Radix cross Linux Build System

Cross-platform build system is designed to build distributions of different operating systems for a set of target devices

39 Commits   2 Branches   2 Tags
Index: build_pkg_requires
--- build_pkg_requires	(nonexistent)
+++ build_pkg_requires	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+#!/bin/env perl
+# Generate .REQUIRES file for package.
+# usage:
+#   $0 [options] dir dir outfile
+# where: 'dir'     - is directory where made required package
+#        'outfile' - output file with following format:
+# _kxLibc=1.0.7
+# pkgtool=0.0.1
+# empty version is allowed:
+# pkg=
+my ($toolchain, $hardware, $flavour);
+sub read_requires
+  my %requires;
+  my ( $name, $version, $group );
+  my ( $file_name, $makefile );
+  my $ptype = shift;
+  if( $ptype eq "bin" )
+  {
+    $name    = "BIN_PKG_NAME";
+    $version = "BIN_PKG_VERSION";
+    $group   = "BIN_PKG_GROUP";
+  }
+  elsif( $ptype eq "dev" )
+  {
+    $name    = "DEV_PKG_NAME";
+    $version = "DEV_PKG_VERSION";
+    $group   = "DEV_PKG_GROUP";
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    $name    = "PKG_NAME";
+    $version = "PKG_VERSION";
+    $group   = "PKG_GROUP";
+  }
+  foreach my $req ( reverse @_ )
+  {
+    my $d = `echo $req | cut -f 1 -d '^'`;
+    $d =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//;
+    $file_name = "${top_build_dir}/$d/Makefile";
+    $makefile = `cat $file_name`;
+    if( $makefile =~ m/^ *([_A-Za-z]*[_A-Za-z0-9]*)$name(.+= +)(.+)/gm )
+    {
+      my ( @p, @n, @v );
+      my ( $n, $v, $g );
+      my $prefix = $1;
+      my $cdir = "${top_build_dir}/$d";
+      my $shell_output = <<`SHELL`;
+cd $cdir
+make TOOLCHAIN=$toolchain HARDWARE=$hardware FLAVOUR=$flavour -f $file_name print-$prefix$name 2>/dev/null
+exit 0
+      while( $shell_output =~ m/^ *$prefix$name(.+= +)(.+)/gm ) { $n = $2; }
+      $shell_output = <<`SHELL`;
+cd $cdir
+make TOOLCHAIN=$toolchain HARDWARE=$hardware FLAVOUR=$flavour -f $file_name print-$prefix$version 2>/dev/null
+exit 0
+      while( $shell_output =~ m/^ *$prefix$version(.+= +)(.+)/gm ) { $v = $2; }
+      $shell_output = <<`SHELL`;
+cd $cdir
+make TOOLCHAIN=$toolchain HARDWARE=$hardware FLAVOUR=$flavour -f $file_name print-$prefix$group 2>/dev/null
+exit 0
+      while( $shell_output =~ m/^ *$prefix$group(.+= +)(.+)/gm ) { $g = $2; }
+      $requires{"$d"} = \@p;
+      if( $g ) { @n = split / +/, $g . '/' . $n; }
+      else     { @n = split / +/, $n; }
+      push( @{ $requires{"$d"} }, @n );
+      @v = split / +/, $v;
+      if( $requires{"$d"} )
+      {
+        push( @{ $requires{"$d"} }, @v );
+      }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      #
+      # The ..._PKG_NAME is not found in a Makefile then
+      # assume that this Makefile is a collection (depth=1):
+      # ---------------------------------------------------
+      # NOTE:
+      # ----
+      #   We do not allow flavours in the package .REQUIRES file.
+      #
+      my $cdir = "${top_build_dir}/$d";
+      #
+      # We read the head of Makefile until '__END_OF_REQUIRES__' keyword.
+      # The 'build-system/constants.mk' should be included before requires.
+      #
+      my $requires_output = <<`SHELL`;
+cd $cdir
+head -n `cat Makefile | grep -n "__END_OF_REQUIRES__" | cut -f 1 -d ':'` Makefile | \
+  make TOOLCHAIN=$toolchain HARDWARE=$hardware FLAVOUR=$flavour -f - -p __build_requires__ 2>/dev/null | grep "REQUIRES"
+exit 0
+      while( $requires_output =~ m/^REQUIRES(.+= +)(.+)/gm )
+      {
+        my @r = split( " ", $2 );
+        foreach my $req ( reverse @r )
+        {
+          $d = `echo $req | cut -f 1 -d '^'`;
+          $d =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//;
+          $file_name = "${top_build_dir}/$d/Makefile";
+          $makefile = `cat $file_name`;
+          if( $makefile =~ m/^ *([_A-Za-z]*[_A-Za-z0-9]*)$name(.+= +)(.+)/gm )
+          {
+            my ( @p, @n, @v );
+            my ( $n, $v, $g );
+            my $prefix = $1;
+            my $cdir = "${top_build_dir}/$d";
+            my $shell_output = <<`SHELL`;
+cd $cdir
+make TOOLCHAIN=$toolchain HARDWARE=$hardware FLAVOUR=$flavour -f $file_name print-$prefix$name 2>/dev/null
+exit 0
+            while( $shell_output =~ m/^ *$prefix$name(.+= +)(.+)/gm ) { $n = $2; }
+            $shell_output = <<`SHELL`;
+cd $cdir
+make TOOLCHAIN=$toolchain HARDWARE=$hardware FLAVOUR=$flavour -f $file_name print-$prefix$version 2>/dev/null
+exit 0
+            while( $shell_output =~ m/^ *$prefix$version(.+= +)(.+)/gm ) { $v = $2; }
+            $shell_output = <<`SHELL`;
+cd $cdir
+make TOOLCHAIN=$toolchain HARDWARE=$hardware FLAVOUR=$flavour -f $file_name print-$prefix$group 2>/dev/null
+exit 0
+            while( $shell_output =~ m/^ *$prefix$group(.+= +)(.+)/gm ) { $g = $2; }
+            $requires{"$d"} = \@p;
+            if( $g ) { @n = split / +/, $g . '/' . $n; }
+            else     { @n = split / +/, $n; }
+            push( @{ $requires{"$d"} }, @n );
+            @v = split / +/, $v;
+            if( $requires{"$d"} )
+            {
+              push( @{ $requires{"$d"} }, @v );
+            }
+          }
+        } # end of foreach ( req )
+      } # End of while ( shell_output )
+    }
+  }
+  return %requires;
+sub usage
+  print <<EOF;
+Usage: build_pkg_requires [options] dir ... dir output_file_name
+   --toolchain={TOOLCHAIN}  - actual Toolchain name;
+   --hardware={HARDVARE}    - actual  Hardware name;
+   --flavour={FLAVOUR}      - actual   Flavour name;
+   --pkg-type={all|bin|dev} - find required packages of defined type only;
+   --all                    - find required packages of all types;
+   --bin                    - find binary packages only;
+   --dev                    - find development packages only.
+  exit;
+my $pkg_type;
+my @dirs;
+foreach ( @ARGV )
+  if( /--toolchain=(\S*)/ )
+  {
+    $toolchain = $1;
+  }
+  elsif( /--hardware=(\S*)/ )
+  {
+    $hardware = $1;
+  }
+  elsif( /--flavour=(\S*)/ )
+  {
+    $flavour = $1;
+  }
+  elsif( /--pkg-type=(\S*)/ )
+  {
+    $pkg_type = $1;
+  }
+  elsif( /--all/ )
+  {
+    $pkg_type = "all";
+  }
+  elsif( /--bin/ )
+  {
+    $pkg_type = "bin";
+  }
+  elsif( /--dev/ )
+  {
+    $pkg_type = "dev";
+  }
+  elsif( /--help/ )
+  {
+    usage;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    push @dirs, $_;
+  }
+$reqfile = pop @dirs;
+if( $pkg_type eq "" ) { $pkg_type = "all"; }
+# Set up $top_build_dir
+$pwd = `pwd`;
+chomp $pwd;
+if( $ENV{TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS} eq "" )
+  $p = $pwd;
+  while( ! -f "$p/build-system/core.mk" )
+  {
+    $p =~ m!(.*)/(.*)!;
+    $p = $1;
+  }
+  $top_build_dir = $p;
+  $top_build_dir = $ENV{TOP_BUILD_DIR_ABS};
+# Open the output file
+open( REQUIRES_FILE, "> $reqfile" );
+# Read package names and versions from required Makefiles
+%requires = read_requires( $pkg_type, @dirs );
+while( ($pkg, $nv) = each %requires )
+   print REQUIRES_FILE "${$nv}[0]=${$nv}[1]\n";
+# Close output file

Property changes on: build_pkg_requires
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property