Index: install_targets
--- install_targets (nonexistent)
+++ install_targets (revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+#!/bin/env perl
+use FindBin;
+use lib $FindBin::Bin;
+use strict;
+use warnings FATAL => 'all';
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Temp;
+use _kxLab;
+# Install file(s)
+# usage:
+# $0 [options] source[ source] destination hardware
+# where:
+# 'source' - the list of source files to be installed into dest directory
+# 'destination' - is a destination directory for installation all source files
+# 'hardware' - is a HARDWARE variant
+# options:
+# --preserve-source-dir=true - preserve source directory tree in the dest dir,
+# for example, if source is foo/bar/file then we
+# will have destination such as dest/foo/bar/file.
+# --preserve-source-dir=one - preserve source directory depth is only 1. Its
+# mean that if we have source like foo/bar/file,
+# then destination will be dest/bar/file.
+# Global variables
+my $header_printed = 0;
+my $cleanup = $ENV{DO_CREATE_DIST_FILES} ? 0 : 1;
+my ($tempfd, $tempname);
+sub usage
+ print <<EOF;
+Usage: install_targets [options] source[ source]
+ --preserve-source-dir={true|one} - preserve source directory tree in the DEST dir.
+ true: If source is foo/bar/file then destination
+ file will be DEST/foo/bar/file.
+ one: depth is only one directory. If source is
+ fo/bar/file then destination will be
+ DEST/bar/file.
+ --destination=DEST - where DEST is a destination directory.
+ --toolchain=TOOLCHAIN - where TOOLCHAIN ia a toolchain name;
+ --hardware=HARDWARE - where HARDWARE ia a HARDWARE name;
+ --flavour=FLAVOUR - where FLAVOUR ia a FLAVOUR name.
+ exit;
+# cleanpath( path )
+sub cleanpath
+ my $path = shift;
+ $path =~ s!/{2,}!/!g;
+ return $path;
+# dist( file )
+sub dist
+ my $file = cleanpath(shift);
+ $file =~ s!^.*dist/!!;
+ print $tempfd "$file\n";
+# newer_than( file1, file2 )
+sub newer_than
+ my $file1 = shift;
+ my $file2 = shift;
+ _kxLab::error( "install_targets: Source file missing: $file1" ) if ( ! -f $file1 );
+ return( ! -f $file2 or -M $file1 < -M $file2 );
+sub dir_is_empty
+ my ($path) = @_;
+ opendir DIR, $path;
+ while( my $entry = readdir DIR )
+ {
+ next if( $entry =~ /^\.\.?$/ );
+ closedir DIR;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ closedir DIR;
+ return 1;
+# install_tree( install_dir, file, target, verbose )
+sub install_tree
+ my $install_dir = cleanpath(shift);
+ my $file = shift;
+ my $target = shift;
+ my $verbose = shift;
+ opendir(DIR, "$target");
+ my @files = readdir(DIR);
+ closedir DIR;
+ foreach my $f ( @files )
+ {
+ next if ($f eq "." or $f eq "..");
+ if( -d "$target/$f" )
+ {
+ install_tree( "$install_dir/$f", "$file/$f", "$target/$f", $verbose );
+ }
+ elsif( newer_than( "$target/$f", "$install_dir/$f" ) )
+ {
+ if( !$header_printed )
+ {
+ print "\n======= Installing files =======\n";
+ $header_printed = 1;
+ }
+ print "Installing $f in $install_dir\n" if ( $verbose );
+ _kxLab::system( "mkdir -p \"$install_dir\"" );
+ _kxLab::system( "cp -fa \"$target/$f\" \"$install_dir\"" );
+ dist( "$install_dir/$f" );
+ }
+ }
+# install( install_dir, preserve_source_dir, verbose, targets )
+sub install
+ my $install_dir = cleanpath(shift);
+ my $preserve_source_dir = shift;
+ my $verbose = shift;
+ my $targets = shift;
+ foreach my $target ( @{$targets} )
+ {
+ my $file = basename($target);
+ my $path = "";
+ if( $preserve_source_dir eq "true" )
+ {
+ $path = dirname( $target );
+ }
+ elsif( $preserve_source_dir eq "one" )
+ {
+ $path = dirname( $target );
+ $path = basename( $path );
+ }
+ elsif( $preserve_source_dir eq "two" )
+ {
+ my ($first, $second);
+ $path = dirname( $target );
+ $second = basename( $path );
+ $path = dirname( $path );
+ $first = basename( $path );
+ $path = $first . "/" . $second;
+ }
+ if( -d $target )
+ {
+ if( dir_is_empty( $target ) )
+ {
+ _kxLab::system( "mkdir -p \"$install_dir/$path/$file\"" );
+ dist( "$install_dir/$path/$file" );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ install_tree( "$install_dir/$path/$file", "$file", "$target", $verbose );
+ }
+ }
+ elsif( newer_than( $target, "$install_dir/$path/$file" ) )
+ {
+ if( !$header_printed )
+ {
+ print "\n======= Installing files =======\n" if ( $verbose );
+ $header_printed = 1;
+ }
+ print "Installing $file in $install_dir/$path\n" if ( $verbose );
+ _kxLab::system( "mkdir -p \"$install_dir/$path\"" );
+ _kxLab::system( "cp -fa \"$target\" \"$install_dir/$path\"" );
+ dist( "$install_dir/$path/$file" );
+ }
+ }
+my $preserve_source_dir = "";
+my $dest_dir;
+my ($toolchain, $hardware, $flavour);
+my $target_build_dir;
+my @targets;
+my $verbose = $ENV{VERBOSE};
+my $curdir = $ENV{CWD};
+my $fname = "";
+foreach ( @ARGV )
+ if( /--preserve-source-dir=(\S*)/ )
+ {
+ $preserve_source_dir = $1;
+ }
+ elsif( /--destination=(\S*)/ )
+ {
+ $dest_dir = $1;
+ }
+ elsif( /--toolchain=(\S*)/ )
+ {
+ $toolchain = $1;
+ }
+ elsif( /--hardware=(\S*)/ )
+ {
+ $hardware = $1;
+ }
+ elsif( /--flavour=(\S*)/ )
+ {
+ $flavour = $1;
+ }
+ elsif( /--help/ )
+ {
+ usage;
+ }
+ elsif( /--/ )
+ {
+ while( <STDIN> )
+ {
+ #
+ # NOTE: arguments from STDIN should be splitted by '\n'
+ #
+ my $arg = $_;
+ chomp $arg; $arg =~ s/\\040/ /g;
+ push @targets, $arg;
+ }
+ last;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my $arg = $_;
+ chomp $arg; $arg =~ s/\\040/ /g;
+ push @targets, $arg;
+ }
+if( ! defined $dest_dir or $dest_dir eq "" ) { usage; }
+if( ! defined $toolchain or $toolchain eq "" ) { usage; }
+if( ! defined $hardware or $hardware eq "" ) { usage; }
+if( ! defined $flavour or $flavour eq "" )
+ $flavour = "";
+ $target_build_dir = "." . $toolchain . "/" . $hardware;
+ $target_build_dir = "." . $toolchain . "/" . $hardware . "/" . $flavour;
+if ( $curdir )
+ $fname = "$curdir/" . $target_build_dir . "/.dist.XXXXXX";
+ $fname = $target_build_dir . "/.dist.XXXXXX";
+($tempfd, $tempname) = File::Temp::tempfile( $fname, UNLINK => $cleanup );
+install( $dest_dir, $preserve_source_dir, $verbose, \@targets );
Property changes on: install_targets
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property