Index: radix-1.9/X11/app/chromium/123.0.6286.1/Makefile
--- radix-1.9/X11/app/chromium/123.0.6286.1/Makefile (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/X11/app/chromium/123.0.6286.1/Makefile (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
+include ../../../../build-system/
+SOURCE_REQUIRES = sources/packages/x/chromium
+REQUIRES = X11/libs/qt5/5.15.8
+REQUIRES += X11/media/pipewire/0.3.80
+REQUIRES += X11/media/pulseaudio/16.1
+REQUIRES += X11/libs/cairo/1.17.8
+REQUIRES += X11/libs/pango/1.50.12
+REQUIRES += X11/app/cups-filters/1.28.16
+REQUIRES += libs/expat/2.5.0
+REQUIRES += libs/libffi/3.4.4
+REQUIRES += app/dbus/1.13.18
+REQUIRES += net/nss/3.93
+# ======= __END_OF_REQUIRES__ =======
+version = 123.0.6286.1
+doc_dir_name = chromium-$(version)
+src_done = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.source_done
+unsupported = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.unsupported_hardware
+target-cpu = arm
+target-v8-cpu = arm
+target-cpu = arm64
+target-v8-cpu = arm64
+ifneq ($(filter $(TOOLCHAIN),$(TOOLCHAIN_RK358X_GLIBC)),)
+target-cpu = arm64
+target-v8-cpu = arm64
+ifneq ($(filter $(TOOLCHAIN),$(TOOLCHAIN_X86_64_GLIBC)),)
+target-cpu = x64
+target-v8-cpu = x64
+build_dir = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/build
+build_target = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.build_done
+install_target = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.install_done
+####### Targets
+PKG_GROUP = xapp
+# *PKG_NAME & *PKG_VERSION shouldn't be a reference to value.
+CHROMIUM_PKG_VERSION = 123.0.6286.1
+### |---handy-ruler-------------------------------|
+CHROMIUM_PKG_SHORT_DESCRIPTION = Open Source version of Chrome Web Browser
+pkg_archive = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/$(PKG_GROUP)/$(pkg_basename).$(pkg_arch_suffix)
+pkg_signature = $(call sign-name,$(pkg_archive))
+pkg_description = $(call desc-name,$(pkg_archive))
+products = $(call pkg-files,$(pkg_archive))
+target-message = Chromium doesn't support this CPU architecture
+BUILD_TARGETS = $(unsupported)
+BUILD_TARGETS = $(build_target)
+BUILD_TARGETS += $(install_target)
+PRODUCT_TARGETS = $(products)
+ROOTFS_TARGETS = $(pkg_archive)
+include ../../../../build-system/
+env_sysroot = DESTDIR=$(CHROMIUM_PKG)
+JOBS := $(shell echo 'if( $(NUMPROCS) > 4) { $(NUMPROCS) / 4 } else { if( $(NUMPROCS) > 2) { $(NUMPROCS) / 2 } else { 1 } }' | bc)
+NINJA_JOBS := -j$(JOBS) -l$(JOBS)
+output_dir = out/Release
+chromium_url =
+gclient_file = .gclient
+gn_args_file = $(output_dir)/
+depot_tools_url =
+depot_tools_dir = $(CURDIR)/$(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/depot_tools
+host_sysroot = $(CURDIR)/$(SRC_DIR)/build/linux/debian_bullseye_amd64-sysroot
+####### Dependencies
+ #######
+ ####### $(target-message)
+ #######
+ ################################################################
+ @echo "$(target-message)" > $@
+ @touch $@
+$(src_done): $(PATCHES_DEP)
+ @mkdir -p $(SRC_DIR)
+ # ======= Get Chromium sources =======
+ @( cd $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR) ; \
+ git clone $(depot_tools_url)/depot_tools.git ; \
+ git clone --depth 1 --branch $(version) $(chromium_url)/src.git 2>/dev/null ; \
+ echo 'solutions = [' > $(gclient_file) ; \
+ echo ' {' >> $(gclient_file) ; \
+ echo ' "name": "src",' >> $(gclient_file) ; \
+ echo ' "url": "$(chromium_url)/src.git",' >> $(gclient_file) ; \
+ echo ' "managed": False,' >> $(gclient_file) ; \
+ echo ' "custom_deps": {},' >> $(gclient_file) ; \
+ echo ' "custom_vars": {},' >> $(gclient_file) ; \
+ echo ' },' >> $(gclient_file) ; \
+ echo ']' >> $(gclient_file) ; \
+ )
+ # ======= Prepare Chromium sources =======
+ @( cd $(SRC_DIR) ; \
+ export PATH="$(depot_tools_dir):$${PATH}" ; \
+ gclient sync 2>/dev/null; \
+ )
+ $(call apply-opt-patches, $(SRC_DIR))
+ # ======= Tune compiler for target architecture: =======
+ @sed -i 's,@ARM_TARGET@,$(TARGET),g' $(SRC_DIR)/build/config/compiler/
+ @sed -i 's,@AARCH64_TARGET@,$(TARGET),g' $(SRC_DIR)/build/config/compiler/
+ifneq ($(filter $(TOOLCHAIN),$(TOOLCHAIN_X86_64_GLIBC)),)
+ @sed -i 's,@X64_TARGET@,$(TARGET),g' $(SRC_DIR)/build/config/compiler/
+ @touch $@
+$(build_target): $(src_done)
+ # ======= Create pkg-config wrappers =======
+ @( cd $(SRC_DIR) ; \
+ echo '#!/bin/sh' > target-pkg-config ; \
+ echo '' >> target-pkg-config ; \
+ echo -n 'PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(ROOTFS_DEST_DIR)/usr/lib/pkgconfig:' >> target-pkg-config ; \
+ echo '$(ROOTFS_DEST_DIR)/usr/share/pkgconfig \' >> target-pkg-config ; \
+ echo 'pkg-config "$$@"' >> target-pkg-config ; \
+ chmod a+x target-pkg-config ; \
+ )
+ifeq ($(filter $(TOOLCHAIN),$(TOOLCHAIN_X86_64_GLIBC)),)
+ @( cd $(SRC_DIR) ; \
+ echo '#!/bin/sh' > host-pkg-config ; \
+ echo '' >> host-pkg-config ; \
+ echo -n 'PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(host_sysroot)/usr/lib/pkgconfig:' >> host-pkg-config ; \
+ echo '$(host_sysroot)/usr/share/pkgconfig \' >> host-pkg-config ; \
+ echo 'pkg-config "$$@"' >> host-pkg-config ; \
+ chmod a+x host-pkg-config ; \
+ )
+ # ======= Configure Chromium sources =======
+ @( cd $(SRC_DIR) ; \
+ mkdir -p $(output_dir) ; \
+ echo '' > $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ echo 'is_official_build = true' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ echo 'chrome_pgo_phase = 0' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ echo 'is_debug = false' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ echo '' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ echo 'symbol_level = 0' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ echo 'v8_symbol_level = 0' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ echo '' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ echo 'use_qt = true' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ echo 'use_qt6 = false' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ echo '' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ echo 'target_os = "linux"' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ echo 'target_cpu = "$(target-cpu)"' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ echo 'v8_target_cpu = "$(target-v8-cpu)"' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ echo '' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ )
+ifneq ($(filter $(TOOLCHAIN),$(TOOLCHAIN_X86_64_GLIBC)),)
+ @( cd $(SRC_DIR) ; \
+ echo 'pkg_config = "$(CURDIR)/$(SRC_DIR)/target-pkg-config"' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ echo '' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ echo 'sysroot = "$(ROOTFS_DEST_DIR)"' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ echo '' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ )
+ @( cd $(SRC_DIR) ; \
+ echo 'pkg_config = "$(CURDIR)/$(SRC_DIR)/target-pkg-config"' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ echo 'host_pkg_config = "$(CURDIR)/$(SRC_DIR)/host-pkg-config"' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ echo '' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ echo 'target_sysroot = "$(ROOTFS_DEST_DIR)"' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ echo '' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ )
+ @( cd $(SRC_DIR) ; \
+ echo 'is_clang = true' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ echo '' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ echo 'enable_pseudolocales = false' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ echo 'rtc_use_pipewire = true' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ echo 'use_system_libffi = true' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ echo 'enable_vulkan = true' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ echo 'use_cups = true' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ echo 'ffmpeg_branding = "ChromeOS"' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ echo 'link_pulseaudio = true' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ echo 'use_pulseaudio = true' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ echo 'proprietary_codecs = true' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ echo 'enable_platform_hevc = true' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ echo 'enable_platform_ac3_eac3_audio = true' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ echo 'enable_platform_mpeg_h_audio = true' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ echo 'enable_platform_dolby_vision = true' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ echo 'enable_mse_mpeg2ts_stream_parser = true' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ echo 'enable_nacl = false' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ )
+ # ======= Generate Chromium ninja files =======
+ @( cd $(SRC_DIR) ; \
+ echo '' >> $(gn_args_file) ; \
+ export PATH="$(depot_tools_dir):$${PATH}" ; \
+ gn gen $(output_dir) ; \
+ )
+ # ======= Take care of Debian/Ubuntu related missing header issues: =======
+ @( cd $(SRC_DIR)/build/linux/debian_bullseye_amd64-sysroot ; \
+ ln -sf ../../lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/glib-2.0/include/glibconfig.h \
+ usr/include/glib-2.0/glibconfig.h ; \
+ ln -s ../../../lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dbus-1.0/include/dbus/dbus-arch-deps.h \
+ usr/include/dbus-1.0/dbus/dbus-arch-deps.h ; \
+ ln -s ../../lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/graphene-1.0/include/graphene-config.h \
+ usr/include/graphene-1.0/graphene-config.h ; \
+ ( cd usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu ; \
+ ln -sf ; \
+ for nss in nss/*.so ; do ln -sf $${nss} . ; done ; \
+ ) ; \
+ )
+ @( cd $(SRC_DIR)/build/linux/debian_bullseye_i386-sysroot ; \
+ ln -sf ../../lib/i386-linux-gnu/glib-2.0/include/glibconfig.h \
+ usr/include/glib-2.0/glibconfig.h ; \
+ ln -s ../../../lib/i386-linux-gnu/dbus-1.0/include/dbus/dbus-arch-deps.h \
+ usr/include/dbus-1.0/dbus/dbus-arch-deps.h ; \
+ ln -s ../../lib/i386-linux-gnu/graphene-1.0/include/graphene-config.h \
+ usr/include/graphene-1.0/graphene-config.h ; \
+ ( cd usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu ; \
+ ln -sf ; \
+ for nss in nss/*.so ; do ln -sf $${nss} . ; done ; \
+ ) ; \
+ )
+ # ======= Build Chromium =======
+ @( cd $(SRC_DIR) ; \
+ MAKEFLAGS= ninja $(NINJA_JOBS) -C $(output_dir) chrome ; \
+ )
+ # ======= Build Chrome Sandbox =======
+ @( cd $(SRC_DIR) ; \
+ MAKEFLAGS= ninja $(NINJA_JOBS) -C $(output_dir) chrome_sandbox ; \
+ )
+ # ======= Build Chrome driver =======
+ @( cd $(SRC_DIR) ; \
+ MAKEFLAGS= ninja $(NINJA_JOBS) -C $(output_dir) chromedriver ; \
+ )
+ @touch $@
+$(install_target): $(build_target)
+ # ======= Create Chromium Package =======
+ @mkdir -p $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/usr/bin
+ @mkdir -p $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/usr/lib$(LIBSUFFIX)/$(CHROMIUM_PKG_NAME)/extensions
+ @mkdir -p $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/etc/chromium
+ # ======= Install main binary: =======
+ @install -D $(SRC_DIR)/$(output_dir)/chrome $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/usr/lib$(LIBSUFFIX)/$(CHROMIUM_PKG_NAME)/chromium
+ # ======= Install Chrome Sandbox: =======
+ @install -D $(SRC_DIR)/$(output_dir)/chrome_sandbox $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/usr/lib$(LIBSUFFIX)/$(CHROMIUM_PKG_NAME)/chrome-sandbox
+ # ======= Install Chromium implementation of the WebDriver wire protocol : =======
+ @install -D $(SRC_DIR)/$(output_dir)/chromedriver $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/usr/lib$(LIBSUFFIX)/$(CHROMIUM_PKG_NAME)/chromedriver
+ # ======= Install Crashpad, the Chromium crash-reporting client: =======
+ @install -D $(SRC_DIR)/$(output_dir)/chrome_crashpad_handler $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/usr/lib$(LIBSUFFIX)/$(CHROMIUM_PKG_NAME)/chrome_crashpad_handler
+ # ======= Install Libraries: =======
+ @for lib in {libEGL,libGLESv2,libVkICD_mock_icd,libVkLayer_khronos_validation,libqt5_shim,libvk_swiftshader}.so ; do \
+ if [ -f "$(SRC_DIR)/$(output_dir)/$${lib}" ] ; then \
+ install -D -m0755 $(SRC_DIR)/$(output_dir)/$${lib} $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/usr/lib$(LIBSUFFIX)/$(CHROMIUM_PKG_NAME)/$${lib} ; \
+ fi ; \
+ done
+ifneq ($(filter $(TOOLCHAIN),$(TOOLCHAIN_X86_64_GLIBC)),)
+ifneq ($(PATCHELF),)
+ # ======= Set Interpreter for x86_64 target binaries: =======
+ for file in `find . | xargs file | grep "executable" | grep ELF | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs echo` ; do \
+ $(PATCHELF) --set-interpreter /lib$(LIBSUFFIX)/ $$file 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; \
+ done ; \
+ )
+ @install -D -m0644 $(SRC_DIR)/$(output_dir)/vk_swiftshader_icd.json $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/usr/lib$(LIBSUFFIX)/$(CHROMIUM_PKG_NAME)/vk_swiftshader_icd.json
+ # ======= Copy icudtl.dat: =======
+ @cp -a $(SRC_DIR)/$(output_dir)/icudtl.dat $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/usr/lib$(LIBSUFFIX)/$(CHROMIUM_PKG_NAME)/
+ # ======= Copy over the remaining binaries: =======
+ @cp -a $(SRC_DIR)/$(output_dir)/angledata $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/usr/lib$(LIBSUFFIX)/$(CHROMIUM_PKG_NAME)/
+ @cp -a $(SRC_DIR)/$(output_dir)/MEIPreload $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/usr/lib$(LIBSUFFIX)/$(CHROMIUM_PKG_NAME)/
+ @cp -a $(SRC_DIR)/$(output_dir)/*.pak $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/usr/lib$(LIBSUFFIX)/$(CHROMIUM_PKG_NAME)/
+ @for blob in {snapshot_blob,v8_context_snapshot}.bin ; do \
+ if [ -f $(SRC_DIR)/$(output_dir)/$${blob} ] ; then \
+ cp -a $(SRC_DIR)/$(output_dir)/$${blob} $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/usr/lib$(LIBSUFFIX)/$(CHROMIUM_PKG_NAME)/ ; \
+ fi ; \
+ done
+ # ======= Add locales: =======
+ @mkdir -p $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/usr/lib$(LIBSUFFIX)/$(CHROMIUM_PKG_NAME)/locales
+ @cp -a $(SRC_DIR)/$(output_dir)/locales/*.pak $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/usr/lib$(LIBSUFFIX)/$(CHROMIUM_PKG_NAME)/locales/
+ @ln -sf locales $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/usr/lib$(LIBSUFFIX)/$(CHROMIUM_PKG_NAME)/remoting_locales
+ # ======= Add resource files: =======
+ @cp -a $(SRC_DIR)/$(output_dir)/resources $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/usr/lib$(LIBSUFFIX)/$(CHROMIUM_PKG_NAME)/
+ # ======= Install appdata: =======
+ @mkdir -p $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/usr/share/metainfo
+ # ------- Remove text with relevance to Google only (thanks Arch): -------
+ @sed -n \
+ -e '/<update_contact>/d' \
+ -e '/<p>/N;/<p>\n.*\(We invite\|Chromium supports Vorbis\)/,/<\/p>/d' \
+ -e '/^<?xml/,$$p' \
+ $(SRC_DIR)/chrome/installer/linux/common/chromium-browser/chromium-browser.appdata.xml \
+ > $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/usr/share/metainfo/$(CHROMIUM_PKG_NAME).appdata.xml
+ @chmod 644 $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/usr/share/metainfo/$(CHROMIUM_PKG_NAME).appdata.xml
+ # ======= Install $(CHROMIUM_PKG_NAME).desktop file: =======
+ @cat $(SRC_DIR)/chrome/installer/linux/common/desktop.template | \
+ sed -e "s/@@MENUNAME@@/Chromium Web Browser/g" | \
+ sed -e "s/@@USR_BIN_SYMLINK_NAME@@/$(CHROMIUM_PKG_NAME)/g" | \
+ sed -e "s/@@PACKAGE@@/$(CHROMIUM_PKG_NAME)/g" > $(SRC_DIR)/$(output_dir)/$(CHROMIUM_PKG_NAME).desktop
+ @install -D -m0644 $(SRC_DIR)/$(output_dir)/$(CHROMIUM_PKG_NAME).desktop \
+ $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/usr/share/applications/$(CHROMIUM_PKG_NAME).desktop
+ # ======= Install desktop icons: =======
+ @for size in 16 32 ; do \
+ install -D -m0644 \
+ $(SRC_DIR)/chrome/app/theme/default_100_percent/chromium/product_logo_$${size}.png \
+ $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/usr/share/icons/hicolor/$${size}x$${size}/apps/$(CHROMIUM_PKG_NAME).png ; \
+ ln -sf $(CHROMIUM_PKG_NAME).png \
+ $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/usr/share/icons/hicolor/$${size}x$${size}/apps/chromium-browser.png ; \
+ done
+ @for size in 24 48 64 128 256 ; do \
+ install -D -m0644 \
+ $(SRC_DIR)/chrome/app/theme/chromium/product_logo_$${size}.png \
+ $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/usr/share/icons/hicolor/$${size}x$${size}/apps/$(CHROMIUM_PKG_NAME).png ; \
+ ln -sf $(CHROMIUM_PKG_NAME).png \
+ $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/usr/share/icons/hicolor/$${size}x$${size}/apps/chromium-browser.png ; \
+ done
+ # ======= Make the chromedriver available in the PATH : =======
+ @ln -sf ../lib$(LIBSUFFIX)/$(CHROMIUM_PKG_NAME)/chromedriver $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/usr/bin/chromedriver
+ # ======= Install a wrapper script: =======
+ @cat $(CURDIR)/scripts/ | \
+ sed -e "s/@CRFLAGS@/CHROMIUM_FLAGS/g" | \
+ @chmod 755 $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/usr/bin/$(CHROMIUM_PKG_NAME)
+ # ======= xdg-utils looks for "chromium-browser" so symlink it to the wrapper: =======
+ @ln -sf $(CHROMIUM_PKG_NAME) $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/usr/bin/chromium-browser
+ # ======= Install 'default' file: =======
+ @cat $(CURDIR)/scripts/chromium.default | \
+ sed -e "s/@CRFLAGS@/CHROMIUM_FLAGS/g" > $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/etc/chromium/
+ @chmod 644 $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/etc/chromium/
+ # ======= Install the API keys sample file: =======
+ @cat $(CURDIR)/scripts/chromium.apikeys.sample > $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/etc/chromium/
+ @chmod 644 $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/etc/chromium/
+ # ======= Install a man page: =======
+ @cat $(SRC_DIR)/chrome/app/resources/ | \
+ sed -e "s/@@MENUNAME@@/Chromium Web Browser/g" | \
+ sed -e "s/@@PACKAGE@@/$(CHROMIUM_PKG_NAME)/g" > $(SRC_DIR)/$(output_dir)/$(CHROMIUM_PKG_NAME).1
+ @install -D -m0644 $(SRC_DIR)/$(output_dir)/$(CHROMIUM_PKG_NAME).1 \
+ $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/usr/share/man/man1/$(CHROMIUM_PKG_NAME).1
+ # ======= Install Documentation =======
+ @if [ -d $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/usr/share/man ]; then \
+ ( cd $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/usr/share/man ; \
+ for manpagedir in `find . -type d -name "man*"` ; do \
+ ( cd $$manpagedir ; \
+ for eachpage in `find . -type l -maxdepth 1` ; do \
+ ln -s `readlink $$eachpage`.gz $$eachpage.gz ; \
+ rm $$eachpage ; \
+ done ; \
+ gzip -9 *.? ; \
+ ) \
+ done \
+ ) \
+ fi
+ @mkdir -p $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/usr/doc/$(src_dir_name)
+ $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/usr/doc/$(src_dir_name)
+ @mkdir -p $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/usr/share/doc/$(src_dir_name)
+ @( cd $(SRC_DIR) ; \
+ $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/usr/share/doc/$(src_dir_name) ; \
+ )
+ @( cd $(SRC_DIR) ; \
+ if [ -r ChangeLog -a -s ChangeLog ]; then \
+ DOCSDIR=`echo $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/usr/share/doc/$(src_dir_name)` ; \
+ cat ChangeLog | head -n 1000 > $$DOCSDIR/ChangeLog ; \
+ touch -r ChangeLog $$DOCSDIR/ChangeLog ; \
+ fi \
+ )
+ # ======= Install the same to $(TARGET_DEST_DIR) =======
+ $(call install-into-devenv, $(CHROMIUM_PKG))
+ # ======= Strip binaries =======
+ find . | xargs file | grep "executable" | grep ELF | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs $(STRIP) --strip-unneeded 2> /dev/null ; \
+ find . | xargs file | grep "shared object" | grep ELF | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs $(STRIP) --strip-unneeded 2> /dev/null ; \
+ )
+ @touch $@
+ @cat $< | $(SED) -e "s/@VERSION@/$(version)/g" > $@
+$(pkg_certificate) : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_signature) : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_description) : $(pkg_archive) ;
+ @echo "pkgname=$(CHROMIUM_PKG_NAME)" > $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+ echo "arch=$(CHROMIUM_PKG_ARCH)" >> $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+ echo "distroname=$(CHROMIUM_PKG_DISTRO_NAME)" >> $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+ echo "group=$(CHROMIUM_PKG_GROUP)" >> $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+ echo "short_description=\"$(CHROMIUM_PKG_SHORT_DESCRIPTION)\"" >> $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+ echo "url=$(CHROMIUM_PKG_URL)" >> $(CHROMIUM_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+ @$(PSEUDO) sh -c "cd $(CHROMIUM_PKG) && \
+ chown -R root:root . && \
+ $(MAKE_PACKAGE) -J --linkadd=yes $(GNUPG_OPTIONS) -m -d .. ."
Index: radix-1.9/X11/app/chromium/123.0.6286.1/PATCHES
--- radix-1.9/X11/app/chromium/123.0.6286.1/PATCHES (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/X11/app/chromium/123.0.6286.1/PATCHES (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+../../../../sources/packages/x/chromium/patches/chromium-123.0.6286.1-cross-compile.patch -p0
+../../../../sources/packages/x/chromium/patches/chromium-123.0.6286.1-dangling-gsl.patch -p0
+../../../../sources/packages/x/chromium/patches/chromium-123.0.6286.1-inc-drop-host-crash.patch -p0
+../../../../sources/packages/x/chromium/patches/chromium-123.0.6286.1-oauth2-default.patch -p0
Index: radix-1.9/X11/app/chromium/123.0.6286.1/PATCHES.aarch64
--- radix-1.9/X11/app/chromium/123.0.6286.1/PATCHES.aarch64 (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/X11/app/chromium/123.0.6286.1/PATCHES.aarch64 (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+../../../../sources/packages/x/chromium/patches/chromium-123.0.6286.1-host-pkg-config.patch -p0
+../../../../sources/packages/x/chromium/patches/chromium-123.0.6286.1-target-aarch64.patch -p0
Index: radix-1.9/X11/app/chromium/123.0.6286.1/PATCHES.arm
--- radix-1.9/X11/app/chromium/123.0.6286.1/PATCHES.arm (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/X11/app/chromium/123.0.6286.1/PATCHES.arm (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+../../../../sources/packages/x/chromium/patches/chromium-123.0.6286.1-host-pkg-config.patch -p0
+../../../../sources/packages/x/chromium/patches/chromium-123.0.6286.1-target-arm.patch -p0
Index: radix-1.9/X11/app/chromium/123.0.6286.1/PATCHES.rk358x
--- radix-1.9/X11/app/chromium/123.0.6286.1/PATCHES.rk358x (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/X11/app/chromium/123.0.6286.1/PATCHES.rk358x (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+../../../../sources/packages/x/chromium/patches/chromium-123.0.6286.1-host-pkg-config.patch -p0
+../../../../sources/packages/x/chromium/patches/chromium-123.0.6286.1-target-aarch64.patch -p0
+../../../../sources/packages/x/chromium/patches/chromium-123.0.6286.1-gfx-linux-5.10.patch -p0
Index: radix-1.9/X11/app/chromium/123.0.6286.1/PATCHES.x86_64
--- radix-1.9/X11/app/chromium/123.0.6286.1/PATCHES.x86_64 (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/X11/app/chromium/123.0.6286.1/PATCHES.x86_64 (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+../../../../sources/packages/x/chromium/patches/chromium-123.0.6286.1-target-x86_64.patch -p0
Index: radix-1.9/X11/app/chromium/123.0.6286.1/
--- radix-1.9/X11/app/chromium/123.0.6286.1/ (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/X11/app/chromium/123.0.6286.1/ (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# The "handy ruler" below makes it easier to edit a package description. Line
+# up the first '|' above the ':' following the base package name, and the '|'
+# on the right side marks the last column you can put a character in. You must
+# make exactly 11 lines for the formatting to be correct. It's also
+# customary to leave one space after the ':'.
+ |-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------|
+chromium: chromium @VERSION@ (Open Source version of Chrome Web Browser)
+chromium: Chromium is the open-source project behind Google Chrome,
+chromium: an attempt at creating a safer, faster, and more stable browser.
+chromium: chromium home:
Index: radix-1.9/X11/app/chromium/123.0.6286.1/
--- radix-1.9/X11/app/chromium/123.0.6286.1/ (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/X11/app/chromium/123.0.6286.1/ (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# Preserve new files
+install_file() {
+ NEW="$1"
+ OLD="`dirname $NEW`/`basename $NEW .new`"
+ # If there's no file by that name, mv it over:
+ if [ ! -r $OLD ]; then
+ mv $NEW $OLD
+ elif [ "`cat $OLD | md5sum`" = "`cat $NEW | md5sum`" ]; then # toss the redundant copy
+ rm $NEW
+ fi
+ # Otherwise, we leave the .new copy for the admin to consider...
+# arg 1: the new package version
+pre_install() {
+ /bin/true
+# arg 1: the new package version
+post_install() {
+ install_file etc/chromium/
+ install_file etc/chromium/
+ # Update desktop database
+ if [ -x /usr/bin/update-desktop-database ]; then
+ /usr/bin/update-desktop-database -q usr/share/applications > /dev/null 2>&1
+ fi
+ # Notice we use an absolute path below, rather than usr/bin/update-mime-database.
+ # This is because we're testing to see if we are on the bootdisk, which will not
+ # have /usr/bin/update-mime-database.
+ # The presence of "/etc/system-installer" is under consideration as a better test.
+ # Also we have to check that we are not in the installer mode on the target system
+ # ("/etc/system-installer"), and we have to be sure that we are on the working system
+ # on the target hardware ("proc/sys/kernel/osrelease" - relative path).
+ if [ -r proc/sys/kernel/osrelease -a ! -r /etc/system-installer -a -x /usr/bin/update-mime-database ]; then
+ /usr/bin/update-mime-database /usr/share/mime 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ cat /etc/passwd | while read passwdline ; do
+ homedir=$(echo $passwdline | cut -f 6 -d :)
+ if [ -d $homedir/.local/share/mime ]; then
+ username=$(echo $passwdline | cut -f 1 -d :)
+ su $username -c "/usr/bin/update-mime-database $homedir/.local/share/mime 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null" 2> /dev/null
+ fi
+ done
+ # This is just "cleanup" in case something might be missed in /home/*/
+ for homemimedir in /home/*/.local/share/mime ; do
+ if [ -d $homemimedir ]; then
+ username=$(echo $homemimedir | cut -f 3 -d /)
+ su $username -c "/usr/bin/update-mime-database $homemimedir 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null" 2> /dev/null
+ fi
+ done
+ else
+ # We are not on the target system and we can make use build-machine's utility
+ if [ -x /usr/bin/update-mime-database ] ; then
+ update-mime-database usr/share/mime 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -e usr/share/icons/hicolor/icon-theme.cache ]; then
+ if [ -x /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache ]; then
+ /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache usr/share/icons/hicolor > /dev/null 2>&1
+ fi
+ fi
+# arg 1: the new package version
+# arg 2: the old package version
+pre_update() {
+ /bin/true
+# arg 1: the new package version
+# arg 2: the old package version
+post_update() {
+ post_install
+# arg 1: the old package version
+pre_remove() {
+ /bin/true
+# arg 1: the old package version
+post_remove() {
+ /bin/true
+$operation $*
Property changes on: radix-1.9/X11/app/chromium/123.0.6286.1/
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: radix-1.9/X11/app/chromium/123.0.6286.1/scripts/chromium.apikeys.sample
--- radix-1.9/X11/app/chromium/123.0.6286.1/scripts/chromium.apikeys.sample (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/X11/app/chromium/123.0.6286.1/scripts/chromium.apikeys.sample (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Remove the '.sample' suffix from the filename to enable its content:
+# Google API keys (see
+# Example using values found in the public Chromium sources, YMMV:
+export GOOGLE_API_KEY='AIzaSyBHDrl33hwRp4rMQY0ziRbj8K9LPA6vUCY'
Index: radix-1.9/X11/app/chromium/123.0.6286.1/scripts/chromium.default
--- radix-1.9/X11/app/chromium/123.0.6286.1/scripts/chromium.default (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/X11/app/chromium/123.0.6286.1/scripts/chromium.default (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# Default settings for chromium
+# This file is sourced by /usr/bin/chromium
+# Options to pass to chromium:
Index: radix-1.9/X11/app/chromium/123.0.6286.1/scripts/
--- radix-1.9/X11/app/chromium/123.0.6286.1/scripts/ (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/X11/app/chromium/123.0.6286.1/scripts/ (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Allow users to override command-line options
+for file in /etc/chromium/*.conf ; do
+ [[ -f ${file} ]] && source "${file}"
+# Prefer user defined @CRUSERFLAGS@ flags (from environment)
+# over system default @CRFLAGS@ (from /etc/chromium/)
+export CHROME_WRAPPER=$(readlink -f "$0")
+export CHROME_DESKTOP=chromium.desktop
+exec /usr/lib@LIBDIRSUFFIX@/chromium/chromium $@CRFLAGS@ "$@"
Index: radix-1.9/X11/app/chromium/123.0.6286.1
--- radix-1.9/X11/app/chromium/123.0.6286.1 (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/X11/app/chromium/123.0.6286.1 (revision 371)
Property changes on: radix-1.9/X11/app/chromium/123.0.6286.1
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,74 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: radix-1.9/X11/app/libreoffice/
--- radix-1.9/X11/app/libreoffice/ (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/X11/app/libreoffice/ (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
+include ../../../../build-system/
+SOURCE_REQUIRES = sources/packages/x/libreoffice
+REQUIRES = X11/libs/gtk+3/3.24.37
+REQUIRES += X11/libs/qt5/5.15.8
+REQUIRES += X11/libs/cairo/1.17.8
+REQUIRES += X11/libs/pango/1.50.12
+REQUIRES += X11/libs/poppler/23.02.0
+REQUIRES += X11/libs/libepoxy/1.5.10
+REQUIRES += X11/libs/harfbuzz/3.3.1
+REQUIRES += X11/libs/gst-plugins-base/1.22.0
+REQUIRES += X11/app/cups-filters/1.28.16
+REQUIRES += app/fontconfig/2.13.95
+REQUIRES += app/sqlite/
+REQUIRES += app/postgresql/14.1
+REQUIRES += app/mariadb/10.6.5
+REQUIRES += dev/python3/3.10.8
+REQUIRES += libs/expat/2.5.0
+REQUIRES += libs/hunspell/1.7.2
+REQUIRES += libs/hyphen/2.8.8
+REQUIRES += libs/icu4c/73.1
+REQUIRES += libs/boost/1.77.0
+REQUIRES += libs/lcms2/2.14
+REQUIRES += libs/libxslt/1.1.34
+REQUIRES += libs/dbus-glib/0.112
+REQUIRES += net/curl/7.75.0
+REQUIRES += net/gpgme/1.16.0
+REQUIRES += net/nss/3.93
+# ======= __END_OF_REQUIRES__ =======
+version =
+tar_xz_archive = $(SRC_PACKAGE_PATH)/packages/x/libreoffice/libreoffice-$(version).tar.xz
+SRC_ARCHIVE = $(tar_xz_archive)
+SRC_DIR = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/libreoffice-$(version)
+src_dir_name = libreoffice-$(version)
+doc_dir_name = libreoffice-$(version)
+src_done = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.source_done
+tarballs = $(foreach add, dictionaries help translations, $(addsuffix .tar.xz, $(addprefix libreoffice-$(add)-, $(version))))
+build_target = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.build_done
+configure_target = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.configure_done
+external_tarballs = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.external_tarballs_done
+install_target = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.install_done
+####### Targets
+PKG_GROUP = xapp
+# *PKG_NAME & *PKG_VERSION shouldn't be a reference to value.
+OFFICE_PKG_NAME = libreoffice
+### |---handy-ruler-------------------------------|
+pkg_archive = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/$(PKG_GROUP)/$(pkg_basename).$(pkg_arch_suffix)
+pkg_signature = $(call sign-name,$(pkg_archive))
+pkg_description = $(call desc-name,$(pkg_archive))
+products = $(call pkg-files,$(pkg_archive))
+BUILD_TARGETS = $(build_target)
+BUILD_TARGETS += $(configure_target)
+BUILD_TARGETS += $(external_tarballs)
+BUILD_TARGETS += $(install_target)
+PRODUCT_TARGETS = $(products)
+ROOTFS_TARGETS = $(pkg_archive)
+include ../../../../build-system/
+env_sysroot = DESTDIR=$(OFFICE_PKG)
+extra_configure_switches = --libdir=/usr/lib$(LIBSUFFIX)
+extra_configure_switches += --mandir=/usr/share/man
+extra_configure_switches += --docdir=/usr/share/doc/$(doc_dir_name)
+extra_configure_switches += --sysconfdir=/etc
+extra_configure_switches += --localstatedir=/var
+extra_configure_switches += --with-extra-buildid='Build for $(DISTRO_SPEC) $(DISTRO_VERSION)'
+extra_configure_switches += --with-vendor='RcL Team (Andrey V.Kosteltsev)'
+extra_configure_switches += --without-java
+extra_configure_switches += --without-junit
+extra_configure_switches += --enable-dbus
+extra_configure_switches += --enable-epm
+extra_configure_switches += --enable-ext-nlpsolver
+extra_configure_switches += --enable-ext-wiki-publisher
+extra_configure_switches += --enable-odk
+extra_configure_switches += --enable-gtk3
+extra_configure_switches += --enable-qt5
+extra_configure_switches += --enable-release-build
+extra_configure_switches += --enable-scripting-beanshell
+extra_configure_switches += --enable-scripting-javascript
+extra_configure_switches += --disable-symbols
+extra_configure_switches += --with-external-dict-dir=/usr/share/hunspell
+extra_configure_switches += --with-external-hyph-dir=/usr/share/hyphen
+extra_configure_switches += --with-external-thes-dir=/usr/share/mythes
+extra_configure_switches += --with-fonts
+extra_configure_switches += --with-help=html
+extra_configure_switches += --with-system-expat
+extra_configure_switches += --with-system-cairo
+extra_configure_switches += --with-system-curl
+extra_configure_switches += --with-system-dicts
+extra_configure_switches += --with-system-expat
+extra_configure_switches += --with-system-nss
+extra_configure_switches += --with-system-icu
+extra_configure_switches += --with-system-libxml
+extra_configure_switches += --with-system-zlib
+extra_configure_switches += --with-system-bzip2
+extra_configure_switches += --with-system-jpeg
+extra_configure_switches += --without-system-jars
+extra_configure_switches += --with-system-openjpeg
+extra_configure_switches += --with-system-lcms2
+extra_configure_switches += --with-system-gpgmepp
+extra_configure_switches += --without-system-libcmis
+extra_configure_switches += --without-system-libvisio
+extra_configure_switches += --with-system-openssl
+extra_configure_switches += --with-tls='nss'
+extra_configure_switches += --with-system-poppler
+extra_configure_switches += --with-system-epoxy
+extra_configure_switches += --with-system-libpng
+extra_configure_switches += --with-system-libtiff
+extra_configure_switches += --with-system-libwebp
+extra_configure_switches += --with-system-bluez
+extra_configure_switches += --with-x
+extra_configure_switches += --without-gssapi
+extra_configure_switches += --without-krb5
+extra_configure_switches += --without-myspell-dicts
+extra_configure_switches += --disable-dconf
+extra_configure_switches += --enable-pch=no
+extra_configure_switches += --disable-debug
+# Skia requires clang:
+extra_configure_switches += --disable-skia
+extra_configure_switches += --with-lang='de en-GB en-US es fr it pt ru'
+extra_configure_switches += --with-locales='de en-GB en-US es fr it pt ru'
+dictionaries-list = de en es fr it pt-BR pt-PT ru
+JOBS := $(shell echo 'if( $(NUMPROCS) > 4) { $(NUMPROCS) / 4 } else { if( $(NUMPROCS) > 2) { $(NUMPROCS) / 2 } else { 1 } }' | bc)
+extra_configure_switches += --with-parallelism=$(JOBS)
+extra_configure_switches += PYTHON_PLATFORM=Linux
+extra_configure_switches += PYTHON_VERSION=$(PYTHON_VERSION)
+extra_configure_switches += PYTHON_LIBS="-lpython$(PYTHON_VERSION)"
+extra_configure_switches += PYTHON_CFLAGS="-I$(TARGET_DEST_DIR)/usr/include/python$(PYTHON_VERSION)"
+extra_configure_switches += PYTHON_FOR_BUILD=$(PYTHON3)
+build-configure-switches = --prefix=/usr
+build-configure-switches += --libdir=/usr/lib$(BUILD_MULTILIB_SUFFIX)
+build-configure-switches += --without-java
+build-configure-switches += --without-junit
+build-configure-switches += --with-system-icu
+build-configure-switches += --with-system-curl
+build-configure-switches += PYTHON_PLATFORM=Linux
+build-configure-switches += PYTHON_VERSION=$(PYTHON_VERSION)
+build-configure-switches += PYTHON_LIBS=-lpython$(PYTHON_VERSION)
+build-configure-switches += PYTHON_CFLAGS=-I$(BUILDSYSTEM)/usr/include/python$(PYTHON_VERSION)
+build-configure-switches += CC=/usr/bin/gcc
+build-configure-switches += CXX=/usr/bin/g++
+build-configure-switches += CFLAGS=-I/usr/include
+build-configure-switches += CXXFLAGS=-I/usr/include
+build-configure-switches += LDFLAGS=-L/usr/lib$(BUILD_MULTILIB_SUFFIX)
+build-configure-switches += PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib$(BUILD_MULTILIB_SUFFIX)/pkgconfig:/usr/share/pkgconfig
+extra_configure_switches += --with-build-platform-configure-options='$(build-configure-switches)'
+CFLAGS += -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wno-incompatible-pointer-types
+CFLAGS += -Wno-discarded-qualifiers
+LDFLAGS += -Wl,--allow-multiple-definition
+####### Dependencies
+$(src_done): $(SRC_ARCHIVE) $(PATCHES_DEP)
+ # ======= Extract additional tarballs: =======
+ @for tarball in $(tarballs) ; do \
+ tar xJf $(SRC_PACKAGE_PATH)/packages/x/libreoffice/$${tarball} -C $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR) ; \
+ done
+ @touch $@
+$(configure_target): $(src_done)
+ @cd $(SRC_DIR) && \
+ $(BUILD_ENVIRONMENT) ZIC=/usr/sbin/zic ./ \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --build=$(BUILD) \
+ --host=$(TARGET) \
+ $(extra_configure_switches)
+ @touch $@
+.NOTPARALLEL: $(external_tarballs)
+$(external_tarballs): $(configure_target)
+ @cd $(SRC_DIR) && env -i ZIC=/usr/sbin/zic verbose=t make download
+ # ======= Patch CoinMP (cross MIPS failure): =======
+ @( cd $(SRC_DIR)/external/tarballs ; \
+ tar -xzf CoinMP-1.8.4.tgz ; \
+ rm -f CoinMP-1.8.4.tgz ; \
+ sed -i 's,mips,mip,g' CoinMP-1.8.4/Cbc/src/CbcModel.hpp ; \
+ tar czf CoinMP-1.8.4.tgz CoinMP-1.8.4 ; \
+ rm -rf CoinMP-1.8.4 ; \
+ )
+ @touch $@
+$(build_target): $(external_tarballs)
+ @cd $(SRC_DIR) && env -i ZIC=/usr/sbin/zic verbose=t make
+ @cd $(SRC_DIR) && env -i ZIC=/usr/sbin/zic verbose=t make -C dictionaries
+ @touch $@
+$(install_target): $(build_target)
+ @mkdir -p $(OFFICE_PKG)
+ # ======= Install LibreOffice =======
+ @cd $(SRC_DIR) && env -i make $(env_sysroot) distro-pack-install
+ @( cd $(OFFICE_PKG) ; \
+ rm -f gid_Module* ; \
+ )
+ @mkdir -p $(OFFICE_PKG)/usr/share/appdata
+ @install -m644 $(SRC_DIR)/sysui/desktop/appstream-appdata/*.xml $(OFFICE_PKG)/usr/share/appdata/
+ # ======= Improve symbolic links: =======
+ @( cd $(OFFICE_PKG)/usr/bin ; \
+ rm -f libreoffice soffice ; \
+ ln -sf ../lib$(LIBSUFFIX)/libreoffice/program/soffice libreoffice ; \
+ ln -sf ../lib$(LIBSUFFIX)/libreoffice/program/soffice soffice ; \
+ )
+ @mkdir -p $(OFFICE_PKG)/usr/share/libreoffice/sdk/classes
+ @( cd $(OFFICE_PKG)/usr/lib$(LIBSUFFIX)/libreoffice/sdk ; \
+ if [ -L classes ] ; then \
+ rm -f classes ; \
+ ln -sf ../../../share/libreoffice/sdk/classes classes ; \
+ fi ; \
+ if [ -L docs ] ; then \
+ rm -f docs ; \
+ ln -sf ../../../share/doc/libreoffice-$(version)/sdk/docs docs ; \
+ fi ; \
+ if [ -L idl ] ; then \
+ rm -f idl ; \
+ ln -sf ../../../share/idl/libreoffice idl ; \
+ fi ; \
+ if [ -L include ] ; then \
+ rm -f include ; \
+ ln -sf ../../../include/libreoffice include ; \
+ fi ; \
+ if [ -L index.html ] ; then \
+ rm -f index.html ; \
+ ln -sf ../../../share/doc/libreoffice-$(version)/sdk/index.html index.html ; \
+ fi ; \
+ )
+ @( cd $(OFFICE_PKG)/usr/share/applications ; \
+ for app in base calc draw impress math startcenter writer xsltfilter ; do \
+ rm -f libreoffice-$${app}.desktop ; \
+ ln -sf ../../lib$(LIBSUFFIX)/libreoffice/share/xdg/$${app}.desktop libreoffice-$${app}.desktop ; \
+ done ; \
+ )
+ @( cd $(OFFICE_PKG)/usr/share/doc/libreoffice-$(version)/sdk ; \
+ rm -f examples ; \
+ ln -sf ../../../../lib$(LIBSUFFIX)/libreoffice/sdk/examples examples ; \
+ )
+ # ======= Install Dictionaries =======
+ @( cd $(SRC_DIR)/instdir/share/extensions ; \
+ for lang in $(dictionaries-list) ; do \
+ cp -a dict-$${lang} $(OFFICE_PKG)/usr/lib$(LIBSUFFIX)/libreoffice/share/extensions/ ; \
+ done ; \
+ )
+ # ======= Create aliases for autocorrect locales: =======
+ @( cd $(OFFICE_PKG)/usr/lib$(LIBSUFFIX)/libreoffice/share/autocorr ; \
+ en_GB_aliases="en-AG en-AU en-BS en-BW en-BZ en-CA en-DK en-GH en-HK en-IE en-IN en-JM en-NG en-NZ en-SG en-TT" ; \
+ for lang in $${en_GB_aliases} ; do \
+ ln -sf acor_en-GB.dat acor_$${lang}.dat ; \
+ done ; \
+ en_US_aliases="en-PH" ; \
+ for lang in $${en_US_aliases} ; do \
+ ln -sf acor_en-US.dat acor_$${lang}.dat ; \
+ done ; \
+ en_ZA_aliases="en-NA en-ZW" ; \
+ for lang in $${en_ZA_aliases} ; do \
+ ln -sf acor_en-ZA.dat acor_$${lang}.dat ; \
+ done ; \
+ af_ZA_aliases="af-NA" ; \
+ for lang in $${af_ZA_aliases} ; do \
+ ln -sf acor_af-ZA.dat acor_$${lang}.dat ; \
+ done ; \
+ nl_NL_aliases="nl-AW" ; \
+ for lang in $${nl_NL_aliases} ; do \
+ ln -sf acor_nl-NL.dat acor_$lang.dat ; \
+ done ; \
+ sv_SE_aliases="sv-FI" ; \
+ for lang in $${sv_SE_aliases} ; do \
+ ln -sf acor_sv-SE.dat acor_$${lang}.dat ; \
+ done ; \
+ )
+ # ======= Install a menu icon for older desktops like XFCE: =======
+ @mkdir -p $(OFFICE_PKG)/usr/share/pixmaps
+ @for file in base calc draw impress math startcenter writer ; do \
+ ln -s ../icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/libreoffice-$${file}.png $(OFFICE_PKG)/usr/share/pixmaps/ ; \
+ done ; \
+ # ====== Add the profile scripts: ======
+ @mkdir -p $(OFFICE_PKG)/etc/profile.d
+ @cat $(CURDIR)/scripts/libreoffice.csh > $(OFFICE_PKG)/etc/profile.d/
+ @cat $(CURDIR)/scripts/ > $(OFFICE_PKG)/etc/profile.d/
+ @chmod 755 $(OFFICE_PKG)/etc/profile.d/*
+ # ======= Install Documentation =======
+ @mkdir -p $(OFFICE_PKG)/usr/doc/$(doc_dir_name)
+ @cp -a $(SRC_DIR)/COPYING* \
+ $(OFFICE_PKG)/usr/doc/$(doc_dir_name)
+ @mkdir -p $(OFFICE_PKG)/usr/share/doc/$(doc_dir_name)
+ @( cd $(SRC_DIR) ; \
+ cp -a COPYING* README* \
+ $(OFFICE_PKG)/usr/share/doc/$(doc_dir_name) ; \
+ )
+ @( cd $(SRC_DIR) ; \
+ if [ -r ChangeLog -a -s ChangeLog ]; then \
+ DOCSDIR=`echo $(OFFICE_PKG)/usr/share/doc/$(doc_dir_name)` ; \
+ cat ChangeLog | head -n 1000 > $${DOCSDIR}/ChangeLog ; \
+ touch -r ChangeLog $${DOCSDIR}/ChangeLog ; \
+ fi ; \
+ for file in dictionaties helpcontent2 translations ; do \
+ if [ -r ChangeLog-$${file} -a -s ChangeLog-$${file} ]; then \
+ DOCSDIR=`echo $(OFFICE_PKG)/usr/share/doc/$(doc_dir_name)` ; \
+ cat ChangeLog-$${file} | head -n 1000 > $${DOCSDIR}/ChangeLog-$${file} ; \
+ touch -r ChangeLog-$${file} $${DOCSDIR}/ChangeLog-$${file} ; \
+ fi ; \
+ done ; \
+ )
+ # ======= Install the same to $(TARGET_DEST_DIR) =======
+ $(call install-into-devenv, $(OFFICE_PKG))
+ # ======= Strip binaries =======
+ @( cd $(OFFICE_PKG); \
+ find . | xargs file | grep "executable" | grep ELF | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs $(STRIP) --strip-unneeded 2> /dev/null ; \
+ find . | xargs file | grep "shared object" | grep ELF | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs $(STRIP) --strip-unneeded 2> /dev/null ; \
+ )
+ifneq ($(PATCHELF),)
+ # ======= Set RPATH/RUNPATH for target shared objects =======
+ @( cd $(OFFICE_PKG)/usr/lib$(LIBSUFFIX)/libreoffice/program ; \
+ for file in `find . | xargs file | grep "shared object" | grep ELF | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs echo` ; do \
+ rpath=`$(PATCHELF) --print-rpath $$file 2> /dev/null` ; \
+ if echo "$$rpath" | grep -q "$(TARGET_DEST_DIR)" ; then \
+ $(PATCHELF) --set-rpath $(TARGET_LIB_RPATH) $$file 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; \
+ fi ; \
+ done ; \
+ )
+ @touch $@
+ @cat $< | $(SED) -e "s/@VERSION@/$(version)/g" > $@
+$(pkg_certificate) : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_signature) : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_description) : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_archive): $(install_target) $(OFFICE_PKG_DESCRIPTION_FILE) $(OFFICE_PKG_INSTALL_SCRIPT)
+ @echo "pkgname=$(OFFICE_PKG_NAME)" > $(OFFICE_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+ echo "pkgver=$(OFFICE_PKG_VERSION)" >> $(OFFICE_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+ echo "arch=$(OFFICE_PKG_ARCH)" >> $(OFFICE_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+ echo "distroname=$(OFFICE_PKG_DISTRO_NAME)" >> $(OFFICE_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+ echo "distrover=$(OFFICE_PKG_DISTRO_VERSION)" >> $(OFFICE_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+ echo "group=$(OFFICE_PKG_GROUP)" >> $(OFFICE_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+ echo "short_description=\"$(OFFICE_PKG_SHORT_DESCRIPTION)\"" >> $(OFFICE_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+ echo "url=$(OFFICE_PKG_URL)" >> $(OFFICE_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+ echo "license=$(OFFICE_PKG_LICENSE)" >> $(OFFICE_PKG)/.PKGINFO
+ @$(PSEUDO) sh -c "cd $(OFFICE_PKG) && \
+ chown -R root:root . && \
+ $(MAKE_PACKAGE) -J --linkadd=yes $(GNUPG_OPTIONS) -m -d .. ."
Index: radix-1.9/X11/app/libreoffice/
--- radix-1.9/X11/app/libreoffice/ (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/X11/app/libreoffice/ (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+../../../../sources/packages/x/libreoffice/patches/libreoffice- -p0
+../../../../sources/packages/x/libreoffice/patches/libreoffice- -p0
Index: radix-1.9/X11/app/libreoffice/
--- radix-1.9/X11/app/libreoffice/ (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/X11/app/libreoffice/ (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# The "handy ruler" below makes it easier to edit a package description. Line
+# up the first '|' above the ':' following the base package name, and the '|'
+# on the right side marks the last column you can put a character in. You must
+# make exactly 11 lines for the formatting to be correct. It's also
+# customary to leave one space after the ':'.
+ |-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------|
+libreoffice: libreoffice @VERSION@ (free office suite)
+libreoffice: LibreOffice is an Open Source, community-developed, office
+libreoffice: productivity suite. It includes key desktop applications, such
+libreoffice: as a word processor, spreadsheet, presentation manager, formula
+libreoffice: editor and drawing program, with a user interface and feature
+libreoffice: set similar to other office suites.
+libreoffice: LibreOffice home:
Index: radix-1.9/X11/app/libreoffice/
--- radix-1.9/X11/app/libreoffice/ (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/X11/app/libreoffice/ (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# Preserve new files
+install_file() {
+ NEW="$1"
+ OLD="`dirname $NEW`/`basename $NEW .new`"
+ # If there's no file by that name, mv it over:
+ if [ ! -r $OLD ]; then
+ mv $NEW $OLD
+ elif [ "`cat $OLD | md5sum`" = "`cat $NEW | md5sum`" ]; then # toss the redundant copy
+ rm $NEW
+ fi
+ # Otherwise, we leave the .new copy for the admin to consider...
+# arg 1: the new package version
+pre_install() {
+ /bin/true
+# arg 1: the new package version
+post_install() {
+ install_file etc/profile.d/
+ install_file etc/profile.d/
+ # Update desktop database
+ if [ -x /usr/bin/update-desktop-database ]; then
+ /usr/bin/update-desktop-database -q usr/share/applications > /dev/null 2>&1
+ fi
+ # Notice we use an absolute path below, rather than usr/bin/update-mime-database.
+ # This is because we're testing to see if we are on the bootdisk, which will not
+ # have /usr/bin/update-mime-database.
+ # The presence of "/etc/system-installer" is under consideration as a better test.
+ # Also we have to check that we are not in the installer mode on the target system
+ # ("/etc/system-installer"), and we have to be sure that we are on the working system
+ # on the target hardware ("proc/sys/kernel/osrelease" - relative path).
+ if [ -r proc/sys/kernel/osrelease -a ! -r /etc/system-installer -a -x /usr/bin/update-mime-database ]; then
+ /usr/bin/update-mime-database /usr/share/mime 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ cat /etc/passwd | while read passwdline ; do
+ homedir=$(echo $passwdline | cut -f 6 -d :)
+ if [ -d $homedir/.local/share/mime ]; then
+ username=$(echo $passwdline | cut -f 1 -d :)
+ su $username -c "/usr/bin/update-mime-database $homedir/.local/share/mime 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null" 2> /dev/null
+ fi
+ done
+ # This is just "cleanup" in case something might be missed in /home/*/
+ for homemimedir in /home/*/.local/share/mime ; do
+ if [ -d $homemimedir ]; then
+ username=$(echo $homemimedir | cut -f 3 -d /)
+ su $username -c "/usr/bin/update-mime-database $homemimedir 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null" 2> /dev/null
+ fi
+ done
+ else
+ # We are not on the target system and we can make use build-machine's utility
+ if [ -x /usr/bin/update-mime-database ] ; then
+ update-mime-database usr/share/mime 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -e usr/share/icons/hicolor/icon-theme.cache ]; then
+ if [ -x /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache ]; then
+ /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache usr/share/icons/hicolor > /dev/null 2>&1
+ fi
+ fi
+# arg 1: the new package version
+# arg 2: the old package version
+pre_update() {
+ /bin/true
+# arg 1: the new package version
+# arg 2: the old package version
+post_update() {
+ post_install
+# arg 1: the old package version
+pre_remove() {
+ /bin/true
+# arg 1: the old package version
+post_remove() {
+ /bin/true
+$operation $*
Property changes on: radix-1.9/X11/app/libreoffice/
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: radix-1.9/X11/app/libreoffice/
--- radix-1.9/X11/app/libreoffice/ (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/X11/app/libreoffice/ (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# To force the use of a certain VCL UI interface, use one of these envvars.
+#setenv SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN gen
+#setenv SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN gtk3
+#setenv SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=gtk3_kde5
+#setenv SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=kf5
+#setenv SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=qt5
Index: radix-1.9/X11/app/libreoffice/
--- radix-1.9/X11/app/libreoffice/ (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/X11/app/libreoffice/ (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# To force the use of a certain VCL UI interface, use one of these envvars.
+#export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=gen
+#export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=gtk3
+#export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=gtk3_kde5
+#export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=kf5
+#export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=qt5
Index: radix-1.9/X11/app/libreoffice/
--- radix-1.9/X11/app/libreoffice/ (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/X11/app/libreoffice/ (revision 371)
Property changes on: radix-1.9/X11/app/libreoffice/
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,74 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: radix-1.9/products/X11/Makefile
--- radix-1.9/products/X11/Makefile (revision 370)
+++ radix-1.9/products/X11/Makefile (revision 371)
@@ -922,7 +922,7 @@
REQUIRES += X11/app/pcmanfm/1.3.2
REQUIRES += X11/app/firefox/118.0.1
REQUIRES += X11/app/thunderbird/115.3.1
-REQUIRES += X11/app/libreoffice/
+REQUIRES += X11/app/libreoffice/
@@ -931,7 +931,7 @@
-REQUIRES += X11/app/chromium/119.0.6026.1
+REQUIRES += X11/app/chromium/123.0.6286.1
Index: radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/Makefile
--- radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/Makefile (revision 370)
+++ radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/Makefile (revision 371)
@@ -7,10 +7,20 @@
url = $(DOWNLOAD_SERVER)/sources/packages/x/fontconfig
-versions = 119.0.6026.1
+versions = 123.0.6286.1 119.0.6026.1
pkgname = chromium
-patches = $(CURDIR)/patches/chromium-119.0.6026.1-cross-compile.patch
+patches = $(CURDIR)/patches/chromium-123.0.6286.1-cross-compile.patch
+patches += $(CURDIR)/patches/chromium-123.0.6286.1-dangling-gsl.patch
+patches += $(CURDIR)/patches/chromium-123.0.6286.1-host-pkg-config.patch
+patches += $(CURDIR)/patches/chromium-123.0.6286.1-inc-drop-host-crash.patch
+patches += $(CURDIR)/patches/chromium-123.0.6286.1-oauth2-default.patch
+patches += $(CURDIR)/patches/chromium-123.0.6286.1-gfx-linux-5.10.patch
+patches += $(CURDIR)/patches/chromium-123.0.6286.1-target-aarch64.patch
+patches += $(CURDIR)/patches/chromium-123.0.6286.1-target-arm.patch
+patches += $(CURDIR)/patches/chromium-123.0.6286.1-target-x86_64.patch
+patches += $(CURDIR)/patches/chromium-119.0.6026.1-cross-compile.patch
patches += $(CURDIR)/patches/chromium-119.0.6026.1-dangling-gsl.patch
patches += $(CURDIR)/patches/chromium-119.0.6026.1-host-pkg-config.patch
patches += $(CURDIR)/patches/chromium-119.0.6026.1-inc-drop-host-crash.patch
@@ -34,6 +44,15 @@
@echo -e "\n======= Create Patches =======\n" ; \
+ ( cd create-123.0.6286.1-cross-compile-patch ; ./ ) ; \
+ ( cd create-123.0.6286.1-dangling-gsl-patch ; ./ ) ; \
+ ( cd create-123.0.6286.1-host-pkg-config-patch ; ./ ) ; \
+ ( cd create-123.0.6286.1-inc-drop-host-crash-patch ; ./ ) ; \
+ ( cd create-123.0.6286.1-oauth2-default-patch ; ./ ) ; \
+ ( cd create-123.0.6286.1-gfx-linux-5.10-patch ; ./ ) ; \
+ ( cd create-123.0.6286.1-target-aarch64-patch ; ./ ) ; \
+ ( cd create-123.0.6286.1-target-arm-patch ; ./ ) ; \
+ ( cd create-123.0.6286.1-target-x86_64-patch ; ./ ) ; \
( cd create-119.0.6026.1-cross-compile-patch ; ./ ) ; \
( cd create-119.0.6026.1-dangling-gsl-patch ; ./ ) ; \
( cd create-119.0.6026.1-host-pkg-config-patch ; ./ ) ; \
Index: radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-cross-compile-patch/
--- radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-cross-compile-patch/ (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-cross-compile-patch/ (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+diff -u -Nr src-orig src > ../patches/chromium-123.0.6286.1-cross-compile.patch
Property changes on: radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-cross-compile-patch/
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-cross-compile-patch/src/build/toolchain/linux/unbundle/
--- radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-cross-compile-patch/src/build/toolchain/linux/unbundle/ (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-cross-compile-patch/src/build/toolchain/linux/unbundle/ (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+gcc_toolchain("default") {
+ cc = getenv("CC")
+ cxx = getenv("CXX")
+ ar = getenv("AR")
+ nm = getenv("NM")
+ ld = cxx
+ extra_cflags = getenv("CFLAGS")
+ extra_cppflags = getenv("CPPFLAGS")
+ extra_cxxflags = getenv("CXXFLAGS")
+ extra_ldflags = getenv("LDFLAGS")
+ toolchain_args = {
+ current_cpu = current_cpu
+ current_os = current_os
+ }
+gcc_toolchain("host") {
+ cc = getenv("BUILD_CC")
+ cxx = getenv("BUILD_CXX")
+ ar = getenv("BUILD_AR")
+ nm = getenv("BUILD_NM")
+ ld = cxx
+ extra_cflags = getenv("BUILD_CFLAGS")
+ extra_cppflags = getenv("BUILD_CPPFLAGS")
+ extra_cxxflags = getenv("BUILD_CXXFLAGS")
+ extra_ldflags = getenv("BUILD_LDFLAGS")
+ toolchain_args = {
+ current_cpu = host_cpu
+ current_os = host_os
+ }
Index: radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-cross-compile-patch/src-orig/build/toolchain/linux/unbundle/
--- radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-cross-compile-patch/src-orig/build/toolchain/linux/unbundle/ (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-cross-compile-patch/src-orig/build/toolchain/linux/unbundle/ (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+gcc_toolchain("default") {
+ cc = getenv("CC")
+ cxx = getenv("CXX")
+ ar = getenv("AR")
+ nm = getenv("NM")
+ ld = cxx
+ extra_cflags = getenv("CFLAGS")
+ extra_cppflags = getenv("CPPFLAGS")
+ extra_cxxflags = getenv("CXXFLAGS")
+ extra_ldflags = getenv("LDFLAGS")
+ toolchain_args = {
+ current_cpu = current_cpu
+ current_os = current_os
+ }
+gcc_toolchain("host") {
+ cc = getenv("BUILD_CC")
+ cxx = getenv("BUILD_CXX")
+ ar = getenv("BUILD_AR")
+ nm = getenv("BUILD_NM")
+ ld = cxx
+ extra_cflags = getenv("BUILD_CFLAGS")
+ extra_cppflags = getenv("BUILD_CPPFLAGS")
+ extra_cxxflags = getenv("BUILD_CXXFLAGS")
+ extra_ldflags = getenv("BUILD_LDFLAGS")
+ toolchain_args = {
+ current_cpu = current_cpu
+ current_os = current_os
+ }
Index: radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-dangling-gsl-patch/
--- radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-dangling-gsl-patch/ (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-dangling-gsl-patch/ (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+diff -u -Nr src-orig src > ../patches/chromium-123.0.6286.1-dangling-gsl.patch
Property changes on: radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-dangling-gsl-patch/
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-dangling-gsl-patch/src/ui/accessibility/platform/
--- radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-dangling-gsl-patch/src/ui/accessibility/platform/ (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-dangling-gsl-patch/src/ui/accessibility/platform/ (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,5096 @@
+// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "ui/accessibility/platform/ax_platform_node_auralinux.h"
+#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <memory>
+#include <set>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
+#include "base/debug/leak_annotations.h"
+#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
+#include "base/no_destructor.h"
+#include "base/ranges/algorithm.h"
+#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
+#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
+#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
+#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversion_utils.h"
+#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
+#include "build/build_config.h"
+#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
+#include "ui/accessibility/ax_action_data.h"
+#include "ui/accessibility/ax_enum_util.h"
+#include "ui/accessibility/ax_enums.mojom.h"
+#include "ui/accessibility/ax_node_data.h"
+#include "ui/accessibility/ax_role_properties.h"
+#include "ui/accessibility/ax_selection.h"
+#include "ui/accessibility/platform/atk_util_auralinux.h"
+#include "ui/accessibility/platform/ax_platform.h"
+#include "ui/accessibility/platform/ax_platform_atk_hyperlink.h"
+#include "ui/accessibility/platform/ax_platform_node_delegate.h"
+#include "ui/accessibility/platform/ax_platform_text_boundary.h"
+#include "ui/accessibility/platform/child_iterator.h"
+#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect_conversions.h"
+#if defined(ATK_CHECK_VERSION) && ATK_CHECK_VERSION(2, 10, 0)
+#define ATK_210
+#if defined(ATK_CHECK_VERSION) && ATK_CHECK_VERSION(2, 12, 0)
+#define ATK_212
+#if defined(ATK_CHECK_VERSION) && ATK_CHECK_VERSION(2, 16, 0)
+#define ATK_216
+#if defined(ATK_CHECK_VERSION) && ATK_CHECK_VERSION(2, 26, 0)
+#define ATK_226
+#if defined(ATK_CHECK_VERSION) && ATK_CHECK_VERSION(2, 30, 0)
+#define ATK_230
+#if defined(ATK_CHECK_VERSION) && ATK_CHECK_VERSION(2, 32, 0)
+#define ATK_232
+#if defined(ATK_CHECK_VERSION) && ATK_CHECK_VERSION(2, 34, 0)
+#define ATK_234
+namespace ui {
+namespace {
+// These values are written to logs. Do not renumber or delete
+// existing items; add new entries to the end of the list.
+enum class UmaAtkApi {
+ kGetName = 0,
+ kGetDescription = 1,
+ kGetNChildren = 2,
+ kRefChild = 3,
+ kGetIndexInParent = 4,
+ kGetParent = 5,
+ kRefRelationSet = 6,
+ kGetAttributes = 7,
+ kGetRole = 8,
+ kRefStateSet = 9,
+ // This must always be the last enum. It's okay for its value to
+ // increase, but none of the other enum values may change.
+ kMaxValue = kRefStateSet,
+void RecordAccessibilityAtkApi(UmaAtkApi enum_value) {
+ UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Accessibility.ATK-APIs", enum_value);
+// When accepting input from clients calling the API, an ATK character offset
+// of -1 can often represent the length of the string.
+static const int kStringLengthOffset = -1;
+// We must forward declare this because it is used by the traditional GObject
+// type manipulation macros.
+namespace atk_object {
+GType GetType();
+} // namespace atk_object
+// ax_platform_node_auralinux AtkObject definition and implementation.
+#define AX_PLATFORM_NODE_AURALINUX_TYPE (atk_object::GetType())
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxObject))
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxClass))
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxClass))
+typedef struct _AXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxObject AXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxObject;
+typedef struct _AXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxClass AXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxClass;
+struct _AXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxObject {
+ AtkObject parent;
+ raw_ptr<AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux> m_object;
+struct _AXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxClass {
+ AtkObjectClass parent_class;
+// The root-level Application object that's the parent of all top-level windows.
+AXPlatformNode* g_root_application = nullptr;
+// The last AtkObject with keyboard focus. Tracking this is required to emit the
+// ATK_STATE_FOCUSED change to false.
+AtkObject* g_current_focused = nullptr;
+// The last object which was selected. Tracking this is required because
+// widgets in the browser UI only emit notifications upon becoming selected,
+// but clients also expect notifications when items become unselected.
+AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* g_current_selected = nullptr;
+// The AtkObject with role=ATK_ROLE_FRAME that represents the toplevel desktop
+// window with focus. If this window is not one of our windows, this value
+// should be null. This is a weak pointer as well, so its value will also be
+// null if if the AtkObject is destroyed.
+AtkObject* g_active_top_level_frame = nullptr;
+AtkObject* g_active_views_dialog = nullptr;
+#if defined(ATK_216)
+constexpr AtkRole kStaticRole = ATK_ROLE_STATIC;
+constexpr AtkRole kSubscriptRole = ATK_ROLE_SUBSCRIPT;
+constexpr AtkRole kSuperscriptRole = ATK_ROLE_SUPERSCRIPT;
+constexpr AtkRole kStaticRole = ATK_ROLE_TEXT;
+constexpr AtkRole kSubscriptRole = ATK_ROLE_TEXT;
+constexpr AtkRole kSuperscriptRole = ATK_ROLE_TEXT;
+#if defined(ATK_226)
+constexpr AtkRole kAtkFootnoteRole = ATK_ROLE_FOOTNOTE;
+constexpr AtkRole kAtkFootnoteRole = ATK_ROLE_LIST_ITEM;
+#if defined(ATK_234)
+constexpr AtkRole kAtkRoleContentDeletion = ATK_ROLE_CONTENT_DELETION;
+constexpr AtkRole kAtkRoleContentInsertion = ATK_ROLE_CONTENT_INSERTION;
+constexpr AtkRole kAtkRoleContentDeletion = ATK_ROLE_SECTION;
+constexpr AtkRole kAtkRoleContentInsertion = ATK_ROLE_SECTION;
+using GetTypeFunc = GType (*)();
+using GetColumnHeaderCellsFunc = GPtrArray* (*)(AtkTableCell* cell);
+using GetRowHeaderCellsFunc = GPtrArray* (*)(AtkTableCell* cell);
+using GetRowColumnSpanFunc = bool (*)(AtkTableCell* cell,
+ gint* row,
+ gint* column,
+ gint* row_span,
+ gint* col_span);
+static GetTypeFunc g_atk_table_cell_get_type;
+static GetColumnHeaderCellsFunc g_atk_table_cell_get_column_header_cells;
+static GetRowHeaderCellsFunc g_atk_table_cell_get_row_header_cells;
+static GetRowColumnSpanFunc g_atk_table_cell_get_row_column_span;
+// The ATK API often requires pointers to be used as out arguments, while
+// allowing for those pointers to be null if the caller is not interested in
+// the value. This function is a simpler helper to avoid continually checking
+// for null and to help prevent forgetting to check for null.
+void SetIntPointerValueIfNotNull(int* pointer, int value) {
+ if (pointer)
+ *pointer = value;
+#if defined(ATK_230)
+bool SupportsAtkComponentScrollingInterface() {
+ return dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "atk_component_scroll_to_point");
+#if defined(ATK_232)
+bool SupportsAtkTextScrollingInterface() {
+ return dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "atk_text_scroll_substring_to_point");
+AtkObject* FindAtkObjectParentFrame(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* node =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ while (node) {
+ if (node->GetAtkRole() == ATK_ROLE_FRAME)
+ return node->GetNativeViewAccessible();
+ node = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(node->GetParent());
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+AtkObject* FindAtkObjectToplevelParentDocument(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* node =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ AtkObject* toplevel_document = nullptr;
+ while (node) {
+ if (node->GetAtkRole() == ATK_ROLE_DOCUMENT_WEB)
+ toplevel_document = node->GetNativeViewAccessible();
+ node = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(node->GetParent());
+ }
+ return toplevel_document;
+bool IsFrameAncestorOfAtkObject(AtkObject* frame, AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ AtkObject* current_frame = FindAtkObjectParentFrame(atk_object);
+ while (current_frame) {
+ if (current_frame == frame)
+ return true;
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* frame_node =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(current_frame);
+ current_frame = FindAtkObjectParentFrame(frame_node->GetParent());
+ }
+ return false;
+// Returns a stack of AtkObjects of activated popup menus. Since each popup
+// menu and submenu has its own native window, we want to properly manage the
+// activated state for their containing frames.
+std::vector<AtkObject*>& GetActiveMenus() {
+ static base::NoDestructor<std::vector<AtkObject*>> active_menus;
+ return *active_menus;
+std::map<AtkObject*, FindInPageResultInfo>& GetActiveFindInPageResults() {
+ static base::NoDestructor<std::map<AtkObject*, FindInPageResultInfo>>
+ active_results;
+ return *active_results;
+// The currently active frame is g_active_top_level_frame, unless there is an
+// active menu. If there is an active menu the parent frame of the
+// most-recently opened active menu should be the currently active frame.
+AtkObject* ComputeActiveTopLevelFrame() {
+ if (!GetActiveMenus().empty())
+ return FindAtkObjectParentFrame(GetActiveMenus().back());
+ return g_active_top_level_frame;
+const char* GetUniqueAccessibilityGTypeName(
+ ImplementedAtkInterfaces interface_mask) {
+ // 37 characters is enough for "AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux%x" with any integer
+ // value.
+ static char name[37];
+ snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux%x",
+ interface_mask.value());
+ return name;
+void SetWeakGPtrToAtkObject(AtkObject** weak_pointer, AtkObject* new_value) {
+ DCHECK(weak_pointer);
+ if (*weak_pointer == new_value)
+ return;
+ if (*weak_pointer) {
+ g_object_remove_weak_pointer(G_OBJECT(*weak_pointer),
+ reinterpret_cast<void**>(weak_pointer));
+ }
+ *weak_pointer = new_value;
+ if (new_value) {
+ g_object_add_weak_pointer(G_OBJECT(new_value),
+ reinterpret_cast<void**>(weak_pointer));
+ }
+void SetActiveTopLevelFrame(AtkObject* new_top_level_frame) {
+ SetWeakGPtrToAtkObject(&g_active_top_level_frame, new_top_level_frame);
+AXCoordinateSystem AtkCoordTypeToAXCoordinateSystem(
+ AtkCoordType coordinate_type) {
+ switch (coordinate_type) {
+ return AXCoordinateSystem::kScreenDIPs;
+ return AXCoordinateSystem::kRootFrame;
+#if defined(ATK_230)
+ // AXCoordinateSystem does not support parent coordinates.
+ return AXCoordinateSystem::kFrame;
+ default:
+ return AXCoordinateSystem::kScreenDIPs;
+ }
+const char* BuildDescriptionFromHeaders(AXPlatformNodeDelegate* delegate,
+ const std::vector<int32_t>& ids) {
+ std::vector<std::string> names;
+ for (const auto& node_id : ids) {
+ if (AXPlatformNode* header = delegate->GetFromNodeID(node_id)) {
+ if (AtkObject* atk_header = header->GetNativeViewAccessible()) {
+ if (const gchar* name = atk_object_get_name(atk_header))
+ names.push_back(name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ std::string result = base::JoinString(names, " ");
+ //
+ // atk_table_get_column_description and atk_table_get_row_description return
+ // const gchar*, which suggests the caller does not gain ownership of the
+ // returned string. The g_strdup below causes a new allocation, which does not
+ // fit that pattern and causes a leak in tests.
+ ScopedLeakSanitizerDisabler lsan_disabler;
+ return g_strdup(result.c_str());
+AtkAttributeSet* PrependAtkAttributeToAtkAttributeSet(
+ const char* name,
+ const char* value,
+ AtkAttributeSet* attribute_set) {
+ AtkAttribute* attribute =
+ static_cast<AtkAttribute*>(g_malloc(sizeof(AtkAttribute)));
+ attribute->name = g_strdup(name);
+ attribute->value = g_strdup(value);
+ return g_slist_prepend(attribute_set, attribute);
+void PrependTextAttributeToSet(const std::string& attribute,
+ const std::string& value,
+ AtkAttributeSet** attributes) {
+ DCHECK(attributes);
+ AtkAttribute* new_attribute =
+ static_cast<AtkAttribute*>(g_malloc(sizeof(AtkAttribute)));
+ new_attribute->name = g_strdup(attribute.c_str());
+ new_attribute->value = g_strdup(value.c_str());
+ *attributes = g_slist_prepend(*attributes, new_attribute);
+void PrependAtkTextAttributeToSet(const AtkTextAttribute attribute,
+ const std::string& value,
+ AtkAttributeSet** attributes) {
+ PrependTextAttributeToSet(atk_text_attribute_get_name(attribute), value,
+ attributes);
+std::string ToAtkTextAttributeColor(const std::string color) {
+ // The platform-independent color string is in the form "rgb(r, g, b)",
+ // but ATK expects a string like "r, g, b". We convert the string here
+ // by stripping away the unnecessary characters.
+ DCHECK(base::StartsWith(color, "rgb(", base::CompareCase::INSENSITIVE_ASCII));
+ DCHECK(base::EndsWith(color, ")", base::CompareCase::INSENSITIVE_ASCII));
+ return color.substr(4, color.length() - 5);
+AtkAttributeSet* ToAtkAttributeSet(const TextAttributeList& attributes) {
+ AtkAttributeSet* copied_attributes = nullptr;
+ for (const auto& attribute : attributes) {
+ if (attribute.first == "background-color") {
+ PrependAtkTextAttributeToSet(ATK_TEXT_ATTR_BG_COLOR,
+ ToAtkTextAttributeColor(attribute.second),
+ &copied_attributes);
+ } else if (attribute.first == "color") {
+ PrependAtkTextAttributeToSet(ATK_TEXT_ATTR_FG_COLOR,
+ ToAtkTextAttributeColor(attribute.second),
+ &copied_attributes);
+ } else if (attribute.first == "font-family") {
+ PrependAtkTextAttributeToSet(ATK_TEXT_ATTR_FAMILY_NAME, attribute.second,
+ &copied_attributes);
+ } else if (attribute.first == "font-size") {
+ PrependAtkTextAttributeToSet(ATK_TEXT_ATTR_SIZE, attribute.second,
+ &copied_attributes);
+ } else if (attribute.first == "font-weight" && attribute.second == "bold") {
+ PrependAtkTextAttributeToSet(ATK_TEXT_ATTR_WEIGHT, "700",
+ &copied_attributes);
+ } else if (attribute.first == "font-style") {
+ PrependAtkTextAttributeToSet(ATK_TEXT_ATTR_STYLE, "italic",
+ &copied_attributes);
+ } else if (attribute.first == "text-line-through-style") {
+ PrependAtkTextAttributeToSet(ATK_TEXT_ATTR_STRIKETHROUGH, "true",
+ &copied_attributes);
+ } else if (attribute.first == "text-underline-style") {
+ PrependAtkTextAttributeToSet(ATK_TEXT_ATTR_UNDERLINE, "single",
+ &copied_attributes);
+ } else if (attribute.first == "invalid") {
+ PrependAtkTextAttributeToSet(ATK_TEXT_ATTR_INVALID, attribute.second,
+ &copied_attributes);
+ PrependAtkTextAttributeToSet(ATK_TEXT_ATTR_UNDERLINE, "error",
+ &copied_attributes);
+ } else if (attribute.first == "language") {
+ PrependAtkTextAttributeToSet(ATK_TEXT_ATTR_LANGUAGE, attribute.second,
+ &copied_attributes);
+ } else if (attribute.first == "writing-mode") {
+ PrependAtkTextAttributeToSet(ATK_TEXT_ATTR_DIRECTION, attribute.second,
+ &copied_attributes);
+ } else if (attribute.first == "text-position") {
+ PrependTextAttributeToSet(attribute.first, attribute.second,
+ &copied_attributes);
+ }
+ }
+ return g_slist_reverse(copied_attributes);
+namespace atk_component {
+void GetExtents(AtkComponent* atk_component,
+ gint* x,
+ gint* y,
+ gint* width,
+ gint* height,
+ AtkCoordType coord_type) {
+ g_return_if_fail(ATK_IS_COMPONENT(atk_component));
+ if (x)
+ *x = 0;
+ if (y)
+ *y = 0;
+ if (width)
+ *width = 0;
+ if (height)
+ *height = 0;
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_component);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return;
+ obj->GetExtents(x, y, width, height, coord_type);
+void GetPosition(AtkComponent* atk_component,
+ gint* x,
+ gint* y,
+ AtkCoordType coord_type) {
+ g_return_if_fail(ATK_IS_COMPONENT(atk_component));
+ if (x)
+ *x = 0;
+ if (y)
+ *y = 0;
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_component);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return;
+ obj->GetPosition(x, y, coord_type);
+void GetSize(AtkComponent* atk_component, gint* width, gint* height) {
+ g_return_if_fail(ATK_IS_COMPONENT(atk_component));
+ if (width)
+ *width = 0;
+ if (height)
+ *height = 0;
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_component);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return;
+ obj->GetSize(width, height);
+AtkObject* RefAccesibleAtPoint(AtkComponent* atk_component,
+ gint x,
+ gint y,
+ AtkCoordType coord_type) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_COMPONENT(atk_component), nullptr);
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_component);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ AtkObject* result = obj->HitTestSync(x, y, coord_type);
+ if (result)
+ g_object_ref(result);
+ return result;
+gboolean GrabFocus(AtkComponent* atk_component) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_COMPONENT(atk_component), FALSE);
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_component);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return FALSE;
+ return obj->GrabFocus();
+#if defined(ATK_230)
+gboolean ScrollTo(AtkComponent* atk_component, AtkScrollType scroll_type) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_COMPONENT(atk_component), FALSE);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(atk_component));
+ if (!obj)
+ return FALSE;
+ obj->ScrollNodeIntoView(scroll_type);
+ return TRUE;
+gboolean ScrollToPoint(AtkComponent* atk_component,
+ AtkCoordType atk_coord_type,
+ gint x,
+ gint y) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_COMPONENT(atk_component), FALSE);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(atk_component));
+ if (!obj)
+ return FALSE;
+ obj->ScrollToPoint(atk_coord_type, x, y);
+ return TRUE;
+void Init(AtkComponentIface* iface) {
+ iface->get_extents = GetExtents;
+ iface->get_position = GetPosition;
+ iface->get_size = GetSize;
+ iface->ref_accessible_at_point = RefAccesibleAtPoint;
+ iface->grab_focus = GrabFocus;
+#if defined(ATK_230)
+ if (SupportsAtkComponentScrollingInterface()) {
+ iface->scroll_to = ScrollTo;
+ iface->scroll_to_point = ScrollToPoint;
+ }
+const GInterfaceInfo Info = {reinterpret_cast<GInterfaceInitFunc>(Init),
+ nullptr, nullptr};
+} // namespace atk_component
+namespace atk_action {
+gboolean DoAction(AtkAction* atk_action, gint index) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_ACTION(atk_action), FALSE);
+ g_return_val_if_fail(index >= 0, FALSE);
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_action);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return FALSE;
+ const std::vector<ax::mojom::Action> actions =
+ obj->GetDelegate()->GetSupportedActions();
+ g_return_val_if_fail(index < static_cast<gint>(actions.size()), FALSE);
+ AXActionData data;
+ data.action = actions[index];
+ return obj->GetDelegate()->AccessibilityPerformAction(data);
+gint GetNActions(AtkAction* atk_action) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_ACTION(atk_action), 0);
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_action);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return 0;
+ return static_cast<gint>(obj->GetDelegate()->GetSupportedActions().size());
+const gchar* GetDescription(AtkAction*, gint) {
+ // Not implemented. Right now Orca does not provide this and
+ // Chromium is not providing a string for the action description.
+ return nullptr;
+const gchar* GetName(AtkAction* atk_action, gint index) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_ACTION(atk_action), nullptr);
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_action);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ const std::vector<ax::mojom::Action> actions =
+ obj->GetDelegate()->GetSupportedActions();
+ g_return_val_if_fail(index < static_cast<gint>(actions.size()), nullptr);
+ if (index == 0 && obj->GetDelegate()->HasDefaultActionVerb()) {
+ // If there is a default action, it will always be at index 0.
+ return obj->GetDefaultActionName();
+ }
+ return ToString(actions[index]);
+const gchar* GetKeybinding(AtkAction* atk_action, gint index) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_ACTION(atk_action), nullptr);
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_action);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ const std::vector<ax::mojom::Action> actions =
+ obj->GetDelegate()->GetSupportedActions();
+ g_return_val_if_fail(index < static_cast<gint>(actions.size()), nullptr);
+ if (index == 0 && obj->GetDelegate()->HasDefaultActionVerb()) {
+ // If there is a default action, it will always be at index 0. Only the
+ // default action has a key binding.
+ return obj->GetStringAttribute(ax::mojom::StringAttribute::kAccessKey)
+ .c_str();
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+void Init(AtkActionIface* iface) {
+ iface->do_action = DoAction;
+ iface->get_n_actions = GetNActions;
+ iface->get_description = GetDescription;
+ iface->get_name = GetName;
+ iface->get_keybinding = GetKeybinding;
+const GInterfaceInfo Info = {reinterpret_cast<GInterfaceInitFunc>(Init),
+ nullptr, nullptr};
+} // namespace atk_action
+namespace atk_document {
+const gchar* GetDocumentAttributeValue(AtkDocument* atk_doc,
+ const gchar* attribute) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_DOCUMENT(atk_doc), nullptr);
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_doc);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ return obj->GetDocumentAttributeValue(attribute);
+AtkAttributeSet* GetDocumentAttributes(AtkDocument* atk_doc) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_DOCUMENT(atk_doc), 0);
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_doc);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ return obj->GetDocumentAttributes();
+void Init(AtkDocumentIface* iface) {
+ iface->get_document_attribute_value = GetDocumentAttributeValue;
+ iface->get_document_attributes = GetDocumentAttributes;
+const GInterfaceInfo Info = {reinterpret_cast<GInterfaceInitFunc>(Init),
+ nullptr, nullptr};
+} // namespace atk_document
+namespace atk_image {
+void GetImagePosition(AtkImage* atk_img,
+ gint* x,
+ gint* y,
+ AtkCoordType coord_type) {
+ g_return_if_fail(ATK_IMAGE(atk_img));
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_img);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return;
+ obj->GetPosition(x, y, coord_type);
+const gchar* GetImageDescription(AtkImage* atk_img) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IMAGE(atk_img), nullptr);
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_img);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ return obj->GetStringAttribute(ax::mojom::StringAttribute::kDescription)
+ .c_str();
+void GetImageSize(AtkImage* atk_img, gint* width, gint* height) {
+ g_return_if_fail(ATK_IMAGE(atk_img));
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_img);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return;
+ obj->GetSize(width, height);
+void Init(AtkImageIface* iface) {
+ iface->get_image_position = GetImagePosition;
+ iface->get_image_description = GetImageDescription;
+ iface->get_image_size = GetImageSize;
+const GInterfaceInfo Info = {reinterpret_cast<GInterfaceInitFunc>(Init),
+ nullptr, nullptr};
+} // namespace atk_image
+namespace atk_value {
+void GetCurrentValue(AtkValue* atk_value, GValue* value) {
+ g_return_if_fail(ATK_IS_VALUE(atk_value));
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_value);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return;
+ obj->GetFloatAttributeInGValue(ax::mojom::FloatAttribute::kValueForRange,
+ value);
+void GetMinimumValue(AtkValue* atk_value, GValue* value) {
+ g_return_if_fail(ATK_IS_VALUE(atk_value));
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_value);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return;
+ obj->GetFloatAttributeInGValue(ax::mojom::FloatAttribute::kMinValueForRange,
+ value);
+void GetMaximumValue(AtkValue* atk_value, GValue* value) {
+ g_return_if_fail(ATK_IS_VALUE(atk_value));
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_value);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return;
+ obj->GetFloatAttributeInGValue(ax::mojom::FloatAttribute::kMaxValueForRange,
+ value);
+void GetMinimumIncrement(AtkValue* atk_value, GValue* value) {
+ g_return_if_fail(ATK_IS_VALUE(atk_value));
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_value);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return;
+ obj->GetFloatAttributeInGValue(ax::mojom::FloatAttribute::kStepValueForRange,
+ value);
+gboolean SetCurrentValue(AtkValue* atk_value, const GValue* value) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_VALUE(atk_value), FALSE);
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_value);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return FALSE;
+ std::string new_value;
+ switch (G_VALUE_TYPE(value)) {
+ case G_TYPE_FLOAT:
+ new_value = base::NumberToString(g_value_get_float(value));
+ break;
+ case G_TYPE_INT:
+ new_value = base::NumberToString(g_value_get_int(value));
+ break;
+ case G_TYPE_INT64:
+ new_value = base::NumberToString(g_value_get_int64(value));
+ break;
+ new_value = g_value_get_string(value);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ AXActionData data;
+ data.action = ax::mojom::Action::kSetValue;
+ data.value = new_value;
+ obj->GetDelegate()->AccessibilityPerformAction(data);
+ return TRUE;
+void Init(AtkValueIface* iface) {
+ iface->get_current_value = GetCurrentValue;
+ iface->get_maximum_value = GetMaximumValue;
+ iface->get_minimum_value = GetMinimumValue;
+ iface->get_minimum_increment = GetMinimumIncrement;
+ iface->set_current_value = SetCurrentValue;
+const GInterfaceInfo Info = {reinterpret_cast<GInterfaceInitFunc>(Init),
+ nullptr, nullptr};
+} // namespace atk_value
+namespace atk_hyperlink {
+AtkHyperlink* GetHyperlink(AtkHyperlinkImpl* atk_hyperlink_impl) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_HYPERLINK_IMPL(atk_hyperlink_impl), 0);
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_hyperlink_impl);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return 0;
+ AtkHyperlink* atk_hyperlink = obj->GetAtkHyperlink();
+ g_object_ref(atk_hyperlink);
+ return atk_hyperlink;
+void Init(AtkHyperlinkImplIface* iface) {
+ iface->get_hyperlink = GetHyperlink;
+const GInterfaceInfo Info = {reinterpret_cast<GInterfaceInitFunc>(Init),
+ nullptr, nullptr};
+} // namespace atk_hyperlink
+namespace atk_hypertext {
+AtkHyperlink* GetLink(AtkHypertext* hypertext, int index) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_HYPERTEXT(hypertext), 0);
+ auto* obj = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(hypertext));
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ const AXLegacyHypertext& ax_hypertext = obj->GetAXHypertext();
+ if (index >= static_cast<int>(ax_hypertext.hyperlinks.size()) || index < 0)
+ return nullptr;
+ int32_t id = ax_hypertext.hyperlinks[index];
+ auto* link = static_cast<AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux*>(
+ AXPlatformNodeBase::GetFromUniqueId(id));
+ if (!link)
+ return nullptr;
+ return link->GetAtkHyperlink();
+int GetNLinks(AtkHypertext* hypertext) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_HYPERTEXT(hypertext), 0);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(hypertext));
+ return obj ? obj->GetAXHypertext().hyperlinks.size() : 0;
+int GetLinkIndex(AtkHypertext* hypertext, int char_index) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_HYPERTEXT(hypertext), 0);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(hypertext));
+ if (!obj)
+ return -1;
+ auto it = obj->GetAXHypertext().hyperlink_offset_to_index.find(char_index);
+ if (it == obj->GetAXHypertext().hyperlink_offset_to_index.end())
+ return -1;
+ return it->second;
+void Init(AtkHypertextIface* iface) {
+ iface->get_link = GetLink;
+ iface->get_n_links = GetNLinks;
+ iface->get_link_index = GetLinkIndex;
+const GInterfaceInfo Info = {reinterpret_cast<GInterfaceInitFunc>(Init),
+ nullptr, nullptr};
+} // namespace atk_hypertext
+namespace atk_text {
+gchar* GetText(AtkText* atk_text, gint start_offset, gint end_offset) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), nullptr);
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_text);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ std::u16string text = obj->GetHypertext();
+ start_offset = obj->UnicodeToUTF16OffsetInText(start_offset);
+ if (start_offset < 0 || start_offset >= static_cast<int>(text.size()))
+ return nullptr;
+ if (end_offset < 0) {
+ end_offset = text.size();
+ } else {
+ end_offset = obj->UnicodeToUTF16OffsetInText(end_offset);
+ end_offset =
+ std::clamp(static_cast<int>(text.size()), start_offset, end_offset);
+ }
+ DCHECK_GE(start_offset, 0);
+ DCHECK_GE(end_offset, start_offset);
+ const auto ret_substr = base::UTF16ToUTF8(text.substr(start_offset, end_offset - start_offset));
+ return g_strdup(ret_substr.c_str());
+gint GetCharacterCount(AtkText* atk_text) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), 0);
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_text);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return 0;
+ return obj->UTF16ToUnicodeOffsetInText(obj->GetHypertext().length());
+gunichar GetCharacterAtOffset(AtkText* atk_text, int offset) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), 0);
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_text);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return 0;
+ std::u16string text = obj->GetHypertext();
+ size_t text_length = text.length();
+ offset = obj->UnicodeToUTF16OffsetInText(offset);
+ offset = std::max(offset, 0);
+ size_t limited_offset = std::min(static_cast<size_t>(offset), text_length);
+ base_icu::UChar32 code_point;
+ base::ReadUnicodeCharacter(text.c_str(), text_length + 1, &limited_offset,
+ &code_point);
+ return code_point;
+gint GetOffsetAtPoint(AtkText* text, gint x, gint y, AtkCoordType coords) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(text), -1);
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(text);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return -1;
+ return obj->GetTextOffsetAtPoint(x, y, coords);
+// This function returns a single character as a UTF-8 encoded C string because
+// the character may be encoded into more than one byte.
+char* GetCharacter(AtkText* atk_text,
+ int offset,
+ int* start_offset,
+ int* end_offset) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), nullptr);
+ *start_offset = -1;
+ *end_offset = -1;
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_text);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ if (offset < 0 || offset >= GetCharacterCount(atk_text))
+ return nullptr;
+ char* text = GetText(atk_text, offset, offset + 1);
+ if (!text)
+ return nullptr;
+ *start_offset = offset;
+ *end_offset = offset + 1;
+ return text;
+char* GetTextWithBoundaryType(AtkText* atk_text,
+ int offset,
+ ax::mojom::TextBoundary boundary,
+ int* start_offset_ptr,
+ int* end_offset_ptr) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), nullptr);
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_text);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ if (offset < 0 || offset >= atk_text_get_character_count(atk_text))
+ return nullptr;
+ // The offset that we receive from the API is a Unicode character offset.
+ // Since we calculate boundaries in terms of UTF-16 code point offsets, we
+ // need to convert this input value.
+ offset = obj->UnicodeToUTF16OffsetInText(offset);
+ int start_offset = obj->FindTextBoundary(
+ boundary, offset, ax::mojom::MoveDirection::kBackward,
+ ax::mojom::TextAffinity::kDownstream);
+ int end_offset = obj->FindTextBoundary(boundary, offset,
+ ax::mojom::MoveDirection::kForward,
+ ax::mojom::TextAffinity::kDownstream);
+ if (start_offset < 0 || end_offset < 0)
+ return nullptr;
+ DCHECK_LE(start_offset, end_offset)
+ << "Start offset should be less than or equal the end offset.";
+ // The ATK API is also expecting Unicode character offsets as output
+ // values.
+ *start_offset_ptr = obj->UTF16ToUnicodeOffsetInText(start_offset);
+ *end_offset_ptr = obj->UTF16ToUnicodeOffsetInText(end_offset);
+ std::u16string text = obj->GetHypertext();
+ DCHECK_LE(end_offset, static_cast<int>(text.size()));
+ std::u16string substr = text.substr(start_offset, end_offset - start_offset);
+ const auto ret_substr = base::UTF16ToUTF8(substr);
+ return g_strdup(ret_substr.c_str());
+char* GetTextAtOffset(AtkText* atk_text,
+ int offset,
+ AtkTextBoundary atk_boundary,
+ int* start_offset,
+ int* end_offset) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), nullptr);
+ ax::mojom::TextBoundary boundary = FromAtkTextBoundary(atk_boundary);
+ return GetTextWithBoundaryType(atk_text, offset, boundary, start_offset,
+ end_offset);
+char* GetTextAfterOffset(AtkText* atk_text,
+ int offset,
+ AtkTextBoundary boundary,
+ int* start_offset,
+ int* end_offset) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), nullptr);
+ if (boundary != ATK_TEXT_BOUNDARY_CHAR) {
+ *start_offset = -1;
+ *end_offset = -1;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // ATK does not offer support for the special negative index and we don't
+ // want to do arithmetic on that value below.
+ if (offset == kStringLengthOffset)
+ return nullptr;
+ return GetCharacter(atk_text, offset + 1, start_offset, end_offset);
+char* GetTextBeforeOffset(AtkText* atk_text,
+ int offset,
+ AtkTextBoundary boundary,
+ int* start_offset,
+ int* end_offset) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), nullptr);
+ if (boundary != ATK_TEXT_BOUNDARY_CHAR) {
+ *start_offset = -1;
+ *end_offset = -1;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // ATK does not offer support for the special negative index and we don't
+ // want to do arithmetic on that value below.
+ if (offset == kStringLengthOffset)
+ return nullptr;
+ return GetCharacter(atk_text, offset - 1, start_offset, end_offset);
+gint GetCaretOffset(AtkText* atk_text) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), -1);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(atk_text));
+ if (!obj)
+ return -1;
+ return obj->GetCaretOffset();
+gboolean SetCaretOffset(AtkText* atk_text, gint offset) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), FALSE);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(atk_text));
+ if (!obj)
+ return FALSE;
+ if (!obj->SetCaretOffset(offset))
+ return FALSE;
+ // Orca expects atk_text_set_caret_offset to either focus the target element
+ // or set the sequential focus navigation starting point there.
+ int utf16_offset = obj->UnicodeToUTF16OffsetInText(offset);
+ obj->GrabFocusOrSetSequentialFocusNavigationStartingPointAtOffset(
+ utf16_offset);
+ return TRUE;
+int GetNSelections(AtkText* atk_text) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), 0);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(atk_text));
+ if (!obj)
+ return 0;
+ if (obj->HasSelection())
+ return 1;
+ absl::optional<FindInPageResultInfo> result =
+ obj->GetSelectionOffsetsFromFindInPage();
+ if (result.has_value() && result->node == ATK_OBJECT(atk_text))
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+gchar* GetSelection(AtkText* atk_text,
+ int selection_num,
+ int* start_offset,
+ int* end_offset) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), nullptr);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(atk_text));
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ if (selection_num != 0)
+ return nullptr;
+ return obj->GetSelectionWithText(start_offset, end_offset);
+gboolean RemoveSelection(AtkText* atk_text, int selection_num) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), FALSE);
+ if (selection_num != 0)
+ return FALSE;
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(atk_text));
+ if (!obj)
+ return FALSE;
+ // Simply collapse the selection to the position of the caret if a caret is
+ // visible, otherwise set the selection to 0.
+ int selection_end = obj->UTF16ToUnicodeOffsetInText(
+ obj->GetIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kTextSelEnd));
+ return SetCaretOffset(atk_text, selection_end);
+gboolean SetSelection(AtkText* atk_text,
+ int selection_num,
+ int start_offset,
+ int end_offset) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), FALSE);
+ if (selection_num != 0)
+ return FALSE;
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(atk_text));
+ if (!obj)
+ return FALSE;
+ return obj->SetTextSelectionForAtkText(start_offset, end_offset);
+gboolean AddSelection(AtkText* atk_text, int start_offset, int end_offset) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), FALSE);
+ // We only support one selection.
+ return SetSelection(atk_text, 0, start_offset, end_offset);
+#if defined(ATK_210)
+char* GetStringAtOffset(AtkText* atk_text,
+ int offset,
+ AtkTextGranularity atk_granularity,
+ int* start_offset,
+ int* end_offset) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), nullptr);
+ *start_offset = -1;
+ *end_offset = -1;
+ ax::mojom::TextBoundary boundary = FromAtkTextGranularity(atk_granularity);
+ return GetTextWithBoundaryType(atk_text, offset, boundary, start_offset,
+ end_offset);
+#if defined(ATK_230)
+gfx::Rect GetUnclippedParentHypertextRangeBoundsRect(
+ AXPlatformNodeDelegate* ax_platform_node_delegate,
+ const int start_offset,
+ const int end_offset) {
+ const AXPlatformNode* parent_platform_node =
+ AXPlatformNode::FromNativeViewAccessible(
+ ax_platform_node_delegate->GetParent());
+ if (!parent_platform_node)
+ return gfx::Rect();
+ const AXPlatformNodeDelegate* parent_ax_platform_node_delegate =
+ parent_platform_node->GetDelegate();
+ if (!parent_ax_platform_node_delegate)
+ return gfx::Rect();
+ return ax_platform_node_delegate->GetHypertextRangeBoundsRect(
+ start_offset, end_offset, AXCoordinateSystem::kRootFrame,
+ AXClippingBehavior::kUnclipped) -
+ parent_ax_platform_node_delegate
+ ->GetBoundsRect(AXCoordinateSystem::kRootFrame,
+ AXClippingBehavior::kClipped)
+ .OffsetFromOrigin();
+void GetCharacterExtents(AtkText* atk_text,
+ int offset,
+ int* x,
+ int* y,
+ int* width,
+ int* height,
+ AtkCoordType coordinate_type) {
+ g_return_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text));
+ gfx::Rect rect;
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(atk_text));
+ if (obj) {
+ switch (coordinate_type) {
+#if defined(ATK_230)
+ rect = GetUnclippedParentHypertextRangeBoundsRect(obj->GetDelegate(),
+ offset, offset + 1);
+ break;
+ default:
+ rect = obj->GetDelegate()->GetHypertextRangeBoundsRect(
+ obj->UnicodeToUTF16OffsetInText(offset),
+ obj->UnicodeToUTF16OffsetInText(offset + 1),
+ AtkCoordTypeToAXCoordinateSystem(coordinate_type),
+ AXClippingBehavior::kUnclipped);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (x)
+ *x = rect.x();
+ if (y)
+ *y = rect.y();
+ if (width)
+ *width = rect.width();
+ if (height)
+ *height = rect.height();
+void GetRangeExtents(AtkText* atk_text,
+ int start_offset,
+ int end_offset,
+ AtkCoordType coordinate_type,
+ AtkTextRectangle* out_rectangle) {
+ g_return_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text));
+ if (!out_rectangle)
+ return;
+ gfx::Rect rect;
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(atk_text));
+ if (obj) {
+ switch (coordinate_type) {
+#if defined(ATK_230)
+ rect = GetUnclippedParentHypertextRangeBoundsRect(
+ obj->GetDelegate(), start_offset, end_offset);
+ break;
+ default:
+ rect = obj->GetDelegate()->GetHypertextRangeBoundsRect(
+ obj->UnicodeToUTF16OffsetInText(start_offset),
+ obj->UnicodeToUTF16OffsetInText(end_offset),
+ AtkCoordTypeToAXCoordinateSystem(coordinate_type),
+ AXClippingBehavior::kUnclipped);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ out_rectangle->x = rect.x();
+ out_rectangle->y = rect.y();
+ out_rectangle->width = rect.width();
+ out_rectangle->height = rect.height();
+AtkAttributeSet* GetRunAttributes(AtkText* atk_text,
+ gint offset,
+ gint* start_offset,
+ gint* end_offset) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), nullptr);
+ SetIntPointerValueIfNotNull(start_offset, -1);
+ SetIntPointerValueIfNotNull(end_offset, -1);
+ if (offset < 0 || offset > GetCharacterCount(atk_text))
+ return nullptr;
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_text);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ return ToAtkAttributeSet(
+ obj->GetTextAttributes(offset, start_offset, end_offset));
+AtkAttributeSet* GetDefaultAttributes(AtkText* atk_text) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), nullptr);
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_text);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ return ToAtkAttributeSet(obj->GetDefaultTextAttributes());
+#if defined(ATK_232)
+gboolean ScrollSubstringTo(AtkText* atk_text,
+ gint start_offset,
+ gint end_offset,
+ AtkScrollType scroll_type) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), FALSE);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(atk_text));
+ if (!obj)
+ return FALSE;
+ return obj->ScrollSubstringIntoView(scroll_type, start_offset, end_offset);
+gboolean ScrollSubstringToPoint(AtkText* atk_text,
+ gint start_offset,
+ gint end_offset,
+ AtkCoordType atk_coord_type,
+ gint x,
+ gint y) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), FALSE);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(atk_text));
+ if (!obj)
+ return FALSE;
+ return obj->ScrollSubstringToPoint(start_offset, end_offset, atk_coord_type,
+ x, y);
+#endif // ATK_232
+void Init(AtkTextIface* iface) {
+ iface->get_text = GetText;
+ iface->get_character_count = GetCharacterCount;
+ iface->get_character_at_offset = GetCharacterAtOffset;
+ iface->get_offset_at_point = GetOffsetAtPoint;
+ iface->get_text_after_offset = GetTextAfterOffset;
+ iface->get_text_before_offset = GetTextBeforeOffset;
+ iface->get_text_at_offset = GetTextAtOffset;
+ iface->get_caret_offset = GetCaretOffset;
+ iface->set_caret_offset = SetCaretOffset;
+ iface->get_character_extents = GetCharacterExtents;
+ iface->get_range_extents = GetRangeExtents;
+ iface->get_n_selections = GetNSelections;
+ iface->get_selection = GetSelection;
+ iface->add_selection = AddSelection;
+ iface->remove_selection = RemoveSelection;
+ iface->set_selection = SetSelection;
+ iface->get_run_attributes = GetRunAttributes;
+ iface->get_default_attributes = GetDefaultAttributes;
+#if defined(ATK_210)
+ iface->get_string_at_offset = GetStringAtOffset;
+#if defined(ATK_232)
+ if (SupportsAtkTextScrollingInterface()) {
+ iface->scroll_substring_to = ScrollSubstringTo;
+ iface->scroll_substring_to_point = ScrollSubstringToPoint;
+ }
+const GInterfaceInfo Info = {reinterpret_cast<GInterfaceInitFunc>(Init),
+ nullptr, nullptr};
+} // namespace atk_text
+namespace atk_window {
+void Init(AtkWindowIface* iface) {}
+const GInterfaceInfo Info = {reinterpret_cast<GInterfaceInitFunc>(Init),
+ nullptr, nullptr};
+} // namespace atk_window
+namespace atk_selection {
+gboolean AddSelection(AtkSelection* selection, gint index) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_SELECTION(selection), FALSE);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(selection));
+ if (!obj)
+ return FALSE;
+ if (index < 0 || static_cast<size_t>(index) >= obj->GetChildCount())
+ return FALSE;
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* child =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(obj->ChildAtIndex(index));
+ if (!child)
+ return FALSE;
+ if (!child->SupportsSelectionWithAtkSelection())
+ return FALSE;
+ bool selected = child->GetBoolAttribute(ax::mojom::BoolAttribute::kSelected);
+ if (selected)
+ return TRUE;
+ AXActionData data;
+ data.action = ax::mojom::Action::kDoDefault;
+ return child->GetDelegate()->AccessibilityPerformAction(data);
+gboolean ClearSelection(AtkSelection* selection) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_SELECTION(selection), FALSE);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(selection));
+ if (!obj)
+ return FALSE;
+ int child_count = obj->GetChildCount();
+ bool success = true;
+ for (int i = 0; i < child_count; ++i) {
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* child =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(obj->ChildAtIndex(i));
+ if (!child)
+ continue;
+ if (!child->SupportsSelectionWithAtkSelection())
+ continue;
+ bool selected =
+ child->GetBoolAttribute(ax::mojom::BoolAttribute::kSelected);
+ if (!selected)
+ continue;
+ AXActionData data;
+ data.action = ax::mojom::Action::kDoDefault;
+ success = success && child->GetDelegate()->AccessibilityPerformAction(data);
+ }
+ return success;
+AtkObject* RefSelection(AtkSelection* selection, gint requested_child_index) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_SELECTION(selection), nullptr);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(selection));
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ if (auto* selected_child = obj->GetSelectedItem(requested_child_index)) {
+ if (AtkObject* atk_object = selected_child->GetNativeViewAccessible()) {
+ g_object_ref(atk_object);
+ return atk_object;
+ }
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+gint GetSelectionCount(AtkSelection* selection) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_SELECTION(selection), 0);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(selection));
+ if (!obj)
+ return 0;
+ return obj->GetSelectionCount();
+gboolean IsChildSelected(AtkSelection* selection, gint index) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_SELECTION(selection), FALSE);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(selection));
+ if (!obj)
+ return FALSE;
+ if (index < 0 || static_cast<size_t>(index) >= obj->GetChildCount())
+ return FALSE;
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* child =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(obj->ChildAtIndex(index));
+ return child && child->GetBoolAttribute(ax::mojom::BoolAttribute::kSelected);
+gboolean RemoveSelection(AtkSelection* selection,
+ gint index_into_selected_children) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_SELECTION(selection), FALSE);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(selection));
+ if (!obj)
+ return FALSE;
+ int child_count = obj->GetChildCount();
+ for (int i = 0; i < child_count; ++i) {
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* child =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(obj->ChildAtIndex(i));
+ if (!child)
+ continue;
+ bool selected =
+ child->GetBoolAttribute(ax::mojom::BoolAttribute::kSelected);
+ if (selected && index_into_selected_children == 0) {
+ if (!child->SupportsSelectionWithAtkSelection())
+ return FALSE;
+ AXActionData data;
+ data.action = ax::mojom::Action::kDoDefault;
+ return child->GetDelegate()->AccessibilityPerformAction(data);
+ } else if (selected) {
+ index_into_selected_children--;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+gboolean SelectAllSelection(AtkSelection* selection) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_SELECTION(selection), FALSE);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(selection));
+ if (!obj)
+ return FALSE;
+ int child_count = obj->GetChildCount();
+ bool success = true;
+ for (int i = 0; i < child_count; ++i) {
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* child =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(obj->ChildAtIndex(i));
+ if (!child)
+ continue;
+ if (!child->SupportsSelectionWithAtkSelection())
+ continue;
+ bool selected =
+ child->GetBoolAttribute(ax::mojom::BoolAttribute::kSelected);
+ if (selected)
+ continue;
+ AXActionData data;
+ data.action = ax::mojom::Action::kDoDefault;
+ success = success && child->GetDelegate()->AccessibilityPerformAction(data);
+ }
+ return success;
+void Init(AtkSelectionIface* iface) {
+ iface->add_selection = AddSelection;
+ iface->clear_selection = ClearSelection;
+ iface->ref_selection = RefSelection;
+ iface->get_selection_count = GetSelectionCount;
+ iface->is_child_selected = IsChildSelected;
+ iface->remove_selection = RemoveSelection;
+ iface->select_all_selection = SelectAllSelection;
+const GInterfaceInfo Info = {reinterpret_cast<GInterfaceInitFunc>(Init),
+ nullptr, nullptr};
+} // namespace atk_selection
+namespace atk_table {
+AtkObject* RefAt(AtkTable* table, gint row, gint column) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TABLE(table), nullptr);
+ if (auto* obj = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(table))) {
+ if (AXPlatformNodeBase* cell = obj->GetTableCell(row, column)) {
+ if (AtkObject* atk_cell = cell->GetNativeViewAccessible()) {
+ g_object_ref(atk_cell);
+ return atk_cell;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+gint GetIndexAt(AtkTable* table, gint row, gint column) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TABLE(table), -1);
+ if (auto* obj = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(table))) {
+ if (const AXPlatformNodeBase* cell = obj->GetTableCell(row, column)) {
+ DCHECK(cell->GetTableCellIndex().has_value());
+ return cell->GetTableCellIndex().value();
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+gint GetColumnAtIndex(AtkTable* table, gint index) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TABLE(table), -1);
+ if (auto* obj = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(table))) {
+ if (const AXPlatformNodeBase* cell = obj->GetTableCell(index)) {
+ DCHECK(cell->GetTableColumn().has_value());
+ return cell->GetTableColumn().value();
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+gint GetRowAtIndex(AtkTable* table, gint index) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TABLE(table), -1);
+ if (auto* obj = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(table))) {
+ if (const AXPlatformNodeBase* cell = obj->GetTableCell(index)) {
+ DCHECK(cell->GetTableRow().has_value());
+ return cell->GetTableRow().value();
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+gint GetNColumns(AtkTable* table) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TABLE(table), 0);
+ if (auto* obj = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(table))) {
+ // If the object is not a table, we return 0.
+ return obj->GetTableColumnCount().value_or(0);
+ }
+ return 0;
+gint GetNRows(AtkTable* table) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TABLE(table), 0);
+ if (auto* obj = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(table))) {
+ // If the object is not a table, we return 0.
+ return obj->GetTableRowCount().value_or(0);
+ }
+ return 0;
+gint GetColumnExtentAt(AtkTable* table, gint row, gint column) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TABLE(table), 0);
+ if (auto* obj = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(table))) {
+ if (const AXPlatformNodeBase* cell = obj->GetTableCell(row, column)) {
+ DCHECK(cell->GetTableColumnSpan().has_value());
+ return cell->GetTableColumnSpan().value();
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+gint GetRowExtentAt(AtkTable* table, gint row, gint column) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TABLE(table), 0);
+ if (auto* obj = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(table))) {
+ if (const AXPlatformNodeBase* cell = obj->GetTableCell(row, column)) {
+ DCHECK(cell->GetTableRowSpan().has_value());
+ return cell->GetTableRowSpan().value();
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+AtkObject* GetColumnHeader(AtkTable* table, gint column) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TABLE(table), nullptr);
+ auto* obj = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(table));
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ // AtkTable supports only one column header object. So return the first one
+ // we find. In the case of multiple headers, ATs can fall back on the column
+ // description.
+ std::vector<int32_t> ids = obj->GetDelegate()->GetColHeaderNodeIds(column);
+ for (const auto& node_id : ids) {
+ if (AXPlatformNode* header = obj->GetDelegate()->GetFromNodeID(node_id)) {
+ if (AtkObject* atk_header = header->GetNativeViewAccessible()) {
+ g_object_ref(atk_header);
+ return atk_header;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+AtkObject* GetRowHeader(AtkTable* table, gint row) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TABLE(table), nullptr);
+ auto* obj = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(table));
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ // AtkTable supports only one row header object. So return the first one
+ // we find. In the case of multiple headers, ATs can fall back on the row
+ // description.
+ std::vector<int32_t> ids = obj->GetDelegate()->GetRowHeaderNodeIds(row);
+ for (const auto& node_id : ids) {
+ if (AXPlatformNode* header = obj->GetDelegate()->GetFromNodeID(node_id)) {
+ if (AtkObject* atk_header = header->GetNativeViewAccessible()) {
+ g_object_ref(atk_header);
+ return atk_header;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+AtkObject* GetCaption(AtkTable* table) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TABLE(table), nullptr);
+ if (auto* obj = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(table))) {
+ if (auto* caption = obj->GetTableCaption())
+ return caption->GetNativeViewAccessible();
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+const gchar* GetColumnDescription(AtkTable* table, gint column) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TABLE(table), nullptr);
+ auto* obj = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(table));
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ std::vector<int32_t> ids = obj->GetDelegate()->GetColHeaderNodeIds(column);
+ return BuildDescriptionFromHeaders(obj->GetDelegate(), ids);
+const gchar* GetRowDescription(AtkTable* table, gint row) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TABLE(table), nullptr);
+ auto* obj = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(table));
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ std::vector<int32_t> ids = obj->GetDelegate()->GetRowHeaderNodeIds(row);
+ return BuildDescriptionFromHeaders(obj->GetDelegate(), ids);
+void Init(AtkTableIface* iface) {
+ iface->ref_at = RefAt;
+ iface->get_index_at = GetIndexAt;
+ iface->get_column_at_index = GetColumnAtIndex;
+ iface->get_row_at_index = GetRowAtIndex;
+ iface->get_n_columns = GetNColumns;
+ iface->get_n_rows = GetNRows;
+ iface->get_column_extent_at = GetColumnExtentAt;
+ iface->get_row_extent_at = GetRowExtentAt;
+ iface->get_column_header = GetColumnHeader;
+ iface->get_row_header = GetRowHeader;
+ iface->get_caption = GetCaption;
+ iface->get_column_description = GetColumnDescription;
+ iface->get_row_description = GetRowDescription;
+const GInterfaceInfo Info = {reinterpret_cast<GInterfaceInitFunc>(Init),
+ nullptr, nullptr};
+} // namespace atk_table
+// The ATK table cell interface was added in ATK 2.12.
+#if defined(ATK_212)
+namespace atk_table_cell {
+gint GetColumnSpan(AtkTableCell* cell) {
+ DCHECK(g_atk_table_cell_get_type);
+ g_return_val_if_fail(
+ G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE((cell), AtkTableCellInterface::GetType()), 0);
+ if (const AXPlatformNodeBase* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(cell))) {
+ // If the object is not a cell, we return 0.
+ return obj->GetTableColumnSpan().value_or(0);
+ }
+ return 0;
+GPtrArray* GetColumnHeaderCells(AtkTableCell* cell) {
+ DCHECK(g_atk_table_cell_get_type);
+ g_return_val_if_fail(
+ G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE((cell), AtkTableCellInterface::GetType()),
+ nullptr);
+ GPtrArray* array = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func(g_object_unref);
+ auto* obj = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(cell));
+ if (!obj)
+ return array;
+ // AtkTableCell is implemented on cells, row headers, and column headers.
+ // Calling GetColHeaderNodeIds() on a column header cell will include that
+ // column header, along with any other column headers in the column which
+ // may or may not describe the header cell in question. Therefore, just return
+ // headers for non-header cells.
+ if (obj->GetAtkRole() != ATK_ROLE_TABLE_CELL)
+ return array;
+ absl::optional<int> col_index = obj->GetTableColumn();
+ if (!col_index)
+ return array;
+ const std::vector<int32_t> ids =
+ obj->GetDelegate()->GetColHeaderNodeIds(*col_index);
+ for (const auto& node_id : ids) {
+ if (AXPlatformNode* node = obj->GetDelegate()->GetFromNodeID(node_id)) {
+ if (AtkObject* atk_node = node->GetNativeViewAccessible()) {
+ g_ptr_array_add(array, g_object_ref(atk_node));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return array;
+gboolean GetCellPosition(AtkTableCell* cell, gint* row, gint* column) {
+ DCHECK(g_atk_table_cell_get_type);
+ g_return_val_if_fail(
+ G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE((cell), AtkTableCellInterface::GetType()),
+ if (auto* obj = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(cell))) {
+ absl::optional<int> row_index = obj->GetTableRow();
+ absl::optional<int> col_index = obj->GetTableColumn();
+ if (!row_index || !col_index)
+ return false;
+ *row = *row_index;
+ *column = *col_index;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+gint GetRowSpan(AtkTableCell* cell) {
+ DCHECK(g_atk_table_cell_get_type);
+ g_return_val_if_fail(
+ G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE((cell), AtkTableCellInterface::GetType()), 0);
+ if (auto* obj = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(cell))) {
+ // If the object is not a cell, we return 0.
+ return obj->GetTableRowSpan().value_or(0);
+ }
+ return 0;
+GPtrArray* GetRowHeaderCells(AtkTableCell* cell) {
+ DCHECK(g_atk_table_cell_get_type);
+ g_return_val_if_fail(
+ G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE((cell), AtkTableCellInterface::GetType()),
+ nullptr);
+ GPtrArray* array = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func(g_object_unref);
+ auto* obj = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(cell));
+ if (!obj)
+ return array;
+ // AtkTableCell is implemented on cells, row headers, and column headers.
+ // Calling GetRowHeaderNodeIds() on a row header cell will include that
+ // row header, along with any other row headers in the row which may or
+ // may not describe the header cell in question. Therefore, just return
+ // headers for non-header cells.
+ if (obj->GetAtkRole() != ATK_ROLE_TABLE_CELL)
+ return array;
+ absl::optional<int> row_index = obj->GetTableRow();
+ if (!row_index)
+ return array;
+ const std::vector<int32_t> ids =
+ obj->GetDelegate()->GetRowHeaderNodeIds(*row_index);
+ for (const auto& node_id : ids) {
+ if (AXPlatformNode* node = obj->GetDelegate()->GetFromNodeID(node_id)) {
+ if (AtkObject* atk_node = node->GetNativeViewAccessible()) {
+ g_ptr_array_add(array, g_object_ref(atk_node));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return array;
+AtkObject* GetTable(AtkTableCell* cell) {
+ DCHECK(g_atk_table_cell_get_type);
+ g_return_val_if_fail(
+ G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE((cell), AtkTableCellInterface::GetType()),
+ nullptr);
+ if (auto* obj = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(cell))) {
+ if (auto* table = obj->GetTable())
+ return table->GetNativeViewAccessible();
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+using AtkTableCellIface = struct _AtkTableCellIface;
+void Init(AtkTableCellIface* iface) {
+ iface->get_column_span = GetColumnSpan;
+ iface->get_column_header_cells = GetColumnHeaderCells;
+ iface->get_position = GetCellPosition;
+ iface->get_row_span = GetRowSpan;
+ iface->get_row_header_cells = GetRowHeaderCells;
+ iface->get_table = GetTable;
+const GInterfaceInfo Info = {reinterpret_cast<GInterfaceInitFunc>(Init),
+ nullptr, nullptr};
+} // namespace atk_table_cell
+#endif // ATK_212
+namespace atk_object {
+gpointer kAXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxParentClass = nullptr;
+const gchar* GetName(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_OBJECT(atk_object), nullptr);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ if (!obj->IsNameExposed())
+ return nullptr;
+ ax::mojom::NameFrom name_from = obj->GetNameFrom();
+ if (obj->GetName().empty() &&
+ name_from != ax::mojom::NameFrom::kAttributeExplicitlyEmpty) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ obj->accessible_name_ = obj->GetName();
+ return obj->accessible_name_.c_str();
+const gchar* AtkGetName(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ RecordAccessibilityAtkApi(UmaAtkApi::kGetName);
+ return GetName(atk_object);
+const gchar* GetDescription(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_OBJECT(atk_object), nullptr);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ return obj->GetStringAttribute(ax::mojom::StringAttribute::kDescription)
+ .c_str();
+const gchar* AtkGetDescription(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ RecordAccessibilityAtkApi(UmaAtkApi::kGetDescription);
+ return GetDescription(atk_object);
+gint GetNChildren(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_OBJECT(atk_object), 0);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return 0;
+ return obj->GetChildCount();
+gint AtkGetNChildren(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ RecordAccessibilityAtkApi(UmaAtkApi::kGetNChildren);
+ return GetNChildren(atk_object);
+AtkObject* RefChild(AtkObject* atk_object, gint index) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_OBJECT(atk_object), nullptr);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ if (index < 0 || static_cast<size_t>(index) >= obj->GetChildCount())
+ return nullptr;
+ AtkObject* result = obj->ChildAtIndex(index);
+ if (result)
+ g_object_ref(result);
+ return result;
+AtkObject* AtkRefChild(AtkObject* atk_object, gint index) {
+ RecordAccessibilityAtkApi(UmaAtkApi::kRefChild);
+ return RefChild(atk_object, index);
+gint GetIndexInParent(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_OBJECT(atk_object), -1);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return -1;
+ auto index_in_parent = obj->GetIndexInParent();
+ return index_in_parent.has_value()
+ ? static_cast<gint>(index_in_parent.value())
+ : -1;
+gint AtkGetIndexInParent(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ RecordAccessibilityAtkApi(UmaAtkApi::kGetIndexInParent);
+ return GetIndexInParent(atk_object);
+AtkObject* GetParent(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_OBJECT(atk_object), nullptr);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ return obj->GetParent();
+AtkObject* AtkGetParent(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ RecordAccessibilityAtkApi(UmaAtkApi::kGetParent);
+ return GetParent(atk_object);
+AtkRelationSet* RefRelationSet(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_OBJECT(atk_object), nullptr);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return atk_relation_set_new();
+ return obj->GetAtkRelations();
+AtkRelationSet* AtkRefRelationSet(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ RecordAccessibilityAtkApi(UmaAtkApi::kRefRelationSet);
+ // Enables AX mode. Most AT does not call AtkRefRelationSet, but Orca does,
+ // which is why it's a good signal to enable accessibility for Orca users
+ // without too many false positives.
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::EnableAXMode();
+ return RefRelationSet(atk_object);
+AtkAttributeSet* GetAttributes(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_OBJECT(atk_object), nullptr);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ return obj->GetAtkAttributes();
+AtkAttributeSet* AtkGetAttributes(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ RecordAccessibilityAtkApi(UmaAtkApi::kGetAttributes);
+ // Enables AX mode. Most AT does not call AtkGetAttributes, but Orca does,
+ // which is why it's a good signal to enable accessibility for Orca users
+ // without too many false positives.
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::EnableAXMode();
+ return GetAttributes(atk_object);
+AtkRole GetRole(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_OBJECT(atk_object), ATK_ROLE_INVALID);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return obj->GetAtkRole();
+AtkRole AtkGetRole(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ RecordAccessibilityAtkApi(UmaAtkApi::kGetRole);
+ return GetRole(atk_object);
+AtkStateSet* RefStateSet(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_OBJECT(atk_object), nullptr);
+ AtkStateSet* atk_state_set =
+ ATK_OBJECT_CLASS(kAXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxParentClass)
+ ->ref_state_set(atk_object);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj) {
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_DEFUNCT);
+ } else {
+ obj->GetAtkState(atk_state_set);
+ }
+ return atk_state_set;
+AtkStateSet* AtkRefStateSet(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ RecordAccessibilityAtkApi(UmaAtkApi::kRefStateSet);
+ return RefStateSet(atk_object);
+void Initialize(AtkObject* atk_object, gpointer data) {
+ if (ATK_OBJECT_CLASS(kAXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxParentClass)->initialize) {
+ ATK_OBJECT_CLASS(kAXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxParentClass)
+ ->initialize(atk_object, data);
+ }
+ AX_PLATFORM_NODE_AURALINUX(atk_object)->m_object =
+ reinterpret_cast<AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux*>(data);
+void Finalize(GObject* atk_object) {
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS(kAXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxParentClass)->finalize(atk_object);
+void ClassInit(gpointer class_pointer, gpointer /* class_data */) {
+ GObjectClass* gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS(class_pointer);
+ kAXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxParentClass = g_type_class_peek_parent(gobject_class);
+ gobject_class->finalize = Finalize;
+ AtkObjectClass* atk_object_class = ATK_OBJECT_CLASS(gobject_class);
+ atk_object_class->initialize = Initialize;
+ atk_object_class->get_name = AtkGetName;
+ atk_object_class->get_description = AtkGetDescription;
+ atk_object_class->get_parent = AtkGetParent;
+ atk_object_class->get_n_children = AtkGetNChildren;
+ atk_object_class->ref_child = AtkRefChild;
+ atk_object_class->get_role = AtkGetRole;
+ atk_object_class->ref_state_set = AtkRefStateSet;
+ atk_object_class->get_index_in_parent = AtkGetIndexInParent;
+ atk_object_class->ref_relation_set = AtkRefRelationSet;
+ atk_object_class->get_attributes = AtkGetAttributes;
+GType GetType() {
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::EnsureGTypeInit();
+ static gsize type_id = 0;
+ if (g_once_init_enter(&type_id)) {
+ static const GTypeInfo type_info = {
+ sizeof(AXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxClass), // class_size
+ nullptr, // base_init
+ nullptr, // base_finalize
+ atk_object::ClassInit,
+ nullptr, // class_finalize
+ nullptr, // class_data
+ sizeof(AXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxObject), // instance_size
+ 0, // n_preallocs
+ nullptr, // instance_init
+ nullptr // value_table
+ };
+ GType type = g_type_register_static(
+ ATK_TYPE_OBJECT, "AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux", &type_info, GTypeFlags(0));
+ g_once_init_leave(&type_id, type);
+ }
+ return type_id;
+void Detach(AXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxObject* atk_object) {
+ if (!atk_object->m_object)
+ return;
+ atk_object->m_object = nullptr;
+} // namespace atk_object
+} // namespace
+// static
+GType AtkTableCellInterface::GetType() {
+ return g_atk_table_cell_get_type();
+// static
+GPtrArray* AtkTableCellInterface::GetColumnHeaderCells(AtkTableCell* cell) {
+ return g_atk_table_cell_get_column_header_cells(cell);
+// static
+GPtrArray* AtkTableCellInterface::GetRowHeaderCells(AtkTableCell* cell) {
+ return g_atk_table_cell_get_row_header_cells(cell);
+// static
+bool AtkTableCellInterface::GetRowColumnSpan(AtkTableCell* cell,
+ gint* row,
+ gint* column,
+ gint* row_span,
+ gint* col_span) {
+ return g_atk_table_cell_get_row_column_span(cell, row, column, row_span,
+ col_span);
+// static
+bool AtkTableCellInterface::Exists() {
+ g_atk_table_cell_get_type = reinterpret_cast<GetTypeFunc>(
+ dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "atk_table_cell_get_type"));
+ g_atk_table_cell_get_column_header_cells =
+ reinterpret_cast<GetColumnHeaderCellsFunc>(
+ dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "atk_table_cell_get_column_header_cells"));
+ g_atk_table_cell_get_row_header_cells =
+ reinterpret_cast<GetRowHeaderCellsFunc>(
+ dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "atk_table_cell_get_row_header_cells"));
+ g_atk_table_cell_get_row_column_span = reinterpret_cast<GetRowColumnSpanFunc>(
+ dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "atk_table_cell_get_row_column_span"));
+ return *g_atk_table_cell_get_type;
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::EnsureGTypeInit() {
+#if !GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 36, 0)
+ static bool first_time = true;
+ if (UNLIKELY(first_time)) {
+ g_type_init();
+ first_time = false;
+ }
+// static
+ImplementedAtkInterfaces AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetGTypeInterfaceMask(
+ const AXNodeData& data) {
+ // The default implementation set includes the AtkComponent and AtkAction
+ // interfaces, which are provided by all the AtkObjects that we produce.
+ ImplementedAtkInterfaces interface_mask;
+ if (!IsImageOrVideo(data.role)) {
+ interface_mask.Add(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kText);
+ if (!data.IsAtomicTextField())
+ interface_mask.Add(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kHypertext);
+ }
+ if (data.IsRangeValueSupported())
+ interface_mask.Add(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kValue);
+ if (ui::IsPlatformDocument(data.role))
+ interface_mask.Add(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kDocument);
+ if (IsImage(data.role))
+ interface_mask.Add(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kImage);
+ // The AtkHyperlinkImpl interface allows getting a AtkHyperlink from an
+ // AtkObject. It is indeed implemented by actual web hyperlinks, but also by
+ // objects that will become embedded objects in ATK hypertext, so the name is
+ // a bit of a misnomer from the ATK API.
+ if (IsLink(data.role) || !ui::IsText(data.role))
+ interface_mask.Add(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kHyperlink);
+ if (data.role == ax::mojom::Role::kWindow)
+ interface_mask.Add(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kWindow);
+ if (IsContainerWithSelectableChildren(data.role))
+ interface_mask.Add(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kSelection);
+ if (IsTableLike(data.role))
+ interface_mask.Add(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kTable);
+ // Because the TableCell Interface is only supported in ATK version 2.12 and
+ // later, GetAccessibilityGType has a runtime check to verify we have a recent
+ // enough version. If we don't, GetAccessibilityGType will exclude
+ // AtkTableCell from the supported interfaces and none of its methods or
+ // properties will be exposed to assistive technologies.
+ if (IsCellOrTableHeader(data.role))
+ interface_mask.Add(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kTableCell);
+ return interface_mask;
+GType AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetAccessibilityGType() {
+ static const GTypeInfo type_info = {
+ sizeof(AXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxClass),
+ (GBaseInitFunc) nullptr,
+ (GBaseFinalizeFunc) nullptr,
+ (GClassInitFunc) nullptr,
+ (GClassFinalizeFunc) nullptr,
+ nullptr, /* class data */
+ sizeof(AXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxObject), /* instance size */
+ 0, /* nb preallocs */
+ (GInstanceInitFunc) nullptr,
+ nullptr /* value table */
+ };
+ const char* atk_type_name = GetUniqueAccessibilityGTypeName(interface_mask_);
+ GType type = g_type_from_name(atk_type_name);
+ if (type)
+ return type;
+ type = g_type_register_static(AX_PLATFORM_NODE_AURALINUX_TYPE, atk_type_name,
+ &type_info, GTypeFlags(0));
+ // The AtkComponent and AtkAction interfaces are always supported.
+ g_type_add_interface_static(type, ATK_TYPE_COMPONENT, &atk_component::Info);
+ g_type_add_interface_static(type, ATK_TYPE_ACTION, &atk_action::Info);
+ if (interface_mask_.Implements(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kDocument))
+ g_type_add_interface_static(type, ATK_TYPE_DOCUMENT, &atk_document::Info);
+ if (interface_mask_.Implements(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kImage))
+ g_type_add_interface_static(type, ATK_TYPE_IMAGE, &atk_image::Info);
+ if (interface_mask_.Implements(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kValue))
+ g_type_add_interface_static(type, ATK_TYPE_VALUE, &atk_value::Info);
+ if (interface_mask_.Implements(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kHyperlink)) {
+ g_type_add_interface_static(type, ATK_TYPE_HYPERLINK_IMPL,
+ &atk_hyperlink::Info);
+ }
+ if (interface_mask_.Implements(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kHypertext))
+ g_type_add_interface_static(type, ATK_TYPE_HYPERTEXT, &atk_hypertext::Info);
+ if (interface_mask_.Implements(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kText))
+ g_type_add_interface_static(type, ATK_TYPE_TEXT, &atk_text::Info);
+ if (interface_mask_.Implements(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kWindow))
+ g_type_add_interface_static(type, ATK_TYPE_WINDOW, &atk_window::Info);
+ if (interface_mask_.Implements(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kSelection))
+ g_type_add_interface_static(type, ATK_TYPE_SELECTION, &atk_selection::Info);
+ if (interface_mask_.Implements(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kTable))
+ g_type_add_interface_static(type, ATK_TYPE_TABLE, &atk_table::Info);
+ if (interface_mask_.Implements(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kTableCell)) {
+ // Run-time check to ensure AtkTableCell is supported (requires ATK 2.12).
+ if (AtkTableCellInterface::Exists()) {
+ g_type_add_interface_static(type, AtkTableCellInterface::GetType(),
+ &atk_table_cell::Info);
+ }
+ }
+ return type;
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::SetDocumentParentOnFrameIfNecessary() {
+ if (GetAtkRole() != ATK_ROLE_DOCUMENT_WEB)
+ return;
+ if (!GetDelegate()->IsWebContent())
+ return;
+ AtkObject* parent_atk_object = GetParent();
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* parent =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(parent_atk_object);
+ if (!parent)
+ return;
+ if (parent->GetDelegate()->IsWebContent())
+ return;
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* frame = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(
+ FindAtkObjectParentFrame(parent_atk_object));
+ if (!frame)
+ return;
+ frame->SetDocumentParent(parent_atk_object);
+AtkObject* AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FindPrimaryWebContentDocument() {
+ // It could get multiple web contents since additional web content is added,
+ // when the DevTools window is opened.
+ std::vector<AtkObject*> web_content_candidates;
+ for (auto child_iterator_ptr = GetDelegate()->ChildrenBegin();
+ *child_iterator_ptr != *GetDelegate()->ChildrenEnd();
+ ++(*child_iterator_ptr)) {
+ AtkObject* child = child_iterator_ptr->GetNativeViewAccessible();
+ auto* child_node = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(child);
+ if (!child_node)
+ continue;
+ if (!child_node->GetDelegate()->IsWebContent())
+ continue;
+ if (child_node->GetAtkRole() != ATK_ROLE_DOCUMENT_WEB)
+ continue;
+ web_content_candidates.push_back(child);
+ }
+ if (web_content_candidates.empty())
+ return nullptr;
+ // If it finds just one web content, return it.
+ if (web_content_candidates.size() == 1)
+ return web_content_candidates[0];
+ for (auto* object : web_content_candidates) {
+ auto* child_node = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(object);
+ // If it is a primary web contents, return it.
+ if (child_node->GetDelegate()->IsPrimaryWebContentsForWindow()) {
+ return object;
+ }
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+bool AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::IsWebDocumentForRelations() {
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return false;
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* parent = FromAtkObject(GetParent());
+ if (!parent || !GetDelegate()->IsWebContent() ||
+ return false;
+ return parent->FindPrimaryWebContentDocument() == atk_object;
+AtkObject* AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::CreateAtkObject() {
+ if (GetRole() != ax::mojom::Role::kApplication &&
+ !GetDelegate()->IsToplevelBrowserWindow() &&
+ !AXPlatform::GetInstance().GetMode().has_mode(AXMode::kNativeAPIs)) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ if (GetDelegate()->IsChildOfLeaf())
+ return nullptr;
+ EnsureGTypeInit();
+ interface_mask_ = GetGTypeInterfaceMask(GetData());
+ GType type = GetAccessibilityGType();
+ AtkObject* atk_object = static_cast<AtkObject*>(g_object_new(type, nullptr));
+ atk_object_initialize(atk_object, this);
+ SetDocumentParentOnFrameIfNecessary();
+ return ATK_OBJECT(atk_object);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::DestroyAtkObjects() {
+ if (atk_hyperlink_) {
+ ax_platform_atk_hyperlink_set_object(
+ AX_PLATFORM_ATK_HYPERLINK(atk_hyperlink_), nullptr);
+ g_object_unref(atk_hyperlink_);
+ atk_hyperlink_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ if (atk_object_) {
+ // We explicitly clear g_current_focused just in case there is another
+ // reference to atk_object_ somewhere.
+ if (atk_object_ == g_current_focused)
+ SetWeakGPtrToAtkObject(&g_current_focused, nullptr);
+ atk_object::Detach(AX_PLATFORM_NODE_AURALINUX(atk_object_));
+ g_object_unref(atk_object_);
+ atk_object_ = nullptr;
+ }
+// static
+AXPlatformNode* AXPlatformNode::Create(AXPlatformNodeDelegate* delegate) {
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* node = new AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux();
+ node->Init(delegate);
+ return node;
+// static
+AXPlatformNode* AXPlatformNode::FromNativeViewAccessible(
+ gfx::NativeViewAccessible accessible) {
+ return AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(accessible);
+// AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux implementation.
+// static
+AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(
+ const AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return nullptr;
+ if (IS_AX_PLATFORM_NODE_AURALINUX(atk_object)) {
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxObject* platform_object =
+ return platform_object->m_object;
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+// static
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::SetApplication(AXPlatformNode* application) {
+ g_root_application = application;
+// static
+AXPlatformNode* AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::application() {
+ return g_root_application;
+// static
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::StaticInitialize() {
+ AtkUtilAuraLinux::GetInstance()->InitializeAsync();
+// static
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::EnableAXMode() {
+ AXPlatformNode::NotifyAddAXModeFlags(kAXModeComplete);
+AtkRole AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetAtkRole() const {
+ switch (GetRole()) {
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kAlert:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kAlertDialog:
+ return ATK_ROLE_ALERT;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kComment:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kSuggestion:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kApplication:
+ // Only use ATK_ROLE_APPLICATION for elements with no parent, since it
+ // is only for top level app windows and not ARIA applications.
+ if (!GetParent()) {
+ } else {
+ }
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kArticle:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kAudio:
+ return ATK_ROLE_AUDIO;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kBanner:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kHeader:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kBlockquote:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kCaret:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kButton:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kCanvas:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kCaption:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kCell:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kCheckBox:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kSwitch:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kColorWell:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kColumn:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kColumnHeader:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kComboBoxGrouping:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kComboBoxMenuButton:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kComboBoxSelect:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kComplementary:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kContentDeletion:
+ return kAtkRoleContentDeletion;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kContentInsertion:
+ return kAtkRoleContentInsertion;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kContentInfo:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kFooter:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDate:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDateTime:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDefinition:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDescriptionListDetail:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDescriptionList:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDescriptionListTerm:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDetails:
+ return ATK_ROLE_PANEL;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDialog:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDirectory:
+ return ATK_ROLE_LIST;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDisclosureTriangle:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDisclosureTriangleGrouped:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocCover:
+ return ATK_ROLE_IMAGE;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocBackLink:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocBiblioRef:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocGlossRef:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocNoteRef:
+ return ATK_ROLE_LINK;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocBiblioEntry:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocEndnote:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocNotice:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocTip:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocFootnote:
+ return kAtkFootnoteRole;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocPageBreak:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocPageFooter:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocPageHeader:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocAcknowledgments:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocAfterword:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocAppendix:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocBibliography:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocChapter:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocConclusion:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocCredits:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocEndnotes:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocEpilogue:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocErrata:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocForeword:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocGlossary:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocIndex:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocIntroduction:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocPageList:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocPart:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocPreface:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocPrologue:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocToc:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocAbstract:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocColophon:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocCredit:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocDedication:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocEpigraph:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocExample:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocPullquote:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocQna:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocSubtitle:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocument:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kEmbeddedObject:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kForm:
+ // TODO(accessibility) Forms which lack an accessible name are no longer
+ // exposed as forms. Forms which have accessible
+ // names should be exposed as ATK_ROLE_LANDMARK according to Core AAM.
+ return ATK_ROLE_FORM;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kFigure:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kFeed:
+ return ATK_ROLE_PANEL;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kGenericContainer:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kFooterAsNonLandmark:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kHeaderAsNonLandmark:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kRuby:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kGraphicsDocument:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kGraphicsObject:
+ return ATK_ROLE_PANEL;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kGraphicsSymbol:
+ return ATK_ROLE_IMAGE;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kGrid:
+ return ATK_ROLE_TABLE;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kGroup:
+ return ATK_ROLE_PANEL;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kHeading:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kIframe:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kIframePresentational:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kImage:
+ return IsImageWithMap() ? ATK_ROLE_IMAGE_MAP : ATK_ROLE_IMAGE;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kInlineTextBox:
+ return kStaticRole;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kInputTime:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kLabelText:
+ return ATK_ROLE_LABEL;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kLegend:
+ return ATK_ROLE_LABEL;
+ // Layout table objects are treated the same as Role::kGenericContainer.
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kLayoutTable:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kLayoutTableCell:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kLayoutTableRow:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kLineBreak:
+ // TODO(Accessibility) Having a separate accessible object for line breaks
+ // is inconsistent with other implementations.
+ return kStaticRole;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kLink:
+ return ATK_ROLE_LINK;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kList:
+ return ATK_ROLE_LIST;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kListBox:
+ // TODO(Accessibility) Use ATK_ROLE_MENU_ITEM inside a combo box, see how
+ // code does this.
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kListBoxOption:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kListGrid:
+ return ATK_ROLE_TABLE;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kListItem:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kListMarker:
+ // Regular list markers only expose their alternative text, but do not
+ // expose their descendants; and the descendants should be ignored. This
+ // is because the alternative text depends on the counter style and can
+ // be different from the actual (visual) marker text, and hence,
+ // inconsistent with the descendants. We treat a list marker as non-text
+ // only if it still has non-ignored descendants, which happens only when:
+ // - The list marker itself is ignored but the descendants are not
+ // - Or the list marker contains images
+ if (!GetChildCount())
+ return kStaticRole;
+ return ATK_ROLE_PANEL;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kLog:
+ return ATK_ROLE_LOG;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMain:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMark:
+ return kStaticRole;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMath:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLMath:
+ return ATK_ROLE_MATH;
+ //
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLFraction:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLIdentifier:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLMultiscripts:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLNoneScript:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLNumber:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLPrescriptDelimiter:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLOperator:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLOver:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLRoot:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLRow:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLSquareRoot:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLStringLiteral:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLSub:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLSubSup:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLSup:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLTable:
+ return ATK_ROLE_TABLE;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLTableCell:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLTableRow:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLText:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLUnder:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLUnderOver:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMarquee:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMenu:
+ return ATK_ROLE_MENU;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMenuBar:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMenuItem:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMenuItemCheckBox:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMenuItemRadio:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMenuListPopup:
+ return ATK_ROLE_MENU;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMenuListOption:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMeter:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kNavigation:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kNote:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kPane:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kScrollView:
+ return ATK_ROLE_PANEL;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kParagraph:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kPdfActionableHighlight:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kPdfRoot:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kPluginObject:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kPopUpButton:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kPortal:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kProgressIndicator:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kRadioButton:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kRadioGroup:
+ return ATK_ROLE_PANEL;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kRegion:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kRootWebArea:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kRow:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kRowGroup:
+ return ATK_ROLE_PANEL;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kRowHeader:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kRubyAnnotation:
+ // Generally exposed as description on <ruby> (Role::kRuby) element, not
+ // as its own object in the tree.
+ // However, it's possible to make a kRubyAnnotation element show up in the
+ // AX tree, for example by adding tabindex="0" to the source <rp> or <rt>
+ // element or making the source element the target of an aria-owns.
+ // Therefore, browser side needs to gracefully handle it if it actually
+ // shows up in the tree.
+ return kStaticRole;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kSection:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kScrollBar:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kSearch:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kSlider:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kSpinButton:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kSplitter:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kStaticText:
+ return kStaticRole;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kStatus:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kSubscript:
+ return kSubscriptRole;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kSuperscript:
+ return kSuperscriptRole;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kSvgRoot:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kTab:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kTable:
+ return ATK_ROLE_TABLE;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kTableHeaderContainer:
+ // TODO(accessibility) This mapping is correct, but it doesn't seem to be
+ // used. We don't necessarily want to always expose these containers, but
+ // we must do so if they are focusable.
+ return ATK_ROLE_PANEL;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kTabList:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kTabPanel:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kTerm:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kTitleBar:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kTextField:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kSearchBox:
+ if (HasState(ax::mojom::State::kProtected))
+ return ATK_ROLE_ENTRY;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kTextFieldWithComboBox:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kAbbr:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kCode:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kEmphasis:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kStrong:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kTime:
+ return kStaticRole;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kTimer:
+ return ATK_ROLE_TIMER;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kToggleButton:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kToolbar:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kTooltip:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kTree:
+ return ATK_ROLE_TREE;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kTreeItem:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kTreeGrid:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kVideo:
+ return ATK_ROLE_VIDEO;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kWindow:
+ // In ATK elements with ATK_ROLE_FRAME are windows with titles and
+ // buttons, while those with ATK_ROLE_WINDOW are windows without those
+ // elements.
+ return ATK_ROLE_FRAME;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kClient:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDesktop:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kWebView:
+ return ATK_ROLE_PANEL;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kFigcaption:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kUnknown:
+ // When we are not in web content, assume that a node with an unknown
+ // role is a view (which often have the unknown role).
+ return !GetDelegate()->IsWebContent() ? ATK_ROLE_PANEL : ATK_ROLE_UNKNOWN;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kImeCandidate:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kKeyboard:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kNone:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kPreDeprecated:
+ }
+// If we were compiled with a newer version of ATK than the runtime version,
+// it's possible that the state we want to expose and/or emit an event for
+// is not present. This will generate a runtime error.
+bool PlatformSupportsState(AtkStateType atk_state_type) {
+ static absl::optional<int> max_state_type = absl::nullopt;
+ if (!max_state_type.has_value()) {
+ GEnumClass* enum_class =
+ G_ENUM_CLASS(g_type_class_ref(atk_state_type_get_type()));
+ max_state_type = enum_class->maximum;
+ g_type_class_unref(enum_class);
+ }
+ return atk_state_type < max_state_type.value();
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetAtkState(AtkStateSet* atk_state_set) {
+ bool menu_active = !GetActiveMenus().empty();
+ if (!menu_active && atk_object_ == g_active_top_level_frame)
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_ACTIVE);
+ if (menu_active &&
+ FindAtkObjectParentFrame(GetActiveMenus().back()) == atk_object_)
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_ACTIVE);
+ if (atk_object_ && atk_object_ == g_active_views_dialog)
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_ACTIVE);
+ bool is_minimized = delegate_->IsMinimized();
+ if (is_minimized && GetRole() == ax::mojom::Role::kWindow)
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_ICONIFIED);
+ if (HasState(ax::mojom::State::kCollapsed))
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_EXPANDABLE);
+ if (HasState(ax::mojom::State::kDefault))
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_DEFAULT);
+ if ((HasState(ax::mojom::State::kEditable) ||
+ HasState(ax::mojom::State::kRichlyEditable)) &&
+ GetData().GetRestriction() != ax::mojom::Restriction::kReadOnly) {
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_EDITABLE);
+ }
+ if (HasState(ax::mojom::State::kExpanded)) {
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_EXPANDABLE);
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_EXPANDED);
+ }
+ if (IsFocused())
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_FOCUSED);
+ if (IsFocusable())
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_FOCUSABLE);
+ if (HasState(ax::mojom::State::kHorizontal))
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_HORIZONTAL);
+ if (!IsInvisibleOrIgnored()) {
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_VISIBLE);
+ if (!delegate_->IsOffscreen() && !is_minimized)
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_SHOWING);
+ }
+ if (HasState(ax::mojom::State::kMultiselectable))
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_MULTISELECTABLE);
+ if (HasState(ax::mojom::State::kRequired))
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_REQUIRED);
+ if (HasState(ax::mojom::State::kVertical))
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_VERTICAL);
+ if (HasState(ax::mojom::State::kVisited))
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_VISITED);
+ if (HasIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kInvalidState) &&
+ GetIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kInvalidState) !=
+ static_cast<int32_t>(ax::mojom::InvalidState::kFalse)) {
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_INVALID_ENTRY);
+ }
+ if (HasIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kAriaCurrentState) &&
+ GetIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kAriaCurrentState) !=
+ static_cast<int32_t>(ax::mojom::AriaCurrentState::kFalse)) {
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_ACTIVE);
+ }
+#if defined(ATK_216)
+ // Runtime checks in case we were compiled with a newer version of ATK.
+ if (IsPlatformCheckable() && PlatformSupportsState(ATK_STATE_CHECKABLE))
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_CHECKABLE);
+ if (HasIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kHasPopup) &&
+ PlatformSupportsState(ATK_STATE_HAS_POPUP))
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_HAS_POPUP);
+ if (GetBoolAttribute(ax::mojom::BoolAttribute::kBusy))
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_BUSY);
+ if (GetBoolAttribute(ax::mojom::BoolAttribute::kModal))
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_MODAL);
+ if (GetData().IsSelectable())
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_SELECTABLE);
+ if (GetBoolAttribute(ax::mojom::BoolAttribute::kSelected))
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_SELECTED);
+ if (IsTextField()) {
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_SELECTABLE_TEXT);
+ if (HasState(ax::mojom::State::kMultiline))
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_MULTI_LINE);
+ else
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_SINGLE_LINE);
+ }
+ // Special case for indeterminate progressbar.
+ if (GetRole() == ax::mojom::Role::kProgressIndicator &&
+ !HasFloatAttribute(ax::mojom::FloatAttribute::kValueForRange)) {
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_INDETERMINATE);
+ }
+ if (!GetStringAttribute(ax::mojom::StringAttribute::kAutoComplete).empty() ||
+ HasState(ax::mojom::State::kAutofillAvailable)) {
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_SUPPORTS_AUTOCOMPLETION);
+ }
+ // Checked state
+ const auto checked_state = GetData().GetCheckedState();
+ if (checked_state == ax::mojom::CheckedState::kTrue ||
+ checked_state == ax::mojom::CheckedState::kMixed) {
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, GetAtkStateTypeForCheckableNode());
+ }
+ if (GetData().GetRestriction() != ax::mojom::Restriction::kDisabled) {
+ if (GetDelegate()->IsReadOnlySupported() &&
+ GetDelegate()->IsReadOnlyOrDisabled()) {
+#if defined(ATK_216)
+ // Runtime check in case we were compiled with a newer version of ATK.
+ if (PlatformSupportsState(ATK_STATE_READ_ONLY))
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_READ_ONLY);
+ } else {
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_ENABLED);
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_SENSITIVE);
+ }
+ }
+// Some relations only exist in a high enough ATK version.
+// If a relation has a version requirement, it will be documented in
+// the link below.
+struct AtkIntRelation {
+ ax::mojom::IntAttribute attribute;
+ AtkRelationType relation;
+ absl::optional<AtkRelationType> reverse_relation;
+static AtkIntRelation kIntRelations[] = {
+ {ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kMemberOfId, ATK_RELATION_MEMBER_OF,
+ absl::nullopt},
+ {ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kPopupForId, ATK_RELATION_POPUP_FOR,
+ absl::nullopt},
+struct AtkIntListRelation {
+ ax::mojom::IntListAttribute attribute;
+ AtkRelationType relation;
+ absl::optional<AtkRelationType> reverse_relation;
+static AtkIntListRelation kIntListRelations[] = {
+ {ax::mojom::IntListAttribute::kControlsIds, ATK_RELATION_CONTROLLER_FOR,
+#if defined(ATK_226)
+ {ax::mojom::IntListAttribute::kDetailsIds, ATK_RELATION_DETAILS,
+ {ax::mojom::IntListAttribute::kDescribedbyIds, ATK_RELATION_DESCRIBED_BY,
+#if defined(ATK_226)
+ {ax::mojom::IntListAttribute::kErrormessageIds, ATK_RELATION_ERROR_MESSAGE,
+ {ax::mojom::IntListAttribute::kFlowtoIds, ATK_RELATION_FLOWS_TO,
+ {ax::mojom::IntListAttribute::kLabelledbyIds, ATK_RELATION_LABELLED_BY,
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::AddRelationToSet(AtkRelationSet* relation_set,
+ AtkRelationType relation,
+ AXPlatformNode* target) {
+ DCHECK(target);
+ DCHECK(GetDelegate()->IsValidRelationTarget(target));
+ // If we were compiled with a newer version of ATK than the runtime version,
+ // it's possible that we might try to add a relation that doesn't exist in
+ // the runtime version of the AtkRelationType enum. This will cause a runtime
+ // error, so return early here if we are about to do that.
+ static absl::optional<int> max_relation_type = absl::nullopt;
+ if (!max_relation_type.has_value()) {
+ GEnumClass* enum_class =
+ G_ENUM_CLASS(g_type_class_ref(atk_relation_type_get_type()));
+ max_relation_type = enum_class->maximum;
+ g_type_class_unref(enum_class);
+ }
+ if (relation >= max_relation_type.value())
+ return;
+ atk_relation_set_add_relation_by_type(relation_set, relation,
+ target->GetNativeViewAccessible());
+AtkRelationSet* AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetAtkRelations() {
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return nullptr;
+ AtkRelationSet* relation_set = atk_relation_set_new();
+ if (IsWebDocumentForRelations()) {
+ AtkObject* parent_frame = FindAtkObjectParentFrame(atk_object);
+ if (parent_frame) {
+ atk_relation_set_add_relation_by_type(
+ relation_set, ATK_RELATION_EMBEDDED_BY, parent_frame);
+ }
+ }
+ if (auto* document_parent = FromAtkObject(document_parent_)) {
+ AtkObject* document = document_parent->FindPrimaryWebContentDocument();
+ if (document) {
+ atk_relation_set_add_relation_by_type(relation_set, ATK_RELATION_EMBEDS,
+ document);
+ }
+ }
+ // For each possible relation defined by an IntAttribute, we test that
+ // attribute and then look for reverse relations.
+ for (auto relation : kIntRelations) {
+ if (AXPlatformNode* target =
+ GetDelegate()->GetTargetNodeForRelation(relation.attribute))
+ AddRelationToSet(relation_set, relation.relation, target);
+ if (!relation.reverse_relation.has_value())
+ continue;
+ std::vector<AXPlatformNode*> target_ids =
+ GetDelegate()->GetSourceNodesForReverseRelations(relation.attribute);
+ for (AXPlatformNode* target : target_ids) {
+ AddRelationToSet(relation_set, relation.reverse_relation.value(), target);
+ }
+ }
+ // Now we do the same for each possible relation defined by an
+ // IntListAttribute. In this case we need to handle each target in the list.
+ for (const auto& relation : kIntListRelations) {
+ std::vector<AXPlatformNode*> targets =
+ GetDelegate()->GetTargetNodesForRelation(relation.attribute);
+ for (AXPlatformNode* target : targets) {
+ AddRelationToSet(relation_set, relation.relation, target);
+ }
+ if (!relation.reverse_relation.has_value())
+ continue;
+ std::vector<AXPlatformNode*> reverse_target_ids =
+ GetDelegate()->GetSourceNodesForReverseRelations(relation.attribute);
+ for (AXPlatformNode* target : reverse_target_ids) {
+ AddRelationToSet(relation_set, relation.reverse_relation.value(), target);
+ }
+ }
+ return relation_set;
+AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux() = default;
+AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::~AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux() {
+ if (g_current_selected == this)
+ g_current_selected = nullptr;
+ DestroyAtkObjects();
+ if (window_activate_event_postponed_)
+ AtkUtilAuraLinux::GetInstance()->CancelPostponedEventsFor(this);
+ SetWeakGPtrToAtkObject(&document_parent_, nullptr);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::Destroy() {
+ DestroyAtkObjects();
+ AXPlatformNodeBase::Destroy();
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::Init(AXPlatformNodeDelegate* delegate) {
+ // Initialize ATK.
+ AXPlatformNodeBase::Init(delegate);
+ // Only create the AtkObject if we know enough information.
+ if (GetRole() != ax::mojom::Role::kUnknown)
+ GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+bool AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::IsPlatformCheckable() const {
+ if (GetRole() == ax::mojom::Role::kToggleButton)
+ return false;
+ return AXPlatformNodeBase::IsPlatformCheckable();
+absl::optional<size_t> AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetIndexInParent() {
+ AXPlatformNode* parent =
+ AXPlatformNode::FromNativeViewAccessible(GetParent());
+ // Even though the node doesn't have its parent, GetParent() could return the
+ // application. Since the detached view has the kUnknown role and the
+ // restriction is kDisabled, it early returns before finding the index.
+ if (parent == AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::application() &&
+ GetRole() == ax::mojom::Role::kUnknown &&
+ GetData().GetRestriction() == ax::mojom::Restriction::kDisabled) {
+ return absl::nullopt;
+ }
+ return AXPlatformNodeBase::GetIndexInParent();
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::EnsureAtkObjectIsValid() {
+ if (atk_object_) {
+ // If the object's role changes and that causes its
+ // interface mask to change, we need to create a new
+ // AtkObject for it.
+ ImplementedAtkInterfaces interface_mask = GetGTypeInterfaceMask(GetData());
+ if (interface_mask != interface_mask_)
+ DestroyAtkObjects();
+ }
+ if (!atk_object_) {
+ GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ }
+gfx::NativeViewAccessible AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetNativeViewAccessible() {
+ return GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+gfx::NativeViewAccessible AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetOrCreateAtkObject() {
+ if (!atk_object_) {
+ atk_object_ = CreateAtkObject();
+ }
+ return atk_object_;
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnCheckedStateChanged() {
+ AtkObject* obj = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!obj)
+ return;
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(
+ ATK_OBJECT(obj), GetAtkStateTypeForCheckableNode(),
+ GetData().GetCheckedState() != ax::mojom::CheckedState::kFalse);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnEnabledChanged() {
+ AtkObject* obj = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!obj)
+ return;
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(
+ GetData().GetRestriction() != ax::mojom::Restriction::kDisabled);
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(
+ GetData().GetRestriction() != ax::mojom::Restriction::kDisabled);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnBusyStateChanged(bool is_busy) {
+ AtkObject* obj = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!obj)
+ return;
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(obj, ATK_STATE_BUSY, is_busy);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnExpandedStateChanged(bool is_expanded) {
+ // When a list box is expanded, it becomes visible. This means that it might
+ // now have a different role (the role for hidden Views is kUnknown). We
+ // need to recreate the AtkObject in this case because a change in roles
+ // might imply a change in ATK interfaces implemented.
+ EnsureAtkObjectIsValid();
+ DCHECK(HasState(ax::mojom::State::kCollapsed) ||
+ HasState(ax::mojom::State::kExpanded));
+ AtkObject* obj = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!obj)
+ return;
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(obj, ATK_STATE_EXPANDED, is_expanded);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnShowingStateChanged(bool is_showing) {
+ AtkObject* obj = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!obj)
+ return;
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(obj, ATK_STATE_SHOWING, is_showing);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnMenuPopupStart() {
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ AtkObject* parent_frame = FindAtkObjectParentFrame(atk_object);
+ if (!parent_frame)
+ return;
+ // Exit early if kMenuPopupStart is sent multiple times for the same menu.
+ std::vector<AtkObject*>& active_menus = GetActiveMenus();
+ bool menu_already_open = !active_menus.empty();
+ if (menu_already_open && active_menus.back() == atk_object)
+ return;
+ // We also want to inform the AT that menu the is now showing. Normally this
+ // event is not fired because the menu will be created with the
+ // ATK_STATE_SHOWING already set to TRUE.
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(atk_object, ATK_STATE_SHOWING, TRUE);
+ // We need to compute this before modifying the active menu stack.
+ AtkObject* previous_active_frame = ComputeActiveTopLevelFrame();
+ active_menus.push_back(atk_object);
+ // We exit early if the newly activated menu has the same AtkWindow as the
+ // previous one.
+ if (previous_active_frame == parent_frame)
+ return;
+ if (previous_active_frame) {
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(previous_active_frame, "deactivate");
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(previous_active_frame, ATK_STATE_ACTIVE,
+ }
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(parent_frame, "activate");
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(parent_frame, ATK_STATE_ACTIVE, TRUE);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnMenuPopupEnd() {
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ AtkObject* parent_frame = FindAtkObjectParentFrame(atk_object);
+ if (!parent_frame)
+ return;
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(atk_object, ATK_STATE_SHOWING, FALSE);
+ // kMenuPopupHide may be called multiple times for the same menu, so only
+ // remove it if our parent frame matches the most recently opened menu.
+ std::vector<AtkObject*>& active_menus = GetActiveMenus();
+ DCHECK(!active_menus.empty())
+ << "Asymmetrical menupopupend events -- too many";
+ active_menus.pop_back();
+ AtkObject* new_active_item = ComputeActiveTopLevelFrame();
+ if (new_active_item != parent_frame) {
+ // Newly activated menu has the different AtkWindow as the previous one.
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(parent_frame, "deactivate");
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(parent_frame, ATK_STATE_ACTIVE, FALSE);
+ if (new_active_item) {
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(new_active_item, "activate");
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(new_active_item, ATK_STATE_ACTIVE, TRUE);
+ }
+ }
+ // All menus are closed.
+ if (active_menus.empty())
+ OnAllMenusEnded();
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::ResendFocusSignalsForCurrentlyFocusedNode() {
+ auto* frame = FromAtkObject(g_active_top_level_frame);
+ if (!frame)
+ return;
+ AtkObject* focused_node = frame->GetDelegate()->GetFocus();
+ if (!focused_node)
+ return;
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(focused_node, "focus-event", true);
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(focused_node, ATK_STATE_FOCUSED, true);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::SetAsCurrentlyFocusedNode() {
+ AtkObject* obj = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!obj)
+ return;
+ SetWeakGPtrToAtkObject(&g_current_focused, obj);
+// All menus have closed.
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnAllMenusEnded() {
+ if (!GetActiveMenus().empty() && g_active_top_level_frame &&
+ ComputeActiveTopLevelFrame() != g_active_top_level_frame) {
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(g_active_top_level_frame, "activate");
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(g_active_top_level_frame, ATK_STATE_ACTIVE,
+ TRUE);
+ }
+ GetActiveMenus().clear();
+ ResendFocusSignalsForCurrentlyFocusedNode();
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnWindowActivated() {
+ AtkObject* parent_frame = FindAtkObjectParentFrame(GetOrCreateAtkObject());
+ if (!parent_frame || parent_frame == g_active_top_level_frame)
+ return;
+ SetActiveTopLevelFrame(parent_frame);
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(parent_frame, "activate");
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(parent_frame, ATK_STATE_ACTIVE, TRUE);
+ // We also send a focus event for the currently focused element, so that
+ // the user knows where the focus is when the toplevel window regains focus.
+ if (g_current_focused &&
+ IsFrameAncestorOfAtkObject(parent_frame, g_current_focused)) {
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(g_current_focused, "focus-event", true);
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(ATK_OBJECT(g_current_focused),
+ }
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnWindowDeactivated() {
+ AtkObject* parent_frame = FindAtkObjectParentFrame(GetOrCreateAtkObject());
+ if (!parent_frame || parent_frame != g_active_top_level_frame)
+ return;
+ SetActiveTopLevelFrame(nullptr);
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(parent_frame, "deactivate");
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(parent_frame, ATK_STATE_ACTIVE, FALSE);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnWindowVisibilityChanged() {
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return;
+ if (GetAtkRole() != ATK_ROLE_FRAME)
+ return;
+ bool minimized = delegate_->IsMinimized();
+ if (minimized == was_minimized_)
+ return;
+ was_minimized_ = minimized;
+ if (minimized)
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(atk_object, "minimize");
+ else
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(atk_object, "restore");
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(atk_object, ATK_STATE_ICONIFIED, minimized);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnScrolledToAnchor() {
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return;
+ // The text-caret-moved event is used to signal a scroll to anchor event.
+ if (ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_object)) {
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(atk_object, "text-caret-moved", 0);
+ }
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::SetActiveViewsDialog() {
+ AtkObject* old_views_dialog = g_active_views_dialog;
+ AtkObject* new_views_dialog = nullptr;
+ AtkObject* parent = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!parent)
+ return;
+ if (!GetDelegate()->IsWebContent()) {
+ while (parent) {
+ if (atk_object::GetRole(parent) == ATK_ROLE_DIALOG) {
+ new_views_dialog = parent;
+ break;
+ }
+ parent = atk_object::GetParent(parent);
+ }
+ }
+ if (old_views_dialog == new_views_dialog)
+ return;
+ SetWeakGPtrToAtkObject(&g_active_views_dialog, new_views_dialog);
+ if (old_views_dialog)
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(old_views_dialog, ATK_STATE_ACTIVE, FALSE);
+ if (new_views_dialog)
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(new_views_dialog, ATK_STATE_ACTIVE, TRUE);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnFocused() {
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return;
+ if (atk_object::GetRole(atk_object) == ATK_ROLE_FRAME) {
+ OnWindowActivated();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (atk_object == g_current_focused)
+ return;
+ SetActiveViewsDialog();
+ if (g_current_focused) {
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(g_current_focused, "focus-event", false);
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(ATK_OBJECT(g_current_focused),
+ }
+ SetWeakGPtrToAtkObject(&g_current_focused, atk_object);
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(g_current_focused, "focus-event", true);
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(ATK_OBJECT(g_current_focused),
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnSelected() {
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return;
+ if (g_current_selected && !g_current_selected->GetBoolAttribute(
+ ax::mojom::BoolAttribute::kSelected)) {
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(
+ ATK_OBJECT(g_current_selected->GetOrCreateAtkObject()),
+ }
+ g_current_selected = this;
+ if (ATK_IS_OBJECT(atk_object)) {
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(ATK_OBJECT(atk_object), ATK_STATE_SELECTED,
+ true);
+ }
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnSelectedChildrenChanged() {
+ AtkObject* obj = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!obj)
+ return;
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(obj, "selection-changed", true);
+bool AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::EmitsAtkTextEvents() const {
+ // Objects which do not implement AtkText cannot emit AtkText events.
+ if (!atk_object_ || !ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_object_))
+ return false;
+ // Objects which do implement AtkText, but are ignored or invisible should not
+ // emit AtkText events.
+ if (IsInvisibleOrIgnored())
+ return false;
+ // If this node is not a static text node, it supports the full AtkText
+ // interface.
+ if (GetAtkRole() != kStaticRole)
+ return true;
+ // If this node has children it is not a static text leaf node and supports
+ // the full AtkText interface.
+ if (GetChildCount())
+ return true;
+ return false;
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetFullSelection(int32_t* anchor_node_id,
+ int* anchor_offset,
+ int32_t* focus_node_id,
+ int* focus_offset) {
+ DCHECK(anchor_node_id);
+ DCHECK(anchor_offset);
+ DCHECK(focus_node_id);
+ DCHECK(focus_offset);
+ if (IsAtomicTextField() &&
+ GetIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kTextSelStart, anchor_offset) &&
+ GetIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kTextSelEnd, focus_offset)) {
+ int32_t node_id = GetData().id != -1 ? GetData().id : GetUniqueId();
+ *anchor_node_id = *focus_node_id = node_id;
+ return;
+ }
+ AXSelection selection = GetDelegate()->GetUnignoredSelection();
+ *anchor_node_id = selection.anchor_object_id;
+ *anchor_offset = selection.anchor_offset;
+ *focus_node_id = selection.focus_object_id;
+ *focus_offset = selection.focus_offset;
+AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux& AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FindEditableRootOrDocument() {
+ if (GetAtkRole() == ATK_ROLE_DOCUMENT_WEB)
+ return *this;
+ if (GetBoolAttribute(ax::mojom::BoolAttribute::kNonAtomicTextFieldRoot) &&
+ HasState(ax::mojom::State::kEditable))
+ return *this;
+ if (auto* parent = FromAtkObject(GetParent()))
+ return parent->FindEditableRootOrDocument();
+ return *this;
+AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FindCommonAncestor(
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* other) {
+ if (this == other || other->IsDescendantOf(this))
+ return this;
+ if (auto* parent = FromAtkObject(GetParent()))
+ return parent->FindCommonAncestor(other);
+ return nullptr;
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::UpdateSelectionInformation(int32_t anchor_node_id,
+ int anchor_offset,
+ int32_t focus_node_id,
+ int focus_offset) {
+ had_nonzero_width_selection =
+ focus_node_id != anchor_node_id || focus_offset != anchor_offset;
+ current_caret_ = std::make_pair(focus_node_id, focus_offset);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::EmitSelectionChangedSignal(bool had_selection) {
+ if (!EmitsAtkTextEvents()) {
+ if (auto* parent = FromAtkObject(GetParent()))
+ parent->EmitSelectionChangedSignal(had_selection);
+ return;
+ }
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return;
+ DCHECK(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_object));
+ // ATK does not consider a collapsed selection a selection, so
+ // when the collapsed selection changes (caret movement), we should
+ // avoid sending text-selection-changed events.
+ if (HasSelection() || had_selection)
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(atk_object, "text-selection-changed");
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::EmitCaretChangedSignal() {
+ if (!EmitsAtkTextEvents()) {
+ if (auto* parent = FromAtkObject(GetParent()))
+ parent->EmitCaretChangedSignal();
+ return;
+ }
+ std::pair<int, int> selection = GetSelectionOffsetsForAtk();
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return;
+ DCHECK(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_object));
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(atk_object, "text-caret-moved",
+ UTF16ToUnicodeOffsetInText(selection.second));
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnTextAttributesChanged() {
+ if (!EmitsAtkTextEvents()) {
+ if (auto* parent = FromAtkObject(GetParent()))
+ parent->OnTextAttributesChanged();
+ return;
+ }
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return;
+ DCHECK(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_object));
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(atk_object, "text-attributes-changed");
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnTextSelectionChanged() {
+ int32_t anchor_node_id, focus_node_id;
+ int anchor_offset, focus_offset;
+ GetFullSelection(&anchor_node_id, &anchor_offset, &focus_node_id,
+ &focus_offset);
+ auto* anchor_node = static_cast<AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux*>(
+ GetDelegate()->GetFromNodeID(anchor_node_id));
+ auto* focus_node = static_cast<AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux*>(
+ GetDelegate()->GetFromNodeID(focus_node_id));
+ if (!anchor_node || !focus_node)
+ return;
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux& editable_root = FindEditableRootOrDocument();
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* common_ancestor =
+ focus_node->FindCommonAncestor(anchor_node);
+ if (common_ancestor) {
+ common_ancestor->EmitSelectionChangedSignal(
+ editable_root.HadNonZeroWidthSelection());
+ }
+ // It's possible for the selection to change and for the caret to stay in
+ // place. This might happen if the selection is totally reset with a
+ // different anchor node, but the same focus node. We should avoid sending a
+ // caret changed signal in that case.
+ std::pair<int32_t, int> prev_caret = editable_root.GetCurrentCaret();
+ if (prev_caret.first != focus_node_id || prev_caret.second != focus_offset)
+ focus_node->EmitCaretChangedSignal();
+ editable_root.UpdateSelectionInformation(anchor_node_id, anchor_offset,
+ focus_node_id, focus_offset);
+bool AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::SupportsSelectionWithAtkSelection() {
+ return SupportsToggle(GetRole()) ||
+ GetRole() == ax::mojom::Role::kListBoxOption;
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnDescriptionChanged() {
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return;
+ std::string description;
+ GetStringAttribute(ax::mojom::StringAttribute::kDescription, &description);
+ AtkPropertyValues property_values;
+ property_values.property_name = "accessible-description";
+ property_values.new_value = G_VALUE_INIT;
+ g_value_init(&property_values.new_value, G_TYPE_STRING);
+ g_value_set_string(&property_values.new_value, description.c_str());
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(G_OBJECT(atk_object),
+ "property-change::accessible-description",
+ &property_values, nullptr);
+ g_value_unset(&property_values.new_value);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnSortDirectionChanged() {
+ AXPlatformNodeBase* table = GetTable();
+ if (!table)
+ return;
+ AtkObject* atk_table = table->GetNativeViewAccessible();
+ DCHECK(ATK_IS_TABLE(atk_table));
+ if (GetRole() == ax::mojom::Role::kColumnHeader)
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(atk_table, "row-reordered");
+ else if (GetRole() == ax::mojom::Role::kRowHeader)
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(atk_table, "column-reordered");
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnValueChanged() {
+ // For the AtkText interface to work on non-web content nodes, we need to
+ // update the nodes' hypertext and trigger text change signals when the value
+ // changes. Otherwise, for web and PDF content, this is handled by
+ // "BrowserAccessibilityAuraLinux".
+ if (!GetDelegate()->IsWebContent())
+ UpdateHypertext();
+ if (!GetData().IsRangeValueSupported())
+ return;
+ float float_val;
+ if (!GetFloatAttribute(ax::mojom::FloatAttribute::kValueForRange, &float_val))
+ return;
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return;
+ AtkPropertyValues property_values;
+ property_values.property_name = "accessible-value";
+ property_values.new_value = G_VALUE_INIT;
+ g_value_init(&property_values.new_value, G_TYPE_DOUBLE);
+ g_value_set_double(&property_values.new_value,
+ static_cast<double>(float_val));
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(G_OBJECT(atk_object),
+ "property-change::accessible-value", &property_values,
+ nullptr);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnNameChanged() {
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object) {
+ return;
+ }
+ std::string previous_accessible_name = accessible_name_;
+ // Calling atk_object_get_name will update the value of accessible_name_.
+ if (!g_strcmp0(atk_object::GetName(atk_object),
+ previous_accessible_name.c_str()))
+ return;
+ g_object_notify(G_OBJECT(atk_object), "accessible-name");
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnDocumentTitleChanged() {
+ if (!g_active_top_level_frame)
+ return;
+ // We always want to notify on the top frame.
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* window = FromAtkObject(g_active_top_level_frame);
+ if (window)
+ window->OnNameChanged();
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnSubtreeCreated() {
+ // We might not have a parent, in that case we don't need to send the event.
+ // We also don't want to notify if this is an ignored node
+ if (!GetParent() || GetData().IsIgnored())
+ return;
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return;
+ auto index_in_parent = GetIndexInParent();
+ gint index_gint = index_in_parent.has_value()
+ ? static_cast<gint>(index_in_parent.value())
+ : -1;
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(GetParent(), "children-changed::add", index_gint,
+ atk_object);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnSubtreeWillBeDeleted() {
+ // There is a chance there won't be a parent as we're in the deletion process.
+ // We also don't want to notify if this is an ignored node
+ if (!GetParent() || GetData().IsIgnored())
+ return;
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return;
+ auto index_in_parent = GetIndexInParent();
+ gint index_gint = index_in_parent.has_value()
+ ? static_cast<gint>(index_in_parent.value())
+ : -1;
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(GetParent(), "children-changed::remove", index_gint,
+ atk_object);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnParentChanged() {
+ if (!atk_object_)
+ return;
+ AtkPropertyValues property_values;
+ property_values.property_name = "accessible-parent";
+ property_values.new_value = G_VALUE_INIT;
+ g_value_init(&property_values.new_value, G_TYPE_OBJECT);
+ g_value_set_object(&property_values.new_value, GetParent());
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(G_OBJECT(atk_object_),
+ "property-change::accessible-parent", &property_values,
+ nullptr);
+ g_value_unset(&property_values.new_value);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnReadonlyChanged() {
+ AtkObject* obj = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!obj)
+ return;
+#if defined(ATK_216)
+ // Runtime check in case we were compiled with a newer version of ATK.
+ if (!PlatformSupportsState(ATK_STATE_READ_ONLY))
+ return;
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(
+ GetData().GetRestriction() == ax::mojom::Restriction::kReadOnly);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnInvalidStatusChanged() {
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return;
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(
+ GetData().GetInvalidState() != ax::mojom::InvalidState::kFalse);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnAriaCurrentChanged() {
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return;
+ ax::mojom::AriaCurrentState aria_current =
+ static_cast<ax::mojom::AriaCurrentState>(
+ GetIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kAriaCurrentState));
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(
+ aria_current != ax::mojom::AriaCurrentState::kNone &&
+ aria_current != ax::mojom::AriaCurrentState::kFalse);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnAlertShown() {
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(ATK_OBJECT(GetOrCreateAtkObject()),
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::RunPostponedEvents() {
+ if (window_activate_event_postponed_) {
+ OnWindowActivated();
+ window_activate_event_postponed_ = false;
+ }
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::NotifyAccessibilityEvent(
+ ax::mojom::Event event_type) {
+ if (!GetOrCreateAtkObject())
+ return;
+ AXPlatformNodeBase::NotifyAccessibilityEvent(event_type);
+ switch (event_type) {
+ // kMenuStart/kMenuEnd: the menu system has started / stopped.
+ // kMenuPopupStart/kMenuPopupEnd: an individual menu/submenu has
+ // opened/closed.
+ case ax::mojom::Event::kMenuPopupStart:
+ OnMenuPopupStart();
+ break;
+ case ax::mojom::Event::kMenuPopupEnd:
+ OnMenuPopupEnd();
+ break;
+ case ax::mojom::Event::kCheckedStateChanged:
+ OnCheckedStateChanged();
+ break;
+ case ax::mojom::Event::kExpandedChanged:
+ OnExpandedStateChanged(HasState(ax::mojom::State::kExpanded));
+ break;
+ case ax::mojom::Event::kFocus:
+ case ax::mojom::Event::kFocusContext:
+ OnFocused();
+ break;
+ case ax::mojom::Event::kFocusAfterMenuClose:
+ // The saved focused object is not always getting cleared when a popup
+ // becomes active. As a result, when the popup is dismissed, OnFocused()
+ // will return early thinking focus has not changed. Rather than trying
+ // to catch every case, take kFocusAfterMenuClose as a clear indication
+ // that a focus change should be presented and reset the saved focus.
+ g_current_focused = nullptr;
+ OnFocused();
+ break;
+ case ax::mojom::Event::kSelection:
+ OnSelected();
+ // When changing tabs also fire a name changed event.
+ if (GetRole() == ax::mojom::Role::kTab)
+ OnDocumentTitleChanged();
+ break;
+ case ax::mojom::Event::kSelectedChildrenChanged:
+ OnSelectedChildrenChanged();
+ break;
+ case ax::mojom::Event::kStateChanged:
+ // We need to know what state changed and fire an event for that specific
+ // state. Because we don't know what state changed, we deliberately do
+ // nothing here.
+ break;
+ case ax::mojom::Event::kTextChanged:
+ OnNameChanged();
+ break;
+ case ax::mojom::Event::kTextSelectionChanged:
+ OnTextSelectionChanged();
+ break;
+ case ax::mojom::Event::kValueChanged:
+ OnValueChanged();
+ break;
+ case ax::mojom::Event::kWindowActivated:
+ if (AtkUtilAuraLinux::GetInstance()->IsAtSpiReady()) {
+ OnWindowActivated();
+ } else {
+ AtkUtilAuraLinux::GetInstance()->PostponeEventsFor(this);
+ window_activate_event_postponed_ = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case ax::mojom::Event::kWindowDeactivated:
+ if (AtkUtilAuraLinux::GetInstance()->IsAtSpiReady()) {
+ OnWindowDeactivated();
+ } else {
+ AtkUtilAuraLinux::GetInstance()->CancelPostponedEventsFor(this);
+ window_activate_event_postponed_ = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case ax::mojom::Event::kWindowVisibilityChanged:
+ OnWindowVisibilityChanged();
+ break;
+ case ax::mojom::Event::kLoadComplete:
+ case ax::mojom::Event::kDocumentTitleChanged:
+ // Sometimes, e.g. upon navigating away from the page, the tree is
+ // rebuilt rather than modified. The kDocumentTitleChanged event occurs
+ // prior to the rebuild and so is added on the previous root node. When
+ // the tree is rebuilt and the old node removed, the events on the old
+ // node are removed and no new kDocumentTitleChanged will be emitted. To
+ // ensure we still fire the event, though, we also pay attention to
+ // kLoadComplete.
+ OnDocumentTitleChanged();
+ break;
+ case ax::mojom::Event::kAlert:
+ OnAlertShown();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+absl::optional<std::pair<int, int>>
+AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetEmbeddedObjectIndicesForId(int id) {
+ auto iterator = base::ranges::find(hypertext_.hyperlinks, id);
+ if (iterator == hypertext_.hyperlinks.end())
+ return absl::nullopt;
+ int hyperlink_index = std::distance(hypertext_.hyperlinks.begin(), iterator);
+ auto offset =
+ base::ranges::find(hypertext_.hyperlink_offset_to_index, hyperlink_index,
+ &AXLegacyHypertext::OffsetToIndex::value_type::second);
+ if (offset == hypertext_.hyperlink_offset_to_index.end())
+ return absl::nullopt;
+ return std::make_pair(UTF16ToUnicodeOffsetInText(offset->first),
+ UTF16ToUnicodeOffsetInText(offset->first + 1));
+absl::optional<std::pair<int, int>>
+AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetEmbeddedObjectIndices() {
+ auto* parent = FromAtkObject(GetParent());
+ if (!parent)
+ return absl::nullopt;
+ return parent->GetEmbeddedObjectIndicesForId(GetUniqueId());
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::UpdateHypertext() {
+ EnsureAtkObjectIsValid();
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return;
+ AXLegacyHypertext old_hypertext = hypertext_;
+ base::OffsetAdjuster::Adjustments old_adjustments = GetHypertextAdjustments();
+ UpdateComputedHypertext();
+ text_unicode_adjustments_ = absl::nullopt;
+ offset_to_text_attributes_.clear();
+ if ((!HasState(ax::mojom::State::kEditable) ||
+ GetData().GetRestriction() == ax::mojom::Restriction::kReadOnly) &&
+ !IsInLiveRegion()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!EmitsAtkTextEvents())
+ return;
+ size_t shared_prefix, old_len, new_len;
+ ComputeHypertextRemovedAndInserted(old_hypertext, &shared_prefix, &old_len,
+ &new_len);
+ if (old_len > 0) {
+ std::u16string removed_substring =
+ old_hypertext.hypertext.substr(shared_prefix, old_len);
+ size_t shared_unicode_prefix = shared_prefix;
+ base::OffsetAdjuster::AdjustOffset(old_adjustments, &shared_unicode_prefix);
+ size_t shared_unicode_suffix = shared_prefix + old_len;
+ base::OffsetAdjuster::AdjustOffset(old_adjustments, &shared_unicode_suffix);
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(
+ atk_object, "text-remove",
+ shared_unicode_prefix, // position of removal
+ shared_unicode_suffix - shared_prefix, // length of removal
+ base::UTF16ToUTF8(removed_substring).c_str());
+ }
+ if (new_len > 0) {
+ std::u16string inserted_substring =
+ hypertext_.hypertext.substr(shared_prefix, new_len);
+ size_t shared_unicode_prefix = UTF16ToUnicodeOffsetInText(shared_prefix);
+ size_t shared_unicode_suffix =
+ UTF16ToUnicodeOffsetInText(shared_prefix + new_len);
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(
+ atk_object, "text-insert",
+ shared_unicode_prefix, // position of insertion
+ shared_unicode_suffix - shared_unicode_prefix, // length of insertion
+ base::UTF16ToUTF8(inserted_substring).c_str());
+ }
+const AXLegacyHypertext& AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetAXHypertext() {
+ return hypertext_;
+const base::OffsetAdjuster::Adjustments&
+AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetHypertextAdjustments() {
+ if (text_unicode_adjustments_.has_value())
+ return *text_unicode_adjustments_;
+ text_unicode_adjustments_.emplace();
+ std::u16string text = GetHypertext();
+ size_t text_length = text.size();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < text_length; i++) {
+ base_icu::UChar32 code_point;
+ size_t original_i = i;
+ base::ReadUnicodeCharacter(text.c_str(), text_length + 1, &i, &code_point);
+ if ((i - original_i + 1) != 1) {
+ text_unicode_adjustments_->push_back(
+ base::OffsetAdjuster::Adjustment(original_i, i - original_i + 1, 1));
+ }
+ }
+ return *text_unicode_adjustments_;
+size_t AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::UTF16ToUnicodeOffsetInText(
+ size_t utf16_offset) {
+ size_t unicode_offset = utf16_offset;
+ base::OffsetAdjuster::AdjustOffset(GetHypertextAdjustments(),
+ &unicode_offset);
+ return unicode_offset;
+size_t AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::UnicodeToUTF16OffsetInText(int unicode_offset) {
+ if (unicode_offset == kStringLengthOffset)
+ return GetHypertext().size();
+ size_t utf16_offset = unicode_offset;
+ base::OffsetAdjuster::UnadjustOffset(GetHypertextAdjustments(),
+ &utf16_offset);
+ return utf16_offset;
+int AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetTextOffsetAtPoint(int x,
+ int y,
+ AtkCoordType atk_coord_type) {
+ if (!GetExtentsRelativeToAtkCoordinateType(atk_coord_type).Contains(x, y))
+ return -1;
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return -1;
+ int count = atk_text::GetCharacterCount(ATK_TEXT(atk_object));
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ int out_x, out_y, out_width, out_height;
+ atk_text::GetCharacterExtents(ATK_TEXT(atk_object), i, &out_x, &out_y,
+ &out_width, &out_height, atk_coord_type);
+ gfx::Rect rect(out_x, out_y, out_width, out_height);
+ if (rect.Contains(x, y))
+ return i;
+ }
+ return -1;
+gfx::Vector2d AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetParentOriginInScreenCoordinates()
+ const {
+ AtkObject* parent = GetParent();
+ if (!parent)
+ return gfx::Vector2d();
+ const AXPlatformNode* parent_node =
+ AXPlatformNode::FromNativeViewAccessible(parent);
+ if (!parent)
+ return gfx::Vector2d();
+ return parent_node->GetDelegate()
+ ->GetBoundsRect(AXCoordinateSystem::kScreenDIPs,
+ AXClippingBehavior::kUnclipped)
+ .OffsetFromOrigin();
+gfx::Vector2d AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetParentFrameOriginInScreenCoordinates()
+ const {
+ AtkObject* frame = FindAtkObjectParentFrame(atk_object_);
+ if (!frame)
+ return gfx::Vector2d();
+ const AXPlatformNode* frame_node =
+ AXPlatformNode::FromNativeViewAccessible(frame);
+ if (!frame_node)
+ return gfx::Vector2d();
+ return frame_node->GetDelegate()
+ ->GetBoundsRect(AXCoordinateSystem::kScreenDIPs,
+ AXClippingBehavior::kUnclipped)
+ .OffsetFromOrigin();
+gfx::Rect AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetExtentsRelativeToAtkCoordinateType(
+ AtkCoordType coord_type) const {
+ gfx::Rect extents = delegate_->GetBoundsRect(AXCoordinateSystem::kScreenDIPs,
+ AXClippingBehavior::kUnclipped);
+ switch (coord_type) {
+ break;
+ case ATK_XY_WINDOW: {
+ gfx::Vector2d window_origin = -GetParentFrameOriginInScreenCoordinates();
+ extents.Offset(window_origin);
+ break;
+ }
+#if defined(ATK_230)
+ case ATK_XY_PARENT: {
+ gfx::Vector2d parent_origin = -GetParentOriginInScreenCoordinates();
+ extents.Offset(parent_origin);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return extents;
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetExtents(gint* x,
+ gint* y,
+ gint* width,
+ gint* height,
+ AtkCoordType coord_type) {
+ gfx::Rect extents = GetExtentsRelativeToAtkCoordinateType(coord_type);
+ if (x)
+ *x = extents.x();
+ if (y)
+ *y = extents.y();
+ if (width)
+ *width = extents.width();
+ if (height)
+ *height = extents.height();
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetPosition(gint* x,
+ gint* y,
+ AtkCoordType coord_type) {
+ gfx::Rect extents = GetExtentsRelativeToAtkCoordinateType(coord_type);
+ if (x)
+ *x = extents.x();
+ if (y)
+ *y = extents.y();
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetSize(gint* width, gint* height) {
+ gfx::Rect rect_size = gfx::ToEnclosingRect(GetData().relative_bounds.bounds);
+ if (width)
+ *width = rect_size.width();
+ if (height)
+ *height = rect_size.height();
+AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::HitTestSync(gint x, gint y, AtkCoordType coord_type) {
+ gfx::Point scroll_to(x, y);
+ scroll_to = ConvertPointToScreenCoordinates(scroll_to, coord_type);
+ AXPlatformNode* current_result = this;
+ while (true) {
+ gfx::NativeViewAccessible hit_child =
+ current_result->GetDelegate()->HitTestSync(scroll_to.x(),
+ scroll_to.y());
+ if (!hit_child)
+ return nullptr;
+ AXPlatformNode* hit_child_node =
+ AXPlatformNode::FromNativeViewAccessible(hit_child);
+ if (!hit_child_node || !hit_child_node->IsDescendantOf(current_result))
+ break;
+ // If we get the same node, we're done.
+ if (hit_child_node == current_result)
+ break;
+ // Continue to check recursively. That's because HitTestSync may have
+ // returned the best result within a particular accessibility tree,
+ // but we might need to recurse further in a tree of a different type
+ // (for example, from Views to Web).
+ current_result = hit_child_node;
+ }
+ return current_result->GetNativeViewAccessible();
+bool AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GrabFocus() {
+ AXActionData action_data;
+ action_data.action = ax::mojom::Action::kFocus;
+ return delegate_->AccessibilityPerformAction(action_data);
+bool AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FocusFirstFocusableAncestorInWebContent() {
+ if (!GetDelegate()->IsWebContent())
+ return false;
+ // Don't cross document boundaries in order to avoid having this operation
+ // cross iframe boundaries or escape to non-document UI elements.
+ if (GetAtkRole() == ATK_ROLE_DOCUMENT_WEB)
+ return false;
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return false;
+ if (IsFocusable()) {
+ if (g_current_focused != atk_object)
+ GrabFocus();
+ return true;
+ }
+ auto* parent = FromAtkObject(GetParent());
+ if (!parent)
+ return false;
+ // If any of the siblings of this element are focusable, focusing the parent
+ // would be like moving the focus position backward, so we should fall back
+ // to setting the sequential focus navigation starting point.
+ for (auto child_iterator_ptr = parent->GetDelegate()->ChildrenBegin();
+ *child_iterator_ptr != *parent->GetDelegate()->ChildrenEnd();
+ ++(*child_iterator_ptr)) {
+ auto* child = FromAtkObject(child_iterator_ptr->GetNativeViewAccessible());
+ if (!child || child == this)
+ continue;
+ if (child->IsFocusable())
+ return false;
+ }
+ return parent->FocusFirstFocusableAncestorInWebContent();
+bool AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::SetSequentialFocusNavigationStartingPoint() {
+ AXActionData action_data;
+ action_data.action =
+ ax::mojom::Action::kSetSequentialFocusNavigationStartingPoint;
+ return delegate_->AccessibilityPerformAction(action_data);
+bool AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::
+ GrabFocusOrSetSequentialFocusNavigationStartingPoint() {
+ // First we try to grab focus on this node if any ancestor in the same
+ // document is focusable. Otherwise we set the sequential navigation starting
+ // point.
+ if (!FocusFirstFocusableAncestorInWebContent())
+ return SetSequentialFocusNavigationStartingPoint();
+ else
+ return true;
+bool AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::
+ GrabFocusOrSetSequentialFocusNavigationStartingPointAtOffset(int offset) {
+ int child_count = delegate_->GetChildCount();
+ if (IsAtomicTextField() || child_count == 0)
+ return GrabFocusOrSetSequentialFocusNavigationStartingPoint();
+ // When this node has children, we walk through them to figure out what child
+ // node should get focus. We are essentially repeating the process used when
+ // building the hypertext here.
+ int current_offset = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < child_count; ++i) {
+ auto* child = FromAtkObject(delegate_->ChildAtIndex(i));
+ if (!child)
+ continue;
+ if (child->IsText()) {
+ current_offset += child->GetName().size();
+ } else {
+ // Add an offset for the embedded character.
+ current_offset += 1;
+ }
+ // If the offset is larger than our size, try to work with the last child,
+ // which is also the behavior of SetCaretOffset.
+ if (offset <= current_offset || i == child_count - 1)
+ return child->GrabFocusOrSetSequentialFocusNavigationStartingPoint();
+ }
+ return false;
+const gchar* AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetDefaultActionName() {
+ int action;
+ if (!GetIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kDefaultActionVerb, &action))
+ return nullptr;
+ // If this object cannot receive focus and has a button role, use click as
+ // the default action. On the AuraLinux platform, the press action is a
+ // signal to users that they can trigger the action using the keyboard, while
+ // a click action means the user should trigger the action via a simulated
+ // click. If this object cannot receive focus, it's impossible to trigger it
+ // with a key press.
+ if (GetRole() == ax::mojom::Role::kButton &&
+ action == static_cast<int>(ax::mojom::DefaultActionVerb::kPress) &&
+ !IsFocusable()) {
+ action = static_cast<int>(ax::mojom::DefaultActionVerb::kClick);
+ }
+ std::string action_verb =
+ ui::ToString(static_cast<ax::mojom::DefaultActionVerb>(action));
+AtkAttributeSet* AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetAtkAttributes() {
+ AtkAttributeSet* attribute_list = nullptr;
+ ComputeAttributes(&attribute_list);
+ return attribute_list;
+AtkStateType AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetAtkStateTypeForCheckableNode() {
+ if (GetData().GetCheckedState() == ax::mojom::CheckedState::kMixed)
+ if (IsPlatformCheckable())
+// AtkDocumentHelpers
+const gchar* AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetDocumentAttributeValue(
+ const gchar* attribute) const {
+ if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(attribute, "DocType"))
+ return delegate_->GetTreeData().doctype.c_str();
+ else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(attribute, "MimeType"))
+ return delegate_->GetTreeData().mimetype.c_str();
+ else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(attribute, "Title"))
+ return delegate_->GetTreeData().title.c_str();
+ else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(attribute, "URI"))
+ return delegate_->GetTreeData().url.c_str();
+ return nullptr;
+AtkAttributeSet* AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetDocumentAttributes() const {
+ AtkAttributeSet* attribute_set = nullptr;
+ const gchar* doc_attributes[] = {"DocType", "MimeType", "Title", "URI"};
+ const gchar* value = nullptr;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(doc_attributes); i++) {
+ value = GetDocumentAttributeValue(doc_attributes[i]);
+ if (value) {
+ attribute_set = PrependAtkAttributeToAtkAttributeSet(
+ doc_attributes[i], value, attribute_set);
+ }
+ }
+ return attribute_set;
+// AtkHyperlink helpers
+AtkHyperlink* AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetAtkHyperlink() {
+ if (atk_hyperlink_)
+ return atk_hyperlink_;
+ atk_hyperlink_ =
+ ax_platform_atk_hyperlink_set_object(
+ AX_PLATFORM_ATK_HYPERLINK(atk_hyperlink_), this);
+ return atk_hyperlink_;
+// Misc helpers
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetFloatAttributeInGValue(
+ ax::mojom::FloatAttribute attr,
+ GValue* value) {
+ float float_val;
+ if (GetFloatAttribute(attr, &float_val)) {
+ memset(value, 0, sizeof(*value));
+ g_value_init(value, G_TYPE_FLOAT);
+ g_value_set_float(value, float_val);
+ }
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::AddAttributeToList(const char* name,
+ const char* value,
+ AtkAttributeSet** attributes) {
+ *attributes = PrependAtkAttributeToAtkAttributeSet(name, value, *attributes);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::SetDocumentParent(
+ AtkObject* new_document_parent) {
+ SetWeakGPtrToAtkObject(&document_parent_, new_document_parent);
+bool AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::IsNameExposed() {
+ switch (GetRole()) {
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kListMarker:
+ return !GetChildCount();
+ default:
+ return true;
+ }
+int AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetCaretOffset() {
+ if (!HasVisibleCaretOrSelection()) {
+ absl::optional<FindInPageResultInfo> result =
+ GetSelectionOffsetsFromFindInPage();
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return -1;
+ if (result.has_value() && result->node == atk_object)
+ return UTF16ToUnicodeOffsetInText(result->end_offset);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ std::pair<int, int> selection = GetSelectionOffsetsForAtk();
+ return UTF16ToUnicodeOffsetInText(selection.second);
+bool AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::SetCaretOffset(int offset) {
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return false;
+ int character_count = atk_text_get_character_count(ATK_TEXT(atk_object));
+ if (offset < 0 || offset > character_count)
+ offset = character_count;
+ // Even if we don't change anything, we still want to act like we
+ // were successful.
+ if (offset == GetCaretOffset() && !HasSelection())
+ return true;
+ offset = UnicodeToUTF16OffsetInText(offset);
+ if (!SetHypertextSelection(offset, offset))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+bool AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::SetTextSelectionForAtkText(int start_offset,
+ int end_offset) {
+ start_offset = UnicodeToUTF16OffsetInText(start_offset);
+ end_offset = UnicodeToUTF16OffsetInText(end_offset);
+ std::u16string text = GetHypertext();
+ if (start_offset < 0 || start_offset > static_cast<int>(text.length()))
+ return false;
+ if (end_offset < 0 || end_offset > static_cast<int>(text.length()))
+ return false;
+ // We must put these in the correct order so that we can do
+ // a comparison with the existing start and end below.
+ if (end_offset < start_offset)
+ std::swap(start_offset, end_offset);
+ // Even if we don't change anything, we still want to act like we
+ // were successful.
+ std::pair<int, int> old_offsets = GetSelectionOffsetsForAtk();
+ if (old_offsets.first == start_offset && old_offsets.second == end_offset)
+ return true;
+ if (!SetHypertextSelection(start_offset, end_offset))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+bool AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::HasSelection() {
+ std::pair<int, int> selection = GetSelectionOffsetsForAtk();
+ return selection.first >= 0 && selection.second >= 0 &&
+ selection.first != selection.second;
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetSelectionExtents(int* start_offset,
+ int* end_offset) {
+ if (start_offset)
+ *start_offset = 0;
+ if (end_offset)
+ *end_offset = 0;
+ std::pair<int, int> selection = GetSelectionOffsetsForAtk();
+ if (selection.first < 0 || selection.second < 0 ||
+ selection.first == selection.second)
+ return;
+ // We should ignore the direction of the selection when exposing start and
+ // end offsets. According to the ATK documentation the end offset is always
+ // the offset immediately past the end of the selection. This wouldn't make
+ // sense if end < start.
+ if (selection.second < selection.first)
+ std::swap(selection.first, selection.second);
+ selection.first = UTF16ToUnicodeOffsetInText(selection.first);
+ selection.second = UTF16ToUnicodeOffsetInText(selection.second);
+ if (start_offset)
+ *start_offset = selection.first;
+ if (end_offset)
+ *end_offset = selection.second;
+// Since this method doesn't return a static gchar*, we expect the caller of
+// atk_text_get_selection to free the return value.
+gchar* AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetSelectionWithText(int* start_offset,
+ int* end_offset) {
+ int selection_start, selection_end;
+ GetSelectionExtents(&selection_start, &selection_end);
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return nullptr;
+ if (selection_start < 0 || selection_end < 0 ||
+ selection_start == selection_end) {
+ absl::optional<FindInPageResultInfo> find_in_page_result =
+ GetSelectionOffsetsFromFindInPage();
+ if (!find_in_page_result.has_value() ||
+ find_in_page_result->node != atk_object) {
+ *start_offset = 0;
+ *end_offset = 0;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ selection_start = find_in_page_result->start_offset;
+ selection_end = find_in_page_result->end_offset;
+ }
+ selection_start = UTF16ToUnicodeOffsetInText(selection_start);
+ selection_end = UTF16ToUnicodeOffsetInText(selection_end);
+ if (selection_start < 0 || selection_end < 0 ||
+ selection_start == selection_end) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ if (start_offset)
+ *start_offset = selection_start;
+ if (end_offset)
+ *end_offset = selection_end;
+ return atk_text::GetText(ATK_TEXT(atk_object), selection_start,
+ selection_end);
+bool AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::IsInLiveRegion() {
+ return HasStringAttribute(ax::mojom::StringAttribute::kContainerLiveStatus);
+#if defined(ATK_230)
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::ScrollToPoint(AtkCoordType atk_coord_type,
+ int x,
+ int y) {
+ gfx::Point scroll_to(x, y);
+ scroll_to = ConvertPointToScreenCoordinates(scroll_to, atk_coord_type);
+ AXActionData action_data;
+ action_data.target_node_id = GetData().id;
+ action_data.action = ax::mojom::Action::kScrollToPoint;
+ action_data.target_point = scroll_to;
+ GetDelegate()->AccessibilityPerformAction(action_data);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::ScrollNodeRectIntoView(
+ gfx::Rect rect,
+ AtkScrollType atk_scroll_type) {
+ AXActionData action_data;
+ action_data.target_node_id = GetData().id;
+ action_data.action = ax::mojom::Action::kScrollToMakeVisible;
+ action_data.target_rect = rect;
+ action_data.scroll_behavior = ax::mojom::ScrollBehavior::kScrollIfVisible;
+ action_data.horizontal_scroll_alignment = ax::mojom::ScrollAlignment::kNone;
+ action_data.vertical_scroll_alignment = ax::mojom::ScrollAlignment::kNone;
+ switch (atk_scroll_type) {
+ action_data.vertical_scroll_alignment =
+ ax::mojom::ScrollAlignment::kScrollAlignmentTop;
+ action_data.horizontal_scroll_alignment =
+ ax::mojom::ScrollAlignment::kScrollAlignmentLeft;
+ break;
+ action_data.horizontal_scroll_alignment =
+ ax::mojom::ScrollAlignment::kScrollAlignmentRight;
+ action_data.vertical_scroll_alignment =
+ ax::mojom::ScrollAlignment::kScrollAlignmentBottom;
+ break;
+ action_data.vertical_scroll_alignment =
+ ax::mojom::ScrollAlignment::kScrollAlignmentTop;
+ break;
+ action_data.vertical_scroll_alignment =
+ ax::mojom::ScrollAlignment::kScrollAlignmentBottom;
+ break;
+ action_data.horizontal_scroll_alignment =
+ ax::mojom::ScrollAlignment::kScrollAlignmentLeft;
+ break;
+ action_data.horizontal_scroll_alignment =
+ ax::mojom::ScrollAlignment::kScrollAlignmentRight;
+ break;
+ action_data.horizontal_scroll_alignment =
+ ax::mojom::ScrollAlignment::kScrollAlignmentClosestEdge;
+ action_data.vertical_scroll_alignment =
+ ax::mojom::ScrollAlignment::kScrollAlignmentClosestEdge;
+ break;
+ }
+ GetDelegate()->AccessibilityPerformAction(action_data);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::ScrollNodeIntoView(
+ AtkScrollType atk_scroll_type) {
+ gfx::Rect rect = GetDelegate()->GetBoundsRect(AXCoordinateSystem::kScreenDIPs,
+ AXClippingBehavior::kUnclipped);
+ rect -= rect.OffsetFromOrigin();
+ ScrollNodeRectIntoView(rect, atk_scroll_type);
+#endif // defined(ATK_230)
+#if defined(ATK_232)
+AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetUnclippedHypertextRangeBoundsRect(int start_offset,
+ int end_offset) {
+ start_offset = UnicodeToUTF16OffsetInText(start_offset);
+ end_offset = UnicodeToUTF16OffsetInText(end_offset);
+ std::u16string text = GetHypertext();
+ if (start_offset < 0 || start_offset > static_cast<int>(text.length()))
+ return absl::nullopt;
+ if (end_offset < 0 || end_offset > static_cast<int>(text.length()))
+ return absl::nullopt;
+ if (end_offset < start_offset)
+ std::swap(start_offset, end_offset);
+ return GetDelegate()->GetHypertextRangeBoundsRect(
+ UnicodeToUTF16OffsetInText(start_offset),
+ UnicodeToUTF16OffsetInText(end_offset), AXCoordinateSystem::kScreenDIPs,
+ AXClippingBehavior::kUnclipped);
+bool AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::ScrollSubstringIntoView(
+ AtkScrollType atk_scroll_type,
+ int start_offset,
+ int end_offset) {
+ absl::optional<gfx::Rect> optional_rect =
+ GetUnclippedHypertextRangeBoundsRect(start_offset, end_offset);
+ if (!optional_rect.has_value())
+ return false;
+ gfx::Rect rect = *optional_rect;
+ gfx::Rect node_rect = GetDelegate()->GetBoundsRect(
+ AXCoordinateSystem::kScreenDIPs, AXClippingBehavior::kUnclipped);
+ rect -= node_rect.OffsetFromOrigin();
+ ScrollNodeRectIntoView(rect, atk_scroll_type);
+ return true;
+bool AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::ScrollSubstringToPoint(
+ int start_offset,
+ int end_offset,
+ AtkCoordType atk_coord_type,
+ int x,
+ int y) {
+ absl::optional<gfx::Rect> optional_rect =
+ GetUnclippedHypertextRangeBoundsRect(start_offset, end_offset);
+ if (!optional_rect.has_value())
+ return false;
+ gfx::Rect rect = *optional_rect;
+ gfx::Rect node_rect = GetDelegate()->GetBoundsRect(
+ AXCoordinateSystem::kScreenDIPs, AXClippingBehavior::kUnclipped);
+ ScrollToPoint(atk_coord_type, x - (rect.x() - node_rect.x()),
+ y - (rect.y() - node_rect.y()));
+ return true;
+#endif // defined(ATK_232)
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::ComputeStylesIfNeeded() {
+ if (!offset_to_text_attributes_.empty())
+ return;
+ default_text_attributes_ = ComputeTextAttributes();
+ TextAttributeMap attributes_map =
+ GetDelegate()->ComputeTextAttributeMap(default_text_attributes_);
+ offset_to_text_attributes_.swap(attributes_map);
+int AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FindStartOfStyle(
+ int start_offset,
+ ax::mojom::MoveDirection direction) {
+ int text_length = GetHypertext().length();
+ DCHECK_GE(start_offset, 0);
+ DCHECK_LE(start_offset, text_length);
+ DCHECK(!offset_to_text_attributes_.empty());
+ switch (direction) {
+ case ax::mojom::MoveDirection::kNone:
+ return start_offset;
+ case ax::mojom::MoveDirection::kBackward: {
+ auto iterator = offset_to_text_attributes_.upper_bound(start_offset);
+ --iterator;
+ return iterator->first;
+ }
+ case ax::mojom::MoveDirection::kForward: {
+ const auto iterator =
+ offset_to_text_attributes_.upper_bound(start_offset);
+ if (iterator == offset_to_text_attributes_.end())
+ return text_length;
+ return iterator->first;
+ }
+ }
+ return start_offset;
+const TextAttributeList& AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetTextAttributes(
+ int offset,
+ int* start_offset,
+ int* end_offset) {
+ ComputeStylesIfNeeded();
+ DCHECK(!offset_to_text_attributes_.empty());
+ int utf16_offset = UnicodeToUTF16OffsetInText(offset);
+ int style_start =
+ FindStartOfStyle(utf16_offset, ax::mojom::MoveDirection::kBackward);
+ int style_end =
+ FindStartOfStyle(utf16_offset, ax::mojom::MoveDirection::kForward);
+ auto iterator = offset_to_text_attributes_.find(style_start);
+ DCHECK(iterator != offset_to_text_attributes_.end());
+ SetIntPointerValueIfNotNull(start_offset,
+ UTF16ToUnicodeOffsetInText(style_start));
+ SetIntPointerValueIfNotNull(end_offset,
+ UTF16ToUnicodeOffsetInText(style_end));
+ if (iterator == offset_to_text_attributes_.end())
+ return default_text_attributes_;
+ return iterator->second;
+const TextAttributeList& AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetDefaultTextAttributes() {
+ ComputeStylesIfNeeded();
+ return default_text_attributes_;
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::TerminateFindInPage() {
+ ForgetCurrentFindInPageResult();
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::ActivateFindInPageResult(int start_offset,
+ int end_offset) {
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return;
+ DCHECK(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_object));
+ if (!EmitsAtkTextEvents()) {
+ ActivateFindInPageInParent(start_offset, end_offset);
+ return;
+ }
+ AtkObject* parent_doc = FindAtkObjectToplevelParentDocument(atk_object);
+ if (!parent_doc)
+ return;
+ std::map<AtkObject*, FindInPageResultInfo>& active_results =
+ GetActiveFindInPageResults();
+ auto iterator = active_results.find(parent_doc);
+ FindInPageResultInfo new_info = {atk_object, start_offset, end_offset};
+ if (iterator != active_results.end() && iterator->second == new_info)
+ return;
+ active_results[parent_doc] = new_info;
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(atk_object, "text-selection-changed");
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(atk_object, "text-caret-moved",
+ UTF16ToUnicodeOffsetInText(end_offset));
+absl::optional<std::pair<int, int>>
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* child_to_find) {
+ int current_offset = 0;
+ for (auto child_iterator_ptr = GetDelegate()->ChildrenBegin();
+ *child_iterator_ptr != *GetDelegate()->ChildrenEnd();
+ ++(*child_iterator_ptr)) {
+ auto* child = FromAtkObject(child_iterator_ptr->GetNativeViewAccessible());
+ if (!child)
+ continue;
+ // If this object is a text only object, it is included directly into this
+ // node's hypertext, otherwise it is represented as an embedded object
+ // character.
+ int size = child->IsText() ? child->GetName().size() : 1;
+ if (child == child_to_find)
+ return std::make_pair(current_offset, current_offset + size);
+ current_offset += size;
+ }
+ return absl::nullopt;
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::ActivateFindInPageInParent(int start_offset,
+ int end_offset) {
+ auto* parent = FromAtkObject(GetParent());
+ if (!parent)
+ return;
+ absl::optional<std::pair<int, int>> extents_in_parent =
+ parent->GetHypertextExtentsOfChild(this);
+ if (!extents_in_parent.has_value())
+ return;
+ DCHECK(IsText());
+ parent->ActivateFindInPageResult(extents_in_parent->first + start_offset,
+ extents_in_parent->first + end_offset);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::ForgetCurrentFindInPageResult() {
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return;
+ AtkObject* parent_doc = FindAtkObjectToplevelParentDocument(atk_object);
+ if (parent_doc)
+ GetActiveFindInPageResults().erase(parent_doc);
+AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetSelectionOffsetsFromFindInPage() {
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return absl::nullopt;
+ AtkObject* parent_doc = FindAtkObjectToplevelParentDocument(atk_object);
+ if (!parent_doc)
+ return absl::nullopt;
+ std::map<AtkObject*, FindInPageResultInfo>& active_results =
+ GetActiveFindInPageResults();
+ auto iterator = active_results.find(parent_doc);
+ if (iterator == active_results.end())
+ return absl::nullopt;
+ return iterator->second;
+gfx::Point AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::ConvertPointToScreenCoordinates(
+ const gfx::Point& point,
+ AtkCoordType atk_coord_type) {
+ switch (atk_coord_type) {
+ return point + GetParentFrameOriginInScreenCoordinates();
+#if defined(ATK_230)
+ return point + GetParentOriginInScreenCoordinates();
+ default:
+ return point;
+ }
+std::pair<int, int> AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetSelectionOffsetsForAtk() {
+ // In web content we always want to look at the selection from the tree
+ // instead of the selection that might be set via node attributes. This is
+ // because the tree selection is the absolute truth about what is visually
+ // selected, whereas node attributes might contain selection extents that are
+ // no longer part of the visual selection.
+ std::pair<int, int> selection;
+ if (GetDelegate()->IsWebContent()) {
+ AXSelection unignored_selection = GetDelegate()->GetUnignoredSelection();
+ GetSelectionOffsetsFromTree(&unignored_selection, &selection.first,
+ &selection.second);
+ } else {
+ GetSelectionOffsets(&selection.first, &selection.second);
+ }
+ return selection;
+} // namespace ui
Index: radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-dangling-gsl-patch/src-orig/ui/accessibility/platform/
--- radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-dangling-gsl-patch/src-orig/ui/accessibility/platform/ (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-dangling-gsl-patch/src-orig/ui/accessibility/platform/ (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,5096 @@
+// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "ui/accessibility/platform/ax_platform_node_auralinux.h"
+#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <memory>
+#include <set>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
+#include "base/debug/leak_annotations.h"
+#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
+#include "base/no_destructor.h"
+#include "base/ranges/algorithm.h"
+#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
+#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
+#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
+#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversion_utils.h"
+#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
+#include "build/build_config.h"
+#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
+#include "ui/accessibility/ax_action_data.h"
+#include "ui/accessibility/ax_enum_util.h"
+#include "ui/accessibility/ax_enums.mojom.h"
+#include "ui/accessibility/ax_node_data.h"
+#include "ui/accessibility/ax_role_properties.h"
+#include "ui/accessibility/ax_selection.h"
+#include "ui/accessibility/platform/atk_util_auralinux.h"
+#include "ui/accessibility/platform/ax_platform.h"
+#include "ui/accessibility/platform/ax_platform_atk_hyperlink.h"
+#include "ui/accessibility/platform/ax_platform_node_delegate.h"
+#include "ui/accessibility/platform/ax_platform_text_boundary.h"
+#include "ui/accessibility/platform/child_iterator.h"
+#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect_conversions.h"
+#if defined(ATK_CHECK_VERSION) && ATK_CHECK_VERSION(2, 10, 0)
+#define ATK_210
+#if defined(ATK_CHECK_VERSION) && ATK_CHECK_VERSION(2, 12, 0)
+#define ATK_212
+#if defined(ATK_CHECK_VERSION) && ATK_CHECK_VERSION(2, 16, 0)
+#define ATK_216
+#if defined(ATK_CHECK_VERSION) && ATK_CHECK_VERSION(2, 26, 0)
+#define ATK_226
+#if defined(ATK_CHECK_VERSION) && ATK_CHECK_VERSION(2, 30, 0)
+#define ATK_230
+#if defined(ATK_CHECK_VERSION) && ATK_CHECK_VERSION(2, 32, 0)
+#define ATK_232
+#if defined(ATK_CHECK_VERSION) && ATK_CHECK_VERSION(2, 34, 0)
+#define ATK_234
+namespace ui {
+namespace {
+// These values are written to logs. Do not renumber or delete
+// existing items; add new entries to the end of the list.
+enum class UmaAtkApi {
+ kGetName = 0,
+ kGetDescription = 1,
+ kGetNChildren = 2,
+ kRefChild = 3,
+ kGetIndexInParent = 4,
+ kGetParent = 5,
+ kRefRelationSet = 6,
+ kGetAttributes = 7,
+ kGetRole = 8,
+ kRefStateSet = 9,
+ // This must always be the last enum. It's okay for its value to
+ // increase, but none of the other enum values may change.
+ kMaxValue = kRefStateSet,
+void RecordAccessibilityAtkApi(UmaAtkApi enum_value) {
+ UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Accessibility.ATK-APIs", enum_value);
+// When accepting input from clients calling the API, an ATK character offset
+// of -1 can often represent the length of the string.
+static const int kStringLengthOffset = -1;
+// We must forward declare this because it is used by the traditional GObject
+// type manipulation macros.
+namespace atk_object {
+GType GetType();
+} // namespace atk_object
+// ax_platform_node_auralinux AtkObject definition and implementation.
+#define AX_PLATFORM_NODE_AURALINUX_TYPE (atk_object::GetType())
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxObject))
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxClass))
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxClass))
+typedef struct _AXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxObject AXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxObject;
+typedef struct _AXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxClass AXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxClass;
+struct _AXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxObject {
+ AtkObject parent;
+ raw_ptr<AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux> m_object;
+struct _AXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxClass {
+ AtkObjectClass parent_class;
+// The root-level Application object that's the parent of all top-level windows.
+AXPlatformNode* g_root_application = nullptr;
+// The last AtkObject with keyboard focus. Tracking this is required to emit the
+// ATK_STATE_FOCUSED change to false.
+AtkObject* g_current_focused = nullptr;
+// The last object which was selected. Tracking this is required because
+// widgets in the browser UI only emit notifications upon becoming selected,
+// but clients also expect notifications when items become unselected.
+AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* g_current_selected = nullptr;
+// The AtkObject with role=ATK_ROLE_FRAME that represents the toplevel desktop
+// window with focus. If this window is not one of our windows, this value
+// should be null. This is a weak pointer as well, so its value will also be
+// null if if the AtkObject is destroyed.
+AtkObject* g_active_top_level_frame = nullptr;
+AtkObject* g_active_views_dialog = nullptr;
+#if defined(ATK_216)
+constexpr AtkRole kStaticRole = ATK_ROLE_STATIC;
+constexpr AtkRole kSubscriptRole = ATK_ROLE_SUBSCRIPT;
+constexpr AtkRole kSuperscriptRole = ATK_ROLE_SUPERSCRIPT;
+constexpr AtkRole kStaticRole = ATK_ROLE_TEXT;
+constexpr AtkRole kSubscriptRole = ATK_ROLE_TEXT;
+constexpr AtkRole kSuperscriptRole = ATK_ROLE_TEXT;
+#if defined(ATK_226)
+constexpr AtkRole kAtkFootnoteRole = ATK_ROLE_FOOTNOTE;
+constexpr AtkRole kAtkFootnoteRole = ATK_ROLE_LIST_ITEM;
+#if defined(ATK_234)
+constexpr AtkRole kAtkRoleContentDeletion = ATK_ROLE_CONTENT_DELETION;
+constexpr AtkRole kAtkRoleContentInsertion = ATK_ROLE_CONTENT_INSERTION;
+constexpr AtkRole kAtkRoleContentDeletion = ATK_ROLE_SECTION;
+constexpr AtkRole kAtkRoleContentInsertion = ATK_ROLE_SECTION;
+using GetTypeFunc = GType (*)();
+using GetColumnHeaderCellsFunc = GPtrArray* (*)(AtkTableCell* cell);
+using GetRowHeaderCellsFunc = GPtrArray* (*)(AtkTableCell* cell);
+using GetRowColumnSpanFunc = bool (*)(AtkTableCell* cell,
+ gint* row,
+ gint* column,
+ gint* row_span,
+ gint* col_span);
+static GetTypeFunc g_atk_table_cell_get_type;
+static GetColumnHeaderCellsFunc g_atk_table_cell_get_column_header_cells;
+static GetRowHeaderCellsFunc g_atk_table_cell_get_row_header_cells;
+static GetRowColumnSpanFunc g_atk_table_cell_get_row_column_span;
+// The ATK API often requires pointers to be used as out arguments, while
+// allowing for those pointers to be null if the caller is not interested in
+// the value. This function is a simpler helper to avoid continually checking
+// for null and to help prevent forgetting to check for null.
+void SetIntPointerValueIfNotNull(int* pointer, int value) {
+ if (pointer)
+ *pointer = value;
+#if defined(ATK_230)
+bool SupportsAtkComponentScrollingInterface() {
+ return dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "atk_component_scroll_to_point");
+#if defined(ATK_232)
+bool SupportsAtkTextScrollingInterface() {
+ return dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "atk_text_scroll_substring_to_point");
+AtkObject* FindAtkObjectParentFrame(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* node =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ while (node) {
+ if (node->GetAtkRole() == ATK_ROLE_FRAME)
+ return node->GetNativeViewAccessible();
+ node = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(node->GetParent());
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+AtkObject* FindAtkObjectToplevelParentDocument(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* node =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ AtkObject* toplevel_document = nullptr;
+ while (node) {
+ if (node->GetAtkRole() == ATK_ROLE_DOCUMENT_WEB)
+ toplevel_document = node->GetNativeViewAccessible();
+ node = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(node->GetParent());
+ }
+ return toplevel_document;
+bool IsFrameAncestorOfAtkObject(AtkObject* frame, AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ AtkObject* current_frame = FindAtkObjectParentFrame(atk_object);
+ while (current_frame) {
+ if (current_frame == frame)
+ return true;
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* frame_node =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(current_frame);
+ current_frame = FindAtkObjectParentFrame(frame_node->GetParent());
+ }
+ return false;
+// Returns a stack of AtkObjects of activated popup menus. Since each popup
+// menu and submenu has its own native window, we want to properly manage the
+// activated state for their containing frames.
+std::vector<AtkObject*>& GetActiveMenus() {
+ static base::NoDestructor<std::vector<AtkObject*>> active_menus;
+ return *active_menus;
+std::map<AtkObject*, FindInPageResultInfo>& GetActiveFindInPageResults() {
+ static base::NoDestructor<std::map<AtkObject*, FindInPageResultInfo>>
+ active_results;
+ return *active_results;
+// The currently active frame is g_active_top_level_frame, unless there is an
+// active menu. If there is an active menu the parent frame of the
+// most-recently opened active menu should be the currently active frame.
+AtkObject* ComputeActiveTopLevelFrame() {
+ if (!GetActiveMenus().empty())
+ return FindAtkObjectParentFrame(GetActiveMenus().back());
+ return g_active_top_level_frame;
+const char* GetUniqueAccessibilityGTypeName(
+ ImplementedAtkInterfaces interface_mask) {
+ // 37 characters is enough for "AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux%x" with any integer
+ // value.
+ static char name[37];
+ snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux%x",
+ interface_mask.value());
+ return name;
+void SetWeakGPtrToAtkObject(AtkObject** weak_pointer, AtkObject* new_value) {
+ DCHECK(weak_pointer);
+ if (*weak_pointer == new_value)
+ return;
+ if (*weak_pointer) {
+ g_object_remove_weak_pointer(G_OBJECT(*weak_pointer),
+ reinterpret_cast<void**>(weak_pointer));
+ }
+ *weak_pointer = new_value;
+ if (new_value) {
+ g_object_add_weak_pointer(G_OBJECT(new_value),
+ reinterpret_cast<void**>(weak_pointer));
+ }
+void SetActiveTopLevelFrame(AtkObject* new_top_level_frame) {
+ SetWeakGPtrToAtkObject(&g_active_top_level_frame, new_top_level_frame);
+AXCoordinateSystem AtkCoordTypeToAXCoordinateSystem(
+ AtkCoordType coordinate_type) {
+ switch (coordinate_type) {
+ return AXCoordinateSystem::kScreenDIPs;
+ return AXCoordinateSystem::kRootFrame;
+#if defined(ATK_230)
+ // AXCoordinateSystem does not support parent coordinates.
+ return AXCoordinateSystem::kFrame;
+ default:
+ return AXCoordinateSystem::kScreenDIPs;
+ }
+const char* BuildDescriptionFromHeaders(AXPlatformNodeDelegate* delegate,
+ const std::vector<int32_t>& ids) {
+ std::vector<std::string> names;
+ for (const auto& node_id : ids) {
+ if (AXPlatformNode* header = delegate->GetFromNodeID(node_id)) {
+ if (AtkObject* atk_header = header->GetNativeViewAccessible()) {
+ if (const gchar* name = atk_object_get_name(atk_header))
+ names.push_back(name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ std::string result = base::JoinString(names, " ");
+ //
+ // atk_table_get_column_description and atk_table_get_row_description return
+ // const gchar*, which suggests the caller does not gain ownership of the
+ // returned string. The g_strdup below causes a new allocation, which does not
+ // fit that pattern and causes a leak in tests.
+ ScopedLeakSanitizerDisabler lsan_disabler;
+ return g_strdup(result.c_str());
+AtkAttributeSet* PrependAtkAttributeToAtkAttributeSet(
+ const char* name,
+ const char* value,
+ AtkAttributeSet* attribute_set) {
+ AtkAttribute* attribute =
+ static_cast<AtkAttribute*>(g_malloc(sizeof(AtkAttribute)));
+ attribute->name = g_strdup(name);
+ attribute->value = g_strdup(value);
+ return g_slist_prepend(attribute_set, attribute);
+void PrependTextAttributeToSet(const std::string& attribute,
+ const std::string& value,
+ AtkAttributeSet** attributes) {
+ DCHECK(attributes);
+ AtkAttribute* new_attribute =
+ static_cast<AtkAttribute*>(g_malloc(sizeof(AtkAttribute)));
+ new_attribute->name = g_strdup(attribute.c_str());
+ new_attribute->value = g_strdup(value.c_str());
+ *attributes = g_slist_prepend(*attributes, new_attribute);
+void PrependAtkTextAttributeToSet(const AtkTextAttribute attribute,
+ const std::string& value,
+ AtkAttributeSet** attributes) {
+ PrependTextAttributeToSet(atk_text_attribute_get_name(attribute), value,
+ attributes);
+std::string ToAtkTextAttributeColor(const std::string color) {
+ // The platform-independent color string is in the form "rgb(r, g, b)",
+ // but ATK expects a string like "r, g, b". We convert the string here
+ // by stripping away the unnecessary characters.
+ DCHECK(base::StartsWith(color, "rgb(", base::CompareCase::INSENSITIVE_ASCII));
+ DCHECK(base::EndsWith(color, ")", base::CompareCase::INSENSITIVE_ASCII));
+ return color.substr(4, color.length() - 5);
+AtkAttributeSet* ToAtkAttributeSet(const TextAttributeList& attributes) {
+ AtkAttributeSet* copied_attributes = nullptr;
+ for (const auto& attribute : attributes) {
+ if (attribute.first == "background-color") {
+ PrependAtkTextAttributeToSet(ATK_TEXT_ATTR_BG_COLOR,
+ ToAtkTextAttributeColor(attribute.second),
+ &copied_attributes);
+ } else if (attribute.first == "color") {
+ PrependAtkTextAttributeToSet(ATK_TEXT_ATTR_FG_COLOR,
+ ToAtkTextAttributeColor(attribute.second),
+ &copied_attributes);
+ } else if (attribute.first == "font-family") {
+ PrependAtkTextAttributeToSet(ATK_TEXT_ATTR_FAMILY_NAME, attribute.second,
+ &copied_attributes);
+ } else if (attribute.first == "font-size") {
+ PrependAtkTextAttributeToSet(ATK_TEXT_ATTR_SIZE, attribute.second,
+ &copied_attributes);
+ } else if (attribute.first == "font-weight" && attribute.second == "bold") {
+ PrependAtkTextAttributeToSet(ATK_TEXT_ATTR_WEIGHT, "700",
+ &copied_attributes);
+ } else if (attribute.first == "font-style") {
+ PrependAtkTextAttributeToSet(ATK_TEXT_ATTR_STYLE, "italic",
+ &copied_attributes);
+ } else if (attribute.first == "text-line-through-style") {
+ PrependAtkTextAttributeToSet(ATK_TEXT_ATTR_STRIKETHROUGH, "true",
+ &copied_attributes);
+ } else if (attribute.first == "text-underline-style") {
+ PrependAtkTextAttributeToSet(ATK_TEXT_ATTR_UNDERLINE, "single",
+ &copied_attributes);
+ } else if (attribute.first == "invalid") {
+ PrependAtkTextAttributeToSet(ATK_TEXT_ATTR_INVALID, attribute.second,
+ &copied_attributes);
+ PrependAtkTextAttributeToSet(ATK_TEXT_ATTR_UNDERLINE, "error",
+ &copied_attributes);
+ } else if (attribute.first == "language") {
+ PrependAtkTextAttributeToSet(ATK_TEXT_ATTR_LANGUAGE, attribute.second,
+ &copied_attributes);
+ } else if (attribute.first == "writing-mode") {
+ PrependAtkTextAttributeToSet(ATK_TEXT_ATTR_DIRECTION, attribute.second,
+ &copied_attributes);
+ } else if (attribute.first == "text-position") {
+ PrependTextAttributeToSet(attribute.first, attribute.second,
+ &copied_attributes);
+ }
+ }
+ return g_slist_reverse(copied_attributes);
+namespace atk_component {
+void GetExtents(AtkComponent* atk_component,
+ gint* x,
+ gint* y,
+ gint* width,
+ gint* height,
+ AtkCoordType coord_type) {
+ g_return_if_fail(ATK_IS_COMPONENT(atk_component));
+ if (x)
+ *x = 0;
+ if (y)
+ *y = 0;
+ if (width)
+ *width = 0;
+ if (height)
+ *height = 0;
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_component);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return;
+ obj->GetExtents(x, y, width, height, coord_type);
+void GetPosition(AtkComponent* atk_component,
+ gint* x,
+ gint* y,
+ AtkCoordType coord_type) {
+ g_return_if_fail(ATK_IS_COMPONENT(atk_component));
+ if (x)
+ *x = 0;
+ if (y)
+ *y = 0;
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_component);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return;
+ obj->GetPosition(x, y, coord_type);
+void GetSize(AtkComponent* atk_component, gint* width, gint* height) {
+ g_return_if_fail(ATK_IS_COMPONENT(atk_component));
+ if (width)
+ *width = 0;
+ if (height)
+ *height = 0;
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_component);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return;
+ obj->GetSize(width, height);
+AtkObject* RefAccesibleAtPoint(AtkComponent* atk_component,
+ gint x,
+ gint y,
+ AtkCoordType coord_type) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_COMPONENT(atk_component), nullptr);
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_component);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ AtkObject* result = obj->HitTestSync(x, y, coord_type);
+ if (result)
+ g_object_ref(result);
+ return result;
+gboolean GrabFocus(AtkComponent* atk_component) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_COMPONENT(atk_component), FALSE);
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_component);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return FALSE;
+ return obj->GrabFocus();
+#if defined(ATK_230)
+gboolean ScrollTo(AtkComponent* atk_component, AtkScrollType scroll_type) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_COMPONENT(atk_component), FALSE);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(atk_component));
+ if (!obj)
+ return FALSE;
+ obj->ScrollNodeIntoView(scroll_type);
+ return TRUE;
+gboolean ScrollToPoint(AtkComponent* atk_component,
+ AtkCoordType atk_coord_type,
+ gint x,
+ gint y) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_COMPONENT(atk_component), FALSE);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(atk_component));
+ if (!obj)
+ return FALSE;
+ obj->ScrollToPoint(atk_coord_type, x, y);
+ return TRUE;
+void Init(AtkComponentIface* iface) {
+ iface->get_extents = GetExtents;
+ iface->get_position = GetPosition;
+ iface->get_size = GetSize;
+ iface->ref_accessible_at_point = RefAccesibleAtPoint;
+ iface->grab_focus = GrabFocus;
+#if defined(ATK_230)
+ if (SupportsAtkComponentScrollingInterface()) {
+ iface->scroll_to = ScrollTo;
+ iface->scroll_to_point = ScrollToPoint;
+ }
+const GInterfaceInfo Info = {reinterpret_cast<GInterfaceInitFunc>(Init),
+ nullptr, nullptr};
+} // namespace atk_component
+namespace atk_action {
+gboolean DoAction(AtkAction* atk_action, gint index) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_ACTION(atk_action), FALSE);
+ g_return_val_if_fail(index >= 0, FALSE);
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_action);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return FALSE;
+ const std::vector<ax::mojom::Action> actions =
+ obj->GetDelegate()->GetSupportedActions();
+ g_return_val_if_fail(index < static_cast<gint>(actions.size()), FALSE);
+ AXActionData data;
+ data.action = actions[index];
+ return obj->GetDelegate()->AccessibilityPerformAction(data);
+gint GetNActions(AtkAction* atk_action) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_ACTION(atk_action), 0);
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_action);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return 0;
+ return static_cast<gint>(obj->GetDelegate()->GetSupportedActions().size());
+const gchar* GetDescription(AtkAction*, gint) {
+ // Not implemented. Right now Orca does not provide this and
+ // Chromium is not providing a string for the action description.
+ return nullptr;
+const gchar* GetName(AtkAction* atk_action, gint index) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_ACTION(atk_action), nullptr);
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_action);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ const std::vector<ax::mojom::Action> actions =
+ obj->GetDelegate()->GetSupportedActions();
+ g_return_val_if_fail(index < static_cast<gint>(actions.size()), nullptr);
+ if (index == 0 && obj->GetDelegate()->HasDefaultActionVerb()) {
+ // If there is a default action, it will always be at index 0.
+ return obj->GetDefaultActionName();
+ }
+ return ToString(actions[index]);
+const gchar* GetKeybinding(AtkAction* atk_action, gint index) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_ACTION(atk_action), nullptr);
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_action);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ const std::vector<ax::mojom::Action> actions =
+ obj->GetDelegate()->GetSupportedActions();
+ g_return_val_if_fail(index < static_cast<gint>(actions.size()), nullptr);
+ if (index == 0 && obj->GetDelegate()->HasDefaultActionVerb()) {
+ // If there is a default action, it will always be at index 0. Only the
+ // default action has a key binding.
+ return obj->GetStringAttribute(ax::mojom::StringAttribute::kAccessKey)
+ .c_str();
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+void Init(AtkActionIface* iface) {
+ iface->do_action = DoAction;
+ iface->get_n_actions = GetNActions;
+ iface->get_description = GetDescription;
+ iface->get_name = GetName;
+ iface->get_keybinding = GetKeybinding;
+const GInterfaceInfo Info = {reinterpret_cast<GInterfaceInitFunc>(Init),
+ nullptr, nullptr};
+} // namespace atk_action
+namespace atk_document {
+const gchar* GetDocumentAttributeValue(AtkDocument* atk_doc,
+ const gchar* attribute) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_DOCUMENT(atk_doc), nullptr);
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_doc);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ return obj->GetDocumentAttributeValue(attribute);
+AtkAttributeSet* GetDocumentAttributes(AtkDocument* atk_doc) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_DOCUMENT(atk_doc), 0);
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_doc);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ return obj->GetDocumentAttributes();
+void Init(AtkDocumentIface* iface) {
+ iface->get_document_attribute_value = GetDocumentAttributeValue;
+ iface->get_document_attributes = GetDocumentAttributes;
+const GInterfaceInfo Info = {reinterpret_cast<GInterfaceInitFunc>(Init),
+ nullptr, nullptr};
+} // namespace atk_document
+namespace atk_image {
+void GetImagePosition(AtkImage* atk_img,
+ gint* x,
+ gint* y,
+ AtkCoordType coord_type) {
+ g_return_if_fail(ATK_IMAGE(atk_img));
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_img);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return;
+ obj->GetPosition(x, y, coord_type);
+const gchar* GetImageDescription(AtkImage* atk_img) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IMAGE(atk_img), nullptr);
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_img);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ return obj->GetStringAttribute(ax::mojom::StringAttribute::kDescription)
+ .c_str();
+void GetImageSize(AtkImage* atk_img, gint* width, gint* height) {
+ g_return_if_fail(ATK_IMAGE(atk_img));
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_img);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return;
+ obj->GetSize(width, height);
+void Init(AtkImageIface* iface) {
+ iface->get_image_position = GetImagePosition;
+ iface->get_image_description = GetImageDescription;
+ iface->get_image_size = GetImageSize;
+const GInterfaceInfo Info = {reinterpret_cast<GInterfaceInitFunc>(Init),
+ nullptr, nullptr};
+} // namespace atk_image
+namespace atk_value {
+void GetCurrentValue(AtkValue* atk_value, GValue* value) {
+ g_return_if_fail(ATK_IS_VALUE(atk_value));
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_value);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return;
+ obj->GetFloatAttributeInGValue(ax::mojom::FloatAttribute::kValueForRange,
+ value);
+void GetMinimumValue(AtkValue* atk_value, GValue* value) {
+ g_return_if_fail(ATK_IS_VALUE(atk_value));
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_value);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return;
+ obj->GetFloatAttributeInGValue(ax::mojom::FloatAttribute::kMinValueForRange,
+ value);
+void GetMaximumValue(AtkValue* atk_value, GValue* value) {
+ g_return_if_fail(ATK_IS_VALUE(atk_value));
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_value);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return;
+ obj->GetFloatAttributeInGValue(ax::mojom::FloatAttribute::kMaxValueForRange,
+ value);
+void GetMinimumIncrement(AtkValue* atk_value, GValue* value) {
+ g_return_if_fail(ATK_IS_VALUE(atk_value));
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_value);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return;
+ obj->GetFloatAttributeInGValue(ax::mojom::FloatAttribute::kStepValueForRange,
+ value);
+gboolean SetCurrentValue(AtkValue* atk_value, const GValue* value) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_VALUE(atk_value), FALSE);
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_value);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return FALSE;
+ std::string new_value;
+ switch (G_VALUE_TYPE(value)) {
+ case G_TYPE_FLOAT:
+ new_value = base::NumberToString(g_value_get_float(value));
+ break;
+ case G_TYPE_INT:
+ new_value = base::NumberToString(g_value_get_int(value));
+ break;
+ case G_TYPE_INT64:
+ new_value = base::NumberToString(g_value_get_int64(value));
+ break;
+ new_value = g_value_get_string(value);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ AXActionData data;
+ data.action = ax::mojom::Action::kSetValue;
+ data.value = new_value;
+ obj->GetDelegate()->AccessibilityPerformAction(data);
+ return TRUE;
+void Init(AtkValueIface* iface) {
+ iface->get_current_value = GetCurrentValue;
+ iface->get_maximum_value = GetMaximumValue;
+ iface->get_minimum_value = GetMinimumValue;
+ iface->get_minimum_increment = GetMinimumIncrement;
+ iface->set_current_value = SetCurrentValue;
+const GInterfaceInfo Info = {reinterpret_cast<GInterfaceInitFunc>(Init),
+ nullptr, nullptr};
+} // namespace atk_value
+namespace atk_hyperlink {
+AtkHyperlink* GetHyperlink(AtkHyperlinkImpl* atk_hyperlink_impl) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_HYPERLINK_IMPL(atk_hyperlink_impl), 0);
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_hyperlink_impl);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return 0;
+ AtkHyperlink* atk_hyperlink = obj->GetAtkHyperlink();
+ g_object_ref(atk_hyperlink);
+ return atk_hyperlink;
+void Init(AtkHyperlinkImplIface* iface) {
+ iface->get_hyperlink = GetHyperlink;
+const GInterfaceInfo Info = {reinterpret_cast<GInterfaceInitFunc>(Init),
+ nullptr, nullptr};
+} // namespace atk_hyperlink
+namespace atk_hypertext {
+AtkHyperlink* GetLink(AtkHypertext* hypertext, int index) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_HYPERTEXT(hypertext), 0);
+ auto* obj = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(hypertext));
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ const AXLegacyHypertext& ax_hypertext = obj->GetAXHypertext();
+ if (index >= static_cast<int>(ax_hypertext.hyperlinks.size()) || index < 0)
+ return nullptr;
+ int32_t id = ax_hypertext.hyperlinks[index];
+ auto* link = static_cast<AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux*>(
+ AXPlatformNodeBase::GetFromUniqueId(id));
+ if (!link)
+ return nullptr;
+ return link->GetAtkHyperlink();
+int GetNLinks(AtkHypertext* hypertext) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_HYPERTEXT(hypertext), 0);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(hypertext));
+ return obj ? obj->GetAXHypertext().hyperlinks.size() : 0;
+int GetLinkIndex(AtkHypertext* hypertext, int char_index) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_HYPERTEXT(hypertext), 0);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(hypertext));
+ if (!obj)
+ return -1;
+ auto it = obj->GetAXHypertext().hyperlink_offset_to_index.find(char_index);
+ if (it == obj->GetAXHypertext().hyperlink_offset_to_index.end())
+ return -1;
+ return it->second;
+void Init(AtkHypertextIface* iface) {
+ iface->get_link = GetLink;
+ iface->get_n_links = GetNLinks;
+ iface->get_link_index = GetLinkIndex;
+const GInterfaceInfo Info = {reinterpret_cast<GInterfaceInitFunc>(Init),
+ nullptr, nullptr};
+} // namespace atk_hypertext
+namespace atk_text {
+gchar* GetText(AtkText* atk_text, gint start_offset, gint end_offset) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), nullptr);
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_text);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ std::u16string text = obj->GetHypertext();
+ start_offset = obj->UnicodeToUTF16OffsetInText(start_offset);
+ if (start_offset < 0 || start_offset >= static_cast<int>(text.size()))
+ return nullptr;
+ if (end_offset < 0) {
+ end_offset = text.size();
+ } else {
+ end_offset = obj->UnicodeToUTF16OffsetInText(end_offset);
+ end_offset =
+ std::clamp(static_cast<int>(text.size()), start_offset, end_offset);
+ }
+ DCHECK_GE(start_offset, 0);
+ DCHECK_GE(end_offset, start_offset);
+ return g_strdup(
+ base::UTF16ToUTF8(text.substr(start_offset, end_offset - start_offset))
+ .c_str());
+gint GetCharacterCount(AtkText* atk_text) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), 0);
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_text);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return 0;
+ return obj->UTF16ToUnicodeOffsetInText(obj->GetHypertext().length());
+gunichar GetCharacterAtOffset(AtkText* atk_text, int offset) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), 0);
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_text);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return 0;
+ std::u16string text = obj->GetHypertext();
+ size_t text_length = text.length();
+ offset = obj->UnicodeToUTF16OffsetInText(offset);
+ offset = std::max(offset, 0);
+ size_t limited_offset = std::min(static_cast<size_t>(offset), text_length);
+ base_icu::UChar32 code_point;
+ base::ReadUnicodeCharacter(text.c_str(), text_length + 1, &limited_offset,
+ &code_point);
+ return code_point;
+gint GetOffsetAtPoint(AtkText* text, gint x, gint y, AtkCoordType coords) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(text), -1);
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(text);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return -1;
+ return obj->GetTextOffsetAtPoint(x, y, coords);
+// This function returns a single character as a UTF-8 encoded C string because
+// the character may be encoded into more than one byte.
+char* GetCharacter(AtkText* atk_text,
+ int offset,
+ int* start_offset,
+ int* end_offset) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), nullptr);
+ *start_offset = -1;
+ *end_offset = -1;
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_text);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ if (offset < 0 || offset >= GetCharacterCount(atk_text))
+ return nullptr;
+ char* text = GetText(atk_text, offset, offset + 1);
+ if (!text)
+ return nullptr;
+ *start_offset = offset;
+ *end_offset = offset + 1;
+ return text;
+char* GetTextWithBoundaryType(AtkText* atk_text,
+ int offset,
+ ax::mojom::TextBoundary boundary,
+ int* start_offset_ptr,
+ int* end_offset_ptr) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), nullptr);
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_text);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ if (offset < 0 || offset >= atk_text_get_character_count(atk_text))
+ return nullptr;
+ // The offset that we receive from the API is a Unicode character offset.
+ // Since we calculate boundaries in terms of UTF-16 code point offsets, we
+ // need to convert this input value.
+ offset = obj->UnicodeToUTF16OffsetInText(offset);
+ int start_offset = obj->FindTextBoundary(
+ boundary, offset, ax::mojom::MoveDirection::kBackward,
+ ax::mojom::TextAffinity::kDownstream);
+ int end_offset = obj->FindTextBoundary(boundary, offset,
+ ax::mojom::MoveDirection::kForward,
+ ax::mojom::TextAffinity::kDownstream);
+ if (start_offset < 0 || end_offset < 0)
+ return nullptr;
+ DCHECK_LE(start_offset, end_offset)
+ << "Start offset should be less than or equal the end offset.";
+ // The ATK API is also expecting Unicode character offsets as output
+ // values.
+ *start_offset_ptr = obj->UTF16ToUnicodeOffsetInText(start_offset);
+ *end_offset_ptr = obj->UTF16ToUnicodeOffsetInText(end_offset);
+ std::u16string text = obj->GetHypertext();
+ DCHECK_LE(end_offset, static_cast<int>(text.size()));
+ std::u16string substr = text.substr(start_offset, end_offset - start_offset);
+ return g_strdup(base::UTF16ToUTF8(substr).c_str());
+char* GetTextAtOffset(AtkText* atk_text,
+ int offset,
+ AtkTextBoundary atk_boundary,
+ int* start_offset,
+ int* end_offset) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), nullptr);
+ ax::mojom::TextBoundary boundary = FromAtkTextBoundary(atk_boundary);
+ return GetTextWithBoundaryType(atk_text, offset, boundary, start_offset,
+ end_offset);
+char* GetTextAfterOffset(AtkText* atk_text,
+ int offset,
+ AtkTextBoundary boundary,
+ int* start_offset,
+ int* end_offset) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), nullptr);
+ if (boundary != ATK_TEXT_BOUNDARY_CHAR) {
+ *start_offset = -1;
+ *end_offset = -1;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // ATK does not offer support for the special negative index and we don't
+ // want to do arithmetic on that value below.
+ if (offset == kStringLengthOffset)
+ return nullptr;
+ return GetCharacter(atk_text, offset + 1, start_offset, end_offset);
+char* GetTextBeforeOffset(AtkText* atk_text,
+ int offset,
+ AtkTextBoundary boundary,
+ int* start_offset,
+ int* end_offset) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), nullptr);
+ if (boundary != ATK_TEXT_BOUNDARY_CHAR) {
+ *start_offset = -1;
+ *end_offset = -1;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // ATK does not offer support for the special negative index and we don't
+ // want to do arithmetic on that value below.
+ if (offset == kStringLengthOffset)
+ return nullptr;
+ return GetCharacter(atk_text, offset - 1, start_offset, end_offset);
+gint GetCaretOffset(AtkText* atk_text) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), -1);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(atk_text));
+ if (!obj)
+ return -1;
+ return obj->GetCaretOffset();
+gboolean SetCaretOffset(AtkText* atk_text, gint offset) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), FALSE);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(atk_text));
+ if (!obj)
+ return FALSE;
+ if (!obj->SetCaretOffset(offset))
+ return FALSE;
+ // Orca expects atk_text_set_caret_offset to either focus the target element
+ // or set the sequential focus navigation starting point there.
+ int utf16_offset = obj->UnicodeToUTF16OffsetInText(offset);
+ obj->GrabFocusOrSetSequentialFocusNavigationStartingPointAtOffset(
+ utf16_offset);
+ return TRUE;
+int GetNSelections(AtkText* atk_text) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), 0);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(atk_text));
+ if (!obj)
+ return 0;
+ if (obj->HasSelection())
+ return 1;
+ absl::optional<FindInPageResultInfo> result =
+ obj->GetSelectionOffsetsFromFindInPage();
+ if (result.has_value() && result->node == ATK_OBJECT(atk_text))
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+gchar* GetSelection(AtkText* atk_text,
+ int selection_num,
+ int* start_offset,
+ int* end_offset) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), nullptr);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(atk_text));
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ if (selection_num != 0)
+ return nullptr;
+ return obj->GetSelectionWithText(start_offset, end_offset);
+gboolean RemoveSelection(AtkText* atk_text, int selection_num) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), FALSE);
+ if (selection_num != 0)
+ return FALSE;
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(atk_text));
+ if (!obj)
+ return FALSE;
+ // Simply collapse the selection to the position of the caret if a caret is
+ // visible, otherwise set the selection to 0.
+ int selection_end = obj->UTF16ToUnicodeOffsetInText(
+ obj->GetIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kTextSelEnd));
+ return SetCaretOffset(atk_text, selection_end);
+gboolean SetSelection(AtkText* atk_text,
+ int selection_num,
+ int start_offset,
+ int end_offset) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), FALSE);
+ if (selection_num != 0)
+ return FALSE;
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(atk_text));
+ if (!obj)
+ return FALSE;
+ return obj->SetTextSelectionForAtkText(start_offset, end_offset);
+gboolean AddSelection(AtkText* atk_text, int start_offset, int end_offset) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), FALSE);
+ // We only support one selection.
+ return SetSelection(atk_text, 0, start_offset, end_offset);
+#if defined(ATK_210)
+char* GetStringAtOffset(AtkText* atk_text,
+ int offset,
+ AtkTextGranularity atk_granularity,
+ int* start_offset,
+ int* end_offset) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), nullptr);
+ *start_offset = -1;
+ *end_offset = -1;
+ ax::mojom::TextBoundary boundary = FromAtkTextGranularity(atk_granularity);
+ return GetTextWithBoundaryType(atk_text, offset, boundary, start_offset,
+ end_offset);
+#if defined(ATK_230)
+gfx::Rect GetUnclippedParentHypertextRangeBoundsRect(
+ AXPlatformNodeDelegate* ax_platform_node_delegate,
+ const int start_offset,
+ const int end_offset) {
+ const AXPlatformNode* parent_platform_node =
+ AXPlatformNode::FromNativeViewAccessible(
+ ax_platform_node_delegate->GetParent());
+ if (!parent_platform_node)
+ return gfx::Rect();
+ const AXPlatformNodeDelegate* parent_ax_platform_node_delegate =
+ parent_platform_node->GetDelegate();
+ if (!parent_ax_platform_node_delegate)
+ return gfx::Rect();
+ return ax_platform_node_delegate->GetHypertextRangeBoundsRect(
+ start_offset, end_offset, AXCoordinateSystem::kRootFrame,
+ AXClippingBehavior::kUnclipped) -
+ parent_ax_platform_node_delegate
+ ->GetBoundsRect(AXCoordinateSystem::kRootFrame,
+ AXClippingBehavior::kClipped)
+ .OffsetFromOrigin();
+void GetCharacterExtents(AtkText* atk_text,
+ int offset,
+ int* x,
+ int* y,
+ int* width,
+ int* height,
+ AtkCoordType coordinate_type) {
+ g_return_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text));
+ gfx::Rect rect;
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(atk_text));
+ if (obj) {
+ switch (coordinate_type) {
+#if defined(ATK_230)
+ rect = GetUnclippedParentHypertextRangeBoundsRect(obj->GetDelegate(),
+ offset, offset + 1);
+ break;
+ default:
+ rect = obj->GetDelegate()->GetHypertextRangeBoundsRect(
+ obj->UnicodeToUTF16OffsetInText(offset),
+ obj->UnicodeToUTF16OffsetInText(offset + 1),
+ AtkCoordTypeToAXCoordinateSystem(coordinate_type),
+ AXClippingBehavior::kUnclipped);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (x)
+ *x = rect.x();
+ if (y)
+ *y = rect.y();
+ if (width)
+ *width = rect.width();
+ if (height)
+ *height = rect.height();
+void GetRangeExtents(AtkText* atk_text,
+ int start_offset,
+ int end_offset,
+ AtkCoordType coordinate_type,
+ AtkTextRectangle* out_rectangle) {
+ g_return_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text));
+ if (!out_rectangle)
+ return;
+ gfx::Rect rect;
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(atk_text));
+ if (obj) {
+ switch (coordinate_type) {
+#if defined(ATK_230)
+ rect = GetUnclippedParentHypertextRangeBoundsRect(
+ obj->GetDelegate(), start_offset, end_offset);
+ break;
+ default:
+ rect = obj->GetDelegate()->GetHypertextRangeBoundsRect(
+ obj->UnicodeToUTF16OffsetInText(start_offset),
+ obj->UnicodeToUTF16OffsetInText(end_offset),
+ AtkCoordTypeToAXCoordinateSystem(coordinate_type),
+ AXClippingBehavior::kUnclipped);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ out_rectangle->x = rect.x();
+ out_rectangle->y = rect.y();
+ out_rectangle->width = rect.width();
+ out_rectangle->height = rect.height();
+AtkAttributeSet* GetRunAttributes(AtkText* atk_text,
+ gint offset,
+ gint* start_offset,
+ gint* end_offset) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), nullptr);
+ SetIntPointerValueIfNotNull(start_offset, -1);
+ SetIntPointerValueIfNotNull(end_offset, -1);
+ if (offset < 0 || offset > GetCharacterCount(atk_text))
+ return nullptr;
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_text);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ return ToAtkAttributeSet(
+ obj->GetTextAttributes(offset, start_offset, end_offset));
+AtkAttributeSet* GetDefaultAttributes(AtkText* atk_text) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), nullptr);
+ AtkObject* atk_object = ATK_OBJECT(atk_text);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ return ToAtkAttributeSet(obj->GetDefaultTextAttributes());
+#if defined(ATK_232)
+gboolean ScrollSubstringTo(AtkText* atk_text,
+ gint start_offset,
+ gint end_offset,
+ AtkScrollType scroll_type) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), FALSE);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(atk_text));
+ if (!obj)
+ return FALSE;
+ return obj->ScrollSubstringIntoView(scroll_type, start_offset, end_offset);
+gboolean ScrollSubstringToPoint(AtkText* atk_text,
+ gint start_offset,
+ gint end_offset,
+ AtkCoordType atk_coord_type,
+ gint x,
+ gint y) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_text), FALSE);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(atk_text));
+ if (!obj)
+ return FALSE;
+ return obj->ScrollSubstringToPoint(start_offset, end_offset, atk_coord_type,
+ x, y);
+#endif // ATK_232
+void Init(AtkTextIface* iface) {
+ iface->get_text = GetText;
+ iface->get_character_count = GetCharacterCount;
+ iface->get_character_at_offset = GetCharacterAtOffset;
+ iface->get_offset_at_point = GetOffsetAtPoint;
+ iface->get_text_after_offset = GetTextAfterOffset;
+ iface->get_text_before_offset = GetTextBeforeOffset;
+ iface->get_text_at_offset = GetTextAtOffset;
+ iface->get_caret_offset = GetCaretOffset;
+ iface->set_caret_offset = SetCaretOffset;
+ iface->get_character_extents = GetCharacterExtents;
+ iface->get_range_extents = GetRangeExtents;
+ iface->get_n_selections = GetNSelections;
+ iface->get_selection = GetSelection;
+ iface->add_selection = AddSelection;
+ iface->remove_selection = RemoveSelection;
+ iface->set_selection = SetSelection;
+ iface->get_run_attributes = GetRunAttributes;
+ iface->get_default_attributes = GetDefaultAttributes;
+#if defined(ATK_210)
+ iface->get_string_at_offset = GetStringAtOffset;
+#if defined(ATK_232)
+ if (SupportsAtkTextScrollingInterface()) {
+ iface->scroll_substring_to = ScrollSubstringTo;
+ iface->scroll_substring_to_point = ScrollSubstringToPoint;
+ }
+const GInterfaceInfo Info = {reinterpret_cast<GInterfaceInitFunc>(Init),
+ nullptr, nullptr};
+} // namespace atk_text
+namespace atk_window {
+void Init(AtkWindowIface* iface) {}
+const GInterfaceInfo Info = {reinterpret_cast<GInterfaceInitFunc>(Init),
+ nullptr, nullptr};
+} // namespace atk_window
+namespace atk_selection {
+gboolean AddSelection(AtkSelection* selection, gint index) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_SELECTION(selection), FALSE);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(selection));
+ if (!obj)
+ return FALSE;
+ if (index < 0 || static_cast<size_t>(index) >= obj->GetChildCount())
+ return FALSE;
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* child =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(obj->ChildAtIndex(index));
+ if (!child)
+ return FALSE;
+ if (!child->SupportsSelectionWithAtkSelection())
+ return FALSE;
+ bool selected = child->GetBoolAttribute(ax::mojom::BoolAttribute::kSelected);
+ if (selected)
+ return TRUE;
+ AXActionData data;
+ data.action = ax::mojom::Action::kDoDefault;
+ return child->GetDelegate()->AccessibilityPerformAction(data);
+gboolean ClearSelection(AtkSelection* selection) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_SELECTION(selection), FALSE);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(selection));
+ if (!obj)
+ return FALSE;
+ int child_count = obj->GetChildCount();
+ bool success = true;
+ for (int i = 0; i < child_count; ++i) {
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* child =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(obj->ChildAtIndex(i));
+ if (!child)
+ continue;
+ if (!child->SupportsSelectionWithAtkSelection())
+ continue;
+ bool selected =
+ child->GetBoolAttribute(ax::mojom::BoolAttribute::kSelected);
+ if (!selected)
+ continue;
+ AXActionData data;
+ data.action = ax::mojom::Action::kDoDefault;
+ success = success && child->GetDelegate()->AccessibilityPerformAction(data);
+ }
+ return success;
+AtkObject* RefSelection(AtkSelection* selection, gint requested_child_index) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_SELECTION(selection), nullptr);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(selection));
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ if (auto* selected_child = obj->GetSelectedItem(requested_child_index)) {
+ if (AtkObject* atk_object = selected_child->GetNativeViewAccessible()) {
+ g_object_ref(atk_object);
+ return atk_object;
+ }
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+gint GetSelectionCount(AtkSelection* selection) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_SELECTION(selection), 0);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(selection));
+ if (!obj)
+ return 0;
+ return obj->GetSelectionCount();
+gboolean IsChildSelected(AtkSelection* selection, gint index) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_SELECTION(selection), FALSE);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(selection));
+ if (!obj)
+ return FALSE;
+ if (index < 0 || static_cast<size_t>(index) >= obj->GetChildCount())
+ return FALSE;
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* child =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(obj->ChildAtIndex(index));
+ return child && child->GetBoolAttribute(ax::mojom::BoolAttribute::kSelected);
+gboolean RemoveSelection(AtkSelection* selection,
+ gint index_into_selected_children) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_SELECTION(selection), FALSE);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(selection));
+ if (!obj)
+ return FALSE;
+ int child_count = obj->GetChildCount();
+ for (int i = 0; i < child_count; ++i) {
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* child =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(obj->ChildAtIndex(i));
+ if (!child)
+ continue;
+ bool selected =
+ child->GetBoolAttribute(ax::mojom::BoolAttribute::kSelected);
+ if (selected && index_into_selected_children == 0) {
+ if (!child->SupportsSelectionWithAtkSelection())
+ return FALSE;
+ AXActionData data;
+ data.action = ax::mojom::Action::kDoDefault;
+ return child->GetDelegate()->AccessibilityPerformAction(data);
+ } else if (selected) {
+ index_into_selected_children--;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+gboolean SelectAllSelection(AtkSelection* selection) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_SELECTION(selection), FALSE);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(selection));
+ if (!obj)
+ return FALSE;
+ int child_count = obj->GetChildCount();
+ bool success = true;
+ for (int i = 0; i < child_count; ++i) {
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* child =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(obj->ChildAtIndex(i));
+ if (!child)
+ continue;
+ if (!child->SupportsSelectionWithAtkSelection())
+ continue;
+ bool selected =
+ child->GetBoolAttribute(ax::mojom::BoolAttribute::kSelected);
+ if (selected)
+ continue;
+ AXActionData data;
+ data.action = ax::mojom::Action::kDoDefault;
+ success = success && child->GetDelegate()->AccessibilityPerformAction(data);
+ }
+ return success;
+void Init(AtkSelectionIface* iface) {
+ iface->add_selection = AddSelection;
+ iface->clear_selection = ClearSelection;
+ iface->ref_selection = RefSelection;
+ iface->get_selection_count = GetSelectionCount;
+ iface->is_child_selected = IsChildSelected;
+ iface->remove_selection = RemoveSelection;
+ iface->select_all_selection = SelectAllSelection;
+const GInterfaceInfo Info = {reinterpret_cast<GInterfaceInitFunc>(Init),
+ nullptr, nullptr};
+} // namespace atk_selection
+namespace atk_table {
+AtkObject* RefAt(AtkTable* table, gint row, gint column) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TABLE(table), nullptr);
+ if (auto* obj = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(table))) {
+ if (AXPlatformNodeBase* cell = obj->GetTableCell(row, column)) {
+ if (AtkObject* atk_cell = cell->GetNativeViewAccessible()) {
+ g_object_ref(atk_cell);
+ return atk_cell;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+gint GetIndexAt(AtkTable* table, gint row, gint column) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TABLE(table), -1);
+ if (auto* obj = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(table))) {
+ if (const AXPlatformNodeBase* cell = obj->GetTableCell(row, column)) {
+ DCHECK(cell->GetTableCellIndex().has_value());
+ return cell->GetTableCellIndex().value();
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+gint GetColumnAtIndex(AtkTable* table, gint index) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TABLE(table), -1);
+ if (auto* obj = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(table))) {
+ if (const AXPlatformNodeBase* cell = obj->GetTableCell(index)) {
+ DCHECK(cell->GetTableColumn().has_value());
+ return cell->GetTableColumn().value();
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+gint GetRowAtIndex(AtkTable* table, gint index) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TABLE(table), -1);
+ if (auto* obj = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(table))) {
+ if (const AXPlatformNodeBase* cell = obj->GetTableCell(index)) {
+ DCHECK(cell->GetTableRow().has_value());
+ return cell->GetTableRow().value();
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+gint GetNColumns(AtkTable* table) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TABLE(table), 0);
+ if (auto* obj = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(table))) {
+ // If the object is not a table, we return 0.
+ return obj->GetTableColumnCount().value_or(0);
+ }
+ return 0;
+gint GetNRows(AtkTable* table) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TABLE(table), 0);
+ if (auto* obj = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(table))) {
+ // If the object is not a table, we return 0.
+ return obj->GetTableRowCount().value_or(0);
+ }
+ return 0;
+gint GetColumnExtentAt(AtkTable* table, gint row, gint column) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TABLE(table), 0);
+ if (auto* obj = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(table))) {
+ if (const AXPlatformNodeBase* cell = obj->GetTableCell(row, column)) {
+ DCHECK(cell->GetTableColumnSpan().has_value());
+ return cell->GetTableColumnSpan().value();
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+gint GetRowExtentAt(AtkTable* table, gint row, gint column) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TABLE(table), 0);
+ if (auto* obj = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(table))) {
+ if (const AXPlatformNodeBase* cell = obj->GetTableCell(row, column)) {
+ DCHECK(cell->GetTableRowSpan().has_value());
+ return cell->GetTableRowSpan().value();
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+AtkObject* GetColumnHeader(AtkTable* table, gint column) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TABLE(table), nullptr);
+ auto* obj = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(table));
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ // AtkTable supports only one column header object. So return the first one
+ // we find. In the case of multiple headers, ATs can fall back on the column
+ // description.
+ std::vector<int32_t> ids = obj->GetDelegate()->GetColHeaderNodeIds(column);
+ for (const auto& node_id : ids) {
+ if (AXPlatformNode* header = obj->GetDelegate()->GetFromNodeID(node_id)) {
+ if (AtkObject* atk_header = header->GetNativeViewAccessible()) {
+ g_object_ref(atk_header);
+ return atk_header;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+AtkObject* GetRowHeader(AtkTable* table, gint row) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TABLE(table), nullptr);
+ auto* obj = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(table));
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ // AtkTable supports only one row header object. So return the first one
+ // we find. In the case of multiple headers, ATs can fall back on the row
+ // description.
+ std::vector<int32_t> ids = obj->GetDelegate()->GetRowHeaderNodeIds(row);
+ for (const auto& node_id : ids) {
+ if (AXPlatformNode* header = obj->GetDelegate()->GetFromNodeID(node_id)) {
+ if (AtkObject* atk_header = header->GetNativeViewAccessible()) {
+ g_object_ref(atk_header);
+ return atk_header;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+AtkObject* GetCaption(AtkTable* table) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TABLE(table), nullptr);
+ if (auto* obj = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(table))) {
+ if (auto* caption = obj->GetTableCaption())
+ return caption->GetNativeViewAccessible();
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+const gchar* GetColumnDescription(AtkTable* table, gint column) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TABLE(table), nullptr);
+ auto* obj = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(table));
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ std::vector<int32_t> ids = obj->GetDelegate()->GetColHeaderNodeIds(column);
+ return BuildDescriptionFromHeaders(obj->GetDelegate(), ids);
+const gchar* GetRowDescription(AtkTable* table, gint row) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_TABLE(table), nullptr);
+ auto* obj = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(table));
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ std::vector<int32_t> ids = obj->GetDelegate()->GetRowHeaderNodeIds(row);
+ return BuildDescriptionFromHeaders(obj->GetDelegate(), ids);
+void Init(AtkTableIface* iface) {
+ iface->ref_at = RefAt;
+ iface->get_index_at = GetIndexAt;
+ iface->get_column_at_index = GetColumnAtIndex;
+ iface->get_row_at_index = GetRowAtIndex;
+ iface->get_n_columns = GetNColumns;
+ iface->get_n_rows = GetNRows;
+ iface->get_column_extent_at = GetColumnExtentAt;
+ iface->get_row_extent_at = GetRowExtentAt;
+ iface->get_column_header = GetColumnHeader;
+ iface->get_row_header = GetRowHeader;
+ iface->get_caption = GetCaption;
+ iface->get_column_description = GetColumnDescription;
+ iface->get_row_description = GetRowDescription;
+const GInterfaceInfo Info = {reinterpret_cast<GInterfaceInitFunc>(Init),
+ nullptr, nullptr};
+} // namespace atk_table
+// The ATK table cell interface was added in ATK 2.12.
+#if defined(ATK_212)
+namespace atk_table_cell {
+gint GetColumnSpan(AtkTableCell* cell) {
+ DCHECK(g_atk_table_cell_get_type);
+ g_return_val_if_fail(
+ G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE((cell), AtkTableCellInterface::GetType()), 0);
+ if (const AXPlatformNodeBase* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(cell))) {
+ // If the object is not a cell, we return 0.
+ return obj->GetTableColumnSpan().value_or(0);
+ }
+ return 0;
+GPtrArray* GetColumnHeaderCells(AtkTableCell* cell) {
+ DCHECK(g_atk_table_cell_get_type);
+ g_return_val_if_fail(
+ G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE((cell), AtkTableCellInterface::GetType()),
+ nullptr);
+ GPtrArray* array = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func(g_object_unref);
+ auto* obj = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(cell));
+ if (!obj)
+ return array;
+ // AtkTableCell is implemented on cells, row headers, and column headers.
+ // Calling GetColHeaderNodeIds() on a column header cell will include that
+ // column header, along with any other column headers in the column which
+ // may or may not describe the header cell in question. Therefore, just return
+ // headers for non-header cells.
+ if (obj->GetAtkRole() != ATK_ROLE_TABLE_CELL)
+ return array;
+ absl::optional<int> col_index = obj->GetTableColumn();
+ if (!col_index)
+ return array;
+ const std::vector<int32_t> ids =
+ obj->GetDelegate()->GetColHeaderNodeIds(*col_index);
+ for (const auto& node_id : ids) {
+ if (AXPlatformNode* node = obj->GetDelegate()->GetFromNodeID(node_id)) {
+ if (AtkObject* atk_node = node->GetNativeViewAccessible()) {
+ g_ptr_array_add(array, g_object_ref(atk_node));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return array;
+gboolean GetCellPosition(AtkTableCell* cell, gint* row, gint* column) {
+ DCHECK(g_atk_table_cell_get_type);
+ g_return_val_if_fail(
+ G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE((cell), AtkTableCellInterface::GetType()),
+ if (auto* obj = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(cell))) {
+ absl::optional<int> row_index = obj->GetTableRow();
+ absl::optional<int> col_index = obj->GetTableColumn();
+ if (!row_index || !col_index)
+ return false;
+ *row = *row_index;
+ *column = *col_index;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+gint GetRowSpan(AtkTableCell* cell) {
+ DCHECK(g_atk_table_cell_get_type);
+ g_return_val_if_fail(
+ G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE((cell), AtkTableCellInterface::GetType()), 0);
+ if (auto* obj = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(cell))) {
+ // If the object is not a cell, we return 0.
+ return obj->GetTableRowSpan().value_or(0);
+ }
+ return 0;
+GPtrArray* GetRowHeaderCells(AtkTableCell* cell) {
+ DCHECK(g_atk_table_cell_get_type);
+ g_return_val_if_fail(
+ G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE((cell), AtkTableCellInterface::GetType()),
+ nullptr);
+ GPtrArray* array = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func(g_object_unref);
+ auto* obj = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(cell));
+ if (!obj)
+ return array;
+ // AtkTableCell is implemented on cells, row headers, and column headers.
+ // Calling GetRowHeaderNodeIds() on a row header cell will include that
+ // row header, along with any other row headers in the row which may or
+ // may not describe the header cell in question. Therefore, just return
+ // headers for non-header cells.
+ if (obj->GetAtkRole() != ATK_ROLE_TABLE_CELL)
+ return array;
+ absl::optional<int> row_index = obj->GetTableRow();
+ if (!row_index)
+ return array;
+ const std::vector<int32_t> ids =
+ obj->GetDelegate()->GetRowHeaderNodeIds(*row_index);
+ for (const auto& node_id : ids) {
+ if (AXPlatformNode* node = obj->GetDelegate()->GetFromNodeID(node_id)) {
+ if (AtkObject* atk_node = node->GetNativeViewAccessible()) {
+ g_ptr_array_add(array, g_object_ref(atk_node));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return array;
+AtkObject* GetTable(AtkTableCell* cell) {
+ DCHECK(g_atk_table_cell_get_type);
+ g_return_val_if_fail(
+ G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE((cell), AtkTableCellInterface::GetType()),
+ nullptr);
+ if (auto* obj = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(ATK_OBJECT(cell))) {
+ if (auto* table = obj->GetTable())
+ return table->GetNativeViewAccessible();
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+using AtkTableCellIface = struct _AtkTableCellIface;
+void Init(AtkTableCellIface* iface) {
+ iface->get_column_span = GetColumnSpan;
+ iface->get_column_header_cells = GetColumnHeaderCells;
+ iface->get_position = GetCellPosition;
+ iface->get_row_span = GetRowSpan;
+ iface->get_row_header_cells = GetRowHeaderCells;
+ iface->get_table = GetTable;
+const GInterfaceInfo Info = {reinterpret_cast<GInterfaceInitFunc>(Init),
+ nullptr, nullptr};
+} // namespace atk_table_cell
+#endif // ATK_212
+namespace atk_object {
+gpointer kAXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxParentClass = nullptr;
+const gchar* GetName(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_OBJECT(atk_object), nullptr);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ if (!obj->IsNameExposed())
+ return nullptr;
+ ax::mojom::NameFrom name_from = obj->GetNameFrom();
+ if (obj->GetName().empty() &&
+ name_from != ax::mojom::NameFrom::kAttributeExplicitlyEmpty) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ obj->accessible_name_ = obj->GetName();
+ return obj->accessible_name_.c_str();
+const gchar* AtkGetName(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ RecordAccessibilityAtkApi(UmaAtkApi::kGetName);
+ return GetName(atk_object);
+const gchar* GetDescription(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_OBJECT(atk_object), nullptr);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ return obj->GetStringAttribute(ax::mojom::StringAttribute::kDescription)
+ .c_str();
+const gchar* AtkGetDescription(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ RecordAccessibilityAtkApi(UmaAtkApi::kGetDescription);
+ return GetDescription(atk_object);
+gint GetNChildren(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_OBJECT(atk_object), 0);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return 0;
+ return obj->GetChildCount();
+gint AtkGetNChildren(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ RecordAccessibilityAtkApi(UmaAtkApi::kGetNChildren);
+ return GetNChildren(atk_object);
+AtkObject* RefChild(AtkObject* atk_object, gint index) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_OBJECT(atk_object), nullptr);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ if (index < 0 || static_cast<size_t>(index) >= obj->GetChildCount())
+ return nullptr;
+ AtkObject* result = obj->ChildAtIndex(index);
+ if (result)
+ g_object_ref(result);
+ return result;
+AtkObject* AtkRefChild(AtkObject* atk_object, gint index) {
+ RecordAccessibilityAtkApi(UmaAtkApi::kRefChild);
+ return RefChild(atk_object, index);
+gint GetIndexInParent(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_OBJECT(atk_object), -1);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return -1;
+ auto index_in_parent = obj->GetIndexInParent();
+ return index_in_parent.has_value()
+ ? static_cast<gint>(index_in_parent.value())
+ : -1;
+gint AtkGetIndexInParent(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ RecordAccessibilityAtkApi(UmaAtkApi::kGetIndexInParent);
+ return GetIndexInParent(atk_object);
+AtkObject* GetParent(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_OBJECT(atk_object), nullptr);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ return obj->GetParent();
+AtkObject* AtkGetParent(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ RecordAccessibilityAtkApi(UmaAtkApi::kGetParent);
+ return GetParent(atk_object);
+AtkRelationSet* RefRelationSet(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_OBJECT(atk_object), nullptr);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return atk_relation_set_new();
+ return obj->GetAtkRelations();
+AtkRelationSet* AtkRefRelationSet(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ RecordAccessibilityAtkApi(UmaAtkApi::kRefRelationSet);
+ // Enables AX mode. Most AT does not call AtkRefRelationSet, but Orca does,
+ // which is why it's a good signal to enable accessibility for Orca users
+ // without too many false positives.
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::EnableAXMode();
+ return RefRelationSet(atk_object);
+AtkAttributeSet* GetAttributes(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_OBJECT(atk_object), nullptr);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return nullptr;
+ return obj->GetAtkAttributes();
+AtkAttributeSet* AtkGetAttributes(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ RecordAccessibilityAtkApi(UmaAtkApi::kGetAttributes);
+ // Enables AX mode. Most AT does not call AtkGetAttributes, but Orca does,
+ // which is why it's a good signal to enable accessibility for Orca users
+ // without too many false positives.
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::EnableAXMode();
+ return GetAttributes(atk_object);
+AtkRole GetRole(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_OBJECT(atk_object), ATK_ROLE_INVALID);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj)
+ return obj->GetAtkRole();
+AtkRole AtkGetRole(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ RecordAccessibilityAtkApi(UmaAtkApi::kGetRole);
+ return GetRole(atk_object);
+AtkStateSet* RefStateSet(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(ATK_IS_OBJECT(atk_object), nullptr);
+ AtkStateSet* atk_state_set =
+ ATK_OBJECT_CLASS(kAXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxParentClass)
+ ->ref_state_set(atk_object);
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* obj =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(atk_object);
+ if (!obj) {
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_DEFUNCT);
+ } else {
+ obj->GetAtkState(atk_state_set);
+ }
+ return atk_state_set;
+AtkStateSet* AtkRefStateSet(AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ RecordAccessibilityAtkApi(UmaAtkApi::kRefStateSet);
+ return RefStateSet(atk_object);
+void Initialize(AtkObject* atk_object, gpointer data) {
+ if (ATK_OBJECT_CLASS(kAXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxParentClass)->initialize) {
+ ATK_OBJECT_CLASS(kAXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxParentClass)
+ ->initialize(atk_object, data);
+ }
+ AX_PLATFORM_NODE_AURALINUX(atk_object)->m_object =
+ reinterpret_cast<AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux*>(data);
+void Finalize(GObject* atk_object) {
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS(kAXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxParentClass)->finalize(atk_object);
+void ClassInit(gpointer class_pointer, gpointer /* class_data */) {
+ GObjectClass* gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS(class_pointer);
+ kAXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxParentClass = g_type_class_peek_parent(gobject_class);
+ gobject_class->finalize = Finalize;
+ AtkObjectClass* atk_object_class = ATK_OBJECT_CLASS(gobject_class);
+ atk_object_class->initialize = Initialize;
+ atk_object_class->get_name = AtkGetName;
+ atk_object_class->get_description = AtkGetDescription;
+ atk_object_class->get_parent = AtkGetParent;
+ atk_object_class->get_n_children = AtkGetNChildren;
+ atk_object_class->ref_child = AtkRefChild;
+ atk_object_class->get_role = AtkGetRole;
+ atk_object_class->ref_state_set = AtkRefStateSet;
+ atk_object_class->get_index_in_parent = AtkGetIndexInParent;
+ atk_object_class->ref_relation_set = AtkRefRelationSet;
+ atk_object_class->get_attributes = AtkGetAttributes;
+GType GetType() {
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::EnsureGTypeInit();
+ static gsize type_id = 0;
+ if (g_once_init_enter(&type_id)) {
+ static const GTypeInfo type_info = {
+ sizeof(AXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxClass), // class_size
+ nullptr, // base_init
+ nullptr, // base_finalize
+ atk_object::ClassInit,
+ nullptr, // class_finalize
+ nullptr, // class_data
+ sizeof(AXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxObject), // instance_size
+ 0, // n_preallocs
+ nullptr, // instance_init
+ nullptr // value_table
+ };
+ GType type = g_type_register_static(
+ ATK_TYPE_OBJECT, "AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux", &type_info, GTypeFlags(0));
+ g_once_init_leave(&type_id, type);
+ }
+ return type_id;
+void Detach(AXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxObject* atk_object) {
+ if (!atk_object->m_object)
+ return;
+ atk_object->m_object = nullptr;
+} // namespace atk_object
+} // namespace
+// static
+GType AtkTableCellInterface::GetType() {
+ return g_atk_table_cell_get_type();
+// static
+GPtrArray* AtkTableCellInterface::GetColumnHeaderCells(AtkTableCell* cell) {
+ return g_atk_table_cell_get_column_header_cells(cell);
+// static
+GPtrArray* AtkTableCellInterface::GetRowHeaderCells(AtkTableCell* cell) {
+ return g_atk_table_cell_get_row_header_cells(cell);
+// static
+bool AtkTableCellInterface::GetRowColumnSpan(AtkTableCell* cell,
+ gint* row,
+ gint* column,
+ gint* row_span,
+ gint* col_span) {
+ return g_atk_table_cell_get_row_column_span(cell, row, column, row_span,
+ col_span);
+// static
+bool AtkTableCellInterface::Exists() {
+ g_atk_table_cell_get_type = reinterpret_cast<GetTypeFunc>(
+ dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "atk_table_cell_get_type"));
+ g_atk_table_cell_get_column_header_cells =
+ reinterpret_cast<GetColumnHeaderCellsFunc>(
+ dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "atk_table_cell_get_column_header_cells"));
+ g_atk_table_cell_get_row_header_cells =
+ reinterpret_cast<GetRowHeaderCellsFunc>(
+ dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "atk_table_cell_get_row_header_cells"));
+ g_atk_table_cell_get_row_column_span = reinterpret_cast<GetRowColumnSpanFunc>(
+ dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "atk_table_cell_get_row_column_span"));
+ return *g_atk_table_cell_get_type;
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::EnsureGTypeInit() {
+#if !GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 36, 0)
+ static bool first_time = true;
+ if (UNLIKELY(first_time)) {
+ g_type_init();
+ first_time = false;
+ }
+// static
+ImplementedAtkInterfaces AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetGTypeInterfaceMask(
+ const AXNodeData& data) {
+ // The default implementation set includes the AtkComponent and AtkAction
+ // interfaces, which are provided by all the AtkObjects that we produce.
+ ImplementedAtkInterfaces interface_mask;
+ if (!IsImageOrVideo(data.role)) {
+ interface_mask.Add(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kText);
+ if (!data.IsAtomicTextField())
+ interface_mask.Add(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kHypertext);
+ }
+ if (data.IsRangeValueSupported())
+ interface_mask.Add(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kValue);
+ if (ui::IsPlatformDocument(data.role))
+ interface_mask.Add(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kDocument);
+ if (IsImage(data.role))
+ interface_mask.Add(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kImage);
+ // The AtkHyperlinkImpl interface allows getting a AtkHyperlink from an
+ // AtkObject. It is indeed implemented by actual web hyperlinks, but also by
+ // objects that will become embedded objects in ATK hypertext, so the name is
+ // a bit of a misnomer from the ATK API.
+ if (IsLink(data.role) || !ui::IsText(data.role))
+ interface_mask.Add(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kHyperlink);
+ if (data.role == ax::mojom::Role::kWindow)
+ interface_mask.Add(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kWindow);
+ if (IsContainerWithSelectableChildren(data.role))
+ interface_mask.Add(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kSelection);
+ if (IsTableLike(data.role))
+ interface_mask.Add(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kTable);
+ // Because the TableCell Interface is only supported in ATK version 2.12 and
+ // later, GetAccessibilityGType has a runtime check to verify we have a recent
+ // enough version. If we don't, GetAccessibilityGType will exclude
+ // AtkTableCell from the supported interfaces and none of its methods or
+ // properties will be exposed to assistive technologies.
+ if (IsCellOrTableHeader(data.role))
+ interface_mask.Add(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kTableCell);
+ return interface_mask;
+GType AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetAccessibilityGType() {
+ static const GTypeInfo type_info = {
+ sizeof(AXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxClass),
+ (GBaseInitFunc) nullptr,
+ (GBaseFinalizeFunc) nullptr,
+ (GClassInitFunc) nullptr,
+ (GClassFinalizeFunc) nullptr,
+ nullptr, /* class data */
+ sizeof(AXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxObject), /* instance size */
+ 0, /* nb preallocs */
+ (GInstanceInitFunc) nullptr,
+ nullptr /* value table */
+ };
+ const char* atk_type_name = GetUniqueAccessibilityGTypeName(interface_mask_);
+ GType type = g_type_from_name(atk_type_name);
+ if (type)
+ return type;
+ type = g_type_register_static(AX_PLATFORM_NODE_AURALINUX_TYPE, atk_type_name,
+ &type_info, GTypeFlags(0));
+ // The AtkComponent and AtkAction interfaces are always supported.
+ g_type_add_interface_static(type, ATK_TYPE_COMPONENT, &atk_component::Info);
+ g_type_add_interface_static(type, ATK_TYPE_ACTION, &atk_action::Info);
+ if (interface_mask_.Implements(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kDocument))
+ g_type_add_interface_static(type, ATK_TYPE_DOCUMENT, &atk_document::Info);
+ if (interface_mask_.Implements(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kImage))
+ g_type_add_interface_static(type, ATK_TYPE_IMAGE, &atk_image::Info);
+ if (interface_mask_.Implements(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kValue))
+ g_type_add_interface_static(type, ATK_TYPE_VALUE, &atk_value::Info);
+ if (interface_mask_.Implements(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kHyperlink)) {
+ g_type_add_interface_static(type, ATK_TYPE_HYPERLINK_IMPL,
+ &atk_hyperlink::Info);
+ }
+ if (interface_mask_.Implements(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kHypertext))
+ g_type_add_interface_static(type, ATK_TYPE_HYPERTEXT, &atk_hypertext::Info);
+ if (interface_mask_.Implements(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kText))
+ g_type_add_interface_static(type, ATK_TYPE_TEXT, &atk_text::Info);
+ if (interface_mask_.Implements(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kWindow))
+ g_type_add_interface_static(type, ATK_TYPE_WINDOW, &atk_window::Info);
+ if (interface_mask_.Implements(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kSelection))
+ g_type_add_interface_static(type, ATK_TYPE_SELECTION, &atk_selection::Info);
+ if (interface_mask_.Implements(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kTable))
+ g_type_add_interface_static(type, ATK_TYPE_TABLE, &atk_table::Info);
+ if (interface_mask_.Implements(ImplementedAtkInterfaces::Value::kTableCell)) {
+ // Run-time check to ensure AtkTableCell is supported (requires ATK 2.12).
+ if (AtkTableCellInterface::Exists()) {
+ g_type_add_interface_static(type, AtkTableCellInterface::GetType(),
+ &atk_table_cell::Info);
+ }
+ }
+ return type;
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::SetDocumentParentOnFrameIfNecessary() {
+ if (GetAtkRole() != ATK_ROLE_DOCUMENT_WEB)
+ return;
+ if (!GetDelegate()->IsWebContent())
+ return;
+ AtkObject* parent_atk_object = GetParent();
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* parent =
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(parent_atk_object);
+ if (!parent)
+ return;
+ if (parent->GetDelegate()->IsWebContent())
+ return;
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* frame = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(
+ FindAtkObjectParentFrame(parent_atk_object));
+ if (!frame)
+ return;
+ frame->SetDocumentParent(parent_atk_object);
+AtkObject* AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FindPrimaryWebContentDocument() {
+ // It could get multiple web contents since additional web content is added,
+ // when the DevTools window is opened.
+ std::vector<AtkObject*> web_content_candidates;
+ for (auto child_iterator_ptr = GetDelegate()->ChildrenBegin();
+ *child_iterator_ptr != *GetDelegate()->ChildrenEnd();
+ ++(*child_iterator_ptr)) {
+ AtkObject* child = child_iterator_ptr->GetNativeViewAccessible();
+ auto* child_node = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(child);
+ if (!child_node)
+ continue;
+ if (!child_node->GetDelegate()->IsWebContent())
+ continue;
+ if (child_node->GetAtkRole() != ATK_ROLE_DOCUMENT_WEB)
+ continue;
+ web_content_candidates.push_back(child);
+ }
+ if (web_content_candidates.empty())
+ return nullptr;
+ // If it finds just one web content, return it.
+ if (web_content_candidates.size() == 1)
+ return web_content_candidates[0];
+ for (auto* object : web_content_candidates) {
+ auto* child_node = AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(object);
+ // If it is a primary web contents, return it.
+ if (child_node->GetDelegate()->IsPrimaryWebContentsForWindow()) {
+ return object;
+ }
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+bool AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::IsWebDocumentForRelations() {
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return false;
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* parent = FromAtkObject(GetParent());
+ if (!parent || !GetDelegate()->IsWebContent() ||
+ return false;
+ return parent->FindPrimaryWebContentDocument() == atk_object;
+AtkObject* AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::CreateAtkObject() {
+ if (GetRole() != ax::mojom::Role::kApplication &&
+ !GetDelegate()->IsToplevelBrowserWindow() &&
+ !AXPlatform::GetInstance().GetMode().has_mode(AXMode::kNativeAPIs)) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ if (GetDelegate()->IsChildOfLeaf())
+ return nullptr;
+ EnsureGTypeInit();
+ interface_mask_ = GetGTypeInterfaceMask(GetData());
+ GType type = GetAccessibilityGType();
+ AtkObject* atk_object = static_cast<AtkObject*>(g_object_new(type, nullptr));
+ atk_object_initialize(atk_object, this);
+ SetDocumentParentOnFrameIfNecessary();
+ return ATK_OBJECT(atk_object);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::DestroyAtkObjects() {
+ if (atk_hyperlink_) {
+ ax_platform_atk_hyperlink_set_object(
+ AX_PLATFORM_ATK_HYPERLINK(atk_hyperlink_), nullptr);
+ g_object_unref(atk_hyperlink_);
+ atk_hyperlink_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ if (atk_object_) {
+ // We explicitly clear g_current_focused just in case there is another
+ // reference to atk_object_ somewhere.
+ if (atk_object_ == g_current_focused)
+ SetWeakGPtrToAtkObject(&g_current_focused, nullptr);
+ atk_object::Detach(AX_PLATFORM_NODE_AURALINUX(atk_object_));
+ g_object_unref(atk_object_);
+ atk_object_ = nullptr;
+ }
+// static
+AXPlatformNode* AXPlatformNode::Create(AXPlatformNodeDelegate* delegate) {
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* node = new AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux();
+ node->Init(delegate);
+ return node;
+// static
+AXPlatformNode* AXPlatformNode::FromNativeViewAccessible(
+ gfx::NativeViewAccessible accessible) {
+ return AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(accessible);
+// AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux implementation.
+// static
+AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FromAtkObject(
+ const AtkObject* atk_object) {
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return nullptr;
+ if (IS_AX_PLATFORM_NODE_AURALINUX(atk_object)) {
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinuxObject* platform_object =
+ return platform_object->m_object;
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+// static
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::SetApplication(AXPlatformNode* application) {
+ g_root_application = application;
+// static
+AXPlatformNode* AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::application() {
+ return g_root_application;
+// static
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::StaticInitialize() {
+ AtkUtilAuraLinux::GetInstance()->InitializeAsync();
+// static
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::EnableAXMode() {
+ AXPlatformNode::NotifyAddAXModeFlags(kAXModeComplete);
+AtkRole AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetAtkRole() const {
+ switch (GetRole()) {
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kAlert:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kAlertDialog:
+ return ATK_ROLE_ALERT;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kComment:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kSuggestion:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kApplication:
+ // Only use ATK_ROLE_APPLICATION for elements with no parent, since it
+ // is only for top level app windows and not ARIA applications.
+ if (!GetParent()) {
+ } else {
+ }
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kArticle:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kAudio:
+ return ATK_ROLE_AUDIO;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kBanner:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kHeader:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kBlockquote:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kCaret:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kButton:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kCanvas:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kCaption:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kCell:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kCheckBox:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kSwitch:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kColorWell:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kColumn:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kColumnHeader:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kComboBoxGrouping:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kComboBoxMenuButton:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kComboBoxSelect:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kComplementary:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kContentDeletion:
+ return kAtkRoleContentDeletion;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kContentInsertion:
+ return kAtkRoleContentInsertion;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kContentInfo:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kFooter:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDate:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDateTime:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDefinition:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDescriptionListDetail:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDescriptionList:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDescriptionListTerm:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDetails:
+ return ATK_ROLE_PANEL;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDialog:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDirectory:
+ return ATK_ROLE_LIST;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDisclosureTriangle:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDisclosureTriangleGrouped:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocCover:
+ return ATK_ROLE_IMAGE;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocBackLink:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocBiblioRef:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocGlossRef:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocNoteRef:
+ return ATK_ROLE_LINK;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocBiblioEntry:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocEndnote:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocNotice:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocTip:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocFootnote:
+ return kAtkFootnoteRole;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocPageBreak:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocPageFooter:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocPageHeader:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocAcknowledgments:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocAfterword:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocAppendix:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocBibliography:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocChapter:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocConclusion:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocCredits:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocEndnotes:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocEpilogue:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocErrata:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocForeword:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocGlossary:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocIndex:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocIntroduction:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocPageList:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocPart:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocPreface:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocPrologue:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocToc:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocAbstract:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocColophon:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocCredit:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocDedication:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocEpigraph:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocExample:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocPullquote:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocQna:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocSubtitle:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDocument:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kEmbeddedObject:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kForm:
+ // TODO(accessibility) Forms which lack an accessible name are no longer
+ // exposed as forms. Forms which have accessible
+ // names should be exposed as ATK_ROLE_LANDMARK according to Core AAM.
+ return ATK_ROLE_FORM;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kFigure:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kFeed:
+ return ATK_ROLE_PANEL;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kGenericContainer:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kFooterAsNonLandmark:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kHeaderAsNonLandmark:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kRuby:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kGraphicsDocument:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kGraphicsObject:
+ return ATK_ROLE_PANEL;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kGraphicsSymbol:
+ return ATK_ROLE_IMAGE;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kGrid:
+ return ATK_ROLE_TABLE;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kGroup:
+ return ATK_ROLE_PANEL;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kHeading:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kIframe:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kIframePresentational:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kImage:
+ return IsImageWithMap() ? ATK_ROLE_IMAGE_MAP : ATK_ROLE_IMAGE;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kInlineTextBox:
+ return kStaticRole;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kInputTime:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kLabelText:
+ return ATK_ROLE_LABEL;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kLegend:
+ return ATK_ROLE_LABEL;
+ // Layout table objects are treated the same as Role::kGenericContainer.
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kLayoutTable:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kLayoutTableCell:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kLayoutTableRow:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kLineBreak:
+ // TODO(Accessibility) Having a separate accessible object for line breaks
+ // is inconsistent with other implementations.
+ return kStaticRole;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kLink:
+ return ATK_ROLE_LINK;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kList:
+ return ATK_ROLE_LIST;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kListBox:
+ // TODO(Accessibility) Use ATK_ROLE_MENU_ITEM inside a combo box, see how
+ // code does this.
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kListBoxOption:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kListGrid:
+ return ATK_ROLE_TABLE;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kListItem:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kListMarker:
+ // Regular list markers only expose their alternative text, but do not
+ // expose their descendants; and the descendants should be ignored. This
+ // is because the alternative text depends on the counter style and can
+ // be different from the actual (visual) marker text, and hence,
+ // inconsistent with the descendants. We treat a list marker as non-text
+ // only if it still has non-ignored descendants, which happens only when:
+ // - The list marker itself is ignored but the descendants are not
+ // - Or the list marker contains images
+ if (!GetChildCount())
+ return kStaticRole;
+ return ATK_ROLE_PANEL;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kLog:
+ return ATK_ROLE_LOG;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMain:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMark:
+ return kStaticRole;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMath:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLMath:
+ return ATK_ROLE_MATH;
+ //
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLFraction:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLIdentifier:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLMultiscripts:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLNoneScript:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLNumber:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLPrescriptDelimiter:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLOperator:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLOver:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLRoot:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLRow:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLSquareRoot:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLStringLiteral:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLSub:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLSubSup:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLSup:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLTable:
+ return ATK_ROLE_TABLE;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLTableCell:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLTableRow:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLText:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLUnder:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMathMLUnderOver:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMarquee:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMenu:
+ return ATK_ROLE_MENU;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMenuBar:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMenuItem:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMenuItemCheckBox:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMenuItemRadio:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMenuListPopup:
+ return ATK_ROLE_MENU;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMenuListOption:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kMeter:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kNavigation:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kNote:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kPane:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kScrollView:
+ return ATK_ROLE_PANEL;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kParagraph:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kPdfActionableHighlight:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kPdfRoot:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kPluginObject:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kPopUpButton:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kPortal:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kProgressIndicator:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kRadioButton:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kRadioGroup:
+ return ATK_ROLE_PANEL;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kRegion:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kRootWebArea:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kRow:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kRowGroup:
+ return ATK_ROLE_PANEL;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kRowHeader:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kRubyAnnotation:
+ // Generally exposed as description on <ruby> (Role::kRuby) element, not
+ // as its own object in the tree.
+ // However, it's possible to make a kRubyAnnotation element show up in the
+ // AX tree, for example by adding tabindex="0" to the source <rp> or <rt>
+ // element or making the source element the target of an aria-owns.
+ // Therefore, browser side needs to gracefully handle it if it actually
+ // shows up in the tree.
+ return kStaticRole;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kSection:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kScrollBar:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kSearch:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kSlider:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kSpinButton:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kSplitter:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kStaticText:
+ return kStaticRole;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kStatus:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kSubscript:
+ return kSubscriptRole;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kSuperscript:
+ return kSuperscriptRole;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kSvgRoot:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kTab:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kTable:
+ return ATK_ROLE_TABLE;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kTableHeaderContainer:
+ // TODO(accessibility) This mapping is correct, but it doesn't seem to be
+ // used. We don't necessarily want to always expose these containers, but
+ // we must do so if they are focusable.
+ return ATK_ROLE_PANEL;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kTabList:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kTabPanel:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kTerm:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kTitleBar:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kTextField:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kSearchBox:
+ if (HasState(ax::mojom::State::kProtected))
+ return ATK_ROLE_ENTRY;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kTextFieldWithComboBox:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kAbbr:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kCode:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kEmphasis:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kStrong:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kTime:
+ return kStaticRole;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kTimer:
+ return ATK_ROLE_TIMER;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kToggleButton:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kToolbar:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kTooltip:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kTree:
+ return ATK_ROLE_TREE;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kTreeItem:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kTreeGrid:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kVideo:
+ return ATK_ROLE_VIDEO;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kWindow:
+ // In ATK elements with ATK_ROLE_FRAME are windows with titles and
+ // buttons, while those with ATK_ROLE_WINDOW are windows without those
+ // elements.
+ return ATK_ROLE_FRAME;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kClient:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kDesktop:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kWebView:
+ return ATK_ROLE_PANEL;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kFigcaption:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kUnknown:
+ // When we are not in web content, assume that a node with an unknown
+ // role is a view (which often have the unknown role).
+ return !GetDelegate()->IsWebContent() ? ATK_ROLE_PANEL : ATK_ROLE_UNKNOWN;
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kImeCandidate:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kKeyboard:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kNone:
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kPreDeprecated:
+ }
+// If we were compiled with a newer version of ATK than the runtime version,
+// it's possible that the state we want to expose and/or emit an event for
+// is not present. This will generate a runtime error.
+bool PlatformSupportsState(AtkStateType atk_state_type) {
+ static absl::optional<int> max_state_type = absl::nullopt;
+ if (!max_state_type.has_value()) {
+ GEnumClass* enum_class =
+ G_ENUM_CLASS(g_type_class_ref(atk_state_type_get_type()));
+ max_state_type = enum_class->maximum;
+ g_type_class_unref(enum_class);
+ }
+ return atk_state_type < max_state_type.value();
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetAtkState(AtkStateSet* atk_state_set) {
+ bool menu_active = !GetActiveMenus().empty();
+ if (!menu_active && atk_object_ == g_active_top_level_frame)
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_ACTIVE);
+ if (menu_active &&
+ FindAtkObjectParentFrame(GetActiveMenus().back()) == atk_object_)
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_ACTIVE);
+ if (atk_object_ && atk_object_ == g_active_views_dialog)
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_ACTIVE);
+ bool is_minimized = delegate_->IsMinimized();
+ if (is_minimized && GetRole() == ax::mojom::Role::kWindow)
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_ICONIFIED);
+ if (HasState(ax::mojom::State::kCollapsed))
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_EXPANDABLE);
+ if (HasState(ax::mojom::State::kDefault))
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_DEFAULT);
+ if ((HasState(ax::mojom::State::kEditable) ||
+ HasState(ax::mojom::State::kRichlyEditable)) &&
+ GetData().GetRestriction() != ax::mojom::Restriction::kReadOnly) {
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_EDITABLE);
+ }
+ if (HasState(ax::mojom::State::kExpanded)) {
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_EXPANDABLE);
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_EXPANDED);
+ }
+ if (IsFocused())
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_FOCUSED);
+ if (IsFocusable())
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_FOCUSABLE);
+ if (HasState(ax::mojom::State::kHorizontal))
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_HORIZONTAL);
+ if (!IsInvisibleOrIgnored()) {
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_VISIBLE);
+ if (!delegate_->IsOffscreen() && !is_minimized)
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_SHOWING);
+ }
+ if (HasState(ax::mojom::State::kMultiselectable))
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_MULTISELECTABLE);
+ if (HasState(ax::mojom::State::kRequired))
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_REQUIRED);
+ if (HasState(ax::mojom::State::kVertical))
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_VERTICAL);
+ if (HasState(ax::mojom::State::kVisited))
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_VISITED);
+ if (HasIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kInvalidState) &&
+ GetIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kInvalidState) !=
+ static_cast<int32_t>(ax::mojom::InvalidState::kFalse)) {
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_INVALID_ENTRY);
+ }
+ if (HasIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kAriaCurrentState) &&
+ GetIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kAriaCurrentState) !=
+ static_cast<int32_t>(ax::mojom::AriaCurrentState::kFalse)) {
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_ACTIVE);
+ }
+#if defined(ATK_216)
+ // Runtime checks in case we were compiled with a newer version of ATK.
+ if (IsPlatformCheckable() && PlatformSupportsState(ATK_STATE_CHECKABLE))
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_CHECKABLE);
+ if (HasIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kHasPopup) &&
+ PlatformSupportsState(ATK_STATE_HAS_POPUP))
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_HAS_POPUP);
+ if (GetBoolAttribute(ax::mojom::BoolAttribute::kBusy))
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_BUSY);
+ if (GetBoolAttribute(ax::mojom::BoolAttribute::kModal))
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_MODAL);
+ if (GetData().IsSelectable())
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_SELECTABLE);
+ if (GetBoolAttribute(ax::mojom::BoolAttribute::kSelected))
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_SELECTED);
+ if (IsTextField()) {
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_SELECTABLE_TEXT);
+ if (HasState(ax::mojom::State::kMultiline))
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_MULTI_LINE);
+ else
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_SINGLE_LINE);
+ }
+ // Special case for indeterminate progressbar.
+ if (GetRole() == ax::mojom::Role::kProgressIndicator &&
+ !HasFloatAttribute(ax::mojom::FloatAttribute::kValueForRange)) {
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_INDETERMINATE);
+ }
+ if (!GetStringAttribute(ax::mojom::StringAttribute::kAutoComplete).empty() ||
+ HasState(ax::mojom::State::kAutofillAvailable)) {
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_SUPPORTS_AUTOCOMPLETION);
+ }
+ // Checked state
+ const auto checked_state = GetData().GetCheckedState();
+ if (checked_state == ax::mojom::CheckedState::kTrue ||
+ checked_state == ax::mojom::CheckedState::kMixed) {
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, GetAtkStateTypeForCheckableNode());
+ }
+ if (GetData().GetRestriction() != ax::mojom::Restriction::kDisabled) {
+ if (GetDelegate()->IsReadOnlySupported() &&
+ GetDelegate()->IsReadOnlyOrDisabled()) {
+#if defined(ATK_216)
+ // Runtime check in case we were compiled with a newer version of ATK.
+ if (PlatformSupportsState(ATK_STATE_READ_ONLY))
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_READ_ONLY);
+ } else {
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_ENABLED);
+ atk_state_set_add_state(atk_state_set, ATK_STATE_SENSITIVE);
+ }
+ }
+// Some relations only exist in a high enough ATK version.
+// If a relation has a version requirement, it will be documented in
+// the link below.
+struct AtkIntRelation {
+ ax::mojom::IntAttribute attribute;
+ AtkRelationType relation;
+ absl::optional<AtkRelationType> reverse_relation;
+static AtkIntRelation kIntRelations[] = {
+ {ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kMemberOfId, ATK_RELATION_MEMBER_OF,
+ absl::nullopt},
+ {ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kPopupForId, ATK_RELATION_POPUP_FOR,
+ absl::nullopt},
+struct AtkIntListRelation {
+ ax::mojom::IntListAttribute attribute;
+ AtkRelationType relation;
+ absl::optional<AtkRelationType> reverse_relation;
+static AtkIntListRelation kIntListRelations[] = {
+ {ax::mojom::IntListAttribute::kControlsIds, ATK_RELATION_CONTROLLER_FOR,
+#if defined(ATK_226)
+ {ax::mojom::IntListAttribute::kDetailsIds, ATK_RELATION_DETAILS,
+ {ax::mojom::IntListAttribute::kDescribedbyIds, ATK_RELATION_DESCRIBED_BY,
+#if defined(ATK_226)
+ {ax::mojom::IntListAttribute::kErrormessageIds, ATK_RELATION_ERROR_MESSAGE,
+ {ax::mojom::IntListAttribute::kFlowtoIds, ATK_RELATION_FLOWS_TO,
+ {ax::mojom::IntListAttribute::kLabelledbyIds, ATK_RELATION_LABELLED_BY,
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::AddRelationToSet(AtkRelationSet* relation_set,
+ AtkRelationType relation,
+ AXPlatformNode* target) {
+ DCHECK(target);
+ DCHECK(GetDelegate()->IsValidRelationTarget(target));
+ // If we were compiled with a newer version of ATK than the runtime version,
+ // it's possible that we might try to add a relation that doesn't exist in
+ // the runtime version of the AtkRelationType enum. This will cause a runtime
+ // error, so return early here if we are about to do that.
+ static absl::optional<int> max_relation_type = absl::nullopt;
+ if (!max_relation_type.has_value()) {
+ GEnumClass* enum_class =
+ G_ENUM_CLASS(g_type_class_ref(atk_relation_type_get_type()));
+ max_relation_type = enum_class->maximum;
+ g_type_class_unref(enum_class);
+ }
+ if (relation >= max_relation_type.value())
+ return;
+ atk_relation_set_add_relation_by_type(relation_set, relation,
+ target->GetNativeViewAccessible());
+AtkRelationSet* AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetAtkRelations() {
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return nullptr;
+ AtkRelationSet* relation_set = atk_relation_set_new();
+ if (IsWebDocumentForRelations()) {
+ AtkObject* parent_frame = FindAtkObjectParentFrame(atk_object);
+ if (parent_frame) {
+ atk_relation_set_add_relation_by_type(
+ relation_set, ATK_RELATION_EMBEDDED_BY, parent_frame);
+ }
+ }
+ if (auto* document_parent = FromAtkObject(document_parent_)) {
+ AtkObject* document = document_parent->FindPrimaryWebContentDocument();
+ if (document) {
+ atk_relation_set_add_relation_by_type(relation_set, ATK_RELATION_EMBEDS,
+ document);
+ }
+ }
+ // For each possible relation defined by an IntAttribute, we test that
+ // attribute and then look for reverse relations.
+ for (auto relation : kIntRelations) {
+ if (AXPlatformNode* target =
+ GetDelegate()->GetTargetNodeForRelation(relation.attribute))
+ AddRelationToSet(relation_set, relation.relation, target);
+ if (!relation.reverse_relation.has_value())
+ continue;
+ std::vector<AXPlatformNode*> target_ids =
+ GetDelegate()->GetSourceNodesForReverseRelations(relation.attribute);
+ for (AXPlatformNode* target : target_ids) {
+ AddRelationToSet(relation_set, relation.reverse_relation.value(), target);
+ }
+ }
+ // Now we do the same for each possible relation defined by an
+ // IntListAttribute. In this case we need to handle each target in the list.
+ for (const auto& relation : kIntListRelations) {
+ std::vector<AXPlatformNode*> targets =
+ GetDelegate()->GetTargetNodesForRelation(relation.attribute);
+ for (AXPlatformNode* target : targets) {
+ AddRelationToSet(relation_set, relation.relation, target);
+ }
+ if (!relation.reverse_relation.has_value())
+ continue;
+ std::vector<AXPlatformNode*> reverse_target_ids =
+ GetDelegate()->GetSourceNodesForReverseRelations(relation.attribute);
+ for (AXPlatformNode* target : reverse_target_ids) {
+ AddRelationToSet(relation_set, relation.reverse_relation.value(), target);
+ }
+ }
+ return relation_set;
+AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux() = default;
+AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::~AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux() {
+ if (g_current_selected == this)
+ g_current_selected = nullptr;
+ DestroyAtkObjects();
+ if (window_activate_event_postponed_)
+ AtkUtilAuraLinux::GetInstance()->CancelPostponedEventsFor(this);
+ SetWeakGPtrToAtkObject(&document_parent_, nullptr);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::Destroy() {
+ DestroyAtkObjects();
+ AXPlatformNodeBase::Destroy();
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::Init(AXPlatformNodeDelegate* delegate) {
+ // Initialize ATK.
+ AXPlatformNodeBase::Init(delegate);
+ // Only create the AtkObject if we know enough information.
+ if (GetRole() != ax::mojom::Role::kUnknown)
+ GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+bool AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::IsPlatformCheckable() const {
+ if (GetRole() == ax::mojom::Role::kToggleButton)
+ return false;
+ return AXPlatformNodeBase::IsPlatformCheckable();
+absl::optional<size_t> AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetIndexInParent() {
+ AXPlatformNode* parent =
+ AXPlatformNode::FromNativeViewAccessible(GetParent());
+ // Even though the node doesn't have its parent, GetParent() could return the
+ // application. Since the detached view has the kUnknown role and the
+ // restriction is kDisabled, it early returns before finding the index.
+ if (parent == AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::application() &&
+ GetRole() == ax::mojom::Role::kUnknown &&
+ GetData().GetRestriction() == ax::mojom::Restriction::kDisabled) {
+ return absl::nullopt;
+ }
+ return AXPlatformNodeBase::GetIndexInParent();
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::EnsureAtkObjectIsValid() {
+ if (atk_object_) {
+ // If the object's role changes and that causes its
+ // interface mask to change, we need to create a new
+ // AtkObject for it.
+ ImplementedAtkInterfaces interface_mask = GetGTypeInterfaceMask(GetData());
+ if (interface_mask != interface_mask_)
+ DestroyAtkObjects();
+ }
+ if (!atk_object_) {
+ GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ }
+gfx::NativeViewAccessible AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetNativeViewAccessible() {
+ return GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+gfx::NativeViewAccessible AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetOrCreateAtkObject() {
+ if (!atk_object_) {
+ atk_object_ = CreateAtkObject();
+ }
+ return atk_object_;
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnCheckedStateChanged() {
+ AtkObject* obj = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!obj)
+ return;
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(
+ ATK_OBJECT(obj), GetAtkStateTypeForCheckableNode(),
+ GetData().GetCheckedState() != ax::mojom::CheckedState::kFalse);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnEnabledChanged() {
+ AtkObject* obj = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!obj)
+ return;
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(
+ GetData().GetRestriction() != ax::mojom::Restriction::kDisabled);
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(
+ GetData().GetRestriction() != ax::mojom::Restriction::kDisabled);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnBusyStateChanged(bool is_busy) {
+ AtkObject* obj = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!obj)
+ return;
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(obj, ATK_STATE_BUSY, is_busy);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnExpandedStateChanged(bool is_expanded) {
+ // When a list box is expanded, it becomes visible. This means that it might
+ // now have a different role (the role for hidden Views is kUnknown). We
+ // need to recreate the AtkObject in this case because a change in roles
+ // might imply a change in ATK interfaces implemented.
+ EnsureAtkObjectIsValid();
+ DCHECK(HasState(ax::mojom::State::kCollapsed) ||
+ HasState(ax::mojom::State::kExpanded));
+ AtkObject* obj = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!obj)
+ return;
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(obj, ATK_STATE_EXPANDED, is_expanded);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnShowingStateChanged(bool is_showing) {
+ AtkObject* obj = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!obj)
+ return;
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(obj, ATK_STATE_SHOWING, is_showing);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnMenuPopupStart() {
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ AtkObject* parent_frame = FindAtkObjectParentFrame(atk_object);
+ if (!parent_frame)
+ return;
+ // Exit early if kMenuPopupStart is sent multiple times for the same menu.
+ std::vector<AtkObject*>& active_menus = GetActiveMenus();
+ bool menu_already_open = !active_menus.empty();
+ if (menu_already_open && active_menus.back() == atk_object)
+ return;
+ // We also want to inform the AT that menu the is now showing. Normally this
+ // event is not fired because the menu will be created with the
+ // ATK_STATE_SHOWING already set to TRUE.
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(atk_object, ATK_STATE_SHOWING, TRUE);
+ // We need to compute this before modifying the active menu stack.
+ AtkObject* previous_active_frame = ComputeActiveTopLevelFrame();
+ active_menus.push_back(atk_object);
+ // We exit early if the newly activated menu has the same AtkWindow as the
+ // previous one.
+ if (previous_active_frame == parent_frame)
+ return;
+ if (previous_active_frame) {
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(previous_active_frame, "deactivate");
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(previous_active_frame, ATK_STATE_ACTIVE,
+ }
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(parent_frame, "activate");
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(parent_frame, ATK_STATE_ACTIVE, TRUE);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnMenuPopupEnd() {
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ AtkObject* parent_frame = FindAtkObjectParentFrame(atk_object);
+ if (!parent_frame)
+ return;
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(atk_object, ATK_STATE_SHOWING, FALSE);
+ // kMenuPopupHide may be called multiple times for the same menu, so only
+ // remove it if our parent frame matches the most recently opened menu.
+ std::vector<AtkObject*>& active_menus = GetActiveMenus();
+ DCHECK(!active_menus.empty())
+ << "Asymmetrical menupopupend events -- too many";
+ active_menus.pop_back();
+ AtkObject* new_active_item = ComputeActiveTopLevelFrame();
+ if (new_active_item != parent_frame) {
+ // Newly activated menu has the different AtkWindow as the previous one.
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(parent_frame, "deactivate");
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(parent_frame, ATK_STATE_ACTIVE, FALSE);
+ if (new_active_item) {
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(new_active_item, "activate");
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(new_active_item, ATK_STATE_ACTIVE, TRUE);
+ }
+ }
+ // All menus are closed.
+ if (active_menus.empty())
+ OnAllMenusEnded();
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::ResendFocusSignalsForCurrentlyFocusedNode() {
+ auto* frame = FromAtkObject(g_active_top_level_frame);
+ if (!frame)
+ return;
+ AtkObject* focused_node = frame->GetDelegate()->GetFocus();
+ if (!focused_node)
+ return;
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(focused_node, "focus-event", true);
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(focused_node, ATK_STATE_FOCUSED, true);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::SetAsCurrentlyFocusedNode() {
+ AtkObject* obj = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!obj)
+ return;
+ SetWeakGPtrToAtkObject(&g_current_focused, obj);
+// All menus have closed.
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnAllMenusEnded() {
+ if (!GetActiveMenus().empty() && g_active_top_level_frame &&
+ ComputeActiveTopLevelFrame() != g_active_top_level_frame) {
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(g_active_top_level_frame, "activate");
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(g_active_top_level_frame, ATK_STATE_ACTIVE,
+ TRUE);
+ }
+ GetActiveMenus().clear();
+ ResendFocusSignalsForCurrentlyFocusedNode();
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnWindowActivated() {
+ AtkObject* parent_frame = FindAtkObjectParentFrame(GetOrCreateAtkObject());
+ if (!parent_frame || parent_frame == g_active_top_level_frame)
+ return;
+ SetActiveTopLevelFrame(parent_frame);
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(parent_frame, "activate");
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(parent_frame, ATK_STATE_ACTIVE, TRUE);
+ // We also send a focus event for the currently focused element, so that
+ // the user knows where the focus is when the toplevel window regains focus.
+ if (g_current_focused &&
+ IsFrameAncestorOfAtkObject(parent_frame, g_current_focused)) {
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(g_current_focused, "focus-event", true);
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(ATK_OBJECT(g_current_focused),
+ }
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnWindowDeactivated() {
+ AtkObject* parent_frame = FindAtkObjectParentFrame(GetOrCreateAtkObject());
+ if (!parent_frame || parent_frame != g_active_top_level_frame)
+ return;
+ SetActiveTopLevelFrame(nullptr);
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(parent_frame, "deactivate");
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(parent_frame, ATK_STATE_ACTIVE, FALSE);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnWindowVisibilityChanged() {
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return;
+ if (GetAtkRole() != ATK_ROLE_FRAME)
+ return;
+ bool minimized = delegate_->IsMinimized();
+ if (minimized == was_minimized_)
+ return;
+ was_minimized_ = minimized;
+ if (minimized)
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(atk_object, "minimize");
+ else
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(atk_object, "restore");
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(atk_object, ATK_STATE_ICONIFIED, minimized);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnScrolledToAnchor() {
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return;
+ // The text-caret-moved event is used to signal a scroll to anchor event.
+ if (ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_object)) {
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(atk_object, "text-caret-moved", 0);
+ }
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::SetActiveViewsDialog() {
+ AtkObject* old_views_dialog = g_active_views_dialog;
+ AtkObject* new_views_dialog = nullptr;
+ AtkObject* parent = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!parent)
+ return;
+ if (!GetDelegate()->IsWebContent()) {
+ while (parent) {
+ if (atk_object::GetRole(parent) == ATK_ROLE_DIALOG) {
+ new_views_dialog = parent;
+ break;
+ }
+ parent = atk_object::GetParent(parent);
+ }
+ }
+ if (old_views_dialog == new_views_dialog)
+ return;
+ SetWeakGPtrToAtkObject(&g_active_views_dialog, new_views_dialog);
+ if (old_views_dialog)
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(old_views_dialog, ATK_STATE_ACTIVE, FALSE);
+ if (new_views_dialog)
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(new_views_dialog, ATK_STATE_ACTIVE, TRUE);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnFocused() {
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return;
+ if (atk_object::GetRole(atk_object) == ATK_ROLE_FRAME) {
+ OnWindowActivated();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (atk_object == g_current_focused)
+ return;
+ SetActiveViewsDialog();
+ if (g_current_focused) {
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(g_current_focused, "focus-event", false);
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(ATK_OBJECT(g_current_focused),
+ }
+ SetWeakGPtrToAtkObject(&g_current_focused, atk_object);
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(g_current_focused, "focus-event", true);
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(ATK_OBJECT(g_current_focused),
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnSelected() {
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return;
+ if (g_current_selected && !g_current_selected->GetBoolAttribute(
+ ax::mojom::BoolAttribute::kSelected)) {
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(
+ ATK_OBJECT(g_current_selected->GetOrCreateAtkObject()),
+ }
+ g_current_selected = this;
+ if (ATK_IS_OBJECT(atk_object)) {
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(ATK_OBJECT(atk_object), ATK_STATE_SELECTED,
+ true);
+ }
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnSelectedChildrenChanged() {
+ AtkObject* obj = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!obj)
+ return;
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(obj, "selection-changed", true);
+bool AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::EmitsAtkTextEvents() const {
+ // Objects which do not implement AtkText cannot emit AtkText events.
+ if (!atk_object_ || !ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_object_))
+ return false;
+ // Objects which do implement AtkText, but are ignored or invisible should not
+ // emit AtkText events.
+ if (IsInvisibleOrIgnored())
+ return false;
+ // If this node is not a static text node, it supports the full AtkText
+ // interface.
+ if (GetAtkRole() != kStaticRole)
+ return true;
+ // If this node has children it is not a static text leaf node and supports
+ // the full AtkText interface.
+ if (GetChildCount())
+ return true;
+ return false;
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetFullSelection(int32_t* anchor_node_id,
+ int* anchor_offset,
+ int32_t* focus_node_id,
+ int* focus_offset) {
+ DCHECK(anchor_node_id);
+ DCHECK(anchor_offset);
+ DCHECK(focus_node_id);
+ DCHECK(focus_offset);
+ if (IsAtomicTextField() &&
+ GetIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kTextSelStart, anchor_offset) &&
+ GetIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kTextSelEnd, focus_offset)) {
+ int32_t node_id = GetData().id != -1 ? GetData().id : GetUniqueId();
+ *anchor_node_id = *focus_node_id = node_id;
+ return;
+ }
+ AXSelection selection = GetDelegate()->GetUnignoredSelection();
+ *anchor_node_id = selection.anchor_object_id;
+ *anchor_offset = selection.anchor_offset;
+ *focus_node_id = selection.focus_object_id;
+ *focus_offset = selection.focus_offset;
+AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux& AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FindEditableRootOrDocument() {
+ if (GetAtkRole() == ATK_ROLE_DOCUMENT_WEB)
+ return *this;
+ if (GetBoolAttribute(ax::mojom::BoolAttribute::kNonAtomicTextFieldRoot) &&
+ HasState(ax::mojom::State::kEditable))
+ return *this;
+ if (auto* parent = FromAtkObject(GetParent()))
+ return parent->FindEditableRootOrDocument();
+ return *this;
+AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FindCommonAncestor(
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* other) {
+ if (this == other || other->IsDescendantOf(this))
+ return this;
+ if (auto* parent = FromAtkObject(GetParent()))
+ return parent->FindCommonAncestor(other);
+ return nullptr;
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::UpdateSelectionInformation(int32_t anchor_node_id,
+ int anchor_offset,
+ int32_t focus_node_id,
+ int focus_offset) {
+ had_nonzero_width_selection =
+ focus_node_id != anchor_node_id || focus_offset != anchor_offset;
+ current_caret_ = std::make_pair(focus_node_id, focus_offset);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::EmitSelectionChangedSignal(bool had_selection) {
+ if (!EmitsAtkTextEvents()) {
+ if (auto* parent = FromAtkObject(GetParent()))
+ parent->EmitSelectionChangedSignal(had_selection);
+ return;
+ }
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return;
+ DCHECK(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_object));
+ // ATK does not consider a collapsed selection a selection, so
+ // when the collapsed selection changes (caret movement), we should
+ // avoid sending text-selection-changed events.
+ if (HasSelection() || had_selection)
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(atk_object, "text-selection-changed");
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::EmitCaretChangedSignal() {
+ if (!EmitsAtkTextEvents()) {
+ if (auto* parent = FromAtkObject(GetParent()))
+ parent->EmitCaretChangedSignal();
+ return;
+ }
+ std::pair<int, int> selection = GetSelectionOffsetsForAtk();
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return;
+ DCHECK(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_object));
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(atk_object, "text-caret-moved",
+ UTF16ToUnicodeOffsetInText(selection.second));
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnTextAttributesChanged() {
+ if (!EmitsAtkTextEvents()) {
+ if (auto* parent = FromAtkObject(GetParent()))
+ parent->OnTextAttributesChanged();
+ return;
+ }
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return;
+ DCHECK(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_object));
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(atk_object, "text-attributes-changed");
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnTextSelectionChanged() {
+ int32_t anchor_node_id, focus_node_id;
+ int anchor_offset, focus_offset;
+ GetFullSelection(&anchor_node_id, &anchor_offset, &focus_node_id,
+ &focus_offset);
+ auto* anchor_node = static_cast<AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux*>(
+ GetDelegate()->GetFromNodeID(anchor_node_id));
+ auto* focus_node = static_cast<AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux*>(
+ GetDelegate()->GetFromNodeID(focus_node_id));
+ if (!anchor_node || !focus_node)
+ return;
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux& editable_root = FindEditableRootOrDocument();
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* common_ancestor =
+ focus_node->FindCommonAncestor(anchor_node);
+ if (common_ancestor) {
+ common_ancestor->EmitSelectionChangedSignal(
+ editable_root.HadNonZeroWidthSelection());
+ }
+ // It's possible for the selection to change and for the caret to stay in
+ // place. This might happen if the selection is totally reset with a
+ // different anchor node, but the same focus node. We should avoid sending a
+ // caret changed signal in that case.
+ std::pair<int32_t, int> prev_caret = editable_root.GetCurrentCaret();
+ if (prev_caret.first != focus_node_id || prev_caret.second != focus_offset)
+ focus_node->EmitCaretChangedSignal();
+ editable_root.UpdateSelectionInformation(anchor_node_id, anchor_offset,
+ focus_node_id, focus_offset);
+bool AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::SupportsSelectionWithAtkSelection() {
+ return SupportsToggle(GetRole()) ||
+ GetRole() == ax::mojom::Role::kListBoxOption;
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnDescriptionChanged() {
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return;
+ std::string description;
+ GetStringAttribute(ax::mojom::StringAttribute::kDescription, &description);
+ AtkPropertyValues property_values;
+ property_values.property_name = "accessible-description";
+ property_values.new_value = G_VALUE_INIT;
+ g_value_init(&property_values.new_value, G_TYPE_STRING);
+ g_value_set_string(&property_values.new_value, description.c_str());
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(G_OBJECT(atk_object),
+ "property-change::accessible-description",
+ &property_values, nullptr);
+ g_value_unset(&property_values.new_value);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnSortDirectionChanged() {
+ AXPlatformNodeBase* table = GetTable();
+ if (!table)
+ return;
+ AtkObject* atk_table = table->GetNativeViewAccessible();
+ DCHECK(ATK_IS_TABLE(atk_table));
+ if (GetRole() == ax::mojom::Role::kColumnHeader)
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(atk_table, "row-reordered");
+ else if (GetRole() == ax::mojom::Role::kRowHeader)
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(atk_table, "column-reordered");
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnValueChanged() {
+ // For the AtkText interface to work on non-web content nodes, we need to
+ // update the nodes' hypertext and trigger text change signals when the value
+ // changes. Otherwise, for web and PDF content, this is handled by
+ // "BrowserAccessibilityAuraLinux".
+ if (!GetDelegate()->IsWebContent())
+ UpdateHypertext();
+ if (!GetData().IsRangeValueSupported())
+ return;
+ float float_val;
+ if (!GetFloatAttribute(ax::mojom::FloatAttribute::kValueForRange, &float_val))
+ return;
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return;
+ AtkPropertyValues property_values;
+ property_values.property_name = "accessible-value";
+ property_values.new_value = G_VALUE_INIT;
+ g_value_init(&property_values.new_value, G_TYPE_DOUBLE);
+ g_value_set_double(&property_values.new_value,
+ static_cast<double>(float_val));
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(G_OBJECT(atk_object),
+ "property-change::accessible-value", &property_values,
+ nullptr);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnNameChanged() {
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object) {
+ return;
+ }
+ std::string previous_accessible_name = accessible_name_;
+ // Calling atk_object_get_name will update the value of accessible_name_.
+ if (!g_strcmp0(atk_object::GetName(atk_object),
+ previous_accessible_name.c_str()))
+ return;
+ g_object_notify(G_OBJECT(atk_object), "accessible-name");
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnDocumentTitleChanged() {
+ if (!g_active_top_level_frame)
+ return;
+ // We always want to notify on the top frame.
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* window = FromAtkObject(g_active_top_level_frame);
+ if (window)
+ window->OnNameChanged();
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnSubtreeCreated() {
+ // We might not have a parent, in that case we don't need to send the event.
+ // We also don't want to notify if this is an ignored node
+ if (!GetParent() || GetData().IsIgnored())
+ return;
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return;
+ auto index_in_parent = GetIndexInParent();
+ gint index_gint = index_in_parent.has_value()
+ ? static_cast<gint>(index_in_parent.value())
+ : -1;
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(GetParent(), "children-changed::add", index_gint,
+ atk_object);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnSubtreeWillBeDeleted() {
+ // There is a chance there won't be a parent as we're in the deletion process.
+ // We also don't want to notify if this is an ignored node
+ if (!GetParent() || GetData().IsIgnored())
+ return;
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return;
+ auto index_in_parent = GetIndexInParent();
+ gint index_gint = index_in_parent.has_value()
+ ? static_cast<gint>(index_in_parent.value())
+ : -1;
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(GetParent(), "children-changed::remove", index_gint,
+ atk_object);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnParentChanged() {
+ if (!atk_object_)
+ return;
+ AtkPropertyValues property_values;
+ property_values.property_name = "accessible-parent";
+ property_values.new_value = G_VALUE_INIT;
+ g_value_init(&property_values.new_value, G_TYPE_OBJECT);
+ g_value_set_object(&property_values.new_value, GetParent());
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(G_OBJECT(atk_object_),
+ "property-change::accessible-parent", &property_values,
+ nullptr);
+ g_value_unset(&property_values.new_value);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnReadonlyChanged() {
+ AtkObject* obj = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!obj)
+ return;
+#if defined(ATK_216)
+ // Runtime check in case we were compiled with a newer version of ATK.
+ if (!PlatformSupportsState(ATK_STATE_READ_ONLY))
+ return;
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(
+ GetData().GetRestriction() == ax::mojom::Restriction::kReadOnly);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnInvalidStatusChanged() {
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return;
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(
+ GetData().GetInvalidState() != ax::mojom::InvalidState::kFalse);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnAriaCurrentChanged() {
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return;
+ ax::mojom::AriaCurrentState aria_current =
+ static_cast<ax::mojom::AriaCurrentState>(
+ GetIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kAriaCurrentState));
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(
+ aria_current != ax::mojom::AriaCurrentState::kNone &&
+ aria_current != ax::mojom::AriaCurrentState::kFalse);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::OnAlertShown() {
+ atk_object_notify_state_change(ATK_OBJECT(GetOrCreateAtkObject()),
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::RunPostponedEvents() {
+ if (window_activate_event_postponed_) {
+ OnWindowActivated();
+ window_activate_event_postponed_ = false;
+ }
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::NotifyAccessibilityEvent(
+ ax::mojom::Event event_type) {
+ if (!GetOrCreateAtkObject())
+ return;
+ AXPlatformNodeBase::NotifyAccessibilityEvent(event_type);
+ switch (event_type) {
+ // kMenuStart/kMenuEnd: the menu system has started / stopped.
+ // kMenuPopupStart/kMenuPopupEnd: an individual menu/submenu has
+ // opened/closed.
+ case ax::mojom::Event::kMenuPopupStart:
+ OnMenuPopupStart();
+ break;
+ case ax::mojom::Event::kMenuPopupEnd:
+ OnMenuPopupEnd();
+ break;
+ case ax::mojom::Event::kCheckedStateChanged:
+ OnCheckedStateChanged();
+ break;
+ case ax::mojom::Event::kExpandedChanged:
+ OnExpandedStateChanged(HasState(ax::mojom::State::kExpanded));
+ break;
+ case ax::mojom::Event::kFocus:
+ case ax::mojom::Event::kFocusContext:
+ OnFocused();
+ break;
+ case ax::mojom::Event::kFocusAfterMenuClose:
+ // The saved focused object is not always getting cleared when a popup
+ // becomes active. As a result, when the popup is dismissed, OnFocused()
+ // will return early thinking focus has not changed. Rather than trying
+ // to catch every case, take kFocusAfterMenuClose as a clear indication
+ // that a focus change should be presented and reset the saved focus.
+ g_current_focused = nullptr;
+ OnFocused();
+ break;
+ case ax::mojom::Event::kSelection:
+ OnSelected();
+ // When changing tabs also fire a name changed event.
+ if (GetRole() == ax::mojom::Role::kTab)
+ OnDocumentTitleChanged();
+ break;
+ case ax::mojom::Event::kSelectedChildrenChanged:
+ OnSelectedChildrenChanged();
+ break;
+ case ax::mojom::Event::kStateChanged:
+ // We need to know what state changed and fire an event for that specific
+ // state. Because we don't know what state changed, we deliberately do
+ // nothing here.
+ break;
+ case ax::mojom::Event::kTextChanged:
+ OnNameChanged();
+ break;
+ case ax::mojom::Event::kTextSelectionChanged:
+ OnTextSelectionChanged();
+ break;
+ case ax::mojom::Event::kValueChanged:
+ OnValueChanged();
+ break;
+ case ax::mojom::Event::kWindowActivated:
+ if (AtkUtilAuraLinux::GetInstance()->IsAtSpiReady()) {
+ OnWindowActivated();
+ } else {
+ AtkUtilAuraLinux::GetInstance()->PostponeEventsFor(this);
+ window_activate_event_postponed_ = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case ax::mojom::Event::kWindowDeactivated:
+ if (AtkUtilAuraLinux::GetInstance()->IsAtSpiReady()) {
+ OnWindowDeactivated();
+ } else {
+ AtkUtilAuraLinux::GetInstance()->CancelPostponedEventsFor(this);
+ window_activate_event_postponed_ = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case ax::mojom::Event::kWindowVisibilityChanged:
+ OnWindowVisibilityChanged();
+ break;
+ case ax::mojom::Event::kLoadComplete:
+ case ax::mojom::Event::kDocumentTitleChanged:
+ // Sometimes, e.g. upon navigating away from the page, the tree is
+ // rebuilt rather than modified. The kDocumentTitleChanged event occurs
+ // prior to the rebuild and so is added on the previous root node. When
+ // the tree is rebuilt and the old node removed, the events on the old
+ // node are removed and no new kDocumentTitleChanged will be emitted. To
+ // ensure we still fire the event, though, we also pay attention to
+ // kLoadComplete.
+ OnDocumentTitleChanged();
+ break;
+ case ax::mojom::Event::kAlert:
+ OnAlertShown();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+absl::optional<std::pair<int, int>>
+AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetEmbeddedObjectIndicesForId(int id) {
+ auto iterator = base::ranges::find(hypertext_.hyperlinks, id);
+ if (iterator == hypertext_.hyperlinks.end())
+ return absl::nullopt;
+ int hyperlink_index = std::distance(hypertext_.hyperlinks.begin(), iterator);
+ auto offset =
+ base::ranges::find(hypertext_.hyperlink_offset_to_index, hyperlink_index,
+ &AXLegacyHypertext::OffsetToIndex::value_type::second);
+ if (offset == hypertext_.hyperlink_offset_to_index.end())
+ return absl::nullopt;
+ return std::make_pair(UTF16ToUnicodeOffsetInText(offset->first),
+ UTF16ToUnicodeOffsetInText(offset->first + 1));
+absl::optional<std::pair<int, int>>
+AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetEmbeddedObjectIndices() {
+ auto* parent = FromAtkObject(GetParent());
+ if (!parent)
+ return absl::nullopt;
+ return parent->GetEmbeddedObjectIndicesForId(GetUniqueId());
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::UpdateHypertext() {
+ EnsureAtkObjectIsValid();
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return;
+ AXLegacyHypertext old_hypertext = hypertext_;
+ base::OffsetAdjuster::Adjustments old_adjustments = GetHypertextAdjustments();
+ UpdateComputedHypertext();
+ text_unicode_adjustments_ = absl::nullopt;
+ offset_to_text_attributes_.clear();
+ if ((!HasState(ax::mojom::State::kEditable) ||
+ GetData().GetRestriction() == ax::mojom::Restriction::kReadOnly) &&
+ !IsInLiveRegion()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!EmitsAtkTextEvents())
+ return;
+ size_t shared_prefix, old_len, new_len;
+ ComputeHypertextRemovedAndInserted(old_hypertext, &shared_prefix, &old_len,
+ &new_len);
+ if (old_len > 0) {
+ std::u16string removed_substring =
+ old_hypertext.hypertext.substr(shared_prefix, old_len);
+ size_t shared_unicode_prefix = shared_prefix;
+ base::OffsetAdjuster::AdjustOffset(old_adjustments, &shared_unicode_prefix);
+ size_t shared_unicode_suffix = shared_prefix + old_len;
+ base::OffsetAdjuster::AdjustOffset(old_adjustments, &shared_unicode_suffix);
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(
+ atk_object, "text-remove",
+ shared_unicode_prefix, // position of removal
+ shared_unicode_suffix - shared_prefix, // length of removal
+ base::UTF16ToUTF8(removed_substring).c_str());
+ }
+ if (new_len > 0) {
+ std::u16string inserted_substring =
+ hypertext_.hypertext.substr(shared_prefix, new_len);
+ size_t shared_unicode_prefix = UTF16ToUnicodeOffsetInText(shared_prefix);
+ size_t shared_unicode_suffix =
+ UTF16ToUnicodeOffsetInText(shared_prefix + new_len);
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(
+ atk_object, "text-insert",
+ shared_unicode_prefix, // position of insertion
+ shared_unicode_suffix - shared_unicode_prefix, // length of insertion
+ base::UTF16ToUTF8(inserted_substring).c_str());
+ }
+const AXLegacyHypertext& AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetAXHypertext() {
+ return hypertext_;
+const base::OffsetAdjuster::Adjustments&
+AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetHypertextAdjustments() {
+ if (text_unicode_adjustments_.has_value())
+ return *text_unicode_adjustments_;
+ text_unicode_adjustments_.emplace();
+ std::u16string text = GetHypertext();
+ size_t text_length = text.size();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < text_length; i++) {
+ base_icu::UChar32 code_point;
+ size_t original_i = i;
+ base::ReadUnicodeCharacter(text.c_str(), text_length + 1, &i, &code_point);
+ if ((i - original_i + 1) != 1) {
+ text_unicode_adjustments_->push_back(
+ base::OffsetAdjuster::Adjustment(original_i, i - original_i + 1, 1));
+ }
+ }
+ return *text_unicode_adjustments_;
+size_t AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::UTF16ToUnicodeOffsetInText(
+ size_t utf16_offset) {
+ size_t unicode_offset = utf16_offset;
+ base::OffsetAdjuster::AdjustOffset(GetHypertextAdjustments(),
+ &unicode_offset);
+ return unicode_offset;
+size_t AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::UnicodeToUTF16OffsetInText(int unicode_offset) {
+ if (unicode_offset == kStringLengthOffset)
+ return GetHypertext().size();
+ size_t utf16_offset = unicode_offset;
+ base::OffsetAdjuster::UnadjustOffset(GetHypertextAdjustments(),
+ &utf16_offset);
+ return utf16_offset;
+int AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetTextOffsetAtPoint(int x,
+ int y,
+ AtkCoordType atk_coord_type) {
+ if (!GetExtentsRelativeToAtkCoordinateType(atk_coord_type).Contains(x, y))
+ return -1;
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return -1;
+ int count = atk_text::GetCharacterCount(ATK_TEXT(atk_object));
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ int out_x, out_y, out_width, out_height;
+ atk_text::GetCharacterExtents(ATK_TEXT(atk_object), i, &out_x, &out_y,
+ &out_width, &out_height, atk_coord_type);
+ gfx::Rect rect(out_x, out_y, out_width, out_height);
+ if (rect.Contains(x, y))
+ return i;
+ }
+ return -1;
+gfx::Vector2d AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetParentOriginInScreenCoordinates()
+ const {
+ AtkObject* parent = GetParent();
+ if (!parent)
+ return gfx::Vector2d();
+ const AXPlatformNode* parent_node =
+ AXPlatformNode::FromNativeViewAccessible(parent);
+ if (!parent)
+ return gfx::Vector2d();
+ return parent_node->GetDelegate()
+ ->GetBoundsRect(AXCoordinateSystem::kScreenDIPs,
+ AXClippingBehavior::kUnclipped)
+ .OffsetFromOrigin();
+gfx::Vector2d AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetParentFrameOriginInScreenCoordinates()
+ const {
+ AtkObject* frame = FindAtkObjectParentFrame(atk_object_);
+ if (!frame)
+ return gfx::Vector2d();
+ const AXPlatformNode* frame_node =
+ AXPlatformNode::FromNativeViewAccessible(frame);
+ if (!frame_node)
+ return gfx::Vector2d();
+ return frame_node->GetDelegate()
+ ->GetBoundsRect(AXCoordinateSystem::kScreenDIPs,
+ AXClippingBehavior::kUnclipped)
+ .OffsetFromOrigin();
+gfx::Rect AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetExtentsRelativeToAtkCoordinateType(
+ AtkCoordType coord_type) const {
+ gfx::Rect extents = delegate_->GetBoundsRect(AXCoordinateSystem::kScreenDIPs,
+ AXClippingBehavior::kUnclipped);
+ switch (coord_type) {
+ break;
+ case ATK_XY_WINDOW: {
+ gfx::Vector2d window_origin = -GetParentFrameOriginInScreenCoordinates();
+ extents.Offset(window_origin);
+ break;
+ }
+#if defined(ATK_230)
+ case ATK_XY_PARENT: {
+ gfx::Vector2d parent_origin = -GetParentOriginInScreenCoordinates();
+ extents.Offset(parent_origin);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return extents;
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetExtents(gint* x,
+ gint* y,
+ gint* width,
+ gint* height,
+ AtkCoordType coord_type) {
+ gfx::Rect extents = GetExtentsRelativeToAtkCoordinateType(coord_type);
+ if (x)
+ *x = extents.x();
+ if (y)
+ *y = extents.y();
+ if (width)
+ *width = extents.width();
+ if (height)
+ *height = extents.height();
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetPosition(gint* x,
+ gint* y,
+ AtkCoordType coord_type) {
+ gfx::Rect extents = GetExtentsRelativeToAtkCoordinateType(coord_type);
+ if (x)
+ *x = extents.x();
+ if (y)
+ *y = extents.y();
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetSize(gint* width, gint* height) {
+ gfx::Rect rect_size = gfx::ToEnclosingRect(GetData().relative_bounds.bounds);
+ if (width)
+ *width = rect_size.width();
+ if (height)
+ *height = rect_size.height();
+AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::HitTestSync(gint x, gint y, AtkCoordType coord_type) {
+ gfx::Point scroll_to(x, y);
+ scroll_to = ConvertPointToScreenCoordinates(scroll_to, coord_type);
+ AXPlatformNode* current_result = this;
+ while (true) {
+ gfx::NativeViewAccessible hit_child =
+ current_result->GetDelegate()->HitTestSync(scroll_to.x(),
+ scroll_to.y());
+ if (!hit_child)
+ return nullptr;
+ AXPlatformNode* hit_child_node =
+ AXPlatformNode::FromNativeViewAccessible(hit_child);
+ if (!hit_child_node || !hit_child_node->IsDescendantOf(current_result))
+ break;
+ // If we get the same node, we're done.
+ if (hit_child_node == current_result)
+ break;
+ // Continue to check recursively. That's because HitTestSync may have
+ // returned the best result within a particular accessibility tree,
+ // but we might need to recurse further in a tree of a different type
+ // (for example, from Views to Web).
+ current_result = hit_child_node;
+ }
+ return current_result->GetNativeViewAccessible();
+bool AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GrabFocus() {
+ AXActionData action_data;
+ action_data.action = ax::mojom::Action::kFocus;
+ return delegate_->AccessibilityPerformAction(action_data);
+bool AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FocusFirstFocusableAncestorInWebContent() {
+ if (!GetDelegate()->IsWebContent())
+ return false;
+ // Don't cross document boundaries in order to avoid having this operation
+ // cross iframe boundaries or escape to non-document UI elements.
+ if (GetAtkRole() == ATK_ROLE_DOCUMENT_WEB)
+ return false;
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return false;
+ if (IsFocusable()) {
+ if (g_current_focused != atk_object)
+ GrabFocus();
+ return true;
+ }
+ auto* parent = FromAtkObject(GetParent());
+ if (!parent)
+ return false;
+ // If any of the siblings of this element are focusable, focusing the parent
+ // would be like moving the focus position backward, so we should fall back
+ // to setting the sequential focus navigation starting point.
+ for (auto child_iterator_ptr = parent->GetDelegate()->ChildrenBegin();
+ *child_iterator_ptr != *parent->GetDelegate()->ChildrenEnd();
+ ++(*child_iterator_ptr)) {
+ auto* child = FromAtkObject(child_iterator_ptr->GetNativeViewAccessible());
+ if (!child || child == this)
+ continue;
+ if (child->IsFocusable())
+ return false;
+ }
+ return parent->FocusFirstFocusableAncestorInWebContent();
+bool AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::SetSequentialFocusNavigationStartingPoint() {
+ AXActionData action_data;
+ action_data.action =
+ ax::mojom::Action::kSetSequentialFocusNavigationStartingPoint;
+ return delegate_->AccessibilityPerformAction(action_data);
+bool AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::
+ GrabFocusOrSetSequentialFocusNavigationStartingPoint() {
+ // First we try to grab focus on this node if any ancestor in the same
+ // document is focusable. Otherwise we set the sequential navigation starting
+ // point.
+ if (!FocusFirstFocusableAncestorInWebContent())
+ return SetSequentialFocusNavigationStartingPoint();
+ else
+ return true;
+bool AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::
+ GrabFocusOrSetSequentialFocusNavigationStartingPointAtOffset(int offset) {
+ int child_count = delegate_->GetChildCount();
+ if (IsAtomicTextField() || child_count == 0)
+ return GrabFocusOrSetSequentialFocusNavigationStartingPoint();
+ // When this node has children, we walk through them to figure out what child
+ // node should get focus. We are essentially repeating the process used when
+ // building the hypertext here.
+ int current_offset = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < child_count; ++i) {
+ auto* child = FromAtkObject(delegate_->ChildAtIndex(i));
+ if (!child)
+ continue;
+ if (child->IsText()) {
+ current_offset += child->GetName().size();
+ } else {
+ // Add an offset for the embedded character.
+ current_offset += 1;
+ }
+ // If the offset is larger than our size, try to work with the last child,
+ // which is also the behavior of SetCaretOffset.
+ if (offset <= current_offset || i == child_count - 1)
+ return child->GrabFocusOrSetSequentialFocusNavigationStartingPoint();
+ }
+ return false;
+const gchar* AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetDefaultActionName() {
+ int action;
+ if (!GetIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kDefaultActionVerb, &action))
+ return nullptr;
+ // If this object cannot receive focus and has a button role, use click as
+ // the default action. On the AuraLinux platform, the press action is a
+ // signal to users that they can trigger the action using the keyboard, while
+ // a click action means the user should trigger the action via a simulated
+ // click. If this object cannot receive focus, it's impossible to trigger it
+ // with a key press.
+ if (GetRole() == ax::mojom::Role::kButton &&
+ action == static_cast<int>(ax::mojom::DefaultActionVerb::kPress) &&
+ !IsFocusable()) {
+ action = static_cast<int>(ax::mojom::DefaultActionVerb::kClick);
+ }
+ std::string action_verb =
+ ui::ToString(static_cast<ax::mojom::DefaultActionVerb>(action));
+AtkAttributeSet* AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetAtkAttributes() {
+ AtkAttributeSet* attribute_list = nullptr;
+ ComputeAttributes(&attribute_list);
+ return attribute_list;
+AtkStateType AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetAtkStateTypeForCheckableNode() {
+ if (GetData().GetCheckedState() == ax::mojom::CheckedState::kMixed)
+ if (IsPlatformCheckable())
+// AtkDocumentHelpers
+const gchar* AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetDocumentAttributeValue(
+ const gchar* attribute) const {
+ if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(attribute, "DocType"))
+ return delegate_->GetTreeData().doctype.c_str();
+ else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(attribute, "MimeType"))
+ return delegate_->GetTreeData().mimetype.c_str();
+ else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(attribute, "Title"))
+ return delegate_->GetTreeData().title.c_str();
+ else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(attribute, "URI"))
+ return delegate_->GetTreeData().url.c_str();
+ return nullptr;
+AtkAttributeSet* AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetDocumentAttributes() const {
+ AtkAttributeSet* attribute_set = nullptr;
+ const gchar* doc_attributes[] = {"DocType", "MimeType", "Title", "URI"};
+ const gchar* value = nullptr;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(doc_attributes); i++) {
+ value = GetDocumentAttributeValue(doc_attributes[i]);
+ if (value) {
+ attribute_set = PrependAtkAttributeToAtkAttributeSet(
+ doc_attributes[i], value, attribute_set);
+ }
+ }
+ return attribute_set;
+// AtkHyperlink helpers
+AtkHyperlink* AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetAtkHyperlink() {
+ if (atk_hyperlink_)
+ return atk_hyperlink_;
+ atk_hyperlink_ =
+ ax_platform_atk_hyperlink_set_object(
+ AX_PLATFORM_ATK_HYPERLINK(atk_hyperlink_), this);
+ return atk_hyperlink_;
+// Misc helpers
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetFloatAttributeInGValue(
+ ax::mojom::FloatAttribute attr,
+ GValue* value) {
+ float float_val;
+ if (GetFloatAttribute(attr, &float_val)) {
+ memset(value, 0, sizeof(*value));
+ g_value_init(value, G_TYPE_FLOAT);
+ g_value_set_float(value, float_val);
+ }
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::AddAttributeToList(const char* name,
+ const char* value,
+ AtkAttributeSet** attributes) {
+ *attributes = PrependAtkAttributeToAtkAttributeSet(name, value, *attributes);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::SetDocumentParent(
+ AtkObject* new_document_parent) {
+ SetWeakGPtrToAtkObject(&document_parent_, new_document_parent);
+bool AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::IsNameExposed() {
+ switch (GetRole()) {
+ case ax::mojom::Role::kListMarker:
+ return !GetChildCount();
+ default:
+ return true;
+ }
+int AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetCaretOffset() {
+ if (!HasVisibleCaretOrSelection()) {
+ absl::optional<FindInPageResultInfo> result =
+ GetSelectionOffsetsFromFindInPage();
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return -1;
+ if (result.has_value() && result->node == atk_object)
+ return UTF16ToUnicodeOffsetInText(result->end_offset);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ std::pair<int, int> selection = GetSelectionOffsetsForAtk();
+ return UTF16ToUnicodeOffsetInText(selection.second);
+bool AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::SetCaretOffset(int offset) {
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return false;
+ int character_count = atk_text_get_character_count(ATK_TEXT(atk_object));
+ if (offset < 0 || offset > character_count)
+ offset = character_count;
+ // Even if we don't change anything, we still want to act like we
+ // were successful.
+ if (offset == GetCaretOffset() && !HasSelection())
+ return true;
+ offset = UnicodeToUTF16OffsetInText(offset);
+ if (!SetHypertextSelection(offset, offset))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+bool AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::SetTextSelectionForAtkText(int start_offset,
+ int end_offset) {
+ start_offset = UnicodeToUTF16OffsetInText(start_offset);
+ end_offset = UnicodeToUTF16OffsetInText(end_offset);
+ std::u16string text = GetHypertext();
+ if (start_offset < 0 || start_offset > static_cast<int>(text.length()))
+ return false;
+ if (end_offset < 0 || end_offset > static_cast<int>(text.length()))
+ return false;
+ // We must put these in the correct order so that we can do
+ // a comparison with the existing start and end below.
+ if (end_offset < start_offset)
+ std::swap(start_offset, end_offset);
+ // Even if we don't change anything, we still want to act like we
+ // were successful.
+ std::pair<int, int> old_offsets = GetSelectionOffsetsForAtk();
+ if (old_offsets.first == start_offset && old_offsets.second == end_offset)
+ return true;
+ if (!SetHypertextSelection(start_offset, end_offset))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+bool AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::HasSelection() {
+ std::pair<int, int> selection = GetSelectionOffsetsForAtk();
+ return selection.first >= 0 && selection.second >= 0 &&
+ selection.first != selection.second;
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetSelectionExtents(int* start_offset,
+ int* end_offset) {
+ if (start_offset)
+ *start_offset = 0;
+ if (end_offset)
+ *end_offset = 0;
+ std::pair<int, int> selection = GetSelectionOffsetsForAtk();
+ if (selection.first < 0 || selection.second < 0 ||
+ selection.first == selection.second)
+ return;
+ // We should ignore the direction of the selection when exposing start and
+ // end offsets. According to the ATK documentation the end offset is always
+ // the offset immediately past the end of the selection. This wouldn't make
+ // sense if end < start.
+ if (selection.second < selection.first)
+ std::swap(selection.first, selection.second);
+ selection.first = UTF16ToUnicodeOffsetInText(selection.first);
+ selection.second = UTF16ToUnicodeOffsetInText(selection.second);
+ if (start_offset)
+ *start_offset = selection.first;
+ if (end_offset)
+ *end_offset = selection.second;
+// Since this method doesn't return a static gchar*, we expect the caller of
+// atk_text_get_selection to free the return value.
+gchar* AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetSelectionWithText(int* start_offset,
+ int* end_offset) {
+ int selection_start, selection_end;
+ GetSelectionExtents(&selection_start, &selection_end);
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return nullptr;
+ if (selection_start < 0 || selection_end < 0 ||
+ selection_start == selection_end) {
+ absl::optional<FindInPageResultInfo> find_in_page_result =
+ GetSelectionOffsetsFromFindInPage();
+ if (!find_in_page_result.has_value() ||
+ find_in_page_result->node != atk_object) {
+ *start_offset = 0;
+ *end_offset = 0;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ selection_start = find_in_page_result->start_offset;
+ selection_end = find_in_page_result->end_offset;
+ }
+ selection_start = UTF16ToUnicodeOffsetInText(selection_start);
+ selection_end = UTF16ToUnicodeOffsetInText(selection_end);
+ if (selection_start < 0 || selection_end < 0 ||
+ selection_start == selection_end) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ if (start_offset)
+ *start_offset = selection_start;
+ if (end_offset)
+ *end_offset = selection_end;
+ return atk_text::GetText(ATK_TEXT(atk_object), selection_start,
+ selection_end);
+bool AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::IsInLiveRegion() {
+ return HasStringAttribute(ax::mojom::StringAttribute::kContainerLiveStatus);
+#if defined(ATK_230)
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::ScrollToPoint(AtkCoordType atk_coord_type,
+ int x,
+ int y) {
+ gfx::Point scroll_to(x, y);
+ scroll_to = ConvertPointToScreenCoordinates(scroll_to, atk_coord_type);
+ AXActionData action_data;
+ action_data.target_node_id = GetData().id;
+ action_data.action = ax::mojom::Action::kScrollToPoint;
+ action_data.target_point = scroll_to;
+ GetDelegate()->AccessibilityPerformAction(action_data);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::ScrollNodeRectIntoView(
+ gfx::Rect rect,
+ AtkScrollType atk_scroll_type) {
+ AXActionData action_data;
+ action_data.target_node_id = GetData().id;
+ action_data.action = ax::mojom::Action::kScrollToMakeVisible;
+ action_data.target_rect = rect;
+ action_data.scroll_behavior = ax::mojom::ScrollBehavior::kScrollIfVisible;
+ action_data.horizontal_scroll_alignment = ax::mojom::ScrollAlignment::kNone;
+ action_data.vertical_scroll_alignment = ax::mojom::ScrollAlignment::kNone;
+ switch (atk_scroll_type) {
+ action_data.vertical_scroll_alignment =
+ ax::mojom::ScrollAlignment::kScrollAlignmentTop;
+ action_data.horizontal_scroll_alignment =
+ ax::mojom::ScrollAlignment::kScrollAlignmentLeft;
+ break;
+ action_data.horizontal_scroll_alignment =
+ ax::mojom::ScrollAlignment::kScrollAlignmentRight;
+ action_data.vertical_scroll_alignment =
+ ax::mojom::ScrollAlignment::kScrollAlignmentBottom;
+ break;
+ action_data.vertical_scroll_alignment =
+ ax::mojom::ScrollAlignment::kScrollAlignmentTop;
+ break;
+ action_data.vertical_scroll_alignment =
+ ax::mojom::ScrollAlignment::kScrollAlignmentBottom;
+ break;
+ action_data.horizontal_scroll_alignment =
+ ax::mojom::ScrollAlignment::kScrollAlignmentLeft;
+ break;
+ action_data.horizontal_scroll_alignment =
+ ax::mojom::ScrollAlignment::kScrollAlignmentRight;
+ break;
+ action_data.horizontal_scroll_alignment =
+ ax::mojom::ScrollAlignment::kScrollAlignmentClosestEdge;
+ action_data.vertical_scroll_alignment =
+ ax::mojom::ScrollAlignment::kScrollAlignmentClosestEdge;
+ break;
+ }
+ GetDelegate()->AccessibilityPerformAction(action_data);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::ScrollNodeIntoView(
+ AtkScrollType atk_scroll_type) {
+ gfx::Rect rect = GetDelegate()->GetBoundsRect(AXCoordinateSystem::kScreenDIPs,
+ AXClippingBehavior::kUnclipped);
+ rect -= rect.OffsetFromOrigin();
+ ScrollNodeRectIntoView(rect, atk_scroll_type);
+#endif // defined(ATK_230)
+#if defined(ATK_232)
+AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetUnclippedHypertextRangeBoundsRect(int start_offset,
+ int end_offset) {
+ start_offset = UnicodeToUTF16OffsetInText(start_offset);
+ end_offset = UnicodeToUTF16OffsetInText(end_offset);
+ std::u16string text = GetHypertext();
+ if (start_offset < 0 || start_offset > static_cast<int>(text.length()))
+ return absl::nullopt;
+ if (end_offset < 0 || end_offset > static_cast<int>(text.length()))
+ return absl::nullopt;
+ if (end_offset < start_offset)
+ std::swap(start_offset, end_offset);
+ return GetDelegate()->GetHypertextRangeBoundsRect(
+ UnicodeToUTF16OffsetInText(start_offset),
+ UnicodeToUTF16OffsetInText(end_offset), AXCoordinateSystem::kScreenDIPs,
+ AXClippingBehavior::kUnclipped);
+bool AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::ScrollSubstringIntoView(
+ AtkScrollType atk_scroll_type,
+ int start_offset,
+ int end_offset) {
+ absl::optional<gfx::Rect> optional_rect =
+ GetUnclippedHypertextRangeBoundsRect(start_offset, end_offset);
+ if (!optional_rect.has_value())
+ return false;
+ gfx::Rect rect = *optional_rect;
+ gfx::Rect node_rect = GetDelegate()->GetBoundsRect(
+ AXCoordinateSystem::kScreenDIPs, AXClippingBehavior::kUnclipped);
+ rect -= node_rect.OffsetFromOrigin();
+ ScrollNodeRectIntoView(rect, atk_scroll_type);
+ return true;
+bool AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::ScrollSubstringToPoint(
+ int start_offset,
+ int end_offset,
+ AtkCoordType atk_coord_type,
+ int x,
+ int y) {
+ absl::optional<gfx::Rect> optional_rect =
+ GetUnclippedHypertextRangeBoundsRect(start_offset, end_offset);
+ if (!optional_rect.has_value())
+ return false;
+ gfx::Rect rect = *optional_rect;
+ gfx::Rect node_rect = GetDelegate()->GetBoundsRect(
+ AXCoordinateSystem::kScreenDIPs, AXClippingBehavior::kUnclipped);
+ ScrollToPoint(atk_coord_type, x - (rect.x() - node_rect.x()),
+ y - (rect.y() - node_rect.y()));
+ return true;
+#endif // defined(ATK_232)
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::ComputeStylesIfNeeded() {
+ if (!offset_to_text_attributes_.empty())
+ return;
+ default_text_attributes_ = ComputeTextAttributes();
+ TextAttributeMap attributes_map =
+ GetDelegate()->ComputeTextAttributeMap(default_text_attributes_);
+ offset_to_text_attributes_.swap(attributes_map);
+int AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::FindStartOfStyle(
+ int start_offset,
+ ax::mojom::MoveDirection direction) {
+ int text_length = GetHypertext().length();
+ DCHECK_GE(start_offset, 0);
+ DCHECK_LE(start_offset, text_length);
+ DCHECK(!offset_to_text_attributes_.empty());
+ switch (direction) {
+ case ax::mojom::MoveDirection::kNone:
+ return start_offset;
+ case ax::mojom::MoveDirection::kBackward: {
+ auto iterator = offset_to_text_attributes_.upper_bound(start_offset);
+ --iterator;
+ return iterator->first;
+ }
+ case ax::mojom::MoveDirection::kForward: {
+ const auto iterator =
+ offset_to_text_attributes_.upper_bound(start_offset);
+ if (iterator == offset_to_text_attributes_.end())
+ return text_length;
+ return iterator->first;
+ }
+ }
+ return start_offset;
+const TextAttributeList& AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetTextAttributes(
+ int offset,
+ int* start_offset,
+ int* end_offset) {
+ ComputeStylesIfNeeded();
+ DCHECK(!offset_to_text_attributes_.empty());
+ int utf16_offset = UnicodeToUTF16OffsetInText(offset);
+ int style_start =
+ FindStartOfStyle(utf16_offset, ax::mojom::MoveDirection::kBackward);
+ int style_end =
+ FindStartOfStyle(utf16_offset, ax::mojom::MoveDirection::kForward);
+ auto iterator = offset_to_text_attributes_.find(style_start);
+ DCHECK(iterator != offset_to_text_attributes_.end());
+ SetIntPointerValueIfNotNull(start_offset,
+ UTF16ToUnicodeOffsetInText(style_start));
+ SetIntPointerValueIfNotNull(end_offset,
+ UTF16ToUnicodeOffsetInText(style_end));
+ if (iterator == offset_to_text_attributes_.end())
+ return default_text_attributes_;
+ return iterator->second;
+const TextAttributeList& AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetDefaultTextAttributes() {
+ ComputeStylesIfNeeded();
+ return default_text_attributes_;
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::TerminateFindInPage() {
+ ForgetCurrentFindInPageResult();
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::ActivateFindInPageResult(int start_offset,
+ int end_offset) {
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return;
+ DCHECK(ATK_IS_TEXT(atk_object));
+ if (!EmitsAtkTextEvents()) {
+ ActivateFindInPageInParent(start_offset, end_offset);
+ return;
+ }
+ AtkObject* parent_doc = FindAtkObjectToplevelParentDocument(atk_object);
+ if (!parent_doc)
+ return;
+ std::map<AtkObject*, FindInPageResultInfo>& active_results =
+ GetActiveFindInPageResults();
+ auto iterator = active_results.find(parent_doc);
+ FindInPageResultInfo new_info = {atk_object, start_offset, end_offset};
+ if (iterator != active_results.end() && iterator->second == new_info)
+ return;
+ active_results[parent_doc] = new_info;
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(atk_object, "text-selection-changed");
+ g_signal_emit_by_name(atk_object, "text-caret-moved",
+ UTF16ToUnicodeOffsetInText(end_offset));
+absl::optional<std::pair<int, int>>
+ AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* child_to_find) {
+ int current_offset = 0;
+ for (auto child_iterator_ptr = GetDelegate()->ChildrenBegin();
+ *child_iterator_ptr != *GetDelegate()->ChildrenEnd();
+ ++(*child_iterator_ptr)) {
+ auto* child = FromAtkObject(child_iterator_ptr->GetNativeViewAccessible());
+ if (!child)
+ continue;
+ // If this object is a text only object, it is included directly into this
+ // node's hypertext, otherwise it is represented as an embedded object
+ // character.
+ int size = child->IsText() ? child->GetName().size() : 1;
+ if (child == child_to_find)
+ return std::make_pair(current_offset, current_offset + size);
+ current_offset += size;
+ }
+ return absl::nullopt;
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::ActivateFindInPageInParent(int start_offset,
+ int end_offset) {
+ auto* parent = FromAtkObject(GetParent());
+ if (!parent)
+ return;
+ absl::optional<std::pair<int, int>> extents_in_parent =
+ parent->GetHypertextExtentsOfChild(this);
+ if (!extents_in_parent.has_value())
+ return;
+ DCHECK(IsText());
+ parent->ActivateFindInPageResult(extents_in_parent->first + start_offset,
+ extents_in_parent->first + end_offset);
+void AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::ForgetCurrentFindInPageResult() {
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return;
+ AtkObject* parent_doc = FindAtkObjectToplevelParentDocument(atk_object);
+ if (parent_doc)
+ GetActiveFindInPageResults().erase(parent_doc);
+AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetSelectionOffsetsFromFindInPage() {
+ AtkObject* atk_object = GetOrCreateAtkObject();
+ if (!atk_object)
+ return absl::nullopt;
+ AtkObject* parent_doc = FindAtkObjectToplevelParentDocument(atk_object);
+ if (!parent_doc)
+ return absl::nullopt;
+ std::map<AtkObject*, FindInPageResultInfo>& active_results =
+ GetActiveFindInPageResults();
+ auto iterator = active_results.find(parent_doc);
+ if (iterator == active_results.end())
+ return absl::nullopt;
+ return iterator->second;
+gfx::Point AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::ConvertPointToScreenCoordinates(
+ const gfx::Point& point,
+ AtkCoordType atk_coord_type) {
+ switch (atk_coord_type) {
+ return point + GetParentFrameOriginInScreenCoordinates();
+#if defined(ATK_230)
+ return point + GetParentOriginInScreenCoordinates();
+ default:
+ return point;
+ }
+std::pair<int, int> AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux::GetSelectionOffsetsForAtk() {
+ // In web content we always want to look at the selection from the tree
+ // instead of the selection that might be set via node attributes. This is
+ // because the tree selection is the absolute truth about what is visually
+ // selected, whereas node attributes might contain selection extents that are
+ // no longer part of the visual selection.
+ std::pair<int, int> selection;
+ if (GetDelegate()->IsWebContent()) {
+ AXSelection unignored_selection = GetDelegate()->GetUnignoredSelection();
+ GetSelectionOffsetsFromTree(&unignored_selection, &selection.first,
+ &selection.second);
+ } else {
+ GetSelectionOffsets(&selection.first, &selection.second);
+ }
+ return selection;
+} // namespace ui
Index: radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-gfx-linux-5.10-patch/
--- radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-gfx-linux-5.10-patch/ (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-gfx-linux-5.10-patch/ (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+diff -u -Nr src-orig src > ../patches/chromium-123.0.6286.1-gfx-linux-5.10.patch
Property changes on: radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-gfx-linux-5.10-patch/
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-gfx-linux-5.10-patch/src/ui/gfx/linux/dmabuf_uapi.h
--- radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-gfx-linux-5.10-patch/src/ui/gfx/linux/dmabuf_uapi.h (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-gfx-linux-5.10-patch/src/ui/gfx/linux/dmabuf_uapi.h (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <linux/version.h>
+#include <linux/dma-buf.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+struct dma_buf_sync {
+ __u64 flags;
+constexpr __u64 DMA_BUF_SYNC_READ = 1 << 0;
+constexpr __u64 DMA_BUF_SYNC_WRITE = 2 << 0;
+constexpr __u64 DMA_BUF_SYNC_START = 0 << 2;
+constexpr __u64 DMA_BUF_SYNC_END = 1 << 2;
+constexpr char DMA_BUF_BASE = 'b';
+constexpr unsigned long DMA_BUF_IOCTL_SYNC =
+ _IOW(DMA_BUF_BASE, 0, struct dma_buf_sync);
+struct dma_buf_export_sync_file {
+ __u32 flags;
+ __s32 fd;
+struct dma_buf_import_sync_file {
+ __u32 flags;
+ __s32 fd;
+constexpr unsigned long DMA_BUF_IOCTL_EXPORT_SYNC_FILE =
+ _IOWR(DMA_BUF_BASE, 2, struct dma_buf_export_sync_file);
+constexpr unsigned long DMA_BUF_IOCTL_IMPORT_SYNC_FILE =
+ _IOW(DMA_BUF_BASE, 3, struct dma_buf_import_sync_file);
Index: radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-gfx-linux-5.10-patch/src-orig/ui/gfx/linux/dmabuf_uapi.h
--- radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-gfx-linux-5.10-patch/src-orig/ui/gfx/linux/dmabuf_uapi.h (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-gfx-linux-5.10-patch/src-orig/ui/gfx/linux/dmabuf_uapi.h (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <linux/version.h>
+#include <linux/dma-buf.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+struct dma_buf_sync {
+ __u64 flags;
+constexpr __u64 DMA_BUF_SYNC_READ = 1 << 0;
+constexpr __u64 DMA_BUF_SYNC_WRITE = 2 << 0;
+constexpr __u64 DMA_BUF_SYNC_START = 0 << 2;
+constexpr __u64 DMA_BUF_SYNC_END = 1 << 2;
+constexpr char DMA_BUF_BASE = 'b';
+constexpr unsigned long DMA_BUF_IOCTL_SYNC =
+ _IOW(DMA_BUF_BASE, 0, struct dma_buf_sync);
+struct dma_buf_export_sync_file {
+ __u32 flags;
+ __s32 fd;
+struct dma_buf_import_sync_file {
+ __u32 flags;
+ __s32 fd;
+constexpr unsigned long DMA_BUF_IOCTL_EXPORT_SYNC_FILE =
+ _IOWR(DMA_BUF_BASE, 2, struct dma_buf_export_sync_file);
+constexpr unsigned long DMA_BUF_IOCTL_IMPORT_SYNC_FILE =
+ _IOW(DMA_BUF_BASE, 3, struct dma_buf_import_sync_file);
Index: radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-host-pkg-config-patch/
--- radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-host-pkg-config-patch/ (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-host-pkg-config-patch/ (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+diff -u -Nr src-orig src > ../patches/chromium-123.0.6286.1-host-pkg-config.patch
Property changes on: radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-host-pkg-config-patch/
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-host-pkg-config-patch/src/build/config/linux/pkg_config.gni
--- radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-host-pkg-config-patch/src/build/config/linux/pkg_config.gni (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-host-pkg-config-patch/src/build/config/linux/pkg_config.gni (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# Defines a config specifying the result of running pkg-config for the given
+# packages. Put the package names you want to query in the "packages" variable
+# inside the template invocation.
+# You can also add defines via the "defines" variable. This can be useful to
+# add this to the config to pass defines that the library expects to get by
+# users of its headers.
+# Example:
+# pkg_config("mything") {
+# packages = [ "mything1", "mything2" ]
+# defines = [ "ENABLE_AWESOME" ]
+# }
+# You can also use "extra args" to filter out results (see
+# extra_args = [ "-v, "foo" ]
+# To ignore libs and ldflags (only cflags/defines will be set, which is useful
+# when doing manual dynamic linking), set:
+# ignore_libs = true
+declare_args() {
+ # A pkg-config wrapper to call instead of trying to find and call the right
+ # pkg-config directly. Wrappers like this are common in cross-compilation
+ # environments.
+ # Leaving it blank defaults to searching PATH for 'pkg-config' and relying on
+ # the sysroot mechanism to find the right .pc files.
+ pkg_config = ""
+ # A optional pkg-config wrapper to use for tools built on the host.
+ host_pkg_config = ""
+ # CrOS systemroots place pkgconfig files at <systemroot>/usr/share/pkgconfig
+ # and one of <systemroot>/usr/lib/pkgconfig or <systemroot>/usr/lib64/pkgconfig
+ # depending on whether the systemroot is for a 32 or 64 bit architecture.
+ #
+ # When build under GYP, CrOS board builds specify the 'system_libdir' variable
+ # as part of the GYP_DEFINES provided by the CrOS emerge build or simple
+ # chrome build scheme. This variable permits controlling this for GN builds
+ # in similar fashion by setting the `system_libdir` variable in the build's
+ # file to 'lib' or 'lib64' as appropriate for the target architecture.
+ system_libdir = "lib"
+pkg_config_script = "//build/config/linux/"
+# Define the args we pass to the pkg-config script for other build files that
+# need to invoke it manually.
+pkg_config_args = []
+common_pkg_config_args = []
+if (sysroot != "") {
+ # Pass the sysroot if we're using one (it requires the CPU arch also).
+ common_pkg_config_args += [
+ "-s",
+ rebase_path(sysroot),
+ "-a",
+ current_cpu,
+ ]
+if (pkg_config != "") {
+ pkg_config_args += [
+ "-p",
+ pkg_config,
+ ]
+# Only use the custom libdir when building with the target sysroot.
+if (target_sysroot != "" && sysroot == target_sysroot) {
+ pkg_config_args += [
+ "--system_libdir",
+ system_libdir,
+ ]
+if (host_pkg_config != "") {
+ host_pkg_config_args = [
+ "-p",
+ host_pkg_config,
+ ]
+} else {
+ host_pkg_config_args = pkg_config_args
+template("pkg_config") {
+ assert(defined(invoker.packages),
+ "Variable |packages| must be defined to be a list in pkg_config.")
+ config(target_name) {
+ if (host_toolchain == current_toolchain || current_cpu == "x64") {
+ args = common_pkg_config_args + host_pkg_config_args + invoker.packages
+ } else {
+ args = common_pkg_config_args + pkg_config_args + invoker.packages
+ }
+ if (defined(invoker.extra_args)) {
+ args += invoker.extra_args
+ }
+ pkgresult = exec_script(pkg_config_script, args, "json")
+ cflags = pkgresult[1]
+ foreach(include, pkgresult[0]) {
+ # We want the system include paths to use -isystem instead of -I to
+ # suppress warnings in those headers.
+ if (use_sysroot) {
+ include_relativized = rebase_path(include, root_build_dir)
+ cflags += [ "-isystem$include_relativized" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "-isystem$include" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (!defined(invoker.ignore_libs) || !invoker.ignore_libs) {
+ libs = pkgresult[2]
+ lib_dirs = pkgresult[3]
+ }
+ forward_variables_from(invoker,
+ [
+ "defines",
+ "visibility",
+ ])
+ }
Index: radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-host-pkg-config-patch/src-orig/build/config/linux/pkg_config.gni
--- radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-host-pkg-config-patch/src-orig/build/config/linux/pkg_config.gni (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-host-pkg-config-patch/src-orig/build/config/linux/pkg_config.gni (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# Defines a config specifying the result of running pkg-config for the given
+# packages. Put the package names you want to query in the "packages" variable
+# inside the template invocation.
+# You can also add defines via the "defines" variable. This can be useful to
+# add this to the config to pass defines that the library expects to get by
+# users of its headers.
+# Example:
+# pkg_config("mything") {
+# packages = [ "mything1", "mything2" ]
+# defines = [ "ENABLE_AWESOME" ]
+# }
+# You can also use "extra args" to filter out results (see
+# extra_args = [ "-v, "foo" ]
+# To ignore libs and ldflags (only cflags/defines will be set, which is useful
+# when doing manual dynamic linking), set:
+# ignore_libs = true
+declare_args() {
+ # A pkg-config wrapper to call instead of trying to find and call the right
+ # pkg-config directly. Wrappers like this are common in cross-compilation
+ # environments.
+ # Leaving it blank defaults to searching PATH for 'pkg-config' and relying on
+ # the sysroot mechanism to find the right .pc files.
+ pkg_config = ""
+ # A optional pkg-config wrapper to use for tools built on the host.
+ host_pkg_config = ""
+ # CrOS systemroots place pkgconfig files at <systemroot>/usr/share/pkgconfig
+ # and one of <systemroot>/usr/lib/pkgconfig or <systemroot>/usr/lib64/pkgconfig
+ # depending on whether the systemroot is for a 32 or 64 bit architecture.
+ #
+ # When build under GYP, CrOS board builds specify the 'system_libdir' variable
+ # as part of the GYP_DEFINES provided by the CrOS emerge build or simple
+ # chrome build scheme. This variable permits controlling this for GN builds
+ # in similar fashion by setting the `system_libdir` variable in the build's
+ # file to 'lib' or 'lib64' as appropriate for the target architecture.
+ system_libdir = "lib"
+pkg_config_script = "//build/config/linux/"
+# Define the args we pass to the pkg-config script for other build files that
+# need to invoke it manually.
+pkg_config_args = []
+common_pkg_config_args = []
+if (sysroot != "") {
+ # Pass the sysroot if we're using one (it requires the CPU arch also).
+ common_pkg_config_args += [
+ "-s",
+ rebase_path(sysroot),
+ "-a",
+ current_cpu,
+ ]
+if (pkg_config != "") {
+ pkg_config_args += [
+ "-p",
+ pkg_config,
+ ]
+# Only use the custom libdir when building with the target sysroot.
+if (target_sysroot != "" && sysroot == target_sysroot) {
+ pkg_config_args += [
+ "--system_libdir",
+ system_libdir,
+ ]
+if (host_pkg_config != "") {
+ host_pkg_config_args = [
+ "-p",
+ host_pkg_config,
+ ]
+} else {
+ host_pkg_config_args = pkg_config_args
+template("pkg_config") {
+ assert(defined(invoker.packages),
+ "Variable |packages| must be defined to be a list in pkg_config.")
+ config(target_name) {
+ if (host_toolchain == current_toolchain) {
+ args = common_pkg_config_args + host_pkg_config_args + invoker.packages
+ } else {
+ args = common_pkg_config_args + pkg_config_args + invoker.packages
+ }
+ if (defined(invoker.extra_args)) {
+ args += invoker.extra_args
+ }
+ pkgresult = exec_script(pkg_config_script, args, "json")
+ cflags = pkgresult[1]
+ foreach(include, pkgresult[0]) {
+ # We want the system include paths to use -isystem instead of -I to
+ # suppress warnings in those headers.
+ if (use_sysroot) {
+ include_relativized = rebase_path(include, root_build_dir)
+ cflags += [ "-isystem$include_relativized" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "-isystem$include" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (!defined(invoker.ignore_libs) || !invoker.ignore_libs) {
+ libs = pkgresult[2]
+ lib_dirs = pkgresult[3]
+ }
+ forward_variables_from(invoker,
+ [
+ "defines",
+ "visibility",
+ ])
+ }
Index: radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-inc-drop-host-crash-patch/
--- radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-inc-drop-host-crash-patch/ (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-inc-drop-host-crash-patch/ (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+diff -u -Nr src-orig src > ../patches/chromium-123.0.6286.1-inc-drop-host-crash.patch
Property changes on: radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-inc-drop-host-crash-patch/
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-inc-drop-host-crash-patch/src/ui/views/animation/ink_drop_host.h
--- radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-inc-drop-host-crash-patch/src/ui/views/animation/ink_drop_host.h (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-inc-drop-host-crash-patch/src/ui/views/animation/ink_drop_host.h (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <memory>
+#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
+#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/variant.h"
+#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
+#include "ui/color/color_id.h"
+#include "ui/color/color_provider.h"
+#include "ui/gfx/color_palette.h"
+#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point.h"
+#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
+#include "ui/views/animation/ink_drop_event_handler.h"
+#include "ui/views/metadata/view_factory.h"
+#include "ui/views/view.h"
+namespace ui {
+class Layer;
+class LocatedEvent;
+} // namespace ui
+namespace views {
+class InkDrop;
+class InkDropHighlight;
+class InkDropImpl;
+class InkDropMask;
+class InkDropRipple;
+enum class InkDropState;
+namespace test {
+class InkDropHostTestApi;
+} // namespace test
+// TODO( Rename this type and move this header. Also consider
+// if InkDropHost should be what implements the InkDrop interface and have that
+// be the public interface.
+// The current division of labor is roughly as follows:
+// * InkDropHost manages an InkDrop and is responsible for a lot of its
+// configuration and creating the parts of the InkDrop.
+// * InkDrop manages the parts of the ink-drop effect once it's up and running.
+// * InkDropRipple is a ripple effect that usually triggers as a result of
+// clicking or activating the button / similar which hosts this.
+// * InkDropHighlight manages the hover/focus highlight layer.
+// TODO(pbos): See if this can be the only externally visible surface for an
+// ink-drop effect, and rename this InkDrop, or consolidate with InkDrop.
+class VIEWS_EXPORT InkDropHost {
+ public:
+ // Used in SetMode() to specify whether the ink drop effect is enabled
+ // or not for the view. In case of having an ink drop, it also specifies
+ // whether the default event handler for the ink drop should be installed or
+ // the subclass will handle ink drop events itself.
+ enum class InkDropMode {
+ OFF,
+ ON,
+ };
+ explicit InkDropHost(View* host);
+ InkDropHost(const InkDropHost&) = delete;
+ InkDropHost& operator=(const InkDropHost&) = delete;
+ virtual ~InkDropHost();
+ // Returns a configured InkDrop. To override default behavior call
+ // SetCreateInkDropCallback().
+ std::unique_ptr<InkDrop> CreateInkDrop();
+ // Replace CreateInkDrop() behavior.
+ void SetCreateInkDropCallback(
+ base::RepeatingCallback<std::unique_ptr<InkDrop>()> callback);
+ // Creates and returns the visual effect used for press. Used by InkDropImpl
+ // instances.
+ std::unique_ptr<InkDropRipple> CreateInkDropRipple() const;
+ // Replaces CreateInkDropRipple() behavior.
+ void SetCreateRippleCallback(
+ base::RepeatingCallback<std::unique_ptr<InkDropRipple>()> callback);
+ // Returns the point of the |last_ripple_triggering_event_| if it was a
+ // LocatedEvent, otherwise the center point of the local bounds is returned.
+ // This is nominally used by the InkDropRipple.
+ gfx::Point GetInkDropCenterBasedOnLastEvent() const;
+ // Creates and returns the visual effect used for hover and focus. Used by
+ // InkDropImpl instances. To override behavior call
+ // SetCreateHighlightCallback().
+ std::unique_ptr<InkDropHighlight> CreateInkDropHighlight() const;
+ // Replaces CreateInkDropHighlight() behavior.
+ void SetCreateHighlightCallback(
+ base::RepeatingCallback<std::unique_ptr<InkDropHighlight>()> callback);
+ // Callback replacement of CreateInkDropMask().
+ // TODO(pbos): Investigate removing this. It currently is only used by
+ // PieMenuView.
+ void SetCreateMaskCallback(
+ base::RepeatingCallback<std::unique_ptr<InkDropMask>()> callback);
+ // Toggles ink drop attention state on/off. If set on, a pulsing highlight
+ // is shown, prompting users to interact with `host_view_`.
+ // Called by components that want to call into user's attention, e.g. IPH.
+ void ToggleAttentionState(bool attention_on);
+ // Returns the base color for the ink drop.
+ SkColor GetBaseColor() const;
+ // Sets the base color of the ink drop. If `SetBaseColor` is called, the
+ // effect of previous calls to `SetBaseColorId` and `SetBaseColorCallback` is
+ // overwritten and vice versa.
+ // TODO( Replace SetBaseColor with SetBaseColorId.
+ void SetBaseColor(SkColor color);
+ void SetBaseColorId(ui::ColorId color_id);
+ // Callback version of `GetBaseColor`. If possible, prefer using
+ // `SetBaseColor` or `SetBaseColorId`.
+ void SetBaseColorCallback(base::RepeatingCallback<SkColor()> callback);
+ // Toggle to enable/disable an InkDrop on this View. Descendants can override
+ // CreateInkDropHighlight() and CreateInkDropRipple() to change the look/feel
+ // of the InkDrop.
+ //
+ // TODO(bruthig): Add an easier mechanism than overriding functions to allow
+ // subclasses/clients to specify the flavor of ink drop.
+ void SetMode(InkDropMode ink_drop_mode);
+ InkDropMode GetMode() const;
+ // Set whether the ink drop layers should be placed into the region above or
+ // below the view layer. The default is kBelow;
+ void SetLayerRegion(LayerRegion region);
+ LayerRegion GetLayerRegion() const;
+ void SetVisibleOpacity(float visible_opacity);
+ float GetVisibleOpacity() const;
+ void SetHighlightOpacity(absl::optional<float> opacity);
+ void SetSmallCornerRadius(int small_radius);
+ int GetSmallCornerRadius() const;
+ void SetLargeCornerRadius(int large_radius);
+ int GetLargeCornerRadius() const;
+ // Animates |ink_drop_| to the desired |ink_drop_state|. Caches |event| as the
+ // last_ripple_triggering_event().
+ //
+ // *** NOTE ***: |event| has been plumbed through on a best effort basis for
+ // the purposes of centering ink drop ripples on located Events. Thus nullptr
+ // has been used by clients who do not have an Event instance available to
+ // them.
+ void AnimateToState(InkDropState state, const ui::LocatedEvent* event);
+ // Returns true if an ink drop instance has been created.
+ bool HasInkDrop() const;
+ // Provides public access to |ink_drop_| so that factory methods can configure
+ // the inkdrop. Implements lazy initialization of |ink_drop_| so as to avoid
+ // virtual method calls during construction since subclasses should be able to
+ // call SetMode() during construction.
+ InkDrop* GetInkDrop();
+ // Returns whether the ink drop should be considered "highlighted" (in or
+ // animating into "highlight visible" steady state).
+ bool GetHighlighted() const;
+ base::CallbackListSubscription AddHighlightedChangedCallback(
+ base::RepeatingClosure callback);
+ // Should be called by InkDrop implementations when their highlight state
+ // changes, to trigger the corresponding property change notification here.
+ void OnInkDropHighlightedChanged();
+ // Methods called by InkDrop for attaching its layer.
+ // TODO(pbos): Investigate using direct calls on View::AddLayerToRegion.
+ void AddInkDropLayer(ui::Layer* ink_drop_layer);
+ void RemoveInkDropLayer(ui::Layer* ink_drop_layer);
+ // Size used by default for the SquareInkDropRipple.
+ static constexpr gfx::Size kDefaultSquareInkDropSize = gfx::Size(24, 24);
+ // Returns a large scaled size used by SquareInkDropRipple and Highlight.
+ static gfx::Size GetLargeSize(gfx::Size small_size);
+ // Creates a SquareInkDropRipple centered on |center_point|.
+ std::unique_ptr<InkDropRipple> CreateSquareRipple(
+ const gfx::Point& center_point,
+ const gfx::Size& size = kDefaultSquareInkDropSize) const;
+ View* host_view() { return host_view_; }
+ const View* host_view() const { return host_view_; }
+ private:
+ friend class test::InkDropHostTestApi;
+ class ViewLayerTransformObserver : public ViewObserver {
+ public:
+ ViewLayerTransformObserver(InkDropHost* ink_drop_host, View* host);
+ ~ViewLayerTransformObserver() override;
+ void OnViewLayerTransformed(View* observed_view) override;
+ private:
+ base::ScopedObservation<View, ViewObserver> observation_{this};
+ const raw_ptr<InkDropHost> ink_drop_host_;
+ };
+ class InkDropHostEventHandlerDelegate : public InkDropEventHandler::Delegate {
+ public:
+ explicit InkDropHostEventHandlerDelegate(InkDropHost* host);
+ // InkDropEventHandler::Delegate:
+ InkDrop* GetInkDrop() override;
+ bool HasInkDrop() const override;
+ bool SupportsGestureEvents() const override;
+ private:
+ // The host.
+ const raw_ptr<InkDropHost> ink_drop_host_;
+ };
+ const InkDropEventHandler* GetEventHandler() const;
+ InkDropEventHandler* GetEventHandler();
+ // This generates a mask for the InkDrop.
+ std::unique_ptr<views::InkDropMask> CreateInkDropMask() const;
+ // Adds a clip rect on the root layer of the ink drop impl. This is a more
+ // performant alternative to using circles or rectangle mask layers. Returns
+ // true if a clip was added.
+ bool AddInkDropClip(ui::Layer* ink_drop_layer);
+ // Initializes and sets a mask on `ink_drop_layer`. This will not run if
+ // AddInkDropClip() succeeds in the default implementation of
+ // AddInkDropLayer().
+ void InstallInkDropMask(ui::Layer* ink_drop_layer);
+ const raw_ptr<View> host_view_;
+ // Defines what type of |ink_drop_| to create.
+ InkDropMode ink_drop_mode_ = views::InkDropHost::InkDropMode::OFF;
+ // Into which region should the ink drop layers be placed.
+ LayerRegion layer_region_ = LayerRegion::kBelow;
+ // Used to observe View and inform the InkDrop of host-transform changes.
+ ViewLayerTransformObserver host_view_transform_observer_;
+ // Declared before |ink_drop_|, because InkDropImpl may call
+ // RemoveInkDropLayer on partly destructed InkDropHost. In
+ // that case |ink_drop_mask_| must be still valid.
+ std::unique_ptr<views::InkDropMask> ink_drop_mask_;
+ // Should not be accessed directly. Use GetInkDrop() instead.
+ std::unique_ptr<InkDrop> ink_drop_;
+ // Intentionally declared after |ink_drop_| so that it doesn't access a
+ // destroyed |ink_drop_| during destruction.
+ InkDropHostEventHandlerDelegate ink_drop_event_handler_delegate_;
+ InkDropEventHandler ink_drop_event_handler_;
+ float ink_drop_visible_opacity_ = 0.175f;
+ // The color of the ripple and hover.
+ absl::variant<SkColor, ui::ColorId, base::RepeatingCallback<SkColor()>>
+ ink_drop_base_color_ = gfx::kPlaceholderColor;
+ // TODO(pbos): Audit call sites to make sure highlight opacity is either
+ // always set or using the default value. Then make this a non-optional float.
+ absl::optional<float> ink_drop_highlight_opacity_;
+ // Radii used for the SquareInkDropRipple.
+ int ink_drop_small_corner_radius_ = 2;
+ int ink_drop_large_corner_radius_ = 4;
+ base::RepeatingCallback<std::unique_ptr<InkDrop>()> create_ink_drop_callback_;
+ base::RepeatingCallback<std::unique_ptr<InkDropRipple>()>
+ create_ink_drop_ripple_callback_;
+ base::RepeatingCallback<std::unique_ptr<InkDropHighlight>()>
+ create_ink_drop_highlight_callback_;
+ base::RepeatingCallback<std::unique_ptr<InkDropMask>()>
+ create_ink_drop_mask_callback_;
+ base::RepeatingClosureList highlighted_changed_callbacks_;
+ // Attention is a state we apply on Buttons' ink drop when we want to draw
+ // users' attention to this button and prompt users' interaction.
+ // It consists of two visual effects: a default light blue color and a pulsing
+ // effect. Current use case is IPH. Go to chrome://internals/user-education
+ // and press e.g. IPH_TabSearch to see the effects.
+ bool in_attention_state_ = false;
+} // namespace views
Index: radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-inc-drop-host-crash-patch/src-orig/ui/views/animation/ink_drop_host.h
--- radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-inc-drop-host-crash-patch/src-orig/ui/views/animation/ink_drop_host.h (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-inc-drop-host-crash-patch/src-orig/ui/views/animation/ink_drop_host.h (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <memory>
+#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
+#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/variant.h"
+#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
+#include "ui/color/color_id.h"
+#include "ui/color/color_provider.h"
+#include "ui/gfx/color_palette.h"
+#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point.h"
+#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
+#include "ui/views/animation/ink_drop_event_handler.h"
+#include "ui/views/metadata/view_factory.h"
+#include "ui/views/view.h"
+namespace ui {
+class Layer;
+class LocatedEvent;
+} // namespace ui
+namespace views {
+class InkDrop;
+class InkDropHighlight;
+class InkDropImpl;
+class InkDropMask;
+class InkDropRipple;
+enum class InkDropState;
+namespace test {
+class InkDropHostTestApi;
+} // namespace test
+// TODO( Rename this type and move this header. Also consider
+// if InkDropHost should be what implements the InkDrop interface and have that
+// be the public interface.
+// The current division of labor is roughly as follows:
+// * InkDropHost manages an InkDrop and is responsible for a lot of its
+// configuration and creating the parts of the InkDrop.
+// * InkDrop manages the parts of the ink-drop effect once it's up and running.
+// * InkDropRipple is a ripple effect that usually triggers as a result of
+// clicking or activating the button / similar which hosts this.
+// * InkDropHighlight manages the hover/focus highlight layer.
+// TODO(pbos): See if this can be the only externally visible surface for an
+// ink-drop effect, and rename this InkDrop, or consolidate with InkDrop.
+class VIEWS_EXPORT InkDropHost {
+ public:
+ // Used in SetMode() to specify whether the ink drop effect is enabled
+ // or not for the view. In case of having an ink drop, it also specifies
+ // whether the default event handler for the ink drop should be installed or
+ // the subclass will handle ink drop events itself.
+ enum class InkDropMode {
+ OFF,
+ ON,
+ };
+ explicit InkDropHost(View* host);
+ InkDropHost(const InkDropHost&) = delete;
+ InkDropHost& operator=(const InkDropHost&) = delete;
+ virtual ~InkDropHost();
+ // Returns a configured InkDrop. To override default behavior call
+ // SetCreateInkDropCallback().
+ std::unique_ptr<InkDrop> CreateInkDrop();
+ // Replace CreateInkDrop() behavior.
+ void SetCreateInkDropCallback(
+ base::RepeatingCallback<std::unique_ptr<InkDrop>()> callback);
+ // Creates and returns the visual effect used for press. Used by InkDropImpl
+ // instances.
+ std::unique_ptr<InkDropRipple> CreateInkDropRipple() const;
+ // Replaces CreateInkDropRipple() behavior.
+ void SetCreateRippleCallback(
+ base::RepeatingCallback<std::unique_ptr<InkDropRipple>()> callback);
+ // Returns the point of the |last_ripple_triggering_event_| if it was a
+ // LocatedEvent, otherwise the center point of the local bounds is returned.
+ // This is nominally used by the InkDropRipple.
+ gfx::Point GetInkDropCenterBasedOnLastEvent() const;
+ // Creates and returns the visual effect used for hover and focus. Used by
+ // InkDropImpl instances. To override behavior call
+ // SetCreateHighlightCallback().
+ std::unique_ptr<InkDropHighlight> CreateInkDropHighlight() const;
+ // Replaces CreateInkDropHighlight() behavior.
+ void SetCreateHighlightCallback(
+ base::RepeatingCallback<std::unique_ptr<InkDropHighlight>()> callback);
+ // Callback replacement of CreateInkDropMask().
+ // TODO(pbos): Investigate removing this. It currently is only used by
+ // PieMenuView.
+ void SetCreateMaskCallback(
+ base::RepeatingCallback<std::unique_ptr<InkDropMask>()> callback);
+ // Toggles ink drop attention state on/off. If set on, a pulsing highlight
+ // is shown, prompting users to interact with `host_view_`.
+ // Called by components that want to call into user's attention, e.g. IPH.
+ void ToggleAttentionState(bool attention_on);
+ // Returns the base color for the ink drop.
+ SkColor GetBaseColor() const;
+ // Sets the base color of the ink drop. If `SetBaseColor` is called, the
+ // effect of previous calls to `SetBaseColorId` and `SetBaseColorCallback` is
+ // overwritten and vice versa.
+ // TODO( Replace SetBaseColor with SetBaseColorId.
+ void SetBaseColor(SkColor color);
+ void SetBaseColorId(ui::ColorId color_id);
+ // Callback version of `GetBaseColor`. If possible, prefer using
+ // `SetBaseColor` or `SetBaseColorId`.
+ void SetBaseColorCallback(base::RepeatingCallback<SkColor()> callback);
+ // Toggle to enable/disable an InkDrop on this View. Descendants can override
+ // CreateInkDropHighlight() and CreateInkDropRipple() to change the look/feel
+ // of the InkDrop.
+ //
+ // TODO(bruthig): Add an easier mechanism than overriding functions to allow
+ // subclasses/clients to specify the flavor of ink drop.
+ void SetMode(InkDropMode ink_drop_mode);
+ InkDropMode GetMode() const;
+ // Set whether the ink drop layers should be placed into the region above or
+ // below the view layer. The default is kBelow;
+ void SetLayerRegion(LayerRegion region);
+ LayerRegion GetLayerRegion() const;
+ void SetVisibleOpacity(float visible_opacity);
+ float GetVisibleOpacity() const;
+ void SetHighlightOpacity(absl::optional<float> opacity);
+ void SetSmallCornerRadius(int small_radius);
+ int GetSmallCornerRadius() const;
+ void SetLargeCornerRadius(int large_radius);
+ int GetLargeCornerRadius() const;
+ // Animates |ink_drop_| to the desired |ink_drop_state|. Caches |event| as the
+ // last_ripple_triggering_event().
+ //
+ // *** NOTE ***: |event| has been plumbed through on a best effort basis for
+ // the purposes of centering ink drop ripples on located Events. Thus nullptr
+ // has been used by clients who do not have an Event instance available to
+ // them.
+ void AnimateToState(InkDropState state, const ui::LocatedEvent* event);
+ // Returns true if an ink drop instance has been created.
+ bool HasInkDrop() const;
+ // Provides public access to |ink_drop_| so that factory methods can configure
+ // the inkdrop. Implements lazy initialization of |ink_drop_| so as to avoid
+ // virtual method calls during construction since subclasses should be able to
+ // call SetMode() during construction.
+ InkDrop* GetInkDrop();
+ // Returns whether the ink drop should be considered "highlighted" (in or
+ // animating into "highlight visible" steady state).
+ bool GetHighlighted() const;
+ base::CallbackListSubscription AddHighlightedChangedCallback(
+ base::RepeatingClosure callback);
+ // Should be called by InkDrop implementations when their highlight state
+ // changes, to trigger the corresponding property change notification here.
+ void OnInkDropHighlightedChanged();
+ // Methods called by InkDrop for attaching its layer.
+ // TODO(pbos): Investigate using direct calls on View::AddLayerToRegion.
+ void AddInkDropLayer(ui::Layer* ink_drop_layer);
+ void RemoveInkDropLayer(ui::Layer* ink_drop_layer);
+ // Size used by default for the SquareInkDropRipple.
+ static constexpr gfx::Size kDefaultSquareInkDropSize = gfx::Size(24, 24);
+ // Returns a large scaled size used by SquareInkDropRipple and Highlight.
+ static gfx::Size GetLargeSize(gfx::Size small_size);
+ // Creates a SquareInkDropRipple centered on |center_point|.
+ std::unique_ptr<InkDropRipple> CreateSquareRipple(
+ const gfx::Point& center_point,
+ const gfx::Size& size = kDefaultSquareInkDropSize) const;
+ View* host_view() { return host_view_; }
+ const View* host_view() const { return host_view_; }
+ private:
+ friend class test::InkDropHostTestApi;
+ class ViewLayerTransformObserver : public ViewObserver {
+ public:
+ ViewLayerTransformObserver(InkDropHost* ink_drop_host, View* host);
+ ~ViewLayerTransformObserver() override;
+ void OnViewLayerTransformed(View* observed_view) override;
+ private:
+ base::ScopedObservation<View, ViewObserver> observation_{this};
+ const raw_ptr<InkDropHost> ink_drop_host_;
+ };
+ class InkDropHostEventHandlerDelegate : public InkDropEventHandler::Delegate {
+ public:
+ explicit InkDropHostEventHandlerDelegate(InkDropHost* host);
+ // InkDropEventHandler::Delegate:
+ InkDrop* GetInkDrop() override;
+ bool HasInkDrop() const override;
+ bool SupportsGestureEvents() const override;
+ private:
+ // The host.
+ const raw_ptr<InkDropHost> ink_drop_host_;
+ };
+ const InkDropEventHandler* GetEventHandler() const;
+ InkDropEventHandler* GetEventHandler();
+ // This generates a mask for the InkDrop.
+ std::unique_ptr<views::InkDropMask> CreateInkDropMask() const;
+ // Adds a clip rect on the root layer of the ink drop impl. This is a more
+ // performant alternative to using circles or rectangle mask layers. Returns
+ // true if a clip was added.
+ bool AddInkDropClip(ui::Layer* ink_drop_layer);
+ // Initializes and sets a mask on `ink_drop_layer`. This will not run if
+ // AddInkDropClip() succeeds in the default implementation of
+ // AddInkDropLayer().
+ void InstallInkDropMask(ui::Layer* ink_drop_layer);
+ const raw_ptr<View> host_view_;
+ // Defines what type of |ink_drop_| to create.
+ InkDropMode ink_drop_mode_ = views::InkDropHost::InkDropMode::OFF;
+ // Into which region should the ink drop layers be placed.
+ LayerRegion layer_region_ = LayerRegion::kBelow;
+ // Used to observe View and inform the InkDrop of host-transform changes.
+ ViewLayerTransformObserver host_view_transform_observer_;
+ // Should not be accessed directly. Use GetInkDrop() instead.
+ std::unique_ptr<InkDrop> ink_drop_;
+ // Intentionally declared after |ink_drop_| so that it doesn't access a
+ // destroyed |ink_drop_| during destruction.
+ InkDropHostEventHandlerDelegate ink_drop_event_handler_delegate_;
+ InkDropEventHandler ink_drop_event_handler_;
+ float ink_drop_visible_opacity_ = 0.175f;
+ // The color of the ripple and hover.
+ absl::variant<SkColor, ui::ColorId, base::RepeatingCallback<SkColor()>>
+ ink_drop_base_color_ = gfx::kPlaceholderColor;
+ // TODO(pbos): Audit call sites to make sure highlight opacity is either
+ // always set or using the default value. Then make this a non-optional float.
+ absl::optional<float> ink_drop_highlight_opacity_;
+ // Radii used for the SquareInkDropRipple.
+ int ink_drop_small_corner_radius_ = 2;
+ int ink_drop_large_corner_radius_ = 4;
+ std::unique_ptr<views::InkDropMask> ink_drop_mask_;
+ base::RepeatingCallback<std::unique_ptr<InkDrop>()> create_ink_drop_callback_;
+ base::RepeatingCallback<std::unique_ptr<InkDropRipple>()>
+ create_ink_drop_ripple_callback_;
+ base::RepeatingCallback<std::unique_ptr<InkDropHighlight>()>
+ create_ink_drop_highlight_callback_;
+ base::RepeatingCallback<std::unique_ptr<InkDropMask>()>
+ create_ink_drop_mask_callback_;
+ base::RepeatingClosureList highlighted_changed_callbacks_;
+ // Attention is a state we apply on Buttons' ink drop when we want to draw
+ // users' attention to this button and prompt users' interaction.
+ // It consists of two visual effects: a default light blue color and a pulsing
+ // effect. Current use case is IPH. Go to chrome://internals/user-education
+ // and press e.g. IPH_TabSearch to see the effects.
+ bool in_attention_state_ = false;
+} // namespace views
Index: radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-oauth2-default-patch/
--- radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-oauth2-default-patch/ (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-oauth2-default-patch/ (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+diff -u -Nr src-orig src > ../patches/chromium-123.0.6286.1-oauth2-default.patch
Property changes on: radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-oauth2-default-patch/
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-oauth2-default-patch/src/google_apis/
--- radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-oauth2-default-patch/src/google_apis/ (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-oauth2-default-patch/src/google_apis/ (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
+// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "google_apis/google_api_keys.h"
+// If you add more includes to this list, you also need to add them to
+// and
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include "base/command_line.h"
+#include "base/environment.h"
+#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "base/strings/stringize_macros.h"
+#include "build/branding_buildflags.h"
+#include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h"
+#include "google_apis/buildflags.h"
+#include "google_apis/gaia/gaia_config.h"
+#include "google_apis/gaia/gaia_switches.h"
+#include "google_apis/google_api_keys_mac.h"
+#include "google_apis/internal/google_chrome_api_keys.h"
+#include "google_apis/internal/metrics_signing_key.h"
+// Used to indicate an unset key/id/secret. This works better with
+// various unit tests than leaving the token empty.
+#define DUMMY_API_TOKEN "dummytoken"
+#if !defined(GOOGLE_API_KEY)
+#if !defined(GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID_MAIN)
+// API key for the Speech On-Device API (SODA).
+#if !defined(GOOGLE_API_KEY_SODA)
+// API key for the HaTS API.
+#if !defined(GOOGLE_API_KEY_HATS)
+// API key for the Nearby Sharing Service.
+// API key for the ReadAloud API.
+// API key for the Fresnel API.
+// These are used as shortcuts for developers and users providing
+// OAuth credentials via preprocessor defines or environment
+// variables. If set, they will be used to replace any of the client
+// IDs and secrets above that have not been set (and only those; they
+// will not override already-set values).
+namespace google_apis {
+const char kAPIKeysDevelopersHowToURL[] =
+ "";
+// This is used as a lazy instance to determine keys once and cache them.
+class APIKeyCache {
+ public:
+ APIKeyCache() {
+ std::unique_ptr<base::Environment> environment(base::Environment::Create());
+ base::CommandLine* command_line = base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
+ GaiaConfig* gaia_config = GaiaConfig::GetInstance();
+ api_key_ = CalculateKeyValue(
+ std::string(), environment.get(), command_line, gaia_config);
+// A special non-stable key is at the moment defined only for Android Chrome.
+ api_key_non_stable_ = CalculateKeyValue(
+ std::string(), environment.get(), command_line, gaia_config);
+ api_key_non_stable_ = api_key_;
+ api_key_remoting_ = CalculateKeyValue(
+ environment.get(), command_line, gaia_config);
+ api_key_soda_ = CalculateKeyValue(
+ nullptr, std::string(), environment.get(), command_line, gaia_config);
+ api_key_hats_ = CalculateKeyValue(
+ nullptr, std::string(), environment.get(), command_line, gaia_config);
+ api_key_sharing_ = CalculateKeyValue(
+ nullptr, std::string(), environment.get(), command_line, gaia_config);
+ api_key_read_aloud_ = CalculateKeyValue(
+ std::string(), environment.get(), command_line, gaia_config);
+ api_key_fresnel_ = CalculateKeyValue(
+ nullptr, std::string(), environment.get(), command_line, gaia_config);
+ metrics_key_ = CalculateKeyValue(
+ std::string(), environment.get(), command_line, gaia_config);
+ std::string default_client_id = CalculateKeyValue(
+ std::string(), environment.get(), command_line, gaia_config);
+ std::string default_client_secret = CalculateKeyValue(
+ std::string(), environment.get(), command_line, gaia_config);
+ // We currently only allow overriding the baked-in values for the
+ // default OAuth2 client ID and secret using a command-line
+ // argument and gaia config, since that is useful to enable testing against
+ // staging servers, and since that was what was possible and
+ // likely practiced by the QA team before this implementation was
+ // written.
+ client_ids_[CLIENT_MAIN] = CalculateKeyValue(
+ ::switches::kOAuth2ClientID, default_client_id, environment.get(),
+ command_line, gaia_config);
+ client_secrets_[CLIENT_MAIN] = CalculateKeyValue(
+ ::switches::kOAuth2ClientSecret, default_client_secret,
+ environment.get(), command_line, gaia_config);
+ client_ids_[CLIENT_REMOTING] = CalculateKeyValue(
+ default_client_id, environment.get(), command_line, gaia_config);
+ client_secrets_[CLIENT_REMOTING] = CalculateKeyValue(
+ default_client_secret, environment.get(), command_line, gaia_config);
+ client_ids_[CLIENT_REMOTING_HOST] = CalculateKeyValue(
+ default_client_id, environment.get(), command_line, gaia_config);
+ client_secrets_[CLIENT_REMOTING_HOST] = CalculateKeyValue(
+ default_client_secret, environment.get(), command_line, gaia_config);
+ }
+ std::string api_key() const { return api_key_; }
+ void set_api_key(const std::string& api_key) { api_key_ = api_key; }
+ std::string api_key_non_stable() const { return api_key_non_stable_; }
+ std::string api_key_remoting() const { return api_key_remoting_; }
+ std::string api_key_soda() const { return api_key_soda_; }
+ std::string api_key_hats() const { return api_key_hats_; }
+ std::string api_key_sharing() const { return api_key_sharing_; }
+ std::string api_key_read_aloud() const { return api_key_read_aloud_; }
+ std::string api_key_fresnel() const { return api_key_fresnel_; }
+ std::string metrics_key() const { return metrics_key_; }
+ std::string GetClientID(OAuth2Client client) const {
+ return client_ids_[client];
+ }
+ void SetClientID(OAuth2Client client, const std::string& client_id) {
+ client_ids_[client] = client_id;
+ }
+ std::string GetClientSecret(OAuth2Client client) const {
+ return client_secrets_[client];
+ }
+ void SetClientSecret(OAuth2Client client, const std::string& client_secret) {
+ client_secrets_[client] = client_secret;
+ }
+ private:
+ // Gets a value for a key. In priority order, this will be the value
+ // provided via:
+ // 1. Command-line switch
+ // 2. Config file
+ // 3. Environment variable
+ // 4. Baked into the build
+ // |command_line_switch| may be NULL. Official Google Chrome builds will not
+ // use the value provided by an environment variable.
+ static std::string CalculateKeyValue(const char* baked_in_value,
+ const char* environment_variable_name,
+ const char* command_line_switch,
+ const std::string& default_if_unset,
+ base::Environment* environment,
+ base::CommandLine* command_line,
+ GaiaConfig* gaia_config) {
+ std::string key_value = baked_in_value;
+ std::string temp;
+ // macOS and iOS can also override the API key with a value from the
+ // Info.plist.
+ temp = ::google_apis::GetAPIKeyFromInfoPlist(environment_variable_name);
+ if (!temp.empty()) {
+ key_value = temp;
+ VLOG(1) << "Overriding API key " << environment_variable_name
+ << " with value " << key_value << " from Info.plist.";
+ }
+ // Don't allow using the environment to override API keys for official
+ // Google Chrome builds. There have been reports of mangled environments
+ // affecting users (
+ if (environment->GetVar(environment_variable_name, &temp)) {
+ key_value = temp;
+ VLOG(1) << "Overriding API key " << environment_variable_name
+ << " with value " << key_value << " from environment variable.";
+ }
+ if (gaia_config &&
+ gaia_config->GetAPIKeyIfExists(environment_variable_name, &temp)) {
+ key_value = temp;
+ VLOG(1) << "Overriding API key " << environment_variable_name
+ << " with value " << key_value << " from gaia config.";
+ }
+ if (command_line_switch && command_line->HasSwitch(command_line_switch)) {
+ key_value = command_line->GetSwitchValueASCII(command_line_switch);
+ VLOG(1) << "Overriding API key " << environment_variable_name
+ << " with value " << key_value << " from command-line switch.";
+ }
+ if (key_value == DUMMY_API_TOKEN) {
+// TODO( Rewrite this condition using
+ // No key should be unset in an official build except the
+ // GOOGLE_DEFAULT_* keys. The default keys don't trigger this
+ // check as their "unset" value is not DUMMY_API_TOKEN.
+ CHECK(false);
+ if (default_if_unset.size() > 0) {
+ VLOG(1) << "Using default value \"" << default_if_unset
+ << "\" for API key " << environment_variable_name;
+ key_value = default_if_unset;
+ }
+ }
+ // This should remain a debug-only log.
+ DVLOG(1) << "API key " << environment_variable_name << "=" << key_value;
+ return key_value;
+ }
+ std::string api_key_;
+ std::string api_key_non_stable_;
+ std::string api_key_remoting_;
+ std::string api_key_soda_;
+ std::string api_key_hats_;
+ std::string api_key_sharing_;
+ std::string api_key_read_aloud_;
+ std::string api_key_fresnel_;
+ std::string metrics_key_;
+ std::string client_ids_[CLIENT_NUM_ITEMS];
+ std::string client_secrets_[CLIENT_NUM_ITEMS];
+static base::LazyInstance<APIKeyCache>::DestructorAtExit g_api_key_cache =
+bool HasAPIKeyConfigured() {
+ return GetAPIKey() != DUMMY_API_TOKEN;
+std::string GetAPIKey() {
+ return g_api_key_cache.Get().api_key();
+std::string GetNonStableAPIKey() {
+ return g_api_key_cache.Get().api_key_non_stable();
+std::string GetRemotingAPIKey() {
+ return g_api_key_cache.Get().api_key_remoting();
+std::string GetSodaAPIKey() {
+ return g_api_key_cache.Get().api_key_soda();
+std::string GetHatsAPIKey() {
+ return g_api_key_cache.Get().api_key_hats();
+std::string GetSharingAPIKey() {
+ return g_api_key_cache.Get().api_key_sharing();
+std::string GetReadAloudAPIKey() {
+ return g_api_key_cache.Get().api_key_read_aloud();
+std::string GetFresnelAPIKey() {
+ return g_api_key_cache.Get().api_key_fresnel();
+void SetAPIKey(const std::string& api_key) {
+ g_api_key_cache.Get().set_api_key(api_key);
+std::string GetMetricsKey() {
+ return g_api_key_cache.Get().metrics_key();
+bool HasOAuthClientConfigured() {
+ for (size_t client_id = 0; client_id < CLIENT_NUM_ITEMS; ++client_id) {
+ OAuth2Client client = static_cast<OAuth2Client>(client_id);
+ if (GetOAuth2ClientID(client) == DUMMY_API_TOKEN ||
+ GetOAuth2ClientSecret(client) == DUMMY_API_TOKEN) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+std::string GetOAuth2ClientID(OAuth2Client client) {
+ return g_api_key_cache.Get().GetClientID(client);
+std::string GetOAuth2ClientSecret(OAuth2Client client) {
+ return g_api_key_cache.Get().GetClientSecret(client);
+void SetOAuth2ClientID(OAuth2Client client, const std::string& client_id) {
+ g_api_key_cache.Get().SetClientID(client, client_id);
+void SetOAuth2ClientSecret(OAuth2Client client,
+ const std::string& client_secret) {
+ g_api_key_cache.Get().SetClientSecret(client, client_secret);
+bool IsGoogleChromeAPIKeyUsed() {
+ return true;
+ return false;
+} // namespace google_apis
Index: radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-oauth2-default-patch/src-orig/google_apis/
--- radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-oauth2-default-patch/src-orig/google_apis/ (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-oauth2-default-patch/src-orig/google_apis/ (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
+// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "google_apis/google_api_keys.h"
+// If you add more includes to this list, you also need to add them to
+// and
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include "base/command_line.h"
+#include "base/environment.h"
+#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "base/strings/stringize_macros.h"
+#include "build/branding_buildflags.h"
+#include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h"
+#include "google_apis/buildflags.h"
+#include "google_apis/gaia/gaia_config.h"
+#include "google_apis/gaia/gaia_switches.h"
+#include "google_apis/google_api_keys_mac.h"
+#include "google_apis/internal/google_chrome_api_keys.h"
+#include "google_apis/internal/metrics_signing_key.h"
+// Used to indicate an unset key/id/secret. This works better with
+// various unit tests than leaving the token empty.
+#define DUMMY_API_TOKEN "dummytoken"
+#if !defined(GOOGLE_API_KEY)
+#if !defined(GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID_MAIN)
+// API key for the Speech On-Device API (SODA).
+#if !defined(GOOGLE_API_KEY_SODA)
+// API key for the HaTS API.
+#if !defined(GOOGLE_API_KEY_HATS)
+// API key for the Nearby Sharing Service.
+// API key for the ReadAloud API.
+// API key for the Fresnel API.
+// These are used as shortcuts for developers and users providing
+// OAuth credentials via preprocessor defines or environment
+// variables. If set, they will be used to replace any of the client
+// IDs and secrets above that have not been set (and only those; they
+// will not override already-set values).
+namespace google_apis {
+const char kAPIKeysDevelopersHowToURL[] =
+ "";
+// This is used as a lazy instance to determine keys once and cache them.
+class APIKeyCache {
+ public:
+ APIKeyCache() {
+ std::unique_ptr<base::Environment> environment(base::Environment::Create());
+ base::CommandLine* command_line = base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
+ GaiaConfig* gaia_config = GaiaConfig::GetInstance();
+ api_key_ = CalculateKeyValue(
+ std::string(), environment.get(), command_line, gaia_config);
+// A special non-stable key is at the moment defined only for Android Chrome.
+ api_key_non_stable_ = CalculateKeyValue(
+ std::string(), environment.get(), command_line, gaia_config);
+ api_key_non_stable_ = api_key_;
+ api_key_remoting_ = CalculateKeyValue(
+ environment.get(), command_line, gaia_config);
+ api_key_soda_ = CalculateKeyValue(
+ nullptr, std::string(), environment.get(), command_line, gaia_config);
+ api_key_hats_ = CalculateKeyValue(
+ nullptr, std::string(), environment.get(), command_line, gaia_config);
+ api_key_sharing_ = CalculateKeyValue(
+ nullptr, std::string(), environment.get(), command_line, gaia_config);
+ api_key_read_aloud_ = CalculateKeyValue(
+ std::string(), environment.get(), command_line, gaia_config);
+ api_key_fresnel_ = CalculateKeyValue(
+ nullptr, std::string(), environment.get(), command_line, gaia_config);
+ metrics_key_ = CalculateKeyValue(
+ std::string(), environment.get(), command_line, gaia_config);
+ std::string default_client_id = CalculateKeyValue(
+ std::string(), environment.get(), command_line, gaia_config);
+ std::string default_client_secret = CalculateKeyValue(
+ std::string(), environment.get(), command_line, gaia_config);
+ // We currently only allow overriding the baked-in values for the
+ // default OAuth2 client ID and secret using a command-line
+ // argument and gaia config, since that is useful to enable testing against
+ // staging servers, and since that was what was possible and
+ // likely practiced by the QA team before this implementation was
+ // written.
+ client_ids_[CLIENT_MAIN] = CalculateKeyValue(
+ ::switches::kOAuth2ClientID, default_client_id, environment.get(),
+ command_line, gaia_config);
+ client_secrets_[CLIENT_MAIN] = CalculateKeyValue(
+ ::switches::kOAuth2ClientSecret, default_client_secret,
+ environment.get(), command_line, gaia_config);
+ client_ids_[CLIENT_REMOTING] = CalculateKeyValue(
+ default_client_id, environment.get(), command_line, gaia_config);
+ client_secrets_[CLIENT_REMOTING] = CalculateKeyValue(
+ default_client_secret, environment.get(), command_line, gaia_config);
+ client_ids_[CLIENT_REMOTING_HOST] = CalculateKeyValue(
+ default_client_id, environment.get(), command_line, gaia_config);
+ client_secrets_[CLIENT_REMOTING_HOST] = CalculateKeyValue(
+ default_client_secret, environment.get(), command_line, gaia_config);
+ }
+ std::string api_key() const { return api_key_; }
+ void set_api_key(const std::string& api_key) { api_key_ = api_key; }
+ std::string api_key_non_stable() const { return api_key_non_stable_; }
+ std::string api_key_remoting() const { return api_key_remoting_; }
+ std::string api_key_soda() const { return api_key_soda_; }
+ std::string api_key_hats() const { return api_key_hats_; }
+ std::string api_key_sharing() const { return api_key_sharing_; }
+ std::string api_key_read_aloud() const { return api_key_read_aloud_; }
+ std::string api_key_fresnel() const { return api_key_fresnel_; }
+ std::string metrics_key() const { return metrics_key_; }
+ std::string GetClientID(OAuth2Client client) const {
+ return client_ids_[client];
+ }
+ void SetClientID(OAuth2Client client, const std::string& client_id) {
+ client_ids_[client] = client_id;
+ }
+ std::string GetClientSecret(OAuth2Client client) const {
+ return client_secrets_[client];
+ }
+ void SetClientSecret(OAuth2Client client, const std::string& client_secret) {
+ client_secrets_[client] = client_secret;
+ }
+ private:
+ // Gets a value for a key. In priority order, this will be the value
+ // provided via:
+ // 1. Command-line switch
+ // 2. Config file
+ // 3. Environment variable
+ // 4. Baked into the build
+ // |command_line_switch| may be NULL. Official Google Chrome builds will not
+ // use the value provided by an environment variable.
+ static std::string CalculateKeyValue(const char* baked_in_value,
+ const char* environment_variable_name,
+ const char* command_line_switch,
+ const std::string& default_if_unset,
+ base::Environment* environment,
+ base::CommandLine* command_line,
+ GaiaConfig* gaia_config) {
+ std::string key_value = baked_in_value;
+ std::string temp;
+ // macOS and iOS can also override the API key with a value from the
+ // Info.plist.
+ temp = ::google_apis::GetAPIKeyFromInfoPlist(environment_variable_name);
+ if (!temp.empty()) {
+ key_value = temp;
+ VLOG(1) << "Overriding API key " << environment_variable_name
+ << " with value " << key_value << " from Info.plist.";
+ }
+ // Don't allow using the environment to override API keys for official
+ // Google Chrome builds. There have been reports of mangled environments
+ // affecting users (
+ if (environment->GetVar(environment_variable_name, &temp)) {
+ key_value = temp;
+ VLOG(1) << "Overriding API key " << environment_variable_name
+ << " with value " << key_value << " from environment variable.";
+ }
+ if (gaia_config &&
+ gaia_config->GetAPIKeyIfExists(environment_variable_name, &temp)) {
+ key_value = temp;
+ VLOG(1) << "Overriding API key " << environment_variable_name
+ << " with value " << key_value << " from gaia config.";
+ }
+ if (command_line_switch && command_line->HasSwitch(command_line_switch)) {
+ key_value = command_line->GetSwitchValueASCII(command_line_switch);
+ VLOG(1) << "Overriding API key " << environment_variable_name
+ << " with value " << key_value << " from command-line switch.";
+ }
+ if (key_value == DUMMY_API_TOKEN) {
+// TODO( Rewrite this condition using
+ // No key should be unset in an official build except the
+ // GOOGLE_DEFAULT_* keys. The default keys don't trigger this
+ // check as their "unset" value is not DUMMY_API_TOKEN.
+ CHECK(false);
+ if (default_if_unset.size() > 0) {
+ VLOG(1) << "Using default value \"" << default_if_unset
+ << "\" for API key " << environment_variable_name;
+ key_value = default_if_unset;
+ }
+ }
+ // This should remain a debug-only log.
+ DVLOG(1) << "API key " << environment_variable_name << "=" << key_value;
+ return key_value;
+ }
+ std::string api_key_;
+ std::string api_key_non_stable_;
+ std::string api_key_remoting_;
+ std::string api_key_soda_;
+ std::string api_key_hats_;
+ std::string api_key_sharing_;
+ std::string api_key_read_aloud_;
+ std::string api_key_fresnel_;
+ std::string metrics_key_;
+ std::string client_ids_[CLIENT_NUM_ITEMS];
+ std::string client_secrets_[CLIENT_NUM_ITEMS];
+static base::LazyInstance<APIKeyCache>::DestructorAtExit g_api_key_cache =
+bool HasAPIKeyConfigured() {
+ return GetAPIKey() != DUMMY_API_TOKEN;
+std::string GetAPIKey() {
+ return g_api_key_cache.Get().api_key();
+std::string GetNonStableAPIKey() {
+ return g_api_key_cache.Get().api_key_non_stable();
+std::string GetRemotingAPIKey() {
+ return g_api_key_cache.Get().api_key_remoting();
+std::string GetSodaAPIKey() {
+ return g_api_key_cache.Get().api_key_soda();
+std::string GetHatsAPIKey() {
+ return g_api_key_cache.Get().api_key_hats();
+std::string GetSharingAPIKey() {
+ return g_api_key_cache.Get().api_key_sharing();
+std::string GetReadAloudAPIKey() {
+ return g_api_key_cache.Get().api_key_read_aloud();
+std::string GetFresnelAPIKey() {
+ return g_api_key_cache.Get().api_key_fresnel();
+void SetAPIKey(const std::string& api_key) {
+ g_api_key_cache.Get().set_api_key(api_key);
+std::string GetMetricsKey() {
+ return g_api_key_cache.Get().metrics_key();
+bool HasOAuthClientConfigured() {
+ for (size_t client_id = 0; client_id < CLIENT_NUM_ITEMS; ++client_id) {
+ OAuth2Client client = static_cast<OAuth2Client>(client_id);
+ if (GetOAuth2ClientID(client) == DUMMY_API_TOKEN ||
+ GetOAuth2ClientSecret(client) == DUMMY_API_TOKEN) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+std::string GetOAuth2ClientID(OAuth2Client client) {
+ return g_api_key_cache.Get().GetClientID(client);
+std::string GetOAuth2ClientSecret(OAuth2Client client) {
+ return g_api_key_cache.Get().GetClientSecret(client);
+void SetOAuth2ClientID(OAuth2Client client, const std::string& client_id) {
+ g_api_key_cache.Get().SetClientID(client, client_id);
+void SetOAuth2ClientSecret(OAuth2Client client,
+ const std::string& client_secret) {
+ g_api_key_cache.Get().SetClientSecret(client, client_secret);
+bool IsGoogleChromeAPIKeyUsed() {
+ return true;
+ return false;
+} // namespace google_apis
Index: radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-target-aarch64-patch/
--- radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-target-aarch64-patch/ (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-target-aarch64-patch/ (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+diff -u -Nr src-orig src > ../patches/chromium-123.0.6286.1-target-aarch64.patch
Property changes on: radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-target-aarch64-patch/
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-target-aarch64-patch/src/build/config/compiler/
--- radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-target-aarch64-patch/src/build/config/compiler/ (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-target-aarch64-patch/src/build/config/compiler/ (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,3032 @@
+# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+if (current_cpu == "arm" || current_cpu == "arm64") {
+ import("//build/config/arm.gni")
+if (current_cpu == "mipsel" || current_cpu == "mips64el" ||
+ current_cpu == "mips" || current_cpu == "mips64") {
+ import("//build/config/mips.gni")
+if (is_mac) {
+ import("//build/config/apple/symbols.gni")
+if (is_ios) {
+ import("//build/config/ios/ios_sdk.gni")
+if (is_nacl) {
+ # To keep NaCl variables out of builds that don't include NaCl, all
+ # variables defined in nacl/config.gni referenced here should be protected by
+ # is_nacl conditions.
+ import("//build/config/nacl/config.gni")
+lld_path = ""
+if (!is_clang) {
+ declare_args() {
+ # This allows overriding the location of lld.
+ lld_path = rebase_path("$clang_base_path/bin", root_build_dir)
+ }
+} else {
+ # clang looks for lld next to it, no need for -B.
+ lld_path = ""
+declare_args() {
+ # Normally, Android builds are lightly optimized, even for debug builds, to
+ # keep binary size down. Setting this flag to true disables such optimization
+ android_full_debug = false
+ # Compile in such a way as to make it possible for the profiler to unwind full
+ # stack frames. Setting this flag has a large effect on the performance of the
+ # generated code than just setting profiling, but gives the profiler more
+ # information to analyze.
+ # Requires profiling to be set to true.
+ enable_full_stack_frames_for_profiling = false
+ # When we are going to use gold we need to find it.
+ # This is initialized below, after use_gold might have been overridden.
+ gold_path = ""
+ # Enable fatal linker warnings. Building Chromium with certain versions
+ # of binutils can cause linker warning.
+ fatal_linker_warnings = true
+ # Build with C++ RTTI enabled. Chromium builds without RTTI by default,
+ # but some sanitizers are known to require it, like CFI diagnostics
+ # and UBsan variants.
+ use_rtti = use_cfi_diag || is_ubsan_vptr || is_ubsan_security
+ # AFDO (Automatic Feedback Directed Optimizer) is a form of profile-guided
+ # optimization that GCC supports. It used by ChromeOS in their official
+ # builds. To use it, set auto_profile_path to the path to a file containing
+ # the needed gcov profiling data.
+ auto_profile_path = ""
+ # Optimize for coverage guided fuzzing (balance between speed and number of
+ # branches)
+ optimize_for_fuzzing = false
+ # Path to an AFDO profile to use while building with clang, if any. Empty
+ # implies none.
+ clang_sample_profile_path = ""
+ # Some configurations have default sample profiles. If this is true and
+ # clang_sample_profile_path is empty, we'll fall back to the default.
+ #
+ # We currently only have default profiles for Chromium in-tree, so we disable
+ # this by default for all downstream projects, since these profiles are likely
+ # nonsensical for said projects.
+ clang_use_default_sample_profile =
+ chrome_pgo_phase == 0 && build_with_chromium && is_official_build &&
+ (is_android || chromeos_is_browser_only)
+ # This configuration is used to select a default profile in Chrome OS based on
+ # the microarchitectures we are using. This is only used if
+ # clang_use_default_sample_profile is true and clang_sample_profile_path is
+ # empty.
+ chromeos_afdo_platform = "atom"
+ # Emit debug information for profiling wile building with clang.
+ # Only enable this for ChromeOS official builds for AFDO.
+ clang_emit_debug_info_for_profiling = is_chromeos_device && is_official_build
+ # Turn this on to have the compiler output extra timing information.
+ compiler_timing = false
+ # Turn this on to use ghash feature of lld for faster debug link on Windows.
+ #
+ use_ghash = true
+ # Whether to enable ThinLTO optimizations. Turning ThinLTO optimizations on
+ # can substantially increase link time and binary size, but they generally
+ # also make binaries a fair bit faster.
+ #
+ # TODO(gbiv): We disable optimizations by default on most platforms because
+ # the space overhead is too great. We should use some mixture of profiles and
+ # optimization settings to better tune the size increase.
+ thin_lto_enable_optimizations =
+ (is_chromeos || is_android || is_win || is_linux || is_mac ||
+ (is_ios && use_lld)) && is_official_build
+ # Whether to enable thin lto incremental builds.
+ # See:
+ # The cache can lead to non-determinism:
+ thin_lto_enable_cache = true
+ # Initialize all local variables with a pattern. This flag will fill
+ # uninitialized floating-point types (and 32-bit pointers) with 0xFF and the
+ # rest with 0xAA. This makes behavior of uninitialized memory bugs consistent,
+ # recognizable in the debugger, and crashes on memory accesses through
+ # uninitialized pointers.
+ #
+ # Flag discussion:
+ #
+ # TODO( This regresses binary size by ~1MB on Android and
+ # needs to be evaluated before enabling it there as well.
+ init_stack_vars = !(is_android && is_official_build)
+ # Zero init has favorable performance/size tradeoffs for Chrome OS
+ # but was not evaluated for other platforms.
+ init_stack_vars_zero = is_chromeos
+ # This argument is to control whether enabling text section splitting in the
+ # final binary. When enabled, the separated text sections with prefix
+ # '', '.text.unlikely', '.text.startup' and '.text.exit' will not be
+ # merged to '.text' section. This allows us to identify the hot code section
+ # ('') in the binary, which allows our data collection pipelines to
+ # more easily identify code that we assume to be hot/cold that doesn't turn
+ # out to be such in the field.
+ use_text_section_splitting = is_chromeos
+ # Enable DWARF v5.
+ use_dwarf5 = false
+ # Override this to put full paths to PDBs in Windows PE files. This helps
+ # windbg and Windows Performance Analyzer with finding the PDBs in some local-
+ # build scenarios. This is never needed for bots or official builds. Because
+ # this puts the output directory in the DLLs/EXEs it breaks build determinism.
+ # Bugs have been reported to the windbg/WPA teams and this workaround will be
+ # removed when they are fixed.
+ use_full_pdb_paths = false
+ # Enable -H, which prints the include tree during compilation.
+ # For use by tools/clang/scripts/
+ show_includes = false
+ # Enable Profi algorithm. Profi can infer block and edge counts.
+ #
+ # TODO( Possibly enable this for Android too.
+ use_profi = is_chromeos
+ # If true, linker crashes will be rerun with `--reproduce` which causes
+ # a reproducer file to be saved.
+ save_reproducers_on_lld_crash = false
+ # Enable ShadowCallStack for compiled binaries. SCS stores a pointer to a
+ # shadow call stack in register x18. Hence, x18 must not be used by the OS
+ # or libraries. We assume that to be the case for high end Android
+ # configurations. For more details see
+ #
+ enable_shadow_call_stack = false
+ # Use DWARF simple template names, with the following exceptions:
+ #
+ # * Windows is not supported as it doesn't use DWARF.
+ # * Apple platforms (e.g. MacOS, iPhone, iPad) aren't supported because xcode
+ # lldb doesn't have the needed changes yet.
+ # TODO( Remove if the upstream default ever changes.
+ #
+ # This greatly reduces the size of debug builds, at the cost of
+ # debugging information which is required by some specialized
+ # debugging tools.
+ simple_template_names = is_clang && !is_nacl && !is_win && !is_apple
+declare_args() {
+ # Set to true to use icf, Identical Code Folding.
+ #
+ # icf=all is broken in older golds, see
+ #
+ # chromeos binutils has been patched with the fix, so always use icf there.
+ # The bug only affects x86 and x64, so we can still use ICF when targeting
+ # other architectures.
+ #
+ # lld doesn't have the bug.
+ use_icf = (is_posix || is_fuchsia) && !is_debug && !using_sanitizer &&
+ !use_clang_coverage && current_os != "zos" &&
+ !(is_android && use_order_profiling) &&
+ (use_lld || (use_gold && (is_chromeos || !(current_cpu == "x86" ||
+ current_cpu == "x64"))))
+if (is_android) {
+ # Set the path to use orderfile for linking Chrome
+ # Note that this is for using only one orderfile for linking
+ # the Chrome binary/library.
+ declare_args() {
+ chrome_orderfile_path = ""
+ if (defined(default_chrome_orderfile)) {
+ # Allow downstream tools to set orderfile path with
+ # another variable.
+ chrome_orderfile_path = default_chrome_orderfile
+ }
+ }
+declare_args() {
+ # Turn off the --call-graph-profile-sort flag for lld by default. Enable
+ # selectively for targets where it's beneficial.
+ enable_call_graph_profile_sort =
+ chrome_pgo_phase == 2 ||
+ (is_chromeos &&
+ (clang_use_default_sample_profile || clang_sample_profile_path != ""))
+assert(!(llvm_force_head_revision && use_goma),
+ "can't use goma with trunk clang")
+assert(!(llvm_force_head_revision && use_remoteexec),
+ "can't use rbe with trunk clang")
+# default_include_dirs ---------------------------------------------------------
+# This is a separate config so that third_party code (which would not use the
+# source root and might have conflicting versions of some headers) can remove
+# this and specify their own include paths.
+config("default_include_dirs") {
+ include_dirs = [
+ "//",
+ root_gen_dir,
+ ]
+# Compiler instrumentation can introduce dependencies in DSOs to symbols in
+# the executable they are loaded into, so they are unresolved at link-time.
+config("no_unresolved_symbols") {
+ if (!using_sanitizer &&
+ (is_linux || is_chromeos || is_android || is_fuchsia)) {
+ ldflags = [
+ "-Wl,-z,defs",
+ "-Wl,--as-needed",
+ ]
+ }
+# compiler ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Base compiler configuration.
+# See also "runtime_library" below for related stuff and a discussion about
+# where stuff should go. Put warning related stuff in the "warnings" config.
+config("compiler") {
+ asmflags = []
+ cflags = []
+ cflags_c = []
+ cflags_cc = []
+ cflags_objc = []
+ cflags_objcc = []
+ rustflags = []
+ ldflags = []
+ defines = []
+ configs = []
+ rustflags = []
+ # System-specific flags. If your compiler flags apply to one of the
+ # categories here, add it to the associated file to keep this shared config
+ # smaller.
+ if (is_win) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/win:compiler" ]
+ } else if (is_android) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/android:compiler" ]
+ } else if (is_linux || is_chromeos) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/linux:compiler" ]
+ } else if (is_nacl) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/nacl:compiler" ]
+ } else if (is_mac) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/mac:compiler" ]
+ } else if (is_ios) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/ios:compiler" ]
+ } else if (is_fuchsia) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/fuchsia:compiler" ]
+ } else if (current_os == "aix") {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/aix:compiler" ]
+ } else if (current_os == "zos") {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/zos:compiler" ]
+ }
+ configs += [
+ # See the definitions below.
+ ":clang_revision",
+ ":rustc_revision",
+ ":compiler_cpu_abi",
+ ":compiler_codegen",
+ ":compiler_deterministic",
+ ]
+ # Here we enable -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks, which makes various nullptr
+ # operations (e.g. dereferencing) into defined behavior. This avoids deletion
+ # of some security-critical code: see
+ # Nacl does not support the flag. And, we still want UBSAN to catch undefined
+ # behavior related to nullptrs, so do not add this flag if UBSAN is enabled.
+ # GCC seems to have some bugs compiling constexpr code when this is defined,
+ # so only enable it if using_clang. See:
+ # TODO(mpdenton): remove is_clang once GCC bug is fixed.
+ if (!is_nacl && !is_ubsan && is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "-fno-delete-null-pointer-checks" ]
+ }
+ # Don't emit the GCC version ident directives, they just end up in the
+ # .comment section or debug info taking up binary size, and makes comparing
+ # .o files built with different compiler versions harder.
+ if (!is_win || is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "-fno-ident" ]
+ }
+ # In general, Windows is totally different, but all the other builds share
+ # some common compiler and linker configuration.
+ if (!is_win) {
+ # Common POSIX compiler flags setup.
+ # --------------------------------
+ cflags += [ "-fno-strict-aliasing" ] # See
+ # Stack protection. ShadowCallStack and Stack protector address the same
+ # problems. Therefore, we only enable one or the other. Clang advertises SCS as
+ # a stronger alternative to StackProtector, so we give SCS precedence over SP.
+ if (enable_shadow_call_stack) {
+ # On Aarch64, SCS requires the x18 register to be unused because it will hold
+ # a pointer to the shadow stack. For Android we know that Clang doesn't use
+ # x18 by default. On other OSs adding "-ffixed-x18" might be required.
+ assert(is_android)
+ scs_parameters = [
+ "-fsanitize=shadow-call-stack",
+ "-fno-stack-protector",
+ ]
+ cflags += scs_parameters
+ ldflags += scs_parameters
+ } else {
+ if (is_apple) {
+ # The strong variant of the stack protector significantly increases
+ # binary size, so only enable it in debug mode.
+ if (is_debug) {
+ cflags += [ "-fstack-protector-strong" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "-fstack-protector" ]
+ }
+ } else if ((is_posix && !is_chromeos && !is_nacl) || is_fuchsia) {
+ # TODO(phajdan.jr): Use -fstack-protector-strong when our gcc supports it.
+ # See also
+ # The x86 toolchain currently has problems with stack-protector.
+ if (is_android && current_cpu == "x86") {
+ cflags += [ "-fno-stack-protector" ]
+ } else if (current_os != "aix") {
+ # Not available on aix.
+ cflags += [ "-fstack-protector" ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (use_lld) {
+ ldflags += [ "-fuse-ld=lld" ]
+ if (lld_path != "") {
+ ldflags += [ "-B$lld_path" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Linker warnings.
+ if (fatal_linker_warnings && !is_apple && current_os != "aix" &&
+ current_os != "zos") {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--fatal-warnings" ]
+ }
+ if (fatal_linker_warnings && is_apple) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-fatal_warnings" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_clang && is_debug) {
+ # Allow comparing the address of references and 'this' against 0
+ # in debug builds. Technically, these can never be null in
+ # well-defined C/C++ and Clang can optimize such checks away in
+ # release builds, but they may be used in asserts in debug builds.
+ cflags_cc += [
+ "-Wno-undefined-bool-conversion",
+ "-Wno-tautological-undefined-compare",
+ ]
+ }
+ # Non-Apple Posix and Fuchsia compiler flags setup.
+ # -----------------------------------
+ if ((is_posix && !is_apple) || is_fuchsia) {
+ if (enable_profiling) {
+ if (!is_debug) {
+ cflags += [ "-g" ]
+ if (enable_full_stack_frames_for_profiling) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-fno-inline",
+ "-fno-optimize-sibling-calls",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Explicitly pass --build-id to ld. Compilers used to always pass this
+ # implicitly but don't any more (in particular clang when built without
+ if (is_official_build) {
+ # The sha1 build id has lower risk of collision but is more expensive to
+ # compute, so only use it in the official build to avoid slowing down
+ # links.
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--build-id=sha1" ]
+ } else if (current_os != "aix" && current_os != "zos") {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--build-id" ]
+ }
+ if (!is_android) {
+ defines += [
+ # _FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 should not be set on Android in order to maintain
+ # the behavior of the Android NDK from earlier versions.
+ # See
+ ]
+ }
+ if (!is_nacl) {
+ if (exclude_unwind_tables) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-fno-unwind-tables",
+ "-fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables",
+ ]
+ rustflags += [ "-Cforce-unwind-tables=no" ]
+ defines += [ "NO_UNWIND_TABLES" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "-funwind-tables" ]
+ rustflags += [ "-Cforce-unwind-tables=yes" ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Apple compiler flags setup.
+ # ---------------------------------
+ if (is_apple) {
+ # On Intel, clang emits both Apple's "compact unwind" information and
+ # DWARF eh_frame unwind information by default, for compatibility reasons.
+ # This flag limits emission of eh_frame information to functions
+ # whose unwind information can't be expressed in the compact unwind format
+ # (which in practice means almost everything gets only compact unwind
+ # entries). This reduces object file size a bit and makes linking a bit
+ # faster.
+ # On arm64, this is already the default behavior.
+ if (current_cpu == "x64") {
+ asmflags += [ "-femit-dwarf-unwind=no-compact-unwind" ]
+ cflags += [ "-femit-dwarf-unwind=no-compact-unwind" ]
+ }
+ # dsymutil is not available in the system, on bots, for rustc to call. Our
+ # script runs dsymutil itself, which is set to be the
+ # linker for Rust targets as well.
+ rustflags += [ "-Csplit-debuginfo=unpacked" ]
+ }
+ # Linux/Android/Fuchsia common flags setup.
+ # ---------------------------------
+ if (is_linux || is_chromeos || is_android || is_fuchsia) {
+ asmflags += [ "-fPIC" ]
+ cflags += [ "-fPIC" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-fPIC" ]
+ rustflags += [ "-Crelocation-model=pic" ]
+ if (!is_clang) {
+ # Use pipes for communicating between sub-processes. Faster.
+ # (This flag doesn't do anything with Clang.)
+ cflags += [ "-pipe" ]
+ }
+ ldflags += [
+ "-Wl,-z,noexecstack",
+ "-Wl,-z,relro",
+ ]
+ if (!is_component_build) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-z,now" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Linux-specific compiler flags setup.
+ # ------------------------------------
+ if (use_gold) {
+ ldflags += [ "-fuse-ld=gold" ]
+ if (!is_android) {
+ # On Android, this isn't needed. gcc in the NDK knows to look next to
+ # it with -fuse-ld=gold, and clang gets a --gcc-toolchain flag passed
+ # above.
+ if (gold_path != "") {
+ ldflags += [ "-B$gold_path" ]
+ }
+ ldflags += [
+ # Experimentation found that using four linking threads
+ # saved ~20% of link time.
+ #
+ # Only apply this to the target linker, since the host
+ # linker might not be gold, but isn't used much anyway.
+ "-Wl,--threads",
+ "-Wl,--thread-count=4",
+ ]
+ }
+ # TODO(thestig): Make this flag work with GN.
+ #if (!is_official_build && !is_chromeos && !(is_asan || is_lsan || is_tsan || is_msan)) {
+ # ldflags += [
+ # "-Wl,--detect-odr-violations",
+ # ]
+ #}
+ }
+ if (use_icf && (!is_apple || use_lld)) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--icf=all" ]
+ }
+ if (is_linux || is_chromeos) {
+ cflags += [ "-pthread" ]
+ # Do not use the -pthread ldflag here since it becomes a no-op
+ # when using -nodefaultlibs, which would cause an unused argument
+ # error. "-lpthread" is added in //build/config:default_libs.
+ }
+ # Clang-specific compiler flags setup.
+ # ------------------------------------
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "-fcolor-diagnostics" ]
+ # Enable -fmerge-all-constants. This used to be the default in clang
+ # for over a decade. It makes clang non-conforming, but is fairly safe
+ # in practice and saves some binary size. We might want to consider
+ # disabling this (,
+ # but for now it looks like our build might rely on it
+ # (
+ cflags += [ "-fmerge-all-constants" ]
+ }
+ if (use_lld) {
+ # TODO(thakis): Make the driver pass --color-diagnostics to the linker
+ # if -fcolor-diagnostics is passed to it, and pass -fcolor-diagnostics
+ # in ldflags instead.
+ if (is_win) {
+ # On Windows, we call the linker directly, instead of calling it through
+ # the driver.
+ ldflags += [ "--color-diagnostics" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--color-diagnostics" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Enable text section splitting only on linux when using lld for now. Other
+ # platforms can be added later if needed.
+ if ((is_linux || is_chromeos) && use_lld && use_text_section_splitting) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-z,keep-text-section-prefix" ]
+ }
+ if (is_clang && !is_nacl && current_os != "zos") {
+ cflags += [ "-fcrash-diagnostics-dir=" + clang_diagnostic_dir ]
+ if (save_reproducers_on_lld_crash && use_lld) {
+ ldflags += [
+ "-fcrash-diagnostics=all",
+ "-fcrash-diagnostics-dir=" + clang_diagnostic_dir,
+ ]
+ }
+ # TODO(hans): Remove this once Clang generates better optimized debug info
+ # by default.
+ cflags += [
+ "-mllvm",
+ "-instcombine-lower-dbg-declare=0",
+ ]
+ if (!is_debug && use_thin_lto && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ if (is_win) {
+ ldflags += [ "-mllvm:-instcombine-lower-dbg-declare=0" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-mllvm,-instcombine-lower-dbg-declare=0" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # TODO( This causes binary size growth and potentially
+ # other problems.
+ # TODO( This isn't supported by Cronet's mainline llvm version.
+ if (default_toolchain != "//build/toolchain/cros:target" &&
+ !llvm_android_mainline) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mllvm",
+ "-split-threshold-for-reg-with-hint=0",
+ ]
+ if (use_thin_lto && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ if (is_win) {
+ ldflags += [ "-mllvm:-split-threshold-for-reg-with-hint=0" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-mllvm,-split-threshold-for-reg-with-hint=0" ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # TODO( Investigate why/if this should be needed.
+ if (is_win) {
+ cflags += [ "/clang:-ffp-contract=off" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "-ffp-contract=off" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # C11/C++11 compiler flags setup.
+ # ---------------------------
+ if (is_linux || is_chromeos || is_android || (is_nacl && is_clang) ||
+ current_os == "aix") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ standard_prefix = "c"
+ # Since we build with -std=c* and not -std=gnu*, _GNU_SOURCE will not be
+ # defined by the compiler. However, lots of code relies on the
+ # non-standard features that _GNU_SOURCE enables, so define it manually.
+ defines += [ "_GNU_SOURCE" ]
+ if (is_nacl) {
+ # Undefine __STRICT_ANSI__ to get non-standard features which would
+ # otherwise not be enabled by NaCl's sysroots.
+ cflags += [ "-U__STRICT_ANSI__" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ # Gcc does not support ##__VA_ARGS__ when in standards-conforming mode,
+ # but we use this feature in several places in Chromium.
+ # TODO(thomasanderson): Replace usages of ##__VA_ARGS__ with the
+ # standard-compliant __VA_OPT__ added by C++20, and switch the gcc build
+ # to -std=c*.
+ standard_prefix = "gnu"
+ }
+ cflags_c += [ "-std=${standard_prefix}11" ]
+ if (is_nacl && !is_nacl_saigo) {
+ # This is for the pnacl_newlib toolchain. It's only used to build
+ # a few independent ppapi test files that don't pull in any other
+ # dependencies.
+ cflags_cc += [ "-std=${standard_prefix}++14" ]
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags_cc += [ "-fno-trigraphs" ]
+ }
+ } else if (is_clang) {
+ if (defined(use_cxx17) && use_cxx17) {
+ cflags_cc += [ "-std=${standard_prefix}++17" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags_cc += [ "-std=${standard_prefix}++20" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ # The gcc bots are currently using GCC 9, which is not new enough to
+ # support "c++20"/"gnu++20".
+ cflags_cc += [ "-std=${standard_prefix}++2a" ]
+ }
+ } else if (is_win) {
+ cflags_c += [ "/std:c11" ]
+ if (defined(use_cxx17) && use_cxx17) {
+ cflags_cc += [ "/std:c++17" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags_cc += [ "/std:c++20" ]
+ }
+ } else if (!is_nacl) {
+ # TODO(mcgrathr) - the NaCl GCC toolchain doesn't support either
+ # gnu11/gnu++11 or c11/c++11; we technically don't need this toolchain any
+ # more, but there are still a few buildbots using it, so until those are
+ # turned off we need the !is_nacl clause and the (is_nacl && is_clang)
+ # clause, above.
+ cflags_c += [ "-std=c11" ]
+ if (defined(use_cxx17) && use_cxx17) {
+ cflags_cc += [ "-std=c++17" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags_cc += [ "-std=c++20" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_clang && current_os != "zos") {
+ # C++17 removes trigraph support, but clang still warns that it ignores
+ # them when seeing them. Don't.
+ cflags_cc += [ "-Wno-trigraphs" ]
+ }
+ if (use_relative_vtables_abi) {
+ cflags_cc += [ "-fexperimental-relative-c++-abi-vtables" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-fexperimental-relative-c++-abi-vtables" ]
+ }
+ # Add flags for link-time optimization. These flags enable
+ # optimizations/transformations that require whole-program visibility at link
+ # time, so they need to be applied to all translation units, and we may end up
+ # with miscompiles if only part of the program is compiled with LTO flags. For
+ # that reason, we cannot allow targets to enable or disable these flags, for
+ # example by disabling the optimize configuration.
+ # TODO(pcc): Make this conditional on is_official_build rather than on gn
+ # flags for specific features.
+ if (!is_debug && use_thin_lto && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ assert(use_lld, "LTO is only supported with lld")
+ cflags += [
+ "-flto=thin",
+ "-fsplit-lto-unit",
+ ]
+ if (thin_lto_enable_cache) {
+ # Limit the size of the ThinLTO cache to the lesser of 10% of
+ # available disk space, 40GB and 100000 files.
+ cache_policy =
+ "cache_size=10%:cache_size_bytes=40g:cache_size_files=100000"
+ cache_dir = rebase_path("$root_out_dir/thinlto-cache", root_build_dir)
+ if (is_win) {
+ ldflags += [
+ "/lldltocache:$cache_dir",
+ "/lldltocachepolicy:$cache_policy",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ if (is_apple) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-cache_path_lto,$cache_dir" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--thinlto-cache-dir=$cache_dir" ]
+ }
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--thinlto-cache-policy=$cache_policy" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # An import limit of 30 has better performance (per speedometer) and lower
+ # binary size than the default setting of 100.
+ # TODO(gbiv): We ideally shouldn't need to specify this; ThinLTO
+ # should be able to better manage binary size increases on its own.
+ import_instr_limit = 30
+ if (is_win) {
+ ldflags += [
+ "/opt:lldltojobs=all",
+ "-mllvm:-import-instr-limit=$import_instr_limit",
+ "-mllvm:-disable-auto-upgrade-debug-info",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags += [ "-flto=thin" ]
+ # Enabling ThinLTO on Chrome OS too, in an effort to reduce the memory
+ # usage in Note this will increase build time in
+ # Chrome OS.
+ # In ThinLTO builds, we run at most one link process at a time,
+ # and let it use all cores.
+ # TODO(thakis): Check if '=0' (that is, number of cores, instead
+ # of "all" which means number of hardware threads) is faster.
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--thinlto-jobs=all" ]
+ if (is_chromeos) {
+ # ARM was originally set lower than x86 to keep the size
+ # bloat of ThinLTO to <10%, but that's potentially no longer true.
+ # FIXME(inglorion): maybe tune these?
+ # TODO(b/271459198): Revert limit on amd64 to 30 when fixed.
+ import_instr_limit = 20
+ } else if (is_android) {
+ # TODO( Investigate if we can get the > 6% perf win
+ # of import_instr_limit 30 with a binary size hit smaller than ~2 MiB.
+ import_instr_limit = 5
+ }
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-mllvm,-import-instr-limit=$import_instr_limit" ]
+ if (is_apple) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wcrl,object_path_lto" ]
+ }
+ # We only use one version of LLVM within a build so there's no need to
+ # upgrade debug info, which can be expensive since it runs the verifier.
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-mllvm,-disable-auto-upgrade-debug-info" ]
+ }
+ # TODO( investigate why this isn't effective on
+ # arm32.
+ if (!is_android || current_cpu == "arm64") {
+ cflags += [ "-fwhole-program-vtables" ]
+ if (toolchain_supports_rust_thin_lto) {
+ # whole-program-vtables implies -fsplit-lto-unit, and Rust needs to match
+ # behaviour. Rust needs to know the linker will be doing LTO in this case
+ # or it rejects the Zsplit-lto-unit flag.
+ rustflags += [
+ "-Zsplit-lto-unit",
+ "-Clinker-plugin-lto=yes",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ # Don't include bitcode if it won't be used.
+ rustflags += [ "-Cembed-bitcode=no" ]
+ }
+ if (!is_win) {
+ ldflags += [ "-fwhole-program-vtables" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # This flag causes LTO to create an .ARM.attributes section with the correct
+ # architecture. This is necessary because LLD will refuse to link a program
+ # unless the architecture revision in .ARM.attributes is sufficiently new.
+ # TODO(pcc): The contents of .ARM.attributes should be based on the
+ # -march flag passed at compile time (see
+ if (current_cpu == "arm") {
+ ldflags += [ "-march=$arm_arch" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (compiler_timing) {
+ if (is_clang && !is_nacl) {
+ cflags += [ "-ftime-trace" ]
+ if (use_lld && is_mac) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--time-trace" ]
+ }
+ } else if (is_win) {
+ cflags += [
+ # "Documented" here:
+ #
+ "/d2cgsummary",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Pass flag to LLD so Android builds can allow debuggerd to properly symbolize
+ # stack crashes (
+ if (use_lld && is_android) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--no-rosegment" ]
+ }
+ # TODO( Cleanup undefined symbol errors caught by
+ # --no-undefined-version.
+ if (use_lld && !is_win && !is_mac && !is_ios) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--undefined-version" ]
+ }
+ if (use_lld && is_apple) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--strict-auto-link" ]
+ }
+ # LLD does call-graph-sorted binary layout by default when profile data is
+ # present. On Android this increases binary size due to more thinks for long
+ # jumps. Turn it off by default and enable selectively for targets where it's
+ # beneficial.
+ if (use_lld && !enable_call_graph_profile_sort) {
+ if (is_win) {
+ ldflags += [ "/call-graph-profile-sort:no" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--no-call-graph-profile-sort" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_clang && !is_nacl && show_includes) {
+ if (is_win) {
+ # TODO( Goma mixes the -H and /showIncludes output.
+ assert(!use_goma, "show_includes on Windows is not reliable with goma")
+ cflags += [
+ "/clang:-H",
+ "/clang:-fshow-skipped-includes",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [
+ "-H",
+ "-fshow-skipped-includes",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ # This flag enforces that member pointer base types are complete. It helps
+ # prevent us from running into problems in the Microsoft C++ ABI (see
+ #
+ if (is_clang && !is_nacl && target_os != "chromeos" &&
+ (is_win || use_custom_libcxx)) {
+ cflags += [ "-fcomplete-member-pointers" ]
+ }
+ # Use DWARF simple template names.
+ if (simple_template_names) {
+ cflags_cc += [ "-gsimple-template-names" ]
+ }
+ # MLGO specific flags. These flags enable an ML-based inliner trained on
+ # Chrome on Android (arm32) with ThinLTO enabled, optimizing for size.
+ # The "release" ML model is embedded into clang as part of its build.
+ # Currently, the ML inliner is only enabled when targeting Android due to:
+ # a) Android is where size matters the most.
+ # b) MLGO presently has the limitation of only being able to embed one model
+ # at a time; It is unclear if the embedded model is beneficial for
+ # non-Android targets.
+ # MLGO is only officially supported on linux.
+ if (use_ml_inliner && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ assert(
+ is_android && host_os == "linux",
+ "MLGO is currently only supported for targeting Android on a linux host")
+ if (use_thin_lto) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-mllvm,-enable-ml-inliner=release" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (clang_embed_bitcode) {
+ assert(!use_thin_lto,
+ "clang_embed_bitcode is only supported in non-ThinLTO builds")
+ cflags += [
+ "-Xclang",
+ "-fembed-bitcode=all",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (lld_emit_indexes_and_imports) {
+ assert(use_thin_lto,
+ "lld_emit_indexes_and_imports is only supported with ThinLTO builds")
+ ldflags += [
+ "-Wl,--save-temps=import",
+ "-Wl,--thinlto-emit-index-files",
+ ]
+ }
+ # Pass the same C/C++ flags to the objective C/C++ compiler.
+ cflags_objc += cflags_c
+ cflags_objcc += cflags_cc
+ # Assign any flags set for the C compiler to asmflags so that they are sent
+ # to the assembler. The Windows assembler takes different types of flags
+ # so only do so for posix platforms.
+ if (is_posix || is_fuchsia) {
+ asmflags += cflags
+ asmflags += cflags_c
+ }
+ if (is_chromeos_device && !is_nacl) {
+ # On ChromeOS devices, we want to ensure we're using Chrome's allocator
+ # symbols for all C++ new/delete operator overloads. PartitionAlloc
+ # and other local allocators should always take precedence over system or
+ # preloaded allocators. These are the mangled symbol names.
+ # See b/280115910 for details.
+ ldflags += [
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdaPv,-u,_ZdaPv",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdaPvRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZdaPvRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdlPv,-u,_ZdlPv",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdlPvm,-u,_ZdlPvm",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdlPvRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZdlPvRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_Znam,-u,_Znam",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZnamRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZnamRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_Znwm,-u,_Znwm",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZnwmRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZnwmRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdaPvmSt11align_val_t,-u,_ZdaPvmSt11align_val_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdaPvSt11align_val_t,-u,_ZdaPvSt11align_val_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdaPvSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZdaPvSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdlPvmSt11align_val_t,-u,_ZdlPvmSt11align_val_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdlPvSt11align_val_t,-u,_ZdlPvSt11align_val_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdlPvSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZdlPvSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZnamSt11align_val_t,-u,_ZnamSt11align_val_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZnamSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZnamSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZnwmSt11align_val_t,-u,_ZnwmSt11align_val_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZnwmSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZnwmSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ ]
+ }
+ # Rust compiler flags setup.
+ # ---------------------------
+ rustflags += [
+ # Overflow checks are optional in Rust, but even if switched
+ # off they do not cause undefined behavior (the overflowing
+ # behavior is defined). Because containers are bounds-checked
+ # in safe Rust, they also can't provoke buffer overflows.
+ # As such these checks may be less important in Rust than C++.
+ # But in (simplistic) testing they have negligible performance
+ # overhead, and this helps to provide consistent behavior
+ # between different configurations, so we'll keep them on until
+ # we discover a reason to turn them off.
+ "-Coverflow-checks=on",
+ # By default Rust passes `-nodefaultlibs` to the linker, however this
+ # conflicts with our `--unwind=none` flag for Android dylibs, as the latter
+ # is then unused and produces a warning/error. So this removes the
+ # `-nodefaultlibs` from the linker invocation from Rust, which would be used
+ # to compile dylibs on Android, such as for constructing unit test APKs.
+ "-Cdefault-linker-libraries",
+ # To make Rust .d files compatible with ninja
+ "-Zdep-info-omit-d-target",
+ # If a macro panics during compilation, show which macro and where it is
+ # defined.
+ "-Zmacro-backtrace",
+ # For deterministic builds, keep the local machine's current working
+ # directory from appearing in build outputs.
+ "-Zremap-cwd-prefix=.",
+ ]
+ if (!is_win || force_rustc_color_output) {
+ # Colorize error output. The analogous flag is passed for clang. This must
+ # be platform-gated since rustc will unconditionally output ANSI escape
+ # sequences, ignoring the platform, when stderr is not a terminal.
+ rustflags += [ "--color=always" ]
+ }
+ if (rust_abi_target != "") {
+ rustflags += [ "--target=$rust_abi_target" ]
+ }
+ if (!use_thin_lto || !toolchain_supports_rust_thin_lto) {
+ # Don't include bitcode if it won't be used.
+ rustflags += [ "-Cembed-bitcode=no" ]
+ }
+ if (is_official_build) {
+ rustflags += [ "-Ccodegen-units=1" ]
+ }
+ if (!rust_prebuilt_stdlib) {
+ # When building against the Chromium Rust stdlib (which we compile) always
+ # abort instead of unwinding when panic occurs. In official builds, panics
+ # abort immediately (this is configured in the stdlib) to keep binary size
+ # down. So we unconditionally match behaviour in unofficial too.
+ rustflags += [
+ "-Cpanic=abort",
+ "-Zpanic_abort_tests",
+ ]
+ }
+ # Normally, this would be defined in the `runtime_library` config but NaCl
+ # saigo libc++ does not use the custom hermetic libc++. Unfortunately, there
+ # isn't really a better config to add this define for the define to
+ # consistently apply in both Chromium and non-Chromium code *and* non-NaCl
+ # and NaCl code.
+ #
+ # TODO( Move this back to the `runtime_library`
+ # config when NaCl is removed.
+ if (use_safe_libcxx) {
+ # TODO( Switch saigo to hardened mode once
+ # it's rolled in.
+ if (is_nacl_saigo) {
+ defines += [ "_LIBCPP_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS=1" ]
+ } else {
+ }
+ } else {
+ }
+# The BUILDCONFIG file sets this config on targets by default, which means when
+# building with ThinLTO, no optimization is performed in the link step.
+config("thinlto_optimize_default") {
+ if (!is_debug && use_thin_lto && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ lto_opt_level = 0
+ if (is_win) {
+ ldflags = [ "/opt:lldlto=" + lto_opt_level ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags = [ "-Wl,--lto-O" + lto_opt_level ]
+ }
+ if (toolchain_supports_rust_thin_lto) {
+ # We always point Rust to a linker that performs LTO, so we don't want Rust
+ # to preemptively do so during compilation too or they conflict. But we do
+ # want Rust to generate LTO metadata in order for the linker to do its job.
+ rustflags = [ "-Clinker-plugin-lto=yes" ]
+ } else {
+ # Don't include bitcode if it won't be used.
+ rustflags = [ "-Cembed-bitcode=no" ]
+ }
+ }
+# Use this to enable optimization in the ThinLTO link step for select targets
+# when thin_lto_enable_optimizations is set by doing:
+# configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:thinlto_optimize_default" ]
+# configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:thinlto_optimize_max" ]
+# Since it makes linking significantly slower and more resource intensive, only
+# use it on important targets such as the main browser executable or dll.
+config("thinlto_optimize_max") {
+ if (!is_debug && use_thin_lto && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ if (thin_lto_enable_optimizations) {
+ lto_opt_level = 2
+ } else {
+ lto_opt_level = 0
+ }
+ if (is_win) {
+ ldflags = [ "/opt:lldlto=" + lto_opt_level ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags = [ "-Wl,--lto-O" + lto_opt_level ]
+ }
+ if (toolchain_supports_rust_thin_lto) {
+ # We always point Rust to a linker that performs LTO, so we don't want Rust
+ # to preemptively do so during compilation too or they conflict. But we do
+ # want Rust to generate LTO metadata in order for the linker to do its job.
+ rustflags = [ "-Clinker-plugin-lto=yes" ]
+ } else {
+ # Don't include bitcode if it won't be used.
+ rustflags = [ "-Cembed-bitcode=no" ]
+ }
+ }
+# This provides the basic options to select the target CPU and ABI.
+# It is factored out of "compiler" so that special cases can use this
+# without using everything that "compiler" brings in. Options that
+# tweak code generation for a particular CPU do not belong here!
+# See "compiler_codegen", below.
+config("compiler_cpu_abi") {
+ cflags = []
+ ldflags = []
+ defines = []
+ configs = []
+ if (is_chromeos) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/chromeos:compiler_cpu_abi" ]
+ }
+ if ((is_posix && !is_apple) || is_fuchsia) {
+ # CPU architecture. We may or may not be doing a cross compile now, so for
+ # simplicity we always explicitly set the architecture.
+ if (current_cpu == "x64") {
+ cflags += [
+ "-m64",
+ "-msse3",
+ ]
+ # Minimum SIMD support for devices running lacros.
+ # See
+ if (is_chromeos_lacros) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mssse3",
+ "-msse4",
+ "-msse4.1",
+ "-msse4.2",
+ ]
+ }
+ ldflags += [ "-m64" ]
+ } else if (current_cpu == "x86") {
+ cflags += [ "-m32" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-m32" ]
+ if (!is_nacl) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mfpmath=sse",
+ "-msse3",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else if (current_cpu == "arm") {
+ if (is_clang && !is_android && !is_nacl &&
+ !(is_chromeos_lacros && is_chromeos_device)) {
+ cflags += [ "--target=arm-linux-gnueabihf" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=arm-linux-gnueabihf" ]
+ }
+ if (!is_nacl) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-march=$arm_arch",
+ "-mfloat-abi=$arm_float_abi",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (arm_tune != "") {
+ cflags += [ "-mtune=$arm_tune" ]
+ }
+ } else if (current_cpu == "arm64") {
+ if (is_clang && !is_android && !is_nacl && !is_fuchsia &&
+ !(is_chromeos_lacros && is_chromeos_device)) {
+ cflags += [ "--target=@AARCH64_TARGET@" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=@AARCH64_TARGET@" ]
+ }
+ } else if (current_cpu == "mipsel" && !is_nacl) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--hash-style=sysv" ]
+ if (custom_toolchain == "") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ if (is_android) {
+ cflags += [ "--target=mipsel-linux-android" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=mipsel-linux-android" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "--target=mipsel-linux-gnu" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=mipsel-linux-gnu" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "-EL" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-EL" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (mips_arch_variant == "r6") {
+ cflags += [ "-mno-odd-spreg" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-mips32r6" ]
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-march=mipsel",
+ "-mcpu=mips32r6",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips32r6",
+ "-Wa,-mips32r6",
+ ]
+ if (is_android) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-melf32ltsmip" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (mips_use_msa == true) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mmsa",
+ "-mfp64",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else if (mips_arch_variant == "r2") {
+ ldflags += [ "-mips32r2" ]
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-march=mipsel",
+ "-mcpu=mips32r2",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips32r2",
+ "-Wa,-mips32r2",
+ ]
+ if (mips_float_abi == "hard" && mips_fpu_mode != "") {
+ cflags += [ "-m$mips_fpu_mode" ]
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (mips_arch_variant == "r1") {
+ ldflags += [ "-mips32" ]
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-march=mipsel",
+ "-mcpu=mips32",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips32",
+ "-Wa,-mips32",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else if (mips_arch_variant == "loongson3") {
+ defines += [ "_MIPS_ARCH_LOONGSON" ]
+ cflags += [
+ "-march=loongson3a",
+ "-mno-branch-likely",
+ "-Wa,-march=loongson3a",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (mips_dsp_rev == 1) {
+ cflags += [ "-mdsp" ]
+ } else if (mips_dsp_rev == 2) {
+ cflags += [ "-mdspr2" ]
+ }
+ cflags += [ "-m${mips_float_abi}-float" ]
+ } else if (current_cpu == "mips" && !is_nacl) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--hash-style=sysv" ]
+ if (custom_toolchain == "") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "--target=mips-linux-gnu" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=mips-linux-gnu" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "-EB" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-EB" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (mips_arch_variant == "r6") {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips32r6",
+ "-Wa,-mips32r6",
+ ]
+ if (mips_use_msa == true) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mmsa",
+ "-mfp64",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else if (mips_arch_variant == "r2") {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips32r2",
+ "-Wa,-mips32r2",
+ ]
+ if (mips_float_abi == "hard" && mips_fpu_mode != "") {
+ cflags += [ "-m$mips_fpu_mode" ]
+ }
+ } else if (mips_arch_variant == "r1") {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips32",
+ "-Wa,-mips32",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (mips_dsp_rev == 1) {
+ cflags += [ "-mdsp" ]
+ } else if (mips_dsp_rev == 2) {
+ cflags += [ "-mdspr2" ]
+ }
+ cflags += [ "-m${mips_float_abi}-float" ]
+ } else if (current_cpu == "mips64el") {
+ cflags += [ "-D__SANE_USERSPACE_TYPES__" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--hash-style=sysv" ]
+ if (custom_toolchain == "") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ if (is_android) {
+ cflags += [ "--target=mips64el-linux-android" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=mips64el-linux-android" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "--target=mips64el-linux-gnuabi64" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=mips64el-linux-gnuabi64" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ cflags += [
+ "-EL",
+ "-mabi=64",
+ ]
+ ldflags += [
+ "-EL",
+ "-mabi=64",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (mips_arch_variant == "r6") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-march=mips64el",
+ "-mcpu=mips64r6",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips64r6",
+ "-Wa,-mips64r6",
+ ]
+ ldflags += [ "-mips64r6" ]
+ }
+ if (mips_use_msa == true) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mmsa",
+ "-mfp64",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else if (mips_arch_variant == "r2") {
+ ldflags += [ "-mips64r2" ]
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-march=mips64el",
+ "-mcpu=mips64r2",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips64r2",
+ "-Wa,-mips64r2",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else if (mips_arch_variant == "loongson3") {
+ defines += [ "_MIPS_ARCH_LOONGSON" ]
+ cflags += [
+ "-march=loongson3a",
+ "-mno-branch-likely",
+ "-Wa,-march=loongson3a",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else if (current_cpu == "mips64") {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--hash-style=sysv" ]
+ if (custom_toolchain == "") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "--target=mips64-linux-gnuabi64" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=mips64-linux-gnuabi64" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [
+ "-EB",
+ "-mabi=64",
+ ]
+ ldflags += [
+ "-EB",
+ "-mabi=64",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (mips_arch_variant == "r6") {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips64r6",
+ "-Wa,-mips64r6",
+ ]
+ ldflags += [ "-mips64r6" ]
+ if (mips_use_msa == true) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mmsa",
+ "-mfp64",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else if (mips_arch_variant == "r2") {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips64r2",
+ "-Wa,-mips64r2",
+ ]
+ ldflags += [ "-mips64r2" ]
+ }
+ } else if (current_cpu == "ppc64") {
+ if (current_os == "aix") {
+ cflags += [ "-maix64" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-maix64" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "-m64" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-m64" ]
+ }
+ } else if (current_cpu == "riscv64") {
+ if (is_clang && !is_android) {
+ cflags += [ "--target=riscv64-linux-gnu" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=riscv64-linux-gnu" ]
+ }
+ cflags += [ "-mabi=lp64d" ]
+ } else if (current_cpu == "loong64") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "--target=loongarch64-linux-gnu" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=loongarch64-linux-gnu" ]
+ }
+ cflags += [
+ "-mabi=lp64d",
+ "-mcmodel=medium",
+ ]
+ } else if (current_cpu == "s390x") {
+ cflags += [ "-m64" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-m64" ]
+ }
+ }
+ asmflags = cflags
+# This provides options to tweak code generation that are necessary
+# for particular Chromium code or for working around particular
+# compiler bugs (or the combination of the two).
+config("compiler_codegen") {
+ configs = []
+ cflags = []
+ ldflags = []
+ if (is_nacl) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/nacl:compiler_codegen" ]
+ }
+ if (current_cpu == "arm64" && !is_win && is_clang) {
+ # Disable outlining everywhere on arm64 except Win. For more information see
+ # for Android and for iOS.
+ # TODO( Enable this on Windows if possible.
+ cflags += [ "-mno-outline" ]
+ # This can be removed once
+ # has been resolved, and -mno-outline is obeyed by the linker during
+ # ThinLTO.
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-mllvm,-enable-machine-outliner=never" ]
+ }
+ asmflags = cflags
+# This provides options that make the build deterministic, so that the same
+# revision produces the same output, independent of the name of the build
+# directory and of the computer the build is done on.
+# The relative path from build dir to source dir makes it into the build
+# outputs, so it's recommended that you use a build dir two levels deep
+# (e.g. "out/Release") so that you get the same "../.." path as all the bots
+# in your build outputs.
+config("compiler_deterministic") {
+ cflags = []
+ ldflags = []
+ swiftflags = []
+ # Eliminate build metadata (__DATE__, __TIME__ and __TIMESTAMP__) for
+ # deterministic build. See
+ if (!is_official_build) {
+ if (is_win && !is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ "/wd4117", # Trying to define or undefine a predefined macro.
+ "/D__DATE__=",
+ "/D__TIME__=",
+ "/D__TIMESTAMP__=",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [
+ "-Wno-builtin-macro-redefined",
+ "-D__DATE__=",
+ "-D__TIME__=",
+ "-D__TIMESTAMP__=",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Makes builds independent of absolute file path.
+ if (is_clang && strip_absolute_paths_from_debug_symbols) {
+ # If debug option is given, clang includes $cwd in debug info by default.
+ # For such build, this flag generates reproducible obj files even we use
+ # different build directory like "out/feature_a" and "out/feature_b" if
+ # we build same files with same compile flag.
+ # Other paths are already given in relative, no need to normalize them.
+ if (is_nacl) {
+ # TODO( Use -ffile-compilation-dir= here.
+ cflags += [
+ "-Xclang",
+ "-fdebug-compilation-dir",
+ "-Xclang",
+ ".",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ # -ffile-compilation-dir is an alias for both -fdebug-compilation-dir=
+ # and -fcoverage-compilation-dir=.
+ cflags += [ "-ffile-compilation-dir=." ]
+ swiftflags += [ "-file-compilation-dir=." ]
+ }
+ if (!is_win) {
+ # We don't use clang -cc1as on Windows (yet?
+ asmflags = [ "-Wa,-fdebug-compilation-dir,." ]
+ }
+ if (is_win && use_lld) {
+ if (symbol_level == 2 || (is_clang && using_sanitizer)) {
+ # Absolutize source file paths for PDB. Pass the real build directory
+ # if the pdb contains source-level debug information and if linker
+ # reproducibility is not critical.
+ ldflags += [ "/PDBSourcePath:" + rebase_path(root_build_dir) ]
+ } else {
+ # Use a fake fixed base directory for paths in the pdb to make the pdb
+ # output fully deterministic and independent of the build directory.
+ ldflags += [ "/PDBSourcePath:o:\fake\prefix" ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Tells the compiler not to use absolute paths when passing the default
+ # paths to the tools it invokes. We don't want this because we don't
+ # really need it and it can mess up the goma cache entries.
+ if (is_clang && (!is_nacl || is_nacl_saigo)) {
+ cflags += [ "-no-canonical-prefixes" ]
+ # Same for links: Let the compiler driver invoke the linker
+ # with a relative path and pass relative paths to built-in
+ # libraries. Not needed on Windows because we call the linker
+ # directly there, not through the compiler driver.
+ # We don't link on goma, so this change is just for cleaner
+ # internal linker invocations, for people who work on the build.
+ if (!is_win) {
+ ldflags += [ "-no-canonical-prefixes" ]
+ }
+ }
+config("clang_revision") {
+ if (is_clang && clang_base_path == default_clang_base_path) {
+ update_args = [
+ "--print-revision",
+ "--verify-version=$clang_version",
+ ]
+ if (llvm_force_head_revision) {
+ update_args += [ "--llvm-force-head-revision" ]
+ }
+ clang_revision = exec_script("//tools/clang/scripts/",
+ update_args,
+ "trim string")
+ # This is here so that all files get recompiled after a clang roll and
+ # when turning clang on or off. (defines are passed via the command line,
+ # and build system rebuild things when their commandline changes). Nothing
+ # should ever read this define.
+ defines = [ "CR_CLANG_REVISION=\"$clang_revision\"" ]
+ }
+config("rustc_revision") {
+ if (rustc_revision != "") {
+ # Similar to the above config, this is here so that all files get recompiled
+ # after a rustc roll. Nothing should ever read this cfg. This will not be
+ # set if a custom toolchain is used.
+ rustflags = [
+ "--cfg",
+ "cr_rustc_revision=\"$rustc_revision\"",
+ ]
+ }
+config("compiler_arm_fpu") {
+ if (current_cpu == "arm" && !is_ios && !is_nacl) {
+ cflags = [ "-mfpu=$arm_fpu" ]
+ if (!arm_use_thumb) {
+ cflags += [ "-marm" ]
+ }
+ asmflags = cflags
+ }
+config("compiler_arm_thumb") {
+ if (current_cpu == "arm" && arm_use_thumb && is_posix &&
+ !(is_apple || is_nacl)) {
+ cflags = [ "-mthumb" ]
+ }
+config("compiler_arm") {
+ if (current_cpu == "arm" && is_chromeos) {
+ # arm is normally the default mode for clang, but on chromeos a wrapper
+ # is used to pass -mthumb, and therefor change the default.
+ cflags = [ "-marm" ]
+ }
+# runtime_library -------------------------------------------------------------
+# Sets the runtime library and associated options.
+# How do you determine what should go in here vs. "compiler" above? Consider if
+# a target might choose to use a different runtime library (ignore for a moment
+# if this is possible or reasonable on your system). If such a target would want
+# to change or remove your option, put it in the runtime_library config. If a
+# target wants the option regardless, put it in the compiler config.
+config("runtime_library") {
+ configs = []
+ # The order of this config is important: it must appear before
+ # android:runtime_library. This is to ensure libc++ appears before
+ # libandroid_support in the -isystem include order. Otherwise, there will be
+ # build errors related to symbols declared in math.h.
+ if (use_custom_libcxx) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/c++:runtime_library" ]
+ }
+ # Rust and C++ both provide intrinsics for LLVM to call for math operations. We
+ # want to use the C++ intrinsics, not the ones in the Rust compiler_builtins
+ # library. The Rust symbols are marked as weak, so that they can be replaced by
+ # the C++ symbols. This config ensures the C++ symbols exist and are strong in
+ # order to cause that replacement to occur by explicitly linking in clang's
+ # compiler-rt library.
+ if (is_clang && toolchain_has_rust) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/clang:compiler_builtins" ]
+ }
+ # TODO( Come up with a better name for is POSIX + Fuchsia
+ # configuration.
+ if (is_posix || is_fuchsia) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/posix:runtime_library" ]
+ if (use_custom_libunwind) {
+ # Instead of using an unwind lib from the toolchain,
+ # buildtools/third_party/libunwind will be built and used directly.
+ ldflags = [ "--unwindlib=none" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # System-specific flags. If your compiler flags apply to one of the
+ # categories here, add it to the associated file to keep this shared config
+ # smaller.
+ if (is_win) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/win:runtime_library" ]
+ } else if (is_linux || is_chromeos) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/linux:runtime_library" ]
+ if (is_chromeos) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/chromeos:runtime_library" ]
+ }
+ } else if (is_ios) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/ios:runtime_library" ]
+ } else if (is_mac) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/mac:runtime_library" ]
+ } else if (is_android) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/android:runtime_library" ]
+ }
+ if (is_component_build) {
+ defines = [ "COMPONENT_BUILD" ]
+ }
+# treat_warnings_as_errors ----------------------------------------------------
+# Adding this config causes the compiler to treat warnings as fatal errors.
+# This is used as a subconfig of both chromium_code and no_chromium_code, and
+# is broken out separately so nocompile tests can force-enable this setting
+# independently of the default warning flags.
+config("treat_warnings_as_errors") {
+ if (is_win) {
+ cflags = [ "/WX" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-Werror" ]
+ # The compiler driver can sometimes (rarely) emit warnings before calling
+ # the actual linker. Make sure these warnings are treated as errors as
+ # well.
+ ldflags = [ "-Werror" ]
+ }
+ # Turn rustc warnings into the "deny" lint level, which produce compiler
+ # errors. The equivalent of -Werror for clang/gcc.
+ #
+ # Note we apply the actual lint flags in config("compiler"). All warnings
+ # are suppressed in third-party crates.
+ rustflags = [ "-Dwarnings" ]
+# default_warnings ------------------------------------------------------------
+# Collects all warning flags that are used by default. This is used as a
+# subconfig of both chromium_code and no_chromium_code. This way these
+# flags are guaranteed to appear on the compile command line after -Wall.
+config("default_warnings") {
+ cflags = []
+ cflags_c = []
+ cflags_cc = []
+ ldflags = []
+ configs = []
+ if (is_win) {
+ if (fatal_linker_warnings) {
+ arflags = [ "/WX" ]
+ ldflags = [ "/WX" ]
+ }
+ defines = [
+ # Without this, Windows headers warn that functions like wcsnicmp
+ # should be spelled _wcsnicmp. But all other platforms keep spelling
+ # it wcsnicmp, making this warning unhelpful. We don't want it.
+ # TODO(thakis): winsock wants us to use getaddrinfo instead of
+ # gethostbyname. Fires mostly in non-Chromium code. We probably
+ # want to remove this define eventually.
+ ]
+ if (!is_clang) {
+ # TODO(thakis): Remove this once
+ # has
+ # rolled into angle.
+ cflags += [ "/wd4244" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ((is_apple || is_android) && !is_nacl) {
+ # Warns if a method is used whose availability is newer than the
+ # deployment target.
+ cflags += [ "-Wunguarded-availability" ]
+ }
+ if (is_ios) {
+ # When compiling Objective-C, warns if a selector named via @selector has
+ # not been defined in any visible interface.
+ cflags += [ "-Wundeclared-selector" ]
+ }
+ # Suppress warnings about ABI changes on ARM (Clang doesn't give this
+ # warning).
+ if (current_cpu == "arm" && !is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "-Wno-psabi" ]
+ }
+ if (!is_clang) {
+ cflags_cc += [
+ # See comment for -Wno-c++11-narrowing.
+ "-Wno-narrowing",
+ ]
+ # -Wno-class-memaccess warns about hash table and vector in blink.
+ # But the violation is intentional.
+ if (!is_nacl) {
+ cflags_cc += [ "-Wno-class-memaccess" ]
+ }
+ # -Wunused-local-typedefs is broken in gcc,
+ #
+ cflags += [ "-Wno-unused-local-typedefs" ]
+ # Don't warn about "maybe" uninitialized. Clang doesn't include this
+ # in -Wall but gcc does, and it gives false positives.
+ cflags += [ "-Wno-maybe-uninitialized" ]
+ cflags += [ "-Wno-deprecated-declarations" ]
+ # -Wcomment gives too many false positives in the case a
+ # backslash ended comment line is followed by a new line of
+ # comments
+ #
+ cflags += [ "-Wno-comments" ]
+ # -Wpacked-not-aligned complains all generated mojom-shared-internal.h
+ # files.
+ cflags += [ "-Wno-packed-not-aligned" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Common Clang and GCC warning setup.
+ if (!is_win || is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ # Disables.
+ "-Wno-missing-field-initializers", # "struct foo f = {0};"
+ "-Wno-unused-parameter", # Unused function parameters.
+ ]
+ if (!is_nacl || is_nacl_saigo) {
+ cflags += [
+ # An ABI compat warning we don't care about,
+ # TODO(thakis): Push this to the (few) targets that need it,
+ # instead of having a global flag.
+ "-Wno-psabi",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-Wloop-analysis",
+ # TODO(thakis): This used to be implied by -Wno-unused-function,
+ # which we no longer use. Check if it makes sense to remove
+ # this as well.
+ "-Wno-unneeded-internal-declaration",
+ ]
+ if (!is_nacl || is_nacl_saigo) {
+ if (is_win) {
+ # TODO(thakis):
+ # Currently goma can not handle case sensitiveness for windows well.
+ cflags += [ "-Wno-nonportable-include-path" ]
+ }
+ if (is_fuchsia) {
+ cflags_cc += [
+ # TODO( fix and reenable
+ "-Wno-missing-field-initializers",
+ ]
+ }
+ cflags += [
+ "-Wenum-compare-conditional",
+ # Ignore warnings about MSVC optimization pragmas.
+ # TODO(thakis): Only for no_chromium_code?
+ "-Wno-ignored-pragma-optimize",
+ # TODO( Evaluate and possibly enable.
+ "-Wno-deprecated-builtins",
+ # TODO( Evaluate and possibly enable.
+ "-Wno-bitfield-constant-conversion",
+ # TODO( Evaluate and possibly enable.
+ "-Wno-deprecated-this-capture",
+ # TODO( Fix and re-enable.
+ "-Wno-invalid-offsetof",
+ # TODO( Evaluate and possibly enable.
+ "-Wno-vla-extension",
+ # TODO( Fix and re-enable.
+ "-Wno-thread-safety-reference-return",
+ ]
+ if (!is_nacl) {
+ cflags_cc += [
+ # TODO( Fix and re-enable.
+ "-Wno-c++11-narrowing-const-reference",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Some builders, such as Cronet, use a different version of Clang than
+ # Chromium. This can cause minor errors when compiling Chromium changes. We
+ # want to avoid these errors.
+ if (llvm_android_mainline) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-Wno-error=unknown-warning-option",
+ "-Wno-error=unused-command-line-argument",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Rust warnings
+ # Require `unsafe` blocks even in `unsafe` fns. This is intended to become
+ # an error by default eventually; see
+ #
+ rustflags = [ "-Dunsafe_op_in_unsafe_fn" ]
+# prevent_unsafe_narrowing ----------------------------------------------------
+# Warnings that prevent narrowing or comparisons of integer types that are
+# likely to cause out-of-bound read/writes or Undefined Behaviour. In
+# particular, size_t is used for memory sizes, allocation, indexing, and
+# offsets. Using other integer types along with size_t produces risk of
+# memory-safety bugs and thus security exploits.
+# In order to prevent these bugs, allocation sizes were historically limited to
+# sizes that can be represented within 31 bits of information, allowing `int` to
+# be safely misused instead of `size_t` ( In order to
+# support increasing the allocation limit we require strictly adherence to
+# using the correct types, avoiding lossy conversions, and preventing overflow.
+# To do so, enable this config and fix errors by converting types to be
+# `size_t`, which is both large enough and unsigned, when dealing with memory
+# sizes, allocations, indices, or offsets.In cases where type conversion is not
+# possible or is superfluous, use base::strict_cast<> or base::checked_cast<>
+# to convert to size_t as needed.
+# See also:
+# To enable in a GN target, use:
+# configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:prevent_unsafe_narrowing" ]
+config("prevent_unsafe_narrowing") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags = [
+ "-Wshorten-64-to-32",
+ "-Wimplicit-int-conversion",
+ "-Wsign-compare",
+ "-Wsign-conversion",
+ ]
+ if (!is_nacl) {
+ cflags += [
+ # Avoid bugs of the form `if (size_t i = size; i >= 0; --i)` while
+ # fixing types to be sign-correct.
+ "-Wtautological-unsigned-zero-compare",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+# unsafe_buffer_warning -------------------------------------------------------
+# Paths of third-party headers that violate Wunsafe-buffer-usage, but which we
+# have been unable to fix yet. We use this list to be able to make progress and
+# enable the warning on code that we do control/own.
+# WARNING: This will disable all warnings in the files. ONLY USE THIS for
+# third-party code which we do not control/own. Fix the warnings instead in
+# our own code.
+if (is_clang) {
+ unsafe_buffer_warning_header_allowlist =
+ [ "third_party/googletest/src/googletest/include/gtest" ]
+# Enables warnings on pointer arithmetic/indexing or calls to functions
+# annotated with `UNSAFE_BUFFER_USAGE`.
+config("unsafe_buffer_warning") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags = [ "-Wunsafe-buffer-usage" ]
+ foreach(h, unsafe_buffer_warning_header_allowlist) {
+ if (is_win) {
+ cflags += [ "/clang:--system-header-prefix=$h" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "--system-header-prefix=$h" ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# chromium_code ---------------------------------------------------------------
+# Toggles between higher and lower warnings for code that is (or isn't)
+# part of Chromium.
+config("chromium_code") {
+ if (is_win) {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags = [ "/W4" ] # Warning level 4.
+ # Opt in to additional [[nodiscard]] on standard library methods.
+ defines = [ "_HAS_NODISCARD" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-Wall" ]
+ if (is_clang) {
+ # Enable extra warnings for chromium_code when we control the compiler.
+ cflags += [ "-Wextra" ]
+ }
+ # In Chromium code, we define __STDC_foo_MACROS in order to get the
+ # C99 macros on Mac and Linux.
+ defines = [
+ ]
+ if (!is_debug && !using_sanitizer && current_cpu != "s390x" &&
+ current_cpu != "s390" && current_cpu != "ppc64" &&
+ current_cpu != "mips" && current_cpu != "mips64" &&
+ current_cpu != "riscv64" && current_cpu != "loong64") {
+ # Non-chromium code is not guaranteed to compile cleanly with
+ # _FORTIFY_SOURCE. Also, fortified build may fail when optimizations are
+ # disabled, so only do that for Release build.
+ fortify_level = "2"
+ # ChromeOS's toolchain supports a high-quality _FORTIFY_SOURCE=3
+ # implementation with a few custom glibc patches. Use that if it's
+ # available.
+ if (is_chromeos_device && !lacros_use_chromium_toolchain) {
+ fortify_level = "3"
+ }
+ defines += [ "_FORTIFY_SOURCE=" + fortify_level ]
+ }
+ if (is_apple) {
+ cflags_objc = [ "-Wimplicit-retain-self" ]
+ cflags_objcc = [ "-Wimplicit-retain-self" ]
+ }
+ if (is_mac) {
+ cflags_objc += [ "-Wobjc-missing-property-synthesis" ]
+ cflags_objcc += [ "-Wobjc-missing-property-synthesis" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ # Warn on missing break statements at the end of switch cases.
+ # For intentional fallthrough, use [[fallthrough]].
+ "-Wimplicit-fallthrough",
+ # Warn on unnecessary extra semicolons outside of function definitions.
+ "-Wextra-semi",
+ # Warn on unreachable code, including unreachable breaks and returns.
+ # See for suppression strategies.
+ "-Wunreachable-code-aggressive",
+ ]
+ # Thread safety analysis is broken under nacl:
+ if (!is_nacl || is_nacl_saigo) {
+ cflags += [
+ # Thread safety analysis. See base/thread_annotations.h and
+ #
+ "-Wthread-safety",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ configs = [
+ ":default_warnings",
+ ":noshadowing",
+ ]
+ if (treat_warnings_as_errors) {
+ configs += [ ":treat_warnings_as_errors" ]
+ }
+config("no_chromium_code") {
+ cflags = []
+ cflags_cc = []
+ defines = []
+ if (is_win) {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "/W3" ] # Warning level 3.
+ }
+ cflags += [
+ "/wd4800", # Disable warning when forcing value to bool.
+ "/wd4267", # TODO(jschuh): size_t to int.
+ ]
+ } else {
+ if (is_clang && !is_nacl) {
+ # TODO(thakis): Remove !is_nacl once
+ # made its way into chromium.
+ cflags += [ "-Wall" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ # Lots of third-party libraries have unused variables. Instead of
+ # suppressing them individually, we just blanket suppress them here.
+ "-Wno-unused-variable",
+ # Similarly, we're not going to fix all the C++11 narrowing issues in
+ # third-party libraries.
+ "-Wno-c++11-narrowing",
+ ]
+ if (!is_nacl) {
+ cflags += [
+ # Disabled for similar reasons as -Wunused-variable.
+ "-Wno-unused-but-set-variable",
+ # TODO( Clean up and enable.
+ "-Wno-misleading-indentation",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Suppress all warnings in third party, as Cargo does:
+ #
+ rustflags = [ "--cap-lints=allow" ]
+ configs = [ ":default_warnings" ]
+ # GCC may emit unsuppressible warnings so only apply this config when
+ # building with clang.
+ if (treat_warnings_as_errors && is_clang) {
+ configs += [ ":treat_warnings_as_errors" ]
+ }
+# noshadowing -----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Allows turning -Wshadow on.
+config("noshadowing") {
+ # This flag has to be disabled for nacl because the nacl compiler is too
+ # strict about shadowing.
+ if (is_clang && (!is_nacl || is_nacl_saigo)) {
+ cflags = [ "-Wshadow" ]
+ }
+# rtti ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Allows turning Run-Time Type Identification on or off.
+config("rtti") {
+ if (is_win) {
+ cflags_cc = [ "/GR" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags_cc = [ "-frtti" ]
+ }
+config("no_rtti") {
+ # Some sanitizer configs may require RTTI to be left enabled globally
+ if (!use_rtti) {
+ if (is_win) {
+ cflags_cc = [ "/GR-" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags_cc = [ "-fno-rtti" ]
+ cflags_objcc = cflags_cc
+ }
+ }
+# export_dynamic ---------------------------------------------------------------
+# Ensures all exported symbols are added to the dynamic symbol table. This is
+# necessary to expose Chrome's custom operator new() and operator delete() (and
+# other memory-related symbols) to libraries. Otherwise, they might
+# (de)allocate memory on a different heap, which would spell trouble if pointers
+# to heap-allocated memory are passed over shared library boundaries.
+config("export_dynamic") {
+ # TODO( Revisit after target_os flip is completed.
+ if (is_linux || is_chromeos_lacros || export_libcxxabi_from_executables) {
+ ldflags = [ "-rdynamic" ]
+ }
+# thin_archive -----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Enables thin archives on posix, and on windows when the lld linker is used.
+# Regular archives directly include the object files used to generate it.
+# Thin archives merely reference the object files.
+# This makes building them faster since it requires less disk IO, but is
+# inappropriate if you wish to redistribute your static library.
+# This config is added to the global config, so thin archives should already be
+# enabled. If you want to make a distributable static library, you need to do 2
+# things:
+# 1. Set complete_static_lib so that all dependencies of the library make it
+# into the library. See `gn help complete_static_lib` for details.
+# 2. Remove the thin_archive config, so that the .a file actually contains all
+# .o files, instead of just references to .o files in the build directoy
+config("thin_archive") {
+ # The macOS and iOS default linker ld64 does not support reading thin
+ # archives.
+ # TODO( Enable on is_apple if use_lld once that no longer
+ # confuses lldb.
+ if ((is_posix && !is_nacl && !is_apple) || is_fuchsia) {
+ arflags = [ "-T" ]
+ } else if (is_win && use_lld) {
+ arflags = [ "/llvmlibthin" ]
+ }
+# exceptions -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Allows turning Exceptions on or off.
+# Note: exceptions are disallowed in Google code.
+config("exceptions") {
+ if (is_win) {
+ # Enables exceptions in the STL.
+ if (!use_custom_libcxx) {
+ defines = [ "_HAS_EXCEPTIONS=1" ]
+ }
+ cflags_cc = [ "/EHsc" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags_cc = [ "-fexceptions" ]
+ cflags_objcc = cflags_cc
+ }
+config("no_exceptions") {
+ if (is_win) {
+ # Disables exceptions in the STL.
+ # libc++ uses the __has_feature macro to control whether to use exceptions,
+ # so defining this macro is unnecessary. Defining _HAS_EXCEPTIONS to 0 also
+ # breaks libc++ because it depends on MSVC headers that only provide certain
+ # declarations if _HAS_EXCEPTIONS is 1. Those MSVC headers do not use
+ # exceptions, despite being conditional on _HAS_EXCEPTIONS.
+ if (!use_custom_libcxx) {
+ defines = [ "_HAS_EXCEPTIONS=0" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ cflags_cc = [ "-fno-exceptions" ]
+ cflags_objcc = cflags_cc
+ }
+# Warnings ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Generate a warning for code that might emit a static initializer.
+# See: //docs/
+# See:
+config("wglobal_constructors") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags = [ "-Wglobal-constructors" ]
+ }
+# This will generate warnings when using Clang if code generates exit-time
+# destructors, which will slow down closing the program.
+# TODO(thakis): Make this a blocklist instead,
+config("wexit_time_destructors") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags = [ "-Wexit-time-destructors" ]
+ }
+# Some code presumes that pointers to structures/objects are compatible
+# regardless of whether what they point to is already known to be valid.
+# gcc 4.9 and earlier had no way of suppressing this warning without
+# suppressing the rest of them. Here we centralize the identification of
+# the gcc 4.9 toolchains.
+config("no_incompatible_pointer_warnings") {
+ cflags = []
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "-Wno-incompatible-pointer-types" ]
+ } else if (current_cpu == "mipsel" || current_cpu == "mips64el") {
+ cflags += [ "-w" ]
+ } else if (is_chromeos_ash && current_cpu == "arm") {
+ cflags += [ "-w" ]
+ }
+# Optimization -----------------------------------------------------------------
+# The BUILDCONFIG file sets the "default_optimization" config on targets by
+# default. It will be equivalent to either "optimize" (release) or
+# "no_optimize" (debug) optimization configs.
+# You can override the optimization level on a per-target basis by removing the
+# default config and then adding the named one you want:
+# configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:default_optimization" ]
+# configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:optimize_max" ]
+# Shared settings for both "optimize" and "optimize_max" configs.
+# IMPORTANT: On Windows "/O1" and "/O2" must go before the common flags.
+if (is_win) {
+ common_optimize_on_cflags = [
+ "/Ob2", # Both explicit and auto inlining.
+ "/Oy-", # Disable omitting frame pointers, must be after /O2.
+ "/Zc:inline", # Remove unreferenced COMDAT (faster links).
+ ]
+ if (!is_asan) {
+ common_optimize_on_cflags += [
+ # Put data in separate COMDATs. This allows the linker
+ # to put bit-identical constants at the same address even if
+ # they're unrelated constants, which saves binary size.
+ # This optimization can't be used when ASan is enabled because
+ # it is not compatible with the ASan ODR checker.
+ "/Gw",
+ ]
+ }
+ common_optimize_on_ldflags = []
+ # /OPT:ICF is not desirable in Debug builds, since code-folding can result in
+ # misleading symbols in stack traces.
+ if (!is_debug && !is_component_build) {
+ common_optimize_on_ldflags += [ "/OPT:ICF" ] # Redundant COMDAT folding.
+ }
+ if (is_official_build) {
+ common_optimize_on_ldflags += [ "/OPT:REF" ] # Remove unreferenced data.
+ # TODO(thakis): Add LTO/PGO clang flags eventually,
+ }
+ if (is_clang) {
+ # See below.
+ common_optimize_on_cflags += [ "/clang:-fno-math-errno" ]
+ }
+} else {
+ common_optimize_on_cflags = []
+ common_optimize_on_ldflags = []
+ if (is_android) {
+ # TODO(jdduke) Re-enable on mips after resolving linking
+ # issues with libc++ (
+ if (current_cpu != "mipsel" && current_cpu != "mips64el") {
+ common_optimize_on_ldflags += [
+ # Warn in case of text relocations.
+ "-Wl,--warn-shared-textrel",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_apple) {
+ common_optimize_on_ldflags += [ "-Wl,-dead_strip" ]
+ if (is_official_build) {
+ common_optimize_on_ldflags += [
+ "-Wl,-no_data_in_code_info",
+ "-Wl,-no_function_starts",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else if (current_os != "aix" && current_os != "zos") {
+ # Non-Mac Posix flags.
+ # Aix does not support these.
+ common_optimize_on_cflags += [
+ # Put data and code in their own sections, so that unused symbols
+ # can be removed at link time with --gc-sections.
+ "-fdata-sections",
+ "-ffunction-sections",
+ ]
+ if ((!is_nacl || is_nacl_saigo) && is_clang) {
+ # We don't care about unique section names, this makes object files a bit
+ # smaller.
+ common_optimize_on_cflags += [ "-fno-unique-section-names" ]
+ }
+ common_optimize_on_ldflags += [
+ # Specifically tell the linker to perform optimizations.
+ # See .
+ # -O2 enables string tail merge optimization in gold and lld.
+ "-Wl,-O2",
+ "-Wl,--gc-sections",
+ ]
+ }
+ # We cannot rely on errno being set after math functions,
+ # especially since glibc does not set it. Thus, use -fno-math-errno
+ # so that the compiler knows it can inline math functions.
+ # Note that this is different from -ffast-math (even though -ffast-math
+ # implies -fno-math-errno), which also allows a number of unsafe
+ # optimizations.
+ common_optimize_on_cflags += [ "-fno-math-errno" ]
+config("default_stack_frames") {
+ if (!is_win) {
+ if (enable_frame_pointers) {
+ cflags = [ "-fno-omit-frame-pointer" ]
+ # Omit frame pointers for leaf functions on x86, otherwise building libyuv
+ # gives clang's register allocator issues, see /
+ #
+ if (is_clang && current_cpu == "x86" && !is_apple) {
+ cflags += [ "-momit-leaf-frame-pointer" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-fomit-frame-pointer" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # On Windows, the flag to enable framepointers "/Oy-" must always come after
+ # the optimization flag [e.g. "/O2"]. The optimization flag is set by one of
+ # the "optimize" configs, see rest of this file. The ordering that cflags are
+ # applied is well-defined by the GN spec, and there is no way to ensure that
+ # cflags set by "default_stack_frames" is applied after those set by an
+ # "optimize" config. Similarly, there is no way to propagate state from this
+ # config into the "optimize" config. We always apply the "/Oy-" config in the
+ # definition for common_optimize_on_cflags definition, even though this may
+ # not be correct.
+# Default "optimization on" config.
+config("optimize") {
+ if (is_win) {
+ if (chrome_pgo_phase != 2) {
+ # Favor size over speed, /O1 must be before the common flags.
+ # /O1 implies /Os and /GF.
+ cflags = [ "/O1" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags + [ "/Oi" ]
+ rustflags = [ "-Copt-level=s" ]
+ } else {
+ # PGO requires all translation units to be compiled with /O2. The actual
+ # optimization level will be decided based on the profiling data.
+ cflags = [ "/O2" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags + [ "/Oi" ]
+ #
+ # suggests not using an explicit `-Copt-level` at all, and the default is
+ # to optimize for performance like `/O2` for clang.
+ rustflags = []
+ }
+ } else if (optimize_for_size) {
+ # Favor size over speed.
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags = [ "-Oz" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ if (use_ml_inliner && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mllvm",
+ "-enable-ml-inliner=release",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-Os" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ }
+ # Like with `-Oz` on Clang, `-Copt-level=z` will also turn off loop
+ # vectorization.
+ rustflags = [ "-Copt-level=z" ]
+ } else if (is_chromeos) {
+ # TODO(gbiv): This is partially favoring size over speed. CrOS exclusively
+ # uses clang, and -Os in clang is more of a size-conscious -O2 than "size at
+ # any cost" (AKA -Oz). It'd be nice to:
+ # - Make `optimize_for_size` apply to all platforms where we're optimizing
+ # for size by default (so, also Windows)
+ # - Investigate -Oz here, maybe just for ARM?
+ cflags = [ "-Os" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ # Similar to clang, we optimize with `-Copt-level=s` to keep loop
+ # vectorization while otherwise optimizing for size.
+ rustflags = [ "-Copt-level=s" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-O2" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ # The `-O3` for clang turns on extra optimizations compared to the standard
+ # `-O2`. But for rust, `-Copt-level=3` is the default and is thus reliable
+ # to use.
+ rustflags = [ "-Copt-level=3" ]
+ }
+ ldflags = common_optimize_on_ldflags
+# Turn off optimizations.
+config("no_optimize") {
+ if (is_win) {
+ cflags = [
+ "/Od", # Disable optimization.
+ "/Ob0", # Disable all inlining (on by default).
+ "/GF", # Enable string pooling (off by default).
+ ]
+ if (target_cpu == "arm64") {
+ # Disable omitting frame pointers for no_optimize build because stack
+ # traces on Windows ARM64 rely on it.
+ cflags += [ "/Oy-" ]
+ }
+ } else if (is_android && !android_full_debug) {
+ # On Android we kind of optimize some things that don't affect debugging
+ # much even when optimization is disabled to get the binary size down.
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags = [ "-Oz" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-Os" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ }
+ if (!is_component_build) {
+ # Required for library partitions. Without this all symbols just end up
+ # in the base partition.
+ ldflags = [ "-Wl,--gc-sections" ]
+ }
+ } else if (is_fuchsia) {
+ # On Fuchsia, we optimize for size here to reduce the size of debug build
+ # packages so they can be run in a KVM. See for details.
+ cflags = [ "-Og" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-O0" ]
+ ldflags = []
+ }
+# Turns up the optimization level. On Windows, this implies whole program
+# optimization and link-time code generation which is very expensive and should
+# be used sparingly.
+config("optimize_max") {
+ if (is_nacl && is_nacl_irt) {
+ # The NaCl IRT is a special case and always wants its own config.
+ # Various components do:
+ # if (!is_debug) {
+ # configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:default_optimization" ]
+ # configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:optimize_max" ]
+ # }
+ # So this config has to have the selection logic just like
+ # "default_optimization", below.
+ configs = [ "//build/config/nacl:irt_optimize" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags = common_optimize_on_ldflags
+ if (is_win) {
+ # Favor speed over size, /O2 must be before the common flags.
+ # /O2 implies /Ot, /Oi, and /GF.
+ cflags = [ "/O2" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ } else if (optimize_for_fuzzing) {
+ cflags = [ "-O1" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-O2" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ }
+ rustflags = [ "-Copt-level=3" ]
+ }
+# This config can be used to override the default settings for per-component
+# and whole-program optimization, optimizing the particular target for speed
+# instead of code size. This config is exactly the same as "optimize_max"
+# except that we use -O3 instead of -O2 on non-win, non-IRT platforms.
+# TODO( - rework how all of these configs are related
+# so that we don't need this disclaimer.
+config("optimize_speed") {
+ if (is_nacl && is_nacl_irt) {
+ # The NaCl IRT is a special case and always wants its own config.
+ # Various components do:
+ # if (!is_debug) {
+ # configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:default_optimization" ]
+ # configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:optimize_max" ]
+ # }
+ # So this config has to have the selection logic just like
+ # "default_optimization", below.
+ configs = [ "//build/config/nacl:irt_optimize" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags = common_optimize_on_ldflags
+ if (is_win) {
+ # Favor speed over size, /O2 must be before the common flags.
+ # /O2 implies /Ot, /Oi, and /GF.
+ cflags = [ "/O2" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ } else if (optimize_for_fuzzing) {
+ cflags = [ "-O1" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-O3" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ }
+ rustflags = [ "-Copt-level=3" ]
+ }
+config("optimize_fuzzing") {
+ cflags = [ "-O1" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ rustflags = [ "-Copt-level=1" ]
+ ldflags = common_optimize_on_ldflags
+ visibility = [ ":default_optimization" ]
+# The default optimization applied to all targets. This will be equivalent to
+# either "optimize" or "no_optimize", depending on the build flags.
+config("default_optimization") {
+ if (is_nacl && is_nacl_irt) {
+ # The NaCl IRT is a special case and always wants its own config.
+ # It gets optimized the same way regardless of the type of build.
+ configs = [ "//build/config/nacl:irt_optimize" ]
+ } else if (is_debug) {
+ configs = [ ":no_optimize" ]
+ } else if (optimize_for_fuzzing) {
+ assert(!is_win, "Fuzzing optimize level not supported on Windows")
+ # Coverage build is quite slow. Using "optimize_for_fuzzing" makes it even
+ # slower as it uses "-O1" instead of "-O3". Prevent that from happening.
+ assert(!use_clang_coverage,
+ "optimize_for_fuzzing=true should not be used with " +
+ "use_clang_coverage=true.")
+ configs = [ ":optimize_fuzzing" ]
+ } else {
+ configs = [ ":optimize" ]
+ }
+_clang_sample_profile = ""
+if (is_clang && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ if (clang_sample_profile_path != "") {
+ _clang_sample_profile = clang_sample_profile_path
+ } else if (clang_use_default_sample_profile) {
+ assert(build_with_chromium,
+ "Our default profiles currently only apply to Chromium")
+ assert(is_android || is_chromeos || is_castos,
+ "The current platform has no default profile")
+ if (is_android || is_castos) {
+ _clang_sample_profile = "//chrome/android/profiles/"
+ } else {
+ assert(
+ chromeos_afdo_platform == "atom" ||
+ chromeos_afdo_platform == "bigcore" ||
+ chromeos_afdo_platform == "arm" ||
+ chromeos_afdo_platform == "arm-exp",
+ "Only 'atom', 'bigcore', 'arm' and 'arm-exp' are valid ChromeOS profiles.")
+ _clang_sample_profile =
+ "//chromeos/profiles/${chromeos_afdo_platform}"
+ }
+ }
+# Clang offers a way to assert that AFDO profiles are accurate, which causes it
+# to optimize functions not represented in a profile more aggressively for size.
+# This config can be toggled in cases where shaving off binary size hurts
+# performance too much.
+config("afdo_optimize_size") {
+ if (_clang_sample_profile != "" && sample_profile_is_accurate) {
+ cflags = [ "-fprofile-sample-accurate" ]
+ }
+# GCC and clang support a form of profile-guided optimization called AFDO.
+# There are some targeted places that AFDO regresses, so we provide a separate
+# config to allow AFDO to be disabled per-target.
+config("afdo") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags = []
+ if (clang_emit_debug_info_for_profiling) {
+ # Add the following flags to generate debug info for profiling.
+ cflags += [ "-gline-tables-only" ]
+ if (!is_nacl) {
+ cflags += [ "-fdebug-info-for-profiling" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (_clang_sample_profile != "") {
+ assert(chrome_pgo_phase == 0, "AFDO can't be used in PGO builds")
+ rebased_clang_sample_profile =
+ rebase_path(_clang_sample_profile, root_build_dir)
+ cflags += [ "-fprofile-sample-use=${rebased_clang_sample_profile}" ]
+ if (use_profi) {
+ cflags += [ "-fsample-profile-use-profi" ]
+ }
+ # ARM builds see failures due to -Wbackend-plugin.
+ # These seem to be false positives - the complaints are about functions
+ # marked with `__nodebug__` not having associated debuginfo. In the case
+ # where this was observed, the `__nodebug__` function was also marked
+ # `__always_inline__` and had no branches, so AFDO info is likely useless
+ # there.
+ cflags += [ "-Wno-backend-plugin" ]
+ inputs = [ _clang_sample_profile ]
+ }
+ } else if (auto_profile_path != "" && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ cflags = [ "-fauto-profile=${auto_profile_path}" ]
+ inputs = [ auto_profile_path ]
+ }
+# Symbols ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# The BUILDCONFIG file sets the "default_symbols" config on targets by
+# default. It will be equivalent to one the three specific symbol levels.
+# You can override the symbol level on a per-target basis by removing the
+# default config and then adding the named one you want:
+# configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:default_symbols" ]
+# configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:symbols" ]
+# A helper config that all configs passing /DEBUG to the linker should
+# include as sub-config.
+config("win_pdbaltpath") {
+ visibility = [
+ ":minimal_symbols",
+ ":symbols",
+ ]
+ # /DEBUG causes the linker to generate a pdb file, and to write the absolute
+ # path to it in the executable file it generates. This flag turns that
+ # absolute path into just the basename of the pdb file, which helps with
+ # build reproducibility. Debuggers look for pdb files next to executables,
+ # so there's minimal downside to always using this. However, post-mortem
+ # debugging of Chromium crash dumps and ETW tracing can be complicated by this
+ # switch so an option to omit it is important.
+ if (!use_full_pdb_paths) {
+ ldflags = [ "/pdbaltpath:%_PDB%" ]
+ }
+# Full symbols.
+config("symbols") {
+ rustflags = []
+ if (is_win) {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags = [
+ # Debug information in the .obj files.
+ "/Z7",
+ # Disable putting the compiler command line into the debug info to
+ # prevent some types of non-determinism.
+ "-gno-codeview-command-line",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "/Zi" ] # Produce PDB file, no edit and continue.
+ }
+ if (is_clang && use_lld && use_ghash) {
+ cflags += [ "-gcodeview-ghash" ]
+ ldflags = [ "/DEBUG:GHASH" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags = [ "/DEBUG" ]
+ }
+ # All configs using /DEBUG should include this:
+ configs = [ ":win_pdbaltpath" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags = []
+ if (is_mac && enable_dsyms) {
+ # If generating dSYMs, specify -fno-standalone-debug. This was
+ # originally specified for because dsymutil
+ # could not handle a 4GB dSYM file. But dsymutil from Xcodes prior to
+ # version 7 also produces debug data that is incompatible with Breakpad
+ # dump_syms, so this is still required (
+ cflags += [ "-fno-standalone-debug" ]
+ }
+ # On aix -gdwarf causes linker failures due to thread_local variables.
+ if (!is_nacl && current_os != "aix") {
+ if (use_dwarf5) {
+ cflags += [ "-gdwarf-5" ]
+ rustflags += [ "-Zdwarf-version=5" ]
+ } else {
+ # Recent clang versions default to DWARF5 on Linux, and Android is about
+ # to switch. TODO: Adopt that in controlled way. For now, keep DWARF4.
+ # Apple platforms still default to 4 in clang, so they don't need the
+ # cflags.
+ if (!is_apple) {
+ cflags += [ "-gdwarf-4" ]
+ }
+ # On Apple, rustc defaults to DWARF2 so it needs to be told how to
+ # match clang.
+ rustflags += [ "-Zdwarf-version=4" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # The gcc-based nacl compilers don't support -fdebug-compilation-dir (see
+ # elsewhere in this file), so they can't have build-dir-independent output.
+ # Moreover pnacl does not support newer flags such as -fdebug-prefix-map
+ # Disable symbols for nacl object files to get deterministic,
+ # build-directory-independent output.
+ # Keeping -g2 for saigo as it's the only toolchain whose artifacts that are
+ # part of chromium release (other nacl toolchains are used only for tests).
+ if ((!is_nacl || is_nacl_saigo) && current_os != "zos") {
+ cflags += [ "-g2" ]
+ }
+ if (!is_nacl && is_clang && !is_tsan && !is_asan) {
+ # gcc generates dwarf-aranges by default on -g1 and -g2. On clang it has
+ # to be manually enabled.
+ #
+ # It is skipped in tsan and asan because enabling it causes some
+ # formatting changes in the output which would require fixing bunches
+ # of expectation regexps.
+ cflags += [ "-gdwarf-aranges" ]
+ }
+ if (is_apple) {
+ swiftflags = [ "-g" ]
+ }
+ if (use_debug_fission) {
+ cflags += [ "-gsplit-dwarf" ]
+ }
+ asmflags = cflags
+ ldflags = []
+ # Split debug info with all thinlto builds except nacl and apple.
+ # thinlto requires -gsplit-dwarf in ldflags.
+ if (use_debug_fission && use_thin_lto && !is_nacl && !is_apple) {
+ ldflags += [ "-gsplit-dwarf" ]
+ }
+ # TODO(thakis): Figure out if there's a way to make this go for 32-bit,
+ # currently we get "warning:
+ # obj/native_client/src/trusted/service_runtime/sel_asm/nacl_switch_32.o:
+ # DWARF info may be corrupt; offsets in a range list entry are in different
+ # sections" there. Maybe just a bug in nacl_switch_32.S.
+ _enable_gdb_index =
+ symbol_level == 2 && !is_apple && !is_nacl && current_cpu != "x86" &&
+ current_os != "zos" && (use_gold || use_lld) &&
+ # Disable on non-fission 32-bit Android because it pushes
+ # libcomponents_unittests over the 4gb size limit.
+ !(is_android && !use_debug_fission && current_cpu != "x64" &&
+ current_cpu != "arm64")
+ if (_enable_gdb_index) {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ # This flag enables the GNU-format pubnames and pubtypes sections,
+ # which lld needs in order to generate a correct GDB index.
+ # TODO(pcc): Try to make lld understand non-GNU-format pubnames
+ # sections (
+ cflags += [ "-ggnu-pubnames" ]
+ }
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--gdb-index" ]
+ }
+ }
+ configs = []
+ # Compress debug on 32-bit ARM to stay under 4GB for ChromeOS
+ # https://b/243982712.
+ if (symbol_level == 2 && is_chromeos_device && !use_debug_fission &&
+ !is_nacl && current_cpu == "arm") {
+ configs += [ "//build/config:compress_debug_sections" ]
+ }
+ if (is_clang && (!is_nacl || is_nacl_saigo) && current_os != "zos") {
+ if (is_apple) {
+ # TODO( Investigate missing debug info on mac.
+ # Make sure we don't use constructor homing on mac.
+ cflags += [
+ "-Xclang",
+ "-debug-info-kind=limited",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ # Use constructor homing for debug info. This option reduces debug info
+ # by emitting class type info only when constructors are emitted.
+ cflags += [
+ "-Xclang",
+ "-fuse-ctor-homing",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ rustflags += [ "-g" ]
+# Minimal symbols.
+# This config guarantees to hold symbol for stack trace which are shown to user
+# when crash happens in unittests running on buildbot.
+config("minimal_symbols") {
+ rustflags = []
+ if (is_win) {
+ # Functions, files, and line tables only.
+ cflags = []
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ # Disable putting the compiler command line into the debug info to
+ # prevent some types of non-determinism.
+ "-gno-codeview-command-line",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (is_clang && use_lld && use_ghash) {
+ cflags += [ "-gcodeview-ghash" ]
+ ldflags = [ "/DEBUG:GHASH" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags = [ "/DEBUG" ]
+ }
+ # All configs using /DEBUG should include this:
+ configs = [ ":win_pdbaltpath" ]
+ # Enable line tables for clang. MSVC doesn't have an equivalent option.
+ if (is_clang) {
+ # -gline-tables-only is the same as -g1, but clang-cl only exposes the
+ # former.
+ cflags += [ "-gline-tables-only" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ cflags = []
+ if (is_mac && !use_dwarf5) {
+ # clang defaults to DWARF2 on macOS unless mac_deployment_target is
+ # at least 10.11.
+ # TODO(thakis): Remove this once mac_deployment_target is 10.11.
+ cflags += [ "-gdwarf-4" ]
+ rustflags += [ "-Zdwarf-version=4" ]
+ } else if (!use_dwarf5 && !is_nacl && current_os != "aix") {
+ # On aix -gdwarf causes linker failures due to thread_local variables.
+ # Recent clang versions default to DWARF5 on Linux, and Android is about
+ # to switch. TODO: Adopt that in controlled way.
+ cflags += [ "-gdwarf-4" ]
+ rustflags += [ "-Zdwarf-version=4" ]
+ }
+ if (use_dwarf5 && !is_nacl) {
+ cflags += [ "-gdwarf-5" ]
+ rustflags += [ "-Zdwarf-version=5" ]
+ }
+ # The gcc-based nacl compilers don't support -fdebug-compilation-dir (see
+ # elsewhere in this file), so they can't have build-dir-independent output.
+ # Moreover pnacl does not support newer flags such as -fdebug-prefix-map
+ # Disable symbols for nacl object files to get deterministic,
+ # build-directory-independent output.
+ # Keeping -g1 for saigo as it's the only toolchain whose artifacts that are
+ # part of chromium release (other nacl toolchains are used only for tests).
+ if (!is_nacl || is_nacl_saigo) {
+ cflags += [ "-g1" ]
+ }
+ if (!is_nacl && is_clang && !is_tsan && !is_asan) {
+ # See comment for -gdwarf-aranges in config("symbols").
+ cflags += [ "-gdwarf-aranges" ]
+ }
+ ldflags = []
+ if (is_android && is_clang) {
+ # Android defaults to symbol_level=1 builds, but clang, unlike gcc,
+ # doesn't emit DW_AT_linkage_name in -g1 builds.
+ # -fdebug-info-for-profiling enables that (and a bunch of other things we
+ # don't need), so that we get qualified names in stacks.
+ # TODO(thakis): Consider making clang emit DW_AT_linkage_name in -g1 mode;
+ # failing that consider doing this on non-Android too.
+ cflags += [ "-fdebug-info-for-profiling" ]
+ }
+ asmflags = cflags
+ }
+ rustflags += [ "-Cdebuginfo=1" ]
+# This configuration contains function names only. That is, the compiler is
+# told to not generate debug information and the linker then just puts function
+# names in the final debug information.
+config("no_symbols") {
+ if (is_win) {
+ ldflags = [ "/DEBUG" ]
+ # All configs using /DEBUG should include this:
+ configs = [ ":win_pdbaltpath" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-g0" ]
+ asmflags = cflags
+ }
+# Default symbols.
+config("default_symbols") {
+ if (symbol_level == 0) {
+ configs = [ ":no_symbols" ]
+ } else if (symbol_level == 1) {
+ configs = [ ":minimal_symbols" ]
+ } else if (symbol_level == 2) {
+ configs = [ ":symbols" ]
+ } else {
+ assert(false)
+ }
+ # This config is removed by base unittests apk.
+ if (is_android && is_clang && strip_debug_info) {
+ configs += [ ":strip_debug" ]
+ }
+config("strip_debug") {
+ if (!defined(ldflags)) {
+ ldflags = []
+ }
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--strip-debug" ]
+if (is_apple) {
+ # On macOS and iOS, this enables support for ARC (automatic reference
+ # counting). See
+ #
+ # -fobjc-arc enables ARC overall.
+ #
+ # ARC does not add exception handlers to pure Objective-C code, but does add
+ # them to Objective-C++ code with the rationale that C++ pervasively adds them
+ # in for exception safety. However, exceptions are banned in Chromium code for
+ # C++ and exceptions in Objective-C code are intended to be fatal, so
+ # -fno-objc-arc-exceptions is specified to disable these unwanted exception
+ # handlers.
+ config("enable_arc") {
+ common_flags = [
+ "-fobjc-arc",
+ "-fno-objc-arc-exceptions",
+ ]
+ cflags_objc = common_flags
+ cflags_objcc = common_flags
+ }
+if (is_android) {
+ # Use orderfile for linking Chrome on Android.
+ # This config enables using an orderfile for linking in LLD.
+ config("chrome_orderfile_config") {
+ # Don't try to use an orderfile with call graph sorting, except on Android,
+ # where we care about memory used by code, so we still want to mandate
+ # ordering.
+ if (chrome_orderfile_path != "") {
+ assert(use_lld)
+ _rebased_orderfile = rebase_path(chrome_orderfile_path, root_build_dir)
+ ldflags = [
+ "-Wl,--symbol-ordering-file",
+ "-Wl,$_rebased_orderfile",
+ "-Wl,--no-warn-symbol-ordering",
+ ]
+ inputs = [ chrome_orderfile_path ]
+ }
+ }
+# Initialize all variables on the stack if needed.
+config("default_init_stack_vars") {
+ cflags = []
+ if (init_stack_vars && is_clang && !is_nacl && !using_sanitizer) {
+ if (init_stack_vars_zero) {
+ cflags += [ "-ftrivial-auto-var-init=zero" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "-ftrivial-auto-var-init=pattern" ]
+ }
+ }
+buildflag_header("compiler_buildflags") {
+ header = "compiler_buildflags.h"
+ flags = [
+ "CLANG_PGO=$chrome_pgo_phase",
+ "SYMBOL_LEVEL=$symbol_level",
+ ]
+config("cet_shadow_stack") {
+ if (enable_cet_shadow_stack && is_win) {
+ assert(target_cpu == "x64")
+ ldflags = [ "/CETCOMPAT" ]
+ }
Index: radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-target-aarch64-patch/src-orig/build/config/compiler/
--- radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-target-aarch64-patch/src-orig/build/config/compiler/ (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-target-aarch64-patch/src-orig/build/config/compiler/ (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,3032 @@
+# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+if (current_cpu == "arm" || current_cpu == "arm64") {
+ import("//build/config/arm.gni")
+if (current_cpu == "mipsel" || current_cpu == "mips64el" ||
+ current_cpu == "mips" || current_cpu == "mips64") {
+ import("//build/config/mips.gni")
+if (is_mac) {
+ import("//build/config/apple/symbols.gni")
+if (is_ios) {
+ import("//build/config/ios/ios_sdk.gni")
+if (is_nacl) {
+ # To keep NaCl variables out of builds that don't include NaCl, all
+ # variables defined in nacl/config.gni referenced here should be protected by
+ # is_nacl conditions.
+ import("//build/config/nacl/config.gni")
+lld_path = ""
+if (!is_clang) {
+ declare_args() {
+ # This allows overriding the location of lld.
+ lld_path = rebase_path("$clang_base_path/bin", root_build_dir)
+ }
+} else {
+ # clang looks for lld next to it, no need for -B.
+ lld_path = ""
+declare_args() {
+ # Normally, Android builds are lightly optimized, even for debug builds, to
+ # keep binary size down. Setting this flag to true disables such optimization
+ android_full_debug = false
+ # Compile in such a way as to make it possible for the profiler to unwind full
+ # stack frames. Setting this flag has a large effect on the performance of the
+ # generated code than just setting profiling, but gives the profiler more
+ # information to analyze.
+ # Requires profiling to be set to true.
+ enable_full_stack_frames_for_profiling = false
+ # When we are going to use gold we need to find it.
+ # This is initialized below, after use_gold might have been overridden.
+ gold_path = ""
+ # Enable fatal linker warnings. Building Chromium with certain versions
+ # of binutils can cause linker warning.
+ fatal_linker_warnings = true
+ # Build with C++ RTTI enabled. Chromium builds without RTTI by default,
+ # but some sanitizers are known to require it, like CFI diagnostics
+ # and UBsan variants.
+ use_rtti = use_cfi_diag || is_ubsan_vptr || is_ubsan_security
+ # AFDO (Automatic Feedback Directed Optimizer) is a form of profile-guided
+ # optimization that GCC supports. It used by ChromeOS in their official
+ # builds. To use it, set auto_profile_path to the path to a file containing
+ # the needed gcov profiling data.
+ auto_profile_path = ""
+ # Optimize for coverage guided fuzzing (balance between speed and number of
+ # branches)
+ optimize_for_fuzzing = false
+ # Path to an AFDO profile to use while building with clang, if any. Empty
+ # implies none.
+ clang_sample_profile_path = ""
+ # Some configurations have default sample profiles. If this is true and
+ # clang_sample_profile_path is empty, we'll fall back to the default.
+ #
+ # We currently only have default profiles for Chromium in-tree, so we disable
+ # this by default for all downstream projects, since these profiles are likely
+ # nonsensical for said projects.
+ clang_use_default_sample_profile =
+ chrome_pgo_phase == 0 && build_with_chromium && is_official_build &&
+ (is_android || chromeos_is_browser_only)
+ # This configuration is used to select a default profile in Chrome OS based on
+ # the microarchitectures we are using. This is only used if
+ # clang_use_default_sample_profile is true and clang_sample_profile_path is
+ # empty.
+ chromeos_afdo_platform = "atom"
+ # Emit debug information for profiling wile building with clang.
+ # Only enable this for ChromeOS official builds for AFDO.
+ clang_emit_debug_info_for_profiling = is_chromeos_device && is_official_build
+ # Turn this on to have the compiler output extra timing information.
+ compiler_timing = false
+ # Turn this on to use ghash feature of lld for faster debug link on Windows.
+ #
+ use_ghash = true
+ # Whether to enable ThinLTO optimizations. Turning ThinLTO optimizations on
+ # can substantially increase link time and binary size, but they generally
+ # also make binaries a fair bit faster.
+ #
+ # TODO(gbiv): We disable optimizations by default on most platforms because
+ # the space overhead is too great. We should use some mixture of profiles and
+ # optimization settings to better tune the size increase.
+ thin_lto_enable_optimizations =
+ (is_chromeos || is_android || is_win || is_linux || is_mac ||
+ (is_ios && use_lld)) && is_official_build
+ # Whether to enable thin lto incremental builds.
+ # See:
+ # The cache can lead to non-determinism:
+ thin_lto_enable_cache = true
+ # Initialize all local variables with a pattern. This flag will fill
+ # uninitialized floating-point types (and 32-bit pointers) with 0xFF and the
+ # rest with 0xAA. This makes behavior of uninitialized memory bugs consistent,
+ # recognizable in the debugger, and crashes on memory accesses through
+ # uninitialized pointers.
+ #
+ # Flag discussion:
+ #
+ # TODO( This regresses binary size by ~1MB on Android and
+ # needs to be evaluated before enabling it there as well.
+ init_stack_vars = !(is_android && is_official_build)
+ # Zero init has favorable performance/size tradeoffs for Chrome OS
+ # but was not evaluated for other platforms.
+ init_stack_vars_zero = is_chromeos
+ # This argument is to control whether enabling text section splitting in the
+ # final binary. When enabled, the separated text sections with prefix
+ # '', '.text.unlikely', '.text.startup' and '.text.exit' will not be
+ # merged to '.text' section. This allows us to identify the hot code section
+ # ('') in the binary, which allows our data collection pipelines to
+ # more easily identify code that we assume to be hot/cold that doesn't turn
+ # out to be such in the field.
+ use_text_section_splitting = is_chromeos
+ # Enable DWARF v5.
+ use_dwarf5 = false
+ # Override this to put full paths to PDBs in Windows PE files. This helps
+ # windbg and Windows Performance Analyzer with finding the PDBs in some local-
+ # build scenarios. This is never needed for bots or official builds. Because
+ # this puts the output directory in the DLLs/EXEs it breaks build determinism.
+ # Bugs have been reported to the windbg/WPA teams and this workaround will be
+ # removed when they are fixed.
+ use_full_pdb_paths = false
+ # Enable -H, which prints the include tree during compilation.
+ # For use by tools/clang/scripts/
+ show_includes = false
+ # Enable Profi algorithm. Profi can infer block and edge counts.
+ #
+ # TODO( Possibly enable this for Android too.
+ use_profi = is_chromeos
+ # If true, linker crashes will be rerun with `--reproduce` which causes
+ # a reproducer file to be saved.
+ save_reproducers_on_lld_crash = false
+ # Enable ShadowCallStack for compiled binaries. SCS stores a pointer to a
+ # shadow call stack in register x18. Hence, x18 must not be used by the OS
+ # or libraries. We assume that to be the case for high end Android
+ # configurations. For more details see
+ #
+ enable_shadow_call_stack = false
+ # Use DWARF simple template names, with the following exceptions:
+ #
+ # * Windows is not supported as it doesn't use DWARF.
+ # * Apple platforms (e.g. MacOS, iPhone, iPad) aren't supported because xcode
+ # lldb doesn't have the needed changes yet.
+ # TODO( Remove if the upstream default ever changes.
+ #
+ # This greatly reduces the size of debug builds, at the cost of
+ # debugging information which is required by some specialized
+ # debugging tools.
+ simple_template_names = is_clang && !is_nacl && !is_win && !is_apple
+declare_args() {
+ # Set to true to use icf, Identical Code Folding.
+ #
+ # icf=all is broken in older golds, see
+ #
+ # chromeos binutils has been patched with the fix, so always use icf there.
+ # The bug only affects x86 and x64, so we can still use ICF when targeting
+ # other architectures.
+ #
+ # lld doesn't have the bug.
+ use_icf = (is_posix || is_fuchsia) && !is_debug && !using_sanitizer &&
+ !use_clang_coverage && current_os != "zos" &&
+ !(is_android && use_order_profiling) &&
+ (use_lld || (use_gold && (is_chromeos || !(current_cpu == "x86" ||
+ current_cpu == "x64"))))
+if (is_android) {
+ # Set the path to use orderfile for linking Chrome
+ # Note that this is for using only one orderfile for linking
+ # the Chrome binary/library.
+ declare_args() {
+ chrome_orderfile_path = ""
+ if (defined(default_chrome_orderfile)) {
+ # Allow downstream tools to set orderfile path with
+ # another variable.
+ chrome_orderfile_path = default_chrome_orderfile
+ }
+ }
+declare_args() {
+ # Turn off the --call-graph-profile-sort flag for lld by default. Enable
+ # selectively for targets where it's beneficial.
+ enable_call_graph_profile_sort =
+ chrome_pgo_phase == 2 ||
+ (is_chromeos &&
+ (clang_use_default_sample_profile || clang_sample_profile_path != ""))
+assert(!(llvm_force_head_revision && use_goma),
+ "can't use goma with trunk clang")
+assert(!(llvm_force_head_revision && use_remoteexec),
+ "can't use rbe with trunk clang")
+# default_include_dirs ---------------------------------------------------------
+# This is a separate config so that third_party code (which would not use the
+# source root and might have conflicting versions of some headers) can remove
+# this and specify their own include paths.
+config("default_include_dirs") {
+ include_dirs = [
+ "//",
+ root_gen_dir,
+ ]
+# Compiler instrumentation can introduce dependencies in DSOs to symbols in
+# the executable they are loaded into, so they are unresolved at link-time.
+config("no_unresolved_symbols") {
+ if (!using_sanitizer &&
+ (is_linux || is_chromeos || is_android || is_fuchsia)) {
+ ldflags = [
+ "-Wl,-z,defs",
+ "-Wl,--as-needed",
+ ]
+ }
+# compiler ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Base compiler configuration.
+# See also "runtime_library" below for related stuff and a discussion about
+# where stuff should go. Put warning related stuff in the "warnings" config.
+config("compiler") {
+ asmflags = []
+ cflags = []
+ cflags_c = []
+ cflags_cc = []
+ cflags_objc = []
+ cflags_objcc = []
+ rustflags = []
+ ldflags = []
+ defines = []
+ configs = []
+ rustflags = []
+ # System-specific flags. If your compiler flags apply to one of the
+ # categories here, add it to the associated file to keep this shared config
+ # smaller.
+ if (is_win) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/win:compiler" ]
+ } else if (is_android) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/android:compiler" ]
+ } else if (is_linux || is_chromeos) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/linux:compiler" ]
+ } else if (is_nacl) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/nacl:compiler" ]
+ } else if (is_mac) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/mac:compiler" ]
+ } else if (is_ios) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/ios:compiler" ]
+ } else if (is_fuchsia) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/fuchsia:compiler" ]
+ } else if (current_os == "aix") {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/aix:compiler" ]
+ } else if (current_os == "zos") {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/zos:compiler" ]
+ }
+ configs += [
+ # See the definitions below.
+ ":clang_revision",
+ ":rustc_revision",
+ ":compiler_cpu_abi",
+ ":compiler_codegen",
+ ":compiler_deterministic",
+ ]
+ # Here we enable -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks, which makes various nullptr
+ # operations (e.g. dereferencing) into defined behavior. This avoids deletion
+ # of some security-critical code: see
+ # Nacl does not support the flag. And, we still want UBSAN to catch undefined
+ # behavior related to nullptrs, so do not add this flag if UBSAN is enabled.
+ # GCC seems to have some bugs compiling constexpr code when this is defined,
+ # so only enable it if using_clang. See:
+ # TODO(mpdenton): remove is_clang once GCC bug is fixed.
+ if (!is_nacl && !is_ubsan && is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "-fno-delete-null-pointer-checks" ]
+ }
+ # Don't emit the GCC version ident directives, they just end up in the
+ # .comment section or debug info taking up binary size, and makes comparing
+ # .o files built with different compiler versions harder.
+ if (!is_win || is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "-fno-ident" ]
+ }
+ # In general, Windows is totally different, but all the other builds share
+ # some common compiler and linker configuration.
+ if (!is_win) {
+ # Common POSIX compiler flags setup.
+ # --------------------------------
+ cflags += [ "-fno-strict-aliasing" ] # See
+ # Stack protection. ShadowCallStack and Stack protector address the same
+ # problems. Therefore, we only enable one or the other. Clang advertises SCS as
+ # a stronger alternative to StackProtector, so we give SCS precedence over SP.
+ if (enable_shadow_call_stack) {
+ # On Aarch64, SCS requires the x18 register to be unused because it will hold
+ # a pointer to the shadow stack. For Android we know that Clang doesn't use
+ # x18 by default. On other OSs adding "-ffixed-x18" might be required.
+ assert(is_android)
+ scs_parameters = [
+ "-fsanitize=shadow-call-stack",
+ "-fno-stack-protector",
+ ]
+ cflags += scs_parameters
+ ldflags += scs_parameters
+ } else {
+ if (is_apple) {
+ # The strong variant of the stack protector significantly increases
+ # binary size, so only enable it in debug mode.
+ if (is_debug) {
+ cflags += [ "-fstack-protector-strong" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "-fstack-protector" ]
+ }
+ } else if ((is_posix && !is_chromeos && !is_nacl) || is_fuchsia) {
+ # TODO(phajdan.jr): Use -fstack-protector-strong when our gcc supports it.
+ # See also
+ # The x86 toolchain currently has problems with stack-protector.
+ if (is_android && current_cpu == "x86") {
+ cflags += [ "-fno-stack-protector" ]
+ } else if (current_os != "aix") {
+ # Not available on aix.
+ cflags += [ "-fstack-protector" ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (use_lld) {
+ ldflags += [ "-fuse-ld=lld" ]
+ if (lld_path != "") {
+ ldflags += [ "-B$lld_path" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Linker warnings.
+ if (fatal_linker_warnings && !is_apple && current_os != "aix" &&
+ current_os != "zos") {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--fatal-warnings" ]
+ }
+ if (fatal_linker_warnings && is_apple) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-fatal_warnings" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_clang && is_debug) {
+ # Allow comparing the address of references and 'this' against 0
+ # in debug builds. Technically, these can never be null in
+ # well-defined C/C++ and Clang can optimize such checks away in
+ # release builds, but they may be used in asserts in debug builds.
+ cflags_cc += [
+ "-Wno-undefined-bool-conversion",
+ "-Wno-tautological-undefined-compare",
+ ]
+ }
+ # Non-Apple Posix and Fuchsia compiler flags setup.
+ # -----------------------------------
+ if ((is_posix && !is_apple) || is_fuchsia) {
+ if (enable_profiling) {
+ if (!is_debug) {
+ cflags += [ "-g" ]
+ if (enable_full_stack_frames_for_profiling) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-fno-inline",
+ "-fno-optimize-sibling-calls",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Explicitly pass --build-id to ld. Compilers used to always pass this
+ # implicitly but don't any more (in particular clang when built without
+ if (is_official_build) {
+ # The sha1 build id has lower risk of collision but is more expensive to
+ # compute, so only use it in the official build to avoid slowing down
+ # links.
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--build-id=sha1" ]
+ } else if (current_os != "aix" && current_os != "zos") {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--build-id" ]
+ }
+ if (!is_android) {
+ defines += [
+ # _FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 should not be set on Android in order to maintain
+ # the behavior of the Android NDK from earlier versions.
+ # See
+ ]
+ }
+ if (!is_nacl) {
+ if (exclude_unwind_tables) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-fno-unwind-tables",
+ "-fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables",
+ ]
+ rustflags += [ "-Cforce-unwind-tables=no" ]
+ defines += [ "NO_UNWIND_TABLES" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "-funwind-tables" ]
+ rustflags += [ "-Cforce-unwind-tables=yes" ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Apple compiler flags setup.
+ # ---------------------------------
+ if (is_apple) {
+ # On Intel, clang emits both Apple's "compact unwind" information and
+ # DWARF eh_frame unwind information by default, for compatibility reasons.
+ # This flag limits emission of eh_frame information to functions
+ # whose unwind information can't be expressed in the compact unwind format
+ # (which in practice means almost everything gets only compact unwind
+ # entries). This reduces object file size a bit and makes linking a bit
+ # faster.
+ # On arm64, this is already the default behavior.
+ if (current_cpu == "x64") {
+ asmflags += [ "-femit-dwarf-unwind=no-compact-unwind" ]
+ cflags += [ "-femit-dwarf-unwind=no-compact-unwind" ]
+ }
+ # dsymutil is not available in the system, on bots, for rustc to call. Our
+ # script runs dsymutil itself, which is set to be the
+ # linker for Rust targets as well.
+ rustflags += [ "-Csplit-debuginfo=unpacked" ]
+ }
+ # Linux/Android/Fuchsia common flags setup.
+ # ---------------------------------
+ if (is_linux || is_chromeos || is_android || is_fuchsia) {
+ asmflags += [ "-fPIC" ]
+ cflags += [ "-fPIC" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-fPIC" ]
+ rustflags += [ "-Crelocation-model=pic" ]
+ if (!is_clang) {
+ # Use pipes for communicating between sub-processes. Faster.
+ # (This flag doesn't do anything with Clang.)
+ cflags += [ "-pipe" ]
+ }
+ ldflags += [
+ "-Wl,-z,noexecstack",
+ "-Wl,-z,relro",
+ ]
+ if (!is_component_build) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-z,now" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Linux-specific compiler flags setup.
+ # ------------------------------------
+ if (use_gold) {
+ ldflags += [ "-fuse-ld=gold" ]
+ if (!is_android) {
+ # On Android, this isn't needed. gcc in the NDK knows to look next to
+ # it with -fuse-ld=gold, and clang gets a --gcc-toolchain flag passed
+ # above.
+ if (gold_path != "") {
+ ldflags += [ "-B$gold_path" ]
+ }
+ ldflags += [
+ # Experimentation found that using four linking threads
+ # saved ~20% of link time.
+ #
+ # Only apply this to the target linker, since the host
+ # linker might not be gold, but isn't used much anyway.
+ "-Wl,--threads",
+ "-Wl,--thread-count=4",
+ ]
+ }
+ # TODO(thestig): Make this flag work with GN.
+ #if (!is_official_build && !is_chromeos && !(is_asan || is_lsan || is_tsan || is_msan)) {
+ # ldflags += [
+ # "-Wl,--detect-odr-violations",
+ # ]
+ #}
+ }
+ if (use_icf && (!is_apple || use_lld)) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--icf=all" ]
+ }
+ if (is_linux || is_chromeos) {
+ cflags += [ "-pthread" ]
+ # Do not use the -pthread ldflag here since it becomes a no-op
+ # when using -nodefaultlibs, which would cause an unused argument
+ # error. "-lpthread" is added in //build/config:default_libs.
+ }
+ # Clang-specific compiler flags setup.
+ # ------------------------------------
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "-fcolor-diagnostics" ]
+ # Enable -fmerge-all-constants. This used to be the default in clang
+ # for over a decade. It makes clang non-conforming, but is fairly safe
+ # in practice and saves some binary size. We might want to consider
+ # disabling this (,
+ # but for now it looks like our build might rely on it
+ # (
+ cflags += [ "-fmerge-all-constants" ]
+ }
+ if (use_lld) {
+ # TODO(thakis): Make the driver pass --color-diagnostics to the linker
+ # if -fcolor-diagnostics is passed to it, and pass -fcolor-diagnostics
+ # in ldflags instead.
+ if (is_win) {
+ # On Windows, we call the linker directly, instead of calling it through
+ # the driver.
+ ldflags += [ "--color-diagnostics" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--color-diagnostics" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Enable text section splitting only on linux when using lld for now. Other
+ # platforms can be added later if needed.
+ if ((is_linux || is_chromeos) && use_lld && use_text_section_splitting) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-z,keep-text-section-prefix" ]
+ }
+ if (is_clang && !is_nacl && current_os != "zos") {
+ cflags += [ "-fcrash-diagnostics-dir=" + clang_diagnostic_dir ]
+ if (save_reproducers_on_lld_crash && use_lld) {
+ ldflags += [
+ "-fcrash-diagnostics=all",
+ "-fcrash-diagnostics-dir=" + clang_diagnostic_dir,
+ ]
+ }
+ # TODO(hans): Remove this once Clang generates better optimized debug info
+ # by default.
+ cflags += [
+ "-mllvm",
+ "-instcombine-lower-dbg-declare=0",
+ ]
+ if (!is_debug && use_thin_lto && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ if (is_win) {
+ ldflags += [ "-mllvm:-instcombine-lower-dbg-declare=0" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-mllvm,-instcombine-lower-dbg-declare=0" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # TODO( This causes binary size growth and potentially
+ # other problems.
+ # TODO( This isn't supported by Cronet's mainline llvm version.
+ if (default_toolchain != "//build/toolchain/cros:target" &&
+ !llvm_android_mainline) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mllvm",
+ "-split-threshold-for-reg-with-hint=0",
+ ]
+ if (use_thin_lto && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ if (is_win) {
+ ldflags += [ "-mllvm:-split-threshold-for-reg-with-hint=0" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-mllvm,-split-threshold-for-reg-with-hint=0" ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # TODO( Investigate why/if this should be needed.
+ if (is_win) {
+ cflags += [ "/clang:-ffp-contract=off" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "-ffp-contract=off" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # C11/C++11 compiler flags setup.
+ # ---------------------------
+ if (is_linux || is_chromeos || is_android || (is_nacl && is_clang) ||
+ current_os == "aix") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ standard_prefix = "c"
+ # Since we build with -std=c* and not -std=gnu*, _GNU_SOURCE will not be
+ # defined by the compiler. However, lots of code relies on the
+ # non-standard features that _GNU_SOURCE enables, so define it manually.
+ defines += [ "_GNU_SOURCE" ]
+ if (is_nacl) {
+ # Undefine __STRICT_ANSI__ to get non-standard features which would
+ # otherwise not be enabled by NaCl's sysroots.
+ cflags += [ "-U__STRICT_ANSI__" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ # Gcc does not support ##__VA_ARGS__ when in standards-conforming mode,
+ # but we use this feature in several places in Chromium.
+ # TODO(thomasanderson): Replace usages of ##__VA_ARGS__ with the
+ # standard-compliant __VA_OPT__ added by C++20, and switch the gcc build
+ # to -std=c*.
+ standard_prefix = "gnu"
+ }
+ cflags_c += [ "-std=${standard_prefix}11" ]
+ if (is_nacl && !is_nacl_saigo) {
+ # This is for the pnacl_newlib toolchain. It's only used to build
+ # a few independent ppapi test files that don't pull in any other
+ # dependencies.
+ cflags_cc += [ "-std=${standard_prefix}++14" ]
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags_cc += [ "-fno-trigraphs" ]
+ }
+ } else if (is_clang) {
+ if (defined(use_cxx17) && use_cxx17) {
+ cflags_cc += [ "-std=${standard_prefix}++17" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags_cc += [ "-std=${standard_prefix}++20" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ # The gcc bots are currently using GCC 9, which is not new enough to
+ # support "c++20"/"gnu++20".
+ cflags_cc += [ "-std=${standard_prefix}++2a" ]
+ }
+ } else if (is_win) {
+ cflags_c += [ "/std:c11" ]
+ if (defined(use_cxx17) && use_cxx17) {
+ cflags_cc += [ "/std:c++17" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags_cc += [ "/std:c++20" ]
+ }
+ } else if (!is_nacl) {
+ # TODO(mcgrathr) - the NaCl GCC toolchain doesn't support either
+ # gnu11/gnu++11 or c11/c++11; we technically don't need this toolchain any
+ # more, but there are still a few buildbots using it, so until those are
+ # turned off we need the !is_nacl clause and the (is_nacl && is_clang)
+ # clause, above.
+ cflags_c += [ "-std=c11" ]
+ if (defined(use_cxx17) && use_cxx17) {
+ cflags_cc += [ "-std=c++17" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags_cc += [ "-std=c++20" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_clang && current_os != "zos") {
+ # C++17 removes trigraph support, but clang still warns that it ignores
+ # them when seeing them. Don't.
+ cflags_cc += [ "-Wno-trigraphs" ]
+ }
+ if (use_relative_vtables_abi) {
+ cflags_cc += [ "-fexperimental-relative-c++-abi-vtables" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-fexperimental-relative-c++-abi-vtables" ]
+ }
+ # Add flags for link-time optimization. These flags enable
+ # optimizations/transformations that require whole-program visibility at link
+ # time, so they need to be applied to all translation units, and we may end up
+ # with miscompiles if only part of the program is compiled with LTO flags. For
+ # that reason, we cannot allow targets to enable or disable these flags, for
+ # example by disabling the optimize configuration.
+ # TODO(pcc): Make this conditional on is_official_build rather than on gn
+ # flags for specific features.
+ if (!is_debug && use_thin_lto && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ assert(use_lld, "LTO is only supported with lld")
+ cflags += [
+ "-flto=thin",
+ "-fsplit-lto-unit",
+ ]
+ if (thin_lto_enable_cache) {
+ # Limit the size of the ThinLTO cache to the lesser of 10% of
+ # available disk space, 40GB and 100000 files.
+ cache_policy =
+ "cache_size=10%:cache_size_bytes=40g:cache_size_files=100000"
+ cache_dir = rebase_path("$root_out_dir/thinlto-cache", root_build_dir)
+ if (is_win) {
+ ldflags += [
+ "/lldltocache:$cache_dir",
+ "/lldltocachepolicy:$cache_policy",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ if (is_apple) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-cache_path_lto,$cache_dir" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--thinlto-cache-dir=$cache_dir" ]
+ }
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--thinlto-cache-policy=$cache_policy" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # An import limit of 30 has better performance (per speedometer) and lower
+ # binary size than the default setting of 100.
+ # TODO(gbiv): We ideally shouldn't need to specify this; ThinLTO
+ # should be able to better manage binary size increases on its own.
+ import_instr_limit = 30
+ if (is_win) {
+ ldflags += [
+ "/opt:lldltojobs=all",
+ "-mllvm:-import-instr-limit=$import_instr_limit",
+ "-mllvm:-disable-auto-upgrade-debug-info",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags += [ "-flto=thin" ]
+ # Enabling ThinLTO on Chrome OS too, in an effort to reduce the memory
+ # usage in Note this will increase build time in
+ # Chrome OS.
+ # In ThinLTO builds, we run at most one link process at a time,
+ # and let it use all cores.
+ # TODO(thakis): Check if '=0' (that is, number of cores, instead
+ # of "all" which means number of hardware threads) is faster.
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--thinlto-jobs=all" ]
+ if (is_chromeos) {
+ # ARM was originally set lower than x86 to keep the size
+ # bloat of ThinLTO to <10%, but that's potentially no longer true.
+ # FIXME(inglorion): maybe tune these?
+ # TODO(b/271459198): Revert limit on amd64 to 30 when fixed.
+ import_instr_limit = 20
+ } else if (is_android) {
+ # TODO( Investigate if we can get the > 6% perf win
+ # of import_instr_limit 30 with a binary size hit smaller than ~2 MiB.
+ import_instr_limit = 5
+ }
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-mllvm,-import-instr-limit=$import_instr_limit" ]
+ if (is_apple) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wcrl,object_path_lto" ]
+ }
+ # We only use one version of LLVM within a build so there's no need to
+ # upgrade debug info, which can be expensive since it runs the verifier.
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-mllvm,-disable-auto-upgrade-debug-info" ]
+ }
+ # TODO( investigate why this isn't effective on
+ # arm32.
+ if (!is_android || current_cpu == "arm64") {
+ cflags += [ "-fwhole-program-vtables" ]
+ if (toolchain_supports_rust_thin_lto) {
+ # whole-program-vtables implies -fsplit-lto-unit, and Rust needs to match
+ # behaviour. Rust needs to know the linker will be doing LTO in this case
+ # or it rejects the Zsplit-lto-unit flag.
+ rustflags += [
+ "-Zsplit-lto-unit",
+ "-Clinker-plugin-lto=yes",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ # Don't include bitcode if it won't be used.
+ rustflags += [ "-Cembed-bitcode=no" ]
+ }
+ if (!is_win) {
+ ldflags += [ "-fwhole-program-vtables" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # This flag causes LTO to create an .ARM.attributes section with the correct
+ # architecture. This is necessary because LLD will refuse to link a program
+ # unless the architecture revision in .ARM.attributes is sufficiently new.
+ # TODO(pcc): The contents of .ARM.attributes should be based on the
+ # -march flag passed at compile time (see
+ if (current_cpu == "arm") {
+ ldflags += [ "-march=$arm_arch" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (compiler_timing) {
+ if (is_clang && !is_nacl) {
+ cflags += [ "-ftime-trace" ]
+ if (use_lld && is_mac) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--time-trace" ]
+ }
+ } else if (is_win) {
+ cflags += [
+ # "Documented" here:
+ #
+ "/d2cgsummary",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Pass flag to LLD so Android builds can allow debuggerd to properly symbolize
+ # stack crashes (
+ if (use_lld && is_android) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--no-rosegment" ]
+ }
+ # TODO( Cleanup undefined symbol errors caught by
+ # --no-undefined-version.
+ if (use_lld && !is_win && !is_mac && !is_ios) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--undefined-version" ]
+ }
+ if (use_lld && is_apple) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--strict-auto-link" ]
+ }
+ # LLD does call-graph-sorted binary layout by default when profile data is
+ # present. On Android this increases binary size due to more thinks for long
+ # jumps. Turn it off by default and enable selectively for targets where it's
+ # beneficial.
+ if (use_lld && !enable_call_graph_profile_sort) {
+ if (is_win) {
+ ldflags += [ "/call-graph-profile-sort:no" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--no-call-graph-profile-sort" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_clang && !is_nacl && show_includes) {
+ if (is_win) {
+ # TODO( Goma mixes the -H and /showIncludes output.
+ assert(!use_goma, "show_includes on Windows is not reliable with goma")
+ cflags += [
+ "/clang:-H",
+ "/clang:-fshow-skipped-includes",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [
+ "-H",
+ "-fshow-skipped-includes",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ # This flag enforces that member pointer base types are complete. It helps
+ # prevent us from running into problems in the Microsoft C++ ABI (see
+ #
+ if (is_clang && !is_nacl && target_os != "chromeos" &&
+ (is_win || use_custom_libcxx)) {
+ cflags += [ "-fcomplete-member-pointers" ]
+ }
+ # Use DWARF simple template names.
+ if (simple_template_names) {
+ cflags_cc += [ "-gsimple-template-names" ]
+ }
+ # MLGO specific flags. These flags enable an ML-based inliner trained on
+ # Chrome on Android (arm32) with ThinLTO enabled, optimizing for size.
+ # The "release" ML model is embedded into clang as part of its build.
+ # Currently, the ML inliner is only enabled when targeting Android due to:
+ # a) Android is where size matters the most.
+ # b) MLGO presently has the limitation of only being able to embed one model
+ # at a time; It is unclear if the embedded model is beneficial for
+ # non-Android targets.
+ # MLGO is only officially supported on linux.
+ if (use_ml_inliner && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ assert(
+ is_android && host_os == "linux",
+ "MLGO is currently only supported for targeting Android on a linux host")
+ if (use_thin_lto) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-mllvm,-enable-ml-inliner=release" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (clang_embed_bitcode) {
+ assert(!use_thin_lto,
+ "clang_embed_bitcode is only supported in non-ThinLTO builds")
+ cflags += [
+ "-Xclang",
+ "-fembed-bitcode=all",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (lld_emit_indexes_and_imports) {
+ assert(use_thin_lto,
+ "lld_emit_indexes_and_imports is only supported with ThinLTO builds")
+ ldflags += [
+ "-Wl,--save-temps=import",
+ "-Wl,--thinlto-emit-index-files",
+ ]
+ }
+ # Pass the same C/C++ flags to the objective C/C++ compiler.
+ cflags_objc += cflags_c
+ cflags_objcc += cflags_cc
+ # Assign any flags set for the C compiler to asmflags so that they are sent
+ # to the assembler. The Windows assembler takes different types of flags
+ # so only do so for posix platforms.
+ if (is_posix || is_fuchsia) {
+ asmflags += cflags
+ asmflags += cflags_c
+ }
+ if (is_chromeos_device && !is_nacl) {
+ # On ChromeOS devices, we want to ensure we're using Chrome's allocator
+ # symbols for all C++ new/delete operator overloads. PartitionAlloc
+ # and other local allocators should always take precedence over system or
+ # preloaded allocators. These are the mangled symbol names.
+ # See b/280115910 for details.
+ ldflags += [
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdaPv,-u,_ZdaPv",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdaPvRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZdaPvRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdlPv,-u,_ZdlPv",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdlPvm,-u,_ZdlPvm",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdlPvRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZdlPvRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_Znam,-u,_Znam",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZnamRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZnamRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_Znwm,-u,_Znwm",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZnwmRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZnwmRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdaPvmSt11align_val_t,-u,_ZdaPvmSt11align_val_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdaPvSt11align_val_t,-u,_ZdaPvSt11align_val_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdaPvSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZdaPvSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdlPvmSt11align_val_t,-u,_ZdlPvmSt11align_val_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdlPvSt11align_val_t,-u,_ZdlPvSt11align_val_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdlPvSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZdlPvSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZnamSt11align_val_t,-u,_ZnamSt11align_val_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZnamSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZnamSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZnwmSt11align_val_t,-u,_ZnwmSt11align_val_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZnwmSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZnwmSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ ]
+ }
+ # Rust compiler flags setup.
+ # ---------------------------
+ rustflags += [
+ # Overflow checks are optional in Rust, but even if switched
+ # off they do not cause undefined behavior (the overflowing
+ # behavior is defined). Because containers are bounds-checked
+ # in safe Rust, they also can't provoke buffer overflows.
+ # As such these checks may be less important in Rust than C++.
+ # But in (simplistic) testing they have negligible performance
+ # overhead, and this helps to provide consistent behavior
+ # between different configurations, so we'll keep them on until
+ # we discover a reason to turn them off.
+ "-Coverflow-checks=on",
+ # By default Rust passes `-nodefaultlibs` to the linker, however this
+ # conflicts with our `--unwind=none` flag for Android dylibs, as the latter
+ # is then unused and produces a warning/error. So this removes the
+ # `-nodefaultlibs` from the linker invocation from Rust, which would be used
+ # to compile dylibs on Android, such as for constructing unit test APKs.
+ "-Cdefault-linker-libraries",
+ # To make Rust .d files compatible with ninja
+ "-Zdep-info-omit-d-target",
+ # If a macro panics during compilation, show which macro and where it is
+ # defined.
+ "-Zmacro-backtrace",
+ # For deterministic builds, keep the local machine's current working
+ # directory from appearing in build outputs.
+ "-Zremap-cwd-prefix=.",
+ ]
+ if (!is_win || force_rustc_color_output) {
+ # Colorize error output. The analogous flag is passed for clang. This must
+ # be platform-gated since rustc will unconditionally output ANSI escape
+ # sequences, ignoring the platform, when stderr is not a terminal.
+ rustflags += [ "--color=always" ]
+ }
+ if (rust_abi_target != "") {
+ rustflags += [ "--target=$rust_abi_target" ]
+ }
+ if (!use_thin_lto || !toolchain_supports_rust_thin_lto) {
+ # Don't include bitcode if it won't be used.
+ rustflags += [ "-Cembed-bitcode=no" ]
+ }
+ if (is_official_build) {
+ rustflags += [ "-Ccodegen-units=1" ]
+ }
+ if (!rust_prebuilt_stdlib) {
+ # When building against the Chromium Rust stdlib (which we compile) always
+ # abort instead of unwinding when panic occurs. In official builds, panics
+ # abort immediately (this is configured in the stdlib) to keep binary size
+ # down. So we unconditionally match behaviour in unofficial too.
+ rustflags += [
+ "-Cpanic=abort",
+ "-Zpanic_abort_tests",
+ ]
+ }
+ # Normally, this would be defined in the `runtime_library` config but NaCl
+ # saigo libc++ does not use the custom hermetic libc++. Unfortunately, there
+ # isn't really a better config to add this define for the define to
+ # consistently apply in both Chromium and non-Chromium code *and* non-NaCl
+ # and NaCl code.
+ #
+ # TODO( Move this back to the `runtime_library`
+ # config when NaCl is removed.
+ if (use_safe_libcxx) {
+ # TODO( Switch saigo to hardened mode once
+ # it's rolled in.
+ if (is_nacl_saigo) {
+ defines += [ "_LIBCPP_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS=1" ]
+ } else {
+ }
+ } else {
+ }
+# The BUILDCONFIG file sets this config on targets by default, which means when
+# building with ThinLTO, no optimization is performed in the link step.
+config("thinlto_optimize_default") {
+ if (!is_debug && use_thin_lto && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ lto_opt_level = 0
+ if (is_win) {
+ ldflags = [ "/opt:lldlto=" + lto_opt_level ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags = [ "-Wl,--lto-O" + lto_opt_level ]
+ }
+ if (toolchain_supports_rust_thin_lto) {
+ # We always point Rust to a linker that performs LTO, so we don't want Rust
+ # to preemptively do so during compilation too or they conflict. But we do
+ # want Rust to generate LTO metadata in order for the linker to do its job.
+ rustflags = [ "-Clinker-plugin-lto=yes" ]
+ } else {
+ # Don't include bitcode if it won't be used.
+ rustflags = [ "-Cembed-bitcode=no" ]
+ }
+ }
+# Use this to enable optimization in the ThinLTO link step for select targets
+# when thin_lto_enable_optimizations is set by doing:
+# configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:thinlto_optimize_default" ]
+# configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:thinlto_optimize_max" ]
+# Since it makes linking significantly slower and more resource intensive, only
+# use it on important targets such as the main browser executable or dll.
+config("thinlto_optimize_max") {
+ if (!is_debug && use_thin_lto && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ if (thin_lto_enable_optimizations) {
+ lto_opt_level = 2
+ } else {
+ lto_opt_level = 0
+ }
+ if (is_win) {
+ ldflags = [ "/opt:lldlto=" + lto_opt_level ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags = [ "-Wl,--lto-O" + lto_opt_level ]
+ }
+ if (toolchain_supports_rust_thin_lto) {
+ # We always point Rust to a linker that performs LTO, so we don't want Rust
+ # to preemptively do so during compilation too or they conflict. But we do
+ # want Rust to generate LTO metadata in order for the linker to do its job.
+ rustflags = [ "-Clinker-plugin-lto=yes" ]
+ } else {
+ # Don't include bitcode if it won't be used.
+ rustflags = [ "-Cembed-bitcode=no" ]
+ }
+ }
+# This provides the basic options to select the target CPU and ABI.
+# It is factored out of "compiler" so that special cases can use this
+# without using everything that "compiler" brings in. Options that
+# tweak code generation for a particular CPU do not belong here!
+# See "compiler_codegen", below.
+config("compiler_cpu_abi") {
+ cflags = []
+ ldflags = []
+ defines = []
+ configs = []
+ if (is_chromeos) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/chromeos:compiler_cpu_abi" ]
+ }
+ if ((is_posix && !is_apple) || is_fuchsia) {
+ # CPU architecture. We may or may not be doing a cross compile now, so for
+ # simplicity we always explicitly set the architecture.
+ if (current_cpu == "x64") {
+ cflags += [
+ "-m64",
+ "-msse3",
+ ]
+ # Minimum SIMD support for devices running lacros.
+ # See
+ if (is_chromeos_lacros) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mssse3",
+ "-msse4",
+ "-msse4.1",
+ "-msse4.2",
+ ]
+ }
+ ldflags += [ "-m64" ]
+ } else if (current_cpu == "x86") {
+ cflags += [ "-m32" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-m32" ]
+ if (!is_nacl) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mfpmath=sse",
+ "-msse3",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else if (current_cpu == "arm") {
+ if (is_clang && !is_android && !is_nacl &&
+ !(is_chromeos_lacros && is_chromeos_device)) {
+ cflags += [ "--target=arm-linux-gnueabihf" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=arm-linux-gnueabihf" ]
+ }
+ if (!is_nacl) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-march=$arm_arch",
+ "-mfloat-abi=$arm_float_abi",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (arm_tune != "") {
+ cflags += [ "-mtune=$arm_tune" ]
+ }
+ } else if (current_cpu == "arm64") {
+ if (is_clang && !is_android && !is_nacl && !is_fuchsia &&
+ !(is_chromeos_lacros && is_chromeos_device)) {
+ cflags += [ "--target=aarch64-linux-gnu" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=aarch64-linux-gnu" ]
+ }
+ } else if (current_cpu == "mipsel" && !is_nacl) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--hash-style=sysv" ]
+ if (custom_toolchain == "") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ if (is_android) {
+ cflags += [ "--target=mipsel-linux-android" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=mipsel-linux-android" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "--target=mipsel-linux-gnu" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=mipsel-linux-gnu" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "-EL" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-EL" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (mips_arch_variant == "r6") {
+ cflags += [ "-mno-odd-spreg" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-mips32r6" ]
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-march=mipsel",
+ "-mcpu=mips32r6",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips32r6",
+ "-Wa,-mips32r6",
+ ]
+ if (is_android) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-melf32ltsmip" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (mips_use_msa == true) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mmsa",
+ "-mfp64",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else if (mips_arch_variant == "r2") {
+ ldflags += [ "-mips32r2" ]
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-march=mipsel",
+ "-mcpu=mips32r2",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips32r2",
+ "-Wa,-mips32r2",
+ ]
+ if (mips_float_abi == "hard" && mips_fpu_mode != "") {
+ cflags += [ "-m$mips_fpu_mode" ]
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (mips_arch_variant == "r1") {
+ ldflags += [ "-mips32" ]
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-march=mipsel",
+ "-mcpu=mips32",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips32",
+ "-Wa,-mips32",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else if (mips_arch_variant == "loongson3") {
+ defines += [ "_MIPS_ARCH_LOONGSON" ]
+ cflags += [
+ "-march=loongson3a",
+ "-mno-branch-likely",
+ "-Wa,-march=loongson3a",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (mips_dsp_rev == 1) {
+ cflags += [ "-mdsp" ]
+ } else if (mips_dsp_rev == 2) {
+ cflags += [ "-mdspr2" ]
+ }
+ cflags += [ "-m${mips_float_abi}-float" ]
+ } else if (current_cpu == "mips" && !is_nacl) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--hash-style=sysv" ]
+ if (custom_toolchain == "") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "--target=mips-linux-gnu" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=mips-linux-gnu" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "-EB" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-EB" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (mips_arch_variant == "r6") {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips32r6",
+ "-Wa,-mips32r6",
+ ]
+ if (mips_use_msa == true) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mmsa",
+ "-mfp64",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else if (mips_arch_variant == "r2") {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips32r2",
+ "-Wa,-mips32r2",
+ ]
+ if (mips_float_abi == "hard" && mips_fpu_mode != "") {
+ cflags += [ "-m$mips_fpu_mode" ]
+ }
+ } else if (mips_arch_variant == "r1") {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips32",
+ "-Wa,-mips32",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (mips_dsp_rev == 1) {
+ cflags += [ "-mdsp" ]
+ } else if (mips_dsp_rev == 2) {
+ cflags += [ "-mdspr2" ]
+ }
+ cflags += [ "-m${mips_float_abi}-float" ]
+ } else if (current_cpu == "mips64el") {
+ cflags += [ "-D__SANE_USERSPACE_TYPES__" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--hash-style=sysv" ]
+ if (custom_toolchain == "") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ if (is_android) {
+ cflags += [ "--target=mips64el-linux-android" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=mips64el-linux-android" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "--target=mips64el-linux-gnuabi64" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=mips64el-linux-gnuabi64" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ cflags += [
+ "-EL",
+ "-mabi=64",
+ ]
+ ldflags += [
+ "-EL",
+ "-mabi=64",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (mips_arch_variant == "r6") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-march=mips64el",
+ "-mcpu=mips64r6",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips64r6",
+ "-Wa,-mips64r6",
+ ]
+ ldflags += [ "-mips64r6" ]
+ }
+ if (mips_use_msa == true) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mmsa",
+ "-mfp64",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else if (mips_arch_variant == "r2") {
+ ldflags += [ "-mips64r2" ]
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-march=mips64el",
+ "-mcpu=mips64r2",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips64r2",
+ "-Wa,-mips64r2",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else if (mips_arch_variant == "loongson3") {
+ defines += [ "_MIPS_ARCH_LOONGSON" ]
+ cflags += [
+ "-march=loongson3a",
+ "-mno-branch-likely",
+ "-Wa,-march=loongson3a",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else if (current_cpu == "mips64") {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--hash-style=sysv" ]
+ if (custom_toolchain == "") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "--target=mips64-linux-gnuabi64" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=mips64-linux-gnuabi64" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [
+ "-EB",
+ "-mabi=64",
+ ]
+ ldflags += [
+ "-EB",
+ "-mabi=64",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (mips_arch_variant == "r6") {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips64r6",
+ "-Wa,-mips64r6",
+ ]
+ ldflags += [ "-mips64r6" ]
+ if (mips_use_msa == true) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mmsa",
+ "-mfp64",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else if (mips_arch_variant == "r2") {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips64r2",
+ "-Wa,-mips64r2",
+ ]
+ ldflags += [ "-mips64r2" ]
+ }
+ } else if (current_cpu == "ppc64") {
+ if (current_os == "aix") {
+ cflags += [ "-maix64" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-maix64" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "-m64" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-m64" ]
+ }
+ } else if (current_cpu == "riscv64") {
+ if (is_clang && !is_android) {
+ cflags += [ "--target=riscv64-linux-gnu" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=riscv64-linux-gnu" ]
+ }
+ cflags += [ "-mabi=lp64d" ]
+ } else if (current_cpu == "loong64") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "--target=loongarch64-linux-gnu" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=loongarch64-linux-gnu" ]
+ }
+ cflags += [
+ "-mabi=lp64d",
+ "-mcmodel=medium",
+ ]
+ } else if (current_cpu == "s390x") {
+ cflags += [ "-m64" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-m64" ]
+ }
+ }
+ asmflags = cflags
+# This provides options to tweak code generation that are necessary
+# for particular Chromium code or for working around particular
+# compiler bugs (or the combination of the two).
+config("compiler_codegen") {
+ configs = []
+ cflags = []
+ ldflags = []
+ if (is_nacl) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/nacl:compiler_codegen" ]
+ }
+ if (current_cpu == "arm64" && !is_win && is_clang) {
+ # Disable outlining everywhere on arm64 except Win. For more information see
+ # for Android and for iOS.
+ # TODO( Enable this on Windows if possible.
+ cflags += [ "-mno-outline" ]
+ # This can be removed once
+ # has been resolved, and -mno-outline is obeyed by the linker during
+ # ThinLTO.
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-mllvm,-enable-machine-outliner=never" ]
+ }
+ asmflags = cflags
+# This provides options that make the build deterministic, so that the same
+# revision produces the same output, independent of the name of the build
+# directory and of the computer the build is done on.
+# The relative path from build dir to source dir makes it into the build
+# outputs, so it's recommended that you use a build dir two levels deep
+# (e.g. "out/Release") so that you get the same "../.." path as all the bots
+# in your build outputs.
+config("compiler_deterministic") {
+ cflags = []
+ ldflags = []
+ swiftflags = []
+ # Eliminate build metadata (__DATE__, __TIME__ and __TIMESTAMP__) for
+ # deterministic build. See
+ if (!is_official_build) {
+ if (is_win && !is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ "/wd4117", # Trying to define or undefine a predefined macro.
+ "/D__DATE__=",
+ "/D__TIME__=",
+ "/D__TIMESTAMP__=",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [
+ "-Wno-builtin-macro-redefined",
+ "-D__DATE__=",
+ "-D__TIME__=",
+ "-D__TIMESTAMP__=",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Makes builds independent of absolute file path.
+ if (is_clang && strip_absolute_paths_from_debug_symbols) {
+ # If debug option is given, clang includes $cwd in debug info by default.
+ # For such build, this flag generates reproducible obj files even we use
+ # different build directory like "out/feature_a" and "out/feature_b" if
+ # we build same files with same compile flag.
+ # Other paths are already given in relative, no need to normalize them.
+ if (is_nacl) {
+ # TODO( Use -ffile-compilation-dir= here.
+ cflags += [
+ "-Xclang",
+ "-fdebug-compilation-dir",
+ "-Xclang",
+ ".",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ # -ffile-compilation-dir is an alias for both -fdebug-compilation-dir=
+ # and -fcoverage-compilation-dir=.
+ cflags += [ "-ffile-compilation-dir=." ]
+ swiftflags += [ "-file-compilation-dir=." ]
+ }
+ if (!is_win) {
+ # We don't use clang -cc1as on Windows (yet?
+ asmflags = [ "-Wa,-fdebug-compilation-dir,." ]
+ }
+ if (is_win && use_lld) {
+ if (symbol_level == 2 || (is_clang && using_sanitizer)) {
+ # Absolutize source file paths for PDB. Pass the real build directory
+ # if the pdb contains source-level debug information and if linker
+ # reproducibility is not critical.
+ ldflags += [ "/PDBSourcePath:" + rebase_path(root_build_dir) ]
+ } else {
+ # Use a fake fixed base directory for paths in the pdb to make the pdb
+ # output fully deterministic and independent of the build directory.
+ ldflags += [ "/PDBSourcePath:o:\fake\prefix" ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Tells the compiler not to use absolute paths when passing the default
+ # paths to the tools it invokes. We don't want this because we don't
+ # really need it and it can mess up the goma cache entries.
+ if (is_clang && (!is_nacl || is_nacl_saigo)) {
+ cflags += [ "-no-canonical-prefixes" ]
+ # Same for links: Let the compiler driver invoke the linker
+ # with a relative path and pass relative paths to built-in
+ # libraries. Not needed on Windows because we call the linker
+ # directly there, not through the compiler driver.
+ # We don't link on goma, so this change is just for cleaner
+ # internal linker invocations, for people who work on the build.
+ if (!is_win) {
+ ldflags += [ "-no-canonical-prefixes" ]
+ }
+ }
+config("clang_revision") {
+ if (is_clang && clang_base_path == default_clang_base_path) {
+ update_args = [
+ "--print-revision",
+ "--verify-version=$clang_version",
+ ]
+ if (llvm_force_head_revision) {
+ update_args += [ "--llvm-force-head-revision" ]
+ }
+ clang_revision = exec_script("//tools/clang/scripts/",
+ update_args,
+ "trim string")
+ # This is here so that all files get recompiled after a clang roll and
+ # when turning clang on or off. (defines are passed via the command line,
+ # and build system rebuild things when their commandline changes). Nothing
+ # should ever read this define.
+ defines = [ "CR_CLANG_REVISION=\"$clang_revision\"" ]
+ }
+config("rustc_revision") {
+ if (rustc_revision != "") {
+ # Similar to the above config, this is here so that all files get recompiled
+ # after a rustc roll. Nothing should ever read this cfg. This will not be
+ # set if a custom toolchain is used.
+ rustflags = [
+ "--cfg",
+ "cr_rustc_revision=\"$rustc_revision\"",
+ ]
+ }
+config("compiler_arm_fpu") {
+ if (current_cpu == "arm" && !is_ios && !is_nacl) {
+ cflags = [ "-mfpu=$arm_fpu" ]
+ if (!arm_use_thumb) {
+ cflags += [ "-marm" ]
+ }
+ asmflags = cflags
+ }
+config("compiler_arm_thumb") {
+ if (current_cpu == "arm" && arm_use_thumb && is_posix &&
+ !(is_apple || is_nacl)) {
+ cflags = [ "-mthumb" ]
+ }
+config("compiler_arm") {
+ if (current_cpu == "arm" && is_chromeos) {
+ # arm is normally the default mode for clang, but on chromeos a wrapper
+ # is used to pass -mthumb, and therefor change the default.
+ cflags = [ "-marm" ]
+ }
+# runtime_library -------------------------------------------------------------
+# Sets the runtime library and associated options.
+# How do you determine what should go in here vs. "compiler" above? Consider if
+# a target might choose to use a different runtime library (ignore for a moment
+# if this is possible or reasonable on your system). If such a target would want
+# to change or remove your option, put it in the runtime_library config. If a
+# target wants the option regardless, put it in the compiler config.
+config("runtime_library") {
+ configs = []
+ # The order of this config is important: it must appear before
+ # android:runtime_library. This is to ensure libc++ appears before
+ # libandroid_support in the -isystem include order. Otherwise, there will be
+ # build errors related to symbols declared in math.h.
+ if (use_custom_libcxx) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/c++:runtime_library" ]
+ }
+ # Rust and C++ both provide intrinsics for LLVM to call for math operations. We
+ # want to use the C++ intrinsics, not the ones in the Rust compiler_builtins
+ # library. The Rust symbols are marked as weak, so that they can be replaced by
+ # the C++ symbols. This config ensures the C++ symbols exist and are strong in
+ # order to cause that replacement to occur by explicitly linking in clang's
+ # compiler-rt library.
+ if (is_clang && toolchain_has_rust) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/clang:compiler_builtins" ]
+ }
+ # TODO( Come up with a better name for is POSIX + Fuchsia
+ # configuration.
+ if (is_posix || is_fuchsia) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/posix:runtime_library" ]
+ if (use_custom_libunwind) {
+ # Instead of using an unwind lib from the toolchain,
+ # buildtools/third_party/libunwind will be built and used directly.
+ ldflags = [ "--unwindlib=none" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # System-specific flags. If your compiler flags apply to one of the
+ # categories here, add it to the associated file to keep this shared config
+ # smaller.
+ if (is_win) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/win:runtime_library" ]
+ } else if (is_linux || is_chromeos) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/linux:runtime_library" ]
+ if (is_chromeos) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/chromeos:runtime_library" ]
+ }
+ } else if (is_ios) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/ios:runtime_library" ]
+ } else if (is_mac) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/mac:runtime_library" ]
+ } else if (is_android) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/android:runtime_library" ]
+ }
+ if (is_component_build) {
+ defines = [ "COMPONENT_BUILD" ]
+ }
+# treat_warnings_as_errors ----------------------------------------------------
+# Adding this config causes the compiler to treat warnings as fatal errors.
+# This is used as a subconfig of both chromium_code and no_chromium_code, and
+# is broken out separately so nocompile tests can force-enable this setting
+# independently of the default warning flags.
+config("treat_warnings_as_errors") {
+ if (is_win) {
+ cflags = [ "/WX" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-Werror" ]
+ # The compiler driver can sometimes (rarely) emit warnings before calling
+ # the actual linker. Make sure these warnings are treated as errors as
+ # well.
+ ldflags = [ "-Werror" ]
+ }
+ # Turn rustc warnings into the "deny" lint level, which produce compiler
+ # errors. The equivalent of -Werror for clang/gcc.
+ #
+ # Note we apply the actual lint flags in config("compiler"). All warnings
+ # are suppressed in third-party crates.
+ rustflags = [ "-Dwarnings" ]
+# default_warnings ------------------------------------------------------------
+# Collects all warning flags that are used by default. This is used as a
+# subconfig of both chromium_code and no_chromium_code. This way these
+# flags are guaranteed to appear on the compile command line after -Wall.
+config("default_warnings") {
+ cflags = []
+ cflags_c = []
+ cflags_cc = []
+ ldflags = []
+ configs = []
+ if (is_win) {
+ if (fatal_linker_warnings) {
+ arflags = [ "/WX" ]
+ ldflags = [ "/WX" ]
+ }
+ defines = [
+ # Without this, Windows headers warn that functions like wcsnicmp
+ # should be spelled _wcsnicmp. But all other platforms keep spelling
+ # it wcsnicmp, making this warning unhelpful. We don't want it.
+ # TODO(thakis): winsock wants us to use getaddrinfo instead of
+ # gethostbyname. Fires mostly in non-Chromium code. We probably
+ # want to remove this define eventually.
+ ]
+ if (!is_clang) {
+ # TODO(thakis): Remove this once
+ # has
+ # rolled into angle.
+ cflags += [ "/wd4244" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ((is_apple || is_android) && !is_nacl) {
+ # Warns if a method is used whose availability is newer than the
+ # deployment target.
+ cflags += [ "-Wunguarded-availability" ]
+ }
+ if (is_ios) {
+ # When compiling Objective-C, warns if a selector named via @selector has
+ # not been defined in any visible interface.
+ cflags += [ "-Wundeclared-selector" ]
+ }
+ # Suppress warnings about ABI changes on ARM (Clang doesn't give this
+ # warning).
+ if (current_cpu == "arm" && !is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "-Wno-psabi" ]
+ }
+ if (!is_clang) {
+ cflags_cc += [
+ # See comment for -Wno-c++11-narrowing.
+ "-Wno-narrowing",
+ ]
+ # -Wno-class-memaccess warns about hash table and vector in blink.
+ # But the violation is intentional.
+ if (!is_nacl) {
+ cflags_cc += [ "-Wno-class-memaccess" ]
+ }
+ # -Wunused-local-typedefs is broken in gcc,
+ #
+ cflags += [ "-Wno-unused-local-typedefs" ]
+ # Don't warn about "maybe" uninitialized. Clang doesn't include this
+ # in -Wall but gcc does, and it gives false positives.
+ cflags += [ "-Wno-maybe-uninitialized" ]
+ cflags += [ "-Wno-deprecated-declarations" ]
+ # -Wcomment gives too many false positives in the case a
+ # backslash ended comment line is followed by a new line of
+ # comments
+ #
+ cflags += [ "-Wno-comments" ]
+ # -Wpacked-not-aligned complains all generated mojom-shared-internal.h
+ # files.
+ cflags += [ "-Wno-packed-not-aligned" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Common Clang and GCC warning setup.
+ if (!is_win || is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ # Disables.
+ "-Wno-missing-field-initializers", # "struct foo f = {0};"
+ "-Wno-unused-parameter", # Unused function parameters.
+ ]
+ if (!is_nacl || is_nacl_saigo) {
+ cflags += [
+ # An ABI compat warning we don't care about,
+ # TODO(thakis): Push this to the (few) targets that need it,
+ # instead of having a global flag.
+ "-Wno-psabi",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-Wloop-analysis",
+ # TODO(thakis): This used to be implied by -Wno-unused-function,
+ # which we no longer use. Check if it makes sense to remove
+ # this as well.
+ "-Wno-unneeded-internal-declaration",
+ ]
+ if (!is_nacl || is_nacl_saigo) {
+ if (is_win) {
+ # TODO(thakis):
+ # Currently goma can not handle case sensitiveness for windows well.
+ cflags += [ "-Wno-nonportable-include-path" ]
+ }
+ if (is_fuchsia) {
+ cflags_cc += [
+ # TODO( fix and reenable
+ "-Wno-missing-field-initializers",
+ ]
+ }
+ cflags += [
+ "-Wenum-compare-conditional",
+ # Ignore warnings about MSVC optimization pragmas.
+ # TODO(thakis): Only for no_chromium_code?
+ "-Wno-ignored-pragma-optimize",
+ # TODO( Evaluate and possibly enable.
+ "-Wno-deprecated-builtins",
+ # TODO( Evaluate and possibly enable.
+ "-Wno-bitfield-constant-conversion",
+ # TODO( Evaluate and possibly enable.
+ "-Wno-deprecated-this-capture",
+ # TODO( Fix and re-enable.
+ "-Wno-invalid-offsetof",
+ # TODO( Evaluate and possibly enable.
+ "-Wno-vla-extension",
+ # TODO( Fix and re-enable.
+ "-Wno-thread-safety-reference-return",
+ ]
+ if (!is_nacl) {
+ cflags_cc += [
+ # TODO( Fix and re-enable.
+ "-Wno-c++11-narrowing-const-reference",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Some builders, such as Cronet, use a different version of Clang than
+ # Chromium. This can cause minor errors when compiling Chromium changes. We
+ # want to avoid these errors.
+ if (llvm_android_mainline) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-Wno-error=unknown-warning-option",
+ "-Wno-error=unused-command-line-argument",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Rust warnings
+ # Require `unsafe` blocks even in `unsafe` fns. This is intended to become
+ # an error by default eventually; see
+ #
+ rustflags = [ "-Dunsafe_op_in_unsafe_fn" ]
+# prevent_unsafe_narrowing ----------------------------------------------------
+# Warnings that prevent narrowing or comparisons of integer types that are
+# likely to cause out-of-bound read/writes or Undefined Behaviour. In
+# particular, size_t is used for memory sizes, allocation, indexing, and
+# offsets. Using other integer types along with size_t produces risk of
+# memory-safety bugs and thus security exploits.
+# In order to prevent these bugs, allocation sizes were historically limited to
+# sizes that can be represented within 31 bits of information, allowing `int` to
+# be safely misused instead of `size_t` ( In order to
+# support increasing the allocation limit we require strictly adherence to
+# using the correct types, avoiding lossy conversions, and preventing overflow.
+# To do so, enable this config and fix errors by converting types to be
+# `size_t`, which is both large enough and unsigned, when dealing with memory
+# sizes, allocations, indices, or offsets.In cases where type conversion is not
+# possible or is superfluous, use base::strict_cast<> or base::checked_cast<>
+# to convert to size_t as needed.
+# See also:
+# To enable in a GN target, use:
+# configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:prevent_unsafe_narrowing" ]
+config("prevent_unsafe_narrowing") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags = [
+ "-Wshorten-64-to-32",
+ "-Wimplicit-int-conversion",
+ "-Wsign-compare",
+ "-Wsign-conversion",
+ ]
+ if (!is_nacl) {
+ cflags += [
+ # Avoid bugs of the form `if (size_t i = size; i >= 0; --i)` while
+ # fixing types to be sign-correct.
+ "-Wtautological-unsigned-zero-compare",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+# unsafe_buffer_warning -------------------------------------------------------
+# Paths of third-party headers that violate Wunsafe-buffer-usage, but which we
+# have been unable to fix yet. We use this list to be able to make progress and
+# enable the warning on code that we do control/own.
+# WARNING: This will disable all warnings in the files. ONLY USE THIS for
+# third-party code which we do not control/own. Fix the warnings instead in
+# our own code.
+if (is_clang) {
+ unsafe_buffer_warning_header_allowlist =
+ [ "third_party/googletest/src/googletest/include/gtest" ]
+# Enables warnings on pointer arithmetic/indexing or calls to functions
+# annotated with `UNSAFE_BUFFER_USAGE`.
+config("unsafe_buffer_warning") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags = [ "-Wunsafe-buffer-usage" ]
+ foreach(h, unsafe_buffer_warning_header_allowlist) {
+ if (is_win) {
+ cflags += [ "/clang:--system-header-prefix=$h" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "--system-header-prefix=$h" ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# chromium_code ---------------------------------------------------------------
+# Toggles between higher and lower warnings for code that is (or isn't)
+# part of Chromium.
+config("chromium_code") {
+ if (is_win) {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags = [ "/W4" ] # Warning level 4.
+ # Opt in to additional [[nodiscard]] on standard library methods.
+ defines = [ "_HAS_NODISCARD" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-Wall" ]
+ if (is_clang) {
+ # Enable extra warnings for chromium_code when we control the compiler.
+ cflags += [ "-Wextra" ]
+ }
+ # In Chromium code, we define __STDC_foo_MACROS in order to get the
+ # C99 macros on Mac and Linux.
+ defines = [
+ ]
+ if (!is_debug && !using_sanitizer && current_cpu != "s390x" &&
+ current_cpu != "s390" && current_cpu != "ppc64" &&
+ current_cpu != "mips" && current_cpu != "mips64" &&
+ current_cpu != "riscv64" && current_cpu != "loong64") {
+ # Non-chromium code is not guaranteed to compile cleanly with
+ # _FORTIFY_SOURCE. Also, fortified build may fail when optimizations are
+ # disabled, so only do that for Release build.
+ fortify_level = "2"
+ # ChromeOS's toolchain supports a high-quality _FORTIFY_SOURCE=3
+ # implementation with a few custom glibc patches. Use that if it's
+ # available.
+ if (is_chromeos_device && !lacros_use_chromium_toolchain) {
+ fortify_level = "3"
+ }
+ defines += [ "_FORTIFY_SOURCE=" + fortify_level ]
+ }
+ if (is_apple) {
+ cflags_objc = [ "-Wimplicit-retain-self" ]
+ cflags_objcc = [ "-Wimplicit-retain-self" ]
+ }
+ if (is_mac) {
+ cflags_objc += [ "-Wobjc-missing-property-synthesis" ]
+ cflags_objcc += [ "-Wobjc-missing-property-synthesis" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ # Warn on missing break statements at the end of switch cases.
+ # For intentional fallthrough, use [[fallthrough]].
+ "-Wimplicit-fallthrough",
+ # Warn on unnecessary extra semicolons outside of function definitions.
+ "-Wextra-semi",
+ # Warn on unreachable code, including unreachable breaks and returns.
+ # See for suppression strategies.
+ "-Wunreachable-code-aggressive",
+ ]
+ # Thread safety analysis is broken under nacl:
+ if (!is_nacl || is_nacl_saigo) {
+ cflags += [
+ # Thread safety analysis. See base/thread_annotations.h and
+ #
+ "-Wthread-safety",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ configs = [
+ ":default_warnings",
+ ":noshadowing",
+ ]
+ if (treat_warnings_as_errors) {
+ configs += [ ":treat_warnings_as_errors" ]
+ }
+config("no_chromium_code") {
+ cflags = []
+ cflags_cc = []
+ defines = []
+ if (is_win) {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "/W3" ] # Warning level 3.
+ }
+ cflags += [
+ "/wd4800", # Disable warning when forcing value to bool.
+ "/wd4267", # TODO(jschuh): size_t to int.
+ ]
+ } else {
+ if (is_clang && !is_nacl) {
+ # TODO(thakis): Remove !is_nacl once
+ # made its way into chromium.
+ cflags += [ "-Wall" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ # Lots of third-party libraries have unused variables. Instead of
+ # suppressing them individually, we just blanket suppress them here.
+ "-Wno-unused-variable",
+ # Similarly, we're not going to fix all the C++11 narrowing issues in
+ # third-party libraries.
+ "-Wno-c++11-narrowing",
+ ]
+ if (!is_nacl) {
+ cflags += [
+ # Disabled for similar reasons as -Wunused-variable.
+ "-Wno-unused-but-set-variable",
+ # TODO( Clean up and enable.
+ "-Wno-misleading-indentation",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Suppress all warnings in third party, as Cargo does:
+ #
+ rustflags = [ "--cap-lints=allow" ]
+ configs = [ ":default_warnings" ]
+ # GCC may emit unsuppressible warnings so only apply this config when
+ # building with clang.
+ if (treat_warnings_as_errors && is_clang) {
+ configs += [ ":treat_warnings_as_errors" ]
+ }
+# noshadowing -----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Allows turning -Wshadow on.
+config("noshadowing") {
+ # This flag has to be disabled for nacl because the nacl compiler is too
+ # strict about shadowing.
+ if (is_clang && (!is_nacl || is_nacl_saigo)) {
+ cflags = [ "-Wshadow" ]
+ }
+# rtti ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Allows turning Run-Time Type Identification on or off.
+config("rtti") {
+ if (is_win) {
+ cflags_cc = [ "/GR" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags_cc = [ "-frtti" ]
+ }
+config("no_rtti") {
+ # Some sanitizer configs may require RTTI to be left enabled globally
+ if (!use_rtti) {
+ if (is_win) {
+ cflags_cc = [ "/GR-" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags_cc = [ "-fno-rtti" ]
+ cflags_objcc = cflags_cc
+ }
+ }
+# export_dynamic ---------------------------------------------------------------
+# Ensures all exported symbols are added to the dynamic symbol table. This is
+# necessary to expose Chrome's custom operator new() and operator delete() (and
+# other memory-related symbols) to libraries. Otherwise, they might
+# (de)allocate memory on a different heap, which would spell trouble if pointers
+# to heap-allocated memory are passed over shared library boundaries.
+config("export_dynamic") {
+ # TODO( Revisit after target_os flip is completed.
+ if (is_linux || is_chromeos_lacros || export_libcxxabi_from_executables) {
+ ldflags = [ "-rdynamic" ]
+ }
+# thin_archive -----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Enables thin archives on posix, and on windows when the lld linker is used.
+# Regular archives directly include the object files used to generate it.
+# Thin archives merely reference the object files.
+# This makes building them faster since it requires less disk IO, but is
+# inappropriate if you wish to redistribute your static library.
+# This config is added to the global config, so thin archives should already be
+# enabled. If you want to make a distributable static library, you need to do 2
+# things:
+# 1. Set complete_static_lib so that all dependencies of the library make it
+# into the library. See `gn help complete_static_lib` for details.
+# 2. Remove the thin_archive config, so that the .a file actually contains all
+# .o files, instead of just references to .o files in the build directoy
+config("thin_archive") {
+ # The macOS and iOS default linker ld64 does not support reading thin
+ # archives.
+ # TODO( Enable on is_apple if use_lld once that no longer
+ # confuses lldb.
+ if ((is_posix && !is_nacl && !is_apple) || is_fuchsia) {
+ arflags = [ "-T" ]
+ } else if (is_win && use_lld) {
+ arflags = [ "/llvmlibthin" ]
+ }
+# exceptions -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Allows turning Exceptions on or off.
+# Note: exceptions are disallowed in Google code.
+config("exceptions") {
+ if (is_win) {
+ # Enables exceptions in the STL.
+ if (!use_custom_libcxx) {
+ defines = [ "_HAS_EXCEPTIONS=1" ]
+ }
+ cflags_cc = [ "/EHsc" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags_cc = [ "-fexceptions" ]
+ cflags_objcc = cflags_cc
+ }
+config("no_exceptions") {
+ if (is_win) {
+ # Disables exceptions in the STL.
+ # libc++ uses the __has_feature macro to control whether to use exceptions,
+ # so defining this macro is unnecessary. Defining _HAS_EXCEPTIONS to 0 also
+ # breaks libc++ because it depends on MSVC headers that only provide certain
+ # declarations if _HAS_EXCEPTIONS is 1. Those MSVC headers do not use
+ # exceptions, despite being conditional on _HAS_EXCEPTIONS.
+ if (!use_custom_libcxx) {
+ defines = [ "_HAS_EXCEPTIONS=0" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ cflags_cc = [ "-fno-exceptions" ]
+ cflags_objcc = cflags_cc
+ }
+# Warnings ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Generate a warning for code that might emit a static initializer.
+# See: //docs/
+# See:
+config("wglobal_constructors") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags = [ "-Wglobal-constructors" ]
+ }
+# This will generate warnings when using Clang if code generates exit-time
+# destructors, which will slow down closing the program.
+# TODO(thakis): Make this a blocklist instead,
+config("wexit_time_destructors") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags = [ "-Wexit-time-destructors" ]
+ }
+# Some code presumes that pointers to structures/objects are compatible
+# regardless of whether what they point to is already known to be valid.
+# gcc 4.9 and earlier had no way of suppressing this warning without
+# suppressing the rest of them. Here we centralize the identification of
+# the gcc 4.9 toolchains.
+config("no_incompatible_pointer_warnings") {
+ cflags = []
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "-Wno-incompatible-pointer-types" ]
+ } else if (current_cpu == "mipsel" || current_cpu == "mips64el") {
+ cflags += [ "-w" ]
+ } else if (is_chromeos_ash && current_cpu == "arm") {
+ cflags += [ "-w" ]
+ }
+# Optimization -----------------------------------------------------------------
+# The BUILDCONFIG file sets the "default_optimization" config on targets by
+# default. It will be equivalent to either "optimize" (release) or
+# "no_optimize" (debug) optimization configs.
+# You can override the optimization level on a per-target basis by removing the
+# default config and then adding the named one you want:
+# configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:default_optimization" ]
+# configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:optimize_max" ]
+# Shared settings for both "optimize" and "optimize_max" configs.
+# IMPORTANT: On Windows "/O1" and "/O2" must go before the common flags.
+if (is_win) {
+ common_optimize_on_cflags = [
+ "/Ob2", # Both explicit and auto inlining.
+ "/Oy-", # Disable omitting frame pointers, must be after /O2.
+ "/Zc:inline", # Remove unreferenced COMDAT (faster links).
+ ]
+ if (!is_asan) {
+ common_optimize_on_cflags += [
+ # Put data in separate COMDATs. This allows the linker
+ # to put bit-identical constants at the same address even if
+ # they're unrelated constants, which saves binary size.
+ # This optimization can't be used when ASan is enabled because
+ # it is not compatible with the ASan ODR checker.
+ "/Gw",
+ ]
+ }
+ common_optimize_on_ldflags = []
+ # /OPT:ICF is not desirable in Debug builds, since code-folding can result in
+ # misleading symbols in stack traces.
+ if (!is_debug && !is_component_build) {
+ common_optimize_on_ldflags += [ "/OPT:ICF" ] # Redundant COMDAT folding.
+ }
+ if (is_official_build) {
+ common_optimize_on_ldflags += [ "/OPT:REF" ] # Remove unreferenced data.
+ # TODO(thakis): Add LTO/PGO clang flags eventually,
+ }
+ if (is_clang) {
+ # See below.
+ common_optimize_on_cflags += [ "/clang:-fno-math-errno" ]
+ }
+} else {
+ common_optimize_on_cflags = []
+ common_optimize_on_ldflags = []
+ if (is_android) {
+ # TODO(jdduke) Re-enable on mips after resolving linking
+ # issues with libc++ (
+ if (current_cpu != "mipsel" && current_cpu != "mips64el") {
+ common_optimize_on_ldflags += [
+ # Warn in case of text relocations.
+ "-Wl,--warn-shared-textrel",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_apple) {
+ common_optimize_on_ldflags += [ "-Wl,-dead_strip" ]
+ if (is_official_build) {
+ common_optimize_on_ldflags += [
+ "-Wl,-no_data_in_code_info",
+ "-Wl,-no_function_starts",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else if (current_os != "aix" && current_os != "zos") {
+ # Non-Mac Posix flags.
+ # Aix does not support these.
+ common_optimize_on_cflags += [
+ # Put data and code in their own sections, so that unused symbols
+ # can be removed at link time with --gc-sections.
+ "-fdata-sections",
+ "-ffunction-sections",
+ ]
+ if ((!is_nacl || is_nacl_saigo) && is_clang) {
+ # We don't care about unique section names, this makes object files a bit
+ # smaller.
+ common_optimize_on_cflags += [ "-fno-unique-section-names" ]
+ }
+ common_optimize_on_ldflags += [
+ # Specifically tell the linker to perform optimizations.
+ # See .
+ # -O2 enables string tail merge optimization in gold and lld.
+ "-Wl,-O2",
+ "-Wl,--gc-sections",
+ ]
+ }
+ # We cannot rely on errno being set after math functions,
+ # especially since glibc does not set it. Thus, use -fno-math-errno
+ # so that the compiler knows it can inline math functions.
+ # Note that this is different from -ffast-math (even though -ffast-math
+ # implies -fno-math-errno), which also allows a number of unsafe
+ # optimizations.
+ common_optimize_on_cflags += [ "-fno-math-errno" ]
+config("default_stack_frames") {
+ if (!is_win) {
+ if (enable_frame_pointers) {
+ cflags = [ "-fno-omit-frame-pointer" ]
+ # Omit frame pointers for leaf functions on x86, otherwise building libyuv
+ # gives clang's register allocator issues, see /
+ #
+ if (is_clang && current_cpu == "x86" && !is_apple) {
+ cflags += [ "-momit-leaf-frame-pointer" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-fomit-frame-pointer" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # On Windows, the flag to enable framepointers "/Oy-" must always come after
+ # the optimization flag [e.g. "/O2"]. The optimization flag is set by one of
+ # the "optimize" configs, see rest of this file. The ordering that cflags are
+ # applied is well-defined by the GN spec, and there is no way to ensure that
+ # cflags set by "default_stack_frames" is applied after those set by an
+ # "optimize" config. Similarly, there is no way to propagate state from this
+ # config into the "optimize" config. We always apply the "/Oy-" config in the
+ # definition for common_optimize_on_cflags definition, even though this may
+ # not be correct.
+# Default "optimization on" config.
+config("optimize") {
+ if (is_win) {
+ if (chrome_pgo_phase != 2) {
+ # Favor size over speed, /O1 must be before the common flags.
+ # /O1 implies /Os and /GF.
+ cflags = [ "/O1" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags + [ "/Oi" ]
+ rustflags = [ "-Copt-level=s" ]
+ } else {
+ # PGO requires all translation units to be compiled with /O2. The actual
+ # optimization level will be decided based on the profiling data.
+ cflags = [ "/O2" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags + [ "/Oi" ]
+ #
+ # suggests not using an explicit `-Copt-level` at all, and the default is
+ # to optimize for performance like `/O2` for clang.
+ rustflags = []
+ }
+ } else if (optimize_for_size) {
+ # Favor size over speed.
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags = [ "-Oz" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ if (use_ml_inliner && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mllvm",
+ "-enable-ml-inliner=release",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-Os" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ }
+ # Like with `-Oz` on Clang, `-Copt-level=z` will also turn off loop
+ # vectorization.
+ rustflags = [ "-Copt-level=z" ]
+ } else if (is_chromeos) {
+ # TODO(gbiv): This is partially favoring size over speed. CrOS exclusively
+ # uses clang, and -Os in clang is more of a size-conscious -O2 than "size at
+ # any cost" (AKA -Oz). It'd be nice to:
+ # - Make `optimize_for_size` apply to all platforms where we're optimizing
+ # for size by default (so, also Windows)
+ # - Investigate -Oz here, maybe just for ARM?
+ cflags = [ "-Os" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ # Similar to clang, we optimize with `-Copt-level=s` to keep loop
+ # vectorization while otherwise optimizing for size.
+ rustflags = [ "-Copt-level=s" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-O2" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ # The `-O3` for clang turns on extra optimizations compared to the standard
+ # `-O2`. But for rust, `-Copt-level=3` is the default and is thus reliable
+ # to use.
+ rustflags = [ "-Copt-level=3" ]
+ }
+ ldflags = common_optimize_on_ldflags
+# Turn off optimizations.
+config("no_optimize") {
+ if (is_win) {
+ cflags = [
+ "/Od", # Disable optimization.
+ "/Ob0", # Disable all inlining (on by default).
+ "/GF", # Enable string pooling (off by default).
+ ]
+ if (target_cpu == "arm64") {
+ # Disable omitting frame pointers for no_optimize build because stack
+ # traces on Windows ARM64 rely on it.
+ cflags += [ "/Oy-" ]
+ }
+ } else if (is_android && !android_full_debug) {
+ # On Android we kind of optimize some things that don't affect debugging
+ # much even when optimization is disabled to get the binary size down.
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags = [ "-Oz" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-Os" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ }
+ if (!is_component_build) {
+ # Required for library partitions. Without this all symbols just end up
+ # in the base partition.
+ ldflags = [ "-Wl,--gc-sections" ]
+ }
+ } else if (is_fuchsia) {
+ # On Fuchsia, we optimize for size here to reduce the size of debug build
+ # packages so they can be run in a KVM. See for details.
+ cflags = [ "-Og" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-O0" ]
+ ldflags = []
+ }
+# Turns up the optimization level. On Windows, this implies whole program
+# optimization and link-time code generation which is very expensive and should
+# be used sparingly.
+config("optimize_max") {
+ if (is_nacl && is_nacl_irt) {
+ # The NaCl IRT is a special case and always wants its own config.
+ # Various components do:
+ # if (!is_debug) {
+ # configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:default_optimization" ]
+ # configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:optimize_max" ]
+ # }
+ # So this config has to have the selection logic just like
+ # "default_optimization", below.
+ configs = [ "//build/config/nacl:irt_optimize" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags = common_optimize_on_ldflags
+ if (is_win) {
+ # Favor speed over size, /O2 must be before the common flags.
+ # /O2 implies /Ot, /Oi, and /GF.
+ cflags = [ "/O2" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ } else if (optimize_for_fuzzing) {
+ cflags = [ "-O1" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-O2" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ }
+ rustflags = [ "-Copt-level=3" ]
+ }
+# This config can be used to override the default settings for per-component
+# and whole-program optimization, optimizing the particular target for speed
+# instead of code size. This config is exactly the same as "optimize_max"
+# except that we use -O3 instead of -O2 on non-win, non-IRT platforms.
+# TODO( - rework how all of these configs are related
+# so that we don't need this disclaimer.
+config("optimize_speed") {
+ if (is_nacl && is_nacl_irt) {
+ # The NaCl IRT is a special case and always wants its own config.
+ # Various components do:
+ # if (!is_debug) {
+ # configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:default_optimization" ]
+ # configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:optimize_max" ]
+ # }
+ # So this config has to have the selection logic just like
+ # "default_optimization", below.
+ configs = [ "//build/config/nacl:irt_optimize" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags = common_optimize_on_ldflags
+ if (is_win) {
+ # Favor speed over size, /O2 must be before the common flags.
+ # /O2 implies /Ot, /Oi, and /GF.
+ cflags = [ "/O2" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ } else if (optimize_for_fuzzing) {
+ cflags = [ "-O1" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-O3" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ }
+ rustflags = [ "-Copt-level=3" ]
+ }
+config("optimize_fuzzing") {
+ cflags = [ "-O1" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ rustflags = [ "-Copt-level=1" ]
+ ldflags = common_optimize_on_ldflags
+ visibility = [ ":default_optimization" ]
+# The default optimization applied to all targets. This will be equivalent to
+# either "optimize" or "no_optimize", depending on the build flags.
+config("default_optimization") {
+ if (is_nacl && is_nacl_irt) {
+ # The NaCl IRT is a special case and always wants its own config.
+ # It gets optimized the same way regardless of the type of build.
+ configs = [ "//build/config/nacl:irt_optimize" ]
+ } else if (is_debug) {
+ configs = [ ":no_optimize" ]
+ } else if (optimize_for_fuzzing) {
+ assert(!is_win, "Fuzzing optimize level not supported on Windows")
+ # Coverage build is quite slow. Using "optimize_for_fuzzing" makes it even
+ # slower as it uses "-O1" instead of "-O3". Prevent that from happening.
+ assert(!use_clang_coverage,
+ "optimize_for_fuzzing=true should not be used with " +
+ "use_clang_coverage=true.")
+ configs = [ ":optimize_fuzzing" ]
+ } else {
+ configs = [ ":optimize" ]
+ }
+_clang_sample_profile = ""
+if (is_clang && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ if (clang_sample_profile_path != "") {
+ _clang_sample_profile = clang_sample_profile_path
+ } else if (clang_use_default_sample_profile) {
+ assert(build_with_chromium,
+ "Our default profiles currently only apply to Chromium")
+ assert(is_android || is_chromeos || is_castos,
+ "The current platform has no default profile")
+ if (is_android || is_castos) {
+ _clang_sample_profile = "//chrome/android/profiles/"
+ } else {
+ assert(
+ chromeos_afdo_platform == "atom" ||
+ chromeos_afdo_platform == "bigcore" ||
+ chromeos_afdo_platform == "arm" ||
+ chromeos_afdo_platform == "arm-exp",
+ "Only 'atom', 'bigcore', 'arm' and 'arm-exp' are valid ChromeOS profiles.")
+ _clang_sample_profile =
+ "//chromeos/profiles/${chromeos_afdo_platform}"
+ }
+ }
+# Clang offers a way to assert that AFDO profiles are accurate, which causes it
+# to optimize functions not represented in a profile more aggressively for size.
+# This config can be toggled in cases where shaving off binary size hurts
+# performance too much.
+config("afdo_optimize_size") {
+ if (_clang_sample_profile != "" && sample_profile_is_accurate) {
+ cflags = [ "-fprofile-sample-accurate" ]
+ }
+# GCC and clang support a form of profile-guided optimization called AFDO.
+# There are some targeted places that AFDO regresses, so we provide a separate
+# config to allow AFDO to be disabled per-target.
+config("afdo") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags = []
+ if (clang_emit_debug_info_for_profiling) {
+ # Add the following flags to generate debug info for profiling.
+ cflags += [ "-gline-tables-only" ]
+ if (!is_nacl) {
+ cflags += [ "-fdebug-info-for-profiling" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (_clang_sample_profile != "") {
+ assert(chrome_pgo_phase == 0, "AFDO can't be used in PGO builds")
+ rebased_clang_sample_profile =
+ rebase_path(_clang_sample_profile, root_build_dir)
+ cflags += [ "-fprofile-sample-use=${rebased_clang_sample_profile}" ]
+ if (use_profi) {
+ cflags += [ "-fsample-profile-use-profi" ]
+ }
+ # ARM builds see failures due to -Wbackend-plugin.
+ # These seem to be false positives - the complaints are about functions
+ # marked with `__nodebug__` not having associated debuginfo. In the case
+ # where this was observed, the `__nodebug__` function was also marked
+ # `__always_inline__` and had no branches, so AFDO info is likely useless
+ # there.
+ cflags += [ "-Wno-backend-plugin" ]
+ inputs = [ _clang_sample_profile ]
+ }
+ } else if (auto_profile_path != "" && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ cflags = [ "-fauto-profile=${auto_profile_path}" ]
+ inputs = [ auto_profile_path ]
+ }
+# Symbols ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# The BUILDCONFIG file sets the "default_symbols" config on targets by
+# default. It will be equivalent to one the three specific symbol levels.
+# You can override the symbol level on a per-target basis by removing the
+# default config and then adding the named one you want:
+# configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:default_symbols" ]
+# configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:symbols" ]
+# A helper config that all configs passing /DEBUG to the linker should
+# include as sub-config.
+config("win_pdbaltpath") {
+ visibility = [
+ ":minimal_symbols",
+ ":symbols",
+ ]
+ # /DEBUG causes the linker to generate a pdb file, and to write the absolute
+ # path to it in the executable file it generates. This flag turns that
+ # absolute path into just the basename of the pdb file, which helps with
+ # build reproducibility. Debuggers look for pdb files next to executables,
+ # so there's minimal downside to always using this. However, post-mortem
+ # debugging of Chromium crash dumps and ETW tracing can be complicated by this
+ # switch so an option to omit it is important.
+ if (!use_full_pdb_paths) {
+ ldflags = [ "/pdbaltpath:%_PDB%" ]
+ }
+# Full symbols.
+config("symbols") {
+ rustflags = []
+ if (is_win) {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags = [
+ # Debug information in the .obj files.
+ "/Z7",
+ # Disable putting the compiler command line into the debug info to
+ # prevent some types of non-determinism.
+ "-gno-codeview-command-line",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "/Zi" ] # Produce PDB file, no edit and continue.
+ }
+ if (is_clang && use_lld && use_ghash) {
+ cflags += [ "-gcodeview-ghash" ]
+ ldflags = [ "/DEBUG:GHASH" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags = [ "/DEBUG" ]
+ }
+ # All configs using /DEBUG should include this:
+ configs = [ ":win_pdbaltpath" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags = []
+ if (is_mac && enable_dsyms) {
+ # If generating dSYMs, specify -fno-standalone-debug. This was
+ # originally specified for because dsymutil
+ # could not handle a 4GB dSYM file. But dsymutil from Xcodes prior to
+ # version 7 also produces debug data that is incompatible with Breakpad
+ # dump_syms, so this is still required (
+ cflags += [ "-fno-standalone-debug" ]
+ }
+ # On aix -gdwarf causes linker failures due to thread_local variables.
+ if (!is_nacl && current_os != "aix") {
+ if (use_dwarf5) {
+ cflags += [ "-gdwarf-5" ]
+ rustflags += [ "-Zdwarf-version=5" ]
+ } else {
+ # Recent clang versions default to DWARF5 on Linux, and Android is about
+ # to switch. TODO: Adopt that in controlled way. For now, keep DWARF4.
+ # Apple platforms still default to 4 in clang, so they don't need the
+ # cflags.
+ if (!is_apple) {
+ cflags += [ "-gdwarf-4" ]
+ }
+ # On Apple, rustc defaults to DWARF2 so it needs to be told how to
+ # match clang.
+ rustflags += [ "-Zdwarf-version=4" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # The gcc-based nacl compilers don't support -fdebug-compilation-dir (see
+ # elsewhere in this file), so they can't have build-dir-independent output.
+ # Moreover pnacl does not support newer flags such as -fdebug-prefix-map
+ # Disable symbols for nacl object files to get deterministic,
+ # build-directory-independent output.
+ # Keeping -g2 for saigo as it's the only toolchain whose artifacts that are
+ # part of chromium release (other nacl toolchains are used only for tests).
+ if ((!is_nacl || is_nacl_saigo) && current_os != "zos") {
+ cflags += [ "-g2" ]
+ }
+ if (!is_nacl && is_clang && !is_tsan && !is_asan) {
+ # gcc generates dwarf-aranges by default on -g1 and -g2. On clang it has
+ # to be manually enabled.
+ #
+ # It is skipped in tsan and asan because enabling it causes some
+ # formatting changes in the output which would require fixing bunches
+ # of expectation regexps.
+ cflags += [ "-gdwarf-aranges" ]
+ }
+ if (is_apple) {
+ swiftflags = [ "-g" ]
+ }
+ if (use_debug_fission) {
+ cflags += [ "-gsplit-dwarf" ]
+ }
+ asmflags = cflags
+ ldflags = []
+ # Split debug info with all thinlto builds except nacl and apple.
+ # thinlto requires -gsplit-dwarf in ldflags.
+ if (use_debug_fission && use_thin_lto && !is_nacl && !is_apple) {
+ ldflags += [ "-gsplit-dwarf" ]
+ }
+ # TODO(thakis): Figure out if there's a way to make this go for 32-bit,
+ # currently we get "warning:
+ # obj/native_client/src/trusted/service_runtime/sel_asm/nacl_switch_32.o:
+ # DWARF info may be corrupt; offsets in a range list entry are in different
+ # sections" there. Maybe just a bug in nacl_switch_32.S.
+ _enable_gdb_index =
+ symbol_level == 2 && !is_apple && !is_nacl && current_cpu != "x86" &&
+ current_os != "zos" && (use_gold || use_lld) &&
+ # Disable on non-fission 32-bit Android because it pushes
+ # libcomponents_unittests over the 4gb size limit.
+ !(is_android && !use_debug_fission && current_cpu != "x64" &&
+ current_cpu != "arm64")
+ if (_enable_gdb_index) {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ # This flag enables the GNU-format pubnames and pubtypes sections,
+ # which lld needs in order to generate a correct GDB index.
+ # TODO(pcc): Try to make lld understand non-GNU-format pubnames
+ # sections (
+ cflags += [ "-ggnu-pubnames" ]
+ }
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--gdb-index" ]
+ }
+ }
+ configs = []
+ # Compress debug on 32-bit ARM to stay under 4GB for ChromeOS
+ # https://b/243982712.
+ if (symbol_level == 2 && is_chromeos_device && !use_debug_fission &&
+ !is_nacl && current_cpu == "arm") {
+ configs += [ "//build/config:compress_debug_sections" ]
+ }
+ if (is_clang && (!is_nacl || is_nacl_saigo) && current_os != "zos") {
+ if (is_apple) {
+ # TODO( Investigate missing debug info on mac.
+ # Make sure we don't use constructor homing on mac.
+ cflags += [
+ "-Xclang",
+ "-debug-info-kind=limited",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ # Use constructor homing for debug info. This option reduces debug info
+ # by emitting class type info only when constructors are emitted.
+ cflags += [
+ "-Xclang",
+ "-fuse-ctor-homing",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ rustflags += [ "-g" ]
+# Minimal symbols.
+# This config guarantees to hold symbol for stack trace which are shown to user
+# when crash happens in unittests running on buildbot.
+config("minimal_symbols") {
+ rustflags = []
+ if (is_win) {
+ # Functions, files, and line tables only.
+ cflags = []
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ # Disable putting the compiler command line into the debug info to
+ # prevent some types of non-determinism.
+ "-gno-codeview-command-line",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (is_clang && use_lld && use_ghash) {
+ cflags += [ "-gcodeview-ghash" ]
+ ldflags = [ "/DEBUG:GHASH" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags = [ "/DEBUG" ]
+ }
+ # All configs using /DEBUG should include this:
+ configs = [ ":win_pdbaltpath" ]
+ # Enable line tables for clang. MSVC doesn't have an equivalent option.
+ if (is_clang) {
+ # -gline-tables-only is the same as -g1, but clang-cl only exposes the
+ # former.
+ cflags += [ "-gline-tables-only" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ cflags = []
+ if (is_mac && !use_dwarf5) {
+ # clang defaults to DWARF2 on macOS unless mac_deployment_target is
+ # at least 10.11.
+ # TODO(thakis): Remove this once mac_deployment_target is 10.11.
+ cflags += [ "-gdwarf-4" ]
+ rustflags += [ "-Zdwarf-version=4" ]
+ } else if (!use_dwarf5 && !is_nacl && current_os != "aix") {
+ # On aix -gdwarf causes linker failures due to thread_local variables.
+ # Recent clang versions default to DWARF5 on Linux, and Android is about
+ # to switch. TODO: Adopt that in controlled way.
+ cflags += [ "-gdwarf-4" ]
+ rustflags += [ "-Zdwarf-version=4" ]
+ }
+ if (use_dwarf5 && !is_nacl) {
+ cflags += [ "-gdwarf-5" ]
+ rustflags += [ "-Zdwarf-version=5" ]
+ }
+ # The gcc-based nacl compilers don't support -fdebug-compilation-dir (see
+ # elsewhere in this file), so they can't have build-dir-independent output.
+ # Moreover pnacl does not support newer flags such as -fdebug-prefix-map
+ # Disable symbols for nacl object files to get deterministic,
+ # build-directory-independent output.
+ # Keeping -g1 for saigo as it's the only toolchain whose artifacts that are
+ # part of chromium release (other nacl toolchains are used only for tests).
+ if (!is_nacl || is_nacl_saigo) {
+ cflags += [ "-g1" ]
+ }
+ if (!is_nacl && is_clang && !is_tsan && !is_asan) {
+ # See comment for -gdwarf-aranges in config("symbols").
+ cflags += [ "-gdwarf-aranges" ]
+ }
+ ldflags = []
+ if (is_android && is_clang) {
+ # Android defaults to symbol_level=1 builds, but clang, unlike gcc,
+ # doesn't emit DW_AT_linkage_name in -g1 builds.
+ # -fdebug-info-for-profiling enables that (and a bunch of other things we
+ # don't need), so that we get qualified names in stacks.
+ # TODO(thakis): Consider making clang emit DW_AT_linkage_name in -g1 mode;
+ # failing that consider doing this on non-Android too.
+ cflags += [ "-fdebug-info-for-profiling" ]
+ }
+ asmflags = cflags
+ }
+ rustflags += [ "-Cdebuginfo=1" ]
+# This configuration contains function names only. That is, the compiler is
+# told to not generate debug information and the linker then just puts function
+# names in the final debug information.
+config("no_symbols") {
+ if (is_win) {
+ ldflags = [ "/DEBUG" ]
+ # All configs using /DEBUG should include this:
+ configs = [ ":win_pdbaltpath" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-g0" ]
+ asmflags = cflags
+ }
+# Default symbols.
+config("default_symbols") {
+ if (symbol_level == 0) {
+ configs = [ ":no_symbols" ]
+ } else if (symbol_level == 1) {
+ configs = [ ":minimal_symbols" ]
+ } else if (symbol_level == 2) {
+ configs = [ ":symbols" ]
+ } else {
+ assert(false)
+ }
+ # This config is removed by base unittests apk.
+ if (is_android && is_clang && strip_debug_info) {
+ configs += [ ":strip_debug" ]
+ }
+config("strip_debug") {
+ if (!defined(ldflags)) {
+ ldflags = []
+ }
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--strip-debug" ]
+if (is_apple) {
+ # On macOS and iOS, this enables support for ARC (automatic reference
+ # counting). See
+ #
+ # -fobjc-arc enables ARC overall.
+ #
+ # ARC does not add exception handlers to pure Objective-C code, but does add
+ # them to Objective-C++ code with the rationale that C++ pervasively adds them
+ # in for exception safety. However, exceptions are banned in Chromium code for
+ # C++ and exceptions in Objective-C code are intended to be fatal, so
+ # -fno-objc-arc-exceptions is specified to disable these unwanted exception
+ # handlers.
+ config("enable_arc") {
+ common_flags = [
+ "-fobjc-arc",
+ "-fno-objc-arc-exceptions",
+ ]
+ cflags_objc = common_flags
+ cflags_objcc = common_flags
+ }
+if (is_android) {
+ # Use orderfile for linking Chrome on Android.
+ # This config enables using an orderfile for linking in LLD.
+ config("chrome_orderfile_config") {
+ # Don't try to use an orderfile with call graph sorting, except on Android,
+ # where we care about memory used by code, so we still want to mandate
+ # ordering.
+ if (chrome_orderfile_path != "") {
+ assert(use_lld)
+ _rebased_orderfile = rebase_path(chrome_orderfile_path, root_build_dir)
+ ldflags = [
+ "-Wl,--symbol-ordering-file",
+ "-Wl,$_rebased_orderfile",
+ "-Wl,--no-warn-symbol-ordering",
+ ]
+ inputs = [ chrome_orderfile_path ]
+ }
+ }
+# Initialize all variables on the stack if needed.
+config("default_init_stack_vars") {
+ cflags = []
+ if (init_stack_vars && is_clang && !is_nacl && !using_sanitizer) {
+ if (init_stack_vars_zero) {
+ cflags += [ "-ftrivial-auto-var-init=zero" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "-ftrivial-auto-var-init=pattern" ]
+ }
+ }
+buildflag_header("compiler_buildflags") {
+ header = "compiler_buildflags.h"
+ flags = [
+ "CLANG_PGO=$chrome_pgo_phase",
+ "SYMBOL_LEVEL=$symbol_level",
+ ]
+config("cet_shadow_stack") {
+ if (enable_cet_shadow_stack && is_win) {
+ assert(target_cpu == "x64")
+ ldflags = [ "/CETCOMPAT" ]
+ }
Index: radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-target-arm-patch/
--- radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-target-arm-patch/ (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-target-arm-patch/ (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+diff -u -Nr src-orig src > ../patches/chromium-123.0.6286.1-target-arm.patch
Property changes on: radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-target-arm-patch/
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-target-arm-patch/src/build/config/compiler/
--- radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-target-arm-patch/src/build/config/compiler/ (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-target-arm-patch/src/build/config/compiler/ (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,3032 @@
+# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+if (current_cpu == "arm" || current_cpu == "arm64") {
+ import("//build/config/arm.gni")
+if (current_cpu == "mipsel" || current_cpu == "mips64el" ||
+ current_cpu == "mips" || current_cpu == "mips64") {
+ import("//build/config/mips.gni")
+if (is_mac) {
+ import("//build/config/apple/symbols.gni")
+if (is_ios) {
+ import("//build/config/ios/ios_sdk.gni")
+if (is_nacl) {
+ # To keep NaCl variables out of builds that don't include NaCl, all
+ # variables defined in nacl/config.gni referenced here should be protected by
+ # is_nacl conditions.
+ import("//build/config/nacl/config.gni")
+lld_path = ""
+if (!is_clang) {
+ declare_args() {
+ # This allows overriding the location of lld.
+ lld_path = rebase_path("$clang_base_path/bin", root_build_dir)
+ }
+} else {
+ # clang looks for lld next to it, no need for -B.
+ lld_path = ""
+declare_args() {
+ # Normally, Android builds are lightly optimized, even for debug builds, to
+ # keep binary size down. Setting this flag to true disables such optimization
+ android_full_debug = false
+ # Compile in such a way as to make it possible for the profiler to unwind full
+ # stack frames. Setting this flag has a large effect on the performance of the
+ # generated code than just setting profiling, but gives the profiler more
+ # information to analyze.
+ # Requires profiling to be set to true.
+ enable_full_stack_frames_for_profiling = false
+ # When we are going to use gold we need to find it.
+ # This is initialized below, after use_gold might have been overridden.
+ gold_path = ""
+ # Enable fatal linker warnings. Building Chromium with certain versions
+ # of binutils can cause linker warning.
+ fatal_linker_warnings = true
+ # Build with C++ RTTI enabled. Chromium builds without RTTI by default,
+ # but some sanitizers are known to require it, like CFI diagnostics
+ # and UBsan variants.
+ use_rtti = use_cfi_diag || is_ubsan_vptr || is_ubsan_security
+ # AFDO (Automatic Feedback Directed Optimizer) is a form of profile-guided
+ # optimization that GCC supports. It used by ChromeOS in their official
+ # builds. To use it, set auto_profile_path to the path to a file containing
+ # the needed gcov profiling data.
+ auto_profile_path = ""
+ # Optimize for coverage guided fuzzing (balance between speed and number of
+ # branches)
+ optimize_for_fuzzing = false
+ # Path to an AFDO profile to use while building with clang, if any. Empty
+ # implies none.
+ clang_sample_profile_path = ""
+ # Some configurations have default sample profiles. If this is true and
+ # clang_sample_profile_path is empty, we'll fall back to the default.
+ #
+ # We currently only have default profiles for Chromium in-tree, so we disable
+ # this by default for all downstream projects, since these profiles are likely
+ # nonsensical for said projects.
+ clang_use_default_sample_profile =
+ chrome_pgo_phase == 0 && build_with_chromium && is_official_build &&
+ (is_android || chromeos_is_browser_only)
+ # This configuration is used to select a default profile in Chrome OS based on
+ # the microarchitectures we are using. This is only used if
+ # clang_use_default_sample_profile is true and clang_sample_profile_path is
+ # empty.
+ chromeos_afdo_platform = "atom"
+ # Emit debug information for profiling wile building with clang.
+ # Only enable this for ChromeOS official builds for AFDO.
+ clang_emit_debug_info_for_profiling = is_chromeos_device && is_official_build
+ # Turn this on to have the compiler output extra timing information.
+ compiler_timing = false
+ # Turn this on to use ghash feature of lld for faster debug link on Windows.
+ #
+ use_ghash = true
+ # Whether to enable ThinLTO optimizations. Turning ThinLTO optimizations on
+ # can substantially increase link time and binary size, but they generally
+ # also make binaries a fair bit faster.
+ #
+ # TODO(gbiv): We disable optimizations by default on most platforms because
+ # the space overhead is too great. We should use some mixture of profiles and
+ # optimization settings to better tune the size increase.
+ thin_lto_enable_optimizations =
+ (is_chromeos || is_android || is_win || is_linux || is_mac ||
+ (is_ios && use_lld)) && is_official_build
+ # Whether to enable thin lto incremental builds.
+ # See:
+ # The cache can lead to non-determinism:
+ thin_lto_enable_cache = true
+ # Initialize all local variables with a pattern. This flag will fill
+ # uninitialized floating-point types (and 32-bit pointers) with 0xFF and the
+ # rest with 0xAA. This makes behavior of uninitialized memory bugs consistent,
+ # recognizable in the debugger, and crashes on memory accesses through
+ # uninitialized pointers.
+ #
+ # Flag discussion:
+ #
+ # TODO( This regresses binary size by ~1MB on Android and
+ # needs to be evaluated before enabling it there as well.
+ init_stack_vars = !(is_android && is_official_build)
+ # Zero init has favorable performance/size tradeoffs for Chrome OS
+ # but was not evaluated for other platforms.
+ init_stack_vars_zero = is_chromeos
+ # This argument is to control whether enabling text section splitting in the
+ # final binary. When enabled, the separated text sections with prefix
+ # '', '.text.unlikely', '.text.startup' and '.text.exit' will not be
+ # merged to '.text' section. This allows us to identify the hot code section
+ # ('') in the binary, which allows our data collection pipelines to
+ # more easily identify code that we assume to be hot/cold that doesn't turn
+ # out to be such in the field.
+ use_text_section_splitting = is_chromeos
+ # Enable DWARF v5.
+ use_dwarf5 = false
+ # Override this to put full paths to PDBs in Windows PE files. This helps
+ # windbg and Windows Performance Analyzer with finding the PDBs in some local-
+ # build scenarios. This is never needed for bots or official builds. Because
+ # this puts the output directory in the DLLs/EXEs it breaks build determinism.
+ # Bugs have been reported to the windbg/WPA teams and this workaround will be
+ # removed when they are fixed.
+ use_full_pdb_paths = false
+ # Enable -H, which prints the include tree during compilation.
+ # For use by tools/clang/scripts/
+ show_includes = false
+ # Enable Profi algorithm. Profi can infer block and edge counts.
+ #
+ # TODO( Possibly enable this for Android too.
+ use_profi = is_chromeos
+ # If true, linker crashes will be rerun with `--reproduce` which causes
+ # a reproducer file to be saved.
+ save_reproducers_on_lld_crash = false
+ # Enable ShadowCallStack for compiled binaries. SCS stores a pointer to a
+ # shadow call stack in register x18. Hence, x18 must not be used by the OS
+ # or libraries. We assume that to be the case for high end Android
+ # configurations. For more details see
+ #
+ enable_shadow_call_stack = false
+ # Use DWARF simple template names, with the following exceptions:
+ #
+ # * Windows is not supported as it doesn't use DWARF.
+ # * Apple platforms (e.g. MacOS, iPhone, iPad) aren't supported because xcode
+ # lldb doesn't have the needed changes yet.
+ # TODO( Remove if the upstream default ever changes.
+ #
+ # This greatly reduces the size of debug builds, at the cost of
+ # debugging information which is required by some specialized
+ # debugging tools.
+ simple_template_names = is_clang && !is_nacl && !is_win && !is_apple
+declare_args() {
+ # Set to true to use icf, Identical Code Folding.
+ #
+ # icf=all is broken in older golds, see
+ #
+ # chromeos binutils has been patched with the fix, so always use icf there.
+ # The bug only affects x86 and x64, so we can still use ICF when targeting
+ # other architectures.
+ #
+ # lld doesn't have the bug.
+ use_icf = (is_posix || is_fuchsia) && !is_debug && !using_sanitizer &&
+ !use_clang_coverage && current_os != "zos" &&
+ !(is_android && use_order_profiling) &&
+ (use_lld || (use_gold && (is_chromeos || !(current_cpu == "x86" ||
+ current_cpu == "x64"))))
+if (is_android) {
+ # Set the path to use orderfile for linking Chrome
+ # Note that this is for using only one orderfile for linking
+ # the Chrome binary/library.
+ declare_args() {
+ chrome_orderfile_path = ""
+ if (defined(default_chrome_orderfile)) {
+ # Allow downstream tools to set orderfile path with
+ # another variable.
+ chrome_orderfile_path = default_chrome_orderfile
+ }
+ }
+declare_args() {
+ # Turn off the --call-graph-profile-sort flag for lld by default. Enable
+ # selectively for targets where it's beneficial.
+ enable_call_graph_profile_sort =
+ chrome_pgo_phase == 2 ||
+ (is_chromeos &&
+ (clang_use_default_sample_profile || clang_sample_profile_path != ""))
+assert(!(llvm_force_head_revision && use_goma),
+ "can't use goma with trunk clang")
+assert(!(llvm_force_head_revision && use_remoteexec),
+ "can't use rbe with trunk clang")
+# default_include_dirs ---------------------------------------------------------
+# This is a separate config so that third_party code (which would not use the
+# source root and might have conflicting versions of some headers) can remove
+# this and specify their own include paths.
+config("default_include_dirs") {
+ include_dirs = [
+ "//",
+ root_gen_dir,
+ ]
+# Compiler instrumentation can introduce dependencies in DSOs to symbols in
+# the executable they are loaded into, so they are unresolved at link-time.
+config("no_unresolved_symbols") {
+ if (!using_sanitizer &&
+ (is_linux || is_chromeos || is_android || is_fuchsia)) {
+ ldflags = [
+ "-Wl,-z,defs",
+ "-Wl,--as-needed",
+ ]
+ }
+# compiler ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Base compiler configuration.
+# See also "runtime_library" below for related stuff and a discussion about
+# where stuff should go. Put warning related stuff in the "warnings" config.
+config("compiler") {
+ asmflags = []
+ cflags = []
+ cflags_c = []
+ cflags_cc = []
+ cflags_objc = []
+ cflags_objcc = []
+ rustflags = []
+ ldflags = []
+ defines = []
+ configs = []
+ rustflags = []
+ # System-specific flags. If your compiler flags apply to one of the
+ # categories here, add it to the associated file to keep this shared config
+ # smaller.
+ if (is_win) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/win:compiler" ]
+ } else if (is_android) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/android:compiler" ]
+ } else if (is_linux || is_chromeos) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/linux:compiler" ]
+ } else if (is_nacl) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/nacl:compiler" ]
+ } else if (is_mac) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/mac:compiler" ]
+ } else if (is_ios) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/ios:compiler" ]
+ } else if (is_fuchsia) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/fuchsia:compiler" ]
+ } else if (current_os == "aix") {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/aix:compiler" ]
+ } else if (current_os == "zos") {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/zos:compiler" ]
+ }
+ configs += [
+ # See the definitions below.
+ ":clang_revision",
+ ":rustc_revision",
+ ":compiler_cpu_abi",
+ ":compiler_codegen",
+ ":compiler_deterministic",
+ ]
+ # Here we enable -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks, which makes various nullptr
+ # operations (e.g. dereferencing) into defined behavior. This avoids deletion
+ # of some security-critical code: see
+ # Nacl does not support the flag. And, we still want UBSAN to catch undefined
+ # behavior related to nullptrs, so do not add this flag if UBSAN is enabled.
+ # GCC seems to have some bugs compiling constexpr code when this is defined,
+ # so only enable it if using_clang. See:
+ # TODO(mpdenton): remove is_clang once GCC bug is fixed.
+ if (!is_nacl && !is_ubsan && is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "-fno-delete-null-pointer-checks" ]
+ }
+ # Don't emit the GCC version ident directives, they just end up in the
+ # .comment section or debug info taking up binary size, and makes comparing
+ # .o files built with different compiler versions harder.
+ if (!is_win || is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "-fno-ident" ]
+ }
+ # In general, Windows is totally different, but all the other builds share
+ # some common compiler and linker configuration.
+ if (!is_win) {
+ # Common POSIX compiler flags setup.
+ # --------------------------------
+ cflags += [ "-fno-strict-aliasing" ] # See
+ # Stack protection. ShadowCallStack and Stack protector address the same
+ # problems. Therefore, we only enable one or the other. Clang advertises SCS as
+ # a stronger alternative to StackProtector, so we give SCS precedence over SP.
+ if (enable_shadow_call_stack) {
+ # On Aarch64, SCS requires the x18 register to be unused because it will hold
+ # a pointer to the shadow stack. For Android we know that Clang doesn't use
+ # x18 by default. On other OSs adding "-ffixed-x18" might be required.
+ assert(is_android)
+ scs_parameters = [
+ "-fsanitize=shadow-call-stack",
+ "-fno-stack-protector",
+ ]
+ cflags += scs_parameters
+ ldflags += scs_parameters
+ } else {
+ if (is_apple) {
+ # The strong variant of the stack protector significantly increases
+ # binary size, so only enable it in debug mode.
+ if (is_debug) {
+ cflags += [ "-fstack-protector-strong" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "-fstack-protector" ]
+ }
+ } else if ((is_posix && !is_chromeos && !is_nacl) || is_fuchsia) {
+ # TODO(phajdan.jr): Use -fstack-protector-strong when our gcc supports it.
+ # See also
+ # The x86 toolchain currently has problems with stack-protector.
+ if (is_android && current_cpu == "x86") {
+ cflags += [ "-fno-stack-protector" ]
+ } else if (current_os != "aix") {
+ # Not available on aix.
+ cflags += [ "-fstack-protector" ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (use_lld) {
+ ldflags += [ "-fuse-ld=lld" ]
+ if (lld_path != "") {
+ ldflags += [ "-B$lld_path" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Linker warnings.
+ if (fatal_linker_warnings && !is_apple && current_os != "aix" &&
+ current_os != "zos") {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--fatal-warnings" ]
+ }
+ if (fatal_linker_warnings && is_apple) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-fatal_warnings" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_clang && is_debug) {
+ # Allow comparing the address of references and 'this' against 0
+ # in debug builds. Technically, these can never be null in
+ # well-defined C/C++ and Clang can optimize such checks away in
+ # release builds, but they may be used in asserts in debug builds.
+ cflags_cc += [
+ "-Wno-undefined-bool-conversion",
+ "-Wno-tautological-undefined-compare",
+ ]
+ }
+ # Non-Apple Posix and Fuchsia compiler flags setup.
+ # -----------------------------------
+ if ((is_posix && !is_apple) || is_fuchsia) {
+ if (enable_profiling) {
+ if (!is_debug) {
+ cflags += [ "-g" ]
+ if (enable_full_stack_frames_for_profiling) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-fno-inline",
+ "-fno-optimize-sibling-calls",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Explicitly pass --build-id to ld. Compilers used to always pass this
+ # implicitly but don't any more (in particular clang when built without
+ if (is_official_build) {
+ # The sha1 build id has lower risk of collision but is more expensive to
+ # compute, so only use it in the official build to avoid slowing down
+ # links.
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--build-id=sha1" ]
+ } else if (current_os != "aix" && current_os != "zos") {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--build-id" ]
+ }
+ if (!is_android) {
+ defines += [
+ # _FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 should not be set on Android in order to maintain
+ # the behavior of the Android NDK from earlier versions.
+ # See
+ ]
+ }
+ if (!is_nacl) {
+ if (exclude_unwind_tables) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-fno-unwind-tables",
+ "-fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables",
+ ]
+ rustflags += [ "-Cforce-unwind-tables=no" ]
+ defines += [ "NO_UNWIND_TABLES" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "-funwind-tables" ]
+ rustflags += [ "-Cforce-unwind-tables=yes" ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Apple compiler flags setup.
+ # ---------------------------------
+ if (is_apple) {
+ # On Intel, clang emits both Apple's "compact unwind" information and
+ # DWARF eh_frame unwind information by default, for compatibility reasons.
+ # This flag limits emission of eh_frame information to functions
+ # whose unwind information can't be expressed in the compact unwind format
+ # (which in practice means almost everything gets only compact unwind
+ # entries). This reduces object file size a bit and makes linking a bit
+ # faster.
+ # On arm64, this is already the default behavior.
+ if (current_cpu == "x64") {
+ asmflags += [ "-femit-dwarf-unwind=no-compact-unwind" ]
+ cflags += [ "-femit-dwarf-unwind=no-compact-unwind" ]
+ }
+ # dsymutil is not available in the system, on bots, for rustc to call. Our
+ # script runs dsymutil itself, which is set to be the
+ # linker for Rust targets as well.
+ rustflags += [ "-Csplit-debuginfo=unpacked" ]
+ }
+ # Linux/Android/Fuchsia common flags setup.
+ # ---------------------------------
+ if (is_linux || is_chromeos || is_android || is_fuchsia) {
+ asmflags += [ "-fPIC" ]
+ cflags += [ "-fPIC" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-fPIC" ]
+ rustflags += [ "-Crelocation-model=pic" ]
+ if (!is_clang) {
+ # Use pipes for communicating between sub-processes. Faster.
+ # (This flag doesn't do anything with Clang.)
+ cflags += [ "-pipe" ]
+ }
+ ldflags += [
+ "-Wl,-z,noexecstack",
+ "-Wl,-z,relro",
+ ]
+ if (!is_component_build) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-z,now" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Linux-specific compiler flags setup.
+ # ------------------------------------
+ if (use_gold) {
+ ldflags += [ "-fuse-ld=gold" ]
+ if (!is_android) {
+ # On Android, this isn't needed. gcc in the NDK knows to look next to
+ # it with -fuse-ld=gold, and clang gets a --gcc-toolchain flag passed
+ # above.
+ if (gold_path != "") {
+ ldflags += [ "-B$gold_path" ]
+ }
+ ldflags += [
+ # Experimentation found that using four linking threads
+ # saved ~20% of link time.
+ #
+ # Only apply this to the target linker, since the host
+ # linker might not be gold, but isn't used much anyway.
+ "-Wl,--threads",
+ "-Wl,--thread-count=4",
+ ]
+ }
+ # TODO(thestig): Make this flag work with GN.
+ #if (!is_official_build && !is_chromeos && !(is_asan || is_lsan || is_tsan || is_msan)) {
+ # ldflags += [
+ # "-Wl,--detect-odr-violations",
+ # ]
+ #}
+ }
+ if (use_icf && (!is_apple || use_lld)) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--icf=all" ]
+ }
+ if (is_linux || is_chromeos) {
+ cflags += [ "-pthread" ]
+ # Do not use the -pthread ldflag here since it becomes a no-op
+ # when using -nodefaultlibs, which would cause an unused argument
+ # error. "-lpthread" is added in //build/config:default_libs.
+ }
+ # Clang-specific compiler flags setup.
+ # ------------------------------------
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "-fcolor-diagnostics" ]
+ # Enable -fmerge-all-constants. This used to be the default in clang
+ # for over a decade. It makes clang non-conforming, but is fairly safe
+ # in practice and saves some binary size. We might want to consider
+ # disabling this (,
+ # but for now it looks like our build might rely on it
+ # (
+ cflags += [ "-fmerge-all-constants" ]
+ }
+ if (use_lld) {
+ # TODO(thakis): Make the driver pass --color-diagnostics to the linker
+ # if -fcolor-diagnostics is passed to it, and pass -fcolor-diagnostics
+ # in ldflags instead.
+ if (is_win) {
+ # On Windows, we call the linker directly, instead of calling it through
+ # the driver.
+ ldflags += [ "--color-diagnostics" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--color-diagnostics" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Enable text section splitting only on linux when using lld for now. Other
+ # platforms can be added later if needed.
+ if ((is_linux || is_chromeos) && use_lld && use_text_section_splitting) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-z,keep-text-section-prefix" ]
+ }
+ if (is_clang && !is_nacl && current_os != "zos") {
+ cflags += [ "-fcrash-diagnostics-dir=" + clang_diagnostic_dir ]
+ if (save_reproducers_on_lld_crash && use_lld) {
+ ldflags += [
+ "-fcrash-diagnostics=all",
+ "-fcrash-diagnostics-dir=" + clang_diagnostic_dir,
+ ]
+ }
+ # TODO(hans): Remove this once Clang generates better optimized debug info
+ # by default.
+ cflags += [
+ "-mllvm",
+ "-instcombine-lower-dbg-declare=0",
+ ]
+ if (!is_debug && use_thin_lto && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ if (is_win) {
+ ldflags += [ "-mllvm:-instcombine-lower-dbg-declare=0" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-mllvm,-instcombine-lower-dbg-declare=0" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # TODO( This causes binary size growth and potentially
+ # other problems.
+ # TODO( This isn't supported by Cronet's mainline llvm version.
+ if (default_toolchain != "//build/toolchain/cros:target" &&
+ !llvm_android_mainline) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mllvm",
+ "-split-threshold-for-reg-with-hint=0",
+ ]
+ if (use_thin_lto && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ if (is_win) {
+ ldflags += [ "-mllvm:-split-threshold-for-reg-with-hint=0" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-mllvm,-split-threshold-for-reg-with-hint=0" ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # TODO( Investigate why/if this should be needed.
+ if (is_win) {
+ cflags += [ "/clang:-ffp-contract=off" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "-ffp-contract=off" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # C11/C++11 compiler flags setup.
+ # ---------------------------
+ if (is_linux || is_chromeos || is_android || (is_nacl && is_clang) ||
+ current_os == "aix") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ standard_prefix = "c"
+ # Since we build with -std=c* and not -std=gnu*, _GNU_SOURCE will not be
+ # defined by the compiler. However, lots of code relies on the
+ # non-standard features that _GNU_SOURCE enables, so define it manually.
+ defines += [ "_GNU_SOURCE" ]
+ if (is_nacl) {
+ # Undefine __STRICT_ANSI__ to get non-standard features which would
+ # otherwise not be enabled by NaCl's sysroots.
+ cflags += [ "-U__STRICT_ANSI__" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ # Gcc does not support ##__VA_ARGS__ when in standards-conforming mode,
+ # but we use this feature in several places in Chromium.
+ # TODO(thomasanderson): Replace usages of ##__VA_ARGS__ with the
+ # standard-compliant __VA_OPT__ added by C++20, and switch the gcc build
+ # to -std=c*.
+ standard_prefix = "gnu"
+ }
+ cflags_c += [ "-std=${standard_prefix}11" ]
+ if (is_nacl && !is_nacl_saigo) {
+ # This is for the pnacl_newlib toolchain. It's only used to build
+ # a few independent ppapi test files that don't pull in any other
+ # dependencies.
+ cflags_cc += [ "-std=${standard_prefix}++14" ]
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags_cc += [ "-fno-trigraphs" ]
+ }
+ } else if (is_clang) {
+ if (defined(use_cxx17) && use_cxx17) {
+ cflags_cc += [ "-std=${standard_prefix}++17" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags_cc += [ "-std=${standard_prefix}++20" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ # The gcc bots are currently using GCC 9, which is not new enough to
+ # support "c++20"/"gnu++20".
+ cflags_cc += [ "-std=${standard_prefix}++2a" ]
+ }
+ } else if (is_win) {
+ cflags_c += [ "/std:c11" ]
+ if (defined(use_cxx17) && use_cxx17) {
+ cflags_cc += [ "/std:c++17" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags_cc += [ "/std:c++20" ]
+ }
+ } else if (!is_nacl) {
+ # TODO(mcgrathr) - the NaCl GCC toolchain doesn't support either
+ # gnu11/gnu++11 or c11/c++11; we technically don't need this toolchain any
+ # more, but there are still a few buildbots using it, so until those are
+ # turned off we need the !is_nacl clause and the (is_nacl && is_clang)
+ # clause, above.
+ cflags_c += [ "-std=c11" ]
+ if (defined(use_cxx17) && use_cxx17) {
+ cflags_cc += [ "-std=c++17" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags_cc += [ "-std=c++20" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_clang && current_os != "zos") {
+ # C++17 removes trigraph support, but clang still warns that it ignores
+ # them when seeing them. Don't.
+ cflags_cc += [ "-Wno-trigraphs" ]
+ }
+ if (use_relative_vtables_abi) {
+ cflags_cc += [ "-fexperimental-relative-c++-abi-vtables" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-fexperimental-relative-c++-abi-vtables" ]
+ }
+ # Add flags for link-time optimization. These flags enable
+ # optimizations/transformations that require whole-program visibility at link
+ # time, so they need to be applied to all translation units, and we may end up
+ # with miscompiles if only part of the program is compiled with LTO flags. For
+ # that reason, we cannot allow targets to enable or disable these flags, for
+ # example by disabling the optimize configuration.
+ # TODO(pcc): Make this conditional on is_official_build rather than on gn
+ # flags for specific features.
+ if (!is_debug && use_thin_lto && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ assert(use_lld, "LTO is only supported with lld")
+ cflags += [
+ "-flto=thin",
+ "-fsplit-lto-unit",
+ ]
+ if (thin_lto_enable_cache) {
+ # Limit the size of the ThinLTO cache to the lesser of 10% of
+ # available disk space, 40GB and 100000 files.
+ cache_policy =
+ "cache_size=10%:cache_size_bytes=40g:cache_size_files=100000"
+ cache_dir = rebase_path("$root_out_dir/thinlto-cache", root_build_dir)
+ if (is_win) {
+ ldflags += [
+ "/lldltocache:$cache_dir",
+ "/lldltocachepolicy:$cache_policy",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ if (is_apple) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-cache_path_lto,$cache_dir" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--thinlto-cache-dir=$cache_dir" ]
+ }
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--thinlto-cache-policy=$cache_policy" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # An import limit of 30 has better performance (per speedometer) and lower
+ # binary size than the default setting of 100.
+ # TODO(gbiv): We ideally shouldn't need to specify this; ThinLTO
+ # should be able to better manage binary size increases on its own.
+ import_instr_limit = 30
+ if (is_win) {
+ ldflags += [
+ "/opt:lldltojobs=all",
+ "-mllvm:-import-instr-limit=$import_instr_limit",
+ "-mllvm:-disable-auto-upgrade-debug-info",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags += [ "-flto=thin" ]
+ # Enabling ThinLTO on Chrome OS too, in an effort to reduce the memory
+ # usage in Note this will increase build time in
+ # Chrome OS.
+ # In ThinLTO builds, we run at most one link process at a time,
+ # and let it use all cores.
+ # TODO(thakis): Check if '=0' (that is, number of cores, instead
+ # of "all" which means number of hardware threads) is faster.
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--thinlto-jobs=all" ]
+ if (is_chromeos) {
+ # ARM was originally set lower than x86 to keep the size
+ # bloat of ThinLTO to <10%, but that's potentially no longer true.
+ # FIXME(inglorion): maybe tune these?
+ # TODO(b/271459198): Revert limit on amd64 to 30 when fixed.
+ import_instr_limit = 20
+ } else if (is_android) {
+ # TODO( Investigate if we can get the > 6% perf win
+ # of import_instr_limit 30 with a binary size hit smaller than ~2 MiB.
+ import_instr_limit = 5
+ }
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-mllvm,-import-instr-limit=$import_instr_limit" ]
+ if (is_apple) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wcrl,object_path_lto" ]
+ }
+ # We only use one version of LLVM within a build so there's no need to
+ # upgrade debug info, which can be expensive since it runs the verifier.
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-mllvm,-disable-auto-upgrade-debug-info" ]
+ }
+ # TODO( investigate why this isn't effective on
+ # arm32.
+ if (!is_android || current_cpu == "arm64") {
+ cflags += [ "-fwhole-program-vtables" ]
+ if (toolchain_supports_rust_thin_lto) {
+ # whole-program-vtables implies -fsplit-lto-unit, and Rust needs to match
+ # behaviour. Rust needs to know the linker will be doing LTO in this case
+ # or it rejects the Zsplit-lto-unit flag.
+ rustflags += [
+ "-Zsplit-lto-unit",
+ "-Clinker-plugin-lto=yes",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ # Don't include bitcode if it won't be used.
+ rustflags += [ "-Cembed-bitcode=no" ]
+ }
+ if (!is_win) {
+ ldflags += [ "-fwhole-program-vtables" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # This flag causes LTO to create an .ARM.attributes section with the correct
+ # architecture. This is necessary because LLD will refuse to link a program
+ # unless the architecture revision in .ARM.attributes is sufficiently new.
+ # TODO(pcc): The contents of .ARM.attributes should be based on the
+ # -march flag passed at compile time (see
+ if (current_cpu == "arm") {
+ ldflags += [ "-march=$arm_arch" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (compiler_timing) {
+ if (is_clang && !is_nacl) {
+ cflags += [ "-ftime-trace" ]
+ if (use_lld && is_mac) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--time-trace" ]
+ }
+ } else if (is_win) {
+ cflags += [
+ # "Documented" here:
+ #
+ "/d2cgsummary",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Pass flag to LLD so Android builds can allow debuggerd to properly symbolize
+ # stack crashes (
+ if (use_lld && is_android) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--no-rosegment" ]
+ }
+ # TODO( Cleanup undefined symbol errors caught by
+ # --no-undefined-version.
+ if (use_lld && !is_win && !is_mac && !is_ios) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--undefined-version" ]
+ }
+ if (use_lld && is_apple) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--strict-auto-link" ]
+ }
+ # LLD does call-graph-sorted binary layout by default when profile data is
+ # present. On Android this increases binary size due to more thinks for long
+ # jumps. Turn it off by default and enable selectively for targets where it's
+ # beneficial.
+ if (use_lld && !enable_call_graph_profile_sort) {
+ if (is_win) {
+ ldflags += [ "/call-graph-profile-sort:no" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--no-call-graph-profile-sort" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_clang && !is_nacl && show_includes) {
+ if (is_win) {
+ # TODO( Goma mixes the -H and /showIncludes output.
+ assert(!use_goma, "show_includes on Windows is not reliable with goma")
+ cflags += [
+ "/clang:-H",
+ "/clang:-fshow-skipped-includes",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [
+ "-H",
+ "-fshow-skipped-includes",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ # This flag enforces that member pointer base types are complete. It helps
+ # prevent us from running into problems in the Microsoft C++ ABI (see
+ #
+ if (is_clang && !is_nacl && target_os != "chromeos" &&
+ (is_win || use_custom_libcxx)) {
+ cflags += [ "-fcomplete-member-pointers" ]
+ }
+ # Use DWARF simple template names.
+ if (simple_template_names) {
+ cflags_cc += [ "-gsimple-template-names" ]
+ }
+ # MLGO specific flags. These flags enable an ML-based inliner trained on
+ # Chrome on Android (arm32) with ThinLTO enabled, optimizing for size.
+ # The "release" ML model is embedded into clang as part of its build.
+ # Currently, the ML inliner is only enabled when targeting Android due to:
+ # a) Android is where size matters the most.
+ # b) MLGO presently has the limitation of only being able to embed one model
+ # at a time; It is unclear if the embedded model is beneficial for
+ # non-Android targets.
+ # MLGO is only officially supported on linux.
+ if (use_ml_inliner && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ assert(
+ is_android && host_os == "linux",
+ "MLGO is currently only supported for targeting Android on a linux host")
+ if (use_thin_lto) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-mllvm,-enable-ml-inliner=release" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (clang_embed_bitcode) {
+ assert(!use_thin_lto,
+ "clang_embed_bitcode is only supported in non-ThinLTO builds")
+ cflags += [
+ "-Xclang",
+ "-fembed-bitcode=all",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (lld_emit_indexes_and_imports) {
+ assert(use_thin_lto,
+ "lld_emit_indexes_and_imports is only supported with ThinLTO builds")
+ ldflags += [
+ "-Wl,--save-temps=import",
+ "-Wl,--thinlto-emit-index-files",
+ ]
+ }
+ # Pass the same C/C++ flags to the objective C/C++ compiler.
+ cflags_objc += cflags_c
+ cflags_objcc += cflags_cc
+ # Assign any flags set for the C compiler to asmflags so that they are sent
+ # to the assembler. The Windows assembler takes different types of flags
+ # so only do so for posix platforms.
+ if (is_posix || is_fuchsia) {
+ asmflags += cflags
+ asmflags += cflags_c
+ }
+ if (is_chromeos_device && !is_nacl) {
+ # On ChromeOS devices, we want to ensure we're using Chrome's allocator
+ # symbols for all C++ new/delete operator overloads. PartitionAlloc
+ # and other local allocators should always take precedence over system or
+ # preloaded allocators. These are the mangled symbol names.
+ # See b/280115910 for details.
+ ldflags += [
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdaPv,-u,_ZdaPv",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdaPvRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZdaPvRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdlPv,-u,_ZdlPv",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdlPvm,-u,_ZdlPvm",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdlPvRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZdlPvRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_Znam,-u,_Znam",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZnamRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZnamRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_Znwm,-u,_Znwm",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZnwmRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZnwmRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdaPvmSt11align_val_t,-u,_ZdaPvmSt11align_val_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdaPvSt11align_val_t,-u,_ZdaPvSt11align_val_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdaPvSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZdaPvSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdlPvmSt11align_val_t,-u,_ZdlPvmSt11align_val_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdlPvSt11align_val_t,-u,_ZdlPvSt11align_val_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdlPvSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZdlPvSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZnamSt11align_val_t,-u,_ZnamSt11align_val_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZnamSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZnamSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZnwmSt11align_val_t,-u,_ZnwmSt11align_val_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZnwmSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZnwmSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ ]
+ }
+ # Rust compiler flags setup.
+ # ---------------------------
+ rustflags += [
+ # Overflow checks are optional in Rust, but even if switched
+ # off they do not cause undefined behavior (the overflowing
+ # behavior is defined). Because containers are bounds-checked
+ # in safe Rust, they also can't provoke buffer overflows.
+ # As such these checks may be less important in Rust than C++.
+ # But in (simplistic) testing they have negligible performance
+ # overhead, and this helps to provide consistent behavior
+ # between different configurations, so we'll keep them on until
+ # we discover a reason to turn them off.
+ "-Coverflow-checks=on",
+ # By default Rust passes `-nodefaultlibs` to the linker, however this
+ # conflicts with our `--unwind=none` flag for Android dylibs, as the latter
+ # is then unused and produces a warning/error. So this removes the
+ # `-nodefaultlibs` from the linker invocation from Rust, which would be used
+ # to compile dylibs on Android, such as for constructing unit test APKs.
+ "-Cdefault-linker-libraries",
+ # To make Rust .d files compatible with ninja
+ "-Zdep-info-omit-d-target",
+ # If a macro panics during compilation, show which macro and where it is
+ # defined.
+ "-Zmacro-backtrace",
+ # For deterministic builds, keep the local machine's current working
+ # directory from appearing in build outputs.
+ "-Zremap-cwd-prefix=.",
+ ]
+ if (!is_win || force_rustc_color_output) {
+ # Colorize error output. The analogous flag is passed for clang. This must
+ # be platform-gated since rustc will unconditionally output ANSI escape
+ # sequences, ignoring the platform, when stderr is not a terminal.
+ rustflags += [ "--color=always" ]
+ }
+ if (rust_abi_target != "") {
+ rustflags += [ "--target=$rust_abi_target" ]
+ }
+ if (!use_thin_lto || !toolchain_supports_rust_thin_lto) {
+ # Don't include bitcode if it won't be used.
+ rustflags += [ "-Cembed-bitcode=no" ]
+ }
+ if (is_official_build) {
+ rustflags += [ "-Ccodegen-units=1" ]
+ }
+ if (!rust_prebuilt_stdlib) {
+ # When building against the Chromium Rust stdlib (which we compile) always
+ # abort instead of unwinding when panic occurs. In official builds, panics
+ # abort immediately (this is configured in the stdlib) to keep binary size
+ # down. So we unconditionally match behaviour in unofficial too.
+ rustflags += [
+ "-Cpanic=abort",
+ "-Zpanic_abort_tests",
+ ]
+ }
+ # Normally, this would be defined in the `runtime_library` config but NaCl
+ # saigo libc++ does not use the custom hermetic libc++. Unfortunately, there
+ # isn't really a better config to add this define for the define to
+ # consistently apply in both Chromium and non-Chromium code *and* non-NaCl
+ # and NaCl code.
+ #
+ # TODO( Move this back to the `runtime_library`
+ # config when NaCl is removed.
+ if (use_safe_libcxx) {
+ # TODO( Switch saigo to hardened mode once
+ # it's rolled in.
+ if (is_nacl_saigo) {
+ defines += [ "_LIBCPP_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS=1" ]
+ } else {
+ }
+ } else {
+ }
+# The BUILDCONFIG file sets this config on targets by default, which means when
+# building with ThinLTO, no optimization is performed in the link step.
+config("thinlto_optimize_default") {
+ if (!is_debug && use_thin_lto && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ lto_opt_level = 0
+ if (is_win) {
+ ldflags = [ "/opt:lldlto=" + lto_opt_level ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags = [ "-Wl,--lto-O" + lto_opt_level ]
+ }
+ if (toolchain_supports_rust_thin_lto) {
+ # We always point Rust to a linker that performs LTO, so we don't want Rust
+ # to preemptively do so during compilation too or they conflict. But we do
+ # want Rust to generate LTO metadata in order for the linker to do its job.
+ rustflags = [ "-Clinker-plugin-lto=yes" ]
+ } else {
+ # Don't include bitcode if it won't be used.
+ rustflags = [ "-Cembed-bitcode=no" ]
+ }
+ }
+# Use this to enable optimization in the ThinLTO link step for select targets
+# when thin_lto_enable_optimizations is set by doing:
+# configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:thinlto_optimize_default" ]
+# configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:thinlto_optimize_max" ]
+# Since it makes linking significantly slower and more resource intensive, only
+# use it on important targets such as the main browser executable or dll.
+config("thinlto_optimize_max") {
+ if (!is_debug && use_thin_lto && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ if (thin_lto_enable_optimizations) {
+ lto_opt_level = 2
+ } else {
+ lto_opt_level = 0
+ }
+ if (is_win) {
+ ldflags = [ "/opt:lldlto=" + lto_opt_level ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags = [ "-Wl,--lto-O" + lto_opt_level ]
+ }
+ if (toolchain_supports_rust_thin_lto) {
+ # We always point Rust to a linker that performs LTO, so we don't want Rust
+ # to preemptively do so during compilation too or they conflict. But we do
+ # want Rust to generate LTO metadata in order for the linker to do its job.
+ rustflags = [ "-Clinker-plugin-lto=yes" ]
+ } else {
+ # Don't include bitcode if it won't be used.
+ rustflags = [ "-Cembed-bitcode=no" ]
+ }
+ }
+# This provides the basic options to select the target CPU and ABI.
+# It is factored out of "compiler" so that special cases can use this
+# without using everything that "compiler" brings in. Options that
+# tweak code generation for a particular CPU do not belong here!
+# See "compiler_codegen", below.
+config("compiler_cpu_abi") {
+ cflags = []
+ ldflags = []
+ defines = []
+ configs = []
+ if (is_chromeos) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/chromeos:compiler_cpu_abi" ]
+ }
+ if ((is_posix && !is_apple) || is_fuchsia) {
+ # CPU architecture. We may or may not be doing a cross compile now, so for
+ # simplicity we always explicitly set the architecture.
+ if (current_cpu == "x64") {
+ cflags += [
+ "-m64",
+ "-msse3",
+ ]
+ # Minimum SIMD support for devices running lacros.
+ # See
+ if (is_chromeos_lacros) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mssse3",
+ "-msse4",
+ "-msse4.1",
+ "-msse4.2",
+ ]
+ }
+ ldflags += [ "-m64" ]
+ } else if (current_cpu == "x86") {
+ cflags += [ "-m32" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-m32" ]
+ if (!is_nacl) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mfpmath=sse",
+ "-msse3",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else if (current_cpu == "arm") {
+ if (is_clang && !is_android && !is_nacl &&
+ !(is_chromeos_lacros && is_chromeos_device)) {
+ cflags += [ "--target=@ARM_TARGET@" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=@ARM_TARGET@" ]
+ }
+ if (!is_nacl) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-march=$arm_arch",
+ "-mfloat-abi=$arm_float_abi",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (arm_tune != "") {
+ cflags += [ "-mtune=$arm_tune" ]
+ }
+ } else if (current_cpu == "arm64") {
+ if (is_clang && !is_android && !is_nacl && !is_fuchsia &&
+ !(is_chromeos_lacros && is_chromeos_device)) {
+ cflags += [ "--target=aarch64-linux-gnu" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=aarch64-linux-gnu" ]
+ }
+ } else if (current_cpu == "mipsel" && !is_nacl) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--hash-style=sysv" ]
+ if (custom_toolchain == "") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ if (is_android) {
+ cflags += [ "--target=mipsel-linux-android" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=mipsel-linux-android" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "--target=mipsel-linux-gnu" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=mipsel-linux-gnu" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "-EL" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-EL" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (mips_arch_variant == "r6") {
+ cflags += [ "-mno-odd-spreg" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-mips32r6" ]
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-march=mipsel",
+ "-mcpu=mips32r6",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips32r6",
+ "-Wa,-mips32r6",
+ ]
+ if (is_android) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-melf32ltsmip" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (mips_use_msa == true) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mmsa",
+ "-mfp64",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else if (mips_arch_variant == "r2") {
+ ldflags += [ "-mips32r2" ]
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-march=mipsel",
+ "-mcpu=mips32r2",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips32r2",
+ "-Wa,-mips32r2",
+ ]
+ if (mips_float_abi == "hard" && mips_fpu_mode != "") {
+ cflags += [ "-m$mips_fpu_mode" ]
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (mips_arch_variant == "r1") {
+ ldflags += [ "-mips32" ]
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-march=mipsel",
+ "-mcpu=mips32",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips32",
+ "-Wa,-mips32",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else if (mips_arch_variant == "loongson3") {
+ defines += [ "_MIPS_ARCH_LOONGSON" ]
+ cflags += [
+ "-march=loongson3a",
+ "-mno-branch-likely",
+ "-Wa,-march=loongson3a",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (mips_dsp_rev == 1) {
+ cflags += [ "-mdsp" ]
+ } else if (mips_dsp_rev == 2) {
+ cflags += [ "-mdspr2" ]
+ }
+ cflags += [ "-m${mips_float_abi}-float" ]
+ } else if (current_cpu == "mips" && !is_nacl) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--hash-style=sysv" ]
+ if (custom_toolchain == "") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "--target=mips-linux-gnu" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=mips-linux-gnu" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "-EB" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-EB" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (mips_arch_variant == "r6") {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips32r6",
+ "-Wa,-mips32r6",
+ ]
+ if (mips_use_msa == true) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mmsa",
+ "-mfp64",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else if (mips_arch_variant == "r2") {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips32r2",
+ "-Wa,-mips32r2",
+ ]
+ if (mips_float_abi == "hard" && mips_fpu_mode != "") {
+ cflags += [ "-m$mips_fpu_mode" ]
+ }
+ } else if (mips_arch_variant == "r1") {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips32",
+ "-Wa,-mips32",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (mips_dsp_rev == 1) {
+ cflags += [ "-mdsp" ]
+ } else if (mips_dsp_rev == 2) {
+ cflags += [ "-mdspr2" ]
+ }
+ cflags += [ "-m${mips_float_abi}-float" ]
+ } else if (current_cpu == "mips64el") {
+ cflags += [ "-D__SANE_USERSPACE_TYPES__" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--hash-style=sysv" ]
+ if (custom_toolchain == "") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ if (is_android) {
+ cflags += [ "--target=mips64el-linux-android" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=mips64el-linux-android" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "--target=mips64el-linux-gnuabi64" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=mips64el-linux-gnuabi64" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ cflags += [
+ "-EL",
+ "-mabi=64",
+ ]
+ ldflags += [
+ "-EL",
+ "-mabi=64",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (mips_arch_variant == "r6") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-march=mips64el",
+ "-mcpu=mips64r6",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips64r6",
+ "-Wa,-mips64r6",
+ ]
+ ldflags += [ "-mips64r6" ]
+ }
+ if (mips_use_msa == true) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mmsa",
+ "-mfp64",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else if (mips_arch_variant == "r2") {
+ ldflags += [ "-mips64r2" ]
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-march=mips64el",
+ "-mcpu=mips64r2",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips64r2",
+ "-Wa,-mips64r2",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else if (mips_arch_variant == "loongson3") {
+ defines += [ "_MIPS_ARCH_LOONGSON" ]
+ cflags += [
+ "-march=loongson3a",
+ "-mno-branch-likely",
+ "-Wa,-march=loongson3a",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else if (current_cpu == "mips64") {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--hash-style=sysv" ]
+ if (custom_toolchain == "") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "--target=mips64-linux-gnuabi64" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=mips64-linux-gnuabi64" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [
+ "-EB",
+ "-mabi=64",
+ ]
+ ldflags += [
+ "-EB",
+ "-mabi=64",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (mips_arch_variant == "r6") {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips64r6",
+ "-Wa,-mips64r6",
+ ]
+ ldflags += [ "-mips64r6" ]
+ if (mips_use_msa == true) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mmsa",
+ "-mfp64",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else if (mips_arch_variant == "r2") {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips64r2",
+ "-Wa,-mips64r2",
+ ]
+ ldflags += [ "-mips64r2" ]
+ }
+ } else if (current_cpu == "ppc64") {
+ if (current_os == "aix") {
+ cflags += [ "-maix64" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-maix64" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "-m64" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-m64" ]
+ }
+ } else if (current_cpu == "riscv64") {
+ if (is_clang && !is_android) {
+ cflags += [ "--target=riscv64-linux-gnu" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=riscv64-linux-gnu" ]
+ }
+ cflags += [ "-mabi=lp64d" ]
+ } else if (current_cpu == "loong64") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "--target=loongarch64-linux-gnu" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=loongarch64-linux-gnu" ]
+ }
+ cflags += [
+ "-mabi=lp64d",
+ "-mcmodel=medium",
+ ]
+ } else if (current_cpu == "s390x") {
+ cflags += [ "-m64" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-m64" ]
+ }
+ }
+ asmflags = cflags
+# This provides options to tweak code generation that are necessary
+# for particular Chromium code or for working around particular
+# compiler bugs (or the combination of the two).
+config("compiler_codegen") {
+ configs = []
+ cflags = []
+ ldflags = []
+ if (is_nacl) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/nacl:compiler_codegen" ]
+ }
+ if (current_cpu == "arm64" && !is_win && is_clang) {
+ # Disable outlining everywhere on arm64 except Win. For more information see
+ # for Android and for iOS.
+ # TODO( Enable this on Windows if possible.
+ cflags += [ "-mno-outline" ]
+ # This can be removed once
+ # has been resolved, and -mno-outline is obeyed by the linker during
+ # ThinLTO.
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-mllvm,-enable-machine-outliner=never" ]
+ }
+ asmflags = cflags
+# This provides options that make the build deterministic, so that the same
+# revision produces the same output, independent of the name of the build
+# directory and of the computer the build is done on.
+# The relative path from build dir to source dir makes it into the build
+# outputs, so it's recommended that you use a build dir two levels deep
+# (e.g. "out/Release") so that you get the same "../.." path as all the bots
+# in your build outputs.
+config("compiler_deterministic") {
+ cflags = []
+ ldflags = []
+ swiftflags = []
+ # Eliminate build metadata (__DATE__, __TIME__ and __TIMESTAMP__) for
+ # deterministic build. See
+ if (!is_official_build) {
+ if (is_win && !is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ "/wd4117", # Trying to define or undefine a predefined macro.
+ "/D__DATE__=",
+ "/D__TIME__=",
+ "/D__TIMESTAMP__=",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [
+ "-Wno-builtin-macro-redefined",
+ "-D__DATE__=",
+ "-D__TIME__=",
+ "-D__TIMESTAMP__=",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Makes builds independent of absolute file path.
+ if (is_clang && strip_absolute_paths_from_debug_symbols) {
+ # If debug option is given, clang includes $cwd in debug info by default.
+ # For such build, this flag generates reproducible obj files even we use
+ # different build directory like "out/feature_a" and "out/feature_b" if
+ # we build same files with same compile flag.
+ # Other paths are already given in relative, no need to normalize them.
+ if (is_nacl) {
+ # TODO( Use -ffile-compilation-dir= here.
+ cflags += [
+ "-Xclang",
+ "-fdebug-compilation-dir",
+ "-Xclang",
+ ".",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ # -ffile-compilation-dir is an alias for both -fdebug-compilation-dir=
+ # and -fcoverage-compilation-dir=.
+ cflags += [ "-ffile-compilation-dir=." ]
+ swiftflags += [ "-file-compilation-dir=." ]
+ }
+ if (!is_win) {
+ # We don't use clang -cc1as on Windows (yet?
+ asmflags = [ "-Wa,-fdebug-compilation-dir,." ]
+ }
+ if (is_win && use_lld) {
+ if (symbol_level == 2 || (is_clang && using_sanitizer)) {
+ # Absolutize source file paths for PDB. Pass the real build directory
+ # if the pdb contains source-level debug information and if linker
+ # reproducibility is not critical.
+ ldflags += [ "/PDBSourcePath:" + rebase_path(root_build_dir) ]
+ } else {
+ # Use a fake fixed base directory for paths in the pdb to make the pdb
+ # output fully deterministic and independent of the build directory.
+ ldflags += [ "/PDBSourcePath:o:\fake\prefix" ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Tells the compiler not to use absolute paths when passing the default
+ # paths to the tools it invokes. We don't want this because we don't
+ # really need it and it can mess up the goma cache entries.
+ if (is_clang && (!is_nacl || is_nacl_saigo)) {
+ cflags += [ "-no-canonical-prefixes" ]
+ # Same for links: Let the compiler driver invoke the linker
+ # with a relative path and pass relative paths to built-in
+ # libraries. Not needed on Windows because we call the linker
+ # directly there, not through the compiler driver.
+ # We don't link on goma, so this change is just for cleaner
+ # internal linker invocations, for people who work on the build.
+ if (!is_win) {
+ ldflags += [ "-no-canonical-prefixes" ]
+ }
+ }
+config("clang_revision") {
+ if (is_clang && clang_base_path == default_clang_base_path) {
+ update_args = [
+ "--print-revision",
+ "--verify-version=$clang_version",
+ ]
+ if (llvm_force_head_revision) {
+ update_args += [ "--llvm-force-head-revision" ]
+ }
+ clang_revision = exec_script("//tools/clang/scripts/",
+ update_args,
+ "trim string")
+ # This is here so that all files get recompiled after a clang roll and
+ # when turning clang on or off. (defines are passed via the command line,
+ # and build system rebuild things when their commandline changes). Nothing
+ # should ever read this define.
+ defines = [ "CR_CLANG_REVISION=\"$clang_revision\"" ]
+ }
+config("rustc_revision") {
+ if (rustc_revision != "") {
+ # Similar to the above config, this is here so that all files get recompiled
+ # after a rustc roll. Nothing should ever read this cfg. This will not be
+ # set if a custom toolchain is used.
+ rustflags = [
+ "--cfg",
+ "cr_rustc_revision=\"$rustc_revision\"",
+ ]
+ }
+config("compiler_arm_fpu") {
+ if (current_cpu == "arm" && !is_ios && !is_nacl) {
+ cflags = [ "-mfpu=$arm_fpu" ]
+ if (!arm_use_thumb) {
+ cflags += [ "-marm" ]
+ }
+ asmflags = cflags
+ }
+config("compiler_arm_thumb") {
+ if (current_cpu == "arm" && arm_use_thumb && is_posix &&
+ !(is_apple || is_nacl)) {
+ cflags = [ "-mthumb" ]
+ }
+config("compiler_arm") {
+ if (current_cpu == "arm" && is_chromeos) {
+ # arm is normally the default mode for clang, but on chromeos a wrapper
+ # is used to pass -mthumb, and therefor change the default.
+ cflags = [ "-marm" ]
+ }
+# runtime_library -------------------------------------------------------------
+# Sets the runtime library and associated options.
+# How do you determine what should go in here vs. "compiler" above? Consider if
+# a target might choose to use a different runtime library (ignore for a moment
+# if this is possible or reasonable on your system). If such a target would want
+# to change or remove your option, put it in the runtime_library config. If a
+# target wants the option regardless, put it in the compiler config.
+config("runtime_library") {
+ configs = []
+ # The order of this config is important: it must appear before
+ # android:runtime_library. This is to ensure libc++ appears before
+ # libandroid_support in the -isystem include order. Otherwise, there will be
+ # build errors related to symbols declared in math.h.
+ if (use_custom_libcxx) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/c++:runtime_library" ]
+ }
+ # Rust and C++ both provide intrinsics for LLVM to call for math operations. We
+ # want to use the C++ intrinsics, not the ones in the Rust compiler_builtins
+ # library. The Rust symbols are marked as weak, so that they can be replaced by
+ # the C++ symbols. This config ensures the C++ symbols exist and are strong in
+ # order to cause that replacement to occur by explicitly linking in clang's
+ # compiler-rt library.
+ if (is_clang && toolchain_has_rust) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/clang:compiler_builtins" ]
+ }
+ # TODO( Come up with a better name for is POSIX + Fuchsia
+ # configuration.
+ if (is_posix || is_fuchsia) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/posix:runtime_library" ]
+ if (use_custom_libunwind) {
+ # Instead of using an unwind lib from the toolchain,
+ # buildtools/third_party/libunwind will be built and used directly.
+ ldflags = [ "--unwindlib=none" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # System-specific flags. If your compiler flags apply to one of the
+ # categories here, add it to the associated file to keep this shared config
+ # smaller.
+ if (is_win) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/win:runtime_library" ]
+ } else if (is_linux || is_chromeos) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/linux:runtime_library" ]
+ if (is_chromeos) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/chromeos:runtime_library" ]
+ }
+ } else if (is_ios) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/ios:runtime_library" ]
+ } else if (is_mac) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/mac:runtime_library" ]
+ } else if (is_android) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/android:runtime_library" ]
+ }
+ if (is_component_build) {
+ defines = [ "COMPONENT_BUILD" ]
+ }
+# treat_warnings_as_errors ----------------------------------------------------
+# Adding this config causes the compiler to treat warnings as fatal errors.
+# This is used as a subconfig of both chromium_code and no_chromium_code, and
+# is broken out separately so nocompile tests can force-enable this setting
+# independently of the default warning flags.
+config("treat_warnings_as_errors") {
+ if (is_win) {
+ cflags = [ "/WX" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-Werror" ]
+ # The compiler driver can sometimes (rarely) emit warnings before calling
+ # the actual linker. Make sure these warnings are treated as errors as
+ # well.
+ ldflags = [ "-Werror" ]
+ }
+ # Turn rustc warnings into the "deny" lint level, which produce compiler
+ # errors. The equivalent of -Werror for clang/gcc.
+ #
+ # Note we apply the actual lint flags in config("compiler"). All warnings
+ # are suppressed in third-party crates.
+ rustflags = [ "-Dwarnings" ]
+# default_warnings ------------------------------------------------------------
+# Collects all warning flags that are used by default. This is used as a
+# subconfig of both chromium_code and no_chromium_code. This way these
+# flags are guaranteed to appear on the compile command line after -Wall.
+config("default_warnings") {
+ cflags = []
+ cflags_c = []
+ cflags_cc = []
+ ldflags = []
+ configs = []
+ if (is_win) {
+ if (fatal_linker_warnings) {
+ arflags = [ "/WX" ]
+ ldflags = [ "/WX" ]
+ }
+ defines = [
+ # Without this, Windows headers warn that functions like wcsnicmp
+ # should be spelled _wcsnicmp. But all other platforms keep spelling
+ # it wcsnicmp, making this warning unhelpful. We don't want it.
+ # TODO(thakis): winsock wants us to use getaddrinfo instead of
+ # gethostbyname. Fires mostly in non-Chromium code. We probably
+ # want to remove this define eventually.
+ ]
+ if (!is_clang) {
+ # TODO(thakis): Remove this once
+ # has
+ # rolled into angle.
+ cflags += [ "/wd4244" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ((is_apple || is_android) && !is_nacl) {
+ # Warns if a method is used whose availability is newer than the
+ # deployment target.
+ cflags += [ "-Wunguarded-availability" ]
+ }
+ if (is_ios) {
+ # When compiling Objective-C, warns if a selector named via @selector has
+ # not been defined in any visible interface.
+ cflags += [ "-Wundeclared-selector" ]
+ }
+ # Suppress warnings about ABI changes on ARM (Clang doesn't give this
+ # warning).
+ if (current_cpu == "arm" && !is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "-Wno-psabi" ]
+ }
+ if (!is_clang) {
+ cflags_cc += [
+ # See comment for -Wno-c++11-narrowing.
+ "-Wno-narrowing",
+ ]
+ # -Wno-class-memaccess warns about hash table and vector in blink.
+ # But the violation is intentional.
+ if (!is_nacl) {
+ cflags_cc += [ "-Wno-class-memaccess" ]
+ }
+ # -Wunused-local-typedefs is broken in gcc,
+ #
+ cflags += [ "-Wno-unused-local-typedefs" ]
+ # Don't warn about "maybe" uninitialized. Clang doesn't include this
+ # in -Wall but gcc does, and it gives false positives.
+ cflags += [ "-Wno-maybe-uninitialized" ]
+ cflags += [ "-Wno-deprecated-declarations" ]
+ # -Wcomment gives too many false positives in the case a
+ # backslash ended comment line is followed by a new line of
+ # comments
+ #
+ cflags += [ "-Wno-comments" ]
+ # -Wpacked-not-aligned complains all generated mojom-shared-internal.h
+ # files.
+ cflags += [ "-Wno-packed-not-aligned" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Common Clang and GCC warning setup.
+ if (!is_win || is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ # Disables.
+ "-Wno-missing-field-initializers", # "struct foo f = {0};"
+ "-Wno-unused-parameter", # Unused function parameters.
+ ]
+ if (!is_nacl || is_nacl_saigo) {
+ cflags += [
+ # An ABI compat warning we don't care about,
+ # TODO(thakis): Push this to the (few) targets that need it,
+ # instead of having a global flag.
+ "-Wno-psabi",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-Wloop-analysis",
+ # TODO(thakis): This used to be implied by -Wno-unused-function,
+ # which we no longer use. Check if it makes sense to remove
+ # this as well.
+ "-Wno-unneeded-internal-declaration",
+ ]
+ if (!is_nacl || is_nacl_saigo) {
+ if (is_win) {
+ # TODO(thakis):
+ # Currently goma can not handle case sensitiveness for windows well.
+ cflags += [ "-Wno-nonportable-include-path" ]
+ }
+ if (is_fuchsia) {
+ cflags_cc += [
+ # TODO( fix and reenable
+ "-Wno-missing-field-initializers",
+ ]
+ }
+ cflags += [
+ "-Wenum-compare-conditional",
+ # Ignore warnings about MSVC optimization pragmas.
+ # TODO(thakis): Only for no_chromium_code?
+ "-Wno-ignored-pragma-optimize",
+ # TODO( Evaluate and possibly enable.
+ "-Wno-deprecated-builtins",
+ # TODO( Evaluate and possibly enable.
+ "-Wno-bitfield-constant-conversion",
+ # TODO( Evaluate and possibly enable.
+ "-Wno-deprecated-this-capture",
+ # TODO( Fix and re-enable.
+ "-Wno-invalid-offsetof",
+ # TODO( Evaluate and possibly enable.
+ "-Wno-vla-extension",
+ # TODO( Fix and re-enable.
+ "-Wno-thread-safety-reference-return",
+ ]
+ if (!is_nacl) {
+ cflags_cc += [
+ # TODO( Fix and re-enable.
+ "-Wno-c++11-narrowing-const-reference",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Some builders, such as Cronet, use a different version of Clang than
+ # Chromium. This can cause minor errors when compiling Chromium changes. We
+ # want to avoid these errors.
+ if (llvm_android_mainline) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-Wno-error=unknown-warning-option",
+ "-Wno-error=unused-command-line-argument",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Rust warnings
+ # Require `unsafe` blocks even in `unsafe` fns. This is intended to become
+ # an error by default eventually; see
+ #
+ rustflags = [ "-Dunsafe_op_in_unsafe_fn" ]
+# prevent_unsafe_narrowing ----------------------------------------------------
+# Warnings that prevent narrowing or comparisons of integer types that are
+# likely to cause out-of-bound read/writes or Undefined Behaviour. In
+# particular, size_t is used for memory sizes, allocation, indexing, and
+# offsets. Using other integer types along with size_t produces risk of
+# memory-safety bugs and thus security exploits.
+# In order to prevent these bugs, allocation sizes were historically limited to
+# sizes that can be represented within 31 bits of information, allowing `int` to
+# be safely misused instead of `size_t` ( In order to
+# support increasing the allocation limit we require strictly adherence to
+# using the correct types, avoiding lossy conversions, and preventing overflow.
+# To do so, enable this config and fix errors by converting types to be
+# `size_t`, which is both large enough and unsigned, when dealing with memory
+# sizes, allocations, indices, or offsets.In cases where type conversion is not
+# possible or is superfluous, use base::strict_cast<> or base::checked_cast<>
+# to convert to size_t as needed.
+# See also:
+# To enable in a GN target, use:
+# configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:prevent_unsafe_narrowing" ]
+config("prevent_unsafe_narrowing") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags = [
+ "-Wshorten-64-to-32",
+ "-Wimplicit-int-conversion",
+ "-Wsign-compare",
+ "-Wsign-conversion",
+ ]
+ if (!is_nacl) {
+ cflags += [
+ # Avoid bugs of the form `if (size_t i = size; i >= 0; --i)` while
+ # fixing types to be sign-correct.
+ "-Wtautological-unsigned-zero-compare",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+# unsafe_buffer_warning -------------------------------------------------------
+# Paths of third-party headers that violate Wunsafe-buffer-usage, but which we
+# have been unable to fix yet. We use this list to be able to make progress and
+# enable the warning on code that we do control/own.
+# WARNING: This will disable all warnings in the files. ONLY USE THIS for
+# third-party code which we do not control/own. Fix the warnings instead in
+# our own code.
+if (is_clang) {
+ unsafe_buffer_warning_header_allowlist =
+ [ "third_party/googletest/src/googletest/include/gtest" ]
+# Enables warnings on pointer arithmetic/indexing or calls to functions
+# annotated with `UNSAFE_BUFFER_USAGE`.
+config("unsafe_buffer_warning") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags = [ "-Wunsafe-buffer-usage" ]
+ foreach(h, unsafe_buffer_warning_header_allowlist) {
+ if (is_win) {
+ cflags += [ "/clang:--system-header-prefix=$h" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "--system-header-prefix=$h" ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# chromium_code ---------------------------------------------------------------
+# Toggles between higher and lower warnings for code that is (or isn't)
+# part of Chromium.
+config("chromium_code") {
+ if (is_win) {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags = [ "/W4" ] # Warning level 4.
+ # Opt in to additional [[nodiscard]] on standard library methods.
+ defines = [ "_HAS_NODISCARD" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-Wall" ]
+ if (is_clang) {
+ # Enable extra warnings for chromium_code when we control the compiler.
+ cflags += [ "-Wextra" ]
+ }
+ # In Chromium code, we define __STDC_foo_MACROS in order to get the
+ # C99 macros on Mac and Linux.
+ defines = [
+ ]
+ if (!is_debug && !using_sanitizer && current_cpu != "s390x" &&
+ current_cpu != "s390" && current_cpu != "ppc64" &&
+ current_cpu != "mips" && current_cpu != "mips64" &&
+ current_cpu != "riscv64" && current_cpu != "loong64") {
+ # Non-chromium code is not guaranteed to compile cleanly with
+ # _FORTIFY_SOURCE. Also, fortified build may fail when optimizations are
+ # disabled, so only do that for Release build.
+ fortify_level = "2"
+ # ChromeOS's toolchain supports a high-quality _FORTIFY_SOURCE=3
+ # implementation with a few custom glibc patches. Use that if it's
+ # available.
+ if (is_chromeos_device && !lacros_use_chromium_toolchain) {
+ fortify_level = "3"
+ }
+ defines += [ "_FORTIFY_SOURCE=" + fortify_level ]
+ }
+ if (is_apple) {
+ cflags_objc = [ "-Wimplicit-retain-self" ]
+ cflags_objcc = [ "-Wimplicit-retain-self" ]
+ }
+ if (is_mac) {
+ cflags_objc += [ "-Wobjc-missing-property-synthesis" ]
+ cflags_objcc += [ "-Wobjc-missing-property-synthesis" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ # Warn on missing break statements at the end of switch cases.
+ # For intentional fallthrough, use [[fallthrough]].
+ "-Wimplicit-fallthrough",
+ # Warn on unnecessary extra semicolons outside of function definitions.
+ "-Wextra-semi",
+ # Warn on unreachable code, including unreachable breaks and returns.
+ # See for suppression strategies.
+ "-Wunreachable-code-aggressive",
+ ]
+ # Thread safety analysis is broken under nacl:
+ if (!is_nacl || is_nacl_saigo) {
+ cflags += [
+ # Thread safety analysis. See base/thread_annotations.h and
+ #
+ "-Wthread-safety",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ configs = [
+ ":default_warnings",
+ ":noshadowing",
+ ]
+ if (treat_warnings_as_errors) {
+ configs += [ ":treat_warnings_as_errors" ]
+ }
+config("no_chromium_code") {
+ cflags = []
+ cflags_cc = []
+ defines = []
+ if (is_win) {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "/W3" ] # Warning level 3.
+ }
+ cflags += [
+ "/wd4800", # Disable warning when forcing value to bool.
+ "/wd4267", # TODO(jschuh): size_t to int.
+ ]
+ } else {
+ if (is_clang && !is_nacl) {
+ # TODO(thakis): Remove !is_nacl once
+ # made its way into chromium.
+ cflags += [ "-Wall" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ # Lots of third-party libraries have unused variables. Instead of
+ # suppressing them individually, we just blanket suppress them here.
+ "-Wno-unused-variable",
+ # Similarly, we're not going to fix all the C++11 narrowing issues in
+ # third-party libraries.
+ "-Wno-c++11-narrowing",
+ ]
+ if (!is_nacl) {
+ cflags += [
+ # Disabled for similar reasons as -Wunused-variable.
+ "-Wno-unused-but-set-variable",
+ # TODO( Clean up and enable.
+ "-Wno-misleading-indentation",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Suppress all warnings in third party, as Cargo does:
+ #
+ rustflags = [ "--cap-lints=allow" ]
+ configs = [ ":default_warnings" ]
+ # GCC may emit unsuppressible warnings so only apply this config when
+ # building with clang.
+ if (treat_warnings_as_errors && is_clang) {
+ configs += [ ":treat_warnings_as_errors" ]
+ }
+# noshadowing -----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Allows turning -Wshadow on.
+config("noshadowing") {
+ # This flag has to be disabled for nacl because the nacl compiler is too
+ # strict about shadowing.
+ if (is_clang && (!is_nacl || is_nacl_saigo)) {
+ cflags = [ "-Wshadow" ]
+ }
+# rtti ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Allows turning Run-Time Type Identification on or off.
+config("rtti") {
+ if (is_win) {
+ cflags_cc = [ "/GR" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags_cc = [ "-frtti" ]
+ }
+config("no_rtti") {
+ # Some sanitizer configs may require RTTI to be left enabled globally
+ if (!use_rtti) {
+ if (is_win) {
+ cflags_cc = [ "/GR-" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags_cc = [ "-fno-rtti" ]
+ cflags_objcc = cflags_cc
+ }
+ }
+# export_dynamic ---------------------------------------------------------------
+# Ensures all exported symbols are added to the dynamic symbol table. This is
+# necessary to expose Chrome's custom operator new() and operator delete() (and
+# other memory-related symbols) to libraries. Otherwise, they might
+# (de)allocate memory on a different heap, which would spell trouble if pointers
+# to heap-allocated memory are passed over shared library boundaries.
+config("export_dynamic") {
+ # TODO( Revisit after target_os flip is completed.
+ if (is_linux || is_chromeos_lacros || export_libcxxabi_from_executables) {
+ ldflags = [ "-rdynamic" ]
+ }
+# thin_archive -----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Enables thin archives on posix, and on windows when the lld linker is used.
+# Regular archives directly include the object files used to generate it.
+# Thin archives merely reference the object files.
+# This makes building them faster since it requires less disk IO, but is
+# inappropriate if you wish to redistribute your static library.
+# This config is added to the global config, so thin archives should already be
+# enabled. If you want to make a distributable static library, you need to do 2
+# things:
+# 1. Set complete_static_lib so that all dependencies of the library make it
+# into the library. See `gn help complete_static_lib` for details.
+# 2. Remove the thin_archive config, so that the .a file actually contains all
+# .o files, instead of just references to .o files in the build directoy
+config("thin_archive") {
+ # The macOS and iOS default linker ld64 does not support reading thin
+ # archives.
+ # TODO( Enable on is_apple if use_lld once that no longer
+ # confuses lldb.
+ if ((is_posix && !is_nacl && !is_apple) || is_fuchsia) {
+ arflags = [ "-T" ]
+ } else if (is_win && use_lld) {
+ arflags = [ "/llvmlibthin" ]
+ }
+# exceptions -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Allows turning Exceptions on or off.
+# Note: exceptions are disallowed in Google code.
+config("exceptions") {
+ if (is_win) {
+ # Enables exceptions in the STL.
+ if (!use_custom_libcxx) {
+ defines = [ "_HAS_EXCEPTIONS=1" ]
+ }
+ cflags_cc = [ "/EHsc" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags_cc = [ "-fexceptions" ]
+ cflags_objcc = cflags_cc
+ }
+config("no_exceptions") {
+ if (is_win) {
+ # Disables exceptions in the STL.
+ # libc++ uses the __has_feature macro to control whether to use exceptions,
+ # so defining this macro is unnecessary. Defining _HAS_EXCEPTIONS to 0 also
+ # breaks libc++ because it depends on MSVC headers that only provide certain
+ # declarations if _HAS_EXCEPTIONS is 1. Those MSVC headers do not use
+ # exceptions, despite being conditional on _HAS_EXCEPTIONS.
+ if (!use_custom_libcxx) {
+ defines = [ "_HAS_EXCEPTIONS=0" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ cflags_cc = [ "-fno-exceptions" ]
+ cflags_objcc = cflags_cc
+ }
+# Warnings ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Generate a warning for code that might emit a static initializer.
+# See: //docs/
+# See:
+config("wglobal_constructors") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags = [ "-Wglobal-constructors" ]
+ }
+# This will generate warnings when using Clang if code generates exit-time
+# destructors, which will slow down closing the program.
+# TODO(thakis): Make this a blocklist instead,
+config("wexit_time_destructors") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags = [ "-Wexit-time-destructors" ]
+ }
+# Some code presumes that pointers to structures/objects are compatible
+# regardless of whether what they point to is already known to be valid.
+# gcc 4.9 and earlier had no way of suppressing this warning without
+# suppressing the rest of them. Here we centralize the identification of
+# the gcc 4.9 toolchains.
+config("no_incompatible_pointer_warnings") {
+ cflags = []
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "-Wno-incompatible-pointer-types" ]
+ } else if (current_cpu == "mipsel" || current_cpu == "mips64el") {
+ cflags += [ "-w" ]
+ } else if (is_chromeos_ash && current_cpu == "arm") {
+ cflags += [ "-w" ]
+ }
+# Optimization -----------------------------------------------------------------
+# The BUILDCONFIG file sets the "default_optimization" config on targets by
+# default. It will be equivalent to either "optimize" (release) or
+# "no_optimize" (debug) optimization configs.
+# You can override the optimization level on a per-target basis by removing the
+# default config and then adding the named one you want:
+# configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:default_optimization" ]
+# configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:optimize_max" ]
+# Shared settings for both "optimize" and "optimize_max" configs.
+# IMPORTANT: On Windows "/O1" and "/O2" must go before the common flags.
+if (is_win) {
+ common_optimize_on_cflags = [
+ "/Ob2", # Both explicit and auto inlining.
+ "/Oy-", # Disable omitting frame pointers, must be after /O2.
+ "/Zc:inline", # Remove unreferenced COMDAT (faster links).
+ ]
+ if (!is_asan) {
+ common_optimize_on_cflags += [
+ # Put data in separate COMDATs. This allows the linker
+ # to put bit-identical constants at the same address even if
+ # they're unrelated constants, which saves binary size.
+ # This optimization can't be used when ASan is enabled because
+ # it is not compatible with the ASan ODR checker.
+ "/Gw",
+ ]
+ }
+ common_optimize_on_ldflags = []
+ # /OPT:ICF is not desirable in Debug builds, since code-folding can result in
+ # misleading symbols in stack traces.
+ if (!is_debug && !is_component_build) {
+ common_optimize_on_ldflags += [ "/OPT:ICF" ] # Redundant COMDAT folding.
+ }
+ if (is_official_build) {
+ common_optimize_on_ldflags += [ "/OPT:REF" ] # Remove unreferenced data.
+ # TODO(thakis): Add LTO/PGO clang flags eventually,
+ }
+ if (is_clang) {
+ # See below.
+ common_optimize_on_cflags += [ "/clang:-fno-math-errno" ]
+ }
+} else {
+ common_optimize_on_cflags = []
+ common_optimize_on_ldflags = []
+ if (is_android) {
+ # TODO(jdduke) Re-enable on mips after resolving linking
+ # issues with libc++ (
+ if (current_cpu != "mipsel" && current_cpu != "mips64el") {
+ common_optimize_on_ldflags += [
+ # Warn in case of text relocations.
+ "-Wl,--warn-shared-textrel",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_apple) {
+ common_optimize_on_ldflags += [ "-Wl,-dead_strip" ]
+ if (is_official_build) {
+ common_optimize_on_ldflags += [
+ "-Wl,-no_data_in_code_info",
+ "-Wl,-no_function_starts",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else if (current_os != "aix" && current_os != "zos") {
+ # Non-Mac Posix flags.
+ # Aix does not support these.
+ common_optimize_on_cflags += [
+ # Put data and code in their own sections, so that unused symbols
+ # can be removed at link time with --gc-sections.
+ "-fdata-sections",
+ "-ffunction-sections",
+ ]
+ if ((!is_nacl || is_nacl_saigo) && is_clang) {
+ # We don't care about unique section names, this makes object files a bit
+ # smaller.
+ common_optimize_on_cflags += [ "-fno-unique-section-names" ]
+ }
+ common_optimize_on_ldflags += [
+ # Specifically tell the linker to perform optimizations.
+ # See .
+ # -O2 enables string tail merge optimization in gold and lld.
+ "-Wl,-O2",
+ "-Wl,--gc-sections",
+ ]
+ }
+ # We cannot rely on errno being set after math functions,
+ # especially since glibc does not set it. Thus, use -fno-math-errno
+ # so that the compiler knows it can inline math functions.
+ # Note that this is different from -ffast-math (even though -ffast-math
+ # implies -fno-math-errno), which also allows a number of unsafe
+ # optimizations.
+ common_optimize_on_cflags += [ "-fno-math-errno" ]
+config("default_stack_frames") {
+ if (!is_win) {
+ if (enable_frame_pointers) {
+ cflags = [ "-fno-omit-frame-pointer" ]
+ # Omit frame pointers for leaf functions on x86, otherwise building libyuv
+ # gives clang's register allocator issues, see /
+ #
+ if (is_clang && current_cpu == "x86" && !is_apple) {
+ cflags += [ "-momit-leaf-frame-pointer" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-fomit-frame-pointer" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # On Windows, the flag to enable framepointers "/Oy-" must always come after
+ # the optimization flag [e.g. "/O2"]. The optimization flag is set by one of
+ # the "optimize" configs, see rest of this file. The ordering that cflags are
+ # applied is well-defined by the GN spec, and there is no way to ensure that
+ # cflags set by "default_stack_frames" is applied after those set by an
+ # "optimize" config. Similarly, there is no way to propagate state from this
+ # config into the "optimize" config. We always apply the "/Oy-" config in the
+ # definition for common_optimize_on_cflags definition, even though this may
+ # not be correct.
+# Default "optimization on" config.
+config("optimize") {
+ if (is_win) {
+ if (chrome_pgo_phase != 2) {
+ # Favor size over speed, /O1 must be before the common flags.
+ # /O1 implies /Os and /GF.
+ cflags = [ "/O1" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags + [ "/Oi" ]
+ rustflags = [ "-Copt-level=s" ]
+ } else {
+ # PGO requires all translation units to be compiled with /O2. The actual
+ # optimization level will be decided based on the profiling data.
+ cflags = [ "/O2" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags + [ "/Oi" ]
+ #
+ # suggests not using an explicit `-Copt-level` at all, and the default is
+ # to optimize for performance like `/O2` for clang.
+ rustflags = []
+ }
+ } else if (optimize_for_size) {
+ # Favor size over speed.
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags = [ "-Oz" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ if (use_ml_inliner && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mllvm",
+ "-enable-ml-inliner=release",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-Os" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ }
+ # Like with `-Oz` on Clang, `-Copt-level=z` will also turn off loop
+ # vectorization.
+ rustflags = [ "-Copt-level=z" ]
+ } else if (is_chromeos) {
+ # TODO(gbiv): This is partially favoring size over speed. CrOS exclusively
+ # uses clang, and -Os in clang is more of a size-conscious -O2 than "size at
+ # any cost" (AKA -Oz). It'd be nice to:
+ # - Make `optimize_for_size` apply to all platforms where we're optimizing
+ # for size by default (so, also Windows)
+ # - Investigate -Oz here, maybe just for ARM?
+ cflags = [ "-Os" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ # Similar to clang, we optimize with `-Copt-level=s` to keep loop
+ # vectorization while otherwise optimizing for size.
+ rustflags = [ "-Copt-level=s" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-O2" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ # The `-O3` for clang turns on extra optimizations compared to the standard
+ # `-O2`. But for rust, `-Copt-level=3` is the default and is thus reliable
+ # to use.
+ rustflags = [ "-Copt-level=3" ]
+ }
+ ldflags = common_optimize_on_ldflags
+# Turn off optimizations.
+config("no_optimize") {
+ if (is_win) {
+ cflags = [
+ "/Od", # Disable optimization.
+ "/Ob0", # Disable all inlining (on by default).
+ "/GF", # Enable string pooling (off by default).
+ ]
+ if (target_cpu == "arm64") {
+ # Disable omitting frame pointers for no_optimize build because stack
+ # traces on Windows ARM64 rely on it.
+ cflags += [ "/Oy-" ]
+ }
+ } else if (is_android && !android_full_debug) {
+ # On Android we kind of optimize some things that don't affect debugging
+ # much even when optimization is disabled to get the binary size down.
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags = [ "-Oz" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-Os" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ }
+ if (!is_component_build) {
+ # Required for library partitions. Without this all symbols just end up
+ # in the base partition.
+ ldflags = [ "-Wl,--gc-sections" ]
+ }
+ } else if (is_fuchsia) {
+ # On Fuchsia, we optimize for size here to reduce the size of debug build
+ # packages so they can be run in a KVM. See for details.
+ cflags = [ "-Og" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-O0" ]
+ ldflags = []
+ }
+# Turns up the optimization level. On Windows, this implies whole program
+# optimization and link-time code generation which is very expensive and should
+# be used sparingly.
+config("optimize_max") {
+ if (is_nacl && is_nacl_irt) {
+ # The NaCl IRT is a special case and always wants its own config.
+ # Various components do:
+ # if (!is_debug) {
+ # configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:default_optimization" ]
+ # configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:optimize_max" ]
+ # }
+ # So this config has to have the selection logic just like
+ # "default_optimization", below.
+ configs = [ "//build/config/nacl:irt_optimize" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags = common_optimize_on_ldflags
+ if (is_win) {
+ # Favor speed over size, /O2 must be before the common flags.
+ # /O2 implies /Ot, /Oi, and /GF.
+ cflags = [ "/O2" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ } else if (optimize_for_fuzzing) {
+ cflags = [ "-O1" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-O2" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ }
+ rustflags = [ "-Copt-level=3" ]
+ }
+# This config can be used to override the default settings for per-component
+# and whole-program optimization, optimizing the particular target for speed
+# instead of code size. This config is exactly the same as "optimize_max"
+# except that we use -O3 instead of -O2 on non-win, non-IRT platforms.
+# TODO( - rework how all of these configs are related
+# so that we don't need this disclaimer.
+config("optimize_speed") {
+ if (is_nacl && is_nacl_irt) {
+ # The NaCl IRT is a special case and always wants its own config.
+ # Various components do:
+ # if (!is_debug) {
+ # configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:default_optimization" ]
+ # configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:optimize_max" ]
+ # }
+ # So this config has to have the selection logic just like
+ # "default_optimization", below.
+ configs = [ "//build/config/nacl:irt_optimize" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags = common_optimize_on_ldflags
+ if (is_win) {
+ # Favor speed over size, /O2 must be before the common flags.
+ # /O2 implies /Ot, /Oi, and /GF.
+ cflags = [ "/O2" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ } else if (optimize_for_fuzzing) {
+ cflags = [ "-O1" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-O3" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ }
+ rustflags = [ "-Copt-level=3" ]
+ }
+config("optimize_fuzzing") {
+ cflags = [ "-O1" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ rustflags = [ "-Copt-level=1" ]
+ ldflags = common_optimize_on_ldflags
+ visibility = [ ":default_optimization" ]
+# The default optimization applied to all targets. This will be equivalent to
+# either "optimize" or "no_optimize", depending on the build flags.
+config("default_optimization") {
+ if (is_nacl && is_nacl_irt) {
+ # The NaCl IRT is a special case and always wants its own config.
+ # It gets optimized the same way regardless of the type of build.
+ configs = [ "//build/config/nacl:irt_optimize" ]
+ } else if (is_debug) {
+ configs = [ ":no_optimize" ]
+ } else if (optimize_for_fuzzing) {
+ assert(!is_win, "Fuzzing optimize level not supported on Windows")
+ # Coverage build is quite slow. Using "optimize_for_fuzzing" makes it even
+ # slower as it uses "-O1" instead of "-O3". Prevent that from happening.
+ assert(!use_clang_coverage,
+ "optimize_for_fuzzing=true should not be used with " +
+ "use_clang_coverage=true.")
+ configs = [ ":optimize_fuzzing" ]
+ } else {
+ configs = [ ":optimize" ]
+ }
+_clang_sample_profile = ""
+if (is_clang && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ if (clang_sample_profile_path != "") {
+ _clang_sample_profile = clang_sample_profile_path
+ } else if (clang_use_default_sample_profile) {
+ assert(build_with_chromium,
+ "Our default profiles currently only apply to Chromium")
+ assert(is_android || is_chromeos || is_castos,
+ "The current platform has no default profile")
+ if (is_android || is_castos) {
+ _clang_sample_profile = "//chrome/android/profiles/"
+ } else {
+ assert(
+ chromeos_afdo_platform == "atom" ||
+ chromeos_afdo_platform == "bigcore" ||
+ chromeos_afdo_platform == "arm" ||
+ chromeos_afdo_platform == "arm-exp",
+ "Only 'atom', 'bigcore', 'arm' and 'arm-exp' are valid ChromeOS profiles.")
+ _clang_sample_profile =
+ "//chromeos/profiles/${chromeos_afdo_platform}"
+ }
+ }
+# Clang offers a way to assert that AFDO profiles are accurate, which causes it
+# to optimize functions not represented in a profile more aggressively for size.
+# This config can be toggled in cases where shaving off binary size hurts
+# performance too much.
+config("afdo_optimize_size") {
+ if (_clang_sample_profile != "" && sample_profile_is_accurate) {
+ cflags = [ "-fprofile-sample-accurate" ]
+ }
+# GCC and clang support a form of profile-guided optimization called AFDO.
+# There are some targeted places that AFDO regresses, so we provide a separate
+# config to allow AFDO to be disabled per-target.
+config("afdo") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags = []
+ if (clang_emit_debug_info_for_profiling) {
+ # Add the following flags to generate debug info for profiling.
+ cflags += [ "-gline-tables-only" ]
+ if (!is_nacl) {
+ cflags += [ "-fdebug-info-for-profiling" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (_clang_sample_profile != "") {
+ assert(chrome_pgo_phase == 0, "AFDO can't be used in PGO builds")
+ rebased_clang_sample_profile =
+ rebase_path(_clang_sample_profile, root_build_dir)
+ cflags += [ "-fprofile-sample-use=${rebased_clang_sample_profile}" ]
+ if (use_profi) {
+ cflags += [ "-fsample-profile-use-profi" ]
+ }
+ # ARM builds see failures due to -Wbackend-plugin.
+ # These seem to be false positives - the complaints are about functions
+ # marked with `__nodebug__` not having associated debuginfo. In the case
+ # where this was observed, the `__nodebug__` function was also marked
+ # `__always_inline__` and had no branches, so AFDO info is likely useless
+ # there.
+ cflags += [ "-Wno-backend-plugin" ]
+ inputs = [ _clang_sample_profile ]
+ }
+ } else if (auto_profile_path != "" && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ cflags = [ "-fauto-profile=${auto_profile_path}" ]
+ inputs = [ auto_profile_path ]
+ }
+# Symbols ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# The BUILDCONFIG file sets the "default_symbols" config on targets by
+# default. It will be equivalent to one the three specific symbol levels.
+# You can override the symbol level on a per-target basis by removing the
+# default config and then adding the named one you want:
+# configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:default_symbols" ]
+# configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:symbols" ]
+# A helper config that all configs passing /DEBUG to the linker should
+# include as sub-config.
+config("win_pdbaltpath") {
+ visibility = [
+ ":minimal_symbols",
+ ":symbols",
+ ]
+ # /DEBUG causes the linker to generate a pdb file, and to write the absolute
+ # path to it in the executable file it generates. This flag turns that
+ # absolute path into just the basename of the pdb file, which helps with
+ # build reproducibility. Debuggers look for pdb files next to executables,
+ # so there's minimal downside to always using this. However, post-mortem
+ # debugging of Chromium crash dumps and ETW tracing can be complicated by this
+ # switch so an option to omit it is important.
+ if (!use_full_pdb_paths) {
+ ldflags = [ "/pdbaltpath:%_PDB%" ]
+ }
+# Full symbols.
+config("symbols") {
+ rustflags = []
+ if (is_win) {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags = [
+ # Debug information in the .obj files.
+ "/Z7",
+ # Disable putting the compiler command line into the debug info to
+ # prevent some types of non-determinism.
+ "-gno-codeview-command-line",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "/Zi" ] # Produce PDB file, no edit and continue.
+ }
+ if (is_clang && use_lld && use_ghash) {
+ cflags += [ "-gcodeview-ghash" ]
+ ldflags = [ "/DEBUG:GHASH" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags = [ "/DEBUG" ]
+ }
+ # All configs using /DEBUG should include this:
+ configs = [ ":win_pdbaltpath" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags = []
+ if (is_mac && enable_dsyms) {
+ # If generating dSYMs, specify -fno-standalone-debug. This was
+ # originally specified for because dsymutil
+ # could not handle a 4GB dSYM file. But dsymutil from Xcodes prior to
+ # version 7 also produces debug data that is incompatible with Breakpad
+ # dump_syms, so this is still required (
+ cflags += [ "-fno-standalone-debug" ]
+ }
+ # On aix -gdwarf causes linker failures due to thread_local variables.
+ if (!is_nacl && current_os != "aix") {
+ if (use_dwarf5) {
+ cflags += [ "-gdwarf-5" ]
+ rustflags += [ "-Zdwarf-version=5" ]
+ } else {
+ # Recent clang versions default to DWARF5 on Linux, and Android is about
+ # to switch. TODO: Adopt that in controlled way. For now, keep DWARF4.
+ # Apple platforms still default to 4 in clang, so they don't need the
+ # cflags.
+ if (!is_apple) {
+ cflags += [ "-gdwarf-4" ]
+ }
+ # On Apple, rustc defaults to DWARF2 so it needs to be told how to
+ # match clang.
+ rustflags += [ "-Zdwarf-version=4" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # The gcc-based nacl compilers don't support -fdebug-compilation-dir (see
+ # elsewhere in this file), so they can't have build-dir-independent output.
+ # Moreover pnacl does not support newer flags such as -fdebug-prefix-map
+ # Disable symbols for nacl object files to get deterministic,
+ # build-directory-independent output.
+ # Keeping -g2 for saigo as it's the only toolchain whose artifacts that are
+ # part of chromium release (other nacl toolchains are used only for tests).
+ if ((!is_nacl || is_nacl_saigo) && current_os != "zos") {
+ cflags += [ "-g2" ]
+ }
+ if (!is_nacl && is_clang && !is_tsan && !is_asan) {
+ # gcc generates dwarf-aranges by default on -g1 and -g2. On clang it has
+ # to be manually enabled.
+ #
+ # It is skipped in tsan and asan because enabling it causes some
+ # formatting changes in the output which would require fixing bunches
+ # of expectation regexps.
+ cflags += [ "-gdwarf-aranges" ]
+ }
+ if (is_apple) {
+ swiftflags = [ "-g" ]
+ }
+ if (use_debug_fission) {
+ cflags += [ "-gsplit-dwarf" ]
+ }
+ asmflags = cflags
+ ldflags = []
+ # Split debug info with all thinlto builds except nacl and apple.
+ # thinlto requires -gsplit-dwarf in ldflags.
+ if (use_debug_fission && use_thin_lto && !is_nacl && !is_apple) {
+ ldflags += [ "-gsplit-dwarf" ]
+ }
+ # TODO(thakis): Figure out if there's a way to make this go for 32-bit,
+ # currently we get "warning:
+ # obj/native_client/src/trusted/service_runtime/sel_asm/nacl_switch_32.o:
+ # DWARF info may be corrupt; offsets in a range list entry are in different
+ # sections" there. Maybe just a bug in nacl_switch_32.S.
+ _enable_gdb_index =
+ symbol_level == 2 && !is_apple && !is_nacl && current_cpu != "x86" &&
+ current_os != "zos" && (use_gold || use_lld) &&
+ # Disable on non-fission 32-bit Android because it pushes
+ # libcomponents_unittests over the 4gb size limit.
+ !(is_android && !use_debug_fission && current_cpu != "x64" &&
+ current_cpu != "arm64")
+ if (_enable_gdb_index) {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ # This flag enables the GNU-format pubnames and pubtypes sections,
+ # which lld needs in order to generate a correct GDB index.
+ # TODO(pcc): Try to make lld understand non-GNU-format pubnames
+ # sections (
+ cflags += [ "-ggnu-pubnames" ]
+ }
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--gdb-index" ]
+ }
+ }
+ configs = []
+ # Compress debug on 32-bit ARM to stay under 4GB for ChromeOS
+ # https://b/243982712.
+ if (symbol_level == 2 && is_chromeos_device && !use_debug_fission &&
+ !is_nacl && current_cpu == "arm") {
+ configs += [ "//build/config:compress_debug_sections" ]
+ }
+ if (is_clang && (!is_nacl || is_nacl_saigo) && current_os != "zos") {
+ if (is_apple) {
+ # TODO( Investigate missing debug info on mac.
+ # Make sure we don't use constructor homing on mac.
+ cflags += [
+ "-Xclang",
+ "-debug-info-kind=limited",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ # Use constructor homing for debug info. This option reduces debug info
+ # by emitting class type info only when constructors are emitted.
+ cflags += [
+ "-Xclang",
+ "-fuse-ctor-homing",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ rustflags += [ "-g" ]
+# Minimal symbols.
+# This config guarantees to hold symbol for stack trace which are shown to user
+# when crash happens in unittests running on buildbot.
+config("minimal_symbols") {
+ rustflags = []
+ if (is_win) {
+ # Functions, files, and line tables only.
+ cflags = []
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ # Disable putting the compiler command line into the debug info to
+ # prevent some types of non-determinism.
+ "-gno-codeview-command-line",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (is_clang && use_lld && use_ghash) {
+ cflags += [ "-gcodeview-ghash" ]
+ ldflags = [ "/DEBUG:GHASH" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags = [ "/DEBUG" ]
+ }
+ # All configs using /DEBUG should include this:
+ configs = [ ":win_pdbaltpath" ]
+ # Enable line tables for clang. MSVC doesn't have an equivalent option.
+ if (is_clang) {
+ # -gline-tables-only is the same as -g1, but clang-cl only exposes the
+ # former.
+ cflags += [ "-gline-tables-only" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ cflags = []
+ if (is_mac && !use_dwarf5) {
+ # clang defaults to DWARF2 on macOS unless mac_deployment_target is
+ # at least 10.11.
+ # TODO(thakis): Remove this once mac_deployment_target is 10.11.
+ cflags += [ "-gdwarf-4" ]
+ rustflags += [ "-Zdwarf-version=4" ]
+ } else if (!use_dwarf5 && !is_nacl && current_os != "aix") {
+ # On aix -gdwarf causes linker failures due to thread_local variables.
+ # Recent clang versions default to DWARF5 on Linux, and Android is about
+ # to switch. TODO: Adopt that in controlled way.
+ cflags += [ "-gdwarf-4" ]
+ rustflags += [ "-Zdwarf-version=4" ]
+ }
+ if (use_dwarf5 && !is_nacl) {
+ cflags += [ "-gdwarf-5" ]
+ rustflags += [ "-Zdwarf-version=5" ]
+ }
+ # The gcc-based nacl compilers don't support -fdebug-compilation-dir (see
+ # elsewhere in this file), so they can't have build-dir-independent output.
+ # Moreover pnacl does not support newer flags such as -fdebug-prefix-map
+ # Disable symbols for nacl object files to get deterministic,
+ # build-directory-independent output.
+ # Keeping -g1 for saigo as it's the only toolchain whose artifacts that are
+ # part of chromium release (other nacl toolchains are used only for tests).
+ if (!is_nacl || is_nacl_saigo) {
+ cflags += [ "-g1" ]
+ }
+ if (!is_nacl && is_clang && !is_tsan && !is_asan) {
+ # See comment for -gdwarf-aranges in config("symbols").
+ cflags += [ "-gdwarf-aranges" ]
+ }
+ ldflags = []
+ if (is_android && is_clang) {
+ # Android defaults to symbol_level=1 builds, but clang, unlike gcc,
+ # doesn't emit DW_AT_linkage_name in -g1 builds.
+ # -fdebug-info-for-profiling enables that (and a bunch of other things we
+ # don't need), so that we get qualified names in stacks.
+ # TODO(thakis): Consider making clang emit DW_AT_linkage_name in -g1 mode;
+ # failing that consider doing this on non-Android too.
+ cflags += [ "-fdebug-info-for-profiling" ]
+ }
+ asmflags = cflags
+ }
+ rustflags += [ "-Cdebuginfo=1" ]
+# This configuration contains function names only. That is, the compiler is
+# told to not generate debug information and the linker then just puts function
+# names in the final debug information.
+config("no_symbols") {
+ if (is_win) {
+ ldflags = [ "/DEBUG" ]
+ # All configs using /DEBUG should include this:
+ configs = [ ":win_pdbaltpath" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-g0" ]
+ asmflags = cflags
+ }
+# Default symbols.
+config("default_symbols") {
+ if (symbol_level == 0) {
+ configs = [ ":no_symbols" ]
+ } else if (symbol_level == 1) {
+ configs = [ ":minimal_symbols" ]
+ } else if (symbol_level == 2) {
+ configs = [ ":symbols" ]
+ } else {
+ assert(false)
+ }
+ # This config is removed by base unittests apk.
+ if (is_android && is_clang && strip_debug_info) {
+ configs += [ ":strip_debug" ]
+ }
+config("strip_debug") {
+ if (!defined(ldflags)) {
+ ldflags = []
+ }
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--strip-debug" ]
+if (is_apple) {
+ # On macOS and iOS, this enables support for ARC (automatic reference
+ # counting). See
+ #
+ # -fobjc-arc enables ARC overall.
+ #
+ # ARC does not add exception handlers to pure Objective-C code, but does add
+ # them to Objective-C++ code with the rationale that C++ pervasively adds them
+ # in for exception safety. However, exceptions are banned in Chromium code for
+ # C++ and exceptions in Objective-C code are intended to be fatal, so
+ # -fno-objc-arc-exceptions is specified to disable these unwanted exception
+ # handlers.
+ config("enable_arc") {
+ common_flags = [
+ "-fobjc-arc",
+ "-fno-objc-arc-exceptions",
+ ]
+ cflags_objc = common_flags
+ cflags_objcc = common_flags
+ }
+if (is_android) {
+ # Use orderfile for linking Chrome on Android.
+ # This config enables using an orderfile for linking in LLD.
+ config("chrome_orderfile_config") {
+ # Don't try to use an orderfile with call graph sorting, except on Android,
+ # where we care about memory used by code, so we still want to mandate
+ # ordering.
+ if (chrome_orderfile_path != "") {
+ assert(use_lld)
+ _rebased_orderfile = rebase_path(chrome_orderfile_path, root_build_dir)
+ ldflags = [
+ "-Wl,--symbol-ordering-file",
+ "-Wl,$_rebased_orderfile",
+ "-Wl,--no-warn-symbol-ordering",
+ ]
+ inputs = [ chrome_orderfile_path ]
+ }
+ }
+# Initialize all variables on the stack if needed.
+config("default_init_stack_vars") {
+ cflags = []
+ if (init_stack_vars && is_clang && !is_nacl && !using_sanitizer) {
+ if (init_stack_vars_zero) {
+ cflags += [ "-ftrivial-auto-var-init=zero" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "-ftrivial-auto-var-init=pattern" ]
+ }
+ }
+buildflag_header("compiler_buildflags") {
+ header = "compiler_buildflags.h"
+ flags = [
+ "CLANG_PGO=$chrome_pgo_phase",
+ "SYMBOL_LEVEL=$symbol_level",
+ ]
+config("cet_shadow_stack") {
+ if (enable_cet_shadow_stack && is_win) {
+ assert(target_cpu == "x64")
+ ldflags = [ "/CETCOMPAT" ]
+ }
Index: radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-target-arm-patch/src-orig/build/config/compiler/
--- radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-target-arm-patch/src-orig/build/config/compiler/ (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-target-arm-patch/src-orig/build/config/compiler/ (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,3032 @@
+# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+if (current_cpu == "arm" || current_cpu == "arm64") {
+ import("//build/config/arm.gni")
+if (current_cpu == "mipsel" || current_cpu == "mips64el" ||
+ current_cpu == "mips" || current_cpu == "mips64") {
+ import("//build/config/mips.gni")
+if (is_mac) {
+ import("//build/config/apple/symbols.gni")
+if (is_ios) {
+ import("//build/config/ios/ios_sdk.gni")
+if (is_nacl) {
+ # To keep NaCl variables out of builds that don't include NaCl, all
+ # variables defined in nacl/config.gni referenced here should be protected by
+ # is_nacl conditions.
+ import("//build/config/nacl/config.gni")
+lld_path = ""
+if (!is_clang) {
+ declare_args() {
+ # This allows overriding the location of lld.
+ lld_path = rebase_path("$clang_base_path/bin", root_build_dir)
+ }
+} else {
+ # clang looks for lld next to it, no need for -B.
+ lld_path = ""
+declare_args() {
+ # Normally, Android builds are lightly optimized, even for debug builds, to
+ # keep binary size down. Setting this flag to true disables such optimization
+ android_full_debug = false
+ # Compile in such a way as to make it possible for the profiler to unwind full
+ # stack frames. Setting this flag has a large effect on the performance of the
+ # generated code than just setting profiling, but gives the profiler more
+ # information to analyze.
+ # Requires profiling to be set to true.
+ enable_full_stack_frames_for_profiling = false
+ # When we are going to use gold we need to find it.
+ # This is initialized below, after use_gold might have been overridden.
+ gold_path = ""
+ # Enable fatal linker warnings. Building Chromium with certain versions
+ # of binutils can cause linker warning.
+ fatal_linker_warnings = true
+ # Build with C++ RTTI enabled. Chromium builds without RTTI by default,
+ # but some sanitizers are known to require it, like CFI diagnostics
+ # and UBsan variants.
+ use_rtti = use_cfi_diag || is_ubsan_vptr || is_ubsan_security
+ # AFDO (Automatic Feedback Directed Optimizer) is a form of profile-guided
+ # optimization that GCC supports. It used by ChromeOS in their official
+ # builds. To use it, set auto_profile_path to the path to a file containing
+ # the needed gcov profiling data.
+ auto_profile_path = ""
+ # Optimize for coverage guided fuzzing (balance between speed and number of
+ # branches)
+ optimize_for_fuzzing = false
+ # Path to an AFDO profile to use while building with clang, if any. Empty
+ # implies none.
+ clang_sample_profile_path = ""
+ # Some configurations have default sample profiles. If this is true and
+ # clang_sample_profile_path is empty, we'll fall back to the default.
+ #
+ # We currently only have default profiles for Chromium in-tree, so we disable
+ # this by default for all downstream projects, since these profiles are likely
+ # nonsensical for said projects.
+ clang_use_default_sample_profile =
+ chrome_pgo_phase == 0 && build_with_chromium && is_official_build &&
+ (is_android || chromeos_is_browser_only)
+ # This configuration is used to select a default profile in Chrome OS based on
+ # the microarchitectures we are using. This is only used if
+ # clang_use_default_sample_profile is true and clang_sample_profile_path is
+ # empty.
+ chromeos_afdo_platform = "atom"
+ # Emit debug information for profiling wile building with clang.
+ # Only enable this for ChromeOS official builds for AFDO.
+ clang_emit_debug_info_for_profiling = is_chromeos_device && is_official_build
+ # Turn this on to have the compiler output extra timing information.
+ compiler_timing = false
+ # Turn this on to use ghash feature of lld for faster debug link on Windows.
+ #
+ use_ghash = true
+ # Whether to enable ThinLTO optimizations. Turning ThinLTO optimizations on
+ # can substantially increase link time and binary size, but they generally
+ # also make binaries a fair bit faster.
+ #
+ # TODO(gbiv): We disable optimizations by default on most platforms because
+ # the space overhead is too great. We should use some mixture of profiles and
+ # optimization settings to better tune the size increase.
+ thin_lto_enable_optimizations =
+ (is_chromeos || is_android || is_win || is_linux || is_mac ||
+ (is_ios && use_lld)) && is_official_build
+ # Whether to enable thin lto incremental builds.
+ # See:
+ # The cache can lead to non-determinism:
+ thin_lto_enable_cache = true
+ # Initialize all local variables with a pattern. This flag will fill
+ # uninitialized floating-point types (and 32-bit pointers) with 0xFF and the
+ # rest with 0xAA. This makes behavior of uninitialized memory bugs consistent,
+ # recognizable in the debugger, and crashes on memory accesses through
+ # uninitialized pointers.
+ #
+ # Flag discussion:
+ #
+ # TODO( This regresses binary size by ~1MB on Android and
+ # needs to be evaluated before enabling it there as well.
+ init_stack_vars = !(is_android && is_official_build)
+ # Zero init has favorable performance/size tradeoffs for Chrome OS
+ # but was not evaluated for other platforms.
+ init_stack_vars_zero = is_chromeos
+ # This argument is to control whether enabling text section splitting in the
+ # final binary. When enabled, the separated text sections with prefix
+ # '', '.text.unlikely', '.text.startup' and '.text.exit' will not be
+ # merged to '.text' section. This allows us to identify the hot code section
+ # ('') in the binary, which allows our data collection pipelines to
+ # more easily identify code that we assume to be hot/cold that doesn't turn
+ # out to be such in the field.
+ use_text_section_splitting = is_chromeos
+ # Enable DWARF v5.
+ use_dwarf5 = false
+ # Override this to put full paths to PDBs in Windows PE files. This helps
+ # windbg and Windows Performance Analyzer with finding the PDBs in some local-
+ # build scenarios. This is never needed for bots or official builds. Because
+ # this puts the output directory in the DLLs/EXEs it breaks build determinism.
+ # Bugs have been reported to the windbg/WPA teams and this workaround will be
+ # removed when they are fixed.
+ use_full_pdb_paths = false
+ # Enable -H, which prints the include tree during compilation.
+ # For use by tools/clang/scripts/
+ show_includes = false
+ # Enable Profi algorithm. Profi can infer block and edge counts.
+ #
+ # TODO( Possibly enable this for Android too.
+ use_profi = is_chromeos
+ # If true, linker crashes will be rerun with `--reproduce` which causes
+ # a reproducer file to be saved.
+ save_reproducers_on_lld_crash = false
+ # Enable ShadowCallStack for compiled binaries. SCS stores a pointer to a
+ # shadow call stack in register x18. Hence, x18 must not be used by the OS
+ # or libraries. We assume that to be the case for high end Android
+ # configurations. For more details see
+ #
+ enable_shadow_call_stack = false
+ # Use DWARF simple template names, with the following exceptions:
+ #
+ # * Windows is not supported as it doesn't use DWARF.
+ # * Apple platforms (e.g. MacOS, iPhone, iPad) aren't supported because xcode
+ # lldb doesn't have the needed changes yet.
+ # TODO( Remove if the upstream default ever changes.
+ #
+ # This greatly reduces the size of debug builds, at the cost of
+ # debugging information which is required by some specialized
+ # debugging tools.
+ simple_template_names = is_clang && !is_nacl && !is_win && !is_apple
+declare_args() {
+ # Set to true to use icf, Identical Code Folding.
+ #
+ # icf=all is broken in older golds, see
+ #
+ # chromeos binutils has been patched with the fix, so always use icf there.
+ # The bug only affects x86 and x64, so we can still use ICF when targeting
+ # other architectures.
+ #
+ # lld doesn't have the bug.
+ use_icf = (is_posix || is_fuchsia) && !is_debug && !using_sanitizer &&
+ !use_clang_coverage && current_os != "zos" &&
+ !(is_android && use_order_profiling) &&
+ (use_lld || (use_gold && (is_chromeos || !(current_cpu == "x86" ||
+ current_cpu == "x64"))))
+if (is_android) {
+ # Set the path to use orderfile for linking Chrome
+ # Note that this is for using only one orderfile for linking
+ # the Chrome binary/library.
+ declare_args() {
+ chrome_orderfile_path = ""
+ if (defined(default_chrome_orderfile)) {
+ # Allow downstream tools to set orderfile path with
+ # another variable.
+ chrome_orderfile_path = default_chrome_orderfile
+ }
+ }
+declare_args() {
+ # Turn off the --call-graph-profile-sort flag for lld by default. Enable
+ # selectively for targets where it's beneficial.
+ enable_call_graph_profile_sort =
+ chrome_pgo_phase == 2 ||
+ (is_chromeos &&
+ (clang_use_default_sample_profile || clang_sample_profile_path != ""))
+assert(!(llvm_force_head_revision && use_goma),
+ "can't use goma with trunk clang")
+assert(!(llvm_force_head_revision && use_remoteexec),
+ "can't use rbe with trunk clang")
+# default_include_dirs ---------------------------------------------------------
+# This is a separate config so that third_party code (which would not use the
+# source root and might have conflicting versions of some headers) can remove
+# this and specify their own include paths.
+config("default_include_dirs") {
+ include_dirs = [
+ "//",
+ root_gen_dir,
+ ]
+# Compiler instrumentation can introduce dependencies in DSOs to symbols in
+# the executable they are loaded into, so they are unresolved at link-time.
+config("no_unresolved_symbols") {
+ if (!using_sanitizer &&
+ (is_linux || is_chromeos || is_android || is_fuchsia)) {
+ ldflags = [
+ "-Wl,-z,defs",
+ "-Wl,--as-needed",
+ ]
+ }
+# compiler ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Base compiler configuration.
+# See also "runtime_library" below for related stuff and a discussion about
+# where stuff should go. Put warning related stuff in the "warnings" config.
+config("compiler") {
+ asmflags = []
+ cflags = []
+ cflags_c = []
+ cflags_cc = []
+ cflags_objc = []
+ cflags_objcc = []
+ rustflags = []
+ ldflags = []
+ defines = []
+ configs = []
+ rustflags = []
+ # System-specific flags. If your compiler flags apply to one of the
+ # categories here, add it to the associated file to keep this shared config
+ # smaller.
+ if (is_win) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/win:compiler" ]
+ } else if (is_android) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/android:compiler" ]
+ } else if (is_linux || is_chromeos) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/linux:compiler" ]
+ } else if (is_nacl) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/nacl:compiler" ]
+ } else if (is_mac) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/mac:compiler" ]
+ } else if (is_ios) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/ios:compiler" ]
+ } else if (is_fuchsia) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/fuchsia:compiler" ]
+ } else if (current_os == "aix") {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/aix:compiler" ]
+ } else if (current_os == "zos") {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/zos:compiler" ]
+ }
+ configs += [
+ # See the definitions below.
+ ":clang_revision",
+ ":rustc_revision",
+ ":compiler_cpu_abi",
+ ":compiler_codegen",
+ ":compiler_deterministic",
+ ]
+ # Here we enable -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks, which makes various nullptr
+ # operations (e.g. dereferencing) into defined behavior. This avoids deletion
+ # of some security-critical code: see
+ # Nacl does not support the flag. And, we still want UBSAN to catch undefined
+ # behavior related to nullptrs, so do not add this flag if UBSAN is enabled.
+ # GCC seems to have some bugs compiling constexpr code when this is defined,
+ # so only enable it if using_clang. See:
+ # TODO(mpdenton): remove is_clang once GCC bug is fixed.
+ if (!is_nacl && !is_ubsan && is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "-fno-delete-null-pointer-checks" ]
+ }
+ # Don't emit the GCC version ident directives, they just end up in the
+ # .comment section or debug info taking up binary size, and makes comparing
+ # .o files built with different compiler versions harder.
+ if (!is_win || is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "-fno-ident" ]
+ }
+ # In general, Windows is totally different, but all the other builds share
+ # some common compiler and linker configuration.
+ if (!is_win) {
+ # Common POSIX compiler flags setup.
+ # --------------------------------
+ cflags += [ "-fno-strict-aliasing" ] # See
+ # Stack protection. ShadowCallStack and Stack protector address the same
+ # problems. Therefore, we only enable one or the other. Clang advertises SCS as
+ # a stronger alternative to StackProtector, so we give SCS precedence over SP.
+ if (enable_shadow_call_stack) {
+ # On Aarch64, SCS requires the x18 register to be unused because it will hold
+ # a pointer to the shadow stack. For Android we know that Clang doesn't use
+ # x18 by default. On other OSs adding "-ffixed-x18" might be required.
+ assert(is_android)
+ scs_parameters = [
+ "-fsanitize=shadow-call-stack",
+ "-fno-stack-protector",
+ ]
+ cflags += scs_parameters
+ ldflags += scs_parameters
+ } else {
+ if (is_apple) {
+ # The strong variant of the stack protector significantly increases
+ # binary size, so only enable it in debug mode.
+ if (is_debug) {
+ cflags += [ "-fstack-protector-strong" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "-fstack-protector" ]
+ }
+ } else if ((is_posix && !is_chromeos && !is_nacl) || is_fuchsia) {
+ # TODO(phajdan.jr): Use -fstack-protector-strong when our gcc supports it.
+ # See also
+ # The x86 toolchain currently has problems with stack-protector.
+ if (is_android && current_cpu == "x86") {
+ cflags += [ "-fno-stack-protector" ]
+ } else if (current_os != "aix") {
+ # Not available on aix.
+ cflags += [ "-fstack-protector" ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (use_lld) {
+ ldflags += [ "-fuse-ld=lld" ]
+ if (lld_path != "") {
+ ldflags += [ "-B$lld_path" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Linker warnings.
+ if (fatal_linker_warnings && !is_apple && current_os != "aix" &&
+ current_os != "zos") {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--fatal-warnings" ]
+ }
+ if (fatal_linker_warnings && is_apple) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-fatal_warnings" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_clang && is_debug) {
+ # Allow comparing the address of references and 'this' against 0
+ # in debug builds. Technically, these can never be null in
+ # well-defined C/C++ and Clang can optimize such checks away in
+ # release builds, but they may be used in asserts in debug builds.
+ cflags_cc += [
+ "-Wno-undefined-bool-conversion",
+ "-Wno-tautological-undefined-compare",
+ ]
+ }
+ # Non-Apple Posix and Fuchsia compiler flags setup.
+ # -----------------------------------
+ if ((is_posix && !is_apple) || is_fuchsia) {
+ if (enable_profiling) {
+ if (!is_debug) {
+ cflags += [ "-g" ]
+ if (enable_full_stack_frames_for_profiling) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-fno-inline",
+ "-fno-optimize-sibling-calls",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Explicitly pass --build-id to ld. Compilers used to always pass this
+ # implicitly but don't any more (in particular clang when built without
+ if (is_official_build) {
+ # The sha1 build id has lower risk of collision but is more expensive to
+ # compute, so only use it in the official build to avoid slowing down
+ # links.
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--build-id=sha1" ]
+ } else if (current_os != "aix" && current_os != "zos") {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--build-id" ]
+ }
+ if (!is_android) {
+ defines += [
+ # _FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 should not be set on Android in order to maintain
+ # the behavior of the Android NDK from earlier versions.
+ # See
+ ]
+ }
+ if (!is_nacl) {
+ if (exclude_unwind_tables) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-fno-unwind-tables",
+ "-fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables",
+ ]
+ rustflags += [ "-Cforce-unwind-tables=no" ]
+ defines += [ "NO_UNWIND_TABLES" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "-funwind-tables" ]
+ rustflags += [ "-Cforce-unwind-tables=yes" ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Apple compiler flags setup.
+ # ---------------------------------
+ if (is_apple) {
+ # On Intel, clang emits both Apple's "compact unwind" information and
+ # DWARF eh_frame unwind information by default, for compatibility reasons.
+ # This flag limits emission of eh_frame information to functions
+ # whose unwind information can't be expressed in the compact unwind format
+ # (which in practice means almost everything gets only compact unwind
+ # entries). This reduces object file size a bit and makes linking a bit
+ # faster.
+ # On arm64, this is already the default behavior.
+ if (current_cpu == "x64") {
+ asmflags += [ "-femit-dwarf-unwind=no-compact-unwind" ]
+ cflags += [ "-femit-dwarf-unwind=no-compact-unwind" ]
+ }
+ # dsymutil is not available in the system, on bots, for rustc to call. Our
+ # script runs dsymutil itself, which is set to be the
+ # linker for Rust targets as well.
+ rustflags += [ "-Csplit-debuginfo=unpacked" ]
+ }
+ # Linux/Android/Fuchsia common flags setup.
+ # ---------------------------------
+ if (is_linux || is_chromeos || is_android || is_fuchsia) {
+ asmflags += [ "-fPIC" ]
+ cflags += [ "-fPIC" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-fPIC" ]
+ rustflags += [ "-Crelocation-model=pic" ]
+ if (!is_clang) {
+ # Use pipes for communicating between sub-processes. Faster.
+ # (This flag doesn't do anything with Clang.)
+ cflags += [ "-pipe" ]
+ }
+ ldflags += [
+ "-Wl,-z,noexecstack",
+ "-Wl,-z,relro",
+ ]
+ if (!is_component_build) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-z,now" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Linux-specific compiler flags setup.
+ # ------------------------------------
+ if (use_gold) {
+ ldflags += [ "-fuse-ld=gold" ]
+ if (!is_android) {
+ # On Android, this isn't needed. gcc in the NDK knows to look next to
+ # it with -fuse-ld=gold, and clang gets a --gcc-toolchain flag passed
+ # above.
+ if (gold_path != "") {
+ ldflags += [ "-B$gold_path" ]
+ }
+ ldflags += [
+ # Experimentation found that using four linking threads
+ # saved ~20% of link time.
+ #
+ # Only apply this to the target linker, since the host
+ # linker might not be gold, but isn't used much anyway.
+ "-Wl,--threads",
+ "-Wl,--thread-count=4",
+ ]
+ }
+ # TODO(thestig): Make this flag work with GN.
+ #if (!is_official_build && !is_chromeos && !(is_asan || is_lsan || is_tsan || is_msan)) {
+ # ldflags += [
+ # "-Wl,--detect-odr-violations",
+ # ]
+ #}
+ }
+ if (use_icf && (!is_apple || use_lld)) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--icf=all" ]
+ }
+ if (is_linux || is_chromeos) {
+ cflags += [ "-pthread" ]
+ # Do not use the -pthread ldflag here since it becomes a no-op
+ # when using -nodefaultlibs, which would cause an unused argument
+ # error. "-lpthread" is added in //build/config:default_libs.
+ }
+ # Clang-specific compiler flags setup.
+ # ------------------------------------
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "-fcolor-diagnostics" ]
+ # Enable -fmerge-all-constants. This used to be the default in clang
+ # for over a decade. It makes clang non-conforming, but is fairly safe
+ # in practice and saves some binary size. We might want to consider
+ # disabling this (,
+ # but for now it looks like our build might rely on it
+ # (
+ cflags += [ "-fmerge-all-constants" ]
+ }
+ if (use_lld) {
+ # TODO(thakis): Make the driver pass --color-diagnostics to the linker
+ # if -fcolor-diagnostics is passed to it, and pass -fcolor-diagnostics
+ # in ldflags instead.
+ if (is_win) {
+ # On Windows, we call the linker directly, instead of calling it through
+ # the driver.
+ ldflags += [ "--color-diagnostics" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--color-diagnostics" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Enable text section splitting only on linux when using lld for now. Other
+ # platforms can be added later if needed.
+ if ((is_linux || is_chromeos) && use_lld && use_text_section_splitting) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-z,keep-text-section-prefix" ]
+ }
+ if (is_clang && !is_nacl && current_os != "zos") {
+ cflags += [ "-fcrash-diagnostics-dir=" + clang_diagnostic_dir ]
+ if (save_reproducers_on_lld_crash && use_lld) {
+ ldflags += [
+ "-fcrash-diagnostics=all",
+ "-fcrash-diagnostics-dir=" + clang_diagnostic_dir,
+ ]
+ }
+ # TODO(hans): Remove this once Clang generates better optimized debug info
+ # by default.
+ cflags += [
+ "-mllvm",
+ "-instcombine-lower-dbg-declare=0",
+ ]
+ if (!is_debug && use_thin_lto && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ if (is_win) {
+ ldflags += [ "-mllvm:-instcombine-lower-dbg-declare=0" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-mllvm,-instcombine-lower-dbg-declare=0" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # TODO( This causes binary size growth and potentially
+ # other problems.
+ # TODO( This isn't supported by Cronet's mainline llvm version.
+ if (default_toolchain != "//build/toolchain/cros:target" &&
+ !llvm_android_mainline) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mllvm",
+ "-split-threshold-for-reg-with-hint=0",
+ ]
+ if (use_thin_lto && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ if (is_win) {
+ ldflags += [ "-mllvm:-split-threshold-for-reg-with-hint=0" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-mllvm,-split-threshold-for-reg-with-hint=0" ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # TODO( Investigate why/if this should be needed.
+ if (is_win) {
+ cflags += [ "/clang:-ffp-contract=off" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "-ffp-contract=off" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # C11/C++11 compiler flags setup.
+ # ---------------------------
+ if (is_linux || is_chromeos || is_android || (is_nacl && is_clang) ||
+ current_os == "aix") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ standard_prefix = "c"
+ # Since we build with -std=c* and not -std=gnu*, _GNU_SOURCE will not be
+ # defined by the compiler. However, lots of code relies on the
+ # non-standard features that _GNU_SOURCE enables, so define it manually.
+ defines += [ "_GNU_SOURCE" ]
+ if (is_nacl) {
+ # Undefine __STRICT_ANSI__ to get non-standard features which would
+ # otherwise not be enabled by NaCl's sysroots.
+ cflags += [ "-U__STRICT_ANSI__" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ # Gcc does not support ##__VA_ARGS__ when in standards-conforming mode,
+ # but we use this feature in several places in Chromium.
+ # TODO(thomasanderson): Replace usages of ##__VA_ARGS__ with the
+ # standard-compliant __VA_OPT__ added by C++20, and switch the gcc build
+ # to -std=c*.
+ standard_prefix = "gnu"
+ }
+ cflags_c += [ "-std=${standard_prefix}11" ]
+ if (is_nacl && !is_nacl_saigo) {
+ # This is for the pnacl_newlib toolchain. It's only used to build
+ # a few independent ppapi test files that don't pull in any other
+ # dependencies.
+ cflags_cc += [ "-std=${standard_prefix}++14" ]
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags_cc += [ "-fno-trigraphs" ]
+ }
+ } else if (is_clang) {
+ if (defined(use_cxx17) && use_cxx17) {
+ cflags_cc += [ "-std=${standard_prefix}++17" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags_cc += [ "-std=${standard_prefix}++20" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ # The gcc bots are currently using GCC 9, which is not new enough to
+ # support "c++20"/"gnu++20".
+ cflags_cc += [ "-std=${standard_prefix}++2a" ]
+ }
+ } else if (is_win) {
+ cflags_c += [ "/std:c11" ]
+ if (defined(use_cxx17) && use_cxx17) {
+ cflags_cc += [ "/std:c++17" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags_cc += [ "/std:c++20" ]
+ }
+ } else if (!is_nacl) {
+ # TODO(mcgrathr) - the NaCl GCC toolchain doesn't support either
+ # gnu11/gnu++11 or c11/c++11; we technically don't need this toolchain any
+ # more, but there are still a few buildbots using it, so until those are
+ # turned off we need the !is_nacl clause and the (is_nacl && is_clang)
+ # clause, above.
+ cflags_c += [ "-std=c11" ]
+ if (defined(use_cxx17) && use_cxx17) {
+ cflags_cc += [ "-std=c++17" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags_cc += [ "-std=c++20" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_clang && current_os != "zos") {
+ # C++17 removes trigraph support, but clang still warns that it ignores
+ # them when seeing them. Don't.
+ cflags_cc += [ "-Wno-trigraphs" ]
+ }
+ if (use_relative_vtables_abi) {
+ cflags_cc += [ "-fexperimental-relative-c++-abi-vtables" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-fexperimental-relative-c++-abi-vtables" ]
+ }
+ # Add flags for link-time optimization. These flags enable
+ # optimizations/transformations that require whole-program visibility at link
+ # time, so they need to be applied to all translation units, and we may end up
+ # with miscompiles if only part of the program is compiled with LTO flags. For
+ # that reason, we cannot allow targets to enable or disable these flags, for
+ # example by disabling the optimize configuration.
+ # TODO(pcc): Make this conditional on is_official_build rather than on gn
+ # flags for specific features.
+ if (!is_debug && use_thin_lto && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ assert(use_lld, "LTO is only supported with lld")
+ cflags += [
+ "-flto=thin",
+ "-fsplit-lto-unit",
+ ]
+ if (thin_lto_enable_cache) {
+ # Limit the size of the ThinLTO cache to the lesser of 10% of
+ # available disk space, 40GB and 100000 files.
+ cache_policy =
+ "cache_size=10%:cache_size_bytes=40g:cache_size_files=100000"
+ cache_dir = rebase_path("$root_out_dir/thinlto-cache", root_build_dir)
+ if (is_win) {
+ ldflags += [
+ "/lldltocache:$cache_dir",
+ "/lldltocachepolicy:$cache_policy",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ if (is_apple) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-cache_path_lto,$cache_dir" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--thinlto-cache-dir=$cache_dir" ]
+ }
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--thinlto-cache-policy=$cache_policy" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # An import limit of 30 has better performance (per speedometer) and lower
+ # binary size than the default setting of 100.
+ # TODO(gbiv): We ideally shouldn't need to specify this; ThinLTO
+ # should be able to better manage binary size increases on its own.
+ import_instr_limit = 30
+ if (is_win) {
+ ldflags += [
+ "/opt:lldltojobs=all",
+ "-mllvm:-import-instr-limit=$import_instr_limit",
+ "-mllvm:-disable-auto-upgrade-debug-info",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags += [ "-flto=thin" ]
+ # Enabling ThinLTO on Chrome OS too, in an effort to reduce the memory
+ # usage in Note this will increase build time in
+ # Chrome OS.
+ # In ThinLTO builds, we run at most one link process at a time,
+ # and let it use all cores.
+ # TODO(thakis): Check if '=0' (that is, number of cores, instead
+ # of "all" which means number of hardware threads) is faster.
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--thinlto-jobs=all" ]
+ if (is_chromeos) {
+ # ARM was originally set lower than x86 to keep the size
+ # bloat of ThinLTO to <10%, but that's potentially no longer true.
+ # FIXME(inglorion): maybe tune these?
+ # TODO(b/271459198): Revert limit on amd64 to 30 when fixed.
+ import_instr_limit = 20
+ } else if (is_android) {
+ # TODO( Investigate if we can get the > 6% perf win
+ # of import_instr_limit 30 with a binary size hit smaller than ~2 MiB.
+ import_instr_limit = 5
+ }
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-mllvm,-import-instr-limit=$import_instr_limit" ]
+ if (is_apple) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wcrl,object_path_lto" ]
+ }
+ # We only use one version of LLVM within a build so there's no need to
+ # upgrade debug info, which can be expensive since it runs the verifier.
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-mllvm,-disable-auto-upgrade-debug-info" ]
+ }
+ # TODO( investigate why this isn't effective on
+ # arm32.
+ if (!is_android || current_cpu == "arm64") {
+ cflags += [ "-fwhole-program-vtables" ]
+ if (toolchain_supports_rust_thin_lto) {
+ # whole-program-vtables implies -fsplit-lto-unit, and Rust needs to match
+ # behaviour. Rust needs to know the linker will be doing LTO in this case
+ # or it rejects the Zsplit-lto-unit flag.
+ rustflags += [
+ "-Zsplit-lto-unit",
+ "-Clinker-plugin-lto=yes",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ # Don't include bitcode if it won't be used.
+ rustflags += [ "-Cembed-bitcode=no" ]
+ }
+ if (!is_win) {
+ ldflags += [ "-fwhole-program-vtables" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # This flag causes LTO to create an .ARM.attributes section with the correct
+ # architecture. This is necessary because LLD will refuse to link a program
+ # unless the architecture revision in .ARM.attributes is sufficiently new.
+ # TODO(pcc): The contents of .ARM.attributes should be based on the
+ # -march flag passed at compile time (see
+ if (current_cpu == "arm") {
+ ldflags += [ "-march=$arm_arch" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (compiler_timing) {
+ if (is_clang && !is_nacl) {
+ cflags += [ "-ftime-trace" ]
+ if (use_lld && is_mac) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--time-trace" ]
+ }
+ } else if (is_win) {
+ cflags += [
+ # "Documented" here:
+ #
+ "/d2cgsummary",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Pass flag to LLD so Android builds can allow debuggerd to properly symbolize
+ # stack crashes (
+ if (use_lld && is_android) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--no-rosegment" ]
+ }
+ # TODO( Cleanup undefined symbol errors caught by
+ # --no-undefined-version.
+ if (use_lld && !is_win && !is_mac && !is_ios) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--undefined-version" ]
+ }
+ if (use_lld && is_apple) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--strict-auto-link" ]
+ }
+ # LLD does call-graph-sorted binary layout by default when profile data is
+ # present. On Android this increases binary size due to more thinks for long
+ # jumps. Turn it off by default and enable selectively for targets where it's
+ # beneficial.
+ if (use_lld && !enable_call_graph_profile_sort) {
+ if (is_win) {
+ ldflags += [ "/call-graph-profile-sort:no" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--no-call-graph-profile-sort" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_clang && !is_nacl && show_includes) {
+ if (is_win) {
+ # TODO( Goma mixes the -H and /showIncludes output.
+ assert(!use_goma, "show_includes on Windows is not reliable with goma")
+ cflags += [
+ "/clang:-H",
+ "/clang:-fshow-skipped-includes",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [
+ "-H",
+ "-fshow-skipped-includes",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ # This flag enforces that member pointer base types are complete. It helps
+ # prevent us from running into problems in the Microsoft C++ ABI (see
+ #
+ if (is_clang && !is_nacl && target_os != "chromeos" &&
+ (is_win || use_custom_libcxx)) {
+ cflags += [ "-fcomplete-member-pointers" ]
+ }
+ # Use DWARF simple template names.
+ if (simple_template_names) {
+ cflags_cc += [ "-gsimple-template-names" ]
+ }
+ # MLGO specific flags. These flags enable an ML-based inliner trained on
+ # Chrome on Android (arm32) with ThinLTO enabled, optimizing for size.
+ # The "release" ML model is embedded into clang as part of its build.
+ # Currently, the ML inliner is only enabled when targeting Android due to:
+ # a) Android is where size matters the most.
+ # b) MLGO presently has the limitation of only being able to embed one model
+ # at a time; It is unclear if the embedded model is beneficial for
+ # non-Android targets.
+ # MLGO is only officially supported on linux.
+ if (use_ml_inliner && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ assert(
+ is_android && host_os == "linux",
+ "MLGO is currently only supported for targeting Android on a linux host")
+ if (use_thin_lto) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-mllvm,-enable-ml-inliner=release" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (clang_embed_bitcode) {
+ assert(!use_thin_lto,
+ "clang_embed_bitcode is only supported in non-ThinLTO builds")
+ cflags += [
+ "-Xclang",
+ "-fembed-bitcode=all",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (lld_emit_indexes_and_imports) {
+ assert(use_thin_lto,
+ "lld_emit_indexes_and_imports is only supported with ThinLTO builds")
+ ldflags += [
+ "-Wl,--save-temps=import",
+ "-Wl,--thinlto-emit-index-files",
+ ]
+ }
+ # Pass the same C/C++ flags to the objective C/C++ compiler.
+ cflags_objc += cflags_c
+ cflags_objcc += cflags_cc
+ # Assign any flags set for the C compiler to asmflags so that they are sent
+ # to the assembler. The Windows assembler takes different types of flags
+ # so only do so for posix platforms.
+ if (is_posix || is_fuchsia) {
+ asmflags += cflags
+ asmflags += cflags_c
+ }
+ if (is_chromeos_device && !is_nacl) {
+ # On ChromeOS devices, we want to ensure we're using Chrome's allocator
+ # symbols for all C++ new/delete operator overloads. PartitionAlloc
+ # and other local allocators should always take precedence over system or
+ # preloaded allocators. These are the mangled symbol names.
+ # See b/280115910 for details.
+ ldflags += [
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdaPv,-u,_ZdaPv",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdaPvRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZdaPvRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdlPv,-u,_ZdlPv",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdlPvm,-u,_ZdlPvm",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdlPvRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZdlPvRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_Znam,-u,_Znam",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZnamRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZnamRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_Znwm,-u,_Znwm",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZnwmRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZnwmRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdaPvmSt11align_val_t,-u,_ZdaPvmSt11align_val_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdaPvSt11align_val_t,-u,_ZdaPvSt11align_val_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdaPvSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZdaPvSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdlPvmSt11align_val_t,-u,_ZdlPvmSt11align_val_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdlPvSt11align_val_t,-u,_ZdlPvSt11align_val_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdlPvSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZdlPvSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZnamSt11align_val_t,-u,_ZnamSt11align_val_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZnamSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZnamSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZnwmSt11align_val_t,-u,_ZnwmSt11align_val_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZnwmSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZnwmSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ ]
+ }
+ # Rust compiler flags setup.
+ # ---------------------------
+ rustflags += [
+ # Overflow checks are optional in Rust, but even if switched
+ # off they do not cause undefined behavior (the overflowing
+ # behavior is defined). Because containers are bounds-checked
+ # in safe Rust, they also can't provoke buffer overflows.
+ # As such these checks may be less important in Rust than C++.
+ # But in (simplistic) testing they have negligible performance
+ # overhead, and this helps to provide consistent behavior
+ # between different configurations, so we'll keep them on until
+ # we discover a reason to turn them off.
+ "-Coverflow-checks=on",
+ # By default Rust passes `-nodefaultlibs` to the linker, however this
+ # conflicts with our `--unwind=none` flag for Android dylibs, as the latter
+ # is then unused and produces a warning/error. So this removes the
+ # `-nodefaultlibs` from the linker invocation from Rust, which would be used
+ # to compile dylibs on Android, such as for constructing unit test APKs.
+ "-Cdefault-linker-libraries",
+ # To make Rust .d files compatible with ninja
+ "-Zdep-info-omit-d-target",
+ # If a macro panics during compilation, show which macro and where it is
+ # defined.
+ "-Zmacro-backtrace",
+ # For deterministic builds, keep the local machine's current working
+ # directory from appearing in build outputs.
+ "-Zremap-cwd-prefix=.",
+ ]
+ if (!is_win || force_rustc_color_output) {
+ # Colorize error output. The analogous flag is passed for clang. This must
+ # be platform-gated since rustc will unconditionally output ANSI escape
+ # sequences, ignoring the platform, when stderr is not a terminal.
+ rustflags += [ "--color=always" ]
+ }
+ if (rust_abi_target != "") {
+ rustflags += [ "--target=$rust_abi_target" ]
+ }
+ if (!use_thin_lto || !toolchain_supports_rust_thin_lto) {
+ # Don't include bitcode if it won't be used.
+ rustflags += [ "-Cembed-bitcode=no" ]
+ }
+ if (is_official_build) {
+ rustflags += [ "-Ccodegen-units=1" ]
+ }
+ if (!rust_prebuilt_stdlib) {
+ # When building against the Chromium Rust stdlib (which we compile) always
+ # abort instead of unwinding when panic occurs. In official builds, panics
+ # abort immediately (this is configured in the stdlib) to keep binary size
+ # down. So we unconditionally match behaviour in unofficial too.
+ rustflags += [
+ "-Cpanic=abort",
+ "-Zpanic_abort_tests",
+ ]
+ }
+ # Normally, this would be defined in the `runtime_library` config but NaCl
+ # saigo libc++ does not use the custom hermetic libc++. Unfortunately, there
+ # isn't really a better config to add this define for the define to
+ # consistently apply in both Chromium and non-Chromium code *and* non-NaCl
+ # and NaCl code.
+ #
+ # TODO( Move this back to the `runtime_library`
+ # config when NaCl is removed.
+ if (use_safe_libcxx) {
+ # TODO( Switch saigo to hardened mode once
+ # it's rolled in.
+ if (is_nacl_saigo) {
+ defines += [ "_LIBCPP_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS=1" ]
+ } else {
+ }
+ } else {
+ }
+# The BUILDCONFIG file sets this config on targets by default, which means when
+# building with ThinLTO, no optimization is performed in the link step.
+config("thinlto_optimize_default") {
+ if (!is_debug && use_thin_lto && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ lto_opt_level = 0
+ if (is_win) {
+ ldflags = [ "/opt:lldlto=" + lto_opt_level ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags = [ "-Wl,--lto-O" + lto_opt_level ]
+ }
+ if (toolchain_supports_rust_thin_lto) {
+ # We always point Rust to a linker that performs LTO, so we don't want Rust
+ # to preemptively do so during compilation too or they conflict. But we do
+ # want Rust to generate LTO metadata in order for the linker to do its job.
+ rustflags = [ "-Clinker-plugin-lto=yes" ]
+ } else {
+ # Don't include bitcode if it won't be used.
+ rustflags = [ "-Cembed-bitcode=no" ]
+ }
+ }
+# Use this to enable optimization in the ThinLTO link step for select targets
+# when thin_lto_enable_optimizations is set by doing:
+# configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:thinlto_optimize_default" ]
+# configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:thinlto_optimize_max" ]
+# Since it makes linking significantly slower and more resource intensive, only
+# use it on important targets such as the main browser executable or dll.
+config("thinlto_optimize_max") {
+ if (!is_debug && use_thin_lto && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ if (thin_lto_enable_optimizations) {
+ lto_opt_level = 2
+ } else {
+ lto_opt_level = 0
+ }
+ if (is_win) {
+ ldflags = [ "/opt:lldlto=" + lto_opt_level ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags = [ "-Wl,--lto-O" + lto_opt_level ]
+ }
+ if (toolchain_supports_rust_thin_lto) {
+ # We always point Rust to a linker that performs LTO, so we don't want Rust
+ # to preemptively do so during compilation too or they conflict. But we do
+ # want Rust to generate LTO metadata in order for the linker to do its job.
+ rustflags = [ "-Clinker-plugin-lto=yes" ]
+ } else {
+ # Don't include bitcode if it won't be used.
+ rustflags = [ "-Cembed-bitcode=no" ]
+ }
+ }
+# This provides the basic options to select the target CPU and ABI.
+# It is factored out of "compiler" so that special cases can use this
+# without using everything that "compiler" brings in. Options that
+# tweak code generation for a particular CPU do not belong here!
+# See "compiler_codegen", below.
+config("compiler_cpu_abi") {
+ cflags = []
+ ldflags = []
+ defines = []
+ configs = []
+ if (is_chromeos) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/chromeos:compiler_cpu_abi" ]
+ }
+ if ((is_posix && !is_apple) || is_fuchsia) {
+ # CPU architecture. We may or may not be doing a cross compile now, so for
+ # simplicity we always explicitly set the architecture.
+ if (current_cpu == "x64") {
+ cflags += [
+ "-m64",
+ "-msse3",
+ ]
+ # Minimum SIMD support for devices running lacros.
+ # See
+ if (is_chromeos_lacros) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mssse3",
+ "-msse4",
+ "-msse4.1",
+ "-msse4.2",
+ ]
+ }
+ ldflags += [ "-m64" ]
+ } else if (current_cpu == "x86") {
+ cflags += [ "-m32" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-m32" ]
+ if (!is_nacl) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mfpmath=sse",
+ "-msse3",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else if (current_cpu == "arm") {
+ if (is_clang && !is_android && !is_nacl &&
+ !(is_chromeos_lacros && is_chromeos_device)) {
+ cflags += [ "--target=arm-linux-gnueabihf" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=arm-linux-gnueabihf" ]
+ }
+ if (!is_nacl) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-march=$arm_arch",
+ "-mfloat-abi=$arm_float_abi",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (arm_tune != "") {
+ cflags += [ "-mtune=$arm_tune" ]
+ }
+ } else if (current_cpu == "arm64") {
+ if (is_clang && !is_android && !is_nacl && !is_fuchsia &&
+ !(is_chromeos_lacros && is_chromeos_device)) {
+ cflags += [ "--target=aarch64-linux-gnu" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=aarch64-linux-gnu" ]
+ }
+ } else if (current_cpu == "mipsel" && !is_nacl) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--hash-style=sysv" ]
+ if (custom_toolchain == "") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ if (is_android) {
+ cflags += [ "--target=mipsel-linux-android" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=mipsel-linux-android" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "--target=mipsel-linux-gnu" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=mipsel-linux-gnu" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "-EL" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-EL" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (mips_arch_variant == "r6") {
+ cflags += [ "-mno-odd-spreg" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-mips32r6" ]
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-march=mipsel",
+ "-mcpu=mips32r6",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips32r6",
+ "-Wa,-mips32r6",
+ ]
+ if (is_android) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-melf32ltsmip" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (mips_use_msa == true) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mmsa",
+ "-mfp64",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else if (mips_arch_variant == "r2") {
+ ldflags += [ "-mips32r2" ]
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-march=mipsel",
+ "-mcpu=mips32r2",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips32r2",
+ "-Wa,-mips32r2",
+ ]
+ if (mips_float_abi == "hard" && mips_fpu_mode != "") {
+ cflags += [ "-m$mips_fpu_mode" ]
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (mips_arch_variant == "r1") {
+ ldflags += [ "-mips32" ]
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-march=mipsel",
+ "-mcpu=mips32",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips32",
+ "-Wa,-mips32",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else if (mips_arch_variant == "loongson3") {
+ defines += [ "_MIPS_ARCH_LOONGSON" ]
+ cflags += [
+ "-march=loongson3a",
+ "-mno-branch-likely",
+ "-Wa,-march=loongson3a",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (mips_dsp_rev == 1) {
+ cflags += [ "-mdsp" ]
+ } else if (mips_dsp_rev == 2) {
+ cflags += [ "-mdspr2" ]
+ }
+ cflags += [ "-m${mips_float_abi}-float" ]
+ } else if (current_cpu == "mips" && !is_nacl) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--hash-style=sysv" ]
+ if (custom_toolchain == "") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "--target=mips-linux-gnu" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=mips-linux-gnu" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "-EB" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-EB" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (mips_arch_variant == "r6") {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips32r6",
+ "-Wa,-mips32r6",
+ ]
+ if (mips_use_msa == true) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mmsa",
+ "-mfp64",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else if (mips_arch_variant == "r2") {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips32r2",
+ "-Wa,-mips32r2",
+ ]
+ if (mips_float_abi == "hard" && mips_fpu_mode != "") {
+ cflags += [ "-m$mips_fpu_mode" ]
+ }
+ } else if (mips_arch_variant == "r1") {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips32",
+ "-Wa,-mips32",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (mips_dsp_rev == 1) {
+ cflags += [ "-mdsp" ]
+ } else if (mips_dsp_rev == 2) {
+ cflags += [ "-mdspr2" ]
+ }
+ cflags += [ "-m${mips_float_abi}-float" ]
+ } else if (current_cpu == "mips64el") {
+ cflags += [ "-D__SANE_USERSPACE_TYPES__" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--hash-style=sysv" ]
+ if (custom_toolchain == "") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ if (is_android) {
+ cflags += [ "--target=mips64el-linux-android" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=mips64el-linux-android" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "--target=mips64el-linux-gnuabi64" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=mips64el-linux-gnuabi64" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ cflags += [
+ "-EL",
+ "-mabi=64",
+ ]
+ ldflags += [
+ "-EL",
+ "-mabi=64",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (mips_arch_variant == "r6") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-march=mips64el",
+ "-mcpu=mips64r6",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips64r6",
+ "-Wa,-mips64r6",
+ ]
+ ldflags += [ "-mips64r6" ]
+ }
+ if (mips_use_msa == true) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mmsa",
+ "-mfp64",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else if (mips_arch_variant == "r2") {
+ ldflags += [ "-mips64r2" ]
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-march=mips64el",
+ "-mcpu=mips64r2",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips64r2",
+ "-Wa,-mips64r2",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else if (mips_arch_variant == "loongson3") {
+ defines += [ "_MIPS_ARCH_LOONGSON" ]
+ cflags += [
+ "-march=loongson3a",
+ "-mno-branch-likely",
+ "-Wa,-march=loongson3a",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else if (current_cpu == "mips64") {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--hash-style=sysv" ]
+ if (custom_toolchain == "") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "--target=mips64-linux-gnuabi64" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=mips64-linux-gnuabi64" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [
+ "-EB",
+ "-mabi=64",
+ ]
+ ldflags += [
+ "-EB",
+ "-mabi=64",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (mips_arch_variant == "r6") {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips64r6",
+ "-Wa,-mips64r6",
+ ]
+ ldflags += [ "-mips64r6" ]
+ if (mips_use_msa == true) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mmsa",
+ "-mfp64",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else if (mips_arch_variant == "r2") {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mips64r2",
+ "-Wa,-mips64r2",
+ ]
+ ldflags += [ "-mips64r2" ]
+ }
+ } else if (current_cpu == "ppc64") {
+ if (current_os == "aix") {
+ cflags += [ "-maix64" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-maix64" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "-m64" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-m64" ]
+ }
+ } else if (current_cpu == "riscv64") {
+ if (is_clang && !is_android) {
+ cflags += [ "--target=riscv64-linux-gnu" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=riscv64-linux-gnu" ]
+ }
+ cflags += [ "-mabi=lp64d" ]
+ } else if (current_cpu == "loong64") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "--target=loongarch64-linux-gnu" ]
+ ldflags += [ "--target=loongarch64-linux-gnu" ]
+ }
+ cflags += [
+ "-mabi=lp64d",
+ "-mcmodel=medium",
+ ]
+ } else if (current_cpu == "s390x") {
+ cflags += [ "-m64" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-m64" ]
+ }
+ }
+ asmflags = cflags
+# This provides options to tweak code generation that are necessary
+# for particular Chromium code or for working around particular
+# compiler bugs (or the combination of the two).
+config("compiler_codegen") {
+ configs = []
+ cflags = []
+ ldflags = []
+ if (is_nacl) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/nacl:compiler_codegen" ]
+ }
+ if (current_cpu == "arm64" && !is_win && is_clang) {
+ # Disable outlining everywhere on arm64 except Win. For more information see
+ # for Android and for iOS.
+ # TODO( Enable this on Windows if possible.
+ cflags += [ "-mno-outline" ]
+ # This can be removed once
+ # has been resolved, and -mno-outline is obeyed by the linker during
+ # ThinLTO.
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-mllvm,-enable-machine-outliner=never" ]
+ }
+ asmflags = cflags
+# This provides options that make the build deterministic, so that the same
+# revision produces the same output, independent of the name of the build
+# directory and of the computer the build is done on.
+# The relative path from build dir to source dir makes it into the build
+# outputs, so it's recommended that you use a build dir two levels deep
+# (e.g. "out/Release") so that you get the same "../.." path as all the bots
+# in your build outputs.
+config("compiler_deterministic") {
+ cflags = []
+ ldflags = []
+ swiftflags = []
+ # Eliminate build metadata (__DATE__, __TIME__ and __TIMESTAMP__) for
+ # deterministic build. See
+ if (!is_official_build) {
+ if (is_win && !is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ "/wd4117", # Trying to define or undefine a predefined macro.
+ "/D__DATE__=",
+ "/D__TIME__=",
+ "/D__TIMESTAMP__=",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [
+ "-Wno-builtin-macro-redefined",
+ "-D__DATE__=",
+ "-D__TIME__=",
+ "-D__TIMESTAMP__=",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Makes builds independent of absolute file path.
+ if (is_clang && strip_absolute_paths_from_debug_symbols) {
+ # If debug option is given, clang includes $cwd in debug info by default.
+ # For such build, this flag generates reproducible obj files even we use
+ # different build directory like "out/feature_a" and "out/feature_b" if
+ # we build same files with same compile flag.
+ # Other paths are already given in relative, no need to normalize them.
+ if (is_nacl) {
+ # TODO( Use -ffile-compilation-dir= here.
+ cflags += [
+ "-Xclang",
+ "-fdebug-compilation-dir",
+ "-Xclang",
+ ".",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ # -ffile-compilation-dir is an alias for both -fdebug-compilation-dir=
+ # and -fcoverage-compilation-dir=.
+ cflags += [ "-ffile-compilation-dir=." ]
+ swiftflags += [ "-file-compilation-dir=." ]
+ }
+ if (!is_win) {
+ # We don't use clang -cc1as on Windows (yet?
+ asmflags = [ "-Wa,-fdebug-compilation-dir,." ]
+ }
+ if (is_win && use_lld) {
+ if (symbol_level == 2 || (is_clang && using_sanitizer)) {
+ # Absolutize source file paths for PDB. Pass the real build directory
+ # if the pdb contains source-level debug information and if linker
+ # reproducibility is not critical.
+ ldflags += [ "/PDBSourcePath:" + rebase_path(root_build_dir) ]
+ } else {
+ # Use a fake fixed base directory for paths in the pdb to make the pdb
+ # output fully deterministic and independent of the build directory.
+ ldflags += [ "/PDBSourcePath:o:\fake\prefix" ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Tells the compiler not to use absolute paths when passing the default
+ # paths to the tools it invokes. We don't want this because we don't
+ # really need it and it can mess up the goma cache entries.
+ if (is_clang && (!is_nacl || is_nacl_saigo)) {
+ cflags += [ "-no-canonical-prefixes" ]
+ # Same for links: Let the compiler driver invoke the linker
+ # with a relative path and pass relative paths to built-in
+ # libraries. Not needed on Windows because we call the linker
+ # directly there, not through the compiler driver.
+ # We don't link on goma, so this change is just for cleaner
+ # internal linker invocations, for people who work on the build.
+ if (!is_win) {
+ ldflags += [ "-no-canonical-prefixes" ]
+ }
+ }
+config("clang_revision") {
+ if (is_clang && clang_base_path == default_clang_base_path) {
+ update_args = [
+ "--print-revision",
+ "--verify-version=$clang_version",
+ ]
+ if (llvm_force_head_revision) {
+ update_args += [ "--llvm-force-head-revision" ]
+ }
+ clang_revision = exec_script("//tools/clang/scripts/",
+ update_args,
+ "trim string")
+ # This is here so that all files get recompiled after a clang roll and
+ # when turning clang on or off. (defines are passed via the command line,
+ # and build system rebuild things when their commandline changes). Nothing
+ # should ever read this define.
+ defines = [ "CR_CLANG_REVISION=\"$clang_revision\"" ]
+ }
+config("rustc_revision") {
+ if (rustc_revision != "") {
+ # Similar to the above config, this is here so that all files get recompiled
+ # after a rustc roll. Nothing should ever read this cfg. This will not be
+ # set if a custom toolchain is used.
+ rustflags = [
+ "--cfg",
+ "cr_rustc_revision=\"$rustc_revision\"",
+ ]
+ }
+config("compiler_arm_fpu") {
+ if (current_cpu == "arm" && !is_ios && !is_nacl) {
+ cflags = [ "-mfpu=$arm_fpu" ]
+ if (!arm_use_thumb) {
+ cflags += [ "-marm" ]
+ }
+ asmflags = cflags
+ }
+config("compiler_arm_thumb") {
+ if (current_cpu == "arm" && arm_use_thumb && is_posix &&
+ !(is_apple || is_nacl)) {
+ cflags = [ "-mthumb" ]
+ }
+config("compiler_arm") {
+ if (current_cpu == "arm" && is_chromeos) {
+ # arm is normally the default mode for clang, but on chromeos a wrapper
+ # is used to pass -mthumb, and therefor change the default.
+ cflags = [ "-marm" ]
+ }
+# runtime_library -------------------------------------------------------------
+# Sets the runtime library and associated options.
+# How do you determine what should go in here vs. "compiler" above? Consider if
+# a target might choose to use a different runtime library (ignore for a moment
+# if this is possible or reasonable on your system). If such a target would want
+# to change or remove your option, put it in the runtime_library config. If a
+# target wants the option regardless, put it in the compiler config.
+config("runtime_library") {
+ configs = []
+ # The order of this config is important: it must appear before
+ # android:runtime_library. This is to ensure libc++ appears before
+ # libandroid_support in the -isystem include order. Otherwise, there will be
+ # build errors related to symbols declared in math.h.
+ if (use_custom_libcxx) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/c++:runtime_library" ]
+ }
+ # Rust and C++ both provide intrinsics for LLVM to call for math operations. We
+ # want to use the C++ intrinsics, not the ones in the Rust compiler_builtins
+ # library. The Rust symbols are marked as weak, so that they can be replaced by
+ # the C++ symbols. This config ensures the C++ symbols exist and are strong in
+ # order to cause that replacement to occur by explicitly linking in clang's
+ # compiler-rt library.
+ if (is_clang && toolchain_has_rust) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/clang:compiler_builtins" ]
+ }
+ # TODO( Come up with a better name for is POSIX + Fuchsia
+ # configuration.
+ if (is_posix || is_fuchsia) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/posix:runtime_library" ]
+ if (use_custom_libunwind) {
+ # Instead of using an unwind lib from the toolchain,
+ # buildtools/third_party/libunwind will be built and used directly.
+ ldflags = [ "--unwindlib=none" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # System-specific flags. If your compiler flags apply to one of the
+ # categories here, add it to the associated file to keep this shared config
+ # smaller.
+ if (is_win) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/win:runtime_library" ]
+ } else if (is_linux || is_chromeos) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/linux:runtime_library" ]
+ if (is_chromeos) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/chromeos:runtime_library" ]
+ }
+ } else if (is_ios) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/ios:runtime_library" ]
+ } else if (is_mac) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/mac:runtime_library" ]
+ } else if (is_android) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/android:runtime_library" ]
+ }
+ if (is_component_build) {
+ defines = [ "COMPONENT_BUILD" ]
+ }
+# treat_warnings_as_errors ----------------------------------------------------
+# Adding this config causes the compiler to treat warnings as fatal errors.
+# This is used as a subconfig of both chromium_code and no_chromium_code, and
+# is broken out separately so nocompile tests can force-enable this setting
+# independently of the default warning flags.
+config("treat_warnings_as_errors") {
+ if (is_win) {
+ cflags = [ "/WX" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-Werror" ]
+ # The compiler driver can sometimes (rarely) emit warnings before calling
+ # the actual linker. Make sure these warnings are treated as errors as
+ # well.
+ ldflags = [ "-Werror" ]
+ }
+ # Turn rustc warnings into the "deny" lint level, which produce compiler
+ # errors. The equivalent of -Werror for clang/gcc.
+ #
+ # Note we apply the actual lint flags in config("compiler"). All warnings
+ # are suppressed in third-party crates.
+ rustflags = [ "-Dwarnings" ]
+# default_warnings ------------------------------------------------------------
+# Collects all warning flags that are used by default. This is used as a
+# subconfig of both chromium_code and no_chromium_code. This way these
+# flags are guaranteed to appear on the compile command line after -Wall.
+config("default_warnings") {
+ cflags = []
+ cflags_c = []
+ cflags_cc = []
+ ldflags = []
+ configs = []
+ if (is_win) {
+ if (fatal_linker_warnings) {
+ arflags = [ "/WX" ]
+ ldflags = [ "/WX" ]
+ }
+ defines = [
+ # Without this, Windows headers warn that functions like wcsnicmp
+ # should be spelled _wcsnicmp. But all other platforms keep spelling
+ # it wcsnicmp, making this warning unhelpful. We don't want it.
+ # TODO(thakis): winsock wants us to use getaddrinfo instead of
+ # gethostbyname. Fires mostly in non-Chromium code. We probably
+ # want to remove this define eventually.
+ ]
+ if (!is_clang) {
+ # TODO(thakis): Remove this once
+ # has
+ # rolled into angle.
+ cflags += [ "/wd4244" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ((is_apple || is_android) && !is_nacl) {
+ # Warns if a method is used whose availability is newer than the
+ # deployment target.
+ cflags += [ "-Wunguarded-availability" ]
+ }
+ if (is_ios) {
+ # When compiling Objective-C, warns if a selector named via @selector has
+ # not been defined in any visible interface.
+ cflags += [ "-Wundeclared-selector" ]
+ }
+ # Suppress warnings about ABI changes on ARM (Clang doesn't give this
+ # warning).
+ if (current_cpu == "arm" && !is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "-Wno-psabi" ]
+ }
+ if (!is_clang) {
+ cflags_cc += [
+ # See comment for -Wno-c++11-narrowing.
+ "-Wno-narrowing",
+ ]
+ # -Wno-class-memaccess warns about hash table and vector in blink.
+ # But the violation is intentional.
+ if (!is_nacl) {
+ cflags_cc += [ "-Wno-class-memaccess" ]
+ }
+ # -Wunused-local-typedefs is broken in gcc,
+ #
+ cflags += [ "-Wno-unused-local-typedefs" ]
+ # Don't warn about "maybe" uninitialized. Clang doesn't include this
+ # in -Wall but gcc does, and it gives false positives.
+ cflags += [ "-Wno-maybe-uninitialized" ]
+ cflags += [ "-Wno-deprecated-declarations" ]
+ # -Wcomment gives too many false positives in the case a
+ # backslash ended comment line is followed by a new line of
+ # comments
+ #
+ cflags += [ "-Wno-comments" ]
+ # -Wpacked-not-aligned complains all generated mojom-shared-internal.h
+ # files.
+ cflags += [ "-Wno-packed-not-aligned" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Common Clang and GCC warning setup.
+ if (!is_win || is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ # Disables.
+ "-Wno-missing-field-initializers", # "struct foo f = {0};"
+ "-Wno-unused-parameter", # Unused function parameters.
+ ]
+ if (!is_nacl || is_nacl_saigo) {
+ cflags += [
+ # An ABI compat warning we don't care about,
+ # TODO(thakis): Push this to the (few) targets that need it,
+ # instead of having a global flag.
+ "-Wno-psabi",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-Wloop-analysis",
+ # TODO(thakis): This used to be implied by -Wno-unused-function,
+ # which we no longer use. Check if it makes sense to remove
+ # this as well.
+ "-Wno-unneeded-internal-declaration",
+ ]
+ if (!is_nacl || is_nacl_saigo) {
+ if (is_win) {
+ # TODO(thakis):
+ # Currently goma can not handle case sensitiveness for windows well.
+ cflags += [ "-Wno-nonportable-include-path" ]
+ }
+ if (is_fuchsia) {
+ cflags_cc += [
+ # TODO( fix and reenable
+ "-Wno-missing-field-initializers",
+ ]
+ }
+ cflags += [
+ "-Wenum-compare-conditional",
+ # Ignore warnings about MSVC optimization pragmas.
+ # TODO(thakis): Only for no_chromium_code?
+ "-Wno-ignored-pragma-optimize",
+ # TODO( Evaluate and possibly enable.
+ "-Wno-deprecated-builtins",
+ # TODO( Evaluate and possibly enable.
+ "-Wno-bitfield-constant-conversion",
+ # TODO( Evaluate and possibly enable.
+ "-Wno-deprecated-this-capture",
+ # TODO( Fix and re-enable.
+ "-Wno-invalid-offsetof",
+ # TODO( Evaluate and possibly enable.
+ "-Wno-vla-extension",
+ # TODO( Fix and re-enable.
+ "-Wno-thread-safety-reference-return",
+ ]
+ if (!is_nacl) {
+ cflags_cc += [
+ # TODO( Fix and re-enable.
+ "-Wno-c++11-narrowing-const-reference",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Some builders, such as Cronet, use a different version of Clang than
+ # Chromium. This can cause minor errors when compiling Chromium changes. We
+ # want to avoid these errors.
+ if (llvm_android_mainline) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-Wno-error=unknown-warning-option",
+ "-Wno-error=unused-command-line-argument",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Rust warnings
+ # Require `unsafe` blocks even in `unsafe` fns. This is intended to become
+ # an error by default eventually; see
+ #
+ rustflags = [ "-Dunsafe_op_in_unsafe_fn" ]
+# prevent_unsafe_narrowing ----------------------------------------------------
+# Warnings that prevent narrowing or comparisons of integer types that are
+# likely to cause out-of-bound read/writes or Undefined Behaviour. In
+# particular, size_t is used for memory sizes, allocation, indexing, and
+# offsets. Using other integer types along with size_t produces risk of
+# memory-safety bugs and thus security exploits.
+# In order to prevent these bugs, allocation sizes were historically limited to
+# sizes that can be represented within 31 bits of information, allowing `int` to
+# be safely misused instead of `size_t` ( In order to
+# support increasing the allocation limit we require strictly adherence to
+# using the correct types, avoiding lossy conversions, and preventing overflow.
+# To do so, enable this config and fix errors by converting types to be
+# `size_t`, which is both large enough and unsigned, when dealing with memory
+# sizes, allocations, indices, or offsets.In cases where type conversion is not
+# possible or is superfluous, use base::strict_cast<> or base::checked_cast<>
+# to convert to size_t as needed.
+# See also:
+# To enable in a GN target, use:
+# configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:prevent_unsafe_narrowing" ]
+config("prevent_unsafe_narrowing") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags = [
+ "-Wshorten-64-to-32",
+ "-Wimplicit-int-conversion",
+ "-Wsign-compare",
+ "-Wsign-conversion",
+ ]
+ if (!is_nacl) {
+ cflags += [
+ # Avoid bugs of the form `if (size_t i = size; i >= 0; --i)` while
+ # fixing types to be sign-correct.
+ "-Wtautological-unsigned-zero-compare",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+# unsafe_buffer_warning -------------------------------------------------------
+# Paths of third-party headers that violate Wunsafe-buffer-usage, but which we
+# have been unable to fix yet. We use this list to be able to make progress and
+# enable the warning on code that we do control/own.
+# WARNING: This will disable all warnings in the files. ONLY USE THIS for
+# third-party code which we do not control/own. Fix the warnings instead in
+# our own code.
+if (is_clang) {
+ unsafe_buffer_warning_header_allowlist =
+ [ "third_party/googletest/src/googletest/include/gtest" ]
+# Enables warnings on pointer arithmetic/indexing or calls to functions
+# annotated with `UNSAFE_BUFFER_USAGE`.
+config("unsafe_buffer_warning") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags = [ "-Wunsafe-buffer-usage" ]
+ foreach(h, unsafe_buffer_warning_header_allowlist) {
+ if (is_win) {
+ cflags += [ "/clang:--system-header-prefix=$h" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "--system-header-prefix=$h" ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# chromium_code ---------------------------------------------------------------
+# Toggles between higher and lower warnings for code that is (or isn't)
+# part of Chromium.
+config("chromium_code") {
+ if (is_win) {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags = [ "/W4" ] # Warning level 4.
+ # Opt in to additional [[nodiscard]] on standard library methods.
+ defines = [ "_HAS_NODISCARD" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-Wall" ]
+ if (is_clang) {
+ # Enable extra warnings for chromium_code when we control the compiler.
+ cflags += [ "-Wextra" ]
+ }
+ # In Chromium code, we define __STDC_foo_MACROS in order to get the
+ # C99 macros on Mac and Linux.
+ defines = [
+ ]
+ if (!is_debug && !using_sanitizer && current_cpu != "s390x" &&
+ current_cpu != "s390" && current_cpu != "ppc64" &&
+ current_cpu != "mips" && current_cpu != "mips64" &&
+ current_cpu != "riscv64" && current_cpu != "loong64") {
+ # Non-chromium code is not guaranteed to compile cleanly with
+ # _FORTIFY_SOURCE. Also, fortified build may fail when optimizations are
+ # disabled, so only do that for Release build.
+ fortify_level = "2"
+ # ChromeOS's toolchain supports a high-quality _FORTIFY_SOURCE=3
+ # implementation with a few custom glibc patches. Use that if it's
+ # available.
+ if (is_chromeos_device && !lacros_use_chromium_toolchain) {
+ fortify_level = "3"
+ }
+ defines += [ "_FORTIFY_SOURCE=" + fortify_level ]
+ }
+ if (is_apple) {
+ cflags_objc = [ "-Wimplicit-retain-self" ]
+ cflags_objcc = [ "-Wimplicit-retain-self" ]
+ }
+ if (is_mac) {
+ cflags_objc += [ "-Wobjc-missing-property-synthesis" ]
+ cflags_objcc += [ "-Wobjc-missing-property-synthesis" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ # Warn on missing break statements at the end of switch cases.
+ # For intentional fallthrough, use [[fallthrough]].
+ "-Wimplicit-fallthrough",
+ # Warn on unnecessary extra semicolons outside of function definitions.
+ "-Wextra-semi",
+ # Warn on unreachable code, including unreachable breaks and returns.
+ # See for suppression strategies.
+ "-Wunreachable-code-aggressive",
+ ]
+ # Thread safety analysis is broken under nacl:
+ if (!is_nacl || is_nacl_saigo) {
+ cflags += [
+ # Thread safety analysis. See base/thread_annotations.h and
+ #
+ "-Wthread-safety",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ configs = [
+ ":default_warnings",
+ ":noshadowing",
+ ]
+ if (treat_warnings_as_errors) {
+ configs += [ ":treat_warnings_as_errors" ]
+ }
+config("no_chromium_code") {
+ cflags = []
+ cflags_cc = []
+ defines = []
+ if (is_win) {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "/W3" ] # Warning level 3.
+ }
+ cflags += [
+ "/wd4800", # Disable warning when forcing value to bool.
+ "/wd4267", # TODO(jschuh): size_t to int.
+ ]
+ } else {
+ if (is_clang && !is_nacl) {
+ # TODO(thakis): Remove !is_nacl once
+ # made its way into chromium.
+ cflags += [ "-Wall" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ # Lots of third-party libraries have unused variables. Instead of
+ # suppressing them individually, we just blanket suppress them here.
+ "-Wno-unused-variable",
+ # Similarly, we're not going to fix all the C++11 narrowing issues in
+ # third-party libraries.
+ "-Wno-c++11-narrowing",
+ ]
+ if (!is_nacl) {
+ cflags += [
+ # Disabled for similar reasons as -Wunused-variable.
+ "-Wno-unused-but-set-variable",
+ # TODO( Clean up and enable.
+ "-Wno-misleading-indentation",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Suppress all warnings in third party, as Cargo does:
+ #
+ rustflags = [ "--cap-lints=allow" ]
+ configs = [ ":default_warnings" ]
+ # GCC may emit unsuppressible warnings so only apply this config when
+ # building with clang.
+ if (treat_warnings_as_errors && is_clang) {
+ configs += [ ":treat_warnings_as_errors" ]
+ }
+# noshadowing -----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Allows turning -Wshadow on.
+config("noshadowing") {
+ # This flag has to be disabled for nacl because the nacl compiler is too
+ # strict about shadowing.
+ if (is_clang && (!is_nacl || is_nacl_saigo)) {
+ cflags = [ "-Wshadow" ]
+ }
+# rtti ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Allows turning Run-Time Type Identification on or off.
+config("rtti") {
+ if (is_win) {
+ cflags_cc = [ "/GR" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags_cc = [ "-frtti" ]
+ }
+config("no_rtti") {
+ # Some sanitizer configs may require RTTI to be left enabled globally
+ if (!use_rtti) {
+ if (is_win) {
+ cflags_cc = [ "/GR-" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags_cc = [ "-fno-rtti" ]
+ cflags_objcc = cflags_cc
+ }
+ }
+# export_dynamic ---------------------------------------------------------------
+# Ensures all exported symbols are added to the dynamic symbol table. This is
+# necessary to expose Chrome's custom operator new() and operator delete() (and
+# other memory-related symbols) to libraries. Otherwise, they might
+# (de)allocate memory on a different heap, which would spell trouble if pointers
+# to heap-allocated memory are passed over shared library boundaries.
+config("export_dynamic") {
+ # TODO( Revisit after target_os flip is completed.
+ if (is_linux || is_chromeos_lacros || export_libcxxabi_from_executables) {
+ ldflags = [ "-rdynamic" ]
+ }
+# thin_archive -----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Enables thin archives on posix, and on windows when the lld linker is used.
+# Regular archives directly include the object files used to generate it.
+# Thin archives merely reference the object files.
+# This makes building them faster since it requires less disk IO, but is
+# inappropriate if you wish to redistribute your static library.
+# This config is added to the global config, so thin archives should already be
+# enabled. If you want to make a distributable static library, you need to do 2
+# things:
+# 1. Set complete_static_lib so that all dependencies of the library make it
+# into the library. See `gn help complete_static_lib` for details.
+# 2. Remove the thin_archive config, so that the .a file actually contains all
+# .o files, instead of just references to .o files in the build directoy
+config("thin_archive") {
+ # The macOS and iOS default linker ld64 does not support reading thin
+ # archives.
+ # TODO( Enable on is_apple if use_lld once that no longer
+ # confuses lldb.
+ if ((is_posix && !is_nacl && !is_apple) || is_fuchsia) {
+ arflags = [ "-T" ]
+ } else if (is_win && use_lld) {
+ arflags = [ "/llvmlibthin" ]
+ }
+# exceptions -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Allows turning Exceptions on or off.
+# Note: exceptions are disallowed in Google code.
+config("exceptions") {
+ if (is_win) {
+ # Enables exceptions in the STL.
+ if (!use_custom_libcxx) {
+ defines = [ "_HAS_EXCEPTIONS=1" ]
+ }
+ cflags_cc = [ "/EHsc" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags_cc = [ "-fexceptions" ]
+ cflags_objcc = cflags_cc
+ }
+config("no_exceptions") {
+ if (is_win) {
+ # Disables exceptions in the STL.
+ # libc++ uses the __has_feature macro to control whether to use exceptions,
+ # so defining this macro is unnecessary. Defining _HAS_EXCEPTIONS to 0 also
+ # breaks libc++ because it depends on MSVC headers that only provide certain
+ # declarations if _HAS_EXCEPTIONS is 1. Those MSVC headers do not use
+ # exceptions, despite being conditional on _HAS_EXCEPTIONS.
+ if (!use_custom_libcxx) {
+ defines = [ "_HAS_EXCEPTIONS=0" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ cflags_cc = [ "-fno-exceptions" ]
+ cflags_objcc = cflags_cc
+ }
+# Warnings ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Generate a warning for code that might emit a static initializer.
+# See: //docs/
+# See:
+config("wglobal_constructors") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags = [ "-Wglobal-constructors" ]
+ }
+# This will generate warnings when using Clang if code generates exit-time
+# destructors, which will slow down closing the program.
+# TODO(thakis): Make this a blocklist instead,
+config("wexit_time_destructors") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags = [ "-Wexit-time-destructors" ]
+ }
+# Some code presumes that pointers to structures/objects are compatible
+# regardless of whether what they point to is already known to be valid.
+# gcc 4.9 and earlier had no way of suppressing this warning without
+# suppressing the rest of them. Here we centralize the identification of
+# the gcc 4.9 toolchains.
+config("no_incompatible_pointer_warnings") {
+ cflags = []
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "-Wno-incompatible-pointer-types" ]
+ } else if (current_cpu == "mipsel" || current_cpu == "mips64el") {
+ cflags += [ "-w" ]
+ } else if (is_chromeos_ash && current_cpu == "arm") {
+ cflags += [ "-w" ]
+ }
+# Optimization -----------------------------------------------------------------
+# The BUILDCONFIG file sets the "default_optimization" config on targets by
+# default. It will be equivalent to either "optimize" (release) or
+# "no_optimize" (debug) optimization configs.
+# You can override the optimization level on a per-target basis by removing the
+# default config and then adding the named one you want:
+# configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:default_optimization" ]
+# configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:optimize_max" ]
+# Shared settings for both "optimize" and "optimize_max" configs.
+# IMPORTANT: On Windows "/O1" and "/O2" must go before the common flags.
+if (is_win) {
+ common_optimize_on_cflags = [
+ "/Ob2", # Both explicit and auto inlining.
+ "/Oy-", # Disable omitting frame pointers, must be after /O2.
+ "/Zc:inline", # Remove unreferenced COMDAT (faster links).
+ ]
+ if (!is_asan) {
+ common_optimize_on_cflags += [
+ # Put data in separate COMDATs. This allows the linker
+ # to put bit-identical constants at the same address even if
+ # they're unrelated constants, which saves binary size.
+ # This optimization can't be used when ASan is enabled because
+ # it is not compatible with the ASan ODR checker.
+ "/Gw",
+ ]
+ }
+ common_optimize_on_ldflags = []
+ # /OPT:ICF is not desirable in Debug builds, since code-folding can result in
+ # misleading symbols in stack traces.
+ if (!is_debug && !is_component_build) {
+ common_optimize_on_ldflags += [ "/OPT:ICF" ] # Redundant COMDAT folding.
+ }
+ if (is_official_build) {
+ common_optimize_on_ldflags += [ "/OPT:REF" ] # Remove unreferenced data.
+ # TODO(thakis): Add LTO/PGO clang flags eventually,
+ }
+ if (is_clang) {
+ # See below.
+ common_optimize_on_cflags += [ "/clang:-fno-math-errno" ]
+ }
+} else {
+ common_optimize_on_cflags = []
+ common_optimize_on_ldflags = []
+ if (is_android) {
+ # TODO(jdduke) Re-enable on mips after resolving linking
+ # issues with libc++ (
+ if (current_cpu != "mipsel" && current_cpu != "mips64el") {
+ common_optimize_on_ldflags += [
+ # Warn in case of text relocations.
+ "-Wl,--warn-shared-textrel",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_apple) {
+ common_optimize_on_ldflags += [ "-Wl,-dead_strip" ]
+ if (is_official_build) {
+ common_optimize_on_ldflags += [
+ "-Wl,-no_data_in_code_info",
+ "-Wl,-no_function_starts",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else if (current_os != "aix" && current_os != "zos") {
+ # Non-Mac Posix flags.
+ # Aix does not support these.
+ common_optimize_on_cflags += [
+ # Put data and code in their own sections, so that unused symbols
+ # can be removed at link time with --gc-sections.
+ "-fdata-sections",
+ "-ffunction-sections",
+ ]
+ if ((!is_nacl || is_nacl_saigo) && is_clang) {
+ # We don't care about unique section names, this makes object files a bit
+ # smaller.
+ common_optimize_on_cflags += [ "-fno-unique-section-names" ]
+ }
+ common_optimize_on_ldflags += [
+ # Specifically tell the linker to perform optimizations.
+ # See .
+ # -O2 enables string tail merge optimization in gold and lld.
+ "-Wl,-O2",
+ "-Wl,--gc-sections",
+ ]
+ }
+ # We cannot rely on errno being set after math functions,
+ # especially since glibc does not set it. Thus, use -fno-math-errno
+ # so that the compiler knows it can inline math functions.
+ # Note that this is different from -ffast-math (even though -ffast-math
+ # implies -fno-math-errno), which also allows a number of unsafe
+ # optimizations.
+ common_optimize_on_cflags += [ "-fno-math-errno" ]
+config("default_stack_frames") {
+ if (!is_win) {
+ if (enable_frame_pointers) {
+ cflags = [ "-fno-omit-frame-pointer" ]
+ # Omit frame pointers for leaf functions on x86, otherwise building libyuv
+ # gives clang's register allocator issues, see /
+ #
+ if (is_clang && current_cpu == "x86" && !is_apple) {
+ cflags += [ "-momit-leaf-frame-pointer" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-fomit-frame-pointer" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # On Windows, the flag to enable framepointers "/Oy-" must always come after
+ # the optimization flag [e.g. "/O2"]. The optimization flag is set by one of
+ # the "optimize" configs, see rest of this file. The ordering that cflags are
+ # applied is well-defined by the GN spec, and there is no way to ensure that
+ # cflags set by "default_stack_frames" is applied after those set by an
+ # "optimize" config. Similarly, there is no way to propagate state from this
+ # config into the "optimize" config. We always apply the "/Oy-" config in the
+ # definition for common_optimize_on_cflags definition, even though this may
+ # not be correct.
+# Default "optimization on" config.
+config("optimize") {
+ if (is_win) {
+ if (chrome_pgo_phase != 2) {
+ # Favor size over speed, /O1 must be before the common flags.
+ # /O1 implies /Os and /GF.
+ cflags = [ "/O1" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags + [ "/Oi" ]
+ rustflags = [ "-Copt-level=s" ]
+ } else {
+ # PGO requires all translation units to be compiled with /O2. The actual
+ # optimization level will be decided based on the profiling data.
+ cflags = [ "/O2" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags + [ "/Oi" ]
+ #
+ # suggests not using an explicit `-Copt-level` at all, and the default is
+ # to optimize for performance like `/O2` for clang.
+ rustflags = []
+ }
+ } else if (optimize_for_size) {
+ # Favor size over speed.
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags = [ "-Oz" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ if (use_ml_inliner && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mllvm",
+ "-enable-ml-inliner=release",
+ ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-Os" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ }
+ # Like with `-Oz` on Clang, `-Copt-level=z` will also turn off loop
+ # vectorization.
+ rustflags = [ "-Copt-level=z" ]
+ } else if (is_chromeos) {
+ # TODO(gbiv): This is partially favoring size over speed. CrOS exclusively
+ # uses clang, and -Os in clang is more of a size-conscious -O2 than "size at
+ # any cost" (AKA -Oz). It'd be nice to:
+ # - Make `optimize_for_size` apply to all platforms where we're optimizing
+ # for size by default (so, also Windows)
+ # - Investigate -Oz here, maybe just for ARM?
+ cflags = [ "-Os" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ # Similar to clang, we optimize with `-Copt-level=s` to keep loop
+ # vectorization while otherwise optimizing for size.
+ rustflags = [ "-Copt-level=s" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-O2" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ # The `-O3` for clang turns on extra optimizations compared to the standard
+ # `-O2`. But for rust, `-Copt-level=3` is the default and is thus reliable
+ # to use.
+ rustflags = [ "-Copt-level=3" ]
+ }
+ ldflags = common_optimize_on_ldflags
+# Turn off optimizations.
+config("no_optimize") {
+ if (is_win) {
+ cflags = [
+ "/Od", # Disable optimization.
+ "/Ob0", # Disable all inlining (on by default).
+ "/GF", # Enable string pooling (off by default).
+ ]
+ if (target_cpu == "arm64") {
+ # Disable omitting frame pointers for no_optimize build because stack
+ # traces on Windows ARM64 rely on it.
+ cflags += [ "/Oy-" ]
+ }
+ } else if (is_android && !android_full_debug) {
+ # On Android we kind of optimize some things that don't affect debugging
+ # much even when optimization is disabled to get the binary size down.
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags = [ "-Oz" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-Os" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ }
+ if (!is_component_build) {
+ # Required for library partitions. Without this all symbols just end up
+ # in the base partition.
+ ldflags = [ "-Wl,--gc-sections" ]
+ }
+ } else if (is_fuchsia) {
+ # On Fuchsia, we optimize for size here to reduce the size of debug build
+ # packages so they can be run in a KVM. See for details.
+ cflags = [ "-Og" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-O0" ]
+ ldflags = []
+ }
+# Turns up the optimization level. On Windows, this implies whole program
+# optimization and link-time code generation which is very expensive and should
+# be used sparingly.
+config("optimize_max") {
+ if (is_nacl && is_nacl_irt) {
+ # The NaCl IRT is a special case and always wants its own config.
+ # Various components do:
+ # if (!is_debug) {
+ # configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:default_optimization" ]
+ # configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:optimize_max" ]
+ # }
+ # So this config has to have the selection logic just like
+ # "default_optimization", below.
+ configs = [ "//build/config/nacl:irt_optimize" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags = common_optimize_on_ldflags
+ if (is_win) {
+ # Favor speed over size, /O2 must be before the common flags.
+ # /O2 implies /Ot, /Oi, and /GF.
+ cflags = [ "/O2" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ } else if (optimize_for_fuzzing) {
+ cflags = [ "-O1" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-O2" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ }
+ rustflags = [ "-Copt-level=3" ]
+ }
+# This config can be used to override the default settings for per-component
+# and whole-program optimization, optimizing the particular target for speed
+# instead of code size. This config is exactly the same as "optimize_max"
+# except that we use -O3 instead of -O2 on non-win, non-IRT platforms.
+# TODO( - rework how all of these configs are related
+# so that we don't need this disclaimer.
+config("optimize_speed") {
+ if (is_nacl && is_nacl_irt) {
+ # The NaCl IRT is a special case and always wants its own config.
+ # Various components do:
+ # if (!is_debug) {
+ # configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:default_optimization" ]
+ # configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:optimize_max" ]
+ # }
+ # So this config has to have the selection logic just like
+ # "default_optimization", below.
+ configs = [ "//build/config/nacl:irt_optimize" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags = common_optimize_on_ldflags
+ if (is_win) {
+ # Favor speed over size, /O2 must be before the common flags.
+ # /O2 implies /Ot, /Oi, and /GF.
+ cflags = [ "/O2" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ } else if (optimize_for_fuzzing) {
+ cflags = [ "-O1" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-O3" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ }
+ rustflags = [ "-Copt-level=3" ]
+ }
+config("optimize_fuzzing") {
+ cflags = [ "-O1" ] + common_optimize_on_cflags
+ rustflags = [ "-Copt-level=1" ]
+ ldflags = common_optimize_on_ldflags
+ visibility = [ ":default_optimization" ]
+# The default optimization applied to all targets. This will be equivalent to
+# either "optimize" or "no_optimize", depending on the build flags.
+config("default_optimization") {
+ if (is_nacl && is_nacl_irt) {
+ # The NaCl IRT is a special case and always wants its own config.
+ # It gets optimized the same way regardless of the type of build.
+ configs = [ "//build/config/nacl:irt_optimize" ]
+ } else if (is_debug) {
+ configs = [ ":no_optimize" ]
+ } else if (optimize_for_fuzzing) {
+ assert(!is_win, "Fuzzing optimize level not supported on Windows")
+ # Coverage build is quite slow. Using "optimize_for_fuzzing" makes it even
+ # slower as it uses "-O1" instead of "-O3". Prevent that from happening.
+ assert(!use_clang_coverage,
+ "optimize_for_fuzzing=true should not be used with " +
+ "use_clang_coverage=true.")
+ configs = [ ":optimize_fuzzing" ]
+ } else {
+ configs = [ ":optimize" ]
+ }
+_clang_sample_profile = ""
+if (is_clang && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ if (clang_sample_profile_path != "") {
+ _clang_sample_profile = clang_sample_profile_path
+ } else if (clang_use_default_sample_profile) {
+ assert(build_with_chromium,
+ "Our default profiles currently only apply to Chromium")
+ assert(is_android || is_chromeos || is_castos,
+ "The current platform has no default profile")
+ if (is_android || is_castos) {
+ _clang_sample_profile = "//chrome/android/profiles/"
+ } else {
+ assert(
+ chromeos_afdo_platform == "atom" ||
+ chromeos_afdo_platform == "bigcore" ||
+ chromeos_afdo_platform == "arm" ||
+ chromeos_afdo_platform == "arm-exp",
+ "Only 'atom', 'bigcore', 'arm' and 'arm-exp' are valid ChromeOS profiles.")
+ _clang_sample_profile =
+ "//chromeos/profiles/${chromeos_afdo_platform}"
+ }
+ }
+# Clang offers a way to assert that AFDO profiles are accurate, which causes it
+# to optimize functions not represented in a profile more aggressively for size.
+# This config can be toggled in cases where shaving off binary size hurts
+# performance too much.
+config("afdo_optimize_size") {
+ if (_clang_sample_profile != "" && sample_profile_is_accurate) {
+ cflags = [ "-fprofile-sample-accurate" ]
+ }
+# GCC and clang support a form of profile-guided optimization called AFDO.
+# There are some targeted places that AFDO regresses, so we provide a separate
+# config to allow AFDO to be disabled per-target.
+config("afdo") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags = []
+ if (clang_emit_debug_info_for_profiling) {
+ # Add the following flags to generate debug info for profiling.
+ cflags += [ "-gline-tables-only" ]
+ if (!is_nacl) {
+ cflags += [ "-fdebug-info-for-profiling" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (_clang_sample_profile != "") {
+ assert(chrome_pgo_phase == 0, "AFDO can't be used in PGO builds")
+ rebased_clang_sample_profile =
+ rebase_path(_clang_sample_profile, root_build_dir)
+ cflags += [ "-fprofile-sample-use=${rebased_clang_sample_profile}" ]
+ if (use_profi) {
+ cflags += [ "-fsample-profile-use-profi" ]
+ }
+ # ARM builds see failures due to -Wbackend-plugin.
+ # These seem to be false positives - the complaints are about functions
+ # marked with `__nodebug__` not having associated debuginfo. In the case
+ # where this was observed, the `__nodebug__` function was also marked
+ # `__always_inline__` and had no branches, so AFDO info is likely useless
+ # there.
+ cflags += [ "-Wno-backend-plugin" ]
+ inputs = [ _clang_sample_profile ]
+ }
+ } else if (auto_profile_path != "" && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ cflags = [ "-fauto-profile=${auto_profile_path}" ]
+ inputs = [ auto_profile_path ]
+ }
+# Symbols ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# The BUILDCONFIG file sets the "default_symbols" config on targets by
+# default. It will be equivalent to one the three specific symbol levels.
+# You can override the symbol level on a per-target basis by removing the
+# default config and then adding the named one you want:
+# configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:default_symbols" ]
+# configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:symbols" ]
+# A helper config that all configs passing /DEBUG to the linker should
+# include as sub-config.
+config("win_pdbaltpath") {
+ visibility = [
+ ":minimal_symbols",
+ ":symbols",
+ ]
+ # /DEBUG causes the linker to generate a pdb file, and to write the absolute
+ # path to it in the executable file it generates. This flag turns that
+ # absolute path into just the basename of the pdb file, which helps with
+ # build reproducibility. Debuggers look for pdb files next to executables,
+ # so there's minimal downside to always using this. However, post-mortem
+ # debugging of Chromium crash dumps and ETW tracing can be complicated by this
+ # switch so an option to omit it is important.
+ if (!use_full_pdb_paths) {
+ ldflags = [ "/pdbaltpath:%_PDB%" ]
+ }
+# Full symbols.
+config("symbols") {
+ rustflags = []
+ if (is_win) {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags = [
+ # Debug information in the .obj files.
+ "/Z7",
+ # Disable putting the compiler command line into the debug info to
+ # prevent some types of non-determinism.
+ "-gno-codeview-command-line",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "/Zi" ] # Produce PDB file, no edit and continue.
+ }
+ if (is_clang && use_lld && use_ghash) {
+ cflags += [ "-gcodeview-ghash" ]
+ ldflags = [ "/DEBUG:GHASH" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags = [ "/DEBUG" ]
+ }
+ # All configs using /DEBUG should include this:
+ configs = [ ":win_pdbaltpath" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags = []
+ if (is_mac && enable_dsyms) {
+ # If generating dSYMs, specify -fno-standalone-debug. This was
+ # originally specified for because dsymutil
+ # could not handle a 4GB dSYM file. But dsymutil from Xcodes prior to
+ # version 7 also produces debug data that is incompatible with Breakpad
+ # dump_syms, so this is still required (
+ cflags += [ "-fno-standalone-debug" ]
+ }
+ # On aix -gdwarf causes linker failures due to thread_local variables.
+ if (!is_nacl && current_os != "aix") {
+ if (use_dwarf5) {
+ cflags += [ "-gdwarf-5" ]
+ rustflags += [ "-Zdwarf-version=5" ]
+ } else {
+ # Recent clang versions default to DWARF5 on Linux, and Android is about
+ # to switch. TODO: Adopt that in controlled way. For now, keep DWARF4.
+ # Apple platforms still default to 4 in clang, so they don't need the
+ # cflags.
+ if (!is_apple) {
+ cflags += [ "-gdwarf-4" ]
+ }
+ # On Apple, rustc defaults to DWARF2 so it needs to be told how to
+ # match clang.
+ rustflags += [ "-Zdwarf-version=4" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # The gcc-based nacl compilers don't support -fdebug-compilation-dir (see
+ # elsewhere in this file), so they can't have build-dir-independent output.
+ # Moreover pnacl does not support newer flags such as -fdebug-prefix-map
+ # Disable symbols for nacl object files to get deterministic,
+ # build-directory-independent output.
+ # Keeping -g2 for saigo as it's the only toolchain whose artifacts that are
+ # part of chromium release (other nacl toolchains are used only for tests).
+ if ((!is_nacl || is_nacl_saigo) && current_os != "zos") {
+ cflags += [ "-g2" ]
+ }
+ if (!is_nacl && is_clang && !is_tsan && !is_asan) {
+ # gcc generates dwarf-aranges by default on -g1 and -g2. On clang it has
+ # to be manually enabled.
+ #
+ # It is skipped in tsan and asan because enabling it causes some
+ # formatting changes in the output which would require fixing bunches
+ # of expectation regexps.
+ cflags += [ "-gdwarf-aranges" ]
+ }
+ if (is_apple) {
+ swiftflags = [ "-g" ]
+ }
+ if (use_debug_fission) {
+ cflags += [ "-gsplit-dwarf" ]
+ }
+ asmflags = cflags
+ ldflags = []
+ # Split debug info with all thinlto builds except nacl and apple.
+ # thinlto requires -gsplit-dwarf in ldflags.
+ if (use_debug_fission && use_thin_lto && !is_nacl && !is_apple) {
+ ldflags += [ "-gsplit-dwarf" ]
+ }
+ # TODO(thakis): Figure out if there's a way to make this go for 32-bit,
+ # currently we get "warning:
+ # obj/native_client/src/trusted/service_runtime/sel_asm/nacl_switch_32.o:
+ # DWARF info may be corrupt; offsets in a range list entry are in different
+ # sections" there. Maybe just a bug in nacl_switch_32.S.
+ _enable_gdb_index =
+ symbol_level == 2 && !is_apple && !is_nacl && current_cpu != "x86" &&
+ current_os != "zos" && (use_gold || use_lld) &&
+ # Disable on non-fission 32-bit Android because it pushes
+ # libcomponents_unittests over the 4gb size limit.
+ !(is_android && !use_debug_fission && current_cpu != "x64" &&
+ current_cpu != "arm64")
+ if (_enable_gdb_index) {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ # This flag enables the GNU-format pubnames and pubtypes sections,
+ # which lld needs in order to generate a correct GDB index.
+ # TODO(pcc): Try to make lld understand non-GNU-format pubnames
+ # sections (
+ cflags += [ "-ggnu-pubnames" ]
+ }
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--gdb-index" ]
+ }
+ }
+ configs = []
+ # Compress debug on 32-bit ARM to stay under 4GB for ChromeOS
+ # https://b/243982712.
+ if (symbol_level == 2 && is_chromeos_device && !use_debug_fission &&
+ !is_nacl && current_cpu == "arm") {
+ configs += [ "//build/config:compress_debug_sections" ]
+ }
+ if (is_clang && (!is_nacl || is_nacl_saigo) && current_os != "zos") {
+ if (is_apple) {
+ # TODO( Investigate missing debug info on mac.
+ # Make sure we don't use constructor homing on mac.
+ cflags += [
+ "-Xclang",
+ "-debug-info-kind=limited",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ # Use constructor homing for debug info. This option reduces debug info
+ # by emitting class type info only when constructors are emitted.
+ cflags += [
+ "-Xclang",
+ "-fuse-ctor-homing",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ rustflags += [ "-g" ]
+# Minimal symbols.
+# This config guarantees to hold symbol for stack trace which are shown to user
+# when crash happens in unittests running on buildbot.
+config("minimal_symbols") {
+ rustflags = []
+ if (is_win) {
+ # Functions, files, and line tables only.
+ cflags = []
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [
+ # Disable putting the compiler command line into the debug info to
+ # prevent some types of non-determinism.
+ "-gno-codeview-command-line",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (is_clang && use_lld && use_ghash) {
+ cflags += [ "-gcodeview-ghash" ]
+ ldflags = [ "/DEBUG:GHASH" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags = [ "/DEBUG" ]
+ }
+ # All configs using /DEBUG should include this:
+ configs = [ ":win_pdbaltpath" ]
+ # Enable line tables for clang. MSVC doesn't have an equivalent option.
+ if (is_clang) {
+ # -gline-tables-only is the same as -g1, but clang-cl only exposes the
+ # former.
+ cflags += [ "-gline-tables-only" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ cflags = []
+ if (is_mac && !use_dwarf5) {
+ # clang defaults to DWARF2 on macOS unless mac_deployment_target is
+ # at least 10.11.
+ # TODO(thakis): Remove this once mac_deployment_target is 10.11.
+ cflags += [ "-gdwarf-4" ]
+ rustflags += [ "-Zdwarf-version=4" ]
+ } else if (!use_dwarf5 && !is_nacl && current_os != "aix") {
+ # On aix -gdwarf causes linker failures due to thread_local variables.
+ # Recent clang versions default to DWARF5 on Linux, and Android is about
+ # to switch. TODO: Adopt that in controlled way.
+ cflags += [ "-gdwarf-4" ]
+ rustflags += [ "-Zdwarf-version=4" ]
+ }
+ if (use_dwarf5 && !is_nacl) {
+ cflags += [ "-gdwarf-5" ]
+ rustflags += [ "-Zdwarf-version=5" ]
+ }
+ # The gcc-based nacl compilers don't support -fdebug-compilation-dir (see
+ # elsewhere in this file), so they can't have build-dir-independent output.
+ # Moreover pnacl does not support newer flags such as -fdebug-prefix-map
+ # Disable symbols for nacl object files to get deterministic,
+ # build-directory-independent output.
+ # Keeping -g1 for saigo as it's the only toolchain whose artifacts that are
+ # part of chromium release (other nacl toolchains are used only for tests).
+ if (!is_nacl || is_nacl_saigo) {
+ cflags += [ "-g1" ]
+ }
+ if (!is_nacl && is_clang && !is_tsan && !is_asan) {
+ # See comment for -gdwarf-aranges in config("symbols").
+ cflags += [ "-gdwarf-aranges" ]
+ }
+ ldflags = []
+ if (is_android && is_clang) {
+ # Android defaults to symbol_level=1 builds, but clang, unlike gcc,
+ # doesn't emit DW_AT_linkage_name in -g1 builds.
+ # -fdebug-info-for-profiling enables that (and a bunch of other things we
+ # don't need), so that we get qualified names in stacks.
+ # TODO(thakis): Consider making clang emit DW_AT_linkage_name in -g1 mode;
+ # failing that consider doing this on non-Android too.
+ cflags += [ "-fdebug-info-for-profiling" ]
+ }
+ asmflags = cflags
+ }
+ rustflags += [ "-Cdebuginfo=1" ]
+# This configuration contains function names only. That is, the compiler is
+# told to not generate debug information and the linker then just puts function
+# names in the final debug information.
+config("no_symbols") {
+ if (is_win) {
+ ldflags = [ "/DEBUG" ]
+ # All configs using /DEBUG should include this:
+ configs = [ ":win_pdbaltpath" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags = [ "-g0" ]
+ asmflags = cflags
+ }
+# Default symbols.
+config("default_symbols") {
+ if (symbol_level == 0) {
+ configs = [ ":no_symbols" ]
+ } else if (symbol_level == 1) {
+ configs = [ ":minimal_symbols" ]
+ } else if (symbol_level == 2) {
+ configs = [ ":symbols" ]
+ } else {
+ assert(false)
+ }
+ # This config is removed by base unittests apk.
+ if (is_android && is_clang && strip_debug_info) {
+ configs += [ ":strip_debug" ]
+ }
+config("strip_debug") {
+ if (!defined(ldflags)) {
+ ldflags = []
+ }
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--strip-debug" ]
+if (is_apple) {
+ # On macOS and iOS, this enables support for ARC (automatic reference
+ # counting). See
+ #
+ # -fobjc-arc enables ARC overall.
+ #
+ # ARC does not add exception handlers to pure Objective-C code, but does add
+ # them to Objective-C++ code with the rationale that C++ pervasively adds them
+ # in for exception safety. However, exceptions are banned in Chromium code for
+ # C++ and exceptions in Objective-C code are intended to be fatal, so
+ # -fno-objc-arc-exceptions is specified to disable these unwanted exception
+ # handlers.
+ config("enable_arc") {
+ common_flags = [
+ "-fobjc-arc",
+ "-fno-objc-arc-exceptions",
+ ]
+ cflags_objc = common_flags
+ cflags_objcc = common_flags
+ }
+if (is_android) {
+ # Use orderfile for linking Chrome on Android.
+ # This config enables using an orderfile for linking in LLD.
+ config("chrome_orderfile_config") {
+ # Don't try to use an orderfile with call graph sorting, except on Android,
+ # where we care about memory used by code, so we still want to mandate
+ # ordering.
+ if (chrome_orderfile_path != "") {
+ assert(use_lld)
+ _rebased_orderfile = rebase_path(chrome_orderfile_path, root_build_dir)
+ ldflags = [
+ "-Wl,--symbol-ordering-file",
+ "-Wl,$_rebased_orderfile",
+ "-Wl,--no-warn-symbol-ordering",
+ ]
+ inputs = [ chrome_orderfile_path ]
+ }
+ }
+# Initialize all variables on the stack if needed.
+config("default_init_stack_vars") {
+ cflags = []
+ if (init_stack_vars && is_clang && !is_nacl && !using_sanitizer) {
+ if (init_stack_vars_zero) {
+ cflags += [ "-ftrivial-auto-var-init=zero" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "-ftrivial-auto-var-init=pattern" ]
+ }
+ }
+buildflag_header("compiler_buildflags") {
+ header = "compiler_buildflags.h"
+ flags = [
+ "CLANG_PGO=$chrome_pgo_phase",
+ "SYMBOL_LEVEL=$symbol_level",
+ ]
+config("cet_shadow_stack") {
+ if (enable_cet_shadow_stack && is_win) {
+ assert(target_cpu == "x64")
+ ldflags = [ "/CETCOMPAT" ]
+ }
Index: radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-target-x86_64-patch/
--- radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-target-x86_64-patch/ (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-target-x86_64-patch/ (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+diff -u -Nr src-orig src > ../patches/chromium-123.0.6286.1-target-x86_64.patch
Property changes on: radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-target-x86_64-patch/
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-target-x86_64-patch/src/build/config/compiler/
--- radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-target-x86_64-patch/src/build/config/compiler/ (nonexistent)
+++ radix-1.9/sources/packages/x/chromium/create-123.0.6286.1-target-x86_64-patch/src/build/config/compiler/ (revision 371)
@@ -0,0 +1,3033 @@
+# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+if (current_cpu == "arm" || current_cpu == "arm64") {
+ import("//build/config/arm.gni")
+if (current_cpu == "mipsel" || current_cpu == "mips64el" ||
+ current_cpu == "mips" || current_cpu == "mips64") {
+ import("//build/config/mips.gni")
+if (is_mac) {
+ import("//build/config/apple/symbols.gni")
+if (is_ios) {
+ import("//build/config/ios/ios_sdk.gni")
+if (is_nacl) {
+ # To keep NaCl variables out of builds that don't include NaCl, all
+ # variables defined in nacl/config.gni referenced here should be protected by
+ # is_nacl conditions.
+ import("//build/config/nacl/config.gni")
+lld_path = ""
+if (!is_clang) {
+ declare_args() {
+ # This allows overriding the location of lld.
+ lld_path = rebase_path("$clang_base_path/bin", root_build_dir)
+ }
+} else {
+ # clang looks for lld next to it, no need for -B.
+ lld_path = ""
+declare_args() {
+ # Normally, Android builds are lightly optimized, even for debug builds, to
+ # keep binary size down. Setting this flag to true disables such optimization
+ android_full_debug = false
+ # Compile in such a way as to make it possible for the profiler to unwind full
+ # stack frames. Setting this flag has a large effect on the performance of the
+ # generated code than just setting profiling, but gives the profiler more
+ # information to analyze.
+ # Requires profiling to be set to true.
+ enable_full_stack_frames_for_profiling = false
+ # When we are going to use gold we need to find it.
+ # This is initialized below, after use_gold might have been overridden.
+ gold_path = ""
+ # Enable fatal linker warnings. Building Chromium with certain versions
+ # of binutils can cause linker warning.
+ fatal_linker_warnings = true
+ # Build with C++ RTTI enabled. Chromium builds without RTTI by default,
+ # but some sanitizers are known to require it, like CFI diagnostics
+ # and UBsan variants.
+ use_rtti = use_cfi_diag || is_ubsan_vptr || is_ubsan_security
+ # AFDO (Automatic Feedback Directed Optimizer) is a form of profile-guided
+ # optimization that GCC supports. It used by ChromeOS in their official
+ # builds. To use it, set auto_profile_path to the path to a file containing
+ # the needed gcov profiling data.
+ auto_profile_path = ""
+ # Optimize for coverage guided fuzzing (balance between speed and number of
+ # branches)
+ optimize_for_fuzzing = false
+ # Path to an AFDO profile to use while building with clang, if any. Empty
+ # implies none.
+ clang_sample_profile_path = ""
+ # Some configurations have default sample profiles. If this is true and
+ # clang_sample_profile_path is empty, we'll fall back to the default.
+ #
+ # We currently only have default profiles for Chromium in-tree, so we disable
+ # this by default for all downstream projects, since these profiles are likely
+ # nonsensical for said projects.
+ clang_use_default_sample_profile =
+ chrome_pgo_phase == 0 && build_with_chromium && is_official_build &&
+ (is_android || chromeos_is_browser_only)
+ # This configuration is used to select a default profile in Chrome OS based on
+ # the microarchitectures we are using. This is only used if
+ # clang_use_default_sample_profile is true and clang_sample_profile_path is
+ # empty.
+ chromeos_afdo_platform = "atom"
+ # Emit debug information for profiling wile building with clang.
+ # Only enable this for ChromeOS official builds for AFDO.
+ clang_emit_debug_info_for_profiling = is_chromeos_device && is_official_build
+ # Turn this on to have the compiler output extra timing information.
+ compiler_timing = false
+ # Turn this on to use ghash feature of lld for faster debug link on Windows.
+ #
+ use_ghash = true
+ # Whether to enable ThinLTO optimizations. Turning ThinLTO optimizations on
+ # can substantially increase link time and binary size, but they generally
+ # also make binaries a fair bit faster.
+ #
+ # TODO(gbiv): We disable optimizations by default on most platforms because
+ # the space overhead is too great. We should use some mixture of profiles and
+ # optimization settings to better tune the size increase.
+ thin_lto_enable_optimizations =
+ (is_chromeos || is_android || is_win || is_linux || is_mac ||
+ (is_ios && use_lld)) && is_official_build
+ # Whether to enable thin lto incremental builds.
+ # See:
+ # The cache can lead to non-determinism:
+ thin_lto_enable_cache = true
+ # Initialize all local variables with a pattern. This flag will fill
+ # uninitialized floating-point types (and 32-bit pointers) with 0xFF and the
+ # rest with 0xAA. This makes behavior of uninitialized memory bugs consistent,
+ # recognizable in the debugger, and crashes on memory accesses through
+ # uninitialized pointers.
+ #
+ # Flag discussion:
+ #
+ # TODO( This regresses binary size by ~1MB on Android and
+ # needs to be evaluated before enabling it there as well.
+ init_stack_vars = !(is_android && is_official_build)
+ # Zero init has favorable performance/size tradeoffs for Chrome OS
+ # but was not evaluated for other platforms.
+ init_stack_vars_zero = is_chromeos
+ # This argument is to control whether enabling text section splitting in the
+ # final binary. When enabled, the separated text sections with prefix
+ # '', '.text.unlikely', '.text.startup' and '.text.exit' will not be
+ # merged to '.text' section. This allows us to identify the hot code section
+ # ('') in the binary, which allows our data collection pipelines to
+ # more easily identify code that we assume to be hot/cold that doesn't turn
+ # out to be such in the field.
+ use_text_section_splitting = is_chromeos
+ # Enable DWARF v5.
+ use_dwarf5 = false
+ # Override this to put full paths to PDBs in Windows PE files. This helps
+ # windbg and Windows Performance Analyzer with finding the PDBs in some local-
+ # build scenarios. This is never needed for bots or official builds. Because
+ # this puts the output directory in the DLLs/EXEs it breaks build determinism.
+ # Bugs have been reported to the windbg/WPA teams and this workaround will be
+ # removed when they are fixed.
+ use_full_pdb_paths = false
+ # Enable -H, which prints the include tree during compilation.
+ # For use by tools/clang/scripts/
+ show_includes = false
+ # Enable Profi algorithm. Profi can infer block and edge counts.
+ #
+ # TODO( Possibly enable this for Android too.
+ use_profi = is_chromeos
+ # If true, linker crashes will be rerun with `--reproduce` which causes
+ # a reproducer file to be saved.
+ save_reproducers_on_lld_crash = false
+ # Enable ShadowCallStack for compiled binaries. SCS stores a pointer to a
+ # shadow call stack in register x18. Hence, x18 must not be used by the OS
+ # or libraries. We assume that to be the case for high end Android
+ # configurations. For more details see
+ #
+ enable_shadow_call_stack = false
+ # Use DWARF simple template names, with the following exceptions:
+ #
+ # * Windows is not supported as it doesn't use DWARF.
+ # * Apple platforms (e.g. MacOS, iPhone, iPad) aren't supported because xcode
+ # lldb doesn't have the needed changes yet.
+ # TODO( Remove if the upstream default ever changes.
+ #
+ # This greatly reduces the size of debug builds, at the cost of
+ # debugging information which is required by some specialized
+ # debugging tools.
+ simple_template_names = is_clang && !is_nacl && !is_win && !is_apple
+declare_args() {
+ # Set to true to use icf, Identical Code Folding.
+ #
+ # icf=all is broken in older golds, see
+ #
+ # chromeos binutils has been patched with the fix, so always use icf there.
+ # The bug only affects x86 and x64, so we can still use ICF when targeting
+ # other architectures.
+ #
+ # lld doesn't have the bug.
+ use_icf = (is_posix || is_fuchsia) && !is_debug && !using_sanitizer &&
+ !use_clang_coverage && current_os != "zos" &&
+ !(is_android && use_order_profiling) &&
+ (use_lld || (use_gold && (is_chromeos || !(current_cpu == "x86" ||
+ current_cpu == "x64"))))
+if (is_android) {
+ # Set the path to use orderfile for linking Chrome
+ # Note that this is for using only one orderfile for linking
+ # the Chrome binary/library.
+ declare_args() {
+ chrome_orderfile_path = ""
+ if (defined(default_chrome_orderfile)) {
+ # Allow downstream tools to set orderfile path with
+ # another variable.
+ chrome_orderfile_path = default_chrome_orderfile
+ }
+ }
+declare_args() {
+ # Turn off the --call-graph-profile-sort flag for lld by default. Enable
+ # selectively for targets where it's beneficial.
+ enable_call_graph_profile_sort =
+ chrome_pgo_phase == 2 ||
+ (is_chromeos &&
+ (clang_use_default_sample_profile || clang_sample_profile_path != ""))
+assert(!(llvm_force_head_revision && use_goma),
+ "can't use goma with trunk clang")
+assert(!(llvm_force_head_revision && use_remoteexec),
+ "can't use rbe with trunk clang")
+# default_include_dirs ---------------------------------------------------------
+# This is a separate config so that third_party code (which would not use the
+# source root and might have conflicting versions of some headers) can remove
+# this and specify their own include paths.
+config("default_include_dirs") {
+ include_dirs = [
+ "//",
+ root_gen_dir,
+ ]
+# Compiler instrumentation can introduce dependencies in DSOs to symbols in
+# the executable they are loaded into, so they are unresolved at link-time.
+config("no_unresolved_symbols") {
+ if (!using_sanitizer &&
+ (is_linux || is_chromeos || is_android || is_fuchsia)) {
+ ldflags = [
+ "-Wl,-z,defs",
+ "-Wl,--as-needed",
+ ]
+ }
+# compiler ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Base compiler configuration.
+# See also "runtime_library" below for related stuff and a discussion about
+# where stuff should go. Put warning related stuff in the "warnings" config.
+config("compiler") {
+ asmflags = []
+ cflags = []
+ cflags_c = []
+ cflags_cc = []
+ cflags_objc = []
+ cflags_objcc = []
+ rustflags = []
+ ldflags = []
+ defines = []
+ configs = []
+ rustflags = []
+ # System-specific flags. If your compiler flags apply to one of the
+ # categories here, add it to the associated file to keep this shared config
+ # smaller.
+ if (is_win) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/win:compiler" ]
+ } else if (is_android) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/android:compiler" ]
+ } else if (is_linux || is_chromeos) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/linux:compiler" ]
+ } else if (is_nacl) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/nacl:compiler" ]
+ } else if (is_mac) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/mac:compiler" ]
+ } else if (is_ios) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/ios:compiler" ]
+ } else if (is_fuchsia) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/fuchsia:compiler" ]
+ } else if (current_os == "aix") {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/aix:compiler" ]
+ } else if (current_os == "zos") {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/zos:compiler" ]
+ }
+ configs += [
+ # See the definitions below.
+ ":clang_revision",
+ ":rustc_revision",
+ ":compiler_cpu_abi",
+ ":compiler_codegen",
+ ":compiler_deterministic",
+ ]
+ # Here we enable -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks, which makes various nullptr
+ # operations (e.g. dereferencing) into defined behavior. This avoids deletion
+ # of some security-critical code: see
+ # Nacl does not support the flag. And, we still want UBSAN to catch undefined
+ # behavior related to nullptrs, so do not add this flag if UBSAN is enabled.
+ # GCC seems to have some bugs compiling constexpr code when this is defined,
+ # so only enable it if using_clang. See:
+ # TODO(mpdenton): remove is_clang once GCC bug is fixed.
+ if (!is_nacl && !is_ubsan && is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "-fno-delete-null-pointer-checks" ]
+ }
+ # Don't emit the GCC version ident directives, they just end up in the
+ # .comment section or debug info taking up binary size, and makes comparing
+ # .o files built with different compiler versions harder.
+ if (!is_win || is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "-fno-ident" ]
+ }
+ # In general, Windows is totally different, but all the other builds share
+ # some common compiler and linker configuration.
+ if (!is_win) {
+ # Common POSIX compiler flags setup.
+ # --------------------------------
+ cflags += [ "-fno-strict-aliasing" ] # See
+ # Stack protection. ShadowCallStack and Stack protector address the same
+ # problems. Therefore, we only enable one or the other. Clang advertises SCS as
+ # a stronger alternative to StackProtector, so we give SCS precedence over SP.
+ if (enable_shadow_call_stack) {
+ # On Aarch64, SCS requires the x18 register to be unused because it will hold
+ # a pointer to the shadow stack. For Android we know that Clang doesn't use
+ # x18 by default. On other OSs adding "-ffixed-x18" might be required.
+ assert(is_android)
+ scs_parameters = [
+ "-fsanitize=shadow-call-stack",
+ "-fno-stack-protector",
+ ]
+ cflags += scs_parameters
+ ldflags += scs_parameters
+ } else {
+ if (is_apple) {
+ # The strong variant of the stack protector significantly increases
+ # binary size, so only enable it in debug mode.
+ if (is_debug) {
+ cflags += [ "-fstack-protector-strong" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "-fstack-protector" ]
+ }
+ } else if ((is_posix && !is_chromeos && !is_nacl) || is_fuchsia) {
+ # TODO(phajdan.jr): Use -fstack-protector-strong when our gcc supports it.
+ # See also
+ # The x86 toolchain currently has problems with stack-protector.
+ if (is_android && current_cpu == "x86") {
+ cflags += [ "-fno-stack-protector" ]
+ } else if (current_os != "aix") {
+ # Not available on aix.
+ cflags += [ "-fstack-protector" ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (use_lld) {
+ ldflags += [ "-fuse-ld=lld" ]
+ if (lld_path != "") {
+ ldflags += [ "-B$lld_path" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Linker warnings.
+ if (fatal_linker_warnings && !is_apple && current_os != "aix" &&
+ current_os != "zos") {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--fatal-warnings" ]
+ }
+ if (fatal_linker_warnings && is_apple) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-fatal_warnings" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_clang && is_debug) {
+ # Allow comparing the address of references and 'this' against 0
+ # in debug builds. Technically, these can never be null in
+ # well-defined C/C++ and Clang can optimize such checks away in
+ # release builds, but they may be used in asserts in debug builds.
+ cflags_cc += [
+ "-Wno-undefined-bool-conversion",
+ "-Wno-tautological-undefined-compare",
+ ]
+ }
+ # Non-Apple Posix and Fuchsia compiler flags setup.
+ # -----------------------------------
+ if ((is_posix && !is_apple) || is_fuchsia) {
+ if (enable_profiling) {
+ if (!is_debug) {
+ cflags += [ "-g" ]
+ if (enable_full_stack_frames_for_profiling) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-fno-inline",
+ "-fno-optimize-sibling-calls",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Explicitly pass --build-id to ld. Compilers used to always pass this
+ # implicitly but don't any more (in particular clang when built without
+ if (is_official_build) {
+ # The sha1 build id has lower risk of collision but is more expensive to
+ # compute, so only use it in the official build to avoid slowing down
+ # links.
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--build-id=sha1" ]
+ } else if (current_os != "aix" && current_os != "zos") {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--build-id" ]
+ }
+ if (!is_android) {
+ defines += [
+ # _FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 should not be set on Android in order to maintain
+ # the behavior of the Android NDK from earlier versions.
+ # See
+ ]
+ }
+ if (!is_nacl) {
+ if (exclude_unwind_tables) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-fno-unwind-tables",
+ "-fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables",
+ ]
+ rustflags += [ "-Cforce-unwind-tables=no" ]
+ defines += [ "NO_UNWIND_TABLES" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "-funwind-tables" ]
+ rustflags += [ "-Cforce-unwind-tables=yes" ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Apple compiler flags setup.
+ # ---------------------------------
+ if (is_apple) {
+ # On Intel, clang emits both Apple's "compact unwind" information and
+ # DWARF eh_frame unwind information by default, for compatibility reasons.
+ # This flag limits emission of eh_frame information to functions
+ # whose unwind information can't be expressed in the compact unwind format
+ # (which in practice means almost everything gets only compact unwind
+ # entries). This reduces object file size a bit and makes linking a bit
+ # faster.
+ # On arm64, this is already the default behavior.
+ if (current_cpu == "x64") {
+ asmflags += [ "-femit-dwarf-unwind=no-compact-unwind" ]
+ cflags += [ "-femit-dwarf-unwind=no-compact-unwind" ]
+ }
+ # dsymutil is not available in the system, on bots, for rustc to call. Our
+ # script runs dsymutil itself, which is set to be the
+ # linker for Rust targets as well.
+ rustflags += [ "-Csplit-debuginfo=unpacked" ]
+ }
+ # Linux/Android/Fuchsia common flags setup.
+ # ---------------------------------
+ if (is_linux || is_chromeos || is_android || is_fuchsia) {
+ asmflags += [ "-fPIC" ]
+ cflags += [ "-fPIC" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-fPIC" ]
+ rustflags += [ "-Crelocation-model=pic" ]
+ if (!is_clang) {
+ # Use pipes for communicating between sub-processes. Faster.
+ # (This flag doesn't do anything with Clang.)
+ cflags += [ "-pipe" ]
+ }
+ ldflags += [
+ "-Wl,-z,noexecstack",
+ "-Wl,-z,relro",
+ ]
+ if (!is_component_build) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-z,now" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Linux-specific compiler flags setup.
+ # ------------------------------------
+ if (use_gold) {
+ ldflags += [ "-fuse-ld=gold" ]
+ if (!is_android) {
+ # On Android, this isn't needed. gcc in the NDK knows to look next to
+ # it with -fuse-ld=gold, and clang gets a --gcc-toolchain flag passed
+ # above.
+ if (gold_path != "") {
+ ldflags += [ "-B$gold_path" ]
+ }
+ ldflags += [
+ # Experimentation found that using four linking threads
+ # saved ~20% of link time.
+ #
+ # Only apply this to the target linker, since the host
+ # linker might not be gold, but isn't used much anyway.
+ "-Wl,--threads",
+ "-Wl,--thread-count=4",
+ ]
+ }
+ # TODO(thestig): Make this flag work with GN.
+ #if (!is_official_build && !is_chromeos && !(is_asan || is_lsan || is_tsan || is_msan)) {
+ # ldflags += [
+ # "-Wl,--detect-odr-violations",
+ # ]
+ #}
+ }
+ if (use_icf && (!is_apple || use_lld)) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--icf=all" ]
+ }
+ if (is_linux || is_chromeos) {
+ cflags += [ "-pthread" ]
+ # Do not use the -pthread ldflag here since it becomes a no-op
+ # when using -nodefaultlibs, which would cause an unused argument
+ # error. "-lpthread" is added in //build/config:default_libs.
+ }
+ # Clang-specific compiler flags setup.
+ # ------------------------------------
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "-fcolor-diagnostics" ]
+ # Enable -fmerge-all-constants. This used to be the default in clang
+ # for over a decade. It makes clang non-conforming, but is fairly safe
+ # in practice and saves some binary size. We might want to consider
+ # disabling this (,
+ # but for now it looks like our build might rely on it
+ # (
+ cflags += [ "-fmerge-all-constants" ]
+ }
+ if (use_lld) {
+ # TODO(thakis): Make the driver pass --color-diagnostics to the linker
+ # if -fcolor-diagnostics is passed to it, and pass -fcolor-diagnostics
+ # in ldflags instead.
+ if (is_win) {
+ # On Windows, we call the linker directly, instead of calling it through
+ # the driver.
+ ldflags += [ "--color-diagnostics" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--color-diagnostics" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Enable text section splitting only on linux when using lld for now. Other
+ # platforms can be added later if needed.
+ if ((is_linux || is_chromeos) && use_lld && use_text_section_splitting) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-z,keep-text-section-prefix" ]
+ }
+ if (is_clang && !is_nacl && current_os != "zos") {
+ cflags += [ "-fcrash-diagnostics-dir=" + clang_diagnostic_dir ]
+ if (save_reproducers_on_lld_crash && use_lld) {
+ ldflags += [
+ "-fcrash-diagnostics=all",
+ "-fcrash-diagnostics-dir=" + clang_diagnostic_dir,
+ ]
+ }
+ # TODO(hans): Remove this once Clang generates better optimized debug info
+ # by default.
+ cflags += [
+ "-mllvm",
+ "-instcombine-lower-dbg-declare=0",
+ ]
+ if (!is_debug && use_thin_lto && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ if (is_win) {
+ ldflags += [ "-mllvm:-instcombine-lower-dbg-declare=0" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-mllvm,-instcombine-lower-dbg-declare=0" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # TODO( This causes binary size growth and potentially
+ # other problems.
+ # TODO( This isn't supported by Cronet's mainline llvm version.
+ if (default_toolchain != "//build/toolchain/cros:target" &&
+ !llvm_android_mainline) {
+ cflags += [
+ "-mllvm",
+ "-split-threshold-for-reg-with-hint=0",
+ ]
+ if (use_thin_lto && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ if (is_win) {
+ ldflags += [ "-mllvm:-split-threshold-for-reg-with-hint=0" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-mllvm,-split-threshold-for-reg-with-hint=0" ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # TODO( Investigate why/if this should be needed.
+ if (is_win) {
+ cflags += [ "/clang:-ffp-contract=off" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "-ffp-contract=off" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # C11/C++11 compiler flags setup.
+ # ---------------------------
+ if (is_linux || is_chromeos || is_android || (is_nacl && is_clang) ||
+ current_os == "aix") {
+ if (is_clang) {
+ standard_prefix = "c"
+ # Since we build with -std=c* and not -std=gnu*, _GNU_SOURCE will not be
+ # defined by the compiler. However, lots of code relies on the
+ # non-standard features that _GNU_SOURCE enables, so define it manually.
+ defines += [ "_GNU_SOURCE" ]
+ if (is_nacl) {
+ # Undefine __STRICT_ANSI__ to get non-standard features which would
+ # otherwise not be enabled by NaCl's sysroots.
+ cflags += [ "-U__STRICT_ANSI__" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ # Gcc does not support ##__VA_ARGS__ when in standards-conforming mode,
+ # but we use this feature in several places in Chromium.
+ # TODO(thomasanderson): Replace usages of ##__VA_ARGS__ with the
+ # standard-compliant __VA_OPT__ added by C++20, and switch the gcc build
+ # to -std=c*.
+ standard_prefix = "gnu"
+ }
+ cflags_c += [ "-std=${standard_prefix}11" ]
+ if (is_nacl && !is_nacl_saigo) {
+ # This is for the pnacl_newlib toolchain. It's only used to build
+ # a few independent ppapi test files that don't pull in any other
+ # dependencies.
+ cflags_cc += [ "-std=${standard_prefix}++14" ]
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags_cc += [ "-fno-trigraphs" ]
+ }
+ } else if (is_clang) {
+ if (defined(use_cxx17) && use_cxx17) {
+ cflags_cc += [ "-std=${standard_prefix}++17" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags_cc += [ "-std=${standard_prefix}++20" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ # The gcc bots are currently using GCC 9, which is not new enough to
+ # support "c++20"/"gnu++20".
+ cflags_cc += [ "-std=${standard_prefix}++2a" ]
+ }
+ } else if (is_win) {
+ cflags_c += [ "/std:c11" ]
+ if (defined(use_cxx17) && use_cxx17) {
+ cflags_cc += [ "/std:c++17" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags_cc += [ "/std:c++20" ]
+ }
+ } else if (!is_nacl) {
+ # TODO(mcgrathr) - the NaCl GCC toolchain doesn't support either
+ # gnu11/gnu++11 or c11/c++11; we technically don't need this toolchain any
+ # more, but there are still a few buildbots using it, so until those are
+ # turned off we need the !is_nacl clause and the (is_nacl && is_clang)
+ # clause, above.
+ cflags_c += [ "-std=c11" ]
+ if (defined(use_cxx17) && use_cxx17) {
+ cflags_cc += [ "-std=c++17" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags_cc += [ "-std=c++20" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_clang && current_os != "zos") {
+ # C++17 removes trigraph support, but clang still warns that it ignores
+ # them when seeing them. Don't.
+ cflags_cc += [ "-Wno-trigraphs" ]
+ }
+ if (use_relative_vtables_abi) {
+ cflags_cc += [ "-fexperimental-relative-c++-abi-vtables" ]
+ ldflags += [ "-fexperimental-relative-c++-abi-vtables" ]
+ }
+ # Add flags for link-time optimization. These flags enable
+ # optimizations/transformations that require whole-program visibility at link
+ # time, so they need to be applied to all translation units, and we may end up
+ # with miscompiles if only part of the program is compiled with LTO flags. For
+ # that reason, we cannot allow targets to enable or disable these flags, for
+ # example by disabling the optimize configuration.
+ # TODO(pcc): Make this conditional on is_official_build rather than on gn
+ # flags for specific features.
+ if (!is_debug && use_thin_lto && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ assert(use_lld, "LTO is only supported with lld")
+ cflags += [
+ "-flto=thin",
+ "-fsplit-lto-unit",
+ ]
+ if (thin_lto_enable_cache) {
+ # Limit the size of the ThinLTO cache to the lesser of 10% of
+ # available disk space, 40GB and 100000 files.
+ cache_policy =
+ "cache_size=10%:cache_size_bytes=40g:cache_size_files=100000"
+ cache_dir = rebase_path("$root_out_dir/thinlto-cache", root_build_dir)
+ if (is_win) {
+ ldflags += [
+ "/lldltocache:$cache_dir",
+ "/lldltocachepolicy:$cache_policy",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ if (is_apple) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-cache_path_lto,$cache_dir" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--thinlto-cache-dir=$cache_dir" ]
+ }
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--thinlto-cache-policy=$cache_policy" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # An import limit of 30 has better performance (per speedometer) and lower
+ # binary size than the default setting of 100.
+ # TODO(gbiv): We ideally shouldn't need to specify this; ThinLTO
+ # should be able to better manage binary size increases on its own.
+ import_instr_limit = 30
+ if (is_win) {
+ ldflags += [
+ "/opt:lldltojobs=all",
+ "-mllvm:-import-instr-limit=$import_instr_limit",
+ "-mllvm:-disable-auto-upgrade-debug-info",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags += [ "-flto=thin" ]
+ # Enabling ThinLTO on Chrome OS too, in an effort to reduce the memory
+ # usage in Note this will increase build time in
+ # Chrome OS.
+ # In ThinLTO builds, we run at most one link process at a time,
+ # and let it use all cores.
+ # TODO(thakis): Check if '=0' (that is, number of cores, instead
+ # of "all" which means number of hardware threads) is faster.
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--thinlto-jobs=all" ]
+ if (is_chromeos) {
+ # ARM was originally set lower than x86 to keep the size
+ # bloat of ThinLTO to <10%, but that's potentially no longer true.
+ # FIXME(inglorion): maybe tune these?
+ # TODO(b/271459198): Revert limit on amd64 to 30 when fixed.
+ import_instr_limit = 20
+ } else if (is_android) {
+ # TODO( Investigate if we can get the > 6% perf win
+ # of import_instr_limit 30 with a binary size hit smaller than ~2 MiB.
+ import_instr_limit = 5
+ }
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-mllvm,-import-instr-limit=$import_instr_limit" ]
+ if (is_apple) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wcrl,object_path_lto" ]
+ }
+ # We only use one version of LLVM within a build so there's no need to
+ # upgrade debug info, which can be expensive since it runs the verifier.
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-mllvm,-disable-auto-upgrade-debug-info" ]
+ }
+ # TODO( investigate why this isn't effective on
+ # arm32.
+ if (!is_android || current_cpu == "arm64") {
+ cflags += [ "-fwhole-program-vtables" ]
+ if (toolchain_supports_rust_thin_lto) {
+ # whole-program-vtables implies -fsplit-lto-unit, and Rust needs to match
+ # behaviour. Rust needs to know the linker will be doing LTO in this case
+ # or it rejects the Zsplit-lto-unit flag.
+ rustflags += [
+ "-Zsplit-lto-unit",
+ "-Clinker-plugin-lto=yes",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ # Don't include bitcode if it won't be used.
+ rustflags += [ "-Cembed-bitcode=no" ]
+ }
+ if (!is_win) {
+ ldflags += [ "-fwhole-program-vtables" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # This flag causes LTO to create an .ARM.attributes section with the correct
+ # architecture. This is necessary because LLD will refuse to link a program
+ # unless the architecture revision in .ARM.attributes is sufficiently new.
+ # TODO(pcc): The contents of .ARM.attributes should be based on the
+ # -march flag passed at compile time (see
+ if (current_cpu == "arm") {
+ ldflags += [ "-march=$arm_arch" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (compiler_timing) {
+ if (is_clang && !is_nacl) {
+ cflags += [ "-ftime-trace" ]
+ if (use_lld && is_mac) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--time-trace" ]
+ }
+ } else if (is_win) {
+ cflags += [
+ # "Documented" here:
+ #
+ "/d2cgsummary",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ # Pass flag to LLD so Android builds can allow debuggerd to properly symbolize
+ # stack crashes (
+ if (use_lld && is_android) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--no-rosegment" ]
+ }
+ # TODO( Cleanup undefined symbol errors caught by
+ # --no-undefined-version.
+ if (use_lld && !is_win && !is_mac && !is_ios) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--undefined-version" ]
+ }
+ if (use_lld && is_apple) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--strict-auto-link" ]
+ }
+ # LLD does call-graph-sorted binary layout by default when profile data is
+ # present. On Android this increases binary size due to more thinks for long
+ # jumps. Turn it off by default and enable selectively for targets where it's
+ # beneficial.
+ if (use_lld && !enable_call_graph_profile_sort) {
+ if (is_win) {
+ ldflags += [ "/call-graph-profile-sort:no" ]
+ } else {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,--no-call-graph-profile-sort" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_clang && !is_nacl && show_includes) {
+ if (is_win) {
+ # TODO( Goma mixes the -H and /showIncludes output.
+ assert(!use_goma, "show_includes on Windows is not reliable with goma")
+ cflags += [
+ "/clang:-H",
+ "/clang:-fshow-skipped-includes",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [
+ "-H",
+ "-fshow-skipped-includes",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ # This flag enforces that member pointer base types are complete. It helps
+ # prevent us from running into problems in the Microsoft C++ ABI (see
+ #
+ if (is_clang && !is_nacl && target_os != "chromeos" &&
+ (is_win || use_custom_libcxx)) {
+ cflags += [ "-fcomplete-member-pointers" ]
+ }
+ # Use DWARF simple template names.
+ if (simple_template_names) {
+ cflags_cc += [ "-gsimple-template-names" ]
+ }
+ # MLGO specific flags. These flags enable an ML-based inliner trained on
+ # Chrome on Android (arm32) with ThinLTO enabled, optimizing for size.
+ # The "release" ML model is embedded into clang as part of its build.
+ # Currently, the ML inliner is only enabled when targeting Android due to:
+ # a) Android is where size matters the most.
+ # b) MLGO presently has the limitation of only being able to embed one model
+ # at a time; It is unclear if the embedded model is beneficial for
+ # non-Android targets.
+ # MLGO is only officially supported on linux.
+ if (use_ml_inliner && is_a_target_toolchain) {
+ assert(
+ is_android && host_os == "linux",
+ "MLGO is currently only supported for targeting Android on a linux host")
+ if (use_thin_lto) {
+ ldflags += [ "-Wl,-mllvm,-enable-ml-inliner=release" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (clang_embed_bitcode) {
+ assert(!use_thin_lto,
+ "clang_embed_bitcode is only supported in non-ThinLTO builds")
+ cflags += [
+ "-Xclang",
+ "-fembed-bitcode=all",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (lld_emit_indexes_and_imports) {
+ assert(use_thin_lto,
+ "lld_emit_indexes_and_imports is only supported with ThinLTO builds")
+ ldflags += [
+ "-Wl,--save-temps=import",
+ "-Wl,--thinlto-emit-index-files",
+ ]
+ }
+ # Pass the same C/C++ flags to the objective C/C++ compiler.
+ cflags_objc += cflags_c
+ cflags_objcc += cflags_cc
+ # Assign any flags set for the C compiler to asmflags so that they are sent
+ # to the assembler. The Windows assembler takes different types of flags
+ # so only do so for posix platforms.
+ if (is_posix || is_fuchsia) {
+ asmflags += cflags
+ asmflags += cflags_c
+ }
+ if (is_chromeos_device && !is_nacl) {
+ # On ChromeOS devices, we want to ensure we're using Chrome's allocator
+ # symbols for all C++ new/delete operator overloads. PartitionAlloc
+ # and other local allocators should always take precedence over system or
+ # preloaded allocators. These are the mangled symbol names.
+ # See b/280115910 for details.
+ ldflags += [
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdaPv,-u,_ZdaPv",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdaPvRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZdaPvRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdlPv,-u,_ZdlPv",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdlPvm,-u,_ZdlPvm",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdlPvRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZdlPvRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_Znam,-u,_Znam",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZnamRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZnamRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_Znwm,-u,_Znwm",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZnwmRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZnwmRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdaPvmSt11align_val_t,-u,_ZdaPvmSt11align_val_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdaPvSt11align_val_t,-u,_ZdaPvSt11align_val_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdaPvSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZdaPvSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdlPvmSt11align_val_t,-u,_ZdlPvmSt11align_val_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdlPvSt11align_val_t,-u,_ZdlPvSt11align_val_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZdlPvSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZdlPvSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZnamSt11align_val_t,-u,_ZnamSt11align_val_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZnamSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZnamSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZnwmSt11align_val_t,-u,_ZnwmSt11align_val_t",
+ "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=_ZnwmSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t,-u,_ZnwmSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t",
+ ]
+ }
+ # Rust compiler flags setup.
+ # ---------------------------
+ rustflags += [
+ # Overflow checks are optional in Rust, but even if switched
+ # off they do not cause undefined behavior (the overflowing
+ # behavior is defined). Because containers are bounds-checked
+ # in safe Rust, they also can't provoke buffer overflows.
+ # As such these checks may be less important in Rust than C++.
+ # But in (simplistic) testing they have negligible performance
+ # overhead, and this helps to provide consistent behavior
+ # between different configurations, so we'll keep them on until
+ # we discover a reason to turn them off.
+ "-Coverflow-checks=on",
+ # By default Rust passes `-nodefaultlibs` to the linker, however this
+ # conflicts with our `--unwind=none` flag for Android dylibs, as the latter
+ # is then unused and produces a warning/error. So this removes the
+ # `-nodefaultlibs` from the linker invocation from Rust, which would be used
+ # to compile dylibs on Android, such as for constructing unit test APKs.
+ "-Cdefault-linker-libraries",
+ # To make Rust .d files compatible with ninja
+ "-Zdep-info-omit-d-target",
+ # If a macro panics during compilation, show which macro and where it is
+ # defined.
+ "-Zmacro-backtrace",
+ # For deterministic builds, keep the local machine's current working
+ # directory from appearing in build outputs.
+ "-Zremap-cwd-prefix=.",
+ ]
+ if (!is_win || force_rustc_color_output) {
+ # Colorize error output. The analogous flag is passed for clang. This must
+ # be platform-gated since rustc will unconditionally output ANSI escape
+ # sequences, ignoring the platform, when stderr is not a terminal.
+ rustflags += [ "--co