Radix cross Linux Package Tools

Package Tools – is a set of utilities to create, install, and update RcL packages

8 Commits   0 Branches   2 Tags


  Copyright 2019 Andrey V.Kosteltsev

  Licensed under the Radix.pro License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
  you may not use this file  except  in compliance with the License.
  You may obtain a copy of the License at


  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,


#include <config.h>

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <linux/limits.h>
#include <libgen.h>   /* basename(3) */
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>

#include <msglog.h>
#include <wrapper.h>

#include <make-pkglist.h>

#include <cmpvers.h>
#include <dlist.h>
#include <btree.h>
#include <jsmin.h>
#include <pkglist.h>

char *htmlroot = NULL;
char *hardware = NULL;
int   minimize = 0;

struct dlist *srcpkgs  = NULL;

struct dlist *packages = NULL;
struct dlist *tarballs = NULL;

struct dlist *provides = NULL;
struct dlist *extern_requires = NULL;

static struct dlist *tree = NULL;

static char *pkgs_fname = NULL,
            *tree_fname = NULL,
            *html_fname = NULL;

static char *pkgs_min_fname = NULL,
            *tree_min_fname = NULL;

static const char *tarball_suffix = "txz";

  tarballs List functions:

    TARBALLS  is an optional list  created in case when we have
    a set of PACKAGES as input of make-pkglist utility. When we
    are working with a set of input PKGLOGs the  TARBALLS  list
    is not chreated and pointer to the tarballs == NULL.
void add_tarball( char *tarball )
  tarballs = dlist_append( tarballs, (void *)xstrdup( (const char *)tarball ) );

static void __free_tarball( void *data, void *user_data )
  if( data ) { free( data ); }

void free_tarballs( void )
  if( tarballs ) { dlist_free( tarballs, __free_tarball ); tarballs = NULL; }

static int __compare_tarballs( const void *a, const void *b )
  return strncmp( (const char *)a, (const char *)b, (size_t)strlen((const char *)b) );

const char *find_tarball( const char *name )
  struct dlist *node = NULL;

  if( !tarballs || !name ) return NULL;

  node = dlist_find_data( tarballs, __compare_tarballs, (const void *)name );
  if( node )
    return (const char *)node->data;

  return NULL;

  Just for debugging:
static void __print_tarball( void *data, void *user_data )
  int *counter = (int *)user_data;

  if( counter ) { fprintf( stdout, "tarball[%.5d]: %s\n", *counter, (char *)data ); ++(*counter); }
  else          { fprintf( stdout, "tarball: %s\n", (char *)data ); }

void print_tarballs( void )
  int cnt = 0;
  if( tarballs ) { dlist_foreach( tarballs, __print_tarball, (void *)&cnt ); }
  End of tarballs List functions.

char *strprio( enum _priority priority, int short_name )
  char *p = NULL;

  switch( priority )
    case REQUIRED:
      p = ( short_name ) ? "REQ" : "REQUIRED";
      p = ( short_name ) ? "REC" : "RECOMMENDED";
    case OPTIONAL:
      p = ( short_name ) ? "OPT" : "OPTIONAL";
    case SKIP:
      p = ( short_name ) ? "SKP" : "SKIP";
  return p;

char *strproc( enum _procedure procedure )
  char *p = NULL;

  switch( procedure )
    case INSTALL:
      p = "install";
    case UPDATE:
      p = "update";
  return p;

  PACKAGE functions:

struct pkg *pkg_alloc( void )
  struct pkg *pkg = NULL;

  pkg = (struct pkg *)malloc( sizeof( struct pkg ) );
  if( !pkg ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
  bzero( (void *)pkg, sizeof( struct pkg ) );

  return pkg;

void pkg_free( struct pkg *pkg )
  if( pkg )
    if( pkg->group )   { free( pkg->group );   pkg->group   = NULL; }
    if( pkg->name )    { free( pkg->name );    pkg->name    = NULL; }
    if( pkg->version ) { free( pkg->version ); pkg->version = NULL; }

    free( pkg );

static void __pkg_free_func( void *data, void *user_data )
  struct pkg *pkg = (struct pkg *)data;
  if( pkg ) { pkg_free( pkg ); }

void free_srcpkgs( void )
  if( srcpkgs ) { dlist_free( srcpkgs, __pkg_free_func ); srcpkgs = NULL; }

void add_srcpkg( struct pkg *pkg )
  srcpkgs = dlist_append( srcpkgs, (void *)pkg );

static struct pkginfo *__pkginfo_alloc( void )
  struct pkginfo *pkginfo = NULL;

  pkginfo = (struct pkginfo *)malloc( sizeof( struct pkginfo ) );
  if( !pkginfo ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
  bzero( (void *)pkginfo, sizeof( struct pkginfo ) );

  return pkginfo;

static void __pkginfo_free( struct pkginfo *pkginfo )
  if( pkginfo )
    if( pkginfo->name )              { free( pkginfo->name );              pkginfo->name              = NULL; }
    if( pkginfo->version )           { free( pkginfo->version );           pkginfo->version           = NULL; }
    if( pkginfo->arch )              { free( pkginfo->arch );              pkginfo->arch              = NULL; }
    if( pkginfo->distro_name )       { free( pkginfo->distro_name );       pkginfo->distro_name       = NULL; }
    if( pkginfo->distro_version )    { free( pkginfo->distro_version );    pkginfo->distro_version    = NULL; }
    if( pkginfo->group )             { free( pkginfo->group );             pkginfo->group             = NULL; }
    if( pkginfo->short_description ) { free( pkginfo->short_description ); pkginfo->short_description = NULL; }
    if( pkginfo->url )               { free( pkginfo->url );               pkginfo->url               = NULL; }
    if( pkginfo->license )           { free( pkginfo->license );           pkginfo->license           = NULL; }

    free( pkginfo );

static struct references *__references_alloc( void )
  struct references *references = NULL;

  references = (struct references *)malloc( sizeof( struct references ) );
  if( !references ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
  bzero( (void *)references, sizeof( struct references ) );

  return references;

static void __references_free( struct references *references )
  if( references )
    if( references->list ) { dlist_free( references->list, __pkg_free_func ); references->list = NULL; }
    free( references );

static struct requires *__requires_alloc( void )
  struct requires *requires = NULL;

  requires = (struct requires *)malloc( sizeof( struct requires ) );
  if( !requires ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
  bzero( (void *)requires, sizeof( struct requires ) );

  return requires;

static void __requires_free( struct requires *requires )
  if( requires )
    if( requires->list ) { dlist_free( requires->list, __pkg_free_func ); requires->list = NULL; }
    free( requires );

static struct files *__files_alloc( void )
  struct files *files = NULL;

  files = (struct files *)malloc( sizeof( struct files ) );
  if( !files ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
  bzero( (void *)files, sizeof( struct files ) );

  return files;

static void __files_free_func( void *data, void *user_data )
  if( data ) { free( data ); }

static void __files_free( struct files *files )
  if( files )
    if( files->list ) { dlist_free( files->list, __files_free_func ); files->list = NULL; }
    free( files );

struct package *package_alloc( void )
  struct package    *package    = NULL;
  struct pkginfo    *pkginfo    = __pkginfo_alloc();
  struct references *references = __references_alloc();
  struct requires   *requires   = __requires_alloc();
  struct files      *files      = __files_alloc();

  package = (struct package *)malloc( sizeof( struct package ) );
  if( !package ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
  bzero( (void *)package, sizeof( struct package ) );

  package->pkginfo    = pkginfo;
  package->references = references;
  package->requires   = requires;
  package->files      = files;

  return package;

void package_free( struct package *package )
  if( package )
    if( package->pkginfo )    {    __pkginfo_free( package->pkginfo );    package->pkginfo    = NULL; }
    if( package->references ) { __references_free( package->references ); package->references = NULL; }
    if( package->requires )   {   __requires_free( package->requires );   package->requires   = NULL; }
    if( package->files )      {      __files_free( package->files );      package->files      = NULL; }

    if( package->description )    { free( package->description );     package->description    = NULL; }
    if( package->restore_links )  { free( package->restore_links );   package->restore_links  = NULL; }
    if( package->install_script ) { free( package->install_script );  package->install_script = NULL; }
    if( package->hardware )       { free( package->hardware );        package->hardware       = NULL; }
    if( package->tarball )        { free( package->tarball );         package->tarball        = NULL; }

    free( package );

static void __package_free_func( void *data, void *user_data )
  struct package *package = (struct package *)data;
  if( package ) { package_free( package ); }

void free_packages( void )
  if( packages ) { dlist_free( packages, __package_free_func ); packages = NULL; }

static int __compare_packages( const void *a, const void *b )
  int  ret = -1;

  struct package *pkg1 = (struct package *)a;
  struct package *pkg2 = (struct package *)b;

  if( pkg1->pkginfo->group && pkg2->pkginfo->group )
    ret = strcmp( pkg1->pkginfo->group, pkg2->pkginfo->group );
  else if( !pkg1->pkginfo->group && !pkg2->pkginfo->group )
    ret = 0;
  else if( pkg1->pkginfo->group )
    ret = 1;

  if( ! ret )
    return strcmp( pkg1->pkginfo->name, pkg2->pkginfo->name );
  return ret;

static int __compare_packages_with_version( const void *a, const void *b )
  int  ret = -1;

  struct package *pkg1 = (struct package *)a;
  struct package *pkg2 = (struct package *)b;

  if( pkg1->pkginfo->group && pkg2->pkginfo->group )
    ret = strcmp( pkg1->pkginfo->group, pkg2->pkginfo->group );
  else if( !pkg1->pkginfo->group && !pkg2->pkginfo->group )
    ret = 0;
  else if( pkg1->pkginfo->group )
    ret = 1;

  if( ! ret )
    ret = strcmp( pkg1->pkginfo->name, pkg2->pkginfo->name );
    if( ! ret )
      return cmp_version( (const char *)pkg1->pkginfo->version, (const char *)pkg2->pkginfo->version );
  return ret;

void add_package( struct package *package )
  packages = dlist_append( packages, (void *)package );

void add_reference( struct package *package, struct pkg *pkg )
  if( package && package->references && pkg )
    package->references->list = dlist_append( package->references->list, (void *)pkg );
    package->references->size = dlist_length( package->references->list );

void add_required( struct package *package, struct pkg *pkg )
  if( package && package->requires && pkg )
    package->requires->list = dlist_append( package->requires->list, (void *)pkg );
    package->requires->size = dlist_length( package->requires->list );

void add_file( struct package *package, const char *fname )
  if( package && package->files && fname )
    package->files->list = dlist_append( package->files->list, (void *)xstrdup( (const char *)fname ) );
    package->files->size = dlist_length( package->files->list );

  Just for debugging:
static void __print_reference( void *data, void *user_data )
  struct pkg *pkg = (struct pkg *)data;

  if( pkg )
    if( pkg->group ) { fprintf( stdout, "reference: %s/%s=%s\n", pkg->group, pkg->name, pkg->version ); }
    else             { fprintf( stdout, "reference: %s=%s\n",                pkg->name, pkg->version ); }

void package_print_references( struct package *package )
  if( !package ) return;

  if( package->references->list )
    dlist_foreach( package->references->list, __print_reference, NULL );

static void __print_required( void *data, void *user_data )
  struct pkg *pkg = (struct pkg *)data;

  if( pkg )
    if( pkg->group ) { fprintf( stdout, "required: %s/%s=%s\n", pkg->group, pkg->name, pkg->version ); }
    else             { fprintf( stdout, "required: %s=%s\n",                pkg->name, pkg->version ); }

void package_print_requires( struct package *package )
  if( !package ) return;

  if( package->requires->list )
    dlist_foreach( package->requires->list, __print_required, NULL );

static void __print_file( void *data, void *user_data )
  int *counter = (int *)user_data;

  if( counter ) { fprintf( stdout, "file[%.5d]: %s\n", *counter, (char *)data ); ++(*counter); }
  else          { fprintf( stdout, "file: %s\n", (char *)data ); }

void package_print_files( struct package *package )
  int cnt = 0;

  if( !package ) return;

  if( package->files->list )
    dlist_foreach( package->files->list, __print_file, (void *)&cnt );

  End of PACKAGES functions.

  Extern REQUIRES list functions:

static int __compare_required( const void *a, const void *b )
  int  ret = -1;

  struct pkg *pkg1 = (struct pkg *)a;
  struct pkg *pkg2 = (struct pkg *)b;

  if( pkg1->group && pkg2->group )
    ret = strcmp( pkg1->group, pkg2->group );
  else if( !pkg1->group && !pkg2->group )
    ret = 0;
  else if( pkg1->group )
    ret = 1;

  if( ! ret )
    return strcmp( pkg1->name, pkg2->name );
  return ret;

static int __compare_required_with_version( const void *a, const void *b )
  int  ret = -1;

  struct pkg *pkg1 = (struct pkg *)a;
  struct pkg *pkg2 = (struct pkg *)b;

  if( pkg1->group && pkg2->group )
    ret = strcmp( pkg1->group, pkg2->group );
  else if( !pkg1->group && !pkg2->group )
    ret = 0;
  else if( pkg1->group )
    ret = 1;

  if( ! ret )
    ret = strcmp( pkg1->name, pkg2->name );
    if( ! ret )
      return cmp_version( (const char *)pkg1->version, (const char *)pkg2->version );
  return ret;

static void __add_unique_required( void *data, void *user_data )
  struct pkg *pkg = (struct pkg *)data;

  if( pkg )
    struct dlist *found = dlist_find_data( extern_requires, __compare_required, (const void *)data );

    if( found )
      if( cmp_version( (const char *)((struct pkg *)found->data)->version, (const char *)pkg->version ) )
        char *s = ((struct pkg *)found->data)->version;
        ((struct pkg *)found->data)->version =
           xstrdup( (const char *)max_version( (const char *)((struct pkg *)found->data)->version,
                                               (const char *)pkg->version ) );
        free( s );
      struct pkg *req = pkg_alloc();
      if( req )
        if( pkg->group )
          req->group = xstrdup( (const char *)pkg->group   );
        req->name    = xstrdup( (const char *)pkg->name    );
        req->version = xstrdup( (const char *)pkg->version );

        extern_requires = dlist_append( extern_requires, (void *)req );

static void __fill_extern_requires( void *data, void *user_data )
  struct package *package = (struct package *)data;

  if( package )
    struct pkg *provide = pkg_alloc();

    if( provide )
      if( package->pkginfo->group )
        provide->group = xstrdup( (const char *)package->pkginfo->group   );
      provide->name    = xstrdup( (const char *)package->pkginfo->name    );
      provide->version = xstrdup( (const char *)package->pkginfo->version );

      provides = dlist_append( provides, (void *)provide );

    if( package->requires->list )
      dlist_foreach( package->requires->list, __add_unique_required, NULL );

static void __clean_extern_requires( void *data, void *user_data )
  if( data )
    extern_requires = dlist_remove_data( extern_requires, __compare_required_with_version, __pkg_free_func, (const void *)data );

static int __compare_provided_old_package( const void *a, const void *b )
  int  ret = -1;

  struct package *pkg1 = (struct package *)a;
  struct     pkg *pkg2 = (struct     pkg *)b;

  if( pkg1->pkginfo->group && pkg2->group )
    ret = strcmp( pkg1->pkginfo->group, pkg2->group );
  else if( !pkg1->pkginfo->group && !pkg2->group )
    ret = 0;
  else if( pkg1->pkginfo->group )
    ret = 1;

  if( ! ret )
    ret = strcmp( pkg1->pkginfo->name, pkg2->name );
    if( ! ret )
      pkg2->procedure = UPDATE; /* mark as too old */
      return ret;
  return ret;

static void __remove_old_package( void *data, void *user_data )
  packages = dlist_remove_data( packages, __compare_provided_old_package, __package_free_func, (const void *)data );

static void remove_old_packages( void )
  dlist_foreach( extern_requires, __remove_old_package, NULL );
  End of Extern REQUIRES list functions.

  Check REQUIRES functions:
static int __compare_provided( const void *a, const void *b )
  int  ret = -1;

  struct package *pkg1 = (struct package *)a;
  struct     pkg *pkg2 = (struct     pkg *)b;

  if( pkg1->pkginfo->group && pkg2->group )
    ret = strcmp( pkg1->pkginfo->group, pkg2->group );
  else if( !pkg1->pkginfo->group && !pkg2->group )
    ret = 0;
  else if( pkg1->pkginfo->group )
    ret = 1;

  if( ! ret )
    return strcmp( pkg1->pkginfo->name, pkg2->name );
  return ret;

static int __compare_packages_by_name( const void *a, const void *b )
  int  ret = -1;

  struct package *pkg1 = (struct package *)a;
  struct package *pkg2 = (struct package *)b;

  if( !strcmp( pkg1->pkginfo->name, pkg2->pkginfo->name ) )
    if( pkg1->pkginfo->group && pkg2->pkginfo->group )
      ret = strcmp( pkg1->pkginfo->group, pkg2->pkginfo->group );
    else if( !pkg1->pkginfo->group && !pkg2->pkginfo->group )
      ret = 0;
    else if( pkg1->pkginfo->group )
      ret = 1;

    /* returns equal only if groups are not equal */
    if( ret ) return 0;

  return ret;

static int check_dependencies( struct package *package )
  struct dlist *list = NULL, *next = NULL, *update = NULL;
  int    depended    = -1;

  if( !package ) return depended;
  depended = 0;

  if( !(list = package->requires->list) ) return depended;

  while( list )
    next = dlist_next( list );
      int has_extern_dependencies = 0, already_provided = 0;

      struct pkg   *pkg   = (struct pkg *)list->data;
      struct dlist *found = dlist_find_data( extern_requires, __compare_required, (const void *)pkg );

      if( found )
        if( cmp_version( (const char *)((struct pkg *)found->data)->version, (const char *)pkg->version ) >= 0 )
          /* required package is found in the extern_requires list */
          has_extern_dependencies += 1;

      found = dlist_find_data( provides, __compare_provided, (const void *)pkg );
      if( found )
        if( cmp_version( (const char *)((struct package *)found->data)->pkginfo->version, (const char *)pkg->version ) >= 0 )
          /* required package is found in the extern_requires list */
          already_provided += 1;

      if( !already_provided && !has_extern_dependencies ) depended += 1;
    list = next;

  /* Check if the package with the same name already exists in the provides list */
  update = dlist_find_data( provides, __compare_packages_by_name, (const void *)package );
  if( update )
    /* Set install procedure to UPDATE: */
    package->procedure = UPDATE;

  return depended;
  End of Check REQUIRES functions.

static void __fill_provides_list( void *data, void *user_data )
  struct package *package = (struct package *)data;

  if( package )
    if( !check_dependencies( package ) )
      /* move independed package to the provides list */
      packages = dlist_remove( packages, (const void *)data );
      provides = dlist_append( provides, (void *)package );

static void __print_extern_package( void *data, void *user_data )
  FILE *output = (FILE *)user_data;
  struct pkg *pkg = (struct pkg *)data;

  if( pkg )
    if( pkg->group ) { fprintf( output, "# required: %s/%s=%s\n", pkg->group, pkg->name, pkg->version ); }
    else             { fprintf( output, "# required: %s=%s\n",                pkg->name, pkg->version ); }

static void __print_provided_package( void *data, void *user_data )
  FILE *output = (FILE *)user_data;
  struct package *package = (struct package *)data;

  if( package )
    fprintf( output, "%s:",  package->pkginfo->name );
    fprintf( output, "%s:",  package->pkginfo->version );
    fprintf( output, "%s:",  package->pkginfo->short_description );
    if( package->tarball )
      fprintf( output, "%s:",  package->tarball );
      if( package->pkginfo->group ) fprintf( output, "%s/", package->pkginfo->group );

      fprintf( output, "%s-", package->pkginfo->name );
      fprintf( output, "%s-", package->pkginfo->version );
      fprintf( output, "%s-", package->pkginfo->arch );
      fprintf( output, "%s-", package->pkginfo->distro_name );
      fprintf( output, "%s.", package->pkginfo->distro_version );
      fprintf( output, "%s:", tarball_suffix ); /* default is '.txz' */
    fprintf( output, "%s:",  strproc( package->procedure ) );
    fprintf( output, "%s\n", strprio( package->priority, 0 ) );

static void __reduce_packages_list( struct pkg *pkg )
  struct package *package = NULL;
  struct dlist   *found   = NULL;

  if( !pkg ) return;

  found = dlist_find_data( packages, __compare_provided, (const void *)pkg );
  if( found && found->data )
    struct dlist *list = NULL, *next = NULL;

    package = (struct package *)found->data;

    packages = dlist_remove( packages, (const void *)package );
    provides = dlist_append( provides, (void *)package );

    if( !(list = package->requires->list) ) return;

    while( list )
      next = dlist_next( list );
        __reduce_packages_list( (struct pkg *)list->data );
      list = next;

static void __reduce_packages_list_single( void *data, void *user_data )
  struct pkg *pkg = (struct pkg *)data;

  if( pkg ) { __reduce_packages_list( pkg ); }

static void reduce_packages_list( struct dlist *srcpkgs )
  if( ! srcpkgs ) return;

  dlist_foreach( srcpkgs, __reduce_packages_list_single, NULL );

  dlist_free( packages, __package_free_func );
  if( dlist_length( provides ) != 0 )
    packages = provides;
    provides = NULL;

int create_provides_list( struct dlist *srcpkgs )
  int ret = 0;

  if( !packages ) return ret;

  if( srcpkgs && dlist_length( srcpkgs ) > 0 )
      Reduce packages list to the list of requires of source packages:
    reduce_packages_list( srcpkgs );

  /* Fill two lists: provides and extern_requires: */
  dlist_foreach( packages, __fill_extern_requires, NULL );

  /* Remove packages from extern_requires list which present in the provides list: */
  dlist_foreach( provides, __clean_extern_requires, NULL );

  /* Now we don't need previous contents of provides list: */
  dlist_free( provides, __pkg_free_func );
  provides = NULL;

  /* Remove old packages if required new version of them */

  /* move packages into provides list in order of installation: */
  while( dlist_length( packages ) != 0 )
    dlist_foreach( packages, __fill_provides_list, NULL );

  return dlist_length( extern_requires );

void free_provides_list( void )
  if( htmlroot ) { free( htmlroot ); htmlroot = NULL; }
  if( hardware ) { free( hardware ); hardware = NULL; }

  dlist_free( extern_requires, __pkg_free_func );
  dlist_free( provides, __package_free_func );

void print_provides_list( const char *plist_fname )
  FILE *plist = NULL;

  if( !plist_fname || !provides ) return;

  plist = fopen( plist_fname, "w" );
  if( !plist )
    FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot create output %s file", basename( (char *)plist_fname ) );

  fprintf( plist, "#\n" );
  fprintf( plist, "# file format:\n" );
  fprintf( plist, "# ===========\n" );
  fprintf( plist, "#\n" );
  fprintf( plist, "# Each line contains six fields separated by colon symbol ':' like following.\n" );
  fprintf( plist, "#\n" );
  fprintf( plist, "# pkgname:version:description:tarball:procedure:priority\n" );
  fprintf( plist, "#\n" );
  fprintf( plist, "# where:\n" );
  fprintf( plist, "#\n" );
  fprintf( plist, "#   pkgname     - should be the same as the value of pkgname  in the '.DESCRIPTION' file;\n" );
  fprintf( plist, "#   version     - package version for showing in check list  dialog box  if this file is\n" );
  fprintf( plist, "#                 used to complete common check dialog for installing group  of packages;\n" );
  fprintf( plist, "#   description - short description for showing in check list dialog box if this file is\n" );
  fprintf( plist, "#                 used to complete common check dialog for installing  group of packages;\n" );
  fprintf( plist, "#   tarball     - should end in '.txz';\n" );
  fprintf( plist, "#   procedure   - installation procedure {install | update}:\n" );
  fprintf( plist, "#                  * 'install' - if package requires normal installation,\n" );
  fprintf( plist, "#                  * 'update'  - if already installed package should be updated by this\n" );
  fprintf( plist, "#                                package archive;\n" );
  fprintf( plist, "#   priority    - { REQUIRED|RECOMMENDED|OPTIONAL|SKIP }\n" );
  fprintf( plist, "#                  synonims:\n" );
  fprintf( plist, "#                    { REQUIRED    | required    | REQ | req }\n" );
  fprintf( plist, "#                    { RECOMMENDED | recommended | REC | rec }\n" );
  fprintf( plist, "#                    { OPTIONAL    | optional    | OPT | opt }\n" );
  fprintf( plist, "#                    { SKIP        | skip        | SKP | skp }\n" );
  fprintf( plist, "#\n" );

  if( extern_requires )
    dlist_foreach( extern_requires, __print_extern_package, plist );
    fprintf( plist, "#\n" );
  dlist_foreach( provides, __print_provided_package, plist );

  fflush( plist );
  fclose( plist );

  Requires TREE functions:

struct _ctx
  FILE *output;
  int   index, size, depth;

  HTML Template Variables:
static char *root       = NULL;
static char *bug_url    = NULL;

static int   svg_width  = 2;
static int   svg_height = 2;

static char *json_pkgs_file = NULL;
static char *json_tree_file = NULL;

static char *copying = "Radix cross Linux";

#define max(a,b) ({ typeof (a) _a = (a); typeof (b) _b = (b); _a > _b ? _a : _b; })

  формирование имен файлов для вывода REQUIRES tree:

   json_fname              | last argument of make-pkglist | last argument type
   './a.txt'               | a.txt                         | regular file
   './a.json'              | a.json                        | regular file
   './.json'               | .json                         | regular file
   './khadas-vim.json'     | .                             | directory
   './tmp/khadas-vim.json' | tmp                           | directory

   - если есть основное базовое имя файла и расширение,  то расширение
     заменяем на: '.pkgs.json', '.tree.json', '.tree.html';

   - если есть основное базовое имя файла без расширения, то добавляем
     расширение: '.pkgs.json', '.tree.json', '.tree.html';

   - если основное базовое имя файла начинается с точки, то расширение
     заменяем на: 'pkgs.json', 'tree.json', 'tree.html'.
static void allocate_fnames( const char *json_fname )
  char *p, *e, *f = NULL;
  char *buf = NULL;

  buf = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
  if( !buf ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
  bzero( (void *)buf, PATH_MAX );

  (void)sprintf( &buf[0], "%s", json_fname );
  p = rindex( (const char *)&buf[0], '/' );
  if( p )
    if( p != &buf[0] ) f = ++p;
    else               f = &buf[0];
  e = rindex( (const char *)f, '.' );
  if( e )
    if( e != f )
      (void)sprintf( e, ".pkgs.json" ); pkgs_fname = xstrdup( (const char *)&buf[0] );
      (void)sprintf( e, ".tree.json" ); tree_fname = xstrdup( (const char *)&buf[0] );
      (void)sprintf( e, ".tree.html" ); html_fname = xstrdup( (const char *)&buf[0] );

      (void)sprintf( e, ".pkgs.min.json" ); pkgs_min_fname = xstrdup( (const char *)&buf[0] );
      (void)sprintf( e, ".tree.min.json" ); tree_min_fname = xstrdup( (const char *)&buf[0] );
      (void)sprintf( e, "pkgs.json" ); pkgs_fname = xstrdup( (const char *)&buf[0] );
      (void)sprintf( e, "tree.json" ); tree_fname = xstrdup( (const char *)&buf[0] );
      (void)sprintf( e, "tree.html" ); html_fname = xstrdup( (const char *)&buf[0] );

      (void)sprintf( e, "pkgs.min.json" ); pkgs_min_fname = xstrdup( (const char *)&buf[0] );
      (void)sprintf( e, "tree.min.json" ); tree_min_fname = xstrdup( (const char *)&buf[0] );
    e = f + strlen( f );

    (void)sprintf( e, ".pkgs.json" ); pkgs_fname = xstrdup( (const char *)&buf[0] );
    (void)sprintf( e, ".tree.json" ); tree_fname = xstrdup( (const char *)&buf[0] );
    (void)sprintf( e, ".tree.html" ); html_fname = xstrdup( (const char *)&buf[0] );

    (void)sprintf( e, ".pkgs.min.json" ); pkgs_min_fname = xstrdup( (const char *)&buf[0] );
    (void)sprintf( e, ".tree.min.json" ); tree_min_fname = xstrdup( (const char *)&buf[0] );

  if( minimize )
    json_pkgs_file = xstrdup( (const char *)basename( pkgs_min_fname ) );
    json_tree_file = xstrdup( (const char *)basename( tree_min_fname ) );
    json_pkgs_file = xstrdup( (const char *)basename( pkgs_fname ) );
    json_tree_file = xstrdup( (const char *)basename( tree_fname ) );

  free( buf );

    Returns package found in packages list coresponded to pkg.
static struct package *find_pkg( struct dlist *list, struct pkg *pkg )
  struct package *package = NULL;
  struct dlist   *found   = NULL;

  if( !pkg ) return package;

  found = dlist_find_data( list, __compare_provided, (const void *)pkg );
  if( found )
    return (struct package *)found->data;

  return package;

    Returns package found in packages list coresponded to package.
static struct package *find_package( struct dlist *list, struct package *pkg )
  struct package *package = NULL;
  struct dlist   *found   = NULL;

  if( !pkg ) return package;

  found = dlist_find_data( list, __compare_packages, (const void *)pkg );
  if( found )
    return (struct package *)found->data;

  return package;

static void __print_package_data( FILE *output, struct package *package )
  if( !output || !package ) return;

  /* "id": "net:bind-9.10.1", */
  if( package->pkginfo->group ) {
    fprintf( output, "  \"id\": \"%s:%s-%s\",\n", package->pkginfo->group,
                                                  package->pkginfo->version );
  } else {
    fprintf( output, "  \"id\": \"%s-%s\",\n", package->pkginfo->name,
                                               package->pkginfo->version );
  /* "name": "bind", */
  fprintf( output, "  \"name\": \"%s\",\n", package->pkginfo->name );
  /* "version": "9.10.1", */
  fprintf( output, "  \"version\": \"%s\",\n", package->pkginfo->version );
  /* "group": "net", */
  if( package->pkginfo->group ) {
    fprintf( output, "  \"group\": \"%s\",\n", package->pkginfo->group );
  } else {
    fprintf( output, "  \"group\": \"\",\n" );
  /* "arch": "omap543x-eglibc", */
  fprintf( output, "  \"arch\": \"%s\",\n", package->pkginfo->arch );
  /* "hardware": "omap5uevm", */
  fprintf( output, "  \"hardware\": \"%s\",\n", hardware );
  /* "license": "custom", */
  fprintf( output, "  \"license\": \"%s\",\n", package->pkginfo->license );
  /* "description": "bind 9.10.1 (DNS server and utilities)", */
  fprintf( output, "  \"description\": \"%s %s (%s)\",\n", package->pkginfo->name,
                                                           package->pkginfo->short_description );
  /* "uncompressed_size": "17M", */
  fprintf( output, "  \"uncompressed_size\": \"" );
  if( package->pkginfo->uncompressed_size > 1048576 ) {
    fprintf( output, "%ldG\",\n", package->pkginfo->uncompressed_size / 1048576 );
  } else if( package->pkginfo->uncompressed_size > 1024 ) {
    fprintf( output, "%ldM\",\n", package->pkginfo->uncompressed_size / 1024 );
  } else {
    fprintf( output, "%ldK\",\n", package->pkginfo->uncompressed_size );
  /* "total_files": "421" */
  fprintf( output, "  \"total_files\": \"%d\"\n", package->pkginfo->total_files );

static void __print_pkgs_node( void *data, void *user_data )
  struct package *package = (struct package *)data;
  struct _ctx    *ctx     = (struct _ctx *)user_data;

  if( !package || !ctx ) return;

  if( ctx->index != 0 )
    fprintf( ctx->output, " },\n {\n" );
  __print_package_data( ctx->output, package );

static void print_pkgs_json( FILE *output, struct dlist *list )
  struct _ctx ctx;

  if( !output ) return;

  bzero( (void *)&ctx, sizeof(struct _ctx) );

  ctx.output = output;
  ctx.index  = 0;

  fprintf( output, "[{\n" );

  dlist_foreach( list, __print_pkgs_node, (void *)&ctx );

  fprintf( output, " }]\n" );

static void __remove_required_package( void *data, void *user_data )
  struct package *package = NULL;
  struct pkg     *pkg = (struct pkg *)data;

  if( pkg )
    package = find_pkg( tree, pkg );
    if( package )
        if package reqired for some other package
        we have to remove it from tree list:
      tree = dlist_remove_data( tree, __compare_packages, NULL, (const void *)package );

static void __remove_required_packages( void *data, void *user_data )
  struct package *package = (struct package *)data;
  struct dlist   *list = NULL;

  if( !package ) return;

  if( !(list = package->requires->list) ) return;

  dlist_foreach( list, __remove_required_package, NULL );

static void remove_required_packages( struct dlist *list )
  dlist_foreach( list, __remove_required_packages, NULL );

static void __check_pkg_requires( void *data, void *user_data )
  struct pkg *pkg     = (struct pkg *)data;
  int        *counter = (int *)user_data;

  if( pkg )
    struct package *package = find_pkg( provides, pkg );
    if( package ) { ++(*counter); }

static int check_pkg_requires( struct dlist *list )
  int cnt = 0;
  dlist_foreach( list, __check_pkg_requires, (void *)&cnt );
  return cnt;

  Sort Requires Tree functions:

    Requires sorted in reverse installation order according to
    provides list.

static int __install_pkg_index( struct dlist *list, struct pkg *pkg )
  int index = -1;

  if( !pkg ) return index;

  if( list )
    struct package *package = find_pkg( list, pkg );

    index = dlist_index( list, package );

  return index;

static int __install_package_index( struct dlist *list, struct package *package )
  int index = -1;

  if( !package ) return index;

  if( list )
    index = dlist_index( list, package );

  return index;

static int __compare_pkg_order( const void *a, const void *b )
  int  ret = 0;
  int  ia = -1, ib = -1;

  ia = __install_pkg_index( provides, (struct pkg *)a );
  ib = __install_pkg_index( provides, (struct pkg *)b );

  if( ia < ib ) ret = -1;
  if( ia > ib ) ret =  1;

  return ret;

static int __compare_package_order( const void *a, const void *b )
  int  ret = 0;
  int  ia = -1, ib = -1;

  ia = __install_package_index( provides, (struct package *)a );
  ib = __install_package_index( provides, (struct package *)b );

  if( ia < ib ) ret = -1;
  if( ia > ib ) ret =  1;

  return ret;

static void __sort_requires( void *data, void *user_data )
  struct package *package = (struct package *)data;
  struct dlist   *reqs    = NULL;

  if( !package ) return;

  if( (reqs = package->requires->list) && check_pkg_requires( reqs ) > 0 )
    package->requires->list = reqs = dlist_sort( reqs, __compare_pkg_order );

static struct dlist *sort_requires_tree( struct dlist *list )
  int lenght = 0;

  if( !list ) return list;

  lenght = dlist_length( list );

  if( lenght > 1 )
    list = dlist_sort( list, __compare_package_order );

  return list;

static void sort_requires( struct dlist *list )
  int lenght = 0;

  if( !list ) return;

  dlist_foreach( list, __sort_requires, NULL );
  End of Sort Requires Tree functions:

  Binary Tree functions:
static struct dlist *pkgs  = NULL;
static struct btree *btree = NULL;

static struct pkg *duplicate_pkg( struct package *package )
  struct pkg *pkg = NULL;

  if( !package ) return pkg;

  pkg = pkg_alloc();
  pkg->name      = xstrdup( (const char *)package->pkginfo->name );
  pkg->group     = xstrdup( (const char *)package->pkginfo->group );
  pkg->version   = xstrdup( (const char *)package->pkginfo->version );
  pkg->procedure = package->procedure;

  return pkg;

static void __fill_pkgs_list( void *data, void *user_data )
  struct package *package = (struct package *)data;
  struct pkg     *pkg     = NULL;

  if( !package ) return;

  pkg  = duplicate_pkg( package );
  pkgs = dlist_append( pkgs, (void *)pkg );

     Creates pkgs list from provides list.
static void create_pkgs_list( struct dlist *list )
  if( !list ) return;

  dlist_foreach( list, __fill_pkgs_list, NULL );

static void free_pkgs_list()
  if( pkgs )
    dlist_free( pkgs, __pkg_free_func );
    pkgs = NULL;

static int __compare_pkg( const void *a, const void *b )
  int  ret = -1;

  struct pkg *pkg1 = (struct pkg *)a;
  struct pkg *pkg2 = (struct pkg *)b;

  if( pkg1->group && pkg2->group )
    ret = strcmp( pkg1->group, pkg2->group );
  else if( !pkg1->group && !pkg2->group )
    ret = 0;
  else if( pkg1->group )
    ret = 1;

  if( ! ret )
    return strcmp( pkg1->name, pkg2->name );
  return ret;

static struct pkg *__find_pkg( struct dlist *list, struct pkg *package )
  struct pkg   *pkg   = NULL;
  struct dlist *found = NULL;

  if( !package ) return pkg;

  found = dlist_find_data( list, __compare_pkg, (const void *)package );
  if( found )
    return (struct pkg *)found->data;

  return pkg;

static int __compare_pkg_with_package( const void *a, const void *b )
  int  ret = -1;

  struct     pkg *pkg1 = (struct     pkg *)a;
  struct package *pkg2 = (struct package *)b;

  if( pkg1->group && pkg2->pkginfo->group )
    ret = strcmp( pkg1->group, pkg2->pkginfo->group );
  else if( !pkg1->group && !pkg2->pkginfo->group )
    ret = 0;
  else if( pkg2->pkginfo->group )
    ret = 1;

  if( ! ret )
    return strcmp( pkg1->name, pkg2->pkginfo->name );
  return ret;

static struct pkg *__find_pkg_by_package( struct dlist *list, struct package *package )
  struct pkg   *pkg   = NULL;
  struct dlist *found = NULL;

  if( !package ) return pkg;

  found = dlist_find_data( list, __compare_pkg_with_package, (const void *)package );
  if( found )
    return (struct pkg *)found->data;

  return pkg;

static struct pkg *__find_pkg_by_pkg( struct dlist *list, struct pkg *package )
  struct pkg   *pkg   = NULL;
  struct dlist *found = NULL;

  if( !package ) return pkg;

  found = dlist_find_data( list, __compare_pkg, (const void *)package );
  if( found )
    return (struct pkg *)found->data;

  return pkg;

static void __btree_add_requires( struct btree *tree );

static struct btree *__btree_add_left( void *data, void *user_data )
  struct btree   *tree = (struct btree *)user_data;
  struct pkg     *left = (struct pkg *)data;
  struct pkg     *pkg  = NULL;
  struct btree   *node = NULL;

  if( !tree || !left ) return node;

  pkg = __find_pkg_by_pkg( pkgs, left );

  node = btree_insert_left( tree, __btree_alloc( (void *)pkg ) );
  __btree_add_requires( node );

  return node;

static void __btree_add_right( void *data, void *user_data )
  struct btree   *tree  = *((struct btree **)user_data);
  struct pkg     *right = (struct pkg *)data;
  struct pkg     *pkg  = NULL;
  struct btree   *node  = NULL;

  if( !tree || !right ) return;

  pkg = __find_pkg_by_pkg( pkgs, right );

  node = btree_insert_right( tree, __btree_alloc( (void *)pkg ) );
  __btree_add_requires( node );

  *((struct btree **)user_data) = node;

static void __btree_add_requires( struct btree *tree )
  struct package *package = NULL;

  if( !tree ) return;

  package = find_pkg( provides, (struct pkg *)tree->data );
  if( package )
    struct dlist *list = NULL;

    if( (list = package->requires->list) )
      struct pkg   *pkg  = NULL;
      struct btree *node = NULL;

      pkg = __find_pkg_by_pkg( pkgs, (struct pkg *)list->data );

      node = __btree_add_left( (void *)pkg, (void *)tree );

      if( dlist_length( list ) > 1 )
        dlist_foreach( list->next, __btree_add_right, (void *)&node );

static void __fill_btree( void *data, void *user_data )
  struct btree   *tree    = *((struct btree **)user_data);
  struct package *package = (struct package *)data;
  struct pkg     *pkg     = NULL;
  struct btree   *node    = NULL;

  if( !tree || !package ) return;

  pkg = __find_pkg_by_package( pkgs, package );

  node = btree_insert_right( tree, __btree_alloc( (void *)pkg ) );
  __btree_add_requires( node );

  *((struct btree **)user_data) = node;

    Print out package "group/name-version". Used for debuging only.
static void __print_btree_pkg( void *data, void *user_data )
  struct pkg *pkg = (struct pkg *)data;

  if( !pkg ) return;

  fprintf( stdout, "%s/%s-%s\n", pkg->group, pkg->name, pkg->version );

    Print out package in JSON format. Used by btree_print_json().
static void __print_btree_node( void *data, void *user_data )
  struct pkg   *pkg = (struct pkg *)data;
  struct _bctx *ctx = (struct _bctx *)user_data;

  char *p, buf[PATH_MAX*2];
  int   depth = 0, max_depth = PATH_MAX + PATH_MAX / 2;

  if( !pkg || !ctx ) return;

  buf[0] = ' ';
  buf[1] = '\0';

  p = (char *)&buf[1];
  depth = ctx->indent;

  if( depth < 1 ) depth = 0;
  if( depth > max_depth ) depth = max_depth;

  while( depth )
    (void)sprintf( p, " " ); --depth; ++p; *p = '\0';

  if( pkg->group )
    (void)sprintf( p, "\"name\": \"%s:%s-%s\"", pkg->group,
                                                pkg->version );
    (void)sprintf( p, "\"name\": \"%s-%s\"", pkg->name,
                                             pkg->version );

  fprintf( ctx->output, (char *)&buf[0] );

static int __width_factor( int width )
  double w, x = (double)width;

  if( width < 2 ) return 48;

  if( width > 1 && width < 150 )
    w = floor( (38.399 - 7.4262 * log( x )) + 8.0 );

    return (int)w;
    return 8;

    Print out Binary Tree Header.
static void __print_btree_header( FILE *fp, struct btree *btree, struct dlist *tree )
  struct package *package = NULL;

  if( !fp || !btree || !tree ) return;

  package = find_pkg( provides, (struct pkg *)btree->data );

  if( package )
    char *buf = NULL;

    if( dlist_length( tree ) > 1 )
      buf = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
      if( !buf ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
      bzero( (void *)buf, PATH_MAX );

      (void)sprintf( &buf[0], "%s", htmlroot );
      root = xstrdup( (const char *)&buf[0] );
      (void)sprintf( &buf[0], "%s", package->pkginfo->url );
      bug_url = xstrdup( (const char *)&buf[0] );
      free( buf );
      buf = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
      if( !buf ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
      bzero( (void *)buf, PATH_MAX );

      if( package->pkginfo->group )
        (void)sprintf( &buf[0], "%s/%s-%s", package->pkginfo->group,
                                            package->pkginfo->version );
        (void)sprintf( &buf[0], "%s-%s", package->pkginfo->name,
                                         package->pkginfo->version );

      root = xstrdup( (const char *)&buf[0] );
      (void)sprintf( &buf[0], "%s", package->pkginfo->url );
      bug_url = xstrdup( (const char *)&buf[0] );
      free( buf );

    fprintf( fp, " \"distro\": [ \"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\" ],\n",
                                                    package->pkginfo->url );

    Creates btree from tree list (DAG).
static void create_btree( struct dlist *dag, struct dlist *install )
  struct pkg     *pkg        = NULL;
  struct package *package    = NULL;
  struct dlist   *list       = NULL;
  struct btree   *node       = NULL;

  if( !dag || !install ) return;

  /* first package: */
  package = (struct package *)dag->data;
  pkg     = __find_pkg_by_package( pkgs, package );

  node = btree = __btree_alloc( (void *)pkg );

  __btree_add_requires( node );

  if( dlist_length( dag ) > 1 )
    dlist_foreach( dag->next, __fill_btree, (void *)&node );

  btree_reduce( btree, __compare_pkg, NULL );
  End of Binary Tree functions:

  Print json format of DAG functions:
static void __print_pkg_tree( struct _ctx *ctx, struct dlist *list )
  struct dlist *next = NULL;

  if( !ctx || !list ) return;

  ctx->depth += 2;
  svg_width = max( svg_width, ctx->depth );

  while( list )
    next = dlist_next( list );
      struct pkg     *pkg     = (struct pkg *)list->data;
      struct package *package = find_pkg( provides, pkg );

      if( package )
        char *p, *buf = NULL;
        int   depth = 0;

        struct dlist *reqs = NULL;

        buf = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
        if( !buf ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
        bzero( (void *)buf, PATH_MAX );

        buf[0] = ' ';
        buf[1] = '\0';

        p = (char *)&buf[1];
        depth = ctx->depth;

        while( depth ) { (void)sprintf( p, " " ); --depth; ++p; *p = '\0'; }

        (void)sprintf( p - 1, "{\n" );
        fprintf( ctx->output, (char *)&buf[0] );
        *(p - 1) = ' '; *p = '\0';

        if( pkg->group )
          (void)sprintf( p, "\"name\": \"%s:%s-%s\"", pkg->group,
                                                      pkg->version );
          (void)sprintf( p, "\"name\": \"%s-%s\"", pkg->name,
                                                   pkg->version );

        fprintf( ctx->output, (char *)&buf[0] );

        if( (reqs = package->requires->list) && check_pkg_requires( reqs ) > 0 )
          fprintf( ctx->output, ",\n" );

          (void)sprintf( p, "\"children\": [\n" );
          fprintf( ctx->output, (char *)&buf[0] );

          __print_pkg_tree( ctx, reqs );

          (void)sprintf( p, "]\n" );
          fprintf( ctx->output, (char *)&buf[0] );
          fprintf( ctx->output, "\n" );

        (void)sprintf( p - 1, "}" );
        fprintf( ctx->output, (char *)&buf[0] );
        *(p - 1) = ' '; *p = '\0';

        if( next ) { fprintf( ctx->output, ",\n" ); }
        else       { fprintf( ctx->output, "\n" );  }

        free( buf );
      } /* End if( package )  */
    list = next;
  } /* End of while( list ) */

  ctx->depth -= 2;

static void __print_package_node( struct _ctx *ctx, struct package *package )
  char *p, *buf = NULL;
  int   depth = 0;

  struct dlist *list = NULL;

  if( !package || !ctx ) return;

  buf = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
  if( !buf ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
  bzero( (void *)buf, PATH_MAX );

  buf[0] = ' ';
  buf[1] = '\0';

  p = (char *)&buf[1];
  depth = ctx->depth;

  while( depth ) { (void)sprintf( p, " " ); --depth; ++p; *p = '\0'; }

  (void)sprintf( p - 1, "{\n" );
  fprintf( ctx->output, (char *)&buf[0] );
  *(p - 1) = ' '; *p = '\0';

  if( package->pkginfo->group )
    (void)sprintf( p, "\"name\": \"%s:%s-%s\"", package->pkginfo->group,
                                                package->pkginfo->version );
    (void)sprintf( p, "\"name\": \"%s-%s\"", package->pkginfo->name,
                                             package->pkginfo->version );

  fprintf( ctx->output, (char *)&buf[0] );

  if( (list = package->requires->list) && check_pkg_requires( list ) > 0 )
    fprintf( ctx->output, ",\n" );

    (void)sprintf( p, "\"children\": [\n" );
    fprintf( ctx->output, (char *)&buf[0] );

    __print_pkg_tree( ctx, list );

    (void)sprintf( p, "]\n" );
    fprintf( ctx->output, (char *)&buf[0] );
    fprintf( ctx->output, "\n" );

  (void)sprintf( p - 1, "}" );
  fprintf( ctx->output, (char *)&buf[0] );
  *(p - 1) = ' '; *p = '\0';

  free( buf );

static void __print_tree_node( void *data, void *user_data )
  struct package *package = (struct package *)data;
  struct _ctx    *ctx     = (struct _ctx *)user_data;

  if( !package || !ctx ) return;

  if( ctx->size > 1 )
    if( ctx->index == 0 )
      char *buf = NULL;

      buf = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
      if( !buf ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
      bzero( (void *)buf, PATH_MAX );

      (void)sprintf( &buf[0], "%s", htmlroot );
      root = xstrdup( (const char *)&buf[0] );
      (void)sprintf( &buf[0], "%s", package->pkginfo->url );
      bug_url = xstrdup( (const char *)&buf[0] );
      free( buf );

      fprintf( ctx->output, " \"distro\": [ \"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\" ],\n",
                                                               package->pkginfo->url );
      fprintf( ctx->output, " \"name\": \"%s\",\n", htmlroot );
      fprintf( ctx->output, " \"children\": [\n" );

    __print_package_node( ctx, package );
    svg_height += 2;

    if( ctx->index < ctx->size - 1 ) fprintf( ctx->output, "," );
    else                             fprintf( ctx->output, "\n ]" );

    fprintf( ctx->output, "\n" );
    struct dlist *reqs = NULL;
    char *buf = NULL;

    buf = (char *)malloc( (size_t)PATH_MAX );
    if( !buf ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot allocate memory" ); }
    bzero( (void *)buf, PATH_MAX );

    if( package->pkginfo->group )
      (void)sprintf( &buf[0], "%s/%s-%s", package->pkginfo->group,
                                          package->pkginfo->version );
      (void)sprintf( &buf[0], "%s-%s", package->pkginfo->name,
                                       package->pkginfo->version );

    root = xstrdup( (const char *)&buf[0] );
    (void)sprintf( &buf[0], "%s", package->pkginfo->url );
    bug_url = xstrdup( (const char *)&buf[0] );
    free( buf );

    fprintf( ctx->output, " \"distro\": [ \"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\" ],\n",
                                                             package->pkginfo->url );
    if( package->pkginfo->group )
      fprintf( ctx->output, " \"name\": \"%s:%s-%s\"", package->pkginfo->group,
                                                       package->pkginfo->version );
      fprintf( ctx->output, " \"name\": \"%s-%s\"", package->pkginfo->name,
                                                    package->pkginfo->version );

    svg_height += 2;
    ctx->depth  -=2;

    if( (reqs = package->requires->list) && check_pkg_requires( reqs ) > 0 )
      fprintf( ctx->output, ",\n" );

      fprintf( ctx->output, " \"children\": [\n" );

      __print_pkg_tree( ctx, reqs );

      fprintf( ctx->output, " ]\n" );



static void print_tree_json( FILE *output, struct dlist *list )
  struct _ctx ctx;

  if( !output || !list ) return;

  bzero( (void *)&ctx, sizeof(struct _ctx) );

  ctx.output = output;
  ctx.index  = 0;
  ctx.size   = dlist_length( list );
  ctx.depth  = 2;

  fprintf( output, "{\n" );
  dlist_foreach( list, __print_tree_node, (void *)&ctx );
  fprintf( output, "}\n" );

  svg_height += svg_width / 2;

  svg_width  = (svg_width  + 4) * 160;
  svg_height = (svg_height + 4) * 24;
  End of print json format of DAG functions.

#include <pkglist.html.c>

void print_provides_tree( const char *json_fname, enum _tree_format tree_format )
  FILE *pkgs_fp = NULL, *tree_fp = NULL, *html_fp = NULL;

  allocate_fnames( json_fname );

  pkgs_fp = fopen( (const char *)pkgs_fname, "w" );
  if( !pkgs_fp ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot create %s file", basename( pkgs_fname ) ); }
  tree_fp = fopen( (const char *)tree_fname, "w" );
  if( !tree_fp ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot create %s file", basename( tree_fname ) ); }
  html_fp = fopen( (const char *)html_fname, "w" );
  if( !html_fp ) { FATAL_ERROR( "Cannot create %s file", basename( html_fname ) ); }

  tree = dlist_copy( provides );

    print out the array of all packages in JSON format:
  print_pkgs_json( pkgs_fp, provides );
  fflush( pkgs_fp ); fclose( pkgs_fp );

  provides = dlist_reverse( provides );
  sort_requires( provides ); /* sort requires in reverse installation order */

    Sort the REQUIRES TREE in reverse installation order.
  tree = sort_requires_tree( tree );

    remove unneded packages from tree list to leave the
    last installation layer of packages presented in DAG:
  remove_required_packages( provides );

  if( tree_format == TFMT_BIN )
    int width = 0, height = 0;

      print out the REQUIRES TREE in JSON format as reduced binary tree:
    create_pkgs_list( provides );
    create_btree( tree, provides );

    width  =  btree_width( btree );
    height = btree_height( btree );

    svg_width  = (height + 4) * 240;
    svg_height =  (width + 4) * __width_factor( width );

    fprintf( tree_fp, "{\n" );
    __print_btree_header( tree_fp, btree, tree );
    btree_print_json( tree_fp, btree, __print_btree_node );
    fprintf( tree_fp, "}\n" );

    __btree_free( btree );
      print out the REQUIRES TREE in JSON format as DAG:
    print_tree_json( tree_fp, tree );

  fflush( tree_fp ); fclose( tree_fp );

  if( minimize )
    if( minimize_json( (const char *)pkgs_fname, (const char *)pkgs_min_fname ) < 1 )
      (void)unlink( (const char *)pkgs_min_fname );
    if( minimize_json( (const char *)tree_fname, (const char *)tree_min_fname ) < 1 )
      (void)unlink( (const char *)tree_min_fname );

    print out the HTML to view REQIIRES TREE:
  print_tree_html( html_fp );
  fflush( html_fp ); fclose( html_fp );

    free resources:
  if( root )    { free( root );       root = NULL; }
  if( bug_url ) { free( bug_url ); bug_url = NULL; }

  if( pkgs_fname ) { free( pkgs_fname ); pkgs_fname = NULL; }
  if( tree_fname ) { free( tree_fname ); tree_fname = NULL; }
  if( html_fname ) { free( html_fname ); html_fname = NULL; }

  if( pkgs_min_fname ) { free( pkgs_min_fname ); pkgs_min_fname = NULL; }
  if( tree_min_fname ) { free( tree_min_fname ); tree_min_fname = NULL; }

  if( json_pkgs_file ) { free( json_pkgs_file ); json_pkgs_file = NULL; }
  if( json_tree_file ) { free( json_tree_file ); json_tree_file = NULL; }

  __dlist_free( tree ); /* do not free node data */
  End of Requires TREE functions.