Radix cross Linux Build System

Cross-platform build system is designed to build distributions of different operating systems for a set of target devices

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trap 'echo ""; echo "`basename $0`: interrupted"; killall wget && killall "`basename $0`"; exit' 1 2 3 9 15


if [ -z "$TARBALL" ] ; then
  echo "#"
  echo -e "# ERROR: Toolchain URL is not defined."
  echo "#"
  exit 1

tarball=`basename $TARBALL`

progress() {
  echo "#"
  echo -n "# wgetting '$tarball': "
  while true ; do
    echo -n "." ; sleep 1 ;

progress &
echo "$TARBALL" | xargs -n 1 -P 100 wget -q -N -i
kill $PID > /dev/null 2>&1
echo -e "\n#"
echo -n "#   unpack '$tarball': "
tar --checkpoint=.1000 -xf $tarball
echo -e "\n#"