--- (nonexistent)
+++ (revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,2003 @@
+# include once
+ifndef CORE_MK
+####### helpful variables
+comma := ,
+empty :=
+space := $(empty) $(empty)
+####### Set up TOP_BUILD_DIR, TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS and BUILDSYSTEM variables
+# Work-around for GNU make pre-3.80, which lacks MAKEFILE_LIST and $(eval ...)
+TOP_BUILD_DIR := $(shell perl -e 'for ($$_ = "$(CURDIR)"; ! -d "$$_/build-system"; s!(.*)/(.*)!\1!) { $$q .= "../"; } chop $$q; print "$$q"')
+ifeq ($(TOP_BUILD_DIR),)
+export TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS := $(shell perl -e 'for ($$_ = "$(CURDIR)"; ! -d "$$_/build-system"; s!(.*)/(.*)!\1!) { } print')
+export BUILDSYSTEM := $(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/build-system
+# Normal operation for GNU make 3.80 and above
+__pop = $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(1)))
+__tmp := $(call __pop,$(word $(words $(MAKEFILE_LIST)),$(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
+# Special case for build-system/Makefile
+ifeq ($(__tmp),.)
+__tmp := ../$(notdir $(CURDIR))
+TOP_BUILD_DIR := $(call __pop,$(__tmp))
+ifneq ($(TOP_BUILD_DIR),.)
+$(foreach ,$(subst /, ,$(TOP_BUILD_DIR)),$(eval TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS := $(call __pop,$(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS))))
+export BUILDSYSTEM := $(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/$(notdir $(__tmp))
+####### Config:
+include $(BUILDSYSTEM)/
+# All available hardware:
+HARDWARE_ALL = $(strip $(foreach hw, $(filter HARDWARE_%, \
+ $(filter-out HARDWARE_ALL \
+ $(.VARIABLES))), $($(hw))))
+# All available toolchains:
+TOOLCHAIN_ALL = $(strip $(foreach t, $(filter TOOLCHAIN_%, \
+ $(filter-out TOOLCHAIN_ALL \
+ $(.VARIABLES))), $($(t))))
+####### Config:
+ifneq ($(wildcard $(BUILDSYSTEM)/,)
+include $(BUILDSYSTEM)/
+include $(BUILDSYSTEM)/
+# Reading
+# ENABLE_NOARCH & ENABLE_BUILD always enabled:
+enabled = $(filter ENABLE_%, $(filter-out ENABLE_ARCH ENABLE_TARGETS, $(.VARIABLES)))
+hardware_filter = $(strip $(foreach t, \
+ $(strip $(foreach b, \
+ $(enabled), $(if $(filter true, $($(b))), \
+ $(subst ENABLE_, HARDWARE_, $(b))))), $($(t))))
+# If no HARDWARE set
+ifeq ($(HARDWARE),)
+# COMPONENT_TARGETS must have a value specified in the Makefile
+$(error Error: COMPONENT_TARGETS must have a value)
+# End if no HARDWARE set
+####### Filter out disabled targets
+COMPONENT_TARGETS := $(filter $(hardware_filter), $(COMPONENT_TARGETS))
+# Remove duplicates:
+####### Filter out disabled toolchains:
+ $(foreach toolchain, $(COMPONENT_TOOLCHAINS), \
+ $(if $(filter $($(shell echo $(toolchain) | tr '[a-z-]' '[A-Z_]')_HARDWARE_VARIANTS), \
+ $(COMPONENT_TARGETS)),$(toolchain),)))
+# Error if TOOLCHAIN is invalid
+ifneq ($(TOOLCHAIN),)
+ifeq ($(filter $(TOOLCHAIN), $(COMPONENT_TOOLCHAINS)),)
+$(error Error: TOOLCHAIN=$(TOOLCHAIN) is invalid for selected COMPONENT_TARGETS in Makefile)
+# Error if HARDWARE is invalid
+ifneq ($(HARDWARE),)
+ifeq ($(filter $(HARDWARE), $(COMPONENT_TARGETS)),)
+$(error Error: HARDWARE=$(HARDWARE) is invalid for selected COMPONENT_TARGETS in Makefile)
+####### Directories setup Section:
+# Set up SOURCE PACKAGE directory:
+export SRC_PACKAGE_DIR := sources
+# Set up DESTINATION directories:
+ifeq ($(NEED_ABS_PATH),)
+# Default PREFIX: is $(TOP_BUILD_DIR)/dist
+# Install DIRs (for SCRIPT_, BIN_, ... TARGETS) [should be always ABS]:
+####### End of Directories setup Section.
+####### Targets setup Section:
+$(error Error: '' should not be included directly, include '' instead.)
+include $(BUILDSYSTEM)/
+####### End of Targets setup Section.
+# Get toolchain by HARDWARE function:
+# toolchain()
+toolchain = $($(strip \
+ $(foreach v, $(filter %_HARDWARE_VARIANTS, $(.VARIABLES)), \
+ $(if $(filter $1, $($(v))), \
+ $(addprefix TOOLCHAIN_,$(subst _HARDWARE_VARIANTS,,$(v))), \
+ ))))
+# usage:
+# pc32_toolchain = $(call toolchain,$(HARDWARE_INTEL_PC32))
+# Get toolchain by HARDWARE function.
+# Check the list of available targets for current Makefile
+__available_targets = \
+ $(foreach arch, $(shell echo $(COMPONENT_TOOLCHAINS) | sed -e 's/x86_64/x86-64/g'), \
+ $(foreach hardware, $($(shell echo ${arch} | tr '[a-z-]' '[A-Z_]')_HARDWARE_VARIANTS), \
+ $(if $(filter $(hardware),$(COMPONENT_TARGETS)), \
+ $(if $($(shell echo $(hardware) | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]')_FLAVOURS), \
+ $(foreach flavour, $($(shell echo $(hardware) | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]')_FLAVOURS), \
+ .target_$(arch)_$(hardware)_$(flavour) \
+ ) .target_$(arch)_$(hardware), \
+ $(if $(FLAVOURS), \
+ $(foreach flavour, $(FLAVOURS), \
+ .target_$(arch)_$(hardware)_$(flavour) \
+ ) .target_$(arch)_$(hardware), \
+ .target_$(arch)_$(hardware) \
+ ) \
+ ), \
+ ) \
+ ) \
+ )
+__available_targets := $(strip $(__available_targets))
+__available_targets := $(sort $(__available_targets))
+####### Silent make:
+#ifeq ($(VERBOSE),)
+#ifeq ($(COMPONENT_IS_3PP),)
+#ifeq ($(VERBOSE),)
+#guiet = @
+#quiet =
+####### Number of CPU cores:
+OS := $(shell uname -s)
+ifeq ($(OS),Linux)
+NUMPROCS := $(shell grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo)
+####### Parallel control:
+ifneq ($(NOT_PARALLEL),)
+####### Global Cleanup List may be start here with += assign symbol:
+####### CLEANUP_FILES += ...
+####### ==============
+####### Do not add directories such as .$(TOOLCHAIN), $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR), $(HARDWARE), etc.
+all: BUILD_TREE := true
+export BUILD_TREE
+ @$(MAKE) local_all
+clean: CLEAN_TREE := true
+export CLEAN_TREE
+ @$(MAKE) local_clean
+dist_clean: DIST_CLEAN_TREE := true
+ @$(MAKE) local_dist_clean
+rootfs_clean: ROOTFS_CLEAN_TREE := true
+ @$(MAKE) local_rootfs_clean
+# MAKE goals which not depended from Makefile
+__quick_targets := help ccache_stats ccache_cleanup configure_targets local_clean global_clean downloads_clean $(HACK_TARGETS)
+####### Build preparations & HW Independed GOALs Section:
+# GLOBAL setup targets:
+# ====================
+# These targets are built before all targets. For example, source tarballs
+# have to be downloaded before starting the build.
+# NOTE:
+# BUILDSYSTEM is a setup target for other directories and the BUILDSYSTEM
+# requires only '.sources' target as a setup target.
+ifeq ($(filter %_clean,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
+ifeq ($(shell pwd),$(BUILDSYSTEM))
+__setup_targets = .sources
+__setup_targets = .sources .build_system
+ifeq ($(__final__),)
+.setup: $(__setup_targets)
+.setup: .makefile
+####### If Makefile has been changed we cannot warranty that this is afected only
+####### one HW target from the list of targets prepared by this local Makefile.
+####### So, in this case we have to clean up all built targets.
+# Check if Makefile has been changed:
+.makefile: Makefile
+ifneq ($(shell pwd),$(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS))
+ifneq ($(if $(MAKECMDGOALS),$(filter-out $(__quick_targets),$(MAKECMDGOALS)),true),)
+ @touch $@
+ifeq ($(shell pwd | grep $(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/$(SRC_PACKAGE_DIR))$(shell pwd | grep $(BUILDSYSTEM)/3pp/sources),)
+ @echo ""
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "####### New makefile ($(<F)), clean up & rebuild source requires!"
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo ""
+ @$(MAKE) local_dist_clean
+ @if $(MAKE) local_clean; then true; else rm -f $@; fi
+ @if $(MAKE) download_clean; then true; else rm -f $@; fi
+####### Build directory dependencies into .src_requires which
+####### is used as a Makefile for srource tarballs downloading
+####### NOTE:
+####### ====
+####### Source tarballs are downloaded once for whole dependencies tree
+####### of the current directory where we make the build using command
+####### such as 'make' or 'make local_all'.
+####### Target local_all is not affects the downloading sources for the
+####### whole dependencies tree (target local_all affects the building
+####### of packages only).
+####### In this case the $(__final__) variable is not defined.
+####### On the contrary when the BUILDSYSTEM builds each packages of
+####### dependencies tree the $(__final__) variable is defined and
+####### we don't try to download sources because they already downloaded.
+####### More over we don't need to have the '.src_requires' and
+####### '.src_requires_depend' files.
+####### Such behavior is invented aspecialy to avoid competition in case
+####### when during parallel build different processes can run the same
+####### Makefile and all of them can start the sources preparation.
+.sources: .src_requires
+.src_requires_depend: .src_requires ;
+.src_requires: .makefile
+ifneq ($(shell pwd),$(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS))
+ifeq ($(filter %_clean,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
+ifeq ($(__final__),)
+ @echo ""
+ @echo -e "################################################################"
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "####### Start of building source requires for '$(subst $(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/,,$(CURDIR))':"
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @$(BUILDSYSTEM)/build_src_requires $(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "####### End of building source requires for '$(subst $(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/,,$(CURDIR))'."
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "################################################################"
+ @echo ""
+ @touch $@
+ @touch .src_requires_depend
+.build_system: .src_requires
+ifneq ($(shell pwd),$(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS))
+ifeq ($(shell pwd | grep $(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/$(SRC_PACKAGE_DIR))$(shell pwd | grep $(BUILDSYSTEM)/3pp/sources),)
+ifeq ($(shell pwd | grep $(BUILDSYSTEM)),)
+ @echo -e "################################################################"
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "####### Start to Check the BUILDSYSTEM is ready:"
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "####### End of checking the BUILDSYSTEM."
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "################################################################"
+####### Clean the whole source tree
+global_clean: .global_clean
+ @echo ""
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "####### Cleaning the whole sources tree excluding downloaded sources..."
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @$(BUILDSYSTEM)/global_clean $(addprefix ., $(TOOLCHAIN_NAMES)) $(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)
+####### Clean all downloaded source tarballs
+downloads_clean: .downloads_clean
+ @echo ""
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "####### Cleaning Up all downloaded sources..."
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @$(BUILDSYSTEM)/downloads_clean $(addprefix ., $(TOOLCHAIN_NOARCH)) $(BUILDSYSTEM)/3pp/sources
+ifneq ($(wildcard $(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/$(SRC_PACKAGE_DIR)),)
+ @$(BUILDSYSTEM)/downloads_clean $(addprefix ., $(TOOLCHAIN_NOARCH)) $(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/$(SRC_PACKAGE_DIR)
+ @echo ""
+ @echo -e "Build System $(SYSTEM_VERSION)"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo -e "You can build and install software using command line such as follow:"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo -e " $$ [TOOLCHAIN=toolchain] [HARDWARE=hardware] [FLAVOUR=flavour] make [goal]"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo -e "The following MAKE goals are available:"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo -e " all - perform make build and install software in the all"
+ @echo -e " required directories which defined by REQUIRES"
+ @echo -e " variable in the local Makefile;"
+ @echo -e " local_all - build and install software prepared onlu by local"
+ @echo -e " Makefile;"
+ @echo -e " dist_clean,"
+ @echo -e " local_dist_clean - remove distribution packages from target directory"
+ @echo -e " defined by PRODUCTS_DEST_DIR variable. Note that"
+ @echo -e " is depends from targets defined by COMPONENT_TARGETS"
+ @echo -e " variable or command line;"
+ @echo -e " rootfs_clean,"
+ @echo -e " local_rootfs_clean - uninstall packages installed into target 'root file"
+ @echo -e " system' directory which defined by ROOTFS_DEST_DIR"
+ @echo -e " variable;"
+ @echo -e " clean,"
+ @echo -e " local_clean - clean up all built targets by this Makefile;"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo -e " If the one from above goals has prefix 'local_' then this goal affects only"
+ @echo -e " current directory. Otherwise this goal will be performed for all required"
+ @echo -e " directories which defined by REQUIRES variable."
+ @echo ""
+ @echo -e " configure_targets - select hardwares, for which the software will be built."
+ @echo -e " This command edits the file;"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo -e " requires-tree - create HTML file to show the requires tree for current"
+ @echo -e " directory. Note that this goal depends on goal all;"
+ @echo -e " packages-list - create HW.pkglist file which contains the list of packages"
+ @echo -e " in install order. Note that this goal depends on goal all;"
+ @echo -e " devices_table - create Devices Table for rootfs image creation procedure;"
+ @echo -e " packages_repo - copy Packages Repository into rootfs before image creation;"
+ @echo -e " ext4fs_image - create Ext4 Root FS for target Boot Image;"
+ @echo -e " products_release - install files into products directory for release;"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo -e " global_clean - clean up whole sourses tree excluding downloaded"
+ @echo -e " source tarballs;"
+ @echo -e " downloads_clean - remove all sourse tarball from 'sourses' directory;"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo -e " ccache_stats - show the ccache statistic"
+ @echo -e " ccache_cleanup - delete old ccache files and recalculate size counters."
+ @echo ""
+ @echo -e "Local Makefile is prepared for following target HW platforms:"
+ @echo ""
+ @for platform in $(COMPONENT_TARGETS) ; do \
+ echo -e " $$platform"; \
+ done
+ @echo ""
+ @echo -e "Enjoy."
+ @echo ""
+ifeq ($(NO_CCACHE),)
+ @echo ""
+ @echo -e "CCACHE statistic:"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo ""
+ @echo -e "To set max cache size make use the following command"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo -e " $$ CCACHE_DIR=$(CACHED_CC_OUTPUT) $(CCACHE)-M 64G"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo -e "see CCACHE(1) for more information."
+ @echo ""
+ @echo ""
+ @echo -e "CCACHE disabled by setting 'NO_CCACHE=$(NO_CCACHE)' variable for this Makefile."
+ @echo ""
+ifeq ($(NO_CCACHE),)
+ @echo ""
+ @echo -e "CCACHE cleanup:"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo ""
+ @echo -e "CCACHE $(CACHED_CC_OUTPUT) is clean."
+ @echo ""
+ @echo ""
+ @echo -e "CCACHE disabled by setting 'NO_CCACHE=$(NO_CCACHE)' variable for this Makefile."
+ @echo ""
+configure_targets: $(BUILDSYSTEM)/
+ $(BUILDSYSTEM)/configure-targets
+# Print value of Makefile variable:
+# --------------------------------
+# usage:
+# make -f Makefile print-BASH_PKG_VERSION
+# output:
+ @echo '$* = $($*)'
+####### End of Build preparations & HW Independed GOALs Section.
+####### Source archive and patch handling:
+# Patch dependency:
+PATCHES_DEP = $(foreach patch,$(PATCHES),\
+ $(shell $(BUILDSYSTEM)/apply_patches $(patch) -dep-))
+SRC_DIR_BASE = $(dir $(SRC_DIR))
+# Unpack SRC_ARCHIVE in SRC_DIR and backup old SRC_DIR:
+ @echo "Expanding $(SRC_ARCHIVE)"; \
+ if [ -d $(SRC_DIR) ]; then mv $(SRC_DIR) $$(mktemp -d $(SRC_DIR).bak.XXXXXX); fi; \
+ mkdir -p $(SRC_DIR_BASE); \
+ $(if $(findstring .rpm,$(SRC_ARCHIVE)), \
+ cd $(SRC_DIR_BASE) && rpm2cpio $(SRC_ARCHIVE) | cpio -id --quiet, \
+ $(if $(findstring .zip,$(SRC_ARCHIVE)), \
+ unzip -q -d $(SRC_DIR_BASE) $(SRC_ARCHIVE), \
+ tar $(if $(findstring .bz2,$(SRC_ARCHIVE)),-xjf, \
+ $(if $(findstring .xz,$(SRC_ARCHIVE)),-xJf, \
+ $(if $(findstring .txz,$(SRC_ARCHIVE)),-xJf,-xzf))) \
+ chmod -R u+w $(SRC_DIR)
+# Apply patches in PATCHES on SRC_DIR_BASE:
+APPLY_PATCHES = $(quiet)$(foreach patch,$(PATCHES),\
+ $(BUILDSYSTEM)/apply_patches $(patch) $(SRC_DIR_BASE) &&) true
+# Apply patches in PATCHES on BASE of directory defined as argument:
+apply-patches = $(quiet)$(foreach patch,$(PATCHES),\
+ $(BUILDSYSTEM)/apply_patches $(patch) $(dir $1) &&) true
+# Apply patches in OPT_PATCHES on SRC_DIR_BASE:
+APPLY_OPT_PATCHES = $(quiet)$(foreach patch,$(OPT_PATCHES),\
+ $(BUILDSYSTEM)/apply_patches $(patch) $(SRC_DIR_BASE) &&) true
+# Apply patches in OPT_PATCHES on BASE of directory defined as argument:
+apply-opt-patches = $(quiet)$(foreach patch,$(OPT_PATCHES),\
+ $(BUILDSYSTEM)/apply_patches $(patch) $(dir $1) &&) true
+# Functions:
+# =========
+# Install package content into the current development environment:
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+# NOTE:
+# - When we pass ARGS through STDIN [using '--' as end of options] we splits ARGS
+# by new-line '\n' symbol.
+# - When we pass ARGS in the command line, we have to add | tr '\n' ' ' | filter
+# to change new-line with space.
+install-into-devenv = \
+ @( cd $1 ; \
+ find . \( -type d -empty -o -type f -o -type l \) -printf '%P\n' | sed -e 's, ,\\040,g' | \
+ $(BUILDSYSTEM)/install_targets \
+ --preserve-source-dir=true \
+ --destination=$(TARGET_DEST_DIR) \
+ --toolchain=$(TOOLCHAIN) \
+ --hardware=$(HARDWARE) \
+ --flavour=$(FLAVOUR) \
+ -- \
+ )
+# usage:
+# $(call install-into-devenv,$(PKGDIR))
+# where PKGDIR - is a directory where package installed from sources.
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Pull and Push variables into Perl Storable Hash saved in the
+# $(BUILDSYSTEM)/var/tmp directory. These functions also prints
+# echo to stdout stream:
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+push-env = $(shell $(BUILDSYSTEM)/transmitting_hash \
+ --set --hardware=$(HARDWARE) --flavour=$(FLAVOUR) \
+ --pool-name=$(strip $1) --name=$(strip $2) --value=$(strip $3))
+pull-env = $(shell $(BUILDSYSTEM)/transmitting_hash \
+ --get --hardware=$(HARDWARE) --flavour=$(FLAVOUR) \
+ --pool-name=$(strip $1) --name=$(strip $2) --value=$(strip $3))
+push-env-vo = $(shell $(BUILDSYSTEM)/transmitting_hash \
+ --set --value-only --hardware=$(HARDWARE) --flavour=$(FLAVOUR) \
+ --pool-name=$(strip $1) --name=$(strip $2) --value=$(strip $3))
+pull-env-vo = $(shell $(BUILDSYSTEM)/transmitting_hash \
+ --get --value-only --hardware=$(HARDWARE) --flavour=$(FLAVOUR) \
+ --pool-name=$(strip $1) --name=$(strip $2) --value=$(strip $3))
+# usage:
+# -----
+# environment = $(call push-env, perl, HOME, \'/home/kx\')
+# environment += $(call push-env, perl, DIR, \'$(CURDIR)\')
+# environment += $(call push-env, perl, BASH, \'/bin/bash\')
+# environment += --set $(call push-env, perl, archlib, \'/usr/lib$(LIBSUFFIX)/perl5/$(ARCHNAME)\')
+# environment = HOME=$(call pull-env-vo, perl, HOME, \'/home/olga\')
+# environment += DIR=$(call pull-env-vo, perl, DIR, \'$(CURDIR)\')
+# environment += BASH=$(call pull-env-vo, perl, BASH, \'/bin/sh\')
+# environment += --set archlib=$(call pull-env-vo, perl, archlib, \'/usr/lib$(LIBSUFFIX)/perl5/$(ARCHNAME)\')
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+# End of Functions.
+# Example rule:
+# src_done = $(SRC_DIR)/.source-done
+# $(src_done): $(SRC_ARCHIVE) $(PATCHES_DEP)
+# <other stuff that needs to be done to the source,
+# should be empty in most cases>
+# @touch $@
+####### Source archive and patch handling.
+####### Include files with references to BUILD-SYSTEM scripts:
+-include $(BUILDSYSTEM)/progs/.config
+-include $(BUILDSYSTEM)/sbin/.config
+####### References to BUILD-SYSTEM scripts.
+# No '__final__' target selected:
+# ==============================
+# Parse TOOLCHAIN, HARDWARE, FLAVOUR selected in command line
+# and build the list of '__final__' targets.
+ifeq ($(__final__),)
+# The FLAVOUR can be defined in command line.
+# If command line defines empty flavour FLAVOUR= then
+# we define that variable is set but has no values.
+__cmdline_flavour_defined = $(if $(filter FLAVOUR,$(.VARIABLES)),true,false)
+ifeq ($(__cmdline_flavour_defined),true)
+__cmdline_flavour_value = $(FLAVOUR)
+__cmdline_flavour_value =
+# -----------+----------+---------+-------------------+-----
+# -----------+----------+---------+-------------------+-----
+# defined | defined | defined | yes | (0)
+# defined | defined | defined | no | (1)
+# defined | defined | ~ | ~ | (2)
+# -----------+----------+---------+-------------------+-----
+# defined | ~ | defined | yes | (3)
+# defined | ~ | defined | no | (4)
+# defined | ~ | ~ | ~ | (5)
+# -----------+----------+---------+-------------------+-----
+# ~ | defined | defined | yes | (6)
+# ~ | defined | defined | no | (7)
+# ~ | defined | ~ | ~ | (8)
+# -----------+----------+---------+-------------------+-----
+# ~ | ~ | defined | yes | (9)
+# ~ | ~ | defined | no | (A)
+# ~ | ~ | ~ | ~ | (B)
+# -----------+----------+---------+-------------------+-----
+# we allow only available combinations according to component targets and flavours lists
+ifeq ($(TOOLCHAIN),)
+ifeq ($(HARDWARE),)
+ifeq ($(FLAVOUR),)
+ifeq ($(__cmdline_flavour_defined),false)
+# (B) ======= loop: T, H, F; =======
+__target_args = $(__available_targets)
+# (A) ======= loop: T, H ; where F=0 =======
+__target_args = $(foreach arch, $(shell echo $(COMPONENT_TOOLCHAINS) | sed -e 's/x86_64/x86-64/g'), \
+ $(foreach hardware, $($(shell echo ${arch} | tr '[a-z-]' '[A-Z_]')_HARDWARE_VARIANTS), \
+ .target_$(arch)_$(hardware) \
+ ) \
+ )
+# (9) ======= loop: T, H ; where F=const =======
+__target_args = $(foreach arch, $(shell echo $(COMPONENT_TOOLCHAINS) | sed -e 's/x86_64/x86-64/g'), \
+ $(foreach hardware, $($(shell echo ${arch} | tr '[a-z-]' '[A-Z_]')_HARDWARE_VARIANTS), \
+ $(if $(filter $(FLAVOUR), $($(shell echo ${hardware} | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]')_FLAVOURS)), \
+ .target_$(arch)_$(hardware)_$(FLAVOUR), \
+ $(if $(filter $(FLAVOUR), $(FLAVOURS)), \
+ .target_$(arch)_$(hardware)_$(FLAVOUR), \
+ ) \
+ ) \
+ ) \
+ )
+ifeq ($(FLAVOUR),)
+ifeq ($(__cmdline_flavour_defined),false)
+# (8) ======= loop: T, , F; where H=const =======
+__target_args = $(foreach arch, $(shell echo $(call toolchain,$(HARDWARE)) | sed -e 's/x86_64/x86-64/g'), \
+ $(if $($(shell echo $(HARDWARE) | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]')_FLAVOURS), \
+ $(foreach flavour, $($(shell echo $(HARDWARE) | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]')_FLAVOURS), \
+ .target_$(arch)_$(HARDWARE)_$(flavour) \
+ ) .target_$(arch)_$(HARDWARE), \
+ $(if $(FLAVOURS), \
+ $(foreach flavour, $(FLAVOURS), \
+ .target_$(arch)_$(HARDWARE)_$(flavour) \
+ ), \
+ ) .target_$(arch)_$(HARDWARE) \
+ ) \
+ )
+# (7) ======= loop: T, , ; where H=const, F=0 =======
+__target_args = $(foreach arch, $(shell echo $(call toolchain,$(HARDWARE)) | sed -e 's/x86_64/x86-64/g'), \
+ .target_$(arch)_$(HARDWARE) \
+ )
+# (6) ======= loop: T, , ; where H=const, F=const =======
+__target_args = $(foreach arch, $(shell echo $(call toolchain,$(HARDWARE)) | sed -e 's/x86_64/x86-64/g'), \
+ .target_$(arch)_$(HARDWARE)_$(FLAVOUR) \
+ )
+ifeq ($(HARDWARE),)
+ifeq ($(FLAVOUR),)
+ifeq ($(__cmdline_flavour_defined),false)
+# (5) ======= loop: , H, F; where T=const =======
+__target_args = $(foreach hardware, $($(shell echo $(TOOLCHAIN) | tr '[a-z-]' '[A-Z_]')_HARDWARE_VARIANTS), \
+ $(if $($(shell echo ${hardware} | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]')_FLAVOURS), \
+ $(foreach flavour, $($(shell echo ${hardware} | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]')_FLAVOURS), \
+ .target_$(shell echo $(TOOLCHAIN) | sed -e 's/x86_64/x86-64/g')_$(hardware)_$(flavour) \
+ ) .target_$(shell echo $(TOOLCHAIN) | sed -e 's/x86_64/x86-64/g')_$(hardware), \
+ $(if $(FLAVOURS), \
+ $(foreach flavour, $(FLAVOURS), \
+ .target_$(shell echo $(TOOLCHAIN) | sed -e 's/x86_64/x86-64/g')_$(hardware)_$(flavour) \
+ ), \
+ ) \
+ .target_$(shell echo $(TOOLCHAIN) | sed -e 's/x86_64/x86-64/g')_$(hardware) \
+ ) \
+ )
+# (4) ======= loop: , H, ; where T=const, F=0 =======
+__target_args = $(foreach hardware, $($(shell echo $(TOOLCHAIN) | tr '[a-z-]' '[A-Z_]')_HARDWARE_VARIANTS), \
+ .target_$(shell echo $(TOOLCHAIN) | sed -e 's/x86_64/x86-64/g')_$(hardware) \
+ )
+# (3) ======= loop: , H, ; where T=const, F=const =======
+__target_args = $(foreach hardware, $($(shell echo $(TOOLCHAIN) | tr '[a-z-]' '[A-Z_]')_HARDWARE_VARIANTS), \
+ .target_$(shell echo $(TOOLCHAIN) | sed -e 's/x86_64/x86-64/g')_$(hardware)_$(FLAVOUR) \
+ )
+ifeq ($(FLAVOUR),)
+ifeq ($(__cmdline_flavour_defined),false)
+# (2) ======= loop: , , F; where T=const, H=const =======
+__target_args = $(if $($(shell echo $(HARDWARE) | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]')_FLAVOURS), \
+ $(foreach flavour, $($(shell echo $(HARDWARE) | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]')_FLAVOURS), \
+ .target_$(shell echo $(TOOLCHAIN) | sed -e 's/x86_64/x86-64/g')_$(HARDWARE)_$(flavour) \
+ ) .target_$(shell echo $(TOOLCHAIN) | sed -e 's/x86_64/x86-64/g')_$(HARDWARE), \
+ $(if $(FLAVOURS), \
+ $(foreach flavour, $(FLAVOURS), \
+ .target_$(shell echo $(TOOLCHAIN) | sed -e 's/x86_64/x86-64/g')_$(HARDWARE)_$(flavour) \
+ ) .target_$(shell echo $(TOOLCHAIN) | sed -e 's/x86_64/x86-64/g')_$(HARDWARE), \
+ ) .target_$(shell echo $(TOOLCHAIN) | sed -e 's/x86_64/x86-64/g')_$(HARDWARE) \
+ )
+# (1) ======= loop: , , ; T=const, H=const, F=0 =======
+__target_args = .target_$(shell echo $(TOOLCHAIN) | sed -e 's/x86_64/x86-64/g')_$(HARDWARE)
+# (0) ======= loop: , , ; T=const, H=const, F=const =======
+__target_args = .target_$(shell echo $(TOOLCHAIN) | sed -e 's/x86_64/x86-64/g')_$(HARDWARE)_$(FLAVOUR)
+__target_args := $(strip $(__target_args))
+__targets = $(filter $(__target_args), $(__available_targets))
+# Now we have to sort targets for that the main targets should be built before flavours!
+__targets := $(sort $(__targets))
+ifeq ($(__targets),)
+$(error Error: Selected combination [TOOLCHAIN=$(TOOLCHAIN), HARDWARE=$(HARDWARE), FLAVOUR=$(FLAVOUR)] is invalid for this Makefile)
+$(__targets): .setup
+# NOTE:
+# ====
+# Several FLAVOURS can require the same package, for example, base/pkgtool.
+# To avoid concurrency problems we have to diable parallel building for Makefiles
+# where there are FLAVOURS.
+# We have to check both HW specific and general FLAVOURS.
+all-flavour-values = $(strip $(foreach flname, $(filter FLAVOURS %_FLAVOURS, $(.VARIABLES)), $($(flname))))
+ifneq ($(all-flavour-values),)
+.NOTPARALLEL: $(__targets)
+local_all: GOAL = local_all
+local_all: $(__targets)
+local_clean: GOAL = local_clean
+local_clean: $(__targets)
+local_dist_clean: GOAL = local_dist_clean
+local_dist_clean: $(__targets)
+local_rootfs_clean: GOAL = local_rootfs_clean
+local_rootfs_clean: $(__targets)
+requires-tree: GOAL = requires-tree
+requires-tree: $(__targets)
+packages-list: GOAL = packages-list
+packages-list: $(__targets)
+devices_table: GOAL = devices_table
+devices_table: $(__targets)
+packages_repo: GOAL = packages_repo
+packages_repo: $(__targets)
+ext4fs_image: GOAL = ext4fs_image
+ext4fs_image: $(__targets)
+products_release: GOAL = products_release
+products_release: $(__targets)
+.target_%: TOOLCHAIN = $(shell echo $(word 2, $(subst _, , $@)) | sed -e 's/x86-64/x86_64/g')
+.target_%: HARDWARE = $(if $(filter $(shell echo $(word 3, $(subst _, , $@))),$(HARDWARE_ALL)),$(word 3, $(subst _, , $@)))
+.target_%: FLAVOUR = $(if $(word 4, $(subst _, , $@)),$(word 4, $(subst _, , $@)),$(if $(filter $(shell echo $(word 3, $(subst _, , $@))),$(HARDWARE_ALL)),,$(word 3, $(subst _, , $@))))
+ @echo ""
+ @echo -e "################################################################"
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "#######"
+# The '__final__' target is defined, run the build process.
+targetflavour = .$(TOOLCHAIN)/$(HARDWARE)$(if $(FLAVOUR),/$(FLAVOUR),)
+TARGET_BUILD_DIR = $(targetflavour)
+ifeq ($(filter %_clean,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
+ifneq ($(shell pwd),$(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS))
+ifeq ($(shell pwd | grep $(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/$(SRC_PACKAGE_DIR))$(shell pwd | grep $(BUILDSYSTEM)/3pp/sources),)
+$(shell mkdir -p .$(TOOLCHAIN)/$(HARDWARE)$(if $(FLAVOUR),/$(FLAVOUR)))
+ifneq ($(NO_CREATE_DIST_FILES),true)
+local_all: CREATE_DIST_FILES = 1
+ifeq ($(BUILD_TREE),true)
+_tree := .tree_all
+_tree := .requires_makefile
+local_all: .toolchain $(_tree) _install
+ifeq ($(CLEAN_TREE),true)
+local_clean: .tree_clean
+ifeq ($(DIST_CLEAN_TREE),true)
+local_dist_clean: .tree_dist_clean
+ifeq ($(ROOTFS_CLEAN_TREE),true)
+local_rootfs_clean: .tree_rootfs_clean
+ifneq ($(TOOLCHAIN_PATH),)
+ifeq ($(wildcard $(TOOLCHAIN_PATH)),)
+ @echo -e "################################################################"
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "####### Start of downloading toolchain '$(shell basename $(TOOLCHAIN_TARBALL))':"
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @if [ -d $(TOOLCHAINS_BASE_PATH) -a -w $(TOOLCHAINS_BASE_PATH) ] ; then \
+ ) ; \
+ else \
+ echo -e "#" ; \
+ echo -e "#" ; \
+ echo -e "# Please create '$(TOOLCHAINS_BASE_PATH)' directory" ; \
+ echo -e "# and give write permissions to '$(shell echo "`id -u -n`")':" ; \
+ echo -e "#" ; \
+ echo -e "# # sudo mkdir -p $(TOOLCHAINS_BASE_PATH)" ; \
+ echo -e "# # sudo chown -R $(shell echo "`id -u -n`"):$(shell echo "`id -g -n`") $(TOOLCHAINS_BASE_PATH)" ; \
+ echo -e "#" ; \
+ echo -e "#" ; \
+ echo -e "# ERROR: $(TOOLCHAINS_BASE_PATH): Permission denied. Stop." ; \
+ echo -e "#" ; \
+ exit 1 ; \
+ fi
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "####### End of downloading toolchain '$(shell basename $(TOOLCHAIN_TARBALL))'."
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "################################################################"
+.tree_all: BUILD_TREE := false
+.tree_all: $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.requires
+ifneq ($(shell pwd),$(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS))
+ifeq ($(shell pwd | grep $(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/$(SRC_PACKAGE_DIR))$(shell pwd | grep $(BUILDSYSTEM)/3pp/sources),)
+ @echo -e "################################################################"
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ifeq ($(shell pwd),$(BUILDSYSTEM))
+ @echo -e "####### Start of building requires for '$(subst $(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/,,$(CURDIR))':"
+ @echo -e "####### Start of building requires for TOOLCHAIN=$(TOOLCHAIN) HARDWARE=$(HARDWARE) FLAVOUR=$(FLAVOUR) in '$(subst $(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/,,$(CURDIR))':"
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ifeq ($(shell pwd),$(BUILDSYSTEM))
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "####### End of building requires for '$(subst $(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/,,$(CURDIR))'."
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "################################################################"
+# We always build requires Makeile '.requires_makefile' (for both local and tree build processes).
+# This is needed to cover all tree. In other words we want to have '$(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.requires'
+# file in the each directory to be able run 'make requires-tree' command.
+.requires_makefile: $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.requires
+####### Build directory dependencies into $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.requires
+####### file which is used as a Makefile for tree builds.
+$(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.requires_depend: $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.requires ;
+$(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.requires: .makefile
+ifeq ($(filter %_clean,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
+ifneq ($(shell pwd),$(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS))
+ifeq ($(shell pwd | grep $(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/$(SRC_PACKAGE_DIR))$(shell pwd | grep $(BUILDSYSTEM)/3pp/sources),)
+ifeq ($(shell pwd),$(BUILDSYSTEM))
+####### Tree Clean up rules:
+.tree_clean: CLEAN_TREE := false
+.tree_clean: $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.requires
+ifneq ($(shell pwd),$(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS))
+ifeq ($(shell pwd | grep $(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/$(SRC_PACKAGE_DIR))$(shell pwd | grep $(BUILDSYSTEM)/3pp/sources),)
+ifneq ($(wildcard $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.requires),)
+ifeq ($(shell pwd),$(BUILDSYSTEM))
+.tree_dist_clean: DIST_CLEAN_TREE := false
+.tree_dist_clean: $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.requires
+ifneq ($(shell pwd),$(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS))
+ifeq ($(shell pwd | grep $(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/$(SRC_PACKAGE_DIR))$(shell pwd | grep $(BUILDSYSTEM)/3pp/sources),)
+ifneq ($(shell pwd),$(BUILDSYSTEM))
+ @__final__=true TREE_RULE=local_dist_clean $(MAKE) TOOLCHAIN=$(TOOLCHAIN) HARDWARE=$(HARDWARE) FLAVOUR= -f $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.requires
+.tree_rootfs_clean: ROOTFS_CLEAN_TREE := false
+.tree_rootfs_clean: $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.requires
+ifneq ($(shell pwd),$(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS))
+ifeq ($(shell pwd | grep $(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/$(SRC_PACKAGE_DIR))$(shell pwd | grep $(BUILDSYSTEM)/3pp/sources),)
+ifneq ($(shell pwd),$(BUILDSYSTEM))
+ @__final__=true TREE_RULE=local_rootfs_clean $(MAKE) TOOLCHAIN=$(TOOLCHAIN) HARDWARE=$(HARDWARE) FLAVOUR= -f $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.requires
+####### End of Tree Clean up rules.
+####### Clean up default rules:
+####### Clean:
+# CLEANUP_FILES can be placed outside $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR) directory,
+# the '.$(TOOLCHAIN)' directory can be removed if it is empty ONLY.
+local_clean: .local_clean
+ifeq ($(shell pwd | grep $(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/$(SRC_PACKAGE_DIR))$(shell pwd | grep $(BUILDSYSTEM)/3pp/sources),)
+ifneq ($(wildcard .$(TOOLCHAIN)),)
+ @rm -rf $(CLEANUP_FILES)
+ifneq ($(wildcard $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)),)
+ @rm -rf $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)
+ @if [ "`find .$(TOOLCHAIN) -maxdepth 0 -empty`" ] ; then rm -rf .$(TOOLCHAIN) ; fi
+ifneq ($(shell pwd | grep $(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/$(SRC_PACKAGE_DIR))$(shell pwd | grep $(BUILDSYSTEM)/3pp/sources),)
+ @echo -e "####### Cleaning in '`basename $(CURDIR)`' directory is not supported."
+ @echo -e "####### Local Cleaning in '`basename $(CURDIR)`' directory..."
+####### Destination Clean:
+# dist & rootfs cleaning perform only if *.dist, *.rootfs file exists
+# For the product packages, BIN & SCRIPT ..._TARGETS we create *.dist
+# files for each hardware:
+# .$(HARDWARE).dist
+# Rootfs target have to be alone because we install into root fs only
+# main package (flavour package we copy only into dist/products/...)
+# .$(HARDWARE).rootfs
+local_dist_clean: .local_dist_clean
+ifneq ($(shell pwd),$(BUILDSYSTEM))
+ifeq ($(shell pwd | grep $(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/$(SRC_PACKAGE_DIR))$(shell pwd | grep $(BUILDSYSTEM)/3pp/sources),)
+ifeq ($(wildcard $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.dist),)
+ @echo -e " (nothing to be done)."
+ @if [ -f $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.dist ] ; then \
+ $(BUILDSYSTEM)/dist_clean --destination=$(DEST_DIR) \
+ --toolchain=$(TOOLCHAIN) --hardware=$(HARDWARE) --flavour=$(FLAVOUR) ; \
+ rm -f $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.dist ; \
+ fi
+ @rm -rf $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.dist*
+ @echo -e " (done)."
+ifeq ($(shell pwd),$(BUILDSYSTEM))
+ @echo -e "####### Destination cleaning in '`basename $(CURDIR)`' directory is not supported."
+ifneq ($(shell pwd | grep $(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/$(SRC_PACKAGE_DIR))$(shell pwd | grep $(BUILDSYSTEM)/3pp/sources),)
+ @echo -e "####### Destination cleaning in '`basename $(CURDIR)`' directory is not supported."
+ @echo -n -e "####### Destination cleaning in '`basename $(CURDIR)`' directory..."
+####### Root File System Clean:
+local_rootfs_clean: .local_rootfs_clean
+ifneq ($(shell pwd),$(BUILDSYSTEM))
+ifeq ($(shell pwd | grep $(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/$(SRC_PACKAGE_DIR))$(shell pwd | grep $(BUILDSYSTEM)/3pp/sources),)
+ifeq ($(wildcard $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.rootfs),)
+ @echo -e "####### Root File System cleaning... (nothing to be done)."
+ @if [ -f $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.rootfs ]; then \
+ --destination=$(DEST_DIR) \
+ --toolchain=$(TOOLCHAIN) \
+ --hardware=$(HARDWARE) \
+ --flavour=$(FLAVOUR) ; \
+ else \
+ echo -e "B####### ... Nothing to be done (there are no installed packages)." ; \
+ fi
+ @rm -rf $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.rootfs
+ifeq ($(shell pwd),$(BUILDSYSTEM))
+ @echo -e "####### Root file system cleaning in '`basename $(CURDIR)`' directory is not supported."
+ifneq ($(shell pwd | grep $(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/$(SRC_PACKAGE_DIR))$(shell pwd | grep $(BUILDSYSTEM)/3pp/sources),)
+ @echo -e "####### Root file system cleaning in '`basename $(CURDIR)`' directory is not supported."
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "####### Remove packages from 'dist/rootfs/$(TOOLCHAIN)/$(HARDWARE)/...' file system..."
+ @echo -e "#######"
+####### End of Clean up default rules.
+####### Build REQUIRES tree:
+# Create $(HARDWARE).tree.html if current Makefile defines packages collection
+# or $(GROUP)/$(PKG_NAME)-$(PKG_VERSION).tree.html if current Makefile defines
+# single package:
+requires-tree: $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.$(HARDWARE).srctree
+# Requires Tree perform only if goal 'all' is done and all packages installed
+# into root filesystem or into products directory.
+# NOTE:
+# GNU Make `wildcard' function doesn't work with files which created
+# during Makefile works. For normal work all tested files should be
+# created before the Makefile starting my make command.
+ifneq ($(shell pwd),$(BUILDSYSTEM))
+ifeq ($(shell pwd | grep $(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/$(SRC_PACKAGE_DIR))$(shell pwd | grep $(BUILDSYSTEM)/3pp/sources),)
+ifeq ($(shell pwd),$(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS))
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "####### Requires Tree creation in the top of '`basename $(CURDIR)`' directory is not supported."
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ifeq ($(wildcard $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.requires),)
+ @echo -e " (nothing to be done)."
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "####### Before creating a dependency tree all goals have to be made."
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "################################################################"
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "####### Start of building Requires Tree in '`echo $(CURDIR) | sed 's,$(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/,,'`' directory..."
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "####### End of building Requires Tree in '`echo $(CURDIR) | sed 's,$(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/,,'`' directory."
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "################################################################"
+####### End of Build REQUIRES tree.
+####### Build PACKAGES list:
+# Create $(HARDWARE).pkglist if current Makefile defines packages collection
+# or $(GROUP)/$(PKG_NAME)-$(PKG_VERSION).pkglist if current Makefile defines
+# single package.
+# Both .$(HARDWARE).srclist and $(HARDWARE).pkglist files
+# created by `make packages-list' procedure. But the $(HARDWARE).pkglist
+# is a main target of `make packages-list' procedure:
+packages-list: $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/$(HARDWARE).pkglist
+# Packages List perform only if goal 'all' is done and all packages installed
+# into root filesystem or into products directory.
+# NOTE:
+# GNU Make `wildcard' function doesn't work with files which created
+# during Makefile works. For normal work all tested files should be
+# created before the Makefile starting my make command.
+ifneq ($(shell pwd),$(BUILDSYSTEM))
+ifeq ($(shell pwd | grep $(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/$(SRC_PACKAGE_DIR))$(shell pwd | grep $(BUILDSYSTEM)/3pp/sources),)
+ifeq ($(shell pwd),$(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS))
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "####### Packages List creation in the top of '`basename $(CURDIR)`' directory is not supported."
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ifeq ($(wildcard $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.requires),)
+ @echo -e " (nothing to be done)."
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "####### Before creating a dependency tree all goals have to be made."
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "################################################################"
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "####### Start of building Packages List in '`echo $(CURDIR) | sed 's,$(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/,,'`' directory..."
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "####### End of building Packages List in '`echo $(CURDIR) | sed 's,$(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/,,'`' directory."
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "################################################################"
+####### End of Build PACKAGES list.
+####### Build Devices Table:
+devices_table: $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.DEVTABLE
+ifneq ($(shell pwd),$(BUILDSYSTEM))
+ifeq ($(shell pwd | grep $(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/$(SRC_PACKAGE_DIR))$(shell pwd | grep $(BUILDSYSTEM)/3pp/sources),)
+ifeq ($(shell pwd),$(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS))
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "####### Devices Table creation in the top of '`basename $(CURDIR)`' directory is not supported."
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "################################################################"
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "####### Start of building Devices Table in '`echo $(CURDIR) | sed 's,$(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/,,'`' directory..."
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "####### End of building Devices Table in '`echo $(CURDIR) | sed 's,$(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/,,'`' directory."
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "################################################################"
+####### End of Build Devices Table.
+####### Copy Packages REPO into rootfs:
+packages_repo: $(ROOTFS_DEST_DIR)/var/lib/$(DISTRO_NAME)/repo/$(DISTRO_FULL_VERSION)/$(TOOLCHAIN)/$(HARDWARE)/$(HARDWARE).pkglist
+ifneq ($(shell pwd),$(BUILDSYSTEM))
+ifeq ($(shell pwd | grep $(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/$(SRC_PACKAGE_DIR))$(shell pwd | grep $(BUILDSYSTEM)/3pp/sources),)
+ifeq ($(shell pwd),$(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS))
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "####### Packages REPO creation in the top of '`basename $(CURDIR)`' directory is not supported."
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "################################################################"
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "####### Start of copying Packages REPO in '`echo $(CURDIR) | sed 's,$(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/,,'`' directory..."
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @for dir in `find $(PRODUCTS_DEST_DIR)/ -mindepth 1 -type d -name '*'` ; do \
+ cp -a $${dir} $(ROOTFS_DEST_DIR)/var/lib/$(DISTRO_NAME)/repo/$(DISTRO_FULL_VERSION)/$(TOOLCHAIN)/$(HARDWARE)/ ; \
+ done
+ @cp -a $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/$(HARDWARE).pkglist \
+ @echo -e "####### Packages REPO has been installed into 'var/lib/$(DISTRO_NAME)/repo' directory."
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "####### End of copying Packages REPO in '`echo $(CURDIR) | sed 's,$(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/,,'`' directory."
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "################################################################"
+####### End of Copying Packages REPO.
+####### Build ext4 Root FS image:
+ext4fs_image: $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/$(HARDWARE).ext4fs
+ifneq ($(shell pwd),$(BUILDSYSTEM))
+ifeq ($(shell pwd | grep $(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/$(SRC_PACKAGE_DIR))$(shell pwd | grep $(BUILDSYSTEM)/3pp/sources),)
+ifeq ($(shell pwd),$(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS))
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "####### Ext4 Root FS Image creation in the top of '`basename $(CURDIR)`' directory is not supported."
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "################################################################"
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "####### Start of building Ext4 Root FS Image in '`echo $(CURDIR) | sed 's,$(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/,,'`' directory..."
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @( size=`echo $(MAKEFLAGS) | grep 'size=' | sed -e 's,.*size=\([0-9.]*[KMG]\?\).*,\1,'` ; \
+ if [ -z "$$size" ] ; then \
+ sizeoption="" ; \
+ else \
+ sizeoption="--size=$$size" ; \
+ fi ; \
+ $(BUILDSYSTEM)/build_ext4fs $$sizeoption $(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS) $(TOOLCHAIN) $(HARDWARE) $(FLAVOUR) ; \
+ )
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "####### End of building Ext4 Root FS Image in '`echo $(CURDIR) | sed 's,$(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/,,'`' directory."
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "################################################################"
+####### End of Build ext4 Root FS image.
+####### Install $(HARDWARE).{pkglist,ext4fs,SD.MBR} into products directory:
+products_release: $(PRODUCTS_DEST_DIR)/$(HARDWARE).pkglist \
+ifneq ($(shell pwd),$(BUILDSYSTEM))
+ifeq ($(shell pwd | grep $(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/$(SRC_PACKAGE_DIR))$(shell pwd | grep $(BUILDSYSTEM)/3pp/sources),)
+ifeq ($(shell pwd),$(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS))
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "####### Installation of Ext4 Root FS Image from the top of '`basename $(CURDIR)`' directory is not supported."
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "################################################################"
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "####### Installing the Ext4 Root FS Image into '`echo $(PRODUCTS_DEST_DIR) | sed 's,$(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/,,'`' directory..."
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @$(E4FSCK) -fy $(PRODUCTS_DEST_DIR)/$(HARDWARE).ext4fs
+ @if [ -s $(PRODUCTS_DEST_DIR)/$(HARDWARE).boot-records ] ; then \
+ of=$(PRODUCTS_DEST_DIR)/$(HARDWARE).boot-records \
+ bs=1 skip=446 seek=446 count=66 conv=notrunc 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; \
+ fi
+ @if [ -s $(PRODUCTS_DEST_DIR)/$(HARDWARE).grub-records ] ; then \
+ of=$(PRODUCTS_DEST_DIR)/$(HARDWARE).grub-records \
+ bs=1 skip=446 seek=446 count=66 conv=notrunc 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; \
+ fi
+ @if [ -s $(PRODUCTS_DEST_DIR)/$(HARDWARE).efi32fs ] ; then \
+ cp -a $(BUILDSYSTEM)/write-efiboot-image $(PRODUCTS_DEST_DIR) ; \
+ cp -a $(BUILDSYSTEM)/usr/share/pkgtools/.dialogrc $(PRODUCTS_DEST_DIR) ; \
+ fi
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "####### End of installing Ext4 Root FS Image into '`echo $(PRODUCTS_DEST_DIR) | sed 's,$(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/,,'`' directory."
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "################################################################"
+ifneq ($(shell pwd),$(BUILDSYSTEM))
+ifeq ($(shell pwd | grep $(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/$(SRC_PACKAGE_DIR))$(shell pwd | grep $(BUILDSYSTEM)/3pp/sources),)
+ifeq ($(shell pwd),$(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS))
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "####### Installation of Packages List from the top of '`basename $(CURDIR)`' directory is not supported."
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "################################################################"
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "####### Installing the Packages List into '`echo $(PRODUCTS_DEST_DIR) | sed 's,$(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/,,'`' directory..."
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @mkdir -p $(PRODUCTS_DEST_DIR)
+ @cp -a $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/$(HARDWARE).pkglist \
+ @( cd $(PRODUCTS_DEST_DIR) ; \
+ ln -sf $(HARDWARE).pkglist .pkglist ; \
+ )
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "####### Packages List has been installed into '`echo $(PRODUCTS_DEST_DIR) | sed 's,$(TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS)/,,'`' directory."
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "################################################################"
+####### End of Install $(HARDWARE).{pkglist,ext4fs,SD.MBR}.
+####### Install rules:
+_install_scripts := .install_scripts
+_install_bins := .install_bins
+_install_builds := .install_builds
+_install_products := .install_products
+_install_pkgs := .install_pkgs
+_update_pkgs := .update_pkgs
+####### Waiting for build whole required tree:
+$(BUILD_TARGETS) : | $(_tree)
+####### End of waiting for build whole required tree.
+_install: .install
+ @if [ "$$(echo $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.dist*)" != "$(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.dist*" ]; then \
+ sort -o $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.dist.tmp -u $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.dist* ; \
+ mv $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.dist.tmp $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.dist ; \
+ fi
+ @rm -f $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.dist.*
+.install: $(_install_scripts)
+.install: $(_install_bins)
+.install: $(_install_builds)
+.install: $(_install_products)
+.install: $(_install_pkgs)
+.install: $(_update_pkgs)
+# create files which contains the list of installed files
+# Note:
+# The check such as 'ifdef SCRIPT_TARGETS' realy doesn't need. This
+# practice can be used in other cases, for example, if we will need
+# to check some variables used in the following commands.
+# As example only, we can check existence of FLAVOUR variable:
+# $(_install_scripts): $(SCRIPT_TARGETS)
+# ifdef FLAVOUR
+# @$(BUILDSYSTEM)/install_targets $^ $(TARGET_DEST_DIR)/bin $(HARDWARE) $(FLAVOUR)
+# else
+# @$(BUILDSYSTEM)/install_targets $^ $(TARGET_DEST_DIR)/bin $(HARDWARE)
+# endif
+$(_install_scripts): $(SCRIPT_TARGETS)
+ @$(BUILDSYSTEM)/install_targets \
+ --destination=$(TARGET_DEST_DIR)/bin \
+ --toolchain=$(TOOLCHAIN) \
+ --hardware=$(HARDWARE) \
+ --flavour=$(FLAVOUR) \
+ $^
+$(_install_bins): $(BIN_TARGETS)
+ @$(BUILDSYSTEM)/install_targets \
+ --destination=$(TARGET_DEST_DIR)/bin \
+ --toolchain=$(TOOLCHAIN) \
+ --hardware=$(HARDWARE) \
+ --flavour=$(FLAVOUR) \
+ $^
+$(_install_builds): $(BUILD_TARGETS)
+# Do nothing
+# preserve source dir with depth=1 ; then collect installed products in the .$(HARDWARE).products file
+$(_install_products): $(PRODUCT_TARGETS)
+ @$(BUILDSYSTEM)/install_targets \
+ --preserve-source-dir=$(if $(FLAVOUR),two,one) \
+ --destination=$(PRODUCTS_DEST_DIR) \
+ --toolchain=$(TOOLCHAIN) \
+ --hardware=$(HARDWARE) \
+ --flavour=$(FLAVOUR) \
+ $^
+# NOTE:
+# We use CWD=$(CURDIR) as a directory for collect .$(HARDWARE).rootfs.* files, also
+# to allow parallel installation the 'install_pkgs' script install packages from
+# $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/$(PKG_GROUP) directory. In other words if ROOTFS_TARGETS equal to
+# ROOTFS_TARGETS = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/$(PKG_GROUP)/$(pkg_basename).txz
+# then 'install_pkgs' going to $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/$(PKG_GROUP) directory and installs
+# the $(pkg_basename).txz package directly from this directory to keep temporary files
+# separately from other HARDWAREs. In this case we need to use CWD environment variable
+# to set the directory where the .$(HARDWARE).rootfs.* files will be collected by
+# 'install_pkgs' script (see the 'install_pkgs' source code).
+# Parallel installation when ROOTFS_TARGETS presents not alone package not tested.
+$(_install_pkgs): $(ROOTFS_TARGETS)
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "####### Install packages into 'dist/rootfs/$(TOOLCHAIN)/$(HARDWARE)/...' file system..."
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ifeq ($(wildcard $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.rootfs),)
+ $(BUILDSYSTEM)/install_pkgs --destination=$(ROOTFS_DEST_DIR) \
+ --toolchain=$(TOOLCHAIN) \
+ --hardware=$(HARDWARE) \
+ --flavour=$(FLAVOUR) \
+ $^
+ @echo ""
+ @for pkg in $(ROOTFS_TARGETS) ; do \
+ echo -e "####### ... package `basename $$pkg` is already installed." ; \
+ done
+ @echo ""
+$(_update_pkgs): $(ROOTFS_UPDATE_TARGETS)
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ @echo -e "####### Update packages into 'dist/rootfs/$(TOOLCHAIN)/$(HARDWARE)/...' file system..."
+ @echo -e "#######"
+ifeq ($(wildcard $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.rootfs),)
+ $(BUILDSYSTEM)/update_pkgs --destination=$(ROOTFS_DEST_DIR) \
+ --toolchain=$(TOOLCHAIN) \
+ --hardware=$(HARDWARE) \
+ --flavour=$(FLAVOUR) \
+ $^
+ @echo ""
+ @for pkg in $(ROOTFS_UPDATE_TARGETS) ; do \
+ echo -e "####### ... package `basename $$pkg` is already installed." ; \
+ done
+ @echo ""
+####### Generic Rules Section:
+# link rule, used to build binaries
+# $(target): $(objs)
+# $(LINK)
+LINKER = $(if $(filter .cpp,$(suffix $(SRCS))),$(CXX_LINKER),$(CC_LINKER))
+ifeq ($(COMPONENT_IS_3PP),)
+LINKMAP = -Wl,-Map,$@.linkmap
+BASIC_LDOPTS += -o $@ $(filter %.o,$^)
+define cmdheader
+ @echo -e ""
+ @echo -e "======= $(1) ======="
+ $(2)
+ @echo -e ""
+LINK = $(call cmdheader,"Linking $@",$(LINKER) $(BASIC_LDOPTS))
+# LINK_C overrides the automatic linker selection provided with LINK
+# and always uses gcc. Useful when building both C and C++ targets
+# in the same component:
+LINK_C = $(call cmdheader,"Linking $@",$(CC) $(BASIC_LDOPTS))
+LINK_SO = $(call cmdheader,"Linking $@", $(LINKER) $(BASIC_LDOPTS) -shared)
+LINK_A = $(call cmdheader,"Building $@",$(AR) cru $@ $^)
+####### Source dependency
+flatfile = $(subst /,_,$(subst ./,,$(1)))
+DEPFILE = $(patsubst %.o,%.d,$(if $(findstring $(TOOLCHAIN),$@),$(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/$(call flatfile,$(subst $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/,,$@)),$(call flatfile,$@)))
+####### .cpp -> .o
+%.o: %.cpp
+ @echo -e ""
+ @echo -e "======= $< -> $@ ======="
+ $(quiet)$(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o $@ $(DEPSETUP) $<
+$(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/%.o: %.cpp
+ @echo -e "\n======= $< -> $@ ======="
+ @mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+ $(quiet)$(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o $@ $(DEPSETUP) $<
+####### .c -> .o
+%.o: %.c
+ @echo -e ""
+ @echo -e "======= $< -> $@ ======="
+ $(quiet)$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o $@ $(DEPSETUP) $<
+$(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/%.o: %.c
+ @echo -e "======= $< -> $@ ======="
+ @mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+ $(quiet)$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o $@ $(DEPSETUP) $<
+####### Generic Rules Section.
+####### NOTE: Include dependencies should be in section where
+####### the symbol __final__ is defined: ifneq ($(__final__),)
+####### Include dependencies if they exist
+-include $(targetflavour)/*.d
+# Include HW dependencies
+-include $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.requires_depend
+####### Include sources dependency if they exist
+-include .src_requires_depend
+####### HW depended macro for create PKG requires:
+ BUILD_PKG_REQUIRES = $(BUILDSYSTEM)/build_pkg_requires --toolchain=$(TOOLCHAIN) --hardware=$(HARDWARE) --flavour=$(FLAVOUR) $(REQUIRES)
+BUILD_ALL_PKG_REQUIRES = $(BUILDSYSTEM)/build_pkg_requires --toolchain=$(TOOLCHAIN) --hardware=$(HARDWARE) --flavour=$(FLAVOUR) --pkg-type=all $(REQUIRES)
+BUILD_BIN_PKG_REQUIRES = $(BUILDSYSTEM)/build_pkg_requires --toolchain=$(TOOLCHAIN) --hardware=$(HARDWARE) --flavour=$(FLAVOUR) --pkg-type=bin $(REQUIRES)
+BUILD_DEV_PKG_REQUIRES = $(BUILDSYSTEM)/build_pkg_requires --toolchain=$(TOOLCHAIN) --hardware=$(HARDWARE) --flavour=$(FLAVOUR) --pkg-type=dev $(REQUIRES)
+####### HW depended macro for create PKG requires.
+# end of ifeq ($(__final__),)
+# HW depended targets:
+.PHONY: .target*
+.PHONY: .toolchain
+.PHONY: $(_tree)
+.PHONY: .requires_makefile
+.PHONY: .tree_all .tree_clean .tree_dist_clean .tree_rootfs_clean
+.PHONY: all _install clean dist_clean rootfs_clean
+.PHONY: local_all local_clean local_dist_clean local_rootfs_clean
+.PHONY: .local_clean .local_dist_clean .local_rootfs_clean
+.PHONY: .install $(_install_scripts) $(_install_builds) $(_install_bins) $(_install_products)
+.PHONY: $(_install_pkgs) $(_update_pkgs)
+# HW independed targets:
+.PHONY: help
+.PHONY: .setup
+.PHONY: .sources .build_system
+.PHONY: global_clean downloads_clean
+.PHONY: .global_clean .downloads_clean
+CORE_MK = 1