGroup, GLib.ActionMap {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public Application (string? application_id, GLib.ApplicationFlags flags);
+		public unowned Adw.StyleManager get_style_manager ();
+		public Adw.StyleManager style_manager { get; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_application_window_get_type ()")]
+	public class ApplicationWindow : Gtk.ApplicationWindow, GLib.ActionGroup, GLib.ActionMap, Gtk.Accessible, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.ConstraintTarget, Gtk.Native, Gtk.Root, Gtk.ShortcutManager {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+		public ApplicationWindow (Gtk.Application app);
+		public unowned Gtk.Widget? get_content ();
+		public void set_content (Gtk.Widget? content);
+		public Gtk.Widget content { get; set; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_avatar_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class Avatar : Gtk.Widget, Gtk.Accessible, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.ConstraintTarget {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+		public Avatar (int size, string? text, bool show_initials);
+		public Gdk.Texture draw_to_texture (int scale_factor);
+		public unowned Gdk.Paintable? get_custom_image ();
+		public unowned string? get_icon_name ();
+		public bool get_show_initials ();
+		public int get_size ();
+		public unowned string? get_text ();
+		public void set_custom_image (Gdk.Paintable? custom_image);
+		public void set_icon_name (string? icon_name);
+		public void set_show_initials (bool show_initials);
+		public void set_size (int size);
+		public void set_text (string? text);
+		public Gdk.Paintable custom_image { get; set; }
+		public string icon_name { get; set; }
+		public bool show_initials { get; set; }
+		public int size { get; set; }
+		public string text { get; set; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_banner_get_type ()")]
+	[Version (since = "1.3")]
+	public sealed class Banner : Gtk.Widget, Gtk.Accessible, Gtk.Actionable, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.ConstraintTarget {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+		public Banner (string title);
+		public unowned string? get_button_label ();
+		public bool get_revealed ();
+		public unowned string get_title ();
+		public bool get_use_markup ();
+		public void set_button_label (string? label);
+		public void set_revealed (bool revealed);
+		public void set_title (string title);
+		public void set_use_markup (bool use_markup);
+		public string button_label { get; set; }
+		public bool revealed { get; set; }
+		public string title { get; set; }
+		public bool use_markup { get; set; }
+		public signal void button_clicked ();
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_bin_get_type ()")]
+	public class Bin : Gtk.Widget, Gtk.Accessible, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.ConstraintTarget {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+		public Bin ();
+		public unowned Gtk.Widget? get_child ();
+		public void set_child (Gtk.Widget? child);
+		public Gtk.Widget child { get; set; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_button_content_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class ButtonContent : Gtk.Widget, Gtk.Accessible, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.ConstraintTarget {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+		public ButtonContent ();
+		public unowned string get_icon_name ();
+		public unowned string get_label ();
+		public bool get_use_underline ();
+		public void set_icon_name (string icon_name);
+		public void set_label (string label);
+		public void set_use_underline (bool use_underline);
+		public string icon_name { get; set; }
+		public string label { get; set; }
+		public bool use_underline { get; set; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_callback_animation_target_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class CallbackAnimationTarget : Adw.AnimationTarget {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "AdwAnimationTarget*")]
+		public CallbackAnimationTarget (owned Adw.AnimationTargetFunc callback);
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_carousel_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class Carousel : Gtk.Widget, Adw.Swipeable, Gtk.Accessible, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.ConstraintTarget, Gtk.Orientable {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+		public Carousel ();
+		public void append (Gtk.Widget child);
+		public bool get_allow_long_swipes ();
+		public bool get_allow_mouse_drag ();
+		public bool get_allow_scroll_wheel ();
+		public bool get_interactive ();
+		public uint get_n_pages ();
+		public unowned Gtk.Widget get_nth_page (uint n);
+		public double get_position ();
+		public uint get_reveal_duration ();
+		public Adw.SpringParams get_scroll_params ();
+		public uint get_spacing ();
+		public void insert (Gtk.Widget child, int position);
+		public void prepend (Gtk.Widget child);
+		public void remove (Gtk.Widget child);
+		public void reorder (Gtk.Widget child, int position);
+		public void scroll_to (Gtk.Widget widget, bool animate);
+		public void set_allow_long_swipes (bool allow_long_swipes);
+		public void set_allow_mouse_drag (bool allow_mouse_drag);
+		public void set_allow_scroll_wheel (bool allow_scroll_wheel);
+		public void set_interactive (bool interactive);
+		public void set_reveal_duration (uint reveal_duration);
+		public void set_scroll_params (Adw.SpringParams @params);
+		public void set_spacing (uint spacing);
+		public bool allow_long_swipes { get; set; }
+		public bool allow_mouse_drag { get; set; }
+		public bool allow_scroll_wheel { get; set; }
+		public bool interactive { get; set; }
+		public uint n_pages { get; }
+		public double position { get; }
+		public uint reveal_duration { get; set; }
+		public Adw.SpringParams scroll_params { owned get; set; }
+		public uint spacing { get; set; }
+		public signal void page_changed (uint index);
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_carousel_indicator_dots_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class CarouselIndicatorDots : Gtk.Widget, Gtk.Accessible, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.ConstraintTarget, Gtk.Orientable {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+		public CarouselIndicatorDots ();
+		public unowned Adw.Carousel? get_carousel ();
+		public void set_carousel (Adw.Carousel? carousel);
+		public Adw.Carousel carousel { get; set; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_carousel_indicator_lines_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class CarouselIndicatorLines : Gtk.Widget, Gtk.Accessible, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.ConstraintTarget, Gtk.Orientable {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+		public CarouselIndicatorLines ();
+		public unowned Adw.Carousel? get_carousel ();
+		public void set_carousel (Adw.Carousel? carousel);
+		public Adw.Carousel carousel { get; set; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_clamp_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class Clamp : Gtk.Widget, Gtk.Accessible, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.ConstraintTarget, Gtk.Orientable {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+		public Clamp ();
+		public unowned Gtk.Widget? get_child ();
+		public int get_maximum_size ();
+		public int get_tightening_threshold ();
+		public void set_child (Gtk.Widget? child);
+		public void set_maximum_size (int maximum_size);
+		public void set_tightening_threshold (int tightening_threshold);
+		public Gtk.Widget child { get; set; }
+		public int maximum_size { get; set; }
+		public int tightening_threshold { get; set; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_clamp_layout_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class ClampLayout : Gtk.LayoutManager, Gtk.Orientable {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkLayoutManager*")]
+		public ClampLayout ();
+		public int get_maximum_size ();
+		public int get_tightening_threshold ();
+		public void set_maximum_size (int maximum_size);
+		public void set_tightening_threshold (int tightening_threshold);
+		public int maximum_size { get; set; }
+		public int tightening_threshold { get; set; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_clamp_scrollable_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class ClampScrollable : Gtk.Widget, Gtk.Accessible, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.ConstraintTarget, Gtk.Orientable, Gtk.Scrollable {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+		public ClampScrollable ();
+		public unowned Gtk.Widget? get_child ();
+		public int get_maximum_size ();
+		public int get_tightening_threshold ();
+		public void set_child (Gtk.Widget? child);
+		public void set_maximum_size (int maximum_size);
+		public void set_tightening_threshold (int tightening_threshold);
+		public Gtk.Widget child { get; set; }
+		public int maximum_size { get; set; }
+		public int tightening_threshold { get; set; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_combo_row_get_type ()")]
+	public class ComboRow : Adw.ActionRow, Gtk.Accessible, Gtk.Actionable, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.ConstraintTarget {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+		public ComboRow ();
+		public unowned Gtk.Expression? get_expression ();
+		public unowned Gtk.ListItemFactory? get_factory ();
+		public unowned Gtk.ListItemFactory? get_list_factory ();
+		public unowned GLib.ListModel? get_model ();
+		public uint get_selected ();
+		public unowned GLib.Object? get_selected_item ();
+		public bool get_use_subtitle ();
+		public void set_expression (Gtk.Expression? expression);
+		public void set_factory (Gtk.ListItemFactory? factory);
+		public void set_list_factory (Gtk.ListItemFactory? factory);
+		public void set_model (GLib.ListModel? model);
+		public void set_selected (uint position);
+		public void set_use_subtitle (bool use_subtitle);
+		public Gtk.Expression expression { get; set; }
+		public Gtk.ListItemFactory factory { get; set; }
+		public Gtk.ListItemFactory list_factory { get; set; }
+		public GLib.ListModel model { get; set; }
+		public uint selected { get; set; }
+		public GLib.Object selected_item { get; }
+		public bool use_subtitle { get; set; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_entry_row_get_type ()")]
+	[Version (since = "1.2")]
+	public class EntryRow : Adw.PreferencesRow, Gtk.Accessible, Gtk.Actionable, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.ConstraintTarget, Gtk.Editable {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+		public EntryRow ();
+		public void add_prefix (Gtk.Widget widget);
+		public void add_suffix (Gtk.Widget widget);
+		public bool get_activates_default ();
+		public Pango.AttrList? get_attributes ();
+		public bool get_enable_emoji_completion ();
+		public Gtk.InputHints get_input_hints ();
+		public Gtk.InputPurpose get_input_purpose ();
+		public bool get_show_apply_button ();
+		[Version (since = "1.3")]
+		public bool grab_focus_without_selecting ();
+		public void remove (Gtk.Widget widget);
+		public void set_activates_default (bool activates);
+		public void set_attributes (Pango.AttrList? attributes);
+		public void set_enable_emoji_completion (bool enable_emoji_completion);
+		public void set_input_hints (Gtk.InputHints hints);
+		public void set_input_purpose (Gtk.InputPurpose purpose);
+		public void set_show_apply_button (bool show_apply_button);
+		public bool activates_default { get; set; }
+		public Pango.AttrList attributes { owned get; set; }
+		public bool enable_emoji_completion { get; set; }
+		public Gtk.InputHints input_hints { get; set; }
+		public Gtk.InputPurpose input_purpose { get; set; }
+		public bool show_apply_button { get; set; }
+		public signal void apply ();
+		public signal void entry_activated ();
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_enum_list_item_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class EnumListItem : GLib.Object {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		protected EnumListItem ();
+		public unowned string get_name ();
+		public unowned string get_nick ();
+		public int get_value ();
+		public string name { get; }
+		public string nick { get; }
+		public int value { get; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_enum_list_model_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class EnumListModel : GLib.Object, GLib.ListModel {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public EnumListModel (GLib.Type enum_type);
+		public uint find_position (int value);
+		public GLib.Type get_enum_type ();
+		public GLib.Type enum_type { get; construct; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_expander_row_get_type ()")]
+	public class ExpanderRow : Adw.PreferencesRow, Gtk.Accessible, Gtk.Actionable, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.ConstraintTarget {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+		public ExpanderRow ();
+		public void add_action (Gtk.Widget widget);
+		public void add_prefix (Gtk.Widget widget);
+		public void add_row (Gtk.Widget child);
+		public bool get_enable_expansion ();
+		public bool get_expanded ();
+		[Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "1.3")]
+		public unowned string? get_icon_name ();
+		public bool get_show_enable_switch ();
+		public unowned string get_subtitle ();
+		[Version (since = "1.3")]
+		public bool get_subtitle_lines ();
+		[Version (since = "1.3")]
+		public bool get_title_lines ();
+		public void remove (Gtk.Widget child);
+		public void set_enable_expansion (bool enable_expansion);
+		public void set_expanded (bool expanded);
+		[Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "1.3")]
+		public void set_icon_name (string? icon_name);
+		public void set_show_enable_switch (bool show_enable_switch);
+		public void set_subtitle (string subtitle);
+		[Version (since = "1.3")]
+		public void set_subtitle_lines (int subtitle_lines);
+		[Version (since = "1.3")]
+		public void set_title_lines (int title_lines);
+		public bool enable_expansion { get; set; }
+		public bool expanded { get; set; }
+		[Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "1.3")]
+		public string icon_name { get; set; }
+		public bool show_enable_switch { get; set; }
+		public string subtitle { get; set; }
+		[Version (since = "1.3")]
+		public int subtitle_lines { get; set; }
+		[Version (since = "1.3")]
+		public int title_lines { get; set; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_flap_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class Flap : Gtk.Widget, Adw.Swipeable, Gtk.Accessible, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.ConstraintTarget, Gtk.Orientable {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+		public Flap ();
+		public unowned Gtk.Widget? get_content ();
+		public unowned Gtk.Widget? get_flap ();
+		public Gtk.PackType get_flap_position ();
+		public uint get_fold_duration ();
+		public Adw.FlapFoldPolicy get_fold_policy ();
+		public Adw.FoldThresholdPolicy get_fold_threshold_policy ();
+		public bool get_folded ();
+		public bool get_locked ();
+		public bool get_modal ();
+		public bool get_reveal_flap ();
+		public Adw.SpringParams get_reveal_params ();
+		public double get_reveal_progress ();
+		public unowned Gtk.Widget? get_separator ();
+		public bool get_swipe_to_close ();
+		public bool get_swipe_to_open ();
+		public Adw.FlapTransitionType get_transition_type ();
+		public void set_content (Gtk.Widget? content);
+		public void set_flap (Gtk.Widget? flap);
+		public void set_flap_position (Gtk.PackType position);
+		public void set_fold_duration (uint duration);
+		public void set_fold_policy (Adw.FlapFoldPolicy policy);
+		public void set_fold_threshold_policy (Adw.FoldThresholdPolicy policy);
+		public void set_locked (bool locked);
+		public void set_modal (bool modal);
+		public void set_reveal_flap (bool reveal_flap);
+		public void set_reveal_params (Adw.SpringParams @params);
+		public void set_separator (Gtk.Widget? separator);
+		public void set_swipe_to_close (bool swipe_to_close);
+		public void set_swipe_to_open (bool swipe_to_open);
+		public void set_transition_type (Adw.FlapTransitionType transition_type);
+		public Gtk.Widget content { get; set; }
+		public Gtk.Widget flap { get; set; }
+		public Gtk.PackType flap_position { get; set; }
+		public uint fold_duration { get; set; }
+		public Adw.FlapFoldPolicy fold_policy { get; set; }
+		public Adw.FoldThresholdPolicy fold_threshold_policy { get; set; }
+		public bool folded { get; }
+		public bool locked { get; set; }
+		public bool modal { get; set; }
+		public bool reveal_flap { get; set; }
+		public Adw.SpringParams reveal_params { owned get; set; }
+		public double reveal_progress { get; }
+		public Gtk.Widget separator { get; set; }
+		public bool swipe_to_close { get; set; }
+		public bool swipe_to_open { get; set; }
+		public Adw.FlapTransitionType transition_type { get; set; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_header_bar_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class HeaderBar : Gtk.Widget, Gtk.Accessible, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.ConstraintTarget {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+		public HeaderBar ();
+		public Adw.CenteringPolicy get_centering_policy ();
+		public unowned string? get_decoration_layout ();
+		public bool get_show_end_title_buttons ();
+		public bool get_show_start_title_buttons ();
+		public unowned Gtk.Widget? get_title_widget ();
+		public void pack_end (Gtk.Widget child);
+		public void pack_start (Gtk.Widget child);
+		public void remove (Gtk.Widget child);
+		public void set_centering_policy (Adw.CenteringPolicy centering_policy);
+		public void set_decoration_layout (string? layout);
+		public void set_show_end_title_buttons (bool setting);
+		public void set_show_start_title_buttons (bool setting);
+		public void set_title_widget (Gtk.Widget? title_widget);
+		public Adw.CenteringPolicy centering_policy { get; set; }
+		public string decoration_layout { get; set; }
+		public bool show_end_title_buttons { get; set; }
+		public bool show_start_title_buttons { get; set; }
+		public Gtk.Widget title_widget { get; set; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_leaflet_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class Leaflet : Gtk.Widget, Adw.Swipeable, Gtk.Accessible, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.ConstraintTarget, Gtk.Orientable {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+		public Leaflet ();
+		public unowned Adw.LeafletPage append (Gtk.Widget child);
+		public unowned Gtk.Widget? get_adjacent_child (Adw.NavigationDirection direction);
+		public bool get_can_navigate_back ();
+		public bool get_can_navigate_forward ();
+		public bool get_can_unfold ();
+		public unowned Gtk.Widget? get_child_by_name (string name);
+		public Adw.SpringParams get_child_transition_params ();
+		public bool get_child_transition_running ();
+		public Adw.FoldThresholdPolicy get_fold_threshold_policy ();
+		public bool get_folded ();
+		public bool get_homogeneous ();
+		public uint get_mode_transition_duration ();
+		public unowned Adw.LeafletPage get_page (Gtk.Widget child);
+		public Gtk.SelectionModel get_pages ();
+		public Adw.LeafletTransitionType get_transition_type ();
+		public unowned Gtk.Widget? get_visible_child ();
+		public unowned string? get_visible_child_name ();
+		public unowned Adw.LeafletPage insert_child_after (Gtk.Widget child, Gtk.Widget? sibling);
+		public bool navigate (Adw.NavigationDirection direction);
+		public unowned Adw.LeafletPage prepend (Gtk.Widget child);
+		public void remove (Gtk.Widget child);
+		public void reorder_child_after (Gtk.Widget child, Gtk.Widget? sibling);
+		public void set_can_navigate_back (bool can_navigate_back);
+		public void set_can_navigate_forward (bool can_navigate_forward);
+		public void set_can_unfold (bool can_unfold);
+		public void set_child_transition_params (Adw.SpringParams @params);
+		public void set_fold_threshold_policy (Adw.FoldThresholdPolicy policy);
+		public void set_homogeneous (bool homogeneous);
+		public void set_mode_transition_duration (uint duration);
+		public void set_transition_type (Adw.LeafletTransitionType transition);
+		public void set_visible_child (Gtk.Widget visible_child);
+		public void set_visible_child_name (string name);
+		public bool can_navigate_back { get; set; }
+		public bool can_navigate_forward { get; set; }
+		public bool can_unfold { get; set; }
+		public Adw.SpringParams child_transition_params { owned get; set; }
+		public bool child_transition_running { get; }
+		public Adw.FoldThresholdPolicy fold_threshold_policy { get; set; }
+		public bool folded { get; }
+		public bool homogeneous { get; set; }
+		public uint mode_transition_duration { get; set; }
+		public Gtk.SelectionModel pages { owned get; }
+		public Adw.LeafletTransitionType transition_type { get; set; }
+		public Gtk.Widget visible_child { get; set; }
+		public string visible_child_name { get; set; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_leaflet_page_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class LeafletPage : GLib.Object {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		protected LeafletPage ();
+		public unowned Gtk.Widget get_child ();
+		public unowned string? get_name ();
+		public bool get_navigatable ();
+		public void set_name (string? name);
+		public void set_navigatable (bool navigatable);
+		public Gtk.Widget child { get; construct; }
+		public string name { get; set; }
+		public bool navigatable { get; set; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_message_dialog_get_type ()")]
+	[Version (since = "1.2")]
+	public class MessageDialog : Gtk.Window, Gtk.Accessible, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.ConstraintTarget, Gtk.Native, Gtk.Root, Gtk.ShortcutManager {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+		public MessageDialog (Gtk.Window? parent, string? heading, string? body);
+		public void add_response (string id, string label);
+		[DestroysInstance]
+		[Version (since = "1.3")]
+		public async unowned string choose (GLib.Cancellable? cancellable);
+		public unowned string get_body ();
+		public bool get_body_use_markup ();
+		public unowned string get_close_response ();
+		public unowned string? get_default_response ();
+		public unowned Gtk.Widget? get_extra_child ();
+		public unowned string? get_heading ();
+		public bool get_heading_use_markup ();
+		public Adw.ResponseAppearance get_response_appearance (string response);
+		public bool get_response_enabled (string response);
+		public unowned string get_response_label (string response);
+		public bool has_response (string response);
+		public void set_body (string body);
+		public void set_body_use_markup (bool use_markup);
+		public void set_close_response (string response);
+		public void set_default_response (string? response);
+		public void set_extra_child (Gtk.Widget? child);
+		public void set_heading (string? heading);
+		public void set_heading_use_markup (bool use_markup);
+		public void set_response_appearance (string response, Adw.ResponseAppearance appearance);
+		public void set_response_enabled (string response, bool enabled);
+		public void set_response_label (string response, string label);
+		public string body { get; set; }
+		public bool body_use_markup { get; set; }
+		public string close_response { get; set; }
+		public string default_response { get; set; }
+		public Gtk.Widget extra_child { get; set; }
+		public string heading { get; set; }
+		public bool heading_use_markup { get; set; }
+		[HasEmitter]
+		public virtual signal void response (string response);
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_password_entry_row_get_type ()")]
+	[Version (since = "1.2")]
+	public sealed class PasswordEntryRow : Adw.EntryRow, Gtk.Accessible, Gtk.Actionable, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.ConstraintTarget, Gtk.Editable {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+		public PasswordEntryRow ();
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_preferences_group_get_type ()")]
+	public class PreferencesGroup : Gtk.Widget, Gtk.Accessible, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.ConstraintTarget {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+		public PreferencesGroup ();
+		public void add (Gtk.Widget child);
+		public unowned string? get_description ();
+		[Version (since = "1.1")]
+		public unowned Gtk.Widget? get_header_suffix ();
+		public unowned string get_title ();
+		public void remove (Gtk.Widget child);
+		public void set_description (string? description);
+		[Version (since = "1.1")]
+		public void set_header_suffix (Gtk.Widget? suffix);
+		public void set_title (string title);
+		public string description { get; set; }
+		[Version (since = "1.1")]
+		public Gtk.Widget header_suffix { get; set; }
+		public string title { get; set; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_preferences_page_get_type ()")]
+	public class PreferencesPage : Gtk.Widget, Gtk.Accessible, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.ConstraintTarget {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+		public PreferencesPage ();
+		public void add (Adw.PreferencesGroup group);
+		public unowned string? get_icon_name ();
+		public unowned string? get_name ();
+		public unowned string get_title ();
+		public bool get_use_underline ();
+		public void remove (Adw.PreferencesGroup group);
+		[Version (since = "1.3")]
+		public void scroll_to_top ();
+		public void set_icon_name (string? icon_name);
+		public void set_name (string? name);
+		public void set_title (string title);
+		public void set_use_underline (bool use_underline);
+		public string icon_name { get; set; }
+		public string name { get; set; }
+		public string title { get; set; }
+		public bool use_underline { get; set; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_preferences_row_get_type ()")]
+	public class PreferencesRow : Gtk.ListBoxRow, Gtk.Accessible, Gtk.Actionable, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.ConstraintTarget {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+		public PreferencesRow ();
+		public unowned string get_title ();
+		[Version (since = "1.1")]
+		public bool get_title_selectable ();
+		[Version (since = "1.2")]
+		public bool get_use_markup ();
+		public bool get_use_underline ();
+		public void set_title (string title);
+		[Version (since = "1.1")]
+		public void set_title_selectable (bool title_selectable);
+		[Version (since = "1.2")]
+		public void set_use_markup (bool use_markup);
+		public void set_use_underline (bool use_underline);
+		public string title { get; set; }
+		[Version (since = "1.1")]
+		public bool title_selectable { get; set; }
+		[Version (since = "1.2")]
+		public bool use_markup { get; set; }
+		public bool use_underline { get; set; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_preferences_window_get_type ()")]
+	public class PreferencesWindow : Adw.Window, Gtk.Accessible, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.ConstraintTarget, Gtk.Native, Gtk.Root, Gtk.ShortcutManager {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+		public PreferencesWindow ();
+		public void add (Adw.PreferencesPage page);
+		public void add_toast (owned Adw.Toast toast);
+		public void close_subpage ();
+		public bool get_can_navigate_back ();
+		public bool get_search_enabled ();
+		public unowned Adw.PreferencesPage? get_visible_page ();
+		public unowned string? get_visible_page_name ();
+		public void present_subpage (Gtk.Widget subpage);
+		public void remove (Adw.PreferencesPage page);
+		public void set_can_navigate_back (bool can_navigate_back);
+		public void set_search_enabled (bool search_enabled);
+		public void set_visible_page (Adw.PreferencesPage page);
+		public void set_visible_page_name (string name);
+		public bool can_navigate_back { get; set; }
+		public bool search_enabled { get; set; }
+		public Gtk.Widget visible_page { get; set; }
+		public string visible_page_name { get; set; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_property_animation_target_get_type ()")]
+	[Version (since = "1.2")]
+	public sealed class PropertyAnimationTarget : Adw.AnimationTarget {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "AdwAnimationTarget*")]
+		public PropertyAnimationTarget (GLib.Object object, string property_name);
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "AdwAnimationTarget*")]
+		public PropertyAnimationTarget.for_pspec (GLib.Object object, GLib.ParamSpec pspec);
+		public unowned GLib.Object get_object ();
+		public unowned GLib.ParamSpec get_pspec ();
+		public GLib.Object object { get; construct; }
+		public GLib.ParamSpec pspec { get; construct; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_split_button_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class SplitButton : Gtk.Widget, Gtk.Accessible, Gtk.Actionable, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.ConstraintTarget {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+		public SplitButton ();
+		public unowned Gtk.Widget? get_child ();
+		public Gtk.ArrowType get_direction ();
+		[Version (since = "1.2")]
+		public unowned string get_dropdown_tooltip ();
+		public unowned string? get_icon_name ();
+		public unowned string? get_label ();
+		public unowned GLib.MenuModel? get_menu_model ();
+		public unowned Gtk.Popover? get_popover ();
+		public bool get_use_underline ();
+		public void popdown ();
+		public void popup ();
+		public void set_child (Gtk.Widget? child);
+		public void set_direction (Gtk.ArrowType direction);
+		[Version (since = "1.2")]
+		public void set_dropdown_tooltip (string tooltip);
+		public void set_icon_name (string icon_name);
+		public void set_label (string label);
+		public void set_menu_model (GLib.MenuModel? menu_model);
+		public void set_popover (Gtk.Popover? popover);
+		public void set_use_underline (bool use_underline);
+		public Gtk.Widget child { get; set; }
+		public Gtk.ArrowType direction { get; set; }
+		[Version (since = "1.2")]
+		public string dropdown_tooltip { get; set; }
+		public string icon_name { get; set; }
+		public string label { get; set; }
+		public GLib.MenuModel menu_model { get; set; }
+		public Gtk.Popover popover { get; set; }
+		public bool use_underline { get; set; }
+		public signal void activate ();
+		public signal void clicked ();
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_spring_animation_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class SpringAnimation : Adw.Animation {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "AdwAnimation*")]
+		public SpringAnimation (Gtk.Widget widget, double from, double to, owned Adw.SpringParams spring_params, owned Adw.AnimationTarget target);
+		[Version (since = "1.3")]
+		public double calculate_value (uint time);
+		[Version (since = "1.3")]
+		public double calculate_velocity (uint time);
+		public bool get_clamp ();
+		public double get_epsilon ();
+		public uint get_estimated_duration ();
+		public double get_initial_velocity ();
+		public unowned Adw.SpringParams get_spring_params ();
+		public double get_value_from ();
+		public double get_value_to ();
+		public double get_velocity ();
+		public void set_clamp (bool clamp);
+		public void set_epsilon (double epsilon);
+		public void set_initial_velocity (double velocity);
+		public void set_spring_params (Adw.SpringParams spring_params);
+		public void set_value_from (double value);
+		public void set_value_to (double value);
+		public bool clamp { get; set; }
+		public double epsilon { get; set; }
+		public uint estimated_duration { get; }
+		public double initial_velocity { get; set; }
+		public Adw.SpringParams spring_params { get; set construct; }
+		public double value_from { get; set construct; }
+		public double value_to { get; set construct; }
+		public double velocity { get; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", ref_function = "adw_spring_params_ref", type_id = "adw_spring_params_get_type ()", unref_function = "adw_spring_params_unref")]
+	[Compact]
+	public class SpringParams {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public SpringParams (double damping_ratio, double mass, double stiffness);
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public SpringParams.full (double damping, double mass, double stiffness);
+		public double get_damping ();
+		public double get_damping_ratio ();
+		public double get_mass ();
+		public double get_stiffness ();
+		public Adw.SpringParams @ref ();
+		public void unref ();
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_squeezer_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class Squeezer : Gtk.Widget, Gtk.Accessible, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.ConstraintTarget, Gtk.Orientable {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+		public Squeezer ();
+		public unowned Adw.SqueezerPage add (Gtk.Widget child);
+		public bool get_allow_none ();
+		public bool get_homogeneous ();
+		public bool get_interpolate_size ();
+		public unowned Adw.SqueezerPage get_page (Gtk.Widget child);
+		public Gtk.SelectionModel get_pages ();
+		public Adw.FoldThresholdPolicy get_switch_threshold_policy ();
+		public uint get_transition_duration ();
+		public bool get_transition_running ();
+		public Adw.SqueezerTransitionType get_transition_type ();
+		public unowned Gtk.Widget? get_visible_child ();
+		public float get_xalign ();
+		public float get_yalign ();
+		public void remove (Gtk.Widget child);
+		public void set_allow_none (bool allow_none);
+		public void set_homogeneous (bool homogeneous);
+		public void set_interpolate_size (bool interpolate_size);
+		public void set_switch_threshold_policy (Adw.FoldThresholdPolicy policy);
+		public void set_transition_duration (uint duration);
+		public void set_transition_type (Adw.SqueezerTransitionType transition);
+		public void set_xalign (float xalign);
+		public void set_yalign (float yalign);
+		public bool allow_none { get; set; }
+		public bool homogeneous { get; set; }
+		public bool interpolate_size { get; set; }
+		public Gtk.SelectionModel pages { owned get; }
+		public Adw.FoldThresholdPolicy switch_threshold_policy { get; set; }
+		public uint transition_duration { get; set; }
+		public bool transition_running { get; }
+		public Adw.SqueezerTransitionType transition_type { get; set; }
+		public Gtk.Widget visible_child { get; }
+		public float xalign { get; set; }
+		public float yalign { get; set; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_squeezer_page_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class SqueezerPage : GLib.Object {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		protected SqueezerPage ();
+		public unowned Gtk.Widget get_child ();
+		public bool get_enabled ();
+		public void set_enabled (bool enabled);
+		public Gtk.Widget child { get; construct; }
+		public bool enabled { get; set; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_status_page_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class StatusPage : Gtk.Widget, Gtk.Accessible, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.ConstraintTarget {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+		public StatusPage ();
+		public unowned Gtk.Widget? get_child ();
+		public unowned string? get_description ();
+		public unowned string? get_icon_name ();
+		public unowned Gdk.Paintable? get_paintable ();
+		public unowned string get_title ();
+		public void set_child (Gtk.Widget? child);
+		public void set_description (string? description);
+		public void set_icon_name (string? icon_name);
+		public void set_paintable (Gdk.Paintable? paintable);
+		public void set_title (string title);
+		public Gtk.Widget child { get; set; }
+		public string description { get; set; }
+		public string icon_name { get; set; }
+		public Gdk.Paintable paintable { get; set; }
+		public string title { get; set; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_style_manager_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class StyleManager : GLib.Object {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		protected StyleManager ();
+		public Adw.ColorScheme get_color_scheme ();
+		public bool get_dark ();
+		public static unowned Adw.StyleManager get_default ();
+		public unowned Gdk.Display get_display ();
+		public static unowned Adw.StyleManager get_for_display (Gdk.Display display);
+		public bool get_high_contrast ();
+		public bool get_system_supports_color_schemes ();
+		public void set_color_scheme (Adw.ColorScheme color_scheme);
+		public Adw.ColorScheme color_scheme { get; set; }
+		public bool dark { get; }
+		public Gdk.Display display { get; construct; }
+		public bool high_contrast { get; }
+		public bool system_supports_color_schemes { get; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_swipe_tracker_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class SwipeTracker : GLib.Object, Gtk.Orientable {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public SwipeTracker (Adw.Swipeable swipeable);
+		public bool get_allow_long_swipes ();
+		public bool get_allow_mouse_drag ();
+		public bool get_enabled ();
+		public bool get_reversed ();
+		public unowned Adw.Swipeable get_swipeable ();
+		public void set_allow_long_swipes (bool allow_long_swipes);
+		public void set_allow_mouse_drag (bool allow_mouse_drag);
+		public void set_enabled (bool enabled);
+		public void set_reversed (bool reversed);
+		public void shift_position (double delta);
+		public bool allow_long_swipes { get; set; }
+		public bool allow_mouse_drag { get; set; }
+		public bool enabled { get; set; }
+		public bool reversed { get; set; }
+		public Adw.Swipeable swipeable { get; construct; }
+		public signal void begin_swipe ();
+		public signal void end_swipe (double velocity, double to);
+		public signal void prepare (Adw.NavigationDirection direction);
+		public signal void update_swipe (double progress);
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_tab_bar_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class TabBar : Gtk.Widget, Gtk.Accessible, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.ConstraintTarget {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public TabBar ();
+		public bool get_autohide ();
+		public unowned Gtk.Widget? get_end_action_widget ();
+		public bool get_expand_tabs ();
+		[Version (since = "1.3")]
+		public bool get_extra_drag_preload ();
+		public bool get_inverted ();
+		public bool get_is_overflowing ();
+		public unowned Gtk.Widget? get_start_action_widget ();
+		public bool get_tabs_revealed ();
+		public unowned Adw.TabView? get_view ();
+		public void set_autohide (bool autohide);
+		public void set_end_action_widget (Gtk.Widget? widget);
+		public void set_expand_tabs (bool expand_tabs);
+		[Version (since = "1.3")]
+		public void set_extra_drag_preload (bool preload);
+		public void set_inverted (bool inverted);
+		public void set_start_action_widget (Gtk.Widget? widget);
+		public void set_view (Adw.TabView? view);
+		public void setup_extra_drop_target (Gdk.DragAction actions, [CCode (array_length_cname = "n_types", array_length_pos = 2.1, array_length_type = "gsize")] GLib.Type[]? types);
+		public bool autohide { get; set; }
+		public Gtk.Widget end_action_widget { get; set; }
+		public bool expand_tabs { get; set; }
+		[Version (since = "1.3")]
+		public bool extra_drag_preload { get; set; }
+		public bool inverted { get; set; }
+		public bool is_overflowing { get; }
+		public Gtk.Widget start_action_widget { get; set; }
+		public bool tabs_revealed { get; }
+		public Adw.TabView view { get; set; }
+		public signal bool extra_drag_drop (Adw.TabPage page, GLib.Value value);
+		[Version (since = "1.3")]
+		public signal Gdk.DragAction extra_drag_value (Adw.TabPage page, GLib.Value value);
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_tab_button_get_type ()")]
+	[Version (since = "1.3")]
+	public sealed class TabButton : Gtk.Widget, Gtk.Accessible, Gtk.Actionable, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.ConstraintTarget {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+		public TabButton ();
+		public unowned Adw.TabView? get_view ();
+		public void set_view (Adw.TabView? view);
+		public Adw.TabView view { get; set; }
+		public signal void activate ();
+		public signal void clicked ();
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_tab_overview_get_type ()")]
+	[Version (since = "1.3")]
+	public sealed class TabOverview : Gtk.Widget, Gtk.Accessible, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.ConstraintTarget {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+		public TabOverview ();
+		public unowned Gtk.Widget? get_child ();
+		public bool get_enable_new_tab ();
+		public bool get_enable_search ();
+		public bool get_extra_drag_preload ();
+		public bool get_inverted ();
+		public bool get_open ();
+		public bool get_search_active ();
+		public unowned GLib.MenuModel? get_secondary_menu ();
+		public bool get_show_end_title_buttons ();
+		public bool get_show_start_title_buttons ();
+		public unowned Adw.TabView? get_view ();
+		public void set_child (Gtk.Widget? child);
+		public void set_enable_new_tab (bool enable_new_tab);
+		public void set_enable_search (bool enable_search);
+		public void set_extra_drag_preload (bool preload);
+		public void set_inverted (bool inverted);
+		public void set_open (bool open);
+		public void set_secondary_menu (GLib.MenuModel? secondary_menu);
+		public void set_show_end_title_buttons (bool show_end_title_buttons);
+		public void set_show_start_title_buttons (bool show_start_title_buttons);
+		public void set_view (Adw.TabView? view);
+		public void setup_extra_drop_target (Gdk.DragAction actions, [CCode (array_length_cname = "n_types", array_length_pos = 2.1, array_length_type = "gsize")] GLib.Type[]? types);
+		public Gtk.Widget child { get; set; }
+		public bool enable_new_tab { get; set; }
+		public bool enable_search { get; set; }
+		public bool extra_drag_preload { get; set; }
+		public bool inverted { get; set; }
+		public bool open { get; set; }
+		public bool search_active { get; }
+		public GLib.MenuModel secondary_menu { get; set; }
+		public bool show_end_title_buttons { get; set; }
+		public bool show_start_title_buttons { get; set; }
+		public Adw.TabView view { get; set; }
+		public signal unowned Adw.TabPage create_tab ();
+		public signal bool extra_drag_drop (Adw.TabPage page, GLib.Value value);
+		public signal Gdk.DragAction extra_drag_value (Adw.TabPage page, GLib.Value value);
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_tab_page_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class TabPage : GLib.Object, Gtk.Accessible {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		protected TabPage ();
+		public unowned Gtk.Widget get_child ();
+		public unowned GLib.Icon? get_icon ();
+		public bool get_indicator_activatable ();
+		public unowned GLib.Icon? get_indicator_icon ();
+		[Version (since = "1.2")]
+		public unowned string get_indicator_tooltip ();
+		[Version (since = "1.3")]
+		public unowned string? get_keyword ();
+		[Version (since = "1.3")]
+		public bool get_live_thumbnail ();
+		public bool get_loading ();
+		public bool get_needs_attention ();
+		public unowned Adw.TabPage? get_parent ();
+		public bool get_pinned ();
+		public bool get_selected ();
+		[Version (since = "1.3")]
+		public float get_thumbnail_xalign ();
+		[Version (since = "1.3")]
+		public float get_thumbnail_yalign ();
+		public unowned string get_title ();
+		public unowned string? get_tooltip ();
+		[Version (since = "1.3")]
+		public void invalidate_thumbnail ();
+		public void set_icon (GLib.Icon? icon);
+		public void set_indicator_activatable (bool activatable);
+		public void set_indicator_icon (GLib.Icon? indicator_icon);
+		[Version (since = "1.2")]
+		public void set_indicator_tooltip (string tooltip);
+		[Version (since = "1.3")]
+		public void set_keyword (string keyword);
+		[Version (since = "1.3")]
+		public void set_live_thumbnail (bool live_thumbnail);
+		public void set_loading (bool loading);
+		public void set_needs_attention (bool needs_attention);
+		[Version (since = "1.3")]
+		public void set_thumbnail_xalign (float xalign);
+		[Version (since = "1.3")]
+		public void set_thumbnail_yalign (float yalign);
+		public void set_title (string title);
+		public void set_tooltip (string tooltip);
+		public Gtk.Widget child { get; construct; }
+		public GLib.Icon icon { get; set; }
+		public bool indicator_activatable { get; set; }
+		public GLib.Icon indicator_icon { get; set; }
+		[Version (since = "1.2")]
+		public string indicator_tooltip { get; set; }
+		[Version (since = "1.3")]
+		public string keyword { get; set; }
+		[Version (since = "1.3")]
+		public bool live_thumbnail { get; set; }
+		public bool loading { get; set; }
+		public bool needs_attention { get; set; }
+		public Adw.TabPage parent { get; construct; }
+		public bool pinned { get; }
+		public bool selected { get; }
+		[Version (since = "1.3")]
+		public float thumbnail_xalign { get; set; }
+		[Version (since = "1.3")]
+		public float thumbnail_yalign { get; set; }
+		public string title { get; set; }
+		public string tooltip { get; set; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_tab_view_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class TabView : Gtk.Widget, Gtk.Accessible, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.ConstraintTarget {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public TabView ();
+		public unowned Adw.TabPage add_page (Gtk.Widget child, Adw.TabPage? parent);
+		[Version (since = "1.2")]
+		public void add_shortcuts (Adw.TabViewShortcuts shortcuts);
+		public unowned Adw.TabPage append (Gtk.Widget child);
+		public unowned Adw.TabPage append_pinned (Gtk.Widget child);
+		public void close_other_pages (Adw.TabPage page);
+		public void close_page_finish (Adw.TabPage page, bool confirm);
+		public void close_pages_after (Adw.TabPage page);
+		public void close_pages_before (Adw.TabPage page);
+		public unowned GLib.Icon get_default_icon ();
+		public bool get_is_transferring_page ();
+		public unowned GLib.MenuModel? get_menu_model ();
+		public int get_n_pages ();
+		public int get_n_pinned_pages ();
+		public unowned Adw.TabPage get_nth_page (int position);
+		public unowned Adw.TabPage get_page (Gtk.Widget child);
+		public int get_page_position (Adw.TabPage page);
+		public Gtk.SelectionModel get_pages ();
+		public unowned Adw.TabPage? get_selected_page ();
+		[Version (since = "1.2")]
+		public Adw.TabViewShortcuts get_shortcuts ();
+		public unowned Adw.TabPage insert (Gtk.Widget child, int position);
+		public unowned Adw.TabPage insert_pinned (Gtk.Widget child, int position);
+		[Version (since = "1.3")]
+		public void invalidate_thumbnails ();
+		public unowned Adw.TabPage prepend (Gtk.Widget child);
+		public unowned Adw.TabPage prepend_pinned (Gtk.Widget child);
+		[Version (since = "1.2")]
+		public void remove_shortcuts (Adw.TabViewShortcuts shortcuts);
+		public bool reorder_backward (Adw.TabPage page);
+		public bool reorder_first (Adw.TabPage page);
+		public bool reorder_forward (Adw.TabPage page);
+		public bool reorder_last (Adw.TabPage page);
+		public bool reorder_page (Adw.TabPage page, int position);
+		public bool select_next_page ();
+		public bool select_previous_page ();
+		public void set_default_icon (GLib.Icon default_icon);
+		public void set_menu_model (GLib.MenuModel? menu_model);
+		public void set_page_pinned (Adw.TabPage page, bool pinned);
+		public void set_selected_page (Adw.TabPage selected_page);
+		[Version (since = "1.2")]
+		public void set_shortcuts (Adw.TabViewShortcuts shortcuts);
+		public void transfer_page (Adw.TabPage page, Adw.TabView other_view, int position);
+		public GLib.Icon default_icon { get; set; }
+		public bool is_transferring_page { get; }
+		public GLib.MenuModel menu_model { get; set; }
+		public int n_pages { get; }
+		public int n_pinned_pages { get; }
+		public Gtk.SelectionModel pages { owned get; }
+		public Adw.TabPage selected_page { get; set; }
+		[Version (since = "1.2")]
+		public Adw.TabViewShortcuts shortcuts { get; set; }
+		[HasEmitter]
+		public signal bool close_page (Adw.TabPage page);
+		public signal unowned Adw.TabView? create_window ();
+		public signal void indicator_activated (Adw.TabPage page);
+		public signal void page_attached (Adw.TabPage page, int position);
+		public signal void page_detached (Adw.TabPage page, int position);
+		public signal void page_reordered (Adw.TabPage page, int position);
+		public signal void setup_menu (Adw.TabPage? page);
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_timed_animation_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class TimedAnimation : Adw.Animation {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "AdwAnimation*")]
+		public TimedAnimation (Gtk.Widget widget, double from, double to, uint duration, owned Adw.AnimationTarget target);
+		public bool get_alternate ();
+		public uint get_duration ();
+		public Adw.Easing get_easing ();
+		public uint get_repeat_count ();
+		public bool get_reverse ();
+		public double get_value_from ();
+		public double get_value_to ();
+		public void set_alternate (bool alternate);
+		public void set_duration (uint duration);
+		public void set_easing (Adw.Easing easing);
+		public void set_repeat_count (uint repeat_count);
+		public void set_reverse (bool reverse);
+		public void set_value_from (double value);
+		public void set_value_to (double value);
+		public bool alternate { get; set construct; }
+		public uint duration { get; set construct; }
+		public Adw.Easing easing { get; set construct; }
+		public uint repeat_count { get; set construct; }
+		public bool reverse { get; set construct; }
+		public double value_from { get; set construct; }
+		public double value_to { get; set construct; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_toast_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class Toast : GLib.Object {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public Toast (string title);
+		public void dismiss ();
+		public unowned string? get_action_name ();
+		public unowned GLib.Variant? get_action_target_value ();
+		public unowned string? get_button_label ();
+		[Version (since = "1.2")]
+		public unowned Gtk.Widget? get_custom_title ();
+		public Adw.ToastPriority get_priority ();
+		public uint get_timeout ();
+		public unowned string? get_title ();
+		public void set_action_name (string? action_name);
+		public void set_action_target_value (GLib.Variant? action_target);
+		public void set_button_label (string? button_label);
+		[Version (since = "1.2")]
+		public void set_custom_title (Gtk.Widget? widget);
+		public void set_detailed_action_name (string? detailed_action_name);
+		public void set_priority (Adw.ToastPriority priority);
+		public void set_timeout (uint timeout);
+		public void set_title (string title);
+		public string action_name { get; set; }
+		[NoAccessorMethod]
+		public GLib.Variant action_target { owned get; set; }
+		public string button_label { get; set; }
+		[Version (since = "1.2")]
+		public Gtk.Widget custom_title { get; set; }
+		public Adw.ToastPriority priority { get; set; }
+		public uint timeout { get; set; }
+		public string title { get; set; }
+		[Version (since = "1.2")]
+		public signal void button_clicked ();
+		public signal void dismissed ();
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_toast_overlay_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class ToastOverlay : Gtk.Widget, Gtk.Accessible, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.ConstraintTarget {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+		public ToastOverlay ();
+		public void add_toast (owned Adw.Toast toast);
+		public unowned Gtk.Widget? get_child ();
+		public void set_child (Gtk.Widget? child);
+		public Gtk.Widget child { get; set; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_view_stack_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class ViewStack : Gtk.Widget, Gtk.Accessible, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.ConstraintTarget {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+		public ViewStack ();
+		public unowned Adw.ViewStackPage add (Gtk.Widget child);
+		public unowned Adw.ViewStackPage add_named (Gtk.Widget child, string? name);
+		public unowned Adw.ViewStackPage add_titled (Gtk.Widget child, string? name, string title);
+		[Version (since = "1.2")]
+		public unowned Adw.ViewStackPage add_titled_with_icon (Gtk.Widget child, string? name, string title, string icon_name);
+		public unowned Gtk.Widget? get_child_by_name (string name);
+		public bool get_hhomogeneous ();
+		public unowned Adw.ViewStackPage get_page (Gtk.Widget child);
+		public Gtk.SelectionModel get_pages ();
+		public bool get_vhomogeneous ();
+		public unowned Gtk.Widget? get_visible_child ();
+		public unowned string? get_visible_child_name ();
+		public void remove (Gtk.Widget child);
+		public void set_hhomogeneous (bool hhomogeneous);
+		public void set_vhomogeneous (bool vhomogeneous);
+		public void set_visible_child (Gtk.Widget child);
+		public void set_visible_child_name (string name);
+		public bool hhomogeneous { get; set; }
+		public Gtk.SelectionModel pages { owned get; }
+		public bool vhomogeneous { get; set; }
+		public Gtk.Widget visible_child { get; set; }
+		public string visible_child_name { get; set; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_view_stack_page_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class ViewStackPage : GLib.Object, Gtk.Accessible {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		protected ViewStackPage ();
+		public uint get_badge_number ();
+		public unowned Gtk.Widget get_child ();
+		public unowned string? get_icon_name ();
+		public unowned string? get_name ();
+		public bool get_needs_attention ();
+		public unowned string? get_title ();
+		public bool get_use_underline ();
+		public bool get_visible ();
+		public void set_badge_number (uint badge_number);
+		public void set_icon_name (string? icon_name);
+		public void set_name (string? name);
+		public void set_needs_attention (bool needs_attention);
+		public void set_title (string? title);
+		public void set_use_underline (bool use_underline);
+		public void set_visible (bool visible);
+		public uint badge_number { get; set; }
+		public Gtk.Widget child { get; construct; }
+		public string icon_name { get; set; }
+		public string name { get; set; }
+		public bool needs_attention { get; set; }
+		public string title { get; set; }
+		public bool use_underline { get; set; }
+		public bool visible { get; set; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_view_switcher_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class ViewSwitcher : Gtk.Widget, Gtk.Accessible, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.ConstraintTarget {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+		public ViewSwitcher ();
+		public Adw.ViewSwitcherPolicy get_policy ();
+		public unowned Adw.ViewStack? get_stack ();
+		public void set_policy (Adw.ViewSwitcherPolicy policy);
+		public void set_stack (Adw.ViewStack? stack);
+		public Adw.ViewSwitcherPolicy policy { get; set; }
+		public Adw.ViewStack stack { get; set; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_view_switcher_bar_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class ViewSwitcherBar : Gtk.Widget, Gtk.Accessible, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.ConstraintTarget {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+		public ViewSwitcherBar ();
+		public bool get_reveal ();
+		public unowned Adw.ViewStack? get_stack ();
+		public void set_reveal (bool reveal);
+		public void set_stack (Adw.ViewStack? stack);
+		public bool reveal { get; set; }
+		public Adw.ViewStack stack { get; set; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_view_switcher_title_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class ViewSwitcherTitle : Gtk.Widget, Gtk.Accessible, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.ConstraintTarget {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+		public ViewSwitcherTitle ();
+		public unowned Adw.ViewStack? get_stack ();
+		public unowned string get_subtitle ();
+		public unowned string get_title ();
+		public bool get_title_visible ();
+		public bool get_view_switcher_enabled ();
+		public void set_stack (Adw.ViewStack? stack);
+		public void set_subtitle (string subtitle);
+		public void set_title (string title);
+		public void set_view_switcher_enabled (bool enabled);
+		public Adw.ViewStack stack { get; set; }
+		public string subtitle { get; set; }
+		public string title { get; set; }
+		public bool title_visible { get; }
+		public bool view_switcher_enabled { get; set; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_window_get_type ()")]
+	public class Window : Gtk.Window, Gtk.Accessible, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.ConstraintTarget, Gtk.Native, Gtk.Root, Gtk.ShortcutManager {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+		public Window ();
+		public unowned Gtk.Widget? get_content ();
+		public void set_content (Gtk.Widget? content);
+		public Gtk.Widget content { get; set; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_id = "adw_window_title_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class WindowTitle : Gtk.Widget, Gtk.Accessible, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.ConstraintTarget {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+		public WindowTitle (string title, string subtitle);
+		public unowned string get_subtitle ();
+		public unowned string get_title ();
+		public void set_subtitle (string subtitle);
+		public void set_title (string title);
+		public string subtitle { get; set; }
+		public string title { get; set; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", type_cname = "AdwSwipeableInterface", type_id = "adw_swipeable_get_type ()")]
+	public interface Swipeable : Gtk.Widget {
+		public abstract double get_cancel_progress ();
+		public abstract double get_distance ();
+		public abstract double get_progress ();
+		[CCode (array_length_pos = 0.1)]
+		public abstract double[] get_snap_points ();
+		public abstract Gdk.Rectangle get_swipe_area (Adw.NavigationDirection navigation_direction, bool is_drag);
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", cprefix = "ADW_ANIMATION_", type_id = "adw_animation_state_get_type ()")]
+	public enum AnimationState {
+		IDLE,
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", cprefix = "ADW_CENTERING_POLICY_", type_id = "adw_centering_policy_get_type ()")]
+	public enum CenteringPolicy {
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", cprefix = "ADW_COLOR_SCHEME_", type_id = "adw_color_scheme_get_type ()")]
+	public enum ColorScheme {
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", cprefix = "ADW_", type_id = "adw_easing_get_type ()")]
+	public enum Easing {
+		public double ease (double value);
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", cprefix = "ADW_FLAP_FOLD_POLICY_", type_id = "adw_flap_fold_policy_get_type ()")]
+	public enum FlapFoldPolicy {
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", cprefix = "ADW_FLAP_TRANSITION_TYPE_", type_id = "adw_flap_transition_type_get_type ()")]
+	public enum FlapTransitionType {
+		OVER,
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", cprefix = "ADW_FOLD_THRESHOLD_POLICY_", type_id = "adw_fold_threshold_policy_get_type ()")]
+	public enum FoldThresholdPolicy {
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", cprefix = "ADW_LEAFLET_TRANSITION_TYPE_", type_id = "adw_leaflet_transition_type_get_type ()")]
+	public enum LeafletTransitionType {
+		OVER,
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", cprefix = "ADW_NAVIGATION_DIRECTION_", type_id = "adw_navigation_direction_get_type ()")]
+	public enum NavigationDirection {
+		BACK,
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", cprefix = "ADW_RESPONSE_", type_id = "adw_response_appearance_get_type ()")]
+	[Version (since = "1.2")]
+	public enum ResponseAppearance {
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", cprefix = "ADW_SQUEEZER_TRANSITION_TYPE_", type_id = "adw_squeezer_transition_type_get_type ()")]
+	public enum SqueezerTransitionType {
+		NONE,
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", cprefix = "ADW_TAB_VIEW_SHORTCUT_", type_id = "adw_tab_view_shortcuts_get_type ()")]
+	[Flags]
+	[Version (since = "1.2")]
+	public enum TabViewShortcuts {
+		NONE,
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", cprefix = "ADW_TOAST_PRIORITY_", type_id = "adw_toast_priority_get_type ()")]
+	public enum ToastPriority {
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", cprefix = "ADW_VIEW_SWITCHER_POLICY_", type_id = "adw_view_switcher_policy_get_type ()")]
+	public enum ViewSwitcherPolicy {
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", instance_pos = 1.9)]
+	public delegate void AnimationTargetFunc (double value);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", cname = "ADW_DURATION_INFINITE")]
+	public const uint DURATION_INFINITE;
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", cname = "ADW_MAJOR_VERSION")]
+	public const int MAJOR_VERSION;
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", cname = "ADW_MICRO_VERSION")]
+	public const int MICRO_VERSION;
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", cname = "ADW_MINOR_VERSION")]
+	public const int MINOR_VERSION;
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h", cname = "ADW_VERSION_S")]
+	public const string VERSION_S;
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h")]
+	[Version (replacement = "Easing.ease")]
+	public static double easing_ease (Adw.Easing self, double value);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h")]
+	public static bool get_enable_animations (Gtk.Widget widget);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h")]
+	public static uint get_major_version ();
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h")]
+	public static uint get_micro_version ();
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h")]
+	public static uint get_minor_version ();
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h")]
+	public static void init ();
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h")]
+	public static bool is_initialized ();
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "adwaita.h")]
+	public static double lerp (double a, double b, double t);
Index: app/sqlite/
--- app/sqlite/	(revision 67)
+++ app/sqlite/	(revision 68)
@@ -140,6 +140,9 @@
 extra_configure_switches += --enable-shared=yes
 ####### Dependencies
 $(src_done): $(SRC_ARCHIVE) $(PATCHES_DEP)
Index: app/sqlite/
--- app/sqlite/	(revision 67)
+++ app/sqlite/	(revision 68)
@@ -101,6 +101,9 @@
 extra_configure_switches += --enable-shared=yes
 configure_environment  = LDFLAGS=-Wl,-rpath,/lib$(MULTILIB_PPC32_SUFFIX):/usr/lib$(MULTILIB_PPC32_SUFFIX)
Index: app/sqlite/
--- app/sqlite/	(revision 67)
+++ app/sqlite/	(revision 68)
@@ -98,6 +98,9 @@
 extra_configure_switches += --enable-shared=yes
 configure_environment  = LDFLAGS=-Wl,-rpath,/lib$(MULTILIB_X86_32_SUFFIX):/usr/lib$(MULTILIB_X86_32_SUFFIX)
Index: libs/libsoup3/3.4.2/Makefile
--- libs/libsoup3/3.4.2/Makefile	(revision 67)
+++ libs/libsoup3/3.4.2/Makefile	(revision 68)
@@ -83,7 +83,9 @@
 cross_file         = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET)-cross
+vala-api-file      = $(CURDIR)/vala-api/libsoup-3.0.vapi
 ####### Targets
 PKG_GROUP = libs
@@ -260,6 +262,9 @@
 $(install_target): $(build_target)
 	@cd $(build_dir) && $(env_sysroot) ninja install
+	# ======= Install Vala API file =======
+	@mkdir -p $(LIBSOUP_PKG)/usr/share/vala/vapi
+	@cp -a $(vala-api-file) $(LIBSOUP_PKG)/usr/share/vala/vapi/
 	# ======= Install Documentation =======
 	@if [ -d $(LIBSOUP_PKG)/usr/share/man ]; then \
 	  ( cd $(LIBSOUP_PKG)/usr/share/man ; \
Index: libs/libsoup3/3.4.2/vala-api/a.txt
--- libs/libsoup3/3.4.2/vala-api/a.txt	(nonexistent)
+++ libs/libsoup3/3.4.2/vala-api/a.txt	(revision 68)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Index: libs/libsoup3/3.4.2/vala-api/libsoup-3.0.vapi
--- libs/libsoup3/3.4.2/vala-api/libsoup-3.0.vapi	(nonexistent)
+++ libs/libsoup3/3.4.2/vala-api/libsoup-3.0.vapi	(revision 68)
@@ -0,0 +1,1047 @@
+/* libsoup-3.0.vapi generated by vapigen, do not modify. */
+[CCode (cprefix = "Soup", gir_namespace = "Soup", gir_version = "3.0", lower_case_cprefix = "soup_")]
+namespace Soup {
+	namespace Form {
+		[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+		public static GLib.HashTable<weak string,weak string> decode (string encoded_form);
+		[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+		public static GLib.HashTable<weak string,weak string>? decode_multipart (Soup.Multipart multipart, string? file_control_name, out string filename, out string content_type, out GLib.Bytes file);
+		[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+		public static string encode (...);
+		[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+		public static string encode_datalist (GLib.Datalist<string> form_data_set);
+		[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+		public static string encode_hash (GLib.HashTable<string,string> form_data_set);
+		[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+		public static string encode_valist (string first_field, va_list args);
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", type_id = "soup_auth_get_type ()")]
+	public abstract class Auth : GLib.Object {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		protected Auth ();
+		public virtual void authenticate (string username, string password);
+		public virtual bool can_authenticate ();
+		public void cancel ();
+		public unowned string get_authority ();
+		public virtual string get_authorization (Soup.Message msg);
+		public string get_info ();
+		public virtual GLib.SList<string> get_protection_space (GLib.Uri source_uri);
+		public unowned string get_realm ();
+		public unowned string get_scheme_name ();
+		public virtual bool is_ready (Soup.Message msg);
+		public static Soup.Auth? @new (GLib.Type type, Soup.Message msg, string auth_header);
+		public virtual bool update (Soup.Message msg, GLib.HashTable<void*,void*> auth_header);
+		[NoAccessorMethod]
+		public string authority { owned get; set; }
+		[NoAccessorMethod]
+		public virtual bool is_authenticated { get; }
+		[NoAccessorMethod]
+		public bool is_cancelled { get; }
+		[NoAccessorMethod]
+		public bool is_for_proxy { get; set; }
+		[NoAccessorMethod]
+		public string realm { owned get; set; }
+		public string scheme_name { get; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", type_id = "soup_auth_basic_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class AuthBasic : Soup.Auth {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		protected AuthBasic ();
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", type_id = "soup_auth_digest_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class AuthDigest : Soup.Auth {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		protected AuthDigest ();
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", type_id = "soup_auth_domain_get_type ()")]
+	public abstract class AuthDomain : GLib.Object {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		protected AuthDomain ();
+		[NoWrapper]
+		public virtual string accepts (Soup.ServerMessage msg, string header);
+		[CCode (cname = "soup_auth_domain_accepts")]
+		public string? accepts_authorization (Soup.ServerMessage msg);
+		public void add_path (string path);
+		public virtual string challenge (Soup.ServerMessage msg);
+		public virtual bool check_password (Soup.ServerMessage msg, string username, string password);
+		public bool covers (Soup.ServerMessage msg);
+		public unowned string get_realm ();
+		public void remove_path (string path);
+		public void set_filter (owned Soup.AuthDomainFilter filter);
+		public void set_generic_auth_callback (owned Soup.AuthDomainGenericAuthCallback auth_callback);
+		[NoAccessorMethod]
+		public Soup.AuthDomainFilter filter { get; set; }
+		[NoAccessorMethod]
+		public void* filter_data { get; set; }
+		[NoAccessorMethod]
+		public Soup.AuthDomainGenericAuthCallback generic_auth_callback { get; set; }
+		[NoAccessorMethod]
+		public void* generic_auth_data { get; set; }
+		[NoAccessorMethod]
+		public bool proxy { get; construct; }
+		public string realm { get; construct; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", type_id = "soup_auth_domain_basic_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class AuthDomainBasic : Soup.AuthDomain {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "SoupAuthDomain*")]
+		public AuthDomainBasic (string optname1, ...);
+		public void set_auth_callback (owned Soup.AuthDomainBasicAuthCallback callback);
+		[NoAccessorMethod]
+		public Soup.AuthDomainBasicAuthCallback auth_callback { get; set; }
+		[NoAccessorMethod]
+		public void* auth_data { get; set; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", type_id = "soup_auth_domain_digest_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class AuthDomainDigest : Soup.AuthDomain {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "SoupAuthDomain*")]
+		public AuthDomainDigest (string optname1, ...);
+		public static string encode_password (string username, string realm, string password);
+		public void set_auth_callback (owned Soup.AuthDomainDigestAuthCallback callback);
+		[NoAccessorMethod]
+		public Soup.AuthDomainDigestAuthCallback auth_callback { get; set; }
+		[NoAccessorMethod]
+		public void* auth_data { get; set; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", type_id = "soup_auth_manager_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class AuthManager : GLib.Object, Soup.SessionFeature {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		protected AuthManager ();
+		public void clear_cached_credentials ();
+		public void use_auth (GLib.Uri uri, Soup.Auth auth);
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", type_id = "soup_auth_ntlm_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class AuthNTLM : Soup.Auth {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		protected AuthNTLM ();
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", type_id = "soup_auth_negotiate_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class AuthNegotiate : Soup.Auth {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		protected AuthNegotiate ();
+		public static bool supported ();
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", type_id = "soup_cache_get_type ()")]
+	public class Cache : GLib.Object, Soup.SessionFeature {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public Cache (string? cache_dir, Soup.CacheType cache_type);
+		public void clear ();
+		public void dump ();
+		public void flush ();
+		[NoWrapper]
+		public virtual Soup.Cacheability get_cacheability (Soup.Message msg);
+		public uint get_max_size ();
+		public void load ();
+		public void set_max_size (uint max_size);
+		[NoAccessorMethod]
+		public string cache_dir { owned get; construct; }
+		[NoAccessorMethod]
+		public Soup.CacheType cache_type { get; construct; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", type_id = "soup_content_decoder_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class ContentDecoder : GLib.Object, Soup.SessionFeature {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		protected ContentDecoder ();
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", type_id = "soup_content_sniffer_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class ContentSniffer : GLib.Object, Soup.SessionFeature {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public ContentSniffer ();
+		public string sniff (Soup.Message msg, GLib.Bytes buffer, out GLib.HashTable<string,string>? @params);
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "soup_cookie_get_type ()")]
+	[Compact]
+	public class Cookie {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public Cookie (string name, string value, string domain, string path, int max_age);
+		public bool applies_to_uri (GLib.Uri uri);
+		public Soup.Cookie copy ();
+		public bool domain_matches (string host);
+		public bool equal (Soup.Cookie cookie2);
+		public void free ();
+		public unowned string get_domain ();
+		public unowned GLib.DateTime? get_expires ();
+		public bool get_http_only ();
+		public unowned string get_name ();
+		public unowned string get_path ();
+		public Soup.SameSitePolicy get_same_site_policy ();
+		public bool get_secure ();
+		public unowned string get_value ();
+		public static Soup.Cookie? parse (string header, GLib.Uri? origin);
+		public void set_domain (string domain);
+		public void set_expires (GLib.DateTime expires);
+		public void set_http_only (bool http_only);
+		public void set_max_age (int max_age);
+		public void set_name (string name);
+		public void set_path (string path);
+		public void set_same_site_policy (Soup.SameSitePolicy policy);
+		public void set_secure (bool secure);
+		public void set_value (string value);
+		public string to_cookie_header ();
+		public string to_set_cookie_header ();
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", type_id = "soup_cookie_jar_get_type ()")]
+	public class CookieJar : GLib.Object, Soup.SessionFeature {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public CookieJar ();
+		public void add_cookie (owned Soup.Cookie cookie);
+		public void add_cookie_full (owned Soup.Cookie cookie, GLib.Uri? uri, GLib.Uri? first_party);
+		public void add_cookie_with_first_party (GLib.Uri first_party, owned Soup.Cookie cookie);
+		public GLib.SList<Soup.Cookie> all_cookies ();
+		public void delete_cookie (Soup.Cookie cookie);
+		public Soup.CookieJarAcceptPolicy get_accept_policy ();
+		public GLib.SList<Soup.Cookie> get_cookie_list (GLib.Uri uri, bool for_http);
+		public GLib.SList<Soup.Cookie> get_cookie_list_with_same_site_info (GLib.Uri uri, GLib.Uri? top_level, GLib.Uri? site_for_cookies, bool for_http, bool is_safe_method, bool is_top_level_navigation);
+		public string? get_cookies (GLib.Uri uri, bool for_http);
+		public virtual bool is_persistent ();
+		[NoWrapper]
+		public virtual void save ();
+		public void set_accept_policy (Soup.CookieJarAcceptPolicy policy);
+		public void set_cookie (GLib.Uri uri, string cookie);
+		public void set_cookie_with_first_party (GLib.Uri uri, GLib.Uri first_party, string cookie);
+		public Soup.CookieJarAcceptPolicy accept_policy { get; set; }
+		[NoAccessorMethod]
+		public bool read_only { get; construct; }
+		public virtual signal void changed (Soup.Cookie old_cookie, Soup.Cookie new_cookie);
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", type_id = "soup_cookie_jar_db_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class CookieJarDB : Soup.CookieJar, Soup.SessionFeature {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "SoupCookieJar*")]
+		public CookieJarDB (string filename, bool read_only);
+		[NoAccessorMethod]
+		public string filename { owned get; construct; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", type_id = "soup_cookie_jar_text_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class CookieJarText : Soup.CookieJar, Soup.SessionFeature {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "SoupCookieJar*")]
+		public CookieJarText (string filename, bool read_only);
+		[NoAccessorMethod]
+		public string filename { owned get; construct; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", type_id = "soup_hsts_enforcer_get_type ()")]
+	public class HSTSEnforcer : GLib.Object, Soup.SessionFeature {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public HSTSEnforcer ();
+		public GLib.List<string> get_domains (bool session_policies);
+		public GLib.List<Soup.HSTSPolicy> get_policies (bool session_policies);
+		public virtual bool has_valid_policy (string domain);
+		public virtual bool is_persistent ();
+		public void set_policy (Soup.HSTSPolicy policy);
+		public void set_session_policy (string domain, bool include_subdomains);
+		public virtual signal void changed (Soup.HSTSPolicy old_policy, Soup.HSTSPolicy new_policy);
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", type_id = "soup_hsts_enforcer_db_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class HSTSEnforcerDB : Soup.HSTSEnforcer, Soup.SessionFeature {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "SoupHSTSEnforcer*")]
+		public HSTSEnforcerDB (string filename);
+		[NoAccessorMethod]
+		public string filename { owned get; construct; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "soup_hsts_policy_get_type ()")]
+	[Compact]
+	public class HSTSPolicy {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public HSTSPolicy (string domain, ulong max_age, bool include_subdomains);
+		public Soup.HSTSPolicy copy ();
+		public bool equal (Soup.HSTSPolicy policy2);
+		[DestroysInstance]
+		public void free ();
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public HSTSPolicy.from_response (Soup.Message msg);
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public HSTSPolicy.full (string domain, ulong max_age, GLib.DateTime expires, bool include_subdomains);
+		public unowned string get_domain ();
+		public GLib.DateTime get_expires ();
+		public ulong get_max_age ();
+		public bool includes_subdomains ();
+		public bool is_expired ();
+		public bool is_session_policy ();
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public HSTSPolicy.session_policy (string domain, bool include_subdomains);
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", type_id = "soup_logger_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class Logger : GLib.Object, Soup.SessionFeature {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public Logger (Soup.LoggerLogLevel level);
+		public int get_max_body_size ();
+		public void set_max_body_size (int max_body_size);
+		public void set_printer (owned Soup.LoggerPrinter printer);
+		public void set_request_filter (owned Soup.LoggerFilter request_filter);
+		public void set_response_filter (owned Soup.LoggerFilter response_filter);
+		[NoAccessorMethod]
+		public Soup.LoggerLogLevel level { get; set; }
+		public int max_body_size { get; set construct; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", type_id = "soup_message_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class Message : GLib.Object {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public Message (string method, string uri_string);
+		public void add_flags (Soup.MessageFlags flags);
+		public uint add_header_handler (string @signal, string header, GLib.Callback callback, void* user_data);
+		public uint add_status_code_handler (string @signal, uint status_code, GLib.Callback callback, void* user_data);
+		public void disable_feature (GLib.Type feature_type);
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public Message.from_encoded_form (string method, string uri_string, owned string encoded_form);
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public Message.from_multipart (string uri_string, Soup.Multipart multipart);
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public Message.from_uri (string method, GLib.Uri uri);
+		public uint64 get_connection_id ();
+		public unowned GLib.Uri get_first_party ();
+		public Soup.MessageFlags get_flags ();
+		[Version (since = "3.4")]
+		public bool get_force_http1 ();
+		public Soup.HTTPVersion get_http_version ();
+		public bool get_is_options_ping ();
+		public bool get_is_top_level_navigation ();
+		public unowned string get_method ();
+		public unowned Soup.MessageMetrics? get_metrics ();
+		public Soup.MessagePriority get_priority ();
+		public unowned string? get_reason_phrase ();
+		public unowned GLib.SocketAddress? get_remote_address ();
+		public unowned Soup.MessageHeaders get_request_headers ();
+		public unowned Soup.MessageHeaders get_response_headers ();
+		public unowned GLib.Uri get_site_for_cookies ();
+		public Soup.Status get_status ();
+		public unowned string get_tls_ciphersuite_name ();
+		public unowned GLib.TlsCertificate? get_tls_peer_certificate ();
+		public GLib.TlsCertificateFlags get_tls_peer_certificate_errors ();
+		public GLib.TlsProtocolVersion get_tls_protocol_version ();
+		public unowned GLib.Uri get_uri ();
+		public bool is_feature_disabled (GLib.Type feature_type);
+		public bool is_keepalive ();
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public Message.options_ping (GLib.Uri base_uri);
+		public bool query_flags (Soup.MessageFlags flags);
+		public void remove_flags (Soup.MessageFlags flags);
+		public void set_first_party (GLib.Uri first_party);
+		public void set_flags (Soup.MessageFlags flags);
+		[Version (since = "3.4")]
+		public void set_force_http1 (bool value);
+		public void set_is_options_ping (bool is_options_ping);
+		public void set_is_top_level_navigation (bool is_top_level_navigation);
+		public void set_method (string method);
+		public void set_priority (Soup.MessagePriority priority);
+		public void set_request_body (string? content_type, GLib.InputStream? stream, ssize_t content_length);
+		public void set_request_body_from_bytes (string? content_type, GLib.Bytes? bytes);
+		public void set_site_for_cookies (GLib.Uri? site_for_cookies);
+		public void set_tls_client_certificate (GLib.TlsCertificate? certificate);
+		public void set_uri (GLib.Uri uri);
+		public void tls_client_certificate_password_request_complete ();
+		public GLib.Uri first_party { get; set; }
+		public Soup.MessageFlags flags { get; set; }
+		public Soup.HTTPVersion http_version { get; }
+		public bool is_options_ping { get; set; }
+		public bool is_top_level_navigation { get; set; }
+		public string method { get; set; }
+		public Soup.MessagePriority priority { get; set; }
+		public string reason_phrase { get; }
+		public GLib.SocketAddress remote_address { get; }
+		public Soup.MessageHeaders request_headers { get; }
+		public Soup.MessageHeaders response_headers { get; }
+		public GLib.Uri site_for_cookies { get; set; }
+		[NoAccessorMethod]
+		public uint status_code { get; }
+		public string tls_ciphersuite_name { get; }
+		public GLib.TlsCertificate tls_peer_certificate { get; }
+		public GLib.TlsCertificateFlags tls_peer_certificate_errors { get; }
+		public GLib.TlsProtocolVersion tls_protocol_version { get; }
+		public GLib.Uri uri { get; set; }
+		public signal bool accept_certificate (GLib.TlsCertificate tls_peer_certificate, GLib.TlsCertificateFlags tls_peer_errors);
+		public signal bool authenticate (Soup.Auth auth, bool retrying);
+		public signal void content_sniffed (string type, GLib.HashTable<string,string> @params);
+		public signal void finished ();
+		public signal void got_body ();
+		[Version (since = "3.4")]
+		public signal void got_body_data (uint chunk_size);
+		public signal void got_headers ();
+		public signal void got_informational ();
+		public signal void hsts_enforced ();
+		public signal void network_event (GLib.SocketClientEvent event, GLib.IOStream connection);
+		public signal bool request_certificate (GLib.TlsClientConnection tls_connection);
+		public signal bool request_certificate_password (GLib.TlsPassword tls_password);
+		public signal void restarted ();
+		public signal void starting ();
+		public signal void wrote_body ();
+		public signal void wrote_body_data (uint chunk_size);
+		public signal void wrote_headers ();
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", ref_function = "soup_message_body_ref", type_id = "soup_message_body_get_type ()", unref_function = "soup_message_body_unref")]
+	[Compact]
+	public class MessageBody {
+		[CCode (array_length_cname = "length", array_length_type = "gint64")]
+		public weak uint8[] data;
+		public int64 length;
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public MessageBody ();
+		[Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "2.32", replacement = "MessageBody.append_take")]
+		public void append (Soup.MemoryUse use, [CCode (array_length_cname = "length", array_length_pos = 2.1, array_length_type = "gsize")] uint8[] data);
+		public void append_bytes (GLib.Bytes buffer);
+		public void append_take ([CCode (array_length_cname = "length", array_length_pos = 1.1, array_length_type = "gsize")] owned uint8[] data);
+		public void complete ();
+		public GLib.Bytes flatten ();
+		public bool get_accumulate ();
+		public GLib.Bytes? get_chunk (int64 offset);
+		public void got_chunk (GLib.Bytes chunk);
+		public Soup.MessageBody @ref ();
+		public void set_accumulate (bool accumulate);
+		public void truncate ();
+		public void unref ();
+		public void wrote_chunk (GLib.Bytes chunk);
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", ref_function = "soup_message_headers_ref", type_id = "soup_message_headers_get_type ()", unref_function = "soup_message_headers_unref")]
+	[Compact]
+	public class MessageHeaders {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public MessageHeaders (Soup.MessageHeadersType type);
+		public void append (string name, string value);
+		public void clean_connection_headers ();
+		public void clear ();
+		public void @foreach (Soup.MessageHeadersForeachFunc func);
+		public void free_ranges (Soup.Range ranges);
+		public bool get_content_disposition (out string disposition, out GLib.HashTable<string,string> @params);
+		public int64 get_content_length ();
+		public bool get_content_range (out int64 start, out int64 end, out int64 total_length);
+		public unowned string? get_content_type (out GLib.HashTable<string,string> @params);
+		public Soup.Encoding get_encoding ();
+		public Soup.Expectation get_expectations ();
+		public Soup.MessageHeadersType get_headers_type ();
+		public unowned string? get_list (string name);
+		public unowned string? get_one (string name);
+		public bool get_ranges (int64 total_length, [CCode (array_length_cname = "length", array_length_pos = 2.1)] out Soup.Range[] ranges);
+		public bool header_contains (string name, string token);
+		public bool header_equals (string name, string value);
+		public Soup.MessageHeaders @ref ();
+		public void remove (string name);
+		public void replace (string name, string value);
+		public void set_content_disposition (string disposition, GLib.HashTable<string,string>? @params);
+		public void set_content_length (int64 content_length);
+		public void set_content_range (int64 start, int64 end, int64 total_length);
+		public void set_content_type (string content_type, GLib.HashTable<string,string>? @params);
+		public void set_encoding (Soup.Encoding encoding);
+		public void set_expectations (Soup.Expectation expectations);
+		public void set_range (int64 start, int64 end);
+		public void set_ranges (Soup.Range ranges, int length);
+		public void unref ();
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "soup_message_metrics_get_type ()")]
+	[Compact]
+	public class MessageMetrics {
+		public Soup.MessageMetrics copy ();
+		public void free ();
+		public uint64 get_connect_end ();
+		public uint64 get_connect_start ();
+		public uint64 get_dns_end ();
+		public uint64 get_dns_start ();
+		public uint64 get_fetch_start ();
+		public uint64 get_request_body_bytes_sent ();
+		public uint64 get_request_body_size ();
+		public uint64 get_request_header_bytes_sent ();
+		public uint64 get_request_start ();
+		public uint64 get_response_body_bytes_received ();
+		public uint64 get_response_body_size ();
+		public uint64 get_response_end ();
+		public uint64 get_response_header_bytes_received ();
+		public uint64 get_response_start ();
+		public uint64 get_tls_start ();
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "soup_multipart_get_type ()")]
+	[Compact]
+	public class Multipart {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public Multipart (string mime_type);
+		public void append_form_file (string control_name, string? filename, string? content_type, GLib.Bytes body);
+		public void append_form_string (string control_name, string data);
+		public void append_part (Soup.MessageHeaders headers, GLib.Bytes body);
+		public void free ();
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public Multipart.from_message (Soup.MessageHeaders headers, GLib.Bytes body);
+		public int get_length ();
+		public bool get_part (int part, out unowned Soup.MessageHeaders headers, out unowned GLib.Bytes body);
+		public void to_message (Soup.MessageHeaders dest_headers, out GLib.Bytes dest_body);
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", type_id = "soup_multipart_input_stream_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class MultipartInputStream : GLib.FilterInputStream, GLib.PollableInputStream {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public MultipartInputStream (Soup.Message msg, GLib.InputStream base_stream);
+		public unowned Soup.MessageHeaders? get_headers ();
+		public GLib.InputStream? next_part (GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
+		public async GLib.InputStream? next_part_async (int io_priority, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+		[NoAccessorMethod]
+		public Soup.Message message { owned get; construct; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", type_id = "soup_server_get_type ()")]
+	public class Server : GLib.Object {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public Server (string optname1, ...);
+		public bool accept_iostream (GLib.IOStream stream, GLib.SocketAddress? local_addr, GLib.SocketAddress? remote_addr) throws GLib.Error;
+		public void add_auth_domain (Soup.AuthDomain auth_domain);
+		public void add_early_handler (string? path, owned Soup.ServerCallback callback);
+		public void add_handler (string? path, owned Soup.ServerCallback callback);
+		public void add_websocket_extension (GLib.Type extension_type);
+		public void add_websocket_handler (string? path, string? origin, [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] string[]? protocols, owned Soup.ServerWebsocketCallback callback);
+		public void disconnect ();
+		public GLib.SList<weak GLib.Socket> get_listeners ();
+		public GLib.TlsAuthenticationMode get_tls_auth_mode ();
+		public unowned GLib.TlsCertificate? get_tls_certificate ();
+		public unowned GLib.TlsDatabase? get_tls_database ();
+		public GLib.SList<GLib.Uri> get_uris ();
+		public bool is_https ();
+		public bool listen (GLib.SocketAddress address, Soup.ServerListenOptions options) throws GLib.Error;
+		public bool listen_all (uint port, Soup.ServerListenOptions options) throws GLib.Error;
+		public bool listen_local (uint port, Soup.ServerListenOptions options) throws GLib.Error;
+		public bool listen_socket (GLib.Socket socket, Soup.ServerListenOptions options) throws GLib.Error;
+		[Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "3.2")]
+		public void pause_message (Soup.ServerMessage msg);
+		public void remove_auth_domain (Soup.AuthDomain auth_domain);
+		public void remove_handler (string path);
+		public void remove_websocket_extension (GLib.Type extension_type);
+		public void set_tls_auth_mode (GLib.TlsAuthenticationMode mode);
+		public void set_tls_certificate (GLib.TlsCertificate certificate);
+		public void set_tls_database (GLib.TlsDatabase tls_database);
+		[Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "3.2")]
+		public void unpause_message (Soup.ServerMessage msg);
+		[NoAccessorMethod]
+		public bool raw_paths { get; construct; }
+		[NoAccessorMethod]
+		public string server_header { owned get; set construct; }
+		public GLib.TlsAuthenticationMode tls_auth_mode { get; set construct; }
+		public GLib.TlsCertificate tls_certificate { get; set construct; }
+		public GLib.TlsDatabase tls_database { get; set construct; }
+		public virtual signal void request_aborted (Soup.ServerMessage msg);
+		public virtual signal void request_finished (Soup.ServerMessage msg);
+		public virtual signal void request_read (Soup.ServerMessage msg);
+		public virtual signal void request_started (Soup.ServerMessage msg);
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", type_id = "soup_server_message_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class ServerMessage : GLib.Object {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		protected ServerMessage ();
+		public Soup.HTTPVersion get_http_version ();
+		public unowned GLib.SocketAddress? get_local_address ();
+		public unowned string get_method ();
+		public unowned string? get_reason_phrase ();
+		public unowned GLib.SocketAddress? get_remote_address ();
+		public unowned string? get_remote_host ();
+		public unowned Soup.MessageBody get_request_body ();
+		public unowned Soup.MessageHeaders get_request_headers ();
+		public unowned Soup.MessageBody get_response_body ();
+		public unowned Soup.MessageHeaders get_response_headers ();
+		public unowned GLib.Socket? get_socket ();
+		public uint get_status ();
+		[Version (since = "3.2")]
+		public unowned GLib.TlsCertificate? get_tls_peer_certificate ();
+		[Version (since = "3.2")]
+		public GLib.TlsCertificateFlags get_tls_peer_certificate_errors ();
+		public unowned GLib.Uri get_uri ();
+		public bool is_options_ping ();
+		[Version (since = "3.2")]
+		public void pause ();
+		public void set_http_version (Soup.HTTPVersion version);
+		public void set_redirect (uint status_code, string redirect_uri);
+		public void set_response (string? content_type, Soup.MemoryUse resp_use, [CCode (array_length_cname = "resp_length", array_length_pos = 3.1, array_length_type = "gsize")] uint8[]? resp_body);
+		public void set_status (uint status_code, string? reason_phrase);
+		public GLib.IOStream steal_connection ();
+		[Version (since = "3.2")]
+		public void unpause ();
+		[Version (since = "3.2")]
+		public GLib.TlsCertificate tls_peer_certificate { get; }
+		[Version (since = "3.2")]
+		public GLib.TlsCertificateFlags tls_peer_certificate_errors { get; }
+		public signal bool accept_certificate (GLib.TlsCertificate tls_peer_certificate, GLib.TlsCertificateFlags tls_peer_errors);
+		public signal void connected ();
+		public signal void disconnected ();
+		public signal void finished ();
+		public signal void got_body ();
+		public signal void got_chunk (GLib.Bytes chunk);
+		public signal void got_headers ();
+		public signal void wrote_body ();
+		public signal void wrote_body_data (uint chunk_size);
+		public signal void wrote_chunk ();
+		public signal void wrote_headers ();
+		public signal void wrote_informational ();
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", type_id = "soup_session_get_type ()")]
+	public class Session : GLib.Object {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public Session ();
+		public void abort ();
+		public void add_feature (Soup.SessionFeature feature);
+		public void add_feature_by_type (GLib.Type feature_type);
+		public unowned string? get_accept_language ();
+		public bool get_accept_language_auto ();
+		public unowned Soup.Message? get_async_result_message (GLib.AsyncResult result);
+		public unowned Soup.SessionFeature? get_feature (GLib.Type feature_type);
+		public unowned Soup.SessionFeature? get_feature_for_message (GLib.Type feature_type, Soup.Message msg);
+		public uint get_idle_timeout ();
+		public unowned GLib.InetSocketAddress? get_local_address ();
+		public uint get_max_conns ();
+		public uint get_max_conns_per_host ();
+		public unowned GLib.ProxyResolver? get_proxy_resolver ();
+		public unowned GLib.SocketConnectable? get_remote_connectable ();
+		public uint get_timeout ();
+		public unowned GLib.TlsDatabase? get_tls_database ();
+		public unowned GLib.TlsInteraction? get_tls_interaction ();
+		public unowned string? get_user_agent ();
+		public bool has_feature (GLib.Type feature_type);
+		public async bool preconnect_async (Soup.Message msg, int io_priority, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+		public void remove_feature (Soup.SessionFeature feature);
+		public void remove_feature_by_type (GLib.Type feature_type);
+		public GLib.InputStream send (Soup.Message msg, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
+		public GLib.Bytes send_and_read (Soup.Message msg, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
+		public async GLib.Bytes send_and_read_async (Soup.Message msg, int io_priority, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+		[Version (since = "3.4")]
+		public ssize_t send_and_splice (Soup.Message msg, GLib.OutputStream out_stream, GLib.OutputStreamSpliceFlags flags, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
+		[Version (since = "3.4")]
+		public async ssize_t send_and_splice_async (Soup.Message msg, GLib.OutputStream out_stream, GLib.OutputStreamSpliceFlags flags, int io_priority, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+		public async GLib.InputStream send_async (Soup.Message msg, int io_priority, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+		public void set_accept_language (string accept_language);
+		public void set_accept_language_auto (bool accept_language_auto);
+		public void set_idle_timeout (uint timeout);
+		public void set_proxy_resolver (GLib.ProxyResolver? proxy_resolver);
+		public void set_timeout (uint timeout);
+		public void set_tls_database (GLib.TlsDatabase? tls_database);
+		public void set_tls_interaction (GLib.TlsInteraction? tls_interaction);
+		public void set_user_agent (string user_agent);
+		public async Soup.WebsocketConnection websocket_connect_async (Soup.Message msg, string? origin, [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] string[]? protocols, int io_priority, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public Session.with_options (string optname1, ...);
+		public string accept_language { get; set; }
+		public bool accept_language_auto { get; set; }
+		public uint idle_timeout { get; set; }
+		public GLib.InetSocketAddress local_address { get; construct; }
+		public int max_conns { get; construct; }
+		public int max_conns_per_host { get; construct; }
+		public GLib.ProxyResolver proxy_resolver { get; set; }
+		public GLib.SocketConnectable remote_connectable { get; construct; }
+		public uint timeout { get; set; }
+		public GLib.TlsDatabase tls_database { get; set; }
+		public GLib.TlsInteraction tls_interaction { get; set; }
+		public string user_agent { get; set; }
+		public virtual signal void request_queued (Soup.Message msg);
+		public virtual signal void request_unqueued (Soup.Message msg);
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", type_id = "soup_websocket_connection_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class WebsocketConnection : GLib.Object {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public WebsocketConnection (GLib.IOStream stream, GLib.Uri uri, Soup.WebsocketConnectionType type, string? origin, string? protocol, owned GLib.List<Soup.WebsocketExtension> extensions);
+		public void close (ushort code, string? data);
+		public ushort get_close_code ();
+		public unowned string get_close_data ();
+		public Soup.WebsocketConnectionType get_connection_type ();
+		public unowned GLib.List<Soup.WebsocketExtension> get_extensions ();
+		public unowned GLib.IOStream get_io_stream ();
+		public uint get_keepalive_interval ();
+		public uint64 get_max_incoming_payload_size ();
+		public unowned string? get_origin ();
+		public unowned string? get_protocol ();
+		public Soup.WebsocketState get_state ();
+		public unowned GLib.Uri get_uri ();
+		public void send_binary ([CCode (array_length_cname = "length", array_length_pos = 1.1, array_length_type = "gsize")] uint8[]? data);
+		public void send_message (Soup.WebsocketDataType type, GLib.Bytes message);
+		public void send_text (string text);
+		public void set_keepalive_interval (uint interval);
+		public void set_max_incoming_payload_size (uint64 max_incoming_payload_size);
+		public Soup.WebsocketConnectionType connection_type { get; construct; }
+		public void* extensions { get; construct; }
+		public GLib.IOStream io_stream { get; construct; }
+		public uint keepalive_interval { get; set construct; }
+		public uint64 max_incoming_payload_size { get; set construct; }
+		public string origin { get; construct; }
+		public string protocol { get; construct; }
+		public Soup.WebsocketState state { get; }
+		public GLib.Uri uri { get; construct; }
+		public signal void closed ();
+		public signal void closing ();
+		public signal void error (GLib.Error error);
+		public signal void message (int type, GLib.Bytes message);
+		public signal void pong (GLib.Bytes message);
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", type_id = "soup_websocket_extension_get_type ()")]
+	public abstract class WebsocketExtension : GLib.Object {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		protected WebsocketExtension ();
+		public virtual bool configure (Soup.WebsocketConnectionType connection_type, GLib.HashTable<void*,void*>? @params) throws GLib.Error;
+		public virtual string? get_request_params ();
+		public virtual string? get_response_params ();
+		public virtual GLib.Bytes process_incoming_message (ref uint8 header, owned GLib.Bytes payload) throws GLib.Error;
+		public virtual GLib.Bytes process_outgoing_message (ref uint8 header, owned GLib.Bytes payload) throws GLib.Error;
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", type_id = "soup_websocket_extension_deflate_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class WebsocketExtensionDeflate : Soup.WebsocketExtension {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		protected WebsocketExtensionDeflate ();
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", type_id = "soup_websocket_extension_manager_get_type ()")]
+	public sealed class WebsocketExtensionManager : GLib.Object, Soup.SessionFeature {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		protected WebsocketExtensionManager ();
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", type_cname = "SoupSessionFeatureInterface", type_id = "soup_session_feature_get_type ()")]
+	public interface SessionFeature : GLib.Object {
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", has_type_id = false)]
+	public struct MessageHeadersIter {
+		public void init (Soup.MessageHeaders hdrs);
+		public static bool next (ref Soup.MessageHeadersIter iter, out unowned string name, out unowned string value);
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", has_type_id = false)]
+	public struct Range {
+		public int64 start;
+		public int64 end;
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", cprefix = "SOUP_CACHE_", type_id = "soup_cache_type_get_type ()")]
+	public enum CacheType {
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", cprefix = "SOUP_CACHE_", type_id = "soup_cacheability_get_type ()")]
+	[Flags]
+	public enum Cacheability {
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", cprefix = "SOUP_COOKIE_JAR_ACCEPT_", type_id = "soup_cookie_jar_accept_policy_get_type ()")]
+	public enum CookieJarAcceptPolicy {
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", cprefix = "SOUP_DATE_", type_id = "soup_date_format_get_type ()")]
+	public enum DateFormat {
+		HTTP,
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", cprefix = "SOUP_ENCODING_", type_id = "soup_encoding_get_type ()")]
+	public enum Encoding {
+		NONE,
+		EOF,
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", cprefix = "SOUP_EXPECTATION_", type_id = "soup_expectation_get_type ()")]
+	[Flags]
+	public enum Expectation {
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", cprefix = "SOUP_HTTP_", type_id = "soup_http_version_get_type ()")]
+	public enum HTTPVersion {
+		@1_0,
+		@1_1,
+		@2_0
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", cprefix = "SOUP_LOGGER_LOG_", type_id = "soup_logger_log_level_get_type ()")]
+	public enum LoggerLogLevel {
+		NONE,
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", cprefix = "SOUP_MEMORY_", type_id = "soup_memory_use_get_type ()")]
+	public enum MemoryUse {
+		TAKE,
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", cprefix = "SOUP_MESSAGE_", type_id = "soup_message_flags_get_type ()")]
+	[Flags]
+	public enum MessageFlags {
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", cprefix = "SOUP_MESSAGE_HEADERS_", type_id = "soup_message_headers_type_get_type ()")]
+	public enum MessageHeadersType {
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", cprefix = "SOUP_MESSAGE_PRIORITY_", type_id = "soup_message_priority_get_type ()")]
+	public enum MessagePriority {
+		LOW,
+		HIGH,
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", cprefix = "SOUP_SAME_SITE_POLICY_", type_id = "soup_same_site_policy_get_type ()")]
+	public enum SameSitePolicy {
+		NONE,
+		LAX,
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", cprefix = "SOUP_SERVER_LISTEN_", type_id = "soup_server_listen_options_get_type ()")]
+	[Flags]
+	public enum ServerListenOptions {
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", cprefix = "SOUP_STATUS_", type_id = "soup_status_get_type ()")]
+	public enum Status {
+		NONE,
+		OK,
+		GONE,
+		public static unowned string get_phrase (uint status_code);
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", cprefix = "SOUP_URI_", type_id = "soup_uri_component_get_type ()")]
+	public enum URIComponent {
+		NONE,
+		USER,
+		HOST,
+		PORT,
+		PATH,
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", cprefix = "SOUP_WEBSOCKET_CLOSE_", type_id = "soup_websocket_close_code_get_type ()")]
+	public enum WebsocketCloseCode {
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", cprefix = "SOUP_WEBSOCKET_CONNECTION_", type_id = "soup_websocket_connection_type_get_type ()")]
+	public enum WebsocketConnectionType {
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", cprefix = "SOUP_WEBSOCKET_DATA_", type_id = "soup_websocket_data_type_get_type ()")]
+	public enum WebsocketDataType {
+		TEXT,
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", cprefix = "SOUP_WEBSOCKET_STATE_", type_id = "soup_websocket_state_get_type ()")]
+	public enum WebsocketState {
+		OPEN,
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", cprefix = "SOUP_SESSION_ERROR_", type_id = "soup_session_error_get_type ()")]
+	public errordomain SessionError {
+		public static GLib.Quark quark ();
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", cprefix = "SOUP_TLD_ERROR_", type_id = "soup_tld_error_get_type ()")]
+	public errordomain TLDError {
+		public static GLib.Quark quark ();
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", cprefix = "SOUP_WEBSOCKET_ERROR_", type_id = "soup_websocket_error_get_type ()")]
+	public errordomain WebsocketError {
+		public static GLib.Quark quark ();
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", instance_pos = 4.9)]
+	public delegate bool AuthDomainBasicAuthCallback (Soup.AuthDomainBasic domain, Soup.ServerMessage msg, string username, string password);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", instance_pos = 3.9)]
+	public delegate string? AuthDomainDigestAuthCallback (Soup.AuthDomainDigest domain, Soup.ServerMessage msg, string username);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", instance_pos = 2.9)]
+	public delegate bool AuthDomainFilter (Soup.AuthDomain domain, Soup.ServerMessage msg);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", instance_pos = 3.9)]
+	public delegate bool AuthDomainGenericAuthCallback (Soup.AuthDomain domain, Soup.ServerMessage msg, string username);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", instance_pos = 2.9)]
+	public delegate Soup.LoggerLogLevel LoggerFilter (Soup.Logger logger, Soup.Message msg);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", instance_pos = 4.9)]
+	public delegate void LoggerPrinter (Soup.Logger logger, Soup.LoggerLogLevel level, char direction, string data);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", instance_pos = 2.9)]
+	public delegate void MessageHeadersForeachFunc (string name, string value);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", instance_pos = 4.9)]
+	public delegate void ServerCallback (Soup.Server server, Soup.ServerMessage msg, string path, GLib.HashTable<string,string>? query);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", instance_pos = 4.9)]
+	public delegate void ServerWebsocketCallback (Soup.Server server, Soup.ServerMessage msg, string path, Soup.WebsocketConnection connection);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", cname = "SOUP_COOKIE_MAX_AGE_ONE_DAY")]
+	public const int COOKIE_MAX_AGE_ONE_DAY;
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", cname = "SOUP_COOKIE_MAX_AGE_ONE_HOUR")]
+	public const int COOKIE_MAX_AGE_ONE_HOUR;
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", cname = "SOUP_COOKIE_MAX_AGE_ONE_WEEK")]
+	public const int COOKIE_MAX_AGE_ONE_WEEK;
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", cname = "SOUP_COOKIE_MAX_AGE_ONE_YEAR")]
+	public const int COOKIE_MAX_AGE_ONE_YEAR;
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", cname = "SOUP_FORM_MIME_TYPE_MULTIPART")]
+	public const string FORM_MIME_TYPE_MULTIPART;
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", cname = "SOUP_FORM_MIME_TYPE_URLENCODED")]
+	public const string FORM_MIME_TYPE_URLENCODED;
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", cname = "SOUP_HSTS_POLICY_MAX_AGE_PAST")]
+	public const int HSTS_POLICY_MAX_AGE_PAST;
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", cname = "SOUP_HTTP_URI_FLAGS")]
+	public const int HTTP_URI_FLAGS;
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", cname = "SOUP_MAJOR_VERSION")]
+	public const int MAJOR_VERSION;
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", cname = "SOUP_MICRO_VERSION")]
+	public const int MICRO_VERSION;
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", cname = "SOUP_MINOR_VERSION")]
+	public const int MINOR_VERSION;
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", cname = "SOUP_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED")]
+	public const int VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED;
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	public static bool check_version (uint major, uint minor, uint micro);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	[Version (replacement = "Cookie.parse")]
+	public static Soup.Cookie? cookie_parse (string header, GLib.Uri? origin);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	public static GLib.SList<Soup.Cookie> cookies_from_request (Soup.Message msg);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	public static GLib.SList<Soup.Cookie> cookies_from_response (Soup.Message msg);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	public static string cookies_to_cookie_header (GLib.SList<Soup.Cookie> cookies);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	public static void cookies_to_request (GLib.SList<Soup.Cookie> cookies, Soup.Message msg);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	public static void cookies_to_response (GLib.SList<Soup.Cookie> cookies, Soup.Message msg);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	public static GLib.DateTime? date_time_new_from_http_string (string date_string);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	public static string date_time_to_string (GLib.DateTime date, Soup.DateFormat format);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	public static uint get_major_version ();
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	public static uint get_micro_version ();
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	public static uint get_minor_version ();
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	public static bool header_contains (string header, string token);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	public static void header_free_param_list (GLib.HashTable<string,string> param_list);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	public static void header_g_string_append_param (GLib.StringBuilder string, string name, string? value);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	public static void header_g_string_append_param_quoted (GLib.StringBuilder string, string name, string value);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	public static GLib.SList<string> header_parse_list (string header);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	public static GLib.HashTable<string,string> header_parse_param_list (string header);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	public static GLib.HashTable<string,string>? header_parse_param_list_strict (string header);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	public static GLib.SList<string> header_parse_quality_list (string header, out GLib.SList<string> unacceptable);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	public static GLib.HashTable<string,string> header_parse_semi_param_list (string header);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	public static GLib.HashTable<string,string>? header_parse_semi_param_list_strict (string header);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	public static bool headers_parse (string str, int len, Soup.MessageHeaders dest);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	public static uint headers_parse_request (string str, int len, Soup.MessageHeaders req_headers, out string req_method, out string req_path, out Soup.HTTPVersion ver);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	public static bool headers_parse_response (string str, int len, Soup.MessageHeaders headers, out Soup.HTTPVersion ver, out uint status_code, out string reason_phrase);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	public static bool headers_parse_status_line (string status_line, out Soup.HTTPVersion ver, out uint status_code, out string reason_phrase);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	[Version (replacement = "MessageHeadersIter.init")]
+	public static void message_headers_iter_init (out Soup.MessageHeadersIter iter, Soup.MessageHeaders hdrs);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	[Version (replacement = "SessionError.quark")]
+	public static GLib.Quark session_error_quark ();
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	[Version (replacement = "Status.get_phrase")]
+	public static unowned string status_get_phrase (uint status_code);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	public static bool tld_domain_is_public_suffix (string domain);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	[Version (replacement = "TLDError.quark")]
+	public static GLib.Quark tld_error_quark ();
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	public static unowned string tld_get_base_domain (string hostname) throws GLib.Error;
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	public static GLib.Uri uri_copy (GLib.Uri uri, ...);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	public static GLib.Bytes uri_decode_data_uri (string uri, out string? content_type);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	public static bool uri_equal (GLib.Uri uri1, GLib.Uri uri2);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	public static void websocket_client_prepare_handshake (Soup.Message msg, string? origin, [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] string[]? protocols, GLib.GenericArray<GLib.TypeClass>? supported_extensions);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	public static bool websocket_client_verify_handshake (Soup.Message msg, GLib.GenericArray<GLib.TypeClass>? supported_extensions, out GLib.List<Soup.WebsocketExtension> accepted_extensions) throws GLib.Error;
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	[Version (replacement = "WebsocketError.quark")]
+	public static GLib.Quark websocket_error_quark ();
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	public static bool websocket_server_check_handshake (Soup.ServerMessage msg, string? origin, [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] string[]? protocols, GLib.GenericArray<GLib.TypeClass>? supported_extensions) throws GLib.Error;
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+	public static bool websocket_server_process_handshake (Soup.ServerMessage msg, string? expected_origin, [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] string[]? protocols, GLib.GenericArray<GLib.TypeClass>? supported_extensions, out GLib.List<Soup.WebsocketExtension> accepted_extensions);