Radix cross Linux Build System

Cross-platform build system is designed to build distributions of different operating systems for a set of target devices

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#!/bin/env perl

use FindBin;
use lib $FindBin::Bin;

use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use _kxLab;

my $filename = shift or die "Error: Need a patch file";
my $arg2 = shift;
my $depmode = 0;
my $dir = ".";
if( defined( $arg2 ) )
  if( $arg2 eq "-dep-" )
    $depmode = 1;
    $dir = $arg2;

open( PATCH, "<$filename" ) or die "Error: Could not open patch file: $filename: $!";
while( <PATCH> )
  next if /^#/;
  if (/(\S+)\s*(.*)/)
    if( $depmode )
      print "$1 ";
      my $arg = $2 || "-p0";
      print "======= Applying $1 =======\n";
      _kxLab::system( "patch -d $dir $arg < $1" );
close PATCH;
if( $depmode )
  print "$filename\n";