Radix cross Linux Build System

Cross-platform build system is designed to build distributions of different operating systems for a set of target devices

39 Commits   2 Branches   2 Tags
Index: CPAN-Config.pm.in
--- CPAN-Config.pm.in	(nonexistent)
+++ CPAN-Config.pm.in	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+$CPAN::Config = {
+  'allow_installing_module_downgrades' => q[ask/no],
+  'allow_installing_outdated_dists' => q[ask/no],
+  'applypatch' => q[],
+  'auto_commit' => q[0],
+  'build_cache' => q[100],
+  'build_dir' => q[@BUILDSYSTEM@/var/.cpan/build],
+  'build_dir_reuse' => q[0],
+  'build_requires_install_policy' => q[yes],
+  'bzip2' => q[@BZIP2@],
+  'cache_metadata' => q[1],
+  'check_sigs' => q[0],
+  'cleanup_after_install' => q[1],
+  'colorize_output' => q[0],
+  'commandnumber_in_prompt' => q[1],
+  'connect_to_internet_ok' => q[1],
+  'cpan_home' => q[@BUILDSYSTEM@/var/.cpan],
+  'ftp_passive' => q[1],
+  'ftp_proxy' => q[],
+  'getcwd' => q[cwd],
+  'gpg' => q[@GPG@],
+  'gzip' => q[@GZIP@],
+  'halt_on_failure' => q[0],
+  'histfile' => q[@BUILDSYSTEM@/var/.cpan/histfile],
+  'histsize' => q[100],
+  'http_proxy' => q[],
+  'inactivity_timeout' => q[0],
+  'index_expire' => q[1],
+  'inhibit_startup_message' => q[0],
+  'keep_source_where' => q[@BUILDSYSTEM@/var/.cpan/sources],
+  'load_module_verbosity' => q[none],
+  'make' => q[@MAKE@],
+  'make_arg' => q[-j4],
+  'make_install_arg' => q[UNINST=1 INSTALLDIRS=vendor],
+  'make_install_make_command' => q[@MAKE@],
+  'makepl_arg' => q[INSTALLDIRS=vendor],
+  'mbuild_arg' => q[--extra_linker_flags -L/usr/lib@LIBDIRSUFFIX@ --installdirs vendor],
+  'mbuild_install_arg' => q[--uninst 1 --installdirs vendor],
+  'mbuild_install_build_command' => q[./Build],
+  'mbuildpl_arg' => q[--extra_linker_flags -L/usr/lib@LIBDIRSUFFIX@ --installdirs vendor],
+  'no_proxy' => q[],
+  'pager' => q[@LESS@],
+  'patch' => q[@PATCH@],
+  'perl5lib_verbosity' => q[none],
+  'prefer_external_tar' => q[1],
+  'prefer_installer' => q[MB],
+  'prefs_dir' => q[@BUILDSYSTEM@/var/.cpan/prefs],
+  'prerequisites_policy' => q[follow],
+  'recommends_policy' => q[0],
+  'scan_cache' => q[atstart],
+  'shell' => q[@BASH@],
+  'show_unparsable_versions' => q[0],
+  'show_upload_date' => q[0],
+  'show_zero_versions' => q[0],
+  'suggests_policy' => q[1],
+  'tar' => q[@TAR@],
+  'tar_verbosity' => q[none],
+  'term_is_latin' => q[1],
+  'term_ornaments' => q[1],
+  'test_report' => q[0],
+  'trust_test_report_history' => q[0],
+  'unzip' => q[@UNZIP@],
+  'urllist' => [q[http://www.cpan.org/]],
+  'use_prompt_default' => q[0],
+  'use_sqlite' => q[0],
+  'version_timeout' => q[15],
+  'wget' => q[@WGET@],
+  'yaml_load_code' => q[0],
+  'yaml_module' => q[YAML],