Index: configure-targets
--- configure-targets (nonexistent)
+++ configure-targets (revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+if [ ! -r $CONFIG ] ; then
+ echo "$0: ERROR: There is no $CONFIG file for configuring target HW."
+ echo ""
+ exit 1
+: ${DIALOG=$BUILDSYSTEM/usr/bin/dialog}
+: ${DIALOGRC=$BUILDSYSTEM/usr/share/pkgtools/.dialogrc}
+export DIALOGRC
+: ${DIALOG_OK=0}
+: ${DIALOG_ESC=255}
+: ${SIG_NONE=0}
+: ${SIG_HUP=1}
+: ${SIG_INT=2}
+: ${SIG_QUIT=3}
+: ${SIG_KILL=9}
+: ${SIG_TERM=15}
+umask 002
+if [ ! -z "$TMPDIR" ] ; then mkdir -p $TMPDIR ; fi
+TMP=$(mkdir -p /tmp/radix && mktemp -d -p /tmp/radix build-system.XXXXXXXX) || { echo "Cannot create '/tmp/...' directory" ; exit 92; }
+cat > $TMP/sel$$ << EOF
+--backtitle "\Z7Build System\Zn"
+--checklist "\\n
+\Zb\Z4Please confirm the hardwares you want to build\Zn\ZB.\\n\\n
+Use the UP/DOWN keys to scroll through the list, and the SPACE key\\n
+to deselect any items you don't want to build.\\n\\n
+Press ENTER when you are done."
+21 72 8
+hwlist=`cat $CONFIG | grep "^ENABLE_.*[ \t]*=.*" | sed "s,^ENABLE_\(.*\)[ \t]*=.*,\1," | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'`
+for hw in $hwlist ; do
+ hh=`echo $hw | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z'`
+ spec=`cat $CONSTANTS | grep "^${hh}_SPEC[ \t]*=.*" | sed "s,^${hh}_SPEC[ \t]*=[ \t]*\(.*\),\1," | sed "s,\\\\\,,g"`
+ enabled=`cat $CONFIG | grep "^ENABLE_${hh}[ \t]*=.*" | sed "s,^ENABLE_${hh}[ \t]*=[ \t]*\(.*\),\1,"`
+ if [ "$enabled" == "true" ] ; then
+ en="on"
+ else
+ en="off"
+ fi
+ echo "\"$hw\" \"$spec\" \"$en\"" >> $TMP/sel$$
+$DIALOG --file $TMP/sel$$ 2> $TMP/ret$$
+case $retval in
+ enabled="`cat $TMP/ret$$`"
+ for hw in $hwlist ; do
+ hh=`echo $hw | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z'`
+ sed -i "s,^\(ENABLE_${hh}[ \t]*=[ \t]*\).*,\1false," $CONFIG
+ done
+ for hw in $enabled ; do
+ hh=`echo $hw | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z'`
+ sed -i "s,^\(ENABLE_${hh}[ \t]*=[ \t]*\).*,\1true," $CONFIG
+ done
+ ;;
Property changes on: configure-targets
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property