Radix cross Linux Package Tools

Package Tools – is a set of utilities to create, install, and update RcL packages

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Index: README.md
--- README.md	(nonexistent)
+++ README.md	(revision 5)
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+# [Package Tools](https://radix.pro/build-system/pkgtool/)
+**pkgtools** is a set of programs to create, install, remove, and update
+packages on the root file system.
+## Table of contents
+* [Bootstrap script](#bootstrap-script)
+* [Install](#install)
+* [Configurations](#configurations)
+* [Cross compilation example](#cross-compilation-example)
+* [Dialog](#dialog)
+* [License](#license)
+## Bootstrap script
+The **bootstrap** script aspecialy created for autotools install automation.
+To install autotools into source directory on build machine (i.e. when
+**build == host**) the bootstrap script can be run without arguments. In this
+case autotools will be installed from current root file system.
+For the cross environment the **--target-dest-dir** options allows to install
+some stuf from development root file system:
+$ TARGET_DEST_DIR=/home/developer/prog/trunk-672/dist/.s9xx-glibc/enybox-x2 \
+  ./bootstrap --target-dest-dir=${TARGET_DEST_DIR}
+For example, in this case the **dialog.m4** script will be taken from the
+**${TARGET_DEST_DIR}/usr/share/aclocal** directory.
+## Install
+On the build machine the installation process seems like that
+$ tar xJvf pkgtools-0.2.1.tar.xz
+$ mkdir build
+$ cd build
+$ ../pkgtools-0.2.1/configure --prefix=/usr
+$ make
+$ make install DESTDIR=$PKG exec_prefix=/
+Note that the **exec_prefix=/** used for canonical installation of
+pkgtools utilities into **${DESTDIR}/sbin/** directory instead of
+**${DESTDIR}/usr/sbin/** which is not corresponds to
+## Configurations
+Pkgtools support **GnuPG** signing of packages and also simple
+user interface based on **dialog** library.
+#### OpenPGP support options:
+  --with-gpg2=no
+  --with-gpg2=yes
+  --with-gpg2=${TARGET_DEST_DIR}/usr
+If the **--with-gpg2** option is not specified then **GnuPG** support
+is disabled.
+#### Dialog options:
+  --with-dialog=no
+  --with-dialog=yes
+  --with-dialog=${TARGET_DEST_DIR}/usr
+  --with-dialog-test=no
+  --with-dialog-test=yes
+Dialog support is enabled by default. The option **--with-dialog=no**
+disables the dialog support.
+#### Distribution options:
+  --with-distro-name[=NAME]        The name of distribution
+  --with-distro-version[=VERSION]  The distribution version
+To show all available options you can make use of
+$ ./configure --help
+## Cross compilation example
+DIALOG_CONFIG=${TARGET_DEST_DIR}/usr/bin/dialog-config \
+CC="${TOOLCHAIN_PATH}/${TARGET}-gcc --sysroot=${TARGET_DEST_DIR}" \
+./configure --prefix=/usr
+  --build=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu \
+  --host=${TARGET} \
+  --with-gpg2=${TARGET_DEST_DIR}/usr \
+  --with-dialog=${TARGET_DEST_DIR}/usr \
+  --with-dialog-test=yes
+Also we can make use of additional variables such as **CFLAGS**, **LDFLAGS**:
+## [Dialog](https://invisible-island.net/dialog/dialog.html)
+The original **dialog** sources have some bugs such as memory leaks and also
+the **dialog** package doesn't have correct autotools scripts. If you want to
+use **libdialog** with **pkgtools** then you have to install the dialog package
+with our [patch](doc/dialog/dialog-1.3-20210621.patch). This patch provides
+**dialog.m4** and more convenient **dialog-config** script for
+source package.
+## [License](https://radix.pro/legal/licenses/)
+Code and documentation copyright 2009-2023 Andrey V. Kosteltsev.<br/>
+Code and documentation released under [the **Radix.pro** License](https://cgit.radix.pro/radix/pkgtools.git/trunk/LICENSE).
+#### The text of this license can be found on our website at:
+> [https://radix.pro/licenses/LICENSE-1.0-en_US.txt](https://radix.pro/licenses/LICENSE-1.0-en_US.txt)<br/>
+> [https://radix.pro/licenses/LICENSE-1.0-en_US.txt](https://radix.pro/licenses/LICENSE-1.0-ru_RU.txt)