Radix cross Linux Package Tools

Package Tools – is a set of utilities to create, install, and update RcL packages

8 Commits   0 Branches   2 Tags


  Copyright 2019 Andrey V.Kosteltsev

  Licensed under the Radix.pro License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
  you may not use this file  except  in compliance with the License.
  You may obtain a copy of the License at


  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,


#include <config.h>

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/sysinfo.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/stat.h> /* chmod(2)    */
#include <sys/file.h> /* flock(2)    */
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <linux/limits.h>
#include <alloca.h>   /* alloca(3)   */
#include <string.h>   /* strdup(3)   */
#include <strings.h>  /* index(3)    */
#include <libgen.h>   /* basename(3) */
#include <ctype.h>    /* tolower(3)  */
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <grp.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <math.h>

#include <sys/wait.h>

#include <sys/resource.h>

#include <signal.h>
#if !defined SIGCHLD && defined SIGCLD

#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <getopt.h>

#include <config.h>

#include <msglog.h>
#include <wrapper.h>
#include <system.h>

#include <cmpvers.h>
#include <dlist.h>

#if defined( HAVE_DIALOG )
#include <dialog-ui.h>

#define PROGRAM_NAME "update-package"

#include <defs.h>

char *program = PROGRAM_NAME;
char *root = NULL, *pkgs_path = NULL, *rempkgs_path = NULL, *remlog_fname = NULL,
     *pkg_fname = NULL, *asc_fname = NULL, *pkglog_fname = NULL, *pkglist_fname = NULL,
     *tmpdir = NULL, *rtmpdir = NULL, *curdir = NULL, *log_fname = NULL;

int   ask = 0, rqck = 0, gpgck = 0, reinstall = 0, ignore_chrefs_errors = 0;
char *description = NULL;

int   exit_status = EXIT_SUCCESS; /* errors counter */
char *selfdir     = NULL;

static char           *pkgname = NULL,
                       *pkgver = NULL,
                         *arch = NULL,
                   *distroname = NULL,
                    *distrover = NULL,
                        *group = NULL,
            *short_description = NULL,
                          *url = NULL,
                      *license = NULL,
            *uncompressed_size = NULL,
              *compressed_size = NULL,
                  *total_files = NULL;

static char *installed_version = NULL;
static char *installed_group   = NULL;

enum _update_mode {
  CONSOLE = 0,
} update_mode = CONSOLE;

enum _priority {
  REQUIRED = 0, /* synonims: REQUIRED    | required    | REQ | req */
  RECOMMENDED,  /* synonims: RECOMMENDED | recommended | REC | rec */
  OPTIONAL,     /* synonims: OPTIONAL    | optional    | OPT | opt */
  SKIP          /* synonims: SKIP        | skip        | SKP | skp */
} priority = REQUIRED;

enum _procedure
  INSTALL = 0, /* 'install' */
  UPDATE       /* 'update'  */
} procedure = UPDATE;

enum _input_type {
  IFMT_PKG = 0,

} input_format = IFMT_PKG;

char  uncompress = '\0';

static struct dlist *rdirs  = NULL;
static struct dlist *rfiles = NULL;
static struct dlist *rlinks = NULL;

static struct dlist *dirs  = NULL;
static struct dlist *files = NULL;
static struct dlist *links = NULL;

static void free_list( struct dlist *list );

  if( pkgname )           { free( pkgname );           } pkgname = NULL;            \
  if( pkgver )            { free( pkgver );            } pkgver = NULL;             \
  if( arch )              { free( arch );              } arch = NULL;               \
  if( distroname )        { free( distroname );        } distroname = NULL;         \
  if( distrover )         { free( distrover );         } distrover = NULL;          \
  if( group )             { free( group );             } group = NULL;              \
  if( short_description ) { free( short_description ); } short_description = NULL;  \
  if( description )       { free( description );       } description = NULL;        \
  if( url )               { free( url );               } url = NULL;                \
  if( license )           { free( license );           } license = NULL;            \
  if( uncompressed_size ) { free( uncompressed_size ); } uncompressed_size = NULL;  \
  if( compressed_size )   { free( compressed_size );   } compressed_size = NULL;    \
  if( total_files )       { free( total_files );       } total_files = NULL;        \
  if( installed_version ) { free( installed_version ); } installed_version = NULL;  \
  if( installed_group )   { free( installed_group );   } installed_group = NULL

void free_resources()
  if( root )          { free( root );          root          = NULL; }
  if( pkgs_path )     { free( pkgs_path );     pkgs_path     = NULL; }
  if( rempkgs_path )  { free( rempkgs_path );  rempkgs_path  = NULL; }
  if( pkg_fname )     { free( pkg_fname );     pkg_fname     = NULL; }
  if( asc_fname )     { free( asc_fname );     asc_fname     = NULL; }
  if( pkglog_fname )  { free( pkglog_fname );  pkglog_fname  = NULL; }
  if( remlog_fname )  { free( remlog_fname );  remlog_fname  = NULL; }

  if( pkglist_fname ) { free( pkglist_fname ); pkglist_fname = NULL; }

  if( rdirs )         { free_list( rdirs );    rdirs         = NULL; }
  if( rfiles )        { free_list( rfiles );   rfiles        = NULL; }
  if( rlinks )        { free_list( rlinks );   rlinks        = NULL; }

  if( dirs )          { free_list( dirs );     dirs          = NULL; }
  if( files )         { free_list( files );    files         = NULL; }
  if( links )         { free_list( links );    links         = NULL; }

  if( rtmpdir )       { free( rtmpdir );       rtmpdir       = NULL; }
  if( curdir )        { free( curdir );        curdir        = NULL; }
  if( log_fname )     { free( log_fname );     log_fname     = NULL; }

  if( selfdir )       { free( selfdir );       selfdir       = NULL; }


void usage()

  fprintf( stdout, "\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "Usage: %s [options] <package>\n", program );
  fprintf( stdout, "\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "Update package.\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "Options:\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "  -h,--help                     Display this information.\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "  -v,--version                  Display the version of %s utility.\n", program );
  fprintf( stdout, "  -a,--always-ask               Used with menudialog mode: always ask\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "                                if a package should be updated regardless\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "                                of what the package priority is. Without\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "                                this option, if the priority is equal to\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "                                REQUIRED, the package is updateded without\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "                                asking for confirmation the update.\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "  -c,--check-requires           Check package requires before update.\n" );
#if defined( HAVE_GPG2 )
  fprintf( stdout, "  -g,--gpg-verify               Verify GPG2 signature. The signature must be\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "                                saved in a file whose name is the same as the\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "                                package file name, but with the extension '.asc'\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "                                and located in the same directory as the package.\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "  --ignore-chrefs-errors        Ignore change references errors (code: 48).\n" );
#if defined( HAVE_DIALOG )
  fprintf( stdout, "  -i,--info-dialog              Show package description during update\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "                                process using ncurses dialog.\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "  -m,--menu-dialog              Ask for confirmation the update,\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "                                unless the priority is REQUIRED.\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "  -l,--pkglist=<FILENAME>       Specify a different package list file\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "                                to use for read package priority and type\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "                                of install procedure. By default used the\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "                                '.pkglist' file found in the directory\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "                                where source package is placed.\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "  -p,--priority=<required|recommended|optional|skip>\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "                                Provides a priority of package instead of\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "                                the priority defined in the .pkglist file.\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "  --reinstall                   Reinstall even if the package is already\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "                                installed correctly.\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "                                Without this option, the already installed package\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "                                will not be updated. The update procedure will be\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "                                stopped with success return code.\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "  -r,--root=<DIR>               Target rootfs path.\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "Parameter:\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "  <package>                     The PACKAGE tarball.\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "Return codes:\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "  ------+-------------------------------------------------------\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "   code | status\n"  );
  fprintf( stdout, "  ------+-------------------------------------------------------\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "     30 | package is not installed\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "    ----+----\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "     41 | update is aborted due to priority=SKIP\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "     42 | .pkglist appointed the 'install' procedure instead\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "     43 | pre-update script returned error status\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "     44 | uncompress process returned error status\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "     45 | restore-links script returned error status\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "     46 | post-update script returned error status\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "     47 | PKGLOG cannot be stored in the Setup Database\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "     48 | references cannot be updated in Setup Database\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "     49 | requires cannot be updated in Setup Database\n" );
#if defined( HAVE_GPG2 )
  fprintf( stdout, "    ----+----\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "     51 | signature verification returned error status\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "  ------+-------------------------------------------------------\n"  );
  fprintf( stdout, "\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "Upon successful completion zero is returned. Other non-zero return\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "codes imply incorrect completion of the update procedure.\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "\n" );

  exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

void to_lowercase( char *s )
  char *p = s;
  while( p && *p ) { int c = *p; *p = tolower( c ); ++p; }

void to_uppercase( char *s )
  char *p = s;
  while( p && *p ) { int c = *p; *p = toupper( c ); ++p; }

void version()
  char *upper = NULL;

  upper = (char *)alloca( strlen( program ) + 1 );

  strcpy( (char *)upper, (const char *)program );
  to_uppercase( upper );

  fprintf( stdout, "%s (%s) %s\n", program, upper, PROGRAM_VERSION );

  fprintf( stdout, "Copyright (C) 2019 Andrey V.Kosteltsev.\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "This is free software.   There is NO warranty; not even\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "\n" );

  exit( EXIT_SUCCESS );

static void remove_trailing_slash( char *dir )
  char *s;

  if( !dir || dir[0] == '\0' ) return;

  s = dir + strlen( dir ) - 1;
  while( *s == '/' )
    *s = '\0'; --s;

static void bind_asc_extention( char *name )
  char *p = NULL, *q = NULL;

  if( (p = rindex( name, '.' )) && (strlen(p) < 5) )
    if( !strncmp( p, ".gz",  3 ) ||
        !strncmp( p, ".bz2", 4 ) ||
        !strncmp( p, ".xz",  3 )   )
      *p = '\0';
      q = rindex( name, '.' );
      if( q && (strlen(q) < 5) && !strncmp( q, ".tar", 4 ) )
        *q = '\0';
    else if( !strncmp( p, ".tar", 4 ) ||
             !strncmp( p, ".tbz", 4 ) ||
             !strncmp( p, ".tgz", 4 ) ||
             !strncmp( p, ".txz", 4 )   )
      *p = '\0';

  (void)strcat( name, ".asc" );

//static char *strmode( enum _update_mode mode )
//  char *p = NULL;
//  switch( mode )
//  {
//    case CONSOLE:
//      p = "CONSOLE";
//      break;
//    case INFODIALOG:
//      p = "INFODIALOG";
//      break;
//    case MENUDIALOG:
//      p = "MENUDIALOG";
//      break;
//  }
//  return p;

static char *strprio( enum _priority priority, int short_name )
  char *p = NULL;

  switch( priority )
    case REQUIRED:
      p = ( short_name ) ? "REQ" : "required";
      p = ( short_name ) ? "REC" : "recommended";
    case OPTIONAL:
      p = ( short_name ) ? "OPT" : "optional";
    case SKIP:
      p = ( short_name ) ? "SKP" : "skip";
  return p;

static char *strproc( enum _procedure procedure )
  char *p = NULL;

  switch( procedure )
    case INSTALL:
      p = "install";
    case UPDATE:
      p = "update";
  return p;

static int _mkdir_p( const char *dir, const mode_t mode )
  char  *buf;
  char  *p = NULL;
  struct stat sb;

  if( !dir ) return -1;

  buf = (char *)alloca( strlen( dir ) + 1 );
  strcpy( buf, dir );

  remove_trailing_slash( buf );

  /* check if path exists and is a directory */
  if( stat( buf, &sb ) == 0 )
    if( S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode) )
      return 0;

  /* mkdir -p */
  for( p = buf + 1; *p; ++p )
    if( *p == '/' )
      *p = 0;
      /* test path */
      if( stat( buf, &sb ) != 0 )
        /* path does not exist - create directory */
        if( mkdir( buf, mode ) < 0 )
          return -1;
      } else if( !S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode) )
        /* not a directory */
        return -1;
      *p = '/';

  /* test path */
  if( stat( buf, &sb ) != 0 )
    /* path does not exist - create directory */
    if( mkdir( buf, mode ) < 0 )
      return -1;
  } else if( !S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode) )
    /* not a directory */
    return -1;

  return 0;

static void _rm_tmpdir( const char *dirpath )
  DIR    *dir;
  char   *path;
  size_t  len;

  struct stat    path_sb, entry_sb;
  struct dirent *entry;

  if( stat( dirpath, &path_sb ) == -1 )
    return; /* stat returns error code; errno is set */

  if( S_ISDIR(path_sb.st_mode) == 0 )
    return; /* dirpath is not a directory */

  if( (dir = opendir(dirpath) ) == NULL )
    return; /* Cannot open direcroty; errno is set */

  len = strlen( dirpath );

  while( (entry = readdir( dir )) != NULL)

    /* skip entries '.' and '..' */
    if( ! strcmp( entry->d_name, "." ) || ! strcmp( entry->d_name, ".." ) ) continue;

    /* determinate a full name of an entry */
    path = alloca( len + strlen( entry->d_name ) + 2 );
    strcpy( path, dirpath );
    strcat( path, "/" );
    strcat( path, entry->d_name );

    if( stat( path, &entry_sb ) == 0 )
      if( S_ISDIR(entry_sb.st_mode) )
        /* recursively remove a nested directory */
        _rm_tmpdir( path );
        /* remove a file object */
        (void)unlink( path );
    /* else { stat() returns error code; errno is set; and we have to continue the loop } */


  /* remove the devastated directory and close the object of this directory */
  (void)rmdir( dirpath );

  closedir( dir );

static char *_mk_tmpdir( void )
  char   *buf = NULL, *p, *tmp = "/tmp";
  size_t  len = 0, size = 0;

  (void)umask( S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH ); /* octal 022 */

  /* Get preferred directory for tmp files */
  if( (p = getenv( "TMP" )) != NULL ) {
    tmp = p;
  else if( (p = getenv( "TEMP" )) != NULL ) {
    tmp = p;

  size = strlen( tmp ) + strlen( DISTRO_NAME ) + strlen( program ) + 12;

  buf = (char *)malloc( size );
  if( !buf ) return NULL;

  len = snprintf( buf, size, (const char *)"%s/%s/%s-%.7u", tmp, DISTRO_NAME, program, getpid() );
  if( len == 0 || len == size - 1 )
    free( buf ); return NULL;

  _rm_tmpdir( (const char *)&buf[0] );

  if( _mkdir_p( buf, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO ) == 0 )
    return buf;

  free( buf ); return NULL;

void fatal_error_actions( void )
  logmsg( errlog, MSG_NOTICE, "Free resources on FATAL error..." );
  if( tmpdir ) { _rm_tmpdir( (const char *)tmpdir ); free( tmpdir ); }

void sigint( int signum )

  if( tmpdir ) { _rm_tmpdir( (const char *)tmpdir ); free( tmpdir ); }

static void set_signal_handlers()
  struct sigaction  sa;
  sigset_t          set;

  memset( &sa, 0, sizeof( sa ) );
  sa.sa_handler = sigint;          /* TERM, INT */
  sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;
  sigemptyset( &set );
  sigaddset( &set, SIGTERM );
  sigaddset( &set, SIGINT );
  sa.sa_mask = set;
  sigaction( SIGTERM, &sa, NULL );
  sigaction( SIGINT, &sa,  NULL );

  memset( &sa, 0, sizeof( sa ) );  /* ignore SIGPIPE */
  sa.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
  sa.sa_flags = 0;
  sigaction( SIGPIPE, &sa, NULL );

  /* System V fork+wait does not work if SIGCHLD is ignored */
  signal( SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL );

static enum _input_type check_input_file( char *uncompress, const char *fname )
  struct stat st;
  size_t pkglog_size = 0;
  unsigned char buf[8];
  int rc, fd;

  /* SIGNATURES: https://www.garykessler.net/library/file_sigs.html */

  if( uncompress )
    *uncompress = '\0';

  if( stat( fname, &st ) == -1 )
    FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot access %s file: %s", basename( (char *)fname ), strerror( errno ) );

  pkglog_size = st.st_size;

  if( (fd = open( fname, O_RDONLY )) == -1 )
    FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot open %s file: %s", basename( (char *)fname ), strerror( errno ) );

  rc = (int)read( fd, (void *)&buf[0], 7 );
  if( rc != 7 )
    close( fd ); return IFMT_UNKNOWN;
  buf[7] = '\0';

  /* TEXT */
  if( !strncmp( (const char *)&buf[0], "PACKAGE", 7 ) )
    close( fd ); return IFMT_LOG;

  /* GZ */
  if( buf[0] == 0x1F && buf[1] == 0x8B && buf[2] == 0x08 )
    if( uncompress ) { *uncompress = 'x'; }
    close( fd ); return IFMT_PKG;

  /* BZ2 */
  if( buf[0] == 0x42 && buf[1] == 0x5A && buf[2] == 0x68 )
    if( uncompress ) { *uncompress = 'j'; }
    close( fd ); return IFMT_PKG;

  /* XZ */
  if( buf[0] == 0xFD && buf[1] == 0x37 && buf[2] == 0x7A &&
      buf[3] == 0x58 && buf[4] == 0x5A && buf[5] == 0x00   )
    if( uncompress ) { *uncompress = 'J'; }
    close( fd ); return IFMT_PKG;

  if( pkglog_size > 262 )
    if( lseek( fd, 257, SEEK_SET ) == -1 )
      FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot check signature of %s file: %s", basename( (char *)fname ), strerror( errno ) );
    rc = (int)read( fd, &buf[0], 5 );
    if( rc != 5 )
      FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot read signature of %s file", basename( (char *)fname ) );
    /* TAR */
    if( buf[0] == 0x75 && buf[1] == 0x73 && buf[2] == 0x74 && buf[3] == 0x61 && buf[4] == 0x72 )
      close( fd ); return IFMT_PKG;

  close( fd ); return IFMT_UNKNOWN;

void get_args( int argc, char *argv[] )
#if defined( HAVE_GPG2 )
#if defined( HAVE_DIALOG )
  const char* short_options = "hvacgiml:p:r:";
  const char* short_options = "hvacgl:p:r:";
#if defined( HAVE_DIALOG )
  const char* short_options = "hvaciml:p:r:";
  const char* short_options = "hvacl:p:r:";

#define REINSTALL             812

  const struct option long_options[] =
    { "help",                  no_argument,       NULL, 'h' },
    { "version",               no_argument,       NULL, 'v' },
    { "always-ask",            no_argument,       NULL, 'a' },
    { "check-requires",        no_argument,       NULL, 'c' },
#if defined( HAVE_GPG2 )
    { "gpg-verify",            no_argument,       NULL, 'g' },
    { "ignore-chrefs-errors",  no_argument,       NULL, IGNORE_CHREFS_ERRORS },
#if defined( HAVE_DIALOG )
    { "info-dialog",           no_argument,       NULL, 'i' },
    { "menu-dialog",           no_argument,       NULL, 'm' },
    { "pkglist",               required_argument, NULL, 'l' },
    { "priority",              required_argument, NULL, 'p' },
    { "reinstall",             no_argument,       NULL, REINSTALL },
    { "root",                  required_argument, NULL, 'r' },
    { NULL,                    0,                 NULL,  0  }

  int ret;
  int option_index = 0;

  while( (ret = getopt_long( argc, argv, short_options, long_options, &option_index )) != -1 )
    switch( ret )
      case 'h':
      case 'v':
      case 'a':
        ask = 1;
      case 'c':
        rqck = 1;
#if defined( HAVE_GPG2 )
      case 'g':
        gpgck = 1;

#if defined( HAVE_DIALOG )
      case 'i':
        update_mode = INFODIALOG;
      case 'm':
        update_mode = MENUDIALOG;

      case REINSTALL:
        reinstall = 1;
        ignore_chrefs_errors = 1;

      case 'p':
        if( optarg != NULL )
          char *match = NULL;

          if( strlen( (const char *)optarg ) > 2 )
            to_lowercase( optarg );
            if( (match = strstr( optarg, "req" )) && match == optarg ) {
              priority = REQUIRED;
            else if( (match = strstr( optarg, "rec" )) && match == optarg ) {
              priority = RECOMMENDED;

            else if( (match = strstr( optarg, "opt" )) && match == optarg ) {
              priority = OPTIONAL;
            else if( (match = strstr( optarg, "sk" )) && match == optarg ) {
              priority = SKIP;
            else {
              FATAL_ERROR( "Unknown --priority '%s' value", optarg );
            FATAL_ERROR( "Unknown --priority '%s' value", optarg );
          /* option is present but without value */

      case 'l':
        if( optarg != NULL )
          pkglist_fname = xstrdup( (const char *)optarg );
          /* option is present but without value */

      case 'r':
        if( optarg != NULL )
          char cwd[PATH_MAX];

          bzero( (void *)cwd, PATH_MAX );
          if( optarg[0] != '/' && curdir )
            /* skip current directory definition './' at start of argument: */
            if( !strncmp( optarg, "./", 2 ) && strncmp( optarg, "..", 2 ) )
              (void)sprintf( cwd, "%s/%s", curdir, optarg + 2 );
            else if( (strlen( optarg ) == 1) && !strncmp( optarg, ".", 1 ) )
              (void)sprintf( cwd, "%s", curdir );
              (void)sprintf( cwd, "%s/%s", curdir, optarg );
            root = xstrdup( (const char *)cwd );
            root = xstrdup( (const char *)optarg );
          remove_trailing_slash( root );
          /* option is present but without value */

      case '?': default:

  if( optind < argc )
    struct stat st;
    char  *buf = NULL;

    bzero( (void *)&st, sizeof( struct stat ) );

    buf = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
    if( !buf ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
    bzero( (void *)buf, PATH_MAX );

    /* absolute path to input package: */
    if( argv[optind][0] != '/' && curdir )
      (void)sprintf( buf, "%s/%s", curdir, (const char *)argv[optind] );
      (void)strcpy( buf, (const char *)argv[optind] );

    if( stat( (const char *)&buf[0], &st ) == -1 )
      FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot access '%s' file: %s", buf, strerror( errno ) );

    if( S_ISREG(st.st_mode) )
      pkg_fname = xstrdup( (const char *)&buf[0] );
      bind_asc_extention( buf );
      asc_fname = xstrdup( (const char *)&buf[0] );
      free( buf );
      FATAL_ERROR( "Input package '%s' is not a regular file", (const char *)argv[optind] );

  if( !pkgs_path )
    struct stat st;
    char  *buf = NULL;
    int    len;

    bzero( (void *)&st, sizeof( struct stat ) );

    buf = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
    if( !buf ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
    bzero( (void *)buf, PATH_MAX );

    if( !root )
      buf[0] = '/'; buf[1] = '\0';
      root = xstrdup( (const char *)buf );
      len = strlen( root );

      (void)strcpy( buf, (const char *)root );
      if( buf[ len - 1 ] != '/' )
        buf[len] = '/'; buf[len+1] = '\0';
        free( root ); root = xstrdup( (const char *)buf );

    if( stat( (const char *)&buf[0], &st ) == -1 )
      FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot access '%s' file or directory: %s", buf, strerror( errno ) );
    if( !S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) )
      FATAL_ERROR( "Defined --root '%s' is not a directory", buf );

    len = strlen( (const char *)buf );

    (void)strcat( buf, PACKAGES_PATH );
    if( _mkdir_p( buf, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO ) != 0 )
      FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot access '/%s' directory", PACKAGES_PATH );
    pkgs_path = xstrdup( (const char *)&buf[0] );

      Create other directories of Setup Database:
    buf[len] = '\0';
    (void)strcat( buf, REMOVED_PKGS_PATH );
    if( _mkdir_p( buf, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO ) != 0 )
      FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot access '/%s' directory", REMOVED_PKGS_PATH );
    rempkgs_path = xstrdup( (const char *)&buf[0] );

    buf[len] = '\0';
    (void)strcat( buf, SETUP_PATH );
    if( _mkdir_p( buf, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO ) != 0 )
      FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot access '/%s' directory", SETUP_PATH );

      Allocate memory for Setup LOG File name:
    buf[len] = '\0';
    (void)strcat( buf, LOG_PATH );
    (void)strcat( buf, SETUP_LOG_FILE );
    log_fname = xstrdup( (const char *)&buf[0] );

    free( buf );

  } /* End if( !pkgs_path ) */

static void setup_log( char *format, ... )
  FILE *fp = NULL;

  time_t     t = time( NULL );
  struct tm tm = *localtime(&t);

  va_list argp;

  if( ! format ) return;

  fp = fopen( (const char *)log_fname, "a" );
  if( !fp )
    FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot open /%s%s file", LOG_PATH, SETUP_LOG_FILE );

  fprintf( fp, "[%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d]: ",
                  tm.tm_year + 1900, tm.tm_mon + 1, tm.tm_mday,
                                 tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec );

  va_start( argp, format );
  vfprintf( fp, format, argp );
  fprintf( fp, "\n" );

  fflush( fp );
  fclose( fp );

  Remove leading spaces and take non-space characters only:
  (Especialy for pkginfo lines)
static char *skip_spaces( char *s )
  char *q, *p = (char *)0;

  if( !s || *s == '\0' ) return p;

  p = s;

  while( (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') && *p != '\0' ) { ++p; } q = p;
  while(  *q != ' ' && *q != '\t'  && *q != '\0' ) { ++q; } *q = '\0';

  if( *p == '\0' ) return (char *)0;

  return( xstrdup( (const char *)p ) );

  remove spaces at end of line:
static void skip_eol_spaces( char *s )
  char *p = (char *)0;

  if( !s || *s == '\0' ) return;

  p = s + strlen( s ) - 1;
  while( isspace( *p ) ) { *p-- = '\0'; }

static char *trim( char *s )
  char *p = (char *)0;

  if( !s || *s == '\0' ) return p;

  p = s + strlen( s ) - 1;
  while( isspace( *p ) ) { *p-- = '\0'; }
  p = s; while( isspace( *p ) ) { ++p; }

  return( p );

static char *size_to_string( size_t pkgsize )
  int    nd;
  double sz = (double)pkgsize / (double)1024;

  char  *ret = NULL;
  char  *tmp = NULL;

  tmp = (char *)malloc( PATH_MAX );
  if( !tmp ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
  bzero( (void *)tmp, PATH_MAX );

  if( sz > (double)1048576 )
    sz = sz / (double)1048576;
      Операция округления до одного знака после десятичной точки: sz = round(sz*10.0)/10.0;
      здесь не нужна; можно обойтись вычислением количества цифр, выводимых на печать с помощью
      формата '%.*g':

      Количество десятичных цифр, необходимое для предстваления целой части числа + 1(одна)
      десятичная цифра после десятичной точки. Формат %.*g не будет выводить дробную часть
      числа, если после округления, до одного знака после десятичной точки, дробная часть
      равна нулю:
    nd = (int)ceil(log10(floor(sz) + 1.0)) + 1;
    (void)sprintf( (char *)&tmp[0], "%.*gG", nd, sz );
  else if( sz > (double)1024 )
    sz = sz / (double)1024;
    nd = (int)ceil(log10(floor(sz) + 1.0)) + 1;
    (void)sprintf( (char *)&tmp[0], "%.*gM", nd, sz );
    nd = (int)ceil(log10(floor(sz) + 1.0)) + 1;
    (void)sprintf( (char *)&tmp[0], "%.*gK", nd, sz );

  ret = xstrdup( (const char *)&tmp[0] );
  free( tmp );

  return ret;

static void read_pkginfo( const char *pkginfo_fname )
  char *ln      = NULL;
  char *line    = NULL;

  FILE *pkginfo = NULL;

  if( pkginfo_fname != NULL )
    pkginfo = fopen( (const char *)pkginfo_fname, "r" );
    if( !pkginfo )
      FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot open %s file", pkginfo_fname );

  line = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
  if( !line )
    FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" );

  while( (ln = fgets( line, PATH_MAX, pkginfo )) )
    char *match = NULL;

    ln[strlen(ln) - 1] = '\0'; /* replace new-line symbol      */
    skip_eol_spaces( ln );     /* remove spaces at end-of-line */

    if( (match = strstr( ln, "pkgname" )) && match == ln ) {
      char *p = index( match, '=' ) + 1;
      if( p != NULL )
        if( pkgname ) { free( pkgname ); }
        pkgname = skip_spaces( p );
    if( (match = strstr( ln, "pkgver" )) && match == ln ) {
      char *p = index( match, '=' ) + 1;
      if( p != NULL )
        if( pkgver ) { free( pkgver ); }
        pkgver = skip_spaces( p );
    if( (match = strstr( ln, "arch" )) && match == ln ) {
      char *p = index( match, '=' ) + 1;
      if( p != NULL )
        if( arch ) { free( arch ); }
        arch = skip_spaces( p );
    if( (match = strstr( ln, "distroname" )) && match == ln ) {
      char *p = index( match, '=' ) + 1;
      if( p != NULL )
        if( distroname ) { free( distroname ); }
        distroname = skip_spaces( p );
    if( (match = strstr( ln, "distrover" )) && match == ln ) {
      char *p = index( match, '=' ) + 1;
      if( p != NULL )
        if( distrover ) { free( distrover ); }
        distrover = skip_spaces( p );

    if( (match = strstr( ln, "group" )) && match == ln ) {
      char *p = index( match, '=' ) + 1;
      if( p != NULL )
        if( group ) { free( group ); }
        group = skip_spaces( p );

    if( (match = strstr( ln, "short_description" )) && match == ln ) {
      char *p = index( match, '=' ) + 1;
      if( p != NULL )
        char *b =  index( p, '"'),
             *e = rindex( p, '"');
        if( b && e && ( b != e ) )
          p = ++b; *e = '\0';
          if( short_description ) { free( short_description ); }
          short_description = xstrdup( (const char *)p );
    if( (match = strstr( ln, "url" )) && match == ln ) {
      char *p = index( match, '=' ) + 1;
      if( p != NULL )
        if( url ) { free( url ); }
        url = skip_spaces( p );
    if( (match = strstr( ln, "license" )) && match == ln ) {
      char *p = index( match, '=' ) + 1;
      if( p != NULL )
        if( license ) { free( license ); }
        license = skip_spaces( p );

    if( (match = strstr( ln, "uncompressed_size" )) && match == ln ) {
      char *p = index( match, '=' ) + 1;
      if( p != NULL )
        if( uncompressed_size ) { free( uncompressed_size ); }
        uncompressed_size = skip_spaces( p );
    if( (match = strstr( ln, "total_files" )) && match == ln ) {
      char *p = index( match, '=' ) + 1;
      if( p != NULL )
        if( total_files ) { free( total_files ); }
        total_files = skip_spaces( p );

  free( line );

  if( !pkgname || !pkgver || !arch || !distroname || !distrover )
    FATAL_ERROR( "Invalid input .PKGINFO file" );

  fclose( pkginfo );

  Find functions:
static void _search_pkglog( const char *dirpath, const char *grp )
  DIR    *dir;
  char   *path;
  size_t  len;

  struct stat    path_sb, entry_sb;
  struct dirent *entry;

  char   *pname = (char *)dirpath + strlen( root ); /* do not remove leading '/' */

  if( stat( dirpath, &path_sb ) == -1 )
    FATAL_ERROR( "%s: Cannot stat Setup Database or group directory", pname );

  if( S_ISDIR(path_sb.st_mode) == 0 )
    FATAL_ERROR( "%s: Setup Database or group is not a directory", pname );

  if( (dir = opendir(dirpath) ) == NULL )
    FATAL_ERROR( "Canot access %s directory: %s", pname, strerror( errno ) );

  len = strlen( dirpath );

  while( (entry = readdir( dir )) != NULL)
    /* skip entries '.' and '..' */
    if( ! strcmp( entry->d_name, "." ) || ! strcmp( entry->d_name, ".." ) ) continue;

    /* determinate a full name of an entry */
    path = alloca( len + strlen( entry->d_name ) + 2 );

    strcpy( path, dirpath );
    strcat( path, "/" );
    strcat( path, entry->d_name );

    if( stat( path, &entry_sb ) == 0 )
      if( S_ISREG(entry_sb.st_mode) )
        char *match = NULL, *name  = basename( path );

        if( (match = strstr( name, pkgname )) && match == name )
            Здесь мы еще должны проверить, что найденный пакет не имеет
            более длинное имя, которое начинается с имени искомого пакета.
            Полагаясь на факт, что версия может начинаться только с цифры,
            мы пропускаем символ '-', разделяющий имя и версию пакета,
            а затем проверяем начальный символ версии:
          if( *(name + strlen( pkgname )) == '-' && isdigit( *(name + strlen( pkgname ) + 1) ) )
            remlog_fname = xstrdup( (const char *)path );
            closedir( dir );
      if( S_ISDIR(entry_sb.st_mode) && grp == NULL )
            In the Setup Database can be only one package with the same pkgname
            but in different groups. For example, the package named 'cairo'
            has two instance: libs/cairo-1.14.6 and xlibs/cairo-1.14.6. During
            system installation the package libs/cairo-1.14.6 installed first
            and then updated by xlibs/cairo-1.14.6 and PKGLOG of libs/cairo-1.14.6
            moved from /var/log/radix/packages to /var/log/radix/removed-packages.

            So here we have to look for the PKGLOG in all group directories:
        _search_pkglog( (const char *)path, (const char *)entry->d_name );
    /* else { stat() returns error code; errno is set; and we have to continue the loop } */

  closedir( dir );

static char *find_package( void )
  char *ret = NULL;

  _search_pkglog( (const char *)pkgs_path, NULL );
  if( remlog_fname )
    ret = remlog_fname;

  return ret;
  Enf of Find functions.


     -1 если пакет установлен, но его версия меньше
      0 если версия установленного и запрашиваемого равны,
      1 если пакет установлен, но его версия больше

    В случае возврата -1 или 1, устанавливается переменная
    instaled_version, равная версии существующего пакета.

    Если пакет не установлен, осуществляется выход со статусом 30.
static int check_installed_package( void )
  struct stat st;
  char *fname = pkg_fname;

  enum _input_type  type = IFMT_UNKNOWN;
  char              uncompress = '\0';

  char *requested_version = NULL;
  char *requested_group   = NULL;

  int ret = 0;

  bzero( (void *)&st, sizeof( struct stat ) );

  if( stat( (const char *)fname, &st ) == -1 )
    FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot access input '%s' file: %s", fname, strerror( errno ) );

  type = check_input_file( &uncompress, fname );
  if( type != IFMT_PKG )
    FATAL_ERROR( "Unknown format of input '%s' file", fname );

  if( S_ISREG(st.st_mode) )
    pid_t p = (pid_t) -1;
    int   rc;

    int   len = 0;
    char *tmp= NULL, *cmd = NULL;

    tmp = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
    if( !tmp ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
    bzero( (void *)tmp, PATH_MAX );

    (void)sprintf( &tmp[0], "%s", tmpdir );
    if( _mkdir_p( tmp, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO ) != 0 )
      FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot get PKGINFO from '%s' file", basename( (char *)fname ) );

    cmd = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
    if( !cmd ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
    bzero( (void *)cmd, PATH_MAX );

    len = snprintf( &cmd[0], PATH_MAX,
                    "%s/pkginfo -d %s -o pkginfo %s > /dev/null 2>&1",
                    selfdir, tmp, fname );
    if( len == 0 || len == PATH_MAX - 1 )
      FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot get PKGINFO from %s file", basename( (char *)fname ) );
    p = sys_exec_command( cmd );
    rc = sys_wait_command( p, (char *)NULL, PATH_MAX );
    if( rc != 0 )
      FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot get PKGINFO from '%s' file", basename( (char *)fname ) );

    (void)strcat( tmp, "/.PKGINFO" );
    read_pkginfo( (const char *)&tmp[0] );
    (void)unlink( (const char *)&tmp[0] ); /* :remove unnecessary .PKGINFO file */
    *(strstr( tmp, "/.PKGINFO" )) = '\0';  /* :restore 'tmpdir' in tmp[] buffer */

    requested_version = xstrdup( (const char *)pkgver );
    requested_group   = ( group ) ? xstrdup( (const char *)group ) : NULL;

    fname = NULL;
    fname = find_package();
    if( !fname )
      if( update_mode != CONSOLE )
#if defined( HAVE_DIALOG )
        info_pkg_box( "Update:", basename( pkg_fname ), NULL, NULL,
                      "\nPackage is not installed.\n", 5, 0, 0 );
        fprintf( stdout, "\nPackage '%s' is not installed.\n\n", basename( pkg_fname ) );
        fprintf( stdout, "Specified package '%s' is not installed.\n\n", basename( pkg_fname ) );

      exit_status = 30; /* Package is not installed: install */

      if( tmpdir ) { _rm_tmpdir( (const char *)tmpdir ); free( tmpdir ); }

      exit( exit_status );

    free( cmd );
    free( tmp );
    FATAL_ERROR( "Input %s file is not a regular file", basename( (char *)fname ) );

  /* Now fname is a name of installed PKGLOG file; check fname again: */
  if( stat( (const char *)fname, &st ) == -1 )
    FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot access input '%s' file: %s", fname, strerror( errno ) );

  type = check_input_file( &uncompress, fname );
  if( type != IFMT_LOG )
    FATAL_ERROR( "Unknown format of input '%s' file", fname );

  if( S_ISREG(st.st_mode) )
    pid_t p = (pid_t) -1;
    int   rc;

    int   len = 0;
    char *tmp= NULL, *cmd = NULL;

    tmp = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
    if( !tmp ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
    bzero( (void *)tmp, PATH_MAX );

    (void)sprintf( &tmp[0], "%s/to-remove", tmpdir );
    if( _mkdir_p( tmp, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO ) != 0 )
      FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot get PKGINFO from '%s' file", basename( (char *)fname ) );
    rtmpdir = xstrdup( (const char *)&tmp[0] );

    cmd = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
    if( !cmd ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
    bzero( (void *)cmd, PATH_MAX );

    len = snprintf( &cmd[0], PATH_MAX,
                    "%s/pkginfo -d %s -o pkginfo,description,restore-links,filelist %s > /dev/null 2>&1",
                    selfdir, tmp, fname );
    if( len == 0 || len == PATH_MAX - 1 )
      FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot get PKGINFO from %s file", basename( (char *)fname ) );
    p = sys_exec_command( cmd );
    rc = sys_wait_command( p, (char *)NULL, PATH_MAX );
    if( rc != 0 )
      FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot get PKGINFO from '%s' file", basename( (char *)fname ) );

    (void)strcat( tmp, "/.PKGINFO" );
    read_pkginfo( (const char *)&tmp[0] );
    *(strstr( tmp, "/.PKGINFO" )) = '\0'; /* :restore tmpdir in tmp[] buffer */

    installed_version = xstrdup( (const char *)pkgver );
    installed_group   = ( group ) ? xstrdup( (const char *)group ) : NULL;

    free( cmd );
    free( tmp );

    if( requested_group && installed_group )
      if( !(ret = strcmp( (const char *)installed_group, (const char *)requested_group )) )
        ret = cmp_version( (const char *)installed_version, (const char *)requested_version );
    else if( !requested_group && !installed_group )
      ret = cmp_version( (const char *)installed_version, (const char *)requested_version );
    else if( requested_group )
      ret = -1;
      ret = 1;

    if( requested_version ) { free( requested_version ); }
    if( requested_group )   { free( requested_group );   }
    FATAL_ERROR( "Input %s file is not a regular file", basename( (char *)fname ) );

  return ret;

static int check_installed_pkg_integrity( void )
  struct stat st;
  FILE  *fp = NULL;

  char *ln   = NULL;
  char *line = NULL;

  char *buf = NULL, *tmp = NULL;

  int restore_links = 0;
  int ret = 1;

  buf = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
  if( !buf ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
  bzero( (void *)buf, PATH_MAX );

  tmp = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
  if( !tmp ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
  bzero( (void *)tmp, PATH_MAX );

  /* Check if .RESTORELINKS is present */
  (void)sprintf( &tmp[0], "%s/.RESTORELINKS", rtmpdir );
  bzero( (void *)&st, sizeof( struct stat ) );
  if( (stat( (const char *)&tmp[0], &st ) == 0) && (st.st_size > 8) )
    restore_links = 1;

  (void)sprintf( &tmp[0], "%s/.FILELIST", rtmpdir );
  fp = fopen( (const char *)&tmp[0], "r" );
  if( !fp )
    FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot open .FILELIST file" );

  line = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
  if( !line ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
  bzero( (void *)line, PATH_MAX );

  while( (ln = fgets( line, PATH_MAX, fp )) )
    int dir = 0;

    ln[strlen(ln) - 1] = '\0'; /* replace new-line symbol      */
    skip_eol_spaces( ln );     /* remove spaces at end-of-line */

    if( *(ln + strlen(ln) - 1) == '/' ) { dir = 1; *(ln + strlen(ln) - 1) = '\0'; }
    else                                { dir = 0; }

    if( !dir )
      char *p = rindex( ln, '.' );
      if( p && !strncmp( (const char *)p, ".new", 4 ) )
          Do not check .new files:
        *p = '\0';

    (void)sprintf( &buf[0], "%s%s", root, ln );
    bzero( (void *)&st, sizeof( struct stat ) );

    if( lstat( (const char *)&buf[0], &st ) == -1 )
      /* cannot access file list entry */
      ret = 0; continue;

    if( dir )
      if( S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) == 0 )
        /* not a directory */
        ret = 0; continue;
      if( S_ISREG(st.st_mode) == 0 )
        /* not a regular file */
        ret = 0; continue;
      if( !restore_links )
        if( S_ISLNK(st.st_mode) == 0 )
          /* not a symbolic link */
          ret = 0; continue;
  } /* End of while( file list entry ) */
  fclose( fp );

  (void)sprintf( &tmp[0], "%s/.RESTORELINKS", rtmpdir );
  bzero( (void *)&st, sizeof( struct stat ) );

  if( stat( (const char *)&tmp[0], &st ) == 0 )
    fp = fopen( (const char *)&tmp[0], "r" );
    if( !fp )
      FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot open .RESTORELINKS file" );

    while( (ln = fgets( line, PATH_MAX, fp )) )
      char *match = NULL;

      ln[strlen(ln) - 1] = '\0'; /* replace new-line symbol      */
      skip_eol_spaces( ln );     /* remove spaces at end-of-line */

      if( (match = strstr( ln, "; rm -rf " )) )
        char *q = NULL;
        char *p = strstr( ln, "cd" ) + 2;
        char *f = strstr( ln, "; rm -rf" ) + 8;

        if( !p || !f ) continue;

        while( (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') && *p != '\0' ) ++p;
        while( (*f == ' ' || *f == '\t') && *f != '\0' ) ++f;

        q = p; while( *q != ' ' && *q != '\t' && *q != ';' && *q != '\0' ) ++q; *q = '\0';
        q = f; while( *q != ' ' && *q != '\t' && *q != ';' && *q != '\0' ) ++q; *q = '\0';

        if( p && f )
          (void)sprintf( &buf[0], "%s/%s/%s", root, p, f );
          bzero( (void *)&st, sizeof( struct stat ) );

          if( lstat( (const char *)&buf[0], &st ) == -1 )
            /* cannot access restore links entry */
            ret = 0; continue;

          if( S_ISLNK(st.st_mode) == 0 )
            /* not a symbolic link */
            ret = 0; continue;
    } /* End of while( restore links entry ) */
    fclose( fp );

  free( line );
  free( tmp );
  free( buf );

  return ret;

static void read_service_files( void )
  struct stat st;
  char *fname = pkg_fname;

  enum _input_type  type = IFMT_UNKNOWN;

  bzero( (void *)&st, sizeof( struct stat ) );

  if( stat( (const char *)fname, &st ) == -1 )
    FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot access input '%s' file: %s", fname, strerror( errno ) );

  type = check_input_file( &uncompress, fname );
  if( type != IFMT_PKG )
    FATAL_ERROR( "Unknown format of input '%s' file", fname );

  if( S_ISREG(st.st_mode) )
    pid_t p = (pid_t) -1;
    int   rc;

    int   len = 0;
    char *tmp= NULL, *cmd = NULL;

    tmp = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
    if( !tmp ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
    bzero( (void *)tmp, PATH_MAX );

    (void)sprintf( &tmp[0], "%s", tmpdir );
    if( _mkdir_p( tmp, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO ) != 0 )
      FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot get PKGINFO from '%s' file", basename( (char *)fname ) );

    cmd = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
    if( !cmd ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
    bzero( (void *)cmd, PATH_MAX );

    len = snprintf( &cmd[0], PATH_MAX,
                    "%s/pkginfo -d %s"
                    " -o pkginfo,description,requires,restore-links,install-script,filelist"
                    " %s > /dev/null 2>&1",
                    selfdir, tmp, fname );
    if( len == 0 || len == PATH_MAX - 1 )
      FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot get PKGINFO from %s file", basename( (char *)fname ) );
    p = sys_exec_command( cmd );
    rc = sys_wait_command( p, (char *)NULL, PATH_MAX );
    if( rc != 0 )
      FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot get PKGINFO from '%s' file", basename( (char *)fname ) );

    (void)strcat( tmp, "/.PKGINFO" );
    read_pkginfo( (const char *)&tmp[0] );
    *(strstr( tmp, "/.PKGINFO" )) = '\0'; /* :restore tmpdir in tmp[] buffer */

    compressed_size = size_to_string( st.st_size );

      Get PKGLOG file:
    len = snprintf( &cmd[0], PATH_MAX,
                    "%s/pkglog -m -d %s %s  > /dev/null 2>&1",
                    selfdir, tmp, tmp );
    if( len == 0 || len == PATH_MAX - 1 )
      FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot get PKGLOG from %s file", basename( (char *)fname ) );
    p = sys_exec_command( cmd );
    rc = sys_wait_command( p, (char *)NULL, PATH_MAX );
    if( rc != 0 )
      FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot get PKGLOG from '%s' file", basename( (char *)fname ) );

    if( group )
      (void)sprintf( cmd, "%s/%s/%s-%s-%s-%s-%s", tmp, group, pkgname, pkgver, arch, distroname, distrover );
      (void)sprintf( cmd, "%s/%s-%s-%s-%s-%s", tmp, pkgname, pkgver, arch, distroname, distrover );

    bzero( (void *)&st, sizeof( struct stat ) );
    if( stat( (const char *)cmd, &st ) == -1 )
      FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot get PKGLOG from '%s' file: %s", basename( (char *)fname ), strerror( errno ) );

    pkglog_fname = xstrdup( (const char *)cmd );

      Attempt to read packages list file:
      if( !pkglist_fname )
          Get source packages path if applicable:
        (void)strcpy( cmd, (const char *)fname );
        (void)strcpy( tmp, dirname( cmd ) );

        if( group && !strcmp( group, basename( tmp ) ) )
          (void)strcpy( cmd, (const char *)dirname( tmp ) );
          (void)strcpy( cmd, (const char *)tmp );

          Save default packages list file name:
        (void)strcat( cmd, "/.pkglist" );
        pkglist_fname = xstrdup( (const char *)cmd );

        read .pkglist if exists:
      bzero( (void *)&st, sizeof( struct stat ) );
      if( (stat( (const char *)pkglist_fname, &st ) == 0) && S_ISREG(st.st_mode) )
        char *ln      = NULL;
        char *line    = NULL;

        FILE *pkglist = NULL;

        pkglist = fopen( (const char *)pkglist_fname, "r" );
        if( !pkglist )
          FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot open %s file", pkglist_fname );

        line = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
        if( !line )
          FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" );

        while( (ln = fgets( line, PATH_MAX, pkglist )) )
          char *match = NULL;

          ln[strlen(ln) - 1] = '\0'; /* replace new-line symbol      */
          skip_eol_spaces( ln );     /* remove spaces at end-of-line */

          if( (match = strstr( ln, pkgname )) && match == ln )
            char *p = NULL;
            char *name = NULL, *vers = NULL, *desc = NULL, *ball = NULL, *proc = NULL, *prio = NULL;

            name = ln;
            if( (p = index( (const char *)name, ':' )) ) { *p = '\0'; vers = ++p; name = trim( name ); } else continue;
            if( (p = index( (const char *)vers, ':' )) ) { *p = '\0'; desc = ++p; vers = trim( vers ); } else continue;
            if( (p = index( (const char *)desc, ':' )) ) { *p = '\0'; ball = ++p; desc = trim( desc ); } else continue;
            if( (p = index( (const char *)ball, ':' )) ) { *p = '\0'; proc = ++p; ball = trim( ball ); } else continue;
            if( (p = index( (const char *)proc, ':' )) ) { *p = '\0'; prio = ++p; proc = trim( proc ); } else continue;
            prio = trim( prio );

            if( name && vers && desc && ball && proc && prio )
              char *grp = index( (const char *)ball, '/' );
              if( grp )
                *grp = '\0'; grp = ball; grp = trim( grp );
                if( strcmp( group, grp ) ) continue;

              /* read priority: */
              if( strlen( (const char*)prio ) > 2 )
                char *m = NULL;

                to_lowercase( prio );
                if( (m = strstr( prio, "req" )) && m == prio ) {
                  priority = REQUIRED;
                else if( (m = strstr( prio, "rec" )) && m == prio ) {
                  priority = RECOMMENDED;
                else if( (m = strstr( prio, "opt" )) && m == prio ) {
                  priority = OPTIONAL;
                else if( (m = strstr( prio, "sk" )) && m == prio ) {
                  priority = SKIP;
                else {
                  priority = REQUIRED;
                priority = REQUIRED;

              /* read procedure: */
              if( strlen( (const char*)proc ) > 5 )
                char *m = NULL;

                to_lowercase( proc );
                if( (m = strstr( proc, "install" )) && m == proc ) {
                  procedure = INSTALL;
                else if( (m = strstr( proc, "update" )) && m == proc ) {
                  procedure = UPDATE;
                else {
                  procedure = UPDATE;
                procedure = UPDATE;

          } /* End if( match ) */

        } /* End of while( ln = fgets() ) */

        free( line );
        fclose( pkglist );

      } /* End of reading .pkglist */

    } /* End of attemption of reading .pkflist file */

    free( cmd );
    free( tmp );

    if( priority == SKIP )
      exit_status = 41;

      if( update_mode != CONSOLE )
#if defined( HAVE_DIALOG )
        char *tmp = NULL;

        tmp = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
        if( !tmp ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
        bzero( (void *)tmp, PATH_MAX );

        (void)sprintf( &tmp[0],
                       "\nUpdate procedure is skipped due to specified '%s' priority.\n",
                       strprio( priority, 0 ) );

        info_pkg_box( "Update:", pkgname, pkgver, strprio( priority, 0 ),
                      (const char *)&tmp[0], 5, 0, 0 );

        free( tmp );
        fprintf( stdout,
                 "\nUpdate procedure of package '%s-%s' is skipped due to specified '%s' priority.\n\n",
                 pkgname, pkgver, strprio( priority, 0 ) );
        fprintf( stdout,
                 "\nUpdate procedure of package '%s-%s' is skipped due to specified '%s' priority.\n\n",
                 pkgname, pkgver, strprio( priority, 0 ) );

      if( tmpdir ) { _rm_tmpdir( (const char *)tmpdir ); free( tmpdir ); }

      exit( exit_status );

    if( procedure != UPDATE )
      exit_status = 42;

      if( update_mode != CONSOLE )
#if defined( HAVE_DIALOG )
        char *tmp = NULL;

        tmp = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
        if( !tmp ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
        bzero( (void *)tmp, PATH_MAX );

        (void)sprintf( &tmp[0],
                       "\nUpdate is skipped because the '%s' procedure is specified.\n",
                       strproc( procedure ) );

        info_pkg_box( "Update:", pkgname, pkgver, strprio( priority, 0 ),
                      (const char *)&tmp[0], 6, 0, 0 );

        free( tmp );
        fprintf( stdout,
                 "\nUpdate procedure of package '%s-%s' is skipped because the '%s' procedure is specified.\n\n",
                 pkgname, pkgver, strproc( procedure ) );
        fprintf( stdout,
                 "\nUpdate procedure of package '%s-%s' is skipped because the '%s' procedure is specified.\n\n",
                 pkgname, pkgver, strproc( procedure ) );

      if( tmpdir ) { _rm_tmpdir( (const char *)tmpdir ); free( tmpdir ); }

      exit( exit_status );

    FATAL_ERROR( "Input %s file is not a regular file", basename( (char *)fname ) );

static void check_requires( void )
  pid_t p = (pid_t) -1;
  int   rc;

  int   len = 0;
  char *cmd = NULL;

  cmd = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
  if( !cmd ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
  bzero( (void *)cmd, PATH_MAX );

  len = snprintf( &cmd[0], PATH_MAX,
                  "%s/check-requires --root=%s %s > /dev/null 2>&1",
                  selfdir, root, pkglog_fname );
  if( len == 0 || len == PATH_MAX - 1 )
    FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot check required packages for '%s-%s' package", pkgname, pkgver );
  p = sys_exec_command( cmd );
  rc = sys_wait_command( p, (char *)NULL, PATH_MAX );

  free( cmd );

  if( rc != 0 )
    if( update_mode != CONSOLE )
#if defined( HAVE_DIALOG )
      info_pkg_box( "Update:", pkgname, pkgver, strprio( priority, 0 ),
                    "\nPackage requires other packages to be installed.\n", 5, 0, 0 );
      fprintf( stdout, "\nPackage '%s-%s' requires other packages to be installed.\n\n", pkgname, pkgver );
      fprintf( stdout, "\nPackage '%s-%s' requires other packages to be installed.\n\n", pkgname, pkgver );

    if( tmpdir ) { _rm_tmpdir( (const char *)tmpdir ); free( tmpdir ); }
    exit( rc );

  Read .FILELIST and .RESTORELINKS functions used for
  roolback/remove in case post-update errors:
static int __cmp_list_items( const void *a, const void *b )
  if( a && b )
    return strcmp( (const char *)a, (const char *)b );
  else if( a )
    return 1;
    return -1;

static void __free_list( void *data, void *user_data )
  if( data ) { free( data ); }

static void free_list( struct dlist *list )
  if( list ) { dlist_free( list, __free_list ); }

//static void __print_list( void *data, void *user_data )
//  int *counter = (int *)user_data;
//  if( counter ) { fprintf( stdout, "item[%.5d]: %s\n", *counter, (char *)data ); ++(*counter); }
//  else          { fprintf( stdout, "item: %s\n", (char *)data ); }
//static void print_list( struct dlist *list )
//  int cnt = 0;
//  if( list ) { dlist_foreach( list, __print_list, (void *)&cnt ); }

static void read_filelist( void **d, void **f, const char *path )
  struct stat st;
  FILE  *fp = NULL;

  char *ln   = NULL;
  char *line = NULL, *tmp = NULL;

  struct dlist *dirs  = (struct dlist *)(*d);
  struct dlist *files = (struct dlist *)(*f);

  if( !dirs || !files || !path ) return;

  tmp = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
  if( !tmp ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
  bzero( (void *)tmp, PATH_MAX );

  (void)sprintf( &tmp[0], "%s/.FILELIST", path );
  bzero( (void *)&st, sizeof( struct stat ) );
  if( (stat( (const char *)&tmp[0], &st ) == -1) )
    FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot get .FILELIST from '%s' file", basename( (char *)pkglog_fname ) );

  fp = fopen( (const char *)&tmp[0], "r" );
  if( !fp )
    FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot open .FILELIST file" );

  line = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
  if( !line ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
  bzero( (void *)line, PATH_MAX );

  while( (ln = fgets( line, PATH_MAX, fp )) )
    ln[strlen(ln) - 1] = '\0'; /* replace new-line symbol      */
    skip_eol_spaces( ln );     /* remove spaces at end-of-line */

    if( *(ln + strlen(ln) - 1) == '/' )
      *(ln + strlen(ln) - 1) = '\0';
      (void)sprintf( &tmp[0], "%s%s", (const char *)root, (const char *)ln );
      dirs = dlist_append( dirs, xstrdup( (const char *)&tmp[0] ) );
      (void)sprintf( &tmp[0], "%s%s", (const char *)root, (const char *)ln );
      files = dlist_append( files, xstrdup( (const char *)&tmp[0] ) );

  } /* End of while( file list entry ) */

  fclose( fp );

  free( line );
  free( tmp );

static void read_restorelinks( void **l, const char *path )
  struct stat st;
  FILE  *fp = NULL;

  char *ln   = NULL;
  char *line = NULL, *tmp = NULL;

  struct dlist *links = (struct dlist *)(*l);

  if( !links || !path ) return;

  tmp = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
  if( !tmp ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
  bzero( (void *)tmp, PATH_MAX );

  (void)sprintf( &tmp[0], "%s/.RESTORELINKS", path );
  bzero( (void *)&st, sizeof( struct stat ) );
  if( (stat( (const char *)&tmp[0], &st ) == -1) || (st.st_size < 8) )
    free( tmp );

  fp = fopen( (const char *)&tmp[0], "r" );
  if( !fp )
    FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot open .RESTORELINKS file" );

  line = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
  if( !line ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
  bzero( (void *)line, PATH_MAX );

  while( (ln = fgets( line, PATH_MAX, fp )) )
    char *match = NULL;

    ln[strlen(ln) - 1] = '\0'; /* replace new-line symbol      */
    skip_eol_spaces( ln );     /* remove spaces at end-of-line */

    if( (match = strstr( ln, "; rm -rf " )) )
      char *q = NULL;
      char *p = strstr( ln, "cd" ) + 2;
      char *f = strstr( ln, "; rm -rf" ) + 8;

      if( !p || !f ) continue;

      while( (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') && *p != '\0' ) ++p;
      while( (*f == ' ' || *f == '\t') && *f != '\0' ) ++f;

      q = p; while( *q != ' ' && *q != '\t' && *q != ';' && *q != '\0' ) ++q; *q = '\0';
      q = f; while( *q != ' ' && *q != '\t' && *q != ';' && *q != '\0' ) ++q; *q = '\0';

      if( p && f )
        (void)sprintf( &tmp[0], "%s%s/%s", (const char *)root, p, f );
        links = dlist_append( links, xstrdup( (const char *)&tmp[0] ) );
  } /* End of while( restore links entry ) */

  fclose( fp );

  free( line );
  free( tmp );
  End of read .FILELIST and .RESTORELINKS functions.

  Rollback/Remove functions:
static void __remove_link( void *data, void *user_data )
  const char *fname = (const char *)data;

  if( fname )
    (void)unlink( fname );

static void __remove_file( void *data, void *user_data )
  const char *fname = (const char *)data;

  if( fname )
    char *p = rindex( fname, '.' );
      Если .new файл остался с тем же именем, это значит что до инсталляции
      в системе существовал такой же файл но без расширения .new и при этом
      он отличался от нового. В данном случае надо удалять только файл .new.

      Если же файл .new не существует, то надо удалять такой же файл но без
      расширения .new .
    if( p && !strncmp( (const char *)p, ".new", 4 ) )
      struct stat st;

      bzero( (void *)&st, sizeof( struct stat ) );
      if( (stat( fname, &st ) == -1) ) *p = '\0';

    (void)unlink( fname );

static int is_dir_empty( const char *dirpath )
  int ret = 0;

  DIR    *dir;
  char   *path;
  size_t  len;

  struct stat    path_sb, entry_sb;
  struct dirent *entry;

  if( stat( dirpath, &path_sb ) == -1 )   return ret; /* stat returns error code; errno is set */
  if( S_ISDIR(path_sb.st_mode) == 0 )     return ret; /* dirpath is not a directory */
  if( (dir = opendir(dirpath) ) == NULL ) return ret; /* Cannot open direcroty; errno is set */

  ret = 1;

  len = strlen( dirpath );
  while( (entry = readdir( dir )) != NULL)
    /* skip entries '.' and '..' */
    if( ! strcmp( entry->d_name, "." ) || ! strcmp( entry->d_name, ".." ) ) continue;

    /* determinate a full name of an entry */
    path = alloca( len + strlen( entry->d_name ) + 2 );
    strcpy( path, dirpath );
    strcat( path, "/" );
    strcat( path, entry->d_name );

    if( stat( path, &entry_sb ) == 0 )
      ret = 0;
    /* else { stat() returns error code; errno is set; and we have to continue the loop } */
  closedir( dir );

  return ret;

static void __remove_dir( void *data, void *user_data )
  const char *dname = (const char *)data;

  if( dname && is_dir_empty( (const char *)dname ) )
    (void)rmdir( dname );

static void rollback( void )
  /* Try to change CWD to the ROOT directory: */
  (void)chdir( (const char *)root );

  if( links ) { dlist_foreach( links, __remove_link, NULL ); }

  if( files ) { dlist_foreach( files, __remove_file, NULL ); }

  if( dirs )
    dirs = dlist_sort( dirs, __cmp_list_items );
    dirs = dlist_reverse( dirs );
    dlist_foreach( dirs, __remove_dir, NULL );

  /* Try to remove PKGLOG file */
    char *tmp = NULL;

    tmp = (char *)malloc( PATH_MAX );
    if( tmp )
      const char *fname = basename( (char *)pkglog_fname );

      bzero( (void *)tmp, PATH_MAX );

      if( group )
        (void)sprintf( &tmp[0], "%s/%s/%s", pkgs_path, group, fname );
        (void)sprintf( &tmp[0], "%s/%s", pkgs_path, fname );

      (void)unlink( (const char *)&tmp[0] );

      if( group )
        const char *dir = (const char *)dirname( (char *)&tmp[0] );
        if( is_dir_empty( dir ) )
          (void)rmdir( dir );
      free( tmp );

  /* Try to change CWD to the CURRENT directory: */
  (void)chdir( (const char *)curdir );

static void remove_package( void )
  /* Try to change CWD to the ROOT directory: */
  (void)chdir( (const char *)root );

  if( rlinks ) { dlist_foreach( rlinks, __remove_link, NULL ); }

  if( rfiles ) { dlist_foreach( rfiles, __remove_file, NULL ); }

  if( rdirs )
    rdirs = dlist_sort( rdirs, __cmp_list_items );
    rdirs = dlist_reverse( rdirs );
    dlist_foreach( rdirs, __remove_dir, NULL );

  /* Try to change CWD to the CURRENT directory: */
  (void)chdir( (const char *)curdir );

static void finalize_removal( void )
  pid_t p = (pid_t) -1;
  int   rc;

  int   len = 0;
  char *cmd = NULL, *tmp = NULL;

  cmd = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
  if( !cmd ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
  bzero( (void *)cmd, PATH_MAX );

  tmp = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
  if( !tmp ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
  bzero( (void *)tmp, PATH_MAX );

    Decrement references in the Setup Database:
  if( installed_group )
    len = snprintf( &cmd[0], PATH_MAX,
                    "%s/chrefs --operation=dec --destination=%s %s/%s > /dev/null 2>&1",
                    selfdir, pkgs_path, installed_group, basename( (char *)remlog_fname ) );
    len = snprintf( &cmd[0], PATH_MAX,
                    "%s/chrefs --operation=dec --destination=%s %s > /dev/null 2>&1",
                    selfdir, pkgs_path, basename( (char *)remlog_fname ) );
  if( len == 0 || len == PATH_MAX - 1 )
    FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot decrement '%s-%s' package references", pkgname, pkgver );
  p = sys_exec_command( cmd );
  rc = sys_wait_command( p, (char *)NULL, PATH_MAX );
  if( (rc != 0) && !ignore_chrefs_errors )
    free( cmd );
    free( tmp );

    exit_status = 48;

    if( update_mode != CONSOLE )
#if defined( HAVE_DIALOG )
      info_pkg_box( "Update:", pkgname, pkgver, NULL,
                    "\n\\Z1Cannot decrement package references in Setup Database.\\Zn\n", 5, 0, 0 );
      fprintf( stdout, "\nCannot decrement '%s-%s' package references in Setup Database.\n\n", pkgname, pkgver );
      fprintf( stdout, "\nCannot decrement '%s-%s' package references in Setup Database.\n\n", pkgname, pkgver );

    if( tmpdir ) { _rm_tmpdir( (const char *)tmpdir ); free( tmpdir ); }
    exit( exit_status );

    Backup PKGLOG file into removed-packages directory:
  bzero( (void *)tmp, PATH_MAX );

  if( installed_group )
    (void)sprintf( &tmp[0], "%s/%s/", rempkgs_path, installed_group );
    (void)sprintf( &tmp[0], "%s/", rempkgs_path );

  if( _mkdir_p( tmp, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO ) != 0 )
    FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot access '/%s' directory", REMOVED_PKGS_PATH );

  bzero( (void *)cmd, PATH_MAX );

  len = snprintf( &cmd[0], PATH_MAX,
                  "mv %s %s > /dev/null 2>&1",
                  remlog_fname, (const char *)&tmp[0] );
  if( len == 0 || len == PATH_MAX - 1 )
    FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot backup '%s' pkglog file", basename( (char *)remlog_fname ) );
  p = sys_exec_command( cmd );
  rc = sys_wait_command( p, (char *)NULL, PATH_MAX );

  free( cmd );

  if( rc != 0 )
    free( tmp );

    exit_status = 47;

    if( update_mode != CONSOLE )
#if defined( HAVE_DIALOG )
      info_pkg_box( "Update:", pkgname, pkgver, NULL,
                    "\n\\Z1Cannot backup PKGLOG file.\\Zn\n", 5, 0, 0 );
      fprintf( stdout, "\nCannot backup '%s' pkglog file.\n\n", basename( (char *)remlog_fname ) );
      fprintf( stdout, "\nCannot backup '%s' pkglog file.\n\n", basename( (char *)remlog_fname ) );

    if( tmpdir ) { _rm_tmpdir( (const char *)tmpdir ); free( tmpdir ); }
    exit( exit_status );

    Remove group directory if it is empty:
  bzero( (void *)tmp, PATH_MAX );

  if( installed_group )
    (void)sprintf( &tmp[0], "%s/%s/", pkgs_path, installed_group );

    const char *dir = (const char *)&tmp[0];
    if( is_dir_empty( dir ) )
      (void)rmdir( dir );

  free( tmp );

  End of rollback/remove functions.

static void read_description( const char *path, int show_compressed_size )
  struct stat st;
  FILE  *fp = NULL;

  char  *buf = NULL, *tmp = NULL;
  char  *lp  = NULL;
  int    n   = 0;

  char *ln   = NULL;
  char *line = NULL;

  if( !path ) return;

  tmp = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
  if( !tmp ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
  bzero( (void *)tmp, PATH_MAX );

  buf = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
  if( !buf ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
  bzero( (void *)buf, PATH_MAX );

  (void)sprintf( &tmp[0], "%s/.DESCRIPTION", path );
  bzero( (void *)&st, sizeof( struct stat ) );
  if( (stat( (const char *)&tmp[0], &st ) == -1) || (st.st_size < 8) )
    free( tmp );

  fp = fopen( (const char *)&tmp[0], "r" );
  if( !fp )
    FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot open .DESCRIPTION file" );

  (void)sprintf( (char *)&buf[0], "%s:", pkgname );

  line = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
  if( !line ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
  bzero( (void *)line, PATH_MAX );

  lp = (char *)&tmp[0];
  bzero( (void *)tmp, PATH_MAX );
  (void)sprintf( (char *)&tmp[0], "\n" );

  while( (ln = fgets( line, PATH_MAX, fp )) && n < DESCRIPTION_NUMBER_OF_LINES )
    char *match = NULL;

    ln[strlen(ln) - 1] = '\0'; /* replace new-line symbol */

    if( (match = strstr( (const char *)ln, (const char *)buf )) && match == ln ) /* at start of line only */
      int mlen   = strlen( match ), plen = strlen( buf );
      int length = ( mlen > plen )  ? (mlen - plen - 1) : 0 ;

      if( length > DESCRIPTION_LENGTH_OF_LINE )
        /* WARNING( "Package DESCRIPTION contains lines with length greater than %d characters", DESCRIPTION_LENGTH_OF_LINE ); */
        match[plen + 1 + DESCRIPTION_LENGTH_OF_LINE] = '\0'; /* truncating description line  */
        skip_eol_spaces( match );                            /* remove spaces at end-of-line */

      match += plen + 1;
      if( match[0] != '\0' ) { (void)sprintf( lp, " %s\n", match ); lp += strlen( match ) + 2; }
      else                   { (void)sprintf( lp, "\n" ); ++lp; }
  } /* End of while( ln = fgets() ) */

  fclose( fp );

  (void)sprintf( lp, " Uncompressed Size: %s\n", uncompressed_size );
  lp += strlen( uncompressed_size ) + 21;
  if( show_compressed_size )
    (void)sprintf( lp, "   Compressed Size: %s\n", compressed_size );
    lp += strlen( compressed_size ) + 21;

  if( description ) { free( description ); description = NULL; }
  description = xstrdup( (const char *)&tmp[0] );

  free( buf );
  free( line );
  free( tmp );

static int ask_for_update( void )
  int ret = 0; /* continue update */
#if defined( HAVE_DIALOG )
    Ask for update dialog shown only in MENUDIALOG mode
    when priority != REQUIRED or --always-ask=yes:
  if( (update_mode == MENUDIALOG) && (((priority == REQUIRED) && ask) || (priority != REQUIRED)) )
    ret =  ask_update_box( "Update:", pkgname, pkgver, strprio( priority, 0 ),
                           description, 18, 0, 0 );

  if( ret )
    info_pkg_box( "Update:", pkgname, pkgver, strprio( priority, 0 ),
                  "\nUpdate terminated by user.\n", 5, 0, 0 );
  return ret;

static int ask_for_reinstall( void )
  int ret = 0; /* continue update */
#if defined( HAVE_DIALOG )
    Ask for remove dialog shown only in INFO or MENU DIALOG mode:
  if( update_mode == MENUDIALOG )
    char *msg = NULL;

    msg = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
    if( !msg ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
    bzero( (void *)msg, PATH_MAX );

    (void)sprintf( &msg[0], "\nThe same version of requested package installed and correct.\n"
                            "\n\\Z1Re-install this vesion?\\Zn\n" );

    if( (ret =  ask_reinstall_box( "Update:", pkgname, installed_version, (const char *)&msg[0], 9, 0, 0 )) )
      info_pkg_box( "Update:", pkgname, installed_version, NULL,
                    "\nPackage update terminated by user.\n", 5, 0, 0 );

    free( msg );
  else if( update_mode == INFODIALOG )
    if( !reinstall )
      info_pkg_box( "Update:", pkgname, installed_version, NULL,
                    "\nThe same version of requested package installed and correct.\n", 5, 0, 0 );
      ret = 1;
    if( !reinstall )
      fprintf( stdout, "\nThe same version of '%s-%s' package is installed and correct.\n\n", pkgname, installed_version );
      ret = 1;
    if( !reinstall )
      fprintf( stdout, "\nThe same version of '%s-%s' package is installed and correct.\n\n", pkgname, installed_version );
      ret = 1;
  return ret;

static void show_update_progress( void )
  fprintf( stdout, "\033[2J" ); /* clear screen */

  if( update_mode != CONSOLE )
#if defined( HAVE_DIALOG )
    info_pkg_box( "Update:", pkgname, pkgver, strprio( priority, 0 ),
                  description, 16, 0, 0 );
    fprintf( stdout, "\n Update: %s-%s [%s]...\n", pkgname, pkgver, strprio( priority, 0 ));
      Ruler: 68 characters + 2 spaces left and right:

                      | ----handy-ruler----------------------------------------------------- | */
    fprintf( stdout, "|======================================================================|\n" );
    fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", description );
    fprintf( stdout, "|======================================================================|\n\n" );
    fprintf( stdout, "\n\n\n" ); /* 3 lines up for final message */
    fprintf( stdout, "\n Update: %s-%s [%s]...\n", pkgname, pkgver, strprio( priority, 0 ));
      Ruler: 68 characters + 2 spaces left and right:

                      | ----handy-ruler----------------------------------------------------- | */
    fprintf( stdout, "|======================================================================|\n" );
    fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", description );
    fprintf( stdout, "|======================================================================|\n\n" );
    fprintf( stdout, "\n\n\n" ); /* 3 lines up for final message */

static void pre_update_routine( void )
  pid_t p = (pid_t) -1;
  int   rc;

  int   len = 0;
  char *cmd = NULL;

  cmd = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
  if( !cmd ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
  bzero( (void *)cmd, PATH_MAX );

  len = snprintf( &cmd[0], PATH_MAX,
                  "cd %s && %s/.INSTALL pre_update %s %s > /dev/null 2>&1",
                  root, tmpdir, pkgver, installed_version );
  if( len == 0 || len == PATH_MAX - 1 )
    FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot run pre-update script for '%s-%s' package", pkgname, pkgver );
  p = sys_exec_command( cmd );
  rc = sys_wait_command( p, (char *)NULL, PATH_MAX );

  free( cmd );

  if( rc != 0 )
    exit_status = 43;

    if( update_mode != CONSOLE )
#if defined( HAVE_DIALOG )
      info_pkg_box( "Update:", pkgname, pkgver, strprio( priority, 0 ),
                    "\n\\Z1Pre-update script returned error status.\\Zn\n", 5, 0, 0 );
      fprintf( stdout, "\nPre-update script of '%s-%s' returned error status.\n\n", pkgname, pkgver );
      fprintf( stdout, "\nPre-update script of '%s-%s' returned error status.\n\n", pkgname, pkgver );

    if( tmpdir ) { _rm_tmpdir( (const char *)tmpdir ); free( tmpdir ); }
    exit( exit_status );

static const char *fill_decompressor( char *buffer, char compressor )
  switch( compressor )
    case 'J':
      (void)sprintf( buffer, "xz --threads=%d -dc", get_nprocs() );
    case 'j':
      (void)sprintf( buffer, "bzip2 -dc" );
    case 'z':
      (void)sprintf( buffer, "gzip -dc" );
      (void)sprintf( buffer, "cat -" );
  return (const char *)buffer;

static void uncompress_package( void )
  pid_t p = (pid_t) -1;
  int   rc;

  int   len = 0;
  char *cmd = NULL;

  char decompressor[64];

  (void)fill_decompressor( (char *)&decompressor[0], uncompress );

  cmd = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
  if( !cmd ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
  bzero( (void *)cmd, PATH_MAX );

  len = snprintf( &cmd[0], PATH_MAX,
                  "cat %s | %s  | tar -C %s "
                  "--exclude='.DESCRIPTION' "
                  "--exclude='.FILELIST' "
                  "--exclude='.INSTALL' "
                  "--exclude='.PKGINFO' "
                  "--exclude='.REQUIRES' "
                  "--exclude='.RESTORELINKS' "
                  "-xf - > /dev/null 2>&1",
                  pkg_fname, decompressor, root );
  if( len == 0 || len == PATH_MAX - 1 )
    FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot uncompress '%s-%s' package", pkgname, pkgver );
  p = sys_exec_command( cmd );
  rc = sys_wait_command( p, (char *)NULL, PATH_MAX );

  free( cmd );

  if( rc != 0 )
    exit_status = 44;

    if( update_mode != CONSOLE )
#if defined( HAVE_DIALOG )
      info_pkg_box( "Update:", pkgname, pkgver, strprio( priority, 0 ),
                    "\n\\Z1Cannot uncompress package.\\Zn\n", 5, 0, 0 );
      fprintf( stdout, "\nCannot uncompress '%s-%s' package.\n\n", pkgname, pkgver );
      fprintf( stdout, "\nCannot uncompress '%s-%s' package.\n\n", pkgname, pkgver );

    if( tmpdir ) { _rm_tmpdir( (const char *)tmpdir ); free( tmpdir ); }
    exit( exit_status );

static void restore_links( void )
  struct stat st;
  pid_t  p = (pid_t) -1;
  int    rc;

  int   len = 0;
  char *cmd = NULL;

  cmd = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
  if( !cmd ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
  bzero( (void *)cmd, PATH_MAX );

  (void)sprintf( &cmd[0], "%s/.RESTORELINKS", tmpdir );
  bzero( (void *)&st, sizeof( struct stat ) );
  if( (stat( (const char *)&cmd[0], &st ) == -1) || (st.st_size < 8) )
    free( cmd );
  bzero( (void *)cmd, PATH_MAX );

  len = snprintf( &cmd[0], PATH_MAX,
                  "cd %s && sh %s/.RESTORELINKS > /dev/null 2>&1",
                  root, tmpdir );
  if( len == 0 || len == PATH_MAX - 1 )
    FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot restore links for '%s-%s' package", pkgname, pkgver );
  p = sys_exec_command( cmd );
  rc = sys_wait_command( p, (char *)NULL, PATH_MAX );

  free( cmd );

  if( rc != 0 )

    exit_status = 45;

    if( update_mode != CONSOLE )
#if defined( HAVE_DIALOG )
      info_pkg_box( "Update:", pkgname, pkgver, strprio( priority, 0 ),
                    "\n\\Z1Restore-links script returned error status.\\Zn\n", 5, 0, 0 );
      fprintf( stdout, "\nRestore-links script of '%s-%s' returned error status.\n\n", pkgname, pkgver );
      fprintf( stdout, "\nRestore-links script of '%s-%s' returned error status.\n\n", pkgname, pkgver );

    if( tmpdir ) { _rm_tmpdir( (const char *)tmpdir ); free( tmpdir ); }
    exit( exit_status );

static void post_update_routine( void )
  pid_t p = (pid_t) -1;
  int   rc;

  int   len = 0;
  char *cmd = NULL;

  cmd = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
  if( !cmd ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
  bzero( (void *)cmd, PATH_MAX );

  len = snprintf( &cmd[0], PATH_MAX,
                  "cd %s && %s/.INSTALL post_update %s %s > /dev/null 2>&1",
                  root, tmpdir, pkgver, installed_version );
  if( len == 0 || len == PATH_MAX - 1 )
    FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot run post-update script for '%s-%s' package", pkgname, pkgver );
  p = sys_exec_command( cmd );
  rc = sys_wait_command( p, (char *)NULL, PATH_MAX );

  free( cmd );

  if( rc != 0 )

    exit_status = 46;

    if( update_mode != CONSOLE )
#if defined( HAVE_DIALOG )
      info_pkg_box( "Update:", pkgname, pkgver, strprio( priority, 0 ),
                    "\n\\Z1Post-update script returned error status.\\Zn\n", 5, 0, 0 );
      fprintf( stdout, "\nPost-update script of '%s-%s' returned error status.\n\n", pkgname, pkgver );
      fprintf( stdout, "\nPost-update script of '%s-%s' returned error status.\n\n", pkgname, pkgver );

    if( tmpdir ) { _rm_tmpdir( (const char *)tmpdir ); free( tmpdir ); }
    exit( exit_status );

static void finalize_update( void )
  pid_t p = (pid_t) -1;
  int   rc;

  int   len = 0;
  char *cmd = NULL, *tmp = NULL;

  cmd = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
  if( !cmd ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
  bzero( (void *)cmd, PATH_MAX );

  tmp = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
  if( !tmp ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
  bzero( (void *)tmp, PATH_MAX );

  if( group )
    (void)sprintf( &tmp[0], "%s/%s/", pkgs_path, group );
    (void)sprintf( &tmp[0], "%s/", pkgs_path );

  if( _mkdir_p( tmp, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO ) != 0 )
    FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot access '/%s' directory", PACKAGES_PATH );

    Store PKGLOG file into Setup Database:
  len = snprintf( &cmd[0], PATH_MAX,
                  "cp %s %s > /dev/null 2>&1",
                  pkglog_fname, (const char *)&tmp[0] );
  if( len == 0 || len == PATH_MAX - 1 )
    FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot store '%s' pkglog file", basename( (char *)pkglog_fname ) );
  p = sys_exec_command( cmd );
  rc = sys_wait_command( p, (char *)NULL, PATH_MAX );
  if( rc != 0 )

    free( cmd );
    free( tmp );

    exit_status = 47;

    if( update_mode != CONSOLE )
#if defined( HAVE_DIALOG )
      info_pkg_box( "Update:", pkgname, pkgver, strprio( priority, 0 ),
                    "\n\\Z1Cannot store PKGLOG file into Setup Database.\\Zn\n", 5, 0, 0 );
      fprintf( stdout, "\nCannot store '%s' pkglog file into Setup Database.\n\n", basename( (char *)pkglog_fname ) );
      fprintf( stdout, "\nCannot store '%s' pkglog file into Setup Database.\n\n", basename( (char *)pkglog_fname ) );

    if( tmpdir ) { _rm_tmpdir( (const char *)tmpdir ); free( tmpdir ); }
    exit( exit_status );

    Increment references in the Setup Database:
  if( group )
    len = snprintf( &cmd[0], PATH_MAX,
                    "%s/chrefs --operation=inc --destination=%s %s/%s > /dev/null 2>&1",
                    selfdir, pkgs_path, group, basename( (char *)pkglog_fname ) );
    len = snprintf( &cmd[0], PATH_MAX,
                    "%s/chrefs --operation=inc --destination=%s %s > /dev/null 2>&1",
                    selfdir, pkgs_path, basename( (char *)pkglog_fname ) );
  if( len == 0 || len == PATH_MAX - 1 )
    FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot increment '%s-%s' package references", pkgname, pkgver );
  p = sys_exec_command( cmd );
  rc = sys_wait_command( p, (char *)NULL, PATH_MAX );

  free( cmd );

  if( (rc != 0) && !ignore_chrefs_errors )
    free( tmp );


    exit_status = 48;

    if( update_mode != CONSOLE )
#if defined( HAVE_DIALOG )
      info_pkg_box( "Update:", pkgname, pkgver, strprio( priority, 0 ),
                    "\n\\Z1Cannot increment package references in Setup Database.\\Zn\n", 5, 0, 0 );
      fprintf( stdout, "\nCannot increment '%s-%s' package references in Setup Database.\n\n", pkgname, pkgver );
      fprintf( stdout, "\nCannot increment '%s-%s' package references in Setup Database.\n\n", pkgname, pkgver );

    if( tmpdir ) { _rm_tmpdir( (const char *)tmpdir ); free( tmpdir ); }
    exit( exit_status );

    Remove backup PKGLOG file from removed-packages
    directory if exists:
  bzero( (void *)tmp, PATH_MAX );
    const char *fname = basename( (char *)pkglog_fname );

    if( group )
      (void)sprintf( &tmp[0], "%s/%s/%s", rempkgs_path, group, fname );
      (void)sprintf( &tmp[0], "%s/%s", rempkgs_path, fname );

    (void)unlink( (const char *)&tmp[0] );

    if( group )
      const char *dir = (const char *)dirname( (char *)&tmp[0] );
      if( is_dir_empty( dir ) )
        (void)rmdir( dir );

  free( tmp );

#if defined( HAVE_GPG2 )
static void verify_gpg_signature( void )
  struct stat st;
  pid_t  p = (pid_t) -1;
  int    rc;

  int   len = 0;
  char *cmd = NULL;

  bzero( (void *)&st, sizeof( struct stat ) );

    Do not try to verify signature if '.asc' file is not accessible:
  if( stat( (const char *)asc_fname, &st ) == -1 ) return;

  cmd = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
  if( !cmd ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
  bzero( (void *)cmd, PATH_MAX );

  len = snprintf( &cmd[0], PATH_MAX,
                  "gpg2 --verify %s %s > /dev/null 2>&1",
                  asc_fname, pkg_fname );
  if( len == 0 || len == PATH_MAX - 1 )
    FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot verify GPG2 signature of '%s-%s' package", pkgname, pkgver );
  p = sys_exec_command( cmd );
  rc = sys_wait_command( p, (char *)NULL, PATH_MAX );

  free( cmd );

  if( rc != 0 )
    exit_status = 51;

    if( update_mode != CONSOLE )
#if defined( HAVE_DIALOG )
      info_pkg_box( "Update:", pkgname, pkgver, strprio( priority, 0 ),
                    "\n\\Z1Cannot verify GPG2 signature of the package.\\Zn\n", 5, 0, 0 );
      fprintf( stdout, "\nGPG2 signature verification of '%s-%s' package returned error status.\n\n", pkgname, pkgver );
      fprintf( stdout, "\nGPG2 signature verification of '%s-%s' package returned error status.\n\n", pkgname, pkgver );

    if( tmpdir ) { _rm_tmpdir( (const char *)tmpdir ); free( tmpdir ); }
    exit( exit_status );

static void dialogrc( void )
  struct stat st;
  char  *tmp = NULL;

  tmp = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
  if( !tmp ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
  bzero( (void *)tmp, PATH_MAX );

  /* imagine that the utility is in /sbin directory: */
  (void)sprintf( &tmp[0], "%s/../usr/share/%s/.dialogrc", selfdir, PACKAGE_NAME );
  if( stat( (const char *)&tmp[0], &st ) == -1 )
    /* finaly assume that /usr/sbin is a sbindir: */
    (void)sprintf( &tmp[0], "%s/../../usr/share/%s/.dialogrc", selfdir, PACKAGE_NAME );

  setenv( "DIALOGRC", (const char *)&tmp[0], 1 );

  free( tmp );

static char *get_curdir( void )
  char *cwd = NULL;

  cwd = (char *)malloc( PATH_MAX );
  if( !cwd ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
  bzero( (void *)cwd, PATH_MAX );

  if( getcwd( cwd, (size_t)PATH_MAX ) != NULL )
    char *p = NULL;
    remove_trailing_slash( cwd );
    p = xstrdup( (const char *)cwd );
    free( cwd );
    return p;
    FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot get absolute path to current directory" );

  return (char *)NULL;

  Get directory where this program is placed:
char *get_selfdir( void )
  char    *buf = NULL;
  ssize_t  len;

  buf = (char *)malloc( PATH_MAX );
  if( !buf )
    FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" );

  bzero( (void *)buf, PATH_MAX );
  len = readlink( "/proc/self/exe", buf, (size_t)PATH_MAX );
  if( len > 0 && len < PATH_MAX )
    char *p = xstrdup( (const char *)dirname( buf ) );
    free( buf );
    return p;
  FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot determine self directory. Please mount /proc filesystem" );

void set_stack_size( void )
  const rlim_t   stack_size = 16 * 1024 * 1024; /* min stack size = 16 MB */
  struct rlimit  rl;
  int ret;

  ret = getrlimit( RLIMIT_STACK, &rl );
  if( ret == 0 )
    if( rl.rlim_cur < stack_size )
      rl.rlim_cur = stack_size;
      ret = setrlimit( RLIMIT_STACK, &rl );
      if( ret != 0 )
        fprintf(stderr, "setrlimit returned result = %d\n", ret);
        FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot set stack size" );

int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
  gid_t  gid;


  gid = getgid();
  setgroups( 1, &gid );

  fatal_error_hook = fatal_error_actions;

  selfdir = get_selfdir();
  curdir  = get_curdir();

  errlog = stderr;

  program = basename( argv[0] );
  get_args( argc, argv );

  /* set_stack_size(); */

  tmpdir = _mk_tmpdir();
  if( !tmpdir )
    FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot create temporary directory" );

    int status = 0;

      Fill pkginfo data and put or replace pkglog into tmpdir:
    status = check_installed_package();

    read_filelist( (void *)&rdirs, (void *)&rfiles, (const char *)rtmpdir );
    read_restorelinks( (void *)&rlinks, (const char *)rtmpdir );
    read_description( (const char *)rtmpdir, 0 );
    if( status == 0 )
      int integrity = check_installed_pkg_integrity();
      if( integrity ) /* not depends on --always-ask option */
        /* same version of requested package is already installed and correct: */
        if( ask_for_reinstall() )
          /* Terminate update procedure with success return code: */
          if( tmpdir ) { _rm_tmpdir( (const char *)tmpdir ); free( tmpdir ); }
          exit( exit_status );

    Getting Service Files, reading pkginfo, preserving pkglog:

  if( rqck ) check_requires();
#if defined( HAVE_GPG2 )
  if( gpgck ) verify_gpg_signature();

  read_filelist( (void *)&dirs, (void *)&files, (const char *)tmpdir );
  read_restorelinks( (void *)&links, (const char *)tmpdir );

  read_description( (const char *)tmpdir, 1 );

  if( ask_for_update() )
    /* Terminate update: */
    if( tmpdir ) { _rm_tmpdir( (const char *)tmpdir ); free( tmpdir ); }
    exit( exit_status );




  fprintf( stdout, "\033[3A" ); /* move cursor up 3 lines */

  if( (update_mode != CONSOLE) && (update_mode == MENUDIALOG) )
#if defined( HAVE_DIALOG )
    info_pkg_box( "Update:", pkgname, pkgver, strprio( priority, 0 ),
                  "\nPackage has been updated.\n", 5, 0, 0 );
    fprintf( stdout, "\nPackage '%s-%s' has been updated.\n\n", pkgname, pkgver );
    if( (update_mode != INFODIALOG) )
      fprintf( stdout, "\nPackage '%s-%s' has been updated.\n\n", pkgname, pkgver );

  setup_log( "Package '%s-%s' has been updated", pkgname, pkgver );

  if( tmpdir ) { _rm_tmpdir( (const char *)tmpdir ); free( tmpdir ); }

  exit( exit_status );